“Stop Hating Tommy C” Pills – Mad at the Internet 2024-09-17

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Unknown_05: All right, get ready, because today we're all about those hidden jokes.

Unknown_24: You know, the ones creators sneak in just for the fun of it.

Unknown_02: And there's no better place to find them than Springfield.

Unknown_24: Yep, we're talking the Simpsons and that Sneeds Feed and Seed sign. Classic.

Unknown_02: Oh, man, that sign.

Unknown_24: You've seen it, right? But have you really seen it? That's what we're here to unpack.

Unknown_02: Yeah.

Unknown_24: Why this sign is a piece of Simpsons goldie. And you've given us the goods, the background on this.

Unknown_31: It's juicy, right?

Unknown_24: Total gold. So picture this. Homer at some dusty farm store, right? Yeah. Normal Springfield day. Until you see that sign. Sneeds, feed, and seed. Rolls off the tongue. Rhymes. Seems harmless. Then you see the smaller text. Formally Chucks. Boom! Joke detonated. What do you think?

Unknown_31: Okay, two things going on here. First, you got the basic. Rhyme Simpsons 101. But then, that second layer. That's what makes you laugh when you realize if feed and seed rhyme with Sneed, what rhymes with Chuck?

Unknown_24: See, this is what makes you rewatch this show. Yeah. Kids are giggling at the names, but the adults...

Unknown_24: We're in on the joke, right?

Unknown_31: Absolutely. It's almost like they're messing with you. They set you up for a corny pun, but the real punchline, it's all in your head. And the fact that it's kind of taboo, that's what makes it hilarious.

Unknown_24: It's like a comedic time bomb they planted and it explodes years later when you get it. And speaking of lasting impact, Sneed's Feet and Seed is practically a meme now, right? especially online.

Unknown_31: And that is the Simpsons legacy. They were masters at these layered jokes. Everyone gets something out of it, like sneeds. It's this inside joke for anyone who loves that smart kind of edgy humor.

Unknown_24: You know, I remember when I finally got it years later, changed how I saw the whole scene, like finding buried treasure. Ever had that? A joke clicks and suddenly, boom, whole new meaning.

Unknown_31: Oh, totally. It's why we love this stuff, right?

Unknown_24: For real. Yeah. Shows you the power of a well-crafted joke. Speaking of craft...

Unknown_24: We talked visual gags, but how does audio humor, like in podcasts even, do the same thing? Can it be as clever?

Unknown_31: Oh, that's a good question. Visual stuff has the sight gags, the facial expressions, audio, you're relying on words, timing, how you say it. Totally different. But when it works, just as memorable.

Unknown_24: Right. Like that aha moment when you get the wordplay in a podcast, you feel like you're part of the joke. It's cool. Well, folks, there you have it. Sneeds feed and seed. A simple sign, right? But with layers of comedy. Who knew? We hope you had fun unpacking this with us. Maybe I'll make you listen a little closer to your favorite shows. Who knows what gems are hiding in plain sight. Until next time.

Unknown_03: That is entirely AI. Entirely. 100% AI. It is the product of something called Notebook LM.

Unknown_03: It's a very interesting thing I've never heard of before. And it's been around for a while, which is a little bit surprising.

Unknown_03: And the way that it works is that I think it's a thing for journalists. And the way that it works is that you feed it. I can't show you cause I'm not signed in on, on this browser.

Unknown_03: But what you do is you upload either web, like you put in a bunch of URLs or like scientific journals or publications. And then also sometimes your own notes. Like if you want to copy paste, like a text dump and, And then the product that they advertise is to help you digest all this information you've uploaded. So like if you're trying to write like a dissertation or do like a speech on something and you're just like as lazy as fuck, you can upload all your trusted sources into this thing.

Unknown_03: Have the AI rewrite this into a summary that you are willing to actually read. And then you can give your presentation on this. And it's very fascinating. They uploaded just the copypasta for Sneed's Feed and Seed. And one of the things that they just added to this product is that it can turn it into an NPR-style insipid back-and-forth radio talk show. And it's very good. As you heard, it's it's pretty convincing. And it's really weird because it's almost uncanny.

Unknown_03: Because I was listening to someone fed it just as a source, my my article about Liz Fong Jones and Honeycomb. And it was like a 10 minute long back and forth like that.

Unknown_03: Same voices, there's kind of like a lead follow where like the trustworthy male voice is the one that leads the conversation and the woman goes, oh, is that what that means? It's just like on a real talk show.

Unknown_03: And it was very fascinating and it did a very, very good job of summarizing my points. And they even had like this out of context understanding of what the Kiwi Farms was and they talked... Like the one was like, oh, that's a very controversial website. Maybe it's a good thing that it's being deplatformed. It's like weird because it sounds... And to make it sound extra like a real conversation, the guy like naturally mispronounces things. Like there's a part where it goes Kiwi Farms. And it's like it's a machine. It knows how to pronounce Kiwi Farms. It could do that consistently. But it chose to have him... misspeak so it sounds more human it's real fucking bizarre um

Unknown_03: Is this AI? Yes.

Unknown_03: But I don't know. I guess it's interesting because it's like so many people just listen to podcasts now that it's like, what if we made podcasts generative? If someone wants to learn more about how HVAC systems work, they can just plug in a bunch of articles and then get a personalized HVAC dissertation in podcast form so that you can listen to that.

Unknown_03: Cool. A little bit nightmarish, but cool, actually.

Unknown_03: Kick has zero viewers, I see. What have I done to deserve this, I wonder? Oh, there it goes. Okay.

Unknown_03: So, the last Gumroad video, and you might be, I wandered aloud as I walked into my closet. Why is there cornstarch all over the place? And the answer is because my last Gumroad video was about cornstarch, Chuck. Simply cornstarch. If you're interested in watching that now, you can, of course, subscribe to The Gumroad.

Unknown_03: Everybody else can wait until next Monday when these things come out. Last Monday was, I think, the... Which one came out last Monday? Sorry, I'm retarded. I don't know these things. No, the Gamergate video came out. No, wait. Did I not upload the last Gumroad video to come out on Monday? Yeah.

Unknown_03: How could I? Anyways.

Unknown_03: Actually, I had to process that one twice because I run my podcast through an automatic post-processing system to produce the MP3 files so that the MP3 files play well in your car stereo and stuff. And it kind of cleans out my breathing and a bunch of other unwanted artifacts that happen as a result of a real human being talking into a microphone.

Unknown_03: One of the things that it also seems to filter out is chirping, specifically fire alarm or smoke detector chirping noises. It also seems to filter out the sounds of people eating cornstarch. So I processed this. I uploaded it to Gumroad and I was happy with it. And I was listening through. um completely doing instead of just skimming through to check for quality i um gave it a listen on my own i'm like wait a second all the smoke alarm chirps are gone and that's so critical to the storytelling the narrative devices of my gumroad video so i had to um just normalize the audio instead of post-processing it and upload it with that instead uh cool

Unknown_05: So, where was I? Let's start with Trump, I suppose.

Unknown_03: Let's piss people off right out the gate, as we do. Donald Trump has been shot at again. There were gunshots in the vicinity of Trump. And this was a little bit surprising, because I think he had made a... This was at Mar-a-Lago. He had made a last-second diversion to be like, actually, I want to go do some golfing. So he went to Mar-a-Lago, unscheduled. And while he was there, someone tried to shoot at him.

Unknown_03: This person, what he did, I don't have a picture for this, but there was a picture. He had hung up two backpacks full of level four ceramic plates and then kind of snuck in between the two backpacks on the chain link fence and put his muzzle through the link and tried to shoot at him. And he didn't hit. He was also, I think the guy was captured alive. He was arrested. So his plates worked, I guess. I think he took a couple shots and then ran away, and they did catch him, so...

Unknown_03: He's a little bit of like a weirdo. He's a registered Republican, but that's because Democrats in the U.S., Democrats or Republicans register as the opposite party so they can vote in the closed primaries, and Florida is a closed primary state, so you have to be a registered Republican to vote in the primaries, but you can vote for whoever you want in the general. So if you want to fuck with the Republicans, you register as a Republican, you vote for Ron DeSantis instead of Trump, you hope that Ron DeSantis clinches the nomination because you believe, that DeSantis has a lower chance of winning than Trump does.

Unknown_03: Then come the general election, you vote for whoever you want. Uh, so the, the liberals are saying that this guy was a, um, Republican cause he was registered as one, although it's not likely. Um,

Unknown_03: He is... Is he from Hawaii? Does he just own a business there? Economical structures to address the highest homelessness rate in the United States due to unparalleled gentrification. The extremely high cost of land, building materials, labor, and ridiculous government regulation makes affordable housing extremely challenging in this environment. So I guess there's so much homeless people in Honolulu because it's just a bunch of islands, I guess. Who the fuck would want to live in Honolulu? Just live in Florida.

Unknown_03: Climate can't be that different, can it? I've never been to Hawaii. I kind of want to go to Hawaii now. I don't even like Hawaii.

Unknown_03: I don't really like hot climates, but I'm like, I've never been to Hawaii. I wonder if it's nice.

Unknown_03: Maybe it is. Anyways, it's unrelated.

Unknown_03: He's like a politisberg. He just spurgs on fucking Zetter all the time. I have thousands of Afghan soldiers that wish to serve for the Haiti National Police at cheap wages. 1,000 with passports ready to fly. And then there's a... Oh, he's also like a pro-Ukrainian, and he was trying to, like, help with, um...

Unknown_03: With aid, and he's just like all over the place, and he's fucking schizophrenic. As an American, I plan to fly to Ukraine and join the fight against aggression. We live in a civilized society where war puts Putin in line with Hitler. It is not wise or humane. I would beg off all civilians to stop what they are doing and go to Ukraine, oppose this. trying to convince people to fly to a foreign country and fight for their government so that Putin does not take more of eastern Ukraine.

Unknown_03: He also says, I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putin's Black Sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you please give me a price, please? It can be old and used as not returning.

Unknown_03: So this was him trying to solicit Elon Musk to allow him to build a weapon of mass destruction. I don't think he was successful in accomplishing this.

Unknown_05: Oh, this is what he was doing, huh? He was building, like, plywood sheds on wheels.

Unknown_03: Oh, we found you a house for the acreage. Finally.

Unknown_00: I can afford to build a house in today's challenging economic conditions, Chet.

Unknown_03: In D.C. in Kiev to provide soldiers for the war effort. And that's him. That's our boy. He looks insane. You can just look at some people and know that's a fucking crazy person. That's a fucking... He's in Kiev.

Unknown_03: Holy shit. He actually flew out to Kiev to take a picture in front of the Archangel Michael. That's interesting.

Unknown_03: What a nut. What kind of fucking lunatic flies to Ukraine?

Unknown_03: Only the most insane people, Chad. Only the most biggest lunatics.

Unknown_05: Oh, well.

Unknown_03: Who knows why he wanted to shoot Donald Trump? Maybe even stalker children. Jackie Singh knows.

Unknown_03: As she says, OS and analysis thread about Ryan Ruth, the man who allegedly directed an assassination attempt at Donald Trump's life today. Oh, I want the actual, I want the actual, I want the good stuff. Give me, give me the full hack and butts. Mrs. Hack and butts. What have we got today?

Unknown_03: Oh, I see Elon's website is running very quickly. By the way, I have done some programming work in the last week. I'm a little bit set back because... Oh, I can't fucking do this.

Unknown_05: Hold on.

Unknown_05: Let's go to SteelGraph's fucking... I didn't get as much work done as I wanted to because I've been playing Dota again. Um...

Unknown_03: I don't know. I'm not... I'm feeling kind of disheartened by Dota. I've been playing Turbo because I don't have enough time to really sit down and play like 45 minute long games. But it just doesn't feel like anybody's trying. Like I'm on top of my game. I'm finishing with like 10 kills, 5 deaths. And it's just like my team's not even fucking trying. They're not even awake. Like not... Hello?

Unknown_03: Hello?

Unknown_03: You want to cast your spells, buddy? You want to group up for a team fight?

Unknown_03: Hello? Oh no, you just want to sit there and cry and all chat and not do anything? Okay. I guess next game will be better. And then the next game is not better.

Unknown_04: Oh, the hamsters. That's right. Very important.

Unknown_05: Let's see.

Unknown_05: Trump's would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Ruth, his Facebook and website indicate he's been working an active PSYOP campaign on behalf of Russia to recruit volunteers for Ukraine.

Unknown_03: I invite those with Ukraine-specific knowledge to examine the website fightforukraine.com.ua. And that's the... We currently need Afghan special forces... Is this site still up? Or is this, like, down now?

Unknown_04: Oh, it's still up.

Unknown_05: Pay $1,200 USD per month for all ages, genders, and skill levels, including none.

Unknown_03: That's not very much money.

Unknown_05: It's a pretty decent looking website.

Unknown_05: What is this?

Unknown_04: Is this made in WooCommerce?

Unknown_05: Or WordPress?

Unknown_05: I don't know. This is probably just a WordPress.org site.

Unknown_03: Get to Poland.

Unknown_03: You do not need a visa. Simply get all... Simply gather all of your military gear and fly to Krakow. Take an inner city train to Brzmielice. Take a local train to Maduka. Madika? Mdeka. And make your way to the border with Ukraine. Tell the border guard you want to join the International Legion. And they will take you to the office and meet with Nazar and the leaders. If you do not have military experience, you must sell yourself that you are capable. They will run your passport and go through your phone to make sure you are not Russian. If accepted, you go directly to the nearby base and train.

Unknown_03: There is a tent located alongside the sidewalk to the border to the Foreign Legion. It is very casual. You can sell yourself there to be shipped to their base in Western Ukraine. So if you...

Unknown_03: So these are your options. Go to Poland, ask for the International Legion, ask for the Foreign Legion, or if all else fails, cross the border to Ukraine, take a bus to Lviv. Go to take a train to Kiev and then get in touch with him in particular. And then he will just call up the actual military combat units and say, hey, we have fucking cannon fodder here. Where do you want them? And then they'll just send your dumb ass to get killed by an artillery shell in a trench somewhere. That's great. That's a great plan.

Unknown_05: Okay. Okay. The Taiwan Foreign Legion.

Unknown_05: Okay, so there's another Foreign Legion website. I don't get it.

Unknown_05: Chinese state media photographed him at a demonstration in Ukraine to help establish he was pro-Ukraine.

Unknown_03: Taiwan state media also ran a piece saying Ruth had nothing to do with opposing China's position on Taiwan.

Unknown_03: What does that mean? Okay. Here's a video of Ryan Ruth, if you'd like to hear him speak about this himself. Okay.

Unknown_05: Let me try changing it.

Unknown_03: I'm curious what Shitskin's point is.

Unknown_03: Like, there has to be a point. A thousand people liked that tweet. What did they see? What did they know? Okay, is this on Ukrainian? What's this?

Unknown_00: We need to show the support that we have from the international community around the world. If governments will not send their troops, civilians have come here to support Ukraine and support humanity. So we have to celebrate every single human that's come here to sacrifice their time and their money and go to the front lines and sacrifice their livelihood.

Unknown_00: They are heroes, and we cannot have governments that disregard the fact that people have come here from around the world to support Ukraine and get shot at by the Russians.

Unknown_00: And we can't ignore that. We have 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 humans that have come here to fight. And that is the most wonderful thought in the world, that they would sacrifice the possibility of getting killed.

Unknown_03: And this, they said, by 2024, he was disillusioned and angry. He was kicked out of Ukraine and they were warning people about him. He texted this spring that he would laugh with the rest of the world when Ukraine falls. He was clearly mentally disturbed.

Unknown_03: So he was like a genuine, like mentally ill person. He went to Ukraine. He set up all these websites to try and get more people fighting in Ukraine. And they were like, bro, you're like low IQ. You're like a liability. You got to go. And then he said, okay, well, fuck you guys. I hope Putin wins. If you don't want me, I don't want you. And then Jackie Singh thinks, oh, he's a Russian spy because of this.

Unknown_05: Okay, so that's her point. I got you.

Unknown_03: Why do I believe that he was a spy? The website associated to be a sophisticated... This. This is a sophisticated, multi-layered PSYOP.

Unknown_03: The extreme rhetoric, unrealistic demands, and encouragement of reckless behavior seem to be to discredit legitimate Ukrainian support, potentially escalate the conflict, and create division among Ukraine's allies.

Unknown_03: You need to run this shit through a fucking AI generator to make your fucking point for you. You know, she's got hands like the size of catcher mitts so that she can shit in the street and not wipe her ass.

Unknown_03: Laura Loomer. Now, last stream, I, eons ahead of the curb, told people, that the way Trump was hugging on Laura Loomer meant that he was getting Lumasi. Now, many people immediately upon hearing this vomited, vomited directly next to them where they were seated in the chair. Some threw up on their laps. Some projectile vomited. Many people were disgusted and hurt to hear that I would even talk about the Lumasi in such a reckless way.

Unknown_03: Josh, there's only a couple pictures of Laura Loomer dangling off of Donald Trump like jewelry. Josh, there's only a two minute long video where Donald Trump talks about Loomer in a way that a man would talk about his own wife. Josh, you have recklessly, recklessly loomer posted, and I cannot forgive you. Indeed, many people in articles and happenings on the Kiwi farms were angry that I would dare suggest that Donald Trump got loomed. Many people more were further enraged when I featured the post speculating that Laura Loomer and Trump were together.

Unknown_03: And in the time since then, literally every publication in the world has honed in on the fact that they're very weird.

Unknown_03: And, and I don't have this up yet.

Unknown_03: Truth Social, Donald Trump, Laura Lummer. I can't believe I forgot this.

Unknown_05: Donald Trump did...

Unknown_05: tried to distance himself already, but it's very hard to actually find truth social post on Google.

Unknown_03: They have abysmal search engine optimization.

Unknown_05: Okay, I guess I'm not gonna find it on DuckDuckGo.

Unknown_03: Try Google.

Unknown_03: I do. I want to read verbatim what Trump said. Oh, by the way, I love I love it how they say registrata para votar. All you little Mexicans that can't speak fucking English, but you want to register to vote. Please, please register to vote. Please. All you people that can't speak English, please register to vote.

Unknown_03: I hate Spanish. It's such an ugly fucking language. Spanish sounds to me like the sound of...

Unknown_03: grit like dirt and cardboard it is like this spine tingling ugly sound i'm playing dota and someone was just saying like i'm just like i don't want to fucking hear you talk i never wanted to hear you talk i did not give you permission to address me um i never ever want to hear these fucking sounds in my fucking ear ever again

Unknown_05: Okay, I'm not going to be able to find this fucking thing. I'm stalling for time here.

Unknown_05: Better than Arabic. Anything's better than fucking Arabic.

Unknown_03: Sounds of a black woman eating chicken bones.

Unknown_03: More palpable, more pleasant to one's ears than Arabic.

Unknown_05: Arabic.

Unknown_05: Something about when you walk down the street and you see a woman in like a hijab, you're just like, you don't fucking belong here.

Unknown_03: You got that fucking rag on your head and you got that fucking carpet. Just walk around that fucking carpet.

Unknown_03: Don't want to see that.

Unknown_03: Okay. I'm not going to be able to find this fucking post because when I search Donald Trump, truth, social, Laura Loomer, I'm going to get every fucking link in the entire fucking internet. Quadrillions of fucking URLs. before I get the post on Truth Social by Donald Trump containing the words, Laura Loomer. Thank you, internet. How many trillions of dollars have been invested into Google to make their algorithm the cutting edge, and you can't find me a fucking post on the fucking internet when I use the exact goddamn language that's included in it.

Unknown_03: Literally trillions of dollars, millions and millions and millions of man hours spent to make search engines and I can't find a fucking post on the fucking site included in the fucking search query. Okay, now I'm pissed. I'm going to Truth Social directly and I'm going to scroll the fuck down until I find this fucking post.

Unknown_03: This is why we need AI for everything. Google's like, oh my god, we don't know what the fuck to do. Our search engine algorithm is complete fucking shit. Everything that we do sucks. Everyone hates us. Our core product is failing. It's falling apart at the fucking seams. People just go to TikTok and type in shit now because they don't even want to fucking try. What do we do? God, maybe we can create synthetic life that can harness the knowledge of all mankind and all human history. And then you can ask that to figure out what the fuck you want because we can't figure it out. We're completely helpless. The trillions of dollars that you've given us to make something that fucking works. True social blocks the fucking my VPN. So I can't even do that. This is the internet in 2024.

Unknown_03: Go to Google, type in website, post, post your name, content of post. Don't fucking get the tweet. You go to the website, your VPN is blocked. That's it. That's how it feels to use the internet in 2024. That's why I hate it. I'm going to fuck this internet up for everybody. I'm going to ruin it. There's going to be 10 websites that are legal and have licenses to operate in the country after I'm fucking done with it. And then I'm going to retire and I'm going to grow potatoes and fuck all of you.

Unknown_03: That's my plan. I'm going to play Dota, and I'm going to grow potatoes, and fuck you. I'm going to fuck you at a professional level. I'm going to fuck you harder than life itself. That's what I'm up to.

Unknown_05: VTubers, get out of here, hamster. I have no more news.

Unknown_05: Now, everybody knows that it's out of my character to shill for VTubers, but you gotta hear me out.

Unknown_03: These are my favorite. These are my Oshis, and I need to tell you all how much I love them. And they're getting married, chat. AsahiLinux. AsahiLinux. Not only a VTuber, but an operating system programmer. is getting married to Zara's boy wife, CyanNan6. Lena Asahi and I are officially together. We're a VTuber duo as the Tokyo Hacker Girls, spreading love, music, knowledge, and positivity together.

Unknown_03: Like when Hector Martin spread the news that, uh, Buick killed himself because of a three-page fucking forum thread about him and the positivity that brought the entire world. Please make our 3D wedding stream come true. And then he links to his donation page. Well, what's going on on this?

Unknown_03: Well, it's a $10,000 donation goal. We want to re-debut in 3D with brand new matching models. Help us reach our goal and start our new VTuber life together. And somehow, this fucking thing has $700 already.

Unknown_03: Um, from 21 supporters. That's a fucking, that's more than you fuckers give me. What is this? 700 divided by 21. How much is that? $33 per person. You fuckers don't give me $33. I get like the same fucking three people giving me $1 super chats for my every fucking, every opinion I've ever had my entire life.

Unknown_03: Meanwhile, AsahiLinux, Asahi, his name is fucking Asahi, Asahi, ass as in man ass, a he as in a man, AsahiLinux and CyanNyan6 get $33 per donor. That's my life. I'm getting completely stampeded by tranny VTubers.

Unknown_03: And somehow I have to wake up in the morning and keep going.

Unknown_03: Okay, let's see this shit.

Unknown_03: Where are they at now?

Unknown_05: What are our boys up to? One more step. Please complete the security check to access.

Unknown_03: Oh, my God. I love completing security checks. Traffic lights. Oh, my God. I didn't think I would see any traffic lights today, but there they were. Oh, my God. I'm a real boy. I know how to look at stairs.

Unknown_03: Stairs check. When I see stairs, my whole day is just made.

Unknown_05: No robot in the whole world knows what a stairs is.

Unknown_03: Okay, they made another $100, 26 supporters. Shocking.

Unknown_03: This, the th, the girls.youtube.

Unknown_03: What the fuck?

Unknown_03: What top-level domain is YT?

Unknown_03: I'm going to take a guess before I type in it. NIC.YT. Yucatan? Does that have its own top-level domain?

Unknown_05: Yemen? No, it doesn't have a T in it.

Unknown_05: I have no fucking idea what the fuck YT is.

Unknown_05: Okay, let's see what it is. Is the top-level country code for...

Unknown_03: Mayota?

Unknown_03: A part of France?

Unknown_03: What the fuck is Mayota, bro? You mean to tell me this little piece of shit dingleberry hanging off the ass of Madagascar has its own country code and it's .youtube? Is that a fucking joke? Why does France need 10,000 different top-level domains for all its shitty overseas departments?

Unknown_03: If I buy, does Epstein Island have its own country code? Can we get a .ep? I want to see some fun websites on .ep. It's big enough. It should qualify. Fucking dumb shit.

Unknown_05: I can, piece of shit.

Unknown_05: Tokyo hackers girl dot chin chin.

Unknown_03: What I don't know why they always need Chan in this. Oh my god We're a real VTuber channel. We have dot Chan on it Welcome aboard the official channel of the Tokyo hackers will a VTuber Yuri couple, bro If you're fucking the dude in the ass, you ain't Yuri. You're not a lesbian Featuring sign nyan. No, they have matching French. What is it? My yo, how do I pronounce this?

Unknown_16: My yacht

Unknown_05: Mayotte. Okay, I got you. I figured it out.

Unknown_05: I gotta hear this tranny voice.

Unknown_05: Cleaning roleplay, bro. 2,000 people!

Unknown_03: Dude, you fucking sad sacks actually watch this shit. This is where we're at with the VTuber stuff. 50,000! All you have to do... Okay, I gotta hear the falsetto.

Unknown_05: You mean like a video for his wedding thing?

Unknown_05: Oh my god, we're watching this.

Unknown_03: Some people like boundless mountain peaks. Some people like the magnificent sea. Some people also like bright flowers. That's really, that's so cool. Can you start talking?

Unknown_03: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Unknown_07: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Unknown_06: Linux kernel development.

Unknown_06: They met in Twitter DMs.

Unknown_06: Oh, it's so romantic.

Unknown_03: Dude, he seasoned his food. That's good.

Unknown_03: Sushi with the scales on? Ew.

Unknown_03: oh my god i don't want to see any more fucking stock photo finally fried onion rings that's what i'm talking about speak tranny speak oh my god this fucking freak doesn't talk at all let's hear the cleaning roleplay chat Oh, accidentally left the wrong thing.

Unknown_34: But that's fine.

Unknown_06: Ideals.

Unknown_06: hola amigo, it's me, yo maydo, get out the room master, I brought the broom, I'm gonna sweep it up real quick, hoy dios mio, a five dollar tip, for me, per me, amigo, you shouldn't have. You want to get married I say You want to develop out the helix together and say as man and man as woman and woman I

Unknown_06: The end.

Unknown_34: Why is this thing not going down? Alright. Let's hope. You.

Unknown_03: I know that the VTubers love to sing. What do you guys think about humming? That's very impressive. Are you getting those ASMR tingles? If you got an ASMR tingle from that, you got to give me $100. That's how it works.

Unknown_03: I was eating into the mic. Ew. It's not even cornstarch.

Unknown_34: You don't want me to access the cabinet?

Unknown_03: The cabinet, I say. It's where I keep the heroin.

Unknown_03: The coyotes are coming.

Unknown_03: Make sure you don't touch it. They get really mad if the heroin's gone, I say.

Unknown_05: Girl anesthesia reaction after wisdom teeth removal.

Unknown_03: Wow, that's a fetish. Have I ever heard one?

Unknown_03: Hello, everyone. $10,000 raise. I want to get my husband a matching VTuber avatar. $10,000 off of our...

Unknown_02: She told me how to change the paper in my mouth.

Unknown_02: I have, like, ice caps. Ice caps? I have ice pads all around my cheeks.

Unknown_02: And it is so cold.

Unknown_03: I want to hear Hector again, because that's really funny.

Unknown_05: Here we go.

Unknown_05: Here we go. I'm sorry, you have to go to the live tab if you want to hear him.

Unknown_03: A 10-hour long thing. Oh, my God. Oh, here they are streaming together. I want to hear their dynamic energy.

Unknown_03: Oh my, their avatars aren't matching, chat. They're completely different styles and everything. The rigging one doesn't even, the one that doesn't even have the rigging, chat. This is a disaster. Only your generous contribution to their ko-fi will allow them to be unionized in art style.

Unknown_03: Nigga, you really code like this?

Unknown_03: Nigga, you're coding in Notepad, in Windows Notepad.

Unknown_33: So, what is probably the clock frequency of that input?

Unknown_06: Hey, guys. Hey, guys, it's me. It's your hombre. Just saying that.

Unknown_06: Give me money. I'm programming a whole operating system.

Unknown_33: Of in two. And I'm guessing it's in one and two and three and four. For the cocks there.

Unknown_03: Yes, it's two dudes pretending to be two girls that are pretending to be animes.

Unknown_03: Awesome, bro.

Unknown_03: No one's name and talking you're not putting in your efforts cyanion six samples to not be consecutive Come on, let me scroll another bats cyanion is not even talking at all Or did to some stuff so I want a

Unknown_03: Play on there it bind it considers it bound.

Unknown_33: So that means that What the fuck that anime sucks ma isn't doing shit These homosexuals always homosexuals her like I

Unknown_05: We're watching this. 15,000 homosexuals watching this.

Unknown_03: Fascinating. Okay, let's move on. I have other trainings I want to roast today.

Unknown_03: Now, I have to consider fair use, right? I have to show things on the internet.

Unknown_03: And I have to be careful of other people's rights. However, this is a short film, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to criticize something like this without just watching it chat. So, for the sake of my profound commentary, I will be watching the entirety of this. This is Philosophy Tube. Philosophy Tube made his parents watch this, and apparently it's a short film. I have not seen any of it, so we're watching it together for the first time here.

Unknown_16: no consume you take something beautiful and you bring part of it into yourself you know chokers now you can't wear them because chokers are just like instant tranny red flag you get to become beautiful beautiful beautiful you get to become good you don't think you're good now no obviously

Unknown_18: I'm a blood-sucking leech.

Unknown_15: Some vampires use that word ironically. I'm reclaiming it. I'm just saying it might mask some genuine insecurity.

Unknown_18: Don't therapy me.

Unknown_03: This is awful. This is like a conversation between the two worst people ever. This is like a Twitter conversation. This is like Discord or Twitter, but like acted in like some Italian guy's restaurant.

Unknown_17: Being a leechy bitch.

Unknown_17: Give me that plasma, daddy. Make my chinny all red.

Unknown_03: oh this is overwhelming this is really cringe you guys know i'm not that good at cringe you're advertising yourself as controllable well when i drink his blood while he nuts inside me you will see he's in control not you oh my gosh i don't know what i'm gonna be like

Unknown_18: I've never gotten a facial before, but I've always really wanted one. Jesus. Did you know that when you're angry, you're actually kind of hot? Stop.

Unknown_03: bro what is the all this is is like hi yeah you know trannies are like a horrific sex pest and you can't stand to be around them basically that's true and here's a whole short video dedicated to it but you're making me so wet fucking childish bell what are you gonna do you gonna punish me mommy uh-huh

Unknown_15: what is the point of this silence tranny stop it

Unknown_03: I want like Donald Trump to come in there with like a shotgun loaded with wood pellets and just fucking murdered these people. That was extreme.

Unknown_15: Can you understand if you weren't listening why I might act in a way that seemed extreme given the big emotions I was feeling in the moment? Guess who you sound like?

Unknown_05: This sucks.

Unknown_05: Yeah, this sucks.

Unknown_03: Art's supposed to convey a point, usually. I mean, I guess there's art for art's sake, but this is clearly supposed to be a conversation that imparts something. And I don't know what it's supposed to impart besides cementing further my utter fucking contempt for these trannies. And that... Yeah, besides that... And that these are the two most annoying fucking people in the world. And that we'd be better off without them. What am I supposed to feel?

Unknown_03: The lack of a point is the point. That's stupid.

Unknown_03: Behead those that create stupid art.

Unknown_03: This is not satire or anything else, though. Desmond is amazing. You might remember him as the little boy that was attending pride parades and drag as just a heckin' drag enjoyer that his mom put him up to. Well, here he is as a 17-year-old.

Unknown_03: And you can see that twink death has cometh. This is a 17-year-old, but he looks 40 somehow. I guess being raped in the ass continuously as a little boy ages you a little bit faster than it does other people.

Unknown_03: Let's scroll down just a little bit. Let's try this out picture, actually.

Unknown_03: You may notice that his five pearl necklaces has a medallion. And that medallion is in Hebrew.

Unknown_03: Would anyone like to guess what the medallion says in Hebrew chat?

Unknown_05: Any Jews in the audience that can translate this for us?

Unknown_05: Not seeing any Jews in the audience that can translate this.

Unknown_04: dude praise moloch goy no he's not um girl that's the closest one it's bride that word means bride as in a woman getting married fascinating i wonder what he's married to i wonder who he's the bride of moloch i guess uh pretty fucking sad pretty tragic um

Unknown_03: Since I'm kind of on a tear with just pointing out crazy trainee dubs and making fun of them right now, I figured why not one more? I haven't read through this yet. I was short on time. And I definitely was short on time and not just playing Dota.

Unknown_03: So one thing I was made aware of is that one of the developers for his Space Station 14...

Unknown_03: started posting on something called the F-95 Zone to get into a flame war, and he had a little back and forth, and this was the starting post that got the flame war going. This is him saying...

Unknown_03: In reply to a random guy account, I don't want to dispel the narrative that he's been dominating these past few pages in which our protagonist, the plucky pirate Green Drake, has been putting in their place a tyrannical, power-hungry porn dev. I want to watch Green Drake grow into the best version of themselves, a fucking laughingstock.

Unknown_03: You don't remember a long time ago. I kind of went over the transformation furry porn game that one of the developers for space station 14 is involved in and he posted like this big call-out post about how a this rival dev in the space station 14 community was, um, had pirated his game. And he used that as like a causes Belli to be like, we should murder and decapitate this horrible person and excise him from our community. Um, so he's still being made fun of on various online forums. And I think that there's a, a call out to me at some point in this, he says,

Unknown_03: You know, saying shit like this isn't helpful for you or Sky's case, especially when you're admitting that your intent is to harass and ridicule someone. But I doubt you care or are thinking farther than just shotgunning trigger words to try and bait a reaction. Capital G Gamer? Plucky Pirate? Really, my dude? Also, brilliant strategy trying to get sympathy by agreeing that Sky overreacted, understatement of the year, Lamau, only to then shit on everyone else later in your post. 10 for 10 for effort, but 0 out of 10 for execution. Wait to get a reply.

Unknown_05: Um, someone says, also, I'm generally sending at the cognitive distance.

Unknown_03: The people in this thread consistently demonstrate.

Unknown_05: Where's the funny post about me?

Unknown_03: This is what he says. He says,

Unknown_03: In retrospect, I probably should have remembered that this username was tied to the email I used to register for SkyCorp's game, which to be fair was an absolutely boneheaded move, and yeah, being mocked for that is entirely valid.

Unknown_03: And then he has an aside saying, thanks for the roast on your live stream, Null, you fucking asshole. This guy is among us. This guy is listening to this right now. There is a furry porn dev in our rings.

Unknown_03: And I don't know how I'm going to find that person and destroy them. But it is in my power, theoretically, I suppose.

Unknown_05: Mogus.

Unknown_05: Let's see, a lot of the images have gotten dropped.

Unknown_03: Here is the Jesse's recent dump, the only post that was critically harmed by bad screenshotting.

Unknown_03: What is this about?

Unknown_05: Is he angry?

Unknown_05: This is porn game being stolen again.

Unknown_05: Here are those receipts I have, but those are for lawyers to look at, not random dickheads.

Unknown_03: On the lowercase I internet, bro, come the fuck on. You know better.

Unknown_03: You watch my podcast. You know how to spell internet. Also, I'm keeping this only to refute or explain claims that Sky... I'm correcting his grammar as I read, by the way, because I don't think that's accurate.

Unknown_03: And I've also redacted names and usernames other than Skydra as I do not want to give ammunition for possible harassment. This post and my others is intended as a rebuttal to her claims. Her claims, bro.

Unknown_05: This is him saying that people are doxing him, and it's this guy's fault, the Green Drake's fault. I can't read the actual screenshot, though. I just want to let you know that Blank has been contacted regarding some community drama with your volunteer projects. While we're not interested in getting involved...

Unknown_05: He's trying to get him like arrested for federal copyright violations.

Unknown_03: And get the tranny arrested for up to five years for commercial piracy.

Unknown_03: He's citing like laws and stuff.

Unknown_05: He's sending this to a lawyer. That's when I get that fucker.

Unknown_05: Sent on behalf of Skydra LLC regarding online harassment issues.

Unknown_03: So he got a cease and desist from the Tranny's LLC for online harassment because he's going out and saying that this insane Tranny is trying to pirate his wholesome porn game. What the fuck is this? The F95 Zone.

Unknown_05: Underworld by Skycorp found.

Unknown_04: I guess it's piracy.

Unknown_03: This is like, am I supposed to, you're supposed to be, is it like a piracy website? It's like a porn game piracy website.

Unknown_05: And that's when he starts, then he literally joins the site to start yelling at people and talking about the conspiracy.

Unknown_05: NTR should be loved by everybody.

Unknown_03: From Vocal Noid. 20 replies.

Unknown_03: If you sympathize with Jez because they are a pirate, remember that they are against open-source ideals, retaliating against people for forking an MIT-licensed project, pushing the use of AGBL to be banned in other people's projects, using similar strong-arm tactics, bro. This is super autistic. This is literally like two gooner furry retards, like, slap-fighting with each other. Um... Let's see...

Unknown_05: okay so there's a guy that world of t-shirts guys right and apparently he's having he's like a super bad alcoholic and i think he's having like alcohol induced psychosis now so it's probably the beginning of the end for him um this might be quite loud but this is apparently a super montage of him spurging out on live stream

Unknown_03: And one thing I want to point out, on the bottom right, you'll see the number 12. The symbol next to that is Juan, and that means 10,000. So supposedly, there are 120,000 people watching this live stream right now. Or when this was recorded.

Unknown_22: You're not stealing shit! I'm wrong!

Unknown_03: You know, there's going to be three different Joshes in this stream. There's going to be me, there's going to be this guy, and then I'm also going to be talking about Blow Blacks. He's also a Josh. Someone sent in this triggering super chat about how Josh is a rat. And apparently he used a creepy whispering Morgan Freeman voice to scare him. I'm from the Bronx! I'm from the Bronx!

Unknown_14: I can't afford a lawyer! What do I do? What do I do? I can't afford a lawyer! What do I do? Why do you keep calling, bro?

Unknown_15: I'm about to block you.

Unknown_10: Why do you keep calling? I'm about to block you.

Unknown_14: Why?

Unknown_10: You have nothing to say? I'll fucking kill you! Dumb! I'll fucking kill you! I'll fucking kill you! I'm from the Bronx!

Unknown_20: The Bronx! 149 Grand Concourse.

Unknown_14: I can't afford a lawyer. What do I do? How do I sue? I can't afford a lawyer. What do I do?

Unknown_10: Where's our Uber? What do I do? Hold on, break character. What do I do? Where's the Uber? Mike Gillis just subscribed on YouTube.

Unknown_14: What do I do?

Unknown_14: I can't afford a lawyer. What am I going to do?

Unknown_22: You want to go to strip club?

Unknown_22: Wanna go to a strip club? No! You're not! Three, two, one, I'm dead!

Unknown_05: I clicked the muted button and it did not unmute.

Unknown_03: So let me repeat myself. Apparently the Mr. Bass guy view bots, but he is still getting like super chats and shit. And it makes me wonder, like, who is watching this? Like, is it like little kids or like the TikTok people like so vicious that they. Watch this guy just stand there and film this retard to have like a psychotic breakdown. And then they're just like, yeah, I'm going to super chat to like fuck with this guy. Is that what's happening? Is that just where we're at? Is that what the kids do these days?

Unknown_14: Fuck you, niggas!

Unknown_03: Based! Based! That's why you can't stream on Twitch. Because you might get fucking punked by the World of T-Shirts guy.

Unknown_09: Hey, hey, hey, hey, no racist!

Unknown_03: Oh my god, he's like recoiling.

Unknown_03: The guy says, I'll fucking kill you. I'm from the Bronx, bitch. I'll slit your fucking throat, you little pussy motherfucker. And he's like, whatever, bro.

Unknown_03: uh and oh he's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bruddy whoa we're in a we're in 2024 bro we're in the current year bro no racism bro josh what's going on josh you all right right here

Unknown_10: Help this guy, please.

Unknown_14: There's guys after me. They have knives.

Unknown_10: They have knives.

Unknown_14: I can't afford a lawyer. What do I do? I don't know. Here, maybe go home. Just help him, bro. There's guys after me with knives. Help. Hey, you're okay. You're okay. There's men coming at me with knives.

Unknown_10: Can you help us? Just give him a hug. No. Give him a hug. There's guys after me with knives.

Unknown_14: Help. It's okay. Help. You're going to be okay, dude.

Unknown_10: You're going to be okay, Josh. Give him a hug. This guy's after me with knives. Do something. Just give this guy a hug, Josh.

Unknown_14: I don't get paid enough for this shit. I only make 60K a year.

Unknown_09: He only makes 60K a year. Josh. Josh, let's go. Let's go. Come on. You got 10 seconds. Let's go. They're giving you time to leave with your wife. Go. Go.

Unknown_09: Go, Josh! Go! Run!

Unknown_07: Run!

Unknown_09: Run! Keep going!

Unknown_09: Keep going! They gave you a pass, Josh!

Unknown_09: Go!

Unknown_03: Is this what life is like in New York?

Unknown_03: Can anyone in New York tell me if this is a common sight? Like, if you walk down the street, do you usually see, like, one influencer with his phone on a stick chasing after a mentally ill person who's obviously fucked up? Fuck you!

Unknown_10: I'm so sorry, Bob.

Unknown_10: I'm so sorry. What are you doing, Josh?

Unknown_14: There's men after me!

Unknown_03: Someone says... I'm seeing many people say yes. I don't know if that's true, though.

Unknown_14: I'm running, Frank.

Unknown_10: You're being very crazy, Josh. You're right. Come on. You just did a great song. Come on.

Unknown_03: You're doing your.

Unknown_03: So many people are saying yes. And I don't know if that's true.

Unknown_03: Pretty much so many people are saying yes, that I believe it might. It's worse actually is what one person says. Interesting.

Unknown_03: I've been to New York.

Unknown_03: One time, I want to say. I'm trying to remember what I did. I was very young. I think I saw a pride parade while I was there. It was just a coincidence. There was a pride parade in New York.

Unknown_05: And I...

Unknown_05: What else did I do? I went to go see something. I got pizza.

Unknown_03: I remember the big slice of pizza that you gotta fold up. Like a little... You gotta fold it on itself.

Unknown_03: That was good. I remember the pizza being... I just got like a margarita. I went to go see the Statue of Liberty. Um...

Unknown_03: I was told that there would be more rape and murder in New York. I didn't see anybody get raped and murdered. The thing I remember about New York is the whole city that never sleeps thing. I remember I woke up at like 3 and I looked out the window. And you would think it was like midday. Like the streets were so crowded. The KFC was open. People were going in and out with like buckets of chicken and shit. It was just like in the middle of the fucking night, but everyone was up.

Unknown_03: That's probably the most memorable thing.

Unknown_03: I remember the pizza. Of course I remember the pizza, bro. I think I'm the fucking only thing I am.

Unknown_03: Okay, this is Graham... I think it's Graham. Maybe it's Graham Kelly. He's, um, the Irish brony. And I think he's also considered a pedophile. I can't remember if he's, like, an actual pedophile or if he's, like, one of those, like, retards that got tricked into saying something pedophilic, so now they just call him, like, a pedophile. He's, like, severely mentally handicapped. Um... So this, uh...

Unknown_03: This is the chat message that they wanted me to read. Graham Kelly says...

Unknown_03: Hi there, everybody. I would like to get this off my chest. I don't wipe my ass after I use the toilet because I find it disgusting and gross. The only way I would wipe my ass is if I'm wearing gloves and then using the toilet tissue. And I don't wipe myself if I'm in a public bathroom. I feel that all public toilets should come with gloves as well as the toilet tissues as well, as I find it disgusting and gross to wipe without it.

Unknown_03: So let me find a picture of this guy. He's on the front page before I talk about the poo-poo issue that we have here.

Unknown_03: This is him. Yeah, this is the guy I remember. Okay, that's him. He doesn't wipe his ass. He walks around in Ireland. Presumably he skunks out. He's a bioweapon employed by the Kiwi Farms. He finds, what's his name? Who's that tranny that started Kiwi Farms?

Unknown_03: I want to say Bossman. That's not Bossman Jack.

Unknown_03: Keffels. He hunts down Keffels and then gasses him out with his stinky ass on the reg. He just finds him and then just walks in front of him and gasses that fucking tranny out with his ass.

Unknown_03: Um, now you would, I mean, there are like people, I, I'm aware that there are people who can't poop unless they completely undress. Like they have to poop naked. Um, cause I don't know. It's a, it's a thing. It's definitely a thing. I've, I've heard people have this where they have to get completely undressed to poop naked.

Unknown_03: So if you have like a weird poop thing where you can't just go to the bathroom, it's on you to bring gloves.

Unknown_03: You can't just not wipe your ass. I don't know how it's less gross to not wipe your ass.

Unknown_03: So that's weird. But he is like a brony retard, so that's probably a good explanation. There's a second thing. If this disgusts you and raises contempt for this person, he's dying. He has liver failure.

Unknown_03: This video he posted did not have audio.

Unknown_30: Listen. I have a bit of bad news to tell you. And that is that... That I have... That pretty soon I'll be going... I don't know when I'll be getting it. But I'll be... I went to my doctor. So I did. And... I went to my doctor a few weeks ago. And he sent me for a scan. On my liver. And I'm now on a waiting list...

Unknown_30: over in the hospital to get a liver transplant.

Unknown_30: So for the last couple of weeks, I haven't been able to drink. I haven't been able to drink any sort of alcohol at all because of how damaged my liver is because of the amount of alcohol I've drank through my teenage years and right through my adult years as well.

Unknown_30: Because I didn't realize at the time that I was damaging my liver.

Unknown_03: Dude, Ireland must be like the hardest place to get a liver in the entire world. If you need a liver transplant in Ireland, you're just fucked.

Unknown_30: My liver so much until my doctor told me.

Unknown_30: So I'm on a waiting list for a new liver. So I am. And I only found that out the other day when the doctor's office rang me and explained everything to me. So they did.

Unknown_03: Sounds Canadian. I don't think so.

Unknown_05: I am slightly concerned this might be fake.

Unknown_05: Let's see, is there anyone else expressing doubts? Is there a confirmation of this?

Unknown_05: No, Mom, I will not wipe.

Unknown_03: I like to let it crust. That's contributive. Thank you. I don't know. I have not learned more information about if this is fake or not, but I have seen a meme, so I will consider that a mission accomplished.

Unknown_03: Now, I have news. Ordinarily, this would be news, but due to extraordinary circumstances, it is not news. It is in the locale section.

Unknown_03: A man kills three other people of his own blood. His two sisters and his own mother. And you would think, that's horrible, Josh. What makes him a lolcow? Is it the fact that he's British? No, it's that he's fucking insane, chat.

Unknown_03: On June 30th, my sister decided to make the only correct choice is... He also looks like Liz Fong Jones, kind of.

Unknown_28: ...an episode one of season one of The Walking Dead games. and for that her face will be mutilated further than necessary. I also recall a video by Living Echoes on YouTube, Best of Lee and Clementine, definitive edition, it was a compilation, and he decided to kill Larry in front of Clementine, and then I later learned he decided to kill the St. Johns in front of Clementine.

Unknown_03: So, it's very hard to understand him because he's British and also a retard, but he's talking about the Telltale Walking Dead games, which is a...

Unknown_03: Which is a game where it says your choices matter and then they don't really fucking matter at all. It's one of those games.

Unknown_03: I remember playing it on Wii and it was pretty decent.

Unknown_03: But there's like a little girl. It's like a black girl and a guy that's like an adoptive father for her in the post-apocalypse. And this guy is obsessed with Clementine, the little girl, and believes that certain choices are necessary in the game to avoid traumatizing her.

Unknown_03: He is outlining that his sisters picked the wrong choices in this game, and for that, he is upset. I am the chosen one.

Unknown_28: Chosen by Clementine... I'm guided as Christians are guided by Jesus Christ and there will be no more killings of Larry's in front of Clementine, no more killings of St John's in front of Clementine and overall Clementine's content will be preserved, maximised.

Unknown_28: That's the message I want to give out.

Unknown_05: Okay.

Unknown_05: There is something.

Unknown_03: When you play this game, you have like four different options usually to every response.

Unknown_03: And I remember this was so long ago when this game came out that I was still in contact with my family. I remember I was sitting with my little cousins on the couch playing this game. And there's a scene where you come to the realization that the family you're with are cannibals. And that Clementine is about to eat human flesh.

Unknown_03: And usually your choices are like three different things. But there's also always the fourth choice. Because every choice is a quick time event. And if you don't choose fast enough, you say nothing. And the story progresses as if you had said nothing. So...

Unknown_03: When I got to this part, because throughout the entire game, I had been picking choices as I would normally, because, I don't know, I find it hard to, like, troll and, like, the choose-your-own-adventure-game things.

Unknown_03: Um... But, when I got to this part, I chose to say nothing.

Unknown_05: And, um... Oh, man, I wish I could...

Unknown_05: I'm trying to find it. It is like one of the most hysterical fucking things and I honestly don't know if I can find this.

Unknown_03: This guy says all choices and it's like what's the one where you don't say anything?

Unknown_05: Does he have this? I wonder.

Unknown_05: Is this it?

Unknown_05: Kenny, no!

Unknown_20: Lily, grab a knife!

Unknown_06: What did I eat?

Unknown_06: What did I eat?

Unknown_03: It doesn't have this, like, label where it's like you can understand what the fuck is happening. Does someone have timestamps?

Unknown_04: No.

Unknown_04: All these people are going to play it honestly and not... What's funny is that when you get to this part of the game, if you say nothing, then... Oh, dude, this guy did... Is this right?

Unknown_05: Sorry, I really want to show you this because it's fucking funny.

Unknown_05: Okay, here we go. I think this is it. Please, if this isn't it, I'm gonna look like a fucking retard for interrupting this to show you 20-year-old video game footage.

Unknown_03: Okay, please work, please work.

Unknown_03: Okay, he just found out about the corpse, and he's running back in to warn them about the meat. Hey, what's wrong, you?

Unknown_20: sit your ass down lee this lady has made you a meal yeah lee what's gotten into you he just had a start he could use some goddamn manners it didn't have to be this way he didn't say anything they didn't know what to do if he just chose to say nothing because there has to be you have to get out of this house so once he just starts saying nothing it just it just railroad you it didn't have to be this way

Unknown_09: Everything could have turned out okay for you folks.

Unknown_01: By the shock on your face, Lee, it looks as if you've been upstairs.

Unknown_20: He would have died anyway. We gotta think about living!

Unknown_20: Come on, Lee! You can't be in the middle on this one! You gotta have my back this time!

Unknown_03: I just, I just remember being on the couch and we were literally laughing, crying because I was doing nothing. And everyone, like there's, this is trimmed down in the full version. Everyone's like panicking. Clementine throws up like, what am I eating? And so you didn't say anything. You just walked down the stairs and the hell breaks loose. Like, oh my God, it's people. And nobody knows that. There's nobody knows that at all.

Unknown_03: Anyways, this is the game that he decided to kill his entire family over. He turns out he's a little bit of a fucking weirdo. Here are some videos that he posted on YouTube before his channel was terminated. A couple weeks ago, I was researching Heaven's Gate, and they have something known as the Kingdom Level Above Human.

Unknown_27: And obviously I was wondering, how is this afterlife any different than the one promised by Islam or Christianity?

Unknown_27: And how are those afterlifes any more valid than the ones I contrive?

Unknown_28: Who's to say mine isn't more valid than theirs?

Unknown_28: Who's to say that? Who is?

Unknown_28: And something which stuck with me was how I didn't even see it as crazy.

Unknown_27: How he would die and then be transported to the UFO spaceship. And everyone was calling them crazy.

Unknown_03: It's no different than any other image. Because it's so personal. You are afraid of darkness. So you can try the afterlife.

Unknown_27: For you.

Unknown_03: Very bad narrator. I thought British people were supposed to be good at this.

Unknown_28: Necrophilia.

Unknown_07: Before I have to focus on connecting.

Unknown_28: But there really isn't any cohesive arguments against intimate necrophilia in and of itself, let alone necrophilia.

Unknown_28: I'll go over the ones I can think of. Because it's rape.

Unknown_28: Then you'd be able to easily point to the harm. Because the body is a sacred object.

Unknown_28: That's unfalsifiable.

Unknown_28: We evolved against it.

Unknown_03: That is unfalsifiable.

Unknown_03: Sorry, that's the trigger word.

Unknown_03: You just brought up a logical fallacy in a conversation about fucking corpses. In this new world where we don't take kindly to that kind of farcical talk.

Unknown_28: Every argument against pedophilic relationships falls back to harm, always. Oh my god, bro.

Unknown_03: The internet, when age of consent becomes a fucking discussion, should it be 18 or 16? Well, now that you mention it, actually, any conversation about pedophilia always falls back to harm.

Unknown_28: Thanks, awesome. Introducing a sport to a child and playing said sport with a child is fine. Introducing sex to a child and having sex with said child is grooming, manipulation, predatory, abusive, morally wrong, and the child here is non-concerning. Why?

Unknown_03: Run, Clementine, run! Because sex is inherently hard for the children of fucking people.

Unknown_28: Of course they're not sick.

Unknown_03: That's as loud as it gets, bro.

Unknown_28: Mom, now we can discuss RCTs or lactobacillus. The CSA lit, which is the validity of clinical and legal sampling. Okay, next one.

Unknown_27: Let's say there's an epiphyll who lives alone. What? Let's say there's an epiphyll who lives alone. He likes infants, babies.

Unknown_28: Response to Jay Lillin debating the devil.

Unknown_28: This video is in response to the critique you raised concerning the 1998 Ryan meta-analysis but to sum up this entire field of CSA research, when non-biased sampling is utilised and the data is quantitatively reviewed, only then can you accurately assess CSA adjustment relations. My sources will be linked in the description below. I might be real with you.

Unknown_03: This guy ending his entire bloodline and going to jail forever is literally the best thing he possibly could have fucking done. England has been improved somehow, okay? Maybe just a little bit, but it's a better place today than it was a couple days ago.

Unknown_28: Presenting my quick thoughts on the 2024 UK riots plus the response. I reply directly to Circus Starmart and officials. I am not the postulator of MSM and social media. I find that highly irresponsible.

Unknown_28: Whilst I do condemn the violence and blatant discrimination occurring on the streets, their mere presence does not subtract from the validity of the problematic premises from which the upset arose.

Unknown_28: Given the very clear magnitude of the self-preservation and anti-mass immigration sentiments, which is the biggest public showing regarding issues since the 2016 Brexit referendum,

Unknown_03: He's an awful orator.

Unknown_28: This video is in reply to the 10th man on Watch People Die.

Unknown_03: Oh my god, okay. Before I watch this.

Unknown_03: WatchPeopleDie.tv is a R-drama associated website. Reddit banned, at some point, I think during the Ellen Powell era, it banned Watch People Die because it was not advertiser-friendly. But it also applied so many rules to R-drama that they made it effectively one giant redirect to their own website.

Unknown_03: basically if you try to post and you say anything except emojis, your post gets deleted and it is effectively an advertisement for this domain. Um,

Unknown_03: So watch people die is, is literally a, just a site where you can post like war footage. Um, those escalator videos, the live leak China videos that everybody seems to like, like cartel executions, ISIS decapitation videos. There's like a group of people who are really obsessed with watching people die. It's fucking weird. I don't know. I don't know enough. I had no strong opinions about this except for there's a fucking weird

Unknown_03: A lot of people say, actually, it's about learning to appreciate your own life more and how fortunate you are to be white and born in a first world country. I don't know if I necessarily co-sign that explanation, but I'll not moralize too loudly about it.

Unknown_03: One of the users on this was, surprise, our hero of the hour, who got banned somehow from a website about watching cartel execution videos. And so he replied to his ban on a YouTube short explaining how he thought that decision was wrong. I guess I'll just watch another version, because why not?

Unknown_28: This video is in reply to the 10th man on Watch People Die.

Unknown_28: The context of this is that I have been banned for pedo, which basically means...

Unknown_03: And then the message that he wrote is, And then he says, We don't care why you think that way. We have our own rules that go beyond U.S. law. Pretty based.

Unknown_28: I'm banning you because I don't like you, I guess, considering I have broken no rule and no one is willing to explain how I have broken any rule.

Unknown_28: I've tried to reason with these people.

Unknown_28: What I've done is I've made a slew of messages combating misinformation and comments based on empirical findings.

Unknown_28: and comments made purely for academic purposes in spreading knowledge and understanding on this topic. Spreading knowledge about pedophilia.

Unknown_03: For example.

Unknown_28: This is a comment which got me banned.

Unknown_03: Oh, please, do read it.

Unknown_28: You can read that if you like.

Unknown_28: I would, I would. And obviously, I've made loads of other comments.

Unknown_28: And people have responded in anger, obviously.

Unknown_28: Retaining to my messaging the moderators.

Unknown_28: Not one person was willing to explain to me what I said, how what I said was sexualization.

Unknown_28: Because that is the rule they try to bend in justifying my ban.

Unknown_03: Did he not read his post?

Unknown_03: He says,

Unknown_03: I don't support involuntary sex with children. I do, however, see no issue with voluntary adult sex, stemming from empirical findings.

Unknown_03: Areola et al., 2008. Stanley et al., 2004. Ryan B., 2001. These are the studies, by the way, that were put out by the Harvey Milk Institute to justify pedophilia back when NAMBLA was a part of the LGBTQIP plus formally. And now that it's not, they pretend that none of these studies regarding children being raped were ever conducted by Harvey Milk and his associates.

Unknown_28: People have responded then talking about puberty, genitals, or just sex ed is really... It's purely for educational purposes. It's not to satisfy any pedophilic desire purely.

Unknown_28: There is no sexual objectification anywhere.

Unknown_03: Dude, these are my least favorite kinds of people. When you ban them from a thread or you ban them from the site and they break out the fucking rules that you fucking wrote, your own fucking rule book, and they start parsing through the words like they're a fucking internet attorney and they're going to litigate you to the high court of internet fucking janitor appeals. As if I'm going to be like, oh, you're right. I erred in banning you because the words don't specifically align like the stars and the fucking moon. I wrote them. If you think that they don't cover your specific use case, guess what, motherfucker? I can rewrite them to say whatever the fuck I want.

Unknown_03: What kind of fucking persuasive ability do you think you have over me in regards to my own guidelines and shit?

Unknown_28: It really is just combating misinformation and obviously they have sponsored We have no care like always But the comments which really annoyed me I'm generating a meme but it's taking a very very long time.

Unknown_03: I need my AI to hurry up. I

Unknown_28: Nothing I said was a threat of violence, a threat to commit a crime, the way that your analogy suggests, nor was anything I said a joke, considering I've quite literally cited my sources.

Unknown_28: So I really don't know how to respond to this, considering he hasn't addressed any of my concerns.

Unknown_28: And of course he thinks it was a joke.

Unknown_28: Anything that doesn't demonize pedophilia is a joke.

Unknown_03: Um, I mean, it's not very funny.

Unknown_03: Dude, I'm so glad that this guy and everyone related to him is dead. It's bad he didn't get his father, too. But I imagine because he's half black, his father's not in the picture. You know what he looks like? He looks identical to Nadir El-Shawami, the first guy that was fucking, um... Oh my god, look at these fucking mutts.

Unknown_03: They're just like us.

Unknown_05: Love is love.

Unknown_05: What a proud British family. Let me find Nadir real quick.

Unknown_05: Let's see. Nadir, foodie beauty. Here we go. Bam.

Unknown_05: This guy. Doesn't he look a lot like Nadir? Huh?

Unknown_03: Huh? He does look a lot like Nadir. I think. I think that's pretty close. There's a picture of them that I saw that's really, really close up. And it shows them side by side. And it's indisputable that they look identical.

Unknown_05: Not turd and DDU. That's right. That's exactly right.

Unknown_05: Um, Oh, is his YouTube channel still up?

Unknown_03: I imagine not. It has to be gone by now.

Unknown_03: Yeah. It's a, it's just like a four Oh four. It's not even like this channel has been terminated. It's like this channel never existed.

Unknown_03: You know, there's a specific error code. That's not four Oh four. It's four 10 gone. And four 10 gone is supposed to like four Oh four is supposed to, is like a generic catch all error code for when content can't be found. Um, But 4.10 specifically says that it used to exist, but it has been taken down and no longer exists and will not be returned. Whereas 4.04 is just like you entered in something wrong or something.

Unknown_03: But YouTube never uses 4.10 to say like this content used to exist, but now it's gone. It just uses 404. This content never existed, child. No, wrong again. That is simply your low-intelligence mind playing tricks on you again.

Unknown_05: Oh, I think I got cucked. Oh, fuck.

Unknown_03: I went to that video generator website where you put in a term to get a little three-second video. And I wanted to show solidarity with the moderators of Watch People Die. So I said, two white janitors holding up their mops under a red communist banner that says, Janitors of the World Unite. And then I realized that because this is a communist Chinese website, you probably can't put in anything communist-related, and it just gets yanked. It totally ate the video, and I'm not seeing it do that. Because you can make videos like Donald Trump and Biden kissing, but you can't make videos of the janitors uniting under the banner of socialist labor.

Unknown_03: Oh, well. I waited a long time for that video to be generated, too, and I just got completely cucked out of it. I'm kind of sad.

Unknown_03: It wasn't even offensive. There's nothing wrong with janitors of the world uniting under the socialist labor. Come on now. Don't be mean to me.

Unknown_03: Oh well, whatever. I've been let down by Xi Jinping for the first time ever.

Unknown_03: Apparently this guy is a meme. He made these Soy Jack looking MS Paint comics and now people use them a lot as meme templates.

Unknown_03: So he thought, fuck it, I'll sell some merch. Fallen Chungus says, I'm not really an expert with this sort of thing, but I got the website set up with 90% of the work done by a collaborator. This is less about revenue than but more so a cool thing for fans. I hope you all enjoy what's on the site. Check out FallenChungus.com. So someone did, in fact, check out FallenChungus.com and sent a link of FallenChungus.com to a friend in Discord. When a website is put into Discord,

Unknown_03: Discord automatically connects to that website and pulls some metadata from the header section of the document. And usually, if you're a creative web dev and you're trying to optimize your website, you can stuff a bunch of information in this header section. And WordPress, which I'm assuming that this website is, does a lot of that automatically. So it might pull some useful information, like a summary for the website, your website description. And it usually also includes like an image so that your thumbnail, your little metadata box has like an image attached to it to make it pop better.

Unknown_03: So if you don't direct it to be any specific image, it might pull, for instance, the last image uploaded to the public directory.

Unknown_03: So when that happened, it got this Fallen Chungus merch thing, which is, I guess, the Fallen Chungus meme. And the guy says, I'm going to rape you. Now, this meme appears to be popular with the kids. And what's not popular with the kids is... is rape so when the guy sees this he asked fallen chungus fuck is this embed dude i just sent your site to my friend when he did that he says uh he apparently accidentally threatened to rape his own friend fallen chungus sees this and says okay what the fuck he then clarifies or attempts to shift blame and says

Unknown_03: This wasn't me. It was the collaborator. I don't even know. I don't even have perms on the website besides a cut of the revenue sent to my PayPal. So I guess his thought was, I don't know how to do any kind of website stuff. I'll set this up with this guy and we'll split it 50-50 or something. And the guy created a I'm going to rape you Fallen Chungus thing.

Unknown_03: You know, this looks really intentional. I wonder if he did this thinking it would be funny and then forgot to remove it like he did as like a meme and then like didn't change it later.

Unknown_03: So then he had to put out a statement. He says, I've come to a decision. I no longer endorse FallenChungus.com and its host. 40%! I think it's fair to cut this deal off. I'm sorry to anyone who was made uncomfortable by this drop. I'll be sticking to digital goods from now on until a better opportunity for physical goods can be hosted either by me or a close friend. Thanks, everyone.

Unknown_03: See, this is why we got to get Mountain State merchandise up, chat. There are people like this, like the Fallen Chungus guy, who wants to make quality merch, but is unable to do so because he can't trust somebody. I feel like a potential budding business opportunity for Mountain State merch is right there.

Unknown_03: Not Mountain State. Volunteer State. That's Tennessee.

Unknown_03: Just when I think of Tennessee, I think of the, um, East Tennessee. That's the good part of Tennessee, right? Where all the mountains are.

Unknown_05: Uh, cool.

Unknown_05: Now we enter into the sector.

Unknown_03: Let's start off with a little bit of weird shit here. Uh, international day of journalists. Solidarity was a couple of days ago. I think this was actually earlier in the month. Uh,

Unknown_05: And this was when it was screen capped. I was...

Unknown_03: No, I don't know. I guess this was on Thursday before last stream.

Unknown_03: And it's a picture of Gonzalo Lira, a.k.a. Coach Red Pill. It says, Free speech is a threat to American democracy. Gonzalo Lira. And the message says, One of the best billboard stands in Moscow. A stand with an image of American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian prison, was installed near the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The poster reads, Freedom of speech is a threat to American democracy.

Unknown_03: Coach dying was honestly the best possible thing that could have happened to him. If he had lived, he would just be yet another fucking weirdo grifter on YouTube. But now that he has died from pneumonia in the Ukrainian prison while a...

Unknown_03: tranny retard gallivanted on social media threatening senators he is remembered as a hero there is literally nothing that he could have done in his life to accomplish anything close to this but in his death he is a martyr to the cause of russian uh rest r.i.p big guy they even made sure to keep his red cap red because he was the coach the coach red pill with the red hat

Unknown_05: Monday Matt?

Unknown_05: Two streams in a row where I'm talking about Monday Matt?

Unknown_03: Surely the 10th anniversary of Gamergate has come and gone and we are now in the second decade of Gamergate. Because we're still talking about Monday Matt somehow. And the reason why is because Monday Matt still attempts, for whatever fucking reason, to operate a video review channel called 3 Buck Theater. Our boy... Matt Jarboe really and truly believes that he is just one viral hit video away from being the next Red Letter Media or some shit.

Unknown_03: But he made a video, or a tweet even, just saying, Midlife Crisis...

Unknown_03: Jeremy Johns is not the villain origin story I was expecting.

Unknown_03: So Jeremy Johns is just a movie reviewer. And he did a video doing a review of Matt Walsh's Am I Racist? Matt Walsh's movies are like conservative reactionary versions of...

Unknown_03: Oh, God, the guy that did Borat, he has a three-word name that you have to say all three words for, and I forget what it is.

Unknown_03: But he put out the video, and Jeremy Johns reviewed it, and that offended Matt Jarboe. Matt Jarboe, Sasha Baron Cohen, that's it. Matt Jarboe did not give successful reviewer Jeremy Johns permission to review the movie Am I Racist?, So obviously he's going to be offended that he went ahead and reviewed it anyways without permission.

Unknown_03: However, Matt Walsh actually saw this tweet, I don't even know how, and replied to it. He says, yes, a film critic is having a midlife crisis and becoming a villain because he reviewed a top five box office film. So Matt Jarboe was actually upset that anybody reviewed a movie that was in theaters because it was by Matt Walsh. And I suppose he subscribes to the belief that if we simply ignore things that we don't like, they will go away, even when they're cultural sensations.

Unknown_03: Then...

Unknown_03: Jarboe, of course, replied to this and says, oh, he just took a picture of Matt Jarboe's display picture and says, only movies I agree with are allowed to exist. And then there's a picture of him, which is just sad. Every picture of Matt Jarboe looks fucking sad. And then Jarboe replies, this you, and I suppose that's supposed to be Matt Walsh, doesn't really look anything like him. I don't know what the, like, I don't associate that hairstyle with him.

Unknown_03: and he says you're literally crying because someone reviewed the movie now obviously it's i kind of i feel like i feel like playing mc jarbo we need i need to wish mc jarbo back into existence surely he can come back and make videos about um boss man jack or something here let's uh

Unknown_05: Is there, like, a short one that we can listen to?

Unknown_03: Like, one that's just, like, a minute or so long. I played the... Did I play the Pauly the Polar Bear one? Oh, I played that on the Gumroad video.

Unknown_03: Here, hold up. Let me look. Maybe there's a nice short one. Matt Jarboe is only... Like, I've listened to all the MC Jarboe stuff so many times that I just associate him with MC Jarboe.

Unknown_05: Okay, let's... Okay, here.

Unknown_03: This is one of his early ones when he just remixed Matt Jarboe into saying dumb shit. Let's listen to this. Hopefully this is funny. I just picked one at random that was short.

Unknown_32: A mentally retarded person may be of any age. An infant, a young child, a teenager, or a young adult.

Unknown_25: flag apocalypse still looming over many channels.

Unknown_25: If you want to support this one, I'm very much hoping that you're going to make payment for a million and a half dollars. Hey, what's going on, everybody? My name is Jarboe the Cut. This is the Mentally Challenged channel. And first things first, there were some accusations made against me last night in regards to some persons having their accounts taken down.

Unknown_25: Who do you believe?

Unknown_25: You fucking know it. One of the weirdest things that comes out

Unknown_25: of this entire false flagging situation is when things start to get flipped on their head, right? We've been seeing this kind of unfold in real time over the course of the past couple of weeks. My views have been dropping like gigantic fucking boulders. I can cover my stories. I can hang out with my kid collecting rocks. I can have good times, but no, it's 100% bullshit.

Unknown_25: I feel like everyone's at my throat for every little thing. It doesn't matter what it is, any kind of perceived transgression. People come out of the woodworks to attack you. Why?

Unknown_25: Don't be hypocrite. If you are one like me and mistakes happen, do what you can to cover her ass.

Unknown_25: If you've made it this far in the comment section, type in hypocrisy. If you've made it that far to the end.

Unknown_03: It's really shocking how much better he got at mixing the words and stuff. Because when you listen to the full... Mentally ill.

Unknown_05: I don't think I've ever listened to this one. What the fuck?

Unknown_05: This is like a... This is like way after he did the tapes.

Unknown_03: I've never seen this one.

Unknown_03: Oh, it's one of his songs. That's actually MC Jarbo singing.

Unknown_03: Sorry, I want to play the ones where he's actually like... Dude, this one is... I think that MC Jarbo is actually black and he's really obsessed with BBC.

Unknown_25: My threshold for certain things is a lot, well, higher than maybe some other people out there.

Unknown_03: This one's like nauseating.

Unknown_25: I have reasons for that.

Unknown_25: And to understand why I am the way that I am and why I like what I like, you have to know me as a person. And I'm breaking down for you. Right now. Oh, crap.

Unknown_03: This is a good one, though. This is unfortunately very catchy. There's about a hundred folks in one fat show with a dumbass show, but they ain't here to see Matt no more.

Unknown_25: One of them squeezing my girl's left titty-titty. One of them's traveling to G-Box City. One of them's got his hands way up in her shitty-shitty.

Unknown_25: I care. I'm a degenerate cuck. Look at these black gentlemen. I mean, they're black genitals in my butt. I still got medical problems from when Medicare dropped the ballot of the hut. Nigga, what am I just supposed to sit here and watch the damn Sasquatch put his fat lips to her crotch? Oh, you fucking black bastard bastard. He's having a munch. She's a bastard bastard.

Unknown_03: It's just, it's so fucking gross. And it gets grosser and grosser, but it's so catchy. It's really, it's really, really unfortunate.

Unknown_03: I miss them, bros. I miss these things.

Unknown_03: He made an entire fucking album. It's just wonderful.

Unknown_03: Reminiscing about the good old days, when the sector was the sector, not just the boss man Jack and Nick Riccata going to jail sector.

Unknown_03: Josh, and this is not me, by the way. This is Blow Blacks speaking of BBC posting. We got a guy who made his entire identity about blowing blacks, apparently.

Unknown_03: Nuke time. Month or so ago, Blow Blacks went on a schizo rampage in my DMs, begging me to delete the tweet I am quoting here. After I obviously stood my ground, he got super aggressive. When that didn't work, he just started rambling in my DMs until I stopped responding. LaMal.

Unknown_03: Next time Blow Blacks fires up a Tipster bully stream, I want you to keep in mind that he has no principles and only dislikes Tipster because Tipster was mean to him. Blow Blacks acts exactly like Tipster and K.O.N. I don't know who that is. Little things do get to him. He's a ticking time bomb. I didn't really ever plan to post the DMs, but I've had people contacting me saying I've heard through the grapevine that something happened. I've never told anyone that, so Blow Blacks was clearly talking about it behind the scenes. After that, I was comfortable with posting. Um, so he blocked this fine person named Agamids. I don't know who the fuck that is. This is Blow Black saying, can you please delete the tweets? Sorry to ask, but I've legit had a mental break.

Unknown_03: It's time. It's time. I can't. How do I? I've never tried to do like a pink guy voice. It's time. No, you have to. You have to like really fuck up your throat to do his like gravelly voice. That's why he stopped doing pink guy. Cause, uh, Joji wants to sing and the pink guy voice is like in such a register that it like damages his vocal cords. So he just stopped doing that. It says it's time to stop. Sorry for the trouble. I know it's sounds gay, but I do a, I do legit need a mental refresh. I'm going to touch grass for a week. I'd appreciate it if you could do that for me so I can leave for a bit without this stress over me. He says, they're just goofy tweets. I don't think it's that deep. He says, I'm asking for a favor, not an opinion. No offense. I swear I don't tell you to do it anymore. I know it's frustrating and not a big deal for most people, but I just like this thing in particular taking down. Sorry for being weird. And he says, also, you said you'd chill if I'm going through shit.

Unknown_03: um asking me for a favor not an opinion lol you can take that etiquette attitude and go kick matt jarbo's boulders matt jarbo's reference completely the way i organize these things chat it's like a fluid motion from one topic to the next you don't even know it you don't even know that you're on to a different thing until an hour an hour into the stream chat it's like i never even stopped

Unknown_03: My tweets are literally screenshots of what you said on Twitter. I don't know why it's bothering you so much, but you should figure it out and fix something before someone meaner than me starts picking up on the shit and blows up to a con or who the fuck is con or tipster level pretty retarded tweet like mine shouldn't bother you like that.

Unknown_03: So you lied.

Unknown_03: So you lied. When you said you'd delete shit about me if I said I was going through it. You just can't do that and expect me to respect you. I also said no offense, you fucking pussy.

Unknown_03: Then this guy says, The context of what you said blank and you were already getting ass blasted by the rest of the lowercase i internet so I felt fine deleting my shit. Comparing that shit to me posting screenshots...

Unknown_03: Of you having a funny overreaction to Tom is completely dishonest.

Unknown_03: Did anyone in chat explain what K-O-N is? I don't know what K-O-N is yet. I'm leaning forward to read chat. I see one person who has told me what K-O-N is and it doesn't seem right.

Unknown_03: And he says, look, in the fucking mirror, bro, you're asking a 1K follower Twitter account to take down three tweets about shit you said so that you can rest easy at night.

Unknown_03: I like this guy. He's got a good level of sass. A good level of sass. Razzmatazz.

Unknown_03: It's a VTuber convention.

Unknown_03: Kang of Noggs. King of nothing. That sounds right. King of nothing sounds right.

Unknown_05: Um...

Unknown_05: And the Nick is Nick DeOrio.

Unknown_03: We're like in parallel world where Josh refers to blow blacks and Nick refers to Nick DeOrio. You know what I mean? And July refers to a month. What bizarre dimension have we teleported ourselves into, chat? It's like everything is bizarro world.

Unknown_03: he said that in june and july josh had a massive spurg out in dms he won't leak them so he's definitely not going to is this before after this one this is way after apparently it was crazy enough that he was going to drop josh but then josh sent him a picture so this is nick daoreo saying this um nick daoreo who every time i've talked about him in recent recent past has been positive chat positive

Unknown_03: Crazy.

Unknown_03: With a hospital wristband and said he'd just been diagnosed with a condition that is behind all of his behavior. He said that since taking medication, he is no longer irrationally hates Tommy C.

Unknown_06: chat please chat I need my I need to take my stop hating Tommy C pills they prescribe it now it's called Tommy C lexicon and they prescribe it to me so I don't hate him anymore chat I need my Tommy C pills

Unknown_06: I don't, sorry, I'm, I don't know why, I just, oh, hold up.

Unknown_06: There's, um, there's this meme, and it was one of the, my, um, the favorite memes of Cat Party on the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_03: They would, um...

Unknown_06: He would replace the box on this with whatever was related to the topic at the time. And the moment I said... The moment I read that sentence... I immediately thought of this.

Unknown_05: Hold up.

Unknown_05: Wait.

Unknown_05: okay here you guys are you already it's so fucking obvious i'm about to do but this this was literally what was inside of my head like the the fucking nanosecond the nanosecond that i read that this exact image exactly what you see pops into my brain and it's like like amazing nostalgia from when cat party would post this shit in the general chat on the kiwi farm and

Unknown_03: Sorry, that's really... I don't know if this is funny to everybody else as it is to me, but it's really funny to me.

Unknown_03: It continues. So everyone kept putting up with him. But then a month later, he took it back and said a girl just convinced him he had it. So he didn't even need the Stop Hating Tommy C Pills was a placebo. He didn't even need it. He was tricked by a femoid into taking the Stop Hating Tommy C Pills. And it was all fake bullshit. What a dipshit. She's like, oh, did you take your Stop Hating Tommy C Pills? Yeah, they work great. I love him now. I love his accent. New Yorkers sound so sophisticated. And she's like, oh, well, you know what? It's not real. It was just a sugar pill, idiot. And then he just looks like the biggest fucking asshole that's ever walked the earth.

Unknown_03: Apparently, Josh was also asking people for money, which combined with all his spurgouts made his commentary friends think he had a drug problem and they were having conversations about whether he would need rehab or something more. Nick thought it was a coke because Josh did coke with Juju the Cow at VidCon.

Unknown_03: So, this guy is literally taking Stop Hating Tommy C pills and also...

Unknown_03: begging 1,000 follower drama Twitter accounts to delete posts about him so he can sleep at night, and diagnosing himself with BPD. And the root cause of this is that he hooked up with Juju the Cow at VidCon, and a 40-year-old man, someone like twice his fucking age, gave him blow, and now he's like a cokehead, like Nick Ricada.

Unknown_03: This is how he does it. This is how he did it with Nick, um, with Rakeda, how he did it with Blow Blacks, how he did it with Beto, and Ralph, he just gives these retards fucking coke. He's like a drug addict. He's like, um... Who's that black guy that raped a bunch of girls in Romania? Andrew Tate. He gets them all doped up and addicted to cocaine, and then he's their dealer, and they can't say no to him anymore. It's like he's literally doing that.

Unknown_05: Um...

Unknown_05: Why I think, so this is Sensory Stories by Nicole.

Unknown_03: Why I think autistic people are often accused of being manipulative. Autistic person and another person have a misunderstanding. Other people accuses autistic person of something based on their perception. Autistic person feels they have defended, they need to defend and explain themselves. So they do their best. An OP slips into an ever so light understanding of an autistic person's view of things but doesn't want to accept their own version might not be the full story. So they tell themselves to snap out of it.

Unknown_03: Josh sent Nick this. Oh, so Nick is calling... Josh is calling Nick autistic. That's funny.

Unknown_03: They're, um... Oh, no. Okay, I was confusing that with somebody else.

Unknown_03: Interesting. Interesting. You know, all Josh had to do, all Blow Blacks had to do was stop something for trannies. Don't forget...

Unknown_03: He literally zeded at some point that the Kiwi farm should be bombed, and he simped for Queen Cthulhu. Well, where has simping for Queen Cthulhu gotten you, my boy? Only one of us is being forced to take the Stop Hating Tommy C pills, and it ain't me. There's two Joshes here. One of us defied Queen Cthulhu until he was forced into hiding and abandoned the internet completely, and the other of us simped for a tranny and the gash wound. And now one of us is taking the stop hating Tommy C pills. And the other of us, one of us, the other of us, the better of us is free to hate Tommy C as much as they possibly want. Every second of every day, hate for Tommy C flows through me. I am like a dark magician and my magic is my hatred for Tommy C. I am empowered. You are not. That is the difference between us.

Unknown_03: I hope Quinka Falls at least put out, bro.

Unknown_03: Okay, that was actually way funnier than I thought it would be. Oh, my God, there's more. I'm hooked. I'm like a junkie. Juju the Cow gave me some fresh Blow Blacks content, and now I'm just all jumped up on it.

Unknown_03: So he replied on Reddit saying, I am actively on medication for this mental illness. Got meds from ER visits. Stop hating Tommy C. Pills. But I'm not officially diagnosed yet. I've asked Nick for money.

Unknown_06: Nick the Oreo. Nick the Oreo. Please. Please, Nick the Oreo. Give me money. I can't afford my Stop Hating Tommy C pills, and I really need them. Please, Nick the Oreo. You know how expensive medicine is in this country. I need just a little juicer.

Unknown_03: Just a little refresher. Until the YouTube money comes in again next month. Just a little juicer, Nick. Bro, if you're begging Nicholas DeOrio for money for psych meds, it's over. You lost. If your life was a fucking video game... That's when the game over screen would pop up and you'd get your fucking score. Because it's over. You fucking blew it. You were gifted by God to live in the United States and be white. And somehow, however fucking old he is, I'm guessing he's like 20-something, you got the game over screen. And you got the bad end, okay?

Unknown_03: It's...

Unknown_03: The medication I was prescribed was Quetiapine. Quetiapine.

Unknown_03: which is used for borderline personality disorder, among other things. I was going to have a follow-up appointment where I thought I'd get the BPD diagnoses, but it was just a routine automated type check where they asked if I still needed the meds or not. I do need them. I can't live without them anymore. They've become a part of my routine. I feel very well balanced and focused. I need a constant supply.

Unknown_03: I'll do whatever it takes. I'll even ask Nicholas D'Orio for a little lender.

Unknown_03: Hi, Blue Blacks. Sorry that you're going through this. Quetiapine is an antipsychotic medication that can be prescribed for sleep, bipolar disorder, and as a booster for antidepressants, as well as for psychotic disorders like schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Wait, does he have borderline or does he have bipolar? Because usually when you abbreviate BPD, you mean borderline personality disorder. But some people confuse that and they think that bipolar disorder is BPD, but it's not. BPD is almost exclusively borderline personality disorder. You just say bipolar. Yeah.

Unknown_03: He says, But you did anyways.

Unknown_03: I'll take your advice and not act like I have BPD unless I got diagnosed from now on. I am officially diagnosed with ADHD on meds for, as well as high-functioning, high-fructose autism.

Unknown_03: I don't know why, but I'm full of fucking giggles today.

Unknown_03: Uh, social anxiety disorder on meds for dude. You're on like a lot of fucking meds, bro.

Unknown_03: Dyslexia and some stuff related to my physical health. So you're like all fucked up and gimpy too.

Unknown_05: Cool.

Unknown_05: BPD and ecstasy.

Unknown_03: I think that's it. I think that's it for the low black stuff. Let's move along.

Unknown_03: Brad. Brad Taste. I have no idea. So I talked about this guy very briefly just because I thought there was passing drama to rephrase it, to condense it.

Unknown_03: Brad Taste is a music review channel or something. I don't know what he does, but he's kind of popular, semi-popular. How much he got? Three hundred sixty four thousand. That's pretty good. That's like a upper midsize channel.

Unknown_03: And he did a thing or he was trying to collaborate because I think his whole thing was that I work. I I fight sex abuse in the industry, in the music industry, and I want to give women a platform to talk about their abuse. And then he partnered with this tranny and this tranny had been accused of like bad, bad stuff.

Unknown_03: So people got really angry at him and said, you know, why the fuck are you with this training when you're supposed to be like a pro-women type of guy? This is like sex freak. And he stood by and stood by and stood by until his community was the backlash was so much he couldn't. And then he had like a mental break. So now he's back home. I think he like literally put himself to a mental hospital. And now he's like manic as fuck.

Unknown_05: So let's see what this minute and a half long video is.

Unknown_03: Dude, I'm sorry. I know I keep invoking his name, but he's like... He looks like bossman Jack. I'm just going to say it. That's my first takeaway guys.

Unknown_19: It's Bradley here. I'm home. And I actually have some great news for you.

Unknown_19: Oh, which is really nice to be saying. Um, so, uh, after discussing it with my family and with some experts and the medical field, I've decided that I am going to be doing a little bit of content online. Um, and I'd like to discuss that with you, what that's going to be, because it is going to feel a lot different. All right.

Unknown_19: streams you guys ready this is the best news of all you will not have to pay a single cent anymore for any entertainment that's right now hear me out you may be like bradley you're crazy what is he trying to sound like video game donkey what is he doing it's hard to say he's manic watching this because i don't know how he acts normally no money how are you supposed to make money that's the thing it's not about the money about the art you see you see where i'm going here everything has become about the money and what i'd like to do is take it back to basics back to when there was no money all right back to when all we had was our creativity and a platform to share that so what i'm going to be doing yeah he's high yeah that's like drugs talking that's like weird that's like a complete logical non-sequitur weird ship is any streaming if you want to suggest you want a song in there

Unknown_19: Be my guest. All right? We're going to be doing some community building, and it's going to be a beautiful thing.

Unknown_19: The best part and the best news is that's all I have for you. That's it.

Unknown_03: Okay. Cool. His girlfriend left him, by the way. That's why he's so happy, I guess.

Unknown_03: Um, she had made a tweet saying, be right back, breaking my lease and moving to Detroit, um, indicating that they were leaving or she was leaving him. And then she said this tweet again, except this time it isn't a joke. She says, just got my key to my new place yesterday and I'll be back with all my stuff next weekend. So I guess, uh, she also did content and, um, she is warning her followers. She's on lockdown that, uh, she's gone gonzo. She's broken up with them.

Unknown_03: Um...

Unknown_03: Yeah, as someone in this thread mentioned that she may be trying to help, but he doesn't want help, it clicked. The girl needs to get offline, too, to get away from the toxicity and start anew. I hope she keeps the dogs, too.

Unknown_03: Sucks to be Brad Taste, I guess. What accent is that? Is that like a Chicago accent? There's a very distinct sounding accent to it. I can't put my... Shut the fuck up about Wolfhouse, bitch! Motherfucker! What the fuck did you just say? Shut the fuck up. I'm going to address some specific statements I've seen. Is this him? Anyone who doesn't think Brad is a lolcow must have a parasocial connection where they see themselves in him. I love how lolcow is now like this permeated word that normies use to describe people.

Unknown_03: Trying to tell me to...

Unknown_03: No one's forcing him to keep posting. It's his choices that led to his mockery. Literally no one is denying that Brad is making shitty choices. He literally has an addiction. Your choice seems to see that as an opportunity to spew bullshit instead of making any meaningful contributions. It doesn't make you a better person than him. It just makes you annoying. The only reason y'all are throwing the lolcow label at him is because he's a guy with an audience on the lowercase i internet and not just some dude. The thing is, though, he is just a dude, and being on the lowercase i internet doesn't change that, nor should it mean he deserves to be a spectacle for you no-lifers to the point to laugh at.

Unknown_03: This is not me bootlegging. I think Brad has serious issues, and I won't be supporting him until he shows genuine signs of growth that day ever comes. But it doesn't change the fact that he's a human person who deserves the bare minimum of sympathy. Why don't y'all try to contribute meaningfully to the discussion instead of throwing around useless, lowercase-i internet terms that only serve to turn mentally ill people into laughingstocks? Please, go pick up a football.

Unknown_03: Wow, what a sign off. Go pick up a football. See that chat? You ever see someone who's like a fucking nerd? Just take a football and slam it in their fucking face. Pick it up, nerd. Make a man out of you yet.

Unknown_03: Good opinions. Great all around. But no, I will not shut the fuck up about woke house.

Unknown_07: Bish.

Unknown_03: um chat we're getting late into the stream so usually around the time that i i i uh round things out already but you guys have to indulge me um there's a there's a thing i have to tell you all shortly that i'm not happy to tell you all about um but before i do that before we get to before we get there

Unknown_03: Let's just have a couple minutes of Gamba Sash, okay? Let's listen to some Bossman Jack. Just hear me out, okay? Just listen to a little Gamba Sash. For old time's sake, Jack.

Unknown_11: Okay, my exam. Let's try a few 32s.

Unknown_11: That'd be fucking... Oh my god! It almost fucking hit, dude!

Unknown_03: Bossman's in a phase where he's listening to, like, Red Hot Chili Peppers and, like, Old Kid Cudi, and it's so much better. At some point, he disavowed MC Kosher, or whatever the fuck his name was, and his streams have improved, like, a thousandfold. Oh my god.

Unknown_11: That'd be fucking huge.

Unknown_11: How much did I even hit?

Unknown_03: That's how I sing when I make in front of Asian people. Ling ling ling ling ching chong chang.

Unknown_03: I could have been the lead singer in the Red Hot Chili Pepper. 160. Pretty good.

Unknown_11: It's fucking 32. Come on. Come on, 32.

Unknown_11: Come on, 32. Come on, 32. Right here, right here. Oh, I lost 100 bucks, dude. Dude, that was 350. Oh, my God.

Unknown_11: Oh, my God. Thank God. Okay, let's do some sevens. 20.

Unknown_03: He screamed out, yeah, but, like, how much was he at? He started at, what, four sevens? He's barely back up.

Unknown_03: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Sorry, chat.

Unknown_03: I forgot that boss man is quite loud.

Unknown_11: Two more, two more. One more, one more. No.

Unknown_11: Come on.

Unknown_03: He got up to 660. Now he's doing $40 spins on like a really bad odds.

Unknown_11: Oh, my God. Get out of there.

Unknown_03: Is he still too loud? He might be a little bit too loud, Chad.

Unknown_11: Oh, my God.

Unknown_11: Fuck this, dude. Let's do fives. Tens.

Unknown_11: Oh, nice, dude. Oh, my God.

Unknown_03: Easy $100. He's at, like, negative 14, and he's still, like, it still feels like it's hurting my ears. Give me the fuck out of the way.

Unknown_07: Oh, my God.

Unknown_11: Nice.

Unknown_11: Fucking nice.

Unknown_03: Like, it's not that loud, but it still feels like it hurts.

Unknown_11: Watch this, guys. Yeah!

Unknown_03: Oh, he's doing, like, $300 bets now. He went from, like, $40 to $300.

Unknown_11: Yeah, that money's gone, bro.

Unknown_03: That shit's gone.

Unknown_03: That $500.

Unknown_03: Counting down's the best part, champ.

Unknown_03: He's going to go all-in. I feel the all-in coming, I think.

Unknown_11: Oh, my God! He's going to get bored and go all-in.

Unknown_03: Yeah, he's going to... Oh my god, that would have hit. I mean, it would have hit 25 times, but it's not going to hit.

Unknown_11: Yes! Let's go!

Unknown_11: Come on, down to 400, please, in the next three.

Unknown_11: He just left.

Unknown_03: He definitely has to go all in. He's going to get bored. Oh man, this fucking sucks. I love how he just randomly presses all these buttons.

Unknown_11: Yes, guys!

Unknown_03: You can see the genius working. Oh.

Unknown_03: He's going to do something crazy. Here it comes.

Unknown_11: Here it comes.

Unknown_11: Oh, my God. This shit's so scary.

Unknown_03: Put it in half.

Unknown_03: Oh, there's all in. It's going right. Oh, my God. These fucking scammers, dude.

Unknown_11: Fuck these motherfuckers, man. Their original sucked ball sack compared to other sites, dude. That's the fact, dude. These guys fucking suck balls, dude. I'm sick of feeding these fuckers. These fucking scammers, dude.

Unknown_03: Okay, so now that the fun's out, the fun may be over forever, chat. For real this time. You may have noticed at the top of the page, there is a timer. Bossman Jack has been on the run for 0 days, 3 hours, 32 minutes, and 50 seconds.

Unknown_03: mirror a mirror 45 minutes oh this is a picture of him he went up real close to the camera as he does because he's so cheeky so cheeky and lovable the cracked man jack is just look at this face the face this is the face that inspires confidence and love and admiration

Unknown_03: Oh, he also... Before I go into detail, he also posted pictures of his bed. His bed is disgusting. I don't know what the... I don't think he's ever cleaned this sheet, ever. He was showing, like, a picture of, like, the computer or some shit that he bought. But the real hero was this dirty-ass fucking crack sheet that he has. You can even see the ash that he wiped on it from...

Unknown_03: Because when he does his crack, he uses a butane torch, and the butane leaves a residue on his fingers and stuff, like a black residue, and gives him these weird black fingers. And then he wipes that shit on his mattress, I guess. There's also these little specks all over the place, and people say they look like rat turds, but I don't think so.

Unknown_03: Oh.

Unknown_03: I use that same mouse. That's my mouse right there. Why does he have two of them? I have two of them just in case because they're really cheap. They're like $40. But if a mouse ever goes bad, you can just swap it out. You need a mouse, chat.

Unknown_03: I don't have that, though.

Unknown_05: I just have like a $10 Logitech keyboard.

Unknown_03: It's all I need. I can play Dota on that.

Unknown_03: So, bond violation. What has happened is that, if you remember from the Ricada case, Ricada paid $50,000 as bond for unconditional release, which means that as long as he just doesn't violate court orders and court appearances, he can stay out of jail.

Unknown_03: Balsman posted bond recognizance, which means that there are certain stipulations that he has to abide by and recognize.

Unknown_03: in order to stay a free man. One of them was routine drug testing, which in the U.S. Basically, when you are on bond, even though you're not in jail, you're not free. You're actually in custody still. You're a ward of the state, and you don't have freedom in the traditional sense that a lot of people have. Like in a legal sense, you don't have the same constitutional rights that other people do. It's called being on paper. I've heard that term for boss man. When you're on paper, you're technically in jail, kind of on paper. So they can do things like search your room, compel you to do a piss test. And if you refuse, they can just put you back in jail because refusing to do the test is the same as failing it. There's all sorts of stipulations where you're technically in custody still.

Unknown_03: Also, I did not know this. I learned this as a result of Bossman.

Unknown_03: When you do piss tests, your parole officer doesn't actually inform you of the results. You don't get a call up the next day like, hey, your test came back. You're all clean. Or, hey, your test came back. You tested positive. This is your first time. I just want to let you know that you failed. You don't get any feedback. And Bossman, he had been talking about passing his test. And

Unknown_03: I guess he just assumed that they would tell him if he was failing. Whereas he's probably been failing every single time. And then after three tests failed, they've put out a warrant for his arrest. So he's in violation of his bond. There's a warrant for his arrest. And it remains to be seen if he is going to turn himself in or wait for the police to come pick him up or what. But he's now been made aware that there's an active warrant for him out there in Virginia.

Unknown_03: So the issue is that he's actually facing a hard time because when... I think he was still on parole...

Unknown_03: or probation or whatever for a burglary or something. He was already out. So then he got into an altercation with his father. He got arrested for that. They found cocaine on him. He posted bond. He hadn't been sentenced yet for that crime. And now his bond's being revoked. So he's going to go back to jail pending trial. He's going to sit in jail. And then the judge is going to say, well, you're like a habitual offender. You know, you're on a path to the worst. I'm going to sentence you to five years.

Unknown_03: That's five years without Bossman Jack.

Unknown_03: On that internet chat.

Unknown_03: I don't want that. We gotta break him out chat. We gotta get Bossman Jack out of jail. How are we gonna get him out of jail chat? What am I going to do? What am I going to listen to when I'm coding? What am I going to listen to when I'm playing Dota? What am I going to talk about on the Kiwi Farms? What chat am I going to hang out with when Ballsman's in fucking jail, chat? What am I going to do?

Unknown_03: He's the funniest.

Unknown_03: He's like the best little cat in the last five fucking years, chat. What am I going to do?

Unknown_03: I'm going to tell you this. I am tasking Blow Blacks with getting Boss Man Jack out of jail. Because if that fucker goes to jail and there's no more Boss Man tent, I'm going to find a way. I'm going to get Blow Blacks addicted to crack and gamba. I'm going to make him my new Boss Man Jack. This is going to be like a prison Prague Boss Man Jack situation with Blow Blacks. We're going to turn him into the new Boss Man.

Unknown_03: That's my plan. I'm going to figure something out, Blowblacks, you piece of shit. I'm going to take your Tommy C-pills, motherfucker.

Unknown_07: Okay, that's it.

Unknown_03: Let's do the Reddit. The stream has gone on too long.

Unknown_03: I got one itsy-bitsy, teensy-tiny little Reddit detail for you guys today. And this is a montage. A Redditor posted an art, interesting as fuck, a MRI photo of my brain. Yes, this is real. He has something called...

Unknown_03: uh and i think it was like anarcho brain syndrome or something he has a giant fucking hole in his head and then all these other redditors came out and started posting mri scans of their own holes in their head so i want you to know that when you're talking to somebody and he's talking real fucking gay and reddit like at you you are talking to somebody who literally has a An enormous fucking hole in their brain. That's just what they are. That's just what they're like. They were born that way. They have a giant fucking hole. A gaping chasm where thoughts and feelings and logic belong, chat.

Unknown_03: Now there is only a hole filled with Reddit. That is our real reality. Shocking. Tragic.

Unknown_04: Okay, let us do the Super Chat segment chat.

Unknown_03: I have fucked up and I can't show...

Unknown_03: The messages on screen.

Unknown_03: Cool. Yeah. Yep. Fucked up. Okay. Fucked up. So I'll just read them.

Unknown_03: laser disc spin man for five says pouring one out for the boss man hashtag free boss man jack bro i'm fucking there i'm writing a letter to the judge i'm letting him know i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself without boss man jack he better let that he better free mine easy because what the fuck the mac user 75142 says almost the name of our president and then there is a wikipedia page for carly fiorina and then he says check out the maiden name

Unknown_03: Carly Fiorina Nee Schneed.

Unknown_03: Her birth name was Schneed. Kara Schneed. What a pretty name. A beautiful name, even.

Unknown_03: Judy Tester for Five says, I learned today that the Serbian dinar is the second oldest currency still in use after the Great British Pound. How cool is that? Here are roughly 527 of them.

Unknown_03: Thank you.

Unknown_03: I did not know that, actually.

Unknown_03: It doesn't make sense. They were a communist country at some point. I guess they brought it back, the dinar?

Unknown_03: You would think the ruble would be old as fuck, too. I mean, I guess not. I guess Serbia existed before the British Pound did.

Unknown_03: Or before the ruble did. That is cool.

Unknown_03: Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Masturbator for 20, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, have you seen Matt Walsh's new film? I would send you a clip from it, but I think that this is better. And then there is a YouTube video.

Unknown_05: No, I have not seen it yet. It's on my to-do list.

Unknown_05: I'm assuming that you want me to watch a couple seconds of this.

Unknown_03: Why critics are running scared from my movie.

Unknown_21: I'm a right-wing grifter.

Unknown_21: Matt Jarboe, who runs some kind of film.

Unknown_03: Oh, you just wanted me to play that specific part.

Unknown_21: I'm a right wing grifter.

Unknown_21: Dude, Matt Jarboe, who runs some kind of film podcast, wrote, quote, Midlife Crisis. Jeremy Johns is not the villain origin story I was expecting.

Unknown_03: No, bro, he doesn't do a film podcast. He does an album about sucking off black guys. Someone send him the album so that he can hear it and listen to it and enjoy it. All right, thank you.

Unknown_03: Easy Deezy for five says, I'm super behind on the VODs, but I must have been very amusing when the dean of your old high school received word of Sammy Smith's bomb threat. Cool stream, Josh. Thanks always for the laughs.

Unknown_05: Um...

Unknown_05: Oh, oh, because I got expelled.

Unknown_03: I don't know. It's definitely was it was not fucking amusing because I remember when I was in the police station because they detained me like you could tell like the visible palpable frustration of the cop because he the message came in late at night and they woke the FBI guys up and said, you got to figure this out before because people because he emailed all the local news stations and. And they were hounding the police for like a statement about what they were doing to protect the kids and shit. And the FBI guy was like, he was sitting there with a coffee in his hand. And he's like, you know, I got woken up at 2 a.m. And I've been working on this for 12 hours because I was like 4 p.m. or something.

Unknown_03: Trying to figure out where this email came from and stuff. I'm like, oh, well, it came from England.

Unknown_03: It came from a guy. I know him. He hates me.

Unknown_03: I think once they realized I was telling the truth... There's very many... There's little nuances when you talk to police.

Unknown_03: And I, um...

Unknown_03: They asked me, do you know about those emails? Do you know anything about emails? I said, yeah, I have an idea. You probably got threatening emails from a guy called Vordrak from the UK. And they looked at each other and they looked at each other because they'd asked my mom that same question and got that same fucking answer. And then they said, do you know anything about emails, threats into schools? And I remember my immediate reaction to this was I furrowed my brows really hard and I like glared at him like, what do you mean? And they also, they immediately did like a head turn to look at each other. And I w I was like 20 something very young when this happened. And you could just tell that my body language was completely on point that I have no fucking idea what they're talking about. And there's this guy that's doing this shit. And they, they immediately knew that, Oh my God, this is just a fucking hoax email from some fat cunt from the UK. And we've spent all this time and all this money trying to hunt this guy down and And he has no fucking idea what we're talking about.

Unknown_05: Yes, I know. Never talk to cops.

Unknown_03: That's why my mom hates me.

Unknown_03: Biakne for 10 says, Josh, don't listen to the haters. Your impressions are good enough. They could be in Postal 2. Oh, my God. Postal 2. Me, a voice actor? Let's hear it.

Unknown_23: now money line forms that way infidel infidel i crash a plane into your mother no now get out and come again please okay and please to start buying please become calm or i will rain pillars of fire upon you

Unknown_03: That's pretty close to how I do Indian. Thank you. They don't. That's true. You must be close-minded and distrustful of outsiders. Based...

Unknown_03: TP Deluxe for two says they got Diddy for having gay sex swinger parties with drugs. You think Nick ratted?

Unknown_03: He wishes he was cool enough to go to the fucking P Diddy sex orgies with drugs and underage prostitutes. He fucking wishes, man.

Unknown_03: Tetra Max for five says I love the future. Give me big cage. We all live in a big cage.

Unknown_03: I mean, give you? You gotta pay, bro. You gotta rent that shit. You never own it. DeviousDeVee for two says, say something bad about the next person in Super Chats. Okay. Dragoons for ten says, you Frankenstein radio control worse than a farce Nazi criminal court playboy scum on top. Whatever happened to Sagittarius Shawty? Play a video of her for your only hope for a future.

Unknown_03: That's weird, bro. She's like sucking black dicks. What the fuck are you asking about Shadi, bro? Press 6 in chat if you think this guy is fucking weird asking about Sagittarius Shadi. Press 6 if you think this guy is a fucking weirdo.

Unknown_03: Thank you.

Unknown_03: SleepyScareCrow777 for 2 says, How do we know you're not AI, Jerush? You never know. You'll never know if I'm really real, chat. Besides the occasional racist obscenities that I say that AI can't say.

Unknown_03: Lucifero210 for 10 says YouTube link. Okay, let's check it out. What do we got here?

Unknown_03: Uh, this appears to be Nikocado Avocado. You know what the most mind-boggling thing is about all this shit?

Unknown_12: About the whole two steps ahead shit? It's how you lost 250 pounds and you're still ugly. You look creepy, you give me the heebie-jeebies. And what the fuck were you two steps ahead of? You're two steps ahead of us to the Exempic line, but at the end of the day you were fat as fuck. You didn't trick anybody, that's what you were. And why the fuck are you dancing like Spongebob? And how are your legs so long and disproportionate to your body? So what was the big mastermind plan? Egging people on to think that you're fat as fuck for a few more months than you actually were? What really happened, dude, is you made content being fat doing weird shit. I'm surprised you had fans.

Unknown_03: um the the game was that he made tens of millions of dollars that's the game like sorry i can't like he the dude did porn he was a porn star he did soft pornography in a weird fetishistic way that attracted uh media following and he made tens of millions of fucking dollars that's how that's that's what the two steps ahead was

Unknown_03: Canada is America's American soil for two says you ever considered streaming in Instagram. Love your streams. Um, I have, but the issue with Instagram is that, and Tik TOK live is that those are 16 by nine formats or nine by 16. So I would have to have like a completely different setup for that. Um, I'm not sure what the benefit would be either. Like, are there people out there that can't watch on like other platforms besides, and I would get banned off Instagram. I think I'm not black enough.

Unknown_03: I have thought about it, but I looked into it.

Unknown_03: Mad Claws, 95, for five, says, have a great week, Josh. You too. Thank you. Koli Dante, for 15, says, Ryan Ruth fought shoulder to shoulder with Alexei Tatarov, Jarman, and was so inspired by his bravery that he went home to assassinate Trump.

Unknown_03: In Serbia, we do not speak of Alexei Tatarov. That's a great national shame. Thank you, though. Space Allen, for 20, says, ham jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it. Tetra X for $50 says crazy. Doesn't need to get put on a team. It is strange that political violence in America is very, I hope he wasn't one of ours. Well, that's all violence in the United States.

Unknown_03: Um, I mean, sorry to say this, but it is on the team. People don't just assassinate the president because they feel like it, you know.

Unknown_03: They do it because they're paid by the CIA. Thank you. Sneak Cricket for two says, I gave up Dota four months ago because there's nobody actually trying to team play. Last time I tried Turbo, most games would go to 40 minutes too. Best Volvo can do is region block Peruvians now. I mean, that's what it feels like. It's so crazy when I'm, like, I'm playing Anti-Mage, and I'm just getting into Anti-Mage because I don't know why. I just wanted to play a hard carry in farm. And I'm doing well. I'm, like, 5-0. And I'm, like, they keep walking out of the fucking base into the enemy team and dying. They hear that the tower is under attack. And they teleport from spawn to the tower attacked by five people and are surprised that they will dive the tower and fucking butt rape them to death. And then they spawn again and they walk out again because there's another fucking fight where one guy is walking in at a time and he also walks in. and tries to cast a fucking spell, and then he dies. And that's every fucking game. And it's like, can you just stop? Can you just chill the fuck out in the base? Stop walking in to the enemy team one at a fucking time. It's like one endless noodle that's just being slurped up.

Unknown_03: Just being slurped up, and you just keep respawning and walking back in and fucking dying. And it's like, just stop it. Stop doing it. Just sit in the fucking base and wait for everybody else to respawn.

Unknown_05: Gaston Keltreb, for five, says, since you like the German language and music, you may enjoy Blumenkranz from Kill a Kid.

Unknown_03: Bro, fuck you.

Unknown_03: Have you ever considered watching the anime music? No, I haven't, actually. I don't watch your fucking softcore porn anime bullshit for the fucking music, so I haven't, actually. Same composer worked on Attack on Titan and made Vogel im Kaffig.

Unknown_03: A-O-T is garbage, but the music is all Kino.

Unknown_03: I don't know, bro. Send me a song on the fucking internet thread. I'll look at it.

Unknown_03: It's true. You may think, but he's dead. That's just what they want you to think. Coach Red Pill is one thing. And that one thing is, Coach Red Pill is two steps ahead. Yeah. I live in the...

Unknown_03: 11th Circuit, for two says, the only way to peacefully settle the Ukraine war was a 1v1 duel between Ryan Ruth and Gonzalo Alera. Alas, with CRP's death, the threat of prophecy was severed and we must persist in this doomed world. Yeah, bro, the war never ends now because we fucked up the save and all the main characters are dead.

Unknown_03: Sucks. Red Eyes, Black Dragon, for two says, I thought you hated the German and Korean language more.

Unknown_03: No, I hate Spanish the most.

Unknown_03: I don't hate German. Why did I ever say that? I said it's a very harsh language, but the language that I like the most is Russian. Russian is very pretty.

Unknown_03: I don't know why. Russian gets, like, this bad rep, but it's a very, very pretty language.

Unknown_03: Korean, I don't think I've heard enough. Korean is very, like, whenever they talk, they always, like, stress, like, the N sound at the end of a sentence. Like, they always talk like that. It's like, what the fuck? Why do you talk like that? It's like a Jersey girl accent, but for all of an entire country.

Unknown_03: Uh, Cole Cole for one says Argent easily found in the stream roots connection to the government through his group, international volunteer group partner with America house, which is funded by IREX, which is funded by Ned and Cole Cole for one says national endowment for democracy is the NGO used by the U S government to launch color revolutions abroad. This man glows like enriched uranium.

Unknown_03: Um, well,

Unknown_03: Maybe you should present that case to the government. You should file this somewhere. I don't know what the fuck you just said. Let me roll with you, bro.

Unknown_03: Madclaw95 for one says, Adios, mio. Hi, papi. Gracias. PatternNoticingEnjoyer for two says, Hijacking this super chat to call all chuds and schizos, specifically Cranklord, for assistance. And then there's a link to kiwifarms.net slash threads, 2,502,000.

Unknown_03: Or if you or someone you know has the knowledge to escape the surveillance state.

Unknown_03: And this is a thread in Q&A called, How to register a false fingerprint. A government agency requires me to register my fingerprint with them.

Unknown_03: Just so you know, providing false information to the U.S. federal government is a felony. I would advise against doing that. Fox says, pretend says, nice to see that Asahi Leading Sky got $700 of your hard-earned dollar-y dues, George. I know. Every dollar sent to them belongs to me. I'm going to be real with you.

Unknown_03: Umpty, my dude, for one, says, I refuse to believe Trump is fucking Loomer, not because I have faith in Trump, but because I have faith in the goodness of man, and thus believe that no man would ever have sex with Laura Loomer.

Unknown_03: Boy, do I have bad news for you. You would be very surprised to see what men put their dick into for no fucking reason.

Unknown_03: Luciferu210 for 20 seconds.

Unknown_03: I don't know what he means by that, but thanks. Rolling Plunder, or Pounder, I think, for 33 says, Whoops, I thought this was Asahe Linux. Fuck you.

Unknown_03: Gormless Wonder for 33 says, Josh, please don't go potato. We will miss you. Here is $33 per person I owe.

Unknown_03: Well, you see, the Lion King for one then says BGM after you, so you actually should have made that 66, because then it doesn't even out. But I appreciate the $33.

Unknown_03: SpaceAllen for 10 says, you shouldn't be having a bad day, so here's an extra 10 for reparations.

Unknown_03: I feel like I'm feeling pretty fucking good. I took my Magnesi last night, chat. I feel good. You gotta take your Magnesi, chat.

Unknown_03: Thank you very much, though. I'll buy magnesium with this. Hammy from the news. That's cute. My little hamster is such a laugh. He just stays there in that circle thing going round and round and round for ages until ding. Then I take him out of the mic. No! No! No! Why would you?

Unknown_06: Why would you?

Unknown_03: Bro, that's not cool, bro. A Mary Burger for one says, maybe you'd get bigger donations if you were a cute anime girl. I think that to myself all the time.

Unknown_03: LaserDiscSpinMan for three says, A pittance for having to see Linux turn into a VTuber abomination. Get some pizza, Josh. Maybe on Friday I will, but thank you. And I agree. It is a tragedy. They don't tell you about gay Mexican VTubers. That is a Sith story.

Unknown_03: Purple Teriyaki for one says, I gave the other 99 to those VTubers.

Unknown_03: Thanks. Tetra Max for 20 says, if they got Moe as a TLD, why not try to capitalize the moment for a KF or .cow?

Unknown_03: If you want to apply for a GTLD, it first must be longer than two letters. So KF is off the table.

Unknown_03: So if you want to apply, you have to actually be accredited by ICANN, and they can just say no for whatever reason. I would immediately be rejected because I'm the Kiwi Farms guy. But besides that, the application to register a GTLD with the root registrar in ICANN is, if I remember correctly, it's $250,000. So we would first have to get – and it doesn't solve any problems because, like, how are we going to register our own top-level domain? We still have to have IPs. We still have to host somewhere.

Unknown_03: The big issues with hosting are not resolved. I could host the Kiwi Farms as an IP address without a domain name if I really wanted to.

Unknown_03: Thank you, though.

Unknown_03: You'd have to donate 120... 1,250 times that amount in order for me to register the GTLD that you're suggesting. It's true. That's a fucking crime, bro. Bro.

Unknown_03: It's like you can read the words of my soul.

Unknown_03: Rad Crab for one says, Josh is drunk this stream. I fucking wish. Amtero for one says, design idea for the girls t-shirt. And then there is a cat box file. Let's check them out.

Unknown_05: That is pretty cute.

Unknown_05: can't ooh would it be risky to make pat posting a t-shirt design that is that's a good design i'm on i'm on board with that you just gotta make him even cuter you gotta make him like grumpy cute i'll think about it that's actually pretty awesome uh rich white pasta from lieutenant says thank you for being mad at the internet so i don't have to also be mad at the internet

Unknown_03: You're very welcome. That's my job. So I get paid the big bucks. Lucifero210 for one says, this is actually just Troons talking. And that would be the Ask the Helenex segment, I'm pretty sure. Yes, I agree. Rich White Pasta for one says, Josh, you should make a short vampire film. No, I don't think I will.

Unknown_03: Sneed Cricket for one says, is that Trini short movie? Why is the Trini eating a huge hamburger that's clearly sized for a fat American?

Unknown_03: Because he hung you, I guess. TheGhostOfLotex1 says, you've been saying the last couple of streams that you are 5'10", but I vividly remember you saying that you were a couple inches taller than Ralph. Can you please address the manly accusations?

Unknown_03: If I did, it's because he said he was 5'6", which is what he usually says. I'm 5'10", or 5'11", depending on my posture.

Unknown_03: Purple Teriyaki pretends as Josh. You should put your pager number on LinkedIn so we can send you humorous messages.

Unknown_03: That's not how a pager works. When you get a page, you literally just get a phone number. And it tells you that you need to go to a phone and call. A pager doesn't actually have a message attached to it. It just has a phone number. Because back in the day, you would get a page and cell phones didn't exist. So you would pull over. at whatever place like a gas station that had a a pay phone and you would put in your quarter and then you would call that number on your pager there's no messages attached to it it's not like an sms service or not you guys don't even know what a pager is it's it's so old

Unknown_03: David S877 for 25 says, I had to switch to a database for the Maddie transcription project metadata. I don't even know what a database is, but I'm glad I no longer need to pay Oracle for a license. Update proceeding slowly.

Unknown_03: Um, just use MariaDB like everybody else, bro. It's pretty, pretty simple. I believe that you can figure it out. Don't pay, you should not be paying for software. Everything good is free now. Um, besides like Adobe shit that you need for like videos.

Unknown_03: Uh, Shisky, even then, Kdenlive is pretty fucking excellent. Um, Kdenlive, for all the shit, for what I do, Kdenlive is like exceptionally more like good. It's all I need.

Unknown_03: Uh, Shisky is too, for one, says, dude, Desmond looks exactly like Mussolini.

Unknown_07: What?

Unknown_05: Mussolini had a really big head. I'm pulling it up. I want to see. I want to see if there's an uncannier resemblance to Mussolini.

Unknown_05: Nah, dude. Mussolini got a fucking big-ass head.

Unknown_05: Yeah, like...

Unknown_05: Nah, the nose is all wrong.

Unknown_03: I know why you think that. It's because of how strong his jaw is. But Mussolini has like this very, very distinct head shape where his jaw is like flat and broad. His nose is really big and he's got like this just fucking massive dome. This huge dome.

Unknown_03: A very distinct looking guy. He worked for the British CIA, by the way. Fun fact.

Unknown_03: Red Beard Ward for once says, I sent you $30 last stream to watch this video, what you asked for, and you didn't watch it. That's true. Okay.

Unknown_03: They want me to watch two and a half minutes of this.

Unknown_05: Okay. Let's see if this loads this time.

Unknown_05: Oh, this message came in at the very end after I urged it off.

Unknown_29: It was an interesting claim, given that it was pretty easy to debunk, to be honest.

Unknown_29: There is...

Unknown_29: Within the security logs themselves, there's a category of logs called the 4624 logs, and that essentially logs all of the instances of logons onto the computer. And within that 4624 category of logs, there's different login types. So the claim from Cypher is that there is a series of what he considers atypical logins, so suspicious logins, I guess would be a good way to say it, of these 4624 Type 3. Type 3 is considered a remote login, so essentially somebody that's not in the room in front of the server itself using the keyboard, is remoting it from another computer.

Unknown_29: This is something that we do every single day. The EMS client 01 is our primary workstation. We use that workstation to remote into the server because it's convenient, right?

Unknown_29: We need to remote into the server every now and again to make sure that configurations are properly set, that the server is running at its optimal conditions. So, you're going to see logs from that Type 3. What he says is weird is that in a specific log that he screenshotted and mentioned, there is a networks field section that would typically show the computer name and the IP address of that specific computer.

Unknown_29: That was missing from the screenshot, and he said this is weird. You know, this would be considered an atypical login. The screenshot that he provided was a snippet of that log. If you look at the screenshot, there's actually a scroll bar, you know, on like Word, if there's a lot more underneath it, you can scroll down. If you scroll down, there's a whole series of descriptors that Microsoft themselves put into the log. And one of those descriptors describes exactly what he was seeing that he felt was suspicious or atypical. And I wanted to actually read off verbatim what this descriptor was inside that specific event. And this is Microsoft, mind you. It says, quote, workstation name is not always available and may be left blank in some cases, end quote. So to me, that is a...

Unknown_29: And an example of lack of detail. All he had to do was scroll down and see what he thought was nefarious was actually written by Microsoft saying, hey, you might see this. It's not.

Unknown_03: I understand why you're asking me to listen to this.

Unknown_03: All he's saying is that the election was fair and honest and trust the plan and democracy won.

Unknown_29: The other thing that Cypher said specifically about these is that he did not see a companion credential validation event in the logs.

Unknown_29: We, during our analysis, found that that is not true. Every single time that we saw a log like this, within a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes, we found a log type called 4776.

Unknown_05: Hmm. Okay.

Unknown_03: I guess this guy votes.

Unknown_03: All right, bro.

Unknown_03: The bugs for once is I was watching some like this guy was so hurt that I didn't watch this. He complained about on the man at the internet thread. And it's just some guy saying that the election was true and honest.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_03: TheBugsForOne says, I was watching some Old Matty and it was true that someone paid you $3,000 to say some cringe anime expression.

Unknown_03: This was months before this shit was available now.

Unknown_03: Um, no.

Unknown_03: Nobody ever paid me $3,000 to say anything about anime.

Unknown_03: Someone tried to pay me to play Sekiro, and I didn't. I will one day finish Sekiro for that guy, I promise. I did. It's exclusive Gumroad content. You can listen to me eat cornstarch if you so desire by subscribing to the Gumroad. Thank you.

Unknown_03: scox skunk funk for two says i'm late and gay you're very late doodle pot for 20 says youtube link return of card posting what's today's what's goy slop okay let's listen i like card let's get better for those who might not know in politics a dog whistle is a word additionally there'll also be a playlist of videos of mine linked at the top to detail about all sorts of reactions

Unknown_26: Today specifically, I wanted to talk about the term goyslop, what it means, and how it's become part of the contemporary reactionary vocabulary, particularly in online spaces.

Unknown_26: Among those on the far right wing of politics, there is a conspiracy theory that all of world society is secretly run by Jews.

Unknown_26: Supposedly, this control extends to all nations and every facet of politics, culture, finance, right down to the most basic consumer level.

Unknown_26: In America especially, this conspiracy theory that Jews secretly... Jews!

Unknown_03: Why does he say that like that? I would love to see, like, a pronunciation key for how he says Jews.

Unknown_26: ...is used by the far right to try and explain why so much of the cheap commercial food over there is not necessarily super healthy.

Unknown_26: Long story short... Rather than think about the lack of any incentive to guarantee a healthy product under capitalism, or the fact that America infamously subsidizes its corn syrup industry by using it as filler in so many foodstuffs, far-right conspiracists believe that food

Unknown_03: The corn subsidies are a socialist program, bro. They started subsidizing crops in the 1930s under FDR as a part of the New Deal. That's fucking socialism. That's why they find uses for corn because we pay them dividends for a crop that we don't need. In the first world, it is made unhealthy on purpose as part of a Jewish plan to make everyone who isn't Jewish unhealthy.

Unknown_26: To this end, Many on the far right and the alt-right refer to a lot of commercially available food as goyslop, using a term that implies it is both very low quality, like something you might give to livestock, and explicitly linking it to their anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.

Unknown_26: If you happen to see people online referring to food as goyslop, it's not particularly subtle once you know what the term means, but now you know the reason why they say it.

Unknown_26: So, for the sake of keeping yourself and your spaces safe, please just keep it in mind. It's always good to be able to recognize alt-right messaging like this, so you can spot it, denounce it, explain why it's bad to others, and remove the people posting this sort of stuff.

Unknown_03: What's funny is that goyslop has gone like a normification, and now any kind of anything is just slop. And that way it doesn't have a Jewish context to it. And the other normification of a far-right meme was copeseed and dilate, which became copeseed and mauled because trannies wanted to say cope and seethe, but they didn't want to say copeseed and dilate because they're trannies. So they started saying copeseed and mauled instead.

Unknown_03: It's weird. I appreciate that card posting has the audacity to say goyslop instead of just slop, which a lot of people don't.

Unknown_03: That's how you know he's an OG. Steen McGee for once says this actually is what's on Desmond's necklace. And then there is KabbalahNames.com.

Unknown_03: And it means all day long your fame. The expulsion of negative energies neutralizing the negativity in our environment. So he has a literal Kabbalah necklace on his set.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_03: weird i heart nature for three says i hope you all have drunk enough water today that's true stay hydrated chat uh buzz birdage for one says bass pendulum enjoy ah so finally my my taste recognized uh eucalyptus sneak for 10 says she you know where's the evidence they ain't got no evidence this is one of my boss man jack gonna be freeing shit man thank you Steve Cricket for Vice says, I fucking hate this gas pump handled digital ad that were to come to the USA and I would rip it off if I ever did. If people do not deface gas pumps that are advertisements, you're a pussy. Smash and slam that shit. Don't commit a crime, of course, but smash and slam it, dude. I would straight up tell them I would walk inside the store and I would tell them, I would say, I am never, ever coming here again. I am never, ever going to look at the fucking advertisement on the fucking gas pump ever again. I want you to know I am never coming to your store ever again because you decided to squeeze five cents out of every fucking pump. And then I would write corporate and I would tell them, I am never going to your chain of pumps ever a fucking again. I will get a membership at a commercial gas station and fill up a 100 gallon truck and position it on my property. So they don't ever have to see your fucking advertisements again before I ever come back to your fucking shithole gas stations. I do this. If I see advertisements on something and it upsets me, I literally write their corporate and I say, I saw an ad, I paid money for something and I saw an ad on it. Go fuck yourself. I have sent out literally hundreds of emails like this. I email people constantly telling them that I hate them and I want their company destroyed and scattered to the fucking winds. I'm a menace. I'm a deranged menace and I write people nasty emails all the fucking time, okay? If more people were like me, we would be in a better society.

Unknown_03: I'm just letting you know right now, there are corporate emails that you can send messages to calling them cunts. This is a real thing that exists. No, I will not watch the ad! Fuck you!

Unknown_03: Kurt Eichenwald, MMSPaper45 says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, would you kindly stop covering things that I also super chat to you? It makes me look dumb even though I do it in advance.

Unknown_03: I'm on top of my game, bro. You know how I am. I'm paying attention to that internet sheet, man.

Unknown_03: Haramberger for two says, Ogre Magi multicasting fireballing. Ding, ding, ding, motherfucker. Dude, Ogre Magi is a blast to play. You just walk around and you throw fucking fireballs at people and run away and you spam the laugh emote. That's all you got to do and you win. Young Anime Fan, and then there's a downpoting emoji and it says a Twitter link and then it is crazy clips only on Zitter.

Unknown_05: Student violates teacher on an unbelievable level.

Unknown_05: Bro.

Unknown_05: That is straight up sexual assault.

Unknown_05: If they didn't arrest that kid, I would fucking quit immediately.

Unknown_03: You literally cannot pay me to be sexually humiliated in a fucking classroom in front of black kids. That's ridiculous.

Unknown_03: Teachers tolerate this and don't just leave the public system to collapse in on itself. It's a disgrace.

Unknown_03: HiConfessor for 20 says, Hey, dude. Hey, what's up, bro?

Unknown_03: Uh, anime extremist for five says, Josh, it's my birthday. Please show this audience the zitter posts. You have some explaining to do. Okay.

Unknown_03: We're in that part of the super chat segment where every fucking thing is a link.

Unknown_03: And then it's just the link to his own Twitter account, and he has photoshopped me into a fucking anime bedroom.

Unknown_03: My explanation of this is that you paid me to show you this.

Unknown_03: Ugalist Sneak for Five says, Riggers are after Boss Man Jack. It's true. They are fucking rigging, and they are trying to bring down my boy. Ben Collins for 20 says, Did you like shopping at the Piggly Wiggly? Give it to me.

Unknown_08: Man, don't let her go nowhere.

Unknown_07: Call 911. She's got it in there.

Unknown_08: Give it to me.

Unknown_07: Man, don't let her go nowhere. Call 911.

Unknown_08: Man, don't touch me.

Unknown_08: Our system simply cannot handle this.

Unknown_03: We don't have the capacity to process this number of criminals.

Unknown_03: Thank you. The President of Nintendo for Fife says, My dog is listening to your podcast with me, so when you add up the total number of listeners, it will be the total number of human listeners plus one dog. I'm sure there are many, many dogs listening to me. I'm popular with dogs, especially butter dogs. Ugalis Sneed for Fife says, Free my nigga, Bossman Jack. You didn't do nothing. There is no evidence. There is no fucking evidence. As we all know, all sorts of drug tests are unconstitutional and illegal and also incorrect.

Unknown_03: I've heard this from a good authority. Bunker Housing for one says, eating human meat is really dangerous. You will get brain diseases. No, it's only if you eat the prions and the brain. You can eat the rest of the body. General problem.

Unknown_03: The only people who get the prion disease are the Africans who are too stupid to know better. anime extremist for t says what's the number to call to leave you a voicemail for maddie i sent you an email asking but you never responded back it's on um the linkedin it's also on the kiwi farms itself i think catcher backs for 200 says great stream hashtag free bossman jack thank you thank you i guess i could not possibly agree more sneeto for kisses i'm gonna miss boss man dude i am also gonna miss him every day bro you have no idea That's true. I've already talked about this. Crunklord, it's Crunklord's theory. Thank you. And then there is a picture.

Unknown_03: Gambasash via the Discord bot that automatically posts his messages says, Fuck yeah! And then everybody laughs because it's funny.

Unknown_03: Good time in Boston.

Unknown_03: Chuck Steeds for 10 says, Thoughts on Galaxygrass?

Unknown_03: This is like black people smoking nitrous, right?

Unknown_07: What's your name? Where are you from?

Unknown_03: Boy, the American public school system sure is great. Make sure to put your kids in them.

Unknown_03: By the way, they closed down Galaxy Gas because all the kids were smoking it and shit.

Unknown_03: Gormless Wonder for once says, I think listening to the Dull AI podcast has subconsciously made you want to inject like 300% more personality and energy to the stream.

Unknown_03: Thanks a lot, asshole. Brianna Woo Hyper Bimbo for two says, please let us ship you in an Israeli pager and we can cut out the dirty owners of Rumble. Please wear it and wait for the special message.

Unknown_03: wait, it's like a Patrick S. Tomlinson threat, wait for the Israeli pager, stalker child, and okay, for five says, Josh, you can never eat a moon pie, or that would make you a cannibal, and then there is a moon face emoji, I can eat whatever the fuck I want, bish, motherfucker, maybe I will eat a moon pie, I'm gonna,

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_03: I have a very, very gay outro song picked out, but thank you for watching. I don't know what I'm doing next weekend for the Gumroad. I'll see you guys on Friday. Take it easy. Have a nice night.

Unknown_03: Where is my outro song? There is my outro song. This song goes out to Balsamon. so

Unknown_13: Every time I think about it

Unknown_13: I hear the warning signs on everybody's stereo Do you love? What do you like? What would you do for more? You kept on dancing underneath the bedding floor