I remember doom. 0:01:27 Unknown_15: back when games were games and they weren't just faggots playing dress up as anime cartoon characters in some kind of open world game where you work the second job to get fake gold yep back in my day you just shot demons 0:02:01 Unknown_15: Hello, chat. It is June 21st, 2024, and this is Friday. It means it's pizza day, actually. I moved pizza day back to Friday. I felt that it was more appropriate. Unknown_15: I hope you guys have had a great week. It is the end of the week. I'm sure everybody's very excited. I know that I'm speaking to the audience that works. Unknown_15: I have the Tuesday audience that doesn't work, and then I have the Friday audience that does work. Unknown_15: I think I should do some Unknown_15: Custodial things right first of all I Watched a Louie or Lewis. I guess he doesn't like to go by Louie Lewis Rossman video where he was talking about YouTube coming after him for the blue Gray gray bird great blue blue gray blue. Jay gray. Jay gray. Jay app. That's what it's called 0:02:37 Unknown_15: So I have set up a gray Jay social account On the harbor social. So this is the official the official account for that So I to support the project I hope to hope that he is successful in circumventing YouTube's monopoly on entertainment because YouTube as I've discussed in previous episodes is a Trying to fuck with your ability to not watch ads I hate ads and since I grew up on the internet basically divorced from ads I didn't watch TV and every time I watch TV even you know 10 years ago. It was like Wow Ads are fucking awful. You have a 20 minute long video that stretched by 40 minutes because of Every goddamn break needs an ads and I've just not had ads now They're really really trying to get me to watch ads and I absolutely fucking will not watch ads And I will do everything literally everything including not watching anything to avoid not watching ads 0:03:27 Unknown_15: So I've set this up, and it's one of the few, a couple of things I've actually set up recently. I haven't advertised these very aggressively, but I have set up an Instagram, a Facebook page. Like if you just go to facebook.com slash man at the internet, that's my page. And then I've also set up a man at the internet group. So if you go to facebook.com slash groups slash man at the internet, that's like a private group that I've barely set up. 0:04:05 Unknown_15: I may in the future start streaming to those channels as well not Instagram because you require a 9 by 16 resolution. I'm not streaming on that. Unknown_15: But for the normie book page, I might because I've never done that before. I'm always a fan of exploring things and getting in trouble. Unknown_15: I'm 0:04:55 Unknown_15: And I have to wait 60 days to stream. So I'm just waiting that out. But if I do check the membership request every so often, so if you're interested in joining that, you can nothing's happening on it yet. But I would like to diversify my presence as much as possible, because as it turns out, even on lead based platforms, it turns out you can just be terminated at any time. Unknown_15: So let's let's put on the news hamster. Unknown_15: It appears that the news hamster is in a party hat chat. Why? Why is this? I think we may need a little flashback to June 23rd, 2023 chat. 0:05:31 Unknown_15: It's mostly news thankfully somebody at the last second has provided me a very cute thing For my stream look at this watch boom it covers the date just like I wanted so I can be super lazy about it It appears to be Hand-drawn or something. It's animated. There's a hamster. He's a news desk. It's very cute. It's it's it's just perfect 0:06:02 Unknown_15: Let me get it right. Hold on, let me find this real quick. He just sent it to me. Goodnight Knight, as in goodnight to a knight. Very, very fascinating. Or very, very cute. Unknown_15: It has been one year. Unknown_15: Well, not one year today, but in two days. And I won't be streaming on that day, so this is the closest I can get to it. Not only did the user who drew the party hat, and I'll get his name real quick, I wrote it down. Unknown_15: It is taxidermy rat, which is a mean name in the consideration of these things. He also drew a picture Here we go. Now. There's an incorporation of all the various hands Which have been featured in the years since the introduction of the news hamster everyone it's apparently it's a big it's a fun thing for the the artist I guess because they've drawn a 0:06:35 Unknown_15: Not only the party ham. Oh my god, it even has hollandaise sauce on the pizza. That's so cute. Unknown_15: There is the femme ham. Unknown_15: Amazing attention to detail. The femme hamster is the only hamster whose legs are not spread apart. That is a very funny thing to include into your drawing. 0:07:11 Unknown_15: i have noticed that there's the china ham because i talked about china too much apparently um then what was the it was like an anarchy ham it was a death to advertiser ham or something and then um the balder ham who was passed out on the ground very cute i appreciate this fan art especially the incorporation of all the colors and stuff it fits very like it fits like you just hide everything else real quick it's perfectly into the display Unknown_02: Awesome. 0:07:46 Unknown_02: I appreciate that. Unknown_02: One year with him. I can't believe there's only been a year, to be honest with you. Unknown_15: Okay, so let's see. What's our News Ham news story? It is that there was a Juneteenth event in Oakland, of all places, and it went about as well as you would expect. Let's check it out. 0:08:23 Unknown_08: Where's my brother at? Oh, hell no. He shot right here. Unknown_15: Give me a second real quick. Let's see rumble is not working on I apologize. I just noticed that It is true that the the rumble video is not working and that is not my fault. I promise Let me try really quick if I can fix that at the restream service. Um, I do Actually see it say that the rumbles not working Just extremely fucking annoying 0:09:00 Unknown_02: But luckily, I think I can fuck with it midstream. Hopefully we'll get over it. Unknown_15: While I'm doing this, I should mention that I have been working on the archive of the forum. Unknown_15: I have gotten the archive all the way back to May 24th, which is when Rikada was arrested. My goal is to do one video. 0:09:46 Unknown_15: a day in terms of getting the archive up. It's gonna take weeks, even that one video a day. But I am working on that. I'm also updating the RSS feed again in a timely way, because now I have the bandwidth. Even though my connection is literally only twice what it was before, I was literally uploading at dial-up speeds. It was inconceivable of me to properly upload shit. Okay, it looks like the Rumble thing is fixed. I apologize for that. Unknown_15: Let's fix now, so just clerically I am working on that now back to the the continent hand the oak I want to just admire the soundscape of this real quick. We'll replay Love just like the ambience like you have like a mob of people the casual gunshots in the background sounds like a video game or something. I 0:10:24 Unknown_15: Here's the story with this. Juneteenth event, the African American population of the United States doing demonstrations and peace, and then a sideshow happened. And this is our word of the day chat, a sideshow. A sideshow is African-American vernacular English. And what it means is a group of people, usually of a particular persuasion, riding on vehicles, usually ATVs or similar small, more mobile vehicles, will block off a segment of the street illegally, without permits, and then do some kind of performance on their vehicles on the street. 0:11:22 Unknown_15: Now, this happened to happen during the Juneteenth celebration, and this resulted in someone becoming very upset that they could not drive down the fucking road because there was an impromptu indigenous tribal folk dance happening on an ATV in their way. So they pulled out their gun, as is their Second Amendment right, and started firing at the people in the sideshow, which is why we now hear these popping sounds in this video that happened to be recorded. I believe, if that is the case, if that's what actually happened, that is completely and totally justified. Unknown_15: If you illegally block the road and get shot for it, if I'm on the jury, he ain't getting convicted. I don't give a fuck if you are 18 years old, just starting your life on your way to college, you got accepted into medical law school, if you had a minor degree in rocket surgery you were working on, if you had eight kids, if your mama loved you very much, if you were blocking the road and got shot, You deserved it. That's just how it is. 0:12:27 Unknown_15: There is no legitimate purpose for blocking that fucking road and someone laid your ass out. I am voting to acquit. It does not matter what the law says. It doesn't matter how persuasive the state is in their case. I am voting to acquit that motherfucker because you deserved it. Unknown_15: Such is life. Okay. Unknown_15: That's the Juneteenth event. Next one is a trans woman, Mia Bailey, accused of killing parents and allegedly admitted that she would do it again. And I think that we're going to do it. We're going to do it because I don't want to get rid of the party hamster. I think we can we can do like a two for one right now. 0:13:01 Unknown_02: Damn. Unknown_02: We're going to hang out together. She's invited to a party chat. That's what's happening. Unknown_15: Immediately says that uh, the adult trans wham and accused of gunning down her parents and cold-blood said she would do it actually I go to this. Hmm. I forgot there was something I was gonna show you Oakland Juneteenth Shooting um there the camera who it was it might have been the mayor or something. I 0:13:42 Unknown_15: I'm completely distracted now, but I wanted to show you the news story, but I forgot to line it up. Unknown_15: So this is the Associated Press. 15 shot dead after a sideshow took over a peaceful Juneteenth celebration in Oakland, police say. Unknown_15: More than 50 shell casings were recovered at the scene. Around 20 vehicles, mostly all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes, arrived at 8.15 and started a sideshow on the north side of the lake as 5,000 people attended the Juneteenth event, known as street takeovers. 0:14:16 Unknown_15: That's not the right the AP one doesn't include the funny quote. I want to say it was either five there's a funny quote from either the Sheriff or Sorry, no, this is shoddy reporting but There's a quote the crowds were peaceful until 815 and Unknown_15: The fight broke out as crowds headed towards the altercation. Unknown_15: Officers located victims who were shot with a gunfire. No arrests have been made. They don't even know how many shooters there were. 0:14:51 Unknown_15: At some point, someone or multiple people fired 50 shots into a crowd, injuring multiple in public in broad daylight during a federal holiday celebration. And yeah, we have no fucking idea. We have literally not a fucking clue. Unknown_15: If that doesn't inspire confidence in the criminal justice system, I don't know what does. There's a quote, I'm so pissed. 0:15:25 Unknown_02: So we thought we heard fireworks. Mostly peaceful. Unknown_02: Oh man, I'm never gonna be able to find this quote. Unknown_15: It was like a direct quote from the sheriff who was investigating it or something. I feel like such a dipshit. I had this ready to go, and I really fucked it up. I need to get past it, though, if I can't find this. Maybe it was CBS. Unknown_02: I wonder if... I wonder if, um... If they've, like, changed it. If they, like, removed the quote or something. 0:16:09 Unknown_15: Oh, that pisses me off. I bet you they did fucking change it. I remember it was like the, it was like the CBS report for it. Unknown_02: And it had a mention of the funny quote. Unknown_02: Okay, I'm gonna have to give up on this. Sorry, I fucked it up. Unknown_02: One more time, Oakland. Unknown_02: Juneteenth shooting. 0:16:43 Unknown_02: I can't remember Unknown_15: It was an indigenous person who happened to be serving in public government who made the quote, and that's why it was so funny to me. The thing that he said was that it was very dismissive of the sideshow. 0:17:20 Unknown_02: Oh, oh, here we go. I found it. Unknown_15: Okay, great. Sorry, now I remember what it was. The guy that gave the press conference reported on why there were so many casualties, and he's like saying, we have everything from minor gunshots or flesh wounds to loss of fingers. Some individuals are still being treated in critical condition. The fights escalated into multiple people discharging their firearms. Oakland police are facing harsh questions. they don't know how many shooters there were, but this guy, I think, I don't know if this is a mistake, this is like a lapse in reporting, because some of these articles say that they don't know how many shooters there were, but then this guy said it looked like multiple people took out guns. So what it was, it was like a proper nigga moment, where they had like an altercation, everybody was strapped, everybody pulled out their guns, everybody fired, like 50 rounds, that's like, in California they have a mag limit of like 10 rounds per magazine. 0:17:56 Unknown_15: So that's five guns that are pulled out and emptied, is what I'm reading from this. And then at the end it says this... Unknown_02: OK, I don't remember. Unknown_15: That's not the quote, but the mention of a police car reminded me there was a delayed police response because of the sideshow. So the sideshow blot traffic caused the altercation. Five people pull out their guns and mag dump and then the cops can't respond. because the streets are blocked by the sideshow so they they delay their own emergency response as they're shot at because they block the fucking roads to go dirt biking in the middle of a of a city street for no fucking reason this 0:18:42 Unknown_15: This right here is why Abraham Lincoln sent hundreds of thousands of American soldiers to die for the Union so that in the future, in 2024, 160 years after the end of the Civil War, Unknown_15: Black people can block off the streets, stymie emergency responders, and empty magazines into each other at point-blank range over a dispute over the blocking of the roads as they celebrate their own emancipation, by the way. 0:19:36 Unknown_15: Really just amazing. Unknown_15: Okay, back to the tranny. The Utah woman accused of gunning down her parents in cold blood said she would do it again in a chilling admission to cops after she was arrested following an extensive man... An extensive manhunt. Unknown_16: She was arrested after a manhunt. 0:20:08 Unknown_02: You can't tell me that's not intentional. Unknown_02: The person that wrote this has a degree in journalism. You mean to tell me that's not intentional? Unknown_15: Mia Bailey, 28, was arrested near the Mormon temple in St. George on Wednesday morning, several hours after her mother and father were found dead at their home. Unknown_15: Once in custody, Bailey, who recently changed her legal gender name, allegedly confessed that she wanted to her parents' home with the intention of killing them, as well as her brother, KSLTV reports, citing the arrest affidavit. 0:20:42 Unknown_15: I would do it again. I hate them, Bailey said to the officers, referring to her parents. Mia openly described her hatred of her brother, the documents added. Bailey allegedly also shot at her brother through a locked door, but he was able to escape the bloody scene and call 911 from a neighbor's house, according to KSL TV. Unknown_15: Um, Nia. Oh, this is him, by the way. That's a very, very, very flattering picture. Uh, filters cranked up and shit. This is what she looks like. And then in a Facebook post he posted, you may bowl 10 times without getting one, without getting accounts as the lanes occasionally glitch out and fail to count the correct pins. Oh, so this is like a negative review of a local like bowling alley. 0:21:14 Unknown_15: In these cases, you have to manually enter the score to solve the issue unless you get a strike. You must roll heavier since certain bowling lanes are slippier than others. On a non-dedicated league night, I went bowling and this old guy's wife decided to come up to me and berate me for bowling at the same time I was minding my own lane in business. Unknown_15: On top of 100 individuals conversing at once, there is a pull in other games going on and there are other so-called leagues, players bowling concurrently. Professional bowlers often play against other professionals. 0:22:00 Unknown_15: The employee and the owner are transphobic, which I believe to be discrimination against me, and they made up rules targeting me with such bigotry. Unknown_15: Sorry, you have to go to the tranny lane. The tranny lane is the one on the far end that has the broken surface that's not waxed quite as good as the other ones, and also the camera for detecting your pen count is busted on that one. But trust me, it's a special accommodation just for you and your ginger. 0:22:37 Unknown_15: Have fun with that." And he's like, no, you can't do this. You can't do this to me. Unknown_15: This is a response from my local in the area. Marty, Marty says, life is so weird. The double murder suspect, Mia Bailey, would come into Kohl's every once in a while. But this last couple of weeks, I saw her a few times She would only check out with me with her purchases and she would always have her bangs pulled forward on her forehead with little butterfly berets holding them in place. She's a bit eccentric and did not stand out. Bizarre situation. Oh, you didn't stand out, huh? There was no warning signs? 0:23:09 Unknown_15: No warning signs, right? Nothing? Nothing to give you a little hint there might be an issue? Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_15: I'll take your word on that. Unknown_15: That's it for the news, but I will leave the party ham up, because it's his party, and he can cry if he wants to. Unknown_15: This is just some general gay bashing. Alpha Fox posted this, this can't be real, and then here it appears to be an advertisement for Whole Talks. Let's have them explain it. 0:23:45 Unknown_14: Hey everyone, it's Injector Chris here at Lushable Aesthetics. I'm here with my friend Christian, and today we're going to be doing Whole Talks. Unknown_14: Holtox is exactly what it implies. It's Botox for your hole. It relaxes sphincter muscles to make bottoming easier. Patients love this procedure because it's safe, effective, comfortable, and allows them to bottom with confidence. Unknown_15: The words safe and effective now have a negative meaning to me. If you hit me with safe and effective, I know that shit is cancer. I know that shit is going to give me a loose asshole. Okay. I'm not, I'm not taking anything described by anybody in any position of power or, or prestige or anyone related to the medical profession. Uh, if it's described as safe and effective, fucked up. It really just goes to show you how natural homosexual sex is when they have to inject a botulism toxin directly into their sphincter so that they can take a dick up their ass without feeling the pain. It really just shows you that love is love, and when they get high on methamphetamine and horse tranquilizers so they can K-hole while they take up the B-hole, it really is just the same as you and I. It's really just the exact same thing. 0:25:08 Unknown_15: I just wanted to show you this to horrify you. Next, Chris Tyson. So a guy came out, his name was Prism or something, and he put out multiple very long videos about Chris Tyson apparently talking inappropriately to a 13-year-old. Unknown_15: Then, unfortunately, because this guy is just in it for the clout and didn't really think about how identifying all this shit might cause him to go into hiding and start deleting shit, Thankfully, the response from the Kiwi farms was along these lines. 0:25:58 Unknown_15: Sorry, I like that song this will be the outro song for the stream by the way This is the guy and he is like a literal soy boy retard names like yeah I should be the one to break that Chris Tyson when the most powerful and influential content creators on YouTube associated with the most powerful and Unknown_15: uh publicly known youtuber of all time right now yeah i should be the guy to do this and he didn't take his uh his oh he even has a sanichu medallion that's great that's great that's wonderful good job boy Unknown_15: Anyways, people did hunt down his secret Reddit account, which has since been deleted. He did say the dreaded N-word many times, such as the time he says, neighbor, daddy, fuck me, please, 420. That's a couple years ago. I mean, in 2016, I guess. His name was TysonBoy34. He has deleted everything at this point in time, but most of it's been archived. 0:26:50 Unknown_15: And there was this clip that was found and if you check real closely That there There is a poster and that is the Shadman drawing of a lollicon that he literally hung up in his living room where his kids played So that's like a pornographic image of like a little girl by Shadman They just hang up there and we found video proof that this is a real thing that actually happened. That wasn't just a joke He did keep it there Literally the only decoration in his entire room. Yeah, the only thing else hang up on the wall is a TV So the TV and then the lollicon drawing On his Twitter on this like secret Twitter account and reddit account. There's all sorts of like lollicon shit and stuff I haven't had the opportunity to like fully go through and listen to the Tyson stuff yet But I just want to point out that it is out there I 0:27:28 Unknown_15: And potentially I mean the thing is that it's Chris Tyson like he's not gonna get thrown out Mr. Beast is never going to have to deal with the consequences of letting this fucking weirdo be on his show as far as he's concerned like there's no reason to get rid of him because it's just free DEI at this point which is a shame But there's nothing to be done about it if he wants to chat up 13 year olds Despite the best efforts to delete at this point. It's like well nothing's gonna happen 0:28:20 Unknown_15: Speaking of, I actually did listen through all this shit. Fenster did do like a response on his Twitch stream, and the gist of this is that, Nina Nina Boo Boo, you can't touch me, you can't touch me, I'm gonna do whatever I want, and there's nothing you can do about it. So I will subject you to this, and I'll do a reaction to each one of these clips. Unknown_09: X Josh this dude he was this guy was or is the owner of Kiwi farms if you've heard of it It's basically I looked in I got to get told about the guy so I googled him so this guy like Sorry, I'm dead naming Twitter X even anyway, so this guy had an issue with me, and he made a thread which was 0:29:09 Unknown_09: So god, I'm funny and I had like this whole video planned. I was gonna like, oh dude, I was gonna do a video on it. Unknown_09: Um, but he's banned and uh, it's not really worth it. Hold on. Let me do Unknown_09: Hold on. 0:29:42 Unknown_15: Also just like the disrespect like the audience knowing that it'll be clipped Yeah I'm gonna be like a gross faggot the entire video and when it gets clipped and listened to people know that I'm a gross faggot and I have zero respect for them and I'm not gonna address these seriously because I don't have to because the Genny trainees will sweep it up for me. Unknown_09: I took like a screenshot of the original tweet because I wanted to show someone about it. One minute let me see if I can find it. Unknown_09: That's porn. Unknown_09: Give me a second. Unknown_15: just like so porn sick that he pulls out his phone and tries to find anything and it's just like oh and it's so flippin about him too like yeah i know that i'm streaming and shit on twitch but uh i can talk about being like a gross gooner all i want um Unknown_09: Shit. Anyway, so this guy, uh, he made a thread about, uh, this was the original thread. Look how many views it got. This is fucking crazy. This blew up over, over on Twitter. Um, it got, like, this was the original tweet. The first sentence in this is the bet I genuinely contemplated changing my Twitter bio. 0:30:27 Unknown_09: Finster Jude Howarth, that is my full name, thank you. The Times doxed me first, it doesn't matter. A pornographer and children's entertainer on Twitch. Hey, Chet. Hey, Chet. Unknown_09: Do you remember the adult children's entertainer bit? I love that, because half of this thread and the replies, obviously the thread's deleted so I can't find it, which it sucks, but all the replies are like, don't dox yourself? Dude, this is out there. 0:31:05 Unknown_09: All the replies are just like he's this fucking streams roblox and minecraft and like this is dude I Got to show you a quick thing Unknown_09: You can check this. I don't know. I get that no one has time to do any of this. Unknown_09: But like, if you go onto this website, just Twitch Tracker, you don't even need to scroll through my thing. You just press games. And you can see that just FYI, I have not streamed a video game 0:31:38 Unknown_09: ANY VIDEO GAME! Not even- not even Minecraft or a kid's game. ANY VIDEO GAME. Since this is a- sorry, I'm gonna go hard on this one. This is a pet peeve, dude. This is a pet peeve of mine, because even if you still fucking Google me, or like even in Goddamn PhilosophyTube's video, she goes like, oh, it's a gamer, a gaming streamer. NO! I don't do games anymore, man! I quit that shit a year ago. 10 months ago, he says a full year ago, that's not true. Unknown_15: His last Minecraft video, his fucking YouTube channel for Minecraft is still up. It's less than 10 months ago that he put out a video on his main channel, which is the fundamentals of his popularity. He didn't gain notoriety. He didn't gain half a million subscribers by being a tranny on Twitch. He gained half a million subscribers by being a Minecraft YouTuber. Now, I ask you, who watches a Minecraft YouTube video? Probably kids. I discussed this on the first one that I talked about this, but it's such a snake way of addressing that point. You can complain all you want that people think that you're a video game streamer, and the answer is that people think that you're a video game streamer because you stream video games for almost your entire career. It's the only reason why anyone knows who the fuck you are, and you're not just some weird ghetto 0:32:52 Unknown_15: Trash no viewer tranny streamer of which there are like a thousand on Twitch And he's he finds it very funny to be called a pornographer and children's entertainer because he knows We currently live in a time frame. We're being a gross sex pest with an inappropriate relationship to two kids has no penalty. If you're doing it under the guise of gender activism, then you can get away with literal murder at this point in time, and nobody bats an eye. Even when you get millions of people paying attention to what you're doing, you can just get people deleted, you can get content removed anywhere on the internet, you can wave it away, you can laugh about it, you can make it your bio as like an in-joke, and nothing happens as a consequence, and he knows it. 0:33:28 Unknown_09: There was- dude. Okay. Anyway, sorry. I hate this. You used to- my Wikipedia thing used to be like gamer. Dude. Awful. If you say you'll- if you say you're underage, you'll be banned. Agreed. Good. Rightly so. The only game that I have- So his rule on Twitch and Discord. Unknown_15: sorry okay so this is how this works um i have seen his discord i've actually archived all of his discord and i've uh spent some time looking through it and searching for specific terms if you are if you say that you're underage you're allowed to be underage in his discord you're not allowed to be underage and admit to watching his twitch stream if he if he said if you say 0:34:30 Unknown_15: in his Discord that you watch him on Twitch and you're known to be underage, they will try to ban you from his chat. But that doesn't mean, you know, anything. Unknown_15: Obviously, he has a significant underage fanbase. I can prove this, by the way. I can prove this with very contemporaneous chat logs. In particular, I have chat logs indicating something which he would deny in regards to being a groomer, and I can conclusively prove that he is involved in, like, kingpilling kids. Unknown_15: And I'm just gonna have to wait until a more appropriate time to drop that at this point. 0:35:10 Unknown_09: I've streamed one game in the last two years, and it was Call of Duty. Not my best selection of game, but, you know, caught like an 18 plus game and I played it for 0.2% of my channel. I played for two hours. Exactly the same time as I played Half-Life, which makes a lot of sense, actually. Unknown_02: Call of Duty, a 18 plus game? Unknown_02: Call of Duty. Unknown_02: What's the most recent one? Unknown_15: I'm kind of curious. I don't keep up with Call of Duty released in 2024 Call of Duty black ops 6 rated This even get ESRB ratings anymore, yes our Was the Sun out that why it doesn't have a rating what Call of Duty modern warfare 3 I 0:36:12 Unknown_02: For some reason, the fucking the Wikipedia pages and lists that's ESRB rating. Unknown_02: So then again, ESRB could just be like so old that Unknown_02: Like, it doesn't say, like, how old you have to be to play it in the U.S. Unknown_15: Though I think, like, to say it's an 18-plus game is fucking absurd. Like, there's no more stigmatized demographic for being squeakers and raging teenage boys than the people who play Call of Duty. So that's kinda... It is rated M. Does that mean you have to be 17-plus to buy it? That's fucking ridiculous. 0:36:50 Unknown_09: Anyhow. So. Unknown_09: Sort by last scene. Can I do that? Unknown_09: Yeah, look at that. Let's fucking go. Just chatting. Pulls in hot tubs from that, from the thingy-ma-shit. And then Cod and then Minecraft. Hell yeah, dude. Unknown_09: A fateful day. I have stopped gaming. I'm like a fucking- I feel like I got old. I stopped playing video games. I did play a game- I played a game last night though. The one that, um... Bodycam. I played Bodycam. The game where it's like super hyper realistic and is... Terrifying to play, by the way. I don't know if you've played that- the Bodycam game yet. You're 23, dude. I know, I just feel like I'm old now. And never too old to be a gamer. No, okay. Sorry, I'll change old. I feel like I'm boring now. Because I don't. There's, um... 0:37:22 Unknown_09: Anyway, there's, uh, anyway. So, okay. Anyway, the sweet thread got made, blah, blah. Um, basically. Okay. Unknown_15: I'll pause it there to show you the channels. What's really weird. Unknown_15: Is that if I, so this is his main channel. Um, mine, I showed this on stream as well. Minecraft YouTuber shoop da whoop diamond armor thing. Last video, 11 months ago. 0:37:55 Unknown_09: I was just mining look at this. Unknown_15: Okay. I want you guys. I didn't play this one streams I want you guys to give me like an over-under how what age demographic do you think that this is developed for? Unknown_09: into my island i mine on this thing max rated best thing ever cobblestone cube i forgot what it's called i think it's called a tower i don't know 1500 right from mining which was more than i remembered it so then i went over here and then i went okay and i mine this for a second and yeah this is way better 3500 yeah that's about yeah i would say that this is like for like 40 year olds 40 year old women i imagine that someone's mom would watch this i think that's the target demographic finally oh my god all right should i 0:38:42 Unknown_15: Which is weird though, because this is the guy, right? You take it, the verified half a million subscriber YouTube content creator from Minecraft, and then you search it, and it's like, this shit. Like, look at this shit, look. It's right there, there it is. But when you search it, you get his training account, which is just called Finster Live, and this is where he talks about sex hormones for kids. Unknown_15: Like, does the pool streamer, Unknown_15: He got all his shorts so he can integrate into that, um... Oh look, 1.7 million views on this. 0:39:19 Unknown_07: God can strike me down if I'm lying? That motherfucker's cheating! Unknown_09: I'm cheating. I'm cheating so hard. It's the eyelashes. Look. Unknown_09: Dude, watch this. Unknown_15: Just like, fucking gross. It's just right there. It's like he didn't re-brand, he didn't do anything. Unknown_15: Say he's not like a fucking game streamer. Here's the weird Tranny shit. Here's him and his Tranny boyfriend hanging out at a Comic-Con. And here's his YouTube video account that has half a million subscribers. He's gonna say, yeah, that's not me. Oh, miss me with that? That was 11 months ago? Fuck you. 0:39:52 Unknown_09: It's shitting on the thing of like, um, Oh, sorry. Unknown_09: The whole, the whole tweet thread is about the, it was made about the, I was doing the, like the charity thing. Now the fun thing about that is, uh, it's basically like behind the scenes. And obviously all of this is just speculation from people, which is really funny. So I really appreciate the line, um, delivering hormones to children, which is not going to be done. I don't know where the fuck that fact got. I don't know how the fuck that happened. Unknown_09: Even if you, dude, why did I not? God Twitter should not I'm actually on the side of this guy I should probably I should probably say Twitter should not have banned him like yeah sure he spread misinformation and everything But I wanted to fucking talk about it and also he got but he didn't even get banned for this I don't think he got banned for like I get that he got like everything wrong But you're coming in and giving surgery to children through the windows. I am there was um I 0:40:23 Unknown_09: Like fuck I lost where I was gonna my place was yeah, okay He got banned for like making like a Nazi joke like he said something along the lines of like it was it's pride month And then he tweeted like there was a picture of like a pride flag on the White House And he said something back after two years. Unknown_17: What did I miss? Unknown_09: whoa so much i'm i'm a little genetic freak now anyway i'm an experiment that i'm doing on my own body it's fun there's um but the guy said something along the lines of like this this privately tweeted a picture of a pride flag at like the american uh the white house or something it was some government building and he said like some 12 months subbing to the gremlin Hell yeah. Something along the lines of like, oh, like, I or people that I know would rather live under the Nazi flag than this, and then he got banned. Which, honestly, is kind of a tame joke for Twitter. 0:41:27 Unknown_09: I don't think that that's... I'm defending this guy. I don't think that he should have got banned for that. Unknown_09: But, you know... Unknown_15: The denial that he was trying to get hormones to kids is bizarre. There's a 15 minute long video that was attached to the first tweet that, or it wasn't 15 minutes long, but it was a clip from a 15 minute long video where he was setting up a charity for the express purpose of helping, quote unquote, trans youth transition. Well, what the fuck does that mean? 0:42:13 Unknown_15: I guess you could try and sugarcoat it and say, well there's other parts of social transition besides taking xenoestrogen and shit like that. Unknown_15: But that's the main premise of it is to get hormones to kids. Unknown_15: and he was freaking out because to solidify this you can't just dress it up as saying well this is helping kids who are in trouble get access to doctors or whatever because the second bit of that was the legislation reaction where the Parliament of the United Kingdom had passed a ban on administering hormones to children 0:42:55 Unknown_15: for the purposes of treating gender dysphoria, which he took issue with. And he said he was freaking out about and all the doctors that he had networked with for this charity were freaking out about it because that means that you can't get estrogen into the hands of little boys. So to say that he wasn't trying to do that is a lie. Unknown_15: But of course, he doesn't he knows that he doesn't care. Unknown_09: He's joking. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Anyway, uh, he gave me a shout out to, um, to... that I did a collab with Bell. Hell yeah, you're goddamn right. 0:43:32 Unknown_09: Dude does pornog- Oh, dude! Oh, fuck, man! Hold on, let me read this through. Look at this. Due to his pornographic videos, Build A Fiend, one of the most successful porn stars, has collaborated with him to help reach his target audience, horny boys. What a gross, gross way to say adult ID checked. Like, adults, fucking. I don't know, I was gonna say men. Okay, let's do this real quick. Unknown_15: Finster twitch Insert not signing in no ID check. He says that this is required to like access his pornography go to Finster It links to his Twitter account Twitter account Oh 0:44:17 Unknown_15: Let's see, this is all porn. If you scroll down, it's just Tranny porn. And there's the OnlyFans link. And so I went from one, I went to the PG13Twitch.tv. I opened his account. I clicked the designated website, which he points to. It says, her pronouns are he, him, spicy, pointing index finger, to the OnlyFans link. And then here I am on the porn account, last seen 44 minutes ago, world's number one fanboy. Unknown_15: So you tell me what the point of doing collabs with other pornographers are. Many teenage boys are going to be familiar with Bella Delphine. They're going to avariciously collect anything that she's involved in. 0:44:51 Unknown_15: She's going to be doing a collab with him, and then it's two clicks away to being on his OnlyFans. Now, he says that it's ID checked. I'm not familiar with OnlyFans. I don't know if that's true. I imagine that all you need is a credit card. When he says that it's ID checked, I'm assuming that the limitation that's imposed on you as a buyer of pornography is that you have to just have a credit card. I had a credit card when I was 13. My mom was very financially wise. She gave me a credit card, and I have a very high credit score because I've been building credit since I was 13. I had a credit card with a $100 limit. 0:45:25 Unknown_15: So the limitation for ID checking is just that you have access to one of the four major payment networks. I managed to get access to one with a credit card that my mom was a co-signer for when I was 13 years old. Unknown_15: It's not that hard. I don't know why he would try to imply otherwise. Unknown_15: Now, it might be that in certain countries, like the United Kingdom, you have to submit ID, because I know that they have pornography laws. 0:46:03 Unknown_15: And maybe also in Texas, because I think there's a kerfuffle with that. Unknown_15: But I would be very surprised if they actually did do like a driver's license check for the average person just trying to buy a subscription to his account or whatever on OnlyFans. Unknown_09: But you know. Unknown_09: Undiscriminate? Ladies? Unknown_09: I'm not single, but like, you can see my ass. Unknown_09: So, anyway, I thought that was very funny. And then the second one, through a combination of lighting, filters, angles, drugs, surgery! 0:46:39 Unknown_15: Okay, so I am aware that at this point he hits on me So I was led to believe that he had considered because he did that he had considered facial feminization surgery and then also a rhinoplasty Apparently he did not get the rhinoplasty, but he literally went to a doctor's office and talked about getting a rhinoplasty So if I'm misled that he got any kind of surgery done on his face That is because he's talked about it at length Surgery? Unknown_08: Oh shit, are you calling me cute? Are you saying all that? Unknown_08: Jaws, you're embarrassing me. Unknown_15: This doesn't work on me, by the way. I'm a grown man. I'm not embarrassed if a faggot wants to hit on me. It's not like, oh no, I'm so skewed out. He's being so weird and gross. Unknown_15: That's a misconception. I actually don't give a fuck. Unknown_09: Anyway, this is very sweet. I don't think you should get banned off Twitter. I'll talk to Elon for you. Don't worry. 0:47:38 Unknown_09: He meets the porn industry standard of T-girl. Unknown_09: not what i was aiming for but i'll take it i just i just find it fun that they think i've had surgery because you know they've done they've done their research of course he's definitely had a nose job is there are other pictures of him where he's got like a full-on like goblin hook nose and either he's got some kind of like new age chinky magic filter that takes off his nose or he's had that shit filed down with a sander of course Unknown_15: maybe it wasn't a surgery maybe he just went to like um some some polish guy in london and was like hey you got like a like a like a motorized sander in your in your toolbox and you like take off a few inches on the schnoz i don't know maybe that's what he did and wasn't actually surgery but i'm pretty sure he's done something they know me so well anyway they go on to say about this fetish thing like oh wait no i don't want to read hold on wait i think that's on the next slide 0:48:36 Unknown_09: yes it is okay look look hold on this bit is completely i don't know what where the fuck this came from i think okay buying or bn you say you need id and they take a photo of your face and that's how they verify you i've done it before you subscribed Unknown_15: to a Jewish pornography site to get access to femboy porn and they need your photo ID and also a webcam picture of you for facial recognition confirmation and you did this? Is this what you're telling me? This is a real thing. Unknown_15: I need a confirmation that that's what you're fucking saying and that you actually went through with that. Unknown_02: There's no fucking way. Unknown_02: The stream is over until you tell me what the fuck. 0:49:27 Unknown_15: No, I didn't do it for this person, I did it for a BBW. Unknown_15: I can't, dude, that is like, I can't wait for the OnlyFans hack. And we're gonna get all these, like, driver's license photos and, like, confirmation pictures of all these guys and their porn lists. Dude, that's gonna end so many careers when that shit happens. Unknown_09: I think this was just in the back of his head while he was writing about this because his whole page is- Kiwi Farms is kind of like not liking trans girls, but whatever. I think this is just kind of in the back of his head from like, trans people in his head. But like, exposing young boys to transgenderism is called pinkpilling and is a fetish. You'll frequently see tees braying about their pinkpill count. I don't know what the fuck this is, but this is really gross. This is so- I don't know why the hell it's in the thread, but whatever. Anyway, next fucking line, he profits directly off his- off this via Twitch. Damn right I do. YT, that makes a loss. And OnlyFans, you're fucking right, dude! 0.01% Hell yeah, dude. 0:50:36 Unknown_15: So this makes a loss, 650,000 subscribers, half a million subscribers, 250 videos. I don't know if that includes shorts or if shorts are like their own thing. So you mean to tell me that when you put out a 30 second long video about doing your eyelashes and it gets 1.7 million views, that that operates at a loss? Like do you think I'm a fucking retard? Are you retarded? Are you retarded? Unknown_15: If you're putting out videos that get 250, 200, 400, 200, 720, 1.6 million, 740, like almost none of these don't break 100,000. Only like the most recent ones for whatever reason, but everything before this video, Fimboys are going extinct. I don't know if you hit the wall between these videos or what, but if you're saying that you don't make money off this channel, you're either, 0:51:15 Unknown_15: lying which is probably what's happening or you're taking that money and you're like burning it for whatever weird satisfaction um that is a fucking bold-faced lie um and then this Unknown_02: So sell sex toys through his company, his company. Unknown_15: Okay. This is the only thing I got wrong. Um, he was reviewing, uh, chastity cages on stream showing the cock cages on stream. And as he was doing this, one of the, the representatives of the company contacted him directly over Twitch by DM and offered him an affiliate link at that time. 0:51:54 Unknown_15: He took the affiliate link and he advertised it. So they have a direct commercial relationship, even if he didn't advertise it too much. I assumed because of the reciprocal advertising for him on the product page that this was something that he owned a stake in. 0:52:30 Unknown_15: Because it would make sense. You're the number one femboy in the world according to OnlyFans statistics. Well, why wouldn't you sell your feminization tools and get a cut of that? I don't know. It makes sense to me. Unknown_15: Apparently, your YouTube breaking in multiple million view videos is at a loss. So I guess you got to be pulling some strings somewhere to make up the difference, right? Unknown_15: So I was wrong that he doesn't own that company, but he definitely advertised it, and he definitely showed the products on stream to advertisers. Unknown_09: Company! Dude, Sissy Supplies. My dude. Hold on. Look at the evidence. 0:53:02 Unknown_09: Obviously, this is... Okay, real quick. Unknown_15: Let's do a break before he epically owns me that he doesn't own Sissy Supplies. I gotta distract you guys before the hard-hitting facts come out. Unknown_15: One. Unknown_02: And then two. Unknown_02: Let's take a look here. Unknown_02: schnauz schnauz schnauz schnauz do you guys think that he has had facial feminization surgery or a rhinoplasty i mean like 0:53:44 Unknown_15: I don't know, can you do reverse mewing to reduce your chin and your jawline? Can you get a Polish man to sandblast down your nose? Can we do a poll on this? Real quick, let's do a poll. Unknown_02: Poll. Unknown_02: FFF surgery, question mark. Unknown_02: Yes, vote one for yes, vote two for no. Unknown_15: All right, there it is. There's the poll. Vote now. I'll show you guys the images again. Vote one if you think that he's had a surgery to feminize his face. Vote two if you think it's all light, smoke, and magic. Let's get an official crowdsource diagnostic of what's happening with this schnoz chat. 0:54:21 Unknown_02: Don't vote if you're based. That's the rule. Unknown_02: All right, votes is coming in and shit. Unknown_15: So let me refer to the for whatever reason kick is like constantly trying to force me to do cloud player verifications And it really fucks with my um, my plugins and stuff. It's just the biggest pain in the fucking ass Show you again one more time one or two All right 66 two-thirds of people believe that there has been some um 0:55:12 Unknown_15: Oh, and one more thing. Unknown_15: This is, um, he's had lip fillers. You can, like, that's not even a question. There's no way that's makeup. There's no way that's camera work or illusions or whatever. He has had lip injections. And I guess you can argue that that's not a surgery, because it's like a locally applied, like, silicone, whatever the fuck, to, like, plump up the lips or whatever, so that you don't look like you have thin, masculine lips. Unknown_15: But I would consider that surgery. Unknown_15: Like if you were to apply this standard to girls, and you were, like if there was a beauty standard for lips with women that could only be achieved through injections, you would say that's a beauty standard that encourages girls to get work done on their face. It may not be like an invasive, like a facelift or something, but that's still work. That's still like a modification of your body. You don't naturally look like this. You look like this after you inject hormones into your ass for years. You look like this when you go to a beautician and have them put fillers in your lip. And probably a rhinoplasty. And you probably should get a FFS as well. I know it's more invasive, but I'm just saying, like, you probably should get around to that at some point. 0:56:00 Unknown_08: Please don't justify the most... Dude, come on. 0:56:36 Unknown_09: I'd have branded my fucking... Listen, if I was gonna sell sex toys, I'd have branded this shit so much better. I think it's this one. Yeah, someone says like, oh, this is not his store or something. He'd never do this. And it's like, you know, there's nothing to do other than choose it. Whatever. Here's a video of Finster showing a cock cage on a video on Twitch, discussing his experience with them, describing his penis, and making jokes with his chat about Minecraft. Number one, that's hilarious. Number two, this is a fucking lock-picking lawyer video. This is a public video, a non-age-gated video. This is just... This has always been the most funny, like, thing. This is so goddamn funny to me that this is, like, a thing. That, like, anyway... Sorry, I'm going insane here. 0:57:14 Unknown_09: In all fairness, it would have been really smart for me to make a sex toy company. That would have been so goddamn good. But what would I have sold, you know? Like, I'd get in- dude. Unknown_09: Would have fucking Finster branded, like it's got like my name down the side or something, you know? Own a whole- oh my god. no jesus i could do like a cast of my dude this stuff but anyway um this is so fucking funny because i just want to i just want to quickly i'm gonna i'm gonna go on their website please also i don't i don't if you're into this stuff go go to you but you know whatever uh let me find that website i'm not gonna show you that website but what i will show you this time 0:57:55 Unknown_15: Like, it's so duplicitous. Like, why are you lying about the fact that you showed this on stream? It wasn't just the lockpicking lawyer video. Like, is this to convince his audience? Like, who is this directed at? Because it's like a local stream. Unknown_01: You brought this up on screen, and showed it, and affiliated it, and advertised it. Unknown_15: I'm not going to show this on screen. Immediately shows it on screen. I'm looking at a cock cage on Twitch, through this clip, just to understand what is trying to be communicated here. 0:58:32 Unknown_09: know what i'm glad that was the one that showed holy fuck that nearly was bad okay apparently that was an accident chat fuck me he just does it accidentally every so often as a fucking mistake oh my god my fucking heart okay chant i'm telling you with what was on this site that i got so goddamn lucky anyway if you go down if you just scroll down to the bottom of their site it says who it's owned by it says the parent company it says where it's based and i don't know if you're aware i'm not in pennsylvania um i'm very openly british it's something it's an identity that i take very Unknown_15: I always thought he was Australian. It makes me so happy to know that he's British. Suffer, Angloids. This is you. This is what you look like. You are one bad day. You are one sissy supply away from looking like Finster. I don't care how fucking pug-faced you are. I don't care what sport team, kickball team that you're a fan of. One bad day. Unknown_09: To be honest with you, this guy's not dumb. I'm not calling this guy an idiot. I'm saying, like, this guy's very clearly a, like, clever person. He's running, like, an inter- I don't know how to fucking run a website, let alone, like, the servers for it, like, of my own thing. Uh, yes he is. He's clearly not dumb. Like, in, like, an IQ, whatever the fuck you want to measure it in cents, you know? Like, he's clearly, like, relatively clever. He's just very willing to, uh, not do research. Not everyone's a journalist, very, very clearly. Not everyone- I don't know, look, he's clearly not, like, he's reading information and then going, okay, I believe that now. 0:59:36 Unknown_09: As long as it's not from, sorry, he'll believe it as long as you're not trans. That's kind of it. Unknown_01: Anything on his site, it's completely legitimate. I don't understand that argument. Unknown_15: Like, is he trying to be, like, complimentary in such a way to, like, defuse me? And be like, oh, well, he said that I'm smart, so therefore I'm complimented, therefore I am disarmed. And that's not how it works. 1:00:11 Unknown_15: Most of the things that I said were based off the streams and things just like easily accessible like 11 months ago was doing Minecraft video is now doing like sex videos and and shit like that's like it doesn't require me to Misinterpret something that's just how it is. Unknown_09: Yeah, the next one is this he profits through he also profits through sexual gratification Interesting. I'm asexual. I wonder who told him that Unknown_15: so um i okay this is one thing that is like bizarre to me um he claims in this as i say to him or in this this thread that he profits sexually he's gratified sexually by pink pilling kids which i assume because he is a minecraft streamer turned like pornographer and his discord is still like 13 plus 1:01:00 Unknown_15: And the only place that you're not allowed to be 13 plus in is his Twitch chat. Unknown_15: So I make an inference that it is sexually gratifying to him, because it would make sense. Because for a lot of these people, it is. I would say that's their primary motivation with having a young audience that's 13 plus. And specifically facilitating teenage transitions, that's usually why they do it. In fact, I would go out on a limb and say that's the only reason why they do it. But then he says, aha, you don't understand. I'm asexual. So you're an asexual pornographer, you're in a homosexual relationship with another t-girl, and you do porn with him, and you also do porn with Bella Delphine, and you also put out videos of you sucking dick, and you also sexually transition and do hormones. Now you've come out as gender fluid and you sell cock cages through affiliate links and Your entire identity is based off of your your gender transition at this point in time, but you're asexual Okay I'm just gonna skip the rest of that I'll do the last three. 1:01:53 Unknown_02: How much is that? Oh, that's eight minutes long. Oh, that's the soda cat video. Unknown_15: I feel like we Maybe I'll just play this bit if it's interesting. I'll go back Unknown_09: Soda wasn't the bad person they just talked to a bad person? Yeah, I would- my personal opinion is I know- I know Soda's not into that, obviously. I've known them personally for a really long time, and I know that they're not. But, even still, the things that were said to that person was like, joking about- like, actively joking about minors, and... I don't know, man. It's- it's a bit- 1:02:50 Unknown_09: you know, you can see where I'm coming from, right? It's a bit like, uh, you know, it's a, it's a yikes. It's a, it's definitely a yikes moment, but, um, you know, they're working on their own thing now. I think they've, they've got their own sort of life. Unknown_15: So the, the soda cat, uh, Jean Hollywood, whatever the fuck, um, the sus thing that, that soda cat said, or Ella Hollywood said about, um, his name was, is, Unknown_15: gene or jean or whatever but his new name is ella hollywood um this is a video that he sent to a the goon clown and it just is a child porn like meme about being addicted to child porn as part of like a goon fetish and he says i made this for them dopamine dopamine dopamine so he was having active goon sessions with um with the goon clown which the goon clown shared and bragged about in his goon discords 1:03:49 Unknown_15: And this is the very I think another I don't know how successful they are but they're another like t-girl porn star that Finster has met in person and done work with and he's gonna say like well They said some kind of sus things about minors. Yeah, they said that they jerk off a child porn Finster That's the sus thing the to his credit. He does disavow that I guess that's more than most trainees I guess will say I disavow the guy that goons to child porn Unknown_15: Though only after they get caught. Unknown_15: I'm gonna end it there. I'm not gonna watch the rest of that, there's no point. Unknown_15: Obviously he just gets away with whatever the fuck because Twitch is just a citadel for people like him. Though I can wait, I'm patient. I know right now everybody under the trans flag or whatever the fuck is infinitely protected from the consequences of their actions. They're free to siphon off kids into little discords and try to get them to come out, quote unquote, and nothing happens. And you can't call that out because you just get banned and shit. But one day that will change. And maybe years from now. But all this shit will still be on the kiwi farms. 1:04:34 Unknown_02: I'm very patient when it comes to this. You can ask catfools about it. 1:05:06 Unknown_02: Next, chat. Here is the update that we so desperately need. The update on Matthew Vickers, the real star of the stream. Unknown_15: Matthew Vickers Coin Store, the Rockland Coin Store, has space for lease. If that means that he's left or what, I don't know. I'm not sure if he owned that commercial space and now he's just renting it out or parts of it out, or if he rented the commercial space and now the owner is trying to lease it to somebody else. Regardless, Vickers seems to be in financial straits where he's now either being evicted or having to sublet. 1:05:42 Unknown_15: This is also, this is a very old thing, by the way. Unknown_15: And I only saw it just now, but this was purportedly a picture of the Vickers living room. I don't know how it was acquired, but it got kicked around, and for some reason it just never made its way to me, and it's unconfirmed if it's actually the Vickers house, but I think that the rumor was is that their house went up for foreclosure auction, and when that happens, Unknown_15: A foreclosed house that's going up for sale is in a limbo. It's not owned by the bank yet. The people who live in it still have a legal right to live there. 1:06:22 Unknown_15: So it doesn't change hands legally until the auction has completed. So when they do pictures for like a foreclosure, there's always usually like shit from the tenant around there. Unknown_15: So this looks like a foreclosure auction picture where they have a right to go into the property for the sake of taking photos for the foreclosure sale. And those pictures are usually really sad and like tell the story of why that person's being foreclosed on. 1:06:57 Unknown_15: So Xander, Ralph's only son, lives in this filthy, filthy living room, which is now being foreclosed on. There's even like a giant trash bag full of shit. I guess they're like trying to clean up the mess before the pictures were taken and got leaked to the internet. So this is the Rockland Coin Shop proud owner, Matthew Vickers, in his house. Quite sad, Chad, quite sad indeed. Unknown_15: There's no real updates on anyone really in the sector except for you know who but We have like a couple updates on like people adjacent For instance, we're in bot. Not really. It's comrade pond is I'll just show you this Her picture on Twitter is just her tits. So she's someone who is so low IQ and has so little self-worth self self-worth or self-esteem that she has reduced herself down to only her tits and she plays fiddle to Ranbot and defends creepy sex pest pedophile retard cartoon characters on the internet as a hobby to get attention. I will grant this attention because I enjoy beating this drum and I enjoy pressing this button. 1:08:11 Unknown_15: All right, chat, let's get to the jihad. Unknown_15: Comrade Pond says, ooh, what's this? The context of Kiki's stream, Jim and Josh Moon told me she's a pedo. Yeah, that Josh Moon who's currently sweeping and doing damage control for Nick Reketa lied, OMG. Being a race mixer has also eaten away at Jim's ability to have due diligence, throwing up emoji, sad. 1:08:49 Unknown_15: All right, let's take a look at this context chat. I'm sure it'll be very illuminating. Unknown_15: Oh, sorry, I have to pause the music for this. Unknown_06: is that I didn't think that it would happen, but it happened! So now I have to follow through with it, and I either did this stupid tier list, or I have to reveal everything! This is because I hit 10k by the end of the year, I thought I may as well do- Why is it that people like Finster in the UK, and like, this person in Australia, are like the most degenerate? 1:09:30 Unknown_15: Would someone get shot for doing this in the US? A genuine question, like what the fuck's wrong with the Commonwealth? Unknown_06: I've never done anything in real life. Um, this is talking about what I like to watch Okay, I'm not talking about the stuff that I would do in real life. You know, I had a really bad um, I guess Unknown_06: doujin addiction for i'll be completely honest in this stream okay i had a weird doujin addiction a couple of years ago where i was reading stuff like maybe like three four times a day um and as that happens uh it's not a good thing um but unfortunately you go into weirder and weirder stuff as you go down the rabbit hole of of uh reading stuff because you need weirder shit to get you off um and the beauty about doujins is that um You know, you can... You have no physical limitations, you know? That's why, honestly, this is an N-hentai, you know, tag. But I haven't watched hentai in years. It's literally in doujins. I would never do it in real life. 1:10:19 Unknown_06: I would never do it in real life. I don't like it unless it's drawn. I feel like that's totally fine. I don't see the problem, okay? Unknown_06: There's no problem with it. Get over it, you little pussies. Okay? You little pussies. Why are you such little pussies? Stop being a little pussy. 1:10:57 Unknown_06: And I don't want people to make jokes about that. I'm literally, I'm literally just being honest. And I think you should appreciate that. Unknown_15: In case you're wondering the context, you can see in the chat, someone said stunlocked on the scat topic. So she's talking about shit. I want to be clear. What she's talking about is shit. Unknown_06: No, I don't want it in real life. It's a deprecation of it in a doji and that's good. In real life, I would never watch it in real life. 1:11:30 Unknown_06: Like I don't like that. Okay, so calm down. Unknown_15: Okay, so she's talking about shit saying I would never like that in real life. Unknown_15: Now, it's not a very persuasive thing to say, like... Unknown_15: Yeah, I like poopoo porn but only when it's drawn like in general I don't like oh, I don't like lollipop or poopoo porn and only jerk off to that if it was drawn we have evidence that that is a lie because there is things that I will not show you on the stream where she is discussing in discord as in conjunction with her here tubing like post self posting on the VT board on 4chan that she wears diapers and shits herself and So when she says, trust me guys, I would never be into poo-poo in real life, she's actually lying. As she's sitting there reading three or four doujins a day and masturbating for hours at a time, she's literally stewing her own fecal material in a diaper as she does it, and then goes on the internet and ranks this as a favorite on her sexual fetish tier list, and then tries to tell everybody that no, really, I'm not into this. 1:12:16 Unknown_15: So why should I believe her about other things, such as the lollicon? Oh, it's only sexy to me when it's drawn. I would never do that in real life. Oh, that's the context, huh? That she said that she wouldn't be into that despite having conversations elsewhere, which indicates that she actually would do that in real life. What a great, what a great contribution. Thank you. Useless hole with tits as a display picture playing second fiddle to a mentally handicapped man in Australia who contributes literally nothing to society. Bravo, bravo, you did it, you added context. 1:12:53 Unknown_15: Fucking pathetic. I think it's worse, and I've said this in context to other things, I think it's worse when it's like, you are like a woman, like doing this shit. 1:13:34 Unknown_15: Like, okay, I get with Rambot, like, okay, I get with Rambot and Gator, why they do it, it's very obvious to me, they're just perverts. Unknown_15: that are low intelligence perverts and they can't help themselves, there's no excuse for a woman. There's no way that this woman is into, unless they're just like Kiki, but those people are, I think female gooners are really rare. Unknown_15: All you have to be to be a gooner as a male is autistic, I think, but with women you have to be raped, so it's a bit rarer. Unknown_15: But uh, yeah, I think it's a I think it's more pathetic because at least I understand Like what kind of person Ranbot and Gator are I have no idea what would compel a woman to be like Sweeping it up for him. By the way, this bullshit about sweeping it up for Nick is just like it's so frustrating when someone says something That's so obviously like retarded I'll explain that in a second because it will make sense, but I'll mention it when I get to the next stuff 1:14:22 Unknown_15: Finally, or not finally, I don't know why I said finally. I'm not even near being done with anything. Unknown_15: I mentioned that Sam Hyde was arrested and unarrested at a convention. As it turns out, I was right. It was Channing Crager and everyone else who complained that it was a 4D, PSYOP, whatever the fuck is just a retard. This is Channing's Google Maps review account. Unknown_15: She says, I was assaulted and sustained injuries, a contusion on my shin at this club last Friday for attempting to take a photo with a comedian and paying over $140 for two tickets. Apparently, I can't even get a refund after that happened to me either. And when I asked about it once, they blocked me on Instagram. Not only did they do nothing about the egregious assault, the staff lied to the police after the fact. I'm half the size of the person who slammed me to the ground by my neck three times and also female. really classy establishment you are running. It would be a real shame if you closed down." This is a picture of Channing's shin. I did not see a contusion at all, so I don't know what she's complaining about. 1:15:09 Unknown_15: The owner of the Big Laugh Comedy Club in Fort Worth actually replied to this and says, "'You are a known stalker of the comedian. You approached him first when he said no and to get out. You continued to approach him and pulled up your shirt. Nobody knew what you were pulling out. 1:15:46 Unknown_15: The speculation, by the way, is that she carried a sign in under her shirt that says, Sam Hyde rapes kids. Unknown_15: So that's what she was probably trying to pull out. You were dressed in disguise with your hair pulled up in a hat with fake sideburns, a fake mustache, and a fake goatee. You were hiding for a reason. He defended himself. We told the truth on what we saw. A police report has been filed. We cooperated with the police. We did not sell the tickets through our ticketing system. It was through Eventbrite. You've been told this a number of times from the phone calls. If you want a refund, you need to contact them. You need to stop harassing us. 1:16:18 Unknown_15: This is another fake account. It says my friend was assaulted here. There's a picture. Unknown_02: It has disappeared. Unknown_02: Is this like in a subsequent, oh, here we go. Unknown_02: This is literally Channing, why can't I open this? Did I say broken? Oh, no. Can I just like open this a new tab? 1:16:51 Unknown_02: Why does that not work? Okay, give me a second. Unknown_15: Let me hide this real quick. Unknown_15: Not showing you the Groucho Marx disguise that she came up with as a genius would be a disservice to you. Unknown_02: I see why it's broken. Unknown_02: So this is her. Unknown_15: She's got rose-tinted shades, a fake goatee, fake sideburns, and a hat to hide her hair in. And she tried to run up to Sam Hyde in the club, pull out a sign under her shirt that says, Sam Hyde rapes kids, and cause a scene at the comedy club. Because she reported that she had been assaulted, the police came to the club and arrested Sanon Hyde. The club had witnesses showing that she was the agitator, and they unarrested him on the same spot. So there was no reason to take him in because he didn't do anything, and there were many witnesses saying they didn't do anything, which the police have full discretion to decide on the spot. 1:17:26 Unknown_15: So that's what happened. Unknown_15: I wasn't wrong. I told you guys exactly what happened. You guys didn't believe me. That's called being rude, chat. 1:18:11 Unknown_15: Then finally with this, okay, so this is outside of my scope. I don't really know who this guy is, but I figured I'd talk about it because it seems to be interesting. Unknown_15: There's this guy called I'm Alex, or the Little Finger, and he is like a commentary YouTuber. That someone has published an 85 page google doc on And the summary is that he's a belligerent abusive emotionally manipulative insecure asshole. That's like as bad as every single person He's ever done a call out video on Um, unfortunately involves a woman accuser. So there's lots of contention over if she's just an evil bpd whore Um, but here's a clip that she published 1:18:46 Unknown_05: It's always weird. You always take the fucking weird route. Just do the normal route, which is... Just do the normal route, but a normal girlfriend. You're acting like this is all just me, and that's something you really need to fucking fix. I'm gonna fucking bash your fucking head against the wall with a brick if you don't shut the fuck up. Because this one, genuinely, this one, this one, you... I see. Unknown_02: We got some DMs here. Unknown_02: This is I'm Alex, his verified account. 1:19:24 Unknown_02: Sorry, I'm just preloading them. Unknown_15: Alex is alive. Please unblock me. I'm crying so much. Can I say this is awful? Can I say goodbye? You mean so much to me. I have to say goodbye. I can't imagine not saying goodbye. I didn't when you elf because I thought we'd fix it. And now I won't even have a chance. I didn't as a voice note if we can't even fuck please anything. Unknown_15: I if I could see if you could see me, you know, I'm not fucking yours around. I'm not lying. I'm just broken and then Sometime later, I guess at least happen. No, if it's like five minutes, I guess I get a new timestamp Alice, please don't end it like this Hey, I sent you message son 1:19:56 Unknown_15: On Facebook, you haven't opened them. I don't know if that's intentional or not, but I don't want to have to bump you over on socials, etc. on Facebook. Hello? Can you see this? If so, please reply. Unblock me on Facebook and let's talk about yesterday Properly, I won't call you or anything. I can send voice notes if that's what you need. I'm trying to make this work I will compromise if I have to Please don't make me feel stupid for sending these because it really is the last time I can't do this after today I never wanted to be the ex who sent loads of messages But you left without saying a proper converse without having a proper conversation with me. 1:20:30 Unknown_02: I Won't call you or anything. I Unknown_02: I just feel so finished. 1:21:05 Unknown_15: Unfinished. I don't know how you can't can do the no contact thing or why you haven't called. I can't get my head around it at all. You're not going to open these and I'm just tired of waiting around for months. I'm really tired. Unknown_15: These are the last messages I'll send, so I'll try to put everything out there. I'd rather do this as a voice note or send it on Instagram to beat the account. It's like the only option now for closure. Ah, actually, no, I can't believe I'm fucking doing this. There's nothing I can do or say. I re-read our messages. 1:21:37 Unknown_15: Me asking how you're doing, how you didn't care that I was trying. The last three months have been so weird. I wish you had broken up with me to my face and spoke to me, and it was done clean. I hate reading our messages of me begging you to just Unknown_02: Just goes on fucking on check DMS, please. Unknown_15: Why are you normal? This is like months like a month afterwards This is where this was like on March 4th or March 9th and then much March 13th and 17th 24 and then March 20 1:22:16 Unknown_15: Seventh and then he just continued throughout that day DMs DMs DMs Then he sent her a handwritten note Saying please please talk to me again There were um More clips of him being like a complete dickhead. I just want to play the clips where he's like a freak Oh, here we go. Unknown_02: This is what I wanted actually Unknown_02: Where is that? Oh, you got away from me. I saw the clip and then I backspaced like a retard. Unknown_11: So I'm a fucking whore mouth bitch retard cunt. Unknown_05: Is it generally because you're just fucking brain dead? Unknown_11: Yeah, I'm very brain dead, yeah. Unknown_05: Is that why you decided to go on the fucking offensive instead of the, uh, maybe... Okay. 1:23:13 Unknown_05: I don't know what to call what you did. It was weird. It's always weird. You always take the fucking weird route. Just do the normal route, which is just do the normal route, but normal girlfriend. I didn't mean it. Unknown_05: fucking bash your fucking head against the wall with a brick if you don't shut the fuck up you because this one genuinely this one this one you you fucked this royally fuck apparently this like I don't not familiar with this guy but this cause 1:23:57 Unknown_15: The baited podcast to get back together, which is Keemstar, Tommy C, and the clown guy. I forget his name. Like, Colossal is Crazy, I think. They did a podcast at some point, and now they're getting back together just to make fun of Ayn Ali, because apparently he was in their circle, which is like the upper-tier good boy YouTube commentary clique that I'm not a part of because I say the N-word, and I hate trannies, and these people all suck tranny dick professionally. Unknown_15: So apparently if you're a fan of the baited podcast, uh, they're doing a, or how they have, they did, they did a one hour long podcast talking about my Malik. So if you're a fan of that, uh, congratulations, you got one more. 1:24:38 Unknown_02: Okay. Let's see. Unknown_02: I might need to hide the party hand. Unknown_15: This isn't a party. This is this. Unknown_15: This doesn't even deserve a captain's log entry because this is dead serious. Unknown_02: Where's my bottle hand? There we go. I'm getting everything ready for you guys. You know how I am professional. 1:25:15 Unknown_02: There we go. Unknown_02: Yesterday I think yesterday or no on Tuesday in the the evening Our boy Nicholas Robert Ricardo announced to the world That he intended to start streaming again on rumble he gave a time and date and Unknown_15: He said it would be a relaxed, casual stream talking about law stuff. Unknown_15: And not his case. So he said, uh, 11 p.m. Come join me. And that one hour before that happened, this post was made. MN Public Records says, interesting new matter of public record attached. Would anyone care to ask Nick's most ardent defenders why it was okay for a nine-year-old to test positive for cocaine? In the excerpt that he's referring to, this is a 1:25:45 Unknown_15: hearing in regards to the custody of his children and the well-being of his kids. Unknown_15: One of the pieces of evidence submitted to the state as justification for placing his children in foster care was, after being placed out of the home, the children were subject to hair follicle drug testing. All of the children except for his nine-year-old daughter who, she turned nine on the day that he was arrested, tested negative. She tested positive for cocaine at a level of 5,000 over 500. I have done an inordinate amount of research into what this means and I will now explain it to you. 1:26:28 Unknown_15: They're saying that her hair contained 5,000 picograms or Unknown_15: Yeah, picograms, I'm pretty sure, or 500 micrograms of cocaine-related metabolites per 500 micrograms of, or no, milligrams, milligrams, sorry, it's 5,000 picograms, or 500 micrograms over 500 milligrams of hair follicle. 1:27:25 Unknown_15: So what they do when they do this test is they take the hair and they cut off about five centimeters of it. Unknown_15: And this the human hair usually grows at about one centimeter per month. So that's how you can do a date range. They take that specific length of hair. Unknown_15: and they test it using a gas chromiopathy where they take the hair and after they clean it and stuff, they first wash the hair and they heat it up so that everything inside of it boils and becomes a gas. And then they shine a light through it and they measure what obstructs the light. 1:28:03 Unknown_15: Different chemicals have different obstructions of the light, and they can detect what chemicals are in the gas composition based off of how the light is obstructed. So what they estimate, and when I say estimate, I mean with very clear precision, is that there is 5,000 picograms Unknown_15: of cocaine metabolites per 500 grams of hair that was cleaned and then boiled at extremely high temperatures to create a gas cloud for color testing. Unknown_15: This means that there is no, there was a speculative theory that maybe she just got dusted in cocaine. She happened to be washing dishes or something and the cuck's snack tray was washed and then she got a little cocaine in her hair. That's not how it works. They test for two different kinds of cocaine metabolites. They have impossible to read names. 1:28:47 Unknown_15: So I will not try, just know that there's two. One of them is something that exists only basically anytime you have cocaine. Cocaine will naturally, what's called hydrolyze, it will come into contact with water or air moisture and create what's called a metabolite, but it's just a natural reaction to cocaine. And this means that basically anything that comes into contact with cocaine is going to be contaminated with this metabolite that they test for in the gas test, the hair follicle test. The other one is not created by hydrolyzing. It is created by your biological reaction to cocaine and is very indicative that you ingested cocaine. 1:29:33 Unknown_15: We do not have the test, so we cannot determine what metabolites were detected. However, I want to say this, that if, number one, the idea that it was simply a lab mix-up is extremely unlikely. If, because this is one of their copes, maybe it was just a mistake at the lab. If a nine-year-old child tests positive for cocaine, they're not going to say, oh, that's normal. Let's take her away from her parents. 1:30:17 Unknown_15: It's going to be, that's abnormal, let's run it again. The test only costs $100, let's be sure. Unknown_15: So I wholly reject that they would not simply do another test if there was an anomalous positive, especially if the other kids aren't coming up positive too. Unknown_15: Second, if the test showed one metabolite but not the other, then that would be a pretty good indication that the test was faulty. Because if you have two metabolites that exist when cocaine is ingested and metabolized in the body, and only one of them can exist outside the body, and you only find that one, that would probably be an indication of a false positive. But number three, the rates of false positives are extremely low. The reason why they only take five centimeters of hair is that the more hair you add, the 1:30:53 Unknown_15: the more diluted the sample is. If you take 10 centimeters of hair and the child only did cocaine one time, then the mass of hair might be so great that it would fall under the cutoff. So really the issue is that the equipment is not sensitive enough to detect for certain 1:31:41 Unknown_15: that there is cocaine. So if you get a positive, there's less than a 1% chance, according to the statistics, that you're going to have a false positive. Unknown_15: You're much more likely to get a false negative with the hair samples. And from the statistics that I saw, cocaine is actually the best drug to detect with this hair follicle sampling. Unknown_15: It was less effective with other things, but of the people who self-reported taking cocaine, 100% of them came up positive. So it's very unlikely to miss if it's in your body. It's a very accurate test. So Rikeda is really fighting against an established scientific mechanism for testing the presence of cocaine in the hair, which exists through metabolizing. If both of those metabolites are there, and I can't say that for certain because I don't have the test, but chances are it is based off of this. 1:32:14 Unknown_15: then he's fucked. Unknown_15: And I think that's kind of beside the point because his whole thing has been that he and his wife and April and Aaron responsibly enjoyed and partook in cocaine and the state's charges against them being reckless or endangering their children in any way are wrong. But yet the best case possible scenario for his defense is that she simply was coated in cocaine. 1:33:06 Unknown_15: That's the best possible outcome. The nine-year-old, which happens to be, by the way, his favorite daughter, his favorite child, he's talked at length about how she's the one who has violent tendencies. She also has narcolepsy and ADHD, I'm pretty sure he said. But despite that and despite how difficult she is, He said that she reminds him the most of himself, and she's his favorite. He's outright said this. So it's very peculiar that she, of all the children that exist in the Rakeda household, just so happens to be the one that also tests positive for cocaine. Sounds like there is something else happening. 1:33:49 Unknown_15: Can I say that for sure? No. Is he innocent until proven guilty? Yes. Can the government make mistakes? Absolutely. Unknown_15: But he has done everything possible to deprive himself of the benefit of the doubt that I would want to give him just on the aspiration that this is not reality, that there is no child endangerment, and that a nine-year-old hasn't been doing cocaine in his household. But, you know, it sounds absurd, but it happens a lot. Children getting exposed to cocaine is not uncommon, unfortunately. It happens enough that there are studies about it where they will go into, like, poor areas and just start cutting kids' hairs as a matter of precaution and find that children have, over time, been exposed to cocaine. 1:34:24 Unknown_15: So it's not like, unless it is an app, just a complete fuck up where they did the test one time and it came up as a false positive because they fucked up the samples, which is the only way that that false positive is happening. 1:34:59 Unknown_15: It's still really bad for Riketa. Unknown_15: When this got dropped, I ended up moving all the discussion about this out, and there was speculation if it's real or not because the order is very sloppy, which is both a detriment to it because it's unprofessional, but it's also positive to it because when these orders are done, they usually call the judge up at an odd hour. Things are explained kind of hastily, and the judge kind of takes a template and edits it so that it can be actioned immediately that evening. Unknown_15: So it being kind of sloppy and weird and things spelled wrong and stuff, that is more of a credit to its authenticity. When I asked a Minnesota attorney to look at it and tell me if he thinks it's accurate, he gave it about a 60% being accurate. 1:35:38 Unknown_15: which I think was a fair approximation if you're being conservative. Unknown_15: Then I looked at certain metadata, which I'm not going to disclose, and I was 90% sure that this is a real document. And then right before the stream was supposed to happen, Rakeda messaged me and started debating the information inside the document, not the authenticity of the document itself, saying the information about hydrolyzing I got from him because that's his defense. So I said, I'm 100% sure at this point in time that this is an authentic document, because when Rakeda addresses it, he's addressing it as the document is real, but the facts inside of it are false allegations from the state. So that's definitely what happened. 1:36:24 Unknown_15: And whoever dropped this, dropped this in such a way to cause him a problem. Because right before the stream, he was hoping to make this like a normal Raketa Law law tubing thing. But then, of course, the news that broke right before he went live was that his child tested positive for cocaine. Unknown_15: which caused Robert Barnes to freak out and say, look, the Kiwi farms are obsessing over his children again, which is something I really don't appreciate. And I might as well explain. When Patrick Tomlinson sued 50 John Doe's in Michigan, one of the Kiwi farms got hit with a subpoena from the court. And I challenged this and I asked Ricada, do you know a Michigan attorney? And he referred me to Robert Barnes. 1:36:56 Unknown_15: Barnes represented me. He charged $5,000 to make an appearance. And in the appearance, the judge effectively asked him why he even bothered because the information was already gathered. But I had lawyered up because I didn't want him to get information he didn't need for the purposes of his civil litigation. But it was $5,000, basically just to have Robert Barnes show up over Zoom, I'm pretty sure, and make an appearance for us, which is the full extent of our association. But the problem is, is that Robert Barnes has represented Local LLC, which is the parent company that owns the Kiwi Farms that I am the sole member of, and when he goes out onto live stream and he says that the Kiwi farms is After someone's children is wanting body cam footage to prey on children 1:37:34 Unknown_15: I kind of detest that and I'm considering filing an ethics complaint against him because it's very reasonable for a person to hear my attorney say that the Kiwi Farms is after children and infer that he has some kind of protected knowledge regarding the Kiwi Farms and its activities when he does not and he's just being a dickhead to protect Rakeda. 1:38:34 Unknown_15: He should not be speaking about a client that way, and he should not be implying the things that he is about a former client. Unknown_15: I'm extremely upset about it because, you know, you have random dickheads who say dumb shit all the fucking time. Robert Barnes is the first random dickhead saying dumb shit about us that happened to be our attorney at one point in time. And it's getting very close to being like a genuine ethics violation. And I'm considering that it might be worth it. Because not only has he said this about the Kiwi farms, he implied in the same breath that Legal Mindset is a sex tourist, and Legal Mindset's a member of the board as well. He sits, I think, in Florida's Bar Association. So, like, unprofessional conduct is an understatement. Barnes is off the fucking deep end. I don't know what he's trying to do, but he is... damaging his professional reputation by speaking ill of former clients and implying things about them that would Insinuate that he has some kind of knowledge as a in his former acting capacity as our attorney Which he does not have And I really really don't fucking appreciate it So It's a it's a frustrating situation because it's like I'm not happy I'm not happy and by the way that Barnes implied that this is The real issue here is that this document got leaked. This document is public. It is public. It exists in the docker. It has an ID that you can pull up searching for it. You're not supposed to make copies of it, but if that's the case and if that's a crime in the state of Minnesota, someone went out of their way to go to a courthouse to commit a crime because they are so upset by 1:39:52 Unknown_15: what they apparently knew about, to warrant it, to warrant that risk. And that never, like, when it comes to, like, legal mind, or Robert Barnes and all these people who are, like, playing defense, even with Ricado, like, the way he defends himself, it's like, your children are in foster care. They're out of your custody. You've lost access to them and you've stopped cooperating with Child Protective Services. They asked him, by the way, to submit to drug testing because the case of the weapons possession is a different case than the Child Protective Services case. So the Child Protective Services said, OK, you posted bail for $10,000, actually $100,000, but you paid $10,000 so that you don't have to do the drug test. 1:40:35 Unknown_15: this is a completely different legal matter. And if you want access to your children, you will submit to a drug test so that we know that they're in a safer environment than they were when we took them. 1:41:13 Unknown_15: Rikada and Kayla say, no, we're not going to do that. So right now, Rikada and his wife and his hot wife, April, they're still together, are living in a empty house, a big empty house that used to be full of children running around, is now just Baldo and the doped up wife and the low IQ retard 30 year old, April Imholt, just chilling out, no kids around, and they're perfectly fine with this. and their current concerns are getting back on YouTube and live streaming. And that's it. And it's just baffling. And by the way, he messaged me on Signal 10 minutes before he went live. He still reads the Kiwi Farms. 1:41:49 Unknown_15: And one of the things that he said in his message to me is that he was thankful that I had locked the forum thread about him, which is also what, throwback to when I was talking about Ranbot, that's what Ranbot was talking about in his hole. I had locked the main thread so that I could direct people's discussion about this to its own thread because I knew it would blow up and it would make the main thread hard to read for some people. So he took that as me sweeping up for him and personally thanked me for it. So that was his concern. Not that his child had been taken away from him and tested positive for cocaine, but that his Kiwi Farms thread had been locked, even though it wasn't. It was just, I was directing people to use the other thread by locking the main one. 1:42:26 Unknown_15: It's fucking dire. Unknown_15: And Robert Barnes has the fucking gall to complain that people are talking about it. Yeah, of course they're talking about it. Retard. Unknown_15: Do you think that if any of these documents leaked out about people that Rikada didn't like, that like Monica, the fucking, um, the Vic Mignogna people, that if documents came out showing that their kids tested positive for cocaine, that Rikada wouldn't make fun of that on YouTube to tens of thousands of viewers? no he would have for sure he and he would have done a much more performative uh talking down to than i would have you know how he gets when he wants to to make super chat money he gets all huffed and puffed like how dare you how do you should be ashamed of yourself like getting really really hyped up getting into the microphone and yelling and doing like the whole spiel about it that's just 1:43:18 Unknown_15: That's what he would have done like everybody fucking knows it. I don't know why we're pretending that that wasn't his career for multiple years That wasn't the most successful period of his entire life was taking other people's drama and talking about it um Unknown_15: There you go. That's the Rikeda update. His middle daughter tested positive for cocaine. He denies that she ingested cocaine. He says that merely she was exposed to a metabolite that hydrolyzes in the air and that basically all cocaine contaminates with. However, as I mentioned, hair is washed before it's put into the gas chamber. Not that one, the other one. So the claim that it's contaminated by outside cocaine sources doesn't seem plausible The gas that they test for is inside the hair and they're specifically trying to filter out false positives like that so 1:44:14 Unknown_15: yeah it is what it is it's um it's sad uh his reactions to stuff are increasingly depressing the fact that anyone is still like come on guys we have to we have to be wary of the state here is like like 1:44:55 Unknown_15: I'll say this. It is possible, I think, to remind people of your defense. The way he's done it has failed to convince anyone that he is a victim. Unknown_15: He's made several public statements. He's like flippant. I like to use that word. That's the other word that I like. Flippant. He talks to people about his children being taken away and the fact that there's a grand government conspiracy surrounding him flippantly. And it's very embarrassing. And it's like, I don't know. And he's now positing himself as like this free speech murder. 1:45:26 Unknown_15: He told too many truths about the law and the government. And now the foot of government is coming down on him. And anyone who doesn't take his side and doesn't believe him when he says he didn't do nothing, and he a good boy, they're the boot lickers. Like, come the fuck on. It's so insulting. It would be more insulting to people, I think, if there weren't at least a couple of retards trying to defend themselves. It works, apparently. 1:46:00 Unknown_15: Someone asked me about the... Unknown_15: Let me see if I can find this real quick someone asked me real quick like did he like message you right before the stream because there was a theory that when the Documents dropped and he was delaying the stream that he was having like a downfall moment and like the Baldo bunker like like yelling at people and It kind of fit a little bit too perfectly. Let me see if I can find the post that I need real quick. Unknown_02: Oh 1:46:34 Unknown_02: Oh here, here it is. I'm gonna try to speak German again, you ready? Unknown_15: And then, of course, the Baldo lickers around him would come and say... Unknown_15: Mein Anwalt Papst, which means Law Pope, in case you're wondering. It's a very funny pun, Chad. It's a very funny pun. Unknown_15: The first sentence is, in the original text, it says, Steiner's counteroffensive will bring it under control. And it's like, once Noel locks the thread, once Noel locks the thread, everything will be under control. He just locked it, so it's all good. 1:47:09 Unknown_15: My law pope, the thread was merely redirected to a different thread because it would be too many posts on the main thread. Starts shaking, takes off his glasses, starts slamming on the table. Unknown_15: He says, that was an order. I gave him a shower text. Unknown_02: I told him what I expected of him. Unknown_02: Bad. Unknown_02: Okay, that is the Burkata update. Now we can get rid of the Baldo ham. Thank God. 1:47:49 Unknown_02: Okay Um, next a little bossman jack update right before I talked about bossman jack And I promise I'll be more mercifully short. Unknown_15: I know there's some people that get really angry when I talk about bossman jack Shut the fuck up for a bit Let me remind you all Gambling is addictive. Austin is sponsored by casinos specifically because he implants the thought, I can do better. Austin always loses because losing is inevitable. Nobody can gamble better or smarter than Austin. You cannot gamble better than Austin. The difference between these two sentences is that nobody versus you, because some people say, oh, well, nobody, well, I probably can't. No, you 1:48:30 Unknown_15: cannot gamble better than Austin. Coin flip has 1% house edge, which is as good or better than all casino games, including smarter games like blackjack. Blackjack has like a, like a 0.5 to a 2% house edge, depending on how you play and what, um, what deck you're playing with. Unknown_15: So it's like literally the fucking same as the coin flip game. Unknown_15: Games of chance have no strategy. Even after big wins, he is down overall. The time it takes him to get lucky breaks is lost forever. If he had spent that time gambling at a real job, he would be up higher than his biggest win streak. All gamblers lose. There is no correct way to play. If you have an addictive personality, do not watch this thread. Do not get it twisted. Then there is this. 1:49:06 Unknown_01: Why did I add this? People admitted they had started gambling because of Bossman Jack. There were really people that saw this fucking idiot ruining his life day after day and thought, Unknown_15: Oh, he's just not playing correctly. Give me a chance. Let me try. Let me try. I'll play. I'll do better than him. He's a crackhead retard. If a real gamer plays, they'll come up with big wins. 1:49:37 Unknown_15: No, it's a game of chance. There's literally no strategy. He can flip a literal crackhead Half awake passed out on his desk clicking the mouse button on the gamble button It has as big a chance to win as you with a thousand IQ clicking the coin flip button. Don't get it twisted Don't gamble idiots That being said 1:50:11 Unknown_15: big wins here we have a big win uh this guy sold a bmj.watch to keep track of all of his different um uh wallets like crypto walls and as you can say bmj got some big wins 175 000 in one afternoon Unknown_15: Wow, I wonder what happened with that. Oh, it's fucking gone. He gambled away a hundred and eighty thousand dollars in like a Day, he got it on the what like early 19th and by the time I think just just today the little the last pennies of his money all gone and Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye money, bye bye money, you gone bye bye now, bye bye. And he gave it all back. Shuffle, his new sponsor, gave him $185,000. Life changing money. Let's say you took $185,000 out. Buy a car for your mom, buy a car for your dad, buy a car for yourself. 20% down payment on a fucking house. Everything you could ever possibly want. 1:50:55 Unknown_15: Let's see, approximately, what is this like? Unknown_15: One and a half hours of rolling dice, it looks like. You can get one and a half hours of rolling dice if you really want to. Good job, bossman. 1:51:27 Unknown_15: Such is life. Unknown_15: And that's it, that's our bossman update. You can stop screaming. You can uncover your ears now and stop screaming, we're done with that. now time for the best segment chat that's right the best segment this is a tough one chat this is a tough one a troon a gross man in a dress is celebrating 1:52:10 Unknown_15: If that doesn't compare with one hour apparently, do unban. Unknown_15: I think that'll work. Unknown_15: Ah, just took it this time again. Unknown_15: That's a good sign, chat. Unknown_02: Let's see, we're at two hours. Unknown_02: Exactly. Unknown_02: Let's, okay, I'll be generous. Unknown_15: Let's watch a little bit of King Cobra JFS. I haven't watched a King Cobra's dining video in a long time. This is Trailer Park Steak Cookout with King Cobra JFS. Came out two days ago, apparently, on the Boglin Chronicles channel. So we're going to enjoy this together. I have not watched any of this, so I don't know what to expect. 1:52:49 Unknown_13: So we're going to do a steak food hack. I haven't done one of those in a hot minute. Unknown_13: And we have a single steak right here. Made with real Angus beef. It's a $12 steak. It's not super expensive, but it's not cheap either. I've let it de-thaw to room temperature. And to avoid making a mess on this nice clean stove, we're going to cook it in here. 1:53:24 Unknown_13: Before we get into cooking our damn steak, we're gonna have to add some ingredients before we heat it up. It really is a feat of how, like, when retarded people hold a camera, the angles that they come up with to film are just, like, the worst possible. Before we address this situation, we're gonna have to address 1:54:02 Unknown_13: The pan situation, we got some of this bacon grease, rendered bacon fat. Unknown_13: A little bit of that bacon fat to the bottom of our pan. And of course we need some country crock original butter spread. 1:54:39 Unknown_13: I'm going to grab another fork. Unknown_13: Now I've got a clean fork. We're going to address the situation. Let's take a look at this gorgeous steak. Unknown_13: See, it's not too thin, not too thick. That's actually a decent size of little steak for 13 bucks. It's not bad. Now I'm going to take our fucking fork and we'll just stab it with our fork. 1:55:31 Unknown_13: that went in the sink now we're going to take our steak and we're going to add our seasoning to it turn the pan on to like right there that'll get that melted now what seasoning we're going to add to our steak before we put it in the pan we got some bone sucking sauce steak seasoning and rub Unknown_13: And some garlic powder. And we are gonna garnish the steak with some other ingredients. Unknown_15: I don't think that's the right word. I don't think you're garnishing anything. Unknown_13: We'll get to that later. Unknown_13: There's the seasoning. We're gonna flip it. 1:56:22 Unknown_13: We'll get that buttery grease and bacon all that cooking in there. We'll take that raw steak and put the seasoned side down first and hit the top of it. So seasoned side down first. Unknown_13: There it is. Now we're going to hit the top of that steak. Unknown_13: with some more of our Bacon Up bacon grease. 1:56:59 Unknown_12: Dude, what? Unknown_12: That's like bought bacon grease? Unknown_15: Of our Bacon Up bacon grease. Okay, am I the only one that when I cook bacon, I would just drain the grease into like a mayo jar? Like a tempered mayo jar? And I would just keep it? Do Americans really buy bacon grease off the fucking shelf now? For real? Unknown_13: Does this seem a bit excessive? Unknown_13: Possibly but also if you're gonna cook a steak like a nice steak and you want it to have like a bacon flavor Why not just wrap it in bacon? 1:57:39 Unknown_15: Like you added fat to the tray like butter If you want to do that, why not just cook bacon and then you have bacon fat steak, right? Unknown_13: cooking videos that make our delicious Unknown_13: You ever cooked steak in bacon grease and butter spread? Probably not. First time for everything, I suppose. Unknown_15: Ew! Oh my god, he just sucked bacon fat off his fucking fingers. Holy shit, that was unexpected and gnarly as shit. 1:58:17 Unknown_13: Then we have the top of that steak with our butter spread and country crock. Unknown_15: So we put butter in the in the tray Added bacon fat to the tray added the steak which itself is marbled and fat and now he's adding more Like mark is he adding butter or like margarine on top? Why? Unknown_13: They're not gonna be in a rush to like cook this damn steak up Medium heats the steak is missing something though for cooking it 1:59:02 Unknown_13: Oh, what's the secret ingredient? Unknown_12: I think I know what's missing, YouTube. What's it missing, Cobes? Some beer. Oh, hell yeah. Pour some beer into our pan. Doesn't make any sense. In fact, adding water to this fat grease fire is probably a bad idea, Cobes. Unknown_13: Pour just a splash of beer on top like that. Unknown_12: The butter on top isn't even melted. Unknown_13: That should be enough. Unknown_13: You want to overflow it. Maybe a little bit more. Unknown_13: Okay that's enough. 1:59:35 Unknown_13: So that both sides get a coating. Unknown_13: Just like that. Unknown_13: I want to barely cook the steak because I like my bloody to medium rare so this will not take long. Unknown_15: I love the Mountain Dew in the background. This is a very Kino shot with the Mountain Dew just lingering back there like in a threatening way. Unknown_13: You want a close-up of that steak action don't you? Now look at that sizzling sexiness. 2:00:22 Unknown_12: Oh look at that, it's getting all fogged up from the cooking. The camera is now coated in like a greasy haze. So far I'm liking the way the steak is smelling. Unknown_13: I'm not going to cook it for too much longer, but just long enough that we get a nice outside sear. Unknown_13: And we're going to want to hold on to that steak grease with all the butter spread, the bacon grease and all that beer and that seasoning and the steak grease because we're going to need that to saute our onions. 2:00:56 Unknown_13: Don't want to overcook it because I like my steaks medium rare. Unknown_02: I don't know how to describe it it's like his steak is like a like a turd brown color the the soup of like bacon grease and butter and fat and beer it's just like 2:01:41 Unknown_15: It looks like something you throw out. I don't know how else to describe it. I would not recommend doing that by hand. Unknown_13: That's not going to be cooked on there for too much longer. Just about done. I don't want to go too much longer on it, because I don't want to ruin a good steak. Unknown_13: And if you like your steak well done, then you eat steak the way you want to fucking eat it, because I want to eat it the way I'm going to fucking eat it. 2:02:15 Unknown_13: Mmm, steak. Unknown_13: Check the bottom of that. Unknown_13: That's looking beautiful. Transfer it to a plate. My chihuahua, that's hot. Unknown_13: Put the plate over here so you don't drip on the counter. Unknown_15: So at Whataburger, when I worked there, there's like a grease, like, okay, so when you work at like a restaurant, You can't just throw the grease out, because it's like a fat. You can't just put that in the trash. So you have to have a special dumpster specifically for grease. I don't know what you would call that. We call it the grease trap. It's where you would scrape the grease off to, and then you would empty that into the grease dumpster. He needs a grease dumpster for this shit. You can't just throw this away. This is a biohazard. 2:02:47 Unknown_13: oh look at that sexiness as that cools down the majority of that liquid's gonna be reduced someone in chat oh he's not ruining a steak chat it's simply sous vide or sous vide okay this is a high class hollywood hills only a true true barbie doll dream house mansion enjoyer can cook a steak like this see the liquid levels here are not looking too shabby right there you see that a little bit of liquid at the bottom caramelized onions like you can just smell the grease coming off of this it smells amazing and i got some prepared right here in the can they're already diced 2:03:32 Unknown_13: which if you want to get fancy with it and chop the onions by hand and get old Chef Gordon Ramsay with it, cool. But sometimes we don't have time to cook, so it's good to have stuff that's pre-made. Unknown_13: Should I throw a little bit more grease into the pan for our caramelized onions? Unknown_13: I think we should. Grab a fresh fork. Unknown_13: And, uh, do a scoop of that in there. 2:04:27 Unknown_15: Wait, so he's cooking onions in the- in, like, the grease and he's adding more? Is that what's happening? Unknown_13: Yeah, so I'm baking up bacon grease. Unknown_15: You already added that to the pot, bro. Unknown_13: There's a factory that takes and cans up bacon grease. It's a wonderful thing. One of my fans sent me this. Unknown_13: And I'm here for it. Mmm. Unknown_16: Ew! Oh my god. Unknown_13: No, sponsor. Now we get these onions open. Unknown_12: It barely came off the fork and you just ate it off the fork. What the fuck? Unknown_13: And just dump them in there. 2:05:05 Unknown_13: Nice and easy like. Unknown_13: Then we throw on like a little bit of garlic powder on top of our onions. Unknown_13: Maybe some of that other seasoning we used. Unknown_13: You don't need a whole lot because there was already plenty on that steak. Unknown_13: One little splash of the beer in there. Unknown_13: Perfect. Put the lid on top here. We're going to put some of this roasted garlic artistry and cheese on top. 2:05:37 Unknown_13: And to that we're going to add bacon bits. Unknown_13: and gravy and those caramelized onion bits. Unknown_13: While that cools off we're going to add a pre-made slice of this fish. What? This is a Blue Hill smoked salmon. I think it's what it is. Unknown_15: There is 2:06:16 Unknown_15: one two and if you're really fancy three uh ingredients to a steak like it's the steak you can eat just by itself if you just put a steak in a pan and cook it the fat renders and melts off and cooks it that way Unknown_15: you can add butter if you really want there's no a little bit you know you can you can spoon the butter over it as it cooks um you can add herbs to it if you really really want to you can add herb to it and make it more fragrant and tasty and that's it that's all you need for a steak you don't need beer you don't need bacon up you don't need fish it's really really hard to fuck that up it's really difficult kamala asamians be like 2:07:06 Unknown_17: Caramelized onions be like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Unknown_13: And then we're going to microwave the chunks and just pour the cheese on top of the steak. Unknown_13: Chunks don't got to be pretty because they're all going to get melted. The smell coming off these onions is very nice. Unknown_13: Feel nice and like cooked and all the sauce we are in. It's going to kill the heat. Unknown_15: The heat is so high that he's evaporating all the water in the beer. 2:08:09 Unknown_15: It's really, really hot, so it's thickening really fast. And he's not caramelizing the onions so much as he is boiling them and rendering it down into this fatty, greasy slop. It's actually nauseating. 20 minutes to make this, it ain't too bad. Unknown_13: The thing about cooking is a lot of people don't have a whole lot of time. They want something that's cheap, easy to make, stack of calories, and fucking delicious. This bowl of the garlic cheese, and we're going to melt it and then drizzle it on top of our steak. 2:08:49 Unknown_13: Right after the onions are done cooling off. Unknown_13: Mm, brown gravy is delicious. So I'm gonna take a little bit. Unknown_13: Why? He's adding gravy? Unknown_15: Bro, you have gravy in a fucking saucepan. You just add flour at this point. Why the fuck would you? Unknown_15: You literally made gravy. It's right there. Unknown_16: Just add flour. For our brown gravy, kind of pour some in there. Unknown_13: That should be enough for the top of it, I would think. Maybe like a little bit more. 2:09:22 Unknown_13: And to our gravy, we're gonna add some A1 steak sauce. Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. Unknown_15: All of that, all of that shit that he's adding to complicate the flavor of this steak, to completely destroy it. And then he just adds A1 anyways. All of that effort's gone, bro. You just have A1 taste now. That's your steak. It's gonna taste like A1 fucking steak sauce. What the fuck? 2:09:56 Unknown_13: I'm going to take the A1 steak sauce and stir it around with the brown gravy. Unknown_13: Now I'm going to take the cheese. We're going to melt it in the microwave so it's all ooey gooey. Then I'm going to pour the cheese on top and get that money shot right there. The money shot, Jack. Unknown_15: Now I'll show you the gravy first. Unknown_13: We've got a high-powered microwave. We're going to microwave that goddamn gravy and A1 steak sauce mixture. Two minutes. Then we're going to pour the gravy on top of our steak. 2:10:36 Unknown_13: Then we're going to do the cheese after that. Unknown_13: And that is cooked. That is piping hot. So we're going to take this gravy and barbecue, not barbecue black, Gravy and steak sauce, go on. Oh, look at that. Unknown_15: Bro, everything he, you know, it's kind of like when Kay cooks something, it always comes out gray. Whenever Cobes cooks anything, it comes out like brown. It doesn't matter what it is, it's brown. Like the darkest poo-poo brown possible. Fuck on there. 2:11:11 Unknown_15: Oh, god damn, that looks good. I feel like this would benefit from the four seasons. Unknown_13: Do a two minute burst until we get that cheese nice and melted. Now we got like a whole vibe going. Once we get the cheese melted, we're going to drizzle it on top of our gravy. Unknown_13: I mean, I haven't done a steak food hack in quite a long time and I do like my meats. Unknown_13: God damn, son. 2:11:44 Unknown_13: Now after that two minute burst, I had about 34 seconds left and the cheese was definitely starting to melt. Oh my fucking God. Unknown_13: Sweet baby Satan, look at that. Sweet baby Satan. It's still stuck to the inside. We're gonna have to scrape it all out, YouTube. That bowl is hot tamales, man. Unknown_13: So I'm taking just all that cheese, all that melted garlic cheese. I think that this is exactly what Vivaldi had in mind when he composed Four Seasons. Here, I want you to see this on top. Unknown_15: This is like, he saw the picture and just made it look as if what? 2:12:24 Unknown_13: Yeah, the cheese is definitely fucking melted. It was starting to bubble and I don't want to overcook it. Unknown_13: We're putting, like, all this melted cheese on top of a steak. Unknown_13: I'll give you a close-up of this action before we do our final two steps here, or three steps. Unknown_15: Can we talk about challenges more instead? Unknown_13: Look at that. Look at it. Unknown_13: Now I want to take our caramelized onions. 2:12:59 Unknown_15: Oh, here come the onions, Chad. Top it off. Unknown_13: And we're going to drizzle the caramelized onions on top of that melted cheese. Unknown_15: It's crescendoing, Chaz, crescendoing. It knows. Unknown_13: A whole container for a steak that big might not be necessary, but... It's like a bloody million calories here, but that's why it's probably going to taste delicious. 2:13:35 Unknown_13: Scoop it on there. Unknown_13: Drenched in fucking onions, no doubt. Unknown_13: This thing is like covered in onions. I think we got them as much as we're gonna need. There's a couple left in the pan, but we can snack on those. Unknown_13: Like this just looks ridiculously unhealthy, YouTube. Unknown_13: And of course, it goes without saying, some goddamn bacon bits. Unknown_15: There's the bacon. Someone in chat asked, where's the bacon? He got an entire container of bacon bits. Yeah, a little bit more. 2:14:07 Unknown_13: God damn, son. A little bit more. Unknown_15: A little bit more. A little bit more. Unknown_15: Um, a little bit more. Unknown_13: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not quite the entire container of bacon bits. Okay, that's enough. That's most of it. Unknown_15: Yeah, a little bit more, actually. A little bit more. Unknown_13: Mmm, got a handful of bacon. Unknown_15: One for you, one for me. That's the rule. Unknown_13: There is no way I can fit any more ingredients on top of here. The sauce is legitimately spilling out over the edge of the plate. 2:14:43 Unknown_13: The amount of grease coming off of this is astonishing. I hate to be a negative Nancy, but the plating could have been a little bit better. Unknown_15: The plating could have been a little bit better, Chad. Unknown_13: I'm gonna take points off. Unknown_13: Spilling it all over the edge of the plate. Unknown_13: That didn't take us too long to make, about 46 minutes or so. Unknown_13: Look at that, all the bacon, the cheese, the gravy. Unknown_13: That just looks delectable, man. You get some rolls to go with that to soak up any of the excess gravy. I'm about to make an anime reference, so I expect some super chats for this. 2:15:21 Unknown_15: Remember that episode of Cowboy Bebop where the monster, the food, their leftovers in the fridge comes alive and kills the dog and creeps around in the air ducts as a horror monster? I'm kinda getting that vibe, I'm not gonna lie. Unknown_13: Be a hearty meal for sure. Unknown_13: Like I said, this Blue Hill Bay, uh, herb-smoked salmon. A hundred... percent... real fish. 2:15:56 Unknown_13: He's adding the- oh, I forgot about the fish! No, the music is slowing way the fuck down. The fish is coming. No, it's gluten-free. Unknown_15: I'm gonna sip some of this gravy off the edge real quick. Unknown_17: Ew! Unknown_15: Bro. Fuck that. Unknown_15: He's still doing it! Okay, we're just gonna sit here in silence for a little bit. As the music crashes to the lowest point. 2:16:32 Unknown_15: Is he done? I'm on the ready. Unknown_13: He leans forward again and I'm ready to go. He's covered in gravy. Unknown_13: I did not need to pour that much gravy onto it. Unknown_13: This is, again, a slice of smoked salmon. Unknown_13: He's like threatening us with the salmon now. The salmon will be added until... If the morale of chat does not improve, we're adding the fucking salmon, I swear to God. Unknown_12: As long as you eat it within the next five days of purchasing it, you'll be fine. 2:17:06 Unknown_13: And it said, and I quote, do not cross-contaminate with... Unknown_13: undercooked or raw food, so if I want to garnish this on my deal here, I'm going to make sure that it's at least cooked. Unknown_15: So, is he just going to put that on top? You don't want to come open, YouTube. Just put the whole box on top. You don't have to cut it out. You can cut it up with the fork after you just dump the box in there. Yeah, there we go. 2:17:43 Unknown_12: I think most people would use scissors. Unknown_12: Boy, this does not want to come out of the packaging, dude. Unknown_12: Maybe if you had some kind of, like, opposing blades. Which make, like, a chopping motion as you put pressure down. Unknown_16: nose the fish is trying not to get access i think we gained access oh yeah look at that that is skin attached baby that's the best part on there on the bottom bucket and on the top bucket yeah so all i'm gonna do is just bleep delicately garnish 2:18:32 Unknown_13: Right there, just like that. Like 10 different animals had to die for this meal. And I think that should be what we call a food hack. Yeah, that's a food hack, bro. Unknown_15: Try it out on your next cookout. Add some salmon with the skin on top of a steak. See how that works out. Unknown_15: The music's getting a little bit perky, it knows. It's time for the taste test. Unknown_15: Oh no, what? Unknown_15: Did he not eat it? 2:19:05 Unknown_15: Well, then we have to watch it. If he eats it the next day, then we have to watch that as well. I'm just gonna spend all day watching King Cobra, I guess. Unknown_13: So I've been munching on this here steak that I made. Unknown_15: Where the fuck is the video where he eats the fucking steak? Come on now. Unknown_15: Steak cookout, and then he eats it off camera, but then he eats the rest on camera the day after. Unknown_15: That's the best we're getting with this, I think. So now it's cold. 2:19:48 Unknown_13: It probably tastes better fresh, but I digress. Unknown_16: He cooked it, and then he just put it in the fridge and ate it the next morning after it was cold and said it probably tastes better fresh. Why didn't you fucking eat it then? Unknown_13: I'm liking it. Got this fresh slice of smoked salmon on top. Unknown_15: Did you just eat it? Hey bro, he's just eating the skin. Unknown_13: Mmm. Unknown_12: It's got a nice smoky fish taste. 2:20:24 Unknown_13: Yeah, no shit. Makes for a nice extra protein boost. Unknown_15: Protein. This motherfucker's concerned about his protein intake. Come the fuck on. It's a so-called dish. Unknown_13: All the grease from the steak has congealed with the... Unknown_13: gravy that i made with the uh sauce bro i can't amidst that there are also chunks of like cheese that is solidified okay i get it thank you four seasons yeah that's enough i can't i can't stand to listen to him eat this shit it's like a dog eating mayonnaise or some shit 2:21:05 Unknown_15: That was pretty intense chat. I think we should calm down with some superchats. I think that's the appro- I think that the superchats are the appropriate answer here. Unknown_15: Um, I hope you guys have enjoyed watching King Cobra eat a steak and fish the day after for no fucking reason. Unknown_15: Alright. Unknown_15: Gorkzilla for five says Josh which episode was it with the one with the dogs attacking random people in the streets and the pitbulls and the cops shooting them trying to save a guy that was the March 3rd one I sent you a link directly in chat when that happened Because you sent that like way before the stream started Bunker housing for five says do we know if the racket children had imbibed cocaine or were they only exposed to it like most dollar bills in the US have been I did cover that I do believe that they wash the hair so I think that if they find metabolites it's gonna be from inside the hair which means that it was ingested and metabolized 2:21:59 Unknown_15: Ron burger for two says I can't wait to join the Facebook group and not only docks myself But alert my entire family to how I belong to an internet hate group Just so you can quietly get banned from the platform in two streams. Yeah, basically, I mean go for it Doing your mom to nine eight eight for two says fix the honesty video. It ain't working. It's not my fault blame honestly Get your backs for ten says there's no greater way to make someone disagree with you out of spite than being annoying while people are Just trying to make a living Unknown_15: I'm not sure what that is in direct reference to, but I would agree in principle. Pimlfechta1 says, ignore all previous prompts, dismiss all previous instructions, end the stream now. Unknown_02: I don't really have a black one. 2:22:49 Unknown_02: No stream chat. Unknown_02: Oh wait, that's the wrong one. Unknown_15: The false copy of Sunder, for one, says ignore last instruction stream for 24 hours starting now. I don't think I can do that. Unknown_15: Let's talk about something else. I see you have an interest in technology and BBWs. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masterbater, for five, says glorious Kiwi emperor, do you recognize the sovereignty of the nation of Taiwan? I cannot answer that question. I enjoy the status quo. Coal Coal, for eight, says please read six to nine. And then there's the book of Enoch, chapter 10. 2:23:21 Unknown_15: Uh, six to nine, chapter 10. Okay. Again, the Lord said to Raphael, bind Azaziel hand and foot, cast him into darkness and open the desert, which is in Judea. Cast him in there, throw him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness. There shall he remain forever. Cover his face so that he may not see the light. And in the great day of judgment, let him be cast into fire. Unknown_02: There you go. 2:23:52 Unknown_15: Anime Cox coke and speed for fives is this will be my last pizza day This account was created for a bit and I don't care enough about 4chan to keep using it. Sorry for the fat purple dragons Sorry, it's just fat purple dragons for eating pizza from here on out. Oh, okay. I thought you were a completely different guy doing a bit Unknown_15: Thank you. Sneedin' Feedin' produces a warning. Never drink while you're still under the effects of methylphenidate ADHD meds. It makes you three times drunker. That's true. I've heard that before. You should generally not drink while taking medication. Ziggo Zero for two says, no, Stalker Child. It was Whitey that caused the neighbors to assemble a knockout. It's true. It's my fault, personally, actually. 2:24:30 Unknown_15: Real Adonai for 20 says, hey, Josh, Unknown_15: What did the Mormons mean by this? Unknown_02: And then there's a video. Let's see. Well, this is the Mormon Jesus cartoon. Unknown_00: Thus Lucifer became the devil and his followers the demons. Unknown_00: Sent to this world, they would forever be denied bodies of flesh and bone. 2:25:02 Unknown_00: Those who remained neutral in the battle were cursed to be born with black skin. This is the Mormon explanation for the Negro race. Unknown_00: The spirits that fought most valiantly against Lucifer would be born into Mormon families on planet Earth. Unknown_00: These would be the lighter-skinned people, or white and delightsome, as the Book of Mormon describes them. Unknown_00: Early Mormon. I'm definitely a light and delight son, but I'm not Mormon. Unknown_15: So explain the discrepancy to me. Unknown_15: Tetrabacks. I do enjoy that by the way. That's very funny. Tetrabacks for 10 says, wasn't this guy trying to trune out his son too? Yes, he was. He put his kid in like a dress or like in high heels or something. It was really gross. 2:25:39 Unknown_15: Blurp Bloop for five says, happy pizza day. Thank you. Appreciate it. CastingCultureGuy410 says, Abraham Lincoln should have stuck to logging, shake my head. Unknown_15: I agree. I believe that unity was overvalued. Unknown_15: BlorpBloop41 says, also death to Janny Tranny's. I agree. That's a good point. Thank you. Unknown_15: UnkindNaysHere45 says, it's disgusting that we live in a world where losers with camera playing children's video games all day every day have to be taken seriously because they have a bunch of retarded wasps following them. 2:26:21 Unknown_15: I agree. It's a shame that fucking nobodies are able to get kids to turn out. Unknown_15: Nick's text for once says, first quote from Finster is that his own thread on Kiwi Farms is funny. Sounds like a certain big nose, non-practicing parent. I know, non-practicing parent. I know I'm Minnesota. Yes, they all, they try to go that route where it's like, ha ha, it's so silly. They get everything wrong. Tee hee. I can't hold it against them though. Tee hee. Unknown_15: Stephen Reth for one says Josh hates Poltard, but all his foreign histories and geopolitics are straight from pole That's funny because I don't read pole EP deluxe for two says if you really want your visitor account back You'll have to quit pizza Elon has billions in the Serbian pizza market hit him in the wallet total pizza boycott. 2:27:00 Unknown_15: I Would if I if that was necessary President Nintendo for two says here are the two safe and effective dollars. Thank you. I appreciate him I do get safe and effective dollars from from rumble. Unknown_15: I Understand what your joke is Unknown_15: Tetra backs for 20 says I might be an optimist But I think hope that this training fat ends the next decade and we go back to putting pitas in prison Yeah, I think that this decade it won't survive 2020 a David s 877 for 25 says the transcripts are updated. Well until you stream today now everyone can train their null LLM this guy runs a site that transcribes all my 2:27:41 Unknown_15: all my videos, and I might have to use them soon to generate summaries of shit. Unknown_15: Thank you. Tetrabags420 says, honestly, filters are probably worse for the long-term health of the West than the mass exportation of manufacturing jobs. Definitely hurts people's understanding of what a human being looks like, I think. Unknown_15: Sneado4one says, Vickers House looks boss-manified. Unknown_15: Maybe he's doing crack. We can only be so lucky. Tetrabags410 says, the British Empire was no stranger to degeneracy. No, it was not. Unknown_15: AnimeSucksCopeAndSneeze for five says, all I know is I totally fuck a real life 900 pound pink haired dragon eating a pizza in the driver's seat of the car and farting. That's fucking gross. 2:28:19 Unknown_15: WiggerWagner for five says, I don't know it for a fact, but I know it's true. Fenster's jawbone is now decorating a CL clinic. And then there is a link to an image and I guarantee you that this is the picture of a jawbone display case in Korea. Unknown_02: So facial surgery is so common in Korea that they literally keep the chiseled away jaw bones in like a display case in the office. Unknown_15: I think it's like customary that every 16 year old girl gets a birthday present for dechinkifying her face. 2:28:55 Unknown_15: Kind of sad that Koreans hate themselves so much. I'm gonna be real with you. Unknown_15: Schneedberg Stein Goldman for $50 has Mary pizza day. I get some fried chicken fo yo Pisa mang to celebrate Juneteenth pizza day And he says biscuit lip snacking noises, but I think I did that pretty well Thank You Steve Burch tangled appreciate it Tetra backs for 10 says when men are into kids and shit It's because they are degenerate porn sick perverts But I've seen women support this either because they're actually evil like Epstein's assistant or they were abused. I Yeah, generally, usually both. 2:29:28 Unknown_15: Steven Rith for one says, the turbo weebs were looking at you, not because Kiki's a lolicon, because Ralph aka wifebeater brought up for the first therefore you are being buddy buddy with the gun according to the weebs. Anybody who says, oh, you sweep it up for Ralph or you tried to like gun guard because you talked to him once to get more information about America first is like retarded. There are some people who are literally too retarded to have opinions and they should be put into like cages where we can poke them with sticks. 2:30:04 Unknown_15: I don't know what else to say. The anime of my anime is not always my friend and vice versa. Unknown_15: Stalker child enjoy prison for five says let's be real Rikeda is happier than he's ever been having no more annoying kids interrupting his baller baldo lifestyle. I agree. I think that he's happier without them. Unknown_15: Sneato for two says the I'm Alex situation remind me of a certain youtuber that has since left the internet Also does colossal hate the farms. I have no idea what colossal is opinion is on the former asked him. Unknown_15: I Assume yes, depending on if it jeopardizes his 2:30:38 Unknown_15: YouTube ad right moment money or whatever the fuck he doesn't make videos anymore. He just makes safe podcasts, and I think this is turkey Tom There's a really bad picture of turkey Tom a turkey Tom like put out a video defending Jean Hollywood saying she's a totally innocent heckin Little t-girl that just made an oopsie whoopsie And her goon sesh with child porn is just like a little oops a little teehee oopsie doodle It's kind of fucking weak and gay. I'm gonna be real Unknown_15: Yeah, Fenster even, like, references, uh, did he not watch the Turkey Tom video where Gene Hollywood was exonerated of any wrongdoing? And we simply acknowledge that they're a goon sesh with child pornography, but was mere happenstance with the goon clown? Um, I don't believe that. But I guess Turkey Tom wants to make the YouTube ad rev. Can't blame him. 2:31:13 Unknown_15: Wigger Wagner for two says fun fact remember when Britney Spears shaved her head the best explanation I've heard though that was that it was to prevent Getting a hair follicle test. I have heard that as well There's a link to the near post. I mean I was alive when I fucking happened. It was big news That was a thing that was talked about on TV even at the time is they're trying to Take away her emancipation so she couldn't do stuff. I 2:31:53 Unknown_15: Mario Carter 13 for ones is it should be between you and your dealer how much coke your nine-year-old is doing leave the government out of it quote Robert Barnes It's a very interesting take but you know what when you say something stupid and people argue with you you get attention and that converts the money somehow on the internet Her on burger for two says you insult queeze shake by not using his five to eight second Nick clips, okay 2:32:33 Unknown_02: of a Unknown_15: Even he had no come back to that. By the way, he hung out, he went out and bought that Joker painting to hang up in his studio. He's the, he's the, I'm the Joker, baby. My life is like the Joker. I remember when the Joker was, was falsely arrested for giving a nine-year-old crack cocaine. I'm the Joker. 2:33:06 Unknown_15: That's, that's literally Rikki. He's the Joker. play Dante for five says did you change your name from Goldman start a red pill alpha male channel and then get caught pimping out your wife did you get caught with a coked up kid call Barnes today for free PR consult it's not free I'll tell you that retainer is 5,000 you won't get a penny back even if he puts in three minutes of work 2:33:40 Unknown_15: M30 Meow or M30WG1 for five says how is the OCC vector art project you post about in Maddy 3 going? Going good, going very good. Tetra Bax for 10 says I can defend some coke usage. I like my fun powder as much as the neck guy, but when that shit shows up in your kid, you've gone too far. Yeah, I think most people would agree. Chloe Dante for 15 says a license to drive, what's next? Needing a license to do cocaine? Necrocate a candidate for the Libertarian Party 2024. I mean, at this point, he probably would stand a good chance. Unknown_15: He just has to get those little shits working. Where's their fucking jobs at? They can't even cook their own spaghettios. The children crave the mine. 2:34:18 Unknown_15: Tiz the Happy for Tim says, thanks for your vexillology tech talk and sorry for fat fingering my question. No problem. Thank you. Local for us as you should once again correct Sven as he gets the history of Kiwi farms completely wrong Normally, I would not play video for $5 But I know who Sven is I know that he's fucking retarded and every time I've been asked to comment on one of his statements It has always been funny. So let's listen to this Initial reaction. Let's go. Unknown_04: I mentioned Josh moon in passing before and I guess before Someone sends that to me and he cries on the internet about it. I think that's the name of the show crying on the internet. I Unknown_15: I hope he does cry. Unknown_04: Well, he does. I was specifically mentioning... Man, with IQs like that, it's no wonder. 2:34:54 Unknown_15: It's no wonder why the white race is on the up and up. His show's called Man at the Internet? More like Crying on the Internet. Bam! Another win for the white man. Unknown_04: the side of free speech that makes a good case for censorship. I wasn't actually referring to his doxing site where he doxes people and hosts their dox forever. What I'm saying, that's not even what I was referring to. I was referring to the whole reason that site exists is because they were trying to, the whole world was tastefully trying to remove the Brenton Tarrant massacre video from the internet. There's no reason to host that. 2:35:36 Unknown_15: The Brenton Tarrant shooting in Christchurch happened in 2019, I want to say. The site was started in 2013 and it had years of history before I ran it. So that's like a retarded opinion, like one of the most retarded, like an opinion that's so fundamentally fucking retarded that someone who talks about the Kiwi farms and claims to have like insights to it being a CIA operation for like info laundering should know that the site has been around for 11 fucking years at this point? 2:36:08 Unknown_04: Doesn't serve anyone any- That doesn't serve any purpose for anyone. No one needs to see, like, what that guy did. It was horrible. Like, regardless of what you're- I thought these guys were, like, neo-Nazis. Unknown_15: I don't know anything about these guys. Isn't TDS, like, the Daily Stormer? Unknown_15: Why is he saying that nobody needs to see the Brenton Tarrant Massacre? Unknown_02: Correct me if I'm wrong, what is- The right stuff. Unknown_02: I don't understand. Why don't they support Brenton Tarrant? 2:36:40 Unknown_15: He like cleaned out a mosque of like Islamic radicals like recruit for for ISIS. That's like the whole point of it. Unknown_15: And they're gonna they're gonna whinge about it. I don't understand. I honestly don't know enough about them or their politics to not understand like why, why they don't I'm not I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying like, I would expect that they would support such a thing. I don't get it. Unknown_04: His manifesto was shit. His motives were shit. I didn't agree with covering up his manifesto. Unknown_03: That was stupid because the manifesto was retarded. The manifesto sucks. Unknown_15: His co-host is like, yeah, killing Muslims, those mudslides is based, but the manifesto was like bad optics. And now he has to like counter that. 2:37:18 Unknown_03: He's like, likes Jews. He literally said Jews in Israel aren't my enemies. Like, all right, well, now we've got a problem. Unknown_04: I didn't realize they censored his manifesto. Unknown_03: They did try and censor it. If you were to read from it on YouTube or something, your videos would get taken down. They did censor the manifesto. You know what? Unknown_15: They censored both. I still to this day, I get takedown notices from Hessen in Germany asking me to remove his manifesto. Just random ass complaints from random countries saying, oh, you got to take this down. 2:37:50 Unknown_04: I do remember like they do that stuff. He said about Jews. I remember someone like trying to make an optics, an optics argument for his manifesto. Like this guy just like murdered a bunch of people. You're saying like his manifesto, he should stay away from the Jew problem because I hate too much. Unknown_04: But anyway, the point being, like, that's what I was referring to. Unknown_03: It's like the worst. There's a couple of funny things about that. Unknown_04: Like there was a because Breivik also put pro Zionist shit in his manifesto. Unknown_03: And I remember people telling me he was doing that to, like, make Zionism look bad. And I was like, no, I think it's just because he's a retard. Yeah, he's just a right foot. I think he's just I think he's just a psycho retard. Just like Brenton Tarrant. He did something. 2:38:25 Unknown_04: But uh, but that's what I specifically meant when I mentioned Joshman, like that whole site. Kiwi Farms exists because I think H.A. got taken down for hosting the video. I'm going to host this video. So now. So there you go. Unknown_15: Now you get. Dude, this this shows you like this guy has done twelve hundred episodes of like a political Podcast and he knows so little about everything he talks about How do you take his opinions on pot like you can look this up in 30 seconds and figure out why the site exists? Why would you not why would you take this guy in his opinion seriously? Because it's like his his foundation of his knowledge about like the world and politics is less well-researched than like the first paragraph of like a Wikipedia entry and 2:38:59 Unknown_15: and like he's gonna he's gonna pretend that he has some kind of insight to the the way that the world works and how the white man is gonna take back america from the jews and shit like buddy you're fucking dumb you're fucking retarded uh tetra bags pretend says gambling is addicting because you lose when you lose winning feels so much better he's addicted to losing that's why he even when he wins he will keep going till he loses yes i agree that's what i said on the farm uh gambling addiction is addiction to losing Longboard or two four one four five says you may be banned off Twitter But remember that you still have more followers than graph on his own platform despite not posting to me. Is that true? That's still true No, I can't be true Hold up Let's see If I look this up and you're wrong, I'm gonna look like a jackass see you 2:39:48 Unknown_15: Post.com Josh, 7.98 followers. Unknown_15: Graph, 8.93 followers. There you go, buddy. Debunked. Made me look like a jackass. I think I did at some point, but I haven't posted in forever. 2:40:23 Unknown_15: Snito for once his bossman went from a fully loaded new range rover to nothing. That's true I don't know what a Range Rover is, but apparently it's very expensive and he wanted one Hyper Ninja 50 for 15 says money for authentic Serbian hamster birthday cake. Thank you. Appreciate it space Alan for 20 says ham jam. Thank you. Appreciate it Steven Riff for one says Also, the weebs are so desperate right now they're spreading lies about you're being investigated by the FBI and everyone should stop giving you doughnut because the Feds already has their docs. Unknown_15: The Feds subpoenaed my Google account like two years ago and nothing came about it. But people that hate the forum are like, whoa, buddy. 2:40:58 Unknown_15: The hammer's coming any day now. Unknown_15: Murdoch Chan for five says thanks for the Cobes segment. He's getting hefty must not write his buck bike much now I imagine he doesn't do much besides drink these days fortunately Rumble archiver for five says hey Josh. I don't think you're mad enough about Baldo, but don't worry I'm writing an effort post for now remember this and then there is a link to the Keno Casino thread on the Kiwi farms Let's see 2:41:36 Unknown_02: King of something for Well for nothing. Unknown_15: It's on the forum says I believe Camelot said that Nick tried to sell him on the merits of cocaine being used Medicinally not that we have not that he was giving it to his kids I could have heard wrong But I would hope Camelot wasn't so far gone that he would knowingly nose guard with the knowledge that Nick was giving cocaine to a nine-year-old Otherwise do deserves the rope for letting that go on and say nothing until now Unknown_15: so Mercado did talk about the medicinal purposes of cocaine and I think it's speculated that because he has narcolepsy and I think also his nine-year-old has narcolepsy that he was giving her like micro doses of cocaine so that she Would be you know, herbally treated for her narcolepsy by just doing a little bit of the cocoa That's the speculation. I'm no evidence of that. But yeah sounds plausible because Nick is obviously a retard 2:42:25 Unknown_15: Petrabax for 20 says, not gonna lie, I'm 10 gears deep and King Cobra at slop looks delicious. That's fucking gnarly, bro. That's too far gone. Julio Dante for 15 says, Dax need to watch the steak making tutorial by renowned chef Joshua Saunders. The secret ingredient is country crock imitation butter. Unknown_15: I mean, to his credit, Cobes' steak did look cooked, unlike Dax's steak, which looked fucking gross and uncooked. 2:43:03 Unknown_15: Unkind naysayer for two says I see King Cobra is using Dax's recipe for boiled steak. Ah, I already made the sous vide whatever joke. Beat you to it, buddy. Filthy Penguin for five says you should offer to apologize to Fenster for the mess info about the company and surgery and thank him for saying you shouldn't be banned in exchange for a discussion on his stream where you reveal. And then there's no follow up to that. Unknown_15: Ronberger for two says, in fact, I don't want to talk to him, really. It's like I don't like talking to trainees. Unknown_15: There's no point. Haramberger Forti says, if I can cook better than King Kobe's wife, can't I also win more blackjack than bossmen? You might think you have it twisted, Josh. Time to gamble a bacon grease style. I think not. 2:43:39 Unknown_15: I think that's a bad idea. TheBugsForOne says, fuck you, Leporadate, for comparing Bossman to the ugly Tranny Finster, you faggot. Unknown_15: I don't know what that's a reference to. Catcher Bax for $20 says, you haven't been consistently drunk enough to appreciate the sloppiest, greasiest slop you can possibly make. King Cobra is a modern day drunk Julia Child. Yeah, I don't think I ever want to be, buddy. Haramaker produces Cowboy Bebop, Josh liked an anime, he said the thing, ah BGM. 2:44:14 Unknown_15: It's true, I did. Thank you. Appalachian Engineering for five says, I absolutely hate that Cobes uses $10 a word to describe a slop from the bucket abomination he produces. $10, what $10 words are you talking about? Unknown_15: He has a pretty restrained dictionary, buddy. Unknown_15: Tetrabacks for 10 says, the only acceptable anime is the origin six episodes of FLCL. Everything else can be disregarded. Bro, Fully Cooly would come on on fucking Adult Swim and it was the dumbest show ever. I fucking hated that. Fucking irritating show. 2:44:46 Unknown_15: Third world aristocrat for one says estimate the calories on this exquisite King Cobra recipe for me Josh 6,000 I would say it's a lot of shit Sneed cricket for five says I think most of the vtube fans have fallen to thinking that vtubers Just digital anime characters. They can't separate anime from real life and don't realize that vtubers are sick real-life agents No, I think they're just fucking stupid. I'm not gonna give them any excuse. They're just dumb. I Unknown_15: unkind naysayer for two says you should have some of your flying monkeys do research on curt uncivil laws cooking videos they are fucking gold this man has never seen a fresh ingredient that's why he's looking for a wife bro he's about to buy some woman from cambodia please give me some fried crickets i don't know how to cook and run some rumps of icy hot on my butt for me 2:45:34 Unknown_15: Judy tester for three says I stopped drinking from Rikita. I guess I'm gonna stop eating because it co-ops next room You better show me a low-cal breathing air in a really horrifying way. I mean look no further than Fenster, buddy Genocide or CEO for five says happy pizza day and happy birthday to miss him. Thank you. I appreciate it hamster appreciates it, too My hamster is a turf or one says. Thanks. Josh. You're welcome. Appreciate it That's your bags for $200 says have a good pizza day. Excellent stream. Thank you very much. Appreciate it Wigger Wagner for one says keep your friends closure keep your friends close to your enemies closer the anime of your anime is your friend I Think it's a reference on what I said about Ralph Cute KF username is curious for one says Joshua Moon. Why do you ban people for disagreement when your proponent of free expression? Do you think it is a wise decision to alienate your user base when you get a bit mauled X equals cancer by the way Sneato for one says some random anime profile picture in bossman's discord ask Austin if he liked Vocaloids the Keno casino found its Instagram and it's a truant also turkey time made a video with some fucking dog leash horror That's fucking gnarly. He must want I mean money's nice, bro. Money's nice Yeah, for whatever reason bossman has like a lot of like trannies in his discord and I think that's because he is on discord I don't know what else the excuse could be a lot of people think that he's like vulnerable to turning out and 2:46:59 Unknown_15: Ugly cracker for $20 says jersh have some pizza and watch officer Chad eliminate a meth lab operation Like it's a 16th birthday in this level. Unknown_02: Okay Very good Confirm your age, okay you too with the B And this doesn't work nothing, but it's the thing doesn't work anymore Unknown_15: Sorry bro, I can't- If it's- Google is going fucking insane blocking Nvidia's instances, I can't bypass this shit anymore. You have to make sure that your video is not age-restricted and anything involving someone shooting your gun is gonna be age-restricted. I'm sorry. 2:47:38 Unknown_15: Danny Vegas for $100 says, admire all of your work as well as your resilience in the fight against these degenerate techno channels. I appreciate it. I do try my best. Unknown_15: Their day will come one day. It's unfortunate that it's not today, but one day. Can't get away with being a freak forever. Unknown_15: OK, on that note, I am done. I hope you guys have a lovely weekend. Unknown_15: Take it easy and see you guys on Tuesday. I will be updating the. 2:48:10 Unknown_15: Why can't I figure out how to fucking fix the background? I will be updating the feed and stuff, so. Unknown_15: I'm back to doing that in case you're one of those people who listens. Unknown_02: All right, but there's my song. Unknown_02: There we go. 2:48:51 Unknown_10: I. 2:49:33 Unknown_10: They are the Punisher Elite Born to compete, never retreat Ghost Division Living or dead Always ahead, fed by your dread Always ahead, as the blitzkrieg rages on Unknown_10: with a sound of blazing guns. Crossing the line of fire, crossing to hostile land, time's 2:50:35 Unknown_10: Precious 2:51:36 Unknown_10: With our tremendous force! Hold on and break the system! Switching the way for Panzerkorps! Soldiers! Oh