Let's take on me, but it's old school runescape sound front by unpragmatic covers.
Unknown_20: Hello. It's a Tuesday. Actually, it's a Wednesday. So all the Europeans must suffer. Just sit there and suffer.
Unknown_20: Um, cool. I would like to give a announcement that the gumroad has been updated for the first time and since October, I want to say, you know, I have, I have some things lined up in mind for the next few weekends. I intend to do one per weekend. If you're wondering why I'm shilling a little bit more than usual talking about gumroads and such things, It's that it occurred to me over the weekend that I am beset by absolute, pure evil, and I am divinely ordained, placed on this earth by God himself, to drive evil from my country. And this evil is particularly well-funded, and I have to take things more seriously than I have been.
So I am planning, plotting, and scheming, as I do.
But the details of such things are probably detrimental to discuss at this point, but they will be discussed later in detail, I promise.
Unknown_20: Interestingly, of all the things going on right now, I think the least talked about thing is probably the most interesting thing, and that's because it's in a less free place where such documents and information are withheld from the public. They cannot be easily discussed. Just be aware that everything I say is recorded. And interestingly, it is applied pretty ineffectively, I would imagine.
Unknown_20: If I discuss, I don't know, it's just crazy. It's just crazy that evil is so well-funded in our current existence.
But it is soulless, so it can be destroyed, chat.
Unknown_20: So, there's a couple things that have happened this week. Some news.
Unknown_20: I generally try to avoid politics. I'd like to do a little recap about stuff that's just happening. I don't think anyone cares about my political perspectives, but it does kind of set a stage.
Unknown_20: In this episode, you know, all these things with weirdos is happening, but at the same time, the news is also happening. So these are the current events. And these are also what people are paying attention to on the internet and how people are reacting in general society where everybody's retarded. Um, so let's just start with the easy thing. There's a very intensive interview of the head of the secretary or the head of the secret service.
if for whatever reason, you do not know. The Secret Service was originally set up so that the Union could combat money laundering or counterfeiting in the United States during the Civil War. The Confederates started using their printing presses to just deflate the U.S. currency.
to try and damage the economy of the Northern states.
Unknown_20: So the Secret Service was set up as a way of combating, counterfeiting operations against the Northern Union states during that time. And for whatever reason, bizarrely, they became a executive protection agency over time. And that became their primary mission that most people know them by. But to this day, the Secret Service still does anti-counterfeiting operations. And oddly, the Secret Service up until like 2007, it was like really late into the country. It only recently got moved from the Department of Treasury to the Department of Homeland Security. Up until like after 9-11, the Secret Service was actually still a compartment of the Department of Treasury.
Oh yeah, the hamster. Well, this isn't technically news yet. I'm not late on this. I'm just discussing things.
Unknown_20: Uh, so, um, this lady ended up in the head of the, um, secret service. She was appointed by president Biden in 2022, late 2022. Um, and her.
Her performance in the Congress was extremely subpar.
Unknown_20: She could not answer a single question. She continually deferred to ongoing investigations, both by the Secret Service and the FBI.
Unknown_20: She could not give specific answers to basically anything.
Unknown_20: It left a lot to be desired in regards to answers to questions, how Trump was almost assassinated under the protection of the Secret Service.
Many congresspeople outright insulted and demeaned her, like, live on the hearing and said, like, okay, well, we would like, would you like to take my five, I think one guy even asked, would you like to take my five minutes of questions to just tenure your resignation?
Unknown_20: I don't know, it was like a weird humiliation ritual for her, but I guess, I don't know, she did kind of fuck up pretty bad, so you could say it's deserved, but... I don't know, it's kind of bizarre, bizarre showing. And then that we had the token, like there was like this old black grandma who showed up and like...
Unknown_00: Let me tell you about AR-15s and how dangerous guns is."
Unknown_20: And it's just like, okay, lady, the presidential candidate was almost assassinated. Now's not the time to talk about your fucking bullshit.
Your street violence, hoodlums, black people shooting each other thing is not relevant at all to this conversation. Somebody invited her just to be nice, I guess. She didn't want to be left out. And then AOC asked her a question about how... She tried to do like the anti-gun thing, but she did it in a roundabout way. She was like, so he used an AR-15, which has a performant range of 400 to 600 yards. How far away was the sniper's nest? It was 220 yards. So why was not included in your perimeter? I was like, oh.
She said she wouldn't resign, but then she resigned immediately after so That's that that that cleans up that BAM BAM BAM all done secret service fix story node
Unknown_20: Give it back to the Department of Treasury. The IRS wouldn't let this happen. The IRS would protect all its taxpayers. What the fuck? Is that guy over there not paying taxes? You know how much taxes Trump pays? He pays a lot of taxes. That guy over there, he's on fucking Social Security. Take him out.
Brain splattered all over the place.
Unknown_20: We have to protect these billionaires and multi-millionaire politicians. Look, over there, a deranged working-class man who's upset because he can't afford to feed his kids. Take him out! Sir, yes, sir!
Unknown_20: Gone. Don't fuck around with the Department of Treasury. The Department of Homeland Security is quaking in their fucking boots. I can't believe this shit. How are they so powerful? How are they so good?
Tax-free take out Ralph tax-free. We're gonna drone strike him in Mexico tax-free motherfucker I'm not particularly passionate about this this topic. There was some arguments that the people protecting Trump were like interns or whatever like temporary Contractees and not full-time Secret Service operatives. There was one question that made me laugh because it was the senator and he was like
She was like proudly saying, like, the Secret Service conducts 36 full-time protection details at this moment. And we also do details of foreign head of state visits, including Benjamin Netanyahu, who visited us recently. Then the Republicans shot back and said, like,
Unknown_20: President Benjamin Netanyahu is under threat by Iran. I bet you Iranian snipers could have killed Trump. It's a good thing it was just this loser. How can we trust you to protect President Netanyahu on his official visits if you can't even protect Trump?" She's like, oh no.
Unknown_20: He got really feisty about that. What do you mean President Netanyahu is in danger? You bitch! Resign! Resign! Shame! Shame on you!
Okay, she did good job next Yandex Which is a Russian Google basically I don't know how else to more succinctly describe that which was very big in Ukraine There was a very the only reason why I keep this up is that they've moved from Russia to the Netherlands to continue their operations As a tech tech giant which is still big in Russia um
I have an anecdote regarding Yandex. When I was in Ukraine, it was after Crimea, but before the war. So, there were, after Crimea, and a little bit before Crimea even, there were a lot of anti-Russian state-level operations to disentangle the economies of Ukraine and Russia. And one of them was the government of Ukraine, and I think this was after Crimea,
Unknown_20: instituted a blanket ban on Yandex services. So if you had a phone that was registered to Ukraine, you were not allowed to download Yandex taxi, which was effectively their Uber. You weren't allowed to download the Yandex app. I don't think you were allowed to connect to like the Yandex email service either. So Yandex maintains the yandex.ua domain for Ukrainians, but that was completely blocked in an attempt to damage the entanglement between them. Oh, and I also think that
I wanna say it was VK. I think Ukraine also tried to block VK. So if you had like friends that were in Russia and they used VK, I don't think VK is owned by Yandex, it's a different company. Like Facebook is different from Google, but if you wanted to talk to your Russian friends from Ukraine on VK, you weren't allowed to do so because it was blocked at like a ISP level by Ukraine.
So that's my anecdote with that. I will say that I've had some of the craziest taxi experiences of my life in a Yandex cab.
Unknown_20: It's kind of a weird thing where it's like, you know how in the US they advertise cars as being like, our vehicle is rated five stars for safety, a triple A safety rating by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. And you're like, well, I never hear a company advertising that they have a B or a C safety rating for their vehicles. You know where those cars go? They do exist, these B and C safety rating vehicles. They sell them to poor countries. If you want to see an F safety rating vehicle, go to Ukraine. I don't think some of those vehicles even have... I'm pretty sure I've taken cabs in Ukraine that don't even have seatbelts in them.
You're sitting in a bucket of a 1990s Soviet Skoda or whatever that doesn't have any safety belts. And they're weaving between traffic at twice the speed limit and just cutting across lanes and shit. And it's like, ooh, my adrenaline.
It's a bit much.
Unknown_20: If you're one of those people that get claustrophobic inside a vehicle, you might not want to get a Yandex cab if you happen to be in Ukraine for any reason.
Unknown_07: Good luck with that Yandex.
Unknown_20: Bloomberg did a article about Roblox's or Roblax's pedophile problem. Going in detail about the lowercase i's internet's biggest recreation zone for kids is fighting to keep printers away and it's not always winning.
This is a pretty long article complete with Roblox images.
Unknown_20: but we'll skip to the interesting part here.
Unknown_20: The leader of this pack is Ben Simon, now 27, who broadcasts about Roblox on YouTube under the pseudonym Ruben Sim from a bungalow in suburban Tucson. Roblox spends so much time, effort, and money convincing parents that their platform is safer than it actually is, he says, sitting in a gaming room spelling of marijuana and plastered with WikiLeaks and rock music posters. Simon is a controversial figure. He has mocked roblox employees for their physical appearance and Sexual preferences and has hurled insults at bazoo buzz buzz buzz ski who blocked him on X Roblox permanently banned Simon when he was 17 since then he started a new account expanded his YouTube subscriber base to 1.2 million and
even as Roblox has shut him down on the platform at least 100 times. His first videos were cringy satires of its games, now it has titles such as Uncovering Roblox's Nasty Community and Roblox's Worst Moderation Problem. Look at how fucking normal this guy is. This guy's like a verified YouTuber who showed up randomly. I remember noticing him for the first time because on, um...
When I looked at my subscribers on YouTube and I sorted by most subscribers and my number one was YMS and my number two was Ruben Sim. I'm like, why the fuck does this random Roblox content creator Follow me how bizarre why mess I can understand furries love drama drama is like a life source for the the average furry Reuben I had I had no clue and then I found out that he he is pretty beset and I appreciate His naming of the Kiwi farms, which I I think him and Turkey Tomlick, the only people on YouTube who have ever named the forum, just is like, yeah, I got my information from there. Mudohar did recently, only in regards to Keffels, which was shocking, but it didn't happen.
Very interesting. Look at this. This, I mean, this puts all the Blocklanders to shame. I gotta admit, I don't remember that there was a buff dude that played Roblox or that played Blockland.
Unknown_20: I'm really trying to think. We had a gay guy. We had a gay guy that lived on a yacht that was British and really, really, really hated Estonians.
Unknown_20: I don't count gay people in this, though.
Let's see.
Unknown_20: Roblox employees said that they respect Simon's efforts. Others write him off as a drama channel, a bad faith actress who cares more about clicks than kids. But he says users desperate for accountability have sent him thousands of complaints. Figuring they'll have better luck getting a creepy account shut down if you post about them than what they did if they fired with Roblox. It's actually kind of interesting.
Unknown_20: In September 2022, Simon started receiving messages from the gamers who were seeking to bring Doc down. The screenshots they sent were of conversations Doc had with young girls who work for him, including ones detailing fantasies about kidnapping and raping a 12-year-old. Damn, what the fuck?
I kind of skimmed down just to this part because I wanted to read about him and I, um, I don't know if this is like an employee or what.
Unknown_20: After Simon reposted the messages on Twitter, vigilantes flooded Doc's accounts, calling him a pedophile. Doc responded with a YouTube video defending himself and his usual style off screen. With his voice electronically altered, he admitted the messages were real, but he said they were just jokes. Dude, that's fucked up.
That's, that's fucking, that's crazy.
Unknown_20: Simon packaged the allegations and admission into a seven-minute video and sent it to an employee at Roblox's developer relations team. He asked the company to shutter the Dr. Rafatnik account and Sonic Eclipse itself. A number of other users say they also alerted Roblox about Doc's account, and so did the mother of the preteen he had sent messages to.
Unknown_20: The mother sought information or advice from Simon before sending a report explaining how creepy and dangerous it all was.
That's crazy. I didn't realize that this guy like spins. I mean, I realized that he was like a like a bulwark. Is that how you pronounce that? A bulwark of like anti-pedophile shit on Roblox. I didn't realize that he was the guy. It's like if a mother, help, my preaching daughter is being solicited for sex by a pedophile on Roblox, what do I do? Oh, you contact Reuben.
Unknown_20: You contact Rubin, fuck the police, fuck the National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids, fuck Roblox, yeah, contact Rubin. He'll make a drama video about it and then they'll actually, they'll lose like .03% on their stock the next day and people will actually do something about it. Don't worry about it. That's pretty funny.
Congratulations, my boy. This is literally more flattering than any writing ever about the Kiwi Farms has ever been. He's mastered it. He's mastered the PR game. I could never compete with that.
Unknown_07: I really gotta sneeze.
Unknown_07: And... I don't know.
Unknown_07: Give me a second.
I'm thinking about Joe Biden, so I'm suddenly beset with a sneezing flu. All right, I'll try to, wait, wait, hold on.
Unknown_07: Lord help me, chat, Lord help me.
Unknown_20: All right, Joe Biden. So everybody has heard this, but once again, I'll reiterate, when I talk about news on the podcast, it's like, it's already happened. It's already been floating around for a couple of days. There's not like new information that I, the dictator of the Kiwi farms could possibly like show, tell you about the president of the United States. But when we talk about it, it's sort of like well, this is where we're at and if you're listening Three years from now. It's funny when I first started doing the podcast I would say like in if you're listening in the trenches of the far-off year of 2023 during the Civil War You'll know what was going on at this time and now I have to like bump that up if you're listening in the Civil War of 2027 you you'll
You'll know where we're at. So shout out to the boys listening in 2027. The boys listening in 2023 already came and went.
Unknown_20: The president of the United States of America, who has served one term as president, two terms as vice president, is not seeking reelection. And he says in his letter, which was posted to Zitter,
My fellow Americans, over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a uppercase N nation. Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. That is absolutely not fucking true.
Unknown_20: We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. passed the first gun safety law in 30 years, appointed the first African-American woman to the court of the Supreme Court and passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today. Um, I disagree.
I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. I know
Unknown_20: America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today. I disagree There was a point in history where all of Europe was completely raised to the fucking ground and all of China and all of Japan and We were like the only industrial capacity country in the entire world. I Think that was probably a better time.
Unknown_20: Together, we overcame a once-in-a-century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We protected and preserved our democracy, and we revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world. It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president, and it has been my intention to seek re-election. I believe it is the best, or while it has been my intention, I now believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.
I will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about my decision.
Unknown_20: For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected."
Unknown_20: And I believe he then says,
Unknown_07: It doesn't explicitly nominate her. He actually, he doesn't a second tweet.
Unknown_20: So this, this is the first anomaly Biden drops out of the election.
Unknown_20: I remind you, he's already won. He was in a lightly contested election. He very easily closed out the, the, uh, the polls. Uh, nobody seriously ran against him.
and he was supposed to go to the DNC in August, like August 8th, I want to say, and receive the nomination. So he's already won the election.
Unknown_20: There is no more election. He's won. So now he's dropped out suddenly, unexpectedly, at the same time that he caught COVID. So he caught COVID. I mentioned that on Friday.
Unknown_20: I mentioned it was kind of weird that this was like the third time he had caught COVID. He disappears. He publishes a statement to Zitter.
after he had won the election, um, saying that he was not seeking reelection. And then on Zitter, he nominates Kamala. There is no message on the White House correspondence. This was not published, um, anywhere else. It was just on Zitter. Hello, Zitter. It's your boy, JB, uh, 40, 42. And, uh, I'm not running for reelection anymore. Bye. There's no like seal. there's no uh you know president like letterhead it's just like a like a google docs template saying yeah i'm not running for re-election anymore um and i don't think he's been seen since is this correct chat is he still not been seen in public hold on let me look for something
I'm trying to search for something. I'm just getting YouTube warnings.
Unknown_20: No, don't believe any conspiracies. Conspiracies are bad. Don't think for yourself. Just us. Okay, let me read my chat. Am I correct about this that he's been gone ever since?
Unknown_20: He was seen in a car. He's fucking dead. He's with Mama JF.
Unknown_20: He's been seen quote unquote. He turned up today. He was confused. Yes, he died. Freaking died. Okay. So this is what I want to show you. I saw this on the platform formerly known as Twitter. Um, and why is this not?
Let me show like the big version. I'm just typing Joe Biden signature.
Unknown_07: Maybe I'll debunk this live on stream. Cause I'm a little bit curious.
Unknown_20: Here, this is what I saw.
Unknown_20: You can very clearly see that the Joe Biden signature in this letter is supposedly, like, just the way that the R is done, the B is the big one. It's, like, completely different. And he usually scribbles his lettering a little bit differently.
So I don't know if maybe he just uses like a clone, like he did this once and it's like stored in Adobe Acrobat and he just prints that out and it's a little bit different. Except for the B and the weird underlining. It's like, it's different chat.
Unknown_20: My point is that there is now a conspiracy theory that Joe Biden is dead and they have forged his signature and they will keep him gone until such a time where it's convenient for them.
Unknown_20: The auto pen did it.
Dementia fucks with your handwriting.
Unknown_20: There is no R in Biden.
Unknown_20: It's his middle name, you fucking idiot.
Unknown_20: Come on now.
Unknown_20: Um, so this left the 2024 election in like a weird position where Trump is running effectively unopposed. There is no clear candidate for, for president in the United States anymore, uh, from the democratic convention. Because if you don't remember, I played a video on the, uh, on this podcast where I talked about how,
Trump was caught on tape and he was talking about how they might take out Biden and run Kamala and Trump laughed and said, oh god, I hope they do. She's even worse.
Unknown_20: So he's not very intimidated by Kamala.
Unknown_20: She sucks. She's ugly. She stinks of curry. Just not very, very appealing chat. Not very appealing. She wrote she personally sent a vice presidential letterhead to the days of girlhood tranny freak Dylan Mulvaney congratulating Dylan on 365 days of living authentically, so you got like this pro-trune Freak at a time where a trune shit is like at the absolute fucking bottom of its popularity Since it since it started picking up and it's like well, how are you going to?
How are you going to overcome that? And who are you going to pick as your vice presidential candidate?
Unknown_20: So I kicked around some ideas. I think the poll even on the thread has my polls still.
Unknown_20: The options that I suggested would be Kamala Harris, which is currently winning at 753 votes. Hillary Clinton, it's her turn, 178 votes. Gavin Newsom, 121 votes. So he's in the bottom. He's the governor of California. I said some black woman or gay man, which would include Oprah, Chad. It would include Oprah. 668 votes, which is the second highest at 29.6%.
And then Taylor Swift. Now here's the thing. Someone raised this question. Is Taylor Swift eligible? I discussed this with Hardin. I'm not joking. I actually asked him what he thought about Taylor Swift running.
Unknown_20: Because she's 34. The election is in November. She turns 35 in December. And if you don't know, you have to be 35 to run or become president. So she could run for president legally. There is case law going back centuries saying that it's okay for you to run for an office that you qualify for after the election, but before you actually take the oath. So she would be 35 in January where she would be sworn in. So Tay Tay can run for president of the United States if she so chooses. She has not indicated that she would run for president, but she can.
Michelle Obama would also qualify for some black woman and also a gay man So that's why I think Oprah and Big Mike both collapse into this category. However, I think Michelle Obama had said that she slash he does not intend to run so I don't I I don't see that happening to be honest with you Now other I don't know it could be anybody I
Supposedly Kamala has it locked in she's not technically the nomination yet, but Biden did endorse her I think Biden's campaign money already sloshed over to Kamala so That's where the money might be going and they're gonna nominate whoever can get the most donors supposedly she's already filed with the Federal Election Commission her campaign of Kamala and
Unknown_20: If I remember correctly, it's like a bull dyke lesbian. That's the governor of Wisconsin. I don't, I'm not familiar with this person at all, but I remember that it was this person.
Someone suggested that it would be Kamala and Newsom, and that's not happening. It's actually unconstitutional for Kamala and Newsom to run on the same ticket because the little-known 12th Amendment to the United States prohibits two candidates from the same state for being vice president and president at the same time. So Newsom and Kamala are both Californians and therefore would not be able to occupy the same ticket. Someone suggested Al Gore. And my take on that is that if you're going to run Al Gore, it should be Taylor Swift as president and Gore as vice president. Because then the ticket would be Swift Gore. And I think a lot of people would be willing to vote for Swift Gore. I think that's an awesome name.
I don't know what it implies. I don't think people really think things through. Swift Gore is just a funny name.
Unknown_20: So they would vote for it.
Unknown_20: Harris gore is not the not as funny though. I would advise against that It's not a serial so it is a serial suggestion I believe that works out because if you're gonna run the the new kid You're gonna need Camilla Camilla needs the whitest man that's ever existed basically to be her vice presidential pick Al Gore is probably a good candidate for that
Um, is there one more thing? No, that's it.
Unknown_20: I just want to cover that. I think Joe Biden sat down. Kamala is running.
Unknown_20: And, uh, one more thing just to rehabilitate our patriotism chat, our love of the United States.
Unknown_20: Um, I briefly want to play this video. This was suggested to me last second.
Unknown_20: So I I haven't watched it But supposedly it's quite funny as he says here a British headteacher was arrested for harassing a female colleague after falling in love with her The body camera res footage has been released. He chimps out and says something funny. So I kind of want to I want to see this you ready?
You're causing a scene and we didn't want to do that, okay? No, that's fine.
Unknown_13: I'm not causing a scene. My colleagues are going to take you. You could have waited in school. No, we are in plainclothes and we wanted to wait outside because we didn't want to go into the school in front of all of your staff. I have done nothing wrong. I've been assaulted by a police officer. She's touched my arm and pulled me. It's an allegation, okay? It's an allegation. I want to go inside and just ring my union. Could you just turn around the camera, please? I'm going to start filming now because you can see I'm still by my car.
No, don't touch my phone. Don't touch my phone.
Unknown_13: Don't touch my phone.
Unknown_07: Calm down.
Unknown_07: No, don't touch my phone! Don't touch my phone!
Unknown_07: Don't touch my phone. Don't touch my phone. Oh, I was muted.
Unknown_20: Fuck me. I did a very bad British accent and everything. We got three broads trying to tie down an absolute unit of a man, chat. Let's see how it goes.
Do not touch me. No, do not touch me. Take that off me. Take that off me now. Take that off me now. You can go on the floor. We don't want that. I haven't made this happen, I'm by my car, they're trying to assault me, please, please, if you're watching this video, don't let them delete it. No, I need to make a phone call to the police, you're assaulting, you're hurting my wrists, you're gonna break my wrists, you're gonna break my- I need to call 111, or is it 000, I need to call the Bobbies.
Sir, we are the Bobbies. That's how you know, it's, it's Joe over, you can't call the police.
Unknown_11: Oh no! Oh no! The booty shot! I was not ready to see Mr. Hill's booty up close in personal chat. This is an invasion of his privacy.
No! No! You're not touching me.
Unknown_16: You're not touching me. This is just getting silly now.
Unknown_11: Come on. You don't have to humiliate me in front of my school. You've just done my job here.
Unknown_17: Let's get you up.
Unknown_11: Sit yourself up. You're going to kill me. No! No! No! I haven't done anything. No! No! You're assaulting me!
Unknown_20: Oh no, they're ass-alting him, Chad. They're ass-alting him. I'm sorry, this body cam is like a booty fiend. Eyes up here, body cam. What the fuck are you doing?
Oh no!
Unknown_22: They're, they're nicking his watch. They're nicking his watch. He's got the jippos on him. What the fuck? Your behaviour is poor, you absolute vile man.
Greg, can you listen to me? I'm going to take your watch off so it doesn't get damaged.
Unknown_11: Take these handcuffs off me now. Let me take this off.
Unknown_16: Then I'm not going to go anywhere. You are going to be coming with us, mate.
Unknown_22: You are going to be coming with us, mate.
Unknown_22: Dude, British people are so funny. The way they talk is so silly.
Right, Mr Hill, we need you to sit up. You are refusing to sit up. We are trying to help you. Why are you holding on to me?
Unknown_14: Why are you doing this?
Unknown_06: You need to relax.
Unknown_14: You need to relax.
Unknown_14: Please don't be like this! I've been so good! Greg! Greg, we're going to roll you away from the boat.
Unknown_17: We're going to roll you away.
Unknown_14: Do not kick her! Do not kick!
Unknown_11: Don't touch me!
Unknown_14: Do not kick!
My wrist! My wrist! Relax, Greg. And you're trying to be nice! I want this recorded in gold! It is recorded! Good! Then you're going to get a sack over this!
Unknown_11: I used to be a police officer myself, you idiot! Okay.
Unknown_20: I used to be a police officer myself, you idiot? This guy was a cop? This guy's handcuffed how many people and this is how he reacts? Dude, he must just know that his life is like fucked or something and he's having like a panic attack.
Unknown_11: I used to be a special constable for years but don't fuck that sergeant with everything! You know what's funny is that he's probably, this footage probably only got released because I bet you
He filed a complaint and said that I was assaulted terribly and the magistrate was like, oh, okay then dear, we'll release the footage and we'll review it to make sure that your arrest was timely and courteous and professional as is required of a police force. And then they released the footage and he's just like, ah!
Unknown_14: We need to sit you up
Sir, we're the British police force. We ain't have hundreds of thousands of pounds to give ya. We're proper fucking skint, mate.
Unknown_11: And if it's proved to be wrong which it will be
He was accused of sexual harassment in his workplace, which is a school, so they're arresting him. She's like, how are we gonna get him in?
Unknown_17: There's four of you. Can you not fucking lift them? I'm sorry, you know, here, I, everyone knows me.
Unknown_20: I champion three things in order. One, Israel. Two, women. Three, China. And of course China is communist and therefore has equality, chat. But I do not believe that women belong in any capacity where physical strength is a necessary routine component of one's work. Women cannot be firefighters, they cannot be soldiers, and they cannot be police officers. And they probably also shouldn't be prison guards except at a women's facility. It just doesn't make sense. You're not only putting
their lives at risk, you're putting other people's lives at risk as a result of that oversight. Like, it's just, like, there's four of them and they can't get this fat fuck into a car? Like, the four of you don't have the physical strength, and there's one guy, too, so it's like, you probably need at least two guys to handle this guy, probably three, but four women can't, you know, because they're tiny British ladies and this guy's huge, he's a fucking unit. They can't get him in. Wait, fucking dare you cunt.
Lift me up. I'll put you in the fucking hospital. Or sorry, they don't say in the hospital. I'll put you in the fucking hospital.
Unknown_17: challenge i'm dropping his he's resisting stop mr hill this is unnecessary i can't breathe it would just be a lot easier if you did just walk
shit into one hand and wish into the other, bitch, and see which one fills up first. I'm laying here. Hold up the situation.
Unknown_16: Let's get you in the van so you're going to get warm and more comfortable. No.
Unknown_13: I'm not leaving here. You are leaving here. You have to kill me to leave here. Mr Hill, that's ridiculous.
Unknown_16: We don't have to be like this, does it?
Unknown_13: There's nothing wrong with having to kill me.
Unknown_11: Well, I'm not saying you have, but there's an accusation which we need to investigate. Yeah, you don't do this to people. This is evil and wrong. It's just discrimination. That's all it is.
Unknown_11: Discrimination against what?
Unknown_20: What are they discriminating against? Is he going to say that it's a discrimination against a man? Against a white man? What's he alleging? You got four British people, I don't know where the fuck he lives but it must be the most British area of England and it's like, for real? What nonsense, what a baby.
Um, um, what excuse me, sir Floyd
This is like that Floyd say his name. His name is St. George Floyd, the great and benevolent. You don't fucking disrespect St. Floyd that way. I don't give a fuck if you're British or not. Don't you keep his name out your mouth unless you're going to put some respect on that name, sir.
Unknown_11: This is an assault! This is like that George Floyd! He's said it twice! They've hurt my neck!
Unknown_14: They've hit me! They've kicked me in the stomach! No one is on board!
Your colleagues are here. Greg, we're here for you.
Unknown_20: Greg, we're all here for you. Please stand up. We really don't want to carry you. If we throw out our backs, the NHS doesn't have any appointments for the next six months. We'll be suffering. Please. Please don't make us carry you.
Unknown_11: I'm going to die here, and I want to die. You know I want to die. I'm going to die here. This is my death you're watching. Greg, Greg, no. This is my death you're watching.
Don't be ridiculous.
Unknown_22: What'd he do?
Unknown_22: What'd he do?
Unknown_22: Don't be ridiculous.
Unknown_20: Bro, whoever is operating this body cam is really fucking up. They need to get that Axiom stuff that we use in the US. You can see absolutely everything on that. What is he doing right now that we can't see? He starts like gargling like he's been like, like they're waterboarding him or something, but there's two cameras and neither of them can show us what the fuck's happening.
They should just cast Wingardium Leviosa and they like lift off the ground.
Unknown_11: That's how it works, right? That's in England. I'm gonna take you off, okay?
Unknown_20: Um, they've asked for his co-workers to come out from the school because he works at a school So all the teachers and faculty are coming out And they're trying to like talk to him and like come on you're being silly. Let's stand up. Let's go to the police station Because the police are incapable of lifting this man by themselves. So the the faculty are the one who are crying the police are not and
The tie are they trying to like like he's too heavy sir take it off his clothes so we can carry him What the fuck's the point of the tie? We got constable scrote over here to help out I assume that after this he gets picked up or something
Unknown_20: Some British suffering. But you know what would be even better, chat?
Unknown_20: I may have featured some content on the front page that, we're close to 5,000 people, by the way, that's crazy.
Unknown_20: Brief aside, I managed to figure out what was Disk.IO locking the database. It was causing all sorts of issues on slow upload, unstable uploads, really shitty download speeds. database errors, all sorts of problems.
It was that the web server I had was a fork and it did not have something called the HTTP slice module, which means that when you requested a file, it literally downloaded the entire file off the S3 database.
Unknown_20: And these would be, you know, you just need like a thumbnail for the video, but it would download the entire 200 megabyte file.
Unknown_20: So I yelled at them. I sent complaints. I sent emails. I joined their news group and sent them complaints by news group. I went to the GitHub and complained.
Unknown_20: And I nagged them for months until they fucking fixed this. And now the slice works. So now the site loads almost instantaneously.
Unknown_20: Media loads instantly, and people can enjoy the site even when there's thousands of users chatting. I did it. I did it, chat.
But this is the lovely video I'd like to share with you.
Unknown_19: So we don't know these guys by whoever I should introduce them These are black Israelites They believe in a narrative that the real Israelites were black that God has a covenant with black people and not
Unknown_20: Not white people. Um, the white Jews that people today know are liars that have assumed the Jewish identity for the purposes of Satanism. Um, so they really, really hate white people, but they really, really, really hate Jews. If I remember correctly they live in Baltimore and I have a friend who has seen them in person and they're always up and they're always yelling at people and if you walk past them they'll call you out and try to make fun of you to get you to react because they record it and they put it up on the internet and they love causing drama and chaos.
They're very funny, they're like in real life trolls, they're great. They do hate you, just keep that in mind, but they hate Jews even more. So these Kangs have ensnared a Jewish man who finds that they, their profession, that they are the real Israelites and the Israelites of Israel are mere satanic pretenders to be preposterous and he has decided to engage these scholars on intellectual grounds. Let's see how that works out for them.
So right now he's like destroying their property they're recording it they call in the police so he's like having a little bit of a tantrum just breaking shit and See how that works out for him
These people have gang power other than unaliving people. The man he's strutting with right here, right now.
Unknown_18: The man he's strutting with, call me, right here. We pray for the same thing every day. That's right. Yeah.
Unknown_14: Yeah.
Unknown_18: That's the way to apprehend them, right there. But the Lord is with us, right? You're not taking me to jail. No, you're going to jail.
Unknown_20: Wow. Can you listen here? Could you imagine during the 2020 race riots that there would be a time where an ensemble of black police officers would be cheering a group of white bicycle cops arresting a Jewish man as he screams, I can't breathe. They're literally clapping. They're applauding them. Thank you police. Thank you police. We appreciate you the thin blue line the thin blue line boys and girls right here right now This this is healing
Obviously the guy is screaming is the funniest part of this video However, there is a runner-up in the prelude section of extremely funny moment and I'll play it. This is my favorite part I
The Jewish guy walks up and says, if I'm not Jewish or whatever, may he strike me down right here. So he's like saying, if I'm not actually Jewish, may God strike me where I sit. And the black guy clasps his hands, looks up to the sky, to the heavenly father, and says, amen, shalom. We wish for the same thing every day.
Unknown_20: Which is just such a, Effortless funny clap back that it's a it's really truly remarkable. It's a thing of beauty I'm just great. I do love these guys. They're very funny.
I Think where they're just clapping at the cops arresting I
Unknown_07: Excellent. That's great.
Unknown_20: Let's see what Keffels is up to. I always love a Keffels update.
Oh, Keffels is gooning and watching porn and getting porn ads midstream. Okay. So he's, he's like, yeah, uh, hold on a second, Chad. I got to reach into my stink ditch and grab my prostate through my ass and uh, ring that fucker out manually right before my stream. That's how I do these things.
Unknown_20: Cool. Hope to see more from Queen Kefal's as time continues.
Unknown_20: This is the main thing. This is the big news.
Unknown_20: Chris Tyson.
We archived all this shit last year. This thread, including all the fucking bullshit that's being talked about now.
Unknown_20: was first posted to the Kiwi farms on April 14th, 2023, because immediately after Chris truned out, we dug through everything. We found out that he had a direct friendship with Shadman.
Unknown_20: He had Shadman art pinned up on his wall.
Unknown_20: Mr. Beast knew about the Shadman stuff.
Unknown_20: He had made weird, lewd comments about underage people.
And then for whatever reason, in this month, a couple YouTube drama people, even like small-scale people, did videos about Mr. Beast. And then bigger people did videos about Mr. Beast and Chris Tyson. And bigger people did videos on Chris Tyson.
Unknown_20: Which eventually got picked up by Keemstar and the attention got more people who were alleging that Chris had sent You know inappropriate messages to them on snapchat reached reached out and were publicized and a second person did this If I can just find this
Text for 2018 between me and Chris, I was 14, he was roughly 22. Uh, Chris says, me and my friend made a fucking school shooter threat and might give me his skins because he's grounded for life. Chris says, uh, what the fuck you for real? He says, yeah, it was crazy. Little did the school expel him. Chris says, kicky faces, Chrissy, kissy faces. And then of course, dad.
Unknown_20: And then this is the best Snapchat I've ever seen. And I don't know exactly what that is. It's like a Mountain Dew thing or something.
Unknown_20: So he's sending kissy faces to a 14-year-old when he's 20-something.
Young says, I was 14 in 2018 where I met Chris at the time on CSGO, and we'd play every once in a while. He invited me to his Discord, and there were a couple guys on the MrBeast crew that joined sometimes on Discord VC.
Unknown_20: And they're chatting together. After these leaked out, Chris Dyson deleted his Snapchat.
Unknown_20: uh, which prompted more people, um, to look into this shit. And then eventually it led to this massive dog pile to the point where several Mr. Beast, like, filming associates are, like, threatening to do a documentary on him, like, to the, to the tune of, like, Quiet on Set, where they're gonna come out and they're gonna dump all this shit and say, like, he knew, um, everyone knew that Chris Tyson was, like, a fucking pervert. He, he shielded for him to cover his own ass and, and so on.
I think this is the guy who's threatening to do like a video on him.
Unknown_18: Hold on, let me turn off the music.
Unknown_23: I'm outside Mr. Beast's studio right now. Here's a cornfield. I'll explain that tomorrow.
Unknown_23: I've just been driving by looking to see, you know, is there an FBI raid going on? What's happening? My name is Dawson. I worked at Mr. Beast from February to May of this year, 2024.
Chris is the tip of the iceberg.
Unknown_23: And when Jake the Viking says, Mr. Beast knew, yeah, Mr. Beast knew. I heard many times that Ava, Chris Tyson, is a major liability, but they can't get rid of her because she's already threatened legal action and she knows too much. And when all this information comes out about everything that she knew, everything other people know, I promise you on everything Mr. Beast has done. Amazon, if you can get your money back, get your money back.
Unknown_20: So there you go. It's coming down. Anybody, I mean, it's just everybody.
If you openly associate with trunes, we know why. There's no trune on this planet that's safe to associate with. They are sex pests. They are liars. They prey on children. They find it exciting when they manage to flip, pink pill, a child into being a tranny.
Unknown_20: They literally, and they do this so often, They deliberately go out of their fucking way to entrap a woman with a child before they trune out. They do this ahead of time. They plan this. Isn't that fucking nuts? They plan it. That's how fucking insidious they are. So they can put their own kid in high heels and shit.
Unknown_20: By the way, I think this is in the community happenings thread. I wanna, I just, I mean, that's just the brief update. I've, all this shit was in the forum thread, so there's not really much to go over.
Unknown_20: But there is this. I would like to point something out.
Unknown_20: Oh, is this, I guess I can read through these.
Keep it a secret.
Unknown_07: What's the video, though?
Unknown_20: I wish you would open that message. Oh wait, here we go. Hey, I don't know if you heard about my bathwater prank and how crazy it's gone, but my stock is actually sold out at the moment. Rather than bringing it back, I'm actually looking to bottle a whole bath on video. Oh, it's Bella Delphine.
Unknown_20: So we got a message from Bella Delphine and he's like, keep it a secret. So Chris Tyson was like in contact with Bella Delphine. God, these people are fucking gross, bro.
Um, I guess I'll read the whole thing.
Unknown_20: It's a giant tub and ship it to whoever buys it. 2000. I wanted to reach out in advance because I know this is kind of content Mr. Beast does. I just wanted to give you a heads up. Let me know if this is something he might be interested in. Thanks. This fucking whore tried to, tried to get Mr. Beast to shill her fucking use bath water. That's fucking vile. That's utterly disgusting.
And Chris was proud of that and shared that to the 14-year-old. Hey, this prostitute I know is trying to sell her bathwater for $20,000. Isn't that quirky? Tee hee, keep it a secret just between us. You're my special friend. So we're gonna, we're going to keep that quiet. This was the other thing, is that Fenster decided after, Fenster did a whole rebuttal, if you remember, to my tweet chain, saying that he's not a Minecraft YouTuber. He has not streamed Minecraft in months and months. Oh, new Minecraft update back to streaming Minecraft in the Minecraft channel. So let's take a look here.
It's Ella Haywood, the goon-clown associate who Finster has sworn off, who also did creepy weird pedo shit himself.
Unknown_20: There's Eva Chris Tyson. He's gone. He's outed. He's been cancelled from Mr. Beast, and now it's going to cause the entire company to collapse and come under scrutiny.
Unknown_20: Who's that in the front? Still standing, huh? I wonder how long that's going to take you. Should I do a poll? Should I do a poll to see how long it takes before other people start talking about this fucking lunatic? Let's do a poll chat.
How long we going to be waiting on this one? Let's do under six months, six months to one year over one year. Just going to be a dull day one day and people are going to realize, Oh, this guy's also fucking creepy.
Unknown_20: Vote one for under six months, vote two for six months to one year, vote three for over one year chat.
Let's see what we're looking at here. I'll let you stare at these fine people.
Unknown_20: Um, open this on a new tab, actually.
Unknown_20: So I can manually zoom in so you can see all three at once. Oh, what a happy couple. What a nice little polycule right there.
Unknown_20: I remember very explicitly in his defense, by the way, Finster said, Oh, just because I was pictured next to this fucking monster doesn't mean that I did anything wrong. After all, Mr. Beast is Chris Tyson is standing there. Does that mean that he's also a creepy weirdo? Hmm. Checkmate. Gay Theist. Good luck with that.
All right. Get your boots in. Oh, the boots are in. The boots are in.
Unknown_07: Let's end the poll.
Unknown_20: With 110 participants, 32 or 30 percent voted under six months, 57 or 52 percent, so half of people voted six months to one year, and 20 people voted over one year. So I'll lock it in. Today is July 24th, 2024. We're looking at an early 2025 takedown of Finster. People are finally going to be like, oh, yeah, this guy is fucking creepy and gross. You're right.
Thank you, chat, thank you for locking it in for me.
Unknown_20: I don't know, there's not really too much else to talk about with that, I think. I know that it's like the biggest thing right now, but it's, Mudahar is planning to do a video and shit.
Unknown_07: So, I'll just leave it there. It's Retreading Grounds. If you wanna read the thread, you can go read the thread.
I will play this, actually, because this is pretty funny. It's not funny, but it's like, yeah.
Unknown_20: It's my boy, Elon. He's going to unban my account this week. I'm working on something special, by the way. I'm not going to do a write-in segment for, for my ex appeal. I've done something incredibly autistic and I'm waiting on my results, Chad.
Unknown_20: Uh, well, it happened to one of my, it happened to one of my, my older boys, um, uh, where I was, um,
Unknown_34: I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier.
This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on. We had COVID going on, so there was a lot of confusion.
Unknown_34: You know, I was told, you know, Xavier might commit suicide if... That was a lie right from the outset.
Unknown_35: No reliable clinician ever believed that. There was never any evidence for that. And also, if there's a higher suicide rate, the reason is because of the underlying depression and anxiety and not because of the gender dysphoria. And every goddamn clinician knows that too. And they're too cowardly to come out and say it. Right? And so that, and then we end up in exactly, when I saw that lie start to propagate, it just made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It's like, I see. So you're telling parents that unless they agree to this radical transformation, that their children are going to die. And you think that's moral. And you think that's true. That is so pathological that it's almost incomprehensible. I can't imagine a therapist doing anything worse than that. Or sitting by idly and remaining silent while his colleagues are doing it. It's pathetic.
It's incredibly evil. And I agree with you that people that have been promoting this should go to prison. It won't stop till that happens. Yeah.
Unknown_35: It'll just go underground. There's all puberty blockers are being accessed online by kids all the time through non-medical channels. So yeah, it's not going to stop. Yeah. Okay. So I see. So that's so I was, I was straight into doing this.
Unknown_34: Um, and, uh,
Unknown_34: You know, it wasn't explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs.
So, anyway, and so I lost my son, essentially. So, you know, they call it deadnaming for a reason.
Unknown_33: All right, so the reason it's called deadnaming is because your son is dead.
Unknown_34: So my son Xavier is dead.
Unknown_34: Killed by the woke wine virus.
Unknown_33: I'm sorry to hear that.
Unknown_34: Yeah.
Unknown_33: I can't imagine what that would be like.
Unknown_20: Yeah.
Unknown_20: People like Liz Fong Jones think they can put the genie back in the bottle. Oh my God, if I just sue the right people, and if I just like consent accident enough people, and if I just like convince enough people to like write what I want to write, and like take down the things that I want to take down, then, like, it all goes away and I can be a slippery snake girl and, like, also, like, eight people in the same poly- the same, like, like, two-spirit po- what's his- multiple-fifth-dom on multiple- multiple snake girls in one snake girl body. Like, that's what he thinks. Like, oh, I can- I can- I can fix this. I can fix this. I can- we can go back to being a progressive world where my kind of mental illness is tolerated and given preference over everybody else in the world. It's like, no, actually.
You've pissed everybody off. You've upset some of the most powerful people in the entire world. You have drained, you have caused people to allocate literally billions and billions of dollars to destroying your power creep. And it's really awesome. And it's just going to keep going because you're terrible and everyone hates you.
Aaron Reid also known as Anthony Reid someone who I had not talking in a very long time about But he reacted to the news of Elon Musk interview very well
Unknown_20: saying, Elon Musk just deadnamed his own trans daughter to hundreds of millions. He is exactly the kind of father so many trans people have to run away from, hide from, stay closeted because of. He should be ashamed as if he were human enough to feel shame. Aaron Reid writes on his platform, Remember that when states like California pass laws banning the forced outing of queer youth to their parents, people like Elon Musk are exactly the parents those laws are meant to protect against. Absolutely no surprise whatsoever, but his daughter wants nothing to do with him. and then he will blame someone else instead of himself for that. I mean, to be fair, he does owe a little bit of responsibility. If you don't know, Elon Musk is effectively like a breeding fetishist who's into like eugenics. He hooks up with like these women, impregnates them, and then specifically impregnates them through in vitro fertilization so that he can pick out male sperm or
Sorry, you have to forgive me. I don't know how that works precisely at a genetic level. But he ensures that the implanted embryos are all male so that he only has sons and not daughters. And then in God's cruel way of getting back at Elon Musk, his oldest son shrooms out and calls himself a daughter after all. If that's not divine intervention, I don't know what is. That's a little bit crazy.
Unknown_20: It's not just, he impregnated some woman, I forget, from like the 2000s. He impregnated Grimes because she was popular at some point. Actually, I think Grimes has three of his kids. But then between pregnancies, so she's like being used as like a breeding cell for this guy in like a laboratory. He then also gets the CEO of his brainstem implant company to also get impregnated by IVF. So he's just like knocking up random women and paying them to take care of his kids as like an absentee father model, which is not, like, you're not gonna be able to, you're not gonna raise, his idea is that he's gonna select like the best male offspring as like his protege. But then it's like you're also creating this super unnatural condition for them to be raised in, which is going to be detrimental to their health. Like, sure, you can have five sons, but if you're going to raise them in such a way that they start cutting off their dicks and not procreating, you can have 20 kids. But if they're all mentally ill to the point where they kill themselves or neuter themselves, you're not going to have a dynasty. You're going to have one generation of extreme fuck-ups before it peters out.
Though he's playing stupid games and getting stupid prizes as far as I'm concerned on that Cool Let's get a little Chantal update
This is like a flashback. I got something on Chantal and Amberlynn again. It's so weird. I got Ralph, Chantal, and Amberlynn all month this month. I'm eating good, Chad. I'm eating good.
Unknown_20: Chantal, of course, who I mentioned is having a serious health crisis right now, is potentially trying to leave her relationship, has decided to announce to her channel that she would rather die than stop eating Taco Bell. Let's see.
Unknown_38: I wanted to watch it. I'm so hungry.
K8 says, I thought no more fast food.
Unknown_38: I don't think I'll ever be able to eliminate fast food.
Unknown_38: The thought of eating completely healthy all the time depresses me to a level where I just don't even want to deal. I would rather not even like to live a life eating only healthy food. I don't want to do it. I know that sounds bad, but you know, it's weird.
Unknown_20: It's like,
Unknown_20: You don't have to eat only celery. You can just eat less shit food. There are so many people out there who are like skinny fat, like destiny who just eat shit food, but less of it. You know what I mean? Like that's in a lifestyle that exists that a lot of people can adhere to. You don't have to not eat shit. You can just eat less.
unhealthy food all the time either though.
Unknown_20: AnimeSucksKopenstein in the chat saying, shut up. She should eat more. Oh, I was gonna say, what are you telling Chantel to shut up for? She's not even at your ideal size. And I'm like, oh, nevermind. He corrected himself the next sentence. He clarified the context of his statements.
Did you like your food, babe? Are you full? I'm not full.
Unknown_38: Poor Salah. What am I doing to Salah? If Salah's not happy, he doesn't have to be with me, right? So... You didn't finish it? Uh-oh.
Unknown_38: I'm not even full. I'm not even full. I missed my wheelie chair in the kitchen. I don't have a chair in the kitchen. So now I have to like stand all the time.
Here, let me do a comparison for you guys. I have this old picture.
Unknown_38: Bring those leftovers, yeah. Bring them.
Unknown_20: From the Chantal thread.
Unknown_38: I'm not physically
Unknown_20: Okay, so this is like when she just moved to Kuwait. So this is her right now. This is her when she first moved. She had like Muslim... Okay, so if you don't know Muslim people, they live in these disgusting shithole countries that have fucking nothing in them. They're just miserable deserts. That they are sequestered away on because Allah Because Muhammad is a pedophile and the people that worship pedophiles don't deserve anything besides desolate lands So they don't have anything to do besides sit there and fucking eat So Muslims have these chin Spanx you can see that she's wearing something that adheres to her face It's kind of like a like a swimsuit or something. It's just like it's it's skin tight So it compresses her extra chins and now she's like so fat that her chin Spanx no longer are able to contain her supreme fatness.
So she's just like spilling out of her hijab. She is literally near death. I would not be surprised if she's not around by the end of 2025. She's like really spiraling. She just gave up. She's like, she knows that there's nothing, there's no point. Like she's saying, I would rather die than eat. Well, it's like, because she doesn't, I think for normal people, that's like an obscene proposition. Would you rather eat Taco Bell or live? And most people are like, are you fucking retarded? But for Chantal, it's like, would you rather never eat anything that you love again in the quantity that you would prefer, or would you rather die? And she's just like, well, I don't really have a particular reason to stay alive. So why would I ever agree to just like sit around and not eat? I might as well just eat whatever the fuck I want because my life doesn't have any meaning or purpose anyways.
That's her position.
Unknown_20: Similarly, Amberlynn is in her usual cycle. She's moved to Oklahoma. Shoutouts to that one guy who keeps trying to convince me to move to Oklahoma, saying that it's a great state.
Unknown_20: They do have one nice thing in Oklahoma and that is the Old Glory Bank. Shoutout Old Glory Bank.
but she's out there and she's trying to find someone to wipe her ass again because if you don't know Amberlynn is so fat that she cannot wipe her own ass and she basically just hooks up she literally hooks up with like
Unknown_20: Nurses and like care specialists so that she doesn't have to wipe herself anymore. This is not a joke that she actually does this So she's found someone new she's found a new wipey. Let's check them out That's her new lesbian it's gonna wipe her ass Surprised she's not black this time
She looks, I mean she looks a lot like a boy. Maybe Amberlynn is just like into boys now and is like, I need like a masculine looking lesbian to wipe my ass.
Unknown_20: That's it, that's it on the fat people update.
Unknown_20: There's a thing that I kinda wanna gloss over. I mentioned this stream before last and then I didn't talk about it at all, the stream last stream.
So Boogie is a paid associate of Keemstar's podcast called Locale Live.
Unknown_20: This podcast has never been very successful. It's less successful than mine, despite Keemstar backing it and Keemstar having a huge pull, despite Wings and Boogie being huge people in their own right, literally, and in terms of their channel and their notoriety.
Unknown_20: Uh, but the, the podcast just has, has never been successful.
Unknown_20: Boogie then, um, gets roasted by Medicare because of his crypto scam, which drives a little bit of attention to his podcast.
Um, Boogie decides to deploy the lie that he had to scam people for money to pay for his cancer treatment.
Unknown_20: I discussed his cancer. He has a type of blood cancer, or so he claims, which is a result of a genetic mutation and is a slow killer, and your life can be extended with appropriate treatment, which can be quite expensive in the United States, I'm sure everybody knows. So Jim gets on the Low Cal Live podcast and debates Boogie, and it turns out he may be lying about his cancer. He can't prove it.
It could just be a different kind of blood disease that is related to obesity and not related to cancer, i.e. it would be his fault that he has this disease because he maintains a seriously unhealthy level of obesity, as opposed to a cancer, which one is generally helpless to, barring a few cancers, of which the blood cancer is not one.
Unknown_20: This flame ignites, Keemstar's podcast, Mudahar joins, Charlie, the moist critical guy, starts putting out multiple million view videos discussing the hot goss that Boogie is being eviscerated by the kings of the internet on the Low Cal Life podcast.
Keemstar's podcast, the Low Cal Live podcast, tens of thousands of people start watching this podcast out of nowhere because of the Boogie drama. Boogie is then fired for lying. He is removed from the podcast and he is being punished. He must delete all of his social media Keemstar orders.
Unknown_20: Of course, he's invited to the next podcast as a unofficial guest of the show to be bullied, according to Keemstar.
Unknown_20: which Jim is invited back and they go over his history. Boogie throughout his channel had given many sob stories regarding sexual and physical and emotional abuse which resulted in his obesity.
He has told many different stories about his father in particular. His father was a hard-working coal miner, a life-saving lumberjack, and a abusive alcoholic depending on what story he's trying to tell. This is all reviewed on the Local Live podcast, hosted by Tommy C, operated by Keemstar. And Jim, of course, epically owns him.
Unknown_20: many people are enthralled by this high-octane internet drama, the best drama ever seen, besides, uh, since the Boulder stream itself. Peace be upon it.
And, I mean, everyone's up Boku Bucks before this drama. Uh, the three that were hosting the podcast had to split $2,000 a month, a pittance between them. It's like a side gig. Now, of course, they're making tons and tons of money for Super Chats to be read out. A very avaricious and fortuitous and magnanimous offering for all involved. In fact, Keemstar, who has direct contacts with YouTube, managed to do the impossible after this. And after Jim's multiple appearances on the Low Cal Live podcast operated by Keemstar,
to epically own Boogie, he says, dunked on Boogie so hard, YouTube re-monetized me. So after years of having no monetization on YouTube, two brief appearances with the gnome on the locale.live podcast, it's all fixed, instantly fixed.
Unknown_20: such are the good graces of the people in the know.
Unknown_20: I don't know, if I sound too jaded, from the beginning, I saw this and I thought, Boogie is paid? He's literally paid by Keemstar to put on this show, to make Keemstar money, and Keemstar advertises the drama on his podcast which pays Boogie so that he gets more attention and more money.
so he can do things to get more attention to his podcast because it makes him money, which he then pays Boogie.
Unknown_20: So when Boogie comes out and says, I'm faking cancer because he's a big, fat, shameless prick, and oh yeah, I'm also totally lying about my entire family history, and I have been ever since I started my channel, all I'm thinking is he's being paid, you know?
Unknown_20: Like he could very well literally have cancer and just refuse to show it because that's funnier to people, that's more entertaining and that makes more money.
Um, so I've never been able to find this very interesting because there's always that nagging suspicion in my head.
Unknown_20: This is a product created by a professional businessman who makes millions and millions and millions of dollars and has a drama enterprise and publishes video games and has a YouTube channel with multiple million subscribers that Has been networked directly to the very top of YouTube as a safe space for internet drama that only covers the right stories Of course when drop Kiwi Farms was happening and Keffels was coming after us and Liz Fong Jones was coming after us Keemstar who gets a lot of information directly from the Kiwi Farms Didn't cover that at all and actually directly told me in private that he has no idea what the forum is He's never he's never visited the Kiwi Farms before So
I don't know, I don't particularly buy that, but that is what I was told directly.
Unknown_19: What is that message? Is that in Kik?
Unknown_07: Sorry, I just scrolled past my thing not really fast.
Unknown_07: Sorry, it like literally jumped across my screen.
Unknown_20: But WWE is fun, Joshua wrestling.
Unknown_20: I mean, sure. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. But like, when I look at it, I think this is, this is being sold to me and I don't like advertisements is what I don't like. And I really, I don't like Kim star. I just can't get over Kim star. Cause it's just like, I will never appreciate the fact that he's spent 11 years directly cohabitating the same space. And he has literally Literally, never, in any capacity, on his YouTube channel, on his Twitter, on both his DramaAlert and his Keemstar channel, on his podcast, he has never once mentioned the words, Kiwi Farms. I bet you if you transcribe every single DramaAlert video he has literally ever fucking made, and you search the words, Kiwi Farms, he has never mentioned it. Keemstar received a direct order from the top down many years ago. Do not ever mention this fucking site, ever. That's how you stay on Twitter, as a verified checkmark with millions of subscribers. That's how you stay on YouTube, as an earned incomer who has a direct relationship with YouTube. Never mention it. So, like, then, you know, years later, Boogie invites me on, right before Jim got on, by the way, right before this all happened. Keemstar personally reached out to me for the first time in you know, 11 fucking years and Denied ever knowing and he only did that because boogie and wings both reached out to me in private and said we want to have you on the fat retard podcast and I said I don't want to be on the fat retard podcast and then I and I said in particular I don't like Keemstar and then Keemstar reaches out to try to bury a hatchet and Then this happens So I'm in this position where I feel this is super sketch. Boogie is utterly shameless. The man gets fucking naked on camera for money. He literally prostituted himself effectively in the documentary because he is as shameless as it possibly gets. And then, of course, the people that do what Keemstar wants and brings a new audience in and goes through the ritual with Boogie, they're financially compensated for it. And, you know, that's fine.
If I sound if I sound like I'm bitter at Jim, I'm not it's kind of like with Turkey Tom Like I understand why Turkey Tom does the her prostate thing It's about getting that cheddar getting that guap YouTube is a whore. It should be beaten for its cash It should be literally ransacked. It should be robbed like a bank and anyone abusing YouTube to make money Is doing right by me I'm simply acknowledging that I think that there is tit for tat and I really just I can't sink my teeth into the narrative of the The whole boogie thing Because it feels kind of phony to me That's it that's all I have to say on that That cheddar cheese. That's right. I get that cheddar cheese You can enjoy your cheddar cheese chat, but I won't Next
Now this is the real content.
Unknown_20: Chibi, Chibi moved to our Adam White after breaking up with his polycule moves to Japan, physically moves there. And he's going to sell his own takoyaki, um, for, for cash or PayPal.
Unknown_07: I thought he was in Japan.
Unknown_07: What does, do they have us dollars in Japan? Why is his prices in dollars?
Um, they have original octopus cheese and snozzage substitutions are free.
Unknown_20: And then you have cash PayPal or Zenmo. I thought he was doing this in cause he was threatening to do this. It was threatening that he was going to do Takoyaki. I think he moved to Japan. I'm really baffled by why.
Unknown_20: He is selling food for money in a public park in Japan and asking for dollar bills and for it.
Sorry, I'm mystified by this. I had the site loaded up ready to go and now I'm just thinking like, why the fuck is it in dollars?
Unknown_20: The day I made dinner for my family, he has to be in Japan. I made chicken, vegetables, potatoes, and even takoyaki. They said all the food was delicious. My culinary skills are definitely improving. When he says my family, I assume that he means his, um, his people in Japan, like his adoptive family.
Is he in the U.S.? Okay, let me look at my chat for once. Do you guys know if he's in the U.S.
Unknown_20: or not? He's- he's in the U.S.? I thought he went to- I thought he moved to Japan. He doesn't have a per- He's still stateside. He went to Japan. He quit his job, and now he's making takoyaki? He moved back already? When did he move back? He tried- I thought he tried to permanently move to Japan.
Unknown_07: He back in the USA what to pay you get him He is Okay, let's talk about taco he moved to Serbia
Sorry, I missed the part where he'd move back. I thought the fact that he was selling takoyaki was really funny because he was in Japan doing it he was like in Japan trying to sell Japanese people their own fucking food He's dressed like this by the way as he's um as he's selling takoyaki to hot piggies in this Michigan Park
Unknown_20: This is it, by the way. If you're curious, it is a, um, it's a dough ball mixed with mints sold with a Takoyaki sauce, which is similar to Worcestershire sauce. And then I think that this one has a Mayo on it. That looks like mayonnaise. I don't know if that's like, I don't think Mayo is typically a part of Takoyaki. Maybe it's just like an Americanized version. You can't sell anything without Mayo in the U S.
I'm not paying close attention by the way, but I am aware that Sam Hyde is doing his bitch tank thing where he has like a bunch of women who are doing like fish tank by themselves, but the only man allowed in is Jace who's doing his anime thing. He's doing like a different character now too, but he's doing his anime guy thing as well.
I Find this humorous. I find the I find it very humorous that the former admin of the Kiwi farms is on Sam Hyde's thing is like a permanent fixture now It amuses me the many the many tentacles The many tentacles of the Kiwi farms reach out far not that Keemstar would know he's never heard of it. Yeah
Unknown_20: Okay, so this guy, this guy has a public meltdown on one of these videos. I think this is the one.
This guy, I think is the error entry guy, I think is the OP of his thread. From my understanding of this guy, actually, let me just double check that. No, it's some other guy called Oxcord. This Joshua Block guy, the world of t-shirts, he's like a mentally ill person who has like a TikTok following.
Unknown_20: From my understanding, I could be wrong.
Unknown_20: Um, but I think he's like so alcoholic that he has like extremely bad shakes. Let me find, um, this other post, by the way, this is someone community happenings featured this video.
And I think it's, if this is the, what I think it is.
Unknown_20: Yeah, so he's just like this guy he's like really popular on tiktok I think I can pull it up and try to see him I think he has a ton of followers though And he's like a lol cow like a tiktok locale and he has a thread on the forum now, but like he's so I think i'll take my whiskey
Unknown_20: you have to sing to be on tiktok but he's like shaking like alcohol like he's got tremors his hands are just fucking shaking as he waits for that southern comfort to touch his lips and wet wet his tongue he can barely hold it but he's gonna make that tiktok video so he can afford his next southern comfort So there's like a really severe alcoholic locale that's on, um, on TikTok. And this is of course, prompting people, um, the young folks to hunt him down. And I have been promised, I've been promised that this is a full blown retard chump out. Um, I will give my hot take after we watch it, chat. Months ago, then, you know, Josh Bach.
Oh, why did it freeze?
Unknown_07: Josh Bach. Oh, he's fucked.
Unknown_11: Oh my God.
He's screaming.
Unknown_11: Are you okay?
Unknown_20: Oh geez. This is a vibrant and diverse city.
Unknown_14: Fucking beat you up.
Unknown_11: Oh God. Oh, so embarrassing. So sorry everyone.
Unknown_25: Oh,
Unknown_20: This is ruining the vibe chat bro. There's like a, there's like an entire restaurant, like an outdoor restaurant on the streets and they have to just enjoy.
I didn't fucking kill somebody!
Unknown_20: Wow, that's not good. Don't say that. Okay, what an experience, I guess. God bless, man.
Unknown_26: Ow! Ow, why'd you hit me? Because you tried to kill me!
Unknown_13: How'd I try to kill you?
Unknown_26: Nom, nom, nom, nom!
Unknown_13: No, no, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
Unknown_28: Somebody tried to kill me.
Unknown_13: Oh my God, you're going crazy.
Unknown_20: Don't say that to somebody who's going crazy.
Unknown_09: No, no, no, no, no. They're going to call the cops on you. I can't go! You can't go, Josh.
You can't go.
Unknown_14: I can't!
Unknown_09: Oh my God, Josh.
Unknown_09: No!
Unknown_20: There he goes. Godspeed, you black emperor.
Unknown_09: Oh my God, what am I going to do? I don't even have my...
Unknown_19: Josh!
Unknown_19: Josh!
Unknown_11: Josh! Um...
Yeah, that guy is severely mentally ill.
Unknown_20: I don't know what it is. Zoomies seem to love lolcals that are like, hi, I have addiction issues, and I also have substance abuse problems, and I also have mental illness, and I am basically completely helpless, and here come some nice YouTubers who livestream my misery, and everyone's just like, this is human suffering. When I watch this human suffering, I feel something. I have emotions right now because I'm watching someone else suffer miserably.
Unknown_20: I am enjoying this agony. It quenches my bloodlust. I have... I'm a psychopath.
I don't know. It's just how it feels to love the zoomy zoom types.
Unknown_07: Oh, he gets arrested? He was taken to the hospital.
Unknown_20: I'll watch this.
Unknown_20: Oh shit, I got him. Free my nigga.
Unknown_06: Chachachachachat.
Is it me you're looking for ch-ch-ch-ch-chat? I think it is.
Unknown_20: So just to reiterate, my opinion is that I think Mizumi's like this guy has just, just based off of his name. I assume that when he started his TikTok thing, he wanted to do a thing about shirts and then he became an alcoholic.
Unknown_20: And then, um, people just watch him because he's an alcoholic. Why did the fucking tabs change?
Unknown_07: Let's see.
Joins TikTok. Formed his TikTok account two years ago, he quickly rose to fame, getting 400,000 followers within a year, sits at 2.1 million. He is followed by the app's most notable creators.
Unknown_20: According to Negro Moon, his studio was eccentric, yet awkward personality and generally unpredictable and unfiltered content.
Unknown_07: Okay, let's see it.
Unknown_07: So as you may know, World of T-Shirts is one of the few variety accounts on here.
Most accounts focus on one niche, whether it's dance, lip-sync. I do everything from vlog to dance to lip-sync. I'm hoping to reach one million followers and get verified by the end of this year, assuming the app's still around.
Unknown_28: Let me show you how I WAP.
Unknown_20: Okay, I get it now.
Unknown_20: I was wrong. These are not just Zoomer psychopaths. This is like... Everything about this is so crazy.
We are World of T-Shirts.
Unknown_20: Like I totally fucking get it. His name is World of T-Shirts. He has no t-shirt related content and said he does everything. He's like a six foot seven gangly freak. He lives in like a dilapidated dwelling. His clothes are dirty. He wears socks inside and his socks are filthy. And he does whatever the fuck a WAP is. I got you. I understand. I'm on board.
Unknown_07: I want to watch another one.
Oh, fuck, shit, bitch, damn, cocksucker, pussy, asshole, cunt. Motherfucking- Hey! Hey! It's Rusty Cage! I clapped! I clapped when I heard Rusty Cage!
Unknown_02: Pour a shot onto my lunge. Piss, cunt, damn, bitch, suck my dick. Jesus herald Christ. Shit, bitch, cocksucker, goddamn, motherfucker, pussy, asshole, cunt.
Unknown_20: So true. I hate it when I use hand sanitizer. By the way, I'm going to reiterate something. I accidentally paused the stream when the bitrate went down.
Let me recap what I said for people who are watching the archive that doesn't include the bit. I was pontificating that because his name is World of Shirts, that he only does reviews of t-shirts. But as he explains, he does everything. He's a variety account.
Unknown_28: To dance, to lip-sync. Most accounts focus on one niche. Whether it's dance, lip-sync, I do everything from vlog to dance to lip-sync. I'm hoping to reach 1 million followers and get verified by the end of this year.
Unknown_20: And that kind of thing too, like the autism of like, I'm going to open this account in this dilapidated room with this extremely poor, like, like ember colored desk lamp. And I'm going to do a WAP in the middle of the night. And also I'm trying to get 1 million subscribers. Like that's the kind of thing that zoomies love. It's like, Oh, the outdated, the audacity of this autistic man to think he's going to make it big on this platform. Fuck it. I'll follow them. And that's like a, that's how you get 1 million followers by, by a year.
Assuming the app's still around.
Unknown_20: For the archive, I want to show the WAP. Let me show you how I WAP. This is how he's WAPing.
Unknown_20: It's a pretty good WAP. He's doing like a dance, if you can't see. And it's like... Bizarre. He's like a... He's very, very tall, and thin, and it's like, his movements are kinda scary.
It's like, um...
Unknown_20: It's like he's like a monster in like a movie because he's so tall and so thin. It's sort of unsettling. It's like uncanny. Okay. I want to see this one too. I'm kind of entrenched in this guy now. So these will change the color of your tongue permanently for weeks.
Unknown_28: We're going to put these in my mouth and wait 10 minutes.
It's not coming off.
Unknown_14: Shit.
Unknown_20: Does he have a different t-shirt every video? I feel like that's important to this character. He should never address the fact, besides the name is World of T-Shirts, that he wears like a different t-shirt every day. That would get expensive. He'd have to go through like a Goodwill and buy like every t-shirt there.
Unknown_24: Oh my- What the fuck?! Bro... That's like fucking propo- This is fake! I would- No way... Can people jump that high? That's unreal!
Is it- I don't think this man is smart enough to edit this video.
Unknown_25: How the fuck is he doing this?
Unknown_20: it's like a racial perk for like jumping that's crazy it's reversed it's reversed chat i understand i got you so this is why tiktok is so popular much less i'm thinking what the fuck i got you oh
That's pretty good. He nailed it. This guy's a content creator. This guy's a king.
Unknown_26: Yeah, yeah! In New York! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of! There's nothing you can't do! Now you're in New York!
Unknown_20: Nice. I think his singing could use a little work. His reverse jumping is much better.
No cap. I got it. I was a little bit of a Debbie Downer. I was a little bit of a hater towards the zoomies and their, their, their little cow who, um, is apparently obsessed with t-shirts and alcoholism.
Unknown_20: Um, unfortunately I've already, as, as is often the case, I've already come to find him now that he's a crippling alcoholic and is about to be dead.
Unknown_20: But I did see him. I did see him. You're a witness. You're a witness, sir.
Unknown_20: Did I talk about Daniel Larson at all? I can't tell if this happened if I talked about this on stream. I think I did. I'll just re-mention it just in case. Daniel Larson, um...
is facing terrorism charges and he was deemed incompetent to stand trial.
Unknown_20: The Department of Justice believes that he is incapable of defending himself. He does not have the mental capacity to
Unknown_20: act in his own best interest. And so they're going to basically put him through a mental health program as opposed to trying to incarcerate him, which is often, there's a misconception that mental health in the U.S., like if you go to a hospital, it's not like you are free and then you get counseling or whatever.
You are not free. You are deemed a danger to yourself and others. So on one hand, you're not competent to stand trial, so you don't get sentenced to jail, but you will be held indefinitely until the government decides that you are no longer a danger to yourself or others. So in Daniel Larson's case, that might be forever. They might say, oh, he's always going to be a danger to himself and others.
Unknown_20: So depending on how much good being away from the Internet does for him and how participatory his own family is and his well-being, because from what I understand, Daniel Larsen very much relied on his grandmother. And after her death, he's basically been on his own without any help.
Um, so depending on how well he cooperates with those programs and depending on how well the break from the internet does him, he may eventually be released, but it's not like he gets to walk. He is just like so retarded that the government can't prosecute him because there's no point.
Unknown_20: However, I do think that they're going to go after the kids from Reddit that were going after... Oh, I remember why I thought that I had talked about this. I did the Gumroad video and Daniel Larson came up and I recapped some of this. They're going to go super hard after the Redditors who prompted him to do all this shit.
Because those are the real perpetrators in this instance So all those cool reddit kids who hated the Kiwi farms and thought that fucking with a retarded man and getting him to commit domestic terrorism Is really awesome. I think one of them already got arrested if I remember correctly Yeah, they're gonna go after those guys because those guys are the the fucking lunatics who are causing an upset to society Such as life I
Yeah, that about sums it up, I think.
Unknown_20: Now, there was a unconfirmed report that came out of nowhere that Destiny's Child, not that one, had been permanently banned on Twitch.
Unknown_20: I was not aware that Destiny's Child, not that one, was even on Twitch. I thought that Destiny's Child, not that one, was abandoned in a cornfield in Nebraska, and it didn't have anything to do with them anymore.
Unknown_20: As it turns out, Destiny, after being bullied by the internet, has decided to rekindle a relationship with his son. Now that all the hard child rearing years are over and he's a teenager, Destiny thinks, oh, I can revisit my son and reconnect with him. There will be no hard feelings because I say so and everything will move along just fine and dandy. That's not usually how it works. Destiny's child, not that one, is 13 years old now. So there's a lot of time to make up.
He's been dealing with a single mom and whatever bullshit from stepdads and stuff for however many years.
Unknown_20: And his father's absenteeism to go to Miami and fuck retarded blonde girls is probably not well regarded by him that Destiny chose to do that instead of being his father.
I wonder what sort of behavioral issues that Destiny's Child, not that one, is going to get up to. Let's see.
He went live with the stream name, Destiny Execution Soon. Then on stream said, ah, destiny is so cucked. Loaded an airsoft pistol, walked into the other room and shot him. So that does not bode well. I can't, I mean, I'm not like a child psychologist. That does not bode well. Also the reloading that he does is very Keno.
Unknown_20: I really appreciate that sound effect, in fact.
If you're wondering that song is bullet with a name on it by nonpoint in the first like 10 seconds of it or like loading up a gun. It sounds exactly like it. It's very reminiscent. Oh, he says cooked, not cucked.
Unknown_20: That's funny. I only heard cucked.
Unknown_20: I believe that I have been predisposed to a certain bias against destiny and I may hear words that are not there in order because of those biases.
Unknown_20: Oh well. Okay, so I think that now is the Ralph segment. There's more to talk about Ralph.
I can do it. I can I can get no, but listen chat. Okay, I'll get back to the Ralph segment I just say a little bit of a little bit of a boss man sesh I just need a quick little boss man sesh, you know, just just a two-minute boss man sesh Okay, I come on do one more dude.
Unknown_05: If I lose them out, I will leave I'm gonna do another 300 Me love guys Five minds 300
He's got $1,500, Chad. I think he's gonna make it this time.
Unknown_05: Oh! How much was that? I don't wanna know. 200, come on. Dude, come on, man. Don't do this.
Unknown_20: Dude, he's losing it all. He's already under 1,000, Chad. What the fuck?
Unknown_20: This is so rigged.
Unknown_05: Yes! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Holy shit.
Unknown_20: Look at that little crispy Krakowski mouse twitching.
Unknown_06: He's gonna click those mines like his life depends on them.
Oh my god! Wow, dude.
Unknown_20: It's at 680, Chet. I don't know. I think he can do it. He can pull up. There you go. What do we got now? 11? Okay. I'm gonna fuck a dude.
Unknown_20: Oh my god. Nah, he lost it. He's at 569 now. Dude, what the fuck? Bro, that's fucking rigged.
Unknown_05: Wow.
Unknown_20: Wow.
Unknown_20: No! Oh my God! Oh my God. He lost it all, Chad. I'm a fucking idiot. He's a fucking idiot, Chad. He hates his life. Are you fucking kidding? That's fucking... He just fucking lost it all. So rigged. Wow! Wow. I just lost everything. He lost it all. He lost everything, even.
Okay, I feel so much better chat, you have no idea. Okay, Ralph.
Unknown_20: Ralph is like drunk and high every single stream now. He did this really funny thing where he said, I can fly out to Las Vegas anytime I want. I got, I can do it. And so I said, okay, Ralph, fly out to Vegas. And it was chat and he says, Bish, your trolling ain't good. You're not gonna get me. I could I could fly out to Vegas, but why waste the money? So after talking all this hype about how he has a hundred thousand. He said he has a hundred thousand dollar reduce in a bank account And he's gonna make it last he's gonna make that money last Basically got to Vegas You know, he's so hood rich didn't get these tax-free super jets and shit. He's just like nah, actually, I'm not gonna go to it Look, okay. Broke, broke bish. Broke bish, can I get a broke bish in chat for Ethan Ralph?
For whatever reason, he decided to say that I'm not Aryan, because I don't have blue eyes. I don't know if anyone has ever seen a picture of me, but I have very, very blue eyes. That's probably my most obvious feature. Um, Ralph apparently says that he has blue eyes, but he's got like these little pig slit eyes, and I literally did not know that he has blue eyes. In fact, looking at him, I can't tell. Like, he has these fucked up little pig slits, and I just can't see any color in his eyes, but he's gonna go on an Aryan Kang rant. That's why. I have blue eyes because I'm an Aryan god.
That's why.
Unknown_07: What do you have?
Unknown_07: I have blue eyes. I literally have blue eyes, though.
Unknown_39: I'm looking dead at the fucking camera.
Unknown_20: Look at that. There is no way he has blue eyes. He has, like, the darkest black little pits for eyes that I've ever seen. And he has, like, full frontal lighting. Like, he's got studio lighting on, and I still can't see what fucking color his eyes are. What the fuck do you have?
For goddamn sure not blue eyes.
Unknown_39: That's for sure.
Unknown_20: How does he not know I have blue eyes? Is he confusing himself with me?
Unknown_20: Cause he doesn't have like, those are like black soulless eyes. Is he like, is he like fantasizing about being me again? And he's like, if I was that Josh Moon, that John Potter, I would be an Aryan God with bright blue eyes. And I would tell people, what the fuck do you have, bish? I got blue eyes. What do you have?
Is this what's happening? Cause for real, I don't know what the fuck's going on.
Unknown_20: He also threatened to dox illicit clips children and almost considered pissing live into a bottle on rumble and I think there's another clip or ruski.
Oh he Was talking about how he had a couple clubs that he liked to visit local in the area But they all got shut down for a pretty interesting reason. Let's take a listen Yeah Daniel Larson Stan sent three dollars on rumble
Unknown_01: I am thinking of visiting Yucatan for vacation in a few months. Any good nightclubs or spots, etc. You recommend?
Unknown_01: Yeah, well, they shut down a few. This.
They, they, they shut down a few for, um, like human trafficking, basically, you know, I just about criminal activity.
Unknown_39: Um, if that's what was going on,
Unknown_39: I really can't say anything about that, Ben. I have been to banditas.
Unknown_07: And so, you know, it is what it is, like, you know, they shut to X. No, you must say they.
They came in and they shut it down, they shut down Candela's, they shut down a couple other, you know, strip clubs. And so this must be all he does. Yeah.
Unknown_39: I've been debating this with them within the last month, actually.
Unknown_39: Now, they were trying to force me to, you know, do whatever. And I was like, give me the bucket of beer, like whatever.
Unknown_39: But.
Yeah, I mean.
Unknown_07: So if you don't know, one of the big tragedies of the border crisis in the U.S.
Unknown_20: is that you have a lot of people who want to migrate to the United States. They do not have the means to do so on their own. They're very poor. So they rely on people to guide them from wherever they come from. Could be as far away as the south of Chile or Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, whatever the fuck they're from. And they guide them to the United States. Well, there's a lot of stops on the way from Chile to Texas, right?
such as Merida in the Yucatan.
Unknown_20: So these guys who lead people from point A to point B expect payment. And for women and children, that's often sexual payment. And it may be that you enlist to be transported to Texas for economic reasons. and you end up in Yucatan and you run out of money. So they say, okay, well, you're going to be a prostitute in Merida and you're going to have sex with expats like Ethan Ralph. And we're going to take your money until you have enough money to continue payments. And if you're lucky, they'll actually eventually dump you into the United States. If you're unlucky, you're stuck in Merida as a prostitute until you're killed over some drug dispute in your twenties.
That is the human cost of an open border like the one that we have in the United States.
Unknown_20: And Ethan Ralph, it's kind of interesting hearing him talk about it because he names off all these strip clubs in the area and it makes sense. Like this is what he does every day. And I didn't even really think about it like that, but it's like, yeah, he takes his Super Chat money, he goes to the strip clubs, he gets wasted, he takes his Percocets, he's just fucking sloshed in a strip club all day, watching sex-trafficked teen girls dance for him. And sometimes if he has an extra big Super Chat day, he'll pay them to have sex with him. And that's his entire life, and that's why he's so placated and happy in Mexico. That's exactly the life that he wants he gets a couple. He was told tell me by the way someone in his chat. It was not me I don't I don't brag about money stuff because I find that tacky and low intelligence, but somebody in this chat mentioned that I Sincerely profit more than him from streaming now And he addressed me as a result and said, I don't need to make so much money because I don't got dumb Kiwi farms to run and pay for. I have a much lower cost of living, so I only need a couple gringo dollars to get by. And it's like, it must be exactly what he's doing. His cost of living is his hotel, his Airbnb,
It's Percocets or Xanax, whatever the fuck it is. It's the anxiety pill they prescribe little girls. I think that's Xanax. Then he takes, he might also be on painkillers like Percocets, and then he takes alcohol, which is much cheaper. By the way, Xanax is extremely cheap in Mexico too. It's over the counter there. It's like pennies per pill over-the-counter mix it with alcohol also pennies per per liter and then he goes to the strip club and it's all like indentured servant chattel slaves that are halfway to Texas and That's his life That's his entire life and he's extremely happy about that. That's That's how it's gonna be for the Ralph Male for quite a while. I
Bitch, aren't you fucking jealous, motherfucker?
Unknown_20: I can go to Vegas anytime. You know, he even said that. He said, I can go to Vegas anytime. But he must not have heard about the travel restrictions.
Unknown_20: Because, you know, the swine flu is kicking back up. They're not allowing any pigs.
Unknown_20: Get it? Because he's a fat pig monster with slit eyes.
Chat, um, is there anything that i've missed? I realize that i've kind of glossed over a couple things. I think people expect me to talk more about but it's just like Yeah chat Let's see i'm now observing the chat if you want to scream at me tipster Oh my god How could I forget the tipster? Can I pull this up real quick?
Unknown_07: Maybe let me search for it real quick
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Unknown_07: Hell yeah. Keemstar even made fun of them.
Unknown_20: Tipster says 2024 is the year of Mamala and then there's a palm tree and a coconut hashtag Kamala 2024.
Unknown_20: Um, if you don't know, the coconut thing is a, I discovered this on stream. Even I was actually, it was the gumroad video that I did on the handbook of hate.
And it was like a bunch of like illegal memes that the EU is trying to build like an AI sensor for. And one of them was the coconut emoji. And as an expert racist, I was thinking, what the fuck does that mean? And I discovered as a consequence that Arabs in particular love to use the coconut meme as a slur against each other for people who act white on the inside but are brown on the outside. So that's what the coconut is. It's a derogatory slur between brown people for being too white, which I assume means being educated, having a job, caring about your country and your society, and not being a degenerate, reprobate, violent monster. Those are the things that I equate with whiteness.
for some reason tipster finds that sexy i mean and for some reason i mean tipster finds literally everything sexy i think that tipster is just like pure fetish at this point any excuse to fetishize something is working for him
Unknown_20: wrong it's for some dumb thing she does said in the speech really i'm being educated here by my chat i'm listening i'm learning i'm using this as an opportunity to do better kamala coconut put the lime in the coconut
Let's see. Okay. Here's the coconut. I think this is a minute long. Everything is in context.
Unknown_36: My mother used to, she would give us a hard time sometimes and she would say to us, I don't know what's wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
Unknown_36: You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
Unknown_20: Um, I've actually never heard her speak before.
Unknown_20: She's like genuinely fucking retarded. Sorry. I don't know why this is not showing up on the screen.
I'll play the rest of it on stream.
Unknown_07: Refresh it real quick.
Unknown_36: Of all in which you live and what came before you.
Unknown_20: So it's not profound.
Unknown_20: Maybe I'm missing something. Is this supposed to.
Unknown_36: All of this is part and work of this group of extraordinary leaders who will help inform and advise how we think about our work.
My mother used to, she would give us a hard time sometimes and she would say to us,
Unknown_20: The meme stems from a random moment in a speech Harris gave last May as she was swearing in commissioners from the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity. Why is there an entire fucking department in the White House dedicated to something called Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics? I'm pretty sure that's Hispanics. I'm pretty sure that if you look at the jobs, the unemployment rate, Hispanics are more employed now than white people. So I think that your initiative fucking worked and it cost a lot of white people their jobs. So maybe you should make a White House initiative for fucking white people or some shit. You can even call it that, the White House initiative for fucking white people or some shit and just swear in like the whitest guy that you could possibly find.
This is the queen of dialectic materialism. I for one am coconut.
Okay. She's trying to say that you don't just, every man is a, you don't come out of nowhere. He didn't fall out of coconut tree. There's a context that doesn't make any sense. I mean, the clip is fucking retarded. She's Indian by the way. Do Indians even have coconuts? I don't think so.
Unknown_20: Okay, chat, I'm now paying attention to the chat again. You may yell at me random things that I should talk about.
Unknown_20: Pre-recorded chemo sobby. I am not pre-recorded. I am here live suffering every day for you.
Pippa. No.
Unknown_07: India at number one superpower 2024.
Unknown_07: No.
Unknown_20: Anime sucks. Copen's needs as Pippa. No. I'm biding my time. There's stuff.
Unknown_20: Oh, I do, I forgot a clip. I will play for you this clip. Um, so many of you will know that Juju the cow, AKA Dax Herrera, man, he does a podcast or two.
Unknown_20: Um, sorry, he said Juju the cow and then I just flipped the entire thing backwards.
Dax Herrera, AKA Juju the cow, man, he gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow. Let's do it correct chat. Let's get this right.
Unknown_20: as frequently said in defense of his pedophile associates.
Unknown_20: that jokes are funny, and therefore that the joke police, the moral police, these Christian, conservative, moral panic arbiters of funny are backwards, ignorant, and threatening to set back conservatives by embracing the video game violence Jack Thompson people from the 1990s, which many people do not hold in high regard. It's a long story, but I'll leave it there.
So he's always said, look, jokes are jokes. And if people want to joke about child rape or whatever the fuck, you know, that's their prerogative. And sometimes it's a high performance thing that isn't necessarily obviously a joke. But when you take a joke about pedophilia and you falsely equivocate it with real life pedophilia,
Unknown_20: You're doing Victims and you're doing law enforcement and you're doing people who do try to stop sex abuse of children a disfavor Well, he's put out a interesting little soundbite on the PK podcast about jokes and I'll play them for you so that you can get some context about Dax hurry Okay, do the count man. He gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow application of the stamp
Oh, I don't think he should have his shit removed. Just to be clear, I don't think he should be removed from platforms.
Unknown_37: For me, joking and saying and encouraging are all the same because I personally think jokes are more powerful at normalizing behavior. Like, when I'm making jokes about some things, I mean it. I just can't get away with saying it without calling it a joke in polite society. So I don't really distinguish between any of those things. I don't know what you guys think about that, but not in all cases, but there's no media.
Not in all cases. Woo. Save yourself there, buddy.
Unknown_20: No, look, I didn't mean it all the time. There are specific jokes that I want to retroactively make sure that, you know, our jokes, but. Sometimes. When I'm talking about beating women, then it's a thing that I'm trying to make real. When I talk about fucking kids, just know it's a joke, he says. Thanks, Juju. Very informative.
Unknown_20: Back to you, chat. Anything else I forgot today?
Is it just me or does dicks head look more like a circle that like Charlie Brown? He's definitely like aged pretty bad. He's hit the wall He looks it's weird his complexion used to look a lot healthier now. He looks properly cooked I don't know if he's spending more time. I like the beach or something, but he looks fucking like poo colored now Play the boss man cheese video Wyatt the boss man cheese video
Unknown_07: Where's the boss man cheese video?
Is this a joke? I'm now scanning through the boss man thread looking for the boss man cheese video and it's occurred to me I may be prank someone.
Unknown_20: Someone might've like shouted out, Josh, you didn't see the destiny cheese video. And then I'd be like scanning through like 5,000 pages about.
Unknown_20: Destiny trying to find cheese Look, you can post a link to this thread. I will I will play it. It's real. Okay fucker Let's see. I'm gonna ask the the boss man chat What they have to say about this
It's real says doorstuck linking to Bruno Pravrov's Knicks link to Austin Peterson's. Oh my god I think it might I think the legendary boss man cheese video might actually be a real thing here chat. Let's check it out Boss man says oh shit. I really turned my PC back on bad guys tank test for keyboard equal past This appears to be him in a fridge
Unknown_20: I thought maybe he'd be at a grocery store.
Unknown_04: You've been summoned. We're in the boss man kitchen.
Unknown_20: I have never seen him in this kitchen before. This is uncharted territory. The boss man Jack is in the fridge. What's he going for? I got this.
I also have
Unknown_04: Swiss, mild.
Unknown_04: Oh, sorry. Swiss, mild.
Unknown_20: That's like real deli cheese, too. That's like off a block.
Unknown_04: I don't know what the fuck that is.
Unknown_04: I also have... Cheddar.
Unknown_04: Or, if we go with the final choice, which is... It's like a blended cheddar.
Unknown_20: Marbled cheese. Marbled cheese.
It's kind of funny that his family has, like, giant blocks of cheese.
Unknown_20: I think Austin is a real rat in real life. He's on there fucking chomping on cheddar. Is this like just specifically the che- Oh no, he's back in the fridge. He's eating cheese.
Unknown_04: Alright, you heard the man. We got the mild Swiss here. Oh, finally, mozzarella.
Unknown_04: No, mild Swiss, not mozzarella.
Unknown_20: Here's a fun fact. Put blue cheese in your grilled cheese chat. Thank me later. Thank. Me. Later. I'm very happy that the boss man cheese clip is real, chat.
Okay, chat, back to you.
Unknown_20: The real shame is that he's destroying their house and smoking crack indoors.
Unknown_20: No, it's not a shame at all. That's a benefit to society. The Reddit segment. Ay, Dios mio.
Unknown_20: On a catastrophe, I do have Reddit stuff. Thank you for reminding- I'm so disoriented today, sorry. I didn't sleep very well last night, I was dwelling on dark and twisted thoughts about the fate of our world if certain people are not destroyed yet.
Alright, I have some Reddit stuff actually, let me pull it up.
Unknown_07: Okay, so this is in Honest Transgender.
Unknown_20: Ava Tyson coming out as trans just set us back years. Vent, if you didn't hear, she was outed as a diddler. I don't know why it's so hard for us just to get a single decent representation. It can't be that hard to not have something wrong with you.
I wish, um, every other trans person with the platform would come out and condemn the shit out of her, but I'm sure no one will say anything because they don't want to be attached to this mess.
Unknown_20: Mmm, chat. That's a hard one. Why is it that all the transgender activists that are high, high profile public figures are always freaks and sex pests? I wonder why it's just really unfortunate. These poor trans folks can't catch a break and all their big representatives are just abusers and they seem to be using their, their fame to, to get access to underage people. It's just so sad. It's so sad that they're all are like this without fail. Every single one of them really, really tragic chat.
than our millennials, cutting ties with my parents over their indifference to fascism. I never imagined I'd be here, but I've cut off contact with my boomer parents. They couldn't bring themselves to vote for Biden claiming he's too old. Meanwhile, Trump is actively pushing fascism. threatening our democracy, and they're turning a blind eye. Their refusal to vote for Biden isn't just a political disagreement. It's a tacit endorsement of a man who's inching us towards authoritarianism. By not voting Biden, they're effectively giving power to a second Hitler. This isn't about politics anymore. It's about morality and the future of our country. As a trans person, I'm terrified that under Trump's rule, I could end up in a
concentration camp.
Unknown_20: I'm furious and heartbroken that they can't see what's at stake. Has anyone else dealt with family members who are blind to the dangers we're facing? How did you cope? Cope.
I don't know kid, maybe your heckin boomer parents are aware that Hitler 2.0 is coming to power and is going to put you in a concentration camp and that's what they're voting for.
Unknown_22: Maybe you suck and you're really shit.
Uh, this is an R panic attack. I don't know why that this is a subreddit. Um, you toga trigger for, uh, I read his username and instinctively said four as if he's giving me money to read this message. I'm reading his message for free to be completely clear.
Unknown_20: Panic attack over Biden dropping out. So Joe Biden just dropped out of the election, and I am freaking out at the idea of a Trump presidency again. I'm an M to F trans, and I just know that if Trump wins, the world is going to be taken over by white nationalist Christian terrorists. I truly believe that we will see LGBTQIAP plus people be put in trains to concentration camps if he wins. I have been eating Ativan like Skittles all morning, but I can't even right now.
He's just like on his bed like spazzing out, like ahhh, Hitler's coming back. And then he finally calms down. He starts popping more Ativan and he finally calms down and then it's like, oh. He opens his phone, and it's just like a Twitter notification. Trump, first word. And he's like, aaaah, Hitler's back!
Unknown_20: Help me, Reddit!
Unknown_22: Help me, Reddit!
Unknown_20: That's pretty funny. I got a good Reddit sentiment chat. That's pretty nice. Okay, chat.
Unknown_20: Trump train, oh no. Oh no, not the Trump train. If Trump were like Reddit thinks he is, he wouldn't be so bad. Dude, tell me about it. If people thought, if Trump was like one tenth of what people say that he is to try and scare voters, we'd be in a much better place.
Take more pills.
Unknown_20: Reddit lies is a good ex account. It's pretty funny See if all anime sucks Copen's need posting links to a 4chan auto board But unfortunately, I can't open it because it's embedded on my screen. I wonder what it is Josh check thread for Jimmy Carter death announcement, please. That was fake. Nice try guy And if Jimmy Carter died, I would not stop the stream to discuss it who gives a fuck
Okay, chat, you bore me.
Unknown_20: It's time. Let us, uh, Patrick S. Tomlinson child. Um, Patrick's just been zeding. There's not much been going on with him. Not much interesting.
Unknown_20: All right, let's do some super berries.
Unknown_20: TheLionKang42 says, you thought they'd just let Trump win, get ready to eat crow when it comes to women voting lol. Very insightful. Thank you. LaserdiscSpinman42 says, who is Welper Helper?
He's an anime and he's very passionate about Pippa Pipkin's for some reason Chocolate wombat for 20 says donation for the pizza fund. Wish me luck. I'm getting out of tech support No more degenerate Pajit bosses. Thank God. Good luck SAR. I hope you redeem bigly Good luck
Unknown_20: Thank you. AnimeSexCopeAndSneed for five says, wholesome ham tent and then he links to the Kiwi Farms and there's a, I already fucking opened this because he tweeted this before the stream started. It's just a hamster on a fat woman's tits. I'm not opening this one stream, bro.
Unknown_20: You better be careful what you post on my forum. You better not be cluttering up these like the off-topic threads like pseudoporn Shiskey's two for two says is the J to the a to the R to be oh the motherfuckers smells of chicken and be a Chronicles of a cuck was a masterclass even Jarbo himself enjoyed it. Can't wait for the return of MC Joe. Hope with MC Baldo
MC Jarbo was definitely like a real professional beat guy his I Want to say that he doesn't he uses like his own beats and he's a master at remixing shit It really sucks not having him making more stuff. He's great. He's always welcome back. I
Unknown_20: Enemy sucks copen seed for five says indeed. We are in the right. No, you know, you tell me I already know I said it Gashkenazi for 20 says thanks for feeding the government people the last eight months were just a test of faith never doubted you It's like with Fight Club. Yeah, you have to stand there on the gumroad without any encouragement whatsoever. I I do it I have like a couple things like quick and easy kind of like similar like commentary type stuff to do That'll probably be about an hour to two hours each planned out for the like the next month at least One in particular. I've been planning to do a thing on for a long time, but I haven't got around to it two things actually there's so many things that I've had my like stuck in my head where I'm like I should do a gum right about this because it doesn't really fit into a stream and Then I just can't
I'm still not in the best condition to upload videos constantly and do shit, but I don't have any more excuses at this point. I have to take it seriously and I just have to suffer and get it done. Thank you very much. My hamster is a turf where one says if a man cuts off his dick and sews it to his forehead is he a unitroon or a trunicorn?
There was an episode of South Park where a Penis was attached to a like a ham like a hamster's head or like a mouse's head I don't know about a troon though
Unknown_20: If you do that, can you go in public? That would be an interesting court case. Is it indecent exposure if your penis is attached to your head? Someone's gonna do that. If they think that they can walk out in public with their dick attached to their forehead and, like, scare children, they will do that. You just gave people a bad idea. Someone in particular is taking notes.
The Orange Cow for 10 says, feel free to ignore this if you want. A while ago, you repeatedly mentioned having a method in the works for permanently resolving hosting and service issues. Is that still a thing or did it fall through? So the particular setup that I was going for did not pan out.
So there was a guy who had been a very strong supporter of the forum.
Unknown_20: Then for whatever reason he just like went Looney Tunes, and I don't know what happened to him. I don't understand He might have just gotten fed up with us or but like other people that I knew that did business with him Kind of bowed like said that they were having issues communicating with him So I don't know if he was having you know issues personal issues or whatever and
Unknown_20: But unfortunately, that never happened.
Unknown_20: However, other people I was in the talk to who were much further away from a really great setup are, in the time that I have been waiting, have progressed further in developing their companies, developing their businesses. Seeing success and getting a proper network together while still being sympathetic to the forum so those other people who were kind of like a distant maybe are getting set up and That is a great a great fallback. However After we raise the legal fund a lot of our issues stopped immediately. For whatever reason, having over $150,000 in a trust specifically dedicated to suing the fuck out of you, and for whatever reason, a default judgment suddenly being overturned, really solved a lot of my issues just overnight, as if they didn't want to present any more evidence to our deplatforming, because that could end up in a civil court against them.
Um, so we have right now five different providers, uh, who have not dropped us in months. Uh, in particular, we're on rumble cloud. Um, a guy who started hosting basically out of his basement in Romania has recently gotten a pretty, pretty. pretty real setup in the data center. The guy's name is Kalin. He runs a hosting service called iHostArt.
Unknown_20: He's a young guy. He's in Romania. He started his hosting company literally from scratch.
Unknown_20: And he's been very eager to have me as a client because he thinks the forum is cool or like a really cool test of internet stuff. So if you're looking for like a really, really cheap provider that doesn't give a fuck about content stuff, iHostArt, that guy has really been eager to test his setup with us. Just for the record, my front ends that are on the A records, including iHost, they use what I call a zero trust proxy. It's purely a TCP proxy.
So it's not like there's user data or information being spilled out to random providers in some Romanian guy's basement.
Unknown_20: So his ability to fuck with the service, if he were to be like a lunatic, is very limited. But he's not, he seems like a great guy.
Unknown_20: But we have like five different providers that haven't had any issues in months. So it was like a full year of day after day, new shit breaking, all the fucking time, going after random providers. And then, knock on wood, the problems have stopped basically immediately after that fund.
And the last thing that Liz Fong Jones tried to do was, he had been begging, begging Tencent. We don't know, Tencent's a huge Chinese provider, but Tencent does our DNS resolution right now. So if you were to look up our MS records, it would all be DNS pod, which is owned by Tencent. He was begging them. to drop us to the point where he started using their DMCA line to send his complaints to them through different channels to hopefully get ahold of somebody and that would platform us at different departments. And I got a copy of his email because he sent it by the DMCA department. Um, which is going to damage his civil litigations, um, because it's, uh, indicative of what he's actually trying to do. But it's very funny to me to see the, uh, gross freak tranny, um, having to beg, beg his betters in China to take care of things for him. And it's not going anywhere.
I will continue to, uh, allow people to discuss him freely and openly for as long as I am permitted to.
Unknown_20: Kyle Larson all chat for five says hey neighbor, please congratulate Kyle on his win at Indy. Congratulation Kyle Larson your win on the Indy I don't know if it's the Indy 500 or whatever, but I heard that you race really good Congratulations, brother
Jackman 245 for five says hello, Joshua moon. I don't watch live on Tuesdays But you got lucky with me getting off work early have half of my Friday money. Keep up the good work Reminder to keep that beast Keffel's in check We are on 24-7 beach beast watch. Mr. Beast Keffel's the beast Finster the beast the beasts are under Under overwatch as it were. Okay as the Secret Service would say
Thank you. Cole Cole for four says, please read one and two from the book of Enoch chapter 12, section three, which I feel like I was reading chapter 10 last, but we've skipped it.
Unknown_20: Um, chapter 12 before all these things, Enoch was concealed, nor did any of the sons of men know where he was concealed, where he had been and what had happened. He was wholly engaged with the Holy ones and with the watchers in his days. There you go. I don't know what that means. Our Chad over cock for 12 says an album for you. If you enjoy autistic sound front music, I don't just specifically RuneScape. Let's see what this is. The last in the comatorium by Mars Volta, but an S and 64 sound fund.
Already not as good as RuneScape. Don't even try to challenge the RuneScape sound font, you fool.
Unknown_20: Thank you very much.
Unknown_20: Detrex420 says, I wish I was rich so that I could negotiate a private IRS guard detail by putting that I want to bury everything I own in my will to duck their estate tax.
I don't know what you're trying to say. I made a joke about the IRS killing people to protect rich people for tax purposes, but I don't, I don't understand if you, um, I don't know how high is a state tax these days. It can't be too high, brother. You just gotta set up. All you gotta do is set up a business and then have them inherit the business. And then, uh, they don't, they don't get to pay taxes on it until they,
Unknown_20: Until they to they realize I'm pretty sure that's how they get away with it with inheritance tax Thank you that Kurt Eichenwald anime masturbator for five says glorious Kiwi Emperor I find it hard to believe that people jerk off to Genshin Impact as the designs are completely lacking in eroticism I believe this is because it is created by chinkoid bug peep I don't know. They're like half-naked. I was watching that trailer and they were like just in skimpy clothing and
I mean, they're all like child characters and then there's like that that usually like anime shit There's like the the titty girls to the the lolicon as Kershaw said there's usually two types of youtubers There's the lolicons and then like the big booboo ones You basically see that in all animation
Unknown_20: Um, but yeah, in general, Chinese stuff is a lot less sexually explicit because, um, pornography is banned in China.
I know that, um, they did something in Genshin Impact that upsetted the Coomers where the Communist Party forced Genshin Impact to like,
Unknown_20: add like a sparkle effect while they're swimming and stuff so you can't upskirt them anymore? Like someone in the Communist Party saw their kid playing Genshin Impact or whatever and saw them upskirting like a girl and they were like, what the fuck? So they went to the People's Parliament or whatever, the Supreme Soviet, whatever the fuck you call their thing. And they said, um, listen, we got to fix this shit. We got Coomers. They're trying to turn our kids into Coomers. And so they yelled at the Genshin Impact people and they said, you got to fix this. So they added like a sparkle effect so that they can't goon anymore.
And what's funny is that there's like entire subreddit, like threads that are thousands of points, like crying over the sparkle effect. Like, no, not my upskirts.
Unknown_20: Schneedberg Stein Goldman for $50 says N-O-T-H-I-N-G in brackets. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Unknown_20: Not very much. Kurt Eichenwald Anime Masturbator for $5 says, lol, but if you take a look at the work of Taiwanese chads, and there's a fur affinity link, you'll see that this obscenely shaped creature absolutely radiates sexuality. Indeed, I orgasmed with, and then Kurt Eichenwald Anime Masturbator for $5 says,
With it when I first saw it out of politeness. I am a Josh sexual after all I believe this demonstrates what who are the real people parentheses? This is from the game nice old nine souls. You should play it is super chinky literally every single thing about the messages that you've sent me today are repulsive and repugnant to my To my interest. I don't bro. What the fuck is this like for real? It's just like a like a fat fox girl in a skirt Why did you send this to me? Why did you pay $15 to send this to me? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Ballistic characteristic for 20 says great stream. Thank you very much. What a great super chat. I appreciate it. The false copy of Sunder for five says enough Deuteronica Deuterocanonical nonsense. Here's some actual gospel. Then there's the Bible gateway to
Unknown_20: Psalms 139 19 through 22 and it says surely that will slay the wicked Oh God depart from me therefore ye bloody men for they speak against the wickedly and thine enemies take thy name in vain Do not hate them. Oh Lord That hate thee Do not I hate them? Oh Lord that hate thee and am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. That's pretty based
I hate them with perfect hatred. Perfect hatred, chat. I have perfect hatred for a lot of people.
Unknown_20: Thank you.
Unknown_20: LaserdiscSpinman for $5 says, here have some pizza day money. Thank you. I appreciate it. PipkinPippa for $20 says, uwu Nolchen Ohio uwu.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's probably just a random person.
Unknown_20: Thank you. CastingCouchCrab4Five says, he should have written his resignation on a Zoo Pals paper plate. It was a woman, not a guy.
Unknown_20: But yeah, I think that would have been funny.
Unknown_20: Tetrabacks410 says, 0118-999-881-999-119-7253. Thank you.
Unknown_20: Coal coal for one says a British police will arrest you while taking you talking to you like they're doing the biggest favor to you. It's true. It is pretty like condescending. British people are some of those condescending, annoying fucking people on the planet in general.
Just a famous but for one says May St. Floyd bless you, Josh. Thank you. And also with you. Fliggy giggy seared bite for one says Redux lady asking, was it worth it? Then there's the picture to slots ism.
Unknown_20: Who is the Redux lady?
Unknown_20: And she is asking, uh, Ava, Chris Tyson apologized, by the way. And he says, I would like to apologize for my, any of my past behavior or comments, if it hurt or offended anyone, it was not my intent. Seeing recent events, we've mutually decided that I permanently step away from all things, Mr. Beath and social media to focus on my family and mental health. Ooh. So I would like to apologize if he,
It's like a Bill Clinton apology. Sorry for your feelings. Yeah, I'm sorry that I offended you by talking to you when you were 14, you dumb bitch. It's your fault for being offended. Fuck you. It's like such a non-apology. What an asshole.
Unknown_20: Slotsism says, you destroyed your family to go live out a selfish anime porn inspired fantasy of womanhood just to become globally regarded as a pedophile and lose your job in a legendary speedrun that should be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records. Were the goon sessions worth it? I'm going to say that the answer was yes, because if it wasn't, he would have stopped. He was planning. In fact, he was so worth it.
I have a feeling that this person might actually hear this message. Yes, it was worth it to him. And like I said before, when I was talking about him, I am pretty sure, I'm almost totally convinced, and it varies from person to person, but in Chris Tyson's case specifically, I am very certain that they balance that goon obsession with like a reproductive necessity thing in their heads. they deliberately trap women and impregnate them and then shroon out as soon as they can, as soon as they have the number of kids that they want, which is often just one or two.
But it happens so often and so immediately after the woman gives birth, I am 100% convinced that they do it deliberately. I used to think that the miracle of childbirth and the early stages of parenthood like cause a conflict with them where either they get like very, you know, they get dysphoric or whatever by seeing, you know, someone give birth and become pregnant and breastfeed. And that like triggers like something in them that breaks them and they start getting into it. Or I used to think that maybe they were selfish and they were just like, Oh, the wife is getting all this attention. The wife is, um, You know, everybody is like obsessed with her and her pregnancy and her her giving birth and how how well she's doing after giving birth and nobody cares about me anymore. And I have to sacrifice my computer time to helping take care of the kids. And that's like a thing that's upsetting to them. And that gets them like, OK, well, I'm going to refocus them, their attention back on me by having my life moment, my big journey start by becoming a woman. And that was like their internalization. Now, I don't give them that benefit but doubt where it's like they got cracked during the pregnancy or after the pregnancy during the breastfeeding. I now think that it happens so often. I am so certain because the trune stuff doesn't happen fast. It happens slow over years. I'm now pretty convinced that they set it up so that they can trune out after the fact and then there's no recourse for the wife whatsoever. They can't even really say like,
That you that you trick me or whatever because that's transphobic and their own family would turn against them if they say shit like that I'm really really convinced that all these people doing this shit like Chris's are doing it with deliberate malicious forethought and and With planning and plotting that's it's pretty fucking gross. I
Tetra backs for $20 says I want to find a local chapter of black Israelites and set a lawn chair on the street Just so people watch retards are attracted to the black light. Apparently, I mean you can they'll probably holler at you if you're a white boy, but They're in the they get away with what they do because they're in the public and they're allowed to do their their things They're allowed to soapbox as a constitutional, right?
Unknown_20: Yeah, I don't know I'd be careful though don't get caught up in shit don't get like I
Don't have a neighbor moment.
Unknown_20: Space Island for 20 says ham jam. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. The bugs for two says big, beautiful, big titty, but naked women just don't fall out of the sky. You know.
Unknown_20: I have no idea what that's a reference to.
Unknown_20: The Ghost of Lotex for once says, I know you've been looking for a good FPS, so have you tried the original Halo games? The Master Chief collection on Steam has all the old ones and they're still very active. Also, Destiny sucks.
Unknown_20: Um, no, I have not ever played any Halo games. The only time I ever played a Halo game was I went to a friend's house when I was in elementary school and I played the original Halo on his Xbox. I was a Nintendo kid, so I did not have an Xbox. I did not have Halo.
Pattern noticing enjoyer for one says kill Russians behead Russians roundhouse kick a Russian to the concrete slam dunk a Russian baby into the trash can Then there is an our drama post
Unknown_20: To this which I will read I have no idea what this is 6 7 6 9 7 4 chud slash life drunk for life Governor or in reply to governors says 15 days ago quote sure Russia is a classic aggressor But it doesn't mean I viscerally hate Russian mothers and fathers or teenagers being turned into mist because I'm terminally online 6 7 6 9 7 4 replies and says
This is the cringe western view of Russia. Any Eastern European will tell you the only good Russian is a dead Russian. Their nation is like a cancer upon the world, determined to spread its misery to every corner it possibly can. Monarchy, communism, democracy, no system of governments stops the Russian from seeking to expand his AIDS-ridden hellhole as far as possible, trampling upon any decent people he possibly can. Russia is the nation of rabid, angry chimpanzees, and it is long overdue that the civilized nations of the world put them in their place.
Okay, Hitler.
Unknown_20: I mean, if you want to be German, if you want to be proper Hitler-filled, you can't support Russia in any way, shape or form.
Unknown_20: It is very interesting, I believe, to see that Bandera and the Schutzstaffel volunteers from Ukraine are retroactively pardoned from their participation in the Second World War on the side of the Axis powers because they were fighting against Russia. It wasn't even specifically that they were fighting against communism, which was also a part of it. They were anti-communist. But very specifically that they were killing Russians or wanted to kill Russians. Many of them were sent to the Western Front.
But they wanted to kill Russians, therefore they're cool, making them the only SS soldiers who are allowed to be called cool. You say in general that the SS was not cool or not all war criminals. You were actually committing a crime in Germany, as far as I'm aware.
Unknown_20: Unless they're very specific, the Banderites, then it's okay.
Blurp Bloop, for one, says, go F yourself, pattern noticer nonce. Okay.
Unknown_20: Red Eyes Black Dragon, for two, says, what's your honest opinion on ReviewBrawl? I like him a lot. He's very nice and well-mannered. And I've, at various times, I would listen to his podcast just for white noise, because he has a soothing speaking voice.
Unknown_20: Lucifero 210 for though. I think that I'm gonna be real. I think his reviews are bad. I Know that sounds weird. It's like he's reviewing fast food and he's like the master of like reviewing fast food. I Honestly, I honestly think his reviews are bad because
His order is messed up. He doesn't try to correct it Like it's okay for him to say like I went in and my order got messed up But he just like doesn't he doesn't try to fix it at all. He doesn't like go back and get like another one and He's not first, okay, here's my here's my big issue with him and I'm being real this isn't a true criticism of review brawl
Unknown_20: Reviewbrah lives in Florida.
He has been on YouTube for years and years and years. And not once, not a single time ever has he ever gone to Whataburger. Not a single fucking time ever has he reviewed even just the number one regular Whataburger from the store. And he lives in Florida, which is like the hub of Whataburger besides fucking Texas. There is no excuse for this. This is simply a professional oversight in his capacity as a reviewer. It's just not acceptable, Chet. It's not acceptable. I'm being real. I'm not even fucking joking. Where's the fucking Whataburger review, you piece of shit?
All right. From Lucifer to 10 says a rational chad status on X. Check it out.
Unknown_07: Um, Beasle bumble man says, Oh, it's quoting a knees at Joma saying at Shad base, your art came to life.
Unknown_20: How'd you do that? This is from 2020. Then a rational Chad says we were on the precipice of the shadow blocks.
If you open the Shadman thread on the Kiwi farms, it's very old. It's like from 2016, I think, at the latest.
Unknown_20: And there's a post very early into that thread where I say something to the effect of, I am very patient, and I will wait until the day comes that this person is destroyed. And I have been waiting many years to see Shad be put in the fucking dirt. Theoretically speaking. And metaphorically speaking.
Unknown_20: And I think that day may be coming soon. I'm very patient, Shad. I'm very patient. I got nothing but time.
No, I do not have my account back. I'm permanently fucking banned forever. But I'm allowed to use my account to view tweets and shit.
Unknown_20: Haramburger for two says, solving a cryptographic challenge before accessing kiwifarms.st. This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. Please allow up to a minute for Bee Jams.
Unknown_20: Thank you Haramburger.
Unknown_20: Blurp Bloop for one says, total pedo truth death based and true. Kulvst for 10 says, YouTube link, new dim candidate more possibly more viable than Kamala. This is probably going to be a joke.
Let's check it out.
Unknown_07: Um, this is a video of, it's a Nassim, the woman, quote unquote, by the way, I think we have to do a poll here.
Unknown_20: I'm going to let this play as I put the poll up.
Unknown_20: Is this a troon? Question mark. We're going to say vote one for yes, vote two for no.
Unknown_20: Uh, many people say that Nassim has boobs, so therefore it can't possibly be a troon. But the way that that necklaces and the way that his hands are huge and he's like got like a male figure with no hips whatsoever in this long ass neck. I am 100 convinced that that is like a fetish breastplate. It's like plastic tits and um,
He it's a man, I'm completely convinced that it's a man I Should have waited for you guys to vote for us before I say that maybe a I sabotage things Yeah, I'm dude look at look at the hips there are no hips there I Even want to say that these are like
Unknown_20: I think you can see the nipples. So they're like perpetually hard, which would make sense if it was like a fetish thing. Cause they would want to give them hard nipples that you can just cover up if you don't want them to show, but like in this kind of outfit, they wouldn't.
It's just like his hands are huge. His hands are so long to go all the way down past his hips. He has no hips whatsoever. No hip ratio, long ass fucking neck, a masculine looking face. That's a man. Sorry to break it to you. That's a man for sure.
Unknown_20: She's just disgenic, that's a man. Now, that's Copen and Sneeden right there. I'm gonna be real with you.
Is this a trend? It's literally like 50-50. 20 people, or 40% say yes, and 28, 60% say no. It's pretty close. More people are citing that Nassim is not a trend. I'm guaranteeing to you that's a man.
Unknown_07: I know, I don't miss chat. I got you on this.
Unknown_07: no wins but it is wrong they also don't move at all i'm just gonna say like they just don't move they're just plastic bro like like okay look look at how it swings back and forth if you like i don't want to reveal too much if you've ever seen boobs they're they're very squishy they move around um they do not say affixed in like permanent spheres that do like don't bounce they don't jiggle
like that shirt they should be like as he swings his torso if they were real they should be like flinging to either side and moving not completely with the body but if they're plastic cast affixed to the chest they they would be um they would move like that like what you see if they were real they would swing they don't swing at all those are fake you can listen here chat you can cope all you want you know i'm right look deep into your heart chat i am right
Unknown_20: You fucked up your vote, yeah. Motherfuckers.
Unknown_20: Don't try me. Don't try me, I'm always right. Uh, PatternNoticingEnjoyer, and so I would not vote for Trun to be president of the United States, just to be clear. Especially not an Iranian, because that's unconstitutional. PatternNoticingEnjoyer, for once, his blurp loop is bad that he's a subhuman Rush bastard. Anyways, continuing, crucify filthy orcs, defecate in a Russian's food, launch Russians into the sun, stir-fry Russians in a wok. Thank you. Ron Berger produces all done reloading page. I see the dog with the bottle on it, but a dog, but put the butt on the dog DDoS retarding my Kiwi flare. Cool logo check. Consider subscribing to my service. Thank you for deer for five says everyone knows the British version of 911 number is 0 1 1 8 9 9 9 8 8 1 9 9 9 1 1 9 7 2 5 3.
Thank you. tpdeluxe42 says, could you get a Sneed will not divide us flag or something for your swamp? Some kind of trophy for treasure seekers brave enough to dodge 50 cal sniper rifles and attack hamsters to infiltrate Port Josh.
Needless to say, I will have a 100-foot flagpole on my property that will carry a multitude of flags to my liking.
Unknown_20: But I don't know if I want to put up a, he will not divide his flag and tempt people to steal it.
Unknown_20: Gormful wonder for two says what is your favorite type of war?
Unknown_20: Fuck you Enemy sucks open sneed for five says can I just say it's a lot treats her so bad and she unironically deserves better than Salah Bro, go get your queen. She's not happy in Kuwait. She wants to come home to Canada Go get your girl. She'll come if you got the money you got the you got you got this weird I don't know what it is about furries and having obscene amounts of disposable income But go get your go get your woman. She'll come with you
Tetrabax for $20 says Seiko is king.
Unknown_20: Calories in calories out is what he's saying. I agree. I agree with that concept.
Unknown_20: Anime sucks. Copen Sneed for five says, do you think of Amberlynn saw this page? She would turn straight. And then there is a link to the anime sucks. Copen Sneed profile on the QB farms.
Unknown_07: Um,
And I don't know what the fuck you're trying to indicate to me.
Unknown_20: Um, yeah, bro. I'm sure Amberlynn would fuck you.
Unknown_20: Go for it, bro. Tell me. I'll just try. Uh, Amberlynn said something weird about like men recently. I don't, I think she said something about wanting to fuck men recently. I don't know. Good luck with that. Colster 40 says YouTube blank black Hebrew Israelite mega stream. Watch a friend. I mean, I don't want to watch like five minutes or something and hold up the entire stream.
Unknown_07: I'll watch like a minute of it.
This is the OG stuff. He's been living around for a while. You just morphed into reality all of a sudden, right?
Unknown_16: So do you want to get down the street?
Unknown_40: Or do you want to stand here and look exasperated and disgusted?
Unknown_16: Could you, like, stop and get off of here for five seconds? What is your question? Have you ever been raped?
Unknown_40: No, I haven't been raped. Well, actually, you know what? Let me correct myself.
Unknown_16: Let me correct myself. Let me correct myself.
Unknown_40: According to the definition of rape, what's the definition of rape?
Unknown_40: Get the etymology.
Unknown_06: That's right.
Unknown_40: Because yes, I have been seized. My ancestors were raped.
That's right.
Unknown_40: From Europe and West Africa. That's right. That's right. Rape means to seize. That is unfortunate. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's unfortunate, right?
Unknown_20: Oh, this fucking progressively.
Unknown_20: Have you ever been raped?
Unknown_20: Slavery. Oh, I see. Yes, that's unfortunate. I understand.
Unknown_20: You gotta be racist. They just win by default if you're not racist. That's right.
Scout from TF2 for one says, apart from selling Ethereum for 350, what's your biggest regret? Also, how does one appeal a KF ban? You don't.
Unknown_20: I don't live a life of regrets.
Unknown_20: Any regret that I would have would be purely money-based. I wish I put more into crypto. I wish I had saved more of it when I was early on.
Unknown_20: Um, but I don't, I don't have any regrets ever. Um, I think that dwelling on the past and thinking, oh, I should have done X, X, Y, Z differently. Um, I think that that is a, that's a personality flaw. Like just sitting there thinking about how you wish you had done stuff better or differently back then. I think that's like a genuine fucking personality flaw. You have to live your life completely free of regret at all times.
Not to say you shouldn't learn from mistakes, but regret is just such a pointless, pointless thing to waste time in processing on.
Unknown_20: TVDocs42 says, watching Jim go balls deep in the boogie grift is mad depressing. He knows it's all fake, but he just doesn't care. Hey, Mersh, take me off the list. I'm switching sides.
I mean, if you want to be favorable towards Jim, and for the sake of not appearing petty or vindictive or whatever,
Unknown_20: It's entertainment and you know, it's it's when you stream and stuff You're mostly trying to entertain people And if you want to prescribe even like a monetary thing to it and say he's knowingly doing this for profit If he is ill and I have no reason to not believe that he's not ill Then like I said get the guap do whatever the fuck makes money, bro You don't have to apologize, you know for for making money
Yeah, YouTube and Keemstar are people that you can take money from. They should be having all their money taken, basically.
Unknown_20: Trying to be nice, chat. GenociderCO for five says, happy pizza day. It's not Friday, but thank you. I appreciate it.
Unknown_20: Foxes for five says, like an outdoor restaurant on the street and they have to just
Unknown_20: I have to sit there and enjoy the sounds of the urban youth, is what I said.
Unknown_20: Mario Carter 13 for once says, don't cry because it's Jover, smile because you'll never be a real woman. I tried to come up with a Kamala version of It's Over, and I came up with a It's Kamal Over. As close as I got.
Kadoo for Denton says, I want to see this Josh in a room with Cobra Josh and throw Kiwi Josh into the mix. I will obviously win that one, without a doubt, just letting you know.
Unknown_20: Curzi for 5 says, howdy George, hope you're doing well. I am. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Humble Guardsman for 5 says, it's not gone unnoticed how you revealed yourself as the Omnissiah last stream and are now alluding to your upcoming great crusade. Loose your judgment without mercy. Praise God, Emperor Knoll. I don't know what you're referencing. I mean, I do have a plan.
The thing is, speaking of money, this is why I can't condemn making money. The cost of dealing with the bullshit that I deal with is just going up. Every time I feel like I hit a plateau where it's like, oh, now I'm making decent money, so now I can afford to do the things I want to do, it's like my costs also go up.
Unknown_20: And I realize now that I'm up against somebody very wealthy, and I'm gonna have to find a way to stabilize my income long-term against that, because they're pure evil, and I am not, and they will be destroyed, and I will not. And this is already foretold in the great book of fate, and I will find a way to make point A go to point B. Simple as, chat.
Debugs for one says Josh is going to drink alcohol monster when he gets back to the States. Sure. I'll try it Why not? Why am I now? Am I not? Is there like a meme where I'm not allowed to try that? I Didn't I never spoke out against alcohol monster. I don't think Wigger Wagner pretenses Kiwi farms net Ralph multimedia specific post.
Unknown_07: Let's check it out. Oh
Two minute video, but if it's over Ralph, maybe I'll watch all of them.
Unknown_20: No, I can't get enough Ralph Amale content.
Unknown_20: Did you hear me? It is tax-free.
Unknown_32: My zannies, my hookers, my super chats too. Hit that button, cause every single super chat, I got it tax-free, tax-free. Take out your pill bottles, shake your pills, shake your pills. Because it's gonna be tax-free, tax-free, tax-free. Tell your wickets that we got it.
Unknown_32: Tax-free in my little tin shack.
Cats flyin' in tornadoes Gun Floppin' up and down, let's get the guns out Gun, gun, gun, gun Shake it around when it's Tax-free Wiggle, wiggle!
Unknown_20: This was the clips of Ralph dancing from the good times before he became a zany zombie and didn't do anything else.
Unknown_20: Sad, pathetic.
Unknown_20: Thank you. Chloe Dante for 15 says the shooter has been identified as 13 year old Nathan Bunnell. The FBI has not released a motive at this time. Destiny will be given a state funeral with the gay Chevron flag flying at half mast.
Poor Steve. He was the number one spokesperson for NATO. He was holding the entire alliance together. He was taken out by an unknown assassin.
Unknown_20: sad.
Unknown_20: Mario Carter 13 for one says the government doesn't want you to know this, but super chats are tax free. You can just take them home with you. I have 138 super chats. Good to know. I'll look into this. Appreciate it. Catcher backs for 300 tax free dollars says broke bish.
Unknown_20: I think that's a reference to Ethan Ralph. I tried to tempt, by the way, I tried to tempt one of Ralph's paypigs to give Ralph $500. And I said I would show up on the stream and talk to him if he did.
Brokebitch didn't give him no, not even to me. I didn't say give me $500. I said, give Ralph $500, something he wants to do already. And he was like, I don't want to spend that money. I don't got that money. Cause he a broke bitch. It's a broke bitch coping circle over there, I think.
Unknown_20: Thank you very much. Le page on for 20 says YouTube link It's three minutes long, but it's Jason one of the funniest videos, especially the John Cena shit kindly requesting to play it Okay, I'll come back to that after Yeah, I'll do that afterwards I'll come back to it don't let me forget So let's group here for five five eighty three four twenty says great streaming god bless. Thank you very much. I appreciate it
The Lion King for one says your mom and then has a link.
Unknown_20: The Lion King for one says I'm high. Humble Guardsman for two says we cannot forget that everybody is our neighbor. And then there is a Bible Gateway link and it says, bro, I'm not reading this entire chapter. It's the rich man and Lazarus, which, uh,
Unknown_07: I assume that it means what he says. We cannot forget that everybody is our neighbor.
Unknown_20: Some of them I don't want as neighbors though because they suck. What does the Bible say about that? Do I have a choice? Do I have a choice of my neighbors? I will honor thy neighbor, but I want to pick who they are because they might suck.
Sneato for one says I blame you for getting but a dog dog with the butt is stuck in my head lol Have a good day, Josh. I'm glad to share my brain virus with everybody a Haramaker for two says I'm paying for 200 characters But I mentioned the Bible and I get to read 800 Christian book Jewish tricks turn the other cheek Josh, but she stopped getting raped on stream I mean he he doesn't try to keep it low like the number of words and I don't know. I don't know what he's going for, because it's like, I don't know if the book of Enoch pisses people off. I can't, like, it's just little bits of it at a time, so I don't even know what I'm saying, really.
Fox says, for five says, Whataburger mentioned, Jersh, you're going to get yourself one of these bad boys when you make it back stateside. And there is a cat box file.
Unknown_20: And it's a What a Mower. It's a mower that looks like the Whataburger logo.
Unknown_20: Probably not. If I get a lawnmower, I'm probably going to get one of those nice running lawnmowers. I'm going to be real with you.
Thank you. Sneado for once says, Hey Josh, have you ever had Carl's Jr. or Hardee's? I've had Hardee's. It doesn't stick out. It's just like a chicken nugget place. I went there to look a couple of times as a kid. I've never been to Carl's Jr. though.
Unknown_20: Niga for 20 says, you asked where the Whataburger critique is. The answer is about a hundred miles from review brought in Orlando. Florida's Whataburgers are concentrated in Jacksonville in the panhandle. I did not know that. But if I was a professional fast food reviewer, I might go out of my way to explore some other establishments instead of just staying at home, afraid to go outside.
I was really taking the whole, you know, fast food review thing seriously. Just saying. Thank you.
Unknown_20: Blind Oracle for $50 says, great show. Have a blessed day. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Did you send that already? Am I rereading it? Whatever. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Unknown_20: Uh, Gormless Wonder for one says, who the fuck is this Gormless Wonder motherfucker? Josh, write his name down again. I'm getting chills again.
Unknown_20: That's That's a that's a reference to ventrilo harassment something which YouTube has completely tried to destroy I think all the original event vent harassment videos are gone. I Understand that though. I'm all during it, bro Can't get past me Wigner Wagner for $10 says nice poga status on X
And it's a video of someone lighting a match. I'm pretty sure this is gonna catch on fire It's like a Chinese tik-tok meme video, I don't know what the fuck you sent this to me, bro
Unknown_20: Maybe there's sound?
completely cracks. You will be surprised to find when the nail pierces the bottom of the cup, the same cup bottom completely cracks. But if you prepare a base, why the fuck did you send this to me?
Unknown_20: Thank you.
Unknown_20: The false copy of Sunder for one says, bro, Josh ain't going to read the entire parable. Instead, behold immigration and bankers as a punishment upon the nation.
Unknown_20: Guys, you guys are fucking killing me with having me read, like, all this shit. I agree, that's pretty base. Thank you. Um...
Satchel bags for $200. Now you got that $500. I do in fact have $500.
Unknown_20: I hope this man's money is not being wasted on me. I don't know how to react to $500, bro. I appreciate it a lot.
For the eternal fight against... See, Liz Fong Jones has to be careful. Because he may have Google, but I have Super Chats.
Unknown_20: Oh, thank you. DBSTV for Tuesday, let's go to bed. Dude, I'm fucking, I will after this. Don't send any more superchats, I'm gonna play this video, I guess. I'm not gonna play all of it, three minutes long.
Unknown_20: Let's see the deagle nation archive my mom thinks I'm gay the Jamie Walton rant There's not been following the Twitter saga that's been happening lately This may come as a surprise to you of what's happening, but I want you to know Jamie Walton Quote-unquote if that is your real name that you've ruined my fucking life and now my mom thinks I'm a faggot I'm about to show you why and what you did so I hope that you're happy and
Mom, I'm not going to do my Bible study, okay? And I'm putting my foot down right now.
Unknown_08: I'm not moving.
Unknown_30: Young man, I demand you do your Bible study. That is the silliest thing I've ever heard from you.
Unknown_10: Where do you get these ideas? I get these ideas from my courage, okay? The courage that I have in the United States Armed Forces. I get these ideas from my fans, okay?
Unknown_10: What, what are you gonna tell Robert? You know he doesn't believe in your bullshit. Just because some lady called doesn't mean it's true. Just because someone left a voicemail, that doesn't mean I'm a homo. Okay, when those people showed me that stuff on the computer, I'm talking! When those people showed me their penises online, that was not of my honest will. That was, quite simply, an attempted rape. Okay, and that doesn't mean I'm fucking gay. Let's get this on the record, alright?
Young man, I'm glad you brought that up, because we are going to make some changes here. Some of that, quote, gay liberation music.
Unknown_10: Wow.
Unknown_29: That dubstep sort of stuff.
Unknown_10: That is not, Skrillex is not gay. Wow.
Well, young man, your Skrillex CD is gay. is gone because that kind of music influences young men like yourself at a vulnerable point in time to go to the dark side.
Unknown_20: This is a very old clip.
Unknown_20: This is Jace. This is a former admin of the Kiwi Farms. One of the most convincing things about the act that made it impossible to think that he was just an act is he had his mom.
His mom was in on it. He would literally film his mom, who would pretend to be an overbearing religious woman, chastising him like a child and would be in on the fucking jokes. And it was just like, it was impossible for us to imagine that the guy's mom was in on it. I don't know why. Um, and now, now Sam is putting him to good use, torturing the femoids on fish tank.
Unknown_20: So nice to see them grow up chat. He was just a little baby bird trolling the quickie forums with his deagle nation and now he's a he's a big bird. Blown the coop and uh enacting anime justice on on the freuds.
nice to see.
Unknown_20: Okay, I have a special outro song picked out. There's a music video attached to it. When you hear the song Thank U, Next, which was originally performed by Ariana Grande, pay attention to the video if you can.
Unknown_20: Thank you, see you on Friday, take it easy, and buh-bye.
So you're a tough guy, like it really rough guy Just can't get enough guy, just always a buff guy I'm that bad type, make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad type, might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy!
Unknown_03: To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore I can buy myself flowers Write my name in the sand Talk to myself for hours Say things you don't understand I can take myself dancing
You can.
Unknown_03: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no. We don't talk about Bruno. I used to think I was smart, but you made me look so naive. The way you sold me for parts, you sunk your teeth into me. Oh, blood sucker, dream crusher. Bleeding me dry like a gosh darn vampire.
Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road. I'm gonna ride till I can't no more. I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road. I'm gonna ride till I can't no more. Can't nobody tell me nothing. You can't tell me nothing. No! Can't nobody tell me nothing. Despacito. This is the most erotic that Weird Al has ever been by the way, this song.
Dude, this animator coming back for this is like such a throwback.
Unknown_20: This guy, this character was like originally drawn for the, um, his super, super, super old music video, Drive Thru. And it's just like immediately obvious that he picked the same guy to animate this as well. That's funny.
Did you blink and miss it chat did you blink and miss the chat hold up that's just it right there
Unknown_20: Chat, check it out. Weird Al is now in the lore. There's a specific artist who drew this animation sequence. I won't speak her, she, her, she slash their names because it might bring evil into their world, chat. ♪ You next, thank you next ♪ ♪ Super duper grateful for my ex ♪ ♪ I stay out too late ♪ ♪ Got nothing in my brain ♪
The player's gonna play, and the hater's gonna hate. Baby Yank is gonna shake, shake it off, shake it off. Heartbreaker's gonna break, and the baker's gonna bake. Baby Yank is gonna shake, shake it off, shake it off.
There's a reference to ghosts in this?
Unknown_20: You're right, I did not see the ghost reference.
Unknown_20: All right, see you fuckers on Friday, buh-bye.