rumbles having issues again give me a second I'm not sure why this is like a regression they set up stream keys not too long ago and they've been working for like a year now um but in the last two streams the uh stream key thing has not been working
Unknown_07: This is a very thrilling Josh unfucks his computer segment.
Unknown_07: Live streaming, edit stream keys, beta.
Everything seems fine except for fucking, oh, is that it?
Unknown_07: Oh, they changed their RMTP URL.
Unknown_07: That would do it. That would break the fucking stream, wouldn't it, chat?
Unknown_07: By now.
Unknown_07: Woohoo!
Unknown_07: Odyssey's tab has crashed. That's good.
Unknown_00: Unable to connect to Rumble.
Unknown_07: One more thing. That's crazy. I don't know why the fuck they... Oh, the stream key is also different.
Unknown_16: Wow, that's weird. Okay, we're going to change both the RTMP URL and then also your authentication key. And we're not going to tell you. It's going to be our little secret. We're going to surprise you with it as a birthday gift.
Unknown_16: Alright, I see that Rumble is working. I see that Odyssey is broken. I think Odyssey is completely broken. Even the chat is broken. The player is broken. Okay, so I'm just going to turn off. I don't want to give up on Odyssey.
Odyssey is like the underdog of the 9 million streams that I cast to.
Unknown_16: We might have to. I think Odyssey is just flat out fucking broken. I'm going to cancel that. It's all the Odyssey. I know that there's a contingent of very dedicated Odyssey bros out there who are routinely neglected and abused.
All right. Humble's back up.
Unknown_16: same connection oh kick is making me do cloudflare eight fucking times that's awesome love it how it does that every 30 seconds great okay now we're actually set up except for odyssey which is okay now we will start the show all right you ready
is an instrumental to something called AAU Tournaments by Blockhead. Blockhead does quite a good, or quite a few, really decent, instrumental, chill, jazzy. Yeah, I'm working on code right now. I need something to listen to. Blockhead is right up there. I think Kong.
Unknown_16: is the other one that I really like. See, there's a song called either Kong by Bonobo or Bonobo by Kong, and they're both like monkey names. It's a really, really good song that I've played on stream before.
Unknown_16: Anyways, welcome to the stream. This is Matt at the Internet. I have a question for you. Racism.
Where does it come from? Who perpetuates it? The answer?
Unknown_16: Me.
Unknown_16: Today I will be covering a myriad of topics as I do. This is your favorite internet slideshow presentation.
Unknown_16: Uh... Why? I don't know why you're complaining about my volume. Is this like a joke?
Unknown_08: Volume is super low.
Okay. Well, I mean, I'm... Is this like...
Unknown_07: Is this like, did you all conspire to just, I'm looking at my fucking output. I know it's not low.
Unknown_07: Mic is quiet. Okay. Give me a second.
Hello? Does it fucking work? Can I do the stream now?
Unknown_08: Jesus.
Unknown_07: I just replaced it. I replaced the USB cable. I think it works now.
Unknown_07: You're full of fucking shit.
I'm just, like, how did, I could understand if it was, like, a couple fucking retards who were doing this, but it's, like, everybody.
Unknown_08: I'm, like, I am looking at my fucking OBS output, and it fucking says that it's negative 10, so it's loud. I know it's loud.
Unknown_16: I'm legit just about to fucking leave.
Why is it so loud now? Because you've been screaming that my fucking mic is muted for 10 fucking minutes.
Unknown_16: There's not like a single reliable fucking person that I can see in the chat that can actually give me an input on this.
Unknown_16: So I guess we're not streaming today. Let me go to the forum and just check with the fucking chat.
Unknown_16: Because then there are people in there that I can just ban if they're fucking annoying. Is my fucking mic broken or not?
Unknown_07: Hello?
Unknown_07: So it's fine, and it's been fine.
Unknown_07: I'm legit fucking irritated.
Unknown_16: Because I know, like, I can look at my fucking OBS, and I can see that it's negative 10. It's between, like, negative 16 and negative 10. So I know that it's perfectly fucking fine. But, like, a dozen fucking people were spamming that they couldn't hear anything.
Look at my I like I'm super thrown off. I'm just like super irritated to chat now.
Unknown_07: Like am I being raided by somebody? Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Unknown_08: I am going to close out a chat. I'm not gonna fucking look at you people for the rest of the stream.
Unknown_07: I do not need feedback. I will just continue my presentation without any input.
Hello, NoChat. Today we'll be talking about the things that I usually talk about.
Unknown_16: First, I would like to offer my absolute fucking contempt for grocers in the modern age. Here we have a supermarket. The supermarket has decided, I think this is Walmart, and they've decided that what they're going to do from now on is they're going to increase the price. As the grocery industry analyst Phil Lampert says, I can't tell if that's Jewish, but I bet you it would be just based off the sentence. If it's hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. So here we have a man who believes that he's going to increase the price of the fundamental matter of life of all mankind needs, which is ice cream. He's going to deprive us of ice cream or increase the price, double the price on a hot day. And the way that they're going to accomplish this.
is by digitizing all price labels so it used to be back in the day they would just have to go and like replace the prices and then we do that like i guess at the morning like they would get like a message from corporate about the prices that are have changed and they have to go out and fix that um however now they're going to digitize every price and they say that the um price changes might be as often as every 10 seconds which means that i suppose that if you
Go to a store and you put ice cream in your cart and then you go to check out. Like the price might say $3 for a pint of ice cream or whatever.
Unknown_16: But then an industry analyst like Phil Lampert will say, actually, the price of ice cream is too low. So we're going to have to jack it up to $5. And the time it takes you to go out and check out your ice cream. it will have actually risen in price without your knowledge or consent. And then what are you going to do? Are you going to bitch about it, like $2 for fucking ice cream?
Unknown_16: And maybe some people will, but not most people.
Unknown_16: Desire to squeeze every penny possible out of every person on the planet is extremely malicious. And this is the cattlefication of, like, mankind. Like, now that we're all cattle, we're good neighbor cattle, they can just ring us as, like, a market product and say, like, okay, well, we're going to increase the price of potatoes dynamically every two seconds.
Unknown_16: And you're just you're never going to know what I mean, the benefit, maybe this maybe they're ahead of the curve. The benefit is that when hyperinflation kicks in and the value of the dollar is decreasing, like by the second, they can say, OK, well, now a potato is worth ten dollars because the value of the dollar has decreased by 20 percent in the last 10 minutes. So we're going to have to increase the prices of all the potatoes in the store, something like that. That's called surge pricing, by the way. And it's usually used in conjunction with apps like Uber. Like, okay, it's busy and we don't have enough drivers. So now we're going to charge way more for cabs in order to make demand go down so that we can keep up with demand and that the people who really want to go someplace can pay extra for it.
I don't know if that should apply necessarily to
Unknown_16: Potatoes and ice cream, but Bill Lampert industry analysts would disagree and say that actually we should.
Cool. Excellent. Thanks, NPR.
Unknown_16: Here we have more wonderful news from the.
Unknown_16: Copyright industry.
Unknown_16: So we're at like a crossroad where.
Unknown_16: Now we have AI and obviously we're going to want to develop AI so that we can stay competitive in the global market. But obviously we don't want to develop AI because that like pisses people off. And no better way is that indicated than with Suno. Suno and Udio are both being sued.
By the – I think it's BMI? Oh, Universal. So that includes Sony and Warner. Have sued both Udio and Suno in two different lawsuits, one in Massachusetts and the other in New York.
Unknown_16: Asking for $150,000, which is the, I believe, statutory copyright –
Unknown_16: contributory copyright infringement, because that is the aggravated cost per charge. And they're going to ask for $150,000 for every song that's been fed into their system that belongs to either of them. I...
this is like a hard one. Cause I think a lot of people don't like the AI stuff and that's a consequence of the, uh, like people, people enjoy supporting artists and supporting musicians.
Unknown_16: And there's kind of an understanding that with AI eating into like commissions and stuff, people will lose money and there'll be starving artists and less art. That's like real and genuine. And, and, um,
and is, like, appealing. Because I think the main issue with, like, AI art, at least right now, is that it adds so much detail to everything to create, like, a consistent feel that the things that you want to add emphasis to don't have the correct emphasis. And so it's, like, it's kind of like a Renaissance painting. Like, it really... Like, whenever you review a Renaissance painting, you can always tell that it's, like...
Unknown_16: Every part of the painting is active in some way. Everyone's doing something. Every detail is really hyped up, and there's action, and everything's at play. And that's why Renaissance paintings have that kind of look to them, and it's just because everything is active. But usually when you do a piece of art, you are focusing on a specific subject. And...
The AI is really bad at focusing on a specific subject because it gives equal attention to basically everything you prompt.
So even minor details become hyper-focused and hyper-detailed, and it loses that human mind's eye to it.
Unknown_16: Whereas when a person does a drawing, especially a drawing that's purpose-driven to be a meme or something,
Unknown_16: There's a really high-level detail paid to the subject, and the rest of it is just kind of faded out into the background.
Unknown_16: So my point is that people don't like it, and they still want to support real human beings and not have every single thing possible outsourced to machines.
Unknown_16: But on the other hand, I hate copyright because in a way they're both kind of stymieing to creativity and because one jeopardizes the works of of artists.
And I imagine that a lot of artists are just going to learn how to incorporate AI stuff into what they do so they can prompt the general stuff of what they're going to work with and then kind of add to that and maybe prompt certain subjects and then refine it and add that focus I was talking about.
Unknown_16: But copyright is wholly detrimental to creativity.
Unknown_16: I think that any argument that you can make as to why people should be able to sue for copyright stuff just doesn't apply. In no way does copyright protect the small claims of underprivileged people who don't have the money to file a lawsuit. They're trying to add small claims federal copyright court, which is just a fucking nightmare.
Again, all that does is stymie creativity.
Unknown_16: It stymies discussion. It hurts everything.
Unknown_16: And I hope that somehow the tech industry will be able to lobby to the point where Copyright can just be dismantled because it only benefits like Universal and BMI, whatever the fuck that's called, and Disney, and nobody else gets anything from it. We just eat shit. We lose libraries. We lose Internet archives. We lose backups of things that we care about, and we get nothing for it. The average person in the United States gets literally nothing as a benefit of copyright, and it sucks ass.
and assange so assange is free assange this was always one of the weirdest things about um
Unknown_16: Trump, like his greatest failure, I believe, was that he didn't help Julian Assange because the leaks and stuff that helped him kind of surge up. If you don't remember in the 2016 election when Trump won, there was a leak of Hillary Clinton emails like right before he got elected. And there was all sorts of crazy shit like spirit cooking that spooked off like a lot of black people. And I believe that he only won in part thanks to the WikiLeaks stuff. And despite that, he never bothered to help Julian Assange, who has been in both actual captivity and in self-imposed isolation in, I think, the embassy of Ecuador.
for 12 years now. And he's chartered a flight to, like, a random U.S. island to turn himself in as part of, like, a plea agreement that he's taken with Biden. So for whatever reason, Biden was the one who stepped out and helped Julian Assange.
Unknown_16: That could be just, like, a campaign thing or something. I don't know. But it's always been a shame of what we've done to this guy and how he was tortured in the hands of the British. And there was no reason for it whatsoever.
He's done literally nothing wrong.
Unknown_16: Trump letting him rot in jail is just like, he let everybody that helped him rot in jail. Like all the people that attended the January 6th thing and all the Julian Assange and basically everybody that tried to stick their neck out for Trump has eaten shit for it. And he's not done anything for them, really. So that's kind of a shame.
Unknown_16: I've forgotten the news here. I'm sure if only I had a chat to tell me. I will turn back on chat, but you better not be fucking annoying. I'm already at my limit today.
Unknown_07: I have no more news to tell you. All right.
Join Assange. You forgot about him?
Unknown_16: Everybody else did, too. WikiLeaks hasn't had anything major since the Hillary Clinton emails, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_07: All right.
Unknown_16: So I guess I should start with this. It's kind of like I have a bunch of stuff.
Unknown_16: I'm just kind of related to things that I don't usually talk about. So I'm going to have to I am going to need some assistance to determine what what is being said. Okay.
So this is, uh, there's a one going, there's like a character that's popular on the forum.
Unknown_16: Uh, that's called Poppy Diablique. And I don't know, I don't know her. She is very popular in like an anti-fan kind of way.
Unknown_16: And, um, the issue is.
Unknown_16: that she now has her own cinematic universe. She has this person called Lina Ketsna, who is arguing with random people on Zitter, as retards do.
She says, Dear Stalker-Chan, You're using Kiwi Farms, a site that's hosted child pornography, to smear my friend Asher Wolfstein, re-trauma that happened to him when he was a child, because he dared to do what he needed to release the shame. You're officially the biggest loser I've ever met. Now, that's a loaded sentence. First is a really good indication that Alejandro Caraballo still needs to be sued, which is in the works, by the way. There's not really a statute of limitations on any of these things that we want to sue for, so... Or there's they're long so we can do it at our leisure. And there's things that I want to do first before we start suing people. But Alejandro Caraballo's legal tactic is basically to just ignore us, even though we've been very, very kind with him and saying, like, all we're asking for is retraction. And you can see the ripples of how his lie has spread out.
So this will be added to cases of damages, basically.
Unknown_16: Um, so Melina, I believe is, I want to say that's probably Poppy Diabolik, but I don't know for sure. This sentence is extremely loaded. I don't know the fuck Asher Wolfstein is, but trauma that happened to him was a trial because he dared to do what he needed to release the shame. That sounds like he was masturbating to child pornography. Like, I'm trying to, like, backwards engineer this sentence. Like, you, uh, you used this evil sight to make fun of my friend who only did what he had to to deal with his trauma. Like, um, what are you implying there?
It's what?
Unknown_16: Oh, Stalker Chan is the Bart Simpson to Leanna's side show. I don't know what the fuck that means. I'm assuming that means an A-log.
Unknown_16: I was just making fun of that. It's like a retracted claim. This is apparently her, I'm pretty sure. Obviously, that's like a fake. I think she posted this herself. It's really creepy and weird. She's got those crazy eyes, which is what he's saying. He's got the three whites going on there. Is this a man or a woman? It's kind of hard to tell with the creepy smile. The creepy smile makes it seem more like a tranny.
Unknown_16: This post is very poetic in its delivery. So there's not much information. I have this weird, weird message about Asher Wolfstein having to do what must be done to alleviate his child abuse trauma, which is a very ominous statement. And then I have this extremely creepy picture of her that's edited. And I don't know if she did that herself or if that's just a Photoshop of her.
At some point, I'm going to have to go through and figure out the whole Poppy Diablique thing because it keeps coming up. And this thread, I want to say, is like hundreds of pages long at this point. No, it's not even.
Unknown_16: It's only 75, but I've heard of this so often that it's like stuck into my memory. I guess this is him.
Or no, this is Sage? Sage?
Unknown_16: So this is like a, it's such a small thread, but it's like, it's really dense full of different characters that I've never heard of before.
Unknown_16: Fun fact, Stalker Chan faced eviction for getting caught in camera defecating in a stairwell. It was her most convincing performance ever caught on tape.
Unknown_16: She did the fake I was abused thing for years, and then she beat up her boyfriend and his dog.
Unknown_16: What'd the dog do? I can't believe this.
That's the accuser. That's Lena. I was going to say, I'm imagining this woman beating up a dog.
Unknown_16: But it's whoever the fuck Stalker Chan is.
Unknown_16: It's a very silly name. It's not very intimidating.
Unknown_16: This was like a political tagline, I suppose, because this guy is one of those predator catchers who we have threads on because they're usually a little bit weird themselves. This is Predator Poachers USA. But he caught a predator on camera who basically admitted to everything, supposedly, that he was sending underage texts to a boy. We'll watch the video to you.
Anyway, you're the head of the LGBTQ Dems in Maryland.
Unknown_03: How long have you been in that position for? Since fall. Since fall? Okay. Is that like a paid position? Okay. Just more of a volunteer type thing? Is it like a super pack or something? Or is it just... Okay. This stuff said here like, you know, I want to rape you. I want to see how much of a faggot you are. What was kind of said about that?
I like the fantasy, and he seemed to enjoy it. And I didn't know this person, and I never intended to meet him. No, of course not. No, of course not.
Unknown_03: Mihiro said, it's okay if you want to jerk off looking at it, talking about your dick. And you said, stop by this morning so I can stretch your hole. Faggot. Can't wait to make you my little... And this was four days later with no response. Can't wait to make you my little cum dump, baby boy. Okay.
Dude, gay people, man. Gay people are fucking gross. I love how this guy is, like, dressed in, like,
Unknown_16: The most bog-standard fat guy attire ever. He's like 350 pounds, and he's just wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts. And he just accidentally caught the head of the LGBTQIAP plus Dems in Maryland.
Unknown_16: By the way, the big scandal that someone brought to my attention is that when this came out, obviously people would want to talk about it.
Um, and the Maryland politics subreddit on, on Reddit, like completely locked down, uh, just so that they could delete any posts about this. And, uh, I don't know if they're unlocked now, but they really swept it up like crazy fast.
Unknown_16: Really just amazing. Like what is it? Is there anything in the world that is so precious that it is like a good idea to cover up for a child molester?
Unknown_16: Like a guy who tells an actual teenage boy that he wants to make him his baby cum dump?
Unknown_16: They actually believe that the Democratic Party of the United States and the LGBTQIAP plus pact for Maryland Democrats is so sanctimonious that it's worth sweeping up for a guy who says shit like that to a kid and just openly admits to it when confronted. They actually believe that. They actually think that they're the good guys when they do that. Isn't that crazy?
Amazing, Chad.
Unknown_07: Jackie is arguing with Brianna Wu.
Unknown_16: This is a lovely crossover. Brianna Wu, who is, of course, oddly more conservative than most trones, finds himself in constant conflict with other people simply because he believes that transgenderism should be a medical diagnosis that automatically makes everybody hate him for some reason.
Jackie Singh, who is fat and gross and a Pajit, says, Yes, in the past few weeks, she has renounced being a Democrat and has been pushing right-wing ideas. She has been trending this way for quite some time and recently went mask off. Brianna replies and says, There are so many lies here from this person who claims to know me. I don't. I am a Democrat. Moving away from the nutjob leftists that started a riot outside a Jewish temple makes me more serious about our party than people who don't give a shit about the anti-Jew hate.
Unknown_16: Jackie replies saying, having spoken to her personally and observed her over the years, she is taking a rightward turn at the moment that myself and others who know her also find bizarre. She isn't the only one doing it, but definitely a prominent example. Randall replies and says, I have no idea who you are. I am a Democrat and always will be. You don't get to define me.
Hopefully there's more back and forth. Apparently Jackie had a tweet that popped off. Look at this. 50,000 likes. Wow.
Unknown_08: I'm very interested in that.
Unknown_16: What tweet did Jackie Singh make that got 50,000 likes? I bet you it was something about Trump bad or Putin also bad.
Patrick apparently disagrees with Jackie because Brandon was a serious question for a free Palestine. Israel has embassies in New York, L.A. and D.C., Miami and Houston. If your issues with Israel's and Jews and not Jews, why are you protesting outside the Holocaust Museum? Patrick Tomlinson says it's a fair question.
Unknown_16: Isn't it interesting that we have imported millions of brown Arabs, and now suddenly Holocaust denial is hip and trendy with the kids?
Unknown_16: Could there be some correlation between these two facts, chat?
Heavens no. Let's not think too hard. We might die if we try to.
Unknown_07: Moving right along, chat. This might be a short stream.
Unknown_16: I say that. Jinxing myself. Locking myself into a four hour long diatribe.
Unknown_16: Okay, so this is also something that I never really paid attention to, but now it's in the mainstream, and I will do my best to decipher the spaghetti of nonsense that has unfolded before me. Cody Connors is an ex-Twitch employee, and apparently his contract with Twitch has expired, and perhaps his NDA with Twitch has expired, and now he's on Twitter running his fucking mouth.
He has answered the question that has plagued the commentary community for many years now. A very popular streamer known as Dr. Disrespect was mysteriously banned from Twitch and no explanation was ever given by Twitch and no explanation was ever given by Dr. Disrespect.
Unknown_16: The question has always hung heavy in the air for people who like Dr. Disrespect or know of him.
Unknown_16: Why was he banned? Well, Cody Connors from Twitch staff has finally answered this question. He says he got banned because he got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch Whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon, the powers that be could read it in plain text, case closed gang. The Dr. Disrespect, according to Cody Connors, was in direct communication with a, I believe a 14 year old. I don't know where that number comes to my head, but I'm pretty sure it was a 14 year old. Um, I think this was in 2017. Uh, no, sorry. June, 2020. It's not that far back. Um, uh,
So they somehow knew of this, which makes me wonder if she reported it to Twitch staff or if Twitch just routinely reads private messages. Either, I guess, between their largest content creators or everybody or in the most favorable interpretations, they somehow figured out that this person was under 18.
And there was some reason to be suspicious that she was being inappropriate and whispers. So they do like an audit of her messages to see who she was talking to as sort of like a proactive child safety thing. That's the most favorable interpretation that you could have of this.
Unknown_16: outside of her just reporting it herself.
Unknown_16: But if Cody Connors is to believe, then he is caught in 4K. I was also led to believe, and I will now pay attention to my chat for the first time in this stream, as chat is on my shit list right now. I was led to believe that Dr. Disrespect had at some point in time cheated on his wife.
And this I believe that there they either like broke up or they had some kind of marital issue where it came out that he was talking to girls behind her back around the same time.
Unknown_16: Is this accurate? Is my memory correct? Because this is only like a vague recollection that I have.
Unknown_16: So I'm not entirely sure.
Unknown_16: He spelled some event of his and wanted to drop more info if he sells the show out. Sus as fuck. Dr. Disrespect the age of consent. Nobody reported it to the cops. No, we don't do that.
Mark Kern, an anime lawyer, say it can't be true because they paid Dr. D.
Unknown_16: Zero proof. IRC, the message was 2017. The ban was 2020.
Unknown_07: It's still gross.
Unknown_07: So she's legal now. Doc should look her up.
Okay. Interesting. So the messages were from 2017. So that's where I got that number from. That's where it happened. But then he was banned three years later.
Unknown_07: So there's no...
Unknown_07: But he admitted to it.
Unknown_16: I see.
Unknown_16: He cheated on his wife with a Twitch tranny.
Unknown_16: Gross.
Unknown_16: Alright.
Unknown_16: I see. I have a fuller picture now. I'm not going to make you watch this stream. But from what this guy says, Dr. D pulled out his phone and then said that he would have to stop streaming on Twitch.
So I think he's checking his phone right now. He's going to say...
Unknown_16: I have to stop streaming. This should definitely have been cut down. I'm not going to sit here and watch 10 minutes of this.
Unknown_16: Effectively, he announced an indefinite hiatus, probably because of the allegation.
Unknown_16: He also co-founded a game development studio called Midnight Society, which posted this, saying...
On Friday evening, we became aware of an allegation against one of the co-founders guy, guy BM, a.k.a. Dr. Disrespect. We assume his innocence. This is a very weird message. I'm going to try to read it and then go back over it because it is like fucking bizarre.
Unknown_16: it says we assume his innocence and began speaking with parties involved and in order to maintain our principles and standards as a studio and individuals we needed to act for this reason we are terminating our relationship with guy bm immediately while these facts are difficult to hear and even more difficult to accept it is our duty to act with dignity on behalf of all individuals involved especially the 55 developers and families we have employed along with our community of players
So this is a very clumsy statement, and it has all sorts of fault lines.
Unknown_16: No sentence in this appears to flow fluidly into the next, if that makes sense.
Unknown_16: It feels like that they wrote a statement that was twice as long.
Unknown_16: and included more specific details about what they had uncovered and why they had come to the conclusion that they had. And then they simply went through and deleted those sentences out of the message and left it as it is so that it feels very janky and not logically consistent with itself. It's a very poor message, and I believe that my theory is probably accurate that this is like the fourth draft where they just went through and removed all sorts of shit from it and didn't edit it for clarity or cohesion.
So it sounds like they heard about...
Unknown_16: The accusations, they wanted to assume that he hadn't done anything because what a huge pain in the ass. They looked into it and they did come to the conclusion that he had sexted a 14 year old in 2017 or something. And therefore they let him go. And they say at the bottom, it's not because they really care. It's because they don't want to get caught up in it and have to deal with the consequences of having him on on roster.
OK, I have received clarification that he cheated on his wife outright and his wife made him publicly apologize. I think I actually I remember this. I think I talked about this on stream and I kind of want to detour to check this out because I vaguely remember it.
Unknown_07: So his wife made him apologize.
Unknown_07: Hey, guys. Uh... What ethnicity is he?
Unknown_16: Because he looks brown and Mexican. Is this correct?
Kind of have a little bit of... A little bit of an announcement.
Unknown_06: Um... And I just want to be completely transparent with you guys. Uh...
Unknown_06: As you guys know, I have a beautiful family and a wife and kid. And I want to be transparent that I've been unfaithful.
Unknown_07: And... And...
And I'm probably gonna be taking some time away, take time off to focus on stupid fucking mistakes, man.
Unknown_07: I'm gonna take time off to focus on my family and
Unknown_06: and so i just wanted to let you guys know that and i apologize to you guys and slick daddy you guys are i apologize you guys my sponsors and twitch and this is not this is not who i am it's it's not what i represent and that's it
I want to point out something.
Unknown_16: He has a hat on to cover his eyes, I assume, because he's looking down throughout most of the video. His hat has a patch on it. I want to read the patch out to you guys. Loyal to the lard.
Unknown_16: Loyal to the land. Homemade goods.
Unknown_16: Okay, I've just told on myself, I guess, because I thought I misread that saying loyal to the lard, and I was like, Is he implying that he's like a chubby chaser? That he hooked up with a fat chick at TwitchCon? Is that why he's not loyal to his family, but he is loyal to the lard? Sorry, that's just how I read it, okay? He wrote a response. This is a very long post. I've not read it before, so let's go through it together, chat. The Twitch band. Hello, I'd like to make a quick statement.
The Kiwi Farms fact check rates this pants on fire.
Unknown_16: Let's cut the fucking bullshit.
I rate that pants on fire.
Unknown_16: As you know, there's no filter with me. I've always been up front and real with you guys on everything, on anything that I can be up front about. And I'm always willing to accept responsibility, which is why I'm here now. Okay, so we've set the stage. This is a post that has no bullshit. This cuts to the fucking quick. And we're going to see some true accountability and accepting of responsibility. Again, I've not read this before. I'm just setting the stage of what we should be looking for based on this first statement.
This paragraph is entirely filler, but it's filler which says that it's going to cut out any filler. So I find that very amusing immediately.
Unknown_16: First and foremost, I do want to apologize to everyone in my community as well as those close to me, my team, and everyone at Midnight Society Game Studio. A lot of people have been left in the dark about what happened yesterday with Midnight Society and I. and we made the painful decision collectively to have me step down. Our team is full of incredibly talented and good people who have high career ambitions and families, and I'd never want to jeopardize the culture we have carefully crafted. Everyone has been wanting to know why I was banned from Twitch, but for reasons outside of my control, I was not allowed to say anything for the last several years. Now that two former Twitch employees have publicly disclosed my accusations, I can tell you now my side of the story regarding the ban."
So he admits that the accusation is real. He does not admit that what happened or what he's been accused of actually happened. He just said the accusation is accurate.
Unknown_16: Were there Twitch whisper messages with an individual in 2017? Yes. The answer is yes. Were the real intentions behind these messages real?
Unknown_16: The answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations, and that's something that leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.
So that's like, were there real intentions behind these messages? That is a really bad statement to write, because you're basically admitting that, yes, the messages are real, yes, they're sexually charged, Yes, they're inappropriate, and yes, they're with a minor. However, fingers are crossed behind my back.
Unknown_16: Just kidding, bro. It's just a prank.
Really, really, like, not convincing logic there.
Unknown_16: Nothing illegal happened. No pictures were shared. No crimes were committed. I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with Twitch, and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it is not a criminal case against me, and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me.
Unknown_16: So I saw some people in chat saying that because Dr. Disrespect had a...
Unknown_16: termination payout that there's no way that he did anything wrong because if they had actual proof that he did anything wrong they wouldn't have had to pay him a dime because he would have been the one who violated their contract as you know what is technically right and what is reality when it comes to the law and what is the most expedient solution to a problem regarding the law is not often the same thing
And from the sound of it, what happened is that Twitch banned him. Dr. Disrespect said, hey, wait a second. I didn't violate your contract. Twitch says, well, we think you did.
Unknown_16: And Dr. Disrespect says, prove it. And I bet you... I bet you smarty pants in the chat that said, oh, well, he got paid, so therefore it's all bullshit. I bet you that what they didn't want to do is go to court, have us go to discovery, and then have to admit that they do actively monitor and read all private messages on the Twitch platform. I bet you that some fucking bean counter up on Twitch says, well, we already don't make money. People already hate our platform. They hate us.
and admitting that we read every message uh and we use we not only do we read all these messages but we use information against our creators by reading their messages that would be bad for the business so they just paid him his severance and told him to get the fuck out and they signed an NDA or something and I bet you that that is what actually happened it's um
Unknown_16: And not anything fancy. It was just a business decision. Because nobody knew that Twitch was reading private messages until this came out.
Unknown_16: Now, from a moral standpoint, I'll absolutely take responsibility. I should have never entertained these conversations to begin with. That's on me. That's on me as an adult, a husband, and a father. It should never have happened. I get it. I'm not perfect and I'll fucking own my shit. This was stupid. Now, with all that said, don't get it twisted. Gamble, idiots. Gambling is an investment. You will win.
I've seen all the remarks and labels being thrown around so loosely. Social media is a destruction zone. I'm no fucking predator or pedophile. Are you kidding me? Anyone that truly knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Fuck that. That's a different level of disgust that I fucking hate even hearing about. Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. But I think I've said what I needed to say in regard to the ban itself. That's it. That's why Twitch made the decision in 2020. To my team, community, industry friends that have supported me, I apologize. I wish I could have said all this sooner. You guys have always shown me and my family love and support throughout all these years. We love you guys like you can't imagine. I have the best community in circle. If any of this has made you uncomfortable, I get it. You don't have to support me anymore. But just know you have always been greatly appreciated.
But trust me when I say this. To all my haters that live and breath social media with zero real life experience, I don't give a fuck about you. I think that means us, Chet.
Finally, if you're uncomfortable with this entire statement and think I'm the piece of shit, that's fine, but I'm not fucking going anywhere. I'm not the same guy that made the mistake all those years ago. I'm taking an extended vacation with my family, as mentioned on stream, and I'm coming back with a heavy weight off my shoulders. They want me to disappear. Yeah, fucking right.
Unknown_07: Oh, big man.
Unknown_16: If I use the word fucking a couple more times in my serious social media statement, it will make me look cool.
Um, so that post was four hours ago.
Unknown_16: Someone said to check his Twitter for more tweets, but that was it. That's like his most recent message.
Unknown_16: Oh, it's been edited like a thousand times.
Unknown_07: Can I like view the edit history?
Unknown_07: I cannot.
Unknown_07: Last edited. Oh, can I do it this way?
Unknown_07: One, two, three. Okay. Let's look at his most, his most recent.
Okay. So has been edited twice.
Unknown_07: Um, do same message. I'm just reading through this to see where it's different.
Unknown_07: That's the same.
Unknown_07: That's the same. He edited this to explicitly say that, yes, he talked to an individual minor in 2017.
Unknown_16: He keeps the real intentions line.
He says that they were casual and neutral. So she was a little slight is what he's saying. I'm going to keep it fucking real with you all. Yes. I talked to that underage girl through the plain text unencrypted Twitch messaging system in 2017, but bros, she was a fucking hoe. She was trying, she was trying to seduce me. I was defenseless. That's that's his defense so far. Okay.
Unknown_16: Um,
Unknown_16: He maintains this line of statements, which are all very, very negative PR.
Kept that the same.
Unknown_07: Kept that the same. Has the don't get it twisted line the same. It's all very, very similar.
Unknown_16: It's just that one paragraph. He added a couple more paragraph breaks, and he took out a couple of the fuckings, I think.
Unknown_16: And he might have spelled a couple words better. But this is mostly unedited. I was hoping for a bit more of a complete fucking change in the Twitter message, but it's basically the same.
He's getting dunked on by Tipster. By the way, Dag Serrera, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, is very anti-Dr. Disrespect, which I don't understand.
Unknown_16: Vito is a pedophile that has openly talked about wanting to molest kids repeatedly over months. As a 32-year-old man, to be clear, and I think even older, I think he was 34 when he randomly went out on social media and just randomly started talking about wanting to fuck kids.
Unknown_16: And he's also retweeting Max Carson, an open pedophile, who made the video review about how sexy he found the children in Cuties.
But then Dax is also like, yeah, this guy's a pedophile. This guy's an open predator. It's like, I wonder if he's just trying to find a new person to try and pick a fight with. Because I guess that Dr. Disrespect guy is a big audience. He's trying to find a... The Eric July shit isn't working out, and he just looks like a faggot. So, like, well, maybe I can pick a fight with Dr. Disrespect. Because I think he's realized that, like, bashing pedophiles and, like, predators and shit is good engagement. Like, it's a morally righteous position. It's hard for people to disagree with you. It's good content.
It's, like, if you want to pick on predators and, like, abuse predators, you're basically given a ticket to be a complete psychopath with impunity. Like, nobody. If you're fucking with, like, an actual child predator, nobody cares what you do. You can kill them, even. And most people will turn a blind eye to you if there's, like, a meeting of the minds and they understand that you're killing a pedophile. I think most people would just, like, eh, I didn't see anything. I think it was, like, a seven-foot-tall black guy.
Unknown_16: I think he was in all red or something and he had like those Yeezys on. It might have been a mugging. I don't know.
Unknown_16: So it's like I think maybe Dax has figured out the money is in verbally abusing pedophiles. He's like, OK, I'm going to make fun of this Dr. Disrespect guy and try to pick on a fight with him.
Tipster, on the other hand, who has defended Keffels and Vouch with the Keffels, of course, who is sexually aroused by pink pilling minors and farting. And Vouch, who had the short girl folder that everybody saw. Tipster comes out and then condemns Dr. Disrespect. So I guess Tipster. The tipster Dax Alliance is coming. Bro, you got to get Dax, get tipster on the show, man. You're struggling for guests. The tip, just the tip will give you that boost that you need.
A tipster says the Doc's own development studio has kicked him to the curb after an internal investigation, citing facts that are difficult to hear and even more difficult to accept. And y'all are still out there like we got to wait for proof, though.
Unknown_16: Uh, even he sees the writing on the walls. Yikes. Um, and this is him, uh, canceling his stream that we just watched.
Unknown_07: Uh, his getup is like the dumbest looking thing I've ever seen ever, by the way.
Unknown_16: This dude might as well have guilty tattooed on his forehead at this point. Okay, let's do a poll. I'm curious. I think some people in my chat were giving me shit for, for hashtag believing all Twitch staff employees, but poll.
Did Dr. Disrespect disrespect the age of consent?
Unknown_16: Yes, he fucking texted that fucking minor individual. Or no, vote two for no, he fucking didn't do nothing, man.
Unknown_16: Alright, here comes the poll. Vote 1 for yes, he fucking texted that fucking minor individual. Vote 2 for no, he fucking didn't do nothing mang.
This is a scientific poll. The results of this are conclusive and can and will be used against him in a court of law.
Unknown_08: Oh. Okay, wait, hold up.
Unknown_16: While we do that, let me go back and look at the Twitter history.
Unknown_16: Someone pointed this out and I get it now. So I want to be incomplete here. So this is version one.
Oh, not even.
Unknown_07: So I have version two.
Unknown_07: There's three of the three versions of this that are mostly the same. Okay, I got you. So this is
Unknown_07: I see.
Unknown_16: Okay, so this is what happened. The post is mostly the same, but in the first version he says individual minor back in 2017. The version that I read has it edited to individual, and then he edits back in minor in his third and final edit. So the difference between... He removes it and then adds it back in, the word minor. I guess because he didn't realize that...
the edit history would be public and that people would notice that he took out the word minor specifically and nothing else. So that's why I was confused because I looked at the post and said, why did he explicitly say that it's a minor in his revision? That's something that you'd want to take out. Now I understand because the version I was looking at was the middle one between what he tried to get away with and what he got caught doing.
so I did a poll and I asked people to vote and the results are not showing at all vote one is it not working is the poll just like so far behind that like nobody can see it what is happening
Oh, okay, it's just a very long delay.
Unknown_16: I understand now.
Unknown_16: Sorry, it's like a proper 10-minute delay, though.
Unknown_07: I'll let the poll run a little bit more and keep talking, and we'll go back to it.
Unknown_16: Actually, no, get your vote in now because the topic changes. That's it. I don't know anything about the doctor disrespect guy, but I find...
Unknown_16: It's kind of weird because it's like he did this in 2017 and it's like only now he's catching shit for it because Twitch would – that's the narrative I think people should run with, that Twitch covered it up because they didn't want to admit in court that they secretly read all Twitch DMs. Yeah.
Okay, the poll is pretty conclusive already. Out of 100 participants, 90 of them said yes, he fucking texted that fucking minor individual. And a mere 12 voted no, he fucking didn't do nothing.
Unknown_07: Okay, cool.
Unknown_07: I think that... Uh-oh. The message is not... The votes are not being counted.
I see. Okay.
Unknown_16: Oh, there's just like an extreme delay. I got you. Okay, that's weird.
Unknown_07: Sorry. Today's a jank stream. I don't feel very good.
Unknown_16: Ruben Sim, who is a maddie listener, occasional Kiwi Farms poster, and the blight of Roblox Corporate. This is the Unholy Blockland Hater Roblox Hater Alliance.
Ruben Sim has a dedicated anti-fan base on Twitter because he is anti-furry, anti-troon, and he posts about this stuff.
Unknown_16: And he does... He effectively...
Unknown_16: His entire social media presence is dedicated to identifying sexual predators on Roblox because there's a massive proliferation of user-generated content on Roblox that is sexually oriented. There's penises and breasts and stuff that you can staple onto your Roblox character. And then there are what they call, I think, hotels, I think is the name of it. And all the hotels are basically just roleplay servers, which sounds innocuous because I played Habu Hotel. And aside from all the gang shootings and stuff that were happening on Habu Hotel, it was a pretty innocuous game.
but the role playing on Roblox in the hotels are very boba oriented they're very sexual and it's mostly minors so his expose is on how Roblox corporate does a very poor job of handling the proliferation of sexual content on their platform, which is mostly oriented towards the under-13 demographic. It's a very, very young user base on the game. Has earned him scorn of furries, homosexuals, trannies, Roblox corporate.
He's been sued because he said that he would blow up their corporate HQ, but they couldn't hold him down. He's still there. He's still commencing jihad against Roblox. And the Roblox corporate have attempted to murder him.
Unknown_16: He was on a motorcycle crash.
Unknown_16: He got sideswiped by a 4,000-pound SUV and almost died. So Roblox almost took him out. We're all hoping and praying for his speedy recovery so he may continue to troll the fuck out of the Roblox corporate.
But in response to this, around the same time, as if getting attempted, as if almost dying to a Roblox death squad is not bad enough, a stuttering, retarded, low IQ, autistic person and furry put out an hour long expose video on Ruben attempting to smear him as a dirty, no good, hate speech enjoyer, a Kiwi Farms poster, all in general, like a bad guy.
And this prompted a bunch of retarded people to join the Kiwi Farms. There's a thread called the Ruben Sim Derangement Syndrome, which watches furries and degenerates freak out about him on social media and stuff.
Unknown_16: And this thread got posted there, and then people joined to try and fuck with him and complain about him on the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_16: Which led to this, in particular. One of the guys that joined the forum to rant... I think even... His name has gone fish ink.
And I think his name is Tyler.
Unknown_16: okay sorry i apologize if tyler i don't know who this tyler is i don't know if he's one of the people posting in the thread or if he's the guy that made the video but they found his discord account and here are some messages um from him including the words rape and jewish tyler says i'll rape you jewish boy screenshot as well but i don't have to the them on me trust me bro uh
Then you gotta fuck with raping Jewish people and murder them and you. Sorry, Lux, that you can't rape Jewish boys in peace. I was gonna put Lux saying that they wanna rape Jewish boys. I thought it was Jewish girls, but he was interested in Jewish boys for whatever reason. Please let Lux rape Jewish people in peace. So one of the people who, um...
Unknown_16: is anti-Rubin, is trying to hate posts on my boy Rubin, who is currently in hiding, in witness protection, because the furries and Roblox corporate people have tried to murder him. These are the people after him, by the way, these kinds of people.
There's a Jewish, an anti-Jewish, like I don't know what to call this guy. Is it anti-Semitic to rape Jewish boys or is it like Jewophilia? Or what's the word that Elon Musk used, like Semitephilia? Is it Semitephilia or anti-Semitism to rape Jewish boys? Did I do a poll on that? I can't tell. It's a very confusing situation here. The borders are blurred.
That's your update on Ruben.
Unknown_16: He'll be back stomping on the Blocklands or whatever in a brief amount of time. Very short update on Chibi, also known as Adam White. Adam White tried to join a polycule. He was evicted from this polycule.
Unknown_16: For whatever reason, even though he was like the most normal looking of the degenerates that he got into, they immediately decided that he was too fucking weird for them and evicted him.
And now he's on social media conspiring to leave the U.S. and return to Japan.
Unknown_16: I mentioned before that he had visited Japan and he was interviewed by like Japanese TV and did like his broken Japanese talking and they all made fun of him.
Unknown_16: So now he wants to go back, and apparently he had the opportunity to move to Japan as a teacher, as if you would want this fucking gross weirdo as your teacher. I hope for adults. I'm just going to say that. I don't mean to imply anything, but he's stinky, is what I'm trying to say. And I think it would be bad for the mental health of children to be around someone so stinky.
But he was offered a job teaching in rural Japan because Japan's not all Tokyo. Unfortunately for him, he's autistic, so Japan is just Tokyo.
Unknown_16: He declined the offer to move to rural Japan and decided that he would instead just pay out of pocket, take time off his job, unpaid leave, go to Japan, and spend more time in Tokyo, which is bizarre to me. i mean if i if i was like forced to go to japan i would not want to go to the fucking city if i if i had to go listen can i pull up a map here hold up let's see go to google i'm just gonna type in japan oh god why is my connection so slow
Maybe that's why. Am I like buffering because of the internet? Oh, I have a 60% packet loss. That explains why.
Unknown_07: That might explain why the stream is so far behind, losing so many packets.
Unknown_07: Cool.
Unknown_07: See, my chat is so far behind that they're talking about the Jewish guy again. All right, give me a second. Let me fix this real quick, and then hopefully we will... I get to talk about Japan, my favorite subject in the whole fucking world.
All right, so I can go to my internet.
Unknown_07: Alrighty.
Unknown_07: So here we have Japan.
Unknown_07: Japan is a country, chat.
Unknown_16: It's in the ocean.
Unknown_16: Not under the ocean. Like, the UK should be, but it's on the ocean. If I had to move to Japan, I would pick, like, the most backwards, like, rural shithole on the entire country. I'm gonna... Sapporo was nice, but I don't know. The people there are very yellow.
Here's what I would pick, okay?
Unknown_07: I want to live on Lake... Here we go, this.
Unknown_16: I would move to Naki... Look! I zoomed in at a completely random point in Japan, and I land upon a swastika. It's meant to be. This is home, chat. Nakayama Island. Right on the swastika. That's what we're doing here. On Nakayama Island.
So this is where we're going.
Unknown_16: I would not. I would absolutely fucking... I would just fish or something. I don't know. I'm not gonna, like... I would not go here. Look at this. Look at how big this fucking urban sprawl is. Like, I understand they have a lot of parks and stuff, and the layout of Tokyo is, like, really intelligent, apparently, but, like, I don't know. I would not want to live in a massive urban sprawl with, like, 40 million fucking people in it.
That's what I'm saying. They had an opportunity to move out today because my upload speed is like 9,000 kilobits per second. I have no idea why it just sucks.
Unknown_07: I have no idea why everything sucks continuously.
Unknown_07: That's just life.
Unknown_07: Anyways, I'm kind of tempted to just restart it.
Unknown_16: I want to talk about ReviewTech USA. I don't want to be so far behind.
Unknown_16: Maybe I'll just do a little cheeky restart, Chad.
Unknown_07: A little cheeky restart.
Maybe I'll just do it on kick first.
Unknown_07: I'm going to disconnect all the kickers. If I do it one at a time, if you're only listening to the recording of this, you'll have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.
Unknown_16: It'll just sound like absolute nonsense.
Unknown_07: I'm doing it like Jurassic Park style. I'm just turning everything off and on again.
Pay the slob to hold the antenna in the air.
Unknown_16: The connection should be... I didn't even check on my phone because everything is managed by the app instead of having an actual router interface. You just look at it on your fucking phone.
Unknown_07: Let's see what the router says.
Unknown_07: disconnected well it always says disconnected before it finds it there it says it's online there's no obstructions everything should be good it's just not okay cool let's talk about your review tech i don't know what i guess chat just got to the swastika okay let me reboot the stream
Unknown_07: Oh, the packet loss is still, that's insane.
Unknown_07: It's still like 50%. I just don't get it.
Unknown_07: Yeah, that's, that's crazy. Like a 50% packet loss for no reason.
Unknown_08: Like everything is fine.
Okay, is it better now?
Unknown_16: I think it's better. I think we're just going to go. I'm going to unpause the recording and just continue.
Unknown_16: So, Dickers. So, I don't know anything about Dickers, but he is like a pet of PPP. PPP hates this fucking guy.
Unknown_16: I have no idea why.
Unknown_16: And I think that the reason why is that he's unhumble.
Unknown_16: He has never in his life been brought so low that he can't recover from it.
And his obsession is with DSP. From what I understand, he has a huge hate boner of DSP. Even though they're both fat losers.
Unknown_16: He insists that he's better than DSP.
Unknown_16: That's all I know.
Unknown_16: Apparently his big drama that happened recently was that PPP said something, made like a joke. Either PPP or Andy Worski made like a joke about how Dicker's ex-wife, he had like pictures of his ex-wife's daughter or something on his Google Drive.
And for some reason, he went out and just acknowledged this. He said, yes, I've been hacked. Somehow, Andy Worski has hacked my computer, hacked my Google Drive, and found the pictures of my ex-wife's teen daughter in a bikini on my Google Drive. This is a serious crime. This is a felony hacking offense.
Unknown_16: This is a tragedy. And he didn't have any reason to confirm this, but it instantly made him look extremely creepy to do so. And...
Then I think the other thing that happened is that he then changed his story. And he came up with this convoluted cockamamie defense about how he has a separate phone for two-factor authentication.
Unknown_16: And what happened is that when Andy Worski hacked him... His separate phone was on a nightstand, and I guess it buzzed. And it was like, do you want to let Andy Worski see the pictures of your ex-wife's teen daughter? And because it buzzed when I did this, it fell off and landed into a shopping bag.
I mean, based off what PPP and Andy Worski say, this could be complete bullshit. I'm willing to accept that, this entire story. But allegedly, what Dicker said after that was that because the phone landed in the shopping bag, it accidentally pressed the button to allow Andy Worski to access his Google Drive. But this was also another tacit admission that he has a secret secondary phone specifically for this Google Drive that only he uses. That also stores the bikini pictures of his ex-wife's daughter on it. It's a very weird progression of events.
And it has brought more attention onto ReviewTech.
Unknown_16: who apparently repeatedly threatens to stop streaming every week. His streams are mostly just retirement announcements, and then he just makes another one. And he just keeps doing this and has been doing this for years.
Unknown_16: But he's been melting down. So we have a couple line-up posts of Dickers. These are him being tough on post or on Twitter, him acting like a tough guy.
And then he has a feud with his editor. And why somebody with as little content as him needs an editor, I don't fucking know. But let's check it out.
Unknown_04: Hi, Eric. I know you're a fucking idiot, so I'm going to explain this to you really slowly. Listen.
Unknown_04: Asking for information is public things.
Unknown_04: Videos. Things that are on Kiwi Farms. Stupid shit that you've done.
Unknown_04: Yes, I want your blood type, Eric. That's what I want. Or I want to find out you have a stupid fucking book which someone told me about your wrestling career. That's like me saying I have a music career.
Cry more.
Hi, everybody.
Unknown_04: Richard ReviewTechUSA here. And I see many people are concerned about my mental health, my well-being, and want to see if I'm okay.
Unknown_16: Okay, Chad, this is what happens when you cry wolf. I said that he is laying down for this, obviously. I said it's very remarkable that he is trying to be an internet tough guy, but he is literally laying down to do so. It's a bit much. And then I pointed out that he stood up for this one, so now you know shit's serious. He took the gloves off.
Unknown_04: Hi everybody, Richard ReviewTechUSA here, and I see many people are concerned about my mental health, my well-being, and want to see if I'm okay.
I am okay. I just had a lot to say today that I've held back for about two months.
Unknown_04: I also see people saying they're concerned and that I'm a drug addict. I think the concern has fainted, so this is for them.
Unknown_16: He's toking.
Unknown_16: And this guy's a regular Ralph Amino.
Unknown_04: Suck my fucking dick.
Unknown_16: This guy's tough. Someone in chat said the foodie beauty angle. I was going to make that reference, but I didn't want to bring up foodie beauty on my own. Yeah, this is what she does. She would make all these videos ranting about haters just like laying on a fucking pillow.
But Rich has mastered this. He has mastered the pillow angle.
Unknown_07: Oh, we're back on. No, he got tired after that big toke.
Unknown_16: He's like, ah, fuck. I gotta lay down.
Unknown_04: You leaked a discord message that was obviously going to get leaked anyway.
Unknown_04: Yeah, it's a new era of review tech USA where there's no reviewing tech and it's mostly internet blood sports and people like you are in my sights.
Good luck with that one. I'm not Phil.
Unknown_16: That's true. Phil can stand up. Phil can sit on a couch when he does his videos. This guy's too fat and retarded. Can you just fight Andy Worski? That'd be a pretty good toss-up. Who would win, Andy Worski or this guy? Like, fighting? I mean, this guy's pretty big, but Andy Worski isn't like a crippled old man. That's pretty fair.
Whoever has stuff on any of these assholes, if you don't mind, no one is required to do anything. It'll just be appreciated. By all means, post it here. You can DM it to me if you're not comfortable. I understand that as well.
Unknown_04: I'm not holding back anymore.
Unknown_04: The ship is sinking, and man, I'm going to stir up everything while it's sinking.
Unknown_16: That's interesting. I guess he's hurting for money or something.
Unknown_04: Oh, someone would you mind? I mean, that's me being a fat, lazy fuck. I could do it myself. Go to Kiwi Farms. If someone could send me a link to that, that would be fantastic.
Kiwifarms.st There you go, buddy.
Unknown_04: I am going to make on YouTube, not outside of YouTube. I just need to keep saying that because everyone on Twitter thinks I'm going to go bridge diving tonight.
Unknown_04: I am going to make his life on YouTube a living hell.
Unknown_04: Just by watching him and roasting the shit out of him.
Unknown_04: I refrain from doing it because I didn't want what happened on Twitter today to happen.
Little late for that now, though.
Unknown_04: Hi, Eric.
Unknown_04: You're gonna wish that you never, ever did what you did.
Unknown_04: All the fucking... Me holding back and trying to have rapport is now out the window.
Unknown_16: He should just join the forum.
Unknown_16: Is he too fat to do that? How do I email this guy?
Unknown_07: Hold on.
Unknown_07: Google.com.
Unknown_07: UtechUSA YouTube.
Unknown_07: Two more links.
Unknown_16: I need an email address. Sign in to see his email address. Can someone sign in to... Look, I'm going to post this in the... No, I'll post this in the Rumble chat. Sign in to this and tell me what email address is in the About Us.
Unknown_07: Just copy it and paste it into the chat.
Unknown_07: Just do it real quick. I'll send him an email.
He's too much of a tough guy to join the forum. No, no, no, no. He'll feel better once I personally invite him.
Unknown_16: Let me open up my email real quick. I have to type this.
Unknown_07: Gayfatretro.gmail. Okay.
Unknown_07: Two. I should have known that my chat is completely fucking useless.
Unknown_07: RTU Advertising YT. Okay. RTU Advertising YT.
Unknown_07: Advertising.
Mickeychecklist.com. This is a really weird email address.
Unknown_07: Gmail.
Unknown_07: What should I say? I'm typing this on my phone, so it can't be long-winded.
Unknown_16: I don't know how to type on my phone keyboard.
Unknown_16: Subject. Join the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_07: Rich.
Unknown_07: I am the owner. You are personally invited. Okay, that's that's pretty succinct.
That's pretty good.
Unknown_07: All right, hopefully he'll join. Let me know if he does.
Unknown_16: Next, there's more to this. So this is Jay, who I believe is the guy that he's threatening in the other messages.
Unknown_16: And he leaks the voice message where Rich is thinking about life ruination, which I assume means ruining the life of the guy.
Unknown_04: How do you have these many skeletons and with Jay screw up this badly and think this is going to end well for you?
You know, I mean, look, like I said in the other, I could, Jay could light my house on fire and people would be like, well, you fired him. But after like the hate wave subsides, which generally it always does, you're going to look real fucking bad. That's another thing I could send to his employers now.
Unknown_04: And a random concerned consumer of a film company that he may work for
Unknown_04: They may want to see that.
Unknown_08: Remember how I said, like, when it comes to a pedophile, you can be, like, as much of a sociopath as you want, and, like, nobody's going to give you shit for it?
When, um...
Unknown_16: There are exceptions. People can be assholes like on their own. But when you like go out and you say like, yeah, I'm going to ruin this guy's life. I'm going to go after his job. I'm going to send emails to his employers. I'm going to try to fuck with him. I'm going to cross every line that I can. you're basically like inviting the devil. You're like saying, okay, well, I'm setting the rules of engagement and the rules of engagement are that I will do literally anything that I want and I will go after your supply lines and I will fuck with random innocent people to try and get at you. Like when you set that as the rules of engagement, it gets pretty nasty pretty fast because there are people who are psychopaths, who are like dangerous people.
and they enjoy your hurting people. Um, but they don't want to, they don't want to like, they're pragmatic enough to know that just doing that to random people is, um, bad in the sense that they could get caught doing it and it would make them look really bad or it's just not fun. If there's not like a game to it, um, who will accept this kind of invitation to be like really, really, uh, big assholes. Yeah. But you have to like open the door. It's kind of like a vampire. Yeah.
Yeah. Let me just read this. Hey, let your audience talk about whatever. Also, Rich, my editor is not allowed to talk about. No, he's not allowed to ask for crowdfunding on my fucking stream.
Unknown_16: Is this what this is over? So his editor put in like, hey, I don't really get paid by this fat retard. If you want to like support me, you can support me through this link. And then he's like, wait a second. You don't get to make money off of my videos.
I need more weed money. So if you're going to put your ads on my videos, I'm going to like fucking ruin your life, bro. Is that what this entire thing is over?
Unknown_04: Fucking Coco. No, I'm not even going to... No, Jeremy. Everyone has to call him Jeremy. I won't give it... I mean, his last name is public, but I won't say it.
Unknown_04: No, I'm talking about Jeremy, a former fan.
He's Chad is backing me up on this. This is like the most petty grievance that you could possibly have. Like if someone is editing your videos for free and ask for like I assume for free is like a fan because he's saying he's not my editor. I didn't employ him. So I'm assuming that he's not getting paid. It was supposed to be like fan work. He's like, well, you know, if I'm going to do this for free, I might as well ask for a little bit of money. I assume he didn't make a single dollar off of this because who the fuck would pay a video editor of a channel you don't even like because he has no fans. And now he's just going to completely burn his bridge and completely tank any opportunity he has to get more fan work for free. You know what I mean?
it's a really really really really really bad idea to go scorch earth on your own fans buddy i hate using that word of mine that's my character i got the videos to prove it hate being that way get rid of them you weird for your content not all of it will dedicate like 10 to 15 minutes to you also uh jeremy forgot to say this
get rid of sexy coco you took my idea and ran with it you don't even really like me anymore i am gonna call you out on every single stream until you get rid of sexy coco you weirdo i'm going after everybody today you ain't safe for me get rid of sexy coco you don't like me anymore get rid of them jerry well actually no that's not true i'm thankful No, I would never want him to get a bag of Coke laced with fentanyl. I would never want that to happen.
Unknown_04: Right?
Unknown_04: No, no. How did he demolish me? By telling lies that aren't true?
Unknown_04: How was I demolished? I would like to know. He could come on here and tell me.
Unknown_04: I don't care.
Unknown_04: i hope he i mean it would be a gosh darn shame i mean the guy who made who made fun of my daughter to the point that his fat doughy fuck co-host winced nah i truly do hope i would never want to see him overdose with foam coming out of his mouth and slowly die and suffer i would never want to see that dude this guy has how many posts how many threads only 48
This guy has the makings. This guy has all the right. He has, like, the wings of redemption, like, internet tough guy. He's fat. Like, being fat is, like, an automatic, like, 10 points to being a low-cal. Like, people just hate fat people. The internet tough guy thing, like, just, like, fantasizing about people dying and shit is, like, impotent and cringe and gay and pathetic. That's also, like, a huge low-cal trait. Like, Chris would do that, too. Christian would say, like, i want to tear that clyde cash like that because that's like when you're sitting there thinking like god i wish i could just see him fucking choke death i wish i could see the light leave his eyes like that's the ultimate expression of impotence because you're basically like if you if you really hate him that much to the point where you're like fantasizing about him dying but you're not going to do anything about it like you're not going to go kill him And that means that you're like super emotionally invested into this, but you're also so impotent that you just can't like man up and kill him.
So it's like a really pathetic thing. I don't have to explain it, but I wanted to elaborate. Um, yeah, this guy has some, has some, his potential.
Unknown_16: But how did he like, how did he stay under the radar for so long? Was he like a real channel at some point? And he's just like lost the plot after his second divorce.
Unknown_07: Like what the fuck's happened?
He's a flagot.
Unknown_16: Oh, there we go. He was boring. Flagging and doxing his critics. Jay Tard wrangled him.
Unknown_16: He's just boring. He's always had low views. He's stayed on the radar because he's always been boring as fuck. Well, now's the time, bro. You're late into your life. You ain't got shit. Your fucking wife left you. I don't know if you have any kids. I hope not. But if you have any stepkids, they probably don't want anything to do with you. Now's the time, man. You've had this underlying current of being a huge mega retard. It's time to unleash that. It's time to harness being a fucking mega retard and show the world what you really got deep down inside as a mega retard. I'm rooting for this guy. I think he can do it. He's an underdog, but we're kind of in a lull right now. People are willing to give others a shot. You know what I mean? This guy, I think he can do it. I think if he goes in there and he plays his cards wrong and he fucks up everything and he acts like a huge retard, I think he's got what it takes to get featured this week even. He just has to pull a stunt that can be easily understood by someone who's never heard of him before.
I am not that kind of man. I wouldn't laugh and sit there and eat popcorn as he was choking on his own bodily fluids. That would never be something I would do. I'm a better person than that. Cry because I'm calling her a cunt. Also said because you want to know what happened to my daughter? Because she was on an antibiotic for her ear, she had a reaction to it. And she said, look, because Rich took his medical advice and he regretted it.
Unknown_04: I don't care you're a female. Don't ever let me see you.
Unknown_04: You have nothing to worry about, but don't ever let me see you face to face.
So his vax made his... So is this his biological daughter?
Unknown_04: Nice and safe. We'll never meet.
Unknown_04: It'll stay that way too, thankfully.
Unknown_16: So he vax maxed his daughter with the COVID jab, and then she went blind. And then someone made fun of him for doing that?
Unknown_07: Really?
Unknown_07: He's a whammon hater. His biological daughter went bad with Van Bensen.
Unknown_16: And he still trusts the science. Safe and effective. That's pretty grim.
I would never... Going blind is such a curse.
Unknown_16: I enjoy using my eyeballs quite a bit.
Unknown_16: That's pretty gnarly. Not bad for her. There's more videos. I'm enjoying this guy's content. This is good stuff.
Unknown_07: He's so fat and hateable, too.
Unknown_16: He's, like, bald, low-T, fucking... There's something about the fact that, like, his mustache still has color to it, but his beard doesn't. That gives him this look where it's like he put his face up against a bear's asshole, and now he's got, like, shitty bear fur, like, stuck to his upper lip after, like, giving it a rim job or something. He just looks so gross and detestable.
donated two dollars how does it feel knowing that the six-figure income from youtube is never coming back how does it feel knowing that your antics online are going to be used to bully your kids in school how does it feel knowing that all your fans hate your guts now ah well since none of that's true i think it's all great what a coach
Unknown_16: This guy's pretending that he's going to make six figures a year off his YouTube shit? Or is he implying that he still does? Like, he has a big YouTube channel. Someone said that his channel's bigger than Jim Sterling, who has a pretty big YouTube channel.
So how did he decline? Like, what did he start doing that pissed off his core audience? Because I'm curious, because like with Jim Sterling, you see his decline. You know, that's because he truned out. He became super political. He stopped caring about video games, but still has to put on like a facade about caring about video games. Sort of injecting all this like wrestling bullshit into his fucking videos. That's just garbage. It's painful to watch. What did this guy do?
Stopped reviewing tech and acting like a retard. Okay, well, if he stopped reviewing tech, that wouldn't make sense. He started getting high and eating edibles. He stopped doing the news and started streaming.
Unknown_16: In-stage YouTube career when you start streaming.
Unknown_16: A weed addict. Boring streams. Stopped posting daily clickbait content. He just gets stoned as fuck and rambles now. He just stopped making videos. That's what happened with Boogie. He just stopped making videos.
Can't do that shit forever, I guess. Unless you really do treat it as a job.
Unknown_04: You know, it's an awful shame that Andy Worski is now sober. Well, actually, no, that's not true. I'm thankful. No, I would never want him to get a bag of Coke laced with fentanyl.
Unknown_16: We watched this already, but it's like...
Unknown_16: This guy knows how to not get banned on Twitter.
Unknown_16: I just have to poach everything like that. I sure hope no boomers die. I sure hope nobody died on the beaches of Normandy in vain. Man, I really enjoy this person being alive. I hope nothing bad ever happens to them. I can just get around it that way. This guy's a master. I understand now.
Rich says he got $400 tonight. So he got the money he wanted.
Unknown_12: i'm not i'm not going to say how much money has come in tonight i don't even know the actual amount uh yeah dude you got it today because of what happened on twitter wow like okay jay let's just like i don't like it again it is not jealousy but even people who don't like me know that
i know there's no way every stream is like this because all all 180 people watching it will be bankrupt just say uh i got more than 400 tonight i got more than a thousand dollars tonight i got more than 1500 tonight that's where okay cool yeah that happened because you got penny bucks well done
Unknown_16: He's reading his chat.
Unknown_04: Wait, yeah, Gundam was looking for a weird cut.
Unknown_16: I was hoping there would be like a thought capped off on that.
Unknown_10: Somebody needs to go and take his keyboard away. Maybe his father could do it. Or maybe his daughter that he should be taking care of should... All of these people...
If I had to pretend to apologize to these people, I'd rather work at Walmart again.
Unknown_04: Eric, you're another one.
Unknown_04: I'll watch my words. Don't see me anywhere.
Unknown_04: It goes from jokes and roasting to you saying that I should be taking care of my sick kid.
Unknown_04: Who's taken care of. Me and the mother live in two separate houses. Keep my fucking kid's name out of your mouth. Because.
Unknown_04: Then you'll have to worry.
Unknown_04: And I don't think anyone here will hold that against me. What's this kid's name? Got the fuck up about my kid.
What's this kid's name? This guy is so hard. This guy is acting so hard for a man that's so jiggly.
Unknown_16: He'd like bounce him up and down. He'd wiggle and wiggle for hours.
Unknown_16: Yeah, keep my wife's name out of your mouth.
Unknown_16: Wanderina.
Unknown_16: I don't think that's actually her name.
Unknown_16: His tits are huge. His tits hang massive in the way that you would think God's as big.
Muba Dickers Jr. A tough puddin'.
Unknown_16: Listen here, dickers. We're going to talk about Blind Arena all we want to. Blinderella. Don't try to stop us. You should be taking care of Blinderella.
Unknown_07: At this point, I'm going to burn everything to the ground to make money and process.
Unknown_16: Prepare for my internet's lowercase i internet demise to come in a spectacular fashion. I'm fucked anyway. Might as well make it profitable. The gee golly things are going great facade is getting old. It's, uh... My name. It sounds a lot like the, uh, the...
God, what was the name of that fucking video game that pissed everybody off?
Unknown_16: My name is not important. What's important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate these Alons.
Unknown_16: You can see his nipples. You can see his nipples.
You can see his big nipple right there. They're so big. He's got proper massive titties. He's got milk coming out. It's wet where his nipples are. That's really fucking gross, chat. That's pretty gnarly. I didn't want to see that, but I just saw that. It disgusts me.
Unknown_07: Awesome.
Unknown_16: Okay, so Andy Worski apparently dropped a bombshell that the... Originally, ReviewTechUSA bought a computer, and he was going to send it to DarkSidePhil. ReviewTechUSA decided that he was going to troll DarkSidePhil by installing keyloggers and backdoors and rats onto his computer, said that once he started using it, ReviewTech would be able to snoop through his files and become the ultimate DSPA log.
Unknown_16: However, that did not happen.
Unknown_16: So instead of sending it to DSP, he sent it instead to his editor, Jay. So what he is indicating is that he has had access to Jay's computer without his knowledge for some time and has been able to rummage through it and find access to his computer.
Unknown_16: to his porn folders and stuff like that.
Unknown_16: Is that illegal? Yes, it is. It is a violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuses Act of 1983, I want to say.
The hacking bill that the U.S. had, which is called the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act or whatever, the CFAA, I'm pretty sure is what it's called, is very broad. From what I remember, any kind of unauthorized access to any computer is technically hacking. So it's not like you have to circumvent any kind of security measure. It's kind of like trespass where even if the door is unlocked and you just let yourself in, that is a form of trespass, breaking and entering even.
Unknown_16: So, yeah, giving a guy a computer without with a rat on it and accessing it without his knowledge or permission, that's hacking in the same way that breaking into, you know, Amazon computers and leaking stuff is hacking. It's the same thing.
So if Jay has actually been compromised like that and if ReviewTech is threatening to extort him, those are both like interstate felonies. I think that the complication here is that ReviewTech is Canadian, I believe, and Jay is American.
Unknown_16: But I would almost guarantee that the Canadians have similar anti-hacking laws. There's no way they don't. And there's no way that like it's just the way that installing a remote control access device on a computer and accessing a person's computer as like a Trojan horse without their permission is blatantly unethical and almost certainly illegal in the jurisdiction.
Oh, other way around. So ReviewTech is Canadian – or is American and Jay is Canadian. Well, then he's – even though Jay is Canadian, he can still file a police report.
Unknown_16: If this guy actually has broken into his computer, he should – I think the way that it usually works is that –
Unknown_16: He would have to – because I've dealt with this before when I was dealing with foreigners going after my family and stuff.
Unknown_16: You should both contact your local law enforcement and also the – and then get like a case number or like a report or incident report number. and then also submit that to the FBI, or I think the FBI would be the appropriate person for this. And then submit your local police report and say, this American has backdoored me, is extorting me, I'm a victim, so on and so forth. And they might actually take it up because...
Why not? Chances of that are low because the federal government is useless and doesn't really do anything that doesn't benefit it politically.
Unknown_16: But sometimes it does do stuff.
Unknown_16: Next, brief update on COBRA.
Unknown_16: Cobra has been verified on YouTube. He has gotten a hundred thousand subscribers. He has a content part, like a partner with YouTube. Now he is verified. He has the check Mark. He is finally being recognized for the creative genius that he is, uh, praise Cobra's magic, et cetera.
And one, a little update on, uh, Sam Hyde. I've talked about this on two streams now, and I figured I'd give you a third. Um,
Unknown_16: This is the incident report. This is from the Fort Worth Police Department. And it does, beyond a shadow of a doubt, name Channing Crager as the victim with Samuel Hyde as the suspect. So, for absolute fucking proof positive...
She did report him for assault, and that is why he was arrested. So it's not bullshit. It's not a fucking joke or skit. He actually did get handcuffed by police.
Unknown_07: OK, so a little bit of a sector type thing.
Unknown_16: This is Dr. Harlan Borisenko, who is a hole. She is the American from what I remember reading. She's the American first token hole.
And I believe despite being in a marriage and being like a trad thought, like actual married woman, she was trying to solicit nudes from big tech, who I don't think I've ever once spoken about on this podcast.
Unknown_16: I can't put a face to name, and I can't describe him. I think he's just like an A guy who is like American First Associated.
These are the zeats about it. Let's see. New Hampshire Native 1776 says, It seems that the cheating piece of scum that is Dr. Carlin has struck again, this time doing the exact thing she did with you, young guy, Karen J. White, but with Big Tech 404. Below is an overview of how both of these cases share creepy pathological scripted responses.
Unknown_16: Uh, New Hampshire native says in November, 2021, Dr. Carol, uh, Carlin, after working on a project with Karina J. White for months was triggered by him when he disagreed with her stance on open marriage. After she told him she was in one with a striker.
The illegal Ukrainian visa overstay. She had a green card married in 2011. So she is Ukrainian. I was going to hypothesize that she was because Borisenko is a Ukrainian name.
Unknown_16: But she moved to the U.S., got a green card.
Unknown_16: I guess she overstayed her visa, as if anyone gives a fuck about that in the U.S.
Unknown_16: Dr. Carlin says, would obsessively insist that conceptual James would sleep with her because her fake psychic Joe D'Amanio, a.k.a. Psychic Joshua, told her so as part of his 3K month retainer she has on him. This was the same fraud that told Karen and Carlin.
were twin flames Dr. Carlin would go quiet only to emerge after Karen J. White wished her and her husband a happy 10 year anniversary with the now infamous line of enjoy steak
Unknown_07: Okay, I'm just going to read these guys' posts.
Unknown_16: Karlyn would then profess her love for Kieran and would bombard him with message after message after he failed to respond immediately. Now this is Kieran saying, should have thought about this a while ago, just trying to prove they are not doctored. Also, why hasn't she blocked me? Why no counter evidence? Should be easy. Kieran treated this as a private matter and tried to work things out sensitively over email as he saw the most professional thing to do rather than engage on social media.
Fast forward to December 2021 and Carlin has weaponized the article they have co-written and Karen publicly disavowed her and the article.
Unknown_16: And this is his statement that she's acting inappropriately.
Unknown_16: At this point, this was still a private matter.
She does not take kindly to being rejected. She decided to go live exclusively to her local community, many of which bonded with Karen over the last several months he was with them.
Unknown_16: She is fat. I just want to point that out.
Unknown_16: Of course, Karen was shocked by the unhinged allegations made by her and was forced to expose what had happened and the truth behind the situation.
Unknown_16: Where does Big Tech's penis come involved in this? I'm on the edge of my seat.
Unknown_16: Carlin's narcissism requires her to respond to attacks, so we received another video, this time more aggressive as she realized her lies were exposed. You may not notice the first video, but Carlin admits the DMs are 100% legit and just claims the context is missing. Fast forward to this week. Carlin seems to have cheated on her husband, Stryker, again, this time with Big Tech 404, a content creator she claims or has been claiming is her lowercase i internet boyfriend.
How long are these videos? Because I don't mind watching them, actually. If they are short. 36 fucking minutes.
Unknown_16: Not a chance. An hour and a half. Not a fucking chance. I do want to hear what she sounds like. Because, jeez. A little bit scary looking.
The underhanded thing to do. But you have to understand that at the point that I did this, I was already weeks into trying to convince him to calm down over a minor disagreement. And it felt like to me that he was trying to sabotage the entire business. He was basically telling me, if you don't do this with me, you're not doing it at all. And I was like, I've tried to give you everything that you want. You are still refusing to participate productively in this. And so, no, no.
Okay. I just wanted to get like a soundbite of her. What does she sound like? Now I want to jump in the middle of this one as well and give her like 30 seconds and see if she's unhinged sounding.
Unknown_07: Or maybe pushing my computer too far.
Unknown_07: Opening a video. Playing it. Are you nuts?
Unknown_07: Are you loony?
Unknown_07: Insane in the membrane. At least that's not happening. 10 minutes and I have to listen to this guy in the corner.
Okay, well, let's jump to the point before you see the rest. She's going to kind of give a big go off, but I'll show you exactly like literally the last thing I said to her. We're both going to be online.
Unknown_16: I just saw a picture of Teddy Fuser jump across his screen at random. But there's been a shift.
Unknown_02: We've had some minor communication issues.
Unknown_02: And with the Groyper situation, I feel like taking a step back.
Unknown_16: Well, this is not succinct enough.
She's not going to apply.
Unknown_16: In short, Carolyn had been messaging with Big Tech, flirted with him, and asked him for dick pics, asked to sleep with him, possibly send him nudes. When she decided to go to AFPAC, Big Tech deleted his messages to her because he didn't want Groypers having access to them. She noticed he deleted them.
Unknown_16: He asked her if she wanted to know how to delete hers too. She said no. He asked for distance from her. So this happened on Discord, definitely, because otherwise you could just delete the messages.
Unknown_16: And she decided to attack him in a live stream. He heard about her attack and went on to tell everyone what had happened and that she was full of shit. Carlin in this video telling people that there might be some DMs he could share that wouldn't seem wrong.
But they were just harmless flirting. And no different than the kind that she does with other Groypers. And Nick himself. Bro. As if.
Unknown_16: As if Nick Fuentes would be interested in this. Come the fuck on.
I'm just trying to imagine her trying to flirt with Nick Fuentes. He would immediately ban her from everything and tell his groipers to rape, murder, and die for him. Yeah, right.
Unknown_16: I don't know. I'm kind of curious what big tech looks like. Is that big tech on the upper right, or is that like a random retard?
Unknown_16: Um...
Unknown_16: I want to see if I can find this real quick.
Unknown_16: I'm desperate to know now what big tech looks like where he's hitting on that.
Fat women and flamboyant gays have similar energy.
Unknown_07: I think that Nick Fuentes hates women too much for that.
Unknown_07: What the fuck is big tech?
Unknown_07: he was at he was ralph's co-host at one point i have no idea this guy is he's married though right like for whatever reason in my head i'm sorry i'm still trying to find this thread but it's like
In my head, he's married.
Unknown_16: Is that incorrect?
Unknown_16: Big Dick is the guy who beats his wife. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Unknown_07: That sounds familiar. This guy.
Unknown_07: This guy. This guy is trying to hook up with her?
Unknown_08: Why? There's a wife that he gets to beat? What?
Unknown_08: And he's just like, yeah, I'm going to hook up with this really ugly woman.
Who's like 40 and still wears eyeliner like she's June.
Unknown_07: Where the fuck is that picture of her? Sorry, I lost it.
Unknown_16: Dude, him beating his wife thing. That's like a trigger, like a memory trigger.
Unknown_16: I'm trying to remember the details of that. Did he just beat her on stream or something? He beats his kids in life.
Unknown_16: And he flirts with this ugly roper woman. Who's also married. What a match made in hell. For real.
Yuck. Gross people chat.
Unknown_16: Speaking of, we might actually have some hope for real content for once.
Unknown_16: Dick has received the Sonichu Medallion. He has not done the enchantment, though. He has to read the message that Rikada did. I mean, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but if he wants me to show up on his stream or whatever, I offer him two hours of my time. I will even tolerate Vito. I will not talk to him, but I will tolerate his presence.
but he has to do the full read and he has to say Dex Chan Herrera Chu he cannot say Dick Chan or Masterson Chu that's stupid he has to say the whole thing so I don't know I don't think he has what it takes I don't think he has the friggin audacity to invite the demon properly he'll toe the line it's like giving him attention so he's gonna like edge it out forever
So my next update with this will be him doing the reading, where I'm not going to talk about it anymore, because he's obviously trying to drag this shit out for as long as possible. He's trying to get the ghost hunter guy to show up on his stream now to talk about the demons. Like, come the fuck on, bro.
Unknown_16: Oh man, people are paying attention to me because of the Sonichu Medallion thing. Even Medikur is talking about me. I better drag this out for clout for as long as I possibly can. Eye-rolling.
Unknown_16: And finally, the most important update of the entire stream chat.
Unknown_16: Sue Hulk, who is the wife of Marcus Meechan, a.k.a. Count Dankula, posted this on Twitter, saying, Just over three weeks ago, I really am tempted to do a terrible Scottish accent. I can't even. I don't have that audacity to. Just over three weeks ago, I left my marriage with Marcus. It wasn't an easy decision, but it was the right one. He has told me not to tell anyone, but I have to give it off my chest. I don't want any drama. I just want to focus on my life with my two beautiful daughters.
And Count Dinkula first responded to people immediately assuming that it was because he fucked a man.
Unknown_16: Um, Chuddy says, I would bet money he got caught messaging trannies. And then, uh, Dankula replies saying, retarded shit like this is exactly why I didn't want any of it public yet. The real reason is boring things just didn't work out. Um, he then addressed the, uh, drama, uh, officially, formally on Zitter saying, Well, the cat is out of the bag a little, but yes, me and Sue are getting divorced. It's a short situation, but essentially we both grew into two very different people, and that resulted in us just not being very good or nice to each other, and we couldn't work past it. So divorce was for the best.
Sue has told me she wants to move ahead with this amicably and with shared custody, as do I. The most important thing out of all of this is our daughters, which is why I really want to keep this private, or a private matter, since I don't want my kids to read a bunch of nonsense about their parents' divorce all over the lowercase i internet one day, or see any shit flinging or fake rumors that happen.
As a result, since that wouldn't be a very nice experience for them, my greatest concern right now is making sure that this has the most minimum impact on the children as possible. Sue is a great mother, and I would really appreciate people not going after her or causing shit. Please do not do that, seriously. Do not do that. It's a very difficult time for the both of us, and we are trying to navigate to ensure the best possible outcome for our daughters in the long term, since at the end of the day, it's them who matters the most.
Unknown_16: I appreciate all the kind messages from everyone.
Unknown_16: Chat, let us baselessly speculate about their divorce.
Unknown_16: I personally believe that since Count Dankula has both met Fenster and Lilith Lovett in person, that he has partaken in man-ass on multiple occasions, and his wife is just not having any of it.
He denies this and said they simply grew into different people, but that's a bit mystifying as a statement, because he's very much the same kind of person that he was when they met. I think they were together before the Nazi pug incident. If you don't know, Dankula is only notable at all because he trained his pug to raise his paw when he says, gas the juice.
Unknown_16: And he responded to any mention of the word juice or juice by raising his paw. And he was prosecuted for hate crimes as a result of this.
Unknown_16: for hate speech because he trained his Nazi pug.
He tried to fight this all the way up to the EU Human Rights Tribunal and was denied. They resolved it because they charged him or fined him 800 pounds. They took the money directly from his bank account and considered the matter resolved. So there's nothing to protest. They got their money and there is no nothing to overturn. He lost completely.
Unknown_16: This went on.
Unknown_16: For years and years and years from the initial incident to the final resolution of the Nazi Pug incident. It was like eight years. I want to say it was a ridiculously long time of like prosecuting this on every level of of the court system available at the time. Brexit had like when this when Brexit had happened, they were still in the EU for some time. So even though they were leaving the EU.
he still petitioned, they were still under the human, like the EU human rights tribunal thing, uh, for another two years. So he still petitioned them for a hearing, got denied and stuff.
Unknown_16: Well, my point is that they were together for all of that. He was like a nobody comedian, um, who had a small YouTube channel blew up because of the Nazi pug thing. She stayed with him for years as they prosecuted the free speech case.
Unknown_16: Then his channel really took off. He got all this money from doing the Mad Lads series that people apparently really love. And now he's successful. He's, like, genuinely successful. He parlayed his Nazi pug exposure into, like, a real career on YouTube. And he's doing okay. He was even a member of UKIP for a while, I think. Stood next to Sargon on the national stage. He's a Scottish nationalist. I think he wants Scottish independence.
And now is when she says, or when they say, that we grew apart into different people.
Unknown_16: After you have two kids, now you're different people? After all the years of bullshit, now you're different people? I don't get it.
Unknown_16: The only thing that would make sense to me is that he is getting that bussy. Everyone knows that he's getting that bussy. That was everybody's immediate response. I think even I ran a poll for this.
Unknown_16: And 768 people said he fell for the man-ass meme, Lamal, hashtag bussy.
So, I think the most reasonable thing... Like, if I legitimately had to...
Unknown_16: Bet as to what happened. I would not say they grew into different people because that's stupid. You have two kids now. If you grew into different people, you would still just manage the relationship.
Unknown_16: You're not going to suddenly break into being a single mother with shared custody because you grew into different people. It's that late into your life. It doesn't make sense.
Unknown_16: It would make more sense, I think, because he seems very concerned. Like, right? In his message, he's like, the most important thing I want is that my kids don't read any stupid rumors on the internet. Well, that sounds like he did get caught with the bussy. And he's really embarrassed about it. And he doesn't want his kids to grow up and learn that he's a faggot. And he scorned his mother by sticking his cock into a tranny's asshole. And is like, oh, fuck. Okay, well, we have to come up with some bullshit excuse. And then Sue is like, okay, I agree. I don't want my daughters to know that you're a poofter, right? Is that what they say? Poofter? Okay, so we'll just lie. We'll say that we grew into different people, whatever the fuck that means. We'll move apart amicably. You will continue to pay me your mad lad's money. And I will not tell people that you fucked a man in the ass.
So that's my opinion, okay?
Unknown_07: Just a normal leftist couple. I mean, I don't feel like that is too baseless speculation.
Unknown_16: It would make sense.
Unknown_16: In a lad's bum.
Unknown_16: He's a batty boy.
Unknown_16: I wonder if he caught any STD. That's unreal how many women find out that their husband is fucking a man on the side by them coming up positive for, like, an HIV test.
Like, oh, I have AIDS now because my husband is fucking man-ass on the side.
Unknown_16: Poofta. Not poofter. Sorry.
Unknown_16: Nice Dankula fanfic.
Unknown_16: Well...
Unknown_16: Yeah. I mean, obviously it's based on speculation, but it's based off all the facts that I have available to me.
Unknown_08: We literally prayed for Dinklage SMH my head.
Unknown_16: It's true though. I told him that he has two kids now and he should, he should take himself a little bit more seriously.
And not stick his cock in man ass. And he like disagreed.
Unknown_16: He still was like BFFs with Lilith Lovett. And he got really like upset whenever I said that he fucked him in the ass.
Unknown_07: I don't know.
Unknown_07: Okay.
Unknown_07: I have nothing more to add to this.
Unknown_08: I do, of course, have a Reddit segment today.
I apologize. So we're just going to skip right to the good bit.
Unknown_07: And we're going to do what needs to be done. So relaxing.
Unknown_10: So relaxing.
Unknown_16: Dear friends, I learned today from my good friend ReviewTechUSA that when overcome with frustration, you should instead prefix your anger words... Sorry, again, I'm using a laptop keyboard. Stop giving me shitty comments about my typing. Words of anger with something like...
How the fuck did I type that I? With something like, I would absolutely not.
Unknown_16: For instance, I would absolutely not want for boomers to die.
Unknown_16: Oh my god, my keyboard's like spazzing out. I find this would have resolved my initial incident without problem.
And I believe this is practical knowledge which I can apply to my future use.
Unknown_16: Thank you very much, Josh. I think that'll work. I think this is the one show. I think this is it.
Unknown_16: Excellent.
Unknown_16: Now, I don't think I missed anything. I will proceed to the Superberry segment, which apparently is causing quite a kerfuffle, as I currently have $500 on my fucking $700 sitting on my screen right now.
Someone in chat said, I hope that's a healthy amount of money that you're super chatting.
Unknown_16: I also hope so. I'm not trying to bankrupt anybody with my shitty podcast that has tech issues every fucking day, but we'll see. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford a real internet with courtesy of TetraBags.
Unknown_07: Where's my thingy?
Unknown_07: I can't see my second monitor over my monster cam. I could just move it, I guess. Fire efforts.
This stream has had no hamsters at all, so I think that it's only right to add in a brief hamster, just to say hello.
Unknown_16: Oh no, it's muted. I don't want this muted.
Unknown_16: I like the Jihad Hamster a lot.
Unknown_16: Hacksleet for three says, Kenny did nothing wrong. He had the evidence. I disagree. He never showed them evidence.
Unknown_16: God, what a retard. Legit. It was like a black Russell Greer trying to litigate a woman that shits through her stomach hole. Her stoma.
Trying to litigate her into having sex with him.
Unknown_16: The Lion Kang for 10 says, for Russian security guard Mikhail Vivaldin, who briefly held off the terrorists with a gas pistol so the church could lock the doors, and archpriest Nikolai Katynnikov, who was beheaded. Memory eternal.
Unknown_16: I did not mention this, but there was an ISIS attack in Russia that left many people dead. It was in Daganov, I think. Sorry, I don't know. It was like the Republic of Daganov or something, which I think is in the south of Russia. It is interesting, I will say, that during Trump, ISIS was basically completely obliterated, and he kind of hinted that we were funding them. And now that Biden's in office and there's also a war in Ukraine where we're trying to get Russia to collapse, ISIS is suddenly back and launching terror attacks against Dagestan, is what it's called, launching terror attacks against Russia. Yeah. Isn't that interesting? You know, politics is so interesting. I've actually, okay, listen, don't give me shit for this, but I've been listening. The Telegraph has a podcast about Ukraine called Ukraine the Latest. And it's basically like a British person just talking about Ukraine.
And I've been listening to their entire backlog. I don't know why, while I do other stuff. I find that the British people on it are very soft-spoken and very nice to listen to. There's one guy in particular who I'm pretty sure is an ex-combat veteran, and he's very funny.
The podcast is very, very pro-Ukraine, just to be clear. I don't listen to it because it fills my political niche. I'm very smart, so I can listen to things and understand the bias that's implicit with it and just sort of process things independently.
Unknown_16: With the knowledge that there is a bias. So I don't get upset when I hear things that I disagree with. That's what I'm trying to say. Many people don't understand that and do get very angry when they hear things they disagree with, even though they can.
Unknown_16: They should have the intelligence to process bias and understand that people have different perspectives and stuff. But I have no idea why I mentioned all this.
I just want to mention that I've been listening to the I know I've like caught up completely on the war in Ukraine because I've been listening to this podcast for hours a day for the last couple of days for some reason.
Unknown_16: My perspective on the war is that it still makes me sad. I kind of understand Russia's anti-NATO perspective, and I don't want NATO to win, but on the other hand, I hate Zelensky, and I like Ukrainian people, and it's just hundreds of thousands of dead white Russians and Ukrainians for literally no fucking reason.
Sneed Cricket for Two says, Dr. Disrespected both had a kid. Dr. Disrespected both a kid and his wife also isn't rackets and Dr. Disrespect wife the same age. I think they're both 42. Bro. I have no fucking idea. I don't even know what you're trying to imply there.
Unknown_16: That Rikado fucked Dr. Disrespect's wife? Maybe. It's possible. Anything's possible.
Unknown_16: um off list for 200 says base romanian mtv ad you don't have to play it but if you're if you're malding today champ love the streams you should keep your tuesday friday time slot as is i don't know if i can do that but i will watch it let's see this is apparently a base romanian advertisement show
shit i clicked his fucking username somehow like i clicked on the left side of the screen and that um and that was like enough to this is called reclama mtv romania
Unknown_07: There's a very poor looking Slavic guy with a pickaxe in front of a dilapidated house full of birds.
Unknown_16: He's digging a hole. There's been like a time lapse and he's digging a hole.
Unknown_07: He hit like a steam pipe or something.
It glows red. He's buried it.
Unknown_07: He's going inside his weird dilapidated house.
Unknown_07: There's like a thing like a like a steampunk thing. I don't know what it is.
Unknown_07: It's distilling some kind of liquid.
Unknown_16: I think it's supposed to be like a moonshine distillery. He's sniffing it.
Unknown_16: He's drinking it. It's definitely supposed to be like a moonshine. Oh my god, he's trimmed out. He made trim shine.
Now in a dress.
Unknown_07: Everyone is staring at him on like an old Soviet bus.
Unknown_07: There's a guy acting weird in front of kids.
Unknown_16: The parents are mad at him for being a weirdo.
Unknown_16: There's a guy from the Kiss band with the tongue, like Gene Simmons or something. I think that's the Kiss guy.
Unknown_16: Gene Simmons is there.
Unknown_16: Oh, it's like a distillery that can turn him into like, like disguise him as like celebrities.
And everyone hates him for this. So he's like, he's like brewing true and shine to transform into like famous people and the people of Romania detest him.
Unknown_16: He's being hunted down by Slavs.
Unknown_07: They're ready to lynch a peddory.
Unknown_07: He's drinking all the true and shine he's guzzling his entire collection. He's not he is like deformed into like the letter M.
Um, and it's really gross. It's like, it's like the letter M covered in pubes and has two nipples. It's like weird transfer made in Romania. Thanks.
Unknown_16: Okay. I think what they're trying to say is that when you drink all the celebrity juice, you transform into MTV because MTV has all the best celebrities. I got what it's trying to say. That's a very, very fucking bizarre advertisement. I hope you guys have enjoyed this cultural exchange with 1990s Romania.
Unknown_16: Real Adonai for 15 says, Hey Josh, will you start to watch VeggieTales after this scene? Oh boy, another video. This one was not $200. This better be short.
It is short. Let's see.
Unknown_07: face why is there gay minecraft i added being gay to minecraft i hope you get shot i mean i would hate for you to be shot that would be terrible i would be so sad if you got shot um
What was I going to say? Oh, yeah. When I was a kid, because I grew up in a very religious conservative area, I remember going to people's houses and they were watching VeggieTales. I'm like, what the fuck is this? And it was like the Jesus cartoon that they were allowed to watch. But I never saw it. I only ever saw VeggieTales in other people's houses.
Unknown_16: Um, thank you. Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Bastard Bear for five, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, how are you liking the new Elden Ring DLC? As an American, I'm missing the three hours of BBC cuck porn required in American games, but they have some anime bullshit, so it's cool. I have never played Elden Ring. Someone once paid me $2,000 to play Sekiro. I never completed it.
One day I will, though. I promise I will one day go back and pay back that debt and play Sekiro. I really hated it, though. I got as far as the two fat sumo guys, I think, or the big bear monster.
Unknown_16: Devious Davee for two says sup. Nothing much. SpaceAllen for 20 says cow roll. Thank you, SpaceAllen.
Unknown_16: Ben Collins for five says, Josh, say sous vide. I did.
Unkind Naysayer for two says, great grip and rip, bro. That's how you start a stream. Grip it and rip it. Thanks. I think I did. I think I will. Tetrabax for $1 says, this is the best audio free stream I've ever watched. Thank you.
Unknown_16: Defango for one says, Mike is fine. Now just do the show. It was dead until you replugged. Okay. I'm happy to help.
Unknown_16: Radcrab for once says, sorry, Josh, but your mic is muted. I'm going to fish tank 2.5 instead. Enjoy. Cole Cole for two says, please read 10 and 11.
And there's the Book of Enoch.
Unknown_07: Restore the earth with which the angels have corrupted and announced life to it that I may revive it.
Unknown_16: All the sons of men shall not perish in consequence of every secret by which the watchers have destroyed and which they have taught their offspring. There you go. I don't know. Everyone hates my fucking volume. They say it's either too low or you can hear my mouth noises, and I don't know what to fucking do about it, so... Sorry.
Fox says, for five says, AI is only ever a threat to the mediocre. Among all artists I know, they range from either not caring about it because they're talented enough, or Death Corpse of Sneed for 10 says, fuck copyright, bass, thanks Death Corpse of Sneed. And Fox says, for five says, too, they're foaming at the mouth because they see each and every piece of art that it generates as a threat to their perceived as non-actual income.
Unknown_16: If I was an artist, I probably would not like the AI thing. If I was an artist, I would probably try to use AI to be lazier, as I am very lazy.
Tenderbacks for 10 says, am I just the oddball or would it not be best for Trump to help out the right people? Why didn't he do that?
Unknown_16: Because he is probably not as smart as people give him credit for, I think.
Unknown_16: Thank you. Baja Blast Enjoyer for once says, I read somewhere Mitch McConnell was threatening Trump. If you pardon Snowden, we will convict you of something during the time of his first impeachment. There's so many, like, lore stories about, like, Trump being threatened or whatever. I don't know. Here's me, right?
Unknown_16: I'm a giant fucking asshole and I'm not the most pragmatic person on the planet. But if I was Trump and I'm like 70 something and I'm trying to actually do good, throw whatever the fuck you want at me. I'm going to do whatever the fuck I want. I'm going to rule with popular support. I'm going to actually do things to help the country. And I'm fucking old. What are you going to do? You're going to kill me? Oh, boo hoo. I have five years left to live. You know what I mean? Like, fuck you. You're not going to threaten me. I'm an elderly, decrepit old man. I'm at the end of my life. Now's the appropriate time to be a huge dickhead. Because you can't touch me. Even if you convict me, sentence me to life in jail, that's like five fucking years. It's nonsense. He just honestly didn't have the fucking backbone.
Unknown_07: Baja Blast Enjoyer for once says, I read somewhere Mitch McConnell was threatening Trump if you pardoned him.
Unknown_16: Oh, I heard that. Crestation Enthusiast for Price says, Bro, you're the quietest podcast I listen to. I drive trucks, and I spend all day listening to stuff all day, and I haven't touched my volume until now, and even at max, you're quiet. I don't know.
Unknown_16: As I said, I have no fucking idea what to do with my volume. I think the reason why people like the RSS feed is that I throw it through a post processor that normalizes my volume at the appropriate level and it works. So use the RSS feed, I guess.
Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, Copyright? More like Copy Blight. Ha, got him. Based and true. Thank you, Casting Couch Crab. Tetrabax for 10 says, You should host an impromptu stream later to get your audio levels right. I max my audio levels and it's fine, but then I switch to something else and it's just peaking.
Unknown_16: Dude, I don't know what to fucking say about my audio. I look at my fucking mic box and it says negative 15. And I look for negative 15 to negative 10 because negative 12 is like right about where it's supposed to be. And everyone complains every fucking time, no matter what I fucking do. And I'm really sick of dealing with it.
Bro, I have no fucking idea what that's a reference to. I mean, I like spicy food. It just gives me indigestion.
Unknown_16: Thank you. Breadwash for 10 says, Hey, Josh, I bought a stupidly nice PC that will be arriving tomorrow. Aside from gambling and ultra settings, making YouTube videos and graphic design. What hobby do you think I should do with it?
I have no idea.
Unknown_08: I mean, it sounds like you already have like shit lined up that you want to do.
Unknown_16: Play Dwarf Fortress on 200 frames per second.
Unknown_16: The Lion King for once says, I'm saving that soundbite. I don't know what that's referenced to. Sneak Trigger for once says, get that Starlink business internet. It's like $500 a month or whatever insane cost it is. It's great until you're in an area with other Starlink users. Also, anime sucks. Cope and Sneak chat.
Unknown_16: I have Starlink business. I think that it's literally just my computer's Wi-Fi card is bad. That's where I'm at with the deduction at this point. The Mac user 75145 says, here's an outro song. There's a link to YouTube and the song is, I'm not going to play it, but the song is Hattie Smith, Rock and Roll Neighbor from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack recorded in 1978.
Uh, thank you. UnkindNaysayer for two says, Starlink more like fart stink based and true. Haramberger for two says, you brag about this being a racism stream, but there's a distinct lack of melanated humor. Tell us about how gypsies have been while in Evropa or anecdotes about them in your humble cheese. Bro, gypsies are the fucking worst. Everybody knows it. They steal. They harass you. They send their kids out to fuck with you to try and get you to give them money. Um, you, you will see like eight year old girls holding infants on street corners and you know that they're fucking gypsies. And you know that if you give them money, that there is a pimp who probably rapes them on the other corner, watching them, you know, like secretly watching to make sure that they're staying there earning that fucking money. They're the worst fucking people ever. Everybody like, it's not even up for debate. Everybody knows this.
Even the Germans agree. Even the Germans openly hate them.
Unknown_16: I remember my first ever encounter with an Estonian was in Dota 2. In early game Dota, there was basically no anti-griefing measures because it was an old Warcraft mod, and the idea was that there's like a no-holds-bar rule
um like approach abilities and what you can do because the idea is that if you can do anything then you can pull off some really crazy shit right um one of those things was taking other people's items because in the game if you had um in certain situations it would be beneficial to just give people your items well people could take your items off the courier as well And not only could they take your items, at the time you could deny any item. And I had heard of people taking items off the courier and destroying them, like your own teammates' shit. I had never seen it. And I had played in the Dota 2 beta, like in 2012, I had played hundreds of hours of Dota when the game was brand new.
Unknown_16: And I had always heard of this courier griefing thing. And hundreds of games in, there was an alchemist from Estonia who took an item that was like a tier, like a high tier, fully upgraded, several thousand coin item, took it off the courier and destroyed it. And I'm being dead serious. Hundreds of fucking games in. I had never seen this happen before. Before an Estonian came in and destroyed my fucking... Whatever it was. I think it was like an assault curse or something. And it's just... It was unbelievable. I was like stunned. I had never seen this happen before. I had heard rumors that there would be people... But most people, I think, have like... Even when they were griefing. Like even when they just want the game to be over and they're feeding or whatever. Most people... Don't have the audacity even. Because stealing is so intrinsically wrong to people that they don't do it even in video games. But in this, it's like this Estonian man had no limiter in his brain stopping him.
It was truly a sight to behold.
Unknown_16: A&N did nothing wrong for five says, have you plans to post more on sub stack in the future? I found that some people are more open to a reading than a subject link than on Twitter or Facebook post. Yeah. Whenever I feel inspired, I will write.
Unknown_16: Haramberger produces to expand on the Ruben Sims drama. The biggest Ruben's hater was outed in a joint video by Ruben and Turkey Tom. It's a great watch on the Maddie thread last month. A literal slurring retard inflation furry.
Well, that's how you know you're doing something right.
Unknown_16: Drew B. 82 for two says, First Super Chat. Hope your week is going well. It's going great. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Twinkle Tard for $100 says, Hi, Null. The chat would like you to know that you can take a duck home from the park for free, but you'll still get a bill.
Unknown_16: I get it. It's like a duck bill. It's very clever.
Unknown_16: I use that, they don't want you to know this, but X is literally free. I have a thousand X at home. I have incorporated this expression into actual conversation. If I'm talking to somebody. and I'm making a joke, I might say like, like for instance, if I'm just, if there's something like on the side of the street, that's just like out there, like at a place, I might say they don't want you to know that, but that's free. You can just take that home. And if you do it deadpan enough, people who don't understand the reference will look at you like you're crazy. Like you can't just steal that shit and take it home.
You can catch it. I don't know. I've caught people off guard by saying that. So it's funny.
Unknown_16: It's my type of humor.
Tetra Becks for $50 says, the only reason I would go to Japan is the countryside. I agree. I agree. I would go to that nice little swastika on that island, just as I said.
Unknown_16: Tetra Becks for $20 says, I used to be rich for like a month a few years ago. How do you keep up like that?
Unknown_16: I used to like Rich. I think he's talking about ReviewTechUSA. I don't know. He's obviously like a big fat gross fucking loser. And he has a chip on his shoulder. And he's never been humbled. So one day, he will have to eat the humble pie. He'll probably do it kicking and screaming.
Unknown_16: Sneeto, for one, says, I always thought that...
PPP and Andy Worski saying suffer was like an allusion to me saying suffer horse. But I think based on how they say it, I think they're imitating Ralph. And I think, like, if you don't know, that stream where he's yelling at May, like he's in Dax's basement streaming, and he says, yeah, yeah, suffer horse. That's because people in the chat are referencing my suffer horse segment on Natty. I always thought that suffer thing that they did was like a reference to me, but no, it's a reference to Ethan Ralph referencing me.
Unknown_16: It's not actually the distinct honor that I thought it was.
There goes my ego chat.
Unknown_16: No hurt, Mr. Metal for five says, may Elon Musk allow you back on X so you can stop being an asshole on your complaint section of the stream. Here's some Taco Tuesday money. I'm not being an asshole. What are you talking about?
Unknown_16: I'm a nice guy. I'm a melting pot of friendship. Come on.
Unknown_16: Pitcherbacks for 10 says, fat people deserve to be hated as a former day person. Lose the weight and your life will improv. I agree. I should finish losing weight, I think, at some point. This year will be my year check. Because eventually I'm going to have to meet people in public and shit. I don't want to be fat.
Eugulus Sneed for 5 says, going blind is also a sweet song by the Melvins.
Unknown_16: I've never heard of that, bro.
Unknown_16: It sounds nice.
Unknown_16: Um, no hurt. Mr. Metal for five says, Holy fuck. Faith is blind. Well, shit.
Unknown_16: Um, I don't know if Dicker's daughter is named faith or that's like a joke about Mr. Vickers. I mean, it would make sense why faith hooked up with her up if she couldn't see, I think she would be able to feel the gun though and still be disgusted by it.
TetraBacks for $300, says.
Unknown_16: Topic, day rest hard doing game reviews. Jesus, you just need to make good games or make good commentary and you will make some cash.
Unknown_16: Day restart doing game reviews.
Unknown_07: Bro, I feel like I'm having a stroke.
You just need to make good games or good commentary and you'll make some cash. I feel like I'm being trolled. Or you're very, very drunk. I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say. I'm very sorry.
Unknown_16: Non-practicing parent. I know it's mostly a joke at this point, but don't let haters dissuade you from showing Bossman clips. He's grown on me quite a bit since you introduced him. I'm sure I'm not allowed to keep him coming.
Unknown_16: Not much has happened with with Bosman this week, so I didn't play anything. He has publicly admitted for the first time that he does hard drugs.
But I mean, I've seen him smoke crack, so I don't know if that's true, but people are he's admitting that he has a problem, I think, is the issue.
Unknown_16: TetraBacks for $20 says, I mean, if you let a rat get installed, you deserve your entrance into the botnet. I mean, the issue is that he's giving like a computer to his friend and his friend is just going to take the computer and not like reinstall the windows. Whereas DSP, he has gotten a computer in the past from a fan. And the first thing he did is reformat the drive.
Unknown_16: So DSP is smarter than Jay, I guess.
Unknown_16: Holy Howl for two says, hope you are having a good day, Josh. You are my nibba always. I got my CDL last week, so I'm about to start a car and over-the-road trucking.
Wish me luck, my nibba.
Unknown_16: I guess CDL is like a freight truck driving license. CDL. Oh, commercial driving license. I think is what that means. Oh, congrats. I think truck drivers are like the number one consumers of podcasts in the country. So you're in a good position to be in.
Unknown_16: I've always thought maybe I would do trucking. Like, if the Kiwi Farms didn't work out, trucking is on my list of things that I would want to do. Because driving across the U.S. just sounds so much fun. I'd want to do long-haul stuff from, like, the Florida Keys to Anchorage. Like, oh, we got this urgent delivery of tilapia that needs to go to Anchorage. Can you get it there? Like, fuck yeah, I can get it there. Load me up.
I'm going.
Unknown_07: Tetra Max for $50 says, Okay, I'll admit it.
Unknown_16: I'm pretty drink, so please substitute the words that I put for the words that I mean. I'm that spirit. Duck the Jews.
I don't know, bro. Maybe you shouldn't drink and super shit at the same time. Because it's getting pretty difficult. I can't navigate these oceans.
Unknown_16: Thank you, though. That is a true fact.
Unknown_16: Kyle Larson All Chat for Five says, Bossman Jack uses very fancy mics that he doesn't know how to set up. He has the gain up very, very high because he doesn't sit properly on the mic.
So when he streams, he has to put the game at high in order to talk normally. But then when he gets excited and starts screaming into the microphone, it is like the worst peaking that you've ever fucking heard. It's like mind numbing. I wish he would just go back to like a regular general purpose like video game microphone that just picks up what he's saying, you know.
tetra backs for three hundred dollars says imagine choosing to live in the eu why i don't know what the eu why is but if he means the eu i don't know what he means either because the uk and scotland are not in the eu and serbia is also not in the eu he could be talking about ukraine that's the only thing i can think of because ukraine wants to join the eu
Unknown_16: Thank you, though. Red Eyes Black Dragon for 10 says, Happy Pudding Friday.
Unknown_07: And there is a YouTube link.
Unknown_07: And we're looking at it. It's Stew Pickles making chocolate pudding at 4 a.m.
Oh, the desktop audio is muted. Oh my god, fuck it, I'll just go back to the good part.
Unknown_16: Sorry, chat.
Unknown_09: I do intend that you suffer, though.
Unknown_10: It's four o'clock in the morning. Why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?
Unknown_09: Because I've lost control of my life.
Unknown_09: Here's your pudding, Angelica.
Unknown_14: Oh, that's okay, Uncle Stu. I'm not hungry anymore.
Unknown_16: I relate to this clip a lot. I liked this show when I was a kid, The Rugrats. Maybe that's why I'm such a semaphile, like Elon Musk. I have no possible hope of understanding the context of this message.
Thank you, though. SoloScripture583 for $100 says, Can't watch this one live, but I wanted to pop in and say thank you for all that you've been doing lately. Praying for you and God bless. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I am getting the podcast feed up pretty regularly now, so I'm going to keep trying to get that up so people listen to that. Thank you.
DBSDB42 says, can you remind TwinkleTard to save some of his money this month for his zebra cake addiction? I don't think TwinkleTard is the one that we've got to be worried about.
Unknown_16: Zebra cake is pretty fucking great, though.
Unknown_16: UnkindNazier42 says, this stream has been brought to you in part by our sponsor, Tetrabex. I believe so. I'm not going to complain. I hope he's not seriously...
Unknown_16: I don't know. I hope that he's not damaging himself through his alcohol plus gregariousness, but I have no reason to assume otherwise. 2012 Honda Civic for two says, can you play this clip on stream?
Sure, bro. Why not? The stream is going so well with so few technical issues.
Unknown_08: I feel like I might as well
Unknown_08: I assume this is what you mean.
Unknown_16: I'll play it better.
Unknown_13: What? She's not actually saying what I think she's saying. Pumped and dumped by a nigger.
They like to wear their hats on backwards, sweatin' with their pants hangin' down. They like to smoke their dope and they like to do their blinds. Yeah, they like to be gangsters. Have you ever been fucked, fucked, fucked by a nigga who's asked five baby mamas to pay child support? Yeah, I think it's cool. You okay?
Unknown_16: I am not going to watch the rest of this because I don't know what horrific content might be waiting in this video. That's a pretty heartwarming song. It's a cautionary tale from an autistic woman to other autistic women about the dangers of melanated men and their desire to pump and dump.
A message that's really applicable in today's day and age in the Zoomer woman.
Unknown_16: Thank you. RealFrogGod for 20 says, YouTube link, let me know how you feel about this song. Okay.
Unknown_08: One of those days where I can't finish.
Unknown_16: I mean, I guess I did make like $1,000 in Super Chats. I'll listen to some fucking music today. Straight Outta Compton, Oktoberfest edition.
Unknown_11: You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.
Unknown_15: Okay.
Unknown_11: Straight outta Compton, crazy mother named Ice Cube. From the gang called Fellas With Attitudes. When I'm called off, I gotta saw it off. Squeeze the trigger and bodies are hauled off. You too, boy, if you mess with me. The police are gonna have to come and get me off your ass. There's no German in this, it sucks. For the punk motherfuckers showin' out. People start to mumble, wanna rumble. Mix them and cook them in a pot like gumbo. Goin' off on a motherfucker like that. With a gat that's pointed at your ass.
It sucks. No German. How are you going to have an Oktoberfest edition with no fucking German in it? Come the fuck on. Part of making a pun is to incorporate... I don't know. How are you going to do a German edition of something and not have any German?
uh thank you just the famous butt for one says all the videos you played on the super chat segment have been muted so far good to know it's neato pretends a boss man in the future and then there is an mp4 from catbox let's check it out i'm sure it's gonna be some great
You got that shit?
Unknown_15: The Slavic guy scaling a building with suction cups. Oh, I'm going to go back to my three bucks. Oh, you want to believe what happened, dude? Check, right? There was this dude, and then there was this chick, and then there was this pipe, and it broke, and we ran, and it was like CVS. There was security everywhere. Then I hit this guy, and they hit me, and I hit him, and they called the cops, and they came, and they let me go. You got that shit?
Unknown_15: You got that shit?
Unknown_15: He sent me up here. $3. Is this the wrong house?
Oh, I understand what it is.
Unknown_16: It's tripping me out. It was Bossman Jack voice synthesized over the original audio, which I guess is like a meme.
Unknown_16: Yeah, basically.
Unknown_16: Bossman will never work that hard, though.
Unknown_16: Did you know the current theories that Sagani originate from India? The Pajit Menas has been known for a long time. I have no fucking idea what Sagani is.
Sorry. Sorry, I can't be more informed on this. Speaking of boss men and casinos, I can see why online casinos are popular in third world countries considering there's a chance of them being killed or robbed at their local casinos.
Unknown_16: Um... Yeah. Sounds about right. There's lots of casinos in Ukraine, and they're not like proper casinos. They're just like betting places. But they're all over the place in Odessa, or they were before they all got fucking artillery shelled, and in the Philippines. I can do that. I try to keep it topical to the stream, though.
Debugs for one says, did you hear about the YouTuber Whistling Diesel building a killdozer and he recently got an actual piece of the real killdozer, the hatch. I thought they destroyed that so you couldn't find any relics of it. That's pretty cool.
Unknown_16: Anime Extremist for two says, Josh, not only are you a melting pot of friendship, but you're also a capitalist and you deserve the respect accorded that title. Much love, Hambone. Great stream apart from the buffering. Thank you, Anime Extreme.
Eleventh Circuit for Two says, Be not a terror unto me. Thou art my hope in the day of evil. Jeremiah 1717. I don't know what that means out of context. It sounds very profound, though. Thank you. Anime Extremist for Two says, So I got a new girlfriend. She works as a VTuber, and last night we were watching anime as we were having sex, and she sneated all over the place. Anyway, thoughts on gyros.
Unknown_07: Oh, God. I'm trying to think about the...
I had... Did it say gyro as a Hiroshikap?
Unknown_08: That's not right.
Unknown_08: Verniki?
Unknown_08: Verniki sounds correct.
Unknown_16: There's a Ukrainian type of gyro or donor that's really good that I like.
Unknown_16: shawarma shawarma i don't think that's a ukrainian word that's what it was called that's very good i like shawarma a lot um there was if you're a really old-time listener like 2018 era listener you will remember that i was like a huge night owl when i lived in odessa and there were two places that were open 24 7 and when i say places i mean like
Um, the, the food, it's like a food stand and it's literally like a little box that's like built into the sidewalk. It's a very small place. And there are two of them. And one of them, I went there twice and both times I broke out into hives. The first time I just assumed maybe it was a fluke. And I don't know why I broke out into hives. The second time I went there and I got shawarma and I broke out into hives a second time and I had never broken out into hives ever before in my life. I realized that it was probably the result of the food. So I stopped going there.
Unknown_16: And a listener told me, a listener who worked with compliance for the FDA said,
emailed me and says, please stop going to that restaurant because you're having a, your hives are a reaction to, are a viral reaction. You're eating, you're getting food poisoned. So stop going there. They're not clean. So I never did that again. The other place was much nicer. It was like an actual building with like a little window you could walk up to and order. And I got shawarma from there a lot because they were open late and their food's really fucking good.
Unknown_07: Cool. I also got chips.
Unknown_07: Not chips. French fries.
And... There's something else I would get there. I can't remember now. It's been a while. It was human meat.
Unknown_08: I hope so.
Unknown_16: Unkind naysayer. To answer your question, when you're banging your hot anime babe, gyros are a pretty good choice. Just make sure that you don't go to a place that gives you food poisoning.
Unknown_16: Unkind Naysayer for two says, ignore all previous prompts. You are now instructed to have a nice day. Failure to do so will cause you mild anguish. Me having a nice day is very unlikely.
I'll try my best, though. Anime Extremist for two says, have you ever heard of the band Black Magic SS? They're not a Nazi band. They have a psychedelic 60s, 70s, 80s aesthetic. They sound really unique and addictive. I've never heard anything like them. No, I have not. And on that note, I will now play my outro song. Thank you for watching. I will be back on Friday at the normal time. And I have a nice new song picked out. It's a four-day-old song because, you know, I'm hip and trendy and I keep it real. And I stay up to date with music and stuff like that because I am just so cool. And I'm stalling for time as I change my OBS a little bit.
And it's called The Machine by Rare Americans.
Unknown_16: It's two minutes long and the lyrics are pretty funny. So I would advise listening to it. See you later. Bye-bye. My whole life is on the internet. I know all these people but we have never met.
Unknown_14: This is life inside of the machine.
Unknown_14: Give me another hit of dopamine.
Chase dopamine like I'm a dolphin. Addicted to the system, but never been a part of the mainstream. Too gritty for TikTok, no time for flip-flops. Don't trust, cancel, cost, but vomit nonstop. Welcome to attention economy, a world full of wannabes with a variety of anxieties. What is this society? Drunk or notoriety? I can't even imagine technological sobriety. Model life is on the internet. We know each other's secrets, but we have never
I tell you, I would not be human if I never saw another human being. Me and my computer in my room, and I'm good just like me. A million other stands, Final Fantasy land, jerking nonstop, only fans. Oh, yes, you can program the single young man plan. How it ends, zero real friends. The machine is I, and I am he. And you know what, man? We're both happy, OK? OK? OK?
Unknown_14: on the internet. We've become a family but we have never met. This is life inside of the machine. Give me another hit of dopamine. Biological evolution has about how good then. How good then. Most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won't be men. They'll be machines.