Rat Version – Mad at the Internet 2024-07-05

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Unknown_02: He's so pleased with himself, he starts to just strum random chords at the end to show off. It's actually one of the most impressive ones he's done. He's done these every year for a very long time. And it's like, if you just go to those older ones.

Unknown_02: Yeah.

Unknown_02: That's what I'm talking about.

Unknown_02: So he does that every year, and it was requested that I play that.

Unknown_00: And I figured, you know what, what a perfect intro song.

Unknown_02: If you don't know, today is July 5th, the day after the U.S. Independence Day. And as a result, the only news that I have is news to hit the dab on England, as is tradition, a 250-something year tradition of just hitting the dab straight on England's face.

Unknown_02: um there's actually quite a bit to talk about the stream it's kind of like a weird random shit and then like a lot of stuff from like the old favorites so we'll go over all that just get right into it i guess

Unknown_02: First off, let's just hit the dab UK man in prison for four months after walking up to cops wielding a 6-inch master sword Anthony Bray will also have to pay a victim's surcharge of $154. So He um, he went up to a cop he had his trusty master sword with him it's a 4-inch dagger this was apparently a illegal object and And so he has been arrested by the police on the spot. Um, and he has been sentenced to four months and this is really like, okay, whatever. I guess you're not supposed to have a knife. Right. So I guess that's, that's fair under English logic. If you're not have, if you don't have any rights whatsoever and you're just cattle. Um, I guess that makes sense. But the weird, really bewildering thing is how many charges there are of

Unknown_02: Like violent sex offenders getting no time like guys who are either trainees who've had like child trainees who did like a sex offense or Muslims who did like a sex offense or a person in possession of child pornography who got zero months in jail for having a Hundreds of images of like child rape, but then this like soy boy No, they don't have a picture of the soy boy. That's what I was in the thread though It looks just like a soy boy. I don't know what to say carrying around a toy dagger. Um, this guy like dressed up as like a, like a Japanese video game character sword. He gets four months and he didn't do anything with it. He didn't like intimidate anyone with it. It's not like he threatened the police officers. He just had it on him and it scared them really just quite pathetic. Oh yeah. The hamster. That's true. That is important.

Unknown_02: Actually, I might make a last-second change. I think someone in the thread right before the stream posted a hamster that is an American Fourth of July one. Let me see real quick.

Unknown_20: If I can find that in just a second, I will do that.

Unknown_20: Oh!

Unknown_20: This is the guy. I found that on accident while looking through the thread.

Unknown_02: I don't transform You can stare his soy boy face as I this is the guy that went to jail because he had a toy dagger That intimidated the police officers Give me one more second one more second to find Aha by cheese balls posted in the American flag version

Unknown_20: Alright, give me a second. Sorry, I'm retarded.

Unknown_20: Damn, okay. Boom.

Unknown_02: Boom.

Unknown_02: Boom. Then we take off the soy boy.

Unknown_02: We leave the hamster. We make the hamster slightly bigger.

Unknown_02: Cover up the date as I like.

Unknown_20: Yeah, there we go. Probably should have done this before the stream, but it just occurred to me.

Unknown_02: I was actually playing with my audio, believe it or not, to try and get a less shitty audio going. Alright, there we go. Hamsters out of everybody's happy.

Unknown_02: Continuing on the theme that the English suffer and this brings me great joy and amusement Rishi Sunak as part of his campaign strategy apparent. Okay, so in the UK they have like a uniparty It's called there's labor and then there's the conservatives and from what I understand labor is like center-left and Conservatives are center-right and they basically have no innovation. They have no differing opinions on anything significant

Unknown_02: They're just the same fucking assholes, and there's no point even discussing it. However, there is a point in that they make money from being in office, so... Rishi wants to keep his fucking job.

Unknown_02: I think actually the main difference, and I picked this up from listening to the Telegraph's podcast about Ukraine, is that the labor are much less gung-ho interventionists when it comes to the war in Ukraine, and the conservatives are very gung-ho about soft power projection and weapons deliveries and innovation. intervention in Ukraine. So I think that's one of the dividing issues. So Rishi saw that his numbers were going down. The initial polling for the conservatives going into election was really bad. So he decided to appeal to the youth. Let's see how that worked out for him.

Unknown_31: In a world that's the most dangerous it's been since the end of the Cold War, we cannot and must not be complacent.

Unknown_31: I believe we must do more to defend our country, our interests and our values.

Unknown_31: We will increase defence spending to a new baseline of 2.5% of GDP by 2030. Putin cannot understand that while you can kill individuals and destroy buildings,

Unknown_31: No army can ever defeat the will of a free people and that is why Ukraine will win. That the cause you fought for, that so many of your friends and colleagues died for, that great cause of freedom, peace and democracy will never be taken for granted.

Unknown_02: In case it's not clear, the music is not an edit. This is the official account for Rishi Sanak. This is the official video that they put out, entirely centered around reinforcing Ukraine and the battle of the war in Ukraine.

Unknown_02: And the music was a deliberate effort to appeal to the meme audience. did not work. Or rather, I should have been smarter and then I did that work. No, it did not. According to CNN, I think these are the final results. Conservatives lost 251 seats in their parliament. They had 372

Unknown_02: They've lost two-thirds, more than two-thirds of all of their seats, and they all went to labor. They got completely and fucking totally destroyed. And the few seats that didn't just shift directly into labor went into the DUP, if I'm not familiar with. Actually, 63 of them went to the Lib Dems. Oh my God, it's even worse than you imagine, because I think they had a small majority, and then they lost, like, everything past that line. This row right here, I think they were up to, and then everything past that is just lost. So the seats that they didn't lose to labor directly, they lost 63, up, up, 63 from, what is that? I can't do math, sorry. They had eight seats originally, so they've, He went from 8 to 71. S&P, I think they're also conservative. That's the Scottish National Party. They lost a ton of fucking seats. SF didn't gain or lose anything. They're just chilling. And then most notably was Reform, which is Nigel Farage's new UKIP party, gained four seats.

Unknown_02: I wonder what rhetoric Nigel Farage employed to get voters on his side this election.

Unknown_02: Put that man as prime minister. I want to hear his Churchill speeches. We won't fight them on the beaches. We won't fight them on the shores. We will not fight them in the streets because we fucking suck and everyone knows it and there's no fucking point. That'll be a Mr. Farage. That's why he gained the seats. With rhetoric like that, nobody can not vote for him.

Unknown_02: To point out my thing about if there's any real difference, this is a public opinion polling by the YouGov.co.uk Matthew Smith, and that's a very English-looking man with the most English name possible, Matthew Smith, head of data journalism, published February this year. And it's basically just a poll that says that 48% of Britons do not consider labor or conservatives, or not even, it's 48% of people consider them to be different. The majority of British people do not believe that there is any significant difference between labor and conservatives.

Unknown_02: For instance, the Israel-Gaza conflict

Unknown_02: Almost like 20% of people, only 20% of people think that they're different at all. Only 20% of people think that they're different at all. Only 22% of them think that they're any different on bisexual rights or LGBT rights and racial equality.

Unknown_02: Only 19% think that they're any different on defense. Only 18% think they're any different on overseas aid. The one that they differ the most on apparently is managing the economy, and I guess that's just tax cuts, and then asylum and immigration. And I think that the reason why it's hard for Americans to understand these two parties is that, and I could be completely wrong, someone British make sure that I'm not talking out of my ass as I usually do.

Unknown_02: I think that the main distinction is that labor is it's like a kind of socialist group, but they're not pro-immigration.

Unknown_02: Because obviously if you're pro-immigration, that hurts domestic workforce. I think that's like one of their major differences. And I think that labor is less liberal about immigration, though I don't really know for sure.

Unknown_02: They're both pro-immigration. Then why does the public think that they're the same? Apparently 31% of English people think that they're different. Wrong. They're both pro-immigration. Okay. Never mind then. I don't know anything. This is why 40% of English people think that they're the exact same fucking party. So the results really don't even matter. The only reason why this matters is because Rishi Sunak is an embarrassing, gross looking, like, Indian mutt and everyone hit the dab on him real fucking hard. And a couple people voted for Nigel Farage because of his strong stance against England.

Unknown_30: We are the worst country on earth.

Unknown_02: Thank you, Nigel.

Unknown_02: Very brief, hyper pro Donald Trump thing coming out of the Daily Beast. They managed to catch this audio of Trump. I don't know if he knew he was being recorded, but he did speak pretty candidly about what he thought about Biden. And this clip is actually fucking hysterical. So take a listen.

Unknown_25: You gave me so much. How did I do with the debate the other night? Fantastic.

Unknown_02: Amazing. I kicked that old, broken-down pile of crap. Yeah. It's a bad guy.

Unknown_25: He just quit, you know. He's quitting the rest. Is that right? Yep. I got him out of the race. And that means we have Kamala. I think she's going to be better.

Unknown_25: She's so bad. She's so pathetic.

Unknown_25: It's just so fucking bad. I just can't imagine. But can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin? The president of China, who's a fierce person, he's a fierce man, a very tough guy. And they see him, they probably, okay. But they just announced he's probably quitting.

Unknown_02: I love how, I love how different his conversational voice is. Like usually when he, I don't know, he kind of like yells when he's doing his presentation. He has like a very loud orator voice when he's like in front of the podium. But then he's like slouching his golf cart, putting on his golfing gloves. And he's like, yeah, she's so fucking sad. She's so fucking pathetic. Like whispering almost. She's so fucking pathetic.

Unknown_02: Awesome really we just gonna get into that in the debate Biden over there Biden looking sleepy looking sad and disgusting what a pitiful slob Just the gross little old faggot really just disgusting. I think someone should put him out of his misery. I would do it I have presidential immunity to kill my political rivals. Apparently I would do it myself, but I'm not president elect me as president I'll fucking call them to death with a baseball bat

Unknown_03: Why are we pretending we all know this is all bullshit just say whatever you want Oh And this is you guys remember that miz Radioactive tranny from the Department of Energy mixed radioactive.

Unknown_02: I'm gonna find this Department of Energy I don't know why I didn't think I thought there would be a picture in this article, but there's not Oh, yeah, okay this guy

Unknown_20: There's a really gross picture of him all dressed up.

Unknown_02: This guy dressed up in like radioactive clothes. Like bright green, like a glow. Like if you were gonna try to cosplay as like a glow in the dark. He dressed up as Ms. Radioactive. And he's like in the Department of Energy, like in their nuclear energy department. And he got caught stealing women's luggage, which is like a super felony because it's at like an airport. So he's like breaking through federal boundaries in an airport to steal random women's clothing.

Unknown_02: And they cut him a sweetheart deal. His actual charges carried up to 20 years in jail, but they gave him no jail time. So he got a quiet plea deal.

Unknown_02: And it wasn't just anyone, by the way, it was like a Tanzanian female fashion. Oh, and he got caught because after he stole her clothes, he got away with it. And then he posts, oh my God, I forget how funny the story was. The fucking faggot that we put in the department of energy to manage nuclear waste stole a black Tanzanian woman's fashion, original custom handmade fashion designs from her luggage in an airport in this country. and then wore it and posted pictures of him wearing her original unique designs on Instagram and she just somehow happened to find this out and made a social media hubbub about it because one of the most prominent members in the Department of Energy was wearing shit he stole out of her luggage that she made herself. Un-fucking-real.

Unknown_02: Like, literally one of the funniest fucking stories possible. And they cut him a deal where he just walks. Just free. Okay, sorry. I guess I accidentally did an oopsie doodle and I'm really sad about it. Like, okay. I guess all these felony charges for violating the trust of the American people, stealing shit from an airport, parading around on social media like a faggot. That's fine. Don't worry about it. It's America. What do you expect?

Unknown_02: What a disaster. Imagine voting for Biden after that too. Imagine voting for the people that are putting faggots like this into positions, not only like positions of power, it's not like he was like the head of the Department of Transportation and like gave a little slush money to one contractor over the other who didn't do as good a job laying asphalt. You know what I mean? He was in charge of like the Department of Energy's super funds of cleaning up some of the most dangerous, deadly, long-term Natural consequences that the United States is possible to produce He's just he's just rolling around in it like a like a he's trying to catch superpowers or something and something stolen dress Awesome oh And this is very funny, too

Unknown_02: So there's a company called Hurricane Electric. Hurricane Electric is one of the largest backbone ISPs in the United States. You don't usually have them as your actual ISP. You may remember that I filed a complaint against them in Washington because they cut our internet, cut our ISPs internet so that they could not give us service. And the Department of, the Office of the Attorney General did not press charges against them. So we just lost out there.

Unknown_02: Hurricane Electric has their website, he.net, and a random person reported them as being a phishing website, and their top-level domain name, Registrar, seized their domain without any prior warning, just completely and totally obliterated off the internet one of the largest ISPs in the entire fucking country. And then they did it right before July 4th, so they weren't in office. And the corporate for H.E. was just having a fucking panic attack because they were completely and totally down. severing some of the most important and critical infrastructure for the internet in the United States, and they couldn't get access to a human being at their office to restore their domain name. So they sent me an email saying, network solutions has decided to put our domain name on client hold, which is something that's happened to us a lot.

Unknown_02: due to a single phishing complaint about a webpage which happens to be a page of information about another domain from bgp.he.net.

Unknown_02: Network Solutions has been contacted and refuses to handle this issue in any expedited manner. Executives from Hurricane have been calling and emailing Network Solutions for hours to have this address. If anyone has an Escalation contact at Network Solutions, please email it to redheadatlightning.net or rfischler at he.net. Thanks. Reed Fischler, Senior Director of Hurricane Electric. So I decided to be a pal, and when I saw this, I reached out to them with some help. Subject regarding expediting he.net from me to Redhead and R. Fischler saying, hello. Last year, your company blocked my website, the Kiwi Farms, at a network level. You also banned us from your DNS system. Now you know how it feels to get fucked over by a bigger company that does whatever it wants. Eat shit, LMAO, smiley face. Happy 4th of July, maybe spend some time reading our constitution. Cheers, Joshua Moon." There was a 1000% chance they saw this fucking email, and I hope it made them seethe. Get the abdomen.

Unknown_02: Bad things happen to bad people. I think this is, um... There's a picture. Is this Reed Fischler? I think this is Reed Fischler. Look at this fat fucking ginger retard. Fat fucking ginger retard. Fat fucking ginger retard. Fucking running an ISP. Oh no, bad things are happening to me. Why didn't anyone care? Why doesn't anyone care what happened to me? You gotta pick up the phone. Ring, ring. Wing, wing. It's me, Reed Fischler. I'm the senior director at a big company. You have to care about me and what I say.

Unknown_02: It's like the official caricature has like a soy jack to it. It's like someone said I need a caricature drawing of me that just looks like a soy jack. Official images.

Unknown_02: Get rekt. Get rekt, fucker.

Unknown_02: I'll keep the hamster. I like the hamster.

Unknown_02: We got some tipster content just the tip this is tipsters new tipster has decided to give up the low-level content slush drama and Commentary so let's check out that new tip. What's the new polish like a shiny penny? What's he looking like?

Unknown_02: Oh Shit oh Shit

Unknown_05: Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.

Unknown_05: Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck, chat.

Unknown_05: We got two Dommie Mommies, and they're about to clap these ass cheeks.

Unknown_05: Now we, okay, we got three Dommie Mommies now, and they are about to clap these ass cheeks.

Unknown_19: There's more, there's more tipster content.

Unknown_02: By the way, I only recognize this map from dead by daylight, which, uh, will come into play later.

Unknown_02: Come on, die already.

Unknown_05: Yo, we killed him. Let's go. Three dummy mommies dominated by the tipster. Let's fucking go.

Unknown_02: I remember when they remade this game or something, and I remember that this character was like a big, like all the anime people spurged about this on the internet.

Unknown_02: Glad to see that tipster is fat and disgusting. I will continue to make fun of him forever.

Unknown_02: Okay, so this is weird. This is not like an actual forum thread about like space station drama.

Unknown_02: But if you don't remember, we briefly hosted a official Space Station 13 server. There is a near official Space Station 13 server hosted by Gecko Koi, who is in the games board if you're interested in the Kiwifarm Space Station thing.

Unknown_02: But there's still lots of commentary about the development attempts. There was both a development attempt to revitalize Space Station on the old engine,

Unknown_02: because there's just so much, there's so many like tens of thousands of lines of code contributed over a decade on that, that code base that people can't really let it go. And then there was like a group of people trying to completely rewrite it, um, in a different language with like a different engine and everything else.

Unknown_02: Unfortunately, these people are jobless, neat trannies who don't know what the fuck they're doing. And they ban people for basically anything.

Unknown_02: Um,

Unknown_02: For instance, one of the main things about the game that was really funny is that there were different races, like different species of alien. They've kept that there are different species of alien, but you're not allowed to, like, play off of that in a role-play sense. Like, you can't call lizards a ligger, because that's racism. You can't make a feelin' it only fort in the library. That's Permaban for racism.

Unknown_02: I hate dogs, Permaban. We take racism very seriously.

Unknown_02: Calling someone a pussy for refusing to fight you as a boxer is banned for ERP If you say pussy multiple times in chat, that's an ERP violation according to rosy syntax Here's a bonus complaint on the github Why would anyone want to play Nukes if they are human only and therefore racist? I know a hyperbole. Okay, so this guy is complaining

Unknown_02: In the old game you have a game mode where then there's a nuclear operative the nuclear operatives job is to steal a There's a plutonium core on the space station that you can detonate to in the game by destroying the station and the nuclear operatives job is to sneak onto the station or bust in loud if it's the other version of the game mode and but recover this disk, go to the plutonium core, and then activate the detonation, and then make sure that nobody deactivates it while it very loudly and publicly calls out for help to be deactivated. That's how the game mode works. However, they're all humans, so the implication is that this all-white nuclear operative brigade is busting onto the station to blow it up, which you could consider a design choice, you know.

Unknown_02: Coyote the Clever and 16 fucking retards on GitHub say, I feel like it's a really bad idea. There is a tendency to overbalance everything and sand away all the interesting edges around the game, and this is a good example of this. Beyond this though, it also makes Nuki seem like they are an inherently speciesist organization. Speciesism is against the rules, but also, who wants to play as a member of some species-supremacist organization?

Unknown_02: This is how fucking retarded these people are. They're like gay retard tranny furries.

Unknown_02: But wait, there's more. Here's Plikea. Does Nuki base have a magic mirror so people can change how they look if they're forced human? Besides that, I'm more inclined to not enable Nuke if I'm forced into a human body. This is Plikea. He appears to be a tranny Filipino. Shout out to my homie speaking Tagalog in Manila.

Unknown_02: But he's not just a gross Filipino tranny. Here's him on Reddit saying, hello, I've been recently thinking about wearing this to school every Friday, but the anxiety is always in the back of my mind. Does anyone else have any tips or suggestions? And W Crossdressing, Plakia says, most public schools I'm aware of don't allow you to show off bare midriff. Same thing goes with having too short of shorts. Obviously, I don't know the rules your school has, but I hope you don't get into any trouble doing it. Talking about cross-dressing at school But wait, there's more here's he is on the space station discord saying they deserve some kind of reward for making naked children mainstream furry characters introduced let's go and then there's a cry about a gif with that weird bunny that gets tortured and mutilated and raped in that anime that everyone seems to fucking love and insists that it's actually a deep commentary about abuse and But here we have an actual tranny furry pedophile from the fucking Philippines talking about how much they love the show because it made a furry lolicon a mainstream character thing. Enjoy!

Unknown_02: What anime? Made in Abyss, someone said in the chat.

Unknown_02: Um, there we go. And my comment to that is, I am so full of hate. And that's Gekogwe. I always thought it was Gekokoi, but it's anti-Semitic, the name. Gekogwe.

Unknown_02: Okay, it's an anime. Yeah, basically.

Unknown_02: This is also a weird adjacent drama that nobody has picked up on. So this is a Kiwi Farms Mad at the Internet exclusive.

Unknown_02: LelsaurusRex posted this expose, and you don't know who that is, and you don't know who I'm about to talk about until some of you may know what I'm talking about in just a second. He's a content creator at Twitch and YouTube and a screaming enthusiast. He says, this is my post about my experience with Evan Tick or Nina.

Unknown_02: I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while and it is very personal and has affected me a lot, but please do not bother anyone mentioned and thank you for taking the time to read it. Too bad. This is a statement. He says, I'm making this post to speak about my recent experiences with Evan tick or Nina trigger warning, sexual harassment. Please don't make reaction content or drama videos about the subject. Please do not attempt to contact Nina, Otz, myself, or our mutuals for more information to make a scene. This is not gossip, slander, or petty drama. There are real people that are victims that have been extremely hurt by her.

Unknown_02: Drama bros, drama bros, please agate your gaze, plug your ears, go la la la la until the screen changes. No bullying allowed here.

Unknown_02: In May 2023, me and Nina became good friends. Nina was made aware that I'm not in the best financial position and bragged to me that she had $200,000 in savings and could help me out. She offered to buy me in-game cosmetics in exchange for naked Snapchat pictures. I did not want to receive these. This story has a fucking twist to it. She is forcing this guy to receive nude images of her in exchange for cosmetics. She would also start conversations by asking me how I'm doing and if I was just doing okay or struggling. She would send unsolicited and unwanted half-naked pictures or videos in reply. I had just turned 20 at the time, she was over 30. This made me feel extremely uncomfortable and I withdrew from the friendship and group. She sent several unsolicited pictures that were never asked for or welcomed by myself.

Unknown_02: These inappropriate pictures were all taken at Otz's or Alex's house while they were both still in a happy relationship. Alex had no idea any of this was happening at the time. When I went to visit a friend in the UK at the same time Nina was visiting, I felt too uncomfortable to go and meet with Nina and other friends. Nina proceeded to sabotage my character to those friends in order to isolate me from the group. I've heard these from countless others how she would talk about me and how she would talk shit about other people to me that I've now found out she was extremely inappropriately... I can't fucking read.

Unknown_02: She would talk shit about other people to me that I've now found out she was extremely inappropriately to, implying, and I blame the sentence construction on this, implying that she was doing this to other people.

Unknown_02: Nina would still show up to my Twitch chat often and I would feel extremely uncomfortable. But seeing how everyone loved Nina and being worried that I would not be taken seriously or believed, I didn't say anything for a long time. I was worried that I wouldn't be believed or I would get into trouble. I recently spoke to Alex about my experience and when Nina was confronted about this over the phone, Alex said she lied about it again continuously. I'm going about this to protect further victims and to speak out against sexual harassment and abuse of power. I'm really grateful to Alex for his sympathies and request that anyone reading this does not go to his Twitch or YouTube to pester or make a big deal. He's also a victim here. Do not message Nina.

Unknown_02: We all hope she gets the help she needs to stop hurting people continuously. Please do not treat this as gossip or scandal. Don't make content on it. We just want to protect people from it continuously happening and moving on."

Unknown_02: Sorry, not sorry. The reason why this guy is like, please, Please, no drama. No drama, please, is because this woman is the girlfriend of Otzdarva, the number one Dead by Daylight YouTube streamer and video content creator. He has like a million subs. He puts out hours and hours of Dead by Daylight content every fucking month. And apparently he's in this long distance relationship with this Irish woman who they've known for five fucking, they've been together for five years.

Unknown_02: And for whatever reason, just haven't gotten together.

Unknown_02: So it's just like, uh, it's, it's really, it's really, really embarrassing for him. And it's also kind of weird. It's like, why haven't they gotten together? It's not like he doesn't have money. He has all the money in the fucking world.

Unknown_02: But he says, please stop demanding proof. It breaks my heart to say that everything shared here is true. Losing a five year relationship overnight and then finding out about this has been beyond brutal. Please don't make it any harder. Sorry, bro. She herself has admitted to her wrongdoing and will hopefully get the help she needs through therapy. I'm incredibly hurt by what she did, but I still hope she gets the help. I beg you all, please support Lel and don't harass anyone involved. Okay, here's the deal.

Unknown_02: Is this a fucking tranny? Is this a fucking tranny? This is her account on, on Zitter. Let's find a picture of her. This is a recent picture of her doing cosplay. Um, I mean, wow, I'm leaning tranny and it's like, but it's, it's, this is honestly the hardest tranny or not tranny I've ever done. And you might look at this and think, wow, that's obviously a tranny.

Unknown_02: Or here's this old video from 2019.

Unknown_02: And you can kind of see big man hands, but I don't know.

Unknown_02: It's not a question. Okay, bro. It's not a question. How about this?

Unknown_02: Just going to leave this here. I'm two years old in this one. Look, look at the picture dressed as a girl at two years old. And it looks like her. It looks like her. It looks like the same fucking person. So is this like an AI picture of like a little baby girl that was created to throw people off?

Unknown_02: Listen here. You see the skull? It's a male. It's a two-year-old and not androgynous.

Unknown_02: But why is it dressed in like pink and shit?

Unknown_02: The voice is no doubt. Okay, well let's listen to the voice and you guys tell me.

Unknown_20: Okay, hold up.

Unknown_02: Let's just pick a random video on Twitch.

Unknown_02: I mean the weird like booty on the picture is like a tranny thing for sure, but let's just go to like a random.

Unknown_21: Thank you, Shiny. I'll feed Elon. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_20: I'll feed him.

Unknown_20: Ooh, it is masculine.

Unknown_21: Okay.

Unknown_20: It has to be.

Unknown_20: I heard a more feminine... Oh, I have so many points.

Unknown_21: I should probably buy stuff. I'm so maj. Why you maj?

Unknown_21: What's his breed? He's a mix.

Unknown_02: It has to be. Let's do a poll. He has some sort of spaniel.

Unknown_21: He has... Let's do a poll, chat.

Unknown_02: I'll do a poll right now. We'll settle this.

Unknown_02: Is Austin Dayton a tranny?

Unknown_02: Yes or no? The poll is live. The poll is live. You may exclamation point vote 1 for yes or vote 2 for no. This is the closest thing to a real democratic vote that will ever exist.

Unknown_20: No, the killers don't bring cake, I'm telling you.

Unknown_02: The votes are pouring in, chat. The votes are pouring in.

Unknown_21: Crash, did he actually?

Unknown_02: A hundred votes are in, and it is 87% yes to 12% no. It's overwhelming. The people have spoken. I didn't actually, I went through one of the older, like the recent videos, and the voice was just kind of weird sounding, but still sounded kind of feminine. This one is like, it's not that feminine at all.

Unknown_02: It's crazy. So I guess they picked out a dress, one of them, like a picture of them in a pink dress. And then we thought, aha, I'll dispel people with that. And it worked to his benefit. It worked, but come on, come on, chat. Come on, come on, chat. Come on, come on.

Unknown_02: I don't think so. All right. I'm calling it one 50 votes for yes. And 21 votes for no 88% of people almost deciding that this is a tranny. I believe. Bro, Otz, what are you fucking doing, bro? What are you doing? And it makes sense. It's like the tranny is like sending pictures of himself, like probably with like his peepee covered. Like, oh, look at me. I'm so dainty and feminine teehee. And that's why the dude is like, bro, I don't want these fucking pictures of you. I don't want to see like, I am. It just makes sense. The story makes sense. If there is a penis involved chat, it makes much more sense.

Unknown_02: I think that, I think that we can call this one case closed.

Unknown_02: Now we're going to get to see the Dead by Daylight video where Otz is not playing killer for once and he is being chased by one of Legion, a dainty tranny with a knife screaming in Irish Gaelic as he hunts Otz down the streets of Bucharest trying to kill him. This is going to be Otz's final Dead by Daylight video. I wonder how many blood points you get for murdering Otz.

Unknown_02: All right, this is some content that Blackstar wanted me to play. This is Commander Stryker in his anime cringe persona fish tank. Let's see what happens.

Unknown_14: yes who is this how the fuck did you cretins manage to get my phone number

Unknown_14: Oh, he's stuttered. You're not even funny. You're not even funny.

Unknown_02: He's fucked it up. He fucked it up. He's stuttered. And now Commander Stryker is going to go in for the kill, Chad.

Unknown_14: You what? You docked my phone number on the show and you're not even funny?

Unknown_14: Okay, great. Great.

Unknown_14: Yes, I'm getting trolled by TrollSec, great. That's exactly what I need. The most, clearly the most... The captivating characters in this fucking tale, TrollSec. Yes, not me. I'm the one getting owned. I'm the one getting my phone number doxed.

Unknown_02: He slipped out. He did, he started doing like his striker, his, uh, his Jace voice when he was talking to the guy on the phone. And that was like slipping back into like his anime thing. Yes, yes, me, the one who's the protagonist.

Unknown_14: I was told that I could get to be the anti-hero badass protagonist. And then this happens and I get my phone number leaked on the show as I'm trying to play my fuck I Might have to do something to calm down. I might have to go shoot up the office to calm down Build a real bomb to calm down You can always be administrator of the Kiwi farms again shit if the fish tank shit doesn't work out I

Unknown_02: This guy I've never spoken about before and I have no idea who he is But there's one picture in this that is so fucking funny. I just have to talk about it There's a guy called Lucas Gage who's apparently one of the Nick Fuentes dingleberries and this he got dogs and they started sending pizzas to his house and he like properly has like a fucking melty about he says I By the way, this is the absolute fucking worst way to respond to getting doxxed is by posting pictures on the internet, confirming that you were doxxed, confirming that people were fucking with you, because then they will escalate that for more attention. Lucas Gage says, a delivery guy was duped by Jews to deliver me a $44 pizza I never ordered. I had to interrupt my wife putting my daughter to bed to ask if she did. She didn't. I told him it wasn't us, that we have a lot of haters, so it must be a troll.

Unknown_02: These vile rats are a plague. Now Jews are ordering Domino's pizza to my house, not paying for it and wasting these poor people's time. Utter scumbags.

Unknown_02: Someone decided to make him a soy jack, demonstrating the situation in severity. Hibernation says this is what life is like under Jewish occupation.

Unknown_03: And that's a picture of a soy jack Domino's guy delivering a pizza.

Unknown_03: For whatever reason, this made me laugh really, really hard.

Unknown_03: LucasGage responds with the level of anger and severity that's required for a soyjack meme and says, report this faggot until he's nuked.

Unknown_02: Benjamin Rao is 30 years old and lives in New York. He just committed a crime and he will end up like Ari Mendel. You stupid motherfucker. I have no idea why he came to the conclusion that this guy in particular is the one that's fucking with him.

Unknown_02: Report this faggot as well. Notice after calling out rat-faced David Lunge Erlanga, suddenly all the harassment and death threats begin again. But I had very good reason to bring him up again. You'll see soon enough. You'll be shocked. Nuke this guy. Report this guy.

Unknown_02: He got swatted and then arrested, so you got this weird... He looks, I mean, literally, this guy looks like the Untermensch propaganda poster from Nazi Germany. I don't know, he's hunched over and shit, it's just not a very flattering side profile picture. Don't get me wrong, it sucks to be swatted and shit, but when you go on the internet and you act like a fucking retard and give these people the attention they're looking for, what the fuck do you expect?

Unknown_02: When the, when the dominoes gets this much attention and then, then he's going to get his wife to take a picture of him being arrested and have that posted to the internet. Like, bro, I've been, I've been here, done that. Here's what you do. You're ready. You don't do this. This is how you act when you're a fucking retard, Nick Fuentes, Dingleberry, and you just want attention. Um, and you call up all the delivery places and you tell them not to deliver without, uh, without being prepaid for it and so on and so forth. I mean, not this guy. Not this guy.

Unknown_19: This is what life is like under Jewish occupation.

Unknown_20: Let's listen to Cobes some more. This is Cobes's July 4th address.

Unknown_02: He eats something right at the beginning of the video and I'll skip past that.

Unknown_13: Happy 4th of July. Happy birthday, America.

Unknown_13: And of course a happy wedding anniversary to Ozzy and Sharon, that's what's up.

Unknown_02: Can't help but notice that verified sticker he got.

Unknown_13: Here after a bit I'll be playing the Star Spangled Banner for YouTube.

Unknown_02: He's eating a pinwheel, it's like a little sandwich roll or something for the guy that asked.

Unknown_13: I just wanted to say cheers.

Unknown_13: We got some Jack Daniels Southern Peach Country Cocktails in a can.

Unknown_13: These are delightful if you like peach flavored stuff.

Unknown_02: Jack Daniels is fucking awful in case you're wondering.

Unknown_02: Jack Daniels and Jim Beam are like the worst fucking alcoholic beverages you can have.

Unknown_13: Mmm.

Unknown_13: Those painted wheels I made are really good, are really good, too.

Unknown_03: Very exciting stuff, coach. He's got another roll left to cut up.

Unknown_02: He published this video by himself. This must be like his July 4th address, and he's just like sloshed. All right.

Unknown_02: We need some high-energy, high-octane content, I think, Chad, and I think that the person that's gonna provide this to us is FedSmoker. AlessoWarrior sent me a collection of clips that he asked that I play on stream to celebrate FedSmoker, who he did a whole stream on, who is unfortunately no longer with us. His favorite hobby was to go town to town as a drifter and harass all the local police officers there. A true sight to behold.

Unknown_02: I have no idea what any of these are. I trust Alessa's judgment. You have a right to justice and this has not been justice.

Unknown_07: Mr. and Mrs. Half Hanging Cunts.

Unknown_07: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Half Hanging Cones. Get them bitches up high.

Unknown_02: God's news. It's a suicide bomber jogger.

Unknown_17: She's off today and she'll be out blowing some shit up today.

Unknown_02: She has like a hair wrap or something and is walking past the beach? So he's just like, that must be like a Muslim. Give her hell.

Unknown_17: hell hella and souda abusaid and alababa and uh bach obama

Unknown_03: That's me. I see someone in a hijab and I'm just like, there goes Saddam Hussein, Barack Obama.

Unknown_02: Another suicide bomber.

Unknown_02: Literally my, my internal voice.

Unknown_16: You guys are stealing my art, man. That's artwork. That's, that's violating my civil rights as an American. That's my artwork. Americans are stealing it. The police have just stole my sign. Americans call the cops.

Unknown_24: I love how all of his videos are just like this little vignette of like total fucking madness I don't even know what the painting is I don't know who those guys are it's just uh

Unknown_02: There's so many different ways you could come like if you you have to take that video and then if you're going to explain what's happening you need like both like an introductory paragraph and then like a conclusion and all you know is that somewhere in the middle of it Hanks Painting is taken and some guy in like a sports car drives off Jonesy pop toe dad with a taser the other day Americans

Unknown_16: He didn't like my video that I did on somebody, so they popped my ass with a taser. He says, you're going to jail for disorderly conduct. I said, let's go, and pow, shot me with a taser, Americans. But I do agree they should use tasers on people, because it felt damn nice.

Unknown_16: in my entire life, American. I'm 15 years old again. Cleared my mind. Cleared it up so anybody bitching and whining about these tasers could kiss my ass. I think they should use them five times the limit. I think they should hit you more and more with them. It felt good. I have never felt so alive in my life. Leaving jail, Pottawatomie County, twice for the second time this week. Herc News.

Unknown_02: That's simply amazing. What a Chad. This guy was simply too base to live.

Unknown_02: Greyhound bus driver, piece of shit. Three seconds long.

Unknown_16: Well, thanks a lot there, black feller.

Unknown_03: Me when interacting with any black person ever. Thanks a lot there, black feller.

Unknown_02: This is just called Herkster.

Unknown_16: Hey, which one of you guys is parked out there in front of that fire hydrant?

Unknown_16: I need that car moved out of the way. It's causing a serious, serious problem with me.

Unknown_16: So whose car is it?

Unknown_16: Is it your car? I need them to go ahead and write themselves a citation, too, while they're at it, OK?

Unknown_02: Is that your car?

Unknown_16: Yeah, I need that car moved there, buddy. And could you go ahead and write yourself a citation, too? It's about a $300 fine. Thank you.

Unknown_03: Because he's blocking a fire hydrant.

Unknown_03: How's it feel to be in the wrong there, officer? You can tase me, but that only clears my mind more.

Unknown_02: This is mvi3811. Americans! Jane Evans is a mafia girl.

Unknown_16: She cut me off of my drug supply. Jane, you're straight now.

Unknown_02: Um, he's yelling at like a train. It's not a train. It's like a trolley and then it says postmaster Jane Evans deals drugs out of post office. Okay, so He probably bought drugs through the mail. They were confiscated from him he's unhappy about this and then decided to stand in front of either her office or a random USPS office and

Unknown_02: with a sign that has absolutely gorgeous calligraphy, that his handwriting is simply beautiful, and it says, Postmaster Jane Evans deals drugs at a post office, which is a pretty serious accusation to level against a, I mean, a postmaster's a pretty high-ranking position in the Department of Post. It's no longer called that, it's just called the USPS now. Pretty serious accusation.

Unknown_02: This is p1 0 1 0 5 1 0 and I see two cockatoos Dancing my dance from the baby, which is just like, okay, whatever he's harassing a bird then suddenly some some loser

Unknown_02: It just says, sir, sir's chastising him. You already know there's a confrontation coming up, which Herc will win.

Unknown_02: Move 0 8 8 8.

Unknown_02: And this appears to be inside of a cave there is a gate and then there's like a woman receiving communion or something and chat I got to ask is that pastor guy wearing a blue and Orange dress or a black and yellow dress. I can't tell I Will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread None where he did this one

Unknown_20: We already did this one.

Unknown_02: Yeah, he's like in a cave. He's in a cave and they're doing mass. They're doing a Hail Mary. I think this is a Catholic and it's like a bunch of nuns. And then he's like, we already did this one. Which if you don't know, during these processions, they often do multiples of the same like prayer repeatedly. Cause the rosary has like a specific order.

Unknown_02: And you're supposed to do it differently depending on like the time of the year and what, like what mass you're in and stuff. There's like a very weird orthodox way to do the prayers in the Catholic church.

Unknown_02: So I think he knows that and it's just being a dickhead.

Unknown_02: This is Moe08537. I'm gonna need you guys to write yourself a ticket over there.

Unknown_15: You're parking in the red zone. Excuse me.

Unknown_03: You're parking in the red zone again. They're getting in to move it. You're parking in the red zone again. You're breaking the law.

Unknown_15: We're going to have to give you a citation. You're moving it.

Unknown_03: Dude, the joy he gets from this is so heartwarming. It's so pure.

Unknown_02: It's like in, um, Monsters, Inc. When they discover that like the children laughing is like a better source of energy than like the children screaming. He's like that when it comes, it's like his, his laughter when the police are forced to obey the laws, the arbitrary traffic code that it's laid out for everybody. It's like the purest form of energy and joy.

Unknown_02: This is a more recent one. This is 11 years ago instead of 16 and we're now in 16 by 9. This is actually pretty fucking high quality for a 720p 11 year old video. Well, hello Mary.

Unknown_02: His teeth are in great shape. How is his teeth in such good shape?

Unknown_16: Tell Captain Culbuss and I, love ya!

Unknown_16: Americans, that's my old crew, callin' em in.

Unknown_16: Great shi- I have no idea.

Unknown_02: Tab change he's like calling somebody. I'm not so I'm not familiar with what he's talking about He's calling somebody and saying that he's going to their location. I don't know There's again the context of these things is so unimaginable

Unknown_02: MVI 4321 and we see a picture we see a picture of it looks like a really rusted out car it's like got black paint but the paint is heavily sun damaged and it appears to be spray-painted with various decals and the word a fed smoker

Unknown_02: Fed is recording a man being arrested in this this video quality and just like the color like saturation level and the vehicles that are in the shot even though this is an 11 year old video it genuinely looks like he's recording this in the 1990s. I'd like to talk to you about my right fist to your face.

Unknown_17: Hello. I see that I am again buffering. Um, it looks like, yeah, I cut out pretty hard.

Unknown_20: I'm going to blame Elon for that one. My internet is really suffering right now.

Unknown_20: Give me a second. I'm going to wait for it to catch back up.

Unknown_20: Alright, I see that the bitrate is getting way back up there, so I think it's catching up real quick Give it a couple more seconds to catch up with the bitrate

Unknown_20: I know it's muted. I'm waiting for the bitrate to catch up.

Unknown_20: There's a buffer that has to be caught. Okay, now it's green.

Unknown_02: Now I can continue. All right, there was a brief disconnect. We're all caught back up. I'm going to replay this video.

Unknown_02: What did he say? The guy being arrested is like, I'd like to talk to you about my right to put my fist in your face or something. He's like handcuffed.

Unknown_12: Oh god, this kid would have all been settled if Tim would have just behaved.

Unknown_17: They're probably just going to write him a ticket for strangling his dog. He apparently was strangling his dog?

Unknown_02: And here's my fan fiction for this. Herc is at like a motel because he's a drifter. And then he sees that this guy is like strangling his, and I think that's a Kane Corso. There's a weird way to pronounce that name. But this is what it looks like. So Herc sees him strangling his dog, calls it in. The guy is like a belligerent dipshit with the police, who then gets arrested. And then Herc gets the dog.

Unknown_17: What are you doing? Yeah.

Unknown_17: Dog don't come to him, but he comes to me. Hey, what are you doing?

Unknown_02: I don't even know the dog. The dog instantly has respect for Herc. Recognizes him. He's a dog lover.

Unknown_18: Yeah.

Unknown_02: There we go. Well, that's a win. That's a win for sure. This is the last one. 12 seconds. S-U-N-P zero zero zero four. This is a 11 year old video, but it's not as nice quality as the other one.

Unknown_16: Is that a predator fish? That's an ugly motherfucker. What is that thing? Did he hurt you?

Unknown_24: He got teeth.

Unknown_02: Herc has identified what appears to be it looks like a giant tadpole But it's like literally it looks like a blobfish mixed with a tadpole mixed with a crocodile It's the best way to describe it. I think it looks like something out of like a Mario game actually like a Koopa I really asked fucking animal. I'm gonna be real with you. I wouldn't eat this shit. It looks fucking bad. Oh

Unknown_02: Nobody in the comments of the 97 viewers had the audacity to explain what this thing is, so I guess we'll never know. It's a mudskipper, says Akan.

Unknown_02: So, do you like mudkips, the answer, Herc says. No, no I do not.

Unknown_02: Alright, this is a brief update on Christopher Vito Gesualdi, a pedophile. He has announced that his shitty comic book that we've already made fun of, I'm sure won't be too different from the leaked transcript says,

Unknown_02: Uh, here's the thing about updates. I would post them all the time. There's always new and exciting things to share. However, I don't want to blow up people's inboxes with emails. If I was a smart man, I would fix SUPERKILLER website and post things to the blog page.

Unknown_02: But I am not a smart man. Oh, Vito, that's really interesting. Do you know that you're in business with somebody named Dax Herrera, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow? Did you know that he does WordPress blogs as a profession? Like he's a professional WordPress blog setter-upper for small businesses and prostitutes? You know that if he actually gave a fuck about you, he could fix your WordPress blog probably in 30 seconds, because that's what he's been doing for the last 20 fucking years. It's like a job. Did you know that? Because I knew that. Interesting if you didn't know that.

Unknown_02: He continues, regardless, I want to say that I'm very pleased with how things are going. My team, a Thursday, we are on track and have a digital copy of the book ready to mail out before the end of the month. I do want to clarify. So this is only the digital copy. The art is done. They're going to put it into a PDF and send it to people. They're not even printing it. And he promised it to be printed like in 2022. I want to say like December 2022. And he's pushed that back like an entire year at this point.

Unknown_02: I also want to say that the number of announcements I am holding onto for the time being, I am looking into some options for how to reward you all for your continued patience, and I am hoping that I have hit upon a very exciting option. I hate to be cryptic, but I am still running the numbers to see exactly what is feasible. All I can say, I'm not one of those guys that treats crowdfunding like a piggy bank. I am an ever devoted comic book slave. I'm a slave. I'm a Mr. Slave. I'm a Mr. Comic Book Slave. And I'm working very hard to do it right by you all. And if I do decide to cut and run to Mexico with Superkiller money, I promise to at least send you all a thank you card. Let's get her done. Hashtag Superkiller forever.

Unknown_02: Um, so paragraph one, I'm a fucking retard and I don't know how to run a business and my friend Dax Herrera, aka Juju the cow, a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, doesn't give enough a shit about me and my, my endeavors to actually help me in a way that matters. Um, paragraph number two, I promise I'm still working on this. I'm going to give you half of what you paid for over a year ago.

Unknown_02: Paragraph three, I definitely am super working on this.

Unknown_02: Paragraph four, there's stuff I want to talk about, but I'm not going to do that for whatever reason. And paragraph five, I don't use this as a piggy bank money. But as someone immediately points out, after this, oh, it's on the next page. Oh, no, this one. latest update from the pedophile funny parts how he's not treating the crowdfund like a piggy bank when he's literally put the Superkiller money into a money market account to accrue interest because he's not using the money to fulfill the project so he is quite literally Using the money to generate interest so he can spend that because he's not actually doing anything to complete the comic you may also look at this and have noticed that's really bad-looking and Um, that mouth, uh, looks terrible. The bridge of his nose aligns perfectly with like a single tooth. Like he has an odd number of teeth. Why does he have like a single huge buck tooth in front of it? And then somebody on the next page, uh, solved the issue.

Unknown_02: and doubled up the teeth, and this genuinely seems to be what the guy slapped on. It kind of reminds me of another comic book artist called Buckley, who did the Control-Alt-Delete comics and would just, like, paste the mouths that he had drawn, like, eight years ago onto the faces. so that people would look like they're talking and they would always have the same face. I feel like this guy, this artist that he's hired, has like a palette of really like detailed, complicated, because look, I mean, look at like how detailed the actual drawing is around it. And then look at the detail in the mouth. And it's like the mouth seems like it's drawn by like a vorafile who has like a intense interest in like the quality of a mouth. And it would make sense if it's just like a sticker that he has like a little sticker drawer on his his like Adobe Illustrator and just drags and drops the mouth onto the comic book.

Unknown_02: That's what that looks like to me.

Unknown_02: Look, I know that artists have to pump out product and they have to meet demand in a timely manner, and chances are that that works really well for most customers.

Unknown_02: Vito the pedo, Christopher Vito Gisualdi, the co-host of the Dick Show with, not the Dick Show, the other one, the shitty one,

Unknown_02: The shittier one, I should say, with Daxra, aka Juju the cow, man who gets fucked in the asshole dressed as a cow.

Unknown_02: His whole shtick is that the Black Man comics, Isom, are like, they use assets and they don't have all original art. It's kind of embarrassing that the artist that you hired and it's really embarrassing that the image that you put out in your update to show people that you're actually working on your comic is this one that has like an obvious mistake with how they slapped and distorted the sticker to try and meet like the angle of the mouth. It's really embarrassing if you like pride yourself on your comics and you call yourself like a little silly comic book slave that worked really hard all the time. and you really care about your comic and shit, and you would never ever use recycled assets like that evil Eric July black man did, and then you just do that, and you do a really sloppy, shitty job. Okay, the guy made a mistake, sure, whatever. He doesn't give a fuck about your shitty comic.

Unknown_02: He's getting paid by a pedophile. He just wants to get done with it.

Unknown_02: but you should notice that since you're the little comic book slave the Totally the myth of comic book slave working really hard. I shouldn't notice that before you put that update out. You'd like, okay You can't put out any any any actual information and you just have like a single still image How about making sure that the single still image doesn't have like a very obvious deformity, right? I don't know just what comes to mind when I think about this I

Unknown_02: Then, speaking of the Baldo, Nick Ricada ain't up to too much. However, MN Public Records did scan more documents, and this time it is Ricada's attorney in the criminal matter, so this is not Randazza, has filed a request to prompt the judge to seal all juvenile-related materials from the public record.

Unknown_02: This is an interesting filing because it's not usually something you file for. As I said, the statute allows the judge to decide on his own that he is going to file the records. So they request that all the juvenile records be sealed. The prosecution doesn't even say like, OK, we're going to contest this. And then the judge says, number one,

Unknown_02: You cited the wrong statute for this. And number two, um, no.

Unknown_02: So that's not happening. I wonder why. I wonder if the judges in this case are profusely fucking irritated by this loud mouth and is a constant blathering on social media. Isn't that interesting?

Unknown_02: Um, so after this leaked out, there was something, the, the, the court, the prosecuting,

Unknown_02: party put out all these disclosures regarding information that they had. So this is Kirsten Pierce, the first assistant Kandiyohi County attorney, filed basically their disclosures about what evidence they have.

Unknown_02: And one of the things that was interesting

Unknown_02: that immediately caught attention was, and by the way, this has a lot of stuff. There's medical records, there's the transition form for going into custody, there's more medical records related to the drug testing, there's various court documents, the hair test, photos of the home, emails with the child custody people, the petition for the emergency protective order.

Unknown_02: and notes from their meetings regarding foster care and stuff. But the interesting stuff is right here at the top. It says, Child Protection Intake Summary Dated, and then you have the five kids and their respective intakes from his arrest. Then you have one from February 2023, and then one from February 2009, as in a long-ass time ago, 15 years ago.

Unknown_02: More than that, even. So people are really like, why are there two more CPS cases from 2009 and 2023 that doesn't line up with the arrest? That's weird. So there's all sorts of rampant and baseless speculation, as there is when these things come out.

Unknown_02: This is just the highlight of the things that I already talked about I then received an emergency press release from the office of the Baldo general Which addresses people in a royal? Royal you all kind of way even though it was sent directly to me So I don't know if this is a message sent to like a bunch of people. He doesn't like at this point, but he says

Unknown_02: And now, with the way that this is worded, it really reminds me of how PPP does like his Baldo court voice where he tries to act like a royal, like a monarch issuing edicts and stuff. He says, Since you all are retarded and don't have any way to know, the 2000 case is not ours. We were foster parents for that placement. We have to stop fostering due to pregnancy complications with our second child. All CPS cases prior to the arrest date of 5-23, of which there are only two, were screened as not sufficient and ignored because there was no actual basis for them.

Unknown_02: I think he's implying that the one in 2023 was an A-Log that was trolling him with CPS, and then the one in 2009 was a related foster care parenting case that his name happens to be on because he had to return a child to the foster care system because his wife had issues.

Unknown_02: To be fair, it could be very plausible. This was a much different Rickada in 2009.

Unknown_02: The 2023 one, it's just his word. Obviously, he's at liberty to open up all these records whenever he pleases to. He could consent to the body cam footage right now to expedite things, but he's choosing not to and instead choosing to deflect based off a one-sided story as we await the actual prosecution.

Unknown_02: Rage Pig posted this clip and I want to play it.

Unknown_20: Oh, Kiwi Bros!

Unknown_20: I don't- I don't feel so good, Kiwi Bros!

Unknown_20: This was after the appeals case came in Greer's favor last year.

Unknown_02: Just wondering. And I did actually get a, I asked my attorney to nudge the Kandiyohi County for an update. And they did reply with an update that says, we are still waiting for RIT to compile and transfer information to a thumb drive. We will send as soon as they have completed it. Thank you and have a great 4th of July from the Kandiyohi County Sheriff Record Supervisor.

Unknown_02: This means that they're still working on the actual footage because they're going to have to redact information. Basically, the IT slave is going to have to go through and blur out like anything sensitive on apparently tens of hours of body cam footage. So as soon as that's done, they're going to transfer that information to a thumb drive and then send it to us.

Unknown_02: Well, we're going to have to pay them once they have it ready, but then once they're paid, they're going to send it to us on a thumb drive. That will be going to Hardin's mail office.

Unknown_02: And then I'll have to figure out a way, because if it's like tens of hours of footage, I'm going to upload that all directly to Rumble. And since it was paid for by everybody, I'm just going to not watermark it or anything.

Unknown_02: And maybe, maybe I should, just because I'm putting in all this effort. Should I, I don't like watermarks in general, but now that it's me that could benefit from that, I'm kind of tempted chat. I'll have to think about it. It would be easier. I think just to upload it raw because, um, then I don't have to re-encode it and I don't have to upload it myself. Cause right now my upload speed is still terrible. Whereas if I can like remote upload it from like a, a computer in a Hardin's commercial office building, like directly to rumble, it would be much, much, much faster, but like an order of magnitude.

Unknown_02: We'll think about it. We'll think about it I won't let her market as aggressively as Dick's footage because I look like no it won't obstruct anything in the middle Okay, this is Ralph Ralph had previously as I indicated on my last stream I

Unknown_02: All these idiots who think a hurricane will wipe me out. Nah, it won't. Category one before it sees me. Fuck Chris Chan and the medallion can suck my dick. Well, that was his big words. And then at some point he decided, actually, I'm scared. I'm scared of the big hurricane. Oh no. I don't want to be in Marita. So he travels up the mountain, hides on the high hills of Mexico City, Mexico Ciudad, and decides to stream from a hotel room, which does not have the appropriate internet to actually accommodate a stream. And his stated reason for leaving was that he didn't want a blackout for the very important Nick Ricada interview.

Unknown_02: So he traveled, he fled his home where his animals live.

Unknown_02: the stream from Mexico City, specifically so that the internet would be reliable.

Unknown_02: And come time for the Nick Rikeda interview and it is the worst shit ever. Literally cutting out, like every 15 seconds it cuts out for 15 seconds and then you get like a distorted, everyone has like serious burns because the pixel rate is so low that it's like everyone's distorted and filtered out. So we're going to listen to some clips that we could savage from this fucking disaster. From the scared little pigoo in his mountain home.

Unknown_09: if you're sober you were having stroke symptom okay okay first off that caught my attention what would be this symptoms you medical expert faggot and then what would be the stroke symptoms then ten dollars get up let's fucking get

Unknown_02: So he's fucked up by the way. I forgot to mention that from what I understand. He's he's Obviously on Xanny's again. That's not like drunk Ralph at Xanny Barry Ralph Which I just assume means that when he heard the news about that big mean hurricane Coming up to Mary Doug. He's like, oh no, I'm so scared I'm so scared of the hurricane ideals meal and So he had to take, he had to take, come on, chat. You gotta understand. He's a very easily frightened little, little guy. And when he hears about the big mean cane a-comin', you gotta pop some xans to relax. How else are you gonna flee to, to Mexico Ciudad without, without a couple little pink zanyberries to help him get there, chat? Come on. Don't be mean, chat. Don't, don't be mean. Ayyyyy.

Unknown_09: James Gardner song could, if he could just put that in the chat, like I would play that. So, uh, and I see, uh, perfectly sober. Go ahead. Whatever.

Unknown_29: Get out of here. White man is back, baby.

Unknown_02: The white man is back. I thought that was a Ralph clip. It was not to my. Okay, so at some point everyone started teasing him like no way that Nick Rickett is gonna show up on this plastered fat fucking retards a shitty Broken stream, right? So Ralph took that personally and issued a warning It does not come on

Unknown_02: So I'll play that one more time.

Unknown_02: So the stakes are high and everyone's scared. Ralph was going to release a sex tape getting fucked in the ass by PPP and Andy Worsky, unless Nick Riccato comes on. At this point, we had to send emergency messages to Nick Riccato, warning him of the implications of a no-show in the stream. And he got the message. He did show up to avoid catastrophe.

Unknown_09: I will spread open both cheeks.

Unknown_09: If Nick Riccato does not come on tonight.

Unknown_09: I mean, I like I like really I really get up now. No release. Don't do it.

Unknown_02: This is outright threatening us.

Unknown_20: What do you mean take another?

Unknown_20: Hello again chat.

Unknown_02: It's uh, okay the streams back on I pause the recording. Sorry, that was my internet again. Today's just a bad day I don't know blame Elon I'll let it give it a second for everything's gonna be just a little just a little boofer chat is a little boofer And then apparently this is a him doing the Hitler's let's see

Unknown_18: Oh jeez.

Unknown_18: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Unknown_06: Oh, they can't fuck with the bald ass. They can't fuck with the bald ass. I think you're just doing a drug test with both hands leveled flat, Ralph.

Unknown_02: That's not really anything.

Unknown_29: Get out of here. The white man is back, baby.

Unknown_02: The white man is back. Thanks, Sam Hyde. Very cool.

Unknown_02: Well, that's what Ralph's been up to. There's literally nothing to talk about in regards to the actual interview. Nick did show up, he looked extremely pissed off while Ralph tried to sort out tech issues for literally 40 fucking minutes! And then when it started, it just cut out over and over again, and Riccardo just did his whole diatribe, like, oh, the government's out to get me, it's not fair, they didn't do anything, it's all false, everyone's just being mean to me, it's all fake and stupid.

Unknown_02: Nobody cares. Nobody cares, Nick.

Unknown_02: You know who we do care about? You know who we do love and respect? And who we do get upset about when bad things happen to them? That's right.

Unknown_02: The one. The only.

Unknown_02: Austin Peters. A.K.A. Bossman Jack. Sorry, I'm trying to open up Kik, and Kik just keeps giving me fucking Cloudflare messages. This is my, uh...

Unknown_19: There we go, there's like Kikorino Chatteruski All right, um Bossman Bossman's in jail and it's not looking good He was hit with two charges one's felony drug possession, which as we learned from the Arcata case is quite a high sentence each state has different laws for everything, but He's in jail and the other charge was for assault and battery of a family member we believe

Unknown_02: that it could have been Bossman Drew, his brother. His brother was over at around like the day before. I think there was some implication that he was moving back in, Bossman Drew was.

Unknown_02: So I guess they got into a fight right off the fucking bat. Boss man Drew called the police. The police showed up. They found a significant amount of drugs on him. So he got hit with the double assault and battery of a family member and drug possession. This is his mugshot and his mugshot looks a little bit familiar. That's because he's in the exact Same shared County custodial facility that Christian was he has the exact same fucking jumper on in fact chances are because I think they just Take those jumpsuits out and they just wash them and share them between people There's a chance that the one he's wearing might have actually been worn by Christian considering how long he was there. So Yeah, that's fucking weird for sure

Unknown_02: We didn't know what his charges were, but then we got them hunted down. I did a poll to see what people would think was the charges. Simple drug possession, violent threatening offense, automatic incident, unlawful gamba, incest, or other. My choice was unlawful gamba because I thought that would be the funniest. Only 13 people or 3% voted like I did. Twice as many people voted for incest. Simple drug possession was the

Unknown_02: Most likely offense and the second one was a violent or threatening offense. So the two most popular options were actually the correct ones because he got both.

Unknown_02: And it's real fucking bad because not only is he facing a felony charge Boss man was on paper, which means that he was on parole. I believe or probation I forget the name of that but he had a Suspended sentence and when there's a misconception that when you're on probation or parole or whatever the fuck that you're a free person You're not you're still a ward of the state. You don't have the same freedoms as a free person does and They can come to your house at any time. They can drug test you at any time. There's limitations on your freedom. And you're still, you're, you're technically serving out a jail sentence as a free person. So you're accountable to, um, to the system. So when you are in that, when you're like a ward of the state and you commit another felony, it's bad, it's bad. And he's looking at serious time.

Unknown_02: Um, I'm not sure if the guy counted that, but it's like years in jail and it's also serving the rest of his sentence out, which is also years in jail. Um, that is a class one.

Unknown_02: Misdemeanor, which is I think if a year in jail is a class 1 misdemeanor I remember that from Christian and then a class 5 felony for possession of scheduled 1 or scheduled 2 Which I think I think a class 1 and a class 5 is like a wobbler I think a class 5 I remember this is specifically from Christian a class 1 misdemeanor is 1 year in jail and a class 5 felony is 10 years in jail and So that's up to 11 years in jail if he gets hit with the felony of the full charge, plus also potentially the remainder of his sentence on his paper. So whatever he has to serve on his probation or whatever, that's a lot of time. So we may never see Bossman Jack again on this podcast. It's a real opportunity, which has led to the elation of certain rats, such as Kazuki Fien, who apparently is a pink triangle faggot, and then also a listener, says, oh no, looks like Null has to find a new gambling schizophrenic faggot to fangirl over. I always skip the Bossman Jack segments on Maddie because I didn't find them entertaining or funny. Just spam dumb autistic and Maddie, stay felted, BMJ fangirls and fanboys. Sir, do you seriously think that the Boss Man Jack content, the Boss Man Tent, stops here?

Unknown_02: Um, I hate to be the one to tell ya, buddy, but it never stops.

Unknown_02: It says E! Wake up, pussy! I have to press L, I gotcha. Welcome to the world of rats. My name is Jerry. People call me the Rat Professor.

Unknown_02: This world is inhabited by creatures called rats.

Unknown_02: For some people, rats are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself, I study rats as a profession.

Unknown_02: First, what's your name? Let's see, which one do I want to pick?

Unknown_02: I'll go with Bossman. Keep it real.

Unknown_02: This is a rigger. He takes all of your money every single day. What is his name? I think Evil Ed.

Unknown_02: That's right. I remember now. His name is Evil Ed.

Unknown_02: Bossman, your own Gamba legend is about to unfold. A world of dreams and adventures with fat stacks awaits. Let's go. All right, let's see.

Unknown_02: Alright, I can walk around. Let's try to sleep. I can't sleep with money still in my wallet.

Unknown_02: Um... I can't leave with money still in my wallet. Bossman. Found a carpet nug, chat. Oh, there's a hole in my wallet. I think this is where we're supposed to go, chat.

Unknown_02: Okay, hold up.

Unknown_02: I'll drop it just a little bit for you, chat.

Unknown_02: There we go.

Unknown_02: Oh my god, I'm up so fat on yes-no. What's your addy? I'll send you a juicer. Oh, we got juice chat!

Unknown_02: You wanna flip a coin? Yeah, obviously I wanna flip a coin.

Unknown_02: Big shmoney, chap. Yes! We did it! Yes, dude, let's go! Okay, I'm gonna flip another coin, chap. Big shmoney.

Unknown_02: Oh my god, I'm up huge, chap. Now there's a little smiley face when you start to gamba.

Unknown_02: I just got 15 juice. I just got, like, what is that, a 5 extra? I got another 8 juice shot!

Unknown_04: I can't believe it.

Unknown_02: Nah, that's fucking rigged, bro.

Unknown_02: They do this to you, they let you win, and then, oh my god, 15, come on.

Unknown_02: Chat. Chat, I think that, I think we're getting a Porygon at the end of this one. Now it's fucking rigged. When you see the Magic Carps, you know you're fucked.

Unknown_02: Yeah, this is rigged.

Unknown_18: Yeah, this is fucking rigged, bro.

Unknown_02: Fuck this.

Unknown_02: I'm not screaming enough?

Unknown_02: Take that, you ass. Okay. I'm buying some more juice with all my money.

Unknown_02: It's due, don't go. It's not due.

Unknown_02: I think that this is the switch. I saw a preview. Hey! A switch behind the poster. Flip it. Who wouldn't? There's um... There's a video. That switch is in the original game. That's how you know.

Unknown_02: Oh, this is fucked, bro. I flipped the switch and everything.

Unknown_02: Come on. Bro.

Unknown_02: Bro!

Unknown_02: Bro! Are you guys seeing this? I'm just fucking losing everything. You're fucking rigged.

Unknown_18: Hold up.

Unknown_02: Maybe we should go back to yes now. I think that that's the right option.

Unknown_02: No, I needed that! Oh wait, there's a door. This is the Mewtwo theme, this isn't... Oh, there's no dialogue for Evil Eddie.

Unknown_02: It's just the rat headquarters, I guess. He doesn't want to talk to me. I don't have enough money.

Unknown_02: Maybe there'll be another version where you can kill Evil Eddie because he's a fucking rigger. I can't fight Evil Eddie unless I have... This is bullshit. It's just fucking Eden, bro. Fuck this. Maybe there's a switch inside of Evil Eddie's lair?

Unknown_02: So I'm just gonna tap A. One of these has to be a switch. You're fucking up if none of these are switches. My confidence in finding a switch down here is sinking unless this is the one. No. I need money?

Unknown_02: I don't want money. I want to lose. That's why I'm playing.

Unknown_02: I gotta deal with Take.us but they don't let me keep any of the juice. I wish I had a 100% raw real sponsor.

Unknown_02: Maybe this one's Lucky Chop.

Unknown_02: No.

Unknown_18: Bro, the juice was better before.

Unknown_02: I'm gonna flip the switch back.

Unknown_02: The switch is flipped and it will not bind. This is fucked.

Unknown_02: He blocked off the gate. Yo, I got the best stuff that you can find. You want a cop?

Unknown_02: Oh, the magic rock is...

Unknown_02: Get your broke ass outta here. What's this sign? Rigger Game Corner, the playground for grown-ups.

Unknown_02: And this says, coins exchange for prizes, prize exchange. Oh, I can buy a rat.

Unknown_02: Body armor, big Beauforts, or sneakers. There's no Porygon. Oh, there is a Porygon. You have to have 9,000, though.

Unknown_02: Okay, I'll take the Rattata.

Unknown_02: I'll just leave him nameless. Maybe now that I have a Pokemon, I can fight Evil Eddie with my Rattata. I have a good feeling about this.

Unknown_02: Oh my god, I was right.

Unknown_02: He would always find the perfect moment to flip the switch.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_02: Oh, he called him a cunt because he's Australian. That's some deep lore right there.

Unknown_02: Oh, he has six Pokémon. I'm fucked.

Unknown_02: How the fuck am I gonna beat- Oh, it's a level 100 Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatat

Unknown_02: Oh, this is easy.

Unknown_04: Look at this! Another critical hit, his spec attack is so high chat!

Unknown_02: I'm fucked on this one.

Unknown_02: I don't even remember a super fang in the game. Is it like a real move? Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Unknown_02: Shit. Rattata fainted. Bossman has been felted. Bossman blacked out.

Unknown_02: Let me just appear in her game. Okay, I gotcha.

Unknown_02: Okay. I'll call it quits there, Chet. I just had to rub it into Kazuki Fane's stupid fucking face. That the content never stops. Alright, don't get it twisted.

Unknown_02: It is fucking rigged, though. Don't even... Don't try me.

Unknown_02: Possibly you can download this by the way, it's on the forum It's called the rat version. It's in the bossman jack thread. I'm gonna give them a good old Achievo sticker. I know those are quite coveted by the rats Excellent It's yeah, it's on the Kiwi farms it's in the bossman thread it's at post one eight seven five zero eight seven zero and

Unknown_02: or 21,548 in the thread. One more thing, I don't know what this is, but it was requested that I play it. This is Brad Taste.

Unknown_02: I think I talked about him, but I've already aborted any memory of him from my brain.

Unknown_20: Hi, so I just made a video talking about how I got a

Unknown_23: a third-party content warning on my channel and I talked about how I'm a review channel how I'll just the the appeal was rejected now this is really

Unknown_20: This is really bad. Like, it's so bad.

Unknown_20: Because my entire livelihood is now at risk.

Unknown_20: Just because it's like,

Unknown_20: This... I'm sorry, I don't... I don't know what to do in a situation like this.

Unknown_19: So I'm just letting you guys know that I might not be streaming for a while.

Unknown_20: Trying to cry review You're gonna cry cry baby it was just like so quickly they looked over it and decided It it's a violation and it's like I have the footage Like I'm pausing I'm talking about the music I

Unknown_20: This is, I don't know why I'm being picked out.

Unknown_02: It's crazy to go from bossman Jack and how incredibly high energy, like every single thing about bossman Jack is to this guy who is like utterly and completely emotionally devastated by a single copyright content ID match.

Unknown_02: But this is like terrible news, like

Unknown_20: sorry I don't I don't I don't know what else to do I have nothing if I if they they just decide again out of nowhere oh third-party content it's like it's a strike I can't upload and they could just keep doing this and

Unknown_02: Oh no, he's literally crying, there's tears running down his face.

Unknown_04: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Unknown_20: We got it now you will see here and watch this grown man cry because steel Mahan struck him They say it's not do it's not fair on my family Fair he doesn't have a family. Okay. I don't know what to do Sorry for just posting a video of me crying, but I genuinely don't know what to do here

Unknown_19: Execute gamer justice against Neil Mahan. This is it. Fight for our freedom, you know?

Unknown_02: He's some faggot.

Unknown_02: There is no context. I'm just watching a grown man cry about YouTube.

Unknown_20: Yeah.

Unknown_20: Okay. God, how embarrassing.

Unknown_02: Imagine crying over getting banned from something.

Unknown_02: Anyways.

Unknown_02: That's the Twitter appeal segment, Chad.

Unknown_02: Shit, did I just pull out my headphones? No, I was just about to put them back on. I think I'm going to take this one nice and simple, Chad. I think it's nice and simple.

Unknown_02: And I'm not going to write anything.

Unknown_02: All right.

Unknown_02: Nice and simple. I think they appreciate brevity chat. I think that's the lesson that we've learned over time. That one, a masterpiece.

Unknown_02: Masterpiece upon masterpiece. I'm merely perfecting the system chat merely perfecting the system All right, that's it That's all I got. I will now read the super rated segment. I hope you guys had a wonderful July 4th and you have a great July 4th weekend. I will definitely be back on Tuesday

Unknown_02: Um, I do have a special outro song picked that nobody, oh, before I go, I do want to say a shout out that the, um, go somewhere to the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_02: The, uh, self-sufficiency board is straight fucking popping off. My internet is now dying or my website's dead. I don't know which one happened. There we go.

Unknown_02: Yeah, it is just the website is dying. However, when it's not dying, it is popping off chat. It's properly fucking popping off. Is this like a DDoS attack? Why is it like loading like this?

Unknown_02: There's lots and lots of new threads and stuff. It's all, it's a good time.

Unknown_02: So if you are interested in this topic of self-sufficiency, it's properly going it's chugging along Oh, you didn't get to see any of that cuz I had my thing here we go scrolling up and down wonderful Self-sufficiency board all sorts of poos like all these recent poos. What a great time a great time had by all chat Do join if you're interested All right on that note, let's do the super berries Okay

Unknown_20: Bread wash for one says fuck Mary kill the main horse.

Unknown_02: Yeah, that's a son or long fong fooey I do not play this game. I vote to kill all of them indiscriminately Sorry, this is a fair to ten for one says happy late fucking one day. Every day is fucking one day Do we need to hear it again? Do we need to be reminded one second? I think we can do I think I'm accomplished this

Unknown_30: We should be ashamed of who we are as a country, who we are as a people.

Unknown_02: I love how they start clapping like, yeah, that's exactly right. That's exactly the right message. Fuck England.

Unknown_02: Stupid fuck for five says, I'm going to turn out and become the world's greatest female hobby horse or, um, you could probably accomplish that. I'm going to be real with you.

Unknown_02: Belligerent Brian for two says ghost is a psi up three three three two band Jag the Luxray Hashtag slam the ham tarred right rise up Hashtag tanky right band Winston Fujimori hurry up and get to radio graffiti. I am in radio graffiti. Don't worry about it Kurt Eichenwald anime masturbator for five says glorious Kiwi Emperor. Did you know you can fire 50 BMG from your 12 gauge? It's a fun life hack. I did not know that that is a fun life hack. That sounds like a bad idea though

Unknown_02: Vault 1 for Tenen says, it has been one year and 147 days since the last bad video game stream. Go into Steam and use this money to buy Disco Elysium while it is 90% off. No, I will not. I think I actually have that. I've just never played it. I will play a game again eventually one day. I mean, I just played Pokemon Rad Edition. Come on. Don't, don't fault me.

Unknown_02: Lilanthia for five says, I can't wait to watch after work. No one's here today, so I get to bond with my pal, Jersh. Enjoy your pizza. Oh, bro. I can't fucking wait. I'm starving. Starving Marvin.

Unknown_02: Have a nice day at work. It's like you're working today between the weekend and July 4th.

Unknown_02: Tech controller for one, I guess that's why everyone else is off. You just drew the short stick. A tech controller for $100 says Josh missed the Tuesday Maddie live setting for my CIS, but it allowed me a good mood booster and reward after passing the network device type you meant to say after Cisco wasn't Linksys but Juniper.

Unknown_02: No, it definitely was Cisco and Linksys. Juniper is another big brand of routers though that you can absolutely get accredited for if you are getting into that field. Congratulations though.

Unknown_02: Happy to hear that you're progressing, my boy.

Unknown_02: Jackman245410 says, big bing bong, happy pizza day. Remember me while you're eating your slice. What can we do to replace every holiday with pizza day? You can just eat pizza whenever you want. Believe it or not, you are free to buy a pizza on Christmas day if you want.

Unknown_02: Tetrabags410 says, every day I wake up and thank God I wasn't born British.

Unknown_02: He said, a wake up. I thought you were going to say, is it a day that I wake up and think, I don't know. It's kind of a, it's kind of a catastrophe or sentence, but I understand the sentiment and I appreciate it. And so does Nigel Farage.

Unknown_30: We are the worst country on earth.

Unknown_02: Thank you. Uh, doing your mom 2988 for 10 says truly a deep impactful genre of music. And then there's a streamable link to a guy called Dag Chu. It's spelled with like a Czech CZ.

Unknown_02: called Rap Lyrics With Zero Views.

Unknown_02: Wow, that one's by Drake too.

Unknown_22: Drake is like one of the most famous rappers in the left fucking bed.

Unknown_22: Sagan is niggas backwards. I mean to be fair. That's pretty clever Okay, that's good that was good I'll end of that like there's no way to top that thank you

Unknown_02: Prapple for one says you can tell Rishi is desperate when he starts using white people in his promotion videos Someone pointed out how that video was very non-diverse full of white people But that's because 90% of the British military is white cuz who the fuck else is gonna die for England?

Unknown_02: Droopy 82 for 5 says morning Josh. Do you use emulation? If so, what video game systems do you emulate? I apparently use and this was a question as to the beginning the stream would apparently use video or

Unknown_02: what's it it's like game visual boy advance m to play ratman ratman bossman jack okay that's what i emulate

Unknown_02: Outside of that, not really.

Unknown_02: I once got a, had like an itch to go play Kirby Superstar on the SNES. So I used, um, BU's emulator just because you're going to stage for five says, love the streams all always hilarious and entertaining speed. Oh, I'm glad you liked the streams. Thank you very much.

Unknown_02: Um, Ace of speds for 10 says add cheese, extra cheese, extra bacon, add bacon, extra cheese. Bogdan pizza recipe is MDW.

Unknown_02: I mean, I don't like too much meat cause I don't know. It's just like it overrides all the other flavors. Cheese is the best part.

Unknown_02: Octavia sales rep for five says the Patriot Patriot hammy has transparent eyes giving him that glassy cattle gaze when watching news clips That just makes it all the more accurate Real Adonai for 15 says hey Josh Here is the scientific peer-reviewed proof that the Joker is the worst civilian in existence and then there is a YouTube link So I'm really done. This is gonna be a peer-reviewed journal and not some bullshit. I

Unknown_20: Oh, this is like a super famous reaction. $137 million?

Unknown_16: Yes. And if I don't pay up, I'll go to jail for tax evasion. I'm crazy enough to take on Batman, but the IRS? No, thank you.

Unknown_02: And all this started because the IRS got Al Capone. Free my nigga Al.

Unknown_02: Lacunae42 says, the only significant difference between them is how fast they run up the British national debt. Well, which one runs it up faster, the labor? I would imagine so.

Unknown_02: Ugalus Sneed for two says, free my nibba bossman jack, he didn't do nothing. Dude, we gotta go free that nigga. We gotta go in there, we gotta get, Hardin says he's not particularly interested in taking his case. We gotta find somebody for him that can get him out, because he's a good boy, he didn't do nothing. Evil Eddie has the fucking money, hire him Johnny Cochran, for God's sakes.

Unknown_02: Cole Cole for five says, please read 16 to 18.

Unknown_20: Then there's the book of Enoch, chapter 10.

Unknown_20: They shall, or then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of fire and torments, and in confinement shall they be shut up forever.

Unknown_02: Immediately after this shall he, together with them, burn and perish. They shall be bound until the consummation of many generations. Destroy all the souls addicted to dalliance and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind.

Unknown_02: Space Allen for 20 says, ham jam. Thank you very much, Space Allen.

Unknown_02: Yacht me for 15 says Josh. What did you mean by this and then there is a cat box file? So, let's see what I meant by that

Unknown_02: Okay, so, I actually, I thought this was about me. It's not. Some other completely random tranny fucker, uh, said... That, uh, is me realizing what I accidentally said. I remember this moment. When I saw this, I knew exactly what you were talking about. No, it's, uh, just a slip of the tongue, my boy.

Unknown_02: Nash Arenas for 20 says, after enjoying glorious Freedom Day burgers yesterday, I want to share the culinary delights our future Chinese overlords will be sharing with us in the near future.

Unknown_20: And there's a YouTube link. When one is hungry, it is most wise to eat food.

Unknown_02: I don't trust this video. You uploaded this.

Unknown_02: Oh, I see. It's like Chinese street food with like... Okay, I guess you made this. I don't see anything illegal in it. I'll play it.

Unknown_26: The eggs are soaked and boiled in a pot of urine, after which the shells are cracked and the eggs are simmered in the same urine for hours.

Unknown_26: Those who snack on the eggs say they help decrease body heat and promote better blood circulation,

Unknown_02: It's a good sound effect.

Unknown_05: Oi, mate. Could I bother you for a bit of delicious pork pie?

Unknown_02: Oh, the escalator got him. There you go. Good job. I mean, I talked about all that shit before.

Unknown_02: Very very creative endeavor. I never heard of the baby mice wine though. That's a new one 11th circuit for two says though you rejoice though you exalt Oh plunderers of my heritage though you frisk about like a cow on the grass and they like stallions your mother shall be utterly shamed Jeremiah 50 11 to 12

Unknown_02: I'm not sure exactly what that's a reference to.

Unknown_02: Cole Cole for 4 says, Josh, you missed England, putting up a 12 year old Jew on a terrorist terrorist prevention list because he said Hamas shouldn't exist and saying he wasn't queer.

Unknown_02: We must shit on all England morphs. And there is another link.

Unknown_20: So I guess I'm just never going to get done with Superchats today.

Unknown_20: I am blocked from accessing the Daily Mail.

Unknown_02: They blocked my VPN, bro. Sorry, I can't watch it.

Unknown_02: Sucks to be a Jewish 12-year-old, though, I guess.

Unknown_02: Shushesk2410 says, hey Josh, your stories of hardship, success, and retard warrior mentality has been an inspiration to go from neat to engineer in less than five years. Retards rise up. I told you, bro. You just gotta put your mind to it. Happy to hear that.

Unknown_02: Devious Davee for two says sup nothing much bro. Sup at you David s 877 for 25 says how's the weather and temperature where you are? My place is slightly cooler than the cities. So all the tourists here, bro. It has been fucking sweltering It has been a miserable miserable summer feels hotter than last I

Unknown_02: Sorry to hear about the tourists though. I imagine some of them are English.

Unknown_02: Pepper can't be found for $100 says no stalker child. You will read the ramblings of a fat upper-class middle tumbler arena who pretends to be a trafficking survivor to eBay. Enjoy pizza. Then there's a short link.

Unknown_20: It is for a hundred dollars. I'm not gonna complain.

Unknown_20: It's low Dan.

Unknown_20: It's the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_02: It's poppy D oblique.

Unknown_02: So this is Ghost of a Slave. Not to be too descriptive, but having a fake toy skeleton, something similar to Halloween declarations, is a nice way to cope with issues when it comes to being a necrophile. I can never and will never act on my attraction, but so having a safe and healthy way to explore it means a lot to me. Did you know they have to put cameras in morgues now because necrophiles keep becoming morticians and fucking corpses? This is a true story. It's usually men though. 20. darkfic account she hey they minors do not interact sometimes i low-key want to find someone with a fetish for my deformed legs maybe someone with a fetish for all the scars all over my body even if they're fully healed and hard to see from being 9 to 15 years old

Unknown_02: Wounds I got when I was so young that as I grew up the way they appeared on my skin shifted and warped and changed as I grew into myself as an adult. I still remember the exact placement of the wounds when I was a child and yet now they're slightly off-center. They're not exactly in the same place because I was so small when I got them. I want somebody who finds the fact that I survived such horrific things attractive. I want someone to worship me for my bravery and courage and abilities. I want to be told I'm special and have attention lathered on me. I still want everyone's eyes on me. I still want to be on stage, but this time, instead of the traffickers and clients and all the people whose faces blurred together from the roofies in my system, it'll be the people I remember, and I'll get to decide whether or not they're worthy of having my body.

Unknown_02: Uh, perhaps someone could even be the perfect fit enough for me to allow myself to submit to them instead of them to me. And then I'll worship them like I want to be myself. I was meant to be a star, but they took away the profits and forced me to work when I didn't understand what it was. I mean, she definitely sounds like a sex trafficking victim, bro. This is like fucked up retarded shit that like people who are super mega raped or into. I really don't want to read all of this. It's kind of creepy and sad.

Unknown_02: Is she like a fake? Is she like faking it?

Unknown_20: Cause it doesn't sound very faked.

Unknown_20: That's kind of dark, bro.

Unknown_20: Super molested, super mega molested.

Unknown_02: Yeah. I don't know. Fill me in if this is like all fake bullshit, but it sounds kind of real to me. It does not put, does not put me in my happy zone, brother.

Unknown_02: Haram burger for two says dead by daylight bros. We eaten good tonight. Fuck odds His videos have been steering balance changes for too long May he be looped for five gens in the cuck shack for eternity with unlimited talents.

Unknown_02: I Mean his he does seem to have a lot of influence over the game's direction Which is why it's like a super streamlined competitive game now instead of like a horror game. I

Unknown_02: It's kind of weird if you play with somebody who played Dead by Daylight like in the beta, they want to be like super stealthy and like hide from the monster and they get like scared. But then if you've played it like competitively or just acting like a retard all the fucking time and like, like trying to be competitive about it and it's just like a completely different game from what a lot of people wanted.

Unknown_02: Meowga from five says have you seen the office custodian of the records on the stream yet? I have not actually I did I showed him on the the Riley when I showed the footage I have it's very nice Tetra backs for 20 says every day we stray further from God. That's true

Unknown_02: Anime extremist for two says I met my fair share of bad-looking Scandinavian women in my left lifetime ethnic French women are way hotter They're better too because French people around my age and younger tend to be right-wing and racist It's an interesting opinion.

Unknown_02: I Don't know I have no opinions about this. She's not Scandinavian though. She's Irish. Oh

Unknown_02: Ben Collins for Tim says instead of a pole we should throw her into a body of water if she swims to the other side faster than all the real women will know she's a tranny.

Unknown_02: Thank you. Ben counts as a very interesting perspective.

Unknown_02: Black star state for 10 says I posted more of Jan breaking into Jace intentionally in the Maddie thread. Please watch at least this one. And there is a video that he wants me to watch.

Unknown_19: Okay.

Unknown_20: I'm sorry, but the scrolls hold sway over this realm.

Unknown_04: Within this realm, anything is allowed if the scrolls speak of it.

Unknown_14: Fine, I'll recite it from memory then, if you're going to continue prodding me and poking for weaknesses that don't exist. I will prod and poke. Okay, well then, you see, I was born in Okinawa, Japan. I was half American, half Japanese. The children- Hank Xavier, who won the Stormcloaks, or the Imperials, also fucked the Green Goblin. Obviously the Stormcloaks. Clearly. Obviously. Ulfric is not even racist. The only reason people think Ulfric is racist is because of the end to- That's mine. That's mine! That's my lore! The Curse of Yellow Fever. That's my lore, bitch!

Unknown_24: Get my fucking lore back! Get my lore back, bitch!

Unknown_24: Don't fuck with me!

Unknown_02: Why are they in the middle of the woods?

Unknown_02: Oh, it's snowing. That's pretty. I'm glad that he's having fun. Glad my boy is having fun. Cause at the end of the day, that's what really matters. Thank you. Coles for five says, why do they call it an oven? When you have in the cold food of out hot, eat the food.

Unknown_20: Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food and out hot?

Unknown_02: Oh, I get it. I understand oven.

Unknown_02: I don't know. Blame the Germans. I'm sure it's their fault somehow.

Unknown_02: Tetra packs for 20 says fed smoker is my spirit animal. No, he's my spirit animal. Get your own fucker. Unkind Naysayer for two says, happy three days after Canada Day, bitch. Yeah, nobody cares. Nobody even notices when Canada Day happens. Who the fuck would care? Angel Vomit for two says, hey friends, I hope you're all doing well and had a sick 4th of July. You too, thank you.

Unknown_02: Angel Vomit for one says, also hope everyone is luckier than me and didn't blow their finger off this year. Oh, that sucks. Sorry to hear about your finger. You have to be careful when you're handling explosives because they can take off body parts.

Unknown_02: Uh, maybe next year you won't lose any fingers.

Unknown_02: Bunker housing for five says, thanks for keeping up the good fight. Have you played sword of the stars on the pit? No, I have not. Thank you. Uh, dark Western for Wednesday's. Great work, Josh. Keep it up. Proud of you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Steven Ruth for one says Dicker lore, his daughter went blind because of an antibiotic drug gone wrong, but, uh, RTU still trust the soins, especially Fauci juice. I've heard this. It's very, very sad.

Unknown_02: Loves to spooge one for 25 says hey, no, please. Enjoy this South Park edit of a future ginger locale, okay I love you to my favorite We've all seen him on the playground at the store is this on the streets They creep us out and make us feel sick to our stomachs.

Unknown_28: I'm talking of course about ginger kids

Unknown_28: That is very bizarre. I have no idea who that is.

Unknown_02: Thank you though. Twinkle Time for $100 says, put that KF watermark on it just because it looks cool. I kind of agree to be honest with you. Thank you very much.

Unknown_02: Lucifero 210 for one says, gave Mannix video and Juju a watch. It's amazing how much of a snake he is. Dude, the best part of that is the one where Dick says, it's not like I met his parents or anything. And then Mannix immediately has a picture of him and his dad fishing. Like he's just a fucking liar.

Unknown_02: Koya Dante for 15 says the kill stream interview was a disaster. Remember Ralph is capable of being better. I think this highlight reel shows the broadcasting skill Nick expected Okay, let's see this

Unknown_20: People tune in to me because I'm an entertainer and I'm better at it than anybody else in this whole fucking sector from the top on down And that includes everybody and you know what?

Unknown_08: I'm tired of acting like I'm not fuck off ricada with your huckster $260,000 scam where you stole from the people fuck him. It really is unbelievable. Nick said he wouldn't let may watch his kids Bitch, nobody wants to watch your fucking brood of retards anyway. Oh, but you got so mad when they were calling your wife a fucking hot wife and we're talking about Drexel nailing her from every which direction. That's what they say about you, Nick. That's what they say about you. They say you share your wife. They talk about you whoring out your own wife to a black man. That's what they talk about with you. I don't hear you. I don't hear you bringing that up. So then Rikada, because he's a loser. So he plays it and he's like.

Unknown_08: Well, you know what? That was my face when you were stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. He didn't interview. No, you know what he did? He hooked up with his fat fucking shyster friend down in Texas and he stole the money. You were never gonna win that defamation case in the first place. You're a lying faggot. Fuck you, bitch. Your whole career is a fucking fraud. A LARP, you fucking huckster. Never been in a courtroom lying faggot. That's my view of Nick Ricada. And I've held back for a long, long, long fucking time and tried to like the guy and tried to be cool with the guy. But he's a faggot. He's a fraud. I mean, he has a point.

Unknown_02: I really miss fat Ralph. Fat Ralph was much better than kind of fat Ralph. I think we all can agree he was better when he was fat.

Unknown_02: I don't know. Nick doesn't really get to pick his friends anymore.

Unknown_02: Paying penguin for fire says remember kids drugs fuck with your cost-benefit analysis doesn't matter how logical your approach to recreational drug use is Addiction can still fuck you. That's true completely true Steven Riff for one says Gunt totally not faking super berries at all. I mean on that stream. It was too fucked up to fake anything. I

Unknown_02: Mousecop 5 for 5 says they say you can judge a man by the company. He keeps how does Ricada feel about his peers? Being peers with Ethan Ralph. They're like two peas in the pod now I mean if there's anyone on earth who has a iota of understanding of Nick or hate a situation It would be Ethan Ralph seems like a natural ally to be honest. I

Unknown_02: Waldo Peckins for five says it's funny during the Ralph pill stream the Jenny's with the chat get away with pretty much anything until people start talking about mint salad then they turn chat into a graveyard strange I Guess dick maybe told them to make sure that that shit isn't talked about that makes sense to me I can imagine that he wouldn't want that talked about especially not considering that

Unknown_02: May and Faith were very much like the same thing. Same kind of thing where they get shared around. It's weird how women in his circle of friends get shared around.

Unknown_02: Hidoo for 10 says, yes, no squirts chat. I agree. I think I made the most on yes now.

Unknown_02: Just a famous but for two says boss man's arrest is a rat rigger conspiracy. I agree. That's actually also true. Very true.

Unknown_02: Tetra back for video says rats just hate on bossman because he stacks paper to the ceiling and rides on 24-inch chrome and then blows it all in a five-minute cracked field coin flip bench for everyone's enjoyment Do the rate the haters that hate bossman have hate themselves? Really truly if you think about it like what's wrong with them. He didn't do nothing to them and yet they're so full of haterade Sad is what it is

Unknown_02: Nick's hex for one says exit casino, re-enter, try a lower right slot, repeat until you have good slot.

Unknown_02: Oh, um, yeah, there is actually a lucky slot and those game boy games. Um, I remember when I was a kid, I was at the casino playing and I, it just kept like dumping money into me. And then I had, I was on the bus playing, so then I had to get off the bus and I lost the lucky slot and I never was able to find it ever again.

Unknown_02: Now this is some bossman content I can get behind. Enjoy some juice, bossman Josh. Thank you. I appreciate the juice. Bunker housing for two says just testing on my credo card. Fatgers are rats. They don't appear to be. Thank you. Niga for five says did not expect Pokemon Jack Keeno this stream. I appreciate it. Keep it up. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks, the guy that made it, actually.

Unknown_02: Who is? I didn't even shout out his name because I'm a dickhead like that.

Unknown_02: Midnight cooking.

Unknown_02: Bunker housing for two says maybe that guy crying after a content strike when I help drop help you drive the Kiwi farm You need someone to front the site.

Unknown_02: Oh Like anytime we get banned you can just be like hurricane electric block this at a network level Something like that. Maybe maybe he can do it

Unknown_02: Crispy Legs for five says, happy Friday. Thank you, appreciate it, Crispy Legs. Tetrabacks for $200 says, have a happy pizza day. I'm enjoying my $4 frozen American pizza right now and it's great, bro. Come fuck one. There's gotta be a place near you that has like real pizza. Eating frozen ass, what a waste of calories. I'm fat, so whenever I think of food, I think of it in terms of, is that a waste of calories or not? And shitty frozen pizza is a waste of calories.

Unknown_02: Thank you very much, though. My hamster is a turf for one says how long before boss gets his hands on a prison phone and live streams himself gambling for cigarettes and ramen? Bro, it can't happen soon enough. Inshallah, we will see prison gamba.

Unknown_02: Bunker housing for five says show already over. I want more content Well, at least we have temple and DPA defense political Asia PS I sub to your gumroad and I had no idea existed DS I don't advertise it because I don't do too much for it right now Yeah, I don't know about temple I haven't heard the news about that hopefully whatever he does is funny though. I

Unknown_02: Quilia Dante says the elites don't want you to know this, but the pizzas Gabe Hoffman sends you are free. You can just take them. I have 462 pizzas. You should be eating those, bro. Come on now. Pack them in.

Unknown_02: Anime Extremis 42 says, Freemite 966A Andrews Breivik, the original Jan Sixer, homie was just trying to save Norway and she it. You see what dem Balrogs did to Kai Kanat.

Unknown_02: The only thing I recognize in this message is the name Anders Breivik, and I'm pretty sure he's considered by many people in contemporary times to be bad. So I don't know what you're saying. I have a vague idea, but I don't know for sure.

Unknown_02: for one or for two says only one dollar today but he gave two uh only one dollar today for no born in the usa checky cheese intro what's wrong with you i forgot about that i have that saved to the kiwi ferns junk folder I have to play it now. I had done that. I had featured that for like years. And for whatever reason, I completely forgot to feature it this year. Okay, hold on.

Unknown_02: Speaking of rats.

Unknown_20: Old viewers will recognize this masterpiece.

Unknown_20: Someone I can find that.

Unknown_20: Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah.

Unknown_10: Born in the U.S.A. I was born in the U.S.A. now Born in the U.S.A. I'm so happy to be living in the U.S.A. now Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. Born in the U.S.A. I'm a cool rockin' rodent in the U.S.A.

Unknown_02: I Saw this live in person. I went to check it used for like a birthday or something and I remember seeing this live Almost they they would do live shows, but then they would also do like intermissions where they would play like recorded things like this And I remember seeing this live And didn't it did not occur to me the how preposterous it was at the time. I

Unknown_02: I want to say that this even aired before 9-11. Like, you watch it and you think that this must be like a pre-9-11, like a post-9-11, like, patriotism thing. But no, I'm pretty sure this first aired in the 90s.

Unknown_02: MK9Ultra for 5 says, Because of you and the Maddie Archiver, I've never failed to keep my brain reset correctly post-op. 15 plus so far, and I've never ended up a T.R.A. In before anime avatar comment, it's my real woman privilege, T.M.

Unknown_20: Hold up.

Unknown_20: I'm looking up to see what the fuck you're talking about. I'm very concerned about this.

Unknown_02: It is an anime avatar. It's an anime avatar. It's like a cat girl or like a fox girl or something. This is definitely a tranny. This is a tranny super chat. This is a tranny. This is a tranny super chat chat. This is a tranny. That's scary chat.

Unknown_02: Anime Extremist for two says thoughts on those politics admitting to contributing to the 2009 Iranian Green Revolution protests by networking on old pal talk servers and getting a bunch of pro-western western Persians killed. That is so incredibly fucking based that it cannot be put into words.

Unknown_02: Shishkeys for two says, oh wise guru jersh. I am a Eastern European and my sister married an Englishman. How do I save her? It's already too late. She already got bonged, bro. Hold on. Where's the, where's the clip? Play the clip.

Unknown_30: We should be ashamed of who we are as a country, who we are as a people.

Unknown_02: Shocking, shocking and sad.

Unknown_02: Amtero for five says, happy 4th of July. Which U S state would you say is the best state? If you are white and sick of Europe, you will never know.

Unknown_20: Is that the pick one? If you do your own research, motherfucker.

Unknown_02: Bunker housing for two says was there any state really if you're a shitty European country Bunker housing for two says was there not talk about you going on the Tim pool, by the way, you're gonna face talk someday. Anyways, no Steven for one says Elon must band your ass the moment you got sterling now. He's pedo guarding harder, bro. Tell me about Such as life such as life at the bottom being the world's inward such as life

Unknown_02: All right, that's all. Do not send any more superchats. They will not be read. I will see you guys on Tuesday. Have a great Fourth of July weekend. And I got a special, super special outro song.

Unknown_02: Take it easy.

Unknown_20: Bye.

Unknown_11: And now the end is near.

Unknown_11: And so I face the final cursing My friend, I'll say it clear I'll state my case, of which I'm certain I've lived a life that's full

Unknown_11: I traveled each and every highway And more, much more than this I did it my way Regrets, I've had a few But then again

Unknown_11: too few to mention I did what I had to do and saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course each careful step along the byway

Unknown_11: More, much more than this I did it my way Yes, there were times I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt

Unknown_11: I ate it up and spit it out I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way I've loved, I've laughed and cried I've had my fill

Unknown_11: My share of losing And now as tears subside I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say, not in a shy way

Unknown_11: Oh no, oh no, not me I did it my way For what is a man?

Unknown_11: What has he got if not himself?

Unknown_11: Then he has not to say the things

Unknown_11: He truly feels and not the words of one who kneels.

Unknown_11: The record shows I took the blows and did it my way. you