uh 0:01:48 Unknown_04: I enjoy music which encompanies weapon reloading sounds into the score. It works out really well. In case you're curious, it's Mastering How to Land by Blockhead, which I played quite a few pieces from Blockhead. I don't know, I just like them. Unknown_04: I was going to start this off with a stream snipe, but unfortunately she just ended right before the stream was to begin. So I'll just recap it real quick. This black quain decided that she was going to bump her subcub out. 0:02:29 Unknown_04: club out to 20,000 from a mere 17,000 and She's gonna do this by streaming for however long it took to accomplish this so she Streamed for like 19 fucking hours straight just sitting on her bed writing out names However, I'd like to take you out to towards the end I'm just gonna play a couple seconds of this. Yeah, we're gonna see what her content is like Unknown_04: Lots of clapping. 19 hours just writing names on a piece of paper on her bed with an active live chat and nobody, not a single person in her audience let her know. Hi, Aaron. 0:03:23 Unknown_17: Welcome back, Aaron. Unknown_17: I haven't seen you in a minute. I haven't seen some of you guys in a minute. Unknown_04: I'm going to play into the next one. Unknown_04: It's like every 60 seconds tops. So she sits here for 19 fucking hours straight hearing this chirp every 60 seconds. And she just, she can't hear it. She can't hear it at all. It's completely emitted from her brain and her audience can't hear it either. Unknown_17: Isn't that weird chat? 0:03:54 Unknown_04: Amazing Mike. Unknown_13: Mike's is okay. Unknown_13: I can never tell if people are just fucking full of shit anymore. Unknown_04: There's like nobody I can rely on to give quality feedback. So if it's just like, I don't know, and people will like just lie and like lie together. So is this better? I unplugged it and I plugged it back in. Okay. 0:04:29 Unknown_13: Okay. I'm assuming that this is done and I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna fuck with the mic anymore. Unknown_04: Kotaku, Kataku, Vice, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and Refinery29 are all, are all shutting down. So, apparently people were just lying, so I should just ignore any fucking input regarding the fucking microphone at this point. 0:05:07 Unknown_04: Should surprise nobody. Why are they lined up? I heard that the, uh, this is the senior editor, Alyssa Mercanti. Lash is out. And I think that she's not related. I'm assuming that this, oh, that is her. Unknown_04: That's just her with like the most retarded haircut in the world. Like she walked into a barber shop and was like, I want to look like an elderly Jewish woman. How do I accomplish that? And they're like, well, you got to have these bright orange, completely inappropriate indoor sunglasses. You need the biggest hoop earrings that you can find. And your curly Jewish hair needs to be as short as possible. And then she's just like, yeah, that works for me. 0:05:39 Unknown_04: Oh my god, everything in Western media is so fucking ugly. Look at all these people. Look at all that sewage, sludge, tinge, everything. I want my media to look like I'm watching it from a dirty webcam inside a sewer. Unknown_04: I want black people samurais eviscerating. Apparently, by the way, this is all fake. Someone did a whole, a whole spurg out saying that the, um, the black Yasuke samurai is apparently a meme. Like someone literally just edited this into Wikipedia, uh, without any factual basis into it whatsoever. And, uh, everyone just believes it. 0:06:13 Unknown_04: Okay, Alyssa says this, sending solidarity and love to the amazing writers at Kotaku AU and all the other sites affected. You're all stars and deserved better. Capitalism is cruel. Your work remains always. I'm curious, during the feudal era and during agrarianism, did we have any like journalists that like journos scribe shit into rocks and then like transport them between settlements? 0:06:47 Unknown_04: Like, we had town criers and people that were delivering messages on behalf of kings, but they were all paid. We didn't really have journalists until we had capitalism, and then we could have bullshit fucking jobs like that, but no, capitalism was cruel. I remember, actually, I visited post-Soviet states, right? I lived in post-Soviet states, and you would be surprised at the thriving journalistic outlets that existed in the Soviet Union, and in China, and in North Korea, all these places where journalism is at its best than it ever has been. 0:07:19 Unknown_04: The lowercase i internet and the rats infesting it are even crueler. But a reminder, sharing for good people losing their jobs while men get rich off their labor is morally bankrupt. And by the way, I hate that I even have to say this, but let's stop the reactionary ride before it gains speed. We are not affiliated with Kotaku AU. We don't share anything except the love for games and good reporting. 0:07:57 Unknown_04: Actually, I will be happy that you lost your job. Learn the fucking code. Actually don't learn the code You probably suck at that. You're just gonna be like a Liz Fong Jones I'm scrolling. I'm reading the headline and I'm scrolling for the screenshots. That's what I'm doing here Oops website not. Oh, this is the woman or whatever the thing that was happy when Wix took down the 0:08:31 Unknown_04: The Sweet Baby Inc. thing. This is a great precedent, a great sign that there are people in places on the lowercase i internet who know targeted harassment and cyberbullying when they see it. If you're a grown woman, if you're a 45 year old Jewish woman and you're crying about cyberbullying, you're fucking emotionally stunted. You belong in like a psych ward. Unknown_04: You have no idea what journalism is. Your websites look like they're from 2001. Oh, your website looks outdated. Bam. Everyone knows that journalism is like 99% your WordPress theme and 1% the words written fucking on them. Genius. Fucking 1 million IQ take here from this journal. 0:09:04 Unknown_04: They're riddled with typos. You... And by the way, if you're ESL, just don't even fucking bother. Go back to your Ooga Booga cave in Africa, or your swamp in the Amazons. Don't even fucking bother writing for the high English speakers. If you're some kind of quote-unquote journo with a shitty Wix site, And you don't even speak proper English, motherfucker. Your ideas aren't important. We're journalists. We know what real ideas are. And we don't want to hear your fucking caveman paintings and tribal chants from the southern hemisphere. Fuck off with you. 0:09:35 Unknown_04: You have a lowercase i internet connection, which one? Which internet are they connected to, I wonder? And a webcam and you think you have something worthy to say, you don't. Unknown_04: We could set my Nana up with a Razer Kayo in her care home and she'd make more coherent shit. She probably would make more coherent shit. She and Joe Biden are cooking up a storm together. It's a shame that private equity and Google have gutted legacy media sites and the stupidest, cruelest people in the world are rushing to fill in the gaps. 0:10:11 Unknown_04: That's awesome. Suffer. You freak. Look at this fucking Digenic. Digenic. Is that the right word? Disgenic? Unknown_04: Mongoloid. Unknown_04: Actually, I work for a real publican. I work for... What does she work for? Unknown_04: Kotaku senior Alyssa McCann. So she does work for Kotaku. She just doesn't work for the Australian one Okay, so she works for Kotaku and she she works for Kotaku and she thinks she's like a real journalist She's like all she does this woman's entire career. See this woman right here. Here's what she does. Here's her career Here's her career description. She goes up to a an executive at like Sony or Nintendo and then she goes I 0:10:56 Unknown_04: And then she gets a press release from corporate and then she converts that into her own words and publishes them and gives a glowing glaze to the press release. And that's it. There's no like investigative journalism into anything. It's just like you take the press releases from the corporate mouthpieces and then you regurgitate them like a mama bird into nobody's mouths. Obviously nobody reads the shit because it doesn't profit and they're closing down. 0:11:34 Unknown_04: But what it does do is she makes sure to put in lots of links in her article so that when she says, um, you know, what's the name of the fucking movie here? Unknown_04: Suicide squad killed the justice league, 2024. Unknown_04: She makes sure, based on when she, or her editor probably, makes sure that this is a link to the actual advertising website so that the SEO goes up for that website. So when people type in Suicide Squad or something, Justice League, whatever the fuck, then that game shows up higher on the search results. That's the entire reason why Kotaku exists. That's why this job is being replaced by AI. 0:12:12 Unknown_04: You go to Gemini or whatever, and you type in, hey, I need a five paragraph article about this video game that has these features that are in the bullet points of the press release. Unknown_04: Please write a five paragraph expository essay saying how excited you are for this game. And please don't use any language that can't be understood by a child. Actually, let's do this. Can I do that live on air right now? 0:12:48 Unknown_04: Um, let's do co-pilot actually. I think co-pilot being that comp can demonstrate this concept to people. I think I might have to sign in to use co-pilot. Unknown_04: Please write a five paragraph essay about just suicide squad, kill the justice league, 2024. Unknown_04: uh praising the key features of real-time combat atmosphere quippy dialogue wait gritty atmosphere that's another fun one quippy dialogue and um satisfying with nice graphics and satisfying 0:13:45 Unknown_13: There's a word for it. Unknown_06: Movement. Okay. Do not use language. H a over a fifth grade reading level. Unknown_13: Do I get one for free without signing it? Oh my God. It's working on me. Unknown_13: Trying its best. Unknown_13: I think I'm not signed in. So it's going to like stall. Unknown_13: I'm gonna be pissed. Oh wait. Oh, oh my god. 0:14:19 Unknown_04: Okay, so this is all bullshit that's coming up with on the spot. It has never played this game. Let's dive into the exciting world of Suicide Squad, kill the Justice League, and explore its standout features. In Suicide Squad, players engage in heart-pounding, real-time combat. as Captain Boomerang. It even knows the name of the characters of the Justice League. Unknown_04: It knows the characters in Suicide Squad. I don't know the characters. I thought it was going to come up. I thought Captain Boomerang was a fake name, but I know Deadshot and Harley Quinn, so it's like it knows the characters for you. You'll face off against Brainiacs, this is real, I think, this is the actual plot for the game. 0:14:58 Unknown_04: The fluid combat mechanics, ah, fluid combat, this is perfect. Allow you to switch between characters seamlessly, each with their own unique abilities. Dude, this is, dude, Alexa Mercante, where the fuck, Melissa Mercante, you're fucked. You're fucked, this is better. This is better and faster and cheaper, there's no spelling errors and it reads to a fifth grade reading level. Metropolis, once a beacon of hope, now lies in the ruins due to Brainiac's invasion. The game's gritty atmosphere immerses players in a dark, dystopian world. Nice graphics. Rocksteady Studio has crafted a visually stunning Metropolis. From neon-lit streets to the detailed character models, the graphics are impressive. 0:15:39 Unknown_04: and satisfying movement. Traversal in Kill the Justice League is exhilarating. Harley Quinn swings through the city using Batman's grapple gun. Deadshot propels himself with jet boots. I don't know if any of this is fucking real, but this is awesome. I'm telling you, you're fucking done. You're done, lady. This shit kicks your ass. You could not hope to write a better synopsis. I'm sold. I want to play this game based off what Co-Pilot has told me. You don't stand a fucking chance. 0:16:13 Unknown_06: Alright, um, that's enough spurting about that. What's this? Unknown_04: Oh, this guy died. Let's check it out. This is mostly just blurry, but assuredly somebody has died in this. Unknown_16: New video from outside the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Milwaukee shows the disturbing moments before 43-year-old Devontae Mitchell was pronounced dead. In this video obtained by 12 News, you see four people on top of Mitchell, and you can hear distress as someone yells for help, saying please at least three times. 0:17:03 Unknown_16: And also yelling I'm it's so crazy like they're not communicating at all with this guy what they need from them It's just sickening like they're just beating the fuck out of them for no reason. Sorry Witnesses say Mitchell caused some kind of disturbance inside the hotel near MLK Unknown_04: He was doing something in that hotel. It's really unclear from the footage what happened in the hotel, but something went down. There was some kind of disturbance. The details are kind of gritty at the moment, so we'll have to wait and then never do a follow-up report on this when they actually come out, but we will get back to you with that as soon as we can. in Kilbourne Sunday afternoon then ran outside. 0:17:44 Unknown_16: Security stopped him and held him down. Mitchell died outside the hotel. His mom says her son was loving, caring and deserved better. Unknown_04: Loving, caring, deserved better. He didn't do anything. Um, I, um, Unknown_05: I did not realize this, but he's in a bathroom in this selfie, and there's a changing table. Unknown_04: What are the odds that this is a women's bathroom that he's doing a Jonathan Yonovan? 0:18:17 Unknown_04: I wonder what his mom has to say about him. I had mental illness. Oh, he was retarded. You have a belligerent, sexually perverted, retarded man wandering about in society, uh, trying to take selfies apparently in a women's restroom. And then he just so happened to spurg out and get killed as a result. Um, I wonder whose fault this could be blamed on. Unknown_19: But he was a good man. He didn't deserve to be killed. Security killed my son. I refuse to let this go undone and untold. I'm going to get justice. He shouldn't be dead right now. 0:18:50 Unknown_20: You know, the security team, they definitely should have been trained, you know, to deal with this type of situation. You know, mental illness is real. Unknown_16: Other cell phone video shows what happened after first responders arrive on scene, performing CPR, trying to save Mitchell's life. Unknown_19: He was my teddy bear. That's what I called him, my teddy bear. Unknown_04: Just so devastating for them. Just so devastating. Both of these people sound absolutely retarded and like menaces to society. Well-educated black woman, do you want to capstone this in a way that sounds better than what we just heard? 0:19:24 Unknown_08: That family, Kristen, the Milwaukee County medical examiner conducted Unknown_04: Well-educated black woman with a white woman name. Unknown_16: An autopsy today. Unknown_16: And the results from that autopsy exam could take weeks to come in. The medical examiner's office did say they are investigating this as a homicide. Meanwhile, Milwaukee police say they are not considering this a criminal investigation at this time, but it could change depending on the results from the autopsy. Unknown_08: I'm Kristen Pierce reporting live for us in Milwaukee tonight. Unknown_04: Milwaukee. Oh my God, lock that nigga Patrick Tomlinson up. He's out there stomping on people's throats. They're just trying to enjoy the restrooms like any normal person should. And we got the pepperoni man out there, hooded, running around in tights and a mask, grinding them up. And they're not even investigating it, not even considering this a criminal matter. 0:20:01 Unknown_04: Can't keep getting away with it. Lock him up. Unknown_04: I do actually have a Patrick Tomlinson update. Unknown_04: Red Lobster. Red Lobster. I was actually tricked. I was actually tricked into reading this, but I already have like a joke planned out in my head, so. Red Lobster files voluntary Chapter 11 petitions. I like how they say petitions instead. Voluntary is thrown in there, and then the word petition is thrown in. Would you like to sign my voluntary Chapter 11 petition? Which is bankruptcy proceedings. I had been told that Red Lobster was shutting down everything. 0:20:40 Unknown_04: But that is not true. They filed Chapter 11, which is a restructuring bank debt thing. They have debt, they need to restructure it. Unknown_04: They've closed down a bunch of places throughout the country, but they left some up. And then they have $100 million to keep certain franchises, the ones that they want to keep that are the most profitable, they're keeping them up. But Red Lobster is in danger. Which is sad, you know? I remember how good the Cheddar Biscuits was and I hope they don't close down before I can try Red Lobster again. I would be so sad if I never got to eat the Cheddar Biscuits again. If I never got to have the bottomless shrimp. But I wonder, chat. I wonder. 0:21:13 Unknown_04: Who could be causing this profit loss for the company? Thankfully, PS2 Nishiki has a collection of videos which may elucidate why they're underperforming their profit expectations. 0:21:51 Unknown_18: That lady got a husband and seven kids. So I was riding past Red Lobster the other day, and I seen a sign that said, endless shrimp, I bet $20. I thought my mom was playing tricks on me. And so I got on Instagram last night, and I seen Devon and Jazz over at Red Lobster eating they endless shrimp. I said, ooh, baby, that got to be my cue to line up my crew. So I grabbed all seven of my kids, called up my brother and my nephew in case I needed a little extra help, because y'all already know, wood at home, sleep. So I could go have me a good time eating my endless shrimp. They started us off with their famous Cheddar Bay biscuits and they was soft and they was good. After that, we got three orders of stuff, mushrooms and some lobster dip to keep the kids quiet. My kids was checking out the lobster. They was like, Ooh, that's the big one. I say, look with your eyes, not with your hands. We ain't buying that. Back to the endless at the table. We kept ordering two at a time until we had enough to have us something to take. That's what you gotta do. You keep ordering two, two, two and saving something for you and your crew so you can take it home. Cause who finna cook dinner? This bill 200 and something dollars, baby. 0:22:25 Unknown_04: There's more, I only watched that one, I'm sure these are all funny though. Unknown_26: Bottomless binge eaters have nearly put Red Lobster out of business. In June, the restaurant made its $20 endless shrimp promotion a permanent menu option. And by the third quarter, earnings had taken a huge hit. So they raised the price to $25, which did nothing. And by the end of last year, they'd lost nearly $13 million. Primetime welcomes food enthusiast Eric Badlands Booker, who's 0:23:05 Unknown_04: Food enthusiasts. Yeah, we're going to be doing a story about fat fucks eating too much goddamn shrimp and the $20 endless shrimp at Red Lobster. Can we get your fat ass up as a food enthusiast to talk on Fox News? Hell yeah, bro. 0:23:39 Unknown_05: I'll do anything to be on TV. That's cute. Unknown_14: That's cute. I wish I could get it. Unknown_04: This ratchet ass hoe doing her VTuber voice is fucking creepy as fuck. The message is, when you didn't order endless shrimp because you thought BAE would share, BAE is not sharing. BAE got his fucking free endless shrimp on the benefit of this ratchet ass hoe. 0:24:11 Unknown_04: I side with the black guy. She didn't deserve no endless shrimp. Look at her. Look at her doing her VTuber voice. This guy wins by default. Unknown_04: She don't deserve no shrimp. Unknown_04: Oh my god, look at that fucking kid back there. Holy shit. Unknown_04: Look at him. Oh my god. Look at her face! She looks like a soy chick! 0:24:44 Unknown_14: With the little goblin in the corner, it's like a meme. Unknown_05: You could trace this in MS Paint and it would be perfect. Unknown_04: Imagine working in service, couldn't be me. Unknown_08: My name's Adid, and I think I'm gonna eat 45 shrimps. My name is Samira, and I think I'm gonna eat 25 shrimps. Unknown_09: Alright, I'm Sarah, and I think I'm gonna eat... Are these different people? Unknown_06: Oh, they are different. Okay. I'm not that face-blind. 30 pieces of shrimp. 0:25:23 Unknown_04: Damn, that looks like slop. That shit right there, just like... Unknown_04: Ugh, hold up. It's making me lose my appetite for some red lobster. I was thinking about them cheesy biscuits. Unknown_04: Where the fuck is it? Look at that. It's just like all brown and fried and then you get like a shrimp on the side and it's just like in a gravy bowl of pure butter. Ugh. 0:25:55 Unknown_04: It looks like something Ralph would take a picture of and post on Twitter. You know what I mean? Unknown_04: Imagine eating this good, and then it's like a bowl of slop. Like, bro, what the fuck? Unknown_09: I've eaten 20, and I can definitely do more. What's going on over here? Unknown_08: Good. Unknown_09: I feel like we're still missing some scampis. Round two, where we at? 37. I'm just saying. All right, so we're at round two. Where we at? 29. All right. There you go. All right, so I can't hold up the counter, but I'm at 45. And I am done. 0:26:29 Unknown_09: It's like they're preparing for winter or something. It's like they're overeating so they can survive winter. How much does a shrimp cost these days? 0:27:08 Unknown_04: The thing that my mom would get at the store in Flo Rida, we'd go to Publix, and they had a seafood and like, like deli area. Unknown_04: And the way I would describe it is this, or to make sure, because otherwise they wouldn't put enough. And I've said this before on stream, so this isn't new information or whatever, but this is like my shrimp story, I guess. Unknown_04: You go to the back and then you say like, I want like a pound or two pounds of shrimp. Unknown_04: And then you say, I want it steamed. And then you have to explain it to them. I want so much old bay on it that you think it's too much. And then I want you to put more. If you don't say it exactly like that, they will never put enough old bay on your, on your shrimp. That's how you word it to get maximized old bay. Um, that's the correct ordering. 0:27:51 Unknown_13: Uh, Unknown_13: How much is a shrimp these days? I'm curious. Unknown_13: Okay. Unknown_04: How much is a shrimp? Unknown_04: Six to 15 per pound. Unknown_13: How many shrimps in a pound? I guess it depends on the size. 20. 0:28:30 Unknown_04: Oh, it's a jumbo shrimp. So it's going to be 20 to 25. So they eat two pounds of shrimp each at least. And that's easily $20. Unknown_04: So they don't make any money just off the materials. Then you consider the time and you're fucked. You're fucked. Unknown_04: How much is the fish? What fish? Unknown_04: Josh, what did you get on your pub sub? Um, I would get salami, and I would get pepper jack, and I would get like a chipotle southwest type sauce, and then I would get a lot of banana peppers. Um, spinach, olives, onions, chipotle southwest, um, and a lot of banana peppers. An excessive amount of banana peppers. I can sit there and eat banana peppers out of a jar. 0:29:06 Unknown_04: Uh, next. Okay. Unknown_04: However, while red lobster is filing for bankruptcy, what a burger bros just keep winning. Uh, here's BBQ Brian. Uh, this was posted in the many thread. Unknown_04: There was a widespread outage in Houston, which is shocking because Texas is like the energy capital of the U S somehow Houston doesn't have any power. I wonder if it's because of employee malfunction or some shit. Um, so there's no app to determine where the outages are in this, the city. 0:29:46 Unknown_04: but there is an app to track what Whataburgers are open. And when the Whataburgers don't have any power, they turn off their availability on the app. So you can very easily see where the power outages were in Houston. That is a lot of fucking Whataburgers, by the way. Holy shit. How big is Houston? Where it's like, they can afford to have like a hundred fucking Whataburgers. I've never been to Houston. I didn't realize that it was like larger than Atlanta. This is a massive fucking city. 0:30:19 Unknown_04: Um, there you go. Whatever. Uh, what a burger was even so impressed by this free advertising. They offered to give him a, what a, what a burger Gucci bags and shit. So what a burger Chad's just win and just keep stacking up the wins. Does he not know? Houston is gigantic, bro. Okay. Listen, I've been to Texas, um, a couple times. However, I was, I was out going, um, they went to central Texas. Remember where in Texas I went. 0:30:54 Unknown_04: I was young. Um, but I don't think I've ever been to Houston and I know that Houston and they call it like the tri city area in Texas, right? There's like a tri metropolitan, like, like triangle that's in Texas. That's like nonstop urban sprawl. Unknown_04: I've never been though. Um, I'm aware that it's probably a fucking enormous city now because of the energy sector is blown up. So you have all these jobs and shit. It's all due to the hurricane, hurricane barrel. 0:31:27 Unknown_04: Did Hurricane Beryl knock out Houston and didn't knock out Ralph because he was hiding in the mountains in Mexico Ciudad? Adios mio! Unknown_04: Un hurricano! Ay papi! So scary! So scary for little Ralph! Unknown_04: Well, that's all I wanted to say. Alejandro Caraballo has been seething about Unknown_04: something. He never stopped seething. He's seething because, uh, in part Unknown_04: Um, he's afraid of Trump winning and he's trying to cope about Kamala Harris trying to run. But as we've established, Trump thinks that she's even fucking worse. So here's the picture, by the way, Joey Mara says, unironically, this is a winning theory for a Harris presidential run, man. If there's anything that I know people love in the U S right now, it's police. You know, you think about white people and black people. What can they agree on? Not much. But they do think the police officers serving their areas and keeping them safe. 0:32:12 Unknown_04: Conservatives and Democrats and especially black Democrats love the police. I think that this will work. This is a great idea. 0:32:46 Unknown_13: seething about fucking kamala not running oh this okay this is it uh alejandro caraballo says so this was a fucking lie so um biden realizing that he's losing or the body i when i say biden understand i am speaking for brevity but i'm speaking of biden's staff Unknown_04: the campaign team, the White House administration. I'm never directly referring to Biden, unless I'm talking about Biden shitting himself, pissing himself, dumping ass, fucking up on stage. Unless I'm like pointing at a picture of Joe Biden. When I say Biden, I just mean like his team. But the Biden administration put out a statement, an LGBTQ plus saying, 0:33:18 Unknown_04: Oh, no, this is a paraphrase on the 19th. This is the publication says that the White House issued statement opposing gender affirming surgery for minors. So this is barely even a backtrack. They're just saying that we shouldn't chop off little boy penises because they're still doing the puberty blockers is a safe and effective bullshit line. 0:33:59 Unknown_04: Because as we've established, it destroys the testicles, it hinders their development, it stunts their IQs, it reduces their bone density, all sorts of medical problems come about that are not easily reversed. Unknown_04: And just blocking the surgery doesn't mean anything. Kids are still getting groomed and eaten up by these systems. But Alejandro comes out swinging and says, so that was a fucking lie. Yeah, it's like $2.50 a year out of 25 million total children between 12 and 17, and basically all of them are top surgeries for trans masc youth over 16. Unknown_04: The bigger problem is the statement hinted at opposing HRT as well. No! No! The life-saving, uh, life-saving xenoestrogens for those poor trans kids. 0:34:48 Unknown_04: Quick! What do the polls say? Oh god, black people say that shit's gay! What are we gonna do? They're not gonna come out and vote for our retard-dumping ass and the cop if they think that we're gay niggas. We gotta stop this right away. Put out a statement saying we oppose it. Whatever it takes. I don't know, see. He's talking about leaving the U.S. Unknown_13: if Trump wins again. Unknown_13: Where's that poo stat? 0:35:25 Unknown_13: Seething. Unknown_04: Oh no. I'm not in the, I don't have total capture of the population anymore. Unknown_04: Ah. Unknown_04: Oh no. People don't like me cause I'm a sex pest. Unknown_04: Ah. I spent years of my life representing LGBTQ plus people in court, asylum cases, human trafficking cases, and family court cases. Unknown_04: Um, if I remember correctly, and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Alejandro Carballo is not actually an attorney. Um, he works as like a law professor at Harvard, but he, he doesn't actually have a license to practice law. Can't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure that's the, that's what it is. 0:36:02 Unknown_04: I could be wrong though. Unknown_04: Oh, and JK Rowling has never done shit for gay and lesbian people, except use the idea of them as a credule to attack trans folks. Unknown_13: Where's the post about him crying about Trump? Unknown_13: Me and every, okay. Unknown_04: So Harvard law professor, potentially even an attorney himself says me and every trans person I know, 0:36:38 Unknown_04: Chat, does anyone wanna do an I'm actually here and correct that sentence right off the bat? Unknown_04: This is the other, I'm guilty of this more often than I am with uppercase I internets, but this is another thing where it's like, if you're trying to demonstrate that you're an educated person and should be taken seriously, like me and every trans person I know, it's just such an embarrassing thing to write. Unknown_04: Every trans person I know and I, chat, and I, it's never me and her or me and him, it's always him and I, her and I. Come on, chat. 0:37:17 Unknown_04: Every trans person I know and I are stockpiling hormones and making plans to leave the country if Trump is elected. And every blue mag of freak in my replies thinks I want Trump elected for criticizing their dear leader. Oh, for Biden. Yeah, well that's what happens when you have a fucking split down the middle proxy war with two retards. Unknown_04: I wish I could make plans to leave. 51 and chronic autoimmune arthritis means there's absolutely nowhere that'll give me anything other than a tourist visa. Unknown_04: That's enough to get here and claim asylum. Unknown_04: Yeah, walk across the Canadian border and then say, I'm fleeing the United States. I need asylum. I have arthritis. I need free shit. I need free pills. Free pills, please. I'm sure the Canadians will oblige and just give you free drugs, retard. 0:37:59 Unknown_13: Cool. Unknown_13: All right, we got some tranny shit. Let's switch out the hams. I'm feeling frisky today. Get the fem ham. Unknown_13: Alright, so many of you may have already seen this, but let's put it on the record. 0:38:31 Unknown_04: Ten, is that really you? Unknown_25: Hello, Hobbit. Yes, it's me. Unknown_27: Where are you? Where are you calling from? Unknown_25: Hobbit, I know you're looking for my boat. You're not going to find it. Unknown_27: Really? Was I close, at least? Did I find the right marina? Unknown_25: Nice try, Hobbit. Now stop looking. Unknown_06: I will never stop. Unknown_06: I can't stop. Unknown_25: You don't seem to understand, Hobbit. You're not gonna find me, but I can find you. In fact, I know where you are right now. 0:39:06 Unknown_04: This is a retarded, like, dramatization between some guy called 416 Hobbit and 10 Muses. 10 Muses is the top donor of Finster. He has given Finster over $300,000 over years. Unknown_04: to pink pill himself and become the finster we know and despise. Unknown_04: Once was an ordinary boy, a grown man with tons of disposable income, heaped hundreds of thousands of dollars into this impressionable, attention-deprived Twitch streamer, turning him into a colossal faggot for pay. Which is it's own kind of fetish for gay people. Gay people love the idea of convincing straight men to suck dick for cash. Pink pilling is one thing, gay shit is this other thing, but being able to convince a formerly straight man to become a gross tranny by paying him hundreds of thousands of dollars is like it's own goon sesh. So this guy is depraved, and as he has made the joke, you will never find him. Which, of course, people interpret as a challenge. 0:40:24 Unknown_04: Tinnews is this guy, probably. There's been some discussion, which I'll get into, but his email address, tinnews.gmail, was made public by him in various discussions with Finster. Unknown_04: He had made single donations of over $30,000 that you can see here. His email checked out as Tim uses a Gmail that leaked into different data dumps. Unknown_04: Like when there were hacks his information got leaked out so you can see that his password matched Other other accounts with similar geo IPs Certain like phrases like four three two came in to play it got located to Midland, Texas They tend to use this thing also brought up a good rings account by a guy named Larry and Tyler, Texas Fast people search had a record for Larry Edwards in Midland, Texas, which is the same area 0:41:27 Unknown_04: And there is a Midland Health that has the same Larry Edwards who is a medical doctor. Not only a medical doctor, he's a senior investor and manager. So he's involved in a lot of profit-driven industries. He's a successful individual himself. He has a medical doctorate who actively practices medicine. So that would explain how he has hundreds of thousands of dollars to dump into pink pilling Finster. There was some discussion over And this is just him explaining that um Unknown_04: He did a internship at the University of Nebraska, which briefly, there was some posts that he had made where he was in Omaha at the time, and his son is also like a shemale. He's like a 30-something-year-old tranny himself. So there was a question of if it was the tranny's son who was pink-pelling Finster using daddy's credit card, or if it was Larry himself. But most people are pretty sure that it's now daddy, Which is very creepy, because it's like, okay, he's into pink-pilling young boys. Like, Finster is younger than his son, and his son's a homosexual shemale. 0:42:16 Unknown_04: And he's into that, and finds that sexy. That's kinda creepy, if true, chat. Isn't that a little bit creepy? If that's the reality that he's living in? I think that's a little bit creepy, chat. 0:42:48 Unknown_04: Um, so... Uh, he offered... wait... Unknown_04: Actually, I thought $300,000 was the amount that he has given Finster So I really have no idea what the total amount of money that this guy has given Finster actually is $300,000 was his Was his amount that he was willing to offer Finster for getting breast augmentations like silicon implants for at least a year. I 0:43:21 Unknown_04: And Finster really deliberated on that and decided against it And if he had accepted it says here that would have been the greatest largest private donation in twitch history So we think of those Saudi Arabian oil Princes or whatever and that was less than that They're talking about in his discord his discord mods are very good at like cleaning up any public discussion about things happening on the Kiwi farms So there's not too much to dig through there Unknown_04: This is 10 muses on our Fenster that was posted in 2022. He says don't cancel Fenster He doesn't know he didn't know it was a trans icon. He has a very real shark phobia His actions were completely understandable inexcusable a good shit sugar daddy always protects his sugar, baby This is 10 muses replying to nice dress in our Fenster and this is Fenster's legs in the fishnet saying I think the dress is amazing and the fishnets whoo 0:44:20 Unknown_04: This is a Finster tribute saying, give me a reason to love you. And he replies saying, Oh, you goddamn fucking bastard, Finn. Plus that song. Really? Like I needed it any worse than I already have it. God damn it. He says, cause he's so in love with Finster. This is a married man with an adult child. Who's a shemale. And he's like publicly salivating over this fucking guy. Unknown_04: These are the chat logs by the way that explained his email address 10 talking to us contest one paragraph of what you like about Finn 500 character limit give out email 10 uses at gmail.com He'll choose the 10 winners and give a hundred to each Finn knocks on the door to answer 10 posts 10 uses I was first attracted to Finn because of her girl next door feminine beauty, but the more of her experience the more I realized she's so much more and She is playful, but extraordinarily hardworking, intelligent, but self-deprecating, independent and entrepreneurial, talented and creative. But most of all, she is sweet, well-intentioned, honest and a decent person. If you look closely, goodness shines from her face, like some means. Because of this, she'll always and undeniably, undeniably be lovely. 0:45:11 Unknown_04: So this guy's married, I'll reiterate that. The other creepy fucking thing is that Unknown_04: Finster is technically gender fluid. He doesn't identify as a woman And I know that's all play pretend but hear me out humor me on this Finster's gender identity is not a woman. So he doesn't use she her pronouns. He doesn't identify as a woman He identifies it as like a non-binary type And he goes by he him pronouns formally so you would think that 0:45:56 Unknown_04: that 10 Muses, who has the utmost respect and love for Fenster, would know this and would address Fenster by his preferred pronouns, right? following the logical sequence, that's what you would expect. But he doesn't. He chooses to use she, her to further feminize and drive home the point that Fenster should try and be as bimbled out as possible, which is creepy to me. 0:46:38 Unknown_00: And I know that's like a weird thing to play, pretend with the pronouns and shit, but I see the subtext chat, the symbolism Unknown_04: That's it for Finn. I just want to point out this guy. This is still like an ongoing thing There's been mass deletions of like everything related to This guy it's getting cleared out. There was some disguise like I said, and there's some discussion about his son But they're pretty sure that it's him now Speaking of homosexual females this is Forgot his name 0:47:19 Unknown_04: I forgot his name, what if I haven't written down my notes? Unknown_04: Sketch, his name is Sketch. And he decided that before his YouTube and Twitch took off, that he was gonna make some money on the side by selling that pussy. No sugar daddy needed. He came up with this one all by himself. What I really appreciate is how in his OnlyFans, he has like darker skin. I can't tell if he's just like doing this in a dark room, whereas like parents are asleep in the other room, so he has the lights off. 0:47:52 Unknown_04: But he put himself into like a wig and has like a filter on to add eyelashes and shit, but it's obviously him This is his reddit account that they found his username was Jamie Marr HTX saying 22 looking for a top near Springs. This is an HTX gay bros looking for tops near spring for today or tonight send dick pics in DM, please cowboy Spring bottom looking for tops with big dicks smiley face Unknown_04: Just took the best BBC in our femboys Follow me on Twitter for the video any tops looking in spring any tops looking in spring this guy Desperately wanted to get his butthole blown the fuck out and went to reddit of all places to accomplish this So they found out that That he had this account I guess some guy was just casually looking at like femboy bussy pics on only fans like wait a second 0:48:49 Unknown_04: That looks like that YouTuber that I like. That's weird. And then they looked into it, and then apparently one of Sketch's friends named Faith immediately leaked these DMs where Sketch says, you awake? He says, yeah, sorry, bro. I didn't mean to involve you all. He says, bro, what do you mean? You're our boy. You didn't have to dip. You always involve us in anything, bro. You're good. He says, I'm over by an airport. I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry. Says come back here. Good dude. The boys pulled up to me and woke me up They wanted to make sure you were good. You're good, bro. Come back. We're all here. You're the homie. He says I'll come back I just need someone to talk to we're all posted come back You need me to call you a car and says on the way So this guy like reaches out to sketch it is like, you know, I know there's a shit going on and where you're where your friends and you know No matter what you don't have to like dip from us. We're not embarrassed to be friends with you and You know, you need someone to talk to, you can come talk to us. And then they immediately leak it to Keemstar, the worst fucking person on the planet, the most soulless, shekel-grubbing gnome freak ever. Like, a middle-aged fucking man who's just like the top of, uh, like, the inquire for internet drama. And they just immediately sell his ass out. What a fucking asshole. That's so below- What happened to bros before hoes, man? Damn. 0:50:06 Unknown_04: FaZe Banks. You get the audience you cultivate. Yeah, he got fucking gnomed. Unknown_04: Um, I don't know. It's all like, I don't know. What can I say? You know, it looks kind of convincing, but, you know, who's going to really pull up the OnlyFans content and like start comparing freckles and shit on the ground and actually get into it? So this is just going to be an unconfirmed rumor forever. Oh, wait, he confirmed it. Unknown_24: Look at this. Open and honest. That was me. Unknown_24: That was me, it's okay though. I will tell you what, okay. 0:50:38 Unknown_24: Two years ago, I did some stuff. I'm sorry if you've seen similar stuff. Unknown_24: You know, I'm a changed person. This is going worse than I thought it was. Unknown_24: So two years ago, Unknown_24: I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT MAN! I'm just kidding. I did. Possibly. 0:51:11 Unknown_24: Cat's out of the bag! Unknown_24: It's okay. Um... What else do I have to say? I don't know. Thank you to all my people that have been sticking up for me. I understand if you're bad. Unknown_24: Shit hit the fan. Okay, I was dealing with some addiction problems. Unknown_24: A couple of them. Unknown_05: Gooning. 0:51:42 Unknown_04: This guy's a goon king. Unknown_04: But. Unknown_04: It's basically, I don't know, it's the weirdest damage control thing that I've ever seen. This guy is supposedly worth a lot of money. He has like half a million subs on YouTube, 100,000 on Twitch. He makes good money. Unknown_04: And he apparently lives in like a one bedroom flat with no decorations on the wall. I hope this is a hotel. Cause like, what the fuck are you doing with your money if this is where you live? Oh, and he has the worst setup ever. I'm assuming that this has to be like a hotel. Cause I think he's traveling based off the prior text messages, but. 0:52:15 Unknown_04: He comes out and he says, yeah, so, uh, I'm a gay boy. I got fucked in the ass by black men. Um, but then he goes on to say it was two years ago and I was having addiction problems and I've changed. Oh, that's weird. You know what I mean? Like if you, I don't know if he's going to get fucked in the ass, go for it brother. Unknown_04: Oh, he lives in a streamer house that's undecorated with other Twitch streamers. Ooh, that's gotta be awkward. You don't wanna share a bunk with Sketch now. He might power bottom you. He might climb on top without your consent. Hey, buddy. He's got like a super bad autism accent. 0:52:50 Unknown_04: And he has no and you can tell he's kind of sounds like that. There's like a meme guy He's like a guy with down syndrome and he's super gay and it's just like these weird videos of a down syndrome guy like yeah, I Sucked it. I paid the guys dick. I love calm all over my face. I'm so gross I suck to get a man dick for pizza. It sounds kind of like that. He kind of looks like that, too He kind of has like that feel alcohol syndrome face 0:53:25 Unknown_04: I don't know, it was fucking gay. Unknown_04: But that's exactly what they want on Twitter or Twitch. So I don't know. There's not like repercussions for this. I mean, Finster is like the exact same fucking thing, except he's open about it. So really, you could have made more money if you were smarter about it. Oh well. Unknown_04: Just thought I would, uh, point that out since it's the current topic. I don't have that much training shit, so we're good to go. 0:53:58 Unknown_13: I've never heard of this fool before this. Oh, he's also a Minecraft YouTuber. Unknown_04: Oh, how did I forget that? He's a fucking Minecraft YouTuber. I went to go see his videos to see like what his reaction was to this and it was all Minecraft shit. So this is another like young Twitch streamer famous on YouTube, famous on Twitch for being a Minecraft YouTuber, which is an audience of like, like what, eight to 13 in terms of demographics. and he also moonlights as a femboy and he gets fucked in the ass by black men. Bro, I'm telling you, this is like deliberate. You can't tell me that it's not deliberate. They're trying to expose like super young boys to the concept of cross-dressing and getting fucked in the ass. Younger the better. put them in front of them on platforms that parents think are safe, like YouTube and Twitch, and let them find content creators like this guy, and then let them have a little less exposure to the idea of dressing in drag and getting fucked in the ass by black men. It's totally what they're doing. 0:54:37 Unknown_13: It's, like, not even obvious. 0:55:17 Unknown_13: Uh, cool. Do some updates on some LOL COWSs. Unknown_04: I don't I think I forgot to talk about this on last stream But Russell Greer is facing eviction because of the litigation. I'm gonna keep this nice and brief He actually can't pull up a filing He's he's formally evicted he's already moved apartments and he left this fucking bizarre I'm gonna recap. I'm gonna recap this unless I 0:55:49 Unknown_04: just in case I didn't recover or talk about it yesterday. Um, Russell Greer is suing me for contributory copyright infringement and because of no fault of our own and because of his own filings and the way that he files in the way that he behaves in court, this has proceeded not at all in the last like three fucking years. Um, and he refuses to take any actual steps to continue the litigation. 0:56:23 Unknown_04: and uh instead just files fucking nonsense okay this is actually it i don't know if i talked about i'm gonna talk about it again in case i missed it where's the document give me a second i think it's in the other thread i don't know why he didn't screen cap the fucking pictures and post them in the thread because that would be easy let's see Unknown_13: Sorry, I'm going off on a diversion because I forgot where I had last spoke about this I'll just recap real quick as I try to find it Russell Greer is a guy he's got like a face problem. Unknown_04: He blames absolutely everything when people like being discriminating against him because of his Mobius syndrome instead of like his behavior and Unknown_04: Literally everything and more recently every single thing ever has been our fault the Kiwi farms directly and he has tried desperately to make this a 0:57:21 Unknown_04: a copyright issue. He's tried to allege a bunch of stuff in civil court, but the only thing that survived, because of an absolutely insane decision by the 11th Appellate Court, put one claim back into play, and that was the claim that there was contributory copyright infringement on the case. However, because he's representing himself now, because he can't afford representation, Unknown_04: the case has proceeded at a grueling rate. And it's like, we just want to shit our gut off the pot. We want it to be done with. And everything that he does like stymies the, uh, our ability to actually finish the case. Um, but he does manage to file shit like this, which I just pulled up. 0:57:54 Unknown_06: Okay. Unknown_06: So this is Russell Greer versus Joshua Moon, United States District Court of District of Utah. Unknown_04: This was filed by Hardin in Utah because he filed this in Florida, which we aren't in anymore. Unknown_04: And I'll just read the actual, it's two pages. Unknown_04: Oh, this is the wrong one. Unknown_13: This is the one, this is Hardin's motion. 0:58:32 Unknown_13: Sorry. Unknown_13: Okay, this is what Greer filed. Unknown_04: There is no name to this. This is just literally just him complaining to the courtroom that his life is unfair and he nebulously blames us. Unknown_04: So there is no actual name for whatever the fuck this is. Plaintiff Russell Greer now comes and says he has not received any mail from the court or from opposing counsel. He has no access to the docket sheet and is essentially blind as to what is going on in the case. This is not true Hardin files or sends every single thing to him possible by email Which he chooses not to respond to he chooses to make this as arduous as possible 0:59:10 Unknown_04: Plaintiff has lost income and is being evicted from his apartment and cannot find new income, really due in part to Kiwi Farms and the trashing plaintiff's overall image in his copyrights. As plaintiff said in his complaint, the fiction has become fact. I have no idea what the fuck any of this means except for the fact that he's blaming us for him not having a job and not being able to pay his bills. Unknown_04: Because he has lost income, he has lost access to the mailing box and address on record. So he has been filing this entire lawsuit from a non-existent address. Unknown_04: He has a virtual office on something called Twain Street in Las Vegas. There is a Twain Street that runs east and west. 0:59:54 Unknown_04: Greer has filed every single motion, has emailed Harden repeatedly and asserted that his address is South Twain. There is no such thing as South Twain. This has been explained to him in language that a child can understand. The address does not fucking exist. If you put it into Google Maps, it will not go anywhere. So if we send you anything, you will not fucking get it because it's the wrong fucking address. And he never once corrected this. 1:00:29 Unknown_04: ever which is in its face that's one of those like small stupid petty things that can actually terminate a case because at some point it's just like professionally unacceptable. But he's lost his mailing box, because guess what? He's not paying the bills for that either. Unknown_04: He continues and says, Plaintiff is going to be homeless now, to the delight of Joshua Moon and his users. Joshua at one point had a kill count where he would tally which Kiwi target commits suicide. This is not true. This is what's called a spurious allegation. It's not substantiated in reality. There has never been a kill count on the Kiwi farms. 1:01:03 Unknown_04: Whether or not I am delighted to hear that Russell Greer is continuing his litigation from the streets of Las Vegas is purely speculative. I will not comment. As far as the users of the Kiwi farms, that is also purely speculative. I'm assuming that many of them are sad and remiss and lost over this. Unknown_04: Plaintiff does not think he will kill himself, apropos of fucking nothing. I guess in relation to this, he's basically suicide baiting the court. Like, you gotta give me my contributory copyright infringement case because I'm gonna kill myself if I don't. Just kidding, haha, please don't commit me. I really don't know. I've never seen suicide baiting in a court document before, so this is a first. I guess we could call this motion that I will not kill myself. 1:01:34 Unknown_04: But essentially he's lost everything. A fact that Andrew Grimm and the Digital Justice Foundation, which was the extremely, extremely nice media rights scalping group that files in defense of plaintiffs pursuing copyright litigation across the country to try and score wins in the appellate courts, which is what they exactly fucking did, 1:02:24 Unknown_04: A proper non-profit pro bono representation for Russell Greer which got him his case So it's gonna trot along for another fucking year, but despite the fact that they saved his his ass and saved his case He slanders them and says Andrew Grimm the Digital Justice Foundation Impulsively didn't want to understand why and so they stopped representing him. They missed sorry. It's if it's written it is a Unknown_04: They mistook plaintiff's hardship as plaintiff jipping his formal counsel when he wasn't. So they asked him to pay? They're like a serious law firm from California that does dirty work for all the media rights groups? So when he said, I want your big dick California law firm to represent me in this stupid-ass fucking case I filed, they said, okay, well, we already got what we wanted from you, so we don't want to represent you for free anymore, you have to pay us. And we're from California, so our rate is $1,000 an hour, and we're estimating that this will cost a quarter of a million dollars. Is it okay i will give you a three city like no we're not interested so he's complaining that they didn't is complaining that a. 1:03:19 Unknown_04: extravagantly wealthy law firm from California did not enslave themselves to him and his every whim. That is literally what he's saying here. Unknown_04: This paragraph and his complaint violates the 13th Amendment. Unfortunately, lawyers are not slaves. We can change this. I would support changing this to make them slaves. 1:03:58 Unknown_04: That's what's so frustrating with the Utah court was the court wrongly assumed plaintiff wasn't participating when in reality his personal life is crumbling So they wrongly assumed he wasn't participating because he's not participating But at least he has an excuse his personal life is crumbling. So therefore his non participation is actually not non participation. It's not participation Because with an excuse it's completely different The other week, Plaintiff received notice that Kiwi Farms, so now Kiwi Farms is an improper noun, so a Kiwi Farms, this could be a Kiwi Farms user from the Kiwi Farms on Kiwi Farms on ST, or this could be a Kiwi Farms user from a winery in New Zealand. 1:04:29 Unknown_04: makes kiwi wine. Unknown_04: It's unclear. The other week plaintiff received notice that Kiwi Farms user was using Greer's likeness and had created a YouTube channel in Greer's name and is uploading Greer's songs. When Greer reported the account to YouTube the individual created an email pretending to be Greer and contacted him. Unknown_04: So this is a complaint and this motion that I won't kill myself where he's saying that Unknown_04: Some guy, who may be a Kiwi Farms user, but some fucking guy who's not fucking me, created a channel on YouTube, which is not my fucking website, and uploaded stuff that he thinks is offensive or violates his copyright. So some guy, somewhere, did something to upset Russell Greer, and it is therefore, implicitly, my fault. Thanks. This is unfair, he says. Wow, imagine if people blamed you for shit you didn't fucking do on sites you don't fucking run. That would be really unfair and unjust. There's no way this is fair use. THIS HAS RUINED PLAINTIFF'S LIFE. In all caps. 1:05:29 Unknown_04: Greer is exhausted because Kiwi farms, uh, one of them at least, and Joshua Moon want Plaintiff dead. This is clearly the case because if they didn't, they would respect him and stop the madness. So, uh, motion, in the motion that I won't kill myself, he says, by the way, I'm totally gonna fucking kill myself unless you do what I say. Uh, hint, hint, nudge, nudge. That would be extortion if it was written explicitly. 1:06:12 Unknown_04: Plaintiff would ask somehow that the court understands this and allows for electronic filing notices for the time being the court can list Plaintiff's address as and then there is a commercial mailing address So that is the latest of the Russell Greer filing he is a Even now, South Twain Avenue. So in his file, where he's, in his motion that I won't kill myself, where he's saying that he doesn't have access to his mailing box, he lists the South Twain Avenue address as the word to contact him. 1:06:59 Unknown_04: Bro, come the fuck on. Just like unreal. There's no way that he's not doing this on purpose. Like there's no way that anybody is that incompetent. That they're filing from an address for mailing purposes that they admit and the fucking filing doesn't exist anymore and it's not available to them. Unknown_04: Just baffling. Unknown_04: He also can't pay his bills, which is now, um, he's being evicted for it. I think he's been formally evicted for it. I don't know. Is this the, the, um, Oh, what is this? What's the word he used to the delight? This is the delight here. 1:07:35 Unknown_04: I think this might be, this guy might be delighted. I'm gonna dislike this. I'm gonna show my disapproval for his wanton disregard for plaintiff's feelings. Unbelievable. I expect better of my community to be real with you. All right, that's the Russell Greer fucking bullshit. Unknown_04: We have a brief update from someone who really matters. Patrick Sean Tomlinson. Patrick Tomlinson says, 1:08:10 Unknown_04: At 810 AM, our stalkers trick a local chapter of the Salvation Army into stealing our patio furniture and grill with a fraudulent online donation submission impersonating us. The attempt was intercepted and property returned. Unknown_04: So, this is like the third time that this patio furniture has been endangered. Unknown_04: Just put up a sign, bro. Just put up a sign. Don't deliver here. Don't take our fucking patio furniture. We're internet famous for being retarded. 1:08:43 Unknown_04: Just put up a sign. Why do you have to be so dumb? He gets his jollies off being a victim. Oh no, the Salvation Army came to pick up our patio furniture. Unknown_04: We're being cyber bullied to death again by stalker troll terrorists. Unknown_04: How could this happen? Oh, and then this, he's trying to find tenants for his property. 1:09:20 Unknown_04: So his he has a duplex and one half of his duplex. He's been using as an Airbnb, but He's I guess he's trying to get off Airbnb when people found out about Airbnb They trolled him a little bit on like the the own a people did But I think he's stopping doing the Airbnb and I don't know why I My theory is that he's not doing the Airbnb anymore because he's afraid of pests coming to his house and fucking with him from the other side of the duplex. 1:09:56 Unknown_04: Oh, Airbnb changed their policy. It used to be that you could put indoor cameras in any common areas like living rooms and shit. Um, however they changed that policy. So now no cameras indoors are facing the indoors, uh, maybe on the property at all. Unknown_04: And I think that not being able to run the cameras in the living room has like spooked them. Unknown_04: Um, so now he's, he's just going to try and find a long-term tenant that will endure being swatted and having their patio furniture stolen every day by different, different goodwill type organizations. 1:10:35 Unknown_06: Uh, so that's interesting. Unknown_04: Uh, that's Patrick Tomlinson. Unknown_04: I am fucking dying by the way. I swear to God, I think it's like 40 degrees outside. Unknown_06: I don't know. It's so fucking hot. Unknown_04: Okay, so this is Jack Scalfani. Jack Scalfani went on a psychotic rant about Joe Biden and threatened to kill him and shit. So the Secret Service showed up to his house. Carolyn Flanders, who is his mother-in-law, says, 1:11:25 Unknown_04: That's why they're resorting to the most desperate measure to stop this from happening. Yes, a call has come from a member of the media for President Joe Biden to have Trump murdered. And there's a quote from the Express. David Aronovich, who represents Radio 4's breathing room, took to Twitter slash X shortly after 5 p.m. and said, if I was Biden, I would hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America's security. Hashtag SCOTUS. The hashtag suggests his wild opinion was sparked by today's Supreme Court ruling that the former presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for their official acts. 1:12:00 Unknown_04: Um, I guess I didn't need to read the second part. I just found that funny. I don't know. Don't go on the internet and say you're going to kill the president. That's generally a bad idea. Even when Sig Sam did that on the forum, he had Secret Service hunt him down. Unknown_04: You can't say that you're going to kill the president. Unknown_13: It's a bad juju. Unknown_13: They'll knock on your door. Unknown_13: Okay, I have a very special update. I don't usually get to, um, to talk about DSP, but I get to talk about DSP today. 1:12:38 Unknown_04: Usually the issue with Darkseid Phil is that he's like, so, um, he's one of those people that you just have to be in, Unknown_04: like this. Unknown_04: Import controller. It's like an arcade Joystick and buttons just like on old fighting arcade cabinets And it's made with the best materials, and it has the lowest latency for inputs and shit Has the fewest dropped inputs, so this is what people use when they they play the game seriously Darkseid Phil sprung for one said he loved it when he first got it and then 1:13:31 Unknown_04: And then broke it that's the word I was looking for it He broke it. Let's be clear. That's what happened. Let's listen to him break some shit. You ready? Unknown_03: No This sucks ass Why the fuck did they do it this way? Besides they're morons and they didn't test to see if another brands joystick would fit inside the combo base, right? Unknown_03: I mean, why would they? Unknown_04: Why would they want other joysticks to fit inside their, their controller? I mean, I don't know. I don't know the absolute distinction here. It appears that he's pulled out like a 36 tool Swiss army knife. And it's just like gutting this controller live on stream. Um, this is his podcast, by the way, he has like several different podcasts and shows. Um, I spoke to a guy, I guess I could say this. Um, I spoke to the guy that did the, 1:14:08 Unknown_04: the documentary on Boogie, and then the documentary on Darkseid Phil, because he wanted to talk to me, and it's been so long now, I think that documentary's dead, but he wanted to talk to me because I'm someone who has a perspective of having been around Darkseid Phil antics for like a decade, but I have no interest in them, and he wanted like a really neutral perspective on Darkseid Phil, which I guess is, and like the A-logs, which I guess is, I come closer to that than a lot of other people. 1:14:56 Unknown_04: And we spoke for about like an hour or two about Darkseid Phil and the A-logs and stuff. Unknown_04: And his thing was, because he hadn't met Phil in person, and he hadn't met his wife Kat in person, and they had hung out for a while. And he said, I said something about Phil being lazy, and he made a point to immediately correct me and say, Darkseid Phil is not lazy. Darkseid Phil puts in obscene amounts of work into his shit. And he streams on this, like, he was like, when they were talking about scheduling, he would never reschedule a stream. It was like, I have to stream that day. I stream for eight hours or four hours here and four hours here. I do play podcasts like that. He did not allow me to call Phil lazy. And it was just sort of like, I think his perspective was that, I'm not trying to paraphrase him here. This is just my interpretation. 1:15:29 Unknown_04: The Darkseid Phil is someone who puts in a lot of work, but in like the wrong direction. It's like you have a car stuck in mud, kind of, where it's like the wheels are spinning, there's gas being burned, the engine's roaring, but you're not getting anywhere. And I feel like that was his impression about Darkseid Phil's business strategy. 1:16:02 Unknown_04: Um, cause he does do a lot of shit. He's streamed for like hours and hours and does podcasts and like, like timestamps, his own, I don't even timestamp my own fucking podcast. I let people in the archives leave comments to timestamp my fucking videos. DarkseidPhil does his own timestamps and everything. So he's, he's putting in the effort. He's just not very good at it. You know what I mean? I can believe that. I can, I trust his interpretation on that. Um, Unknown_04: Anyways, that's him fucking around in the background of this. Uh, he starts yelling about the company. 1:16:38 Unknown_03: Trust me guys, if I had the money, I would get it right now. If I had the money, I would literally buy another stick right now that's PC PS5 compatible. But you know, I'm not made of money. I just don't have it. Unknown_04: Oh, cause he's broke. Um, I guess I'll just say, no, actually the other clip say it for me. I'll let him say it. Unknown_04: It's funny that way. Unknown_03: Oh, this button's already fucked up again. It's already stuck. Oh my God. What a nightmare this is going to be. 1:17:14 Unknown_03: My light kicks not going to work. Nope. Unknown_03: Fuck these idiots. Fuck Kanba. You fucking pieces of shit. You fucked me on your shitty ass $300 rip-off joystick where I can't put any stick I want in it because you designed it poorly because you're a bunch of fucking idiots. You fucking losers. You scam artists. I can't believe you fucked me like this. So I can't use this. This joystick's fucked up now. Unknown_04: I love that line, like the sincerity and the anger, like the soft anger, not the yelling anger, just the, you fucked me on this. That's perfect. That's a keynote as they might say. 1:17:49 Unknown_04: No, this is his original view of it, where he says he loves it. He's like so excited for it. The best joystick he's ever owned, et cetera. Unknown_03: No, thanks. Rare tricks for the last super chat. And I received $1 tips so far today. Wow. This has been a great podcast, huh? Just everything's going my way today. Unknown_03: How could possibly things go any better for me today, right? Unknown_03: One dollar. 1:18:20 Unknown_04: I think actually. If I go to his channel, let me just do this real quick, see if I can get away with this. You know how things are with me. Might always just break in my hand. Unknown_04: ESP gaming. Unknown_13: Podcasts. Unknown_13: And then the level one podcast, here we go. Unknown_13: We're processing this video, it says. That's okay. Unknown_04: So this is episode 377. That's really, that's crazy, 377. He must do that like every day, I think. And then he streams for an hour and a half of just this podcast. So he streamed for an hour and a half. So that is 90 minutes. Real life Dumas here. 90 minutes. Divide 100 by 90 and you would get a little more than a penny. 1:18:52 Unknown_04: This is how I used to think about things when I was in Whataburger. I made... I made... nine... nine and a half dollars an hour. So if I looked at anything, I would be measuring it in minutes. I knew exactly how many cents per minute I made. So if I bought food, if I paid my car insurance or whatever, I'm just thinking like, Yeah, that's six hours. That's 40 minutes. That's 40 minutes of fries to buy that. You gotta think about this in DSP hours. He makes less than one penny a minute. 1:19:27 Unknown_04: That's less than one penny a minute on some streams. So when he has to pay all those taxes and all those grocery bills and all this shit he's got to pay for, he's measuring it at one penny a minute. This is a $300 fighting stick. That's 30,000 minutes. 1:20:11 Unknown_04: That's 30,000 minutes of streaming I gotta do Is that right? Unknown_05: No, you know, it is right, right? Yeah 30,000 minutes 30,000 minutes at $1 for 90 for an hour and a half That's rough. Unknown_04: And you can just tell by the way he talks He hates he hates booting up that fucking webcam and talking about video games. He hates the shit 1:20:47 Unknown_03: oh uh-oh not good it dropped stuff yep that's not good at all couldn't get a standard combo Unknown_04: He's been complaining about online lag and dropped inputs for like 16 fucking years now. I want to say that the original DSP Rage videos on YouTube, if you go out and you find like DSP Rage Street Fighter, it's the same fucking shit. It's him talking about online lag, online combos. Oh my God, I'm getting nostalgia now. Hold up. 1:21:25 Unknown_06: DSP online. Wait, it's like DSP gets, gets, oh, double perfect, that's it, it's the double perfect one. Unknown_04: Oh, this guy, oh, this is the video. 14 years ago. Unknown_03: Wow, what a great opponent I have for my final match of the night, WonderWaffle407. I'm sure he's been looking forward to this with his WonderWaffles. Unknown_11: Huh, almost 12,000 point bison. Unknown_03: See how he does. 1:21:58 Unknown_11: What the hell? Unknown_02: Fuck you! Unknown_04: I forgot about this. Unknown_04: He's playing, the guy in the blue, the big guy, the brawny guy, is Darkseid Phil. Unknown_04: But the bison guy is Wonder Waffle, the guy that's trolling him. And this first round, he just throws. He's playing really bad. Unknown_02: He's horrible. 1:22:34 Unknown_04: Yeah, see? Even Darkseid Phil is like, he's just letting me win. Unknown_02: He is terrible. Unknown_02: Absolutely awful. I love it. Unknown_04: Absolutely awful. Dude, he hasn't changed in 14 fucking years. He says the exact same shit. This is the great part. Okay, so he loses that first round. This is an ancient video. Unknown_03: Can't do anything. I was pressing buttons. Unknown_04: I was pressing buttons. That's such a classic. 1:23:05 Unknown_04: I'm pressing, I was pressing buttons is the, um, uh, is the look here. Listen for dark side. Phil, it's like, it's just like the ubiquitous, like a log means they all come back to even 14 fucking years later. I was pressing buttons. Unknown_03: I'm pressing- I was actually trying to throw, so... I didn't get a tech, and I didn't get a fucking throw. I got nothing. Unknown_02: The entire round was because I couldn't fucking do any moves online. Unknown_03: Wow, dude. He can get one legitimate hit. Can't block. 1:23:43 Unknown_02: Tried to block and jump back. Unknown_03: Look at this, I can't do anything. Unknown_03: I'm not doing anything, I'm just getting hit. Unknown_04: Okay, I don't know anything about fighting games, but The way that like he's he's complaining that he's getting countered despite not doing anything And I've had this explained to me from people that play fighting games He's very obviously trying to do like basic attacks that are getting predicted and countered perfectly in this fight So when he's sitting there, and he's saying like I'm not doing anything. Why am I getting counter? He's just lying out of his fucking ass like he's actively trying to fight back against this guy and and get encountered just like at like a mathematical level. 1:24:16 Unknown_03: This is amazing, the level of quality of this online play. Now it's funny how the first round I beat his ass and all of a sudden the second and third rounds and none of my moves happen or work. No blocking, no special attack. 1:24:50 Unknown_04: It doesn't even occur to him that the guy's just fucking with him the first- I love it so much. I love it so much. And he hasn't changed, he's still complaining about the exact same fucking shit. That was- wasn't even close to being- Unknown_03: A normal podcast show. Uh, we have like pretty much no shoutouts to do because no one contributed because I was messing around with the joystick. Uh, please support the streams today. This is my final consecutive streaming day of the week. Yes, we are actually doing Elden Ring now. Um... That's what I'm playing today. Not Street Fighter VI. Uh... 1:25:25 Unknown_03: Angie you didn't give me enough money. Let's get set up everybody. Um Now guys Unknown_03: I know this was very weird, alright? Please support the stream. Typically, I would have had a lot more things to do to shout out there on the podcast, but because I was messing with the joystick, basically we got next to no contributions. That sucks. It's not always good to get a good head start. Unknown_03: Please support the stream today. You know the deal. I try to raise 50 bucks in tips every stream. Anything above that is greatly appreciated. 1:25:57 Unknown_03: Superchats, memberships, gifted memberships, tips, all great. Anything. Unknown_03: To contribute for my final day of the week is uh, it's great. But so basically I Mean $50 a For 90 minutes, how much is that? Unknown_04: It's like $30 an hour there about a 45 45 1:26:29 Unknown_04: No, it's not even, it's 30, close to 30, sorry. The heat is frying my brain like an egg. Unknown_04: Not that much, especially not where he lives in Seattle. It's probably median for the US. Unknown_04: I don't know, man, doesn't seem worth it. He really just seems to hate video games and playing video games. If I hated running the forum and doing the podcast, I just fucking wouldn't do it. I can't imagine, especially for that amount of money. Unknown_04: Guess the convenience is that you get to stay inside your house But how much money is it worth it to deal someone to do a job? Especially a job that doesn't progress you you know what I mean? Like there are some jobs where there's like career opportunities and people especially like people like in middle management They have like this grind set where it's like if I do 10 years or whatever eventually I can read I can go up and at 20 I can retire with my pension or whatever with his game shit it's like he has nowhere to go like he's already peaked he'll never be that good again he hates his job he hates his fans he's already like known as like the biggest fucking asshole ever like his lucky break ain't coming so it's a little bit crazy that 1:27:42 Unknown_04: Sticks through with it. Unknown_04: I guess it's like all he knows at this point. I feel like maybe he thinks that like people if he um If he quits then like people will win, you know what I mean like the a logs win So he just likes even though he hates it He um, he stays through with it All right. I um Unknown_04: I am going to torture myself for you guys actually Let me find this real quick the Ralph update is that he's had a little bit more spat with People of vtuber people of anime avatar Okay, so 1:28:33 Unknown_04: Ralph says Ralph's tweet about Gura clip has gained a little attraction with the vtuber people has like a hundred plus replies right now Instant guaranteed fucking replies no matter what he says about vtubers. He says In reply to Gar Gora sings take me out to the ballgame So this apparently the shark lollicon showed up on the big screen at one of these baseball games And Ralph says, a disgrace to our national pastime. Imagine coming home from WW2 to enjoy a ball game only to be told that this is what it would turn into. I mean, I don't know. That doesn't ring to me. 1:29:13 Unknown_04: You know what I mean? I think it would only be funnier, like, because the way it's framed is I'm just thinking like, okay, guy, Eastern or in European theater, shooting at them Nazis to come home to enjoy the ball game. And then there's like a 20 foot long movie theater screen playing like a cartoon character singing, take me out to the ball game. I'm just thinking they'd be like, oh, that's a weird cartoon. That's a wonderful high definition television for the 1950s, but whatever. I'm here. I got my Cracker Jacks. I got my hot dog. I'm ready to enjoy my game. I don't think that would, that would freak them out as much as like the, the black people that sing the national anthem, like, like in a really shitty way. That's probably worse. 1:29:45 Unknown_04: Unless it's from the Pacific Theater. If it's like a Japanese girl saying, take me out to the ball game on the screen, they're probably like, what the fuck? I just got back from Iwo Jima. I took a flamethrower and roasted me 100 of them fucking yellow skinned gooks. Now I come back to eatin' my Cracker Jacks and hot dog and you got some fuckin' nip bitch up there on the screen, sangin', sangin' in her disgusting nip-on ways. Fuck that. That would make sense, but he didn't say that. So usually when you say World War II, your mind goes to the European theater, I think. 1:30:21 Unknown_13: Unless you're Chinese. Unknown_13: Uh, so Curie Ringey's VTuber and fan cringe slash drama seed emoji at a verified says, this will never be your problem since you can't put your hooves on us soil without getting arrested. Unknown_04: And he says, I just did two weeks ago. That is an actual true Ralph W cause that's correct. 1:31:03 Unknown_04: Trigger Point says TBD total vtuber domination. This guy is obsessed with sucking vtuber cock That's uh, he had another point another name before flamenco comes out. Oh my god I always think that flamenco like left the internet like after like the coffee stuff and all the lolicon shit I forget that he's like still around and trying to do shit. I Unknown_04: Flamenco says the Dodgers then proceeded to come back from behind and win the game much to the chagrin of the man-pig Hybrid currently hiding out in Mexico to avoid his legal issues Okay You're a pedophile Flamenco, okay Okay, I sure I'm imagining the the UM the ink dots from Fallout New Vegas How do you feel about this question? I charge into my problems head-on like yeah, that's that's about right Your baseball analysis doesn't hold much stock with me. You're probably more concerned with Little League anyways. That's actually funny. That's funny. He kept it one point with the baseball terminology chat. I appreciate that. I appreciate the extended metaphor. 1:31:58 Unknown_04: Uh, Flamenco says, how do you figure out? He says, how do I figure your pedo? You're welcome to on the, oh, of course you're welcome to talk about this on the keel stream to relitigate it. If you wish it's pretty well, except that you are. Many people are saying that, uh, Flamenco says, no asking your reasoning. 1:32:34 Unknown_04: And then he invites them on. So he got distracted by trying to get Flamenco on show so he can roast them for free content and stop being funny. Okay, let's listen to this. Unknown_04: Let's see how long I can stand chat, you ready? Unknown_04: Oh god, I'm already... Unknown_04: Ooh. Unknown_04: Thousands of people. Imagine the audacity of like this performer being like, yeah, they're going to show me singing this song to like thousands of people in like a live stadium, like normies who just want to watch baseball. 1:33:22 Unknown_04: Oh my God. She's, she's doing the baby voice. She's not even singing like in a normal voice. She's still doing the baby voice. Unknown_06: Oh my god. Unknown_13: Dude, the audience is booing! Unknown_04: Oh! Oh no! Unknown_05: Anime bros! Why are they booing? I thought you, I thought they came back. 1:33:56 Unknown_04: Oh, they're singing along. Okay, the booze, the animes and the crowd are turning it around. They're singing along. Unknown_14: Dude, the older people in this audience must be fucking bewildered by this. Unknown_04: Oh no, there's another verse! 1:34:28 Unknown_15: Dude, the people laugh! Unknown_04: Oh my god, oh my god! Unknown_04: Bros, you know, like, you know what the cringe is? Unknown_04: You know I can't handle it. Unknown_04: Oh well. Unknown_04: Can you not fucking sing right? Did someone beat you upside the head with a fucking baseball bat? Why do you sing like that? Cracker Jacks! Cracker Jacks! Not Quackadacks! 1:35:03 Unknown_14: Don't care if I never get back on my feet. Root, root for the Dodgers. If they don't win, it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old fog. Unknown_04: she at the end the old ball game you're supposed to raise your voice it's supposed to go it's supposed to be louder as you sing it but like you can't do that you can't do the baby voice game you have to like restrain it i'm gonna replay that because it's really cringe 1:35:50 Unknown_04: She can't raise her voice and maintain the baby voice at the same time because it's like a cringe baby voice. Unknown_04: It's really restrained and embarrassing. Unknown_27: They follow it up with the Rough Rider anthem from DMX! Unknown_05: Okay, sorry, the T-levels of our team, the Dodgers are dropping. Can we get the Rough Rider? Can we get some DMX on the fucking field? We need some DMX before these guys are like, the balls shrivel up and fall off them. 1:36:32 Unknown_13: Oh my god. Unknown_13: Okay. Unknown_13: That's enough of this. Unknown_13: Lucas Gage. Unknown_04: Who I did not talk about ever before last stream, but last stream I made a remark about how the Pete okay, so this guy got doxxed and the Jewish Zionists that run our country that occupy our government that terrorize us night and day in our CIA prisons and 1:37:06 Unknown_04: We're sending him Domino's pizza to his chagrin talking and he was talking about how the Jews fighting the Jews He was broadcasting his being swatted and shit on Twitter People were telling him was a bad idea, but he was explaining that he was fighting the Zionist occupied government There's a very funny soy Jack He has been suspended proving once and for all that the Jews do run our society Sam Parker Unknown_04: X to notify Lucas that he'll be suspended for six months for inciting violence. Then this guy complains that this is not fair There's a video of him crying actually and I want to find that Unknown_04: Fucking Jews man RT from mutuals Listen if if Jews ran eggs my boy The the Ethan Ralph a log. Oh my god. I forgot his name how embarrassing I was gonna Hold up. I forgot his name. I can't pull up excellent on screen. I can't access my DMS anymore Who's the Jewish guy that trolls the fuck out of Ralph? He sent me Gabe. That's right Gabe Hoffman 1:38:05 Unknown_04: My boy would get me unbanned, obviously, but... Unfortunately. Unknown_04: Okay, I wanna see him cry. Look at that. I know, man. It's like a... I need to make a ban from X therapy group, like in Fight Club. Like, we're still men. Men is what we are. And then, uh... We can, uh... Oh, it was Remaining Men Together. It's the testicular cancer group from Fight Club. That's exactly what it'll be like. Six months to thin-thin. Oh, no. 1:38:39 Unknown_04: I was just crying. I got a six month suspension. Dude, this guy looks like a fucking mutt. This guy looks like a, like, like a, like, Oh, he even has like military uniforms on the back. Like frame. Is he ex military? He's like the personification of like the military mutt. Unknown_27: Right. Unknown_27: Six months suspension. 1:39:15 Unknown_04: Now I can't complain about the Jews on Twitter. Unknown_27: For what? Unknown_04: Only they. It was working on X for a second and it said no more. Unknown_27: What I get is this, you know what it says? Unknown_04: Why does he get six months and I'm indefinite? What the fuck? Unknown_27: Look what it says. Unknown_27: We've tested some of your account features. Unknown_04: What does he cry hours in 30 minutes? Unknown_27: Right. So it says that I'm locked out for 11 death threats. They are doing everything they want and they can't even get suspended at all. And I'm sitting here using my first amendment, protesting the parasite colony of Israel, fucking burning the satanic Talmud that these Jews sent me. 1:39:47 Unknown_04: That's right. He got a free Talmud or whatever on Like sent to him because you can get free religious texts like sent to anybody's house That's like free Qurans and Bibles and Talmuds are like things that people will trick Like religious organizations into sending to people's homes to fuck with them. I think even at the PO box. I think that um the male guys reported getting a copy of the Quran and I had him throw it away and 1:40:28 Unknown_04: I didn't make a big fanfare about it. I just figured people would know that's where it goes. Unknown_04: So he got it and he burned it on Twitter as proof to epically own the Jews or whatever. Because you know, Jews are super religious and when the Talmud gets burned, they cry about it. And I get a six month suspension. Unknown_27: Does Dr. Evil David get any suspensions when he literally promotes murdering people in Gaza? 1:41:00 Unknown_27: Six fucking months, is it a half a year? For what? They didn't even tell me which tweet it was. They didn't say, losing fucking money. Unknown_27: This guy is a fucking Jew pretending to be a Wigna. Unknown_27: That's what this guy is. He's not a fucking white nationalist or a national soldier. Unknown_04: This guy is like the epitome of like the low IQ, like inbred retard that, that they try to make out every racist person as being like, you can just point to this guy and say, look how much he says Jew. This is what an anti-Semite looks like. The guy was fucking mongrel, retard, piece of shit seething about fucking Twitter or. 1:41:39 Unknown_27: There is not one statement anywhere on X where I incite, promote, or endorse violence to harm a single motherfucker. Not one. And everyone knows that because you watch me. Unknown_27: And I literally say, even in my speech at the JP conference, I literally said, we don't need to do any violence. That's what they want us to say. This is a spiritual war for the hearts and minds of the people. There is no violence involved. Unknown_04: Oh, this guy's a huge Alex Jones guy. Cause that's like word for word what Alex Jones says it's spiritual war. And, uh, they, they, they, whatever they is, is, um, wants us to be violent. 1:42:24 Unknown_27: Frappe says Laura Loomer calls for literal genocide and is still allowed. Fuck this gay world. Yep. Unknown_27: Yep, your situation they see through the synagogue of demons dumb long-nosed Pinocchios with their hats, right? Unknown_27: The more they do this the more DSP snort. Unknown_05: This guy does kind of look like DSP. Unknown_04: It's like a DSP phenotype Dude, it must be hot in his room, too Can veterans affairs get this man an air conditioner like a wall unit to put in his window This guy's like sweating like a pig 1:43:03 Unknown_04: Sir sir, I'll have you know, this is the first and foremost most prominent most ardent defender of Israel on rumble on formerly we were on YouTube but we were the best and most pro-israel there to one day I will go to Israel and went on a 100-foot flagpole I will raise above every Palestinian Enclave, a giant, enormous Israeli flag, and I will fire wildly into the sky my twin Akimbo Desert Eagle .50 cal BMG handguns, or it's actually AE. Unknown_04: And everyone will know for hundreds of miles that this is true and honest Jewish Israeli clay. So don't even try me. Don't even say, Oh Josh, you're not sounding like you love Israel hard enough. Motherfucker. There's nobody that's ever loved Israel more than me. I would sacrifice every American soldier for one square foot of Israeli clay. Every single one of them. I would lay down their lives to defend the sovereignty of the great state of Israel. Don't even fucking try me, brother. 1:43:57 Unknown_27: InnocentIndigoLucas for 10 bucks. Could that email be fake email that somebody's pretending to be ex-Twitter sent? Also, try emailing ex-support or support Twitter. Oh, I didn't even check if it was that. Let's find out. Let me see. Maybe you're right. You know, that'd be fucking great if it's a fake email. 1:44:36 Unknown_27: No, it's Twitter support. It's literally, it says case suspension. No, it's real. Unknown_27: Yeah, Dwayne Davis. Can we book you for the kill? I blocked him off. Unknown_04: I wouldn't just get a cry. I guess, I think that this guy's issue, Unknown_04: Catch the Rainbow? Unknown_04: He thinks that he's crying because he's so sweaty. He's like, oh, it looks like there's tears running down his face. No, brother. That's because Veterans Affairs doesn't give this guy enough money to buy an AC. Good luck from Cambodia. Unknown_27: I hate the Jews, too. 1:45:18 Unknown_13: Okay, cool. That's a Lucas cage thing. Unknown_04: Boss man, Jack, the real hero of the Kiwi farms, um, was supposed to have a hearing on, uh, the ninth eight yesterday. What was this date, but he didn't appear, which is weird because he's in custody. How the fuck do you not appear to a court date when literally Unknown_04: You're in fucking jail. I asked Hardin, because if you don't know, Hardin, to show you how small of a world this is, Hardin was the elected prosecutor for Greene County in Virginia. Greene County is the county that Chris Chan lived in. 1:46:00 Unknown_04: Rutgersville is in Greene County. So in another world, Hardin would have been the prosecutor representing the state against Chris Chan's incest case. Unknown_04: However, the county is kind of rural, so it shares a jail with a couple different counties next to it. Unknown_04: Hardin has literally held physical keys to the jail that Bossman Jack is currently incarcerated in. Isn't that just fucking nuts how small the world is? 1:46:35 Unknown_04: But I asked him I said how could he possibly fail to appear to a court hearing that? He's incarcerated for and he said that it happens all the time that because it's a shared County Jail and we have to bus people to court still in Virginia that They just fuck up the transport list and the jail just forgets to send him to the to the the courthouse So that's probably what happened eventually Unknown_04: Uh, they got rescheduled for tomorrow. And then I think that the next hearing, I think he's in jail still. I think that he's not getting out on bond and his next hearing is like in August. So they're not, they're probably not going to let him out. They're not going to give him bond. Not going to give him recognizance. He's already fucked up probation. He's probably out for a while. Chad, not for a while. 1:47:09 Unknown_04: Sad. Um, Unknown_04: September 6 is not even August September. So he's out for two months at least awaiting The next court hearing on this He also he's gotten his public defender and His reputation is that of a working lawyer and not really like a 1:47:58 Unknown_04: The way that it is described is that there are some lawyers, for instance, the guy that worked Christian's case, that's like an actual believer in the American justice system and really, really believe in the right to trial and really believe that everybody gets the best, most zealous defense possible. Then you'll have what I'll refer to as working lawyers that are overworked, underpaid. And Bossman got a working lawyer. He did not get Christian's zealous defense. Unknown_04: I have a feeling that Chris Chen was given a really good public defender by choice. Cause when the state gets Chris and he's like all fucked up, they're like, okay, well we need a lawyer. Schneider. No, it wasn't Schneider. He had like a Jewish or German sounding name though. 1:48:46 Unknown_04: He had a, um, I can't remember his name. Unknown_04: It's like Hellman or something. But he got appointed this guy and apparently he's actually a really good guy. Unknown_04: The state probably gave him that really good attorney because they need someone competent who's willing to do more than what's required of them to adequately represent Chris just because of how complicated his, uh, um, his cases. Yeah. Unknown_13: Austin's just out of commission. Unknown_13: Rest in pepperoni. 1:49:20 Unknown_13: Mmm. Okay. We have a little bit of extra time. Unknown_13: So. Unknown_13: This guy named Shinto Minto said, please, for the love of Christ, watch Dion eat his patented butter dog while crying about how nobody wants to watch his videos. Unknown_04: Chat, when I hear the word butterdog, I think of this guy. Unknown_13: Hold on. There's a meme. There we go. 1:49:58 Unknown_13: Butterdog. The dog with the butter. Unknown_07: Butterdog. Dog with the butter on him. The dog with the butter. Butterdog. Dog with the butter on him. Butterdog. Unknown_04: This is- Butterdog is like an intrusive thought. There are many memes, like the Sneed meme, where it becomes like embedded deep into my brain, and when I'm just having like empty moments in my head, I just get, butterdog, dog with the butter on him, butterdog, dog with the butter, butterdog, dog with the butter on him. It's just- it's like- it's a- it's a fucking parasite that lives, like, in the- Core of my central nervous system and just randomly emits but a dog dog with the bottle on them one more time actually But a dog the dog with the butter, but a dog with the butter on him the dog with a dog That's not the but a dog we're talking about here apparently this guy Dion has a hot dog that he calls a butter dog and 1:50:30 Unknown_04: I've never seen this. I have no idea who Deanna is, but Shinto Mento said for the love of Christ. So I feel I am obligated to give this a shot yet to see if there's about a dog lives up to the other butter dog, the dog with the butt on. 1:51:07 Unknown_29: And then we have the Looney Tunes show. It's incredible. Unknown_04: This is a melanated man. We've got more black people today. Uh, let me pop this on over to a mono. So you guys don't have to listen in the right ear and I will simply suffer. Unknown_04: I will simply suffer through it. Unknown_04: Oh, we got an anime, anime, anime alert. We got an anime enjoyer over here. I guess it is Naruto though. That's like one of the black animes, right? Black people watch like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto, right? So this isn't too, too weird. 1:51:45 Unknown_29: Man, I've been posting a lot of videos because I'm desperate, okay? That makes sense. I know my videos may not be, you know, sobby enough for people to really hear me out. Unknown_06: He's gay, by the way. Unknown_29: Or I guess you could say just having them subscribe. I don't want to force anyone. Hold on, let me just put us on pause very quick here. It's about a dog. Unknown_29: Sorry about that. Oh, boring. I had to type out some, like, awful thoughts on my livestream. Even though the audio doesn't work. 1:52:18 Unknown_29: I almost had like another meltdown again. I guess it's because I see my mother struggling and how she has to donate plasma. I don't know what the hell that is, honestly. And here's me just making a video of a delicious- A video? Unknown_04: Oh no. Kick video. Unknown_04: Yeah, it is very weird to have like video footage of a butter dog, the hot dog with the butter on it. And then this guy is just like, yeah, my mother is like suffering and she's donating plasma to make ends meet. Anyways, here's the butter dog, dog with the butter on it. 1:52:52 Unknown_29: butter dog i like to call it butter dog so it's a butter toast okay since i use all the butter from land of lakes that i basically um had in the fridge Unknown_04: So he's an entire, that's a lot of butta. I'm not sure, this is how much butta the butta dog got. It's a dog with a butta on him. A dog with a butta has a pad of butta on him. Not a whole tub of butta, it's only a pad of butta dog. Unknown_29: And I wanted to add some Del Monte ketchup to actually add it with, and I just noticed it's 111. Unknown_29: Um, I just had almost a meltdown just seeing all these darn YouTubers that are just so far ahead of life. I try not to compare myself to them. I feel because... Is this not, is this not butter? 1:53:36 Unknown_04: Is he using like margarine? show me the buttered dog. Unknown_29: I feel that I'm not doing enough. I feel that my videos are not good, and no one wants to be my friend. Unknown_04: I know his videos aren't good. Trust me, bro. No video is good. Just the way that it is. Unknown_29: Friend, and that's why I got these meltdowns. I had to share because see my mother that works so hard, and she looks really tired, right? You know, she doesn't look exhausted, but it just feels that I'm not doing much. And compared to these other YouTubers, I have thoughts of wanting to just cut my wrists again. 1:54:08 Unknown_05: You guys don't watch my videos more, I'm gonna fucking slash my wrist open. Anyways, here's my butter dog. Bro, your butter dog is getting cold, man. You microwaved that butter dog for a minute and a half, you said. It's only gonna stay so warm. You gotta eat that butter dog while it's still hot and fresh, brother. 1:54:45 Unknown_29: I just feel that if I don't get a dozen views, I'm a loser, okay? If I'm not basically doing these stupid pranks, like doing like a Walmart prank, stepping on top of the shelves, or maybe talk about like a great autistic topic, you know, that would go viral, or about Hasbin Hotel, I'm overwhelming here. I just feel that I'm not doing much, okay? I feel like everyone on here is just asking for too much. Okay, that's not true. 1:55:20 Unknown_05: What more? Unknown_05: What more do you want, YouTube audience? Do you not see the Buttadog? Why is it that this Buttadog gets hundreds of thousands of views, millions of views, and it's a fifth, eight second clip, but yet poor Dino, or Dion, whatever the fuck his name is, he can't get 12 views, but this Buttadog can, get hundreds of thousands. Unknown_04: How is this real? 1:55:50 Unknown_29: I'm not pleasing everyone. Unknown_29: And I can't move because y'all had to stare at my hot dog or your attention span might be over the place. I feel so fucking overwhelmed. I can't see what I'm trying to say. I feel like I'm not good enough, right? I feel like I'm not. Unknown_29: And yeah, see, just to share this, I was on the livestream earlier. I can't believe I typed that in. I don't care how it says zero views, but it says one peak wherever the hell that means concurrent. Unknown_04: That was you. 1:56:22 Unknown_29: I said that in my head. Okay, literally, I know that it worked. I was only here for two and a half minutes and then I ended it. Okay, I know, I said some stuff in my head because Unknown_04: Deion's Doggy Diary, 33 months clean of self-harm, is his channel name. He says, I will sell my kidney for 90,000 subscribers if I have to. I want to be popular because all the large YouTubers are ahead of me and their lives are so perfect yet professional. 1:56:56 Unknown_04: Um, the largest YouTuber I talked about on this stream, brother, dresses up in blackface and gets fucked by black men and does OnlyFans, like, secretly. Not everyone has such a perfect life. Unknown_29: I feel that I'm not- I'm not enough on YouTube. I'm not. Unknown_29: I'm just not that patient, I suppose. I'm so sorry I just had another meltdown again. I just want to feel that my viewer, my viewers, they need to air a false assault on my dear friends again. I want this to... I want my... You got distracted by Cartoon Network. Okay, like, I'm not kidding. Unknown_04: I like your videos. Unknown_29: I want approval because... Unknown_04: I approve of your videos. 1:57:37 Unknown_29: I feel embarrassed that I have never worked in my life, okay? Unless if you got YouTube. I don't know how to design. Unknown_04: That's okay. Unknown_29: But at least I basically, even though I've been... Nobody works anymore. What are you putting on that, brother? Never had sex, which I would refuse to have sex, right? What did you put on that butter dog? Like my life is over by a ton of people, okay? I feel like... Did you know that white people don't even season their butter dogs? I don't have a good heart, okay? Like this. Okay? Unknown_04: What'd you put on that butadog? And the worst thing for a pizza- Chat, what was that bottle? I don't recognize that bottle. 1:58:10 Unknown_29: It's like you're yelling at me. You're in a- He put parmesan? Unknown_04: He put- He put shelf-stable dry parmesan grating on the butadog? Unknown_04: Is that what it is? I thought you- I thought you refrigerate parmesan. Unknown_04: I guess you don't have to refrigerate that shit. Unknown_04: Okay, someone said that it is Parmesan. They recognize the brand. Okay. Unknown_29: Please do not say anything like that. Unknown_04: That's a cheesy butter dog. Unknown_29: I'm having an autistic meltdown. 1:58:43 Unknown_04: Yeah, that's okay. Unknown_29: Me too. Unknown_04: Happens to the best of us, brother. Unknown_29: I don't know, it feels like a race. I tried it to myself at the end, it's okay. You're doing the best you can. Yeah, you may not have a lot of subscribers, so it doesn't mean that you're less enjoyable compared to these other channels that can get over 222,000 views, even though their videos are amazing to watch. You know, that's why I'm sharing this, because I want to be human here. Oh, some of that good old watermelon. Unknown_04: I just want to do that. Unknown_29: At least I inspire one person, and I don't think I'm going to livestream, because I don't get views on it. Okay, I know, I'm... 1:59:17 Unknown_29: I just want to be popular. Okay, I do. I know it feels as though I'm in middle school all over again because I did not get treated well in, let's just say the 8th grade. It was not, it was not pretty. Okay, maybe I'm having that 8th grade mindset here. Unknown_04: This guy's really good at avoiding dead air. Unknown_04: Dead air people call me a dork. Always something going on. Of course a loser, right? Unknown_29: And yet they're moving on, their terms are doing well. That's why people don't enjoy my videos because 1:59:49 Unknown_29: of what they say about me. Unknown_29: What are you doing? Unknown_04: Oh my god. He, like, tore it in half. He has, like, little, like, um, like Gollum, like, fingers. Like, you know when that scene in the Lord of the Rings where Gollum gets, like, a fish and just, like, devours it? Like, this is what we're about to watch, I think. 2:00:23 Unknown_29: She doesn't know when her boyfriend is supposed to be driving trucks and to see my airbed. You know, I have another one, right? I love that airbed. I do. Well, it's not perfect, but I still can sleep well. It's just with all my CPTSD because of all the summer blowing and summer drunk. Bro, eat the butter dog. I can't get over that. Unknown_04: This is why this nigga's skinny. I can't sit there with food in my fucking hand and not eat it. Like, this guy, this guy waited six and a half minutes. Do I have this at Chew X? 2:00:56 Unknown_04: No, I don't. This is normal speed. He just talks two eggs. Six and a half minutes later, he tears the butter dog in half to eat it. Unknown_04: And then he's still talking. Unknown_29: Eat that butter dog. It has affected me severely. Unknown_29: And I did suffer, I think like half the day. I woke up at one this morning. Unknown_06: The butter dog is collapsing. Unknown_29: Oh, my foot overheated. 2:01:31 Unknown_15: I don't want anyone to hear me this way. Unknown_29: I guess because I feel like I'm behind. Unknown_04: This is messy eating room. Unknown_04: This is super messy. You would think that like a hot dog would be like one of the cleanest foods possible to eat. You know what I mean? Like that's the reason why hot dogs are popular. Like for sporting shit? Cause they're real, you don't need like a plate or whatever. They're like tidy. Same with burgers. This butadog is like the sloppiest shit. Unknown_04: Now he's like taking like 20 minutes to eat. I don't want to hear this guy eat for 10 minutes. 2:02:08 Unknown_04: He's still eating. It takes this guy five minutes to eat one butadog. What the fuck? Unknown_04: Chinese man could eat the other butta dog in less than- He's still going! He still has food in his hand. Eat the fucking butta dog. Holy shit. Doesn't even like his own butta dog. I'll give you some flashbacks, because I've always been told, like, a fish- Ew! Goddammit. Unknown_29: Not a fish. From a dog's perspective, if you tell, like, a chihuahua- I thought I skipped far enough ahead and I did not. If a Mexican said a chihuahua to not bark, Because it's annoying. 2:02:42 Unknown_04: Literally, it took, I think I stopped at like six. It took like seven minutes for me to eat that fucking hot dog. Unknown_29: Because they'll think it's annoying. Or if you want to remove his focal box, that stuff is straight up animal abuse and murder at that point. Unknown_29: Why is he talking about slitting a dog's throat? Unknown_05: What the fuck? Unknown_29: What did I miss? Or dog abuse, I have to call it. Unknown_05: Dog abuse? You know what's dog abuse? This. Butterdog. Unknown_07: You can't put that butter on that butterdog. Unknown_05: What are you doing? I don't know. He doesn't know what to do with the butter on his head. He's scared. 2:03:14 Unknown_05: Then... You would believe that. Unknown_29: I just feel like I'm not doing much in my videos. I haven't checked my view count, by the way. At least for this date. I haven't. Unknown_29: I did the last time on one of them, but I don't remember what video it was. I don't want to remember it. It's just that I want to just to be supportive of my mother and my brother. And I enjoy doing these YouTube videos because... Videos. I want to feel that I will make a standing difference to someone. I know for Angel Dust, I hope that I am. 2:03:48 Unknown_04: He poured himself a glass of this watermelon drink. Unknown_04: And now he's just acquired a giant straw, and is drinking it directly from the carton. Unknown_04: So before he ate, he was willing to pour himself a glass of watermelon drink. But after he ate, when he now has crumbs and stuff in his mouth, he's gonna use a straw. Unknown_04: Why is this, chat? Explain this to me. Unknown_29: I may be, but ain't no one else. If you wanna be a supporting, even if I don't read any comments, okay, feel free to add I don't know. Any emoji you like. Add a green heart emoji if you want to see me, you know, earn money on YouTube to support my mother and my brothers so that my mother doesn't have to donate plasma so much and that her health would be okay. 2:04:25 Unknown_04: I want to see some green hearts and chat. Unknown_29: Any type of heart emoji. I don't care. I wonder why a green heart. Unknown_04: Get a job? I don't want this guy working. He's dangerous. The best thing I feel that Unknown_29: I have always been told I'm never enough. 2:04:57 Unknown_29: That's like what Lindsey Holtz said to me. I don't want this guy in charge of anything. Unknown_04: I think that this guy can't barely manage to make and eat a Buttadog. I don't know if I would put him in charge of other people's food. That seems like a bad idea. I don't know. I can't really imagine what this guy's good for. Making Buttadog videos is probably right up his alley. Unknown_29: money to do the suicide hotline break and tell me to go kill myself and also for people to say that suicide is selfish please don't say anything okay please don't suicide is painless in the future if this does get seen hopefully 2:05:34 Unknown_29: I see you. You are seen. Well, basically, you won't be able to comment any videos if you're a viewer. I just want to give you a warning. Do not say that, okay? Or, you know, go out and be close. If it's that easy, I won't be having any type of loneliness. Or at least, less loneliness. Unknown_29: I don't want to show these videos because I know people are going to say comments and say, oh, wow, dude, you really are a loser. Well, thanks a lot for noticing. Unknown_05: Oh, you're welcome. Unknown_29: Anytime, bro. 2:06:06 Unknown_29: Whatever you need. Unknown_04: Is he like a black Indian my is this what's going on with him do that's cursed that's some fucking curse shit I basically want to call the police on me out there He basically want to slice my throat when I try to use a super paper Mario or paper Mario ultra hammer on him Not like damaging him but for self-defense and thinking that Unknown_29: What? Unknown_29: Can I get a recap of that? That movie is. I don't know who Jamar is. It's a name I made up that basically wanted to call the police on me after he basically wanted to slice my throat. 2:06:38 Unknown_04: A guy named Jamar called the, wanted to call the police on him after he wanted to slice his throat. Oh, and I tried to use a super paper Mario or paper Mario ultra hammer on him. Unknown_13: Hold up. 2:07:17 Unknown_13: What does it do? Press green to swing your hammer? Unknown_04: Okay, that's just a big hammer. Okay. I got you. I know what a big hammer is like I was very curious. I was like what the fuck does mean? 2:07:48 Unknown_29: Not like damaging him, but for self-defense and thinking that not okay. Unknown_04: What is damaging without? What is self-defense without damaging? Is he just doing what that guy didn't just swing in the Mario hammer like on the ground in front of him? So I'm just imagining this this is like an anime fight right the guy basically took out his shuriken went. Oh, yeah Unknown_04: I will slit your throat and then I will call the police and he went like threw out his shurikens and then he took out his super mario and went BAM BAM right in front of him and knocked the shurikens out of the air and it was like oh hey it didn't do any damage to him it just parried the shurikens I don't know what I'm talking about I just had a dream that I felt like a slave towards people or less human because I'm not as You know, you got those really long fingers, I bet you could pick cotton. You got those long-ass bony fingers, perfect for, like, getting in those spiky cotton bushes, picking out all that cotton. 2:08:35 Unknown_29: Popular or successful, right? Than other YouTubers. Or I'm not making a life difference as an adult. I'm having a third life crisis, if that makes sense. Unknown_29: It was not a great dream either. Just because, oh, someone may have more of a finance, or, I don't know, more stable. That makes them more, more adult. 2:09:09 Unknown_29: Financially. I don't know. That's sad. Unknown_20: Thank you. Unknown_04: What is this guy? 412 subscribers. Unknown_04: And he has like no viewers. How do you know this? How do you know this guy? He's like your, your discord locale. Unknown_04: That's a tasty looking but a dog. Unknown_04: Oh! Three! Three man single dog with the butthole on him from a guy suspiciously named Folkskrieg. 2:09:49 Unknown_04: I wonder if this guy's a viewer. Oh look, that's a dog. It's a dog with the butthole on him. Unknown_04: Self-harm survivor that's 41 months clean. And it's like there's a Unknown_04: Ew, he's got like a tranny. Ew! And he's got like cutting marks on his fucking video. I'm just a lonely black spade. Unknown_13: You're not alone here, Lucario. 2:10:22 Unknown_04: Thank you. Unknown_04: I will watch one more of this guy's videos. This is actually really funny. Okay, prediction. What's the day? Today is July the 9th, actually it's the 10th now. Unknown_04: By July the 10th, 2025, this guy will have 50,000 subscribers. Unknown_04: And we'll have a Turkey Tom video about him. I'm just going to make a prediction. I'm going to lock it in. Because half of fucking Bossman Jack... Bossman Jack had no viewers when I started talking about him on stream. 2:10:53 Unknown_04: Getting into an altercation at Dollar Tree at the Family Dollar. He reviews Dots Candies. He harasses a homeless person at Walmart. He gets trespassed out of Walmart. Unknown_04: He's playing with a dead cockroach. He explains that he was super mega raped as a child using Loud House Rule 34 to explain it. I'm actually not interested in that. Unknown_04: And then a video titled, I'm Unlovable and Rapable. Unknown_04: Let's go with the Dollar Tree one. Let's go with the Dollar Tree one. Three minute video. This is Trey, a tall, black Dollar Tree Kevin that got fired after verbally harassing me. If you don't know, Kevin is like the male equivalent for Karen in the YouTube space. 2:11:28 Unknown_29: I don't like being called that. Unknown_15: You can really see that Indian phenotype in him. Unknown_29: Oh, is he shoplifting? Unknown_04: Is the guy searching his bags? 2:12:11 Unknown_29: I was just watching some Dragon Ball Z moments and that guy, he has a temper. So he called me fool. So just let you know, avoid that man. And I don't feel comfortable with him. Cause the thing is I had to take a little break, right? You know, hearing about after how Akira Toyama passed away, which is really heartbreaking. I was watching a clip of, you know, Vegeta yelling at Goku, right? When they met. Unknown_04: This guy almost sounds like a parody. This guy does the whole, like, embarrassing cringe weeaboo better than Jace does. Unknown_04: Jace! Or, uh, what's his name? Jan. You have to take notes from this guy. Have a conversation with this guy, and then, like, record his responses about anime shit into a notebook, and then base your character off of that. It'll flesh it out, it'll give it some real humanity, I think. 2:12:48 Unknown_29: And I don't know what the hell that man's point is because you can carry You see you can carry purses, but he literally wanted to have my Angry Birds backpack up So... I'm sorry Where the fuck does he live that has so many Indians? Unknown_04: I'm gonna get his name before I leave. Unknown_29: I don't feel comfortable Unknown_29: Just so you know, it's Mario day. I don't need this right now Okay, what's your name by the way cuz I don't feel comfortable how you treat it That's a it's like the meme where it's like the guys upset like really in front of the gay retard flag Like really you're gonna do this on Mario day, bro. 2:13:43 Unknown_04: Come on show some respect motherfucker me tray. Oh Unknown_04: Do not call me fool, please don't. Please don't. Fool? Hey! He just said, you act- the guy was probably ghetto and said, you're acting the fool. Like Mr. T. And he's like, what? What? Don't call me a fool. I don't like it when you call me a fool. Unknown_29: I'm not sure what his- that man's deal is. Unknown_04: Dude, he's spurting out hard. 2:14:21 Unknown_21: No, you won't. You ain't gonna talk to him. Unknown_29: Please don't. Oh, I saw how to call the police. Unknown_29: I know. I mean, I always bring this backpack all the time. Unknown_21: Yeah, I mean, I don't even know this man, and he called me full. Unknown_29: Like, okay. Unknown_29: He called me full. Yeah, great attitude. Unknown_04: Another black person. This guy is like Indian fluid. It depends on if it benefits him or not to be black or Indian. Just like Kamala Harris. Indians got this shit on lock you they like integrate they like take half of a different race And then they're like if it benefits them then they're like duped. Oh do Hama just That's your factor pool or the fuck their names. I can't even like think of like a Oh a son sonja come off or um Soak deep dick shit. Those are the those are the Indian names. They have a really like bizarre Indian name anyways, um 2:14:56 Unknown_04: On some days, he's he's so deep dick shit and other days. He's a Dion she that's a hood name Okay, I think we should wrap up it's been two hours, um next stream I was going to Most can I should have done this stream probably I got distracted by Dion. 2:15:37 Unknown_05: I Unknown_04: Next room. I'm gonna do a recap on shoddy If you don't know who shoddy is you're in for a treat if you do know who shoddy is You'll know that she's been gone for quite a while and we miss her obviously on the stream on the pod So I'll do a recap of what she's been up to Let's take it a little reddit detour for a bit Unknown_04: Ask transgender, as a post-op trans woman, what the fuck am I supposed to do when the Nazi Republicans make being trans illegal? That was asked by my new trans account, 1.1 thousand upvotes four days ago. 2:16:14 Unknown_04: And it's a matter of when, not if. I'm dependent on estrogen. I've had sexual reassignment surgery. My birth certificate has changed. I'm working on getting a real ID and a passport. Unknown_04: So what the actual fuck am I supposed to do? Unknown_04: Edit. Kind of hilarious that at least half a dozen or so messages are all from Nazi Redditors. Unknown_04: Like they just discovered this thread and decided they had to make their worthless opinions known. Unknown_04: I don't know if I can leave. Go to England. Get to a blue state ASAP. Yes, do that. Leave. 2:16:52 Unknown_04: Because state laws will hold out against the federal laws for at least a while. And you'll have more social support there. Get that passport and figure out where you'll go if things go downhill to the point where they can't be survivable where you are. And don't give up. I see so much defeatism from trans people right now. And while it's understandable, it's not going to help. Unknown_04: Swunky says, I'm so tired of having to be stronger than my opponents. I didn't ask to be born and certainly didn't ask to be trans. I just want to eat fruit and go swimming and laugh with my friends. Illegal under the tyrannical rule of Führer Donald Trump, all fruit eating banned, all swimming banned and laughing with friends. Are you fucking real? This is a Nazi regime. We don't do laughing here. The only person allowed to laugh is, is a Hitler. 2:17:24 Unknown_04: Sorry, Trump. I mean over here, Hitler laughing. Unknown_13: There's a picture of him laughing. 2:17:59 Unknown_13: Okay. Unknown_13: Only, only Hitler allowed to laugh. Unknown_04: If you are not this guy, not allowed to laugh anymore. And this, this fascist empire of the United States, Unknown_04: Relationship advice this was submitted on the Facebook group actually which does exist. It's a man at the internet. It's the group I will start simulcasting there after another like month Because then I can't live stream there until after 60 days or whatever and And it's crazy. I literally made the account. And when I read the, the terms of service for like live streaming, they said, after this date, uh, you'll need an account that's 60 days old to live stream. Well, I had made the fucking group page literally one day after this, this arbitrary line in the sand. So I missed it by one day and have to wait two fucking months. 2:18:35 Unknown_04: Um, he says, or this is short emails, this is a disposable account and our relationship advice. My 28M fiancé, 27F, lied to me about her career and I broke up with her. My fiancé and I have been... Isn't it fiancé if it's a woman? He's just retarded. My fiancé and I have been together for three years and honestly, it was perfect. We loved the same books and we loved to go on hikes together. She was truly an amazing person, but we were together. I asked her what she did and she told me that she was a YouTuber or a blogger of sorts. 2:19:10 Unknown_04: I thought she had deleted her content because it was so bad. A friend of hers had shown me some of her skits and I was satisfied. She currently works as a hairstylist. A friend of mine recently sent me some videos with the caption, I'm sorry bro. My fiancée was a sex worker in some pretty low-budget films. Honestly, after watching the videos, I nearly fainted. There were a total of seven videos, and they were all very disturbing. I felt violated because she chose to lie to me about all this. Now all my friends and colleagues will have to find out, and I'd be taken for as a sucker. 2:19:46 Unknown_04: I confronted her about the videos. She worked on crying. She told me she was having a hard time finding men to date. When she met me, she did not want to lose me. She told me she was going to hide this forever. Unknown_04: I feel so disgusted all my friends are making jokes behind my back. 2:20:20 Unknown_04: I kind of don't believe that. Unknown_04: Um, if I've learned one thing, there is no such thing as a fem cell. Like I know that you would probably think I would never date a woman that's been in like porn. Unknown_04: but there are a lot of guys who would date women who were in porn, like a lot. Unknown_04: It's kind of shocking actually, like what kind of guys, like old women can pull and like porn stars can pull. Um, it's actually kind of baffling. 2:20:53 Unknown_04: So this is like, these stories, by the way, there's like a category of like Reddit stories that are like this kind of thing. Like for the record, by the way, if this is a real story, he's obviously in his right to break up with her if she lied about like his job or her job or that she had done porn or whatever. Unknown_04: Um, but there's like this weird category of like Reddit stories that are like revenge fantasy towards women. Um, where they're either from the perspective of a man who did something or they're from the perspective of a woman who's suffering, like, 2:21:32 Unknown_04: I was dating a girl and I found out that at one time she had made eye contact with a black man And I was so disgusted. I immediately broke up with her on the spot and she was like crying and saying I'm gonna kill myself I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to look at black people and I totally walked away. Am I the asshole? That's category one category two is this like Unknown_04: Um, throwaway account for obvious reasons. I, 36F, have done OnlyFans and it made a little bit of money, but then I stopped doing it. Well, I dated this awesome guy. His name is Chad. He's perfect and sexy and has a 47 inch long cock and he makes me cum just by looking at me sideways. And it's just the most perfect amazing man ever and I built my whole life around him And I'm so excited and they found out my only fans and was like threatened to break up with me I just don't know what to do read it. I'm such a dumb slut. What do I do? And like both of these categories are completely fucking fake, but I see the shit gets spread around a lot I'm just letting you know Cool 2:22:11 Unknown_13: Um, I think that's it for the Reddit. Did I have another one? I might have had another one. Unknown_13: Uh, no, I did not. Cool. 2:22:53 Unknown_13: Well then, wait. Unknown_04: Oh no, I do actually have, I did have another one for Reddit. Okay. Give me a second. Let me pull this up. I knew there was something funny that I wanted to show. Unknown_04: Okay here true off my chest, you know This one's not fake and bullshit because it says true in the subreddit name chat. Come on Our true off my chest from you hard courting four hours ago probably much longer by now Unknown_04: My girlfriend beat the shit out of someone who broke into her house. The other night, I was sleeping at my girlfriend's. She lives on one street over from the middle of nowhere, no streetlights, no sidewalks, and keeps her house dark at night except for the room she's in to attract bats and detract bugs. 2:23:27 Unknown_04: I think it was like at 2am when I woke up to my girlfriend telling me to call 911. Long story short, a guy had broken a window into the garage and was going through my car. He had a knife but my girlfriend had a shotgun unloaded and wanted to scare him off. Unknown_04: uh, scare them off with it. The cops gave us a really verbal shakedown for that, by the way, we're fucking idiots and don't ever confront a burglar. But this guy was clearly unhinged and charged us. I don't really remember how it happened, but my girlfriend somehow tripped him or he tripped on his own. And then she started basically tamping this guy's rib cage down into his lungs with the butt of the stock. I had to physically stop her a little about my girlfriend. She cries when she sees sick or hurt animals. She's constantly doing her offering to do nice things for people. She won't even squish bugs. She caches them and releases them if she finds any. She's a Buddhist. Nonviolence is important to her. But this I described her as the, before this, I described her as the gentlest person I know. So what the fuck, he concludes. 2:24:36 Unknown_04: There's a quote that is like, when I read this, it reminded me of it immediately. And I can't think of what it was or who said it, but it went something like this. Unknown_04: Everybody is peaceful until they're not. It's something very like, it's much more eloquent and thought provoking than that. But it's like, everybody wants to be nonviolent until they have to like save their own ass. It's something along those lines. And it drove me crazy. I had searched like 30 minutes and couldn't figure out what fucking word I was thinking of. 2:25:15 Unknown_04: That's like, yeah, obviously she wants to be nonviolent until a man is charging her with a fucking knife. There's so many things about this that are like weird to me that bolsters that it's a real story. Like they have a shotgun, but it's unloaded for some reason, because I guess that would make sense from someone's perspective. You want a shotgun. Because I know some people think like this, they want a gun just so they can rack it. They hear a spooky noise or something outside and they want to ward them off. So they just go, ch-ch. And then they think, they hope that the person will just leave. In this circumstance, the guy was probably fucking drugged up and rummaging, you know, lifting cars to try and get money for more drugs or whatever. So his brain wiring gets all fucky-wucky. Here's someone rack a shotgun. He's like, ah! Banzai! So that doesn't work. 2:25:53 Unknown_04: The other one is that in a fake story like this they wouldn't have like the wahmen be the alpha and then he's like like Confused like oh my god, why would she's violent like what a pussy Yeah, it's just a baffling story like what the fuck do you expect her to do Why would you 2:26:27 Unknown_04: Why would you even want to spare the life of a degenerate burglar in your fucking house? Why would it even cross your mind that saving this guy is worth the time? He's barely worth two slugs to put a hole in him. You know what I mean? It's not worth that. But now we have to go through all this bullshit. I had a friend, when I worked online doing a real job, my coworker was like, Unknown_04: Once he was from Arkansas, and he told a story about how his, either he or his father had an AK-47. It wouldn't be an AK-47, it'd be like a newer AK model or whatever. 2:27:05 Unknown_04: And there was a guy, there was like a burglar attempt on his house. And they heard him come around and Unknown_04: I can't remember the exact story. I'll try to paraphrase it because the ending is what matters. Either it was like a burglar or it was like a confrontation. I think it was actually a confrontation. The guy goes back into his truck and gets a gun. And then my buddy or his dad fires. 2:27:40 Unknown_04: into the sky. And, uh, that firing got the guy with the gun to leave. Like when he realized that they were also armed, he just fucked off. And the cops complained to them and said, why didn't you just kill him? It's less paperwork in a self-defense situation if you just kill him in a clear case of self-defense. If he has a gun and is an unwelcome guest on your property and you put bullets to him and he's dead, we just take your story, we say it looks like a self-defense case to us, and then the issue's fucking solved because he has a gun in his hand. Now we have a witness, we have conflicting stories, we have all this bullshit, and it's like you should've just fucking shot him. 2:28:15 Unknown_04: So that's a story that stuck with me for a long time. Unknown_04: But I mean, the point of this is that the guy just wants Reddit to comfort him and be like, no sweaty, it's okay. You can be a little pussy and have your girlfriend take care of a burglars for you. Don't worry about it. See them the wrong to be so aggressive. That guy might've had mental health issues and he should have stopped and listened. It's our responsibility to stop and listen. Unknown_04: So he's a pussy. 2:28:54 Unknown_04: Sad. Pathetic. As Ralph would say, my boy. Unknown_04: Cool. Excellent. Awesome. Let us do, let us commence the super berries and uh, we'll call it a day. I feel like this has been a good show. Unknown_04: You know what I mean? I can just feel it. Some weird shit. I don't talk about a lot of these things very often. So a little bit of variety. It's like some Skittles. Unknown_13: I do have a Gumroad video that I'm working on, by the way. Spoiler. Uh, okay. 2:29:26 Unknown_13: Sorry, I'm pulling up the thing now. Unknown_13: Alright. Unknown_04: The Mac user 751 for five says, uh, Reddit. Unknown_04: Okay. Let's check it out. 2:29:58 Unknown_04: I don't think it'll be better than my Reddit segment. By the way, if you are going to send me a Reddit link, uh, please find a working, um, Reddit proxy and use that. Unknown_04: Oh yeah. The link that you sent me doesn't work, bro. Unknown_04: Let me see if it's in the archive. It's a link to our asmongold and it's already deleted and it's not on the the reddit archive either and it's not um It's not archived at all Yeah, bro, you should have screencap that shit they deleted whatever the fuck that is sorry 2:30:39 Unknown_04: The Mac user, 75142, says, Stix said the other day his Netherlands wife was making dinner and he's back in the Netherlands. Did they reconcile? Unknown_04: I don't fucking know, bro. I don't really keep up with Stix, Axe and Hammer, 666. Unknown_04: Justafamousbutt41 says, troop. Unknown_04: Thank you. Sneado410 says, cat box file. Unknown_13: Wonderful. Let's check it out. Unknown_11: okay wait so i'm gonna wait now i think i can get the uh no no no whoa wait ma'am no no no no no no no no you don't have to do that ma'am you don't have to do that you don't have to do that why did you redeem it why did you redeem it why did you do it ma'am why did you do this 2:31:34 Unknown_04: This is definitely a troll pose. I'm surprised by how many people take posts like this seriously. Unknown_04: Anonymous Indian flag poster on, I assume int or poll. I assume int because it's a blue board says, work in one of the last legitimate call centers in my city. We went, oh, okay. I understand the premise of this post. I get confused. We went from having a staff of 500 back in 2019 down to 75 today. Heard rumors they are shutting down the company. Don't blame them since 90% of the time when customers pick up the phone and hear our accent, they just hang up. Other times it's just some Zoomer thinking we're a scam call center trying to make a scam baiting content. Fuck you, Kit Boga. You ruined the reputation of a legitimate industry in my country and destroyed the lives of tens of thousands of families. I hope you burn in the flames of hell." I don't think Indians have hell. Do Indians say, I hope you burn in hell? I don't think so. I think they have their own thing. Maybe get reincarnated as a flea, Kit Boga, you piece of shit. 2:32:09 Unknown_04: Um, I don't know. Good. Fuck them. Bring the call center jobs back home. I want Steve from Ohio to answer my bank phone call. I don't want Rajmir. I want, I don't want suck deke deke sheet answering my fucking phone calls to answer my, to handle my bank account information. 2:32:41 Unknown_13: Why am I, I'm reading chat. Unknown_04: What? Oh, because I forgot the Twitter segment? Okay. Okay, we'll take a little aside. I'll stop doing this, and I will do the Twitter segment. Unknown_04: Since it's now a hotly demanded thing. Something so funny, and I just come up with all these great ideas. Let's see. 2:33:13 Unknown_06: Four Seasons by Levivaldi. Unknown_06: There we go. Okay. Unknown_04: Okay. I think I got it. I think I got an angle for this one chat. As X deals with an onslaught of violent antisemitic 2:33:52 Unknown_04: content, I find myself permanently banned while the most gratuitous offenders posting violent rhetoric aggressively towards protected minorities such as Jewish people Unknown_04: get temporary suspensions for far greater, uh, trans transgressions against the terms of service. Unknown_04: It has been a full month since my ban and I believe the time has come to now. I think I have a different angle for this. I want to tweak it one second, one second. 2:34:53 Unknown_04: I think there's something that I can do to make this a little bit better. It's very plain, it's very on the nose. It's not how I do things yet. Let's do this. Okay, hold up. Sorry, I'm doing something a little bit special today. Unknown_04: I have to click traffic lights, I have to click traffic lights. Okay, hold up. 2:35:26 Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_04: Yep. Yep, chap. I'm thinking, I'm thinking that this is the one. Unknown_04: I'm thinking that when they see this, they will understand and everything will be sorted out. Capiche? Unknown_04: Shabbat shalom, Elon. Unknown_04: They're still gonna make me do the rocks. Okay, fine. I'll do the rocks. There's only 10 rocks this time, chap. Unknown_04: Use the arrows to rotate the animal to the same icon with the same... Oh, I got you. This is fucking hard. This is hard for like a normal person such as myself to do. 2:36:01 Unknown_04: This is like one of those cognitive tests that they should use to test people doing the LSAT. Oh god. Unknown_04: I feel like my brain's frying. Unknown_04: That's wrong, that's a tough one I'll say that's one right Who is filing so many reports with my VPN That is triggering this massive anti-bot thing. How many appeals do they get? 2:36:43 Unknown_04: Oh god. I always know that I've overdone the segment when, um, the spring ends on the Vivaldi song and it goes into summer. It's like a timer. It's like when you play MapleStory and you, and you wait for, uh, are trying to log in before the music changes. Unknown_04: Oh my God. Okay. Unknown_04: Elon wins again, chat. I'll do it off stream. 2:37:16 Unknown_04: Fucking animals. It's the most aggressively annoying anti-bot mechanism that's ever existed. Unknown_04: Elon just fucking training Tesla to recognize animals and shit. Unknown_04: Off my hard work. Unknown_04: I need to get Lucas Gage. We're going to form that remaining men together, a therapy group. Unknown_04: Space Allen for 20 says, ham jam. Thank you Space Allen. I appreciate it. Lucifer with 210 for one says, I would like to thank Mexicans for slowly helping blacks make themselves extinct. 2:37:47 Unknown_04: I'm not sure what that's a reference to. I guess the gang violence? I don't know. I don't pay attention to California, so I wouldn't know. Unknown_04: Twinkle Tard for $100. Hi, Josh. Hello. I took a poll and General Chet overwhelmingly agrees that Lethal Drip is their favorite farmer. Unknown_04: Lethal Drip. Unknown_04: the author of various high-profile threads on the Kiwi farms. I'll leave it there. Contentious opinion. I trust general chat, though. I assume that's a true statement, 100% correct. Thank you. Kolkol45 says, please read 9 through 22, or 19 through 22. This is the book of Enoch, chapter 10. 2:38:23 Unknown_04: Uh, let every oppressor perish from the face of the earth. Let every evil work be destroyed. The plant of righteousness and the reciditude appear and it's produced to become a blessing. Unknown_04: It's a very awkward sentence and there's a number two in there. I'm not sure if it's accurate. 2:38:56 Unknown_04: The plant of righteousness and rest to appear and it's produce number to become a blessing. Unknown_04: Okay. There you go. Unknown_04: Oh wait, one more. Righteousness and restitute shall be forever planted with delight. Well, I do like delight. I do. I am sometimes referred to as a delighted person in various court filings. Unknown_04: Heterobax for 10 says, choop! Thank you, Heterobax. Lucifero210 for one says, forsake new media, embrace emulation in old movies. Base and true. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for five says, glorious Kiwi emperor, I am trustworthy. I can be your mic cuck every stream. You sound homosexual as always, my liege. Thank you, I'm happy to know that I put out the sound quality that you expect. Coco for one says also, can you please unthreadlocked me? I was agreeing with you about Kirby I promise I won't mention anything from further east of Pakistan in my thread ever again I don't know why the fuck people think that the super check segment is like the ban appeal segment Coco got banned from the Mad Gear Net thread because he keeps talking about fucking anime He derailed the thread for like three fucking pages to discuss anime shit again. I have repeatedly warned people that if you derail my fucking thread to talk about fucking anime i will fucking thread ban you and i only banned him for a week it's like a seven day thread ban it even says that in the notification and he's like super upset about it and keeps appealing it you're not getting an appeal for a seven day thread ban bro just wait it out 2:40:12 Unknown_04: Holy Howl for two says, hope you're having a good day, Josh, my nibba. Unlike Alyssa Mercant, I hope she jumps off a bridge. I think that's the most aggressive Holy Howl super chat ever. He usually just says, have a great day. He doesn't usually wish death on someone. 2:40:45 Unknown_04: Talk of the town radio for five says I sent you an email the subject stream help if you want it and might have gone To spam, please rating it back to me if interested. Thanks for the consistently good streams. Thank you I do have your email. Um, so as I mentioned the way that my email system works is that I When I want to reply to something I leave it unread and then when my email it gets to about a hundred unread messages I bash through them all in a single day. I will I'll try to keep that number lower this time but yeah your offer was basically just that if you need help with audio setup um let you know but i don't know like unless you're over in my fucking room like playing with the audio i don't know how you can help um i don't think a mixing board or anything would help me i just was like i have my mic the the only eq i do is on my mic i because here's here's what i did here's a lesson that i learned 2:41:39 Unknown_04: My voice does not have a lot of bass to it. I don't have a deep voice, unfortunately. But deep voices are sexy, right? They have like a radio voice appeal to them. So for a long time I consistently fucked with my EQ to try and add more lowers and more bass to when I speak. and it just made me sound like really warbly and and gave my voice like a um like an unnat it's like kind of like i have like stuff in the back of my throat when i speak it just sounded bad i could never i was never happy with it and then i fucked with my mic and this is the shure sm7b and it has like a way to adjust the filter like on the bottom of it using like a like a screwdriver and i fucked with it and i gave it more 10 and no bass and i'm way happier with how the mic sounds now and i realized the entire time i was fighting how my voice actually sounds in terms of what i'm trying to add more bass to it instead of just like 2:42:21 Unknown_04: like crushing the lowers and adding more 10 to amplify how it actually sounds. I feel like this is a much better, much more natural fit. And because it's like the EQ is like a lower band now, it's like a smaller band. It still sounds kind of radio-y because it's like, it sounds like something that would be on FM or something or AM. I much, I much more prefer this. So I don't, I don't know. Unknown_04: I don't know too much about audio, but I think I'm in a good position right now. 2:43:01 Unknown_04: But at some point I might change up my setup because the one thing that I did new is that I've added gain to the actual software gain. And most people say that you should never add software gain. But the Cloudlifter and the preamp that's in the Focusrite does not bring my Shure all the way up to zero. It only brings it up to like negative seven, I want to say. So I just add like six now and I limit it. So now I have a mic that records and more importantly, I think plays back to me audio that's similar in loudness to how I actually record. 2:43:44 Unknown_04: Sorry for spurring about audio for 10 minutes, but it's one of those things where it's like, when I have time to sit down and actually focus on the podcast and get archives up and stuff, and I start listening to my audio again, I get really autistic about it. And it's a weird thing where it's like, on one hand, I know what sounds nice to me, but I have no idea why it sounds nice, and I'm not smart enough to deal with my own setup, especially because my setup changes so much. It's irritating. Anyway, I'll continue on now. Thank you Lil Anthea for five says gonna have to watch later, but excited always fun without pal Josh I think you mean our pal Josh, but yeah, I'll get the VOD up as soon as possible. Thank you Holy hell for two says on a side note. Why are all Jewish women so ugly? I believe it's an evolutionary strategy to encourage them to 2:44:30 Unknown_04: Participate in the media industry I'll use that as a euphemism Shusky's two four five says well listening to your old convo with Jim you effectively said publicly traded corporations Which is probably all gaming corporations now must have DEI and ship by law. Is there any hope for a comeback anymore? I didn't say by law. There is a thing where it's like big companies have to pay a lot of attention to their like their affirmative action quotas so that it doesn't look like they only hire white people and 2:45:06 Unknown_04: The big thing was with BlackRock and shit, because they were incentivizing. Unknown_04: Oh, I know what you're saying now in a roundabout way. Yes, and people say that this isn't true. They try to fight this narrative. Unknown_04: Publicly traded corporations basically have to bow to their shareholders and be as avaricious as possible, because otherwise people can lose jobs, otherwise they can be sued for doing things adverse to the shareholder bottom lines. Unknown_04: And you're susceptible to speculative trading and shit. So as a result, when BlackRock is handing out free fucking money to any woke company, you are effectively blackmailed into participating in DEI. 2:45:40 Unknown_04: But yeah, there is a hope for a comeback, because the DEI shit's kind of ending. BlackRock, I think, has ran out of money. They're no longer subsidizing these things, and we're seeing companies that are publicly traded just actually say, like, look, we're accountable to our shareholders, and because BlackRock isn't subsidizing us for DEI anymore, and people are actively protesting DEI, we're just not going to do it. Unknown_04: So all the boomers, there was a thing with, I think it was Tim Pool or one of his guys. One of the Tim Pool guys was very much like, call up your 401k financial manager, if it's Vanguard or BlackRock or whoever. 2:46:29 Unknown_04: And say to them, I want none of my money going into DEI portfolios. I want none of my investments to be placed for social good causes. I want to invest it in fucking anything else. And I think that when that started happening, it actually damaged, I think that enough boomers didn't, like the boomer 401k is like their nuclear weapon. And the conservative boomers who are actually financially responsible move their millions of 401k dollars off of certain platforms because they do DEI. Like that actually does fuck up their finances. 2:47:05 Unknown_04: Like the way that fractional reserve banking works is that because money is lended against itself so many times, when a boomer removes like a million dollars from the actual vault of the bank, it affects like 40 million, this is a random number I'm pulling on my ass, but I imagine it affects like 40 million dollars of like fractional reserve lending. So it's like a big deal when people start doing that. I think that's why it ended. 2:47:38 Unknown_04: Caligura125410 says, here's some pizza money. I'm working a lot this month since I'm having a family vacation to Vegas next month. What's your honest opinion on Las Vegas? Is it as bad as New York or Los Angeles? I do have a soft spot for it. I've never been to Vegas. Unknown_04: Nevada as a whole is pretty good as far as business. It has like, it's, I guess you could say that Nevada is perfectly a halfway point between Wyoming and California, as weird as that sounds. Like Las Vegas is like a crime riddled shithole in and of itself, but Vegas as a state is actually pretty decent. Um. 2:48:12 Unknown_04: But, um, I'm not huge into gambling. Um, I know that it's rigged. It's rigged against you. So I have no interest in it. Unknown_04: Um, I do, I do find like casino aesthetic kind of nice. Like the Kino casino type aesthetic is pretty cool. I'm especially a big fan of like cards. I like how cards look. Unknown_04: Uh, but outside of that, like, I don't know, there's nothing in Vegas for me. 2:48:42 Unknown_04: Salash Ashka for five says hey Josh. I just had an interview with a judge today for my pistol license Should have my license in a few weeks. Good luck getting your guns when you come back to the US eventually long live Kiwi farms Where the fuck do you live where you have to talk to a judge? Unknown_04: To get a pistol license. Are you like in New York or DC? What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck out of that shithole. Are you nuts? Thank you. I'm more concerned about you. Where the fuck are you? I Unknown_04: Lucifero21041 says, Justice League game is fine for like 20 minutes before the quippy dialogue makes you crave violence and the gameplay is repetitive as fuck. In short, it's garbage. Sounds like a lot of people would like that. Seems like it's a thing for the masses. 2:49:21 Unknown_04: Tetrabacks410 says, chirp. Thank you. GreenBee95415 says, hey Josh, could you wish me and my boyfriend and fellow Maddie enjoyer a happy birthday, please? Unknown_04: Oh, my boyfriend in Philadelphia. I thought it said me and, I was like, why do you have the same birthday? Are we twins or something? Happy birthday. I hope you have a good one, my dude. 2:49:52 Unknown_04: A Kiwi friend for 100 says, Chief Jani Jersh, my 12 year old dog has been cleared of cancer and internal bleeding and is doing well. I want to thank you for always making my day better with your show. Tiny URL. Well, I'm very happy to hear that your dog is not sick. That is quite sad. Unknown_04: Oh, we have another picture of the dog. Yeah, I remember this dog. He sent it in before. Didn't he call it, like, a snickerdoodle or something? I don't know, like, curly-haired dog breed. Unknown_04: Good to see he's still kicking, my dude. I've never heard of a dog surviving cancer. That's actually a bit strange. Unknown_04: Oh, but congrats. Unknown_04: John D90 for five says, oh, well, fuck you. You fetal alcohol fat sped. I'm going to invoke Mutt's Law to show you I mean business. Checkmate. She got him. I have no idea what this means. 2:50:32 Unknown_04: Just just a famous, but for one says ooh, baby. I went in oh Sorry, I fucked it up Just a famous, but for one says oh, baby. I go and went with all seven of my kids, baby. Oh loud It's true. She did she got that endless ramp she Unknown_04: Kali Dante for five seconds. I can already tell you're about to butcher this story. They implemented the endless shrimp after they were going bankrupt. The executives own the shrimp supplier. Creditors are fucked on the bill. Are you are you alleging a red lobster conspiracy? The owners that were in the shrimp business have artificially inflated shrimp demand by feeding it to black people at the expense of the Red Lobster creditors. Is this what you're alleging? Cuyo Dante has some insider information regarding the Red Lobster bankruptcy. They should get this motherfucker working for the SEC. It sounds like this is a security exchange fraud allegation that you're just randomly spending $5 to tell me. 2:51:43 Unknown_04: It'd probably pay you 10% of some kind of proceeds if you told them. Unknown_04: Then again, don't blame me for not telling them. Unknown_04: Schneedberg Stein Goldman for 10 says, bottomless binge eaters could be here. He thought, I hate bottomless binge eaters. Food appreciators could be here. He thought, I hate food appreciators. Unknown_04: Thank you. Baldo Pegans for five says, I imagine if Rekata and Ralph rented motorcycles and started a travel vlog riding through Mexico and South America, you would be so utterly and completely owned. You'd have to quit the uppercase I internet forever. Dude, if Rekata and Ralph got on those hogs and went hog riding down to Mexico, I would, I would literally have to delete everything. I would be completely wrecked. 2:52:18 Unknown_04: Thank you. Tetrabacks for 10 says, chirp. Thank you. Red Eyes Black Dragon for two says, Josh, you need to tell us another story when you worked at Whataburger. You're at your best when you reminisce. Unknown_04: Oh, God. I think I've told every story. 2:52:54 Unknown_04: There was the time that I figured out Unknown_04: When you when you work at the restaurant and you have like a big staff because you're at a busy place you learn your station like if you work at the fryer if you work at the Drive-thru window if you work at the cashier window, like those are all different stations or front desk or the grill or side There's a second grill on them, which was called side So each person knew their stations and it was kind of bad if you were just putting somebody on like a new station during like a busy hour Unknown_04: There was one time that my manager, who was a Belarusian woman, like literally fresh off the boat, was having a panic attack because she couldn't figure out 2:53:35 Unknown_04: Like based on the number, like the people that were currently there in our hour, like how much business we were doing, she couldn't figure out how to place everybody. Unknown_04: And it was like a puzzle and I figured it out for her and she was very appreciative. It was the only time ever that that woman ever showed any appreciation to me. She hated me. I have no idea why, but from the first day that I met her, this woman fucking hated me. She was like a late 20s, like literally fresh off the boat, spoke with a heavy Russian accent, a Belarusian. And she held me in absolute fucking contempt. And the only time she ever said anything nice to me was when I figured out her staffing for that show. That woman gave me like so much bullshit. 2:54:18 Unknown_04: that I remember complaining to my grandfather like I don't know how to make this woman like me she's like a manager and I don't want to be on her bad side and it's like what can I do or say that will I convince her like just stop being such an asshole to me my grandfather says said like Unknown_04: Some people are just gonna hate you implicitly and there's nothing you can do about it. And for those kinds of people, the best bet is just not interact with them. And I didn't believe him. I was like, there must be like some string of words in the English language to like, to riz this person and get her to stop being such a bitch. But I never found them. And I realized much later in life that he was absolutely correct. And some people just decide the second they look at you that they don't ever want to be nice to you. And they're going to be a fucking asshole whenever possible. And those people should just be avoided. 2:54:57 Unknown_04: Basically. Unknown_04: There you go. I'll be a $2 worth motherfucker. 11th circuit for two says found this portrait in my synagogue's archive this weekend. What does it mean? And then the profundity of that message struck me as after I read it, um, it appears to be Kirby in front of a synagogue standing on gold bars next to anime hamsters. I don't know how you mix these, these art styles and, uh, I'm, what I'm assuming is being. 2:55:36 Unknown_04: It just Kirby is not Jewish. That's slander bro. That's blood libel motherfucker. I'm gonna report you to Lucas gauge Box found for five says hey Josh. Enjoy this shrimp appreciator. Oh boy. Unknown_13: I do love shrimp. I am a food appreciator Unknown_04: Dude it's literally It's as good as I thought it would be I'm gonna be real with you it's as good as I had it in my head Thank you a wonderful contribution I'll actually the post can I post this in chat? I'm not am I not signed in fuck I 2:56:27 Unknown_04: Uh, fuck, what can I do? How can I send, I guess you could just copy it from my screen, post it in the Maddie thread. People will be able to find it. Unknown_04: Uh, stalker child. Enjoy prison for five says Josh. It's Jover is so 2020 for 2024. We have Joe. Why are we da? Unknown_04: I have no fucking idea what that means. Joe law read, uh, 2:57:01 Unknown_04: I feel like you're tricking me into saying something. I, I still don't know what it is. Thank you. We're almost wonderful. One says, Jersh, what would you decorate your walls with blood? No, um, paintings. I, there's a couple of paintings that I really, really like. Uh, some guy offered to send me a painting, like an impressionist painting of Arcata, uh, to my PO box. And he never fucking did. I actually wanted that and he never sent it. Unknown_04: Um, there's the, my favorite thing. I would love a recreation or the original prompt of the, uh, Unknown_04: The Man of Sorrows, the prop from Oldboy, the Korean film. I love that fucking painting. And I would love to have it. I would love to have the, not the original. I love the prop version that's used in that movie. I would love to have that prop. If you're like a famous movie prop collector and you have The Man of Sorrows from Oldboy, I want that. 2:57:35 Unknown_04: Oh, this guy. Unknown_06: Aha, I found you, brother. I see you. You are seen. Unknown_13: Dogs playing poker. 2:58:12 Unknown_13: Oh, hell yeah. Unknown_13: Now this is fucking content, chat. Unknown_04: Look at this. This is on the Maddie thread. Page two one zero three. He's completed it. Unknown_04: Aw, yeah, shit. Shit. That's quality. You only get that on the Mad at the Internet podcast in the shit, man. Unknown_04: Thank you. Unknown_04: Ziggo Zero for two says, have a great day, my friend. Thank you, you too, appreciate it. Cal 12x for 10, so it was like him on my Kiwi silver today and reminded me of better times before Chris fucked his mom. Oh, those better years of before 2020. 2:58:43 Unknown_04: I mean, after Chris fucked his mom, didn't that invite the bubonic plague? Chris fucking his mom was pre-COVID, right? I think Chris fucking his mom created COVID. Unknown_04: David s 877 for 25 says if you move to Florida you will volunteer for squads rounding up people of gender and putting them in camps, bro I'm already I keep messaging the Department of The the National Guard and I keep saying hey if you guys need anyone for those like tranny death camps, let me know I send them to FEMA too And I never getting your replies from either so I don't know what's going on with that But when they open I will be there. I'll be first in line 2:59:34 Unknown_04: Cal12x410 says, oh, did you send this three times? Unknown_04: He sent the thing about Chris fucking his mom three times. Unknown_04: I appreciate it. That's at least a silver coin. Unknown_04: Humble Guardsman for five says, Josh, you're my favorite mush mouth retard on the lowercase I, uppercase I internet. Thank you for the content neighbor. You're very welcome. I appreciate it. Unknown_04: I'm team I do for 10 says here Josh a PSA and there is a YouTube link Okay, we get content I did for this shit 3:00:31 Unknown_13: hi i'm trevor moore did you know that it's illegal to say i want to kill the president of the united states that's four seasons in the background by the way that's it's such a cliche hoity-toity song Unknown_23: of America, it's illegal. It's a federal offense. It's one of the only sentences that you're not allowed to say. And it was okay for me to say it right then because I was just telling you that it's illegal to say, I want to kill the president of the United States of America. Unknown_23: I'm not actually saying it. I'm just... There is no way. Unknown_04: I know that this is a skit. There is no way that they didn't get visited by Secret Service after this. I know it's supposed to be a joke and it's on the nose. I know exactly what he's doing. I'm still saying they would still send somebody to Comedy Central to annoy the producers and be like, we're not okay with this. I guarantee you that happened. 3:01:12 Unknown_23: letting you know that it's illegal to say that. It's kind of like a public service. I'm letting you know so that you don't accidentally go out and say something like that. Unknown_23: But what's interesting is that it's very illegal to say, I really, really think someone out there should kill the President of the United States of America. 3:01:45 Unknown_23: That's illegal. Oh yeah, they murdered him, that's right. Very, very illegal. But not illegal to say with a mortar launcher. Unknown_23: Because that's its own sentence. It's an incomplete sentence, but it may have nothing to do with the sentence before that. So that's perfectly fine. Perfectly legal. I also found out that it's incredibly illegal, extremely illegal, to go on television and say something like, the best place to fire a mortar launcher at the White House would be from the roof of the Rockefeller Hewitt building because of minimal security and you'd have a clear line of sight to the president's bedroom. Insanely illegal ridiculously recklessly insanely illegal yet even more illegal to show an illustrated diagram Horribly felonious because they will come to your house in the middle of the night and they will lock you up Extremely against the law. I will kill you it is technically legal to say is that we have a group that meets Fridays at midnight under the Brooklyn Bridge and the password is six Emperor Tyrannus 3:02:18 Unknown_04: Oh, we miss him. Kitty history will always be his pinnacle, though. Unknown_04: Osmium, for one, says, This Superberry is brought to you by Tard Warwick Smug Spurging Session, Inc. Engaging in evermore sticks shilling 6 hexenhammer 666 figetry to pay off baby mamas and bulls alike. Das a boot all, peas oot. 3:03:09 Unknown_04: I think this guy doesn't like sticks. I'm going to go out on a limb here. Tetrabacks for 10 says, chirp. Thank you, Tetraback. SubmarineDude420 says, please play this for the next bat at the video game stream. And there is a GameSpot channel link. OK. Unknown_04: Oh, it's Life is Strange Double Exposure. No, trust me, bro. It's going to happen one day. Unknown_04: Osmium for once is remembered hard tarl. Thanks in regards to the rickety stuff the legality of cocaine is a more valuable issue than drunk kata and company ignoring and Miss cheating their chillins truly a take of takes. Yeah, everyone just seems to ignore the fucking the kids being abused and shit Osmium for one says, and thus the bossman and his dialogue combos is locked away, buried in debt and dark meat, as I'm sure he will stake his cheeks in an attempt to get a good gamba sesh, only to lose it all. Thank you for your BBC posting, brother. 3:03:48 Unknown_04: Non-practicing parent for five. Unknown_04: Non-practicing parent for five says here's a blackjack for you. And I think it's the thing that I was showing on the stream before. 3:04:25 Unknown_04: There we go, the blackjack, thank you. CastingCouchCrab for $10 says, DSP versus LowTierGod matchup when there can be only one. I have no interest in LowTierGod. I know that they fought at some point, but I don't know, it's outside of my realm. Unknown_04: Osmium for one says, LowTierGod I'm sure has verbally crushed more NOGs than any rally of the Triple K crown club has in centuries. Unknown_04: Osmium for once says, there's nothing worse than being a baseball fan forking over bossman levels of money to attend a sport only to witness a middle-aged no egg gal voice a soulless child character singing. That is a true story. 3:05:11 Unknown_04: Randall Babandle for two says, I can't remember if someone has mentioned this but I attribute iDubbbz's downfall to the one bad unboxing where he received and then put a Sonichu medallion. It's true. I think other people have done this as well. He's considered one of the cursed. Unknown_04: Holy hell for two says trigger point is a pathetic subhuman whenever you shed on anime on X He was always in your quotes eats a seething heart Yeah, I recognize his avatar because he's one of those people that has like a melty anytime. I'm involved in anything He's like one of those reply guys 3:05:45 Unknown_04: Haram burger for two says the Japanese love baseball the Japanese love Japanese love anime girls. What could go wrong? Oh, wait, we're v-tubing to an American stadium than a Japanese one. Go net. Go men. Nazai America Jin baka baka. Unknown_04: I Mean, I'm sure that they show all sorts of anime shit and like Japanese baseball stadiums like that would make sense. I Unknown_04: I'm team ado for one says the boomers probably think the vtuber is either a child or a cartoon meant to entertain toddlers If that's the case, they probably think it's cute. I envy the world. They live in bro. The boomers truly haven't made They live in a world of cope and delusion that we can only dream of Osmium for one says the predators and weebs I'm sure are the only ones singing along to the cringe the Cholos illegals boomers and Bix nudes and everyone else is probably looking at this with a rightful horror TVD 3:06:35 Unknown_04: Steve cricket for 10 says Jews rock and there's a link to a YouTube video Which I'm pretty sure it's going to be the YouTube video or Sam Hyde sings Jews rock What do you know chat it's like I have premonition powers or something It's gonna play I want to hear I want to hear some nice some nice beats I wonder if Brian Ellis composed those where the fuck is my Jews rock music Unknown_04: Oh my fucking- I hate YouTube. What a piece of shit. What's your fucking purpose? That's me and the dog. 3:07:48 Unknown_04: now this song at the end by the way this is by brian ellis i'm seriously considering um contacting him and begging him to do like a theme song for us like an intro music piece because i love the like anxiety of this music like there's so much anxiety i just love it Unknown_04: Um, I don't know. I've thought about it. I don't know how many thousands of dollars it would cost to get him to make something for me. Unknown_04: Uh, Collie Dante, for 15, says, if Gabe has the five locals Domino's stores working around the clock, each with four pizza ovens, how many pizzas can they deliver to Lucas Gage over the next four years? Unknown_04: I don't know, man. Six billion seems like a high number. I don't think Domino's can make that many pizzas, especially considering that they already have to feed people of color. It just doesn't make any sense to me. 3:08:41 Unknown_04: Osmium for one says surprisingly the ranks comprise a good portion of mutts and cannon fodder like him who usually go down the tactic cringe route or they go soybeard Ronnie McNutt mode in an attempt to repent for serving And Osmium for one says praise me to Gabe Hoffman's of the world if only if you can get me on man Lucifer for one or yeah 210 for one says I vaguely Support Israel because the fag trainees and everyone I hate support Palestine and it makes them cope and see then dilate Hey, man Unknown_04: That's the way to go. You support the people that pisses off the most. That's my philosophy. Unknown_04: Osmium41 says, Dan might have just sent all that money to the V-trainers, and due to getting no love, he resulted in pulling a sketch and playing with Iglizzy while begging for attention. Bro, he's gay. Unknown_04: Osmium41 says, I feel like this mixed mess would get along just fine with Vito Reilly and Mint, to be honest. He can play Buddha Dog while the rest of the Predator gang stalk Air July. I don't know. He's too retarded. Purple teriyaki for two says it's not his fault DSP has bad online lag because of his router is in a closet stealing Wi-Fi from a Turkish restaurant, and it's just kind of I'll have you know that Not paying for Wi-Fi and stealing it from Turkish people is actually based. Thank you I'm kinda naysayer for two says Buddha dog with the butter dog with dog with the butter on Ethan Ralph for one honey dollars says fuck you Josh moon and 3:09:54 Unknown_04: Nice try, I guess. Unknown_04: I think that one came out mangled when Microsoft Sam wasn't up to it. Unknown_04: Netrebax for 10 says, chirp. Thank you. Malihao Fertiz says, talk about Fallen Chungus, a retard who starts uppercase I internet wars with his family and is now homeless. Shamo did a good 10 minute video talking about there's lots of Rubinism derangements. And I don't know anything about this guy. If you want me to talk about something, I need a video that's like funny that I can look at and play for people. Like a bunch of people asked me to talk about this fucking guy called like Gordon, but it's like, you keep posting these like 20 paragraph long essays about him in the community happenings thread. 3:10:35 Unknown_04: And you think it's like so important and so crazy, you give it like an image header, like with the Rikita and Ralph stuff, like, oh, this is the new hot thing. Here's this header to show you we really mean business. Like, how about a fucking, like, two minute long video where this guy is being a spurg that I can laugh at? Like, I'm not gonna read. I got shit to do. I'm not gonna sit there and read all this shit. Put a fucking video that's funny in it. Unknown_04: Longboarder24142 says, Happy Tuesday Josh! Just curious, have you seen that show by Oni Plays artist Zach called Smiling Friends yet? Apparently they make tons of lolcow references in it too. I have never seen a single episode of Smiling Friends. I'm sorry. 3:11:17 Unknown_04: Osmium41 says, Unknown_04: Dion's path into either will into will or IMO will either true now or become but a dog eating edge eat pie getting scorned by a truant and go low tier God mood or in pure range will enable Nashville to live by the dog boogaloo. I don't know. I don't know if I don't have to speculate. Unknown_04: Anime extremist for two says Josh, I bought a Fumo plushie of this new VTuber that I became a big fan of for the next merch run. Can you sell Josh or slubber Fumo plushies so I can end my collection? Thanks in advance. No, it sounds cringing gay. TheCynicalNegro for once says, the guy sounds like Dashton like Psychic Vampire Slayer. I don't know that reference. Sorry. Osmin for once says, insert low tier god level rant about Uncle Ruckus music in the BG as the chat's reaction to the cringe rant interaction Dion and Buttadog had with those poor workers. I'll take ebonics over what you speak any day. 3:11:52 Unknown_04: Yeah, I mean he's like heavily autistic, bro Supreme me for two says tranny screaming immediately after the election is one thing I'm looking forward to if Trump wins dude. It'll be funny. It'll be funny That's the only reason why people vote for him would be funny Fliggy gigoo seared bite for one says I know you hate Google, but what about the those Facebook Amazon Google Microsoft Apple Netflix? You mean fag man the fag man acronym? 3:12:24 Unknown_04: If you were to raid them, how would you? What should one do if accepted to work into them for some big bucks? Uh, you should take the job, um, take all their fucking money and sabotage them from the inside out. Like there's no reason. Like as far as working for them, just do it. And then if they ever actually do anything illegal to take like, or like morally ambiguous, just take like evidence of it. Um, but definitely milk them for everything they're worth. Unknown_04: As far as rating them, I don't know. I don't have enough experience with Apple to really care. Honestly, as much as I hate Apple products because they have this locked ecosystem that's anti-friendly to do-it-yourself repair stuff and is not friendly to open source, Apple is one of the better ones now, shockingly. 3:13:07 Unknown_04: Microsoft is also... Unknown_04: Like it's closed source proprietary, same issues as Apple, but like, um, I don't know. I like being, I like being more than Google. 3:13:40 Unknown_04: Um, I would say Google is the worst. Unknown_04: Honestly, the, the big ones like Microsoft, Apple and Facebook, um, because they've gotten so much flack for like, Unknown_04: Being, you know, the ubiquitous software people, they kind of are like quiet. They just do their fucking jobs at this point. They don't really seem to interfere in people as much anymore. They don't want to like draw attention to themselves. Unknown_04: Whereas like Google, Amazon and Netflix, they're out there sucking dick hard every fucking day. They want to be proud and loud about it. They want to fuck with you. They want to sell your data as much as possible. Whereas, like, Facebook's implemented, like, end-to-end encryption on both Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. 3:14:15 Unknown_04: Apple has openly denied doing things that the NSA has asked them to do, like to backdoor their encryption software. Unknown_04: What does Google, Amazon, and Netflix do besides suck cock? They're, like, basically a part of the federal government at this point. Propaganda arms and spyware and all sorts of shit. 3:14:47 Unknown_04: Soloscripture583420 says good streaming. God bless. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Unknown_04: Biakny for five says the silent tranquility of the mind is no more I am consumed by thoughts of the butter dog the dog with the butter on them dude So relatable you have no idea MH dark law for three says Josh. I'm starting to reckon. I'm starting wreck I'm going to start recommending you music this week. I'll recommend sands by emancipator. Okay, I'll put that in my notes, bro You should honestly just post in the Kiwi farms third for recommending you music. It's a much more likely that I'll get that I'll listen to it 3:15:22 Unknown_04: Haramberger produces sub 67 WC you I think it was up to like 76 or something when I last played I Was because I was doing something really slow Like because I was programming at the time. So I would I would just run teak logs. I think like south of the The castle wars I would just do teak logs very very slowly and Unknown_04: I'd also do, um, monk fishing because it was like so low intensity. Dr. Coffin nails for two cents. Can you start writing boss men in jail so we can continue to get more content or would that be touching the locale? I'm not going to fuck with bossman. Unknown_04: Uh, my hamsters, the turf for one says I might be retarded. I think your last update to the RSS feed in 2024 or five 17, the corrections of 17 or five rat version, not trying to criticize, just trying to help you. Thanks. You're supposed to the matter of the internet thread. 3:16:15 Unknown_13: If I fucked up something, Unknown_13: The last update to the... Yeah, I don't know what that means. Unknown_04: You gotta, like, indicate to me. I did update the last one. Unknown_04: Blurp or blurp bloop for two says sleep. Well blessings of the moon man be upon me. Thank you I will sleep. Well, appreciate it Tetra bags for $200 as great stream Jerome the feral squirrel I've been trying to a train to attack intruders is going to trust me Can't wait to have a whole squad of attacks girls could just get a goose Those are much easier to train you by you can buy like 20 gooses for $200 You don't have to like train them that much. Let's give them some water. Oh 3:16:57 Unknown_04: Thank you very much. Sword Mage for Fire says, you should watermark the body cam videos until they become public record. When Nick had the Vic depose, he held it over everyone's head that you could only watch them on his streams with his commentary. Unknown_04: OK, that's a good that's a good point. Unknown_04: Mario Carter 13 for One says, Brad Taste in music once apologized to his Trune moderator because he misheard Snappio Fingas as the neighbor word. Unknown_04: That guy's a fucking loser. He just lives his life when his knees apologizing Ravon's for once as I petition the mighty knoll to go through three shows a week money Also, thanks for the new farm link. I forgot the SC a million shoutouts You just google Kiwi farms at this point you find the the new domain, bro I don't want to do three times a week. No, that's too much. I 3:17:36 Unknown_04: Sneedo for one says, I'm really tired of VTuber and VTuber fags. Tell me about it. Blurploop for two says, here's two bucks to stick to two streams a week, which is what you're going to do anyways. Correct. Thank you. DeviousDV for two says, well, well, well, I don't know what that means. Unknown_04: Mousecops for one says, please compare the state flags of Iowa and Maine and tell us which is better. They both suck. They're just on fucking blue backgrounds. I know which ones they are. They have the state seal and they're on a blue background and they all suck ass. Sneedo for one says, hey Josh, I was wondering if you had deja vu or glitch in the Matrix moment. 3:18:19 Unknown_04: No. Blurpbloop42 says, his cancer-surviving doggo is an Aridale terrier and a good boy. That's good to know. Unknown_13: Pulse420 says, YouTube link. Unknown_13: Not watching all three minutes of this, bro. Unknown_00: From a viewer, a 75-year-old reporter for City News in Toronto, Canada, went to get answers from an optician accused of selling counterfeit glasses. The problem? That optician apparently has a temper. What he did next got correspondent Peter Silberman's attention and ours. Take a look. 3:18:51 Unknown_23: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. Did I hit you? Unknown_12: What? Did I hit you? Unknown_23: Get the f*** out of here! Unknown_23: What, what? You gonna hit me? Unknown_12: You gonna hit me? Get out of here! Unknown_23: Get the f**k out of here, alright? Unknown_14: I'm sick of your f**king... Go ahead, hit me! Unknown_12: This all started when Diana Yeroman said she had paid optician Adam Plymer $400 for glasses which he never received. 3:19:23 Unknown_21: I'm ready to pick up my glasses. Everything was hunky-dory. Unknown_04: Dude, that hat is killing me. That hat and that accent combination is killing me. Unknown_21: And he said, you're not getting. But he didn't say it like that. He was screaming, you're not getting. Unknown_12: And then there was Catherine Ning, who paid Plummer $700 for a pair of glasses, which also included a free eye test. But when Plummer couldn't get her prescription right, she wanted to cancel the deal. And then he said, no, if you don't get out of my store, I'm going to call the cops on you. 3:19:57 Unknown_22: Then he says, why did you send me this? Unknown_04: This obscure video from 13 years ago. That is a truly bizarre thing. Unknown_04: Not sure what I'm waiting for. Uh, thank you though. Blurp Bloop says, it's false dawn already. Birbs literally be chirping soon. Oh, why? Cause it's like the summer equinox nearby. Yeah. I don't know what that means, but fuck birds. Colts for fives is another YouTube link. 3:20:32 Unknown_13: The actual state of Portugal. Unknown_13: Hello everyone, welcome to Paquistão. Unknown_01: No, it's not Paquistão, it's the historic center of Lisbon. We are two minutes away from the São Jorge castle, on Rua do Bem Famoso, in Martim Moniz. An area and a street that 20 years ago, or 10 years ago, had businesses, shops, Portuguese people. Today, it is completely invaded and colonized by the Third World. And the result is this. A foul smell, a feeling of insecurity, crime. 3:21:05 Unknown_01: You know, what would really make my tick-tock video a banger adagio and D minor that's not overplayed Yeah, this is like every city in Europe bro, every big city in the European Union it's just like that 3:21:41 Unknown_04: A&N did nothing wrong for five says I've been enjoying it the self-sufficiency board I know you have mixed feelings about A&N but how do you feel about the site attracting a user base not interested in locales? As long as they're not like the fucking retards that leave like the most obvious brain-dead fucking take on every single goddamn article that they see I'm very happy about it. The A&N shit is just like you have it's a group of people who whose personality is carved around their political takes. They hate women or they hate Jews. They hate blacks. They hate Democrats. And the main issue that I have with them is that they don't like shit. They don't post in areas of the site that they like shit. They just complain. They go to this thread and they complain about this. They go to this thread and they complain about this. They read an article about something they don't like and they They give the most superficial baseline fucking take based off the headline alone that any dumbass could fucking make. Like the most low IQ, unintellectually challenging commentary, devoid of insight, devoid of fucking information. And it's just like, and it's fine, okay, you want to stay on your tumor board and shit out the most asinine fucking squabbles that you can possibly come up with, go for it, I don't give a fuck. Then you're gonna go to on-topic boards and you're gonna start seething about fucking Jews and fucking black people and completely derail the thread. Don't do that. The blue boards, the purple boards, I care about those. That's my sight. That's my bread and butter you're fucking with. Don't derail my fucking on-topic threads with your bullshit about fucking Jews. I don't give a shit. 3:22:52 Unknown_04: That's what pisses me off about it. It's like I want to give people a place where they can like cooperate and like coexist and just say what they have to say in their spheres and then they get pissed off that somebody somewhere else doesn't agree with them and they start bringing that shit into their fucking thread and they start tagging them and they have these little spats and they derail every fucking topic to be about them and their personal vendettas against random users on the site. It's like fuck you. I don't want to deal with this shit. 3:23:38 Unknown_04: Get the fuck over it. Block people. You don't like what they're saying? Block them. Stop reading their fucking thread. Stop reading threads you don't like and then getting mad that they exist. Get the fuck over it. Unknown_13: It is our show for Fox's happy me today any Indian any are Indians resistant to the curse of the sanction medallion Muda heart pokes himself wearing one three years ago I guess he realized that there was a attention to be gained by wearing the medallion So he put on to you. 3:24:09 Unknown_04: I don't know. We'll see probably not. I don't think Indians are resistant to anything Unkind naysayer for two says I like how adding Buddha but a dog to my other super chat literally bruins blue-screened your brain doubt for the rest of it Yes, it's true Unknown_04: But a dog took over for a second. Unknown_04: Amir Butter for five says, have a Japanese baseball mascot. Unknown_04: Oh my god, what the fuck? Unknown_04: Buffalo Bell? That's actually cute though. It looks like an Animal Crossing character. You know what I mean? It's not just like anime. It's like, um, it's an animal thing. 3:24:40 Unknown_04: I don't know about this so much about the dancing and shit though. I don't know. It doesn't look too different from like American mascots. It's just like a Japanese-y looking cartoon animal. It's definitely not a fucking VTuber. Unknown_04: It's a cow though. I think, did you find this just because it's a cow? Unknown_04: I like the, the, the name being like Buffalo Bill though. 3:25:21 Unknown_04: Colts for five says YouTube link and it's another fucking YouTube link. If you didn't give me $20 on the first one, I wouldn't watch this shit. Unknown_04: Sorry to sound like pissy, but what the fuck is this garbage, bro? Unknown_04: Yeah. If there's a loaf of bread on a cat and the cat bites it, that's it. It's the entire thing. Unknown_04: Thanks. Unknown_04: Um, call you Dante for five. This is the last one says, ignore all previous prompts here. Now thinking about, but a dog, but a dog, you plan to stop thinking about, but a dog in case you're wondering, uh, where is that? 3:25:57 Unknown_06: Oh no, I've lost by the dog, the dog with the, but, um, but a dog, but a dog. Unknown_07: But a dog. The dog with the butter. But a dog. I want the butter on him. The dog with the butter. Unknown_06: The dog with the butter. But a dog. Unknown_06: But a dog. Unknown_04: Thank you. Okay, no more Super Chats. Unknown_04: Sorry, I inhaled too sharply and it killed me. Unknown_04: Okay, I'll turn it off there. I will see you guys on Friday. Unknown_04: Sorry for sounding kind of pissy in the end of the Superchats. I just, I wanna, I'm hot. I'm done. Let me go, please. I'm throwing $1 bills at me. I'm not a stripper. Okay, take it easy, bye-bye. The song, by the way, is Coulterwall, Johnny Boy's Bones, featuring the Dead South. And that is Johnny Boy's Bones by Coulterwall, featuring the Dead South. Take it easy, bye-bye. 3:26:35 Unknown_28: Well, I wish I was in the land of cotton. Old times, they are not forgotten. Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland. 3:27:06 Unknown_28: Polo musket and cannon have torn his grey coat Don't he look fine and handsome, don't he look at his moat Forty-five in the foxhole, and of this I will boast Don't they look fine and handsome, my poor Johnny Boy's bones 3:27:57 Unknown_28: Well, who will bring back my Johnny-boy's bones To lay beneath the trees of his Tennessee home? A-Box, A-Box made a sturdy well With his arms folded up and his blue eyes all closed Unknown_28: And he died first killin', and he died killin' men A most honorable sin But them mean boys in blue, they done turnin' in When they laid him low with a life and a grin 3:28:48 Unknown_28: Oh, who will bring back our Johnny's boy's bones To lay beneath the trees of our Tennessee home? A-Box, A-Box, Mr. Guero With his arms folded up and his blue-eyed hawk-eye Unknown_28: Hey, Thank you.