♪♪ ♪ Glory to the Queen ♪ ♪ Our gracious and noble Queen ♪ ♪ Your majesty under your reign ♪ ♪ We will honour you from your reign ♪ Glory to the free! Alive, all the righteous lead. 0:00:59 Unknown_11: Heed and blessed, chosen to lead. We will honor your throne, your state. 0:01:42 Unknown_07: I could not possibly think it would be so easy, Chad. Unknown_07: I suppose I should just get it out of the way. Yes. I'm very aware that England is apparently by happenstance, pure luck. I'm actually going to give it to Ireland. Ireland started it. Okay. Ireland started it. They were the one that burned down the migrant centers and all the hotels and threatened the workmen. England just kind of thought oh, well since the Irish are up to something I guess we ought to get into it, too We don't want to look far behind the times do we dear? So okay fine. We'll be we'll be we'll take a little bit off the Irish as we do and And and riot as well 0:02:18 Unknown_07: So there is a race for brewing, but. Um, before I get into that, I want to toot my own horn here, but I'm testing something. I'm testing something. And if I need, I need chats help. I know this is really hard, but could chat desperately say the dumbest fucking things they can come up with just real quick, just off the top of your head, probably is going to sound really smart to you, but can my chat please just say some fucking retard shit real quick. Let's see what we got here. 0:03:00 Unknown_07: Uh, let's see. Oh, we got dead saying race war. Melanin farmer says Ethan Ralph is a Kang. Uh, a con says the UK is a, is a nice place. Now that that's funny chat. That's fine. Josh is smart. Oh, we got a comedian. We got a comedian. I see how it is. Unknown_07: DSP and PPP went on. Now that's a winning combination. Unknown_07: Trans right says Tango Friendingo. Oh, interesting. We got like a long one. How about this? Kolya Dante says, I think Liz Fong Jones makes some good points. Junichu says Moo. I'll just do this. Leon Lee Pajong says, Pimpy, son up. 0:03:32 Unknown_07: Over the weekend I did get the smashed and slammed exotic bully gumroad thing out. I've been planning to do that for fucking forever. And then I thought, you know what? All these people doing like... I've been watching Bossman on Twitch, and he would... Oh, and Sean has this overlay that he does where... 0:04:09 Unknown_07: You can just click a thing. Unknown_07: And show it on screen. And I was like, dude, that's a really nice feature. So I whipped this out in an hour. And I thought, oh great, I can just click things now. And it just shows up. Now that's awesome. Unknown_07: So now for this, and I'll do it for the Super Chats too. I'll click them and show them on screen. So now people can actually figure out what the fuck I'm saying. Because apparently I read Super Chats so fast. Unknown_07: Now, even at 1x, nobody knows what the fuck I'm saying ever. So, um, I will, uh, that's how I'm going to do things. I'm going to make it look nicer. I'm going to eventually mark my words. I'm going to have the stream nexus, AKA the stream nexus for advanced or for what's the name of it? Hold up. I have a name for this. It's really long. It's very funny too. It's a very funny name. The stream nexus for enhanced entertainment and discourse, AKA Sneed. One day I'll have Sneed up to snuff and we'll be chucking and fucking and sucking and having all sorts of people- all sorts of people will use my stream nexus for their multicasting purposes. 0:05:17 Unknown_07: Look, I think even this works. Look at that. Bam! Big dancing rat. Big dancing rat. You can't say no. Unknown_07: Cool. Things are getting more interactive chat. I'm just really pushing the boundaries of science and technology these days. Unknown_07: Anyways, the Anglish. Oh, geez. So I started, I guess, ostensibly with. Unknown_07: With this so this nice young man is Welsh as you can tell I know the Welsh look a little bit funky But he is from Cardiff, which I believe is the capitals of Wales The junior partner of England and Wales as it might be known 0:05:57 Unknown_07: And he just decided, out of the blue, he was a nice young lad, had his whole life ahead of him, really was quiet, kept to himself, perfectly integrated, second generation immigrant, given, taken from Rwanda, his parents were from Rwanda, one of the most desolate shitholes of the entire world at the time that they moved to the United Kingdom. And he was born there. So his parents were super screened. Sure, you're coming from a shithole, you're coming here for new life, new prospects. And then he was born in Cardiff in Wales, which I just assume is a beautiful place because any place with mountains is beautiful. Even if it's England, even if it's a bit gloomy. Unknown_07: And then despite that despite all that opportunity he grew up and at 17 said you know what today is the day I'm gonna take a knife without even a license And I'm going to fucking murder three little white girls because I just fucking hate white people And that's been my argument against immigration for a very long time. I think I was even I brought this point up in 2016 and 0:06:57 Unknown_07: And I'm sorry, this is going to be a political, a little bit more political just because of the necessity of things. So we're going to need a hamster to guide us, I think. Unknown_07: And the, my argument that I made, even I think back during the Trump election was that they, there is in the second generation immigrants, a higher than average, higher than, than like, even in, even compared to first generation immigrants, second generation immigrants are more dangerous across the board. They commit more crime, they accomplish less, they're more likely to be terrorists, they're more likely to be radicalized, they're more likely to carry out operations in support of a regime or a cell outside of the country. And it's like, if we accept immigrants from these countries and we screen them, let's even say that we had a magic machine that you could walk immigrants through and detect with 100% accuracy that they were going to be upstanding citizens. There is no way to detect if their children are going to be upstanding citizens, and more often than not, they're not. 0:08:03 Unknown_07: There's no way to adequately determine if people are going to integrate or not. It's just not possible. So there's no reason to tolerate it. You gotta go the fuck back home. Unknown_07: So he kicked off the riots and stuff. I haven't looked too much into it. I don't know the extent of it. Apparently it's quite a big deal. Hawaii is rising the fuck up. apparently I've heard reports from the English that black people are just staying at home right now because they're like afraid of being attacked which I don't know that's true that's what someone said. 0:08:42 Unknown_07: And someone, this guy, desperately wanted me to play this video. The guy on the right is Stefan Nolan, and he's interviewing a local resident of Belfast in Northern Ireland. This is where Keffel's lives, by the way, I'm pretty sure. And the guy asks this shop owner what he thinks about immigrants, and he just says, fuck them. So I'll play like a minute of this. Unknown_04: So, I'm looking at an apartheid business. 0:09:16 Unknown_14: Are you not supposed to be there? Unknown_07: No. So his accent is really hard to understand, but he's saying, I'm looking at an apartheid business. Like, he's saying, I won't shop at Muslim stores. Unknown_07: I don't want to deal with Muslims. I don't welcome Muslims into my business. And Stefan is saying, isn't that apartheid? Isn't that just dreadful? And he's like, I don't give a fuck. Unknown_02: Why should they pay? It's not my business. Unknown_14: Isn't that a crime? Well, that's the interesting thing. 0:10:11 Unknown_07: is that now you got so many Angloids hoss-posting on the internet, you got so many Angloids just refusing to cooperate, refusing to, and it only takes a small percentage. I heard the number was if 1% of voluntary taxpayers stopped paying taxes in the US, it would collapse the IRS. Unknown_07: they simply wouldn't be able to handle that. It takes like 1% of people to stop playing the games for all the laws to just suddenly stop mattering. Unknown_07: And the government seems really set to rein people back in and keep that number, that needle hovering below 1%. You tell me. Unknown_02: He is making money for his own business. 0:10:56 Unknown_14: That's where his money's coming from. Unknown_02: He's getting up in the morning and he's working. Unknown_14: Working what? Unknown_02: As far as I'm concerned, there's too many foreigners there. As far as I'm concerned. This was a lovely place once. Now it's stinking. Unknown_14: Because there was never any violence around this area. Sure there wasn't. Unknown_02: In Chastree Square. Unknown_14: This was just a beautiful place, the Donegal Road, with no violence, with no intimidation, with paramilitaries not driving people out of the area and kneecapping them. This place was just wonderful, wasn't it? Oh, so what you're saying. 0:11:30 Unknown_02: Come on. Unknown_07: If you've ever had a conversation with an Irish person they speak it's so weird like Irish people speak English and to the Scottish for the same thing, but they speak English and sometimes if you're in a conversation with one and they get too comfortable they go like full Irish and And after they say something, you just have to look at them and say, sorry, you have to repeat that. 0:12:04 Unknown_07: I don't know what the fuck you just said to me. Unknown_07: It's honestly, it's really difficult to listen and then be like, no, there's no subtitles. God help you. There'll be no subtitles for this. Unknown_07: Anyways, the gist of this is that it's a 12-minute conversation between a BBC North Ireland radio presenter and a local resident. And the resident is simply saying, I don't want, the area was better before immigrants came. I don't want anything to do with them. I think they should go back. I don't want to support their businesses. I don't care if they're hurting. I don't give a fuck. And the guy is just like trying to guilt trip him. Like, well, you mean to tell me there's no violence before the immigrants came? He's like, no, there wasn't. 0:12:38 Unknown_07: Yeah, it was better. I don't give a shit. Fuck you and from a boomer. That's like a that's like a line crossed in the u.s. Unknown_07: People are afraid to say things like that. Nobody wants to look racist for whatever reason. I never understood that like when did when did understanding differences between people become a a 0:13:14 Unknown_07: a original sin that you can just never do. Greater than any other sin. I don't know. I don't want to dwell on the Angloid thing for too long. I'm sure there's going to be lots to talk about. Apparently, this was the big news that kind of prompted me to, like, feature it. And the thread is a clusterfuck. Like, people are literally just posting, like, how to make IEDs in the thread. Like, British people are just, like, maybe somebody should make a bomb. Unknown_07: I'm like, well, I can't really permit that. Um, that's a, it's a bit much. So I'm having to like warn people. I even warned a guy. So like, dude, you posted about making a bomb like 40 fucking times in this thread. If you do it again, I'm going to have to ban you. And he just replied saying, I'm going to do it again, because I have fucked the immigrants. And I'm like, OK, well, then I have to ban you now, because you just told me this. So it's a bit of a strain. And then there are people coming in from the US, and they're like, well, nothing ever happens, and the English won't do anything, because they're complacent. They don't have guns. 0:14:23 Unknown_07: So it's been kind of a mess to moderate it, but I'm trying my best here. Unknown_07: I'm sorry, it's the law in the US. It's really dangerous, because if someone who has a foreign account makes a bomb and does something illegal, and they have a forum post where they're saying that they're going to make a bomb, it's like, well, that looks bad on me. So I don't know what to tell you. I can't really facilitate that. I have enough shit going on at the moment. I don't have anything against people sharing information that's published by the US Army. 0:15:03 Unknown_07: None of my none of my bad porch as they say GameStop now, that's a segue GameStop has shut down GameInformer So despite the reddit boon GameInformer is dead. By the way, I love this advertisement for Apex Legends. It's like okay We have we need this game chock full of like black twinks and ugly mutts Unknown_07: in order to get our DEI points from Blackrock. But how do we sell the game? Put the white chick, front and center, largest character on the poster. Yeah, put the white woman on the front. That's how you sell the game. And then you can sell the characters of Blackrock on the back end. Unknown_07: Um, Game Informer was the long-running video game publication that GameStop managed. I think it became internet-only at some point. They were running for, I think, for 30-plus years at this point? 33 thrilling years of bringing you the latest news, reviews, and insights from the ever-evolving world of gaming. It is with a heavy heart that we announce the closure of Game Informer. 0:15:52 Unknown_07: And what's really tragic about this is that they had like a forum or something. They had all these articles they had written over 33 years and a lot of stuff that was available on the internet. I think they even had like a message board and they shut it all down. And now it's just this, it's just this page, no matter what. So now it's, it's just gone. You have this 33 year old relic, you know, that was on the internet early on the internet and it's just gone and everything on it. Poof. Bye bye. 0:16:25 Unknown_07: All gone. Someone pressed the button. Unknown_07: So that's the, I don't know, it's, I don't have like a, I don't know, Game Informer was around when I was a kid and it had like a name. Unknown_07: I don't have a heavy heart for it because I'm not like a gamer, but the same, I'm more sad about the content on the internet. Like you have this huge thing and they just like tear it down one day. Without any like they had without any regard for their own Product they just shut it down and they say like well Maybe we should release the rights to the articles or allow creative common distribution or create archives for it Submit it to the Internet Archive. They're like nah, just throw up a redirect to the the closure page whatever Who gives a shit? That's a little bit sad, I think. You have so much, uh... How many hundreds of man hours went into maintaining this, you know? You have all these full-time employees that have been around for three decades, whose work culminated into this website, and then you just press the button, and poof! Buh-bye! And it's gone. All that time spent building this thing up has just gone. 0:17:15 Unknown_07: Kinda sad, if you think about it. 0:17:50 Unknown_07: Though I can understand why it closed. Unknown_07: Anytime I look at Steam and I look at the most recent games, I'm just thinking, wow, all these suck. None of these look fucking good. I don't even know what it is. It feels like there's fewer game releases than ever before now. Unknown_07: I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm old, but when I look at the game releases on Steam, I'm just thinking, wow, does nobody publish fucking games anymore? And the games that do come out are like cape shit. They're making more hero shooters and battle royale games still like the the new one that's coming out is a uh Marvel's overwatch. I can't remember what it's called. It might be called fate or something But it's literally just overwatch with marvel characters and I was looking at it and I was looking at the the gameplay footage and i'm just thinking like I don't know what the fuck is going on. I can't see, like I watched one video where Spider-Man is like tying up a bunch of people and I'm just thinking like I don't know who the fuck the bad guys are in this video. 0:18:29 Unknown_07: I don't know who, I don't know who's killing what. I thought maybe there was a tank in there but like oh no that's just like four bad guys and the only reason why you can tell is that they have like red names. It's like Valve figured this shit out like Fifteen fucking years ago. 0:19:04 Unknown_07: how to do silhouettes, how to do color schemes, how to make it obvious who's the bad guy and who's on your team, and then Overwatch comes along and shits out Overwatch, or Blizzard comes around and shits out Overwatch, and then it's just like, it's a visual clusterfuck, where you have hero shooters and then you don't have ways to determine if the, you know, the D.Va that you're shooting at is on your team or the enemy team, because she's in a giant pink mech. Well, is that a friend or a foe? What color is pink? And it's like the simplest things, like you can't make it so that the character designs change color. You can't make it so that when D.Va's on your side, her thing is blue or, or leave it pink. But when it's on the enemy team, it's like a bright red. Like the simplest things to make the game more, more usable or just lost. No, we got to keep Spider-Man's distinct red costume. Even when he's your character or on your team, we can't make him blue. That's not trademarked. 0:19:39 Unknown_07: It's just awful. 0:20:12 Unknown_07: So I don't know. Unknown_07: The games market is so bad I'm genuinely considering playing fucking RuneScape again. I was thinking like, damn, I could go for some temple trekking. I could go for a little bit of farming right now. Unknown_07: I haven't done magic tree runs in a long time. I could do that without too much attention. That's how fucking bad it is. That's how dire we are. Level up fishing, bro. Unknown_04: I'm getting there. 0:20:43 Unknown_04: Yeah, that's my video game rant. Anytime I look at video games I just get sad. Unknown_07: This is a short-lived thing, I'm sure. Louisiana has become the first state to legalize surgical castration for child rapists I guarantee you I bet fucking money that this will never ever be put into practice because if it ever happens it'll go to the Supreme Court and they will find that it is cruel and inhuman punishment or whatever so the the judge will be able to decide to remove their testicles and honestly 0:21:25 Unknown_07: It's funny on paper, like, yeah, we should. The issue is, is that even, here's my hot take. The Supreme Court, many years ago, I think like 50 years ago, struck out, and it was a horrific case. It was like, I wanna say it was a black man that raped a little white girl, and he raped her so badly, she was like physically disabled afterwards. So it was like the most horrific, brutal child rape possible. And he was rightfully sentenced to death. And it went to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court held that a capital offense can only be for capital murder and not for rape, even of a child, even if it's like physically debilitating. It was probably the worst Supreme Court decision ever. 0:22:05 Unknown_07: I will hold that it's worse than the Supreme Court decision that ruled that black people are property and therefore they cannot file lawsuits. Unknown_07: And as a result, we can no longer kill pedophiles. So they passed this law to try to get around this and castrate them. Unknown_07: In the books, 50% of pedophiles re-offend and 13% of castrated pedophiles re-offend. So even in situations where we monitored castrated pedophiles, 0:22:46 Unknown_07: a not insignificant portion of them compared to the baseline, still re-offend. So even if you do completely take off their cock and balls, the only way to disable the pedophiles' urge to rape children is to destroy the brain, much like a zombie. You have to actually use a ballistic projectile to blender the central nervous system with a wobbling 5.56 millimeter, that is literally the only way to correctly do this. So anything short of overturning that horrific Supreme Court decision that we're burdened with is insufficient. 0:23:32 Unknown_04: But yeah, they will overturn this before it happens. Unknown_07: Speaking of, the Florida State Police Service has Unknown_07: closed down a literal child pornography website that Cloudflare still hosts. So Cloudflare knew that they had a child pornography website and they acted so slowly that the police of Florida were able to seize it first before Cloudflare denied them service. So Cloudflare, when a couple of trainees are upset, you can actually go, 0:24:06 Unknown_07: You can go to local.wiki and you can still see the error page. Due to an imminent threat, an imminent and emergency threat to human life, the content of this site is blocked from being accessed through Cloudflare's infrastructure. For more details, please see cloudflare.com slash kiwifarms blocked. Child pornography. Unknown_07: Traini's mad. IMMINENT. URGENT. EMERGENCY. THREAT. KEPHELS. MIGHT. BE. 0:24:41 Unknown_04: ANNOYED. Oh no. Unknown_04: Thanks Matthew Prince. Very cool. Unknown_07: Okay, there is a slight blend of the trune into the news into the trune rather. Unknown_07: First of all, I would like to say I was right. Very important message. I was right. The Boxing Association. Unknown_07: has confirmed that the two suspicious boxers, Amin Khalif from Algeria and Lin Yuting from Taiwan are not women. They are not intersex. They do not classify as women. They are men with cock and balls. So everyone in my chat last stream saying, but Josh, they are actually cis females. They're just ugly. 0:25:22 Unknown_07: Sorry, you're wrong. Unknown_07: All those people Why do you doubt me? I don't understand it. It's just not fair. I should earn the benefit of a doubt by now chat Just want to point that out Okay hamster dismissed 0:25:56 Unknown_07: Might be going a little bit too fast here. We should talk about England some more. Unknown_07: This is a guy who I am aware of. He is one of those people that I have a vague familiarity with, and that's just as a byproduct of running the forum. However, I don't have a deep understanding of him or his history, but I will try my best to explain this. Unknown_07: A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, there was a young internet, and deviantart arose on this young internet as a place for artists to post their art, and also their very, very terrible fanfiction. 0:26:40 Unknown_07: I think even fanfiction.net was a thing before deviantart, but deviantart came along after and kind of stole its slender. Unknown_07: Regardless, the furries realized, hey, wait a second, this website isn't single purpose towards furries. We need our own thing. So lo and behold, a brave soldier of furriedom named Dragoneer started. And I could be wrong. It could be somebody else who just took over, but I'm pretty sure it's Dragoneer. Unknown_07: Dragoneer started, I think, a website called 0:27:16 Unknown_07: It's not Fur Affinity. It's F.A., but it's not DeviantArt. Oh, it is Fur Affinity. DeviantArt, okay. Fur, sorry, my brain flatlined. It's Fur Affinity, which is just DeviantArt for furries. Unknown_07: And I think part of that probably has to do with porn, because it's very pornographic, I think. Unknown_07: So this kind of became the central furry art repository. Unknown_07: And I want to say that there is a kind of a rivalry between Dragonair and another guy that runs a bunch of other furry shit. And he's kind of trying to start up his competition to Fur Affinity because Fur Affinity sucks. 0:27:49 Unknown_07: And it hasn't been improved for a very long time. Unknown_07: And, uh, this, this, uh, has kind of opened the doors for someone else to try and, um, compete with it. Who's the guy that runs the. Unknown_07: The other furry sites, the guy that, that sticks massive dragon dildos up his ass, the horse cock guy. Unknown_07: Oh, that's killing me. So, okay. Zalcano started, I guess, but Dragonair runs it. 0:28:26 Unknown_04: No, it's not Mr. Hands. Unknown_04: Not Valsh. Unknown_07: Yeah, the E621 guy. Unknown_07: Varka. Varka, that's it. This. Here. This guy with the furry avatar, he happens to know who Varka is. Surprise. Unknown_07: No, not Valsh. Valsh does not run a bunch of furry sites. It's Varka. 0:28:59 Unknown_07: He, yeah, he, he, like, I think he owns Bad Dragon. Unknown_07: And he, he advertises Bad Dragon by sticking tank shell sized horse cocks up his ass and posting the video of it. And he also runs a bunch of furry stuff. And I think he wants to start his own version of Fur Affinity. Whole point of that diatribe is that Ferfinity is on the downslope and at one point Dragonair sold Ferfinity to IMVU, which I'm pretty sure IMVU was the name of that social media network that was like the most horrific Bratstal looking avatars ever. I've never used IMVU, but I am aware of it. 0:29:37 Unknown_07: Um, Unknown_07: And... Envyu quickly realized they had bought a turd, and Dragonair quickly realized that without Fur Affinity, his life had no meaning, so he bought it back. Unknown_07: At a loss. He took out loans to buy his own site back, at a loss, even though it had lost value. Um, so that... That's how good this guy is with business. Now from what I understand, Dragonair is like 500 fucking pounds? I don't know if it's a meme, But people say that he's like death fat, mortabound, stuck in bed. I can believe that, but he complains about his health constantly. 0:30:11 Unknown_07: Now you would think the guy who runs one of the largest furry social media sites in existence, Unknown_07: And even if it's not that big, furries, for whatever reason, are some of the spendiest people on the planet. There is nothing easier parted than a furry from his money. For whatever reason, they love to spend money. They love to spend money in the community. And generally speaking, if you run a big furry website, you should be making a fuck ton of money. Dragoneer has not managed to adequately monetize his site. And I've heard like a billion excuses for this. 0:30:43 Unknown_07: Like it's hard to get advertisers, he sells premium but he doesn't add any features to make it worthwhile and so on and so forth. There's no fucking excuse. If you own like a legitimate website that has a huge user base and they're all furries, you should be cash out the ass rich, point blank. 0:31:22 Unknown_07: He's apparently having a bit of an issue and his issue is that he's out of money. Unknown_07: So here's here's some messages. He's having um. He's like openly begging on blue sky, so here's what he's saying All right, he goes by near by the way no relation AC repair folks are here turns out it got so hot from this heat wave one of the capacitors blue is oh shit It's $800 this includes a full cleaning multiple replace parts and a ton of coolant my unit has a tiny micro link and Unknown_07: Um, then he complains about his health. Oh my God. The pulmonologist got back to me. I'm not going to die. I'm not going to die. I can't stop crying. Um, did they give you any kind of diagnosis? He's not over the phone appointment is July 30th. I have some time, but I have a reason to fight now. I've lost like 90% of my strength. Breathing is incredibly hard. I've got like every symptom of pneumonia and I don't want to have it, bro. It's time for a poll. Okay. 0:32:27 Unknown_04: I can't wait for people to debate this in the comments and get really, really angry at me. Unknown_04: Okay, chat, question. Unknown_07: Dragoneer versus Medicare in a fist fight. Vote one for Team Neer. Vote two for Team Four Star. I wanna see, I'll continue to read these. I expect your input on my chat messages. Unknown_07: A specialist called to ask if I was going to need financial aid, as this could easily start out in a five-figure range, and the snarky side of me wanted to respond, no no, no aid for me, I have one of those giant crayons filled with loose change, I got this. Of course I said yes. 0:33:10 Unknown_07: So this is the other thing. He's like broke as fuck and for whatever reason does not qualify for Medicaid. So he's begging to like pay all of his bills cash and he doesn't have insurance because he can't afford private insurance but for whatever reason he's also somehow fucked himself over so that he can't qualify for Medicaid. I'm actually surprised by how many people voted for Dragoneer. Unknown_07: I want to know, Team Nier, what is it about... Okay, so Medicare wins by 65% over 34%. 0:34:00 Unknown_07: Okay, someone says Medicare has a broken leg. That is a big disadvantage, but Dragoneer is too fat to walk. Unknown_07: He can roll on top of Jem. There are some people who are skeptical. Jem is unable to walk, but Dragoneer is 500 pounds, so. Unknown_07: Jim's bones are made of glass right now, but he has a, he has a wheelchair. He can, he can just, maybe he can, he can roll over dragon because dragon here is too fat. Maybe to sit up, he can just roll over his neck and when by default crush Jim. 0:34:36 Unknown_07: Perfect. Could Sonic roll over Jim's broken curves. That's mean, bro. Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_07: Enough of this before I get in trouble before everyone starts yelling at me again. Unknown_07: Uh, posting a copy of my initial diagnosis when they thought it was just pneumonia. I wanted to provide some transparency so many people put their trust and kindness in me. Unknown_07: I guess this is him going in for an x-ray. For some reason, his receipt is literally reprinted on receipt paper. Unknown_04: Interesting. 0:35:10 Unknown_04: weight 400 pounds okay so that does conform it he is 400 pounds um he's a bmi of 55 that is crazy not looking good jim brose Unknown_07: See, the greatest thing I've learned in my life is to let things go. No matter the regrets, the I wish I had, and the painful memories of the past, I cannot change what has been, only what will be. To dwell on the past is to let grief consume you. All you can do is be the version you... I assume he means want to be, moving forward. Unknown_07: I'm viewing this as a future me problem, and I just need to get through it first. I'll be launching a GoFundMe because, well, I can't work. Treatment is estimated to take two to three months. I have a fever of 102 right now, and I can only focus on one thing at a time. By the way, 0:35:54 Unknown_07: I just remembered. Unknown_07: Um, this was actually important, the 400 thing, because I think he posted receipts before and he was over 500. Unknown_07: So he lost, um, his sickness is so severe that he's lost a hundred pounds of fat just by, I guess, fighting off disease or something. Unknown_04: Um, I'm saying that his lungs look fucked. 0:36:29 Unknown_07: He has a $5,000 medical bill. Unknown_07: You have a $25,000 estimate And that's unrelated I just want to kind of I don't know maybe this will become something more more interesting over time Because does this guy have a living will for fur affinity? Who does he give it to? Unknown_07: I'm struggling. It's like you can't afford your medical bills, but we have Medicaid in the US How do you not qualify for that? 0:37:03 Unknown_07: It's like if for affinity is his asset that disqualifies him from having Medicaid Like why would you not structure your assets in such a way that? Unknown_07: Like you don't own them like put for affinity into a trust Have you be the beneficiary or executor of the trust and then don't own it? Unknown_07: Like do anything besides just sit there complacent waiting to die because you can't afford medical bills. Like any, I think, I think there is possible to figure this out at this point. Unknown_07: Maybe just enjoy his e-begging. Um, okay. This, this is a guy called smash JT and he actually threw us a good word. So I think I would play a playlist for right now. Cause I like, he reads my article. 0:37:48 Unknown_07: So what happened is that Alyssa Mercant who I talked about on stream Because she's super gross and someone remind me what Alyssa Mercant didn't real quick while I wait for an answer she got involved in the smash cast and Which is like a big like nerd area. I Unknown_07: She's a games journalist. Oh, was she the one that went after the guy in Brazil to try and get his site deplatformed? 0:38:31 Unknown_07: Yes. Okay. Okay. So she's the one that went after the Brazilian guy and the DEI detected. And I talked about her because she's super fucking gross. Um, she went onto the smash cast, I think is what it's called. Unknown_07: And, um, super chatted something about how she was going to donate to trans lifeline as like repentance. And so this guy did a deep dive into trans lifeline and well, you know where that goes. So I'll play like a little bit of this. Unknown_07: goes deep. Unknown_09: From Kiwi Farms investigations to embezzlement of misappropriated funds, it ended up being one of the biggest icebergs of hidden criminal activity- 0:39:12 Unknown_09: Now I wanna talk a little bit about Kiwi Farms. And I know right away you say Kiwi Farms and people are like, oh, nope, turn it off, I can't, nope, Kiwi Farms, bad, they're bad people, they're awful, you know, bigoted, horrible, it's harassers, you know. Here's the thing, that might actually be true for certain individuals on certain websites. But what I found out about the Kiwi Farms investigation about this corporation really exposed what's going on when it comes to institutionalized censorship. Kiwi Farms described in detail the tactics that were used with the drop Kiwi Farms hashtag experienced from the inside. Say what you want about Kiwi Farms, but when a corporate agenda is actively trying to hide behind being anti-trans as a way to silence, remove, and ultimately... I love that. That's such like, just the way he scrolls down, it's just like, boom. Boo! Scared you. Shut down your website? I have some serious issues with that. Coming from someone who had people trying to shut down their website, I don't like that. I feel like if people have a platform, they should be able to use it to say what they want to say and the audience can take what they want out of it and either trust the person or not, but they don't need a third party coming in saying, oh, we don't want you. We're going to remove your website and remove the ability to have people decide what they want based off of what you're saying. According to the Kiwi Farms investigation, Trans Lifeline was operated by Greta and Nina. The organizers would post extravagant lifestyle photos on their public Instagrams. Meanwhile, the Trans Lifeline hotline service rarely had anyone online to accept emergency calls. 0:40:34 Unknown_07: A lot of this is just line-by-line reading of that article, which is interesting. We have all that information still. Unknown_07: I had at one point developed a scraper bot because they used a website that was like a, it was kind of like a, um, like a plug and play website. You just set it up and pointed at something. And then that software keeps track of when you have a hotline operator. And so it would show, um, when you had an operator available, and when you didn't. And it would also show you the schedule of when people who were volunteers agreed to like take specific time slots. So, um, people would slot themselves in and say, I'll be available these hours, which is like anytime that they could be available. And as a result, when you looked at this page and it says, call trans lifeline, we're here to help. You'll get like a you'd see like a schedule now normally this would just be like we're available 9 to 5 every day on Weekdays because that's when like it's it's supposed. That's how the software is built for it's built for those kinds of call lines But because they were slotting in people whenever they volunteered you would get bizarre things where you would have entire days with no operators Like Tuesday would be unavailable. You would have a person available from like 9 p.m. To 3 a.m. And then on that same day from like 8 to 3 0:41:48 Unknown_07: And then you would have this massive gap between like three and nine. It was just all over the fucking place. Unknown_07: And oftentimes you would have nobody available to take the call at all. Cause I guess some people would just log on whenever they could and they wouldn't like schedule it. So I built a scraper that checked the website periodically. And I determined that it was like an immense, it was like, I want to say it was like 90% of the time, it was a really ridiculously high percentage of time that there were zero operators available to take calls on like a emergency suicide prevention hotline. And to this day, I think if you check their website, they're only available certain hours. So they don't have call ops available all the time, even now, even after they've corrected cores and fixed things and stuff. 0:43:05 Unknown_07: Um, so it's this, this, this huge clusterfuck and trans lifeline is always like the go-to charity that people donate money to when they want to virtue signal that they care about trannies. Um, and, but even to this day and their policies are still the original policies. We never call police. You can call them and say, I'm going, I have a gun to my fucking head. I'm at this address. I'm going to blow my brains out in 30 minutes and you are not allowed to send an ambulance or, uh, any kind of wellness check or police to that address as the operator, because in their policies, the police and the, the involuntary commitments and stuff are always more dangerous to the tranny than just talking to them. 0:43:52 Unknown_07: So by their policy, like even if there's a crime in progress, like even if the trainee is committing like a violent offense, and the one thing that he talks about that I hadn't even heard about is that they have spent more than half a million dollars on pro bono representation for trainees, like criminals, because their policy is that every trans person in jail and in prison is at an elevated risk of danger, and they don't deserve that. So they try to get every single tranny out of prison regardless of what their offense is. It doesn't matter if it's violent or sexual or pedophilic. They will always assume that A, the conviction is wrong and B, the tranny deserves to not be in prison because they're at elevated risk. Unknown_07: That, like, that's how fucked up this is. Unknown_07: And I'm very thankful that Smash GT shouted out my article in the forum for the work. And it's also very rewarding that even years later, like, when the forum does something good, and it doesn't feel very rewarding at the time to have done it because people just lie, and they just say that we harass these, like, Liz Fong Jones. 0:45:03 Unknown_07: committed all these resources to trying to cover up the fact that he participated in a charity, he supported a charity, and he got involved with the Kiwi Farms because of this charity that literally, under penalty of perjury, inured $340,000 of tax-free money to its operators. Unknown_07: And, you know, it doesn't feel very rewarding to, you know, fuck with that kind of thing because they just come after you and nobody gives a shit because you're the Kiwi farms. But then, you know, 10 years later, you're still literally like we're getting close to 10 years on this. I'm still hearing about people finding out about Nina and Greta and the people involved and supporting a fraud. Unknown_07: So it is gratifying that the long, long payoff of sticking through and keeping things up and keeping things available is still returning dividends in bizarre, unexpected ways, where this horrible woman tries to virtue signal by donating to the charity, and then people can just search it, find my article, and be like, oh my God, this is a terrible scam, or it was, and now it's just a terrible organization. 0:46:15 Unknown_07: So that's nice. That's gratifying chat. It's nice. Unknown_07: By the way, in the comments, there's this guy, I don't know his full, like, background, but apparently he's like a retard, and he commented on this and says, I am mixed on kiwi farms. Yes, I did something incredibly stupid to get a thread there, and as such, sure, point and laugh at me. What I don't get is doxxing me, or doxxing me, my family, when I haven't even broken the law nor presented a threat of harm. That's where I believe they cross the line. Encourages harassment of showcased individuals. 0:46:47 Unknown_07: Sorry, bro. I don't know, like the people, the thing I never understand about the doxxing thing is like, the anger is misplaced. Like, okay, sure, you don't want this to happen, but do you know why it happens? It's because the United States is the only civilized country in the entire fucking world that allows private corporations to sell your data all over the place, and there's no regulations whatsoever, and everyone can just search your name and find out where you live with zero effort. 0:47:23 Unknown_07: But nobody, and when we try to pass legislation to curtail this and make data something that has to be respected in some way, it always gets shot down in Congress because advertisers run the shit. The private interest of the copyright mafia and the, Advertising mafia they run this shit. They own you you're never gonna get privacy. You're never gonna have freedom of speech So long as the big tech companies as long as the big rights holder organizations and as long as the big advertising firms have a monopoly on On the Congress like it's just not gonna happen if you want to change doxing Instead of going after people posting stuff go after the corporations that sell your ass like a fucking commodity 0:48:14 Unknown_07: Um, okay, so this I'm not qualified to speak too much about. I've watched this video. Unknown_07: Coffeezilla, who actually is a bit of a rising star in terms of like people I am aware of that are in my brain. Unknown_07: Coffeezilla was the guy that did, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he's the guy that did the expose on Boogie's crypto scam, which kickstarted the whole Boogie stuff that I didn't pay too much attention to because a lot of it seemed like capitalizing on drama. For king sir is profit- but I think that he did a very genuine interest piece into like boogies is doing what a lot of celebrity creators have done and that they've taken their name and put on a crypto product for cheap cash. not realize that they're getting paid that because their own viewership is going to be investing their personal money more than what they're being paid to inflate this crypto so that a different company can rug pull it and take that money and walk away. 0:49:06 Unknown_07: i.e. they're accepting money to promote a scam, which is ostensibly what Boogie has done, and ostensibly what Logan Paul has done. Unknown_07: The Coffee Zoo project, which I don't even fucking know, but apparently it's like a video game or something that's crypto based. And there was going to be NFTs and then also like token sales. It was a whole thing. And these things are always, these, these bullshit crypto projects are always, um, kind of hard to understand on purpose so that, uh, it's difficult to unravel them and difficult for a person to wrap their mind about what they're actually putting their money into. 0:49:57 Unknown_07: But central to this was Logan Paul, in the same way that Boogie was promoting FattyCoin, Logan Paul was promoting CryptoZoo. Logan Paul, however, is huge, and not in the Boogie sense, in the actual relevance sense, somehow. Despite this guy looking a lot like the Tiger King, that really, really gay guy, Unknown_07: who went to jail for trying to murder that ice-cold Florida woman who killed her husband. Unknown_07: What's his name? His name was like Joe Dirt or something. He looked like... Okay, here, wait. Someone has a thought chat. Let's put this on the screen. 0:50:35 Unknown_07: Cryptozoo is a bullshit scam where you buy and breed animals, but the animals are Adobe stock images. Wow, sounds like a really fun game. I definitely trust Logan Paul. Joe Exotic, that's right. Joe Exotic, here, this guy. Kiwi Farts, he figured this out. Unknown_07: Who was, okay, so Logan Paul. originally responded to CoffeeZilla with graciousness. He said, wow, this CoffeeZilla guy, he really exposed this crypto scam thing way ahead, before I got in too deep. Whew, thank God. He pulled me out before I was about to do something really stupid. That's how he responded originally. 0:51:09 Unknown_07: However, now he's doubled back down. He says, no, we're gonna deliver CryptoZoo. We're going to deliver what we promised on. It's not a scam, and fuck this CoffeeZilla guy. 0:51:45 Unknown_07: And Logan explicitly says that he's going to go after the people that made him look bad. So he's filed a lawsuit, and here's the thing that I have. Unknown_07: I don't know what the fuck he's being sued for. Unknown_07: And CoffeeZilla doesn't say, and I actually don't know what the fuck it is. So I am extremely uninformed on this point. Unknown_07: Uh, here we are. Wait, is this it? Logan has gone full retard and has going to sue him. So this is Paul V. Finding, find Eisen. Okay. It's pretty funny for a guy who does investigative journalism to be called find Eisen. 0:52:22 Unknown_07: Okay, this is the complaint, the main document. Let's see this. Unknown_07: Plaintiff Logan Paul, a globally recognized entertainer, athlete, and entrepreneur, brings this defamation action. It's one defamation action? Unknown_07: Lowercase I, internet detective, dismissed with prejudice for not knowing how to fucking spell. 0:52:56 Unknown_07: Which internet? Did he defame you on the big internet? That's a proper noun, it's called the internet with a capital case I. Or did he defame you on some other internet, like an influencer internet? You gotta tell me which internet, because this doesn't sum it up. Unknown_07: This is a long complaint. 20 pages. 47 pages. Unknown_07: Show me the evidence. I want to see the defamatory statement. Unknown_07: Investigating Logan Paul's biggest scam. Seeks to drum up his viewership for his channel by promoting and publishing a series of videos on what he claimed was Logan Paul's biggest scam. 0:53:28 Unknown_07: Right off the bat, that's how you know it's a quality Unknown_07: Quality complaint written by a quality attorney when you have filler words and and Colloquialisms like right off the bat. That's how you know this shit was written by a professional I Assume what this is too complicated to get the juice up the biggest fraud in Logan Paul a scam 0:54:12 Unknown_04: Uh... Ibanez? Oh no, no relation. Unknown_04: Sorry, I don't wanna read all this on screen, but it is a defamation claim, which is a notoriously expensive claim to make. Unknown_07: It is absolutely just punishment. Unknown_07: Because what Logan Paul has done, Logan Paul makes more fucking money than this guy by far. And this guy knows I'm gonna spend however many thousands of dollars to write this bullshit and I'm gonna drag this stupid fucker through the glass to get to the end of it and yeah he'll win but he won't be able to claim that this was malicious litigation because of absolute privilege and the process is the punishment and go fuck yourself 0:54:50 Unknown_07: So, I don't know, I would never want to do business with this guy. This guy is obviously a gigantic piece of shit. I can look at him, like I can just look at his stupid fucking face and I can say, this guy is an enormous faggot and I would never want anything to do with him, ever, for any reason. Unknown_07: It's a shame that people like this are able to make it and have the privilege to fuck over random people who try to help people not waste their money on bullshit like CryptoZoo. I dare say so myself, chat. 0:55:40 Unknown_07: Um, cool. Unknown_07: So at the WWE, this guy right here, this guy got up to no good. Unknown_07: He showed up at the WWE with a whiteboard and some markers, and he was going to write. Unknown_07: First off, he opens strong with, the man in the pickle suit tricked me again. Unknown_07: Reference reference, of course to our dear Marvin Who is the man in the pickle suit the Baltimore? weed-smoking black girl loving Jewish pickle suited man the OG He got called out immediately on on the WWE this year and 0:56:12 Unknown_07: Then it says Earl Dobe is a PDF. I don't think he's actually a PDF. I think that might be some kind of reference. But Earl Dobe, actually it's not Dobe, it's Doob, aka the White Bowser. Unknown_07: Is a PDF Which I'll just read the first sentence Earl doob is a 30 year old autistic man Who's definitely Jewish by the way who lives at his mother's house in Shelby Township, Michigan? Come from the fact he has severe extremely negative traits smugness and the fact he can never shut the fuck up And that he's a lollicon enjoyer Yep Your boy Doobie 0:57:11 Unknown_07: It's Doobay, I guess, and not Doob. Anyways, this guy has a negative opinion about him. Unknown_07: Then he came back with another sign, this guy with some colors. Unknown_07: DSP, you have an addiction. Now this one is very pointed because DSP loves the WWE. He loves gay men, he loves the wrasslin', he loves it when big burly guys in spandex smash and slam each other with the chairs and the bench and all this other shit. He loves the soapbox, he loves the drama. And he loves spending tons and tons of money on what he calls Candy Crush disguised as a wrestling game. 0:57:44 Unknown_07: So this guy holds up a sign that says, DSP, you have an addiction, which DSP might have seen live. Unknown_07: He was identified as Muda Scale, aka James Carlson. And we figured this out, or people figured this out, because he actually posted the pictures of his boards on Twitter. Unknown_07: Turns out he is cursed. He's cursed, of course, obviously, because he's a ginger. That's tragic. I would never wish that disability on anyone. 0:58:24 Unknown_07: Also, he owns a Sonichuan medallion, apparently. Unknown_07: He likes Lola bunny. I think he's like a furry weirdo. He says Lonnie also fucks dogs. Just a reminder Umaga smoking grabba says they get off at fictional animals. I wouldn't be surprised if Lonnie fucks dogs on his spare time and Moody scale says Lee's tell me they're like bipedal like a Lola bunny still weird but not as weird as being into regular animals like my little pony and Unknown_07: Lola Bunny, I mean, who hasn't seen Space Jam? Come on now. Now, MLP, that's fucked up. I'm glad that Mudaskill here is here to lay down the law and delineate between too furry and the right amount of furry. 0:59:00 Unknown_07: This is in response to Bible Black, which is like an infamous rape hentai. I mean, there is regular porn on UMD, even though I admit that's kind of interesting to see hentai on this format. Like a DVD? 0:59:33 Unknown_07: I wanna hear about Korasami OC child I came up with has an interesting thing about her. I don't even know what the fuck that means. Unknown_07: Maybe draw a Korasami kid next? Like their daughter, son, child who's in between non-binary, give yourself a challenge? What the fuck? He's like, Korra is the black girl or tan girl from the Avatar cartoon. I don't know who Sami is. I'm assuming that's another name. So he's like, I want to see like a mixed race anime child, please. I desperately need a fixed mixed race anime child. 1:00:15 Unknown_07: Um, and I don't know. I've never in my life been like, yeah, I want to see the mixed race anime child, her lesbian GF. How would they have a kid explain this? Unknown_07: Flashing his anime knowledge. Listen here. Avatar plays on Cartoon Network. If it's on Cartoon Network, it's not embarrassing. I know. It's another girl. So if it's a lesbian, that doesn't make any fucking sense. If it's a lesbian, how the fuck? That's why he's desperate to see the ship. I need the mixed race lesbian offspring of these two anime characters. 1:00:49 Unknown_07: Is that it? Unknown_07: Is that Korra and Asami? Unknown_07: He really likes them, huh? Most straight guy who collects mostly straight, so a little bit bi, I guess. I guess in that Destiny way where he just really likes sucking dick. Who collects VHS, is a fan of ATL Avatar. 1:01:21 Unknown_07: And L-O-K. Legend of Korra. Ah-ha! Ha! Listen, look here. I know this shit. I know this because of E semicolon R. I'm aware of what these things are. And cute animals. He-him. All for the awesome trans and bi people. Karinj! Karinj! Can we get a Karinj in the chat? Unknown_07: I'm no longer a fan of this guy. He, I don't know. I was, I could, I could think maybe he's, maybe he has some redeeming qualities, but then we got to the cow range chat. Come on now. 1:01:58 Unknown_07: Very sad. And he uses the same email for everything. Applied sexual assault. This neighbor writes rape porn fanfic from the avatar, the last airbender. Unknown_07: Graphic depictions of violence major character death rape non-con implied or reference sexual assault What's the name of it from dusk till dawn, okay There you go, congrats my dude here at some of the dying looks sick looks like he's got tomato sauces for his eyes 1:02:44 Unknown_07: Non-con just means non-consensual. It just means rape. Unknown_07: I don't know what the difference between rape and non-consensual is. I guess there's like an implied violence there, but I don't know. Now we slide right into the DSP segment. Dark Side Phil Unknown_07: was gifted a computer. This computer is apparently very high end. It's a flagship product from whatever he, uh, whatever, uh, website sells this. Um, he was gifted it. Someone paid cash money to send dark side fill this computer, um, which you would assume he would be very grateful for. Right? I mean, imagine how you would feel. 1:03:16 Unknown_07: If some fucking guy just gave you a free computer that was very high end, you'd be like, yay. Thank you. Right. That's how I imagine it would be. Unknown_07: Darkseid Phil, however, is not like an ordinary person. So he gets this computer, and the thing with DSP is that he's not much of a computer guy. He likes mobile phones, he likes console gay men, he does not like PC gay men. 1:03:50 Unknown_07: That's outside of his realm of knowledge. So, but he wants to get with the times. It is 2024 and DarkSidePhil decides, okay, since this guy has just given me a four figure computer that looks awesome, it looks really cool. It's like this weird like cell. it looks like an object in a video game like it would rise out of the ground and have like a smoke machine like making it all foggy it would have like a really loud sci-fi effect as it's like unlocked and then you gotta pull the handle and run away with it because it's like super important and expensive and it's like the objective yeah what i'm trying to say is it looks nice 1:04:43 Unknown_07: So since he gets this really nice looking sci-fi computer, he thinks fuck it. I'll put it together on one stream so Darkside Phil is very interesting to me in that. He has this very explanatory way of describing things he he speaks with a lot of confidence and And he speaks in this way that is very enrapturing, and he speaks as if he is very learned. When he talks and he describes what he intends to do, he sort of enumerates that I'm interested in setting this up, and I know how I'm going to do it. I know how I'm going to put it. I know where I'm going to put it. I know how I'm going to assemble it in such a way that it's the easiest to deal with. And it makes it really makes you feel like, oh, he has an exact place. He has this set up in his mind already. 1:05:18 Unknown_07: He knows exactly what he's going to do. He's done this a million times before, and he's very confident in his ability to do this. Cool. so he explains that how he's going to set it up and then he gets into it he plugs it in and he like he like he just fumbles around with it for a while on the webcam shoot 1:05:55 Unknown_07: Kind of cool looking, right? It's a really nice looking computer. Very fancy. Unknown_07: Definitely something that like a rich dad who works in accounting would buy his son who like loves Fortnite. He's like, ah, my boy loves that Fortnite game. I hear him yelling upstairs with his friends about chicken dinners all the time for his birthday. I'm going to buy him a $12,000 computer. Just walks into the, to like the store and just says like, I want your top-of-the-line gaming computer and like well sir this thing right here has fucking rainbow LEDs on every fucking thing inside of it he's like damn that's the awesome give me that so he buys it and ships it over to his son DSP who's 40 years old who then fumbles with trying to figure out where to place it does eventually get it set up it does start glowing LGB or 1:06:51 Unknown_07: I meant to say RGB for like the rainbow, but I just instinctively, my, my trolley tracks switched over to LGB because of the rainbow. Unknown_07: Um, and then he has tech trouble. He's even timestamped this. He went back and added timestamps to this fucking disaster stream. So you know what's going on. He gets a window set up and that's about as far as he gets immediately recognizes a problem. And the problem is, is that the fucking thing does not connect to the internet. Unknown_07: He plugged it in with the ethernet cable during the fumbling phase and now 25 minutes in he's gotten windows set up He created his account. He's ready to go the fucking thing won't connect to the internet So he doesn't know what to do and his chat is screaming at him to download updated drivers for his ethernet port and one of the funny things that he does is he actually shows he somehow like 1:07:31 Unknown_07: capture cards his offline computer and He's like, I don't even see I don't even see the Ethernet cable for I don't even see the Ethernet port and then someone actually manages to communicate to him that a GBE means gigabyte gigabit Ethernet And then he figures out. Okay. I do have a Ethernet thing for it and Unknown_07: Um, and when people say, you gotta check your router, he refuses. He refuses to even entertain the idea of if this device has connected to his router successfully, because everything else in his computer room is just using Wi-Fi, I guess. Um, but he doesn't even fucking consider it, because he's streaming. And it's like he doesn't think to maybe check to see if that port is disabled or something, or if it's like a MAC address whitelist. Like there are so many things that can happen at the router level to not allow a device internet access. It could be a driver issue, but it could also be a router issue. 1:08:21 Unknown_07: But he's like seething. He's seething. Like just 30 minutes into this, he hits his first frustration and he's like, yuck, yuck, yuck. Well, this is why I fucking hate PC gaming. Thanks a lot. Oh, this is so much better than a console. Like this guy just got a multi-thousand dollar top of the line flagship gaming, pre-assembled everything. Doesn't have to fucking think about it. Plug the fucker in, update the software, Boom good to go, and he's just like angry about it, and he's saying I don't want to fucking do this I don't like using computers, and then it's like that's how he shows that he's grateful for this thing And he's just seething on the stream for like 45 fucking minutes 1:08:57 Unknown_07: And, and I'm just thinking like, all he has to do, it could be a driver issue, but all he has to do to, to, to rule that out is you, and by the way, he was complaining, he was complaining, this was my favorite thing. He was complaining at some point about how he doesn't have USB ports. Motherfucker. I see, I see your universal serial bus controllers. I know that you have multiple, you have at least four, five, 1:09:38 Unknown_07: six, seven, eight. It looks like you have eight, bro. Like I think he's just counting USB ones or something, but then you have at least like three or four in the back. And I guarantee you, you have at least two USB-C controllers. So you can take your phone and you can plug in USB-C to USB-C. You can tether it. And then you will have internet access regardless, like guaranteed. I have never had an issue. 1:10:16 Unknown_07: even with USB one plugins, where a USB phone to computer wifi, um, tethering did not work. That has always worked for me. I've never seen it not work, even on old computers. Um, so he's completely like, I don't know how nobody suggested that you plug in the fucking phone and you're bam, you're good to go. You just then click the little search thing. It updates all your drivers. Everything's fine. But he's like, like just staring at this screen for another 20 minutes. And then one guy tells him to uninstall his driver, like uninstall the device. And he almost does it. He almost uninstalls his ethernet driver just completely for no fucking, like, why would you, why would you think that would work at all? 1:10:47 Unknown_07: Um, Unknown_07: Yeah, it's just crazy. Like you can get internet by just tethering, first of all. And then second of all, check your router, because you probably have a Mac whitelist. Chances are when he was getting DDoS attacked and stuff, and he was like, the guy from Comcast came over and he was like, I want you to make sure that that router is 100% secure, OK? I don't want to get hacked. I don't want to get DDoS attacked. You give that the tightest security settings. that you can give it, okay? And then the guy did, and gave it like a Mac whitelist for all the devices in his room, and he just had to add this fucking thing onto it, and it would work. 1:11:21 Unknown_07: So, yeah, I don't know. It was really, I watched this entire thing, I'm just baffled by it. Like, bro, just plug in your phone. Unknown_07: First things first, tether your phone to it, log onto the internet, update your drivers. If that doesn't work, then check your router. 1:12:05 Unknown_07: I don't know. I don't know. The really interesting thing about Phil is that he's incompetent, okay? Like, yeah, I got that. But it's not just that he's incompetent. There's lots of dumb fucks on the internet who have no issue. You got, like, KingCobraJFS and Bossman who are totally incompetent, but they still manage to get their shit up and running. How is Darkseid Phil less incompetent, or less competent, more incompetent than those people? And I think a huge reason why is that Darkseid Phil doesn't have like an inner circle, like he doesn't have people around him that he trusts, you know, or if he has an issue, He just says, oh, I'll just talk to my friend, who is good with computers, and walk down the checklist of what to do. He just hits a wall. He's at the limit of his very limited knowledge. And then he just starts getting angry and starts pouting and yelling about how much he hates it and complaining that things aren't the way that they should be and that he knows better. It's a really bizarre personality set. I'm just like, how do you not have somebody that you know that can tell you how to tell your phone and check your router whitelist, bro? 1:12:40 Unknown_07: I don't know, I enjoy this video. It's an hour long and it's mostly just him being angry. So I'll play like a minute of it. Like just the last two minutes so you can get a vibe for how this is. But this is like where he's just sitting in silence staring like angry the entire time. And it does like from 20 minutes in once he realizes that doesn't connect. all the way to the end he's just like sitting there with dead air like just like grimacing at his screen as his chat tries to scream sense into him and if anyone in chat wants to try to tell me why he has no friends whatsoever I am genuinely interested how he's reached the age of like 40 something without having a single confidant that he can talk to about simple simple tech issues I really don't know 1:14:00 Unknown_08: I guess I'm just never using this thing. I guess I'm going to return it. Unknown_07: It's lonely at the top. That's a good one. Unknown_08: No one in chat seems to be able to explain what to do of any sound mind, right? Unknown_04: Andy will help him. Andy will figure this out. Andy is the key to all of this. Unknown_04: He's not likeable. That's why he has no friends. 1:14:35 Unknown_04: So, I mean, the dead air felt it. Unknown_07: I love I love this is the best thing I've added to the overlay in the longest time. Unknown_08: All right. So someone basically is telling me I need to download these two certain drivers. They know actually what motherboard this PC has and everything. But I don't know how to install drivers. Unknown_07: Oh, if I get them that's the other thing is that the the chat was trying to tell him like oh Just go to your other computer that does work download the drivers that you need as Installable executables and then port them over by USB and he's like I can't do that I only have two USB ports one in the back and one in the front. It's so awkward. It's such a bad design he even says it's it's like 1:15:16 Unknown_07: Form over function or something like they don't put all the USB ports in the spot that he would prefer them So he's like bad-mouthing the designers of the case, like, the USB spots should be in the front, even though you can see where it's at in his room, and the fucker can walk behind that. If the USB spot was on the underside of the case, he would still be able to access this just fine. For whatever reason, the spots being in the back is really upsetting to him. I don't get it. And then... 1:15:47 Unknown_07: but yeah it's like well i don't know how to do that i don't know how to go to the internet and download drivers but the tethering thing should have been the go-to i don't know how to do it like i don't know how to install it on here and i also have no open usb port to plug in a usb drive because both of those now being used for my usb adapters i guess if i put those inside then i could plug a thumb drive into the front of this pc Unknown_07: He explained when he was showing the USB drives a while ago that one of those USB slots is for his super bougie fighting game controller. He has like one of those game pads that sits in your lap that you can use that's like that's like a perfect stick for fighting games. 1:16:27 Unknown_07: If you're used to like the old console arcade game controls for fighting games, and it's just like you're installing. Drivers all you have to do is get the installer onto the computer and then you can free up that USB slot if you had One slot you would be able to get these files off and then plug back in your mouse But you're complaining that you don't want to unplug your fucking controller unplug the controller that you're not using because you don't have internet access to play your fucking fighting games and then once you've moved the files off of your USB stick plug it back in why is this it's like it's like drug side phil is tasked with the um the the old puzzle of like the the hen the fox and the grain where you have to bring over the hen eats the grain and the fox eats the hen and you can't leave them together but you have to cross all three one at a time across the bridge. You do the chicken, you do the fox, you bring back the chicken, you bring across the grain, you go back alone, bring back the chicken. It's like that. It's like most people in the third grade are exposed to a puzzle of this complexity. that they can then solve and use in the future. I have three things. I don't need to use any of them, but I have to free up a slot. How do I do it? I don't fucking know. I'm going to return it. 1:17:26 Unknown_07: It's broken. I don't need this piece of shit. Unknown_08: This build is so weird because I don't have open USB ports. 1:18:07 Unknown_08: I have to go inside the PC to get open USB ports. So again, style over substance. The style is kind of weird and it makes it harder to do stuff like this. Like sure, if this worked fine, this style would be great, but it's just a major pain right now. Unknown_08: So thank you, $5 tipper. Unknown_04: Let's see what other tips these are. Unknown_04: I'm not doing the IP config stuff, sorry. If it doesn't even connect, it ain't gonna work. 1:18:45 Unknown_07: Oh my God. People are trying to help him when he's angry. Stop trying to help me. I don't want solutions. I want to complain. Unknown_08: All right. Part of it. I'm going to have to use a thumb drive and download drivers onto a thumb drive and somehow load them manually onto this PC. Unknown_07: Somehow. What's also really funny about that is like, if you want to do a complete offline driver update, then yeah, you can do that, but you don't have to do a complete offline driver update. You just need the one. Your update is something wrong with your motherboard, or if you have a network card, you just need to update that. And then if that works, then you can install the rest automatically. You only need the one. But he's acting like he has to install drivers for the entire fucking computer offline. 1:19:20 Unknown_08: That's what I'm being told. Although, luckily someone sent me the information on how to do it, because I would have never figured this out on my own. Like, I don't know what motherboard's in it or whatever, right? Unknown_04: Excuse me. Why do people I Don't know Where's the guy that said this why do people watch this? Unknown_07: I have no fucking idea I have no idea why people I don't think a lot of them do I don't think many people do watch Darkseid Phil anymore I think it's like a lot of hate watchers, but his content is like I 1:20:03 Unknown_07: He has like a handful of people that watch him that he just milks really hard like I think if you look at Darkseid Phil's viewers and His income his viewer to income ratio is probably one of the highest viewer to income ratios of any streamer ever Like he doesn't have many people that watch him But the people that do the dents they're called are some of the most dedicated dents that have ever existed Unknown_07: Okay, that's it. He quits his stream after that and says I'm gonna update my drivers. Unknown_07: Um, cool. Very nice, DarkSidePhil. Unknown_04: Can't wait to see what you do with your cool computer, bro. Unknown_04: Oh, sorry, I wanted to move on from Darkseid Phil, but I can't. Unknown_07: Because guess what? Pei, Pei, Pei, and Andy Warsky have locked in the Kang, the Kang of Hate himself, Darkseid Phil. And a lot of people speculated that PPP bought him that computer. I saw some people who don't know who Pete because if you don't know the Darkseid Phil area the the forum is like a Like a black hole that only people obsessed with Darkseid Phil post into a limited exception So when if he has any interactions with like PPP in the Keno casino, they're just like who? Who are these people? And they're very angry that he's like white knighting them, or that PPP is. Because apparently PPP and Andy had been like hyping him up as a Kang for a long time, and that's like upsetting the Darkseid Phil A-logs. And there's a conspiracy that PayPay paid for Darkseid Phil's fancy new computer that unfortunately is a piece of shit and can't connect to the internet because it's just broken. 1:21:39 Unknown_07: So they have locked in. Unknown_07: He appeared in chat, and that was hype. He apparently said something and praised PPP in his chat. Where's the message at? Here it is. DSP Gaming Real says, because I can see someone saying they're an incel at like 40 years old, but 24, come on. Unknown_07: So I guess they were just talking about incels or whatever, and DSP decided to opine and say like, if you're 24 years old, you can't say that you're an incel. You're just a late bloomer. That's the DSP take on that, I guess. but his appearance in chat was a fucking uh catastrophic event sent shockwaves around the sector that dsp has entered the fray and it's just casually typing in the the keno casino chat um which reminds me that um after this stream uh 7 p.m pacific daylight time which i think is 10 p.m eastern and 1:22:21 Unknown_07: What would that be, like 2am UK time? 1:22:58 Unknown_07: So if you're interested in that, they're doing an interview with him tonight! Unknown_07: Yes, tonight. Unknown_07: I would raid them, but I don't think they'll be live. If they're live, I'll raid them, but I think that they're starting to interview VSP. Unknown_04: Cool. Unknown_04: That's that. Unknown_07: Now, there is a Riketa update. Unknown_07: Actually, there might have been more Riketa updates than I have slotted up. Let me check real quick. I want to say that I had something else. 1:23:37 Unknown_04: I did. Sorry, let me get back to that real quick. Unknown_04: Okay, so here's a summary of Riketa's happenings, courtesy of Autistic Right. Unknown_07: There was a interesting new matter of public record attached, which has become a meme. And there was a transcript attached to that. Did I read this? No, I didn't. I was on Sunday. Unknown_07: So there was a hearing on the 6th of June. Unknown_07: April M. Holt took the stand in defense of Rakeda. So Rakeda still has her down on lock as of June 6th. 1:24:13 Unknown_07: The cops had a warrant. They found cocaine, firearms, ammunition, and ketamine. Unknown_07: The police testified that Rakeda's household was disgusting. The people testified that they had to step over dirty clothes in order to navigate around his house. So they described it as a disgusting place to be. 1:24:47 Unknown_04: Um... Let's see... Unknown_07: We already knew that the second youngest was eight and then turned nine, like right after tested positive for cocaine at the cutoff. Unknown_07: Rakeda yelled objection instead of his own attorney. And the reason why he objected is because they had a toxicology report and Rakeda objected to someone who was not a toxicologist reading and interpreting the numbers. So the whole thing that says, Uh, the eight year old had cocaine in her system at 5,000 picograms per milligram, uh, 10 times the cutoff. He said, objection, objection. I need a true toxicologist to tell me that 5,000 is greater than 500 and 500 is greater than zero, uh, objection. And, uh, I think the judge even said something snarky, like, uh, are you his attorney or is he representing himself? Cause he kept like interrupting the judge at some point. 1:25:22 Unknown_07: Alicia Sweep, who has the funniest name in the case, said that it's the consequence of our actions while hugging her oldest son. So Alicia Sweep testified that Rekheda's wife said this to her oldest son. 1:26:02 Unknown_07: The foster care parents, apparently the kids are divvied up. No one person can handle all five kids. So the grandparents on both Rekheda's side and Kayla's side have taken custody of some of the kids. Unknown_07: Um... Unknown_07: They were required to take substance awareness training. And the purpose of this is that they are not educating them on anything except how to recognize intoxication, because they're instructed to not allow Rakedas to see their kids unless they're sober as part of the custody hearing. And they have to take, in order to be the custodian of the kids, they have to undergo a awareness training program so that they can see the signs of inebriation. This is what, this person looks like drunk. 1:26:45 Unknown_07: This is how a person talks when high on cocaine, and so on and so forth, so that they can say, you're not allowed to see the kids, you're not in a good state of mind right now. Unknown_07: The County Ohio County Health and Human Services asked for hair follicle tests from Baldo and Kayla. Unknown_07: And they said no. So I don't think they had a requirement that they had to do this. I'm not sure what the technicality is, but plainly the state was not pleased by this. 1:27:28 Unknown_07: They said that they will have to do usage assessments to maintain visitation rights of their kids. Unknown_07: Um, and when Alicia sweep, the CPS woman was touring their house, she was denied access to his bedroom. Um, and Ricada has repeatedly testified that, um, Unknown_07: Alicia sweep is lying under oath about this and from what I understand I could be wrong When she was in the house, he he allowed her into the house to to see it She's as a Senate as a CPS lady. She can't apparently cannot force her way into the house It's not a warrant. It's not a police officer, but they wanted to see that the children and assess their living condition and Alicia Sleep wants to do a tour of the house. He allows her through the house and her testimony is the one about how There were clothes and shit just all over the place and it was hard to walk on without stepping on something and she asked to see their bedroom and Rikada said no and 1:28:15 Unknown_07: um alicia sweep testified that she was denied access to her bedroom and ricketa has on stream like the day after he got out of jail and did like a stream he said that she lied under oath because she asked to see it 1:29:00 Unknown_07: And he said no, but he didn't like physically block her from entering the room. So he's saying that she's misrepresenting that she was denied access because he didn't like physically force her to not access his bedroom. Unknown_07: So he's he's accusing her of of false testimony, which is important because of a thing I'll get to in a second. Unknown_07: I made a statement last stream which I'm sure he heard because it got clipped to Alyssa clips shout out who I think he watches every single thing about him that gets posted to Alyssa clips his channel and one of the things that I said repeatedly was that I would accept an affidavit for Makeda to consent to the release of the body cam footage which requires either a to be released into evidence or B a 1:29:47 Unknown_07: to have one of the parties involved, any of them, it could be one of the state people, but that's a hard ask, or any of the people present to consent. Unknown_07: I explained this before, April, Kayla, and Rakeda could all consent to the release of the footage from the government. Unknown_07: They do not. Unknown_07: Rakeda messaged me on Signal. He gave me the Baldo signal and sent me a missive about his statements. And his statement was that he petitioned the Chips case, the child custody case, to be sealed. And because it is sealed, if he were to consent to the release of the body cam footage, that would look really bad for him. Especially if it was for the Kiwi farms because we're a Nazi doxing murder site or something and he said that He would the footage would exonerate him but the layout of the house having a layout of the house be on the internet would just show the court how how reckless he is with the well-being of his children and Not to say that the fucking layout of the house isn't on Zillow, which it was, that you can't get the layout of the house from public records, which you can, and not to say that having your child test positive for cocaine is reckless endangerment, because that also is. 1:30:30 Unknown_07: And then he also went on to say that I fled the U.S. for unknown reasons, and also that the Kiwi farms was a bunch of lolly avatars. So I don't know what he's implying there. It was a kind of ridiculous statement, and I just let it slide. 1:31:24 Unknown_07: Actually, I didn't. In my reply to him, I was pretty fucking hostile, and I said, you know, it's not my fault that this happened to you. I didn't put cocaine in your room. I didn't have the hot wife over. I didn't expose your kids to cocaine. You did that. And then he got snippy or whatever. He does this really annoying thing in messages where he says, peace, like peace. He does like a monologue. It's been like three or four very, very long messages and says peace. And then I'll reply. And then he has to get the last word. So he just replies back. It's like, I thought you were done, bro. You said peace. 1:31:55 Unknown_07: Um, I don't know. He's just, he's just such like an aggressive dickhead. Now it's unbelievable. Unknown_07: Um, but not to take, uh, anything on the chin. Unknown_07: Today was the day, chat. Unknown_07: Now comes Joshua Moon. Pursuant to general practice rule 4-2-4-0-2-D and other authorities cited herein and moves for the permission to audio and video record all future proceedings in this matter, a broadcast and dissemination of these proceedings to the public at large. Rakeda's omnibus hearing is on the 28th of August, and Hardin has put together this lovely 10-page basically kind of an intervention in Rakeda's criminal case to say it should be public. And there are quite a good number of reasons why it should be public. 1:32:33 Unknown_07: Not least of which is that we have six affidavits from various journalists and attorneys across the great country of the United States. Unknown_07: In particular, Sean signed an affidavit for us. I think Legal Mindset also signed an affidavit for us. Unknown_07: The documents are in the thread right here if you want to go through and see everyone who signed it. There was a couple people who were just like, you know, fans of Rakela who signed it out of nowhere because I put out the message on Zitter while I still had it. But Sean in particular went out of his way. I went out of my way to sign an affidavit saying that I would be interested. 1:33:25 Unknown_07: And in audition, by the way, the same day, and this is why we were held up on this is that, uh, there is a prior post. I can find it where. Unknown_07: Oh, by the way, don't look at that. That's my really shitty handwriting. There's a story behind that. And it's funny. So I'm going to keep it for a rainy day. Unknown_07: Uh, right before. 1:34:00 Unknown_07: This happened. We had just received something, one of our requests, this was sent on a thumb drive and we had to wait for it to arrive in the fucking mail in the district of Columbia. And what it is, is a 30, it's actually 128 megabytes of files. Um, Unknown_07: This is a list of all FOIA requests. It has a different name in Minnesota, but it's basically just the FOIA. It's a list of all FOIA requests made to Kandiyohi County asking for the footage. This is 578 pages. A lot of it's duplicates, but there are a lot of journalists. There's journalists from the UK. There's a true crime lady in Connecticut. EWU, by the way, I've made fun of EWU on the podcast for the let's new EWU crew today. We have a truly Truly disgusting case of child neglect that will send a chill down or spine a once prominent youtuber by the name of Nicholas Rakeda is High, with 100,000 concurrent live viewers, was now high on cocaine. As was his child. EWU, EWU Story Timer, EWU Media. It's EWU Media. 1:35:07 Unknown_07: Asked for the ricketa footage and for his arrest records and documents So there were a couple and they have a 5.8 million subscriber channel on YouTube They were the most prominent person in this but there are also a couple Journalists and stuff too. So these all ended up in the report at the last second. We said we have all this interest in the case that bolsters our claim and This is my this is my cheekiness. This is a cheeky not to say that it's not true, but it is cheeky chat and 1:35:42 Unknown_07: Rikeda, the defendant, has stated that all trials should be televised to protect the integrity of judicial proceedings in American democracy more generally. Mr. Ikeda since his release has alleged that Kandiyohi County and its employees have committed a grave injustice against him, alleging by name that a child children's services supervisor from the Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services, Alicia Sleep, lied under oath to harm his case. Unknown_07: Um, and I cannot, I cannot click that. Hold up. Give me a second. It's funny. So I'm going to find it real quick. Unknown_04: Um, I think it's one of the last ones. 1:36:23 Unknown_04: If not, oh, it's also on my profile. So I'll just go to my profile real quick. Unknown_04: And then it's at 900 seconds. So right here. Unknown_04: Actually, I can just type it. Charges will be dealt with in course. Unknown_07: Oh, 1549. Unknown_07: Many of you are saying about- You're trying to do math like a fucking retard. 1:36:57 Unknown_10: When you do take a moment and you work with government, and you can find this in the recently leaked documents, and you cooperate by, say, asking them to come into your home, Unknown_10: They will lie under oath to the judge. That's right, Alicia Sweep. Unknown_10: They will lie under oath to the judge. Unknown_10: They will fabricate a situation that did not occur. They will lie about your willingness to cooperate. Unknown_10: They will lie about things that you said. Unknown_10: They will generate statements said by other people out of nothing because I was there and that wasn't said. 1:37:54 Unknown_07: So, chat. It will violate the rules of evidence. Unknown_07: Vote one, if you believe that the Rakeda hearing should be public to protect Rakeda from Alicia's sleep. Can we get vote two, if you don't think that the hearing should be public and he has nothing to worry about. I think, I mean, just from that, what I just heard right there, that's pretty clear. You know, it may not be a grand criminal conspiracy, but he is alleging in a way Unknown_07: that this woman conspired against him and lied under oath to disadvantage him in court proceedings, what you could call malfeasance in a legal sense. Pretty dire, Chad. I don't think anyone should be subjected to government malfeasance, and I think that if the government is being malfeasant, 1:38:34 Unknown_07: the public must step up and hold them accountable chat, which is why, uh, we are 105 votes for yes, 110 votes for yes, and three votes for no. One of the most slam dunk votes polls ever. I can't believe it. 97.4%. Yes. I think that's a resounding answer. Kandiyohi County take notice. 1:39:07 Unknown_07: Um, and then a lot of this is just, Unknown_07: The technicalities because he goes over the the precedent for this. This is something that we can actually legally do Here's why we can do it but in particular I'll just read the last of that paragraph Permitting mr. Moon to record these proceedings and broadcast them via audio-visual means will ensure the interest of all involved are protected including mr. Cato's Due to the magnitude of interest in attending these proceedings. It is likely physically impossible for all interested to attend these proceedings and without technological assistance. Public access to these proceedings via electronic means will promote transparency, educate the public, and have a salutary effect on all involved." I personally would have more trust in my government if I could see the proceedings chat. 1:39:45 Unknown_07: There you go. You can read the entire thing on the forum, as well as the binder in case you want to see who else wrote in the message. Interestingly enough, my thing as well shows up as a... our thing shows up as well. Unknown_04: Um, so it was me asking for help real quick. Unknown_07: That's how I'm making fun of my signature. And then finally Kayla was offered a plea deal at the last second. 1:40:24 Unknown_07: I don't think the details of the plea deal are known yet. So Who knows what it is that they're offering her they might be going easy on her or you know It could be anything a plea deal can really be almost anything as long as it's within the bounds of the law. So Who knows who knows what they're trying to do what kind of evil government malfeasance type thing situation type deals will be going on Probably should feature that, huh? Unknown_04: I will, actually. 1:40:58 Unknown_04: I'll do it like this, Rikedo. Unknown_07: I, wait. Unknown_07: Should I say I? I don't wanna have, because it's the feature tag one. If I say I, any mod can feature it. I don't wanna say Joshua Moon, because that's me. That's a weird, that's a weird way. I'll say we, royal we, including YouChat. We have submitted to Kandiyo. Unknown_07: She. Unknown_07: Candy, Ohio County, a request to make or Kate is on the bus hearing on the 28th public by live stream. 1:41:39 Unknown_07: Technically, I guess it could be any kind of audio visual recording, but I'll say live stream. Unknown_04: We chat. We, we. Unknown_07: I'm sure Ricardo will be thrilled. Unknown_07: Um, I can't, by the way, there's a, there's a really STEMI quote in this. Um, I wonder if I can find just real quick because I'm feeling snippy, snippy, snappy. Um, there was one from Sean. Unknown_04: Nope. Let's harden Robert Schilling. That is definitely not Sean. 1:42:16 Unknown_04: Jacob Maffie Ray Pierce where's Sean? Sean! Sean! Unknown_07: Sean, there he is, Sean. I think he says, I am a lowercase I, internet journalist, throw this out. He fucked it up. I can't believe it. Attorney licensed in the state of Ohio. I'm an internet journalist, commentator on legal issues and frequently appear in videos. 1:42:51 Unknown_07: I have been closely following and covering the above Caption case that was filed against defendant during my coverage of the case I have it covered average so far 5,000 off tooting his own horn there on my youtube channel under that name with approximately a hundred Thousand additional viewers able to watch my videos at later times Unknown_07: I desire to attend all proceedings in the above-captioned criminal case. Unknown_07: I believe my audience is also interested in the proceedings of this matter. The interests I share with my audience is a matter in large part due to the defendant Nicholas Ricada, and as serious as a legal commentator himself. 1:43:28 Unknown_07: Talks about the Amber Heard thing. I think I even mentioned in my thing, I include this, I don't know if, what's his face, if Harding kept it in. I did say that he was even included in the Depp v. Heard Netflix documentary. Unknown_04: I support the petition of Joshua Moon. That's very nice. Unknown_04: I want to say there's a part of this. Unknown_04: Yeah, no, it doesn't include the bit that I thought just, yeah, he, he wrote his own, by the way, we handed out a, um, a template to people who would be interested. 1:44:08 Unknown_07: And I want to say he's the only one that like just completely rewrote his thing. Besides me, of course, I am an adult, technically incompetent, technically to set testify. I'm a sole member, blah, blah, blah. Here's my website at that ST the Kiwi farms. Of course it's an uppercase I internet forum chat. Unknown_07: Um, this is over the years. I have personally appeared, I guess I should read mine. I forgot what I wrote. It's been so long. I have personally appeared on stream with Mr. Akita multiple times to discuss my website and other newsworthy events he was covering at that time because of my deep and longstanding interest in Mr. Akita in the, in that, in the interest that is shared by local LLC and its customers. 1:44:50 Unknown_07: That's weird. I don't know why I called you guys customers. I mean, I guess you are. Technically, you guys are my customers shot. I desire to attend all proceedings in the above captioned criminal case in Kenny Ohio County and to comment on such proceedings. Unknown_07: I suspect that those who use Kiwi Farms would benefit from my commentary and would be interested in these proceedings in Mr. Akita's response to the current charges, which he faces. Mr. Akita previously commented upon trials and broadcast his commentary on various social media platforms. Notable trials, which Mr. Akita included, Rittenhouse, Shepty Heard, 1:45:21 Unknown_07: Um, this, this is the one that I wanted to find. Mr. Rikeda has always expressed a healthy skepticism of the government. In a live stream Mr. Rikeda shared on YouTube on June 19th, 2024, Mr. Rikeda spoke to a live audience of 6,000 viewers for the first time since his arrest. In that live stream, he outlined parts of his defense alleging broad government malfeasance and directly accusing a state social worker named Alicia Sweep of lying under oath specifically to deprive him of parental rights. In the past, Mr. Rikeda had advocated that all trials be made public, With recent allegations of state and local government conspiracy against him, it would be an immense benefit to the public trust for criminal proceedings against Mr. Arcata to be made public to the greatest extent possible under law. 1:46:01 Unknown_07: It would be difficult for me to travel to Minnesota to view these proceedings, and even if I and others who are interested did make the trip to Minnesota, it is unlikely that all the interested individuals be able to physically fit in the courtroom. I mean, just me and Sean would fill that fucker out. We got to make some space here. We got to throw some benches out if we want to fit more people in. Unknown_07: On information and belief, it would be equally difficult or even more difficult for those who wish to view the trial and my commentary upon it to travel to Minnesota to view the proceedings personally. Unknown_07: to demonstrate the broad interest in the proceedings, I asked people who are interested in attending the trial to sign a petition online. This petition received over a thousand signatures within hours and currently sits at 2,369. We're gonna fill this in like the first week, by the way, but I just capped it off early. This is representing only a small intersection of interest between our audiences. The true size of interest in the charges against Mr. Ikeda is magnitudes larger, but it would be impossible for even 2,000 people to personally attend these proceedings due to the size of the courtroom and the inability of the court to accommodate so many people without disrupting its operations. 1:46:47 Unknown_07: I ask that the court permit me to access these proceedings via audio and video means. And I believe that if my request is granted, it will facilitate thousands of people attending these proceedings. Unknown_07: Um, so what that means finally, in conclusion, chat is that if granted. 1:47:23 Unknown_07: The court kind of has its choice of how it chooses to do things. The smart is an easiest thing for it to do. Um, cause I think they already have their own system is to simply live stream it like on YouTube or something. They probably have the capacity to do that if they don't. Unknown_07: If push really comes to shove and they're like, okay, fine, you can live stream it, but you got to do it yourself. We're fucking busy. You got to come in here and you got to set up the shit. I might have to figure out who the fuck I'm going to send. I'm going to have to select a champion of the Kiwi farms to go forth and conduct audio visual recordings on my behest. 1:48:05 Unknown_07: Um, Now, there's a couple names. I already mentioned Aaron Imholt. He already agreed that he would testify. Or not testify. Unknown_07: He would do the recording. Someone said that not to do him, because he's bad at it. He's not good at setting up the camera and shit, so. Unknown_07: Medokur was nominated by his fans to be my champion, to roll in with the highest quality, high fidelity camera possible. Maybe Jade can help set that up. That would be a good pick as well. 1:48:37 Unknown_07: I think Sean even Unknown_07: personally said he would go and attend. There was somebody who was really nearby, I think it might have even been Sean, who said that he would fly out to fucking the middle of nowhere, Minnesota, to record the hearing. So I'm just saying this is like several steps removed. This is if it gets approved. And also they say you got to do it yourself, fuck you. Unknown_07: If that happens, then it's like, okay, now we got some crunch time. Who are we going to send? Maybe we could send Alyssa. You think Alyssa will do it? If I pay for her plane and send her out to... 1:49:11 Unknown_07: That's the funniest one, I think. Because I think it would really piss Rikedo off if it was Alyssa Clips in the courtroom. Unknown_07: She might even do it, too. Then I'd be able to swing it. God, that is funny. That's a funny thought, actually. I like that. Unknown_07: All right, we have some, what I'm saying is we got some options yet. Well, maybe it'll be, this'll be the final battle of Jim's Rivalry. We'll send Jim, Melissa Clips, and Sean, and Aaron, and then a bunch of people will show up, like Ralph decides, what do you mean? What do you think you mean, sending a woman in to do a man's job? Boy, I'm flying up there with my camera, and this is gonna be a Kiel Stream exclusive. And of course, Ralph showing up in Minnesota, that's right next to fucking Canada. So then you got PPP and Andy Worsky coming down and it'll just snowball like that. More and more people will show up to the Kennedy Ohio County, completely defeating the purpose of the filing to open the case. Obviously that's hyperbole. It will be a orderly production and no disruption to the trial will occur. I'm speaking, uh, speaking from a comedic standpoint. 1:50:23 Unknown_04: Nice! Thank you, Ricardo, for your contributions. Unknown_07: Now, the other Nick is up to no good as well. Unknown_07: Even I, the Doomer Boomer himself, has taken a... I fucked up this entire... I have to restart the stream chat. Or I have to take this from the beginning. I forgot the background. I fucked it up again. I left it on the Gumroad video. I left it on the entire stream... It's fucking ruined! It's fucking ruined! I'm deleting the footage! It's all wrong! It's all wrong, chat. 1:50:55 Unknown_07: Um, uh, cool. Okay. Yeah. Fuentes, sorry. Completely, completely my brain fried. Nick, Alish J, Fuentes. Um, his response to the UK race war is a little bit weird. He comes out and he says on Zitter, Unknown_07: Another wave of astroturfed anti-Muslim sentiment right before the Muslim false flags that bring us to war against Iran and ISIS. Textbook, my prediction, zero deportations, two more wars for Israel. 1:51:37 Unknown_07: And then he went on Telegram and reiterated this. October 7th, false flag. Frat bro uprising, false flag. Iranian president death, false flag. Trump assassination, false flag. Golan Heights attack, false flag. Anti-Muslim UK riots, totally organic. And this has a massive ratio of 1,000 to 200, 280, in terms of dislikes to likes on his own post, which is enormous. Unknown_07: Nick's people are usually gimps, and they would just agree to whatever. 1:52:12 Unknown_07: I think, I honestly don't know what he's going for. What is it with the right and simping for Muslims? I guess they think that the pedophile thing is really base. They're like, damn, I wish I could fucking nine-year-old. Maybe I'll, I'm gonna convert to Islam. Al-Akbar, I'm not joking here. I'm gonna convert to Islam. What do you mean you got nine-year-olds? Not only nine-year-olds, but 72 nine-year-olds? Oh my God. That's a dream come true for the Catboys. Unknown_07: So I just don't fucking get it. The other thing is that apparently the riots are being blamed on Tommy Robinson. Tommy Robinson was arrested and then he fled the country. He's currently in Cyprus. And I don't think Cyprus has an extradition treaty with the UK or it doesn't for matters of speech. So he's just kind of chilling out in the glorious Mediterranean, soaking in the sun, getting all that vitamin D you can't get in the UK. And they're just kind of blaming it on him. But then the right doesn't like him either, because I think he's Jewish, or he's at least very pro-Israel. 1:52:46 Unknown_07: Um, so even Nigel Farage has like denounced Tommy Robinson and then, uh, the right, the far right, the actual far right, like Nick Fuentes is apparently like not keen on him either. So, uh, I don't know the nitty gritty of this, but. 1:53:30 Unknown_07: Um, I don't know how you can look at things like the boomers just saying, we don't want any more immigrants and be like, that's a bad thing. I don't support that. I want the government to crush them. Like who's side are you on Nicholas? Who are you rooting for? The guys that worship a pedophile or, or the, the progenitors of American culture. Uh, you know, I don't like English obviously, but. Unknown_07: I don't know. It's kind of hard to look at this and be like, well, they're, they're in the wrong. Kind of stupid. I think. 1:54:07 Unknown_07: Finally, this is a Matt at the internet stream. So there is an obligatory topic that I must touch on whenever possible. And that is of course, Ethan Ralph of the kill stream. Ethan has had a eventful weekend, um, capstoned by his adventures to go see his son. Unknown_07: Zanda. Zanda is in San Diego, and that is very far away from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. So Ethan Ralph is on a bit of an adventure. But before he does that, he wants to imitate the man at the internet stream just a little bit more. His fiber connection got knocked out, so he said, fuck it. And he went and got a Starlink. 1:54:37 Unknown_07: So Ethan went out and bought a Starlink. He bought a cheap one though. He didn't get like a business dishy. He didn't get the business connection. He got like the basic bitch connection, which apparently you can get at a discount in Mexico. You get like different prices for your plan there. So he got like the basic bitch Starlink and it's like, look, I'm, I'm just like that Josh Moon. I got connected to the internet by a satellite. I love you Elon Musk. I love you so much. 1:55:12 Unknown_07: Um, and then, 270 people, 170 people watching him unbox that dishy. Unknown_07: That's why you got the basic one. Unknown_07: Sorry, that's that's smug. I'm smug posting. Unknown_07: But that's, that's the least of his worries. Okay. He has a real mission. Setting up a star link is, is just the bottom. It's just the baseline of what he's trying to accomplish. Well, what he's trying to accomplish is to see his son and nothing. And I mean, nothing is going to get in the way of Ethan Ralph seeing Xander, um, except his own sobriety, perhaps because he gets to Mexico and then he says, 1:55:48 Unknown_07: I will never fly Aeromexico again, nor use the main airport Benito Juarez in Mexico City ever again. I'm filing a charge back against these thieves and we'll see where it goes. Maybe nowhere, but I'm doing it anyway. And it continues. These airport faggots act like they're the fucking police. Post wrong times for flight then blame it on you and don't let you board the second flight for no reason. Flashlight cops was the term. They're the power-hungry fags and they're racist too. Fuck them all. At Aeromexico. Aeromexico replies and says, hello, please share more information. I can't do Mexican. How am I gonna return to the US if I can't do a racist Mexican accent chat? Hello, please. 1:56:32 Unknown_07: I have to look myself in the mirror and do this. Please share more information with us via DM so we can help you. Twitch Ralph replies and says, You left me stranded and missed my first visit with my son, which is the only reason I came. Then told me to call customer service in the middle of a customer service center. I ripped up the second ticket and I told the guy to SUG. MUH. DIG. And threw it in his face. Literally. US of Hague. 1:57:13 Unknown_07: Oh, and now you care because my racism allegation you absolutely were racist. There's a lovely picture, I think, right below this. Oh, wait, there's more. Unknown_07: Viva Aerobus, who I used to criticize, have never had the gal to treat me like Aeromexico. I missed a flat with my son that I paid for, by the way, complete, but it's beside the point. So these flashlight 1:57:54 Unknown_07: Bro, your auto-correct is getting kind of sussy, uh, Ralph. These fleshlock cops can try 2.B, dominate. I have never, I have gotten arrested for what I said back to them in the US, so small Mexico victory. Unknown_07: I guess he said he was going to kill them or something. Unknown_07: Um, so based off his, uh, adequacy at typing, I'm going to assume that he's not completely sober. Unknown_07: Um, and then there's a little thing. This is me making fun of him for being incompetent. The little thing, there it is. Oh, bam. Beautiful. 1:58:31 Unknown_07: And interest says, I miss my flock cause I'm a sloppy drunk and you won't pay for a rebooking. Give me the manager. You racist. This is probably more accurate than, uh, than Ralph's recount, but I don't think he would admit that. That doesn't sound as bad-ass. Unknown_07: to Ethan Ralph on a clandestine journey to visit his son, unable to be dissuaded. Where the fuck is the next one? 1:59:07 Unknown_07: Um, fuck, I'm gonna have to scan. I thought I picked this up and I fucked it up. Unknown_07: Thank God. Oh, sorry. Should I read my own post? Oh no, wait, this is a below the actual alert, by the way. He, um, Unknown_07: He said that he was in, oh, wait here. Okay. So he was stuck in Tijuana and he, uh, eventually did get to see his son Zanda, but he arrived more than an hour late. He said he had a shortened visit with Xander 65 mend instead of two hours. I was late because I basically had to use Mexican coyotes to help me skip the longer line. 1:59:39 Unknown_07: Wonderful visit though. And he actually called me daddy this time, which made me tear up. No confirmations. So he saw his son and was in cried. Unknown_07: And, um, and that's his, he's alleging that he, as an American citizen had to use illegal trafficking people to get across the border expeditiously, which is just preposterous. Um, so I will, I will read you my fanfic from the fanfic farm was ready. 2:00:20 Unknown_07: So there I was. The grandfather of my son, Xander, had called in the hit. Aeromexico was on the lookout and the second they saw me they had cooked up any ol' excuse to boot me off the plane. Unknown_07: Time was working against me. A staggering 4-5 minute drive to San Diego, I had to think fast on how to cross the border. Stumbling from the airport, I solicited the greasiest wetbacks I could find in the area for help. They warned me the trip was fraught with dangers. The border was locked up tighter than a Catholic chica's chastity belt. They wanted mucho dinero, but luckily I was internet famous with hundreds of thousands of dollars to my name, which they had heard of. Three of the men died on the way, one to thirst, the other to moat gators, the third to a border guard sniper. The last didn't care. He was MS-13 and knew that the fewer men meant a bigger share of my American dollarinos. Me and the hombre, I didn't have time to learn his name, being in such a hurry, parted ways. He told me he was a big fan of the Keogh stream and he wished me luck fighting the American family court system. I nodded at him in the understated way only two men can. I arrived there a mere 115 minutes late, caked in dirt and sweat. They were already getting to leave and I told that bitch to shut the fuck down because I was getting my five minutes. There he was. Zanned. I hugged him and I told him, I love you son. He looked at me and cried. Tears of joy. Thankfully, the trip back was much less perilous. I had arrived with only the bare essentials. My man purse had my phone, wallet, cash and credit and my American passport. I flew American the way back to the Yucatan. Another great day to be a Ralph. 2:02:11 Unknown_07: Then everybody clapped. Bravo, bravissimo. The things that Ethan Ralph does to see his son. That's true dedication. What a real man. Uh, everyone, everyone knows that a real man knocks up a BPD whore who gets sent to a mental hospital after fucking you. And then you see your son for approximately 55 minutes every three months because you're too, you're too much of a fuck up, lush pill popping junkie piece of shit. to make a fucking flight. You know how the flight from Yucatan to San Diego, what is that, like a six hour flight, tops? 2:02:51 Unknown_07: Can't do it. Unknown_07: So he's planning, he's made it back, he's showing off the claw. Check out my claw, I got five fingers still, I know it's impressive, having dug my way through the tunnels, underground the border fence to get to my son Zandom. Unknown_07: I did manage to keep on my fingies. Unknown_07: He's moving to Tijuana now. And you might be thinking, isn't Tijuana one of the most dangerous cities in the entire world? Yes, it is. It is one of the most dangerous cities in the entire world. Yes. American tourists do get decapitated there. Yes, that happens. 2:03:26 Unknown_07: However, Ralph, of course, is a top dog and he is going to live in the city center, the most expensive area where it's safe for white people. That's his stated plan. Unknown_07: Of course, wish Mr. Ralph luck in reuniting with his son. Unknown_07: Um, and that's the Ralph segment. 2:03:59 Unknown_07: Next the Reddit segment, but Josh, you think this is not the Reddit segment. What are you doing? This is a true blue news article about a anti-Christian Reddit group, which falsely reported a family to Christian service or child services and DeSantis. My governor says that will not stand. So I'm just going to read you the Reddit posts and this news article. Unknown_07: Uh, so this is in. Unknown_07: Uh, Fundy snark uncensored. So when you see snark in a subreddit, that means that they're the Kiwi farms. And when you see uncensored in the subreddit name snark uncensored, that means that they're the Kiwi farms, but they allow you to just outright harass and fuck with people endlessly. That's what that means. So Reddit consistently. has subreddits entirely dedicated to just fucking with somebody, like, unabashedly, yeah, I'm gonna go call social services, I'm gonna call the police, I door-dash this guy, shit, um, just so on and so forth, and then we are the ones that catch all the flack while Reddit profits immensely off of us, just, uh, as a recap. 2:04:37 Unknown_07: This is TimeTonight3631 saying, I've identified their current location and I'm reporting to Florida Abuse Hotline. Imaginary Cow says, you are a saint. I was really hoping someone would do this. These are all heavily upvoted, by the way. I sincerely hope something is done. My hopes aren't that high, but this makes me sick to watch. I don't want to accidentally dox a newborn, but if anyone else wants to report DM me, I'll send you their current location. What pissed them off? 2:05:17 Unknown_04: It's a self-described group criticizing fundamentalist Christianity There are eight kids they were camping 2:05:55 Unknown_07: Okay, I really wish that let's see. Let's continue reading chat. Let's see. This woman is fucked in the head. Does anyone know where her where they are currently parked? Can someone compile a list and photo and video evidence of neglect and forward to the police and CPS? I have no idea where these motherfuckers are, but if they think the Big Bet government is scary, I am all for confirming their delusions on that. 55 up votes. I know exactly where they are. Unknown_07: I spoke to someone making a report and told basically nothing would happen as the children seem clean and well fed. The system is just overloaded with cases so much more egregious than this, but every day that passes I'm chewing my nails because these children just seem neglected. I hate it. I feel so hopeless. A random person on the internet making a report will do nothing. I witnessed the neglect and abuse of a child two years old. 2:06:27 Unknown_07: Um, my next door neighbor, while I was living in Florida, what these morons do doesn't rise to the level of endangerment which triggers social services. What are they doing though? I would happily participate that this is fucking disgusting. She knows exactly what she's doing too. Unknown_04: Um. 2:07:05 Unknown_07: When DCF contacted the family, it quoted verbatim a comment on one of the family photos as the basis for the investigation, even using the same terms of jaundice, lethargy, and sunburn, according to a synopsis of the Family Freedom Protection Project. Unknown_04: Uh... Unknown_07: So were they like just camping? It was just like a large Christian family camping. And because they looked tanned because they were outside in the sunlight, the Fundy Snark subreddit was like, fuck these people, let's report them. I'm going to read the intro paragraphs because I may have missed something. A Christian family camping in Florida was the target of false reports. So that's what it was. They were just camping. 2:07:52 Unknown_07: Their story began a few weeks after Britney gained birth to their eighth daughter. Unknown_07: Florida's Voice reported Britney told the outlet she received a message online claiming that her child was suffering from severe jaundice, severe sunburn, and lethargy. Britney deleted the message and blocked the sender. Unknown_07: So she gave birth while camping, I guess? She had like a natural birth and they said, oh, that's, that's, that's abuse. Unknown_07: Let's hear more, um, from, I guess the Christian Snarks are written. Unknown_07: These pro-life types sure seem to do everything they can to endanger their child's life, says a black person. Most of the time, Father Susbus is on the run trying to avoid his family. Suddenly he's involved in participating in their stupid reels. Guess we'll know what his fetish is. 2:08:29 Unknown_07: Her mouth looks like a butthole. Suits her, because she opens her mouth and shit skews out. Unknown_07: The wrinkles around her lips make her look like a 20-year, pack-a-day smoker. Unknown_07: Or maybe she just makes the cat butt face too often. If she has lines around her, her lips like that, she probably just has sun damage to her skin. Cause she's apparently they're campers. So, uh, yeah, that's how you get wrinkles. 2:09:05 Unknown_07: I hate this reality so much. They took my report and asked lots of questions. At least I get it, but I hate it. They're upset that the government isn't going to crush these people for camping. Unknown_07: Dude, Redditors, you cannot hate Redditors enough. I already read that one. Unknown_07: Is there not a way to report them to CPS? Unknown_07: At what point do people get out their triangulation skills and present the police with the shit that has been going down in that bus and relentlessly report every single time they stop? I know that is against the rules and would not advocate for it, but probably goddamn those kids are going to be permanently traumatized from this upbringing. This is child abuse. 2:09:44 Unknown_04: I don't get it. I really don't understand what they're so upset about. Unknown_07: So because I know exactly where they are, I looked at the making report unofficially. I showed this in many other videos as someone who would have, had we been in a professional setting and not hanging out in the ball field, uh, taking said report, she said basically nothing would happen. Kids seem happy, clean and well-fed. Unknown_07: Parents do occasionally post about schooling, so they would probably be able to prove to de facts satisfaction that the kids were being educated. They have so many wildly egregious cases on their books. So they literally, it's just a family of eight, including a newborn, living out of a camper van, camping continuously, and they do education out of the van, and that's what they're upset about. 2:10:18 Unknown_07: I don't understand. Unknown_07: It's definitely sunburned, unfortunately. She's had him at the beach all week in his face directly in the sun. I thought it was neglectful to have him at the beach, but I figured he'd be okay. Unknown_07: That's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy that these people who are childless mongoloids Redditors think that they can look at any family that exists and make determinations about if kids are being raised right. And if that lifestyle, like they don't agree with the lifestyle. So they're just like, I hope the government takes them away. Like their hope is that the state of Florida will take random children away that are happy, healthy, fed and educated because they live out of a camper van and place them in the custody of random Floridians. Taking Floridians at fucking random and assigning them each one of the eight children because they disagree with that lifestyle. 2:11:34 Unknown_07: Dude. Unknown_07: Ooh, I like this comment. Let me find it on my thing. Unknown_07: Damn, bam. Being different will always be illegal to them. That's it. Unknown_07: Look up pictures of the size of the camper van they sleep in. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_04: Let's see what we got here. Unknown_04: J.D. Unknown_07: and Brittany Lott, two military veterans from Texas. Unknown_07: Is it a tick tock? What am I looking for here? 2:12:05 Unknown_07: American family road trip. Well, that sounds exactly correct. Unknown_07: Am I going to be able to see anything? Cause no, they have a huge van. Look at that fucking van. That's like one of those really, really, really expensive vans live in a bus and trail. I wish I could view the videos. Maybe they have a, um, Unknown_07: Oh, they do have an Instagram. Let's see. Maybe if I try the Instagram, I'll be able to view them. 2:12:36 Unknown_07: Bro, these people are so white. Unknown_07: This, this is why they hate them. It's eight white kids. I thought when I heard, when I saw two American veterans, I thought, oh man, it's probably mutts. Unknown_04: Bro. Unknown_04: Maybe if I put in the URL directly, it'll let me show that. Unknown_07: It won't let me show you the profile because I'm using a privacy-oriented browser. Yeah, dude, God, I hate Instagram so fucking much. It's so bad. 2:13:10 Unknown_07: Like, I just want to show you a fucking video, but both TikTok and Instagram are like, no, you're using a browser that we don't like, and you're using a VPN. Unknown_01: No, you have to give us your IP and you have to let us fingerprint your browser. No. Unknown_07: Shit. Unknown_04: And does Bibliogram not work at all still? 2:13:41 Unknown_04: Maybe if I put in bibliogram it'll fucking work. Unknown_07: I think bibliograms just fucking busted these days. Unknown_07: Yeah, it's just broken. God, it's so fucking annoying. Unknown_04: Okay, if you just go to American Family Road Trip. Unknown_04: Maybe if I just take a screenshot, hold up. I think that'll be our best bet here. Unknown_04: I don't know where the print screen button is on my fucking... Bro, I can't catch a break. Okay, here, I got you. 2:14:18 Unknown_04: There, bam. Behold, the whiteness. Unknown_07: Do you see these white people? Are they standing on a beach? This enrages me. Why do they live differently than me? They should be in public education learning about the Holocaust. They should be learning about transgenders. They should be learning about transgender feminine penis. Why are they doing this? Why do they hate? Why are they so filled of hate? 2:14:49 Unknown_07: Explain this chat, explain this. Unknown_07: Oh my god, this family is white as shit. Dude, I'm telling you, this is white as fuck. That's why they're angry. Unknown_07: This was like a mixed race. When I saw two veterans from Texas, I'm like, bro, these are going to be mixes. Fuck. Nope, no siree. Unknown_07: Let's try to find a picture of just the inside of the van. Bro, I don't know the inside, but let me, let me do this. 2:15:24 Unknown_04: Like, you see how big that van is? Unknown_07: And they're trying to say that that's like, Unknown_07: Like don't get me wrong a van's a van, but it's not like a tiny van. It's like a full-size school bus or something It's literally as big as a fucking van can be is what I'm trying to say How dare how dare you? Unknown_07: Okay, that's a fuck reddit is what I'm trying to say Let's close this out chat. I got places to be shit. Do you know how I am a busy boy? Oh 2:15:58 Unknown_07: Um, like I said, uh, if you're interested in the dark side, feel pay, pay, pay thing. That is that I think it should be an hour after the stream ends, I think. Unknown_07: Otherwise, I don't know. Unknown_07: Aside from that, I do not have any other things. Oh, I did the Smash and Slam dog thing this weekend. I have a movie review that I want to do for this week. Like I said, I'm going to catch up on all the Gumroad videos. I'm going to bust out three or four a month until I'm all caught up. I will catch up, Chad. I will catch up. Mark my words. 2:16:33 Unknown_07: Wait, hold up. I see them. I'm gonna click your message pay pay pay. Let me find it Josh tell me what to do with DSP save me daddy jersh Unknown_07: That's a tough one. Unknown_07: I Mean the thing is with DSP is that he's very easily spooked. So if you press them too hard on anything You will probably just leave it really I don't know there was the interview you should watch that interview that he gave 2:17:14 Unknown_07: With i don't remember his name someone in chat tell him there was an interview there was one other interview that dsp gave out in any recent memory where He was talking about his bankruptcy with that that guy that has that pretty boy filter He has like a perfectly bald head and he talks about video games and he has like a ridiculously pretty boy instagram filter on his face um Unknown_07: The Sidescrollers podcast, that's it, Sutter and Craig did an interview with DSP, I'm pretty sure that's who it was. And they talked about the bankruptcy and he didn't leave that interview. So I don't know if you wanna look at that and see if maybe you can kind of understand that level of temperature that you can keep him at before he leaves. It really depends on what you're trying to do. If you're just trying to shoot the shit with DSP, I think people will be angry that you don't press him hard. But like, what are you gonna press him on? He's not liking any shenanigans at the moment. The only thing that you could possibly try and grill him on is the WWE gacha game stuff. 2:18:06 Unknown_07: But... Unknown_07: I think that if you talk to him about that, he'll just immediately be pissed because he hates those rumors that he spends money on that game because he tells people that he spends it on taxes and other necessities. 2:18:39 Unknown_07: Yeah, I don't know. I kind of figured you had a plan about what you were going to ask because you've been finagling at this for a month now. Unknown_07: So, um, if you're, if you don't know what you're doing, I don't know what you're doing either, bro. It's like a dog chasing cars. Unknown_04: I don't know what I would do if I caught it. Unknown_04: Okay. I think that's it. Unknown_07: Now I can do the clickety clicks on the big super chat messages. Unknown_07: Right? Oh my god, it doesn't work. 2:19:11 Unknown_07: Why doesn't it work on- Why doesn't it work on the Super Chats?! Explain this! Bro, I have been- I have fucking bamboozled myself. Unknown_07: Okay, he says that he has a plan. I got you. I trust, I trust in the plan. Trust, trust in the plan chat. Unknown_07: All right. Bloop42 says, Blackpill did a good stream about advertisers called Impressions a few days ago. I have never seen a more total advertiser death. I've never been more total advertiser death. Advertising should be completely illegal. Unknown_07: Black Pilled is pretty good. I might actually seek that out. That seems enticing. Black Pilled did a stream called Impressions. Okay, I will watch. 2:19:45 Unknown_07: It is just about, um, like advertising, all modern advertising is, is getting you to know the name recognized and like on the radio, even, you know how all these big companies have jingles now where they do like the little sound like the Captain Morgan to do, do, do, do, do, do, do. And like, you just hear that sound and you think alcohol, coconut rum. It's like that. They want to fucking reprogram your brain. So that is like, oh, my God, I know I do that little jingle and you're like, oh, my God, I know exactly what that is. I want to make double right now. It's fucking brainwashing. And if they can do it for a hamburger, they can do it for immigration. They can do it for all sorts of things. Advertising is fucking evil for real. 2:20:23 Unknown_07: um blurp bloop for two says have you tried any georgian kak kak kacha puree either in ukraine or serbia the flatbread ones are great the egg ones are overkill georgian food is the best food in eurasia no i've never had kachapuri i know i'm missing out um i had harcho soup Harcho, um, it's like a plum sauce soup. Harcho soup, hands down, one of the greatest, one of the goats of all fucking time. Harcho soup is so filling, so delicious, so spiced. It is absolute culinary perfection. 2:20:56 Unknown_07: I love soups in general, but Harcho is amazing. And Kinkali is one of the best dumplings I've ever fucking had. Kinkali is a dumpling that is so rich in juice that when you bite it, you have to kind of tilt it back and drink the juice out of the dumpling. And dumplings are a form of absolute perfection. There's a reason why dumplings exist in every culinary culture around the world, because they are one of the best ways to cook any kind of food. You have the doornail dumplings in China. 2:21:36 Unknown_07: You have regular, like, you have like ravioli. Ravioli is a form of dumpling. That's why ravioli is so fucking good. Hot pockets. You know why hot pockets are so good? You got a bread outside, meat inside, the fat stays in, the juice stays on. So good. Sorry, I'm thinking about food now. Unknown_07: I have a prediction that at some point Georgian food is like an undiscovered gem Georgian food is some of the best fucking food that exists on the planet Earth and when people find out how fucking good Georgian food is It'll become a meme like Vietnamese food like pho or pho is like everywhere right now when motherfuckers figure out what Harcho is and and Kakauli Bro, there's gonna be Georgian food places all over the place mark. I'm telling you it's coming 2:22:20 Unknown_07: Uh, the bugs for two says cat box file, bro. Unknown_04: Come on now. Unknown_04: I am getting hungry. Unknown_07: Perogies. Yeah. Perogies are good. They got, I'm telling you, dumplings are like a pinnacle food. Soup is a pinnacle food. Dumplings are a pinnacle food. These are the height of human civilization. Unknown_04: Pizza too. 2:22:55 Unknown_07: Oh, I had actually I did have ketchup her it was um, I was like garlic bread ketchup It was just cheese and bread. It was not fancy. I can I get your fucking cat box while open bro. Sorry I Don't know what that is Rich wet pasta for 19 says hey Josh. Guess what? I have no idea bro. I couldn't I couldn't even guess is a chicken butt Laser discs been man for three says what do you think about the talk of the British extraditing foreigners like Americans based off the rights? It sounds like horse shit Unknown_07: Extraditing foreigners like Americans because of the riots. Unknown_07: I don't know. Oh, you mean from the United States? Good luck. Um, the United States has an explicit law. The United States will not honor any court judgment, criminal or civil in the United States. If it would, if it's speech related, if the speech would pass as free speech in the United States, it would not allow you to be extradited or in the U S government will not enforce any kind of judgment in the U S. 2:23:29 Unknown_07: It's called the protect speech act and it exists because of the UK the UK is what's called a it's like a litigation tourism country it has such Byzantine horrific fucking walls and it had but it still has like a lot of international reach. So companies and people will come to the UK, especially because of those fucking private lawsuits. Like you can if you're rich enough, you can buy a courtroom and a judge and just litigate yourself. And it's a fucking nightmare. So people will come to the UK, litigate at your expense and then try to enforce it in other countries. And a lot of other countries will honor those. The U.S. says, go fuck yourself. When the litigation tourism thing happened in the U.K. and they tried to enforce it in the U.S., Congress passed the Protect Speech Act. So any kind of bullshit like that is not going to fly. Theoretically, it shouldn't at least. 2:24:48 Unknown_07: LaserDiscSpinMan for three says, oh, I already read that. LePigeon for one says, pimpy son op. I already read that, but thank you. HolyHell for five says, hope you're having a good day, Josh. You are my nibba always. Thank you, HolyHell, I appreciate it as always. PissedPeach for one says, hello, dear feeder. I can't donate much, but thank you for your consistent fight against retards trying to make a genuine lowercase I internet. MrBeast is a pedophile T2D. I don't know if MrBeast is a pedophile, but he's really pissed off that pedophile fucked up his whole shindig. He's really pissed off that he's about to lose that Amazon deal. Unknown_07: I don't know. You should have dumped them when you saw that it was a fucking tranny. You knew what was gonna happen. Let this be a warning to anyone who associates with these fucking trannies. You know they're bad people. You know every single one of them is fucked in the head. You don't try to cut off your dick and balls and walk around in a dress and be, teehee, skirt go spinny, skirt go spinny, as a grown-ass fucking man. Because remember, it's funny to think of them as these effeminate little fairies running around in a dress. They are grown fucking men. Think of yourself in a dress. That is exactly what a tranny is. Think of a burly man in a dress. That's what a tranny is. They're not some third gender. They're not like an in-between. They are adult men, and if they're walking around in a fucking dress, there is something wrong with them. Their brain is fundamentally broken, and any willful association with someone like that is a sure fi- Like, it's- it's- they might as well just- if they literally dress in a fucking red flag, it would not be any more blatant. And anyone who chooses to do this because of DEI points or whatever the fuck or whatever woke point you're going for, you're setting yourself up for a fall. And you deserve it. Mr. Beast deserves it. He can eat shit. 2:26:29 Unknown_07: David S877 for 25 says, I was wondering if you have seen this movie and your thoughts. Otherwise, what are your thoughts based off the trailer? Unknown_04: OK, let's see. Unknown_04: I can't watch the trailer on the stream, bro. Unknown_07: It'll get struck. I'll watch like 10 seconds of it. Unknown_14: Bill Foster is an ordinary man. Unknown_06: Where are you going? Going home. Not this way or not? Why not? Metro rail construction. That's why not. Unknown_14: Living in the everyday world. Unknown_06: I don't suppose you have a couple of bucks you could give me. It would really help me out. If you give me your address, I'll mail it back, honest. 2:27:07 Unknown_14: A patient man. Unknown_13: Yes, I'd like a ham and cheese omelette, or wham fries. I'm sorry. We stop serving breakfast at 1130. Unknown_06: Who's running out of patience? Unknown_07: I will end it there, because I'm going to get struck, for real. You can't play, like, movie footage and shit. All I know is that that's a lot of white people causing problems and that's not how things work in my, my experience. Unknown_07: Uh, I don't know. I can't give a more detailed opinion than that. Drew B 82 for two says evening, Josh, do you prefer waffles or pancakes for breakfast? 2:27:39 Unknown_07: Hmm. Unknown_07: It really depends. I like both of them. They're basically the same fucking thing. Um, I'm kind of, I don't know. I can eat, I like to eat waffles in that really autistic way where you fill up every single one of the little, the little cups and then you cut it mathematically, like based off the squares. Um, that's fun. I don't know. Nothing really beats like a stack of pancakes with some butter, some butter pancakes. That's the good stuff. Unknown_07: Anime Sucks, Cope, and Sneed for five says show this on stream and critique it, please Also, where's my true and honest DM sent Joe? I don't know, bro Bro That's weird I'm not showing that I'm not gonna start showing 2:28:19 Unknown_07: Anime Sex Copen- you know what, I will just so I can explain why I'm not gonna show anything like this ever again. Anime Sex Copen's need is like, I don't- he like works out, and this is a guy that really really wants to fuck fat dragons that fart. He's really- he's like super sexually attracted to Chantal and Amberlynn, which is just disgusting. Um, so this guy is like insane. I don't know- I don't know how else to put it. He's an insane furry that wants to fuck fat chicks. Despite being buff. I think he can get Chantal. I think if he says hey Chantal, let's let's hook up I think that she would dump Salah cuz he's fit. He's like a trophy boy. I Don't know crazy motherfucker. I really He's also he's also very disruptive on the forum. I'm just gonna say that he's a he keeps like sending DMS to random staff members and Posting and talk to staff. He's made like five different threads. I like bro. Chill the fuck out. What are you doing? Oh 2:29:02 Unknown_07: Coco for six says please read four to six and looking like oh my usual suspects are all lining up 4 to 6. 2:29:38 Unknown_07: Then departing from him I spoke to them all together, and they all became terrified and trembled, beseeching me to write for them a memorial of supplication that they might obtain forgiveness, and that I might make the memorial of their prayer ascent up before the God of heaven, because they could not themselves thenceforward address him, nor raise up their eyes to heaven on account of the disgraceful offense for which they were judged. Unknown_07: It's kind of hard to figure out what's happening. I only read like one sentence at a time There you go see me plus for once is don't you love all the cringe of Star Wars references and Vicky three? 2:30:18 Unknown_07: I haven't, honestly, I haven't played it enough. I don't know Star Wars well enough and I don't, I haven't played enough Victoria 3 to see all those references. Oh, I know that there is, um, there's like an event that quotes those. So this is how democracy dies thing. Cause you change government forms in the game. Um, I don't know, Pandora or not Pandora. Unknown_07: Paradox paradox has always had cheeky references of stupid shit like that. Unknown_07: uh sheskis for sheskis 2 for 2 says sargon's romanian buddy v is making a hentai porn game all while he and his wife just had a son what could possibly go wrong uh literally everything that's fucking gross blurp bloop for one says 14x grinch congrats on your structure bro Kurt Eichenwald anime masturbator for 20 says glorious Kiwi Emperor. I have finally debunked all your anime tanks with a new logical fallacy argumentum ad womanum There's a YouTube link This is a link to the lawsuit that may topple the trans movement from Ali Beth Stuckey I will listen to like how much I 2:31:07 Unknown_07: I will listen to 20 seconds of this. Unknown_00: Typically, people who identify as transgender, either male or female, there is, in their past, some kind of heavy involvement in anime. What do you think that is? I mean, we've kind of looked at it on this show, but why do you think there seems to be a tie there? 2:31:43 Unknown_07: I will answer this question for her. Unknown_07: The reason why there is a direct link between anime and trannies, or trannime, as it's sometimes referred to, is that the Japanese live a miserable existence. They are workaholics, they have very little self-identity, and they indulge in some of the most extreme forms of escapism. or escapism, because people get upset when I say escapism, even though that's how it's fucking pronounced, that the world has ever seen. And the white piggy brain cannot handle that. 2:32:18 Unknown_07: And when you are someone who's so sucked into escapism like that, Unknown_07: you can indulge other forms of cognitive dissonance, and you can indulge wanting to be a woman. And I think there's also a thing that is less of a trope and more of a ubiquitous definition to what anime is. Anime typically is defined by the eye being really weird in a specific drawn style, drawn from Japan or whatever. That's the anime style. But there's a trope that's so pervasive in anime that it effectively defines the genre as a whole, and that is projecting male interest onto women. 2:33:03 Unknown_07: Um, main characters in anime, for whatever reason, are almost always a, like a, a type of woman that exists solely to exemplify traits that would typically belong to a man or be interesting to a man. And as a result, you, you create this caricature of women that don't really exist because women are different from men and they do different things than men most of the time. So if you're a guy and you indulge in this escapist fantasy and you watch all these shows that have these male women in them, that are just women designed to appeal to men as much as possible, both sexually, physically, and also in their behaviors and interests and capabilities. 2:33:39 Unknown_07: You're going to get a really warped perspective of what a woman is. And when you realize that that doesn't exist, I think genuinely, I think that to a lot of guys, they just think, Oh, I will become that ideal woman, that ideal woman. Who's like a geeky tomboy programmer. I can be that with the right hormone, with the right dress and the spinniest skirt that I can get off Amazon. I can be her. And then I'll live that Yuri lesbian fantasy that I masturbate to 1,000 times a day. I think that's a part of it. 2:34:23 Unknown_07: Cool! DocsFound provides us, if I'm going to spend $5 a month, should I spend it on Rumble, Subscription, or Gumroad? 2:34:59 Unknown_07: Gumroad I mean you can do both. There's no harm in that I don't know like it's hard like I know you can subscribe on different like when rumbles the only one right now I'm not sure if there's any I guess you get certain emojis and stuff and your name is like highlighted in chat That's basically the reward for the rumble subscription Maybe I can do something with that in the future Blurp bloop for one says blood school son Gucci. I Unknown_07: Dude, BloodSkull's fucking dead. And the guys that made BloodSkull have, like, disappeared. 2:35:34 Unknown_07: SpaceAllen for 20 says, ham jam! Thank you, SpaceAllen, I appreciate it. Unknown_07: Eucalyst Sneed for 10 says, why are you making the streams better instead of just getting wasted every night? I'm glad you think the streams are getting better, bro. I don't know. Maybe I'll might decline. I'll just start drinking. Whoever started drinking on stream, you know that it's over. Unknown_07: Thank you. Lucifero 210 for one says, I was stuck in jury duty and I was stuck between a six foot tall ogre and a dress and a little dude. America is fucked. Hopefully an economic crash and a spilling blood for glorious Israel will fix this. We can only hope we can only hope that we'll have the opportunity to die for Israel the greatest ally that we've ever had Um eugalus sneed for five says the uk is fallen. I pray the patriots win against the invaders. That would be nice wouldn't it? We can dream Gormless wander for one says I never had old bay in my life. So based on your recommendation I just ate old bay clam chowder. It was pretty good. I'm not a big chowder person, but I think the bay helped it Congratulations, Bay convert. You're now able to move to the Atlantic Northeast of the United States. Uh, real Adonai for 15 says, Hey Josh, what did the mayor of new Orleans mean by this? And then he links to a YouTube video. Let's see. 2:36:47 Unknown_04: I'll see what he means by that. Unknown_06: We as black people, it's time. Unknown_07: It's time for us to come together. How do black people do that? A black person, like they all try to talk like Martin Luther King. I have a dream that FEMA will give me that trailer. And then when they say that, like they say, I have a dream. Some black guy in the audience just goes, that's right. Speak your truth. 2:37:18 Unknown_07: Black people are weird. Unknown_06: It's time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. And I don't care what people are saying uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day. Unknown_06: this city will be a majority african-american city it's the way god wants it to be you can't have new orleans no other way it wouldn't be new orleans it's part of our hey brother tell me about um tell me how that working out with uh 2:38:06 Unknown_07: St. George. Where the fuck is this? Uh, St. George. I think I talked about this on stream where, um, in Baton Rouge, uh, St. George seceded from the town of Baton Rouge and other white tax bases is out of the tax area. Unknown_04: Sucks to suck, I guess. Unknown_07: Haramberger produces yo smash the butternut slam dog, but a dog available to stud taking reservations now starting 10k 2x fentanyl 3x cum sneeze. I miss him so much. I cloned him twice Thanks, Haramberger. Good luck with your smashing and slamming, bro Sneetah pose for one says if someone takes a shit in the kitchen, does it make it food? Same thing with immigrants claiming they are native. That's pretty fucking gross. I don't want to think about that. Probably not though Devious to me for two says sup nothing much do used to be. Thank you Blurp Bloop for one says we have our own problems and own problem people. Why should we take in foreign ones? Fuck them. Fuck gay moralizing liberals and their canned bullshit arguments. It's called tax income sweating. 2:39:13 Unknown_07: Karamburger for two says sweep up all the bomb schematics Jan Jan remind the Brit posters that all ordinance posters go where they belong on mum's net Cheerio tips hat Bring mums mums into this. They don't need any bomb instructions Lucifer oh for one says Forget modern gaming only emulation is worth it these days. This feels like it though as much as I want to play runescape It's like I don't want to give money to jagged. So they're fucking gay and they keep second tranny dick Unknown_07: Tetrabacks for $50 says, if you haven't played Outer Wilds and not Outer Worlds, you should try it. Smart exploration and puzzle solver for a good price. I'm not sure what I want to get into at all, though. I'm just not sure. I tried opening up RuneScape and playing, and I'm just like, eh, I don't feel like it. So I don't know what I want. I want to be productive is what I want. I don't want to play games. I thank you though. Unkind Acer for 5 says, you should buy Fur Affinity, properly monetize it, and use it to fund the Kiwi farms. That sounds like more drama and bullshit than even I can handle. I'm going to be real with you. You have to genuinely love gooning to furry, weird furry vor art or something to do Fur Affinity. 2:39:56 Unknown_07: Aryan Queen Generator for 5 says, Josh, considering most everyone who has ever lived disagrees with your take about women having rights, doesn't that mean you are a sucker who will never breed, women will return to their place? 2:40:34 Unknown_07: I am a pragmatic person. And right now, women do have the right to vote. And chances are that whatever you want to do is going to have to be done with the consent of women. So therefore, if you want to accomplish things, you must take in our reality and you must work within it. Because if you're an idealist, even if you're 100% correct, which I'm not saying, but if even if you are 100% correct, if you are trying to accomplish a Unknown_07: Utopia, without considering where we are now and what our reality is, you'll never accomplish that. It's called real politic. And yes, it's German. 2:41:10 Unknown_07: The Lion Kang, for one, says, Welcome to the furry fandom. Do you want to be a gun nut or a sex offender? Unknown_07: Where I'm from, you can be both. I don't know. Maybe we just do a little bit differently in Florida. Unknown_07: Tiz the Happy for 20 says, Got a Xbox 360 a bit ago. I can't go back to modern games. Unknown_07: Seems like you found your happy place, bro. Imagine all those games on discs that still work even 20 years later. May imagine. 2:41:42 Unknown_07: All these games that were made in the 2010s are just gonna be gone forever. You remember Brink, that shooter game? Gone. We'll never get to play it again. How many other games are gonna be like that? How many MMORPGs are just gonna fizzle out of existence that nobody has a copy of? There's gonna be so many games that people remember playing this generation that they can never play again. I can boot up Kirby Super Star on the BU emulator anytime I want to and play it all day. These kids, they're fucked though. Their dreams will just be memories. They couldn't even prove if it was real or not. 2:42:14 Unknown_07: Thank you. Ugalis Sneed for two says, Medicare is losing that fight. He's got lazy bones. Unknown_07: I don't know. I think Medicare has an unfair advantage in that he has an exoskeleton with crippling wheels of death. I think that he got it. Generic username and password for one and says, RIP Game Informer. I'll always remember you as the magazine I ignored but had to buy to get discounts on used games at GameStop. 2:42:48 Unknown_07: Um, I was more of a Nintendo Power kid myself. I didn't have any game subscriptions, um, but my friend had, uh, like Nintendo everything. And the Nintendo Power was really cool as a kid. I don't know why. It was just sort of like, wow, this whole thing's like dedicated to video games and shit I care about? That's fucking crazy, bro. So I'd flip through it if I had time to kill at his house. Unknown_07: The false copy of Sunder, for once, is talking about long payoffs for good things the site has done. Aren't you directly linked to getting an animal abuse legislation passed in like Malaysia or somewhere, some zoos say this, who got exposed? That was Wolf and that was in Cuba. The animal rights people were petitioning for a constitutional amendment to protect animal, the sanctity of life of animals. And I don't know if that got passed or not, but 2:43:23 Unknown_07: Part of the reason why wolf got done in so fucking bad Is that that animal rights stuff was happening at the time that he got exposed? I think it was like a concurrent thing. So they came down fucking hard on him. Unknown_07: I Suspect nobody really knows what happened to him Ugalis need for one says but where's the evidence the evidence is in the exhibits the exhibit dance and TB deluxe which he says seven years it was seven years ago today he turned himself into a pickle jocks Josh a pickle funniest thing I've ever seen thankfully I was outside the country during the pickle pickling when the pickle Rick's rose TF up and got their Szechuan sauce at McDonald's 2:44:00 Unknown_07: Lion King for once is ah be jams. Thank you Chloe Dante 13 says DSP has spent so much money on WWE champions because the loot boxes weren't giving him his favorite wrestler horse John I mean, I can't blame him, bro If you got us if you got a dump 100k in to get horse John you got a dump 100k in that's just how it is Horse John got the chair Unknown_07: Debugs for one says hey Noel since people were soprano posting in the mani thread Have you ever watched the Sopranos would be a good gumroad. I have never watched the Sopranos I don't even know what's about to be honest with you. I don't even know if it's a TV show or a movie I have no idea what the Sopranos are. I think it's about like a I've never watched the the good fella trilogy trilogy either. I have no input on Italian mobs. I'm done a great dishonor to my my Naples bloodline 2:44:50 Unknown_07: 11thCircuit42 says, I read a trip report on Arrowid, i.e. people reporting experiences taking different substances, where a guy ate Morning Glory seeds, met a dog man, and became temporarily gay. Avoid Morning Glory seeds. I think that's advice to live by. If you take Morning Glory, you will fuck a dog and be gay. That would suck. Yugo Lestani for one says the LGBTs glow at night. You can hit them with your car. That's good to know. Keep my eyes out. The Lion King for two says DSPs, LGB, lights, and they link to a YouTube video, but he knows the rules. Heronberger for two says my son kept yelling about the chicken dinners and teabags. I'm going to buy him a computer with all the LGBT LEDs so he can Fortnite to the max. Chad dad rattling his newspaper, smiling with pipe. It's true if you know your kid loves even if like, you know, you think about what the boomers think, you know Your kid's super into one thing. He's always on the computer playing Minecraft. Well, certainly he would appreciate a 4090 GTX or whatever the fuck, you know Sure, why not 2:46:06 Unknown_07: Dios Mio La Criteria for one says apologize and then he links to the 4chan political board and there is a picture of a very smug looking British man. Unfortunately, I have nothing good to say until you win. I like winners. Dios Mio La Criteria. Unknown_07: Tetra backs for 20 says if you if you're if your thing means you if you can't master the towers of Hanoi before the age of 12 You might be a retard I don't know what the fuck that is like a video reference a Mathematical game opposed. Oh, that's what the official formal name is of the Fox chicken grain puzzle is 2:46:56 Unknown_07: Well, that's DSP, I guess. Sorry to break it to you. Unknown_07: Sneedo, for one, says, are you going to make an appearance on the DSP casino? No, I will be sleeping, unfortunately. Genocide or CEO for five says happy me today as far as CPS is concerned if you refuse a test or release results you're deemed positive in the eyes of the court CPS is better to take a test and be positive than it is to refuse. Unknown_07: Wow. I did not know that. I mean that's kind of unfortunate because it kind of implies your right to innocence is foregone. But I don't know. Infamously these family courts are pretty fucking brutal. 2:47:34 Unknown_07: Baldo Peckins for five says to whomever is in the private discord or wherever Baldo man is coordinating his gay ops leak that shit You could get so much clout if you do like 20 clout at least 20 clout, bro Maybe even like 30 or 40, you know, how cloud is these days clouds had a premium? Unknown_07: No hurt mr. Metal for two says came by to throw $2 going to get bored by Terminids from Helldivers soon. I 2:48:07 Unknown_07: I stopped playing that game. I just got, I had a niche in hell divers where I would get the backpack of RPGs and the bazooka. And when the giant bug came up, I would perfectly land the bazooka shot on their fat fucking face and kill it with one hit. And then they nerfed it so that you can't kill those in one hit with the RPG. And it's like, that was my, that was my thing. Unknown_07: I don't wanna, I don't wanna have to hit it twice. I like popping its head with an RPG headshot. Why are you taking this from me? Fuck you. And I stop playing. 2:48:39 Unknown_07: Uh, A&N did nothing wrong for Five Says. You talked Carlo Crisata a few streams back. KF's favorite low-cal gun-tuber satanism. BS copyright. But also, then there is a Kiwi Farms link. So this is the guy who does N-Range TV. Unknown_07: Oh God. Is this him? Unknown_07: January 2021 Q&A, starting the new year with a tactical girlfriend. He has a really thin neck. If that's him. I imagine it is him because he's wearing a mask and that's like a way to hide the Adam's apple. 2:49:11 Unknown_07: That's pretty cringe, bro. Imagine me in a fucking tranny. Unknown_07: Mr. Manchester for 20 says, if American people are allowed to see the Ricated trial, then we are once again, a free nation. Also, it looks like Spicer, Minnesota has boat rentals and a lot of nice lakes for anyone covering the trial. It's true. Minnesota is the land of a thousand lakes. I'm pretty sure that is their official tourism name. 2:49:42 Unknown_07: Um, yeah, it's, it, it bodes well for all of us. Big salutes if we get to see the trial. Thank you Lucifer 210 for one says one test is a fed faggot something for Kamala Harris and getting caught in training group chats Dude, I can't wait to not have to think about him. I have no idea why he's still like in the news Unknown_07: Biakny for five says what's new EWU crew today we're exploring the harrowing tale of how a small American town was terrorized by a woman in a mobility scooter. Unknown_07: Now that's a throwback. That was that's classic. I don't know if Matt will ever will ever beat the mobility Mary episodes. 2:50:16 Unknown_07: Tetra backs for $300 says great stream, but suffer streamer and then there is a YouTube link. I guess that's Was that like a lot bro? There's no fucking way. Oh god. It's this guy again Reaction to Dairy Queen classic double cheeseburger review is DQ selling top-tier burgers Inspector something says I like the DQ burger and Michael Amber love that message and gave it a thumbs up. It says four likes. That's a pretty good view to like ratio. 2:50:50 Unknown_07: So let's see the reaction to the Dairy Queen registered trademark. Classic double cheeseburger review is Dairy Queen selling top tier burgers. This is a video review by the endorsement. Unknown_13: He's very He didn't put it he didn't put it he didn't put in an airplane a hotbox 2:51:35 Unknown_07: Let's get more reactions to this chat. I think we need an accessory. I need more. More reactions to this. He sees the classic double and he smiles, chat. One third of a pound? Wow, FaZe. He's so impressed. It's a fluffy bun. Unknown_13: Wow, he says. Unknown_07: He's just he's just gobsmacked. He can't believe this is reality. 2:52:07 Unknown_13: He tilts his head to the side to show that he is interested. Unknown_07: And then he's shocked. His interest was piqued and then met his expectations met. He is now like completely incensed by this video. Unknown_13: Smells good. Unknown_07: He's surprised that he smells the burger. Unknown_13: I want to see his reaction to the bite. 2:52:43 Unknown_07: He nods. He nods respectfully in the way that only two men can understand. Yeah. I wish it did have onions, bro. Unknown_07: The endorsement. I wish it did have onions. Unknown_13: I would have definitely added some. Ketchup and pickles are OK. Two slices of cheese. There are the two patties right there. Unknown_07: Bite it, you fucker. Wow, two patties, Chad. Unknown_13: He thinks it looks good. Unknown_07: He smiles. He smiles. And then is shocked as he opens it. Unknown_13: No mustard on a burger for this guy. I'll eat it if it's a main component. 2:53:15 Unknown_07: No mustard, Chad. Unknown_13: But five pickles. Nice. And a decent amount of ketchup. That's going to go all over him. Unknown_07: dude his face reminds me so much of like the charisma checks in um in oblivion where it's like you hold your mouse over like the intimidate button and then the guy's face goes angry face because he doesn't react well to that it's like the most bizarre assortment of like three or four different reactions um like the extreme ends on repeat it's very bizarre 2:53:50 Unknown_07: Wow. Thank you. Yugolasnade for one says, I hate getting jerked around by the fleshlight cops. Unknown_07: Especially Ralph. Unknown_07: They hate that too. Unknown_07: Grimless Wonder for one says, the proper way to wind up for a Mexican accent is to start by saying, si, senor. Si, senor. We can get you across the border. Si, si. We are coyotes. It's very perilous though. Many, many have died. I can't say it like a whisper it. I don't know why. 2:54:22 Unknown_07: CastingCounterGuardForFive says, we went to a convention, or I went to a convention recently. There's nothing as refreshing as being around passionate, enthused people with similar interests. That's nice. I'm glad that you had a good time. What an uplifting message. Unknown_07: GrimlessWonderForOne says, BorderGuard. The guard with the border. It's true. He does have the border. Theoretically, he should have the border. Our border guards don't have any more borders left. They're there, sitting there on the towers, but they're not guarding anything. There's no borders. It's sad, really. I talked to some border guards that has the border, and he says, I haven't seen the border in 40 days. 2:54:56 Unknown_07: Only immigrants. Unknown_07: Sad. Unknown_07: Tetrabacks for 50 says, the beer plus eggs is the perfect diet. Carb from beer and fat protein from eggs. Perfection. Unknown_07: I don't think that's right. I think you're missing some shit in that. I'm not going to say which, but I'm going to say you're missing some shit. Unknown_07: Have you ever listened to a Mexican person before? It doesn't seem like you have. Thankfully, not in many, many years. Unknown_07: Uh, rich wet pasta for 11 says it was chicken, but thank you for your patience. Oh, I can finally put messages on the screen again. Bam, bam, bam. I have to fix that. 2:55:28 Unknown_07: Uh, thank you for the payoff. Richwood pasta. It's a great joke. Unknown_07: Uh, humble guardsmen for one says, Josh, what is your opinion of people phone posting on the forum? I'm true to real politic. I hate it, but I realized that they're the majority of posters now. So you just got to deal with it. Unknown_07: No hurt, Mr. Metal for two says, keep it going, Mr. Moon. Considering I keep hearing your website from Kiwi Tapes, Saturated Content, Deadwing Dork, and Smokey Mick, you're finally getting through the trans wall. Muda opening those floodgates. It is true, I do owe a lot to the great nation of India, the Raja Mahan, Mudahar, has opened the gates himself. 2:56:09 Unknown_07: Um, Judy tester for two says, but it all emojis, the emojis with the butter and the dog in them. Thank you. The bugs for one says those tram a packets in the YouTube comments are still sitting at you. I'm sure they never give up. I insulted anime and their favorite easel. Oh no. What a bad person. Sneato for one says, have you ever been to a Chinese Buffett and have you ever seen people fight over the crab legs? 2:56:46 Unknown_07: Okay. Unknown_07: So you have activated my trap card. I have an, a unique Josh story for you in Pensacola on, I think it's five mile road. It's right near the Navy federal credit union building. It's the same where the Navy federal is on. There is something called the King's buffet. And this was, um, my grandfather's favorite buffet when he was in Pensacola. So naturally we went there quite a lot. He liked Chinese buffets. Can't blame them. They're good. 2:57:16 Unknown_07: One time we went to the Chinese buffet and my grandfather is like a very, he's like super normie. He's a very reserved, normal person. Unknown_07: Um, but there was a time that we went and there was a fat woman sitting and she just looked sad. She was just sitting like a fat person at a buffet. How could that possibly, how could she just be sad? She was just sitting there head in her hand, sad, just like she was stuck and 2:57:50 Unknown_07: My grandfather and I get our food. We sit down, we start eating. And we're at the comfy, fluffy seats on the side. And if you don't know, in a Chinese buffet, they lay these out where you have booths on either side, and then in the middle you have chairs and tables. And generally the fat people eat at the chairs and tables because they can't fit into the booth. We're at a booth because it's more comfortable. Unknown_07: We're eating our food. And I forgot to mention, while I'm at, Unknown_07: The buffet getting my, uh, in case you're wondering, I like General Tso's and I like, uh, black pepper chicken and I like fried rice. Uh, while I'm getting my food, there is a super, super fat guy, um, standing and waiting at like the sushi bar, like the, the, the hot food area. And I sit down and we start eating. 2:58:26 Unknown_07: This woman's just sitting there looking depressed and a few minutes later, Unknown_07: The super fat guy comes back to the table with a plate full of crab legs, stacked as high, like dangerously stacked, to the point where, and it hit me, and it hit me and my grandfather at the same time, that that fat fuck was sitting there waiting for more crab legs to come out so he could take all of them, walk back to his table, eat, all of them and repeat that process a couple times. 2:59:12 Unknown_07: And she was held captive there, waiting for her fat fuck husband to devour another sea floor of crabs. And it was genuinely one of the most disgusting fucking things I have ever seen. It was like so shocking, that realization of like, that fat fuck is really just sitting up there waiting for crab legs to come out fresh. And they haven't like removed him from premises. It's like, I can't believe that there's someone so audacious and their depraved gluttony that they would actually do that without any shame whatsoever. It was like, just jaw dropping. I was like, how the fuck are you like this? What the fuck? 2:59:48 Unknown_07: So yes, I have seen fat people fight over crab legs at the buffet. Unknown_07: Aaronberger for two says you forgot the new tipster content in the Maddie thread 30-second video Also, there's an official runescape spin-off called Melvore. I didn't idle on Steam and mobile. It's great. You play five minutes a day botting the game Wow, that is not very mentally stimulating at all. You're right. I did forget the I 3:00:22 Unknown_07: the tipster content. We're now back at the tipster content. This is the tipster segment chat. Um, the much, the much anticipated tipster segment. Let's play this video chat. Unknown_05: I would use this controller. Unknown_05: The Leon, look at that ass chat. Unknown_05: That's a nice fucking ass right there, right? I would love to have that sweet ass in my hands while I play some RE2 remake. 3:00:55 Unknown_05: Don't judge me. Unknown_05: Don't fucking judge me. All right. Unknown_05: I can sense you judging me. Okay. Unknown_05: Assholes. Unknown_05: Oh my God. Somebody's going to clip that. Unknown_07: He wishes he just wants, he just says dumb shit to get attention now, but it's still funny. It's funny to make fun of him. Um, I tipster is definitely going to turn out when it happens. It'll be the saddest, fattest tranny ever. Unknown_07: Soypranos says the Lion King for one. Thank you. And Lucifer 210 for one says, I thought American mafia was Cosa Nostra, Naples was Camorra and not Cosa Nostra. Bro, I don't know. What the fuck? Sorry. I'm not joking. I don't know anything about mafias. Okay. 3:01:33 Unknown_07: All right. Awesome. Great. Thank you. Unknown_07: I have a special English metal song picked out and that is the stream. I will see you guys on Friday. Thank you for watching Get more video this weekend. Take it easy. Bye. Bye. See you next time. Don't die if you're English If you're good English, I guess if you're bad English you can drop dead if I don't give a fuck 3:02:52 Unknown_12: I'll tell you not to lose And you can come with me to a place you'll know so well I will take you to the valley gates of hell See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend I'll see you in hell Unknown_12: See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend I'll see you in hell, yeah See you in hell Your choice of ten, how many sins can be all? Unknown_12: I've got my kingdom for you, it's yours, it's yours You can take it anytime that you need Next thing I'll borrow, all you've got to do is plead See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend 3:04:07 Unknown_12: See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend I'll see you in hell, oh yeah Come with me, I will take you down to the very depths of your soul And I'll make you burn See you, see you in hell Unknown_12: Can I make you an offer you're gonna lose? I kept my eyes on you cause I told you that you'd lose Now you can come with me to a place you know so well Like I told you at the very gates of hell See you in hell my friend See you in hell my friend See you in hell my friend I'll see you in hell 3:05:06 Unknown_12: See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend I'll see you in hell See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend I'll see you in hell See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend See you in hell, my friend