0:00:33 Unknown_10: On Tuesday morning it had just turned 845 The worker bees and Marsh McLennan were in the hive Another day of making profits and profits That was before Mohammed burst right into the office He had a Boeing 767 And all the passengers of AA-11 Do you remember? Unknown_06: Don't you forget it It was September It was 9-11 Unknown_05: It was 9-11 baby He had a Boeing 767 And all the passengers of 8-8-11 Do you remember? Unknown_06: Don't you forget it It was September It was 9-11 0:01:42 Unknown_06: On Tuesday morning it had just turned 8-4-8-5 The worker bees and Marsh McLennan were in the hive Another day of making profits and profits That was before Mohammed burst right into the office He had a Boeing 767 And all the passengers of AA-11 Do you remember? Don't you forget it It was September, it was 9-11 Unknown_05: It was 9-11, baby. 0:02:59 Unknown_26: High energy, high octane, dance music, good moods, Chet. Unknown_26: I feel good. I have accomplished a lot already this week. How about you, Chet? Have you accomplished a lot? I would hope so. I would hope all of you are making every day more productive than Liz Fong Jones and Honeycomb. Unknown_26: Now, there may be a specific reason why things like Liz Fong Jones and Honeycomb may be relevant in my discussion. There might be a joke that we could pull off if I reiterate Liz Fong Jones and Honeycomb. And 1776 Solutions, very often in my podcast, I'm thinking maybe I should bring back the Dono Alerts. 0:03:40 Unknown_26: And I bring back the Dono Alerts and I just make them randomly Liz Fong Jones, Honeycomb, 77.6 Solutions. Unknown_26: It would be funny to me at least. I don't know if that would hurt my donation income or if that would improve it. Maybe you guys can get in on the... 0:04:20 Unknown_27: I can't explain the joke, but it's so funny, I promise. I promise that if I keep saying Liz Fong Jones and Honeycomb, the more I say it, the funnier it will eventually be to all of you. Unknown_26: Anyways, here's a picture of a dog with butter on his head. Let me bring this up real quick. Make sure it's the right one. Oh yeah, that's for sure. That's for sure the right one right there. Unknown_26: I think. Yeah, it is. Okay, let's bring him up. Yeah, there he is. There's the dog. There's the dog with the butter dog with the dog with the butter on him. Butter dog. Dog with the butter on him. Dog with the butter on his head. Thankfully, we live in a brand new world where AI can make things like butter dogs, which don't exist in real life. Only through the imaginations and dreams of a computer can we possibly create butter dogs. 0:04:54 Unknown_26: It's like an iRobot. When does stray executions of forgotten code become the very moat of a soul? The answer, chat, when the computer can make the butt of dog, the dog with the butt on him, that's when it becomes a human being. 0:05:33 Unknown_26: Robot being. We got some custodial stuff. I would like to announce to everybody that not only have people been generating butter dogs, I have been releasing the Gumroad content. Unknown_26: Starting with the India episode. Then I released the Gamergate episode. I released it the next Monday after I published them. So on September 1st, I released it on the 9th. And then I released the India one the first Monday of September. And I will continue to do this. So... 0:06:12 Unknown_26: If I may entice you with free content, just a little bit late, you can follow on Rumble. And I say that because I have a very low number of followers on Rumble and it makes me insecure. So please smash that follow button on Rumble and fluff my ego. I don't know why the follower count on Rumble in particular is so low. Do you guys just like, because on Odyssey it's like 9,000 people. Do people just not want to register on Rumble? Is that like a thing? Are people like, I don't want to register on Rumble. How many subscribers or followers do I have on Kik? 3,000. 0:06:47 Unknown_26: That's almost as much. And I've been doing Rumble for twice as long. Is there like an aversion? Are people just like, I don't want to stream. I don't want to watch on Rumble. Unknown_26: It's fascinating. Unknown_26: Anyways. Unknown_26: Okay, yeah, so I can't publish that to Kik is the only thing. I can't do VODs on Kik. There are retarded people who keep reporting my VODs on Kik, so I just delete the VODs. And that seems to be an acceptable resolution to this problem, to all parties involved. 0:07:24 Unknown_26: But I've had zero, zero issues with Rumble and Odyssey. So I do encourage people to also follow on those so that when I publish videos and stuff, they actually get notifications. Because you will not get notifications on Kik or Telegram or whatever. Unknown_26: I mention that because my next review that will be going public is already on the Gumroad, but it's the Isom review. I did a very late review on Isom 2, and as I teased, it's very bad. And I actually just sat down with the book in my hand with a bunch of notes, and I flipped through it on a... Unknown_26: on a scan. And I just wanted to give like gentle commentary of it. And I tore apart basically every single page. I really did not like it at all. And that's coming out on Rumble on next Monday. So if you're interested in that, you can get it for free if you just follow. That's what I'm saying. 0:07:59 Unknown_26: inflate my ego chat um and i really i didn't want to give a negative review of isom because i know that there are certain people who would take great joy in that negative review uh uh in particular these people and yes i know i spelt pedophile wrong um that's how much i give a fuck about putting effort into censoring this fat freak well veto 0:08:38 Unknown_21: I play a mean connect the dots. You know what I'm talking about? Remember those dot-to-dot books? I'm pretty good at that. And I don't mind connecting this dot to this dot to this dot. Unknown_21: I'm saying if Lauren Chen is a Russian asset working for the Blaze, which is also where Eric July worked, and she received $10 million to do her shit. Unknown_21: And by the way, Eric July has... Unknown_21: receives has three hundred thousand dollars suddenly to start a comic book company in order to disrupt comics gate veto where does that you know i'm saying and then starts telling people not to vote out of the blue i don't vote i shit in the voting booth i just it seems to me like a picture is emerging here and i'm not you know i have a this is if you don't know who this guy is this bearded gentleman sitting in a man child's dungeon 0:09:37 Unknown_26: This is Ethan Van Schafer, and he is a comic skate man. He made Comic Skate, and he basically coined it. And then he fundraised a book, which I'm pretty sure his comic book has not released. And also the pedophiles in Nexum has also crowdfunded five figures to release a comic book that he has also not released. And instead of releasing their fucking books that they have already successfully crowdfunded, they make little group therapy Discord calls and they talk about how Eric July, who has now released like seven comic books, how he's a fraudster. So that's where we're at in the comics, he thinks. Ethan, by the way, is a poster on the Kiwi Farms. His at is at frog. I'm pretty sure. 0:10:18 Unknown_26: And I have no idea why he thinks sitting on webcam in front of all his toys, talking to a pedophile about how Eric July is the ugliest gorilla neighbor that he's ever seen and how he can't release a comic book, even though he's released like seven. I don't understand. I would love to, this is my general invitation to, to have Siva. If he can explain to me why he can't release his fucking book. And at the same time has the audacity to, to throw stones at random black man who has released book. Cause if, even if it's a bad book, I don't like Isam too. Even if it's a bad book, he's released it. So his score, I give Isam a two out of 10. He has two points. Ethan Van Sypha and The Pedophile have released zero comic books, cumulatively zero points. So the ratio here is infinity. 0:10:52 Unknown_26: Eric Gilles' comic books are infinity times better. It's an undefined, incomprehensible amount better than the two non-released books by these two combined. 0:11:24 Unknown_26: I don't get it. Unknown_26: So, I don't know. He's on the forum. Maybe he can explain this to me. But my point was that I was very apprehensive about doing an ISM review just because I know it would make them happy. But I'm assuming that they will probably pick it apart and read my review and say, Look, even Josh, who is evil and runs the Kiwi Farms that only exist to torture poor Nicholas Rakeda, who didn't do anything, even he gets it. Unknown_26: Cool. Was there anything else I wanted to say? No. No, there wasn't. Let's move on, chat. This stream is not interrupted by some bullshit. 0:12:03 Unknown_26: They got me, chat. They brought me down. The 9-11, my stream. So are there really people left who don't know that Israel are influencing American politics? How is Destiny 35 and so politically intertangled? And he has no concept of the AIPAC affairs in the United States. I just don't understand. Unknown_26: Um, and what's really sad is that he has the subreddit dedicated to him. It's just our destiny. So destiny, the game has to take a backseat to destiny, the streamers subreddit. 0:12:35 Unknown_26: And it has like at any given time, like I think more people than the entire Kiwi farms, at least a thousand. I could look this up, but, um, my VPN is blocked by, by Reddit. Um, So it's like his subreddit has as many users as the Kiwi Farms as a total. And it's like he doesn't even know that Israel, or he just pretends not to know that Israel influences American politics. 0:13:11 Unknown_26: I've suggested this channel before, but anyone actually genuinely interested in a breakdown of American-Israeli relations... Look this guy up. His name is GDF. I think it means Gaza Defense Force. Unknown_26: You can watch his videos. His videos are very good, very well sourced. I enjoy them. Do not give this guy money. He is like a pro-Arab Muslim convert and turn the West brown and gay and Muslim kind of guy. Unknown_26: Don't give him money. Watch his videos with ad blockers. Download them if you prefer, and use the information in them, but don't give him cash. 0:13:50 Unknown_26: Anyways, I brought that up just because it's a profoundly stupid statement. He's so popular. He's so popular. He's so well-funded. He's held up as this fucking 9,000 IQ master debater. Unknown_26: And he's just going to sit there and pretend that Israel doesn't influence American politics. I just don't understand. I even have the audacity to do that. Unknown_26: Similarly, speaking of Juju, actually, Cuties has been removed by Netflix. However, it's not for the reason you may think. Now, if you've watched any kind of commentary about the movie, you would know that it was effectively a form of soft exploitation. 0:14:26 Unknown_26: Because as discussed when it came out, remember, like, the movie itself is gratuitous. There are several violations of the DOS standard where the camera focuses on genital regions for, like, titillation of, like, underage girls. Like, not just underage. Like, they're not, like, 16, you know, legal in France underage. They're, like, 12 and 13. Unknown_26: But remember that these movies have auditions. So who knows how many kids came in and did the dance routine And had it recorded and stored in some kind of fucking French pedophile's tryouts, auditions folder. 0:15:06 Unknown_26: Juju rigorously defended this movie and probably masturbated to it. And so did Vito the pedo, an outspoken pedophile. And they baited people into calling them pedophiles for years, literally years after this movie came out, and now it's been removed. However, I should mention, this is a good argument to build a bond with Juju again over a mutual hatred of copyright. It was not taken down due to its sexual exploitation. It was not taken down after the state of Texas indicted it for being child pornography. It was indicted because every month Netflix removes a handful of movies and TV shows from its back catalog, usually because the license agreement has expired, and that appears to be the case with Cuties. It was removed the day before, four days to the year after its release in 2020. 0:15:46 Unknown_26: it was released on September 9th and it was removed on September 8th which is Sneeko's birthday I feel should be pointed out it is the day of birth for Sneeko who was also a major cuties file so he can join his commiseration with Juju the Cow about the loss of this epic film and maybe Juju can back me up on copyright being an evil who knows 0:16:40 Unknown_26: This is in Canada. You can tell because it's written in British English and also Cote d'Ivoire French. Unknown_26: And I had not watched this video, but I had been told by good authority that it is terrible chat. It is an assault on your senses. Let's take a look and let's find out. Unknown_12: Now bear with me as I go into my last paragraph here. Because I had this part translated into Gen Z for us. Unknown_12: Honourable fam, waiting to vote until 18 is a big yikes and mad shoogie. But S201 hits different. Today's youth slays and stays bussin'. That's why we've got to give them a chance to clap back. If not, how will we be able to say that they ate that up? No cap, this bill slaps, and is electoral glow-up. I am its number one stan, for real. Merci, thank you, nyawa. 0:17:15 Unknown_26: Standing ovation. Unknown_26: If this isn't a call to arms against all politicians in all countries, I don't know what could possibly be. Thank you, Canada, for continuing to enrich our world with your continued existence. Just a reminder. that when we were manifesting destiny and conquering the lesser nation of Mexico, it was originally an idea held by James Polk and other manifestors of destinies. 0:17:50 Unknown_26: that we would one day, of course, reunite with Canada, and Canada would join the United States, as would Greenland. One day, Chet, we will finally break the knees of the Danish menace and return Greenland, the rightful clay of the United States of America, North America, which we will one day all have access to. The Hudson Bay, American. The Yukon Mountains, American. And Greenland, hella fucking American. For real, for real. Canada, mark my fucking words, we're coming. We're coming for that freshwater boy-y. 0:18:33 Unknown_26: This is a small brief update to all users in Brazil. The Brazilian existence continues to languish in agony. Unknown_26: The fine, fine website of Rumble has been discontinued in Brazil due to direct orders from the Supreme Court guy. I don't know why this one guy in Brazil seems to like run the country despite not being like an elected official. And he's just like the Supreme Court man. But Supreme Court man has ruled that Rumble is to be shuttered unless they start censoring things. And Rumble said no. So Rumble and X are now banned in Brazil. 0:19:12 Unknown_26: It must suck to be Brazilian. But now you know. Now you know, Chet, that Rumble is a free-from-Brazil safe space. Unknown_26: I wonder what would happen if you banned Brazil and India from a website. You think that X would just improve overnight if we just banned all of India and all of Brazil? No. 0:19:51 Unknown_26: We just wake up one day to a brighter future, a better tomorrow. Unknown_26: do you think it's offensive to is it more offensive to brazilians or to indians to put them in the same category like you just ban uh i mean that's like two parts of bricks right just ban the the the buy take the buy out of bricks make them make them rcs and then you have a real you have like a real alliance 0:20:31 Unknown_26: Life would improve. Which is worse, though? Is it worse to be, don't group us with the Pajits? Sorry, Khan, I can't hear you. You're banned. Unknown_26: Your favela has come to a terrific end. Unknown_26: Okay, there's this thing that I want to talk about. It's the Haitian cat stuff. I don't have a thing pulled up. Just give me a second. Let me Google real quick to get an article or something. Unknown_26: Oh, it appears that this has been thoroughly debunked. And all possible articles about the Haitians eating cats is just saying that no Haitians are eating any cats. In fact, Haitians have never eaten a cat. And if you think otherwise, you are wrong, stalker. I'm not sure what that's all about. But apparently I'm super wrong to think this. I wonder what they could be talking about. 0:21:02 Unknown_26: Let's see... Unknown_26: ICE's Baltimore office announced the arrest of their 153rd illegal alien sex offender this fiscal year. A record, it was a 2X previously deported Honduran national who re-entered the U.S. illegally again and got away and was convicted of raping a Maryland resident. 0:21:43 Unknown_26: Oh, sorry, we're not talking about this tweet where in Baltimore alone there are 153 illegal immigrants that have been arrested for rape. We're talking about this tweet. This is the controversial one. Unknown_26: Months ago I raised the issue of Haitian illegal immigrants draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio. Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't even be in this country. Where is our border czar? Unknown_26: This is the offensive tweet, and indeed, the whole kerfuffle regarding Haitians eating cats has led to some memes, some pretty funny memes, some hope and optimism that the liberal white women will say, what, they're eating cats? I'm voting for Trump now. 0:22:28 Unknown_26: Um... Unknown_26: This one just says, please vote for Trump so Haitian immigrants don't eat us. This got some views. This got 2 million views. Here's Trump, Donnie Trump, running away from Haitians trying to eat the poor kittens that he's saving. And in fact, these memes were so successful and so funny that even the House Judiciary Committee couldn't help but get in on the meme action chat. And they posted this. Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio. And the ducks thing comes from a story of a Haitian man carrying around a dead goose that he slaughtered in the parks of Springfield, Ohio. 0:22:59 Unknown_26: And that story was debunked because guess what? It wasn't in the recent reports. So it didn't happen recently. They've been eating geese and kittens for a while, I guess. Anyways, they tweeted this AI image out, and this, of course, got 75 million views because it's very funny, which led to a Californian man becoming extremely upset. 0:23:38 Unknown_20: What in the hell is this? The chairman tweets, protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio because he goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked that aliens are eating pets? Unknown_20: My God, are you okay, Mr. Chairman? Because last year, for a very long time, you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide against the Jews, and you kept it up. And now, when we have victims coming here, you're tweeting this nonsense. 0:24:12 Unknown_20: I don't know why you would do this. I hope you're okay. Unknown_20: I don't know if the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now, but Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue. These people have loved ones who have been lost. And you tweeted this. Unknown_26: Let me tell you how much of a fuck I give about every Haitian who's lost somebody close to them. Not a single fuck. I could not possibly be compelled at gunpoint to pretend to give a fuck about any Caribbean or Latin American ever for any fucking reason. could not possibly, under any threat, even pretend to give a facsimile, a facade, a facetious go-along with giving a fuck about the lives and livelihoods and families and countries of those south of the United States. 0:25:22 Unknown_26: I don't know who the fuck this retard is. I don't know why he thinks that at this point in American history an American citizen can be compelled to give a fuck about any of these fucking retards. Could not possibly fucking care less They must all go back. Every single one of them. And I don't give a fuck if they've been here for four fucking generations. I don't give a shit if they came over on the Mayflower. If you don't look right, if you don't smell right, you gotta get the fuck back. And if you can't find a place to fuck off to, we'll find you one. They're accepting some invitations in Haiti. They got room in Ghana. I think they got some space in Liberia. They got some places in Sudan to hold up in. You got to go the fuck back, all of you. 0:25:55 Unknown_26: Protect the kittens, chat. That's what matters. They're going to be eating hamsters soon. We can't allow this. Unknown_26: And finally, I actually have to commiserate just a little bit. Unknown_26: This guy is David Knowles. He is a war correspondent with The Telegraph, and he is the host of Ukraine The Latest. I bring this up very specifically because I mentioned offhandedly that I had been listening to their podcast, and even though I obviously don't agree with them 100% about everything they say, I thought that it was a pretty quality production and enjoyable to listen to. In no small part, because David Knowles and Don Nichols are pretty exceptional hosts in terms of a podcast. 0:26:34 Unknown_26: He is dead. I spoke evil into the world. I spoke positively of a British man in his podcast about Ukraine. And at 32 in Gibraltar, he dies of cardiac arrest. He's a 32-year-old healthy man who has spontaneously died of a heart attack while abroad in Gibraltar. So you tell me, is this Vax? Is this Poutine? Or is this Josh? 0:27:23 Unknown_26: Did I do this? Did I murder him? If so, chat, allow me to speak other things into existence. Unknown_26: Liz Fong Jones, what a wonderful, beautiful, strong trans woman. I'm so glad she's around every day. Honeycomb, what a great tech startup, really adding value to our United States of America. Russell Greer is an inspiration to all handicapped people. You too can be a celebrity singer and author just like Russell Greer, one of the best people alive today whose continued existence brightens my smile. And also Stebbins. Wonderful Stebbins, a man who cares a lot about certain things, I'm sure, and who has contributed maybe something at some point, and who I love with all my heart. 0:27:58 Unknown_26: Anybody else? Joe Biden, my president. I would vote for Biden a million times in a row. I love Mr. Biden. Unknown_26: Juju the Cow, what a great guy. Truly one of the podcasters of all time. 0:28:45 Unknown_26: Live, laugh, love. Exactly. I don't know. I am somewhat saddened to hear that David Knowles is that. I don't know why. I have like a little parasocial relationship. I think Don Nichols and Don Nichols in particular is like a full on NAFO fucking retard. You pull up his Twitter account. He's got like a stupid ass fucking cheese dog is like his thing because he's like, I'm supporting the war effort by wearing this dog avatar. Hello, friends. I sure do love the current established world order. 0:29:17 Unknown_26: But he can be funny sometimes. He's probably going to die next and get shot in the fucking head. Watch. I said something nice about him. I can't believe it. I fucked up yet again. Unknown_26: Please, by the way, if you're listening to this and you're already angry and you're writing up some dumbass fucking comment about the war in Ukraine and how if I'm listening to this podcast and I'm evil, shut the fuck up. I don't care. I don't listen to it to get my opinions. I listen to it to hear what they're saying. Okay? Shut the fuck up. If you're posting the comment you're a fucking idiot, I'm going to fucking delete it. 0:29:51 Unknown_26: If it's more than one sentence long and it has the words Ukraine or Russia in it, I do not read it. My brain gets to the word Ukraine or Russia and it just stops reading the sentence and I leave the page. That's what's happening. I'm just letting you know, write the fuck now. Don't even waste your fucking time. Unknown_26: Everybody else is welcome to comment, though. Unknown_26: Okay, so actually, let me rearrange this just a little bit. Just a little bit, because I can make a segment out of this if I just put these two together. 0:30:28 Unknown_26: Okay. Unknown_10: News hamster dismissed. Thank you. Unknown_10: This is a post by a guy called CaptainCrunch97, which has 171,000 posts. Unknown_26: Um, the quote, the post he's retweeting, actually, let me pull this up real quick. Unknown_26: It does have the original, I retweeted it with the original, sorry, locale LLC retweeted it as the original. 0:31:02 Unknown_26: So Captain Crunch posted this, and he was originally retweeting this thing, I think. Yeah. So a bunch of furries went out to a Chick-fil-A branch in God knows where and raised middle fingers to protest Chick-fil-A's homophobic policies or whatever. Unknown_26: This guy called CaptainCrunch97 says, I just want you guys to know that the one in the blue fursuit had ate their own shit, in quote retweeting this, which got 171,000 likes and 15 million views. And then in the replies, he links it. He links the Kiwi Farms thread to demonstrate his knowledge that this person is Blue Fulf and does eat their own shit. To which Blue Fulf replied and said, Um, or replied by saying that he was going to think these things get uploaded to YouTube. So how do I word this? Oh, on a live, of course, you know, on the live is now like on a live is like the scariest word in the English language now because it exists solely so that YouTube and TikTok content creators can bypass certain word filters for advertisers. and now people just say unalive to the point where it no longer serves that purpose. That should terrify you that there are now words in the English language that exist solely to accommodate advertisers, when really it is the advertisers who should be unaliving themselves and not the content creators. 0:32:25 Unknown_26: Anyways, Blue Folf threatened to... Unknown_26: I guess threatened to blame me for some shit I didn't fucking do again. And then deleted his Twitter account. As he does. Apparently he's done this multiple times. Unknown_26: But this was circulated around and I got to advertise the Kiwi Farms a little bit. Unknown_26: Which is great fun. And really just kind of indicates that the bump is happening. And the Kiwi Farms is being normalized. Hashtag. Unknown_26: Oh look. Someone actually... 0:33:01 Unknown_10: Someone actually did this, hold up. At least this does not work. Unknown_10: Do I have to download this? Unknown_10: What if I open it with this? Unknown_10: No. Why the fuck doesn't this play? Unknown_10: Oh, here we go. I think if I do this, if this doesn't work, then I just move on. 0:33:36 Unknown_10: Very, very slow. You said no one would call you on stream. Unknown_23: Well, here I am. I just wanted to say nice stream. Also, Vito is a fat pedophile. Unknown_23: Fuck him. Also, good stream. Unknown_26: Thank you. I did this... Okay, just so you know, I do get voicemails if you call the Kiwi Farms number. And I get transcriptions, so I read them before I can play them. This was the first person who dared call and leave a voice message during one of my streams, so I have played their message. 0:34:09 Unknown_26: Hope you find the voicemail segment satisfying, Chet. Unknown_26: I don't know. I did the call-ins on Discord a long time ago, and those received mixed reactions. I wonder if maybe... I don't know. Send me something in the voicemail, and it's actually funny. Maybe I'll play it. I can do a closeout segment. Unknown_26: Anyways... Unknown_26: I mentioned this, and then I lined this up as well. It's four minutes long, and it's Anna Kasparian. Forgive me, but you might find it funny. Totally, yeah. Unknown_22: By the way, I have to say something before I forget. You guys really did me dirty with something. Oh! Yeah, so... 0:34:45 Unknown_22: you guys did a stream i don't know months and months ago about some law tuber like nick ricada and i thought it was like such a juicy story that i started like reading about it myself and uh watching some videos about it and now i'm like it's like my guilty pleasure drama Unknown_22: very closely and i like know who aaron imholt is from morning show like he was just he was just indicted yeah for everyone he did revenge porn on his stream and he like ended up getting indicted for it that story is like the gift that keeps on giving it is 0:35:29 Unknown_16: how do you do revenge porn on his stream what are you talking how do you do that okay so this is what happened um finally we talk about the issues that matter so uh so nick nick ricada was this or is this like law tuber who became more and more prominent as he was covering high profile cases like the amber heard johnny depp one i think the kyle rittenhouse one as well i didn't know about him until you guys covered that whole thing that happened recently but Unknown_22: so uh he and his wife end up swinging with aaron m holt and his wife aaron m holt is the host of that steel toe morning show thing in minnesota so they all live in minnesota they start swinging what appears to have happened is they seem to have like kicked aaron m holt out of the polycule or whatever oh my god Unknown_22: But they were sharing messages with each other on signal. And I guess Nick Ricardo's wife had shared some racy images of herself in that signal chat. Aaron Imholtz saved it. And then after. Oh, no. 0:36:28 Unknown_16: He showed those on stream. Unknown_22: didn't show them but he sent one of the photos to another person that was on his stream and like they were talking about the image and he said something along the lines of like your boy didn't do too bad did he or something like that and so and by the way this entire time he's been like really running his mouth about the ricadas and about his now ex-wife And so I was like, man, you are playing with fire because you have done some stuff on your stream that I'm sure they can use against you. And guess what they did. And so we ended up getting I mean, they don't know how to stop. It's amazing. It's the train wreck that you can't look away from. 0:37:05 Unknown_22: I even started reading Kiwi Farms about it. Oh, my God. Unknown_13: You've gone down a dark path. I know. I know. It's so funny because after we covered it, kind of the original drama, I haven't really bothered to keep up on any of these updates. What? Unknown_16: Sitch, how dare you? Unknown_13: It's funny that you've become so engrossed in this. 0:37:44 Unknown_22: everyone needs a distraction it's like the perfect distraction after like a long day of you know producing and hosting tyt i get to come home and it's like oh what's what's the latest juicy drama yeah i see nate glory time about all the time i'll have to catch up on it okay that's hilarious we'll see if ricada gets out of it so Unknown_16: I'm not sure. We've had Ricada on the show before. Sitch argued with Ricada over the electors stuff, right? The Trump electors stuff. Unknown_13: The electors and the rumble Fuentes stuff. Unknown_26: So I showed this for the obvious reason, that if Anacasperian is so willing to admit this freely, then that bodes well for the site in general. I had a theory, and I think I even said this, I don't know if anyone wants to go through the archive and find something that, find me saying this, but I think I even said, like, if we can survive, drop Kiwi Farms, 0:38:33 Unknown_26: That would be the end of the dark time. Because once that happens, if we manage to get past that, then it's kind of like, well, the forum becomes a fixture of the internet. It's no longer like this dark, evil website that nobody can talk about. It's like innate. It's a quality that exists online. It's like water. How can you possibly complain about water existing? You know what I mean? Unknown_26: By the way, just now, and I let that clip play on a little bit longer than I would have liked ordinarily, because I believe that one API, Keysystems GmbH, has permitted me to transfer the domain. Um, I legit wrote a fucking letter to, um, the federal trade commission. I contacted up and down their chain of authority and I contacted about that us regarding a trademark dispute for them freezing the domain. And now they're saying that I can transfer my domain. 0:39:31 Unknown_26: So I will park this aside. I have some, I have nefarious schemes in motion. Um, Unknown_26: I'm feeling good about that. Unknown_26: One API had also, I think, frozen the .tw domain and also maybe even the .hk domain. I'll have to look into it. But I'll move those as well, and I'll get all of those up. Just fucking watch me. I kept accidentally buying domains through them because they were an intermediary registrar for like a lot of other sub registrars. It's like I was deliberately going out of my way to try and find hosts that didn't resell fucking one API domains. And I just kept bumping into them. It was a big pain in my ass. 0:40:08 Unknown_26: By the way, the Nice Nick guys in Hong Kong are great. And they're very funny. And whenever I end up messaging them on the support system, I'm like, hey, it's the Kiwi Farms guy again. I need you to send an email for me or something. They're like, oh, hello again. So I must be very well known in that particular registrar. 0:40:43 Unknown_26: Stuff like that really makes me laugh. Unknown_26: Cool. Unknown_26: So one thing, I don't know, maybe somebody in chat can help me out. Somebody asked me to talk about this, and I have no fucking idea what this is, but it's the current meme with Zoomies. This guy's called David Walter Alter. This thread was created on August 30th, and he's a British man from Doncaster, England. It already has 26 fucking pages. He goes by SmartSchoolBoy9, and he's like 50 years old and is apparently creepy. So let's just read this thread. This is new to me. I didn't have time to read it before the stream. 0:41:17 Unknown_26: Little Retard, great name, says, David Walter Alter is a 50-something-year-old man from Doncaster, England, who has a fetish for school uniforms, heeled mini-boots, and may or may not be a pedophile, also known as a pedophile to the English. Compiling information about him is a little... is a little difficult because popular YouTubers Nexpo and Nick Crowley have both made videos about him this week, which caused him to go on a deleting spree. This is what I have gathered. David was first noticed by the lowercase i internet when a Reddit user made a post on Our Internet Mysteries in July 2024 called Creepy Instagram Profiles of People Pretending to be Kids Similar to Pipergate. 0:42:00 Unknown_26: So this guy just made, like, fake kid accounts. Like, teehee, I'm a little boy on TikTok or whatever. Okay, I got it. Unknown_00: So this is his alt account. 0:42:48 Unknown_10: Reload these real quick. Unknown_10: A beautiful... Ew. Unknown_26: A beautiful boy. An account looked after by me. A degree-educated mother choosing to stay anonymous. Good original written work. Advice and compassion. Yeah, that's pretty fucking creepy. Unknown_26: SmartSchoolBoy9, primary school achiever, mixed race, and mastering millions of subjects eventually. Account monitored by mum. 0:43:22 Unknown_26: And then Stephanie Schooley, age 13, London, Monaco, and Greece. Um... Unknown_26: And this is, like, an old man pretending to be, like, a nine-year-old? Dude, that's fucking... That is legit fucking creepy. Dude, he's, like, photoshopping himself as, like, a nine... Bro, that's fucking weird, bro. That's fucking weird. Unknown_26: He's photoshopping himself onto pictures of children. I thought that he was photoshopping his entire body. He's stealing kids' pictures and photoshopping his face extremely poorly onto them. That is fucking gross. 0:44:03 Unknown_26: ignoring jealous comments from people. I think they wish they could wear my school uniform. Some people think that because I've grown quickly in school year five, they can comment on it. Is that they know me or am in their age group. It happens to loads of others. School is nice. My mini boots I used to wear to school. They need to put this guy into a fucking ditch. Like, what are you fucking doing? This is like a serial killer for sure. Look at this shit. This is a fucking, this guy will kill people. If something is not done to him, he will kill. He will kill children. I'm just letting you know right now. 0:44:38 Unknown_26: Um, yeah, that's fucking gross. I can see now why he's the popular meme of the day with the Zoomers. Unknown_26: I actually saw this guy, someone recommended I talk about him on the stream and the matter of the internet thread. And I recognize the name because I had saw on Zitter, just incidentally, someone who had made, who had made jokes about pedophiles and had changed their name to school boy nine and got like several thousand likes on this. So it's already like in the sphere. Unknown_26: Um, it's actually in the prospering grounds. 0:45:14 Unknown_10: What the fuck? Unknown_10: Okay, let's move this out. Unknown_10: Here, I'm gonna do a live feature chat. Unknown_10: Let's see, I think this is a stink ditch post. Unknown_10: This OP could be updated a bit, but if he wants to update it, I will help him with that. 0:45:47 Unknown_10: I'm going to load this one up. Unknown_26: I'm going to load this feature lineup with malice chat. Pure malice. Unknown_26: David Alter, 50 something, wait, 50 year. Let's go with old Englishman. Unknown_26: photoshops his face onto real pictures of kids or Instagram. 0:46:20 Unknown_26: I think that's a pretty good one. Then people can share it. They can share the thread chat. I feel like that feature line cuts right to the quick, as it were. Unknown_26: don't just say he's he's british sorry buddy he's just what best suits what's the best word to describe him he's british sorry and then uh there's this post someone wanted me to cover now i'm i am generous i am merciful 0:46:58 Unknown_26: Um, Daniel Moscato, who I've talked about quite a few times, cause right now I think he's being criminally tried for stalking his own parents. Um, because he kept making all these vlogs or blog sites on the internet saying that his father like rapes his patients or like some really evil shit and all his father did is. is tell him as a 40-year-old man that he will not live in their house anymore. So his reaction was to go out and say that his father is a habitual sex abuser of both his children and his patients or whatever. So he's trying to ruin his dad's life for evicting him. Unknown_26: But he went viral a couple years ago for asking this hard-hitting question. Ladies, fellow women, a question for you. What would you do if all men had a 9 p.m. curfew? Dudes, read the replies and pay attention. Hashtag me too. Hashtag Kavanaugh. Hashtag Cosby. Hashtag feminism. Hashtag male privilege. Hashtag privilege. That question reminds me of that South Park song. It's like, what would you do? I think it's a song about freedom or something. Anyways, what would you do, chat, if all men... I guess I would go to bed. 0:48:16 Unknown_26: I would probably continue to do what I do already. I will play Dota and do a podcast in the middle of the night. That's my plan. What about you, chat? Unknown_26: Hopefully up to nothing nefarious as you menfolk get up to. Unknown_26: He was actually invited onto a feminist... When I say feminist, I'm talking about progressive feminism. A feminist podcast in Ireland to answer this question or to give his story. Um... Unknown_26: Let's see. So this was for a feminist group in Ireland for an event inspired by his tweet. 0:48:54 Unknown_26: The video was only recently discovered in his thread, and Dave tells the story of his sister's rape. Let's take a listen, Chad. This is a very serious topic. Ooh, let's read the books in the background. Unknown_26: The something of Christianity. What does that say? Suicide. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Demonetized. Demonetized. I've lost it. I said the word. Be vision. Unknown_26: ethnographic strangers in their own land i'm assuming it's about aborigines or some shit gender body knowledge a voice that could stir an army um paper towns none of those sound interesting okay i give up 0:49:47 Unknown_10: Okay, now my video is going to buffer. Unknown_26: Can anyone guess, since we're waiting, what does that say? Unknown_26: Something for Christianity? I'm very interested to hear what amazing book he was writing. It was 1989. It was. 1989. Unknown_25: on a Wednesday in November. Unknown_25: My sister was 12 years old, coming home from school. My mother and- Oh no, I'm being felted, champ. 0:50:20 Unknown_25: School, my mother and our other sister were out in the city shoe shopping and a man followed my sister into our building and rode the elevator up to our floor with her. Unknown_26: I have been felted again, chat. Is this video like a thousand megabytes big? What the fuck is happening? I'll replay this entire video because it was going too quiet anyways, and it's very short. 0:50:57 Unknown_26: There is a chance that in this week we'll have scheduled maintenance on the forum because I am redoing a networking thing. And when that happens, we should be able to bring back up the Git repository for the KiwiForums. Unknown_26: I'm unsure if Crunklord would like to bring back up the KiwiFarms.cc instance. If he doesn't, I may repurpose that device. Unknown_26: But the fix should both improve the forum's internet connectivity... Unknown_26: Because right now we have literally like a 14-year-old router, probably older, and we have a 1 gigabit per second line that just has abysmal packet loss for no fucking reason. So we're going to swap out the router, we're going to change our uplink, and we may bring back one of the sister services or I may repurpose those devices. And an NVMe drive that was in the M2 port on the server burned out at some point. We had downtime last year. We're going to replace that drive, and we're going to move the database back on it, which will mean a couple things. A, the internet will be faster. B, the router will probably drop less packets. And C, the database and the files will not be on the same rate anymore. So things should be much, much, much, much, much faster overall for everything across the site. 0:51:41 Unknown_26: I have a plan. Since I'm on this diatribe, I'll just say this anyways while we look at Dave Moscato. 0:52:24 Unknown_26: I realized... Actually, I opened 4chan for the first time in probably a year or two. And I just clicked around. And I observed two things. Number one, 4chan is incredibly shit. I went to a new board I hadn't seen before called Bant. And I immediately saw three or four threads that were just Lolicon. And I realized that 4chan was completely and totally fucking ruined forever. And the second thing I noticed was that it was very, very fast. And I inspected it, and I realized that it had HTTP3, which is also called QUIC. This is a delineation between the protocols and shit, but it's a UDP-based transport layer. And it's very, very fast. And 4chan is very, very fast. And I realized... that if the site is to be successful, it has to grow. And if it's going to grow, it has to be fast. So I'm really looking at improving the speed of the site now that things are stable. And I'm also going to rewrite KiwiFlare, because right now it works on three layers. There is the entry and let nodes. They have zero trust. And then there is the KiwiFlare layer, and then there is the backend. And I'm going to try and see if I can write software that uses Quick because the... 0:53:44 Unknown_26: software that we currently have does not and the way that it's set up you can't reverse proxy udp that doesn't work right now so i'm going to try and write rewrite the entire thing with custom software to use udp for quick and then also to eliminate the middle layer so that the zero trust nodes can also do ssl termination safely and then eliminate like an entire 200 milliseconds of just relay time and that combined with everything else should make the site very fast it just it just made me ornery just like clicking around on fortune like number one the site's fucking bad now and it has been for a long time but number two it's so fast like you can't blame people for using it because it's so fucking fast so i'm gonna fix it i'm gonna fix it chad i have an idea in my head it's just difficult to do things right now um anyways my dead gay site has loaded this video 0:54:37 Unknown_25: It was 1989 on a Wednesday in November. Unknown_25: My sister was 12 years old coming home from school. My mother and our other sister were out in the city shoe shopping and a man followed my sister into our building and rode the elevator up to our floor with her and raped her right outside our apartment. Unknown_25: Um, it's hard for me to think about this. Unknown_25: I love my sister who has taught me what a woman is and what a woman is supposed to be and how to be one. 0:55:23 Unknown_25: It's also hard for me not to think about that. Unknown_25: Every time I visit that apartment, every time I unlock that door, it's hard for me not to think about it every time I walk alone. Unknown_26: So, let's unpack this chat. First and foremost, Dave does not have a sister. In this story, he regales you with the story of two sisters. He has zero. He has no sisters. And he has never lived in an apartment when he was young, let alone a second floor apartment. This entire story that you've just heard, which was a direct consequence of being invited onto a progressive podcast in Ireland to back up this tweet that went viral, was a complete and total fictitious story, a figment of his imagination, which should give you some pause to think. Whenever you are labored with an anecdote from a person of gender or one of their handmaidens, You are within your right to just say, I don't believe you. I think that your anecdote is bullshit. I think you're lying to my fucking face. You are not a trustworthy narrator of anything, including your own life. And I don't believe you. Goodbye. And that's all you need to say to them. 0:55:57 Unknown_26: Because they are fucking insane people. And they do not deserve your trust, chat. That is the truth. Okay, we are out of the Troons and into the cows. 0:56:46 Unknown_26: Let's start off strong with Patrick S. Tomlinson, child. Unknown_26: Patrick says, The famous chair that has been stolen numerous, many thousands of times despite his protests. Unknown_26: And, uh, despite his efforts to regain control over his chair, they are now being contested by territorial squirrels who are not only using his chair without his permission, child, they are, um, 0:57:25 Unknown_26: eating his tomatoes as well, on his chair, and leaving the tomatoes on the chair to mark them as their own. So even the fucking wildlife of Milwaukee is rubbing their literal nutsack across Tomlinson's face. He is unable to catch a break. Truly sad, chat. Truly sad. Unknown_26: Um... Unknown_26: Okay, this is Sammy Bushart. And I very, very briefly mentioned her years ago. And I will just sum up her entire fucking thread. She is white trash incarnate. And this post made me laugh. So I will read it for you. She says, I do know who every made this K we Google shit about me and my kids and saying lies about my life. I will find out who you are and you will be in jail. So keep it up. 0:58:02 Unknown_26: Well, I have been explicitly instructed by Sammy to keep it up, so I guess I'm not deleting this thread, which I might have done if this was a valid complaint chat, of course. I would consider it on its merits, but she does say keep it up. So I have been instructed many thousands of times to not delete anything. 0:58:40 Unknown_26: I asked the Sammy people, has anything happened with Sammy that I could show my stream to entertain them, and they said no. Unknown_26: They said no, child. She's very boring. She is shit out mud babies. Unknown_26: However, she's found an interesting stepfather for them, so I'll show you this. Unknown_26: This is the family photo, and I feel kind of bad, but keep in mind she posts these herself on the internet. 0:59:15 Unknown_26: And she has either tricked this man or he is playing along by telling him that this is his child. Unknown_26: I do not think that is true. There's quite a few things about the baby that do not seem to align with this man. But he's going along with the ride. He's a part of it. Unknown_26: Um, me and my husband. This man is everything. Burn in heart emoji. My whole world. Africa emoji. My smile and my joy. Smiley face emoji. I make this vow to love you forever. Daddy. 100 emoji. 0:59:55 Unknown_26: And I'm sorry. You know, I don't like saying things that can be interpreted as racist because it's 2024. But he looked like a monkey. Look at that face. This guy has a monkey face. Unknown_26: I don't know what part of fucking Africa he's from, but he's fresh out the jungle and he looked like a fucking monkey. He looks like he's about to get kidnapped and put into a dungeon in some Missouri home. That's not much of a monkey he looking like. Unknown_26: Oh, I feel bad for that kid. 1:00:27 Unknown_26: Oh, well. Unknown_26: That's the Sammyverse update. Apparently this lives on page 1,000. This is like a 2016 thread. Let's just check on 2018. Damn. She a fat hoe, in case you're wondering. Keep it up, Sammy. Unknown_26: All right, this is important. This is the real content chat, so pay attention. On the last episode of Jolly Biscuit, the end of the fucking world part two, the Republicans made a convention on a Nordic rune stage to discuss fucking dogs, and they all dressed up in little crotchless spandex suits where their penises would flap about as they looked for dogs to fuck. 1:01:17 Unknown_26: Now, 92 Days Until the Election, Part 3, Into the Fucking World, by my boy Jolly Biscuit comes out. Let's see what he has to say. Unknown_26: Okay, so it looks like we've cut from the dog fucking parade from the convention. Unknown_26: Now we have this spray tan guy who is missing a tan around his head. I assume because he wears a MAGA cap. But in proper etiquette, he does not wear his MAGA cap at the table when he eats. Unknown_26: He says, Unknown_26: Everyone knows politics starts at the dinner table. I love my family and I do best to keep them on track. I'm so proud when I show them off to my single friends. And then he does a big ol' thumbs up to three of his, who I assume are his friends. And they are each wearing a red hat. One says poo, the other says butt, and the other says ass. 1:01:56 Unknown_26: Isn't there a country song out right now that says something about when, I remember when, oh, it was a little, it's a little back then right now. And he says, when politics wasn't table talk, that's something that he complains about. And back then, politics wasn't table talk, but he wishes that it was a little bit back then right now. This is an inaccurate parody, I believe. 1:02:29 Unknown_26: Anyways, he asks his son, he says, did you win the internet today, son? Now, I'm assuming that this is a proper noun. It's all capitalized. I will give my expert comiker, Jolly Biscuit, the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is a proper noun on the internet. The son replies and says, Grimble, grumble, me likey dad, me likey video James, me likey me magic. And then the dad says, and he gets a boner when this happens, so apparently this pleases him. He says, ha ha, swell. Just don't make the same meme for too long or you'll start to look like it. And this, of course, is an explanation as to why he looks kind of like Pepe the Frog. 1:03:10 Unknown_26: I would also like to take this time to point out that they're eating green. Unknown_26: This is actually consistent throughout the comic. They are eating pure green. I'm not sure what that's supposed to reference. Is this like soylent green? Unknown_26: I'm not sure. If you were really parroting these people, you would make their plate nothing but beige and fried, but... 1:03:42 Unknown_26: Apparently they're health nuts and they eat liquefied broccoli or something. Unknown_26: Waf, have you been well? And now his wife is like a short haired dyke with like a earthworm body. That's a bit preposterous. She says, I started a crystal healing practice in our basement and so far I only killed three customers. And he says, what a great little earner she is. Unknown_26: Of course, parroting the fact that evil conservative white women love crystals. Is that a thing? I don't think conservative women like healing crystals. That's like a neoliberal Mother Gaia Earth thing, right? I think he's I don't I'm very confused by this. 1:04:19 Unknown_26: Um, dearest daughter, how was school? And then she says, I want to study theater. Now this triggers Mr. Mr. Spray tan. His eyes bulge in disgust. He says, Oh, well. Unknown_26: And then she says, society should fund the arts. Arts are important. He is still very erect, but he's saying no now. He's afraid. He's also holding a knife, which confuses me because his Soylent Green appears to be completely liquefied. So what he's cutting with that knife is unknown to me. 1:04:54 Unknown_26: He says, you have your future to think about. And she says, I'm also joining a women's circle. We'll be sharing our traumas. His penis has now shriveled up, actually, so the erection has died. Unknown_26: The woman continues to explain to him. And talking about our periods and shit. He goes, whoa. And his eyes are X'd out. He's actually mortified by this. 1:05:25 Unknown_26: The background appears to be pulsing different colors of orange and green now. And he says, that's disgusting, daughter. You have violated the sanctity of the dinner table. Do you really think that your poor grandfather wants to hear about pussies and vagina all night? And he smashes the plate. The Soylent Green is fine. Granddad is sitting over there in a wheelchair. And his penis grows at the words of pussies and vaginas. 1:05:59 Unknown_26: Bravo. Bravo, Jolly Biscuit. Unknown_26: This guy, I have no idea what he's going for. I don't know. His hatred of MAGA conservatives is so amorphic and disjointed and completely detached from reality. that it has divorced itself from any sort of semblance of reality and just become pure abstract art. He is not describing a parody of MAGA conservatives. He is describing his own anger and hatred in this roundabout, kind of like, 1:06:32 Unknown_26: Lovecraftian. The way that everything is like a tendril. It's indescribable horror. It's a Lovecraftian neoliberal progressive comic. It truly is great. Unknown_26: Imagine spending time making this. I don't have to. Maybe I should become his only patron. I think he would talk to me. He would rub my back or something. Whisper sweet nothings into my ear about how much he hates Donald Trump. 1:07:07 Unknown_26: He's a brown commie. I don't think so. I don't know if there's a picture of him. Someone find a picture of him. I don't think he's brown. I like Nick Acato, who is brown. Unknown_26: Nick Acato is skinny. Nikocado Avocado is now a thin man. He has been losing weight for over two years. It remains to be seen how he lost weight, but his video Two Steps Ahead with him eating a giant plate of noodles talks about how he has played everybody with the greatest social experiment of certainly his life, but the greatest social experiment that he's ever seen. 1:07:41 Unknown_26: Now, if you'll remember, I spoke about this a long time ago, that Nickicato Avocado, when he started his channel, he was a very talented musician. He was a violinist. He was a dietician. He was a vegan. And then over the course of time, he gained an absurd amount of weight doing extremely over-the-top theatrical stuff with his gay boyfriend. Unknown_26: really, really emphasizing his expansion, his growth, and his helplessness. He really emphasized this. He pulled out his tummy on camera and flapped it around, and he emphasized a couple things. A, that he had gotten fatter. B, that he was helpless to his addiction to food, and there was nothing he could do. He just had to shovel more food into his face, even though it made him fat. And three, It made him sad. He wasn't happy that he was fat, but because he was so helplessly addicted to food and because he was continuing to gain weight, he was going to be sad. And these are the tenets of the fetish. This was his gay feeder fetish, and he sold this. He's a top 1% earner on OnlyFans. His videos grossed millions of views, shared by both people interested in the fetish and also people interested in him as a lolcal. He made millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars through this process. And this was at... 1:09:04 Unknown_26: adequately pointed out by numerous people that it was a charade because very importantly, Nikocado Avocado was not fat as a child. He did not grow up fat. He grew up with a healthy lifestyle and he knew how to maintain a healthy lifestyle into his adulthood. So it was very obvious, I think, that he was going to lose weight eventually. What he didn't do that I had expected was 1:09:41 Unknown_26: Is he did not name a sponsor when he came back, but there's still time for that. Like now that the video has dropped where he kind of like shocked everybody and said, look, I've lost 200 fucking pounds, 300 pounds, whatever he lost. Um, now he can start communicating with sponsors and being like, well, you know, um, I can say that I lost weight drinking your product or eating at your store or whatever, but And kind of fulfill that role. And then he'll make millions and millions and millions of dollars. So I expect that that will happen. 1:10:23 Unknown_10: He's a fat traitor. Unknown_26: Um, I don't know, like the people who are posting pictures of his butthole and stuff like, oh, he can't undo this. He doesn't want to. That's like money for him. The fact that he became a meme went viral. That was like, what do you what do you hope for? You probably didn't expect to get as much success as he was as he was doing. 1:10:54 Unknown_26: And with all the money, it's very easy to get a dietician and get a workout counselor. Because he doesn't have a real job. You know what I mean? It's not like he has to balance work and life to accomplish his goals. His goals are just to lose weight. Unknown_26: So... Unknown_26: Yeah, he can be a Mexican Jared Fogle, exactly. Millions and millions of dollars. What would be the funniest thing for him to... Here, let's do some chat participation real quick. What would be the absolute funniest thing for him to partner with for his weight loss? Pfizer? Pfizer doesn't own Ozempic, does it? 1:11:35 Unknown_26: A personal chef plus personal trainer. Simple as that. Yeah, exactly. You get those two, you're down pat. Just don't eat anything else. Unknown_10: Grinder. Pfizer. Unknown_26: Subway. Pizza Hut. Kiwi Farms. Unknown_26: Truvada. I don't know what Truvada is. Is it like an Ozempic? 1:12:06 Unknown_26: Ozempic. Open AI. Baldo. McDonald's. Bad Dragon. Unknown_26: Dildos. Hardees. Ozempic Switzerland. I thought Ozempic was Dutch, not Swiss. Unknown_26: Mail order tapeworms. Unknown_26: That is pretty funny. The official Ukrainian government. He is Ukrainian. He can be Slava Ukrainian. Unknown_26: How did I do it? I went to the front line. I volunteered to join the armed forces of Ukraine. And I fought in the Battle of New York and the Battle of Kerch or whatever the fuck. And I lost 300 pounds by killing those evil Nazi Russians. And then millions of fat people will join the Ukrainian armed forces. The Ukrainians will fit three by one in like phalanx. They'll make three by three formations and then put the fat Americans up front wearing like ceramic plates. And they'll just use them as like battering rounds to break through entrenched places in the cities and stuff. Russia will be completely fucking overwhelmed. They will have no idea how to handle modern day phalanx. 1:13:15 Unknown_26: This is how it's going to work. Unknown_26: It's how you win, exactly. Okay. That's Nick Cacato. Whatever. He lost weight. Good for him. Unknown_26: Okay, this is also, this is kind of funny. This is kind of, what's the word? What's the word? Oh, schadenfreude. How could I forget the German word? One of the best German words. One of the greatest. We got the greatest. Americans, we took the greatest German words, the best German words. We left all the shitty German words for Germany, and we took the good ones. 1:13:49 Unknown_26: Some schadenfreude. There was a social media platform called CoHost. Unknown_26: Billed as an anti-capitalist alternative Twitter with no Elon Musk and no toxicity. The safest of safe spaces, the huggiest of hug boxes. Unknown_26: And they have closed down. Now let's take a look at the alumni. What kind of great people we're using co-hosts. Let's start with one of their employees, a guy called Sam Fogel. 1:14:27 Unknown_26: All the Foxes, who is a Discord staff member. This guy, you may remember him. I talked about him before. He was the guy that was a literal Discord employee. Unknown_26: who worked on the policy staff for Discord and created this weird thing where Lolicon and Shotacon were banned on Discord, but cub porn was okay. So you could easily readily share in furry Discords pictures of little fox boys getting fucked in the ass, and that was okay. 1:15:06 Unknown_26: Specifically because this guy, all the foxes, Was a member of the Discord staff and moderation team. That was like a big thing back in the day. So I don't know if he left Discord. I assume he left Discord and then started doing co-host. But he was one of their staff members. Unknown_26: He was a member of this guy. Look, what a great guy. Oh, here he is. Oh, he's a real fox boy. He's all the foxes. Oh, here he is at Discord. Is he hugging a kid in this? Saying so. 1:15:39 Unknown_10: Uh-oh, it's going to take forever to load. Unknown_10: I kind of want to see that, though. Is he actually, like, at the Discord headquarters with a kid? Unknown_26: Is this a stroller? Oh, no, I thought it was a stroller. I got freaked out there. Like, please don't tell me this freak has a fucking kid. Unknown_26: Looks like a pooner. No, it's a man, sadly. That's one of them. Unknown_26: Then there was Melanie Herring, Purple Kecleon, from the Flooriverse. And if you remember, this person was in a throuple with two men, and I did an entire person stream on her. 1:16:16 Unknown_26: Um, go check that out. It's on the, I think it's, if I haven't reuploaded all the people streams to rumble, I'll have to do that, but it is on the man at the internet site. So we just type in a purple Keckley on or glitch puppet or whatever, or the floor of hers, I think is the official name of it. Um, you can find the person stream on them. She is super fucking gross. I wonder if there's a picture of her. Unknown_26: Wait, is this what? Oh, this is like, this thread is so old, I bet you that this is a, yeah, it's a dead image. 1:16:59 Unknown_26: Let me just find it on the forum real quick. Unknown_26: Oh, she's on blue sky now. Unknown_26: Wait, let me find it on the map there real quick. Unknown_26: Flooriverse, mad at the internet. Unknown_26: Let's see if DuckDuckGo can find it. Unknown_26: I did specifically go out on my way to whitelist DuckDuckGo on the KiwiFlare thing. Oh, it does find it. Wow, that's awesome. Unknown_26: There we go. Unknown_26: That's what a throuple marriage looks like, in case you're wondering. By the way, because the floor verse is like a comic... 1:17:33 Unknown_26: I think that this is the only time I swapped out the Christian comic background with a different comic. That's their comic. It's pretty good. Unknown_26: I'm a true visionary when it comes to the artwork that I do for my streams, Chad. Unknown_26: And then, of course, Liz Fong Jones of Honeycomb. Did I mention Liz Fong Jones? I think I might have mentioned Liz Fong Jones in the stream chat. Did I mention Honeycomb? What about 1776 Solutions chat? Did I mention these things there in the stream? I might have mentioned Liz Fong Jones in the stream chat. Yeah. 1:18:08 Unknown_26: Liz Fong Jones, of course, was a member of... Co-host was actually the only person I knew about who used co-host. He immediately went over from X to co-host after... Unknown_26: After Elon bought it. Because he was like so triggered. Unknown_26: And he deleted all of his social media presence like everywhere. Except for his co-host profile. Because there was so much shit on his Twitter account. And on his old like fat wife that kept coming out. That he had to like burn all of his social media presence. So the Kiwi Farms would stop making fun of him. Which didn't work. 1:18:41 Unknown_26: Obviously. Unknown_26: Oh, Liz and Honeycomb. Did I mention Honeycomb? I think I mentioned Honeycomb in the stream. There is speculation because there's this post where... Oh, this is in the wrong... I'm going to actually open this thread. 1:19:14 Unknown_10: Yeah, this is it. So this is their financial update. Unknown_26: Their expenses for August, this kills me. It's a social media site. It's no more sophisticated than something like the kiwifirms.cc. Their expenses for the month of August was $41,665. Unknown_26: How the fuck does their shitty little social media site that nobody fucking uses except a couple of trannies and pedophiles, how the fuck does it spend that much money? It has to be entirely wages for the staff. It's a money laundering fucking thing where it's like they pitch this idea, they get investment funds, they pay themselves, and then they bankrupt it. 1:19:56 Unknown_26: Once it stops making money and they can't afford to pay themselves, they just close it and get jobs. Unknown_26: But their income for July 31st was $28,000, and then for August it was 42% less. It was only $16,000. That's shocking to me, by the way, that they were making enough money off their premium badge sales to get $28,000. If I could sell... $5 a month subscriptions to the Kiwi Farms for shit like changing your name color or putting a little border. 1:20:33 Unknown_26: Just simple stuff like the color of your name and then changing the shape and border of your avatar. Unknown_26: Just that. If I could just... People would do that and I would probably make... Let's see here. The site gets like 13,000 people a day that sign in with accounts. It's not including guests. 1:21:04 Unknown_26: We take a million dollars, right? And we divide that by 12. That's $83,000 a month. How many fives is that? 16,000. Unknown_26: Probably wouldn't get 16,000. I would definitely get six figures, though. Unknown_26: It wouldn't be $16,000. Unknown_26: But if it came close to that, I could actually afford shit. If only I could just process payments like a normal fucking person. If this bullshit, no-name fucking garbage website can get $16,000 a month of income, there's no hope. They closed down because their main... And this is the Liz Fong Jones Honeycomb 1776 Solutions tie-in is this. That, um... 1:21:42 Unknown_26: There was a unknown... They had 3,000 subscribers. Unknown_26: How did they... Unknown_26: Anyways, okay, sorry. They made all their money through a single investor, like an angel investor that was just giving them free money for like a year. Unknown_26: And there was some speculation from my end that this might be Liz Fong Jones. And it made sense to me because of this part. So remember that this was a anti-capitalist social media site. 1:22:19 Unknown_26: And it says here, Open source, please, in regards to the software being open source. And Kara, one of their admins, says, We are unable to make co-host open source. The source code for co-host was collateral used for the loan from our funder. Unknown_26: Anime Avatar Retard says, Wow, that's so anti-software. That's so anti-capitalist, guys. Good job. To which Kara replies, thanks. 1:22:51 Unknown_26: So when I read this, I was actually a little bit surprised because I'm like, what fucking bank is going to lend money to a company using closed source software for collateral? That sounded preposterous. But if it's one guy, it makes a lot more sense. I thought it could be Liz Fong Jones, but I don't think that it is. Unknown_10: Let's see what this says. 1:23:28 Unknown_26: I left co-host C-Bio for details. I'm sorry to hear that suicide baiting in Lollicon didn't pay the rent. What? Unknown_26: Dude, imagine getting owned by a tranny that fucking hard. Unknown_26: That's just brutal, man. Unknown_26: Shut the fuck up, says Entuffed We Trust at Tit. Unknown_26: I Love Co-host says, were you on the pedo side or the suicide bait side? I forgot. Unknown_26: So this is a plural system, just like Liz Fong Jones, who's the CTO of Honeycomb, says... I don't think for myself. I didn't agree with either of those. It's just clear now that you are the problem factor. Thank you for removing yourself from the website while you did. Could you please leave again? LF Coho says, Coho's won't delete accounts unless you threaten them with GDPR. Sorry for still being here. You're stuck with me until the bitter end. But I'm just saying that tanky suicide bait lollicon websites are not worth my five bucks a month. I'm sure they were worth your five bucks. Dude. 1:24:06 Unknown_26: This tranny is like a WWE. It's like if this tranny was a wrestler, he would be like that Macho Man Randy Savage episode of South Park. Just, like, taking all these other troons and, like, breaking them over his knee and going, ooh, brother. Ooh, yeah. 1:24:40 Unknown_28: Sorry, I don't know why this is cracking me up so much. Unknown_28: It's funnier in my head that I can make it on the podcast. Unknown_26: Oh, so it's tanky now, too. Lol. Literally just lol. Although, no doubt, because you're getting blocked. Lefkos finishes by saying, It's okay. I still see the 50 alts I was told you were using to harass people on the site. 1:25:20 Unknown_26: That's funny. Unknown_26: Oh, there's more. Oh, I'm enjoying these. I'll continue to read them. Unknown_26: Fifth website says, thanks for closing co-hosts. Zilko says, what the fuck is your problem? Fifth website says, I can't thank them for making it anymore. How can I? He says, I hope it's as much fun to read your 10 daily posts on pillow flop as it's been to whine about the website you don't like for six months. Pillow Fort is a Fediverse node that's also like Uber Safe Space. Actually, no, it's not a Fediverse node. It's another closed source piece of shit dead end website like this one. And I know that because... 1:25:54 Unknown_26: Early, early listeners of the podcast may remember the KiwiFarms.cc instance that we ran in our ongoing feud with a Finnish tranny software developer called Kaninchen. And how he literally quit... Not only the Fediverse. He not only shut down his own Fediverse node, he completely gave up on open source software as a whole because the Kiwi Farms was using it to host their Fediverse incense. So he not only lost the Fediverse, he lost all open source software. He no longer believes that software should be open source because the evil heckin' Nazis might use it to make their own websites. 1:26:32 Unknown_26: He went to Palo Forte. Unknown_26: A fifth website says, truthfully, the only time I used Pillowfort was to see how many pictures of Goku I could fit in one post. I didn't really like it as a website. Unknown_26: To which Inigo asked the appropriate question, how many could you squeeze in? I don't know if that one got answered. I'm kind of curious now. 1:27:10 Unknown_26: This is his comments. This sucks. Well, goddammit. Fuck. No, he has no idea what to do. Unknown_26: Some ignoramuses on here think that I'm a trans misogynist because I said it's not okay to tell other trans women to kill themselves. Unknown_26: That is pretty trans misogynist. Listen here, bigot. If a beautiful, strong, independent trans woman has decided for their self that they want to end their life... Who the fuck are you to tell them what they can and can't do with their body? Fucking bigot. Trans misogynist piece of shit. Fucking disgusts me right here. This fucking bigot. I never want to see like this ever again, Chet. 1:27:44 Unknown_26: Makes me want to throw up. Get out of my sight. Unknown_26: I think that's it for that one. Unknown_26: Yep, yep, yep. Unknown_26: Alright, here is a video of King Cobra JFS almost doing a tranny. Unknown_26: This one might actually be triggering to some of you who like King Cobra, okay? So if you are triggered by such things, avert your gaze. 1:28:18 Unknown_10: Well, this was a video posted by NAL. Unknown_26: It's a story on Instagram. It has a bunch of pictures of, like, damage to the property. So he's just got this trailer, and it's already fucked up. Unknown_26: This is a video, and I think that he is... He's on the couch. Unknown_26: Kobe's is. And I can't see it myself, but it's alleged, I think, in the video and by viewers, that he's sitting in that very specific position to position his shotgun under his chin, which is a bit sad. 1:29:01 Unknown_26: That's a smashed up phone. That's a brand new phone that his fans bought him. I don't know if he smashed it up or she did. It has the custom King Cobra cover on it. So she's literally driving this guy to commit suicide. I guess there's no point trying to walk around the term suicide at this point. Unknown_26: um let's see this you gotta make a fight about nothing i'm sick i was in a fight about nothing when i asked you when i'm sitting here i'm wearing brand new clean fucking pants a brand new shirt please don't spill anything on me i'm gonna wear this how am i supposed to assume what you are what you're thinking what so you gotta shoot me 1:29:53 Unknown_14: I don't know why you're fucking choking me when I've done the most for you. I told you I'm not a movie person. Unknown_14: I don't care if it's a western or scientific. I have fucking questions. If you are not ready for that, then don't fucking... Unknown_26: She was sent back to his house by this guy called Chris, who is like a King Cobra A-Log. He paid for her plane ticket to send her back to Casper. Chris, I don't know who the fuck you are, but if anything happens to my boy Copes, there are no rules. There is no safe spot. 1:30:27 Unknown_26: We will. We will bring justice. Gamer justice for King Cobes. So you can buy her a fucking ticket out of his fucking house if you are so inclined. Unknown_10: Let's see. Leaked Discord call. I think this is the clip that we just played. 1:31:05 Unknown_08: This is longer though. Oh, this is like a different argument? Unknown_10: I don't know, I fucked it up by trying to scan it like a dumb fuck. ...ask you a question! Unknown_08: You literally just bashed my head against the wall and trying to kill me! Unknown_14: If I was trying, I would have succeeded. You said that the fucking first time, in March. 1:31:38 Unknown_26: He was just having, like, a nasty fight. He's, like, low IQ and then also alcoholic. And she's, like, a fully functional but extremely, like, dangerous and mentally ill person. And she's just, like, tormenting him. And he doesn't have the wherewithal to just get rid of her. Unknown_26: But he posted after these videos came out and people got concerned and I featured the thread. These clips were posted. Unknown_26: I haven't heard these yet, so I'll watch them with you guys until I get bored. 1:32:09 Unknown_29: YouTube, it's your boy Cole. We're back at it with another video. Unknown_29: Damn, that bald spot. Unknown_26: That bald spot. That's what happens when you get with NAL, man. They go bald real fast. Unknown_29: We've been talking a bunch of mad shit. Unknown_29: And I'm here to clarify it. I am not getting back with my ex. Unknown_29: I made it very publicly clear on my YouTube that I broke up with Jessica. And I told her, do not show up to my new place. 1:32:46 Unknown_29: I broke up with you. Unknown_29: And she said, oh, I'd never do that without your permission. And then she does it anyways, calling Michelle a troll because she canceled the tickets. Unknown_29: And then like Jessica, Michelle's not a fucking troll. I told her to cancel the tickets because we broke up. Unknown_29: And then, what's Jessica doing? She's begging my YouTube fans for hotel money. 1:33:24 Unknown_29: And it's bullshit And my fans do so much for me as it is It's not fair to me or my youtube fans that she can't take a fucking hint Now it's bullshit dude Unknown_29: And the only reason I let her stay with me for her visit is because I'm not going to put that burden on my fans to give her a hotel room. That's bullshit. 1:33:59 Unknown_29: And you know what Jessica told me? It's not stalking because I love you. The bitch is fucking delusional, dude. Unknown_29: I fucking told Jessica. We broke up. Unknown_29: And if she thinks we're getting back together, she is so far beyond gone delusional, it's pathetic. Unknown_29: And it pisses me off that I'm being fucking stalked and harassed by fucking Jessica and all her mental bullshit. And people are giving me crap for it. 1:34:32 Unknown_29: Fuck off. Unknown_29: No, YouTube, it's bullshit. Unknown_29: It's not fair to my YouTube fans that Jessica can't take a fucking hint. Unknown_29: And the thing of it is, I guarantee you, if I wasn't as famous as I was, Jessica wouldn't date me. No shit, Coves. Or try to. 1:35:05 Unknown_29: And realistically, if it were gender reversed, my ass would have a restraining order for stalking and harassment, but when she does it... Unknown_29: It's so nice not to have her here right now screaming at me. You know what I'm saying? Like, don't even get me fucking started. I'd buy us a little bit of alcohol and then she'd drink most of it. And then as soon as I drink some of the alcohol she bought, she'd be like, save some for me. And I'm like, that's rich. 1:35:43 Unknown_26: Is anyone here from Wyoming? Is this just life in Wyoming? And then, when Chris tells Courtney that Jessica's hanging out with me, what does Jessica do? Unknown_29: She immediately goes live on her stupid fucking Instagram and confirms it. Unknown_29: And it's like, that's what I'm getting at. Jessica doesn't think. She just does without impulse. And it's super fucking annoying. Unknown_29: the only reason i guess chris even bought her the plane tickets because he wanted content and he could have said that from the get-go but i'm like that's not how it works you weren't doing it because you care about jessica you're doing it because you wanted content yes jessica 1:36:35 Unknown_29: No, Jessica is incredibly toxic for me and I do not need her psychological bullshit. She uses love and her psychotic emotions to manipulate and bully me. Unknown_26: He has the exact hair of like a satyr. I don't know how you pronounce that. The little goat man. Like the one from Hercules. He's got the little billy goat chinny chin chin hair. And then like the bald spot. Exactly like the satyr from Hercules. You guys know what I'm talking about? That's what I'm thinking. I'm staring at this for four minutes and all I'm thinking is that's the goat man from Hercules. 1:37:12 Unknown_26: That's very gothic, I think. Unknown_26: Hopefully he's gone for good this time. Or she's gone for good from him. Unknown_26: So in more depressing news, Milo Yiannopoulos has done the unthinkable and challenged Nicholas J. Fuentes to a baby off. He has published this letter, I presume for attention, but he can accomplish it with this. 1:37:47 Unknown_26: It says... Unknown_26: To Nicholas J. Fuentes, to whom it may concern, I am publicly challenging Nicholas J. Fuentes to a baby off. I say I will have more natural-born offspring by the second quarter of 2027. Unknown_26: Here are my conditions. 1. No Dave Rubin-style pay-to-play. 2. 2. You cannot rape. You must succeed in courting a woman and persuading her to breed with you. 3. Children must be conceived naturally as a product of ordinary intercourse and not in vitro fertilization or other artificial methods loathsome to God. 4. In the event of the tie, marriage to the mother shall be the determining factor. 1:38:18 Unknown_26: The loser shall pay the winner $250,000 and tweet the following, I accept that my adversary is a superior man to me in every way. Signed, Milo Yiannopoulos 1:38:50 Unknown_26: So Milo Yiannopoulos is gay. There is no such thing as ex-gay. I suppose he can try not to actively participate in homosexuality. And despite the comments of the one guy who leaves a comment on every single one of my motherfucking videos on Rumble, desperately begging me to stop defaming Nicholas J. Fuentes, Nick is obviously a homosexual. And I don't give a fuck what your cope is about the snowflake shit. They are obviously fucking roipers. They're indistinguishable from fucking roipers. and you can see about it all you fucking want, but all that weird cringe shit in the Telegram groups is fucking gay, and the Groypers are fucking cringe, and Nick J. Fuentes is gay. 1:39:30 Unknown_26: Um, so Milo and potentially Nick are going to bring life into this world for the sole express purpose of ego and, uh, Unknown_26: An ego. Literally no other reason. Has nothing to do with, like, even wanting to accomplish political goals. It's just, like, ego. It's like, this is like a new trend with gay people. We wouldn't have tolerated this, like, ten years ago. Unknown_26: But alas. Unknown_26: Um, they're just gonna fuck around, I guess. Unknown_26: Oh, this is a Bossman clip. Unknown_26: Who the fuck's calling me a bad person? People are trying to, like, expose Bossman to other locales, and he just is not having it. 1:40:16 Unknown_26: chris chan who the fuck is chris chan i don't believe you dude who the fuck is this who the fuck is this guy hold on guys what the fuck is this guys don't fucking say you remind me of this what the fuck is this dude what the fuck is that Unknown_03: What is that? What? Unknown_03: Is that a what? Is that? Unknown_03: Never mind. It's fine. How do I remind you of this guy? That's what I want to know. Unknown_11: Did you see that random? Unknown_03: He is that guy, clearly. Unknown_27: Did you see that random picture of Nick? Unknown_03: Fine. Unknown_03: Hold up. How do I remind you of this guy? That's what I want to know. There, right there. 1:41:11 Unknown_26: that's really funny what are chris chan's pronouns people ask how about go fuck and yourself then wingo on his nine millionth attempt to get boss man jack on his fucking bullshit retard podcast hey boss man you want you want to come on hey buddy boss man you want to come on the fat retard podcast let's hear what boss man jack has to say about this invitation really no way little dog you really damn Unknown_04: Apparently he is kibbled, yeah. I hope people don't think I'm a piece of shit, dude. I'm not. 1:41:43 Unknown_04: He is here? How do you know? Why do you say holy shit like he's some type of idol or something? Who gives a fuck? Yo, Wings, between me and you, I don't give a fuck if you're watching my stream. If you don't watch my stream, I don't give a shit. I don't give a fuck. What are you doing here? Unknown_04: Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, I did. I saw it flex. Yeah. You hear me, Wings? How about you type something, you fucking loser? Unknown_04: Say something. Go fucking type something. Some weird YouTuber. Like, I don't know. 1:42:16 Unknown_04: Anyway, let's not spread hate. Let's not spread hate. Just know I don't give a fuck about you. And I could care less if you're here or if you're not here. Your name means nothing to me. It carries no weight. I don't care how many subs you got on your YouTube channel. I don't give a fuck. I don't care about you. Unknown_26: that's right kegdog this boss man diss reminds me of a song hold up I have to play that I've been meaning to find a reason to play this song for such a long ass time and now I finally have it I think this is it here we go hell yeah oh yeah this is that good stuff 1:43:09 Unknown_17: I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, I don't, I don't Unknown_17: When I lived in the trailer, my buddy and I loved this song. 1:43:49 Unknown_26: Especially that lyric, I got a million trillion things that I'd rather fucking do. Unknown_27: Than to be fucking with you. Unknown_26: Bitch. Unknown_26: That's OG. Whataburger soundtrack boy. That's what the Whataburger be sounding like. He had this um. Unknown_26: This fucking really, really old Chevy with, like, oh, my God. He had the most wiggerlicious car that's ever fucking lived. I want to say it was, like, because everything that he bought was Chevy because that was, like, his thing. He had family in the Chevy factory, so he only bought Chevy. And it was, like, a 1970 Chevy. 1:44:26 Unknown_26: And he dropped the entire fucking engine out of this thing and put in like a V8 engine so that if you just slam on the brake, it like completely burns out because the fucking back wheels on this thing are spinning like 10 million times a second. Um... Unknown_26: And then he put the most wiggerlicious bass that he could possibly fucking find in the back truck of this Chevy. To the point where if he cranked it all the way up, like the bass, you couldn't hear. It would shake the entire car. You could hear it from down the fucking road. The windows would fall. Because you know those old wind-up windows would... 1:45:01 Unknown_26: They could just, like, fall into the door because it would be shaking too hard. You know, it's like you couldn't hear the thing because your eardrums were just completely violated by the fucking bass of this thing. And, of course, he would be playing wonderful music like this. Unknown_17: That's that OG Flo Rida vibes, you know what I'm saying? Shit. 1:45:43 Unknown_26: Okay. Unknown_26: Used to beckon to the gas station and also make the glass shake. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That kind of shit. It was so obnoxious. I would always get really embarrassed. I'm like, bro, stop doing that. Turn that shit off. We're in, like, the oldest, whitest part of Dustin right now. Can you, like, turn down the fucking bass? He got fucking pulled over so many times for, like, a noise disturbance. Because he would, like, drive past one of the fucking... Okaloosa County Sheriffs or whatever. No, it was Escambia. No, not Escambia. I can't remember which one Destin's is. But he was... 1:46:13 Unknown_26: I can't remember what county Dustin's in. He's driving me crazy. Unknown_26: But they pulled over. I'm like, what the fuck are you doing, bro? Unknown_26: Sir, are you aware that you're driving extremely neighborlicious in the oldest, whitest part of Dustin right now? Ah, geez, dude. Was I really? Ah, shucks. I didn't realize. I'm sorry. I'll turn it down. Nothing didn't. 1:46:50 Unknown_26: deserved exactly exactly if a sound system isn't blasting music the v6 straight pipe definitely is oh my god i can't remember he he had extremely specific taste about what was acceptable and not acceptable in the car Unknown_26: And, yeah, the straight pipe fucking, he liked if it sounded good. Like, that was a big thing, was, like, how the car sounded. He wanted it to be loud, but I don't think he would get, like, a straight pipe. I think he didn't like that. He just wanted it to sound good. And it was, I don't even understand even now, because he would hear cars. He hated Mustangs with, like, a passion, and he would listen to, like, a V6 Mustang on the road and be like, look at all that sound that car's making, but it ain't going nowhere. And it was like a big deal to him how a car sounded. 1:47:45 Unknown_26: Meanwhile, I don't want to say exactly what kind of car I drove because that's like a social security question that they use for identity fraud. But I drove a fucking Jap economy shitbox. That was my car. And that car drove good, too. That car wasn't even that car like 200000 miles on it by the time I got rid of it. And, um, I still, I would still see it around Pensacola. I could recognize it because, um, I was very, my mom had fucked that car up in the time that she drove it. And I would go to the, cause we, we were fucking around and spending Whataburger money. Right. So we would go to like a parts store, like a junk, like a scrap yard. Right. And, uh, near, near, um, Sandestin. It wasn't near, it was like a 30 minute drive, but we'd go there and And we'd pick parts from the scrap. And one of the things I did because it annoyed the fuck out of me. She had like driven. Oh, no. When a fucking a person of color, a socioeconomic factor busted. Oh, my God. This car had a gas thing that you just pop. You press. You press the pop it open. It's just like a little latch that you can unlock by pressing it. And then it's just open. And her gas was siphoned out by a socioeconomic person. And they didn't know how to press in the fucking thing to open it. So they just pried it off. They broke it off because they couldn't figure out that you just tap the fucking thing to open the gas cap. 1:48:55 Unknown_26: Um, so the gas got siphoned and they broke the gas cap and they just, she just drove it around without this thing for a long ass time. And it always bugged the fuck out of me that there was no gas cap. So I, one day I went out and I got a gas cap, but the, the model of the car that I found that had the, that had the matching gas cap, um, was green and my car was not green. So, uh, 1:49:35 Unknown_26: It had a green gas cap, and it completely did not match the rest of the car. And that's how I know for a fact that this 200,000-mile Jap Economy shitbox was driving around Pensacola for years after I got rid of it. Because sometimes I would see a car with a completely non-matching bright green fucking gas cap that totally did not belong in that car scooting and puffing around on the highway. Unknown_26: Very easy to tell it apart from other cars that look like it. 1:50:07 Unknown_26: Um, a gas door, not the gas cap. Yes. It was the part of the chassis that faced outward and covered the area that had the compartment that had the gas cap in it. Um, Unknown_26: I think she lost the fucking gas cap, too, and I replaced that. It was a gas door, though. Yeah, it was a gas door. You press it, and it just pops open. And some fucking neighbor, one of our neighbors, pried that fucker open. And we lived in an apartment at the time. It was literally one of our neighbors. Imagine stealing gas from your own fucking neighbors, like people you live next to in an apartment complex. Fucking Audacity, that shit. 1:50:40 Unknown_26: Anyways. Unknown_10: What was I thinking? Unknown_10: What was I talking about? Unknown_26: I completely lost what the fuck I was talking about. I got lost like 10 years ago, chat, for a very long time. Reddit segment! Alright, I have actually a lot to do in the Reddit segment, chat. Unknown_26: Um... Unknown_26: There's quite a bit. I have three different submissions, which I have accepted for the Reddit segment. And then I have one final piece of custodial work to do before we round out the stream with the Superberry segment. 1:51:16 Unknown_26: First off, let's start with Schmiedet Ted. He submitted this to the Meta The Internet thread directly. Unknown_26: And this is from rcoprophiles, coprophilia being a very on-topic discussion due to Blue Fulf and his drama. But this is from Miss Taylor Tootie to rcoprophiles, 13 days ago, titled, Dealing with More Transphobia in Poop-Centric Communities. Vent. Well. Yeah. 1:51:58 Unknown_26: Unfortunately, because of this, I've just dealt with lots of hurtful messages as of late. I tried posting in our girls farting and got permabanned without releasing. They don't want trans women posting in there. 1:52:30 Unknown_26: I think that there was plenty of releasing in that subreddit, but I think that's a typo. Unknown_26: Some scat communities have this rule too, which is bizarre considering so few new posters exist these days. There is a one trans scat subreddit, but it feels lonely and limiting. As being a consistent poster on Reddit for now nearly four years. So he's trying to say that he started posting as soon as he turned 18. I guarantee you this motherfucker been jerking off to poopoo since before he was 18. 1:53:08 Unknown_26: It feels posting my poop often wasn't enough for something. I don't know if I just didn't look feminine enough back then or what, but I'm happy with this new account as I now look the way I want to finally. I still love poop to no end. I love smelling it constantly. I just wish I had more options. This has 16 upvotes and 52 comments. Unknown_26: So that is a bit shocking. Unknown_26: I guess Miss Taylor Tootie's poo-poo was not good enough for them. 1:53:44 Unknown_26: Fascinating. Unknown_26: Second submission. This one is going right from poop to asking about poop. This is raskuk from Throwaway Count saying, Why is the UK so aggressive now? hashtag locked it seems everyone is so angry and aggressive now wait i have to can i do this british british it seems everyone is so aggressive and angry and aggressive now in most normal situations situations driven at the supermarket etc the uk feels it has lost a sense of community and humans care for one another is disappearing what is happening is this 1:54:25 Unknown_26: Socio-economic factors? Unknown_26: Is it to do with our instant gratification culture? Is it Facebook and the ability to spread hate so easily? For context, I live in London and I find each day society is getting more and more aggressive. Unknown_26: Let's see what the comments have to say from the Ask UK Reddit community. Unknown_26: deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted removed removed okay I got you these have hundreds of upvotes by the way I guess we'll never know what socioeconomic factors are in play in London that's causing such hate and aggression chat 1:55:12 Unknown_26: And finally, final submission. Unknown_26: My partner is trans by uaurorawolf101, cis-ish poly queer partner. So this is a support community for people who are dating trannies who have made their first mistake. Unknown_26: For anyone or anyone's partner who has a neo-vagina, advice on removing inside hair. Hashtag not safe for work. My partner's neovagina, a post-op vagina, grows hair inside of it. I sometimes help my partner out when they've grown out of control and go splunking to remove as many as I can. Our current method, we do it usually after she dilates since that helps her keep her open a bit. 1:55:46 Unknown_26: I have some blunt tip forceps that I use to grab the hairs, but I'm always worried about grabbing skin. I can't just stick it in and pull since I'm more likely to grab skin than hair. Generally, I will use a lubed finger to kind of scoop the hair towards the entrance and then grab them from there with the forceps. Unknown_26: I've thought about maybe getting a speculum, but I don't know if that will get in the way more or less. A speculum, by the way, is like a really weird... It's like a special utility for keeping open a hole. It's a very, very nasty looking piece of metal. It's like a doctor thing for vagina inspections. He wants to get a vagina inspection thing to open up this manhole. 1:56:26 Unknown_26: One crazy thing about their hair, I don't know if anyone who experiences this gets this too, is if it's been a long time since we've removed any, friction can, I guess, cause some of the clumps of hair to mat at the end. I basically am writing this whole post because tonight I pulled out a mini bezoar of hair out of their sweating smiley face. A bezoar is a lump of hair that you pull out of someone's stomach if they eat their own hair. 1:57:07 Unknown_26: Anyways, anyone have tips or tricks that they want to share? Or are we alone in this? For some more background, where we are, they did not strongly encourage lasering off the hair first, so my partner opted out. This is the unfortunate result. Unknown_26: Well, Aurora Wolf... You chose this. Unknown_26: You chose this, bish motherfucker. 1:57:46 Unknown_26: And that's the Reddit segment. To which I have but one more small little thing. Unknown_26: It has been a year since I did the last merch run, and I'm considering doing another one. I'm planning it. I'm trying to get it ahead soon. Unknown_26: This was the concept sketch... That I had. I kind of wanted something Halloweeny. And also like very sketchy. And I just kind of. In my head I had this like hard black on white contrast. If you have input on this design. Unknown_26: This thread is in the situation. If you want to go post there. Or you can just email me. Or whatever the fuck. And I'm also open to commissioning a second design. For a cute thing. Because usually I do a girls design. And a boys design. Like I do a kind of cool one. And then like a kind of cute one. 1:58:18 Unknown_26: That's generally what I do and it works out really well. So you have an idea for a second design that would work well for Halloween but be kind of cute. I'll probably commission it from the same artist so they have like a kind of consistent theme. The artist is a comic book guy. So it's – he does like a comic book style usually. So I'm trying to think in that vein. I might do like a pink one with like a sketch or something. I don't know. 1:58:52 Unknown_26: So I'm paying attention to this thread. I would like to get – Unknown_26: I would like to do this fast, get this design done, get shit printed. And it'll be one of those things where I like announce it probably on a Monday and at the end of the stream and say, Hey, the sale was going. If you want to get in, get in now because you don't know if these things terminate early or whatever the fuck. Unknown_26: Um, but that is the, uh, that's the current design. 1:59:26 Unknown_10: Um, and that's it. Unknown_26: Uh, let me know what you think. Unknown_26: So, on that note, thank you for watching. Unknown_26: As I mentioned, the ISOM review will come out next Monday. I do a Gumroad each weekend right now. If you want to subscribe to the Gumroad at MatthewNet.com, there's links. Unknown_10: That's it. Alright, let's do the Super Chats, I think. 2:00:06 Unknown_10: Alrighty, Neil. Unknown_26: Worldwide Web Wizard for one says, Do the pigeons still stop by your place? Haven't heard you talk about them in a long time. I moved. Unknown_26: Worldwide Web Wizard for one says, I think the Kino Bros were peeved at your DSP interview because to them, KF is a major high for a lot of DSP trolls, and he didn't come out strong enough against the Kiwi Dents. That's my guess. Unknown_26: I mean, I really don't know what they're angry about. They just said I didn't take accountability. That seemed to be the thing. But it's like, why the fuck would I ever take accountability for what other people fucking do? I don't encourage it. I don't facilitate it. It's like it's just an open platform where I don't censorship. So I don't know what exactly. I did not fuck his sister or his wife's sister. I don't know if I'm supposed to be woe is me. I can't believe that my poor forearm accomplished this, but I feel zero percent my fault. 2:00:37 Unknown_26: GoodLuck7 for 20 says, anyone that needs mental help, go get it, please. One of my friends offed himself yesterday. Get help. Sorry to be a downer today. Won't be listening live, but please spread the message. I read an article about magnesium curing depression. Are you guys taking your D, your K2, and your magnesium? Think about it, chat. 2:01:14 Unknown_26: I guess if it's dire, you can call Trans Lifeline or whatever the fuck. And I mean to be like, I don't know. I don't believe in any of that shit. I'm sorry. Unknown_26: Just take some magnesium. We'll be fine. 2:01:45 Unknown_26: I'm sorry. Don't ever super chat me to commiserate your dead friend. I'm very bad at these things. Don't ever invite me to your funeral. Don't have me read your obituary at your funeral because I'll fuck it up. Unknown_26: thank you thank you i'm sorry bro i'm sorry to hear that um worldwide wizard for one says joshua moon is the lowercase i internet's best anchorman thank you i guess i don't know that sounds very ominous coming from you bro schneidberg stein goldman for 10 says nothing ever sneeds it sneeds all day every day bro 2:02:22 Unknown_26: Thank you. I think that's a reference to that anime. No, it's not an anime. It's a Western thing. It's like StarCraft, but like... Oh, Warhammer 40K. That one. Unknown_26: Pretty sure that's a reference to that. Haramberger for two says, this money is earmarked for the 5,000 V-Bucks bundle so you can get the battle pass and cosmetics like a low taper fade to Ohio skibbity with your do is again victory royale to the Riz party. Hashtag Grimace Shake. Thanks. I appreciate it. Sneed Cricket for 16 says, I hope Biden and Trudeau come out on the stage tonight wearing blackface while singing Camp Town Races. Fuck vooting, by the way. It's all gay. And then there is a YouTube link. 2:02:53 Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: I think this is supposed to be like a racist song or something. 2:03:25 Unknown_09: I can't believe Bugs Bunny is fucking racist. Unknown_26: I mean, that looks a lot better than Chicago today, so I don't know what they're complaining about. Thank you. Hedgerbacks for 20 says, Dude, living the life of Liz Fong Jones must be literal hell. Imagine being an adult, perverted gooner, hall monitor, hated by everyone. Lots of money. Lots of money in that career field, though. Unknown_26: Thank you. SpaceAllen for 20 says, Ham Jam. Thank you, SpaceAllen. I appreciate it. RedEyesBlackDragon for 10 says, YouTube link. Okay, let's see it. 2:03:59 Unknown_26: It's Norm MacDonalds. Unknown_15: Do you want to hear my impression of the 9-11 call from Johnny Carson? The 9-1-1 call. Yeah, I'm sorry. But 9-11 was a national tragedy. Yes, it was. Why do you laugh at that? Unknown_15: Johnny Carson died at 80 years old. Okay, Johnny Carson died at 80 years old. Unknown_26: Isn't it funny that that's Andy Dick before he became a drug addict and raping IP2 streamers. Can you even believe that? There he was. It's the Norm MacDonald's curse. He laughed at Norm saying 9-11. And then he was jinxed. He was jinxed to be homeless in a camper van getting charged with rape. 2:04:31 Unknown_26: Thank you. Lucifer210 for once says, Liz Fong Jones of Honeycomb must bow to his betters in Tencent, but they will tell his ogre ass no, and he must grin and bear the indignity of a tranny being told no. I mean, he already has. Tencent is a company that owns DNS Pod, and DNS Pod is our DNS resolver. Every time you ask for kiwifarms.st, it resolves through Tencent's DNS Pod, and Liz Fong Jones has desperately pleaded with them to take us down, and they refuse. So every... Think of that. Think of the smugness of the Chinese going, ha ha, no, tranny, you will not complain. Stalker charred. 2:05:06 Unknown_26: Mad Claw 95 for five says, have a great week, Josh. Thank you, Mad Claw. You too. I appreciate it. Unknown_26: Lucifer 210 for one says, God, EBS is the biggest fucking faggot in the world. Unknown_26: I've never seen anything from him that like inspired any kind of confidence or fostered well wishes to him. He's a very unlike, I mean, based on what I've seen, he's pretty unlikable. 2:05:50 Unknown_26: AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed, for one, says, Wake up, little Jomshua. Wake up. No, you're not asleep. Yeah, just streaming temporarily. You're an amazing creature, Jomshua. You and I are not so different. AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed, for one, says, Well, to each his own. I chose my path. You chose the path of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of the city. But one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero. And AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed says, Fall, fall, die, trying in spite of everything that you've done for them. Eventually they will hate you. Why bother? That was a Joker thing. Uh, I guess that somehow applies to me. The Lanthia for Jesus ham jelly. Thank you. 2:06:24 Unknown_26: Lanthia. Unknown_26: I heard nature for 30. He says, great stream. Please enjoy one of my favorite gamer rage clips ever. He lost in super smash bros. Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_26: I will sign in to confirm your age. Unknown_10: Uh, let's try preserve tube. Uh, Unknown_10: Archive not found. Okay, I'm downloading it. Because people will not give me a link to 18 plus videos. 2:07:00 Unknown_10: I guess I could sign in. Unknown_26: Oh, it couldn't preserve this one. I guess that's how it goes. Isn't there like a thing that you could type in to get around it? Like YouTube with an E-U. YouTube. Unknown_10: YouTube. Unknown_10: I'm going to put in this link. Unknown_10: This video may be inappropriate for some users. 2:07:33 Unknown_10: That is an error. Unknown_10: Okay, I cannot watch this through YouTube. Unknown_26: I'm sorry. Unknown_26: You might be a little bit optimistic there. I don't have to increase my height. I'm 5'10". I'm the king of the manlets. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for 5'6". Glorious Kiwi Emperor. Isom is gay and Super Killer is gay because all comics are gay. Now Mango, on the other hand, 2:08:08 Unknown_26: Yeah, fucking right, bro. Unknown_26: Lucifero21045 says, so speaks Chris Chan. And there is a link to Zitter. Let's see what Chris has to say. Unknown_26: Chris has hand-drawn a sign for Kamala Harris for president. Unknown_26: There we go. Now that inspires confidence. Showing support, Kamala for president 2024 for the people and everyone. I will also be streaming and reacting to the debate tonight on YouTube. Stay tuned. I guess if you guys want to see Chris Chan do the debate. 2:08:39 Unknown_26: Some people suggested I should. I will not. I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm not staying up to 4 a.m. to watch people talk. Unknown_26: Worldwide Wizard for one says, remember Vito is only shield for the idler so that no one will look into his failed gay hookup or his small dick. Also, I don't think Rumble will let you super chat cock. 2:09:13 Unknown_26: Sorry to hear that. Yes, Vito only exists so that Dick Masterson looks less pathetic. Ronberger for two says, what do you think about the American Bigfoot feet stance on the Canadian Sasquatch at the USXNX Canada? Unknown_26: a donna red rack big feet are known to have sex with american men but does them with a mossy suit for it bro i have an absolutely not a fucking clue what you're asking me ronberger for jesus what are you i'm opting to watch maddie instead of kamala trump debate live but good compromise in skimming poll every couple minutes watching for happenings throw up the poll catalog on stream jane easy no i will not be doing that The Lion King for once says, if white people don't like being replaced, just pull yourself up by the bootstraps, lol. Be careful what you ask for. 2:09:50 Unknown_26: Link Oink for five says, hey, Josh, do you remember what episode you talked about Terry Davis? I'm trying to get a coding friend into Maddie. If you go to honeycomb.technology, that's an archive of Maddie with transcripts, and you should be able to find episodes where I talk about Terry Davis. Unknown_26: Holy Hell for 10 says, Hope you're having a good day, Josh. You are my nibba always. I had a rough week myself, but we'll push past it. No, you'll be fine, bro. You got this. Don't worry. Take your Magnesi. 2:10:26 Unknown_26: Duke or Bowel for 2 says, How embarrassing for a Kata. La Maffo. Unknown_26: Oh, that Anna Zarkazian is reading his thread on the Q4. Yeah, that's pretty funny. 14 Branchland for 5 says, Another win for the Toe. Unknown_26: Yes, still Toe. Still Toe, Chads. We keep winning. Unknown_26: What a stupid wild ride it's been. Yes, quite a bit has changed from the days where I actually publicly showed people's birthdays on their profiles. 2:11:07 Unknown_26: It's true. Dude, that is a long time ago. The birthday field used to be mandatory so that you would have to legally say that you're over 18 when you join. I stopped requiring the birthday field and just switched that to a terms of service requirement. But I used to use the birthday field to give people party hats on their profile across the site because they would get a birthday rank. Unknown_26: But I stopped doing that because I found out that basically with a first name and a birthday, if you know a first name, a birthday, and a state, you can almost always dock somebody. And that's all it takes. It's really crazy. 2:11:47 Unknown_26: I'm also glad, though. Sneeds feed and seed formally suck and fuck for 10 says Anika Spearing. Shout out the farms. We are truly living in a golden age. And I did play that video. And yes, it is truly wonderful. Thank you. I appreciate it. Pashmina Hamham for two says, warned you about the Haitians. Soon you too will find random dog hides littered around your neighborhoods. Love from Arj. I assume it means Argentina. One struggle, bro. One struggle. We all struggle in the presence of Haitians. Haitians, the nationality specifically. The Lion King for one says, I doubted white supremacy, but Rakeda drunk driving his kids to school is so Aryan. Rick and Backer for five says, I got a bad feeling about tomorrow, bros. Why? What's happening tomorrow? It's just a debate, right? We'll be fine. Don't worry about it. That impending sense of doom that you have, that's called being alive. 40 error for five says i remember i figured out my issue from friday it turns out the icon in the rc file must be specifically named id icon one or won't appear properly qt has some of the worst documentation i'm glad that you figured out your problem that guy that guy's super chat is really bothering me i need to find something real quick there is a very influential post that um 2:13:14 Unknown_26: I saw on 4chan on B. I saw this live, this post when it went up on B, and it was very influential to me. I really like it. I will share with you, I've shown this on screen before, but I like it a lot, so I'll share it again. There is a specific thing in this. This entire post is extremely good, by the way, but... Unknown_26: Um, there's one specifically about, aha, number 14. Your impending sense of doom is nothing but emotional residue. There is nothing wrong. Even when something is wrong, nothing is wrong. You deal with problems as they arise. No big deal. There you go. 2:13:56 Unknown_26: World Wide Web Wizard for one says, Just recently found out that I have distant relatives who live in the same town as Jeff Saad, the arsonist cop that birthed the career of Fed Smoker. Unknown_26: That's a pretty cool fun fact. Unknown_26: Word Here for Five says, A stack of books in the background close enough to read the spines is a surefire way that you're about to hear some of the most retarded shit imaginable. That is a good point. I actually like that. Well said. Unknown_26: Tetra Bax for $200 says, cheers to the infra improvements. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. I have worked very hard on them. I've been yelling at people to do stuff for me for months, and it's finally paying off. 2:14:37 Unknown_26: But no, for real, I will commit to coding. That's the first thing that has to happen is the front end has to change, and then I can work on the back end again. Unknown_26: Ben Davi for five says, Josh, read the emails I sent you, or I will email your boss, Noel Aruga. If you're the guy that's sending me shit from the anime name, I blocked your email address, and I'm not joking. You send me shit like every day. Vordir for one says, Hamster Jamster. Thank you, Vordir. Bleep Bloop for ten says, Nice dream, Josh. Enjoy this spooky hamster I encountered. Okay. 2:15:14 Unknown_10: Ooh, that is a spooky hamster. Unknown_26: Check him out. He's got a candy corn. Unknown_26: And he's a mummy. Unknown_26: Very spooky. Unknown_26: Thank you. When Ralph dies, will you go to the funeral? I will. I wish to harvest the gun for medical purposes and sell it to Jim as a miracle core. When he dies, I'm going to go to his grave and I'm going to come on it. Unknown_27: Nick Riccata told me it's legal to come on your grave. 2:15:51 Unknown_27: i'm just kidding by the way i would never do something like that it's gross okay now for one says not too fond of the melanated individuals um same bro lucifer 210 for 10 says you must turn over a new lead yeshua and then there is a youtube link check it out Unknown_10: This is Peter Popoff. Is this the one where he farts? Unknown_00: It has always been to be in health and to prosper. And he's using the Miracle Spring Water to do just that. Unknown_19: I did use the Miracle Spring Water and a few days later, hallelujah, I received a check from my employer for over $4,000. I called and ordered the Miracle Spring Water and you told me I was going to get $14,000. You told me when I was going to get it. And I received it. They sent for the spring water and that it will break through. And I tell you, a check came. 2:16:44 Unknown_26: I thought this was a parody. Like it said rip off. And I thought it would be like a parody, like making fun of it. Um, Unknown_26: If my laughter is expected here, you're not going to get it because I grew up with this on TV. I remember seeing these ads on TV. I remember making fun of it with my mom. There was an edit of this where he would do the hallelujah thing, and then they would edit in just fart sounds. After he's like, do you hear it? And then they would do... 2:17:19 Unknown_26: Oh, praise the Lord. It's like the most juvenile fucking humor that ever existed. But back in the early Internet, man, that was hysterical. Yeah, Peter Popoff was a televangelist. If you don't know what a televangelist is because you're under 25 years old, they are people who run, quote unquote, ministries. They run television advertisements. And they say that if you send a donation to their ministry for their televangelism, you will receive magical anointed water. And that God will send them free money in the mail. And literally hundreds of thousands of black people have fallen for this fucking bullshit and sent money to Peter Popoff so that he could... Oh God, there is some scandal. I want to say that he cheated on his wife or something. 2:17:53 Unknown_26: There was some scandal with him in particular where he almost lost his ministry, or he did. I remember the one thing that they found, they had investigative journalists go to his ministry, and they went to the dumpster. And the dumpster was literally full of people's messages asking for prayers and shit. So he would just rip... 2:18:30 Unknown_26: Oh, God, there was that episode of Futurama where, for Mother's Day, all the robots send Mom, like, a card and money. And they just had, like, an assembly line that rips open the cards, takes out the money, and then burns the card. It was basically that kind of a situation. He got exposed for that shit. Unknown_26: Um... Unknown_26: Yeah, I grew up with this. This is no surprise to me. In case you guys have any ventures in mind where you want to exploit black people, all you gotta do is say, send me free money, and it's a fucking money glitch. God will print you free fucking money if you send me cash. 2:19:05 Unknown_10: Ah, cool. Unknown_26: Waifus aren't real. For five says Haitians versus Poojeets. Who would win? Poojeets for sure. Unknown_26: Poojeets can be like real people. I've never met like a Haitian. That is like not like a, like a, I don't know. I don't want to say more. Docs found for five says funny part of the purple Keckling on the floor versus when she pressured one of the nerds and her throuple to get a vasectomy then immediately broke up with him. Yeah, that's pretty fucking alpha bitch if I do say so. That's pretty fucking hashtag girl boss. 2:19:38 Unknown_26: Cleansing the gene pool. Fucking Aryan Ubermensch over here. Yeah, I'm going to... Dude, that's how you do it. Unknown_26: You're a woman. You try to invite these people into your polyamorous relationship as like the subordinate beta male. You say, okay, well, I'll give you a crumb, but you got to get a vasectomy first. They go through the vasectomy. You cut them off. You keep doing this until you've expunged 10,000 worthless sacks of shit from the gene pool. That is how you bring about the new The Fourth Reich. Okay, that's how you do it. 2:20:14 Unknown_26: That's pretty fucking Chad. Barrett's Leggiest Privateer for 10 says, You should listen to Matt Mays, On the Hood, Queen of Portland Street, and Tall Trees in particular would make solid outro songs. I don't know if they'd get you copyright struck, though. You should post that in the Music for Knoll thread, because I do listen to those sometimes when I need music. Thank you very much. Unknown_26: DocsFound for Five says, it has been two weeks since I smoked a cigarette. Spending the money that I would have smoked to Maddie instead is a much better cause. It is. 2:20:53 Unknown_26: Don't support big tobacco. Support me and my endeavors. Thank you. World Wide Web Wizard, for one, says there's got to be a hotter, less crazy woman Cobes can find. I don't know if he's into big gals, but I've seen some hot goth beauties. Well, you should hook them up. Send them on a Greyhound bus to the middle of Wyoming and let nature sort itself out. Unknown_26: uh gormless wonder for one says have you ever responded to persistent allegations that you may be in fact be you may in fact be a dull lol no it's one of my great shames i can never answer this question uh doberman smiles for one says there's a makeup store called ulta and the store number for the casper wyoming location is 666 for real dough that's a great address 2:21:43 Unknown_26: Thank you. Why do you don't want you to know this, but the ducks at the park are free. You can strangle them. I have eaten. Unknown_26: No, don't eat the ducks. He says he has eaten 142 ducks. I hope that's not true. I hope nobody listening to my podcast is a Haitian. I condemn this in the strongest possible terms. Unknown_26: Generic username and password for one says, it's that time again, where were you when they built the ladder to heaven? Oh, where were you when they built the ladder to heaven? I remember that, yes. 2:22:16 Unknown_26: That was also an old television commercial thing. There was a country singer who made an entire album about 9-11 immediately after the towers fell, and they sold his fucking album on telecommercials. And the South Park episode about where were you when they built the ladder to heaven is just making fun of this asshole who sang this shit. Well, I want to see if I can find this. 2:22:47 Unknown_26: Television commercial, where were you 9-11? Unknown_26: When the world stopped turning, uh-huh. Unknown_10: I can't find it. Unknown_26: That sucks. All these autism channels that are supposed to be archiving all these old television commercials, you've let me the fuck down. I'm making me just find the name of the album. I kind of want to show this right now. Give me a second. 9-11 country album. 2:23:24 Unknown_26: Bruce Springsteen? Is that the one? Unknown_26: Columbia Records Reflection of the Aftermath of 9-11. That sounds extremely right. I'm going to try searching that. The Rising album. Unknown_10: Commercial. 2:23:57 Unknown_10: William Hung. Unknown_26: Alan Jackson. Okay, that sounds right. Alan Jackson 9-11 commercial. Unknown_10: Oh, is this it? Unknown_26: Oh, this isn't the commercial. I want the commercial. Unknown_10: CMA Awards? Unknown_10: Oh my god. 2:24:30 Unknown_26: I'm just drowned out by the actual performances of this shit. But you have to remember that they sold CDs back in the day. And you could call in and mail a check to an address to have them physically mail you a copy of this CD tape. And they had these really fucking tasteless ads where it's like, Get the new Alan Jackson Where Were You tribute album. Call this number or send a check to this address. Unknown_10: I'll play like a second of it Oh my god, is this it? 2:25:08 Unknown_18: Can I watch this on this weird ass fucking website? Unknown_26: Sign up. Sign up. I am not signing up on your fucking website to watch an Alan Jackson 9-11 trivia commercial. 2:25:43 Unknown_27: Fuck you. I'm so disappointed because I would love to show that, and I can't. No payoff for all that effort, chat. Unknown_26: None. Unknown_26: Okay. Worldwide web wizard for one says, maybe save this for pizza day, but there were some serious shit going down on our Lincoln part over the new Lady Boss Singer. Oh, I didn't even mention that. Unknown_26: She... I'll talk about that on Friday. I'll save that for Friday. Unknown_26: uh creaky knees the goblin for five says hey josh who is your least favorite forum user also slay your rainbow dreams at the gay store fierce fashion dazzling gifts and lgbtq pride in every fabulous fine rainbow emoji heart emoji sparkle emoji least favorite 2:26:34 Unknown_26: Um, I mean, there are, like, broad categories of users, but I don't know. I don't feel like antagonizing the forum right now. It's kind of, like, chill. Except for, like, one fucking ongoing drama, but besides that, it's pretty chill. Unknown_26: CastingCouchCrabPretend says, don't end up like this, lads. Unknown_26: Okay, let's see what this is. Unknown_26: Where were you? Unknown_24: Just bring along the one and two. Unknown_24: Help yourself to happiness and sprinkle it with myrrh Close your eyes and concentrate and dream for all you were From a dreamer's holiday Is that coming up? 2:27:27 Unknown_23: Next Friday. Unknown_16: Can't believe it's been a whole year. Unknown_23: How do you want to handle it? Unknown_26: Is this an anti-woman statement? I'm going to get one of those fancy-ass expression machines and at like 7 a.m. on the dot, I'm going to wake up. Unknown_26: The tantalizing aroma of coffee. Unknown_26: Chat. Oh, I should tell you guys now, since people are so concerned with my health. I stopped drinking Monster, except, um, when I go out. So, like, less... Like, when I go out to, like, a store, I'll be like a monster on the way out. So, like, once every, like, two or three days. But, it's way down from, like, two or three, like, a day. 2:28:00 Unknown_26: So... Unknown_26: I've replaced that with coffee, as I mentioned. But I put milk in my coffee. Unknown_26: And I would like to switch eventually. Once I'm back in the U.S. and I have counter space, I can buy an espresso machine. I'm going to get some boozy-ass fucking coffee. If you are a coffee, like, spurg retard, and you know how to make black coffee taste good, I would love to hear your input. Like, is it possible to get black coffee that's not fucking bitter and disgusting? Explain this to me, chat. Email me. Leave a comment. 2:28:41 Unknown_26: Haramberger, for two, says your Kiwi merch run of cool design, cute design enforces the harmful gender binary and is not inclusive of non-binary consumers. Unknown_26: Time for a 45 minute lecture on identity and inclusion in Chetty. And that is a reference to the random text quote that is a real quote about how someone spent 45 minutes talking to a McDonald's employee about toys for Happy Meals. 2:29:16 Unknown_26: Enforcing the gender binary, which they did eventually change. Now you have a choice of blue toy or pink toy or something instead of male and female toy. Tetrabax for $100. Have a great Tuesday, everybody. Thank you, Tetrabax. I appreciate it. Unknown_26: Jumbled or humble guardsman for once is don't take vit K without the doctor's recommendation. Increase your risk of stroke. Vitamin D does not affect your bones at normal levels, but yeah, but okay. Listen, don't take any vitamins without consulting your doctor. However, they do sell vitamin D and vitamin K together in a bundle pill. And I take those. If I have a stroke, I'll let you know. 2:29:51 Unknown_26: Okay, I'll be at your obituary, bro. I'll read it. Thank you. Did you mention that you got your TikTok back? I did not! 2:30:24 Unknown_26: I got it back. A true gigachad. Let me find his fucking name on the forum real quick. Unknown_26: I lost the one that was mad.at. Because I used two-factor auth using Twitter. And when I lost my Twitter, I lost my TikTok. Unknown_26: But I did get from... I'm going to read out his name. I don't know if I should read out his name. I'm going to read out his username. It's a user on the forum. His username is... Unknown_26: Goomba bro, this guy, he sent in the super chat to remind me to shout him out. I see now. Okay, I understand. Yes, he answered the call of duty and he gave me the TikTok. So now, if you are a true, genuine Mad at the Internet super fan... And you have suggestions for clips that can fit in 60 seconds and also a vertical format to be posted on YouTube and TikTok to help grow the audience from outside. 2:30:57 Unknown_26: Do let me know. Leave a comment on Rumble. I will actually read it. I promise. Unknown_26: Cool. Cool. Unknown_26: Sneeds Feed and Seed, formerly Suck and Fuck for one, says, The YouTube link in my super chat wasn't to Anna Kasperian bit, it was a link to this. Oh, I'm sorry then. Let's see. 2:31:39 Unknown_10: Moon pie. Unknown_01: What a time to be alive. Unknown_26: I see. I've never had a moon pie, I don't think. Unknown_26: I just was one, I guess. Unknown_26: Sorry for missing your link. Deech for $100 says absolutely nothing. What a wonderful message. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 2:32:11 Unknown_26: Sandow, for one, says, I got a letter from my essay down in the U-Haul. Unknown_26: That's just a stupid fucking joke. Spanish is an ugly language, though. Let's be real here, chat. Anime Extremist for 10 says, I don't know what the story is with this guy. I heard he might have done something skeevy, but I don't know if it's true. Regardless, this is funny for 37 seconds. Okay, let's check it out. Unknown_10: Check it out, I said. 2:32:44 Unknown_10: Um... Let's better be safe for work, bro. I like you. Unknown_02: Yeah! You show respect, white girl! You show respect to the black man! You need a strong man from Africa! Unknown_28: That's repulsive. Unknown_02: Just because I'm black, you think I'm repulsive? You racist ass bitch. Hey, yo, George Floyd. Yo, what's up, nigga? That racist over there. Oh, shit. 2:33:18 Unknown_02: Fuck you, you fucking bitch. Unknown_11: What did she say? Unknown_27: What did she say? Unknown_28: faggot bitch they react to racist content by calling him a faggot bitch what the fuck what girl what's up with you 2:33:52 Unknown_26: Thank you. M.H. Dirklaw for two says, you should make a batch of Jim potato fries cooked in Rage Pig lard. C'est magnifique. La gastronomie, la french fries, la patate. Unknown_26: Isn't the French word for potato like earthberry or something? L'espoir de l'argent et la larme. They're all. Oh, perfect. 2:34:25 Unknown_26: I don't know. Good luck with that. If you get me unbanned, I will tolerate you for a little bit. Unknown_26: Number five. It says, I am a coffee spurg. I will poo spill on the coffee thread and link it in the matty thread at some point. Moon Pie. Thank you. I appreciate your coffee insights. Unknown_26: Tell me what kind of blend I'm looking for, too. That's important. I don't know the difference. The best coffee I ever had, by the way, 2:34:56 Unknown_26: I was at a coffee shop in Belgrade, and it was this little place that sold sandwiches. I got a Monte Cristo there. I did not realize that a Monte Cristo was just a ham sandwich completely fucking deep fried in butter. And while I was there, I asked for a Vietnamese coffee, and it was extremely good. I don't know what kind of coffee it was, but it came from Vietnam, and I liked it a lot. And it went well with my Montecristo. Even though my Montecristo got my fucking hands covered in butter. So I was the butter dog with dog with butter on his hands, okay? 2:35:29 Unknown_26: iHeartNature for three says, the Gamer Rage video is posted in the Maddie thread. Okay, let me hunt this down for you, bro. Unknown_26: Oh, well, how would he come? Unknown_26: Come to that Maddie thread and shit, man. I think I'm going to Maddie thread him. Unknown_26: gamer rage Chris meaning his hero and it's Chris shaking okay here we go this is a hundred and twelve megabytes for a 57 second video this video that you have posted on my forum is 117 fucking megabytes if we take that It's not even megabits. Megabytes. 8 times more. And we divide that by 57. And then we times that by 8. So it's in megabits. That is a bitrate of 15,700. The average bitrate for a video is like 1,000. This is absurd. I cannot fucking believe you've done this to me. 2:36:20 Unknown_26: How am I supposed to watch this video, bro? Unknown_26: You uploaded a video the size of a fucking video game. 2:36:52 Unknown_26: On my fucking RAID. I pay money for that, bro. I pay money for that disc. I pay money for that like four times over because it's a RAID and it has write failure. It's like deduplicated. This video is uploaded on like four different discs and different partitions so that it's a proper RAID. That's what you've done to me. Unknown_26: HD. Yeah, fucking write. Unknown_26: There's not no fucking 4K. It's a fucking browser. You could have put this into a WebP image that was like 30 kilobytes. 2:37:27 Unknown_26: Okay, I'll let it download, bro, and I'll play it in a second. Unknown_26: Gay Straightener, for one, says, God is coming. Kiwi Farms is in Revelations. Are we that angel that split the earth of Israel? I think so. Unknown_26: Steeds Feed and Seed, formerly Suck and Fuck, for five, says, Thanks for all the streams and all. Have a happy 9-11. You have a wonderful 9-11 to you, too, bro. Unknown_26: Koliadante, for 15, says, In fairness to the white girl on Omegle, the dude was doing blackface was Catboy Cammy, so she was literally correct about him being a faggot bitch. 2:38:00 Unknown_26: Listen, Nick was the bottom in Australia. Australia rules. If you top, you're not gay. It was Nick that was gay, not Catboy. Unknown_26: Thank you. And Arian Queen Generator for one says, Obviously, Spectre is your most hated user, crater-faced, retard, baldo-loser. Unknown_26: He's not really a user. I don't consider people like that to be forum members. Okay. Unknown_26: Like, in the same way I don't consider that fucking pedophile that I banned, I didn't consider him a forum user. Like, there is a community, and then there's people that post that are not, like, a part of the community. I don't really consider Spectre a part of the community. 2:38:34 Unknown_26: Okay, this video is at, like, 30%, because it is so fucking big. Unknown_10: I don't know what to do for you, bro. Unknown_10: What do I do? I'm thinking. Unknown_26: Maybe somebody in the thread posted a way to fucking bypass the thing so I don't have to download 112 megabytes from this. 2:39:15 Unknown_10: Give me a second. Unknown_10: Yeah, I don't know. Unknown_26: I'm sorry, it's like 30% done. I can't sit here and wait for it. Next time, don't download the fucking 120 megabyte version of the video. And don't submit to me a video that's educated. I have to install something to bypass it. Finally, Gay Straightener for Once is Happy 9-11, by the way. Didn't I already read this? 2:39:48 Unknown_26: No, I read the same thing from a different guy. Yeah. Happy 9-11 to all of you. All right. Sorry, bro. I'm not watching your video because it's 110 megabytes. Maybe when the internet is faster again, I will watch 120 megabyte videos. One more. Okay. This is the last one. Holy Howl for 10 says, why do people don't season their watermelon? And then there is a tweet from Shannon Sharpie. Unknown_10: Don't you put salt in watermelon? Makes it taste better, I think. 2:40:23 Unknown_10: What is... Dude, Twitter is so fucking slow. Unknown_26: 4Chain is faster than fucking Twitter at this point. It should be the fastest fucking website to ever fucking exist. It's a micro-blogging platform. How much fucking bloat can you add to a fucking micro... How about this? How about all this other shit that loads on the page before the fucking video? How about you organize the page so that this shit loads in after? Because this is what I want to fucking see. And it's the last thing to pop up on the fucking screen. Unknown_01: Chicken fried watermelon with that Kool-Aid sauce. I know y'all love this one. This was a hit. But which one is better, this one or the fried- Wait, he fried watermelon? I love this one. This was a hit. What the fuck? But which one is better, this one or the fried chicken with watermelon sauce? That chicken fried watermelon is my favorite by far, but this one is a close second. See y'all in the next video. 2:40:56 Unknown_10: Chicken fried- What the fuck is wrong with these people? Unknown_10: Why do they do this? Why do they do this to food? Unknown_26: Food does not deserve this. Food nourishes. Unknown_28: Okay, whatever. Unknown_26: Now that I've been successfully demoralized by my super chatters, it's over. I'll see you guys on Friday. Take it easy. Bye-bye. 2:41:31 Unknown_07: At the shade of the trees. 2:42:04 Unknown_07: Every word in every tune. You are the silence of the room. Unknown_07: Spread your words across a lonely night, warning everyone to stay in the light I could choose to fall beneath your side and I would be alright and I would never have to know Spread your words across a lonely night, warning everyone to stay in the light I could choose to fall beneath your side and I would be alright and I would never have to know 2:42:55 Unknown_07: So you had the break of the tide, and every bird had a flight. I met you at the trembling of the knees, you are the sirens of the seas. You are the mirrored wall, every shot of a door. Unknown_07: I met you at the trembling of the knees, you are the sirens of the seas. Unknown_07: Spread your words across a lonely night Warning everyone to stay in the light I could choose to fall beneath your side And I would be alright And I would never have to know Spread your words across a lonely night Warning everyone to stay in the light I could choose to fall beneath your side And I would be alright And I would never have to know And I would never have to know 2:43:52 Unknown_07: And I would never have to know And I would never have to 2:44:31 Unknown_09: Hey.