Unauthorized Likeness – Mad at the Internet 2024-07-02

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Unknown_19: Yeah, I'm a straight guy, and I got straight pride Don't want a thick, warm dick in my backside I like straight times, like grillin' with the guys And crackin' up and a co-onion, that's just shit I desire I love the straight shit, like dancin' to the beat When I'm topless at the club in the summer heat I love the straight songs, by my boy Elton John I'm playin' when I'm makin' love, baby, you're not long Cos I'm a straight man, and I got straight friends Don't want no chicks interfering with our straight plans We got straight hobbies, like eatin' biscuits soggy Slather on that sauce I want it in my body, and bodybuilding, yeah That's it, you feel me? Straightest shit there ever is and you know I ain't kidding Going heaven's where it's at, can't spot me on the rack Hey, check my glutes, bro, there's nothing gay about that You're not home, I wrote my journal that you got a nice rump You up for some amateur wrestling after the pump? Let me oil your thighs so that I rub too much I know a club where we can go as far all night till I shot Then it's back to mind blossom 101 time Check out my meat, I'm cooking it all up tonight for you A couple of hot dogs and a couple of brews A recipe for messy eating's how I like it, how about you? Come on and fill me up, I never spill a drop I wanna taste your cocktail, fragrant, nice and hot I can feel my heart drop but I don't ever wanna stop Keep on eating till I pop, then it's time to stop But it's up to you if you want a taste too We got nothing to prove, we got nothing to lose It's fine, take your time, we're just two straight guys There's a straight dinner like straight guys do sometimes I'm just a straight guy, living a straight life

Unknown_03: What a better song. Could a better song possibly exist to set the mood for this June 2nd post-gay holocaust month extravaganza? It's Hard Men Working Hard, in case you're wondering. Straight Pride, HMWH. They're Australian and their name's a joke of Men Working Hard, which is the Australian band that sang about

Unknown_03: Vegemite and the Land Down Under song. That's men working hard. They're hard men working hard. It's completely different, you see.

Unknown_03: Chat! How are you? How's everyone doing?

Unknown_03: Do I have a mood? Do I have a mood to set this stream? No? No, I don't have a mood. I managed to get a gravel, concrete, asphalt production line set up on Soviet Republic and now I feel I have beat the game. We're in realistic mode now. I feel I beat the game and I'm freed from its tenacious grasp So I have been doing other shit this weekend Not least of which is some Kiwi farm stuff. Should I get into that first? Should that be the first thing I talk about? No, I'll save it for a little bit I'll get around to that in a moment

Unknown_03: Let's let's end let's conclusively end out pride month once and for all And then we'll get around to some other fun topics Cool so There was some footage of a bunch of gay men just jerking off and pissing on each other And then this wham and went on to zitter to say what she saw Whamon on zitter. What did you see we need a first-hand account of this?

Unknown_01: Okay I feel physically ill after spending the day at San Francisco Pride. Now I've been to quite a few Pride events but this one was by far the most disturbing and it was because there were nudists there that were fully erect in front of children standing in a way to make sure that everybody saw their fully exposed penises. There were adults grabbing other people's genitals

Unknown_01: and other adults masturbating there was a fetish zone in which people were peeing on each other so again too i'm just i'm shocked and horrified after experiencing this um keep in mind that this is an all ages event there were children present the fetish zone was an 18 plus area but there were no ids being checked and again there were adults essentially having sex in public

Unknown_01: I am shocked. I've never experienced such a vulgar display of promiscuity. I mean, I don't even know what to say in terms of this.

Unknown_01: Um, I'm shocked and horrified and I don't think I'm ever going to.

Unknown_03: Her shirt is a joke in case you're wondering what I witnessed today. It says the hate fascism.

Unknown_03: Racism bigotry. I thought said faggotry right there. I'm like, that doesn't make sense. I like is I like Is it like a joke shirt where you have like all these things? One of them is not like the other you hope not to get noticed in public No, she's trying to blend in to do investigative journalism as if they fucking screen people out of these events

Unknown_03: Yeah, I don't know. I, I am surprised that there are still reproductive couples out there who are like tolerant of this shit, but I guess they, I guess they still exist, at least in California. Um, good for them.

Unknown_03: Uh, pride was also shuttered in the UK conclusively on July 1st, nonetheless. Um,

Unknown_03: There was a butch lesbian, I don't know, I guess you wouldn't describe these people as butch. There was a lesbian couple and they were beaten by a group of Muslims who noticed that they were lesbians and decided that they have an issue with that.

Unknown_03: Actually, this is in Canada. I thought this was in the UK. It's in Canada. So her, Emma and Tori were just lezzing out as they do in public. And a group of Islams decided, no, we have an issue with that. So they decided to, of course, they went to TikTok to discuss that they were beaten in public. The Canadian police don't know what to do. They've rounded up all the Muslims and they've just said, like, well, you know, she started it. She was being, you know, she was issuing threats to us. We defended ourselves. And they haven't pressed any charges. Like, the police are like, well, we can't disprove them. They're claiming self-defense.

Unknown_03: Maybe these two lesbians decided we can take on a group of Muslims and inflict racial justice So and we can't like just obviously rule that out because that's fucking retarded We do live in Canada. So they just got beaten half to death and nothing has happened as a result The Canadian police literally have no idea what to do Back in my day

Unknown_03: We did a little racial profiling. And we said, yep, those Muslims over there beat up those lesbians.

Unknown_03: Round them up. Round them up. I sent them to jail. But we live in a new libtard society, chat.

Unknown_03: Such things are not politically correct anymore.

Unknown_20: Uh, cool.

Unknown_03: We have some, meanwhile, on the good side of America, we have some, some successes for God, emperor Trump, who I'm assuming everybody in my audience is voting for by registering with their local voter registration center.

Unknown_03: Um, so that he may be president forever in this one.

Unknown_03: the Supreme Court decided... Now, I kind of understand why the Supreme Court didn't take my case. It appears that they have quite a bit going on that's more important than Russell Greer. So I kind of had a feeling that if we had applied, if we had the opportunity, because we can't choose the time that things happen, but if we had had the opportunity to file in a different year, we might have been heard just because of how bad the 11th Circuit's decision was. But this year, no fucking way. Not with the shit that they're, not with what we're competing against. And this, Florida and Texas attempted to regulate social media companies.

Unknown_03: So it's regularly the cells laws differ in the entities that they cover and activities they limit, but both curtail the platform's capacity to engage in content moderation to filter prioritize. Oh, I need the hamster.

Unknown_20: To filter prioritize.

Unknown_03: and label the very third-party messages, videos, and other content the users wish to post. NetChoice, LLC, and the Computer Communications Industry Association, collectively NetChoice, Trade Association, whose members include Facebook and YouTube, brought facial First Amendment challenges against these two laws. The 11th Circuit upheld the injunction of Florida's law, as well as the provisions relevant here. The court held that the state's restrictions on content moderation trigger First Amendment scrutiny. under this court's cases protecting editorial discretion.

Unknown_03: The Supreme Court disagrees. So it is now possible for states to say to platforms, you do not have the ability to operate within our states and use algorithms or moderation policies which infringe on certain protected speeches. If you qualify in the state of Texas or the state of Florida as a public platform, and you wish to operate and do business within the states of Texas or Florida, then you must obey certain limitations on editorial preference. Why is my phone going off? My phone has like a busted do not disturb thing. I have a...

Unknown_03: It is literally Do Not Disturb. I have to like still go and mute my phone so it doesn't ding during my streams.

Unknown_03: So before these large platforms could edit any way they wanted to, Florida and Texas said no, you have to obey certain limitations, you can't hide certain opinions, you can't preference certain candidates or certain political perspectives. so on and so forth. Apparently they're different by state but they have the same idea and the Supreme Court rules that actually it is within the state's purview to say you don't get to censor these posts.

Unknown_03: So that's Trump win number one, right in time for the election by the way. Trump win number two is literally a win for Trump.

Unknown_03: The

Unknown_03: I believe that this was in the District of Columbia. It is. So the federal government headquartered in the D.C. area attempted to charge Trump with obstruction of a federal procedure. So very specifically, the federal procedure that was being obstructed was the certifying of the results.

Unknown_03: We have an old system in the U.S. that we haven't changed because it's opinion has to change the Constitution. But the way that the election works is that in November, people vote. The states have a first-past-the-post thing for each state. The states then select delegates who physically travel to Washington, D.C., to the Capitol building, and there they attest to the based... Well, they're supposed... This is the other funny thing. They're supposed to go to the Capitol building and say, I nominate or I cast my vote for the person who won.

Unknown_03: technically they don't have to. I think when Hillary Clinton lost, some of the delegates from some retarded states decided to nominate, I think in Washington, one of the delegates, instead of casting a vote for Hillary Clinton, cast a vote for a woman named Sitting Eagle or something.

Unknown_03: Making her the first Native American woman in the United States to receive a delicate vote for president of the United States It's a it's a weird system and but it gets certified by the vice president Who is the vice president at the time at the time? It was Mike Pence Donald Trump held a rally outside of the Capitol building and the idea was let's let's intimidate I mean, this is what the accusations let's intimidate Mike Pence into not certifying the results to trigger a constitutional crisis.

Unknown_03: So all the people there, and Donald Trump himself, were charged by the United States, not just the state, the federal government, for trying to obstruct the certification process that was ongoing in the Capitol building at the time that

Unknown_03: the certification was going on.

Unknown_03: Donald Trump, because he was president at the time, tried to assert the defense of executive privilege as president of the United States. He can literally do no crime. And the Supreme Court upheld that claim. Supreme Court said he wasn't sitting in prison at the time. He's allowed to hold a rally saying that the election was bullshit.

Unknown_03: And because he didn't really direct them to go and obstruct the certification, I guess, then he's been doing it wrong. So this holds not only a resounding kind of consequence for Trump in that he basically wins by default any kind of criminal prosecutions against him brought by the federal government.

Unknown_03: It also has implications for the hundreds and hundreds of people that the federal government has been torturing in the legal process since the January 6th protest and or insurrection, depending on if you're reading Wikipedia or not.

Unknown_03: Then finally, oh, this is, actually, sorry, it's a different one. I forgot there's a third one.

Unknown_03: So Supreme Court ruled in favor of a former police officer who was seeking to throw out an obstruction charge for joining the Capitol riot on January 6th, 2021, and a 63 thing, the defendant had his charge vacated. So this is the other thing where a lot of the protesters are now also going to get unleashed. which has sparked fear and trepidation in the minds of people like Rachel Maddow.

Unknown_00: I really did not expect that they would do this. And they—you know, Donald Trump and his counsel asked for this 100 percent absolute immunity thing, which was insane. I would say they got 105 percent of what they were asking for. They got immunity from this court, despite some of the language in Justice Roberts' the ruling, saying that there was some measure of humility or some measure of restraint. The practical impact of what they have done is to give Trump immunity that even he and his counsel did not ask for. And given that the hypotheticals over the course of these arguments, as you rightly pointed out, included things like, can the president assassinate a rival, I think we have to look at the Supreme Court's affirmative answer to that. Yes, you can. That's 100% a lie.

Unknown_00: With as much seriousness as it deserves. I mean, this is a death squad ruling. This is a ruling that says that as long as you can construe it as an official or quasi-official act, you can do absolutely anything.

Unknown_00: Absolutely anything. And never be held accountable, not only while you are president, but forever.

Unknown_21: Destroy us all!

Unknown_03: I think that, um,

Unknown_03: They might kill those Supreme Court justices like they did with Scalia. Scalia was too much of a pro-Second Amendment guy. These guys are causing too many issues too fast. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them die in their sleep soon.

Unknown_03: They'll do it.

Unknown_03: You don't think they'll do that? They'll kill those motherfuckers.

Unknown_03: Make it look like an accident. Yeah, I don't think it's quite that far. I mean, they could try it. Biden could take out a gun and just shoot Donald Trump and then say executive privilege. That'd be interesting. That would solve a couple of problems all at once because after Biden would then take, okay, here's what you do, right? You have Biden. He's already old as fuck and he poses no issue. You give him a gun and say, kill Mr. President Trump. He does and then says executive privilege. This would cause, you know, a bunch of people being angry and then they could say, well, now he's being, you know, he's tied up in the court system. We can't run for president. Then they can run somebody else.

Unknown_03: They could run, um, what's his name? They want, they want to run the guy that is the governor of California. He's like a total faggot. I don't think people would vote for him. He kind of sucks.

Unknown_03: I don't know. That's an interesting theory, Chad. This isn't interesting as any theory in a fake democracy.

Unknown_03: Um, this is just a brief thing. This guy got fined $40,000 in Austria during the grand prix for saying retard.

Unknown_18: These guys are fucking retarded. Okay. Don't worry.

Unknown_03: Said retarded.

Unknown_03: And then, um,

Unknown_03: The soy dove of the f1 multiviewer says we listen back and yes, he did actually say this we expect better from you Yuki sonata, oh seven disappointing This is he got fined forty thousand dollars. That's pretty par for course in austria, though Like anytime like you could it's like in this is just how it's gonna work. They already do this in the uk You say a bad word you teach your dog to do a nazi salute and they just deduct 700 pounds from your account You say a retard in austria And they did it for 40,000 euros from your account like sorry you said a bad word You have to put taxes into the tax jar for swearing like you're a child or something. I Don't know maybe Maybe all those Japanophiles have a point with with their racecar drivers coming into places like Austria and saying a retard. Oh

Unknown_03: Andy Ngo has triumphed in 2021. He was assaulted by a bunch of Antifa retards in San Diego, and after years of proceedings, they have been convicted. Eight convicted rioters were sentenced to varying prison and jail terms last week for their role in the South Carolina or South California attacks against Southern California in 2021. So,

Unknown_03: Some were convicted of felonies. I mean none of these people need to be walking the streets This guy looks like Joaquin Phoenix. They could have casted him for the Joker That's pretty impressive that guy's hair is embarrassing People are so embarrassing looking this guy looks like a tranny He should have turned out before he got convicted because now it's a yeah, he could have gone to women's prison Right with the free sex. I'm pretty sure they give you free sex if you're training convicted in, California

Unknown_03: Cool. Nice. Sucks to be these losers.

Unknown_03: I feel very smug. I don't know. I'm just kind of blowing through things. Yeah, he did call that guy retarded and got fined for it. Yeah, he did get convicted. Sucks to be him. This one impacts me a little bit more though, in terms of like, I don't know.

Unknown_03: YouTube is adding a system where you will be able to complain to YouTube about AI doctored footage or generated footage using your likeness or voice. This is a common meme format, but it also upsets a lot of people and is starting to prompt litigation.

Unknown_03: They're going to add a system where you can just say, hey, this is me. I didn't consent to this.

Unknown_03: I would like this taken down.

Unknown_03: Now chat, here's a little, a thought experiment if you will, a little brain teaser chat.

Unknown_03: Do you see the issue that this could cause? The immediate obvious issue that having this take, I mean, I guess in theory being able to take videos of yourself saying things you didn't say down isn't too bad. Do you know what the issue would be though?

Unknown_03: I'm waiting.

Unknown_20: Can anyone figure it out?

Unknown_20: What the problem is? Let's see, let me check the rumble chat.

Unknown_20: It'll be abused, but abused how?

Unknown_03: What if it is something you said, correct? What if I say, I didn't say that, that's using my voice without my permission. How is YouTube going to say, well, that's not true?

Unknown_03: How, what is going to be the process for certifying footage?

Unknown_03: It's interesting. I don't know what their plan is. And unfortunately it's, it's very weird because it's like,

Unknown_03: Let's say that, I mean, the best way, the most obvious way is that you don't just clip a statement, a minute long statement, you have the full context with all the situational information, all the chat messages, whatever's going on. But then if you clip the entire thing, if you upload the entire context of the video, then you're infringing copyright.

Unknown_03: So YouTube is setting up this situation where any minor clip can be exploitedly taken down for being a false AI clip and any longer clip can be DMCA'd for not being fair use. So this is another issue where people's rights to copyright in their likeness infringe upon people's ability to comment, criticize, and by extension archive things which are relevant to their discussions. So this is another way that copyright and people trying to literally possess their own image and voice as a form of intellectual property are infringing on people's ability to have actual discussions in public squares and stuff.

Unknown_03: The fifth tape was AI. I think even Ralph would disagree with you on that. He's proud of that thing.

Unknown_03: And a little moment of self-promotion chat.

Unknown_03: I've been talking on my stream a little bit about my intentions to research home defense so that when I get back to my swamp, when I buy land, when I fortify it, and start setting up pillboxes, etc., I am ready for a head-on troon assault by armed military-trained troon death squads. And this has inspired some discussion among people that we should have a board for this kind of discussion. So I've kind of tinkered with this, as I mentioned before, when I launched the bidness.

Unknown_03: For cryptocurrency and precious metal discussion and the Internet Technology Board, I want to like I used to use like K and biz and

Unknown_03: NG very loosely on 4chan and I don't know like I look at them Maybe once every six months or so to try and find discussion on a topic It's so bad those boards are so fucking dead so fundamentally fucking ruined so utterly and completely

Unknown_03: useless to their actual main topics that it literally fucking disgusts me and I have been trying for a while to slowly grow on the Kiwi farms interest in biz G and K related topics. And so I figured I would once again kind of set this up and see if I can foster it. I am very interested in having people who are interested in self-sufficiency, prepping, firearm, like self-defense stuff, to join the forum and participate in discussion and share knowledge related to those topics.

Unknown_03: Because the loss of those boards is like a serious loss to People being able to inform themselves and it's just full of fucking gross retard trannies Who in and like porn addicts and it's unusable so if you're not a gross retard tranny or a porn addict and you just want to talk about a

Unknown_03: like what it takes to live with a society that's not as streamlined as the current one. I would very much so welcome you to join and start posting.

Unknown_03: It's kind of interesting because I featured, I made a post that this board was open and I moved a bunch of threads in that were completely dead in other boards and they've all gotten like a ton of posts.

Unknown_03: like just today. So I'm very happy that just, you know, creating the board and moving in a bunch of stuff has prompted people to start discussing things pretty seriously.

Unknown_03: There's a thread for the bug out kids for home chemistry. I moved in the mega rad gun thread, which is just like a gun shit posting thread that people use for casual discussion and have for years. This is one of the oldest threads on the site. It's the third idea is literally five five zero. So it's one of the first thousand threads ever but people have discussed maybe making a new thread for like more practical home defense situated guns and such there's lots of stuff interesting like fermenting and

Unknown_03: There's one thread on like fermenting, one thread on alcohol production.

Unknown_03: Lots of threads about like growing stuff. I would love to see this just kind of grow and have like a little, little community. Cause I know there's like forums out there for like prepping and shit, but those are like boomers and it's, it's kind of like, I don't know, it's, it's a different culture than when I'm, I'm not really willing to learn how to talk to other people again. I can't do it. If I try to join another community, because I mentioned this before during the Drop Kiwi Farm stuff, there were times where the site was just down. It was down, couldn't be accessed on tour, couldn't be accessed anywhere, the site was just down. And during those weeks, you know, you have time to kill. You want to talk to people about things. And I tried to post on 4chan. I tried to post on Reddit. I joined a couple of discords and stuff. And it's just like, I can't even pretend to be like one of these stupid fucking faggots who posts on one of these sites. Like, I have no idea where I would fit in if I didn't post on my own forum.

Unknown_03: Can't I can't play nice with people. I can't hide my language. I can't avoid Saying things that are offensive to fucking somebody. I just I can't I literally am mentally incapable I'm mentally handicapped and I cannot curtail myself From saying faggot or neighbor. I just can't do it or both at the same time I'm not able to do that anymore and I can barely tolerate people

Unknown_03: So I can't fit in.

Unknown_03: I need to bring people interested in things to me, in my domicile, because that's the only place where I can manage to exist at this point. Everything else is too exclusionary to my specific kind of brain damage.

Unknown_20: Cool.

Unknown_20: So yeah, just join the forum. Just be careful not to dox yourself, that's it.

Unknown_20: And no ATF numbers allowed.

Unknown_20: Next, we have a brief update on my new least favorite tranny.

Unknown_03: Now that Keffels is irrelevant and Liz Fung Jones is preparing a litigation defense.

Unknown_03: Fenster After smugly chuckling at the idea that pink pilling is a thing and that there's a pink pill count Has set his sights on a less popular youtuber named Jack manifold TV And he is now offering Jack literally tens of thousands of dollars to start dressing in drag Take a listen, right

Unknown_11: Holy fuck. Hold on. What? This was gigantic.

Unknown_24: This is the first time a drag queen has- Oh, I think that might be- One of- What?

Unknown_11: I'm- I'm not kidding. What? Everyone in chat's freaking out. Who- Can you name, uh, one of the recent donors? Because chat's freaking out that that- You remember that donation? That there was, uh- The- The most recent donor?

Unknown_13: Like, how far back do I have to go? Does anyone have a name called Temmuses? Oh, yeah. Temmuses is in the chat. Donated one dollar. 10 Muses was the guy that people call like a Saudi Arabian prince that gave Finster literally tens of thousands of dollars to start dressing in drag.

Unknown_03: And now, um, he, he fucked off at some point. Like when Finster like hit the wall and completely truned out, he just stopped giving him money. And now he's giving money to this guy. That was the guy who donated half a million.

Unknown_13: Yep. I really don't want to dress as a woman for a month. I really don't. 30 grand though. 30 grand, you'd do it for a month.

Unknown_11: I mean, I've got to go away for the next two weeks.

Unknown_13: I'm not, I'm, even for 30 grand, I'm not dressing as a woman at VidCon. However, once I return, on stream for the next 30 days, I, a woman for the next 30 days, 30 grand? Sure. On stream?

Unknown_00: Sure.

Unknown_11: I've got a girlfriend, I'll borrow her clothes.

Unknown_13: Like, I don't even have to purchase the clothes.

Unknown_11: It was 30 grand for on and off camera. I think we could do a discount. We could do 20 grand if it was just on camera.

Unknown_21: Wait, on and off?

Unknown_11: Wait, I have to wear it off camera?

Unknown_13: That was the, that was the thing. Fuck no, I'm not doing that. How would they even know?

Unknown_13: Would you do it for 20, for on camera? 20 on camera, sure. Yeah, 20 grand on camera, sure. Realistically, 30 was what I'd settled for on camera in my brain. So I really want 30, but 20, I will consider, but I'm not 100% set on that just yet. I settled on 30. He would totally do it for 20. He'd do it for less. Probably do it for 10. For on camera, as far as I was concerned.

Unknown_13: Dude, it's called Girl Month, not Girl Streams. I figured it was Girl Month of Streams! How would you know if I was doing it off-camera, bro? How would you possibly know? Yeah, no, I'm- I- I- 30 on camera, I'm cool. I'm saying that. 30 on camera, I'm cool. 20, I'm- I'll consider, but I- I need- I need more time. We're gonna watch more videos and we'll think about it. I just like this as a thing to freak you out with.

Unknown_13: How much for a single stream?

Unknown_11: One stream, that's a good point. Wait, pause the donos, because I might pay for this.

Unknown_13: What? No, one stream, I'll take it for... I'm going to highball the one stream, because I'm going to give you a discount for the package deal. I'm going to highball the one stream. If you want one stream, just one, it's 3k. 3k, I'm saying. 3k. I'm highballing, because I don't really want to do it, if I'm honest. I know. 30 grand means 5 grand each stream? No, it wouldn't. It'd mean like 1 and a half per stream. Cause I do- I do- He's personally offering to pay for one stream.

Unknown_03: And he's gonna sit there and be like, I don't know what pink pill- I've never heard of that. I mean, I guess it's a thing, but like, I don't know what that is. And this one that I'm not gonna play, um...

Unknown_03: Uh, he, Finster feigns ignorance about what a cock cage is while talking about it, even though he's sold it on stream. So he's like perfectly willing to lie, depending on who his audience is and what he's trying to convey. Very insidious person who likes to hide behind this. Oh, tee hee, tee hee. I'm just having a, I'm just having a laugh. I'm just having a laugh. Don't take it so serious. Just bah. It's just bad. I don't know. The cockade?

Unknown_03: Never heard of it. Pink pillin?

Unknown_03: Never heard of it. I'm like, okay. Okay, buddy. I'm sure.

Unknown_03: You will follow this development.

Unknown_03: Speaking of homosexuals the Colombian president who little had a little kerfuffle I believe it was Columbia where there was like a fake coup or something and the guy got arrested and everything's fine he decided to go up to Panama for a little day trip and While he was up there he decided to fuck around with some trannies

Unknown_03: There's the president of Colombia, incognito, with a man, just hanging out in Panama, as they do. Colombian News says, who is the alleged transvestite dating Colombian President Petro? The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, who would have been seen in the video in the company of a trans presenter, Linda Yepes, are Yepez. Petro returned to the scene last night, June 30th, in a video that was widely distributed. In it, you can see the president of Colombia. The president is walking affectionately with a woman, quote-unquote, through the Casco Viejo of Panama. That image is what has raised controversy. Although there have been doubts about the authenticity of the image, the media impact was significant, so much so that it was mentioned that the companion was transgender presenter Linda Yepez.

Unknown_03: So nobody is safe, not even the president of Colombia, who supposedly has like cartel ties. So even cartel gangsters and shit, if the price is right, they'll stop doing that. Yayo. Start doing that.

Unknown_03: Gayo. Ah, there you go. That's, that's perfect. No more yayo, but yes to gayo.

Unknown_20: OK, so a music reviewer named Brad Taste decided that he was invited to an event that Ethan Klein was at and took some pictures with them because he was invited backstage to meet Ethan.

Unknown_03: And he posted these images on social media. And he's like, hey, look, I'm hanging out with the H3H3 podcast guys.

Unknown_03: After being made aware that that was not okay, came out and said, this image made a statement that I did not intend to make and I'd like to apologize for people who were hurt or upset by this. I'd also like to apologize for my quick response as it was dismissive towards people who care about me and others deeply. I appreciate you for looking out for me.

Unknown_03: He continues, I think this is the.

Unknown_03: Maybe a different Marcus says, I'm aware that being around Ethan and Hila at the moment is very questionable. I wanted to meet them despite people's valid criticisms of them. I am aware this is a bad look and posting a photo with them may upset many people. Not the best decision on my part. Nick DiOrio called him a spineless little rodent, which I approve of.

Unknown_03: He also says that you are a slave to your audience, which I also approve of. He needs to go on an unhedged rant and call this guy cattle that he intends to eat. I think that me and Oreo, I think that if we barbecued Brad, we could probably eat him in one sitting together. I bet you.

Unknown_03: I feel like I have an insidious influence on Nick D'Orio. I don't know if this is just my brain, but I feel like Nick D'Orio has made some changes. Every time I see a new image of Nick D'Orio on Zitter or something, I like him a little bit more. And I feel like I'm taking credit for that. I'm going to get him to say that this guy is edible, that we can eat him. I feel like that's in the cards.

Unknown_03: Age three actually is all this apology and commented said this is Brad Someone on crew was kind enough to get him VIP tickets and he was able to come backstage and hang out with us I had the chance to speak with him for a little bit and thought he was a nice guy Here he is apologizing for taking a photograph with me

Unknown_03: Um, because I am a Zionist. What does that even mean to use that, to use that, to those that use that as a, Oh my God, bro. This guy had a fucking stroke right in that to those that use the word as an insult. It simply means anyone that believes Israel has a right to continue to exist. According to recent polling, this would include 90% of the world's Jewish population. That means that Brad, when you hear it, we need to apologize for taking a photograph with nine out of 10 Jews.

Unknown_03: I mean... I would. And then some guy tried to hassle him into not talking to Nick DiOrio.

Unknown_20: And so on. Now...

Unknown_03: I don't know.

Unknown_03: Maybe the clients are good people, chat. Maybe they're good people. There's not been anything that they've done that would indicate they're not good people.

Unknown_03: Has it been mentioned that Ethan Klein tried to scrub this from the internet because it offends him?

Unknown_03: If it hasn't been mentioned, chat, allow me to mention it. Ethan Klein has tried to have this wonderful video destroyed because it offends him.

Unknown_03: Shocking.

Unknown_03: Maybe he considers it an unlawful AI reproduction of his wife's sexual actions in Israel. Who knows?

Unknown_03: Further, the irate gamer has acquired a Sonichu medallion. He will be conducting various scientific tests on it to determine if it does in fact have a spiritual tie to a demon who may go by the name Sonichu. We will find out in due time as the ghost behaviorist, Chris Bores, evaluates this one.

Unknown_03: Chris says, I received an email from someone that has an authentic Christian Sonichu medallion certificate of authenticity and all. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to pull this off because I don't want it in my house. My wife says she definitely doesn't want it in the house either, lol. I'll keep you guys updated. Do keep us updated, Chris. We're very interested in hearing how the Sonichu medallion evaluation is conducted.

Unknown_03: And we look forward to your results. Not afraid of the Sonichu medallion is Ethan Ralph, who, as we saw on the last stream, was personally handed the medallion by Dax Herrera, aka Juju the Cow, a man who does get fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow. Ethan Ralph is unintimidated and has said, fuck Christian and the medallion can suck my dick.

Unknown_03: He says this because Hurricane Beryl, which is a very weird name, is barreling towards Merida as we speak. It's the earliest Category 5 hurricane ever recorded, and the second Category 5 ever recorded in July. However, the other Category 5 hurricane first detected in July was detected on July 17th. So this is a very, very early hurricane that's very, very powerful, and it has decided to grace its presence with the Yucatan.

Unknown_03: Ethan Ralph's Casa Verde lies directly in the path of the projected hurricane's trajectory, or I said trajectory twice, projected hurricane path. I already said path. I need a different word for where it's going.

Unknown_03: Anyways, it's going to wander on over to Ethan Ralph's house. Now, will it kill Ethan Ralph? That remains to be seen. However, if Ethan Ralph dies in a hurricane, we will know for a fact that the Sanchez Medina is in fact cursed.

Unknown_03: all allow these idiots who think a hurricane will wipe me out. Nah, it won't cat one before it sees me. Fuck Christian and the medallion can suck my dig.

Unknown_03: Good luck, Ralph.

Unknown_03: I will, uh, uh, stall for time a little bit and tell you guys a story.

Unknown_03: Um,

Unknown_03: Y'all may remember a cane by the name of Katrina. And, uh, I've actually been, I've lived through two hurricanes that were direct hits where I was staying. Um, hurricane Katrina and hurricane Ivan.

Unknown_20: Um, I remember for, um, for Katrina,

Unknown_03: I remember I lived in an apartment complex in Destin. I think I've explained this on stream before, but Destin is a sandbar, basically, between the continental US and the Gulf of Mexico. It's basically a very thin strip of land that surrounds the bay.

Unknown_03: What's that bay called? It's just called the Okaloosa Bay, and it is not a very good place to be on a hurricane because any kind of storm surge will basically crash over the sand bay and wipe everything out if it's heavy enough. And there was, I think it was Ivan actually, where it washed over the sandbar and like caved in entire streets. It's like, there were crazy pictures of like an intersection that sank like 16 feet into the ground because it washed away so much sand. And it also damaged the sandbar. It's like, there are these dunes that grow parallel to the ocean and they hold all sorts of like endangered creatures that only live on those sandbars.

Unknown_03: So when Katrina was coming, my mom and I didn't want to stay in the apartment because we lived on the sixth floor and it's a really fucking bad place to be in a hurricane. So we left and we went to one of our friend's houses which were further inland and the cane came and my mom and my mom's friend had this really funny story where they went when the first, they call them feeder bands, the very distant thunderstorm, like you know how the hurricane is like shaped with spirals, the little outer parts of the spirals that are kind of loose thunderstorms.

Unknown_03: They're called feeder bands. When the feeder bands started hitting Florida, my mom and her friend took bicycles and went bicycling out through the streets because they wanted to bicycle through a hurricane. And they said that when they were doing this, some old black lady came out and yelled at them, like literally shaking her fist at them and says, don't y'all know a cane is coming? And ever since then, my mother and her friend have referred to hurricanes as simply canes. And we'll say, don't you know a cane is coming?

Unknown_03: So that was Katrina, and ironically, because at the last second, it was supposed to hit Destin dead on, Katrina was, but the last second, it just pivoted northwest hard, and that's why it slammed into New Orleans instead of Destin.

Unknown_03: And as a result, we were much closer to Louisiana, where we had moved to, to avoid Katrina, and we got hit much harder. There were massive trees that were just, like, felled, like 20-foot-plus trees that were ripped out of the fucking ground, and you have these Like in her backyard you had this tree

Unknown_03: that was like a fucking ancient, decades old tree, ripped out, pushed over and leaving a crater of like torn roots that you could fit, like you could bury like 50 people in, these massive craters on the ground. The power was knocked out for days. They had emergency services coming through to try and give people like food and water and shit in case they didn't prepare. It was hot, hot, hot, hot and humid because obviously you have all that water in the fucking air and shit and flooding. Then we get back to Destin, and we left before the power even came back on where we were at. We came back to Destin, and all the shit in the freezer had melted. We had a tray of ice cubes and shit, but everything was fine. Destin was completely untouched. If we had just stayed in Destin, we probably would have lost power for a couple hours and been perfectly okay.

Unknown_03: Those hurricane Katrina, I remember that Very very fun time very it's hurricanes are very fun they're very dangerous and exciting and You're all huddled around the TV and you're watching the news like oh my god. It's it now. We're out the theater bands are coming and They start hearing the the rain coming like oh, no the the if you're lucky enough to have the eye pass right over you It's like the craziest fucking experience in the whole world because you're in this extra like the the core of the hurricane is the most intense storm and you're being slammed with rain and lightning

Unknown_03: and the floodwaters are coming up, and you're like shitting yourself, and it just stops. It just stops. The sun breaks out through the clouds, and it's like it's just instantly over. And I think the stories were that these are the most dangerous times, like back in the day, before we had satellite images of hurricanes, because people just assumed the storm was over, and then the other side would come in, and the other side of that wall is even more dangerous than the first side of it.

Unknown_03: And it would kill tons of people, because they would just think that the storm was over, but it wasn't.

Unknown_03: It's a really crazy experience.

Unknown_03: Very fun.

Unknown_03: so many memories, so much of my childhood. I remember, uh, cause you know, the hurricanes come through every year. So there's always like a big storm coming through and you always had to worry. Like you start hearing the news like a couple of weeks out, like, Oh God, the Kings is coming. And everybody is, you know, you start buying bottled water and stuff cause you're supposed to have, um, there's a number for it's like three gallons of water a day, poor person. And you're supposed to plan for like two weeks of no water at all. Um, And they tell you to fill up your bathtub and shit with water just in case, and you can use your bathtub water to flush your toilets.

Unknown_03: Really, really fun stuff.

Unknown_03: Oh yeah, George Bush hated black people. Kanye, George Bush. I don't remember Ivan too much, though. I think I was too young. I was like 9, 10, 11, somewhere like that. Katrina was a bunch later. I can remember that.

Unknown_03: all the crazy stories, the locks breaking and the streets being flooded, the correctional center being emptied out into the streets, prison officers just fleeing, the black lady on TV screaming, where is FEMA at with our trailer? And then FEMA was being heavily criticized for fucking up the emergency response and Connie West was on TV saying, George Bush don't like black people because they assume that FEMA intentionally deprived New Orleans of emergency response because they hate black people.

Unknown_03: And then at the end of it, George Bush comes down to New Orleans and he's given a press conference with Brownie. That was his name. It was something brown or something. It was the head of FEMA at the time. And it's a dire situation. There's thousands of people who are homeless and displaced and not getting any kind of care or support. And George Bush just like pats him on the back and says, you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie.

Unknown_03: Everyone's like, what the fuck are you talking about? It's a disaster. And I think, um, it was so bad that like Namibia sent 16 cows to New Orleans as like emergency aid.

Unknown_03: That was a much simpler time, in case you're wondering. Back when George Bush was president, everybody fucking hated him. Nobody liked George Bush. Everybody hated the government together. Black, brown, white, gay or straight, we all hated the fucking government and there was no division about it whatsoever.

Unknown_03: As it should be. As it should be. As it should be in the United States. We should all hate our government, regardless of who you are. That's what unifies us. Hating the government. The government is our enemy. And when you lose sight of that and you start liking the government, it's over. It's over, chap.

Unknown_03: Now watch this drive.

Unknown_03: Dude, Bush was the original Trump.

Unknown_03: Bush was like Trump without any of the, like, there's always that thought, maybe Trump is like a 40 chess mastermind genius. Bush was, was like a full on fucking retard. And there was no 40 chess. He was legit, just low IQ. And he was like a part of a family dynasty and everyone fucking knew it.

Unknown_03: Cool.

Unknown_03: Uh, that's it. I can stop stalling for time now. Let's talk about Boogie a little bit, chat.

Unknown_03: For your convenience, I have clipped out the irrelevant prostitute in this video. Um, and instead you just get fat Ron Jeremy Boogie. Uh, I really, I really think that Boogie wears this fat, retard, um, sweaty, greasy, disgusting, uh, reprobate look really well.

Unknown_03: You should stick with this moving forward. Fuck the curly haired shit. Do the grease back. It looks good.

Unknown_03: Well, I say it looks good. It suits him is what I'm trying to say.

Unknown_17: Listen up all you top G's. There's some misinformation being spread around right now by certain influencers. But I'm here to tell you the truth and the hacks to help you break free from the matrix so you can be a brokie like me. Now listen, you may know there's certain myths that are being pushed on you to keep you in the rat race and enslaved to certain disciplines. but I'm here to dispel those myths for you. Number one, everyone thinks you have to have a perfect body fit to stave off any attack. That's lies. This body wasn't by accident. If you don't have anything to steal and you don't look like a threat, then no one's going to attack you anyway. You see this body? This is what peak performance looks like and it wasn't an accident. Do you have any idea how much discipline it took to create this body? Do you have any idea how many carbs you have to ingest to maintain this kind of mass? but it guarantees that when people look at me, they don't see a threat. Myth number two, a man must build an empire to have any true worth. Hurrah, that is hurrah. True happiness comes from the simple things in life. an aquarium and a goldfish, two small dogs and a video game. That's real happiness. You don't know the pressures that comes with money. You've got to determine what you're going to invest in, what you're going to buy. What would you buy? Ethereum? No! True freedom comes from being a wage slave. You don't want all of that pressure trying to decide what color your Bugatti is gonna be, do you? The myth number three is that if you are fit and you are rich, then you're gonna have different beautiful women lining up for you every single night. Well, that's gay! True happiness comes from one woman a couple of times a month. Little Andrew's out there needing consistent validation. Oh, love me, love me. Won't you love me tonight? Andrew, that's gay! True happiness is found by staying with the same woman, you know, whenever she doesn't have a headache. And you know what gives her a headache? competition anxiety. If I were rich and I were thin, she'd be afraid to stand next to me because other women would be looking. And I promise you, no other women are looking. Be a man! Make sure your woman feels secure by knowing you're not going anywhere. Fatty is a community for like-minded individuals that are broken free from the matrix. True happiness comes from a goldfish, from the same woman a couple of nights a month, and the occasional meme coin. Fatty for life.

Unknown_03: He does kind of nail the Andrew Tate thing. I'm actually kind of impressed. He should stick to this persona of being a confidence man who looks like Ron Jeremy. I think it works with him. He should not try to sell us meme coins though.

Unknown_03: Boogie was contacted by a pump and dump company, which basically what they do,

Unknown_03: And this has become such a scourge that there's entire channels like CoffeeZilla dedicated to calling out celebrities who accept money to shill a cryptocurrency pump and dump scam. The way that it works is that a

Unknown_03: What the company does is it creates an Ethereum token and then it lists the Ethereum token at a certain price and then they pay someone like Boogie to advertise the token.

Unknown_03: And regardless of what the token is, regardless of if it's an obvious joke or not, the way that cryptocurrency investment quote unquote works is that you have thousands of people

Unknown_03: All across the world, including in India, Nigeria, where cryptocurrency is seen as like this poverty lifting, like an entire village can be taken out with like a, like, you know, lifted out of poverty with like a single Bitcoin, like 1000x or whatever.

Unknown_03: And you have all these people who are just desperately trying to find the next 1000Xer. Like it used to be with crypto, you had people looking at what they would call fundamentals. You have Bitcoin. Bitcoin was Blue Ocean. It was a brand new concept that was proven by its success. And then by the time that Bitcoin is reaching $100 or whatever,

Unknown_03: There were alternatives like Litecoin and meme coins like Doge that just tried to be just like Bitcoin but a little bit faster. And then there were others that came out and the most prominent one is Ethereum. Ethereum is not just a cryptocurrency chain, it is also a programming language and it has smart contracts which is why all these scam coins take advantage of the smart contract system. So a lot of people started looking into fundamentals

Unknown_03: and said, like, well, Ethereum is likely to succeed because it creates all these other opportunities. It's being invested in by IBM and others. And then you have Monero, which has purpose outside of like a real utility in terms of privacy.

Unknown_03: So people look speculatively based on the fundamentals, and they invest money into that, hoping that that cryptocurrency succeeds.

Unknown_03: A lot of people are too dumb for that and too impatient for that. So they get involved in these pump and dump schemes, and they try to find what they call 10Xers, 100Xers, 1,000Xers, where they just create this bullshit, try to sell it to normal people as a literal Ponzi scheme, and then they dump it when it hits the X that they're looking for.

Unknown_03: So this pump and dump scheme that Boogie got paid to advertise a meme coin on, well, they're going to look at this like, we're going to do a 10x or 100x with this.

Unknown_03: They're going to sell the coin. And then once he starts talking about it, he plugs it into the algorithm. It gets shared. A lot of people from like India and Nigeria are going to be like, well, I don't know who this Boogie guy is, but he has a million followers on YouTube. This looks like it's promising they put in like a couple a little bit of money each to get shared around on like oh this might be a hundred XR and then the pump and dump scheme when they see that the interest wanes or whatever they just sell as much a token as they as they want to because they control the the block chain.

Unknown_03: They take all that money out of the system, and everybody else is left holding the bags, which are now worth nothing.

Unknown_03: That's the basis of how these pump-and-dump schemes work. They're pretty nefarious. They take advantage of people who are trying to make money.

Unknown_03: And, I don't know, they kind of deserve it, if I want to be real with you. From an ethical standpoint, it's definitely not ethical to try and scam people out of money. I'm not really feeling bad for people who are going to try to

Unknown_03: Because in my opinion cryptocurrency was very important and it's been kind of turned into this this farce by all these fucking pageats and Nigerians trying to find the next 100x or whatever the fuck and I hate them all and I hold them with utter contempt and if they become you know In abject poverty and they have to suck dick to pay rent Good fuck them. They made something that I like gay and shitty like they all do

Unknown_03: So, that's how it works, and that's why people who have ethics, quote-unquote, do not like these pump-and-dump schemes. The money that the pump-and-dump scam makes off of boogies shilling it is more than what they pay him, obviously, otherwise they wouldn't do it. And they also give boogie some of the coin, but it's worthless.

Unknown_03: It's so worthless that when Medecur, who did a whole stream on Boogie and basically just tried to make fun of him, though I doubt the efficacy of something like that because I think Boogie is someone who has zero shame, literally zero shame.

Unknown_03: As long as there are no consequences for his actions, he will say and do literally anything and not feel any remorse or guilt or whatever. He's simply not capable of indulging the emotions that someone might feel when they are accountable to any kind of popular system. He's a literal whore.

Unknown_03: in every way, shape, and form. Somebody did burn his tokens, and I'm sure he did that because they were worthless, so it was an empty, free gesture. Hey, I got called out, I have these tokens, they're not worth anything, I gotta show that I care a little bit, so just burn my tokens, and I was like, okay, whatever.

Unknown_20: So, let's see.

Unknown_03: Some anything else I want to say on that he went out and he he tried to make all these excuses He said that he needed the money to pay for his xalapan or some show some medication That's like a weight loss medication and then he said that the weight loss medication was for his blood cancer which he has And blood cancer can take like 10 years to kill him, but he's saying that he got prescribed it for his blood cancer, which sounds like bullshit.

Unknown_03: And using his cancer to justify the shilling of the meme coin, like pissed Jim off, which is why he did the stream, because he was personally insulted by someone using their medical condition to justify defrauding people, basically. Here's my thought, though.

Unknown_03: I didn't hear this mentioned by anybody, I haven't seen anybody mention this, but in the United States where Boogie lives, if you're one of those people who really hates Boogie, and if you're Jim and you have a blood lust for Boogie at this point, you want his delicious cancer blood,

Unknown_03: I hesitate to say this because it invokes the name of the devil, but in the United States where Boogie lives, there is a government agency called the SEC, the Security Exchange Commission, and the Securities Exchange Commission regulates securities and exchanges, go figure, which includes stocks, but it also includes cryptocurrencies. And there are many cases where the SEC gets very angry if you use Bitcoin in a way which is regulated as a security in a way that defrauds people. You can't do that in the US.

Unknown_03: Um, and even though boogie wasn't involved in the development of his fatty coin, the fact that he was the face and advertiser of it and the fact that it is a fraud and it has deprived people of money may possibly put him in hot water with the sec. Uh, the question is if, um,

Unknown_03: I think you would need somebody who was a victim of it to complain to the SEC to start an investigation, because there's all sorts of bullshit that happens they don't care about. But if people complain, because they're like, hey, this guy I trust on YouTube sold me a fucking cryptocurrency scam, they will investigate it. They would love to.

Unknown_03: They want to put as many nails in the cryptocurrency as they possibly fucking can. So if a boogie has actually defrauded people and they are victims of this, if they were to complain to the SEC,

Unknown_03: Not that I would ever, ever advocate talking to the government in any way, shape or form. They may find it worth their time to investigate them.

Unknown_03: Up to you, I don't give a shit. I just thought, you know, I figured I'd throw it out there. I saw a lot of discussion about this, but my first thought was, I'm watching and reading all this, and I'm like, what about the SEC? He's advertising a security that is like an unregulated security, and it's like an obvious fucking scam, and nobody's like, what about me? That was my first thought. I don't know what that says about me.

Unknown_03: Uh, okay! Shitster, yeah, that's me.

Unknown_03: What was your first hand?

Unknown_20: Okay, so, a long time ago, on June 8th, precisely, at 21 hours, Riley Mix, the producer for Dex Herrera, aka Juju the Cow, a man who gets fucked in the asshole dressed as a cow,

Unknown_03: Was arrested in Texas for stalking and harassment and He was at a event where Eric July a black man who also does comics that Dax Herrera aka Juju the cow man who gets fucked in the asshole dress of the cow Was having a feud with Riley shows up as his henchman because he is business has a direct business relationship with a That's where I came in and so he shows up at this event. He intimidates some of the guests there. The venue calls and it is confirmed in the body cam footage that it was the venue because people were complaining inside like the gas were complaining.

Unknown_03: But the police show up and he gets arrested because surprise, he has an outstanding warrant. He has an outstanding warrant in a different county because the last time he was in Texas, he went to Eric July's place of business. He left a note on the window just to like rub his dick on the site. And then he supposedly went off to a gravesite where Eric July's ancestors were buried and pissed on them, allegedly.

Unknown_03: heavily imply that he pissed on him. So Urgely complained because he's showing up at the business place to harass his employees and that's not cool with him. So he files a complaint and a warrant is issued for stalking and harassment.

Unknown_03: And then he leaves Texas and everyone thinks, well, he has a warrant in Texas for this misdemeanor. Uh, nothing will come of it as long as he stays out of Texas.

Unknown_03: but he didn't stay out of Texas.

Unknown_03: Riley, in his infinite pursuit for attention and applause from Dax Herrera, aka Juju the Cow, man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, went back to Texas.

Unknown_03: and continue to harass the same exact person by whom a warrant was issued for his arrest. So when the police were called by the venue, they arrived, and after a grueling interview where he was really, really hesitant to give his ID, gave him the wrong name at first, gave him three different states where his driver's license is issued, basically did everything he could to try and stall for time, and then the police, like, wise up, found out that he had a warrant for his arrest,

Unknown_03: and surprise, surprise, arrested him. Which means that Riley broke the one rule of Texas.

Unknown_12: See, I'm from Texas, where we sit ridin' swangers and put diamonds in our necklaces. Pour drink inside my lemonade till it look like a Pepsi. See, I come from the D where we got shags and we be flexin'. If you ain't from my state, then you should know don't mess with Texas. Hey, we always strap, we keep our weapons. My mama from the A, she slowed it down for me at seven. Used to think Pimp C was a god before he went to heaven. I knew what pushin' P was before Gunna even said it.

Unknown_03: Okay, uh that that song by the way is texas by big x the plug who is played That song has been played a million trillion times on bossman jack stream. That's one of his favorite fucking songs Whenever I think of texas, I think hey, don't mess with texas. We ride gangsta and keep diamonds on our necklaces It's just like the the guttural noises related to that song are just carved into my brain like a vinyl record so

Unknown_03: Uh, anyways, um, it was kind of embarrassing. There's a part where. This part, I like it when he realizes he's about to get arrested and he says something, let's just listen to a little bit of it. So by the way Hardin requested this for me because he loves Foyas and since I have a the the leading National Foya attorney by the way, if you guys are ever interested in a Foya request and you need some legal assistance Hardin will hook you up Apparently I'm driving quite a few Clients to him because he is the Foya guy. That's literally I think his license plate in Virginia was literally Foya guy like that

Unknown_03: He had like a law license plate because he was in more FOIA cases than the other attorney in the country So he loves doing FOIA requests. He did a FOIA request for me for the footage the Attorney General of Tejas or the office of the Attorney General, I don't know if

Unknown_03: Paxson himself looked at this case, but we had requested the the jail footage as well and the Attorney General's office declined our request for the jail footage because It would be from fixed cameras inside the jail and the office of the Attorney General said that It would be a security risk for the penitentiary system because it would disclose where the cameras are and

Unknown_03: if we had that footage. So they refused that request. But I was wondering if he got pepper sprayed. And as it turns out, he did not get pepper sprayed. He says he's wearing his glasses through most of this.

Unknown_03: But he explains he has a light sensitivity because he has an eye infection. So he lives so slovenly. Riley lives like such a fucking pig that he gets an eye infection and has to walk around at night in sunglasses because his eyes are so sensitive to light.

Unknown_03: Probably from eating the ass of a frumpy retard. There's a thing that he says here where he's getting arrested that I want to point out.

Unknown_04: Just check your information for the criminal trespass. It's showing that you have a TCIC warrant out of Collin County. It's a state warrant. Collin County where? Collin County for intimidation and stalking. I was told I didn't move forward.

Unknown_07: That was when he threatened to kill me. He called the cops on me.

Unknown_03: Oh, okay. I guess if you says that it didn't, it didn't move forward, then, uh, I guess there's more that's active and she is just going to fuck it.

Unknown_07: No, uh, Eric, like a year ago when I went through Texas, he called the cops on me and say, tell me if I came back to Texas. Uh, he filed like a incident.

Unknown_03: This, uh, is the Johnson body cam by the way, in case you want to look it up. Um, I, there's, it's so long, it's like an hour long from like when he rolls up to when Riley's in jail.

Unknown_03: So I can't play all of it is it doesn't on the rumble channel if you want to look at that there is a

Unknown_03: Let's see. There is a part of this where he tries to explain what the black guy is like, why are you harassing like this comic book guy? You thought maybe he had like a business rivalry going on and he's like, no, it's because he, uh, Trey, he literally tries to explain to him the 3d model thing where his, his comic book uses 3d rendered art into the comic. And the, the, the, the cop is just like bewildered by this fucking retard yammering on. Uh, there's a part where.

Unknown_03: He wants to talk to men. He, um, he had gotten copies of Eric July's book, like secondhand, and was attempting to distribute copies of the book at the event so that people wouldn't buy copies of the book at the event.

Unknown_03: That's the level of fucking petty retard bullshit we're talking about.

Unknown_03: There's a part why is he talking like why'd you say you call the cop fam? There's a part of this where he says to the cop This is actually a huge W for me word for word That's what he says because he's thinking like I'm getting arrested at the air July and he keeps going on about how he's a fake Anarchist or some shit. Oh, and he keeps saying that Eric July is

Unknown_03: Hates cops and hates black people like because the cop is a black cop. Obviously. He's like, yeah that guy in there hates cops, and he hates black people. He says it like four fucking times, as if the cop is the, what the fuck?

Unknown_02: He hate cops and black people? I'm pulling out the gun. Fuck you, Eric Goliath. Fuck you, Eric Goliath, Dax Herrera, AKA Juju, the cow man who gets dressed as a cow and fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, was right the whole time.

Unknown_03: Like, okay. It's like the manipulation attempts of a fucking child.

Unknown_07: No, that's not why. No, I'm not saying your reason. Okay. Just Eric's original stalking thing has led to this.

Unknown_07: I have a warrant in a different county for them.

Unknown_06: Collin.

Unknown_07: Collin County, I have a warrant out for going by the warehouse. Oh, hold on.

Unknown_07: They said I'll most likely see the judge tomorrow.

Unknown_07: You got to follow up with this so you can get me out, Mintz.

Unknown_05: OK. I got your phone.

Unknown_05: Can she have my phone? Are both of these phones yours? Do you not need it to call people or no?

Unknown_07: I just need the red one.

Unknown_05: OK. I need Mintz to take the other one so she has a contact.

Unknown_07: One's a work phone, right? So Mintz, you can have the rest of my stuff.

Unknown_03: There's a part of this where he's taking an incident report. He's asking them for their names. And Riley says his name, but then Mint says her name. Her name is Marie Hintzala. H-I-N-T-S-A-L-A. She's given her name, and she just says Marie Hint.

Unknown_03: And later, the police officer clarifies that her name is Hintzala. And he's very confused by this, and... Oh, God, fuck it. I'm just gonna go find that part. Hold on. We're at 29 minutes.

Unknown_03: Um, I think he asked him when she walks or turns away or something?

Unknown_20: So he's asking her, why'd you give me your wrong name?

Unknown_15: Your name is Hinsala, not Hint.

Unknown_03: What's, what are you, why?

Unknown_04: And then she clarifies for him.

Unknown_04: okay yeah uh you is there a reason anything we're gonna find on your name no research it no nothing we're real boring yeah we're just boring i just forget easily i have bad memory from like a lot of head trauma from when i was younger so that it's also autistic yeah okay but you do have a driver's

Unknown_03: So he's asking her, why did you give me the wrong name? And her name is like, I'm retarded! I'm retarded! And the cop's just like, okay, yeah, if that checks out, okay, let's move on. Next. Next part. I don't think anything else funny is said after that.

Unknown_03: They're mostly just standing around waiting because he gives like three different fake drivers. He says he doesn't have his driver's license on him and then gives like three different fake like wrong states as to why his name and driver's license combination doesn't come up with anything in the system.

Unknown_03: Go back to him getting arrested.

Unknown_05: You want me to leave everything else here? Yeah, so she can take it.

Unknown_07: I have my red phone.

Unknown_07: I'll try to contact you. You need to follow up with Dick, probably, if you don't know who to call.

Unknown_07: I'm usually the guy you'd ask.

Unknown_04: Do you have a wallet or anything in the car you want to go with you?

Unknown_07: It's in my car. Should we walk back to my Prius? It's in the parking lot.

Unknown_04: I'll ask her to get it for me.

Unknown_07: Mint!

Unknown_03: I'll axe her.

Unknown_07: Can I wear these till we get there? I got a bad eye.

Unknown_07: It's really light sensitive.

Unknown_03: You got a bad eye. He's been eating shitty retard ass and that was a fucking pink eye.

Unknown_07: They're gonna celebrate this too dude. Handcaps celebrating a guy with a live stream going to jail. It's crazy. No worries. All right, how do I get in here? All right, let's try to go left foot first.

Unknown_05: All right. I got you. The belt's a little... Just watch your head. Do that. Do you want this paper? Can I leave this with Mint, too?

Unknown_05: Uh, what is it? Can I leave your paper with Mint?

Unknown_07: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leave it on with her.

Unknown_03: There's a part that I'm hoping to hear. Did you loosen these a little, ma'am?

Unknown_07: Sorry, I sat down weird and they tightened. So... I don't want to be a problem for you. All right, turn for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_05: So this is what you do, because they can't... Yeah, I got two fingers in this one.

Unknown_03: He gets concerned at a point and asks him to check on Mint because he's like scared that she can't handle things on her own. And he explicitly says that, but I don't have a timestamp.

Unknown_03: The part where he says it's a huge win for me is a funny part of the part where... Also, while he gets there, this black woman is having an overdose, so he has to wait in the car for 15 minutes while EMS comes to take him. Then he gets booked and the police rolls on out. There's another video where a woman cop shows up and then a drunk guy is so fucked up and he's asking for help getting an Uber because he's incapacitated from alcohol. And she books him an Uber. That's like a side plot in one of the other body cams. All four of the videos are on Rumble, if you wanna go look at them, on the Kiwi Farms channel.

Unknown_03: The only other notable thing about this is the... I had a... Here, let me just find it real quick.

Unknown_20: Don't mess with Texas.

Unknown_20: Think it's just rumble.com see Kiwi farms that I got a handle for it.

Unknown_03: Aha. It is It's this the office of the custodian of records so on the Copies of the video that are out. I watermarked them and I wouldn't have watermarked them ordinarily but I watermarked them with a link to the juju the cow thread and

Unknown_03: Juju's need to talk about this trumped his need not to advertise his own thread for the first time. Like, he's been desperately trying to avoid linking people to his own thread, but the footage, he so desperately needed to try and take more shots at Eric July that he shared videos that included this watermark to send more people to his thread. It's very funny.

Unknown_03: Otherwise the alternative would be not to share the footage and obviously that wasn't gonna happen And I might we're still waiting on the I need a message to harden it I'm kind of annoyed about the body can't put this thing Can you nudge Can the oh hi question

Unknown_03: Let me just stay on their ass. They're probably dragging feet to release that fucking footage until court. If that happens, by the way, and they just, like, are dragging feet until it's in the case in public anyways, we'll just donate the money to whatever, 501c3 or whatever that we want to.

Unknown_03: Because I can't refund it, but I can do that.

Unknown_03: A similar vein, Aaron Imholt has been found to be facing a misdemeanor charge for violating a court order from his first wife. His first wife is Ashley. His second wife, the hot wife with Mercada, is April.

Unknown_03: Ashley Imholt had filed for a restraining order alleging, among other things, physical violence.

Unknown_20: And at some point,

Unknown_20: Sorry, I was uh, I was spooked by chat just suddenly running away at some point He got a restraining order and at some point he violated it.

Unknown_03: So there is a misdemeanor charge against him He's claiming that the charges dropped but there is an arrangement arraignment hearing for August and

Unknown_03: So he's saying that the charges drop, but yet there is still a docketed arraignment for him on August 20th. So, which is right after the Rakeda omnibus hearing, by the way. I think the omnibus is on April or August 18th.

Unknown_03: So he said he'll be addressing it on Monday, whatever the fuck that means. He's getting charged with violating his restraining order. I don't know what needs to be discussed. Are you gonna talk about your ex-wife more? That's weird. And by the way, this is the ex-wife who is the mother of his children.

Unknown_03: So all those stories about how he had an amicable breakup with his ex-wife, he was taking care of his kids, Rakeda came over with a bullet of cocaine that his son played with briefly that enraged him and got him to split off the

Unknown_03: the relationship he had with Rikada. In the background of all this, while he's trying to paint himself as this divorced man who's getting on with his life and got caught up in a bad situation, meanwhile, as of January, he has a violation against him for his restraining order.

Unknown_20: Aaron went after his small audience today, now even smaller audience.

Unknown_03: Huh. The weird thing is that Aaron is like this, like microcosm of a different locale culture that is like kind of integrating into the big picture stuff that the Kiwi Farms and co keeps track of. Uh, by the way, Rikita did a stream with Juju and I was told that it wasn't very interesting, so I didn't watch it.

Unknown_03: There is clips of this on the AlyssaClips channel and discussion about it in the forum, but I didn't watch it. I just can't stand to listen to them anymore. I'm so poisoned towards them that when I hear them talk, it's just like, eh. I can't, I can't really. Unless I know that there's going to be something funny, I can't stand it. Honestly, I just can't stand it anymore.

Unknown_03: That's Aaron. Rekeda.

Unknown_03: has had the first motion in his case since the appellate court kicked his case back down to the district level.

Unknown_03: Randazza is still his attorney, despite some statements that Randazza had made regarding him on social media, which is the most interesting thing about this. This is docketed for, let's see, July 1st.

Unknown_20: So it should have happened.

Unknown_20: there and it takes

Unknown_03: I can't hear anything about this because nothing happened. So it's just a hearing, probably a conferencing hearing to set up the schedule for the trial. So it was probably not that interesting. The interesting thing is that it's back in motion. So Rikeda is dealing with his criminal issues regarding serious cocaine possession and negligence of the children.

Unknown_03: And now we know that the children had cocaine in their system.

Unknown_03: By the way, I got a lot of comments when I talked about

Unknown_03: Rakeda's cocaine test being positive. I had a lot of comments from people who worked in labs, actually, thanking me for showing confidence in the lab testing system.

Unknown_03: The people who commented were very confident that if the test showed that there was cocaine in her system, then she had ingested and metabolized cocaine. I was told by these people that the hair is washed thoroughly, that the sample is tested under certain conditions. If it came back positive, they would have ordered a second test. In their professional opinion, if it was found in a court document that the test was confident that there was a positive result for cocaine in the hair of a child, they would have thoroughly checked their paces before issuing that result because the obvious outcome of a false positive in that situation would be extremely damaging to not only the people involved, but the child involved. So the people that responded to me saying, yeah, I'm pretty sure that they got it right, were very

Unknown_03: also very sure that they got it right.

Unknown_03: So that's, it honestly doesn't look good. And when he messages me and he says that, I don't know what I'm talking about. The metabolite is one that is a result of hydrolyzing with air moisture. It can be found on any sample of cocaine. A child could be lightly dusted in cocaine just by proximity. It seems like that's a lie. Maybe that's a cope. I don't know. Maybe he wants to believe that's the case and that he doesn't want to believe that his own daughter, his nine-year-old, ingested cocaine without his knowledge. Um, but I will say when I, I did a really deep dive into the cocaine thing, I was very curious about it.

Unknown_03: It's one of those things where it's like, I want to be informed before I make an opinion. I don't want to go out there and just bang the drum and say, like, well, Kate is such a bad man. I can't believe he did this. Like, I didn't want to do, like, the moralizing grandstanding thing. So I read multiple studies about the presence, about how hair testing works. And specifically, there was one about cocaine in children. And it was testing in Mediterranean cities underprivileged, like a drug testing lab. And these people that were in this clinic were in there for unrelated reasons to drugs, but they were all very poor and they just randomly tested.

Unknown_03: everybody's hair there. Everybody who would consent, they would take their hair and the hair of their children. And if the parent tested positive for anything, they would sometimes test positive for cocaine, even if they didn't admit to using cocaine. And if they tested positive for cocaine, there was like a 10% chance that their children would also test positive for cocaine. But it would be... But her...

Unknown_03: Her result was a higher concentration of cocaine metabolites than any of the study's kids. So it wasn't a huge N number, it was like an N500 or something. But it's still like a lot, like 10%. To the point where, I think I said this on my first coverage of this, but

Unknown_03: It really underlines why a child protective service would test the kids to begin with. If it was unheard of that a child might be ingesting cocaine in a situation like this, then they would never test the children unless they had some kind of suspicion outside of, The parents are doing it. If it never happened, they wouldn't bother. What's the point of that? If out of a million cases of cocaine usage, one child tested positive as well, then there would be no reason for the expenditure. But there is a reason. It's because 10% of kids, if the parents are using, also will have cocaine in their system.

Unknown_03: That's why they do it.

Unknown_03: The government's evil, but it's not that stupid. You know what I mean? That's how it comes across to me.

Unknown_03: Yeah, it's, it's, I don't know, it's so baffling to me. And even, I don't know, it makes me feel kind of like a dumbass, but even now I'm just kind of like, did he like become a retard? Did he like, did he decide to walk down the path of retardation sometime after we met? Or did I just like, believe that he couldn't possibly be this fucking retarded at one point?

Unknown_03: I don't know. I guess if I was fooled by his guile I'm in a large group of people because 100,000 people watched Rikki at his absolute peak I feel like he did he deliberately chose this because I heard an expression once and I'm quite fond of it

Unknown_03: It's about how it was it was an expression about how the choices we make do have an impact on who we are. And even though it doesn't feel like it, because, you know, you make one choice, like, for instance, if you're trying to commit to a diet and you diet one day and then you fall off the wagon the next, you know, if you decide to keep off the wagon, that decides out who you are. But if you decide to start dieting again the next day, then it reinforces that positive behavior. And eventually your diet just becomes your lifestyle.

Unknown_03: But who you are ends up, you know, is the end result of thousands of choices. And it makes me wonder, is Rakeda somebody who was just a bad apple that very few people saw from the onset?

Unknown_03: Or did he deliberately choose a bad path a thousand times over multiple years to become somebody who was a bad apple? And I don't know I have a copium in my head that he wasn't always bad and that he just chose poorly many many times over years So, yeah, I don't know it frustrates me because I mentioned this on stream and shit but it's like Why do I always end up like talking to people who are retarded, you know, I

Unknown_20: Um, yeah.

Unknown_20: You're not the only one who fell for it.

Unknown_03: I know. It still doesn't feel good, though. Like, his kid has cocaine in her hair. She's a nine-year-old. She's a nine-year-old, and her brain chemistry is going to be permanently damaged by this. Like, Tetra Becks, by the way, who, as we know, our listener Tetra Becks, who apparently has an alcohol problem,

Unknown_03: on some streams.

Unknown_03: He was explaining in the Matt of the Internet thread that when he was a kid, he was diagnosed with ADHD and put on Ritalin or some kind of amphetamine, ADHD treatment program when he was a teenager, like a young teenager. And he says that that probably had a negative impact on his brain development, which is believable because if you give a child methamphetamine or and it's not technically a methamphetamine, but it is an amphetamine salt.

Unknown_03: You give them that, it's gonna fuck with them. You give a child cocaine, it's gonna fuck with them. Um, all things out, you know, everything else excluded. So it's just, it's just, uh, this don't feel good, man. Just don't feel good.

Unknown_03: Next we had some bossman jack-tent. This is some very bossman jack-tent. It's not it's not just him losing money So stay tuned. I know some of you guys are like, ah Bossman Jack now he um, he's been up to some some some good stuff. Okay, so he's put he as a young Virginian Knows in the case. You don't know the motto of Virginia is Virginia is for lovers and

Unknown_03: Chris Chan famously declared that Virginia is for virgins and Bossman Jack is joining in on that and he's talking about finding his boyfriend free girl You know, I've been trying to it's so sad man, I thought this person liked me this is so sad I'm doing this actually but I just wanna let y'all know that do not put your your effort and your energy and

Unknown_08: and your generosity into people that don't give a fuck about you, bro. Because people are so deceiving. They will get you, bro, and they will hurt your ass. They will literally hurt you, bro, to the point where you don't want to even try anymore. It's just so fucked up like I've done something wrong. This is so fucked. I fucking hate my life, man. But things will be better.

Unknown_03: It's a very quiet video. I will reiterate what he says. He's crying and saying that he got catfished, basically. He dumped his money into a fake woman who walked out on him. He went to Discord and he says, I had taught this one actually cared and liked me. It's so fucking sad. They are so, so many fucking sluts and whores nowadays. I don't understand it, man. Deceiving, evil, for real, for real.

Unknown_03: He opened up a cry sash in one of his streams and ended it. It was a two hour, two minute long stream that he booted up, just started crying and then quit out of.

Unknown_08: Guys, I can, I cannot stop fucking crying, bro. There is something wrong with me, bro. There is absolutely something wrong with me to keep crying like this, bro. It's not normal, dude. It is not normal, guys. It's not normal, dude. This is so fucking stupid, dude. I fucking hate my life, dude. I fucking hate my life, bro. What is wrong with this world we live in, dude? I'm so serious, bro. I'm so fucking serious, bro. I'm fucking miserable, bro. I'm not trolling, bro. Look at my fucking face, dude. I'm not fucking trolling, bro. I'm not trolling. I am not trolling, bro. There's something wrong with me, bro.

Unknown_08: I just realized that there is a parallel between Bossman Jack and Rakeda.

Unknown_03: Bossman Jack over Kata says I hope you win a million dollars. I hope you XYZ right when he's just being like facetious and and and Lying trying to be like which roundabout way of wishing somebody ill Bossman Jack does the same he says I hope you have a great day, but he's actually saying I hope you don't have a great day food for thought chat food for thought

Unknown_03: his Deal with Shuffle shuffle it was he's been kicked off of BC game even kicked off of stake that kicked off a kick you oh boy Evil Eddie shutting my boy down. So you got to deal with the shuffle and and As per usual he starts complaining that their games are fucking rigged every time he loses so Your sponsor really doesn't like that the games are not rigged. I mean they are technically they have a fixed return That's not in your favor, but they're not literally rigged to fuck with you in a deep psychological way I mean, I guess they kind of are

Unknown_03: What I'm saying is that he's correct, but he's choosing to gamble anyway, so he doesn't have a right to complain. And the sponsors obviously don't like him saying that they have rigged games. So they canceled his sponsorship and gave him $10,000 as a nice little parting gift. No hard feelings. Here's $10,000. Just $10,000.

Unknown_03: Just because. We like you, buddy. Have a great day.

Unknown_03: Well, of course, boss man being the boss man, decided to take that 10 grand to the only place that matters. The coin flip sesh.

Unknown_09: And he starts flipping the coin and then it goes away.

Unknown_03: I love it.

Unknown_09: I love how quick, like me skipping ahead.

Unknown_03: It's like a, like a whiplash. You can break your fucking neck. This is a two and a half minute long video. He's like I'm such a degen bro, I'm not fat I skipped a 240 and he's like I fucking hate my life, bro That's like a one and a half that's 90 seconds it's 90 seconds I'm such a degen bro to like I'm sorry. This is fucking rigged. Fuck my life All these crypto casinos, they're all rigged

Unknown_09: They're all of them. They all are. I'm sorry, they are. And if you don't think so, you're fucking wrong. They're not even audited.

Unknown_08: Oh my God, dude. Oh my God, bro. Oh my God, dude. This has ruined my life, dude. I fucking hate my life, bro. Oh my God. What car am I gonna get now?

Unknown_03: What car am I gonna get now?

Unknown_03: This dude, when he was up $180,000, he was talking about getting like a Range Rover, which is like a luxury SUV that costs almost $200,000 brand new off the lot. He was talking about getting a Range Rover, and then he was like downgrading it, like, I'll get a Honda Civic still. And he gets $10,000 again, like, wow, bro, that's enough money to buy a car, ha ha. And then he fucking coin flips in the bank.

Unknown_03: He just ends the stream. Great job, bro.

Unknown_03: So then after that, he pissed off one of his mods, as he does. Nico Fiend, who he had chatted with in private. In particular, he showed off a couple behind the scenes, never before seen angles in the bossman room. Of course, we are all used to this bossman angle of him, just like this fixed static angle of just his door and closet. This is the other side of the room. You can see he has a window with some broken blinds, the lighting that is the piss yellow. It's actually kind of weird. I didn't realize that his streaming corner was like this little cutout. It's like he's in a window. I can imagine his house from the outside.

Unknown_03: And he has like this small cubby that pokes out of the roof and faces the street. He's in like this nice little cubby area, lots of daylight. He has one broken monitor and one very fancy curved monitor that is

Unknown_03: Like off balance, like it's tilted at like a 15 degree angle to one side. Um, cause I guess he slams his desk so much that the desk stand just starts wobbling in one direction. Uh, I have not yet mentioned that this room is fucking trash. There is garbage all over the place. Red Solo cups everywhere. Um, just like food plates and everything scattered all over the fucking place.

Unknown_03: Um, just a filthy, inconceivably filthy setup.

Unknown_03: Uh, he has, uh, his broken monitor over there. You can see that he punched into, and it's still damaged. I remember the, the clip of him breaking this monitor, by the way, is one of the best clips ever. Cause, uh, he got angry, smashed his monitor, queued up another hand and was still gambling. Like he was on this monitor, not able to see what he was doing and still gambling while on it.

Unknown_03: This is a bag of cannabis flower. They have an AI generated anime girl on it, which is why he bought it. Cause he's like, bro weed, dude, boobs, dude, weed, bro boobs. And they bought it. I can see his filthy, filthy fingernails, which I've been told is a result of him doing, um,

Unknown_03: When he does crack, I think what they explained is that if you do crack and use a butane lighter, you get really dark fingers for some reason. I guess because it leaves like a butane residue on the crack pipe. So as you handle it, you get butane fumes under your fingernails and stuff. So his dirty cracked fingernails are like a hallmark. And then this is his ceiling.

Unknown_03: I am actually not sure what this is, but he has somehow managed to splatter something on his ceiling and decided to show this to his friend who recorded it, so... Uh, that's interesting. New angles, never-before-seen bossman lore.

Unknown_03: This is a nine minute long video of him. This is Nico fiend. This is the the footage I'm actually not watch this this came out. Let's got posted right before the stream started. So I haven't watched it yet Yeah, buddy.

Unknown_10: Damn. I still haven't landed, bro

Unknown_10: There's like holes in it, he's punched holes in his ceiling.

Unknown_14: Yeah, how the fuck do you punch a hole in your ceiling?

Unknown_10: Got a new monitor coming tomorrow today.

Unknown_03: I'm in my self-sufficient mode. I'm looking at this like cubby hole, like, damn, that's a nice sniper watchtower. Sniper-ness, chat.

Unknown_14: Is that a curved monitor too? This is a curved monitor right here, yep.

Unknown_10: Yep, it's not, it's not the best though. It's not the best. That'll be my backup monitor. I'm going to have that to the left with the webcam and I'm going to have the new monitor right here.

Unknown_14: You got to replace that second monitor, bro.

Unknown_10: I, I got a monitor coming in today. Oh, okay.

Unknown_14: Oh, okay. So that's going to replace the second one. All right. I got you.

Unknown_10: Yep. I'll put this one here and then put the new one here.

Unknown_10: Yeah, the 27 inches bro, the new one is smaller but from what I've heard it's actually better to have it a little bit smaller. Do you know how many Hertz it has? 244. That's excessive.

Unknown_14: It's $900, dude.

Unknown_03: That's really that's really expensive really expensive monitor a 244 hurt Probably a 4k maybe even an 8k monitor for $900 that shit is getting smashed and slammed chat smashed and slammed $900 for the monitor.

Unknown_10: It's 2k It's like 1440p, but it's like the best thing. It's like you OLED whatever. Okay, I I don't know much about it, but it's expensive.

Unknown_03: 2K, why would you get a 2K monitor and not a 4K monitor?

Unknown_10: Yeah, well then what they say is 4K is like overkill nowadays, you can't even hardly do it.

Unknown_03: My main monitor is 4K and I love it.

Unknown_03: I know that's wrong.

Unknown_10: Get it to its full potential. Even with like the best graphics card and everything else, it's still not worth, that's what I've been told. Right, right. But maybe in the future it'll be more, it'll be more, not obsolete, but the opposite of that.

Unknown_14: Yeah, I gotcha.

Unknown_10: You know what I'm saying?

Unknown_14: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_10: It'll be more like a meta, there's a meta.

Unknown_03: Yeah, I mean you can render a 1080p or a game at 1080p or 2k on a 4k monitor and render it at 244 frames per second if you can't handle that My thing is why would you why would you get a 244?

Unknown_10: 2k instead of a 144 4k and just render it at 144 like you don't is it really can you really say that the game plays better at 244 I

Unknown_03: That seems obscene.

Unknown_10: Yeah, no, I feel you, bro. Hell yeah. Got the weed packed in the bowl. Dude, my fingers are so dirty. Holy fuck, I'm scraping resin.

Unknown_03: The human eye can only see 12 frames per second. Bro, my eyes see at like three based on my reaction time in Dota.

Unknown_10: All right, smoke this bomb, dude. Yes, sir. Take a big bomb rip for you.

Unknown_14: All right, I'll take a little hit, bro. Oh, yeah, you got the retard? I'll take a little hit, bro. Well, dude, take a big one. Take a big one?

Unknown_10: Take a big one. All right, I'll take a big in this bro.

Unknown_14: Fuck it. All right. If you green out, you just hang up.

Unknown_10: So you got to go on.

Unknown_14: That's fucking great.

Unknown_10: Okay.

Unknown_20: Okay.

Unknown_03: Show us room off. Show me your room. Fucking degenerate. I'm talking about your 50. Oh, I saw his room. Let me shut off his monitor. Okay.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_03: That's the bossman stuff. That's the bossman stuff. We're right on time for the roundup chat, the roundup of the stream. There's one more little, what is this? What is this intrusion on my screen? Check the news hamster. He's returned for what state state your business news hamster. Hmm. Something from zitter. It seems.

Unknown_03: appears that Visigrad 24 was banned. To which Elon Musk replied that he posted a picture of a child being sodomized with a stick, which triggered an automatic child porn ban, but he restored his account anyways. Chat, I think the news hamster has an idea. Uh, in, actually let me get the link.

Unknown_03: Seeing as

Unknown_03: Visigar24 posted child pornography and was unbanned.

Unknown_03: And I did not post child pornography.

Unknown_03: I believe that my infraction was less severe and thusly warrants a similar unbanned child. That is what we're going with. I think that this is unbombed.

Unknown_03: I know.

Unknown_20: Okay. Time to do 20 animals again, chat. Let's see.

Unknown_03: Oh, I went through. This is it. This is the one. My logic is undeniable. Thank you, News Hamster. I appreciate it. That late breaking Elon Musk news. I think this is the one, chat.

Unknown_03: Oh, it's not gonna work, there's no music, oh no! I already, I already fucking sent it and everything. Ah, fuck, I'm doomed now.

Unknown_03: Ah, ruined. Sorry, I got so distracted by the news hamster that I completely forgot the music. Ah, ruined. I'll play you a second, I'll be ready. It just feels like, it just feels wrong without it.

Unknown_03: Okay, there's that and I think that's it. Did I miss anything? Did I miss anything, champ?

Unknown_20: I think that that would be it. Let me see. Okay, I'll do some brief chat interaction.

Unknown_03: Chat, scream at me.

Unknown_03: Does anything stick out in your mind that I failed to address adequately?

Unknown_03: The Reddit segment.

Unknown_03: Ooh, maybe. I think that there was something in the amount of the internet that was Reddit.

Unknown_20: Let me check, let me check.

Unknown_20: All right, let's see.

Unknown_20: There's so much like general chat in the, um, Oh, wait, hold up.

Unknown_03: Oh, I think that there, um, I did forget something. I forgot that this happened. I should have, uh,

Unknown_03: okay so if you don't know one of my least favorite people is dev aka short fat otaku short fat otaku is like this absolutely disgusting fat retarded romanian like just absolute generate piece of shit uh someone whose life has zero value whatsoever he's like married And he's still openly lust after trannies. He and Dankula were both mutual friends of Lilith Lovett, the Taiwanese tranny that openly talks about the time that he was raped in the ass as a kid and was peddled as a sex trafficking victim. But now he's a tranny and also does sex work.

Unknown_03: as like a pornographer, very weird, fucked up person, has openly tried to like court libertarian types, was a friend of Dankula, and now that Dankula's getting divorced, there's all this talk that maybe, all this talk by certain people, these evil, evil muckrakers muddying the proceedings of their divorce by throwing ideas out there that maybe he did something with Love Love It, that certain commentators were skeptical, Critical of their relationship some you know, you know how those people are on the internet. They're always saying shit They can't prove just being did you know assholes for no reason? I Don't these people Whoever they may be they have also said in the past that short fatted talk of also probably deep-throated Tranny cock at some point in his life Which he took issue with and has protested in the company of his wife who decided to bring it up one live stream for my benefit

Unknown_06: I got a private message of scrumps. He was talking to other people. It was like week to me a few months ago He was he's now saying that apparently I was like in love with Lilith and I was pining over her while he was fucking her the whole time

Unknown_03: Okay, so I actually I thought this was about me. It's not some other completely random tranny fucker Said that dev was like openly like trying to fuck Lilith love it and in this tranny asshole and I I guess maybe Lilith was like laughing at Dev? Like Dev was sending in the simp text about what a beautiful trans folk she was and then he would give the phone to Scramps who was actively fucking them in the ass at the time and be like look at this fat retarded simp isn't that funny and then they would high five about it and make fun of them together And then he's like relaying this information to the public and Dev hears it and decides to tell his wife that a tranny fucker knew that he was simping for a tranny in DMs and was laughing at him about it. And her reaction is, he said what?

Unknown_06: Like completely fucking delusional bullshit.

Unknown_03: She is having some doubts. That is not a face of a woman who's like, ha ha ha man, people day, people on the internet say the darndest thing. Let's has no bearing in reality. I have, oh, they're not married. I thought they were married. Okay. So that's just a longterm girlfriend or whatever the fuck. He's like, ha ha. That's so silly. There's no reason to believe that at all. I have absolute confidence in you. My boyfriend, uh, that is the face of a woman who's like,

Unknown_03: Maybe have I missed the sign? Did I ignore the evidence?

Unknown_06: She's cute, but I was never interested.

Unknown_03: Oh, he picks up. He's not that autistic. He's like, Oh, my girlfriend is skeptical of me. And I should clarify that I have no interest in this beautiful trans folks. Uh, so saying she's cute, which is not.

Unknown_03: Not a good defense. You, sir, are a tranny fucker. Nah, bro, she's totally cute and shit, but like, I didn't hit it. Like, what's stopping you besides him not putting out? Like, what's stopping you, bro?

Unknown_06: Because I'm not like a fucking retard simp.

Unknown_03: What does that mean? Like, apparently you are. Apparently you're sending a tranny prostitute DMs that he's literally taking your DMs and showing people fucking them.

Unknown_03: And say, look at this retard simp. Look at Dev, the short fat otaku, a retard simp in my inbox, trying to flirt with me while I'm getting butt pounded by you. And then they both laugh about it. They laugh to your fucking face.

Unknown_03: And then even he says, he says that I'm not a retard simp. And his own girlfriend says that's not true.

Unknown_03: That's not fucking true. You flirted. You flirted with that tranny. You fucking retard simp. In his face on livestream.

Unknown_03: Not really. And then the denial is just like, it's like a speech test. Speech 13 over 75. Not really. And her reaction is just like, um, I'm not, I'm not retarded, sir.

Unknown_06: I'm in control here. I'm in control. I'm in charge here. I'm in charge.

Unknown_03: me the the audio of the game pouring in on top of her but she's like do you feel in charge i'm gonna continue hammering this yeah you're definitely pining for that trans folks on fucking zitter i that i was saw it you think that what you do exists in a vacuum and that there's no chance that i as your girlfriend i'm gonna see this pathetic display uh who do you think you are wanted a good digging down from yes

Unknown_03: you wanted a good dicking down from.

Unknown_23: His girlfriend is telling the internet that this man wanted a good dicking down from a tranny prostitute. Unreal.

Unknown_06: Can I just not have any honest real conversation with you anymore because you're like this right now?

Unknown_03: I'm sorry. He's getting mogged. Can I am I allowed to use am I allowed to use that word? He's getting mogged by his girlfriend in real time and she is smiling knowing that she has exacted a small Small act of revenge against him. This is gratifying her cuz like I've had to sit here and watch you flirt and pine for a tranny prostitute on zitter for fucking years and now I just get to rub your face in it like a fucking dog and

Unknown_23: No, you're not. Okay, he's so fl- Look at how angry he is!

Unknown_03: He's getting fucking ruined in the video game by this sandworm thing. And he's also having to process this, like, interpersonal dispute with his girlfriend on, like, livestream. And he's trying to keep it cool, and it's absolutely not fucking working. He knows. He knows a way to make fun of him.

Unknown_06: Can you restart? I don't know how. How do you restart? I don't know. I'm asking if you can. Don't know.

Unknown_03: Holy- Nice and cour- I don't know. It's a super fucking- That's so salty. He's so angry at her. Let me leave.

Unknown_06: Let me leave. Let me leave. Let me leave.

Unknown_03: You cannot escape. She's taunting him. She's like, you can't escape from me. I got you. I know. I know that you flirted. You pine for a trendy prostitute.

Unknown_06: Nope. That's an arena- That is like an arena out message. So no, I cannot escape.

Unknown_03: You can't escape. Do you feel in charge?

Unknown_20: Hold up. Maybe there's a more, there's more. Oh, there is more. I'm going to give this guy a trophy, a trophy sticker chat for the epic Clipperino.

Unknown_03: This is, this is very, I haven't seen this before. This is very satisfying. just being like, like, Twitter for you fucking say you fuck traps on Twitter all the time.

Unknown_06: flirting and scooping around.

Unknown_03: Listen, Listen, femoid, flesh and bone woman, inferior to my anime babes in every way, shape, and form. When I go to a tranny prostitute and I tell her, the cute trans girl, that I fuck traps, that's not flirting. That's casual. Okay?

Unknown_06: Okay, for it to be an actual flirt and not just a joke, it has to be real intent behind it. Chat, I need a poll.

Unknown_03: Oh my god.

Unknown_03: She's relentless. She's like, do you honestly think I'm that fucking stupid? Do you insult my intelligence so blatantly into my fucking face? Let's get a poll going to see what a pathetic little simp you are. No garden this year, Astro.

Unknown_16: About whether or not telling a woman you'd fuck her on Twitter counts as flirting.

Unknown_03: Dude his face. He is getting he is not in on this joke at all. He is so pissed Intent is a part of flirting You can't prove intent and it's ridiculous and you go up to somebody and say hey, you're hot. I'd fuck you In fact, I fucked many things just like you Like you can't then just say whoa, buddy. Wait a second. I wasn't actually trying to fuck her. That's not where I

Unknown_16: Oh my god, she's she's so pissed

Unknown_23: It's not cheating though. It's not- not yet. Not yet, it's not cheating. There's no intent. I didn't wanna fuck that pussy. I didn't wanna deep dick him down. No, don't do this to me. I love the- by the way, I love how Kino, if I may, how Kino, the backdrop of him trapped in the arena with the sandworm is, like he's trying to move past

Unknown_03: the actual conversation he's in and get away from this confrontation because it's on livestream and he can't do anything about it. So he's trying to play it cool and play the game, but he's in an encounter that he can't win and can't get away from. And it's a perfect one-to-one mirror reflection of his actual ongoing conversation that is playing in the background as he's trying to escape the conversation he can't get away from. It is literally Kino. It is a perfect, perfect content. Excellent. I really, I really love that.

Unknown_03: Bad things, chat.

Unknown_03: Bad things happening to bad people.

Unknown_03: To even have the audacity to say that he didn't flirt with Lilith Lovett, I was shocked to learn that he had a girlfriend. Because he's had a girlfriend all this time, and he's been openly talking about fucking bussy and going after very specific transies or whatever on Twitter. He's been doing this for years. And I was actually really surprised to hear that he had a girlfriend at all because it's like, he's obviously a gay man who wants to fuck bussy and is very open about that. How could he possibly be in a relationship? And now I've learned that he's in a relationship with a woman that he doesn't respect at all and who apparently just takes the shit on the face. But now she apparently is, now that she's, I guess maybe she was like a little bit like, okay, I guess maybe it is just like a, because Count Dankula did it too. Count Dankula was very popular and successful. Made the same kind of jokes about bussy on his twitter account talked about traps and shit and trap porn on on his discord and shit Very very open about it Um, and I guess she's like, okay, I guess that's what the boys are talking about these days. They're just talking about fucking men in the ass

Unknown_03: Who am I to be imposing on him and say that he can't do that and make him uncool in front of his friends who talk about fucking bussy? I mean, Dankula's married and he has kids and everything seems to be going well for him. I guess maybe Dev could be like that too. Now Dankula's getting divorced, which puts that on thin ice. And then Lilith Lovett's ex-boyfriend or whatever is openly out on Twitter saying, yeah, we totally went over his Twitter DMs and made fun of him together. He's like a loser simp. And she's just saying that to his face.

Unknown_03: It has no it has he has no response to that as fucking hilarious actually That's really funny. I'm glad that I found this for the streaming Awesome Okay, I do actually have a um a Brief reddit thing as well one second pull this up This

Unknown_20: Okay, I don't know what this is.

Unknown_03: Let's see what it is.

Unknown_03: R, M to F by U, Duck in Training, not safe for work. Cried when watching lesbian quote unquote video. Wasn't sure if this should be made not safe for work. I was in a bit of a mood this morning and got a bit touchy with myself. I wanted to watch something to help me get going, so I opened up a passionate lesbian video. But partway through it, I just started to feel so left out and jealous. I had to start stopped the video and just started bawling into my pillow. I know people say that others will eventually find someone out there, but it just feels like there's always going to be a barrier for me because of what I am, and it hurts so much.

Unknown_03: Bros, when you're down so bad, you can't even jerk off to porn anymore. That.

Unknown_03: That's the bottom of the barrel. You don't get much lower than that.

Unknown_03: Sucks to be a tranny. That's the let's look if there's anything that I want you to take away from my videos Is that it sucks to be a tranny? And that you'll never be a real woman Cool alright super berries. Let me just set us to chill mode.

Unknown_03: I Will conclude the stream next stream will be on Friday, which will be the July 4th stream I guess because it is a

Unknown_03: Well, I think it's technically July 5th, but that will be as close as I get to July 4th.

Unknown_03: So we'll do, I'll try to find some Americana, some classic, some good old Americana to enjoy for that stream.

Unknown_03: I even have a song picked out for it.

Unknown_20: Cool.

Unknown_20: Alrighty.

Unknown_20: Vint Kaczynski, for one, says, Vint turns his eyes to heaven, lets off a mighty fart, and says meditatively, every little sneed must be heard as well as seen.

Unknown_03: May I get some birthday sneed for the 12th of July. Asserts the 2nd of July. Sorry.

Unknown_03: Breadwash45 says, have a great 4th of July, Josh.

Unknown_03: You too, thank you. It's still the 2nd though. I mean, I guess it'll be afterwards. I guess that's why they're wishing it now.

Unknown_03: I don't think that they said all fireworks here for the work.

Unknown_21: It's okay.

Unknown_03: Space Allen for 20 says ham jam. Thank you, Space Allen. I appreciate it.

Unknown_03: DBS TV for two says you're gonna be back in the US for Halloween this year. Probably not Probably not probably gonna be December December at this rate. It's gonna be a while, unfortunately Twinkle tower for $100 says I took a poll in chat. We found that general chat is the best chat also Judas Connor moon wanted a shout out an evil sponge once your take on cheese like we don't know that rolls eyes Well, cheese is based, Judas can get his shout out, and General Chet sucks the most ass imaginable, sorry to say.

Unknown_03: By Moses Jones for 27, seeing the debate last week gave me a little bit of joy. I know it doesn't matter which old man gets voted in, but at least the comedy still exists. And then there is a YouTube link, which I will check out.

Unknown_20: Oh. I go to vote for Trump. I don't know.

Unknown_03: I don't get it. Mexican people are weird.

Unknown_03: Thank you. Coco for six says, please read 14 and 15. 15 is a bit thick, so have some extra money.

Unknown_20: Okay.

Unknown_20: They all shall entreat thee, but their father shall not obtain their wishes, respecting them, for they shall hope for eternal life, and that they may live each of them five hundred years.

Unknown_03: To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are within him, who have associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity, and when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, Even to the day judgment and of consummation until the the judgment the effect of which shall last forever be completed Still have no idea what's happening Devious Davee for two says, make sure to remind Twinkle Tard to save some money for his zebra cake addiction. Zebra cake is so delicious.

Unknown_03: Schneeberg Stein Goldman for 10 says, nothing. Thank you, Schneeberg Stein Goldman. Twinkle Tard for $2 says, I convinced Ghost that Devious Dave has chlamydia.

Unknown_03: Like Ghost, like true capital Ghost? He probably does have chlamydia. He probably fucks those things that shit square bricks.

Unknown_03: Lucifero21045 says, I took your advice and cut myself entirely in a DEI gaming space, bought a PS1 and modded it so I have basically every PS1 game and I'm doing the same to a PS2. No Troon or Fag is getting my money. That sounds very base. Good job.

Unknown_03: No hurt, mr. Mental for five says here's my donation after cancelling my anime addiction asshole. Happy 4th of July fuck Teemu and Hoping my neighbors don't attack the sky again Well, thank you.

Unknown_03: I don't know what Teemu is. I guess that's an anime thing. Congrats on kicking anime That's to be proud of Kurt Eichenwald anime dashboard for five says glorious Kiwi Emperor. I don't think you can be friends with Mike red bar He isn't informed on the tranny question. We will he's a boomer. He doesn't know you will be informed

Unknown_03: Tetra Bags for 20 says, how is it in 2024 there are still people who don't know that pride events always devolve into degenerate not safe for life pause orgies?

Unknown_03: They probably do know they just don't care as my guess. They bring their kids to it because that's funny to them.

Unknown_03: The Karcher for 22 says if you like World War 2 real-time strategy games and are looking for a game that focuses on the warfare and artistic about arms and ballistics, then you might like Call to Arms Gates of Hell Ostfront.

Unknown_03: I think I have that. I haven't played it though. Cause it has like a barrier of entry that I have not had the gumption to try and surpass yet.

Unknown_03: No hurt. Mr. Metal for once is bits. It's Trump or Newsome. I don't know who I know who I'm voting for. Orange hair, man. Funny, true base. Newsome was the guy I was thinking of the replacement for Biden that they might bring in. Revanche for once as Jesse Lee Pearson has declared July to be white history month. Now that, and now that's something, you know,

Unknown_03: I'm glad that we have Jesse Lee Peterson on our side. He's the best of the blacks Drew bit drew be 82 for two says evening Josh. You may never find yourself in the predicaments that boogie ends up in Yeah, that would really like to avoid that. That'd be nice Lucifer to 10 for one says Josh buy an Anzio 20mm cannon It's legal and will destroy any training armored vehicles. I might if you guys give me enough money. I will buy literally all the guns. I 20 I thought 20 millimeter was illegal though.

Unknown_03: I thought 50 BMG was like the highest you could legally get Purple Purple teriyaki for one says purple teriyaki surely that formula one driver was just saying his racing opponent was slower. Oh

Unknown_03: Don't think so. Apparently not all straight disagrees 11th circuit for Tuesday's do not be among wine bibbers or among gluttonous ears of meat for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty and Drowsiness will clothe them with rags Proverbs 20 20 to 21 suffer Rakeda Yeah, I mean Having an addiction is usually a good thing. I

Unknown_03: Kyle Larson, All Chat for five says, Yuki Tsunada has nothing on my boy Kyle. He called his spotter a neighbor. I don't know what a spotter is, but that's kind of mean. Why would you call someone in your own team the N-word?

Unknown_03: Red Eyes Black Dragon for two says, I can't believe that paraplegic furry troon actually sucks dick for cock. Of course he does.

Unknown_03: He loves it. You think he was joking? He was yelling it with such integrity. How could you doubt him?

Unknown_03: Snead Cricket for Pipe says, I'm sorry if I've ever- I'm sorry I've been retarded lately. Been dealing with pneumonia for over three weeks now and I learned today that the doc that I probably have food stuck in my lungs causing it. By the way, thank you very much for the new board. You're welcome. Sorry to hear that you have food in your lungs. Maybe slow the fuck down when you eat, bro. Jesus.

Unknown_03: Lucifero 210 for one says it's okay. Josh. I'm using your form. I've been using the words faggot and inward more based Good job, happy to help just a famous but for one says why are British trainees so insidious nuke Britain? They're all insidious, bro British ones are just more hateable because they sound like villains. AmeriBurger42 says, found out chiropatrics is a totally pseudoscience created by man that learned it from a spirit and then via lobbying obtained legitimacy. They believe they can cure all diseases with spine adjustments.

Unknown_03: DaxRare, a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, firmly believes in chiropractic and gets his back blown out like all the time. That's not even a gay sex joke. I think he, um,

Unknown_03: Talked about it. He's like addicted to the crack, like the guy comes over and then does like a massage and then cracks his back and he says it's like the best feeling ever. He's a firm believer in that.

Unknown_03: Never heard of anyone else doing it, though.

Unknown_03: It's an L.A. thing, I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_03: Ugalis need for five says I hate Nick the Oreo and his training shield and Ken of safe edgy retards He's getting he's getting less safe edgy over time. I have faith one day. We'll have him saying T and D Soup choker for five says hello Josh. Hope you're doing well. It was my birthday last month So I went to ask what your alcohol choices. I am partial to vodka right now. Thanks and have a good day Gen and tonic is good. I've only had that recently and I enjoyed it and

Unknown_03: I I like white Russians and That's why I know how to say This is the thing that I can say the most correctly in Russian if you have to like try and pretend to have a Russian accent In order for people to like you just say belly ruski, and they don't know what the fuck you're saying You have to like over pronounce it like the yali Ruski, and then they're like oh this fat retard ones a white Russian even though he's in Ukraine

Unknown_03: Um, if I have a beer, I like yingling.

Unknown_03: I like Sapporo if it's a, if I, if it's an Asian place.

Unknown_03: Max Addy for 10 says, love your streams. Best on the uppercase I internet. Keep on keeping on. Thank you. I appreciate it very much. TP Deluxe for two says vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar, vertical bar. I have no idea what that's trying to make me say. I enunciate too poorly to fall for your tricks.

Unknown_03: Dragoons for five says was Ivan the Cain totally leveled Navarre Island. Yes, Navarre Island. That's exactly right That's the one that had all those sand dunes on it that were like the habitat for like a thousand endangered species that live in that extreme niche of the sandbars and then Ivan came and fucking flattened it and they're like holy shit because usually you drive down that that highway that exists between Pensacola and and Destin and And, um, you would have these huge, like, like, uh, it's kind of hard to explain. It's basically like a small hill. It's like if you were trying to build like a battlement around a castle and make a little hill, it's basically just that, but it's like sand and it's naturally occurring. And when Niven came by it, um, the, the, uh, the flood, the, the tide, the, what do they call that? The tide surge or whatever. They have like a 10-foot, 20-foot surge tide, storm tide, that just washed away all those sand dunes, to the point where I think they literally imported sand from other beaches to replace it. Storm surge, that's it.

Unknown_03: Gimpy Retard from Tin says, Josh, you said you wanted to kick some trunes out of networking. Is there a roadmap you can point to on how to get into the industry? I'm sure other listeners would give it a shot if you made one.

Unknown_03: Not really.

Unknown_03: You can get a college education in networking. But generally, I think you can get into networking with just a certification. I think in IT, college diplomas aren't worth too much. Don't take my word on this. I only know what I know.

Unknown_03: And I'm sure there are many people with college degrees who are very successful in the industry. But they do look for things like Cisco and Linksys certifications.

Unknown_03: Cisco is the big one, I think. Cisco, there's two, I think it's Linksys.

Unknown_03: I could be wrong. There's two that are really important if you wanna get gigs with big corporate contractors that do shit for the government and stuff.

Unknown_03: You get certified with them, you'll be in the industry. As far as the main thing for the politics of networking, it's called BGP, the Border Gateway Protocol. It's a very old thing. It was first created in like the 80s, I want to say. The people that are in it are usually quite old and there's not many resources online about BGP. It's like you know it or you don't know it. And the people that are in the jobs have cushy jobs just monitoring systems and not doing too much. They really don't want too much competition. But if you want to get into networking and you want to get into the politics of networking, getting a certified in Linksys and Cisco, I think those are the big ones, or certs.

Unknown_03: And if you want to go, if you want to get like an education, look for college classes for networking that will teach you how BGP works.

Unknown_03: And that's probably all you need.

Unknown_03: I really don't think in networking there's too much competition.

Unknown_03: Networking is something that I don't think a lot of Pagetes get into. A lot of Pagetes just get into programming, especially JavaScript and Java for apps and websites. But I imagine networking, especially low-level networking like BGP where you have to

Unknown_03: Selected for that job and you can't just like contract out of it. I imagine that's still the white man's game and Asians and stuff Good luck the Lion King for one says on time and straight. Thank you Ballistic characteristic says this 21 second clip is one of my favorite pieces of hurricane coverage. Also great stream. Thank you very much Let's see what this clip

Unknown_03: It's related to my rant about hurricanes.

Unknown_22: You simply get chills every time you see these. Dude, this was me every day. Poor individuals, as Jack Cafferty just pointed out, so tragically, so many of these people, almost all of them that we see are so poor and they are so black, and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold.

Unknown_03: Me watching George Floyd saying, I can't breathe. I'm like, he is so poor. He is so high on fentanyl and he is so black. And this raises a lot of questions for me at home. Thank you, Wolf Blitzer. Very cool. yes he did say that he said that on national television he said that in the middle of the hurricane coverage which was like one of the biggest news stories of the entire fucking decade and this was at the time when there was no internet for most people so you still got your news on tv so everybody in the entire country and abroad gathered around and watched cnn covered the horrific events unfolding in new orleans Where was the government? Why weren't these people being taken care of? And as I tried to fill that 24-hour news cycle, Wolf Blitzer said to all of them, millions of people, these people are so poor and they are so black. And it was the funniest fucking thing ever. It was truly amazing.

Unknown_03: Truly, truly a better time for everybody.

Unknown_03: Unkind Naysayer for two says, one for me, one for my hooker, one for me, one for my hooker, one for me, one for my hooker. Thank you, Unkind Naysayer. TV Docs for two says, Boogie's shilling a shit coin for that'll lose 99.9% of its value. Meanwhile, Josh has a gumroad with 100% no content. Who's the real scammer here, Josh? I have some content, bro.

Unknown_03: I'm running out of excuses. I really have to start doing more shit for the gumroad. I don't know. I'm just so out of swing for it. It's hard to get back into it.

Unknown_03: Twigletorver2 says, it's funny when Boogie suddenly cares about his health.

Unknown_03: He doesn't care for shit. He doesn't care about anything. Literally nothing.

Unknown_03: Sneedo45 says, Josh, can you play this Boogie-related clip? It's only four seconds. I am muting my fucking audio.

Unknown_20: I don't trust you, fucker. Oh, here we go. Okay, I'll play it.

Unknown_20: Where's the gun at, you fat faggot?

Unknown_03: There's a point, the boogie, I rewatched the shooting video because Medicare played it.

Unknown_03: And during the video, Boogie makes several mistakes regarding how he handled Frank Castle.

Unknown_03: Obviously coming out to confront him at all was a mistake. But the other mistake was when he came out and he fired his warning shot. You're not ever supposed to fire a warning shot.

Unknown_03: But I still think that Frank was like in the wrong and Boogie probably could have gotten away with shooting him. There's a specific point, it's the very famous line from it where Frank Castle says, Castle doctrine means I get to come inside and fuck you. I think if Boogie had not hesitated and instantly shot him after he said that, I think that he would have been able to walk. I think that he would have been able to get away with literal murder because

Unknown_03: No, like it would be impossible for me sitting on a jury to be like, okay This guy is like threatening to rape you like he's unintimidated by the gun He's clearly a fucking lunatic and he's threatening to rape you like yeah, you can shoot him at that point I think he could have gotten away with that if he did There's definitely another timeline where he shot Frank Castle in the chest after he said that and walked from it No would have ruled I agree

Unknown_03: Bordier for five says, the hacks cam would give for that. Thank you, appreciate it. Tetra Becks for $50 says, Allah, please forgive me. I could fix mint salad. Bro, that is fucking gross.

Unknown_03: Why would you say that? She's so nasty, bro. She got shitty butthole. She takes nudes of herself and post them on the internet with a shitty butthole. You're going to get up on that target shitty ass crack for real. That's fucking D-Gen, bro. You need Jesus.

Unknown_03: Sneato for two says, an alternate reality where Josh went on the flight to L.A. to meet Juju the cow. His life went downhill afterwards. Okay, let's see what that says. It's an MP3 file.

Unknown_24: Why do I have two beds? One for me and one for my hooker. One for me and one for my hooker. One for me and one for my hooker. One for me and one for the hooker.

Unknown_24: One for me and one for my hooker.

Unknown_03: It doesn't capture my autism voice well enough. Sorry, nice try. Lucifero21041 says, I was hoping that dirty little raccoon was pepper sprayed, such is life. I know, me too. I was waiting for it. I was really disappointed. That's the first thing I did, I scanned through it to see the part where he got pepper sprayed. I don't know why he's wearing that towel in his inmate photo though.

Unknown_03: BooferScooper45 says, minor nitpick, but I believe Aaron said on Casino that his child played near the Coke Bullet, not with it, as if his word really means much. Also, audio quality is on point this stream. Thank you. I think that he said that he, the child picked it up and played with it for a second. And then later he revised that to be that it just felt like Nick or Kato was just chilling out with his son on the couch and like fell out of his pocket next to him.

Unknown_20: I don't know. I don't know what the reality is.

Unknown_03: Lucifer 210 for one says have you caught up on the dickers Lord now? Sneed and feeding for two says I only know one gross Taiwanese tranny who brags about being raped and sex traffic then became a prostitute And I'm pretty confident that we both btf him so hard he went into hiding. It's Lilith. Love it. I don't appreciate still post Ravon UPL for one says revenge

Unknown_03: Lucifero 210 for one says I you would think people would learn not to talk to the trainees unless it's to mock them you would think but unfortunately we do live in a society Sleepy scarecrow 777 for five says what's with lowercase I internet personalities and having the most disgusting personal lives I don't know. I guess you have to be a special kind of retard to talk to people in the internet

Unknown_03: Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, hello, I am drawing a tree. That's very nice. I hope it's a nice tree. Good luck with your tree. Hatcherbacks for $100 says, great stream on Remember Class. Don't give your kids addictive drugs or they will turn out like me.

Unknown_03: There you go.

Unknown_03: From the devil's mouth itself.

Unknown_03: Thank you. DeadlyHollywood410 says, the problem with creating a 3D printing board on the farms is that all the communities I hang out in are piracy focused. I'm not sure you want to host terabytes of nonsense in gun files.

Unknown_03: I don't really and the issue is is that the 3d printing stuff is like hot like the Cody Cody Wilson stuff was like a hundred percent of setup over the fucking gun file shit. I

Unknown_03: Hacksleep for two says we Audio police Josh with a short fat otaku clips are really quiet turn up your desktop volume up It's at 100% the clip was at 100% and I turned off my my negative 3 gain on my OBS It's just a really quiet clip. I had to listen to it, too

Unknown_03: Sneato, for once, is apparently that faggot- faggoty music reviewer has his own thread on the forums and has seethed about it on Twitter. He's apparently a drug addict. He's into music. Most people into music are drug addicts. Hamburomburger for two says Borderlands movie trailer is so bad that it better off called Grannylands since all the actresses are 60+. I don't even want people to see it on stream. Randy Pitchford deserves every L.

Unknown_20: Breaking breaking news everybody breaking hold up Hold up.

Unknown_03: Hold up. This is breaking extremely important Taking it off of show mode and we're adding back in the news answer. This is breaking live news announcement I

Unknown_03: Baked Alaska is now fat. I repeat, I repeat, Baked Alaska is now thick and caked. I repeat, Baked Alaska is now fat. This is the end of the emergency news report system regarding Baked Alaska being fat.

Unknown_20: We will now return to show mode.

Unknown_20: I hope you have appreciated this variety in content.

Unknown_03: I don't know anything about Borderlands. I'm sure any kind of mo- Dude, it's been a thing for as long as human fucking history that movie adaptations of games suck shit. I don't know why you're surprised.

Unknown_03: The Lion King, for once, says, I love you. Gross. The Lion King, for once, says parasocialism is gay. Agreed. Cocole, for two, says, this is my favorite kind of handgun. Get this one. Use my accumulated super chat money. Look it over. It appears to be a Taurus raging hornet. And from what I understand, Taurus does not have a good reputation. So I think you're trying to get me killed. Is this a?

Unknown_20: Is it normal for a handgun to shoot five, six?

Unknown_20: I don't think so.

Unknown_20: Oldest Senator, it's a 22. Okay. Nevermind. I don't know.

Unknown_03: I'm not getting that. I don't think I'm getting a revolver.

Unknown_03: Especially on a Taurus. The President of Nintendo for 5 says, I'm coming up on one year with no soda. What should I give up next? Well, I don't know your other fucking habits. How can I tell you? Give up Nintendo. Haramburger for 2 says, Unkind Naysayer for 4 says, Gimpy Retards for 8 says, TwinkleTard for $100 says, There's a link to 4chan's automotive board. Let's see. It's a picture of the Lion King eating. Ah, Bee Jam. Thank you, Haramburger. Devious Davee for one says I deny any chlamydia accusations, but I hope Twinkie Tart enjoys his trip to Red Lobster. Ooh, Red Lobster. I haven't had a cheddar biscuit in forever. By the way, that's the only appropriate way to eat cheddar is on a cheddar biscuit.

Unknown_03: Just a fun fact.

Unknown_03: OK, well, thank you guys for watching. I have a song picked out, I think it's called

Unknown_24: Or is it?

Unknown_03: Oh, I had it. Oh, it's on the other browser. Okay. Um, it's called 10th and J2 by Enum Claw. And it's a song that really makes you think, wow, this doesn't sound like a black guy, which was my thought when I filled up the video, uh, for the stream. Okay, see you guys on Friday. Have a wonderful 4th of July to all my Maramuts and everybody else as well. The only people who are not allowed to enjoy this 4th of July are the British. I hope you spend it contemplating your loss and your lack of relevance. To everybody else except the British, have a great 4th of July. Take it easy. See you on Friday. Bye-bye.

Unknown_18: There's some things I can't control. Things change, but you can't make me stay. I get nervous almost every time. I know that something can't be right.

Unknown_18: Why don't you ever show it?

Unknown_18: If it's really on your mind And I wasn't being heroic I just spoke my mind You should have it quoted Say it all the time I will be, I will be

Unknown_18: I'm just a guy.

Unknown_18: Most nights, it's you and I. Sometimes, I think I can fly.

Unknown_18: Me, myself, and no one else.

Unknown_18: If it's really on your mind And I wasn't being heroic I just spoke my mind You should have it quoted Say it all the time I will be, I will be Who I'm destined to be