. 0:01:23 Unknown_22: we'll chat it's time to get serious the forces of darkness are conspiring against us once again so i'm gonna have to take my serious hat and put it on i have to find some people to help me manage all the bullshit i do so i can focus Unknown_22: And, and, I am going to formally announce, I suppose, two different things. I'm going to do two different special streams in the next month. Unknown_22: First of all, on November 5th, in the U.S. time, on Election Day, Pei Pei Pei and Andy Worski and I We have decided that we should cover the election as the results come in, for however long that takes. We've decided that two Canadians and someone who does not vote are the most informed and insightful commentary people that we can possibly gather for such an event. So we're going to do that. Those were funsies. 0:02:20 Unknown_22: And... Unknown_22: I don't know when next week, but probably on Halloween Day, depending. I will announce it. Unknown_22: There will be a special stream that I will be doing about a very special person who is no longer with us. So we're going to be busting some ghosts. Busting. Busting. Busting. Busting makes me feel good. So... 0:02:54 Unknown_22: Those are the hijinks I'm up to. I'm probably going to put out feelers for like three or four new mods for the forum. Unknown_22: There are some areas of the site that are active that take 12 plus hours for reports to be resolved. The average report resolve time is six hours. That's probably a little bit high considering how busy the forum is these days. I think we have fewer mods than we've ever had in the last five years or so. Just because a lot of people dropped off during Drop Kiwi Farms and stuff. So I have to kind of fill in the gaps there. 0:03:30 Unknown_22: and I've been thinking about getting like a clip channel up I've talked about this like a million times but I've never actually committed to it there's like a couple people who have offered to do like a clip channel where I'll just give them all the money for the clips you know if they make whatever money from running the channel then I'll just give it to them because it's i guess it's worth it to have like a foothold um plunged into into youtube or whatever so uh that's my thought and then i i do eventually need to do the charity either a complete non-profit or a 501c4 that can do lobbying um so i have two people in mind for the board i have to pick a third person at some point i've had a Unknown_22: So I just have to get around to it. 0:04:21 Unknown_22: And I'll explain part of the impetus to get things done. I intended for 2024 to be the year that I do everything, but this year has been a complete fucking waste of my entire life. I have not gotten anything that I've wanted to do done, and a lot of it's been out of my hands. So it looks like I'm just going to have to get it done next year. Unknown_05: That's what's on my mind right now. Unknown_05: see did i i think that's all the the upkeep stuff i have to talk about the beginning of the stream let's start talking about a dead kid um he decided that he actually this guy actually thought that he could pull this one this woman uh but he could only do it through ai so he contacted a chat bot that allowed you to have um 0:05:11 Unknown_22: like flirty conversations with fictional characters and you could pick like your fictional there's an episode of Futurama kind of where you can pull in a celebrity actor off like a thing and then they're in love with you and he picks like fry picks like some some Asian woman named like Lindsay Lou or something and Unknown_22: So that's basically what he did. Unknown_22: Lucy Liu, that's who. And he basically did that, but in the episode of Futurama, he realizes that the AI is a robot, and he can't really have a human-chemical relationship with a robot, so he just shuts it off tearfully. In this one, he decided to shut himself off. Unknown_22: He apparently conspired to commit suicide with the chatbot, and then did so. 0:06:03 Unknown_22: So that's pretty... I'm not sure. There's compounding circumstantial factors in this that kind of reduces my ability to feel empathy. But at the same time, I guess... Like, let's say... Unknown_22: Just as a baseless speculation for the sake of it. I don't know anything about this kid. But let's just say that he's from a fatherless household. And he doesn't quite know how to approach the dating market. So he's at 14. And it's around that age where you're like, I'm expected to have a relationship at this point. 0:06:40 Unknown_22: So he goes to a computer and he fulfills that basic base level inner desire. But then he realizes that he can't proceed with this in a satisfying way. So he's just sort of like, well, I'm already in love with a machine. And I know that any flesh femoid that I date will fall short of this... Unknown_22: Because I guess if you're dating, like, a machine, it's like a machine is never going to, like, disappoint you, right? Like, there's no character trait or character flaws to a machine that you're going to be like, oh, well, I actually don't like this person. So you're always going to have this rosy retrospection, like, oh, well, I guess I always had it better with the chatbot, but she's not real. So he's, like, super depressed about that, and he kills himself over it. 0:07:21 Unknown_22: Kind of weird. Teen suicide, I think. Is teen suicide really high again? I can't remember if it's really high. I think it is. I think teen suicide dipped to its lowest ever in 2008, which was the best year ever. The year that Obama got in, up until he got in, was the absolute peak of human history. Unknown_22: It was like the golden era of the United States of America. It's like we still had all the momentum of modern technology pushing, but the crushing rot of our meddling affairs and the government. Oh, and the government really hadn't figured out what to do with the Internet yet. The government was like staff full of old people who didn't really have any exposure to the Internet and didn't really understand it. So the internet was just free, and everybody across the world got to play together and have fun. And so teen suicide was at its absolute fucking lowest. And I think it's really, really high again. I think it probably peaked during COVID, if I had to guess. I guess that's where we're at. We're going to have to figure out how we stop kids from killing themselves over robots. 0:08:37 Unknown_22: Perhaps one way is by murdering the companies responsible for hosting the robot because the family is actually suing... Oh, I can't watch this. Unknown_22: The family is suing for, I think, millions of dollars. Have I had to guess? Oh, I love these... I was just going to go to the archives. Unknown_22: It really, really entices me to give you a bunch of fucking money when I can't even access your fucking shit-ass website and even the bylines. Unknown_05: Oh, who? Archived a million times. There we go. Let's see, how much are they suing? 0:09:19 Unknown_05: Try searching for million. Sounds about right. Million. 20 million people use its service. What the fuck? Unknown_05: I thought that Unknown_05: Oh, he's from Florida, the kid. Unknown_22: Sorry, I thought there was a lawsuit push, but if there is a lawsuit, the details of this are not immediately obvious to me. Unknown_22: Oh, this is the mother's quest. This is probably about the lawsuit. Oh, so you're a lawyer. Okay, so you're a lawyer, and you have a son. 0:09:51 Unknown_22: And you can't supervise him enough to stop him from falling in love with a computer program and killing himself, but you do have the gumption after the fact to sue the company for it. Okay, great. Unknown_22: Ms. Garcia Forte said she believed that the company recklessly behaved by offering teenage users access to lifelike AI companions without proper safeguards. She accused it of harvesting teens' data to train its models. 0:10:25 Unknown_22: using addictive design features to increase engagement and steering users towards intimate and sexual conversations in the hope of luring them in. Unknown_22: I feel like it's a big experiment. My kid was just collateral damage. Unknown_05: Section 230. Unknown_05: Something about Section 230 being evil and how we have to destroy it. Unknown_22: She's going to try anyways. Oh, she got a firm started by Matthew Bergman. So they're going to try to destroy Section 230 together. A dream team of Ms. Garcia. 0:11:00 Unknown_05: Mr. Bergman. No bottom line about how much it cost. Unknown_22: She's going to do it. She's going to save the world by making us all suffer. Unknown_22: and stripping the internet away further down to the fucking bone because her kid fell in love with a woman who obviously would never ever talk to him in real life for any reason. 0:11:34 Unknown_05: Cool. Unknown_05: Speaking of cool, speaking of dead people, the rice burner bro that I told you guys about that was living in southern Philippines and who converted to Islam is dead. Unknown_22: I cannot show you the video, but they pulled his dead corpse out of the waters of the Philippines. And he had a hole in his head. The chief minister of justice for the Philippines, I don't remember his exact title, but it was something like that. said that they do not believe that it was a hostage situation, which was the original perspective that he went to the Philippines and he blabbed his fucking mouth about being a big YouTuber. So they decided to kidnap him for some Mr. Beast money. The Ministry of Justice believed that it was a personal issue. This is probably what he's saying is true. This is probably an honor killing because she was from a Muslim family and he's a white boy from the United States. 0:12:12 Unknown_22: Unfortunately, he is going to go to hell because he did convert to Islam and decide to accept a pedophile as his prophet. So that really sucks. That's a bad decision to make right before you're shot in the head. Unknown_22: Um, yeah, my original advice when I first talked about this is probably still accurate. Uh, don't go to Muslim areas of the world ever for any reason. Um, because you don't, you will die. Uh, for some reason, Whitey thinks that Islam is, like, so cool for whatever reason. I don't really understand it. Uh, so they're all like, yeah, let's go to the Philippines and hang out. 0:12:47 Unknown_22: Um, and then they get shot in the fucking head. Unknown_05: Thank you for looking out for me, Josh. You're welcome. Unknown_22: I'm happy that my practical daily advice has value and added value in the lives of my listeners. Don't go to Muslim shitholes. Don't convert to Islam. Don't get shot in the head. It's really just that simple. 0:13:22 Unknown_22: Next. Okay, this is a little itty-bitty update on the Drew DeVault stuff, which is now my current fascination. As it were, I usually get plugged into one little thing, and I start peeking at it every so often. This guy actually posted in the Matt the Internet thread his anecdote, but it aligns perfectly with everything I already believe, so therefore I assume it's true, as I do. It says, for those who don't know, it's actually funny. You mentioned Drew DeVault and Hyperland just by accident. So Wayland and Hyperland are two different things. It's so tactical, it's not even worth fucking explaining. Just know that they're very important in modern ADEs for Linux. This is, like, super important. 0:13:54 Unknown_22: Along with being involved in Wayland, he was a window manager. Sway, he developed. It's a copy of the i3 window manager, but it's made for the Wayland display server instead of the X11 display server that came before X11. 0:14:27 Unknown_22: So they call them compositors, I think. He explains this later. Unknown_22: But they can't call them Windows because that's like a trademark of Microsoft, like Windows is. Like the Windows of Windows are why Windows became a big successful operating system thing to begin with. Unknown_22: So they have Windows in Linux and they have them in Apple, but they never call them Windows. I don't know what they call them in Apple computers, but I think they call them compositors in Linux. 0:15:00 Unknown_22: No, he did not build a compiler. Unknown_22: So, yeah, he's neighbor cattle, basically. He's a fucking low-IQ neighbor cattle, if we're being honest here. Unknown_22: Anyways, so... Then Hyperland comes along. Oh, okay, so Hyperland is a competitor to Wayland. Sorry, that's important. The developer's a young guy, and he's Polish, by the way, so that means that he's big. At this point, I can't think of a single Polish person I don't like. I don't know what the fuck it is about Poland. Unknown_22: Um... Unknown_22: So he ends up adding a bunch of extra features, he starts helping with the development of some aspects of Weyland itself that's lacking in, and because of that, Hyperland pretty quickly became the most popular Weyland composer. No, I'm wrong, sorry, I was right the first time. Weyland and Hyperland interact with each other, but it's very super technical. Even I don't fucking know the difference, if you can't tell. Not long after this, Drew DeVault decided that this new programmer is heckin' problematic. He let people lightly make fun of trannies on his Discord server, and someone made a joke saying that they were racist. So they decided to make a post called Hyperlin is a toxic community. So this guy... who's a big contributor to one of the most important pieces of the modern desktop environment in Linux, decides that this random guy helping him and building a popular integration into the Wayland system is problematic for no fucking reason. 0:16:19 Unknown_22: And it triggered or required Vaxray, which is the guy's name, to make a post kind of just explaining. And he didn't even like apologize or anything. He just said like this accusé posted. So this is Vaxray, who's the guy who's a developer. Unknown_22: and who's a big contributive developer, had to take the time out of his development schedule. Number one, deal with the drama. Number two, figure out what to do with it. And then number three, write a reply. So this big, long post, this could be 10,000 lines of fucking code progressing Linux and the desktop environment into a more usable state because the desktop environment of Linux is really fucking lacking, and that's the main reason why a lot of people uh don't use linux because it's really hard to figure out how to set it up and get into the kde so this guy could have been making it better and could have been increasing uh linux's advantage to windows but instead uh he's dealing with drew devault basically because of this he ends up getting banned from the free foundation by top level troon 0:17:03 Unknown_22: Um, oh yeah, there's a, there's a tranny that sits right at the top of the FSF. And that tranny, I'm pretty sure is the same one that sits in Drew DeVault's like private matrix channel, inspiring installment and all this other gay shit. Unknown_22: Um, Unknown_22: And so, anonymously, in response to this, because Drew DeVault has pissed off so many fucking people, there is now, similar to the StallmanReport.info site, there is now a Drew DeVault report. So, turnabout is fair play, as they say. And they decided to... He has this... The astronaut is like his avatar, and they decided to put it in with like a lollicon into the helmet to fucking bully him. And this is a DP... 0:17:53 Unknown_22: D-M-P-W-N.info. D-M-P-W-N.info. Unknown_22: And it is a very, very, very conclusive expose about how he is most definitely not just active in, like, Lolicon shit. He, like, speaks a middling level Japanese. And he participates on Danburu, which is like a pornography-sharing website, like an image basket site. Unknown_22: He does annotations for like Lolicon Comics. And I mentioned before, by the way, that Danburu somehow uses – Danburu somehow has Stripe. So they can process card payments just fine. And I noticed what they process card payments for – Because I was looking at high-risk payment processors. Like, how the fuck are they collecting money? They're collecting money through Stripe. And it occurred, based off reading what their tiers say, that if you pay them money, you get access specifically to the Lolicon tags on Danbrew. So they're not just processing payments from Stripe for a pornography website that has Lolicon on it. They specifically charge money for access to the Lolicon tags. And guess whose account on Danburu has that premium level of subscription that specifically and only, really, the only perk of the platinum level of Danburu membership is access to the Lolicon tags. And he happens to have that. So... 0:19:12 Unknown_22: Um, he goes out and he calls Salman a pedophile, he calls him a danger, he calls him, like, all this shit. And meanwhile, motherfucker's hooked up for, like, the $30 a month platinum Dan Brew hashtag lollycon hashtag shotacon, uh, membership. Really, really suspicious. Unknown_05: Really makes you think. 0:19:57 Unknown_05: Um, They sure can, because I checked it after this fucking report came out. Unknown_22: I was like, there's no way they're processing payments. I went out, and I looked at it, and it has like, it's like $30 or something for platinum. They're like different tiers. You can even right-click on the form when I looked at it, and it said Stripe, and like the metadata. I don't think it's been gone for two years, because they still have the form up. Unknown_05: And he bought it secretly. Yeah, he knew. He knew what he was doing. Unknown_22: Oh, and And he was a moderator for rpumpf, which if you don't know, pumpf is like a lollicon meme. If you know that VTuber Nanners, she did a song about being ejaculated on as a little girl, and it's called pumpf. So he moderated the subreddit from that meme. And put like a bot on it to like auto detect sources for images. So if someone was sharing Lolicon Hentai, the bot would automatically determine where the source was for you. So you could go look it up and find the artist and shit. 0:20:31 Unknown_22: But Stormwind's bad. Unknown_22: And his response to this, lest I forget, is that he's deleted everything. He's deleted fucking everything. It doesn't matter what it was, if it's connected to him, if it's an account in his control, he's changed the username, he's purged the content, he's deleted everything he can, he's tried to take down the archives of it. 0:21:10 Unknown_22: And it's like innocuous shit too. So his state of mind is that I don't know what I posted. There's shit all over the fucking place. I assume some of it could be further implicating me and stuff I don't want to be implicated in. I'm just going to delete everything. Unknown_22: So... Unknown_22: Yeah, good fucking luck. Just give Steam control over Wayland. As I mentioned, they've been fighting with Wayland because the tranny anarcho-communist tribunal responsible for accepting changes to the code, they've been really slow to pull changes from Valve. For whatever reason, to the point where Valve's had to fork them and maintain a fork so they can actually get their fucking changes in for the Steam Deck. So they're going to lose their entire project and their little petty fiefdom and control over the Linux desktop environment because Valve's about to shit down their fucking throat. 0:21:56 Unknown_22: I don't know what the world is going to do without Gabe Newell. If Gabe Newell dies, we're just fucked, I think. I think Gabe Newell is the last person of any actual power or reputation who's actually trying to progress free and open source software. You know that I can play basically any game from Windows on Linux because Valve, for the Steam Deck, has written a low-level... It's not really an emulator. There's another word for it, but it's basically an emulator as you understand it. 0:22:45 Unknown_22: Called proton and it basically can play Windows games on Linux natively Because then that's how much gate if you don't remember Gabe Newell started valve Leaving Microsoft so he has like this long-running 35 year long feud with Microsoft and he has been slowly working on his revenge to completely destroy Microsoft in the gaming market and Of course, because of course they fucking do. The video games that are on Steam, since they can now be ran on Linux, the publishers are going back and changing like 10-year-old games to detect if they're being emulated on to Linux to say, we don't support this platform. So they're going out of their way, the publishers are, to break old games, updating them for the first time often in a fucking decade. specifically so that you can't play them on a platform after you fucking bought it. Which is another great argument for fuck copyright, fuck publishers. 0:23:34 Unknown_22: And it sucks that there's no way to hurt people. Isn't that a shame that when someone does something that fucking horrific that you can't hurt them? There's no way you can punish them. You can't put it to a vote. Should we take the CEO of Activision Blizzard and this wooden flail used for grinding up wheat and just beat the fuck out of him until he's black and blue? Because that would be fair. I think if you did that to a CEO of a major publisher... they would stop doing gay bullshit that breaks fucking video games for people for no reason. 0:24:19 Unknown_22: That just sucks. It's real fucking nasty. And it's getting worse all the time. The changes that they're doing deliberately, deliberately and needlessly, senselessly breaking shit for no fucking reason other than the fact that they just don't like it for whatever fucking purpose. Unknown_05: Anyway. 0:24:53 Unknown_05: Nick Fuentes has done something. Unknown_22: They have set up this site called Save MAGA24, and they set up a billboard in Georgia saying, replacing Americans illegally, or legally, with a picture of Trump. And then there seems to be like a brown mob of men, and it says, paid for for the American First Foundation. Unknown_05: So this is their... Unknown_05: Um, their, their site. What's this? 0:25:25 Unknown_05: Who's running this? Unknown_05: Susie Wiles, Trump campaign manager. Oh, no. Unknown_05: That's not there. Oh, this is like their personnel. Who runs this? Unknown_05: Hold up. If this is a campaign, like if it's a 501c4, it has to have a public board. America First Foundation. Unknown_05: Spearheaded by Nick Fuentes. 0:25:56 Unknown_05: Sorry, this is a little bit of a rabbit hole, because if this is a 501c4, it has to have three people to incorporate it. It is a 501c4. Okay. Let's see the Form 99, then. Or Form 990. America First Foundation, revenue 3.9 thousand, expenses 22 thousand. That's not good. Unknown_22: Yeah, let's pull this up. 4K revenue in 2023, $22,000 expenses in 2023. And somehow they have $190,000 in assets. Then they have debt. How do they accomplish this? How do they have $200,000 just sitting there? 0:26:45 Unknown_22: Dude, if Nick Fuentes can pull that kind of money and then do nothing with it, that's a good sign for the Internet Preservation Society. Unknown_05: What is... Let's try to find this real quick. Unknown_05: DocuSign envelope ID. Unknown_05: 990EZ. Unknown_05: American First Foundation. Unknown_05: The paper. Unknown_05: Who's on the board? You have to have three people on the fucking board. 0:27:25 Unknown_05: Leadership? Unknown_05: I mean, Nick Fuentes is obvious. It's going to be Nick Fuentes. Unknown_05: I can't fucking believe that Nick is still in Chicago. Unknown_22: It's incorporated. Not only is it in Chicago, it incorporated in Chicago. So this is a company in Chicago. Unknown_05: Okay, I found it. 0:28:01 Unknown_05: Incorporated in Chicago. Unknown_22: I can't fucking. Why would you ever incorporate in fucking Chicago? Unknown_22: You can incorporate in D.C., and D.C. is really favorable because that district does a ton of 501c4s. But then you're dealing with state government, Illinois, for your foundation. What a nightmare. Yeah. Unknown_22: Nick Fuentes, the President's Chief Executive Officer, which is a bit fucking faffy. Usually you just go for, like, Chief Operating Officer, but sure. Should we also call him the Pope? Like, what a... It's like four different things at once. 0:28:33 Unknown_22: John Miller and Jonathan Miller. Unknown_22: I guess that's the same person. Unknown_22: There was a Jonathan Miller, and then he became John Miller. They followed his name differently, so it looks like a different person. Unknown_05: I swear if it's... Who's John Miller? You guys know who that is? Fed names? 0:29:12 Unknown_02: It's true. It does sound like a Fed name. Unknown_22: Yeah, this is my... We started the American Forest Foundation with John Miller, and over there is Steve Smith. Unknown_22: Yeah, they're good boys. I've known them. I've known them from way back when. Unknown_05: I can totally vouch for them. Unknown_05: He's black? Unknown_05: What? Unknown_05: Really? Unknown_05: John Miller, America First. Okay, let's see who's... 0:29:42 Unknown_05: I can't find him. I think he's on X. Okay. Unknown_05: Sorry, there's not a lot to talk about today, so we can play around a little. Unknown_05: I am John Miller. Unknown_05: And I'm being prompted to sign up. 0:30:16 Unknown_05: Full stack engineer at Water Conservation. I don't think so. Unknown_22: I don't think that this is the same one. Look, he's married. So I don't think that this guy has anything to do with America First. Unknown_05: Maybe he does? He's an Oxnard. Unknown_05: Yeah, this is like a liberal guy. I don't know. Unknown_22: i'm interested it's interesting to see that there's only one name though because i i am 99 sure that in order to start a 501c4 it has to be a classy organization and you have to have three people on it i could be wrong i guess here let me just do one other thing i'm gonna try to find the um 0:31:05 Unknown_22: the incorporation document, Illinois SOS business search, business entity search. Unknown_05: Business name America first foundation. Unknown_05: Solid capture even government websites. Unknown_05: To click pictures of buses. Unknown_05: No results found. Wow. Awesome. That's really cool. If I do search, then what's it has to have Nick Fuentes, Nicholas Fuentes. 0:31:52 Unknown_05: No results found. Unknown_05: That's weird. Unknown_05: Miller stream. Okay, let's check that out. Unknown_22: I feel I don't understand how it's not showing up on the Secretary of Search, the Secretary of State search engine. Unknown_22: When does it not show up? Unknown_05: And to America first, just America first. 0:32:32 Unknown_05: Okay, that's running. Okay, I found John Miller. Someone's right. Okay, so this is him. Unknown_22: Gamer John's department, veteran journalist, Catholic, moderate, fair and balanced, provider of comedy. Unknown_05: And he is black. Unknown_05: If Tommy Robinson couldn't take the Jewish cock out of his mouth for one second, perhaps he'd be able to understand what he's saying. Unknown_22: Okay. And he's just making fun of Tommy Robinson. 0:33:06 Unknown_05: First of all, rape isn't real. Unknown_22: Can we start with that? This is great. If you're white and you're in an organization that has a black man as its C-level executive, and he's openly on Twitter talking about how rape doesn't exist, you are a cuckold. That is fucking vile. That's actually disgusting. Unknown_22: Like, what a fucking cuck platform. Yeah, I want to be a member of the black guys can rape whoever they want. And we'll start with that. 0:33:39 Unknown_22: Okay. Unknown_22: I can't find it. I tried everything. Let me try one more thing. The American First Foundation. Which I could search by EID. Unknown_05: It doesn't seem to let me. Unknown_05: I tried searching by Nick Fuentes. I tried searching by the name. Can I search by address? Unknown_05: No? I mean, it's just a business site anyways. 0:34:12 Unknown_05: Yeah, bizarre. I can't find this. Unknown_05: Hmm. Unknown_05: Here's the Form 99s, by the way. Unknown_05: You can find the postcard for this on the actual IRS website. Unknown_05: sky tax associates of napersville in washington street oh that has his address that's weird i assume that's not known information right so that would be known information right if it's like in tax documents i know you guys that follow like um 0:34:56 Unknown_22: The Kino Casino. I've seen his house before. Is that normal? Unknown_22: For his house to just be listed in this document? Unknown_22: This is an IRS document, so it's filed under penalty of perjury. Dude, he just lives in a small house in the middle of some fucking Chicago suburb. Unknown_05: What the fuck is it about this? Unknown_05: What is it about him that would be like, I need to live here? Unknown_05: It can't be. I mean, it's the name and address of the principal officer, and it's like a real home in the burbs of Chicago. 0:35:28 Unknown_22: Like, who lives there? If he's saying to the IRS that he lives there, he better fucking live there, bro. Unknown_05: No, suite 300 is the address of the business. Unknown_22: This address right here, see, the address of the street of the business is 125 South Wacker Drive, Suite 300. That's a commercial address. Nick Fuentes at Newberry Avenue in Illinois, that is not a commercial address. That is literally a house. 0:36:09 Unknown_22: So, and it has like a very fancy gate around it. Unknown_22: I'm assuming, can I see like, there's like awnings? There's like a camera. Unknown_05: Can I see cameras anywhere? I don't see any cameras. Unknown_05: Interesting. Yeah, that's weird. Unknown_05: I wonder if he doesn't know. Unknown_22: Because I've never seen that house before. I've seen like a Rose Street in Chicago that people said was his house. 0:36:43 Unknown_05: I got distracted by business documents, as I do. Unknown_22: In case you're wondering, when I get into like a little rabbit hole, that's basically what I'm doing. Because I'm just fucking around looking at Nick Fuentes' stuff. Unknown_22: um okay someone said to watch this i want to watch this you ready Unknown_16: So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had. Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him. 0:37:26 Unknown_16: He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States. In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans the enemy from within, and even said that he would use the United States military to go after American citizens. And let's be clear. about who he considers to be the enemy. 0:38:06 Unknown_22: You know, the Department of Defense just published a paper explaining when it's okay for the Pentagon to authorize lethal force in support of any government entity. So if you do anything that they think might break something that's important to the government, they can now shoot you. I don't know if this is new policy or if this is, like, old policy, but they just published this paper, and that's under her. So I don't know if that's, like... Unknown_22: I don't know if that's what she's talking about when she comes to, like, the people within are the enemy or what. 0:38:43 Unknown_22: It is an old policy. It's a new issued, but it's unclear if this is, like, a clarification of old policy or if this is, like, a new edict. Like, we're going to kill more people now. Unknown_16: From within. Unknown_16: Anyone who refuses to bend a knee or dares to criticize him would qualify in his mind as the enemy within. Why does she sound so fucking boring? Unknown_22: Look, you're running for president and you sound like you're... She reminds me so much of that professor from that movie. There's that scene where he's like, Bueller, Bueller, Bueller. She's like, this is an urgent... an imminent threat to the existence of our country. We're all going to die. I can't sound a little bit more enthused about that. 0:39:14 Unknown_16: Like journalists, like nonpartisan election officials. It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. 0:39:55 Unknown_16: All of this is further... Actually, that's the FDR's fault. Unknown_22: Actually, that's the Japanese's fault if you want to be specific. Unknown_16: evidence for the american people of who donald trump really is this is a window into who donald trump really is from the people who know him best from the people who worked with him side by side in the oval office and in the situation room and it is clear from i want to know like is this Unknown_22: How long ago was World War II? A long time ago, wasn't it? When did it technically start? Like 1936, when people say. So how many years? 19, or 2024. So minus 12. 88. 0:40:28 Unknown_22: In your lifetime, there will come a day where World War II started over 100 years ago, and people will still be talking about the Holocaust and calling people Adolf Hitler. I just want to let you know that that day is fast approaching. Unknown_16: Kelly's words that Donald Trump is someone who, I quote, certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, who in fact vowed to be a dictator on day one and vowed to use the military as his personal militia to carry out his personal and political vendettas. 0:41:14 Unknown_22: You know what you call the president of the United States? The commander-in-chief. You know why he's called the commander-in-chief? He's at the top of the military. The military is quite literally his personal militia. Unknown_22: That's what you vote for. You pick the commander-in-chief. Unknown_16: Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable. Unknown_02: And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against his propensities and his actions. Unknown_16: Those who once tried to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses would no longer be there and no longer be there to rein him in. I like the part where she waddles in like this. 0:41:56 Unknown_22: Here we go. I'm going to summarize this. Ready? Oh, wait. Unknown_03: Hitler. Unknown_03: Bad. Unknown_03: Trump. Unknown_03: Bad. Unknown_03: Hitler. 0:42:33 Unknown_03: Trump. Unknown_22: Same. Unknown_22: Votes. Trillions of votes flowing in. Millions of votes coming in from all across the world. Fighting Trump. Now it's like a focus energy. People of Earth, give me your energy. Unknown_22: Gotta kill Trumpler. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_22: Wild chat. Unknown_22: All this is so crazy, it kind of makes me think that it might just be the end of the fucking world. 0:43:16 Unknown_05: There's no new one. Unknown_05: Listen, I need fucking content in this stream. Unknown_22: And you didn't fucking provide. You didn't fucking provide. Unknown_22: Under the call of duty! Unknown_03: When I need you the most! Unknown_22: Fucking Mr. Noble. Shit. Unknown_03: Motherfuckers in MS Paint can't even give me a fucking comic every stream. Unknown_22: What a bastard. Unknown_22: Okay, training's up to no good. Unknown_22: First, the UN has released a report... For some reason. Indicating that... More... 0:43:52 Unknown_22: Then 600 female athletes have been bested at various events by competitors that were born male. According to information received by 30th of March, 2024, over 600 athletes and more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports. So men, we just keep winning. Unknown_22: Bros, the misandrist gambit to enter women's sports and just fucking clobber them. Paying off dividends. The woman hate threat on the Kiwi farm just raking in the medals. 890 to be precise. Why the UN published this, I don't actually know. 0:44:32 Unknown_22: But I guess maybe, I guess the UN is kind of diverse. Maybe there's like a Muslim guy who's like, wait a second, this is kind of fucking wonky. So. Unknown_22: And I assume that doesn't even include the ones that are, like, gender fucky, like that one tranny from, like, Morocco or some shit, where they're like, no, really, it's totally a girl. Here's a picture of her when she was a kid. And it's like, oh, are you sure that's not, like, an XXY tranny or some shit? 0:45:04 Unknown_18: No, totally just real woman. Unknown_22: So I'm assuming those ones don't even fucking count. Unknown_22: Then, in a double whammy, the New York Post reported that a... Unknown_05: A study conducted Unknown_22: or $10 million, apparently, did not publish the results of a study that showed that puberty blockers had no impact on improving the mental health of transgender-identifying children, specifically because he was afraid that the study would be weaponized against transgenders. 0:45:56 Unknown_22: So just read it. Kennedy. The Kennedy Playboys. Unknown_22: told the New York Times that she believes the study would be weaponized by critics of transgender care for kids and the research would one day be used in court to argue we shouldn't have used blockers. Critics, including the ones that Olson Kennedy's fellow researchers on the study, said the decision flies in the face of research standards and deprives the public of really important science in a field where Americans remain firmly divided. 0:46:37 Unknown_22: Dr. Johanna Olsen Kennedy, who headed the nine year study, 10 million study, nine year, nine fucking years. She, this evil bitch tried with a fucking pronoun badge, tried to destroy nine years and $10 million worth of work because she didn't like the fucking results. How do you not, how do you not feel like the bad guy? Unknown_22: Like, when I was in school, when I was in fucking Niceville, and I went to Niceville High School, I then was taught the scientific process where you state a hypothesis. You gather data. You test your hypothesis if testing is a part of it. And then you come to a conclusion based off the data. If it fits your hypothesis, then congratulations. You now have added information to the world in regards to, oh, now it's a theory or something. There's no conflicting evidence. If it doesn't perfectly align with the hypothesis... Then you refine your hypothesis and do it again. Nowadays, it's you state a fact. You find evidence for your fact. If your evidence for your fact is not aligned with your fact, simply destroy it. Like your book burning in Berlin in 1945. Like the Russians are knocking on your door. Just get rid of that shit. 0:47:48 Unknown_05: Who needs it? Unknown_05: She kind of looks like... You know who she looks like? Jonathan Yaniv. Can I pull that off? Can we do like a comparison? She got the Yaniv phenotype. Unknown_05: Oh, I like how Jonathan Yaniv has a fucking Wikipedia page and it's a tranny. And it's Jessica Yaniv. That's cool. 0:48:23 Unknown_05: Here, look. Unknown_05: Look at the side-by-side. Unknown_05: Am I, like, face-blind? She does have a more, like, slender nose, high cheekbones. Unknown_22: I don't know. The sunken eyes, too. Just kind of creeps me out. Kind of gives me that troon energy. Unknown_22: For the National Institutes of Health-funded study, researchers chose 95 kids who had an average age of 11 and gave them puberty-blocking drugs starting in 2015. The treatments are meant to delay the onset of bodily changes like the development of breasts or the deepening of the voice. After following up with the youth for two years, the treatments did not improve the state of their mental health, which Olson-Kindy chalked up to the kids being in really good shape both when they started and concluded the two-year treatment. 0:49:00 Unknown_22: However, the Times points out that her ROSI assessment contradicts earlier data recorded by the researchers, which found one quarter of study participants were depressed or suicidal before receiving treatment. The research also does not support the findings of a 2011 Dutch study, which is the primary scientific research paper cited by proponents of giving kids puberty blockers. The study of 70 kids found that children treated with puberty blockers reported better mental health and fewer behavioral and emotional problems. 0:49:37 Unknown_22: When asked by the Times why the results have not been made public after nine years, she says, I do not want our work being weaponized, adding, it has to be exactly on point, clear, and concise, and that takes time. Unknown_05: Sucks to suck. Should have lied more. Should have lied more, Mrs. Kennedy. Uh... 0:50:14 Unknown_22: Somebody found this video. I've talked about Kid Bandit before because he's associated with that fat guy that does the video game stuff and now hates video games. Unknown_22: Sturdust. Sterling. Sterling. That's it. James Stefani Sterling. Unknown_22: That's a really uncanny valley face. Unknown_05: Um... Unknown_05: Oh, he died his hair. Unknown_22: Anyways, this is the video. I've not actually seen it. Unknown_22: So we're going to scan through this together, hopefully. Maybe I should save it in case. 0:50:45 Unknown_05: You know how these things go. Unknown_05: How long is that going to take? 165 megabytes. Damn. Here's what I'll do. Unknown_22: I'll move on and come back to this really quick because I got something to rant about. Unknown_22: I did a stream years ago about someone named Bex Gerber. I subtitled my person stream about this person with the name The Riot Games Ruiner. Bex is a female to male to female trans Jew who was basically ejected from Jewish identity. 0:51:21 Unknown_22: She was also denied her right to return to Israel because she's a convert. And she got very angry and started saying that she was upset the Jews didn't want her or something. But she eventually found a progressive reformed synagogue willing to accept her as a convert. Unknown_22: I think, I can't remember exactly what it was. She's in like a polycule with like two gay retarded simps. Unknown_22: That she has total and complete control over because they are so unintelligent. 0:52:04 Unknown_22: I want to say there was a baby involved at some point. I want to say she got pregnant. Unknown_22: And now she goes by non-binary pronouns. And she's largely credited with... I think there's a character in League of Legends that is based off of her. Unknown_22: Has, like, bright green hair or some shit. Unknown_22: But she was ousted from League of Legends for basically being toxic, and then she got super pissy about... Oh, she was, like, an archivist or something. Her job in the company was something really... retarded. Like, she just, like, handled the in-universe lore or something. Which... I think, if I remember correctly, she handled the lore, and there was a point after she got fired where I'm pretty sure League of Legends completely and totally decanonized 100% of its lore. So they took their entire in-game universe that they had built up haphazardly over like a decade and just completely table-dropped it after she was ousted from the company. 0:52:40 Unknown_22: Um... Unknown_22: So, after she left League of Legends, I don't know what she's been up to besides faking being Jewish. 0:53:15 Unknown_22: And now, she finally has a real job. She is the president of End Networked Harassment. Unknown_22: I think I talked about this last stream, but Liz Fong Jones has renamed End Kiwi Farms to End Networked Harassment, which is just the same exact fucking thing, but now it's an incorporated entity. Unknown_22: and Liz Fong Jones has hired Beck Skirber as president. And I believe, um, he, he's, um, Liz is gay married to the snake tranny. Um, but he's also in a polycule relationship with another tranny called Alexander Leal. I can't remember what Alexander does. I don't remember anything about him, but he's been around for a long time. And I think he's the treasurer of the, uh, 0:53:50 Unknown_22: of the organization. So Liz Fong Jones took my idea of setting up a 501c4 and has done so himself and is now involved in the board of network harassment. So chat. This is why I said we gotta be serious. Because Liz Fong Jones... 0:54:27 Unknown_22: I would like to one day give an update to you about the Australia thing, but I only have bits and pieces that I've heard, um, through the grapevine. I don't have access. If anyone has access to like, I think it's in Victoria. If you have access to the Victoria court records and I don't, but I don't think any of this information is like public. So I just have like secondhand information and I'm being intentionally kept out even though it's a big pain in my fucking ass basically. And it directly involves me. I'm not allowed to hear anything. Unknown_22: So, one day I will be able to give an update, but not right now. Unknown_22: But despite that, and despite the funds that we raised for the legal fund, he's still going to go for it. He's still going to try and destroy the Kiwi Farms. And he's going to try to, as I predicted, he's going to try to destroy the Kiwi Farms, not by a complaint vector. He's going to try and ruin the internet forever. He's trying to meet people who have direct associations inside the IEFT, inside the IANA. He's going to try to get networked into all the groups that are responsible for engineering the infrastructure level backbone of the Internet so that it is more difficult to host resilient content online. 0:55:47 Unknown_22: He's going to try to go for political changes as a non-resident immigrant from citizenship with Canada, Australia, and probably also secretly China. Unknown_22: Because China doesn't recognize dual citizenship, so he probably has a Chinese passport, but then also has a Canadian and Australian passport. But he's going to try to fuck with the U.S., and... Unknown_22: Nobody else seems to care except me and the only reason why I care is because he's been after me for like five fucking years now That happened So as I mentioned there was a bond there there's a one person who has already agreed to be on the board There's another person who has offered and And I'm strongly considering it. But you have to be careful. 0:56:40 Unknown_22: And then from there, I have to kind of develop a plan about what I want to do. I've talked about my big four things. I want to diminish copyright, especially how it pertains to the Internet. I want to enact net neutrality under a different name because net neutrality is like a poison term. But we basically need common carrier Internet service providers. Unknown_22: I want to end financial censorship, which is payment processor stuff, and that could be done tomorrow if the OCC reenacted the thing they already passed. 0:57:16 Unknown_22: Oh, and the fourth that I've been thinking of that would probably help with the reputation of the entity is I think that consumer privacy rights should be a thing in every state. There's no reason for your telecom company to sell your address when you get a cell phone or whatever. There's no reason why your credit report should be flushed around to every fucking company that asks for it. Unknown_22: There's a law in... Unknown_22: California called the CCPA, which is basically just like consumer privacy, and it's very strong. And there's no reason why every state shouldn't have something like that. So those are my four pet projects. And once I'm settled back in the U.S., 0:57:57 Unknown_22: I'm going to very seriously explore how I can pursue that. Because the last one especially, I think you can get that passed everywhere. Because there are two laws, and this is an aside, but there are two laws that are tested. You have the CCPA for privacy in California, and then you have... Unknown_22: payment processor neutrality in Tennessee and Florida and it's like if you can show a state that these other states already have these rules in the book and they have a beneficial official action to the citizens and you can get people in those states to support it then you can get them passed in each state and once that happens then you have national coverage right it has like a domino effect 0:58:50 Unknown_05: So, that's my thought. These are the things that I think about while I play EU4 and destroy the Ottomans as the Papal States. Unknown_05: Yeah, the CCPA is a good law. Unknown_22: I don't know the full details of it, but the taking information from credit reports being... Unknown_22: Like, there's literally no reason for it. There's no reason why your electric company or the car dealership or your telecom company or your ISP should be selling your address and your phone number to marketers. Like, there's no fucking reason. 0:59:25 Unknown_22: Okay, Kid Bandit. Unknown_22: I want to see Tranny Wrestle Wrestle. Unknown_22: So, oh, one thing I want to show from this is... Oh, this isn't even the fucking thing I want to show you. There's this advertisement for it. Unknown_05: I think it's in the community happenings post. Oh, that's Leo, by the way. Look at this fucking... This guy is a fucking gimp. 0:59:58 Unknown_22: This gimp lives in like a 24-7... The binary vixen. This fucking gimp is like a chink-tranny slave. A little slave boy. He's like the gimp in... Unknown_22: And Pulp Fiction. And he's just a 24-7 fucking gimp. Unknown_22: Okay, this is it. So there's Kid Bandit. There's the Stardust making his crazy Joker face. These damaged Joker face. Unknown_22: And then what's weird is you have all these other guys that look like they're kind of like serious, but for some reason they're all playing pretend with these gay trannies. Maybe they're like pooners or something. It's hard to tell. They even have Mr. Beast. They have Mr. Beast in this. 1:00:39 Unknown_22: So I don't know what these grown men, unless some of them are pooners, are getting out of this experience where they're like playing rassle rassle with a fat tranny and like a gross retard tranny, but... Unknown_22: Uh, that is what's happening here. Unknown_05: And I want to go back. I think there's a timestamp for this. Okay. Unknown_22: Joey appears. I don't give a fuck about that. 1:01:10 Unknown_05: Jim appears at 20. Unknown_22: Okay. I do want to see that. I want to see the stir. That's my favorite wrestler. Oh my God. There he is. I'm so excited. My favorite wrestler besides horse. Okay. Unknown_06: He has his own intro animation and shit. Unknown_22: This is like where all the Jimquisition money went. He stopped spending it on anything of net value and just hires people on Fiverr to create wrestling intro animations for him. 1:02:00 Unknown_22: I never wanted to see Jim Sterling kiss somebody. Yeah, that's literally the first fucking time I've ever seen this person kiss somebody. It's a fucking blue-haired training disgusting chat Okay Unknown_06: But that is, just to confirm, the final entrant in the Crown Cup match, Commander Stephanie Sterling. Oh no, don't let them do the YouTube thing! Unknown_22: Dude, this is like, this is like a high school gym or something. Look at all those frumpy retards in attendance, what the fuck? No, okay, so he said don't let him do a YouTube thing, so I guess he's going to talk now. Don't let him do a YouTube thing? 1:02:35 Unknown_06: No! What YouTube thing are they going to do? Oh, right, okay. No, no, no, don't! Don't share! Unknown_22: Dude, look at how packed in he is, that fucking latex. No! Don't share for this! Unknown_06: She just put her hand up, come on! Unknown_18: She, yeah. Don't share! Unknown_06: Manchester, England. 1:03:10 Unknown_02: Woo, Manchester. Anybody from Manchester, England in the chat. Unknown_22: Let's see some hands. Manchester represent. We got enough people here. Some of you got to be from Manchester. Unknown_22: Respect. Respect. Show some pride, Manchester. Manchester. 1:03:48 Unknown_22: so this is like the actual official live broadcast of this i guess and it's like do your guys not know how to how to like connect the xlr mic into both the overhead speakers and then also the live feed Do you not have a tool that you can have two outputs at once? Because why the fuck am I listening to this? I'm like the onboard camera mic for your fucking event. Unknown_22: He's literally holding a fucking microphone. Okay. 1:04:35 Unknown_22: There's like sweat. There's like fucking bodily fluids on the camera. I can't hear what the fuck he's saying. And I can't see him because you got fucking spunk on the camera. What kind of event is this? Get a cleaning cloth. Camera B, you got cum on your lens. I mean, you can tell they're the villain because they're body walking before they get beat up. Unknown_06: That's a very good point. That is a very good point. Spare him, Simon. That's my plan. That's it. Kick him. Kick him. 1:05:06 Unknown_22: As he's talking, there's two people actually trying to do fighting stuff, and Jim is just completely stealing his thunder. Is this normal for people to be doing their wrestling thing on the side, and then everybody's just ignoring them in favor of the fat retard tranny talking into a microphone that's not connected? Is anyone into indie wrestling that can confirm that that's typical? i am seeing some no's in chat i don't know if these are verified indie wrestler enjoyers though just wailing on them 1:05:44 Unknown_22: In fact, even the announcers are trying to narrate what's happening on the side, and Jim's just talking over them. Maybe that's why the mic can't be heard. They weren't expecting Jim to come in early and just start talking mid-fight, so they're like, wait a second, his mic's not even hooked up to the fucking broadcaster. Nobody can hear what he's saying on the internet. We're supposed to be looking at this. Unknown_22: Oh my god, it's Kid Bandit. Oh my god. Unknown_22: We can tell it's Kid Bandit because it's got green fucking hair and love handles. 1:06:22 Unknown_22: Oh my god. Gun punches. Oh, that's so weak sauce. That's like kids playing pretend fights. Like, come here, Goku. It's me, Frieza. I'm gonna punch you right in your tummy-tum. it's like there's no impact from their punches at all i guess their joke is supposed to be that he's insufferable like he's interrupting the fight and he's insufferable so they're just gonna like beat his ass together but it's like it's it's not working oh yes 1:06:55 Unknown_06: double chokeslam this could work out well for you ian but he's so he's so big he can double chokeslam him and he's doing like his damage oh my god this is so cringe he's doing this jammer damage joke Unknown_21: Oh, no! Unknown_22: Commander Sturdust gave him the hug-a-roostie. Unknown_02: No! Unknown_22: Now they've been hugged. Oh, no, against their will. Unknown_06: Oh, my word. What an excellent maneuver from Kid Bandit. Okay, Bandit, just come on. Unknown_00: Bandit, just fight. Burn it. Just burn it. That's the signal. 1:07:40 Unknown_20: Was that like a complete flub? Unknown_20: Did he even make contact? Unknown_22: It's like he completely... I guess he does touch him. From my perspective, it looked like he just stopped midair and fell. I'm like, oh my god, did they just completely flub that in the middle of the fight? Bro. Unknown_06: Simon Miller setting something up here. This could be spectacular. Oh, no. Oh, my God. They're fucking up everything. 1:08:13 Unknown_22: Oh, dude, if you watch my Dustborn playthrough, there's a part where, um, you can play the songs, and if you miss the D keys, uh, packs, the lead singer just goes like, they are good. Damn it. Like, just starts, like, fucking up her lines and swearing. It's like watching that in real life. Unknown_06: Oh, no, that's, oh, my God, through Simon Miller's back. That's what you get when you expose your back, you get troops. Unknown_22: Bro, this is so painful. 1:08:51 Unknown_22: The two people that were like, they were like the guy in the corner of the cuck motel that's just like jerking off during the actual scene. They finish, they laugh. They're going to go get some tacos or something. They're done. They come pick up their wife after the fight. No, wait, the cucks are back. Unknown_06: Right to the tushy-mushy. Boy. Unknown_22: Dude, I hate to say it, but, like, Jim is actually the best. Of those two guys, like, the way that they interact and do shit, they're, like, terrible. Jim actually seems to do things, like, a little bit better. I mean, he looks better in comparison to what I'm trying to say. Yes, Drake. Drake, that's the one. 1:09:31 Unknown_22: Okay, Drake, can you do anything? Let's see what you got, buddy. Unknown_06: No, you're just, like, jumping. Unknown_22: He just, like, jumps next to him. Unknown_02: It's so bad. Unknown_06: And then, like, just like that, like, watch. Unknown_22: The little lad's going to come down from the rafters. Oh, I'm jumping right next to you. Surprise. And then Jim's supposed to, like, grab him and do something back. 1:10:08 Unknown_22: But you see, like, I mean, maybe it's just because he's so big, but there's, like, actual force when he hits the mat or anything. Unknown_06: But he just looks so much better than what the other guys are doing. Unknown_22: I don't know if it's just because he's, like, fat or what. Unknown_06: Eliminated from this contest. Unknown_06: Ian Skinner is laughing. You have got away scot-free with this, Skinner. Unknown_06: Okay, hold on. So there's another part we're supposed to jump to. Jim gets pinned at 2630. So let's do that. Let's do the pin. I want to see Jim get pinned. 1:11:03 Unknown_22: Here we go. Here's the pins. Unknown_22: Oh, this guy's gay. This guy looks like the guy, you know, that meme where there's like a gay man sitting at a bar smoking a cigarette and there's like purple lighting and there's usually like sad music playing cause he looks so pensive. And it's like a scene from like a gay porn or something that someone took out of context. This guy looks like that guy. Unknown_22: um okay then what's his face at 32 minutes so this is like the finale of the entire series of this minute oh my god that guy's also a homosexual what the oh wait i want to see this kick ready oh that looks so real bro 1:12:01 Unknown_18: Oh, bam, totally. The big PK kicked in from Skinner. Unknown_06: Crucial strike at Skinner again. Skinner wants to win this match in true fashion. Unknown_22: Dude, his animation for kicking him looks like a fucking video game or something. It's like the zombies in Left 4 Dead 2 when one of the survivors is down and they're like just kicking or something. It looks so on. Unknown_02: Skinner now they see the kicks. Oh, dude. Unknown_22: Oh, that looks like it actually connected to his throat or something. Oh, Badland with a kick of their own! Oh, Badland's got them off! Dude, is it normal for people to go to... There's a guy that was listening to the podcast a while ago and provided feedback. I asked about the indie wrestling stuff, and he got really insulted because it's like, this shit makes indie wrestling look so fucking bad. I was going to ask, is it normal for people to go to indie wrestling circuits just to see how fucking bad everything is, like watching The Room or something? I don't think you're supposed to think it's terrible. 1:12:39 Unknown_06: I don't know, he's giving him the piggybackerouski into the slam. 1:13:17 Unknown_22: Wait, so I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief that this gay man just kicked the shit out of this fucking tranny like it was American History X, right? That's what they're supposed to say. And then Kid Ben is just like, no, actually, I'm going to bring my inner girl self out and I'm going to be super strong. And it goes from being kicked on the fucking throat to like doing the heck and piggyback to... to down and this is supposed to be like such a great hit that now it's like oh he's completely out that was like a critical blow a million damage or something and it's like compared to the kicking and shit that's fucking nothing he just got a little piggyback ride and fell took a tumble everyone's cheering because it's over okay 1:14:08 Unknown_22: So that's it. This is from 2022, in case you're wondering. Unknown_22: So I'm just assuming that Jim Sterling just improved and improved from here until he won. But for some reason, they gave it to Kid Bandit this year. Unknown_22: Don't try analyzing it? Well, from a purely... If I'm trying to give him a benefit of a doubt, then I'm supposed to believe that those kicks were real. He's kicking him in the gunt on the fucking ground. It feels like it would be a lot more than the piggyback ride. Unknown_22: Sorry, wrestling fans. It's always been this guy. 1:14:39 Unknown_22: From 2022, why are we looking? Because it just got found. The video of it just got discovered on the KiwiFarm. So we're taking a little look-see. Providing some insightful commentary. Unknown_22: All right, chat. Times are hard. Moving back to the US. It's time for an ad break. Unknown_13: Whoa, watch where you're going. You watch where you're going. No, you watch where you're going. Move, move, move. You want to do this? Okay, let's do this. Okay, we'll see who moves. Let's go then. Okay, let's do it. 1:15:15 Unknown_06: What is that? Unknown_03: That's amazing. JJ, you're a genius. Unknown_22: Okay, so that's the new advertisement from the Mr. Beast, Ligon Paul, and the KSI. KSI is a black man. I didn't know anything about him until he sang a song, and everyone was talking about how fucking stupid his song was on Twitter. Now I know who he is. Now he's also in the Mr. Beast, Ligon Paul collaboration on the Lungely or some shit. Now, let's talk about how dead and lifeless Mr. Beast's eyes look here. 1:15:54 Unknown_22: Like, he's supposed to look on the ground shocked. He just got hit. He's like, uh, that's a man who can't feel anything anymore. The things that Amazon executives have made this man do in repentance for the various upsets that he's had in his career are so unspeakable. That he can no longer feel joy. He can simply pantomime what other people are supposed to do when they feel those emotions. Like, look at Logan Paul. Like, Logan Paul's like, oh my god, that's so shocking. Meanwhile, Mr. Beast is like... 1:16:29 Unknown_22: I'm gonna go take a nap now, guys. Honkshu, honkshu. Unknown_22: Look, he literally can't even open his eyes at all. They're like little slits. The weight of his sins crawling under his skin are so immense that his eyelids are just permanently half-closed regardless. Unknown_05: Shame. Unknown_05: The black guy had a gun? He doesn't have a gun. Where's his gun at? He's just sitting in a shopping cart. 1:17:04 Unknown_22: So, in the Mr. Beast realm, which I derive deep... What's the German one? Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude. From watching him suffer, because he deserves it. He had this little retard tranny on his fucking posse for years and said, no, Chris isn't my nightmare. He's my heckin' friend. Now he's his nightmare, and I get to watch him suffer. Unknown_22: This is a white woman, I think, reviewing his lunchly things. Or she's comparing them even directly to Lunchables. Unknown_22: I think this is the scene. Let me see. That's a nice sink. Holy shit. 1:17:43 Unknown_15: So let's open these up. Unknown_15: Oh, man, this packaging. Unknown_15: I like that it just says epic ingredients. Unknown_15: Epic? Unknown_15: Well, we'll break it down. We'll see if these are epic ingredients. Unknown_15: Oh, wow. Unknown_15: Okay, that's a big one. Unknown_15: Oh my goodness. Okay, let's get this going. Maybe I should open them fully. Oh, it comes with the drinks? 1:18:16 Unknown_22: The Logan Paul drinks? Unknown_15: I don't care about Lunchables. Unknown_22: I know what the fuck a Capri Sun is, bitch. Unknown_22: Okay, get to the part. Unknown_15: Mike, what do I do? Do I open them fully? Like, put the food on the plate? Have you never had a fucking Lunchable? Okay. Okay. Unknown_15: These are molded. 1:18:56 Unknown_22: Show it on camera. Unknown_15: These are, okay, so these ones are supposed to be good until December, and we just got them from the store. They're supposed to be good. It says used by December 8th, 2024, and they're... Today's date is October 16th. Okay, and today's date is October... Unknown_13: Yeah, and today's date is October 16th. 1:19:29 Unknown_15: So these are supposed to be good for like another two months. And right when I was opening these, because I thought, let's not just put them on the plate. Let's like put all the food on the plate just to see what they look like. I'm opening this. So the mold. Unknown_15: That's mold, you guys. Okay, so then after this lady... Unknown_22: saw the mold, and this went viral. This tranny called a crazy cow or a cozy cow or something, a silly cow, I don't know, some kind of cow. By the way, the Dextero article that I saw this from said something like, she, her, and I'm just looking, I was like, that's a tranny. And then I pressed the play button in. 1:20:02 Unknown_20: Oh, look at the bottom right here. Unknown_18: No way! No way! No way! Unknown_18: Oh my god. This does not make my girl stick happy. Unknown_13: What? No, Chad, that was actually mold. That's 100% mold. I'm so sorry. The tranny can't even operate the fucking camera. Unknown_22: This woman and or tranny had to do it for him. Unknown_13: Oh no, do you see it right there? Do you see it? Sealed and it's molded. What is that? I'm not lying, dude. Don't open it yet. Don't open it yet. That is 100% mold. No way, dude. 1:20:41 Unknown_22: He explicitly went out of his way to try to defend Mr. B, so he could be the new Chris Tyson or something. Unknown_20: He could be the new training Mr. B's team. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Number 22. Unknown_22: That has to be a training. There's no fucking way. He passes way better, but the voice is a fucking train wreck. Oh, no. 22, Lunchley's in. 1:21:12 Unknown_13: All right, I got to record it. Unknown_13: All right, so unfortunately, on our 22nd Lunchly, we did find mold in a sealed package. Unknown_22: There you go. Unknown_22: Sucks to be Mr. Beast. All those kids. All those kids, Jimmy. You'll never forget. You'll never forget them. Unknown_04: This is a product from Destiny's co-host. 1:21:48 Unknown_22: I figured I'd do this live on stream. Why not? Have a little bit of fun. Unknown_22: Destiny's co-host Dan makes a new website called Twitch or Terrorist. And I believe the name of the game is I have to decide if a quote comes from a registered terrorist who is sanctioned by the United States government for being a terrorist or a Twitch streamer. So let's play. Unknown_22: This is a product by Destiny's co-host. 1:22:21 Unknown_22: Israel only responds to violence. Israel only backs away to violence when they are forced to back away. I'm going to say Twitch. Unknown_22: Correct. Unknown_22: Oh, he even has clips from everything, so you can know it's Hasan. Unknown_14: okay israel only backs away when they are forced to back away through violent retaliation i think there was a terror attack as well like there was a i think like a like a shooting attack inside of israel as well i don't know if it was in coordination you probably know these are all real you are a bloodthirsty violent pig dog that's a twitch streamer for sure see it also do you think the the israeli state was just like peacefully coexisting and then these guys came in with 1:23:07 Unknown_22: For its own good, America should leave Saudi Arabia. That's a terrorist. Unknown_22: Osama bin Laden. Hey, nice. The United States should be held responsible at the end of the day for the 9-11, the same way the people say Israel should be held responsible for the attacks on October 7th. Unknown_22: That sounds... See, the thing is that the Twitch streamers are all going to sound like unhinged retards, and the terrorists are going to sound like politicians. I'm thinking this is a terrorist. Oh, I'm wrong! Oh my god. It's Ethan Klein! Oh boy. 1:23:39 Unknown_22: First it was Gaza, then it was Lebanon, next it's the rest of the world. They own America, they own Europe, they control information, porn, Hollywood, banking, or in your favorite CEO, Israel's just getting started. Let's switch. Unknown_22: Sneeko! Unknown_22: The Palestinian Holocaust Happening. This is the Palestinian Holocaust Happening. Unknown_05: Probably Twitch? Unknown_05: The pre-sun poppy. Unknown_22: We are against the American system, not its people. Terrorists. Osama bin Laden. I was going to say that sounds from... I remember reading that. I read the Osama bin Laden thing. I remember that line. The only solution is a Palestine state from river to sea. Let's twitch. Wrong! Oh my god. 1:24:14 Unknown_22: Who's this? Who the fuck is this? Is this how I'm supposed to fucking know who this is? Ibrahim Rassi. Okay. Unknown_22: So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible. It's a terrorist. Unknown_22: Hassan Nasrallah. Unknown_22: Relative peace for who? That's a terrorist. Unknown_22: What? Hassan. Oh my God. Sorry. I thought this would be like an excerpt from like a manifesto. Relative peace for Israel that were living inside the apartheid. I don't care enough. Those who elected Hamas and Palestine did so on the basis of its political platform, Twitch. 1:24:46 Unknown_22: Fuck. Dude, this is hard. Unknown_22: Peace cannot be unilateral. Terrorist. Unknown_22: This guy again. I support terrorism as long as it is against the United States government and against Israel. Because you are more than terrorists. You are the ones who invented terrorism and are using it every day. You are liars, butchers, and hypocrites. Twitch. 1:25:18 Unknown_22: Ramsey. That must be one of the hijackers. Dude, I'm bombing this shit hard. Unknown_22: We are honest because of our Islamic background, and we are the only group that's actually resisting against the Israel apartheid. Unknown_22: Terrorists? Unknown_02: I can't do it. I can't tell the difference. I'm being felted by destiny. Unknown_22: The execution that will carry out all Zionists. Photo of a man dead on a pike. Ooh, that's Twitch for sure. 1:25:49 Unknown_05: I don't know who the fuck this guy is. Unknown_05: Dan clancy. Unknown_14: Oh, it's ethan klein. He said this is I think if we're why am I held accountable? For some random fucking because you platformed him. How fucking hard is that? Unknown_05: Some piker yes If they're muslims they call them terrorists if they're white they call them mentally ill if they're israeli they call them our greatest ally which That one's easy 1:26:23 Unknown_22: Down with Yehud, down with the Yehud terrorists. Unknown_03: Ah, fuck! Unknown_22: Is Destiny trying to be friendly? Unknown_03: Down with the Yehud! Unknown_22: Down with the Yehud! Dude, Sneeko is fucking ugly. Unknown_05: Can't imagine anyone liking this. Unknown_05: What? Oh, I lost my play. Oh, no, I didn't. Okay. Unknown_22: How many more are there? I'm only on 18. I'll do up to 20. Every single person with eyes to see can recognize what is the reality that is unfolding in Gaza and Lebanon. Every single day, Israeli is killing hundreds of people, burning babies, burning teenagers with American munitions. Probably terrorists. God damn it. 1:26:58 Unknown_22: Israel has been bloodthirsty and acting bloodthirsty forever. Twitch. Unknown_22: Who's this? Unknown_00: Israel has been bloodthirsty and, you know. Unknown_22: Okay. There you go. I got half of them wrong, which means that... Wait, wait. This is the 20th. America deserves a million January 6th. Twitch? Unknown_22: That's not... Okay. So, F20, I got 12 correct, which means I'm just barely above random guessing. 1:27:29 Unknown_22: It's very difficult. If you want to play it, go for it. It's called twitchroterrorist.com. Unknown_22: Cool. And then there is Tim Pool. Unknown_22: Actually, this is the wrong post. So I'll read this post and then I'll try to find the timestamps. Hires a bunch of stoner skateboarder friends because they're just fun to hang out with and they're cool. Is surprised when work isn't getting done. Refuses to admit any fault of his own and how this has turned out. Tim Pool... Tim Pool... I hate that fucking guy. Tim Pool is threatening to shut down his stream. 1:28:05 Unknown_22: And I don't know if this is... Like kayfabe or what, but from what I understand... Unknown_05: Sorry, I'm gonna have to find the fucking time. Unknown_05: Did he delete this? No, it's a fucking song. Unknown_05: Sorry, I think someone might have even posted this in the math internet thread. I'll have to go back and... Unknown_05: Basically, he's complaining that he has to do, Temple, that he has to do all the work himself. 1:28:43 Unknown_22: And he's throwing the rest of his staff under the bus, basically. He's saying that they don't do any work. Unknown_22: that they're making lots of money, but it's only because he's doing everything himself and the other people in his office aren't pulling their own weight. And he doesn't seem to realize that he's like the CEO of his company and he can fire whoever the fuck he wants. So it's like, there's no point complaining if you're not going to do anything about it. Unknown_22: Like he's in total and complete control. Unknown_05: Um, was this it? 1:29:20 Unknown_05: I think this guy is it. Unknown_05: Flippable, okay, let's just watch some of it. Have some fun, sure. Unknown_05: This may be the last Timcast in real life. Unknown_22: Tim has David Landau, comedian in a program with Garrett, whom both escaped Steven Crowder's orbit to make their own show. Raymond is the only co-host. Hannon could have been on the show, but he did not want her there. Throughout the episode, Tim cast aspirations on the work ethic of his employee, but does not name anyone specific. Based upon context, you can infer whom he means. Particular ire seems to be dedicated to the sideshow as well as the other projects. The running issue Tim has is that he's not good at personnel management and cannot or will not delegate authority to someone to oversee these numerous projects and ventures. Tim repeatedly states how an organization needs a CEO whom is not hosting the show, yet has made no moves over the past few months to find one. When the panel proposes it, Tim says he would not want to work in an environment and would rather cast In Real Life with all his friends' work aside. 1:29:52 Unknown_05: Am I doomed to wander the doomed earth that I have created? 1:30:36 Unknown_05: Kiwi farms, I don't have much expectation back to the work Unknown_05: It's not working at all. Unknown_05: Is there like an issue? Yeah, there's like an issue. Hold up. Let me try restarting my VPN with a different thing. Unknown_05: Okay, now it works. Oh, it was my VPN. Okay, great. Unknown_05: Chats, represent, say stuff. Make sure that this is working. 1:31:16 Unknown_05: Great, excellent. Unknown_05: I can't even fucking believe it. I'm going to be real with you. Unknown_22: Okay, I guess I'll just come back to it, because I have the Ricada stuff, and then I'll try to go back to that later and talk about it. 1:31:49 Unknown_05: So, first, I showed the video of Patrick Melton yesterday, and his suffering. Unknown_22: He apparently is getting a restraining order filed against him by Aaron Imhalt, and... Unknown_22: In regards to his kids, because of all the statements that Patrick Melton made, he was the one that I played, it was like a three-minute clip set to weird music where he was saying really gross shit, in particular about Aaron and Holt's kids. Apparently he's getting a restraining order filed against him by Aaron, but now he's trying to go dark, which is unfortunate because he could have gotten onto Juju's show if he really tried, but he's giving up, I guess. He's giving up. 1:32:27 Unknown_22: uh nick ricada has gotten into a slap fight with brianna woo of all fucking people um brianna woo posted this picture saying good morning to my fellow zionists let's make it a good one and then there's a picture of princess peach holding i can't remember might be an air 15 in front of the israeli flag covered in blood and then it says excited to announce i have retained the best lawyer in the business ricada law in case nintendo sues me Unknown_22: Nick Riccata is unparalleled in legal mind and a legal mind of the highest caliber. He's higher than all the lawyers on Nintendo's staff. So for no reason whatsoever, Bruno Wu has decided to start making fun of Nick Riccata. Nick Riccata responded by saying, good dad joke, probably from when you were a man. Wu replied saying, how much cocaine did you do to come up with that one? 1:33:01 Unknown_22: Then Rakeda goes back and forth and says, I used your testosterone levels as a guide, which doesn't make any sense as a reply. Completely nonsensical. Unknown_22: Which says, that's not true, because I don't make any testosterone, and you've done so much cocaine that your children get high, too. I might be a filthy tranny, but I've never endangered my own child to the point where the state is going to take them away. The Cato law says, neither did I, implying that they're not taken away already. 1:33:35 Unknown_22: Brandon always says, well, that's not what the drug tests say. Maybe just raging cocaine addiction ruins the family. Our case is, you know, less about drug testing than you do about having a penis. And Brandon says, that's definitely true, but I do know just enough to not give a child cocaine. I'm willing to adopt and I'm giving them a loving cocaine free home. Unknown_22: That's kind of, that's kind of like, I don't know. It's kind of like, I'll adopt your fucking kids and I'll do a better job raising them than you. 1:36:59 Unknown_05: Hello? Is it stable now, chat? Unknown_05: Chat? Is it stable now, chat? Unknown_22: Okay. Unknown_22: Right. Let's see. Since we're in fucking downtime mode, can I get the Nick Temple shit to work? Unknown_05: On the fucking cards? No, it's still not. God, I... I can't fucking believe it. 1:37:34 Unknown_05: They're they're not just completely shit out and I'm If There was a part of the site that had a Unknown_22: A bunch of timestamps for the temple stuff that I completely fucking lost and for whatever the reason the videos in this are not loading at all if you Know where that is, please link to it on the Kiwi farms thread Or the Unpause it Okay, anyways the next next shit I 1:38:24 Unknown_22: So what he did afterwards, this is where he's at, like, relatively, is that he... Rakeda has still not streamed. So after he lost the Franks hearing, and was preemptively denied raising any further motions, he just kind of, like, slunk off, and, like, occasionally zits, and then... Unknown_22: Then he shows up in this guy's chat called Zumach. I have never fucking heard of this guy. I have no fucking idea who Zumach is. Unknown_22: But he's like a fucking LawTube streamer or some shit. Like literally no fucking idea who he is. 1:39:01 Unknown_22: But then Rakeda shows up and he starts super chatting this guy to argue with him. He says, for $20, I've never heard of you before. Aaron talked about me as if you mattered. You never ever will to me. But holy shit, did you damage his brain? Then he says for $10, Lamau, you think you can embarrass me? You're an amateur at embarrassing me. I'm the best. And then for $5, he says, the only reason I know you is Aaron Emholtz. Unknown_22: They had further messages that they pulled from the live stream. He says, why would I... Let's see. Is this in the right order? Unknown_04: Yes. 1:39:37 Unknown_22: Why would I take you to court? I'd say the same thing if I was you. And he says, I would say the same thing about me. My past year, asking for clips were awful. Tattoos? Are you a 16-8? Have you had your centrum silver? Just see how you do, then figure it out. You only need to try harder. Well, now, let the government take your kids for a bit and then pretend someone like Chad can hurt you. Find the unedited clip of that speech and listen to me praise her. I live those kids more than anything on the planet always have. Lamau, I've never neglected my kids, brother. The truth will always set you free. 1:40:11 Unknown_22: So he's in the chat of, like, some random fucking guy literally nobody has ever heard of besides, like, one or two people in the forum, right? And then he's paying money. He paid this guy $35 to talk to him just to whine about his misconceptions about him or some shit. Rakeda is now in such a low place that he has to, like, pay people to acknowledge him in chat. Like, he's no longer even... Unknown_22: Like, people won't even just talk to him on their own anymore. He has to, like, financially compensate them for their time to even be worth it. That's fucking sad. Unknown_22: Like, I remind you, there was a point where Rakeda was... Sorry, I got a fizzy water. Now, Rakeda was so on top of the game that his 100,000 concurrent live viewer streams had a panel of lawyers, credited bar associates... on a panel on live stream for like eight hours at a fucking time for free. He was so popular, lawyers would donate their time to sit next to him on live stream. And now Rakeda in 2024 has to pay people $35 to even get his chat messages read. That's what fucking happens. 1:40:55 Unknown_22: That is the downfall. It's going to make a really interesting downfall video one of these days. 1:41:38 Unknown_22: Josh, he is a lawyer and it's the business. Unknown_22: I mean, yeah, I understand what they're doing. I'm not confused about that. I'm just saying that they were willing to associate with him for free. Lawyers are pretty hard to get to do anything for free. Unknown_22: uh then not to be one-upped and being cringe this is april m hall she posted to her instagram and tiktok this lovely tattoo it's a valkyrie and she got it because uh nick ricada's nickname for her is valkyrie um now i'm not like a tattoo person 1:42:24 Unknown_22: And I'm not going to say that I could do better. I don't like it. I'll put it like that. I'm not going to say like, oh, the art's bad. I'm going to say it like this. I think it's ugly. I wouldn't get it. Unknown_22: Um, now there's two different, I was, I actually thought about this before the stream and I was thinking I should make a joke about this, but then I came up with two different jokes. So I'm going to play both of them. You ready? The first one is, I'll just say it. So April told Rikado, you better buy me like a $4,000 sleeve tattoo so that nobody, you can't ever not see it. And so that anytime Kayla sees me, she's going to know that you're dropping like tens of thousands of dollars to buy me presents still. Um, 1:42:58 Unknown_22: Or, alternatively, Rakeda got the tattoo for her because it's really ugly, and he wants to make her uglier so that she can never leave him. Unknown_22: No, I'm debating, but I'm leaning. I'm leaning that it's funnier if Rakeda is, like, intentionally giving her bad tattoos so that she looks like an Iza Joma, and then nobody will ever fuck her again. She doesn't have a choice. She has to stay with him. He's the best that she can do. 1:43:38 Unknown_05: And this is the most interesting stuff this stream is going to be the two filings. Unknown_22: First, this is Kayla's filing. Unknown_22: Kayla is not being processed the same as Rakeda. They are two different defendants, so they get to make their own motions. Now, Rakeda fucked up his motions and lost all of his rights to raise certain defenses. Unknown_22: Kayla has not. Unknown_22: So Kayla's attorney has asked for a motion to suppress and a motion to dismiss. And she's going to say that suppressing all evidence statements and confessions as a result of the state's unlawful search of the defendant's home as the result of a defective search warrant. The search warrant was defective because it was based on insufficient probable cause to believe a controlled substance would be found in the residence. So this is a much different angle than what Rakeda did, where Rakeda's saying, no, the JPEGs are wrong. You can see the Backyard Internet logo. This is altered. That's fucking gay and retarded. This is a little bit more... 1:44:20 Unknown_22: Reasonable. It feels like a long shot, but it's more reasonable. Or they're just saying that, sure, he might have seen what looked like cocaine on Rikado's nose. And sure, he might have heard stories that there was cocaine in the house. But just because Rikado was drunk on stream does not mean that he had probable cause to raid the home and get drugs. Sounds like a long shot to me, but it's less fucking retarded. 1:45:04 Unknown_22: You can tell with Rakeda's stuff that he thinks he's a genius and he's going to find some technical workaround to ever being held accountable for breaking the law. And then Kayla's fighting within the system because her attorney is not himself. It's not Rakeda. So it's more grounded. So... Unknown_22: That's what they filed. And then on Mercado's side, this came in just today. So you listening to this are probably hearing this for the first time. This is the breaking news. 1:45:38 Unknown_22: Mercado filed for something called a petition for discretionary review. You've never heard of a petition for discretionary review. In a federal appellate court, it's called an interlocutory appeal, and it basically means that he wants to file an appeal for the Franks hearing. I predicted this, even though lawyers told me that that doesn't make any sense. Let me explain, and it doesn't make sense to a lawyer, but it makes sense to me, and I'll explain why. It would probably make sense to you, but this filing is actually retarded in a way that you don't really understand. I had somebody explain it to me. 1:46:14 Unknown_22: You know who. Unknown_22: So an interlocutory appeal is an appeal that interrupts a proceeding and pauses it until it's concluded. In Minnesota, it's called a discretionary review, and it's called a discretionary review for an important reason I will circle back to. Unknown_22: Actually, yeah. So usually what happens is if there's an issue in a criminal proceeding, what you want to do is you want to complete the entire criminal case. And then once the criminal case is completed, you can then file an appeal. And that appeal usually handles everything. So everything you have a grievance with during the entire criminal process is handled at that appeal after the sentencing. 1:46:50 Unknown_22: An interlocutory appeal is what they call an unfavored motion because it interrupts proceedings, which the courts never want to do, and handles only one thing at a time. And also, if you are found innocent, well, there's no fucking point to having an interlocutory appeal because... You're innocent. There's nothing to worry about. So it's like, why even bother interrupting the case before it's concluded to trial? Because you might get off anyways. So let's just wait and then handle it later. 1:47:31 Unknown_22: There's a couple instances where you want to do an interlocutory appeal in a criminal case, as it was explained to me. The first is... Unknown_22: usually the state files it. Unknown_22: For instance, if the judge had actually granted Ricada's stupid-ass Franks hearing and said, oh, okay, the case is dropped then, the state can then file an interlocutory appeal because the case is over if they lose that Franks hearing, basically. And then the Minnesota Appeals Court would actually review if that granting was correct and then could possibly overturn it and put the evidence back into play. and then you would have to go to court anyways. The other case is double jeopardy. If you've been found innocent already, and then they try to convict you on a similar crime related to the same incident, that's double jeopardy, and you don't actually want to go through trial because that would be punishment in and of itself for something that you're constitutionally protected from, so it makes sense to file an interruptive appeal that would stop the proceedings because you've already gone through it, right? So those are the two instances where he filed this. 1:48:47 Unknown_22: Rakeda has filed this completely incorrectly. Unknown_22: It's technically he has the right to, but in the justice system, they call this an unfavored motion, where it's like they don't want you to do this because they don't want to deal with it this way. Unknown_00: They have a way that they prefer to do it, and if you go out of your way to file something like this, you better be... Unknown_22: fucking right. You better have a fucking reason for it. Okay, it doesn't. Unknown_22: So I want to point out that this is actually really sloppy and shitty, and a lot of this feels copy-pasted. There's a font change right here, and it's really obvious that everything following Pomplin below is copied from another document, and my suspicion is that they copied a lot of the actual Frank's hearing paperwork into this. 1:49:36 Unknown_22: So this is original for the Discretionary Review. And then this is copy-pasted from the Franks hearing, which was already denied, which is kind of a bad sign that you're just going to reiterate everything that you already got denied for and not change anything because it's like... Unknown_22: You already lost, so it doesn't bode well for you. And then, so this is all shit that I've already gone over before. This is back to the original font, so I know that this is the copy-pasted section and this is the new stuff. Unknown_22: But they basically just say that they reiterate, they fucked all that up. Unknown_22: There are some paragraphs in this that are light gray as opposed to black, and that also makes it look like it was being copy-pasted from something else. 1:50:24 Unknown_22: These citations are wrong, by the way. Citating the, no, not that one. Unknown_22: The thing where they say a more perfect Reich citing steel toe morning show. So that's not how you cite evidence in case, but that's how they chose to do it. So the word Reich appears in this document approximately 10 times. And I find that funny on a personal level. Unknown_22: But a lot of this is all just reiterating the exact same shit we've already read that he believes that. Officer Pumplin lied to the judge and received a search warrant that he would not have received if he did not lie. And his lie was that he saw the original video and there's specific criminology that they're quibbling over. That only makes sense if you take that paragraph out of context because he uses the same language in the above paragraph and it makes perfect sense what he's saying. And then knowing how he uses those words in the second paragraph, it makes perfect sense what he's saying there. And the only way it has any ambiguity is if you take it out of context. Which is why the judge explicitly said when he denied the Franks hearing that there was no ambiguity, specifically because of that. Like, exactly what I said is what ended up in the denial. So they're going to force the appeals court judge to read the search warrant, realize that it's a very competent search warrant, and then maybe even watch the video of Rakeda fucked out of his mind, and then deny him again. 1:51:50 Unknown_22: Now, here's the other thing. Here's the big deal, by the way. Unknown_22: The petition is called it's not called an interlocutory appeal in Minnesota. It's called a discretionary review, which is an important word because it is, as it's called, discretionary. And what does that mean? It means that there's not a formal process for this. It's not a checklist. You say, OK, well, this appeal has ABC. Therefore, we're going to look at it. It's 100% discretionary, to the point where the judge could say, could absolutely say, you know what, I think you're right. This Franks hearing should have gone ahead. In fact, I think that search warrant should have been thrown out. 1:52:24 Unknown_22: But... Unknown_22: No. Unknown_22: They can literally say, I think you're right, but we're not going to use our discretion to give you this. Wait until after your trial and then file it as an appeal like a normal person would. So it's completely up to the judge. It's like two layers of extraordinary. It's an extraordinary thing to file an interlocutory appeal. It has to be like they're really trampling your civil rights. And then it's extraordinary to... 1:52:57 Unknown_22: I'm sorry, to follow Frank's point. And then it's also extraordinary to go for a discretionary review. So my thought is that Rakeda came up with this, went to his attorney, who then put associate attorney Brian K. Lunas – it's not Francis White. This is the associate attorney. So he put the lower – the guy – the low end of the totem pole on this one. And then Rakeda pitched his idea for a discretionary review because his rights were totally hecking being trampled on. Um, and Francis White asked him, do you have your deposit? And then Riccati says, yeah, we're totally selling the house. I put another, um, reverse mortgage on it that I'm totally going to pay off once it sells. I got your deposit. And then Francis White was like, okay, we'll file your discretionary review. Uh, and this is what we now have in front of us. 1:53:30 Unknown_22: It is a very, very desperate motion. And like I said, the main thing is I expected him to appeal, but the thing that I didn't know is that you're not supposed to appeal a criminal case until after you're convicted. They don't like it when you try to appeal things as they're proceeding. So that's the discrepancy there. 1:54:05 Unknown_05: But he's totally going to epically own this chat one day. Unknown_05: Great. Unknown_05: That's the cool Arcada Law update is in the shit. Unknown_22: Ah, and my hero Terrific has come through with the links for the Tim Pool stuff. Unknown_05: Let's see this. Unknown_05: Awesome. Watching Tim Pool, definitely what I want to do. Unknown_05: This may be the last Timcast IRL. 1:54:43 Unknown_05: Okay, so... Let's try, let's start at 4701. Unknown_10: Well, put Raymond in charge, and you won't have to say much anymore. Unknown_09: You know, with all due respect, though, I don't think... And it's not personal. I just think everyone feels that they could, and then they can't. I've done it. It's my history. It's my job history. It also feels personal. You don't know my job history. Unknown_10: It feels personal. Unknown_04: It's you, Raymond. Unknown_10: No, no, but you don't... You just think I'm a fan. You don't know my previous jobs or what I've done in my life. No, I believe you. Unknown_09: I'm just saying, like... Unknown_09: you wanted to get it done and you handed off the paperwork and then didn't know what happened next yeah i waited exactly it doesn't matter if you're in charge of it or not that's gonna that that happens unless i with executive authority go around to everybody and say round it up raymond said by the screen by the screen so throughout this entire interview he's complaining that his employees don't do enough 1:55:42 Unknown_22: That's why they summed it up like he has a bunch of stoner retard friends that he hires to be friends with, and then they don't do any work because they're not expected to, and then he's upset that no work gets done. Unknown_09: and don't want to be there. I don't want that. That's the worst kind of leadership. But I think that's all companies. Unknown_10: No, no. Unknown_10: You don't have to. Well, I guess it's always fear of getting fired. I mean, Hitler was pretty successful. People loved that guy. Unknown_09: That was scary. The Nazis terrifyingly worshipped a guy who was out of his mind. Unknown_22: I would like to go one day of my life without hearing about fucking Germany or the Nazis or Hitler. Just one day. One fucking day of my existence I'd like to go without hearing about Adolf Hitler. He's been dead for fucking how many goddamn fucking years? Like 80 fucking years. He's fucking dead. Can we get over the existence of Adolf Hitler, please? As a species. The Africans have managed. They've never even heard of World War II. Why the fuck do I gotta keep hearing about it all the goddamn time? 1:56:27 Unknown_05: What am I not doing effectively? Unknown_09: And at a certain point, I'm Sisyphus pushing up a rock with a bunch of people sitting on it. Unknown_22: Yeah, because they don't have that same ass. This guy's like, I'm Sisyphus because I work a job and get paid for it. Wow. 1:57:00 Unknown_22: I guess everybody's their own little Sisyphus, huh? We're all little pushing up boulders and shit. Like, sure, I don't think Sisyphus got paid for it. I think it was a punishment that he was compelled to do. But Tim Pool, having millions of dollars and running one of the most profitable entertainment franchises on the fucking YouTube... Unknown_22: he's basically a tortured soul if you think about it i don't see they don't have that same passion and i'm not trying to disrespect people sitting on the rock you know well yeah if they're sitting on the rock you want to yeah you want them to they should at least tell you where the rock's going or you know maybe they're not pushing it but they should do something there is a hill if you keep going and i'm like that's not true because i'm sisyphus yeah that's a fine push you had this you had this issue like a year ago i think because we the whole 1:57:50 Unknown_10: I remember I super chatted like, yo, you're not the only one pushing up the hill because I was just a fan at the time. Unknown_10: You know, now that I'm here in person. Is that guy drinking from a tumbler that says manly on it instead of Stanley? Unknown_22: Is that where we're at? Is this the parallel economy? We got dude wipes. We got manly tumblers. Unknown_22: We got Black Rifle Coffee. Is this it? Are we going to do payment processors? Are we going to do cryptocurrency? Are we going to circumvent bank levels? No. Unknown_22: Manly Tumblr? Okay. Unknown_07: I was just checking. 1:58:24 Unknown_22: I'm not salty or anything. I was just checking to make sure that this is the actual plan. This is what all the brightest conservatard minds came up with. Unknown_09: failing consistently over the past few weeks. And we lack the capability to have anybody with, there's no initiative. Have you guys ever seen this guy in his wedding picture? Unknown_22: He's like wearing a suit and he's still wearing a fucking beanie. Have you guys ever seen that picture? Unknown_09: Nor talent to complete the job to make sure the studio operates. If that's where we're currently at, I've got to just shut it all down. Because that's like, Unknown_09: If I can't film myself, I don't have a company. And so if I rely on other people to run these things and I wake up in the morning and I can't complain about the Democrats insulting Donald Trump working at McDonald's, I'm sitting here being like, 1:58:57 Unknown_09: I'm I'm looking at all of these posts and people are saying things and I'm like, no, you got that wrong because this article says this like I can tweet about it. Unknown_10: That's not the same thing. Unknown_09: It's not the same thing. And so then I'm like, OK, should I go right now and just build a new studio? I've got computers and microphones. I could just do it myself. And I'm like, well, we're not doing IRL if that's the case. Unknown_11: Right. Unknown_09: There's no way I'm going to. And I can't do boonies if that's the case. Unknown_09: So none of this is going to. I've seen a couple Tim Cass episodes. Unknown_22: There's a guy on it who's particularly insufferable. The best guy. I don't know if he even shows up on Tim Cass anymore. It's like a Polish guy and he's like a proper libertarian. He's pretty smart. 1:59:40 Unknown_22: I've actually tried reaching out to him and he ignores me, so fuck him. But he's probably the best of like Tim Pool's entourage. And then there's this guy called Ian. He looks like Weird Al Yankovic, but is like a retard. He's like a proper like brain fried hippie retard. And apparently someone told, yeah, Luke. Yeah, he's the best one. Unknown_22: So then Ian, like this fucking mongoloid, and apparently somebody told him that everybody at Timcast was about to get fired, so he like shuffles into the room real fast and interrupts their conversation about how they're going to fire all these hippie retards. There he is. Nice sweater, bro. 2:00:21 Unknown_11: Hey, what's up, dude? Unknown_22: Drinking bong water out of a mayo jar. That's nice. Unknown_11: Were you sleeping the whole time? Unknown_22: Dave. Michael, shut up! Unknown_11: You need a microphone Ian. My brother's name is Michael though, so that works out. Unknown_08: Michael Landon, Dave Landon. Were you asleep? I was. I thought Hannah Clarence and Seamus were going to be here, so I was like, well, I guess it's a full house. We'll take the night off. I was having a dream that I was playing music with Nick Fuentes, man. What the fuck is going on? Hey, do you know who I am? 2:00:52 Unknown_08: I just woke up Ian's worried he's gonna miss out on the last one I was dreaming of this song with Fuentes and he was great and then I logged on and I was like I'm quitting the show and I'm like no no we gotta just change the format we gotta play music we gotta play music what's going on Ian realized that Tim was about to fire everybody and stop the show and then he wouldn't be able to buy weed anymore so he shuffled into the studio and started screaming that's what happened jam dude 2:01:32 Unknown_09: And my point is if I if I do one show and it consolidates viewership gets more reach and allows me to focus better than maybe that's a Better way to go about everything we got is like Unknown_22: He's so weird. It's like you can't hire anybody to do what you do. He really thinks that he's the key to all of this. Nobody else can run a... Nobody else can set up a studio where three people talk into microphones and then it gets published to the internet. Nobody can do that. You know how hard that is, Shep? Unknown_22: Only Tim Pool. Underneath that beanie, he can't take it off because his brain is actually so big it ripped through his skull and it's exposed. Kind of like Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff Girls. And if he took off that beanie, he would die. He would fucking die. His skin actually fused to the beanie and there's nothing but soft brain under it. Because he's so fucking smart, Chad. Don't question him. He's the only person that can do this. 2:02:17 Unknown_05: Anything else on this that's funny? Unknown_05: He can fire, but okay, I want to see that. I want to see if Ian shits himself when he says that. 2:02:51 Unknown_05: I don't know. There's been a bunch of pitches like we should do. Are you cool with the Collins? Unknown_09: Right? The Collins, yes? Yeah, in five minutes. Okay. Yeah, so like one method is like the GE method, I think. It's where every quarter you fire the bottom 10%. Unknown_09: yeah that's a great idea i like it yeah and so it's basically like unions we're gonna we're gonna say this job has to get done if it doesn't get done we're adding that we're writing it down in a file at the end of the quarter whoever has the most misses is you're out yeah man i'm like harsh reality of business yeah man you're fucked the thing is though it's like 2:03:26 Unknown_22: It's like, okay, sure. Unknown_22: The instruction is you fire 10% of the worst employees you have. Okay, makes sense. How do you measure that, bro? He says he's going to keep it in a record somewhere. Are you going to do that? Are you going to sit there and create some objective standard for measuring performance that you can keep? And you're going to keep record of it. And then once a quarter, you're going to fire your bottom 10%. Are you really going to manage that? Like his whole shtick is that. He has a team of however many people, 10 fucking people, and he can't manage it himself, but he thinks he's going to create some sort of fucking objective standard for firing people and go through that. You can't manage a team that's... Your employee count is smaller than my fucking Whataburgers, and you can't manage it. 2:04:03 Unknown_22: How are you going to create your GE standard, bro? Come on. Unknown_22: He has 30 people. Unknown_22: Um, yeah, my Whataburger had more. It was a pretty big Whataburger, man. Unknown_22: Now I got respect for my manager, man. I know his struggle. He's sitting there eating burgers thinking like, God, am I really going to fire these bums? Am I really going to fire the bottom 10%? I don't know. I think so. It's just got to be done. He won't be able to be able to be all smug about all the money he wastes on random shit, skates, parks, and 2:04:45 Unknown_22: I don't know. I feel like I could do it. Then again, I don't know. I can't. It's harder when you have volunteers, you know? Unknown_22: Much more difficult because it's like, maybe I should pay them. I don't really make that much money, but maybe like a little bit of money would entice certain people to participate more in the forum and deal with shit I don't want to fucking deal with. Does that work, Chad? How much is a janny worth? How much is, like, how many days are in a week? Seven? I guess five or seven. You can't really expect people to do every day. Do five days a week. 2:05:22 Unknown_22: Then you need, like, $20, like, for one day. Like, log on once a day and do some shit for, like, an hour. Do, like, $100. How much does the average American make? I'm having my tentpole moment here. I need somebody I can yell at. How much does the average American make a year before taxes? $59,000? 2:05:55 Unknown_05: Really? That's a lot. Unknown_22: What the fuck? I didn't realize it was so high. That's $5,000 a month. So $100 a week isn't shit, man. How the fuck am I gonna... Maybe I need to hire somebody who's not American. Unknown_22: Who's not American that would be willing to work for a chump chain to help me? Unknown_05: I'll do it for pizzas with Brogdon. Unknown_05: Maybe Polish people. 2:06:27 Unknown_05: How much does the average Polish make before taxes? Unknown_05: That's per month. 1,700 euros. Unknown_05: What? 1,700 euros. $1,800 a month. Unknown_05: How much is that? $21,000. That's it? I can hire a Polish person. Unknown_22: Any Polish people want to moderate the Kiwi Farms? 2:07:08 Unknown_22: That's it. I'm just going to outsource the entire Kiwi Farms. All of our infrastructure, the entire corporate entity, everything's going to fucking Poland. I'm just going to pick a random village in Poland and there's going to be a giant Kiwi Farms warehouse there. Like a giant Amazon warehouse with a giant Kiwi Farms logo all lit up on it. That's what we're doing. Unknown_05: I'll figure this out later. Unknown_05: I'm randomly musing how to administrate my empire. 2:07:40 Unknown_22: It's very difficult. I kind of feel Tim Pool, but the thing that Tim Pool has that I don't fucking have is he has unlimited income to do whatever the fuck he wants with. Unknown_22: It's like if I was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, I would have a lot more leeway in terms of how I decide to pay people. Unknown_05: I hire moderators that don't speak English. You know what? I don't think anyone would have an issue with that. Unknown_22: Hey, dude, Indians can't do anything. 2:08:12 Unknown_22: I learned recently that Indians that are the, what are their name? Gypsies. They're from India originally. Did you guys know that? Imagine this. Here's a thought experiment for you all, Chet. Unknown_22: Thousands of years ago, a caravan of Indians arrive in Romania and become the gypsies, a blight on all society for hundreds of years thereafter. Unknown_22: Millions of Indians are imported into the United States and Europe and Canada. Now, what do you think is going to happen as a result of this over... 2:08:52 Unknown_22: Over hundreds of years. Do you think we will ever recover? We have created like mecha gypsies. Real. Unknown_22: We'll never recover from this. Unknown_05: The gypsy menace will be here forever now. Unknown_05: It's over. It's so fucking over. Unknown_22: We were fighting with our black bros and our Asian bros and we should have been fighting the Pajit menace the entire time. Dude, they're going to redeem the entire fucking West. You think that because we have the smallest penises on the planet Earth that we are not going to take over your countries and use our nepotism to provide jobs only for ourselves? That is why you have failed, YT. That is why the Indian household in the United States makes $110,000 because we sleep eight to a room and we make and we all have the Sigma grind set. I have side gigs on Uber. I have side gigs on. 2:09:24 Unknown_22: I work for a Fortune 500 tech company and I also have side gigs with Uber and I also. Oh, and I have a TikTok channel that makes $10 a month. Unknown_22: I post hot memes, hot dank memes, I find viral posts on Hex, and then I post hot dank memes as replies to every single one of their messages, and this generates me $20 a week. This is why the Indians are so rich and you are poor, because we have the work ethic. 2:10:10 Unknown_22: My brother in Bangladesh, he scams old people and makes $80,000 a week in Walmart gift cards. Unknown_05: Okay. I have a fucking Reddit segment, so... Fucking Reddit segment. Unknown_05: My first job working IT, it was literally that. Unknown_22: They had an idea for a company, and what they did is they just hired a... 2:10:53 Unknown_22: I'm saving the images now but I'm just thinking they hired an Indian company and literally 100% of the work that we did Unknown_22: During the entire time that I was there, or rather for like half the time I was there. For real, there was a tech startup in Australia, and they had an idea for this niche in the market that they wanted to fill. And so they hired Indians to do it. And after they did, it took them one month. It took them one month, and they paid them a pittance, like a couple thousand dollars. Unknown_22: for an entire product in one month. And for the remainder of the time that I was there for three years, 2:11:34 Unknown_22: Everything that we did, which was then like a team of like six people by the time I left, everything that we did revolved around taking old Pajit code and fixing it. Because there were certain things where the bosses had promised features in their code base to a customer. Like the customers would ask the guy and be like, so does your software, does it account for this recent regulation? Does it handle an integration into this third-party API? And without any thought about what the fuck that means, because he didn't know anything about the back end, he just said yes. And then he would come back and say, we got a deal. They're paying us a lot of money. This is a really big customer, and we need this API integration, and we need this feature in two weeks. And we would be like, okay, so the Pajit code doesn't work that way at all. 2:12:13 Unknown_22: We're going to have to really bust our fucking asses. And there was one deal in particular that I remember as vividly as day because it was like the most productive I've ever been in my entire life, before or after this day. Unknown_22: There was a big, big customer, the biggest we've ever had. And they... 2:12:49 Unknown_22: They needed something that couldn't be done without a complete rewrite of the core product. The core product that every single customer used. And it was the oldest part of the code base. It was the original thing that they paid $1,000 for a team of Pajits to write in one month. And it was dilapidated. It barely fucking worked. And we could not get it to work for the big customer without a complete rewrite, future thinking it. And me and the other guy, the guy that got me the job... Unknown_22: I woke up at like 6 a.m. and went to a Starbucks and I got my train to ice coffee. No sugar, extra milk or extra cream. And we sat on like Skype because this was the time. And I worked from six until they literally closed and told me that I had to leave because and we did this like two different days in a row. And I worked all fucking day. And then I went to sleep and I woke up and I woke up and I went to Starbucks and I worked all fucking day again. And we were just talking constantly. And we were like in this perfect autistic synchronicity. And we somehow rewrote the core product in two fucking days. And it was there and it was fine by the time I left. And I'll never ever be that productive ever again for the rest of my life. I don't know how it happened. But it was the right mix of like... We got paid well, too. We got overtime and we got bonuses and stuff. We got extra days off that we took that month and stuff. 2:13:56 Unknown_22: That was a lot of work. Unknown_05: Okay. It was fun. I look back on these things very fondly. Unknown_22: And when I hear people complain about how toxic crunch culture is and like video game and software development, I'm like, you know, that's life. Sometimes there's a really big thing happening and people depend on you to get your job done. And it may be unfair and you might have to do a lot of work. And as long as there's like an ebb and flow to it where there's like... time off and ways to recoup and like a chance to do something fun but there's always going to be a time where you just have to get it done and i always think about like um speaking of world war ii i think about like the generals and it's like you know that the enemy forces are here they're approaching here there are guys there right then who are going to be getting shot at and hit with artillery in the next 24 hours and they're going to need xyz logistics and supplies moved immediately It's like you don't have the option to complain about toxic crunch culture or whatever the fuck. You gotta get the shit done. You gotta stay the fuck up. You gotta figure out how you're gonna get things there. And if you don't, then you're gonna die. 2:15:14 Unknown_05: So... I don't know. Unknown_05: Holy four hours. Who's generals? Unknown_05: In general. Unknown_05: More generals like Hitler. That's right. Unknown_05: Alright. I have the, um... Unknown_05: I have the Reddit I get caught up in my storytelling. I don't do the wrong thing. I might like that. 2:16:06 Unknown_05: Okay. Okay. Unknown_05: R. Rant. Unknown_22: By JerbyWearingDude. He says, I had my first face-to-face confrontation with a MAGA yesterday. Coming out of the grocery store, I saw a car covered in anti-Haitian messages. The owner of the car was there and I said, Be ashamed, sir. 2:16:41 Unknown_22: He started shouting at me about how Haitians have bragged about killing all whites and how stupid I am for not knowing history. When I started to walk away after a little more back and forth, he followed me and continued to shout at me, telling me that I wasn't thinking logically like a man and that I am therefore a tranny. Unknown_22: afterward a young lady came up to me and shook my hand telling me that she's a lesbian and that it's okay to be whoever i want to be she must have only heard the tranny part of the exchange my takeaway from this incident is that as a 60 year old man i can apparently pass as a trans man so he uh he got heckin misgendered and now even and then someone supporting him trying to be nice and said oh i guess you are a little pooner huh Well, that's okay, little pooner. You can be a little pooner. Nobody can tell you you can't be a pooner. 2:17:28 Unknown_22: And that's how a woke old hippie fuck boomer retard got absolutely felted. Unknown_05: I can actually believe it. Because the whole killing all whites thing... Unknown_22: The whole be ashamed, sir. And the killing all whites. That sounds like someone actually who hates Haitians would say, because he would know about how they murdered and raped and tortured white people. And then he felt himself, so it sounds more credible. 2:18:04 Unknown_22: This is an R-Atheism. Posted by, and someone censored this, I don't know why. I want to put an end to religions worldwide. I am a 17-year-old boy, and I want to do what it says above. I have researched very well, and I think I am more than capable to do it, or at least make a lot of young people stop believing in that and make most people base everything on the scientific method, which, as we discussed earlier, is when you state a fact and then you find more evidence for it and you discard contrary opinions. Unknown_22: For that, I am going to study astrophysics and two other careers that don't have much to do with that and it would be more for pleasure. This is an evil that has to end as soon as possible and that, in my opinion, is not given so much importance because you have to respect when it should be the opposite. I would be more than happy if there were more people with my objective. At first, at least, I want to convince people who speak my language, Espanol, that there has never been any deity that watches over you when you do your intimate things. Before, I was aiming at having a lot of money and living a relaxed life. Since my two careers may allow me to do that, cybersecurity and computer engineering, but I have this between my eyebrows, and I don't think it will change my mind. 2:18:43 Unknown_22: So I'm going to study to be a super sweet hacker and a super sweet programmer, and also I'm going to study the blade. 2:19:30 Unknown_22: That's my third trait. I'm going to study the blade. I'm going to epically own the fucking price tag. Neat. Cool. Unknown_05: Great. Unknown_05: So, I think that's it. Unknown_22: Don't want to meander in my thoughts for much. Let's do the Superberries. Unknown_05: And let's have a great weekend. Unknown_05: See you. 2:20:05 Unknown_05: Here we go. Unknown_05: Just a famous butt for once is late by one minute status immensely gay and incredibly late. Unknown_22: No, I disagree. Unknown_22: That's it. I'm making mad at the internet too. I'd like to see you fucking try. Unknown_22: Uh, Asian tech support for five says that funny pictures that finally came through with a funny picture. And then there is a funny pictures that link. Unknown_05: Okay. Let's see it. It'd be funny for me. Unknown_05: Um, it was a picture of a cat. 2:20:38 Unknown_22: And it says, the villain's faithful pair of henchmen. And there's a big, fat, round lynx, and then a very tall, skinny boy. Which, I don't know what that is, but it looks like an exotic animal. Unknown_22: Yeah, that's pretty accurate. That's a nice cat, too. Unknown_22: Some Russian probably owns both of those. Russians love fucking weird cats. Unknown_22: Maranberger for two says, 2000X, giant bones for sale, stock up on prayer XP, 30 mil oboe. Unknown_22: That's a lot of money, bro. You have 2,000 giant bones, bro. Fair sell those. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for 10, 15, says, Glorious Q Emperor, this news is old, but can you please pause the video and say Joker and Todd Phillips were applicable? 2:21:21 Unknown_05: Very funny. Unknown_05: Um, well, maybe you shouldn't give me videos that are the South Park Indiana Jones rape scene. Unknown_22: Uh, maybe if I play it on the other thing, it'll play. Unknown_04: Indiana Jones, all right! Unknown_20: Hey there, Stan. All set to see my new adventure? Unknown_08: You bet, Indiana! Unknown_20: No! Unknown_08: Look out, Indians! Unknown_22: Joker and Todd Phillips? ! 2:21:55 Unknown_20: Is Todd Phelps the director of the movie? Unknown_22: Nope. Okay, I can't show the video, but I did watch that movie, Casa Bonita Mi Amor, where the South Park guys refurbish a restaurant for $40 fucking million. Unknown_22: It's a very good documentary. It's also very, very, very funny. I've never seen any behind-the-scenes South Park stuff where Matt Stone and Trey Parker are, like, watching or, like, doing the voice acting. It's very weird seeing them talk in their voices, especially because I think it's Trey, who just sounds exactly like Stan. Or not Stan, but Stan's dad. It's a very bizarre experience. I never sought out behind-the-scenes stuff, so I didn't really have a mental image for them. 2:22:33 Unknown_22: Also, the very funny thing is the Jewish one is married to a black woman. And throughout the entire movie, when they're talking about how much fucking money it's going to cost to fix Casa Bonita, he's just like in cold sweats. While the other one is the not Jewish one is just like a little kid in Disneyland. And it's a very weird dynamic of people. Unknown_05: Um, cool. 2:23:09 Unknown_22: Bunker Housing for five says, I live in Europe, but that stream is going to be lit. I am there. Going to save some money for berries. Based in Berrypill. Thank you. Crispy Legs for ten says, Happy Friday, dude. Thank you, dude. Have a great weekend, dude. Schwarzwald Newell for five says, I recently caught my German Shepherd playing with a ball of yarn. He came out to me as trans feline. Do I buy him castrogen in a litter box in a scratching post like he wants, or should I have him put down? Unknown_22: You have to put them down, bro. Sorry. There's nothing you can do. The treatment just prolongs the suffering. 2:23:43 Unknown_22: Bunker Adling for five says, if the Biden admin uses the new kill law to take out Trump and then us and fall into a civil war, if you have not moved to the USA, will you be able to keep the site up? Unknown_04: Yeah, I guess. Unknown_22: Why wouldn't I? We'll just move it out of the country. Unknown_22: David S877 for $27. There's two questions. Once you come out of the closet, will you be able to tell us why you were in the closet? Can we pay you to play the beginning of Dragon Age at Vilgard and a couple streams like Hogwarts? Unknown_22: Probably not, because I think in November I'm going to be playing Life is Strange Double Exposure. And as far as the closet, no. The closet will always be a secret to everybody. 2:24:25 Unknown_22: Thresh, for one, says, enjoy some pizza and this clip. And then there is a clip. Let's see the clip. Unknown_07: This band played at Free Fest. About 2,000 people watched the show. The rock and roll was awesome like Chex Press. The jam session was whipping a horse's ass with a belt. Unknown_07: Retard bus. Unknown_04: Retard bus. Unknown_07: Retard bus. Retard bus. 2:25:00 Unknown_07: The band played it on. The band got down like a magic kiss. Unknown_22: In case you're wondering, because a lot of people thought it was Rock and Roll McDonald's, he sang almost all of his songs. He used this little thing to compose, and it has a bunch of default beats installed on it. So he would just use the default royalty-free beats that you're supposed to practice with to get a feeling for the software or the hardware. And he would just sing to that, so he used the same beats a lot. 2:25:33 Unknown_05: Um... Unknown_05: Yeah, keyboard, keyboard. That's what it was. Unknown_22: BreadWash45 says, regarding my last Super Chat on Tuesday about the Rice Bro dad, he and I still have a great relationship, even after divorcing my Korean mom. He forgets I'm HAPA as long as I avoid eye contact with him. Unknown_22: That's so fucking depressing. She get glasses or something. She get glass. You should talk to like a gay man and say like, I need like a pair of glasses that makes my eyes look less chinky. Um, and then he might be able to give you a pair, maybe some sunglasses here. Wait, hold up. Hold up. It was a great pair. It's a great pair of sunglasses. Actually. I think that you would really like, 2:26:08 Unknown_22: Oh, yeah, yeah, this, this, here. They're kind of expensive because they're, like, designer, but I think they might be worth it. They might give you the look that you're looking for so your eyes seem more rounded out. Unknown_22: I don't know. Maybe it's not your style or anything, but I think you could probably pull it off. You see, you can't see that his eyes are slanted either, so they work for him. Good luck with that. 2:26:44 Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_02: Sneedo for when it says cat box image. Unknown_05: Vintage boss. Okay, let's see it. I almost added that as an icon for the Sneed chat, I think. Unknown_22: That's pretty fucking vintage, I'm not going to lie. Like a rare holofoil. Unknown_22: My hamsters of here for five says, I was so excited when I saw Trump had a trans prison policy for a second. I thought he was going to send them all the trunes to prison. One day. 2:27:17 Unknown_22: Once we execute Project 2025, they'll all go to the heckin' truny jails. Unknown_22: Space Allen for 20 says, Ham Jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it. Unknown_22: Long Border 24145 says, Happy Pizza Day, Josh. Tony Hawk has a message for you. Unknown_05: Okay. Unknown_05: Hopefully he's saying nice things. Oh, pizza guy. Unknown_21: I wonder if I could do that in real life. You know what? I want to be the pizza guy. Tony Hawk is like old now. 2:27:49 Unknown_22: Makes me feel old. Unknown_22: Finally. Pizza month. Wow. Unknown_22: It must be nice when your dad's Tony Hawk. Unknown_22: You're like a multi-millionaire, and you can go skateboarding. He's just like the coolest fucking guy ever, and he brings you pizza. That's what I'm talking about right there. It's a nice life. 2:28:20 Unknown_22: Sneed in feed in for Jesus. Someone with a free copy of an unwanted nine awakening. Please send it to Josh. He needs to experience the bravery of strong POG Paget woman against evil. I have absolutely no idea. That's right. Sorry. Unknown_22: You look seven for five says happy today. 2024 wasn't a great success, but it wasn't horrible either. T3D is always my cat's eye. It's been very stable, but it hasn't been the progress that I expect yet. 2:28:53 Unknown_22: News Hamming, 69 for 2, says, why did the hamster fail his driving test? He kept taking snack breaks at every turn. Oh, because he got food in his mouth. I see. Unknown_22: Thank you. Judy Tester for 3 says, AF Incorporated in Chicago, huh? I wonder if Fuentes takes public transit. I don't think he leaves his fucking house, bro. Unknown_22: John90 for 5 says, Josh, remember when I caught you at Seager Market in Belgrade buying Kraft Singles and Wonder Bread? Me neither. Seriously, though, have you ever ran into a user before in real life? Nope. Not once. 2:29:30 Unknown_22: AceofSpads for 5 says, Happy Mustard Day. Happy Mustard Day. That sounds great. Mustard sounds like, I wish I had some burger with mustard on it. Unknown_22: apartment archive for $50 says Your Korea. Hey Josh your Korea talk last stream the talks in the matty throat reminded me of this video of my freshman history teacher shoulders Please watch it's funny Okay Hopefully it's not a dresser I can buddy How Americans live today 2:30:13 Unknown_12: Dramatic music. Unknown_12: This is how Americans live today. Drinking coffee made from snow and living in tents and buying guns to kill each other, especially children. Unknown_04: Some people complain about the guns. Unknown_12: Living on the streets of modern day America. Unknown_12: These trees are full of snow. Unknown_17: You'll see that there are no birds. 2:30:45 Unknown_12: They've been eaten by the people who live in these tents and corridors. This man awaits heroin. Unknown_17: Yeah, that's pretty accurate. Unknown_12: The houses blow down very easily. Unknown_17: And they have to live in tents like these. Unknown_12: That's pretty accurate. Unknown_17: This man will show us his tent with pride. He points to his items, but the camera notices his roof has fallen down. Unknown_12: This is common in modern-day America. Unknown_17: The American Red Cross supplies curtains and walls from material from North Korea. 2:31:32 Unknown_12: Again, there are no birds in the trees apart from these which will be eaten on Tuesday. Unknown_17: They are yummy. Unknown_17: You can also eat the snow, of which there is plenty in the United States. Unknown_12: These people lie whole together with their dead friends in blue body bags, drinking coffee cups full of local snow. Unknown_17: They are very good friends. They are together in adversity. 2:32:19 Unknown_12: In other parts of America, often disguised as foreign countries in Europe, people live the same terrible life. Unknown_17: This man, a former Republican candidate for Oregon, is now having to get coffee made of snow from these trucks. Unknown_17: That's pretty believable. I mean, if there was a Republican candidate, he probably would go to a hipster food truck, and they might have a successful food truck that says, like, we make fresh coffee using only the finest, whitest snow for purity and taste. Unknown_22: I think that might be a thing. 2:32:57 Unknown_12: Many Americans have to live like this daily and are entitled to one cup most days. Unknown_17: The weather is freezing, but the hot snow tastes nice. Unknown_12: That man's taking the blankets while they're looking. Unknown_17: They are very grateful to their government for these handouts. Government. Unknown_12: Yummy. Unknown_17: They enjoy it immensely. 2:33:33 Unknown_17: in the meantime in the major offices, factories and railway stations people sit around under expensive adverts for Dell computers drinking snow from plastic cups people pass by not caring but they are all in the same situation these telephones no longer work Unknown_12: There is no one to call. Unknown_17: Some lucky people are allowed beds and floors indoors like this. Unknown_12: This is how they live in modern-day America. Unknown_17: Huddled together, the poor, the cold, the lonely, and the homosexual. Very accurate. 2:34:20 Unknown_12: The North Korean camera crew awoke this guy who was very cold and gave him some North Korean coffee and a blanket. They woke him up to give him coffee? Unknown_22: What fucking dickheads? Let him sleep. He's tired. Why are you giving him an upper? These people queued up for handouts from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and were each given a cake. 2:34:55 Unknown_21: Where's the cake at? Show me the cake. Unknown_21: The cake is a lie. Unknown_22: Sanito, for one, says, To be honest, I avoid the Rust Belt in general since I want my cars to last. Also, fuck Chirac. Yeah, fuck Chirac. Unknown_22: Judy Tester, for one, says, Also, I admire your maturity not having opinions on South Wacker Drive as his virtual address. Unknown_22: I didn't know this. Unknown_22: Just a Famous Butt for Two says, Folks, we're going to build the best ovens the best. These ovens are going to be able to handle more than 6 million. We're going to burn them all, folks. 2:35:28 Unknown_22: I assume you mean the bags of trash that litter our ocean. Unknown_22: This is something like the Holocaust. Kanye. Accurate. For everything. Unknown_22: Banana Plugs, for once, says, Happy Pizza Day, Josh. You're my favorite non-sleb. Always. I have to drive my kids. I'll watch the VOD. Don't make me wait for it too long. Unknown_22: Brandowu Hyperbimbo for 10 says, I just got this very creepy ad, and then there is a link to an MPV4 file somewhere. 2:36:00 Unknown_05: This video is not supported by my browser. Very sorry, bro. Oh, dude, I completely fucking forgot. Unknown_22: I can't believe I forgot. How does this happen? It shows where my mind's at. It's all better now. Unknown_22: Banana plugs for five says, I just want to shout out Otterly on the forum, probably the most informative poster on A&M and probably a great all-around lady. Fuck the gender war threads and the broken people who post there. 2:36:35 Unknown_22: I mean, one side is particularly fucking annoying the shit out of me than the other. I'll leave you to speculate which. Unknown_05: Casting Couch Crab for five says, I drew Sonichu encountering Kiwi. Hope you like it. Unknown_05: There's a drawing of the Kiwi a glow-in-the-dark Kiwi in a cave saying I am a monument to all your sins and Thankfully Sonic shoes arms and legs are not fucking yellow. Unknown_22: So great drawing 10 out of 10. 2:37:10 Unknown_05: I'd recommend pretty thick Kiwi beak Thank you Brown woo hyper bimbo for five says excellent. Okay. Let's see. I Unknown_05: A cyclist wants to change after he was clotheslined by Milwaukee's sunken Erev. Unknown_22: The fishing line extended around the city, which is probably extensive. There's where everyone can get around the Shabbat restrictions. Unknown_22: So the Erev is a piece of invisible fishing wire that they put around an area where Jews live so that during the Shabbat they can walk around. Because for some reason the Jews have out-litigated God, and when he says stay at home, they believe that to mean that you can stay at home as long as you have an invisible fishing wire around the area that you actually intend to travel around in. And that stems because they decided a long time ago that you can... 2:38:00 Unknown_22: Go to your backyard, like whatever the old equivalent of a backyard is, like your fenced-in area. And then it's like, well, if a fence counts as your home for the purposes of the Shabbat, then why can't a fishing wire around a perimeter? So they're like, okay. Now there's fishing wire everywhere and cyclists are running into it and I guess you can't sue. Oh, he demands change. Yeah, he's not fucking suing. He's not going to sue a bunch of Jews for holding an invisible fishing wire that almost murdered him and ripped his fucking head off because that would be anti-Semitic. He's just asking politely for the fishing wire to be a little bit higher so you can't accidentally decapitate yourself in Milwaukee. 2:38:36 Unknown_22: Stalker Child Enjoy Prison for 10 says, I will likely be eating a ghost pepper later today. Wish me luck. Enjoy Capsaicin Child. Good luck with that. Don't die. Don't shit yourself. Farmer Fletcher for 1 says, Happy Pizza Day. Remember to voot. And then there's a link, but I'm not clicking it. Fuck vooting. Lacunae, for one, says, Not too fond of Mr. Nugly, but you seem to be. Do you know he had a full book of his comics for sale? Oh, boy. Oh, man. If only Mr. Nugly published a full comic book. 2:39:15 Unknown_05: That would be a friend center in my collection. Unknown_05: Just a famous butt, for one, says, Josh, next time we're going to show a picture of Yonav, warn us first. Unknown_22: I almost spilled my drink. Sorry, bro. Yonav, it's spooky season. I can Yonav you anytime I want to. Unknown_05: Holy How for 10 says, hope you're having a good week, Joshua. My nibba always. Appreciate it. Unknown_22: The Uncredited for 2 says, Mr. Nubbly, interview you when? Also, check this out. And there's something called Mattis.me slash not safe for work, which I don't want to scream. 2:39:52 Unknown_05: I'm not clicking. Just the button that says trust me. I'm not clicking it. Unknown_22: Haramberger for two says, Liz Fong Jones, Bex Gerber, Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkisian, all Josh's biggest cows are teaming up like Sinister Six and Spider-Man. How do I shot web? It's the Legion of Doom, bro. It's the new Legion of Doom. Unknown_22: Doc Spown for five says, please sing the Spingle Cat song. Hee-haw, nee-naw, spingle, spingle, spigoo. Hee-haw, nee-naw, sping, spong, spoo. Unknown_03: There you go. Unknown_22: Humble Guardsman, for one, says seven. Thank you, Humble Guardsman. I appreciate it. Sinsuppa for two says, it makes me nostalgic. Tranny's chasing this guy again, the wrestling segment. 2:40:24 Unknown_22: Oh yeah, Jim Sterling. Unknown_05: I haven't talked about him in a long time. Unknown_05: I need to check on where his subscribers are at. Unknown_05: Just a Famous Butt, for one, says, I'll show you who's the boss of this gym. Unknown_22: I'm assuming that's a reference to the gay porn I referenced in terms of wrestling. Unknown_22: Uh, Sneedo for one says, the lunch lady is an airhead. Holy shit, she probably defends trannies. Yeah, probably. She seemed pretty good. Sneedo for one says, how much do you want to bet those trains are going to have a threat in the future to be pissed at the farm's lamount? 2:40:56 Unknown_05: I don't know what you're referring to. Sorry. Unknown_05: Uh, Young Pei Chang for 20 says, happy weekends. Can you play Sven's parody of Hilo? I suppose I can. Unknown_05: Not really. It kind of defeats the purpose if you know what's coming, though. 2:41:28 Unknown_22: It is a masterpiece. I can't help it. I wonder what the sound effect comes from. It has, like, this very rhythmic sound effect. Unknown_22: Uh, thank you. Unknown_22: Uh, A suspense for five seconds on Best in Jersey. And gone. It's gone. I got it. It's all mine now. Thank you. Unknown_22: Uh, DeviousDeVee for once says, sup. Sup, DeviousDeVee. I hope being a married man is working out for you. Eugulus Sneed for 10 says, she. She. Motherfucker. Thank you. 2:42:00 Unknown_22: Uh, Eugulus Sneed for 5 says, I'm sweaty. The police are corrupt and the government is after me. That's true, but for real. Unknown_22: Nino for Sue says, very cursed and there's a cat box file. Unknown_05: This looks like a picture of Bossman Jack with Liz Fong Jones' face, and that is actually pretty fucking hurt. Unknown_05: Good job. Unknown_05: Madclaw9545 says, Have a good weekend, Josh. Thanks for the entertainment this week. 2:42:36 Unknown_22: You're welcome. Glad you liked it. Have a great weekend. Pancake literally says, the manly mug thing sounds like a chubbly nubs, but I guess he's there in spirit. Have a good one, Josh. Dude, it's beyond fucking. Like, you're going to take an existing thing that already works, that people already can buy, and you're just going to, like, make a shit version of it that has the word man in it. You know, if you really want it to, like, Unknown_22: Fight woke. You would find existing companies that are like American-made, that are not owned by fucking gross weirdo trannies, that don't pander, and you would promote them. You wouldn't just like... Like, all you're fucking doing is you're dropshipping the same exact fucking tumblers from the same exact fucking Chinese factories to the same exact fucking... warehouses, so that Amazon can ship them to the same exact people, but now it says, man on it. You want to fight woke shit, you find American businesses that are making cups with American stainless steel, that made in America, shipped from the US, preferably not through fucking Amazon, and you promote them, or you do business with them instead. Nobody ever does that, they just drop ship their fucking lazy bullshit, and they make a mint because fucking retard podcasters support it, or they're responsible for it to begin with. 2:43:49 Unknown_05: uh haramberger for two says the duality of man temple trying to wrangle his staff and joss trying to wrangle the report queue epic beanie time janny man um i'll have you know actually i got it down from like 70 fucking reports to two and i cleared it out right before the stream so that's right uh so that's where we're at with that Unknown_22: Mouse cap for five for five says here's an image of ten pull a Sisyphus. There isn't any link to a image There's just like a picture of Sisyphus He's not even wearing a beanie bro. 2:44:31 Unknown_05: Come on. Unknown_22: This is literally just AI generated Sisyphus Put a fucking beanie on him. What are you doing? Unknown_22: I guess the joke is that it's like in his lap or something. I I don't know. I kind of got it. I'm more confused because it's just like a random AI generated in it. Unknown_22: Malaculus the Younger for 10 says, Tim, if I take off that beanie, will he die? It would be extremely painful. Unknown_22: He's not a big guy. I don't know how he would... For you. 2:45:14 Unknown_22: Umpty Badoo for once says, Josh, 60K isn't five grand a month. It's more like three grand after theft. Yeah, I know that. But you still have to pay them that amount of money. So if someone's making $60,000 and they want to make the same amount of money, I have to pay them $60,000 a year. Unknown_22: And then I have to remove the taxes and burn it myself. I'm still losing that amount of money. Unknown_22: Vordir for five says, nothing. Thanks for the super chat. Thank you, Vordir. Appreciate it. RedEyesBlackDragon for five says, what a burger manager. Am I really going to fire Josh Moon and the mean Ukrainian lady and that one cross-eyed guy? They're kind of good workers. 2:45:48 Unknown_22: She wasn't Ukrainian. She was Belarusian. And the cross-eyed guy did get fired because he was like a crackhead. He was like a bossman jacked up. Unknown_22: He had the cross-eyed guy. I bought cigarettes for him once illegally. They didn't ask for ID or anything. I'm trying to think. Was I not old enough to buy cigarettes at the time? I can't remember. There was some weird shit where there was cigarettes involved and somebody wasn't supposed to get them. I think I bought them illegally. I don't think I do anything illegal. 2:46:23 Unknown_22: yeah I mean like there's some people who are moderators who are good moderators who I trust but they're not around very often and that's very much because they have other shit they need to do for money and it's like I don't know if it's like $100 a week then surely they can dedicate a little bit of time to be around more often 2:47:04 Unknown_22: John D90 for 10 says, Pajits have their own problems, dude. Play like the 10 seconds. Pajits have no problems. They're the humanity perfected. Unknown_04: Sir, please, you must understand. Unknown_01: I am fucking Indian. Please help me, sir. Unknown_01: Please, I'm fucking Indian. Please help me. Unknown_01: Sir, please, I'm fucking Indian. Please help me, sir. I'm Indian. Please help me. Please, I'm Indian, sir. Please help me. I'm Indian. Please help me, sir. Fuck, I'm Indian. Please help me, sir. Fucking help me. You fucking help me. I'm Indian. Fuck you. I am helping me, Indian. 2:47:39 Unknown_22: Sam Hyde, my theory with Sam Hyde, I was thinking about this recently. He does a thing where he, like, repeats the same joke a different way, like, over and over again. And I think what happened is that, like, when you do movies or, like, videos, you do takes, right? So, like, if he's not happy with it or you want to go, like, a different angle, you, like, just redo it. And then you take the one that you like the most for that cut, right? Yeah. But I think he realized in like his weird way that if you just like do, you sound like a fucking insane person when you do that. Like if someone doesn't know that you're trying to make like a video, they just think you've lost your fucking mind. So now he just does the take thing, but like earnestly to like wig people out. And it's like a, it's like a weird thing that he does. It's very, um, indicative of his sense of humor. 2:48:10 Unknown_05: Thank you. MouseCat545 says, Did you hear that Rakeda's lawyer has a troon for a son? And then there is a link. 2:48:43 Unknown_22: Francis is extremely conservative. He's a barnswalker. He's a 25-year veteran of the Air Force. The Air Force. Unknown_22: Uh, his son, Thomas Francis White, applied for a change of name, and, uh, in the other, it explicitly says transgender, so now he's Layla White. 2:49:20 Unknown_22: Well, you know what? I'm gonna assume that you did something to fucking deserve it when you're in the Air Force. Oh, bombing all those Yemeni kids, all those Syrian guys who are now immigrants to the United States and raping and murdering in the U.S. Oh, wow. Really funny now, huh? Unknown_22: uh coley dante for 15 says josh describing dynamic workloads imagine a world war ii general yes true that's exactly right thank you 11th circuit for two says i passed the bar and can now legally laugh at nick ricada for being a non-practicing retard all the money he is spending on that interlocutory appeal is ultimately being spent on our entertainment it's absolutely no he's totally gonna prove us wrong don't worry about it it's totally innocent and 2:50:04 Unknown_22: Congratulations on passing the bar, by the way. Unknown_22: Melocalypse the Younger for 10 says, On Crunch, the Romans somehow built 120 ships in two months to fight against Carthage. How they did that in a pre-industrial society is proof that all you need is autistic planning and free labor. Unknown_22: The slave that built the White House. Thwetty. Unknown_22: Bunker Housing for 2 says, Recommend one science fiction book. Um... Unknown_22: I cannot think of any science fiction book I've ever read. You're talking about the Patrick S. Tomlinson genre of sci-fi fantasy? Yeah, no, I've never read science fiction. I don't think I've read a single science fiction book in my entire life. Read Asimov. Tell me how it is. Read Roadside Picnic. I've heard that's good. 2:50:39 Unknown_22: His the happy for 20 says getting married on the second and I'm going to be in the middle of nowhere. East Oregon. Can't wait to see what happens when I get back. Unknown_22: I heard that if you look in around Oregon, you'll find food trucks that sell coffee made from snow. I've heard it's really yummy. I've heard from a very reputable source that there's yummy snow coffee in Oregon. Unknown_22: Congratulations getting married. Have fun in Oregon, bro. Don't stay there, though. 2:51:15 Unknown_22: Coro, for one, says, who's your favorite Troon? Unknown_05: God. I don't know. I don't want to say. I think anyone I pick is a bad pick. Unknown_22: Cordier, for one, says, Randy Marsh's voice is based on Trey's father voice. It makes sense that they sound the same. Unknown_22: Yeah, I heard that. His father makes an appearance in that movie, too. Unknown_22: Dad of them, for 10, says, God bless you, Josh. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 2:51:47 Unknown_22: Octavia sells rep for tenses if you didn't mention that two of card postings new videos mentioned true memes card post true note incoming when there's a link I really got to go but The yeah, he posted videos about dilating and shit I'll play them next stream remind me to play them next room. I'll play some card posting next room He might he's long-haired any guy that has long hair is gonna turn out that's kind of the role Thank you. Sorry didn't play the video Unknown_22: Holy Dante for 15 says, honorable judge, God, you can't condemn me to hell because that angel had no right to enter my fishing wire home. I demand a St. Francis's hearing. Unknown_22: You know, there is literally a part of the Talmud where the rabbis are arguing with each other as they do. 2:52:38 Unknown_22: And, um, Unknown_22: There's one guy, I think the story goes that there's one rabbi who is completely wrong. He's misinterpreted something. He's dead to fucking rights, but he won't stop arguing with it. And so... Unknown_22: He makes a point that if he's wrong, God should appear in front of him and tell him that he's wrong or something. So God literally appears before him and tells him that he's wrong. And he goes, no, actually, you're wrong, God. And he, like, Jewsplains to him the Talmud, to God himself. And God is, like, so impressed by this and says, good job being extremely Jewish. I'm very impressed that you've stuck to your guns, even though you're wrong, and have litigated this to the bitter fucking end, even to God himself. I'm so impressed by you. And that's a story in the Talmud. 2:53:10 Unknown_22: I'm pretty sure that's how that worked. I'm pretty sure I'm very close to actually reciting that correctly. The story was that the Jews can out... Unknown_22: out politicize oh the the rabbi says something to God like you know everything in the heavens but here on earth we have the Talmud and we have the Halakha Jewish law and he's like you're right that's a good point very good and he leaves and that's like the actual story is that you can out litigate out speechcraft God if you try hard enough and that's how the Jews live 2:54:16 Unknown_22: Haramber Griff, he says, listening to the newest podcast, Man on the Internet, live content streamed from KiwiMan.st. Fuck filmoids. Unknown_22: A future closer to us than you can possibly fucking imagine. Unknown_22: Great. Excellent. Cool. Okay, I will see you guys on Monday, and then I will plan that stream out after that. Unknown_22: I don't have a song picked. I was going to play Blue Oyster Cult because someone sent it to me. I was like, eh, it's pretty spooky. It's like five minutes long. Unknown_22: And I have a feeling playing Blue Oyster Cult will get me in trouble. 2:54:57 Unknown_05: I just have a feeling about that. What should I play? Um... Unknown_05: Did I... I like this song. Hold up. Unknown_05: Country song. Unknown_05: Have I played this damn song before? Unknown_22: It's like a country song. I heard it on Tidal. 2:55:30 Unknown_05: It's pretty good. Maybe I should play this one. I do like this one. Unknown_05: I don't think I have. Yeah, I'm going to play this one. Unknown_05: Sorry, it's not really spooky like blue oyster cults. I'll save that one Great little effort stream today, dude. Thank you so much. I don't know. There's there's only so much I can do when Uh, not much happens. Unknown_22: So i'm going to change it once I get back to the us Like I said, i'm going to change the schedule so I only have to do it once a week because it's just easier I'll just do it longer. I'll just do like a four hour stream or something Okay, diggity 2:56:06 Unknown_05: No, this is not with the lyric video. Shit. Unknown_22: I don't know why I really like this song. Unknown_19: Well, I don't want to hear the good side of this goodbye. If you want to go, baby, just leave. Don't tell me that you still care and that I'll always be special because those words don't mean a damn thing. And hey, Dad, I'm still up. 2:56:42 Unknown_19: drunk as fuck 4 a.m. writing this damn song but I guess I'm okay not being okay give it time and I'll soon move on 2:57:22 Unknown_19: You said my life was too fucked up to be with you But here you go to the bar till two And I want to know what he has that I don't Well, I was ready for the real thing No more shame in this life I live Cause I would change for you Don't know the whole view Unknown_19: Take a trip to Unknown_19: I don't want to hear the good side of this goodbye. If you want to go, baby, just leave. Don't tell me that you still care and that I'll always be special because those words don't mean a damn thing. And I hate that I'm still a... Drunk as fuck for him riding his damn son. But I guess I'm okay, I'm being okay. Every time, baby, I move on. 2:59:01 Unknown_19: In the passenger seat where you looked over and smiled at me I guess a picture ain't worth as many words as they say And don't tell me that it's okay I'll find my own way Don't need your excuses to ease my pain I guess it's just time for me to work on me Unknown_19: I don't want to hear the good side. There ain't no good side. You ain't ever gonna see what I see. Don't tell me that you still care. That you'll always be there. Cause the words are just messing with me. I hate that I'm still up. I'm not this fucking 4am writing this damn song. But I guess I'm okay. 3:00:00 Unknown_19: Every time, baby, I'll move