Oh man, I think this is the latest I've been in like two years. 10 minutes late.
Unknown_13: What can I say?
Unknown_13: Lord Baldo's impressive gambit to smash and slam me at the exact last second to make sure that I can't prepare for this stream adequately has paid off dividends. A full 600 seconds of homosexuality depriving me, depriving my audience. My customers, as they may be referred to, of the entertainment they so eagerly await and crave, chat. They crave it.
Um, geez. Okay. So, uh, this was going to be a kind of, you know, there's not much to talk about. And then in the last 24 hours, like a bunch of retarded shit happened all at once. So I spent a lot of, you know, uh, this afternoon talking to, uh, to people about a myriad of shit that just happened. Um, And we're just gonna go since I'm one short time. I haven't really had time to prepare for a lot of it So a lot of this is gonna be like live reactions But you guys know how it goes. First of all, we don't Dive right into that we go round about we start with the news. We start with the ham ham. There he is. He's ready He's fresh. He's been he's been waiting for 10 minutes. I'm sorry to keep you waiting my buddy I
And we'll start with a kind of ongoing thing that I've hinted at, but I don't, I still haven't done a deep dive into it. It's just kind of there. The UK is burning, and it's burning because Hawaii is rising TF up. And I think the most interesting thing that's happened since the last stream is that the Crown Prosecution Service, which is effectively the court system, I think, it's like the attorney general office for the US, has come out and said,
that if you post content that incites violence or hatred, it is criminal, and they will come after you, and they are posting on their Twitter account, they're posting all the people, all the white men they're rounding up for inciting hatred, and it's not just people going out, and it's like, I don't know, you would expect that a post like this a couple years ago would be someone doing Nazi salutes, like Count Dankula, well, actually, Count Dankula's dog, he didn't really do anything, or just like, you know, reposting, like, Mein Kampf or something. It has to be, like, usually there's like that generic kind of like, oh, that's hate speech, you can't say that. These days, it's like, if someone posts something that is racially insensitive, and you repost it, even if you repost it to say, oy, oy don't support this, England is multicultural and this won't stand. Peace, justice will prevail." Then they'll say, actually, because you retweeted this, there's a chance that your message won't, you know, it's not like your message overrides that message. It's like you're still retweeting it. So they'll put you in fucking jail.
with the the Muslims that are stabbing people if you repost something that is insensitive and they are they are going around Rounding people up. They've confirmed the Crown Prosecution Service has confirmed. They have dedicated jannies paid jannies sitting in their stupid gay as fuck hats and and high visibility jackets on the computer looking through Twitter to find people that they can arrest for saying things and reposting things they don't like.
So I've gone ahead and I've warned people preemptively because there was a sudden interest in if the UK were to try and send complaints my way, or if they were to head off the site and try to disable it by DNS, at an ISP level throughout the country, what could happen. So I went ahead and I advertised on Twitter and I advertised on Telegram that the TOR service is still up. And not only is the TOR service still up, I recently did some work on it and it's super fast. It works really well right now.
Unknown_13: And it actually works with KiwiFlare, so I moved this over.
Unknown_02: Sorry, it appears that the crown tried to take me out, but I'm back, chat, I'm back.
And if you're interested, you can learn more about privacy, how to maintain, how to manicure your digital footprint by going to, there's two websites, and there's kind of like a schism between them that people get really, really passionate about, so I'll just mention both for the sake of it. There's privacyguides.org, privacy or privacy if you're British, privacyguides.org or privacytools.io as in Indian Ocean. And you can scram through them and learn how to use VPNs, learn how to use privacy browsers so that your government cannot prosecute you for saying things that they don't like. I would highly recommend it if you are British or if you're in the EU. Basically, anytime that there's trying times, you should always make sure that you're practicing digital hygiene correctly.
Stay safe, my boys, me lads.
Unknown_13: Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill. That's the lesson to take home. Quote General, was it Robert E. Lee? I think Robert E. Lee was the fighting Irishman.
Unknown_13: Here is the, I think, one of the arrests. Oh, actually, this is a news article about a woman arrested in connection with inaccurate. So basically, if they deem that your post is inaccurate, you're also arrested. Like, arrested, put into handcuffs, habeas corpus. They fucking own you at that point in time for posting inaccurate social media.
uh, which is pretty fucking dire. So it's not just like you can post something that's not hateful or insightful, but if it contains information that the government doesn't like and is trying to say is inaccurate, you will be arrested and put into incarceration until it's cleared up if it's an accurate or not. So always, uh, always be, be, uh, on guard. Never let your guard down around the UK government.
Unknown_13: Actually, fuck.
Unknown_13: See, this is what I mean. I was putting together everything last second, and there were a bunch of 4chan posts.
Unknown_13: This is really worth finding, so give me one second and I'll try to fill in the blank. There was a bunch of people from 4chan who had taken it upon themselves, because the UK government really enjoys narcs. In the US being a narc is bitch-made and everyone hates you, but in the UK being the narc is the point of pride.
So they opened up all these narc lines so you could report your fellow man for upsetting brown people.
Unknown_13: And...
Unknown_13: So people online I think predominantly in 4chan, but I think 4chan was deleting these threads People online began filing false reports and a couple of them were very funny. So let me just scan through these This is like one of those chat systems that show up on websites to annoy the fuck out of you But instead of being like a chat system where they're trying to sell you like coffee or something It's a chat system where you can try to get somebody arrested for offending you Operator says hello. You're now chatting with the police control room operator. How may we help you today? Chatter says, hello, I'd like to report my neighbor for having a weapon that is very large. A person says, what sort of weapon? He says, a grapefruit spoon. He does not have license. I am sexual emergency. She must help.
The operator says, you need to stop following the female. Where are you both now? Oh, so it's like an Indian guy reporting, like, she won't have sex with me. And the Manchester police is like, you need to stop harassing her. She go into Tesco. I am outside. Do you have a number I can ring? Will you arrest her and make her do the needful, please? I just guessed it would be like an Indian accent. I think a lot of people went for that route. Hello, you're chatting with a police control room operator.
I need to loosen up my lips because I have a lot of reading to do today, I think.
Unknown_13: Hello, I have an emergency. Please help. It is sensitive. Do you have lady coppers working?
Unknown_13: Please, I need you to send two lady coppers with the fattest asses.
This is a sexual emergency.
Unknown_12: I don't know why that's so funny.
Unknown_13: How may I help? I'm interested in moving to your town in the UK from Pakistan. I understand you have a program to help Muslim men rape white girls. I was wondering how I apply for the program. That's right on the nose.
Unknown_13: Someone is here for my daughter. He's brown and smelly. Came from France, but he's brown. So I'm not sure what you can do for me.
What do you mean, here for your daughter? He's carrying a knife. Excuse me. He's carrying a knife.
Unknown_13: He killed our daughter. It must suck to be British.
Unknown_13: I think this tweet, I put this on the rotation because the police websites, they all use Cloudflare by the way, so they're using Cloudflare to block any country that's not the UK from accessing their websites, but obviously it's trivial to get a fucking VPN or to get a tour route into the UK.
West Yorkshire, there are approximately 600,000 here. It says, please, my nibba is Albanian. And the cop asked, why is this a police matter? He is from Albania. Please help.
Unknown_13: I mean, I personally, I wouldn't be okay with that. I'm with that guy. I understand the SARS concern.
Unknown_13: Oi mate, I wanna get me some dim halal food, yeah? And some white racist man done knifed me. Cursed me, asked him if he had license for that knife, and he done said some Islamophobic stuff, yeah? Send the coppers to save me, lad.
Operator says, I'm ending the chat.
Unknown_12: In all caps.
Unknown_13: You got a license for ending chats? Please just buy, in all caps.
Unknown_13: Help me, help me lad.
Unknown_13: I'm annoyed.
Unknown_13: Um... This line is tapped, so I must be brief. This is your king. The Jews are holding me hostage in Buckingham Palace. As your sovereign, I am ordering you to march on London and dissolve Parliament. It sounds legit. I can believe that that's a real one.
Oh, this one's mean.
Unknown_13: Well, thank you for cocked. I don't know if I want to read this one. This is so, this is so over the top chat. Thank you for contacting us. Nate Higgers. How can I help you? And this guy says, I have hidden bombs inside three schools in Manchester. You have three days to find them before they explode.
He says the clock is ticking. Good luck. That's that's fucking crazy. Cause that's, I don't know. I can't, I don't, I don't know if I can coast on that.
Unknown_13: um thank you for contacting us ram deep pudu how can i help you hello sir i must be report a terrible crime of unjust i see british woman in full open bulb and vagina and she said no to me when i tell her that i want her to make sexy sex with her i show her my full heart penis and she still said no this is a hate crime
Um, needing of the fulfillment of the needful. And the cop asked, what is needful? Mom, it's an emergency. I am needing the release, mom. I be doing the shitting in the street soon, mom. It's an emergency.
Unknown_13: You have been banned from contacting us.
Unknown_13: Please stop this, you're not even in the UK.
Unknown_13: Built for BBC.
Unknown_13: That's how you know it's a 4chan post. I guess they can see now, like the operators really quickly added like a geosourcing thing, so it's like, oh this is like a guy contacting from the United States, fuck this idiot.
Unknown_13: Good times, good times. Glad to see that England is having some fun for once. They are making the jokes, chat, not just being the butt of the jokes. Why does Tetrabex have... How is Tetrabex verified? How did this happen?
Unknown_13: I'm very... I'm very confused. How did you become verified? Okay, so... Tetra... Okay, I was thinking... Oh, that's really cool. If you look at, um...
Like, I'll post in chat, hello, and you can see that I am verified on Rumble, and I can even change to the Kiwi Farms and say, hello, and it's also verified. The Kiwi Farms one is. Wait, no, yeah, see? See how the Kiwi Farms one is verified?
Unknown_13: And, oh, it doesn't show up on the screen because of a weird thing, but. So I thought, oh, that's cool. I finally got recognized. And then Tetra Bex is also fucking verified, and he doesn't do anything.
Unknown_13: How is he verified? What are you, what are you verified for? What did you do? He has no videos. He has one follower. He's verified. What the fuck?
Did you just email them asking to be verified?
Unknown_02: Interesting.
Unknown_02: I got you verified super chat. That's right. Okay.
Unknown_13: I talked about this guy a while ago. He's from the Northern Territory of Australia. He was a crocodile expert, but much like, unlike Crocodile Dundee, he did not merely stick his fingers in a crocodile's asshole. He sodomized tortured dogs, and he was a very prolific Zeus sadist. I want to say that he was doxed by the Zeus sadist thread people, who are very, very
productive in making these sorts of arrests.
Unknown_13: And this guy pled out, and I think I even talked about him pleading out on the stream.
Unknown_13: He has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. And he has been banned from owning or having any mammals on his property, which is a very interesting ban. It's not just dogs. It's like any kind of mammal, four-legged animal is not permitted to be on his residence at any time.
Which is, I mean, as far as like animal cruelty charges go, 10 years is like actually pretty significant. They don't usually, it's usually like a struggle where it's like the laws for animal cruelty don't really encapsulate like,
Unknown_13: sexual sadism Type stuff. So this is an unironic W for Australia No, you'll probably get out sooner than 10 years Which sucks, but hopefully they'll keep an eye on them
Unknown_13: And then some tech news.
Unknown_13: Reddit is thinking of paywalling subreddits. And this really threw me for a loop because, as I talked about recently, Reddit has signed an exclusivity deal for robots crawling their website. with Google. So now other search engines are inherently disadvantaged from being able to source information from one of the, the premier prolific internet forum, Reddit, which a lot of information, a lot of good information is stored on.
So, and which is also interesting because Google has paid a lot of fucking money for their search engine to be default on every browser, on every phone, because Apple doesn't have a competing search engine. So I think Google's default, correct me if I'm wrong, I've never had an iPhone, but I assume that Google is the default search for Apple iPhone as well on Safari. And they're the default on Mozilla, which is an interesting thing where it's sort of like Google is paying them money to develop their browser so as to not be a monopoly. But because they've also done that with Apple and everyone else, they are,
they've become a monopoly anyways.
So after signing this exclusivity deal to crawl their site with Google, they then have come out and said, we're also thinking of paywalling some of our subreddits.
Unknown_13: And I'm thinking, I think that would be very bad for Reddit, because what's the difference between Reddit and Discord, you know, in that regard? There's a lot of stuff, there's a lot of information, and especially like programming related, that's simply being lost because it's only being discussed on programming Discord, which are not indexed. They don't have forums, you can't search them and find like stack overflow posts or whatever. It's just like discussion, like it's lost because of Discord.
It's like, well, if Reddit starts paywalling shit and their information is no longer found on search engines, they really disadvantage themselves and make Discord more attractive. Because then the obvious way to get free information would be to have Discord open and join a community, sort of like a subreddit, and source information in real time from there. Because I'm not going to pay you money. or shit that I previously got for free. And the other thing is that when communities are built up on Reddit, there's sort of a implied ownership. It's not like a literal ownership in a legal sense, but an ownership of community that you can't really package and sell unless it's a specific kind of content, which is porn. And it made me wonder because, um, basically I, I, I pitched this in the math internet thread and a lot of people told me that most of the porn on Reddit now is just like only fans whores who are like shilling and like posting teasers. So it kind of feels like they could close shit down to try and hide information, which would hurt them in the long run and actually devalue them to Google, who is now their, their sugar daddy. And it would make them lose out to discord. But.
I think for a lot of people, Reddit's just the go-to, the default for porn. So they could try to compete with OnlyFans in that regard.
Unknown_13: Don't try to... If they're advertising for free to send money to a different platform, then they could just compete directly with that platform, because I suppose there's an easier way to find an audience on Reddit than there is just on OnlyFans.
So I think they might go that way and just become pimps.
Unknown_13: Steve Hoffman might just become a pimp as is traditional for his kind.
Unknown_13: It's a bad idea.
Unknown_13: Like the Kiwi Farms doesn't have any private boards. We have one board that you have to register to see, but it's free to see as soon as you register. And the only reason why we do that is because copy pasting articles for archives and for discussion hurts SEO. And that was like a bygone concern. I did that years ago, but I've just left it as is in case we ever return to search engines, which we did.
And then we have two boards that are not immediately public, or that require a payment, and they're just shitposting boards. There's no lolcow content or anything on those boards, it's just people goofing off. So there's not anything that's really valuable that's lost by not having access to them. And I've always had that philosophy because I want people to find threads, like I want people to find the discussion and to join it. And Reddit has operated with the same premise and has been very successful with it, but not very financially successful with it. And I imagine that a lot of their bandwidth just goes to porn anyways. So I think that they're going to try to capitalize on, on paid memberships. They're just going to be, they're going to dress, dress it up though.
They're going, because, um, I have to have an account to see, I think it's our guns. Our guns is like 18 plus only as if it were pornography.
Unknown_13: So they can make a bunch of legitimate subreddits. 18 plus only due to like extreme like they could say oh all these conservative subreddits are extremism and the gun reddit is extremism and or like you know weapons are 18 plus and then they could like bundle in all these legitimate things around the porn and then sell that and say and give people plausible deniability yeah you can buy reddit premium you get access to all these legitimate things and have legitimate features and that kind of like disguises why you're buying it i think for a lot of people
My that's my prediction. I think that's what they're going to go down. They're going to make and then they can even say, oh, well, you know, what we're doing is we're protecting people. We're protecting. It's like as far as trying to divvy up the Reddit content into a free and premium category.
Unknown_13: There's a lot more legitimate reasons to make the paygate a sort of age verification as well, which earns them a lot less, I think, malice both from the public and from their own users, because they can say, well, you know that porn ban in Texas, we have to be careful, so we're doing all this to be extra super careful, and we know something that you were getting for free is now being paywalled, The law is the law. And then what are the Redditors going to do? They're going to do anything? No. Redditors don't do anything. They just suck dick and chug soy and spend money on frivolous bullshit, so they'll buy that. And then they'll just go back to gooning $10 a month poorer or whatever, and everything will be just fine, and Reddit's investors will be happy. So that's my theory on that.
Roblox, by the way, also a publicly traded company, Roblox says, hello, as noted, and I assume this is a community post because their verification badge looks like their logo.
Hello, as noted in our privacy policy update on July 1st, 2024, Roblox will soon start selling, sharing, and processing personal data for targeted advertising purposes. This practice is set to start on August 7th, 2024 in accordance with applicable law. Starting on August 7th, 2024, we will make available a mechanism to control selling, sharing, and processing personal data for targeted advertising purposes. Please visit your settings page on that date to review and exercise your choices. More information is available on our privacy policy and cookie policy.
Unknown_13: Um, so, uh, there is a very old piece of internet legislation called COPPA.
And I actually know what COPPA is because when I was very young, I was like nine years old. I wanted to see the Neopets forum on, uh, on Neopets, which was like an online pet game.
Unknown_13: And because I was so young, the only way I could be allowed to see the Neopets forum is that my mom had to print and sign a consent form and physically mail it so that my Neopets account could be allowed into the Neopets forum.
So I know what COPPA is. And basically it's a set of regulations for under 13 year olds.
Unknown_13: So what they're saying is that anybody over that though, all the teenagers, they're free to harvest data from. And remember, I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but I would just assume that Roblox is also like a mobile game now. They've converted it to mobile. So it's like all that information, all those kids, all those teenagers to better sell them shit for advertisers are truly the scum of the fucking earth.
Why didn't you just lie about your age like everybody else? Oh, I can click your thing so that everybody can see it. Hold up. Let me get my dashboard open. I'm going to get this working today because I, um, my mom made my account. I was nine years old. It was one of the first internet accounts I ever had. So I didn't lie. Like you can just make a new account and say that you're 18 years old. But at the time it was like one of the first things I ever registered for ever. I had to make my own Yahoo email account, and I had to have help to set up the Neopets account, because my mom had heard about Neopets from work. Her friends were playing it, but it was like a kid's game, so I also was allowed to play it. This was before I even played RuneScape, by the way. I might even be younger. I might have been like 7 or 8 when this happened. I'm super, super OG on Neopets.
Yeah, that was a long ass time ago. That was an old internet, man. People weren't inherent liars back in the day.
Unknown_13: So, what was your favorite Neopet?
Unknown_13: I wanna say it was, I forget what they're called. Oh my God, I kinda wanna look this up now. Sorry, okay, this is gonna be a four hour long stream, but we're pulling up a list of Neopets because now I'm thinking about it.
Okay, let's pull up the neopets and talk about neopets a little bit.
Unknown_13: Um, I think I had a growl.
Unknown_13: Um, I did not like, Oh my God, these are like so old. These icons, this is an old ass page.
Unknown_13: I had one of these. I liked areas. I thought she is, we're fucking stupid. I think I might've also had a foot or a float Sam or jet Sam.
Um, Oh, I had a cougar too. I like cougars and I liked the areas.
Unknown_13: And I think I got an XC when they came out and I had a croc maybe. I think I got an XC too.
Unknown_13: And then I think I got a Croc or a Drake, one of those. But my favorite was always the Kugras and the Eris. This is the content that you guys watch for. That's a long time ago.
That's super long time ago. Okay.
Unknown_13: Then someone asked me to read this. This is a report from the National Transportation Safety Board. If this is a bad, if this is not funny, I will remember this. I'd never take suggestions from this again.
Unknown_13: Um, aviation investigation reports. These are like one of the last vestiges vestiges of like when our government was competent and didn't just waste everybody's fucking time and money. Um, these reports are very important and have made air traffic or air, um, air travel, like as safe as it is. It's one of the safest ways to get around. Uh, it's getting worse now because everything's falling apart in society in general. But for a long time, these guys were very, very competent.
So let's see what this report says. This is from. Rainbow Lake, Florida, December 23, 1991.
Unknown_13: So a full year before I was born on the eve of Christmas Eve, late at night. Some guys want to fly around in a private aircraft where they die. Let's see how this happens. He specifically said to read all the things in all caps.
The private pilot and private rated passenger were going to practice simulated instrument flight. Witness observed the airplane's right wing fail in a dive and crash. Examination of the wreckage and bodies revealed that both occupants were partially clothed and the front right seat was in a full aft reclining position. He was getting skyhead and died for it. That's what was happening. I already know. There's no mystery to this. Put me in the National Transportation Safety Administration. I just got this shit fucking figured out.
Unknown_13: Neither body showed evidence of seatbelts or shoulder harnesses being worn. Examination of individual's clothing revealed no evidence of ripping or distress to the zippers and belts.
The pilot in command's improper in-flight decision to divert her attention to other activities not related to the conduct of the flight. Contributing to the accident was the exceeding of the design limits of the airplane, leading to a wing failure. So something happened, and I guess he coomed. And as he coomed, he pushed down the flight stick, and the G-forces literally tore the airplane apart. I believe that's what's being described here in this flight plan. That's it. That's a very short report. He was getting airhead and he pushed down the stick and it caused the plane to tear itself apart due to the astronomical forces that were being applied to it as a result of his failure to pay attention to flying the aircraft. What a, what a successful reading. Thank you.
Unknown_13: Okay, news hamster. I think that we're good here. Thank you my boy. Thank you. Never fight uphill me boy So I might I talked about something last stream and I just kind of mentioned this off-hand I kind of talked about for just a little bit because it's like a new subject I was interested to see where this subject would take us where this person was gonna go It seems like there are some stuff happening Joked a little bit about maybe him and medic her getting into a fight to the death and if that happens Jim won because first entities dragon near Fucking died and the story that he was dead came out literally near hours after my stream had ended so I don't know I I have an alibi
I know where I was, I can prove it, but after my stream, a second near crashed into the farms. Really quite tragic.
Unknown_13: Inexplicable, disastrous, I don't know.
Unknown_13: um he was 400 pounds he was fighting off lung infections or something he was very very sick and he wasn't taking very good care of himself and he died um and it just so happened to be a couple hours after i talked about it on my my man at the internet stream okay uh so
This was the last thing that he reacted to on the internet. This picture, I think he commissioned this from a furry and this is a fat, a fat dragon. However, despite it being a fat purple dragon chat, it is not farting and I will point out it is a male. I don't know if this is considered a high test cutie. I'm assuming that it's not.
Unknown_13: But for some reason, these these concepts continue to weasel their way back into my my streams.
He said, ooh, damn, heart, heart, the good stuff as reply to this picture. This is ooh, damn, heart, heart, the good stuff. And then as people pointed this out on Reddit, one Redditor had a very interesting take. He says, his last tweets were ooh, damn, heart, heart, the good stuff, replying to a comic of an obese, anthropomorphic dragon's penis and scrotum inflating to a size larger than the rest of its body. Hopefully that soothed his pain in his final moments. rest in peace this guy knew that this guy was gooning to furry penis inflation fetish art and was like good for him i'm glad that his pain was soothed by these these images
Does that make the Fentanyl crisis kind of equivalent to the gooning crisis? Because now we know that the people who are on Fent are doing it for painkilling. And then we got people gooning for painkilling. By the way, I'm trying to find the list of memorials. I was trying to find this before the stream.
Unknown_13: This is a fan art memorial for him that says dragon saying see you later Frickers drawn in MS paint and riddle of lighting says rip dragon near so that's uh That says his parting ways. I think that the angel wings and halo might be wrong I don't know something about the whole like angel wing and halo thing going on here is like a Just doesn't seem right today
Though, I can't say for sure. Just the inclination. Trying to find, sorry, I'm really trying to find the shitty fan art that he was getting after he died. And I may not be able to find it.
Unknown_13: Oh, this is FapCops. In memory of Dragonair and his legacy, I've made this, and then he posted this dragon. That's very nice. That's about as good as the other one. See, the Kiwi farms can be polite and respectful, chat. We can honor the dead.
Unknown_13: We're not monsters.
Unknown_13: I guess I'm not going to be able to find this, uh, vaxxed.
Um, I guess I'm not going to find it. Sorry. I'm scrolling through a very desperately to try to find the list of funny.
Unknown_13: I didn't want to show the dragon penis picture. That's not on my list. Okay. What number I'll go up to? 64 page.
Unknown_13: Oh, wait. Here it is. Oh, thank you. FAP cop. Can I give him the sticker? How does that how was this not this was not a highlight and it should have been the fucking highlight Let's see these tribute pictures Gift TR by dragon near that's a woman and it's not a dragon. Oh So that's wrong. That's lost lovers. You fuck this up. This is not dragon near Lego worm. Noah drew a, what appears to be Ukrainian grave. And then randomly after he, uh, drew the grave on the flag of Ukraine, he just slapped in like an actual picture, like a fan art that he paid for, um, that he did not draw.
Cinnamon buns. Um, that is probably the best one so far. That's nice. I guess it's at least an effort. Oh, this one would definitely be more his style though. That's pretty good line art. It's like a real drawing. Pretty good. It's nice and fat too. So he likes it. Dragon here would be proud.
Um, this guy, for whatever reason, meat decided, ah, I can't draw a dragon, but I can draw Lucario really well. I love Lucario porn. Here you go. Here's your dragon, Cario.
Unknown_13: Uh, that's cool. Fellas randomness. That's cute. I actually liked that.
I appreciate it's like, it's like his character, but it's like cutified, I guess.
Unknown_02: That's not weird.
Unknown_13: Oh, this is weird though.
Unknown_13: Oh, this is by the same guy. This is, so this guy that drew this, which is really cute and nice, also drew this weird, like size difference, belly porn as telegram stickers. So you can post this on telegram if you really want to. I know that the telegram people love posting stickers cause I disabled all forms of media, but if you want to go ahead and post on the Kilby Farms chat on telegram, the, uh, Dragoneer stickers in solidarity with them, you can go for it.
Um, this is all by feloness, fellas, randomness.
Unknown_02: What's nice. What nice tributes chat. That's how we would want to be remembered.
Unknown_13: Okay, so
Unknown_13: This is something I wanted to talk about last stream but forgot.
Unknown_13: If you don't know, PhilosophyTube is a gross breadtuber tranny who goes by Oliver or Abigail Thorne, his real name is Oliver, and he was in
Unknown_13: A TV show called like dragon or something. I don't know what fucking bullshit. This is it's supposed to be like a Game of Thrones type like Period piece but like high fantasy Lord of the Rings type thing. I guess just looking at it. It's like a very copyrighted thing so It's It's not really something I want to play on stream just to avoid fucking dealing with automatic copyrights
House of the Dragon. So he appeared in House of the Dragon for apparently about six minutes, six and a half minutes. That's pretty good. Six and a half minutes of screen time on a TV show. However, they casted him as a man, from what I understand. He's supposed to be playing a androgynous masculine woman, but he's a tranny, that's a male to female. So I don't know how that's not a slight. I guess they can get away with insulting him to his stupid fucking face, because he gets to be on television as a result. But he did show up in the thing, and then there were some reactions. I managed to read through these reactions, but I'll just see what they have to say.
Is it just me or was the quality of Admiral Lohar's acting way below everyone else's on the show? I didn't buy into her character for a second. Oh, so that's 318 upvotes saying that Abigail Thorne or Oliver Thorne or whatever the fuck sucks.
Unknown_13: I thought that was Lancel Lannister HHHH.
Unknown_13: I thought they were going to reuse the original Dario Naharis before the blur went away. She struck me as the first female cast Dario.
Unknown_13: Nobody knows what gender this guy is. They're like, what the fuck is this?
This really introduced me, introduced her at the 12th hour with such fanfare as if presenting Anthony Hopkins. She's an okay YouTuber, not a career actor that can carry a scene. So she, he got six minutes, six and a half minutes of screen time on this show that a lot of people watch apparently. And they're just like, well, he can't really carry it. He's just maybe that's why I usually just put these people as extras. If you want to do like a little bit of memes or whatever and have famous YouTubers in your show, they can't act. You just make them extras.
Unknown_13: Pretty much, listen, I expected so much more when they were talking her up and the character just felt so flat. And it was 100% worse with it being the finale and such a poor use of time.
Please tell me the show won't start cameoing YouTubers. My sanity will break if I see a scepter turnaround as James Charles. She's an actor first, YouTuber second, but I get your point. It's a fucking tranny. Fucking retard tranny. She was terrible. And for some reason, her white teeth were almost comical in a bad way.
Unknown_13: Medieval pirates rocking up on a full set of turkey teeth. That shit lens detected shit.
Yeah, it seems like even the consensus on Reddit is that this shit's fucking gay and retarded.
Unknown_13: You can get rekt, it was very good.
Unknown_13: Prefolk is even more brutal. Okay, I enjoy more brutal.
Unknown_13: Just fucking terrible acting. And why is she putting on a man's voice?
Unknown_07: Ah!
Unknown_13: Get rekt. The character in the books is a man. What is this crap? The forced, deep voice had me crying. The laugh was so absurd. It sounded like a cartoon character. Jarring, like they are making fun of her. When she walked on the screen, I said, oh, fuck off, Lamao. The actress is a trans woman.
Okay, psychology replies and says they should have at least cast one that could act ah Why are they putting the shitty youtuber into a multi-million dollar show aren't there enough actors around they put her into the latest Star Wars show too. Oh, yeah, that's right. He did show up in Star Wars
Unknown_13: Insert correct pronouns here. That's what they wrote insert correct pronoun. Here's parents are loaded and in the industry paid for them to be in rebel moon to Klaus asked they couldn't pay for acting school. They did this person just isn't very good at it Money can get you into acting school, but it can't buy you talent. That's fucking mean for real. Oh
Loved Yara in GOT because she was believable. This is a joke. I don't know what that means. I guess Yara is like an androgynous man in Game of Thrones. Never watch Game of Thrones because I'm not a woman or a coomer. Highground66 says, Yara always felt like a greasy pirate whenever she was on screen. Great performance. This felt like someone cosplaying as a pirate. Couldn't even give her messed up teeth. Really, totally takes you out of it. Yes, I totally agree.
Just talk about Yara, I don't give a fuck. Was this a man or a woman? She's a trans woman YouTuber that produces some good content and can be quite funny, but unfortunately cannot act- That's brutal! When even like your breadtuber simp fanboys are like, well, she makes some salient points about the state of communism, but she can't act for shit. Um, then you fucked up. You're actually really bad.
Unknown_13: The folks of rtrans are big mad about people expressing their opinion.
Unknown_15: Okay.
Unknown_13: Warning to trans folks about Game of Thrones House of Dra- Oh, is House of Dragons just a part of Game of Thrones? I thought Game of Thrones and they were different.
Um, Abigail Thorne plays a character on the House of Dragon that is not being received well by fans. And there's straight up unchallenged hom- transphobia against her happening in these threads. People seem to take their issues with her acting as green lights to say terrible thing about her and trans women. Be careful, friends.
Unknown_13: Better meats, ew.
Unknown_14: I need some better meats. The one I was born with. It's insufficient for my purposes. Doctor, please, can you give me better meats?
And then he's like, he took the knives and went, shink, shink, shink. I got you, bro. Don't worry, I'm gonna cut you up some good meats right now.
Unknown_13: I guarantee they won't have any issues with her acting. They started as bigots and instead of mentioning her performance makes their bigotry seem more legitimate. Really thick of trans lives and easy unchallenged punt lines to people. My whole life I've seen us get dehumanized and I thought a little while things were getting better. But now I don't know. It's fucking Jover, bro. Give it up. Turn yourselves into the embassy. You're going, you're going down.
It really seems like people are getting worse. That's right.
Unknown_13: Let's see what these are. Are these deleted? A freaking bad state we live in. People wonder why I live in the middle of nowhere. Please return to the city. Sir, sir, return to the city. You're not allowed out in the middle of nowhere. I didn't even realize she was trans. She was amazing in the role. I haven't watched House of Dragons season two yet. Is there actually anything off about her performance or are trans folks just yapping?
She's literally in the season 2 final episode for maybe 5 minutes. 6 and a half, sir. There is nothing wrong with her performance at all. The transphobes are just making shit up again, as usual. But even if her performance wasn't 10 out of 10, mediocre cis people are constantly praised for their subpar acting. Anyway, la mal! Like, the double standards are so real.
Unknown_02: Cry about it.
Unknown_13: I just mentioned to my parents that she's a trans woman. My mom's response? Yes, I can tell.
Brief, brief mention of Jimmy's Nightmare, a recurring segment now.
Unknown_13: As people are going hard at Mr. Beast, they found out that one of the performers in a couple of his videos is a registered child rapist who offended on a 1 to 11 year old, it's not specific, but under the age of 12 and was convicted.
He is a on the sex offender registry. He was a part of the mr. Beast team as a manager a production manager He shows up and cameos in two different videos. They refer to him only by the net by the Nicknamed Delaware His videos are getting Delaware references now in the comments Mr. Beast knew and from what I understand I think based off the accusations and one of the latest videos about mr. Beast
Unknown_13: They actually tried to expunge his record from the sex offender registry to try and cover it up. So Jimmy has been up to no good for a long time. I don't know how you could ever talk to someone you knew was convicted of a sex offense against a one year old to 11 year old.
Like, there's no fucking way. He just has to be evil. You have to be so apathetic to the point of being evil to even tolerate that kind of a thing. I just don't get it.
Unknown_13: Now, I've been made fun of before for my signature.
Useful mistake asking, no buddy, what the hell's up with your signature? I mentioned this last stream, but now we have a competitor chat. We have somebody stepping up to challenge me on the signature front.
Unknown_13: Meet Acerthorn's petition for writ of mandamus.
Unknown_13: Literally a petition for an order.
Unknown_13: This is by Acerthorn, who is suing, and this one does not get talked about, and there is an explanation for that. Acerthorn, over four months ago, sued Local LLC in the Southern District of West Virginia, in Charleston, for a bunch of copyright-related claims that are all bullshit.
And to start off the case, he filed his complaint and says, I am petitioning to proceed in the form of papyrus, which means that he files and then says, I don't want to pay any court costs because I'm so indignant that you should pay them for me.
Unknown_13: Harden challenged this, and to paraphrase, because I don't remember, it's been a while, just trying to keep it as simple as possible, there is some reason to doubt that Stebbins should be allowed to proceed in form of Pauperis. And as it goes, if your case is dismissed because you filed to proceed in form of Pauperis and you are denied that, your case is actually thrown out. Um, you are, you lose just immediately. So it's a, it's a really significant challenge. Um, but it's, it's worth doing because there's some reasons to doubt that he should be able to proceed in form of Paul Paris.
And then there's the case, the fact that he is a notorious copyright troll who files these sorts of complaints throughout the entire United States to the point where he has been labeled a vexatious litigant in Arkansas, his home district, and he's basically suing in a different state to avoid having his case immediately dismissed because he's a vexatious litigant.
Unknown_13: And the cases that got him labeled vexatious are identical to the ones that he's filed elsewhere.
Now, he filed to move forward in West Virginia, as I said, four months ago, and there has been no activity on the docket.
Unknown_13: He filed, Hardin filed. The judge was not pleased with the filings. He said that they were inflammatory, which is, I disagree with that, but, you know, he's a federal judge. He probably doesn't want to deal with stupid shit like this anyways.
Unknown_13: to the point where he's delayed doing anything about it for quite some time. Now, Stebbins in this testifies that he
Unknown_13: tried calling the clerk and recorded his phone call with the court and accuses the law clerk, Megan Davis, of prejudice against him because he filed a formal complaint against them for taking too long already. So it's been four months. He's already filed a formal complaint. He called up the clerk. The clerk said, I don't really want to talk to you because you've already complained about us. And that's probably not in our interest. And then he says, oh, well, she's prejudiced against me because I filed a complaint.
So now he's petitioning the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for a order, which is a mandamus, that the judge issue a decision on the lower court's petition for informal paupers. He's like so impatient. He's like, I have to sue you right now. It's urgent. It's super urgent. I deserve a fast lane in the federal court system because I'm so important and my copyrights are in stake and so on and so forth and I've tried filing complaints against the employees of this court and the judge just isn't doing what I want so now I need the fourth circuit to force them to move ahead. And so he signs it, sends it in.
Now, I would like to contend that that is worse. And it's not like I signed this under very bizarre circumstances. He had all the freedom in the world to get his signature in order. And that's what he came up with. So, um, I am not the worst. Okay. Don't even try me on this. And then look at this document that it was even, that's how, you know, like you get this in the mail and like, he sent this to one of the most important courts in the country. The fourth circuit court of appeals is district of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and the, uh, the Carolinas and West Virginia. West Virginia is like the odd one out of that group. but this is he sent these to the judges that handled DC's appeals any kind of like federal issue that any like agency related complaint that gets elevated to the appellate court goes to them and he's filed a complaint with them that his bullshit frivolous vexatious copyright dispute is not being treated in the speed that he so desires that's the level of of pretension on display here kind of fucking crazy
I won't read through it so that the odds of me saying something that is Regrettable are reduced but you can find this in the local LLP thread Speaking of people in trouble for Dave Moscato who I've talked about a couple times. He is lined up to show show up in trial On an October 9th
Unknown_13: So there's a pretrial conference at the end of September, and then October 9th, he is going to a jury trial. He's being charged, I believe, with stalking and harassment of his own parents. You may remember this guy. He's a gross tranny who's like in his 40s, and he hates his father. His father is like a doctor, and he blames his father for not giving him more money. So he's literally dedicated himself to defaming his own father as like a sex abuser and like a narcissist.
saying that he was abused as a child, and abused as an adult, and his dad is just the worst. Well, his parents actually filed a criminal complaint, and he was arrested, and is now going to trial. You know, these locale stuff always takes so long, but this one's actually proceeding to trial. So he might get a no contact order, or jail time, or something, probation as a result of stalking and harassing his own father, which is a little bit crazy.
Just a quick update on that I want to show you what he looks like by the way
Unknown_13: He's really gross. He's one of the gross ones. That's his avatar, and that's him. That's the beautiful trans woman who deserves the respect that he just doesn't receive. But that's how he presents himself online.
Unknown_00: Isn't he just so wonderful?
Unknown_13: Oh, I'm so glad that we treat these people and give their delusions the respect that they actually ask for, despite being gross, fat, belligerent men.
Unknown_13: Just awesome.
Um, this is very kind of whiplashy, but Kanye West, uh, Milo Yiannopoulos has filed, and it's kind of weird to think that Milo Yiannopoulos, the Gamergate homosexual token, um, black dick lover, who is now a turn of the new leaf as a, as a straight white man, uh, despite being Jewish, uh, has, is, is like an associate of,
Unknown_13: of Kanye West, but they didn't know each other because of the Nick Fuentes presidential shit.
Unknown_13: And Ianopolis has filed an affidavit stating that Kanye West's dentist, I believe his dentist, is supplying him with nitrous oxide to get high with. And if I remember correctly,
Unknown_13: This is the same as whippets. Like they're saying, he's saying, Milo is saying that a doctor has given Kanye the nitrous oxide, which is just doing whippets so that he can suffocate his own brain to get high, which causes permanent brain damage. It's like you're killing off your own brain cells to get a suffocation high.
And that's what Milo is alleging. A doctor is basically supplying him whippets to do and get high off of, which is causing him long-term brain damage.
Unknown_13: Which is an interesting development. I can kind of see that it might be true.
Unknown_12: I doubt everything that Milo says ever just because he's Milo and he's... I mean, you know what, that's looking funny.
Milo bought a Kiwi Farm shirt.
Unknown_13: Maybe I should be a little bit nice. What do you guys think? Do you guys think Milo's a straight white man with his Kiwi Farm shirt?
Unknown_13: Maybe. I think if I saw Milo Yiannopoulos going to court with his Kiwi Farm shirt, then I would believe that he's a straight white man. That's just my opinion, because only straight white men can wear such a shirt.
Unknown_13: I would definitely be nicer. I'm very easy to woo over. I'm very easily flattered. Okay, I'll leave it at that.
I guess I should be a little bit nice.
Unknown_13: He's trying to find God and be righteous, chat. I have to curb my enthusiasm for being vindictive.
Unknown_13: Gamergate was a long time ago after all. I think he stopped talking about black dicks so the healing can begin.
Unknown_13: And one little itty bitty update from Patrick S. Tomlinson. This guy called Lord Patrick.
has posted on both the Kiwi Farms and the Opie and Anthony Forum to discuss, among other things, trying to hire a hitman off the clear net, literally rentahitman.com, which is a honeypot website for the lowest common denominator trying to solicit murder for hire on the internet. So he basically, this guy went to this website and tried to put in a hit on Patrick S. Tomlinson and then posted it to both websites that he had done so.
Unknown_13: If I remember correctly, I think maybe he did this in a roundabout way where he posted onto DocSpin. And then even DocSpin was like, this is fucking retarded and deleted it. Um, but he did post it. So now we're in this interesting conundrum where, uh, me or the Kiwi Farms and the Open Anthony Forum have this one guy who's obviously like a flag it. He was trying to orchestrate some kind of gay op to make the sites look bad or look harmful. And he's made a crucial mistake.
He's been posting on the forum through a domestic broadband wireless connection, literally phone posting raw dog, this information about a hitman for hire service. And now the question is, who the fuck is he? Because he doesn't seem to line up with Jackie Singh or Patrick S. Tomlinson.
Unknown_13: But he's taking no precautions to hide his identity. So I even look through, I keep, for clarity's sakes, I keep IP logs for like, it varies, I change it depending on how active the threats are, between like 90 and 30 days.
And during very interesting times, I keep it at zero days and just completely turn it off. And then the actual HTTP logs I rotate and delete manually, so every so often.
Unknown_13: And I was looking through the logs, and he's a very active user of the site. He logs in every day.
Unknown_13: He reads the same handful of threads pretty loyally. He goes through community happenings threads and checks out what people are saying about the Patrick Tomlinson thread. And he even gets direct links to certain posts that are pretty interesting. So this guy is like active in some sort of Patrick S. Tomlinson related circle where they pass around links to certain posts. I'm just sitting here and I'm watching them thinking like, you're up to something buddy boy. You're a very active user and you're up to something.
So now I'm gonna have to go and compile the history and look through it and then I'll purge the logs and some in there anyways. But yeah, he's the only person posting from this entire subnet. It's only him.
Unknown_13: So it's really obvious that it's him.
Unknown_13: Just interesting chat, interesting.
Unknown_13: I don't know who it is. It's being discussed with the ONA people. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. We'll figure out who it is.
That's it for Tomlinson.
Unknown_02: Now this is a brief bossman aside, but if you're not one of the bossman people, it's still pretty funny so hang in there.
Unknown_13: Out of nowhere, apropos of nothing, a four year veteran of the Kiwi farms decided to post her DM logs with Austin Peterson. She contacted him of her own volition onto the Kiwi farm, onto the, on discord and had a conversation with him. And in retrospect, looking at the logs, it's very obvious that she went back and deleted a bunch of it before, um,
before she posted because Bossman's reactions don't line up with her messages perfectly. So it's kind of obvious that she was flirting with him. And not just flirting with him, but like actively sexting him and supplying him nude images of herself. Because the logs indicate that he gave her, or she gave him a topless picture and he was asking for more. But then she tried to distort the logs to make it look like Bossman was just like harassing her or something. But the logs are written in such a way that it's obvious there's a conversation going on where pieces are missing.
So as a result, um, because she posted her own discord account that was, uh, using a username she had used elsewhere, uh, the bossman rats immediately doxxed her and found pictures of her. Um, these are all safe for work by the way. Um, but not only does she.
Unknown_13: have public social media with pictures and shit lined up where you can just find out what she looks like.
She is a active member of DDLG, so Daddy Dom Little Girl. It's basically like age difference role play, where one acts like a child and goes into what they call little space, where they play with blankets and pacifiers and basically try to act like a toddler. and then the man acts like the father, and then they have sex. It's very creepy and weird.
Unknown_13: They always deny that there's any kind of pedophilic thing related to it. They say that it's a therapy thing, it's like a trauma rehabilitation or whatever, but I don't... I'll be generous and say that I can't speak on the correctness of such statements, but to an outside observer, it is always extremely fucking creepy. And then, to top it all off, not only is there that shit, she is engaged. That is her fiancé. They have been proposed to each other. They're from California, and I think that part of what happened that gave her the old spook and got her to post the logs like it was a trolling attempt is that I think he found out that she was sexting a crackhead from Virginia, and she thought, oh fuck, I have to do damage control. So she goes into her logs, she edits out all the sexting and stuff on her side, she posts them as if she's just having a casual conversation with Bossman Jack, which is still stupid, but oh, he's thirsting over her, and then he posts it to the Keeley Farms and like, okay, problem solved.
But the problem is that it's really, really obvious what's going on. And our boy Austin is getting fucked with. She's trying to make him feel some kind of way. And he even laments on his Twitch chat. He's like, you know, when women talk to me, it's kind of sad that they're always just doing it to fuck with me. And you know, it is kind of sad. He's having a conversation with a wahmen. She's presenting herself as single. She's showing him the bobs. And he's like, oh, that's cool. I'm glad I'm finally being wahmen respected. And then she's just some fucking asshole trying to make him feel some kind of way. What a jerk. Poor Austin. However, no, that's not where I wanted to go after that. Nope. We're skipping ahead chat. I think it's on the last page. Unrelated to this, even though he's being put through such hardships by evil women, um, our boy is still doing well.
Okay, here we go. There's no gamba in this, it's just him talking about his life.
Uh, so what's been stressing you out? Something that, like, well, yeah, I guess I'll just say something that can, like, fuck up my probation or jeopardize my freedom, bro. We're all good. I found out today we're fine. We're good to go. We're not going, we're not getting locked up, guys. We're not getting locked up. That's good.
Unknown_11: Let's get an amen in the chat. Amen in the chat to freedom.
Unknown_11: Amen in the chat to freedom.
Unknown_11: Yeah, buddy.
Unknown_11: That CBD was extra strong. I was gonna say that. CBD was extra strong. We're good to go.
Amen. We're staying here, boys. Sorry, rats. I'm not going back to jail. I hate to break it to you. I'm staying right the fuck here.
Unknown_11: Most of my negative behavior lately has been caused because I thought I was gonna go back to jail and shit, so... Yeah. Life's good, dude. Life's good.
Unknown_13: So our boy Bossman Jack, who is on probation for various charges, is able to piss clean for no reason other than to get back home, play some RuneScape, smoke some weed, and gamba. And our boy Nick Ricada, a adult with children, can't piss clean for his own fucking child custody case. And when I set the stage, Bossman Jack is more responsible with his drug use and dealing with the state after getting into trouble than Nick Ricada is because Nick Ricada came up positive on a piss test for alcohol. Which, by the way,
Alcohol doesn't stay in your system that long, I'm pretty sure. If you're drinking so much that it's showing up in a pee test, you're doing it so close to the line that there's no fucking excuse for it. Whereas with Coke and stuff, it shows up in your hair. Literally no fucking excuse. It's unbelievable to me.
And one other thing before we get to the event, the main draw, which I'm assuming a lot of people are very eager for,
Unknown_13: This is one of those things that happened right before the stream. Well, the same day of the stream. So it's, it kind of came out of nowhere. I didn't hear about it until late. Um, Ralph talked about his, uh, his flight problems and apparently did a woe is me spiel. So we're going to go ahead and we're going to go watch these. These are, I'm watching these for the first time and, uh, I'll give you my takes as we, as we go along.
I see that he is watching Piers Morgan talk to a brown Muslim rapist sex pest.
Unknown_03: Fuel for a logs and so like I literally just could not do that stream this past weekend. So You know it is what it is But we can make it a Saturday stream goal if you want to do something like that to add something to the To the goal. I heard I heard Bill said I should I didn't see it. But somebody told me it's like oh you should have more like I
So just having a goal to stream all day, have like a prize, but like a reward or something like that. So we could do we could do a Saturday stream. I'm not talking about Darkseid Phil.
Unknown_13: Is he taking advice from Darkseid Phil now? He's just completely given up. It's unknown what documentation he's talking about. If he got back into Mexico, he absolutely had to have his passport.
Unknown_13: But he might have lost his Mexican permanent residence ID. I think that's probably the most likely thing. He lost his residence ID. And there was a issue with the... He got fucked over at the border because of that.
No cigarettes today? God, I want one so bad.
Unknown_13: Is this a beat that I'm listening to, these jungle beats? Is this like smoke detector core? I keep hearing like these squeaks. I don't know if they're supposed to be like sneakers on like a basketball court, but they sound like smoke detector trips to me. So Ralph is so blacked. He's just listening to smoke detector core at this point in time. Trying to quit just for health and also like, I figured out it would save me like,
Dude you hear it trip trip trip trip trip Okay, so this is apparently the long sob
Yeah, let's listen to all of this actually. Fuck Ralph. Okay, so if you don't remember...
Unknown_13: The last time that Ethan Ralph and I spoke, and the first time that we spoke in like a year, it was because he had just snaked on Nick Fuentes. Ralph was in Florida for the last year's AFPAC.
Unknown_13: And while he was there, a bunch of gropers made it really obvious that he was a fat, retarded faggot. They hated him having him around. He was a perpetual embarrassment to them, and it was only because Nick Fuentes tolerated him that they also tolerated him. They made it no uncertain terms. Everyone thought he was a fat retard. And he took offense to this because, of course, he did. But he also thought that it was Nick Fuentes' personal thing. Kind of like, um, when, I guess, when Riley was trying to chase me off the Dick Show, I'm like, okay, that's obvious that Dick would rather have the pedophile around than me, so bye. Um, I think he kind of felt the same way that these capos were telling him shit on behalf of Fuentes, when really, in this case, it was the opposite. Fuentes was the one holding people back from chasing him off, because for whatever reason, Fuentes was endeared by his constant Dick-sucking. and honored his loyalty by tolerating him despite his perpetual humiliation of the Grapers.
At the time he was on Cozy too. And he was using that super chat system that Nick's people use.
Unknown_13: So it was like his entire career hinged on Nick Fuentes liking him.
Unknown_13: And when he showed up and started, like, deciding to go Scorched Earth, I talked to him to try and get him to say, you know, everything that he had on Nick, because at the time we had just written a thread about how the Snowflake Lolli people were in the Groypers at the time.
So I was kind of out for them.
Unknown_13: And he didn't really have too much interesting to say, but it definitely burned the bridge. So I think that this five minute clip of him whining is going to be him saying, I'm so sorry, Master Puentes, if I had just seen your final text message, I never would have done anything against you. Oh, please, Master Puentes, please let me back in. Please let me be a griper. I'll start from the bottom again. I'll work my way back up to your top capo. Just let me back in NASA.
Unknown_03: Cause I thought they were going to try to keep me out like altogether from the event. And I was like, not going to accept that embarrassment.
and he sent me a text and he's just like no bro come just don't be you know don't be fucked up everything will be cool if i would have seen that text i wouldn't i wouldn't have done everything i did history man you know that's how shit goes but if i would have seen that i wouldn't have done it
Unknown_03: And you can see they leaked the text. You can see it was on a signal and it didn't have the double white check mark because I never saw it. So, I mean, I was still considering it up to like an hour or two before it all happened. And of course you have my law, you know, I mean, I don't even think he would take an insult, call him a snake, right? Um, you know, in your ear whispering this. And at the time things were different for Nick too. So it's like,
I was nothing physical. Okay. At the time, things are different from for Nick where it's like, Hey, get up, man. You need to get off this shit, man. This thing's going down. they're disrespecting you down here like they're trying to run you out of town like all this shit's in your ear. I'm from like the master manipulator basically. And the guy who helped start my career, even though he's a snake, which again, I don't even think he would take insult to and I was like,
my life falling apart at the same time. You know, I can't see my connection. I'm a person who, you know, said they would die for me, would do anything for me, left me for dead on the street. You know, it was. It was the perfect it was the perfect time was perfect timing for a guy like Milo.
Because I wasn't even sure I wanted to continue living on this planet, dude. It was like that. You know that telegram I put out where I said I was dead? I was actually going to kill myself. That's why I put that out.
Unknown_13: But thankfully I intervened. I take credit. He was there alone with no Fuentes, no hope, no one to talk to about to end it all. When heroically someone stepped up and put their own neck on the line to get the goss and to reinvigorate Ralph on this new trajectory of sobriety and anti-Groperism. And he fucked it all up as he does.
So, um,
Unknown_03: Cause, uh, but I just can't, I can't give the haters that ultimate victory, but I want it to so bad. Like literally it was really close.
Unknown_03: And, um, but always like anytime I get down that bad, I think about all the faggots whose joy it would bring to see me die by my own hand.
Unknown_03: Like how happy that would make them.
for me to kill myself. Like, that would just, like, thrill them.
Unknown_03: So... What a life.
Unknown_13: What a life, where you're just, like, the only reason why you wake up day to day and consume all the resources on the planet that you do. All the waste you create, all the byproduct emitted by you, and to create your food, all the animals that have to die and suffer to sustain you. All the hard work people have to put in to grow the food that you eat Every day and you only do it you only do it because you think other people might be happy for like 30 seconds for like how long would it take for people to get over the news that Ralph is dead? Maybe a week tops absolute maximum one week
And that's it.
Unknown_13: That's the only string, the only tether keeping him tied down to his earth. That someone somewhere that he doesn't like might be happy to hear that he's dead for like one week. It's worth all the effort and all the animals and all the pain and all the resources just to deprive, just delay even. Delay that one week.
Unknown_03: I just can't do it.
Just out of spite, basically, not because there haven't been times where I wanted to do it. That was one of those times.
Unknown_03: But like, I could never kill myself because just because of spite, I know how much joy it would bring so many people who hate me. And so I can never do it.
Unknown_03: That's literally the reason.
Unknown_03: Also, it's a, you know, it's a pretty bad sin as well. Uh, I wouldn't say I'm fully back in the church or anything, but a pretty bad sin to kill yourself. Um, yeah, shit happens, man. Just, uh, keep on keeping on. And, um,
Yeah, I got a lot of work to do still. But I don't know how you think about things. I'm just like one or two things changes one or two messages or answers. Like all thoughts are lies. The past doesn't exist. JLP. I'm just gonna listen JLP.
Unknown_03: um because that's true dude imagine being so down bad that like jesse lee peterson a mentally handicapped black man has the life sauce that you need to to continue living for like that's crazy oh it's like i'll let it play out something doesn't do any good in the shit this past weekend um you know missing the first visit not my fault
Fuck me over on the airline Missing an hour of a second visit. Um, that one was more my fault but It's like I could sit here and dwell on it or I could sit here and think about the hour I got to spoon my son and you know the first time I got to hear him call me daddy, um, you know That was pretty cool. So
Unknown_03: let's listen to this faggot so that's he just said oh i got to i got to be called father for the first time uh despite having kids years ago what's his follow-up thought with that by the way don't get married don't have kids uh like i'm just
Like he's trying to pretend that he cares about his family, about the kids that he's created, and that he enjoys the small fruits that he gets from the limited input he puts in. And then the next statement is, don't have kids.
Unknown_13: Ralph is literally the only person I have ever heard in my life, literally, without exaggeration. I am not bullshitting. I have never heard a parent say that they regret having kids before. Never, ever. Even like fucked up single parents will say at the end, it was all worth it. But I've never heard a parent say, yeah, I wish I didn't have kids. Like what fuck, I'm insane. Totally different subject, but.
I hate to, I'm in full black pill mode now. Don't get married, don't have kids.
Unknown_03: Waste of time. You know, I loved hearing my son call me daddy this past weekend, but you know.
Unknown_03: whole entire life being fucked.
Unknown_13: I went out of my way to see my son, Xander, and for the first time he was able to recognize me as his father, which provides a sort of genetic, low brain, just built-in reward for the effort required to see him.
I can feel no joy from this fundamental human reward because my son Xander doesn't show up on the Kiehl Stream, which is an international famous web show, by the way, that I host, Ethan Ralph hosts the Kiehl Stream. And as long as my son Xander cannot show up on the Kiehl Stream, I cannot epically own the Gaylogs with the fact that I have a son.
Unknown_13: You see, as long you understand, understand my boy, as long as my son Xander doesn't show up on the kill stream, it's like not having a son at all because I can't try and show that I'm better than people that don't have kids. So what's the point? What's the point of all this, all this effort, all this money, all this time, all this energy.
put into these keys when I can't even put them on the internet to epically own people. Truer words never before spoken, Ralph.
Unknown_13: I dunno.
Unknown_03: Definitely don't get married, I'll say that.
Unknown_02: Oh, at the end of there, I thought he was looking down. I had something, sorry! Oh well.
Maybe, hey, you know what? I think Ralph's stepfather, or for Xander, right? Xander's stepfather is that Mexican guy? The Disney diddler that finger blasted Faith all those years ago? I think that he's the stepfather now. So, Ralph, here's a fun thought, right? Here's something to pique your interest, keep you going, keep you entertained. Since you're learning Spanish, because you live in Mexico, and since Xander's stepfather is a Mexican, He'll learn Spanish too. Maybe the next time you see him, he can call you Papa and you can, you can try to converse in that elementary level, uh, Spanish, Spanish, uh, vocabulary. It'll be, that would be fun, right? You can learn together. I'm just trying to be an optimist here, buddy.
Um, one little interjection. I actually did. I promised you guys the, uh, Rikada stuff next, but I lied. We're going to, we're going to take some words of wisdom from our boy, DarkSidePhil, uh, who watched the Baldo footage and then had some salient wisdom for everybody. I did not use the Baldo.
Unknown_15: I don't need the Baldo.
Unknown_06: I'm fine. Once you put the Baldo on, it's tough to take it off.
Much like clown makeup, which I always say.
Unknown_09: I just wanted to grab that soundbite.
Unknown_13: Once you put the Baldo on, it's hard to take it off. Truer words never before spoken. I already said that this stream. I can't say that twice, because then there's a paradox. However, now is the time.
Unknown_13: Well, in a second.
Unknown_13: So just as a brief, Darkside Phil showed up on Kino Casino. They talked for, I think,
Unknown_13: um i want to say over an hour about an hour a lot of that was just to get him to make fun of people that they already make fun of which is fine whatever uh for some reason a lot of like dsp a logs um which the uh the moderator tries to delineate between The detractors, and what he calls the dent tractors, because dents are the people that give Darkseid Phil money, but then there's also like genuine fucking retards that are like his a-logs, so they're dent tractors. I guess that's the angle.
But a lot of them got really upset at PPP.
Unknown_13: To the point where people joined the forum just to say that they were going to try to ominously threaten PPP in some way. So I filtered out those accounts, I told PPP about it just before the stream.
Unknown_13: But yeah, lots of people super pissed off, and it was a very casual conversation, but a huge portion of the DSP a-logs are just the most joyless fucking people ever. any kind of merriment, anything that makes DSP happy or look like he's anything but human filth, makes them upset and it's really fucking cringe and gay.
Speaking of cringe and gay, it's time for The Baldo Ham.
Unknown_02: How do I even begin this?
Unknown_02: There's two parts to this.
Unknown_13: First, there's an interesting matter of public record, which has again dropped. And this is another transcript from the Child Protective Services case that Rikeda is involved in. I'll just read the synopsis here from Autistic Right again.
Ms. Barber, who is one of the Health and Human Services employees, believes that the children cannot be returned to their home because it is unsafe as of
Unknown_13: June 6th.
Unknown_13: She states that allowing the grandparents to move into Reketa's cum dungeon is a, quote, creative solution. The licensing might be complicated and the grandparents need substance awareness training.
Unknown_13: They don't know how the drugs got into Baldo's home and how the child tested positive. Baldo was cooperative and attending to the home visit with Miss Barber. She was able to enter the Kumbh Den, the master bedroom, and she had a peek at the master bathroom and stated that there was a pug being kept there. So for whatever reason, their pet pug named Sunny is kept in the bathroom.
She says that constant usage assessments that return negative results will expedite the reunification process, but as we discussed during the Bossman Jack segment, Rakeda is unable to produce those apparently.
Ricada's side filed that they would prefer custody, I think in this order, A, the kids just return home, B, the kids move in with the grandparents, three, unsupervised visits overnight with the parents, and four, similar to three, but with the supervision of the grandparents, or five, some other arrangement.
Unknown_13: They're trying desperately to suppress the hair follicle test of the nine-year-old testing positive for cocaine metabolites.
Unknown_13: They actually accused Ms. Barber, oh, sorry, Ms. Barber's not Health and Human Services, she's a guardian ad litem, which is a fancy term for someone who acts in the interest of the child who is not directly from the government. So this is a person who volunteers for this, usually undergoes some kind of training, and then will interact with the children and talk to them on behalf of the court to try and make a determination in their interest and represent what they believe
is best and what the children have told them, and so on and so forth. And part of the reason why they're pissed off at the guardian ad litem, Ms. Barber,
Unknown_13: should be dismissed, is that she accessed the hair follicle test results. So she's trying to assess what to do with the kids, and in the process of doing that, obtained the results of the chromiography, proving that there were cocaine metabolites in her hair, and they're saying that that somehow predisposes her to harsher considerations about Arachata, even though it doesn't seem to be the case. They moved to suppress public access to the case because Rikeda is a public figure. And they bitched about releases of other documents.
Baldo and Rakeda the wife want the following records pertaining to the hair follicle test Omega laboratory instrument printouts of Promatograms now, this is a weird one I don't know what the fuck a chromatogram is. I think that he means the the chromeograph or I'm not sure what they're asking for. I don't know if it's a thing and just search this real quick
Chromiotopography. Chromatography. That's a hard word. I don't know what a protomogram is, though. It does show up, though, so it must be relevant. Maybe it's just another name for it.
Unknown_13: The controls.
Unknown_13: The operating procedure. They basically are trying everything they can to find out how to get this evidence dismissed for being inaccurate. I don't know if that's going to work out for them, though.
Unknown_13: And then of course this ugly hoe, uh, sees about the Kiwi farms in the chat. Fuck Kiwi farms and Josh. That would be me.
Okay. So that's just a brief court update regarding them.
Unknown_13: Now I should explain that after Tuesday.
Unknown_13: Someone told me, in the Rokato thread, just threw out there, says, Josh, you're probably not going to get the body cam footage. Now, I don't like being told that I can't do something, especially when I really, really, really, really, really want something. So when he said this, I decided to actually personally review the statutes regarding the Minnesota release of body cam footage. And I found a very interesting point that I believe might allow us to get some of the body cam footage because we very strictly meet the criteria. Effectively, the Sheriff's Office of Kandiyohi County
is at liberty to release body cam footage to dispel rumors, which is not a very high bar to meet. There simply has to mean that there is a widespread rumor which can be dispelled to the benefit of public trust in law enforcement by the release of the body cam footage.
Unknown_13: And this is a very different burden than other burdens, because number one, we don't have to actually have Reketa consenting to anything or saying anything too stupid himself.
As long as there is a rumor to be dispelled, that would be benefited by the release of the body cam footage. then we can try to justify it through that angle. And to our benefit, Rekheda has been not saying too much publicly about the police or the health and human services.
Unknown_13: especially when it comes to the date of the search.
Unknown_13: But Rakeda has been in the ear of other people, notably Robert Barnes, who was an attorney on the Rittenhouse trial, Viva Frye, a YouTuber with over 600,000 subscribers, Camelot, another YouTuber, even Ethan Ralph, because these people all have stated repeatedly that there is corruption in Kandiyohi County.
Viva Frye went out and said that the search was, and Robert Barnes said, that the search was in part instigated by a probable cause warrant that shouldn't have been allowed, but was allowed because as Viva Frye said, that Nick Riccardo was the most vocal critic of the local government and what he called that corrupt shithole. And so they went after him and they went after him in apparently the dirtiest way possible by going after his kids.
And these are things that have been repeated or heavily implied by Rikeda himself. There's clips on the Chrissy Meyer show where he's talking about how, you know, you would be surprised what you have in your house, implying that he didn't know that he had cocaine or that, um, and Chrissy Meyer immediately asked because it's the obvious implication that the police or that, um, Nick even said something about, you don't know what police might bring into your house. Very obviously implying and insinuating. that the police of the county brought cocaine into his home, Chrissy Meyer actually asked immediately, because that's the obvious second follow-up question, like, are you saying that that's what happened? And then Rikada says no, but that's the thing, is like, he's creating this thought that there is malfeasance, there is wrongdoing, and people are believing it. Chrissie Meyer immediately suspects that the police, his friend suspects that police brought drugs into the house.
Robert Barnes talks about the corruption. Five a Fry says that it's a corrupt shithole and they're going after him.
Unknown_13: His friend Camelot is indicating that the police force did something wrong and that the warrant was unjust.
If you were looking at this from a neutral perspective, if you weren't me and you weren't someone who knew who Rekata was, but you knew that this guy was getting eaten by the system, was having his kids taken away from him, was facing 25 years for a very serious possession charge, and you were hearing all these associates around him making this claim that the police were up to something, that Health and Human Services was lying under oath, then you would think that this was an innocent man telling anybody who he could trust in private that he is a victim, and he was trying to scream as loud as he possibly could in a way that wouldn't cause retribution, because they got his kids, and they can go after him. They have that leverage over him. If you didn't know Rakeda, and if you weren't me, and you were just trying to assess the facts and what people are saying,
Unknown_13: you would assume that he was desperately trying to get someone to listen to him about how he was being treated, and he was just afraid to do so in public. That's how it would look like to me. So, I genuinely Genuinely, with no extension of the truth, no backward justification, it's very obvious that he has created a rumor that can be addressed. And the question is, can that be addressed? The question then is not that if there's a rumor about an interest of public trust, the question is, is there a rumor that can be dispelled by the body cam footage?
which we're coincidentally after anyways, right? Well, yes, because Robert Barnes names in particular a specific cop who he claims did something wrong. And there's a clip of this, and I'll pull it up if I have to, but he names a cop specifically who happens to be there on the day of. And it's like, we don't need
dozens of hours of footage from every which way. But we know that there's a specific cop who is there executing the search warrant who has been accused by people directly associated with Necrokata of doing something wrong. So how about this? Let's see the footage from that one badge cam and let's see the footage of everybody in the master bedroom where the cocaine was found. Because if there's anybody planting cocaine, with all those cops there, we should be able to see it. And if that one cop was doing anything wrong, then his badge cam would show it. And that way, there's a middle ground. You're not releasing everything. You can censor out all the kids. It's just one cop, one area of the house of interest to the public.
And that was my post.
Unknown_13: Um, so I, I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that. I don't feel like I said anything wrong. I'm not lying. I'm not being, uh, uh, deceitful. That is genuinely the facts of the situation in a way that the County can meet me halfway and provide information to dispel a rumor as indicated by statute. And Ricada's response to this.
Despite being someone who really does proclaim that he is up against an unfair system, immediately contacted be my signal. And when he does this, I usually just paraphrase him because I figure the reason why he's addressing me in private is that he wants me to say to pass along a message to the Kiwi farms. But at the same time, I don't want to copy his words word for word, because then it's like we have a we have a time limit on our messages. So it's like if he is. If I quote him directly, that might get him into trouble. So I am when I paraphrase him, I'm not trying to.
to cause him any harm, I'm trying to pass along his message and at the same time create an air gap where nothing he's saying about his case can be used against him. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to misrepresent what he says. I'm genuinely trying to help him accomplish his goal while minimizing his risk, which is something that I do a lot. If someone has a message for my forum, and I want to post it and talk about it, I'll have them message me. We'll discuss what they want to talk about. I will create a summary of it, and then I'll publish the summary. And then I'll say, I know that this is true. I can't show you how I know this is true, but you know I generally don't lie about things.
And I hope that you'll trust me when I say that I looked at this and I was very convinced, and this is what I saw. And that's a roundabout way that I have used over years to allow people who want to be whistleblowers but limit their own exposure do so more safely.
And I'm simply extending that same courtesy to Rakeda.
Unknown_13: If he wanted to join the forum and post himself, I could accommodate that as well. If he had nothing to say to me, then why write me? But I think he got pissed off because what happened is, when I summarized this set of messages, I said that
Unknown_13: He wished me luck, and he dared me to find rumor mongering that would implicate the police in wrongdoing, especially in regards to the search warrant. And I say that he dared me because he basically says, like he said very flippantly, please go find this video. which to me is a dare. You tell me to go do something, implying that I won't be able to. I'm like, OK, challenge accepted. Right. So I said that he dared me and he wished me luck in finding this footage because effectively it was a dare.
So then, I hear the news, because I get fucking messages from people saying that he's live reading all of my DMs. Which was, my first reaction was, what a fucking idiot. Because in these DMs, I don't say anything incriminating. I repeatedly call him out on being narcissistic and a pathological fucking liar who is blatantly trying to manipulate me and failing. That's how I remember these conversations. He comes at me with a message. I tell him, I don't fucking believe you. You're a liar. This is bullshit. And I know that you're lying and I can prove it. And then he says, go, good luck.
So when I hear that he's reading my messages, I'm thinking like, is he trying to own me? Cause I don't fucking say anything. And these that are incriminating.
Unknown_13: So now I have this video and it is like an hour long. It's an hour long. Of him talking about my private messages to him and from him to me one signal.
Um, and I'm just going to watch them and I'm going to try to watch what I say. Cause he's trying to bait me into saying something wrong.
Unknown_13: Um, but I'm pretty confident in my ability to avoid problems. Let's see this.
Unknown_02: Actually, can I get his chat up?
Unknown_01: apparently his chat might be interesting okay so i'll give you my uh let's give my my update as best i can now please understand that i have ongoing court issues they're not done the state is not done with me yet he says that um he's trying but
One of the things that he does in this is that he tries to say that he got his kids back. He was given a trial visitation with supervision. And he tries to make that sound like his chips case is completely closed, and it's not. Because if it was closed, imagine this. If he was still in custody of his children, this is one of those things that he does where he tries to present one thing so that people who interpret it favorably hear what he wants them to hear. But then if someone who isn't interpreting him favorably calls him out on that, he just goes, whoa, buddy, that's not what I said.
Unknown_13: It's like manipulative fucking asshole one-on-one 101 like most blatant obvious fucking Duplicitous way of speaking imaginable Is either he paraphrases things incorrectly or he uses someone else's incorrect paraphrase as if it were true And I think that's what's been going on by the way with he's um he's drinking a monster zero in there so in solidarity I
Just crack open a monster real quick.
Unknown_13: And we'll watch this properly. Yes, I've been saving this all stream. I've been eyeing it like, mm-hmm.
Unknown_13: Mm-hmm. Acid. Caffeine.
Unknown_01: With him and me. And so I'm just going to show you the messages. So this starts on Saturday, August 3rd.
Unknown_01: Um, he's talking, he was talking about the body cam footage in my case and people want me to like sign this release order or they want me to sign a consent form for the body cam footage in my case, which, uh, I'm, I'm certainly not going to do at this point in time. And I'm, I'm not sure that it ever be appropriate, but.
I'm not going to do it now or ever.
Unknown_13: Just say you're not going to do it in the fucking Weasley way. I don't really think that it would be in my interest at this current juncture for me to sign this waiver. And I don't think actually now that I think about it, I don't think it would ever be appropriate. Just say no just say I'm fucking just be honest for once just say my house is a fucking wreck my kids look sad and Dirty my bedroom is fucking humiliating to me and that giant glistening crack a ruski crack rock sitting on my mattress is is a deep personal shame. I will never live down. I would rather drive a fucking 9 inch nail through the palm of my left hand than have the general public have access to 12 hours from 8 different body cam footages every single nook and cranny of my dirty, filthy, fucking house.
Just be honest. Here you go. And people can, they can make all sorts of arguments or whatever, but, uh, that's fine. I'm not going to sit and argue with the internet about the propriety of that. You can call me whatever you want. That's okay.
But here's what I am going to do. I'm going to show you guys what I said to Josh, because I think it's important. And I think it's really important to show you exactly what was said because what Josh said isn't true.
Unknown_01: So here we go.
Unknown_13: So, okay. If he's going to do this, then I need to show you guys what I said. One second. Let me find this real quick.
Unknown_13: Don't want to make any mistakes on stream, but I'm going to pull up what I said on the Ricada thread. I mean, if he's, cause I don't see him showing the posts that I made anywhere. So that kind of deprives it of context.
If my internet is willing to cooperate.
Unknown_02: My god, sorry, my poor website's fucking dying I think Maybe it's just that browser.
Unknown_13: I really don't know what the fuck's going on with that shit It's like did they like wait for my string to start to like start DDoSing or something the fuck is going on Bro
This has to be like a problem.
Unknown_02: Oh, there it is. Okay.
Unknown_02: So this is like really important to the, um, to the actual discussion. I don't know how you're going to open up with the, uh, yes, they did. Chat is broken. Okay. So I started live streaming and then they started fucking with the site. It sounds about right. 502 bad gateway.
Oh, that's definitely a... Okay, I'm getting closer, I'm getting closer. Okay, here we go.
Unknown_13: I say that and then I click the link and then it loads and everything's fine.
Unknown_13: Missive from the Court of Baldo. King Baldo has again reached out through a system of ropes and pulleys to declare the following. He has never said the police did anything wrong during the execution of the search warrant on his premises and both dazzles me and wishes me luck in finding evidence to the contrary to support a petition to the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Department.
So, I don't know what in particular he's upset with because that's what he fucking said. I think he's going to be super pedantic and like try to like split hairs.
Unknown_13: So I'm just not going to let him do that. I'll just ignore it. If he's saying like, Oh, I can't set her up in like three seconds.
Unknown_01: So this is Saturday, August 3rd.
Unknown_13: Sir Keckington says, Hey Josh, clip this for your epic show tomorrow, you retard. Thanks, Sir Keckington. I will. Hey, retard.
Discovery is under protective order in the case. Me releasing it is a violation of that order. It's in the document you already have on your site. Learn to read, which is the, uh, the order that was leaked a long time ago mentioned specifically that, uh, discovery is under protective order in the case.
Unknown_01: So it's suggesting I should do anything to affirmatively move the needle on releasing. It risks me violating a court order. Try reading. So again, really quickly,
People on the farms or wherever want me to sign a consent form to release body cam footage that is part of both my criminal case and my civil case.
Unknown_13: Correct.
Unknown_01: But there's a protective order on discovery in the civil that you have since been sealed as well.
Unknown_13: You asked for, he asked for the protective order to be clear. Um, as far as I'm not, I'm obviously not an attorney, so I can't give you specifics. However, if Harden thought that there would be any damage to his case, um, I don't think that he would have any issues with that objection. But as Reketa said prior, it's, uh,
He doesn't think it would ever be in his interest to release the footage. So why be pedantic? Why say that there's this complex circular protective order that I requested and now it got approved and now I'm using as a defense to release evidence that's going to be released on another trial if it goes to court, which is probably why like he might literally take a plea deal. Specifically because he doesn't want the body cam footage to become evidence in the criminal case, but it would come out there, too so There's a there's a follow-up to this I'll get to as I mentioned Releasing that or moving to release that or making any step for it risks me Violating a court order now you may argue.
Well, that's not violating a court order. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen
Unknown_01: When the government has you by the balls, and by the balls, I mean your literal offspring, you don't do anything to risk violating a court order.
Unknown_01: But it gets farther than that.
Unknown_01: It goes farther than that. And we're going to get to that as well, because this is an amazing thing that Josh's myopia forces him to overlook the reality that people are in, in the thirst for more and more infos or whatever.
So Josh- I wanna see your dirty, filthy, fetid hovel. I wanna see the dark confines of your home. I wanna see the other rooms that you keep, decrepit and dank. That's all I want.
Unknown_01: I found this curious. He says, we're not asking you to release it.
Unknown_01: This is funny because Kiwi Farms is not a monolith. I've said it a million times, but apparently they are now acting in concert according to Josh.
Unknown_13: Okay. So he cries about this for 45 minutes. I already know what he's saying. I use the Royal. We, um, I say, I'm gonna try to blow this up so I can actually see what the fuck it says. I say, quoting myself, we're not asking you to release it. We're asking you to grant the government permission to release it. There is no issue with you signing a letter of consent. Your body cam footage is also discovery of your criminal charge. It is part of the chips case discovery, but as part of the state's case and the criminal one.
And he says, we, and I reply with a question mark because I am not wanting to entertain his bullshit pedantic linguistic tricks. The we in this refers to me and my attorney, Matthew Harden, who is licensed in the state of Minnesota to practice law. And unlike certain other people, he actively does practice law in the state of Minnesota.
I am asking him not to go to the Kiwi farms and publish consent to release body cam footage. I am asking him to get into contact with my attorney, who is the second person in the we to consent to this so that we can send it. We, me and him can send it to the County to get it. Very easy, but for some reason he apparently, from what I've been told, harps on and on and on about me and the KiwiForms being a single unit for like 50 fucking minutes, even though it should be obvious that he's responding to me asking him to send my attorney a consent.
It's not me. He's speaking on behalf of everyone now, I guess. We're not asking you to release it. We're asking you to grant the government permission to release it. There is no issue with you signing a letter of consent. Well, there are issues. We'll talk about them in a minute. Your body cam footage is also discovering your criminal charge. Great.
Unknown_01: It doesn't matter if they're in both and one of them is under protective order. I'm certainly not fucking coming close to violating an order.
Unknown_01: It is part of the chips cases discovery, but it's a part of the state's case in the criminal one Okay, Josh. That's great. We Lamal cuz When did Kiwi?
Oh, yeah, he also says we in Lamal become we This is Lamal afterwards. I forgot that I couldn't see that the bottom.
Unknown_01: When was that?
Unknown_01: When was Kiwi farms, oh we
Unknown_13: Never. Does anybody, I've heard Josh say 3, 8, 5, 0. Can I get like a timer, like live on the fucking thing? Let's see if I can do this.
Text. Can I do this as a timer? I cannot.
Unknown_13: Is there some way, you know what? I'll just do it on my phone chat. We'll just do it on my phone. Let's see. Cause I know that this is apparently a big thing.
Unknown_13: See how he actually talks about this stopwatch reset.
Unknown_02: Okay, here we go. A million times, the Kiwi Farms is just a website that people come to.
Unknown_01: It's not a collection of people acting in concert. Correct. It's anybody goes there and just gossips, but now it's we. Correct. It's very fun to me. Wrong.
Because it's such a different Josh than I remember. No.
Unknown_01: He has a question mark because he doesn't get that he's just said we a whole lot.
Unknown_01: And so I go on. No one is at.
Unknown_13: Josh refuses to fall into my pit trap. So I open my cock holster and I run my fucking job for another 4000 letters. Very cool.
Unknown_01: Asking me anything. And you're specifically ignoring just how monstrous of a machine court is.
I tell you there's a protective order on discovery in a case where the government is concerned about the safety of children. And you want me to sign a release to show Kiwi farms information about where those children live, so it can be paraded in front of a group of infamous hawkers now that was my phone correcting gawkers to hawkers but. infamous gawkers. So you don't even listen to yourself and how absurd of a request that is. So you have in quotes is a hypothetical, like a joke. It's a hyperbolic joke of what the judge would say to me if signing that consent form. Reminder that the state has your kids and they're like, well, we have concerns about parenting or whatever. And you're like, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to sign a release form so that these weirdos on the Internet could just see where my kids live. Like, that sounds good. Right. Right.
This is a weird point, very briefly. The layout of his house is public record as well. I'm pretty sure that blueprints have to be filed with the county. Even outside of that, his Zillow listing for the house was public years ago, published on many different places, and that outlines where the house is.
Unknown_13: I repeatedly, repeatedly offered to take out any footage. If I received unedited footage, I would remove the kids. But this is always ignored. They never mention this. Barnes and Rakeda just pretend that there's some weird nefarious thing involving his kids. And I don't give a fuck about where his kids are staying. I don't want to see his kids' frog amphibian terrarium or whatever the fuck. I want to see the Baldo bunker. I want to see the crack rock. I want to see the four person bed with the cuck fridge on the side. And I want to see the filth on the floor.
That's it.
Unknown_01: Right, fellow parents?
Unknown_01: Just go around. I want you all to go around to any parents, you know, be like, hey, you have kids. Would you sign a release form to let the Internet, like people on a website called Kiwi Farms, see your kids' bedrooms? Like, would you just sign a release form for that?
Unknown_01: Well, I mean, it was a police action, so you should sign a release form for that, right?
Unknown_01: That would be an insane proposition to most people. Just say no.
I don't understand this rhetoric. If you don't want it out, instead of pretending that there's some invisible force preventing you from doing this, just say, I am a total fucking pussy. I went on and on about how everything should be public record for fucking years. I was willing to make money off of it when it was Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. I was willing to make money off of it when it was Rittenhouse. I was willing to make money off it off everybody else. But now that it's me, I don't want it. And I'm a hypocrite. I'm a pussy. But fuck you. I'm doing what I think is best for my family and so on and so forth. Just don't. Why?
Why be a fucking coward?
Unknown_13: I don't understand.
Unknown_01: But maybe not to Josh. Like, I guess he doesn't he doesn't think that way. And that's fine. Like, again, myopia. I just don't care.
Unknown_13: I don't care what your concerns are because you're a bad person. Like that's the thing. It's like, I, I, I know that me asking for the footage annoys you, which is why I make sure to tell everybody that he could consent to the release of the footage at any second. And he chooses not to, um, not only him, by the way, I don't think he's ever going to mention this.
Unknown_13: April Anderson, formerly April Imholt, is also able to consign to this, but because he is still living in a polycule with a second woman who is like 12 years younger than him, he has that woman locked down too, and that's not ever coming out. So as long as April Anderson could also is not party to either criminal case or the custody case, she could consent to it and not violate any order. But that's not going to happen because Daddy Baldo is not going to let it happen.
Quote that from my hypothetical judge, Mr. Ricada, did you send a release authorizing the state to share body cam footage with the layout of the home where your children sleep with an anonymous web board that I'm reading has driven people to suicide through ridicule? Now, I've said over and over, I don't think Kiwi Farms is responsible for the suicides, but that's the news bite that an uninformed judge would be like looking into.
Unknown_01: Because it comes up every time. Only in every case is Kiwi Farms accused of having people commit suicide. I've defended this over and over and over again. So please don't come at me with your gayness. But that's what's going to be the mantra, because it's the mantra every time it comes up.
And so then, why Mr. Kaden? Which is a fair point, by the way. I have no issues with this.
Unknown_13: I understand his perspective on this. Like yeah, since you did request that this be sealed, it does seem like it would be a bad idea to then go around and consent to things that you asked, specifically asked to be sealed, to be released.
I understand that point.
Unknown_13: But again, my issue is that you're pretending that you would just love for this to be public, but you are lying in doing so. And you're also pretending that April can't consent, which she can.
Unknown_01: Step for the safety of your children. And then, of course, here's my response. Sorry, Your Honor. An illustrated dog who fled the U.S. because of reasons and his army of lolly avatars who say the N-word a lot asked me to.
Unknown_13: OK, so by the way, fled the US because of reasons is retarded.
Unknown_13: I did not flee the US. I moved to the Philippines. And actually, I moved to Australia for work. I moved to the Philippines for work. Then I moved to Ukraine because of the cost of living there. And then I moved to Serbia because it's also much cheaper to live there. And I work online. I also get $100,000 of tax exemption because I live as an expat.
Um, I did not flee the U S there is no warrants for me anywhere in any state for any reason. Um, but the direct insinuation there, obviously, because of what he's saying about me and about the lolly avatars is really obvious. And it's really, uh, my reply is, is on the point with us, by the way. I'll just let him say the absurdity.
The absurdity of a parent signing a consent form for people to get more information about their children and give it to the Kiwi farms people is like they don't even they don't even recognize like how that looks and again.
Unknown_01: Under normal circumstances.
Unknown_13: I just don't care. Like I'm allowed to make data requests. I'm allowed to ask for shit. I'm a citizen of the United States of fucking America.
And I and my companies as American entities are permitted to access and follow requests for certain. interesting matters of public arca of Public matters, so I don't understand the posturing isn't it just ridiculous that this kiwi farms property of locale LLC is Impugning itself on a Minnesota affair and asking for body cam footage. What a ridiculous series of Nonsensical it's just like
Unknown_13: I'm allowed. I'm allowed to literally have a fucking right to do this. So I am because it's of interest to me.
That looks insane. But when the state is looking at you going, we need to make sure you're a fit parent. And before we can return your kids, be like, hold on, let me sign this release form here. I want to I want these other people to look at my house first and and get the layout of it down and, you know, see that stuff. That'd be that'd be good. Right. Like that'd be that'd be a responsible parenting. No.
Unknown_01: No, it never would.
Unknown_01: But I'm just trying to help him out here. So then I said, Josh, sometimes your quest to make other people look retarded makes you unable to see how retarded you are. This isn't a joke for me. Despite your gaggle of happy faggots, super good deductive reasoning, they've got it wrong. That's why my kids will be home soon. Now, granted, I said this on the third. I was under the impression that my kids would be coming back on the 11th, but instead they came back on the 7th.
Now, a lot of people on the farms, et cetera, have said that my kids were like never coming back or be an extremely long time, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Well, now that they're coming back, they're like, oh, we always said they'd come back. Well, yeah, sure.
Unknown_13: That's I mean, I mean, from day one, day one, I remember that there were people who were saying who worked with Child Protective Services who said that in child custody cases, it is almost always better for a child to be returned to their home with supervision than to be put into the system.
People who are caseworkers came out and said in no uncertain terms that even if the parents are like crack addicts who are just completely dysfunctional, it is still somehow better for the kids to be in the custody of the fucking crack addicts than it is for them to be in the foster care system. So the state will almost always put children back in with their parents, even after repeated failed attempts to improve their parenting or get them off of drugs, they'll almost always go back.
Unknown_13: Because the foster care system is apparently a fucking nightmare and they don't want that So unless there's like sexual abuse if kids are being pimped out or whatever, then they might take them away permanently But it has to be like an extremely appalling level of child abuse like a deliberate deliberate of just using the child and and harming the child and in order for it to be permanently taken away. There was never any doubt in my mind that the kids would return. I'm a little, admittedly, I'm a little bit surprised that they've come back so quickly.
But that just, I mean, that just shows how much the system wants to give them back to you. And all these people that he's crying about, the evil Alicia Sweep and the evil Miss Booker, whatever her name was, the Guardian Ad Litem, all these people were advocating for the kids to come back. And he's still bad-mouthing them and saying what horrible prejudiced people they are who lie under oath and are trying to make him look bad. They're still, even with that in mind, are still advocating for the children to return. They're just asking for a little bit of supervision for the sobriety.
So I don't know. It's such a bizarre point to make. And then he says, like, the way that he tries to, like, say the forum is wrong. It's like he really has to prove his child custody, his top concern in a child custody case is trying to make random Internet commentators look wrong. Are your priorities not completely fucked?
Unknown_01: That's fine. You guys had no way to know. I tried to tell you.
I tried to tell you guys that you had no way to know. And I tried to explain the Minnesota law that specifically said why you wouldn't be able to know, and that it wasn't even your fault. I'm like, yeah, these long-term case plans or whatever that you see, those are not actually dictating the flow of the case. They're required by statute as parallel planning to what's going on. But there's other shit going on that you guys don't know about, and I can't tell you.
Unknown_01: No one else can know. So when you saw these people like commenting, Oh, this is what's actually happening. Nick's alive. No, I really was just telling you exactly what was happening, but I couldn't give you details about negotiations that were going on about everything working on the parallel track that you don't get to know about.
So I'm, I'm sorry, but I tried.
Unknown_13: Someone in his chat, Janelle the Gallus says, so this guy from Kiwi farms is asking Nick to sign a release of things pertaining to his case so that the Kiwi farms can gossip and blast him.
Yes. To tell you.
Unknown_13: And to dispel rumors.
Unknown_01: So anyway, I knew when my kids were coming home because I'm the one who's been doing it. A lot of these people out there still think that Lady Raggets and I were not submitting to drug tests or that we had some way figured out how to plan the drug tests on our own or something. No, none of that's true. We've been complying with drug tests ever since the court asked us to do drug tests.
Unknown_01: The moment the court said, I need you to do drug tests, we're like, all right, cool.
Now we didn't do a whole shitload of drug tests beforehand. You know why?
Unknown_01: Because they didn't ask us to.
Unknown_01: I don't know what else to tell you.
Unknown_13: I don't know precisely how to counter that, but there is some weird timeline. I want to say, and I could be wrong, but I want to say that Health and Human Services asked him to do drug tests, and he and Kayla originally consented, and then revoked their consent until it became a matter in the courts, which gave them additional time to get sober. I want to say that's what we're making big deals out of stuff that they've made up in their minds.
And when I try and correct it and say, no, actually, we've been completely clean on all of our drug tests. You're like the first drug test I submitted. Yes, I tested positive for alcohol.
Unknown_01: That's because I wasn't ordered to not drink alcohol yet.
Unknown_01: That's it.
Unknown_01: Then on the row.
Unknown_13: What a fucking excuse.
Unknown_13: There I was, as a lush, in the middle of a custody case and a criminal case. A criminal case that I paid, what is it, a $50,000 bond for me and my wife, so that neither of us would have to be sober during these criminal proceedings. I was plastered the first time, the first night before my first piss test for the child custody case.
And, like,
Unknown_13: To be clear, his losing his children and going to jail was not wake up enough for him to stop drinking. He had to wait until the very second the line was drawn in the sand by the court system. And then he goes, stupid Kiwi fags, don't you realize I wasn't court ordered not to be a pathetic drunk anymore?
I didn't, I mean, I posted $50,000 bond so I wouldn't have to be sober, idiots. Like that's not really a defense.
Unknown_01: Fucking lunatic. 11th of June, the judge said, no, no controlled substances, including alcohol. Although that's not in my written order, played it safe.
Unknown_01: No controlled substances, including alcohol. And you submit to random testing. We were like, all right, cool. Of course.
Unknown_01: There you go. Done. Our first drug test was voluntary. We brought it to court because we had a hearing. Anyway, long story short, that's, um, that's how that went.
But people still believe that there's a different story out there that it's like, no, no, no. Nick must not be doing this. Nick must not be doing this. Nick must not guys. Come on.
Unknown_01: Like, I know that this is the internet and everything's fucking ridiculous, but it's not that ridiculous.
Unknown_01: Uh, some people are, and some people get like liar tattooed on their cheekbone or whatever, which I thought was bold, but.
Unknown_01: Some people on the internet do have like real lives that they get a little over sensationalized, which I've told you guys a lot.
Unknown_01: A lot of my life is way over sensationalized and it's funny for a while until it's not until it has real world impact. And this has had real world impact and the jokes had to stop.
He acts like he acts like this is all fake. They found coke. They found a felony level, 25 grams, like a salesman's level of of coke.
Unknown_13: in your room with your hot wife and your child tested positive and he bemoans the rumor mills for sensationalizing his fucking lifestyle. Like, it's unbelievable to me that this still hasn't sank in. He takes no accountability. I didn't even really, like, I don't know, I didn't have any optimism for him, but really, just sitting here thinking about it, like, even now, he takes no accountability for anything. Ever. Even, he's still, he's still blaming the rumor mills on the internet for his predicament, and not the 25 gram coke rock in his fucking bedroom. Like, unreal.
Grow the fuck up.
Unknown_01: I knew my kids would be coming home soon. I knew actually the exact date. And again, someday I'll get to tell the story of how this played out, because how it played out should terrify you. Yeah, I know. You're not me. It should terrify you.
I remind you, several people reached out to the police with concerns.
Unknown_13: Mandatory reporters told the police they were concerned. Nick Rakeda, there is a clip of him. near blackout and drunk talking about how he has to drive his kids around in four hours. It is impossible for someone that fucked up to get sober at all in four hours. And there are people telling the police that they've seen Rakeda DUI and drop off their kids inebriated.
which aligns perfectly with what we've seen firsthand. And these, it's not internet trolls, it's your fucking preacher, man. It's not internet trolls, it's health and human services. And he's still gonna be like, it should terrify you. There I was, drinking and driving with my children in the backseat, minding my own business, when suddenly Karen from Sunday school saw me. She had always been looking for a reason to get me out of the picture, and when she saw that open can of whiskey on my dashboard, she called the police. This could happen to any of you. Like, no, I'm not a fucking retard lush, Rakeda. I'm not terrified of being falsely accused of being a retard fucking lush, because I'm not one.
Because in this county, my case went fast.
Unknown_01: There's kids involved. That should terrify you.
You have a right to a speedy trial, Rikada.
Unknown_01: Considering the absolute dearth of evidence and accusations that they had.
Unknown_01: I know that the internet... What a defense!
Unknown_13: What a defense! So many people came out and said I was a dangerous alcoholic. There is no way that they could have processed all these different people saying that I was a danger to myself and my family. This is undue. How did they get probable cause with all these reports coming in? There's no way they could have handled this many people saying that I was a fucking wreck. Come on, this should terrify all of you.
Made a ton of accusations. Guys, the county doesn't accuse me of any of the stuff that you do.
Unknown_01: Which is why the kids are back home.
Unknown_01: So in light of this, this went fast.
Unknown_01: That should bother you. That should worry you to your core if you're a parent.
Unknown_01: All right, here we go. Don't worry. There's more of this, this conversation coming. I'm not going to just cut it off here and I'll make sure and include this so that, you know, I'm not leaving something out.
Uh, consenting to the release of that footage would be one of the most irresponsible things a parent could do. The fact that you don't see that should indicate that you are terminally done, done, done, done. Just a second.
Unknown_01: Just a second. Yeah. Uh, new one here.
Unknown_01: see that, should indicate, fact that you don't see that, should indicate that you're terminally connected to the internet and disconnected from reality, peace. Which, people like trying to psychoanalyze peace. Guys, I've used peace as a send-off forever.
It's just really pathetic that you say peace as a send-off, as if your monologue is done, and then you keep talking, because you gotta get the last word. There's no psychoanalysis there, it's just sad.
Unknown_01: So then Josh responds to me an hour later and he's like, he said, peace. Why did he respond? Josh, you send a message back. I, I, I returned your anyway. Uh, so he says, then have April consent. So like, instead of me consenting, I'm supposed to have someone else consent by proxy to get her. Listen to what Josh is suggesting. I'm saying, hey, Josh, me doing this would violate like a court order. He says, have someone else do it by proxy. That won't.
It's not by proxy. It's not by proxy. I'm not asking you to do something through her. She has a right to consent to the release of the body cam footage. And she's not beholden to any court order about anything related to that. It's not by proxy. I'm offering her independently. A thousand dollars, by the way, that's still outstanding. So that's another fucking lie.
Josh, listen to yourself, man. Homie, listen to yourself. I don't want to violate a court order, so you're suggesting I have someone else do it for me? That doesn't make it okay to do.
Unknown_13: I'm saying I permit her to. Because he's the reason why she can't.
Unknown_01: What are you talking about?
Unknown_01: Yeah, I'll, I'll have, cause I have control over her apparently.
Unknown_13: Yeah, you do. You for sure fucking do. This little lady's disappeared off the face of the internet. She was, um, someone who was like a con, she was like a second, the second number of the still tone morning show. She did like a morning broadcast. He was an active participant in your streams. And ever since this case, she still lives with you, but she's gone. She's not anywhere. Nobody hears from her. Hmm. That's weird.
Like what should I should I like use my puppet strings or should I intimidate her like what give her a little bit of crack? Here you just just have her do it then it's not you fucking insane But okay now Josh very reasonable then have April consent. You are the one who said the footage would exonerate you I didn't actually say the footage would exonerate me. I Believe it's a little fuzzy. I believe I said that there are things in the footage that may help my case. They may actually be things that break the case. I don't know, especially at the time I had said it, I had not seen the footage. I still haven't seen all of the footage. There's a shitload of it.
But this is one of those things where Josh takes something I said and he paraphrases it into a direct statement or accusation or whatever, but it isn't true. And it's the only reason I'm showing these messages is because he's done this multiple times now. And then people believe him and they say that he's credible.
And I'm not, well, I'm showing you the messages because the credibility here is critical.
Unknown_13: Josh, if you, if you want to compare everything that I, that we discuss in this to my two posts, um, it's like one-to-one there, there's very little.
Unknown_13: almost no reinterpreting what he's saying. I'm just, I'm just rewarding it to be more concise and to be not the exact language that he used.
Just put in an affidavit that I have said things about the search of my house that I haven't said. He put it in an affidavit to the court trying to convince the court of something, but I didn't say those things.
Unknown_01: I think it was either him
Unknown_01: reading someone else's misinterpretation or he just made a mistake. I don't think it's malicious to be very clear.
Unknown_13: I don't know what in particular he's talking about because I asked him for clarity on this point and he, um, does not give me a response that meshes with my understanding of what I said. Um, but there is a point where, I mean, he has said multiple times that he directly accused health and human services, child safety supervisor, Alicia Sweep of lying under oath directly. And that was something that I put into my affidavit. And I think it made it into the motion as well. If there's something that I said in the affidavit that he disagrees with, and I think that he's complaining about one thing in particular, but I don't know for sure because he just refuses to say it because it would contradict his public perception of what he's trying to accomplish in regards to spreading rumors about how the police are handling his case. I don't think Josh is malicious in any of this.
I think he's myopic.
Unknown_01: I want the fucking body cam footage. For the information.
Give us... Consent to the release of the body cam footage and the horror will end. The slobber mutt will be satiated. Why do you deny me?
Unknown_15: Why do you deny me the footage? The footage!
Unknown_01: And that overrides basic reasoning. But I don't think he's maliciously doing it. But here we go.
Unknown_01: He says, you are the one who petitioned the court to seal discovery. Not true. Actually, I didn't petition the court to seal discovery. The protective order on discovery in my civil case was proposed.
Guess what?
Unknown_01: By the county attorney and my lawyer and lady rackets, his lawyer independently agreed to it. It's in the transcript on your site.
Unknown_01: If you just read it, it's right there. They did it in court.
Unknown_01: And it's also in the order.
Unknown_01: So again, you normally would have no way of knowing this. Now you actually have a way of knowing this. You just didn't take the time to know it, which is fine, except now you're accusing me of doing this stuff.
No, no.
Unknown_01: Anyway, insinuating everyone you don't like is a pedophile is an ugly and ineffective tactic. Well, Josh, funny thing. I didn't insinuate anybody that I'm not.
Unknown_13: Dude, such a fucking sleazy comeback. What, what do you mean by lolly avatars? What do you mean by you fled the U S put those two things together? Like this is, this is a hundred percent of everything he does all the time. He takes this fucking dip shit. poisonous concept and then he coats it in this duplicitous kind of roundabout way of putting it and then he insinuates it heavily and if you try to grasp it and say, you're full of shit, it slips through your fingers like jelly-like slime. Oh, I did not say that. Precisely. Doesn't work. I'm not a fucking judge. I'm not an attorney. I don't have to prove. I don't have to quote you verbatim to prove something. I can show you what you said and what that means to an average ordinary person. And sure, it may not be a fucking defamation claim. I may not be able to sue you for it, but I know what you're saying. And the fact that he's so fucking spineless, so fucking spineless, as if I'm a hankering to go after him for defamation or something. just be a man for once take accountability for your fucked up life your fucked up family and take accountability for the shit you say just for once just one fucking time for the benefit of everybody for our sanity stop being such a lying cunt for one fucking second He's just gonna- literally gonna say, lolly ava- bunch of lolly avatars on that kiwi farms, and then not- and then- then cry and winch. That's not what I said. You can't quote me directly on that. I only implied it roundabout.
Fuck you. ...liking is a pedophile here.
Unknown_01: But Josh does this all the time.
Unknown_01: Go through the list of people that Josh used to like, and who he doesn't like now, and look at how many of them he has called a pedophile. It's one of the most common words in his dictionary. This is an amazing case of projection from Josh. But notice in this conversation, I didn't call anyone a pedophile. Josh did.
I mean, what are you talking about, Vito? Vito the pedo? He's a pedophile. Mac Carson? He's a pedophile. Who are you complaining about that I've defamed by calling him a pedophile? That's not a pedophile. Like, there's nobody I can think of that could whinge.
Unknown_01: Josh called somebody pedophiles here, tried to make me do it, but I didn't do it.
Oh my god, what a pussy.
Unknown_01: Yeah, but I didn't call them pedophiles, Josh. There's just a bunch of lolly amateurs. I also said you were an illustrated dog. Like, it was just a pithy joke. Get over it.
Unknown_01: Insinuating everyone you don't like is a pedophile is an ugly and ineffective tactic. Well, Josh,
Unknown_01: Maybe he should have a helping of that sandwich. He says, I'll remind you, it was your cocaine and your child testing positive for cocaine to put you in this situation. Those are Joshua Moon's words. I haven't made any comment about this. I'm only reading them for completeness and I'm not.
This dude, this dude will die. I don't know when he'll die. He could be in the next few years. It could be as an old, old a hundred and he could live to 500 years old, but regardless, there'll come a day where he expires. And on that day, be it next week, next year, 10 years from now, or as a 510 year old man, there will never be a day where this guy takes accountability for his actions ever.
I'm not going to make any comment about that now. I have a pending criminal matter.
Unknown_01: He says, I and my forum do not share responsibility. It's my forum. It's mine.
Unknown_01: Josh speaking on behalf of the forums again.
Unknown_01: Well, that's just rich. It's good. Josh, I'm glad you're finally coming around to this because for years you denied all of this. I mean, this is my forum.
Unknown_12: I own it. What's the confusion?
Unknown_01: Acting on behalf of the forum. You're acting on behalf of you and the people do it themselves, but I guess it's collective now.
What an asinine point to make he's desperately trying to say like everything that happens is inherently my fucking fault But it is my forum. I am liable for things that it does but I don't Oversee every there's like 12,000 posts made a day believe it or not. I don't agree with everything that happens on it so then
Unknown_01: I said, you're the king of insinuating people are pedophiles. I didn't insinuate anything. I said, are you having a retard action? Because I said, lolly avatars that also like normal, you pair for your paraphrase of what I said is not precise. So peace, Josh, I hope you and your pedophiles have a good day. Josh called them pedophiles. I didn't. But he's he's so he's so fucking clever.
Yeah, he's just so smart and clever. His word plays are just so like, damn, dude, this guy is so fucking smart. This dude, he thinks that he's the smartest fucking man that has ever lived.
Unknown_01: Honaker, that's that's on him. So he says, you are not as smart as you think you are.
Unknown_01: It's fine. I hope I'm not as smart as I think I am.
So then.
Unknown_01: Uh, today at 1 0 3 p.m.
Unknown_01: I said, by the way, very curious where you think I alleged police planted anything. And this is getting into the meat of the matter because I noticed it. Josh said that I said this, but I didn't say that actually have specifically avoided saying that. Let me replay that.
Unknown_01: Josh said that I said this, but I mean, very curious where you think, uh, 3 p.m.
I said, by the way, very curious where you think I alleged police planted anything. And this is getting into the meat of the matter, because I noticed that Josh said that I said this, but I didn't say that.
Unknown_01: Actually have specifically avoided saying that.
Unknown_01: I haven't said it at all.
Unknown_15: oh did you catch that and i'll replay that instant replay we did and i said this but me to the matter because i noticed that josh said that i said this but i i didn't say that actually have specifically avoided saying that
Dot, dot, dot. M-dash. I haven't said it all. I haven't said it all. Oh, did you mean to say that in your muckraking and rumor milling to try and seed as much doubt regarding the authenticity of the police findings that you very specifically in your public appearances and discussions with other people avoided directly stating that they might have planted the cocaine while trying to insinuate that as much as possible? Oh, no, no, no. Sorry, I didn't say that at all. I didn't say that at all. It's not that I specifically avoided saying this one specific accusation while trying to say everything except that. I didn't say that at all. Emdash didn't say that. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. You may have a tacit admission there. Don't talk about your cases live on livestream, bro.
When people insinuated that I meant it, I said I didn't say that.
Unknown_01: I have clearly not, I've specifically not said this.
Unknown_01: If I'm wrong, please somebody let me know because I'm pretty sure I've never actually said this and I haven't seen anybody find it yet.
I said, you put it in a motion supported by affidavit. Are you sure you didn't just paraphrase something incorrectly and assume what I meant? I'm pretty sure that's what happened. Or maybe you misread a retarded summary from a forum post. Who knows?
Unknown_01: So Josh said, you literally said that Alicia Sweep by name lied under oath. Yes. Yes, I did. And that did happen. It was not during the search, however. But Alicia Sweep did lie under oath. In fact, when we left the court hearing, I walked right up to her and I said, you lied under oath and you know it. I walked right up to her. I pointed at her. I said it to her face.
Um, I would be careful how you word that because that sounds like intimidation. You get off the stand testifying. This enraged, wet brain retard runs up to you and points a fucking finger in your face and says, you're a fucking liar. You fucking bitch.
Unknown_01: I will say it every single day. Alicia sweep lied under oath. You can do Ohio County. 100 percent.
Unknown_01: She did that.
Unknown_13: He's super. OK, so he he got caught. He did say this. And even though he may wish to not have said this, he's going to try and like hype up his own honesty. I absolutely 100 percent admit to this thing, which is in court documents that I can't ever take back. I will 100 percent using 100 percent of my honesty confess to this one thing. So as to give credibility to when I deny other things.
I also said.
Unknown_01: The problem with all of this is that when there is no other witness than you and the government agent, you have two options. You have to live with the lie because no one's punishing her, or you have to testify. And testifying to counter the lie does two things. One, it pits your credibility against the government worker. Now, the government worker who works with the CPS investigator all the time, or the judge who works with the CPS investigator all the time and doesn't know you at all, where do you think that credibility default is going to go?
Towards the CPS investigator. So I would have to go take the stand and say, no, Alicia Sweep lied about this thing. That didn't happen. And then I would similarly be opening myself up to cross-examination when I have a pending criminal matter.
You just have to eat shit sometimes. Yeah.
Unknown_13: Yeah, he do. Cause you fucked up. Yeah. I mean, I understand what he's saying. I get why he just has to eat shit, but I mean, whose fault is that? I guess it's not the police's fault. Cause I went out of my way to specifically avoid saying this one thing that could be used against me.
Unknown_01: I mentioned this with less specificity, but that's the way the system works. Sometimes you don't have the opportunity to call out a lie. Lies go by in court all day.
Unknown_01: I pray you're never in a position where those lies impact your children.
I really do.
Unknown_01: Because it fucking sucks, man. You're powerless. You have to sit there. You, by the way, you can't, like your lawyer can't object. She lied.
Unknown_01: How, how do you show they lied? Well, you either have to get a witness up there or you have to have a recording. The recording has to be introduced by a witness. They have to be cross-examined.
Unknown_01: Sometimes you just have to eat shit.
Unknown_13: I mean, the correct answer to your question, in case you're actually wondering, is don't get into the situation to begin with. If this was simply a matter of child custody based on unsubstantiated reports inflicted on Rakeda by the government, I would feel bad for him. There was cocaine in the house. Nick was a user. He used on stream for months. You could see a visible mental and physical decline in him. So, but he's still, he's, it's just, it's, it's so weird to me because I am 31. I'm turning 32 this year. And Rakeda is a man who is almost, I want to say 10 years my senior. I think he's 40 or 41 himself. So this guy has 10 years on me and he's acting like this. He's doing these things. He's endangering his kids. And then when caught out on it in a way that is undeniable to the average person just looking in at what they're saying, what they have as evidence, it wasn't just a Coke rock. It was like paraphernalia. They found ways for him to imbibe it. And he's going to look at that and say, it's not my fault. It's everybody else's. And fuck you for having an interest in this case when I made, when literally in the most hypocritical way possible. And this is a really interesting thing because it's like most people can never be hypocritical in the way that Rakeda is being hypocritical. Most people never don't have a career of commenting on high profile cases, but he's insinuating
that I am in the wrong for wanting access to footage that would have been a huge earner for him in his heyday.
Unknown_13: What's-his-face, Johnny Depp's house with Amanda Heard's shit on his mattress. We would be watching Rikada smugly laughing, drinking whiskey, looking in the camera in that little, that kawaii way that he does, like saying cheers to a $50 super chat about someone's dead grandma with a woman's shit on his screen. But yet, when it's him in his house i get it i mean i don't it's humiliating but he's gonna act but it's it's like one thing again it's one thing if he just came out and said
it would look really bad for me.
Unknown_13: And I don't think, you know, I don't, I don't want to even risk that something might come out that, um, is embarrassing to the kids. And it's just not in my interest and I refuse and I don't want April to consent and I don't want Kayla to consent. It's, it's, it's one thing to be honest and just admit it, but he can't even do that. He has to pretend that there's nothing on the footage while simultaneously doing literally everything and making every argument conceivable, why it should never be released, and chimping out when I find a way to get it that doesn't involve him at all, because now his lie is that he can't consent to it and April can't consent to it, which he absolutely can and has no reason not to, besides him not wanting her to, or her not wanting to. And he then has to find some way to make the rumor mill way look bad, which is what this all is. He's trying to explain how I'm either wrong or lying. And it's like, I'm sorry, bro, but I'm not the one that told all your fucking friends the things that you did to get them saying the things that they are.
Unknown_01: Here we go. 100%.
Unknown_01: So here we go. He says, if you want to point out a specific paragraph in the affidavit you have an issue with, you can, but you're very obvious about what you're doing.
Obvious. Josh, I don't know where you think I said this, but I didn't say it.
Unknown_13: And he's done this. There exists no subtext. There is no implications about what he's saying. Only the honest, direct truth with no catch-22s possible. Rakeda, as a lawyer, only knows how to speak in plain English. Before just look at John ludicrous when I talk to him.
Unknown_01: He'll say what do you want me to redact or retract? Oh, he's gonna do this fucking lie again.
What a fucking piece of shit or make a statement on I say I'm gonna get that nigga mark my fucking words. I'm getting that body You're gonna spin this fucking lie again motherfucker. I'm getting it swiggity swooty.
Unknown_01: I don't want you to delete anything I don't want you to censor anything
Unknown_01: And then he'll say, Nick tried to get me to censor something, or Nick tried to get me to change some, no.
Unknown_13: No, I never said those words. I never said those exact words. I only heavily implied it, and implications don't exist. I'll message you in the shower for two fucking hours, but there's only the exact language used. Bro, it doesn't fucking work. This is not a court. Most people listening to this have at least 100 IQ. They are able to understand these things.
It's just like who does this work on you can't I'm not your fucking kids and wife My audience is not your fucking kids and wife. They have no reason to trust you They can look at the logs and say oh he's being a piece of shit I understand this implicitly by looking at them. They don't assume the best of you. They're not your kids They're not gonna be like, oh, well dad wouldn't lie to me. They're gonna look at you say Oh, this is a fucking shyster lawyer. Everything that he says has a double entendre to it. I
done that. It's amazing how many times he has personally accused me of that when I do something like this. I'm saying, dude, you're saying something that's not true. He's doing it constantly.
Unknown_13: If you don't understand the implication here is that he's trying to trip me up and get me to admit that I lied about something in an affidavit, which is signed under perjury. That's what he's trying to accomplish. The issue is, is that I didn't lie about anything in the affidavit. It's all true to the best of my knowledge. Um, So, like, what I'm saying is, bro, I know it's your fucking, I'm not fucking retarded. I'm a fucking adult. Like I get that you're trying to trip me up on your, on your fucking, on the affidavit. So you can say, Oh, he knowingly lied, which I didn't so that he could get it thrown out so that there wouldn't be a recording at the omnibus hearing, which is what he's trying to do. He's trying to get more records squelched because it will make him look bad. It's so fucking obvious, but he has the audacity to sit here on live and pretend that's not what he's doing Like I don't understand how you can even pretend that because it's so fucking Obvious to anybody that has any fucking clue about what's going on, but he I just I that's this is one of the big things and I've said this before and I'll say it again
One of the most shocking things that you'll see when you deal with people like this is that they will lie to you about things you don't even understand why they would lie about people. And they're the hardest people to deal with because the average person has like a baseline level of trust and their fellow man. And when someone says something, you just kind of assume, well, they don't have any reason to lie. And that's how society works. But then you have people like this who have like a personality disorder who just lie constantly. And it's like it fucks up everything because your base instinct, like people don't lie unless they have a reason to, goes out the window. You have to automatically assume that he's lying about everything just because. Just because he gets a delight from lying sometimes.
Just because he feels like he's smarter than people when he makes them believe things that aren't true. In this case he has a motivation that's pretty obvious. But it's very difficult to deal with somebody who lies second nature because,
Unknown_13: Like, I probably, I've at least doubled the time of this video, even though I'm trying to ignore, let things slide as much as possible, because the time that it takes to, like, point out that somebody's lying is always, always, always more time than it takes to actually lie. It's so much more effort to undo a lie than it is to tell one. And that's why people who are chronic pathological liars get away with so much bullshit, because it's just so much effort to try and entangle somebody and defeat them at what they're actually saying.
You want me to change it? No. I'm just letting you know it's not right. That's literally it. Do whatever the fuck you want with it. So here he goes, everything I've said in the affidavit was true to the best of my knowledge and ability. Yeah, that's fine. But your knowledge and ability are lacking. Sorry, Josh. And then he does this thing.
Unknown_13: He's like, when he tries to message me and I call him out on shit and he or he doesn't get what he wants with his gambits, he goes, well, I'm only texting you about this matter. So it benefits you. I have reached out the fact that we're not friends and I don't like you. And I openly imply things about you and your forum.
But I reach out for your benefit so that you may know better It's like it didn't work back in the day. It didn't work with the shower text. I know what you're doing You're not reaching out for my fucking benefit You're not reaching out a friendship stick to to impart knowledge. You're doing something So then uh, we go back to me Responding to his alicia sweet thing.
Unknown_01: I said she did that was not during the warrant execution It wasn't it was after
I'm just trying to tell you that I have not alleged the police planted anything, which I have not. You misunderstood or read someone's summary who misunderstood.
Unknown_13: Give me a second, we'll go on.
Unknown_01: Sorry to do this this way. This is directly after, by the way, my post where I talked about the sheriff's thing.
Unknown_13: So immediately after that, he messages me to clarify that he never alleged any wrongdoing by anyone who just so happened to be there on the day that the search warrant was executed and people had body cam footage on. But, you know, there might have been other people lying at other times and people trying to hinder him and people before the search who were lying about things to get probable cause. But I never said anything about people on the day with the body cam footage on. That never happened. I never said anything about that. That could be dispelled by the release of the body cameras. Just letting you know right now. that nothing released by the body cam footage would dispel any rumors that I've created. It was always before or after the search warrant execution. Okay? Nothing happened on that day. Everything was fine and above board. The search warrant was executed perfectly and nothing bad happened. Just so you know, Josh, I love you. Just so you know, I wish you a million dollars. I wish you a million hours of body cam footage from other people. Nothing happened that specific day that the police could dispel by releasing the body cam footage. Okay? Just between us. Thanks. Bye. Love you.
Like, oh, damn, bro.
Unknown_13: The complexity and layers of Sir Baldo's attempts at dispelling rumors. He really is a Machiavellian king who can get away with anything because he's just so clever in how he ravels his tales.
Unknown_13: No, he's not. He's not so blatant a child could understand what he's doing. He's really smart. Trust me.
Unknown_01: Here we go.
Unknown_01: I said, you misunderstood. I read someone's summary who misunderstood. I may have suggested multiple times over the years that no one should consent to a search because you don't know if police will even inadvertently place something. So but I've made no public accusations regarding the planting of evidence. So maybe someone misinterpreted my explanation that police have to prove that I possessed what they alleged and their facts, which make this issue complicated. There are.
I said, Alicia Sweep lied, stating that I prevented her from accessing the bedroom and closing the door. That was a lie under oath. That was a lie under oath. A CPS worker named Alicia Sweep in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota lied under oath in the case against me. There's no way around it, it happened.
Yeah, I wish there was some way around it Is that there was no way to counter the lie without testifying testifying would have been a bad move at the time Very true Very true.
Unknown_01: So josh responds. Look mate It's australian now apparently, uh, you're a pathological liar on every level except physical i'm an awesome josh
And you are blatantly engaged in manipulation against everyone you talk to at all times for no apparent or good reason possible. And let me just, let me just go ahead and say this.
Unknown_01: If someone is accused of always manipulating people for no reason, I'll humbly suggest they're not actually manipulating people.
Unknown_13: Or they're a pathological liar who like again, this is also like a lie People who have pathological lies Or liar or whatever the fuck anti personality disorder They lie about the most mundane shit that they do not benefit from lying in a way that can be disproved About things that don't fucking matter and that nobody would have any reason to lie about I don't know why they'll lie to you about what they did that day like someone
You could be talking to somebody like this, and you could say, like, hey, what'd you do? And they said, oh, I went to the fair. Oh, did you have fun? Yeah, I had lots of fun. And then they didn't go to the fair. They stayed at home and played a computer game. Well, why did you say that you went to the fair? I didn't, they'll say. And it's like,
Unknown_13: the most clusterfuck conversation ever. What the fuck do you mean you didn't say that you went to the fair? Why would you, why would you lie about that? And then why would you lie about lying? And they're like, I don't know what you're talking about. That's just what they do. They lie continuously for no fucking reason about things that don't matter and that nobody should have any reason to lie about. And it just, it lights up some part of their brain that is inexplicable to a normal person, which is why the lies work to begin with. They just don't get it, but it happens.
I mean, you can believe whatever you want. I'm not here to change that. I can't, I can't, I can't manipulate you into believing me. If I could, I'd be way richer. All right. Here's the crazy thing.
Unknown_01: Josh can never figure out what the manipulation is.
Unknown_01: It's just that what I tell him doesn't fit his story up here. That's wrong.
Like he will lie for no reason whatsoever. Um, the first thing with, um, the forum, he'll constantly message me and just say X, Y, Z on the forum is wrong. And he's very heavily implying that if I were a good person or a friend or whatever, I would help him correct those false narratives.
Unknown_13: either by some sort of direct moderator action or just by posting in his defense, but he's trying to like sub-plant this thought into me that could cause an action. And then if I confront him on that, and I just say like, I'm not gonna post in your defense, I'm not going to delete things, he gets defensive and says, well, I didn't ask you to. Which is true, I guess, but it's really heavily indicated by what you're saying, and the fact that you keep fucking saying it, and that you don't let it go, and that you do it week after week.
It's just, like, number one, that's wrong. And then the second one, you're trying to trip me up so that I say something that you can use to try and combat the motion to allow recording. You're trying to say that I lied on Earth, and I didn't.
Unknown_13: Like, I can very succinctly describe what you're trying to say.
Unknown_01: Doesn't fit Josh's story up here. He can't fathom how it happens. But Josh is retarded. I love him. He's a lovable retard, but he is. His life is not a normal person's life, and that is fine. But it makes him have trouble identifying with other people in real situations.
All those things are like, like, just the way he talks about people in general is always duplicitous. Like, it's always underhanded. He says, like, Josh is retarded, but I love him. He lives a very shitty existence. But that's okay.
Unknown_13: I don't know. Can I, can I whip that up? Can I turn that on him and say like, Rikada is a lush, which he can be. There's no law against that. His child tested positive for cocaine. happens to the best of us. He lost custody. But, you know, so did Ralph.
I mean, like, come on, how smug can you possibly fucking be? Well, like, just just be just for the love of fucking God, be a man and say what you want to say without apologizing for it or like pretending that you're being nice while you do it.
Unknown_13: Just can't. Just can't. And that's okay, chat. That's okay. Some people are just fucking retards, chat. Some people are just fucking liars. But you know what? That's just how it is. And that's okay.
He just doesn't get it because he doesn't live in the world that other people do. He lives in a world of nastiness, of crazy people, of antics that go beyond the normal bounds of human comedy.
Unknown_01: He doesn't live like, I mean, he doesn't even look like me and I'm ridiculous. His is more so.
All right.
Unknown_13: For the record, I have never been charged with any crime. I have never endangered a child. I have never done hard drugs, Nick. I live in a different country, but everything that I do, above board, perfectly fucking normal. Don't do any weird degenerate shit. I just stream to the internet and live someplace outside the US.
Unknown_13: I don't know how that's weirder than banging crack rock, fucking two bitches, calling your wife and the mother of your children someone whose body was destroyed by pregnancy, and letting your eight-year-old do coke. I don't know how you could even possibly attempt to internally rationalize that thought.
He goes,
Unknown_01: Yeah, apparently manipulating everyone all the time. Nothing you tell me will ever be taken at face value. And in this instance, it's just another obvious lie that makes me roll my eyes. Notice what Josh hasn't done. He has not found.
Unknown_01: He is not found. I know what he's going to say.
Unknown_13: The reason why I don't tell him what he's lying about, he says he fucking knows what he's lying about. I'm not writing these so that they can be read on the internet. I'm writing these to him. Rakeda, I know that you're a liar. You know that you're a liar. And you know that I know that you're a liar. There's no point delineating over the facts and talking about what you're lying about, because I know that you're a fucking liar. And you know that. And I know that you know that.
So let's cut to the fucking chase. Let's get to what I actually have interest in. Let's summarize this more concisely, because I got other shit to do. The instance where I have said what he says I said.
Unknown_01: He says, I know you think it's very, very clever to continuously imply things so you can backtrack what you said immediately. Like that time you were talking to some blonde woman and basically said the government plans evidence all the time. The government plans for evidence all the time.
They do. It's news story after news story after news story. We find it over and over and over.
Unknown_01: And he says, when she directly asked to confirm if you were saying that happened in your case, which was an obvious follow-up because it was plain that you were implying that, I wasn't. I was simply saying why you don't consent to searches ever. He says, you backtracked it immediately. I said, I didn't say that. I've never said that because I didn't and have never said that. It's amazing. He's like, you told the truth. Yes, Josh.
Like, see, so your truth was a lie because you meant it to be. No, Josh.
Unknown_01: You needed it to be.
Unknown_01: But I never said that.
Unknown_01: That's the whole point of all of this. He says, you do this continuously. You insinuate through gritted teeth. Oh, shit, I didn't get the more. I'll read it to you. The more says, I mean, maybe I'm hiding something. You insinuate through gritted teeth that XYZ happened and it was a knowingly malicious and deliberate effort by a state actor to accomplish some evil deed at your expense. Then when pressed, you look away from the camera and say, well, I didn't say that. Except I don't do that. It's, again, it's amazing because
For his thing to be right, his premise is that requires me to shut up to Joshua Mendoza.
Unknown_13: Hi, Noel. Can't wait to watch this and Maddie tomorrow. How are you doing brother?
Unknown_01: Do the thing that he needs me to do. It's very circular. I have to be making the implication to then deny the implication, but I'm denying the implication because I didn't make it.
If it was one or a couple people, you know, dense, who were confused about what was being said, maybe that would work. But it's not. It's Robert Barnes, Viva Frye, it's Camelot, Chrissy Meyer. It's all these people who are direct acquaintances of you, who seem to have this misunderstanding that the police did things that you heavily imply in conversation when discussing your case, but then deny when it comes to a yes or no question.
Unknown_13: if it wasn't something that you were doing. And maybe it's not. Maybe it's not. It doesn't have to be. Maybe, maybe it's not his direct intention to create that rumor. But the rumor exists. That's all I'm saying.
So anyway, he says, I'm not one of your children. You can't lie to me.
Unknown_00: Oh, dude, my children are way better lie detectors than you are, Josh.
Unknown_01: He said, Josh, the hardest thing for you to realize one day is that I don't.
Unknown_01: So please go back and find me actually accusing the police of planting anything in my case. Now Josh ran to the forums again right after I sent him this and he said, Nick dared me, dared me to do it. No, I didn't dare you to do anything.
Jesus Christ. And how am I supposed to interpret this? Please go find something.
Unknown_13: Like, if that's not a direct incitement to go do something, i.e. a dare, what the fuck is? You're asking me to. Okay, I will, fucker.
Unknown_01: Watch me. Please go find it.
Unknown_01: He says in his affidavit sworn under oath to be truthful that I said this, but I didn't say it.
Please go find it.
Unknown_01: He says, I will. I intend to compile a list of every time that you implied that someone from the police department did something wrong to you. I do. Knock yourself out, I guess. You've been doing it since your first stream out of jail. He did.
Unknown_01: I'm going to have to do this anyways because it's the only way to justify getting the body cam footage released without your consent and you've got April locked down. She does. Shackled to the floor, unable to move. She's not even, she's not even a real person. She has no will, Josh.
And don't even try that. You've been lying about who you were and what you stand for since the first time you cut on a fucking camera. I think you meant put on.
Unknown_01: Got on. I'm not sure. Cut on is how you say it in Florida. Okay. Look, my phone fucks up all the time.
Unknown_13: I'm not criticizing him. I know that's, have you never heard of cutting on something? You cut on the TV. The motherfucker don't know English. So that's how you cut on the TV.
You cut on the phone, cut on the webcam. What are you talking about? Nope. Other people project onto me. That's not my fault. That being said, I wish you well in your endeavors in regards to finding those accusations. It's true. I wish him well.
Unknown_01: I wish him well. So here we go. Let's get the rest of this shit.
Unknown_01: Oh boy.
Unknown_01: I know this is wild fun, guys.
Unknown_12: Is that the end? That was the end of the conversation.
Unknown_12: Oh my God, there's more.
It's going to get very meta here because there's screenshots in this one. I know this is wild fun. It's almost over. And we'll get on with the case update when we're done with this Josh conversation. We will.
Unknown_01: So here we go.
Unknown_01: So finish the accusations. There's only one screenshot that matters because the other two are you've already seen. It's just a repeat of the earlier conversation. We'll skip those in a second.
Unknown_01: He says, thanks.
Unknown_01: And he said, Josh, are you lying intentionally or just chronically imprecise? And then I screenshotted his post. He says King Baldo has again reached out through a system of ropes and pulleys to declare the following.
Here's what he paraphrased into. He has never said the police did anything wrong during the execution of the search warrant. That's actually not what I said, and that's not true.
Unknown_01: Yes! Yes!
Unknown_01: Yes! This entire sit-through has been worth it. I believe I've said they've made mistakes.
Unknown_01: I haven't said anything about what they are.
Unknown_01: But I did not say they haven't done that. They did nothing wrong.
I just said they didn't. I'd never said they planted evidence.
Unknown_13: Chat.
Unknown_13: Chat. Let's let's let's do a quick poll arena right here.
Unknown_13: Do you believe that the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Department
Unknown_13: Did something wrong, might have done something wrong during the execution of their search warrant based off Reketa's last statement? Question mark. Vote one for yes. Vote two for no. Let's create a poll here.
Oh no, I used an apostrophe. The poll is ruined. I'm going to consider all votes to be yes. Do not vote if you have a contrary opinion to what I'm trying to do.
Unknown_01: This is what Josh has done. He has shifted the language and moved the goalposts to make his lies version into a lie.
Unknown_13: Mother dude. Him, him trying to turn this and be like, he's the one that's actually lying. No, I, I have, um, Oh God. What's that fancy word for when you have like divine right?
Providence. I have providence and I speak from the chair. Everything I say is true.
Unknown_01: Because he, he can't be, he had all these messages. He had them.
Unknown_01: But his paraphrase is imprecise. And it's really important because again- Then post! Post on my fucking website!
Oh my god, I lost my point. I clicked- I clicked in such a rage. I lost my website. Post then! Just make a fucking account! Why are you messaging me?! Stop fucking messaging me! I don't want to talk to you! I am not want to speak to you for like two years now and you keep messaging me! Please! Just make a fucking account!
Unknown_01: There is stand of ropes and pulleys to declare the following. This is what Josh who make his lies version into a form of truth.
Because he, he can't be, he had all these messages. He had them.
Unknown_01: But his paraphrase is imprecise. And it's really important, because again, Josh put under oath a swearing that it was true and correct, that I said a thing that I haven't said. If I wrote it in the fucking affidavit, it's true to the best of my knowledge, okay?
Unknown_13: Through his lawyer. I didn't do that to him.
Unknown_01: I sent him a message.
Unknown_01: But he did this, and then when I- Dude, he's, he's like, he sounds, the way he's like- There I was, talking to my friend, Joshua Moon, with nothing but love in my heart.
And I just wanted to tell him things, as a f-f-f-friend. And he wrote to the government, under oath, lies about what I told him.
Unknown_15: Chad, that's not fair. Not fair, Chad. Why would he do this to me?
Unknown_01: Say, hey, I didn't say that. Now he's like, he's changing it and he's changing the language that he used. It's amazing. So he goes, uh, search warrant on his premises and both dares me and wishes me luck in finding evidence to the contrary, to support a petition to the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Department. I said, this is not what I said.
And I also didn't dare him. I did wish him luck. Or I think I wished him well.
Unknown_01: I wished him well. I didn't even wish him luck. Very imprecise Josh. How embarrassing. All right, here we go. Let's get to the next one. I'm going to skip the screen grabs. There's, this is the last one.
Unknown_12: Last one chat.
Unknown_01: So we can, we can stop the suffering soon. Here we go.
Unknown_01: Okay. So I get the, I got to get the whole thing just so people back to where we were. He says, can you give me a quote then?
What, like, what, you're- are you a newspaper? You're gonna publish a quote?
Unknown_01: I said I- I mean, you're arguing that what I posted was incorrect.
Unknown_13: Give me a fucking quote about what you want in the fucking post! Nick!
Unknown_13: You're the one complaining!
Unknown_13: I'm not fucking asking you for a comment.
Unknown_15: You're the one complaining about what's on the fucking site again. Just tell me what you want. What the fuck do you want? Stop this bullshit.
Unknown_01: I also never dared you to do anything.
Then he puts a screenshot. Please go back and find me actually accusing the police of planting anything in my case. I said, I'm literally asking.
Unknown_01: I'm not taunting or daring you. I know what I didn't say. If I messed up somewhere and alleged that, I would want to know. We both have an interest in that allegation. So look, man, I've literally only ever contacted you for your own information. That's such bullshit. It's such bullshit. It's such a fucking lie.
Unknown_13: Every, not a single time ever.
Unknown_13: in years has rickada messaged me in a normal fucking context not once has he said like here's what i'm doing today here's a picture of my activities hey how are you doing today is this true about what are you up to how are you feeling about this there's no conversation between us that's like for your information or like friendly it's always like
So, I've seen some comments on the Kiwi Farms about hedonism too. Just want you to know that it's all bullshit. Just so you know, Josh, it's bullshit. All that stuff that they're writing, it's bullshit. And it's like, then over time, it's all not bullshit. You're hot wifing, you're with the Imholtz, you got fucking what's-her-face April living at your fucking house, you got 25 grams of crack rock in your bedroom. And he's, it's like all those conversations where he just tried to like, hey buddy, hey buddy, how you doing? You want to talk about this fucking post on the Kiwi forums? I don't like, it's like, it's all, it's all vindicated. They're, they're all, everything that he's messaged me about to complain about has been vindicated over the passage of time. And these fucking conversations are going to go down vindicated the next three goddamn months. It's just so obvious.
I don't know. I'm subjecting myself to it. Cause it's like the, but normally when, when he's, when he's just like ranting about the format, I didn't listen to it. It's like with, with, um, Ralph or whatever, like, I don't care about what you people think about me, but he is the hot topic. So let's rant and rant.
Unknown_01: I'm demanding a retraction or correction. I always tell you, no, trying to convince someone else to correct the record for an internet audience is nonsensical. So there you go.
Joshua moon.
Unknown_01: I don't like doing that. I really don't.
Unknown_01: But dude.
Unknown_01: The guy just fucking lied about what I said. He lied. He lied. He's very specifically taking issue.
Unknown_13: with the dare part, and it's like with the we. It's like, does it benefit you to be such a pedant? Hey, if you wanna be better understood, maybe you should just say what you wanna say, instead of doing this roundabout fucking implication bullshit that never fucking works, because you're not smart enough to pull it off, and the people that you talk to are aware that you're a fucking shyster liar that lies constantly. Maybe you should, maybe just be direct.
Never happens. About what I said,
Unknown_01: in his affidavit that he filed with the court.
Unknown_13: Which he couldn't provide a paragraph out of that he had issues with, by the way.
Unknown_01: He's like, haha, you did! It's like, where?
Unknown_01: Sorry.
Unknown_13: Sucks to suck.
Unknown_13: Alright, that is the Baltho segment. I'm sure we're all relieved that that is over.
um cool so yeah uh since um the topic is out there if you have clips from any stream from a high profile reputable commentator or attorney from loltube who has stated that he believes that rickada especially during the time frame of the of the search warrant that the cops did something to hurt rickada did something improper
Unknown_13: please help substantiate the report that we're gonna make to help request the footage, either by DM or better yet, post it on the forum. I read through the thread.
So that's the gambit. He's upset that I have found a reasonable avenue for requesting something that he desperately wants to conceal for no reason other than his own benefit. And like I said, if I can just get
Unknown_13: One cop's badge cam and footage of the room in particular. Make sure everything's above board.
Unknown_13: That's all I'm asking for. I don't need 20 hours of footage from every cop and every person who was there. I don't need to see every room in the house. I don't need to see the kids. Just want to see the living space, kitchen, bedroom, and that one cop. And I don't think that's unreasonable.
And remember, Riqueta says, please, please find him. He says, please.
Unknown_02: To clarify,
Hello chat. I paused the recording. Don't you worry. I saw that. Make sure everything's up. Okay. That's work.
Unknown_02: Well, it happened.
Unknown_13: I always read stories and thought it could never happen to us. She, in air quotes, broke up with me. I was her rock for over seven years. I stood by her through thick and thin, through all the stress of transition, every first, through trying to teach her everything I know about how to be a woman. We got engaged last year and bought a house, not even a year in,
She says she's polyamorous and doesn't want me controlling how she loves anymore. We went through therapy, tried to make it work, but in the end she decided that loving other people was more important than loving me. I feel completely used and worthless. Now she's T for T and acquired a new girlfriend in air quotes within three weeks of our relationship ending. Couldn't even bother to wait until I got myself physically out of the house we share. It's too painful to stick around here anymore, so bye everyone. I hope and pray that no one else suffers the same fate as me, but feel free to reach out if you're in a similar situation. Behold the fate of every handmaiden.
Yes, you were used and are treated completely worthless by this tranny. This is how trannies treat everybody. Um, I don't know why you're surprised. You helped facilitate his fetish and inflict it upon the world and you have reaped the rewards. Enjoy, LavenderLips.
Unknown_13: That's the Reddit segment. Okay. Well, thank you guys very much for watching. Um, I hope you have enjoyed, uh, me bantering about with the Baldode today.
Um, I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Keep an eye out for the, uh, thing and I will get to the super chats in just a second. There is, um, no, there's nothing else.
Unknown_02: Uh, background, wallpaper, green mode.
Unknown_02: All right. Let's see if my last second fix on the super chat works.
Unknown_13: Schneidberg, Stein, Goldman. God damn it. It doesn't fucking work.
Unknown_13: I knew it. Uh, Schneidberg, Stein, Goldman pretends as happy today. Thank you. Schneidberg, Stein, Goldman. I appreciate it. Space alien or space. Allen for 20 says ham jam. Thank you. Space Allen.
Appreciate it.
Unknown_13: Eric George pretends is jersh. Ooh, uh this passive-aggressive back-and-forth between you and Krakitz on your respective streams is a big gay I wish you two could debate this stuff, but it wasn't wouldn't suit your personality or his ego There's nothing to debate
Unknown_13: And that sounds weird, because it's like, well, you just spent an hour and a half debating Rikada indirectly. No. It's like with the private messages. You know how I say, like, you know, he knows, I know he's lying. He knows he's lying. He knows I know he's lying.
There's nothing to discuss, like his deflections, his roundabout way of characterizing what he says is how he is selling his personality to his audience. He's saying, don't believe these evil people in the Kiwi farms. Believe me.
Unknown_13: Don't believe anything that makes me look bad. Believe me. And it's like it's a very careful coding of lies with, you know, to try and cultivate his following. He does not care to prove me wrong. He doesn't care to convince people that he's right. What he's doing is he's, um,
He's mentally preparing his own audience to hear things they don't want to hear so that they instinctively trust him over their eyes and ears, basically. So there's no point in having a conversation with him. We both know roughly the same set of facts.
Unknown_13: And there's no way for us to convince the other person of anything. Um, and there's no way, like all that's doing, um, it's just a waste of time, basically. Sorry.
There's a reason why he hasn't offered that, because it doesn't serve his purpose. In fact, allowing his audience to hear what I have to say can only detriment him and what he hopes to accomplish.
Unknown_13: It is gay, though, I agree. Colesford5 says, Hey, Josh, you mentioned the second generation immigrants are more radicalized than the first. What's your theory on why that is? I'm curious on your perspective.
Unknown_13: Because culture is downstream of genetics. People are meant to be in an environment of people very like them. We're safe when we're in a small town that has a thousand people who are, you know, fourth-generation cousins and
And that's it, you know, because things, things just make sense when you're in a country that's ran by people who are like you, like the court system seems more fair when it's ruled by people or operated by people like you, the government and the way that the government operates makes sense when it's conducted by people like you, if you thrust someone from any country into any other
Unknown_13: country and you try to have them understand the government and you try to have them understand the courts and how other people think and how other people talk. It just doesn't work because I think that there is a baseline genetic difference between different races.
And that's why. And even if a immigrant comes over and they're acclimated to that society or whatever, their child is not necessarily going to be the type of person who's also acclimated to that society. They're born and they feel different and they feel different their entire lives. And then they go online and they meet people who are surprised from their country of origin, who speak the language that is their mother tongue, that reads the Koran.
Unknown_13: and understands their religion the way that people don't. That's why they get radicalized.
Haramburger Purdue says, Tardy and zesty. Thank you Haramburger, I appreciate it. Coles for five says, Second question, a few streams ago you told us about a threesome.
Unknown_02: What?
Unknown_02: I'm not reading this.
Unknown_02: This is a lie.
Unknown_02: I never said anything like that.
Unknown_13: Third World Aristocrat, for one, says, question mark. Motherfucker. Bish. Motherfucker. That's a question mark was my reaction to that motherfucker above him. Ballistic Characteristic for 20 says, enjoy your weekend, Josh. Your Gum Ray videos have been very entertaining. Ah, fuck. I have to bash out the video, the movie review. I know exactly what I want to do and what I want to say, but the video editing is a lot more complicated.
Longboarder241 says, been a while Josh. Here's another Stallman post. Have a good day.
Unknown_02: It has been a while, I recognize it. I don't know, did you try to send me two?
No, you just fucked it up, I think.
Unknown_02: Oh, you tried to send me two, but you fucked it up. Okay, I got you.
Unknown_02: Sorry, I'm trying to operate this.
Unknown_02: Okay, Stallman says...
Unknown_13: Some countries charge a household a very low price per joule for up to a specified low rate of energy use and a higher price per joule for additional energy beyond what is necessary minimum. That eliminates the danger of shutoffs for the poor and assures that the high fuel costs won't crush them. Note that a kilowatt hour equals 3.6 megajoules. Any kind of energy can be measured in either of these units and the system for delivering energy could be covered by charging a system like that.
Unknown_13: I mean, maybe. I mean, what's, am I supposed to opine about like metering energy? Are we in like an energy crisis? Maybe it's a good idea. I don't know. Um, I think it would hurt businesses, probably increase the price of everything. Uh, Tetrabacks for $50 says happy pizza day. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. And I'm very hungry after all that yelling.
Zemeckis for one says child stalker enjoy pizza. I will. Thank you very much. Stalker child. Voxer, for Foxes haven't caught a live stream in a hot minute. It's a nightmare in the UK at the moment. Muslims and blacks are running riot, but at least we have fat retards on the internet to laugh at God's steed. My heart obviously goes out to all British people and their suffering, except the ones I don't like, which is most of them. Stay safe.
Unknown_13: Real Adonai, for 15. Hey Josh, here's another funny clip from Hurricane Katrina.
Why do you have all these?
Unknown_02: Oh, this is a classic.
Unknown_12: Speaking of Kanye.
Unknown_09: And subtle, but in even many ways, more profoundly devastating is the lasting damage to the survivor's will to rebuild and remain in the area. The destruction of the spirit of the people of Southern Louisiana and Mississippi may end up being the most tragic loss of all. George Bush doesn't care about black people.
Unknown_13: Please call the guy's face. Is that Tom Cruise?
No, he's just some guy. Mike is his name, okay. Yeah, his face is like Chuck. I don't know, maybe he was on nitrous back then too.
Unknown_13: Um, good luck seven for five says have a good weekend. I broke a tooth and my car broke the same day. Hopefully the next week is better. I hope so too. That sounds like a pain in the fucking ass, bro. Good luck with that.
Unknown_13: Uh, Dudley Olive for five says I canceled my YouTube premium on your advice. Now, how do I avoid ads on mobile?
Unknown_13: Um, watch them in the browser on brave or Firefox with you block origin. Don't use the app.
Judy tester for two says, but a dog, which I assume is the dog with the butt on them. Thank you. Healthhazard45 says, hey Josh, love the streams they've kept me sane here in the UKKK, cooking a pizza right now while I watch. Now I plan to pub trips around your stream.
Unknown_13: Have fun at the pub, my dude.
Unknown_13: I haven't had, um, I want like shepherd's pie or something. I like, um, I had a full English breakfast for like the first time, like in the last two years. And it's black or black pudding or whatever the blood sausage. It's like a really crispy circle disc. It always looks disgusting, but it tastes like the tasty crunchy bits on bacon. It's actually really, really good.
Tetra backs for 20 says you mean I can ship host to the UK police as much as I want. That's right I don't want you to know this but talking to the UK police is free. I'm taught I'm talking to the UK police right now Thank You Kurt Eichenwald enemy masturbator for five says glorious Kiwi Emperor Do you have a renewed respect for the British after these recent happenings? No
Not really. I mean, there's probably like a couple good British people, but they have a lot to prove Okay, their country is a fucking nightmare and you get what you fucking deserve basically Coal coal for forces, please read seven and four. Okay Book of Enoch chapter 13
Unknown_13: Then I wrote a memorial of their prayer and supplication for their spirits, everything which they had done, and the subject of the entreaty that they might obtain remission and rest. Preceding one, I continued over the waters of the Den Badan, which is on the right to the west of Armand, reading the memorial of their prayer until I fell asleep.
Lucifero21010 says, reject modernity.
Unknown_02: And there's a YouTube link.
Unknown_02: Dust off your PlayStation 2 and pull your stash out of the back, because I am about to show you a better use for that hiding spot.
Unknown_00: If you buy a GameStar network adapter, a 2 terabyte hard drive, and install FreeMcBoot on a PlayStation 2 memory card, then you will have what I like to call the Dr. Mod PlayStation 2 Max. Now, when I showed you this beast in my last video, I think a lot of you thought... Get to the fucking point. Let's take a look. So this PlayStation 2 mod has over 400 PlayStation 2 game backups installed on this 2 terabyte hard drive. All the classics that you would want to play with all of your friends, and of course a massive collection of PlayStation 1 games as well. And unlike a lot of other console mods,
Go play old games? Don't get killed by Disney. Or not Disney, Sony.
Unknown_13: Sony is literally sending a sniper to your house at this exact moment.
I can't even think of it. I owned a PlayStation. I like GTA San Andreas and I like Spyro Those are the games that jump out to me as like good games see McGee for one sends cat box file And you know the rule $10 for video kennels Anders for five so just a reminder there are four hundred Twenty six thousand eight hundred seventy five years left in the Kali Yuga. May God have mercy on our souls We're all gonna make it bro. Kali Yuga is being surfed like never before
Unknown_13: And a sex, cope, and sneeze for $13? That's a weird amount. It says, show this on stream and critique my form, please. Bro, you are fucking out of your mind.
I already said I'm not going to do this.
Unknown_02: No, he's just doing push-ups. Bro, I'm not, I'm not like participating in this weird thing that you're doing.
Unknown_13: Girlfriend Haver for 10 says, very upsetting that none of these Dragoneer tributes were in cars, thus depriving the 4chan auto board of their presence. I think he's more occupied with getting into shape so he can seduce Chantal.
Unknown_13: Stupid fuck for five says my ex got her neopets account fish when she was 12 and like 2003 and the adult that did it to her talked her into doing bad things on webcam to get her shit back which he didn't return Wow a Fucking thief chat a thief and a pedophile and a liar Let's talk about how much I fucking that's actually kind of a fucked up story That's what they do. They do this one discord now to you by the way Like that, um, was it seven, six, eight or whatever that group, like the, the whole sextortion things with like little girls that don't have the brain development to understand, to just like exit out of the situation is, is pretty fucking horrific.
Stupid fuck for one says I've never used neopets myself, but they had an HTML guy that taught me how to do it I did learn CSS and HTML through neopets. I remember this very distinctly Colts for five says remember imagine the local blood gangs if they were gay and genderqueer And on dragons spinning the block to take out their ops that house of dragon So it's about gay gangsters fighting dragons
Okay. I got you. That sounds terrible. I'm not inclined to watch.
Unknown_13: Tetrabacks for 20 says, tranny fatigue is real and they're becoming the laughingstock for even normings. They always have been, but we had to pretend and be polite for a while. And now it's coming back into style. Even better and stronger than before.
Unknown_13: 11th Circuit for two says, TDD and nice stream. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Sneeds Pizza, formerly Chucks for five says, enjoying some birthday pizza. So here's some pizza money for my favorite lowercase internet live streamer, but he spelled internet correctly. I'm very confused by this message, but thank you for the money and the pizza money.
Asa sets for 10 says extra pizza toppings is MDW you What does the stand for?
Unknown_02: Minnesota Dakota and Western Rail 8 company Madison Downtown Workers Union Maritime and Dockers Union, Minnesota Dakota and Western Railway Multiplier Downtown Workers Union I have no idea
Unknown_13: I appreciate it, though. Tetrabacks for funny says whippets nose are different than dusters. It doesn't cut off oxygen to the brain, but does induce euphoria.
I have a feeling that you are wrong and that if you are like ingesting like a error, it will cause brain damage. Just have a feeling. I'm not an expert, though. Sneak cricket pretends us. Can we give free helicopter rides to celebrities? Also, sorry for rackets trying to smear you and then there's a YouTube link Yeah, sure. Why not?
Unknown_09: Do I look like I know what a JPEG is I just want a picture of a goddang hot dog hot
I have no idea why you sent those to me. Thank you. Bloop bloop blurp bloop for two says BMG no gamba no gamba PS amen to freedom and extra strong CBD You didn't I mean, I just went to do the case update, bro I don't know about extra songs strong CBD either. I guess he liked that. I've never done that though I'm a good boy Catcher backs for 50 says, do you think Ralph gets jealous of other people's super chats? You might. He's a pretty easily incited regardless.
Um, yes. For the record. Cause I know that's what you want to hear. Yes. He's super fucking jealous. Uh, Pashmina ham ham for two says PPP described Ralph as the white supremacist to DSP in their interview when Ralph has always had a love, a spiritual connection to black people. SMH.
Unknown_13: Um, yeah, I don't know. Ralph's politics or whatever gets him money. He's definitely taking stances that would be called white nationalism, but the dude just cannot get enough black cock. I swear to God, Ralph would suck a black dick if it would make him look cool to other black people. He's really pathetic when it comes to like the race worship.
He hates being white. He wishes he was black.
Unknown_13: Because then like Ralph being white means that he's held to like white people's standards and he wishes that he was held to black people's standards
Unknown_13: Bunker housing for three says who would you most see redeemed Ralph or Rakeda? Assuming they are 100% normalized and mental damage repaired I mean, that's a if they had like a brain reset. They'd be completely different fucking people I Don't know. I don't really wish goodwill towards either of them at this point Rakeda has more children and they have a better chance of success than Ralph does so I guess him I
Daniok for one says, I personally think that Gunt killing himself would be more spiteful than if he lived, since it would deprive his a-logs of their favorite locale forever. They only get joy from his retardation. That's true. Don't tell him that. I was thinking about saying that, but I didn't want to be too mean just in case.
Unknown_13: The Lion King, for once, is ah, B-jams. Girlfriend Haver, for five, says chromatogram is the raw signal of a chromatography device outputs on a graph. These machines are finicky and require a lot of tuning and a lot of research is done into getting working methods. Yeah, but for cocaine, I'm pretty sure they fucking figured that shit out by now.
Unknown_13: Vint Kaczynski for one says those dang darn dirty corrupt cops just stuffed that coke all up in the rickety nose. It's true. It was just there innocently enjoying his beverage and they just spiked his drinks with all sorts of nasty shit.
Catchbacks for 50 says, I've said this before, but I think he is used to talking long enough with intelligent words that that that isn't his natural discussion paradigm explains why Kayla takes opiates.
Unknown_13: No, I completely disagree. He just lies. He just lies and he likes to play games and, um, phrase things in a way that gives him the benefit of a doubt so that people do what he wants. And then if someone says that Rikada said to, they're like, no, I didn't actually say that. He knows what he's doing. He's not that fucking stupid. Not that smart though.
Doing your mom 2988 for 10 says when Rikada says, I hope I'm not as smart as I think I am in his stream. It made me think of this.
Unknown_05: I mean, where did they get the idea that you're the clever one? You're nowhere near as clever as you think.
Unknown_04: Well, neither are you.
Unknown_05: Ah, yes, but at least I know I'm not.
Unknown_04: What? You know you're not as clever as you think? Yes, unlike you. So how clever do you think you are? Very clever. And how clever do you know you are, really?
Well, less clever than that.
Unknown_05: You've laid some kind of trap.
Unknown_04: So, to recap, what's good about you, as opposed to me, is that you know you're several degrees less clever than you think you are, and that's somehow morally healthy, whereas my opinion of my own intelligence, as flawed in evaluation as anyone's is likely to be, is deemed unreliable because of its, albeit subjective, consistency.
Unknown_05: You do see why you never get laid, don't you?
Rikeda wishes he was that funny.
Unknown_13: Foxes for Foxes. Can I get a crisp and clear? Rikeda, you're not as smart as you think you are. And that's a very difficult position for you or whatever the Richard Spencer faggot said to Sergeant. I think I said that enough as it is.
Unknown_13: Thank you. Cheskis for two says, I know it's a long shot, but Maddie X Devon Stacks Insomnia stream crossover would be the stream of the year.
Unknown_13: I haven't I haven't why I watch his movie reviews when I am sent them For my understanding. He's very like depressive and I don't know Maybe it'd be funny. I don't it just depends on what's what's to be discussed Humble guardsmen for one says I'll have plans for your compound banana pepper plantation and going suffering life is fucking suffering. That's all I can say
Biokny for five says gumroad playing neopets games when never He's talking about those shitty flash games that are now like dead forever cuz it's using flash Rickenbacker for 20 says been away dealing with life shit lots of hunting and fishing. Hope you're doing well Josh Thank you very much. I am doing just fine Appreciate them Blurp bloop for two says your mother let you on the internet at seven or eight years old. I bet she regrets that choice Oh, you have no fucking idea Holy hell for five says hope you're having a good day. Josh. You're mine about always. Thank you. Holy hell. I appreciate it Blurp bloop for one says rackets is clearly a bad parent, but they're still better off in that home or with grandparents on the foster system This is not a joke. That's what everyone says. So everyone's been saying yes to coach crap for five says a tone We got the garbagool I don't know what that means.
Foxes for five says, Roketa was trying to do the Trump bit. If they're coming for you, I'm just in the way and it's not really working. No, it's really not. I'm surprised how many people actually believe him. He still has like fans are like, we're playing for you, Roketa. We're playing for you. We know that you didn't do nothing wrong, Roketa.
Sad. Sad that there are that many retarded people out there. Genocide or CO for five says post an explanation about his drug testing was he was being vague about here is obvious refused to comply until ordered by the court. And then there is a Kiwi farms post.
And he says, so your parenting plan gets set up between the first court date and the review date.
Unknown_13: During that time, CPS gives a parent,
Unknown_13: is a given, during that time, CPFs gives a parent a parenting plan, which sets out drug testing, et cetera, which you are asked to comply and sign. If you refuse to sign or comply, they go back to the judge and then the judge makes them order it for the court for the parents to comply with the plan. It sounds like Ricada refused to follow, at the very least, the drug testing portion of the plan until the judge made it an official order to follow the plan. If he refused to follow after it became an order, he would have been held in contempt and screwed himself over. Sounds likely he definitely didn't consent at the beginning. I remember that very distinctly The court was not amused by it either he basically did I think I mentioned this last stream too, but there's a thing that
There was a, in Pensacola, if I remember this story correctly, there was an attorney who was one of those DUI attorneys, and he had done videos about how DUI drivers are the worst. He's the hardest DUI driver that's ever existed. He goes hard after DUI drivers. And then there are, he did radio ads about how fucking hard he is on DUI drivers. There were billboards about how he's the best.
attorney for suing DUI drivers and so on and so forth. That's this whole thing. If you got hit by a DUI driver, hire me, I'll sue. Well, he got arrested for, or he got pulled over for DUI and he dragged out the process. He got pulled over And then he refused to like identify himself or something. He did something so that the cops had to bring him into the station and do a blood test for blood alcohol level by force, as opposed to a breathalyzer test. And as a result, his blood tests came back in just under, just under the DUI threshold. And it was because he forced the cop to pull him in and then get the order and then draw the blood. that he just had just enough time to sober up before it went to the test. And he got away with it, even though he was clearly pissed when he got pulled over. So Rikada basically did like the court order version of that. Like, I'm hot and on all sorts of drugs. I want to put as much time as possible. I refuse to consent to this, they get pissed off, they go to the court and say, judge, can you make this an order? Judge says, sure, of course, this is obvious. Then they get forced to test. They say, oh, well, since it's a court order, of course I will comply. And then he still pisses hot for alcohol.
If I remember that correctly, of course, I could be misremembering.
Unknown_13: I don't know exactly what test it was he pissed hot for.
Unknown_13: Um, I think it was like he only got tested for drugs or something and then alcohol is like fine or whatever RedEyesBlackDragon42 says, Riketa is starting mad shit, Jers just go over there and kick his ass.
Unknown_15: Yeah, yeah, that's what I should do, good idea.
TetraBax420 says, and Baldo had called someone a pedo without evidence and has spent 250, dude, that is, that's a very cute thing. Mr. Riketa who quivers with the audacity of Mr. Moon to say the pedophile word when he calls people like Vito the pedo a pedo.
Unknown_13: Max Cox on the pedo, whereas Rikada had never done that. Rikada had never, ever, ever stated that certain people always like sucking little baby cocks. Never said that ever in any way, not even close to that. He's certainly not being sued for exactly that either. I should have brought that up. I don't know how that slipped my mind.
A generic username and password for one says you did not have a croc in Neopets. They were limited and stupid hard to get because you needed the rare pet pet plus full treasure map to get one.
Unknown_13: You would have remembered it for the rest of your life.
Unknown_13: I went out in person and I bought real life Neopets merchandise to get redeemable codes to get items in the game. I am, I was aware. Yeah, there was definitely some weird fucking thing that you had to do to get a croc.
Unknown_13: Um, I can't remember what it was. It probably wasn't a croc. You're right. I don't think it was, but I definitely had some weird pet that you could only get through like crazy shenanigans.
Uh, Sneet Cricket for five says, holy shit, a prop passenger plane fell out of the sky. And then there is a... Twitter link?
Unknown_02: Holy shit.
Damn, bro. That would suck. I bet people are like freaking the fuck out on that.
Unknown_13: And they all died.
Unknown_13: Crazy. 70 people in that plane. Planes just falling out of the sky, chat. It's apocalyptic.
Unknown_13: Anime sucks. Copen's need.
Unknown_13: For one says, also, she's a green dragon. Mad boss Benjax. Stress really feels horrifying. Lunacy top hat.
Unknown_13: Zint's up for once is okie dokie boomer. Thank you. I don't know. I guess you're referring to my drink. Tetrabaxx for 20 says the correct answer is not to have 25 grams with the kids in the house and release the footage that proves you're innocent. That's correct. That's my point.
Blorp Bloop for one says Urkata is a total fucking narcissist and scumbag. He has the same age as me and I'm also a parent. Kids are still better with them than the foster system, but they should be with the grandparents.
Unknown_13: At least for a while. He needs to prove sobriety, but he's like, I don't know. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want to be sober.
Unknown_13: Anime sucks Copen Sneed for 10 says she's your age Josh She unironically loves her hamster to death and I think you would hit off with her get it and there's a YouTube link, bro No, leave me the fuck alone Drew be 82 for 2 says afternoon Josh. What's your favorite comfort dish like pot roast or cabbage rolls?
Um, does pizza count?
Unknown_13: I really like, look, if I had the option to like binge eat an obscene amount of something, I love buffalo wings. I want like a spicy, wet, vinegary, deep fried, breaded, boneless wing. Okay. And I could eat like 40 of them. I especially love, um, outside of that, I like Nashville dry rub. But yeah, I can eat like an absurd amount of chicken tendies with a tasty sauce or rub on them. That's pretty comfy.
Tetrax for 5 says a lie is basically a DDoS. That's an interesting perspective.
Unknown_13: Tetrax for 50 says he is feeding her coke and pretending he has no influence over her to choose to display not her house crack check to the public. Yeah, obviously. That's why I even said that. He's giving her fucking rocks. They're in this shit together. He's like...
Unknown_13: She has no money of her own. She can't work. She's like in a court case. She has nowhere to go Oh, but she has total freedom to do whatever she wants like bro. She she can't get a job Because she's on trial for possession She's a loser addict. She has nothing. She's nothing you hold you own her like it like a fucking pet. Oh
Blurp bloop pretends us. Anyways, here's pizza money for enduring that fucker poor kids Hope they have a pizza day to everyone deserves a pizza day when you live with ricotta, I guess Thank you Steve Bergstein Goldman for five says I don't lie in quotes and then in quotes me and my wife are aggressively monogamous Yeah, he lies all of all the fucking time. It's not even worth it It's not even worth it to go through and say this is the fucker lying because he lies constantly
Unknown_13: Sneato, for one, says, you don't want to play bossman. I have been resorted to gamble myself. Lamal, JK, bro. Don't get it twisted. Blurred bloop for one, says in the turret and pathological liar. It's pathetic. His audience are groups. They're fucking marks for sure.
Catchbacks for $300 says I do what I want and people verify me.
Unknown_13: This appears to be true, because I don't know how you got verified.
Unknown_13: This fucker getting verified, by the way, just completely sweeps the excitement that I had for getting verified on Rumble, because I thought someone looked at my account and said, oh, this guy's a creator. He's pretty popular on the platform. I don't know how he's not verified yet. He's monetized. He gets super chats. And, oh, we'll verify the Kiwi Farms one, too. Because that's posting body cam footage, and that appears to be authentic. And then I get it on the stream, and I'm excited about it. And then Tetrabacks is fucking verified, and he has one follower and no fucking videos. How is this possible?
Oh, it shows up now. Bam. Haramburger42 says, which part of Kirby Superstar is your favorite? You may choose only one. I like the great cave offensive and finding the treasure chest. Bosh rushes are for fags.
I mean, the whole Halberd sequence in Meta Knight is like the most obviously memorable portion.
Unknown_13: I also like the part where Kirby murders a robo bird and then feeds the little baby birds with apples falling from the tree. That's cute.
Unknown_13: Crispy legs for five says Happy Friday, friend. Thank you. Happy Friday to you, too. The pigeon for two says wait.
Unknown_13: I thought what was being said about the average DSP here was hyperbole, but I went to the board to see talk about the KC stream and I've been seething like I've never read before. Entertaining. Oh, I've seen seething like I've never read before. Yeah, bro. I don't know. I don't know how to communicate with them either. They're so defensive. It's impenetrable. Like I always need like a mod and like other people to help interact with them. Cause if I, cause sometimes it gets bad and I step in there and I'm like, bro, this is fucked up. This is not in line with the rest of the forum. This is over the top, there's no reason for this, and they get ape shit, they go after me, they start splinter forums, and it's just like... He's not that entertaining! He's just some fucking guy! And it's like, I don't give a fuck if he's swindling his audience for fucking gacha game money, who gives a fuck?! And all the people, it's like, it's like they're upset, honestly, my true interpretation, I'm not joking, I'm not trying to be vindictive or petty when I say this, I honestly...
I honestly believe that the majority of the people who get angry at DSP are people who work nine to fives, they work very hard, I'm sure it's difficult to get by these days, especially in the US, and they look at Darkseid Phil, sit on his fat fucking ass and play video games and get handouts from his audience day after day while pleading poverty and doing very well for himself regardless, and they get jealous of that. Like, how is it fair that this man-child gets to play games for a living And I have to work and I can understand that. But at the same time, it's like it is a jealousy and it manifests as anger. And it's not the same as enjoying somebody's content, you know, for reasons that they don't intend. And it's just it's just very it's so frustrating dealing with them because they're just not. Copacetic with the rest of the site. They're on a different wavelength But you know, it's the DSP board and he is a low cow. He does occasionally do stuff that makes me laugh out loud It's it's infrequent and it doesn't ever justify the anger levied against him and people who talk to him I just wish they just lighten the fuck up and it's so telling by the way. I
that there is very little crossover. They're on their own little world and when the rest of the site interacts with the DSP board they get angry because there's like a culture clash and it doesn't exist anywhere else on the site where it's like people get upset about this like crossover. Usually when there's attention given to somebody like if you have a small thread and the OP is very invested in post updates And then I feature one of their posts. They're so excited. They're responding to people asking questions They're they're clipping their favorite moments and sharing them and there's like this sort of Exchange that happens that's very productive and funny and cool and interesting and worth talking about and then with the DSP people it's always eye-rolling like people are angry and then people are angry at people getting angry and then people are
Go off go off onto a tangent for three pages. It's just like it's so Bitter and not fun, and I just don't I just don't fucking get it I don't even try to understand it anymore. I just ignore it Sneato for one says hey Josh, I didn't catch the full stream, but did you talk about the happy birthday switchy boy feature? I did not I apologize
Unknown_13: Um, spaghetti Manny for five says I've finished writing a comedic thriller novel recently, but what would you induce? What would induce you to read it and give a blurb? It's 50 K words. It's pretty good.
In fact, it is smart and base and not dumb or gay.
Unknown_13: Um, I don't read books.
Unknown_13: I don't know. It's not like a comedic thriller novel is like so far when I read a book, it's almost always nonfiction because I'm trying to learn something. I'm looking up something and I'm trying to understand it better. I almost, or yeah, I almost never read fiction ever. Um, I would be very hard pressed to be compelled to read a novel.
Sorry Ron Berger produces listening to that records footage is like PvPing range and runescape you waste over an hour fletching arrows and then duel And then the duel is just against some lying retard even if what you're doing is right Yeah, basically, it's fun to yell though
Unknown_13: I'm not covering the Rikada footage under the suspicion or belief that I will in some way productively engage with him or convince people in his audience of anything or convince people Or convince Rikada of anything. It's all it's just it's just fun. It's just yelling for the sake of it
Unknown_13: Anime sex Copen lead for seven says sir. I think you made a mistake. Could you please critique my form, please? No, bro. I'm not watching your fucking workout videos. I'm not showing on my stream I told you this last time my answer is no Sneato for Tim says I would hate to be a cashier in a neighbor area and then there is a YouTube link This appears to be some shenanigans, let's take a look
Who are you, n***a? Who sent you, n***a? Who sent you, n***a? Who sent you, n***a? Get out, n***a. Get out. Get out, n***a. Get out. Do this. Yup. And do this. And do this. For this n***a here. It'll be 75 cents. Right about here. Go like this, n***a. And go like this, n***a. I don't care. This is this. And get out, n***a. Whoever you are. You out, n***a. Yup. You out, n***a. Whoever you are. You don't belong here, n***a. I don't care.
Unknown_13: This woman looks exactly like a video. There was a video from EWU, speaking of, and it was basically a schizophrenic black woman who hated white people. So she borrowed a gas can. She went to the gas station, filled it up with a gallon of gas for money that she borrowed. She asked people for change to buy a single gallon of gas. And then filled up the gas can, took it inside, doused a random white woman and set her on fire because she was just young and a white woman. And she literally set her ablaze.
Don't live around them. Don't know what to tell you.
Unknown_02: Qualidante for 15 says no, dog.jpg.
Unknown_13: I did not explicitly say the police planted evidence. That is pure inference. Enjoy no body cam footage, talker. Sir, that body cam footage is as good as got, I'm gonna tell you.
Better make sure, if I don't get it, you better make sure April never, ever, ever, in ten fucking years from now, ever has a reason to flip Rikada. You got her for life. You're fucking married to her. That's a new ball and chain, motherfucker. She asked for coke, you say, yes ma'am. You get her that fucking coke.
Unknown_13: Bordier for five says if you get this early enough, don't read Book of Enoch. That's too late.
Coles for 10 says Rikada Josh Moon argument recorded.
Unknown_02: Okay, let's see.
Unknown_02: You really stole my car, went to your ex's house, kidnapped her dog, came back to my house, went inside and fucked my dad on the kitchen table, spilling Pepsi everywhere.
Unknown_10: Pepsi? First of all, it wasn't Pepsi, it was Dr. Pepper. Get your facts right before you start coming at somebody. Jesse, you fucked my dad!
Unknown_13: Basically. Yeah, it's such a brilliant deflection.
If you blink, you miss the subtlety and nuance in what he's really doing.
Unknown_13: Sneato for once says, the fans that Rikita has left are delusional enemies. It's so true. So true, King. Dr. Coffinales for two says, hey Josh, thanks for the Rikita segment. Why are people still sweeping for Nick? Disgusting. They're fucking low IQ as shit, for real. If you read the comments, you can tell they're written by retards.
Unknown_13: Collie Dante for five says I can you can actually get most flash games working in a dedicated program Unfortunately neopets games are a mix of flash and HTML and make remote server calls. No way to never neighbor rig around that. Yeah, I imagine I imagine they're pretty fucking jank because they have to they have to like report the reward The false copy of Sunder for one says UK politicians are explicitly calling for murder of protesters. Is this the black guy? I remember seeing this the last super chat by the way don't anymore
We need to cut their throats and get rid of them and then retard cunt handmaiden.
Unknown_07: Yay! We have to cull retarded people.
Okay, I think that's it.
Unknown_12: I remember that's the line, the important one.
Unknown_13: All right, chat. I have a special outro song. It's featured on the site right now. It's actually really, really nice. I don't know who sang it. It's called Fat and Brown. It was Golden Brown originally is the original song.
Unknown_13: I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Have a great weekend. Bye-bye.
Fat and brown, skin looks like poo Shits the street, not in the loo Hacking the trolls, spreading the holes Packing on pounds, fat and brown
Unknown_06: Every time, Pat calls the cops On himself, using torch swats Jackie gets mad, horny for chats Curry farts sounds, that way
Fat and brown, boyfriend's a twink Tiny nipples, tiny and pink Gay nigger gang, doing gang bangs All over town, fat and brown