All right, guys. I am doing something unusual. I have with me the animator of this clip that you've just watched, the animator of the Hila Klein clip that we've watched a million times, Sven Stoffels.
Unknown_02: Holy shit. Guys, I'm here. Sven Stoffels. I'm right here. It's amazing to be here. Thank you so much, Josh, for having me.
Unknown_02: You just watched which clip? The China Ching Chong one?
Unknown_08: Ching Chang, yes. Ching Chang does a little dance.
Unknown_02: She does a little dance. Yeah, yeah. Do you want to know the context behind that, or what should we get into first here?
Oh, man, I didn't realize there could be a context for that.
Unknown_02: There is. Oh, dude, I got, this clip got me mega canceled. It's been canceled a couple of times, but this one really, it really went after me. I tried finding it, and the first thing that I saw was animator receives thousands of death threats after racist clip or something like that.
Unknown_08: Did you receive thousands of death threats?
Unknown_02: Yes. I went over this one time on one of my streams. I showed a ton of the death threats.
Unknown_02: I was on Chinese news websites and stuff like that with the worst picture of me in a MAGA hat calling me the worst racist guy ever.
And yeah, they went, literally they went after my old employees, after my family members. They sent pictures of my brother's newborn babies, like photoshops of a decapitated baby to his front door. It was like an endless, endless, yeah, crazy, crazy event for me. But yeah, I never relented. And then they deleted everything. They deleted my Patreon that I had at the time, my channels, everything. And I had to rebuild from there.
Unknown_08: Were you an animator with Comedy Central directly, or were you like a contractor?
Well, there was a Comedy Central show called Trip Tank, and I directly worked for that show. So I guess, I don't know how that works, but contractor probably, yeah.
Unknown_22: By like one degree of separation?
Unknown_08: Okay.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah. But yeah, so that one, that was really, that was one of the worst cancellations ever. They really fought me hard on that one. But yeah, you're one of my – you showcase one of my greatest works, the Eli Klein cartoon, which also can't live on any of my channels. That's also been banned from my channels and got me in a lot of trouble.
Unknown_08: One of my favorite caricatures of anyone ever of all time because it just captures like this –
Because it's not even like it's a fictitious depiction of her. She does have this utterly dead soulless stare where you just don't feel that she's looking at you when she looks at the camera or whatever. She just has like this completely hollow kind of presence. And it's like it just captures that perfectly.
Unknown_02: Well, not according to H3 himself. Maybe we should just watch that video. I just sent you that. I think you've showed it once before. I have.
Unknown_08: Okay. I will play. Everyone's seen the clip.
Unknown_02: H3 claims that it's a Nazi propaganda picture. But I, I mean, and I think you agree with me, would argue it looks exactly like her. There's barely any exaggeration there. I would barely even call it a caricature.
Yeah, I mean, it's just that your style is very, like, it plays at people's features quite a bit.
Unknown_03: I mean, look, I mean, this could be a picture of her.
Unknown_08: Okay, I'll play it, and then we'll watch the clip. Yes, yes. Amazing.
Unknown_02: The Avengers of Racism, which I thought was really funny. People were very excited.
Unknown_08: The art is like a direct parody of Doom, right? Yeah.
Of what? Of Doom. Doom, the video game.
Unknown_02: Well, I mean, not really, actually. It wasn't intentional? It just looks like that?
Unknown_08: It's like a meeting of the minds with an accent?
Unknown_02: Yeah, it just has that vibe, I guess. I always thought, especially the one where it's on top of the pile of bodies, I always thought that was a direct reference to the Doom commercial art.
Unknown_08: So the fact that you just reach that point on your own makes it kind of even funnier. Yeah.
Unknown_02: You know, I was always more of a Duke Nukem guy, which of course shines through in my comic book, Butch Gilligan, which I'm sure we're going to get into. He also was standing on a pile of bodies. If you remember that cover. Yes. Yes, I do. Okay. Maybe that was on the back of my brain. Are you going to sing louder? They went out of shooting.
Is the, oh, no, no, no. I turned it down just a little bit so we could talk. Don't worry about it. They do that. Just a warning.
Unknown_02: They do that.
Unknown_08: So you're, actually, let's just play the clip and then I'll ask you a question.
Unknown_22: Okay, cool.
Unknown_08: Okay, this is Ethan Klein fully and completely defeated by the cartoon that we just watched. It had been around for years at this point, but after Elon got zitter and allowed this cartoon to propagate, because Jack would sweep it up if it got reported. But at this point, Ethan is having to deal with this video being posted to every single one of his replies, especially because the Palestine-Israel thing had kicked off, and he had pro-Palestine people submitting Sven's comic to him, and he was genuinely anguished over it. So we're going to watch his reaction. This is a great clip.
This is a great clip.
Unknown_21: And, you know, when you say... Anyway, that's whatever. That's a whole different conversation, but... I was just... There was one tweet I saw. This isn't the first time I saw it, but...
I saw someone post it and it was getting lots of likes. And, you know, the beautiful irony of this is, so it's a video, a cartoon somebody created who put a lot of fucking effort into making a cartoon of Hila and IDF...
Unknown_21: Uniform with a automatic weapon.
Unknown_08: I'll pause it for a second. He's like vomiting on his words as he tries to get that out. He's just like so broken that his Tourette's or whatever is just in overdrive.
Yeah, this Tourette's twitching is in overdrive in this clip, which rules.
Unknown_02: Oh, then he played it too, okay.
Unknown_22: He's got like that kind of Nazi-Jewish propaganda face, and she's just killing kids.
Unknown_21: She's just mowing down the Palestinian babies.
Unknown_21: And what's fun- what's kind of- I don't know, it's definitely not funny. I don't know what it is, you guys tell me.
Unknown_21: I know that that shit was made by Nazis, like literal Nazis, and the people who I saw who are tweeting it this time
were leftists so i saw nazis and leftists clapping hands together to say you know fuck fuck israel we agree on that let's clap it up brother and that was a weird uh that was a weird feeling for me and i was in a pretty bad shape and um
Unknown_21: So I've been trying to erase Twitter. I've been trying all weekend. Do you guys know how... And by the way, I can't... Thank you. I can't deactivate my account because it makes my handle open, which is insane.
Unknown_08: That would be insane.
Unknown_21: Go ahead. To let some... No, you won't be able to hear the... Yeah, it's got a little bit left.
Unknown_08: I was actually trying to find a contemporary depiction of Jewish women. And there's really not that much. And it's like, it's just, it's not even close. It's not even close. It's just like what he wants people to perceive this as because he doesn't want his wife's service in the IDF to be like- Yeah. Looked at like that. I don't know. It's just-
Now, he also said, this was made by a whole studio of Nazis.
Unknown_02: First of all, I made this by myself in one sitting. In one evening, I animated that whole freaking thing, you know what I'm saying? And yeah, I think, if you think about it, what's so shocking to him is that actually the quality is so good, right? Because it's not just any old meme. Well, he seems taken aback by it.
In the beginning, he says, like, someone put a lot of fucking effort into this. He can't say it was like, oh, it's...
Unknown_23: Asked a little... No, yeah, I put a lot of effort in my work. You know what I'm saying?
Unknown_08: And then he had to take it down. It's a shitty little cartoon. It's not a soy jack. It's like a proper, like, production.
Unknown_23: That makes it even more funny, in my opinion. Did he already mention the part where... Yeah, and then left-wingers and Nazis were clapping together. Did he say that already?
Unknown_08: Yeah, yeah, that's where I ended up. Because it's like... That's what got to him, is that, like... It's not just like, oh, he can dismiss it. Oh, it's just the stupid right-wingers that are posting this. But when it's both sides, like, no, we both don't like you. You're just an asshole. He's like, fuck you.
And what is his instinct, right? So here you have a piece of artwork, right, undeniably, a beautiful piece of art that brings both sides of the political aisle together, which is rare. That never happens, I guess. And now it finally happened. And what is his instinct? Shut it down. They need to shut it down. They need to get rid of it.
Unknown_08: He mentions that he goes directly to YouTube corporate, and they fought with him for a bit. It's really like a commentary about a foreign nation's military. You can't really censor that for grounds of being anti-Semitic just because it happens to be the IDF. Nobody would bat a fucking eye if it was the Lebanese armed forces or whatever. He got his way. It was taken down. How many views did it have that short?
I don't really remember. But yeah, okay, by the way, first of all, I think it's also important to mention that YouTube initially did say it's valuable artistic expression. Then when he didn't get his way, what he did was he went into one of his private discords or whatever, and he drummed up his Reddit or whatever. He actually had to drum up his fan base to do a mass reporting, and that's how he managed to get it taken down eventually.
That's pretty fucking common. That's basically what he does all the time.
Unknown_02: Yeah, sneaky little tactics. But, yeah, we should mention, because I didn't even really realize this, he left Twitter because of this cartoon, and he's still gone, apparently.
Unknown_08: Yeah, I've checked every so often. He's remained completely off X since this dropped. He fully committed to it.
Unknown_02: Nice.
Unknown_02: W's in the chat. I think I can take credit for this. I chased H3H3 off of Twitter. That's my doing. I need to put that on my Butch Gilligan 2 campaign page because, yeah, I do think that's a pretty good selling point. Yeah. It's a public service. It's a public service.
Yeah, I remember right before he left even, he was in this drama where a bunch of his fans were harassing some woman into suicide, and he's like, well, you can't blame me. I'm not coordinating this, and then he coordinates flagging videos down and shit.
Unknown_02: That's what he does all the time, this sneaky little bastard. But yeah, he's gone now, guys. You're welcome.
I did it for you. But yeah, so that's one of the cartoons. The Eli Klein cartoon is, I mean, thank God that you keep showing. Because the most important thing for me is at the top of my importance hierarchy when it comes to my art is that people get to see it. So that's the most important, which for me has proven to be very difficult. Because people, my shit gets fucked with every time. So that cartoon, I can't have it up on any of my channels. I always take it down immediately. There's probably some kind of a behind-the-scenes hound that's on my case. So yeah, I thank you for that. I think it's really cool that you've made it into this big meme.
I'm happy to help, because it's good. I wouldn't play it if it wasn't good.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah. And I was talking to you earlier because, yeah, you mentioned you showed the Ching Chong cartoon, which, by the way, people call that racist. That was actually, and I've explained this a bunch of times, but this was made during COVID, the height of COVID. And there was this meme going on called like COVID Ching. Corona Chan. Corona Chan. And it was just this cute little teehee anime girl with like, Virus ball pom-poms. And I just didn't think that really covered the load of like this virus, this China, China virus. So I made my own disgusting version of it. That's what that is. It's a personification of this virus.
Chinese virus. But yeah, of course, the Chinese didn't really like that one as much. You always end up offending someone.
Unknown_08: Because the East Asians always want to make everything cute, except the Western artists to make everything ugly and scary.
Unknown_02: Yeah, especially the Europeans who like doing that. I grew up with Amsterdam smut comics. That's one of my main inspirations.
They have weird art in the Netherlands.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's the stuff that I grew up with. Back then it was okay. In the 90s, like gross out humor was, that was the thing, like Ren and Stimpy, everything on like the MTV cartoons and stuff like that, Beavis and Butthead, that was the shit. But now if you make something like that, you're called a racist, of course. You're being called a racist for everything, which I didn't give a fuck about.
Unknown_02: They can call me that all day long. You know what I'm saying? Speaking of racism, maybe you should see that cartoon. This is another example of a cartoon of mine, the N-word one, which recently... I haven't actually seen this one, so this will be new for me.
I think a lot of people probably have, because this one went... Okay, so recently it went viral on TikTok. It got like 17 million views. Of course, they...
Unknown_02: They cropped out my tag, so none of that audience comes in my direction, which fucking sucks. Here's the thing, again, like I said, right? So the most important thing is that it gets seen, so I like that. But here's the problem with that.
Unknown_02: If I would get some of that audience, it would actually entice me to make new art. But right now, like, what am I doing? I just make art, I put a lot of effort in it, throw it into the void, and... You know what I'm saying?
Yeah, I feel like there has to be some way to capitalize on people sharing your stuff, even if they try to crop out the artist tags.
Unknown_08: Because I think that your stuff has like a – because, again, it's really high quality. So people tend to share it more just because it lands better.
Unknown_08: You probably have to experiment a little bit with the watermarking and shit.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I know. But, yeah, make it an NFT. Yeah.
Yes, but again, like I'm saying, again, I'm happy that people get to see it, but yeah, it would be nice to get a little bit of recognition. It's not because I need to have my horn tooted, but yes, you know, if you want to have an artist make more of this type of art, yeah, you need to incentivize that. But, you know, for right now, whenever I make like a super transitive cartoon, it actually is a net negative for me. You know what I'm saying? I lose my channels. I lose money. It's just a mega disaster every single time. But I can't help myself. Do you get banned off Twitter still for the cartoons?
No, no, not Twitter. Twitter's been okay, actually. Twitter has been pretty solid for me throughout, to be honest. It's just been everything else for me that's been fucked up.
Unknown_08: The only rule, and I keep doing this because I have very bombastic rhetoric, you have to avoid any implication of violence in any way, shape, or form. If I say something like drop dead, I get fucking banned from Zitter.
Unknown_08: And I can't control myself. It's just where I go naturally, so I'm always in the timeout box.
Unknown_02: I mean, come on. I got my Sven streams, which is where we do like a wacky caricature stream where we're going to do a lot of wacky hijinks and trouble. Sven streams. That's my streaming channel that we started. But I got striked on that right now because I simply showed that Benjamin Netanyahu has a trophy sitting on his desk.
of a ivermectin vaccine syringe.
Unknown_08: Really?
Unknown_02: Have you seen that? No, I have not. Fucking Netanyahu has a goddamn glass box on his desk.
Unknown_02: with a displayed ivermectin syringe as a trophy. Now we showed that and we goofed on it, boom. Stream taken down, channel strike because of vaccine misinformation or some shit. I didn't even know they were still doing that.
Yeah, I didn't know. It's so weird because you see like all these ghosts, like someone uploads a video and you just see like the ghosts of like censorship past creeping up with like little warning boxes about like coronavirus vaccines. I'm like, who the fuck asked?
Unknown_02: Yeah, what the fuck? I honestly thought that whole corona vaccine stuff, they were kind of getting rid of that as a merit for bannings, but I guess that's still happening. I did notice that you're allowed to say, can I swear on this one? Yes. Right now?
Unknown_02: So you're allowed to say tranny again. Tranny. You're allowed to say that one again on YouTube.
Really? I even sometimes drop the n-bomb.
Unknown_02: Yeah, tranny you can say openly again. I see, what happens, I think, is sometimes they kind of release the pressure relief valve when they see, like, people on the right getting, like, you know, and you can kind of look at, like, what's fucking Ben Shapiro's network all again? I forget what it is.
Unknown_08: Oh, God. The pundit? What the fuck is it called again?
Unknown_02: Daily Wire, yeah. So whatever, they're basically, they sort of dictate what's kosher in like conservatard circles. So when they make a documentary about trannies, you sort of get to say tranny again. And I think now they're releasing the pressure relief valve a little bit on black people. You get to kind of be a little bit racist again, which is odd. Anything to keep the attention off of them. You know what I'm saying? Google's in a hard spot right now.
They're being attacked by the Department of Justice. They want to break them up.
Unknown_02: Oh, really?
Unknown_08: Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they do make a little bit of concessions because it's like the Department of Justice is trying to cleave them, especially the ad network, off of their search. Something I was going to talk about today.
All right, cool. Yeah, so... Should I end our cartoon real quick?
Unknown_02: Because we're going to drift off too far from this topic otherwise. Anyways, people get it. I'm banned from my art. I'm just a poor, lonely little artist and I get banned a lot.
Unknown_08: Sorry, give me a second.
Unknown_08: As I mentioned, I don't usually have a way to play... Video phones? Yeah.
Unknown_02: WMBs in particular.
That's a strange comment. I don't know.
Unknown_02: I don't know why I sent you that one. It might have an MP4 too. Do you have VLC Mania player?
Unknown_08: Yeah, but OBS doesn't capture. I have MPV and I think that works. I'm going to play that real quick.
Unknown_22: Let's check it. Hopefully we can figure it out.
Unknown_02: Chat's loving it. They're going nuts.
Unknown_02: Yeah, this is the Avengers of Racism, but it's just two guys. Who else would be one of the Avengers of Racism?
hmm Jesus do you have this one like YouTube no again I might have to play the let me let me try one more thing describe it
Unknown_08: I thought I had it working, but it did this really cheeky thing where it just decided that it would only show the first frame, and then once I play it, it just doesn't play another frame.
Unknown_22: What the frickin' H?
Unknown_02: Wait, maybe I have a different version of it? Let me see. Gosh darn it. Probably not, actually.
Unknown_02: Maybe this. What is this?
Unknown_02: What kind of... Oh, no, that's not...
Well, we might have to chalk that one up to a little L. It might not be possible.
Unknown_02: People have not seen this, like two black guys walking to a store. I got it, I got it.
Unknown_08: It's working? Okay, go, go, go, go. Again, you won't be able to hear it or see it, so I'll just tell you it's 45 seconds.
Unknown_02: Just let me know when it's finished.
Unknown_01: You ever heard of two black guys walking down the street? One's got 98 cents, one has a dollar. And there's a sign that says, we could turn you white for 99 cents. So they make the plan that the guy with the dollar will go in. When he comes out, if it's good, he'll give the penny to the guy. He'll go in and do it. So the guy goes in with his dollar. He pays. He comes out. He looks amazingly white. Looks just like a white person. You know this joke? No. And he goes to the guy. And the guy goes, oh, man, that looks great. He goes, all right, give me the penny. I'm going to go in. And he goes, get a job, nigger.
This is just animating like a black people comedy bit.
Unknown_06: How does that get you canceled?
Unknown_08: Yeah.
Unknown_08: I do appreciate, by the way, that the outrageously white man is just Butch Killigan. That's a good tie-in. Right, that's a prototype of Butch Killigan.
Yeah, for people who don't, maybe we should get into Butch Killigan after this and talk a little bit about indie comics. Yeah, for sure.
Unknown_03: I don't, is the video done playing? Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's what I said.
Unknown_08: It's just, it's just like an actual like skit from like a, like a black podcast or something.
Unknown_02: It's like a street, it's a street joke. Yeah, by the way, this, this cartoon is mega old. What is this? When did it make it? It's like 2014 maybe? And now it's resurfacing and getting, getting like millions and millions of views, you know, like I explained.
Unknown_02: And this was from, yeah, people are saying Big J. Oakerson. I work sometimes with the Legion of Skanks guys. I do all the art for Skanks Fest in New York. Sven, you made this? Yeah, I did. See, a lot of people don't know I made it. See, that's the whole gosh darn problem I'm trying to illustrate. Yeah, they can take out your fucking credits. All these life-long cartoons and nobody knows it's me.
But yeah, Legion of Skanks, Legion of Skanks.
Unknown_02: What was I saying? I forgot. Help me out here. I forgot what I was talking about. You want to talk about the comics? Oh, yeah, Butch Killigan. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you, like, pull up maybe that trailer, that launch trailer? Yeah. Because, yeah, I've been getting into comic books right now because animation takes so much work. I'm working with Iconic Comics. They're my publisher. We released our first book. Everybody got their book. It got fulfilled. I don't release books, by the way, where I'm like... I don't do, like, Kickstarters where it's like... please fund my dream and then you give me a bunch of money and you never get anything no my book is already done you're basically pre-ordering the book you know it's like 120 plus pages it's a big fat square bound book you're gonna get it in a couple of months after the campaigns are done uh yeah maybe we can show the trailer maybe the campaign page a little bit that would be nice if you can actually support actual actual art actual independent comics because you were going over What's that guy's name again? The black guy? Eric Juneteenth? Juneteenth. Eric Juneteenth. I'll call him that, please. Call him that from now on, okay? Eric Juneteenth.
You were going over that, and you mentioned Butch Gilligan, which is very nice.
Unknown_08: I did. Did you watch that review of that comic?
Unknown_02: I did. I did. And then I saw Ethan VanSkyver also checked it out, which was cool of him. He endorsed Butch Gilligan. He said Butch Gilligan, back in the day before woke comics, it would have received an Eisner Award. Now, I had never heard of that. It sounds very Jewish, but I'm honored nonetheless.
Eisner is one of the Disney CEOs.
Unknown_02: Oh, yeah, that guy. That guy, of course, yeah. Eisenstein. These type of fellas. But, yeah, listen. Perhaps I would have won an award. Who knows? Nowadays, we're in the era of indie comics, of which Eric July, of course, is the top dog. D-A-W-G. And, yeah, you showed those pages that actually prompted me to actually check it out for the first time. So on my stream, I also go through the pages.
Maybe I should just get into this right now. Should I give you my thoughts on this, on the state of indie comics? Let's do the trailer first, and then I'll put the Indiegogo up, or the Kickstarter, and then you can talk with us. I'm going nuts. I'm going crazy, dude. All right. 37 seconds.
Unknown_08: I'll play it.
Revenge awakens in Butch Killigan 2.
Unknown_08: The trailer is very topical because there's like robot sodomy and the Joker 2 just came out. So you're kind of stealing their thunder right now.
Unknown_02: Wait, does he get fucked by a robot though?
Unknown_03: I haven't seen it yet. No, he gets fucked by a jail guard, but it's the same kind of vibe, I guess. Which is way more exotic, I guess.
Unknown_03: Yeah, so yeah, of course. So Butch Gilligan, Butch Gilligan, for those of you who don't know, it's like a cyberpunk story.
Think of it as like Demolition Man. It's a guy, okay, the first book is the setup. You need to read the first book.
Unknown_08: I tried to get a physical copy of your first book, and I couldn't find it. Have you sold out on the physical copy?
Unknown_02: Here's the thing. First of all, you people, people, regular people can get it on iconiccomics.com. You got to go to the web store. Maybe you can pull that one up. Iconiccomics.com. You can get physical copies there, but you, Josh, if you send me your P.O. box or whatever you got after this show, I'll have them send you like two copies of book one and two physical if you want.
Sure, that sounds great.
Unknown_22: Actually, I pledged to your Kickstarter. I only need the one.
Unknown_22: Well, you know what? We're going to send you some extra goodies then.
Unknown_02: That's awesome. Thank you so much. Yeah, everybody needs to go back to this because this is the only actual transgressive book with a vision. It's actually a creative vision that's happening. It's playing out in front of you. And maybe, yeah, let me explain this. Well, I mean, you did the story, the storyboarding and the art, right?
Unknown_08: So you're not like offloading anything to anybody else. Yeah, right.
No, I write the book. I draw the book. I do all the marketing. I do everything. I edit the trailers. Everything is mine. Okay. And yeah, that goes into, so, okay. So you have guys like Eric July. Okay. These people, and yeah, he is, people are right. He's the only one who actually send out a book. No, actually he's not the only one. I managed to also deliver people a book. My previous book came out, rave reviews on time, everything fine.
Unknown_02: But these people, and Gamer, or what is it called? Comicsgate? They distinguish themselves by separating themselves from the mainstream. We all know their selling point is mainstream comics nowadays, they've gone woke, they've gone paused, they've gone BIPOC.
gay, queer, whatever, okay? Then you got these guys, they go indie, which means independent, and they distinguish themselves because they no longer, they've lost the chains, they're no longer shackled to the corporate top-down control, okay? And then apparently, the biggest example of this is Ripperverse, which to me looks like the most generic, devoid of any personality or any authorship. Is this really the best we can do? Is that really what it is? You know what I'm saying? Do you have a beef with Eric July?
I'm kind of picking up on that.
Unknown_02: No, not really. I actually really don't. And to be fair, I actually tend to think... It's a little bit in bad taste for me as a fellow comic book creator to shit on this guy. But, again, you inspired me. This is your fault because you inspired me to look at these pages, and I was just like, what the fuck is this? Like, this is just nothing.
Okay, so that was actually Gumroad content. I did that, like, for people that, like, in private, and then it got leaked out, and everybody shared it around. So in case the audience is unaware, I have in my – Right here in my closet, I have –
Unknown_08: One of the only comic books I've ever owned and read, which is Isom 2. And it is a bad book. The first one is more grounded, and it's intriguing. It has a little plot about a mystery that's like, oh, that's cool.
The second one is like fucking batshit. I have no fucking idea how nobody stopped him and said, you can't do this. This doesn't make any sense. So...
Unknown_03: Okay, so I only checked the first one. I thought that was horrible, but I might have to check the second one, too. Oh, if you didn't like the first one, the second one, you would hold him under contempt.
Unknown_02: Oh, God. Yeah, I was saying, the name alone, Isom, I was like, that sounds like something you'd see on the side of a cement truck. You know, like, Isom. Yeah, just like a business name or something.
Yeah, Isom Business to Business Solutions or something. It's not really a real superhero-y type of name.
Unknown_08: It's named after his grandfather.
Unknown_02: It's named after his grandpa?
Unknown_08: Yeah, his name was Isom.
Unknown_02: No, that's a real superhero and a community.
Unknown_08: I didn't know his grandpa's name was Isom? Yeah, it's like either his grandfather or somebody. It's named after somebody in his family. So when people give him shit for the name, he always says, I named that my grandpappy or something.
You know what? It's working on me. I'm afraid to criticize it. Listen, it's not just you and I. A lot of people are criticizing the subpar quality of the book. And I think even he started coping with like, hey, listen, N-word.
Unknown_02: I ain't no artist. I'm a businessman. And now he's just kind of doing like the business type of code. Yeah. What he's doing now is that I, at the end of ISM two, I said, I don't know if there's an ISM three, but I mean, I'll read it because what are they going to do?
Unknown_08: How could you possibly salvage this storyline? And then I went to their site and there is no ISM three. And what he's done instead is that he's used the money that he's made to hire writers and artists to do their own subplots in the same universe. So there's a bunch of different Isom universe books out there. But the only one written by Eric July is the actual Isom 1 and 2. And Isom 2 is just bad and I can't really...
I'm not even trying to trash it. I want to like Eric July and his comics in particular because there's a lot of people that just are obsessed with hating him that are assholes. I don't want to say things bad about him that makes them happy. But I'm not going to lie and be like, this makes sense.
me personally I don't just I'm not Hayden okay I was accused of Hayden by another comic artist called Martina Margota if you heard of this bimbo this internet grifter right wing internet grifter lady alchemy you heard of that no sorry anyways she also sucks and i just reviewed one of her things and then she called me a crazy stalker and a hater no listen i'm an artist and i think it's my full right to review art and give my honest opinion okay truth is my highest ideal so what am i going to do i'm not going to suck up to anybody i'm an island i'm standing here on my own I hope you guys can support Butch Gilligan Volume 2. You're not going to fucking regret it because this... Listen, like I was saying, if ISOM is the pinnacle of what happens when the artist gets unshackled by corporate top-down control, then we're in big trouble, okay? Because that's the most successful thing. Listen, Butch Gilligan... In this cyberpunk crazy future that Butch Gilligan wakes up in, you're going to have self-replicating retarded clones that get more retarded with each iteration. Oh, that reminded me. If you scroll down, the Chinese human mosquito hybrids. Have you seen those guys?
Unknown_07: It smells like a mosquito.
Unknown_13: Go ahead. Go ahead.
um go ahead what is there was um is there like a troon jack i i saw like a troon jack in one of the drawings yeah yeah there is you should pull you should pull out one of the trailers that i send out i send you one of the videos it goes into that it's called the ultra city citizen
Unknown_02: Yeah, these are like Trinjags in your style.
Unknown_08: They're distinct enough that you don't, it's not super obvious, but the more you look at it, you're like.
Unknown_02: Yeah, these are like the soy, goy slop consuming fat pieces of lards that can't stand on their own accord. They need like exoskeletons. They have a heart pump device on their chest. That makes them able to breed. You have to pay a ticker fee subscription, sort of like Netflix, to be able to have your heart pump. And you need to get, like, certain prescription services. Like, you have your active or semi-active lifestyle ticker rate plan that gives you a certain amount of pumps a day.
Listen, this is going to get fucked up. Go buy your copy of Butch Killigatoo right now, mother frickers. Support something real. Come on, can we just have something cool for once? Sort of all this gay ISOM stuff.
Unknown_08: The visuals are really psychedelic and trippy. They're really well done because you're flipping through it. And there's homages to famous artwork. The one with the jaw is like a swirl. I want to say that's in Belgium. It's like in a museum in Belgium.
Listen, well, I am... Listen, I am an art dork dweeb, okay? So I think you're thinking of Hieronymus Bosch, which is a Dutch artist who made like a middle-aged, in the middle ages, he made like depictions of hell. So I'm definitely inspired. I'm inspired by a lot of different aspects, but yes, I'm an art dork. And another thing that you should know, by the way, because people get, sometimes get the wrong impression. They think it's just, again, I explained this on my podcast. one of my streams, like, Butch Gilligan definitely is like a multi-layered cake, okay? So, yes, it is this masculine power fantasy, off-the-wall crazy action and satire.
And yeah, if you're a retarded mongoloid, you can enjoy the top layer of all the action and stuff. But there's several deeper layers. It starts to become more and more a psychological thriller or even a horror, basically. But again, we're setting things up. There's only the second book. The second book, it's Butch. He starts off. He wakes up. in this dystopian future and yeah the first thing is like he wakes up in his hospital bed in order for the ai that controls the hospital to let him go they need to measure his vital signs and what better way to do that with like a big drill thermometer dildo that's gonna sodomize his asshole now that's a situation for a character to have to get out of in the beginning of a book And that's what I like. I like throwing a character in the middle of danger and then trying to get him to see how he gets out of it. Because I think that's what a story is supposed to be. It's a type of survival guide, okay? That's what makes a story fun. And one of the big problems that is actually happening with mainstream comics that people hate is that... these comics become propaganda pieces and the characters become propaganda pieces like famously with like the new star wars movies right so they put like a female lead front and center and she's not as much as a character as a propaganda a piece so she can't really have any flaws because she represents an ideology And they're trying to shove that in your throat. So she can't have any flaws. And that makes not for a very interesting story. I'm saying like Ronald McDonald, you're never going to see him get fat and get like heart disease. And that is why he's such a boring fucking guy. And that's what most characters are nowadays. And then you have dumb people who jump in on this indie trend and they don't even know what they're doing. They claim, yeah, we're fighting against a man. By doing what? Making another superhero comic? Another bland cookie cutter nonsense? You're not even doing anything new. You're not even revisiting the genre or doing anything. It's just nothing.
Well, with Eric July, I get the sense as someone who's never really read comics that he really enjoys comics and he likes a lot of the tropes in comics. So when he made his own comic, he's like... Well, of course, my comic is going to have this trope and it's going to have this trope. It's going to have all my favorite things from all my favorite series. And that's really what it feels like to me. And I'm kind of curious.
Unknown_02: That's interesting that you said it started to cut you off because that reminds me of soul food. You know, people say black people have soul food, but it's basically just them combining their favorite things. It's like a delicious Belgian waffle and fried chicken on top.
Are you saying that Eric July's comic is over-seasoned?
Unknown_08: Is that where you're going with that?
Unknown_13: Yes.
Unknown_02: Yeah. Well, should I get into my controversial opinion about Eric July's success?
Unknown_08: Let me ask you a question first, and then you can go into that. I'm really curious. Were you big into comics like that, or is comic book just something that you've kind of taken the mantle of because you're like, I bet I can do this better than everybody else right now?
Well, first and foremost, I'm a storyteller, I'm an animator, but animation takes a lot of work. It's a huge amount, heap amount of work. One of the first steps of the process of an animation is the storyboarding phase, which basically is creating a comic book. So for me, it just feels like throwing off the weights and me being able to get my ideas out there in a more efficient medium. So that's number one. Secondly, whether I was like reading a ton of comic books as a kid, not really, not the comic books that you're thinking of. I wasn't reading Superman or all the goyslop stuff. I was reading Joop Klepzijker. Google it. It's crazy. Amsterdam shit. It's like this down on this like dweeb fucking prostitutes and shit like that. I was reading, I did read Spawn. I read Spawn a little bit.
And I read a bunch of manga too. I read like Berserk. It's one of my favorite things. And of course I was a big fan of like Batman, the animated series. That's sort of more like the accumulation of my inspiration behind this stuff. But I wasn't like a huge pulp comic book type of guy. I wasn't like collecting X-Men or something like that. Not really. So I come from a fresh point of view.
Yeah, that's what it's kind of what I thought. And it's interesting that you phrase it like that, that it's just sort of like, it's the storyboarding from animation, just like emphasized on that point. And that makes a lot of sense because then you can churn out like an animation without needing an entire team to animate it. You don't need like an Indonesian sweatshop to fill in all the cells for you.
Unknown_02: exactly now who knows what might happen down the line you know what i'm saying but yes my main focus right now is to get the story out there and it's going to resonate more and more with people i think as they start to get what this is but yeah it's going to it's going to take a couple of books and by the way if people back campaign number two right now for butch killing number two you can still add on a physical copy of butch killigan number one as well at a discount by the way so when you're at checkout you can do like an add-on And you get like a 20% discount. So this shit is dirt cheap too. But you gotta back the real, true independent voices here. Which I don't think there's many of. We scrolled during my launch party. We scrolled through the Kickstarter comic book launch page. And it's all just titties and like gay sex. So that's the thing. The indie scene is not much better, if at all, than the corporate... Yeah, that's something, too, is that with comics, it feels like a very hypersexual medium.
And I was kind of surprised that you didn't include any cheesecake, I want to say. I'm trying to remember. I don't think there was any cheesecake or anything in the comic.
Unknown_02: What is cheesecake?
Unknown_08: Cheesecake is like, in Japanese, it would be like ecchi. It's like mildly erotic, but not like full on. You know what I mean?
Unknown_02: No. Look, the way I handle... First of all, this book is not going to use any vernacular of the day. It's not going to talk about, oh, you woke piece of shit. This comic is going to stand the test of time. The type of humor, the inspiration for the type of humor, I think would get as close to somebody like Paul Verhoeven as... fellow dutch guy the director who made like robocop and starship trooper and stuff like that is very much a satirical style of humor now i'm not going to shy away in this story when the story needs a pair of tits or a rape or whatever uh
I'm not going to shy away from that, obviously, but it's, I'm not going to just arbitrarily try to shock you necessarily. Well, maybe sometimes I think when I think it's funny, because, okay, so my editor, I send it to my editor and yeah, the editor, one of the comments was, there's a lot of butt stuff. And I was like, yeah, fuck you, nigga. Yeah, there's a lot of butt stuff. That's funny. By the way, not gay sex. The book starts off with a near anal rape with our hero chained to a bed. Yeah, you have to be careful because when you say that, it reminds me of a note that was left by the editor on Milo Yiannopoulos' autobiography or something.
And the editor just left a note like, this is neither the time nor the place for yet another black dick joke.
Unknown_03: yeah it's not like that no it's not like okay look so there's one scene where like one of these it's always in context i guess you have these guys these uh these goy slop fat so soy boys and then one of them steps up to the hospital counter it's like oh yeah uh
Unknown_02: You know, I got some pink sock problems during a non-lubed intercourse section. My rectum was left dangling like a pink sock. Because they're all at the hospital, as you can see here, complaining about little minor ailments. So that would be an example of butt stuff. But I'm not promoting gay sex, obviously, like Milo Yiannopoulos. Which is, of course, a Jewish agent. We all know that.
Before I ask about your opinion on Eric July, chat has a popular request. And I would actually like your artist input on something. Just real quick. This is a guy. He's been around for a very long time. And he has had basically no traction on his comics because they're very weird. Huh. And so I started showing them on my stream and he started to get some replies and stuff. And I want you out of any of the last seven comics that he's done, just pick one at random. And I want you to give me, tell me which one you picked and then give me your take on it.
Well, we don't have screen sharing up, so I'm not sure how we're going to do this. I have to look at the stream, and there's going to be... No, no, no. Just go to... I sent it by Discord. Oh, you sent me a link.
Unknown_08: Just pick any of those and tell me which one of the end-of-the-fucking-world parts you picked, and then I'll bring it up on screen.
Unknown_06: Okay, let's see. Let's see this. Pick one that appeals to you, that jumps out to you off the page.
You know what? I'm just going to go with one, two, three, four because I like that pink-skinned guy. Let's do the fourth one.
Unknown_05: Okay.
Unknown_07: Okay, I've got that up.
Unknown_02: Okay. Well, do I have to read the text or can I just look at this as an artistic thing?
Unknown_08: If you would like to just skim through it, you don't have to read it all. Just skim through it.
Unknown_02: Let me give you my first impressions first. Okay, first impressions. First impressions is this. So I think on the internet, there's two schools of artistry.
To speak in a binary way, okay? Of course, there's a lot of gray areas there. Now, I can tell... And I haven't read this comic, obviously, okay? So there is the Carl Arts, Steven Universe type of queer-coded... lgbtq artists out there and then you have the new grounds zach hadle oni ng style influenced gen z artist out there now this is obviously the latter this is a uh very much oni ng psychic pebbles inspired style i can tell that i can also tell you this the guy is Fairly talented. Now, I could even go as far as to give you his age. I think this guy is 24, 25 years old. I can tell you that by the way his line art works.
Okay, so that's my initial first impression. And then, let's see. Do you want me to read this real quick? Do you want me to read it out loud?
Unknown_22: Just skim through it if you want. You don't have to. I mean, we got to read it. We got to read it. We got to give this guy his props.
Unknown_02: Okay, so 79 days until the election. And the panel goes, what kind of filth are you putting in the school library? Sir, that's a Chinese takeout menu. And this is a Hardee's. Well, I'm taking this straight to the press. Soon the whole world will know about your brainwashing campaign.
Pretty funny.
Unknown_02: Wow. This is the news anchor. He goes, wow. And just for speaking up, they ask you to leave the school grounds? It's preposterous, Wessie. Do I look like a threat to children? I, uh, well... So this is sort of like taking the piss out of like a conservatoric media, I guess? Yes. Listen, if you don't want your kids speaking Chinese and being brainwashed into their strange oriental ways, then lock your child in my basement for safety. Which is also funny because, of course, conservators, their main enemy, they're taught, is the Chinese, the chi-coms. Which, of course, we all know is not very accurate. You might be reading some of these words so the parents at home know what to look out for. Listen to this shit, Wessie. Dim sum. Disgusting. Chow mein. Ugh, dumplings. What the fuck? Wessie, what's happening to you? These words. Those cursed Chinese words are turning me into a lesbian. Oh no, I must have accidentally activated Chinese magic. Viewers at home, it's too late for me. Turn off your TV. Save yourself from the gay curse.
How come the curse didn't make you gay? It's time I told you where all our rubber bands get... Listen, this is funny. This is a funny comment.
Unknown_08: Can you give me your interpretation of what the joke is in the last frame with the old people?
Unknown_02: That woman didn't quote-unquote turn gay because she was already gay and she's already coming out of the closet. And I don't necessarily know what she has been doing with the rubber bands, because I'm not really that up to snuff with the gay vernacular, but I think it can speak to the imagination, which is actually kind of more funny.
Oh my, you are like the biggest Mr. Nubly advocate. I couldn't even imagine that you would come out swinging for him. I'm so impressed.
Unknown_02: I honestly have never seen any of this. Is that like the wrong opinion to have? Because I just honestly am reacting to this. I think it's pretty good. There is no wrong or right opinion to have about Mr. Nubly.
Unknown_08: I find him fascinating. I'm not sure how old he is. I don't know if you want to take a guess. I'll send you his about me page.
Unknown_02: I said 24, 25, I think.
Unknown_08: I think he's probably a little bit older than that. I want to say he's like 30 something. He's confirmed that the rubber band thing has no actual meaning. So it is just sort of like, leave it up to the imagination. That's kind of what I thought too.
We really sat down and tried to ascribe meaning to it and failed miserably.
Unknown_02: So I'm looking at the guy right now. Yeah, it's sort of like in Demolition Man, remember when they go like, how do the clamps work or whatever, when you have to go to the toilet because toilet paper has been replaced with like shells?
Unknown_07: Yeah, I got you.
Unknown_02: It's something like that. It's sort of like that where you just kind of have to fill it in, fill in the blanks. I'm looking at the guy. I will say this personally, the older the guy turns out to be,
The less charming it becomes to me, because I thought this was sort of like an up-and-comer you were showing me, like a guy.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I'm really not sure. He's been at it for a while, but he could have started really young.
Unknown_08: I don't know. This could also just be like his vent comics. Maybe he works for a comic for a national syndicated. He just has to draw what they tell him to draw, and then when he gets home, he just makes the dumbest fucking political comments that have ever existed. That's just what he enjoys.
Unknown_02: Yeah, that reminds me, have you ever seen that vlog, Fuck Yeah, John Lasseter? Have you ever seen that famous vlog? No, I haven't. Where, like, Pixar artists, they came home and they would draw the worst caricature of John Lasseter, the owner, the CEO of Pixar back in the day. Really? Very old. That's funny. And it's, like, super offensive. He's, like, sucking off Hayao Miyazaki of Ghibli and stuff. Yeah, it's an old vlog called Fuck Yeah, John Lasseter. That's a fun one to check out on your own time.
Yeah, you should not piss off artists because they can draw you doing horrific things.
Unknown_02: Yes.
Unknown_02: Yeah. Now, do you want to hear my take on Eric July? Yes, I desperately want to hear your other comic book review about Eric July. Okay. Now, can we get this off the screen? Put back up the Butch Gilligan 2 campaign. And guys. For real, you gotta support. It's on Indiegogo as well, in case you hate Kickstarter. Yeah, yeah, yes, yeah, so on Kickstarter we have one cover, and then there's the other one that's on Indiegogo, it's a variant cover. Now, I would say just buy both of them, but anyways.
So, if my theory, or my opinion, that Eric July's ISOM comic is subpar, and not really an exemplary of what one can do with unbound creativity, right?
which I think we both agree on. Now, how would you then explain the massive success? And by the way, I will say this, out of the Ripperverse, there's some cool shit happening, like the guys that are doing these animated trailers. But that's obviously, it's like a separate studio that's in Texas, I believe.
Unknown_02: But that doesn't say anything about the source material. You could give them anything and they could make it look cool with their animation, right? That has nothing to do with Ripperverse, to be honest, right? Yeah. So there's some cool stuff, but we're talking about the comics here, and if this is like the pinnacle of unbound indie independent creativity, I think we're in trouble.
So, but then, yeah, how would you explain the massive success? Now, here comes the controversial opinion that I don't think anybody's talking about. I don't think EVS is talking about this, at least. So...
Unknown_02: The indie scene, these guys, comics, gay, these type of guys, Ripperverse, they broke off from the mainstream, BIPOC, LGBTQ, blacked, black Spider-Man, black Superman, black Hulk scene, and they went indie, okay? Now, immediately, obviously, mainstream media is going to call them racist. Oh, the reason they're breaking off is because they're racist. They just can't deal with LGBTQ BIPOC characters. You're racist. Now, the worst thing you can call, and I'm sure you know, a boomer or a Gen Xer is racist, right? They've been primed. It's not even really their fault. They've been brainwashed by television for decades and decades and decades. To believe that being called a racist is the absolute worst, to be marked with the scarlet R of racism, that's the worst thing that could ever happen to you. So here they are with their new comic scene that doesn't like the bipocketification of their favorite comics. And here comes Eric July, the black guy, the token black guy. Now a lot of these...
These conservatard Gen X-y boomers, they form their opinion through a black consensus filter, you know? This is a huge trend. You can see this on YouTube, too. You'll have, like, a black guy reacting to, like, Nirvana or, like, some white niche hobby, like a black guy that's into Warhammer. And you'll see Gen Xers clapping like sea of earth.
Unknown_02: Look, my little thing is getting a stamp of approval by the cool black guy.
The magical negro is approving of my little thing, right? Which, of course, is a whole new form of psychological cockery. So, yes, I think the reason that rip-a-verse got so big and successful, and I understand it's very controversial, but it's the truth, is because these white people, these white cock servitards,
Unknown_02: They basically paid penance by supporting this guy's campaigns and thereby cleansing their new nerdosphere branch off of the scarlet R word. That's what I think.
I can tell, even though a lot of what you say sounds familiar, I can tell that you've developed this on your own in a bubble of just thinking about it, because the way you describe everything is so divorced. You don't use any of the same language, and in particular, describing it as penance, like buying, what was it called, when you bought forgiveness from the Catholic Church?
Unknown_02: Absolution.
Unknown_08: Yeah, that's like a great way of putting it. You're contributing to something from the cool black guy who's on your side, and that's your way of buying clemency from the Pope.
Unknown_08: Yeah. Indulgence.
Unknown_02: Yes, this is my own take. I don't listen to any comic book things. Now, I have developed this take because my listeners are in the chat. They've heard me talk about this like four times at this point. But yes, I have developed this take. This is what I think happened. Now, what do you think? Is there any credence to my theory?
Unknown_02: I think some of it can just be genuine well-wishing.
Unknown_08: I hope that this thing, sticking it to the man, is going to work out. But I think there's also a part of that where it's like I can – because this was a thing during Gamergate where people really tried to go out of their way to find black people and women that were on their side so they could explicitly – and Milo Yiannopoulos, bringing up him a second time. heaven forbid, was a great example of this. He was not only Jewish, he was not only gay, but he was also in a gay marriage with a black man. So he's like the ultimate source of indulgences. You support him, well, you're not anti-Semitic, you're not homophobic, and you're not racist because he's in a racial marriage. So he was like the Pope.
They become a lightning rod for any left-wing criticism, basically, in your little nerdosphere, right?
Unknown_08: Yeah, because you're trying to protect, like, you're divorcing yourself from the mainstream by showing, like, no, really, we're not bad people, based on your definition.
I think it results in more trouble than it solves, because, of course, you're giving a lot of credence to charlatans and grifters. The easy solution to this would just be for us to collectively stop giving a flying fuck about what the left, or whatever you want to call it,
Unknown_02: What kind of a moniker is they put on you because when they call me a racist they go okay sure yeah What is that the fuck does that mean well the issue the reason why they kind of feel like they have to is because if the press Has their way and they managed to get that racist thing to stick you can't process credit cards You can't be on platforms you know so that's why people do the shuck and jive to try and keep We both know but you don't chuck and jive and neither do I right if more of us were not chucking and jiving and
Yeah. I mean, obviously. Yeah, it would be better. But it's asking a lot of people. Who knows how much you would sell of your stuff if you had access to the traditional avenues of most fancy things.
Unknown_02: But here's the problem with that. Here's the problem with that. I can't. I can't. This is me. You know what I'm saying? Speak the truth. No, I got you. I can't shut it off either.
Unknown_08: I can't watch my fucking mouth. I've tried. I don't fit in anymore. I can't do it. I can't play by your rules.
I'm sorry. I'll just be homeless before I can figure out some way to shut up.
Unknown_08: Yeah.
Unknown_02: Plus, I would say this. I think it's actually the job of the artist to play that role. It's sort of like the... This is kind of gay and cringe, I guess. I shouldn't even say this, but I was going to say it's like the jester back in the olden times. An artist ought to speak the truth, and that's what it always was like. You know what I'm saying? You need to be contrary to the popular... I'm not a contrarian, but now in these days... it's incumbent upon the artist to speak the truth, right? And I see this, I see a lot of bad stuff happening in comedy too. I worked a lot with like comedians, like I said, I worked for Skankfest and stuff like that. And you can see that their comedic commentary isn't really geared towards those actually worthy of critique. And then what you started to see happening, especially during the COVID days, was...
Because the topics of comedy that were deemed kosher were sort of like gay stuff. So guys like, oh, they were sucking off the dildo. Sort of like the jackass-y shit. That's what a lot of this comedy is revolving into. They're not really, they're too scared to actually have commentary on real things. And then it devolves into like gay, jovial stuff.
Jackass-y. But at that point, if you're like, look how crazy we are. Let me kiss my best friend in the mouth. You might even not know what I'm talking about, but this was like a big moment in one of these podcasts. Like, oh, look at this. We're drunk. I'm going to kiss my best friend.
Unknown_05: Yeah.
Unknown_02: Like at this point, you're not being transgressive because literally the McDonald's billboards have two guys kissing. Like you're just doing, you're performing a gay act. You're just being gay. You know what I'm saying? So I think like a lot of comedy has gotten gay. A lot of art obviously has gotten gay. Everything's fucking gay.
That's why I remember how big comedy was like in the early 2000s. Like how big Comedy Central was and how big like stand-up was. And a lot of that was because they would take pot shots at like the Bush government.
Unknown_02: And now anything that is in power that would be humbled by humor and ridiculed is like an untouchable.
You can't go on stage and if you try, it's like a huge deal. Like Dave Chappelle making a few remarks about trannies and then like apologizing mid set for it. But no, really, I love him. It's like even that is like transgressive in its way. It's like really bizarre.
Unknown_02: That's a great point. That's a great point. Even like Shane Gillis, right? He's being hailed as the new awesome. You know him, Shane Gillis? The dude bro type of guy. He's doing the... They pulled him out to course correct on the Bud Light debacle when they used that Dylan Mulvaney tranny guy. Yeah. And now they're pulling out Shane Gill as a new hot comedian. And then his big Netflix special, he's been promoted by Joe Rogan and stuff. He's like the big hottest commodity. And then all these dumb Gen X are like, oh, my God, so based. We're so back. You know why? Because he said the word retarded. But here's the thing. Just like what you just said. He said the word retarded, but then he had to come up with this whole disclaimer during his special. No, but really, I actually had a lot of Down syndrome friends and they're really cool and they're actually really cool guys. It's like, what the fuck is this? This is not based. This sucks.
I can say retarded too. I'm surrounded by retarded people all fucking day.
Unknown_02: I can say I'm retarded. I'm sort of retarded.
Unknown_02: There was also I remember in the last couple of years, I wanted to I have this like mental stain of watching Lisa Lampanelli as a kid.
Unknown_08: Do you know who that is?
Unknown_02: Who the fuck is that again? Is that a Jew? She's a Jewish woman from L.A.
Unknown_08: and literally her entire stand-up routine was about how she loved black men. That was it.
Yes, yeah.
Unknown_08: And I just remember every single joke was just about how much she loves fucking black guys. And I watched this because I wanted to see if it was as bad as if I remember... And I was laughing a lot because she was like dropping the N-bomb and shit on stage. I'm like, even you could not get away with what the fuck Lisa Lampanelli is. Lisa Lampanelli would be transgressive in today's day and age just because of like how like how aggressive and openly racist she was. And then just saying like, yeah, but I like them.
We really have drifted so far.
Unknown_02: from anything that's good. It's truly insane. And I don't see a way back. Some people say cancel culture is on the way out. There's a lot of theories about why that's happening. There's a theory of the powers that be, the shadow government, the people pulling the strings, they've sort of shifted more towards the right after a certain event. Let's say after the October 7th
attacks, they sort of shifted further towards the right rather than the left, and that has had a big ripple effect in media and stuff like that, which gives you the illusion that there's more freedoms being granted to the plebs like us. But if anything, it's going to be temporary and it's not of any great effect.
Unknown_08: The main thing to look for is that when the big issue that has completely gutted any form of creativity or open expression or real true equity in terms of people in the United States and Europe is that you can't buy or sell things. And if you can't buy or sell things on the internet, you don't have a place in today's economy. So until we can actually do that, everybody can participate in the economy. There is no equity. And any equity that they say that they have created is an illusion. And any kind of culture shift one way or the other, you're allowed to make money as long as you're under the daily wire. That's an illusion. Until the average person can set up a fucking storefront and sell shit that they make, there is no equity. 100% agree with that.
Yeah, yeah. And until that time, well, listen, I do think, I'm going to shield my book real quick. I do think, guys, if you want to actually support true transgressive art and actual vision, please go to Butch Gilligan Kickstarter page and back at volume two. Let's show Ripperverse that we can surpass their slap. Why Ripper in particular? I don't know. Isn't it like the top dog? And again, I really don't care. I don't want to see any of this.
They made a lot of money, but it's just, it's baffling to me. Why? Because it's not unmerit. Like, it's not merit-based. Like, here's the thing.
Unknown_02: I... You're free to do... Anybody's free to review my book on their streams and rip it apart, but just be honest with what you think about it, you know what I'm saying? Because I think it stands the critical eye, you know, the test of the critical eye. Whereas I think if anybody looks at Ripperverse, it's just blatantly obvious that it's not... The success is not based on merit, and I give you my theory as to why it became successful, and I just think... And again, to me, it's not conducive of like the indie scene or what that ought to be, definitionally, because it opposes the big, the corporate media. And then that's your answer? It's just some cookie cutter nothing? And then you look at the Kickstarter page and it's all gay. I think we looked at what I sent you a link about that one, like two gays in the field kissing. I don't know what the fuck the comics called. Under the Ripperverse?
Unknown_08: Oh, I was going to say that's a bit weird.
Unknown_02: I wish that would rule. No, no, it's a different comic that was being. Oh, you're talking about on Kickstarter. Yeah.
Unknown_08: Yeah. Yeah. It's all weird shit like that. It's either like queer, lesbian romance or like just like it looks like there was some comic I saw that was being kickstarted. And I swear to God, it just looked like AI generated like cheesecake stuff where it's just like tits and ass. I'm just like, what am I supposed to be inspired by? I don't know.
So cheesecake is like TNA, titty, bait, that type of shit. That's a lot. I would say most of comics being published right now on these crowdfunding pages is that type of stuff. So is that a healthy indie scene? I doubt it. I don't think so. It's not really anything that's going to stand to test the time. It's just some fucking smug... And by the way, on top of that... Okay, here's the whole theory. Can I take a piss real quick and I'll give you my theory on the...
I just want to say, you should have been a voice actor, because you have, like, a very distinct voice, and you put on, like, all these different... You're Mr. Colin. You should have done voice acting.
Unknown_02: You know, I'll do... I voice all my trailers, too. Listen, if you need me for a voice, if you want me to do a promo, I'll do it.
Unknown_08: Okay. Keep that in mind.
Unknown_02: I'm going to do a quick, fat, hot piss. Is that okay? I'll be back in, like, literally two minutes.
Unknown_08: All right, I'll be right back.
Unknown_05: Okay, chat.
Unknown_08: It's just us again.
Unknown_08: I haven't done an interview of anybody in, like, forever. And usually the people I interview, it's kind of, like, hostile. The last interview I did was Channing Crager. What a fucking disaster that was.
Who is this weirdo? It's Sven Stoffels. He's the guy that drew, in case you're late, he's the guy that drew the Hila Klein IDF animation that I play all the time. And he's the author behind Butch Killigan. It's like his current little pet project. And I read through the first one, and he does really, really crazy visuals. It's like a psychedelic kind of trip.
Unknown_08: So if you're interested in that kind of stuff, I would actually recommend it.
Unknown_08: And I compared it, his book is the one that I compared in the Gumroad video about Isom 2, just because Isom 2's, like, what they choose to present in, like, a visual medium really falls short. And, like, his homages, like, actual, like, fine art and stuff in his comic book are really, really cool.
Did I talk to Carolyn Farrow after the Channing Crager interview? I did talk to her. Oh, that's right. I did talk to her. Okay, that's true. That's true. That's an interview I did with somebody who was just kind of like a chit-chat about her arrest and stuff.
Unknown_08: Yes, I'm going to do... Not much has happened this week, so I kind of invited him because this week has been pretty short. I'll do like an hour or so with Sven talking about his comic book, and then I'll do my usual. I'm back, I'm back, I'm back. welcome back um what's up dude what's i was talking about my my my usual lineup of interviews and how they're usually people that are like as i mentioned before yeah yeah uh okay you're gonna give me your hot take on well maybe it isn't maybe it isn't a good pilot don't you think like i think i'm having fun i love talking to you you're an intelligent guy Thank you, thank you. No, you're very... Rangers of racism. Yeah, you're very passionate about art, which is... People like hearing people who are passionate about what they do. They don't want to hear somebody, you know, try to sell them something they don't care about themselves, you know?
Oh, yeah, I mean, I'm not sure what you're... Listen, you've probably talked to, like, mega-retarded guys, right?
Unknown_02: Yeah. Because I'm not really sure what you're referring to, people who aren't passionate about themselves?
Unknown_08: Passionate about what they do. There's tons of people that are, like, just kind of, like, in the either and drifting along because it's what's easiest for them at that point.
Unknown_08: It's hard to go out and to try to start shit, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, definitely.
Unknown_02: Yeah. And what I do definitely isn't easy. I'm fighting a massive uphill battle here, you know what I'm saying? I could use all you guys like a Goku spirit bomb. I need you guys to fucking give me your energy. But okay, here's my thoughts on, what was it called again? Cookie? Cookie cake? I forgot again. Icky kicky?
Was it icing?
Unknown_02: No, you had this term for like TNA. Cheesecake. Cheesecake. Okay, I need to remember this. Okay, sorry. Cheesecake.
Unknown_02: So maybe we should do this real quick. Can you go to Kickstarter and kind of scroll? Click on the Comics tab and kind of scroll. Oh, you just want to see, like, other comic book Kickstarters.
Unknown_02: No, I did this. I did this exact same thing.
Unknown_08: It's like, look, the first one, you got tits. Oh, you have orc tits, too. The Witches of Odds and Nippy, number one. XXXOtika connecting covers. And this is the first one. This is 1,500% funded. It's a cheeky comic.
Unknown_08: That one looks normal.
Unknown_02: Now, here's the thing. Here's a thought of mine that I had, because I was following one of my favorite animators, like a French animator, and I'm talking about this years ago, even before VTubers and all this type of shit popped off, okay? Now, obviously, you've heard of artists, they do commission work, which is totally fine, you know what I'm saying? But when it starts to devolve into arts drawing porn, okay, now this is a controversial take, i think that's a form of prostitution really okay because and if you're a guy and you're asking another man to draw like some sex like pikachu sucking off another thing you're gay it's kind of gay okay so you're asking a guy to visualize some kind of a fantasy now what i think is when you're you're um supporting this cheesecake stuff it's actually a gay act because you are
Supporting another man's visualized sex fantasies. You know what I'm saying? Can you sort of follow my train of thought here?
Unknown_08: Yes, I've heard something similar where someone said that all porn is basically cuckoldry because you're jerking off to somebody else's sexual experience. I feel like you're kind of on that vein. That's true.
Unknown_02: Yeah, you're sitting in the corner jerking off to another guy. Fucking, that's true. That is sort of like cockle dream from a distance. That is true. But I think this is worse in a way, and people don't think of it this way. So I want to give you this example that I had of this French animator who sort of branched off, and he was one of the first that did this. He basically created a character, like Justine or something.
Before VTubers, like a big-titted woman, but she also had like... Was this in recent history or like mid-'90s?
Unknown_02: no no this is like maybe five years ago or something like that okay so this guy and by the way this woman if you look up this pic justine by balak is his name maybe i can maybe you can type it in our chat real quick fuck what is it balak that's the artist real quick you can pull up an example maybe i don't know just max maxine maxine maxine i think
Balak? Yeah, this. Okay, look. If you pull this up on Google Images or something. It's on Xvideos, which is blocked here in Indonesia. I'm in Bali.
Unknown_08: Oh, I was going to ask.
Unknown_08: I can't show this on screen because nipples show up. It's like a red-headed character. It's just like kill-like-kill.
Unknown_02: What is it?
Unknown_02: But it has like, it has a specific, now this is his original character. She has a specific build. She has giant triple G tits with huge areolas. She has armpit hair and she has a huge bush and hair on her asshole. Now you guys can Google this on your own time. You can see this character. I just did a pretty rudimentary job. But this is a specific type. Now this is the artist's type. He designed this character from his mind, okay? He basically weird-scienced his own little delicious fantasy woman. And what he did is he started a Patreon, and he hired a voice actress to just do this character's voice. So like puppeteer, this concept that he has?
Yes, and he made like little ASMR videos and stuff like that. And that became such a huge success, okay? Like that guy became a millionaire off of that, okay? So like hundreds and hundreds of dudes subscribing to this shit to look at like an animated girl fingering herself or whatever the fuck she does, I don't know. But...
That is... It's like one big mutual masturbation session.
Unknown_02: Yes, but it's also gay. Okay, imagine this. It's the same as this. Imagine we only strip away the visual element, okay? Now, I've talked about this before, but imagine I call you and I ask you, hey, man, and I'm jerking off, and I ask you, just describe your sex fantasies to me, and I'm jerking off you describing your sex fantasy to me.
They do these things now they jerk off and they talk about what porn I'm telling you they do it. It's a thing. It's called doing it No Dooning is it doing is like like edging for like hours at a time and just like watching porn constantly But they get into discord and they're all the jerking off and they're all talking about like what porn they're watching together It's it's did the people are fucking weird. No, I
Unknown_03: This is, this is that people are weird now.
Unknown_02: No, that shouldn't be, that shouldn't be allowed. Like, honestly, I tell a story on my stream. I told a story once when I was 16, I heard a rumor that like the guys, a grade under me, that they were jerking off in the woods and me and two other kids. Like I was the bull, I was a bully. Okay. So me and two other guys, two of my friends, we cycled into the woods and lo and behold, we found that they had dragged like a, like a secondhand couch into the woods and they were jerking off.
And I walked in there and was like, okay, well, well, well. What do we got here, guys? What are you doing? And then as a punishment, as a true bully, I threw all their bicycles off a cliff. And I said, don't let me ever catch you again. Now I know you're full of shit.
Unknown_08: What fucking cliff? You're in the Netherlands. As a kid, right?
Why would you say... I never ever tell a lie. Why would you ever doubt my words? This is true. You can ask them. You can ask those guys. There's a cliff. Yes, there's plenty of cliffs. There's like limestone mines and stuff in my area. Okay, I understand what you're saying. I'm in the south of the Netherlands, Limburg, which is like a hilly area.
Unknown_08: Oh, okay. You are in the only part of the Netherlands where that story can work.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah, I guess. Yes, because you're right. And by the way, that's in the north of the Netherlands. Everything is completely flat. But where I'm from in Limburg, it's literally, if you look at the map of the Netherlands, it looks like a tiny little droplet is dripping off into like Belgium and Germany. That's where I'm from. It's like, there's a lot of hills there. You can go hiking. Literally the only place in the Netherlands that has hills.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_02: Lovely. But yeah, so... And I think, yes, we should bring bullying back for such occasions where a bunch of Zoomers are jacking off, sharing their porno clips. I actually know exactly what you're talking about.
Unknown_08: Because I've made this point before, and people got real mad at me. Because I hate anime. I just have, like, this passionate fucking hatred of it. And I hate people that watch it. And one of the things that I get really, like...
We can have a debate about this because I think you're wrong. I think you're wrong. Well, give me a sec.
Unknown_08: In particular, what I had an issue with was how people have these waifus. And I just said the exact same thing that you did, that you're basically fucking gay. If your ideal woman is this fictitious girl from anime, because number one, she doesn't fucking exist. But number two- She's like the ideal woman conjured up by like an autistic Japanese man. So you're like sharing in this mutual masturbation fantasy about fucking that girl from Evangelion, the red haired ones. Like, you know, that woman doesn't exist. She never existed. She came from an autistic Japanese man's mind and you're both horny about it. So that's kind of like a psychological projection into homosexuality.
It's like a gay egregore. You're putting this weird sexual fantasy in this non-existent fictional character. Now, I agree with you with that, okay? But where I always, whenever guys go like anime is wrong or anime is degenerate and stuff like that, anime is a genre. It would be the same thing as saying movies are bad because there's such thing as snuff or whatever. That's sort of the way I come from it. But yes, you're absolutely right in that example that you give. But again, and I find this a lot. What's your favorite anime?
This is how you sell your book. What's your favorite anime?
Unknown_02: Berserk.
Unknown_08: Berserk. Berserk fans out there, Butch Killigen is like basically Berserk, but in the West.
Unknown_02: Sort of. Kind of. No, Butch Killigen is like if Paul Verhoeven made Berserk. Sort of, maybe.
Unknown_06: That's a sales pitch, man.
Unknown_02: But I hate the sales pitch where you go like, yeah, it's sort of like Demolition Man meets… Oh, you don't like that? Okay. But I guess maybe it illustrates the point. I can relate to that. I wanted to do that.
Demolition Man meets Jacob's Ladder.
Unknown_02: Now, that's a sales pitch. But yeah, as directed by Paul Verhoeven. That's what Butch Gilligan 2 is. Go back. I need everybody to go back and buy multiple copies. You can do an add-on. You get 20% off at checkout. Go do it. We need this thing to fucking explode, guys. I need to become the next Ripiverse. You think?
Unknown_02: That would be the universe correcting itself, because I'm actually the guy that actually cares and is actually doing something, being unchackled. I'm actually showing you what a comic could be without the influence from the top by, you know, those types of guys with the little hats. If you made Ripa money, would you set up a studio in the U.S., in the Netherlands, or would you stay in Indonesia?
I don't even know I'm not like the type of guy to fantasize like that's another thing really goofing on like Ripperverse like yeah and we're gonna have a cinematic universe and yeah it's gonna have seven movies and this is my casting list it's like come on dude can we just get a grip real quick you're making a little stupid comic book you know what I'm saying but I listen I respect where it's due he's making it kind of work and stuff I guess he's got his thing and again you know what I'm saying when I criticize something I'm not trying to destroy it I'm just Giving you my honest view on it. You know, I'm saying yeah, even if it gets me in trouble any curiosity I'm a bit of a history nerd Indonesia was held by the the Dutch as a colonial possession at some point, right?
Is there like remnants of Dutch culture there? Do you feel do you feel that at all?
Unknown_02: There's a lot. Can I tell you if you're a history above did you know remember during the Hitler's beer hall putsch? Yes one of the main guys and
Unknown_02: That was there with him when he got arrested and stuff. He also moved to Indonesia. He was here in one of the towns that I went to visit at one point. I forgot what his name is. Did you know that?
No, I did not know that.
Unknown_02: One of his main fucking guys that was right there with him. One of the main three guys. I forget his fucking name. But anyways, yes, there's lots of remnants of Dutch culture in their language.
Unknown_02: A lot of Dutch words. In Jakarta, there is a major architectural influence. It was called Bavaria. Bavaria. That was in Germany. Jakarta before.
Unknown_02: Or it was Bavaria or Batavia. Is that it? Batavia. Batavia. That's what it was. Batavia. I'm thinking of the beer. I'm thinking of Bavaria beer.
Yeah, that's Germany.
Unknown_02: No, yes. I got beer on the mind figuratively and literally too. But yeah, Batavia. And so there's massive buildings there and stuff like that of the colonial past and
Unknown_02: Yeah. That's cool. Major influence still.
Unknown_08: In Vietnam, they got their alphabet from the French. They have French architecture. They have French coffee culture and stuff. So I was mildly curious when you said that. I'm like, I wonder how Dutch it is there in Indonesia.
It's pretty Dutch. I will say this. I was thinking about that kind of when I'm... One of the things that I love about living here, because I live in Bali, by the way, because Indonesia is one of the biggest Muslim countries in the world, which...
Unknown_02: It's kind of like coming from the Netherlands.
Unknown_02: Oh, yeah. And it's many different islands and different cultures and stuff like that.
Unknown_02: But, yeah, coming from the Netherlands with all the problems that we have with, like, Muslim immigrants there, I do come more and more to the conclusion that I think when we have, like, Muslim – in the Netherlands, when you have, like, the right-wing conservatards –
Criticizing Islam, I think it's a psyop because what we should be criticizing is the actual people we should be criticizing Arabs. That's the thing. Really? Because the people here, these Asian Muslims, they're not at all as fucking crazy as the people that we have to deal with en masse in our European towns. They would never rape anyone. You know what I'm saying? Maybe that has to do with your perspective.
Unknown_08: My personal issue with Islam is just that it's canonical that Muhammad married a nine-year-old. He married a six-year-old and then consummated a nine. I just can't get over that. How can you call a guy a prophet?
Unknown_02: I think it's complete fucking garbage. Honestly, personally, I think every Abrahamic religion... Who gives a... But I just think the more interesting point here would be
I can see the difference between the different kinds of quote-unquote Muslims, basically. You know what I'm saying? And I think the reason why in our European countries the institutional power and the political power at large wants to keep the discussion away from immigration, obviously, and make it about this specific religious sect, is because...
Unknown_02: A certain other type of other would also be having the spotlight shown onto them. You know what I'm saying? I think that's kind of what we're dealing with.
Unknown_08: Yeah, I've heard that. I can kind of see that point. I just feel like criticizing Islam is like a form of soft racism because when you say you can criticize Islam, you're not talking about the guy in Ireland that has the big bushy ginger beard. You're talking about the fucking Arabs. You're talking about like the Southeast Asians and stuff.
Again, Indonesia factually is the biggest goddamn Islamic country, you know what I'm saying? So you do kind of have to make that distinction. And I think why, another thing, if we want to talk then about the racial difference between, for instance, an Arab and like a Southeast Asian Muslim is, Arabs, because they don't practice, it's a different type of Islam. For instance, here, the incestual, you got to marry your first cousin or whatever the fuck, they don't do that here. That's outlawed, okay? So it's like they pick and choose with their little laws. and i think the reason we're having so much trouble with our particular muslims in europe is because they're of the incestual lineage and what do you get when you have like four generations of like incest you get like crazy testosterone bombed low iq mongoloids that like to stab and
Yeah, probably.
Unknown_02: That sounds about right. I'm sure that Indonesians are chill compared to Arabs. Excuse me, sorry. I wasn't talking over you. Sorry about that. No, I just said I can believe that the Indonesians are much more chill than... Like, if you tried to live in fucking Iran or something, you'd probably not have a good time.
Unknown_02: No, I didn't think you would.
Unknown_03: I would never live in Iran.
Unknown_02: The people here are super nice. But again, as I was saying, I live in Bali, Indonesia, which is more like Hindu. I didn't even know what the fuck it is. It's like a lot of swastikas everywhere, by the way, which is funny. Every little temple, every little corner has a little shrine with a giant swastika on it. So is that like Hindu or Buddhist or whatever?
Um, yes, the swastika is actually, I think, I know that it's Confucian as well, the swastika. Um, so it's just that it's like a Pan-Asian symbol of peace. It's everywhere. It's all the way from, from Japan all the way to India. So it's like a Pan-Asian thing. And it literally just means peace. But for some reason, there's a weird story to it. Why Hitler thought that, um, the swastika was a, uh, was a, um, Aryan symbol because of the, the Indians. Yeah. Technically, if you refer to the German swastika, you should call it the Hackenkreuz, because that's how you distinguish the Asian one.
Hackenkreuz, which literally means the cross with hooks.
Unknown_08: The healed cross is what it means in German.
Unknown_22: Hack means hook.
Unknown_02: In German, it means healed. Really?
Unknown_02: Hackenkreuz is hooked cross.
Unknown_08: Okay, I'll take your word on it, because you do. I didn't know you spoke German. I thought you just spoke Dutch.
Unknown_02: Well, again, where I live in the southern part of the Netherlands, basically I speak a Dutch dialect, which is indistinguishable from German, basically. If I speak my dialect to a regular Dutch guy, they wouldn't know what the fuck I was talking about. They couldn't follow a single word. That's funny. Because I live in the border region, it's like an amalgamation of Dutch and German, basically.
Oh, you're on like a really – that's a weird place. How did you settle on this island? Because it's like – when I picture Indonesia in my head, right, it's like this huge archipelago. I think I pronounced that right. And you just pick like one really small island. It looks like it's maybe the size of like Massachusetts or something in the dead center of it. Uh-huh.
Well, yeah, it is very small. Now, I've traveled here a bunch to Bali specifically. And again, in the Dutch culture and lexicon, Indonesia is like a thing. You know what I'm saying? It's like in the discussion still because of our colonial past. Now, I happen to, my wife is from Jakarta originally. And then we decided, I'm talking about you, by the way, my wife. She's bringing me a pack of cigarettes. Thank you. Throw it for me. Thank you so much. She has, I'm a rice cooker. I was going to ask, is your wife Indonesian?
Unknown_02: Yeah, she is Indonesian. She's a 10. I should send you a picture of her. As is tradition. She's a trad wife.
She's not like some, so yeah, we dated for a whole bunch. And then we, I went to visit a bunch of times and we went to Jakarta a bunch of times. And then I was like, I don't work from home. I don't have to go to the office all day long. So I was just like, let's switch shit up. I was in my old apartment in the Netherlands for eight years, eight to 10 years. I forget exactly how long I lived there. And I was just like, you know what? Fuck it. I'll just, I'll just come live there for a while. And I'm planning to live here. So we bought, we got a little, uh, uh, two bedroom apartment. Now we're kind of looking to upgrade slowly. Just getting, I'm getting my bearings. but i made my whole new studio in here too and i really like it i'm really loving the vibe i was gonna say what i love the most is the driving here because okay you know i'm gonna give you a chance to interject first because you probably want to say something
No, if I said anything, I'd just say that I lived in the Philippines for a while. Well, you did. Yeah, I lived there for about seven months because I was working on 8chan, and they were headquartered in Manila. So I was there for about seven months, and then I moved to Europe. I've been bouncing around in Europe for a while.
I see it. Have you been to the Netherlands? No.
Unknown_08: No, I've wanted to go. The closest I've been to the Netherlands is Denmark.
Unknown_02: That's not that close. No. That's what I'm saying. That's pretty far. Goddamn far. Listen, if you go to the Netherlands, please go to Maastricht. Fuck Amsterdam. Amsterdam is degenerate shit. It's all dildos and weed. Fuck that shit. Go to Maastricht. That's the greatest place. That's my city where I came from, Maastricht. That's where I used to live.
Unknown_02: What is a cool Maastricht fact? You know the Three Musketeers? Yes. You know, D'Artagnan, the leader of the Three Musketeers, he got fucking shot in the face there on our city wall. That's one cute little fact. Oh, dude, you're right. You're all the way down, like as far south as you can go in the Netherlands. Yeah, yeah. It's like a little drop that's going to... And the funny thing is, now that I'm in Bali, we're also on the most southern part of Bali. It's almost like the same thing. And it's also a lot of hills here where I'm at right now in Bali.
But Philippines is more like Portuguese and American influence, I believe, right?
No, Spain.
Unknown_08: It was first a colonial possession of Spain. It was occupied by Japan for a brief time, and it was occupied by America in two different time periods.
Unknown_00: So it's actually super heavily Americanized.
Unknown_08: But the craziest thing about the Philippines is that when people talk in Tagalog, they sound like they're speaking Spanish, and you would never know the difference unless you actually knew some Spanish to pick out that they're not actually speaking Spanish. It's like they've super adopted and integrated the way that Spanish people speak.
Unknown_02: Oh, what the fuck? And it's like Catholic, right? It's the most Catholic place in the world besides maybe the Vatican, and it's the only place besides the Vatican that divorce is still not legal.
That's odd. Yeah, if you want to get divorced in the Philippines, you have to get an annulment, which is like a European history thing, is knowing about the corruption and getting the Pope to certify an annulment. And it's the same traditional Catholic...
Unknown_08: Corruption, where you have to pay the government and say, like, no, totally, we never had sex ever. We never consummated the marriage.
And then if you pay enough... There's similar things here. There's similar things here, though. Because it's also, like, you're not allowed to divorce under certain circumstances as well over here. But I think it's, like... I think there's, like, certain... Yeah, if you knock a girl up, you cannot divorce during the pregnancy, but then after the pregnancy, you can figure something out. Stuff like that. Really? Like weird shit like that, too. Yeah, yeah, I think. Which is, that's pretty based. Yeah, that's kind of smart, because it's like, well, you guys, you're stuck together for nine months now, so you might as well, it gives you an opportunity to make things work. Yeah. You got nine months to figure something out, yeah.
I think if you're an American, you'd probably be more easily integrated in the Philippines. I think as a Dutch guy, because I think it definitely helps with the fact that I live here now. I don't know. I'd have zero homesickness or anything.
Unknown_02: Also, in the back of my head, I know I will return at some point to the motherland, obviously. I'm never going to stay here forever.
Unknown_02: It makes it easier to just kind of see like, hey, look, this is where my guys, my niggas were here at some point. You know what I'm saying? We established displays. Does anyone speak Dutch?
Or is it just English?
Unknown_02: No, I haven't encountered anyone who speaks Dutch, to be honest. But I haven't even tried to be honest. They all speak English. They speak English. Yeah, the same in the Philippines.
Unknown_08: They all speak English. I know that there are some that speak German still in Namibia because there was like a small part of Africa that was a German colonial possession for a brief time.
Unknown_02: And, of course, South Africa is Dutch, right? The Boers, they're all Dutch.
Unknown_08: Yes, there's a lot of Boers.
Unknown_02: They need to come back home. We need to get inside the mass –
They're so thick.
Unknown_02: Is that like a Dutch thing, like being thick-headed and not wanting to get the fuck out of a country that's trying to kill you and your entire family? Probably. Probably. They're extremely – and I mean they kind of have a point. You know what I'm saying? Like they cultivated that. Yeah, they were there before the Africans came because there's like that huge – I think it's the Gobi Desert, which is just north of South Africa.
Unknown_08: And it kept out the Africans from the Cape of – I think it's the Cape of Good Hope, which is where South Africa is. And they kept them out until the white people colonized it. So they have a point in saying that they are the indigenous people of South Africa. But it's like you kind of lost that one. There's no hope for that shit.
Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I think we should take all them. But I see somebody in the chat. He says, Sven, that your ancestors collaborate with the Nazis. Now, here's a funny story. So the city that I'm from is called Maastricht. My hometown is Valkenburg, which is like the Falcons city. Berg, I guess? It's like a little castle town. It's like a castle ruin on top of the hill. You know who's a von Valkenburg?
Unknown_08: Zoe Quinn from Gamergate. She's Chelsea von Valkenburg.
Is she Jewish? No, it couldn't be. She's Dutch? She's von Valkenburg?
Unknown_08: Yeah, that's her real name, von Valkenburg. She's your royal. You say queen or princess. It's only queen.
Unknown_02: I should bow down. But I was going to say this. That town had a huge Hitler-Jugend school in it. You can Google it. Valkenburg, V-A-L-K-E-N-B-U-R-G, Valkenburg. It had a huge, it was like an old Jesuit monastery at some point. Then the Nazis came in. They kicked all the Jesuits out. And they made it into a big Hitler-jugend school. And Himmler visited my town, my hometown, many, many times in that era.
And I think it was supposed to, because we're in such a border region between Germany and Belgium and all that stuff,
Unknown_02: That was like a big hotspot for like the Hitler Yuga because they wanted to Germanify the region, I guess. You know what I'm saying? I think Germany wanted Luxembourg, Alsace-Lorraine, your area of the Netherlands, and then part of Belgium to be a part of Germany formal.
And they wanted to make a Reichskommissariat out of both Belgium and the Netherlands.
Unknown_07: It did with Denmark because Denmark surrendered in six hours.
Unknown_08: So they just like said, OK, you can still be self-governed, I guess. We're not going to fuck with you. And so Denmark was not fucked with for the entirety of World War Two.
Unknown_03: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_02: But yeah, you can Google pictures and you can see Himmler marching around in my little town there. I only found out about that like two years ago. I didn't know that. Okay, the reason I found out about that was this, because I remember I was part of my town's Facebook group, which is like handy whenever it's like, a little problem you can get like a warning or whatever to fuck on your facebook group it's all boomers and i remember i saw like a request in my town's facebook group by like a jewish documentary filmmaker who was making it was writing a book about valkenberg and he was doing a request to look into family into families the dutch families that live in valkenberg into their like um
family archives and pictures and stuff like that to write about the Nazi history of our town. Or to try to shame everybody that fucking lives there. It's a funny thing. A couple of months later, he had a huge article in our regional newspaper where he was like, disappointed. Zero people replied to him. Like nobody, nobody worked with him. So that kind of tells you, you know, kind of like the vibe. Who the fuck wants to out their family?
Because a lot of, you know, a lot of people didn't. They just worked with the government that was in charge at the time. They didn't give a fuck if it was the Americans or the British or the Germans or the Dutch. Yeah. I'm trying to I'm trying to make glass bottles here. I don't give a fuck. Yes, exactly.
Unknown_02: There was no national news. You barely had any idea what the fuck was going on. I remember the worst thing my grandpa had to say about the Nazis when they took over our town was he had this story of like, he was a kid. He was like, he lived in a monastery. And then at one point, a Nazi officer commanded him to hand over his bicycle because it was some kind of emergency. And then basically a Nazi stole his bicycle. Yeah. and he was like that was like the worst thing the only other n-word the other n-words taking the bikes you gotta watch out for them exactly yeah now there's a lot more different types of n-words uh yeah because of a lot of bike disappearances in my town okay my town is doing pretty okay
There's two things I want to ask you. Number one, I want to ask you what your opinions are of certain people, just really rapid fire, like what do you think of this guy?
Unknown_02: Just a couple people, because I know that you're doing the rounds, so I'm going to create some friction.
Okay, cool, let's do it.
Unknown_08: I'm a big fan of silver coins, in particular old currency. So I have a request, because I know that the Dutch brought the gift of civilization and thereby the gift of silver coinage to the Indonesian people. If you find any old silver coins, I would really, really like them. I just happened to find one on a flea market.
Unknown_08: Really? Okay. Because you can go online and buy them, but that's not fun. It's fun to go out to flea markets and hunt them down. So if you just happen to come across them for whatever reason, I'm always open to them.
I've actually been buying some gold. Oh, you've been buying some gold and silver? I bought some gold and silver coins, but I have them in like a vault in Zurich. But wait, you just said I want to get your opinion on some guys. I want to cause friction. And then you asked me to buy a silver coin.
Unknown_02: Is this some kind of a reference to something?
Unknown_09: No, it's not.
Unknown_02: You legitimately want me to buy you a silver coin? I'll buy you a silver coin.
If you happen across it, if by circumstance... This is some kind of a deep cut, like, mad at the internet lore thing. I just like silver coins. I have an entire box of Paul von Hindenburgs, okay? I like them.
Unknown_03: What the fuck does that have to do with, like, shitting on other guys?
Unknown_08: It's just the last two things I was going to say. I saved them towards the end of the conversation.
Unknown_08: There's no grand architecture conspiracy here.
Unknown_22: You're like on high alert.
Unknown_08: Like I'm going after you or not.
Unknown_02: Non-secular. Listen, we're going to cause some trouble here. Who do you hate? Okay, let's go. Can you get me some coins? Sure, I'll get you some. That's what you want. Listen, I actually like the idea. I might go to a flea market and get some coins. Maybe I'll keep some and I'll send you some.
That sounds like a plan. I'd appreciate it. Okay, cool.
Unknown_02: Okay, who do I hate? Shit, I didn't give a fuck.
Unknown_08: What's your opinion on Ethan VanCyver?
Unknown_02: Ethan VanSkyver? Yeah, Skyver, whatever. Okay, so first of all, I need to tell you this, right? I'm an island. I rarely network with anybody or anything like that. I've learned my lesson when I used to be with Red Bar. And by the way, I joined Kiwi Farms. By the way, the Kiwi Farms forums, I joined them.
And yeah, I read through some of the threads about Red Bar Radio, which was kind of funny.
Unknown_02: I'm the hero in every story on Kiwi Farms, which was funny to read. You don't know about any of that history, do you?
Unknown_08: I'm vaguely aware of Red Bar because there were some clips that were sent to me. I know he did that Duck Tale song, which is also one of my favorite things of all time.
Unknown_02: Yeah, that's one of my favorite things. I'm in the background giggling on that duck tail. Is that you?
There's no way. Yeah, that's me. That's unreal. I did not know that.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I was on that call. Oh my god. It was just an on-the-fly thing that we did back then.
Unknown_08: That's fucking crazy.
Unknown_02: Yeah, that's me. But, yeah, so that thing, I rarely, like, do, like, a full association thing or anything like that. Now, Ethan VanSkyver, what do I think of him? Like, again, I, honestly, I know fairly little about comics or anything like that, honestly. When I was...
Talking to Ethan VanSkyver, I had to ask a guy in my Discord, like, can you give me the quick rundown? No, I understand that's not very exciting.
Unknown_02: So I don't know any of the deep lore. No, that's fine. But I would say something about it. I would say, yeah, he's a complete fucking faggot, but I just really don't know. I don't know that much.
Unknown_08: That's a perfectly acceptable answer. I'm not disappointed at all. Um, do you... There might be a lot of answers, and not because I'm lying or afraid.
Unknown_02: I will fucking throw someone under the bus, I'll piss shit-a-da-da-poo on their face. I mean, really, they'll give a fuck. But I just don't know a lot of this stuff. I don't know a lot of the deep lore. Because I'm not really that much of a drama guy. I specifically... Because here's the thing. People expect me... And this, by the way, this just kind of went by the wayside. There was a big leaked phone call between... After my falling out with Red Barn. It's a whole story. He had a falling out.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_02: Oh, that's tragic. I was bringing up, I was JQing on the last time that I visited him, and we did a live show. I started to JQ, and he went to break, and he told me not to bring up his tribesmen.
Yeah, he's Jewish. You can tell by looking at him.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I got a talking to several times. Now, then everything went black, and we had a big falling out. It's a huge thing.
Unknown_02: But I wish him well. I wish him the best. I really don't give a fuck. So here's the thing. Usually what happens with something like that, when like a duo has a falling out, then one guy starts shitting on the other guy. And then they started to sort of grift on the drama. Now I'm not interested in that. Like I'm very much doing my own shit. I don't want to, it just feels like it's beneath me. You know what I'm saying? I'm not like a drama farmer type of guy.
That's respectable. That's the way to do it.
Unknown_02: Yeah, and I don't really pay much attention to that. So there's a lot of – I'm sure you know about like Kino Casino. That's what these guys do, right? Now, again, I don't have a problem with these guys.
Unknown_02: Good luck to them. But it's not my type of content. Now, I'll get in beef sometimes, but it's like organic. I'm not like seeking it out. That's not my – What's your exposure to Kino Casino and PPP?
Unknown_08: I'm kind of curious because you brought it up now.
Unknown_02: Oh, well, here's how I know about that, because one time... Fuck, what's his name again? Not the fat guy, but the other guy?
Andy Worsky. Another legend.
Unknown_02: Worsky. Worsky.
Unknown_02: He one time called into Red Bar Radio while I was still co-hosting. He was like, oh, my God. He was so excited because Red Bar Radio was his biggest example of influence and stuff like that. And then we completely shat on him and embarrassed him and watched that video of him go like...
Unknown_02: What was I getting?
Unknown_03: Stay back! Stay the fuck back!
That whole thing, and we completely embarrassed him. It went sort of viral, I think.
Unknown_02: That's what I know about that situation. Is he upset about that?
Unknown_08: Because it's like part of his lore now. He's perfectly okay with that.
Unknown_02: Sure, probably. And again, I'm not exaggerating when I say I literally know nothing. I know nothing. That's all I know. I don't watch stuff like that.
Unknown_02: What they do is they do use... This is what I'm starting to notice. Even with a guy like Ethan Ralph, who I do like. You probably don't.
Oh, Ethan and I have a long history.
Unknown_22: I was going to ask you about him, too.
Unknown_02: Yeah.
Unknown_02: I do like Ethan Ralph. He's always been really good to me, nice to me. So I gotta just pay my respects to the guy then. You know what I'm saying? If a guy's nice to me, I'm nice back.
Unknown_09: For sure.
Unknown_02: You have a big problem with him? What happened?
Unknown_08: Oh, God.
Unknown_08: So a long time ago, years ago, all I did, I said something like, I can't remember the context of it, but I said we have to sacrifice Ethan Ralph to the corn. And that became like a huge deal. And he has hated me ever since.
And I've made him like a facet of my podcast. I don't know if you know what he's been up to.
Unknown_08: but no he impregnated like an 18 year old and then he got into a huge beef with her baby daddy and then he got then he knocked up somebody who was like a female to male transsexual and then who became like a regular woman again no for real say this stuff if you don't want to know look i won't go on i don't want to spoil this
I'm going to be doing Killstream, too, I think, since I'm making it around. I have to bring this up.
Unknown_02: How about, look, okay, wait. Here's what I was thinking first. You don't have to. Or do you want to continue with this? Purge your mind.
Unknown_08: Forget I said anything.
Unknown_02: I'll forget about it. I'll try to forget about it. But here's what I think, though, when I look at, like, Kino Casino or, like, Killstream and stuff like that. I see guys, I see Americans, because I'm looking at this from an outsider's perspective, and I see a lot of guys around my age, and they grew up with wrestling, right? Right.
Unknown_13: yes and they're doing an online show and they understand through osmosis through absorbing that media which by the way i've never seen a second okay i've seen a second of wrestling never watched a full wwe match it's gay to a european you understand we're not going to get into it i'm going to offend a lot of people probably in this chat i understand it's like an american constitution that's your guys's thing it's fine okay
But what I'm talking about is these shows, they try to incorporate these aspects. So I just think, like, at a certain point, in these guys' minds, it makes sense to just have the beef arc with a guy. You know what I'm saying? Now we're beefing. And you say, like, you mentioned something we need to. He's, like, one of the children of the corn. And he just takes it. Oh, yeah. Well, let me smash this guy down, brother. That's sort of the way I see it. It's like content. It's not even real. You know what I'm saying? I don't get it. It's real. It's just like it's true.
Unknown_08: It's it's more it's less that they try to they do try to drum some things up to make them a bigger deal than they are. But it is true that there's like a wrestling mindset which is permeated like Internet drama culture. And it just influences how they make decisions. And it's it's a really weird thing. And I've noticed this and pointed it out to you. So I'm kind of amused that you've. you kind of fall on that where it's like, there's all these guys who are just like, they want to be whoever the fuck that, that big guy was. That was the, the host of the WWE. They want to like run there. Yeah. Vince McMahon. They want to be Vince McMahon. It's just, it's like a weird, it's, it's, it's totally true. It's spot on.
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So this is reminding me of another thing. So, okay. So as a European, right? So you see, you absorb internet content. So this type of stuff I see, I just felt this WWE drama farming type of entertainment thing coming through. And then on the other end, and I'm sure you've covered these types of guys. I'm sure you know about like the whole nostalgia critic, that whole channel awesome cringe type of shit, early internet stuff, right?
Yeah, for sure.
Unknown_02: Those types of guys, what I noticed there is every one of those guys, whereas guys like Ethan Ralph have the WWE permeating through them, they always have mystery science theater. That's the thing, which is another thing I've never seen a single thing of, but I just, through osmosis, just through...
I don't know how you catch up on this type of stuff as a European. You just see themes happening in this internet cultural niche.
Unknown_02: And that's what I noticed with early reviewers like Spoonie and Angry Video Game Nerd and these type of guys. They love Mystery Science Theater somehow. What do you think about that? Have you thought about that before?
Unknown_08: Yeah, I've never attributed it to Mystery Science Theater. It's true. If you don't know, it's like this thing where it's just like they watched really bad movies. And they kind of had like these silhouettes of the characters making jokes throughout the movie.
Unknown_08: and that show got destroyed by the american copyright law system but um yeah it definitely had like a huge impact on on people and how they yeah so that's one of the examples so again we got a lot of american media in europe but that's one of the examples that we didn't get and then
Unknown_02: Through the people that got influenced by that, I learned about their influence, basically, even though it was covertly. It's a really weird thing, you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, it's like you've seen so much derivative shit of something that you've never watched the original of that you already know what the original is. It's kind of like with Romeo and Juliet. You never have to read Romeo and Juliet because you've seen so many things based off of that that you know exactly what the fuck happens to it.
Unknown_02: Yes. By the way, I've never seen Star Wars, and I know that fucking Darth Vader is the guy's dad.
Unknown_08: Really?
Unknown_02: You know?
Unknown_08: Whenever I hear someone hasn't watched Star Wars, that kind of impresses me, because it's such an international thing, too, like the obsession with Star Wars.
Unknown_02: No, but here's the thing.
Unknown_02: I remember when the re-releases came out in the 90s, the late 90s. I had a birthday party. It was my birthday party, and my mom dropped us off in the... theater to watch the first Star Wars movie. I forget what his goal is. Empire Strikes Back or whatever. I don't know. Jedi or something.
And we were being so loud in the theater because it was just... It is kind of boring. Honestly, it is just kind of boring. That's the way I remember it at least. Maybe I'd enjoy it more nowadays, but... So we got kicked out of the theater, out of the cinema. And we were just, we were like, we were like. The manager saved you from being like a Star Wars fanboy.
Unknown_02: But here's the thing. So we were eating like hot dogs and food and stuff like that. And here's the thing.
Unknown_02: They kicked us out. And then I think, I don't know if we discovered this, but one of my friends was like,
Unknown_02: Hey, look, if you put your finger down your throat, you can vomit up your food. And we were all putting our fingers down in our throat and vomiting. Okay. So now there's all these piles of vomit in front of the theater. And then one of the theater cards comes out. You're like, get the fuck out.
Unknown_02: We just kind of scattered into the city, right? Now, this is a bunch of 10 years old that were in the big city. Now, my mom, she dropped us off at the cinema for my birthday party, and she watched us go inside, and then she went shopping in the city, expecting when she came back after an hour and a half, after 90 minutes, to come pick us up again.
Now, when she arrived there, to her amazement, there was a person cleaning up puke in front of the cinema, and the kids were gone. Now, she's responsible for like eight kids, and we're gone. I don't remember the exact details, but I do remember this was like a huge disaster back then. It got me a good whooping when I got home.
You should animate that story because it's very visual.
Unknown_08: It's such an insulting thing.
Unknown_02: Oh, you know what you should do? How about you animate that thing, okay, you fucking bitch? You know what you should do instead of telling that story?
Unknown_02: How about you animate it? I can't get back to it.
Unknown_08: I'm just saying it has a very clear visual storytelling to it, okay? I'm trying to help you out here. I'm taking offense to it.
Unknown_02: Yeah, that's just when I think of Star Wars, that's my Star Wars experience. You know what I'm saying? I haven't really ever watched it. No, I get it. It kind of makes sense why your stuff is so different from a lot of other people's work.
It's just because you've managed to somehow just incidentally separate yourself from so many of the influences that normal people watch. And you're just inundated in European culture and European stuff. No.
Unknown_03: You're wrong.
Unknown_08: You're wrong.
Unknown_03: I'll tell you this.
Unknown_02: I'll tell you this. No, you're sort of right. But here's a funny anecdote about the European, or specifically about the Netherlands again.
So I remember talking about this before, and Americans noted, like, holy shit, in the Netherlands, in the 90s, these were the sitcoms on my little Dutch boy television, in American language, because the Netherlands is the only country in Europe that does not dub over American shows. So that's why I speak English fairly well, because just...
Unknown_01: I grew up with like English Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but with subtitles.
Unknown_02: Whereas if you go to Germany, it's like... With no subs. But I got... This is like the gamut of shows that were on my Dutch boy TV, okay? Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The Cosby Show. The Jamie King Show with Jamie Foxx. The Wayans Brothers.
Unknown_02: Um, fuck, Martin, with Martin Lawrence, um, we even had one, I forget what the fuck it's called, uh, the guy that, ooh, ooh, ooh, what's that black guy? I brought another black, we had, it was like one black sitcom after the other. That's what I grew up with, blacks. I thought everybody in America was black.
Was B.E.T. like a Dutch station or something?
Unknown_02: This was regular, normal Dutch syndicated TV that just aired these shows.
Unknown_07: That's weird.
Unknown_02: That's super weird. Yeah, isn't that fucking strange?
Unknown_02: So if your theory was right, I would just be making boring comedy right now.
Unknown_08: No, maybe the issue was that what you were exposed to just repulsed you to American culture, and so you actively sought to avoid it whenever possible. And that's how you ended up to where you were.
I will say this. When I watched all these black shows, it was literally one black sitcom after the other, interjected with like The Nanny maybe and Al Bundy. Just complete 90s misery and degeneracy, basically. I don't know if you would call it degeneracy, but it wasn't really like elevating the human spirit, something like Al Bundy. It's just miserable. So you would see Al Bundy being miserable, interjected with blacks having a lot of good times.
And I don't think I was like rejecting it, but it was really kind of obvious to me that there were sort of, even in my young, stupid kid brain, I was like, this is a little much. I remember thinking that, like, what the fuck is all these, everything's black. I remember thinking that, because it was really overtly so. And I remember talking to Americans about this, about our television schedule, and they were like, what the fuck? Oh, yeah, here, the Tracy Morgan show we had, the Tracy Morgan show. You know that black guy?
Unknown_08: Yeah, it's kind of a known thing in the U.S. that like in the 90s and 2000s, because what had happened is that the saccharine, like wholesome sitcom was like an 80s thing. And then in the 90s, they kind of turned that on its head, starting with The Simpsons, where you had dysfunctional families, stupid fathers, absentee fathers, strong, controlling mothers. And the kids were usually like problemed and they had issues. But then at the same time, On black television, they were kind of just copying the 80s thing, but for black families to try and give them what they had saw for white television. So that's why you see that, is because they were deliberately trying to satirize wholesome television at the same time that black people were just trying to emulate it.
Yeah, they were, like, raising the morale on black people because they felt that was needed in that community, whereas they were satirizing and subverting, like, the happy, the lucky, like...
nuclear family style shows from like the even like the like the 60s 70s and 80s but then again another aspect of that next to like the cliche tropes of that because and by the way here's the thing those tropes have never succeeded they're still around okay so the dumb white guy and like the divorcee and the degenerate kids those sitcom tropes are still around and i'm saying so they've never like course corrected that Or anything like that, you know what I'm saying? But another thing that happened in the 90s is, too, you started to slowly see, like, gay couples and more divorce and lesbianism and all that type of stuff. Normalizing homosexuality and shit like that.
Unknown_05: Yeah.
Unknown_02: Yeah. I don't know they did that in... Well, okay, you know, in the Martin show, he was cross-dressing as every single character, but... Sort of like Eddie Murphy would be doing in his movies.
Unknown_08: Okay, I got two more people I want a fast opinion on, and then I think that's the point to wrap it up.
Dick Masterson. What a fucking faggot.
Unknown_02: No, no, no. I'm going to be appearing on Dick Masterson on Sunday, by the way. Yeah. You have a problem with him?
Unknown_08: I have a problem with everybody. Rather, everybody has a problem with me too.
Unknown_02: What about Vito, his co-host?
Unknown_02: Okay, so again, here's the truth, but I always speak the truth. I asked because I appeared on Dick Mastin without Vito last year during my comic book launch. Uh-huh. Now, what I've seen about Dick Mastin is that he was also shitting on Ripperverse and stuff like that, which I kind of thought was kind of cool.
You know, I...
Unknown_02: and uh but i again i'm not a guy that tunes into the podcast really at all you know i'm saying so i just know through osmosis i know things um what but you're about to tell me that dick masson has like 15 illegitimate black children and he strangled the baby in a bathtub i'm not gonna tell you anything i think it's best i think you gotta you gotta live innocent
Now, what I heard about Vito is he's, like, a pedophile type of guy or something like that. I don't know. He's a pedophile. And what I know about Vito, too, is, like, he created a – okay, wait. I gave Vito some tips and DMs a little bit when he started his comic book. I was like, listen – because he – oh, he asked a question on – okay, let me remember this correctly. He asked a question on Twitter. He was like – he put, like, some kind of a retro filter on his book, and it was like – what do you guys prefer with or without retro filter? And I was, all my alarm bells went off. I'm like, dude, So I had to DM him because of my professional concerns. I was like, listen, don't put a retro filter on your fucking comic book. I'm like, how are you going to print it? If you're going to print your comic on this type of paper, you're already going to have that sort of retro look that you want organically. So if you add a retro filter, that's going to fuck up everything. So I just felt the need to just kind of help him. And what I remember from that conversation was that he says, oh, who's doing your lettering? And I said, me. He's like, and who does your inks? I'm like, me. And I remember him saying, oh, wow, that's a lot of hats. That's what I remember from Vito. And then I know he's a raging pedophile.
I'm not saying that.
Unknown_22: I'm not trying to get you in trouble, I promise.
Unknown_02: I never say something like that. You can get me in trouble. I don't give a fuck, dude.
Unknown_08: His issue is that if you were to be as generous as humanly possible, Tavito, what he did is that he wanted to get attention. So when that movie Cuties came out, he and Dick made a bunch of jokes about how it's the best movie ever. And he went on and on about defending the right to life of pedophiles who do all this shit to get attention in the most generous interpretation possible. And that kind of miasma of being the cuties guy and being the pedophile and the guy associated with Max Carson who also did a thing about cuties, it's like... That's that's their issue is like if you were to try and advocate for them is that they stuck their their they stuck their whole face up to their fucking neck and shit. And now they smell like shit. And it's it's difficult for them to to kind of recover from that.
Gotcha, gotcha.
Unknown_02: Now, again, I literally am not familiar with the guy at all. I just told you exactly what I know about this guy. Now, if he defended... Is he, like, literally... Because I've heard some guys... Look, something like cuties comes along, and again, listen, this is such a... I'm such a...
bad person to talk about this type of stuff because I have never watched Cuties. Whenever stuff like that happens, I see it for what it is. It's sort of like this, again, it's like this drama farming type of thing. To me, when Cuties came out, I was just, okay, here's the thing of the week, you know what I'm saying? Now, what I remember with Cuties, what was Cuties again? It was like a couple, they had like sexualization of little kids. It was like, it was called, it was released in French.
Unknown_08: It was called Les Mignons or whatever. It just means like the littles, I want to say. Or like, I don't know what the fuck it was. But it was like, it was supposed to be about like French African kids coming of age. But it was mostly the thing that people commented about was that there was a lot of crotch shots of like little girls in leotards dancing. And it was very weird.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_08: Well, that's obviously bad.
Unknown_02: Oh, yeah, wasn't it, like, I think Sneeko, wasn't he also a guy that defended that movie? Because wasn't it, like, the narrative in the movie was, like, I mean, I could be wrong, right? Just tell me if I'm wrong. Wasn't it, like, the movie sort of, like, depicted...
Unknown_02: degeneracy of like the West and then like the African kids showed like the Western girls how not to twerk and be Muslim or something. Was that what it was or no? I might be completely off.
Unknown_08: No, I don't. Sneako is like a Muslim. So he was like defending. I think he, I don't remember. Sneako is not familiar with him, but there was supposed to be like a culture clash thing where it's like American dancing is clashing with East African Muslim traditions. And that was, that was like the point on paper.
What I hear, you know, what would bother me about this, if I would have to look into the situation, I already know what would bother me about this is that this is some kind of a lesbian feminist that got funded by the French government, and another person with a really good idea, proper movie idea, got snubbed out because he didn't check all the diversity boxes, and then this was to whoever has, like, the big government taxpayer art fund in Paris...
They decided to go with one of their communist nepotistic fucking friends and they gave some fucking lesbian a bunch of money to make like a movie about immigration, reconciliation. That's what that sounds like to me. I might be completely off. And then to me, what I hear when people start fucking having internet debates about that, you're actually – you're part of the problem because you're proving – to these commies that have subverted the entire art scene who are wasting taxpayer monies and subsidies that this oh you see it's causing a debate you know now if they're actually showing like child porn that obviously they should all be fucking put on their knees and have like a little you know I'm not gonna fat post right now that would be my opinion
No, I wasn't trying to, like, drag you into the muck of debating cuties because, like, it's like four years fucking older.
Unknown_03: It's like a three-year-old movie.
Unknown_08: Yeah, I'm just – I kind of wanted to – I don't know. Maybe it was a – Caused a lot of trouble with me when I have to appear on that show and they go, hey, Josh.
Unknown_02: Yeah, yeah. You told Josh that he was a pedophile? Listen, again, I can deal with that shit. I really don't care. You can –
Unknown_02: Go ahead, really. I can take it. We'll do it.
Unknown_02: If they cancel my appearance, they're going to be sorry for that. Oh, they won't. They wouldn't do that.
Unknown_08: They want you. You're like a boon. You're a boon to their show. I'm a boon? You're a boon to their show, like a good thing. Mm-hmm.
Mm-mm-mm. Right. Listen, yeah, if he's a pedophile, you know what? I'll ask him about it. I'm like, listen, I've been hearing you're a pedophile. What is that about?
Unknown_08: I mean, if you do that, I'll play the clip.
Unknown_08: I'll take the response.
Unknown_02: I'll play it. Listen, dude, I'm genuine. Now that I've heard that he's a pedophile, I'll go, listen, dude, by the way, Vito, I've been hearing you're a pedophile. What is that about? I will ask him that.
Unknown_08: Okay. But it has to be genuine.
Unknown_02: I'm not going to like if everybody says, oh, he just did a rundown on Vito. This is what he did. I kind of don't want to know. You know what I'm saying? I'll ask him about it. Sure.
Unknown_08: Yeah.
Unknown_02: Okay. I'd be curious to see what he says.
Unknown_08: As far as Ralph goes, Ralph is just Ralph.
Unknown_08: He's not really changed all that much. Some weird shit's happened with him that people will give him shit for, but he's basically still Ralph.
Unknown_02: Ralph is Ralph. You know what? I think you and Ralph, you guys can become friends again and we can mend the sector and then the Erased Avengers have one extra member and we can actually start defending the realm, the sector. No, it's probably not going to happen.
It would be a bad thing just because he says such awful shit about me that at this point, trying to be nice to him, it would just be like not... It would be like...
Unknown_08: I understand what you're saying.
Unknown_02: I understand what you're saying. You'd feel like you'd be forgiving too much. But here's the thing. The way to counter that is you have to recontextualize whatever bad things he said about you as, yeah, he's just doing his Vince McMahon bit, basically.
Nah, he's said some really nasty shit.
Unknown_02: I don't want to mend any friendships. I don't give a shit.
Unknown_02: I'm just saying.
Unknown_02: I just, yeah, listen. But yeah, there was another one, another guy that you want me to shit on? Which one is it? Chances are, I don't know about this guy either.
Unknown_22: Nick Riccata? You want to shit on him real quick?
Unknown_22: Oh, is that the Jewish lawyer type of guy? Yeah, he fucking... I don't know.
Unknown_02: He's Polish, not Jewish, I think.
Unknown_08: I don't know. It's highly debated among internet racists.
Unknown_02: We all know where a lot of the Eastern Europeans immigrated from on the turn of the century. They all came from that area, but maybe he's not. He sort of looks like it. Physiogamy.
Do you cosign giving coke to nine-year-olds?
Unknown_02: This is the easy one. Contrary to popular belief, no, I do not. I think that's really bad. You know, here's a funny thing. So when we mentioned earlier, I had the big falling out with Mike David. Then this phone call, the secret phone call recording dropped of me spilling all the shitting on Mike completely.
Unknown_02: By the way, I stand by everything I said. And then this podcast with, what is that guy's called? Paul M. Hulte, like Steel Toe Morning Show? No, you definitely know some stuff. You know too much.
Leaked tape.
Unknown_02: He did like three hours on my leaked red bar tape. Oh, really?
Unknown_22: That guy.
Unknown_02: Yes. And it was actually pretty good coverage.
Unknown_08: What was the leaked red bar tape?
Unknown_02: Oh, God. Let's not get into all this. Look, it was a whole thing. Like I said, I was JQing. I was really angry about that. I went back to my hotel room. I got pissed. All of a sudden, my hotel room phone rings. I'm drunk. By the way, I got shunned by... We shouldn't even get into it. I really don't want to get into it. It's not because I just... You can find all of this. I just don't want to rehash it. I didn't give a fuck.
I really don't give a shit.
Unknown_02: Or do you really want to know?
Unknown_03: Do you really want to know?
Unknown_02: Can you, like, sum it up in just one sentence? Fucking shit. Okay, so I do Red Bar Radio. I fly out there. I'm in the studio. We have a big show. We're drinking. We're going nuts. I start JQing. He goes on pause. He tells me, don't talk about my people. I start talking about his people again. He goes on pause again. Please don't talk about my people. I do it again because I'm drunk. Then the show is over. We have a big yelling match. I tell him he's a fucking faggot. Then I go to my hotel room now. We had a huge big plan to do multiple shows and we were gonna hang out We're gonna shoot guns blah blah blah and next day. I wake up. I try to call him no answer So he's basically fucking ditching me. I flew out there for him and with his fucking show I'm in Tucson in some fucking shithole Okay, I'm like you know what he might be a little pissy. I'm gonna just hang out by the pool do my thing We'll try again tomorrow Call him again, nothing, okay? So I'm being shunned. I call his wife. Hey, what's happening? Nothing. So there's three days of me just sitting in a fucking hotel room by myself, getting more and more pissed, trying to make the best of it. All of a sudden, my hotel room phone rings, okay? Literally creepily, okay? The phone on my goddamn nightstand rings.
I pick up the phone. There's a guy there. Red bar news. Here to get the scoop. Like a creepy voice. I'm like, what the fuck is this, right? And then this guy tricks me. He's like, listen, Mike is talking massive shit about you right now. He's in the Discord. He names a bunch of realistic names. He basically ropes me in.
It all sounds super legit. I'm like, well, this guy's a fucking faggot. I just go off. I go off for like 60 minutes.
Unknown_08: So it was like a fake guy that was calling you on behalf, pretending to be Mike, and then you dumped on Mike.
Unknown_02: He's pretending to be one of Mike's inner circle guys that's in one of Mike's groups chat, naming a lot of names that would be in that group chat. Go like, yeah, Mike is fucking shitting you completely, blah, blah, blah.
And I'm like... I had no reason not to believe that. I'm drunk. And by the way, at this point, because Mike had basically ditched me in that fucking hotel room for like four or five days, I had flown out there. I'm like, you know what? And I was already, I was done with him. I had told some of my other friends, like, listen, I'm fucking done with this shit. I'm never doing this again. Fuck this guy.
Unknown_02: So I just went off. You know, I just fucked this, this, this, and another thing. You can listen to the whole call if you want at some point. And then it gets leaked and it gets circulated by like Aaron Emholland.
Unknown_02: After that's done, I realized it's too complicated. But I just realized, oh, fuck, this was not the guy who he said he was. So I realized this was probably going to get leaked. And what did I do? Even though I fucking couldn't stand Mike at this point, I was done with him. I sent Mike a message. Listen, dude, I just had a fucking phone call. This might be recorded. It's going to go. So I even gave him a heads up. And here's the funny thing. I was getting ignored by him for like four days. And when I sent him that, he's like, what the fuck? What happened? Danny didn't respond all of a sudden. You know what I'm saying? All of a sudden, he was interested in responding.
And then, yeah, that leaked phone call came out. A bunch of people did a bunch of podcasts about it. But yeah, I was just, I was done with the red bar the moment he basically ditched me. That phone call was the little cherry on top.
And yeah, you can hear the details if you listen to the whole phone call. That's basically the rundown of it. No big deal. And then again, and then the aftermath of that is like people going like, oh yeah, talk shit about him. Is he really sick? What's his disease? Here's the thing.
Unknown_02: Again,
Unknown_02: I know all the ins and outs, but you're never going to hear it because I'm not like that. I'm not going to be drama farming. This is this guy's life. I wish him the best of luck.
Unknown_02: I have no ill will to, I don't want to destroy him or stuff like that. That's literally not in my character. Like, let the guy do what he wants to do. I'm not one of, because here's the thing, what people are used to, whenever Mike is falling out with somebody, it becomes a huge deal. They start spitting on each other, big blah, blah, blah.
I don't have that in me. I don't want to do it. I don't want my life to become that type of shit. It's just not in my character. And I understand it would be entertaining for a lot of people. And I could destroy him.
Unknown_02: But I don't want to destroy him. Because we used to be good friends.
Unknown_02: And I'm proud of him and I'm proud of what he did. And I like Jules, his wife.
But sometimes when you think you're friends with somebody and then they show you a certain level of disrespect...
Unknown_02: then it becomes time to just go you know what this is as much as i will take and then we just you just separate amicably you know so uh he will no longer have the privilege of having me in his life that's the way i look at it you know what i'm saying if people disrespect you one too many times
Unknown_02: That's about it. You can't keep forgiving somebody. You know what I'm saying? You can't keep going, you know what, he's just doing it. It's okay. It's fine. That's it. But it doesn't mean I want to kill him or destroy him or anything like that. So you're never going to get any of that from me.
Unless he starts, if he pulls the first punch, there's going to be some atomic bombs, but I don't think that'll ever happen.
Unknown_08: That's probably a good idea, though, because it distracts you from what you're trying to do, right?
Unknown_02: Yeah, that's not what my shit is. Listen, that's not... I explained that before, you know what I'm saying? That's not my vibes.
Unknown_13: Yeah.
Unknown_02: You know what I'm saying? But you should probably listen to that phone call. You'll get a lot of extra context to this. But hey, Butch Killigan number two. Go check it out right now. The best indie comic ever. If you actually want to get a comic that is contrary to the top-down corporate Jewish-controlled media...
Get this one.
Unknown_03: Great.
Unknown_08: I'm a subscriber. You should be too if it sounds interesting to you.
Unknown_08: Sven Stoffel's Very Small World. Crazy to hear how deep your roots are in the sphere that we're in. The sector, some might say. The sector, that's right.
Unknown_02: Yeah, dude. Well, it was really great talking to you. We should do it again sometime. Maybe this was a good pilot for you if ever there would be another interesting person for you to talk to that's not like a complete mongoloid at Down syndrome.
Yeah, it is. It's nice to have a chat with somebody that's not like a sane person.
Unknown_02: Isn't it? You were sort of hesitant. You're like, you know what? I never do this. But I think it went pretty well. What do you think? Recap? Quick recap?
Unknown_08: Yeah, I think so. I think we covered everything. We covered Dutch history, Indonesian history, the history of West European arts and the influences in the comic industry. I think we covered all our bases.
Jesus Christ, yeah, did we ever. Can we scroll one more time to my Kickstarter page? Because people really need to go and support this Kickstarter. The Indiegogo has been on the screen, but also this is the... I know, but Indiegogo is kind of like, that's the variant cover. That's not, we really need the Kickstarter. Oh, that's the variant cover. We need to get both. You need to get both. They're very collectible, both the covers. And they're in limited print, too. And of course, if you missed out on the first campaign, you can still get Butch Gilligan Volume 1. When you go to pick your reward tier, then go to checkout, and you can pick an add-on. There's even signed copies. I went to Texas, by the way, a couple of months ago. I went to Texas Comic Con, my first Comic Con. I was there selling books, and I signed a bunch of books. I should have probably signed more.
But I signed some books. You can add those on to your pledge. But yeah, come on, guys. You need to get this freaking campaign running. We need to become the next Ripperverse. You know what I'm saying? Co-signed by Josh right here. He loves it. Right, Josh?
Unknown_08: I did enjoy the first one. Out of all the comic books I've read, all three of them, it was definitely the best. I mean, come on.
And it is the best on Kickstarter right now. We've got to make it happen. You guys got to support me, help me out here. So you can get started on book three. You're going to get your copy. This is not you funding my dream, my idea. And then once it's funded, I'm going to start. No, the book's done, okay? You're going to get your book 100,000%.
Unknown_02: It's awesome. It rules. Go check it out. Please support it.
Unknown_02: Man, I guess that's it. I love being here, dude. It was awesome. By the way, for me, it's 2 a.m. Do you know that it's 2 a.m. for me? Well, I'm very sorry for keeping you up.
I know. It's fine, dude. Yeah, we've got to do it again sometime, dude. You're an awesome dude. Really intelligent guy. I love talking to you.
Unknown_08: Yep. Talk to you later.
Unknown_02: Am I going to go now?
Unknown_08: Yeah, because I have my notes for the stream, so I think I just have to hang up at this point.
Unknown_02: Oh, so right now?
Unknown_08: Yeah. Bye-bye.
Okay, first interview I've done in a while. I will...
Unknown_08: Let's see. The thing is, I have to pee. And I have my entire stream still. I only intended to talk for an hour. Okay, here's what we'll do. We'll have an intermission as we do. Take the links off because we're done.
Unknown_08: And I will put us... You know what? I think that the most accurate way to do a little intermission is with this. We'll just put this on the screen for about a minute.
And that's all today. I'll be right back. Give me one minute.
Okay, I'm back. The fastest pier in the West.
Unknown_08: My perspective on that discussion, by the way, was that... I mean, honestly, I didn't intend to bring up so much. I just wanted to, like...
Unknown_08: have him give like a quick opinion about those people and I didn't expect like a whole thing about it so Sven should never consent to a police interrogation because he he gives up way more information than is requested of him that's not a bad that's not a good trait when you are under interrogation okay I did wash my hands of course
Let's see.
Unknown_06: Great interview. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, he's talking to us. That's okay.
Unknown_08: Um, I don't, there are some people that in the chat that I felt were a little bit too hard. Um, he's trying to sell his book. So, you know, if you can reach these different audiences of people to raise awareness of your commercial work, I can understand that. Um, not everybody in the entire world needs to know that Juju the cow is a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow.
i am i am a naturally a positive poly chat as you all know so i'm a little bit more forgiving than i assume some people are cool okay so now begins the actual stream chat uh this is going to be a four hour long stream i guess we're just you know what where else am i going to be nowhere fuck it so let's talk about the the news and as always when i talk about the news i need a hamster a news hamster to help me
Unknown_08: Oh, shit. Oh, this one. Okay, sorry. I accidentally clicked the jihad hamster.
Unknown_08: We were talking about Islam, so I guess that's appropriate.
Unknown_08: I did buy the comic. Okay.
Unknown_08: So the Internet Archive was hacked. It was defaced with a small JavaScript pop-up that just said, like, we've hacked the site and 31 million user accounts are being sent to Have I Been Pwned, which is a hack dump.
And apparently the motivations of the hacker were that the Internet Archive supports Israel.
Unknown_08: Or rather, the Internet Archive is owned by the U.S. government, which supports Israel, which is not true. Kind of a bizarre attack.
Unknown_08: However, it is a long, one hack, one unfortunate event after a long series of unfortunate events. of befalling people who tried to destroy the Kiwi Farms. If you don't remember, the Internet Archive tried to, or did effectively remove any archive regarding kiwifarms.net at the request of Liz Fong Jones, and also removed all the tweets that belonged to Taylor Lorenz, allegedly because one of Taylor Lorenz's family members was on the board. However, they dispute that. They claim that the – they specifically in a very roundabout way say that the chief – it's not the CEO. It's the chief operating officer or whatever of the board for the 501C3 is somebody not related to Lorenz.
They very specifically address the claim that Taylor Lorenz's uncle owns the nonprofit, but they're like, actually, Thwetty, nobody owned the nonprofit, and our COO is not related. So if there's actually somebody related to Taylor Lorenz on that board, that's never been addressed. I tried to dig and find evidence of this, and I couldn't find it. I just either found the incorrect claim that the owner is her uncle, but regardless, it's nice to see bad things happening to bad people.
The DOJ has announced after winning their decision against Google that Google is a monopoly. Now the question is sort of like after World War One, it's like, OK, well, we won. How do we how do we terminate this lawsuit? What do we actually want to happen? to create equity, and it's considering a breakup.
The most notable breakup that they're considering is that they want to remove the advertising service of Google Ads from Google Search, because right now it's like AdSense gets to choose what platforms it's on, and it gets to choose that it doesn't want to be on any search engines. So they're saying that they kind of want to take Google AdSense and make it its own thing that has certain neutrality obligations owed by the court.
Unknown_08: So that would be interesting if I could run ads like regular banner ads on the Kiwi Farms. But that's probably not what's going to happen. They're not going to enforce that kind of shit. But I did run ads on the Kiwi Farms years ago before we got banned. And we made like $200 a month. And that was back when the site was really, really, really small. So I just imagine if I could run ads on the forum right now, like in the prominent positions, I would probably make like $10,000 a month just from unobtrusive banner ads from guest traffic. So crazy.
That's not going to happen.
They went like a specific court-appointed monopoly officer, sort of like a weird position, that Google has to pay. And the monopoly officer would be somebody who's accountable to the court only. So Google would have to have this officer. This officer would have access to everything in the company. And the guy would be on staff 24-7 so that if the court calls and asks for something, he has to reply. Okay.
Unknown_08: And so basically the government would just be plugged into Google to make mandates for whatever they want in the company to hold them accountable. So I'm not really super happy about this. It doesn't sound like it would actually improve anything, but I guess we'll see.
Speaking of total advertiser death, Ford has patented a new proprietary system that I'm sure you all will be very happy to hear.
Unknown_08: They're going to put microphones in your car. They're going to listen to what you talk about. They're going to track your GPS location. They're going to transmit this information to the Ford headquarters, and based off what you're talking about and where you're at, they're going to place advertisements on your center entertainment console and show you what they think will sell. So, for instance, if you talk, hey, I'm hungry, and I know that you're heading eastbound on this road, and there's a McDonald's coming up. Hey, oh, chicken nuggets right on the screen. Wouldn't you love some McDonald's, consumer? So they've patented this. However, Ford, in response to controversy in regards to this patent, came out and said that when we have a really creative idea, we go ahead and patent it, and then that becomes a part of our intellectual property portfolio. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to implement it. So don't get twisted. It's just some property that we're going to have. So they patented this, but they say, don't worry, we're not actually going to use it. We just want to sell it to somebody who might.
That's not really very assuring.
Unknown_08: Maybe don't patent bad ideas. Don't patent chemicals that are specifically designed to murder white people. I think if you patent a thing like that, then people are allowed to say, go fuck yourself. You're a piece of shit. Fun fact.
Unknown_08: This is a TikToker explaining what I just explained.
Unknown_08: He shows clips of the patent, which is why I'm going to play this.
Ford has filed a patent that will allow them to play ads on the infotainment screens inside their vehicles. And according to the patent, it would select which ads to show people by essentially spying on them. The patent would allow the system to make predictions about where the driver was going based on their travel history. and also be able to integrate third-party data. So if you drive past a Target every day on your way home from work, and the night before you are looking at products on Target's website, when you get into your car to head home from work, the system will play you an ad for products on sale at Target. The system will also be able to listen to conversations between passengers and pick up on keywords, either about the destination you're heading to, and then present you with ads for things that are on the way, or if someone says, I'm hungry, it can play you ads for restaurants.
I just find that crazy. Like, yeah, that guy's like cringing soy, but he showed the parts of the patents that show that this isn't like a theory. It's not like, oh, God, you know, if they are allowed to if they're allowed to do X, Y, Z, they could also do ABC. And that would be really bad. It's like that's in the patent. The dystopian nightmare reality that you want to avoid is actually just a part of their patent so that it's included in the intellectual property for the patent for the next seven years.
Unknown_08: I didn't even remember the part about the third party services. So they can sell your data. to an advertising aggregate that already knows where you live because your phone company sells your address and already knows what you're interested in because Google AdSense and Facebook ads is selling the fact that you visited Target the other day. And so it knows, oh, this guy's going to drive past Target in a bit because he's driving home from work.
and we know that he's interested in buying this product. So we'll show a Target ad featuring this product. So he thinks, ah, I will stop by this Target and buy this product.
Unknown_08: And if they... I don't know. Like, I would rather be shot than live in that kind of society. Like, for real. You know they're going to charge you, like, money to turn off... You have to subscribe to Ford Plus to get, like, the fucking infotainment console banned. If there is any... If there is any good people in the government, NHTSA will come out and say, actually, sweaty, you can't play fucking ads on the infotainment dashboard. No fucking ads on the speedometer. No...
Like, oh, you're in a hurry. Maybe stop by Raceway for a $1 slushie. Like, no. No ads on the odometer. No ads on the infotainment screen. No ads in your fucking car. No ads. Fuck ads.
Unknown_08: Please, NHTSA. Please, government, save us from the hell. I know that the hell is being created by the agents that also own the government, but you have created a worse hell without the government hell than the hell that you would bring as the government. So please bring that hell instead.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Unknown_06: Hurricane Milton came and went.
Unknown_08: It was a catastrophic fucking flop. It was supposed to kill everybody. It fucking didn't. So it reached like the top 10 in barometric pressure. But then Ethan Ralph says, Hurricane Milton, I ain't afraid of you. He went to the very coast of the Yucatan Peninsula as close to Milton as he could get. And he says, fuck you, bitch. In his words, rattled around like blades in the heart of the storm, slicing and opening the eye of Milton. And it wobbled. Much like when Ethan Ralph walks with his camera in first-person perspective, you can see him wobbling. So, too, did Hurricane Milton wobble to and fro and collapse dead. on the peninsula of Florida, completely broken by Ethan Ralph's triumphant view. So it was a category four when it landed boring. We were, we were sitting around like jerking off thinking like, Oh my God, this could be a category six. This could kill hundreds of people and cause billions of dollars of financial harm and then it lands and it's just like it's like a ruined orgasm it's like category four what the fuck that's not what i was promised by the media fuck you um
I don't know. I should show some clips. You know, if this wasn't a two-hour long stream already, I would play some fucking clips, but I'm not. You know what a hurricane looks like. I think the most interesting thing that came out of the hurricane is this guy. Just some fucking guy that only has one leg, and he was going to, like...
Unknown_08: His story is so complicated because it's like he's going to say, I'm not going to leave my boat. I'm Lieutenant Dan. They call me Lieutenant Dan because I only have one leg, like in that movie, Forrest Gump. I'm going to stay on my boat. And then everyone instinctively hated this guy because it's like, why are you so popular for being a fucking idiot and living in your fucking boat during a hurricane?
So then this person, I don't know if this person originated it, but this is a big source of it. Bitch Evaporate came out and said that Lieutenant Dan was this convicted. I guess she's a face blind autistic person of a specific descent. Because she doesn't fucking know that this guy and this guy are not the same people. So she falsely accused him of being a convicted child sex offender. However, the issue with him is not only are their names completely different besides the last name. This guy is currently in prison for 110 years for his child sex offenses. So it's definitely not the guy in the fucking boat in Florida. When the guy that is arrested for...
child sex offenses is in Wisconsin on the other side of the fucking country, currently in a fucking penitentiary, okay? So I even fell for this. I was like, oh, it makes sense that all these idiots are going to hype up somebody who's going to turn out to be a fucking chomo or something. But no, he's just a guy who lives in a boat and has one leg. Aiden Ross offered him $100,000, but then because this happened, he rescinded his invitation to give him $100,000. And also...
Unknown_08: Um, kick offered him a $2 million signing deal for streaming on kick, which I don't know. There's some people out there that put in a lot of fucking work and advertise their fucking platform and can't fucking monetize it. Cause they're banned from stripe who want to go back to the U S and buy a fucking house that $2 million would really, really, really help with. But this guy has one leg and he's living in a boat. So I guess he gets $2 million, whatever. Um, And then he didn't even stay in the fucking boat. The sheriff has persuaded him to leave. And apparently he went to a shelter before the hurricane landed. So he didn't even fucking do it. That's the story of Lieutenant Dan and how everybody involved in this is a fucking retard, including the guy that thought he was going to stay on a boat in the middle of a hurricane.
Why would you do that? How bad? That's the other thing. That's the real takeaway from this, is all the people who are like, you know what?
Now that we're in the TikTok era, we can just, like, throw our lives into dangerous situations for clicks and views. Let's just go to Florida during a Category 17 hurricane and see what happens. Come on, y'all. We might get a kick deal for $2 million. Um...
Unknown_06: Then, okay, so this is in like a vague category of just what I call election news.
But this is an air quotes. None of this has anything to do with politics. This is just how retarded this campaign is. So this guy in the University of Kansas is going to let you know what should happen to men who don't vote for Kamala.
Unknown_00: There are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don't think females are smart enough to be presidents.
Unknown_00: We could line all those guys up and shoot them. They clearly don't understand the way the world works.
Unknown_00: Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don't want the deans hearing that I said that.
I love that stutter.
Unknown_08: He's trying to play it off like he's a cool hard-ass. He's like, did I say that?
Unknown_08: You know, just scratch that from the record. I didn't hear that. He's like trying to strike that I'm too cool for school and also I'm about to shit my fucking pants. I can't believe I just fucking fed posted in a university campus and in a post-COVID era where everything is recorded all the time. Awesome. Cool.
Unknown_08: Yeah, I mean, I think that there's a lot of people out there who would agree that if you don't vote the way that they would agree with, then you should be shot. That's an interesting take on politics. Shooting people that vote that you disagree with based on their vote. Interesting idea. Haven't heard that one in a while. Might want to be careful with that, though. Might want to be careful before you float that one around. Because you don't know what kind of people might actually want to take you up on that.
Unknown_08: So Kamala was doing a little, what's the thing, a little rally, right? And so she invited all her friends and said, hey, friends, you want to come to my rally? And then she was thinking or her campaign was thinking, we got to get Kamala out there in front of the white dudes who vote for Trump.
And we need to get those white dudes voting for him. So how do we do this? What do we do to get Kamala on the same screen without any kind of chudly zitter posting? How do we get her in front of white dudes?
Unknown_08: And so through their combined 10 million IQ, they came up with this.
Unknown_12: Now I mainly do content creation and guy writing and all that. But yeah, you're probably surprised to see WoW. And what we're doing here, this is kind of a new initiative, doing a rally with some WoW content here as well. Hold on. I need to make sure I don't die to this root.
This is Preheat, a World of Warcraft streamer with 51,000 followers on YouTube or on Twitch. And Kamala Harris' campaign invited him to co-host, guest host, her official campaign Twitch channel to do World of Warcraft content while the campaign played on the left-hand side. So as the Kamala stuff was happening, you would also get a little blast of World of Warcraft stuff.
on the side. Actually, I guess Tim Waltz is the only one talking at this one in Arizona. Now, you may notice that the chat is in bitch mode, which is when they go emote-only mode. So, everyone's participating, but they're only pressing buttons so that way they don't have to moderate anything. You can see that the emotes are, yeah. Now, that's what I like. I want you to imagine a
Unknown_08: A big, beautiful wall. Just a nice, strong, aesthetic building. And then imagine coming out of this building, the side of this building, this brick building, Kamala Harris' face. And then just imagine the words, yeah, repeated over and over again all around her face. So it's a building with Kamala's face 3D coming out of it. And just the words, yeah, yeah, yeah, all around it. Affirming that she is in fact our beloved leader and will lead us to a bright future. This is what we're getting here. You don't need to type because you already have the only word you need in the chat. Yeah.
And then also pansexual pride. Yeah, pansexual pride. Yeah, non-binary pride. Yeah, transgender pride. This is it. This is the right message. This is what goes on the wall.
Unknown_08: Cool. So that's not the end of it. So we have an issue here.
Unknown_08: people aren't really motivated to go out and vote for Kamala Harris. All the chuds that are angry about the government are going to go out and vote for Trump. But how do we get the non-chuds to come out and vote for Kamala Harris, or maybe the undecided voter?
Well, come once in a lifetime, an endorsement that at any other point in American history would have actually been a detriment, we have the co-signatories of the porn industry saying, backing up queen kamala conservatives are planning to criminalize porn don't let them control what you watch i will fight to protect my right to privacy in my own home
Unknown_08: And you can sign the pledge. You can put in your email address and zip code and sign the pledge. Hands off my porn.
Unknown_08: This is serious. Over 140 Trump appointees wrote the plan to outlaw porn. Trump's allies want to use the full weight of the U.S. government to get rid of all pornography.
Their $22 million plan called Project 2025 is written by hundreds of Trump's political appointees and endorsed by over 100 conservative organizations. And we have to see this. Stop scaring America. Watching porn doesn't make you transgender. Now, if you remember...
Let's see. How about this one?
Unknown_08: Article on the dough. Porn helped me bloom into a trans man and let go of sex shame. Sorry, this is just unrelated. I'm just having like a fucking... My brain is like melting out of my fucking ears.
Unknown_06: I don't know if this is like an anti thing or a pro thing.
Unknown_08: Transgender's connection with pornography. It's undeniable.
Unknown_08: I am a parent of a female child who has rapid onset gender dysphoria. So this person is a parent with a child who's transgender, and they say it's undeniable. I'm just searching porn and transgenders, which you have to be very careful. Oh, how about this one from Scary Mommy?
Watching porn helped me discover my sexuality. Okay.
Unknown_06: Can we get one more?
Unknown_06: Oh, how about this one? I like this one.
Unknown_08: This one works. This is from the Huffington Post, which I'm told is a reliable source. It says, How I found my gender through being a queer porn star. Let's read the first paragraph here. I am genderqueer. I could say gender variant, but I know what I am. Queer. I do not vary slightly from the standard form. I fuck it all up. I knew I was not a boy or a girl when I was a child. I did not have the words to explain what it meant to my friends and family. Trans did not fit, but neither did the cisgender. Hmm.
But don't worry. HandsOffMyPorn.com says, stop scaring America. I mean, I'm going to be real with you. I actually think this is heckin' problematic, because when trans people and queer folks are saying that porn helps them discover their identity, and it's important that children as young as possible see porn so that they can discover non-heteronormative lifestyles, and you're saying that's not true on your campaign website, that's a fucking issue, and we should really unpack this. That's what I think, chat.
Unknown_08: And then, if that isn't fucking retarded enough, I like this one too. Vote no on Initiative 83. This is an initiative in the District of Columbia. So this is a city.
Unknown_08: They're weird. They're boundaries. But this is a thing for the city. And the very, very progressive area of the district said, hey, this whole two-party shit kind of fucking sucks. How about we do ranked choice voting?
Unknown_08: Ranked choice voting is interesting. I don't have a full opinion on this yet because it's a big thought experiment. Ranked choice voting is basically saying that you get a list of options and you pick them with numbers. So you vote, I prefer Donald Trump the most. If I can't have Donald Trump, I'll take Ron Paul second. If I can't get Ron Paul, and then if you just... I'll take Kamala. And that's how you rank him. And if you just leave them...
There's like a special it doesn't matter if you like leave them blank because of how it's calculated. So if you like if you don't even want to put a three for Kamala, it just like there's a mathematical way to approximate where they would be in your rank or something. It's a little bit more complicated. And that's one of the main detriments to it is that it is more complicated. Whereas first past the post to party is extremely simple. Every fucking retard can get what it means.
There are situations in a ranked choice system where the person who received the most number one preferences will lose to a person who received many more second preferences. So you get somebody who nobody is particularly happy with. That's an outcome of the ranked choice system, which is why some people don't support it. So I'm just letting you know, this is a funny thing to me because it is like... Um, this obvious, don't be fooled. Initiative 83 will suppress the vote of marginalized populations and reverse the gender and racial makeup of DC elected officials. Vote no on initiative 83. Oh, look, the vote. When you vote rank choice, your vote looks suspiciously like the NSDAP flag. A vote for rank choice is a vote for Nazis.
Um, so, I don't know. I think that ranked choice probably benefits minority groups, because then you have parties that represent minority interests having a chance to get elected, right? But, I don't know. I just found this very funny, because it's like, this is such a shitty website. They're like begging, no, we need a system that only Democrats and Republicans can live in, or win in. Please don't make us compete outside of this two-party system.
Never. I never want this.
Unknown_06: First choice is Jeb Bush.
Unknown_08: Second choice, Hitler. And then third choice, Ronald McDonald.
Unknown_08: You know, every single election, there are write-in votes cast in our general election for Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse. Every single year, Ronald McDonald and Mickey Mouse get votes to be President of the United States. Now, that's a winning ticket.
Mouse, Mouse, Donald, Donald Mouse? Mm-hmm. That's powerful. That's a strong word. That's a vote for the future of this country.
Unknown_08: For the economic and cultural hegemon dominance of this entire world. Donald Mouse will unify all peoples of Earth under the American flag, whether they like it or not. And they will like it. They'll fucking love it. Ba-da-ba-ba-ba! Vote today.
That's pretty good. I'm proud of myself.
Unknown_08: Let's see. Oh, God. Okay, now we're depressed. We're going into the depressed segment of the stream chat.
Unknown_06: The Troon segment.
Unknown_06: Let's talk about this gay guy.
So this is a little boy in drag. His dad has allowed him to transition and show off his midriff for TikTok clicks. His dad's a homosexual. You'll hear it for yourself. This is my daughter, Edie. Oh, my God.
Unknown_08: Warning. Warning. Portal to hell opening. Temperature inside 1 million degrees Kelvin.
Unknown_14: And today is a big day because she's going on her first date.
Unknown_18: So the guy I'm meeting is a big fan of Stranger Things. So I got him some gifts.
It's so, it's so demonic. If you picture this fucking soy jack faggot holding his iPhone 97 in his hand and just imagine him, he's doing the soy jack face. He's hunched over. his son is in this dress and he's got his fingers like um pinchy fingers on his phone and he's like zooming in and out like opening and closing his pinchy fingers to like zoom in and out and create that camera effect and he's just standing there soy jacking like yeah babe you're doing beautiful you're doing beautiful lass like that's what's happening in the reality of this this um if you zoom out of this from his perspective that's what's going on here
So I got him some gifts. So first I got Jonathan, then I got Mac, then I got Henry, and I also got Dustin. Oh, and if the date doesn't work out, I'm keeping them.
Unknown_18: I also got him this iPad so he can FaceTime me. I'll also be keeping this if the date doesn't go well.
Unknown_18: Okay, now I'm all ready to go on a date.
Unknown_08: Dude, there's something so disgusting about buying your son a crop. Like, even if it was a girl, like a natal girl, and she's going out on her first date and she's like 10, buying her like a crop top to show off midriff is like vile. You wouldn't do that for your own daughter. But he's going to buy his son like a crop. That's fucking gross, man.
This is the, this guy is just 2 million subscribers. People watching this and not fucking reporting it to the police for child abuse. 2 million.
Unknown_08: What the fuck?
Unknown_08: Unfucking real.
Unknown_08: And he only gets like 50,000 views on the first day for his fucking videos. Dude.
I can't fucking believe this. I'm actually like mad. A date?
Unknown_13: Dude.
Unknown_06: This channel's been around for 10 years, so those are like ghost subscribers? When did he join?
Unknown_06: Jonathan Jolie in the UK. Okay.
Unknown_08: And he joined in 2007. Dude, no way. This guy is like social media brain for sure. He's been around and he's been doing the fucking grind for so long that when he sees his son, he thinks that's clicks. That's subscribers. That's ad rev. That's affiliate money. If he starts wearing the dress and getting fucked in the ass by older boys and I put him on dates and film that shit, that's fucking cash money. That's what's going on here. This guy's a fucking freak.
check his older vids okay that's a good idea actually oldest i can sort by oldest okay it's all like music videos draw my life why will i quit youtube there is a timeline where that little boy is not getting molested and it's the one where the answer that was yes so he had his kids oh he was like a family vlogger to begin with me dude
Hey guys and welcome to a special video of reading stories.
Unknown_14: What?
Unknown_06: Is he retarded?
Unknown_14: He legit sounds like a fucking retard mongolian. Inside a crib with Biba. Alright, let's go.
Unknown_14: It's like a gameplay except it's in a crib with Biba. Alright, let's go.
Unknown_14: That's un-fucking-tolerable. Amelia is so fun to have video times like this. That's not the... That's not the boy.
baby daughter Q&A daughter does makeup look dude his channel his channel has missing videos
Unknown_08: all the way up to four years ago this guy went back with a fucking machete and deleted hundreds of videos i guarantee you because it jumps straight from 10 years ago to like eight years ago and then immediately from eight years ago to four years so four years of fucking history
Unknown_08: Just gone. Like, between his wife being pregnant with twins and the twins being old enough to put on fucking camera, something got deleted.
He does look like Patrick, you're right.
Unknown_06: And showing off his kid's mint riff and shit. Dude, I could... I can't...
Unknown_08: I can't even fucking imagine pouring out your own kids and putting them in like revealing clothes and thumbnails on YouTube. That's fucking obscene.
Unknown_06: When is the... When is the kid trun out?
Is the kid like already a trun by like four years old? What the fuck is happening in this?
Unknown_06: Sister, sister, brother. And then I guess he truned out the one boy? Is that what's happening here? And then they have a miscarriage?
Unknown_08: And then I guess they truned out the boy. Dude, I don't know. I'm tired of looking at this. Look at Billie Eilish. Fuck you. Fuck this guy. I'm sick of this.
Unknown_08: One trainee is dead though. That's cause to celebrate. This is Pansy Faggot was his name. This guy is like the, you want to know, you think, oh, I'm just going to go for a quick little J-O, right? I'm going to go for a little J-O. What's the worst that could happen? This is in stage. Hands off my porn. Addiction. This guy is into sissy-dom. He wants to get fucked in the ass. He goes by Pansy Faggot. He does gay porn. I think he's, like, married and shit. He's, like, a straight guy that got so porn sick that he, um... That after 60 years of gooning... Um... He claims several times to have had his first sexual encounter at the age of 13 where he was allegedly forced to cross-dress and prostitute himself for an older man.
Um, I wonder if that's like a, like a fake story that he tells just for like the sexual nature of it. Cause it's like, that's what he's into. So it could be fake. It could just be porn addiction. Kind of like in the same way the trainings go back and say, I, I knew I was a little, little girl when I was four years old and I thought my little pony, I thought, Oh my God, I wish I was a real girl. It could be like that, but for like child molestation.
Unknown_08: He's dead, is what I'm trying to say. This guy, he no longer walks the earth. He's no longer amongst us. He's dead.
Unknown_08: Just take a second.
Breathe it in. He's dead.
Unknown_08: Next, Jonathan Yanov, not dead. Jonathan Yanov is now suing Rebel Media, which is a Canadian kind of like Daily Wire type deal who's been tracking Jonathan Yanov's exploits in the court system for forever.
Unknown_08: He has filed yet another human rights complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of British Columbia.
Unknown_08: alleging that Rebel News violated his rights with hate speech. Now, this is very fascinating because Rebel Media recorded Jonathan Yaniv chimping out at them, and he said this. Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, fuck you.
I have a picture of your kid on here, by the way. You want to see? You like that? You like that, Drea? Fucking little bitch.
Unknown_10: Look at all your little kingdom security over there around you. I feel scared.
Unknown_10: Yeah.
Unknown_08: Cripple fight.
Unknown_08: Sheriff, that man just dropped the N-word four times. What are you going to do about that? He could be fucking kneeling on George Floyd right now, suffocating him to death. What are you doing? Is that his mom?
I am here outside of the Surrey Provincial Courthouse. I have my bodyguards by my side. I'm going to be bringing... Bodyguards?
Unknown_06: Just released the beast.
Unknown_06: Wait, she's black?
Unknown_08: She... Wait a second. I thought that he was just trying to get Rebel News, like, banned from YouTube or something. He dropped the N-bomb at this particular woman? Bruh.
Unknown_05: Bruh.
Unknown_08: Bruh.
Unknown_08: I think, with my expert opinion, I have deemed that that was a racist incident, chat. That was not no mere dropping of the N-word. That was a deliberate racial provocation, deliberately aimed towards a woman of color to offend her. I can't fucking believe it.
I guess, yeah, it's true. Yaniv is Jewish, so he has the...
Unknown_08: past because he's the real black people.
Unknown_08: Crazy.
Unknown_08: Okay, I did not preview this before the stream, so we're just going to wing it. Hold up. Let me make sure that this is porn. Okay, it's not porn.
Okay, great.
Unknown_08: Okay, so this is a tranny called Bunny Doll who is on OnlyFans and he's trying to chop his penis off.
Unknown_08: He's British and then apparently this chat log is funny. I'm going to trust Osama Bin Laden as I do and hope that this is funny. Let's take a look.
Unknown_08: Alexa says, scared. Stealth Kitten 3 says, everything will be fine. Your dad loves you unconditionally. He told me on the phone earlier he knows something is up. Before this, I told him I needed to speak to him. He asked if it was important. I said, yes. He asked if it's about Alexis. I said, yes. He said he could tell something was up. I said, I'd prefer to talk to him in person. He said, come whenever and I'll reschedule his jobs or he'll reschedule his job. So he's taking off work for this. Alexis says, I'm really, really, really scared. I can't believe it either. I feel like such a burden on everyone right now. I need to hide away and disappear for real.
Stealth Kitten 3, this is a literal Discord kitten, by the way, says, Shut it. You're going to be fine. You'll hide and disappear after me going to this length to reduce your burden. I'll not be happy. Alexa says, Please don't let him explode or do anything rash or out of anger. And keep him away from me, too. Stealth Kitten 3 says, I'll do what I can. Alexa says, Thanks. Sorry. And Stealth Kitten 3 says, No, this has to be done. If he found out later or for somebody else, it would be real bad for both of us. Yeah.
So Alexis got into trouble because he got into arguments with people on Twitter. This conversation, and I don't know how to base this off of anything because...
I don't see the source for it, but Osama says that his gay boyfriend is telling his dad that he's boy pregnant. He's a pregnant tranny, and his dad needs to know, even though he's male to female. So imagine that conversation. Your son's a faggot, and his gay boyfriend comes by and says, I knocked that bussy up.
Unknown_08: He's pregnant. How do you react to this?
Unknown_08: Don't answer that question. You'll get banned.
Let me read these other messages. Oh my god, bro. You can't just hotlink fucking... He got me boy pregnant and is going to tell... Oh, wait.
Unknown_08: Here we go. That's why I didn't see it. Because you didn't link it right. He says, he got me boy pregnant and is going to tell my dad today. Oh, I can't show you that. Okay. Okay.
Unknown_08: This tweet really caught on and I've been getting so much hate from TERFs and transphobes more than I've ever experienced in my entire life. It's really weird. It was a really wholesome moment which I wanted to talk about and now there are tons of people spreading screenshots calling me all sorts of horrible things.
I didn't do anything to any of them, and I don't know what trying to explain that I paid for the surgery myself, and it wasn't funded through the NHS, and a lot of them are upset because I was supposedly exploiting the NHS system to take their tax money. But then I just thought to myself, this is only a thinly veiled excuse so they can have a reason to complain about trans people. If not for that, they just find another reason. That's right. That's exactly right. I will always find new reasons.
Unknown_06: Congrats on your butt, baby.
Unknown_06: Okay, finally, we have a very scant locale news to round this stream out with, Chet.
Unknown_08: First, and I never thought it would come to this, that I would need to discuss this topic on my stream voluntarily, but here we are, Chet.
This has been a topic in the making for several years. Nobody could see this coming, but yet it is time to discuss this.
Unknown_08: Ricky Berwick Ricky Berwick has stated on Zitter
Unknown_08: I'm at the hospital because my mother has been emotionally abusing and controlling me for many years. She has power of attorney over me and finally said I'm allowed no more friends at my house. I told the cops it's not worth living anymore. Help me get away from my mom. Ricky Berwick is like 30 at the least, and his mom somehow still has power of attorney over him. He's in a part of a group. What the fuck is this?
Meta PCs. We build incredible custom PCs. So he's sponsored by Meta PCs. He's like a YouTuber with how many millions of fucking subscribers? He has 500,000 followers.
Unknown_06: He has a Patreon.
Unknown_06: Gotta click some fire hydrants, I think. Let's see. Nope, no, not this time.
Unknown_06: Only 64 paid members?
So, and then he posts pictures of his cat.
Unknown_08: That's probably why you don't have many subscribers.
Unknown_08: I guess all that clickbait didn't translate into any cash. 6.1 million subscribers!
Unknown_08: But his videos only get like a few thou- His videos get less views than the guy that has the tranny son. What the fuck? And he does like drama videos.
Unknown_08: So, like, people, like, legit, like, pity follow. This is what happens, right? People, like, go to his profile. Like, oh, he's a crippled guy that really owns it. And they click follow. And I can't do that because I'm banned. And then they go and they click mute. And then they are followed to him, but they also never see his post because his face is really ugly. And then they also subscribe to his YouTube channel. And then they click not interested to every single one of his videos because he's ugly. And that's how he has 6 million subscribers and 50,000 views or 20,000 views.
How does he even make these?
Unknown_11: Tonight on Crippled News... It's happening again! Streamer superstar Fousey is having another mental breakdown!
Unknown_08: Dude, you can't, like... If you're, like, severely... Let me phrase this correctly.
Unknown_06: Let me articulate this thought fully in my head.
Unknown_06: You cannot criticize somebody for having a mental breakdown when you are not in custody of your own person and instead are a property of your mother.
Unknown_08: That's the first thing. The idea of like a crippled Keemstar shitting on people and being like, I may be all fucked up and I can't use my arms, but at least I'm not dark side Phil. That's pretty funny. That can work actually. But I don't think that's going to like endear you to people to the point where you can make a lot of money.
He does look like Hot Wheels. They don't have the same condition, though. He has something else wrong with him.
Unknown_08: It's very weird. This guy's very weird. I didn't realize. I feel kind of bad now. Because I thought that he was just infinitely wealthy from his situation. And now, oh my god, he's Canadian. I don't feel bad for him at all. Somebody call Maid. It's over.
Unknown_08: Somebody call in the Maple Blotskrieg Stupen. That's a good German word.
Maple Blotskrieg.
Unknown_08: Stom trooping. Yeah. Yeah. To enact made justice upon Ricky Berwick.
Unknown_08: Um, I do actually feel kind of bad. I'm making fun of this guy and I, I've just called him like the worst person ever for so long. Cause I just assumed that he made like millions of dollars from his channel and shit. And now he has like, he's like 60 paid members and has 6.4 million or 6.1. It's like, that is such a bad number. That's unreal.
614-333 divided by, or do it the other way, let's just say 20,000, be generous, and then do 615-0000. So, oh my god, .325. 0.325.
Unknown_08: This video has received less than one third of a percent of his subscribers viewing it in five days, a full week.
Unknown_08: That's crazy. That's really bad.
So it's like he...
Unknown_08: He gets lots of subscribers. I honestly, I don't want to be so mean, but it does feel like there it's like pities affair. Like, oh, I want to support this guy. But then when it comes to like actually engaging with what he puts out, it's like not there.
Unknown_08: How much did this get? 11,000.
Unknown_08: So this guy, sorry, I'm bad at math.
Unknown_05: Half a million. I'm trying really hard here. Half a million. Wait. Let's say, bump it up, 12,000 by half a million. 2.5%.
So more, a considerable magnitude higher than his YouTube subscribers. Interacted with this, the biggest news ever, that he's escaping his abusive mother.
Unknown_06: That's really creepy. I hate looking at this, actually. This makes me angry.
Unknown_06: Interesting.
Unknown_08: Interesting. I did not realize that Berwick's metrics are so bad.
Unknown_08: Use code TONGUE for a discount. No, sir, I don't think I will, actually. His name... His thing is actually tongue at rickyberwick.com.
Unknown_08: I feel like...
Unknown_08: I feel like he would actually benefit from being less gross. I don't know if that sounds weird. I understand his character thing is that he's really gross, but I just feel like if he got a little hand-tailored suit that made him look really dapper... and as handsome as you could possibly make Ricky Berwick, and he just kind of cleaned up a little bit. I feel like that would be... He's done the gross thing for so many years that if he did put on a little midget suit and then tried to do just a one-to-one mockery of Keemstar with a popcorn bucket and all, I feel like that would do better than just trying to be intentionally as alienating as possible.
You know what I mean?
Unknown_06: He's built like a swastika. Ha ha ha!
Unknown_08: Does that count as uncemench if you're built like a swastika? Like, sure, I mean, you're deformed and shit, but you are constructed into more of a said form.
Does that, like, counter out? Does that, like, create equilibrium?
Unknown_08: Okay, enough of picking on Ricky Berwick. Actually, I literally feel bad about having done that. Okay, let's pick on Amberlynn. So Amberlynn Reid, let's do a brief recap on the Amberverse. Amberlynn Reid has recently moved to live with her new girlfriend in true U-Haul lesbian fashion. She had met her girlfriend only about a month before she moved in. People quickly identified that her girlfriend, Tommy, was the same Tommy that dated a super-fat 1,000-pound woman who died eating herself to death.
However, Amberlynn says that she won't get fed to death living with Tommy, but despite that, has gained a significant amount of weight since living with her, indicating that, yes, she is in fact being fed to death by Tommy. Tommy, however, people dug into her a little bit and discovered that the eulogy for the fat person that she was with before had been online, and so they posted to the internet. And let me just zoom up to the point that I want to get to. Here we go.
This is Tommy.
Unknown_08: Shut up. Show me the part.
Unknown_15: It's a type of love that you don't know until you actually feel it when you experience it.
Unknown_08: That is what Tommy read, a line from the eulogy that Tommy read at the obituary for their ex-fiancé that had died from weight-related complications.
Unknown_08: This, months later, is the same Tommy... in Instagram, defending her relationship with Amberlynn Reid on the Instagram comments for an announcement related to the relationship. And she says, it's something you don't really know what it's like until you experience it. You'll know when it happens. It's the best feeling ever.
She recycled A line from the obituary of her fat, dead fiancé into an Instagram comment to describe her relationship with her new girlfriend.
Unknown_06: Amberlynn's gonna die soon. It's over.
Unknown_08: She's gonna be fed to death.
Just, uh, I think we're nearing the end of the Amberlynn Reid arc, which is, I'm sure, a great relief to many people who never want to hear about Amberlynn Reid ever again.
Unknown_08: Okay. To properly read this, I'm going to have to be dry, and I'm going to try to restrain my commentary to be polite and respectful, Chad.
Unknown_08: As I mentioned on my last stream, Russell Greer, who has been suing me for four years, was ordered by the federal judge, the magistrate rather, in the federal district of Utah, to show cause for his lawsuit. He was ordered by the court to meet and confer with my attorney, Matthew Harden, in regards to his case, to come up with a schedule. This is usually something, as I mentioned many times before, that happens at the beginning of a case. not four years into one. But here we are, four years into a case, nearing five,
And we still do not have a scheduling conference to itemize discovery and the timeline of discovery and when we'll be ripe. So they say ripe for summary judgment or for a trial. Uh, if a trial is needed to discern matters of fact, because that's what a jury does. They, they look at evidence and decide if things went one way or another, if they can't be ascertained by the, the, the judge himself.
Unknown_06: So the court ordered him to show cause, and he did not respond at all.
Unknown_08: He had two weeks to meet and confer for the schedule, and he was ordered to do so, and he did not do so. So he ignored the order, and so the judge says, you must show cause that I should not dismiss this case right now.
Unknown_08: And, of course, when that happens, as it had happened in the past, he jumps up and suddenly files something and says, Oh, I'm so sorry. My life was a train wreck and I need more time. Now, a responsible party would have filed for an extension. I'm busy. Something came up. I have issues.
I need an extension of time. It's very disrespectful both to the parties and to the court to not file for an extension.
Unknown_08: So this was Russell Greer's attempt to show cause that he should be allowed to continue suing me, even though he's not really participating in the trial or in the litigation.
Unknown_08: Plaintiff Russell Greer comes now and responds to the court's October 7th show cause order introduction as explained in the corresponding motion to file for file to leave for the APMR, which, um,
He filed his scheduling conference. I'll get to that in a second. The last few months of Russell Greer's life has been completely unbelievable. Dealing with quasi-homelessness and the record-breaking Las Vegas heat, family members dying or near death, job loss, but through the proverbial flames... Plaintiff has pushed through the dumpster fire of his life because the fire of determination that burns inside of him has burned stronger than the dumpster flames that surround him. This determination burns in part because defendants play a large part of why Greer's in this current predicament in this case can truly avenge Plaintiff's losses. Avenging plaintiff's losses is the fire of determination that burns within them.
Plaintiff will show below why this case should not be dismissed for lack of prosecution. 1. Unexpected life issues momentarily cause a missed deadline. Plaintiff completely understands how, from the court's perspective, it may appear how plaintiff isn't taking the case seriously. However, 2024 has been an awful year, but it's improving. Greer's father is currently in the ICU, and so that threw him for a loop. But as the court can see, plaintiff has abided by all other deadlines and motions. That's not true, just in case you're wondering.
He was ordered to do this in February. He was ordered again in October to do it. He still hasn't.
Unknown_08: With the corresponding motion to leave to file APMR, plaintiff is very confident he can abide by the proposed deadlines.
Unknown_08: Two, the 10th Circuit ruled Greer stated a claim. The second reason this case should not be dismissed is because a 3-0 10th Circuit ruled in plaintiff's favor. The Supreme Court even rejected defendant's arguments. No, the Supreme Court did not hear the arguments. He did not reject anything.
And so it would be distressing if this case was dismissed for lack of prosecution. It would be distressing, Chet. That's really... It would be distressing, he says.
Unknown_08: So we have...
One, two, three, four paragraphs. Pretty small, pretty lean paragraphs explaining why he was late and that the 10th stated a claim, I guess. But let's get to the real meat of this motion. Josh Moon, bad.
Unknown_08: Number three, holding Mr. Moon to account.
Unknown_08: Lastly, points one and two build up to this last point. Kiwi Farms has ran since 2013-ish. Since that time, countless people have had their lives and reputations ruined because of Kiwi Farms. One of those victims is plaintiff.
Mr. Moon has suffered no legal repercussions because he is a very smart individual who has used our country's outdated laws to his advantage, namely Section 230. The opening in his shield, though, is copyright, and he has the misguided impression that copyrights of non-famous lolcals, which is a subjective term anyways, gives him fair use to target and destroy the aspirations and works of said lull cows.
If this case is dismissed, Moon will continue to ruin the lives and Plaintiff will continue to suffer the cycle of unemployment and homelessness because Kiwi Farms have people have decided that Greer must suffer because he has a disability. And they in turn have made it very hard to live a life because our current world revolves around online searches and people aren't smart enough to decipher sources.
Unknown_08: As evidence, Greer has had to get into contact with a remailer site yesterday to ask them to block his IP address from receiving endless harassing messages being sent to him from a Kiwi Farms user through the remailer service.
Unknown_08: Conclusion. Greer fully intends on prosecuting this case and is fully confident he can follow the proposed schedule and the corresponding APMR.
So, no comment on that. What he did after this.
Unknown_08: was he very quickly filed a scheduling agreement with the court. Basically, how many depositions he needs to do when he proposes a trial. Generally speaking, in a serious copyright case, discovery can take about 16 months. So you'd be looking at like a mid-2026 trial or summary judgment.
Unknown_08: Greer proposed a trial by jury in January.
He did not ask for a jury trial in his complaint, and he didn't challenge us saying that we don't want a jury trial in our response. So he's waived the right to ask for a jury trial about four years ago, but he's asking for a jury trial again. And he wants the jury trial in like four fucking months from now. Not even. That's not going to happen. That could never happen ever for any reason whatsoever. The other thing that he did is he completely lied about agreeing. He listed like his list of demands.
Unknown_08: And he filed this in the court and said that he and defendants have reached an agreement. And he specifically says like 10 times throughout this document that plaintiff and defendant agree to X, Y, Z. What you're supposed to do is you're supposed to take this draft paper that says that same thing. And you're supposed to fill it in with what you want. Then you email it to your opposing counsel. Then they take it and they say, I don't agree with this. I disagree with that. And you do this back and forth until you're at a point where you have discovery lined up. And you know what dates are going to happen and what date whereabout you're going to expect for this to be over. And you go to trial.
You cannot take a paper that says defendant and plaintiff agree and file this jointly and then file it on your own without the other party having ever seen it. That's called a fraud upon the court. That's illegal. That's a crime.
And that's what Greer's done. Now, he has said that, oh, I didn't know that's how that works. I thought that I file it and then you submit a draft and we just file these drafts back and forth instead of just using fucking email. That's what he's saying. But it's like it's such a disregard for how things are actually supposed to happen that it's just like he says.
Unknown_08: As it says here, he says, I fully intend to prosecute this case, and I'm very confident I can follow the proposed schedule in the according APMR. So he's saying, I'm super confident I can figure this out. I'm super confident I can prosecute my case, and if you just give me one more chance, I can figure this all out and get this to trial. And what he's submitted as evidence is a fraud upon the court. So...
This has to be it. I don't want to be optimistic because optimism is how you suffer in agony and writhe in agony. But there's no fucking way. There's no fucking way that a reasonable person because in regards to what he's filed.
Unknown_08: His want to prosecution shows that he doesn't give a shit about copyright. He just wants to try and punish me. And I'm a bad person. And the way that he's written this, it kind of feels like if the judge says, OK, you get another chance. He's agreeing. He's agreeing. I don't like this guy either. You can proceed. You can keep doing this. We'll give you another chance. And then the really crazy thing is the scheduling conference is not even the most difficult part of discovery. Discovery takes forever. It takes hours and hours of work sitting down and figuring things out. And that's why discovery in a trial is usually $30,000 on the cheap side of a civil trial. $30,000 to do discovery because that's such a pain in the ass. And Greer can't figure out the first step, which is the fucking schedule. You can't do the schedule. So if this doesn't go through now, the judge knows that in three months, we're right back where we started. He's ignoring court orders. He is not conferring with the opposing counsel. And we're going to be back to another show cause. And it's like, how many fucking times? How many fucking times? Four years in, are we going to go through the exact same thing?
Do X, Y, Z. He doesn't because he can't figure it out. He doesn't know what he's doing. No, really. Do X, Y, Z or else. I promise, I promise, it's a really bad year for me. But he's so, that Josh Moon's such a nasty guy. You really gotta give me another swing at him. It's like, how many fucking times for real is that even a thing? It's just such a, it's such a, it's so insulting. It's so insulting.
Um, so we'll see.
Unknown_06: And then finally, La Radiate segment. Alright.
I got two Reddit segments. I got one from Am I the Asshole?
Unknown_08: This is an RMI the asshole. It might be asshole for not expecting elves to suffer from male pattern baldness.
Unknown_08: Sorry in advance because this is a kind of a weird one and not very high stakes.
Unknown_08: Also, English is my second language. Me, 22F, and a few friends, all 20s MF, were chatting the other day about And I forget why, but the conversation topic went to Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings, which we are all fans of at various levels. Necessary trivia, elves in Tolkien are generally aesthetically perfect, ethereally beautiful, you know the deal. Now, if you haven't seen the Lord of the Rings movie, there's an elf who has a really noticeably receding hairline, like Widow's Peak in reverse. And it's very noticeable because Lord of the Ring elves' hairstyle is long, swept-back hair. and the camera zooms in wide on this guy's face so there's no missing it. And I mentioned during the conversation that when I first watched the movies years ago, I found it really funny that they let this elf keep his crazy hairline because you'd not expect an elf to suffer from male pattern baldness. I didn't say he was ugly, just that it was unexpected.
A guy in my group, Jake, has the beginnings of male pattern baldness. Very slight, not really noticeable at all, unless you look for it, but I of course understand he may be feeling insecure about it. Anyway, Jake lashed out at me for this comment, called me shallow and vapid, and that judgmental people like me are the reason for male loneliness. I told him that it wasn't that I thought a receding hairline was a horrible, nightmarish thing, but that it was an unexpected choice when it came to the casting of a species that's meant to be the pinnacle of human perfection. Not that I hate balding people, because that specific elf's specific hairline isn't what you'd call conventionally attractive.
Jake blocked me off everything and is posting a ton of subtweets about not making fun of things people can't change. I repeat, I said this about the elf and not on baldness itself. I did apologize, by the way, and I said that I only intend about the elf, but he's just not having it. Am I the asshole?
Unknown_08: What do you think, chat? Is she the asshole? I don't think so.
Unknown_07: She's touching my nice hair again.
Unknown_08: That's all a trick. I'm actually completely bald. I'm just trying to make it so you can't identify me.
Unknown_08: This is also an am I the asshole? From carefulcredit4645, he says, update, I cut my wife off from our finances because she wouldn't stop ordering takeout.
Nine days ago, I made a post about how my unemployed wife had spent $1,176 on delivery apps in just a month. This is egregiously outside of what we can afford to spend on takeout. And since she didn't seem willing to stop, I canceled our credit card and moved the money from our joint account into my own. For the following days, my wife kept talking about how I was financially abusing her.
Unknown_08: She threw several tantrums despite being severely malnourished. Apparently being severely malnourished, threatened divorce, threw a bunch of food we had in the fridge away to strong arm me into letting her take out, and even tried to guess my bank account password a bunch of times. Sorry, the password is Taco Bell 123. That's mine. Very rude of you to post.
That last one was how I learned if you try to guess someone's bank account password enough times, the bank will send you an automated email.
Unknown_08: But last Friday, the complaints and threats stopped. She seemed mostly back to normal. I figured she had given up. That was until today, which was garbage day. When I took the last bag out before taking the bin down to the curb, I discovered half a dozen fast food bags and other takeout containers in it. My wife wasn't supposed to have access to the money. I had no idea how she was affording the food. I confronted her about it, and at first she denied everything. I had to bring all of her fast food garbage in to get her to fess up. She had taken out a loan. Oh, my God. Holy shit. Now, I thought she had borrowed money from a friend or a family, but she had taken out a predatory payday loan. Before you ask, no, I have no idea how she got approved. With your credit, nigga. With your credit, motherfucker. Big snoozy shit.
I then drove her to the payday loan place where I paid off the loan in cash. I'll now have to dip further into my savings to pay the rent. I suppose in a certain way, cutting her off was successful. She didn't order takeout anymore, just drove to the restaurants to pick up her food for the low, low price of $20 for every $100 she borrowed or $60 in fees total. In addition, I told her that we would be getting divorced. So yeah, my marriage is over. I don't even know what alimony laws exist in a state like mine, but I'm assuming she'll happily live in a cardboard box under a bridge if Uber Eats will bring her there. I don't know if this is a true story, but it's very funny.
I mean, the agreement is if your wife is unemployed, she cooks.
Unknown_08: I don't think that's like even trad. It's like if you are a guy and let's say that you are both working, right? You're double income. You're dink. You're dink. Double income, no kids. And for whatever reason, you as a man are in the unfortunate position where you're not in gainful employment. So you have a break where you're putting in job applications. It therefore falls on you to do the dishes, cook, clean, and keep the house tidy for the person who is working. That's not unreasonable. And the inverse is true with women. I feel like this is the cornerstone of a functioning relationship. The most obvious implicit agreement between two people living together that you could possibly have. If you don't work, you gotta keep the house tidy.
I don't think that's unfair. So, good on him. Having the balls. Cut her off. Say, no, you're not gonna sit there and fucking eat all day while I work. Motherfucker. Cool.
Unknown_08: Okay. So...
Unknown_08: Nice, long stream. Thick, solid, tight. Keep it up. Let's see how fucking big you can get.
Unknown_08: Let's tap it off with the Superberry segment. Everybody's favorite segment, the Superberry segment. Thank you for sticking around for the entire stream, by the way. If you've been here from start to finish, you're my favorite. Of all my children, of all my viewer children, you're my favorites.
Angel Vomit, for one, says, Hey friends, I can't stay for the stream, but have a nice show. I think we did. I think we covered everything. Humble Guardsman for five says, please yell, ah, ham jams, as if a horde of rabid hamsters were halfway done gnawing through your thigh. Thank you.
Unknown_08: I don't think I put that much soul into it, but I tried.
Unknown_08: Fashima Ham Ham for two says, huge amounts of blacks moving into my area. Now I got to deal with them as customers at work. Any tips for someone who has never had to deal with neighbors before?
From the wise words of Scott, the guy from Dilbert, just don't.
Unknown_06: Stay away.
Unknown_06: Um, Asian tech support for five says, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.
Unknown_08: And I guess I was typing or something. Oh no, that's the gun from, from the, the Hill of Klein thing. I got you. Uh, red eyes, black dragon for Tuesdays. Why is Ethan Klein so ugly? Because he's ugly inside and out. And that's the truth.
Uh, for one says, when will my hoodie show up? It's still in production. It should be coming out of production to the distribution center on Monday. And then I'll get all the, um, the orders in and they'll start dispersing it that week.
Unknown_08: I think if he had the funds, he just might. That would be a fun lawsuit. Is it copyright infringement to make a movie about someone murdering Palestinian children using their likeness? I would say no. Oh boy, let's see.
I think you've seen this before.
Unknown_22: Excuse me, ma'am. No porn at the bar. Oh, it's okay. I'm transgender.
Unknown_09: Oh, I had no idea. Do whatever you want all the time.
Unknown_08: This is the only clip of like recent family guy I've seen. And it's also the only clip tranny bashing. It's kind of crazy.
Unknown_08: It just goes to show that people are like desperate for any kind of content like that. Uh, thank you. Haramberger says, what the heck is Vin's accent? Danish Netherlands. It's like a, you're like a pickled fish. Very vinegary. Um, very Southern. It's like that weird, I guess he says the other weird Dutch dialect. Um, so it must be like a super Germanized Dutch as opposed to a super Anglicized Dutch, which is how most Dutch people speak.
BBSDB for one says, wow, thank you. David S877 for 25 says, so more useless middle managers or project managers. I'm going with project managers. More meetings always make a project work better.
I don't know. I can't answer this question because I don't have enough experience. But I will say this. One of my really bad shortcomings is I'm super bad at delegating. I've complained about this multiple times, but I went through the Kiwi farms and I like reviewed all the report handling that had been done by mods this year. And like half our mod team just disappeared like over 2022. So, um, we've been doing fewer reports with, or more reports, way more reports, like thousands of reports a month with fewer mods than ever before.
And I'm going to have to hire more mods, I think. When I say hire, I don't know. I kind of need a middle manager. I need somebody who can talk to staff, keep people engaged, keep people on the site, and they feel like they have a voice that I listen to and shit. And I'm really bad at doing that myself. So I don't know who my middle manager can be. Maybe Haramberger. I'll force him to be my middle manager.
Unknown_08: Thank you.
Unknown_08: News Hamming 69 for 2 says, Why did the hamster quit his job? Because he wasn't happy with the salary they gave him. Oh, like salary. I got you. That's funny.
Unknown_08: Wholesome pun.
Pashmina Hamham for 1 says, Ask Sven what he thinks about the artist that seems to have contempt for their most popular work, like Scotty Young. Sorry, I wasn't looking at Super Chats during the, um...
Unknown_08: During the interview. So any comments directed towards Sven? I guess I'm a fucking idiot. I should have done that. That's my bad. I apologize.
Unknown_08: HoHoHolocaust for one says, I'm racist. Paste. Employee Man Jack for Two says, would you commission clips or other art from Sven for future projects now that you have the connection? I already have. If you watch that video of me and Medeker talking, there's a custom intro that's like based off Medeker's usual intro, but with lolcow stuff. That's all Sven. I paid him for, honestly, he didn't give me all the ones I paid for. I'm gonna be real with you. We agreed on like 20 or something and I got like 10 out of it. Not even like five. I should force him to finish that at some point.
Space Allen for $0.20 says, Ham Jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it. Patrick S. Tomlinson produces, The reason why people can't take a joke anymore is that every baby born after 1995 has been autistic, medicated, or both.
Unknown_08: That might be true.
Unknown_00: Never heard it put that way.
Unknown_08: Uh, boogie 1488 for 20 says, dear Josh, have you ever watched the bad guys? Second life trolling. They were the worst, best channel on YouTube. I got wrongfully taken. No, that questionable, right? Questionable rival brick wrong. Thanks. I am not old and gay. I have not. All he does is flag. He's like one of the saddest fucking sad sex I've ever lived. that dude he's like 40 he's like a jobless johnny living off the fucking dole in the uk and all he does every day is cry about the kiwi farms and me personally and tries to flag me that's his entire fucking life it is the saddest existence it's legit like like um even trannies don't spend that much fucking time just seething and crying about the kiwi farms
It's so sad, too, because he was like an OG troll that a lot of people respected, and then for whatever reason, he just demands respect from everybody, and it's just like a huge flag.
Unknown_06: Thank you, by the way. EmployeeManJack42 says, Null, do a person stream on Big Lenny who died this week.
Unknown_08: He has a small thread on the forum. Good Gumroad content.
Unknown_06: Maybe. God, my fucking mic is clicking.
Unknown_06: I don't know anything about him. I keep seeing people talking about him, but I have no idea what that means.
Unknown_06: Sorry, I'm not familiar with him at all.
Unknown_08: My hamster is a turf or two says nothing. Love you, Josh. Thank you. Appreciate it. The Ace of Speds for 10 says, I really wish you'd interview Gail Cord Schuller. She's a bit special. I think you dig into her mind, much like how you drove the St. Terry came up with Chloe's.
The issue with Gail is that all her shit is like fake. Like all of her stuff comes from the trolls. What happened with Gail... is that all the old school Chris Chan trolls who were obsessed with Chris kind of latched onto her when Chris got boring and were like, we're going to make her the new Chris. And her issue is that she's extremely gullible. She just repeats every single thing that people tell her. So she says really crazy, ridiculous shit about Jesuit bukkake bombs and stuff. But that's just because people told her that those are real. It doesn't come from like a creative place in her mind. That's not something that she developed on her own. That's just her parroting stupid shit that teens told her when they were trying to troll the new Chris, you know?
It's not that interesting is the issue.
Unknown_06: Haramberger for two says, Sven sounds a bit like Yakko from Animaniacs, only slightly more horny and offensive.
He does have a very distinct voice. Like I said, he misses calling for voice acting.
Unknown_08: The Lion King for one says, South Africa has so many endangered animals, my favorite is the white people.
Unknown_08: I really wish you'd stop watching me, bro. You're just like a disgusting fucking mutt, and I don't like you.
Unknown_08: Good luck. Seven for five says, damn it. Hour late because of work. Your interviewee is entertaining and knowledgeable. A group around Muslims, Bosnians and Palestinians are chill and integrate. The rest are just backwards.
Unknown_08: If you insist, bro.
Brainbucket410 says, Josh, finally found a racist Eurofriend he can stream with. Our boy's growing up a chat.
Unknown_08: I don't know. Apparently, I gave him too much shit at the end. I felt kind of bad. His issue was that he just can't stop responding. Like, I just asked for a sentence, bro. You didn't have to, like, spill your guts. I meant I killed her. I killed her. Her body's under the floorboard. I can... Stop with your fake, your fake ignorance. I know you can hear her heart beating. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not trying to like press you for real. No, thank you. MadClaw95 for five says, have a good weekend, Josh. You too. Thank you. I intend to have a good weekend. I shall.
RTRT Disciple of Mr. Snooker for one says, ask Vin for coins. Physiognomy check on Josh. I ask everybody for coins. If you live in a weird place and you have silver coins that were minted before the Bretton Woods act ruined everything, I want them. Send them to me.
Unknown_08: Grognan for 10 says, this was a really good stream. Thank you. I appreciate it. Glad you liked it. Good luck, Seven. For Two says, Good. Has the same experience with me. I grew up in Germany watching American TV through pirated satellite and learned perfect English before ever even immigrating to the U.S. Well, congratulations on immigrating from Germany.
The Few. The Proud. Brianna Woo. Hyper Bimbo. For Ten says, Urgent. Something your guest said made me wonder if he could identify the mystery cartoonist Ralph was invoking here while yelling at Josh. Timestamp.
Unknown_06: Is this like drama bait?
Unknown_08: Is this going to be about him?
Unknown_04: You're a fucking goddamn broken faggot. That's what your life is. You will be a tranny by the end of the decade. Your mom fucking disowned you. Your whole family disowned you. Everybody fucking hates you. Big creators email me all the time. Cartoonists, I guess you could say. Talk about what a piece of shit you are. Motherfuckers who could buy and sell your ass. Talk about what a loser you are. Cartoonist.
Could be him. I mean, I doubt it. Because Ralph does this. Ralph tries to seed discord between people and try to sell. Because he's like, oh, I have all the deets and XYZs said ABC about you. And it's like, no, I don't really believe you because you're a fat hollering pig monster and you don't have any clout or value.
I simply choose not to care about what you have to say.
Unknown_08: Thank you. Giggercake42 says, Would your view of cuties change if you knew the director was an African woman that used French extremism common in their movies to show it is gross? She hates sexualization of kids. No, that is fucking cope. If you hate the sexualization of kids, and then you have 300 little girls twerk for auditions to your movie... And now there is an audition tape somewhere in some fucking pedophile Frenchman's vault where he can jerk off to hundreds of kids auditioning for this movie position. And then also your movie is nothing but crotch shots on leotards of 12-year-olds. You're not fighting anything. You're just fucking gross. You're just exploiting kids.
Pure fucking coke, bro.
Unknown_07: The best Afrika woman actually knows she is just finding more little kids for a French man to rape.
Unknown_07: Keston Kelchcraft provides us it's Flatworm Friday.
Unknown_08: I don't know what that means, and I don't want to know. GoodLuck7 for two says, Channing was still your best interview, so I've been told. I think it's Sam Hyde's favorite. Haramberger for two says, two hours and 25 minutes in before the actual stream, ultra late and turbo gay. Nice try, guy. That's not how it works.
Cole Cole for five says, Sven should invest in a cardboard cutout to show his book. They come with a clapper.
Unknown_08: This is going to be the clip from that weird cartoon, and the guy's going to say, buy my book. I know what this is already. Ho, ho, ho, Holocaust for one says, could you do a self-serve ad similar to how 4chan does it?
Unknown_08: Pay with crypto, get an ad spot for X days or whatever. I could, but I don't think many people would do it.
Unknown_08: Chloe Ganante for five says starting a 25 car pileup on the freeway because the car heard me say stationary negative 25% and revoked my driving privileges.
What does that even mean?
Unknown_08: Stationary negative 25% and revoked. I don't know what the fuck that means, bro. I'm sorry. Sorry to hear about your pileup.
Unknown_08: Mad Claw 95 for five says picking up both Butch Kelligan comics now. Fun interview Josh. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Enjoy your books. Gormless Wonder for one says, Josh, you should put your devious hat patent as many horrible dystopian ideas as possible so nobody can use them.
Unknown_08: It is very, very expensive to file for a patent. The fees are high and you need like a patent attorney to do it. I want to say that's Brianna Wu's husband's job is just specifically filing patents for their IP collection.
Petra Max for $200 says, have a happy pizza day. I just fucking might. Thank you very much.
Unknown_08: Haramberger says, never mind World of Warcraft's irrelevance. There isn't a more hard-stuck group of opinionated consumers with cemented ideas than WoW players. You can't change their game, won't change their vote. They're also not young. Trying to appeal to young people by playing World of Warcraft is like trying to appeal to young people by playing fucking bingo or baseball cards or something. You're kind of missing your shot there.
Pirate Mike, 420 for 10, says, Porn is terrifying. I like watching 14-year-olds grateful suggestively in yoga pants on TikToks instead like a normal person. Oh, I'm sure that's very normal. I'm sure that's going to work out great for you, buddy.
Unknown_08: The false copy of Sunder for one says, Check the replies, lol. And then there's a link to Bill Kristol, who I think is like a conservatard or something on Twitter.
Unknown_06: Let's see.
Unknown_06: If Trump wins on November 5th, it will be because of his support for the majority of white America.
As a white American, and as a white American man to boot, I've got to say, in the immortal words of Pogo, we have met the enemy and he is us. Bill Kristol is Jewish, I think. So I assume that if I take this as a knitter post, so I can actually see the fucking replies.
Unknown_06: As a white American, not just one, but two lies there.
Unknown_08: I guess he's Israeli. William Crystal was born to a Jewish family by Gertrude Himmelfab. Irving Crystal was an underground publisher. He's a white American.
Yeah, a lot of people are saying this is not true.
Unknown_06: Amen. Yeah, that's about on point.
Unknown_06: Uh, Zent Suppa... Wait, no, wrong one. Zent Suppa1 says, Josh, click that one notification on your bell.
Unknown_08: It's driving me nuts. Enjoy your pizza. I can't do it. Okay, let me show you what that notification is. You know what it is? I go to Zitter, and I show you... It's this page.
Unknown_06: And it says...
That someone logged into my account and that's the only notification I get. And because of how X works, I can never, ever dismiss it. It's always this message. It's always red one because I'm banned.
Unknown_08: Fortier for five says approval voting is superior to rank choice. You just mark who you're okay with and who doesn't suffer from cheating like rank choice. Arpeggio. I have not spent enough time looking into alternative voting styles. I have an opinion on this, but I've never even heard of approval voting. Uh, I kind of get the idea. You just vote for whoever you're okay with. It's interesting.
Joe, a Jovi for five says good interview and stream ham jam. Thank you very much. I'm not reading that. You just can't. People get offended. They start saying that you're being prudish. They start trying to falsely compare it. Like...
Unknown_08: Um, actually when you watch South Park, sometimes they draw the little dingle dongles on the kids and that's basically pedophilia by your standard. It's like, no, it's fucking not. Cause it's a cardboard cutout. It's not a real, it doesn't look like anything. It looks like a fucking little flake off of the cardboard cutout. It doesn't look like a real kid. Meanwhile, the drawings that are Japanese styled are very obviously meant to accentuate that they are human looking.
but the thread's mostly okay, but you can't beat the retard out of fucking anime people.
Unknown_08: Willie Dante for five says, killing someone is something you don't really know what it feels like until you experience it. You'll know it when it happens. It's the best feeling ever.
Possibly. Maybe that's what she meant.
Unknown_08: Maybe that'll be her calling card. It'll be on her third girlfriend. She'll be like, you know what? It's a really powerful feeling. You don't know what it's like until you experience it. It'll be like how you know she's marked someone for death.
Unknown_08: A suspense for five says mustard master race. What a fucking Chad. I agree. Cyber chat to 2013 for 25 says W long stream. Enjoy the pizza. Thank you. I will appreciate it.
Unknown_08: A bunker housing for five says test test approved. Banana plugs for two says happy pizza day. Joshua, my favorite non-slav always. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Swordsmage for one says, we went to a farmer's market for some produce and the total came out to $14.88. It was a struggle not to chuckle and have to explain to the old lady there. Didn't have anyone else to tell, so have one dollar.
I mean, it's funny when you see shit that's on sale for that. But yeah, it's just an inside thing.
Unknown_06: Banana Plugs for two says, also pray for me.
Unknown_08: Also, anytime anyone says I can't breathe, then just start laughing. You can't explain that to anybody. Just say you thought of a funny joke. Banana Plugs for two says, also pray for me. I'm staying home with my two-year-old until Tuesday for the first time. I'm afraid he won't allow me to get any sleep in the night.
That sucks. It's not like a pain in the ass to have a kid that wakes up in the middle of a fucking night like that.
Unknown_06: Don't kids sleep at two?
Unknown_06: I hope so.
Unknown_06: good luck waifus aren't real for tenses please play this song sneedful eater okay i'll play a second of it my thing froze up peanut song frozen computer
That's gross. This sucks. Sorry, this sucks.
Unknown_06: ZippityDoodah45 says, this is why Tom loves sucking off Destiny.
Unknown_08: He's such a based edlord, he doesn't care what other thinks. It's definitely not shameless networking.
Unknown_06: Okay, let's see.
Unknown_19: all these people right a lot of people ask me tom why do you like destiny what is appealing about him why do you think he's cool i mean there's the cuck stuff with melina his open relationships right cringe there's some of the crazy clips that have come out over the years of him saying crazy stuff so what about this person could be appealing to you like what why could you ever even like this guy Well, it's exactly that. I like when people are willing to say what the audience wants, the fake PC people. I'm going to do what I want and not rely on this cringe little group of losers and their approval. I mean, this is the same group of people who hosted the streamies, which was like legendary cringe.
And the winner is Dylan Mulvaney.
Unknown_19: That's my girl.
Unknown_19: The reason I liked content creation in the first place... Okay, I get it.
Unknown_08: He's an edgelord. Okay. I mean, it's not very persuasive. If you say whatever the fuck you want and what you say and do is retarded and gay, you're still a gay retard. You're just like a different kind of gay retard. Which basically sums up Destiny.
Sneedo, for one, says, I just found out Dominicans hate being called black and hate Haitians. Yeah, they really, really fucking hate Haitians, bro. Come on.
Unknown_08: They are black, though. LogisticalNightmare45 says, Cheers, Josh. Having a three-hour stream has been mega-kino. I know they're a pain to do, and I don't want them every week, but it's fun to have some long streams in the mix. Yeah, I try to mix it up every so often, bro. I'm not trying to be stale here.
Unknown_08: Thank you. CrispyLegs410 says, Happy Friday. I made mushroom soup today. Would you like a bowl? I know they're your favorite. Fuck mushrooms, bro. They fucking take cream, tasty cream, and put mushroom in that shit. That's fucking nasty, bro. Thank you, though.
Banana Plugs. I'll buy some real food with that. Banana Plugs for two says, we all know you love cheese, but what about cottage cheese? Is cottage cheese on the base bread-based or cringe?
Unknown_08: It's based.
Unknown_08: I mean, usually when I have cottage cheese, I'm trying to do keto.
Unknown_08: So I usually mix it with vegetables, oddly enough.
Bunker Housing for five says, I've been here from the start.
Unknown_08: Why don't you do a stream with Jim? He's going to be dead soon. You two had good chemistry. When we spoke, we had something to talk about, which was all the Drop Kiwi Farms stuff.
Unknown_08: I'm not opposed to doing anything with Jim, so if the need ever arises, I'm sure we'll talk again. Haramberger42 says, Middle Manager, Delegator, am I going to have to shorten my name to HR Burger?
Unknown_08: Yeah, maybe.
Unknown_08: I have no fucking clue. Theoretically it should be fixed already.
Sneedo for once says, Hey Josh, did you see those animes on Twitter seething at the farms for doxing? And for the thread on Rev says, Dude, if you're going to circle the wagon for anybody on the forum, picking the fucking Romanian guy that sucks tranny cock is like your hero. Like, oh no, the Kiwis are deranged. They hate anime. That's fucking sad and pathetic.
Unknown_08: NotLol from KinoChat2 for $50 says, Oh, isn't that sweet chat? Thank you very much.
Unknown_08: And finally, Brown Boy Soup for 10 says YouTube link.
Unknown_06: Let's check it out.
Oh, I know what this is. And happy birthday. Dude, she looks so much like Anne Frank.
Unknown_08: You know what I mean?
Unknown_15: And Nick Gurr, if you're watching. She knows. She knows. Someone in chat wants me to say that. Happy birthday, Nick Gurr.
Unknown_11: her face honorable mentions that's great awesome alright that was a great super chat to end this one I feel very accomplished and my throat hurts from all the fucking talking and screaming closet
Um, I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Oh, one more, one more. Oh my God. I'm fucking YouTube link. Are you kidding me, bro? Probably the only black man in history to notice trips in the unexpected place. Okay. That's the last one. Don't say more.
Unknown_08: Dude, I'm telling you, I was listening to Ethan Ralph and he was like blackout drunk on pills playing this fucking song. And it's supposed to be like the sound of Nike's on the court. And I'm like, is this like fucking chirp core? No, it was Bossman Jack even. He was like listening to a song and it was this song. And there was that sound of sneakers on the basketball court. I'm like, he's listening to like remix fucking smoke detector chirps. What the fuck is happening?
I was losing my shit at that. When I first heard that, it's crazy that someone else noticed that and put it into like a TikTok or whatever. That's funny.
Unknown_06: Okay. All right.
Unknown_08: I'll see you guys in a bit.
Unknown_06: Wait, hold up.
Unknown_06: Oh, oh, vinyl. One last thing.
I will be playing, probably on kick only, Dustborn over the weekend. I'm going to try to do it, okay? I know it's not timely or whatever. I'll play fucking Dustborn over the weekend. I haven't done a video game stream in forever. I might as well just kick the shit with the chat. Kick only video game stream Dustborn this weekend. I'll post it on the Telegram and on the Facebook group and on the thread. Everywhere I fucking announce shit, follow me on the kick, whatever.
Unknown_08: I'll see you then.
Unknown_06: Okay. Take it easy. Bye-bye.
Shake your pills, shake your pills Because it's gonna be tax-free, tax-free, tax-free Tell your wiggas that we got it Tax-free in my little tin shack Cats flyin' in tornadoes Gun floppin' up and down Let's get the guns out Gun, gun, gun, gun Shake it around when it's
tax free wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle it's a tip so it's tax free but wiggle you best not fold the because these super chats they all tax free wiggle wiggle wiggle
Unknown_09: Yo, faith, don't make me say it. Scree! Shout support. Faith, it's tax-free. Compass need, because it's tax-free. That's right, bitch. Now kiss my Gucci hat. I said kiss it. It's authentic, bitch. It's time to gun out. Shake your gun like you mean it.
Unknown_11: Scree!
Unknown_11: Wiggle, wiggle.
Unknown_09: Welcome to the kill screen. This song.
Unknown_11: Wiggle, wiggle.
What you mean? I'm drunk. I'm sober. Let's get the fuck out of here.
Unknown_09: Maybe one more.
Unknown_09: So take out your pill bottles and shake your pills. Shake your pills and wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle. Wiggle, wiggle.
Unknown_11: Wiggle, wiggle.
Unknown_11: So it's tax free, but wiggle.