Oh, you little devil, you are so dirty! Your father is going to beat you black and blue!
Unknown_06: The ship goes round in circles, We will feed the fish with the Komsomol. The ship goes past the port, We will feed the fish with the Communists. Hey, little devil, with a stick, Come closer, please, and I'll pull out my eye. I'll pull out my eye, the other one will remain, So that you know who to bow to.
Oh, the apple is on the plate Who can buy it? Who can buy it? Oh, girl, your lips are so ripe Come to us, my dear, you are so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe Oh, the apple is so ripe
hello everybody this is joshua owner of the kiwi farm and this is a very special stream chat
Unknown_11: My once-in-a-year spooky dead person stream.
Unknown_11: So, I don't usually do a soft intro to these. I figured we should just get into it. In case you're wondering, that's Yablushka, but that is the Black Army version, the Ukrainian Black Army version of Yablushka, which is a Russian war song that has a very long, long history. Surely that's not foreshadowing.
So just as a quick rundown, in case you've never seen these before, I go chronological. There's no fancy narrative plot to this. I go from what I know about them as early as possible to the last thing notable about them.
And, of course, I have my notebook and my slideshow.
Unknown_11: Let's just get into it. Coach Red Pill was... Born in Burbank, California to two Chilean immigrants in, I believe it was 1968. He's old. He was 50 plus when he died.
Unknown_11: Burbank is, I believe, the smack dab between San Francisco and Los Angeles. But he actually went back to Chile to study at a bilingual private school. So I believe he's from a rich upbringing. He moved to the United States, or his family did, from South America before he was born. He was born in the United States.
traveled back to Chile to receive a premium education at an economic rate, basically. And then from his graduation, he was an English teacher, which is not what I expected when I looked into him.
Unknown_11: He was basically just one of those guys, like a traditional expat job. He traveled around Latin America and taught English privately, and I believe in schools.
However, he had bigger dreams. He wanted to be an author, and eventually he wanted to be famous in Los Angeles. So what he did is he went back to school at Dartmouth, and...
Unknown_11: He published a book that I'm going to struggle to pronounce. It's called Toma Aradzura, which is on your screen. And that says the Chilean archetype. He actually was successful in Chile, and that's kind of the recurring theme in his legitimate works that is kind of depressing about him because... He had a genuine love affair with what I'm going to call his home country. The Chile really appreciated that this Chilean-American still had so much obvious respect for his country, and he continued to write in Spanish and represent Chilean-Americans and Chileans in the United States. And they liked him, and they liked his books, and they liked his other works. But he, of course, had bigger sights than being popular in Chile, so...
He wrote this book when he was 22, but he published it in 1997 when he was in his later 20s. And his success of this book led to him writing a spy novel called Counterparts. And it was published in New York by G.P. Putnam & Sons. And then they actually gave him in advance of a million fucking dollars, in 1990 money, to publish a second book, which he did. And that was called...
Acrobat. And Acrobat did well enough that Miramax bought the rights to the fucking book. So this is Counterparts.
Unknown_11: It's like a CIA crime novel. And this was the sequel to it, Acrobat. Big, bold letters. Gonzala. Gonzalo Lira. Just front and center. You can't miss it. Our boy coach did write this book. And, again, it was so successful that I don't even think you need to translate this. This is from a Chilean newspaper, again paying respects to him, saying, El Hombre... Del Million de Dolores. The Million Dollar Man. The Chilean newspapers wrote about Coach and called him the Million Dollar Man because Harvey Weinstein's Miramax
bought the rights to Acrobat. So he not only got a million dollars advance from putting them to write these two books, I assume he got royalties from them, and also Harvey Weinstein bought the fucking rights to publish a movie to him.
Unknown_11: And the supposed director, I think is listed in this article, I did not write this down, Sidney Pollack and Anthony Minghella, names I actually recognize. So it was actually looking like he had the chance of accomplishing what he had set out to do. He was going to become a screenwriter, possibly even a director. And he actually traveled because he had made this money. And he was el hombre de un millon de dólares. He traveled back to Chile and actually wrote and shot or not shot, but directed, sequestro, which means kidnapping in Chile. And basically the plot is that this Chilean millionaire daughter is kidnapped, which is the exact same plot of another thing that I'll mention way down the road. And this did well. In this archive, the first film of a Chilean cinematographer, sequestro, landed second place in the box office. So his...
uh homemade or not homemade but home country film sequestro did well enough in chile that he was actually second place when his movie debuted in the the chilean cinemas so they actually liked his movie and they liked his books so it seems like he had a place to stay in his home country, in Santiago, but he decided not to do that. And by the way, I had never seen this picture before. This is Coach on the set of Sequestro. I believe that this was shot by one of his producers who relinquished the rights to this photo and to the public demand when later events happened that made him a little bit more famous than a Chilean filmographer. But I like this picture of him a lot. This is Coach in his prime. It literally doesn't get any better than this. Sequestro was a 2005 film.
And after that, I scoured the internet to try and figure out what happened next. And I would like to show you the results of my findings. This is literally hours of work. 2005, sequestro screen in Chile.
Unknown_11: And in 2010, Gonzalo Lira publishes an Econo blog on the internet on Blogspot. Between these two points, I have no fucking idea what he is doing. It's a complete mystery to me what he's actually up to.
So, here's my thoughts. Here's my speculation.
Unknown_11: Gonzalo is at his peak at this point. He has just debuted a film in Chile, which came in second place at the box office when it was released. It also had two successful books published by Putnam & Sons in New York City. And the rights were bought by...
Unknown_11: By Miramax in L.A. for creating a movie which never came about, which is I think it's a fairly common thing that they buy the rights to stuff and then they just never materializes. I think that's pretty common.
But I think during this period, he was really trying to make it big in L.A. still.
Unknown_11: And he might have had some personal problems, which he alludes to in his videos. My speculation, which is baseless, but I'm kind of just filling in the gap between point A and point B here, is that he really tried to make it big either in publishing or in screenwriting, and it just didn't happen. And he might have had a sex pest incident. I will explain.
This is his blog. This is just Gonzalo... When you see his name written as a URL, it's like the hardest fucking thing to pronounce in the entire world. Gonzalo Lira at Blogspot. This blog is now completely fucking eradicated.
Unknown_11: And you have a list of all his articles. Almost all of them are bizarrely centered around...
Unknown_11: Economy. Now, economy is completely outside of his realm. He did spy thrillers, and he did books about coming of age. He wrote a movie about an action schlock thing with a thriller. And it's like, none of that is economy. But for some reason, after he had made his money, he fancied himself an economist. And I think he may have even had...
When he graduated in Chile, he might have had a background in finance because of a story that I'll play later, but it was definitely not something that he had focused on in several years. So he kind of pandered to the zero hedge, the sky is falling, hyperinflation coming yesterday type crowd. Um, and he also shilled and you can't see it here. It only shows up in some of the archives. Oh, is that it? Oh yeah. Are you prepared? And then there's a black Swan. Ooh, spooky. What kind of black Swan events coming up? Only Gonzalo Lira strategic planning group can prepare you for this. And he was trying to launch at this time in early 2013 and a little bit before than 2012, he was trying to launch his own strategic planning, like estate management group. Um, That went absolutely nowhere outside of this single page website linked to from his blog. That was mostly a kind of stuff. I can find nothing about his strategic planning group. So this kind of fizzled. I think you launched the site. He's like, yeah, we try to convince some people to give him money. Like whatever happened in Hollywood led to him, like trying to just shake down people like, Hey, let me manage your IRA for you. And they're like, no, go away.
So then he went to Zero Hedge, tried to publish some economic blogs, and it didn't work out. He did manage to get, I think in part because of his background in writing, he managed to get some of what he wrote published in Business Insider. But they actually have since yanked all of his articles. He wrote this about Krugman, Paul Krugman. Saying, it's not the differences in policy prescriptions that I object to. It's Krugman's cavalier belief that a war, a total full-on war, with its attendant and fiscal spending, is what saved the American economy during the Great Depression. It's Krugman's disturbing... I mean, it is, by the way. Like, literally, it was total war. I don't want to spurt too much, but I have... My personal theory is that we've actually never left total war. Our entire economy is dependent on being a military superpower. Anyways, whatever.
I don't think that's controversial.
Unknown_11: He says it's Krugman's disturbing, nihilistic inference, which he makes over and over, tucked away in his articles, but always there like a nasty aftertaste of a drink laced with a roofie. So maybe a total war might not be such a bad idea now as to get us out of this new global depression. That is what I object to in Paul Krugman. He seems to be offering up another war as the only way to fix the economy. The thing is that that's not what Krugman said, and he ate a lot of shit for this, and that's why Business Insider never took another article from him. And they later pulled down all the articles that he had published.
So his idea of being the next mortgage guy predicting the next Black Swan event never materialized, and he kind of had nothing to do for years. I mean, at this point, if you count 2005 onwards, at 2013, he's approaching a decade before
Unknown_11: of not progressing in life. And when you're 30 plus, I think even at that time, he'd be like, what, 40? You're burning your 30s into your 40s. You don't have any kids. Your filmmaking career is not going anywhere. You're not publishing any books. And the articles that you're writing about economy are causing issues for your publications, and they're not going anywhere. That's scary. So he tried to find a new audience not involved in finance, and he hopped over again to...
trying to give advice.
Unknown_11: This is his Reddit account for the Coach Red Pill moniker, which is the name that everybody knows and loves him as.
Unknown_11: He tried giving advice to women. He tried giving some political thoughts about Kathy Griffin's performance art, which is, this is actually in 2017. So he was doing this a while before he started going into Reddit.
But this is an example of the kind of advice he got that was received well. This is in our Red Pill account. which is now a quarantine subreddit, but he says, do you suffer from depression? So social anxiety, our mental health issues, keeping you back from your full potential and keep those problems to yourself. Unless you want people to think that you're a beta cuck loser, herb bottom. I don't even know what the fucking herb bottom is, but you don't want to be one of those. According to coach red pill. Uh, and then other elderly people agree. Um, he, these words, older guy here, I have anxiety and depression stemming from my childhood. I will never tell anyone. Nobody cares. Uh, This is true.
See, the thing about Coach Red Pill is that I, so in the weeks I've been planning this, I have listened to the entire library, the entire catalog of every Coach Red Pill video I could find that weren't like his live streams that I'll get into in a bit.
Unknown_11: Coach Red Pill, his videos are very bad.
Unknown_11: Actually, you know what?
Unknown_11: I can explain this after I play a Coach Red Pill video because I have that one lined up. This is his quintessential video, the most famous video that he's ever made until certain events happen in this timeline. And I think I'll just play it for you.
It became a Patreon exclusive, but this was actually published to YouTube and got him in trouble. And that's how he kickstarted his Patreon. He said, oh, the videos that I can't post on YouTube because of the feminazis, you can get on Patreon. So that helped boost his numbers up.
Unknown_19: Women are like dogs.
Unknown_08: They are exactly like dogs. And never forget that.
I love women. I think that they're terrific.
Unknown_19: Men bore me. I think that men are just stupid, okay? Probably because, you know, whenever I'm talking to most men, I know what they're thinking or what they're going to say, you know, three steps before they say it, you know? So it's just no fun to be talking to a guy. But a woman, Jesus Christ, I mean, she's just a complete surprise.
Unknown_11: You know, listening to this now, something about that statement is really resonating with me because I clipped something right towards the stream starting. And I thought, that's a weird thing to say. And now I'm going to circle back to it eventually.
Unknown_19: And I'm not talking about like, you know, sexually attractive women between the ages of 20 and 27. I'm talking any woman, you know, a three year old girl, you know, some hot young thing, you know, some older middle aged woman, some elderly lady, they are all fascinating to me. Because they're all so surprising. The way that they think, their priorities. Guys, they're simple. Women, it's not that they're a mystery. It's that they're a constant surprise, as far as I'm concerned, right?
So as you notice, he rambles a lot. His issue is that the way that Coach Red Pill delivers videos is that he has no script. He rambles off the cuff. And he almost always talks about a personal anecdote, which has almost no relevance to the actual video. This one is actually one of his more concise videos, I think in part because it doesn't actually does have a personal anecdote that I want to jump to. It's only seven minutes. By the way, I think that this video is recorded around 2013, maybe 2014, 2015. And I think that this is his office and it's permanently his office in Kharkiv in Ukraine. Why he's in Ukraine, I'll explain in just a second. But I do want to skip to I think around this point right here.
How do you get that confidence with the dog? Experience. You go out and you meet different dogs. You meet different dogs and at first you're going to be afraid and at first the dog is going to bite you, right? But eventually with enough experience, with enough mileage, you get confident. You meet a new dog, no problem. See, there was this wild dog
out where I used to live for a while, right? I lived out in the country for a while, late last year, and this wild dog was running around and just like, just being a nuisance. But it was a big dog, so people were scared that it was gonna bite somebody, and it was a fast dog, and it was, anyway. The point is, I wound up going up to that dog, and I have some experience with dogs, and I just yelled at the dog and said, stop barking! It stopped barking, it didn't know that I wanted it to stop barking, it just sensed that, I was the guy in charge. See, the dog chilled out. Soon enough, we became fast friends. Soon after that, started hanging out at the house, you know, and it de facto became the guard dog, right?
Why is this? Why did this happen? And by the way, this is the trigger for this post, because I realized, you know, I had enough experience with dogs to get the dog to chill out. And the same with women. What? When I was young? You know, I was terrified of women. I shat bricks whenever I'd see a woman. And when that pretty girl would look at me, I was like terrified, tongue tied or worse. I'd say just a lot of stupid shit. And she'd just look at me like, oh, God, get away from me, you. You know, that's what she used to say. But I got enough mileage in my system. And also I discovered that if you're funny, girls like you.
You have experienced a Coach Red Pill video. A bombastic premise, title clickbait, an introduction, rambling, incoherent, a personal anecdote that seems to be completely made up and also has very little relevance to the actual story, and then more rambling. That's every video. I have now listened to... Dozens of hours of this.
I don't know. I just got a little bit more. I just got to listen a little bit more to Coach Redfield before the stream ends. And then it's over, finally, and I never have to hear from him again.
Unknown_11: So this is a pretty clever tactic. I'll say it like that. Pretty clever. You have that format, and this is the right time, too, because this is around 2013. You have to remember what's happening during 2013. Gamergate. You got the feminazis. You got the culture war. You got the start of red pill stuff. So it's the appropriate time to get in there and trigger all those feminazis and get all the clickbaits and shit circulating around on YouTube and get people donating to your Patreon. exactly the right time to bust in, so he did quite well for himself. However, much like everything else that Coach Red Pill does, he did not have an original idea when starting this. He was heavily inspired by a guy called Roosh V. You may recognize this guy or this name because he led a very popular website called Return of the Kings, and then also the Roosh V forums, which was kind of like an incel-ish. It's not necessarily incel because incel came after. This was the origin of the manosphere. This was kind of the emergence of internet pickup artistry, of red pill philosophy when it came to women. There's a game to be played with women that the liberalization of the sexual marketplace is an inherently bad thing. Women should be caregivers and nothing else. That's right around this. And Roosh was...
The guy, the guy. Well, like this guy knew how to troll people to get people talking about his sites and driving legitimate traffic to a site. And he made a fuck ton of money.
You may also notice that he's an author. There's a book down here called Bang Poland, How to Pick Up Women in Poland. Bang Colombia, How to Pick Up Women in Colombia. And Bang Ukraine, How to Pick Up Women in Ukraine.
Unknown_11: Circa 2012. And then so happens that Expat229, a.k.a. Coach Red Pill, joins the Rush V Forum in November 2013 and posts a couple interesting things. This is the most interesting.
in my experience demanding that a woman give you anal sex or any other sex that is distinctly and deliberately painful is kryptonite to women yeah once they take it painfully they surrender completely the old john mellencamp tune is completely on the money it hurts so good yeah uh
Unknown_11: So it seems like he literally took this guy's advice and moved from the United States to Ukraine. Yeah.
Unknown_11: Then he begins his red pill enterprise of his own, because imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. And since I have listened to his entire catalog, pretty much, I have picked out choice Coach Red Pill videos that we can watch together. This is probably, in total...
I would say maybe... Let's see. I'll probably play about 20 minutes of stuff from Coach Red Pill just on this. Or until I get bored. This first one is an example. The ones I pick, by the way, are not necessarily indicative of his usual content. The women are dogs thing is a little bit closer. But it's usually his philosophizing, because he has a degree in philosophy. That's what he got from Dartmouth. It was philosophy and history. So he kind of... waxes philosophical about a couple different topics uh ties in an antidote that always sounds made up but there were a couple parts where um he had actual advice such as this go to africa so
Because I think that Doug Casey is right. There are a lot of things going on in Africa today that people should pay attention to. And a lot of things that Africa inherently has that are incredible and that any young man of ambition and drive, well, he can make a place for himself and he can make his fortune in Africa. And frankly, you know, and I'm not kidding, if I had to do it over, I think I would go to Africa. When I finished college, I went to Hollywood and tried to make it there and I did all right. But if I had to do it over again, if I had not been interested in writing, say, and I'd finished college, right, and didn't know where to go or what to do, yeah, I'd go to Africa. Definitely. And let me explain why. First of all, understand that Africa is the richest continent in the world. In terms of natural- He then explains that Africa has a lot of shit that's not developed, and if you have the gumption to go out and develop it, you might make a fuck ton of money.
The issue with that is that Coach Red Pill's audience is mostly incels, people who are so socially inept they can't get their dick wet. And he's telling them to go to a foreign country where people get fucking murdered just for being white. so they can navigate the complex corruption architecture that's built up in every single African government so they can exploit the natural resources themselves. That is his point. And this is sad, because this is one of the only times he actually gives real advice to people, and his advice is fucking insane. It's just like... I don't know how you could... Like, of all places, telling someone to go to Ukraine... Especially before the war, obviously. It's...
It's questionable advice. But there's at least... Ukraine is not a bad place.
Unknown_11: There's obvious issues in Ukraine before the war, of course.
But it's not like you go there and you die. You can go to Africa and you can fucking die.
Unknown_11: So that's one thing. This, however, is more in line with his usual format. This video is actually just called Advice to Incels, but we'll see that we have no advice for incels in this video. This is eight minutes long, and I'm going to play it because it's funny to me.
Unknown_19: It's pissing me off, too, because so many people, you know, look down and shit on in celibates on involuntary celibates and they shit on them. And it just seems wrong. It seems like like rich people shitting on the poor.
You'd think that's pretty asshole-ish, right? If somebody were to, like, you know, oh, I'm rich, I'm a millionaire, and say, oh, you're not a millionaire, so you shit on you. That's exactly the attitude that so many people seem to take to involuntary celibates. Instead of trying to help them, they shit on them. And I personally just think that that's wrong.
Unknown_11: Oh, shut up. An education for incels part one. Okay, so before I get into this, let me explain. I've said this several times over my podcast, but I'll reiterate it here because it is most applicable. You cannot give advice to incels. The moment that somebody has accepted the terminology incel as a self-descriptor, they have confined themselves to loneliness and they embrace that concept. They reject advice. They do not want advice. Any advice that you give them is wasted because they are content with their misery and is a part of their personality and a badge of honor that they wear. If you are a man giving unsolicited advice, especially to an incel, You're wasting your time. If you are a woman trying to give advice to an incel, just be aware that he's actually trying to fuck you and he's trying to get pity sex. So that's what's happening. They wear it. And if you try to just try to tell them things, they reject it outright. Because they want to be unhappy. Because, and this is the important bit, incels want to be unhappy because if they accept that they are in control over their own destiny, it means that all the time that they have wasted being unhappy is their own fault. So if you're a 29-year-old man and you don't do anything and you've never kissed a girl and you're miserable... It is a very painful realization to acknowledge that you at 29 can turn your life around, but you will never get back the years you've wasted. So that is why incels are perpetually miserable and why there is no way you can penetrate them and give them what they need to know to succeed because they don't want it.
That said, here's what Coach Red Pill's advice is.
Unknown_19: One of the problems of incels, it seems to me, as an outside observer, is that involuntary celibates have this bizarre fantasy that one woman can satisfy all of their needs.
That there is this one woman who will be their everything.
Unknown_11: He's kind of right. Incels do believe that what they really believe is that there is potentially a woman that will swoop in like a fucking guardian angel and just fix their life for them and then give them sex and then also take care of their kids and also allow them to be a man child without any responsibility. And that's a fantasy. The problem is that coach has misinterpreted this and is retarded and will give them bad advice.
Unknown_19: I'm here to tell you, there is no such person, not for any man.
There is no one woman who can be your everything, okay? Let me give you my personal experience. I'm gonna talk about things that actually happened to me.
Unknown_11: There's no advice in this. Some guys complain, so there's no advice or there's advice. There's no fucking advice in this. And if you were to try to extrapolate this story into advice, you would be insane.
Unknown_19: Just to not get into trouble today, I'm going to talk about things that happened to me, I don't know, 20 years ago. Okay.
Unknown_19: Okay. In 1998, I was living in New York City. I had a place in lower Manhattan. Nice loft. And I was dating a girl called S. She was some kind of woman. She was tall, like I like them. She worked in sort of like a corporate environment, 5'9", 5'10", something like that. The cuts really helped make this feel insane.
And she had a body that had been like made by hand. She was what, at the time she must have been, I mean, it was just like 28, 29, something like that. And she had a place in the Upper East Side, I forget, 27.
Unknown_19: So she worked like the financial legal area. An incredible body. And she was very successful. Now she was my official girlfriend, right? And I would go with her to parties. And she was the girlfriend. And I was the boyfriend. I was the successful novelist boyfriend, right? And she was this successful go-getting girl. And so I'd go with her to dinner parties that she'd have with her bosses and stuff. And these social events, OK?
and at the same time it pains me to admit it but even though s was just very very hot um i was also seeing a girl called let's call her l one of the best i've ever had in my life now l was uh not my type at all she was this petite little redhead and just this tight little body 5'1 5'2 i mean really just short she wasn't trashy per se but she was kind of white trash i mean she was just oh unbelievable You know, having sex with S was alright, you know, a little bit of a chore sometimes. With L, uh-uh. That was just, it was just incredible. It was just fantastic sex. Best sex of my life, no question. The sex with S was sort of like a chore and it was not a very pleasant chore to tell you the truth. And I suspect that had it not been for L, I would have broken up with S a lot sooner. But L was just, you know, she just gobbled me up, right?
Oh man, I shouldn't have used that terminology. But anyway, there was S, who was my official girlfriend, and L, who was my side piece. And at the same time, there was S, but actually, I'll have to change her name. The third woman, her name was F. Let's call her F. Okay, just to keep them straight, because I just suddenly realized that they had the same first initial, but F. This third girl I was seeing. She was the girl I talked to. I talked to her about books, about current events. She was the girl I would talk about things that were going on in the news. Because S, my official girlfriend, she just wasn't interested in that. Or she was interested in gossip insofar as her business was concerned. But she had a fairly curtailed set of interests. I mean, she was a great girlfriend, but she wasn't intellectually stimulating, to tell you the truth. And that's why I had F.
stimulated me intellectually. I mean, I could talk to her about anything. About my favorite band, Rush, of course. I could talk to her about movies, and we'd have like long discussions about movies, about books, about culture. We'd go together to the museum. You know, I love going to museums, right? And S, the official girlfriend, hated going to museums. And quite frankly, Elle was just not
I do not think that she was culturally equipped to go to a museum, to be quite honest. But F, you know, yeah, I'd go to museums with her and I'd have a great time with her. Never slept with her, even though she wanted to have something with me. I feel like we need an inception horde at this point. And she was just sort of like a... You know, she was my beta orbiter, okay? You know, because people always talk about a beta orbiter being a guy, you know, going around a girl, right? But there are also girls who go around guys and who, you know, pine after the guy for ages, right? The fact of the matter is, I didn't even realize that F wanted something with me until years later. You know, but that's another story. And then finally, there was a fourth woman in my life at the time called A.
And A was the girl I told all of my hopes and dreams to. Now A, she was married to somebody else. And I had no sexual interest in her whatsoever. And she didn't have any sexual interest in me either. We were each other's literal best friends. We would talk about like emotional shit, right?
Unknown_19: With A, I would tell her, like, my deepest, darkest insecurities. I mean, really, stuff that you'd share with your priest or your shrink, right? And I considered A my big sister, because she was a little bit older than me, and she was married, she had a couple of kids, and we were just simpatico, right? And she would tell me deep, dark secrets about her marriage and her emotional life, her personal life, all kinds of stuff. And she would talk to me about things regarding, you know, her husband and other men in her life. And she wanted my opinions in order to understand it. I was her gay best friend.
Coach Red Pill, everybody.
Unknown_11: All of his videos. All of them. So you may have noticed there's no fucking advice in there. What he's trying to get at is that there's no one woman that's going to satisfy every one of your needs. What he bizarrely confesses to is that he doesn't... And this is what I was talking about with the Women Are Dogs video. He bizarrely confesses something that I didn't realize until I put this stream together. Coach Red Pill has no male friends. He is completely surrounded by women, and apparently, if you even fucking believe this, is engaged in 24-7 gay best friend ops, trying to pit women against each other, trying to cheat, trying to talk. Like, there is never a moment in this man's life where he's not talking to a woman on the phone or some shit. Like, what the fuck? So...
Yeah, he's the gay best friend, apparently, but usually what a guy has is girl and then guy. Guy friends. A bunch of guy friends. In my life, I have guy friends that have different expertises and different interests and who I can confide in on specific topics. And I keep everything very nicely compartmentalized and it works great. That system works fucking great.
Coach Red Pill seems to not have any male friends and instead just has different women that somehow combine to form like a perfect GF Voltron for him. It's truly a fascinating insight into the Coach Red Pill mind.
Unknown_11: One of the things that was interesting about his past prior to this, by the way, was his obsession with getting shit on his dick. And he decided that he's actually going to canonize getting shit on his dick as an advice video.
Unknown_19: I have to admit that it's kind of embarrassing to be doing this video, but, you know, what the fuck. See, um...
Unknown_19: This topic is, it's not easy to get into, or maybe I'm just squeamish, who knows, what the fuck, but it's actually kind of important. It's actually kind of very important insofar as the whole man-woman thing is concerned, insofar as the sexual relationship that you will have with a woman is concerned. Because anal sex is, frankly, it's women's kryptonite. It is a big deal. It is a lot bigger deal, especially in long-term relationships. And let me explain. Okay, so you have to understand, you know, I'm talking about a normal girl, not some porn star who's had anal sex, you know, morning, noon, and night for the past 10 years, right? I'm talking about most normal girls, most normal girls who have had a normal sexual experience. For them, anal sex has been a rarity and it very well might be that the first time you try to have anal sex with her is the first time she's ever had anal sex, okay?
It is going to be a big deal because it goes into a woman's nature and it's really complicated. Let me explain.
Unknown_19: See, just regular sex, a woman's body is built for regular sex, right? It's the way that human beings reproduce, right? If it weren't pleasant for most women, you know, there wouldn't be any human beings, you know, nobody would have reproduced, right? But anal sex is not necessary for reproduction. And in point of fact, anal sex for women can be extraordinarily painful.
Even in the best of circumstances, it can be very painful. OK, so women are kind of like ambivalent about it because on the one hand, they recognize that it's going to be painful. On the other hand, and here is where the thing about women's psychology kicks in. See, a man who fucks a woman anally is dominating her and owning her in a way that she wants to be owned, okay? I mean, that's the key issue.
Unknown_19: You ask nine guys out of 10, assuming that they're not gay, of course, nine guys out of 10 are like, I don't wanna get fucked up the ass. No way, that's what they're gonna say, right? Of course, because it's gonna be painful. And you know, what the fuck? What's the attraction there, right? But for women, there is an issue where the man fucking them in the ass is dominating them in a way that they crave. They want this to happen. Believe it or not, it's hard for most men to grasp this truism about women. But they crave anal sex. They want it, even though they're very leery of it. And, you know, if you just ask them, they're going to say no. Okay. For the most part, they might be curious if you just like, you know, gently come around to
I'm kind of imagining Coach as, like, a vampire. He's giving, like, vampire tits, and, like, it's like, the normals, they want their blood sucked.
Unknown_11: You ask the normals, they want their blood sucked. They all said, no, I do not want to have my blood sucked, but they do want their blood sucked. Yeah!
Unknown_11: he spent too much time up in the uh the mountains um so obviously a man as red as fucking blood let's say that vampire blood that's how red this guy is with red pills like that surely he would never simp right
Well, as we've established, Coach Red Pill is a friend of many. Well, he desires to be the friend of many people, but he's especially friendly towards the women. This is a video about the deregulation of the sexual marketplace. And a familiar face, Aiden Paladin, says, I would say this. I have no standard. Sorry, this is a very mean post to read aloud, but it's very funny.
Unknown_11: I have no standards when it comes to men. Not physical, nor mental, nor occupational, etc. Yet to cite this, and despite the fact I've asked every guy I have ever dated to marry me, I am still alone. This is not all women's fault, is my input. We've certainly made a mess of shit, but modern men, for good reason, won't settle down, even with a perfect girl, because they'd rather play video games, to be quite honest.
So Treadmill responds...
Unknown_11: Well, first off, since I know you personally, I can say categorically and without hesitation that any man who wouldn't want to marry you is a complete and utter moron. And then he goes on to say, as to your point, it's that society encourages this. It's easier for the political class and more profitable for the corporations to encourage males to be perpetual children rather than to grow up and be men. That's kind of true. There's always, sometimes he says stuff, it's like, yeah, you know what, I can kind of see the point in that. Which is why he's successful. If he didn't mix kinda good points with the random shit that he says, uh...
You wouldn't have an audience, but I found this post funny and I figured I would highlight it because I have a feeling that Coach Red Pill would be embarrassed about this if he was still alive.
Unknown_11: Okay, so he strikes that balance about knowing what men need to know and knowing what women want to hear. So truly, with such life experience, with such personal hands-on experience living in Ukraine and being so good with the ladies...
The women won't laugh at him, right? This was a pain in the ass to find. I don't even know how the fuck this was found to begin with. This is a video by a matchmaking service called Dioli, and it's called Why Western Men Should Move to Ukraine? Video Review. These two Ukrainian women who do matchmaking as a professional service found a video that was suggested to them by a certain expat living in Ukraine who has some advice to other expats looking for a wife. Let's take a watch.
Unknown_19: There's this guy I met at the New York meetup back in January. A guy called Peter. Great guy. An airline pilot. And because he's an airline pilot, he was able to fly out here to Kharkov in Ukraine. And we hung out. Yeah, terrific guy. So this video was made five years ago.
This was 2019.
Unknown_19: We hit it off. We had a great time. Anyway, the point is, see, he came out here and he was here just for a few days. Look how fucking bored they are listening to this story already.
Unknown_11: Just...
Unknown_19: He met a ton of girls. Yeah. I mean, he was making the effort, of course. He went out there, he put himself out there, you know, and a couple of times I was his wingman, you know, and talking up different girls and what have you. And yeah, he's a fairly good looking guy. Kind of good looking, I guess. I'm teasing Peter. But he was an alright looking guy, you know, he had a little bit of game, you know, and he met some nice girls Yeah, he got some addresses. He got some numbers He got second dates, you know, and he was here just for a few days, right? And he got me thinking yeah More guys in the West Should come out here to the Ukraine Yeah
Alessia, my question to you. Do you think it would be easy for an English-speaking, let's say, American guy to just travel to Ukraine and meet ladies in the streets?
Unknown_12: This is not so easy as it can be, as it seems to be, because I interview a lot of ladies and I know that ladies who even open to date a foreigner, they won't acquaint with them on the streets.
Unknown_01: They are afraid that it's like he's a sex tourist and it's not serious. So after I have watched it for the first time, I was thinking if the guy is like 21 or 22 and he really goes out in the company of Ukrainian friends. I don't think that he's 21 or 22 because he's a pilot. And it's not as easy as you just walk around the city and, hey, this is me.
it's not even easy for Ukrainian guys because we do some local matchmaking and they tell that it is quite difficult to get acquainted right in the street like 10 years ago it was easier but I can assume that they went out to some clubs and Ukrainian men they know that girls in clubs they are not girlfriend material so yes you can meet someone to have drinks and to have fun but this won't be the ladies whom you will introduce to your mom trust me so
Okay, so in case you're wondering, Slavic people are very hard people. Their countries, all of them, are ravaged by alcoholism. It is like the number one preventable cause of death in all Slavic countries, second only to Russian soldiers.
Unknown_11: So, it's a big deal. Lots of men there are complete fucking assholes. A lot of women there have complete fucking assholes for fathers. And they are all inherently distrustful of foreign men. Because they all assume that they're there for the reason that they're there. Okay? So... Coach just saying, yeah, move to Ukraine. That's nonsense. Nonsense. It takes it takes months just like just for normal people. It takes months as a foreigner in Ukraine before the fucking bag lady and bag boy at the local corner store is like friendly with you. It's a country where if they see you and you're not local, they think that you're up to something. And like 99% of the time, they're right to think that you're either government or you're an asshole. Okay.
So here's my counter advice. Do not go to any country. to live unless you know somebody there unless it's for work unless you have a friend unless you have some kind of uh like club that you're going to um do not move to a foreign country that you know nothing about that you don't speak the language of and you don't even know anybody there you will be in for a bad time the worst experience that i had was when i went to australia for various reasons my roommate had to go to china for three months out of the six months that i was there And those three months that I spent in Australia completely alone were some of the loneliest times of my entire life compared to the Philippines, compared to Serbia and Ukraine. Three months in a very familiar country that I speak the language of. It was just weird enough where it was super alienating to be in Australia just because I was by myself. So don't ever go anywhere to a foreign country unless you know something. You need like a anchor in that country to keep you from going insane.
So, I don't know. I remember when this happened, I thought this two Ukrainian women making fun of Coach Red Bull's advice was very funny, and I'll leave it at that. Now...
Unknown_11: So this is a video called How to Pick a Wife. And in true Coach Red Pill fashion, he does not actually give you a straight shot. He has an anecdote. I feel like this is the most important clip that I pulled out of anything. So ears open, pay attention. This is the quintessential component to the Coach Red Pill experience.
In my last year in college, I was dating a woman named B. That's not her name or initial of her name. Now, B was an incredible woman. I mean, really, she really was. She was a woman. She would go on to get a PhD from one of the top three universities on the planet. Not only was she brilliant, she was charming in a kind of like an understated kind of way, charming and very witty and very quiet, you know, in terms of Her looks, she was, I would say, like a seven on a ten scale, maybe a seven and a half. I mean, she wasn't that gorgeous when you looked at her picture. But when you met her in person, she was magnetic. She exuded this aura of sensuality that was very, very provocative. And she and I
matched up incredibly well, insofar as our tastes were concerned, insofar as what we liked. We liked the same books, the same movies, the same music. We liked doing the same things on a weekend. We got to the point where we could finish each other's sentences because we saw the world in such a similar way. We were perfect for one another and we broke up.
Unknown_19: We were totally compatible and yet we broke up. There was one tiny little problem.
We wanted different things out of life. She wanted a corporate career and she saw her life very clearly as getting a PhD and then working at a university and climbing the academic ladder until she got to full tenure. That's what she wanted to do. And me, I wanted to go to Hollywood and try my luck there and just, you know, see what was out there. I didn't have any fixed idea as to where I was going. I just wanted to, you know, go out there and, you know, live life, you know, almost at random. She couldn't understand that. She obliged me to go to the investment bank recruiting seminar, meeting, whatever it was. I forget what it was called. But anyway, it was basically a chance for college seniors to meet with recruiters from this big time investment bank. I got called to a second meeting and after that second meeting, they wanted an interview, right? And I blew it off and she freaked out. B just had a fit that I'd blown off that meeting. She couldn't understand it. She said, why are you doing that?
You can be a millionaire by the time you're 30. You just have to go there, meet with these people, get the job and you're set. Why did you blow it off?
And I said, I just don't want to work at a bank. I don't want to work, you know, 100 hours a week, you know, at some bank. I want to go to Hollywood and see what happens. She couldn't understand that. And we broke up, of course.
Unknown_11: This man has spent his entire life regretting this decision every day for decades.
Unknown_11: When he got out of Darkmouth, that was right before he published any of his books. He did manage to go to Hollywood and do a little bit of stuff and get a couple things done, but he never met another B. I have listened to so much Coach Red Pill. I've heard so many of his fucking anecdotes where he's fucking eight different women at one time. I have never heard him speak of any woman, including his own mother, including the wife of his children, in the way that he speaks of Bea. And I am completely, 100% convinced that Bea is a real person and this is a real story. And this is what happened to Coach Red Pill, is that Bea dodged a bullet and Coach Red Pill caught it. He's never lived it down. And it's caused some issues. It's caused a little bit of friction between him and the 51% of the world that he holds some animosity towards.
Actually, I didn't really know where to put this video in my timeline because it's so important to him. It's so obviously important that this is what made Gonzalo Lira into Coach Red Pill is that he decided, I'm going to go to Hollywood and I'm going to have fun and see what happens. Well... Just like everybody else, Coach found what happens in Hollywood.
Unknown_11: So, this is one of his early videos. He was quite successful. His Patreon did well.
Unknown_11: He made a lot of money doing his exclusive content. He got tons of views. He was smart enough. I mean, of all the things to say about Coach Red Pill, he does have some business sense. He's not, like, retarded. I mean, in some ways, he's very retarded. But at least knowing how to toe the line... What things to say and what things not to say, how to get attention, but then not get too much attention. He managed to do that quite well for a very long time. And he could have coasted off this in Ukraine and done very well for himself, especially considering how cheap Ukraine is. And why not? Um, he could have been very professional about it, but coach Redfield is not a professional and he's not, I gave him some credit, but he is a bit of a fucking retard. And I think one thing that he, that he had a lot of resentment towards was his own audience and he can't really blame him. Cause when this is your audience, uh, I would also resent them.
I never get pussy. I've never gotten any pussy. It's so nice. I'm always so nice to the girls. They just end up dating these guys and they're terrible to them. They never give me pussy. I really want a blowjob. I've never had one. It's because I pay for the meals. Afterwards, they don't respect me because I'm too nice to them. I always offer to take them places, give them rides, and do chores for them, and open doors, and they never give me any pussy.
This one girl, I bought her a coat that she wanted. She said that she liked the coat. I just thought if I bought it for her, she would finally give me something. And you haven't touched my penis. I just want to eat the poop. I don't even care. I just want to make ghosts feel good. I don't understand. I'm so respectful, I'm saying, I'll lick your pussy, you don't have to do anything, I just wanna feel it. Are they closed? Fuck, man. Our store is closed.
This is a real Coach Red Pill fan, by the way.
Unknown_07: McDonald's
I would have interrupted it, but that's literally my favorite Sam Hyde clip. So I just let it play.
Unknown_11: Okay, so as we established, that's a real Coach Red Pill fan. He was getting many videos like that every single day, demanding help. Just desperate, desperate people. So even though he was the coolest kid on the block in his own cul-de-sac, he was not super cool to the people he actually wanted to impress. Much like how he left B behind to go to L.A. to impress Harvey Weinstein, Coach Red Pill decided to double dip and try to recruit an audience from a more familiar group of people.
And so he entered the sector. I think I have a special time stamp. This is him talking with Godwinson.
Unknown_11: You don't know who Godwinson is. He used to be PPP's partner in streaming, partner in crime for a very long time.
Unknown_11: And for whatever reason, Coach Red Pill just loved Godwinson like a child, like a son.
Unknown_19: And I've got a lot of videos that I'm never going to release publicly because they're about private information, you know, that would only benefit my kid, okay? I don't know. I've got like about 30 videos, I guess, 30, 40 videos.
of just stuff that is personal, personal history, that kind of shit that I would never in a million years post. But what I'm trying to emphasize is that, see, my project is very specific,
Unknown_19: I love it that a lot of guys watch my videos and get a kick out of it and stuff like that. And so great, but the project would endure without the audience. And also I recognize that.
Unknown_11: So he's trying to pass himself off as a knowledge builder and not necessarily someone pandering to an audience. Which is why he's talking to Godwinson.
Unknown_11: Godwinson returned this love in a very weird way. This is an iconic video. There's no way to discuss Coach Red Pill without playing Godwinson making fun of Coach Red Pill. This time with love. With pure love.
Andy Worski is four things.
Unknown_20: Let me explain. Women are dogs.
Unknown_20: Dogs.
Unknown_20: Yeah! You're not a real man. Yeah!
Unknown_20: Not a real man. Sargon knew.
Unknown_20: Let me explain, because, you see, incels need to rise up.
yeah so i've written this book yeah and it's it's called wilshire boulevard yeah pregnant women are damaged goods yeah i forced my girlfriend to have an abortion yeah andy warsky is a liar andy warsky is a faggot andy warsky is a coward and andy warsky is
Unknown_11: Oh, no. I even catch this in my computer. I need to know what Andy Worski is.
Unknown_20: No word, and Andy Worski is a piece of shit.
Unknown_11: A piece of shit.
Unknown_11: Iconic. Okay. Coach Red Pill got so integrated into the sector that here is an absolutely iconic photo of him. Ethan Ralph. Andy Worski, coach, my boy coach, right there in the front. And who's that charming boy? Is that Nick Ricada? It sure is. It sure is.
This is way too much history to fit into a single video, but at this point in time, Andy Worski had...
Unknown_11: gotten into a pissing contest with a crippled Native American man who was obsessed with boxing called Tonka Saw. Tonka Saw had just taken a massive blow to his ego and had challenged Andy Worsky to a fight. Andy Worsky accepted the fight. They arranged a match, and then Tonka Saw no-showed. Not the match. These people met, and utter despair has fallen on all of them, except Andy Worsky, who seems to do just fine.
This is the other half of this. You'll notice that now Juju the cow, a man who gets fucked in the ass, will dress as a cow, formerly known as Dax Herrera, formerly known as, what's his name, Dick Masterson? And then this guy, I don't think anybody knows who he is, but he's probably dead now. He probably died in a car accident on the way out of this fucking event because nobody survived except Danny Worski.
By the way, this photo is iconic for another reason. Here we have our boy Ethan Ralph and Coach Red Pill just chilling out as bros. And let's take a little scroll. And we appear to have an accidental exposure of guntal flesh. And this picture, literally the picture where by virtue of standing next to him, Ethan Ralph decided that he would – Ethan Ralph, who's 4'13", decided he would hang his arms up over his pals, his internet friends, the left and right, and prop himself up. so that he would be at about equal height, but in doing so, accidentally exposed what lied under his shirt.
And this literally ruined Ethan Ralph's career. At this point in time, Ethan Ralph was at his absolute peak, making thousands of dollars every stream. And after this point, the gut memes got to him so badly that he became a pill-popping alcoholic and completely imploded. And it's entirely Coach's fault. That's what I'm trying to say. That's what I'm trying to say. Coach Redfield did this to him.
Unknown_11: It is bifurcated. It's true.
Sorry, I'm thinking about Ethan Ralph again. It's making me laugh. No, we're talking about this guy over here. Okay, here is some other stuff. Here's him talking to Medicare.
Unknown_11: And this is clipped for... Oh, you know what? Let's do this. Now this is in chronological order. This I clipped. They're mostly just talking about economics. It's not particularly relevant to the discussion. I do just want to show that he's embedded and trying to talk to as many people as possible, trying to build himself into this weird alliance with everybody. But this part in particular made me laugh.
I don't think that independent producers are going to be able to take advantage of that.
Unknown_19: Sorry about that. Oh, it's the police. They've come for me finally.
Unknown_17: Oh, no. They've tracked you down, haven't they?
Unknown_19: Yeah, they have.
Unknown_11: But anyway, a little bit of foreshadowing. And then this one, this is a mega stream. I remember doing this. This was the first time that I ever spoke to Medicare on air. That's me down there. That's Ethan Ralph. The jet plane is Coach Red Pill. And then there's Medicare. And we spoke for, God, did we really speak for five hours? That was a different time, man. It was a different time. Streams went on for five to eight hours. Everybody stuck around. There was always shit to talk about, and thousands of people watched it. It was truly, truly a completely different era. I have this clipped. Oh, we were discussing Ukraine. That's why.
on the war for ukraine either so honestly if russia just took over the whole place nobody i mean nothing's gonna happen i mean they might get some sanctions or whatever ostracized but as far as military action yeah that's not gonna happen yeah and the fact of the matter is i doubt if the russians would take over ukraine because think of the hassle no of having no it would be they don't want actual
Like, Russian, if you tried to have people in Ukraine trying to govern over them after one giant invasion, like, it would just be fucking mass hysteria. People would be getting gunned down in the streets. It wouldn't be pretty. The reason why they could take over Crimea is because a reasonable portion of the community was complacent with it. Yeah.
Unknown_19: No, the idea of them invading Ukraine, it's pointless. For them to keep on bumping the edge of the desk all the time and keeping Ukraine unstable, like they're doing in Donetsk region and that kind of thing, that's what they're going to continue to do. And so Ukraine is always going to be at sixes and sevens and never really get their shit together insofar as the economy and so forth. But it's never going to devolve into outright chaos. So I'm not particularly concerned, to tell you the truth.
the way it's going to be. There's no upside to invading Ukraine. And there's shitloads of downside. And think of the number of people you'd need, administration, all the rest of it, to take over the fucking place.
Unknown_19: It would just be a fucking nightmare.
Unknown_11: Interesting takes. I'm sure that this has no foreboding. And that's the coach of the sector. Now, things did not remain so fine and dandy for so long. Coach in particular was very tribalistic at this point in time in the Internet. Nowadays, it's kind of like everybody just does their own thing. There's like a soft kind of like friendship. Nobody back back in the day, back when the sector was the sector. People would be dragged onto livestream and humiliated on an eight-hour-long stream where they confessed all their sins to Medicare pretty routinely. It happened like once a year. Nowadays, everybody just kind of minds their own fucking business and talks about weird shit not related to them. But at that time, there was a lot of tribalism. You had teams. Somebody would do something to somebody, and then you would take their side and vice versa. So here is a clip of Coach Red Pill shitting on Sargon, who, of course, was the punching bag of the week. Because I think this was the time that Sargon had told Medicare,
He had called Medeker a groomer because he said that his audience was mostly children and he was grooming them to, like, pay him or something. Medeker tricked this very poorly because it sounded like he was calling him a pedophile. And Sargon aligned with Medeker and made this clip to epically own Sargon of Akkad. Now, those of a weak disposition who do not want to see a Ukrainian prostitute, please shield your eyes.
Look at sexy pose. Sexy pose.
Unknown_17: Work it, baby. Work it. Love the camera. Love the camera. Come on.
Unknown_17: Oh, yeah. The audience loves you, baby. The camera loves you.
So this was him trying to epically own Sargon, showing how well he lives in Ukraine. At this point in time, he is married. I think he has children. That is not his wife. In fact, I have no footage of his wife whatsoever.
Unknown_11: Um, these streams were on a weird side channel of his called the shit stream. And just to give you a kind of idea of what the shit stream was, it started with him posting on cow, which is an old image board. Um, that was kind of like sector aligned. It was kind of about locales, but it was mostly about like internet drama, internet blood sport shit. And coach red pill was extremely tapped into this image board and he watched it constantly.
At the time, he was kind of the cool kid in the room, so his attention to Cal was not unwelcomed, and he would do, because he was like a real popular YouTuber in the Red Pill sphere, right?
Unknown_11: So the fact he would take out the time to do these weird vignettes of like 60-second long videos of him in ultra-stylized, like the black outline stuff that Godwinson was making fun of a couple videos ago, that was like his quintessential shit stream.
Unknown_11: He would post these to Cal, and then later started posting them to his own channel called The Shit Stream, which was supposed to be his challenge to the sector, be like his sector channel, and it never took off. It was mostly just him doing weird things. The Andy Worski is for things. That was one of the shit streams that he put out, and it just never took off because he's kind of insufferable, and people realize that over time. The big catalyst for realizing that Coach Red Pill was insufferable was... Wilshire Boulevard. Coach had always put himself up as a millionaire, and this was somewhat verifiable because of the documents that had been shared already showing that he had made $1.6 billion as a result of his book writing career.
But when he started, he published this on his main channel and also to all of his friends. So, like, he went on a bunch of different streams to advertise Wilshire Boulevard, which was supposed to be, like, an epic action movie. Not movie, but book.
Unknown_11: I'm assuming it's kind of like Tom Clancy. I remember my grandfather was obsessed with Tom Clancy novels and other books like that. He just wrote a ton of that shit. This book, by the way, is lost. Spoiler alert. It did get shared around, but he never published it, and everybody who had a copy of this lost it, except potentially Nick Riccata, who will never release it out of spite at this point. Wilshire Boulevard is like a lost locale artifact that I've ever found. It needs to be framed and hung up on my wall in my personal museum of weird shit that I have.
He got $10,000 from 155 backers, most of them from his main channel.
Unknown_11: He was told by mainstream publishers that they would not accept his... Let me just read this actually.
Unknown_11: Wilshire Boulevard isn't my first book. In the late 90s and early 2000s, I was a commercially successful novelist. I published thrillers on the Putnam Random House in St. Martins. My novels translated into a dozen languages. In fact, my last published novel, Acrobat, was purchased by Miramax for Anthony Minghella and Sidney Pollack to direct and produce. In the early 2000s, I left publishing to pursue other interests. However, my writing addiction never left me, so in 2016, I tried to get back into publishing. I tried to publish Wilshire Boulevard with mainstream publishers and got BTFO'd.
They rejected it for being too problematic. One New York editor went so far as to call it hateful and misogynistic all because in my novel, there are a few criticisms of feminism and some of the female characters act in less than exemplary ways. I eat no Mary Susan site. I actually, I forgot about this until just now because I am a professional streamer and I do this and take a great deal of care into it.
Unknown_08: I asked... PPP was one of the people who got a review copy, and he fucking lost the book too. And, um...
Unknown_08: I said, what was what was with the book?
Unknown_11: And he said, buddy, the book was insane. Coach had a self insert where he put a gun up a woman's vagina to fuck her in a furry convention that got shot up and coach had to save them that no one has released. It is insane. Well, he had a copy and he fucking lost it. So women are not treated well in this book and it might be a little bit too much. I think he's right.
Publishers had the good mind to read this and think, what the fuck, and back out. Now, he could have self-published it to Amazon for $2,000. They have a fee just to make sure that utter shit doesn't make it to the storefront.
Unknown_11: But he decided not to do that and said crowdfund it despite being a potential millionaire and published this where he basically admitted that he was a loser.
In the process. He says, that's it. That's my pitch. I hope you'll join me on this new adventure. Well, it was not well received. PPP made fun of it. And I think that kind of hurt their relationship. And another person made fun of it. And it hurt their relationship.
Unknown_00: Well, like I said, that's the book, Wilshire Boulevard. It's in the description of the chat. Go check it out. You guys make that decision for yourself. And if you like it, if you like Coach, support his work. That's one thing this channel is about, is supporting independent work from people. Because I think it's our duty to...
to break the traditional molds i mean the publishing industry coach showed up on the stream and the chat hates him hates coach red pill uh that like the actual chat is shocking they're all spamming like sleepy emojis and shit they hate them um and the comments are no better there's one comment in particular i want to read but let me explain what happened with regatta
Unknown_11: I can't find the actual stream, but shortly after the stream, Rakeda did receive a review copy of Wilshire Boulevard, and he said he did not like it. Actually, I remember now. He told me what he said to Coach, and he might have said it in passing on the stream, but he told Coach they didn't like it, and he gave some reasons as to why, and Coach got really offended.
And now, kind of looking back at it, it feels like, His publishing stuff was the only thing he ever did that was successful. So to be told, you know, 20 years later, literally 25 years later, pretty much, that actually, no, this is kind of shit. He didn't do a good job. It probably hurts the ego a lot because I'm sure there was that core of him that had stuck around for a long time. Like, well, you know, I might be in hard times now, but I am a published author and I am a good writer.
And then you got fucking PPP, uh, and Nick Ricada. And what the fuck do they know about writing? But they're saying that it's bad. So it's like, I'm sure that hurt his ego. There's one comment in particular I desperately want to read for you guys. And hopefully I can find it.
Unknown_11: Um,
Unknown_11: A lot of people saying, like, I hate Coach, but, you know, I understand that people didn't like him. But Nick is a true free speech champion by letting him on. But this guy, this guy whose name in Avatar just seemed familiar to me. I honestly don't know if he's, like, a listener or if he's, like, an ex-Rikada fan. But Sponge6197, five years ago, 2019, says this.
I think Nick has become beloved by a lot of people, which prompted the reaction to Coach Red Pill being on. It's only because they're concerned Coach Red Pill will drag Nick down in some petty drama like he does with everyone he associates with. Coach is a user, a schemer, a liar, and a pseudo-intellectual. Coach is four things.
This comment, perfect, beautiful. What a little time capsule of so many different sentiments all at once. Thank you, sponge6197 from five years ago.
Unknown_11: Cool. So then we have... So I think a lot of people only know, at this point, only know PPP from Keno Casino. Let me kind of explain that back in the day, PPP and Godwinson, the other guy that did the coach is full of things thing, they were like buddies. They were like stuck together. And they adhered to something that Godwinson calls the Keno dogma. 2007, which is based off of a real film ideology of there should be as little special effects as possible.
Godwinson's take is that all streaming should be done as shittily as possible using equipment that is no more sophisticated than it was in YouTube 2007.
Unknown_11: So PPP and Godwinson stuck to this very rigidly. They filmed themselves with their phone. And when they wanted to show something on the screen, instead of using OBS to inlay things like I'm doing on my stream, they literally take their phone and flip the camera and then record the screen. And this was their dogma. And it was that way for a very long time. And that's how PPP got started before he got together with Andy Worski and started Kino Casino. And now it does like a real proper show.
So this is PPP reacting to Wilshire Boulevard.
Unknown_16: It's time.
Unknown_16: It's time to talk about one of the biggest scam artists that there's ever been. It's time to speak, of course, about Gonzalo Lira, a.k.a. Coach Red Pill, and his love of money, his love of being a greedy fucking grifter.
Most of you know about Gonzo already, about how he scammed a university professor there out of thousands of dollars.
Unknown_16: About how he's just a fucking, his whole life, he's just been a flim-flam con man. That's all he's ever fucking been. But I'm going to tell you guys about Coach's perhaps most depraved, most obscene, most fucking shameless grift ever. which is the Wilshire Boulevard Grift, which was done simply for a love of fucking money there. Mmm, Gonzo. Gonzo, the scamming grifter.
Let's get ready. It's the golden fucking age.
Unknown_11: It was a different time. It was a much more simple time.
Unknown_11: Now, my whole point is that Coach wanted to make friends with what he thought of as the cool kids on the internet. Godwinson, Medeker, Ethan Ralph, Andy Worski, Nick Ricada. Not a group of people.
Now they're all fucking nerds, according to Nick Recata. But back in the day, we used to be cool, I promise.
Unknown_11: And they had all descended on Coach to cast him aside. His snakery, his treachery, his grifting. The king of all sins back in the day. Grifting had led to his downfall in the public perception of the cool kids club. So...
I actually don't know what the fuck this is.
Unknown_15: There's a guy on YouTube who did a fundraiser for $40,000.
Unknown_11: Okay, so this is another Godwinson video done in the shit stream format, and it's just Godwinson being silly, and I like it.
Unknown_15: Which he promised to use to self-publish.
Unknown_11: This is Kraut, by the way. For whatever reason, Coach Red Pill completely fucking hated Kraut. Kraut still makes videos on YouTube that are, like, history-oriented, and they get, like, 8 million views each. By the way, I'll never mention Sargon again for the rest of this stream, but since I'm thinking of it... His whole epic own, I have a Ukrainian prostitute towards Sargon. Sargon now has kids. He's doing just fine. His channel seems to be doing just fine. He seems to be like a normal dad now. Kraut doing okay. Everybody is doing okay except for Ethan Ralph and other people he hates. Kind of a mixed bag, actually. Anyways, whatever.
even though self-publishing costs only about $2,000. He never published a book, but after raising the $40,000, he uploaded videos of himself with a prostitute to another channel.
Women are objects. Yeah. If you don't pay for sex, you're not a real man. Anal sex is a woman's kryptonite. Yeah. Ethan and Andy are gay. Yeah. This is a message for Kraut's mom. Yeah. Godwinson has no balls. Yeah.
Unknown_16: So I've just finished Wilshire Boulevard. Yeah. What a keynote.
I fucked a fat girl one time. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I'm not talking like, you know, she was sort of like chubby or a bit of a porker. No, no, no. I'm talking about like a fucking whale. I mean, like an orca. I mean, like she was minimum one and a half times me. Okay. I'm a fairly big guy, right? She was bigger than me. And fucking her, man, it was like...
Unknown_19: Like swimming in an ocean of flesh. It was, Jesus, you know, it was at once horrifying and hypnotic. It was like the weirdest fucking experience. Yeah, it was funny as fuck.
I can't believe this is making me nostalgic for like 2019. I kind of miss my apartment in Odessa now. I'm sure it's like a smoldering fucking ruin, but...
Unknown_11: It was very comfy. It was very cheap.
Unknown_11: Okay, so now I have to explain. I have to lay bare my sins, chat. So I was also friendly with Coach Red Pill, and like every single fucking person that Coach Red Pill had acquaintance with, I had issues with him. This was him in August, randomly telling me in Discord, responding to a tweet I posted, saying... I've been informed and have verified that DuckDuckGo is officially the first search engine to blacklist the Kiwi farm.
Coach Red Pill, correct for once, says won't be the last. And I say, I don't know if this message is just him offering some unsolicited old man input on the situation or if he's actively threatening to try to de-index the site because the thread really hurts his feelings, but I don't want to hear from him, so I blocked him on this.
Unknown_11: CRP then put out a Coach Red Pill official video about me.
Unknown_19: You need to know how to work a room. You need to know how to make friends.
You need to know something crucial. You need to know how to accrue favors.
Unknown_19: Yeah. Recently, there's this guy, I'll say it doesn't really matter, this guy called Josh, right? He runs Kiwi Farms. Now, Kiwi Farms has this thread about me, right? A thread about me where they talk a lot of shit about me. And most of it, well, most of it is untrue.
Unknown_19: Some of it is actually true. Like, for instance, somehow these autists found my fucking family tree, right? And they put it up there on this thread. And they also found business disputes that I had where I don't look good because, of course, they put up the version of the guy I had the dispute with. The fact that this guy didn't even sue me or anything of the sort kind of like proves that the business dispute was just a bunch of bullshit, right? But anyway, on Kiwi Farms, there's this thread about me. And Josh runs Kiwi Farms. And I was getting involved with some guys, some money guys.
And I needed this thread to not be, you know, the top thing that appeared when my name, my actual name was Googled, right?
So I asked Josh if he could somehow, you know, deprioritize this.
Unknown_19: I asked him specifically, I asked him, look, can you please just remove my actual name from the URL so that way it won't fucking appear on Google as the first fucking thing when you Google my name, right?
Unknown_19: And what did Josh do? He said, fuck you. Simple as that. He said, fuck you. I'm not going to do any favor for you. Okay. I wasn't offering him anything, by the way. Okay. I just asked him as a favor. I was just putting out a chip. Right. I was putting out a marker. I was telling him, basically, I'm going to owe you. I need this. It's important to me. I wouldn't ask it otherwise.
And by the way, the page had been up for, I don't know, over two years, I think.
Unknown_19: No, coming up on two years, a year and 18 months, okay? So the page had been up there for a while, but circumstances were happening in my own life whereby I needed this page to sort of like, you know, go down. And I knew the guy who ran the site, who owned the site. And I asked him for a favor, and he said, fuck you. A funny thing happened.
A very funny thing happened. A month later, exactly 30 days after I asked for this favor, right, where he had said no, Josh had said, fuck you, or words to the effect. He didn't actually say, fuck you, but he basically said, no, I could never do that. My principles, blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_19: He said no to me. And exactly 30 days later, he sends me a message. Very urgent. I talked to you. Please, please, please get in touch with me.
Unknown_19: I call him up. What's wrong? What's up? The very first thing he says to me is that he says to me, I can get your Kiwi farm thread deprioritized on Google. I know how to do it. Okay. And all I need is for you to help me with my Ukrainian visa.
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. See, Josh is living in Ukraine and I live in Ukraine, right? And so I have residency in Ukraine, but he doesn't. He's on a tourist visa.
Unknown_19: It's been, you know, a long time since his tourist visa expired. He's here in the country illegally, right?
Unknown_19: And so, you know, here he is, you know, after I'd asked him to deprioritize my Kiwi Farms page and he'd said, fuck you.
And now he's offering this to me in exchange for me helping him with his visa.
Unknown_19: See, in the 30 days between the time I'd asked him to do what he was now offering to do, in those 30 days, and he'd said no, well, I had to eat a shitload of shit, okay? There were some guys I was working with, right? And, you know, some big money guys, right? And so I had to go to them, hat in hand, and eat shit. Eat a lot of shit. Go to them and say, you know, please don't cut me out of this deal.
Unknown_19: I had to suck up to them really badly. Two guys. And all together, it was three sessions. One of them in person, where I had to suck up to these people.
And, you know, please, please, please. And do you think I fucking liked that? No, I fucking didn't. fucking hated having to suck up to these guys, but I needed to because it represented a lot of fucking money to me.
Unknown_19: And so I sucked up. I didn't like it, but I sucked up to them and I got in good with these guys and all good. But now Josh is saying, you know, I can give this to you if you give me the residency in Ukraine.
But it was too late. It was way too late. See, I could get him the visa and it wouldn't be very expensive. And if he had helped me the first time, if he'd helped me instead of saying, fuck you to me, he'd actually helped me.
Unknown_19: I would have paid for his residency thing. It would have been a couple of grand. But happily, because him deprioritizing me on Kiwi Farms and just sort of like erasing me from the Google search, it represented a shit ton of money for me.
The 2000 fee to get his residency straightened out would have represented less than 1% of the money I'd be getting.
Unknown_19: I would have been happy to pay for that fee because Josh, by the way, is broke as fuck, right?
Unknown_00: I could have paid that fee.
Unknown_19: No problem. And I would have if he'd done the favor when I asked him to. Josh, in his arrogance,
Unknown_19: He goes and says, fuck you to me. Okay, fine. He's got these principles of his. Fine.
Unknown_19: He won't take my name off the URL of the Kiwi Farms thread. No problem.
But then later, he offers to do it.
Unknown_19: Because it's his advantage. Yeah? Because he's offering, he's making this offer so that I'll do something for him. Right? So what does that tell you? That his principles mean shit. Okay? It's just bullshit. It's just, you know, a facade. He doesn't have any fucking principles. And in point of fact, it proves that he'll pretty much do anything to save his own skin. Like a fucking rat. Yeah?
So back in July, in early July, when I asked him for this, he said no because he had his principles. But then in early August, he calls me desperately and he'll throw his principles overboard for the sake of a visa.
Unknown_19: And what did I do?
Unknown_19: I said, fuck you to Josh. Oh, yeah, of course I did. Yeah. See, I asked for his help.
Unknown_19: And he gave me some bullshit excuse about his principles. But then when his neck is on the line, his principles don't matter anymore. So the guy is a fucking rat, number one.
And number two, more to the point, see, he knew that I needed this.
Unknown_19: He knew that I needed this. And instead of trying to help me somehow, maybe he couldn't or he wouldn't because it really would affect his business, which is understandable. But instead of trying to explain this to me or trying to help me to come to a different solution to the problem, he just arrogantly flipped me off.
Am I going to help Josh in the future? Of course not. I'm going to laugh when he gets arrested in Ukraine, because eventually he will. So you see the situation. I was wondering why I let it go on so long, and now I remember. You see why you have to help each other out.
Unknown_11: Okay, allow me to explain. That's quite the indictment.
Unknown_11: There is some truth to it. He asked me, a lot of it is true. What is not true is the specifics. He comes to me, and as I said, I asked Josh to make it so my real name doesn't show up as the top result. He said, fuck you. This is the actual correspondence that we had. Josh, I need to ask a favor. It's a small one, but it's important to me. I said, depends, dude. I'm out for food at the moment. He says, the favor is simple. Edit out my real name from the title of the Coach Red Pill thread on Kiwi Farms, especially from the URL. I don't care what people say about me. I'm not asking you to take down anything. but having the KF thread pop up when they Google my real name is causing me some problems in real life. I'd be very much in your debt for this. I said, there's no way I can do that, dude, and you know it. If I delete anything from the thread title, people will immediately notice, to the point where it would be considerably less conspicuous to just delete it outright, which I also cannot do.
this is the followup. I said, I have an offer for you. Call me when you're around. So the whole, I'm begging him desperately as soon as you need something.
Unknown_11: Um, so we talk and the gist of what I say is this, that in the Google webmaster suite, there is a way to temporarily, there's like a button for that. I just found happenstance that says like, remove this page for like 30 days from search. And I thought, because I do need the visa, Because I was in a bad spot. I couldn't renew it. I didn't have access to an attorney. I couldn't find one. And I said, okay, I'll take you down. If you're doing like a business deal or something, I'll just suspend it from results for 30 days. I won't edit anything. And then it'll come back after your deal is already sealed. And no harm, no foul. And his response to that was, sorry, I already just sucked all the ass in the entire world. And now, in retrospect, I think he was doing Wilshire Boulevard, and I told him no. The issue with this, and then, oh, by the way, after this, he immediately tried to, like, give me old man talk about how dumb I am. Basically that fucking video, but, like, in a personal one-on-one condescending form.
He says, what will you do in return?
Unknown_11: And this, this, by the way, this weird fucking reply in response to this is like, he really thought he had me. I desperately needed this. There is no way I could just move, which I did. Um, he's trying to get me to write this down so he can extort me with it. I say, I have absolutely nothing to give you. And I don't like this pay for play. I don't tend to break my own rules unless there's a clear emergency. And there was, I was, uh, I needed, I didn't know where I was going to be living. And I just found a place afterwards. Um,
The thing that this revealed to me about Coach is that he is a very bad businessman. What he did is, if you read the original tweets or messages or whatever, he says, I need this specific favor for you. Now, there's no context. There's no what he's doing. There's no what he's trying to accomplish. What he's trying to accomplish is to stop a business deal from going under as a result of people finding, his business partners finding this information out about him. So, number one, he didn't actually state what he needed from me correctly. Number two, he didn't offer it. He didn't actually offer anything.
I said, my contemporary response to this was, I'd be very inhospitable to this request regardless of who was making it, but Coach never explained why he wanted this. I assume because he was asking for Coach Red Pill to be removed from the title, he was afraid of his fans finding this threat and judging him based on what they saw. Some business deal with people in the Netherlands was never brought up in this context. A month later, I had given it some thought, and since he never mentioned what his motivation was, I had given this no urgency." I figured I could do this if he helped me with something. He had never offered to do anything for me in return, and this was a unilateral request with no backing power nor promise of a favor. Violate your site's principles for me without any compensation.
And he makes fun of the principles. He said no because he had already kissed us to get the deal without the thread being obfuscated in any way. and he no longer needed my help. When it became clear he just intended to lecture me on the phone, I hang up, and I literally did. He was, like, rambling at the fucking mouth, wouldn't let me talk, and I just hung up on him, and that pissed him off, too. When it became clear he was trying to correct the subsequent conversation, the blackened on me, I ended the conversation.
By the end of that month, we were very temporarily de-indexed from the small search engine. Coach is a bad businessman. If he had said, I need this thread to not appear for the next 90 days because of a deal, what can I do for you? It opens a conversation in which there's more answers than yes or no, which hide my thread or else does not. I think the problem is sentence A shows vulnerability and Coach is too prideful to do that, even if it were the smart, honest, and effective thing to do. It is also worth mentioning that I have never once talked shit about him in any medium, ever, and this is the third time he's gone out of his way to try and provoke a fight with me. As it stands, I have never removed a thread in exchange for any amount of money or any favor in seven years. Now it's ten plus. I think it's eleven. George Red Pill is mad at me for not being the first.
And that was him burning yet another fucking branch.
Unknown_11: At this point...
Unknown_11: there's a dynamic shift because he still peters around in 2019 and the only meme going on with him in regards to his online presence is Wilshire Boulevard it never gets fucking released apparently the negative feedback from PPP and Rakeda was too much to stomach and he just gave up so it never got published the most prominent thing to come after this was me laughing at him because he broke his ankle see that
I broke my ankle again, but this time it was a lot worse.
Unknown_18: Over there, I don't know if you can see it, I'll try to zoom in, is the x-ray of my broken ankle. I mean, the thing really shattered on my second jump.
Unknown_18: The reason it shattered so badly was that I misjudged the distance to the land
Unknown_18: And I pulled up too soon.
Unknown_11: I think it was skydiving in the Netherlands. People said they could hear Dutch in the background.
At speed.
Unknown_18: And, well, here are the results.
Unknown_11: I'm not sure. Good question.
Unknown_11: And that is the last of Coach as we knew him. Now we're in the Coach of the future. And it starts off with a little bit of a preamble. Now this is early or mid-2021 before a certain event happens. And Coach is not well. Something is happening to him. He's not well. And he has a very harebrained idea that I think a lot of people have forgotten about at this point in time. I introduce you to Project Mayhem.
Coach is in Paris, France, sabotaging the NAFO forces by inserting toothpicks in the keyholes of various locks throughout the city.
Unknown_11: This is Project Mayhem. He started up an entire Telegram channel, which got 330 subscribers over its life.
Unknown_11: His idea was that young men across the world, he literally posted fucking manifestos. Should I read this? I'll read this, whatever.
Unknown_11: To any and all cells of three, this is Mayhem. Next Friday at noon Eastern Standard Time, you'll get your weekend homework assignment. Carry it out and don't get caught. Be ready. Tell others. Don't fuck up. There is no Tyler Durden. You are Tyler Durden. Tyler Durden was the leader, the ubermensch, the alpha, the man. When he led, others followed. Where he did, others repeated, copied, and improved upon and multiplied. Tyler Durden was a figment of the imagination of the narrator. The narrator was a wage slave, a simp, a loser, a nothing, a zero. He knew in detail the corruption of his employer and he did nothing. He was just another cog in a corrupt machine. Tyler Durden was the man the narrator went to become. You are the narrator, so become your version of Tyler Durden. The will of men is the most powerful force when united and driven into a single straight line. That is why the enemies hate us, because they fear us, because they know we are stronger. That is why the enemies have united against us. The enemies are many. They are not a united block. They only seem so to us. The enemies are filled with resentment and envy. Their souls black with greed for money and unspoiled flesh. The enemies hate that there is a single driving emotion. They are filled with hate, most of all for themselves, but they claim hysterically and obsessively that everyone else is as filled with hate as they are.
This is a projection. This is a lie. The enemies hate themselves and hate each other more than they could ever hate us. As surely as the night follows day, that kind of self-hatred that fills the black souls of the enemies leads to suicide. That's why they set aside their differences and turn on us. The enemies mean to fight us, enslave us, turn our women into whores and our children into catamites, burn down the monuments and achievements of our ancestors, pervert the art of goodness and beauty in the world, and ultimately enslave the weaker of us while killing the best of us. That is their goal. They say so all the time. That's why now is the time to turn the tide. Now is the time to fight. So find your three. Find your two men who believe as we do that this cannot go on any longer, that this must be stopped. Find two men, not women, not children, not men who talk a big game but then turn away in fear, not men who have been brainwashed by the enemies. Find two men whom you know well, two men who you have trusted before and whose worth you know. Find them, bring them together, and accept their open heart to them. Tell them...
why you've decided to fight. Tell them that we are losing our very civilization, that all is beautiful and true and good and decent in the world. Tell them that you want to fight this evil. Tell them that you want to defend what you have built. Tell them that you want a better life for your children. Tell them that if you don't band together now and resist now, the enemies will kill you all because that is their stated goal, a goal which they repeat over and over again. In every commercial, in every movie, in video game, in every speech their corrupt leaders give, with every breath they take, the enemies want to wipe us off the face of the earth. Fine, now you're three. Fine, never more than three, never less than three, because three is the magic number.
A man and a woman had a little baby.
Unknown_11: There were three in the family, and that's the magic number. Don't forget, the weekend homework assignment will be published on Friday. And the homework assignment was... I'm not going to read all of this. I just want to show you the homework assignment.
Unknown_11: um no down there there it is the toothpicks consider the toothpick he says encouraging the three the magic number the three to go out and insert toothpicks in all the keyholes because this will bring down the enemy chat uh this is real and he would post these little um things into this telegram channel that literally nobody has ever found except me and say shit like this
I think it was in 1999 that the movie Fight Club came out and it hit me like a train. And I could not understand why it was a financial flop because it was. It was with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, who was an up and coming actor, very well respected. And I thought it was going to be a huge monster hit. And I went to see it on the first day and I loved it. I liked it enough that I saw it another time that week. And during the course of its theatrical run, I must have seen it at least four times. It had a huge impact on me the first half. The second half got stupid.
And the second half just needed like a rethink conceptually. That's what I thought. And the movie, well, on an artistic level, I thought it was tremendous. And I couldn't understand why more people weren't going to see it, why more people weren't going to see it in droves. Every guy I knew loved the movie at the time that it came out. And every one of us bought the DVD as soon as it came out. But the movie was a flop. And, of course, now I understand it. It was an incredibly expensive club. They spent, like, a lot of fucking money.
Should I interrupt it? He's basically just talking about Fight Club.
Unknown_19: You can tell how expensive all this stuff is.
Unknown_11: The worst part about this entire thing, by the way, is that he says that the movie was bad.
Unknown_11: He says that the ending sucked. That the second half of the movie sucked.
Unknown_11: But he's built like, he copied everything, including from the second half with Project Mayhem and shit. So, as the storm is brewing in the streets, Coach Red Pill has lost his fucking mind, and the sector is now dead forever. A true black swan event, as Coach Red Pill predicted in 2010 or wherever, change finally came.
I know some of you guys don't speak Russian.
Unknown_13: It's Putin declaring war on Ukraine. Kind of. Indirectly.
In February 2022, the forces of the Russian Federation proceeded past the checkpoints in occupied eastern Ukraine and began an all-out assault on the country of Ukraine.
Unknown_11: And this inexorably altered the life of many people. Including Coach Red Pill. Coach Red Pill had been living in a city called Kharkiv. Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine, and it is in spitting distance of the Russian border, the internationally recognized Russian border. So the troops were right there at the gate, basically right off the big end. And in the first week of Ukraine and the war, it was fucking crazy. Like Russia extended deep into the territory. They came south of Belarus, hit directly into the capital city of Kyiv. They almost surrounded Kharkiv. And it looked like shit was going to wrap up real fucking fast and not even a month before any actual defense could be mustered. That's not what happened.
And I don't want to get into the actual politics of the war because it's irrelevant, but...
Unknown_11: It was not irrelevant to Coach Red Pill, who had picked a side. Now, you might think that based off the conversation I played earlier, Coach Pill would have very little opinion on the politics of Russia and Ukraine, or that perhaps he would have a sympathetic opinion to Ukraine, but that was not the case. He took a very ardent anti-Russia stance and published videos while living in Kharkiv in an active war zone about the war, unfavorable to Ukraine.
uh to ukraine and this was one of the first things he did this is february 26th so it hasn't even been 48 hours since the first mortars dropped the first people killed there are tentacles of caravans of tanks and military equipment barreling down the highway from belarus to kiev where he's currently at in this video And he is in a conference room of a hotel surrounded by a journalist. And when this video came out, I knew right then and there, I even said so in the thread, Coach Red Pill is going to die.
All the system pig journalists are here. See, all these people, they're all system pig journalists. They're all like, you know, here to report on how they led Ukraine up the garden path. And now Ukraine is fucked. Yeah. The people pushing the narrative. These are the people pushing the narrative. So you can see them. See them real good.
Unknown_19: Yeah.
Unknown_19: And the best part is that they're all staying at a five-star hotel. A comfy five-star hotel. while they led Ukraine up the garden path.
So there's a part of this. I don't know if I can scan.
Unknown_11: You can see people are staring at him. He's in a very quiet room. This is not like a loud cafeteria. Everybody in this room can understand what he's saying. Clear as day. These are the people pushing the narrative.
Unknown_19: So you can see them. See them real good.
Unknown_11: There's a guy that waves. I don't know if I can find it again.
And the best part is that... And it's like, he doesn't even... Like, number one, he's basically saying that their country is going to not exist in the next couple hours.
Unknown_11: Which, those are fighting words. Right off the bat, he's lucky someone didn't just beat the fuck out of him. He's lucky that the manager didn't just kill him. Like, for real. Like, what a fucking shock. You wake up one day, your country's invaded. They're literally on the fucking highway to your city to capture the capital of your government. And you got this fat fuck American calling you a pig. Now, in case you don't know, the word pig actually means a lot. I don't even think Coach Red Pill knows this because even at this point in time, having lived in Harku for going on 10 years at this point, he doesn't know the alphabet. He can't even read the Russian Ukrainian alphabet. He could not read this picture right here.
Which says, This means, warning! Um...
Unknown_11: The ponayudsovoi thing, that means there's a Ukrainian chant, Ukraine under nothing or something. So they take the second half of that and they make it like an insult. The second part of that sentence, by the way, implies that the person they're talking about shits themselves. Because I guess Russian has so many different suffixes for things that it's like there's a specific suffix for someone who's fecally incontinent. So it says, and kakalo is a make fun of the word ho-ho, which is like an insult. So it's like an extra insulting version of something that's already like a slur for Ukrainians. And then schwein, the Russians don't like to admit this, folks. It's true. It's true. But the Russians have a secret love affair for the Germans, and schwein means schwein. So it says, warning. ukrainian pigs and like the most dirty disgusting possible way you could ever conjure that sentence with so much subtext and nuance and memes and it's like the the the most russian thing that you could ever see post on the internet directly that you're training people and the word pig is like a like a thing it's a known thing everyone in ukraine knows what the russians say about ukrainians and they call them pigs And here is Coach fucking Red Pill in the capital city of Ukraine in the immediate aftermath of a full-scale Russian invasion with the fucking tanks on the fucking highway as artillery is landing around them, calling the people that live there pigs. And when this happened, when this dropped, I'm thinking, this is one dead motherfucker. He ain't getting none of this shit alive. And surprisingly, he lived a little bit longer than just that day.
So this is his hot take. This is, I think, at the end of February or early March is when this is filmed. And this is Coach's analysis. I think he had to escape Kiev to go back to Kharkiv where his family was. And he took a train. And the trains were working intermittently.
Unknown_11: so he had to wait for the trains to come back before he could reach harku and he did and then he put out this video they are avoiding civilian populations and civilian discussing the russian forces and when they go to a city or a destination when they encounter any resistance from the ukrainian army any serious resistance they stop and pull back because what are they doing they are encircling
That's their whole strategy. And it's very simple. And if you look at a map, you'd realize it.
Unknown_19: What the Russians are doing is that whenever they go to a major city like Kiev, like Kharkov, and soon enough they're going to be in Dnipro.
Unknown_11: Clarification. Kharkov is the Russian pronunciation for Kharkov. Kharkiv is the Ukrainian pronunciation. There's a couple of weird things like that where it's Kiev versus Kiev, Lviv versus Lvov, Odessa spelled with two S's versus one S. It's very, very autistic. Don't think too hard about it.
when they get to those cities they go up to those cities and they meet some resistance and then they pull back and they allow their forces to start to surround it that's the strategy they're employing in Kiev that's the strategy that they're employing in Kharkov they are encircling these cities and once they've completely encircled them what will they do they'll wait that's what they'll do
Unknown_19: See, if you surround a city, all you have to do is just wait around. Eventually it'll fall, of course. And so the Russians are systematically surrounding all of the major cities. And whenever they come across a smaller town or village, they just advance and cover it and capture it and move on and continue with their advance. Whenever they meet any kind of serious resistance, they stop, pull back, and then encircle.
So, I think maybe also this clip I should play. Okay, I will not play this one. This is an aside.
Unknown_11: Coach Red Pill was 100,000% convinced that this war, the Ukrainian war that's going on to this fucking day, would be wrapped up in a couple weeks, maybe a couple months if things went bad.
Unknown_11: And I think a lot of people were also convinced of that because the Russians made amazing progress in the first couple of weeks. And then they had to suddenly retreat and the Ukrainians recovered thousands of kilometers of territory.
Unknown_11: What Koch expected in his head is that the Russian army would push from the east to the west and conquer everything up to the Dnipro River, which cuts Ukraine basically in half. The Kiev sits on the Dnipro River. Then the Russians would swoop down from Crimea and take everything from the Crimean Peninsula all the way to the border with Romania and cut off Ukraine from the Black Sea. This would unite the Pridnostrovia or Transnistria. They prefer Pridnostrovia.
which is a breakaway state in Moldova, situated on the border between Moldova and Ukraine, which is very pro-Russian, and Russia would have saved their brothers and sisters in Pridnostrovia, basically. That was what he expected. He expected that this would take a little while. And
I think that he wasn't completely alone in this, but what actually differentiated Coach Red Pill from anyone thinking that is that, number one, he lived in the affected areas, and he was literally staking his life on it.
Unknown_11: Two, he also had the belief that he should publish his thoughts to the internet. I'm sure there are many peasants in these affected areas who just work in small villages in Ukraine who think, yeah, the Russians will probably wrap this shit up in a couple months when it started.
And then they're, like, surprised. But their life hasn't really changed that much, and they didn't say it too loud, and they're not dead. Or they might be dead. I don't know. This is a war zone. George Redfield blasted this shit to the internet to any fucking buddy that would listen. And the reason why he did that is because he is, if nothing, but a cloud chaser. He believed that once the front line pushed back Kharkiv and they rendered Ukraine down to a rum state, he would be a fucking hero. He would be lauded by the Russian Federation and all of Russian social media. He would be doused in opportunities and all the things that he never got in the evil West. And he would speak his truth. He would say how evil the West was and how evil Ukraine was. And he's so happy and he knows that the people there are so happy that Russia came and liberated Ukraine. And regardless of what your fucking opinion is, and I don't give a shit, that's what he thought.
But that did not happen. Instead, he encountered some resistance. And this was the video that he claims actually fucked him over.
Unknown_11: This was published, and it wasn't just one mistake. Let it be clear, this is almost a full fucking year after the invasion started, and they're pushed way the fuck back when this happens. He's giving a primer on the conflict.
So between then and now, and it was very hard to find sources because shit moves so fast. He had been visited by the FSB a couple times, I want to say. He had been visited and told not to leave Harkeep.
Unknown_11: And he had been visited, I think, by Azov.
Unknown_11: He claimed, I think, that Azov actually visited them and intimidated him. And he said, no, I'm still going to keep blasting my fucking dipshit opinions on the internet.
Unknown_11: Good for him, I guess. But he kept talking. And then in January...
Next fucking year, he published this video. It is a 60-minute long coach video. And at this point, he had actually developed a completely different following. He was no longer just Coach Red Pill, the date guy. He was Gonzalo Lira, the Russian, the guy that knew about the situation in the war and had all these really hot takes that people gave more credit because he was living in Arkiv at the time.
Unknown_11: So this primer is – I listened to it. It's basically the Russian line word for word, that the modern Ukrainian government is a puppet government put into place by the United States of America as a result of a CIA color revolution that started in 2014.
Zelensky is an illegitimate president, that the Azov battalion is a neo-Nazi faction, and therefore the Ukrainian government is complicit in neo-fascism, which of course is a very bad thing to him and to Russia because the Russians triumph over the Nazis, and so on and so forth. He basically said every single thing that the Ukrainian government really, really, really, really, really, really does not like it when people say, and at this point in time they had laws on the books to punish people for doing it.
Unknown_11: Now you can, again, have whatever opinions you want. But I'm telling you that it's probably not a good idea as a foreigner in a foreign country It's a bad idea in general to talk politics as a foreigner in a foreign country. I have no opinion. When I was there, Putin who? Crimea what? Sorry, I'm just here to spend American dollars.
I don't know. You can call that cowardice. It kept me alive. I didn't have any issues with ISIS in the Philippines. I didn't have any issues with Azov in Ukraine. My tactic of Putin who is very, very good.
Unknown_11: so at least by my experience um so uh this video you're having trouble i will spare you it because it's just politics who gives a fuck um and then uh he kind of regretted it he kind of regretted it i think that this is the video yeah it is so this was um no i got this out of order so this is from march
And he kind of flip-flopped. I think once the FSB was knocking on his door, he kind of apologized for it. Because this is a Telegram message of him where he was discussing the prior things, this video. And he said, just woke up, and all I can think about is this fucking video where the Russian propagandist twisted what I said. It seems like the video has gone viral in Russia and Ukraine, and it makes me seem anti-Ukrainian, and I am in the middle of Ukraine. So it was this video where he was saying that the Russians were going to mop up Ukraine real fucking fast and leave it a rump state. That got re-posted by a bunch of super significant Russian, I guess you could call them propagandists, they were just mouthpieces on Telegram. He got retweeted by that. The Ukrainians heard it, they learned that he was in Kharkiv, and they shared that around on VK or wherever the fuck.
And that got him in trouble with the Ukrainians. He kind of had to walk that back. But then he realized that there was a lot of fucking money and audience to be made and pandering to the weird conservative contingent that's explicitly pro-Russia because they're anti-NATO. And that's how we got to the Ukrainian conflict of primer, which pissed off the Ukrainian government for real, for real, no cap this time.
But I mean, it's Coach Red Pill. No man can beat him. No woman can lay a hand on him. And because he's an American citizen, no Ukrainian can touch him. Well, coach, I am no man. I am no woman and I am no Ukrainian.
Unknown_03: Russia hates the truth that their obsessive focus on a Ukrainian volunteer is simply allowing the light of the Ukrainian nation's honesty to shine brightly.
Unknown_03: Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favorite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes. And this puppet of Putin is only the first. Russia's war criminal propagandists will all be hunted down and justice will be served as we in Ukraine are led on this mission by faith in God, liberty, and complete liberation.
So if you don't know who this wonderful young man is, you are looking at Sarah Ashton Cirillo. Last name Ashton is a little bit suspicious. I don't know if PPP would like to confirm or deny any relationship to him. But he is a tranny, and he somehow became the spokesperson for the official...
spokesperson to the west of the ukrainian military as a volunteer so this tranny shows up with his military tote bag in a war zone with i i assume his reddit stickers on it and the ukrainian military is like what the fuck are we gonna should we just shoot them what do we do i said no no i have an idea comrade We're going to make him a spokesperson to the United States because Americans really like trannies. And the other guy was like, Boris, are you sure that sounds fucking retarded? And Boris was like, yeah, trust me on this. I've seen some weird fucked up shit on VK.
Unknown_11: Just put the tranny in, and he will stay far away from the troops. Nobody will get molested in their sleep.
Unknown_11: And then he can show the West how progressive and woke we are. And they're like, okay, if you insist. Now, Ashton Sorello had a particular hate boner for Coach Red Pill. I'm not actually sure why.
Maybe it's because he's such a progressive feminist.
Unknown_11: I don't know. Maybe he got bullied. Okay, here's what happened. He tried to follow in Coach Red Pill's advice, and it couldn't stop being an incel. So then he truned out, and he's always had a hate boner for Coach. It's like a Stan thing where it's like, you get off. It's like this.
Unknown_11: After taking all of Coach's advice and not getting laid for consecutive years,
Sarah Ashton Cirillo was like this.
Unknown_11: So he went to Ukraine is what I'm trying to say. And he didn't like coach red pill.
Unknown_11: So, um, he got detained at multiple points.
Unknown_11: Um, and towards the end of his life,
Unknown_11: He was arrested and released on conditional bond in violation of the Disinformation Act of Ukraine.
And he actually posted his indictment on Zitter.
Unknown_11: So this is actually 25 tweet chain. It is a dying man's words. I suppose I'll read it. I'll be nice. This is the last thing he actually posted that was substantive to Twitter.
Unknown_11: Right now, I'm about to try to get out of Ukraine and seek political asylum in Hungary. Either I'll cross the border and make it to safety, or I'll be disappeared by the Kiev regime. This is what happened to me over the last three months.
Unknown_11: On May 1st, January, February, March, April, May, June, July. Okay, so that year, 2023, I was arrested for my YouTube videos. The photos of my arrest are pretty funny. Morning bedhead made me look like a character out of Dr. Seuss. Do I have that? Oh, man, if I don't have that picture, I don't have that.
Oh, no, hold on.
Unknown_08: I have to immediately find this.
Unknown_08: If I try searching the cum dumpster of Kyiv, I do not find one.
Unknown_07: Shockingly, I don't find what I'm looking for. I was doing so well up until this.
Oh man, I'm never going to find this now. It's so fucking over.
Unknown_08: I'll just explain.
Unknown_11: It's on the other browser. Yes. Yes. The funny picture. So when he got arrested by the Ukrainian equivalent of the FBI, they took a picture of him as he was entering custody and it leaked. And this is the worst picture of Coach Red Pill that you could ever fucking take. Just look at that bald spot. He's got like crazy hair, like branching out into three different directions. It's just a fucking disaster. And I saw this picture and I laughed really hard at it. It said, this elderly Jewish woman has been luring Russian soldiers for prostitution and killing them afterwards. She's already killed 45 Russian soldiers. For this, she's been dubbed the cum dumpster of Kiev.
That's what he's referencing.
Unknown_11: I continue. My crime was making videos critical of the West and giving their proxy regime and Kiev and how they are destroying Ukraine. Attached to these tweets is a full indictment against me, both the original Ukrainian and English translations. As you can see, even the prosecutor admits I committed no crime against property or any person, and I certainly provided no aid or intelligence to the Russians.
My indictment explicitly states that all I did was discuss publicly known facts about the war, the epitome of free speech, and democracy. But Zelensky's Ukraine is no democracy. It is a thieving, corrupt, murderous, gangster regime pretending to be a polite Western democracy.
Unknown_11: Once arrested, I was given documentation assuring me that I was guaranteed the right to contact my lawyers and loved ones as well as post-bail. In fact, I was blocked from calling anyone, even my lawyers, and I was not permitted to post-bail, even though I had the cash to do so. In other words, the formalities were carried out scrupulously while judicial and ethical grotesqueries ruled. That's Zelensky's Ukraine.
That's what his thuggish regime cares about, the perception of democracy and the rule of law, so as to mask the sordid, corrupt reality. That's why they relentlessly persecute anyone who tells the truth about this war. I'm not the only so-called propagandist the Kiev regime has thrown in prison. It's also why they shoot at any AFU soldiers who dare to retreat. That's why the AFU losses are so horrific but hidden.
As you can see by this indictment, the video that I made that really chapped their ass was Ukraine a Primer, which gives the historical background to the conflict where I state outright that this invasion wasn't out of the blue, that indeed it was provoked by the Kiev regime. Once inside the CISO prison, I was tortured in two of the four cells I was in by the other prisoners. Guards never beat prisoners, they outsource torture to the other prisoners. One prisoner actually apologized to me, told me he had no choice, he wasn't lying, I understood. I got a cracked rib in my first cell, but it wasn't too bad, the worst stretch was in the fourth cell. From 1pm on June 21st until 7pm the next day, 30 hours, I was beaten and sleep deprived, my arms twisted the wrong way around my shoulders, and generally beaten pretty bad.
I've taken a beating in my time, so sure it hurt like hell but it was manageable. But then at one point two thugs held my head in a used toothpick to scratch the whites of my left eye while asking me if I could still read if I had just one. That was unnerving. Near the end of the session, one of the thugs struck me in the chest so hard and so repetitively that the beating left a yellow and green splotch dead center on my sternum. He was berated by the cell boss because he had left a mark on me, which that was a no-no.
Unknown_11: Then, as luck would have it, two days later, when the bruising was in full bloom, a senior guard came to give me a wellness check. This was likely because of the Chilean embassy efforts. The U.S. embassy called me three times, but gave me nothing but support, empty bromides. The guards told me to remove my shirt so they could look me over. The bruising was really spectacular, but he just nodded and pretended he didn't even see a thing.
Why was I beaten to the point of torture? Well, it wasn't over my YouTube videos.
Unknown_11: I was imprisoned because of my videos, no doubt. The videos were why the SBU arrested me and put me in CISO prison without bail. But as they investigated me and examined my computers and accounts, all of which they confiscated and opened, the SBU realized that I am not poor. So once they had imprisoned me for my videos, the SBU took the opportunity to extort money from me, using the guards as accomplices.
who in turn used the prisoners as muscle. How I discovered this is too complicated for a Twitter thread, but I'm writing a book about it.
Unknown_11: All told, they extorted $70,000 out of me and split it amongst themselves. They also took another $9,000 when they arrested me, my emergency cash, and another $11,000, which was my bail money. With the computers, iPhone, etc., I'm out about $100,000 on this adventure."
Unknown_11: I'm never going to see any of that back, not even the bail money, because I've decided to leave Ukraine before my trial. My trial is on Wednesday, August 2nd, and I've already been told I will be found guilty. My sentence will be five to eight years in a prison labor camp. Yeah. But here's the thing. The conditions of my bail that I have to wear an electric monitor, surrender my passports and not leave the city of Kharkov, much less the country. However, after posting bail, I didn't get an ankle monitor, and they returned my passports. Later at the SPU offices, they returned my other documents they confiscated, my driver's license, and my motorcycle registration.
In CISO, I'm told an inmate last year had been detained, released, but I'm not told to leave Ukraine again. He laughed, they were telling you to leave. This time, it looks like the same is happening. They're telling me not to leave, but to leave the door open. Or so I hope. And maybe I'm being set up by them so they can justify putting me away in a labor camp so no one will ever know about their sordid extortion scheme. I simply do not know, so I'm decided to die trying. I rode my motorcycle across Ukraine, 1400 kilometers in two days. I'm going to Hungary to ask for political asylum. When I fail to show up for court in Kharkov, an arrest warrant will be issued, likely an international warrant. No doubt other EU countries will comply like sheep, returning me to serve five to eight years in a prison labor camp, regardless of the fact Kiev arrested and imprisoned me for YouTube videos for free speech, what happened to European democratic values.
The U.S. State Department will return me too. I'm not a black lesbian druggie or a transgender grifter. Besides, Victoria Nuland hates my guts, or so I'm told. I'm hoping the Hungarians will read my indictment and say this is bullshit, we're not sending him back. I'm posting this thread just as I'm getting to the border checkpoint. I'm also posting videos on two channels I have access to, The Roundtable and Gonzalo Lira, again. If you don't hear from me in the next 12 hours, well, I'm on my way to a labor camp. Wish me luck. And here's the video that he promised. And trust me, I do have commentary. You just gotta give me a second. Let's see, I have timestamps for this. 109, so 49.
So that you understand my situation.
Unknown_19: My case originally started as a free speech issue.
Unknown_19: But because of the SBU and the inherent corruption
Unknown_19: of the SBU and the criminal justice system in Ukraine, I will definitely be sent to a prison labor camp where I will most certainly die.
And so I decided that the smart thing was take my chances in terms of getting across the border.
Unknown_19: Right now I'm maybe five kilometers away from the border with Hungary. Over the last two days I rode my bike just about 1300 kilometers from Kharkov all the way here to the border.
Unknown_19: And my intention is to cross the border, get to Hungary, and in Hungary I'm going to ask for political asylum.
So let me explain something real quick. Again, this thread and this video, this is the third of three videos.
Unknown_11: He streamed these live to YouTube while admitting to a crime and admitting that he was going to illegally cross the border. Not only did he admit that he was going to do this, he said that he was going to do it immediately. And then not only that, he said where he was going to do it.
Unknown_11: This is a map of Ukraine and includes the occupied regions. We're going to take a look at where it borders. So this is Russia over here. This is Belarus up here. This is Moldova. The little red spot is Pridnostrovia, which I mentioned before. That is Romania, big long border right there and down there by Odessa. That is a long border with Poland, a little tiny border with Slovakia, and then even smaller than little Slovakia's border with Ukraine is Hungary. Between Hungary and Ukraine, there are two official border crossing points. I believe that he was near Chop when he was apprehended.
So out of all the places that you could possibly go to leave Ukraine, one of the biggest countries in the entire world, if you look at the size of Ukraine's official boundaries and how it compares, it's larger than Germany. It's larger than France. And it has one, two, three, four, if you count Pridnostrovia, which does have its own borders, five, six, seven different crossings. He picked the smallest one with the fewest checkpoints into a EU regulated country while announcing it ahead of time. So the people dedicated to watching Coach Red Pill and who saw his tweets and then also saw his videos called Chop and called the other one, V-Lock, and said, hey, watch out for this dude who is extremely recognizable because he looks like a fucking Crypt Keeper. He's an American. He'll be an American Chilean trying to enter Hungary. And he looks awful. He looks like an aged Chilean man. The easiest profile in the entire fuck. You can't miss him. He stands out in a crowd of normal people on a good day. So really just like the most baffling. What the fuck is he thinking? I have a second time stamp at 846. Let me calculate that real quick. I did not do that right. 860. Okay.
Eight minutes and six seconds.
They keep a close eye on that crossing. So you can't go through there. Another option that I was seriously considering was going to the front, to going to the contact line and thinking to myself, maybe there is some spot in the contact line that is being used by civilians, refugees, going back and forth. But that turned out to be a non-starter. I was surprised. I mean, the front is over a thousand kilometers long, but
Unknown_19: There is no real spot where you can easily move, not without a guide, not without somebody who knows what they're doing. I also looked into the possibility of somebody helping me out.
And a couple of them were grifters. It was clear as day, you know, they wanted money.
Unknown_19: And the others, they had a lot of good intentions, but they didn't know what the hell they were doing. And so ultimately, I was not able to find a Sherpa, a guide who could get me through.
Unknown_19: So that's my situation.
Unknown_19: And yeah, I'm going to chance it at the border.
Unknown_11: It didn't work. Now, one of the things that I really noticed about this, and this is my last observation regarding his escape attempt. is that he mentions that in this enormous, enormous Russian border, a lot of this is not... Like, this up here, this is all fucking lockdown. Like, this is all crazy town up here. You're not going to get in through the normal border. But you mean to tell me that you can't go from there to there and slip through? Like, where there's soldiers and shit? And it occurred to me while thinking about this, because I'm a problem solver myself, and I'm thinking, that could have been me. Fuck. Who knows what could have happened? What would I have done in this situation? Now, the border to Pridnostrovia was actually closed, but there's nothing stopping you from not coming in like a normal way, though they say that he says that he doesn't think so.
But the Russian one is particularly intriguing to me, especially where there's no border because there's a fucking war going on. Now, obviously, there's a fucking war going on, so that's kind of a deterrent in and of itself. But it then occurred to me that Coach had no friends. Coach had no friends.
At all to contact. Because I feel like if Coach had learned Russian, perhaps, and had made a friend and had actual contact with the Russian government, he could have said, like, I need to get the fuck out of here. And then they say, no worry, comrade. We have a spot for you.
Unknown_11: West of Borova, come to this point on this GPS on your motorcycle at this time and look for the guys.
Unknown_11: Don't worry. Don't look for them. Just sit there and they'll come to you after a moment. And then he'd be escorted in. And then he could give this big speech about how he escaped in this daring action thriller where he rendezvoused with Russian spies and it was all action packed. And as he left his apartment on his motorbike, he He realized that the FSB had already gone into the building and were raiding his apartment, but he was on his way.
So we even in between the cars and they couldn't catch him, got to Borova and then went to the spot. And then he stayed there for five minutes and was pitch black. And then he just saw a cigarette on the horizon. He realized those are my boys coming to get me.
Unknown_11: But he didn't have any friends. Despite his being a fucking simp for the Russian government, he never made contact.
Would his theory, if the Russian swoop in, conquer Ukraine thing had happened, would anyone in Russia have even noticed that he was right? Would he have actually gotten the fame and notoriety that he would have expected if he had managed to just shelter in place and let the Russians win?
Unknown_11: And I realized that's the saddest thing about the entire stream to me is realizing that even in his darkest hour where he was told, and I'll just assume that he's true because weird things do happen. He's told that he's going to be found guilty and they're just going to put him in a labor camp and he's going to die if he doesn't get the fuck out. And he couldn't tap anybody. He couldn't tap anybody in the Polish side, in the Hungarian side, the Slovenian side, the Pridnestrovian side, the Moldovan side, the Romanian side, the Belarusian side, and nothing over the thousands of kilometers of space where Russia meets Ukraine. Nobody. Not a single person. Where it would matter the most could help him. And by the way, at this point, his wife had broken up with him. I haven't mentioned her much because she kept out of the limelight.
But I distinctly remember the story that his wife had left and taken the kids at this point in the war.
Unknown_11: I think it was after he got arrested. And it made me kind of wonder if she didn't know who Coach really was.
Unknown_11: If she was just like, okay, this American man has money. He wants to hook me up with the family. I guess this is the best that I can do. He's kind of old, but whatever.
And then she was just like a normal woman. And then she didn't know. She spoke Ukrainian. She didn't speak English that well. She didn't realize that was Coach Red Pill. And then after he got arrested and she heard from, you know, VK or whatever, that, oh, he's like a huge fucking douchebag. He's obsessed with anal sex. And calls women dogs. Yeah. And it's like a Putin simp. He's like, oh my god. And then she left. That's the only thing I can think of in regards to that.
So the news came out, and by the way, Sarah looks a little bit different here because in between Coach being arrested and Coach fucking dying, Sarah had made a statement about wanting to murder an American senator. or something. Something about an American senator being a fascist who should be held to task or something. And then every single American head in unison snapped and looked at him. Like, what the fuck did you just say? And so he had to apologize and kowtow. And then the military forcibly detransitioned him. So this is him in 2014 addressing the Coach Red Pill fiasco.
Unknown_02: Hello everyone. I've decided to go live
Unknown_02: due to all of the commentary that's taking place surrounding the passing of Gonzalo Lira. I will reiterate the statement I made earlier that I hope Gonzalo's family finds peace and solace in knowing that Gonzalo is no longer suffering in this human form and that he has gone on to eternal
hopefully eternal salvation, I believe eternal salvation, thanks to the Lord. The coach dying was oddly like a little bit of an international fiasco for him, for Ukraine.
Unknown_11: Elon Musk tweeted that Zelensky was responsible for murdering a journalist. Tucker Carlson had a segment about Gonzalo dying in Ukraine and how it was a political assassination. He got roundly retweeted like a fucking circus after he died.
This is from a foreign UN intelligence officer, Gonzo Lira, murdered by Azov Battalion Kraken Unit. Gonzo Lira, Gonzo is not his name, a Chilean social media influencer who resided in Kharkov, Ukraine, who published online content critical of the Ukrainian government, was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by the Kraken Unit, part of the Azov Battalion affiliated with the Ukrainian Security Service. This isn't even true because the official story came out, and this is his hometown, by the way, Chile, talking about how he was killed, how he was a Chilean national. And apparently in his last hours, the Chilean government was the one carrying the most water for him and trying to help him. And he didn't even reach out to his own government, I guess, for like a way out, like to...
Now, that would be a story. The Chilean paratroopers jumping into Kharkov to take him to the coast. Because, you know, Chile has such a long coast. I'm sure they have a big, beautiful navy. And they've swept through all the mines in the sea to exfiltrate Coach Red Pill. That's a story.
Unknown_11: Now, he turned his back on Chile. Because Chile is not cool. Hungary, though. Hungary likes Russia. Therefore, Hungary is the coolest place to be.
This is Mario Noffel, who is a 1.7 million subscriber, host of the largest show on X, unfiltered, unbiased, 24-7 news. U.S. reporter and Zelensky's critic remembered in Moscow. A memorial for American reporter Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian prison on January 12th, has been set up near a U.S. embassy in Moscow. Lira, a critic of NATO, the Biden administration, Volodymyr Zelensky, repeatedly faced torture, extortion, and medical neglect. A memorial poster reads, Free speech is a threat to American democracy. Lira, detained by Ukrainian security service in May 2023, had severe health issues, including pneumonia and edema, which were ignored by authorities, according to a letter to his sister. Sorry, that was out of order. Fuck me. There was a letter from Coach's father that I have misplaced.
And I feel like a total dipshit.
Unknown_11: Sorry, it was just effectively... Assuming I can't find this. The confirmation that Coach had actually died first came from his father. A handwritten note was delivered to him where he said that he had pneumonia and that the prisoner was not taking it seriously. He said he had edema, which is like an issue where...
your body retains too much water, you start looking like a waterlogged corpse. So he's an old man, he already had an existing health condition, and I assume that a Ukrainian prison in wartime is not very nice, so he took on health issues and died as a result. So he was never convicted of anything. He did die in prison, and that's why people say that it was an execution, to which we have a solemn song to remember him by.
Oh, rest ye tragic boomer men, your life cut much too short By angry men who hate your work and hunted you for sport The system pigs and journal scum who you did try to fight Oh, our coach is dead and gone, dead and gone Oh, our coach is dead and gone
Unknown_14: Not even glue and toothpicks could keep Azov at bay They chased CRP round Kharkiv and much to his dismay They caught him before one last show, now we don't truly know If our coach is dead and gone, dead and gone Oh, our coach is dead and gone
He may be strung up by the neck or hiding somewhere still. They may have just lopped off his head and rolled it down the hill. He could have left this all behind, but infamy pays the bills. Oh, our coach is dead and gone, dead and gone. Oh, our coach is dead and gone.
Unknown_11: So, it is sad. He leaves behind his children. He had at least two... He made a joke once that he had four children with five different women. I think he forced one to have an abortion or something.
He kind of was smart and kept kind of quiet about his family that he actually cared about. I will... I have a different outro song, in case you're wondering. That wasn't the outro.
Unknown_11: I have my final thoughts about this. The...
Unknown_08: Sorry, let me organize this real quick.
Unknown_11: Coach gave a lot of very bad advice throughout his entire life. He told people how to live so that they could get whatever they wanted. He said to give them money for his Patreon content.
And I think he believed his own lies. He actually believed, towards the end... Especially once he built up the huge audience of people wanting to believe that Russia was going to wrap up the war in only a couple weeks or that his imprisonment was something that NATO should be embarrassed of or whatever.
Unknown_11: He started to believe his own lies. He believed that he was really the cool guy that he wanted to be. He really thought that towards the end, he was Tyler Durden and not the fat, bald guy that bought a wife because he lost his college sweetheart that he actually loved and regretted for the rest of his life.
When it came time to actually implement his own... You know, when he wanted to play with people's money, too. He wanted to be a financier and play games with people's money and capital and invest it in his big-brained ideas.
Unknown_11: And when it came time to gamble with his own assets, to take his own advice, and actually put rubber to the road, he fucking died. Everything he said was wrong. To this fucking day, the worst is going on. Harkin itself is still not taken. And he didn't have any friends. He lectured me curry favors. Well, you're sitting there and you're simping for Russia. Where's your fucking favors, buddy? Where's your help? Who are your guys in Russia that are going to help exfiltrate you from a foreign country that's at war? All the things that he laid out, he didn't implement in his own life. He was wrong about literally everything, and it actually fucking killed him. And if he wasn't such a snake, maybe I would feel bad, but I'm not. I don't feel bad for him. He was an asshole. He was an asshole to literally everybody.
And to women, he was their gay best friend.
Unknown_11: So, the sad tale of his children being fatherless and probably not getting any money from his death.
Let me end it on this.
Unknown_11: Coach Red Pill is four things. Coach Red Pill is dead. Coach Red Pill is decomposed. Coach Red Pill is a scary skeleton. And Coach Red Pill is a spooky ghost. So, have a happy Halloween. Have a nice night. Thank you for watching. I will read the Super Chats after the outro music. And for the rest of you, I'll see you on Tuesday. Goodbye.
Now I smile.
i would listen to music like this more i've listened to a lot of russian music so i could um so i could uh i feel like i fit in more i remember my favorite russian band is that um
Unknown_11: I really like Chelyabinskikoshka by Grupa Null. That's probably my favorite Russian song in total.
Unknown_11: But I'm a big fan of... Oh god, I can't remember. It was just some guy. He sang Bomba. Hold up.
Unknown_08: Ba-dum-boom-boom-ba. I'll find it real quick.
Nonapa King of Africa. What's its name?
Unknown_08: Try Russian song.
Unknown_08: No, not... It's like an L name or something. I don't know.
Unknown_11: I'm never gonna fucking know. I don't think they play Russian music on YouTube anymore. It's like band or some shit.
Unknown_11: Oh, Leningrad. Yeah, that's it. Schnorr. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leningrad. Leningrad. I like a lot of Leningrad songs.
Unknown_11: is like one of the one of the best russian songs that i liked okay next okay uh this is the super chat segment where i read the kind supportive messages that i receive over the course of my stream but usually i do it before the music that's when it's a person stream then i don't
Unknown_11: A banana plagues. By the way, I heard that Joe Biden bit a child like he just Joe Biden went completely feral and bit a child that was like dressed as a chicken. So I guess he thought it was like a chicken. And usually in his meetings when he sees a chicken, he bites the head off of it for Moloch or something. But he saw a child dressed as a chicken and just savagely bit it for some reason.
so uh yeah uh banana plus for one says happy non-pizza day josh for my favorite non-slav always oh thank you very much i hope you have enjoyed this very slavic episode uh space on for 20 says happy halloween spooky ghost emoji and ham jam thank you appreciate it uh not lol from kino chat too for 50 says early and straight let's fucking go that's right oh i spent a lot of time preparing for this so i am always early thank you
Banana Plugs for one says, woof, woof. Women are dogs. Yeah.
Unknown_11: Docsfound for five says, the weather was beautiful here for the last two weeks. Then on Halloween, it decided to rain all day and all night. So thanks for the stream. Anyways, not making it as disappointing. I'm happy to help. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry that your Halloween was all rained on. Sucks.
Unknown_11: Mr. Manchester for five says, happy Halloween. Thank you. Thank you. I'm having a very nice Halloween, of course, with you guys.
Unknown_11: Sneedo for one says boss man haters are rats. Yeah, dude. True words have never been spoken.
I should have prepared or should have prepared 30 camera angles for an authentic CRP intro.
Unknown_11: Do you have no idea how tempting it is to just not buy like a fancy camera and then in streams like this by just like actually cutting on a camera and being like coach red pill is full thing like right into the camera. That would be really funny. Maybe one day I'll just lose my shit. I'll get fucked up on cocaine or something and I'll do that. Shock everybody.
Unknown_11: You only get to do it once though, so you gotta be really choosy with it.
Unknown_11: Thank you. Ben Collins for $50 says this stream brought to you by Serb kebab shop VPN, bro. I bought a fucking 10 meter long cat six and I, I legit did it. I had that shit wired up today. Thank you for reimbursing me. My very expensive cat six. Okay. Thank you.
Uh, not well from keynote chat two for 20 says, and yes, happy Halloween. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. I am having a great Halloween as I said.
Unknown_11: Happy Halloween to everyone. Damn that ghost pussy nice. And then there is a webp file. I'm not very tempted to open it but I guess I am being paid to. Let's see.
Unknown_08: It is boss man running from a ghost woman.
Very interesting. I assume this is like an AI generated image or something. I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
Unknown_11: Ballistic characteristic for 20 says happy Halloween. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Unknown_11: RedEyesBlackDragon42 says, I seriously can't believe Coach RedPill died to Azal Battalion while he defended Kharkiv by himself in his Russian IS-2 heavy tank 07.
Unknown_11: The legends are true. Coach RedPill single-handedly kept the evil Volodymyr Zelensky from seizing Kharkov.
Unknown_11: Uh... Yeah, I really... I guess he just didn't realize that real life and Sorg and Wakata are two different people.
baldo pegans for five says i can't believe nick ricada paid one thousand dollars to have half a jamaican love child aborted can we get some candles and chat for little an aquarius ricada
Unknown_11: A little bit of an off-topic comment, but yeah, okay. Lights out for Niquarius. I feel bad for him. Well, yeah, Alfred D says, hope you're having a nice day, Joshua, my name, but always. Thank you. I am having a very nice day. JP Triggerpull for 10 says, 10 for the person to stream these streams on my favorite internet content. I'm glad. I'm glad people still like these. I'm glad people tell me that, like, people say they still watch the old ones, and they hold up, and I'm like, aw, that's nice.
Unknown_11: That's nice. I appreciate things like trim and bust. Like I said, it's kind of like a one take film kind of.
Good luck seven for five says, why don't you do calls like you did a long time ago? The opportunity doesn't really present itself much.
Unknown_11: Simply that really.
Unknown_11: Because back in the day, I used to do very free-form content. Now I just kind of, like, I talk about things that happen. Back in the day, I would try to kill time.
Unknown_11: Because I was just trying to, like, fill enough time and be entertaining to get, like, high score tables and shit. So I would do calls and whatever. I fucked around a lot.
Holy Alpha Facts. You talked about Coraline last stream. Interesting thing about the movies is that there's a bunch of evidence that suggests she never escaped the other world. Kind of creepy to think about.
Unknown_11: I don't know. I watched it. It didn't feel like there was weird subtext about her not escaping. It's a kid's movie. Of course she escaped. Don't be stupid. It was the second movie, right? I'm sure she's fine.
Unknown_11: Breadwash for five says, Jim's Halloween stream started an hour later, so I'll be dipping out early. Thank you for the spoopy stream. I'm sure to catch the rest of it on the archive channel later. Yeah, I'll get the VODs up super fast. Petra Bax for 20 says, buying teenage for shh. I cannot. Bro, I've told you this before. I cannot give true and honest on the forum for donations on the stream. I cannot ever for any reason.
Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for five says, glorious QE emperor. I almost forgot the stream was a day early. I think the reason you like Halloween so much is that you were a boogeyman to trainees in the mentally ill. HH, happy Halloween. I liked, um.
Unknown_11: I liked Halloween in the early days of the forum, too.
Unknown_11: Back before it became, like, this big thing. I feel like Halloween is so much bigger these days, and I personally take credit for it. I kept the spirit alive, okay? It was me and my website and the October joy I spread that then spread to other people, like a domino effect.
It's more that...
Unknown_11: It's just cool. It's just cool that people get together and they enjoy spooky stuff. Um, and the fall is like the best time of the year. It's when summer finally fucking dies and you don't have to wear like super light clothing all the time and you can enjoy chill weather. The leaves turn.
It's very pretty. I like winter a lot, but winter kind of can overstay its welcome. Fall never lasts long enough to really overstay its welcome.
Unknown_11: It's usually pretty short.
Unknown_11: Just a good time.
Unknown_11: Pirate Mike 420 for 20 says, Happy Halloween. Love the sweater designs. Here's my favorite Terry clip. Open it or don't. I care. See you next week. And then there's a YouTube link.
Unknown_08: Okay, I'll try it.
Um... It's probably too long.
Unknown_10: Beautiful, Gus. It's my house.
Unknown_10: Eddie Murphy.
Unknown_10: Raw.
Unknown_10: It's my house.
Unknown_10: Who are you?
Unknown_10: Huh? Who are you? What happened? I live up the street. I'm drunk.
Unknown_11: You live in Florida?
I'm nobody. Okay. What are you doing? I'm trying to repay some parts.
Unknown_10: Why is he harassing the school? You have some parts? You're trying to do what to him? Not again. You have some parts?
Unknown_10: You're replacing some parts. This man is replacing some parts in his car.
Unknown_10: Is that a video? It is a video, yeah. I'm going to put it on the internet. I don't like my face on the internet.
Asians don't like their picture on the internet. That was kind of crazy. I would be super freaked out if some random guy started filming me on the street like that. I was like, hey, what you doing? You changing parts? That freaked me out.
Unknown_11: NoHurtMrMetal45 says, you and Mr. Metacure are assholes. Two live streams from my favorite podcasters while hiking. Happy Halloween to you two both. Thanks for playing Dustborne, by the way. I somehow know Lebanon, USA is a thing. Oh, there's multiple Lebanons in the USA, dude. We name everything in the USA after someplace else. There's almost nothing in the US that's named after an original thing. And all the original names are just Indian names. Like Chattahoochee.
Um, Okaloosa, Escambia. Those are all like Indian Chesapeake. Those are all Indian things. Uh, the rest, we just still got Lebanon, Jerusalem, uh, London.
Unknown_11: We have, uh, there's a Versailles in the U S and I just call them Versailles or something. It's, it's, they got Berlin and Frank, Frank Fertz and Frank Fortz. We got all sorts of weird shit in the U S they're just stolen fucking names. I don't know if we have a Den Haag anywhere. We have a hell Michigan too. Just steal those names, man.
Let me send... Oh, we have an Odessa in Texas, too.
Unknown_11: Very fun. Let me send your face, Josh, for one. It says, rate my dog's costume. No tricks, just treats.
Unknown_11: I am extremely suspect of this link.
Unknown_11: It's a dog, and it's in a lizard costume. It needs some way to clip to its head, though. Is it...
Unknown_11: Doesn't look like it's hanging on too well. He needs like a band for it. I don't know about Raiden. Dogs are nice. I left 13 out of 10.
DeviousDeV for one says, I'm shooting pearls.
Unknown_11: Are you a capitalist? He used to be. I hope you're not shooting pearls. That's lewd. Humble Guardsman, for Fife's next merch run, please remember to order enough XXS stock. If the real sneeter Haramberger deserves to cover his supple New England twink body with the finest Kiwi merch, thank you in advance. I think a small is fine enough for New England twinks. Buzz Burridge for two says, The stream you, Jim, and Coach did was my introduction to yourself. If Jim dies, you should recreate that stream with two plastic skeletons. I should.
Would that be in bad taste? If Jim dies and my first instinct is to cut on an overhead camera and it's just my two hands and they're holding up clay figurines of Jim and Coach going like, Jim, women are dogs. Yeah. And then I'm making Jim go like, Well, my woman eats dogs, and then they both laugh. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Unknown_11: Would that be in poor taste?
Unknown_11: I hope not.
OmegaRap for 20 says, ooga booga. Thank you. Appreciate it. TetraBags for 20 says, if you ever took dating advice from CRP, then you are a legit retard and should not reproduce, which is probably not going to be very difficult. I mean, I think Sam Hyde's doing just fine, okay?
Unknown_11: Omega Rap for 20 says, ooga booga. I already read these. They came in twice. Thank you, though. Anyways.
Unknown_11: Octavia Sales Rep for five says, I think North Americans underappreciate how socially open we can be to total strangers. Very few other countries like that. Dude, Americans are fucking nuts. That's why Europeans think we're weird and insane.
Unknown_11: American-friendly shit, especially in the South. Like, you take someone out of, like, a foreign country that's, like, really cold, like the UK or Germany or Denmark or whatever the fuck, or France, God fucking forbid, and you put them in, like, a country kitchen in, like, Georgia, and they're like, hey, hon, how you doing? Oh, my gosh, your sweater looks so nice. Did you buy that in Paris? And they're just going, oh, you want some sweet tea, hon? That Parisian woman is going to be like, oh, my God, I am in hell. Why are these people talking to me? Do I know you? Even my mom, when my mom moved from up north to the south and she like entered a gas station on her drive down and she's like stopped somewhere in like rural Georgia and the woman at the counter started talking to her. She was like, do I know you? Who the fuck are you? Why are you talking to me? It's, it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's like crazy people. You really underestimate how, um, how generous the American social contract is.
Okay. Most other countries don't have this.
Unknown_08: Um, cool. Let me refresh. I think one of these chats.
Unknown_08: Okay, next.
Unknown_08: Cool. You don't day for 10 says, would you be willing to trade Ricada for the body cam footage for Wilshire?
Unknown_11: But fuck, no, I would not. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not going to read nobody. Dude, everybody can watch Ricada getting his balls busted and laugh. You have to be like a special kind of literary critic to enjoy Wilshire Boulevard.
Thank you though. 11th circuit for two says nice spooky stream. Thank you. I'm glad it was spooky. Can't be blank for two says at can't be blank team. Go pick a son in my cool low.
Unknown_11: I don't know what you tricked me into reading, even. That's weird.
Unknown_11: JP TriggerPool45 says, Here's my thanks for giving me nostalgia for this internet garbage. You're very welcome. I got it, too, though. NotLol from KinoChat2 for 10 says, Uh-huh. Right. Mm. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. I'm sorry I had to get that out of my system. Mm-hmm. Right. yeah slay king thank you uh schwarzwald no for five says depending on tuesday's election we may have to place mr nubbly in 24 7 wellness watch for a bit would you be willing to take one of the shifts to watch over him make sure he doesn't off himself no i think that my decision is with the mr nubbly stuff um after the election that'll be the end of it because i think it'll overstay its welcome if i just read everything that he puts out unless it's like particularly funny
um tetra backs for $200 as I heard from a certain someone that you were broke as shit have a spooky Halloween well thank you I appreciate it I'm glad that coach red pills earned me the cheddar the dollar bills but imagine how much more I could have made if only I had curry favors with the right people thank you
Unknown_11: Uh, Zeno for one says, Josh is a ratatouille rat. Yeah. Yeah. I named that one. Josh is a rat. That was the final, final name for that. Uh, Saxon Bear for $10 says, I'm so angry right now. Listening to CRP repeat his chaos story over and over and over. He probably got killed because he asked for, was asked for directions to the corner store and it took him three hours to deliver the answer. Yeah, he's an old man. Dude, you should... I kind of regret not recording the call with him, because he's like that... Like, he was trying to be real fucking explanative and shit to me, and I'm like, bro, you're not my fucking dad. Nice try. I'm not one of your fucking sims.
Thank you. Well, I'm happy to help. I'm glad that you had so many keys come out. I should have guessed higher. I knew it was going to be high. I did guess high because I figured with COVID shit ending. And Halloween, like I said, Halloween feels like it's way bigger now than ever before. And it's become an international holiday.
That's great. It's great, folks. We got the best Halloween.
Unknown_11: Me... I can't read that because it's green on green. Mizosalvpinks45 says, My mom regularly sent me CRP videos around this era. She would listen to daily three-hour QAnon podcasts if you want a sense of his audience. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah. He's trying to quarrel the boomers. He realized that the real women are the boomers. He's like Bossman Jack. He's trying to get your mom.
Unknown_11: Duty for one says, I always hated CRP. Sued since day one. Tried to reach each situation like it was chess, but came out looking very gay. Given average IQ person success and you get CRP, now he's burning in Incan hell. Because he's Chilean?
Yeah, I mean, I guess that's how it works. Because I don't think he was religious, but he died and he's Chilean. So I guess it defaults to Inca? Is that the afterlife he gets just because of where he's from?
Unknown_11: Uh, yeah, I agree, though. Octavia Sales Rep for Five says, Josh, I'm just here to throw fistfuls of dollar coins at women while drunk on Jaeger. Bro.
Now those are the fond memories you can look back on with no regrets.
Unknown_11: Snito for T says, if you don't want to voot, just voot for Bossman instead. And then there is a link to a thread, and I am going to assume that this is a guy's ballot that says Bossman Jack out here. Ha!
Unknown_11: You rats out here are not lifting a single solitary fucking finger. Meanwhile, some people are actually fighting for our boy. Write in for President Austin Peterson.
Write in for Vice President Derek Christmas, the crack dealer. If you haven't voted to make crack and gamba great again, I don't want to read any of your posts. I want to feature this.
Unknown_11: Time to shit up the thread. It's not going to get any more fucking content for like five more fucking years. I might as well.
Unknown_11: By the way, I don't support writing votes as a joke because it shows as a vote. Count it still. I think that the total American democratic participation should drop under like 10% because you can't say, well, that's what people voted for. When like voter turnout was like fucking three people in each County. Fuck them.
Um, Chloe Dante for 25 says, what kind of shitty Latino can't even figure out how to hop a border?
Unknown_07: That's a good one.
Unknown_11: Um, apparently coach, he picked the worst border too. He like went up to the fucking mountains where you can, I think you can bicycle across parts of Poland without issue. And he decided to go to the Hungarian one, which is like all in the mountains and shit.
Unknown_11: Oh, thank you. Didn't set that for once. You should have done a multi-stream with Medicare so I don't have to tap my inner ADHD and shake my head. I wasn't offered. MHDarkLaw for Jesus. After everything is said and done, CRP was truly retarded. Ripped to a boil. Have a good weekend, Josh. I'm off to watch Mr. Medicare. Oh, you too. Have a great weekend.
Agent tech support for 10 says pour one out for this fucking retard. I don't think I will. I'll just drink my liquor. Thank you.
Unknown_11: Uh, eight for five says cautionary tale. Great for clout leading to ruin. Great epilogue for coach brown. I dominatrix dead pill felted his own storyline chasing toward. Yeah, I think I got it figured out. I think I figured it out. He went to L.A. to be a retard. He lost the only woman he ever loved. Tried to fill it in by being like a guru. Went to Ukraine to look like a hotshot and save money. And then died huffing his own fucking farts. I think I figured it out.
Ben Collins for five says, oh dear, you are dead. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. It's true.
Unknown_11: Sorry, I didn't know how else to cut that off. Farmer Fletcher for one says, Happy Pizza Day, Eve. Thank you. I appreciate it. Unibot for ten says, You rock. Thank you. Oh, my God. Such love. I appreciate it.
Streffleria for five says, Oh, seven. Thank you.
Unknown_11: uh eight for five says suffer corpse dead pill soften um he did suffer apparently i i kind of the shit he said about like being tortured is kind of like skin crawling it kind of feels like it's real too it's hard to tell i mean he is like a he does like sell stories as like a job i don't know the whole scratching the lights thing is so fucking weird
But then again, if he was getting tortured like that, I can't believe it. I mean, he did. After that, he fucked off.
Unknown_11: Ratlord11145 says, There are gals. There are. It's very spooky. There's one right there behind you.
Unknown_11: Dino from one says, Just got done trick-or-treating with my nephews and was listening to the stream of the earphones and did not know that Gonzalo was successful in his early life. Have a good night and Halloween Josh. I did not know a lot of stuff until I looked into it.
Unknown_11: Coach was a very minor character in the Kiwi firms up until he was arrested by the FSB or not the FSB, the other one, the SBU.
His thread had like 30 pages in total and it was mostly Brian Dunn like sucking his own dick and being a complete fucking retard. The OP for his thread is awful because Brian wrote it. Um, but if you look into other sources and stuff, it is pretty interesting. It's, it's hard. It's so hard to find stuff for him because it's either this shitty Kiwi farms thread or it's like the, the general public and try, you search for anything coach red pill. You find nothing except the bonafide good sources. Like the, this is a Putin propagandist found dead in Ukrainian cell from pneumonia and It's like, I can't, you know how fucking hard, I had to ask people to help me find shit, even though I was trying to keep it a secret, because just finding anything related to Coach Red Pill was just like a fucking nightmare.
Well, that's what PPP said it was. I don't know. He could have told me anything, and I would have believed him. So you got to take that with a grain of salt. After all, PPP is one of the original cult of red pill people.
Unknown_11: The President of Nintendo for Five says, Happy Halloween. Any other spooky movies on your Halloween watch list this year? I watched Hocus Pocus again, and I love Hocus Pocus. It's like a kid's movie, but it's really funny.
Let's see.
Unknown_11: know i don't know i'll think about what i want to watch tonight i know you know what it is every halloween i watch a nightmare before christmas i think i've done that every year for like the last five plus years now it's just a classic um yeah probably a nightmare before before christmas uh snito for one says there's a belgrade and montana by the way yeah i'm sure there fucking is uh select a username for 20 says vote for trump everyone protect our democracy and our synonyms no vote for austin Don't be a fool. Don't throw your vote away. Vote for the right choice. Thank you. Select an username for 10. It says, for real though, Trump is the right choice for Kiwis and Vance and Vivek genuinely care about internet freedoms, banking access, and similar. I mean, vote if you want to, brother.
I don't have any hope. I have zero hope that anything will ever change.
Unknown_11: Thank you, though. And Mr. Sister Fister36545 says, Long time watcher of your show. TAD told Aphid that. Dude, fuck Aphids, for real. I can't wait to, like, if I see Aphids again, I'm going to import the most hungry, vicious lady beetles that have ever lived. I'm going to watch them get torn apart. Torn asunder. Just ripped limb from limb. Okay.
That's the stream. There's no outro music. We're going to go in three, two, one.
Unknown_08: Yeah.