0:02:13 Unknown_12: I'm feeling good, chat. I think things are working out, chat. I even managed to fix the kick chat viewer count as soon as it comes in. Unknown_12: Last second, time management. Yes, I will be late to the stream, but at least the viewer count will be accurate. It's a good example of my masterful time management skills. How do we allocate development, site moderation, streaming, merchandising, and Dota 2 at random? At pure fucking random, we do these things in a variety of orders whenever I feel like it, basically. 0:02:50 Unknown_12: Well, today's the Friday stream. The Friday stream, which of course is always, um... It's always, there's not as much time that happens. And I think, I'm witnessing... Unknown_12: a cooling off. I think that's, I've been around long enough to observe this phenomenon where during the summer, everything is a little bit more fucking retarded. And then during the winter or in fall, like things kind of calm down across the board. There's like fewer, I don't, I don't even know what people do. What the fuck do people do during this fall and winter that they don't do during summer? Cause everything seems to like slow down. Like are people going outside more? What the fuck are they doing? Um, 0:03:23 Unknown_12: So, let's see. The merch run, I was trying to finish it today, and then I realized I don't know the shipping costs. So, for real, I've already got the order in. They're printing it right now. I got the mock-ups. I got everything figured out. The only thing I need to do is figure out how much to charge for shipping. I can't do that automatically. So, on Monday, which will be the last day of the month in September... 0:03:57 Unknown_12: Um, there will, the, the merch run will start probably around noon in the U S time and I'll feature that and then I'll remind people during the stream. Um, yeah, it's, I don't know. The merch runs are both something that I think about for a long time and then it always feels really rushed. Like once I, once I started getting things going, it's like, Oh my God, we're running out of time. I want people to actually have these like in hand before October is over. So it's like a, like a mixture of like, it's like a grueling long process to get everything sorted up, talk to everybody. Um, Unknown_12: I ordered so many. This time, what I usually do is I order a safe number, and then I backorder. This year, I'm going to try something different. I've ordered everything that I intend to sell, and unless there's significant demand that I bought too few, I'm not going to do a backorder run like I usually do. 0:04:37 Unknown_12: So, as a result, I bought a lot of shirts. And they're going to send a freight. They're going to mail my shirts in a cargo freight by truck. And I don't think I've ever ordered so many that it would be expedient to just send a fucking freight to the warehouse. 0:05:14 Unknown_12: We'll see. Um... Unknown_12: Let's see. What else was I thinking of? Merchandise set. Unknown_12: The kick viewers accounted for. Appreciated. Unknown_12: The forum was attacked yesterday. It was a weird attack. It was a bandwidth-based attack that doesn't usually happen. Basically, they just started uploading a bunch of files to the server that get rejected because they don't really have a use. But the server doesn't know until the request completes, so they were just uploading a bunch of shit, and then... It would get rejected, but it would slow down the site just from bandwidth. Bandwidth has been an ongoing issue with the forum that one day I intend to fix, but I don't know. It's always so slow going. And I'd be hesitant to leave my data center that I'm currently at, but one day I might if I continue to have problems. Because it's so far away, it's so hard to get to it and have people go there. 0:05:49 Unknown_12: Get fiber optic? Bro, I have fiber optic. I only have a 1 gigabit per second line. It costs a lot of money to get more. If you want to buy like a 10 gigabit per second line, it's like a $500 a month contract for that. It's more than I pay for the actual housing of the hardware and shit. 0:06:23 Unknown_12: Um, let's see. Is that it? I think that's it for the custodial, the issues, the intro. Unknown_12: Um, I have a couple news thingies, to which, of course, we will require assistance from the Hamster of News. Unknown_12: Kind of like the Lord of War, the Hamster of News. Unknown_03: Um, okay, so, let's start with this, I think. 0:06:59 Unknown_12: Germany is weird because it's basically the center of Europe. Unknown_12: When the European Union was being formed, they were really afraid, and by they I mean the French, were really afraid that the European Union would just be Germany. And it basically is they failed. Unknown_12: Germany is the economic heart of Europe once again. And so when things happen in Germany, it kind of piques interest, at least for me. I never care what happens in France, though. Unknown_12: It's so weird. I've played so many historical, history-based games, and I've never had any interest in anything in France ever for any reason. I can't force myself to give a fuck about France. I don't know why. 0:07:34 Unknown_12: But the Green Party is a significant party in Germany. They have a parliamentary system, which means that they have probably about five or six parties that get above 1% of the vote and occupy more than one chair. And in order to get a majority, in order to accomplish anything, they have to form these coalitions. Um, I, I, I think I'd like the parliamentary system more than the, the U S first past the post one, two party system. Um, but people basically in order for a government to form, you have to have two parties. Anyways, you have like the coalition and then you have the opposition coalition and it effectively is the blue and red. And it's not too big of a difference at the end of the day, in order to pass laws, you need 50% of the vote in the, 0:08:21 Unknown_12: in the parliament. But things do shake up a little bit more often in parliamentary governments, I think. Though, I've always wondered if the parliamentary system has more shakeups because they're only in countries that are smaller than the U.S. It kind of feels like if the U.S. had a parliamentary system where we had six or seven different parties, it would still be deadlocked and gay and retarded with no real choice anyways just because the U.S. is the U.S. And it's like the hub of every gay op in the entire world making the worst country ever made. It's kind of how it feels. 0:08:57 Unknown_12: But, um, the Green Party resigned, and it's kind of interesting, because right now in Germany, they're freaking the fuck out, because there is a mildly conservative party called Alternative für Deutschland, which is, um... Unknown_12: It's like a party of retards, but they're anti-immigrant, and this is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, which of course is leading to mass hysteria, people freaking out about the Fourth Reich. It's coming. 0:09:40 Unknown_12: The federal government is considering banning the AFD for being neo-Nazis and unconstitutional. Unknown_12: Literally, they're just like economic conservatives that are basically like, how about fewer immigrants? I even know immigrants. How about fewer and from more culturally similar countries? And that literally has caused people to freak out and think that any day there's going to be swastikas over the parliament thing. Unknown_12: The train stations are going to have portraits of Neo-Hitler hung up in high places, like massive banners. I don't know why the Germans are like this. They're hysterical, though. 0:10:19 Unknown_12: Anyways, the Greens have lost, and the Greens were the party for ecology issues. Germany is probably the leader in Europe in regards to renewable energy, excluding nuclear, which for whatever reason they have a morbid fear of, I guess because nuclear sounds scary. But the Green Party has usually been successful because of the ecological stuff. But they they've had a schism and it's been brought on because of the AFD. The AFD won for the first time ever state level election. So for the first time ever, there are like governors in the various states of Germany that are AFD. And this is so scary. I mean, it's literally like, imagine if Alabama elected, like, a Klansman, and then they put the swastika in the flag again. Like, that's basically what's happened. So now the opposition to the AFD, the Greens are, like, shitting themselves. 0:10:56 Unknown_12: The entire senior board has resigned. And then additionally, in regards to that, the youth group for the party has also resigned. But for different reasons. The old guys at the party resigned because they lost. And they're like, we have fucked up so bad that we're seeing the evil AFD take power in these states. And then the youth are like, you guys aren't progressive enough. You guys aren't asking... 0:11:31 Unknown_12: The other parties in Germany are like, okay, well, the AFD is winning, and they're basically a group of retards that just believe in fewer immigration. How about we also just cool down on the immigrants? Instead of $2 million a year, we'll do $1 million a year or something. And that's become the position of all the other parties. 0:12:03 Unknown_12: And the Greens are the only ones where it's like, okay, how about fewer immigrants then? We'll just focus on the ecological shit that we actually care about. And then the kids are like, no, man, we need more trannies. We need more Muslims. We need more immigrants. Because otherwise we're racist. And that's destroyed the party. And that's why I kind of like the parliamentary system, because it's like, oh, look, a party, a major political party in a major European country has effectively imploded. And the last time that that happened in the U.S. was, oh, God, was it the fucking Whigs? I think it was... Before we had the Republican Party, I want to say that we had the Whigs versus the Democrat-Republican Party. That's what it was called. It was a hyphenated name, like Democratic-Republicans. And then the Whigs imploded or something. It was like Civil War era is the last time that the U.S. had an actual political party change-up. 0:12:35 Unknown_12: And then we had one independent candidate challenge an incumbent president... Unknown_12: I want to say when Reagan got elected. And that was such a disaster that anybody who votes third party in the U.S. now is basically considered, like, guilty of treason because you're only sabotaging the candidate that you're more aligned with. So it's almost a faux pas now to run third party. You're just an idiot that's jeopardizing the actual candidate that can win. 0:13:10 Unknown_03: Um... Unknown_03: Yeah, Ross Perot, that's... Yeah, anyways, I don't know. Unknown_12: I don't want to ramble too much about politics, but... Unknown_12: I pay attention, Chad. You know how I am. In Germany in particular, the most sensitive thing that they have in their culture is anti-Semitism. You're not allowed to say anything about Jews to the point where there was a phase that Europe went through where they all wanted to ban circumcision because it's a horrific practice that mutilates a child for no fucking reason. And when they threatened to do that... And they wanted to. They would have had the votes to pass it. The Jews rose TF up and said, we're going to make the Battle of Berlin look like a fucking joke if you ban baby penis mutilation surgery in this country. You're going to wish you never fucked with us. And Germany was like, they rolled their eyes, put finger guns to their head, pulled the trigger. Like, okay, whatever. Penis mutilation if you want it. 0:14:24 Unknown_12: Um, so I bring that up because a lot of the immigrants are Muslim and of course they hate Jews more than life itself. So they, uh, there is an increase of like anti-Semitic hate crime throughout Germany. And of course this is always written in such a way that you would assume that it's like a neo-Nazi ADF or AFD thing happening. And it's, no, it's the Muslims. Unknown_12: It's the Muslims. They're just murdering and raping Jewish people because they hate them so much. It gets blamed on the Germans, though, because of course it does. Such is life in Europe. 0:15:00 Unknown_12: What an enlightened place. We can learn a lot from them. Unknown_12: We can learn so much. We can shut down our nuclear power plants and import a bunch of Muslims right into New York City, into the heart of New York City, into Manhattan. I think every bank needs a bunker for specifically housing Muslim migrants. And on that wonderful transition, Eric Adams in New York City has been indicted by the federal government. This is the first New York City sitting mayor who has been indicted by the federal government in 170 years. And he is being indicted for acting as an agent of a foreign government. Another high ranking U.S. politician who is acting in consortium with foreign agents. Not Israel, of course. Those ones don't get charged. Turkey, actually. And it's actually kind of a weird minor charge, but it makes me wonder because it's like what they're accusing him of. 0:15:35 Unknown_12: Is that a bunch of Muslims in New York funneled funds from the Turkish government on their behalf into the campaign of Eric Adams, who is the mayor. And at the time when he was running, he promised them a mosque. Turkey wanted this mosque in New York City. They had trouble getting the permits required to get it built. I'm assuming that it's not even just because it's a mosque, because getting anything done in these fucking metropolitan hellholes is like a nightmare. I want to say that, like. 0:16:16 Unknown_12: No, I'm thinking of London. They wanted to build this train in London, and it's cost like 30 years, and the majority of the expenses are just administrative legal expenses. They're trying to build a train track, but almost all the money that they've allotted for it goes to fighting... 0:16:57 Unknown_12: for permits and all sorts of bullshit like this. So they're never going to get this train built. They're just going to be laboring in the Ministry of Truth or whatever in London for the next 50 fucking years trying to get a train track built. Unknown_12: No, it's not the Ground Zero Mosque. They have that. The Ground Zero Mosque was a mosque like two blocks away from the Twin Towers. And it wasn't even a mosque. It was like a Muslim youth center or something. Unknown_12: But a lot of people got pissed off about that because Muslims have a habit of whenever they conquer a foreign country, they build a mosque in the heart of the conquered lands. So they said that was that. But that shit got built a long time ago. That's been done and done. This is just a different mosque. And for whatever reason, they couldn't get it done. So the government of... Oh, I'm wrong. I'm an idiot. I'm thinking of the Ground Zero Mosque, but I'm wrong. It was a consulate. The Turkish government wanted to build a consulate in New York City, completely different from a mosque, I guess. 0:17:34 Unknown_12: And they couldn't get it done. They wanted to build just an office for their State Department in New York City, and they've been having a terrible time doing it because it's New York City. So they paid for this guy's election with the assumption that once he was in, he would grant them the consulate. And the city. And I don't even know why this is such a big deal. Why is this so hard? If you have enough of a foreign people living in a city that you need a new consulate there to facilitate their state actions, what's the difference? 0:18:07 Unknown_12: You know what I mean? Like, why can't they build their fucking consulate? I'm sure there's, you know, Israel has a consulate in New York. And not only does Israel have a consulate in New York, New York City's Metropolitan Police Department has an office in Tel Aviv. Because there is so much inner correspondence between New York City and Tel Aviv that they needed to open a... 0:18:51 Unknown_12: The city-level police needed to open a branch in Tel Aviv because there's so many people moving back and forth between these two places that it was necessary to conduct official actions efficiently. But Turkey can't open a fucking consulate for their government? Well, that's retarded. Unknown_11: Anyways. Unknown_12: He countered this, by the way, and Eric Adams, I think, is... Unknown_12: I'm going to assume he's a Democrat. I don't know. I didn't actually look this up. I'm going to assume if he's the mayor of New York City, he's a Democrat. But he's been basically saying that the government has dumped like hundreds of thousands of immigrants in his city and they're completely overwhelmed. And occasionally he does like a shuck and jive on television and blames the federal government for doing this and mishandling the immigrants and just dumping them in New York City. And he keeps asking for no money for them programs and shit. 0:19:27 Unknown_12: So he gets up there and he says, like, the government's corrupt. The government's dumping immigrants in here. It's making the New York City taxpayer foot the bill for all this shit. They're not giving us no money for them programs. And then he gets indicted for acting as an agent for a foreign government when all they're trying to do is build a consulate, which I don't see the issue of this. Um, and he's saying that they're actually trying to sabotage him because he's pointing out that the government is doing this terrible thing with the immigrants and it's their fault and they're trying to hush him up. So that's his accusation response. 0:19:59 Unknown_12: Um, which is kind of funny. That's like a right wing talking point. Like we're talking too much about like the government's corrupt and we're talking too much about immigrants. So you're trying to hush us up. Maybe he'll switch sides. 0:20:34 Unknown_12: Maybe. Unknown_12: You know what else is funny? I don't remember where I saw this. I think I've mentioned this before, but it's really funny. In New York City, they don't have trash cans. They don't have like a standardized trash pickup system where like a garbage truck can roll down the street and just pick up trash cans. So when you go to New York City, there's just black trash bags dumped in the fucking street all the fucking time. And the garbage men physically take the trash bags and throw them in their dump truck. 0:21:06 Unknown_12: Because the city is so convoluted and so inefficient that they've been doing an exploratory committee to try and discover the viability of using standardized trash receptacles. so that trash people can pick up the trash without actually handling the trash bags and throwing them. And this has been like a 10-year, $100 million exploratory probe into the viability of fucking trash bins, wheelie bins on the street. So that stinky poo-poo garbage is not piling up literally everywhere in this major metropolitan city. This is not an issue that happens anywhere else in the world. It's only the United States that can fuck this up. You think Tokyo has an issue with fucking trash bins? You think Shanghai or Beijing can't discover the efficacy of a standardized dump? Come the fuck on. Imagine being a fucking New Yorker. Couldn't be me. 0:21:43 Unknown_12: This is a brief thing, and I'm not sure. I looked into it very briefly, and it's not very convincing. This guy just came out, and he basically said at the peak of the Mr. Beast shit that... 0:22:28 Unknown_12: His girlfriend was raped on set. So he was there, and they were filming. And the way that he words it is kind of retarded, because it sounds like Mr. Beast personally raped her, and he's just alleging that it was somebody in the stadium. So a bunch of people freaked out at this. And then he had to come out, and he had to clarify that, no, I'm not accusing... Unknown_12: mr beast of raping her it was uh somebody at the the convention so it wasn't mr beast crew rather a company him and bts hired to build a set does mr beast work with bts that's like cringe that's really weird and gay uh 0:23:18 Unknown_03: And I guess he was being harassed so much by people on the internet that he came out and he had to put out a statement. Unknown_12: I have a splinter in my palm, and it's extremely painful, chat. And I've been playing with it, I've been futzing with it, and I've been distracted because of the splinter. Unknown_12: And I don't know how it fucking got there. Unknown_03: What the fuck did I do? It hurts, chat. I'm in pain. I feel bad for me. Unknown_12: Okay. So, to hamster dismissed, of course. So, because this is the Friday stream, and the Friday stream, unless we're very fortuitous, does not always have as much as the Tuesday streams, I've decided that I'm going to give my audience what they want, what they truly crave. Much like how plants crave electrolytes, my audience craves slop. So I've acquired some slop, just kind of at random. And we're going to watch this slop together chat. And a lot of this I haven't seen, just because I've picked stuff kind of out of different threads. 0:24:00 Unknown_12: And I will give you my honest first take. Okay. Okay. Unknown_12: So this is Naomi Hearts XO on TikTok. It is a fat Latinx tranny. And he's at Disneyland, presumably trying to horrify children. So let's take a look. 0:24:39 Unknown_01: So y'all already know I'm a fat girl who loves to eat. Unknown_12: Yeah, this. This is feminine. If you want to disguise yourself as a woman, just be fat and obnoxious. Imagine doing this in public. Unknown_01: We are here back at Disneyland to eat all of the food at Disney's Pride Night. Let's go. Unknown_12: So, this is the frame of a demon. Like, why do people not want to go to Disneyland anymore? Could it be this? Why is Disney World unprofitable for the first time in its entire fucking life? Could it be this? No. There should be... 0:25:10 Unknown_12: Here's what Disney World can do to earn back the reputation. Unknown_12: It can have armed security on premises. And if they see somebody with a selfie stick or doing like TikTok influencer content, guns come out and they say, you are banned from Disney, all Disney properties all across the world forever. And then once you have created this influencer-free zone, the families of America and around the world will rush, will rush ravenously to your park, your studio, to have an experience of what it was like to be a kid in the 2000s or 1990s when you could enjoy things and not have fat trannies recording TikTok content. My dog. 0:25:47 Unknown_01: And then I wanted a Mickey pretzel room. What? Unknown_12: He's like practiced the a hoagie thing. Like, you know, Chantal just naturally does that thing where her eyes roll into the back of her head like a shark when she bites into anything. And this fat Brazilian looking guy is definitely like trying to mimic that. Unknown_01: Then I have some pop. What the? Unknown_12: I'm so I want to avoid using the word hate in particular, but I'm very intolerant of this. 0:26:43 Unknown_01: and of course i can't go to disney without a churro then i have some yummy yummy blue milk followed by the outer rim drink then i had a lobster roll i just want to hit it in the head with something you know what i mean i just feel like something about the eyes just makes me want to take like a golf club and beat it around the fucking head for a second oh he's just such a gay man he's like just a fat gay man in a dress eating okay i got you Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: I don't know what this is. So, found on Twitter, white conservative mom drives around city, gets cut off by a gigahan on a bike, who calls her a cunt. Lo and behold, her husband, a very large black dude, is in the car with her. Hilarity ensues. Okay, we're going to see the benefits of race mixing here in a second, though. Unknown_12: oh no dude the the white conservative lady driving around with her pet gorilla and he just immediately he's he's on attack what does he do he grabs the bike first thing instinctively this is a tactical military advantage in order to to disable the the maneuverability of the opponent 0:28:05 Unknown_05: There's no bike lanes here, bitch! Unknown_05: Get on the fucking sidewalk! Unknown_12: Get on the fucking sidewalk. Dude, the trainings are so happy when they inconvenience other people. Look at this. There should be some way to physically assault people through a car that's legal. Unknown_12: Like a Looney Tunes boxing glove and a jack-in-the-box thing where it just extends out the license plate with a little fist and it goes... And then you just punch the training in the fucking back of the head and drive away. 0:28:52 Unknown_05: Yeah, you heard what I said. At least I have a cunt. Unknown_12: I like how when this fat tranny is driving around, you can see his thong. It's very feminine to ride around on your bike with your thong showing. Okay, let's see what happens. Unknown_11: It's ma'am. Unknown_12: Uh-oh. He's observed. He's only been hearing while driving away. He's only been hearing... 0:29:26 Unknown_12: He's only been hearing a white woman yelling at him this entire time. Then he gets off. I'm going to square up against this white bitch. And then he sees. You can see the dread as the black man leaves the car. And immediately... Pre any confrontation, he automatically moves his bike to the sidewalk. Like he thought it was just a white woman that he could bully indefinitely. Then a fucking black man pulls out. He's like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. This is it. His life was flashing before his eyes. All his childhood memories of being a little boy. 0:30:29 Unknown_11: oh he's showing is he tucked is that a gun is that like a gun or a taser cause he's definitely like showing off that he has a weapon he's like you think the police are bad I'm finna fucking bust a cap on you motherfucking big snood I mean I know that he's tucked like his penis is tucked but is that a gun Unknown_12: Well, I mean, he could say I'm in fear for my life because I'm a sexual minority, so I need a little gun. I need a concealed carry permit. And then Massachusetts would be like, oh my God, you pro-war, innocent trans folks. Here's the only concealed weapon permit in the entire state just for you. What? 0:31:25 Unknown_06: Right? Did you not ask the man to get out the fucking car, right? You asked me to get off the fucking road? Yeah, right? You asked me to get off the fucking road? I don't need to ask you to get off the fucking road. You've been having a fucking attitude since you told me to get the fuck off the road. Because you're in the fucking middle of the fucking road. Unknown_00: You're in the fucking middle of the sidewalk toting up fucking traffic, right? Unknown_12: take the bike. The bike is becoming more and more tantalizing as time goes on. He can't resist anymore. ... 0:31:56 Unknown_12: This is why black people get what they want. Unknown_12: Dude, the tranny has, like, made his voice so deep, because he's in, like, a male-on-male confrontation, so he's like, what the fuck you talking about? I've been telling you to get the fuck up off the road for as long, for fucking two miles now, motherfucker. And it's like, the thing, get up in the face and shit, and try to, like, even though, even, now that he's confronted, now that he's in a situation with physical peril as an entity, he's gonna, like, suddenly, Teehee, I'm a real woman. He's gonna enter man mode and try to, like, become threatening. 0:32:34 Unknown_11: Bah, bitch. 0:33:18 Unknown_12: If that's a gun, he just touched it. Watch. Unknown_12: He grabs it. Unknown_12: That might be a... Unknown_05: Uh-huh. Unknown_12: He should have clobbered him with the bike. I thought that was a gun. I thought he was, like, packing a gun. I had to defend myself, and that's why I took his bike and shoved it right up his fucking ass. Unknown_06: 3TFT38. Are you okay? Yeah, we okay. 0:34:05 Unknown_12: Are they going to sit there and wait for him to bike again and make sure he stays on the sidewalk? Unknown_12: Cool. Unknown_12: Remember, trannies are at the bottom of the food chain, so when it comes to a black guy and a tranny, I will root for the black guy. That's how it works. Unknown_12: I have my priorities in line. Unknown_12: This is Cinnabunny, which I assume is like a pun on Cinnabun. This is a polyamorous couple. I don't know exactly how big their polycule is, but always remember, this is what a polyamorous couple looks like. Ooh, 374 subscribers. Chat, we can work our magic here. I can give them the matty bump, the attention they crave. 0:34:39 Unknown_12: Let's see. Is that their entire polycule? Unknown_12: These people have sex with each other. Isn't that disgusting? Let's do the Q&A. Let's start with something safe here. And watch like a minute of this. Oh my god. Holy shit. Unknown_12: She legitimately looks like... Like Cobes. Like King Cobra. as a couple and we're going to start doing that more we're still polyamorous and we're just going to do that barbell at the top of her nose like on the bridge makes it look like she has two enormous zits go forward with answering questions as a polyamorous couple instead of what you're used to 0:35:19 Unknown_10: We've been getting a reoccurring question that we wanted to come on here and answer, and that reoccurring question is, what is the point of getting married if you are going to be polyamorous or non-monogamous? 0:35:55 Unknown_08: Isn't the point of getting married because you're in love, whether you're poly or monogamous? Unknown_12: No, it's for tax benefits, idiot. Unknown_08: There's nothing really special about it other than that, really. There doesn't have to be. Unknown_10: There are dildos in the background. Gross. Dude, isn't that gross? You just know that those have been inside this guy right here. This fucking loser. This guy looks so dead inside. He looks so gay and so dead inside. And then she's just one of the ugliest bio women ever. 0:36:38 Unknown_10: and continue to practice that lifestyle, being together and being a married couple. A content creator that does... I hate that we've used the word marriage to describe... Hi, I'm Gavin. Oh my god, lady. Unknown_12: Blow out your fucking mic, why don't you? We use the word marriage to describe civil unions, and marriage should be a religious thing, and not the government's word for tax benefit bracket. Unknown_10: Hi, I'm Gabby. I go by... Hi, Gabby. Unknown_12: You might want to turn your mic's gain down just a little bit. Unknown_10: I'm Dana. I go by they, them pronouns. Unknown_12: Dude, she is so fucking ugly. Just keep in mind that when you hear people talking about their kinky, polyamorous lifestyle, this is who they're putting their dick into. Just keep that in mind. I'm Eli, and I go by he, they pronouns. 0:37:13 Unknown_10: And the three of us are in a throuple and we live together. So welcome to our YouTube channel where we're going to be talking about your questions and just general polyamorous education more in depth. Make sure to subscribe, like, comment. You already know the drill. If you want to see more content like this or if you have any questions, make sure to subscribe, like. Unknown_12: When YouTube, watch this. When YouTube hears the word subscribe, it makes the button blink. Unknown_10: Your questions and just general polyamorous education more in depth. Make sure to subscribe, like, comment. 0:37:54 Unknown_12: You see that? As soon as the closed caption subscribe word shows, the button blinks. Bro. Unknown_10: Subscribe, like, comment. It's trying to fucking reprogram brain. Subscribe, like, comment. Unknown_12: Bro. Bro. Trying to rewire my brain. Don't you do this, YouTube. I'm too smart for you, YouTube motherfucker. Too smart for you. Unknown_03: I see what you're up to. Unknown_03: Um, oh, this person didn't even want their face in this fucking embarrassing video. 0:38:31 Unknown_12: I want to see like the entire like gang. I want to see the gang all together. Let's go to this one, I guess. This is like a photo of them together. Unknown_09: Hi, my name is Dana. I'm non-binary. Unknown_12: Hi, Dana. I see you can drink an entire can of Monster. 31! Unknown_09: This bitch busted, man. I work in a warehouse, so I'm non-binary. I didn't fucking ask. I wanted to see the whole group together. It's like these people can't stand to be near each other for, like, one video. Unknown_12: I want to see more of this lady. Unknown_09: She sucks. 0:39:19 Unknown_03: Uh, let's see. Looks like them together. Unknown_09: Hi, my name is Dana, and I'm in a throuple with my husband and my girlfriend. Today we all slept in super late because last night we were out at QDP. I have a vlog up from that night if you missed it. I took an ad- Okay, let's see the shorts. Unknown_11: Oh, here we go. Unknown_04: But we're deep, deep in the passenger seat and you're Unknown_12: Literally nothing. I moved in after only knowing each other for four months. We immediately were thrown into quarantining a pandemic together. We got engaged that one year and then eloped. 0:39:51 Unknown_03: Um... Unknown_03: And that's the entire video. Unknown_12: And there's, like, photos of them together. Unknown_03: I don't see how you can hate for miles. Unknown_12: Threeple just vibing with four positive magazine articles written about us while haters continue to hate online. Dude, these people, the journo scum that try to promote this gay shit, will find these fucking YouTube channels with literally no subscribers and pretend that they're, like, a thing that people should take as, like, normal. 0:40:28 Unknown_12: My comment section screaming when they see that I, a polyamorous person, takes regular showers. Be sure to just fuck don't look it. Your husband... Their entire channel is about how much people hate them because they're gross. Your husband is with his other partner and they're prettier than you. I mean, that's not a hard bar. I think pretty much every living woman on the planet is prettier than this freak. Ew. Ew. Unknown_12: that's like the punishment like oh you're polyamorous okay I guess I'll go for it and then you get jumped by this fucking clown this gangly monster that lives in his house like yo you gotta have sex with this too now oh my god I'm in love I don't give a shit I didn't ask you ew oh my god they're so idiot is there any pink pony isn't that dude that guy's so fucking gay Pink Pony Girls. Isn't that like a... It's like a song called Pink Pony Girls. And it's about a woman becoming a prostitute and her mother crying. 0:41:27 Unknown_03: Oh, they have the progress flag. Unknown_12: That's wonderful. Let's see this. Unknown_10: What the fuck? I've never been to a 4th of July party where they make me say the Pledge of Allegiance. Unknown_10: H-O-T-T-O-G-O You can take me hot to go Okay, this is an insurrection. 0:42:07 Unknown_12: These people have declared war against the United States of America and they must be gunned down. We need the military to go in there with fully automatic rifles and just clear this shit out before this army marches on the White House and overthrows our democratically elected government. Unknown_02: You just gotta keep living, man. Unknown_13: She puts her leg up like, carry me. And she's like, I can't. You're fat. L-I-V-I-N. Unknown_12: okay i don't know who needs to hear this but if you're a mexican girl with curly hair um do not bleach your hair blonde because if you have curly hair like this your hair looks like fucking ramen this also applies to jewish people jewish people if you have like curly hair do not dye your hair blonde because it looks like you just got like nasty pastrami hair or some shit i don't know it looks really bad 0:43:07 Unknown_12: Polyamorous perk. Having your partner bring home leftovers from dates. They go on without you. The cuck bag. Here's your leftovers. I gotta put them in the doggy bag. I said this was for my dog. I said this was for my dog. And I'm not really lying too much when I say that. Unknown_11: Okay, that's the short. Unknown_12: These people have pledged their allegiance to the progress flag. They are enemy combatants. Never forget this. Unknown_12: Okay, next on the true news. The Greenwich Police in southeast London have acknowledged the existence of the SCP-9, I suppose. SCP-SSB-9. It's supposed to be a number, but SSB-9 sounds pretty SCP-ish. 0:43:40 Unknown_12: They have said that. Unknown_12: Parents, please be aware of a smart school-born nine messages circulating around on Snapchat. A male is pretending to be a child and engaging with kids on social media. An investigation is ongoing, but his intentions are... Can't. 0:44:24 Unknown_12: Um, is ongoing, but his intentions are unclear. Stay vigilant and talk to your children about online safety. Hashtag stay safe. Unknown_12: The Greenwich Police Department has stopped trying to arrest... What happened to those British protests, by the way? Did they just arrest everybody that was protesting and now it's over? It kind of feels like that's what happened. Unknown_12: They're after him. They're looking into it. He's been acknowledged. Unknown_12: I don't think anything will happen. He's been around for, like... Apparently he's been doing this creepy dress-up that he does since, like, the 1990s, so... 0:44:58 Unknown_12: I guess that's it. If you're English, you need to get the fuck out of England. Unknown_12: Just come to the U.S. If you need a job, I'll get you a job. You want to work for me? You want to be my... I need a mail clerk. Unknown_12: I have one, but I don't know. I don't pay him. I feel kind of bad. He's got like a job. I can get like a mail clerk. I need somebody to do my merch. I need someone to program. All these British people, come over. We'll get you out of there. Unknown_12: That's it for this. It's apparently the fascination of the TikTok people because he's so creepy. So like viscerally disgusting. 0:45:34 Unknown_12: Okay, so this is Carissa. This is a very weird thread, because this thread is in the Death That's Born. It's been around since 2020. Unknown_12: It has 673 pages. I've never heard of it before. This is Carissa Enneking. She is fat, and she's also a heckin' valid enby, I think. Yeah, I think. Ooh, check out Doe's Pancakes. That is simply tragic. 0:46:05 Unknown_12: She actually agrees with me on this. She agrees with me. She wants them cut off. She has acknowledged that her breasts are completely ruined because of her body weight. And she is... Unknown_12: endeavoring to get a double mastectomy. Unknown_12: However, as many people familiar with medicine... Oh my god, just chugging like a full two-liter of regular Dr. Pepper. That's healthy. Health at any size. 0:46:38 Unknown_12: Oh, now, talk about merch. The they-them pronoun pack. You get a button that says, ask me about my pronouns. I use they-them pronouns, a little patch to sew onto your clothes so everyone knows to stay away from you. Unknown_12: My pronouns aren't preference. They are mandatory. Okay. Unknown_12: Break binary. Unknown_12: Okay. $9. $10, actually. 10% of the proceeds will be donated to Trans Lifeline. Wow. Still around. It's kind of weird. It's like whenever a tranny wants to donate money, they just donate to Trans... Dude, such a fucking... If you are out there and you're a con artist... um you may want to consider the tranny grift as your grift all you gotta do is you gotta set up a lifeline or some shit and say that you're saving trans kids or something that's it trans saving trans kids a 501c3 non-profit every dollar goes towards saving trans kids how we save trans kids 0:47:42 Unknown_12: How about social media? You do social media stuff. You have open DMs on Zitter and Discord. Any trans kids want to talk, they'll be hooked up with an adult four times their age so that they can be given the life-saving intervention that they require. Unknown_12: Shit like that. You can do it. It wouldn't take that much effort and make a lot of money. You can pay yourself whatever you want. You just have to be public about it. Say like, oh, I paid myself $100,000 as CEO of this nonprofit. Unknown_12: I think you'd go to hell if you do that. I don't think so. 0:48:14 Unknown_12: Because you don't actually have to do it. You can just hire somebody. Here's what you do, right? Unknown_12: You find people who really need jobs. Maybe even prison inmates. I think they give inmates, like, tablets now, right? So you just find, like, a bunch of lifers in prison. And they need money for, like, cantina stuff, right? So they can buy Twinkies and shit. And cigarettes. Unknown_12: And you'd be like, for every minute you spend talking to suicidal transgender kids, I'll give you a dime. And then you can make a bunch of money and buy cigarettes and stuff from the commissary. And then you just put these at-risk teenagers into direct contact with your staff, which is the inmates. And that way, you're helping everybody. You're giving those kids the attention they need from strong father figures who are there to help them. And then you're also giving a second chance to inmates who really don't get a second chance very often. And I think that that is a pure good. That's a real benefit. You're saving trans kids' lifeline. I think that'll help a lot. 0:49:39 Unknown_03: Anyways, so Carissa, as people familiar with the non-medicine might know... I think you dropped another letter in hell for that. Unknown_12: She went and applied for her double mastectomy. She met with the surgical team and the surgical team said, damn bitch, you fucking fat. Unknown_12: We ain't operating on you, dumb fuck. And she's crying about it because obviously that's fat phobia. It doesn't have anything to do with the anesthesiologist being afraid of losing his medical license or having his insurance go up, his malpractice insurance spike when you die on the table suffocating. 0:50:20 Unknown_12: It's entirely about fat phobia. Unknown_12: So this is the message. She's posting sad selfies. Oh no, I'm so sad. Here's how sad I am. Unknown_12: Oh, I'm literally beside myself. You can see it in the mirror. I'm right next to myself. Unknown_12: My binder stays on another day. Unknown_12: She writes... Unknown_12: I'm writing this with the most devastatingly heavy chest. Now that's poetry. That's how you know you're being serious. Your tits are literally still affixed to your body, and they're quite heavy because you're so fat. And obviously, if you had had your surgery, your chest would not be heavy. But this is also an allegory, a metaphor. for how it feels to have a tightness in your chest from bad news or anxiety. She continues, One week before my top surgery, I was informed by the anesthesia team they would not sign off on my clearance after all. I waited 20 years to pursue this. I did a year's worth of planning, advocating, and participating in tests to examine my fitness for the procedure. I passed them all. 0:51:29 Unknown_12: My PCP and cardiologist cleared me for top surgery, as a super fat. Still, the anesthesia team determined that due to my size, the shape of my body, and recent BMI requirement changes within the hospital, they were not comfortable moving forward. Unknown_12: I invested a lot of time in this. I put all this into the process. I put my all, sorry, I don't know why I couldn't read that, into this process. And the medical system still determined that my gender affirming surgery was not worth the risk. They did suggest I meet with a bariatric team. To lower my BMI enough for them to consider. The problem is that they want me to lose 200 pounds, an amount that is almost impossible without bariatrics. It's so impossible, bro. You can't do it. 0:52:36 Unknown_12: There's no way that a 400-pound woman can lose or a 500-pound woman can lose 200 pounds. Unknown_12: Unless they go in there with an ax and just start hacking bits off of you, it's not happening. There's something seriously unjust and insidiously anti-trans and anti-fat about a system that will approve a person being put on anesthesia for a worthy cause of weight loss, but not for the gender-affirming care. That is because they have a little abacus, right? And they tick the beans over left and right, and they come up with the estimation that 0:53:11 Unknown_12: If you stay a fat fuck at that weight forever, you're going to die really early. And the chances of you dying really early put your life expectancy below where it would be if you factor in the risk of dying right then and there. So it's like... Unknown_12: if you're gonna die at 45 from being that weight but you would live to like 60 unless you die on the table it's like it's just enough for like okay well i guess that makes sense whereas the chances of you eating yourself to death because you still have boobs is uh probably the same risk of you dying on the table basically 0:53:52 Unknown_12: They'll tamper with my perfectly healthy organs and risk a significant decrease to my quality of life post-op for thinness, but refuse to flatten my chest. Devastated doesn't capture it. I feel disempowered, nihilistic, and honestly embarrassed about all of this. I hate to let so many other trans fats down. Unknown_12: You know, trans fats aren't good for you. They're bad. You see a lot of product advertising that they don't have any trans fats in them. I hate how much money has been lost on this. I hate the idea of having to rewire my brain into radical acceptance land about my chest again. I know it's possible. I know I'll get there. But right now, I'm just so sad. So she's just giving up. Like, okay, they're not going to cut my tits off. I guess it's over. I mean, they said they would if I lost some weight, but no. 0:54:32 Unknown_12: I really, really, really, really, really, really, really want a surgery, but I would never, ever lose a weight to accomplish it. It's a life-saving surgery that would affirm me and empower me, but I'm not going to lose any weight in order to get it. Unknown_12: Sorry, I like my chalupas too much. 0:55:06 Unknown_12: Our healthcare system is so deeply rooted in capitalism. It feels rather clear to me that these BMI requirements are getting stricter all over the country, just as GLP-1s further disseminate throughout our communities. I've asked on more than one occasion throughout the process to try starting the big OZMP. I'm not interested in doing that harm to my body. I'm interested in feeling at home in it. They just won't take my tits, but they'll gladly carve out Unknown_04: My heart. Unknown_12: Tragic. Really tragic. 0:55:43 Unknown_12: As we all know, in communist countries, they hand out elective surgeries left and right. Oh, you want to just cut off your tits for no reason? Okay. Dr. Yuri Alexandrov will see you in 80 weeks. 80 weeks from now. We got a long line of people waiting for surgeries. Unknown_12: I'm not dead. Silence. Unknown_12: Listen, I don't know what to tell you, okay? Sometimes my internet disrupts, you gotta survive. You gotta deal with it. You gotta make it towards the end. 0:56:19 Unknown_12: Um, okay. So this is so out of my fucking depth, I can't even begin to try and understand what the fuck is happening in this. But, I will do it anyways. For the content, chat. For the content. For the content. Unknown_12: This is Max Field, also known as Soul Brother number three, who has made a visual novels. Unknown_12: It is like a like a manga. It's like a choose your own story manga that you play. Right. 0:56:50 Unknown_12: Um, and it's very edgy. And for whatever reason, it developed this lesbian fandom on Tumblr adjacent communities where there were like, I want to say like 20 different endings in the first two games. Unknown_12: And then, um, Unknown_12: He released the third one, and a lot of people were expecting that this would be the last one, and it would canonize this lesbian fanfiction that a lot of his fans support. And instead, he just published what amounts to rape fanfic and foot fetish stuff. So this is one of the canonical endings to the visual novel. You ready? Okay. 0:57:22 Unknown_12: The slide says, We wouldn't have had to end up in a legal porn warehouse. Kelly wouldn't have had to die, and I wouldn't have ended up in some Palestinian slave trade for the last two years. The mere invocation of the name of Palestine... Unknown_12: Has upset a lot of people. I don't know exactly what a Palestinian slave trade is or how an anime girl ends up in one. But this is one of the canonical endings to the manga or whatever. And a lot of people found that upsetting. And then apparently there were continuous references to foot shit. Jeffrey says, oh, you girls spoil me so good. I know things would get better after high school. 0:57:59 Unknown_12: And it's women playing with... Unknown_12: with him with their feet. I can kind of, that's his head right there. I can understand the perspective now. So lesbians waited many years to have a thrilling conclusion to their edgy visual novel video game. And instead they got a Palestinian sex slave and foot fetishes stuff. And they're very, very, very upset. And the author is in, instead of handling this with, um, 0:58:40 Unknown_12: With any kind of civility, I think his response officially has been to call everybody who doesn't like the ending a pedophile. I want to say there's like a weird mention of this, and I saw it. Unknown_12: It was like an in-game note or something criticizing people for being pedophiles because they didn't like his ending. Hold on, let me find this. I'm going to skim real quick. 0:59:16 Unknown_03: I'm not going to read all that shit. Unknown_03: Where is the edit? Unknown_12: Where is this edit where he's like calling everybody a pedophile? Come on now. Unknown_12: All these people. There's actually like fans of this in this thread, like debating the ending and shit. It's not as funny. I want to see the guy jumping out. 0:59:50 Unknown_03: Why am I being deprived of this? Unknown_03: Is that him? He's so young. He's already made like a big video game franchise and he's like 18. Unknown_12: Oh, well. I guess I don't get to see it. Apparently he freaked out a bunch of people and criticized them. And it's pissed a bunch of lesbians and Tumblristas off because he just decided, you know what? I don't want to create an ending that's satisfying to the core audience and demographic of my product. 1:00:24 Unknown_12: I just want to commission more slave porn and foot job art. Unknown_12: Boogie, up to no good. Boogie has commissioned, or I said commissioned, I don't know why I said commissioned, maybe he's just paying for her. Unknown_12: He has proposed to his girlfriend Desiree, and you can just tell it's her because of that horrifically tacky cheetah tattoo that she has on her. 1:00:59 Unknown_12: Um, so this is probably a stunt for attention. Just giving you a heads up. If I decide to stop talking about this, uh, that's why there is like no center stone on this ugly as fucking ring. Unknown_12: This is their engagement ring, so it's supposed to be really nice. Unknown_12: And the real kicker is that this is a $30 ring. Here it is on Amazon from the Jericho store. The Infinity Promise ring for her. Sterling silver. I guess that's supposed to be it. It's probably glass or cubic zirconium. Unknown_03: Where's the price tag at? $39.99 it says. 1:01:33 Unknown_03: That sounds accurate. Unknown_12: So Boogie, a very poor man, has engaged to his child bride, the mentally retarded Desiree, and a daughter of, like, crack addicts, with a $40 ring. And to be completely honest with you, that's probably what she deserves. Unknown_12: She's kind of fucking disgusting. I don't know. 1:02:04 Unknown_12: I think that their entire relationship is just a front for drugs. I think he gets pain pills and shit because he's so fat and retarded, and she just takes them, and that's how she copes with being the boogie child bride. Yeah, like I said, this is probably fucking gay and retard bullshit because it's boogie, and boogie's associated with Keem. So if I stop talking about this, that's why. Unknown_12: Now this guy, I talked about once for the first time months ago, because he's Brad Tastin Music. I mentioned him a couple times, because every so often he puts out another... 1:02:42 Unknown_12: he has like an update and it's just like, he's continually declining. So at his peak, um, he put on this, this tranny into like his entourage and associated with this person that had like a sexual abuse history as being an abuser. Um, he had cultivated a very progressive, um, audience that, that cares a lot about that kind of stuff. So when the news came out, Unknown_12: And he doubled down hard on this and defending this tranny until it broke him. And he completely disavowed the tranny. And then his girlfriend broke up with him. And now he's like, I think he checked himself into a rehab facility because he was or like an asylum. Like he he he went into like a voluntary psych hold because he felt like he was going to kill himself. And now he's out. And he has a three-minute-long video put out about his state of being. And let's just listen to it, Chad. 1:03:53 Unknown_07: I appreciate any patience with this video as I'm going to be speaking specifically in the sentence structure that I've learned in rehab in order to discuss with other people with issues and I'm just going to use what I've been learning about my emotions to try to communicate a little bit better of what's at least been going on with me. Unknown_07: When the internet and in large tells me, Bradley, get offline. Unknown_07: What my brain perceives this as is an attack. Unknown_07: And the way I feel about that is really sad and scared and uncertain because I fear that I'm going to lose my job. 1:04:44 Unknown_07: So I start attacking the people trying to help me. Unknown_07: when the internet makes fun of me for my addictions, specifically to weed, Unknown_07: What my brain perceives this as is these idiots don't understand what the hell I'm going through. They think it's just weed. They don't know what I go through. Um, and the way I feel about that is, once again, sad, scared, angry. I feel like I don't really get it. Like, I don't know why people are trying to say these things about me online and that scares me. 1:05:19 Unknown_07: Um... Unknown_04: hmm when the internet talks about my relationship the way I perceive this is I should have never shown this woman to the world and the way I feel about that is horrified and sad and scared but also at the same time lucky that people are taking her side right now thank God that people are not attacking this woman at least like I 1:06:00 Unknown_07: To like a really bad degree. Hmm. Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: When the internet tells me to get offline, the way I perceive this now is that I have 360,000 sponsors telling me to get the hell offline. Unknown_12: this is a late observation to make as he rants about being told to quit the internet but you know it's bad when like someone's watching your video and then the top suggestion is just turkey tom saying that you should uh that you deserve it you're a bad person you deserve it that's youtube's subtle hint that you suck i appreciate you because you're right that is part of the prop post in this video i'm going to post it i'm not going to be looking at any comments all right 1:06:51 Unknown_07: You're like, Bradley, how can I know that you're doing that? Because I've been doing it for three days. That's right. Three days clean of that. Unknown_12: I just realized this. A little something about this mannerism. Unknown_07: Three days. That's right. Unknown_12: Three days. Unknown_12: I have, did I, dude, I can't decide if I've said this before, but maybe he's starting to look a lot like boss man Jack. Maybe I have subconsciously latched on. My malignant demonic energy has latched onto this man and the boss magnification is happening. And we have boss man Brad here looking more and more like Austin every day. 1:07:23 Unknown_12: We have embedded ourselves into his psyche, and we are slowly injecting the gamba and the crack-a-rooski crack rock. And soon we'll have our replacement. Unknown_12: Everyone has just assumed that the rats are like a collective, but no, the rats are truly a demonic force. I have hopes for him. I have aspirations for him. Unknown_07: Clean of that. 1:08:01 Unknown_07: I'm happy to say that I'm also clean off of all substances that are like, even prescribed ones that were like really screwing with me. Turns out that getting a prescription from your primary care doctor for Adderall and then abusing it once again to work 16 hours and then smoking weed afterwards is a really fucking bad idea. Unknown_03: Okay, buddy. 16 hours. Scroll back in time here. Unknown_03: What's he doing? I love how these dates don't fucking... Like, you can't see. Because now all this shit is like... 1:08:42 Unknown_12: Let's see. Worst Albums 2023. Best Albums 2023. I mean, I can imagine that these took a little while because it's like, these are your big videos. And generally speaking, these best and worst of videos at the end of the year do really well. Unknown_12: I think Jim Sterling said that his shittiest games of X year were always his most popular games. So I can imagine doing like... 1:09:19 Unknown_12: How do you hate MSI? His downfall is deserved. Stupid mother. Wait, hold up. Hold up. I have a real reaction. I have a real reaction to this guy. You ready? Unknown_12: This is my honest reaction to hearing that Brad Taste is having a downfall. You ready? 1:10:19 Unknown_12: Art chat. What do you mean it's bad? Unknown_12: What do you mean it's bad, chat? It's perfect, it's topical, it's timely, it's relevant, and it's a good song. What more could you possibly ask from me? How could you say? I'm not giving you what you asked for, chat. 1:10:53 Unknown_12: Angry tween shit, exactly. Unknown_12: it's good you can't say you don't like that song and then defend a rapist tranny until it ruined your career and you fucking check yourself into an asylum okay you don't get to you get to pick one or the other this guy at his asylum they should just be playing you stupid motherfucker you stupid motherfucker just over and over again until he figures it out until he gets through his head Unknown_12: That's what I think, chat. That's what should happen to Brad. 1:11:27 Unknown_12: Okay, this. This is the one big drama-rooski that everyone's talking about. So I'll give you a rundown. I actually put a little bit of thought into this, okay? There are two people on Twitch that... Unknown_12: One of them, Moon Moon, which if you don't know, Moon Moon is like the name of an old imager meme. There was something about a wolf named Moon Moon. That was like his name. He's a dumb wolf. That's a dumb name. So he just stole that name. 1:11:58 Unknown_12: And he created a Twitch channel. And I believe that his form of content, primarily, is Grand Theft Auto V roleplay. Now, if you've ever watched Bubz Games, who is currently on a... Just as a random aside, Bubz Games is an Australian troll who's currently... on a Outback soul-finding mission. His current goal as a gay man is to get every form of Aboriginal AIDS as a homeless person so that he can return to society healthy and established. 1:12:35 Unknown_12: But there's these servers on GTA V that are heavily modded, and the objective of the game is to role-play. So you're not supposed to go around killing all the cops and shit. Unknown_12: You're supposed to obey traffic laws. Unknown_12: And it's supposed to be like there are police and then there are people and you just interact with each other. So you might go over the speed limit and then get pulled over by a cop. And the idea is that these encounters will spark role play and then it will be entertaining to the players, right? Well, apparently this is actually a very popular genre of video game, because I'm aware even on Kick, there's like Turkish guys that do GTA V roleplay, and they have like tens of thousands of followers that watch them live. Moon Moon has 1.2 million followers on Twitch that just want to watch this guy do funny GTA V roleplay stuff. And... 1:13:25 Unknown_12: He makes enough money that he can support his family. He is married and he does collaborations with other Twitch streamers such as Diva Jilly, who is also married. She is in a 15 year marriage, actually. And so they would roleplay together, and they just had a little plot going on where their characters are in a relationship, but the roleplayers themselves are totally platonic. 1:14:06 Unknown_12: As you can see here from this tweet, I mean, I saw the impact of my dad cheating on my, did to my mom, so if you can't be honest about not being able to be monogamous, you shouldn't trick someone into believing otherwise. Just be honest, and if that person isn't okay with it, then find someone else who is. So Jillian is strictly monogamous. What about our boy Moon Moon? Unknown_00: Wouldn't someone who loves his wife so much, comma, not risk losing all that by, in quotes, role-playing a, in quotes, fake relationship? Unknown_00: Uh, one. Unknown_00: I super love my wife, and we are in a very, very good relationship that does not require... My wife would be like, are you talking to that fucking roleplay girl? That's the difference between you and me, is that I'm trying to roleplay a character. I have no feelings for the person on the other end of my roleplay character's fucking shit. I have no intentions of speaking to them out of character any more than is necessary, which I don't. 1:14:49 Unknown_00: You're projecting what you would be doing in my situation. We're not the same, motherfucker. I am the GOAT! You are a fucking jerk-off, dude. Unknown_12: So our boy, let me call out his name, because I want to give him a big little shout-out. Mocha Ski. Mocha Ski laid down the allegation. Isn't it kind of embarrassing that you're role-playing with this diva jelly woman while in a real relationship in real life? To which Moon Moon says, absolutely not. There's no... There's nothing wrong with what I do. It's just a job, basically. It's a professional relationship, and we roleplay an in-game relationship as a form of entertainment. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, I'm the greatest of all time because I can handle such a thing. 1:15:58 Unknown_12: Well... Unknown_12: Predictably, what happened is that Diva Jilly and Moon Moon met up at a Twitch convention and they had sex. They had had an ongoing sort of like an entanglement where they would have erotic role play in private. So what he's referring to as I don't talk to this person outside of these conversations in private any more than I need to. was actually erotic sexual fantasies that went on and on and on and on and was effectively a form of emotional infidelity, which transformed into a physical relationship at this convention. Well... While she was at this convention meeting up with Moon Moon, her husband was a little bit concerned about how much time she was spending talking to this guy. And I assume she was probably a little bit secretive. Like, he walks over. He's like, hey, Jelly, what you up to? And then she, like, alt tabs out of the Discord. He's like, hmm. 1:16:39 Unknown_12: That's weird. That's a weird beat. That's a bit strange to do that, to suddenly hide your Discord that you use to talk to people. That's a bit strange, actually, now that I think about it. So while she was indisposed and getting the moon moon, So he went on to Discord and pulled up her conversations with this guy. And lo and behold, it is erotic roleplay. So he, this man of 15 years relationship with Jilly, decided, oh, OK, I'm going to publish these all on the Internet now. And for that, we thank him. OK. Let's read these erotic roleplay logs, chat. Now, I know, please, everybody, especially you, Sneedo, especially you, Koliadante. Okay, don't get any wrong ideas from my sultry vixen voice reading these erotic roleplay logs. Okay. 1:17:47 Unknown_12: Diva Jelly says, call. Moon says, I'm pooping. She says, fine, I cannot begrudge that. I would hope not. It's kind of fucking psycho behavior. Stop shitting right now. Pinch it off. We got role play to do, boy. He says, unrelatedly, enjoy sleeping in that bed tonight without me there to make it a furnace alongside you. That was not the primary issue impacting sleep quantity, and you know it. He says, I haven't a clue what you could possibly mean. Not one. He says, plain coy, I see, sir. I slept really well last night, just not long enough. He says, me too, honestly. She says, smiley face. I guess this is them saying, oh, I sleep better because we're having ERP and I'm jilling off before bed. He says, do you still have a headache? She says, nope. Turns out eating was good for that. Who knew? Also, probably water. Thank you for checking on my headache. So, so nice. Oh, my God. He does carry checks on me. 1:18:27 Unknown_03: My headache. 1:19:04 Unknown_03: I literally cannot. Oh, my God. Unknown_12: I don't want to read this. She says she cannot stop thinking about Moon Moon destroying her. It just sounds wrong if I say it. Fill in the blank, Chad. I don't want to say it. Unknown_12: But she does say that she's a degenerate, depraved cum slut, and for some reason saying that is much easier. I don't know why. He says, I've been pretty much thinking about blowing my load inside you nonstop. She says, same wavelengths. I like your frequency. I can't wait to be bred by you, bro. That's fucking weird. 1:19:36 Unknown_12: He says, get that birth control taken out. I'll have you bent over and knocked up day one. That's a promise. I swear to God, my ovaries couldn't get any warmer or fuzzier. Okay, well, I mean, it's kind of... She's married for 15 years. Does she have kids? Because I have a feeling what the issue in her relationship is. I have a small... I have a theory. I have a working hypothesis of where the flaws in their relationship are stemming from, chat. Is anyone following along on this? Is anyone else on my wavelength when it comes to this? 1:20:11 Unknown_03: I wish you could have heard the whimper that just escaped my lips. Unknown_03: I don't think I shall have any problem reproducing the sound for your enjoyment. Unknown_12: In the musical of my mind, I had Majesty by Eminem and Nicki Minaj as our song for a while because of Eminem's part of the lyrics. 1:20:47 Unknown_12: Uh-oh, wifey's in Chicago. Uh-oh, my side piece. But she's also someone's wife. So time we spend is borrowed. It's our moment right here. Fuck tomorrow, because moments like these are to die for. Bro. This is not mother material, my dude. Moon moon. This is a really bad idea. If she's singing these lyrics, bro, it's literally in red. Here's your red flag. It's literally a red card with lyrics printed on it as a fucking warning to you, brother. 1:21:25 Unknown_12: Love your singing voice and the lyrics. I said I wanted to serenade you. I've never been serenaded before. I blushed. That's cute. You're super cute. I do be cute on occasion. What you're doing post-TOS game? She says you're cute all the time, IMO. Just listening to sappy love songs. You're such a girl. This is what I'm reduced to. Unknown_12: Ha ha ha. To be in love. Sitting by an AC unit scrolling love songs on Spotify. People are NPCs. 1:21:58 Unknown_12: This reads like an NPC. This is like two language learning models having a conversation with each other or something. This is not like real people dialogue. Unknown_03: Like old people. Old people flirting. Unknown_03: Hello. I am now on me computer. Unknown_12: Oh, this is this guy's post. Unknown_12: Wife cheated on me with RP partner. Since I was unemployed, she told me my job was to check other streams to give her intel on what people were doing at certain times to make sure she had the best outcome for her character. This was not fair to anyone involved. 1:22:33 Unknown_12: This guy. This guy's wife of 15 years. Unknown_13: Or this, uh, cheats on him, and his concern on Twitter to try and fuck with her streaming career is to say, oh yeah, by the way, I helped her cheat in her roleplay scenarios. Unknown_12: That's why, that's why he's down here in the replies. That's what he's doing. I can't even fucking imagine. 1:23:08 Unknown_12: My mind would not be like, oh my god, I need to make sure that everyone knows that she was like cheating in her roleplay. Unknown_12: Hey everybody, this is King Caffeine again, this is the guy. It's not really an easy way to say this, but Jillian Diva Jillian, my wife of 15 years and a role player of Seo Ban on NoPixelGTARP in The Love of My Life, has been cheating on me for months with the Twitch streamer MoonMoon. Attached, you will find their messages from TwitchCon that I filmed while trying to see if she was okay after not responding to my check-in messages Saturday night. Oh boy, buddy. 1:23:45 Unknown_12: Yeah. Ooh, that makes my skin crawl. That's fucking hard. Unknown_12: I mean, I guess it speaks to his character that he didn't fucking cave her skull in with something. It really saddens me that it came to this after months of assuring me it was just RP. I was sold the lie that it was just about sex positivity and girl bossing, when in reality they were living out their secret fantasies while both being married. I'm sure their rabid fanbases won't care, but I'm also sure that there are plenty of people who feel vindicated by this, especially those who warn about the dangers of ERP, thanks Trav. 1:24:20 Unknown_12: Oh. Oh, wow. I guess... Wow. Unknown_12: All of them were in the no-pixel DOJ, no point in attaching these. She would call them her daddy or favorite or whatever pet names, obviously curating emotional relationships behind my back, and then have the audacity to act completely normal at home. Her best friend warned me about this, but I didn't take it seriously. What the fuck, bro? He must have just wanted to not believe it. 1:24:52 Unknown_12: This level of compulsive lying and sociopathy is honestly something I should have seen coming. This is the same person who would be the first to grandstand and virtue signal about any other streamer drama. Well, I mean, you can't really use that. That doesn't mean anything. Grandstanding. Social. Streamer. Some people are good. Since I was unemployed, she told me that my job was to check other streamers and give her intel about what people were doing, blah, blah, blah. 1:25:25 Unknown_12: And I guess the moral of this story is trust no bish. Unknown_12: Look at this fucking goblin. This Jewish goblin. He looks Jewish. I'm just going to say it. This goblin. Yeah, ovaries is feeling so warm and fuzzy for me. Unknown_13: I can't wait to meet you at VidCon. Unknown_13: Make sure whenever you get kosher, I'll bring bagels. Unknown_12: If it's not clear, I think that her entire shtick is that she was trying to monkey branch famous creators. 1:26:04 Unknown_12: I don't think she actually likes this guy. She just wanted to make sure that she had more screen time with him in this ongoing GTA 5 so that she would get more followers. I think that's basically the gist of this. Unknown_03: It sucks to be her husband, though. Unknown_12: Oh my god, in his Discord, his name is AdminAnimeLover. Unknown_12: His response is this. I didn't bother reading the dude's post on Twitter. Chick was in an open marriage. His idea, not hers. I've been separated from my wife for two months. She's a nice lady, so be nice. I've never talked to her inappropriately while we did RP shit out of character. No contact except about game shit. I mean, that's demonstrably false. 1:26:37 Unknown_12: And five, TwitchCon was pretty sweet. I mean, his response is pretty good up until you get to number four. Because that's a lie. And if you lie like this, the other points, which are kind of convincing, look like a lie too. Because it's like, I don't know, if he's separated, then I guess if it's over, it's over. And if she, I mean, if she's saying she's in an open marriage... 1:27:14 Unknown_12: She could have. I mean, she's obviously a liar, so she could have lied to him like, oh, my husband doesn't care. And he's like, oh, OK, that's cool. And then there was no no thought about it. Unknown_12: But he obviously was having like weird ERP with her in private. So. Unknown_03: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_03: The rest could be bullshit, too. Unknown_03: Um. Unknown_03: What a weird niche. GTA 5 roleplay. 1:27:50 Unknown_12: Dude, if I did that, I would be the black guy. I'd be like, she, you motherfucking big snooze, I'm rolling up on you. My knees laying you out, police, fuck the police. And then if the cops were arresting me, I'd be like, I can't breathe. I can't breathe. Please, man, I can't breathe. That would be my role. Everybody would love me. Everybody was like, oh my God, Josh is here in the role play server. Quick, everybody arrest him real quick. I'm like, no. Unknown_12: It's just a count for 20. Unknown_13: My banana and Skittles. 1:28:28 Unknown_12: I think you get banned if you do that. I'm too funny for polite society these days. Unknown_12: They'd ban you, Franny Face. Yeah, bro. I know how it is. Unknown_12: Here are the rules. One, no heckin' racism. Two, no heckin' transphobia. Three, no heckin' mod disrespect. Four, all mod judgments are final. You can appeal any mod action on the forum, but do not argue in the server. Six, no fail RPG. What's the word where they, like, where you have to, like, obey all the rules or something? Otherwise, it's, like, against the rules. 1:29:00 Unknown_12: That'd basically be it. Unknown_12: Number seven, always vote to give more Tard Buck to Tranny so we can run the server. Unknown_12: fear oh yeah fear rp i'm pointing my gun at you so you have to shit yourself like a little bitch and do whatever i say you can't just run away from me when i'm pointing a gun at you you have to rp that you're flayed the usual discord no saint floyd rp 1:29:43 Unknown_12: Just make your own Kiwi GTA 5 roleplay server. I don't know, maybe. Unknown_12: They got two Team Fortress servers up now. They made one in the U.S. too, so I don't know. I guess if people start playing video games more often, maybe I will do more video game stuff with the forum. Unknown_12: Because I know that Something Awful had a bunch of video game stuff, and that was, like, a big source of content and, like, community for them. But historically, the Kiwi Farms has always had to be very cautious about servers and playing stuff outside the Kiwi Farms just because it is what it is. And you have people like Liz Fong Jones and shit trying to fuck with people. Even, like, in our movie night, there's, like, ridiculous fucking retards trying to fuck with it. So, you know, it is what it is. 1:30:19 Unknown_03: There's a lot that I wish I could do that I can't. Unknown_03: Um, okay. So that's that. Bunch of cheaters. I don't know. Twitch streamers always seem like the biggest retards. Unknown_03: So this is Donnie Long. Unknown_12: I have talked about Donnie Long before, once or twice, because the last time I talked about him, he had been arrested in Oskola, I don't know how to pronounce it actually, Oskola County in Florida. And he was charged with a bunch of different things. 1:31:05 Unknown_12: He was sex trafficking somebody. I think it probably was even his wife because she's from Thailand. Unknown_12: Um, he had been basically, he, he's a guy that's like a porn industry veteran. And then the porn industry, he's like infamous because I don't know. I mean, I do know, but like pornographers are like insane people and not like insane people in like the ha ha funny way. They are vicious. They are dangerous. They are psychotically devoted to like life ruination. Um, um defamation is basically their their go-to they'll just say the most crazy horrific shit ever and then spread it around like the porn people are fucking nuts um and they're they're terrible they're genuinely terrible fucking people and it appears that he was um had forced his wife or other women into like sex slavery in florida and he got busted for it Well, after he got busted, he started doing his porn guy antics to the entire county in the state of Florida. He went after the judges. He went after the prosecuting attorneys. He did his usual stuff, basically. He was arrested like three or four different times. He broke bond. He kept doing it. And... 1:32:15 Unknown_12: Harden had – because Florida has really open laws for body cam footage, we thought it would be really entertaining to see his arrest footage because I guarantee you this guy is freaking the fuck out during these arrests. It's like just a psychotic, drugged-up retard. And they have been – they've denied our request, which is extraordinary because Florida is – I mean, the reason why – 1:32:55 Unknown_12: The reason why you always see titles like Florida Man Has Sex With Gator is because in Florida, there is no privacy. Every interaction that you have with law enforcement or the state is basically public record. So you have news agencies that just comb through all the recent arrests everywhere through Florida, and they develop relationships with the police department. And they're like, did anything funny happen this week? Did anything interesting happen this week? Did anything... You know, newsworthy happened that might, you know, Florida man does X type stuff. And the police, you know, they have a good relationship with these journos. They'll just say, oh, yeah, we arrested this guy. It's actually the gator. Here's his case number. And then they pull it. It's a small fee. And then they have the body cam footage of a guy getting arrested for having a sex with a gator. And then that's like funny. New York Post, Florida man arrested for having sex with a gator. So the fact that they're not giving us Donnie Long stuff is crazy. 1:33:33 Unknown_12: And my thought is that his behavior has injured the county and created bias amongst the entire judicial branch of the government in Florida. That they're afraid that releasing this footage will just further prejudice jurors and stuff and cause more issues at trial. So they're holding it back. It's fucking nuts. 1:34:13 Unknown_12: But that aside, he actually had a new charge added to his rap sheet in the county jail. Let's check out what it is, Chad. Let's see. Yep, okay, September 13th, so two weeks ago. Unknown_12: See, all these charges were added last year. He got arrested again in December and then again in February, and he's been held since February. Unknown_12: And then one charge added just two weeks ago. 1:34:50 Unknown_12: Oh, sexual contact with an animal. So what I imagine that happened is that since February... Unknown_12: They got all the computer stuff that he had, and they've been going through it because they're trying to build this report for both the cyber harassment stuff and threatening of the county officials and threatening public servants and stuff. But you can see financial benefit from forced labor. So they're probably trying to find evidence that he's been prostituting out girls against their will. And since he's a pornographer, he records the evidence of all this. So they're trying to find his porn stuff so that they can build a case. And maybe find other victims and help them. And then they open one up. And it must be Donnie Long fucking a dog, probably. I was going to say gator because I've said fucking a gator for three times. But they caught him in the act because he filmed it and probably sold it to people. 1:35:25 Unknown_12: And I don't know. He might have even... Unknown_12: He might have even forced the girls to do it, because they do that too, because that makes money, you know? So he might have forced women to have sex with animals that he had, like, you know, foreigners who don't know the country and felt trapped with them and stuff. So they're building their case. It's very rewarding to see. Donnie Long is, without a doubt, I would say Donnie's worse than Vordrak. and Liz Fung Jones he's like a genuine monster with no redeeming qualities he has never contributed anything positive to society and if we're lucky they'll give him the death penalty and just shoot him yeah he's a piece of work I can't wait to get that body cam footage you know it's going to be funny you know it's going to be the most psychotic fucking shit ever it's going to get an EWU episode it's going to be great there's that 1:36:45 Unknown_12: Small update. Unknown_12: This paperwork raised some questions and I will answer them. April Imhalt has received in her criminal case for drug possession a... Unknown_12: Discovery disclosure. And I should clarify after talking to an attorney, discovery disclosure and evidence are different. So when you are a prosecuting attorney and you're going or even the defense and you're going to submit things into discovery disclosure. 1:37:18 Unknown_12: Um, you basically have to itemize every single thing that you intend to, uh, you intend to bring to discovery everything. So you have to cast a pretty broad net. You have to give a heads up like, Hey, you know, the next year, year throughout discovery. Unknown_12: We are going to ask for all of this. And you have to be really, really, really, really good about making sure you ask for everything that could possibly be relevant. Because unless there is a major discovery mid-case... Unknown_12: You can't amend your discovery findings because you're letting the opposition party know what they're going to have to prepare to give you. So it would be really unfair if the government or, you know, the civil person suing you could just keep saying like, hey, I want this too, and I want this too, and I want this too. It's all up front. These are all the things that we're going to need from you. So make sure you get them ready during this process. 1:38:06 Unknown_12: And one of the things that they mentioned in April's case with her drug possession is the body cam footage. I don't know if I'll be able to find this as well, but they basically have this checklist of. Unknown_12: And the police go through and they'll add a checklist for everything. Unknown_12: Video recordings for body cam footage. Yeah, it's just a checklist. So they're saying we're probably going to add, or we're reserving the right to bring the body cam footage into evidence later. Not necessarily that it is into evidence, but it's a possibility. 1:38:40 Unknown_12: Also, people were questioned. They didn't realize that April Imhalt had a... Unknown_12: criminal history. And I was told by a former prosecuting attorney that when you are charging somebody, because this is just like a checklist, defendant's criminal history is basically always checked because there's no harm of it. And you could say like, well, you're wrong to ask that unless you have a reason to. But it's possible for the prosecuting attorney just to say, well, we're going to use the fact that she had no criminal history in our case. And you can't really dispute that. So criminal history is basically always checked, and they don't even check to see if you have criminal history first before doing it because they can – I'll just pull it up later. Yeah. 1:39:22 Unknown_12: So that's that. Don't get excited. What I'm trying to say, the point of this, is that the body cam footage has not been entered into evidence in the April M. Holt case. Unknown_11: But it could be. Unknown_12: Which means that if you were an interested party that wanted to make sure that body cam footage never saw the light of day, you really got to hope 1:40:04 Unknown_12: that April takes a plea deal at some point and doesn't force this into evidence, which she very well could do. In fact, because they've given her, they've put it on this checklist, she could ask for it. She has a right to review the evidence as the defendant in this case. So she could ask for it, and then because it's government property, she could publish it on her own. So she has full access to this body cam footage, basically unredacted whenever she wants. So if you really didn't want... Unknown_12: This body cam footage to get out, you gotta be like, oh, April, you're so good, mm. Oh, April, I'll never replace, I'll never set you aside, my concubine. You'll always sit equal weight with my own wife, mm. 1:40:41 Unknown_12: you gotta make sure she stays happy bro you got you by the balls bro better make sure you pay that defense better sell that house better keep giving her what she wants you know it's fall man you know what you know what them bishes like bishes like shopping bishes like purses oh you got that pumpkin spice lattes like ten dollar cup And you got that fall clothing. You got the sweaters. You got the cute kitsch sweatshirts and shit. Bitches be shopping, man. 1:41:18 Unknown_12: Better keep her happy. Better make sure she got the pumpkin spice everything. Hey, don't skimp. Pumpkin spice the fucking sweaters too. You want to... She wants to smell good. Get the pumpkin spice fragrance. Oh, the pumpkin spice. Oh, April, I'll never hurt you. I'm definitely not trying to placate you until all the criminal issues are resolved so I can dispose of you in any way convenient to me. 1:41:54 Unknown_12: Oh, such is life in Minnesota, Chet. Unknown_12: Pumpkin spice the baldo. Unknown_12: The cups are $20. Oh, man. It's all that pumpkin spice inflation. Pumpkin spice is not as cheap as it used to be. You gotta spend extra. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_12: Cobes. That's it, basically, for Little Kel's stuff. Someone suggested, hey, Josh, in case you need some content this week, or this Friday... 1:42:28 Unknown_12: Cobes made a jalapeno meatloaf. Well, Chad, as a matter of fact, Mr. Man at the Internet thread poster, I could actually go for a little extra content this day. So, you know what? Jalapeno meatloaf. Unknown_12: Let's see what's up. This is from two years ago. Okay, this is before the dark times. He's got that sadder billy goat thing. He looks like the little guy from Hercules. 1:43:00 Unknown_12: It's a Pete Cobra style. Unknown_11: Now we're going to be making a very delicious, very delicious meatloaf. Unknown_11: Very delicious, Chad. It's been promised. Unknown_14: We're going to cook off some bacon first. To start off our recipe, we're going to grab ourselves some naturally hardwood smoked Oscar Mayer thick cut bacon. Unknown_12: Oh, Oscar Mayer. That's the brand. That's the brand for the best meats. Okay. 1:43:35 Unknown_12: That's the King Cobra. He's up there singing. Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer wiener. That's Cobra. Okay, this is a real story. This is true Josh lore. You've never heard before. I know for a fact I've never told this story because I've never had a reason to. In the United States, there was an advertising campaign from the Oscar Mayer Meat Company. And they sell hot dogs and shit. And their advertisements are usually a montage of little kids singing the song, Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer winner because then everybody would be in love with me. That's how it goes. 1:44:06 Unknown_12: my mom took me to a mall where they were trying to record and i knew this song down pat i had it memorized i could sing it front to back and they put me in front of that camera and i completely froze up i might as well have been petrified by medusa into a stone statue i completely and totally seized i And when it came time for the moment, I didn't perform. I didn't perform. It's haunted me. It's haunted me my entire life. I could have been famous. I could have been an Oscar Mayer wiener kid. We need the footage. It never aired. I didn't sing. I don't know if it's on like a dusty old thing somewhere, but I don't think it got recorded or stored anywhere. 1:44:38 Unknown_12: So, yeah. Whenever I see Oscar Mayer, I think of the time that, as a very, very little kid, I completely fucked up my rehearsal for the commercials. 1:45:16 Unknown_14: Now, before we add in our bacon, we're going to need to grease up our pan, Stan. Unknown_14: All right, take a look at that sizzling. Unknown_12: Wait, what the fuck is that? I missed it. What did he put in there? Unknown_14: Is that just butter? Unknown_12: Is that just bacon up? Is he just putting like a giant glob of bacon? Okay. 1:45:51 Unknown_12: If you've never cooked American bacon before... American bacon is, I want to say, like 40% fat. It's an extremely fatty meat. You can put bacon into a cast iron skillet, and you do not need anything else in there. In fact, if you do add any grease, you're just going to oversaturate it with fat. You do not need to add a cup of bacon up to bacon because it is such a fatty meat. 1:46:30 Unknown_14: Alright, now we need our bacon. And we're going to take that bacon and drop it into the pan full of butter. Not enough bacon in here. Unknown_12: I learned from my Italian roommate when I lived in Buffalo, I learned that the best way to cook bacon was on a rack in like a baking tray in the oven. And then you could easily take the fat that fell off of it 1:47:05 Unknown_12: And put it into like a mayo jar for – because bacon up is basically just what people used to do at home. You cook bacon and then you save the fat and you add the fat to like your collard greens or your green peas or whatever. You add it to the soup to give it like a more meaty, fatty flavor to it, enhance the flavor. I'm kind of shocked to see that there's now a product that's just the bacon grease that people used to get from just cooking normally, like a normal fucking person. Unknown_14: I may just end up cooking it all up. Unknown_14: Bacon chop house burger seasoning, let's go with that. 1:47:44 Unknown_14: Just a little bit of, a little bit of that on the bacon. Unknown_14: More bacon, you too! That's a lot of bacon, buddy. Unknown_14: That should be enough bacon, I mean I practically used like half the pack, if not a little bit over half. Unknown_14: Oh, look at all that bacon. Unknown_14: Oscar Mayer goodness. Unknown_12: The chat's backing me up. The chat's finally backing me up on something. On my bacon nothing. 1:48:17 Unknown_12: It stays crispy. You don't need it to fry in the pan. Just add the last of that bacon. Unknown_14: So we're gonna start off this recipe with a full goddamn pack of Oscar Myers thick cut bacon who's not a sponsor. Get you some of that. Unknown_12: Wait, so he... He put half the pack in and now he's putting in the other half? Why is he doing it later? Oh yeah, dude. 1:48:51 Unknown_14: We're gonna get the rest of this goddamn bacon cooked up. Unknown_14: Oh yeah. Unknown_12: Oh, he's just, oh, he's just cooking a second batch. Okay. I got you. Unknown_14: What up? Bacon is fully cooked. Now we need to make our breadcrumbs. Oh, did I say breadcrumbs? I meant to say chip crumbs. Now, before we do that, just get MSG, bro. Bigger bowl for this. Okay. Unknown_12: I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dorito powder is just like dehydrated nacho cheese and MSG, right? Am I off? I imagine it's just salt, dehydrated nacho cheese, and MSG. And that's like Dorito dust, yeah? 1:49:25 Unknown_12: Fun fact, they made a Dorito dust that didn't stick to your fingers, but consumers liked licking the crumbs off their fingers, so they didn't go with it. Unknown_14: Our chip crumbs and everything else. Unknown_14: It's mostly onion and garlic powder, really? So you mean to be telling me... 1:50:14 Unknown_12: She, you mean, you fixin' to say that, hold up, that they season, they chip? Unknown_12: That's why it's such a successful brand. They got Aunt Jemima up there seasonin' they chips. Unknown_04: We got our chips, man. Unknown_14: Look at that. Unknown_12: That's my favorite chomp. Of all the chomps in the whole world, that's my favorite right there. Just so you know. Just so everybody knows what my favorite chomps are. 1:50:51 Unknown_12: Let's assume that there's no salsa. If there's salsa, I like the Tostitos restaurant style salsa, champ. Unknown_14: This is being difficult. Unknown_14: Any beef we don't use, I'll just wrap in tin foil and stick it in the freezer for later. Unknown_12: The meatloaf is only beef, but he's going to add... Usually you add breadcrumbs to it to give it a firmness to it. He's adding ruffles and Doritos. That's going to be his breadcrumbs. Chips. 1:51:25 Unknown_14: Chips. Unknown_14: Normally when you make meatloaf, you add breadcrumbs, but I'm going to be creative. I'm going to use cheddar sour cream ruffles and nacho cheese Doritos. Unknown_14: Bitch. Unknown_12: Sounds like a bad combination. What are you doing? Unknown_14: We're going to take our meat. Unknown_12: This is the last thing a jalapeno meatloaf sees. 1:52:05 Unknown_12: Oh yeah, that's a pleasant sound. Always make sure you use a bowl that can barely fit what you're working with. Unknown_14: To 350 goddamn degrees. Unknown_14: Okay, them chips are packed in there pretty good. Unknown_12: Not really. You didn't really mix them that well. Unknown_14: Okay, we got our bacon, we got our beef. We need some eggs, man. So into our now-emptied bowl, we're gonna crack in some eggs. Unknown_14: I'd say about maybe four eggs, because that's a lot of beef. 1:52:41 Unknown_12: My grandmother grew up as the daughter of a family that survived the American Great Depression. So she had a lot of stories about how her mother would collect things. In particular, she never threw away those tabs on loaves of bread. It was just like a habit picked up from back when people really had absolutely nothing. Unknown_12: And her... Unknown_12: She made a meatloaf, and she would bake it with ketchup on it. And this meatloaf was one of her favorite things, but all of her children hated it because it was like Great Depression poverty food. And I don't know. 1:53:22 Unknown_11: I never really had any strong feelings on it, but my mom really in particular hated that this meatloaf was just like covered in ketchup, like regular Heinz ketchup. Unknown_12: Before we add in our eggs, we're going to add in... Unknown_14: Some more of that banging chop house burger seasoning. Unknown_14: Making some motherfucking meatloaf. Bacon, cheddar, jalapeno meatloaf. Unknown_12: Hell yeah, Cobes. Can you handle it? It's fucking metal, Cobes. Now that we've got our four eggs in there, it's time to whisk it them up. 1:53:54 Unknown_14: Alright. Unknown_12: Dude, it's like perfectly packed in there. Here's a life hack that I've learned. Always use a bowl that's substantially bigger than what you think you need. Because there's no bigger pain in the fucking ass than when you're trying to do something and shit's just spilling out because the bowl's too fucking small. So just do yourself a favor and get the big bowl. 1:54:27 Unknown_12: You'll never regret getting the bowl bigger than you need. Unknown_14: I want to take it and kind of make it look like a donut in the middle. So give us a place to dump our egg mixture. Oh, that looks so good, YouTube. Unknown_14: Not sure how it's going to turn out, but we're about to find out, right? And I'm going to take our raw egg and seasoning. Unknown_12: There it goes. Unknown_12: I think you're supposed to mix the egg in, bro. Mix the egg in. 1:55:01 Unknown_14: Let's get these jalapenos prepped before we mix in our raw egg. You're just going to leave it on the counter while you do the... He's just going to leave it like that while he does this. Unknown_11: Okay. Unknown_12: Tip. Someone said Josh Life Lesson number 3538 or whatever. Here's 3539. Get a fucking chef's knife. Oh. Unknown_14: Fuck me, I don't want to cut my fingers. 1:55:33 Unknown_12: Oh, for that exact fucking reason. And then if you get blood... Dude, he, like, cut his... His knife is so dull, I don't think he even cut himself. But, like, imagine getting all that jalapeno juice into your fucking bloodstream. And then your blood into your jalapenos. What a disaster. Get a chef knife. Unknown_14: Okay. 1:56:07 Unknown_14: Let's take our beef. Unknown_12: You, like, gave up trying to cut those into rings. Unknown_14: Son of a bitch. Fuck. Unknown_14: Shit. Spill an egg all over the place. God damn it. Unknown_14: God damn it. Unknown_12: So, yeah, make sure you get a big bowl when you do shit. Unknown_14: That's okay, dog. That should do it. Unknown_14: It was easy to clean up. Unknown_14: One second. 1:56:40 Unknown_12: Shout out to the podcast people just listening to his lovely ASMR sound effects in real time. I got a spare towel that I use for cleaning messes. Unknown_12: Oh, he's going to bring out the spare towel, huh? Yeah, he just wiped off the food board with that spare. Unknown_14: Motherfucker. Unknown_14: This fucking meatloaf better be where it's at, Tubes. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's better to be, like, so fucking good to make you want to slap your mama. You feel me on that, YouTube? 1:57:18 Unknown_12: That's a great subtitle. Unknown_12: There's a, um... Unknown_12: random text on the kiwi farms that is like i don't remember where this is from but it's a guy talking like his kids and he's like an old man and his kids are adults but he says something like i slapped your mama with the pickle that's why they call me the thumper and it's sort of like a very profound statement that has a deep meaning that resonates all on a human level 1:57:56 Unknown_12: Cobes is just off in the distance swearing. Hey, by the way, is Cyrax from Akron, Ohio? Unknown_14: Is that where he's from? Unknown_14: We're just going to take our baking tray and we're going to grease the inside. Unknown_12: I was checking the approval queue and someone messaged, like, I was posting in the Dota 2 thread and someone posted in the Dota 2 thread claiming that he was Cyrax and had information on MusicBizMarty. And I brought that up because people were talking about the Bog Witch and it made me think of, like, the gay-ass trolls that ruin locales. Um... 1:58:41 Unknown_12: I spam cleaned his account, and then I thought, wait, I should, because I thought it was just, like, a retard, like, pretending. And then I checked his IP address, and it's from a consumer IP in Akron, Ohio. So I unbanned him and undeleted the post and then moved it to the Cyrex thread and then completely forgot about it until just now. So that guy that's, like, the ninja or something, he had, like, a three-word name, like, Cyber of Ninja or some shit. He's posting from Akron. I don't know if he's actually real, though. 1:59:19 Unknown_14: Inside of it, just like that. Unknown_14: Put the rest of that butter off into the burger meat, I guess. Fuck it. Unknown_14: All right, so now I'm gonna take our ingredients. Unknown_14: Now what I'm gonna take is start lining the inside of our baking tray with our meat. Unknown_12: It's finally happening. Unknown_12: Cobes' plan is coming together perfectly. 1:59:54 Unknown_14: Push it down in there. Unknown_12: Trust Cobes' magic. Unknown_14: Now we're going to add to it with our clean hand. I'll tell you what we're going to add. Some bacon. Unknown_14: Bacon. Unknown_14: Bacon. A nice healthy layer of bacon. Unknown_14: Now we're gonna add our jalapenos. A little bit of cheese. 2:00:33 Unknown_14: Ah, cheese. Unknown_12: Basically just making a big hamburger if you had cheese. Unknown_14: We'll make it fit. We'll make it fit. Unknown_11: Oh yeah, that sharp cheddar. That's the good shit. Unknown_11: A pre-shredded sharp cheddar. Unknown_14: That's not normal. Unknown_14: I want to say that that's not normal. 2:01:07 Unknown_12: Maybe in Casper. It's like a Wyoming thing. Anyone from Casper want to confirm if you guys put French onion dip in meatloaf? Unknown_14: Ew! Unknown_12: They caught me off guard. That's fucking gross. Unknown_14: Alright, back to our meatpacking. 2:01:40 Unknown_14: Look at that, YouTube. We have barely just enough room to fit our meatloaf. Unknown_11: It's called efficiency chat. Unknown_11: It's a high-efficiency meatloaf. Unknown_14: Now into our meatloaf, we're going to add the last of our jalapenos. Unknown_12: Yeah, he really just gave up cutting that fucker, and now he's just like... Okay, so I'm going to slap this in the oven. I'm just going to cut them in half one time. 2:02:12 Unknown_14: Let it bake for a good 45 minutes to an hour. Unknown_14: got some hiccups but we're getting there look at that sexy mother loving okay so we did not need this extra pan we made it we made it fit dude we made it fit yeah it may have to cook a little bit longer because look at that that is a meatloaf if you ever saw one dude there we go preheated at 350 top rack action and hold up a second 2:02:48 Unknown_14: just in case any grease drips out of the pan we're gonna put one underneath it just in case be on the safe side y'all well youtube that's how you do that so i'll see you on the next part okay i'm so excited oh i'm sorry i shouldn't look ahead i was i was i'm debating if he's gonna add like a sauce to it he's gonna add like a jar of sauce to it It's not going to be done just yet. It's been in there for about 35 minutes now. Unknown_14: Oh, fuck me. Unknown_14: There's a lot of grease in here. Unknown_14: Drain some of that out. Unknown_14: Okay, so here's our bomb-ass meatloaf. Unknown_14: Yes, sir. I'm going to slap it with some barbecue sauce. Unknown_12: Yeah, there we go. Some people like to put ketchup on there. Unknown_14: ketchup we are gonna be using craft honey sweet honey barbecue sauce there we go that's how you know he's bougie on top of our meatloaf now that we got our barbecue sauce drizzled on top i'm gonna pop it back in the oven let it bake for another 45 minutes to an hour 2:04:13 Unknown_14: Should've done that in the first place. Okay, there we go. Unknown_14: All right, so here it is, part two. Unknown_14: Let it bake. Now part three, we're gonna add some cheese, some more of that dip, and throw it back in there for a little bit longer and let the cheese melt on top, but that's coming up next. Unknown_12: More cheese. Okay, I'm gonna skip to when he eats this. Unknown_12: Let's do the final plating. There we go. He's not going to eat this first bite. 2:04:45 Unknown_14: He's already eaten half of it. Unknown_14: That barbecue sauce has a sweetness to it, and that sweet compliments the heat of the jalapenos. Of all the ingredients, the jalapenos are dumbed down on the heat, but there's just enough spiciness to tinkle your tongues. A really delicious, meaty treat, YouTube. Simply decadent. 2:05:20 Unknown_12: You know, conservatives would say that this is the healthiest meal possible. Because it's all meat and cheese. And there's no seed oil in it. And bacon and bacon grease. You've got bacon grease, you've got bacon, you've got beef, and you've got cheese. You think of a more well-rounded, healthy meal. This is how you spike your T. This is how you align your chakras so that women are attracted to you. You've just got to eat the pure beef. 2:05:54 Unknown_14: Want a cross section of where I cut it? Unknown_14: Yes. Unknown_14: Look at that sexiness, YouTube. That layer of bacon and cheese right there. Plus all that cheese and the sour cream and onion sauce on top. Unknown_14: Popping with flavor, dude. I am really happy with the way that meatloaf turned out. I'm going to be eating good for the next couple of days. Ooh, that is some goddamn good meatloaf. 2:06:27 Unknown_12: Pure beef. How do you satisfy the palate of the American? You simply add pounds of beef. That's it. Unknown_12: And last but not least, Reddit. Unknown_12: Inquiring minds in the ex-Mormon sub would like to know... Unknown_12: Are Mormons allowed to goon? This is filed under Doctrine and Policy by Pickleboy. He says, So I was watching a reaction commentary on a Mormon propaganda video, and I just randomly had the thought about a guy coming out of his goon cave. This naturally led me to the question, Are Mormons allowed to goon? My understanding is likely flawed, but from what I can understand, in many religions masturbation is banned because the person is wasting sperm or something like that. It's similar for Mormons. Would gooning be allowed, given that it is by definition when you don't ejaculate for hours on end? 2:07:00 Unknown_12: He then clarified, okay, for those of you who don't know what gooning is, he links to a YouTube video, which I assume is an extremely explicit YouTube video that YouTube allows for educational purposes while banning everybody having an adverse thought towards black people. Freelo says, this is a fucking insane question to ask. Redgrave the Devil says, do you mean edging? PME or Surfboard says, I'm glad you said it, I'm not even Gen Z and I know the difference. 2:07:37 Unknown_12: Real Daddy Todd says, please come back and define goon for us dumb boomers. Moose Suspicious says, I'm a younger millennial and this is the first that I've heard it. Pickle Boy says, gooning is when you repeatedly edge for hours and hours on end. In case you don't know what edging is, it's when you masturbate but stop before ejaculating. Real Teddy Todd says, why would you stop just before the best part? 2:08:12 Unknown_12: And The Shrew Means Well says exactly this is what, this sounds like made up garbage. Oh no, it's very, it's very, very real. Unknown_12: Beard Fart actually attempts to answer the question. He has a fedora and a big beard, which means he's a manly man. He says, no, no masturbation unless medically necessary. Goon is a funny word that has a few meanings, but the masturbation meaning is, as far as I know, completely overlooked by Mormons. A goon cave would be a man cave for video games and TV and junk food and a lot of secret masturbation. Pickle Boy says, okay, thanks for answering the question. 2:08:47 Unknown_12: The shrew means well-ass goon cave. The fuck? That sounds like some made-up bullshit. And then Red Grave the Devil says, that it is. And then Pickle Boy says exactly what I says and says, no, it is not. Unknown_12: By the way, masturbation is a sin because it is lust. Unknown_12: It is a... I think there's a biblical line about this where it's like, a man commits adultery in the mind... 2:09:22 Unknown_12: It's bothering me now because I brought it up. Unknown_12: Adultery Bible verse adultery of the mind. Unknown_12: Here we go. Matthew 5, 27, 28. Unknown_12: You have heard that it is said you shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Unknown_12: So that is why masturbation is a sin, because Matthew is pretty explicit about that. 2:09:57 Unknown_12: Cool. And one other Reddit post. Unknown_12: Um, I used to be a white supremacist. Now I'm married to the love of my life. Who's black. Well, we're already in good Reddit territory here, but he continues. I'm a 44 year old man. And I was, I assume race. Oh, I was until about 23. Unknown_12: Wait. Unknown_12: So he's a 44 year old man. And he's saying that before he was 23. So over 11 years ago. 2:10:32 Unknown_12: Well, 21 years ago, even. Unknown_12: More than two decades ago, he was a white supremacist. Unknown_12: And then he married a black person. But wait, Chad, there's a kicker to this. Now I realize how much of a hateful dumbass I was. And I'm married to a black man. Unknown_12: I've been with him for 17 years, and we have adopted daughters who's 13 and Hispanic and Korean. Unknown_12: Figured it out. He cracked the code. Love is love. There's only one race, the human race. 2:11:03 Unknown_12: Okay, let's see what the, I think this is a follow-up question. He says, Swift Strider, 1988, asks, I'm glad to hear that you were able to put all that behind you and you found happiness. My questions would be, what changed your mind and what do you think it will take to have others do the same? Deleted says, what got me to change was meeting my best friend, other than my husband, of course, in prison. Yeah. 2:11:36 Unknown_12: He's black and we were cellmates for a while. In case you were wondering, I was in for assault on my sister's boyfriend. Long story short, he went to hit her and I flipped out on him and he was in for fraud. I kind of broke out of my mindset that black people were violent. The only black person I met up until then that I talked to was my friend's stepdad who was a pedophile and a terrible person. On top of that, my whole family was just racist pieces of shit and I believed them. 2:12:10 Unknown_03: Cool. Good job, Reddit. I'm happy to know that at least you're not racist. Unknown_12: I don't think that gay men should be allowed... Like, I know that gay men... I kind of want to... Okay, here's the debate. We'll do a poll. I haven't done a poll this stream, so here's our poll. Our food for thought from the chat. Unknown_12: Are gay men less... Unknown_12: Wait, would it be worse for gay men to raise sons or daughters? Question mark. 2:12:41 Unknown_12: And you can vote one for son or two for daughters. Unknown_12: Oh, I forgot I broke the poll mechanism. Let me type this in chat. Poll, would it be worse for gays to raise sons or daughters? Unknown_12: Can't spell. Question mark. Vote one for sons. Vote two for daughters. Unknown_12: Okay, the poll is now running. Would it be worse for gays to raise sons or daughters? The votes are trickling in. Trickling in as we speak. 2:13:13 Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_12: The chat has spoken with authority in its voice. And with almost 90% of the vote, chat believes that it would be worse for gay men to raise sons than daughters. 2:13:53 Unknown_12: Interesting thoughts, chat. Interesting thoughts. My thought, I think that there's an obvious reason why chat sides on that side of the line. However, food for thought, let's just assume, let's just pretend that gay men trying to raise sons aren't all pedophiles trying to rape boys. Let's just pretend for a second. Unknown_12: They would be less well-equipped to raise a daughter, right? To be like a woman? Unknown_12: How are two butt-slut interracial gay men going to raise a daughter and not inflict a blight into the world? 2:14:33 Unknown_12: Then again, I don't know. Depriving a son of his mother is pretty fucked up. Freud would roll in his grave just at the implication of that. I think neither is the correct answer. Unknown_03: I can see why chat leans one-way chat. Unknown_03: Let's do end poll. Unknown_12: It was 90%, almost even, 89 to 9. Okay, that's the red excitement. I think it is time for the... 2:15:11 Unknown_12: super berries and then for um next stream will be will be the uh when the merch runs so i'll start it on monday at some point probably before the stream that's it nice relaxing fall i feel so much better during fall i'm not gonna lie when fall sets in i just feel happier i feel better my my uh Unknown_12: My stars are in alignment. Always preferred to fall. Unknown_12: Okay, great. Unknown_12: Go to the dashboard. Lilathia for 10 says pizza and then cheese emojis. Very tempting. Very tempting indeed. Thank you. Unknown_12: The Mac user 75141 says, what are the TMI React images on the forum supposed to be? It is the scanner from Dragon Ball Z, because we used to call it power leveling, and the scanner is used to check your power level in Dragon Ball Z. But people got confused as to what the fuck power leveling meant, so I changed it to TMI. Space Allen for 20 says, Ham Jam. Thank you very much, Space Allen. I appreciate it. 2:16:16 Unknown_12: Humble Guardsman for Two says, A coward's only reward is to live in fear another day. The emperor protects. Unknown_12: Thank you very much. I agree with that sentiment. I have heard of this before. I think I saw it on EWU a long time ago. But I've been told that Matt Orchard is sweeping up the comments and addressing it as a her, the entire thing, and doesn't bring up that this is a gross man tranny. 2:16:59 Unknown_12: that uh is literally murdering people and feeding them to pigs and then feeding the meat of the pigs to people to get off on it um which is extremely bitch made but he's like fucking new zealand or or australian and those people are just like the most sad sack worthless pieces of shit on the fucking planet uh hi confessor for 10 says hey dude hey hi confessor how are you doing thank you uh david s877 for 25 says hope you're having a good weekend Mine will involve being covered in white powder. Luckily, it's just drywall dust and not our favorite internet lawyer's favorite substance. Well, you better fucking wear a mask then because I think that shit kills you. But good luck with that. Don't die. Unknown_12: Thank you. Unknown_12: I appreciate that you work hard drywalling houses and then you give me your money so that I can talk about fat people in trannies. Truly a hero of the republic. Unknown_12: Arian Queen Generator for two says, French chicks are so fucking hot, dude. I had a French soccer player hitting on me, and I was chasing after some dipshit swimmer, and it was the larger mistakes of my life. Well, you know, France is still around. I mean, you can just, if you want a French girl that bad, you can just go find one, I guess. 2:17:59 Unknown_12: Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Master Writer for Five, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, I have to relitigate the Yasuke question. No one complained when you played as a white people in the game Nioh. I think this is discrimination against the French. I have absolutely not a fucking clue about what you're asking me, bro. 2:18:36 Unknown_12: LeTrans writes, for one, says, Hey Jorah, all this talk about Hurricane Helen... Unknown_12: or Helene, only seeks to remind me that George Bush does not, nor has he ever, cared about black people. This is extremely true. Every so often I re-watch the video by Kill All Pedos on BitChute called Back in Chains, and it's a great clip because... Unknown_12: um, Joe Biden has quoted the N word in Congress or in the Senate or wherever. And he, when he was running for office, I want to say, I can't remember if this was in 2016 or 2012, but he went to like a convention for African-American voters. And then he went up there and he said the lines, the immortal lines, the Republicans want to put y'all Back in chains. And such a banger line. Someone remixed this into a song called Back in Chains. Well, it's not someone's call. I'm going to put you all back in chains. I was watching a movie once and a black character was attacked by like a magic chain that wrapped around her neck. And it wasn't like a racist thing. It was just like a horror movie thing. And the song immediately intruded onto my mind. I'm like, we're going to put y'all back in chains. 2:19:16 Unknown_12: That's a quote from Joe Biden, by the way. 2:19:54 Unknown_12: My hamster is a turf for once as I'm taking a break from pizza this week and ordering a footlong yoga mat from Subway. Extra banana peppers, of course. Great taste. Great taste indeed. Unknown_12: AceDispense420 says, Message to all. Remember, it's just the fucking internet. It isn't actually important. Relax and laugh at the idiocy and idiots. Also, fuck the retards gunning for the farms and freedom of speech. I don't know what is inspiring this message, but I agree with it. Thank you very much. Unknown_12: New Sammy 69 for 10 says happy pizza day, Josh. And then there is a YouTube link and I'm going to screen this one cause I don't trust this guy. 2:20:33 Unknown_03: Uh huh. Unknown_03: Uh huh. Unknown_03: Okay. This looks right. Unknown_03: This is a weird, I've not seen this. Unknown_12: So we're watching this together as friends on the internet. Unknown_12: We have little instruments. Tam's just playing instruments in case you can't see. so 2:21:07 Unknown_12: It's an ad for water? I'm not going to lie, when I was scanning through this and I saw that, this, I thought that it said depends and it was an advertisement for diapers. Like, wear diapers and then you'll perform at your best. And then when it came up and it said stay drenched, I'm like, that's a terrible advertisement for diapers. Why would you, a diaper company should not be saying stay drenched in your diapers. You want a fresh diaper. If you're like an old man playing the saxophone or something. 2:21:52 Unknown_12: There you go. It's an advertisement. I guess I got tricked into playing one. Unknown_12: Vordir for Fire says, Vexillology quiz. Which country's flag is better, Chad or Romania? There is a right answer. 2:22:28 Unknown_12: They're the identical flag. I want to say there's like a very, very, very slight difference. Like the Chad colors are a little bit darker. To be honest, the Chad flag is a little bit nicer, I think. It's like a darker, richer color than the Romanian one. But they're very similar. Unknown_12: Uh, call you Dante for five says Mr. Beast paid someone a hundred thousand dollars to rape this dude's girlfriend. Unknown_12: That's terrible. Don't say that. That's right. For 20 says is the degree of online slop growing every year. I remember old internet being just a few retards, but it feels like you had a buffet of retards these days, not just complaining. There's definitely like prefer. I think that the algorithm just prefers like the most broad appeal content fucking possible. And like niche stuff is extremely overlooked now. It used to be that like you had this big variety of like small creators doing stuff. And now I don't think that happens as much because they shut down anybody who has any kind of edge at all. And it's like you don't have any kind of edge. 2:23:05 Unknown_12: or any kind of opinion or whatever, then you just have to deal the most broad appeal stuff possible. And there's only a few people that can really conquer a category, you know. 2:23:39 Unknown_12: Now, if you look at Ninja, you have Fortnite gaming. Well, who's the best Fortnite streamer? Ninja. Sure, there's other ones that are smaller, but in terms of, like, broad strokes, mass appeal, Ninja wins. So, he's the Fortnite guy, and it's like that with everything. It's like, who does, you know, who does the movie reviews? Well, you have a couple people. You have The Critical Drinker and Red Letter Media. And, you know, so, yeah. There is, and they all say very formulaic, so... Unknown_12: there's not much innovation anymore in entertainment. 2:24:12 Unknown_12: So, you know, for one says, what flavor you drinking Josh? And then there is a attachment link to the forum. Unknown_12: It's a, the beast unleashed a monster pack. I'm obviously going to get the white one. Like, come on. I don't even have a question. Unknown_12: Casting Couch Crab for Tenses. If you like Chinese sounding jams, Dynasty Warriors 4 has a good OST. I particularly recommend the track in Full Bloom and Interceptor. Isn't Dynasty Warriors that game that Jim Sterling really likes? 2:24:46 Unknown_12: It's like a game where you just kill millions of people in endless combos. Pretty sure that's how that goes. Unknown_12: I've never played any of those games, so I have no concept of its OSTs. Unknown_12: Thank you. Socks Skunk Funk for once has stuffed my crust this pizza day. I got extra pepperoni and garlic. Ooh, that sounds good, bro. Sneedo for once says, I've never seen a tranny run after a bunch of Mexicans were going to beat his ass. Unknown_12: Run after a bunch of Mexicans? Unknown_12: I don't know. Maybe they're afraid of them. I don't blame them. 2:25:22 Unknown_12: Koli Dante says, Josh, when he comes back to the U.S., don't mess with me, man. I'm tucking. Unknown_12: It's packing. Sorry. Tucking is the penis part. I just figured that out. Unknown_12: Aramberger produces the butter crust, the crust with the butter on the butter crust. I put the butter on the crust, butter crust. Consider it that. Think it over on this pizza day. Very threatening crust. You don't need butter on the crust. It's better to put like herbs on it. Unknown_12: Arian Queen generator for two says, this poly couple is basically just rackets at parties. I mean, Kale isn't that bad looking, but it's kind of mean. 2:25:54 Unknown_12: Gormless Wonderful says, appreciate the slap, Josh. Like Red Letter Media, sometimes you just got to watch those black spines. The black spine episodes are fantastic. I don't know. I don't know. It's not really an ad comparison. Unknown_12: I like the Jenga towers and shit. Unknown_12: I call you Dante for 15 says women when they don't qualify for elective genital mutilation surgery, sad Instagram photos. Men when they don't qualify for elective genital mutilation surgeries, map games and or serial murderer. 2:26:31 Unknown_12: I mean, they just turn out usually. I guess that's kind of turning out is also related to map games and serial murderer. Unknown_12: It's mean, by the way, map games are wholesome. Unknown_12: Thank you. Sneeto for five says, imagine if Balsman was manning a suicide hotline, it would go like a lot like this. It would just say, do it, pussy. Kill yourself, pussy. Fucking crying about pussy. Unknown_03: Shut up, pussy. No one's going to read all that shit. You fucking loser. Unknown_12: I nailed it. 2:27:05 Unknown_12: Snido for one says, maybe we can get Bradtaste addicted to crack and gamba. He already has that crackhead boss man look. Hey, that's probably before when I said it, because I came to the same fucking conclusion. Unknown_12: Blortbloop for two says, seasoning equals white and pure salt. I agree. Salt is pretty seasoning. People underestimate how good salt is. Unknown_12: jim socks for one says aslami eggs and bacon from balrain my dude goosh goosh i have no fucking idea what that means uh seventh rith steven rith for one says release the smash and slam shit bowl for the welfare bums like on them i agree with that bobby is god for five says josh if you were to get into dota 2 what would be the most unga bunga class that even a retard could play thank you for your stream 2:27:54 Unknown_12: Dota 2 is not a fun game. Dota 2 is a continuous habit, kind of like meth. Unknown_12: I think that League and Rainbow Six, all those games that are highly competitive, it's hard to recommend them because you're going to be miserable. You're not going to have fun. Unless you have a friend that's going to actively play with you, I think you're going to not have that much fun. Unknown_12: It really depends. Because Dota is... Unknown_12: is sort of deceiving. Unknown_12: You would imagine that in Dota, the goal is that you will kill your enemy until you kill them enough that you win. Kind of like a Call of Duty game or something where you have like a stock of 2:28:35 Unknown_12: Dota is not that. Dota is an economy simulator that is very, very overly complicated by layers of mechanics. And for the most part, as long as you have the map awareness and the patience to farm endlessly for 45 fucking minutes, you will win. And it really doesn't matter, especially at mid-levels, it doesn't matter how well the enemy team does. Unknown_12: And the reason for that is that mid-level players, what they do is they will try to have fun by killing enemies. And when they have a huge advantage from the early game, they will continually try to kill enemies to have fun. And this is a blunder. This is a mistake. When you have an advantage, you should try to end the game as quickly as possible. Because they have comeback gold. And basically... Let's say that your 40 kills up, and that's like a ton of fucking cash, right? Well, if you lose one time, the comeback gold evens that out quite a bit. And then you also have to consider that at 50 minutes, a 10k gold advantage for one team versus the other is not a 10k gold advantage at 20 minutes in. The power level there is very even, and you're much closer to a fair fight than in the early stages of the game where a couple people have item pickups that are much bigger. 2:30:01 Unknown_12: If you were actually serious about getting into Dota, I would recommend that you play every single hero. Do the all-hero challenge first. It's going to take you 100 hours to get through the all-hero challenge. If you've not quit the game yet, you should also... Unknown_12: try to farm. I don't know. You kind of want to be familiar with every hero. Maybe you should just pick something that's a high win rate at a low level and just farm. Unknown_12: If you are consistently the highest net worth on both teams, eventually you will become a high-ranking player and you can learn the mechanics over time. Sorry, that's a very long answer. Let's just talk about fucking video games. I used to play HOTS. Oh my god. I'm sorry for your loss. 2:30:38 Unknown_12: Aaron Queen generator for two says these aggressively very monogamous people seem to be fully shit. Like you need to address these issues. Something is probably wrong. Unknown_12: Um, I don't know. That's kind of a broad stroke brush. I feel like they got very defensive because they were cheating, but that's just how it is, I guess. Unknown_12: Kadoo45 says, waiting for Noel's SS13 ERP logs to drop. Well, keep fucking waiting, boy. 2:31:11 Unknown_12: AsianTechSupport45 says, are you a Tusk player? Tusk is one of the characters I've played the absolute least. Currently, I'm in love with a hunk of a man called Underlord. Let me pull up a picture for everybody so that you can see my husband. Unknown_12: Be careful, he's extremely handsome. Unknown_12: I need to look at a good picture. There's not a good picture of this guy. Here he is. Unknown_12: Behold, chat. You may not like it, but this, this is, this is peak masculinity. This here is what all men strive to be. You think, oh, I'm a real man. No, you're not. Not compared to the underlord. Okay. 2:31:43 Unknown_12: Um, he's nice and green. I'll just leave him up. I'll let you guys bask in him. Unknown_12: Ice Mexican for 10 says, hello, Mr. Potter. Are you aware of the flame war brewing between white nationalists and Fuentas? It's looking to be a goldmine, a content. Dude, I still don't have any fucking idea what anybody sees in Nick Fuentas. I can't even, I haven't seen that brewing, but it's like, how does anybody have any respect for a Mexican married child who doesn't do anything, who stays in his fucking basement and eats McDonald's and spills food, who definitely spills mayo all over his own merchandise that he's trying to sell? I don't know. 2:32:19 Unknown_12: The Gropers are just like retards. I think it's copium, like pure fucking cope. Unknown_12: Madclaw9545 says, have a good weekend, Josh. Thank you. I will. I appreciate it. AnimeSucksCopensneed4 says, I told Chantale I had a fart fetish and she should be unashamed, but she just laughed and doubted me. I don't know what to do. I have no game, big brother. I need your help. This shit matters. Keep sending her super chats. Eventually she'll like you. Unknown_12: Laser Disc Spin Man for four says, I just want to say I hope Johnny Long enjoys prison. Stalker Child, have a great day, Josh. Oh, I also hope he enjoys prison, Stalker Child, for a long time. 2:33:05 Unknown_12: Guy Safari for five says, you can make up for lost time. Serenade us with the Oscar Mayer Wiener song, Stalker Child, enjoy prison. I already said the lyrics. I'm not going to sing the fucking song. That's ridiculous. Come on now. Stop trying to bully me. Unknown_12: Well, I banned you from the forum. The telegram is operated by mostly a nig and somebody else. So a nig must have banned you. I don't know what the fuck you did to piss off a nig. He's pretty chill. 2:33:47 Unknown_12: I don't think I banned you from the kick chat, so that must have been one of the mods there. It seems like a lot of people have decided that they don't want to hear from you, bro. That might be a bad sign. Unknown_12: madclaw95 for fire says how disappointed was your mom that you couldn't sing the winter song very extremely because we practiced it over and over and over again and then I just completely bombed it I could feel the disappointment deviousdv for two says New York Post Oklahoma high school cancels homes coming after racial slur photo okay I'm intrigued I'm enticed by this let's see 2:34:31 Unknown_03: Oklahoma High School. Okay, where's the picture? Unknown_12: Why are they doing that? Unknown_12: Six white students posed for a disgusting photo spelling out the... This photo, disgusting. I love how they censor out the I-G-G-E-R. Unknown_03: What's the letters for, though? 2:35:04 Unknown_03: Did they just print this out by themselves? Dude, they canceled the entire... There is no place for hate in Oklahoma. Unknown_12: People are so cringe. White people are fucking cringe. I've come to the realization, no, you can't, you can't hold signs on a specific murder. Unknown_13: We're canceling homecoming for everyone because you said the bad word. Governor, governor, they said the bad word. Unknown_12: Sons, we here in Oklahoma don't say the bad word. The bad word has no place in Oklahoma. My people are cringe. I give up. I hope Mexicans take over and just, like, I don't know, run the shit into the ground. It's what we deserve. 2:35:41 Unknown_12: Sneed and Feed for once says, Ubisoft's whole company is on fire. Are you not entertained? Fuck the French. I'm entertained. Actually, I didn't pull up any of that. They had a meeting about a game. I want to say the game's... Oh, it's Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed is a good franchise. Assassin's Creed is a good franchise. There's another Assassin's Creed franchise coming out. And I think that something leaked and everyone was calling it woke shit. So they had an internal memo saying, if any fucking shit in this fucking game is called woke, you're all fucking fired. Do you understand me? And then people are freaking out about it. So that's pretty funny. 2:36:16 Unknown_12: Madclaw9545 says, Cornstarch episode was 10 out of 10. Yeah, subscribe to the Gumroad. I have, um, I picked out a topic for this week, this weekend. 2:36:48 Unknown_11: I didn't do one last weekend. Unknown_12: It was the first weekend I missed. In this case, it was a merchandise show. Unknown_12: Astendo410 says, The commentary soikter when you don't like trannies. Okay, let's see here. Unknown_12: I've hated trannies. I've always fucking hated trannies. I hated trannies when they were a meme on Tumblr in 2013. I hated trannies when they started getting into tech jobs. I hated trannies before Trump was running. I hated trannies more than Trump when he was running. Unknown_13: Wow, what the fuck? Unknown_12: You guys are not funny. You're not real and edgy. You're just transphobic losers. It's her prostate orgasm. Fucking... 2:37:19 Unknown_12: The effort to voice them, like every single one of those people. That's pretty good. I've seen this comic before. That's funny. Unknown_12: I mean, he embraced the lifestyle. He will inflict goyslop on the Jews one day. He'll rise TF up and make them eat it. Is it really? Okay, he's probably lying. He's probably lying. It's like a fake post. 2:38:05 Unknown_12: Attach your bags for $200. It says, enjoy pizza day. The Carolina Reapers are growing pretty big. That's a lot of spice, bro. I don't know if I would ever grow something like that unless I was trying to make like a bioweapon. Unknown_12: Happy to hear your peppers is doing well, though, brother. Thank you. Unknown_12: Mouse Cop 5 for 5 says, if you're reading this, you've been in a coma for almost 20 years now. We're trying a new technique. We don't know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope we're getting through. Yes, I've been seeing that message every month or so. I first saw it on 4chan like 20 fucking years ago, bro. Come on. 2:38:36 Unknown_12: Uh, crispy legs for 10 says happy Friday party hat, uh, party emojis. It is a happy Friday. You're absolutely correct. Thank you. Uh, the bugs for two says, Hey Josh, did you talk about dustbin being at the Tokyo game show? Unknown_12: No. Um, I will show those good notes. You're going to show me. Unknown_12: So in Tokyo, uh, dust, dust bowl or whatever, dustborne showed up and they had a stand, uh, Unknown_12: And there's many pictures from people attending this showing how completely, totally fucking empty this is. How no Japanese people seem to avoid this, but like a 10 meters like space preferring to crowd in around each other. And then there's this wonderful picture of them trying to pose with their disgusting mixed-race brown character. And there's just a bunch of VTuber titties in the background. Oh, you can't see this. Okay, here's the space with nothing there. Nobody around. And then you see these posters up here. You switch to this view. They're trying to pose with their viscerally appalling character design. And then there's just VTuber titties in the background that they accidentally inject into their frame. 2:39:52 Unknown_03: But I think that's it. It was just a bunch of like... Oh, I get it. Unknown_12: Because they always... Goku always says, let's fight somewhere really remote so that there's no people being injured. So they're fighting in the front of the Deathsporting thing where there's no people around. They got you. I can figure out jokes, Shadow. I'm funny. Unknown_12: Um, we're there for five says new class of oh nine is good. The foot stuff is funny and probably a good representation representation of how being a whore would be at 19. That's probably why they hate it. 2:40:27 Unknown_12: That's a very interesting, convicting opinion. What about the Palestinian sex slave? Uh, humble guardsman for 10 says Warhammer is based. The galaxy belongs to mankind. Oh my fucking God. You're gonna make me watch some fucking Warhammer shit. Unknown_15: Oh, 2:40:59 Unknown_12: Yes, it's a very cool cartoon, bro. I'm happy for you. It's fucking gross. It's gross now, and it was gross then. Unknown_12: Tetra Bags for $50 says, RLM black spines are your prospering grounds at first look. I mean, it's just kind of like a random pool of shit and making fun of it. It's wholesome. It's big chungus. Unknown_12: Thank you, by the way. For Dear, for one says, correct. Flag question. I know. I know flags, bro. 2:41:31 Unknown_12: AnimeSexCoop and Sneed for one says, you stop opening up my pizza day chats and then you immediately play anime, Japanese gay porn, come back home king. All right. Lord Bloop for one says, you sound like you should swap playing Dota for Bloons. Fuck Bloons. Mousecop5 for five says, Josh, just because he's your Telegram genie doesn't mean you can call him a nig. He has a name. Damn. It's literally a nig. It's not a nig. It's e-nig. A nig. Like enigma. Uh, Ugalis Sneed for two says, Astasins Sneed Shadows. Yeah, that one. That one's the thing that sucks. 2:42:06 Unknown_12: What is that reference to? Chat. What's he saying? What work? What content? What foot? Oh. Unknown_12: He did something and then his feet were in the picture. I remember this. It's from the general chat. And then everyone made fun of him for posting his feet. 2:42:37 Unknown_12: And he's upset about that. He's in gen chat. He's having like a thing with them. I've heard the reverberations of this, but I've not paid attention to it. Good luck with that. I've also posted my toes. This forbidden Josh image that doesn't exist anymore. Unknown_12: Sneedo for one says, the end of the cornstarch segment was very funny, especially the show where the lady melted her plate in the microwave and said, bish. Sure, it was very funny. It was there. It was good. It was good content. Everyone needs more cornstarch in their lives. Unknown_12: Okay. That's it. Thank you, guys. I've picked out a song, I think. 2:43:11 Unknown_12: I did. Okay, I'm going to play that song. And I'll see you on Monday, which will be the version I say. Take it easy. Have a great weekend. Bye-bye. Unknown_02: I'm just a thought, a dark space in your mind I'm where evil goes to dwell when you can't find the sunshine I'm a hero among villains, I'm a needle in the vein I'm the very thing they give to you to make you go insane 2:43:59 Unknown_02: Just a feeling of nothing at all I am simply a nerve ending And pain is what I'm called If you hear me talking Just push me way down Till you no longer hear my awful sound Unknown_15: This place, yes, I know where you are And it made me scared of the dark 2:44:50 Unknown_02: Just an idea, a product of shame Well, I'm never good enough and I'm always to blame I wish I wasn't ugly, I wish I wasn't born Wish I could take it back, cause all that left was scars So let me shield you from the rain Unknown_15: And it made me scared Unknown_02: I'm just something that you need I'm a voice of forgiveness Here to shine when days are bleak Times, they are a-changin' Today begins an age Tomorrow will be better than all your yesterdays So let me shield you from the rain 2:46:12 Unknown_15: I know where you