0:02:00 Unknown_12: They tried to make me stream on time, and I said, no, a no, a no. Unknown_12: Hello, chat. I'm a little bit late because I was working on the actual stream overlay for a bit. My next bug that I should fix is the fucking kick viewer count, because that's really pissing me off. But what I was working on was this. Hold up, let me make sure I get this correctly. I want to do this in real time and see if this actually fucks up. Okay. Okay. Unknown_12: Let's see. Unknown_12: Typing it in right now, this is really stellar content. This is the first time I've ever had to do this. So I had to write a completely new system for it. 0:02:38 Unknown_04: Of course, every single thing in this is spelled completely weird. Okay, I gotcha. First line out of three. Unknown_04: Almost done. Unknown_12: Almost done. Unknown_12: Okay. Moment of truth, Chet. Does this work? Unknown_12: It does. It does. We have a $100 Super Chat through the United States Postal Service as the platform from derogatory. It says, Dear Johua Conor Moon, you are a neighbor. You never read my Super Chats. This is so wrong to the effect that I manually wrote away so that I can trigger his Super Chat from the U.S. Postal System with a money order. 0:03:11 Unknown_12: that I actually was able to cash, or the mail guy was able to cash. 0:03:45 Unknown_12: Isn't that great, Chet? Don't we live in a hypersonic, futuristic world where you can send mail, and it has money in it, and then the money is deposited, and then you can have your super chat read anyways through the mail. Isn't that great? It's crazy. I may be the first person literally ever in the history of all streamers across all platforms, across all human history, Unknown_12: That has read a certified mail order super chat. Unknown_12: Snail mail, that fucker. Unknown_12: Okay, great. 0:04:17 Unknown_12: I do love... I'm going to choose a different icon. I really love the old postal service stamp. It's the old one that shows up in the money orders, ironically. They changed it now. The logo for the post office, but the... Unknown_12: I guess they printed like 10 million like money order receipts somewhere and they never went through them in like the seventies. So now they have just like a surplus of money orders and they haven't bothered to change the design. If you go in and get one, you get the old post office logo on it still as a security marker. Unknown_12: Cool. Excellent. Great. Um, 0:04:50 Unknown_12: We're off to a good start. Should I talk more about money? Is that what- No, let's- I'll- I'll reorganize this. I'll talk about money after this. Yeah. Yeah, I'm liking that layout more. Okay, I'm gonna shill for some homies on the queaky forums, okay? Okay. Unknown_12: This is Homie Gecko Goy, who for whatever reason continuously thinks that I'm angry at him at random, and I don't know why. So let me clarify. I am not mad at Gecko Goy. I will instruct people to play his fucking space station sim. I think it's picked up steam a little bit because I see more people talking about it. 0:05:25 Unknown_12: Now you might notice there's a cute little Kiwi tag up here that says community. What does that mean? What is this community tag? What is it doing? Well, I have seen fit to create a community tag because this person, named BabaIsYou, has opened Kiwi Fortress unofficial. Unknown_12: And here are the rules. But you can play Team Fortress 2 with other retards. His server's in the EU, I think. So Amerimuts lose out, as always. Unknown_12: But now we have two different community servers, I guess. Play at your own risk. If you get super ducks because you're mic-spamming the N-word and playing Demoknight on Team Fortress 2's server, I guess you deserve it. 0:06:01 Unknown_12: That being said, I have noticed, and this is an interesting notice. As a noticer myself, I'm surprised it took so long to notice this, but I was looking for a thread. Unknown_12: In the games board. And I went to the games board. And I went and controlled F. And I didn't find it. And then I realized oh my god. All these posts are like in the last half hour. So then I went to the second page. And I control F. And you can see this poster from yesterday. Then I went to the third page. And the third I was looking for. Is on the third page. I'll let you wager a guess. At what thread I was looking for. But it was on the third page. And I realized the games board is like. really popular and I didn't even know the games board causes so few problems for the rest of the site that I I've never stooped to notice that it's actually one of the busiest boards on the site we have no designated games only moderators I don't think I get any reports from the games board it's just it's just people playing games and it's really active and I was actually really shocked to see that so 0:07:20 Unknown_12: If you are somebody interested in video games, I guess we do have a board for you, and I've never bothered to even notice this. Unknown_12: I read the one-topic portions of the site. I'm not much of a video game player anymore, so I rarely have any reason to look. But, of course, I've been playing a little bit more games than usual, so I have looked. And I was like, wow, that's crazy. And, of course, the areas of the site that I do pay attention to are like the moderator board and this area right here. I constantly have a backlog of 50 fucking reports. I clean this fucker out, and then I have 50 more fucking reports the next morning because everyone's mad at each other. And it's always the... 0:07:55 Unknown_12: The articles and happening spur. It's either like, here's what creates the most report volume on the Kiwi Farms, right? People will get into like a political slap fight on the main on-topic threads, and then someone will get really annoyed and report every single post over like eight pages. And then I have like 50 fucking reports to deal with in that board, or in that one thread. And I have to close them out one at a fucking time, and it's the biggest pain in the ass ever. 0:08:27 Unknown_12: And then the other one is just like politisbergs like yelling at each other and having having little tizzy tantrums. Unknown_12: And then approximately half of all reports are people posting phone screenshots at a 4K resolution for no fucking reason. And then it's like an eight megabyte image. I have to just thumbnail for them and yell at them. If you ever follow my activity on the site, and you see me randomly yelling at people for not posting thumbnails, that's why. It's because I got reported, and they posted a 4K fucking phone screenshot in a thread that was 8 megabytes big, and then I yelled at them for it. 0:09:09 Unknown_12: Woes of a Janny, literally. Unknown_12: So in the theme of the money stuff, Visa, Visa card, yes, that one, is being sued by the Department of Justice with an antitrust case for anti-competitive practices. And unfortunately, this does not have the things that I would like to see, such as it stifling freedom of speech by shitting on random merchants. This is much more higher level, which is why it has even the Department of Justice has even bothered. It's because it's pissed off other big companies, specifically Apple Square, which is I think Square. No, Stripe is the one owned by Jack Dorsey, the Twitter guy. I don't know who I think Square is. 0:09:43 Unknown_12: No, I don't know who owns Square. It's some random tech guy, though. Unknown_12: So Visa's terms, Visa has a monopoly, and it has a monopoly in a way that you may not realize. Visa card gross is $7 billion a year. $7 billion a year. And the Department of Justice correctly identifies that even though they charge like 3% plus 30 cents for every single transaction, the amount of money that a transaction costs to actually traverse their system is basically nothing. So it's almost a 100% gain on charge for MasterCard. They make inconceivable amounts of fucking money. And therefore, the only way that they can lose money is if people do what they do better and for less. Which, of course, many, many companies in a $7 billion pie would be willing to do. 0:10:29 Unknown_12: So, how do they fuck with other businesses? Well, they actually buy a lot. If you try to look at a lot of different... I was searching for a payment processor that met certain criteria, and I'll get to that at the end of the stream as to why I was doing that. But I was looking at these, and I realized that a ton of them, a huge number of them said a visa company, a visa solution. Sorry, everything's a solution in the IT world. You don't have companies, you don't have products, 0:11:06 Unknown_12: So everything was a Visa solution because they would buy out these companies and then annex them and reincorporate them into the monstrosity that is Visa Card as a corporation. But then the Department of Justice said something that even I, even I as the most violent, vitriolic banker hater that the world has ever fucking seen, including that guy, the Department of Justice said something that even I didn't know. And then I was actually shocked. And what they allege is not that Visa card itself has a total monopoly on everything related to payments. It's that... 0:11:45 Unknown_12: It's that they have a monopoly specifically on debit cards. They say that Visa has a near 100% monopoly on debit cards. So sure, you have a little bit of a duopoly with the credit cards and you got Diners Club and Amex, like anybody fucking uses them and they hold like 10 to 20% of the market. But with debit cards, they have a near universal presence with every bank for actual transfers with just cash. 0:12:18 Unknown_12: And I didn't even know that. And they said that very specifically, Visa has stomped out PIN code transactions. So there used to be a way back in the day, back in the 70s and 80s for banks to send money to each other using just a PIN code and ACH. And that was it. And you didn't have to go through Visa. And then they did something. using very anti-competitive, what they call price cliffs, where they would, if you don't meet like their transaction ratios, they charge you more money. So you're incentivized to send more traffic through their payment networks. And through that, they have killed the old ways that banks sent money to each other. So it has to go through Visa. And just imagine, just imagine how much better the fucking world would be if you could use your debit card to buy something and not have to go through a Visa card system or MasterCard system. 0:12:57 Unknown_12: just regular bank-to-bank transfers. I've been fucking begging for that for 20 fucking years. And the Department of Justice has said that they're intentionally making it so that banks can't do things in a more sane and tolerable way by punishing them and punishing merchants for not sending enough traffic through their networks. And if that fixes that, if that fixes it so that you can use a debit card to buy something on the internet without it having to go through some black box you can't have any access to, never know what the fuck happens, decisions are made without your understanding, and there's generally zero recourse, if that gets fixed, that's like a genuine benefit to all of humanity, really. I think there was something else that I wanted to say about this that I found interesting. Let me think. 0:13:38 Unknown_12: Any competitive. Yeah, no, that's it. I was really disappointed to see that there was nothing for the merchants, but the debit card thing kind of is a thing for the merchants. The lawsuit happened because PayPal and Square and Apple Pay was the big one. Visa basically pays Apple a huge dividend to not make Apple pay work without Visa. They pay Apple to not do something. And the Department of Justice says that's a quintessential anti-competitive thing where it's like there could be all these fintech innovations in the world, but they're specifically paying companies not to try and do new stuff. 0:14:31 Unknown_12: which is the whole point of the antitrust lawsuits is to get things moving. Like, if you have companies that are so big that they're holding people back and holding society back, then that is the quintessential target of an antitrust suit. So that was one of the things that he used as evidence to say, like... Visa is fucking evil. And if the Department of Justice says that you're fucking evil when you're a big banking company, you're probably actually fucking evil. You probably are never going to get the justice you actually deserve, but you are pretty fucking evil. 0:15:05 Unknown_12: Great. Unknown_12: I need a genuine sticker I can put on my screen on OBS right now that just says, The government did something. The government did something, boys and girls. The government is suing MasterCard and VisaCard. Here's why that's a good thing. Let's unpack that real quick. 0:15:39 Unknown_12: Man, fucking Kickstill says I have zero viewers. That pisses me off. I like my big numbers. 490, but it's not reporting. Unknown_12: I'm going to have to fix that. That really pisses me off. Unknown_04: Okay, cool. Unknown_12: Next. Oh, shit. I'm talking about the news. Where are the news hamsters? Bam. Unknown_12: Star of the show. Unknown_12: Your Oshie. Unknown_12: Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Ruth's son. So this is three degrees of separation from anything you care about. Trump shot at at Mar-a-Lago by Ryan Ruth. 0:16:11 Unknown_12: He's in jail. They're charging him, and he's not given bond. His son is this guy. Unknown_12: And he is being held on... Oh, I love all these pop-ups. Please, more pop-ups. I need more pop-ups. I don't want to see the screen at all. Look, I can see the fucking website, bro. I need more pop-ups. This guy, believe it or not, had child pornography. Now, you might be able to look at his fucking face, his stupid fucking face, and maybe make some assumptions about him. But believe it or not, he did have child pornography. He was arrested. And there's a mugshot of him. 0:16:44 Unknown_12: Oh, federal agents discovered it. Why is there a mugshot of him if he was arrested by the feds? Oh, you know what? Unknown_12: This must be an old mugshot, because the federal government does not do public mugshots. They do do intake mugshots, but the feds generally don't release mugshots, so this must be like an old one. He was probably arrested for some shit before. So they were searching Ryan Greer's computers, I'm sure, and probably also subpoenaed some of his family's computers just to make sure they weren't in on it, and then they found child pornography. That must... 0:17:19 Unknown_12: imagine the dread of like your father this guy imagine the dread he was feeling for for days or weeks after the the government took his computer to look for for other shit and he's just he just knows oh my god they're gonna be here ever any fucking day to arrest me Unknown_12: I bet you that dread is worse than actually being arrested. Just knowing that the daddy government is going to be coming back any time, any day now. Just knowing that. 0:17:59 Unknown_12: Uh, cool, there's your update on that. Wasn't there a thing with another shooter like this? Wasn't it the guy in Las Vegas whose brother was, like, randomly charged with possession of child pornography? It was like, yeah, it was, wasn't it? Unknown_12: The Vegas shooter's brother was suspiciously arrested for child pornography immediately after the Las Vegas shooting. Unknown_12: Um... Unknown_12: And there was a lot of conspiracy that that guy was arrested because they were trying to hush something up. Because he had been going out saying things that the government set him up or something. And then he got arrested for child pornography. And they said that was staged. I bet you it is just the thing where it's like the government has like this really high profile shooting and they just start like thoroughly investigating absolutely everybody involved. And then they call it the plain view standard where it's like you're on somebody's computer looking for evidence that they're like an extremist that wants to kill a bunch of people. And you just so happen to find in their computer. Don't click folder that they're in possession of child pornography. That's plain view as far as the government's concerned. Kind of a weird standard to apply to technology, but I'm pretty sure that's how that goes. 0:19:11 Unknown_04: Daniel Plainview. Unknown_04: Steven Paddock. Yeah, that's it. That sounds right. Unknown_12: Anyways, there you go. Unknown_12: And then final court update news thing. Unknown_12: is related to me. Let's open these up real quick. Unknown_12: So I don't know if I mentioned this on stream, but Stebbins is a guy who pretends to be a turkey, and he's suing me for contributory copyright infringement because he saw that Greer's case was not immediately thrown out. 0:19:57 Unknown_12: And so he uploaded a video that was like critical of the Kiwi Farms. And then a guy re-uploaded that with like his commentary, making fun of his video, calling him like a faggot. And Stevan says, you got to take this down. I'm just like, OK, well, it's very clearly like an edit, commentary edit. So I'm not going to take this down. I know you're asking me this just so that you can sue me. And of course he does. Unknown_12: Now, he is a vexatious litigant in Arkansas, where he lives, so he's actually been told by a federal judge in Arkansas that he is not to submit any more copyright lawsuits without representation because he abuses that so much. So then he decided to file in West Virginia, where Locale LLC is incorporated. And I saw somebody ask once why we're incorporated in West Virginia. It is because West Virginia is the only state in the entire country that lets you incorporate to a PO box without a registered agent. Because if you remember, during Drop Kiwi Farms, they went super hard after Registered Agents, Inc., which was our registered agent. Because every company needs a presence in the state. So there's like a bunch of companies that will sell you like a mail address for $20 and that's your registered address. Well, when people are like threatening to bomb your registered agent, they're not going to represent you for $20. And I contacted like 20 different people in Wyoming where it was incorporated before and they all said no. So the registered agent for locale LLC in West Virginia is the actual secretary of state. If someone were to try and sue me and they don't want to just send it to the P.O. box for whatever reason, because they want to make sure that we get it, they can actually service the secretary of state and then he'll come down and deliver it or send somebody from his office to. And West Virginia, for whatever reason, is the only state in the entire country that lets you do things that way. And for that, we are very thankful, because otherwise I would not have a valid LLC at the moment. Anyway, so that's where he's suing. He's suing, I think, in the Southern. I think that West Virginia, despite being so small, has two federal districts. And we're being sued in the Southern one, where Charleston, I think, is in. 0:21:50 Unknown_04: And... Unknown_12: Um, he filed to move in from the pop Harris. And the reason why he did that is because he doesn't want to pay the $300 court fee associated with filing a lawsuit. He says he's so broke. Um, and Harden filed, uh, with a Prohok Vichay, which is allowing him to represent in a state that he's not licensed in. to say that he actually shouldn't be allowed to file informant preparis, and importantly that he's lying about his filing because he actually has enough money to pay the fees. Based on representations he's made elsewhere about how much his work is worth, he alleges that his work is worth more than the GDP of West Virginia. I think that was the standard that... 0:22:27 Unknown_12: That Hardin used to show how ridiculous his IFP request is. And that's important because if you file with a request for informa paparis and you're actually denied, it throws out the entire case with prejudice. So it's like an instant loss. If you fuck with the government and said, like, I don't want to file the filing fee and you file informa paparis and then you're lying about it, they actually just throw the entire fucking case out. So that's the ideal outcome. Anyways, the judge, we got the only black judge in the entire state of West Virginia, I think, as our case guy. So we have a cool black guy as a judge. And he looked at this bullshit and said, she, man, this is bullshit. So he just hasn't replied in like six months. He hasn't done anything on the case for six months except to say, don't file anything. That's what he did. He put an order in. He said, don't file any more shit in this fucking case until I decide what I want to do with it. That was the cool black guy reaction to the contributory copyright infringement thing. And so we've been waiting for a long time, and I'm happy to wait until the rest of my natural fucking life to hear the update to this case. But Stebbins got upset, so he literally filed with the appellate court for the Fourth Circuit, which I mentioned again on stream. And the only thing I got wrong when I mentioned this is that it does include... Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, and the Carolinas. It does not include the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is its own federal district. It is the smallest one. It is just D.C., but it's also the most important besides the Supreme Court. 0:23:46 Unknown_12: Anyways. Unknown_12: So he filed with them big, important court, right? The fourth is the second most important appellate court under the DC appellate court. And they get this shit and it's called a writ of mandamus. It is a, it is Latin for a request for a mandate. He's asking the appellate court to force the judge to make a ruling. And in his application, he was told multiple times that he has serviced everybody completely fucking wrong and And he has to actually service the judge personally and not just send it to the courthouse. And he completely fucking refused to do this. He's did it wrong like three different times. And then they finally came down and said, no, this is stupid. This is wrong. Fuck you. Denied. And we're not going to have oral arguments because it's so stupid and so wrong. There's no fucking point. 0:24:59 Unknown_12: So now we're going to be in the southern district, federal district of West Virginia, waiting on a cool black judge to decide what to do. And you're going to wait patiently because there's no undue wait. And I like this one in particular. Unknown_12: The fine clerk of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, Nawamaka Anowi, a very classic American name, says, In accordance with the decision of this court, the petition for right on mandamus is denied. It's a very rare instance where the clerk's name and the actual judgment appear to be in equal length. 0:25:40 Unknown_12: So that's the Stebbins update. It's a fucking clown show. Unknown_12: By the way... Unknown_12: In his filings, he mentioned that he had called the clerk of court where the actual lawsuit is, the Southern District of West Virginia, and he has harassed the clerk of court there demanding updates. He filed that in the appeals saying, look, I've been calling them every day for weeks demanding that the cool black judge do something that he doesn't want to do right now, and I'm basically tired of doing that, so you've got to force him now, which is a great thing to do. If you ever want to win your case, make sure you're fucking harass the judge and the clerk all the time. That's a great idea. 0:26:15 Unknown_04: Anyways. Unknown_04: Cool. Unknown_12: Excellent. Great. Thank you. Now, let's go to the true news. Thank you, Hamster. You are dismissed. Someone said I didn't dismiss the hamster last stream, so I have to make sure I say that very specifically. And that's it for the true news. Moving right along to the low-count news. I have absolutely nothing to say about trainees this stream, I think. Actually... There is two things, kind of, but they don't fit in the Troon segment. 0:26:53 Unknown_12: Let's start with something good and classic. Nothing gets more classic than Sonichu. It was recorded that when Chris had parked his car in the motel where he was arrested at in Virginia... Unknown_12: that somebody had literally unscrewed his license plate and stolen it. So the guy that stole his license plate then went to our license plates. And says, somebody please get this thing out of my life. I gotta sell this thing. Nothing but bad luck. Sorry, I hope I'm not breaking the rules, but I don't think I am, question mark. 0:27:27 Unknown_12: So his life has fallen into ruination. Wasting work's time. His girlfriend broke up with him. His boyfriend broke up with him. His dog threw up all over the place. He got evicted by his mom from the goon dungeon. His Oshii didn't read his super chat. It's fucking over. He's about to neck rope, okay? And he can track back this series of misfortunes. The moment that he got on his knees with a $4 electric drill from Walmart and stole the Sonichu license plate from... 0:28:00 Unknown_12: His car has a name, and I know what the name is, and I'm trying to think. I want to say it's Sony Chu. I want to say it's supposed to be like a Transformers name, and I want to say it's Sony Chu. I'm going to look this up real quick. I'm pretty sure I'm right. This is going to bother the fuck out of me if I don't find it. Chris Chan car name. Unknown_12: Son Chu. Son Chu. There we go. 0:28:41 Unknown_12: San Chu is the name of his car. Unknown_04: I knew it was something like that. Unknown_12: Um, cool. Now, in much less cool news, we must mourn the loss of a fallen soldier. The bodybuilding forum has closed. Now, obviously, I'm a big fan of the bodybuilding forum. As a fellow Web 1.0 site, Elliot Roger posted there about looks maxing. Ziz, one of the most famous 4chan bodybuilders of all time, posted there. 0:29:15 Unknown_12: They've closed it. They say, hi, team. No good growth can come without change. We're building new ways to connect our global community. Be on the lookout here on bodybuilding.com or subscribe to the emails below to stay up to date on the newest brand developments. Together, we'll move forward to discover more ways to build your body, build your mind, and build your life. Team BBCOM. Unknown_12: I guess they didn't want to say BBC. Unknown_12: So usually if you're going to like update your product, you might want to like – Unknown_12: communicate with people about it, explain what you want to do, receive some feedback, go through the process with people, do a beta. It's kind of a bad idea to close your active website that people have been using for 20 fucking years and then be like, yeah, we're going to get something new out one day, I promise. Subscribe to our mailing list. Kind of seems like a blunder. I don't know what they're going for. I guess they had problems with moderation or some shit and they didn't feel like dealing with it anymore. 0:29:56 Unknown_12: Um, yeah, really, really bizarre. I would like to share in commiseration. I would like to share my favorite meme from the bodybuilding site. And that may seem like a joke, but. Unknown_12: They were a progenitor of internet memes like any other old school internet website. And the one that sticks with me the most is thick, solid, tight. And this is... I don't know why this jumps into my head every so often. 0:30:39 Unknown_12: It was a guy that left this comment on a bunch of different pictures on the bodybuilding site. Unknown_12: And this is what it says. This is the actual text. You can use this text in your everyday life. He says... Unknown_12: Awesome pic. Nice size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got, man. Want to see how freaking huge, solid, thick, and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation. 0:31:16 Unknown_12: Which kind of sounds a little bit fucking gay, if I'm going to be real with you. Unknown_12: I don't know why. I've copy-pasted this, I think, a few times on the Kiwi Farms. There is a... Unknown_12: I remember one time during Drop Kiwi Farms, I think it was Vordrek or some other fat retard. There's a really, really old thread where it was like a really fat ginger kid who was underage made a thread on the Kiwi Farms, like in the Chris Chan board. And he was just like, he was like an old school ween. He was like someone that called Chris to yell Julie or something. And he posted this video of him and he was just like this big fat ginger kid. 0:31:48 Unknown_12: And I posted this and then Vordrak or like, I can't remember who the fuck it was. It was someone like Vordrak trying to say that I was like hitting on this fat ginger kid because I use this meme. This is the second time that a meme has gotten the Kiwi farms into trouble with some fucking moron. Unknown_12: It was, um, we had, uh, we, oh, we hosted a clip of Goosh Goosh, which is, uh, I don't know what anime it's from, but it's a, it's like a weird, uh, clip of like a super fat guy raping like a like a man it's like a super fat guy or butt fucking a man but it's all like it's all like it's not really innuendo it's just not shown explicitly it's shown through like silhouettes and like metaphors it's just really nasty and gross it's like a shock video 0:32:24 Unknown_12: um and we hosted that clip and vordrakh reported that to gandhi and said that it was child pornography and they literally deleted our server without any chance to move stuff and we lost like a week of posting because of that because of goosh goosh and um it's on youtube it's not even like age restraint i could pull it up right fucking now you know what Unknown_12: We're going to watch anime chat. That's what we're going to do. I think that I have only ever shown anime voluntarily on this stream one time. That was for that camaraderie high thing with the troll video. Let's do gush gush. Show me that. 0:33:20 Unknown_12: Here it is. Not age-gated. Avert your gaze. Avert your gaze if Japanese offend you. 0:34:03 Unknown_12: So the French saw this and were so horrified they just deleted the Kiwi Farms. Completely and totally. Unknown_12: I mean, look. How do you know that's blood? It could be corn syrup. It's been on YouTube for like 20 fucking years. It's never been deleted. I don't want to hear it. If YouTube can host it, I can play it on stream. That's the rule. If it's been on YouTube and it has 100,000 views, I can play it on the internet. Unknown_04: Okay. Unrelated to Goose Goose. 0:34:38 Unknown_04: Okay, this is Jackie Singh. Unknown_12: So let me give you a quick rundown, a QRD chat. Let's do the QRD. Unknown_12: Jackie Singh, over a year ago, failed docs miserably. A guy from Sweden or Norway, I think Sweden, that she pretended was Tor Swats, who was a serial swatter who had swatted basically everybody in the sector at least twice over. 0:35:13 Unknown_12: Jackie Singh being an incompetent fat and brown retard. He misidentified Tor Swatz as a Swedish person, reported him to the FBI, tagged him on Twitter, so on and so forth. Unknown_12: Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, during one of the few times that the Department of Justice has earned a government did-something sticker, they actually arrested and indicted a 19-year-old for being tour swats. Jackie Singh, of course, did not know how to react to this, because she had been banging the drum for over a year that a random Swedish guy that I think she even alleged came from the Kiwi Farms or was related to Patrick Tomlinson's hate fandom 0:35:54 Unknown_12: on the ONA forum, she randomly came out and said that, or not randomly, but after he was indicted, came out and said that they misidentified Tor Swats, and it must be the Swedish guy still, because she's too fat and brown and retarded to take the L. She has continued to defame this guy as being a serial swatter that is on the loose, and even says that The guy that they the actual private detective that managed to find out who Tor spots was falsely reported the 19 year old as being Tor spots to cover for the Swedish man that she had correctly identified. And she has been begging the FBI to listen to her for months. Unknown_12: So that she can be right about something. Unknown_12: She says, when these spies travel to another country and need to become established, they must work to build their legend, a convincing backstory. One of the handiest ways to do this and make relationships in the local community is meet up. On the left, the guy in the thread below. On the right, the lying, trolled, caffros. who submitted fake evidence to in the tour spots case the seminal sheriff seminal so at fbi that wired his real name isn't brad dennis his real job isn't private investigator 0:36:53 Unknown_12: Um, and then there's this guy. Unknown_12: He did it. She says his name is actually Michael O'Leary and he holds a top secret TSSCI clearance because he worked in skunk works, highly classified progress projects for government contractors in aerospace and weapons industry at department of defense at Raytheon. Um, 0:37:42 Unknown_12: Help me, Raytheon. I look retarded on the internet. O'Leary's wife is Brittany, an elementary school teacher. That's how you know it's serious. Elementary school teacher. Unknown_12: She's teaching the kids that Tor Swats is not the Swedish guy. Unknown_12: O'Leary and his father can each be found in public record with connections to Seattle, Texas, and a few other locales. It's very important for federal investigators to review the blah blah blah. Ms. O'Leary looks a bit different now. Spray tan? Hair dye? 0:38:14 Unknown_12: She got old, bro. People get old. Unknown_12: Anyways, these folks may have very common waspy names, but Brenna Johnson was born and raised... In Texas, married a good old boy who joined the Air Force, middle name Alexandra. Probably because how to execute that looks like a Russian ethnic dance. Okay, this is the funny part. Unknown_12: She claims that the guy is a Russian spy because during their wedding, they performed an ethnic Russian dance. Here we have the proof, the undeniable proof, that only the fat brown sausage fingers of the catchment hands of Jackie Singh could wrap around and truly grasp. Here we have the traditional ethnic Russian marriage dance. A dead giveaway that they are from Russia and still have ties to the Russian government. 0:38:52 Unknown_04: And no, I'm not joking. Unknown_12: She actually posted this. Unknown_12: Oh my God. I just forgot something. Or rather, I forgot something, but I just remembered that I had forgotten it. We are aborting the Jackie Singh segment. I have to pull up something real quick. 0:39:36 Unknown_12: Hamster! Hamster! Unknown_11: Hamster! Hamster! Get back over here! Unknown_12: Got the hamster coming back. We got the hamster. Unknown_04: Um, okay. Give me a second. Unknown_04: This is truly important. This is mission critical. 0:40:09 Unknown_04: Oh, dude, I forgot about this as well. Unknown_04: Okay, here. I'm glad I stopped and checked that because now I have two of the things that I forgot. Unknown_04: Things are adding up, chat. Unknown_04: Okay, here we go. 0:40:42 Unknown_04: It's loading. I don't know why the fuck X takes so fucking long, bro. Unknown_12: By the way, we confirmed from the last stream that the lesbian tools were in fact just cow tools. And there was no actual joke. Which might spoil what I forgot to bring up. Mr. Nubly has recognized that... Unknown_12: His popularity is picking up in speed, and he needs to keep churning these out. I mentioned last stream that he went from once a month to once every two weeks to once every couple days now. He's riding the train, the Matty Bump. He's riding it. So we have another comic already. 0:41:12 Unknown_12: Now, I have to warn you. This is the closest thing he's ever done to a real joke. Unknown_12: I'll just read it. Okay, so. 64 days until the election. We were in a park and a woman, a femoid looking object is running down the pathway of the park. And she, if she really is a she, says, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go. So this person really has to pee pee and or poo poo. That's what we've established so far. 0:41:51 Unknown_12: She arrives at the door of the bathroom, which is a unisex bathroom, so I think that's an additional layer of joke that is coming up. It's sort of interwoven into this complex plot. She goes, Unknown_12: Spingle dee dee, spingle dee dee liberal. The woman is shocked. 0:42:30 Unknown_12: The person is wearing, like, this is actually artistic as fuck. It's the Greek mask of comedy and tragedy. They're half the face each, and he can swap only half out at a time. Unknown_12: He asks, with the crying, the tragedy mask, saying, if you wish to use this bathroom, you must answer my riddle. Whose Y is X? Whose out is in? Whose edges are curves? Who reaches maximum fertility at 14? Now, if you can't tell, this is Matt Walsh, which means that this is actually, I think, the very first time that Mr. Nubly has created an actual parody of a living person besides maybe Trump. 0:43:15 Unknown_12: And the joke about maximum fertility at 14 is actually pretty funny. Unknown_12: The tranny is suffering. And she says, please, I need to shit so bad. And then he puts on the comedy mask and says, a woman. And he's laughing as he does it. He says, hee-haw-ho, sping-sping, oh foolish liberal, you couldn't even answer my one simple riddle. Hee-haw, spingle-sping. Unknown_12: The woman is truly about to shit. Its face is contorting in agony. Um, actually he is shitting or she is shitting. She's shitting herself and says, do you not know what a PP is either? You sick freak. What a shit lip. He says, he even says what a shit lip as he's shitting himself. 0:43:51 Unknown_12: And then he says, you fucking animals think you can piss and shit wherever you please. It's disgusting. I should warn everyone. You're a poopy pervert on the loose. And then he actually, I think post to zitter. to warn people that this sick freak with, I think, a Brazilian flag shirt? No, it's a bumblebee. That looks like the Brazilian flag, but then I see that it's a bumblebee up here because it's got wings. 0:44:28 Unknown_12: Now, this is the true meta-breaking moment that really makes me wonder, is Mr. Nubly in on it? Because you can see that the account of this fake Matt Walsh is, the Sneed has fall. Verified tick. Unknown_12: How does he know? The code word. Our top secret passphrase that you need to enter the No Girls Allowment Club. How does he know our passphrase, Chad? How does he know? The handle for the Sneed has followed, actually, Kekfajit Spinglespur, which is also funny. And he says, breaking. Fabrio, the Spingle Cat actor, apologizes to female co-stars for his cute, sexy dances at the WTF. And then Elon Musk personally replies to this and says, concerning. And then he says, I accidentally locked myself in the bathroom. Help. 0:45:07 Unknown_12: And then he says, in his final statement with the tragedy mask, he says, woman, they can't keep getting away with it. Unknown_12: Now, this is an actual market improvement over absolutely everything in his previous comics. Because number one, I understand what the fuck is happening. 0:45:40 Unknown_12: Bizarrely. Number two, the fact that Nat Walsh is in a costume and quizzing people before they enter the bathroom is on its face absurd and funny. And then I also like that the bathroom is a unisex bathroom anyway, so it doesn't even matter. And then, to top it all off... He has included the word sneed, which is instant comedy bonus to the comic. He's really done it. He's like leveled up ten times since his last comic. I can't even believe it. See, this is the positing, encouraging vibes that I give to people, Chet. 0:46:21 Unknown_12: Don't let this episode get to your head. Jolly, stay hungry. That's right. Don't get complacent. You might have put out a real banger this time, but you don't know. Unknown_12: You're only one comic away from another lesbian tool's debacle, Mr. Knobly. Unknown_12: Brief. Okay, Hamster, you are double dismissed today, sir. Unknown_12: Brief update on the VTuber. Now, I talked about this way too long last stream, so I'll just summarize this. Unknown_12: What's happened since, and what's happened since is that A lot of people have called her out for being a whore and for turning on her fellow VTubers for playing the Hogwarts mystery. And it seems that her empire is crumbling. And this makes me laugh. 0:46:59 Unknown_12: Because, oh, and a bunch of other VSojo VTubers have circled the wagons around her. And I take interest in this, to clarify. Because I like it when big things fall apart. It's satisfying to me. I don't care if it's like a country or a YouTuber or even a VTuber. She has half a million subscribers or followers on Twitter. Like, she's really popular. And it's really funny seeing someone who has absolutely no reason to be a complete fucking retard using their actual, like, VTuber personality account to be like, I fuck around and I fucked around and found out I keep cheating on men that are specifically military men for some reason. 0:47:44 Unknown_12: I'm a fucking victim. I'm a weirdo. Unknown_12: She also supports trannies, so that makes it doubly funny. That's all I have to say about that. I've seen more people hitting the dab ones at her, and that makes me amused. Unknown_12: The NFL has opened a Discord channel, which is going about as well as you could possibly imagine. Hopefully we will see no more corporate branding tie-ins with Discord ever again. Let's read. I haven't read through these yet, but I think they're funny, so let's check and see. 0:48:16 Unknown_12: Um, so these are the comments in the NFL Discord. I assume NFL's, like, things is going down. Like, their monies is going down, viewerships, things are going down. Unknown_12: So they have to, um, they have to relate to them kids who are on the Discords and shit. MF Gray says, I'd rather be a Jew in World War II than a Panthers fan. Unknown_12: Rice on Pizza says, hey, I have autism too. It's nice to see people spread awareness of people with our conditions, sending hugs and kisses. In response to Lemon, who is a tranny, saying, I love the Cowboys. 0:48:53 Unknown_12: Cowboys suck, by the way. Unknown_12: I have absolutely no interest in any sports anything, but it's in my blood. I gotta say the Cowboys suck. That's what I've been told to say in regards to the Cowboys. They have a really big fan base, too, because they're one of the big teams in Texas. It always pisses off the Texans. Unknown_12: Son Goku says, wanna be gay? Let's hang. Boot says, my brother in Christ, you can only afford to eat shit. Do not speak to me. 0:49:28 Unknown_12: I don't think those two are related. Unknown_12: Ryan, was that the Cowboys? Unknown_12: Is that their logo now? Their logo has changed, hasn't it? Unknown_12: Ryan, this is the Kansas City, who of course is Tay-Tay's team, which he must support. Says, hee-hee, I've been a bad kitten, any daddies want to punish me? Typical Missourian right there. Unknown_12: XX underscore underscore little X underscore underscore kitten X under wait no I'm reading this wrong whatever I think it's the Ravens I don't know Roger Goodell put his finger in my hoo-ha when I was 14 which I don't know if that's a cry for help or like this person fucking with them and I don't know who that is but I'm assuming it's an NFL person 0:50:18 Unknown_12: can fight with a furry avatar who of course supports the Jaguar. It says, I wish my homes would give me a Paul job. Unknown_12: Existin, which is Buffalo's, which is the big team in, obviously, in Buffalo, New York. Everyone was a Buffalo's fan there. You saw a lot of Buffalo stuff there. Existin says, react with shouting face emoji if you think Russia should nuke Ukraine. Unknown_12: I didn't know that was a popular opinion in Buffalo. I want to be real with you. 0:50:53 Unknown_12: Soup with the Jaguars says, I don't like blacks. Which is really weird because he's got a black panther. Christus Gaudens. Oh, that's the Cowboys fan logo. I don't know what the other one is. That's the Cowboys star. I recognize it. I don't know what the other logo is. He says, the Jews are the reason why I'm single. Oh. Unknown_12: I don't know why 17 people reacted with whatever the fuck that is. I don't know that team. 0:51:27 Unknown_12: Beastly Mr. E, and I don't know what that is either, says, Will commanders beat the Bengals on Monday? Oh, fuck you. Nobody asked, bro. Lucky, don't recognize that. That might be the Patriots. Says, Jews did 9-11. This is really a segment where Josh tries to guess the names of football teams. I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far. Unknown_12: Corporate safe UN. I don't know what the orange one is. Mahomes put ketchup on ref meat and gobbles it down for free DPIs. I can't even wager or fucking guess what that means. 0:52:01 Unknown_12: Yoda on Rehab, and I've been informed that this is the Cardinals, says Jeffrey Epstein for President. Unknown_12: Icy Agent, I think this is Raven, says OJ did nothing wrong. Unknown_12: And then Moralfish Buffalo says skibbity toilet. Unknown_12: Funeral Services asks, are we using slurs or gnaw? And jclout69 at the Panther says let it rip. And he has, like, this obviously fake stocked photo image of an Indian man as his avatar. 0:52:38 Unknown_12: Gentle Melon says, Ray Rice ate my stuff. Unknown_12: I don't even know. Oh, the New York Jets, I think. That's, um... One of the Giants. I don't know which one it is. I think that's the team that, um... Unknown_12: Uh, may may Ralph's father is a big fan of, uh, that Ralph now has an irrational hatred for it because, uh, his baby granddad is a, uh, is a fan, uh, warmish statue. 32 says Josh Allen in response, in response to Bill Murray says, which quarterback has the cutest, but, uh, 0:53:19 Unknown_12: Y'all think Patrick Mahomes eats crayons. Dude, why do they all hate Mahomes? What's wrong with Mahomes? I don't recognize that one either. Unknown_12: And that's it. I don't do it anymore. I like these. I like these one-off shit posts. They amuse me. What the fuck is this? Unknown_04: Tom Brady has a weird father-son relationship. I mean, look at this. I'm gonna... Unknown_04: Yeah, that's kind of weird. Unknown_12: That's fucking weird. 0:53:55 Unknown_12: It's not something you post on the internet. Oh, this thread got a huge reply chain. Thrift with the Raven says, Fuh in Cowboys and then the Gators twice. Must be a really big Gators fan. Lots of people in Florida are big Gators fans. ERS, I don't know what that means. Fuck Cowboy Gator Gators. Unknown_12: Tell me what that means. Unknown_04: Is there like a hole? Unknown_04: There's like a big reply chain to that too. I guess we don't get the link to it. 0:54:32 Unknown_04: Packers. Which one was the Packers? Unknown_04: I don't know. Someone shouted Packers at me and I didn't know that one. Unknown_12: Okay, very brief update. Amberlynn Reed was being driven by her crackhead mother and her husband, or boyfriend or whatever, from where she was to where her new girlfriend is. Unknown_12: And as soon as she got there, there was local news in Oshkosh about a foul smell on the city's south side, leaving residents and officials stumped. So Amberlynn just kind of blew through the town. And everyone's like, oh, my God, that bitch stinks. And they can't just, it's the polite society there, so they can't say that fat bitch was what stank. 0:55:09 Unknown_12: Um, she's probably moving in because Amberlynn does this. She's a U-Haul lesbian. So she meets somebody and then within like a month they're moving in, um, and they're, they're soulmates. And this was the best relationship they'd ever had. Like, it's like a really fast burning flame with her. Um, and people are suspecting that she's lying about not moving in because she's taking her pets with her. So she has, uh, she had cages for her cat and her dog. And she, uh, drove like, I think it was a 14 hour drive to, uh, get back home or take it to her new girlfriend's place. 0:55:46 Unknown_12: And I think that this is a salami. It's like a, like a pooner or a non-binary salami. Unknown_12: And she's the one that fed somebody to death. Like her previous girlfriend was a super fat woman that was on television and died from being overweight. So chances are Amberlynn is about to get, this is going to be her last girlfriend. She's about to get fed. I wish her luck on this. 0:56:27 Unknown_04: Okay, this is a clip from Turkey Tom where we're going to make fun of Turkey Tom. Unknown_12: Everybody set your, your, your, set yourself up, okay? Unknown_10: I don't care if a guy cheats on a girl and I don't know them. I don't care if a girl cheats on a guy and I don't know them. It's not my fucking problem, okay? I have cheated before. I have dated people who have cheated before. It's not my fucking, like, it's not, it's not, it's not chat's problem. It's not the world's problem. It doesn't fucking matter, okay? It's like a thing that happens in relationships. This is actually nuts. Unknown_10: Wait, Tom cheated? Wait, Tom cheated on someone? Yes. Welcome to being a fucking adult. 70% of every adult you meet will have cheated on someone at some point in their life, okay? 0:57:01 Unknown_12: Number one, I don't believe that. Number two, brushing aside things like that, but you're saying welcome to being an adult is, like, number one, condescending. I don't think this guy's, like, 20 or 24 yet. You're not an adult until you turn 24. We've established this. So you can't say, oh, I'm 18, and I went out and I snorted meth off a homeless man's cock. Welcome to being an adult. You can't do that. You're not an adult yet. You're just an idiot. 0:57:38 Unknown_12: So, for whatever reason, Jerky Tom is like a huge Destiny suck-up now. I don't know why him and Nicholas DiOrio worship Destiny. Can anybody explain to me worshipping Destiny? Destiny is like one of the most unremarkable people. One of the most vanilla fucking milquetoast obvious. He's like an obvious person. He has the most obvious gambit ever. He just says shit to make fucking money. Unknown_12: And for some reason, this guy who, let me tell you right now, if there was a video of me sitting sad on my computer, reading Twitch chat while my wife danced with a black man behind me, I would, my next stream, the very next stream would be me taking a gun and blowing my fucking brains out on camera. That would be the end of my life. And for some reason, Destiny has endured that and not only continued on, but people like Nick DiIorio and Turkey Tom still, like, pay respect to him as this great of content creator. Like, I don't know. As far as I'm concerned, the man died that day, and his restless body, like a zombie, has been navigating the wilderness on its own without anybody upstairs to try and figure things out for it. I just don't get it. 0:58:30 Unknown_12: Um... 0:59:02 Unknown_12: So the cope that, oh, welcome to being an adult, that's fucking gay. The negative influence of being associated with destiny is like obviously seeping in and causing brain rot. If we're being generous in the same way, it's just retarded. Unknown_12: The 70% statistic, I don't believe it. Let's do a poll. I mean, this is just my chat, but vote one if you have cheated, vote two if you've not. Unknown_04: Okay, a poll's live, and I gave people a little bit of a... Oh, fuck! 0:59:38 Unknown_04: Did it not go in? I might have broken it. Unknown_04: Shit. Unknown_04: Let me try typing in chat real quick, sorry. Unknown_04: Have you cheated? Yes? No. Unknown_04: Okay, there it is. Unknown_04: Okay, now it works. Get your votes in. I'm gonna take a sip. 1:00:10 Unknown_04: It's prob 50. I don't believe it. Unknown_04: Yeah, only 10% of people in my chat say they have. And that's more believable to me. Unknown_04: Yeah, 120 people have voted so far, and it's about 11% of people say they cheated. Unknown_12: Uh, which that sounds accurate. Like I can believe 10% of people and 70% are you fucking nuts? 1:00:42 Unknown_12: Come fuck on. Unknown_12: Um, yeah, I don't believe that for a second. The other thing is the, the other part of this is what he says at the very end. Let me rewind it just a second. 70% of every adult you meet will have, uh, cheated on someone at some point in their life. Unknown_10: Okay. Okay. Unknown_10: Well, me. I think I missed it. Wait, Tom cheated on someone? Yes. Welcome to being a fucking adult. 70% of every adult you meet will have cheated on someone at some point in their life, okay? Unknown_12: Okay, I don't know where he says it. It's 28 seconds. 1:01:13 Unknown_10: I played it like eight fucking times. Unknown_12: He says that he's cheated, and he's dated people who have cheated. Unknown_12: Now, I will end the poll. It's been going on too long. Final result is 19 to 122, or 13.4% have said yes. Unknown_12: Here is another pop quiz, chat, pop quiz. This is not a regular poll. Just blurt out the answer to the question. Chat, what do we call somebody who is with a woman who is cheating on him? Does anyone know the answer to this? This is a write-in answer. So we're not doing a poll. You don't get to vote one or two. You got to say, oh, I think J-Man right there. Does J-Man have the answer? 1:01:48 Unknown_12: There we go. Where is it? There it is. J-Man is the first one I saw who got the answer. Wait, no, no. It's Money Cash Money says it for us. Sorry, J-Man. Your thunder got stolen by the... Unknown_12: my money money got it first immediately bam got it that's what it's called so you might want to be careful stomping around saying oh yeah i i fucking cheat and i'm the women i date also cheat on me because that means that you're something and you don't want to be that guy you don't want to be that guy because once you get the c word stuck to you it doesn't go away you don't ever wait hold up 1:02:44 Unknown_04: Okay. You know what, chat? Unknown_04: I think it's mail time. Unknown_04: Oh, YouTube. Unknown_12: YouTube is like desperately trying to put the kibosh on this. Hold on. Don't you dare. I can't even open that at all. Like, my VPN is just so completely fucking blocked that I can't even... I can't even, like, attempt... 1:03:18 Unknown_04: Um, what the fuck am I going to do if my VPN is so blocked? Unknown_04: I want to play melt time. Unknown_12: It's melt time. Maybe, maybe no, I want it on. Um, if I search it's melt time, the first result I see is, uh, somebody in the, our destiny subreddit saying what's melt time. Um, Unknown_04: Is this it? Unknown_04: No. 1:04:00 Unknown_04: Oh, I need the actual video. Unknown_12: Fuck it. I guess I can't play it. It's middle time. It's on the Kiwi farm somewhere. It's a little bitch. Unknown_12: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_12: Like, I get that he's young and he hit success, like, really early in his life. But the thing is... Unknown_12: To summarize, because he seems like genuinely baffled. Like, why would anyone care? Like, maybe you can cope and sneed and say, well, I'm young, I'm fit, I have money, therefore I deserve as much young pussy as I can possibly stick my dick into. And if the women I'm dating with have a problem with it, that's her fucking problem. 1:04:38 Unknown_12: The issue with that, especially when you... There's two issues with that. So you could just say... Unknown_12: On its face, the issue is the reason why people really care about sexual impropriety and weird sex stuff like with the Ricada stuff, the polyamory stuff, the destiny cuckolding stuff, the cheating question in general. Is that it's sort of indicative of your personality. If you are willing to enter into agreements and then break them, you're not very trustworthy. And it's like if you have a poor character and you can't be relied upon for even things like a relationship. How could you possibly be relied on for anything else? How could you trust that person as a friend? How can you trust that person as a business partner? You might say that's unfair, but people are like that. If you know somebody is a fuck-up and they're fucking up other areas of their life, then you can presume that they will fuck up areas of their life that you're involved in as well. And people will make negative judgment assessments about you. 1:05:15 Unknown_12: Second is... Unknown_12: There is a saying that goes, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And the reason why people say that is because it's true. And if you treat a woman very poorly and you cheat on her, she will become irate and sadistic and filled with hatred and vengeance. And chances are you're not going to be dating somebody with a high profile. You're going to be dating somebody that you have an advantage over because you have an audience and they don't. So what do they do if you've pissed them off by cheating on them and they want to get back at you? They write a 90 page long Google document calling you a gaslighting cheater, um, rapist abuser. Like that's what happens when you're a public figure and the person that you're cheating on is relatively powerless. Um, so if you're from a purely like we're, we're going to put aside any arguments for morality in general from a purely, uh, 1:06:31 Unknown_12: Practical standpoint, it causes people to make negative character judgments about you in general, all people. And second, you are setting yourself up for a nightmare situation that you will never, ever recover from, ever. Unknown_12: And if you think that, well, Destiny got away with it, Destiny is not as popular as he could be. Unknown_12: Sure, he's popular. He is absolutely not as popular as he could be if he didn't get cucked in public by Melania. That's the reality. 1:07:11 Unknown_12: So, yeah, it's true. He's survived and has continued to stay relatively popular. But every single time he posts anything ever, people post pictures of him looking like he's about to blow his fucking head off while a black man dances with his wife in the background. And that will follow him literally for the rest of his life. Even if he retires from the Internet and tries to become like a CEO of like a Lunchables company, people email him videos of his wife dancing with a black man. So, that's a situation that you want to live with if you can. 1:07:49 Unknown_04: So, let's see. I think that is it for the turkey tongue stuff. Unknown_04: Sorry, I got a message from somebody on Signal. Unknown_12: Because there is something I want to talk about, and I wanted to get some clarification regarding that. 1:08:27 Unknown_04: Okay, so. Unknown_04: Next, right along. Unknown_12: This clip was heavily requested that I comment on. So I will chat. I will. Unknown_12: This is Alex Rosen, either Rosen or Rosenstein. Unknown_12: And he is one of those predator busters, right? So he has a YouTube channel where he's like a Chris Anson type. Unknown_12: And he caught this guy and the guy got pulled over. We're not pulled over. He came to a sting and the guy's talking to him. 1:08:59 Unknown_12: And he's talking about ReviewTech USA. Like, he's trying to push off the fact that he got caught in the sting by talking about lolcows. And this conversation happened. Unknown_12: Don't show me, but if I were to search it up, could I see a YouTube video on that? Unknown_11: Which one do you want to see? The ReviewTech and the Dropbox shit. Unknown_11: You ever watch Kino Casino? Unknown_11: Nope. Oh, okay. Well, they've talked about it, too. Unknown_12: So this is someone in a pedophile predator sting who has brought up Keno Casino, which is, as we say in the business, not a good look. 1:09:40 Unknown_12: I can't, I mean, I asked PPPS, like, do you know this guy? And he doesn't know him. And there's no mugshot or anything yet, so he hasn't been arrested. And if he has been arrested, Alex Rosen has been posting information about it. It's really embarrassing, but I can't grill PPP too hard because there's that fucking pedophile that wrote into the Rakeda case for the forum. And it was real fucking gross seeing Juju the Cow and Rakeda taking a lap. As if I have any fucking control about who reads the Kiwi Farms and decides to write in to police departments. 1:10:17 Unknown_12: It's embarrassing, but like... I don't know it's happened to me basically not quite like this but it's a little bit fucking I don't know I would be a hypocrite if I said anything about it Fuentes Fuentes has decided to show off his black on black on black when he becomes such a blackie whatever the fuck his merchandise I guess so he does a little show a little show and tell take a look what do we think 1:10:48 Unknown_08: See, I love the black on black. This was the second bestseller. The blue was the best. Unknown_08: Black was the second best. Got the Christ is King shirt. Got the Balenciaga hoodie. The black on black. Cool. Pretty cool look, right? So I'm trying to give you some options. It's a pretty cool look. Unknown_12: So when he was flexing and showing his hoodie and stuff, there was a little oopsie doodle. So let's zoom in. Unknown_04: Let's enhance. Is this the one that has the zoom in spots on it? Oh, there we go. Unknown_04: This was the zeep that I saw that made me think, what the fuck? 1:11:24 Unknown_12: So in the corner, on the left side, specifically the left side, you can see the glistening crust of some white conspicuous material. Let's see if I can find the exact frame. Unknown_05: Right there. Unknown_12: You see it? It just shows bright as day on that black on black on black. Unknown_12: Listen, there's... I'm sorry, like, the Groypers came out and said he was eating a McCrispy's chicken sandwich and the mayo sauce fell on his lap. You're so desperate. Or, it was toothpaste. He was brushing his teeth. And, sir, you don't know anything about that with your hygiene. And the toothpaste fell from his mouth onto his throat. And I'm like, bro, that shit is, like, at waist height... To the left. If it was like a direct drop. Like straight down from his mouth. That shit is to the left. You can tell. He's got a left lean bend. Like if he's sitting in a chair. Jerking off. And his penis bends to the left. That's where it's going. I don't mean to be gross. I ain't trying to say no gay shit. But I ain't fucking retarded. I can look at this and say what it is. And what's really sad. 1:12:11 Unknown_12: is how defensive Groypers get. If you ever want to get guaranteed 100 replies minimum on a tweet, post a banger about Nick Fuentes. You will see, like, retard Groyper... Um, with the, the, the Vatican city flag in the, the, the, the crucifix emoji and his name showing up and saying, ah, you're desperate. You're reaching. I didn't realize that your site was ran by the Jews. Come on, come on. It's not my fault that you picked the Mexican man child for a knee daddy. Don't get mad at me. I'm just, I'm just keeping it real as they say in the hood. Okay. 1:13:30 Unknown_04: I don't, I don't understand. Unknown_12: It's so weird. I don't know. I never understood the Nick Fuentes things. There was a brief time where I... There's been times... I'll put it this way. There's been times where I have wanted to like Nick Fuentes. You know what I mean? I have like tried to see the good in this guy and I cannot find good in him. He's a he's a really nasty person. He says really stupid shit. His political ambitions are fucking retarded and he comes on his black T-shirt. Right. I mean, that's just the most obvious answer. is that he went for a quick little goon sesh before his stream. He was planning on showing the merch and just thought, you know, fuck it. Apparently he was two hours late to the stream, by the way. Like, the comments were all like, if you don't want to stream, just say you don't want to stream and stream the next day. He was like two and a half hours late to the stream. And at some point he shows up with the merchandise and with the crusty stain on his shirt. So I don't know what he was doing for his two and a half hours, but... It's just obvious. Like, he put on all this shit before the stream and then masturbated between doing that and starting the stream. And it's just, like, he didn't think about it. 1:14:38 Unknown_12: Again, don't get mad at me. There's one guy who listens to my stream and says, like, Josh, you only say negative things about Nick Fuentes. You take every shot you possibly can on him. There's nothing good to say about him, bro. There's, like, nothing good. He doesn't do anything. He sits alone in fucking Illinois. In, like, his studio basement by himself. He doesn't have, like... um like a groiper like fortress he doesn't have like you know he doesn't have like a waco compound or whatever the fuck he's completely by himself and like one of the shittiest places of the entire country like he's somebody so accustomed to routine that he's addicted to like chicken mcnuggies and he can't leave the bluest state and like outside of california and new york he's like in illinois right 1:15:10 Unknown_12: And he can't... Like, it would be way more respectable if he went out somewhere, used his money to buy, like, you know, 20 acres and, like, an eight-bedroom building in Texas or Idaho or something, and then people went there, and he had, like, his Rupert Generals living with him, and they were putting out media. They were working together. They were trying to promote people into voting a certain way. They were trying to spread news. There's, like... Things that he could do to show that he's serious and that he takes himself seriously and he takes what he's trying to accomplish seriously. And sitting in front of a cheap green screen and reading the news and taking super chats is not how you do that. It's just not. 1:16:12 Unknown_12: Um, he has, he has the, he has so many people who follow him that if he gave a shit, if he actually fucking tried, if he wasn't handcuffed by the feds into doing gay ops, most likely, um, he could actually accomplish some stuff, but he's, again, he's a man child. He doesn't know when he doesn't know a different life. He sits, he sits at his fucking, his computer. He plays Valorant of all fucking games. Valorant. One of the gayest fucking games ever made. And he eats chicken nuggets and he's so afraid of change he can't even leave Illinois. How could anybody respect that? 1:16:49 Unknown_12: I don't get it. Unknown_04: He chose the cum pill. That's right. Unknown_12: I don't know. I just feel like if we swap bodies, there's shit that I would do the next fucking day to get things going. Like, I don't know how much money he has, but let's just... I think he says that he has seven figures. So let's say you have a million dollars. 1:17:22 Unknown_12: a million dollars buys you a huge amount of land in a bunch of different rural states. It buys you a compound. It buys you, um, a real studio. It buys you the ability to put people into your, your compound. And, and you can, again, you can work together. You can line up media. You can, uh, delegate certain, certain topics towards people. You can, you can really do stuff with that kind of money in, in the capital that he has in terms of people power. Um, Unknown_04: He just doesn't. I don't get it. Imagine Fuentes hosting that instrument. 1:18:07 Unknown_12: I don't know. The thing is, I can't even do all that I want to do because I have to keep the site up. Unknown_12: And I feel like I do more than Fuentes. Is that fair to say that I do more than him? Because I don't know. I would definitely say he's obviously more popular than I am in terms of like, I don't know. It's hard to say because he only has like Twitter followers and stuff. I'm curious to see like line items. But I don't know. There's definitely more you could do, buddy. Unknown_04: Anyways, that's Nick Fuentes' cum stain. 1:18:39 Unknown_12: uh this is a update on bill blocks um i think that so this is the third stream in the road that i mentioned him um last monday i want to say was the top stop uh hating tommy c pill stream which tommy c even commented on i thought that was funny i think his comment was something like um Unknown_12: This is the only time I've heard this guy talk about me without pure contempt or something like that, which is true. Every time. I don't know what it is. I don't even have any reason to hate Tommy C. I just do. Because I guess it's like a natural thing. Some people are genetically predisposed to Tommy C. hatred and you have to take a pill for it. I refuse to take any medication ever for any reason. So I'm going to have to miss out on that. I think it's his voice. I just hate his fucking voice. He just sounds like the slimiest fucking grease bag to ever live. 1:19:30 Unknown_12: I'm proving his point, by the way, but that was his comment. It made me laugh. The second time I mentioned Blow Blacks was on Friday because he had had a little therapy session with Nick DiOrio and a couple other people. By the way, I made a tweet, and I was mistaken. I had just assumed that Tommy C was making fun of Blow Blacks. Tommy C says that he hasn't had any real communication with him in a very long time, so it's just Nick DiOrio and his friends that are making fun of Blow Blacks. Unknown_12: And now I mention him today because there is another shocking twist in the mental fucking decline of this guy. 1:20:09 Unknown_12: For some reason, these are the tiniest images ever fucking posted on the internet. Unknown_12: Really great job. Just thank you, Gunt Super Soldier, my strongest warrior. I really like these thumbnails for fucking ants, bro. Nick D'Orio says, and this is a quote of a tweet. Unknown_12: Blow Black's post on Zitter saying, By the way, this is the optics check I was screaming at Nick about. I didn't want to come out as non-binary yet, but I feel like I have to now because screaming at Nick about optics checks looks more unhinged without this context. This is a conversation where Nick D'Orio says, I don't know, bro. I would just stop tweeting stuff like that. You're randomly tweeting about non-binary people being valid doesn't make people be valid. You're using the correct pronouns in a video while others are misgendering people while make them feel valid. Tweeting trans rights is infinitely less valuable than just treating trans people like normal human beings in your actual content. That's why people are saying that you're virtue singling. And then Blow Black says, I'm non-binary. That's why I tweeted it. I told Slacker three years ago, you can confirm it with him. Ryan Beard also knew. 1:21:23 Unknown_12: Now let's get a picture. Can we get a picture of this guy up real quick? I know there's one in the thread. Unknown_12: By the way, I called this a fucking year ago. Here we go. So he's got long hair because he's a heckin' NB. Can we get a heckin' valid NB? That's what you're looking at right here. Is that a man? No. Is that a woman? No. That is a heckin' valid enby chat. Get it right. They them, motherfucker. Also really funny. I don't know if this is the next one. No, it's not the next one that I have lined up. I think it was this thread? 1:21:54 Unknown_12: Or after this page? Yes, it is. Okay. From Catboy Ranch Dressing. I'll give him the most special sticker because I forgot about this until he posted it. Unknown_12: He says, this is from Queen Kefalz. Queen Kefalz ordains to notice this lowly peon. He says, Josh, I love Sonic. 1:22:26 Unknown_12: Please respond. To which Blow Blacks replies, that's epic as fuck. Unknown_12: Josh, do you like this meme? And then it's a picture of our video that someone had clipped. Velvet Bunny clipped this from the Queen to Fall stream. Unknown_12: I think he's bouncing up and down to jiggle his man tits. And he says... Unknown_12: In this clip, I was making fun of how they give Rouge the Bat jiggle physics in SA2, which Blow Blacks replies, LOL. 1:23:06 Unknown_12: This is very spicy. This is a hot, sonic flirtation between two trans-identifying people. This is why they transition. Because the love life, the romance, the eroticism between two non-binaries, two transgenders, is the... stickiest, warmest love and passion that exists. Man and woman cannot compete. Cis people don't even apply. This is what you get when you cross the realm, cross the threshold. 1:23:41 Unknown_12: Kefals continues. Unknown_12: I feel the same way about my content, but with trans people. Unknown_12: A lot of teenagers message me saying I gave them the courage to come out to their parents. Unknown_12: It's a really good feeling. Which Blowblacks replies, I'm really happy that young trans people feel more confident because of your presence online. Every type of person needs someone else to be inspired by, help push and improve their self-confidence. It just so happens that people who can do that are lacking in more niche communities like trans and autistic. So I'm glad you can provide that space for people. Keffels replies and says, They call him Bo Blacks because he bows out your blacks. 1:24:14 Unknown_12: I've been thinking of this one for weeks. Unknown_00: I don't know how to make it funnier. Unknown_12: Please help. Unknown_12: Bo Blacks replies saying, Haha, I have no idea how to make it funnier. Haha. Unknown_12: Just like, I'm just, these two people, imagine, hold out your hands like you're riding a bicycle, Chad. You're holding your hands out straight parallel to your shoulders, okay? 1:24:55 Unknown_12: Then imagine that you have grasped two cold, dead, big fish by the tail fin. And you have these two cold, wet, dead fish. And you're slapping them against the table. It's just like pep, pep, pep, pep, pep, pep. Just slapping these fish. And it's just completely flaccid, limp, clammy, slimy, gross. That is the kind of kinetic energy between these two forces. And then Keffles even gets left on read. 1:25:37 Unknown_12: Keffles says, I am below blacks. Does not reply. I want to get back to the cow tools joke here. Keffles says, they call him bow blacks because he bows out your blacks. Unknown_04: I feel like it doesn't make sense. Unknown_12: He's trying to say if you swap the L and make it blow back, then it makes sense, which he could have done. He could have done to make the joke make sense, but he chose not to because he's autistic and retarded. 1:26:17 Unknown_12: Suffer, trannies. Unknown_12: Okay, next. We have Thoroughly Humiliated. Oh, wait, no, there's more. I forgot about this. Oh, my God. Okay, so Nick DeOrio decided, I'm going to completely ruin this guy's life. I'm going to post all these DMs out of context. I don't know. I think he went fully in context and just scrolled down the entire thing. Unknown_12: These are the unhinged DMs. I've not read these yet. They could suck. Let's see, chat. Is Nick DeOrio going to let me down? Turkey Tom has today. 1:26:52 Unknown_12: What about Nick Dario? Unknown_12: Josh, not that one, says, I did fuck up and kept trying to roast Destiny after my bad tweet. I want to let you know that I'm not trying to be unfair to him. I'm just going nutto a bit, lol. Unknown_12: I'm going to be taking a small step back from being super active online for a bit. Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to let myself turn into a locale or become another casualty in the list of commentary friends lost. Unknown_12: I don't know if he's trying to say I'm not going to let myself or if he is deliberately saying that. He says, also, feel free to DM me if you think I tweet something bad. That indicates a cognitive dissonance. On one hand, he's like, I really want to avoid this. But on the other hand, I know that it's happening. So I'm just going to like he tries to write. I'm not going to turn to a little count. His brain is just like, yeah, that's a directive override. Boy, you're not typing those four letters. 1:27:25 Unknown_12: He says, I need you to listen and think about what I said and make a real apology. Not public optics, not public, no optics, just you talking to me. I think you fucking owe me that if you even respect me a little bit. Video form, written form, whatever. I understand that this is a mistake on your part and you had no malicious intent, but I think it's a big fuck up. I don't know if I'm being sensitive, but yeah, I'm always worried about being too whiny or bitchy, which is why I like retards like Keem step on me for so many years with zero respect. And now I see that you were doing the same shit with Destiny, letting him walk all over you to correct the record when he called you a big fat retard on his stream over a fucking boogie 298 DMs. 1:28:02 Unknown_12: To all judges. Unknown_12: Uh, Alex, I guess he's talking to Alex, I don't know who that is. He says, the reason I kicked you for, oh, I think this is messages to Alex from Blow Blacks. He says, the reason I kicked you for my private was because yesterday I was trying to stop my sister from committing suicide while all the Pokey stuff was going on. 1:28:35 Unknown_12: Dude, is he talking about, isn't Pokey the one that did the Hogwarts Legacy? Is his sister, his sister's like, oh my god, Pokey Mane is being cancelled because of Hogwarts Legacy. Unknown_12: It's over! I love you, Pokimane! Unknown_12: She's dead. Blowbacks runs in and is like, No! No! 1:29:10 Unknown_12: I can't believe it. Unknown_12: Um... Unknown_12: Anyways, I couldn't vent in real life, so I used my private. And then you started reposting publicly to get me in more trouble. Something I couldn't deal with that day, so I removed you. I'll add you back later. I know you don't mean harm and are just trolling with online drama. Normally I'd be fine with it, but yesterday was not a good time. Because of the Pokimane suicide. Many people, many, many, many VTuber fans committed seppuku after the Pokimane debacle. 1:29:46 Unknown_12: It continues. Unknown_12: Maybe it won't be as good as doing Mayo Monkey moments then, huh? Okay. Unknown_12: I can't show you the YouTube thing because YouTube is blocking my VPN, I think. Unknown_04: Okay, hold up, hold up. Unknown_04: Oh, I'm not going to be able to find it. Because he made that like his alternative handle. Okay. 1:30:21 Unknown_04: Here we go. Unknown_04: Please work. Unknown_04: Is it gonna work? It's loading, chat. Unknown_01: Literally being a male monkey, see? Unknown_01: I can do this all day. I don't get fucked up at all, man. If you question how high I am, like now, you should Unknown_12: So he's eaten mayo on Raw, straight mayo, several times on stream before, which has earned him the title Mayo Monkey, which is like a fake slur for white people, and he's embraced that. His private Twitter account is called Mayo Monkey Blacks or some shit. 1:31:02 Unknown_12: But he continues. Unknown_12: There's so much stuff I want to tell you. Mostly positive, but I'm not ready yet, and you probably won't be a week or two, but I want to have a fun Discord chat about the gender stuff. If you're open for just one, then I'll stay private and bother you with it, but we'll have a theoretical call in a week or two. Also, I'm still he-him, Josh, and like pussy and women only. Dick on girls is okay too, though, lol. Unknown_04: This nigga... Unknown_12: This nigga is gay. This nigga gay as fuck. This nigga sucks dick. This nigga gay. I've already called that, by the way. I called this literally a year ago. And all that he was doing publicly was defending Queen Cuff Falls. And I knew it. I was like, nobody defends trainings except chasers, bro. 1:31:39 Unknown_12: Actually, I'll say this one thing because it's helpful for you and drama stuff, but gender euphoria is like a hard drug, and I understand why trans people go so crazy off of it. It's a good thing, but too good. This nigga a gooner. My gender euphoria stuff is a goon thing, man. 1:32:12 Unknown_12: Four blue blacks covering themselves in mayo all day. Unknown_12: All day, every day. Unknown_12: No excuses for kefalls and ABBA behavior. Though Jen told me some private stuff about her at VidCon. I don't know the updates. And it's not a fetish. If you want an idea, this freak is who I identify with the most. We don't... If you want an idea, this freak is who I identify with the most. We don't need a big trans convo besides you just understanding this if you want. And there's an Instagram account called BreakTheBinary. 1:32:45 Unknown_12: But yeah, bye for real this time. Have an amazing drama-filled week, dude. Tons of tea. Okay, last thing I promise. Unknown_12: I'm making super secret vlogs for therapy as bi-gender. I can add you to the email list of friends who can see them and... Oh, dude. I... Man... I can't think of anything I'd like more than to be on your mailing list for super secret vlogs about being bi-gender. Wow, what a great idea. Sign me up, please. I want to be one of the first to know. I'll watch them with my cereal in the morning. What an exciting idea. Wow. If that's not cool, too, no pressure. I'm recording the videos as if they were public, even though they aren't. 1:33:24 Unknown_12: I know I didn't tell you, but at least trust that I'm not a virtue-signaling faggot. I'm not retarded. I know Psychologic. I studied it. He studied Psychologic. While you were wasting time in the gym, wasting time at work, he was studying Psychologic. Trans people are mentally ill with gender dysphoria. I know I'm mentally ill and have gender dysphoria. It's not a fun condition, and I don't want to be non-binary. I'm a fucking person, bro, not a fucking optics machine pumping up perfectly optical, politically natural shit all day. How embarrassing. Just say that you're a faggot. Just get fucked in the ass by a dude, dude. Being a faggot's less gay than this shit. This shit where he's, like, obviously gay, and then he has to, like, pretend that he's, like, a straight man in, like, a they-them body. And so that's so much gayer than just, like, getting fucked in the ass, bro. Just get fucked in the ass. Just say you like getting fucked in the ass. Why do you gotta be this way? What's wrong with you? 1:34:35 Unknown_12: You know, it's 2024 sweaty. You can just say that you're a faggot. Unknown_04: That's all there is to it. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_12: So, iDubbbz was being made fun of on his own subreddit for having really shitty tattoos. So to epically own the haters, many years ago, by the way, he put on this fake tattoo of the Monster Energy drink. Years later, the official Monster Energy brand account found this and said, kind of wish I never saw this. 1:35:13 Unknown_12: Now you can see this was from December, this was from the turn of the new year in 2021, and Monster Energy just found it. So four years later, more than that, four and a half years later, no, three years later, three and a half years later, Monster Energy retweets this and says we wish they hadn't seen this, which is pretty funny. So iDubbbz, not to be donked on by the Monster Energy brand, published a 22 minutes in, or 27 minute long video defending 1:35:54 Unknown_12: Trans athletes. Unknown_12: A rambling... Unknown_12: incoherent diatribe about how if you kick men out of women's sports you're actually hurting real women and he bases this off of an extreme minority of people who have chromosomal issues completely and totally fucking inapplicable to the question of transgender men in women's sports but he goes on for 27 minutes glazing 1:36:27 Unknown_12: polishing the girl dick as hard as he possibly can say no really you don't understand and by the way by the way by the way sweaty um saying that women look masculine hurts real women and it also hurts uh it's also racist because when the olympics were happening back in the day americans said that polis women look really really masculine and accused them of being men when they lost So therefore, women have absolutely no expectation that they should be having an even playing field, and if a man wants to walk into the ring and beat the fuck out of them, he is completely within his rights to do so, because we wouldn't want to offend anybody in the process. That's what really matters. Unknown_12: He talks about how it's unfair. It's unfair to single out these women with chromosomal issues or who were born in the wrong body but have taken estrogen for 20 million years. It's so unfair to them. But makes no mention, by the way, if it's unfair to the women competing. So... 1:37:23 Unknown_12: Okay, you want a clip? You know what? I have to go to the bathroom. Let's go right to them in the fucking middle. And I'll play a clip of this so that you can suffer through iDubbbz transplaining boxing. Unknown_11: what it means to have a trans athlete competing as a man or a woman each federation is deciding different things now i bring up these federations because the IBA is the federation for boxing they are specifically the ones who have been working with the international olympic committee to put on boxing at the olympics now ever since i want to say the 2016 olympics there was some match fixing or accusations of match fixing and and the IOC and IBA have been butting heads. So Iman and Linu Ting both competed in the IBA tournament in New Delhi in 2023, and they did well, but after the tournament, their sex test results came back. The sex test for Iman Khalif and Linu Ting both came back as XY. The argument that I'm making is that in the year of 2023 when these athletes competed and they were, you know, targeted, sex tested, and stripped of their titles, there was no mention of gender eligibility in the handbook. In the letter that Iman receives from the IBA, it cites section 4.2.1 from the technical handbook. That section basically reads like, we reserve the right to make the final decision on a fighter's eligibility. Case closed, basically. And I just think that is so shitty. If you're going to, you know, go through the effort of making a new handbook every year and changing the rules every year, clearly the rules mean something or they should mean something. Because what's in the handbook for 2024 is basically what they did discreetly in 2023. And none of the fighters had that information. They didn't know what the gender eligibility requirements were. As far as 1:39:20 Unknown_12: You know, I think he's going to churn out. I'm going to call it. He's churning out. And I was going to say that because like with blow blacks, he keeps his hair long so that he can pretend to be a dainty girl. Unknown_12: I think that Ian, he had his hair long in that disgusting mullet for a while, but he just shaved it. So it's like, well, does he have long hair? Um, Unknown_12: I think that his shaved head is to facilitate wigs. I think that's what's going on. Because now he can wear bubblegum pink wigs and be like, I'm a pretty girl. I'm a pretty girl. And he doesn't have to deal with his disgusting rat hair mullet as his girl hair. He knows that looks bad. So the wig is like the bald head lets him dress up how he wants. It's going to happen, bro. 1:39:52 Unknown_12: He's going to have... He's going to be so... Unknown_12: Utterly and totally emotionally and mentally compromised by the combination of psychotropic drugs that he takes and Aniza skull fucking him in his head that he will never see himself as a man again. And the only way he'll get off is getting fucked in the ass. It's going to happen. I'm telling you. 1:40:24 Unknown_04: Next. Unknown_04: Ethan Oliver Ralph. Unknown_12: It's been a while. Um, There are a couple things that have happened with Senor Ralph. Unknown_12: He went to go see Zonda. Zonda. He gets two hours with Zonda a day, and he's thinking of even moving up to Tijuana from the Yucatan Peninsula, moving from the far southeastern side of the country to the far northwestern, right next to Los Angeles. so that he can be closer to Xander and so that his trips to the United States will be less time intensive and less expensive because he's low in money. 1:41:03 Unknown_12: Now, I should mention that he has made routine monthly visits. To his credit, he is keeping up with the monthly visits to see Xander. Unknown_12: Since they left, Ethan Ralph has made Unknown_12: Saro. Is that the word in Spanish? Saro Efermente. To visit Rosie. He named this daughter after his own mother. The person that he says is the only woman who has ever truly loved him. 1:41:46 Unknown_12: to a name that he bestowed upon his daughter as a sign of utter respect and admiration for the woman that gave him life. And since they have left, he has seen her zero times. Unknown_04: Really makes you think, huh, Chad? Unknown_04: Rosie who? Rosie who? Unknown_12: um so he posted this i'll play this because why not i think this is a dsp's reaction to uh him saying he's gonna go see zonda this guy has no idea what he's talking about at all he's slurring his words he's obviously drunk higher bolt he's a fucking human embarrassment who is a grown adult and he's talking about cutting oh this is uh dear ralph cut that promo and then dsp responded to it and his takedown was actually pretty funny 1:42:34 Unknown_12: Ralph is so obvious that even DSP can get a surface-level read on him and be like, wow, what a fucking embarrassment. Unknown_12: He's not a pro wrestler, right? Unknown_09: He's saying Mark all the time. He's just like the most embarrassing... version of man honestly like he's not even his own self he thinks in his mind he's a wrestler cutting promos dude you're a guy in sunglasses with a tijuana republic hat a los angeles kill stream hoodie sitting in a knockoff gamer chair that probably is worth about 20 bucks with the black and white filter on for some godforsaken reason a low quality video right you're making a six minute promo that literally has no fucking point you're talking to your better like what the fuck are you talking about you're talking to your better out i like how he brings up the it's in black and white if you don't know ralph uh puts all his videos in black and white now because he looks so i think he's like dying of liver failure or something 1:43:11 Unknown_12: His skin looks fucked. He looks genuinely like he's about to die. It's like he has rosacea or something. His skin is so splotchy and gross. Like it has to be like, I don't know, his kidneys or livers or both are fucking failing. It's really nasty. Unknown_12: Um, the other thing that Ralph has been up to is that, um, Oh, fucking hookers is one. Um, actually, I think I'll say that after the fucking hookers. Um, 1:44:05 Unknown_12: uh cbdwb says and this is a really funny post he says dude i saw you going ariba at hong kong last night tried to say what's up but you were on a mission isn't that a great place ralph says no way you saw me lol i stayed at the that night at their hotel it's really nice no chicks but i saw some in the club of course they went to a strip club and i guess he's too poor to even buy it but It's actually a brothel. It's like a proper brothel. Dude, he's saying that he rented a hotel room at a brothel? Can you imagine a more disgusting place to lay your head for a night? Like, you're sleeping on so much Mexican spunk in that fucking room, bro. What the fuck are you doing? Unknown_12: I don't know if they're, like, extra cheap, because it's like, you want to essay, you want to save mucho dinero, you can sleep on the spunk bed. 1:45:01 Unknown_12: I give you a friend's discount. Unknown_12: Just for you, gringo. Unknown_12: It's nice and warm for you. I was like, oh boy, a friend's discount for me with my American dinero? Don't mind if I do. And yes, I have seen that you kept the bed nice and warm for me. Unknown_12: So he went to his strip club and I guess he threw so many ones that he ran out of cash for like a prostitute and then he left. 1:45:37 Unknown_12: By the way, this is a really funny thing. Unknown_12: Oh, wait, let me make sure there's nothing that should not be on the screen when I scroll past this. Unknown_12: It's $180 a night and $235 a night on Friday and Saturday, so you can afford approximately $180 a night for a hotel room. That's a lot of money. $180 a night? That's a lot. That's a lot for, like, a hotel. Unknown_12: I think it's like $100 a night for a hotel, usually. If it's like a nice hotel. $180 is a lot. Dude, can I show this? Yeah, there's no nudity. 1:46:10 Unknown_12: It's kind of a little bit gross, but... Because there's like art. I can't see anything. I'll risk it, whatever. Unknown_12: It's for political commentary. So he's spending $180 a night. Actually, how much did he... What time did he go? Unknown_12: On Monday. Okay, so he did get the 180 right. But then he gets this double king bed, or queen bed, with a hot tub, and he spent 180 nights and then didn't have a prostitute over from the brothel. So it's like, why spend all that money to sleep in one of the two sides' beds and then not do anything? 1:46:44 Unknown_04: Someone was posting reviews, by the way. Unknown_04: and let's say where are they oh here's the reviews okay great uh hotel cascadas uh 1:47:24 Unknown_12: Stay away from dangerous. They opened my hotel room at 4.30 a.m. while I was sleeping and demand I pay them $300. They wouldn't leave unless I gave them money. This place is not safe. Unknown_12: Don't bother getting any rooms for the jacuzzi. Try two different wounds. It takes about an hour to fill and the water is warm at best. The water is also very dirty. It's grayish in color and when you drain it, there are black debris remaining. Unknown_12: Decent rooms for the price, but very loud, being right above the club. Get a room about above the third floor. So that's Ralph living it up like a kang in Tijuana. 1:47:56 Unknown_12: What the fuck was the third thing I was going to show you? Unknown_12: I had it, and then I decided to put it off, and then I lost it. That's how it goes. Unknown_12: Oh, this. Unknown_12: Okay, so, like I mentioned, he's in Merida, which is in the Yucatan, and he's trying to move up to Tijuana so he can be closer to Xander, so he can see Xander every month but never talk about Rosie ever again for as long as he lives. Unknown_12: He has decided that he wants to rent this place in particular that has a wonderful view of what I believe is the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean. 1:48:35 Unknown_12: A true Baja California vantage of the beach right there. Unknown_12: um ralph says who wants to live in tijuana with this view every night on the beach i could do it on my own 750 a month but it's more than my current rent and i love merida so the rent for this shack in baja california in tijuana on the beach is 750 a month and ralph can't afford this he'll never admit this but he can't fucking afford 750 a month Unknown_12: And then he says, I'm dead serious. No joke. 750. I could pull, I could pull by myself easily. Of course I could afford 750. I mean, that's like poverty level rent in the United States, but you know, I could pull, I pull that ever. Not matter of fact, I could afford that. Literally. He says that he makes $500 a night and he is begging for a roommate to have in Mexico to afford 750 a month. Um, 1:49:10 Unknown_12: I could pull by myself easy, but living alone in Tijuana? Why is living alone in Tijuana different than fucking Merida, bro? Unknown_12: The chick I made out with on the plane in August is moving down the block, so she's trying to get someone else. I never actually made out with a random on a plane. This guy... 1:49:48 Unknown_12: has suffered, like, alcohol-induced brain trauma at this point, and now he just lives in, like, a teenage boy fantasy, pulling, like, 20 bucks a night for eight hours of stream, and he can't afford a fucking shack on the beach. Unknown_12: What a pitiful fucking existence, bro. Ralph's really circling. He's not going to be around. I have a feeling that he's not going to be around very long. He's at a point where he's had a couple dead cat bounces, and they're not happening anymore. He's too afraid to go out and do anything to get attention anymore, so he just hides in the avocado house in Mexico and then occasionally posts a tweet that's funny enough to talk about. 1:50:24 Unknown_04: Shameful. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_12: Now, this is the big news of the stream. Unknown_12: Let's start with a soft intro. Actually, I know I have a ham for this. Unknown_12: Oh, yeah, now we're talking. That's the good stuff right there. That's the Baldo ham. Unknown_12: So let's start the Baldo segment with Aaron Imhalt just taking a little jab at Rakeda, and then we'll move on. 1:51:09 Unknown_13: Oh, is that true? J.H. says Aaron Chrissy Mayer was blaming you for Nick Ricada's downfall. Unknown_13: Me? Unknown_13: See, I would have said it was the other way around. Like, if I hadn't gotten out of that cyclone of shit, that could have brought me all the way down. Almost did. Unknown_13: I would say it's the other way around. Unknown_13: He was already a mess when I met him. I mean, high on Molly, night of the show. Unknown_13: He licked my face the first night we met. We're at Benton Station. Licks my face. Like, come on. We're not licking faces. Stop. He did it like three, four times. He was a face licker. 1:51:41 Unknown_13: Don't be a face licker. Unknown_12: Kiki cried. That's funny. This happened on stream even. I'm pretty sure Rakeda licked his face in the hot tub stream. Does anybody else remember that? Is that like a figment of my imagination? Is that like a rogue memory that I've conjured? I'm pretty sure that happened in the stream. So I remember, I remember that they were being really gay with each other in the jacuzzi and you could tell that the women were both really annoyed by this because it was supposed to be like a hot swinging thing, like where they, they swapped the wives or whatever. And then the guys are like licking each other and they're both like visibly disgusted by this. Yeah. 1:52:21 Unknown_12: A soft update on the, remember that Rakeda has ongoing family issues, criminal issues, and civil issues. And in the civil case, where he's being sued by Steve Quest, a.k.a. Montagraph, for defamation per se, where he accused him of being a, has always liked sucking little boy dicks, is I believe the exact statement he used. 1:52:56 Unknown_12: His civil court judge was Judge Pussy Licker, also known as Jennifer Fisher. She was asked to recuse in the criminal case, and by Minnesota state law, you get one free do-over with your criminal court judge. Unknown_12: So when they asked her to recuse, she did. She didn't challenge it because he statutorily has one free judge re-roll, basically, per case. And he believed that it would be a bad idea to let her be the presiding judge. Well, in the civil case, similarly, she has recused, and I believe that this was done sua sponte. She just simply decided that she would like to recuse from this case. And now, Honorable Stephen J. Wenzel, is the judge in the civil case. Now, that name sounds familiar. It's because that's the judge in the criminal case. So I believe that may also be the judge in the family case, but don't quote me on that. So now this guy is officially the state-appointed baldo handler in all matters legal, criminal, or civil. 1:53:36 Unknown_12: Honorable Wenzel is at the helm, representing Minnesota in these matters. 1:54:15 Unknown_12: So I don't know what the outcome of that will be. I think there's some reason to speculate that this guy is not on Rikada's side. Personally, he probably thinks that Rikada's a dickhead. And the reason why I can say that is because of this filing. Let me think about how I want to address this real quick. Unknown_04: Give me a second to get on with it. Unknown_04: So when Rikada was arrested... Unknown_12: The first thing that happens in a Minnesota trial, as far as I'm aware, is that they schedule something called an omnibus hearing. Now, you have between the point of being indicted and the trial in criminal cases, each state and the federal jurisdictions have their own procedures. And there is a timely way to file certain motions, certain challenges, certain requests before the trial begins. 1:54:48 Unknown_12: Uh, Minnesota has a really, um, big hearing pretrial hearing called the omnibus hearing. And unlike in a lot of States, um, Minnesota gets a lot of stuff done in this one hearing, which is why it's called the omnibus because it's everything. Basically everything that you want to file before the trial happens at the omnibus hearing. Everything. If you want to file something, it must be done. It must be heard at the omnibus hearing. That's why we sent a bunch of people to this hearing, because it's a big deal. And a lot of things that would be hashed out and set the pacing of the case would happen at the omnibus hearing. 1:55:31 Unknown_12: So the Kiwi SEAL Team 6 or whatever arrives at the court, gets hassled by Ethan Ralph, waves goodbye to him, so on and so forth. That all happens. And it was kind of it kind of felt underwhelming. And I was a little bit irritated because I assumed that there would be like a continuance and there would be a second omnibus hearing. Because all that happened at the omnibus hearing is that Rakeda. 1:56:04 Unknown_12: asked for a Franks hearing. And a Franks hearing is named after a Supreme Court precedence where it's said that if a police officer lies materially to a judge and gets a warrant, and that warrant would not have been granted if that police officer did not lie, then anything that the warrant obtained would be fruit of the poison tree and would be inadmissible in court. So that means the body cam footage, that means the cocaine that they found, that means that the weapons that they found, that means that anything they found as a result of that warrant would be thrown out. And that's basically as good as dismissing the case, right? 1:56:45 Unknown_12: So, Rakeda said that the cop had lied because he watched the stream of Rakeda fucked up on whatever, on coke and alcohol, on the big, on the Anime Sucks Cope and Sneed stream. The judge, Officer Pomplin, said that that had happened. And Rakeda asked for a Frank's hearing, and he wrote, his attorney wrote, or some people think that he's writing them, but he wrote and said that... Unknown_12: Um, Pomplin had watched a stream that was archived on fucking cog, cognificent, the retard jobless Johnny on his, um, internet backyard or whatever humor was called on his archive channel. And, um, 1:57:31 Unknown_12: Therefore, he lied materially under oath to the judge and the warrant would not have been granted if he had said that he had watched an archive. And in part because they said that the stream was edited and watermarked. And the reason why he said that is because Cog on YouTube had added a watermark to the channel. And that's a part of the player. That's not a part of the video. Unknown_12: So the way that this works is that he went to the omnibus hearing. He asked for the Franks and nothing else. 1:58:02 Unknown_12: Kiwi Team 6 walked away. Felt a little bit underwhelming. Unknown_12: Then Ricada files his first motion in support of the Franks hearing. which outlines all the things I just talked about. The state comes back with a reply, says you're full of shit, you're wrong. It's very clear from the affidavit that he's actually being very truthful, very upfront that he watched an archive. The words have a clear meaning because they appear multiple times. And Hardin even told me that when he was a prosecuting attorney, the quality of Virginia warrant requests was far below this. So Pomplin said, was very deliberate and well-spoken in his request for the search warrant. And it served him well in the trial because Rakeda's reply was rejected. And the judge basically said, you know, you're not getting a Frank's hearing, which is on its face. I kind of a blow, but it was kind of a long shot to begin with. I mean, it's basically a get agile free card. If he could get the search warrant thrown out over this technicality, then he gets all the evidence thrown in as well. And then he's a free man and there's no issue. 1:59:11 Unknown_12: except um his gambit actually backfired horrifically and i say that because of this preload all these images actually could have done this during the talking bit but then i fucked it up okay it's actually oh i'm gonna go crazy here it is so this is the order you ready Unknown_12: The defendant's motion to schedule an evidentiary hearing pursuant to Frank's challenge is denied. So he didn't even get to have the hearing that they were going to schedule. The judge says, there's no fucking way I'm going to believe this. There's nothing you can show me to change my mind. It's over. You're denied. Then, the defendant's motion to suppress the firearms and ammunition is denied because he raised some kind of challenge about them, about the, um... Oh, God, what is it? The plain view. I talked about this earlier in the stream. He said that that was not acceptable under the plain view exception to the scope of the search warrant. Judge says that's bullshit. It's in the fucking house. It's in plain view. What more do you want? 2:00:08 Unknown_12: Or it was in the gun safe or whatever. And then three. And this is... Unknown_12: The banger, Chad. Unknown_12: All other omnibus issues not argued with particularity or otherwise specifically identified to the court as a contested issue at the omnibus hearing, whether included in the written notice or not, are denied, having been waived by the defendant. Now, this was not actually a response to anything in his Frank's hearing motions. This is like a little thing that he's added to himself, saying, like, we're not having another omnibus. And everybody, everybody thought... Bromka from North Dakota and Minnesota that was one of the Kiwis at the courthouse. Sean thought this. Fucking Harden thought this. Everybody expected that there would be omnibus and two set out where Kidda could file a bunch of other bullshit to prolong the case. The judge has said no. 2:00:46 Unknown_12: No omnibus hearing, which means, which means that any, because if you remember, Rekava filed all this shit, literally like the midnight before the actual omnibus was scheduled. So he hired counsel last second, filed a bunch of shit last second, got the omnibus hearing, raised one thing and one thing, only the Franks hearing. And then the judge says, like, look, you put this off to the last second to try this long shot. You don't get to go a second bite at it. You don't get to do this again. So now he's fucked because anything else that he wanted to raise and he mentions in the Frank's hearing motions that he wanted to raise a couple other things in passing. I think the judge even says you made a vague reference to something, but you didn't specifically bring it up or you expect to bring it up later. That's not happening. That's what he's saying here. 2:01:25 Unknown_12: And that means that now. 2:02:03 Unknown_12: There's going to be a trial. They have a scheduling conference. That's the next thing that's set up. And they're going to decide the dates of different things. And that's mostly technical where they like say, well, I'm busy that week, you know, because attorneys have multiple clients. Unknown_12: So Ricada's options are now one of three things. You can either appeal this, and I am almost guaranteed this. Unknown_12: in saying that he will appeal this, uh, because he doesn't, he doesn't have a choice. Um, if he wants, like if he's hoping to get this dismissed pre-trial, he must, he has no choice. He not having an omnibus hearing, uh, where he raised things that actually succeed, is a big detriment to him because he can't squash any evidence or anything. 2:02:39 Unknown_12: Anything that was supposed to happen before the trial has been denied preemptively because he didn't raise them. So he's kind of fucked. He kind of has to ask the appellate court to give him a second chance. Like, well, wait a second. I didn't know they would be denied. I wouldn't have just asked for the Franks hearing then. He has to. He has no choice. So... And that's expensive, by the way. Even with Hardin, appeals and Supreme Court stuff, that's expensive because there's a lot to it. And then you have to pay fees because the fees go up as you get higher into the ranks. And you have to bind things a certain way and you have to pay printing companies. And those are like their fees are their monopolies. They can turn it over the fuck they want. 2:03:15 Unknown_12: That shit's expensive. So that's probably going to be at least $10,000 for him to appeal this one motion to the state appellate court. That's a big deal. Unknown_12: So he's going to appeal that. His house hasn't... His Zillow listing for the second house hasn't sold yet, so he doesn't have that money. He might reduce the price. If any of you are looking for a house in Spicer, Minnesota, keep a lookout on that listing, because after this shit, when he files his appeal, I have a feeling that that house is going to go down by $20,000 on the Zillow listing. 2:04:02 Unknown_12: Just keep in mind, you're going to be living next to Ricada. Unknown_12: So then, aside from the appeal... He either is going to have to take a plea or he's going to have to go to trial. Unknown_12: And this is the issue that they have. If he takes a plea, he's guilty. Unknown_12: And if he's guilty, then he no longer has a presumption of innocence. And if he no longer has a presumption of innocence... then the government has no reason to release particularities of public record that may meaningfully harm the reputation of a presumed innocent person. Certain records that I have interest in chat, if he were to plea out. So he may not plea out specifically because he would not want those specific records to become matters of public record. 2:04:44 Unknown_12: If he goes to trial, then, of course, he doesn't get a plea deal, which is generally beneficial. I think that it usually goes that it's more expensive and you get a harsher sentence if you fight it out to the bitter fucking end. So he may not get that. But if he goes to trial, then certain matters of public record will enter evidence and then be released as evidence to the public, as all evidence is usually, including things that I have specific interest in, chat. 2:05:38 Unknown_12: So that's where we're at with that. Unknown_12: And I really, I mean, Rakeda's position is so fucked and he's so full of pride. Like a normal person, of course, would simply take the plea. Because I have a feeling that he's a first-time offender. He's got kids. He needs to support. It's a no-brainer. Unknown_12: To what end does the government have in putting an innocent, or not innocent, but like a normal family man in jail for one fuck-up? A non-violent offense, even. 2:06:12 Unknown_12: None. It costs them money. And you don't pay taxes when you're in jail because you don't make any money. And then you have a bunch of kids that are more reliant on the public systems because they don't have a dad that's providing for them. So it doesn't make sense for them to be like, hey, let's put you in jail forever. That doesn't make any sense. They just want you to stop costing them money and being a nuisance. That's it. So, yeah, obviously the plea deal would make the most sense. But then if he's guilty, then that opens up Pandora's box, you know. 2:06:43 Unknown_12: I don't know. He's kind of fucked. And I don't feel bad for him because everybody told him that he's fucked. And what's really weird is that he's still so arrogant. He hasn't... It's so... I remember... Unknown_12: Do you guys remember the special Ricada stream that I did after he got arrested? I think I had like two special Ricada streams in a row where I did like a full front to back commentary on his, um, anime sucks, cope and sneed chat, uh, or stream. And then I did like another stream that was immediately after that, that was mostly just about him being arrested and his, um, his arraignment in jail. 2:07:14 Unknown_12: And I remember I made a prediction. I don't know if it was a prediction. I hesitate to call it that. But I was thinking aloud about how... What I expected him to do once he got out of jail. I expected that he would sit the three-day weekend in jail, but he got out with bond. And then... With recognizance bond. He paid the money so he could not do piss tests. And then... And funnily enough, and he rewrites history. He paid that money so he wouldn't have to piss test. 2:07:54 Unknown_12: But then the family court made him do tests anyways without any way out of it as part of the custody stuff. So he has to do the piss test anyways. So he paid all that money for nothing. Unknown_12: And he tries to make that out like it was just like, oh, I had no idea that was going to happen. And then when they said, you got to go pee-pees in the cup, I was like, oh, of course. I'll do anything to get my children back. He paid so much fucking money to the point where he had to put a mortgage out on his house to get the $100,000 for him and his wife. And then they pee-tested him anyways. And I know that's what happened. He can cope and sneeze that it was something else. I know. He paid not to do the test. And they made him do the test anyways. 2:08:32 Unknown_12: But I was thinking, as I said, that I was imagining what his first actions would be after he got out. He would get out, and then he would have to stream again. That's his job. So what's he going to do? And I imagined in my head that... Unknown_12: Um, what he would do is he would come out and then he would do a, like a coming to Jesus moment. I suppose what you would say is PPP would say he likes to use that phrase. Uh, and he would say like, you know, I know I've been fucked up. I know I've let people down. Um, I'm going to work with the state. I'm gonna get my kids back. I honestly, I thought there was a really good chance because I didn't, I didn't see how there could be any other way to address it. You have to stream, um, to make your money you have to be popular you have to have people's respect people have to want to give you money and and respect you in order for you to make your job doing this advocacy i saw no possible way for him to come back and not do that and not and not do the you know i've i've learned a lot type of thing and i was completely blown away i remember even saying on the stream though that 2:09:45 Unknown_12: He may not do that because he's, like, such an arrogant buffoon. And then, like, his first stream back, he comes back and starts accusing the government of all this fucking conspiracy and naming specific workers out, saying that they hated him and they had past relations and they had prejudice against him and they lied on the road. Like, all this crazy fucking shit. Like, immediately, on his first day back, I'm like, holy fuck. I can't even believe it. I can't even believe that that's the avenue you want to go. Like, it's just... I don't even know. I guess his kid testing positive for cocaine is, like, the worst thing, and people would never forgive him for that, but it's like... 2:10:28 Unknown_12: I think there was definitely an opportunity after the arrest for him to try and make amends and be a good Christian dad again. And for whatever fucking reason. I'm sorry, there's no fucking way that April M. Hall is that good at anything. That it's worth it. Unknown_12: She either has a mountain of dirt on this guy that would make your fucking skin crawl, or he's just actually brain damaged. The holes have gone from end to end. You could take one of those little fuzzy metal bendy straw things, pipe cleaners. You could take a pipe cleaner and weasel that through his brain without ever hitting any gray matter because there's so many fucking holes in it. 2:11:11 Unknown_12: That's the only thing I can come up with at this point. Unknown_12: Uh, that's the, that's the Ricada thing. Everything, everything he's been working on in the past couple of weeks since the omnibus hearing, since the last time I talked about him, I think it's been three weeks even. Cause I know that he came back from his three week hiatus, um, to stream recently. So I want to say it's probably been three weeks, um, since the omnibus, since I talked about the Kiwis going to the courthouse. Unknown_12: And in that time, his big project, the Franks hearing, is completely and totally eviscerated. And not only was that eviscerated, it also appears that he's really shot himself in the foot. And he missed a lot of more realistic, opportunistic ways to mitigate damage and posture the case in his favor by only raising the Franks hearing at the omnibus. Expecting that he would just get a second omnibus hearing because he's nicrocated and he's special. 2:11:48 Unknown_12: There you go. That's the Arcade Update. Baldoham, you are dismissed. To slink back away to your cracked-in with your two hamster wives. 2:12:27 Unknown_12: Okay, so speaking of court appearances, I don't know if Locale Supreme did this or if it was somebody else, but somebody went to the Louisa County Courthouse in Central Virginia to see the... Unknown_12: I don't know what you would even call this, but Boss Man went there to figure out what his fate would be if he would be allowed to leave the jail. He's, of course, being held in the Central Virginia Regional Jail, which is the same jail that Chris Chan was held in. Unknown_12: He's been there quite a few times in recent months, recent years, and he's hoping to stay out of it this time. So I'll simply read Locale Supreme's recount because I don't think I can summarize something I didn't attend myself. He says, Our boy's luck holds up. He's going to rehab. Austin entered the courtroom wearing high-vis orange jumpsuits with several other inmates. He appeared very timid, more so than any of the other prisoners in their posture and how they spoke to the judge or their attorney. His hair was disheveled but clean. His face and hands also appeared clean, so he has taken a shower in the past day. 2:13:13 Unknown_12: His overall condition, though, seemed butt-broken and meek. I would say he's lost at least five pounds since in jail, as he looked very gaunt, more so than when he's cracked out. Attorney Brian Jones was actually very competent in the other cases I was able to hear, so our boy is in good hands. When called up, the first thing Jones did was bring up the fact that Rat Dad or Scott, or bring up Rat Dad slash Scott to the stand. and inform the judge that if allowed out, Dad would be immediately taking Austin to inpatient rehab, where he was already secured a bed. The program is for 30 days, and I believe it was called EDRA or something similar, so I'll have to look it back up. 2:13:46 Unknown_12: When I'm back in civilization. Bro, as if fucking central Virginia is outside of civilization. Calm down. Unknown_12: The judge then asked the prosecutor for any objections, and the prosecutor, Austin's attorney, and the judge reviewed several test results where the judge had been asked. These were not visible, but from the reactions on their face, Austin was peeing very hot. So his drug tests were very negative. And the judge specifically said marijuana. Uh... 2:15:06 Unknown_12: Review hearing to ensure bond conditions of rehab were met is scheduled for October 24th, and preliminary hearing for the drug possession set for November 21st. Unknown_12: Review hearing, so that's a month from now, where I guess they'll check him out on rehab and see if he completed the program successfully, and then they're going to figure out what the fuck to do with him on the 21st, for real. And I assume that his... Unknown_12: I understand what they're doing. I'm not very familiar with drug cases, but I assume that he's going to have a trial regardless. So it's up to the court to decide if they're going to keep him in jail or allow him to go out. Since he already fucked up his bond, now they're saying you can go out, but only if you're going to rehab. 2:15:48 Unknown_12: And then after you complete rehab, we're going to have to figure out what to do with you again if we're going to let you stay at home again or if we're going to keep you in jail until the actual preliminary hearing on November 21st. So... Unknown_12: If he doesn't do well in rehab and get a good grade on his rehab behavior, then they might put him back in jail until November 21st. If he is doing well, they'll allow him to stay out with a probation officer testing him. That's what it sounds like. 2:16:23 Unknown_12: So, naturally, of course, this was his reaction on the way home. Unknown_12: I say as it preloads very slowly. Unknown_12: Killing the joke in the process with every second wasted. Why is it so fucking slow? I blame you, Bruno. How'd you get this video so fucking big? Alright, guys. Alright. Oh man, it's gonna kill the... 2:17:02 Unknown_12: it's such a good clip too and it's being ruined by the kiwi farms chugging chugging spunk all right Unknown_03: Out of the way, ho, bitch. My rival is Dr. Internet. What could go wrong? 2:17:41 Unknown_12: Back when Ralph was fat and sassy and not just doped up in his crack shack. Unknown_12: No, this was his actual reaction. Unknown_12: Woo, Ric Flair. Unknown_12: That's more tactful. I think he even posted himself eating a sandwich or something. He loves those big Reubens or whatever. He immediately went back to... Oh, this is it. The Big Buford. Sorry. That's the one that he likes to eat. Unknown_12: What's the Big Buford from? Is that from Wendy's? The Big Buford has landed. That's a pretty big sandwich, not going to lie. 2:18:18 Unknown_12: I don't know, that's a meme. Every time he gets out of jail, he wants a Big Buford and he eats a Big Buford on camera. His mom cleaned his room. The door actually got mounted. He leaves the house and the house starts healing. It's like a scene where things are filmed in reverse and things just start flying back onto the shelves. The bed tidies itself. The door goes back onto the hinges. Crazy. As you can see, he's live streaming himself. Unknown_12: And then people, because the judge says that he had to go straight to rehab, so they took him home first. And a lot of rats, you know, the Redditors, the snark sub faggots, they're like, oh, let's report him to his parole officer because he didn't go straight home. 2:18:57 Unknown_12: And, of course, he's streaming this. Unknown_12: Yeah, the door's fixed, guys. Unknown_15: Can you fucking believe it? My door. Unknown_15: It's finally fixed! Holy shitball! Holy shitball! There's no way! There's no... Dear baby Jesus, thank you very much for the door. Unknown_14: I've always wanted one. I'm so thankful you finally got me one, sir. Thank you. Amen. I think it was your dad that bought the door, bro. 2:19:36 Unknown_12: Um... Where is... Unknown_04: Oh, yeah, this is it. Okay. All right. Unknown_12: So what he was doing at home, by the way, is that, you see, Bossman Jack is a very unusual person. And Bossman Jack wanted, during his gamba sessions, to store the value of his winnings in something not immediately liquidatable so that he could hold some of his earnings in a way that he couldn't gamba it. So in the past, he had bought precious metals on the internet. And I thought that was great as a precious metals enjoyer myself. I thought that was a really smart idea because it's much more difficult to impulsively sell gold than it is to just, you know, put cryptocurrency back into a casino. So he bought CSGO skins. And one of the skins that he had was worth $12,000. 2:20:14 Unknown_12: And he was going to sell it for cheap, and he did. He did it on stream. He sold it for $10,000 to some Russian guy, it looked like. But... Unknown_12: Because the guy's plan is to sell it for more money, obviously. I don't know. I think that see his ghost skins are like a money laundering thing. So there is some purpose to him buying that. Anyways, while he was doing that, he lit up a cigarette and the rats and the snark discord or whatever the fuck contacted the prosecuting attorney who immediately contacted his attorney because they said that he was smoking marijuana. 2:20:49 Unknown_12: And he was just smoking a regular cigarette. So this last minute is him trying to hurry up and finish selling his CSGoskin so they can leave for rehab immediately. Because I guess Rat Dad just had to stop by to pick up some clothing or get a coffee or whatever before. I imagine it's probably like a two to four hour long drive to get to the rehab center from the middle of Virginia. 2:21:26 Unknown_12: I'm assuming that's in Arlington. It's one of those places that DC folks go to when they get, like, a DUI. Uh, anyways. Unknown_12: This is the panicked last minute of him trying to, uh, finish selling and get the fuck out of the house while his dad yells at him. I should withdraw all of it. Unknown_15: Nah, you know what we'll do? We'll do a $300... We'll do a $300 CS Float giveaway this weekend. How's that sound, guys? Unknown_15: Yeah, I'm selling it right now! Live streaming, floating... Unknown_15: It's a fucking cigarette! 2:21:59 Unknown_12: Are you live streaming smoking? They already sent it to the prosecutor. And the prosecutor, I guess, must have called his attorney and said, like, hey, you gotta tell him. Because his attorney's on the line saying, like, hey, if he's streaming himself smoking marijuana, cut that shit off now. Unknown_15: It's a cigarette! Chill out! Unknown_12: I assume that he... I think he was selling the CSGO skin so he would have money in his bank account. But it may also just be to cover the cost of rehab, because that shit's expensive. Unknown_15: Is it really? It's a cigarette. Alright, tell him why I said sell it. He's able to rehab. You didn't tell him that? Okay, I'm ending the stream right now, dude. Alright, I gotta go, guys. 2:22:32 Unknown_15: Someone already called my prosecutor. I told him I was smoking on stream. Unknown_12: I haven't seen his hair so clean in forever. Unknown_12: And that's it. He cut out the stream. He moved, I think, the $10,000 off of his skin reseller site to his bank account to cover his snacks, goodies. And I think he said he also wanted to get a car in rehab. I don't know. Good luck with that. 2:23:12 Unknown_04: And he's off. Unknown_04: Godspeed, you. Unknown_04: I'll just play music. Unknown_02: Apparently I had this very rehab. I've been to this very rehab before. They don't allow skateboarding because somebody brought a skateboard there one year and split their ball sack open on the railing. 2:23:45 Unknown_02: Almost to my house where I'm going to post to M9 and then I guess I'll head on over to the rehab place. What, two hours away, Dad? Two hours and 15 minutes away from where I live. Unknown_12: Yeah, that makes sense. Man, poor Rat Dad. Four and a half hours in the fucking car to drop your junky, retard son off. Unknown_12: It's been a long while since I had to drive four and a half hours. It's been quite a while. I think you take the closeness of Europe for granted. Everything's very compact, accessible. Not so much in the hills, in the rural America. 2:24:18 Unknown_12: That's it for that. Unknown_12: Let's see. Unknown_12: Trying to think. I don't think that there's any other stuff that I missed. It's been a pretty healthy size stream. So I got one other thing. Unknown_12: We're doing a merch run this year. I used to do two a year, but I've only been doing one for the last two years because I've dropped Kiwi Farms and this year I'm just very busy. So I'd like to go back to doing two a year. But this is our designs for 2024. This is the Kiwi Viking thing. 2:24:57 Unknown_12: Uh, this design is going on a black t-shirt, same as my other t-shirts. And, uh, I'm doing a zip up hoodie this year. Usually I do a pullover, but this year I'm going to do a zip up just because I've never done it. Uh, so on the zip up, it will be on the back and on everything else that will be on the front. Unknown_12: Um, and that's the Viking design. Very cool, very inspired, sketchy look. And then, uh, this is the alternative design. I usually do like a cute and a cool design. So this is the cuter design. Um, Unknown_12: And this will be on the front for both the t-shirt. It will be the same kind of t-shirt. I think I'm going to do black for everything. So it's just pure black. Maybe I'll do a charcoal gray. I'll think about it. 2:25:31 Unknown_12: But it's on the front. It'll be on a regular t-shirt. And then for this, I'm also going to... Usually I do a pullover, but my... Unknown_12: my printer warned me that the pullover I do usually was bad this year. For whatever reason, they put out a bunch of textiles that were just bad, low quality. They said, I would, I would warn you against doing that because we've had issues. So I took their warning and I, I had some issues with this cause I've always wanted to, I've never done it before, but I've always kind of wanted to do like a female cut, either like a long sleeve shirt or a female like hoodie or something. 2:26:15 Unknown_12: Cause I get asked every year, like, can you do like a woman's cut textile this year? And I, I just think that the quantities are, I, I've never done it before. So it's hard to predict how many to pre-order. Unknown_12: it's just the pain in my ass is what I'm trying to say. So I've never done it. Um, so instead of a hoodie, I'm doing a sweatshirt for the first time. So it'll be a unisex sweatshirt, but I think that that is more, more comfortable for women. Um, cause it's, it's a little bit like tighter fitting or whatever. Uh, so that'll also be on the front for that. So it'll, it'll be a, this both will be on t-shirts. This will be on a zip up on the back as well. And this one will be on a sweatshirt as opposed to a hoodie this year. 2:26:51 Unknown_12: And these are community art submissions as well. Um, so that's what I'm doing this year. And depending on how it goes, this is one of my lofty ideas. So, uh, deal with it for a second. I'm going to talk about my lofty ideas. Uh, the merchandise thing that I do is like a really good boon for me. Um, and I usually put a little bit of that money towards what I do. Um, like historically I usually buy like a server upgrade or something. I'll, uh, either buy new hard drives or I'll buy like a new box. Um, And it's been so useful to me that I've considered 2:27:28 Unknown_12: outsourcing it. Unknown_12: Because I know that there's a lot of people who do merch, but then what they do is they just use Redbubble or something. And the Redbubble stuff is like the cheapest quality shit that you can possibly buy. And the printing that they do is the lowest quality printing that you can possibly do. Because we've done Redbubble before, and I bought Redbubble stuff, like for myself, from my own store, and I wasn't satisfied with it. Um, so I was thinking, and I'm, you know, I'm already, I already do so much, but it's just, it's such a, I've, I've gotten good at it. 2:28:07 Unknown_12: I've done this for long enough that I've gotten pretty good at it. And I was thinking maybe I should do, um, I should help people like who want to do merch and don't want to be on red bubble either because they can't or don't want to. Unknown_12: and help other people with runs too. Cause there's all sorts of merchandise that you can do that. Um, people don't even know because they, you know, like red bubble only has like a certain variety of stuff, but you can do some crazy shit. If you reach out to like small providers in the U S or even outside the U S like the silver coins that I did, like for real, nobody in the history of the internet, uh, in the sector or whatever, has ever done a silver coin run. I took, just because I was interested in silver at the time, I decided I was going to hire artists to sketch designs and then pay a Malaysian company to make dyes with them and strike coins with 999 pure silver mirror finish. And I did it. It was cursed. It was a painful fucking process. 2:28:51 Unknown_12: Um, but I do it. So I don't know if, if there are people who wanted to do weird, like either like t-shirts and hoodies and that kind of shit, or maybe something weirder. I don't know, like hats. For instance, if people were complaining about certain hats being, uh, uh, poorly fitting or something, I, the company that I work with does hats and you can get whatever kind of style of hat you want. Um, uh, 2:29:28 Unknown_12: Or silver coins, even. It's in the cards. I know how to do it. I'm thinking maybe I should start a merchandising company for weirdos. Unknown_12: Kiwi plush. I haven't done a plush. It's a good idea. 2:29:59 Unknown_12: Um, there you go. These will be available on mad at the internet.com this week. I am still, I'm going through the process. I'm getting my quote for my initial batch. Um, and I will let it run, um, until it sells out. And then if there's like still serious demand, like if I really, um, Um, undershot how many people wanted merch and stuff. I might reopen it again, but keep your eyes out. I will post it to the telegram. I'll post it to the Facebook group and it will be featured on the forum and it'll be featured on the site. So just check it out at some point this week. 2:30:30 Unknown_12: And I'll probably talk about it on Friday. I'll probably be going by Friday. Unknown_04: Um, Unknown_12: Cool. Okay. That's it for the stream, I think. I got the super berries. Unknown_12: And I think that was a pretty good stream, actually. I feel like I had a good flow this stream. I'm taking my Magnesi chat. Maybe once I start doing merchandising, I'll get a partnership with a Magnesi, with a supplement company. That's, that's, that's my future, bro. That's what I need to do. I'm going to, I'm going to, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go when I get my express, when I move back to here, my plan, here's my 9,000 year plan chat. When I moved back to the U S and get a place, I'm going to buy a fancy espresso machine with like $900 coffee grinders. 2:31:03 Unknown_12: I'm going to go out and taste test batches of single origin coffees. And I'm going to get you guys like a grade 92, excellent quality, single origin coffee. And that'll be the Kiwi blend. I'll find a, uh, what do you call those things? Where you like, where you like cook the beans. There's a name for it. 2:31:36 Unknown_12: I completely forgot this word. This word has abandoned my head. I don't know. They take the beans and they cook them, and then you can actually grind them up and eat them. Unknown_12: But a roaster. I'm going to find a local roaster in the U.S. Since I'm going to be doing this in Tennessee to take advantage of their, I'll find a Tennessee roaster. The finest roaster in all of Tennessee. And then I'll bag this. I'll sell it. And then I'm going to find a magnesium supplement company that makes the finest magnesium. The highest grain, 999 pure magnesium. 2:32:14 Unknown_12: And we're all going to be healthy and drink good coffee and take magnesium together. That's my plan. And you're going to wear my shirts. Your entire wardrobe will be Kiwi Farms merchandise. Unknown_12: This is the future. Unknown_12: I'm going to show you, Nick Fuentes, how you make an army. You make it with coffee, single origin, primo shit, roasted in the USA. You make it with silver coins. You make it with hats. I'm going to put everybody down. 2:32:47 Unknown_12: We're going to be busting, chat. Unknown_12: Okay. Great, chat. Let's do what the Superberry is. Unknown_12: My hamster is a turf for one says, read the next Superberry in your best fed smoker voice. Okay. Derogatory for $100 says, dear Joe O'Connor moon cyber bully, you're a neighbor. You never read my super chats. Unknown_12: That really fucks up my throat. By the way, in case you came late, 2:33:20 Unknown_12: this was the first super chat that we had that was mail in us postal money order. Unknown_12: Um, that the mail guy picked up for me. Uh, so I had to specifically code in a way that I could trigger manual super chats and have the nice little us postal service, uh, logo for it. Unknown_12: Um, Sneak cricket for one says, is there any way to find old bed of the video game streams two to four? I can't find them on the video platforms or the forum. Um, Unknown_12: I don't know. There's a big archive of the video game streams, but I didn't archive them myself. 2:33:56 Unknown_04: Sorry. I've never even heard of that, bro. I have no fucking clue, bro. Unknown_12: News Hammy 6942 says, I drove my daughter's hamster to the vet this morning. I'm getting rather good at golf. Why is this guy like this? This is like his shtick now. 2:34:26 Unknown_12: DocsFound for 5 says, The Bossman Jack AI cover of the Smashing Pumpkins song on the front page is unironically better than the original. Billy Corgan's voice is so annoying. Unknown_12: It fucks up like a couple big notes, but aside from that, yeah, it's like an extremely high quality AI cover. Unknown_12: Sneedberg Stein Goldman for 10 says, Nick felt it. Have a good week. Kiwi Bros. It's true. He felt it himself by coming on his merchandise. Never. Bro, I don't know. I'm in the merchandise biz, and I got to say, never come on your merchandise. It's like getting high on your own supply. Never come on your merchandise, chat. Embed it into memory. Never do it. 2:34:58 Unknown_12: Kyle Larson, all chat. Think about it. Kyle Larson, all chat for five says, please congratulate Kyle for his win at Bristol. He led 462, 500 laps. Congratulations, Kyle. I am sorry to hear that you're in Bristol, but I am pleased to hear that you're the best of those stuck in Bristol. Unknown_12: Uh, Humble Guardsman for five says facts are chains that bind perception and fetter truth. The emperor protects. Thanks bro. I appreciate it. Space Allen for 20 says ham jam. What a great super chat. Thank you very much. Space Allen. Uh, Lucifer to 10 for five says X link. Excellent. 2:35:36 Unknown_04: Let's see what this is. And it's loading very slowly because X is slow as shit for some reason. Unknown_12: And this is just what I talked about when it came to the son of Kyle Ruth being arrested for child pornography. Or Ryan Ruth. Sorry. Oran. His name is Oran. O-R-A-N. Like Iran, but with an O. That kid was doomed to be fucked up. 2:36:09 Unknown_12: Amphibicat for five says, Hey, Josh, can you elaborate on your hatred for journalists? I've been trying to put my feelings on them into words. And I think that an autistic Josh ran about journalists coming help a ton. Thanks for the stream. Journals are insipid because what they do is, Unknown_12: is that when they contact people, they already have a story. They already know what they're going to write. They already know what they want to say. And they will contact people, knowingly lie to them about their intentions and say, it's just, we want you to get your side of the story out. And then they take you out of context or if you do a really great – even if you like smash and slam the journo investigation or whatever the fuck, they will either take you out of context or they have a choice to completely omit you. So if you give like a stellar interview and you completely destroy them and their preconceptions, they will just never mention the fact that you responded to them at all. And they have no obligation to. They have no obligation to report the truth. They report what they want to. 2:37:14 Unknown_12: Um... Unknown_12: And then they never have to retract anything. If they lie, they can get away with it. Unless it causes you provable damages and harm, you can't sue them for it. And there's no purpose because even if you do, you're only entitled to actual damages unless there's malicious intent, which you can't prove. So you'll almost never be harmed enough that it's worth suing them for because you'll never recoup the cost of the injury over the cost of the attorney. So they have carte blanche to basically say whatever the fuck they want, fuck over whoever they want, print wherever they want. They know that they have the right to do this. And for some reason, I think that they're really important. And they have like this almost like without exception. They have this like sense of entitlement and they have the sense of like prestige that they haven't earned. 2:37:52 Unknown_12: And that's why some of the most unlikable people you've ever fucking met all go into journalism. That's why people like Vordrak, who are insane sadist, become, quote unquote, journalists. Unknown_12: It's basically a career choice for people who do not have any abilities whatsoever, but yet still consider themselves extremely important. And they basically just want to make human misery their job. Nobody goes into journalism to help people. It's basically impossible. If you write a story, it's almost always at somebody's expense. 2:38:29 Unknown_12: uh schwarzwald newell for 100 or 100 if you prefer this donation isn't intended for you but is instead for the most talented one on the show the news hamster please ensure that the money finds its way to him thank you i will make sure that he gets his cut i'm sure he appreciates it thank you very much um 2:39:08 Unknown_12: Baldo Peggins for five says, can we get a Kiwi Farms law couch graphic for you when you discuss lawsuits and other related legal stuff? Unknown_12: Oh, Rikita said something about how when the Franks hearing is over, the people, the Kiwi Farms people on the couch will not look so smart or whatever the fuck. I guess a news ham, like an attorney ham and like a nice big comfy couch would suffice for that. I have so many fucking hamsters, bro. I have, like, an entire pet score of hamsters in my folder now. Unknown_12: Okay, I do not show videos for less, but if it's, like, a five-second clip, I'll play the audio. Yeah, probably. Probably heard that from his attorney. 2:40:01 Unknown_12: Dude, if only he hadn't made fun of Ralph's fart, he would be in such a better place right now. It's a short? Oh. Come on, dude, it's not real. It's not real. Dude, there's no way. Unknown_12: My video froze up and then it crashed. Unknown_12: There's no fucking way. Unknown_07: Come on, dude. It's not real. 2:40:35 Unknown_12: I might steal that for the TikTok. Unknown_12: That's really funny, though. Thank you. TB Deluxe for 10 says, Josh, why didn't you tell us you and Jet Neptune had a kid? Congrats on your daughter slash son. And then there is an X link. I'm sure that this is just a really ugly person. And the joke is that he's ugly. Unknown_04: See you. 2:41:11 Unknown_04: Oh, that's a female to male British pooner taking testosterone. Unknown_00: And this is my voice pre-testosterone. My name is Morgan and this is my voice one week on testosterone. My name is Morgan and this is my voice one month and one day on testosterone. Unknown_00: My name is Morgan and this is my voice. Unknown_12: I felt bad for her because she's just like a frumpy girl, and then she became a teenager, and life becomes more complicated when you're a girl, and especially if you're not particularly attractive. Unknown_12: So she thought, hell, I'll just become a boy, and I won't have to worry about how other people look at me. And now she has metamorphed to the incel. She looks exactly like fucking Keffels. I don't know what to tell you. It's just unfortunate. It sucks. It must really, really suck to be a kid growing up right now. 2:41:49 Unknown_12: Madclaw95 for five says, Hey Josh, hope you're having a good week. I am. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Yakni for five says, Josh, album recommended nations for you. Moonrise Baldo coaster. Baldo caster, not coaster. Post it in the math internet music suggestion. I'm sorry, my boy. 2:42:24 Unknown_12: Oh, it was apparently Baldo caster spelled with one L. Okay. Thank you, Yakni. Unknown_12: Red Eyes Black Dragon for 10 says, YouTube link. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_04: This is like a skit about Star Wars. Unknown_06: Anakin's ridin' Uncle Palpatine's shack Thinkin' bout Padme but there's no turnin' back She's rockin' on the porch with twins all the way While Anakin's slippin' deeper every day Obi-Wan's leanin', starin' at the sky Watchin' him drift and wonderin' why Palpatine's smilin' with a devilish grin No invader's about to dive right in You cross the line, too far to turn The family's broken, hearts start to burn Padme's waitin' but you're too far gone Okay, I got it. AI is truly magical. Thank you. Madclaw9545 says, Mr. Nubbly is still funnier than B-Uckley. Contentious opinion, perhaps, but I agree. TheLionKing for Wentz's B-Gems. 2:43:15 Unknown_12: Haramberger4 says, Jolly Biscuit revelation. Perhaps the rubber bands were used to help keep the bathroom door shut by wrapping them around the doorknob. This must be it. That must be why they're disappearing. Toilet emoji. Toilet paper emoji. He explained that it's just random access humor. There is no joke to it. It's literally lesbian tools. 2:43:46 Unknown_12: Latrans writes, for one, says, Hi Josh, we found out that the government dropped the minimum taxable income from $20,000 to $600 this year, so congratulations on your promotion from parasocial relationship to charitable donation. Just so you know, expats have a $100,000 tax exemption. It's tax-free! 2:44:26 Unknown_12: Tester Max for 20 says, Tom, is that the age where you think you have everything figured out? Unknown_12: Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I was a little bit smug and retarded at that age. Unknown_12: Thank you very much. Unknown_12: Judy Tester for 20 says, I can't believe that Tom has finally bumped Acerthorn out of his place as the most embarrassing turkey of the week. Unknown_12: I don't know, man. That's pretty hard to do. Unknown_12: Eucalypt Sneed for 10 says, HRT Tom is such a faggot. I hate every safe, edgy retardant on YouTube. Unknown_12: Yeah, safe, edgy is cringe. 2:45:04 Unknown_12: I don't know. I understand the safe, edgy perspective. You gotta make the cheddar. You gotta make the cheddar biscuit, but I don't know. I think destiny is like a malignant influence on people. Unknown_12: The Ghost of Low Tags for one says, in honor of bodybuilding.com getting shown now this week, can you read this Elliot Rodger post from your site in your Patrick Tomlinson voice? Unknown_04: Elliot Roger, registered user, location, United States, post, 55, rep power, none. 2:45:42 Unknown_12: I laugh at those two losers in this thread who called me an average-looking manlet. It's so ridiculous that I'm laughing instead of getting angry. I am a drop-dead gorgeous, fabulous, stylish, exotic Jim among thousands of rocks. I am one of a kind, completely the opposite of average. You're just jealous because I'm better looking than you, and you know it. Unknown_12: There you go. And then he shot himself. 2:46:19 Unknown_12: No hurt, Mr. Metal. Provider says, good morning, you piece of shit. Just a reminder to not park your car in the handicapped parking. I know it's random, but a $400 ticket and an officer's photo of your car is hard to beat. Unknown_12: I believe that all handicapped spaces should be abolished, the Americans with Disabilities Act should be set on fire, and that cripples and fats should be forced to walk from far away from the Walmart entrance to the entrance. I have never... 2:46:50 Unknown_12: In my life, thinking back genuinely, seeing a handicapped parking space used by a handicapped person, I think that has always been a fat fuck on a motor scooter every single fucking time. Unknown_12: And the number of reserved parking spots for handicapped people is fucking absurd. I have never seen all handicapped spots anywhere. especially at a small business used. And in fact, you almost never see them used outside of Walmart because fat fucking retards don't fucking leave their house. So unless they're going to Walmart to get groceries, they're not going to be parked anywhere. Unknown_12: Fuck them. Unknown_12: Fuck those narcs who walk around with their handicap. Oh no, this is reserved for our veterans that have PTSD. Fuck the veterans. They suck. They suck shit. They suck shit out of Osama Bin Laden's asshole. Fuck them. 2:47:35 Unknown_12: Chloe Nante for 15 says, Jackie Singh needs to investigate the NFL Discord server. Apparently there's a Russian nuke off being planned in there. It's true. I've heard about that. Those Packers fans always get no good. You can't trust them. Unknown_12: Thank you. Unknown_12: Ugalis Steve for five says, Nick's a Mexican test tube. I have no clue why my fellow racists love this beaner. I don't know. Because I guess he's like young and he talks about Jews and that's all you need to be popular these days. 2:48:17 Unknown_12: Maybe they're just gay. I know it's like a tried joke, but it's like, maybe they are just gay. Maybe they'll just fuck each other and suck each other's dicks. It's like a gay club. It's like the Log House Republican Club. Really true. Really accurate. Is this true? I did not know this. Unknown_12: I mean, bro, there is obviously a suitable middle ground. There is such a thing as too small, and there is such a thing as too big. This is not hard to understand. Do not redeem. Bitch. Matachot. Do not redeem. 2:48:48 Unknown_12: It's true. You have to bully Keffels if you want them to fuck you, bro. Thank you. I'm not familiar enough with antipsychotic medication to understand what that is, but thank you. 2:49:39 Unknown_12: Yes, it's true. They really do. You know what? I'm going to tell you my real beef with Turkey Tom, okay? Let me pull this up real quick. I know I don't own this, okay? I know it's not mine. I know I'm a custodian for many records, okay? Unknown_12: But if you go to the math internet site, right, you just travel to it, right? 2:50:14 Unknown_12: And you scroll down. There is this little thing at the end next to my donation options. Unknown_04: Donate money or even a manual typewriter to me for your only hope for a future. Unknown_12: This is copied from a Francis E. Deck rant that was vocalized and put on YouTube. And I have always loved this quote. And when I started up the podcast years ago, I clipped this out and I put it on my site. And Turkey Tom has done the same thing. He has taken this clip and he has posted it. I think when he puts his Patreon bag banner at the end of his videos, he includes that clip to entice people. I think he stole that from me. I think he stole that from me. 2:50:47 Unknown_12: I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it, Chad. I know I don't own it, but I think he stole it from me. Person Person 12, for one, says, Very sorry for the small images, dear leader. You are forgiven. Just don't do it next time. I have high standards. Tenderbacks, for 20, says, 100% not a fetish. That means blow blacks being a tranny. Sorry, a heckin' envy. Come on. Thank you. 2:51:25 Unknown_12: eucalyptus sneeze for five says no ian you have to play with the girls balls as well gross Unknown_12: I don't want to think about that. Fortier for 10 says, Buzzy today. Have $5. Hope you take a lap around rackets today. You gave me $10. Right now I'm very confused. I did take a lap around rackets today, though. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you. Unknown_12: Asian Tech Support for 5 says, IDubbbz endorsing men in women's combat sports is inviting Sam Hyde to beat up Aniza. He's too much of a cuck faggot to do himself even after its inevitable shootout. It's true. There's no difference between them. Why can't Aniza and Sam Hyde box? That'd be great. You want to make money, right? You want to have a successful creative clash? You let Sam Hyde go feral bear on Aniza Joma for 10 seconds, and you'll have the most highly anticipated, profitable pay-per-view wrestling event in the last 40 fucking years, including all the times that Hulk Hogan went, yeah, brother, America. 2:52:32 Unknown_12: It blows WWE out of the fucking water. Unknown_12: Sneedo for two says, it's funny knowing my prediction came true. And then there is a link to the Blow Blacks thread, which by the way, when people started this thread, it sucked. So it got locked for being shitty. Unknown_12: And then people said that there was like a conspiracy to protect him. Unknown_12: But I reopened it. Unknown_12: So Sneeds on May 9th, 2022 says, why do I feel like Blow Blacks is going to trun out? And then this is a picture of. 2:53:09 Unknown_12: Josh retweeted Polis. Unknown_12: Why don't you go among some bitches? And there's a picture of him among his plushies. And that's a joke at his expense. I don't know why. But Sneeds did call it, I guess. Good job. Unknown_12: Hacksleet42 says, Suffa Odyssey chat. Suffa. Unknown_12: Oh, I don't think Odyssey worked at all this time. I'm sorry. I did try to load it up, but I don't think it actually connected at all. Unknown_04: My bad, bruh. My bad, bruh. 2:53:44 Unknown_04: I have to fix the fucking stream thing again. Unknown_12: It's such a pain in the ass. You have no idea. I'm not putting no fucking Baldo ham on no merchandise, bro. Come on, now. I think that he's... Unknown_12: Rakeda's cope for the shit being denied is that the courts slated against him. He's going to cry about it, I think. 2:54:16 Unknown_12: Worldwide Web Wizard for once says, I wish all the cool emojis were on here instead of Kik, because then I could use Super Chat and spam emojis. Plus, Kik kind of sucks on phones, logs me out. Unknown_12: There are emojis on Kik. Unknown_12: On the rumble. Unknown_04: Do they not work? Unknown_12: They do work. Unknown_12: You may have to like subscribe to use the emojis though. I think that it's the same thing on kick though. Where some of them are subscriber only. 2:54:48 Unknown_04: I don't know what the cool emoji is. Pretty sure they both work. I don't know what you're talking about bro. You got me tripping. Unknown_12: Uh, he did leave for one. So the thing, it's hilarious that you talk about law more than Baldo these days. Well, comprehensively, at least I try my best. I'm not a lawyer though. I probably shouldn't to be quite honest with you. I probably shouldn't try to sound like, you know, I'm talking about as much as I do. Unknown_12: Worldwide web wizard for one says, aren't there any laws about foreigners meddling in court cases? Or do you think rackets doesn't want to acknowledge cog? 2:55:20 Unknown_12: I mean, all Cog did is re-upload it. He's not involved in the case. He simply provided evidence. And anybody can provide evidence. Cog isn't active in the case in any way. He just so happens to be involved tangentially. Unknown_12: Well, they don't have the perspective that I do and the laser-tight focus that I do. 2:55:55 Unknown_12: I don't know. How do I word this diplomatically? There is a YouTuber who does law who I may have to unsubscribe from because I subscribed to him so I could post in his chat once or twice. And now I get suggested his videos naturally because I'm subscribed to him. And every time I see him streaming, he is talking about VTubers. I'm like, bro, is this your niche now? You're going to be talking about the fucking anime cartoon character girls and the baby voices? Like, why would you do this to yourself? How lucrative is that market? We now have, like, dedicated LawTuber commentaries about fucking VTuber shit. 2:56:36 Unknown_12: I can't imagine, man. I just, I hate it so much. Unknown_12: I hate when I'm, like, playing Dota, and I see, like, an anime avatar. You don't even have to see their avatars. It's only when you look at the scoreboard, you see the avatars. But I see something with, like, a fucking anime... This guy... Okay. Unknown_12: I booted up the game, and I was mid. And there was a guy on my team that was a warlock. Unknown_12: And he said something about being gay. 2:57:07 Unknown_12: And I can't remember what I said to him. He just wrote in chat, like, I'm gay. And I said something back to him and he started using his microphone. And he was talking about how he was covered head to toe in embarrassing anime tattoos. He said that he had the words Weeb Life written on his knuckles. You know, like in between the knuckles, there's that little stretch of skin. You can write like words one letter at a time. His said Weeb Life. And then I asked him as a joke, I said, who's your Oshii? And he said, Guragawa. And I can't remember who the other one was. I wasn't familiar with it. But I know that's the Lolicon Shark. I'm just thinking, this is a real fucking person that I'm stuck in this match with for 45 minutes. And by the way, we lost. 2:57:41 Unknown_12: So I want you to let you know, Weeb Life didn't pull the fuck through. He should have written Gangsta or some shit. Something to actually succeed in life with. Unknown_12: It's just awful. Just terrible. Unknown_12: Le Pigeon for two says, Bossman is in jail. It's so over. All in on rehab, baby. The comeback king. We're so back. Rats caught the prosecutor. It's so over. Lost Man Jack. Repeat, et cetera. Nah, bro. We're so back. It's fucking, it's so, it's, uh, Bossman, I didn't even mention this, but Bossman. 2:58:13 Unknown_12: is apparently allowed to access his phone on the weekends. So he said he's going to try to do some internal live streaming on his phone from the rehab facility. So that's going to be fucking lit. That's going to be litty, bro. That's going to be litty. Can't wait for it. That's some content coming up. Unknown_12: Schneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Suck and Fuck for Five, says Schneed. Thank you, Schneed's Feed and Seed, formerly Suck and Fuck. I appreciate it. 11th Circuit for two says, damn it, Nick, we lost the case again. The most cursed shirt. The most cursed shirt even I, as an expert merchandiser, could never try and capture the black magic of the damn it, Nick, we lost the case again shirt. One of the most reviled artifacts of merchandise history. 2:58:44 Unknown_12: Sneedo for one says, damn it, boss, we won the case again. It's true. He just keeps winning. He double, triple checked it. He keeps winning, bro. 2:59:17 Unknown_12: red eyes black dragon for two says silver coin update i never got my christian coin i know you still have some in the warehouse in china bro you're fucking barking up the wrong tree there's no fucking way um i don't think i have any left i don't i do have something that i keep getting billed for inventory like it pennies so i have like one step oh it's patches that's what it is i have more patches than i sold i don't know what the fuck to do with those i might reclaim them at some point i don't know Unknown_12: Tetravax for $200 says, great stream, super hype for the merch run. The designs look really cool. I'm glad you think so. I appreciate it. Um, yeah, hopefully it goes well. I really like, I think the merchandise stuff is something that is less profitable than like the podcast in general is the podcast is just basically collecting money for showing up. I mean, to be real with you, it's a much easier, it's much easier and, um, it's much more profitable because you only make, you know, only a certain number of people are willing to put in their payment information and address and shit on the fucking merchandise site. So, 3:00:19 Unknown_12: But the merch has a purpose in that I like... that the site produces physical goods the the chris chan silver coin thing is something that i'm extremely proud of because it's something that like it's like an art it's like a genuine artifact it's like a real collectible there's like um a couple thousand of them that some people have and they show up on and like they're like listed in in um 3:00:52 Unknown_12: There's a specific term for this, for collectible monetary stuff that's not printed. It's like ex-monety or something. I don't know if there's a word for it. It shows up on these listings for these precious collectibles that are not money. Oh, ex-numia. Ex-numia is what I'm thinking of. They show up on ex-numia listings and on eBay and all sorts of stuff. Okay. I'm very proud of it, and it's superb as well. The design came out perfect. The Malaysians did a fantastic job striking them. 3:01:28 Unknown_12: And it's something that, you know, decades from now, people are going to find them. They're going to be like, what the fuck is this? You know, it's like planting the flag on the moon or whatever. It's going to be like decades later, people are going to find the fucking Christian coin. People are going to, it might actually be worth, it might be like a legendary coin. I'm never, I have the dyes, by the way. I'm having them shipped to me eventually. And then I'm going to physically own the dyes and nobody will ever have the dyes again. There'll never be any more made again. And I realize I get asked sometimes to rerun designs and I'm just, I'm never going to do it. Cause it's like, it's so much more fun to just do new stuff and have it be like, you know, people are going to wear it. And I, I wait a second, take a sip. Oh, I've already ran out of water. Fuck me. 3:02:07 Unknown_12: And let's continue. Unknown_12: Steno for one says null is going to be supreme and make a Kiwi farms, a brick Lamau. Unknown_12: I know Supreme is like a Nike brand, right? Do they make like brick titties? I don't know what the fuck that means, bro. Sorry. Unknown_12: A Kiwi Farms brick, like a literal physical brick that says Kiwi Farms on it? Maybe. If there's demand for a brick, I'll do it. I'll make them out of silver, too. Watch me, motherfucker. You think I'm joking? I can make a kilogram. I can take a mold in the shape of a brick and make it way out to one kilogram of silver, and I'll sell the Kiwi Farmer's bricks. Bish, motherfucker. 3:02:41 Unknown_12: Unkind Naysayer for two says, you could get a paw job from anyone who... Fuck you. I didn't answer that. Grimless Wonder for one says, legitimately, you should sell decorative burlap coffee bags with a Kiwi Farms logo on them. Hey, once I get my coffee, my... Look, I'm going to be the only buyer of a small Peruvian farm that makes a single origin coffee bean. 3:03:23 Unknown_12: At 8,000 feet above sea level. It's going to be the best fucking coffee you've ever had. And the burlap sacks will have the logo on them. I promise you. Unknown_12: Arian Queen Generator 5 says, apologize to me for insulting me after I called Tom a cuck. And you see, well, the thing that you were complaining about was stupid because you literally sent a doctored image of him with a fake fucking cut in his chest and then said that he was a cuck because he did it for a girl when it didn't happen. So, no, I'm not going to apologize for you. You're fucking retarded. You fell for a fake bullshit thing. You just had to wait, apparently. You had to wait a couple months for him to come out and say, yeah, I get cheated on. What's the big deal, guys? Don't you all? 70% of men, it's called being an adult. All you had to do was wait. You didn't have to fake no shit. Retard. 3:03:55 Unknown_12: Barolo Furman for one says, are you sure you aren't confusing Tom for Toad McKinley? Maybe they both stole it from you. Oh, dude. It was Toad. What happened to him? You're right. It was Toad that had the typewriter thing. Oh, my God. They blended into my fucking brain. The typewriter thing. 3:04:27 Unknown_12: Did he die? What happened to Toad McKinley? Unknown_04: Is he dead? I'm reading chat. No, he didn't turn out. Unknown_12: Shut up. Unknown_12: Toad fucking died after Review the Zoo File podcast. Unknown_12: He went into hibernation. Oof, where is Toad? I miss him. Dementia. Yeah, it was Toad. You're right. You're completely right. Dude, for some reason I've always thought that was Turkey Tom. I don't know what's wrong with me, chat. I have a brain that's leaking out fucking mucus or some shit. 3:05:00 Unknown_04: Um, okay. Unknown_12: Casting Couch Crab for five says Gabagool. Thank you, Casting Couch Crab. I appreciate it. 3:05:31 Unknown_12: Doc's found for five cents. You bought the dyes for silver coins. You must still have those because you ran on the same designs either the first time. No, motherfucker. No. I already answered this question. I knew that those that wanted to steal my dyes and make more coins, more than the 4,500 that were originally cast for the true owners of the Kiwi coins, wanted to make more fake coins with the dyes. The dyes will be cast in a mountain doom so that no Kiwi coins will ever be created again from the original dyes. Trust me. We must do this for the authenticity. 3:06:05 Unknown_12: Also, I know a good coffee roaster in Tennessee. Okay, bro. Okay, email me, motherfucker. Email me and tell me. Unknown_12: And I will buy, like, a sample of them for my espresso machine when I get back to the U.S. And if they work, then they will have a merchandise deal on their hands. Toodaloo. Davy Stavee, for one, says, hop on fistful of frags. No. Anime Extremist, for five, says, VTubers rule and cope and sneed. I went to an anime convention a few months ago and saw a VTuber concert and had a blast. Do you think we can get Bossman Jack to stream as a VTuber when he gets back from rehab? 3:06:39 Unknown_12: Dude, they do these things where it's literally like a television on the fucking wall, and the VTubers do like a dance, and they sing, and there's literally fucking weeaboos in the audience watching this. Unknown_12: I want to say I almost said something that would be really questionable, really illegal. Something about, you know, people with inclinations doing something that they do that's illegal and bad. But in an anime convention, you can put those pieces together. That's what I said. I was going to say before I caught myself as a smart man. Doodle pot for 20 says thanks for the streams. You're very, very welcome. I appreciate it. Thank you very much. And The Orange Cow for five says, Toad got disgusted with commentary content and quit. Well, what a fucking Chad, bro. I don't know what to tell you. What did he see? I'm kind of curious. I'm about to end this train. I got one more super chat. But posting them out there, I actually, I would appreciate a QRD one. What the fuck happened to Toad McKinley? 3:07:19 Unknown_12: Tedrax for 20 says, Lol, confusing the fuck out of future generations is a true human pastime. Just look at all the stuff we don't understand. And I want to believe those guys thought, fuck those guys in the future, lol. It's going to be me. I'm going to be putting up stone monuments in Georgia, talking about Christian and shit. And they're going to be like, what the fuck is this? Someone's going to blow it up in the future. Calling it satanic. You watch. I got this. 3:07:53 Unknown_12: Thank you. And last but not least, I hope, Arian Queen Generator for T says, I've never sent an ant pics, you idiot. I just called him a cuck. Okay. I'm glad, bro. I don't know what you're trying to prove to me. Unknown_12: And on that note, thank you for watching. Have a good week. I will see you on Friday. And, oh, God. Unknown_12: I'm tempted. I was tempted to play Amy Winehouse, the actual song. But I kind of don't want to. There's a band called Rehab. What do they got? 3:08:25 Unknown_12: You're not alone. The Tham Hatha National Hotline Confidential. I think I've already... No, I haven't. Unknown_12: Wait, Rehab. And then there's like a song. Is it Bartender? Yeah, I think it is Bartender. Dude, I might have played this before. Unknown_12: But don't give a shit. I'm going to play it. Unknown_07: Talking to you. Drunk and on the run. I'm sitting at a bar on the inside. 3:08:57 Unknown_07: Waiting for my ride on the outside She stole my heart in the trailer park So I dragged the keys to her fucking car And crashed that piece of shit Then stepped away 3:09:44 Unknown_07: You know, Mo, I'll probably get ten years So just give me beers till they get here Yeah, I know the sun is coming up And y'all are probably getting ready for closing up But I'm trying to drown my soul I'm tired of this life on a dirt boat And everything that I love is gone And I'm tired of hanging on. She got me sitting at a bar on the inside waiting for my ride on the outside. She stole my heart in the trailer park. So I jacked the keys to her fucking car and crashed that piece of shit then stepped away. Guess it was meant to be. Romance is misery, so much for memories And now I'm headed to the penitentiary See me on TV, the next cop series I am a danger, I guess I should've Did something about my anger, but I never learned Real things that don't concern I pour kerosene on everything I love and watch it burn I know it's my fault, but I wasn't happy it was over She threw a fit, so I crashed a piece of shit And now I'm going back again 3:10:55 Unknown_07: to see my friends and when we all pile out that county van they're gonna ask me where I've been I've been at a bar on the inside waiting for my ride on the outside she stole my heart in the trailer park so I jacked the keys to her fucking car and crashed that piece of shit then stepped away oh no Unknown_07: well i'm sitting at a bar on the inside and i'm waiting on my ride on the outside you know i crashed that piece of then i stepped away you know i crashed that piece of and then i stayed