0:01:13 Unknown_02: Dude look at the old white people in the audience in stunned disbelief And if you want to keep loving your potty ladies, let me hear you make some noise. Unknown_32: Hey, potty crazy curvy wait. Potty crazy curvy wait. All right, I'll cut it there. 0:01:54 Unknown_28: Chat. Unknown_28: This is going to be a long stream. I just have a feeling. So, go get yourself a tasty beverage and strap in. Unknown_28: So, not only was the election last Tuesday. 0:02:28 Unknown_28: which in case you're wondering, in case you missed it somehow, in case you're doing something else besides spending time on the internet, I asked PPP if he would like to do a combo stream. So me and him and Worski, I simulcasted my end. I did a little bit differently than them. Unknown_28: And we had an eight hour long stream. The final VOD for my recording was seven hours and 55 minutes. So I stayed up all night long all morning long uh enjoying the the history the heck in history unfolding with um quite a few people watching i think i had 4500 on my side and i think ppp had like another 7 000 plus um because medicare streamed and when he finished his stream he told people to go watch keno casino because there's a big thing happening and it was a very nice night i think everybody had a lot of fun um absolutely the best possible way i could have spent that election night 0:03:27 Unknown_28: However, that means that I didn't do anything else that stream, on Tuesday where I usually stream, and the prior week was Halloween. So I did a out-of-character Thursday stream for Coach Red Pill, which means that not only has the election happened since the last time I streamed, but I also didn't stream the entire second half of October, or on the last week of October. So it's been two weeks since I've done, almost, since I've done a regular stream where I just go through the content Boy, oh, boy, there's quite a bit to cover. So I think I have a little bit of everything. I do have a lot of election stuff. I know I'm hoping that after the stream, the election is over, we can stop talking about it. But, of course, as is Internet tradition. 0:04:04 Unknown_28: Um, when there is an election, especially if Trump wins, there's going to be some funny reactions. So I have a little bit of that. Um, though I don't, while the, the results were coming in, we did try to poach content to people like screaming and stuff. So I, I, I'm mostly focusing on the local stuff already. Um, I think Dom A Peso is literally defined and it's unfortunate because Dom A Peso is now a, uh, is now a homosexual tranny lover. Who's been buck broken by Juju the cow. Man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow. But in 2016, he really basically developed a genre of, like, salt mine with his videos. And now it's just expected. The election drops, okay. Everybody go out to social media and find people acting retarded and make compilations out of them. 0:04:40 Unknown_28: Anyways, let's begin. So let's start with the campaign as a general overall structure. Let's see some of the things that the two parties did to win over the electorate. I already played you one such event, but how about this one? 0:05:14 Unknown_28: Now you might wonder Unknown_28: Isn't Fortnite like a shooter? So from my understanding, this is a custom map where you can set custom rules. And the custom map they designed has no guns. So it's basically just like a playground where you run around and you don't shoot people. Or maybe you punch them. Because guns is not on policy for Kamala Harris. So you can't have a gun game map. So they took guns out of Fortnite. Also didn't work, especially considering the Fortnite player base seems to be underage and unknowledgeable to vote. So that didn't work out. 0:05:48 Unknown_28: Trump, on the other hand, Sleepy Joe Biden came out and said that Trump's voters were garbage people. So Trump, seizing on the opportunity, literally decorated a dump truck with Trump's branding and hopped in with a garbage collector and rode around in his garbage truck and then did this video. And somehow he managed to organize all this in under a day in response to the comment. 0:06:24 Unknown_16: How do you like my garbage truck? This truck is in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden. Unknown_27: I love the way he says that by the way. Unknown_16: How do you like my garbage truck? It's just such a non sequitur, unless you know the exact context. Unknown_27: It's like, it sounds like that Trump just decided, hey, wait a second. I can literally buy a garbage truck. Unknown_28: I'm rich. I'm going to go buy a garbage truck. He buys a garbage truck. He pulls up next to like a random local news crew and just leans out the window and goes, hey, hey, you guys, ABC 17, Philadelphia. 0:07:07 Unknown_16: How do you like my garbage truck? Unknown_28: Just complete nonsense. However, it was very charismatic, so I think that helped a lot. As I've mentioned many times, I think the reason why Trump has such a following is that he's very funny. Not that this doesn't make sense, but even when things are a bit weird with what he says, it's funny, so people appreciate it. Whereas this shit is just the opposite of charisma or funny. 0:07:45 Unknown_28: These two articles are on the Federalist, and they were written by the administrator of the Reddit Lies Twitter account. I found them very interesting. He's definitely either a listener of the podcast or just a fan of the forum, because he interacts with stuff that I post on Twitter a lot. So I think he's a lurker. I think he's a secret lurker. Unknown_28: Reddit I don't use at all so I had no idea this was going on but I remember that even read I did see screenshots on the forum of Redditors being upset about this once it got discovered but basically the reddit lives guy got an in to the Kamala Harris official discord server now I didn't announce during the the eight-hour stream that at some point they deleted this server. They went to the server menu and clicked delete server and just fucking nuked this entire thing from orbit, this official campaign discord. 0:08:26 Unknown_28: But the gist was, is that they were very obviously coordinating. This is the threads that we're going to bump. They had official staffers from different areas targeting specific boards, especially boards that are not supposed to be specifically for Kamala Harris, but like general politics or political humor boards. 0:09:00 Unknown_28: Even 2X Chromosome, so fucking up the women's subreddit that was taken over by Tranny's. Unknown_28: um big express excel sheet called uh i think it had a name just like a reddit ongoing so ongoing they were just completely open about it when this got busted the redditors were upset because it's like you know we don't want to see 24 7 political stuff we use reddit for various reasons and this is astroturfed obviously so uh fuck you Unknown_28: And then this one is the same thing, but this was the Discord Brigading... 0:09:40 Unknown_28: uh, Zitter trying to publish, uh, notes on Zitter to fact check Donald Trump and, uh, or to remove a fact check that exists on existing content pro Kamala Harris. Um, and I think this one had a lot more, a lot more trouble. Um, this is a quote from one of their guys saying, it's because the content note system is looking for notes to get people who normally disagree with each other to agree the note is worthwhile. So the content note needs people who nominally believe misinformation to to cross over and agree that this is, in fact, the case of misinformation. Unknown_28: And that's hard to do if you're pushing your own misinformation, because I've upvoted community notes on Zitter that I thought were informative, even if they actually did correct an opinion that I had or something that I wanted to believe. So the system works really well, I think. I rarely see community notes on posts that are just like, this is fucking garbage, this is fake information. 0:10:29 Unknown_28: So they had issues breaking through on X. But of course, everyone knew what was going on. It was on the Discord server. It got leaked out to the Federalist by Reddit Lies, who did a good job of covering this. And that pissed people off. People don't want to... It's like with ads. People don't like ads. Everybody in the fucking... Even I. I have a US phone number that I keep alive because I need it to verify my identity on like 8 million different sites. Even I was getting fucking advertisements for... propositions about abortion in Florida. And it's like, eh, you're barking up the wrong tree there, buddy. 0:11:04 Unknown_28: So people don't like this. Now, what about now chat? Unknown_28: There's a nine, there's a good chance that you have blotted this from memory. You've aborted this, this, uh, this precious, precious moment of television history from your brain. I'm here to bring it on back. Unknown_28: Skibbity Biden. Unknown_09: It was a nice try, at least, I guess. A lot of people who are happy that this is over and are happy for Trump 0:11:38 Unknown_28: are saying that this is maybe the death of the celebrity endorsement. Because nothing let up on the media side. The media seems less potent than ever. Celebrity endorsements seem as ineffective as ever. And that's in large part because... What I believe is the core issue is just the standard of living that Americans have and the cost of living. And I think that affects everybody equally across race, across gender. And it's like Trump did better. You know, things were better in 2016 to 2020. And then COVID happened. And then Biden, I mean, it was just a nightmare, right, for people. 0:12:15 Unknown_28: Who cares what Tom Hanks says? Who cares what Taylor Swift says in regards to her positions? She doesn't have to worry about the grocery bill. Colbert doesn't have to worry about the grocery bill. They don't understand. It's been an election where celebrities and media matter very little comparatively. 0:12:48 Unknown_28: Now, not to toot my own horn, but we're going to talk about demographics a bit, and I want to quote myself on this. Unknown_28: Okay, I'm going to tell you guys, since I can look at the poll now and tell you guys what's going on, 80% of people think that Trump is going to win. 20% think that Harris is going to win, so I'll call it there. I think that Trump has a good chance of winning, and the only reason why I say that... 0:13:20 Unknown_28: And really, this is my main judgment on this. Now, keep in mind, I don't vote. And I'll explain why, I guess. I guess I'll do that now. But let me finish my thought. Unknown_28: I think that Trump is going to win. And I think that he's going to win for no other reason than that. I've seen multiple polls that come out. and say that harris is getting 70 of the black vote and if you don't know that is awful i i think that every democratic candidate for like the last 40 years has gotten 95 of the black vote if she's black 0:14:05 Unknown_28: And she's getting 70% of the black vote. She's fucked. That's their base. That is like the foundation of reliable every election voters that come out and vote straight Democrat every year that is either not showing up at all or just not voting for her. And if the black people aren't voting for Harris, then it's like there's no fucking way she can win. Unknown_28: Literally, the entire foundation of my prediction, I saw a poll and it was like 50, it was like 60% of Latinos and then 70 to 80 of black. And I'm just like, I was sitting there thinking, that's bad. That's like real bad. That's like, you're not going to win the election, lady. That's like, you're fucked. um and i i mean i think that i'm right in because of what i'm talking about i got some demographic shit um this video went viral it was a i think a black person or latinx or whatever saying like they're speaking the quiet part out loud so i'll let this play for a second voted for donald trump when you're so into facts because his entire campaign is not based in facts it was all based in propaganda and emotion 0:15:15 Unknown_19: I voted for Donald Trump for one reason only. Unknown_19: His policies, if implemented, would slow the dispossession of whites in the United States. Unknown_19: If you were to deport all illegal immigrants, if you were to think very hard about letting in any Muslims, all of this would slow the rate at which whites are becoming a minority. Unknown_16: why are you so worried about the white dispossession of america because i want my people to survive is that what's trained we don't control china we don't control any place where whites are not a majority and if we become a minority we will not control our own destiny anymore i grew up in this country as a goes on to the fence i'm chinese and i lived in the u.s and i had a good time but he doesn't he seems to fundamentally misunderstand the point 0:16:06 Unknown_28: And that seems to be a thing is that after this, people were celebrating that a bunch of YouTubers came out and said that they support Trump. And it's like, where were they before he won? It's easy to support Trump now. He won. But you're going to hold quiet. You're going to use the she, her pronouns. You're going to stay out of politics until the day after the election. And suddenly you have an important series announcement to make about your positions. It's like, eh, a little bit too late. Unknown_28: In general, people seem a little bit more comfortable to say what they have to say, which is a good thing. Unknown_28: Okay, so this is the AP news, and I think people are a little bit too hard on AP. They're slow to call certain states because they want to make absolutely sure, and I think that's okay. But a lot of people said that they were trying to rig it. I'm not sure if I fall on that line. However, I do have a poll from them to show, and I think that this is a very important poll. This is a demographic breakdown showing how key groups of Americans voted in 2024. 0:16:49 Unknown_28: And for comparison, they have 2020. So we can actually flip between them and see exactly what changed. In 2024, the under 30 demographic voted much more for Trump. Unknown_28: I want to say that this is about the same. 0:17:26 Unknown_28: A little bit more in the 30 to 44. And then I'm sure the old people didn't change their votes too much. Unknown_28: Let's look at race and ethnicity. And this is the big one. As you can see, we have the black vote. Only 10% of the voters, but in 2024, 16% of them voted for Trump and 83% of them voted for Kamala Harris, which is actually a little bit more than what my poll said before the election. Compare that to 2020, though, 91% of the black vote. And I think you can even... Yeah, dude, that's crazy. 8%. Look at how thin that little needle is. 0:17:58 Unknown_28: um that's really crazy but it gets even crazier when you break it down by uh Unknown_28: women by race that's what i'm looking for so black women are the actual losers of this election nine percent of black women voted for donald trump um whereas 24 of black men supported donald trump so black women if you're black and you're a woman officially your opinion does not matter in no way, shape or form in any state of the country, in any level of government, your opinion is thoroughly discarded. Uh, you are the extraordinary minority. 0:18:35 Unknown_28: Um, Unknown_28: Then, okay, the Latino one is also really impressive. Because if you look at Latino men, it's 50-47. It's almost half and half. And if the Democrats have lost the Latinos, that's bad. That's bad for their entire party. If they're voting white people now... The entire reason why they were so desperate to get Latinos into the fucking country is that they were a sure vote for Democratic candidates across the board. It's like you lost the Latinos? You just spent the last 50 fucking years importing them by the million and they don't even vote for you. What the fuck have you done? You fucked up everything. They don't even like you. 0:19:16 Unknown_28: How do you mess up this bad? They hate you. Crazy. Unknown_28: With Latino women, it's a little bit, it's actually 12. That's a big discrepancy. Not even 12. What is this? 9%. That's not that bad. But then, of course, we have the big one. The one that I, of course, am going to harp on because I fucking told you and nobody fucking listens to me. 60% of white men voted Donald Trump. 53% of white women voted for Donald Trump. 0:19:48 Unknown_28: Can we fucking stop now? Can we fucking stop saying that white women are the problem? They voted for Trump. What more do you fucking want? More than half of them voted for Trump. Okay? And that's with all the abortion shit. The entire Kamala campaign was based on abortion. They still fucking voted for Trump. Okay? Are we done with this? Can we get over this? Unknown_28: I'm tired of the white racism from white people just openly maligning their own fucking women. It's like they're on your side. They're on your fucking side. Almost the same proportion as the men are. It's a little bit different. What is the difference? 46% versus 39%. It's like a 7% discrepancy. 0:20:26 Unknown_28: And that's entirely due to abortion. It's like, so give it up. You're not fucking helping. And there's a big point about that that I want to drive into bed. Unknown_28: But that's the breakdown. Interesting. Unknown_28: Okay, so. 0:20:59 Unknown_28: Sorry, I forgot why I put this here, but now I remember. So, chat, if the blacks weren't voting for Kamala Harris, where were they? i ain't gonna lie this is fire bro that's a good ass take what do you guys rate this one so far one out of ten oh oh no oh no oh no no no no 0:21:33 Unknown_28: That's right. The Dodge Charger. Even once, even in the hands of a man of color, the Dodge Charger's bloodlust for black people cannot be abated. Just want to say that kick.com is a really great streaming platform with lots of new and innovative content on the platform. Unknown_28: And in the reaction, there was one thing that I was trying to find, and I couldn't find it, because I think the author actually deleted it. It was a picture of, like, a sad emoji and, like, shadows, and it was by a black woman, and she said, we have to have a very... very serious discussion about Latino voters in the USA. 0:22:11 Unknown_28: And there's tons of black racism towards Latinos. They voted like white people. They wandered off the plantation. Actually, they still own the plantation. They're picking avocados and shit. White people appreciate that. Unknown_28: But Linda Catilina says, I'm glad Latinos are saying just how much black Americans hate us. Unknown_28: And that is a lowercase B black. The black Tucker Carlson says, yeah, and stop saying nigga too. That's funny. All right, now we have some reactions. As mentioned, there's one demographic that we need to hear from the most because they are the most underrepresented. I think this is the winner. Everybody loved this video on TikTok. So here's your content slop, the reaction you're waiting for. No! No! 0:22:48 Unknown_32: Why? Why? Unknown_32: Why? Why? Why? Do you really hate me that bad? 0:23:26 Unknown_28: Uh-oh. Oh, here it is. I brought it up on the next panel. Kimberly says, we have to have a very, very uncomfortable conversation about Latino voters in this country. Pram! Unknown_28: America, you have failed us all. The Ukraine flags are in shambles. Get ready for four years of American isolationism, dictator but looking in open facism. Europe will face a dangerous and uncertain time where our enemies keep growing stronger and stronger and will try to eat the weak. Extremely worried for Ukraine. We can only wonder how stupid USA is. 0:23:58 Unknown_28: This was the winning comment for me. RB Pundit says, so yeah, call us latinks again, motherfuckers. And actually, I think this is, yeah, this is it. This comment segues right into this. Unknown_01: My friends in the Democratic Party, this is not Joe Biden's fault. It's not Kamala Harris' fault. It's not Barack Obama's fault. It is the fault of the Democratic Party in not knowing how to communicate effectively to voters. We are not the party of common sense, which is the message that voters sent to us. For a number of reasons. For a number of reasons, we don't know how to speak to voters. When we address Latina, and language, listen, language has meaning. When we address Latino voters as Latinx, for instance, because that's the politically correct thing to do, it makes them think that we don't even live on the same planet as they do. When we are too afraid to say that, hey, college kids, if you're trashing a campus at Columbia University, because you're unhappy about some sort of policy and you're taking over a university and you're trashing it and preventing other students from learning, that that is unacceptable. But we're so worried about alienating one or another cohort in our coalition that we don't know what to say when normal people look at that and say, wait a second, I send my kids to college so they can learn, not so that they can burn buildings and trash lawns, right? And so on and so forth. When we put pronouns after names, 0:25:11 Unknown_01: and say she, her, as opposed to saying, you know what, if I call you by the wrong pronoun, call me out, I'm sorry, I won't do it again. But stop with the virtue signaling and just speak to people like they're normal. There's nothing I'm going to say to Sher Michael that I'm not going to say to you, that I'm not going to say to somebody else. I speak the same language to everybody. Unknown_28: There was a poll that I was really hoping to find before this stream, and I could not. But it was a poll asking voters. It was an exit poll, I believe, asking voters if they thought that 0:25:56 Unknown_28: The government had gone too far with transgender issues. And it was like 70%. I think it was an exit poll in Pennsylvania even. And 70% of people said yes. 70% of people have said no more fucking trans shit. Unknown_10: Isn't that just wonderful, Chen? Unknown_28: Just wonderful. Unknown_28: Now, the Republicans, on the other hand, have a lot of reasons to celebrate. I think that after everything will be tallied up, I think conservatives take control of all three branches of government once again. So the Republicans are free to start plotting their ambitions of two years of unchallenged control. And Representative Mike Collins has finally taken the position that I have taken for so long. It is time for Greenland to return to the United States again. It is time to manifest our destiny. Denmark has been asked over and over again by many presidents over many decades, how much for Greenland? And they've always said no to us, or nyet, or whatever the fuck they say. Nine, I don't know. I don't know how to speak Danish. It's time for them to now say, yeah, they're going to give us fucking Greenland. One way or another, it's coming to a head. We're going to get it. It'll just complete the trifecta, and then Canada will have no excuse. We'll take Alberta first, okay? 0:27:15 Unknown_28: We'll go save PPP. Unknown_28: He's not in Alberta. I think he's in the capital. He's in Ontario or whatever. We'll get him one day. Unknown_28: This is my absolute favorite thing from the entire election. So in California, when you go to vote, you get like a big, thick sheet of paper, apparently, that has all the propositions. And to be fair to the candidates, they actually let or when it comes to like a proposal on the ballot, they actually have a question. And then the parties for and against it will get to submit a statement into why they think that the voters should vote for that policy their way. So in this one, California had a proposition to end indentured servitude in prisons. If you don't know, the constitutional amendment that ended slavery actually has an explicit carve-out that permits slavery as a form of punishment after you have been convicted of a crime. So in some states, we actually do have mandatory work for prisoners. 0:28:35 Unknown_28: And California apparently wanted to pass a constitutional amendment to end indentured servitude or slavery in their prison system. Unknown_28: And it failed. 55, almost 55% of people just reading, should we end slavery in the California penitentiary system, voted no. Unknown_28: They did not need any motivation to do so. There was no campaign. There was no paid... group lobbying against this change nobody raised a voice in fact on the ballot where they present arguments the argument against proposition six was none nobody even submitted an argument to say actually we should keep it it'll keep um you know it helps keep our prison system affordable for taxpayers none of that shit nobody submitted a fucking complaint and it's still lost and Apparently this was one of many different things that lost in California in regards to crime reform apparently Californians have all been impacted by crime and they're sick of it you go to prison you're gonna slave you're gonna be a fucking slave if you go to prison in California and I think another thing that lost was ending the rule that allows you to steal like under $900 worth of shit without getting a charge for it. They ended that. I think some hoity-toity Democrat in some city lost his mayoral seat. So they got fucking slaughtered in California. It's as bad as it's ever been. 0:29:25 Unknown_28: In California. And I imagine a lot of that is why the Latinos came out and voted for Trump. Because it's like, you know, these cities in California that are suffering under progressive policies are majority Latino. And they hate it. Nobody likes having their shit stolen. Nobody likes having, you know, the police not respond to your call because you only lost $900 worth of stuff when $900 for a lot of people is like two weeks worth of work. 0:30:14 Unknown_28: So it appears they're sick of it. Unknown_28: This is my favorite video that I've seen in regards to the election. It has no fucking purpose. I'm just going to play it, though. Unknown_16: I'll give you three strokes if you carry your own bag. 0:31:09 Unknown_17: I'll kiss every guy, man and woman, man and woman. Look at that guy, how handsome he is. I'll kiss him. Clearly, I am not Joe Biden. And I am certainly not Donald Trump. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they're great letters. Unknown_17: He fell in love. But you know what? Now they'll make, they'll say, Donald Trump said they fell in love. How horrible, how horrible is that? Unknown_17: So unprecedented. Unknown_17: In another life, I would have really liked playing golf with a joke. 0:31:44 Unknown_28: So sweet. You don't get romance plots like that anymore in current year chat. Unknown_28: Okay, the end of the politics segment means we've got to tie up some loose ends. There will be more low-cal related election stuff as I go through, but this is the loose ends of the election stuff. We've got to talk about Peanut. Peanut was a squirrel. Unknown_28: Between my streams, he was executed by the state of New York. Apparently, no person is illegal, but some animals are. Peanut was the pet squirrel of a man. Some... 0:32:15 Unknown_28: Evil white woman Karen called in that he had an illegal pet, an exotic pet without a license. And so the Department of Ecology or whatever the fuck you call it in New York seized the squirrel and murdered him and the raccoon too. They chopped him open and they checked him for rabies post-mortem. This outraged Elon Musk. It outraged all the conservatives on Twitter. Unknown_28: and many people believe that some voted for Trump simply to avenge Peanut the squirrel. 0:32:50 Unknown_28: The election is over, and we can stop simping for Peanut, because as it turns out, Peanut was likely the victim of sexual abuse. As it turns out, Peanut's owner was a homosexual OnlyFans star who used the squirrel in nude photo shoots, had him climbing on his boner, had him in pictures where he had his cock out, All sorts of shit like this. And the woman simply saw this and said, this guy is like almost sexually abusing this fucking squirrel. And called in that there might be something going on. She didn't know that they were exotic packs that he wasn't technically allowed to have. So when New York rolled up, they just fucking killed him. 0:33:32 Unknown_28: But the reason why she called them at all is because this guy was filming porn with Squirrel. And the entire peanut thing is a giant OnlyFans ad. Unknown_28: Isn't that fucked up, chat? Unknown_28: Now, one other thing to tie up. Unknown_28: The FBI published this statement, which alarmed quite a few people, and I'm actually going to have to go to bed for the FBI here because it's a misunderstanding, and it's in part because this is worded in the dumbest and clumsiest way possible. Unknown_28: The FBI is aware of offensive and racist text messages sent to individuals around the country and is in contact with the Department of Justice and other federal authorities on the matter. As always, we encourage members of the public to report threats of physical violence to local law enforcement authorities. 0:34:16 Unknown_28: So people speculated that the FBI was gloating about reading people's SMS messages and reporting any inwards to the Justice Department for a racism check or whatever. It's actually in response to this, which they didn't make clear. Unknown_28: Greetings to Elia J. You have been selected to pick cotton on the nearest plantation starting November 7th. Please be ready at 8 a.m. sharp with your belongings. Our executive slave catchers pick you up in a brown van. Be prepared to be searched once you've entered the plantation. You are in Plantation Group 7. 0:34:53 Unknown_28: Now, they probably did not want to reiterate the contents of this message, but this is what they're responding to. So don't worry, they're not announcing a global inward crackdown. They're trying to figure out how this person managed to identify a bunch of black people across the country and send them this alarming message that they're going to work on a plantation. Unknown_28: Just tying up some loose ends here, Chet. Unknown_28: Alright, now, the real people that we gotta talk about. The real losers. You think that black women lost? Oh boy, you ain't seen shit yet. 0:35:28 Unknown_28: Before we start gloating as we do, chat, there is one thing that we need to consneed. And that is we need to acknowledge that people from Delaware are retards. Can everybody in the chat just acknowledge real quick that Delaware people are fucking dumb shits? Because guess what? Delaware is a small state. That means that it gets one congressional district at large. And for their congressperson, they have selected Sarah McBride. And actually, I don't have a picture of Sarah. So let me go pull that up real quick. 0:36:00 Unknown_28: Here we go. Here's Sarah. Oh, look, Delaware, here's your congressional candidate at large. Enjoy. Unknown_28: So the first, it's happened. It happened in other countries first, but it has now happened in the United States. Delaware at large has elected the first transgender identifying man to the House of Representatives to represent them in the federal government. It's over. 0:36:34 Unknown_28: But that just means that we must bully them harder than ever. And we must make fun of Delawareans as being tranny chasers. And we must hammer this home. Unknown_28: Interestingly, by the way... I found this page... Unknown_28: And I want to, actually, I might be able to pull this up. Oh, yes, I can. Yes, I, oh, no, don't you dare. Get out of my fucking way. Oh, you piece of shit. Okay, let me refresh this so I can show you. See this down here, the pictures? Every one of those polls on New York Times has pictures for their candidates except the House at Large vote. Because guess what? They don't want to show people that it's a fucking tranny before they go out to vote. 0:37:14 Unknown_28: Every other race had the pictures besides that one. Isn't that funny? Isn't that crazy that they just didn't have pictures of the candidates for that one house district? Isn't that weird? That's really weird, chat. Unknown_28: Soulful Hyena posts a hyena and says, Existing is not a crime. 0:37:54 Unknown_28: Kid Bandit, the wrestler from the James Stefani Sterling, starts retweeting what is now the mantra of many Troons on RMTF on Reddit. Death before detransition. Unknown_28: Kaden, the Black Pooner, says, I hope y'all are happy. I want to start blaming people, but I won't. So here we are. This is America. Unknown_28: Don't catch you chopping off kids' tits anymore. Unknown_28: This election season has been eye-opening, to say the least. There is so much work to do. I tell you what, being called the most racist person on this app on TikTok wasn't on my bingo card, but here we are. White people, please recognize that black people speaking to you directly about your privilege and or the harm caused by weather indirectly is not racism. However, you refusing to acknowledge your privilege and or the oppressive systematic powers that be is hope that helps. 0:38:37 Unknown_28: No, I won't. Being uncomfortable because someone points out the harm people of your race have caused is not racism. It's just you being uncomfortable with your guilt. Unknown_28: Does anyone have any fucking guilt? I don't give a shit. What's funny is that me specifically, my family is from Italy before World War I. And if it was after World War I, Italy was on the good side, quote unquote, in World War I. So I have no German ancestry. 0:39:22 Unknown_28: My people came over after Antebellum, so I was not around in the U.S. during slavery, and I wasn't related to Germany. And if anything, I think my great-grandfather fought on the Allies during World War II. So I've done nothing. I have no fucking guilt. I pay taxes, okay? You know who gets taxes? You. You get my fucking taxes. You get my taxes to chop off your tits. You get my taxes for doing food stamps and day programs. And I don't get shit. I get fucking nothing every year. I get a big ol' fat goose egg from the federal government. I don't even fucking vote, so I can't even say that I'm represented in government or whatever the fuck, because I'm not. 0:40:00 Unknown_28: You get everything for free. I feel nothing. In fact, you should feel guilty for how much you take from me. I'm going to be real. Was this a video? Oh, hell yeah. Unknown_23: The irony of white people. Unknown_23: saying that they're not going to vote for kamala harris because she doesn't have an active plan for excuse me reinstating roe v wade and that she doesn't care about leftists and that she's for and aside and all of that stuff um 0:40:37 Unknown_23: And then when we say, you know, hey, you need to vote for Kamala Harris because here's the reasons, you know, you're white, so you probably don't understand. But we as black people have a lot more at stake. Black and brown people have a lot more at stake. And at this point, we can acknowledge that politicians are corrupt. We know this. We're not denying this. We're not negating this. However, we know that the other option is absolutely going to strip away Unknown_23: All of our rights, our bodily autonomy, as marginalized people, women, black people, brown people, trans people, queer people, etc. We are all having our livelihood. Can anyone explain to me what Trump has ever said to offend black people? 0:41:19 Unknown_28: He loves black people. That motherfucker pardoned... I remember after... Unknown_28: After January 6th, when all of his biggest, most closest fans, the most diehard supporters who literally put their lives on the line for him, were being rounded up and put into federal rape to death prison that they're still in. They're still sitting in that prison right now. Hundreds of them, hundreds of his most avid fans. I remember when he was completely separated from the government, no longer had pens, no longer had support from anybody in Congress because they were all traumatized by the boomers taking a tour of the Capitol building while they were in it, while they were within 100 meters of their own constituency. I remember Donald Trump uses executive pen, the only power that he had left, to pardon a bunch of rappers and black people that were guilty of drug offenses and all sorts of shit. and didn't pardon any of his own fans. So when it came time to pick between black people or his most devout followers, he picked the black people. So black people should be fucking thrilled. I don't know what the issue is. Sounds like black people get a pass under Trump. 0:41:59 Unknown_28: The blackies, they gotta hide from the Donalds. Unknown_28: Here is Kevin Gives, the Trans Salamander, which is just the worst name ever. Unknown_28: He says, so many of the problems in my life don't seem to matter in the face of this new biggest possible problem. What an odd feeling. Priorities crumbling in my fingers before my very eyes. 0:42:45 Unknown_28: Canceling all of my toy pre-orders. And I'm not even really that upset about it. It's surreal. Cycling between sorrow and like, I don't even know what to call this emotion, but it's bubbly and light and makes me laugh. Gallows humor. Who the fuck knows? Unknown_28: If you're trans and live in the U.S. and only speak English, you should be able to get through life in most countries of Western Europe a lot more than you speak okay English and then you assume. 0:43:22 Unknown_28: And Catherine says you might go to the U.K. Unknown_28: When I was 19 or 20, I had a dream about my own murder. I was shot in the back of the head, on the top right portion of my skull, pointing downward. Literally impossible to be self-inflicted. I wish my brain hadn't held on to that memory. In that dream, they made me kneel for a hint, the angle. Anyway, that's how the fash get me. I need to know, I need everyone to know I'm psychic. Unknown_28: um there was a montage that i lost i saw and it made me laugh out loud but it was a tranny on twitter going guys guys trans folks everybody go get a gun you can buy a taurus for three hundred dollars in in any gun store just go get guns and then a lot of the people were playing were like i have suicidal ideation if i get a gun i'll kill myself first it's like all these trans flag anime avatars are playing like I can't buy a gun because I've been involuntarily committed before. I can't buy a gun because my city doesn't allow me to have a pistol. And it's like all these awesome comments of these people. Like, actually, I can't join your trans militia because I'll probably just blow my fucking brains out. And or I can't own a gun because I'm a convicted sex offender. And or it's illegal in my state because of my own laws. 0:44:16 Unknown_28: Just amazing. Unknown_28: In fact, the Trevor Project has reported a massive increase in LGBT crisis calls around the election. 0:44:52 Unknown_28: I don't know if this one says how many. A 200% increase in conversation topics related to the election. 90% of LGBTQIAP plus youth said that politics negatively impacted their well-being. Oh, new research. Oh, this is the poll. Is this it? Oh, it's by the Trevor Project. Showing anti-transgender policies increase suicide attempts among transgender youth by as much as 72%. Let's do this real quick. Unknown_28: I need a little help with my math. Take 51 and then you multiply that by 1.72. 87.72. 87.72. What's a 72% increase over 51? 87.72. That's your number, champ. 0:45:25 Unknown_28: We're getting close. We're almost there. It had been bumped up to 41 or 51 at some point. Let's do 41. 70. 70.5. We're at 70%. That's a nice round number. That's memetic. 70%. We're 70% there. 0:46:08 Unknown_28: okay and this is now we're getting further away from the election there's still a bit more but uh one thing i did not get to talk about which is very funny is uh dragon age the veil guard which now seems like ancient news in light of the election but it happened in that that gap i wasn't doing normal streams so uh let's watch some some video game show Unknown_11: Ah, shit. They. They're still holding it. Sorry. Oh. Unknown_11: Okay. A barb. Tradition in the Lords of Fortune. From one of our old members, Barv. Good guy, but like most of us, his plans went sideways a lot. Bad blood among your crews, not good for morale. But there's not always time for big, drawn-out apologies. So, when one of us screws up and we know we've screwed up, we do a quick ten to put it right. Pulling a barb. 0:47:01 Unknown_11: There we go. Unknown_29: I'm glad the Lords of Fortune have Tarsh's back. Unknown_11: Oh, Tarsh isn't the first non-binary member of the Lords. It was a little before your time, but Horlix was one of ours. 0:47:35 Unknown_11: Bastard looked better than I did in a dress or pants. And out of them too. Unknown_19: Any reason you can't just apologize? Unknown_11: Sometimes people say, oops, sorry, and hope that fixes it, but they just want to get the whole thing over with. Trust me, I know. But pulling a barf, you sweat a little. Makes you think about it a little more. Shows the other person you mean it. Unknown_22: What if they mean it when they say they're sorry, though? And that's the other reason. Unknown_11: Some people mess up and get all dramatic. They make it about them. 0:48:09 Unknown_11: Oh, you know I didn't mean it right. I'd never do that on purpose. Unknown_28: That's the video, in case you're wondering. Actually, I think that's official game audio. It's a laugh track. Unknown_11: Okay, yes. Some people might do that. Pulling a barb puts it on the person who screwed up. They made the mess. They fix it. Done. Unknown_28: Okay, and one more epic, epic clip. Unknown_28: This is also edited. Thank you. 0:48:42 Unknown_14: So, I'm non-binary. What does that mean? Unknown_14: That means I don't feel like a man or a woman. Unknown_14: If you are neither a man nor a woman, then what are you? Non-binary. Unknown_14: I just said, and I'm going to use they instead of she from now on. Unknown_14: I like how the player character is just sitting there very awkwardly during this heated family dinner. 0:49:30 Unknown_14: Perhaps you are like that. Why do you have to keep picking at it? Why can't you just be happy for me? Unknown_14: Even if I don't feel like I fit? Even if I feel wrong? No, you misunderstood. Unknown_14: I will go. Unknown_14: Thank you for inviting me to your home. 0:50:03 Unknown_28: Apparently, yeah, okay. That's Dragon Age. The IGN media was trying to say that 70,000 concurrent players on Steam was proof of financial success, but apparently it sold fewer copies than that Star Wars Outlaws game. And if you compare 70,000 to recent releases, it's actually a fucking pittance. Unknown_28: I think that other games that recently came out had over a million. There were multi-million, like that Wukong game had multiple million people playing it at once. And what's funny is that they, someone took a screenshot of like the top selling games. Oh no, this is the, but they took a screenshot of the top selling games on Steam at the time. And like, it was the number one selling game, but like number two was CSGO. 0:50:38 Unknown_28: And then like a bunch of indie shit. And I think one of them was even just like a porn game. So it's like you release a AAA game to no competition at a very unusual time in October. And you're neck and neck with some weird ass fucking indie game and something with Booba in it. And that's in NCSGO, which has been out for like 15 fucking years at this point. 0:51:18 Unknown_28: So there's a good chance that they're in the shit. I think that Dragon Age was owned... Oh, it was BioWare, of course. One of the only game studios I actually know because of that meme. And they're owned by EA Activision, so... Unknown_28: They might be chopped soon. Just like how the Penny Arcade forum is being chopped, if you don't know. Penny Arcade was an old, old webcomic. There was a time, once upon a time, where webcomics about video games were all the rage. They made tons of money. They were super important and influential. A million of these things cropped up all at once. And they were all trying to ape off the success of Penny Arcade. Penny Arcade being so successful that they started their expo called the PAX or PAX. So if you ever wondered where the big game expo PAX comes from, it was literally a byproduct of a webcomic from a very long time ago that many people tried to copy the success of but which none of them accomplished. And today the Penny Arcade forum is actually being closed. 0:51:53 Unknown_28: I think that the... Unknown_28: Yeah, they're just shutting it down, apparently. So they give up. Running a forum is a big pain in the ass, unless there's some kind of return for it. It's really hard to justify. 0:52:28 Unknown_28: So that's up with Penny Arcade. It's kind of sad, too, just because it's one of the oldest forums. It's been around for a long time, and it's always sad to see a Web 1.0 site shut down. Unknown_28: Now this is Laura Kate Dale who was very happy to announce that he worked on Dragon Age the Veil Guard. If you want to know what kind of amazing influences were added to that pot to create the content you just saw, well, it's none other than Laura Kate Dale. I have a vagina. You've definitely seen this tweet. It's an ancient meme. One of the best, one of the finest moments of any tranny on Twitter ever. And he was the guy helping out with that Dragon Age, just making sure the DEI was just just right. Just right. 0:53:08 Unknown_28: By the way, I don't have sponsor block enabled on this, but someone decided that this entire video is filler when I went to go clip this. Let's see what James Stefani Sterling has to say. Yeah. 0:53:40 Unknown_22: My friend and colleague worked on Dragon Age The Veilguard. She consulted on it, which, by the way, is not the same as writing it, and let's make that point because good lord am I sick of all the chudlings who are blaming her for stuff no consultant has ever had the power to dictate in a game's development. Not that pointing it out will matter, because the people attacking her don't really care. All that matters to them is they've been able to identify a trans person associated with the game, so they will justify their excited harassment of her any which way they can. Because they're dickheads. Anyway, point is, I am immensely fucking proud of Laura Kate Dale. Her efforts in the field of accessibility and representation have been trailblazing for years, and have certainly helped me out many times before, and she's fucking awesome, and she's accomplished more than the dozen dribbling turnips currently misgendering me in the comments of this video ever will. And that's really the point I'm making today. 0:54:15 Unknown_28: So, Laura Kate Dale managed to get trannies into a flop video game. But, but, chat, have you ever accomplished anything so magnificent? Unknown_28: Spare the thought. I know the answer already. And it's no. You'll never amount to the triumphs of Laura Kate Dale. Unknown_28: Okay, I have to put on my serious face here because I have an issue and I'm curious what to do about it. 0:55:04 Unknown_28: Nick Fuentes, immediately after the election, if you don't know, Nick Fuentes has spent the entire year trying to A-log Trump, saying that he was a Zionist president, encouraging his followers to not vote for him. He paid money to put up billboards against Trump. Basically did everything he possibly fucking could, which isn't much because he's a loser, to try and impede Trump's victory. Unknown_28: And then after he won, he immediately says it's been a total groiper victory. Because actually, he was just pretending to hate Trump so that people couldn't say that Nick Fuentes supported Trump. And that would cause people to not vote for him. Now obviously this is an unfalsifiable hypothesis because he made no indication of that. And if Kamala had won, he would simply say the same thing. 0:55:47 Unknown_28: He caused this, that his campaign hurt Trump and that the key demographics didn't turn out. Unknown_28: Here's an example. His main issue, by the way, though, is that even though, as we've established... White woman voted for Trump. He is still trying to brainwash his little groupie faggots into hating their own race. I'll play this clip. I mean, I said this the other week and they clipped it up. Unknown_21: Anthony Fantano's like, why is he wearing a SpongeBob hoodie? Because I said, now the right wing, all they do is shit on blacks. I said, what about women? They don't, they're afraid to shit on women. I said, like, women are losing us the election, and everyone said, you're blaming white women? Blame black people. I'm like, no, it's blacks and women. Like, you can blame both. I said, and you're right. Fuck straight people. We're straight. But, like, fuck these, like, straight girlfriend boys. 0:56:25 Unknown_28: Fuck straight people. I mean, obviously, we're also straight. Just like, whoops, little Freudian slip. Unknown_21: boyfriend people i was talking about it the other night these guys they date these girls they look like dykes or sluts they have the makeup caked on these like pixie cuts i want to fucking punch him in the face guys go around calling themselves boyfriends they live with their girlfriends they have no kids it's just as sterile as being a bachelor being gay you might as well be gay you should be like you guys like that's fucking based or an incel like me Oh, is he talking to the fucking Muslims? 0:57:21 Unknown_28: Oh, did you know? He's talking to the Tates. I didn't even realize that. Did you know that... Wait, is that Tate? It looks like Tate. I don't know. I can't tell brown people apart, bro. Did you know that Iraq is lowering the age of consent to nine? Why doesn't he just go to Iraq? It has everything that he could possibly fucking want. And he just stays. Unknown_28: So this is one thing that he spouted off on his stream and it actually went viral. This is the first time that Nick Fuentes has gone viral since the first Trump presidency. And let's see what he has to say. 0:57:54 Unknown_21: The feel when you're totally not pressed. The feel when we control your bodies. Hey, bitch, we control your bodies. Guess what? Guys win again. OK, men win again. And yes, we control your bodies. Hi. Unknown_21: I'm your Republican congressman. Hi, I'm your Republican congressman. It's your body, my choice. And men, women again, men win again. There will never, ever be a female president. Never. There will never be a female president ever. It's over. Glass ceiling, dude, it's a ceiling made of fucking bricks. You will never break it. Your stupid face keeps hitting the brick ceiling. We will keep you down forever. You will never control your own bodies. You will never be the president of the global empire. Never gonna happen, sweetie. Your body, our choice. 0:59:02 Unknown_28: So this soundbite got used on TikTok, and a bunch of people... It went so viral that it made its way into real life. And now you have men, young boys, who are in high school, chanting this, according to multiple people on Twitter, saying that they heard boys at their schools chanting, your body, our choice. Which is effectively just a, I'm going to rape you, word differently. And if you think... That those women are going to continue to vote conservative when they hit the age of majority. Do you think that they're going to forget that and continue to vote for these people? When you have people like Nick Valentez and his stooges reiterating this in public and causing scenes like this, you're fucking retarded. 0:59:41 Unknown_28: You're never going to repeal the 19th Amendment. And it's like you're... He... I am convinced... that he is actively sabotaging things. And there's so much on the line for this. You have fair access to payment processors. You have rules against hate speech. You have access to regulations for social media companies, biasing results for the election. You have a lot that rides on this. And then you have people like Nick Fuentes and horny retards who are going to support this. And it is the dumbest fucking thing ever. I am completely convinced that he literally gets a playbook from the CIA, from some other agency, about what talking points to hit to cause as much problems as possible and to destabilize the movement. And if you want a chance, because don't forget, there are elections every two years, and those are a lot less popular. Trump's not going to be on the ballot in two years, but your congressman is. 1:00:20 Unknown_28: And if you want to maintain a majority in the Congress, you're going to have to go out and vote, and you're going to have to vote Republican, and you're going to have to hope that 50% of white women also vote Republican. Unknown_28: And if this is the representation that young conservative voters are putting out, they're going to lose that. Because why wouldn't they? Imagine, as they say, imagine if the roles were reversed. If black people or women were saying, yeah, we're going to go send you out to Israel to die in a war. Your body, our choice, you're going to Israel. You're fighting for the cause. You're going to die in a war. You wouldn't support that. You would be upset by that. 1:01:01 Unknown_28: So I'm completely convinced that Nick Fuentes is a fed. And something has to happen to get rid of him. Because he is a splinter. And he's going to cause fucking issues. And I have a proposal. 1:01:33 Unknown_28: Now this might seem a little bit dramatic. This might seem like I am being a little bit facetious. But... Unknown_28: I'm being serious. Here we have a group of young white boys saying that they're going to vote for Kamala Harris. And then Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who assassinated Osama Bin Laden, says, You're not men, you're boys. If there was no social media, you would be my concubines. So this is former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill saying that he was going to kidnap, abduct, rape, and breed these young white boys. And this is what he looks like. 1:02:07 Unknown_28: Now, this is my proposal. Unknown_28: Robert O'Neill should rape Nick Fuentes. I think that we should gather together the resources required to abduct Nick Fuentes and deliver him to Robert O'Neill so that Robert O'Neill may aggressively, violently breed Nick Fuentes over and over again until he learns some perspective. then I think he can be returned to the public, sodden with Robert O'Neill's come, and he may be less retarded in the future moving forward. Now, if you support my plan to have Nick Fuentes violently raped by Robert O'Neill, please spread the message. Please tell your friends, hey, we're doing this thing, hoping you can help. We're canvassing. We're trying to gather the support required to have Nick Fuentes anally raped by Robert O'Neill, sent to him as a concubine as he so desires and deserves. Quite frankly, deserves a little bit of that Nick Fuentes-y. And I don't see why not. If that's what the majority wants... then why should they not get what they need? That's my perspective. I think that this would help gender relations in the white population a little bit if we offer this token of appreciation. It's like, look, I know this guy's going too far, and that's why we had Robert O'Neill rape him to death. Not to death. 1:03:37 Unknown_00: We need him alive so he can preach the good word. Unknown_28: I'm just saying. I think it's a good idea, Chad. Just know, uh, know one day, live in fear, Nick Valencia, that one day you're gonna wake up and this is gonna be the face looking at you. Unknown_28: You're gonna get bread, boy. Unknown_28: Anyways. Unknown_28: Uh, some collection of responses to the election from temperance. Uh, 1:04:14 Unknown_28: This is Liz Fong Jones reposting a couple tweets on BSky saying, We need mutual aid, anti-fascism, and community defense regardless of who wins. And frankly, I'd feel a lot safer if more people understood that. Unknown_28: Moby Dick Girl says, I can't believe it's me of all people saying this, but for God's sakes, don't kill yourself and don't detransition. Unknown_28: And Liz Fong Jones maybe learned something over the last couple years. It says, remember, surviving is its own form of resistance. Wow, that's very deep. That's very deep, Elliot. Where did you pick up that, huh? 1:04:50 Unknown_28: What made you realize that, fuckhead? Unknown_28: Bex Gerber, who I did a whole stream on, says, Half of the United States is utterly irredeemable. There is no hell too harsh. Progress will only come one grave at a time. Frankly, those graves can't come fast enough. Nothing of value will be lost. Well, Bex, be careful what you wish for. 1:05:23 Unknown_28: Ben Collins, who I think is a former Washington Post. Oh, Ben Collins was the fucking... Was he Washington Post? Oh, he was NBC. He was an NBC reporter who wrote the article about Kiwi Farms and Cloudflare before we got kicked off of Cloudflare. He says... I feel naive and I feel exhausted, uniquely embarrassed by my conception of the world. Maybe it's all just brutality and brainless conquest and all the rest is smoke and mirrors. Maybe history defers to the horror. Unknown_28: Uh, yeah. Um, you know, you take a look at the entirety of human history and you have Pax Americana from what? 80 years ago not even that less than 80 years ago and all that peace and pax americana is a literal blip in the timeline everything else has been horrors ben collins and we don't have the resources on earth 1:05:57 Unknown_28: The only reason why we could sit around playing games with trannies is because we had neo-colonized Africa and Mexico and we had infinite free resources and free labor under a one government dictatorship led by the United States. And now that that's over and Mexicans live a better quality of life manufacturing fucking Ford on the Mexican side of the border, guess what? No cheap labor, no inexpensive bullshit anymore. No inexpensive hormones. Not enough money in taxes to pay for your fucking transition surgeries. Yeah, it's going to be pretty fucking rough, Ben Collins. We don't have the money to spare for your sympathies. 1:06:36 Unknown_28: Reset era. Um... Ooh. Unknown_28: Should I dick around with that? Let's flip back to that because I don't know what it's going to be. I'm going to round this out and then we'll flip back to that and see if it's funny. Unknown_28: Patrick Tomlinson on, I think that's Blue Sky, says polling places in black majority precincts in Georgia are staying open because the United States is currently under a terrorist attack from Russia interference in our elections to install their asset back in the White House. I didn't even do this in my Tomlinson voice because this is dead serious, Chad. It's an overt act of war. If you don't know, there were a couple bomb threats called into polling stations in, I think, Georgia and a couple other places. And I think the U.S. immediately blamed it on Russia. But, like, it could be anyone, really. It could be China. It could be Joe Biden. Like, who the fuck would stop Joe Biden? 1:07:28 Unknown_28: So he was pretty upset. Unknown_28: This is a chalk it up to the government did something. 764, which is a pedophile sextortion cult. Basically what they did is that they would bully underage, like sometimes preteen girls, into giving them nude images. And then they would use those nude images to further extort them for more pornographic content. And then they would sell it or share it. And they literally wrote guides on how to do this. So if you are ever wondering what a cartoonishly fucking evil group of people in the modern age looks like at 764... 1:08:04 Unknown_28: Richard Anthony Dinsmore was arrested for being a part of 764 and doing aforementioned acts, and he has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. So congratulations, government. You did something. Is there a picture of this guy in this? 1:08:42 Unknown_28: No, there's not. He looks like a freak, in case you wonder. Unknown_28: Oh, and this is a little bit of news. Fortnite released a new skin right before the election, and let's take it out. It's a collab with Snoop Dogg, formerly Snoop Lion. Unknown_28: so I know that this is no longer as big a deal as it was in the past I think that when this song came out in the 90s they literally did not play it on MTV because of this dance that he's doing this is the crip walk or sea walk And it started as just the dance in the gang, but then they realized that these little footprints they're putting on the ground when they scuff their boots into the asphalt or concrete or whatever was very distinctive. So when they committed a gang crime, they would do the crip walk and leave behind forensic evidence indicating that this was a gang-related action. 1:09:27 Unknown_28: So MTV would literally not play any rap music video that featured the Crip Walk in it so as to not promote the gang. And when the gangs were at their peak, I know that they're not at their peak anymore, if you did the C-Walk in front of the wrong people, they would kill you because effectively you're marking their territory. You're in their zone, their drug area, and you're demonstrating Crip power in their territory so they fucking kill you. So it's a little bit weird to see it in a kid's game, though I am aware that the gang influence has waned quite a bit in favor of the cartel influence in the U.S., but a little bit strange to see. Okay, let's see what's going on in 764. Or not 764, NeoGAF. 1:10:08 Unknown_28: Men are a problem. It turns out I can't actually handle this. It's just crazy that the U.S. is electing such an awful person as president, especially having a great option in Kamala. It's just depressing. 1:10:51 Unknown_28: I knew in my gut the grocery prices were going to determine how this election went, and nothing else mattered. This fucking sucks. Unknown_28: there were so many memes that i saw on zitter and stuff where it's like um americans when the the eggs are expensive and it's just like hitler footage like nazis marching in in uh formation and attending rallies and shit i'm like yeah you know what when people can't afford to get their eggs and shit they do get pretty pissed off 1:11:25 Unknown_30: This country is so fucking cooked, man. Unknown_28: I just heard a family member start chanting, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, in another room. I hate it here. Meanwhile, in the cock shed, in the tranny shed, on NeoGAF going, A country that prides itself in justice and law votes so readily for a rapist felon. Unknown_28: Nigga, huh? Do you have to show your black hands to a mod to get the nigga word? I think you probably get automatically banned on NeoGAF by their modbots if you have the n-word in your post and you haven't been whitelisted by the mods as being black. Ironically whitelisted. Not blacklisted, because that doesn't make sense. Though now, in programming, the preferred terminology is allow listing and deny listing. Unless you're allow listed to say the N-word of the person of color, then you can say it. 1:12:03 Unknown_28: Nah, nigga, you can miss me with this. And replies to Frieza Geezer saying, It's hard to feel bad for those in the U.S. You guys are voting this time, but I feel horrible for Ukraine and other countries impacted by orange Hitler's global policy. Time will tell, fingers crossed, for blue. 1:12:37 Unknown_28: I have some Tostitos and Queso, like a whole ass chartouche reward, and wine, and my trans lesbian household is getting shit-faced. What else are you going to do? Are you going to go work? Unknown_28: Enjoy your drugs, retards. Unknown_28: Please think a little bit more about... Wait, okay, Freezer says the same thing about Ukraine. Please think a little bit more about the situation before you say something like this. The US is not a monolith. You're saying that you can find it hard to feel bad for immigrants and trans people that are going to be directly targeted by people who want them dead. You're saying that you find it hard to feel bad for women who are continuing to lose the rights to their own bodies and dying because of it. To be clear, I trust this isn't what you mean, but it is what you're saying. Have a little empathy. Um... 1:13:16 Unknown_28: Uncle says, why the fuck did Harris spend the last month campaigning with Liz Cheney? Unknown_28: And then Tappan Bruce says, shut the fuck up. That's awesome. I hate these people so much. Unknown_28: I want to read more. Unknown_28: This guy got banned, so I don't know what he said. Oh, he said this. This is a great day for our country. Blessed be the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Unknown_28: Banned. Get fucked, retard. And the cherry on top of this fucking shit Sunday is that I can't even call off work tomorrow because I have a fucking phone call first thing in the morning with a Trump voter from Kentucky saying, That I cannot opt out of. Or reschedule. God I wish I could just drop into a coma for a month. Try four years. Try forever. Maybe even Planet Smasher. I'm a depressed freak. 1:13:48 Unknown_28: Donald Trump is the 27th president of the United States. Kill me now. Congrats to hate. This is how democracy dies. It's just like Star Wars chat. It's just like that time in the Star Wars. Where the thing happened. And then the Padma said that. That's just what happened. 1:14:30 Unknown_28: A loss of words. Not an American, but very sorry for any progressive, foreign, trans, gay people in the United States. I always feel bad for them because they exist. Extremely afraid of the ripple effects that this will have on the whole world. Palestine, Ukraine, Asia, Elon Musk, unmitigated influence, other populist movements across the world. I feel this is a very scary and dark, defining moment in our timelines. Unknown_28: If you could have voted Harris and didn't go, fuck yourself. We're all fucked now. 1:15:02 Unknown_28: Feels worse than 9-11 somehow. Feels like the world won't be the same after this. Unknown_28: Yeah, Donald Trump winning reminds me of that tragedy. 9-11. Cool. Unknown_28: Alright, next. Okay, this is the general locale roundup, so not so much election stuff anymore, but let's get to it. This is Alyssa Mercant. If you are blessed to not remember who the fuck this is, Alyssa Mercant is a really, really, really, really trashy mega whore who continually posts nude images of her disgusting face and body on Twitter while also seething about people. 1:15:40 Unknown_28: She had a bunch of very familiar lawyers send a cease and desist to the Kiwi Farms demanding that a thread that had not been moved out into the public yet be deleted. Unknown_28: Which we ignored. Unknown_28: Alyssa Mercant posted this today. Work news. After exactly two years, I've decided to leave Kotaku in my role as senior editor. Unknown_28: I am eternally grateful for Kotaku's editorial team and all that they have taught me during my time there. Unknown_28: They are some of the best in the business, and I will be forever proud to have shared a masthead with them. They continuously fight to maintain the editorial pillars that made Kotaku great and hold on to their journalistic integrity in the face of increasing pressure to compromise that. It has been a long few months during which I've learned a lot about myself and the value as both a woman and a writer. This is the right decision for me. I've had some things coming down the pike, so keep your eyes peeled." Fired. Fired. What's funny is I tweeted this and I said, Fired. 1:16:23 Unknown_27: Elizabeth McCann fired. Unknown_28: And she whined and replied, not directly, but on her Twitter profile, she said, I guess the chuds can't read. Like, no, I read your post, but I've come to the conclusion that you are fired. 1:17:08 Unknown_28: Oh, we can only imagine why Elizabeth Cobb isn't a part of the editorial team. Oh, it's such a great little mystery to us. Unknown_28: Could it be that you suck? Probably. Unknown_28: Mr. Beast News, this group Mission Flight, which is responsible for eye surgeries, put out a little expose saying that they were never paid. They performed over a thousand eye surgeries. And I think if I remember correctly, this was a very quick, easy outpatient cataract surgery. that is easy to do, has a huge quality of life improvement, and isn't that expensive. So you can take, charities do this, especially religious charities. They take a doctor. The other one that they do is cleft palates. It's very easy to fix a cleft palate and very cheap, but unless you have a doctor that can do it, you just suffer, and it's a huge quality of life thing. So religious charities in particular will send doctors who know how to fix cataracts and know how to fix cleft palates. And they'll send them to really poor areas of the world where you have a lot of people who have these issues. And for very little, these doctors work to correct the issues. 1:17:46 Unknown_28: But they usually do expect to be compensated for their time, at least a little bit. So Mr. Beast sent one of these doctors out to give a thousand eye surgeries and did not pay for them. And only after this video was made, and only after it made a splash and caused a kerfuffle, they were finally paid the pittance of $124,000. Mr. Beast's videos routinely make like a hundred million views. And the amount, like per surgery, that's like a thousand, not even. 1:18:24 Unknown_28: what is that i can't do math it's 124 dollars per surgery for a thousand eye surgeries that they they had the doctors go out and do and he couldn't he didn't pay that he just he just thought he could fleece this fucking charity and he would have gotten away with it too but then everything like after the the fucking mr beast tranny shit happened with that fucking guy chris tyson Then the flight gates opened and everybody got to air out these grievances. Mission Flight would have never gotten the pittance that they asked for to perform a thousand huge life improvement surgeries for people if they didn't go to fucking YouTube and air their grievances. Which is just a shame. Because he made bank. How do you forget to pay the fucking charity that you feature in your video? 1:19:11 Unknown_28: That's like... If you're the CEO of a... Sorry, that really pisses me off. Like, you're going to enlist this company. You're going to send them out there. They're going to do all these surgeries for very little. And you're going to make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of them. And then he probably just thought, oh, well, you know, they got exposure. Like, motherfucker, these are doctors. They don't work for exposure. Fucking pay them. It's a charity. But he thought he could get away with it. It just shows you how fucking evil this guy is. And no guy, no CEO would overlook paying a charity, you know, if he actually gave a shit, if his heart was in the right place. So fuck this guy. 1:19:45 Unknown_28: Further, don't worry though, he didn't do anything wrong. After three months, his law firm investigation team, which claims they reviewed millions of documents and messages, came to the conclusion that all... um, accusations levied against Mr. Beast and his company are completely false. Now, the obvious thing to point out is that the millions of chat messages that they said they read, if you look over how much time they spent and how many messages they had, um, would amount to something like multiple messages per second, every second, even throughout the night. So no, they, no lawyer did that. They probably control after through them. Uh, it wasn't very, uh, 1:20:20 Unknown_28: Like that alone is like cast a shadow on the entire thing. Ran it through fucking chat GPT or some shit. 1:21:02 Unknown_28: But they basically exonerated him for a bunch of stuff. But the big one that people got upset about was that he had hired a sex offender as a Unknown_28: Here, this one. Allegations of the company knowingly employing individuals with proclivities or histories toward illegal or questionably legal contact or similarly without basis. Here, too, the allegations were uniformly rejected. The issue is that the brother-in-law of the pedophile that he had hired actually came out himself and said that he knew. 1:21:37 Unknown_28: Yes, Delaware is... By the way, big, big thumbs down to Delawares all across the board today. This is basically a fucking funeral stream for the word Delaware and all things associated with Delaware. Unknown_28: Delaware is my brother-in-law. Yes, he is a registered sex offender, and he was 21. A 16-year-old girl accused him of sexual assault when she was 11. Delaware took a plea deal. That is why there was no jail time, but he still had to register. His nickname isn't Delaware because he can't go back to Delaware. He's from Delaware. That was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. He's been back several times. He was hired before I was. 1:22:17 Unknown_28: And was actually the reason I got hired at Mr. Beast. Before being hired, Delaware sat down with Jimmy and Sue, Jimmy's mom, and explained everything to them. So yes, Jimmy knew, but again, the incident happened in 2010. Delaware was hired in 2017-2018. Unknown_28: Delaware was also let go from the company before I was. Delaware was supposed to be behind the scenes manager, but in a couple videos he was asked to partake because we needed people. He was reluctant, especially in the straitjacket video because of his charges, and that's why he wore the mask. Delaware charges are set to be dropped in the fall. 1:22:51 Unknown_28: Delaware has been nothing but a good person and an amazing husband to my sister. Dude, you're a fucking cuckold freak. If you let your fucking sister marry a man who molested an 11-year-old, you'd fucking kill yourself, bro. Thanks for coming out and saying that everything was true, though. You dumb piece of shit. Unknown_28: What a fucking retard. Unknown_28: This fucking pedophile was really good to my sister. What about when she has kids, bro? What if she has a daughter? What if she has a daughter and then the daughter's friends come over when they're 11? Is that going to be okay? Is that going to work out? 1:23:27 Unknown_28: Probably not. Unknown_30: Fucking idiot. Unknown_30: Gross, man. Unknown_30: Anyways, I want to see a black guy get beat up by Koreans. Unknown_28: Don't shoot. Don't shoot. Unknown_06: Where are you going? Where are you going? Unknown_18: Where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going? 1:24:30 Unknown_28: Okay, so we investigate crime, and during investigation, you cannot leave Korea. Also, when you rock around on the streets in Korea, people will walk up to you and beat the fuck out of you for no reason. Well, not for no reason, but not for any deliberate action at that time. Unknown_10: My hat man, my hat. Unknown_05: People might see my dumbass haircut if I don't get my hat. 1:25:14 Unknown_28: Apparently he was concussed, so that's the Johnny Somali update. Korea has decided that they're going to just press this dude until he fucking collapses. What's going to happen is that, like, his max HP is going to keep going down, and eventually he's just going to get one-hit KO'd and die, because he can no longer take any more punches. Unknown_28: Okay, we're back to our boy, Patrick S. Tomlinson, child. Unknown_28: As it turns out, this was before the election. 1:25:48 Unknown_28: Stalkers again used fraudulent Craigslist ads to try and trick users into stealing our patio furniture. This time, they are successful. This is free lawn furniture in Milwaukee, and there he goes, taking the very nice metal chairs away. I think he also got the table and the umbrella. The patio furniture has been seized. Unknown_28: A little bit of a win for Patrick, actually. As I mentioned many months ago, he filed a lawsuit for civil rights violations against both the city of Milwaukee and several of its officers. 1:26:28 Unknown_28: The decision is in. The preliminary decision is in. And all of the charges, except three of them towards the city specifically, will be allowed to continue. So now he's into the nitty-gritty of the lawsuit where the easy dismissals have already been evaluated. And he's actually going to have to litigate this against both the city and the police officers named in the inquiry. So chances are, once you hit this point, the nitty gritty, very few people want to see a lawsuit to conclusion. So chances are he's about to get a fatty paycheck. Chances are that the union or something has insurance for the police officers and the city has their insurance. So he might get a couple hundred thousand dollars to get to fuck off. 1:26:59 Unknown_28: Which is why, by the way, you do not do shit like what people do to Patrick. There's no reason to swat him. A lot of people say that he swats himself. I can't speak on that. But if people are swatting him, just say no. Eventually, he might just get his comeuppance. 1:27:33 Unknown_28: There's a reason why we don't do that. Unknown_28: I mean, just in general. Like, with swatting, it would never be okay. But I frown upon general contact trolling as a whole because there are unforeseen consequences. Unknown_28: This is after the election. He says, the doors may stay closed and the lights may go off for several years or more, but at some point of we, we'll survive this. If we survive this, he means to say, if we survive this, we'll need to have preserved as much institutional knowledge and experience as we can so we aren't starting over completely from scratch. We'll have to restart. If you work at a governmental agency, the CDC, FDI, CIA, FBI, NSA, NTSB, NOAA, anywhere, you'll need to start saving every gig of data you can find. Studies, organizational charts, employee manuals, policies and procedures, anything that can be used to recreate your agency from scratch. 1:28:13 Unknown_28: To which somebody replies... 1:28:48 Unknown_30: let's see there was a reply to this I don't know Unknown_30: We'll do fine without you. Unknown_28: There was a reply that someone said, like, I work for a government, and we can't do this because that's a crime. And then his response was, there are no laws anymore. Yeah, try that. Try downloading a bunch of shit from FBI servers and just walk out of the FBI with it. I mean, what's her face? Reality winner. That's what she did. Worked out great for her. What's this video? 1:29:24 Unknown_27: Because it's funny. Because it's just so fucking funny. Unknown_28: That's Patrick. That's what he's up to. He's coping and sneezing. Unknown_28: Hassan. Now, this is an old update again, but this happened, and I feel it's pretty noteworthy. I did tweet this out, but this is Richie Torres, who is the black guy who's a congressional representative from the Bronx. Unknown_28: And he wrote a letter to Amazon and Twitch, both, and their CEOs, demanding answers for why Twitch promotes extremist content naming Hasan Piker by name directly. 1:30:08 Unknown_28: Richie Torres is very interesting. He's a gay nigga. Unknown_28: And on his Wikipedia page, it says that Richie was invited by AIPAC to Israel, to Tel Aviv. And he describes it as a life-changing experience. So they got him out of the Bronx and to Tel Aviv. And now he's like, oh, my God, I love Jews so much. And I can only imagine what they might have showed him to get him to be such a staunch ally. But he's been pretty active against Twitch, especially because of Hassan and because of the pro-Palestinian content that's prevalent on Twitch right now. 1:30:44 Unknown_28: And as expected, Twitch has modified its politics and sensitive social issues rule and nobody is happy with the changes. So what they've done is on Twitch you have like a gambling flag, a 18 plus flag, and then they added a new one. There's like 10 different kinds of sensitive topics that exist on Twitch that you can flag your streams as, that you have to flag your streams as. If you're actually streaming that content. Unknown_28: And now they've added politics as one of them. So, Hasan Piker is going to have to flag his Twitch channel as politics. Unknown_28: And guess what that does? These granular flags on your account, they have a back-end function for advertisers. 1:31:31 Unknown_28: So when an advertiser uploads a 30-second long advertisement for Clorox bleach, they have to decide what channels they want to put it on. And usually the advertisers just want their ads on the safest content ever because they do not want Clorox bleach showing up on an article about dead trans kids or something. So now they'll look at this and say, well, can we run this ad on gambling? Sure, I guess. Can we run this ad on 18 plus? Probably shouldn't. Should we run this ad alongside political content? Unknown_28: Bit of a toss-up. So a bunch of advertisers are going to say, well, we don't want to show our ads on political content because we don't want our KFC bucket deal to be showing next to people talking about Trump or whatever. That's not good for our brand. And then it won't. And then you don't get that money. 1:32:23 Unknown_28: So they're hitting Hassan where it hurts, and that is the wallet. Unknown_28: um cool so that's that now this i'm not familiar with but it was a big update that happened recently kind of in the political maelstrom so i didn't get a chance to look at it we're gonna look at it together chat yusuf salah fuzi uh has been banned from kick and we love our kick don't we boys we love kick we love eddie eddie never rigs eddie never eddie if he's anything evil Not one of them. Not never. Never flipped any switches, for sure. 1:33:00 Unknown_28: Fousey did not get the memo and freaked out, had one of his Muslim chimps, and now I can make fun of him and say that he's a gross Muslim Arab rape ape because he's not on kick, and that's not infighting on the platform. He had a little bit of a retard attack and decided to attack his manager. Let's take a look. Look, I'm going to try my best not to cry. 1:33:32 Unknown_07: There's so much stress. Unknown_28: Dude, the way the phone is held up, I'm assuming that's his arm. But it looks like, it really looks like it's somebody else's. Like he's being held at gunpoint in like an ISIS interrogation or something. Unknown_07: Because I promised Eddie and Akil I wouldn't crash out like last year. Unknown_28: He promised. He promised Eddie he wouldn't crash out like last year, and he betrayed Eddie. Good Eddie. Nice Eddie. Wholesome Eddie. That's disgusting, Chad. 1:34:04 Unknown_07: The lynch shot up, and I don't even remember the last, like, 48 hours now that I'm out of it. Unknown_07: And now that I calm down, I'm realizing all the destruction that I caused, and this happens to me all the time. Unknown_07: I'm not even going to sit here and say sorry because, but, like, I'm trying to explain to y'all. Unknown_06: Like, now that my adrenaline dumped and I'm back to Yusuf and I open Twitter and I see what Fousey did, I'm like, I feel so much better now, though. I feel free. I feel so free. 1:34:43 Unknown_28: Wow, that's pathetic. That's a really embarrassing video. I don't have any fucking dignity, bro. This is him actually insulting his managers. Unknown_08: What? I can't believe how disrespectful you've been to me. I can't believe how disrespectful you've been to my company live, motherfucker. Okay. You promised me the world. I did promise you the world. You made me lose it. 1:35:14 Unknown_06: When did I promise you the world? Unknown_08: Hey, I'll be there at 6 p.m. tomorrow. We didn't start until 7. Hey, there's going to be thousands of people there. I brought the people there. Are you dumb, Rain? Listen. I don't care if I disrespect you. That's your problem to go home and throw some balls. You don't have any yet. Excuse me? You heard me. I did. What the fuck are you saying right now? That you don't have a better home. I stood in your face while you spit on me and you refused to put your fucking hands on me. 1:35:45 Unknown_08: Say whatever you want to me to your Z-lister friends. You ain't shit. You ain't going to be shit with Z-lister friends, motherfucker. You hung out with A-listers for one day and you got dropped. You ain't shit. You ain't ever going to be shit. Unknown_08: Hey, I begged you for everything. $147,000. What did you do? Hey, what are you doing? You're going to the mall to shop and go into the studio. Unknown_28: dude if this if this bouncer was doing his job he would realize that the issue here is not this guy but this guy because look he's gathering his shit he's getting out like the bouncer should realize that foozy is the one that's like in this bizarre hunched over chimp posture freaking out his voice is cracking he's tearing up like your your your back is turned to the problem And if he didn't do this, if he didn't be like, oh, I'm always going to take his side and never going to back him out, he would still have a job because now Fousey's going to lose all his fucking money. 1:36:31 Unknown_08: Where does he assault him? Unknown_28: And let's be off the door, then. 1:37:10 Unknown_28: Oh, no. What'd you say? Unknown_27: He just, like... Holy... His bouncer is so big, and he just, like... And chucks him aside. The boy is, like, sideways, flying to the wall. Unknown_28: Oh my god. Unknown_28: Oh, finally the dude turns around and realizes what the fucking issue is. He did. Unknown_08: Socked you in the face, bitch. 1:37:44 Unknown_28: Sue me. Socked you in the face, bitch. Sue me. Prediction. He is going to get sued. Prediction. Sue me. Unknown_28: Dude, what a fucking idiot. Imbecile. How did this guy ever get fucking popular? Jeez, what a fucking retard. I think this is Evil Eddie. Sorry. Enigmatic. Unknown_28: There was a... Enigmatic. That's a good one. Enigmatic Eddie actually chooses to relieve himself from the shadows and address this issue. 1:38:15 Unknown_24: Alright. I text Eddie. Unknown_24: Is that it for Fousey, question mark? Unknown_24: I don't know if he's typing. He's typing, bro. He's probably sweating over his fucking phone right now. Yeah, no more Fousey, man. This isn't good for anyone. This clip could have ended there, I think. 1:38:57 Unknown_08: They know if they fuck up, it makes me go bipolar. Look at my eyes. I'm going to shoot myself tonight. Lie. Unknown_28: Suicide baiting. Don't join the 70%, Fousey. Don't do it. Oh, no. Unknown_08: Kick.com backslash Fousey. Done. Unknown_28: If he kills himself, should we complain to Cloudflare? No, I'm just kidding. I would never, ever, ever betray Enigmatic Edward. Never. Unknown_28: I think this is one more clip of him coming down. I'm going to fuck your bitch and your wife in front of your fucking dead body. 1:39:30 Unknown_28: That's pretty on point for Arabs. That's pretty normal for Arabs, I think. Unknown_28: Great. Unknown_28: Nick Riccardo. Unknown_28: So we'll watch a little bit of this, I guess. Unknown_28: this is a um series of clips from different law tube streamers saying saying that nick ricada promised them a cut of super chat revenue and did not deliver but uh we brought in almost an entire nissan sentra worth of super chats today uh which is which is uh blows my mind i appreciate it 1:40:18 Unknown_20: I know that my panelists have all fielded this question, so I don't have to, but there's not a fee sharing arrangement or anything like that, but I am contemplating how to maybe provide something very nice for all of them because I appreciate very much how much they elevated this show. Again, it would have just me been drunk crying into a microphone for three weeks, which would have been embarrassing. And instead we got really, really smart discourse from really, really great people. Unknown_20: And so know how much I appreciate everyone. And I will be contacting each of you for some instructions on how I can get you something as a thank you. Unknown_05: Well, let's just keep it real. Money did become a big issue because. Well, yeah, when you see what's out there, yes. Just so you guys understand, the thing that broke up the law to cabal is money, money, money, money. 1:41:10 Unknown_05: And now thinking back. The attempt to basically unionize it. Unknown_21: And I was like, oh, boy. Unknown_05: no you know what i think people didn't realize so yeah when when nick was doing written house and johnny depp and all these other things having 10 lawyers come onto a stream and talk about the case is so valuable so valuable because don't forget that that's what that's what blew up i didn't see any of it yeah and i'm thinking if you're making some of these guys are making 20 30 000 a day 1:41:50 Unknown_05: and you don't think about giving it to any of your you know just just at least saying hey you know what i know you're you're helping me you're coming to my channel every day helping me get these views and subs it's not me you know just break off a little something or even like a gift or something but none of those people did that and a matter of fact i think nick even promised a couple of people to actually break them off a piece and never broke them off a piece so just to let everybody know yeah it was the thing that broke the reason why that's a hot glass i never heard Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, there's, um, I don't know if he wants, well, there's two people. I don't know if they want me to say their names, but they say they were promised by Nick a piece of some of the action, and then it disappeared, and they never got it. Unknown_28: Just like with Mr. Beast. Tying it all together, champ. Unknown_28: Mercado responded to these allegations and said... Unknown_28: This is false. Highly disappointed to see this jealousy and outright false claims from people I helped make thousands and thousands of dollars. At NateTheLawyer, this is dot dot dot. Shockingly low. 1:42:45 Unknown_28: Let me help. Do I strike you as the type of person who would offer to pay a smaller channel to guests on my huge show? I would never offer to pay someone. Coming on my show is hugely profitable to every guest of mine. Unknown_28: Everett Morrell says, you're the one claiming that he said there would be direct bonding compensation when, in fact, he said many times he doesn't pay people, come onto the channel, they join just because they wanted to, and it would give them exposure, the most important collateral on the planet. 1:43:24 Unknown_28: Rekita says, several people have six-figure incomes because of me. I never ask them for a goddamn thing in return. Only their unending, unabated loyalty and permission to use cocaine. Unknown_28: Um, so Rikada's wife had an omnibus and of her own on October 28th and one person, cause it's just Rikada's wife. I didn't ask anybody to go to this trial. There was no reason to. One of the people that did was this woman who simply identified herself as a member of the public. Rikada freaked out, called her a Kiwi fag, uploaded the video to his stream and 1:44:00 Unknown_28: um and uh said i bet this woman calls kayla and april not attractive just remember you say that after you've seen my penis when oh this is in regards to aaron and mahal just remember you say that after you've seen my penis remember when i saw yours i do so ricada confirms that he and aaron have been uh putting their dicks together comparing sizes just being weird Unknown_28: Now, for clarification, this woman is a friend of Will Heron, who is a guy that's been around the sector since Ethan Ralph days. He is not, as far as I know, even a member of the forum. And this is just his friend. 1:44:40 Unknown_28: So nobody on the forum was asked to go to the Kayla omnibus at all. Because there's no point. The Nick case is the one that's interesting. Unknown_28: And then two things happened. I don't know if they've been corrected yet, but... Unknown_28: Ricada Law LLC is now in bad standing. He's no longer paying the annual state fees for maintaining a company in good standing. And also, he's officially not licensed to practice law. In order to maintain your law license in Minnesota, you have to do something called continuing legal education, which means you have to take classes for, I think, 40 hours a year. 1:45:15 Unknown_28: And you have to pay a fee, which is $275. So he did not pay the fee and or he did not go to the CLE classes. So his law license has been revoked. I don't know. I think he can get that back into good standing by simply attending class and paying the fee. There's like an extra $100 fee for having to reinstate the law license, but it is an option. But for right now, his company is in bad standing and his law license is revoked. He is not authorized to practice law in the state of Minnesota. 1:45:53 Unknown_28: Oh, did he finally pay it? Okay. Never mind. As of now, I've been informed by my chat, who is gracious and all-knowing, that he has, in fact, paid the extortionary $274 fee. Unknown_28: Probably $374 now, because I think it was $100 even for the reinstatement. So now he's once again a real lawyer. Maybe he should also sort out his LLC while he's at it. 1:46:31 Unknown_28: And finally, we get to make fun of a pedophile near and dear to my heart. This is Vito Gisbaldi, a man who is an open, avowed pedophile. Unknown_28: Knight Ronan says, Vito, I have two questions. One, did you spend all the Super Killer money? And two, will it ever see a printer? Vito replies to this and says, yes, he spent all the money. And two, it will never see a printer. The last update to Super Killer was this timeline saying, in August, we will finish our final rounds of revisions. In September, we will receive our printed books and all other campaign items. And in October, we will begin shipping the final book. This has never happened before. And Super Killer has not been shipped. And there's no indication from Vito Giswaldi that he intends to fulfill the comic book Kickstarter pledge. 1:47:12 Unknown_28: Which is interesting because he received $118,000 from over 2,000 backers. If you do the math, it comes out to $53 per person. 2,173 people backers. 1:47:53 Unknown_28: gave a pedophile $53 a person on the word of Dick Masterson, a.k.a. Dax Herrera, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, and on his word alone, with the promise that they would receive a comic book that would completely blow Eric Jules' isom out of the fucking water. Unknown_28: And it has been... How long? Unknown_30: Oh, he put out an update just now. Unknown_28: Just today, okay. Hold up. Let's see When did this start I wonder because I feel like this has been a full year at this point Let's see we're now over a year getting close to a year and a half ago Okay, May 8th was when this started. So I 1:48:49 Unknown_28: September, November. It is a year and a half. It's been a full year and a half since he started the campaign. And this is his latest update. Ready? Unknown_28: November update. Hello, super killer family. I just wanted to drop in with a quick update on our progress. Aside from a few remaining tweaks, the inking is finally completed. The inking? Sir, I thought we were printing. I thought the final round of revisions was in August. The inking is done. Okay. 1:49:20 Unknown_28: Our remaining tasks are lettering and coloring. Unknown_28: Bro, I thought the inking included the coloring. So it's just the line art. This is the line art now. Okay, so he's after a year and a half on the... Everybody should have their fucking books at this point. He's finished the line art and the inking of the black. Okay. Unknown_28: Fingers crossed. Okay, so they're already halfway complete, though. Fingers crossed. We should have these tasks finalized in the next few weeks and be able to get the book off the printer before the end of the month. Our shipping date will really depend on what order we get placed into the printing queue. I'm hoping our order quantities are large enough that the printer can expedite us closer to the front of the line, but otherwise we're at their mercy. 1:49:55 Unknown_28: I mean, you didn't get this order in months ago? You didn't say... Unknown_28: If you tell the the production companies that you are trying to make shit for a certain day Months in advance they will accommodate you just so you know I'm also looking at expedite rates to see if there's any way to get the book stateside quickly rather than waiting on a slow boat to China Movie reference, okay 1:50:39 Unknown_28: Wait, so he's not even printing the book in the U.S.? You're gonna raise $120,000 almost for your comic book, and you're not even gonna print it in the U.S.? Did Eric July print his comic books in the United States? Because I feel like that's a big point in his favor, too. Unknown_30: Um... Unknown_28: At expediting shipping rates. So he's already decided to print this in the cheapest place possible and then import them. Wow, I wonder. There's no fucking way. Even with the way that shipping is right now, even if he went through and got this ordered right now, there's no fucking way that you're going to get the books printed and then shipped from a foreign country into the United States through customs and delivered to people before the end of the year. There's no way. Nobody will have a copy of this book by 2025. 1:51:13 Unknown_28: As I said, a big reason for our delay was some necessary art revisions. A lot of these revisions were fixes for silly continuity mistakes. For example, Sam enters the diner with his costume all torn up. Why is his costume totally fine two pages later? How do you not notice shit like that in the fucking draft, bro? So he's doing art the second time over. He paid somebody to draw the line art, and there's all these fucking errors in it. So he had to pay someone to do it twice is what he's saying? 1:51:59 Unknown_28: Spoiler, Thamathut can indeed repair itself, but we wanted to keep Battle Dam and Tham around a little bit longer. In addition to these continuity fixes, so he had to re-ink the entire book because of this little hole in his shirt? Unknown_28: If it was necessary to improve some of the facial expressions or reactions to help sell the humor, um... Unknown_28: Okay, so he... Instead of looking like an anime girl now, he looks like he's really sleepy. Okay. 1:52:35 Unknown_28: Wow, what a huge improvement. Unknown_28: I just don't understand. Like, bro. I mean, I guess it's a... Unknown_28: It looks really confused, I guess. Unknown_28: I kind of like the one on the left even more, I think. I think that looks better. They both look kind of silly. Unknown_28: Maybe these changes are subtle, but I think the book only works if we get readers laughing. So many books are full of stoic superheroes regurgitating speeches at each other. This book needs something to offer fun and different. 1:53:09 Unknown_28: Peace and love, Vito Gesualdi. Unknown_28: Four comments. Unknown_28: When can I hold this? This guy has been complaining. He has left a comment saying this was a dead project on a couple pages. Unknown_28: Where is your limited edition Trump victory cover? Thanks for the update. Looking forward to it. Glad you're not sacrificing detail for speed. Can't wait to get my Deadpool, Rick, and Morty book that will totally be better than rip shit and not Reddit-level cringe. 1:53:44 Unknown_27: He's a backer. Unknown_28: That's funny. Suffer, Vito. I mean, the fucking... Unknown_28: The plot of it's already leaked and it's shit. So I don't know what he's holding out hope for. Unknown_28: Are these people even real? Nobody's real. Unknown_30: You live on a dead internet, my dude. Unknown_30: The counter for kick was wrong. Unknown_30: Okay. 1:54:18 Unknown_28: God, I burned through everything so quickly. Unknown_28: I feel kind of bad because this is the curse, right? When I have a lot of content, I get super organized and spend a lot of time doing my plot points and stuff. Unknown_28: And then I do such a good job of organizing my thoughts that I just get through things really quickly. Unknown_28: The only thing I can give you an update on is that Bossman Jack has had his court dates kicked back to November 14th, so there's nothing really to report. Unknown_28: Let me give some janitorial updates because I haven't been able to just speak to people casually about stuff I'm up to in two weeks now. So here's my status report. Before the end of 2025, I have over 500 applications for moderators on the Kiwi Farms. I intend to go through them and pick probably more than I need because right now the average report time is like 12 hours in certain boards. So if we can get that down to like an hour, that would be great. 1:55:02 Unknown_28: So my next step is to pick some new moderators for the Kiwi Farms. I'm going to go back and upload those videos that I missed onto the RSS feed and stuff and try to get ready for what I'm going to call Season 3. Oh, it's not at the internet. 1:55:37 Unknown_28: I intend to move back to the U.S. this year. I'm working on it very hard. Unknown_28: And I'm going to have to leave behind everything, I've determined. Almost nothing that I have outside of the two suitcases and my computer and my Starlink are worth paying the fees to ship to the U.S. Unknown_28: So I'm going to do something that I've never done before. I haven't announced this on the forum yet. I'm going to give it a second. 1:56:09 Unknown_28: I will accept Amazon gift card donations from anybody who just wants to give me money. Because I've had people ask many times, can you accept Amazon gift cards? And it's like, no, Amazon doesn't work here, so I can't. Unknown_28: That's changing. I'm going to have to buy furniture and everything, an entire kitchen set, everything. I have nothing besides my computer. So I literally live out of a closet using a nightstand and the squeakiest old office chair you've ever heard. So everything needs to get replaced. 1:56:41 Unknown_28: So I haven't set up a system for this yet. I will probably find some way to give out true and honest tags or whatever to people who want to send over gift cards or shit. I've tried being frugal and stuff. I do have money saved up, but you're talking about travel expenses, hotels, finding a rental, down payment, that kind of shit. It adds up fast. Unknown_28: So if you're interested in that, I will... Unknown_28: I might even show people my office where all their money went after the fact. Unknown_28: So that's one of my thoughts as well. 1:57:16 Unknown_28: I'm going to finally, finally, finally pick an editor. I'm either going to pick somebody who... My plan is I'm going to do exactly what PPP does. I'm going to give them authorized user access to the TikTok and to the YouTube. I'm going to give them carte blanche to upload whatever they feel would fit with limitations. I want to check it to make sure it's not going to get me banned or whatever, but... And my plan is I'll just either I'll give them a hundred percent of the revenue Whatever it earns for up until a certain point and then if it somehow makes more than like a certain thousand dollars a month I will start a revenue share with them So someone's offered who I trust and then there are two people who currently maintain the archive channel That I need to get in touch with and make a final decision on that So that we can maintain a presence on the more mainstream platforms and 1:58:08 Unknown_28: And then I do intend to incorporate my nonprofit. It will probably be a 501c4, not a 501c3, because I intend to lobby for changes. And since it's a Trump government, it might actually have more success than it would under the regular current regime. I will set that up in 2025. Unknown_28: And finally, for Man with the Internet, I intend to reduce my streaming to once a week. I will stream longer and have a more organized stream, ideally. Unknown_28: And I will be spending the remaining time... I might still stream, because what I need to do is I need to actually commit to developing the new software. During the election, Zenforo completely broke multiple times just due to people using the site. And Zenforo has serious issues that I fucking despise about it. And it's time to write the new software. So my plan is... 1:58:51 Unknown_28: I am going to set up either a different channel or just stream more often. This is how it works in my head, and I don't know if I'm actually going to commit to this. But once I get my office set up, I'm going to get a keyboard, and I will do coding streams, I think. I'll either stream it live, or I'll just record myself programming, and I'll upload it to a new YouTube channel or something like that. Um, and see if it gets any kind of traction as like an ASMR, like background noise work with me type type deal. Um, cause I have to, I have to do it. There's no, nobody's going to do it for me. I can't rely on other people just to make my dreams come true. So, uh, I have, there's a lot of stuff I want to do and I intend to do it. The time, the time is now chat. 1:59:33 Unknown_28: So, on that note, I am cautiously optimistic. If you didn't know, the Kiwi Farms on November 5th, or November 6th, UTC time, so November 5th, 8pm Eastern Standard to November 6th, 8pm Eastern Standard, was the busiest 24 hours of the Kiwi Farms' entire history. We had just under 1,000 posts per hour for the entire day. 2:00:14 Unknown_28: And we're at the highest concurrent user logins and user activity for the site since Drop Kiwi Farms. We are almost back to 100% strength in terms of user counts. So everything is looking up. And in the last week, by the way, Unknown_28: We added another host to our rotation. So since February, no hosts have dropped us. And we've actually added a couple more, even though they weren't being replaced. So if you actually pull the A and AAA or quad A records for the kiwifarms.st domain, you'll see like nine different records right now because we have found an assortment of hosts that are not dropping us anymore. 2:01:01 Unknown_28: So that's the roundup. Um, everything's, everything's looking up and it's really just a matter of me taking things more seriously, me pulling off the bandaid and doing things that I've been putting off. Um, and really getting serious about this because, um, uh, 2024 was not the year I hoped it would be. Unknown_28: But 2025, I think all the cards are aligned. Everything is set up. And I just have to knock it down. And I'm actually really excited about the future. And I'm excited about returning to the U.S. and complaining about everything. 2:01:33 Unknown_28: As I do. Unknown_28: So, that's the roundup. Unknown_28: I will now proceed to the Super Chats. And I have a very special outro song coming. For this stream as well, let's open the dashboard Farmer Fletcher wait farmer Fletcher for one says happy Friday stalker child. Enjoy pizza. I just fucking might bro I've been um, I've been calorie restricting for the last week. I'm hungry. I 2:02:12 Unknown_28: Pizza sounds really good. I might just get a small, maybe a medium, maybe a large, but no sides. You never know. Uh, Bucker housing for five says be beverage deployed. Prepare for glory. I hope you have enjoyed my friend. Uh, Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for five says glorious Kiwi emperor. The choice in theology now boils down to, would you like 17, 72 versions or one anime waifu? I know which one you would pick. It's the latter. Um, uh, Unknown_28: I mean, if that was my option, that sounds like the more righteous pap. No, bro, I got my Ethernet plugged in. I did that for the last stream, and I still had fucking disconnects. Just my luck. 2:02:46 Unknown_28: Thank you. Grimless Wonder for one says, you've been killing it lately with the streams, dude. I'm glad you enjoy them. I feel like I got really lazy and complacent because I was pretty fucking depressed. Some shit happened that was setting my plans back and it was starting to affect me. And now things are looking a little bit better and I'm feeling a lot better. 2:03:20 Unknown_28: Uh, ugly Kiwi for five says I'm actually turning in on time, tuning in on time. Happy pizza day. Just, well, thank you for joining us. I appreciate it. Um, the numbers are really high. So I guess everyone remembered. I still stream on Rumble and kick people forgotten. They came back. Welcome back. If you haven't seen the stream in a long time. Unknown_28: lucifer oh two ten for one says josh trump wants you as head of trun trun chow uh the trun extermination camp how proud are you trump needs me he he needs me his top guy trump thinks i'm his top guy dude i'm telling you put me in fcc ntia either one of those i promise you give me four years i swear to you i'll fix everything 2:04:02 Unknown_28: Logistical Nightmare for 20 says, Happy Pizza Day, Josh. I stumbled across a booze that you should look into. Old Bay flavored vodka. Something to celebrate with your return to your U.S. Old Bay vodka? Unknown_28: Dude, I'm tempted. I might, man. Unknown_28: I want to get some blue crab and some Old Bay vodka. I am of the fucking legal drinking age. Are you kidding me? Show me this shit. spirit of the bay handmade and is this actually owned by old bay the company dude it is oh it's official it's official vodka i'll get it i'm gonna get i'm gonna hunt this shit down i'm gonna get some old bay vodka mark my fucking words that's that top shelf gucci shit uh thank you uh ace of spades for tin says money i have some and now you have some too 2:04:52 Unknown_28: Thank you. Uh, always barfing for 10 says the election night stream was awesome. Things are looking up. Thank you for all you do, Josh. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun doing the stream. Um, I have no gripes about it. It was a really nice night. Unknown_28: Um, thank you. Real Adonai for 10 says, Hey Josh, you played this clip during your court and start stream, but you left out the beginning. I thought you might enjoy it. Let's see what this is. Unknown_28: Uh, here's the old bay vodka, by the way. Nice. Unknown_28: No, dude, they got the mascot chugging vodka. That's funny. 2:05:24 Unknown_27: I bet you it tastes awful. I'm still going to try it. Now, go ahead and... 2:05:56 Unknown_28: Yeah, that's where I started watching it for the... She's really funny. Unknown_28: I'm not trying to be mean to her. She's in on the joke. She's in on how fucking bad that cooking is. She's funny. Unknown_28: She has a million subscribers. Holy shit. Unknown_28: She don't need to be told she funny. She knows. Unknown_28: Space Allen for 20 says, Ham Jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it. Are emotes broke? What the fuck? Unknown_28: Did they change something on Rumble and now emotes are broke? What a disaster. Unknown_28: Thank you. Pashmina Ham Ham for two says, Since the CRP stream, I got curious about the Chilean Navy and I found out Chileans train the U.S. Navy troops in a program called Southern Seas. The more you know. 2:06:35 Unknown_28: Did Chileans train the U.S. Navy? Well, I guess they fucking do have a good Navy. When you got that much coastline and nothing else, you better have a good Navy. Unknown_28: Humble Guardsman for three says, Another shot of liberty. Is liberty Old Bay season? Unknown_28: If so, I think I'm going to get some of that. Unknown_28: Stalker Child, enjoy prison for 20, says, Two scoops, two terms. I love how Joe Budden was campaigning for Trump. In the end, he had a shit-eating grin on his face during the concession speech. I did see that. It was very funny. Um, I, I actually kind of buy into that conspiracy just a little bit. I feel like there, I feel like there's so much like, um, intrigue in the democratic party. Cause it's like a coalition of people who fucking hate each other and don't look like each other and don't know each other or they know each other, but they don't like each other. 2:07:11 Unknown_28: I can kind of believe that. Um, Unknown_28: He was happy to see her lose. Unknown_28: He might have even said something like, hey, listen here, Jack. I can win this. You got to trust me. They don't give a shit. They're just like a familiar face. I was the vice president of the black guy. And like, no, dude, the big money won't donate to you. Okay, fine. I'll leave. But she's going to lose. And then he was right. And everyone's angry. Unknown_28: Thank you. Paying Penguin for one says, I bet Biden is smug as fuck right now. I bet you he is too. 2:07:48 Unknown_28: Let me sit on your face, Josh, for one says, Finally, Anaheim being represented on Maddie, courtesy of dumbass kids and cars. This happens every weekend, by the way. Unknown_28: Oh, Anaheim is the place where the Dodge Challenger made a delicious pate out of five bystanders. Okay, I got you. Unknown_28: Bunker Housing for three says, Ika sa nika is Danish for no. Unknown_28: That is not what, no, that's retarded. It's probably no with like a line through the O or some shit. Whatever the fuck he just said is probably disgusting. 2:08:22 Unknown_28: Just the famous butt for two says, since slavery is back in California, have you thought about getting some slaves to moderate the forum? Unknown_28: What is the practical difference? I actually am. I'm going to commit to trying to get gifts to all the mods this year. It's not exactly payment, but it is a thank you, I suppose. Unknown_28: um ace of speds for 10 says i'm certainly not donald trump if i were i'd make sure the farms were safe and shit i'd hope so i would hope you would you pay it forward and protect the farms thank you not donald trump it's neato for one says i got the money out of the bc game for my bet meanwhile cat cash calchi is holding people's money for seven days 2:09:11 Unknown_28: Well, I mean, I guess they want to make sure that everything is certified first before they pay the bets. Unknown_28: I did not bet. Unknown_28: I was super, super tempted to bet $1,000 on Trump taking Iowa because after that stupid fucking Salzer poll came out that had him at like plus 5% or whatever, the odds for him losing Iowa were like 20%. Unknown_28: And I was just like, that's free money. That's free money. Are they fucking stupid? He's not going to lose Iowa. How fucking dumb can you be? The return was like $250 on $1,000. And I was super tempted. I even signed up and shit. But then they're like, oh, you're an American? Okay, so what you have to do is you have to take a selfie by bending over, holding your phone past your balls, and then put your passport next to your starfish, and then we're going to starfish print you. And I'm like, um... I'm not a gay nigga gimp for your dumbass fucking program. I'm not going to fucking starfish print myself for you. Go fuck yourself. So I lost $200 by not betting on Iowa. But the sanctity of my starfish has been protected. 2:10:24 Unknown_28: Thank you. I'm glad that everyone has a nice night's shit posting on the Kiwi Farms. Thank you. Unknown_28: banana plugs for five says happy pizza and salt de joshua my non-favorite slab always the most meaningful compliment possible thank you banana plugs for one says on a completely different topic i was thinking how trump and biden were old how possible would a potus under 50 be has it ever happened um the minimum age is 35 i want to say jfk was under 50 46 2:11:05 Unknown_28: Yeah, JFK was young. Unknown_30: Youngest president. Unknown_30: Theodore Roosevelt was only 42? Unknown_28: Really? Unknown_28: Apparently the median age of inauguration for U.S. presidents is 55. We used to elect young people, but now old farts never fucking die and they never leave office, so we just keep electing them. Unknown_30: Let's see. Unknown_28: It's red cap for two says praying the lefties wake up from their self-imposed agony and join us in the sunlight. I'm so optimistic about the future. And if they just drop the hysterics, I could share it with them. I agree. I just think like they're they're. 2:11:41 Unknown_28: Their minds are in the wrong place. They want to help people by crashing the U.S. economy and abducting Mexicans from their home and forcing them to live in the U.S. and be American. And they're going to bribe them to stay. It's like... I think... Unknown_28: if people just lived in the countries that they're from and there was economic prosperity there, they'd probably be a lot happier, but no, we have to wait, white people. 2:12:17 Unknown_28: We have a fucking savior complex and we have a fascination with the noble savage. So it's like, we got to, we have to atone for all these fucking crimes. And that's something that really pisses me off about Germans. They have something called Aaron's culture or some shit. And it's basically like, Unknown_28: germans have this weird thing where they have a a uh self-loathing kind of superiority complex where they're like you talk to a german and they'll never say they love their country they'll never say that they're the best country in the world you ask a german do you think germany is the best country in the world they'll go oh no of course not but then you ask them they'll say well we have the most functional democracy in the world we have the most transparent government in the world we have the most self-defensive democracy in the world we have the best health care in the world we have all these things we have such a great work ethic and we make the best products and all this shit that they're super proud of but they'll never say that we love germany we're proud of germany and in the same way they're like oh man we'll never live down the holocaust we have to do so much to make up for the holocaust you know the holocaust was one of the worst things human the worst thing have ever done to other humans. The biggest tragedy, the most horrific war crime ever, the biggest genocide in history, the most ruthlessly efficient, the way that they rounded up 6 million Jews and they killed 6 million Jews in so few years, super efficient mass murder that will never ever live down because it was just so efficient and brutal and only the Germans could have done something so horrifically awful and also very efficient at the same time. It's like, 2:13:55 Unknown_27: Fuck over it. You know what I mean? Like, okay, I got you. Unknown_28: Helliana for five says... Unknown_28: Do you think China will spring its 100-year plan soon? Unknown_28: They build the US cell towers and most of our infrastructure. I don't think we'll have sold all that opium to them. Unknown_28: I do. I firmly believe that they will reclaim Taiwan in the next 20 years. It's going to happen. And I think that what we're going to do instead of trying to sacrifice a million Merck Merck's on the shores of Taipei to save Taiwan, we are very slowly bringing the Taiwanese chip. I forget the name of it has like a acronym name. We're very slowly bringing them over. They're opening plants in the U.S. They're not the two nanometer semiconductors or whatever. They're the three and four ones. But they're coming over slowly. And I think that's what we're going to do is we're going to take the executives. We're going to Americanize their kids. And they're going to bring the company and their trade secrets over to the U.S. 2:15:02 Unknown_28: I think that's our current gamut. Unknown_28: tsmc that's it i i truly believe that too i think that we're not going to militarily confront china over taiwan uh we're instead just going to like like pull the blanket out from under them china is going to roll up to the big enormous tsmc manufacturing like two nanometer semiconductor manufacturing plant and it's just going to be completely empty and they're gonna be like what the fuck where is it Where is it? 2:15:40 Unknown_27: That's where I smash my shit. Where are the fucking nanoconductors? God damn it. Unknown_28: Schwarzwald no for 11 says my wife begged me to stop sending $10 every week to that weird Serbian internet guy uppercase in her eye in that guy get on your wife and I promised her I would so here's $11 instead what a guy Respecting both his internet friends and also his wife at the same time be like be like him be like him Doing your mom to 988 for 10 says we're putting Richard Spencer in the crystal for 10,000 years only 10,000 years 2:16:17 Unknown_28: I think maybe you can just put Richard Spencer in the Patrick O'Neill concubine era. Terrible, terrible. Unknown_21: President Trump, please help me. I'm dying. Gay nigger AIDS is killing me. Unknown_15: Gay nigger AIDS is a terrible, terrible thing. But don't worry. I'll put you out of your misery. Musk, I need you to drop a SpaceX rocket straight down from space on Spencer. Put him down. Unknown_08: President Trump. Unknown_28: That is exactly what the internet was made for. Unknown_08: Thank you. Unknown_28: David, S877 for 25 says, I thought the trans character in Veil Guard was actually a man playing as a woman playing as a non-binary as he has man features. I think they were deliberately trying to make him ugly so you couldn't guess what gender he was and you had to sit and listen to his regaling tale about his identity or whatever the fuck. 2:17:04 Unknown_28: Thank you. Sergeant Wizard Fist for 10 says, received several friendship breakup messages about how Trump will literally make women sex slaves and kill all brown and blacks. Nature is truly healing. Unknown_28: This is a screenshot of a message that says, you're an absolute piece of shit for supporting the man against the rights of the people you consider as friends. Your ignorance is sure to bite you in the ass soon, and I wish nothing but the worst in life. Seriously, fuck you. There is no excuse for your actions or words. This election has serious consequences for us, and you played a role in it. I mean this when I say, please never speak to me again. 2:17:41 Unknown_28: Well, you know what? Fairweather friends aren't, my dude. Unknown_28: Thank you. Good luck. It's Redcap42 who says, by the way, here's your tranny gun mental illness montage. Oh, bro. Oh, it's by Slatsism. Of course it would be by Slatsism. Obviously Slatsism made this. Unknown_28: Here we go. Good music choice, too. 2:18:15 Unknown_26: life could be a dream if i could take you up in paradise up above if you would tell me i'm the only one that you love life could be a dream sweetheart hello hello again Unknown_27: life could be a dream just perfect absolutely literally perfect uh thank you uh a suspense for 10 says i hope you move to the states and can come out of the closet jurors will all be here by your side supporting oh thank you i'm glad i have such a supportive community why can't you just be happy for me uh thank you branaloo hyper bimbo for one says i was at barnes and noble earlier and i asked the cashier if they had donald trump's new book on how to deport illegal immigrants so 2:19:08 Unknown_28: Did you get a response? He did. Brianna Woo Hyper Bumbo for one says, and she said, get the fuck out of here and don't come back. And I said, yes, that's the one. Do you have that in stock? Unknown_27: That's funny. I mean, as long as they come legally. Legally. Unknown_28: We love our legal immigrants, don't we, folks? 2:19:52 Unknown_28: And Brandon Wu, HyperM note for 20, says, well, you covered this. If SBCC returned, he wouldn't be loud about it, but there would be signs. And then there is a YouTube link. Unknown_30: Okay, let's check it out. Unknown_30: Craig Vanessa, the number of states now reporting these texts are growing by the hour, it seems. Unknown_29: Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Maryland, South Carolina, and many more. Just imagine getting a text on your phone saying you are just days away from becoming a slave and that you could be killed for refusing. Black people and other people of color in several states say they are getting these messages, including university students and children in middle school. here's a look at one text falsely claiming the recipient has been chosen to pick cotton and has to tell the recipient to bring their belongings and that they will be searched and pat it down then a chilling closing message saying anyone who runs away or doesn't show up will be killed in alabama the southern poverty law center is investigating 2:20:31 Unknown_00: It has frightened a lot of people in a way that should never happen 150 years after slavery ended. It's the wrong kind of attitude. Unknown_29: This is like a giant screen. Unknown_28: For some reason, the perspective made me think it was like an old CRT monitor like in Fallout. I don't know why. It just looked like that to me. Unknown_29: text with some report like the the the message would just be like you see what i mean the black around it was like the edges of the crt monitor the white is like the frame and then then the text is just filling up like the actual screen of the crt for some reason that's what i thought Incidents of racist texts with some reportedly sent to middle and high school students James releasing a statement reading in part I unequivocally condemn any attempt to intimidate or threaten New Yorkers and their families I encourage anyone in New York who has received an anonymous threatening text message to report it to my office what dude imagine Imagine being white 2:21:39 Unknown_28: And getting a text message that says, Dear Hawaii, you now owe $10 million in reparations. You will be forced to sell your home. If you don't, we will kill you. Imagine getting a text message like that and being like, Oh my God, it's finally come. Unknown_28: Wife, wife, retrieve the AR-15s. We're going to have to fight for our lives. Unknown_28: It only affects a certain demographic, I think. Unknown_28: Bro, when he comes out with that shit the day after, I'm just like, this is the playbook. Like, they literally came up with this shit to try and demoralize people and get women to not vote conservative. Like, it's just so fucking obvious. He didn't go to jail. He went there. He was there. He was commanding people. He encouraged and incited people to do things. They went to jail. He did not. They got him by the fucking balls. They probably already got Patrick O'Neal on a leash. They got him on a chain like a pit bull. There's like two feds holding the chain. And Patrick O'Neal's just like, give me him. 2:22:41 Unknown_27: Give me the pussy. Unknown_28: Give me the pussy. And they just like hold him back for a little while. While he's like, okay, here's what you're going to do, little Nichols. You're going to be reading this line again. Your next stream, you're going to be talking about how it's your body. This is what we came up with, and it's a good plan. 2:23:18 Unknown_28: Their body, your choice, okay? Can you say that with me? In the corner, just like pulling them back with like the spiky chains, like the spike collar and shit. Unknown_28: That's what's going on in that fucking Chicago basement. Unknown_28: uh smashed and slammed um banana plugs for one says how the fuck do you breed young boys does robert o'neill think that men can get pregnant too look robert o'neill knows the truth when it comes to nick fuentes and the bussy and what a concubine is and breeding concubines and he understands that the odds are not in his favor but he's also not gonna stop trying 2:24:13 Unknown_28: um long border 241 for one says in all seriousness what I'm doing is DMing women support posting Nick clips IG screens Snapchat informing them about Ali Alexander and all the fucked up stuff he does dude I need to like get a team together to redo the Nick Fuentes OP or something maybe I should give that to Osama I think Osama can do that he likes to rewrite OPs it has to be good it has to be persuasive Osama can kind of like refurbish stuff but I need somebody with like that that writing talent so that when people search that shit they find it Unknown_28: Um, the horse beater for once is Nick Gussie. Unknown_28: Thanks, Sam. Or thanks, Patrick. Unknown_28: Um, prairie dog for five says the Hispanics that voted for Trump are genetically and or phenotypically European white and Christians. Fuentes is a fed and a faggot. Murdoch Murdoch picked him right long ago. No pun intended. Yeah, there's a lot of... I also have come to that conclusion. That there are Latinos who are very obviously Hispanic whites, which is why that term even exists. And then there are Latinos that are Aztecs. And the Aztecs are the ones... Because where the cartels and shit are, those are all historically Aztec lands. Like the Nahatul people that would do the flower wars and shit. So my pet theory is that... The really, really, really, really shitty fucked up parts of Mexico are just the Aztecs doing what they've done for like a thousand years. And just they do human sacrifices and shit because they're fucked up. But then you got like the Hispanic Latinos that are like mostly Spaniards. 2:25:14 Unknown_28: And they're easier to get along with and see eye to eye with. 2:25:51 Unknown_28: Pain Penguin for one says, I've noticed a lot of misogyny and pro-Muslim sentiment in younger conservative circles. These baby conservatives don't remember pre-911 America. This doesn't bode well for future elections. Dude, young people who have friends who say shit like this, they have to be reprimanded. You have to speak up, even if it makes you look uncool and say, white woman voted Trump. Unknown_28: There is no way to continue the white race without white women. So you have to reconcile. It doesn't matter if you don't want to. It doesn't matter if you're upset at mom or whatever. If you want white babies, there is one category of person who can give you white babies. And then... 2:26:26 Unknown_28: The pro-Muslim shit is... The Prophet Muhammad... I don't know how you can get much more convincing than the Prophet Muhammad is a canonical pedophile. The Prophet Muhammad laid eyes on a six-year-old girl and got so hard that he said, that will be my third wife. And then the Prophet Muhammad... inserted his penis into that child at the age of nine after her very first menstrual cycle and consummated his third marriage with her. He kept her at his side at all times throughout his entire life and declared her his favorite wife of the three. And then when he died, in the Quran it says that the Prophet Muhammad died in the arms of his child bride and favorite wife. He is a child-hungry predator. And anyone who thinks that he is a prophet of God is a fucking lunatic. Anybody who would convert from any kind of faith or no faith to the ones that worship a pedophile should be ostracized from our society. Their passports should be burned. They should be stripped of rights and deported to whatever shithole sand nigger country will take them. Because Islam is fucking detestable. I don't know how the fuck this shit's been allowed to spread. I don't know how the idea of white Sharia became a meme. I guess it's all the glowies on pole that have spread it. But it is a fucking violent, detestable, disgusting religion. I learned recently about the Ottoman conquest of the Byzantine Empire and Constantinople in particular. And Mehmed II, the guy that was the successor, the guy before the guy that actually took Constantinople, when he was ushered into rulership, 2:27:42 Unknown_28: The first thing he did, the very first thing that he did is legalize fratricide, killing the men in your own family to secure your role. And he ordered his infant baby brother slaughtered so that his role would not be challenged. His mother, by the way, nobody knew her name for hundreds of years because when she was buried, they buried her under a tombstone that simply reads, Mehmed II's mother. 2:28:22 Unknown_28: So that is the kind of culture. And by the way, when they did take Constantinople under, I forget his name, Suleiman, the guy with the onion hat, they raped and murdered absolutely everybody in the city. Unknown_28: And they bore the head of the guys that kept the city. On a pike in the middle of town. Not to mention, by the way, the Turkish obsession with boy sex and boy harems. All the white boys that were living in southern, all the white Slavic boys that were living north of Constantinople, when the Ottomans took that over, they were systemically sexually mutilated and sold into sex slavery because the Ottomans loved boy ass. And the ones that were not sexually mutilated were recruited into the Janissaries, which was the fighting force that they used to wage their wars. So they basically abducted all the men of these regions. They abducted all the girls, of course, and raped them too in their harems. And then they raped the boys as well because they're rapist freaks. And then they sent the ones that they didn't rape and sexually mutilate to go die in their wars for them. And that's why Bosnians are the worst people because they took it and they never rebelled. At least the Albanians rebelled. Albania is so gross because it's just Turks now. Every single white person in Albania was slaughtered after they rose up. Bosnia never did. Serbia maintained its integrity. Even though it was an ayatollah or whatever of the Ottoman Empire. I hate Muslims. I hate them so fucking much. And they have no place in this country. 2:30:10 Unknown_28: uh mk9 ultra for one says my boyfriend always asks if i'm watching the homoerotic podcast because i started streaming to the tv at the start of the racket spiral your for one test idea killed any defense i had for you listen bro listen we need there's always a man for the job and when nick fuentes thinks that rape is funny then guess what maybe we should let him in on the joke maybe we should give him exactly what he wants We got a man out there who serves our country valiantly, and he wants boy-ass concubines. Okay, well, guess what? I have a volunteer for you. He thinks that rape is hilarious. Why don't we just give him what he wants? Unknown_28: Saxon Bear for 10 says, I feel so bad for all the people who are going to die now that Trump was elected. Just like they died last time he was elected. Dude, I think that also helped his odds the second time around. Because it's like, the economy was better and there was no holocaust of minorities or gays. So what the fuck are you afraid of? Just get over it. 2:31:07 Unknown_28: Pain Penguin for one says, I would like to remind everyone that even if Donald Trump pardons every single Jan 6 protester, it doesn't magically unfuck the last four years of their life. Don't stick your neck out for a politician. It's true. It's completely fucking true. I'm sure that he probably will pardon them once he's in office, but it's like... Unknown_28: You have no idea how fucked up those people are. Even the ones that didn't get jail time and just copped a felony, or they got a little jail time, like three or six months, and they copped a felony. It ruins your life. You're a convicted felon. Nobody wants to hire you. 2:31:38 Unknown_28: You can't do things. You can't travel. It really fucks you over. Limits your potential. Unknown_28: Sneed and feed in for two says, Nick Fuentes could redeem himself from being a double-dealing faggot by gay ops his way to 2nd January 6th. Trump won, bro. What are you going to do? We're going to go to the Capitol building and stop Kamala Harris from certifying the results and making herself president? Is that the plan? You just got to sneak into the Capitol and go, yes, queen slay. 2:32:09 Unknown_28: Deadly Hallowed for five says, a very nice surprise is Dylan Mulvaney never showing up in this election. I can only hope he decided to Minecraft himself. You know what? I am so curious that I'm going to look this up. I remember that after the full year, he kind of dipped. I wonder if he's still doing something. Well, here's Dylan Mulvaney, half a billion likes. Let's see if he's still doing shit. Something went wrong. 2:32:42 Unknown_28: Oh, there we go. 200,000 plays. Unknown_28: When was this posted? One day ago. Oh, this is hot, fresh content. Let's check this out. He's wearing a shirt that says, Don't mess with trans kids. Unknown_28: It was just pictures. Day 970. Today my heart is with trans kids and their families. I will do everything I can to support you. I love being trans and no one can strip away the euphoria that transitioning has brought me. I love being a woman. No one can take that away from me, no matter who is president. I will be donating to the Trevor Project to help provide crisis services for queer and trans youth who will be directly impacted. And there's a link to my bio. Bro, you are the fucking reason she lost. No doubt, Tranny is... Oh, God, he's got, like, a brawn or something. Ew, he's got, like, bitch tits now. That's recent. He must be on hormones now. 2:33:49 Unknown_28: Um, this guy is like, uh, like people, normal people. You take a Latino guy that has a wife and kids and he sees this and was like, this is the democratic party. Uh, no. Unknown_28: How do you say, how do you say thank you? Por favor is please. Gracias. Gracias. No gracias, amigo. No gracias. No me gusta. Unknown_28: Es no bueno. Unknown_28: Adios. Get the fuck out of my sight. 2:34:26 Unknown_28: The Horse Beater, for one, says, Old Niaga. Unknown_28: Odd Niaga. I don't know what that means. Sneedo, for two, says, Bruh. Oh, my God. We got a bruh. We got a bruh alarm here. Unknown_28: Photography you want to show, and there's males and females. Unknown_28: Bro, I'm going to be real with you. This is the thing that... It's true. Women do do this. But also, that thing where TikTokers use a filter to put themselves on top of another video to show their reaction, and it's just them staring into space, that's the worst trend ever. Men and women are guilty of doing this. I don't know why the fuck it's a thing. The format of... me like dancing in front of a video like i'm some kind of retarded weatherman in front of a green screen or whatever the fuck and i'm trying to be like this is the most theory thing ever and then there's like a news article behind you like physically green screen behind you is the worst format that mankind has ever come up with it is the absolute fucking worst thing i hate it so fucking much 2:35:06 Unknown_28: We should criminalize it. I don't even know why it's so popular. I guess because it's so easy to do. It generally angers me so much that when I see a video shared and it's the fucking dancing ghost of the TikToker in front of a video or still image, I just immediately turn it off. I don't care what you have to say. I'm not going to listen to you. I don't give a fuck. I don't know who you are. I don't care why. Why should I give a fuck about your opinion? Why can't I just read the article myself and come to a conclusion? What is the dancing specter of some ho, some greasy, curly broccoli boy underscore one on TikTok? What input do you fucking have on my opinions? Fuck you. 2:36:12 Unknown_28: Holyhow45 says, hope you're having a good week. Josh, you remind me about always 2016 again. It does feel very 2016. It feels a lot like Christmas, actually. Thank you. Unknown_28: Thanks for the input. It was a life-changing experience. That's how we refer to it. Oh, man. 2:36:52 Unknown_28: You know, once Trump wins, once Trump wins all these super chats, it's tax-free, bish. It's tax-free. It's tax-fucking-free. All your Amazon gift cards, tax-free. Unknown_28: Thank you. Steno from one says, Obama phone. I don't know what this is. Unknown_30: Let's see. 92% I wonder why 2:37:54 Unknown_28: Thank you, Adelaide. I'm not entirely sure. I think that they just had to... I mean, everybody abandoned Rakeda eventually because of his behavior. That's my guess. I was the only one laughing at it. Big twist is that it was a white household. Unknown_28: Yeah, that's not good. You kind of need those. You couldn't die from carbon monoxide, you know. Unknown_28: Kadoo, for $100, says, Get back to the States, loser. We're reaching peak hilarity here. Bro, I'm on my way. I heard my boy Trump went on the... I'm on my way. I'm packing. I'm throwing shit into the bag. Booking tickets. I'm on Zillow. We're going to find it. 2:38:30 Unknown_28: Thank you very much. Tech controller says, will you set up a PO box so we can order tools and appliances that people don't like giving Amazon money and have it sent there? You can send me whatever gift card you want. I don't know because I don't know where I'm going to be staying long term. I'm going to get like a temporary place and then I'm going to, I guess, buy a house like a normal fucking person at some point. So I don't want to get a PO box. I don't know if I'll be in the area for too long. 2:39:02 Unknown_28: Koli Dante for Tim says, Infinity Next 2, boys. I'm feeling lucky this time, bro. The lessons of war, man. The lessons of war. I got this figured out. Thank you. Umti Madu for one says, Josh, I know you're busy, but will you stream A New Life is Strange? I want those games being made just so you'll keep streaming them. Yeah, I do intend to at some point. Probably before my break, I think. I'll probably stream it on the weekends so I can put out, um, put the Montgomery and stuff. 2:39:34 Unknown_28: Uh, crispy legs for tenses. Happy Friday. You sound very happy today. Thank you. I appreciate it. I am feeling pretty good today. Unknown_28: Uh, bloop for five says positive poly forever. You're going to make it vinegar boy. I am going to make it. I'm going to drink all the vinegar. I'm going to go to Buffalo. I'm going to eat all the, I'm going to eat all the Buffalo, Buffalo wings, the most vinegary Buffalo wings. If you live in Buffalo and you know what's a super good vinegary Buffalo place, let me know. And then I'm going to go get some old day vodka. Unknown_28: Now Scott 5 for 5 says, what's your theory on where the 15 million Democratic voters went? I think that those are extremely, from what I saw, don't jump down my fucking throat, but from what I saw, people were calling that shit like mid-election. Like only 50% of California's votes were in. And it's like, yeah, of course the total number of votes are low. They haven't finished counting them. 2:40:11 Unknown_28: So I think that people got way too antsy to say that the numbers didn't line up because they didn't even wait for the election to finish before they started comparing the voter turnout. And it's like, you know, maybe wait first. I think that's probably if you try to fact check that later in like a week, it'll not make sense. 2:40:45 Unknown_28: TotalGunVictory for one says, Vivek Patel, Vance's wife, and Big Tech cozying up to Trump Trump's presidency is going to be full of poo. Have a curry pizza for pizza. I hate fucking curry. It's so fucking gross, man. Don't even joke about that. And it stinks. And it makes your sweat stink. It's fucking gross. If you're a poo-git listening to this and you're like, how do I integrate into white culture and stop getting racist comments about my body odor? Stop eating fucking curry. Go eat tacos and pizza like a normal person. Unknown_28: Sneedo for one says, PB, do you want to read Mr. Nobly's comic? Ha! Unknown_28: There was a recurring joke where I kept trying to convince PPP and Andy to read the Mr. Nubbly comic and they refused. They could not make it more than like a couple panels before giving up. That reminds me. Oh, no. 2:41:22 Unknown_28: Wait, hold up. Hold up. Unknown_28: Did he put out? He promised us a one after the election. Unknown_28: No. Okay. It'll be next Tuesday, I think, is when his next comic's going to be out. Unknown_28: Gormless wonder if you have a 10-minute meeting of Trump scheduled tomorrow. You can ask him for one reasonable thing within his power and he will grant it. What do you ask for? Fair access to financial services. There's a specific OCC rule that was put on pause. He needs to lift it. 2:41:57 Unknown_28: I maintain there are a couple moving parts that are very important to freedom on the internet. But the main thing is the ability for people to make a living off their freedom. If you cannot make money doing what you want to do, doing what people want to give you money for... Unknown_28: You can't do it. You're hindered from doing it. It just doesn't make sense economically to do it. Like if I have the option of doing my streams or making six figures, you know, $500,000 a year in Google, you know, it would be it would be a genuinely difficult decision for me to decide if I want to continue to be the Kiwi Farms guy or if I want to be at Google making a network engineer salary like half a million dollars or something. You know what I mean? Like that would be a really genuinely difficult choice. But if I was able to monetize the Kiwi farms, I would probably make more than that. Like maybe, especially if I could grow it. Cause then I could do stuff to benefit. I could reinvest money into the site. I could hire people to help with the shit that I want to do right now. It's like, if I don't do it myself, it never gets done. You know what I mean? 2:42:41 Unknown_28: so number one priority if trump really gives a fuck if he really knows what he's doing he needs to make it so that people can buy and sell from whomever they please as long as it's legal with very little oversight and recourse that they get denied if he fixes that he fixes everything the main reason why why the enemy has been able to capture institutions and sway influence is that the people who want to influence people and promote their policies are disincentivized from doing so. And it crushes them. 2:43:22 Unknown_28: And it's very difficult to eke by a living when you are the bad guy and the card processors are coming after you. He fixes that everything else will, he fixes that everything else falls into play. He fixes that everything else will sort itself out. Unknown_28: Holy Howl for Two says, Joe Biden is from Delaware. Bruh. Unknown_29: Bruh. Unknown_28: That explains so much. Delaware. Unknown_28: Blurt Bloop for One says, Mr. W. And I already explained that that's not happening today. Dad of Them for Five says, at Dad of Them. That's weird. 2:44:06 Unknown_28: I'm on the Internet for Five says, YouTube Blank Josh. This is short, but can you imagine a white supremacist throwing a rattlesnake at you? I guess I'll watch it. Unknown_30: How long is this? Unknown_30: white supremacist gangs put in snakes and road by driveway racial death plots by law enforcement so this guy saw a rattlesnake in his driveway and thought that a white supremacist did this okay i guess i'll play that sounds funny they passed by about four about four hours ago these guys the white supremacist and they had a little white boy uh was yelling and screaming out the window i was inside the house took me a while before i actually uh actually uh 2:44:52 Unknown_25: Give me a couple minutes before I got to the, you know, look out the window, I heard the dog. Did he kill that poor snake? Then all of a sudden, I seen a dead snake and they've been racing up and down the road ever since these white supremacist gangs. Unknown_25: They put this out in front of, they put a dead bird. Unknown_28: This is just like when racist white people dumped tons of plastic snow over Texas and only black people with butane lighters were able to discover that it was fake snow. Unknown_28: Casting Couch Crab for 10 says Orange. Thank you, Casting Couch Crab. I appreciate it. Very orange indeed. Hi Confessor for 10 says, Fousey was one of those train wreck channels back in 2016 that people liked to watch because he was unhinged. Now he's just a cringe retard like Leafy. Sounds about right. I only know Fousey because that guy with the clown avatar did a video on him. I had never heard of him before or after that until like super recently. 2:45:31 Unknown_28: That's the only reason why I know anything about him. Unknown_28: Dad of them for two says god bless you Josh. Thank you. I appreciate it Cocoa for Jesus. It tastes like old bay. Here are the tasting notes Do we have a nubbly update and there's a YouTube like I don't spoil the old-day vodka for me you asshole. I Unknown_28: Ace of Spads for two says, Ixanica is also in Swedish. It's not meant to be a simple no. It's meant as No Way Jose. Ah, I see. That's why it's so sing-songy. Ixanica. Okay, I got you. 2:46:06 Unknown_28: Thank you. Sneedo for one says, Have you heard that a baby hippo named Mudang ate a cake that said Trump would win and people in the replies won it killed? Unknown_28: No, leave Mudang alone. What the fuck? That's tragic. Unknown_28: Cole Cole, for one, says, They say they get mandatory enslavement messages, but they never claim the messages are false. 2:46:39 Unknown_28: I think I'm being optimistic. Ratlord111, for one, says, Overtime tax-free, bish. That's right. That's right. Tax-fucking-free. Unknown_28: Sandow45 says, Redditors want to deport their Latino neighbors. And then there is a Reddit Lies link. Let's check him out. Probably Redditors. Oh, yeah, I think I saw this. Peace. Unknown_28: So these are messages from Reddit. Latino men can't imagine about a woman having the slightest power over them against their own interests as long as it's not a woman. So stupid to have that. Have fun getting deported. Here's hoping the young men and Latinos experience the worst four years of their lives. Are you seriously asking how poorly educated religious zealots fell? I guess I'm not free to feel empathy for them. These are all different messages, by the way. When a lot of families get deported, I'm going to have zero sympathy as we watch their families get torn apart. 2:47:13 Unknown_28: uneducated people. They are simply uneducated. Uneducated should be a slur. Someone says that you're uneducated. What does it mean? Oh, I didn't get, I didn't go to Dick's, like, oh, I have a PhD in dick sucking. Oh, you're a very highly educated man. I bet you vote, vote Democrat. And then the guy, like, I never took a single dick sucking course in my entire life. Oh, you must be an uneducated Trump voter. 2:47:48 Unknown_28: They're homesick. I guess the reasons that their home countries are so crappy is that they're actually not that smart. Ha! Unknown_28: It's one thing to say uneducated. It's another thing to say not that smart. I guess I am for deportation now. I hope they get deported. Unknown_28: By the way, one of the funniest things that I saw during the election was an exit poll in Dearborn, Michigan, which is the most Muslim county in the entire U.S. It was like 40% Trump, 33% Trump. 2:48:23 Unknown_28: Jill Biden. Or no, not Jill Biden. The other one. Jill Stein. Jill Stein. They voted Green Party over Kamala because of the Palestine war. I guess all that fucking diversity is our strength shit didn't fucking work out, huh? Must suck. Unknown_28: Latinos voted for Trump and the Muslims voted for fucking Green Party. Hope you're happy, retards. You ruined the entire fucking country and you made it a Muslim shithole in Michigan and they don't even fucking vote for you. They hate you. Hope it's worth it to piss off the white people. 2:49:02 Unknown_28: Debugs for one says, I'm Hispanic and it seems like most of my neighborhood voted for Trump. Even my father, who isn't that big of a fan if Trump voted for him. They don't want that ugly Jackie Singh looking Pooda Kamala. I can't blame him. Unknown_28: Ice Mexican for 10 says, Latinos will only continue to go farther and farther right. We literally bring in about an American halabunga in all of the races, but whites will go back. L-Judin, L-Blacks, L-Lipcugs. Yeah, it's going to be when the halabunga happens in the US, it's going to be like The Chinese and the Latinos are going to be like, um... The Latinos are just going to say, like, yeah, we can... What's going to happen? The Asians are going to take over because there's going to be so many of them. Like, okay, so we have to get rid of all these stinky people who do not pay any tax money so that we can enact glorious American piracy. And then they're like, okay, who do we get to enact the halibunga? I'm like, okay, we will go to the Home Depot and we will hire a bunch of Mexicans. And we will make them our schtoffel. Okay, that sounds like a plan. And the white people are going to be like, oh, no, this is bad for our democracy to do this. And they're going to quietly, sheepishly, oh, no, we can't do that. That's not good. And they're going to vote for it secretly. But they'll never admit to it. 2:50:12 Unknown_28: That's what's going to happen. Unknown_28: Thank you. That's the best way. The best revenge is living your best life. Never forget that, chat. Never forget that. Thank you. That's true. White pills, we're running out of them. We're running out. 2:50:52 Unknown_28: Encino for one says, don't worry, Gabe Hoffman and the entirety of Israel will protect Mudang. They fucking better. They owe us. We give them so many guns. The least they can do is protect the hippo. Unknown_28: Alright, I have one more. Unknown_28: Oh my god. No hamster this stream and no green background. I've been so energetic I completely fucked up everything. Okay, I won't forget the outro hamster. Unknown_28: So, one last secret news update for everybody. Unknown_28: If you have been around for a while, you'll probably know that reddit became fascinated with this weird song that Nobody could find the source of and after 10 years. They found the source of it. This is uh, it turned out that the song was called subways of your mind by a West German band from Kiel called FEX and after notifying the band 2:51:35 Unknown_28: From they were they performed the song at the whole fest and It was broadcasted the recording that people are familiar with was broadcast on the Norddeutscher Rundpunk, which is their PBS basically then They notified the band the band immediately went to the German Copyright Office and copyrighted the songs and they didn't realize anyone would actually give a fuck and A true genuine copy of the most mysterious and serious song on the internet was found and my computer is fucking there it is Okay, and I'll be playing that as the after song So I never give up on your dreams because even read it didn't they found the song I'll never have another reason to play those songs. I figured might as well be now I 2:52:13 Unknown_28: Thank you for watching. I hope you guys have had a great week. I really appreciate everybody's support and the number of people who have tuned in today. It means a lot to me. And I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Take it easy. Bye-bye. 2:53:26 Unknown_03: Running Take the consequence of living There's no space There's no tomorrow What we need's communication Change it up for someone Unknown_03: Like the wind Blowing from somewhere Let a smile be your companion There's no place 2:54:30 Unknown_03: For young and restless dreamers Shake it in, shake it out But the sun will never shine Paranoid anyway The sun weighs up 2:55:23 Unknown_03: Shake it off But the sun will never shine Paranoid anyway The subway's on Unknown_03: It's a good excuse, check it in, check it out. Thank you.