Jihad? – Mad at the Internet 2024-06-11

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Oh, our green battalions!

Unknown_30: What can I say, chat? I'm feeling a little bit in a burn it down kind of mood.

Unknown_13: burn it down burn the whole thing down as the king of the sector would say I'm gonna burn it down listen I'm properly unhinged I'm gonna be going over my various unhinged thoughts today at one point I will probably start screaming at the top of my lungs so I just want to give you a trigger volume warning right now

Unknown_13: The surprise, oh god, okay, let me, I'll tell you the surprise, just give me one second, I'm gonna build up to it. So as many people are aware, I died, and I died the only death that really matters, which is I got banned from Twitter. Allow me to explain what happened. After I put out some banger tweets, shaking the system to the core, I told an old lady who was British and born in 1965, saying that her father was a hero for landing on Normandy. I told her that she was a disgusting boomer and that the day that the boomers all dropped dead, we could start repairing our countries. This was considered glorifying violence, according to the Twitter customer support team. So I am permanently suspended.

Unknown_13: Um, that is what happened now if that was the actual Justification for it or if that's just like their excuse after the finster shit. I don't know i'm gonna appeal it forever I'm gonna literally every day I send them an appeal and at this point i'm just sending Like hey, how you doing? Just want to give you an update, you know, my day was pretty good That's literally what i'm submitting and i'm gonna make it a facet of these streams

Unknown_13: At the end, on top of the Reddit segment, we will have the Twitter Appeal segment where I write my appeal to Twitter and I will do this live every single stream until I am unbanned or until they block my ability to do this. This will continue on for as long as it needs to until I win. Okay, um...

Unknown_13: So that's the first update. The second update is I can't give updates. This is the frustrating thing and when I get my account back, and I will, I will simply use it to announce things and I won't talk to people ever again because like losing my DMs, like not only are my DMs like I can't continue my conversations, I can't even see them. So all the conversations I've had are gone. If you've contacted me with information, it's fucking gone. If I was contacting somebody and having a conversation with somebody very busy about maybe doing a stream appearance, that's just gone. My DMs don't even show up on their system. So if they're like, hey, I was talking to some guy about a stream appearance. Hmm, I don't see the DM, that's weird. It'll just disappear from their memory forever. This is how these things work, and it's kind of fucking insidious that they just say, oh, you're not a person anymore, sorry.

Unknown_13: and i honestly i thought that the shit would be different because if i was elon why would you not just give like you want people to come back to your platform just give like like how many like every time someone says okay oh gabe hoffman got suspended for the same thing because he's told veto the pedo christopher giswaldi an actual pedophile that he should kill himself by hanging himself he got suspended So you can't say anything even, like, nominally violent. Like, you have to pretend that life and death are just a non-factor in our existence, and we should never address them, ever, because that might be inglorifying violence.

Unknown_13: So I was pretty angry and I was having a shit week for various reasons and I didn't want to stream on Friday, so I just cancelled. I was like, fuck it, I don't want to stream.

Unknown_13: And I was very angry, and I think that the reason why the X thing tipped me off, or pissed me off... First off, let me clarify. A lot of people seem to think that the X ban was in and of itself what was extremely frustrating to me, and it's not. This was not my emotional state after my ban, okay? This was not me.

Unknown_37: A lot of people seem to think that, no, not having a Twitter account was the end of it. I'm just done. No, that's not what happened, okay? Give me some confidence. Give me some confidence, okay?

Unknown_13: I think what tipped me over about it was that I realized that in a way I will never benefit from any sort of progress. I feel like I will always be the odd one out and it's like it's kind of weird when you have like open pedophiles and you have like Nick Fuentes and you have all these fucking assholes on X.

Unknown_13: But it is I, it is I am the one who gets mass reported by eight different groups of people at this point. And I'm the one that doesn't ever get to benefit or profit like indirectly or directly from anything that happens.

Unknown_13: And that really, it really pissed me off. And then a lot of people got very gloaty, get very gloaty. Not just the people who like Patrick Tomlinson saying, oh, stalker child, it appears you're having a bad today.

Unknown_13: Those kind of people but people on the forum and stuff the depressoids came out and said Oh Josh, you must be feeling quite Depressed not in your hands anymore. Is it just just feel feel better Josh just decide to be less angry and then I I want to I want to differentiate between depression and anger the depression is a mental block and towards numbing yourself to the feeling of anger. Anger, I believe, is very healthy. You're meant to be angry. When something happens that upsets you, you are supposed to feel angry because anger is productive. Depression is not productive. When you shut yourself off to feeling angry because you can't responsibly handle it, you become depressed, and that is a non-productive form of emotional instability. When you are angry, you can become a productive chap.

Unknown_13: Hell, what kind of productive, per se? Let's see, maybe I've had a plan to take a train ride out of the country and buy an expensive piece of equipment and then pay or force the commie block maintenance man with $100 and a bottle of vodka to go onto the roof

Unknown_13: and install my piece of equipment. Perhaps I've done that. Perhaps I've gone out and I bought a Starlink and in, it must've been a hundred degree fucking heat, climb up to the fucking roof with this giant ass satellite dish and pay somebody to wrench it onto a pipe in the middle of summer fucking heat. Maybe when you're angry, that's what you do. And that is why you're now watching this stream at 1080p. Because I fucking did that. I went out and I made my weekend productive and now we have a Starlink to stream with. Chat. Now we have actual internet. So, no longer am I stealing the kebab shop Wi-Fi. I have paid hundreds and hundreds of fucking dollars and found a random ass house on the border to make my official address for service so we can now connect to the satellites and Elon Musk will still assist me in getting my voice out no matter what, if he likes it or not, it's happening.

Unknown_13: This is what we're doing. Okay. So I channel my anger productively. Now I feel better because who would have thought being productive is the answer to these things.

Unknown_13: There is, there's more, there's something else. Okay. In regards to the, the Twitter DMs that I have,

Unknown_13: If you are the Tennessee guy who I was talking to about the thing, you need to get back in touch with me. If you know who you are, you corrected me. I thought it was over. I thought it was Jover, and you said, actually, Josh, it's not fucking Jover. This is possible. I just have to think about it. If you're that guy, our DM chain is gone forever. You have to email me. Matt at TheInternetProTalkMetal.com. Easiest, shortest email in the world.

Unknown_13: Email me.

Unknown_13: Also, update on the body cam footage. I didn't get to say this, but

Unknown_13: I did announce it on Twitter. We have four signed, noted affidavits. If you're one of those attorneys and you want your name to show up on the affidavit to have the omnibus hearing with Rakeda in August streamed, and you want your affidavit to show up on the

Unknown_13: the Wall of Heroes, make sure you get your notarized copy to Hardin, because I think there's like six people, four of them have signed, including Sean and Legal Mindset, but there are six people who promised and gotten to contact and haven't submitted their notarized. You have to do it this week. We're submitting it on Friday. So get that in.

Unknown_13: And in regards to the body cam footage, we contacted them last week, they responded and said they would have an answer within 10 days, so we're still waiting on that. Should be this week, I'm pretty sure, or next Monday by the latest.

Unknown_13: So that's the update on the Twitter stuff.

Unknown_13: I think that's it.

Unknown_13: Yeah, okay. So I was late this stream, I'm sure many of you noticed that.

Unknown_13: Let me explain why.

Unknown_13: fucking madness, insanity has happened, and I will explain.

Unknown_13: We had the Greer case moved to Florida because, I mean, really, it was a questionable motion, but why not? Let's move it to Florida where Hardin is licensed because then we don't have to pay people to be intermediaries to babysit our

Unknown_13: We'll catch back up. It's still doing that thing where it checks for obstructions and shit, so I think the upload speed goes up and down. Anyways...

Unknown_13: The case with Greer was moved to Florida. This is a four-year-old case, by the way, that hasn't moved past the first steps. It ended up in Florida, and we were waiting on the judge to respond, and it took him months. And then eventually, the magistrate handed the case back up to the actual Florida judge, Casey something, who was the actual judge for the district.

Unknown_13: and she decided to kick it back to Utah. So now the case is back in Utah. We have made no progress in either direction for the last four fucking months. Nothing is happening in this case and never will.

Unknown_13: So this decision, by the way, from Casey,

Unknown_13: to move this case. It's a 16-page transfer judgment, which is fucking absurd by itself. This decision is insane. This decision is literal fucking madness. She is an 11th Circuit judge who looked at this and told the 10th Circuit that they got it wrong, they applied their own law incorrectly, they did things bad, and they get to do it again. So she kicked it back to Utah. Here are three situations.

Unknown_13: Utah could decide to keep the case.

Unknown_13: Utah could decide to not keep the case, or we could appeal. And actually, we can't even appeal it anymore. That was what I was gonna say. Okay, so usually, this is how much of a fucking nightmare the courts are. If you wanna appeal something, you have to appeal it in the appellate court where both the case is and the decision was made. Where is that right now? Nowhere.

Unknown_13: it literally cannot appeal this decision because you would have to appeal in the 11th court or district where the Case no longer it is. It's called interlocutory appeal. It doesn't it's no longer an option. They literally transfer this in 15 minutes 15 minutes between

Unknown_13: the order given and the move to Utah was the time that we had to file an appeal because it was an immediate decision and Now that it's happened already and we haven't given the appellate court notice We'd have to file something says look be on notice We're gonna appeal this shit if you we literally had 15 fucking minutes literally 15 minutes to file that didn't happen but I wouldn't have done that anyway, because I Have no fan

Unknown_13: There is no fan in this room. I'm sweating, I'm sweating like a fucking pig. I turned down my mic. Okay, is this better? Okay, so, um, the ability, our ability for

Unknown_13: The appeal is already gone, but I wouldn't have wanted to take that option anyways because this fucking lady obviously hates me. Like this woman obviously wants nothing to do with this case, has no interest in making a real judgment, and doesn't want to actually adjudicate law as prescribed by the judicial branch. That's not fucking happening. This lady, Casey, Casey says, fuck you. So it's like, okay, Casey, Ms. Casey,

Unknown_13: I don't want to be in your court anyway. So now we're back in Utah. Two things that can happen here.

Unknown_13: The court could decide, actually we got it right the first time, back to Florida you go. Or the court could decide, okay whatever, I guess we'll deal with it.

Unknown_13: we we will probably not contest that because obviously this woman doesn't want to go with us and even if we could appeal it by the way um if you guys are following the news there's that rapper in atlanta who's getting um he's like young young thug or something he's being like charged with murder and uh the the the judge in that case

Unknown_13: was having ex-parte meetings with the opposing, like the state, which a judge is not supposed to have. And when the representative of Young Thug or whatever, the young guy, I think it's the Young, not Young Clippa, we'll get to that. I think his name is Young Thug, anyways.

Unknown_13: His attorney objected to the judge having ex-parte meetings, which he's not supposed to have, with the prosecutor. And the judge was offended that he got called out on having an illicit ex-parte meeting and held the attorney in contempt of court on the spot and ordered him arrested. So, that's insane. That's so insane that it's very likely that the murderer will walk and the judge will be kicked off the bench because you can't really do that. It's not like the Kiwi farms. If someone stands up to you and says something you don't like, you can't just ban them from the courtroom. People generally have a right to practice law and they have a right to point out things that you've done wrong.

Unknown_13: So I my point is I don't want to go to the 11th Court of Appeals in Atlanta, Georgia That is not my doesn't I don't want to okay if Casey says that she doesn't want to handle my case Then we'll find a way around it without going to Atlanta, which sounds like the worst idea possible, okay?

Unknown_13: So we're going to have to figure out a way. I have a plan. I have a plan. I have a vague idea of how the law works and I have a plan moving forward. It's just my plan. I'm going to, I have said, do my thing. I have an idea. Everything, nothing makes sense anymore. This is literally the only case that he's ever heard of where it gets transferred and then transferred back because the judge receiving the case decided that she didn't want to deal with it. Never heard of this before. It's called ping ponging. It's actually explicitly against the 11th court of rules.

Unknown_13: But Casey knows that it would cost $10,000 to go to Atlanta and point out that she made a mistake. And she's betting on the fact that we're not gonna spend $10,000 to have an interlocutory appeal. And she's right, we're not gonna do that. So Casey wins, okay? Miss Casey, the judge in Florida, she wins, okay? So we're just gonna figure out what the fuck to do.

Unknown_13: So that's why the stream was 10 minutes late, because I had a 30 minute long phone call that messed up my stream prep.

Unknown_15: Okay, cool.

Unknown_16: What's wrong with I only have a 5% Listen, listen, here's the deal.

Unknown_13: I have not my

Unknown_13: I was using, the reason why I'm in the closet is because it works, the Kebab Shop Wi-Fi gets in here. I now have my own router and my own Wi-Fi, but it's in the other room. I have not moved my streaming setup from the closet to my living room where my Wi-Fi is and plugged it in. So now I'm gonna have to get, move my streaming setup back up out of the room, okay? So that's why there's packet loss. Just fucking give me a second, everything, is in a state of flux all the time. You just gotta say, give it a second, okay?

Unknown_15: Alright, what was I talking about?

Unknown_13: Oh, yeah, that's done. We're done talking about that. I'm gonna figure it out. Don't you worry I'm gonna get a law degree I'm gonna get and the time that it will take for me to resolve this case and get a law degree and then get on The bar in Utah and deal with it myself. That's what's gonna happen. What's my plan?

Unknown_13: um cool excellent next gay people up to no good actually this time it's the straighties so a bunch of boy okay so get this right this video came out of a bunch of boys doing like skids on the uh on the the pride mural thing oh it's even a progress meal it's got the fucking gay trident thing on it um so if you notice they're using those little like rent-a-scooters

Unknown_13: and the company that rents out the scooters.

Unknown_13: has made that pride mural a no-go zone. So if you try, okay, this is the nightmare technology hell that we live in. You no longer own scooters, you rent them by the hour, I guess. Then if you try to drive into an area that is labeled a no-go zone by the company, they literally power off your, okay, we need the hamster. They literally power off your scooter and you no longer can scoot. Your scooter just,

Unknown_13: slides to a fucking halt mid-scoot and You just don't get to drive anymore. You have to like walk it out of the area, I guess So that's what this is what they want for electric cars, by the way You try to you try to skid out on the the progress mural Sorry, your Tesla's self parking and alerting the authorities that you're a criminal. That's what we're going for now

Unknown_13: So you just think, okay, those kids or whatever, they're just scootin'. 10 years! Three Washington teens are facing 10 years in jail after making skid marks in LGBT rainbow road mural while on e-scooters because it's a hate crime and that's an aggravating factor. So they face 10 fucking years in jail for scootin' hatefully, basically.

Unknown_13: That is the situation.

Unknown_13: My god, he's rush. He's Russian 19 year old ruzz. Oh, sorry. I said Russian says Ruslan. That's a weird stupid name rust and Turco Then to unnamed minors were arresting on Wednesday for first-degree malicious mid mischief After vandalizing the rainbow pride mural that sits in front of Riverfront Park in Spokane.

Unknown_13: I Guess the charge for that first-degree criminal mischief is a

Unknown_15: is 10 years in jail because it's a hate crime.

Unknown_13: Lime is ta- oh my god. They put out a statement, the scooters did.

Unknown_13: All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms. At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see hate taking place in Spokane. Lime is taking immediate action. Against the perpetrators and doubling down our support of Spokane Pride and Spokane Arts, Lime is proud to put time and resources into celebrating Pride Month 8th year with our supporting LGBTQIAP plus organizations working to uplift and protect queer people in cities around the world.

Unknown_13: um yeah i was gonna save this for later but you know what chat you know what chat you know what i think we need i think we need a little jihad i think that we need a little jihad i'm gonna be real with you

Unknown_13: There will be more need to jihad later down the road, trust me. But I can think of no quicker solution to these problems that we face the world over than jihad, chat. Inshallah.

Unknown_13: I think that we will find a solution to this problem once and forever, permanently, finally, I believe.

Unknown_13: I believe it true to my heart, chat.

Unknown_13: Anyways.

Unknown_13: There will be more jihad in the stream, but I feel like that's the appropriate time to bust out. James S's, that's a stupid fucking name. S's, S's.

Unknown_13: There's this song by the Medic Droid. I forget, his name is Jeffrey Starr was like the lead singer of the Medic Droid. Enjoyed and there's this one song called for sure and there's like I can't remember the context of this lyric But they're like gay singing and one of them. I think with Jeffrey star goes. Oh my god fucking s's to that That's I don't know what that means, but it's apparently a reference to this guy's stupid ass fucking last name s's I

Unknown_13: The will of privilege is being used in schools. It splits everyone to buckets, a power of marginalized. Ooh. Tells children that they are white or male or cis or Christian or European and they speak English or live in an urban city. They are privileged.

Unknown_13: Okay. So the top is marginalized and the bottom is powered. Oh, oh, I see. So the, the, the further out, if you are in,

Unknown_13: The outer layer of the pie, then you are the most, then you are the most, um, privileged. Okay. Or the least privileged, I guess.

Unknown_13: So if you're any form of not Christian, then you're marginalized. When I'm pretty sure that if you were to take the populations of all the modern world and add them up, you would probably get like 65% non-religious, like 30% Christian, and then like five to 15% Muslim, depending on your country. I'm pretty sure that Berlin, oh man, I'm about to whip out some fucking facts right here, hold on, watch this.

Unknown_15: demographics of Berlin.

Unknown_15: Oh boy, get ready to get some fucking facts shot. Let's see. Here we go.

Unknown_13: All right, religions of Berlin. More than 60% of Berlin residents have no registered religious affiliation. The largest denomination in 2010 was the Protestant.

Unknown_13: But, oh, that's out of date.

Unknown_13: No, no.

Unknown_13: Okay. I thought for sure that Islam outnumbered Protestants in Berlin. It's like the same amount. I thought, I thought it was the other way around. I was like 15% Muslim and 10% Protestant. So in Berlin, the number of Muslims basically outnumbers the number of Protestants, which is like the soon next couple of years, probably.

Unknown_11: That's what I'm thinking of anyways.

Unknown_13: So

Unknown_13: straight and then lgbtqi plus middle aged or older adults and youth how the fuck how is old people marginalized hello old people are the fucking majority look at this shit

Unknown_13: Middle-aged people aren't the power group here. They're the fucking majority. They make up the majority of the population.

Unknown_13: That's just wrong. That's just wrong. How many people are in our Congress and Senate are like 60 plus? The president of the United States is like 82 fucking years old. Every contender for president is at least 70. I'm pretty sure old people are not the marginalized group. I'm pretty sure they run shit and they have for the last 60 fucking years.

Unknown_13: non-western or western is that true like everywhere if you're white and you live in saudi arabia do you have more power than like the king able-bodied or disabled i guess that's true

Unknown_13: post-secondary or no, no, I mean, this makes sense. Like if you're disabled, then yeah, you're at a disadvantage by definition. If you're not educated, then you're at a disadvantage.

Unknown_13: Um, though I would disagree that post-secondary, you know, out routes, um, like trade schools and should probably be any like educated versus non-educated, uh, European or non-European.

Unknown_13: As far as ethnicity, okay. It's an interesting way of saying white. Oh no, sorry. White in Europe. What the fuck is the difference between race and ethnicity? White versus European. So if you're white, but you're not European, what does that mean? Does that mean that I am like less off because I'm American? Oh, sorry, Goy. You're white, but you're not European. That means that the white Europeans have more power than you. Okay, fine, I see how it is.

Unknown_13: basically trying to tell me that there's a trade-off. If you're Italian, it's the same as if you're a non-European white or you're an Italian European, obviously, then you are about the same. Fascinating.

Unknown_13: Urban has power, rural does not. Okay, that's probably true. Cisism versus trans and non-binary. Citizen versus immigrant. Well, obviously.

Unknown_13: That's crazy to me that they even consider it a bad thing. Immigrants don't have the same power in the country that they just came to. They don't shit.

Unknown_13: Income.

Unknown_13: Okay, I'll give them that. Income is power. That's probably the most accurate thing on this thing. Income versus...

Unknown_13: Not no income. Okay, I agree Indigenous peoples versus settler What if you're an indigenous European? I don't think that counts. I don't think indigenous European people get any power And then English and French how fucking dare they put French on the same platform as English-speaking Nobody in the last 300 years

Unknown_13: has been like, oh man, those francophones, they know too much. They've got too much power.

Unknown_13: Nobody said that in quite some time. And then married people have more power than single.

Unknown_15: That's not true. I don't think that matters at all.

Unknown_13: Marital status?

Unknown_13: Maybe divorced people are like a disadvantage, but how the fuck do married people have more power? Whatever, this is stupid.

Unknown_13: I spent more time thinking about this fucking stupid ass chart than people that made it did.

Unknown_15: Okay.

Unknown_15: That's it for news, I don't have any news.

Unknown_13: Fuck the news. I didn't read the news last week, I don't care.

Unknown_13: I do have some Fimham stuff. I know that's, the Fimham is everybody's favorite, so we will do that.

Unknown_13: I have to resize all my hamsters so that they're not so tiny.

Unknown_15: Bam, just like that chat, just like that.

Unknown_15: All right.

Unknown_13: This I've heard before, but I guess now it's like canonized in a study. Health experts warn that young boys are being taught by pornography to strangle girls during sex, which is a self-explanatory headline. But I've heard that

Unknown_13: The number of like kids having sex, have sex at a younger age now, like the first age of intercourse is like much lower, like it's dropping, which you wouldn't expect.

Unknown_13: But then like the number of violent sexual encounters that are happening between kids is like crazy. There are more like 11 year old girls being treated for like incontinence because they do anal at like 9 years old now Because that's what they see online and then act out and there are girls that are like dying Because they're having like like strangulation asphyxiation sex as like preteens. So this is this is the this is like because people watch porn and then when you're like a teenager watching porn like that's your exposure to it and the most common porn is like this weird like hentai shit where you're having like anal sex and like strangulation and you're like spitting on each other and shit um i completely believe this what were they watching it's like like it's it's the most common thing like if you just go on reddit and you look at like porn subreddits it's like all violent weird shit

Unknown_13: I can completely believe that there are like a bunch of young boys and girls that are like their first exposure to porn through like their high school discord is like weird anal and like strangulation BDSM shit.

Unknown_13: Okay. Now, if you look up, so Pornhub is like, does like their, their statistics on search terms, the most common search term they don't, by the way, here's a fun fact, uh, in case you don't know this,

Unknown_15: Um, Pornhub puts out their, their statistics for the most searched term, um, every year and they rank it and they track like growth in terms.

Unknown_13: And since 20, I want to say 2013, um,

Unknown_13: They've actually filtered out the number one tag. For every year that they did statistics, up until 2013, the term teen was the most commonly searched term.

Unknown_13: After 2013, the term teen no longer shows up on their most commonly searched tags. So number one, the most commonly searched thing is teen. Number two, I want to say it's like anal.

Unknown_13: And then I'm pretty sure like if you look at the recent one, I can just show it.

Unknown_13: google.com porn hub 2023 statistics 2023 a year interview let's check it out if i can get those search terms let me make sure that this is right top searches and porn stars okay

Unknown_13: Hentai, MILF, lesbian, Japanese, PNA, anal. So after hentai, remember teen is number one.

Unknown_13: But then after that it's hentai.

Unknown_13: And then there's lots of like ethnic terms and then anal.

Unknown_13: Stepmom, so incest shit. Anime, threesome.

Unknown_15: And then...

Unknown_15: I don't see one for like strangulation, but it is like a common theme.

Unknown_13: Especially like anal just up there so high. And that's the concerning one, because you can hurt yourself.

Unknown_13: A teenager does not know how to have anal sex and not injure themselves in the process.

Unknown_13: Pretty fucking grim.

Unknown_13: Okay, so this is just a comparison. This guy went on to Zitter. I wonder actually, I wonder if he's banned from Zitter. Let me check real quick. Sky traffic, x.com.

Unknown_15: Sky underscore traffic.

Unknown_15: That not right?

Unknown_15: Game, oh, did he like change his handle?

Unknown_15: Registered April. Did I change his fucking handle?

Unknown_15: That's very frustrating because I wanted to see if he was banned or not His handle is like sky underscore traffic, but if I go to the sky underscore traffic on on zitter It's like a brand new account.

Unknown_13: I want to see if he was banned for saying this He says I sure would I sure would hate it if someone took that call to Glasgow Green on the 5th of February and hit Posie Parker and her friends with their car. What an awful thing that would be. That I would hate. Me watching the country's leading defenders of women and girls exploding like bin bags full of baked beans on your windshield. Oh no!

Unknown_13: So he basically threatened to kill them by running them over jihadi style.

Unknown_13: And unlike all the women who dead named a tranny on Twitter, he has been spared jail. So he was arrested and then charged with threatening to kill somebody.

Unknown_13: Suspended sentences here for posting threatening messages in Gaelic on social media about an author and MP in January last year.

Unknown_13: So he is skullish, and he's not going to jail because he only threatened to kill the right people.

Unknown_11: I'm a little bit pissed that I can't see if he was banned from Twitter, because I bet you he's not.

Unknown_13: Sky traffic, but then when I go to sky traffic, it's like, it's not on that account.

Unknown_15: Fascinating.

Unknown_15: Okay, what's this? Oh, yeah, okay. It's just a quick video.

Unknown_16: This leads into a conversation that we had on the last stream on Monday.

Unknown_13: And what was interesting, this is not like whamon related at all, but this is an interesting video because it's, someone posted in the Maddie thread, and it's a woman going to go get like a drug kit. And this is one of those harm reduction systems that they have in countries for like drug addicts that I'm no longer sure is effective and that I should support. I feel like we should just let them die. Let's take a look.

Unknown_19: and needles. Today I'm going to go inside and see if I can get one for myself. Take a look.

Unknown_11: She's trying to score some crack, Jo.

Unknown_18: Hi. Hi. Where do I go to get kits?

Unknown_01: Kits for me?

Unknown_18: Like the kits for like pipes and stuff. Is it this building?

Unknown_01: The needle chain?

Unknown_18: Is it here?

Unknown_01: The needle one?

Unknown_01: I am a native Canadian. What do you need? I need a kit. A kit? What is a kit? I do not understand you.

Unknown_18: Please rephrase your question. I did not get you.

Unknown_01: A kit.

Unknown_18: Oh, a kiss. Oh, you want a kiss?

Unknown_13: Of course. You go down the street.

Unknown_13: Dude I love how they ha they hang like the tranny flag in like the worst places This is how you know, it's like a state religion like abortion clinics and and Like harm reduction places to get free drugs and syringes and shit. They all hang the tranny flag it's definitely like some kind of weird idea like how many trannies are going to go score some fucking heroin kids from the the Canadian Commonwealth Center. Like, cut the fuck on.

Unknown_19: So as you can see, that was a little too easy. Not only did I not have to provide any information or identification to receive my free crystal meth pipe kit, the man working there was also a little too eager to offer me even more drug paraphernalia. Meanwhile, outside the exchange, you can see directly how these policies impact the drug addicts littering the streets of Toronto high out of their minds. Not to mention all the used needles the average Torontonian comes across on sidewalks or in public parks across the city. And what's most upsetting is that despite the program being bolstered as a net positive for Toronto, these policies have proven to do more harm than good. Especially looking at the data that proves that- Okay, I get it.

Unknown_13: Yeah. That's what I mean. In theory, I kind of like the idea behind harm reduction, but in practice, I'm pretty sure it just gives, I'm just not a fan of any social security anymore. I think that if you're old and you haven't convinced your family to take care of you, then you should be homeless.

Unknown_13: I know that sounds mean to say, and I've been in places that are very poor where you can see old people who have no healthcare that are crippled digging through the trash.

Unknown_13: I mean, they probably suck. At this point, I'm pretty convinced. If you're like an elderly person and you don't have savings and you don't have kids to take care of you and your kids can't be convinced to take care of you, you probably fucking suck. I shouldn't have to pay for it. Nobody should be forced to pay for you. You probably suck. If you're like a drug addict, you probably fucking suck. You're probably a fucking burden on absolutely everybody all the fucking time. I don't feel bad for you. Oh, you're black and you don't work and you want free housing? Oh, sucks. Damn, man. Oh, you're gonna be homeless? Ah, dude.

Unknown_13: Sorry to hear that, buddy. I just don't care. I just don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck about anybody. Like, do literally anything besides sit on your fucking ass and shoot up heroin. I don't care if you die.

Unknown_13: I don't care about the boomers, I don't care about the addicts, I don't fucking care. You can't force me to fucking care anymore. I can't speak my mind on basically any platform, and I'm supposed to care. I am fundamentally deprived of my right to speech, and I'm dragged through the fucking court system. By the way, I forgot to mention, I got subpoenaed. I got notified by Google that in 2022, I was subpoenaed. My Google account was secretly, privately subpoenaed by the FBI, and they basically got access to my whole life because it was a Google account. And the gag order only recently lifted. And they notified me automatically. So it's like I'm being like, the FBI is like just arbitrarily fucking with you.

Unknown_13: You're being sued by fucking retards and there's no way to actually resolve it. And it costs you tons of money to even deal with it. Even though it's a completely meritless shit fuck case. And my constitutional, fundamental constitutional rights to privacy, to not deal with dumb bullshit and to speak my mind are just infringed on. Am I supposed to give a fuck about drug addicts and old people that nobody wants to take care of? And people that don't want to work and can't afford housing? I don't fucking care. You don't matter to me. You matter to me zero percent. If you died, I wouldn't fucking care. There's other shit going on that I do care about.

Unknown_13: Um, yeah, I don't know. I don't feel bad for anybody anymore. I think that socialist policies are a symptom of a decadent society where you can make up bullshit to care about. But when it's like food's expensive and housing's expensive and nobody has any fucking jobs and you can't say what you want anymore and the police are just being retards all the fucking time, then your ability to delegate parts of your brain to being upset about shit that's other people's fucking issue goes away real fast.

Unknown_13: I see someone in chat complaining, we should move on, Josh.

Unknown_13: You know, I'm sorry, but your FSA should be revoked. I'm not gonna pay for your housing. I have to pay, you know, I still have to pay income tax, and it makes me upset.

Unknown_15: Okay, next.

Unknown_15: Let's see, no more Fimham.

Unknown_15: All right, I got some some lol cow sector sectoroid type shit.

Unknown_13: Here is a comment from rebar retraction or red bar not rebar did have a little talk about him before and that's andy warski new friend of mine, by the way And I want to say this before saying i'm friends or hate anybody.

Unknown_34: I know this whole universe They all kind of hate each other, too. So, like, Ethan Ralph, I think, hates Andy Warski. It's really scary in here.

Unknown_23: Some of these guys hate Dick Masterson.

Unknown_34: You know, they all kind of either like each other or hate each other. I'm on all of your sides today, OK? Because I got in trouble. You know, I was doing one of these riffs where I said I like Vito and Dick Masterson, you know, because they were getting chummy with Josh Denny. So I'm like, oh, I like you guys. Which I do. But then I heard that got to the Kiwi Farms owner who hates Dick Masterson. And he heard that I like Dick Masterson. So now he might think that I'm like uncool now.

Unknown_14: I can't have that.

Unknown_34: So let's just say I don't know who to hate, who to like, but as far as this Aaron stuff goes, bravo to everybody involved.

Unknown_13: Okay, allow me to explain. Vito is a pedophile. In general, in the sector, if you want to be cool in the sector, you have to avoid pedophilia as if it is a white sulfur fire that never gets put out. Vito is a pedophile, never associate with him. Dick's associated with Vito, which makes him a hard avoid, in my opinion. Generally like like Ralph and Dick are like hard fucking avoids, but do whatever you want. Just not me though Because he's a pedophile That's it that's my that's my advice to mr. Red bar by the way I watched this entire like two and a half. I don't know what his schedule is he's like I

Unknown_13: Apparently streams like whenever the fuck he wants. I think it's like two times a month. I watch through the rest of his stream He's actually pretty funny. He has some good jokes Yes, some good commentary. I don't know. I don't know if I could call myself like a fan He does though the soundboard thing is like annoying and then I realized that the clapping thing that Andy does now is like he's I think he stole that from red bar and Because this guy claps when he is approving of something, like an AmeriShart would. You know, like the meme that Americans clap all the time when the airplane lands? That's basically this guy. And then Andy stole that, I guess.

Unknown_13: That's what it feels like to me. I don't know. Andy didn't always clap, but I don't know the Red Bar guy, so he might have been doing that beforehand. Anyways, that's just my advice.

Unknown_13: Okay, some brief Baldo stuff. I already mentioned that the body cam footage will either be approved or denied This week maybe by Monday at the latest. I'll let you know on that There's some news that the nine-year-old was left in charge of the very young children Years ago even when the 16 year old was nine, so they've always kind of let the kids manage themselves and

Unknown_13: Which is like a quiverful thing, like the Duggar family would do this, where the oldest kids had to watch the youngest.

Unknown_13: Which is how some of them got molested.

Unknown_13: When you have like 19 fucking kids, they don't really have that sibling aversion, I guess. Anyways, so that came out, this is an old post, but Kayla letting the oldest watch the youngest, it kind of explains how they were able to do cocaine without the kids noticing, I guess.

Unknown_13: This is a recent picture that Rikada put out after the arrest to kind of clean up.

Unknown_13: He says the world can still be beautiful even when it feels stacked against you.

Unknown_13: Adversity is the fire that refines the golden links in your life and burns away the chaff in the leeches. The risk of life's tribulation is that the petty gossips and the self-serving deceivers will convince you to believe their lies about who you are. Forked tongues.

Unknown_13: can sway the uninformed. Don't allow them to poison you against yourself. There is no compromise with poison. It's very astute boomerisms. When shit gets hard, everyone who doesn't unconditionally support you is the bad guy. Don't let people with doubts make you think that you're doing anything wrong ever. Snort cocaine, drive 40 miles over the speed limit with your children in the back seat.

Unknown_13: Invited cock hold and his wife over to your house on the rig Do not let you not let the naysayers define you stalker child Thanks, bro Let's see how the Baldo defenders are doing this one. I think this one's called Anna the the Star Wars girl She's taking a trip on Hoover Dam. I wonder what she's doing up on Hoover Dam chat Hoover Dam Let me eat some dirt right now

Unknown_13: Oh, we're eating dirt. Is this like a joke?

Unknown_22: I'll just get like little bits.

Unknown_13: Is she going to like throw it off the bridge?

Unknown_13: Oh no, she's eating dirt.

Unknown_22: Oh my god, it's actually really good.

Unknown_13: Oh, it's good dirt, chat.

Unknown_13: It's called geofoggy. The Haitians do it. All right, but let's go see the Hoover Dam. Is this like a normal thing? Do you actually do this? Is this like a joke?

Unknown_24: Did you not know, Chrissy, that Anna still eats dirt?

Unknown_13: What?

Unknown_24: What? Yeah.

Unknown_21: You eat dirt? Well, here's, okay.

Unknown_20: Let me explain. So I will try dirt.

Unknown_22: I will try dirt and, uh, cause I mean, different dirt has different acidity.

Unknown_22: Acidity? Acidity, yes. Excuse me, I couldn't speak right there. So dirt will taste different in different places, so sometimes I'll just try it, like where I'm at, if it's a new place, and I'll see how the dirt tastes. Just in case if one day there's a zombie apocalypse, you might need to know where I'm at.

Unknown_18: How do you eat dirt?

Unknown_24: I just pick it up and I eat it. Yeah, she did a live stream once where she was like at her dad's land and she walked around and she went to a pile of dirt and she picks them up and she ate it like on camera. It's so crazy to me, like you're the, you're like one of the pickiest eaters, but you're like, I'm gonna eat dirt.

Unknown_23: What's that thing about getting worms?

Unknown_22: But I mean, I'm not gonna eat like dirt that has like bugs obviously and I don't dig I just get the top, you know, I Like how the lady on the bottom left is like the one that calls her out on this Did you not know Chrissy that Anna still eats dirt?

Unknown_24: Oh

Unknown_13: Now this is actually her trying to completely shit on Anna, the Star Wars girl or whatever.

Unknown_13: However, all these other women realize that they're not the center of attention for whatever reason and decide to talk over her. She obviously brings up this very interesting topic, but this woman eats fucking dirt. And then there's one of them.

Unknown_20: What? What? Yeah.

Unknown_13: They're all in shock, but one of them decides that they want to talk.

Unknown_21: You eat dirt? Well, here's OK. She even says, here's OK.

Unknown_13: She's about to start explaining why she eats fucking dirt. But then, that woman, is that Chrissy Meyer, the top left one? She just randomly decides that she's going to start talking about how when she was a kid, like just change the subject to her. Like, shut the fuck up. She's about to talk about eating dirt into her. She's like, I think she's the one running the show. And she's like, yeah, I'm just going to start interrupting this extremely embarrassing stuff and just talk about myself. Why?

Unknown_13: Insane. I don't know who the fuck can listen to this.

Unknown_13: Dude, like, simps, down bad. Like, all these people sound fucking retarded. Okay, Marisha Pope apparently had a stroke. Let's take a listen. I have not actually seen this clip, so this is a live reaction. Yeah, they didn't want people

Unknown_02: Trying to get relics basically Nobody which sucks because I would have liked if you had the The actual like bulldozer front part of that piece like think about that like as far as like an epic weapon in Final Fantasy like think about the stat boost Apart from Marvin

Unknown_32: Leading up to the incident, Marv gave away all of his financial assets to his friends and family, and left various notes behind for his friends and his enemies. In the end, it was perceived that Marv was sabotaging Dochev's business plans, and not the other way around.

Unknown_32: And no matter how you look at it, perception is reality.

Unknown_13: What is that?

Unknown_13: Okay, first of that video he's listening to his shit, but that guy said that perception is reality Yeah, okay, cool. Yeah. Yeah, that's a lot of FHI 101. Let's get to the stroke content Is reality

Unknown_29: I just had to reboot chat. He just had to do a little reboot. Okay.

Unknown_10: That was a

Unknown_02: That's the wrong bite. We needed this one. That was a legitimate, I had a little... T-Ball said, uh-oh, what happened there? Yeah, it happened, that's a real one. By the way, woman cop, that wasn't a real one, but anti-Murph people, congrats, you got yourself another stroke. I didn't drop it this time, that was good.

Unknown_13: When you have a stroke, shouldn't you call the police?

Unknown_13: Like the ambulance? You're not supposed to just like tank a stroke, right? It's not like Dota, where you have like stroke resistance and you just like tank strokes. Pretty sure you're supposed to go to the doctor after you have a stroke.

Unknown_13: No, it's fine, okay.

Unknown_15: Okay, if chat says it's fine, it must be fine.

Unknown_15: I believe my chat.

Unknown_15: Call Amberlynn. Yeah, basically.

Unknown_15: Okay, so... Riley was arrested.

Unknown_13: I saw a request by someone in the Math Internet thread, or in this thread, that wanted a little rundown about who Riley is.

Unknown_13: So I will give you a little rundown about who Riley is. I don't talk about him because he's one of those people, like Dick Masterson, who any attention is good attention, even if he's negative attention. But I think we're just going to have to peel the Band-Aid off because I think Dick is having a fucking meltdown.

Unknown_13: And when he's having a meltdown, it's good to make fun of him. Um, so the fat retard that you see getting arrested here is, uh, Riley. He goes by young clip on Twitter or some shit, but, um, he went to, uh, the.

Unknown_13: He went to Eric July's comic book signing. It was like a convention or something in Dallas. And the convention called the police on him. And he was arrested for trespassing.

Unknown_13: And this is him getting arrested. They're putting him back in the car. And he's complaining about Eric July.

Unknown_13: So this guy is professionally associated with Dick Masterson in some capacity.

Unknown_13: To me,

Unknown_13: He was introduced as the producer for the Dick Show. He is a close friend of Digibro, aka Digi-Knee, aka Conrad, the ex-fiancee of Amanda Ralph, Mae Ralph. It's actually kind of a complicated web of incest here. So Riley is Dick Masterson's producer. He is close friends with Digibro. Digibro was in a relationship with Amanda who ended up getting married to Ethan Ralph and having his second demon spawn. Now that they're separated though. For a while Riley was literally living with digi bro And they were RVing or something around the speculation was back in the day That dick is involved in drug trafficking a lot of people speculate that his patron I was like a front for like drugs or something. I don't know if that's true I don't really care but a lot of people speculated with good reason that Riley would get drugs from Dick Masterson

Unknown_13: and that was their association. Like he worked for drugs or something.

Unknown_13: One of the most controversial things that ever happened to the Dick Show that chased off a ton of people was that Riley

Unknown_13: ended up in a relationship with a woman named Mint Salad. I've talked about Mint Salad before, but Mint Salad is... She goes by Autistic Boobs now, and she does OnlyFans content. But she was a fan of The Dick Show, and she was a furry artist.

Unknown_13: And she one time called into the Dick Show and said, I'm drawing furry porn and my adoptive parents don't like it. And they're telling me I either have to stop drawing furry porn or I have to leave their house. And Dick Masterson says, you should do what you want and leave their house. So she did. And then she ended up in a relationship with Riley. This is controversial because Mint Salad is probably legally retarded. I'm not saying that to be mean. She is very obviously mentally deficient.

Unknown_13: I think that in Europe she would probably be legally retarded like to the point where she would be in a care facility. But in the U.S., we have a lower level of legal retardation.

Unknown_13: Most of Europe, it's 70-something is legally retarded. In the U.S., it's 60, because if we didn't have 60 as the IQ limit, it would be a lot of black people who are legally retarded, so we have to be politically correct, and our level for mental retardation is lower. But she's probably somewhere 70 IQ.

Unknown_13: The porn of her with

Unknown_13: Riley is extremely depressing. It's basically her and granny panties with skid marks in them Riley does urination stuff with her He has an extremely small micro penis. He has a humiliation fetish of me even pointing out that he has a small micro penis is arousing to him Which is why I don't like talking about him because he's very gross

Unknown_13: But, you know, he's this big fat disgusting slob that has a very small dick and he has a retarded woman that he can have sex with and sell the porn of to make money so he can buy drugs. And this was entirely orchestrated by Dick. He got her isolated from her family. She was adopted. She probably is a drug baby. She was probably put into the system from birth because her parent was probably high on cocaine when she gave birth or something, which is why she has a low IQ. She was put into foster care. She has adopted parents, but she left them behind to go hang out with Dick and his friends. She ended up in a relationship with Riley. They do porn now. He basically pimps her out on social media as like a social media pimp and collects her income.

Unknown_13: And that's the setup. Riley is very gross. He's very, very starved for attention.

Unknown_13: And he was the one that went out to Texas to piss on the grave of Isom, the relative of Eric July, from which the comic book Isom is named after.

Unknown_13: And yes, Riley has done cum shots and stuff with Mint Salad, and he has a very small baby dick. It's like real porn. He pisses on her face, and she's a retarded woman. She's actually mentally deficient.

Unknown_13: And this is all the product of Dick Masterson. If you are friends with Dick Masterson, you will eventually have a retarded man with a small baby dick pissing on your face. That's basically the fate of all of his associates.

Unknown_13: Um, and he also gets her like dressed up in like skimpy outfits and puts them out on Twitter. And occasionally because she says like retarded anti-feminist shit that everybody loves to eat up like slop, uh, it goes viral and they get some attention and he likes that. So that's what they keep doing.

Unknown_13: Um, so he goes out to Texas and defaces a grave and, uh, goes to Eric July's business. They're not public business, like a, um, a,

Unknown_13: What was it called? Like just like an office that they rent out and do work from. So it's not like a public place where you go to like meet Eric July or buy comics in person. It's just an office. So he shows up there without permission, and he tapes something to the front of the store to kind of be like, ha ha, we're in your space, we're showing up in person to your office, so on and so forth. Eric's allies says don't fucking come back. He's basically warned not to show up. The convention is on alert for them. Riley shows up, and he gets arrested for trespassing.

Unknown_13: Let's see the next tab.

Unknown_13: So, Dick realizes that his... Remember, this is a guy that he has a professional relationship with. He has known for years.

Unknown_13: Riley's the guy is the reason why I don't talk to Dick anymore. Because Riley was friends with the pedophile Digibro.

Unknown_13: If you guys want me to remind her of who Digibro is.

Unknown_15: Let's see. Just so we're clear.

Unknown_15: Let's see here.

Unknown_15: This is why I no longer talk to Dick, just so that everybody knows. However, I will say this, Digibro.

Unknown_35: I don't know if this is accurate, because I don't know the terminology of, like, anime shit, but you are a self-professed, what is it, lollicon fan? Yes. Does that mean that... What does that mean?

Unknown_05: It means that I am a huge fan of illustrations of little girls getting fucked. Oh, now.

Unknown_35: Oh, see, that makes it you see what you when you do that. Yeah, it's makes it it makes it very uncomfortable.

Unknown_05: of course it does but like i have to fight for that shit harder than anybody because i like that shit and if i'm not doing anything wrong and i'm looking at the shit that means i gotta be on the front fucking line that's digibro um he and his tranny boyfriend were living with riley and the retarded girl that were direct associates of dick that he literally linked all these people up

Unknown_13: And so when he sees that Riley is in jail over the trespass He goes ballistic on Twitter to try and get attention from Eric July. Holy fuck Riley's being arrested Riley's being arrested Eric July got Riley arrested What a bitch tell Alex Stein to go to the parking lot to okay. This is one of the weird worst tweets in this

Unknown_13: Tell Alex Stein to go into the parking lot to help Mint, she's by herself. He knows, this tweet is fucking proof that he can get up there and he can say, oh, she's an adult, she can make her own decisions, why are you so concerned about what an adult does? He knows that she is so low intelligence that in an adult situation where somebody's being arrested and she's left by herself, She cannot navigate. She doesn't know how to get back to her hotel. She doesn't know how to handle money. She can't get a cab. She's like a lost child without an adult there to assist her to get back to where she needs to be. He knows this. And when she's in trouble, he has to call out on fucking Twitter for somebody at the convention to go out and help her because he knows that she can't do it herself.

Unknown_13: Fucking sickening.

Unknown_13: Eric July has got Riley arrested fake and cat former gangbanger Eric July has snitched to the police Extra girl and love Lila heart go outside and help mint Begging someone to go find mint before she wanders off and gets hit by a train or wanders into traffic or something so larry save us eric july is the biggest bitch in the world fuck this shit anything you need okay this is important too anything you need riley hashtag free riley the eric july egging on riley's in real life shenanigans riley's being transferred to fort collins or dallas county so he can get bond set yo what the fuck eric july what a fatherless piece of shit hero and this is a picture of that's mint on the right and that's um riley riley is literally like four foot ten he's one of the shortest people i've ever fucking seen what do you think about air july getting riley arrested pig fucking piece of shit cross eyes own this neurotics you and your pig wife by the way this is fine i get banned for saying we we can't wait for boomers to die off um

Unknown_13: Let's see. Hellhound says, haha, no AC needed you cunts at Ethan Van Shiver. Fuck you too. EBS derangement syndrome on display.

Unknown_13: As if EBS is like such an important person that people get deranged over him. It's hilarious to simp for a libertarian who hate cops right until a detractor is standing on a sidewalk. EJ and Rippetards are cowards.

Unknown_13: Hackenseck says, going to events to stand outside and yell at others like a weirdo while everyone is inside having a good time makes you a loser, actually, though I get it. Eric is bad because he made a comic. Dick Masterson says, you are probably a pedophile. So this guy, who has been crying for fucking years, that I have been calling Christopher Vito Gisivaldi, a pedophile, a pedophile, is now randomly saying random people on Twitter is a pedophile. By the way, this is allowed on Twitter. Me, no.

Unknown_13: Um, someone says, I bet Eric July does Riley mugshot merch.

Unknown_13: And even though, um, he found this very funny with, um, what's his face. Ethan Ralph doing this. He says, so funny, bro. Uh,

Unknown_13: Then he's like just screaming at random fucking people having conversations because they were like involved with like, oh my god You're friends with someone they got someone arrested. What a bad person you are Carolyn says I just realized I only took a picture during the entire ripperverse cleanup and was luckily with the nicest guy there Thank you for helping me plan such an event at triple D's detailer And he says cross-eyed and no tits. By the way, this is allowed on Twitter, but I'm not

Unknown_13: um this is mint i think oh no sorry this is a random person um explaining what happened at the are you who is you how are you who are you hello chad what's up with you wait is this actually meant oh my god i think this is actually meant and she's i think that if this is the video that i think it is um just listen hello just wanted to see what

Unknown_11: Yeah, this is meant I mean he did fault he did false flag young clippers Twitter and got it taken down, you know Imagine walking up now remember Riley.

Unknown_13: Oh

Unknown_13: Riley has renamed himself Young Klippa because Eric July's name is Young Rippa. That's like one of his street names, I guess. He's black, so he has street names. Riley wants attention, and he's doing what Dick Masterson wants to get that attention. So he has crafted a parody persona around Eric July's Young Rippa called Young Klippa. At some point, Young Klippa gets banned from Twitter.

Unknown_13: Mint Salad, who has a 70 fucking IQ and doesn't understand theory of mind, doesn't understand that not everybody in the world knows who Young Klippa is, approaches random man in a parking lot and starts telling him her plight of the Young Klippa band as if anybody in the fucking world knows what that means.

Unknown_23: and then after that he made videos about how young clip was lying that Eric July false flagged his store his parody logo store bro this guy is like like he doesn't know what to do

Unknown_13: Like this retarded woman was yelling at him in a parking lot about young Klippa. You don't know what the fuck that means. And there's like words in there that make sense. Like a schizophrenic will say words that you understand, but in a way that makes no fucking sense to you.

Unknown_23: Do you know anything about this?

Unknown_23: Well Eric July has been lying about, young Quippa has been lying about Dick Matheson.

Unknown_23: Dick Matheson, my young Eric July has been yelling and telling not true about Dick Matheson.

Unknown_13: And for some reason, we don't consider it improper to put people who are mentally fucking retarded into pornography. If you wanna see this girl get pissed on, guess what? Your buddy Dax Herrera got you hooked up, LA's finest.

Unknown_23: Basically saying that all the advice that they're given, not advice, all the words that they've been saying, all the reviews about ISM, it being bad, they're saying that they're lying. And also, there's just so much that is,

Unknown_13: Oh my god, she's stress sighing! She's stress sighing like fucking Christian! Jesus! That's so frustrating. Like, the stress sighs, because she's having like, her brain is like fucking blowing fuses trying to articulate these simple thoughts. The whining, the whining about us, and... The whining... Just like her, she can't fucking handle the situation.

Unknown_23: It's just so much. There's a couple of Super Chats. Okay, I'm here to read the Super Chats.

Unknown_09: I'm here to read Super Chats.

Unknown_09: Reading Super Chats is my job. I learned the job slow, but now I know it by heart. There was a business that called the police not there, so I just wanted to kind of, you know.

Unknown_23: He talked to the business owner. The business owner was like, it's all right. And then got called the police on. So you tell me. Oh my goodness, we got some Super Chats.

Unknown_16: Oh my goodness, we got some super tats.

Unknown_16: I like it when we got the super tats, cause then I can read the super tats.

Unknown_09: That's my job. I read the super tats.

Unknown_13: Job is hard first, but then I want my job. And now, now I get to read the super tats. We got super tats. They're massive. Massive is so funny. Ha ha. He go, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Make me laugh. Make me laugh. I like it. I like Dick Masterson. That's my stress sign.

Unknown_07: And stop telling me about the fucking Streisand effect. I don't fucking care if people buy the comic or pirate it. I don't fucking care if people read it. Yeah, shut the fuck up. I don't care if I'm helping the marketing for this fucking book. It doesn't matter. It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't fucking matter!

Unknown_13: Doesn't matter just remember that when you get upset that your friends arrested because he went to a convention He wasn't allowed that and got arrested for trespassing But your request Doesn't fucking matter So these are his mugshots and the mugshots raised some interesting questions because he's wearing a fucking towel And it looks like somebody punched him in the eye. When would that have happened? We saw him get arrested. He did not look like this So at what point did he get that?

Unknown_13: a towel drape on him, and what the fuck happened to him? Expert criminals on the Kiwi farms elucidated to us and explained he got pepper sprayed at some point. At some point, he got pepper sprayed, his eyes are swollen because they're extremely irritated, and he's in a towel because they put him in a towel and they washed his eyes out at one of those sinks. So at some point, he got into a confrontation with the police or did something, maybe spit on them or something, He had like a tart out in custody and got pepper sprayed.

Unknown_13: Cool. So, and that has to be like recent, like between the arrest and the booking, which happens really early into the process, like as soon as you get to the facility, they book you. He got, he like had a proper fucking tart out and got pepper sprayed for it. So, I mean, it leaves up to the imagination what actually happened. Now remember that Dick Masterson, a.k.a. Dax Herr, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, the man who gets fucked in the asshole dressed in a cow, says, anything you need, anything you need, young Quippa, Riley, I got you.

Unknown_13: So this is meant, after she was goaded into her hotel by one of the friends of Dick, she started a crowd fund, which has received $2,000 over 50 donations, which is, $45, which is half as much per donor as the people who wanted to see who paid $6,000 for the body cam footage of Nick Gator getting arrested.

Unknown_13: That was like average to $80 per donor.

Unknown_13: So I believe that they posted bail for him. He got bond posted It was like a $1,500 bond and she raised enough money to post the bond So I think Riley's out and she even refers to them here as young. Oh bird. Oh my god I was thinking god, you know That's actually kind of impressive for for mint to set up the the go fund me cuz she's like a proper fucking retard Bird is the digi pedos Boyfriend tranny boyfriend, that's who bird is so mint couldn't even set up a gofundme to give you an idea of how Properly fucking stupid she is she could not do the gofundme She knew how to tweet the link, but the actual gofundme was set up by digibro's boyfriend. So Riley's Still friends with digibro and his boyfriend and they set up the the gofundme now.

Unknown_11: It makes sense. I

Unknown_13: Um, and I already played that. So that's the Riley shit. Um, I think he's out now. Uh, Eric July didn't fucking call the police on what's his face. He wishes. And Dick is desperately trying to send this into a win. However, I'm going to lay it out. I want to lay out my prediction for him.

Unknown_13: This shit with Eric July is not Maddox. Eric July is not Maddox. He doesn't act like Maddox. He doesn't think like Maddox. He doesn't have Maddox's resources, i.e. no resources. He's a multi-millionaire in terms of value.

Unknown_13: And he has a still active support system. He has real fans that are independent of Dick's fans So when this guy fucks with Eric July He's not fucking with Maddox even though he really wants Eric July to be Maddox for some reason completely unknown to me I still don't understand the crux of this thing where he really hates Eric July. I don't get it

Unknown_13: except that Eric July is more famous and successful than him. And he thinks that he can somehow capture that. But when you have to force it by sending people over to his conventions to harass him, and now your buddy's getting put in jail, like you're building the scaffolding by which you're going to be hung. Because Dick thinks he's really clever. He thinks that if he sends retards off to Dallas and they get arrested and they do things that are illegal, well it can't come back to haunt him. But I guarantee you, in each of these police reports that Eric July is giving, he is mentioning Dax Rerra up in LA and how this person is associated with Dax Rerra.

Unknown_13: Which, if it doesn't lay the groundwork for a criminal case against him, it will definitely help with a civil case.

Unknown_13: And he's begging. Dick is begging this fucking guy to sue him. So that's also a difference. Like with the Maddox lawsuit, it kind of came out of nowhere. I think there was stuff going on behind the scenes that was provoking Maddox, which I still don't believe that it justified suing Asterios or his company, to be clear. but there was definitely some shit happening that was like that made Maddox believe that he had to sue um but it came out because he was so bad about how he handled it and how he constructed the lawsuit and who he targeted and where he put it he had no support for his lawsuit um that won't happen with this it's going to be in california because there are no because he's in texas

Unknown_13: They both have strong anti-slap, so it won't be like a defamation lawsuit either. It'll be like a proper business tort, and you'll have multiple police reports and arrests backing this.

Unknown_13: And by the way, in case there's any question that Riley is an associate of Dick, I'm straight up putting my hand up. I volunteer. You need someone to say that I know for a fact that Riley was Dick's producer on the show, even if it wasn't like a proper formal arrangement. Right here. I gotcha affidavit signed notarized anytime you need it, buddy the the Building storm for this shit is not going to be Maddox 2.0. It will not be the lull suit It'll be a proper fuck you in the ass lawsuit And it's coming

Unknown_13: Dick thinks it's really funny and he can you can see the palpable frustration that when Riley gets arrested everyone just says oh that's a big fat retard who sexually exploits a retarded woman.

Unknown_13: Like, who cares? I'm glad he got arrested. They probably should have shot him, to be honest with you. They probably should have put him in the fucking, is it the Rio de Janeiro? No, that's in Brazil. What's the big-ass border, is it the Rio Grande? Is that the border between Texas and Mexico? Throw him in there with the attack crocodiles. You don't gotta, like, nobody feels bad for him. He went to a place he wasn't welcome and got arrested for it, and then did something retarded and got pepper sprayed.

Unknown_15: Okay.

Unknown_15: Uh, cool. Now, I have a follow-up.

Unknown_16: Gator.

Unknown_16: Gator.

Unknown_16: Um, I'm sorry, Gator.

Unknown_16: Gator has, uh, expect unintended consequences.

Unknown_13: That was the message that G-Man told Gaeta before he appeared at that convention to talk to a VTuber. Expect unforeseen consequences.

Unknown_13: And Gaeta did not expect unforeseen consequences. He boldly strode into the convention and unforeseen consequences have happened. Mainly, a lot of attention is focused onto the bunny. I did find out it was a bunny.

Unknown_13: People did some digging into the bunny, namely Ralph, because he hates Gator and wants to torture him to death.

Unknown_13: So Ralph decided, fuck it, I'm going to find every VTuber that Gator's a fan of, and I'm going to dox them.

Unknown_13: I'm going to fuck with them. I'm going to make fun of them. I'm going to drive them off the internet. I'm going to drag them down to my level. That's what Ralph wanted to do.

Unknown_13: So let's start with the anime in question, the bunny. Well, let's take a look at the bunny. Oh, she did a wholesome big chungus, my favorite fetish tags on YouTube. And let's see what her favorite tags are for gilling off chat. Let's see.

Unknown_13: S. Top tag you look for. Lolicon. Glasses. Cream pie. Bondage. Ahego. Defloration. Wow, I didn't even see that the first time I looked at it. Impregnation. Ugly bastard. Mind break. Twin tails. Maid. Sweating. Small breast. Urination. Fingering. Virginity. Rim job. Deep throat. Slave. Smell.

Unknown_13: Gator's favorite vtuber that he loves so much he physically went to a convention to talk to a computer screen to get 60 Seconds of one-on-one time with her is into defloration ugly bastard stinky little slave mind-broken rape porn

Unknown_13: and brags about it on the internet chat. Can this be real fucking life?

Unknown_25: Okay, lollicon, obviously, tag I look for. Most stuff I like has got lollicon in it. I think it's the best tag out there, probably. I put it at number one, probably, in my tags, because I am a big self-inserter. I like to self-insert a lot, and I think there's nothing better than seeing something with a lolly in it.

Unknown_25: I am more of just a lolly conner than like a what she called like a a toddler conner I don't She says she is more of a lolly conner than a toddler conner so she's somewhere between like 3 and 11 that's what she goes for

Unknown_25: I know it's weird to put that in there or just specify, but when they look way too young, I mean, if I'm in a certain mood, I'll really like it.

Unknown_13: But let me clarify that she will go below 3 if she's in a certain mood. If she's feeling a little bit frisky that day, 3 and under, A-OK.

Unknown_25: Just to clarify,

Unknown_13: When she says lollicon, she doesn't mean young looking. Let's be extremely fucking specific here. Kiki the Bunny, Gator's favorite YouTuber, is into three and 11, or at most 11, can go lower than three sometimes, but must have no womanly features. That is the important bit.

Unknown_25: They can't have hips or anything. I need them to be small.

Unknown_13: I'm so full of hate. I'm so full of hate. I could I could do it. I could be like Goebbels or Mangala you just like if I was given absolute power, there'd be so much destruction There would be so many pits completely filled. I'm just so filled with fucking hate now.

Unknown_13: I Don't know. It's like it's an all-consuming thing at this point in time. It's just growing into me like a cancer. I

Unknown_13: Let's continue, though. We need more hate. More hate. I told you, hate is powerful. Hate is energy. It's fuel, chat. Let's hate even more.

Unknown_25: um rape i'd say i like it i'd say i like it i wouldn't say it's my top tag but i think i like it it depends because if it's like um if it's like accompanied with like if it's like accompanied with mind break i really like it um

Unknown_25: It's a great if the girl like really hates it at first. I like I love cheek on my favorite tag is cheek on It's like one of my favorites. It's my maybe second to top second to top tag molestation Any anything like that someone being like really fucking creepy. It's great So I can feel your anger Strong gives you focus and It's a great, it's a really great tag. Qikun's like, on a train, if like a girl's standing there and a guy just starts molesting her or something, it's something I really like, it's like my favorite. You know, not even train specifically, just in general, it's like great.

Unknown_25: Even like, even like if the girl just stands there and does nothing, while the guy like, does like, grabbing shit.

Unknown_13: She come like I'm trying to figure she's like associating with molestation It's like the public molestation that they do in Japan or it's like a crowded bus and there's like a schoolgirl So they just like diddle them like when they're like packed in like sardines. Is that what shoes is that what that's referring to? I don't know the Japanese term for that, but that's what it sounds like

Unknown_25: um so i'd say i i like it um it has but i i need the girl to end up liking it at the end you know if she's sad and she doesn't like it um i'm like and doesn't do it for me as much as if she starts liking it a lot oh she's pretending this is just slop that she feeds her pedophile fans i agree with you but i gotta ask chat

Unknown_13: Let's do a poll even. I love doing a poll. Oh wait, can I do a poll? I think I can, let me sign it. I'm so eager to do a poll. No, I can't. Okay. So we'll just do a show of hands. Okay. Press one. If you, let me ask the question and then give you the answers. Do you think it's worse to be an actual pedophile attracted to child rape or do you think it's worse to be not into child rape and then to

Unknown_13: talk about it as if you were to make money from pedophiles who aren't a child rape. Is it worse, are you a worse person to just be an outright pedophile? Press one if it's worse to be an outright pedophile, press two if you think it's worse to profit off of outright pedophiles while being so morally vacuous that you can just do that, you can just pretend to be a chomo yourself. I want to see,

Unknown_13: I'm seeing ones, I'm seeing ones chat. I disagree. I think that, I'm gonna take the minor position here. I think that if you can cater to people like that and just like not feel anything and just lie and say that you're a pedophile, I think that you're worse. I think that you're probably a bigger danger to society than an actual outright fucking child molester. I think that you're more of a detriment to mankind.

Unknown_13: I'm gonna say that people that just pander to pedophiles without actually being one themselves are more of a deep-seated psychosis that needs to be eradicated more than an actual pedophile. I'm gonna be real with you.

Unknown_13: Yeah, yeah, well not is see the thing is see someone says two feels one But that's the thing because it's like if this if this bitch is not a fucking pedophile And she's just saying this because her sims in the chat like fucking gator give her money She is like validating it like intentionally validating it like oh this cute sounding girl says that she gets therapy by self-inserting herself into a child rape porn and it's like therapeutic and So by sponsoring lollicon artists who draw lollicon from life very frequently, just so you guys know, then I'm helping her. I'm helping her, I'm a good person. That's fucking worse, okay? If she just acknowledges she was like a monster, that's like more respectable than the shit that she's doing. I'm gonna be real with you.

Unknown_13: Okay, I do wanna hear how slavery porn is S-ed here, let's hear it.

Unknown_25: Something like that on there and I was like, oh my god, that's ridiculous. But yeah.

Unknown_25: Yes, I'm just not a big fan of that. I don't know, it hurts. Yeah, it hasn't been reassigned for new web. Yeah, I like it. Slave?

Unknown_25: Slave I'd say is a S, S tier, is slave, I like slave. Slavery.

Unknown_25: I like slavery, I think it's good. Humble, humble is pie.

Unknown_25: Yeah, I like it.

Unknown_25: I like it.

Unknown_25: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown_13: It does sound like she's bullshitting. Like she's trying to come up with a reason to make the expression slavery is good sound.

Unknown_25: It's good. I guess that's all I can say. I mean, I've talked about it before. I like it. Um, it goes, it goes hand in hand with maid stuff, I guess. Cause maids great and slaves great. It's one in the same. Like a maid that's a slave. It's like the best.

Unknown_11: Okay. Hold on. Give me a second.

Unknown_15: I'm going off script here. Give me a sec.

Unknown_15: Can I just do this? Like,

Unknown_15: Hold up, I'm trying to find something real quick I'm not sure if I'm gonna do this Okay, hold up I think I got this set up Mmm

Unknown_15: Okay, hold up, hold up. I'm working on it.

Unknown_15: I promise you, chat.

Unknown_15: One more, one more.

Unknown_13: Okay, I got this. All right. All right, chat. All right, chat. We're gonna do a tier list. We're gonna do a tier list.

Unknown_13: Oh, man. What are my favorites?

Unknown_13: Firing squad. I'm gonna say firing squad is S tier.

Unknown_13: Rope. Yeah, rope is S tier.

Unknown_13: Oh, gas. Yeah, gas is S tier. Guillotine. That's old school. That's S-tier for sure, for sure. Burned at the stake like a witch.

Unknown_13: Yeah, that's S-tier. Drawn and quartered. Yeah, that's S-tier. Crushed by a boulder. I'm gonna say that's an S-tier, chat. I'm gonna say that's an S-tier. I'm gonna say that's an S-tier. Yeah, this is my list. I like all these things. I think that these are all great and super cool. That's my list, chat.

Unknown_13: Alright, I'm gonna spare you the rest of these So they dug into her as it turns out there's a post from 2022 on the Kiwi farms that exposed that she's an active poster on v2 VT which is like the vtuber board on 4chan and the so the vtuber board on 4chan is

Unknown_13: like So when everyone tells me that like the vtuber that these vtubers are like a small literally who vtubers like they're posting on the fucking vtuber board. They're called Here tubers. I want to say Here tubas. That's what that's what they called them. So they're like vtubers are actively post and read on the vtuber board so she's like active on the site and she was um, I

Unknown_16: She went by like lollicon names and shit.

Unknown_16: Uh, here, is it this one?

Unknown_13: No, it's just her interacting with the fucking discords and VTuber board shit, but she posted.

Unknown_15: Where's the thing that I wanted to show you?

Unknown_15: She went by, uh, I swear there was one of these spoilers where it had, um,

Unknown_13: Oh here, Baby Tanny's Cunny. Bro.

Unknown_13: If the VTubers want to keep what they have, you will gatekeep. You will remove these people from your fucking hobby and you will ostracize the pedophiles among you. Because when this shit happens, you get people like Ethan, Ralph, and me who are going to direct and heap scorn upon you. If you can't self-moderate and keep out people's literally named child pussy from your interest, it will be destroyed. I promise you. If you don't want this shit to be regulated, if you want your Japanese cartoons to go uncensored, you will self-regulate. You will dox these people on your own terms and your own boards. I'm not calling to action doxing this particular one. I'm just saying, that you will self-regulate, because what the fuck do you expect if you do this?

Unknown_13: Okay, and one more clip.

Unknown_13: At least at least Kiki is sitting in her her coom dungeon her goon dungeon safe away from children, right? Like she's like a stinky meat and Poses no danger to kids, right?

Unknown_25: I've never liked teacher stuff. I'm indifferent to that I've never liked it. I don't know. I don't like it that much. I mean, I don't know but also I kinda like it

Unknown_25: I just kind of like it though. I'm like, I'm like, it's all right. I don't know. Okay. Listen, listen, as someone, as someone that's done teaching before I, I find the whole thing a little uncomfortable.

Unknown_32: As what?

Unknown_25: As someone that's done teaching before.

Unknown_13: As someone who's done teaching before chat.

Unknown_25: I find the whole thing a little uncomfortable, like a little bit, like,

Unknown_25: I've done teaching before in my life. I used to teach, like I had a little bit where I was teaching kids, like, you know, like primary school children, like little kids. I was like, I don't know. Gator! GATOR! How? How did... Gator... Gator... Gator.

Unknown_13: Gator literally lurks on fucking VTuber and he found that this bitch post on fucking VT. And he thinks he has a chance with her. And that is why he watches her. Cause she is like a small time. She has like 15,000 followers on fucking YouTube or something. He thinks he actually has a chance with her and shows up in person at these conventions to say hello. And even she, a fucking pedophile who openly fantasizes about little girls being raped, sees Gator in public and sighs with agony that she has to talk to him. Yes, I know who you are. Gator, you have fallen lower than anything. You are not even liked by a pedophile on the fucking internet. They can't even pretend to tolerate you, Gator.

Unknown_13: It's time to give up. It's time to give up forever. It's fucking over. Ethan Ralph has completely destroyed you. You will never recover from this. And as time goes on and you get older, it's only gonna get worse and worse and worse. You will never find a fucking Chuba who's gonna tolerate you. Like, for real, how?

Unknown_13: And what's worse is, for real, what's worse is, is that this shit is not like a minority opinion. Um...

Unknown_13: Oh, this is all the times that Gator's fucking inter- Gator, Gator, Gator's interacting, see you there, hee hee. Just interacting with all these fucking retards. And then the Pippa and the fucking Kersha are the exact same shit.

Unknown_15: Is this the-

Unknown_15: Oh, oh, sorry, let me rewind, sorry.

Unknown_13: I thought someone, okay, I got you, my bad. I don't want you to miss this.

Unknown_27: I'm a bit of a loli connoisseur, alright? So I have a lot of opinions, alright? I don't think the Vtuber spirit really even has many proper lolis, alright? And by the way, I pronounce it loli, like lolita, which is the fucking book that the term originates from, alright? Anybody who says fucking loli, you know, like Dizzy here, is cringe, but anyways, fucking lollipop-ass-eating motherfucker. Anyways, so, with lolis, one of the few real lolis in this industry is Gato Bebe, right? She's so cute, she's a real loli.

Unknown_27: I like that the bottom of their stream clarifies that they're not in character so when they're talking about like being lolly connoisseurs

Unknown_13: It's not the character. You can't make that distinction that it's the character of Pippa Pipkins. It is the woman who voice acts the character of Pippa Pipkins talking about being a lolly connoisseur. Just so that we're completely fucking clear based on the context of the video that we're watching.

Unknown_27: Almost. I think she's pretty. Telling you that is a weird case. It's a weird case because I want to say I want to say she's a lolly, but at the same time, like there's. I don't know.

Unknown_27: I can't comment, I don't watch too much of her content. I watch her clips quite a bit, but... I think Fallout Shadow follows more on the side of just general gremlin.

Unknown_15: But with very strong lowly appeal. I wanna play Civ with her. I wanna play Civ. I didn't open these before. Let's see.

Unknown_27: Because she says something ten times worse than me, and then I can say something not as bad.

Unknown_27: And it doesn't look as bad anymore, because Kirsch just said something five, ten times worse. I think that was something the Nostalgia Critic used to say. That comedy is...

Unknown_27: Right? Okay! Okay, so you guys want any stuff!

Unknown_28: But only when it's like, only when it's like, bullshit! But when I talk about like, pedophilia, suddenly everybody's uncomfortable!

Unknown_27: What?

Unknown_27: I think I burnt out on this game. I think I kinda shut off. I don't know, I think it's genuinely an interesting subject, right? Okay, so taking off the saying shit for shock value.

Unknown_27: Microphone, whatever.

Unknown_27: People that are attracted to children, can they get help? Or is it if somebody confesses to having those kinds of feelings, is it best to just lock them up?

Unknown_27: Because they haven't offended, right? But it's like, it's like, I guess it's like the same thing with like... People, people that have like, like, murderous urges and shit, right? Like, if somebody, if somebody, like, I don't know. I don't know.

Unknown_27: Uh, space guy rising from the lowest pitfall, I don't think it's winging them... What?

Unknown_27: Punishment required, but they haven't technically committed a crime yet. They haven't committed a crime yet. So it's both people that, like, want to do bad things. Sure, they went through the lowest price, didn't you know?

Unknown_27: Do you think Christ can hear heal all Really really insightful, I don't think violent urges are normal. I'm not We punish people for actively seeking help all that make more hide That's kind of what my outlook is right Like, it seems like pedophilia is just genuinely, like, a mental illness. Right? It's a mental illness. And so, like, there's gotta be a way to, like, treat these people. There's gotta be a way... to... flag laws, yeah.

Unknown_15: Hmm.

Unknown_15: Some people can't be fixed.

Unknown_15: Time is a social contract.

Unknown_15: That's why I should be allowed to fuck 13-year-old girls.

Unknown_11: That's out of context. She could be making fun of somebody for saying that.

Unknown_13: I don't know. I find that this, these clips, these two clips are a lot less persuasive than this. The time that she just sold a t-shirt that says, I love lowlies.

Unknown_13: I guess that's supposed to be a pun. Is this penguin like a lowly? Is that what that is? We love lollies says stranger scene.

Unknown_13: So people are walking around right now with this shirt that Pippa Pipkin sells that just says, I love lollies.

Unknown_15: I don't get it.

Unknown_15: I think that, is this like, how recent is this shit?

Unknown_15: Let's listen to a little bit of this and then I'll skip past it. I didn't do a good job of like getting timestamps for this.

Unknown_15: Oh my god. As a lolly myself, I can confirm that I am 4167 years old.

Unknown_13: There's a disturbing amount of people that can't differentiate from reality from fiction, especially when human trafficking happens all over the world and involves children much more than adults, as they are out of pocket with the Shadman fact.

Unknown_16: Damn.

Unknown_16: Bro, this is...

Unknown_13: Liking lollies is the spice of life. I be here enjoying my cunnies while aunties argue over fictional lollies that will never thank them because they ain't real. Uh-oh.

Unknown_26: They ban lolly stuff in their community, right? I'm not sure if they do, but my personal issue with Blue Archive is all the characters look like they are mega old. They barely have any actual lollies in the game. It's just all of them are canonically underage. They have an 11-year-old in the game.

Unknown_27: yeah that's like the opposite of what usually happens yeah that's what i said i'm like i get it you know it's korea it's japan i get why they do that it increases their sales but like personally it's weird to me that they're not lolly the body type they're like canonically underage and it's it's also like even if i feel weird about the blue archive characters being canonically underage they're still just pixels like it's not yeah i don't care yeah like i just don't give a it's fictional who cares like i don't i don't understand the whole debate about it whatever he was on youtube and stuff i thought he used to do all kinds of lolly stuff what oh no what

Unknown_07: I like a good cartel execution video.

Unknown_26: Yeah

Unknown_27: That fucking thing that she has going where she talks and it just makes us picture spaz out is the most annoying fucking thing that has ever existed in the video.

Unknown_26: I also don't think it should be equated to like actual child sexual abuse material. No, god no.

Unknown_27: There's a difference between like, like it's still weird, and it's still like, I don't know how I would feel about it in general, like if it was like a super realistic, like child or whatever, drawing or creation or whatever, like there's still like a very big difference between that and like actual...

Unknown_27: child and stuff it's creepy but it's still a drawing it's it's creepy it's still a drawing i would side eye that person very hard how do they draw this distinction between like a lifelike drawing and like pornography featuring featuring characters that are obviously

Unknown_13: Like childlike, like how do they, how do they draw that distinction in their mind? It's like if you just take a picture of child pornography and you just remove detail and then eventually becomes like a non, non realistic child and they're like, yeah, okay, that's fine. I just don't understand this logic.

Unknown_27: I hate when people do that because it's so like backhanded right when people are like oh well I'm not saying that's what he's doing but I'm saying just in general when people are like oh well in the west right like we shouldn't allow lowly and stuff but in eastern cultures that's just part of their culture it's like bro yeah kind of mentality that gets like all of our video games and our translators and anime to censor all of them when it comes over here I don't want things censored

Unknown_13: Japanese people have a seriously fucked up unhealthy relationship with children which is why when it comes over to the West the publishers see the game and they are the Anime or the TV show or the magazine and think this is fucked up. You can't sell this here You're gonna cause problems for us. You have to change this with the sensor this That's why that happens. I don't want things updated for a modern audience.

Unknown_26: Yeah, leave our alone. Just leave it alone I remember even as far back as high school Imported a Japanese place.

Unknown_13: Oh, it's very nice to hear Pippa talk without doing her like stupid-ass fucking voice I'm she's still kind of like doing a little bit of a pitch, but it's much more tolerable than the I Guess you would call it the characters voice

Unknown_26: There's zero reason that anything should be moderated to that degree. Like, I can just go and get the Japanese version anytime I want. Yeah. I think there should definitely be options though, right? Like, I think there's literally... Like, this is one thing that Twitter gets, like... Not Twitter as in, like, woke crowd or whatever, but Twitter, like, the other side... Toggle off the gore for them.

Unknown_27: Like, you mentioned child specifically, like, what... What game would be okay to give to them? Doesn't have to literally be children, but, like, also, like, people of, like, certain religious beliefs or whatever, you know? Like, if you don't want to see... Iconography and stuff. I just think more options is good, right? Yeah.

Unknown_26: I wouldn't mind if they put a toggle and that'd be perfectly fine.

Unknown_27: Yeah. The only thing I would be worried about in that case would be the developers

Unknown_11: I think that over time, they have joked about this less. It's like a third wire issue. And I know especially because, I'm not making an excuse, I'm just saying it, because I've been aware that Pippa in particular, because she became very popular very quickly because of Medicare.

Unknown_13: People went back through her stuff and she had like the regular deluge, like lollygum shit. And I think since she's become, she was like bought by,

Unknown_13: Phantasy Star. No, it's a video game. It was like Star Connect. Phase Connect.

Unknown_13: She has like stopped. I think Kersha is still independent, so she doesn't have tard wranglers.

Unknown_13: I'm just saying, just from an economic standpoint, take my fucking advice. Don't ever talk about this ever again. I'm just saying. I know that sounds really sincerious, but you can't get away with this shit.

Unknown_13: It's not funny to people.

Unknown_13: And you, when you do this, you lump yourself in with this retard, who is probably going to get fucked with brutally for the remainder of their internet career until they fuck off finally.

Unknown_13: Finally, speaking of, by the way.

Unknown_13: Getting canceled on Twitter for touching grass and saying hi to a VTuber is a new one. It's not just like that. It's like all the shit.

Unknown_13: Oh, and the other fundamental issue with Pippa, by the way, is that I don't even know how I miss this, but her character is like.

Unknown_13: It's a lolicon.

Unknown_13: his character is like, obviously like a flat chested, narrow bodied girl. And the main like VTubers get a lot of free advertising from Roll34. So like pornography, like when she gets fan art, that's just pornography of her character, she retweets it. So if it's Lolicon, because your character is a child model,

Unknown_13: She can say it's a 5,000 year I think her I remember I got in trouble for this because I pointed out that her bio says that her Age is like three because she's like three in a rabbit years or really years, but she was a rabbit. So she's an adult It's like you have to retweet your fan art, but your fan arts all gonna be like lollicon shit

Unknown_13: um so she's like stuck she can't change her character she can't like i don't know i don't know how you deal with that when you're because the porn shit is like such a huge part of how you get how you make it as a character like even medicare is like oh you have to show your armpits and shit You have to show your pippa tummy. You have to show your pippa tummy. And it's like, that's weird. That's weird.

Unknown_13: Like, you don't even know how old this chick is. You know what I mean? I think she got doxxed at some point, but it's like, you don't know who this person is. Why are you saying that? Why are you saying, gotta show your pippa tummy? Her character is like a preteen rabbit girl. Like, what the fuck is wrong? I just, I feel so old. It's like, what the fuck is wrong with people? How is this like an industry?

Unknown_13: How are you going to sit there and try to have a serious debate about child pornography and rehabilitation versus penalization for non-offending pedophiles when you're masquerading as a high school age girl rabbit? I just don't fucking get it, man.

Unknown_13: Anyways, this is more of the Kiki. They found her Steam account. Her name, of course, is Connie Crusader. If you don't know, Connie is a pedophile term for a child's vagina. She went by this in a couple different ways, lollicon references. She's just like fucking vile.

Unknown_15: And then, of course, if you don't remember in the original clip,

Unknown_13: Apparently Ranbot, who is a denthead retard, watched me make fun of Gator, and he responded to this. So let's just take a listen to that.

Unknown_36: You know, he almost knows, you know, or refuses to believe that there's, you know, some sort of part of what she's trying to convey to him. That, please fuck off, this is so weird for me. But he refuses to believe it.

Unknown_13: Wait, what? Are you talking about Josh?

Unknown_13: Okay, so let me clarify.

Unknown_13: Ranbot brings a commentator onto a show to talk about the clip that I played last stream where this kiki girl completely blows Gare the fuck out by acting absolutely disgusted by him.

Unknown_13: This person reacts to this clip normally by saying ha ha isn't it so cringe that this is happening and ran, but it's like what? What you mean Josh like no gator? The person who's actually fucking there. I'm not talking to the pedophile So he has to clarify that no I'm talking about gator and then Rambo it has to say oh I like gator so therefore I don't find this clip cringe which is fucking embarrassing are you talking about the person on the screen in the pink shirt and

Unknown_17: Okay, so that is Gator, he is talking to the rabbit person down here, Kiki, they know each other, they've known each other for over a year, they're having a back and forth, and Joshua Moon is completely misreading the situation.

Unknown_13: It's also embarrassing, let's take a selfie so I can show my friend Ranbot my anime status.

Unknown_13: Yeah, I'm glad you had a good time, Gator! Look forward to having you on the stream soon!

Unknown_13: That Rambaut is impressed that he went to one of these VTuber conventions and he took a selfie with an iPad.

Unknown_13: Rambaut doesn't have the friggin' audacity to do such a thing. Rambaut is stuck pretending to be a cat under a dancing anime girl. I'm surprised that he replaced the anime girl with the one that doesn't have the Hakenkreuz flag and instead is just a regular dancing anime girl. He used to have one with the Nazi flag.

Unknown_11: But he changed that out, I guess, because he made fun of him for it.

Unknown_13: And this is an older clip where he refuses to condemn lollicon as well. I'll just play this because it's embarrassing.

Unknown_06: Say you disavow lolliramba. Just say it, please. For your own benefit.

Unknown_06: He can disavow lolly all he wants. Well, yeah, he's not doing it!

Unknown_33: You take a stronger stance against people that smoke weed than you do that people that jerk off to pictures of drawings of children.

Unknown_06: Disavow pedophilia. And this lollycon shit.

Unknown_12: I'm not sweeping because I'm enjoying the drama. I could sweep, but I just let things lie because it's funny.

Unknown_06: Grandpa, I am fucking begging you. I genuinely do not want you to be thrown on this goddamn pile. Disavow, disavow Lolly. I'm not even saying disavow, disavow Terry, even though you fucking should and you should drop Terry like a bad habit. Disavow Lolly, please for the love of God.

Unknown_17: How old were you when you first had sex? Disavow him, you fucking retard.

Unknown_34: How old were you when you first had sex, Cameron Curry?

Unknown_06: Disavow, disavow, disavow lollicon, Rambot.

Unknown_17: The first time I got fresh with a girl, I was about, I think I was 14.

Unknown_13: I mean, it's not explicitly pornographic, so I can show it on stream. It's just like, he's saying that that's okay.

Unknown_13: Remember, this is one of the big things that happened on the Fediverse, where there was, like, continuous federating issues, because the guy that ran Post,

Unknown_13: Also ran like an outright like child pornography incense and he was also like the the lead tech guy for post So that's why I have no interest in the Fed ever is like it's so fragmented and shit and the people on it are like Rambo She's like he doesn't actually have an issue with this at all Just so you know just you know what we're talking about it's not it's not cute No

Unknown_11: Okay, I'm fucking melting so I'm gonna call it there.

Unknown_13: I have two things left I have the reddit segment and I have my brand new segment that I promise everybody Let's read some reddit posts. I think both of these are from M to F Yeah, I think so, okay first one Christianity trigger warning I was talking to my coworker today. He's a really nice guy and a great friend. We started talking about his religion and I asked if they accepted the LGBTQIAP plus community. He said yes, but, quote, they must change because they are living a life of sin. Then he mentioned no one is born that way. They turn trans or gay because they are molested at a young age. He doesn't know that I'm trans because I'm not out yet.

Unknown_13: Or not out yet at work, but this kind of hurt Alec I've always felt like a girl since I can remember but I was also molested by my third grade teacher.

Unknown_13: I Wasn't planning on telling him I was transgender today. I was planning on telling him I was transgender today, but now I don't think I can oops Sometimes the truth is too correct

Unknown_13: Excluding pre-op trans women from not-safe-for-work subreddits because people don't want to see Dick as transphobic. Hashtag venting. Excluding a segment of trans women because they, of the fact that they haven't had surgery and might not exactly fit the heteronormative society, what heteronormative society considers to be typical woman is inherently fucking transphobic.

Unknown_13: Oh, and I didn't think that is something that needed to be said, but go figure. And don't start with genital preferences. There's a pretty clear difference between saying, sorry, I'm not personally attracted to you because of this little thing on your body.

Unknown_13: And you aren't welcome in this space because of said thing on your body.

Unknown_13: What's really funny about Reddit is that of all the things, the trainings took over double X chromosome and real women and all these different women-only spaces, but the few places that are allowed to be transphobic still are our degrading holes and all these gross porn subs. The porn subs are allowed to say no dicks, but the actual women's spaces, they're not allowed to say no dicks.

Unknown_13: Very healthy.

Unknown_13: Um, okay. And one more thing.

Unknown_13: Let's see. Well, you know, I feel like I need to set the mood. We need some relaxing and some relaxing music.

Unknown_15: I think too much seriousness in the stream. Well, here we go.

Unknown_15: Aw, yeah.

Unknown_13: Dear Twitter support.

Unknown_13: Sorry, let me re-correct. Let's start this off on the right foot, chat. Dear X support.

Unknown_13: Every night, I tend, I think it's a fancier word. I go, I wanna say go. I drift to sleep after re- reading and rereading the printed copy of the X

Unknown_11: terms of service that sits, astute, that sits steadfast on my nightstand.

Unknown_13: Every night I read and consider the profundity of such incredible wisdom.

Unknown_11: I assume that Mr. Musk himself

Unknown_11: compose these in the same sense that I consider the what was the fucking the Bill of Rights Bill of Rights to be a divinely inspired document which set the United States on course to be a

Unknown_11: the most powerful empire the world has ever seen, I too see the X Terms of Service as a divinely inspired document which sets X and Elon Musk to be one of the most important proprietors of our time.

Unknown_11: Every second,

Unknown_11: by which I am disallowed to partake in the most world-revolutionary and world-changing platform which mankind has ever seen deprives each and me.

Unknown_11: And it is not your fault.

Unknown_11: I have internalized that my separation from this great shift in the trajectory of human beings is my own fault, and for that I am deeply sorry and filled with regret. I would ever

Unknown_11: So appreciate if you permitted me to join you again, my friends.

Unknown_11: With love, Joshua Moon. Now, here's the really fun part.

Unknown_11: And I'm going to do Improving Not a Bot.

Unknown_11: We have to add up no- Oh no!

Unknown_13: Okay, thank God. I thought I had lost my wonderful message.

Unknown_11: I almost cried. I almost rage took a train to Romania.

Unknown_11: Three. Nine. All right, I think we're done. Oh, one more.

Unknown_11: There we go.

Unknown_13: I think that's a winner, chat. I think that's a winner one. Okay.

Unknown_13: Great.

Unknown_13: I think that that's the one that's gonna make it through.

Unknown_13: It finally makes me appreciate it.

Unknown_13: All right. I think that's it. I don't think I missed anything. Okay, super chats. Oh, by the way, a very special super chat call out.

Unknown_13: to Logistical Nightmare, who super chatted $50 on Friday on Rumble.

Unknown_13: The only super chat I got was from this kind gentleman on Friday before my stream. And as a result, his super chat would have been lost in the annals of time, but I did dig it up and I will read it.

Unknown_13: Logistical Nightmare for 50 says, happy pizza day friend. I can't watch live due to finals, but looking forward to watching the VOD.

Unknown_13: Whoops! Shout out to my fellow cardboard autists in the Magic the Gathering thread and have a good weekend. I did definitely have a great weekend. I hope that you enjoyed the VOD.

Unknown_13: Which I guess was just me yelling at people in the Matthew Internet thread.

Unknown_13: Oh, there he is in chat. Hello, logistical man. I'm sorry. Your super chat did not go to waste. I did dig it the fuck up for you.

Unknown_13: Thank you. All right, now the normal super chat segment.

Unknown_15: Okay, cool.

Unknown_13: Breadwalash for five says, hope you're feeling better, Josh. I am feeling great, thank you. Bachina Hamham for two says, you mentioned once you were part Italian. Did anyone in your family ever try to teach you the language? My nana used to teach me, but I never kept it up. My grandfather grew up in a house that spoke Italian, but he lost the language and doesn't know a word of it. So no, nobody ever tried to teach me Italian. Nobody in my family actually spoke it.

Unknown_13: It's I think his his father came over because I've seen their immigration documents They had to renounce the king of Italy because this was like before the First World War So, yeah, they just didn't learn it Next hex. Oh wait, no Stupid fuck for five says you mentioned PKA last time. It's not Woody. That's a truant chaser. It's Kyle It's not really about Kyle if you don't know that he used to be FPS Russia

Unknown_13: I've heard of that. I know the P.K. has their thing where it's like Call of Duty. They're all Call of Duty alumni.

Unknown_13: And so was Wings.

Unknown_13: But like.

Unknown_13: Yeah, I don't know. I just want to be on a guest roster next to fucking Vito.

Unknown_13: How embarrassing.

Unknown_13: Nick Hex, for one, says, haven't listened to the Dick show since pre-pandemic days. What is Mint Salad's story? Is it true that she's a literal retard and did Dick really simp for her? I don't know if he simp for her. I went over it, but yeah, he did like pimp her out to his retard friend. Devious Davee, for two, says, rip Jimmy Carter. I don't know if he's actually dead, but if he is, I hope he's burning in hell.

Unknown_13: That's not nice. I think people, I don't know. I don't know enough about Jimmy Carter to make a, he was a president, so it's probably very likely that he was evil, but I don't know for sure.

Unknown_13: pissed peach for two says first donation been lurking since 2020 when i introduced to the farms thank you noel for your website and for your resolve you saved my mind well i'm glad you enjoyed the farm so many people say like wow a site where everyone's insane like me i'm so happy anime sucks cope and steed says false pizza day and then there's a link to the kiwi farms

Unknown_13: It is a giant green dragon sitting on a rowboat that no way could support that amount of weight and she is farting Wonderful. Thank you There's also a lovely like scenic background of like Switzerland or some shit Sneed cricket for pipes as I listen to God once in the retard calls everyone. He doesn't like a pedo IE you he's blaming medical for being the first gator vtuber for being pedophiles. I wish he didn't make wrestling look gay I don't know what's up with God once in I

Unknown_13: he's just like like super antagonistic and he doesn't really seem to have like a set of morals at all he seems to be just like whatever i believe will piss people off the most and it's what when you're trying to be like a personality and you don't have like a personality you're not really going to attract an audience like ppp is very consistent So you may not like PPP, you may be ambivalent towards him, you may really like him. You may like the fire and brimstone, pasture type thing that he does. But PPP is generally very predictable and a very reliable narrator for his perspective. And that's why he can attract an audience. If you're someone who is just like completely and totally without principle and without any kind of

Unknown_13: like baseline that people can learn about you, you're not gonna really attract an audience. And Godwinson is just like, whatever bullshit I can swing at whatever time to try and manipulate people into fighting for my amusement. And because he's like so obvious about it, it doesn't work. Like back in the day when he had PPP as a wingman, it was more effective. But now it's just like, it's just him. He literally went to rehab for coke addiction.

Unknown_13: um because he's he uh he had a very very low point in his life and then realized that he was really gross and checked himself in for like coke habit and now he's like doing streams again he's just like screaming that everybody he doesn't like is a pedophile that's like do whatever you want buddy zenith41 for 10 says i know this isn't much but i hope this helps uh every bit helps my body it's uh um i think 10 is more than most people i don't know why you're saying it's not much Appreciate it. Coco for five says super short one today. Please read one through three. Also, good luck pronouncing clearly. It's okay. You're not chapter 10.

Unknown_13: Then the most high, the great and the Holy one spoke in a scent. Our sorry, our luller era to the son of Lamech saying, say to him, my name, conceal myself. Well, I can't say your fucking name because your name is fucking ours. Uh, y'all there, which I sound, I feel bad even saying, cause it sounds like a demon name.

Unknown_11: I'm gonna be real with you.

Unknown_13: Carnova420 says, Hair Josh, thanks for explaining how to paypig you. I'm at Kula Beba, by the way. Well, just so you know, I cannot take money from the internet and apply that to anything else.

Unknown_13: I try to make that very clear, but I can't. Sorry to say.

Unknown_13: Thank you, though. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for Five Nights at Freddy's, glorious kiwi emperor. Out of all the super chatters, who is the most retarded, delusional, and parasocial? It's me, pick me, it's me, me, I am, I'm the one, it's me, the most parasocial. Listen, I'm not gonna name names, okay?

Unknown_11: And one doesn't even jump to mind.

Unknown_13: There's like several people who like super chat every stream, and they're always a little bit weird, but we all tolerate such things.

Unknown_13: Real Adonai for 15 says, hey Josh, what did Roseanne mean by this? And then there's a link to YouTube. And since I can play YouTube videos now, let's check it out.

Unknown_23: Save me. Let me guess. Silicones, sulfates, dyes.

Unknown_34: Native restores dry mistreated hair to its moisturized state with plant-based ingredients.

Unknown_15: Is this an ad?

Unknown_11: Am I watching an ad?

Unknown_15: Why is there no ad block on that browser? What the fuck?

Unknown_02: I want to ask Rosie about this.

Unknown_02: Speaking of women taking risks.

Unknown_00: Yeah, I got in a little bit of trouble for that.

Unknown_13: It's a picture of Roseanne Barr and she's dressed as Hitler baking cookies. Women taking risks.

Unknown_00: Yeah, I got in a little bit of trouble for that too.

Unknown_13: I don't know. Maybe she's the inspiration for Nick Fuentes. Imagine this. Imagine that Nick Fuentes stole the cookies meme from Roseanne Barr. Unbelievable joke thief.

Unknown_13: Kyle Larson Allchat for five says, please congratulate Kyle Larson for his win on Sunday.

Unknown_13: Congratulations Kyle Larson for your win on Sunday. I don't know what that means, but thank you I don't know if that's like a celebrity or like a person that you know that watches this or some shit Mr. House the Vegas Mouse for five says no offense, but I think you're getting to Twitter brain and the show is becoming to Twitter focus It sucks. You can't advertise yourself, but you don't have to waste your time getting into arguments.

Unknown_13: I mean shit happens on Twitter that I talk about I don't know what that means. I don't know what Twitter brain means. Like, I'm not, yeah, I just don't get it. I don't get that argument.

Unknown_13: Tetrabacks for 20 says, rip in peace, shitternet.

Unknown_13: Yeah, cuz I made I made it out the hood. I finally made it out the hood with this one my boy Elon KF username is curious for thank you very much though. KF username is curious for once I'm Bambi faggot I'm a good boy who didn't do nothing but made a few Speculations on the Baldo thread that others seethed about you can't send having opposing opinions so much for the tolerant laugh shake my head I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, bro

Unknown_13: Judy Tester for prices rats on going to the best country and getting star like Romania is the best country. Here's either 1% or 0.2% of the purchase price. I hope your internet is fast for 100 years me fucking to bro Space Allen for 20 says ham jam. Thank you space. I don't appreciate it

Unknown_13: Fligoo Master for two says, even during Drop Kiwi Farms, I have not seen Mr. Moon have a meltdown of such magnitudes. Fuentes Peterson, what is it that causes wing cucks to have a brain rot and spurge out when they get BA-ed?

Unknown_13: I mean, having like shit that you should have access to curtailed for no fucking reason is infuriating. It doesn't matter what it is. I don't know how you can not be upset about that.

Unknown_13: Ben Collins for 20 says, vagina liquor moment.

Unknown_13: What, in regards to my lawsuit? Yeah, I guess so.

Unknown_13: Thank you. PatternNoticingEnjoyer, for one, says, I have a little hope you'll take it to HEED, but did you mention the skill of taking criticism as one he takes seriously so you should be at least consider this log off every once in a while and go outside? I don't know why people, like, bro, I go out all the fucking time. Like, it's not like, yeah. Bro, don't worry about me.

Unknown_11: I got you.

Unknown_13: ThrillWorldAristocrat for once says, your biggest mistake was not talking about the judge's liquor general, my friend. Yeah, I know. I should have taken tips from the expert. Sneato for once says, Young Lean. I think that is the name of the guy that's in Atlanta getting charged with murder.

Unknown_13: CastingCouchCrab for 10 says, I watched Christian's Animal Crossing tour video the other day. I'm low-key stoked. He had my favorite chicken in Quickville, but the video was nice to watch on its own merits. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your quick content, my boy. I didn't even hear that he made a video.

Unknown_13: Call you Dante for five says no attorney child. I did not have an ex parte communication that is pure fiction enjoy prison stalker Literally that he might get kicked off the bench for that which we can only hope because he's a fucking retard Pattern noticing enjoyer for one says get a GF and stop spending your Friday night seating online about politics like a retard getting banned is the best thing that can happen to you the Twitter brain rot from spreading truly black land like I don't Like I don't know what you want me to say like

Unknown_13: Having access to Twitter is having access to other people. I need to talk to other people. That's why it's frustrating.

Unknown_13: And I hate it when people are like trying to celebrate the D-Day veterans as if they're fucking heroes. Nobody, not a single fucking troop that went to D-Day and landed on Normandy was like, I can't wait to defend freedom of speech. That's not what they're thinking.

Unknown_13: Tetrabax420 says, after Starlink, you can graduate to the Neil Breen setup.

Unknown_15: And there is a picture.

Unknown_15: And it's a clip from one of the Neil Breen movies.

Unknown_13: I can't remember which one, but he's supposed to be like a hacker. He's hacking into all the governments and banks and shit. He's got like eight different laptops and two dish TV dishes, which are not internet dishes, but it's pretty great. That'll be my setup one day.

Unknown_15: Real Adonai for 10 says, hey Josh, here's a virtual signaling during pride week in a nutshell. And then there's a YouTube link, cool.

Unknown_29: Zip.

Unknown_14: Love me. Love me. Please love me.

Unknown_13: Basically.

Unknown_13: So what's his face then?

Unknown_13: The Tumblr races guy. Come is calm. That's what they mean when they say love is love. Thank you. Unkindness here for two says, my teacher told me a while ago that money is freedom. The more money you have, the fewer people you need to answer to. That is absolutely completely and totally correct. Unless you get too much of it, then you are a direct, the government will start threatening to kill you. A generic username and password for one says, I heard you open a soda can. You started the Jihad music. You try to hide it, but I caught it anyway. So tell us what can you open? It's a monster.

Unknown_11: Drake Monster while I do my stream.

Unknown_13: anime's great praise and rejoice for five says link to a 4chan autoboard and it's a picture of a family of dragons there in a Top-down convertible 1950s style in a classical art painting The dragon is wearing a crucifix and then he has a dragon family. It's like a family of four and they're going to church I think very wholesome. Thank you anime's great praise and rejoice and

Unknown_13: Uh, gosh, Kenazi for $50 says, thanks for the stream. Please start at 20 seconds in and there's a YouTube link. Okay.

Unknown_15: I know what this is. I can sing along. I know the words.

Unknown_38: Leaving their nigga essence in the air Them happy, nappy-haired niggas with their fingers on the trigger Don't trust them new niggas over there Don't trust them big nostrils over yonder They suck up so much air it'll make you wonder The best anime. The only good anime, really, if you think about it.

Unknown_13: Thank you. RTSG for 10 says, hey, Josh, I came across this during my travels to the American Southwest, a new iteration of the trance. And then there is a cat box filed to an image.

Unknown_13: It is something called Troon Park. As we know, there is a Troon graveyard in Scotland. I think it's a name. Sucks to be named Troon in the current year, though. Thank you. Goya Dante for five says, do crack idiots. Dealers literally tell you the odds. You will smoke over a period of time. Do you understand? Look at the big rocks out of context. I spent four mil to get a tent under a bridge.

Unknown_13: Do not smoke crack, chat. Snake Cricket for five says, recently I learned about a family member when she was pre-teen, she cut herself due to boys telling her to do so and her alcoholic mom had her on antidepressants since she was 10 or so. Fucking evil. Yeah, it sounds like a fucking nightmare, bro.

Unknown_13: It sounds pretty fucked up. People like that are vulnerable to pedophiles and shit. They look for people like that.

Unknown_13: Longborder24145 says, hey Josh, I thought I'd share something interesting. I know that modern OSRS is pretty globo-homo, so I found the alt servers made before old school's relaunch and RuneScape 3 are still online, rsc.vet. Yeah, I've heard of those, but I don't know. RuneScape is such a massive time sink. It's really not worth the time investment. And now RuneScape is so fucking gay that I wouldn't want to put money into it. And there's really no point in doing like a private server because like being able to play with other people and like show off your stats and shit is like the whole point of like real RuneScape I think.

Unknown_13: A&N did nothing wrong for five says, I've been enjoying posting slash spamming your substack article to other substacks I subscribe to. It's interesting how Elon lost his shit at substack when they threaded the substack notes and restack feature.

Unknown_13: Yeah, he really hates substack. That's a weird thing, because I forgot about it, and then I tried to post my substack article to Twitter, and it blocks the link. It refuses to embed it or show any information from it, and I think that the link itself gets debuffed. Elon hates substack, and it's really weird.

Unknown_13: Schneedbergsteingoldman for 20 says nothing. Thank you, Schneedbergsteingoldman.

Unknown_13: Scout from tf2 for two says lots of people don't know what Trump was prosecuted for but the 34 felony counts actually stem from a single Obscure rule often use the science conservative voices for more info Google Trump rule 34 It's an interesting note that is Trump rule 34. I think I saw your fucking tweet on On zitter you think you you shilled this and like them out of the internet thread or something and very clever very clever

Unknown_13: Schneedberg-Stein-Goldman for five says nothing. Thank you, Schneedberg-Stein-Goldman. I appreciate it. And Schneedberg-Stein-Goldman for 20 says, amazing news, new Life is Strange game called Double Exposure. It's coming out in October. You don't need to watch the trailer on stream if you don't or can't. Yeah, there's a sequel to the original first game where Max is back and she has to use her powers again for the exact same fucking reason, which is to solve a murder. Um, it also kind of implies that the canonical ending is that, um, Chloe, uh, is saved, which involves sacrificing the entire city. So I don't, I don't know. It's a real fucking weird thing. She learns absolutely nothing. It's basically the moral of the story.

Unknown_13: Dee Karcher, for one, says, did you see Turkey Tom's Rikada video? He had a segment on the Baldo. No, I did not. Um, I don't keep up with his, uh, stuff. I usually don't learn anything from him, so I don't have a good reason to watch unless it's specifically interesting to me.

Unknown_13: Well, you Dante for five says dick is getting frantic about this because Riley is Dick's secret abandoned crack Baby, no matter how he tries with drugs and nihilism. He can't numb the biological imperative to love his retarded son You think oh, I think he's actually biologically related no, I don't think so his face is too big and he's too runty

Unknown_13: Fliggy gigu seared bite for two says Sarah said I am disappointed, you know answer email, sir I have important interview in Microsoft's art next week. Please do the needful.

Unknown_13: I Think I know who you are. I don't know Look, I'm not eager to go out and meet people. I don't know how to put it. Sorry You listen a driver says I hope dick molesters and doesn't make 1 million dollars. I'm very careful what you wish for. I

Unknown_13: Carnova for 10 says jersh you had me cracking up at Home Depot as I listened to your you imitate mint mint salad keep up the good work brother Well, I'm sure people at fucking Home Depot I've seen worse isn't Home Depot the woke one should be shopping at Lowe's boy Or what's the other one like the the regional one? It's like Menards or some shit should be shopping at Maynard's or or Lowe's Not no gay Depot Pretty sure the woke one anyways Holy Owl for two says, I hope you're having a good day, Josh, you are my nibba always. Also, gator is the most pathetic specimen to ever walk the earth. It seems more and more true every day.

Unknown_11: Thank you, holy.

Unknown_13: Coco for two says, I'm convinced that Dax fucks with EJ because of the two contradictory wants. Let's go get those kiwi, let's get kiwi farms to condemn the harassment they do to little cows and we will show them how to actually do it and be funny.

Unknown_13: No, I don't think so.

Unknown_13: Um, cause that's not really evident in how he reacts, you know what I mean?

Unknown_13: Uh, Carnova55 says, I bet it's a 250 man in the front of the camera using a voice changer. Oh, the fucking pedophile? Nah, I can't believe that that's a real, real, like, retard woman.

Unknown_15: Uh, MarioCarter1341 says, I feel like it's, um, it's like a... Target distracted. Um...

Unknown_13: I feel like it's giving people excuses just to blame everything on like trannies and shit. Like, I'm sure that some of these YouTubers are not trannies.

Unknown_13: Like a lot of them get doxxed and they're real women. So I have no reason to believe that the pedophile is just like a tranny.

Unknown_13: Mario Carter 13 for one says hello fellow pedophiles. My favorite pedophile tag is fed honey pot Bro, if only I have a feeling that there's no feds and the feds aren't that clever Fox shows for five says taking money from retards is based by egging on Pino's is cringe. Keep being based jurors I say is a retard. Oh, you're very welcome. I appreciate it. Appreciate your support uh vor vor dear for five says please enjoy this song as the theme song to your lawsuit also thoughts on it i really like it ten dollars for youtube videos i never get through these i was gonna say this sounds like a 90s song it sounds a lot like um

Unknown_13: Fuck, what's that one? Like, uh, Loser by Beck? That's what it reminds me of. It reminds me of Beck.

Unknown_13: Pretty chill.

Unknown_13: Gormos wonder for one says what's your favorite role to play in so 13? I enjoyed chief engineer and I would tweak out the The super manager engine to run on carbon because if you do the carbon dioxide because if you do that it starts to emit Be getting to like the 5,000 plus range between 5,000 and 7700 it starts to emit Tesla arcs and then you can put up the Tesla like receiver antennas and and get out like crazy electricity but in the base game it spawns fucking red slimes that are like sentient so it constantly annoys the ghost to join in as a red slime and they instantly die because it's like cold but if you remove that it's very fun to do that

Unknown_13: Besides that, I like Doctor. Koli Dante for five says, lolly enthusiasm is a disease and one man invented a magic pill that cures it. Google George Luger 1902 to learn more. I believe that this is a miracle cure. We should dispense it as rapidly as the COVID vaccine.

Unknown_13: 11th Circuit for two says, whoremongers and VTubers God will judge. Hebrews 13 four. That's Hebrews 13 four if you're curious, chat. Koli Dante for 20 says, reminder about Randbot in the context of the VTuber defense. And there is a video.

Unknown_13: Maybe the same video that I tweeted. Oh, I'm going to molest a child! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Unknown_33: Wait a minute. Whoa. Wait a minute. Relax.

Unknown_08: Relax, Rambach. That's a Kiwi Farms highlight.

Unknown_33: Relax, Rambach. Relax.

Unknown_08: I am going to have a child with a woman, immediately leave that child, have another child with a Jewish tranny. I am going to find a woman on her birthday that makes her... Oh my God.

Unknown_13: Dude, his co-host trying to like desperately cover up the dumb shit he says, and he's got like the black, the Nordic sun behind, bro, he's such a fucking LARPer.

Unknown_13: It actually disgusts me that this fucking faggot freak hangs like the Nordic Sun behind him and waves around like the Nazi flag with like an anime girl in her panties and shit. Like, how do you... Can the fucking Australian police, who call everything hate speech, please lock this retard up for all eternity and get him the fuck off the internet at least?

Unknown_13: I don't mean to support censorship, but he's fucking cringe, okay? We should get rid of all cringe.

Unknown_13: What an embarrassing person. I can't fucking believe it. And he's like, he legit is like brain damaged and he's too stupid to have shame. I'm pretty sure that the dent in his skull just removes shame and nothing else. So now he's just like a shameless retard freak and he just can't shut the fuck up.

Unknown_13: Thank you. Stupid fuck. For once, those gators have blocked me on Twitter for saying, watching Madi, Kiki masturbates to Peter's shit and you masturbate to her. That's weird.

Unknown_13: I don't know if I can co-sign that. The Lion King provides us with a lollicon. Teacher gave huge bathtub Ross vibes and deserves a thread. Hopefully Medica redeems himself in Roaster.

Unknown_13: I don't know, bro. He likes the anime girls.

Unknown_13: Seek a loather for 10 and do you really need fucking permission from from Jim to like make fun of anime people? Like is it is it not like kosher certified anime halal meat unless like Medicare says something?

Unknown_13: Sika Lothar for 10 says, you went after VTubers and got yeeted from Zitter. Ralph went after VTubers and nothing happened. I'd be depressed too if I were you, bro. I don't have the retard roles to get away with what I do. Sika Lothar for five says, what I learned from Ralph and Rakeda is that it's impossible to reason with addicts due to irreversible brain damage. Would you still try anyways? No, I would not.

Unknown_13: I would not waste my fucking time.

Unknown_13: Mario Carter 13 for one says one stroke forward 12 strokes back Josh types like he lives Fliggy master for fighters I've been on the shard Ian was exposed to actual full-on rape CP on my phone and now it feels like I feel like like throwing away How the hell do my rate a champ for years without losing your mind? I was on 14 much earlier like on old B and stuff like Like there was, like the internet was very new and there wasn't good, nevermind technological ways to deal with that stuff. There wasn't like any kind of police oversight. The FBI was very far behind on the internet and had no idea how to hunt down like criminals on the internet yet.

Unknown_13: So it was everywhere. You couldn't help seeing it.

Unknown_13: I mean, I've seen really bad stuff in my years. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit that I wouldn't ever, I don't want to describe, I don't want other people to see ever.

Unknown_13: People are monsters, there are really, really terrible fucking people out there, and they do really, really disgusting, awful things to animals and children.

Unknown_13: And I've seen more than my fair share being on image boards and shit.

Unknown_13: Sneato for 10 says Kiwi Farms link.

Unknown_15: Oh, that's a surprise.

Unknown_15: If you want to send in a Super Chat, it has to be on Rumble.

Unknown_13: Kick and Odyssey were integrated with Stripe, so I can't accept subscriptions or Super Chats to those anymore. It has to be through Rumble. Rumble literally mails me a check so I can actually get paid.

Unknown_15: Oh, I mean, I showed this on stream, but it was just like all the super chats and shit that Gator had sent the Kiki and she never responds to any of them.

Unknown_13: So it's like she knew that he was coming and he's a fucking creepy weirdo.

Unknown_10: Thank you though.

Unknown_13: Radcrab410 says vtubers are all islamic inshallah don't look up asia asia's age when married to the prophet muhammad it's nine this is not what israel fights against actually you're wrong she was married before nine i want to say she got married at six and then they consummated at nine because she got her first period at nine um so that's when he could rape her

Unknown_13: Tetra bags for $200 says extra in stream. I am sufficiently mad at the world PDF files and retards have a late pizza and beer on me Thank you very much. I do appreciate it a Twinkle tard for $100 says what do you think about rackets going with the Barnes defense?

Unknown_13: That the search was illegal and therefore it's all free of a poison tree. I mean go for it, I guess I guess he really I think that in his I think that in his mind cuz Andy Worsky actually said something that was really like Illuminating to me believe it or not. Bill is drug-related which is why He was saying when you're in that crack or coke mind you're thinking like I can fix this I can fix this and And I was like, yeah, that is what he's doing. He's like all coked out. And he's like, yeah, I can fix this. I just got to do more coke. And then I'll get the superpowers required to do all the things that make people believe me and win over. I think that in his mind, this is like his glorious triumph. Like everybody's made fun of him for being a non-practicing lawyer and never winning a case and having no time in court and being wrong about Vic Mignogna and all this shit. But now that it's on him and the stakes are high, he's going to go in there and go,

Unknown_13: And he's gonna beat the charge. He's gonna walk off. He's gonna have his sunglasses on his rose tinted shades He's gonna look at the camera as all the all the gay logs gather up the courthouse and be like, huh? See ya on stream tonight

Unknown_13: And that tweet of that video of him walking out and like doing the finger guns with like his rose aviators on is like a hundred thousand likes and Donald Trump retweets it. Elon Musk is like, wow, this guy is like really cool and a good lawyer and shit. And it's just like, that's how it goes in his mind. And it's pure fucking fantasy. Thank you.

Unknown_13: JP Triggerpulls for, or I, JP Triggerpulls for five says, enjoy the rest of your week. Thank you, I will. I will be back on Friday though. Light Rose for two says, shout out to Kate Farms Schill write-ups, one of the Kiwi Farms best posters. There you go, you got a shout out to Kate Farms Schill, one of the best posters apparently. I think she does the roundups in the Arcadia thread, I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_13: Sneedo for 10 says, since you're in a fuck anime and VTubers type of mood, and then there's a link to a cat box, wow.

Unknown_11: I know what this is. Now, wait a minute. Good morning.

Unknown_30: What the fuck?

Unknown_13: Even that kind of stuff though is like, I don't know, I feel like the anime people don't find that offensive. They're probably getting off to it like, oh yeah, I like it when they murder the little girls.

Unknown_13: Sorry, I can't enjoy anything anime related.

Unknown_13: I'm just totally joyless.

Unknown_13: Dio smudo la cartera for five says Bernie can still win tell us how oh man He just has to swing Vermont his home state, and then it's like the domino effect It's like the containment philosophy with communism once it once the Bernie wave starts in Vermont It's like a ripple out through the entire country the workers of the world are uniting for sure, bro

Unknown_13: I'll go for five says why people spazzing out at the spazzing about the beauty parlor there are people in there that make fun of men and then when that thread started a Bunch of people decided that they hated me and they hated the forum and they're really upset that women are making fun of them And not even them just like men in general like they're upset about the state of men So that it offends them personally

Unknown_13: Pashina Hamham for one says, Night Night Josh, your gossip forum helps me in your four hour bovine medicine lectures. God bless your heart. Well, good luck with your veterinary thing. That's cool. Cole Cole for one says, Josh, YouTube implemented a targeted punitive ad campaign. If you have a YouTube channel, they can target you for unblockable ads. It doesn't work on Google accounts without a YouTube channel attached to it. I don't know what that means.

Unknown_13: Do you have a YouTube channel that can target you for unblockable ads? Like on my channels?

Unknown_13: You should always run AdBlock. If you don't run AdBlock, you're fucking retarded, for real.

Unknown_13: Matty R. Carver for once says, I thought your surprise was the police cam footage, now I am made into mint salad.

Unknown_13: I wike Adamastason.

Unknown_13: We'll see. I can't promise that, because they might deny it, but we'll see what happens. We can contest it and stuff.

Unknown_13: If I had the footage, I would just post it like immediately I would not hold it for like a special stream or whatever Event Kaczynski for one says assignment in it today now. I have to find a job on it any ideas were to start I don't even know what you're talking about, bro. I don't know. I forgot the context of this I can't help you. Okay, if username is curious for one says my cape username is curious You shall unbind me or continue sending money to you like you do for Twitter every stream Okay The orange cow for two says, Josh, the guy who got arrested for driving with a suspended license was actually in the wrong. He was lying about Shaniqua. You need to apologize to Shaniqua right now.

Unknown_13: Oh, I did talk about the black guy from Milwaukee, right? Or not from Milwaukee, I forgot. It was like Chicago or Detroit or some shit. I think it was Detroit. He didn't actually have a license the entire time. I think I talked about that. I almost wonder if everyone says save big money at Menards.

Unknown_13: Don't be gay. Shop somewhere else.

Unknown_13: Debugs for two says I saw a license plate that had an interesting acronym. Is it gonna be TTD?

Unknown_13: Oh My god, it is a Texas license plate and says TTD now that is based Haram burger for two says this stream brought to you by Kellogg's frosted flakes doxing is great Disclaimer Kellogg's fully endorses the sharing of personal information that is publicly available. That's nice of Kellogg's You know, that guy was a weirdo the cogs I

Unknown_13: The Lion King, for one, says, somebody's jealous, lol. Twinkle Turd, for $100, says, hey, did you ban the Gambasesh bot, lol. Yes, I did, I banned him and I said, if you wanna get unbanned, just email me. I think the guy left or something, and died, and left the bot running, but it went AWOL. So there's another bot in development now.

Unknown_13: The Lion King, for one, says, for summer childs, enjoy prisons, watch the Bathtub Ross videos, hardest I ever laughed. Okay. Manly Archiver, for one, says, um, erm, shneed. True, me every day. Vordir5 says here's the rest of the song you miser. Thank you. I appreciate it and Mr. Manchester says I have to bounce out the dough to keep the casino To the casino keep on keeping one bro appreciate Okay, no more super chats. Um, thank you for everybody and the money and the support. I appreciate it. Um, this song on title, I like clicked like a contemporary country music station. And this song, every time I hear it, I think of Rikita.

Unknown_13: Um, because a couple of, not too long ago, he woke up on the wrong side of the cock shed that morning.

Unknown_13: I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning with a bone dry bottle of Jack I was pouring Damn, she got some nerve when she kicked me to the curb Guess you could say I got what I deserve Cause I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning

Unknown_04: She said don't come home if you go to the bar

Unknown_04: I said, okay, baby, then got drunk out in the yard 2 a.m. I knock, knock, knock up on the door But she never unlocked, locked it Guess I don't live there no more Yeah, she meant business this time I can't believe my bloodshot eyes I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning With a bone dry bottle of Jack I was pouring Damn, she got some nerve, way she kicked me to the curb I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning

Unknown_04: I used that empty bag of corn to rest my head. A camo jacket for a blanket, then passed out like I was dead. Still got one heck of a buzz. If I look like a train wreck, it's because I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning with a bone dry bottle of Jack I was pouring. ♪ You say I got what I deserve ♪ ♪ Cause I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning, yeah ♪ ♪ I woke up on the wrong side of the truck bed this morning, yes I did ♪ ♪ I can't believe I gotta be at work at nine ♪ ♪ That fuckin' bird's about to catch this 45 ♪ ♪ Oh I guess if this really is goodbye ♪

Unknown_04: At least I took my boots off this time.

Unknown_03: Damn, she got some nerve when she kicked me to the curb Guess you could say I got what I deserve