Hello chat, welcome to MattAvatarNet, today is July 30th and today will be a short stream, so we're going very fast, chat. There is no news, there is only random, random shit. Random LOL Cal related shit. I've decided to cut out all the Chris Siphons, Tyson stuff about pedophilia and the Shadman stuff, I don't give a fuck. We're just talking about some things and then I'm going away by the way, um, there will be a stream on friday But I gotta wake up early tomorrow. So we're going. Um We're going we're gonna go fast. We're gonna go real fast chat. That's what's gonna happen I'm gonna take cocaine with my hero nicholas ricketa And we're gonna talk about skippity toilet. That's right. Just like the zoomies do here's skippity toilet chat Um, so here here is the the rundown if you are late to the stream, you will not you will miss half the stream Just letting you know. So this is a your your cue to be on time in future streams
So skippity toilet is a Russian thing apparently is a guy basically just took the shitty fucking like like dance song and then stuck it to Like G. Oh, I need a hamster. I need a hamster. I need a really fast hamster chat. Here we go a little hamster. There we go
Unknown_13: So he just took it and just took GMod Theater and then just put like a toilet and a man to it and then just did skibbity de toilet and that's like now the most popular Jin Alpha meme ever created.
Unknown_13: It's important to say the word skibbity toilet as much as possible, especially in the presence of young people who know how to floss, uh, to, to assert yourself, assert your authority, assert your position as an elder above them, uh, and to remind them of their place in the food chain chat.
So what happened is that, as I mentioned, the footage of the Scoobity Toilet is done in Source Filmmaker and is done using assets which belong to Valve and which, ostensibly, originally was done through Gmod as opposed to Source Filmmaker. Now he has such a production quality because of how fucking weird that whole thing is that he does Source Filmmaker directly. But it used to be Gmod Theater, which was much more accessible to people just fucking around on TikTok like he was. Um, so Gary Neumann the guy that runs Gmod, the G in Gmod, received a DMCA obsensibly from the Skippity Toilet Guy.
Unknown_13: Uh, to which he said was fucking preposterous because, um, he actually received a... Here's the thing, can you believe that Sheik, serious Skippity Toilet Guy, sent a DMCA to you? You know what's worse than the Nintendo DMCA. Uh, I think that was the only worse story. Um, the Nintendo people sent a DMCA because people had uploaded assets to the Gmod Theater and the Gmod Theater was basically like...
You could play as like Mario as like a model. So we had to like take down Mario or some shit as something like that So the skibbity-twilight guy says, you know, these stock assets that you just stole from valve these belong to Russia now and The funny thing is is that when you get a DMCA like that? Oh
Unknown_13: You have a Russian guy, one of the most sanctioned countries in the world, submitting you a complaint that obliges you through the process that first you must take it down. Then you must forward this to the appropriate person who then has to counter it. then there's like a two-week delay. Like the actual rules of the DMCA are ridiculous and nobody follows them to a tee except like automated processes like YouTube. It is bizarre. It's like it requires you immediately to assume in bad faith for the fair use of the asset being claimed. It has to be taken down first, then you have to submit a counter DMCA, then you have to wait two weeks something and it's like this time-consuming process that automatically defaults in the favor of the complainant and it's so easily abused that most people don't bother with this.
And then there are really niche rules about how you have to, if you host any kind of internet service, you have to register with the copyright office and select a DMCA officer.
Unknown_13: And if you don't do this, you're not entitled to DMCA protections at all. And then if you want to submit a DMCA, you actually have to look at this fucking copyright office that nobody knows about. and submit your DMCA there even if there are other addresses available for you to submit your complaint. So the entire thing is fucking insane and nobody follows it. Even at like a court level the actual rules of the DMCA almost never apply accurately and most people just hand wave it because it's so fucking stupid nobody cares. and to top it all off, it can be bullshit. The Skibidi guy didn't send it at all. He says, sup y'all, is there any way to contact Gary? I did not strike Gary's mod and I'm trying to understand what else is written in the letter. So the Russian guy wakes up and is like, oh, Skibidi toilet, what the fuck? And I was like, how do I, how do I unfuck this? I didn't do anything. So you as a ran, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, this system is so easily abused. Random people can file pro se complaints and fake names and random courts against random people not subject to that court. and they have to bear the burden of that. You can submit a DMCA towards anyone in the fucking world and impersonate people, and yeah, it's technically a crime, but there's no process for this. As long as you use a VPN or something, there's no way that the government can catch you. There's no recourse, and people submit bullshit DMCAs all the fucking time. to the point where, um, I tried to find this video for, for this, but there was a guy who was explaining, he was a big YouTuber. I think he's, um, he's the guy that he sounds like the guy that has the Kermit the frog avatar and does like the, the Zomboid project, Zomboid videos. Um, it sounded like this. I'd never seen this face before, but he had the same voice and he was explaining how he had bought music from a composer who had used, um, similar samples for other music. And then there are groups out there, DMCA trolls who will buy, music from that same composer and it will contain the same beats or tunes and it will be just similar enough where they can use copyright like the automated YouTube process to claim all your videos.
And it takes hundreds of hours to undo the damage of these false DMCA claims.
Unknown_13: Um, so it's, it's like, it's fucking madness. The entire law is rotten to the fucking core. It does not do anything. And people think that copyright, you know, stops the big evil people from stealing from the little guy. They'll fucking steal from you anytime they want. They'll just take your shit right up. Uh, the little guys, the people that can't afford. to mount a legal defense to defend their copyright. The big guys are the people that take advantage of this, and extortionists, and people from India, and random fucking people can do this all the time. It has to be completely destroyed. If I ever get unbanned from Zitter, one of the things that I want to write about next...
is I want to very succinctly summarize an advocate for change. Very easily, we could open up the internet with three steps. Step A, reform the DMCA to be less fucking stupid. Copyright as a whole needs to be reformed, but just like doing something about how easily DMCA is abused and the process by which it's actually supposed to be triggered, I think that you could get bipartisan support for that right fucking now. It sucks. Everyone's negatively impacted for it. the net consequences for how badly people are
How badly creativity is stifled and and genuine criticism and genuine education is stifled by the DMCA is It's like a dark age You know how you ever see that map of like the the so-called Christian dark age or it's like we used to have technology But then the Christian dark age and there was a 400 year period where no science happened and it's like a meme It's like that we're in like a technological dark age or the DMCA was invented and then four companies took over the Internet and and nobody does anything anymore. So step one, get rid of the DMCA. Step two, fair access to financial services. I've talked about that enough, not relevant here. And then step three is to net neutrality. But if I were to write this article, I would never use the words net neutrality. I would find some other quay word to describe it because Everyone gets upset when you say net neutrality, and even at this point, like, Cogent talks about net neutrality as a way to fuck over companies, to force them to peer with them when they suck ass, and it has absolutely nothing to do with actually offering people internet access in the way that net neutrality was originally intended for. So I'd have to find some way to describe net neutrality without saying the words net neutrality at all.
But these will be the three things, the technological black age can end, the blacked age can end if only we got rid of the DMCA of preferential treatment at tier one level and financial services being restrictive. I will write about this one day chat, I promise. It's on my list. It's on my list of like a million trillion things to do.
Unknown_13: Um, so I just want to point out that this is all bullshit There's another example of a high high profile and this came about by the way, because they're making a skibbity toilet movie Apparently there's like lore to there's like skibbity. I'm not even joking It kind of makes me want to gag when I say this there's like skibbity toilet lore apparently the the skibbity toilet man Is the good man and the guy holding the camera the the point of view is the cameraman and he's the bad guy So there's gonna do a full-length feature film about skibbity toilet And they're going to explore the complex relationship between skibbity toilet and the cameraman um and all the little alphas are going to go there and they're going to chut it up in the movie theater and And they're going to say, yeah, this is an allegory for race relations and they're going to be extremely racist while watching it. I think that's what's going to happen. I think it's a good thing. I'm going to put I'm going to put all my hopes on this movie. I think that it's going to inspire people to be extremely racist. I think that'll work out. The cameramen are good, actually. Really? Is this true?
Not any worse than any bullshit now. The Skippity Toilet's gonna be black.
Unknown_13: He's gonna pop out of the toilet, he's gonna have like, he's gonna be black with like pink hair and like genderqueer and the toilet water is gonna be like trans flag colored like sparkles and shit and the cameraman's gonna be like a racist.
That's the movie, it's coming to Netflix. A Netflix near you soon.
Unknown_13: Anyways, it's been 11 minutes, it's time to move on. Let's talk about Sneed. Can we take breaks? Can we get this guy to explain to me what a Sneed is? In fact, let's skip past this. This is just him explaining shit in a British way.
Unknown_09: Reactionary dog whistles, and how to spot them.
Unknown_09: Today specifically, I wanted to talk about the word Sneed.
Unknown_12: He wants to talk about the word Sneed in this hoity-toity British way.
I think he's Australian. Someone correct me. Actually, Josh, he's Australian. Yes, he is a direct vassal of the Queen.
Unknown_13: Sorry, the Queen's fucking dead. Of the Kang. In the Kang's territory of Australia.
Unknown_13: So he's going to lecture us in an academic sense regarding Sneed and what it means and how it's a dog whistle for racism.
Unknown_09: What it is, what it means, and how it's become a contemporary reactionary meme and signal, particularly in online spaces.
As a bit of background, in the fifth episode of the 11th season of the US animated series The Simpsons,
Unknown_13: There is a brief... This dude desperately needs to get, like, a monitor in front of him that he can look at, because he's constantly glancing off the screen. It's like Chuck is holding a gun to his head off the screen, like, don't shoot me, I'm going to talk about Sneed and how terrible he is, don't worry.
Unknown_13: And one obscure, slightly vulgar background site gag involving a sign on a farm supply store called Sneed's Feed and Seed.
Unknown_09: Around 2017,
Invoking the name Sneed became something of a popular joke all across the image board website 4chan And this soon spread as the meme took to other sites like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook
Unknown_09: It was just a bit of reference humor to this middling 1999 episode of The Simpsons that hinges on potential readers recognizing it as such and understanding the reference.
Unknown_13: What's funny about this is that he tries really, really hard to explain the joke to the point where it's not funny. I mean, it's hysterical when he gets to explaining the joke actually what it is. But he doesn't understand that part of what made it like a thing that stuck around in the same way that Bane did is that people kept repeating it to the point where, like, people would get angry, and then the people getting angry at the meme made it funny, too, and then the moderators would start, like, mass-deleting it, which made it even funnier, and he doesn't understand that. He thinks it's, like, deliberately designed by the architects of Sneed into being some kind of way that belligerent racists can find each other.
ImageBoard users
Unknown_09: have gone so far as to produce countless image macros referencing this scene, edited stills from the episode to make all sorts of new content with it, and there have even been dozens and dozens of surprisingly high quality original songs and music videos produced solely about this one joke in the background of a Simpsons episode.
Unknown_13: I like how this guy has a human skull and is just chilling out down there in the back. Like, yeah. That's the last guy. I'm in my shed. I have some body parts in the background.
It should also be noted that, typically, the actual content of the original Simpsons joke itself isn't really the thing being invoked here.
Unknown_09: They're just making a one-word reference to it. Where the novel humour lies in making and receiving the reference.
Unknown_09: But soon, both performatively disliking people posting the name Sneed, as well as just explaining the original gag, became image board memes in their own right.
As one common Sneed-related copypasta expert
Unknown_09: Oh no, he's gonna do it! The sign is a subtle joke.
Unknown_13: As he started- as- when I watched this the first time, as I realized he was going to read the entire thing, I started laughing until I cried, chat. It was just like, I cannot fucking believe he's gonna do this.
Unknown_09: The shop is called Sneed's Feed and Seed, where feed and seed both end in the sound eed, thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed.
Unknown_09: The sign says that the shop was formerly Chuck's, implying that the two words beginning with F and S would have ended with Uck, rhyming with Chuck. So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called Chuck's Fuckin' Suck. He just reads it!
It's like reading a magic incantation.
Unknown_12: When he was reading this, I was really secretly hoping he was going to get it wrong.
Unknown_12: And either say Chuck Seed, or my personal favorite, one that made me laugh.
Unknown_13: I don't even know why it made me laugh so hard. It's my personal favorite is, Chugs, FeeDuck, and SeaDuck.
It's just so wrong that it's great.
Unknown_13: I'll let him continue until I get bored of this.
Unknown_09: On 4chan, simply commenting the word Sneed eventually became a way to disrespectfully dismiss other commenters the Sneed poster disagreed with.
Unknown_13: You can hear a slaughter mutt barking in the background of his video. It's like he's been summoned.
Unknown_09: And given the spillover between regular 4chan users and the trolls of the online hard right wing, posting Sneed in this dismissive fashion soon became a very popular meme amongst online reactionaries on lots of different websites.
Unknown_09: Commenting just the name Sneed was being used as a thought-terminating cliché, or a short, simple stock phrase or word meant to stifle real discussion and any critical thinking.
Unknown_13: that is like frame it in like a like a rationalist sense where it's like these evil racist reactionaries have come up with this thought terminator that when applied to proper leftist rhetoric ends the discussion and terminates any hope for rational conversation regarding race relations and the authority of the police and the necessity to censor and clamp down on such vile expression.
As it is itself innocuous, it cannot be censored out, and is a name.
Unknown_01: These reactionaries are so clever, and their diabolical schemes to shut down leftist discourse.
Unknown_09: It's essentially a word the alt-right will spam at you in order to be annoying and also drown out legitimate comments. But when they do this on a public platform like YouTube, for instance, it's also understood among reactionaries generally to be a signal to one another that all the people commenting Sneed are on board with and familiar with all these obtuse 4chan terms.
Therefore, you can generally infer that anywhere with a high concentration of people posting Sneed is likely an alt-right safe space.
Unknown_13: Don't pull a Snead chat, it makes people think it's a racist area.
Unknown_09: ...archetypical dog whistle, just perhaps not a particularly subtle or unobtrusive one.
Unknown_09: So, if you ever happen to see people online mindlessly commenting the word Snead, all apropos of nothing, now you know the simple reason why.
Unknown_09: As with any dog whistle or obduce reactionary internet term,
Unknown_09: It does help to be able to spot these sorts of things, so you can suss out the situation properly and figure out whether or not someone might be trying to sneakily post alt-right adjacent content. And, you can only figure the situation out properly... I'm just imagining some guy, his name is like Floyd Sneed, and he's like, I sure do love talking about unions.
I'm going to join this breadtuber's unionist discord and have a conversation about how I can organize local proletariat in my area to rise up against the bourgeois interests which hold us down." And then he like joins and says, Hi, my name is Floyd Sneed. I'd like to talk about unions. and then instantly there's some tranny and he's like, what the fuck? You think you're clever walking in here with that dog whistle as if I'm not informed? I watch. I, what's this guy's name? He's like card something or... I watch card posting. I know all of your tricks to identify yourself in my space.
You are banned. Hitherto. If you know what these sorts of terms and bits of iconography mean,
Unknown_09: So, for the sake of keeping online spaces free of potential troublemakers and people with less than good intentions, it never hurts to be able to recognize these sorts of things.
Unknown_09: That's all I have to say today. I hope it helps.
Once again, my name's Card. If you might want to hear more from me, especially more about emerging or obscure internet dog whistles and how to spot them, feel free to subscribe to this YouTube page subscribe to him he made a bunch of similar videos here's the dog here's the list of dog whistles ready smoke alarms
Unknown_13: Just like a second of this. I wanna hear him say truth.
Unknown_01: This is his first one.
Unknown_09: This is what inspired him to go down the joker path.
The way he says that!
Unknown_01: Smoke alarms. That is the sound of our enemy. For context, there's been a stand-up comedy gag floating around since... Okay, just say chirp.
Unknown_09: In fact, with a failing battery, go unaddressed. Most domestic smoke alarms need their batteries changed. They often make a chirping or beeping sound to let you know. So, joking that you can hear a faint, unexplained beep coming from inside someone's house is meant to be comedic shorthand for saying they couldn't afford a new 9-volt battery. Observational humour used it as the basis for a lot of amateur comedy skits.
And they're making them, claiming that it's a serious sign of negligence and that it's a black person thing.
Unknown_09: Uh-oh. If you see someone online bring up smoke alarms, apropos of nothing,
Unknown_09: pretty good chance they're trying to signal to the other racists who were in on the joke.
Unknown_13: Now, the peop- I like how this guy was, literally this, like, this is his first one. This guy was so befuddled. at the concept of a smoke, like people talking about chirps and smoke alarms, and he was like, I have got to bring these dog whistles to the forefront of leftist discourse so that they will know these things and not be tricked, tricked or deceived by Nazis in the chat. Like this is like, chirp. That's what made him go, my God, I have to do something. I have to do a deep dive.
Milk, the okay sign. Clowns. Pine trees.
Unknown_13: Clapperboards? The fuck is that?
Unknown_09: The clapperboard.
Unknown_09: The clapperboard is right now trying to become the next ironic symbol of the alt-right.
Unknown_13: He spells 4chan wrong. He spells 4chan as if it licked the word 4.
Big reason why is that places like 4chan have recently been using pictures of clapperboards as an in-joke of theirs, referencing the negative stereotype about undue Jewish influence in the film industry and more broadly the world economy.
Unknown_13: I did not know that. I've not seen that before.
Unknown_13: Did all those videos have these? Yesterday's breakfast. Okay. We know what that one is. Yesterday's breakfast is when black people can't figure out how they would have felt if they didn't eat yesterday. Helicopter rise. Anti-communist. Alphabet people. That's like a Dave Chappelle skit. That's not even a dog whistle. Woodchippers. An anti-pedophile thing. But I guess he's gonna complain that all LGBTQIP plus are called that. Joggers. A black crime thing. 109. I do not know that one.
Hello there. Or another by now.
Unknown_09: which has come back into use among the far-right online syndicate.
Unknown_13: Oh, 109 countries! Okay, uh, duh. Sorry, I got confused because it's like 114 now. Um, rope. I mean, that's just, that's not really a whistle. If you say, get some rope, we all know what you mean. Picking cotton. I wonder. TD.
Unknown_13: Oh, he's explaining TTD. Okay, great.
And the third letter. is d which stands for death and the video freezes my audio starts like breaking up and then i'm attacked by a ghost represents a demographic the person using the acronym doesn't like which usually means a non-white racial group or a queer identity for example The middle letter will be the first letter of a racial slur, like N or C or K. What does the N1 stand for, bro?
You gotta spell that one out for me. Blowing... That's just an anti-government thing, that's not really... I guess it is a dog whistle. Friends, power level, noticing, triple parenthesis, the wall. Okay. Is this like an anti-woman dog whistle?
Unknown_09: Or maybe that it has something to do with firing squads and the idea of being up against the wall.
Unknown_13: Oh Really or otherwise. Oh, did he make this after Nick Ricketta's? That's something about Keffel's five months ago. No, that would have been too too recent Tiny hats you just know, okay. I have to hear this one Image board websites like for widespread belief among many people.
Oh god types of websites. Oh that supposedly
Unknown_09: Most or many Western women have sex with their pet dogs.
Unknown_12: It's impossible to address these things without sounding like a fucking lunatic.
Unknown_09: Or fantasize about doing so.
Unknown_09: The way this joke reference wor- Okay, I got you.
It's gonna take too long to get to it. The bell?
Unknown_09: on the site, and it references a joke story about a man who would watch period historical dramas on the television with his wife.
Unknown_09: Since this apocryphal joke story was made to appeal to the 4chan crowd, the punchline of sorts involves this man complaining loudly about the supposed historical inaccuracy any time a non-white performer showed up in a British Regency-era setting, for example.
Oh, I vaguely remember that. That's a weird one.
Unknown_13: This dude spends a lot of time on poll.
Unknown_13: Um, God, I want to listen to all of these. Maybe we'll, maybe I'll just kill time on random streams by pulling up one of his dog whistles and laughing at it. Um, he also did one other thing that I want to show, uh, not related to the dog whistles.
Unknown_13: Um, where.
Unknown_13: He addressed my video, look at this, he put Liz Fong Jones' ugly fucking face up as like the thing for his thing. I didn't watch this, it's like 13 minutes long and I don't wanna like see, I don't wanna hear like a British people talk.
From what I understand, the gist of his video is that I should play by the rules more often so less people are angry at me. That's literally his point according to how it was synopsized for me.
Unknown_13: Just in case you're wondering.
Unknown_13: Next we got it.
Unknown_16: We got shit to do chat Okay, I'm going to Maybe do not need the hamster.
Unknown_13: Thank you hamster quick day for the hamster. That's a good day. It's a quick tip Xander Hall speaking of leftist discourse. I Um, so Xander Hall had a DM leak. He's trying to talk to someone called Cheri. I don't know who the fuck Cheri is. I guess she was a bread tuber or he's a bread tuber. He slash she, whatever the fuck it is, is a bread tuber. And, um, I identify that by the bread logo. Xander Hall from what I understand is a nobody wannabe bread tuber who had some success, but is mostly a fucking loser.
Unknown_13: so Here is the the the part of the leak in question. He goes I there are more leaks of this guy Talking and he's just so he's like begging cherry for money and promising to pay him or her back in the future It's really weird. And the only thing I could think of when I was reading this is doesn't flamenco hate Xander Hall, that's the only reason why I know him cuz Xander has like this absolute fucking nobody bread to ever want to be and
And for whatever reason, Flamenco, the VTuber guy, is obsessed with him and hates him. And I was gonna do a joke for this part where I read these and then I say, you know what this means, total Flamenco victory. And then I would try to pull up something Flamenco related and do a thing where I love it because Flamenco is such a winner right now. But I tried to go to his Twitter account to find something funny.
Unknown_13: And it's literally 100% VTuber shit. I couldn't find a single thing that's funny that I want to put on my screen and be like, this is Flamenco, and I'm proud of him because he epically owns Xanderhal.
Flamenco is just a loser, unfortunately. He's got Starbucks gift cards for any sweeties that want to have their day brightened, though.
Unknown_13: Which will not be Xanderhal, I should clarify.
Unknown_13: Xanderhal says, I hate them all, Cherry. I want them all to die. I would kill Keffels in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even shoot her. I'd beat her to death with the gun. Cherry replies and says, you're not in a good mental state. Xanderhal says, I will kill her.
What is her address? I want it. I want to know where she's at. Bro, this guy is like trying to pretend that he's unhinged and he's still he's still Referring to this castrated man in a dress as a woman. It's so pathetic They can't even rage properly. They can't even they can't even have mental breakdowns correctly They just they're still cuckolds even in their like their lowest points
Unknown_13: She's in Ireland. It's not public. Please stop. You're spiraling. Somebody has to die for this. I will never be happy until someone has died for this. Ideally, Keffels. Cherry says her career is going to die.
I guess Sandra Hall is like, no.
Unknown_13: No! Capitals has ruined everything for the trans community by stealing a hundred thousand Canadian dollars and lying to people and making everything about her instead of beautiful trans women who deserve it. It's so sad. It's so sad, bro. Velvet and her fucking orbiters. I have to kill her really kill her stop her heart Cherry says then stop calm down. Stop. Stop, please
Keffels responds, my possession on Xanderhal, saying that he wants to kill me, is that nothing online matters. We all need to log off.
Please go outside, get a hobby, go have sex, literally do anything except be mad online. You can choose to live a life that is not miserable.
Unknown_13: I fucking hate the lowercase i internet. It is a miserable place. I'm planning to retire from streaming and will lock my account sometime next year and move on with my life. No one here is actually happy and you can only find happiness if you choose to prioritize things that really matter. Like what? I can't even imagine what Keffil's thinks I'm gonna do. Yeah, I'm living in a foreign country with a tranny. I've cut off my cock and balls and I suffer every day because I have to keep my stink ditch dilated.
Um, music, I guess, you know, maybe a construction worker. Like, what the fuck you gonna do, bro?
Unknown_13: I don't have anything else to say about this. I'll be back whenever. I really don't care anymore. Try explaining this situation to literally anyone outside of the small lowercase i internet echo chamber and watch the look they give you at how fucking insane you sound. I'm planning on getting married next year. I have good friends. I have hobbies in the social life. Things are good. None of the good things in my life come from the lowercase i internet and everything bad that has happened to me from the last two years has
I'm thriving. Bro, they got him hooked up on that good shit. Northern Ireland got that good SSRI. I'm gonna inject pure liquid happiness into your prefrontal cortex. You are a happy boy. You're a happy boy. Everything is going good. You're thriving. Uh-huh.
Oh, this is the other thing. He says, okay, I think I'm so fucked. Still no money and still does not show as pending in my bank account. Okay, the number was wrong confirmed. The 4K went to some rando. It has to be stopped. Cherry ASAP. Emergency. Fucka. Fuck. Homeless. I am now homeless. Cherry. Cherry. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Andwa. Answer. Now. Now, please. I'm gonna be homeless. Cherry. Cherry. I'm gonna fuck.
Unknown_12: Dude.
Unknown_13: So I'm like a proper like bossman Jack fuck for duck my life for duck my life for duck my life Isn't it so gratifying to know that all these people are miserable? Oh, Keffels is talking to Cherry now. Let's see what they have to say to each other. Just two bros having a conversation. This is from November last year. Keffels says, oh, you up? I have something more yikes. Cherry says, what do you have? Keffels says, as an immigrant myself, I know we all get a zined visa numbers. And with that, and then apparently he just doxes himself to Cherry for no apparent reason. And then says Australian business license.
Uh, Cherry says, how did you find that? And then Kappa says the same way. I know the second thought is blank and I have his home address. I'm insane. Cherry says, does Kiwi farms have this info? Kappa says, no, I did it myself. I'll never publish this info. It's like a game for me.
Oh, wait, hold up. Let me take a little.
Unknown_13: So, okay, this is how genius, how GENIUS these people are. This guy, Cary Cherry, goes, okay, I'll blot out all the docs, bro, don't worry, I got you, I got this covered, no docs for Reno, and then he just leaves the fucking link in there, and then look, it's George Angelus Ganatis, and then this is some guy related to BreadTube. So the ABN is still there, you can still archive it, and it's someone related to this.
They're so smart, bros. Man, we really need to give these leftist bread tubers more power and influence, because they're so fucking smart. They don't know how to type in a fucking number to send money to the right person, and when they censor things, they leave the fucking link up that actually links to the documents.
Unknown_13: It's like, are you retarded? For real?
Unknown_13: By the way, this guy apparently, in one of the logs, he's complaining that
Unknown_13: He, his checking account said $400, but it was in parentheses. So he thought, Oh boy, I have $400. And he went out to spend it. And he didn't realize that parentheses means that your $400 in the negative, you have negative $400, you have less than zero.
So he, um, over overdrew his account, uh, more. And then he was like, this is why we need more.
Unknown_13: Better. public education. How was I supposed to know that the parentheses around the number means that it's negative? This is clearly the fault of the government.
I don't know, nigga. I think I learned that shit in the fifth grade. I'm pretty sure that if you type any number into an Excel spreadsheet and it's negative, it automatically formats it with parentheses. This guy's like 31 years old and living with his parents, by the way. How the fuck do you get to 31 years old? Same age as me. Same age as me. Motherfucker doesn't know what parentheses around a number mean in accounting.
Unknown_13: Have you never balanced? I remember when I was in Niceville High School, I had a home ec class, and guess what? We literally got checkbooks given out to us, and we had to balance a checkbook using a pen and paper. Did you not do that? We're the same fucking age. Where did you live where you didn't have to balance a checkbook as a part of your high school curriculum? Pretty sure it was a part of No Child Left Behind. Like, really? I just don't get it, man. How are you that fucking dumb?
I think that's all I want to say about this. A little quick dab-a-rooski on Keffels and some weirdo.
Unknown_13: Finally, the Pang Zero.
I talked about this briefly, that he got epically owned, and now he's being epically owned even harder, but this time by his own chat. So after having a debate where he told Sneeko that childhood trans, Sneeko asked him very bluntly, should a child be allowed to cut off his cock and balls? And Pang Zero was like, yeah, of course, because how else will they become a beautiful trans? By the way, my Charlie voice is just not perfect.
Unknown_13: I listen to my own archive and I'm like, damn, I really fucking nailed that. All you gotta do is like deepen your voice ridiculously and like mumble in monotone and you're like, that's like dead on. That was fucking sounds.
So he goes, uh, he goes, yeah, if a beautiful, you know, a child at the age of nine wants to cut off his cock and balls, you know, that should be up to him. I'm not going to sit here and say that you can and can't do something. We do live in a society. And then everyone on the whole planet was like, are you fucking retarded? Are you insane? Are you what, what the fuck is wrong with you? A guy whose most notable attribute is that at 16 million viewers, he has never once in his entire life taken a position on absolutely anything. Everything that he talks about is either, I don't know, this is really concerning, but it could be wrong, if it's wrong, then that's okay, and that's good, and I'm happy for that, but if it's right and is what it is, then I think that's a bad thing, perhaps, but I don't want to, like, jump to conclusions. Every single video ever is just like wow this thing with this youtuber is really bad if it's true But if it's not true, then I rescind my former opinion, and I'm sorry that this happened or whatever And then finally he gets put on spot by one of the lowest IQ mongoloids to ever fucking live in stream And he just blows it up in his face, so then he's on his chat on Twitch, and he's like having to apologize for being a retard Later
He looks like such trash too. Like, look at him. He looks so fucking old.
Unknown_13: I was like, I know this guy. I knew this guy before he was famous. And I remember why. He did videos about League of Legends like 14 fucking years ago. And I remember watching his, same time that Seth Zintack or whatever was like brand new, they would do these like funny MLG edits of like League of Legends, like old League of Legends, like gameplay footage.
And I remember, um, I remember I was, I scrolled through his video art library to try and find like his old League of Legends stuff. And, um, I did, and it was pretty bad. And I don't know why I thought it was so funny when I was a teenager, but I did. And then I also realized that at some point in time, when he started doing his videos, he didn't have long hair. And like he was like kind of clean-cut and in this plain white tee and it was just kind of like, okay, you have a young guy and he's got like this sterile bedroom and it's just like, you know, that's just his look. But now it's like the plain white tee and long hair and the facial hair just makes him look like an insane homeless man. Like this guy eats trash out of a bin. But he has like 16 million subscribers and he gets like a million views a fucking video. He's no excuse. How do you look like this? You look like shit.
Unknown_08: Hang out for a minute, I just can't focus on that. I just keep... The chat just keeps bringing shit up and it's just, it's brutal.
Unknown_13: Sorry I can't play this bullshit Steam game that looks like fucking garbage because my chat keeps reminding me of the time that I said that I was gonna allow children to cut off their penises and how I thought there was nothing wrong with that. We live in a society, chat. Why are you doing this to me? My SSRIs aren't that strong.
It just... I just won't understand it.
Unknown_08: I don't get it. How Sneeko can say fucking 12, 13, 14, 15 year olds can marry adults and the thing that everyone sticks with is me saying that transitioning from a young age is fine.
Unknown_13: sneako is a retard sneko is retarded nobody likes sneko he's stupid he's a faggot nobody respects him people watch him because he is a clown you 16 million subscribers should know better but no that's why it's like if the it's like if the the you know there's a bump walking around with like a broken bottle of glass, like, ah, glass, you mate. And then Donald Trump comes out and says, enough of you, homeless man, I will take you on myself. And Donald Trump runs out there and then gets glassed in the neck by the homeless man, he's like, ah. And then the news are like, insane Trump gets stabbed by homeless man in fight. And then he's like, I cannot believe that people would look at me combating this homeless man and take away that I was in the wrong to engage him. Like there's a status difference here. You didn't have to go in there and talk to that retard and put yourself at risk to begin with. You really could have just not done that. Instead he's like lamenting over the fact that because he got into the shit with a retard he looks like a retard as a consequence. Like what did you expect would happen? That you'd walk away clean? You just got into the mud with a pig. Of course you're gonna walk out with your clean white t-shirt covered in shit.
Which I stand by. But people are construing it as me saying, children can have their dick cut off if their parents consent to it. When Sneako was saying, children can marry if their parents consent to it. Mine is a misunderstanding, his is a fundamental fucking belief, and I don't get it.
I don't fucking get it. I really don't get it.
Unknown_08: I will never ever fucking understand it.
Unknown_13: The real takeaway of this is that I should never opine again. My next solid opinion on anything will be revealed to you at 32 million subscribers. If you want to see me take a hardline stance on anything ever again, make sure to press the like and subscribe button and we'll get there together.
What a fucking awful day.
Unknown_13: Sure is a terrible day to have autism.
Unknown_08: No, it's not only Sneako fans. It's not. It's absolutely not. Let's cope to say that.
Unknown_08: It's not.
Unknown_13: He's, like, in stunned silence reading his own chat. Here, I have an idea. Charlie did that, like, metal song. Like, he did, like, a music video to, like, reveal his face. Like, to show he got comfortable.
Here, do a cover about this, okay?
Unknown_08: I wanted to talk to him because I'm always willing to talk to people I disagree with.
Unknown_06: Again, it was supposed to be a talk.
Unknown_08: He never said it was a stream or a debate. He just said to talk. And then it was a debate on everything but the actual subject.
This song, Lonely Day, really, really, really reminds me of Chris Chan. If I were ever put together a music video or some kind of homage to Chris, Lonely Day by System of a Down would 100% be my choice.
Unknown_13: It's really pitch perfect for Chris, I think. Um, yeah, this guy Charlie can do a cover of Lonely Day and call it Awful Day. Awful Day, and it's mine. I just wanted to debate something that wasn't about child penis.
He is Hapa. He is Hapa. That's why he's 5'8". Here, all you guys are like, hmm, actually white women are terrible. I'm gonna hook up with a chinky lady. Your kids, 5'8", they're gonna look like Charlie. Just so you know. Just warning you.
Unknown_08: And then you recorded it. He literally asked me to, but he streamed it. I wasn't going to record it. I left it entirely up to him. I, I talked, I talked to a piece of shit and expected that there would be some kind of privacy accord between us, but then he just live streamed it anyways.
It made me look like a dipshit. after years of being on the internet i didn't know that people would lie to you i have never encountered a liar imagine that someone lying to you on the internet i thought it was just a conversation because that's what it was put as but i'm fine with him streaming and everything too it's it's whatever that's okay but i wasn't going into a debate
Unknown_08: It was to talk to him about his age of consent views on how 18 is bad. Like how there shouldn't be an age of consent, it should be the age of marriage, which he defines loosely in a million different ways.
Go, go fucking figure. Dude, this guy, this guy got like dumped into internet blood sports, like a lobster being dumped into boiling water. He's like, oh shit. I mean, I just came in here to swim. I didn't think there'd be boiling hot water. Clank, clank, clank, let me out.
Unknown_13: Like, yeah, when you go in there and you start calling someone like a pedophile because you think, you know, they have your opinions on their agent consent, which is whatever in this case. If what he's saying is true, but it's like, you don't think he's going to turn the tables and fling shit at you and put you into an awkward position to make you look like a retard.
Unknown_08: Sometimes it's a 12 year old. Sometimes it's a 18 year old.
I just, I can't get over it.
Unknown_11: shouldn't exist and i just keep seeing tweet after fucking tweet about it tweets the tweets chat they're pouring in imagine having a twitter account what a fag
Us giga chads, we don't need to interact with people.
Unknown_08: So I'm not saying a kid needs to go get their dick cut off and that's great, pump my fist. That is a decision that can come way down the line when you are an adult to make a decision like that. But if you want to start that process and you are well educated, you've gone to like specialists, therapists, your family, everyone, then that's fine.
That's fine with me. That doesn't, that doesn't make me lose sleep. That's your decision to make. It's your fucking body.
Unknown_13: He's trying to draw a distinction between puberty blockers and the surgery. But as we know, the puberty blockers cause, you know, all sorts of damage that are irreparable. They're not easily reversed, as expected. So even taking a soft stance like that is just like, what a retard.
I love the dead air. It's so deafening. He's just reading the chat. He's like, what the fuck?
Unknown_08: That's fine to disagree with it, but my take is just not you can get your dick cut off as a child, and that's great. That's not my take.
Unknown_13: Explain to me the difference then. Like if you're gonna like chemically castrate him, he can't respond. I'm sure his response would just be like crying, crawling into a ball crying.
Unknown_08: My take is if you want to start that process, you can start that process if you'd like to, and you have all of the tools at your disposal to give you the best information about it.
Listen, brother, my opinion is whatever makes me the most money and causes me the least amount of problems, so I just want you to know that whatever you think is true, and I 100% agree with it, and I also love advertiser revenue, uh, please stop yelling at me, I can't handle it.
Unknown_08: And then when you get 18, you can make the next set of decisions.
Unknown_08: It's as simple as that.
Unknown_08: It's not, cut a child's dick off, because they said they want to right now.
Unknown_13: Thank you, I do sound like him.
Unknown_13: Dude, I miss my, I miss my shot caller. I should have, I should have just done the YouTube thing and just done the Charlie voice. Hey everybody, it's Matt at the Internet. Today we're going to be talking about retard trannies. Hit the like and subscribe button. And then I would just be like, you know, Mahan would be breaking through my window with like eight gold play buttons. Like, sir, thank you for revitalizing our platform. Here you go.
I just don't understand how that's the hot take and not 12-year-olds can marry adults. I don't get it. I don't. I truly don't. Like I'm banging my fucking head against the wall because I don't get it.
Unknown_13: That's very funny. I think he cuts the stream off right after that. He's just like, okay, well I don't feel like doing anything anymore.
Sucks to suck. Um, that's the same thing. Okay, great. Wonderful. Let's see how he's doing next week. He's a mental health break, maybe. I think we all need a mental health break after listening to that line-a-thon chat. How about some Amberlynn? Yeah, that's right, boys. Our favorite.
Unknown_00: Hi guys, I look like crap because I feel like crap. I really don't even know what to say but like you guys don't know the full story at all and I think that's like the hardest part of this whole thing is like there is a big part of this story missing but I'm never going to sit there and talk about other people's personal things because that's not that's not me that's not who I am but because
I'll be merciful and I will summarize this video. Last stream I talked about how Amberlynn's new girlfriend, New Wipey, was a known feeder whose last girlfriend died of eating herself to death and she had glommed on to Amberlynn Reed and it looked like that the process was about to repeat itself.
Unknown_13: This Tuesday,
Unknown_13: or it was the day before Tuesday.
Unknown_13: Whatever, whenever this video is made, she comes out and she says, it's over. We've broken up.
And apparently she already has another girlfriend lined up. So I don't know what the fuck is going on. Like here's the thing about Amberlynn is that she is never single. She's just constantly like cycling through all these disposable wipeys. Lesbian dating, if you're like a true like romantic lesbian, I don't know if such a thing exists, but I must imagine that lesbian dating is the most horrific experience that a person could ever go through. Cause it's like,
Unknown_13: It's like you have these fast-moving, non-committal relationships where you're like in and out in no time at all. These weird sexless relationships that never end. And then tons and tons of tranny. I'm just thinking like, God, if you're like a, you know, if you got like super megad and you're like trying to stay away from men and hit it off with the lady, as a lady, Your prospects in the dating scene must be fucking grim. Must be the worst assortment of people you could possibly fucking imagine.
Just a thought. I don't want to play all this. She's fat. It's on Saturday, by the way. It's already over.
She says that it was Emily's mental health. Emily realized that she was super megadox because of associating with Amberlynn She's like I don't fuck it. I'll just feed somebody else to death There's 10 million lesbian fat blobs out there. I can feed to to absolute decay I'll just do that Here is a update on our small-town hero. This is world of t-shirts and I think he's trying to kill himself in this just a warning and Yes, he's trying to throw himself into the rail.
Unknown_13: And then he's being wrestled by fans. He's super fucked up on alcohol.
Dude, look at all their faces.
Unknown_05: Look at this guy's face when he says that.
Unknown_13: The guy's like, ah, fuck, harmonization, bro. Oh, this ain't, this ain't, this ain't bussin', man. This ain't bussin'. He just said the S-slur on TikTok, bro. We're gonna lose our account. We're gonna get a strike. Not bussin' at all, man. Josh.
Unknown_13: Well, the jump was here, this. He tries to like walk onto it and they just pull him back. The important thing to note is that if you count, look at this chap, we got one, two, three. Oh, you got one, two rails for the choo-choo train. What's this third rail? Oh, that is a electrified train tracks, which means that if he were to touch the third rail, he would be toasterino. He would be fried. Um, one of the few remaining electrified train tracks that are just accessible like that.
So he, he could have died from that. It's a pretty dangerous thing to do.
Unknown_13: And this is the guy who uploaded the video. He says, Josh needs help. I ran into him tonight, and he's gotten to the point where he's hurting himself, and he tried to jump into the tracks. He can't be allowed out anymore and needs help. Ran into Wendy's parking lot and heard screams. Went to see, and sure enough, it was Josh. He got kicked out of the Richmond Republic for punching a guy at the bar. Came outside and started screaming about how America's backwards spiraling until he almost jumped in the tracks.
Unknown_13: Um... Let's see. I think this is a screaming event. This is him having a spurt out.
TikTokers ruined this man. We need to hold TikTok accountable. Can we get TikTok de-platformed at an internet backbone level?
Unknown_15: Dude, everyone busts him. Oh no, he's run away.
Unknown_13: He didn't attack.
Unknown_13: Why are there all these like weird bus and TikTok streamers who are just like hanging out in New York City like a parking lot trying to hunt down this guy? It's very weird. Zoomers are very weird, chat. I don't know how else to describe that.
Okay, and this is, okay, I'm going to explain this very deadpan.
Unknown_13: Russell Greer filed or was filed against in an eviction case in Nevada.
Unknown_13: He's currently suing me. I will make no judgmental statements in regards to this.
Unknown_13: Users of the Kiwi Farms have found that he is selling possessions on Facebook, such as his famous piano that he used in the recording of certain songs directed at Taylor Swift. He also did a, I remember he did a video where he was uplifting disabled folks by playing on the piano and talking and saying what a success he was to try and uplift people and inspire them.
And this is also his television. He's telling this as well. So the Las Vegas electronics traders, um, just, you know, getting rid of his possessions because he's being evicted on, um, I cannot or should not rather, I can do whatever the fuck I want, but I should not, um, attempt a fate by saying a thing.
Unknown_14: So here's what I'm going to do. Chat. Let's see. I'm going to actually move this and then do copy.
And then, no, I want, maybe I can, I'll just try this really, really quick and if this doesn't work.
Unknown_16: Okay, I think I got this. I think I can get this working.
Unknown_14: And then, HD, 27002, 1350, chat.
Unknown_14: Okay, say stuff, chat. Say stuff. Aha, it does work. Okay. Chat.
Unknown_13: I yield the floor to you. I have, as you can see, I have cleverly put the chat on the screen so that the chat may respond to these things. Chat, please, as you are now featured in the content area of the display, you may opine for me. Give me your honest take to the Russell Greer eviction. I'll, I'll, I'll, my hands off the keyboard. off the keyboard. I'm not typing. I'm not in the chat. Give me your honest reaction. And I will even drink water to assure everybody that none of the opinions flying across my screen are my own.
I am hydrated and I see that everyone has given their opinion as I have now put the chat on the screen.
Very good.
Unknown_13: Very good. I will consider this segment concluded.
Unknown_13: Okay, brief update on this. Pearl Davis was on the Fish Tank, and I think Fish Tank right now is called Bitch Tank because they're only doing women.
Unknown_13: She looks atrocious and my expectations were low. I merely expected Sam Hyde to bring Pearl Davis to tears because in case you don't remember, she's a coal burner and she sucked a homeless Negro's penis. Um, she literally took a black man off the streets and sucked his dick. And then he dumped her because she's such trash. And then he upgraded to a different woman that doesn't look like Pearl Davis does. I just want to remind everybody that that is Pearl Davis's life story. That is not a joke. That's literally what happened.
Sam Hyde thought well this gutter trash belongs on my my fish tank. He invited her over She arrives and I had very very low expectations for Sam Hyde. All I expected was the bare minimum Please make her cry Did he meet my expectations? Unfortunately, not chat. Unfortunately, not she did not cry and apparently the production staff were very nice to her so it was all just like Tit-for-tat publicity stuff not even a mental breakdown. No crying Very lame Pearl Davis is so Trashy that even the chedda counts on zitter like garbage human saying just a reminder that Hannah Pearl Davis calls other women over 30 unattractive and she is 27. This is the face of a woman at her prime and
who has sucked black dick for cock, even. And Sam Hyde could not make her cry. Unfortunate. Because I would have forgiven him for, you know, even if the Marky shit was true, if he had made Pearl Davis cry, I'd be like, okay, it's water under the bridge. I see you've learned and grown as a person. I understand. We all make mistakes, Sam. But, you know, unfortunately, that ship has sailed. That didn't happen.
um yeah she's already gone this sucks i was hoping i was hoping for a uh yeah common hide i was hoping for for a redemption arc here from sand mine unfortunately never occurred finally the real content of this stream chat
Vito Gesualdi, aka Vito the pedo, a man who repeatedly professed that he was a pedophile and his close associates with a known pedophile called Max Carson, uh, published the first half of the black and white of his comic. And I don't know, I think it's supposed to be full color, but this is like the black and white preview for super killer. Um,
Unknown_13: And I don't know what to say. It's bad. It was uploaded by autistic right to the forum. I'm assuming with Vito's permission, maybe he said that you can publish this if you want to. I haven't received any notice about it. So I'm assuming that this is up for critical review. Uh, so this is his note to the backers. He says, hello, backer, please enjoy this exclusive 23 page digital preview of super killer. Number one, the complete first act of our story.
So first of all, this is only half the book. Second of all, the script that was leaked earlier in the, um...
Unknown_13: Think it was leaked last year Vito said that it was like a draft and that it wouldn't be reflective of the final product But they're in the coloring phase and it's the exact same fucking thing like nothing's changed as far as I could tell by looking over it So that's that was just a lie and I already know that's gonna be shit cuz I read through the script. I
Um, I said I was going to send out the entire book this month, but I decided that was a really stupid idea, so I did this instead. Also, there's a black and white version of the comic now, and you'll be getting a free copy once we start shipping everything out. You should probably read the end of the July campaign update for all the details. Anyways, please keep in mind this is still a work in progress, a bit rough around the edges. The lettering and coloring will definitely be changed up in the final print, but I think we got something pretty cool here. Let's see. Um, so if you don't remember from me reading the script,
The first page of this is supposed to be like a fake-out. It's supposed to be like a really old-timey comic that is intentionally kitsch and cliche.
Unknown_13: Time to face cosmic consequences, UFO bot. Meteor man, but how? That radioactive shard of meteor item should have disabled your powers. He says, well, fiend, you were right about my secret weakness to mediatorium.
Thankfully, my signal watch sent a distress call to my number one super pal, kid reporter, Snap Sullivan. It was he who freed me from your tricky torture trap.
Unknown_13: All right, you two, smile for the birdie. And then he says, curses, how could you fool me? How could you fools have bested me yet again? And then this is supposed to be the introduction to the real comic, which is good.
Unknown_13: The woman that he fetishizes from his high school who killed herself and is reincarnated in his disgusting comic book says, wow, I can't believe I actually paid money for this crap.
And then there was a comic about how comics were never good.
Unknown_16: um she or did he did he change that line there was okay he did change it a little bit there was a line in the original that says were comics always this bad my thought is just with that okay let's let's pretend i mean i guess there's like a concept here like if you're gonna show i mean really if he had the balls he should have just put in two pages from isom
he should have just directly copied two pages from isam and then had her reading isam number one or whatever and said like wow this is shit i sure do hate black people instead he has no balls and he went for parroting like 1950s superman i guess is what the the point is um now my thought with that okay let's say that
Unknown_13: there was in potentia some way to make this work that would be funny. Um, I think that the main issue is that the art style is identical.
Unknown_13: Like there's not much of an improvement. I don't know. Maybe there's supposed to be like an improvement. It kind of looks like it's the exact same art style though.
Unknown_13: If there's supposed to be like a noticeable improvement, maybe once it's colored in, I'll be able to see that.
Unknown_13: But, um,
From the line art alone, it doesn't look like it. It would really, oh, I guess, I guess it is supposed to be, no, cause it's like dot colored in here too, like sketching dot colored. So it is supposed to look like that. I was going to say, you really want it to look like a 1950s comic book, but this just looks like the exact same shit. So it's a lot harder to sell that. Um, the other thing that was really noticeable with,
Unknown_13: just skimming through this is like, okay, you look at this and I just want you to tell me in these, especially with the faces, what is the most detailed part of like the human, like what is the most detailed thing that exists in every single one of these frames?
And you might notice that, like, the mouths are, like, extraordinarily over-detailed compared to the rest of the footage, the rest of the drawing. It's just, like, you know, especially when they're zoomed out, it's, like, all the mouths are, like, extremely lined and, like, with sharp teeth and all sorts of stuff. And it really... Someone else in the thread even said this, but it really stood out to me. It's, like, these are, like, vore mouths. And if you don't know what that means,
Unknown_13: If you ever see, if you ever are unfortunate enough to see vor, like a furry, like drawing vor, the mouths are like hyper detailed with like glistening strands of saliva and really sharp teeth and every, and the gums drawn. It's like the mouths are like given way too much fucking focus. And I really don't know why. I mean, they don't look like human mouths at all. So it makes me wonder if these are like drop in place, like, like Jim Buckley, like, like, look at this, like, look at that mouth.
Unknown_16: Hold up.
Unknown_16: I'm immediately reminded of something that is, like, stupid.
Here we go.
Unknown_16: Stupid face the engineer of Team Fortress 2 saying stupid face lady Why are you making such a stupid face?
Unknown_13: I just want to know I Don't know I don't really feel like reading the plot to any of this Yeah, he comes in and this is like the first shot of the actual super killer besides the comic book cover of
Unknown_13: And I guess maybe once it's colored in, it'll look a little bit better, but I don't know.
I can't even make out the details of his fucking face.
Unknown_15: Yeah.
Unknown_16: And then the really, and I guess that this is supposed to be like.
Unknown_13: This isn't a part of the actual art, this is just like the end part of the... the backer comic. This sketch in particular is like the worst fucking thing. Like, their faces are so dead and lifeless. And, like, the way that the mouths are, like, again, look how big-lipped these are. These remind me of that Big Mouth fucking Netflix show that was, like, creepy and weird and very Jewish. And then you scroll down, and it's like the perspective is completely fucked up, the arms are completely fucked up, the angle's completely fucked up, the body proportions are completely fucked up. I'm like I'm hoping this is just like a temporary sketch they threw in there or um the backers, but it's just like It's just bad it makes me think like You know if Vito just did like a comic and
And he just put this out and said, okay, you know, this is like a independent comic. It's just something that he wants to do. It's something for people who know him and like his shit. That's fine. This is all whatever. Right.
But his entire crux of selling this is that other people's comics are worse.
Unknown_16: I even have other people's fucking.
Unknown_16: Dude, I have it. I can open this up, and it's nowhere near this bad.
Unknown_13: Especially with the mouth thing, it's like really noticeable. How bad. How- I don't know, just like the coloring and the width of the lineart is done, and the proportions of the mouths and the bodies and shit.
Which is completely different.
Unknown_16: Um... Here, actually.
Unknown_16: I think I can throw this up.
Unknown_13: I have this, um...
Unknown_13: No, I'm sorry, I don't have that. I was going to say maybe I had my Gumroad review video assets for this, but I can't drop them side by side. It's hard to explain because I'm not like an artist, but you can compare the faces and that there's just a level of skill. There's a skill gap between the two.
What the fuck is this?
Unknown_13: Even as I was scrolling up and down, you heard me dead air for a second, because I'm like, what the fuck? What's this? What is this? Where's her face?
Unknown_13: He just took his drawing tablet and dropped in all the assets for the face and nose, and then forgot the face.
Where's her head at, bro?
Unknown_12: where's the oh no no no look at the top of his head where is her face we know that's that definitely when this when this gets like released colored i am going to find this fucking page it is page 14 do not let me forget i cannot wait now that i pointed this out to come back to this page
Unknown_13: and see this frame in particular, and see that someone went back and drew in an entire fucking head. Because if I did not point this out, this would have shipped this way. It would just be a frame of her face splattered off of her body.
Here's your comic book, retards. Thanks for supporting the fucking fat retard podcast. Number two, the reboot.
Unknown_13: I made a, I think I made a meme. I'm going to try to find my meme real quick.
Unknown_16: No, I, uh, I just said Lamal at that. There's another one that made me laugh.
I may not, it may not be a highlight. All my posts should be hard, should be highlights, but Oh, here we go. And it was a highlight, of course. It just instantly reminded me of Tackle and Titan. It's like this weird angle of them like looking up with like these like grimaces on their face and like whatever the fuck this is supposed to be. It's just like creepy weird vore mouth. I was like, ew, stop it.
Unknown_13: Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me look at this?
Look, Attack on Titans, I've never even watched it, but I know the intro song, and I know that it has German, and therefore it's a good song, okay? That's how it works.
Unknown_13: And then this.
Unknown_13: This guy, this guy, who paid someone to draw this, with this weird fucking fanged vore mouth, is gonna be like,
Unknown_13: Yeah, you're a comic black man? Mm-mm, not good enough. You should be bankrupt. You suck.
Unknown_16: Thanks, Vida.
Unknown_16: I'm gonna wrap up.
Like I said, I gotta go to bed. It's way fucking early here, and I gotta wake up early. No, don't you dare do this to me.
Unknown_13: I pulled this up. I pulled this up and I pulled up the user account and it was there and I sent it over telegram and then I open it on my laptop and then I drop it in and it's deleted and the account is deleted in that time that it took. This is preposterous. This is an offense to me. How dare you?
Okay, so this is a post and my partner is trans, but luckily I do have a screenshot of it. Let me find it real quick.
Unknown_13: Fuck is this trying to delete my fucking content my fucking content trying to delete my fucking content read it you bastard Thankfully, I stole this off of zitter. So I have it archived as a screenshot This is my partner is trans by you be honey be now by you redacted because it was deleted and
My mom is gendering my partner and I don't know what to do. My fiancé, MTF, has been out for a year to my family. I am incredibly close to my family and spend about as much time with them as possible, usually about a weekend a month. My fiancé comes with me maybe half the time. Overall, everyone has been extremely accepting, thrilled about us planning our wedding, buying us and sporting their own LGBTQIAP Plus merch, etc.
Unknown_13: However, my mother still slips up sometimes one to two times a day when we're staying with her maybe. It's incredibly upsetting to my fiance. Last night she told me that it makes her not want to come home with me anymore and that she thinks my family is just pretending to support her as a woman. This really upsets me and I want to have a conversation with my mom. I told her she needs to do better and it makes my fiance not want to be there.
My mom was heartbroken. She says she's trying her best, and she does so much to show she's supportive. She was upset for the rest of the weekend, as was my fiancé. I don't know what to do. I love my fiancé, and will be spending the rest of my life with her, and genuinely hate seeing how upset being misgendered makes her. But also, she cuts my family no slack while not holding her friends or family to the same standard. My family is my world and it breaks my heart to feel I have to choose between hurting my fiancé and hurting my family and myself by not having her come. Has anyone else had something like this? What have you done? I need advice, something, anything. I'm so distressed about this I haven't slept and I keep crying every time I think about it.
This gorilla tranny that this woman entered into a relationship with and then who transitioned I think in their relationship and is now emotionally guilt-tripping her to not see her own family.
and despite her family doing literally everything conceivably fucking possible still sees this gorilla tranny ogre and Says he on accident because number one they know him as a he number two He looks like a gorilla tranny. I assume I assume because every tranny looks like a gorilla tranny if we're gonna be about this
Unknown_13: And despite all this effort, the gorilla tranny is not appreciative. And apparently his own family and his own friends still fuck up and call him a man because he looks like one and is one. But when it comes to her family and his ability to emotionally torment and entrap his own fiancee in this relationship, no slack is given at all. You literally cannot make these people happy. You just can't, Chad.
Okay, that's it.
Unknown_13: I'm gonna do the super chats if I breeze through super chats and don't play videos and stuff I really apologize. But like I said, I got shit to do chat.
Unknown_16: I Will set us to show mode Sorry for the the shorter stream, but I think that maybe I
Unknown_16: Oh, I just realized I'm using the wrong background.
Unknown_13: Oh my god, what a fuck-up. Shows how off-kilter I am today, chat. Completely fucked up. Everything. Everything is destroyed. Everything fucking ruined, chat. Nobody even knew what stream it was. What was the name of this program? I'll never know because the background was wrong, chat.
Unknown_16: Um...
Unknown_13: Space Allen for 20 says ham jam. Thank you Space Allen, I appreciate it. Ben Collins for 20 says fishing level. Um, I think it was 80 something last time I played. Uh, Schneedberg, thank you very much by the way. Schneedberg, Stein Goldman for 10 says high sped, low tranny stream ham jam. Yes it is, I think, I guess. Yeah, that makes sense. Thank you. Uh, good luck. Seven for five says highlighted my day, had a speaker on people in their conversations today too.
I just want to get the fuck home. Is that your I hope you I hope you got your any percent speed run, bro Thank you. Grim was wonderful and says hang in there. Mr. No, thanks for even the short streams. I'm glad you can appreciate shorter streams sometimes The octane for five says total advertiser death and he sends me a Y Combinator post that just says sorry when I try to open it, which I guess means my VPN is blocked Let me try with the other browser It is loading
Attribution is dying. Clicks are dying. This is a topic near and dear to my heart. First, I didn't realize this was a Rand Fishkin writing it. He knows his stuff. He also linked the article more perspective on incrementally measurements being all that matters to think about at a high level and completely agree with them.
Unknown_13: The bottom line is what used to work no longer does, and marketers and finance leadership need to get used to having less fidelity and availability than when they were used to. It also means marketing teams who are trashy trying to buy a low-impact tactic every week instead of constructing experience likely to... Oh, that's basically just saying that current trends in advertising are failing. And they are, because advertisers are fucking despicable, and everyone's sick of them, and sick of their fucking bullshit, which I agree with.
Thank you, good to hear, great news. Haramberger produces, give an opinion on Subway's footlong cookies and which lolcow would appreciate it the most. I don't know.
Unknown_13: I don't remember footlong, if that's like a new thing, I haven't, I don't think there's a Subway nearby.
Unknown_13: Or they don't have that. Sev23343 says, skibbity doilets.
Unknown_13: I think I nailed that.
Unknown_13: Thank you. AAOX4 for five says, finally caught you live. Been a member of the forum for six years. Wow. Keep fighting the good fight. If you had to nominate any current locale for most insufferable, who would it be? I nominate Andy Ditch.
I have not heard of Andy Ditch. Most insufferable?
Unknown_13: Geez, that's a hard one. There's so many of them.
Unknown_13: that jumped to mind. I mean, Keffel's and Liz Fong Jones for personal reasons are like, I hate, I hate them.
Unknown_13: I don't know, Ralph is pretty up there in terms of like... Oh, Rikada? Rikada is like, okay, Rikada is pretty good for a pick because Rikada is like so insufferable and... Oh! Juju and Vito! Even worse than Nick. They're like in the same little bubble of like insufferable like jerk-offs that just keep mouthing each other. But yeah, they're like smug condescension is like the most insufferable fucking thing I can think of.
Red Eyes, Black Dragon for 10 says, Gary come home.
Unknown_16: And then there was a YouTube video, which I will attempt to learn.
Unknown_16: Gary come home punk cover 2023.
Unknown_13: Oh, it's a, it's a Spongebob thing.
That's pretty good. I appreciate the blown out speaker vibe going on.
Unknown_16: Thank you.
Unknown_13: Kurt Eichenwald, anime master, provides his glorious Kiwi Emperor. Have you heard of Big Bungie? He wants to be your lowercase I internet friend express interview of interview.
Unknown_13: Express interest of interviewing you on the Finster situation. I have not. I received a request for a podcast interview from a channel on Rumble, but I didn't look into it that hard. I have it marked as unread in my inbox.
If that guy reached out to me, I haven't heard from him.
Unknown_13: I may be open to it. It just kind of depends.
Unknown_13: William Dante for 15 says you've enjoyed everybody citing Hughes v. Benjamin and Klein v. Hoss on copyright.
Unknown_13: Now coming this summer, get ready for landmark case, Skivity Toilet v. Michael Bay.
Unknown_13: That is a very funny idea. I think that if you make a name too stupid, they would find some way to make it sound less stupid, like the other lawsuit name. Because I think that lawyers hold themselves in very high regard in stupid shit like that. They try to worm their way around them. That would be funny though.
Antise42 says,
Unknown_13: Uh, what would be a good cause to die for? In a friends realism minded Minecraft version, of course, existence is pain. I'm a blue guy. I don't know, bro. You have to kind of figure that shit out for yourself.
Unknown_13: Sorry not to give you a more concrete answer, but, uh, I honestly, I, um, cause it'd be a very terrible idea for me to answer that. Uh, grandma's wonder for one says, Josh, are you happy with your initials? JCM sounds like a clothing brand. Just think if your middle name was Ignatius, we would call you Jim. Just think if my name was James and you could call me Jim. I don't intend expect unforeseen consequences.
tp deluxe for two says josh matt orchard put out a new video on the apple river stabbing case have you watched thoughts on the case ie how one obnoxious blk friend can get you stabbed in a proxy nikka moment um yes i have watched it it was extremely extremely infuriating to watch the verdict was extremely depressing um
Like the entire time I'm just thinking like just stay away from them Just stay away from don't interact with them if they get your fucking property and there's like eight of them Just stay away from them because they're gonna win. Everyone's gonna feel bad for him and the real bullshit is that he got convicted of everything and
Unknown_13: which is just wrong. Like there is one, like, I don't, I feel like the defense for the, if you're, have no idea what we're talking about, just like zoom out for a second. I'll give myself 30 seconds to address this. The really frustrating thing is that if you've never been thrown to the ground on like a, number one, if you stand in a riverbed like that, it hurts. The rocks hurt. You're standing on stones. They hurt your fucking feet. So it's, it's awkward. to trudge through even like ankle deep water on a stone bed like that anyways. You get knocked down, you have stones embedded in your back. You have stones grinding against your joints and against your bones. You have water rushing past your ears and you're gonna get a drowning sensation. You're gonna get fear that you're gonna be underwater and you will drown in that river. And anybody who was even near him, nobody got stabbed around that guy that did not touch him. Even if it was like trying to be like a friendly pat on the back, every single person who got stabbed touched him first. The only questionable ones was the one where he approached the guy at the very end. They wanted to get him on reckless for that guy, that would make sense.
And if they wanted to get him on, there's some other thing that he did, but it was like asinine bullshit. To get him on any charge with a guy that was like pushing him down, like fuck that. I would never, ever go to whatever fucking Minnesota or whatever fucking shithole state that's from. It was a disgusting verdict and it filled me with rage. Don't be around them. Just stay the fuck away from them all the time. You will never, ever get a fair day if you're near those people.
Um, Josh from TV.
Unknown_13: Oh, I heard that.
Unknown_13: Uh, breadwashed for 50 says, Hey Josh, I'm going to start saving money for the next while. So this will be my last mission for the time being. Hope you have a nice Buffalo chicken pizza with it this Friday. Oh dude.
Unknown_13: Don't get me thinking about pizza, bro.
Unknown_14: I got to go to bed.
Unknown_13: I appreciate it though. Yeah. Good luck saving up for what you're saving up for. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. I do appreciate it. Tetrabacks for 50 says the joke revolves around a farm supply store called Feeds, Sneed, and Feed, the farm of the Chucks, where the names Feed and Seed both end with the E suffix, ramen with the owner's name, Sneed. Thank you, that's very informative, I appreciate it. Tetrabacks for 20 says, chirp. I think that's your end, bro, not my end, I wanna know.
A holy half says, hope you're having a good day, Josh. You remind me, but always here's more of my truck driver box. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. I appreciate your, your service to our country, moving goods and around the, around the highway system.
Unknown_13: I remember if it says troopers keep moving, this is a nine folders neighborhood.
Unknown_13: Hey, now don't get them to do another video about the nine vultures.
Novel novelty for five says I went to my parents house recently and they showed me a comedian named Josh Snead I couldn't believe it was real. He was just okay. His name was the best part of his Well the name like that he's built up for success. He's got the main magic on the side already Problematic retard for five says chirp and Snead. Oh
Unknown_13: I don't know how I feel about that particular blend of dog whistles. It's confusing my prefrontal cortex, which handles all my racism.
Unknown_13: Drewby8242 says, Evening Josh, what is your ideal submarine sandwich? I'm not particularly familiar with a submarine sandwich, but if I get a sandwich at Subway's, I get
Spicy Italian with Italian herbs and cheese and provolone, spinach, olives, onions, onions cooked on before, like on with the meat, and chipotle southwest and salt and pepper. That's what I get on that.
Unknown_13: Very tasty, actually.
Unknown_13: Tetra back for 50 says, completely unrelated. And then there is a YouTube link.
Unknown_16: I cannot play this, but it's White Girls Fuck Dogs by Rusty Cage.
Unknown_13: So you can imagine, white girls fuck dogs.
Unknown_13: That's the song. Unfortunately, I am not signed in. I guess one day I should just sign into YouTube so I can play these things for people.
Holy, how fortune says xander haas downfall has been a long time coming complete piece of shit that dick Road vouch for years even after his pedo folder and only had a falling out because vouch wasn't pro Biden enough Yeah, I heard about that I think that the yeah, that's why the chat logs came out like people had this dirt on him and then he disavowed vouch for Supporting Kamala Harris or something and
Unknown_13: Xanderhal was pissed because he was like, but oh, he know what it was is that he had like a feud with that was because Xanderhal believed that Biden shouldn't drop out and vouch believe that Biden should drop out because he's such a Unelectable candidate that even Kamala Harris we better Xanderhal disagreed with it
Unknown_13: Biden did drop out, and then the utter shame and humiliation of being bested by Vaush drove him to, like, Spurg out at Vaush, and then people dumped all their logs on him because he was a fucking loser.
Never punch left, comrade. We need a united workers' front against the fascist menace.
Unknown_13: Judy Tester for 20 says, my credit cards were stolen by socioeconomic factors. I've been trying to get rumble to accept my new credit card for close to a month. I apologize for my delayed contributions to the pizza fund. Delayed contributions are better than no contributions. I appreciate it very much.
Unknown_13: Um, sorry to hear about your credit cards, by the way. Make sure you should have kept a nine volt in your, um, in your wallet. They would have dropped it and ran away. Apparently.
Holy how for two says also cherry is a training that was one of Xander Hall that was also Xander Hall's editor Also Xander Hall was pro drop Kiwi farm. So this means he the suffering of another drop Kiwi from his faggot Well, well, well my day isn't significantly improved by knowing about other people's misfortunes
Unknown_13: AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed for seven says nothing, but I know that AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed is posting like 100 times a day on my forum, so he needs to up that amount, I think.
Unknown_13: Thank you. Steno for two says, a sneak peek into Josh's newest gumroad. And then there is a cat box link with a JPEG, and I'm opening it. And sure enough, this is in fact a real screenshot from my video. The first half is, but when I saw this guy's face, I thought, wow, that is like a pitch perfect one-to-one pixel representation of the Maramont meme. And sure enough, when you put the hat on him, dead ringer, dead fucking ringer. That's crazy. Legit, I saw this guy, I'm like, holy fuck, it's just the Munt meme.
Only on the Gumroad, of course. Holy hell, Virtu says Xanderhal is such a low IQ he thought Jarbo the Hutt's Sargon rap was actually Sargon rapping. Also- No way. The one where- Wait, hold up. Hold up, let me find it.
This might be, um... This might be age-restricted.
Unknown_16: I played it at the end of one of my recent streams, but- You mean this part?
Unknown_13: Xander Hall thought that was actually Sargon contributing a soundbite to this album He is legit like mentally ill low IQ needs to be in a fucking institution for people like that eat toast like toast bread and and have like a Constant supervision to stop them from getting each other pregnant like that kind of facility That's crazy Holy hell wait also he took an IQ test on stream and got like a 96
Dude, if that's like 90, if 96 IQ can't tell if that's fake or a sound splice or whatever, we're fucked. Cause that means that half of people are as dumb as that.
Unknown_13: Holy hell, Vertiza, Xanderhal really is one of the worst out there of all devouched sense. I remember when he said his fans, quote-unquote, should harass any big YouTuber that collab with JonTron. His suffering brings me so much joy. Is Holy Howl a secret Flamenco account? Because I think that this guy, this guy, Holy Howl, my Nibba and Flamenco seem to have a crossroad intersection and wishing utter despair and demise on Xanderhal.
I'm just kidding though.
Unknown_13: Casting couch crowd for Casting couch crowd for Pfizer's got yelled up at my family over the weekend for not planning to vote for their candidate every four years I get treated like a Satanist despite being a good son to them. You were right about booting Yeah, I'm just telling you I think that would piss them off even more like if you come in and say yeah I'm voting for the fascist party candidate. There's like a like an American fascist party that runs a candidate It's like 12 votes every year. I'm voting for him. He said that you would probably get less vitriolic a reaction. I and saying that you don't vote. You go up to a super-politicalized people and say, yeah, I'm not voting. And they'll be like, what? What do you mean?
You gotta vote. You gotta vote. The Founding Fathers, the Second World War, the Peaches of Normandy, for your right to vote. They all died in vain unless you vote.
Unknown_13: I do have to nominate Donald Trump for president, though. I officially endorse him for all voters because he said that he would overturn specific federal oversights regarding access to credit card processors. So therefore, he is my pick for president. Surprise, surprise, chap. If you do intend to vote in this meaningless process, you may vote for Trump. You have my blessing.
Teterex for five says moist is looking like old digi. Oh, dude You're dead on with that. He does look like digi bro. He looks so fucking unsheveled. That's crazy. What? That's a crazy comparison. Yeah Dude long hair on men never looks good. Take him from me. I tried that long hair shit makes you look like a fucking loser. Oh
Uh, Gormless Wonder, for once, says, Your Charlie voice is great. It's basically the same as the guy who reviewed the microwave barbecue pizza.
Unknown_13: I don't think I have a voice. I can't, I honestly, I cannot manipulate my voice into sounding that deep without the assistance of technology. Uh, thank you.
Unknown_13: Kulkul410 says, usual sight is down and longer passage for clarity. Oh, my boy's book of Enoch is being oppressed by the non-apocryphalites.
Okay, I'll read this. Then, this is the book of Enoch, chapter 12, I think, chapter three, like 12.3 and then five, six, seven. Then the Lord said to me, Enoch, scribe of the righteous, go tell the watchers of heaven who have deserted the lofty sky and their holy everlasting station who have been polluted with women. and have done, as the sons of men do, by taking themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth, that on earth they shall never obtain peace or remission of sin, for they shall not rejoice in their offspring, they shall behold the slaughter of the beloved, shall lament for the destruction of their sons, and shall petition forever, but shall not obtain mercy and peace.
Thank you. Steno for one says who has a worse voice, Charlie or Keffel? Keffel's. Oh my God. Charlie's voice isn't unpleasant. It's just like weird. It sounds a little bit forced, but Keffel's is just like, I have significant brain damage from injecting.
Unknown_13: my body with dumb shit but yet i still think that i should be given a platform on the internet as a influential communist trans girl and i should be allowed to decide who is and is not worthy of having a website whereas charlie's just like some guy
Anime sucks, cope, and sneaky. Ferdinand says, I'm never going to get Amberlynn, Josh. She's never turning straight no matter what. Frowny face.
Unknown_13: Well, you know what they say. If you get knocked down, stand up again.
Unknown_13: I think that's how that goes. Pretty sure. Thank you. No hurt. Mr. Middle provides us. Here's some money for my canceled Amazon and audible subscriptions. Oh, well, your last podcast reminded me I still had thirty five dollars taken from my account for about three months.
Unknown_13: Yeah, this is a reminder that you might want to check what subscriptions you're subscribed to because you might be giving money to Satan himself. Just a warning.
Steno for once says, hey Josh, I went to the grocery store and saw that the checkout dividers, they had an ad on it. I can imagine you getting the checkout divider and smacking the store manager with it. I'm pretty sure those have always had advertisements. I think I even remember seeing them at like Publix and stuff with ads.
Unknown_16: That's old school.
Unknown_13: The Ghost of Lotex for once says, speak of the devil, speak of the devil, and he shall appear. And then he has a timestamped video I think he wants me to play from 1.06 onwards.
Unknown_13: No, this is two different videos people want me to watch.
Unknown_10: Oh.
Floyd's Feed and Seed in downtown Daywell has it all for that Christmas shopping list. Floyd's Feed and Seed has Layton Martin's best selection of Carhartt apparel and this year we've expanded to offer you the best selection and price on all Carhartt products. Need boots? Floyd has a huge selection of casual to work boots and they're in all sizes from quality name brands that you trust. See all our Western wearing apparel as well as a full line of saddles and tack. Looking for a unique gift?
Unknown_13: Saddles and tack at Floyd's feeding scene as always the feed you need for the holiday Floyd's feeding scene on Broadneck Street in Dayton Blessed, Alabama.
Okay. This is from 106 onwards. It's gonna be good. This is Hardman working hard Bro I've played this on stream before this was an outro song. I'm very much aware of Hardman working hard Now great guys, by the way
Unknown_13: Porglack for five says videos drawing kin panders mouth and then there is a link to read it and Then it says ladies and gentlemen, mr. Kin pen and then of course I can't view this because you link the fucking reddit post and reddit blocks every fucking VPN that's ever existed Should upload it to cat box or something Okay, I got it, okay, hold on Oh Okay, so Ken panders is another comic book artist I got you I
I don't know, I would say that the mouths on Vito's comic are worse in a certain way, because in this- okay, look, the face is all fucked up in this sketch, but...
Unknown_13: It matches, like, the level of detail in the mouth is equitable to the level of detail in the weird, like, eye goggle thing that Sonic has. It's just, it's the same level of detail. Whereas in Vito's thing, it's like the mouth in particular is like several degrees, um, more, more detailed than the rest of it.
Especially in that one thing that I pulled up that was just like
Unknown_13: It's just like it's over detailed for what it is that makes it stand out even more. It makes it look like a fetish thing. It's like, why does her like, okay, this is this frame, for instance, is very close to looking good, but then it's like, there's like weird spit on her lower lip. And it's like, why, why would you put that detail there? Like that's an adequate level of detail for that shot so that her lips and her mouth doesn't stand up. Then you add like spit reflection on her bottom lip. Like she has a boogie sitting on her. I don't get it.
There's this shit where it's like even on this it's like, okay, you can clearly see the level detail for everything There's like spit on her upper lip. There's another weird spit reflection thing You can see that their chin is like half drawn that guy definitely forgot to finish his face because there's a chin there Like why the fuck is that there? And then you can see like the weird holes like your her mouth is full of cavity. Every tooth is like sharp and shit It's like a crazy amount of detail for a mouth and also the the speckling Every face looks like they're covered in grime. Why is her why does she have a five o'clock shadow? Why is it detailed like this? It just look it's just it's visually unappealing. I look at it and I think like this looks bad It's not like i'm trying to find faults with it. I look at it. I'm, just thinking like this is visually unappealing isom You know for whatever you want to say about the writing or whatever or certain action sequences that don't that aren't consistent The the artistry is good everything. I I had no issues with it There's nothing that stands out like this or it's just like why do they look fucking dirty for? She looks like she should be dunked in a fucking bathtub Let me refresh Tetra X for $100 has great stream. Have a happy Tuesday. Thank you very much. I'm happy that my little stream was was still worth something
Biakni for 15 says what do white supremacist keep photoshopping pictures of Indian people shitting in the streets and Then there is a link to blog to debate photo pooping on top Ontario parking lot I See they did not they decided against including a a
Unknown_13: It's been strangely poop-full the last few days as far as Ontario news goes with incidents involving images of what looks to be a man openly defecating in a gas station in Tim Hortons' parking lot, many of which are saying it was maliciously photoshopped.
Um, I did see the, oh, here it is. Does this look maliciously Photoshopped by a white supremacist chat? I don't know. I'm an expert. Like I'm looking at the pixels and I just say, uh, Sikh man shitting into the, into his own hand or a cup in front of a Tim Hortons. Interesting.
Unknown_16: And there's probably a bathroom in that, in that Tim Hortons show.
Unknown_13: I don't know, bro. White supremacists are just so wily.
Unknown_13: Uh, the false copy of Sunderer for one says you mentioned liking Attack on Titan theme, but the opening line of that is actually German. Vogel im Kaffig, however, is fully German and it's great. Maybe I pose in the music suggestion thread.
Um, I mean, I'm aware that the song is mostly in Japanese. It's very hard to find a rendition of that song that adequately does its service, by the way. Um, there is a cover of it by.
Unknown_13: That one guy that I like, let me find him real quick cause I do actually like him.
Unknown_13: His music at least.
Unknown_13: He does like, like really hard, um, like really overly well done covers of shit.
How do I find, I'm on my title app and I'm trying to find my things that I've already liked.
Unknown_16: Artist.
Unknown_16: Richard or rich a a deb rich a deb.
Unknown_13: He does a cover I think with like a Like a Filipino man who does both the German and the Japanese and it's pretty good. I Don't know Fogel M. K fig though Bird and the beetle. It's not what no, it's a K for I don't want to cave like it Yeah posted in the music suggestion
Maromberger42 says, no, it was not a Scrooge stream, child. I can prove only 45 minutes of content was trimmed. I still got my news, reddit locales, and trannies. Enjoy slumber, stalker child. I will. Thank you very much.
Unknown_13: Anime sucks open seat for 15 says being steam chat shout to the yachts and the math woods by the way Just discuss the feasibility of getting women up to 1200 pounds and more as long as they live in water Fat women float unironically, but if you try to keep a person in water permanently, they would like rot I would advise against that wherever woman you have in the bathtub you need to let out because she's gonna start decaying
Unknown_13: Anime sex coping scene for 10 says if anyone is interested in the chat log as a whole they can find it currently posted on my Kiwi farms profile simplified Josh Yeah, I'm telling you The the waterlogged corpse that you're trying to feed is not going to get to your weight when she starts disintegrating into the the water MH dark law for two says good day. Jani Juche the song Rick for this week is good old days by smoked beat title link.
I Thank you. I will send it to myself.
Unknown_16: Uh, Steno for once is the shortest man in the world.
Unknown_13: Have a good night. Well, that's the point.
Unknown_16: I'm kidding.
Unknown_13: Luz de Ferro 210 for once is enjoy my dollars. Tax-free bish. I wish it was. Snead Cricket for Tista is going to vote for Trump based on the payment processor thing, even though it will probably be rigged again anywho. It'll be funny to see Stick get super angry over Trump loosing. If he does, it'll probably happen.
Unknown_13: Stick's always angry. He doesn't have any reason.
Unknown_13: Holy how for ten says this is a video where Xander Hall fell for the deepfake Xander Hall changed the title of the video But kept it up for some reason. It's not a deepfake. It's just regular splicing I'll play in a second. This is a lot. I'm gonna read this and then I'm done Steam cricket for once this needs feed and seed is now Floyd's feet and see I read this I just played that row And then I make sex open scenes for two says what about saline I would advise against it Okay, here is the clip
Sargon of a con goes mask off racist and awful deep fake rack song Okay, here's his reaction. I want to hear it 18,000 views.
I wanna hear him.
Unknown_06: Play the pit!
Unknown_06: You listen to the entire song.
Unknown_03: Look at his face.
Unknown_13: This guy's face is like, finally, I found the missing piece to take down the chud known as Sargon.
Once Sargon has fallen, the rest of Gamergate will be defenseless. With Medokur having cancer and Sargon being fallen by this epic piece of racist music I've discovered, the Gamergank flanks will crumble, and I will finally be able to launch an assault to end this ten years of madness." He's actually smug about this, like, yeah, I figure this is it. This is the cracks in the foundation that will allow us to end this menace for once and all.
Unknown_13: That's one of the funniest lines in any drug song by the way the 25% thing is hysterical Is it over?
Jesus it's finally fucking over. Um, it is always nice when you suspect somebody being racist for them to mask off It's we got a little bag of chicken of Happy Milk for mama mama bought him a happy meal. Hey, here we go. Santa Hall.
Unknown_13: Here's your food.
Unknown_02: Oh
Unknown_02: Really nice. Hold on, what's that, um, uh, what's that one book written by that lady about all the big fucking black dudes that turn all the men on- white men on earth into, like, uh, femboy, uh, breeders to, like, assfuck all day? And, like, cuck them? Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say? It's a- any racist familiar here with the femboy breeding camps? What the fuck?
What's that, uh, what's that book? Because that's what these people want.
Unknown_02: I think that's your own personal hentai collection, bro. Or at least it's what they secretly want. These people sort of project, like, an over amount of pain or worry about black men, like, fucking their wives and cucking them.
Unknown_02: It's what they're all desperately afraid of. And I don't get why.
Unknown_13: Bro, it's a fake song by a black man.
Unknown_02: There's a reason why he's remixing it. I'm pretty sure he's black. So he gets the n-word pass. Maybe they believe that all women are, like,
Look at what he's pulling up on his channel.
Unknown_13: He's just like yanking this out of nowhere. Who the fuck?
Unknown_13: And now we know who's BBC posting on poll.
Unknown_02: We found him. This is Patient Zero. Now this is what makes you based.
Unknown_02: What a fucking clown.
Unknown_13: How embarrassing. No wonder why Valve shit this retard out like a hemorrhoid.
All right, that's it. I'll see you guys on Friday. Have a wonderful week. Take it easy. Thank you for your support. And I do have a song picked out, I think.
Unknown_14: Where did it go? Where did my song?
Unknown_13: Oh, here it is. Remember, download the song chat.
it anymore so I'm writing a list. Don't try to resist this paradigm shift. The music revolution cannot be dismissed. 1898 Iggy Pop CD, what if I can get it for my sister for free? It's all about marketing, Clive Davis C. If fans buy the shirt then they get the mp3. Music was a product, now it is a service. Major record labels, why you trying to hurt us? Epic's up in my face like, don't steal our songs Lars.
Unknown_00: Well Sony sells the burners that are burning CD-Rs. It's the Warner, DMI, hear me clearly.
Unknown_06: Universal Music, update your circuitry. They soon
Unknown_06: Hey, Mr. Record Man, the joke's on you Runnin' your label like it was 1992 Hey, Mr. Record Man, your system can't compete It's the new artist model, file transfer!
to launch a career. If your style is unique and you practice what you preach, you might not fight in jail about the things to teach. I've got G5 production, content
Unknown_06: The costs are too immense The fingers in the dam, but the crack keeps on growing Can't sell bottled water when it's freely flowing Record sales slipping down in percent Increased download sales, you can't prevent Satellite radio and video games Change the terrain, it will never be the same Did you know in ten years, labels won't exist? Goodbye DVDs and compact discs! Hey, Mr. Record Man, what's wrong with you?
Unknown_04: Still living off your catalog from 1982? Hey, Mr. Record Man, your system can't compete It's the new artist model, file transfer!
You know, we just wanted a level playing field. You've overcharged us for music for years, and now we're just trying to find a fair balance. I hate to say it, but... Welcome to the future.