Someone requested that I play this as the intro song, and I feel it's a little bit safer just to play the instrumental version.
Unknown_04: I have a feeling that the original Hulk Hogan theme is one of those songs that they go really hard on copyright for.
Unknown_04: Hello, chat. Is it Friday? I think it is a Friday, actually. I think this is a pizza day. I think that today is the end of the week, which is nice.
Unknown_04: Some stuff has happened this week, I think, a little bit.
Unknown_04: Mostly political stuff. It's kind of weird. It's like all my sector and local stuff is like bleeding into politics, as is the case. During an election year, chat, as is the case, all things become political and gay, uh, during these, these wonderful few months, every four years. Uh, but we will try our best to navigate these treacherous seas and, uh, trying to bring some levity to these things. So otherwise they're just going to be insufferable.
Let's see, where do we start with?
Unknown_02: What do I have lined up first? I guess I could talk about this.
Unknown_04: I very quick, quickly received a rundown regarding what this is and how this is affecting people. It's nice to bring up some fuck tech people type news, fuck Indians in particular.
There is a software suite called CrowdStrike which has pushed a bad update and it has sabotaged all the world's computers around the world. Which is a redundant statement, but I don't know how else to emphasize that this really has a wide-reaching impact on a variety of services around the world, literally everywhere, directly targeting especially corporate Microsoft users.
Unknown_04: So basically in Linux, there is a concept called unattended upgrades. And I run unattended upgrades on all of my servers. Just to be clear, I've tried very hard to get into the Linux desktop environment, and I just always have a bad experience.
I've desperately wanted to switch off of Windows, but it's very difficult to do that.
Unknown_04: So I'm still on Windows, but every server that I run is Linux, and I install a usual suite of software on them. And one of the most important ones that I run on absolutely everything is something called Unattended Upgrades. And it does exactly what it sounds like. It just runs security updates automatically on certain things.
Unknown_04: So if there's a critical bug fix, it updates your computer literally as soon as it comes out, and you are less vulnerable to Day Zero attacks. And the Kiwi Farms is a particularly high target for Day Zero attacks, so it's pretty important that you run those updates. Well, this is true for all computers, including Windows, that when a Day Zero comes out and it has a particularly strong vulnerability, you might want to update your Windows as soon as possible.
The problem is, is that Windows's software system is not package managed, which is a very complicated thing to explain, I think, to people. On Linux, everything is a package and it has a repository that the packages come from. And you can kind of uninstall and install whatever you want just by using a command line. And it's actually kind of cool if you only come from Windows environment, because you go, you basically like, okay, you want to install
something basic like 7-zip, right, on Windows to open zip files.
Unknown_04: So you have to go to Google, type in 7-zip, find the 7-zip installer, download it, run it, and then agree to the EULA, find out where the installation directory is going to be, consent to opening like a start menu icon, all that shit. On Linux, it's very different. You just open the terminal and you type in, for instance, app install 7-zip. And it's just, the software is essentially organized, it's audited by the finest trannies that these non-profit groups have to offer for security purposes, and then it just magically installs it on your system. And it's crazy how much more convenient Linux is in that regard.
Windows doesn't have any of that and that's partly because it's a centralized for-profit company called Microsoft.
Unknown_04: So they handle updates very differently and they handle software very differently. They've tried to make like Windows, for real, has like seven different answers to the question of a package manager. So you have the Windows software auto-updater thing, which is just like kernel-level stuff. And then you have like the App Store, which is fucking atrocious and requires you to be signed in to download anything, which, by the way, Linux doesn't require.
Um, then they have Chaco, which is a terminal thing. And then they have MSVC and windows owns all of these things. They, um, they own.
Unknown_04: like eight different answers to their own problem, and none of them are widely adopted. So you have some software that works well on MSVC, and then you have some software that runs well off Chaco, and then you have the individual package managers. Like if you run Python on your Windows server, then you have Pip.
Unknown_04: It's just like, it's literally a fucking nightmare.
So there's a question. We need to keep our shit up to date on our fucking Windows computer, which doesn't have a centralized package manager and doesn't have unattended upgrades. We're corporations, we love to pay out the ass for technology solutions, the things that shouldn't be a problem to begin with. Answer, CrowdStrike. Keeps your computer up to date is a way to manage servers that run Windows remotely and automatically update them as updates roll in. The problem, instead of hiring the finest tranny goon clowns that free and open source software discord servers have to offer, they hire H1B visa recipients, aka Pajeets. And when they take the poo to the loo, it stinks, boys. So they patched a kernel-level update, which is the lowest level. The kernel is what interfaces with all your fucking drivers. It's basically the core of the operating system. They patched a kernel-level update to Windows servers running their unattended upgrades that broke them. it causes a BSOD, and it causes a BSOD instantly, and it causes a BSOD when you boot it. Then it restarts, and it goes directly to BSOD. So the only way to fix it is to go to every single one of these computers manually with a USB stick that has the unfuck update from CrowdStrike, and then you manually repair them. There are tens of thousands of mission-critical servers running Microsoft Windows Corporate around the world, banking applications, Headless card reading terminals the fucking Las Vegas dome that has like a giant TV screen around like a Conference Center there are tons. Oh airplane airliners. They use these things
So they redeemed hard.
Unknown_04: Lots of Windows corporate computers went down, and it's basically because Microsoft doesn't have a package manager, and they offload that responsibility to CrowdStrike, which hires H1B visa recipients, who pushed a untested, fucked-up update to tens of thousands of servers around the world. It's a nightmare.
So, uh, this is the current reality of computers.
Unknown_04: Wait, I haven't been sent a text message. I wonder if this is about this.
Unknown_04: Are we sure that the CrowdStrike crash wasn't deliberate? They pushed a file full of null bytes into their agents, which caused the BSOD. Apparently they sent blank files, is what that tweet indicates, which either is extraordinary incompetence, like, You're pushing files that have literally no fucking content out to people.
So it's either like, they really, really let the stinkiest, darkest Pajeet in the company push this update, or they did it maliciously. So, I don't know. It's kind of crazy, I think. which I mean, I've never, I don't, I want to say I've never had an issue like this on Linux. I just use a Debian long-term stable unattended upgrades. Like I'm, I'm the most vanilla like person when it comes to to Linux. I just install it straight out the box. If it doesn't work, I fucking throw it away immediately. And I just, I like to keep things nice and tidy and easily replicatable so that if I completely wipe out the server again, I can reinstall it in an hour and everything's fine. And I've been using Debian for that for like 10 fucking years.
Unknown_04: There we go. Nice and simple. Don't gotta think about it. I can play Team Fortress 2.
Unknown_04: And my servers just work and no Pajit crashes. That's the SOP of Linux-based... What is a SOP? Is that like selling point?
Unknown_04: Standard operating procedure. Ah, fuck it. I fell into the most Chad way to run Linux on the world. Okay.
Brain smooth, no lumps, exactly. If you run your servers in a way that is smooth brain compliant, you're just saving yourself trouble, basically, is my opinion on this.
Unknown_04: Cool. Joe Biden, speaking of blue screens, uh, my boy got COVID. So this was a weird update. So soon after Trump was almost assassinated, Biden announced that he would be returning to, I think, I want to say his home is in Massachusetts or Delaware. He's returning to Delaware to, uh, quarantine.
were some bed rest. And this is the third time that President Biden has gotten COVID-19. He is one of the most vax max people on the planet. He caught it early. He caught it a second time like a year ago. And now this is the third time that the president who has had the most vaccinations of any person alive has gotten COVID-19, which really raises questions. Did he actually get COVID-19? Is he just pretending to have COVID-19? Where is the news hamster? These questions will be answered. Wait, that's the wrong hamster. There's the news hamster.
Um, so it makes me wonder, is he like faking it? Is he like dead and are trying to figure out what to do now? Um, or is the vaccine just that ineffective that they, that it just does flat out does not fucking prevent COVID at all.
Unknown_04: Who knows?
Unknown_04: Kind of related to this, Biden has told, as I mentioned last stream, the Democratic National Convention is the least democratic of any of the two parties.
The way that it works is that they have a delegate system and they have super delegates and the delegates can really vote for whoever they want.
Unknown_04: Biden has apparently stated that his delegates can vote for whomever they want.
Unknown_04: which seems to be an indication that he is permitting them to nominate another person in his stead and exclude him, which is interesting because they didn't allow any other candidates to run against Biden in the run-up before he won the nomination again.
Unknown_04: So this is a really late pick for president if they do replace him.
However, it doesn't seem likely. The chances of the delegates getting there and then voting for somebody else, it just doesn't seem like it's possible. It seems like it would...
Unknown_04: fragment the party. It would be very undemocratic. It's extremely ironic for the Democratic Party to not have an election for who to run for president. They would probably just exacerbate the ever-living hell out of people and get people just not to show up. And it's a bad idea when Trump and his base are like so galvanized to go to the polls.
Unknown_04: Though, I don't know, it's all fake anyways. So again, I'm entertaining the delusion that voting has any consequences whatsoever.
just interesting times as all, paying attention to the news.
Unknown_04: There is a Republican National Convention has already started. Trump is the pick. And for the first time, Hulk Hogan, not that one, has come on stage to say that he supports a presidential candidate.
Unknown_19: And they tried to kill the next president of the United States.
Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpamania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again.
Unknown_04: It's kind of a dangerous move to put a wrestler on the stage for the debate for president because I just immediately think of President Camacho from Idiocracy. I don't know. The whole RNC thing has been super goofy. You have all these fucking weirdos, and it really makes sense if you think that the RNC and its envitees, especially on day one, were planned with the idea that Trump would be dead. Because you have all these minorities, you have all these weird-looking fuckers, you have all these people who have no conservative elements whatsoever. And it would make much more sense if they were supposed to come out solemn and be like, now that Trump's dead, we can really focus on a unified Republican party that takes into consideration the new Americans who come from a diverse background of different countries and races and ethnicities and religions and sexual orientations. We can be the unified party that the Democrats are not.
That's what it feels like to me. That's my conspiratorial mind, though.
Unknown_04: Who knows? Maybe it was always this retarded. By the way, I don't think I mentioned this last stream, Trump's pick for vice president is some guy called J.D. Vance, who is married to an Indian, and I just can't imagine being an Indian fucker. Does she not stink like curry? How do you hug your children when they stink like curry, Chad? It seems weird to me. I don't know. I guess there's so many Indians in the country now that I think that if you're gonna pander to a minority audience in the United States, pandering to Asians is probably the safest bet. Asians aren't that weird. I mean, they are weird, but they're not like violent. They're just kind of like creepy.
Am I allowed to say that? Is that racist to say that Japanese people give me the creeps?
Unknown_04: I don't know. It's it's it's less. I don't they're less alien than like Arabs are Muslim like especially African Muslims are like the furthest thing from me that you can possibly have you have these violent destructive society reducing peoples who worship a pedophile who raped a nine-year-old and then declared the raped nine-year-old his favorite wife and and he died, he literally died in the arms of a raped nine-year-old he calls his third wife.
That is Muhammad. Then you have a group of savages from Somalia that worship this pedophile. And then we're supposed to bring them into the country and be like, they're just like us. They can run a society just like we can. Love is love. Color is only skin deep. No, I say, I think that's bullshit.
Unknown_04: Indians, I got issues with them.
Unknown_04: Japanese people, got some issues with them. Even China, got some issues with them. But not like that.
You know what I mean? At least Chinese people, they're like, you can kind of understand them. They're very avaricious, just in general. And that's not like a, I don't think that's racist for me to say. They love money. Chinese people fucking love money. They love money a lot. They like making money. They like playing with money. They like spending money. They like making more money. They like investing money. They like talking about money. Money is a very Chinese cultural thing. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that. Money is cool. I like money too. Speaking of idiocracy, do you like money? Yeah, I like money. So if you bring people who are Chinese into the country and they like, want to come up with chinky ways of making money, well, that's not so bad. They want to bring over some dumplings and money.
That's good. What do you bring over from Somalia?
Unknown_04: They don't got no food. I got a pedophile God and they got no food and they got no money. In fact, they want to take money and spend it and not make any more money. That's no good. That doesn't work out. So if you're going to, I don't know. My point is, is that a J.D. Vance wants to, and Trump want to pander to Asians. That's the least evil. I think we, if we're going to have to, if we're going to try to figure out, because I think maybe a society can work with two, two peoples. It's kind of like Belgium. Belgium sucks, but you have French people and then you have Dutch people and they live under one roof and they can sometimes do cool stuff. They even went to the railroad.
I think a British person invented the railroad and then the Belgians just kind of used it first. Anyways, Belgium can do cool stuff. They conquered the Congo. That was pretty cool. So there are two kinds of people that can live under one roof is what I'm trying to say. So if we have room for Asians and Hawaii, that works a lot better than what we're trying to go for, which is not working at all. Maybe I'm just being a little bit optimistic there. And I think that maybe it's probably fair to say that the French and the Dutch are as different from each other as Chinese people and white people.
I think that's not too far.
Unknown_04: If the Dutch and the French can find common ground and come up with a stupid new name for themselves, I don't know, maybe that can work.
That's my thoughts on that. I have equally deep and profound thoughts on another topic, which has permeated throughout discourse, as it were, this week.
Unknown_04: I've put some thought into it, and I'm not 100% confident in how I would like to discuss this, because I think that it is probably one of the most important questions that we should be thinking about right now.
So LibDaTikTok, who is an account owned by Chaya Raychik, a Jewish woman in the United States, has decided that she's just going to dox and fire basically everybody who says things that she doesn't like.
Unknown_04: In particular, this woman said that she wished the shooter had missed or hadn't missed and had shot Trump. So someone hunted her down to Home Depot. She's an aged woman. She's a single mother. She works at Home Depot. And people literally went to her place of employment and harassed her. and then Home Depot fired her. Now, you could say that that's deserved.
Unknown_04: I definitely don't feel sorry for her, I'll say that.
However, I am wary of this, because many of you who have listened to me for some months may remember that last year, Chaya Raychik's targets were a little bit different. She wasn't going after people wishing ill on Donald Trump. She was going after people wishing ill on Israel. The first people that Chaya Raychik attempted to de-platform were not single mothers saying that the president should have been shot working at Home Depot. It was students who were protesting the war in Gaza and the war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians. and having them expelled from their university campuses for voicing a First Amendment-protected action and declaring them terrorists. So I think that, broadly, it's, number one, do you want Chaya Raychik to be the arbiter of who gets to work or not?
And then, if not her, then how do you find somebody who you do trust to make the decisions of who can and cannot work?
Unknown_04: So Kaya Raychick, okay, Kaya Raychick, that's an awful name.
Unknown_04: My point is, is that I think that there is, I think that companies, businesses should be explicitly forced to be non-political. I think that anything political put out by a company
in regards to like, societal matters, social issues that don't directly affect their business, I think that that should be completely and totally unacceptable, and I think that any action taken against a corporate entity is always justifiable, especially if they're politically active.
Unknown_04: including like Ben and Jerry's. Ben and Jerry's wants to come out and say like American Dreamcycle and put Stephen Colbert on cups of ice cream. I think that they should be terrorized in a legal sense from being dissuaded into doing that.
The only way, like the only exception for this is where the bottom line is affected. Like if you have oil drillers in Alaska, obviously they're going to petition for permission to drill. If you have coal miners in the Appalachians, obviously they should be able to petition the government to loosen regulations on their industry, and so on and so forth.
Unknown_04: Gun clubs should be allowed to petition for gun rights. And even, I'll go so far as to say that even abortion clinics, though my issue with the abortion clinics is that they get public funds, and it's supposed to be like Planned Parenthood can't spend taxpayer dollars on lobbying, but if you have a company that has a budget of one million dollars and some of that money is going to lobbying, and then you give them two million dollars and say none of that money can go to lobbying, they're just going to take their original budget and expand the lobbying budget on that. So I don't know how the fuck they can say that they're somehow preventing taxpayer-funded lobbying in that sense.
But outside of that particular exception, any company, I think, should be allowed to participate in politics regarding their business. But for societal issues, I think it's completely unacceptable for companies to put the gay flag on their fucking logos for a month out of the year.
Unknown_04: And put out statements about George Floyd with the all black background white text bullshit. Like, fuck off.
As far as the main issue that I have is that the conservatives in the United States are extremely fractured. If you say Republican voter, what pops into your head? What do they believe in? Are they racist? Are they religious?
Unknown_04: Do they tolerate other religions? If so, which religions do they tolerate? It's very opaque. So it's like, OK, we're going to start engaging in financial terrorism against individuals who say things that are
Unknown_04: Irresponsible on social media. Well, where do you draw the line? Is it only violence? What about racism? And what about anti-semitism because I know chai rai chick who's doing this is going to be our Chi Rai chick is gonna be the first person to line up to get you fired from Home Depot if you say anything about Israel or Jews that she doesn't like
Okay, well, what about Indians? Can you say something racist about Indians and not get fired? Remember that guy that worked at a, he literally picked up trash for a living, and there was a black woman that got up in his face and started screaming at him about how he's racist. So he went, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, he like ooked at her. he got fired from picking up trash. So are the Republicans going to safeguard racism but not allow this other kind of speech? It's very difficult. Because what if Nick Fuentes is the censor? Well, he's going to censor a lot of things that are offensive to his particular interpretation of Catholicism. As he's blatantly said, he says he wants to Catholic theocracy. So okay, we're getting people fired from their jobs. What about guys that are disrespectful to Catholics? Is that also censorship?
So instead of rambling about this, because I think I've made it pretty clear, as clear as I possibly can with my limited intelligence, I will instead play a clip of one of my favorite speeches regarding censorship, and that is Indefensive Unpopular Speech by Christopher Hitchens from 2006. I referenced this video before, but there's
Unknown_04: One particular bit that I that I will play I'll play it just like two minutes of it. I promise it'll be over soon Now I don't know how many of you
Unknown_01: Don't feel you're grown up enough to decide this for yourselves and think you need to be protected from David Irving's edition of the Goebbels Diaries, for example, out of which I learned more about the Third Reich than I had from studying Hugh Trevor-Roper and A.J.B. Taylor combined when I was at Oxford. But for those of you who do, I'd recommend another
short course of revision.
Unknown_01: Go again and see not just the film and the play, but read the text of Robert Bolt's wonderful play, Man for All Seasons. Some of you must have seen it.
Unknown_04: The, I would actually encourage, it's on my channel, my Joshua Moon main channel. If you, this entire thing up until he just starts like bashing on religion at 12 minutes in, this entire thing is worth a watch. It's, it's, it was very foundational to my understanding about freedom of speech. And I find this part in particular relevant to this discussion.
And I'll have more to say about it in a second because there are people that are giving their opinions about it.
Unknown_01: Where Sir Thomas More decides that he would rather die than lie or betray his faith.
Unknown_01: And at one moment, Moore is arguing with a particularly vicious witch-hunting prosecutor, a servant of the king, and a hungry and ambitious man.
Unknown_01: And Moore says to this man, you'd break the law to punish the devil, wouldn't you?
And the prosecutor, the witch hunter, says, break it. He said, I'd cut down every law in England if I could do that, if I could capture him. And Moore says, yes, you would, wouldn't you? And then when you'd corner the devil and the devil turned around to meet you, where would you run for protection? all the laws of England having been cut down and flattened, who would protect you then? Bear in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that every time you violate or propose to violate the free speech of someone else, you in potentia, you're making a rod for your own back, because the other question raised by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes is Simply this, who's going to decide? To whom do you award the right to decide which speech is harmful? Or who is the harmful speaker? Or to determine in advance what are the harmful consequences going to be that we know enough about in advance to prevent? To whom would you give this job? To whom are you going to award the task of being the censor? Isn't it a famous old story that the man who has to read all the pornography in order to decide what's fit to be passed and what is fit not to be is the man most likely to become debauched. Did you hear any speaker in the opposition to this motion, eloquent as one of them was, to whom you would delegate the task of deciding for you what you could read?
who to me would give the job of deciding for you, relieve you of the responsibility of hearing what you might have to hear? Do you know anyone, hands up, do you know anyone to whom you'd give this job?
Unknown_01: Does anyone have a nominee? You mean there's no one in Canada good enough to decide what I can read or hear?
Unknown_01: I had no idea.
Unknown_01: But there's a law that says there must be such a person, or there's a subsection of some piddling law that says it. Well, to hell with that law then. It's inviting you to be liars and hypocrites and to deny what you evidently know
already about the censorious instinct. We basically know all that we need to know. We've known it for a long time. It comes from an old story about another great Englishman, sorry to sound so particular about that this evening, Dr. Samuel Johnson, the great lexicographer, author of the first...
Unknown_04: I can sum that story up.
Unknown_04: The guy made a dictionary. People come up to him and say, hey, thank you for not putting curse words in your dictionary. And he says, well, congratulations on being able to look them up, because obviously they're censored in the dictionary. But yet they still know them.
Um, I don't know. These kinds of old Reddit atheist fedora-tipping speeches probably don't have much impact on people these days. You can't really persuade people on an ideological basis to be in favor of one thing or the other. People are very emotionally driven and people want revenge, so probably people will just go fucking crazy.
Unknown_04: There's not much you can do about it. Though I, I, um, I advocate for not fucking with random people. I advocate against financial controls because the government is more than happy to give itself financial power over people to be able to turn off people's income and livelihoods.
remotely from some central authority in order to punish people. And if we were to empower that, then it will eventually be used against us. It already has been. I think that dismantling that kind of power structure is the correct option. Why would you want to make things less free and open? Why would you want to give these power structures more control?
Unknown_04: That I I don't know. Why would you want to?
Unknown_04: Make businesses and finance even more politically galvanized. I don't know It's it's very short-sighted to be Pro revenge to the point where you kind of build the scaffolds to hang yourself with that's just my Anyways, I'll talk a little bit more about Texas Sam Hyde said something in a second
This guy is called Hickok 45 and I'm gonna shit on him. I know that he's a lovable old goof that a lot of you Respect this guy got a call from YouTube corporate and YouTube corporate said hi Hickok We're gonna fuck you in the ass and there's nothing you can do about it bitch cry and so he put out a little video and all the channels crying about the fact that YouTube called him up and said Yeah, we're gonna fuck you dead and you can't do anything about it you dumb old bitch and is just angry and seething and coping and malding and the the actual content of that discussion was that Any gun related or gun accessory sponsorships would result in a strike against the channel and all videos featuring certain Sponsorships would be deleted so almost all content across this channel is sponsored by some sort of gun company or a gun accessory company and and they will probably be deleted by YouTube over time. Further, he will be limited in his advertiser reach and both in his sponsorship potential as a result of these new policies or he will risk losing his channel. So he gets the call by Neil Mahan that we're gonna fuck you dead and you're gonna sit there and you're gonna take it like a good boy and he puts out a tearful video where he's angry about this policy change.
You can see right here, no website link, no rumble, nothing. This guy basically got the call from Neil Mahan saying we're going to put our dick in your mouth and you're going to suck it and you're going to like it. And he didn't even think maybe we should set up something else. Maybe we should get a website together where we can do sponsorships on our own without anybody's input. Maybe we should talk to Rumble about getting a channel set up. He just put out a video saying it's not fair. It's not fair. Oh, we've only been told for the last 10 years that they're coming for us And they're gonna try to fuck us, but we didn't do anything about it. We didn't plan ahead and now it's not fair. Oh It's so sad they banned reloading You can't reload a gun on YouTube because YouTube regards it as instructions on how to operate a weapon of war. So any reloading on any of these GunTuber channels is done completely offscreen because they don't want to instruct people on how to use a weapon. So I don't know if there's a name for this, but in movies there's this trope of this swinging axe that gets a little bit lower every time it cuts until it starts slowly slicing open your abdomen. It's like he's been under this axe completely of his own free will, watching it get an inch lower every year. And now that it's finally starting to cut open his shirt, he's like, ah, fuck. Maybe being on this platform was a bad idea. Oh, really? What gave you that idea? Oh, it's literally 2024, it's current year. This shit's been going on for literally a fucking decade. He had all this opportunity to reinvest his money, his advertiser and sponsor money, into platforms and systems and businesses that would support him. And even now, even as he's about to get butchered, like the cattle that he fucking is, he doesn't have a backup plan. and i'm sure someone i'm sure someone from rumble is going to reach out and be like hey retard um we got this shit set up that you haven't been supporting because you're a complacent neighbor cattle and you deserve to be slaughtered and eaten like a fucking neighbor cattle uh but now that now that you realize that you're fucked we're still going to open the door to you anyways because obviously we just have to let's expect it of us and then i'm sure he'll come out and say We're fighting YouTube censorship. We're moving to Rumble. We're gonna upload shit content there too. Special content, sponsored content, only on Rumble.
If people were more proactive about this shit, it never would have gotten so bad to begin with. But they just stayed there. They just stayed there and waited. Complacent, happy munching on the field. Wow. It sure is nice of farmer Neil Mahan to give us this field and all these oats. These oats are so good. Why is Neil Mahan so, so, so giving and supportive of us? Just to give us all this grass and all these oats and a nice barn to live in? What could Neil Mahan be up to with all these lovely luxuries that were afforded at no expense to us? It's a mystery chat. What could he be doing?
Move on. Why do people... Why do people tell me that? No, go fuck yourself. I'll talk about this as long as I fucking want to. Go fuck yourself. I won't ban you.
Unknown_04: Move on.
Unknown_04: Moo move on move on to the fucking slaughterhouse retard I Think I even have more of us. Oh, yeah, I have this other gun to where this guy I don't even know much about in range, but this guy is like apparently like the pet retard of the
Of the Guntuber community, there's something called InRangeTV, and they do gun reviews or some shit, but there's some fucking retard called Carl Casada, who's like a member of the Satanist church, and he made a post saying that
Unknown_04: I think this is a discord message, but he also had made a message on look at this He him if you watch in range TV if you watch their ads if you buy their fucking products knowing that part of that money is going to this fucking loser faggot I hate you I hate you. How do people like this do this? All these people that are supposedly like based and conservatives, they go out and buy the fucking Black Rifle coffee that they know goes to two Jewish gay men fucking them in the ass. They give their money and attention to in range TV that has this fucking faggot retard loser on the payroll who's a member of the Church of Satan. How embarrassing. Dude, if the libshits detect one person who's ever given money to like a Christian organization for a traditional marriage, They will burn down the entire company to get that guy removed from their job and the conservatives are like Oh, yeah, I'll just watch this gun this gun to where that has a fucking Satanist queer on the staff. That's fine. Whatever. I'm not gonna judge them Just like unspeakably fucking retarded I hate I hate retarded people Um
Let's see.
Unknown_04: Okay, so here is a statement. It says, this falls more into my personal life than here, but since it has been a very public anyways, I feel it's a good idea to post about here to my core supporters. His core supporters. This motherfucker has core supporters.
I will not be saying anything more public than this on the topic.
Unknown_04: After seven years of volunteering for the Satanic Temple, I have decided to resign. While I wish them much success in their struggle against encroaching theocracy, I have decided that it is best for me to move on and focus my time in other ways. I will not answer my questions about this and would prefer if you did not ask.
Unknown_04: But if you see people commenting my association with TST, feel free to correct them that this is no longer the case, respectfully. I appreciate all of you for your continued support, and we shall continue to strive for a positive, inclusive community here at InRange.
Literally, if you give these guys a fucking penny, you're going right to the neighbor cattle slaughterhouse. You're going to be there right next to Hickok 45. They're going to hang you up by your sternum upside down and slit your throat with an automatic saw and butcher you and eat you.
Unknown_04: For real. On a positive note, I have more spoons to contribute to this. More spoons? What the fuck does that mean? Another important endeavor is more spoons? Is he a spoonie? Is he one of those people that's like, measures, he wakes up in the morning and is like, oh, I have five spoons today. That means I can take out the trash and masturbate.
Is he one of those people? Oh, geez.
Unknown_04: Quick donate to his Patreon chat so he can be a based Guntuber, Spoonie, Satanist, a queer inclusive member of the Guntubing community. That's what we really need. We really need more inclusivity in the firearms category, the firearms department. We need more Spoonies, more trans disabled people.
Unknown_04: I got kicked out, by the way. I don't know how you get kicked out of the Satanic Temple without raping somebody. I think raping somebody is part of their covenant. This is a quote. All of this somehow revolves around the investigation that as director of ops, I have been told, not told anything about nor allowed to help with, but instead merely kicked out of the system. I am supposedly the director of, by Rachel, and therefore via proxy by M. I guarantee you that those are two trannies. You got a fucking Satanic Temple member named Rachel that's high up. That's a tranny.
I was AZ Congregational Leadership, I was AZ's Media Liaison, I was a member of the International Council, I was a member of SatanCon, I became the Director of St. Knops and have been trusted with the .com.orgs, as well as our first clinical infrastructure, both online and laptops. Yet in spite of that record of trust building and loyalty, Rachel removed my administrative access. Ooh, an IT person named Rachel, that's crazy.
and my entire team's access with no warning whatsoever. I'm at a loss of what I or my ops team has done besides provide truly professional services to an organization that I now... I'm assuming not a member of.
Unknown_04: I cannot be complicit in these actions, nor am I aligned with the actions of this organization internally any further. I have publicly stood proudly with TST, endangering my career, my income, my business, and potentially..." Oh, so this is Carl Casarda himself explaining that he was completely cut out at random. Damn, bro, it looks like your whole gun tubing thing and your interest in guns might have made everybody in this faggot organization you were a member of for seven years. It looks like maybe they hate you, and they've always hated you, and they've been looking for a reason to get rid of you for forever.
Seems like that, huh? Isn't it crazy that the people you surround yourself with as a he-him, queer-inclusive gun instructor, they fucking hate you and want nothing to do with you?
Unknown_04: Damn, that's weird, bro. That's really weird.
Unknown_04: Um...
Unknown_04: against theocracy while building a new religious movement. I regret nothing I have done, nor the work. Oh, he regrets nothing. Okay, fuck you then, retard.
Here I was at the satanic temple on my hands and knees sucking tranny dick for seven long years. Everyone hated me and thought I was a dumb faggot. And then I got kicked out because they hated me for being a conservative or a gun rights person. And now I'm hated by everybody equally and I regret nothing. Awesome.
Unknown_04: I think that then the correct course of action is to grab some shovels and fill in the hole that you dug for yourself. Because you should be buried alive, you dumb fuck.
I regret now what I have seen it become. I regret I can no longer be a director, I can no longer be a minister, I can no longer be a member of a Satanas Carl Casarda.
Unknown_04: Neat. Cool.
Unknown_04: Sucks to be retarded. I'm glad I'm not this retard, chat. Can I see a
Unknown_04: Can I see a 777 in chat from everybody who's glad not to be this dumb fuck right now? Can I post in my own chat? I'm gonna do it. 777 chat. Oh, look, the sevens, the sevens are simply pouring in chat. The sevens are pouring in from all the hundreds of people who are glad not to be this stupid fucking retard right now. That's really nice. It's nice to see. It's nice to see chat.
Unknown_04: Okay so this is a little bit out of my usual comfort zone, but I have a feeling that there's some funny stuff at the end of this. So there's this mobile game that a bunch of degenerate coomers play called Genshine Impact, and basically from what I understand the gist of this is that you play as a little girl with magic powers and you fight ogres or something, and then you take screenshots of your cosmetic items and you share them with each other and everybody goons together. This is how I understand that this game is played. From my understanding, this is a Chinese game owned by a very big company, and they've decided that they're going to do an update. They're going to add more content to their game to keep people paying.
And the content that they added this time is going to be Africa and Latin American things, which I mean, cool. There's lots of neat stuff in those those areas. Right. Lots of old ancient folk religions and temples and all sorts of stuff to animals, very distinct, unique animals and mythological creatures to build a game game stuff. And that's cool. Problem. The characters are whitey.
Uh, actually, let me find the... Man at the internet post, man at the internet. There's a, there's a trailer that I want to play just to show you how fucking white these guys are.
Unknown_34: Okay, hold up.
Unknown_34: Sorry, this was like a last second forum post I'm trying to find.
I appear to be a fucking dumb shit. Chat, I appear to be fucking retarded. Maybe it's in the community how things are. I just want to show you how white they are. It's kind of important to this narrative. So you can see that they're really not black.
Unknown_34: I'm making this search it real quick. I'm very happy that I'm using a throwaway browser so that I can, um, search Genshin impact trailer on a search engine and not have that ruin me for life.
Natlan teaser teaser preview.
Unknown_34: That sounds right.
Unknown_34: no wait that's not right that's not it hold up it's like their newest character they added another toddler from the preschool averse ignition teaser that's what i want from the hoi verse oh my god hoi that's such a stupid name
Unknown_04: All right.
Unknown_04: Oh boy. Oh, okay. So I think that she's black. She's like a little bit tan and almost completely naked.
So I think that that's one of the black girls. Oh, you can see she's very dark. Oh, she also is black and she's got fuzzy animal ears.
Unknown_04: Is this a guy?
Unknown_36: Dude, the voice acting is like cringe-inducing.
Unknown_04: I can barely stand this.
Unknown_04: Oh yeah, she's tan too. That's a darkie for sure. That's African.
Unknown_04: I think that's supposed to be latinx? Like, that design kind of reminds me of Quasicodile or whatever, with the feathers.
Okay, perfect.
Unknown_04: She has like a weird fantasy Star of David.
Unknown_02: Okay, you get it.
Unknown_04: This is supposed to be Latin America and Africa and they clearly haven't represented people of melanin too well. So naturally, the gamers are rising the fuck up to show their dissatisfaction with the lack of darkies.
Unknown_04: And they've so far been met with a stone wall. This person reported their complaints to customer service and Genshin Impact customer service team replied saying, Dear traveler, thank you for your feedback. Please be kindly reminded that Genshin Impact is a work of fiction and is not related to actual people, events, groups, or organizations. We really do hope for your understanding. Kind regards.
Kind regards is like the biggest, if you really want to say go fuck yourself, I don't give a shit about what you think, I hope you burn in hell, you sign kind regards. The kindest regards for the kindest trans folks complaining about representation.
Unknown_04: Pretty funny response actually. Yeah, I know that this was to be like African Latin American theme But in our fantasy world Africa is white baby Rhodesia lives forever The Sun doesn't shine on the Incans anymore We run this bitch now Very very kind. I mean, I can't say base because also instead of white people. It's like Chinese whitewashed toddlers, but It's it's funny to think about anyway So naturally the gamers are unsatisfied by such a lack of rapprochement from the customer service team. So they do the one thing that gamers can always rely on to work in any situation where there is a disagreement with the development team of a video game that they consume. That's right, chat. They went to change.org. Stop cultural appropriation and whitewashing and me ho yo games. 86,525 signatures this is like a Kamehameha and like the ground is like breaking and it's like a it's like a dip in the ground like ah and they got their like their palms slapped together
That's like a big, like, anime attack that's just blowing into miHoYo. Will they be able to withstand it?
Unknown_04: Probably not once we hit you with the Super Saiyan 6 chat. And this is, of course, the video footage of the supporters who want to voice their actual voices, put flesh to speech, and actually make their case in a video. Let's see it, John.
Unknown_27: Hi, hello.
Unknown_04: Okay, so this guy is black and he's in a room that's like covered in like posters of like little white girls name is Brian and hi Brian as a
I'm sorry, the way he said that just killed me. As a mel- as a melanated person. He's like holding up like his arm. Like bro, your face is in the shot. I can see you're fucking melanated. I don't need to- Your arm does not add pro- Oh, his arms- His arms are black too. I thought maybe he was just in blackface, but you can see the palms are all weird. That's definitely a black guy. Fuck.
Unknown_27: that we have to really just fight for what's right, a.k.a. having more darker-skinned characters. And I hope that with this petition, I hope that, you know, like, later on in the video game industry, we can have more and more diverse characters, especially in Hoyo games. So I just wanna say, just thank you.
It's a nice message. I like that. There's nothing wrong with that, actually. It just says, like, I want to see more people like me in my video game. I accept that. That's a thing. Ooh, this guy is greasy looking.
Unknown_04: Racism is bad. Sucks.
Unknown_04: You know what sucks? Not taking a fucking bath. How about you take a fucking bath, bro? How about you shave that fucking pencil stash around your lips? Looks like you've been eating shit out of somebody's asshole.
Some people think that sucks. It sucks.
Unknown_04: That's my very compelling argument.
Unknown_04: Um, I remain unconvinced. I think that actually racism is good. You've done such a bad job of persuading me that my opinion has changed and look to the worst against your argument.
Unknown_31: Listen, man, I let Samara slide, but I can't let this shit slide. I'm Nigerian myself. All right. The fact that you're not Nigerian talk with American accent.
Unknown_04: If you were a Nigerian, you would talk to the Nigerian accent and talk to the white boy accent. White boy.
Unknown_31: The one person who's like, it's a type of tribe is pasty. Like, at this point, like, first of all, I didn't care about the representation, I didn't really care about the skin, it wasn't a big deal for me. But you were in a land where it's literally on fire. Everyone should be burnt! Everyone should be dark! Like, that doesn't- it's not about- No way!
You're in a land that's literally on fire, everyone should be dark? Sure! I have to replay this one. It's factually incorrect, they're light! Dude. I take it back, he is black.
Unknown_04: Some of these are so black that you can't even see them. See what this is saying.
Unknown_26: You just gotta wait until the new characters come out. You just gotta wait until the new characters come out. And then this is what they give people of color.
This is a representation.
Unknown_04: That's too white. Shut up. This is just sad.
Unknown_04: Fucking honky ass hoe. Shut up.
Unknown_30: I wanted to say that- Turn on your webcam, you troglodyte.
Unknown_04: You're trying to convince these flying anime girls to become black? Why don't you turn on your fucking camera? Show your face! I think it's absolutely revolting that in reality you can make a region based on so many different dialects and cultures.
but you fail to recognize how those people look in all of their entirety. And even though you put these calls to in the calls to real life deities and designs, you fail to give them the right skin color to do so. And that in itself is horrible.
Unknown_04: Actually, in Latin America, they said that the gods would all be super fair skin, which is why when the Europeans arrived, they thought it was God. So tactically, I mean, if we're talking factual accuracy here, the Incan gods would be, or the Mayan gods would be, what? Let's see what this other troglodyte has to say.
Uh, something that agitates me is that how unexpected- Australian detected! Australian detected! Opinion discarded! This to happen given how whoever else has done this before was Sumeru and also Panna Connie. Uh, one thing that bothers me about this is how they- What was that character's name?
Unknown_04: Panikani? Is that really what they're just calling them? They are quite capable of changing the skin tone of these characters, or at least making playable characters with darker skin tones, as they are capable of showing people of color through NPCs.
So why not do the same with playable characters? They have no excuse for this, and it disgusts me how people will still defend them for it. I was trying to find a shooter game to play, and I ended up looking at Apex Legends and Rainbow Six, because that's like the most popular ones on Steam Charts.
Unknown_04: The characters in those games are so fucking ugly. It is like they're in a contest to make the ugliest fucking bastards they've ever made ever for any video game to stick them in these hero shooters or whatever the fuck you call them. It's like shocking how ugly they are. I don't wanna see these ugly fucks when I'm playing a video game, fuck that.
You know, it's really sad and it's really sick how Hoyiverse has literally whitewashed an African deity, yet people still lick their fucking boots.
Unknown_25: Pardon my language.
Unknown_04: That's not a swear word.
Unknown_04: Young lady, are you old enough to play this borderline pornographic gotcha game? Are you old enough to be allowed to download this when you think lick their boots is like a swear word? I don't think so.
Don't think that you should be posting videos of yourself complaining either. I think you're too young to have an opinion and Multiple different cultures and called it quote-unquote Natlan Okay Hi, I am Noah Orrello, and I'm just my name is Noah Orrello. I
Unknown_04: Is that like a first name, last name? Or is that like his other name? In my Goon Discord servers, I go by Aurelo. It's coming to say that this is really racist, Genshin, and you should stop because this is not my culture.
And, um, what's going on? Like you made the most whitest character and then you called it a Nigerian representation character.
Unknown_32: Excuse me?
Unknown_32: Like, come on. Like that isn't really, that is not funny. Let's get this petition signed. So Genshin can stop being racist.
Unknown_04: So I want to make this clear. When a Japanese, when a American company makes a Japanese samurai, that's a black man based off a sketchy, probably false accounts of a black Japanese samurai. And they based the entire game around this one potentially accurate historical figure. That's representation and that's okay. But when an Asian company makes a white character from Nigeria, even though there are lots of white people from Africa because of colonization, That's not okay. I'm gonna make sure I get this right. I feel so, like, trite just even saying that. Like, yeah, they're hypocrites. They're hypocrites, and they're always hypocrites. There's an internal contradiction to every single thing they say, and that's why violence is acceptable. It's that part of my brain that just keeps banging that drum as I try to dissect these arguments made by mentally handicapped 15-year-olds trying to play their goon game.
So I just gotta say that it's horrifying to see such important colored figures in culture are being erased and their names are being used to promote such colorist character designs by such a huge company that is very influential. And I think we really need to make a change.
Unknown_04: Why do these white people care? Why do white people care? I can't imagine caring less about anything than accurate representation of Nigerian people in a mobile skinner game.
Unknown_04: Maybe people in social security. That might be it. That might be the only thing I care less about. It's really, really profound.
The trip one again, okay, I'll take that request Listen man, I let Samara slide, but I can't let this shit slide.
Unknown_31: I'm Nigerian myself.
Unknown_04: Oh, you can hear that You can hear at the very beginning of that one too at the very start the one Person who's like it's a type of tribe is pasty like at this point like for Samara.
Unknown_31: I didn't care about Representation. I didn't really care about the skin wasn't a big deal for me, but you were in a land where it's literally on fire and Everyone is- should be burnt. Everyone should be dark. Like, that doesn't- it's not about, oh- You is- you's making video game content in an area that's literally on fire, because ain't nobody know how to change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
The- the- the ceiling birds is chirping away, and nobody's smoke is getting detected. Everyone charred up and shit. It don't even gotta be black skin. You just gotta make them cook, because they burn to death and shit.
Unknown_04: That's a pervasive argument. I believe in that.
Unknown_04: That would be great. Okay, Genshin Impact can redeem themselves for being a pedophilic goon game if they create a character in this new Natland verse that is a white character that has been burned to a crisp because in Nigeria they don't know how to change smoke detectors and the the ravenous flames ate half of her. I think that would work out. That would be really representative of the society and culture.
And they can't really complain. It's a disabled person.
Unknown_34: Disabled people need representation, too. All right.
Unknown_04: I will simply recap this because it's already over. Chantal put out a video saying that she... Did I skip a chapter?
Unknown_34: I did.
So we let's listen to this pooner suffer.
Unknown_14: I don't know. I don't know what to do. I have no answers. They're kicking me out of my hotel room because I asked them to wear an N95 mask.
Unknown_14: And they said that if I wanted that, I was at the wrong hotel.
Unknown_14: Where do I don't know where to go.
Unknown_14: I... I'm... I'm almost out of money. I keep more scans, just keep getting added to the docket. I don't even have one fully functioning arm at this point. Where do I... My mom isn't answering the phone.
It's not like we... We're estranged, I literally... Because she was super abusive, but... And I still want my mom, but I don't know what to do.
Unknown_14: Where do I go? What do I do?
Unknown_14: My doctor just called me to do an anxiety and depression exam like thing before our appointment today. I had to reschedule it because I couldn't sleep.
This is what I woke up to. And I'm like, what am I supposed to tell you? I'm super anxious and depressed.
Unknown_14: I haven't had safe housing for over a year.
Unknown_14: I just want a home. I just want somewhere safe to land. I just, I just want a place to breathe so I can find a place. I just, it feels like every time I almost, it's like the ground just gets ripped out from under me again. I just, I just need to calibrate. What do I do?
I can't get out orders. I haven't been able to work in months. I'm so sorry. I'm really trying, y'all. I'm trying so... I'm trying so hard. I just... I don't... And I have nobody here. I don't know what to do.
Unknown_14: I trust Allah.
I just feel at a loss. I've never been so out of answers.
Unknown_14: Except for I guess when I was younger, but those answers were really destructive to my well-being.
Unknown_13: I've been sober since November. I'm not breaking that. It's also against my religion, which honestly really helps.
Unknown_13: I still don't have my ADHD medication.
I'm so tired. I'm so hungry. I just wish I could have a hug.
Unknown_14: I just really need to be held. And I feel so bad for my cats, my poor, poor cats.
Unknown_11: I don't know where to go.
Unknown_11: I'm in Nashville, North Carolina.
I don't know.
Unknown_04: Man up, Sonny. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
Unknown_04: Ain't no crying in baseball. We will make it through.
Unknown_14: Whatever that means, whatever that brings.
Unknown_14: I just have to trust that I'm being protected.
But also fuck hotels breaking literal Americans with Disabilities Act.
Unknown_14: Fuck discrimination against disabled people.
Unknown_14: And fuck misinformation about COVID.
I guess that's the dynamic here. Actually. Yeah, I want to follow Islam I'm not joking here
I even ruined a joke. I even did a joke that was ruined because I had muted myself. That's my situation. That's my lot in life.
Unknown_04: ADF was arrested in Portland, Oregon for burning the car for pepper-spraying a woman burning the Quran because Islam mentioned I will redo the joke you will laugh
Unknown_04: Now, obviously, you can't burn the Quran in Portland, Oregon, but Antifa super soldier ADF was arrested. And after being arrested, it turns out that ADF had been threatening to murder a Portland City Commissar, which Andy Woe published an article about.
So let's see. Commissioner Renee Gonzalez says, following negotiations with my office, Multnomah County Chair has committed to cease purchase of tents, tarps by Joe's while developing jointly approved policy governing harm reduction in the city. Harm reduction is lib shit code word for ensuring that the homeless don't die so they can continue to commit violent crime and do drugs and leave needles on playgrounds. In case you're wondering.
He received enhanced security because this pissed off ADF Oh As he says you can always clean up Portland by getting rid of Renee. He sent him more like threatening harassing messages in private The quote here says the latest move from Gonzales comes after staffers learned of a social media post on Sunday that depicted the Commissioner inside a red crosshairs of a firearm along with the message you can always clean up Portland by getting rid of Renee and that's this picture right here and
The threat originally published in late June was discovered one day after former president and Republican nominee Donald Trump was wounded during an assassination attempt in the campaign to stop in Pennsylvania.
Unknown_04: Um, so now he's facing big boy charges for intimidating a public and elected official, which is probably not good for him.
Unknown_04: I don't know. Do you guys think that ADF can survive in prison?
Unknown_04: Probably he is Antifa as strong as super soldier after all.
Unknown_04: He's received over 10,000 hours in public nuisance training. I don't think anyone could stop him.
He's listed as female.
Unknown_04: His name is Isabel Roja. He's Italian, aka Latinx.
Unknown_04: That's about it, he's in jail.
Unknown_04: Another old school retard that I like to make fun of.
Unknown_04: Cowenka Falls has revealed once again that he is completely and totally incapable of finding productivity offline. He has no work value. He has no job experience. He has no inclination to get a job. He has nothing to do all day. So even though everyone has made it roundly
noted that he is a Detriment to their causes they want nothing to do with him. He's disgusting and they are repulsed by him He continues to try and slither back onto twitch to try and build a career for himself because that's literally all he has
Unknown_04: Um, there's a couple videos I'm going to play. There's a screenshot of him explaining that his streams are going to be Fortnite battle passes and gay furry porn. He's very funny. He's very funny. This is like a 30 something year old man, um, in a dress. And you can see that his, uh, his experience in doing live streams for years and being a social media personality for years has paid off big. And now he's really funny and he's gotten, he's gotten this all figured out. He's got it all figured out.
Here's some of these clips. This is about five minutes of stuff. There's one more clip that's on this list that I'll play.
Unknown_16: Okay. Um, so like the people in the chat in the, it's specifically YouTube chat, those absolute fucking scoundrels.
So, so I got the whiteboard right.
Unknown_04: Oh, this is him joking about how he stole $100,000 Canadian dollars. Sorry, I thought the pie chart was what he intends to stream about, and now he's going to explain. This is actually a silly joke about how he stole $100,000 Canadian dollars for a lawsuit he never filed.
Unknown_16: This is the pie chart of where the money went.
Unknown_04: Miss April says, that voice. Are you so new to this you don't know who Keffels is? This person dedicated his entire life to trying to taking down my website and destroying my podcast for literally months. It caused international news stories printed about how I'm a fucking murderer. And now I get to sit here and I get to watch him draw pie charts explaining about how he stole $100,000 by spending it on furry porn and Fortnite battle passes while everyone throws tomatoes at him because he's held in universal contempt even by people on his side.
So up here we got Fortnite Battle Battle Pass And down here representing most of it we got
Unknown_16: Gay.
Unknown_12: Whore.
Unknown_16: So, if you want to know, this is the breakdown of the costs.
Unknown_16: Very essential stuff.
Unknown_04: You should do stand-up.
Unknown_17: I think that was the first time I've used that wipe. That was the first time I've used that wipe for it on stream.
Hold up, hold up. I think that this will work, hold up.
Unknown_16: So if you want to know, this is the breakdown of the costs.
Unknown_16: Very essential stuff.
Unknown_04: Well done. Well done. You can really hear them. They ate it up. So funny. I wonder what the chat says. Is the chat laughing at this? Oh, look. There's a laugh emote. Joe underscore M sent a laugh emote. I thought that was really funny. It's the 13th.
Why is there a... Stop auto-playing. Fucking YouTube. Now my own sitcom audience laugh track is turned on me because of my autoplay.
Unknown_16: One thing that I've really taken away from this break was that I need a better work-life balance.
Unknown_04: He streams like one hour a month like on not exaggerating at all This dude puts in like one hour of effort a month to actually broadcast his dumpy ass to the twitch TV streaming community and the remaining time he spends in a permagoon sesh on his discord with his closest friends who only speak of him uncritically at all times and he is like Seriously over encumbered by that workload. He can't even commit to that like the most basic fundamental entry-level Like like workload imaginable like participate in your online community Tweet some and then like do it do a stream every so often came and fucking do that outside of work
Because like my life when I was streaming before was I'm either streaming or I'm preparing for the next stream and that's all I do.
And that, you know, I was burning the candle at both ends.
Unknown_16: Now I'm going out to the pub to have a pint with the boys.
Unknown_16: Guinness is much better in Ireland. I like it. I have good times.
Unknown_16: But I can't do shit like I used to.
Unknown_16: Consequently, I don't give even half as much of a shit if people are mean to me online.
Unknown_04: How does he have money? He doesn't have any money left over from his $100,000 Canadian. He's going out to the pub. Alcohol at a pub is not inexpensive. I think Ireland in particular has a cost of living crisis. Irish people are not doing too well because
Things cost so much in Ireland. I think maybe he's in Northern Ireland. I don't know if the cost of living is significantly different in Northern Ireland compared to regular Ireland. I do know for a fact that Ireland is in what they call a cost of living crisis.
Unknown_04: Is he just getting this from the taxpayer? I don't know.
Unknown_16: Sorry, I got frustrated with this reading this. Capitals, I love how based you are. You provide takes I see as valuable. I want you to be as credible as possible. That's my concern with the allegations. Read money you received.
I've been over this a million times, like you read the description.
Unknown_16: All of the money that I received went towards either legal funds, it went towards relocating, it went towards getting new gear after the cops seized my stuff, it went towards paying employees when I had to take a
He literally has said in the past that he spent that money on drugs. He had a fucking mental breakdown on live and admitted that he bought tens of thousands of dollars of drugs and only realized he had a problem after the drugs were laced with something and it caused him to have health problems as a result of doing the drugs. So now to come back like a year and a half later and be like, no, really, I totally only spent the money on what I, what I intended.
Unknown_04: Okay, that's real easy to prove then. Where are the receipts? You can easily prove that you spent $100,000 Canadian on those things if you have receipts and attorneys do.
Like if there ever comes a day where I have to be audited for the spending of the legal trust, I can show you every single deposit made. I have receipts from my attorney and from other attorneys for every single dollar taken from that trust. And there's no question about it where it's going.
And part of the reason why nobody's questioned about where it's going is because you can see the two, the three actually. There's one that's not talked about as much that is important to me.
Unknown_04: But you can see that they're ongoing. So the money is very obvious where it's going. In Keffel's case, the money was to relocate to Ireland, which doesn't cost $100,000.
Unknown_04: You can take a trip to Ireland from the U.S. for like $2,000, $3,000 tops. And buying a computer, $5,000.
Unknown_04: Where's the rest go?
Unknown_04: Sending a human rights tribunal complaint doesn't cost that much either. That's free to do. So where's the money go? You could show the receipts, but he spent it on drugs.
Significant hiatus from work.
Unknown_16: And fuck, even money that I didn't need, I ended up donating to other GoFundMes.
Unknown_04: Okay, that's the other thing.
Unknown_04: Okay, so you donated the money?
Unknown_04: What? So people gave you money, and you gave that money out. So what you're trying to say is that you had a circle of friends who wanted free shit, and you just gave them money to get that shit. And so you took that money for a special purpose that you advertised as having a special purpose,
And you gave it out to your friends. That's not any better. You can say that it's a charitable cause, but there's no receipts for that. I guarantee you if there is a list of people that he gave money to, it's all tranny friends that just want free money for HRT and whatever the fuck.
Unknown_16: But I don't care what people think about me.
Unknown_16: There's nothing I can say that will make people happy. Because a resolution where I have like the moral high ground in the end is not something they want. That's not a good story to sell.
Right? It's just like YouTube drama shit.
Unknown_16: I'm not really concerned.
Unknown_04: It looks like he's gained weight.
Unknown_16: Like
Unknown_16: If I really did something that was actually criminal, the Canada Revenue Service has already looked over my expenditure.
Unknown_04: Yeah, but what a fucking cope. I paid taxes on it. Um, what?
That doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean you didn't take it and spend it on drugs. You can buy drugs and the IRS won't care. You can report to the IRS that you are running a criminal organization that has earned $150,000 from stealing money, like from lifting cars.
Unknown_04: and they will take your tax money from that. There's a special schedule, like you file it under other income. If you make money from stealing, it has an explicitly earmarked way of filing theft income to the IRS, and they will happily take your taxes. And I don't even think they report it to the FBI, like, okay, this guy made $75,000 stealing IMAX from cars. Who gives a shit? Just pay us our 35%.
You know, it's like what am I supposed to mean and I'm fine.
Unknown_16: I didn't even pay taxes on it That's all I gotta say there's nothing else I can say about that situation, okay I don't care to hear this
He sounds drunk.
Unknown_02: Tells a YouTube channel that his life's priorities are fucked. Okay.
Unknown_16: Okay, I'll address the YouTube chat again.
Unknown_04: Maybe Kefla's spent too much time in Northern Ireland because he's starting to sound like the Demoman from TF2. He's just slurring his words.
Unknown_16: I'm not making videos addressing drama.
It's like the, literally the eighth foot. Dude, the psycho motor retardation in full swing. I'm not going to make videos to talk about drama. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven seconds of pure fucking silence. I think that, um, he got his, uh, his, uh, windows firmware update. Now he has a kernel level BSOD. His brain's just cycling.
Unknown_16: What people think about me.
Unknown_16: I want to talk about shit. That's actually important.
I want to be taken seriously, but I want no accountability.
Unknown_16: None of this shit matters.
Unknown_04: I want to be a public figure, but I don't want to be held responsible for what I do.
Unknown_16: That you have to come into the chat and try to get me to talk about drama just tells me that your priorities in life are fucked.
Unknown_04: I want to be a Twitch streamer, but I don't want people to talk about me.
Unknown_16: Think about it.
Unknown_04: I want to make money without working, but I also don't want to do anything entertaining. None of that shit matters.
Unknown_04: I want a drink.
Unknown_04: I'm mentally ill. I need substances to get through the day because I cut off my penis.
It's the YouTubers who are the problem. I can admit I've fucked up in the past, obviously.
Unknown_16: Who hasn't?
Unknown_04: But I'm not going to fuck off because I don't have any career prospects. But the only way to deal with that is just moving forward.
Unknown_15: I'm sad to announce to all the lesbians in chat that I've had sex with men and it was pretty good. So I don't think I'm a lesbian anymore. I think I'm bi.
I hate them so much.
Unknown_15: I know.
Unknown_15: Sorry, sorry.
Unknown_16: Sorry about that. Sorry.
Unknown_04: Sorry trannies. I'm not gonna fuck you anymore dumb trannies.
Unknown_04: I Got I got Englishman now. I'm gonna get my bussy blown up by Englishman I'm gonna I'm gonna take the Englishman's tax money and I'm gonna go get liquored up and then I'm gonna live stream myself from my room also paid for by the UK taxpayer and And then Englishmen are gonna blow my bussy out, and they're also not gonna pay for it. I'm living tax-free, rent-free, in Northern Ireland at the expense of Englishmen.
Look, if you want to eat ass, go for it.
Unknown_16: I've done it a few times, it's alright. I'm not a huge fan, but, you know, I'm not, like, opposed to it.
Unknown_16: Just do what you want to do That's so sad it's like that song I used to rule the world Something something now it's like I used to I used to be The queen of my fart throne, but now it is I who is eating ass.
I hear that song. I like that song a lot. I I used to fart on people, be a femdom queen, but now it is I who is eating the gnarly ass of a pub-going British male. I used to rule over... Oh, it's Coldplay, Viva La Vida. Oh boy. Let's get a copyright strike, chat.
Unknown_03: Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Let's do some keno, let's try it out.
Unknown_16: If you want to eat ass, go for it.
Unknown_16: I've done it a few times, it's alright. I'm not a huge fan, but you know, I'm not like opposed to it. Just do what you want to do.
Unknown_04: I used to decide who gets to be on the internet. Now I can't stream, but once a month. Everyone thinks I'm a piece of shit.
Unknown_04: And I eat shit out of British men's assholes.
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.
Unknown_04: so sad so can we can we get a 777 in chat if you're happy not to be this fucking gross tranny okay let's get some sevens sevens in the chat i'm gonna be the first i'm dumping my seven i'm so fucking happy not to be this retard tranny praise the lord not waking up as keffels praise the lord next next arena
All right, now it's time.
Unknown_04: So Chantal is having a moment, as I indicated earlier in this stream.
Unknown_04: She indicated, so this video, by the way, has changed, the thumbnail did. It said something like, we were breaking up before, and now it's, I am so confused.
Unknown_04: She is indicated, if you don't know, this woman is Canadian, much like Keffels. But instead of going to Northern Ireland and eating British men's assholes, she went to Kuwait and married a Syrian guy named Salah.
Salah is into poopoo peepee rape porn and is a very low IQ Pokemon fetishist I believe and their relationship is always weird. It's like what does he see in her? She can't have children. I think she's older than him She doesn't cook or clean. She's morbidly obese. Her diabetes is like super bad now. She's on an insulin regimen and
Unknown_04: So it's kind of been like a weird relationship.
It's also been very boring because Muslim men have like these modesty requirements, even like losers like Salah. So she's just been really like tame compared to how she used to be. And one of the big things that she did is that she stopped making gross, disgusting eating videos.
Unknown_04: However, she's doing those again. So I think she's hurting for money and she ran. I'm not going to play this video because there's no point. I can summarize it. She's making a video saying that they had a dispute. She wants to end it amicably. She wants to go back to Canada. Her life in Kuwait is very different. She misses home.
Unknown_04: so on and so forth. She's already backtracked this and said that they figured something out. The actual prevailing theory on the forum at this time as to what happened and why it was so easily reconciled is that Chantal is eating very poorly. She's a diabetic. She's on insulin. There is often with diabetics this concept that if you eat whatever you want and then inject more insulin into your body,
You can compensate for eating poorly, which is not the case. If you use too much insulin, it causes more health complications. So really the only way to adequately deal with diabetes like this is to cut out sugars, balance your blood sugar, and eventually lose weight. Because losing weight will literally cure you of diabetes.
She's obviously not going to do that and the prevailing theory as I mentioned is that Salah probably was trying to force her to eat more healthily and she did not want to So it's it looks like because immediately after there I'm back together with Salah video immediately after she's like eating like chocolate doughnuts and shit on on camera and So the thought is that he probably set his foot down and says, Hey, baby, you need to eat less shit because I love you. I love you, Habibi, and I want you to be around forever and ever, inshallah.
Unknown_04: So that means no more eating chocolate doughnuts, you fat cunt. Then she was like, oh my god, you don't respect me at all. I can't believe this I can't believe that I was such a fool and and I fell for this I felt for such a such a fake and It's a lot they've done this before where she is like tried to break up with him and He like groveled to get her back like when the peepee poopoo rape stuff came out. She was like very close to leaving and Especially because that came out while she was already in Canada, so it's much easier to just not return But he he groveled pretty fucking hard after that to keep her around so I think that there's some a cultural thing with Salah where a divorce is like a enormous embarrassment for him so he is sort of like socially contracted by his family to maintain this relationship regardless and
and even when something happens that pisses her off she can just threaten to leave because he can't stop her from going back to Canada and That's enough to like force him to give her chocolate doughnuts. That just seems to be what I'm
What what their dynamic is it's very hard to tell because I don't know too much about Arabs And quite frankly, I don't ever want to know anything about Arabs Besides maybe no, I can't say that So that's that's the Chantal update I've not talked about her too much in the last couple years just because she's been super boring The whole Muslim arc is fucking boring as shit. It's just awful
Unknown_04: But she's getting a little bit more She's I think she's dying. I'm gonna be real with you like the diabetes thing. She already had cancer the the Uterus I want to say they had to take out her her entire. No, I'm sorry. She has PCOS. Oh
or had, she had PCOS, which is polycystic ovarian syndrome, and that's a very hormonally temperamental chronic condition where if, for various reasons, you can develop cysts in your ovaries, and if they pop, they are, number one, extremely painful, but number two, they can also be life-threatening. So that is something that is helped by losing weight.
But her cyst and her ovaries got like so bad that they just did a total hysterectomy. They completely removed her uterus.
Unknown_04: So she's completely infertile now as a result of her eating condition. And now she's a type 2 diabetic and her health is going downhill. She's spending more time in bed, her health is completely faltering, and even big scares like having to take insulin and so on are not conditioning her to eat better. So, I mean, at that point, you die. You know, that's where that's when people who are chronically overweight dies when they get too fat, that health conditions rear up. And then instead of addressing them seriously, they just continue to try and play games with life threatening illnesses. And she's at that point where she's at life threatening illnesses and she doesn't care. And so she's going to die, basically.
Such is life.
Unknown_04: So I mentioned Sam Hyde. Sam Hyde is starting up a new TV show. And I can't remember if he's just self-publishing this or if it's going out on like Netflix or what the deal is.
Unknown_04: But he's getting ready for that. And apparently Adult Swim is not going to sell him the license to World Swim or World Peace. So he's deciding what to call the show. It's basically just going to be World Peace Episode 2 or Season 2, but they have to figure out a name for it. Here are the options he's given his audience Million-dollar extreme to from I understand this is a meme because the new fags that like Sam Hyde now don't know that MDE is the name of his comedy troupe and World peace was a show so they just call it MDE the show so he's thinking of calling it MDE 2 and
World War 2, Extreme Nazi Porn, Season 2, MDE 2, Million Dollar Extreme Presents Season 2, Stinky, Million Dollar Extreme Presents Season 2, he must think that's really funny that one has quotes and the other doesn't, MDE Presents Extreme Nazi Porn, I don't know why that made me laugh, Project Peace, Big Bold Balloons, Chi-Chi-Qui-On™, Global Harmony 2, Global Domination 2, and Million Dollar Peace, or Extreme Peace. I vote Season 2. I'm gonna- Can I vote for multiple? Oh, I can vote for multiple.
Okay, I'm gonna do Season 2 is both of them, and then Million Dollar- MDE presents Extreme Nazi Porn, I think. Why is there one for MDE and Million Dollar Extreme? Why is the difference in that?
Unknown_04: Yeah, I'm gonna just do that one. I'm gonna vote for these options. You can vote for them, too. It's on his Twitter or whatever. I don't know if my vote was counted or if that just goes to a black pit. Neither would surprise me.
Vote for alt? No, that's gay.
Unknown_04: Um, so this ties into what I was discussing earlier that I played the Christopher Hitchens clip that made a bunch of people hate me. Um, in regards to Chaya Raychick deciding that certain people should not be allowed to work at Home Depot because they say things that she doesn't like. Uh, there was some discourse trademark on Zitter and this resulted in people going back and forth on if such a thing is okay. And Sam Hyde chimes in and he puts on his serious pants and I will read this for you. Uh, there's a punchline to this by the way.
who says, you don't know what you're talking about. These people have spent the past decade proving that they're in irredeemably ugly inside and they won't relent until they can make you feel some semblance of the pain and bitterness they feel every day towards God for making them fucked up freaks.
Unknown_04: The only time they care about rules, civility, unity, et cetera, is when those things can be used to handcuff you while your kids are trans and your money is stolen to pay for some fag war or some group of people that hate you and is replacing you. There is no reconciliation. We are not gleeful and we are not out for blood. We just want to know that we cannot live with these people anymore. The issue that I have with that is if you want to target ideologues, like that bull dyke Rachel Maddow, and you want to say, OK, let's destroy MSNBC and make her completely unemployable to the point where she has to flee the country and go to some place where people like her can exist in peace, like Germany, that's fine.
But to say that Home Depot lady shouldn't be allowed to bag fertilizer at the checkout aisle, that's a bit incongruous with the point being made. He continues, their moral lassitude, and I don't know if that's a real word, it could be. I'm not saying that it's not, I'm saying that I've never heard that word before. Their moral lassitude is, and maybe it's like laissez-faire, but like an attitude, it's like a portmanteau of like laissez-faire and attitude. Their moral lassitude is the reason why American cities are unlivable, Their virtue signaling comes at the expense of child abuse, medical malpractice, and a couple hundred thousand dead Ukrainians. They will always play dirty. No matter how we play fair, we need them to be politically disenfranchised.
publicly shamed. They need to be properly trained with electric shock therapy to keep their fucking mouths shut.
Unknown_04: These are not people who think critically from first principles. They are the mob you speak of. They are mob mentality incarnate. That is why they are called normies, NPCs, and the like. The idea of them exercising free speech is a joke because the only thing loaded into their software is seeing and talking points.
Unknown_04: I think you are overthinking things. Your last game, Rage, was very bad." And then he just says, he goes Sam high and says, I think I would go so far as to call it penis poop. What I would suggest you do is stop being a little fucking pencil neck dork defending people wishing your president was dead, you're being a smarty pants, and get back to making games that are actually good, as that is something we are all in desperate need of right now. I actually do agree with that because all recent games seem to be complete and total shit. I have been playing more Team Fortress 2 which is a fucking 20 year old video game than I have anything else. I played like one round of Rainbow six and I was just like god this sucks dick They I don't know what they did in Rainbow six But it used to be that like all the guns were super snappy like you would right-click and then your scope would snap to you and then you could just shoot and now it's like you're it's like
Play um, I like the woman that throws cameras because she's from the IDF and she has a Desert Eagle and as I've explained I love Israel more than anything and I love Israel more than every American troop combined So I play the IDF girl that throws the cameras and has the Desert Eagle And when when you have her SMG and you like try to like snap the aim to shoot at people it's like she's like emaciated it's like the the the palestinians have cut off supply lines and now she's like an emaciated like like starving child and she's like oh my god it's so heavy oh i can barely lift it up to my cheek oh it's like why do they make the gunplay so fucking shit in that it's like socks um i do agree that we need better video games is what i'm trying to say here um
And then there's an attached message from Dana Steele, who looks kind of like Rachel Maddow and probably would also be happy in Germany, saying, What if we rounded up all suspected white domestic supremacist terrorists and took their kids from them and put them in camps and molested and starved them? Just curious, which is a pretty horrific thing to say. And, you know, if you destroyed this woman's life, I would not feel bad. I wouldn't say that's probably a bad thing to do.
Unknown_04: But again, I think there's a distinction to be made between kids protesting Palestine at their universities, which is a constitutionally protected speech, and the Home Depot lady saying, I wish that they had not missed, which is also, I believe, protected speech.
This woman is an ideologue. She's a dangerous person. She should never be allowed any levers of control. The fat single mom working at Home Depot is very far away from them. This woman, I can just tell just based by her headshot and verified checkmark that she's probably a danger to society.
Unknown_04: Uh, now all that is read and mentioned with some seriousness, uh, because it is followed up by, uh, May Catbelly saying that, uh, in response to this, uh, she is marquee posting. Marquee posting has now gone mainstream. Um, this tweet has been seen 6 million times in like by 53,000 people. Um,
Sam Hyde is a pedophile who slept with a 16-year-old family was 29, but his fans are so gullible All it takes is the bump on the shoulder and raises brow and those of using the irony committing to the bit some Marky Marky posting has broken containment and is now in the discourse mainstream
Unknown_04: For more information, you can listen to my Stellar interview with Channing Crager. From my understanding, and I can't speak for anybody, but from my understanding after that interview, Markie's over it. I don't want to say that as like I'm representing her, but the gist that I got from the people that I spoke to is that
Sam Hyde has truly gotten away with it and the whatever it may be if it happened if it did not happen if it was Morally unconscionable he's gotten away with it in this this person it's just Nothing's gonna happen. Nothing. It's just it's just another drift like this person doesn't I give a fuck about Markey And somebody can be is this is this Channing? 19 crouching tiger hidden gabber from river to sea bay area california oh i don't think that's channel uh it's kind of interesting it's interesting that all these old image board memes are now like modern politics because um
That JD Vance guy that's Trump's VP pick he's like a follower of shoe on head on X and he also follows like he followed like a weird Twitter channel that was like a man who is obsessed with like fucking. Scandinavian boys and saunas and he just kept posting pictures of like these young effeminate looking European boys and like Back in the day when the Vite the vid Kings were around Vid Kings would would partake of this sauna boy on the regular and for whatever reason the vice presidential nominee for the Republican Party was following this account Which is kind of fucking weird So that's that's our reality
Unknown_04: One final little tack on regarding deplatforming and its value is that Steve Bunnell, the carpet cleaner himself, after going on a diatribe about how Republicans should get shot more, was banned from Kik. And that may seem inconsequential. Destiny streams to multiple platforms.
He had a multi-million dollar contract with kick so it is presumed that his behavior has cost him Quite a bit of money as a result of evil Eddie flipping the switch on them
Unknown_04: Which really raises the question, surely, I think, I don't know for sure, but surely that my streams on Kick bring more viewers to Kick than Destiny's. Where's my multi-million dollar contract? How do I keep missing these opportunities? I'm not even verified on Rumble. I don't know, maybe I'm overestimating my worth. I'd say I probably deserve a multi-million dollar contract.
I think Eddie did, you can't, Eddie juiced us a hundred followers a while ago, but he can't do that anymore because his platform only uses Stripe to pay out and Stripe banned my account and I just can't replace that. So now it's like, I can't make any money on Stripe or Kick.
Unknown_04: I'm advertising his platform for free chat.
Disgusting, I know.
Unknown_34: Um, I don't know what this is. One second.
Unknown_34: Oh, I have to click all the bridges. I love clicking bridges.
Unknown_34: Oh, I'm so good at it. I did the first time.
Unknown_34: What is this supposed to be? Cause right now this is just a link to second.
Oh, I fucked this up.
Unknown_34: I know what this is Yeah, give me a second.
Unknown_04: It's worth it's worth opening Since destiny pissed off the entire internet again people have been digging into him kind of like with Sam Hyde his tweet went viral So people dug up the murky shit and that kind of spread around. This is an old message from destiny And I may not be able to show it up on my browser, but I'll read it to you Cuz that's just not loading. I think archive is having some issues right now.
Unknown_34: I
Okay, I will read it for you.
Unknown_04: Max Carson, the pedophile, who is friends with Vito the pedo, to clarify, Max Carson went by the screen name Mr. Girl. He did a lot of videos about domestic abuse being funny to him, and they made a video about how he wanted to rape the 13-year-olds in the movies Cutie. made a tweet saying, It has the options 11-12, 13-14, or 15-16.
A girl named Courtney at BigTittyGothGF9 says 10, indicating that her men started sexually harassing her at 10 years old.
Unknown_04: Daphne decides to respond to this in good taste and says, were you hot at 10? Any pics? And then Courtney, I guess, replying to this tongue in cheek, because it's obviously a gross message, says, check DMs. And then there's a bunch of emojis. Omniliberal replies and it's I mean it's apparent that he didn't receive anything, but he says Jesus I've never wanted to bend somebody over the hood of a little tykes so bad Which is probably in poor taste I would say I Would like it if I could show this message. I wonder if he's deleted it the fucking coward.
I think this message is live Oh, it's not live
Unknown_04: Go figure. That's crazy that he deleted this message. I didn't expect that.
Unknown_04: And then finally to rub some salt into the wounds, um, one of destiny's, uh, fuck around and find out girlfriends, um, decided to post some intimate information about him, which I will now read. Um, and this is a discord exchange where destiny, uh, shows her, um, imprints on his arms and bruises on his arms from BDSM, I think, or from bite marks. I'm sorry.
And then in this Discord exchange, um...
Unknown_04: See who's who message a says you're welcome. You said you were bisexual no catching or throwing I guess you just like the idea of men I'm doing a biphobia to you. I assume that this is lav Asking destiny if he really sucks dick, which he does in case you're wondering he's um suck dick But he couldn't he's not very good at it like most things in life destiny is actually very bad at sucking dick So he couldn't get a guy to finish because I guess the guy's looking down at this little goblin Who's like trying to choke on his cock and he's just like this is actually disgusting. What am I doing with my life? Which is a very poignant point in someone's life, especially if they're homosexual. He has to be doing a particularly bad job at that. There's a quote from Schmorky trying to talk about a blowjob and because he's gay and he's a tranny, he doesn't want to think about getting a blowjob or whatever. And he says like, you give a blowjob and you do a particularly good job at that situation. It's like the most awkwardly clunky ERP ever designed. That's what I was referencing, just as a head up.
Destiny says, it's kind of weird. Men are gross, to be honest. So I guess one kink I can say is that I have a huge, huge cum fetish. I love someone making out with me after, ugh.
Unknown_04: Bro, that's fucking gnarly. Yeah, I can't just reading it like upsets me He likes the idea of snowballing. I can say that cuz I don't want to read that paragraph He then continues and it's big enough that it's really hot for me to suck it out of a guy, too I love giving head to guys don't desire to do much else with them Lab says that's interesting. That's one of mine, too. I
I feel powerful taking cum from them and then she correctly spells cum as instead of like come hither Destiny says hmm. Well, I guess that's one way to view it I think a lot of people can have different power views related to sex for sure. Yeah She asked what's another kink you have he says ha ha ha. I guess the cum eating is the most extreme I said, I'm pretty vanilla. I don't know why but I like feet too Rubbing them nibbling on them while I'm fucking someone is super super hot to me. She says ah James, and he says fuck you bitch smiley face
This goblin is in a prison of his own design. He's a literal dick-sucking goblin. He can bathe this man as much money as he wants, but he can't keep a woman. No woman will ever love destiny or stay with him for a long enough period of time because you can't pay a woman enough money to pretend to love somebody.
Unknown_04: Or to actually love somebody you can pay them to pretend But when you're a dick-sucking cum goblin like destiny it literally is There is no way for a woman to respect him. He will always just be a little dick-sucking cum goblin and will never be a real man Which is quite sad if you think about it. Yeah, I have a special outro song picked up for destiny by the way, which is very gross, but yeah That's funny
Rakeda is getting a tattoo. Since he's free from children, he's finally able to live out his fantasies. He got his tattoo filled, and then also his girlfriend, April Imholt, also got a tattoo. And as you can see, I think the tattoo is like a reference to them, because it's three wolves. So there's like two side wolves and then one main wolf in the back. And I think that's supposed to be like Rikeda is the main wolf and then he's got the two side bitches because he's an alpha male. So that's what I think it is. It's either that or it's a direct reference to the fact that inside of her there are three wolves and she is a prostitute.
That's also a possibility. Three wolves at one time.
Unknown_04: He's so able to live out his fantasies of being a retard now that his children are in custody and he has infinite free time. Must be nice.
How do I want to go about this? I really have to pee. I would love to have a, ooh, a clip. So Ralph last night got really fucked up again. He had another pill stream. And at some point, um, one of my ex super chatters named Daniel Larson Stan started sending him like pittances, like $2 or $3 at a time. And he just keeps bringing me up for, for whatever reason. And I think now in retrospect, what it is is that Daniel Larsen Stan realizes that by financially supporting the guy that everybody hates, he will get more attention in a roundabout way. So in the future, when this guy continues to send money to Ethan Ralph to clamor for his attention and my attention by proxy, I will simply ignore him. There is a part of this video, I don't know if it's going to be clipped or if I'll play it, but he calls in via telegram.
And his main complaint with me is that I don't stream with a webcam and I don't have my address out or whatever. I don't know why he thinks I should have to do that. I don't really care about his perspective, but that's what he joined in to say. And when he joined in, however, he had given Ralph like $50 at this point.
Unknown_04: The first thing that Ralph says drunkenly slurring out to him is that he's a faggot because he thought that anyone calling into his telegram would be a A-log trying to fuck with him instead of his one and only pay pig at that point in time And then he just said oh, I didn't he didn't mean that like apologize. He just said oh, you're not a faggot or something He didn't apologize for calling him a faggot and then after being called a faggot by the man. He's giving money He continued to give like another hundred dollars and individual super chats over the course of two hours So I just want to let you know this guy called Daniel Larsen saying is the biggest faggot pay pig beta bitch I've ever seen and Unfortunately because of YouTube rules and rumble. I'm sorry. I'm not YouTube on rumble rules There's one particular rule about things that I that I can't say and you know what that is And you know why I'm bringing it up because that is obviously the most immediate thing that he should do at this juncture
Now, that aside, I bring that up and mention that and explain that in detail because when he starts bringing me up, Ralph loses his mind. He's watching the RNC. Trump almost got shot. He's watching the political convention. There's literally Hulk Hogan ripping off his shirt on the screen, but he isn't thinking about that. He's not in Milwaukee with the cheeseheads. Um, the cheddar heads even because they're just, there's literally people in the crowd wearing cheddar on their heads, embarrassing me in real time. Um, but he's thinking about me and my penis and he just starts begging me, begging me to come on. Trying to like make amends and saying like, you know that that stream we did like eight years ago when I was still married to Nora and we covered the Cavanaugh here and was one of the best dreams you ever did and we can do that again If you want, you know, you should be here on my stream covering Donald Trump at the RNC just like old times
Which I had no inclination of doing so he just continued to rant and rant and rant and rant For fucking ages and then eventually he got very bored of waiting and decided to demand that I show up I didn't have a choice He really was threatening me to come on to his stream and do a friendly cover of the RNC convention or else
Unknown_04: he would strike down Alyssa Clips and dox her. And he said that he had nudes of her and was gonna go, he went and said, he was gonna release intimate photos of Alyssa Clips and go after her children, which I don't even know if she has any. But it was a very bizarre thing, because I don't know Alyssa Clips. We don't talk.
Unknown_04: She sends me an email, like if there's something happening that is confusing to her or something, like maybe once a month.
Unknown_04: And the idea that I would ever do anything I didn't want to do to save a list clip, sorry, but no, I will not be extorted by anybody.
People have tried worse to people I do know and do care about, and it didn't work. So it's just really bizarre.
Unknown_04: But I'll play the clips now and do some commentary.
Unknown_07: Yeah, right. I can say whatever the fuck I want about you. Now, you know, maybe some other things. Um,
Yeah, Harry, bitch. You know what? It doesn't matter what you'll do.
Unknown_09: Your connection will always be my progeny, cocksucker.
Unknown_22: It will always be my progeny.
Unknown_20: It will always be me who knocked up your... Did what I did.
It doesn't matter how hard you fucking cuss over it. It doesn't matter how hard you fucking... how sick you are over it. It will always be me who will be that connection's father.
Unknown_09: Forever. It doesn't matter. And you'll be dead long before I am. I guarantee you that.
Unknown_09: And you can keep praying that I'll die like you and Randbox prayed that I'll die on air the other night, which you both did. But it ain't gonna happen. And I'm gonna tell the full story.
You know, everything that Ralph says is like a projection. He's very obvious, he's a very low intelligence person, and he's very predictable, and his motivations are always immediately obvious to everybody.
Unknown_04: One of the things that he does very consistently that's extremely self-evident to anybody paying attention, that everything he says is a is like literally a projection literally everything everything that he says is something that he personally is and is afraid of and the way that he has repeatedly said I will outlive XYZ like he says I'll outlive the forum he'll outlive me he'll outlive Harry Morris he'll outlive all these people and Despite the fact that he's like a diabetic pig monster who's like overdosing like on live on air he for some reason thinks that or says that He's gonna outlive everybody and the reason why is that he is imminently afraid and terrified of his own mortality and it eats at him knowing that he's going to die soon and his kids will never know him because he's gonna be dead and
Oh, did Harry, did he really say something in chat? Like, I didn't see it. No, no, no, no. Don't mute it, man. Fuck. Somebody, somebody deleted him before I could even see it.
Unknown_04: A troll named HMO, uh, 116 or whatever, joined the chat and he immediately got baited by this.
Unknown_09: What did he say?
Unknown_09: King Harry Morris, King Harry Morris.
Unknown_07: Well, you're raising my princess.
How about that?
Unknown_34: For free.
Unknown_09: What did he say? I want to know what he said. Somebody tell me what he said.
Unknown_34: Her name is Rosanna.
Unknown_34: And file the charge if you want. You think you think you think I give a fuck?
I think that they're probably changing Rosie's name. We don't know.
Unknown_04: Ralph's daughter's name is Roseanne Sandra Ralph. And the reason why he picked that name for her is that Sandra is his mother's name and Rosie rhymed with cozy. And that is not a joke. He literally names his child after Nick Fuentes, a streaming platform.
Unknown_04: So he could call her Cozy Rosie and get brownie points with Nick Fuentes.
So there's literally no reason whatsoever for Amanda and Harry to keep this child's name as it is. So it will probably be renamed to something like, I don't know, Stacey, Stacey Morris, something like that.
Unknown_04: She said when I fucked her up the ass. Why don't you ask her that?
Unknown_09: Multiple times.
Unknown_04: Why don't you ask her that? The bleeps are, um, he dropped like a million inbombs on the stream.
Unknown_08: Ask your first born daughter what she said when I bleeped. Why don't you ask her that?
She said, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, bleeped. Why don't you ask her that?
Unknown_02: Let's see this one.
Unknown_04: Oh my, how embarrassing. Dude, the amount of dick sucking this guy has to do to like other men to try and get clout is just like the most humiliating fucking thing ever. He completely went scorched earth on Nick Fuentes and doxxed one of his capos. He's completely excised from the Groypers and he's just like begging on all fours like a little pig eagle.
please retweet my tweet i want to get some more likes on my tweet just like how humiliating just do it man just do it
Unknown_10: Just do it, brother. You know you want to. You know you want to. You know you saw the tweet. Everybody saw the tweet.
Yes, the Roypers did say in chat that they were going to rape his daughter, and he still wants their acceptance. He is that fucking pathetic. Like, I don't know. I don't know how to put that into words, like besides just explaining what he's willing to overlook in the name of the grift.
Unknown_10: Do it. Just do it.
Unknown_10: You know you want to you know you want to I know you're listening right now. I know you want to There's more clips I think
I said I was not going to show up on his stream at some point. It was like super late at the night. I like, even if there was like an inclination to, I didn't want to get out of bed. It was like the middle of the night. I was very tired and I was comfortable. I'm like, I'm not going to get out of bed to like get my microphone ready and sit up late at night to talk to Ralph. Like what a fucking waste of time. So I just shit posted on this chat.
Unknown_04: And I literally just called him a closeted faggot. I said that I would get on his stream if he got on all fours and sent me a video, like Boogie did to Keemstar, begging to be forgiven. I wanted him to grovel. If he had done that, I would have gotten out of bed and talked to him.
He decided to not do that and instead just seated about me for literally two fucking hours straight while I made fun of him in chat.
Unknown_04: I think there's a clip of this.
Unknown_04: Oh, this is one of the I have all the time in the world clips I like. I mean, I have all the time in the world.
Let's see. Okay. So it's still going on at this point. Um, I just call him a fag and I tell him to cry over and over again. And he just starts like trying to go off at me, but I don't really care. Um, let's see.
Unknown_23: What is this from?
I don't remember this clip at all.
Unknown_23: Play it, fucker. Play it!
Unknown_33: Play it!
Unknown_04: Oh, play it, fucker. Play it.
Unknown_34: It sounds like quiet. I don't know if it's quiet or play it. It could be either.
Unknown_02: Let's see.
Unknown_02: Oh, this is a Medicare edit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Wow. Goddamn. You're fucked up son of a bitch. Like fuck. Holy shit. Like what the fuck?
Unknown_09: You know, he, he, he likes me. Throw the bottles around. Throw, throw the, throw the, throw the- Dude, that chair is like Liquid Richard tier.
Unknown_04: He's getting, he's about to get a Wingo Jingle Bells remix with that fucking chair.
Unknown_09: Bottles around. Throw, throw the energies around.
AnimeSucksCope and Sneed sent $5 on Rumble. Dude, Ralph, are you okay, man?
Unknown_09: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm actually, like, okay as I can be. Like, I'm just actually, like, trying to understand because, like, I can go further.
Unknown_06: Believe me. Hey, hey, hey. 5 plus 5 plus 5.
Unknown_02: This is one of the best quotes of the entire night, by the way. 5 plus 5.
I can't go further.
Unknown_04: Okay, we have to break this down. Okay, he's trying to prove how lucid he is. AnimeSucksKopenSneed decides to super chat his concerns.
Unknown_34: Let me, um, let me set this up real quick.
Unknown_34: All right, so this is what we're getting from this, okay?
Unknown_04: Let me get out a little sketch pad. We know this, that based off that quote, let me replay it so that we can get an understanding here.
Five plus five plus five. Okay, let's write that down.
Unknown_02: Five plus five.
Unknown_34: One more plus five.
Unknown_34: And then he says, I can go further. I'll write this out. I can go further.
Unknown_04: Now from what we can derive from this is that five plus five plus five is less than where Ralph can go greater than is Ralph's maximum.
Okay, this is scientifically proven. This has been demonstrated as absolute mathematical fact. This equation is law, is now a mathematical law that must be respected. Thank you, Ralph, for elucidating this to us.
Unknown_09: But what I'm saying is, can we just, like, agree that this is sick and, like, move on?
The context of this is he's talking about me and talking about how I need to reconcile with him and how sad it is that there's quote-unquote beef.
Unknown_04: If you don't remember, when he broke up with Nick Fuentes, I encouraged him to go scorched earth on Nick Fuentes and I spoke to him with the intent of getting him to go more scorched earth on Nick Fuentes. And I wished him well. I said, I hope, you know, that this is like a turning point. I think even at that time.
Unknown_04: Now this was after May had left, I think. This was a pretty dark time in his life. And I realized that after burning his bridge with Nick Fuentes, he would have literally no one to talk to about what he's up to, because he had burned every bridge possible. So I decided I would sacrifice myself to try and render out the content. And after that, he got pissy with me over like the, I can't remember, because he gets pissy at me at everything. And it's just like, I have no idea why he expects I would ever talk to him again.
It's up to you.
Yeah, it's time for some assassinations, I have to say. Rhetorically speaking, of course.
Unknown_09: But yeah, it's about that time. It's about that time.
Unknown_04: So yeah, that's a bit of an extreme statement, because that's like a specific person and a specific thing, an assassination. That's not just like vague, violent ideation.
Unknown_04: um okay so this is a supercut of him talking about me and i guess i'll play this i i think that i hope that this contains a lot of the stuff about illicit clips as well because and i'll just play this as as long as i can stand it as long as there's a point daniel larson stan sent three dollars on rumble shout out null i see you're watching
I know kill yourself fucking faggot shotokan who wanted to who actually wrote fantasies about killing your mother detailed fantasies about killing your mother I hope you are watching
Unknown_04: This earned me, in the 8chan days, the board intel, which was an international shitposting board. They called me the mom slayer, which is probably one of the funniest nicknames I've ever received ever. I still laugh when I think about it.
Unknown_09: Do you still want to kill her or not? That's the answer I want. Do you still want to kill your mother or not? No. No. Do you still want to kill your mother or do you not want to kill your mother now?
That's the answer that I want.
Unknown_09: Do you still want to kill her? Or do you do renounce that?
Unknown_09: I plead the fifth.
Unknown_09: But whatever.
Unknown_09: not not just just do you still want to do that or like is is that something that you're not in favor of now by the way you know you know the first time that that josh moan met met his father was me dashing his father on the air
So I, I, um, last spoke to my dad when I was like 13. So that's untrue. Uh, also he randomly posted like a picture of some guy, like on a stream and he claims that it was like a win. Um, if that is or is not my biological father, I have no clue and I don't really care.
Unknown_09: the first time he met his father this is how he's trying to entice me to join him for a friendly conversation about the dnr and cby that's fucked up you can say ralph wow god damn you're fucked up son of a bitch like fuck holy shit like what the fuck like what the fuck did you do um but the first time
Dox Moon, Josh Moon, whatever the fuck you want to call him. I'll call him Dox Moon because that's what he wants to be known as, right? Dox Moon.
Unknown_09: You know, he likes to throw the bottles around. Throw the bottles around. Throw the energies around. He wants to be known as Doc's moon, right?
Unknown_09: The first time he ever met his father was when I doxed him on the air.
He repeats himself a lot in this.
Unknown_04: Kinda wish he had trimmed it down a little bit. And that's the truth.
Unknown_22: King of Paul sent three dollars have a drink live on air if you so brave you dumb fat pig how is your daughter?
Unknown_09: Oh fuck off Cocksucker, you don't have a daughter or a son. You're just a loser. I don't give a fuck So You know It's it's up to you You have the chance
So the once in a lifetime opportunity. You have a chance to talk to me live right now.
Unknown_04: What a gracious, what a gracious offering to speak to a man who opens by like threatening me. He like says that I won't know, I know my dad from his stream, which is just not true. Whereas his kids knowing him through the Kiwi Farms threads about him will be true.
Unknown_04: And then he's like, Oh, just come talk to me and have a friendly conversation with the RNC like, you know, longer because I'm gonna sign off.
So um, it's up to you. Like, actually, you know what? People gonna think this is fucking like fake.
Unknown_09: People gonna think this is like bullshit.
Unknown_04: By the way, he's in black and white mode because he's so fucked up and gross looking that he's trying to hide how, like, splotchy and gross his skin is.
It's incredible to me that Ralph, even at this point, still thinks that he could be a contributing member of anything ever. Like Ralph has nothing to offer anybody. I think that like worm food is probably his greatest possible contribution at this point in time. Like what the fuck does he possibly think that he brings to the table? And not like trying to kill each other.
Unknown_09: And that's what it depends on.
Unknown_09: And if he really cares about
Unknown_09: if if
No, I'm dead serious, dude. No, I'm not kidding. There's no tax free. You know what? I was fucked up the other night. Whatever. Who cares? Like, like that doesn't mean anything. Is this bargaining? What matters is actually me and him and others. By the way. It's not just him. It's not just me.
Unknown_09: but it's us getting on the same page and agreeing to it's not that he's not gonna attack me or like you know stop you know people on my forum from like talking shit about me that's on my forum
Does Ralph, like, inebriate himself and then, like, close his eyes and play pretend under a blanket that he runs the Kiwi Farms? I mean, he's just imagining how much love and respect he gets as the prestigious janitor-in-chief of the custodian of records for the local LLC. Is that what... Is that a Freudian slip of... That's not what it's about.
Unknown_09: That's not what it's about.
Unknown_09: But what it's about is us linking arms to stop what's about to happen. And so either he wants to do that or he doesn't want to do that.
Josh has the balls to call in whatever. I don't care. I haven't even thought about Josh. Is he in the- We're now in denial. I don't know. if he wants to come in, he can come in, but like, obviously this is complete garbage um, you know, I wish it was true um, but it's not, so Josh, come on!
Unknown_09: What, what is stopping you exactly for, for coming on? If you think you're that much like smarter than me, a very comfy goose down, do they actually Ralph?
That's what, that's the level of luxury. I am in other than you being a pussy.
Unknown_09: I mean, I'm just being honest. Like, I mean, I, you know, of course, you know what, whatever super chat I make off you, I will donate to you. This is like actual bargaining.
Unknown_04: This is like extended bargaining.
Unknown_09: We make together I will give to you. How about that?
Unknown_04: No, anger is coming. This ain't anger yet. This is just bargaining for real.
I make from you being on this show. I will give to you.
Unknown_04: Maybe it was denial at the beginning. Now we're in bargaining.
Unknown_09: But you still won't come on. I actually could say it was depression. So there's nothing stopping you right now from getting on these airwaves.
Unknown_09: and commenting like we used to do in the old days on these types of events.
By the way,
Unknown_04: I want to say that he was supposed to have a conversation with someone named Lav. It might even be Destiny's ex who has like a really skeevy reputation herself. But the woman that like leaked the cum goblin receipts was supposed to be like a guest on the show. And then I guess she saw what a fucked up clown this guy was and just bailed. So now he's just left hanging. And there's weird parts by the way, where he was like seething at Eric Trump and like screaming at him. It was very bizarre. I don't know why he hates Eric Trump so much.
Accept your ego.
Unknown_09: Accept your pride. Accept you trying to hold me down.
Unknown_09: That's the only reason you don't get on here. Accept you're trying to hold me down. Accept it's your ego.
Unknown_04: I'm trying to hold him down. I'm not gonna I saw what you did with bossman Jack Josh I saw that you talked about him on the man at their net podcast now he makes tens of thousands of dollars and now he has thousands of Subscribers and the whole websites dedicated to him. I need the Maddy bump Josh I need the Maddy bump
I got kids to feed. I got child support pay.
Unknown_04: I got Xanibars to buy. And you know for a goddamn fact, me and you would be the best ones, out of this fucking sector at least, to comment on this speech.
Unknown_09: And you won't do it because you're a pussy.
Unknown_09: Now, prove me I'm wrong.
Unknown_09: There is no excuse.
And he admitted the best dream he ever had was me, him and Nora. So like.
Unknown_04: The best dream I ever had in terms of, I don't, I mean, I really did enjoy the Cavanaugh stream. That was nice and cozy. That was like a pretty drunk Ralph. Nora was there. Nora is very nice, very easy to get along with. Um, I don't know. The stream I did with Jim was pretty good. I think a lot of people like that.
Unknown_04: I wouldn't I wouldn't it's just such a weird thing. It's so old now It's hard to like look at that and be like, yeah That was like a great particularly great stream was a fond memory of like a Ralph that is very dead at this point But it's not like the best stream ever total like horseshit.
Like I mean And until my best stream is the Channing interview But like
Unknown_09: It's just pathetic, honestly. He has no excuse not to jump on. I have not blocked him on Telegram. He can jump on anytime he wants.
Unknown_09: It's just complete trash. He's just staring at the Telegram window.
And he acts like I'm scared of him.
Unknown_09: I'm not scared of you, bitch.
Unknown_09: Jump on the air.
Unknown_09: Oh, and Alyssa Clips, hey, oh, I see you, bitch. Uh-oh, uh-oh.
Unknown_04: Warning, warning. By the way, this is another troll. Alyssa Clips is not in his fucking chat. So he got trolled by HMO116 trying to pretend to be Harry Morris before. The guy thinks, hmm, who else can I start a fight with? He logs into an account called Alyssa Clips, and now we are entering the anger phase. Whore.
See you like I don't know what it is. Ralph is like he's like so meek and mild He does like yeah, you know bish fuck you and shit, but you know, we could be bros and shit, man if you like Just like buried that hatchet shit, man. There's no reason for this. But then when like a woman is involved He's like you fucking cunt you fucking nasty used whole bitch I see you in there a cunt motherfucker. I'll kill you bish. It's just like Enraged. I don't know what women did to him, but He goes into like a psychotic megalomaniacal rant now a lot of shit For me, but I don't see you clipping out this.
Why don't you go about this? Why don't you go about this when I call you a bitch and a whore?
Unknown_09: for not actually
Unknown_09: pulling the card of josh because that's your whole main audience why don't why don't you clip this whore when i call you out bitch for not pulling his fucking card because i'm getting ready to pull your fucking card whore and yeah i'm talking to you directly
And I know you're hearing it and I hope you hear it. And if you don't hear it, I'll make sure you hear it because I will message it to you, bitch.
Unknown_09: So you have a lot of fun.
Unknown_04: At this point where you can hear Ralph typing at times, I don't know if it'll be in the clip, but he's like sending her like psychotic, enraged messages over Zitter.
Unknown_09: You know, playing games with my name and speaking ill on me as a person, et cetera. Um, but you know what?
I'm going to have a lot of fun with you motherfucker. if you don't fucking push this fucker to come on the air right now.
Unknown_09: Because if you don't push this fucker on the air right now, I'm going to DMCA every fucking clip of mine on your channel. And I'm telling you that right now.
Unknown_09: Live on air. And I don't give a fuck. Who cares about it?
Unknown_09: Get mad about it. Get mad about it, Alyssa. I'm telling you now. So just to be clear, let me boil down what he's doing.
He is extorting both of us simultaneously. Josh, either show up on my stream or I will dox Alyssa Clips. And Alyssa Clips, get Josh to show up on my stream or I will dox you. He also threatens to post revenge pornography of her. It's unclear to me. He's probably blustering, but it's like, it's unclear to me if he has that capacity, but legally speaking, it doesn't matter. As long as the threat is like credible to the person that it's issued to, that counts as extortion.
So, um, this is an actual crime that's being committed live on air on rumble, uh, which is a pretty audacious gambit.
Unknown_09: I'm going to pull every fucking card you fucking have. You better take every fucking clip of mine you have off your fucking channel right fucking now. If you don't push him to get on my channel now, now,
Unknown_09: now, not tomorrow, not next week, not fucking next month.
Fucking right. Fucking now.
Unknown_04: And he could be thinking like, okay, I mean, sure. He's being a little bit over the line, but flagging never has any excuse. Right.
Unknown_10: And if you don't think I'll do it, you, I guess you don't know me.
Unknown_09: And we've had good interactions in the past, but you know what?
The past is the past and the future is the future. And, uh, the past basically doesn't fucking exist.
Unknown_09: So, uh, matter of fact, I'm going to message that person right now. Um, I'm, I'm literally doing this right now. I'm not kidding.
Unknown_09: I'm not kidding at all.
Unknown_09: I mean, if you want to go, if you want to go full hose, no bard, like, I mean, that's okay. Like we can do that.
But I would rather you just adhere to my demand.
Unknown_04: Okay, so just to be 100% clear, that is a full articulation of the crime of extortion in no uncertain terms. Or else.
Unknown_04: You will acquiesce to my demand, or else. That is like the fucking statue. Going to take down your whole fucking channel. Period. Okay, so now.
its extortion backed by threat of flagging.
Unknown_04: And now he's just outright extorting people. Either take down or either do something that you can't even do yourself. Compel somebody on my behalf to do the thing that I want them to do or I will flag everything. That's his extortion.
because you add no commentary you have nothing there's no fair use about your channel at all all you do is clip you don't add any commentary at all and I will take down your whole fucking channel and so you know Josh the pussy who won't come on this show right now
Unknown_09: it's gonna cause you to get your whole channel taken down is what is what it's gonna cause and so you know you can make that choice on your own like I mean it's up to you if you think you can withstand that maybe you can like I mean honestly maybe they won't do anything
Unknown_09: Um, but I have a feeling, I have a feeling that they will though, is what I have a feeling.
and Alyssa is a person that I actually like is a thing and so in regards to her stream as soon as the threat is issued people contact her and Ralph I mean contacted her himself to threaten her so now that's that threat is also in writing on the platform X
Unknown_04: And she does take down all the clips that are just of his show. So any promotion for his show that's not via a lens like this is off of her clipping channel. So Ralph has no natural advertisement for his channel. He has less than before.
Unknown_04: Now, when it comes to a clip of something like this, my commentary is transformative. And therefore, even though Ralph's clip does show up in it, it's not his copyright anymore. So if she clips Mad at the Internet or Keno Casino or anything Jim does, etc.
Because of the context it's a completely different copyright and so if Ralph were to file DMCA's for those kinds of clips that would actually be DMCA fraud not like DMCA fraud actually has any punitive Statutes attached to it, so there's no point but
Unknown_04: She she can claim one of two defenses to any Clip of Ralph that is through a different stream either a And they're both applicable, but you have a checkbox when you do the form either a or b
Complainant does not have the right to submit this because he's trying to if you just ignore the fact that Ralph is in the video at all It's a it's a video that I produced so Ethan Ralph is submitting a DMCA for Josh woman content He doesn't have that right so he can't do that And option B is similar, that she has permission. I've given her explicit permission that she can post clips of my stream. So she can check the other box that she has permission to use the content, because the content is mine and I give her permission. So that's how that goes around. Though he'll probably try, because, I won't say that aloud, but he'll probably try.
Unknown_09: you know I have a folder a mile deep of course on this version but like I'm not I don't want to do that but uh take everything that has to do with me off your channel now or be subjected to um about like 50 DMCA's in the morning so
It's up to you. Well...
Unknown_09: Yeah, it's time for some assassinations, I have to say. Rhetorically speaking.
Unknown_04: Someone in the chat says, I don't want to hurt you. Yes, that's how he threatens people. He says, I don't wanna DMCA your entire channel, but that bish Doc's moon don't show up.
Future can be different than the past. that's like how he tries to vocalize his threats like, i don't want to do the bad thing, but you're forcing me by not acquiescing to my demands of course but yeah, it's about that time it's about that time it's about that time
Unknown_08: Don't worry, I still have several more to file copyright issues on.
And by the way, hey, by the way, you have no idea what I have on you and your family, and you should probably close up shop now.
Unknown_09: To be honest with you, because... I want to clarify that Ellis Eclipse has not done anything to him. He wants to be a bitch, he wants to snipe in my chat. I'm gonna close you down. Period.
Unknown_09: you're scared of all those nude shots of you all all those out there you're scared of all those shots of your family out there you're done bitch you better delete now because it's gonna get ugly
So again, he's a convicted revenge pornographer.
Unknown_09: These motherfuckers want to fuck with me. Okay. Okay. Let's go. Let's go then. Let's go then. Let's go then.
Unknown_05: Yeah, you want something? Your channel is fucking gone. I will fucking put out everything about you.
Unknown_06: Motherfucker.
I'm done.
Unknown_09: I'm done with you faggots playing both sides. Yeah, I'm done with you faggots playing both sides Yeah, give me give me everything everything everything. Oh Josh. Oh Josh you want you wanted to say face? I'm taking out your number one ally bitch.
Unknown_04: I Have no no clue whatsoever why he thinks Alyssa clips is my number one ally. Oh
Unknown_04: I like genuinely no idea where the fuck that comes from Give me everything Is Alyssa Jewish Everything I'm going to put everything about their
they've got to stop out there about you destroying our country you're worried about your kids you're worried about the nude shots you're worried about everything well i guess you shouldn't align with josh moon and kiwi farms because um i'm about to take you out a much stronger
Unknown_04: Yeah, I think, I mean, at this point, as much as I am an advocate against, like, tattling or whatever the fuck, like, there's a limit. And when you're, like, threatening people criminally like that, I don't feel bad for you.
Unknown_04: And she would be completely within her right to complain to a variety of private entities and also law enforcement at this point.
Unknown_34: Cool.
There's just a back and forth after that where... So I just called him a faggot over and over again because he kept talking about my dick.
Unknown_04: And I was just like, are you suggesting that you can fix it? Do the pig lips have the magic required to make it work? Like, what the fuck is your obsession?
Unknown_04: With my penis and he just went on and on and on and then at some point he says like at least I got two kids and I said to him in chat I said Your fatherless children will trune out when they grow up and at that point He like I and I swear I wish that this was clipped with the chat because at that point I He kind of slouches over holds his head and passes out and that and is like still for five minutes And at that point I just give up Waiting I'm sleepy. I'm comfy. So I just go to sleep So if anything happened after that, I don't know and it didn't get clipped so I'm gonna count that as a TKO in my favor I
And that's the wrap content. I hope that he will continue to pill stream. I do actually have an abundance of Reddit stuff to talk about this time, to make up for the days that I have not had Reddit stuff. Since we're talking about destiny a little bit this week, I figure some cuckolding Reddit post will be exactly what we need to cap us off. This is an rcuckoldpsychology rant about bulls and their BS. He says,
Okay, I suppose it's one specific bull, but imagine a bull that meets a hot wife, mine, if that wasn't clear, that hits all of her buttons and then is a decent enough chemistry to continue for nine months. That's a relationship at that point, brother. said bull has a breeding fetish and my wife took all the precautions to ensure safety however she recently miscarried and it wasn't mine and she's still dealing with a little bit of physical and emotional fallout i'm obviously here for her but has anyone experienced a bull with a breeding fetish that turns into a complete asshole once they have successfully bred someone. I mean, yes, not to term, but what do you expect? The man has always had communication issues, but they have been magnified, and he has seemingly been blowing off meetups that were his idea and blowing off conversations despite her saying she was struggling. When she said that he ghosted her for 36 hours, even though he just got done admitting he could do better than leaving her text and meeting... hanging in the breeze for a day or more, Honestly, who the fuck is such a goddamn pussy that they have a breeding fetish and once it fucking works they decide that now I'm a complete asshole Would any of the bulls here do this or would they actually make efforts to have a conversation about thing? This guy is like next-level fucking retard Oh, this is just a reddit drama post about it There's some comments
It's just like weirdo cucks trying to rationalize their relationship.
Unknown_04: This is the second one. I, 31F, am not comfortable with my trans wife, 33M to F, quote, breastfeeding our son, four-month male. How can we resolve this or should I just come to terms with it?
I, 31F, met with my wife, 33F, transitioned seven year old. So I guess for seven years, he's been pretending to be a woman.
Unknown_04: Five years ago. Okay, so he was trans when they met. So you're just a dumb bish. But basically is what I'm learning from this. This one sentence imparts to me one fundamental fact about your person. You are a dumb bish. We've been married for 2 years and have a 4 month old boy. Our son is biologically ours using my wife's frozen sperm. He is our only kid and everything else is going great for all 3 of us. I have recently started working again at reduced hours and she is planning to stay home for another month.
Our son has been exclusively breastfed by me since I gave birth.
Unknown_04: Since two weeks after he was born, my wife started complaining that watching me breastfeed was making her dysphoric as she could not do the same. I tried to be understanding as this must be very difficult, but I admittedly didn't change my behavior. My wife didn't ask me to stop breastfeeding or pumping in front of her, and I don't think that would have been a reasonable request.
Unknown_04: She's brought it up many times since then, and I've started feeling frustrated as I feel there's an implication that I should feel bad about being able to breastfeed. However, she's never said this outright, so I don't know. I don't know if that's a fair detail to include. Every time she brings it up, I try to be sympathetic, but as she acknowledged that there's nothing we can do, we continue what we were doing. Fast forward yesterday, I came home and saw my wife breastfeeding our son.
She had both top and bottom surgery, but does not produce milk.
Unknown_04: I admit my initial reaction was of shock, which I regret. I asked what she was doing, and she said that she was breastfeeding our son. We had a long conversation, and she asked me directly if I was uncomfortable with her doing this, and I admitted that I was. She asked me why, and I said I did not know. She yelled at me quite a bit after putting our son in his crib upstairs about how she would never have expected me to say something so transphobic that, quote,
It's messed up that I choose to wait until after we were married and have a kid to show my true self. I thought that this was needlessly hurtful, and I cried quite a lot after she said this. We agreed to pause the combo and we have had a more relaxed discussion this morning.
Unknown_04: This conversation was not particularly productive. She asked why I was uncomfortable and I said I did not know. But I felt like it was not fair to have our son to have him expect to be breastfed but not actually receive any milk. That's very true. Like.
From my understanding, breastfeeding is actually very difficult. There's a whole process to it where babies sometimes have difficulty latching. And because, like, the milk jugs are, like, physically attached to the body of the mother, they're not portable. You can't have someone else do it for you. Like, there's a logistical constraint to it that complicates the actual physical process of extracting breast milk. So it's difficult for babies to breastfeed. So it's probably psychologically damaging. It could be. I wouldn't be surprised to have a child that can breastfeed adequately from one parent, then breastfeed and latch from a male that has no milk. So the baby is struggling to feed itself. from a nipple that cannot possibly produce the breast milk. So even excluding the weirdness of the autogenophile having an infant suckle on his male nipple, just the psychological impact that it probably has on a child at that developing age is probably pretty severe and probably very difficult to measure and understand.
She said that pacifiers do the same thing, but I am not comfortable with those. And to be honest, that's a good point.
Unknown_04: That's a pretty good point. I mean, it is comforting to the baby to have the pacifier.
Unknown_04: Babies do fall asleep breastfeeding. I don't know that's I mean I will yield that is a decent point She said that there is no reason I mean that it's still fucking weird for all the other reasons But as far as like does it have an impact on the development of the baby to suckle without milk. Mmm I can I can I will concede that I have no evidence of that and it's just intuition, but I could be wrong
She said there was no reason for me to be uncomfortable with this other than transphobia as it implied that I didn't think her dysphoria was sufficient justification to breastfeed. Honestly, it's really not.
Unknown_04: It's like, if you are an infertile woman who wants children, it's also unreasonable to get upset that people you know have kids. You can't force people to do things to make you more comfortable. It's inherently unreasonable. You can't tell your cousin or whatever
Unknown_04: to never let their children be anywhere near you because you have an issue with not having kids. That's an unreasonable request. It's fundamentally not correct, not justifiable.
Honestly, I'm not sure where to go from here. I am still very uncomfortable with it, but as I mentioned, I don't know why. How should I handle this? Please help. Too long, didn't read. I'm feeling uncomfortable with my wife breastfeeding our son, but I don't know why. I can answer this. The deep animalistic part of your brain that sits nestled to the brain stem, as it was one of the first things evolutionarily developed, is screaming at you at the top of its lungs that you are in mortal danger. The uncanny valley of seeing like a creepy like monster holding a child is something that's just not right. It's so obvious to your mind's eye that it screams at you. And yet you have trained and conditioned yourself over a decade deliberately to ignore this very basic, very human, very primitive part of you that knows that something is wrong.
that's that's the issue run that's right run bitch run reminds me of that eminem song buffalo bill buffalo bill you don't want to know what goes up in those hills up in those hills it's from the album elevator i think or relapse
Um, which is one of his worst albums.
Unknown_04: Oh, that's, that's the, the outro song. Spoiler alert.
Unknown_04: Um, okay. I think that's it. I think I'm going to call it quits there. Thank you for listening. I hope you guys have a wonderful, uh, Friday. I will see you guys on Tuesday. And if you think around, I appreciate it. I will down do the super berries. And as I mentioned, I have a very special surprise outro song in honor of the carpet cleaner destiny.
Oh Shusky's to for two says James Stefani sterling has dropped below 750 K subs can't wait for the final In his audience alienation trilogy in your stream about it Gersh, bro.
Unknown_04: I can't wait I think that it's probably gonna slow down over time, but I would love to see him drop over under 700
Unknown_04: No, he might do a seven 50, uh, sub sub video as well. If he's impatient, if he does a seven 51, I promise I'll do a special stream for that.
Unknown_04: Uh, Josh, our groundless wonder for Jim says, Josh, when you were comparing Nick's last stream, you accidentally invented a tasty treat. Oh God. I don't know what the fuck that means. Um, I would put avocado under the Oreo.
Bro, it's those fucking kids and their avocado Oreos. That's why I can't afford a house these days. It's so decadent.
Unknown_04: I love how fancy that looks too, the little mint leaf on top. That's bougie.
Unknown_04: Thank you. Cole Cole for six says, please read 27 to 29 to finish the chapter. And then there's the book of Enoch chapter 10.
Unknown_04: The earth shall be cleansed from all corruption, from every crime, from all punishment, from all suffering. Neither I again send a deluge upon it generation to generation forever. In those days I will open the treasures of blessing which are in heaven that I may cause them to descend upon earth and upon all the works and labor of man. Peace and equity shall associate with the sons of men all the days of the world and every generation of it. There you go.
Real Adonai for five says, Hey Josh, do you know what makes this money so special? It's from my stipend. So it's unmolested by the IRS. It's pure and innocent. Please use it to buy pizza. Oh, for sure, bro. Hankering for it today. Today's a pizza day for sure.
Unknown_04: Thank you. Uh, Tetra backs for $10 says no unattended upgrades available for gen two rip in peace. Um, I'm sure they have an equivalent of that. I would hope so. It seems like a pretty important package to have.
Thank you. Lucifer 210410 says this is fire and there is a YouTube link Perhaps to a picture of fire perhaps the music we will see This is called pimp Zillow He comes from the ocean like a hurricane Sets the ground in motion, bitch, you're gonna feel the pain He swings that pimp hand at night
Unknown_04: I like how he's destroying the IRS. That's based. I like all the Japanese people screaming though. Japanese IRS people running away.
This channel, by the way, is dedicated to making like fake 1970s music on like fake vinyl. It's pretty funny.
Unknown_04: Thank you. Kiwi friend for once says, Chief Jani Gersh, I need to correct your guess about my dog's breed. She is not a snickerdoodle, that's a cookie, but an Airedale Terrier. Go look up some puppies, they're cute. Snickerdoodle's a thing, isn't it?
Am I confusing dog breeds with cookies? I mean, all those poodles look like fried chicken anyway, so it's not that big of a distinction.
Unknown_04: Thank you. stalker child enjoy prison pretenses the hulkster is suplexing the dnc like he's back in madison square garden bro i like how um just a little bit of a backstory on this on the kiwi farms there's a user called hollywood hulk hogan he used to go by just hulk hogan but for some reason he changed it oh Because in the old days, before I even hosted the forum, Hulk Hogan is one of the oldest users on the website. He's been around for a long time. And he used to post 100% in person, like doing Hulkamania, like Hulkamaniac stuff. Like that's just how he would post.
Eventually, he got tired of doing this, so he asked to be renamed to Hollywood Hulk Hogan so he could post out a character, which I granted. So now he's known colloquially on the site as HHH.
Unknown_04: And he is from a bygone era of the Queequee forums where people were very, I wouldn't say progressive, but they were more, it was more evenly split between traditional Democrat voters and traditional Republican voters. In fact, I would probably say Republicans were like in the minority.
So I give this guy immense leeway in pissing people off, especially in the politics board, because as far as I'm concerned, everybody in the politics board is a new fag compared to this guy who was around before even I was. So I let him get away with a lot, a lot that I probably wouldn't let other people get away with.
Unknown_04: But as a result because he's very antagonistic towards conservative posters on the site he He gets in a lot of slap fights and when like Hulk Hogan shows up at the RNC he's tagged like a thousand times by like every every like an H poster on the entire site and to say like we love this i can't believe your vote supporting trump like just teasing him because his name is hulk hogan um i i i personally did this i left a shit post on his profile because it was funny to me uh that's the first thing i thought of when i saw hulk hogan on stage i'm like i bet you the ann posters are giving hhh uh shit for this right now and sure enough they were and i'm glad they meet my expectations sometimes
HHH Triple H. Yes, Triple H. HHH.
Unknown_04: Oh, thank you. Aryan Queen Generator for five says, did you see that Ralph was also threatening Alyssa Clips? And did you see that Alyssa is having technical issues and could not use some donations to continue to make Nick see? I wish her a million dollars. Obviously I did see that. Um, I had heard that her car broke down or something. Um, but that's it. I don't know the details on that.
Unknown_04: Tetrabacks410 says, CrowdStrike had a similar fail update for Linux a few years ago too. I did not know that CrowdStrike was on Linux. Why the fuck would you need that?
Thank you. It's me didn't feed in for two says in Taiwan The only civilians allowed to own dangerous makeshift firearms are indigenous hunters for ritual hunting Also, little of it became a gross training in the u.s. Don't fling your shit back. Sorry, bro. He's got to go back You're gonna have to you're gonna have to Let the the DACA people eat them or some shit I don't know you have to figure out what you're gonna do with that, but he's not he has to go back
Unknown_04: Philanthia for five he was by the way an underage boy prostitute in Taiwan So I'm gonna say that the root cause is your fault. You stuck your peepee in it. You gotta own it now Philanthia for five says well in the previous chats. I have been frustrated that my tools at work are not working today They are weird. Enjoy your pizza, bro
Well, I have a magical aura that fixes technology. Believe it or not, if anyone ever asks me a tech issue and I just walk over and touch it, it instantly starts working every time. And they're always so frustrated. So I now believe in my aura. It just doesn't work for me, is the issue.
Gormless wonder for one says do you think dog with the butter is a cut from a longer line done with the butter on them? Or do you believe that the gentleman under both lines separately? Oh, it's it's it's definitely it's completely different the way he says it
Unknown_04: Twinkleguard for $100 says, hi, sir. I want to ask your audience to keep supporting you and the farms I plan on helping out in new ways. You are one of the few keeping real free speech alive on the lowercase i, uppercase everything else, internet. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it very much.
Unknown_04: Yes, everyone give me superchats.
Unknown_04: Thank you.
Unknown_04: Docsfound for $5 says, There is currently only a 50% chance of Biden winning the 2024 election on my betting site. Do you think it's a safe bet they'll run Biden even if he's in a coma and steal it again like in 2020? My personal opinion at this point in time is that
They are not going to invest any more energy into winning. I think that the assassination attempt failing assures Trump a landslide victory, and they're not gonna risk it. They're not gonna risk any party infighting. They're gonna put Biden up. They're gonna lose, but they're not gonna try to rig it at this point, because they know.
If they were to rig it now, try to rig it, they would still lose, and then they would have evidence of voting fraud.
Unknown_04: In the best case scenario for them at that point, it would only cause voting reform. In the worst case scenario, you would have a bunch of people going to jail. I think they're just going to let them win at this point.
Unknown_04: That's my opinion.
They're going to let him win, and they're going to try to reign him in as they did before. Trump surrounded himself with the biggest faggot retards in politics in this first term. I made the joke before, but I'll make it again. It's like Gladys in The End of Portal 2, where they had to put retard spheres on her to shut her down. They're going to do it again. They're going to load Donald Trump up with big retard spheres, Israel spheres, homosexual drag queen spheres, and it's just going to be a huge disappointment, exactly like last time. But I mean, there are some benefits to having him in office.
Unknown_04: In particular, Biden's judicial appointments are the biggest retards on the bench right now.
Girlfriend have her for 20 says the Dems cannot afford to have a real primary while Israel is still causing splits between the Browns and the establishment DNC That's a good point. I agree Thank you Sushi keys for two says the only reason why Biden clings to his position is to grant immunity and pardon for him and his group family after all the shit They start across the world mainly Ukraine and China hunters crimes.
Unknown_04: I Mean Trump didn't do anything to Clinton last time. I
Unknown_04: No one's going to happen. They don't, you don't want to, I mean, I don't know. They did fuck with Trump for real. I was going to say, you don't want to open the can of worms or you try to imprison your political opponents, but I guess they kind of opened that.
Rand away we go for five says here's how to hug Indian children use massive amounts of her breeze gross Stop for breezing Indian children. They don't appreciate it Casting couch grab pretenses. I am the Goblin King and I formally denounce a doush. I'm talking about destiny. He's the cum Goblin I Think it beat blue provides us the factory I work in has a logo with an arm It was recently renovated into now the arm appears black at night and white during the day. I
Unknown_04: That's informative. That's interesting. Do you work at Arm & Hammer? You making bacon soda, motherfucker? Keeping fridges nice and crisp?
Unknown_04: Fake Soda for 5 says, don't think I'm too fond of this Israel fella everyone keeps talking about. Bro, if only you knew. If only you knew.
Luciferu21041 says, Florentiz will censor anyone who slanders Catboys. He'll censor a lot more than that.
Unknown_04: Nick's a little guy, he's got a lot of big fears. Pashina Hamham or Pashmina Hamham for five says, you call yourself a racist podcaster yet you barely talk about gypsies and how awful they are. How come I live in the middle of nowhere, Patagonia, and I still have to deal with gypsies pestering me for money?
Unknown_04: Think the it's you don't have like it's not an unpopular position like even Like the like Germans hate gypsies they hate gypsies and everyone hates gypsies because they abuse children like abusing children is just like their family business and it's disgusting and like I don't know how the fuck they've they've survived for the current year because they're like a blight and
And whenever they try to crop up in an anti-racist movement, the Roma people are so discriminated against. Everyone just rolls their eyes.
Unknown_04: The gypsy fatigue is a built-in thing. It's genetically predisposed in the hearts of European people.
Unknown_04: Umtimadu, for $1, says, I'm inclined to say that only publicly traded companies should be legally compelled to be politically neutral. Private companies should be free. That said, I'm interested in counter-argument. I'm not talking about legally. I mean that if, like, it should be where if a company steps up and says, I'm actually sweaty, how the society actually could work. I think that, like, both sides of the political aisle should just shit down their throat as violently as possible to the point where they learn to shut the fuck up. A company should be terrified of supporting anything, any kind of political movement. They should be terrified of it. I'm not talking about forcing them to. I'm saying that that should be the zeitgeist of society.
Jackman245410 says, I love you, Joshua Moon. Merry pizza day. Keep the slice in your back pocket for a rainy day. Can't believe what Keffels did. Make sure to keep that beast in check.
Unknown_04: Bro, I will make sure every day I'll open the Keffels to make sure that I can see if there's some way I can fuck with him.
Thank you. Humble Guardsman410 says, YouTube link. Oh boy, my favorite.
Unknown_34: Let's see.
Unknown_33: God with us stands on the belt buckle of the German soldier.
Unknown_29: Yes, and God is with us.
Unknown_23: In fact, I didn't even notice it.
Unknown_29: Because there is no better task than to defend the evening Christian values against Eastern Bolshevism.
A weird clip. Never even heard of this movie. Stalingrad? Interesting.
Unknown_04: I have no idea why he sent this, but I don't know. That was a very weird German accent, by the way. I wonder where he's from. I wonder if that's supposed to be like a Prussian accent.
Boxer for five says, first time catching the show live due to work shut down. Crazy how the uppercase I internet can completely lock down a auto mechanic shop. Y2K is real bro.
Unknown_04: Bro when they figure out how to hack like all these Microsoft systems. There's a big Thing that happened also recently where like a random company bought out like a JavaScript library and like Replace the JavaScript files that they distribute with like malware. So there was a huge open source like JavaScript library and then some company bought it and
and just redistributed malware.
Unknown_36: It's like, you know, we're realizing the vulnerabilities of the open source stack and computer updates in general.
Unknown_04: Stato for one says this Nika got so fat and then there is a cat box file and we'll see what that is.
Unknown_04: It's a picture of Blow Blacks, who is cattle, who I can legally kill and eat because he's not a real person, he's just a cow.
Thank you. Cino for one says, the 777 reminds me of Gamba. Bro, Gamba is... I don't know how to reply to that.
Unknown_04: Gamble idiots. Bunker Housing for five says, so what's up with Destiny? Has he also destroyed his brain with drugs like Rikado or do you think it's a psychological episode? I think that he's not as smart as he thinks he is, and I think he probably does a lot too much drugs, and he's a retard.
Unknown_04: Basically. And he's a cuck.
Unknown_04: Uh, FigZoto5 says, don't think I'm too fond of this Satan fella everyone keeps talking about.
I think Satan and Israel know each other. I think that other guy had a point.
Unknown_04: Schneedberg Stein Goldman for 20 says, happy pizza day, rip Windows OS. Thank you very much, I appreciate it. Happy pizza day to you too, rip my win bros.
Unknown_04: Just so you know, every stream while I do these, I'm encumbered by a little sticker on my Windows that says,
Unknown_04: Activata Vindovs. Go to settings to Activata Vindovs. I don't know what that means. If anyone knows, let me know. I can't decipher it. I'm not that good at computers.
Sneato for Tim says, this is how I imagine Josh on a Friday. Is it going to be somebody eating pizza?
Unknown_04: It is a picture of me, AI to include pizza.
Unknown_04: Yeah, that's pretty accurate. I like that it keeps his mouth closed. That's, that's accurate.
Unknown_04: It's pretty good. I hope that's not pineapple on that pizza. There'll be extra cheese.
Unknown_04: Uh, thank you. Haramberger Fertiz says, when you look up Genshin Impact Hoyaverse on stream, your search bar for an instant revealed your only, your recent Chantal searches and peanut butter feeding recipes. Repent, Lord King, and do some sit-ups.
I don't think that's accurate.
Unknown_04: Nice try, though. Fig Soda for one says, what are melanin?
Unknown_04: Finally, what are melaninium?
Unknown_04: Space Allen for 20 says, ham jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it.
Unknown_04: Maru Q for one says don't know if it's been mentioned But JD Vance is the senator that the Ukraine shrewd threatened and got slapped for he's also young as fuck at 39 And he loves for Jeets. I don't know. I guess that kind of evens it out No, I did not occur to me. That was the same one that the coach red pill tranny went after I
Haramberger produces a link to 4chan's automotive board and I see a but a dog chirp tips are tax-free Horse divorce. I'm gonna fuck it. I'm gonna fuck a dude rats. I be jams chirp. Very cool. Thank you Haramberger And Mary burger. This is a different burger for one says neurotic troon thinks mom is abusive many such cases Yeah, that's true
Yeah, part of the reason why they do kernel updates is because they have an antivirus suite and they are supposed to be like stopping ransomware and shit.
Unknown_04: But yeah.
Unknown_04: Um, sorry. I guess that you're, I guess you're right. I got confused.
Unknown_04: They do kernel updates for the antivirus shit and their antivirus kernel update just bricked a bunch of computers.
Unknown_04: Thank you. Bunker housing for two. I've worked with Pageats and I can tell you the Pageat factor is very high. Once the first line support did not tell a user who had run an attachment to turn off his computer, then blamed user.
My bitch, I told you to not turn off your computer. Do not turn off your computer. Why have you turned off your computer? My bitch, I am trying to help you redeem your Bitcoin, and yet you have turned off your computer. Are you mad? Are you mad, woman? Are you mad?
Unknown_04: Thank you. Round away we go, for three says, well played with the supposed muting, jersh. Well memed, have some pizza. No, I just fuck up constantly, bro.
He did leave, for one says, awesome mute moment, amigo. Use this dollar to save up for getting a light to physically, if I let up physical mute button on Amazon or something. I tried to buy one and build my own and then drop Kiwi Farms happened and then I never got to finish it.
Unknown_04: Supreme me for two says, I will send one of these lights to your PO box. Will you use it?
Unknown_04: Angry audio.com slash studio signal light.
The issue is that it has to sync up with OBS because I meet myself on OBS and not, Ooh, these are cool.
Unknown_34: Does it work with OBS?
Unknown_34: It doesn't work with OBS. It has a gadget.
Unknown_02: No, dude, you have to, like, assemble this. It doesn't, like, sync into OBS.
Unknown_34: I'd still have to write software for it.
Unknown_34: It doesn't seem like it would work, bro, for what I'm trying to do.
If you find something that natively works with OBS, I'll use it.
Unknown_04: Redbeard Ward for five says please pull your audience. How many think President Trump's swing a snazzy tip was a hoax a millage on ears Okay Hoax question mark vote one for yes Vote two for no great poll Okay, I'll check back in a second Sneak cricket for $20 says rumble is shit and then links to a YouTube video my favorite.
Unknown_34: Oh
Grab the Apache. Let's go.
Unknown_00: Yeah, I have my my joystick here. I can fly.
Unknown_14: Okay, good.
Unknown_14: Or like the physics. Now I know 100% you're not playing Terraria.
Unknown_12: What? Why do you fucking care? So you're admitting that you're harassing me?
Unknown_00: So you're admitting that you're being a giant dick? Hey, hey, calm down.
Calm down. Why?
Unknown_00: I'm not being a jerk. I'm playing Terraria. There is no update.
Unknown_20: Nothing you can do that will get an Apache in Terraria.
Unknown_27: No, it's got really good physics.
Unknown_20: Can you calm down? He's really upset. Terraria.
That's an old video. It's an autistic kid having a meltdown because they weren't playing Terraria in the Terraria voice channel. So they just lied and said they were, and then they were like talking about Apache helicopters. Steven Rith, everyone says, Almighty Fag is still seething at you from a bridge burning with Kersha even though you didn't call her a pedo even, and he admitted he didn't watch your stream.
Unknown_04: Isn't this guy like a big YouTuber?
Unknown_04: To be clear, I have found nothing about the performer for Kershaw. There's still lots of stuff about Pippa I am not okay with. I will reserve judgment just to be kind, needlessly overly kind. Whatever the almighty Lolly is freaking out about, I have no fucking idea. I don't know why he wants my attention so bad.
No, I haven't seen anything besides your super chats about him.
Unknown_04: 11th circuit for one says please make sure all hamsters involved with the production of money are paid appropriately They need money to afford their hobbies. And then there is a cat box file, which I assume is gonna be a hamster doing something Is a hamster collecting coins and that's actually extremely cute oh By the way, since apparently there's lots of people who listen to my streams from Taiwan Let me find this real quick
They call this the Fat Man. If you have one of these Fat Man silver coins, send this to my P.O. Box. Someone was very kind, and I mentioned this on the stream I think, but someone was very kind and sent me a bunch of Slovak silver coins, and then even some guy sent me a couple New Zealand silver coins.
Unknown_04: I would love to have have this It's just so cool. There's not unfortunately, there's not too much Chinese silver currency in the contemporary era because obviously they were Occupied had a war and then became communist. So there's like a Not quite an abundance of Chinese silver, but there's this and then there's also um, let me find this real quick
this thing this thing is real fucking cool i don't know if this is really expensive though um i've seen like chinese influencers um show this off so this might be like a super super expensive design i love the the cool fucking asterisk so if you're taiwanese and you have that send that to me please
Kiwi friend for one says your IRS illegal income location is schedule one line 8z. You're just supposed to label it as other income This is the official ruling for illegal income. Yeah, that's what I said. I said you're supposed to just listen as other income. I'm pretty sure Thank you IRS Red eyes black dragon for five says hey Josh. I ran out of questions about water burgers. I had nothing happy baller pizza Friday Have a good one. Thank you. I appreciate it very much
Unknown_04: At least we have peanut butter for five says everyone historically north of the 35 35th parallel 35 Degree north is essentially a white. This is why we can't get along. We can get along with Japs Koreans and some Chinese. What about Inuits? Huh? Explain yourself. Can we get along with the cam chill odds? Uh, and the, uh, Inuit people, does that answer? Is that accurate still?
Blorp bloop for ten says drink to your health and ate a Latvian margarita pizza in your honor. Happy pizza day Thank you. Appreciate it. Enjoy your margarita pizza margarita is a good option. Don't be ashamed. It's not fancy
Unknown_04: Grousing for four says regarding games to play. There's a DLC to alt to oxygen not included Also, you can check out RNG hell and sword in the store stars the pit. I've never heard of that I'm not in the mood for like a puzzle game or like a Management game. I got my got my management fix playing that Soviet Republic game It's like I got bored of it when I could figure out how to set up like an asphalt factory and brick factory from a gravel and coal pit next to each other and And then after that, I got bored.
I got bored because it's very difficult to give people jobs. I don't know why. There should be shift management and people should have reliable assignments instead of people randomly just being bused around to different work every day. That kind of killed it for me.
Once I got the Asphalt Factory set up, I was happy.
Unknown_04: Sneadberg Stein Goldman for 10 says, would you ever love Super Chatters even if they're worms?
Unknown_04: Sure. Why not? What's wrong with worms? Worms are good for soil. Thank you. Love your housing for two says, Hey, weight loss is good stuff. Is there any weight loss thread you recommend? I think that there's a weight loss support thread and in the health and fitness board. Um, and try there there's the self-sufficiency board, which is awesome.
ZentSuppa for one says, damn Josh, you love giving head, huh? I don't know what the fuck that means. Tetraback, oh, I think he's, it's just like, cause I read the Destiny tweets.
Unknown_04: Tetrabacks for 20 says, all the time in the world, Ralph in his head. And then there is a YouTube link.
Unknown_04: And this is supposed to be Ralph in reality.
Unknown_33: If I could leave you with any wisdom, it'd be black out more during the times that you're alive so that you don't remember the life that you have.
Unknown_04: That's pretty accurate. That's pretty Ralph Hamale.
Unknown_04: Thank you. Crispy legs for five says happy Friday. How much has the heat made you want to die this week?
Unknown_04: Um, I mean, it's, it's pretty fucking hot.
Unknown_04: It's like almost a hundred. I want to say at some point in the last week.
Unknown_04: Pretty bad.
Unknown_04: Asa speds for 20 says wasn't the start of guns beef the sacrifice him to the corn comment. Yeah. Yeah That was a long time ago. He got pissy again after the Nick Fuentes thing And I don't remember why Thank you, though Near KF for two says you could accept his invitation making him feel like he scored another exclusive interview But you can just call him fat after entering and leaving surprise more people didn't do that I thought about it, but then I'd have to get out of bed, and I decided against it I could just accept his invite and set a date and then not show Do people I don't want to say that I Had a funny thought but I decided against it I
Logistical nightmare for five says you talked at length about your plan for Jim potatoes any plan to produce to be grown from Ralph's remains Or is that too much of a biohazard concern to grow anything a little fit for human consumption, bro Ralph isn't good for anything I don't know you can compost them but Jim potatoes. Those are those are good pickings right there
Unknown_04: Her on burger produces top three segments in this stream the Irish cinematic Keffel verse the Genshin civil rights movement and finally Ralph a mania Order that extra pepperoni on me. It kind of the curls into little cups. Ooh, and then the fat collects in the cup good thinking
Unknown_04: Thank you. By the way, regarding games to play, No Man's Sky dropped a huge cosmetic update. I was actually thinking of trying No Man's Sky again. I was really debating it. It's a big file download, so I couldn't do it willy-nilly. I just want to pop heads. I want to pop like... Want to like snipe people but like I don't know I didn't enjoy the gunplay in Rainbow six Team Fortress 2 can be a little bit frustrating sometimes I was thinking destiny because the hitboxes are but the other thing is that my Ping is fucked up like starlings ping for gaming is really weird and I always feel like I'm missing good hits But with destiny it's like local hitbox detection I was thinking maybe I do like that or a warframe or something I
But I don't know, Destiny is like 128 gigabytes and I don't know, every time I've tried to play Destiny I got bored of it really fast.
Unknown_04: Drew B82 produces African Josh. How much spice can you handle in cuisine is traditional Indian cooking too much or just right when I live in Australia? I had spicy lamb Vindaloo a lot.
Unknown_04: I Couldn't handle it, but I did eat it All right, that's it no more superchats, please I'm closing it out the guy asked me to make a poll about if the Trump assassination was a hoax and the vote ended up with
Unknown_04: Uh, 34 participants, six said yes, 28 said no. So only 15% of people believed that it was a hoax or voted no for whatever reason.
Um, on that note, take it easy. See you guys on Tuesday and bye bye. I kind of don't want to add a hamster to the song, but I can't not add a hamster.
Unknown_34: This is a really gross song by the way.
Why I am the way that I am and why I like what I like, you have to know me as a person. I'm breaking down for ya. Right now. Cracked smoke, rum and coke in my home. Usually there's about a hundred folks in one fat show with a dumbass show, but they ain't here to see Matt no more.
Unknown_18: One of them squeezing my girl's left titty. One of them's traveling to G-Spot City. One of them's got his hands way up in her shitty.
Unknown_18: care of. I'm a degenerate cuck. Look at these black gentlemen ramming their black genitals in my butt. I still got medical problems from when Medicare dropped the ballot of the hut. Nigger, what am I just supposed to sit here and watch the damn Sasquatch put his fat lips to her crotch? Oh, you fucking black bastard. Bastard. He's having a munch. She's a bastard. But if that's what she wants, then I guess that's what she
A little bit of fun clean up for me when it's time of the month I guess that's why she calls me a blood-sucking cunt I just do what she says, sit at the foot of the bed While she's giving some magnificent head-to-head She's got her headphones on, legs wide open Getting off, listening to Jabba the Hutt He's getting ready to nut, I'm getting ready to wipe clean It's probably going to be in her snatch, most likely But it might be in her mouth or her feet Tyrone going for a world record release I love the way you look and the way you smell the way you shake that shit, girl Make it swell from the way you walk to death that you've been spreading that footage.
Don't make his dick get bigger, baby. Fuck that nigga. Cock this fat nigga. And get two fucking kids outta that nigga. Always the girlfriend, never the wife. Now she's sending me out, knowing I'll get coronavirus and die. Dumb faggot. Get out there and just socialize and start spreading that shit. Yeah, spread your lies. Goddamnit, why? Don't you realize even J Christ wants to put an end to your life? His job is to get in between these thighs. Your job is to deliver that egg fried rice and shut your fat diabetic mouth. Only open it up when you know what you're doing. Talking about you, you know how pathetic you sound. Damn, I'm out of rubbers. Why don't you walk into town? Got an African at one, Puerto Rican at two. Your next kid will probably be a mix of the two. He might come out one-third Mexican too. The most traumatized kid in the school. Your daddy's nothing but a spineless bitch terrified of vaginas. Giving me nightmares as I was about to sleep. Then Tyrone let out the fucking beast. I love the way you look and the way you smell.
This is what reminded me of Destiny by the way. I like the idea of calling him the steam cleaner.
I don't mean actually fuck me Boogie is a cuck, Destiny is a cuck, Net Drago is a cuck, iDubbbz is a cuck