0:02:06 Unknown_02: The last vestiges of mankind brace themselves for the impending doom, the month of homosexual activity. The government-mandated state religion of gay worship is upon us. Unknown_02: I have already seen the most eager participants, the Discord servers that are related to programming, have already truned out their various logos. Unknown_02: The Rust one in particular looks like... I don't know how to describe this. It looks like the Rising Sun Japanese flag, but the stripes are not red and white. They're like trans colors. And then the crab itself is gay. Like it's the rainbow crab. Like the crab is about to do a bonsai dive into an American aircraft carrier or something. 0:02:47 Unknown_02: It's already over. It's so jover. Unknown_02: In particular, video games most affected. The first Pride Time stream of 2024 has begun. Tenno, which is the name for the player, join the Tay Kang and Sui Lu as they take you through the exciting plans for this month. Share more about Trans Lifehine and the Rainbow Railroad and give amazing prizes. The Rainbow Railroad is the one that helps people abduct homosexual teenagers and hide them from their parents. And Trans Lifeline is the scam organization that had to oust their directors for inuring $340,000, which they admitted to the IRS was stolen from them under penalty of perjury. So, off to a great start. Everything looking pretty fucking gay already. 0:03:29 Unknown_02: But tomorrow is the first of the month, so I'm warning you now. If you have family, hug them. Turn off your internet. Turn off your TV. You should have your TV off anyways. You should be prepared, embraced, ready for the... Unknown_02: What is it, like the Passover? Like where all the families that paint the rainbow flag over their homes don't lose their firstborn to God's wrath, but instead of God, it's the state, basically. Yeah. 0:04:17 Unknown_02: That's what's happening here. Unknown_02: So I want to start this stream off right with an apology, an apology chat. I imagine most people will listen to this on the archive anyway. So last stream, I said something hurtful, degrading, mean-spirited, and just outright evil. I said that depressed people... were in charge of their own emotional states and could overcome it with a change of attitude only. Because your depression is in your head, it makes sense that your head could be in charge of your depression. And I would like to take that back, depress people. 0:04:52 Unknown_02: You are innately depressed. There is nothing you can do. You were born depressed, and you will die depressed. You are helpless. You are adrift. Only drugs can mellow you out. You must go to therapy for the rest of your life. There is nothing you can do. You are a victim of circumstance. You were just made this way. Nobody can help you. This is, yeah, just give up. This is what I was told depressed people want to hear, which obviously contradicts what I said in the previous stream. So I just want to lay that out right now, that if you are depressed, don't worry. It's not your fault. Just lay there and mope and wait to die. And don't worry about it. It's out of your hands. It's out of your control. 0:05:27 Unknown_02: That's what I was told. That's what I was told people want to hear. So enjoy. Unknown_02: Alright, now that that's out of the way, gang rape. Let's get into the news chat to lift up some spirits. I heard there's lots of depressed people who watch my show. I want to elevate their emotional state out of the ditch with some humor. 0:06:04 Unknown_02: Three men who raped or filmed a 14-year-old were sentenced to probation. From right to left, Dodiem Leclerc, Nassau Abassi Abassi, and Richard Dechasse. Leclerc and Abassi Abassi pleaded guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl who was in an out of consciousness, and DeSera was pleaded guilty to videotaping the sexual encounter. Unknown_02: They were sentenced to 48 months of probation. Now, if you're thinking, wait a second, I happen to speak African-American vernacular English, and Dodd, Liam, LeClaire, and Nassau Abassi did not sound like African-American names to me. That guy on the right, I guess, is full-blooded American, African-American. But those other guys, they got some weird-ass names. Well, what's the deal with them? As it turns out, they're immigrants. They're first-generation immigrants. They're here, I guess, on visas. They won the visa lottery. So even though they've been sentenced to probation, now the USCIS is going to take over and evaluate if their visa is still in good standing after raping a 14-year-old. 0:06:40 Unknown_02: This is in the fine state of Utah. It's actually old. It's an old article. I saw this published just today. This is what I get, chat, for looking at content aggregators. 0:07:21 Unknown_02: Oh, well. Unknown_02: I had trouble finding this article, actually, because when I Googled UtahKSL.com 14-year-old raped, there was actually an article that was very recent, and it was like the same kind of fucking story. I'm like, this is like the same thing. I wonder if they got deported now. Unknown_02: They will be under the custody of the U.S. I-C-S. ICE. Not the other one. To address their immigration statuses. Unknown_02: I know. Boomer moment. That's okay. We got other boomer stuff to talk about this stream. This one was highly requested of me. Apparently Germany is having a little bit of a tism moment right now. There's a techno club song that was popular in Germany that's resurfaced because they redubbed it with... Ausländer raus and Deutschland für Deutsch or something. Like the beat. You know when you're a kid and there's a song and you invent your own lyrics for it? It's like that. They started singing this at a concert or something. And this caused people to freak the fuck out. And be like, oh my god. The Nazis are here. The Nazis are here. They're saying Ausländer raus. So there's been an investigation into this. And as a result, that song, which doesn't actually have those lyrics, is like the number one streamed song in Germany right now. 0:08:25 Unknown_04: Hold up, I gotta sneeze. Unknown_04: I need some meth or something. Unknown_17: Some Sudafedrin or whatever the fuck to help with my allergies. Unknown_17: Anyways, it's the number one streamed song right now in Germany. And this is actually completely different. 0:08:59 Unknown_04: Wait, sorry, I'm gonna die. Unknown_04: Sorry, I'm sneeding right now. I'm sneezing. Unknown_02: Oh, sorry, that was gross. I snorted right into the microphone. 25 grams. Dude, ever since the Ricada thing, I've been low-key listening to the remix of the Charlie Sheen winning song. Hold on, I'll just play it because I think it's a famous song. 0:09:33 Unknown_17: I'm just killing time right now. Charlie Sheen winning song. Unknown_02: Here we go. Hell yeah. 13 years ago. This is some old, old time music. Unknown_03: I missed this time. Unknown_09: This was a good time. Unknown_02: If you're 0:10:19 Unknown_02: Not old enough to remember 13 years ago. This was when everything was good. This was when the internet was good. This was when things were good. This was before the dark times. This was before the angry times. Unknown_02: Okay, I'm no longer sneeting. Okay, so, in Germany. So this is a fine Mohammedan, and he's just chilling out. There is a Ukrainian flag, which I'm told is now the new national flag of Germany. Actually, I think that might be the party flag, like their banner. It's just blue and yellow. And it was this nice new... I think they call them Neudeutsch. Is there an official term? The Neudeutsch. And he happens to have... 0:10:54 Unknown_02: a messer and he is gestaben this man because that man is a politician and the man is saying we need all these Mohammedine Neudeutsch to go the fuck back and this guy's like actually I disagree with that and I'm going to communicate my disagreement in this new democratic state that I live in by taking my messer and stabbing you in the fucking chest cavity over and over again 0:11:31 Unknown_02: So the polizei roll up and say, OK, listen, we're going to help you because you've been stabbed. Now, this man did not go to the finest Deutsch polizei academy. OK, he went to a bad one because when he decides, OK, I'm going to pick my priorities here. We have an assailant with a knife and then we have a guy that's been stabbed. He says, OK, let me go help the guy that's been stabbed. Unknown_02: This actually opens him up to a riposte, a counterattack. The Neudeutsch takes the knife and stabs him in. 0:12:11 Unknown_02: Ooh, I don't know the word for neck. He gets stabbed in the neck, and he almost dies. I think he's in critical condition. Unknown_02: Now, this other guy, I believe this is also a policeman. He's a Neudeutsch policeman, and he says, My brother, I'm afraid that I am being paid to shoot you right now. I don't want to. I understand your frustration, but I'm what we call a moderate Muslim. Unknown_02: Um, so I'm afraid that murdering people, and I'm just going to wait for you to stab this guy in the neck first because I'm a moderate. I don't want to like be preemptive here, but I am going to shoot you. So, uh, the, the Muslim cop does shoot the Muslim stabbing the German man in the neck after he gets stabbed in the neck, uh, while trying to save the German politician who was stabbed multiple times. Uh, and it was also in critical condition. 0:12:45 Unknown_02: Now imagine if this was a gun. Oh my God. There would be so many more injured people. What a disaster. We really need... It's a good thing that Germany has that common sense gun control, because this could have been a flat-out catastrophe. 0:13:20 Unknown_17: A real horrendous event, to be assured. A hamster. Oh, no. Do I have a German hamster? I do have a Popo hamster. Can we do that? Hamster? Unknown_02: Bam. Upgraded. Upgrade hamster. Unknown_02: He's restraining the victim, not helping. Unknown_02: Okay, so I couldn't see that... Unknown_02: I had heard conflicting things about that. Someone told me that the guy was actually trying to restrain the politician because he said something hateful. 0:13:55 Unknown_02: And the policeman made the quick judgment call about if the Haas postings or the attack, the violent knife attack, was the more imminent issue. And he had chosen to arrest the guy for the hate speech on the spot while showing his back to the guy with the knife that resulted in him being stabbed. I can't verify this, though. That sounds like rumor mongering, to be honest with you. Unknown_17: There we go. That's the update in Germany, which apparently is having a real go of it. Unknown_02: Let's check on America. I'm sure that we're doing a lot better. Congratulations to AIPAC-endorsed pro-Israel candidate Tony Gonzalez and his primary election victory. We're proud to help you defeat the anti-Israel candidate Brandon Herrera in the Republican primary election. Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics. So Tony Gonzalez has beaten Brandon Herrera for the 23rd Texas Congressional U.S. House Representatives District by a very slim margin. I think of all the votes, it was like 60,000 in total. And Brandon Herrera lost by, I think, 400-something votes. It was like a very, very small number. And the remarkable thing was that Brandon had spent a million dollars in campaigning and Gonzalez had spent 10 million. 0:15:21 Unknown_02: And that seems to be the trend is that even when these people win, like they outspend 10 to one. So I don't know. I'm not, I don't usually think of things in a democratic context. I think that it's all rigged anyways, but if you are a hashtag democracy believer, that seems to be a good, like if there are people who want to run and, Um, even if they lose, it seems that they make these people bleed out the ass just to keep their seats by a slim margin. Um, which is pretty impressive, I guess. Uh, but you know, all the money's fake and they get it for free anyways. So I don't really think that matters. But if you are a democracy enjoyer, um, I guess this is a win kind of, even though it's not like a literal, like, Oh, we didn't win the seat, but we made them spend, you know, 9 million more dollars than we did. 0:16:07 Unknown_02: When the game of like flushing cash down the toilet, when one side prints the money, it doesn't really seem that impressive to me. But what do I know? I'm a retard. Unknown_02: I have nothing more to say to this. Someone replied to me retweeting this with just a picture of someone sneering. And he said, Josh is a wig net and I blocked him. I just block people now. I don't give a fuck anymore. Unknown_02: Donald Trump, guilty as charged 34 counts of hush money related things. I don't even know what the charges are. I don't give a shit. Nobody cares. Literally, nobody cares. The specifics of this case don't fucking matter. You either hate Trump and want him convicted and hanged by the neck until dead, or you like Trump and you don't want him convicted and this is democracy falling and we're about to have a banana republic and it's all fake and corrupt courts. 0:16:45 Unknown_02: I imagine what side most of you are on. Unknown_02: I, of course, as I was told, am an autistic, solipsistic, nihilistic, contrarian who's above it all, smug, sneering. Therefore, I have... No opinion about this. I don't care. It doesn't matter. All the things that matter, Trump doesn't change. Unknown_02: I do think he'll win. I'm going to say that right up. Because I think that the polls, the heckin' polls, were showing that he's taking this huge lead. Because here's the fact about why democracy doesn't work. You ready? 0:17:30 Unknown_02: People vote with one thing. There is one thing that determines... Who people vote for. You ready? Here's the secret. Unknown_02: The money. The money. That's it. Unknown_02: And this is why no democratic country is allowed to be nationalistic if the U.S. doesn't want it to. Unknown_02: Because if the government does, like, let's say you're Armenia or Serbia or whatever the fuck, you're a democratic country, you participate in the world order, and you do something that the U.S. doesn't like, you get sanctioned. What does the sanction do? It hurts your economy. People have hurt economy. They have less money. What do they do? They vote for people who will improve the economy. Who are those people? They're the people who love Israel, who suck dick, who would let gay parades be marched on to get the sanctions lifted because that's what the U.S. asked for. So that's why every democracy in the entire world is inherently, inherently susceptible to corruption because people only vote for what gets them the most money. In the U.S., people are hurting. Inflation is very bad. People can't afford what they did a year ago. 0:18:45 Unknown_02: Everyone says that the economy is doing great, but the actual impact that it has on people is horrific. I've been looking at home prices for four-plus years. I started looking at the beginning of COVID. Unknown_02: Since the beginning of COVID, I honestly wish I had sold everything that I had to get a down payment on a house because now it's going up like four fucking times in every place in the entire country. Like I checked every state. It's all gone to shit except California. 0:19:19 Unknown_02: Like nobody can afford anything. So what are people going to do? Well, they're not happy with Joe Biden. Why are they not happy with Joe Biden? They have less money than before. Trump had better economy. Therefore, they're going to vote for Trump. Unknown_02: The only reason why Trump lost in 2020 is that besides the outright electoral fraud, is that the economy was bad because of COVID. But now people are like, well, it's COVID came and went and economy still bad. Therefore, orange man. That's that's literally it. That's that's as much as you can expect from the electorate. 0:19:53 Unknown_02: But now Trump is what we call in the hood a real nigga because he has gone to jail and shit. He guilty. They piling on them charges and shit. And therefore, I believe that I think I honestly like no lie. I think that he'll have like 20 percent of the black vote as opposed to like. Like less than 10% that every GOP candidate ever gets. Just because he's now like a gangster. He's caught a felony and shit. And it's really funny if you put a felon in the White House. It's really, really funny. That's the other thing. People will vote for things that are funny. Like Chris Chan. Chris Chan got two votes in the New Hampshire primary for the Libertarian candidate. Why? Because that's funny. If it's the money and it's the funny, then you win, okay? 0:20:32 Unknown_17: That's all there is to it. Unknown_02: I have nothing more to say about this. I will say that one of the mods, probably in a lapse of judgment, decided to feature the Donald J. Trump thread that we have on him. And we have this thread because there is funny shit related to Trump. Like the fucking, don't foid uphill me boys, don't foid uphill. Or never foid uphill me boys, never foid uphill. That's fucking weird and really funny. 0:21:08 Unknown_02: Um, all the Q boomer shit is really funny, but the problem is you can't feature anything about Trump because then people just argue. And then the mod tries to like, keep it about Trump and like the, like the really retarded conspiracy theories. There's one in particular last night that made me laugh out loud and I forgot what it was. Unknown_02: Um, but so people are like complaining, Oh, I got banned from the Donald Trump thread. Well, it's in the locale board complaining articles and happenings. That's how we organize the site. 0:21:44 Unknown_02: All cow threads are inherently antagonistic. Unknown_04: I'm going to read chat, actually. See what the comments say. Unknown_02: Okay, so that's a weird thing, is that there is a speculation that Trump will pardon himself when he becomes president. The federal executive cannot technically issue pardons for state crimes. Trump cannot pardon himself for a New York charge. The governor of New York would have to do that. 0:22:20 Unknown_02: So there's no way he's going to get a pardon. So if it's like he gets sentenced to jail time and then wins and is in jail, he can't pardon himself, then there's a real constitutional question. It would technically be a constitutional crisis because there's no constitutional framework for this scenario of what happens when you have a president who is indicted on state charges. 0:22:56 Unknown_02: And so it would become a constitutional crisis and a constitutional question of habeas corpus. Who does the president have? Do the states? It's literally a states right question. Do the states have the right to imprison him or does he have executive privilege to flaunt state laws? Unknown_02: That would be – I mean obviously the answer is going to be that they can't hold him. If he gets elected president, then he has the right to lead the country. Unknown_02: Like there's no other way that that could happen. All this does is it drives people closer to a civil war. Regardless of what side you're on, you now hate the government more. 0:23:36 Unknown_02: Or you are like both sides now believe that the system is less fair. Both sides believe the other side is stupider. Both sides believe that the other side is more willing to resort to arbitrary incarceration and violence to accomplish their means. Both sides are advocating for more arbitrary imprisonment and violence to accomplish their means. Both the right is saying we should make a list of every politician in Congress that we want hanged. People on the left are saying now we should ban the Republican Party and start arresting more GOP people. So you have like people outright saying like, OK, so let's make a big list of all the people that we don't like who we're going to kill and let's start working on that. Let's get her done. Let's get her done. We got a list. We got a to do list. We're going to win some elections. We're going to roll some heads. Yeah, that's a great idea. So that is Civil War talk. That's irreconcilable differences between states and party lines and stuff. And I think people are going to start killing each other. I hope you have guns. I hope you have ammo. 0:24:17 Unknown_02: I hope you have means of survival for you and the people that you care about because soon people will start shooting at each other. Mark my fucking words. Just a feeling that I get. I mean, what happens if he wins? What happens if he loses? 0:24:50 Unknown_02: Crazy shit. That's the answer. What's going to happen? Crazy fucking shit. Unknown_04: Ah, cool. Unknown_02: Now here is the real things that we care about. So I... Unknown_02: I honk, zitter, and I check for a couple keywords. Unknown_02: And I notice someone very familiar had said in reply to GrapheneOS, GrapheneOS says, quoting, Bad faith lying spokespeople because sadly they're in a position of authority and they shape public understanding in a very dangerous way. The GrapheneOS dev says, That's a great description of Nika Systems who supported extreme attacks on GrapheneOS and are developers from Kiwi Farms users. 0:25:28 Unknown_02: Meredith Whitaker says, yikes, clearly I just stepped into something I'm not familiar with, to which I'll say, for the record, fuck Kiwi Farms. Who is Meredith? She is the president of the Signal Foundation, the open source cryptographic SMS application known as Signal. This is their president. Also, one of the high ranking board members is a woman by the name of Catherine Marr. If that sounds familiar, it's because you read my article. Catherine Marr is the former CEO of Wikimedia, current CEO of NPR. and sitting chairperson of the Signal Foundation. This is the person who is a direct customer of Liz Fong Jones, who has actively worked with Liz Fong Jones, in my opinion, to censor Google results that are unflattering to people and to promote content which is flattering to people. Not only is Catherine Mayer... Sorry, not only is Meredith a... 0:26:09 Unknown_02: Active fuck Kiwi Farms type who sits on the top of Signal. They are also an ex-Google employee. Hmm, I'm sure that's just a coincidence. Look, there's even a really cute picture of them break together. Look, there's Catherine Mayer. Let me just read their biographies. These are the people who are on Twitter just saying, yeah, fuck these websites. They don't deserve to exist. Catherine Mayer is the former CEO and executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, responsible for Wikipedia. She is currently a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council... where her work focuses on intersection of technology, human rights, and democracy. Prior to Wikimedia, she was the director of advocacy for the digital rights organization Access Now. 0:26:42 Unknown_02: Mayer is a term member of the Council of Foreign Relations, a World Economic Forum young global leader, and a security fellow at the Truman National Security Project. She is on the board of directors at the Center of Technology and Democracy, Consumer Reports, and the Digital Public Library of America, Adventure Scientists, and System.com, as well as the trustee of the American University of Beirut. She's an appointed member of the U.S. Department of State's Foreign Affairs Policy Board, where she advises the Secretary of State on technology policy. She received her bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in 2005 from New York University's College of Arts and Science. After studying at the Arabic Language Institute of the American University in Cairo and Institut Francaise in Syria, Meredith is Signal's president and a member of the Signal Foundation Board of Directors. She has over 17 years of experience in tech, spanning industry, academia, and government. Before joining Signal as president, she was the Mindaroo Research Professor at the New York University and served as faculty director of the AI Now Institute. which she co-founded. Her research and scholarly work helped shape global AI policy and shift the public narrative on AI to better recognize the surveillance business practices and concentration of industrial resources that modern AI requires. That's a mouthful. 0:28:07 Unknown_02: Prior to New York University, she worked at Google for over a decade, where she led product and engineering teams, founded Google's Open Research Group, and co-founded MLab, a globally distributed network measurement platform that now provides the world's largest source of open data and lowercase i internet performance. 0:28:57 Unknown_02: Even this bitch thinks that the internet is a lowercase improper noun. Unknown_02: She has helped lead organizing at Google. She was one of the core organizers pushing back against the company's insufficient response to concerns about AI and its harm and was a central organizer of the Google walkout. Oh, the Google walkout that Liz Fong Jones organized? Hmm. Interesting. Wow, that's another direct relationship to Liz Fong Jones from one of the most important people in technology policy. Isn't that fucking spectacular? Really interesting stuff, chat. 0:29:34 Unknown_02: Oh, but it gets worse. She has advised to the White House, the FCC, the City of New York, the European Parliament, and many other government and civil society organizations on privacy, security, artificial intelligence, lowercase i, internet policy, and measurement. And she recently completed a term as Senior Advisor on AI to the Chair at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Unknown_02: These are the two... Most glowy spook glow neighbors that have ever fucking walked the earth. And they are at the very tippy top of the most important encrypted communication application in the world. And they are also direct fellows of Liz Fung Jones and Tall Poppy. 0:30:07 Unknown_02: Isn't that just interesting? And they literally just go on the fucking internet and say, fuck this small, privately owned website that has no actual power whatsoever. These are the people who hate, for whatever reason, a small gossip forum about Chris Chan and a bunch of retards on the internet. Unknown_02: Isn't that just amazing? 0:30:53 Unknown_04: Next, a black man observed something shocking. Unknown_06: Hours, stripping down butt naked, bending over and showing everything on the video and all you could see was cellulite hanging in pubic hair. This is a disgrace and a shame that this is the type of educator and teacher that is in the classroom. And she made multiple videos. Yes, the district was unaware until we brought this to their attention. But what we're asking you to do now is to go even further. Nullifying her contract is not enough. This woman obviously had lost her damn mind. She needs psychotropic medication. She pulls out her breasts and she's juggling them. Look like she's about to fall over. Then she bends over and pulls down her panties. Spreads her cheeks. I'm not lying. I'm telling you what's on the video. Spreads her cheeks. 0:31:29 Unknown_06: This is madness. This woman should... Fascinating. 0:32:02 Unknown_02: He is describing this woman whose video I will not play because it's just her like jiggling shit and it's all censored anyways. But she was a teacher in Houston. This man, I love the way that like black people talk when they're like trying to sound important. They all seem to like emulate MLK. and then she pulled out her breasts, and she juggled them, and she looked like she was about to topple over. It sounds like you're trying to do a smug, preening British accent, but you're very black at the same time. I can't do it. It may shock my audience, but I cannot do an MLK voice. 0:32:40 Unknown_02: This is true. Unknown_04: That's it. That's all I have to say about this. Next. Unknown_04: Let's see. Unknown_04: This is true and related, and for this I need no hamsters. Unknown_02: This guy tried to claim that the Patreon was down by half. It is still at about $900 or $800 a month. Keffles is announcing that the Great Gate... Wait, sorry, I need the music for it. 0:33:13 Unknown_02: Kefels has declared that in June, he will return. He will bring gayness and streaming back, and he expects to have been forgotten by the broader commentary community. He says, You got it correctly. Everything I say is right is nefarious, and I am presumed guilty first and incontinently expected to prove my innocence. Swatting is attempted murder. Someone wanted the police to shoot me dead, and people are somehow positioning me as evil for not reacting perfectly to that. Unknown_02: I expect to return next month. I am enjoying my time offline. Nobody is mad at me all the time and there's no drama. It's just chill. Thankfully for the Irish taxpayer subsidizing Keffel's lifestyle, he can stay in his apartment. Or actually, I think it's the English taxpayer because he's in Northern Ireland. Belfast? Yeah, Belfast. 0:33:49 Unknown_02: I'm just chilling, eating Doritos, taking the HRT, taking SSRIs, courtesy of whichever fucking taxpayer is responsible for Northern Ireland. Unknown_02: And it's just waiting for his chance to come back to the internet, to sneak back on. 0:34:21 Unknown_02: By the way, in case you're wondering, Keffles, the reason why people hate you is because you had a police wellness check called on you. And then you blamed it on me personally. And you said that I tried to murder you when you knew that was a lie. And then you posted my mom's mugshot to try and get people to harass her because you're a fucking lunatic and a hypocrite. That's why people hate you. And that's why nobody's ever going to forgive you. And every time you try this, we're just going to make fun of you again. Just so you know. Just so that's clear. That's what happened. That's an accurate recount of what happened. Unknown_02: You also tried to take down a community of tens of thousands of people and failed. So we're all going to laugh at you forever. As long as we have the opportunity to laugh at you forever, we will laugh at you forever and ever. Amen. 0:34:59 Unknown_02: Chibi. Unknown_02: Chibi has joined a polycule. I'm pretty sure these are all safe for work. I don't know anything about Chibi. I just want to make fun of him. His name is Adam White. He's one of those people that's like an old, old, old school locale. This has hundreds of pages over years. Unknown_02: So he's like a small but dedicated following that make fun of him. Unknown_02: He has joined this polycule. This is Angel Marie saying, I love my thurkle from Josh, Alex, Adam, Austin, and Cody. So it's 0:35:36 Unknown_02: Six guys and one hoe. Unknown_02: Adam White says, I'm so grateful since that night to have met you all and I feel like I have a new family. And then Cody says, love you, baby. So this is them chilling out. Unknown_02: Honestly, I can't tell which of these are the women. I think right might be a woman. Middle is definitely a woman. But all of them fuck each other. I imagine the blue hair takes the most damage. I think that's Chibi on the left with the weed hat. 0:36:08 Unknown_02: That also might be a woman in the background. Is this like three guys and three women? It's really hard to say. No, that might be a... I think it's a man. Unknown_17: That's a really ugly guy in the far back. Unknown_17: Dude, it's so hard. Unknown_02: That might be a really ugly woman. On the left? I genuinely can't tell. Whatever the fuck that is, that's hideous. Unknown_02: No, that must be a man. Unknown_17: Is that it? That's a man. Yeah, it's the same guy. That's a man for sure. 0:36:41 Unknown_02: I'm calling it, chat. I'm calling man. Unknown_02: Josh Faceblind. It's a guy for sure. Okay. Okay. Unknown_02: I don't know about the purple. Is the purple a woman? The purple's really ugly, too. Unknown_02: But they have a more rounded face, I guess? Unknown_02: The eyelashes are also pretty feminine. I don't know. That's a iffy one, too. I think if they weren't in this polycule, I would assume it's a woman. But because they're in this polycule, I'm very suspicious. So, I don't know. 0:37:17 Unknown_02: Chibi is wearing gray. Yeah, I know that. Oh, that's Chibi? Unknown_02: What did I think it was? I thought it was the really ugly one on this side. It should be the one with the, the only one that did this, his hair and like sides. I thought the really ugly one with the beard was chibi. I don't know why. Unknown_02: Anyways, five guys, one blue haired person with a daddy issues and he's been removed by it, by it from, by the way. Why is this? He just, where's this? I thought this was the right thing. 0:37:51 Unknown_04: oh here we go josh lamer larner says so apparently i have cyber stalkers now neat and then i think and he lost like 21 friends in a day i think he lost his polycule i think that's what's happened yet 0:38:22 Unknown_02: Is this live? What is this about? I look at retarded people on the internet and I make fun of them. This guy, okay, who's said this? G-Stack, I'm calling you out. You asked if this is live. This is Chibi. This is a retarded man. I think that he's a speedrunner. Like his entire claim to fame is that he can play games very quickly, which only extremely retarded people care about. Unknown_02: He's also like a loser. I think he got into trouble for being a sex creepy weirdo towards minors. I don't want to say that with any certainty. I'm trying to remember my chibi lore. They joined this polycult so he could get his dick wet finally. And then I think they have already divorced him. 0:38:54 Unknown_02: So he no longer gets to bang the blue girl. Unknown_02: Oh my god. Unknown_02: Oh, here we go. Chippy responds to the allegations of sexting the 16-year-old girl. Okay, let's read this. Unknown_02: This is what I do, by the way, in case you're wondering. He says, 0:39:40 Unknown_02: and solid facts to fully debunk this allegation. Before I made this post, I gave this user a chance to clear these allegations and to come forward and admit these allegations were indeed false. Unknown_02: And she has declined to answer. Unknown_17: This is way too long. Unknown_02: I know my previous track record has led most people to consider me an irredeemable sex pest, and I acknowledge those previous actions in recent years. So he's trying to say, yes, I did sex underage girls in the past. Yes, I am being accused of doing it again. No, this time it's totally fake. Thank you, Internet. What I will not acknowledge, though, is that having someone willingly commit slander and entrapment You cannot be entrapped by a non-police party. I highly encourage you to reconsider associating with this person, as according to my friend G, Beatrice has been known to exhibit this kind of behavior before. She was also an active member and participant of ColossalCon21 Facebook group as well. That's all I have to say on the matter. 0:40:13 Unknown_02: Cool, Chibi. Unknown_02: Good luck with your polycule, bro. 0:40:49 Unknown_02: Someone in chat said that people in polycules don't actually have sex, which I can believe. I can believe that those people never touch each other sexually because they're all disgusting. Unknown_02: Okay, G-Stack, are you still around? I'm going to introduce you to another retard without any context of who this is. There used to be this guy called iDubbbz, and he was very popular on YouTube because he would say the N-word. And everyone loved him and said, iDubbbz, you're very funny, and we like you. And then he would go out of his way to make fun of retards himself. But then a massive problem emerged. 0:41:29 Unknown_02: And he started dating this... Okay, so Anissa is like the worst she's ever looked in this. This is his girlfriend. She looks like a potato. So he starts dating this potato woman. And I assume that it is a sentient potato because usually when you start practicing tattooing, you do it either on pig skin or on fruit. Unknown_02: And I just assumed that she was like a potato that someone picked up and started doing ink on because it would, you know, they were practicing their tattoo designs. So she's just like covered head to toe and like this, this hideous amateur bullshit art that just looks atrocious. Unknown_02: Now she's given up completely on life and looks like a sad potato. Dude, she's not walled. She's always been ugly. She just photoshops and wears makeup. This is just what she looks like when she can't photoshop and wear makeup, okay? 0:42:06 Unknown_02: Okay, so she has iDubbbz left. I think they're separated for an innocuous purpose. iDubbbz is on the run right now, trying to breathe fresh air. And because Anissa no longer has that ball and chain around her neck, she can now act like a full-on fucking retard on the internet. So here's Aniza, and she's about to say some retarded shit. I've not actually watched any of these. I just know that they're funny. So let's take a listen. 0:42:39 Unknown_13: Listen to the Patreon podcast. Unknown_13: This person's lawyer, the shakedown lawyer. Unknown_13: used a commentary video okay that that insinuated insinuated i have to be very careful with my words here because this person will say technically they didn't say that insinuated that we pocketed money Unknown_13: insinuated that we didn't actually lose money okay insinuated that it only costs a hundred thousand dollars to run an event like this which is not true okay this is in the millions this event costs in the millions to run i'm not kidding it's up okay and that that all is is our responsibility we took that on because we wanted to do something fun and cool and good for charity and whatever 0:43:29 Unknown_13: It is a very expensive event to run. There's a lot that goes on. Okay. It's a huge thing. It's a 20,000 seat arena. Unknown_13: Anyways, the lawyer used the YouTube video to say that this was proof that we were pocketing money. Unknown_13: So the point that I was making with that clip that got taken out of context again, or like, he just didn't understand what I was saying is that we were in a shakedown lawsuit. And part of the reason why they thought that they could sniff, bark up our tree was because commentary YouTubers have no idea what it is to work a normal job, let alone put on a whole event. 0:44:11 Unknown_02: Oh, that's a good freeze frame. Hold up. Here we go. Let's do this at like half speed. Unknown_13: Put on a whole... There we go. Unknown_02: Excellent. Okay, G-Sack, let me explain. So this woman, as I mentioned, is married to that famous YouTuber who's now like a pathetic cuckold that everybody makes fun of. They tried to do that Creator Clash YouTube boxing match, knocking off Logan Paul. It was supposed to be like a boxing match, but it was supposed to be like kind of woke and gay and very sensitive towards feelings where there's no winners or losers. Everybody who comes out and puts on a good show is the winner, that kind of shit. 0:44:46 Unknown_02: And this event cost a lot of money and was a failure. I think they lost money. I think that she said that they lost something to like the tune of like a quarter million dollars. It was like an absurd amount of money. Don't quote me on that. Um, and even though they kept talking about what a, what a great, amazing thing this was, this, this, this boxing match that they did. And it was so much fun. It was so much fun. It was the best thing I've ever done. It was so worth it. We put in so much effort and the rewards of being in the community were so overwhelming and so beautiful. And now she's, like, just explaining, like, they're colossal fuck-ups. They lost money. There's a lawyer that's, like, trying to get them kicked out of the event as, like, organizers because the organizer is, like, or the lawyer is, like, I'm looking at the numbers and there's no fucking reason that they should have lost money. Like, you're either completely incompetent or you're stealing money from the foundation. Like, this is just absurd. And she's chimping out at this because there might be repercussions for being such a fuck-up. 0:45:19 Unknown_13: event, okay? You have no clue. You don't even know what it's like to clock in and have someone breathe down your neck. 0:45:53 Unknown_02: Dude, it's so much money. Unknown_02: And, like, when you think about what a boxing match is, it's two people punching each other. You know, how hard is it to set up an arena, get two people punching each other, and stream it on YouTube? I could do that for, like, $5,000, I think. I could get that together. I could get a live. I bet you. I bet you fucking money. Unknown_02: I could get the equipment, the permit, the ring, the auditorium, and 1,000 people in seats. for like $5,000 and just let two retards punch each other. 0:46:29 Unknown_02: There's no excuse. There's no excuse whatsoever. Unknown_13: So don't tell me how much it costs. $100,000 does not even cost one quarter of the broadcasting fees. Unknown_13: So like, I don't know what crack these like commentary YouTubers are on, but I want some. Unknown_02: crack is getting no i know this is going on i love how i didn't wear makeup today i look disgusting as shit you all her name on twitter by the way is literally anisa the greasy like that's just her brand i look disgusting i look like i don't bathe it looks like i'm covered in fucking oil it looks like i got slimed nickelodeon style by like a bottle of olive oil um but yeah i'm gonna cut on my my um my camera and i'm just gonna talk about shit and that's gonna get clipped 0:47:24 Unknown_13: But this will go on every con. And I don't care. I'm at the point. I don't care. I don't care anymore. Because even when we don't say something, even when we don't say something, they think we're saying something. Unknown_02: Go all out. Do you know what I mean? Declare war. Unknown_13: Oh, thanks, guys. Thank you. Unknown_02: Declare fatwa on Keemstar. Inshallah, he will be beheaded. Unknown_13: Get assumptions. Unknown_02: That's loud. I don't want to hear any of that loud. What the fuck is that garbage on the wall? 0:47:58 Unknown_02: What kind of... She has, like, an enormous rodent cage. I'm assuming that's a rabbit. And then she just has, like, random pictures of, like, old women with, like, tattoos on them. I guess that's her... I want to be old and tattooed. And that's, like, her shtick. Unknown_13: Like, just so out of pocket. Unknown_13: I don't know. I know a lot of them have never worked a real job. I know that for a fact. And if you have... Fun fact, I had that exact same microphone and arm stand when I lived in Ukraine. You worked there for a week and you cried and you quit. 0:48:32 Unknown_02: Apparently it's a Rottweiler cage. Unknown_02: A Rottweiler kid's chat. Look at me, I'm gangster. I'm gangster. I got that big dog, the red and black. You send your shitty little dog at me, my dog gonna eat your dog because we hard-hitting gangsters and shit. Unknown_13: That's the other thing that a lot of these people assume is that I never worked a real job, but I didn't get on the internet until I was 21. I had to pay for my own. I was in college working like a fucking serving job. Okay. I was doing both. I had four to five. 0:49:06 Unknown_02: Okay, Aniza, you're using 100% of your brain power. I can see it. I've worked at Whataburger for over a year when I was in college as well. I did get my degree. I became an internet insane person instead. Does that mean that I get to make fun of you? I'm a commentator technically. I have worked a service job. I have worked a real job, and I have a degree. So by your 1 million IQ brainiac logic, I get to make fun of you all I fucking want, and I get to call you a fuck-up. That seems to be what you're implying here. I had classes a semester, and then I would go work a serving job, okay? 0:49:41 Unknown_13: And before that, I worked at a pet store and a Dairy Queen because I function in society. And then I got lucky. Unknown_02: Yeah, I have, like, weekly visits with my therapist. I'm on SSRIs. I have occasional mental breakdowns where I start OnlyFans and ritualistically humiliate my cuckold husband. But I heckin' function. I can livestream. I can set up a box and mess. I'm functional. Who's fucking metric? You're a net deficit. You run into the negatives. You ruined your husband's life. Your business enterprises are in the red. You are not functional. By literally what metric are you functioning? Congratulations, you managed to figure out a way to get food into your fucking mouth. You don't live on the streets, I guess. I'm pretty sure HSA, FSA take care of that shit now. You don't have to worry about that. There's no laws, conditions. 0:50:45 Unknown_13: right i got lucky and i started making money on the internet so i quit but i've been working i had been working since i was like 12 i'm not even kidding 12 years old because in canada at the time i don't know if now but at the time if your parents sign your you can sign something you can work i worked at a movie theater when i was a kid Unknown_13: But I, you fuckers. Unknown_02: She would cut single frames of pornography into children's films. She was so good at her work, not even a hummingbird could catch her. Unknown_13: That are looking at this right now, I know. I know that you would fucking cry if I said something to you in real life. I know you would cry. How do I know? Because I've done it to one of you fuckers in real life, and you have cried. You cried and apologized to me. And you even said that I made you feel like a bitch. 0:51:39 Unknown_02: She's talking about Rusty Cage, by the way. And I'm glad that I did, to be honest. Unknown_13: More people should do that to you. Unknown_02: Rusty Cage went into her boxing match or whatever, and she randomly found him. She recognized him and just walked over and surprised him. And she said, hey, what you said wasn't cool. And he's like, I'm sorry? And then he went on Twitter and said, you know, in retrospect, I feel like a bitch. I shouldn't have apologized to her. And now that's like her trophy. That's like her. She clings to this. It's like I made Rusty Cage apologize by confronting him, you know, at complete fucking random. Therefore, I'm a boss bitch. I'm a winner. 0:52:11 Unknown_13: Did. And, you know, we did karaoke and whatever. There's alcohol there. And close friends are allowed at this party. It's in a it's in a hotel. Unknown_13: OK, and this fucker snuck in. He was not supposed to get in. The reason why he got in was because he happened to say by accident the name of one of our like higher ups and was like, oh, he knew the names of the organizers are like public. 0:52:44 Unknown_02: They're all on Twitter. So he just says he picked one of the names out and said, yeah, Justin says I can come in. Unknown_13: Justin said I could get in, right? And so they gave him a wristband. So he got in. Unknown_13: And I saw on Twitter the day before that he was tweeting shit, right? He was like putting... He was... Unknown_13: He was doing that thing where you don't like fully commit to being a fuck but like enough of a fuck that like he basically wore like a free froggy fresh shirt or like held the sign or something. I think it was he had a Krispy Kreme shirt on or some shit and he was like 0:53:37 Unknown_13: There was, like, a Free Froggy Fresh sign that, like, made it to the front of the, like, walkout of Ian's walkout, and he, like, tweeted the picture. No, it wasn't Brandon Buckingham. It was fucking... I always call him Rusty Spoon, but I think his name's Rusty Cage. Unknown_15: I like rusty spoons. Rusty spoons feel good on my sausage fingers. Unknown_13: If you're a real OG, you'll know what that means. or like held the sign or something I think it was he had a Krispy Kreme shirt on made it to the front of the like walkout of Ian's walkout and he like tweeted the picture no it wasn't Brandon Buckingham it was fucking I always call him Rusty Spoon but I think his name is Rusty Cage he was snuck into the party okay so Ian wasn't around Much like right now, which is why I'm doing this right now. Ian wasn't around. He was somewhere else. And I saw that fucker. I saw him waiting in line for free alcohol. And I was like, absolutely not. 0:54:32 Unknown_13: Absolutely not. So I fucking walked over there. Unknown_02: This alpha bevel saw rusty spoons there and said, this motherfucker is about to cyber bully my boyfriend slash gimp. Not on my watch. I'm going to take out the trash. 0:55:06 Unknown_13: And bro's like little, okay? He's already like a small guy. And I had platforms on, so I was real big that day. And I walked over and I just put my hand on his shoulder, right? I leaned over and I said, hey man, what you did yesterday, really fucking uncool, actually. Unknown_13: And he was like, oh, like he was shocked. Right. And he even admits this. He admits that he he apologized to me. He's like, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. And I was like, no, you meant it. And it was shitty. 0:55:38 Unknown_13: And I fucking walked away. I just walked away. I was like, whatever, you can fucking stay at the party, but I want you to know that I think you're a fucking dick. And it clearly got to him, because he ended up in some interview later saying that it made him feel like a bitch. Why would you admit that? Unknown_17: Why would you ever be honest about things? Here on YouTube, we're never honest. Unknown_13: I feel like every time you go to work, there's a mob of people who just show up. Yes. Yes. And, and I think it's frustrating because I think the only way out of it and to build like a, a, a community that feels good to like talk to is to, to do it, you know, to get up and do it regardless of the mob and to not think about like that aspect. But that is very hard. Like, to do. Mmm. 0:56:10 Unknown_02: I mean, maybe, like, you shouldn't make everything about you public. Like, when your butthole's, like, out there on the internet, maybe you've gone too far. 0:56:44 Unknown_02: You've gone too far in a few places, and you shouldn't have done that. I don't understand this pathological desire to have, like, this community of, like, dick suckers that will just praise you continuously. Like, do you not have any confidence in yourself? Do you not have any confidence in your own actions or any self-esteem? Unknown_02: No. You need to, like, cultivate a following that does that for you. Unknown_02: Okay. Unknown_13: I look around now, and I'm like, what the fuck? Like, what? How? 0:57:20 Unknown_13: Did I become, like, one of the, like, least liked people ever? Unknown_02: Well, let's see. First of all, you ruined somebody's career. You made him unlikable in the process. You look like a 13-year-old boy. You have a face of a potato. You're covered in shitty amateur tattoos. You spend people's money on some of the most pathetic designs that I've ever seen. You chase after other men besides your boyfriend in a really obvious and pathetic attempt to get their attention by buying their tattoos. 0:57:53 Unknown_02: You're hideous inside and out. You're obnoxious. Your voice is grating. You make bad business decisions. You run things into the ground continuously. You're self-centered and just basically infucking tolerable at all times. Unknown_02: Probably some combination of those factors. Unknown_13: On the internet. Unknown_02: Oh, you showed your butthole on the internet. You made your husband take a picture of you naked for OnlyFans on the day of your honeymoon. Unknown_02: Some combination of those factors as well, probably, for some people. Unknown_13: I feel like more people hate me than Onision. 0:58:28 Unknown_02: And maybe it's because I'm in it. Unknown_13: Like, I'm seeing it. But that's what it feels like. Unknown_13: It feels like I quit college to become the most hated person on YouTube. Unknown_16: Yeah. What a shit-eating grin. Where's that grin at? Unknown_13: on youtube look at that grin what the fuck oh hold on i'm taking a picture of that it's like um hold up let me find this real quick she she looked the way she's smiling reminds me of this 0:59:22 Unknown_02: Why did you marry Mr. Dink? I don't understand. He's even got the same potato face. What the fuck are you doing, bro? What a disaster. Unknown_04: What a fucking disaster. Unknown_04: Where did he go? There we go. Unknown_13: You know, it's funny. I said to my I made a joke about Onision to my therapist that I I didn't think she would get. Unknown_02: That is that is a that is a there are some words like language has power. There's a reason why in like demonic lore, there's always like words or phrases of like power and conjuring. 0:59:57 Unknown_02: I spoke to my therapist about Onision. There's, like, and then, like, a door opens, and, like, an ancient Egyptian curse, like, flies out and possesses somebody. That's, like, a curse phrase that should not have been uttered aloud. Unknown_13: I forget that she, like, watches, she knows, like, some YouTube lore, and she burst out laughing, and I was like, whoa! I was like, Onision mentioned! Unknown_02: Okay, obviously I don't have a particularly strong relationship with therapists and mental health types and my depression and shit. 1:00:39 Unknown_02: I'm going to say this. If you live in, like, L.A. and you're a therapist, if you say these cursed words, you know, you're talking to your therapist about Onision, and she claps back, Whoa, Onision mentioned... Unknown_02: You are in the wrong place. You're fucking up. You have miscalculated. You have subscribed to something that you do not want. Mayday. Mayday. SOS. SOS. Like, that's a fucking problem. 1:01:13 Unknown_02: That should be a red flag. Unknown_13: And I thought I was... Sorry. Unknown_02: Sorry. Unknown_02: Aniza snuck up on me and scared the fuck out of me by screaming at me. Unknown_13: going to pass out because it's on the spine too like i don't yeah i don't know it's on like like bro it looks so fucking bad what the bro and then it reminds me she um by the way that tattoo let me just rewind it because this tattoo on her back 1:01:55 Unknown_02: There is a guy that she's obsessed with. Obsessed with. He's a tattoo artist in LA. He's like a gross hipster. He looks kind of like iDubbbz. She's in love with this guy. She wants to fuck him. She probably has fucked him. But he's like an artist that she's obsessed with. And, by the way, you can see very clearly her spiderweb tattoo that's associated with MS-13. I figured I would mention that. That's one of her many mistakes. She literally picked that one off the wall during, like, a manic phase and had, like, a gang sign tattooed onto her. Unknown_02: The back tattoo as a whole, though, it may look like a bunch of random shit. I can kind of see the World of Warcraft horde symbol here. There's a snake design. There's a Dia Muerta-type skull right there. It may look like a bunch of random shit clobbered together. This is actually a design piece. The entire thing is one piece. And it was supposed to be like the magnum opus of this particular tattoo artist. He sat down and he sketched this and he put it on his site and says, this is my design. This piece speaks to me. It's a full back tattoo. This is the pinnacle of my artwork. And I want to sell this one time to one very special person for the low, low price of $10,000 as living art. And Aniza is the person who bought that. It was literally like $10,000. This back tattoo is like the, I don't even know what you would want to call it, what the word is, but it's like this artist's apex, what he's very proud of. 1:03:07 Unknown_02: And he tattooed it on her and she showed it off. And I think it was supposed to get colored at some point. It's still not colored. I guess they ran out of money. 1:03:40 Unknown_02: Maybe she tried to suck off that guy and he's like, I'm married. Get the fuck away from me. Clout potato. Like, what the fuck are you doing? Unknown_02: But yeah, it's still not colored in. It's just terrible. And when I first saw this, like, when she revealed this to the world, my first instinct was to, like, go on to Bing AI images. And I might even have these images somewhere on my – actually, I don't think I do. Not on this computer. But I just typed in, like, woman, full back tattoo, snake, flame, skulls. I just, like, threw in all these different search terms for, like, what – you know, terms that, like, to load up the AI image generation thing with, like, what it looks like. 1:04:14 Unknown_02: And it gave me results that literally looked better than what this guy had tattooed on her for $10,000. And even the ones that didn't look better, they looked like the same. It was just like this random assortment of bullshit. Unknown_02: And she's so proud of it. And it's like, you look like shit, lady. You look like fucking garbage. You look like you belong in a fucking dump. You look like you're if you if someone like poach you like a buffalo and skinned you and hanged up your skin like a rug on a wall. You would look like an assortment of test designs that a bunch of students had carved into a pigskin during a day of practice at art school. It would not look like a cohesive design. It wouldn't look like a piece of art. It would look like a practice sheet that someone had carved into pigskin and threw away. I have no fucking idea what has to be wrong with someone's brain to do this kind of shit. 1:04:57 Unknown_13: And then, and then he says to me, as, as he's like doing the short lines, I, sorry, I thought I could enjoy some water while she was talking, but she has for some reason decided to stop talking. 1:05:50 Unknown_02: uh anisa the greasy says i'm just bored so i'm streaming on twitch and chatting come talk to me for a bit while i wait for ian to come home from los angeles the short stream was so fun i already feel like i'm getting i'm shaking off the rust Unknown_02: This is what she had to say about Ian while she was streaming. This one was really bad. Unknown_12: We were driving from Seattle to Edmonton. Unknown_13: We had stopped for Tim Hortons and he had gotten donuts and a double-double. In Canada, we don't use oil-based creamers. We use cream creamers. So the combination of the gluten from the donuts plus the lactose caused him to have an emergency. He had to stop the car. 1:06:35 Unknown_13: And he thought he was going to have to go in the woods because it was so bad. But we ended up finding a bathroom. Ian has irritable bowel syndrome. Unknown_02: And from what I understand, his diet is like the most restrictive diet I've ever heard of. Unknown_02: He can't eat certain things in combination, but he has to be careful with, like, gluten, dairy, meat, like, all sorts of shit. Alcohol, I don't think he can drink alcohol in combination with certain things. Like, his diet is one of the most restrictive ones that I've ever heard of for him not to, like, shit himself. And he finds this hilarious, by the way, and has repeatedly made fun of the fact that he has literally shit his pants and has just, like, openly said this on podcasts. Like, yeah, my... My husband shits himself on the reg. He eats shit that he's not supposed to and he just dumps into his pants. He's like a pathetic child in that sense. It's really disgusting and uncomfortable. 1:07:09 Unknown_02: I should mention at this point, I just remembered this. The reason why Ian and Anissa are together in the first place... is that Ian kind of got onto YouTube young, and I think he came from, like, a bad place in life. I think that he had issues with his family. I want to say his father was a convict and had gone to prison, so he lived without a positive role model for a long time. He gets big on YouTube, and he starts getting hit up by clout potatoes and clout goblins like Aniza. And then Aniza is, like, his first girlfriend. So... 1:07:44 Unknown_02: iDubbbz has no idea what a healthy, normal relationship looks like. When you're a teenager and you're confused and you're tiptoeing into relationships, I think it's pretty common for people to have bad relationships early on. But then after a couple dates or girlfriends or boyfriends or whatever, you realize this is what a normal person does. This is how a relationship is supposed to feel. Um, and it's supposed to be easy and not incredibly painful. Like that's a lesson that I think people have to learn. Like a relationship is, is it's supposed to be easy to like somebody. You're not supposed to be in pain constantly while in a relationship. And Ian never learned that. So he's in this relationship with this horrific troglodyte that has, I mean, it's hard to say if she directly ruined his life or if she was just like in his life as he ruined his own life. 1:09:10 Unknown_02: But I think that he just doesn't, he honestly, even as like a 30 year old man, he just doesn't have the life experience to know that this is not normal. Your spouse isn't supposed to go on to social media and talk about how you're an incontinent little baby that shits himself all the time. Your spouse isn't supposed to show her asshole on OnlyFans and fail at showing her asshole and making money on OnlyFans. Unknown_02: He literally just doesn't know because she was his first and he doesn't have a fucking clue. 1:09:47 Unknown_04: That is the Aniza the Greasy update. Unknown_17: Jackie. Jackie Singh. Santa Rosa County. I know where that's at. Unknown_02: So, Jackie Singh, if you don't know, is a really, really, really, really gross Pajit woman. She is one of the ugliest natal women that you've ever seen. She has these massive pitcher glove hands. She looks like an ogre. I don't know how to be nice about this. Unknown_02: She's also schizophrenic. There's something wrong with her. She's one of those people that tries to make herself look like a hacker. She's obsessed with gray hat hacking and infosec and stuff. This was a fad in the early internet. People who would try to cling to hacker identities and shit. 1:10:20 Unknown_02: It kind of fell out of style because proudly declaring that you're a criminal is not usually a good idea anymore. But she still does this. She wears her old association with the GNAA, which is the Homosexual African American Association of America, which was a hacking group. 1:10:58 Unknown_02: And then I think GOATSA Security. Was she a part of GOATSA or was that Weave that I'm thinking of? Unknown_02: She was definitely, I think she tried to, she was never a member of Lizard Squad. She likes to say that she was, I think. But she just tried to be like a groupie for Lizard Squad. Unknown_02: And it never happened. Like they just made fun of her. And then she pretended to be a member of Lizard Squad. And I don't think that she was. Unknown_02: But now she just like has massive mental breakdowns on Twitter all day long, like is a professional Twitter retard. I don't know how I don't think she does anything. 1:11:33 Unknown_02: But she had a child at some point and her ex-husband is petitioning the Santa Rosa County clerk for sole custody. And, like, you know, everyone, at least in, like, my spheres, likes to talk about how slanted the family courts are for women. So if you believe that, I want you to imagine how horrific a mother Jackie Singh has to be for her to lose custody completely of her own children. 1:12:10 Unknown_02: She must be pretty fucking horrific and malicious, which I can believe because she's pretty fucking horrific and malicious on the Internet, and that's just, like, her personality. Unknown_17: That's pretty... Unknown_17: Pretty horrific. Unknown_17: Sorry, someone said there was an earthquake. Unknown_02: I was jiggling my leg and I was wondering if that was picking up on the microphone. I don't think there's anything else to talk about Jackie. She just like chimps out on Twitter all day, every day. Unknown_04: Um, cool. Unknown_04: Now, we're getting closer to the content everybody likes, but one little detour. Unknown_02: So there's this woman and she falls very firmly into that category of like 1:12:53 Unknown_02: Like, trad thought, I guess. She was like a... Her name was Morgan Ariel, from what I can see. She was just like a hoe. She was like a generic, like, hoe. She tried to be an escort. She tried to be, like, an OnlyFans girl. Didn't have any success with that. And then she decides, actually... Unknown_02: The conservative men still need hoes, but they like them to be sex negative. So she's like, I'm a hoe, but I'm actually trad. I'm a trad hoe. And so she gets on social media and she has like 50,000 followers because she's like a trad hoe. Which is apparently like a class of like rifter woman who men are willing to subscribe to because they think that it's somehow better than just like a regular hoe. Anyways, Nick Fuentes made the mistake of inviting this woman on to AFPAC because Nick Fuentes is still pretending to be a serious person. 1:13:28 Unknown_02: And is trying to set up another basement stream that he's going to pretend is a political rally. And he's trying to get anybody on to vindicate his organization as having serious momentum still. So he asks this hoe to be on his stream. And she says, okay, I'm a hoe. I will do anything for money. 1:14:08 Unknown_02: Including going into a basement full of greasy groiper types. And he's like, great. So he announces on Twitter, Morgan Ariel will be on our AFPAC convention. To which all the groipers replied, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape. Unknown_02: Um, and there are some things that even a hoe will not put up with. Um, she's very willing to enter into a basement full of greasy gropers, but when they're shouting rape at her, uh, that's not, that's more danger than she's willing to accept for pay. Unknown_02: So she immediately comes out and says, so why is it that when I accepted this application, all these guys called gropers were threatening to rape me immediately? Um, and then they dug up all her OnlyFans and, and, um, 1:14:49 Unknown_02: escort stuff and dumped it and she's like yeah that's all true everyone knows this I'm a hoe what part of this don't you understand I thought you understood that when you were paying me to show up at your convention and then she just backed out of it and made fun of them laughing So that's the America First update. Unknown_02: Their sausage party was almost interrupted by a flesh and blood woman, and they decided to chase her off. So now Nick Fuentes is down one real woman for their convention. They're going to have to find some more little boys to keep Ali Akbar around. 1:15:30 Unknown_04: Congrats, I guess. Unknown_04: Now, finally. Unknown_17: Where is he? Where is he? Come out. Come out with your hands up, Baldo Ham. It's time. Unknown_02: Nicholas Ricada, or as the Daily Mail says, YouTube lawyer. Unknown_02: He sits on the Bar Association for YouTube. His jurisdictions are Minnesota and YouTube. He can handle cases in the YouTube court of law. YouTube lawyer Nick Ricada, who shot to lowercase I internet fame in the Depp-Herd trial, is arrested, along with a wife, for drugs, guns, and endangering kids, as cops say he had white powder on nose and video. Encrecato was arrested for drug and gun possession and child neglect. He is best known for posting legal commentary videos in high-profile cases. And then there's the mug shots. 1:16:03 Unknown_02: I like how April was mentioned in this at some point, but it's not explained that he's, like, fucking her and that he's, like, a hot wife in their relationship. Unknown_02: They use this wonderful picture. If you hotlink this image on Twitter, the picture of him jerking off is the one that is... Unknown_02: Is used on stream. There's a couple links to like his videos and stuff. I don't know. This is the most high profile coverage of his arrest so far. 1:16:45 Unknown_02: So in the Baldo bunker, things are looking pretty grim. As I mentioned last stream, the front lines have normalized or solidified. And now there are very clearly sides derived in this conflict. On Team Baldo, there is Ethan Van Sciver, also Frog on the Kiwi Farms. 1:17:17 Unknown_02: Apparently, I don't follow this, but I see this mentioned quite a bit on Twitter. Ethan tried to post on the Kiwi Farms a long time ago, and people were receptive and nice to him. But then after he turned on Eric July, people became a lot more critical of him. And months later, he tried to join back and control the narrative around him. And everyone just took huge diarrhea shits all over him, like I dub style. And then he left again. And all these posts that he drained on the Kiwi farms get circulated a lot now because he apparently made a fool of himself. I have no opinion on this. I just know he's on Team Baldo right now. 1:17:54 Unknown_02: Ethan says, how come kids would rather wear the same clothes than do their own laundry? There are teenagers in the Ricada brood. They're not stepping up. I realized there was a nanny until there wasn't. Privileged kids do your wash. So Ethan's perspective on the Ricada child neglect thing is like, he doesn't owe you clean clothes, idiot kids. He has a 16-year-old in the house. Why isn't he mopping it up? Why isn't he doing the laundry? Come on. When mommy and daddy want to do blow and potentially heroin and drink continuously and sleep in a Xanax stupor and invite hot wives over to fuck in their St. Michael's cross or whatever, it's the kid's job to learn how to do laundry. 1:18:36 Unknown_02: Very hot take. I will give it credit. This is a pretty unique perspective I had not heard before. Unknown_02: So this is definitely an independent voice in the lawtube sphere for sure. Unknown_02: There's another quote. Ethan says, kids who enjoyed extreme privilege, parentheses, a nanny or housekeeper, and then that privilege was revoked and life got complicated for them. They weren't helpless. No kids are. Unknown_02: This is true. I have heard stories of three-year-old African children who were orphaned by genocide and civil war in Rwanda, somehow managed to walk several miles to like a UNICEF camp. 1:19:22 Unknown_02: So it is true that kids can autonomously make ends meet and survive without adult supervision. Generally speaking, that's not desirable. That's not something most people want for their kids. I'll phrase it like that. Unknown_02: There's also the thought that Unknown_02: The nanny and housekeeper wasn't a privilege for the children because there's a baseline level of responsibility owed to the children. And the nanny isn't there as a benefit to them, but rather to the parents. Like you have a dad who works all the time doing streams, you know, multi-day streaming marathons. and then you have a mom who has to drive kids out to faraway places, and you have five kids, well, then a nanny and housekeeper is a benefit to them so that their earning potential is not impacted by their children. 1:20:06 Unknown_02: It's not usually considered a luxury of the children themselves. I don't know. Maybe I'm being crazy. Crazy pills here. Could be me. I don't know. I am crazy. Unknown_02: um this is good logic this is not ethan van cyver as far as i'm aware but let's see what he has to say complaining of being uh hungry and dirty and it's like and it's like if they're not if their if their clothes aren't being changed in a number of days well that tells me they're not being bathed or washed and uh it breaks my heart so right although i mean i'll tell you right now when you talk about being bathed or being washed you're a newborn 1:20:56 Unknown_00: You're a mother of a newborn, right? Six-year-olds bathe themselves. You know what I'm saying? Do they? Yeah. Okay. Unknown_11: Just throw them a sponge and some soap. Unknown_00: Yeah, by the time they're four or five years old, they're bathing themselves. So as far as their failure to hygiene, I mean, yeah. Unknown_11: is a five-year-old really gonna be like sorry mom i gotta go shower be right back like i think most kids are gonna let themselves be like yes they will bathe themselves they're gonna be they're gonna break the health yeah complaining i love how every time law tube talks about children you know people like this good logic retard and nick ricada and then there's like a woman 1:21:42 Unknown_02: And he's like, yeah, a six-year-old will autonomously decide to clean his own clothes and shower if he's not a spoiled, lazy brat, of course. And then Chrissy Meyer, who's a woman and understands children, just says, like, that's not true. And he's like, nah, trust me. Just trust me on this. And it reminds me of the time that Mercado was making this really, really awful joke. This was a couple months ago, so he still had some friends left. Unknown_02: I want to say that Chrissy Meyer was there and Megan Fox. I think it was Chrissy Meyer, and this was the last time she came on the show, is that Ricada was talking about a case... Unknown_02: And correct me if I'm wrong, but it was like a situation where a girl had been raped so badly that she was now incontinent. And Rakeda made some really weird joke about that was like sexualizing this like incontinent child. And Chrissy Meyer was just like in a state of visible disgust and shock that he had said this. 1:22:29 Unknown_02: The diaper. Yeah, it was the diaper thing. I can't remember the context of the joke, but it was like this absolutely unhinged. Oh, it was Megan Fox. Okay, sorry. It was a different wall tube. Unknown_02: Yeah, he, um... God, I can't remember what it was. It was some... There was, like, a really high-profile case that involved a young girl who wore diapers or something. And he made a joke about, like, anal or something. It was, like, a really, really disgusting joke to make about a vulnerable child. And Megan Fox was just, like, in literal shock and disgust. Like, visible on her face. Like, what the fuck are you saying, retard? Um... 1:23:12 Unknown_02: Yeah, so it's like anytime a woman on these shows is exposed to how these guys think about kids, they're like, are you retarded? Are you unwell? Do you need to be in a prison cell? Do you need to be killed? Unknown_04: What's wrong with you? Uh, cool. Unknown_04: Chrissy sweeps for her pedo boss, Anthony Cumia. 1:23:46 Unknown_02: Okay. What does that have to do with this? It's so weird when someone's objectively correct about something that a six-year-old doesn't wash themselves. And you go, she's right. There's always some retard who's like, don't you know she's bad? Who cares? She's right. In this instance, she's right. I don't give a fuck who she is. She could sweep up for Saddam Hitler, Obama. I don't give a fuck. Unknown_02: She's right. That does not change. Get over it. 1:24:18 Unknown_02: Uh, now, Rakeda has pro- Rakeda's now circle is apparently this good logic guy, um, his attorney, Robert Barnes, or potentially his attorney, Robert Barnes, um, Ethan VanCyver, and Ethan Ralph, and Juju. Uh, Ethan Ralph says, Exclusive! The Keel Stream had the first solo interview with Nick Rakeda when he comes back to streaming. He announced this on the 28th. It has not happened yet. Unknown_02: And Rakeda kind of indicated on Locals that he would like to go back to streaming as soon as possible. Unknown_02: And it hasn't happened yet. And people are very curious as to why. And there is a potential reason for this. Actually, this is the... I'll get to that. I'll explain my theory on that. But yeah, Rakeda has apparently promised Ethan the first exclusive interview. 1:25:06 Unknown_02: But meanwhile, in the Baldo Bunker, Unknown_02: Um, and on signal, Rakeda has apparently like locked down to the, locked down his inner circle. And he's like, everybody except legal mindset, um, yellow frog, et cetera. Good logic. Ethan Ralph, leave the room. Unknown_02: And they're all like fidgeting and sweating in the room. And he's like, he like pulls off his glasses, hands are shaking. And I was like, That's what I'm before that Ethan Ralph would get the first interview. I told them, I told them it was government overreach and they didn't listen. It's just like yelling, screaming, Chrissy Meyer, Megan Fox on the outside, listening to it and, uh, crying, comforting themselves as, as Ricada just starts screaming. 1:25:40 Unknown_02: Legal Mindset was... Legal Mindset? Legal Mindset was reading the chat as it was going live? Like, he was actively responding to Legal Mindset telling him to shut up by just talking to him? 1:26:16 Unknown_04: And it goes like this. Assuming that it went to the... I should... I always assume that I preload everything, and then I don't. Unknown_04: How could I have failed? Unknown_04: Should I play the Dink song? I think this adds a lot to the stream chat. 1:26:58 Unknown_02: Oh, I see. These are like 4K phone screenshots. That's why they don't fucking load. Each one's a megabyte. 1.5 megabytes. 1.5 megabytes for a fucking screenshot of a fucking text message because it's on a 4K resolution phone. Yeah, please don't bother to shrink these images at all before you throw them up on my fucking website. Please. I beg of you. I need every pixel. Unknown_02: Maybe if I insert them as thumbnails, I'll be able to fucking read them. 1:27:30 Unknown_04: Give me a second. Unknown_04: Jerk's pipe is so tiny. Unknown_02: What the fuck does that mean? Oh, my internet pipe. Are you saying that I have a narrow urethra? Like Hank Hill? That's a unique one. Unknown_02: No one's tried to insult my narrow urethra before. Unknown_04: Honestly, do I have a fucking internet connection? Give me a second. It just feels like it's fucking off. 1:28:16 Unknown_04: Dude, I don't know. Unknown_04: Is it just the Kiwi Farms? Unknown_04: No, it's not. Everything's fucking slow. Unknown_04: The forum isn't down. It's like everything is fucking slow. I mean, I can't progress. 1:28:52 Unknown_17: OBS is working, but nothing else is. Okay, wait. Now that things are working again. Hold on. Unknown_04: Finally. Jesus. Fuck. Unknown_04: Maybe it is the forum. Are we just being DDoS attacked because the site's doing well again? 1:29:30 Unknown_04: Sorry, I don't mean to just randomly drop off, but I'm very pissed. Unknown_04: Bro. 1:30:08 Unknown_04: I mean, I don't know what the fuck to do if like the internet is just down. So here's my plan. Unknown_04: I've ordered the Starlink. Unknown_02: And I'm going to have to take time. I've already mentioned this on stream, I think. I have to take time to travel out of country by train to pick it up because it's not available where I'm at. It's not available in Serbia. Unknown_02: But someone explained to me that the way that the satellites work is that your service is attached to a hexagon. So if I order the Starlink and attach it to the border of like Serbia and Romania, it'll be in a hexadon that also covers Belgrade. And then you can just walk it and put it on your fucking roof in Belgrade. 1:30:46 Unknown_02: And it won't. It'll still work. And it'll think that you're in Romania. This is my plan, chat. Unknown_02: I did. I bought the Soylink. Unknown_02: Maybe it'll be better, chat. Maybe it'll be better. Unknown_02: All right, I will continue where I left off. Mercado is in the fear bunker and is saying, cool, I'm literally talking about a bullshit neglect report from a specifically vindictive person that is quite literally the opposite of truth. I am not talking about anything else at all. I'm not saying anything else in here. Talk to me in DMs. Oh, and no guns were ever discharged in this home. I don't even own a .22. I haven't fired any of my guns since moving from my other home to here, been about five years, and all of them were locked. Handguns in a safe AR had to lock through the receiver. 1:31:27 Unknown_02: So legal mindset pointed out that these are all evidentiary statements of fact, which means that they can be used to impeach him in court. Like, for instance, Rakeda says that he doesn't own a 22, but I'm pretty sure that the round was actually a 22-3, which is completely different, I was informed. 1:32:09 Unknown_02: I had assumed it was a .22LR, but it's a .22-3, which is the other kind of round that an AR that can fire a 5.56 can fire. It can also fire a .22-3, if I'm correct. Unknown_02: So him saying that he doesn't own a .22, but that's not what his possession was, I'm pretty sure that he has a Sig Sauer AR platform, which can fire a 5.56 and a .22-3. Unknown_02: It's been a while since I did any gun studies, but I'm pretty sure that's what I'm talking about. Unknown_02: So when he says that I don't have a .22, that's besides the point. Nobody's saying that you have a .22. They're saying that you have spent .223 rounds, which can be fired from your 6-hour, 5.56 AR platform. Hopefully I nailed that, because I think what I just said makes sense, but I don't know. Everyone always gets mad at me. So... 1:32:54 Unknown_02: He also says that he never fired this gun, and that's also impeachable because there are streams of him saying to people on his stream that he did use his AR to put down wild animals. He was talking about killing a bunch of raccoons and stuff on his property. So he's saying, I don't own a .22. Well, you weren't being charged with that. And he says, I've never fired this gun. Well, you've said on stream that you were killing animals with it. 1:33:29 Unknown_02: So that's wrong. You're lying. That's going to complicate your defense and your defense is very and the defense in this particular instance is extremely important because the gun charge is the minimum three years charge. Like if he gets convicted on that, it's a minimum three year sentence. Like it's bad. Unknown_02: He also says, My dad was helping with the driving the other day for our kids' education and extracurricular activities. He tallied it up 80 miles a day on average. I don't care three what people think about almost anything. The kid shit is bullshit. I am pretty sure I know who reported that, and they have specific animus towards me. The first activity I missed for my kids was the day I was in jail. 1:34:02 Unknown_02: I also think that... This thing, he's saying that he never DUI'd because his father was helping him drive around. I think there was another string that someone had clipped that specifically debunked that claim, which is also bad because this is going to be used against him in court. Unknown_02: And then what's really weird is that this claim... 1:34:38 Unknown_02: that the person who reported them had animus against them. Four people, four people had reported, I think three reported to the pastor, and one had reported in addition to the pastor to the police department their concerns. So you had three members of congregation that dealt directly with Rakeda and his kids reporting that he did, and this is exactly what I said on stream that my prediction was, is that someone in the congregation had saw him DUI and reported this to the pastor, their concerns, and that's exactly what happened. One of the preschool teachers said that, I saw him drop off his kids while completely shit-faced, and what the fuck? And then the other person from outside his congregation who reported him was Kayla's sister, his stepsister, and the aunt, the maternal aunt of his children, reported to the police her concerns um about the welfare of the children which is like i mean you can say that like maybe one person in the church maybe the pastor himself had animus are you saying that kayla's sister hates you and is out to get you in addition to the evil people from the church okay buddy 1:35:56 Unknown_02: He says, shockingly not pulled over, no cited for DUI ever, never even questioned for DUI ever. Anyway, whatever issue exists for me, and I'm not admitting to shit during my case, obviously, I figured a friend of mine would maybe realize that a friend of mine. That's what he did. He pulls this shit with me, too, before the shower call and during the shower thing. Sorry, shower text. It wasn't a call. He was like, I just thought maybe a friend of mine would want to know, like, hey, the hedonism stuff ain't true. Drexel never did nothing wrong. He a good boy. I just thought, you know, people on the Internet can say what they want to say. I just thought that maybe a friend would want to know. 1:36:33 Unknown_02: I'm looking at the evidence. The evidence is very self-explanatory to me. Unknown_02: And he's talking about this with legal mindset. Unknown_02: I just thought that a friend of mine would maybe realize that my children have never been neglected or in danger. But I guess that small courtesy is too much. Like, yeah, when their police report is pretty fucking concrete. He says, no, you fucking idiot. No one sees me drive. I know it's hard to see someone when they're driving 88 miles per hour for hours after a bender. Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you referring to a speeding ticket? Do you know what track marks are? Retard. I've never done an IV drug in my life. You're doing cocaine at 8 a.m. with your kids watching cartoons in the living room, says somebody. 1:37:11 Unknown_02: The yellow is somebody else. That's not Rakeda. He says, what the fuck are you talking about? 8 a.m., homie, I'm usually driving home at 8 a.m. and about to go to sleep. So that's even worse because he's saying, I spent up all night and I'm driving home for some reason. I'm coming home from the M-Halt home and my kids are already awake and having to feed themselves. In the perfect situation, the six-year-old is in the shower taking his bath. The 16-year-old is breaking out the SpaghettiOs for everybody sitting at the table. And dad's driving home after a night-long bender and swinging party with the M-Holts, high on cocaine, driving 88 miles per hour or whatever. 1:37:45 Unknown_02: do you think my kids ever went hungry or neglected kill yourself and he says i don't know what to believe you've become a junkie and they're not the most honest people out there and he says i've been on the stream with you where you were too intoxicated to read super chats for hours i never thought your kids went hungry he says i stopped that because it was getting bad you need to admit that you have a problem become a junkie wow okay thanks flash which is the guy that was censored so for whatever reason they didn't censor the name even though he's talking um 1:38:31 Unknown_02: So he's outright denying it, even though there are, like, at this point, all the police reports and all four members of the congregation and his own stepsister had concerns about neglect. Unknown_02: And his whole thing is, like, if you think I abused my kids or whatever or neglected them, you should just die. And he's banning anybody in locals talking about this, by the way. Unknown_17: I think that... Unknown_17: This is the appropriate time. Unknown_02: Let me skim through this. Oh, no, I'll get to that. Okay. Unknown_02: So one of the things that happened between last stream and this stream is that Rakeda posted bail. To be clear, Kayla and Rakeda, Nick Rakeda, We're out. They were out on personal reconnaissance, which means that they said on a promise, we're going to obey the rules of the court. We're not going to pay money. We're just going to walk out. We promise to come back and do everything right. And part of this means that they have to do P tests and stuff. 1:39:15 Unknown_02: They have a parole officer, I'm pretty sure, that makes sure that they're clean and staying clean and can randomly visit their house and inspect it and stuff. Unknown_02: The other offer, and I explained this during the hearing, and a lot of people got mad at me and said that I was wrong because it was clunkily worded, but... 1:39:55 Unknown_02: He was offered either conditional bond on recognizance only, as in you go out for free, but you also do these programs. Unknown_02: Or unconditional bond for $50,000. So it's an either-or thing. There were a couple conditions, I think, not drinking applied to both. Not drinking and remaining lawful was like a condition of bond for both. But if you did the $50,000, you don't have to do the pee testing, mainly. That's the big one. um ricada posted bond for himself the fifty thousand dollars so kayla has to be clean is subject to piss test is subject to random search um nick is not because he paid fifty thousand dollars for it which is interesting 1:40:44 Unknown_02: So it indicates to me that Rakeda does not intend to stay sober during the months before his trial, but he, for whatever reason, doesn't want to do that for his wife as well. Either she on her own is like, yeah, you know what? I do need to get clean. I don't mind. I'll stay sober. There was also a question of if Rakeda had gotten a bail bond. And in case you don't know how this works in the U.S., Unknown_02: When they set bond, it's usually a very high amount. It's like $50,000, right? Well, you're expected to pay $50,000, but what happens is, is that you don't pay, you don't lose all of that. So what you do is you go to a bail bondsman and you usually have to put up 10%. It's usually 10% upfront. So in this case, $5,000. 1:41:29 Unknown_02: And if you don't violate the terms of your bond before your case is over... Unknown_02: you get that money back minus the 10%. Unknown_02: So the 10% you put down as your premium is the money that you don't get back, but the remaining 90% you do get back. So what most people do is they go to a bail bondsman and they put something up as collateral, like a typical loan or reverse loan or reverse mortgage. So you can say, I have a car that's worth $50,000 and 1:42:02 Unknown_02: Um, I will give you as collateral, my car, if you give me the $50,000 and then that's how you, you post bond. And then you only lose 10% of that to the court fees. So he did get a bondsman. He put something up as collateral to get $50,000 and now he's out. Um, and he only had to pay $5,000 for the privilege. Unknown_02: But if something happens, if he gets drunk on stream, if he violates the terms of his bond, if he gets arrested for any other reason that violates his terms, then he's out the full amount. So they'll take his car, basically. If they don't pay him back, the bondsman will have the ability to repo his vehicle. So that's how the system works. So how does Nick not have $50,000? 1:42:40 Unknown_02: It's either that he didn't want to pay $50,000 up front or he just doesn't have it. So who knows? Unknown_02: The wife was collateral. Unknown_02: All this talk about bail bondsmen, by the way, reminds me of this song, since I've been playing a lot of music this stream here. Unknown_02: If anyone can guess what song I'm about to play before I play it, you get cookie points. 1:43:17 Unknown_17: I can't feel nothing at all. Unknown_09: This is called Repo, the Genetic Opera. Unknown_02: I've never seen this, but I have heard this song a million times. And it's a movie about a society where everybody is really addicted to something called Zydrate. Unknown_02: And they take out loans to buy Zydrate. And as collateral, they offer up their organs. So the repo man will literally repossess somebody's eyeballs if they don't pay their Zydrate loan back. And I really like this song. It's just called Zydrate Anatomy. 1:43:52 Unknown_02: Anyways, that has nothing to do with Ricada. Let's continue. Unknown_02: So the county of Ohio County had announced or had replied to a couple emails inquiring about the body cam footage that in order to acquire the body cam footage related to the search warrant executed on Ricada's property, they would need $3,000 at least, estimating it would take 50 hours at $60 an hour to get the footage. 1:44:31 Unknown_02: So, um, I started up a crowdfunding campaign and within three hours, um, it was, it met its goal. I put the goal at $6,000 because what we received as a, as an estimate was purely an estimate. Unknown_02: And, um, there might be additional time or additional fees associated that we can't expect. And I also wanted to have a Unknown_02: Here's the catch. Minnesota is one of the few states in the country that does not have general public access to body cam footage. There is privacy laws that protect people. 1:45:07 Unknown_02: There is not privacy laws protecting houses. So we already know what Ricada looks like. We already know what Kayla looks like. We don't need body cam footage of the kids. We already know what these people look like. What we want to know, what I want to know at least, is what the house looked like. So we're going to try and get the county to surrender the footage that they want to go through. And apparently they do this in Minnesota. They'll go through and censor out all the people. They might garble the text or whatever. They might black stuff out. I just want to see the state of the condition that house is in. And that's why we're going for the footage. 1:45:41 Unknown_02: Um, Unknown_02: However, the county has been very obstinate. I think that what's happening is that Ricada is freaking the fuck out and threatening the courthouse and trying to get the county to not release the body cam footage. And then meanwhile, my attorney, who is licensed in Minnesota, is trying to pressure them as much as possible into releasing the footage because the public has an interest in the footage. 1:46:14 Unknown_02: And it's going nowhere right now, but we'll continue to press it. And as I mentioned in the fundraiser, for whatever reason, we don't get it and we don't have to pay this fee. Unknown_02: The money will just be donated to a charity. If there's money left over, it'll be donated to a charity in Minnesota. Unknown_02: So if nothing happens, I'll donate the money to something. But we're going to press them. Unknown_02: And if Ricada takes this to trial, it'll eventually become public evidence anyways. However... Unknown_02: There is another interesting technicality. Like maybe the county will deny us eventually or whatever. There is another way that we can get the footage and force them to release the footage. 1:46:50 Unknown_02: If one of the people directly related to the search consents to the footage being released, they don't have a choice. Unknown_02: Only the people who consent will be unblurred, from what I understand based on Minnesota case law, but they'll still release the footage. Unknown_02: So that means any of the police officers, which is not likely because they'll probably get in trouble if they consent, or April. I have no idea how to get a hold of April. I have tried sending her a text message. I've tried contacting her on Twitter. Nobody knows where she's gone. Aaron Emholt can't contact her. I'm making an offer right now. $1,000 cash money. All you got to do is consent to the footage being released. $1,000 in cash. 1:47:27 Unknown_02: It's completely legal. We checked to make sure it's completely legal for me to offer her money. And it's completely legal for her to take money. Unknown_02: in exchange for her consent to having the footage released. $1,000. That is my offer for the permission. There is another person, by the way, who could potentially consent to the footage being released. His name is Nick Riccata. Nicholas Rakeda could himself consent to the footage being released, which would be an extremely smart maneuver. I right now am getting like thousands and thousands of likes and hundreds of followers just tweeting about Rakeda and spearheading this shit to try and fuck with him. And he could steal the thunder from that completely out from under my wings by simply doing what I am trying to force by consenting to himself. He could consent right now. to having this footage released, and we'd probably get it in a couple weeks tops. 1:48:40 Unknown_02: However, he won't. If he was innocent, he's alleging that this was a grand conspiracy, the police were out to get him, that his stepsister was out to get him, the pastor was out to get him, it's all bad blood, there was nothing wrong with the house, they were all clean, they were all tidy, it's all fake. Fucking prove it. All you have to do is contact Hardin and say, I will sign a consent waiver to have this footage released, and we'll have it in a couple weeks, and you would be completely and totally cleared. It would not complicate the trial. This is already in evidence. It's not new evidence. It being public doesn't make things harder for you. You don't have to fight it. Um, there's literally, if this is exonerating footage of the state of the house, there is literally no reason that this should not be consented to. It would fuck me over. It would fuck my plans to have fun and cause drama over. Um, and it would satiate everybody's curiosity. The children would still be censored. The children, like, even if they sent it to me uncensored, I would, I promise you pinky promise that I would censor all the kids out. I'd blur them out. Um, the only people who wouldn't be censored would be the people who consented to that footage release, which in this case would be Rakeda and the state of the house would be uncensored as well. Cause that's not privacy. There's literally no reason why Rakeda based on his statements should not want to consent to this, but he won't. And we know why he won't. 1:49:49 Unknown_02: I've challenged him on Twitter publicly. I said, do it. Just do it. You know that I'm right. If your house was in the state that you said it was, there's zero reason to try and obfuscate the footage. But I know I have a really strong feeling. that he is actively working to undermine this process, actively working against us, which is why the easiest way that we could get the footage is April. If April consents, it's fucking Jover, which is why I'm willing to compensate her for her signature, basically. That's it. It's just her signature. 1:50:23 Unknown_02: I'm putting that out there. Unknown_02: The other thing that we're doing for fun is that... Unknown_02: From what I understand in Minnesota, after you're arrested, you are then charged. You're arraigned or indicted. Your charges are read to you. You're read your rights. 1:51:02 Unknown_02: You're told what the potential maximum sentence is for your charges so that you understand the severity of what you're up against. You're entered into the process, and then you're postponed. The next step is called an omnibus hearing, generally speaking. And this is something that varies state to state and by jurisdiction. But in Minnesota, quite a bit of stuff happens at the omnibus hearing after the first appearance. And in this case, Rakeda's omnibus for, I think, both him and Kayla are in... 1:51:39 Unknown_02: Because they're co-defendants and they're defending themselves. I think they're doing this together, despite the ethical quandaries of this. They're slated to have their omnibus hearing together in the end of August. Unknown_02: So generally speaking, in Minnesota, because they're weird and they have these strong privacy rights for court proceedings... Those are also generally not open or not televised, and you have to attend in person. And the judge presiding over the case seems to enjoy making people attend in person. However, there is precedent and there are motions that can be filed by interveners, which is a non-party to the case, to open them up to the public. And among the eight codified prongs required to get a proceeding televised, one of them is public interest and the facility's ability to actually physically handle the number of people who want to appear. So right now, I think we have about 2,500 people who have signed this petition. 2,000. 1:52:21 Unknown_02: So it's getting up to 2,500. If you want to sign this, go for it. I'm probably going to... Sometime soon, we're going to be turning this into a list of people who signed this petition. I might also include some of the comments that are left behind. Shout out... Oh, they deleted it. Unknown_02: There was a video that someone had made, and it was just a guy in his car saying, I can fix her, and that was it. Anyways, so the Change.org position, all this is is that we're going to put together a list and say, look, there are 2,000 people from all over the country and the world who want to attend this hearing, and they literally can't. It's impractical for them to attend. And if they were to physically make the effort No, petitions do not achieve anything. This petition is an adjoinder to a legal motion. There will be a motion filed by a Minnesota attorney into the court system. So we're not doing the change.org petition and crying and at Kandiyohi County Court on Twitter. We're doing a petition to supplement a motion that is filed in the court by an actual attorney, which is why it will work. 1:53:55 Unknown_02: The other thing that we're doing in addition to this, my point prior was that the courthouse literally cannot physically accommodate 2,000 plus people. The fire marshal won't allow it. Therefore, the most expedient way to resolve this issue is to allow it to be televised. Unknown_02: Then, in addition to this... Unknown_02: What we're doing, and we already have two of these, is I'm asking different attorneys to volunteer a notarized affidavit in support of the motion, indicating that they have a genuine and general public interest in attending the hearing, an inability to attend the hearing, and a legal scholarly interest in some cases in attending the hearing. And so far we have two of those. We have a notarized affidavit from a licensed attorney in Arkansas and legal mindset, legal mindset, legal mindset actually went out of his way, signed an affidavit. He didn't just sign an affidavit. He actually modified our template that Hardin had written up and improved it and made it to his taste and what he wanted to say to the court. And then went out and actually got it notarized in front of a notary and submitted this to us. So so far, it's the Arkansas guy who is just some guy and legal mindset. But we have a couple other offers as well. I think about 10 in total, including one guy who's like a weirdo who's like only licensed with like the the the Crow Croy tribe. 1:55:15 Unknown_02: But we'll throw him in because it's DEI. He's a Native American. They're in the Kandiyohi County. I mean, that's not a white name. That's stolen Native land. So if a Native American tribal attorney wants to represent his interests, goddammit, he has a right to do so. Unknown_02: Oh, Sean as well. He's already agreed. He already has his affidavit. He just has to go out and get it notarized at some point. 1:55:47 Unknown_02: So we're going to submit all 10 of those attorney affidavits as well as a copy of all the signatures. I'm going to go through and I'm going to take out all the offensive names and stuff and leave in maybe a couple of the comments as well and say, like, here's 2,000 people. They don't want to attend. They can't. And here are 10 attorneys who swear under penalty of perjury as a supplemental affidavit that they have an interest in doing so. As far as Ricada's ability to close the proceedings... 1:56:18 Unknown_02: Not a fucking chance. In fact, somebody brought up that this clip existed... Unknown_02: And we're going to submit this as well because we've actually reached out to Rakeda and asked if he would consent to the motion to televise the hearing. He didn't reply. So we can't really say if Rakeda wants it televised or not, but we did find this clip. I asked Alyssa Clips to go and find this for me, and she did very quickly. So I'll just let Rakeda speak on this. I think he sums it up pretty nicely. 1:56:53 Unknown_10: One of the reasons that video is critical and should be in every single courtroom in every single case. Unknown_10: Video and transparency of the courts is something I'm pretty passionate about. One, because I'm self-interested in making money off of them. Two... Unknown_10: Two, because it protects the people from judicial abuse or abuse by the state. And three, because it protects the citizenry from lies by people about the abuse of the state. One of the reasons that video is. But by the way, what an excellent point. 1:57:25 Unknown_02: And in this case, Ricada is alleging abuse by the state. His representative Barnes on Twitter said, is saying that this is an unconstitutional search warrant, that this was done by the government because he's a nuisance to them and he says things that they don't like. This was spurred on by unreliable witness testimony. So this is clearly a defense case hinging on certain constitutional matters where the process was being used as the punishment. And as Ricada says, it's very important that these proceedings be televised so that the state must be restrained in their overreach. They must be aware of what they're doing. So I think Ricada makes a great case here that this is a prime example of a proceeding that should be televised. And he hasn't said anything to the contrary, so I think we'll probably win that handedly. Though, I mean, obviously the one thing that... 1:58:00 Unknown_02: Is more iffy. Is the body cam footage. Which Rakeda could consent to. At any time he please. All he has to do. Snap his finger. I can show you the consent form even. Unknown_02: It's very short. It's literally like a third of a page. It's like one page. And two thirds of it is the receiving officer. And the other one third. Is like the signature. And like a check box. Um, so it's a very, very, very short form of take literally a second to sign this and, uh, and send it in. Um, which of course we're open to, and he doesn't have to pay the body cam footage. Uh, we got the money for that. So it would literally just be his signature and everything else is paid for and squared away and ready to go. Uh, and if April wants to do that, we would be willing to pay her a thousand dollars for her one, one signature, one teeny tiny. 1:59:21 Unknown_02: Oh, Unknown_02: That's it. By the way, in regards to this, you might have noticed there's a familiar face. Unknown_10: Self-interested. Unknown_02: Because Rakeda was in the presence of Sean when he said this, Sean gets to write in his affidavit a little note that Rakeda personally told him that he believes all proceedings should be televised. So that's going to get to be entered into court as a signed notarized affidavit that potentially criminal Sean was literally there being told that Rakeda wants this. 2:00:00 Unknown_02: Fun times. Unknown_15: Return the body cam footage or suffer my curse. Unknown_17: All right. That's it. Baldo Hamster. Unknown_04: Thanos Stamp. Unknown_04: I think that's it. Unknown_04: There is... Unknown_02: Oh, you know what? I think I'm going to take a little bathroom break. But I just so happen to have some quality content lined up to entertain you all while I go do this. 2:00:30 Unknown_17: Be right back. Unknown_04: Assistant Public Defender Natalie Tate for Mr. Harris, who should be present in Zoom. Unknown_07: Mr. Harris, are you driving? Unknown_07: Actually, I'm pulling into my doctor's office, actually. So just give me one second. I'm parking right now. 2:01:15 Unknown_08: You stationary? Unknown_08: I'm pulling in right now at this second. Unknown_07: Yes, I am. All right. Unknown_08: What are we doing? Unknown_12: Your Honor, we are respectfully requesting an adjournment in this matter up possibly to the four weeks that the court would allow. Unknown_08: So maybe I don't understand something. Unknown_08: This is a driver with a license suspended? Unknown_12: That is correct, Your Honor. Unknown_08: And he was just driving and he didn't have a license. 2:01:50 Unknown_08: Oh, yeah. Unknown_12: As with the charges, Your Honor, yes. Unknown_08: No, I'm looking at his record. He doesn't have a license. He's suspended and he's just driving. Unknown_12: That is correct, Your Honor. Unknown_08: I don't even know why he would do that. So defendant's bond is revoked in this matter. Defendant is turning himself into the Washtenaw County Jail by 6 p.m. today. Failure to turn himself in will result in a bench warrant with no bond. 2:02:21 Unknown_04: What's really funny about this, by the way, is that he didn't do anything wrong. Unknown_02: I mean, driving while on a suspended license is wrong. But the reason why his license was suspended was for non-payment. He lives in Detroit, so he went down to the DMV. Now imagine you're DMV, and you're probably thinking of Shaniqua behind the counter going, She got her weave, she got her hair did, she got her nails did, she got her acrylics on and shit. And then you hand her your paperwork and it gets filed off, right? And it's already slow and shitty and you're having a bad day. Imagine the DMV of Detroit. You're talking about Omega Shaniqua, a level 99 Shaniqua, the most hair did, the most nails done, the biggest acrylics in. And then he hands her his paperwork and says, okay, follow this in. Here's your check. Here's the paperwork. Make sure you get this in. And she's like, don't tell me how to do my job, boy. I'll get it done. Don't worry about that. And then she doesn't do that. He did literally go to the DMV, turn in his paperwork, pay the license fee. It doesn't get filed correctly. His license gets suspended. He gets caught driving without a license because Chaniqua fucked up at the DMV. And then because he's, like, a guy that has, like, shit to do and doctor appointments to go to, he gets – he accidentally fucks up because he just – he knows he didn't do anything wrong with his car. So he just, like, is indignant about it and still driving and getting shit done. And he's just like, okay, fuck it. I'll call him to my Zoom meeting or whatever and take care of this bullshit suspended license thing. And it just so happens that he forgets he's not supposed to be driving. I kind of feel bad for him. 2:04:11 Unknown_02: I know it's, like, the most, like, Bix nude shit on the planet for a black guy to show up to a suspended license hearing while driving a car. Unknown_02: But, you know, he got done dirty. He got done dirty by Shaniqua at the DMV. Unknown_17: Lord have mercy. Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_02: He got none dirtier than Rakeda. I'll say that. Unknown_02: Okay, I will not play this 25 minute long video, but I will suggest it. This is a video that's on the front page of the Kiwi Farms right now. It's by a guy called Regian. It has 27,000 views, but it's been up for a month. This video is awesome. This guy is like a teenager. He's Italian and he has like autism or something. He decided randomly that he wants to become one of the most highest karma Redditors on the site. So he like starts doing statistics about when posts receive the most amount of attention. 2:04:48 Unknown_02: And then he messages one of the higher up Reddit users who already have like millions of karma. And he asked, like, what do you do to get millions of karma? And he says, my boy, I will like he messages one of the highest, like highest karma users on the site and says, what do you do for karma? He literally tells him. My boy, I go to Instagram and I steal popular things from Instagram and I repost them. And he goes, aha, I will do this as well. So he posts like 160 times a day in what he calls batches. Because there are three one-hour blocks where the post received the most amount of attention compared to the average. And he just posts 30 times over one hour, three times a day, every day for months. Until he has, like, 36 million karma in total over a couple of years. 2:06:03 Unknown_02: And people start copying. Like, he's just very flippant about this. Like, yeah, I just steal shit. Unknown_02: And I post it to Reddit. And I get millions of upvotes. And in total, by the way, his account had something like $80,000 worth of, like, Reddit gold. Like, he had received... Unknown_02: He had made Reddit $80,000 over years just by reposting stolen shit from Instagram and Imgur back onto Reddit. And at the end of it, he gets really competitive with other people who are catching up to him because they're spending even more time doing this and posting hundreds of times more in those one-hour blocks than he is. And it becomes really obvious that he's at content farming. And they all get banned. So Reddit just sweeps them up and says content manipulation or some shit. But if you want to know how easy it is to mass market shit on Reddit and just completely fuck up the system and dictate what tens of millions of people are going to see, it's literally so easy that an Italian 13-year-old 2:06:47 Unknown_02: can crack the code, out-compete a bunch of sweatshop content farms in India, get 36 million upvotes, become the third most upvoted user on Reddit, and completely just wipe his dick all over the face of this publicly traded multi-million dollar corporation. 2:07:30 Unknown_02: That's how easy it is to manipulate platforms. And by the way, because he was such a high profile user, he was like invited to all the super secret discords with like the most power users and most power mods. And he said they were all like super mentally ill basement dwelling American retards. like he says like i had no idea who donald trump is i just know that redditors hate him so i just posted shit about him that people would upvote constantly and he says like in their little discords they're just crying about trump fucking constantly and they're just the most pathetic people he's ever this kid is fucking based by the way he will he will be a uh a giga chud when he's a when he's older when he's graduated he will curse the world with his autism and it will be awesome I really enjoyed this video, so I would highly recommend it. This will count as your Reddit segment. This whole account of it, he doesn't use his real voice because he's probably a squeaker, but he just goes through and posts clips of all the fucking retards that are in the Reddit discords and how pathetic and insular their communities are. 2:08:19 Unknown_02: It's awesome. Unknown_02: He kind of reminds me of that kid that randomly decided that he would just start contributing to the Scottish Wikipedia and Scottish Gaelic. And he was just making shit up. He was just writing in a fake Scottish accent. And it's estimated that his millions of contributions over years as a shitty teenager to the Scottish Wikipedia did more damage to the Scottish Gaelic language than any other event in human history. He just single-handedly completely destroyed a cultural identity. It's really awesome. It's really, really cool. I love it when little spurglets dedicate their autism to destroying these prestigious institutions just because they're bored. 2:08:55 Unknown_02: Little hell raisers bring the tear to my eye. Reminds me of myself when I was younger. Unknown_17: Cool. Unknown_17: All right. 2:09:36 Unknown_02: You know what? I want pizza. Places are still open. We're going to do some soup berries. We're going to call it a day. We're all going to have a great weekend. That's our plan in chat. Let's get those out. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_02: There is no boss of intent. I think he got unbanned from steak and he's losing it all again. I'll let you know when some good stuff happens. 2:10:08 Unknown_02: Ace of Speds for 10 says, if the Catholic Church wants a saint of the internet, there can be only one, St. Terry. That's true. I don't know. I mean, obviously that's a joke, but you can't really deify Terry because he said a lot of blasphemous stuff as his schizophrenia got worse. Unknown_02: When people talk about Terry, they have to speak with a little bit of rosy retrospection and kind of omit the last months of his life where he was really manipulated by the G, like Discord circle jerks. Unknown_02: doing your mom 298845 says the current state of British comedy and then there is a file but today is a bad day oh it's a 2:10:51 Unknown_02: Let's see. Unknown_02: They say whatever. They like edgy comedians. Nobody tell them what they can and can't say. They will walk on stage on top of their special sometimes and do 10 solid minutes just slagging off transgender people. Unknown_02: Oh, I have to read this in a British way. Straight out the gate, just making fun of transgender people. If people on the internet get upset about it, the comedian is always like, Bad look, that's me job. I'm a stand-up comedian. I'm meant to challenge people. If you don't like being challenged, don't watch me shows. What's the matter guys? Too challenging for you. Oh, yeah, because you know who's been long overdue for a challenge? The trans community. They've had their guard down for too long, if you ask me. They've always been checking their privilege on the way back home, thanks to you, you brave little cis boy. 2:11:23 Unknown_02: Imagine even British comedy or leftist comedy is too long, didn't read. They're stand-up routines. Unknown_02: Tragic. Imagine being fucking British. Anime sucks. What? 2:11:57 Unknown_02: Anime cucks Coke and Speed. That's a new one. For fire. It says pizza day. And then there is a link to the 4chan automotive board. Which I carefully open. Unknown_02: It is a... I kind of want to read the replies to this. Hold on. Unknown_02: Okay. There is a SUV plowing into a pizza that has green bell pepper. It does look pretty tasty though. Unfortunately, it's exploding into smaller pizzas. So this is like a slice of pizza. Why is there like, what did you prompt to get like mountains and like wind turbines? That's strange. It sounds like high tech. 2:12:29 Unknown_02: Not sure why this image is so satisfying. A car crashing into pizza and is deforming and shattering into smaller, whole pizzas. The fact that all the debris were whole pizzas brought a smile to my face. This could be the cover of one of those absurdist kids books like Day in the Slice or something. Unknown_02: There's another one. Unknown_02: Oh my god. It's a Chrysler Crossfire. This person knows too much about me and is... 2:13:02 Unknown_02: subliminally blasting, and he's driving into the wrong, oh my god, this is a disaster. This is a true disaster. Unknown_02: 4chan is truly a vile and depraved place. Unknown_17: Thank you. Unknown_17: There's something I was going to say, but I lost it. Something about pizza and Chryslers threw me off. Unknown_02: Jack Ram says, I'm on I-95 right now. Have you had any experiences here? Let me refresh my memory. 2:13:35 Unknown_04: Search. Unknown_04: Is I-95 the one that goes up and down through the east side of Florida from the Keys up to D.C.? Unknown_17: Yes, it is. It is exactly that. Unknown_02: I want to say no. I don't think I've ever been on I-95. I know what it is because it's really famous. Because the thing is, I think maybe you end up on I-95 if you go from Pensacola down to Orlando or Universal Studios. 2:14:08 Unknown_02: If that's the case, I think I-95 on that stretch is really a clean drive. Because I've been there a couple times, and I've gone on a cruise that was out of Miami. I could be making shit up, though. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it goes down to Miami that way. Unknown_02: Yeah, I-95 is what we're talking about. Yeah, I think the part of the road that I've been on is from Tallahassee down to Miami, just because you cut across from Pensacola to Tallahassee, I'm pretty sure, and then go down I-95 to Miami to go to Disney World and shit. Unknown_02: But I'm pretty sure that that's like a decent. That part of the road is decent. 2:14:52 Unknown_02: At least when I drove it. Unknown_02: MillenniumZaku for one says, Hey Josh, tomorrow is the start of the most important month, Italian Heritage Month. Wow. This is Kefl's real prime time. Italian Heritage Month, which for some reason he never shuts the fuck up about. And Training Month. Crazy. Unknown_02: Wow. Unknown_02: Lacunae for two says, Ah, Bee Jams. Thank you. Unknown_02: Baldo Peggins for five says the brown substance found at Rikita's house isn't heroin. They would have found syringes. Calling it now, it was jankum. Rackets is a jankum fiend. He's fiending for that jankum. 2:15:23 Unknown_02: We have known many jankum fiends on this show. Unknown_02: Tice Andrews of Deagle Nation huffed the jank. Unknown_02: Truly disgusting. Truly tragic for that family. That would explain why their house is so dirty. Tetra Bax for 10 says the best way to fix depression is to make the good people around you happy and they will sometimes do the same for you. Unknown_02: Um, I mean, that's not usually, it's not like a trade. If you just, if you're like such a glowing ray of light that you're making other people happy, you're probably also doing pretty well, but that's not always true. 2:16:02 Unknown_02: Bunker housing for five says, can we get a repeat on how to see difference between Ukrainian and Russian texts? Okay. I can actually, there is a feature of the Ukrainian alphabet, not found in the Russian alphabet. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_02: It's very easy. If you see this, you know for sure it's Ukrainian. Unknown_02: It is this I. Actually, it's the letter I. It's this one over here without the dots, and then this one with the dots. Russian does not have this I with the dots or without the dots. If you see this, you know for sure it is 100% not Russian and probably Ukrainian, because I think that's the most common Slavic language that has the Cyrillic alphabet and also the I. 2:16:47 Unknown_02: It's very similar to the backwards N. They make very similar sounds. I think it's such an indistinct difference that it's basically dialectic, which is why people say that Ukrainians are just Russians with an accent. I'm just letting you know. That's the main feature of the alphabet. That's not Russian. Unknown_04: Um... Unknown_04: Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Masturbator. Unknown_02: Number five says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor. 2:17:21 Unknown_02: If you go on Dick's show, can you tell him that Yik is the worst game ever and Andrew is a hack with a tiny penis? Thank you in advance. Unknown_02: Isn't Yik that game that was like a grungy guy? Unknown_04: No, it's not. Unknown_04: Why is he dressed like some guy from Portland, Oregon? Unknown_02: Why is there a game about a guy from Portland, Oregon? That's weird. Unknown_02: Okay, you have my sword, Kurt. I will do this. Unknown_02: uh simuligan for two says josh the sector is boring you put too much time talking about it all of them all drum with them is 99 in them being fat gay and or drunken high daniel larson had a way more interesting arrest i mean his i talked about his arrest but my point was just that you know it's induced by a bunch of retards fucking with him recated wasn't forced to do coke daniel larson was basically tricked and gaslit into harassing federal buildings 2:18:27 Unknown_02: I have no interest in Daniel Larson. He's just, like, mentally ill and being tortured by a bunch of fucking, like, sociopaths on Discord. And I don't like to reward them with attention. Unknown_02: If I give them attention, then I'm complicit in it. Sorry, bro. I don't know, like, what you want me to do about it, like, and shit, man. Talking about that motherfucking liking shit, man. Unknown_02: I don't know if he gave us money. By the way, he has offered for me to come on his podcast. 2:19:10 Unknown_02: Um, which I'll probably accept, but we'll have to work out a time. I'm just going to have to warn him up front though. Like if you have me on as a guest, your thing, it'll be the most controversial guest you've ever put on. Uh, just like you will be fucking harassed for it by everybody. Unknown_02: Um, total gun victory for one says, Whoa. So this is the power of AI. And then there's a link to a, um, AI website, uh, Unknown_02: And it's a model. Oh, it's the Nick Ricada. Okay, so someone has done an AI model of Nick Ricada. 2:19:47 Unknown_02: So you can generate ceiling cat Nick Ricada. It's Nick Ricada in his room with a rat on his shoulder. There's a couple more ceiling cats. It's pretty good. Unknown_02: I guess this is him with brown brown on his nose. Unknown_02: This is him in jail with a black man. It's actually pretty good. It's even better than the Bossman Jack one. Oh, there's some covered in cocaine. Unknown_04: Cool. Isn't AI wonderful? 2:20:23 Unknown_04: Yeah. I mean, it doesn't really matter. None of this matters. Unknown_02: Good luck with that. The autistic trannies. I mean, don't let them be in charge, but let them work. Unknown_04: A alchemy for one says, I have one gear, go, epic winning, which is a reference to the Charlie Sheen song. 2:20:55 Unknown_02: That's quite good. Unknown_02: Just a famous but for one says, after being convicted, Trump is the first real black president in the United States. And he's not married to a man either. Isn't that wonderful? Unknown_02: The black community is on the up and up. Unknown_02: There are black people complaining about people saying, oh, you can't say that Trump is a felon as like a stigma. That's felon shaming. Unknown_02: StupidFuck45 says, Today I saw a video by TheQuartering, world famous for being beaten up to the point of hospitalization by a troon, where he complained about $20 Big Mac meals while shilling a $54 cereal. 2:21:28 Unknown_02: Listen, nigga gotta eat, okay? Unknown_02: TheKunai42 says, Old meme, then there is an imager link. Unknown_04: Oh boy. Unknown_04: And I think I warned you last time that imager links don't load because I use a VPN and imager blocks all VPNs. Unknown_02: So I can't look at this. Sorry. Unknown_02: Cool, cool. For farces, please read 7 to 11. They're each short ones. Okay. Unknown_02: This is the book of Enoch, chapter 9. 2:22:03 Unknown_02: And have discovered crimes to them. The women likewise have brought forth giants. Thus has the whole earth been filled with blood and with inequity. And now behold, the souls of those who are dead cry out and complain even to the gate of heaven. Thank you. Unknown_02: Danujo4 says, Civil War, nothing ever happens. Betting all my chips. Unknown_02: They said we're getting closer. I'm not saying that there's going to be outright like people lining up Gettysburg style. That's not going to happen. 2:22:36 Unknown_02: Sergeant Lizard Fist for two says, I wonder what kind of shitty war edits we'll get from the second Civil War. Shifty war edits. Unknown_02: We'll probably see crazy man-made horrors behind your comprehension. Unkind Naysayer for two says, the military is stacked with DEI retards and gender blob traitors, both of which would gladly kill their neighbors with no regards for collateral. They also purge anyone who might refuse these orders. Correct. Unknown_02: Which is why it will be extra fun. Unknown_02: Third World Aristocrat for one says, I live in a shithole country that's in its sixth constitution in 100 years. Gotta say, USA is at a prospering grounds for some retarded political movement trying to raise a new constitution. That's bad. 2:23:14 Unknown_17: Six constitutions in 100 years. Unknown_17: My instinct is to say France. Unknown_02: But I know France is on its fifth constitution since the Napoleonic era. Unknown_02: The only one I can think of is Poland. Unknown_02: Because I think Poland has had several constitutions in the last 100 years. It must be Poland. This is Italy? 2:23:45 Unknown_02: I want to know, what constitution is Italy on? Unknown_04: Someone says Italy, someone says Peru. Unknown_02: The constitution of Italy hasn't changed since the 1940s. Peru, what constitution is Peru on? Unknown_02: Peru's 5th in the 20th century. So, no? What constitution is Poland on? 2:24:16 Unknown_17: It's on the April constitution. Unknown_04: They don't even count this one. It just says the 1999 constitution. Unknown_17: Bulgaria? I don't know. Unknown_02: Dude, imagine having more than one constitution. Fucking cringe, bro. Unknown_02: I don't know. I don't think a person from Poland would call themselves a shithole, though. 2:24:51 Unknown_02: Argentina. Okay, one more. I'll try... What constitution is Argentina on? Unknown_04: Seventh. I have no idea. Unknown_04: Tell me what country you're from. Unknown_02: I can't tell. Brazil. Oh, he's saying Brazil. Okay, he's in chat saying Brazil. Unknown_02: I should have guessed Brazil. Brazil is a shithole. That would make sense. Sorry to hear that. StalkerShout from JoyPrison45 says, Do you think Rikada has primarily learned nothing due to his pride, the substances, or a combination? 2:25:29 Unknown_02: Both. Unknown_02: The drugs don't help with the ego. It's like his own personality. Unknown_02: David S 8 7 7 for 25 says, do you think the company that you used to for crowdfund will be able to expand more Norby things like super chats or are they going to get slapped down by payment companies? Um, old glory bank is interesting. Um, their, their, their customer service is very good and they're based out of Oklahoma. They're a small bank. Um, they're not rated too highly by financial institutions like by like their Weiss rating is pretty low. Um, but, um, they're definitely in like the, the finance, they're like a financial, uh, alternative to like rumble. If that makes sense. They're trying to do like the alt tech stuff, but for, for banking, um, 2:26:01 Unknown_02: They're trying to launch their own peer-to-peer payment thing, but that's only between bank members, so it's not really viable. I've tried to get them to consider FedNow because it skips the payment networks and stuff. Unknown_02: I mean, I wish them all the best because they've been good to me so far, but we'll see. 2:26:41 Unknown_02: Pashmina Hamham for two says, to add to your election bit, just look at Javier Millay. Soon my beautiful country will be full of black people from Haiti, Colombia, and Venezuela, just like it happened to Chile. Feels bad, bros. Unknown_02: Is Javier Millay trying to bring in black people? Why? I thought that Argentina was on the up and up. I know that's the whitest country in South America. I hope that there's no black people there. Unknown_02: Cole Cole for two says black Christians only come in two flavors. Please, dear Lord, help me steal this bike. Bless Joe Biden or kill the gay and the whores. They have no use. They eat the poo poo. I like the latter. I think those work out better. Well, holy hell for two says I hope you are having a good day, Joshua. My name is always also for the record. Fuck Wikipedia based and anti Wikipedia. 2:27:19 Unknown_17: Thank you. Unknown_02: TP Deluxe for two says rumor is Trump was handed a mysterious yellow medallion shortly before the virtual spread. Unknown_02: Mr. President, get down. That's a cursed medallion, Mr. President. Don't put it on. If only someone had warned him. It must have been Kushner that gave it to him. 2:27:52 Unknown_02: Novel Novelty for five says, just wanted to say thanks for the streams and the forum. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate it. M30WG1 for five says, do you know June is Men's Mental Health Awareness Month? Unknown_02: Well, here's your mental health newsflash, depressoid men. Just be happy, retard. Unknown_02: Now I do. Thank you. Unknown_02: Bunker Housing for five says, does BreadTube refer to the communist part of YouTube, or do they refer to people making a living on YouTube? 2:28:27 Unknown_02: It refers to people who are, like, communists on YouTube. Because the name comes from a really, really shitty meme where someone said to... Unknown_02: Bernie Sanders, you know, in communist countries, people had to line up for bread. And then Bernie goes, well, at least they had bread. And that was supposed to be like an epic clapback. Like at least they were getting what they, you know, they were getting food. But like the reality is that they didn't have any food, which is why they were in a bread line. So now all the socialists on YouTube call themselves bread tubers because they're retarded and faggots. 2:29:02 Unknown_04: Uh, Lucifero210 for once says, here's a video of Chibi's mom getting caught about him being a sex creep. Unknown_04: Okay. Unknown_04: I guess I'll play it. Unknown_04: Actually, my stream is just like flat out fucking dying. 2:29:39 Unknown_04: I'm not wrong about BreadTube. What are you talking about? Why are you lying? Unknown_04: Bish, why are you lying? Unknown_04: Okay, it's catching up. It's catching up now. Unknown_02: Dude, this is seven minutes long and you gave me a dollar. I'm not listening to this. Unknown_02: Sorry. I don't want to hear a crank call for seven minutes. Unknown_02: Patrick S. Tomlinson for two says, higher word count equals more trustworthy. Everybody knows that. That's true. That's very true. Tetra Bax for one says, Chippy is that guy who got told to shut up on a speedrun charity stream that is the most hilarious, cringe-tastic vid for being an autist. Also into underage girls and just being a weird online in real life. I kind of understood. I wasn't too far off what I said. 2:30:14 Unknown_02: Angel Lomit for five says, hey friends, happy Friday. Thank you. Appreciate it. Unknown_02: FedPostisMaximus45 says, The Germans are chanting Ausländer raus and you're saying it's Jover, buddy, we are so back. 2:30:51 Unknown_15: Das ist so verrückt. Unknown_02: You're right. You're right. Unknown_02: Listen, people chant that in the U.S. How's that working out for us? Not too fucking well. Unknown_02: Sergeant Wizard Fist for two says, didn't they spend half the money for Creator Clash on paying for multiple parties and hotels for a bunch of YouTubers and streamers who didn't even participate? Yes, they did. Unknown_02: They completely fucked up. Unknown_02: The president of Nintendo for five says the cure for depression is buying a dog. I recommend a poodle. The objective. 2:31:24 Unknown_02: Fuck you and your fucking poodles. The objectively best dog by every measurable standard depression. Kill yourself. Parentheses. Kiss your standard poodle. Unknown_02: The Nintendo guy is, like, autistic in, like, an endearing way. I don't know what the fuck his obsession is with poodles. They look so dumb. Arrested for five says, Kiwi Book Club recommendations, 18 months, a marriage lost to gender identity by Shannon Trace. It's a very well-written account of how a normal person was gradually destroyed by trans ideology. That is 18 months, a marriage lost to gender identity. 2:31:58 Unknown_02: A book to terrorize all TERFs with so that they never want to get married because they're afraid their husband might shroom out eight years into the relationship. Unknown_02: Lucifero210 for one says, Potato Woman threw massive amounts of dosh for parties and galas to get twitch fags like Hasan Piker and Curtis Conner to show up to her gay event. And Ian was there and guessed. Unknown_02: Yeah, I'm vaguely aware that she, like, did a bunch of stupid shit. Obviously. If you throw, like, a huge boxing event and you don't make fucking money, you fucked up. You fucked up. If you throw an event and it doesn't make any fucking money, you fucked up. You're not a business person. You're a retard. 2:32:34 Unknown_02: Angel Vomit45 says, I'm late and gay, but I appreciate your take on depression. Letting a feeling that everyone experienced ruin your life is so pathetic. It's true. Unknown_02: Like, a bunch of people complained about, like, what if you have, like, panic attacks and, like, trauma. It's like, if you have underlying causes, I guess you should treat those. But for most people who are just, like. cosmically depressed by like the world or whatever or their situation they just can't get the fuck over it if you've been like super mega raped I guess you need therapy or something I don't know I'm not an expert on super mega rape but for most people they're not super mega raped they're just fucking lazy the horse beater for one says thanks for horse beating content very cool and nice show you're welcome I'm glad that you enjoy me beating the dead horse I appreciate it 2:33:07 Unknown_02: Gormless Wonder, for once, is very kind of you to take that random commenter under your wing. That's how you cultivate fans for life. 2:33:42 Unknown_02: Well, I try my best. I don't know. It's very cute to me when someone wanders in and is like, hey, who's this guy? Why is he talking about Chris Chan? Unknown_02: Eugulus Sneed pretends as Josh. Have you ever seen this melanated individual exploding a home made of plastic recycler? And then there was a YouTube link. I'm going to say no, I have not seen this. Unknown_04: Can I turn this volume down? There we go. 2:34:14 Unknown_01: Why did I go through this explosion? It all starts with this right here. This is the distiller. The thing I use to turn my plastic crude oil, this dark liquid, into individual fractions of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, et cetera. My distiller was meant to be a vacuum distiller. That means that pressure is constantly being sucked from it. It operates under negative pressure. i however ran this distiller without putting the vacuum pump on those vapors started to build in the distillation chamber i went to open up the collection port to collect my gasoline out and that's when the pressure of all those vapors jetted out like you see here it was amped right at my feet complete state of recovery so i know exactly what i did wrong all i had to do was either put it my distiller under vacuum Or I could have just had any type of port that was open to the atmosphere. 2:35:12 Unknown_02: Our future petroleum engineers, ladies and gentlemen. Unknown_02: Truly the best, the dreamers of our generation. Unknown_02: Very cool, thank you. Unknown_02: Lucifero210 for one says, by the way, since I'm on, I'm thinking of it. Unknown_04: There is a... There is a channel that I'm never going to be able to find. Is this it? 2:35:52 Unknown_04: No, it's not. Unknown_04: There's a... There's like a hand gripper thing that I've seen. Unknown_17: Oh, dude, I don't know where I'm going to find this now. Unknown_02: No, I'll save this. I'll save this for a different day, for a rainy day trip. Unknown_02: Lucifer 210 for one says, Yeshua, a very traditional Catholic Mexican old lady told me that I care for really likes your show when I stream it to her on smart TV. Apparently retards on the internet are similar enough to retards on TV. 2:36:28 Unknown_02: Oh, because they like their soap operas and stuff. Yeah, I got you. It's weird, but I got you. Unknown_02: I'm happy to bring joy to everybody across the planet, I guess. Haramberger42 says, Aniza, get rid of that Rottweiler and put an exotic bully in your life. Smash and slam! Two ex-comrade puppies available in July. Name it incontinence after your husband, Ian. Good idea. I like that plan. I think that Aniza would be the type of person to buy an exotic XL Bully. 2:37:01 Unknown_02: The President in the hidden note for 5 says, Here's another dollar because I forgot to add Total Poodle Supremacy to my last Super Chat and it needs to be said TBH. Thank you, President. Unknown_17: I appreciate it. Unknown_02: I didn't talk about this at all because it's just like retard drama. Stardust is a woman who was on Cozy. She's like a Pakistani woman who lives in the U.S., I want to say. 2:37:44 Unknown_02: And, like, she went on his stream multiple times, and Ethan Ralph just tears her down and goes on this huge spurg out and says, How many men, how many men have you spread them pushy lips for, Stardust? Why don't you tell me? How many men have seen you spread them pussy lips before Stardust? And she like still comes on his show and like debases herself by allowing him to be in her presence after this and has like debates because she's like a little clout goblin herself. Unknown_02: And then I guess she decides to debate Juju. A very fascinating lineup. A Pakistani clout goblin who spread them pushy lips for millions of millions on the internet versus a man who dresses as a cow and gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow. 2:38:32 Unknown_02: Awesome. I didn't listen to it because I knew it would be shit. Unknown_02: The Horsebeater for one says, Words have power and one of the most powerful one is the N-word. It allows you to summon demons which possess every black person in your proximity. Very cool. It's true. If you ever say the N-word around black people, you'll see as they get immediately possessed. Unknown_02: Tetrabax for two says, The web tattoo is for being stuck in prison. I-I-R-C. Yeah, it was like a prison tattoo. Lucifero210 for one says, and these are getting killed by Mexican gangsters will be like the great arc and unrelated. And then there is a tweet. 2:39:16 Unknown_04: I don't know, bro. Unknown_04: There's a clip. No clips for a dollar. Come on now. Unknown_02: We'll never get through. People just submit like video reaction shit for like a dollar. Lucifero210 for one says, it was a butter snake, Josh. Unknown_02: What? I don't know what that means. This is like the second time I've seen Buttersnake, and I don't know what the fuck that means, okay? Gormless Wonder says, have you ever considered doing a guest circuit on Kiwi-friendly LawTube? A few of those guys said they'd be happy to talk to you. I think legal mindset was one. 2:39:48 Unknown_02: Okay, here's an Instagram post. Dan Bilzerian says, Israel is a parasitic organism living off America while providing us zero benefit. Unknown_02: We are funding their war crimes and they've compromised our government. And there's a picture of him getting his hair done. His beard looks great. Unknown_02: That barber looks a little bit Jewish. But you know what? Unknown_02: I agree. Thanks, Dan. 2:40:21 Unknown_02: That's right, because I'm Swedish or some shit. I remember this. Unknown_02: Oh, Jackie Singh is so fat and so retarded. I haven't checked on her in a while. I should check up on Jackie. I bet she's up to some shit. Unknown_02: Me too, buddy. I think that you did a good job at that. I think you could fillet one really well. That's how that one ended. 2:41:08 Unknown_02: Space Allen for 20 says, cheers. Cheers to you, too. Thank you. Appreciate it. Mara Q for 10 says, how is the American return coming along, neighbor Josh? And are you going to miss the walk ability of Euroland? Unknown_02: Oh, the walk ability? Yeah, a little bit, I think, depending on where I go. I'm not eager to, like, drop a bunch of cash on a fucking vehicle or whatever. I'm working on it. I would like to by July 4th, but I don't know if that's in the cards. Unknown_02: The Lion King for once is womp womp. The Lion King for once is thanks, St. Anthony. I just found my wallet. I don't know what that means. UnkindNaysayer42 says, sign my petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog. Listen, are you going to sign this petition or will it be one of those... 2:41:40 Unknown_02: Or will it be one of your surviving family members? And that is a Postal 2 reference, the video game. I don't know. I don't think that the retards fucked the Christian case up. I think that they didn't know what to do with him. I think they know exactly what to do with Rakeda. 2:42:17 Unknown_02: Tetra Max for 10 says, Black Court will never not be hilarious to me. It's true. It's pretty Jimmy, pretty Keno, as they say. Unknown_02: Bunker Housing for 5 says, Regarding the Sonichu Demon, I am sorry I have to be an adult here. There is no demon. There is only drugs and drug abuse. In one case of autism, Curse won't work on Dick because he is not a drug abuser. Unknown_02: Bro, he's like such a bad alcoholic that I think he had to have an intervention at one point. He is an abuser, for sure. And there is a Sonichu Demon. Unknown_02: Tetra backs for 50 says good stream. Have a good pizza day. Thank you. Appreciate it. I will see though for once as I found boss man's forum. And then there is state community.com, which I don't know if that's like an official community forum, the most active Bitcoin gaming. 2:42:50 Unknown_04: That's his info for a forum, the most active Bitcoin gambling forum. Unknown_02: And it's got 77,000 members. Unknown_02: And at most had apparently 86,000 people online two years ago. That's a lot. 2:43:23 Unknown_02: It is pretty active. Unknown_02: Oh, they count by last two hours. So they've had 200 users active in the last two hours. I see. Unknown_02: Cool. That's cool. A little steak-erino sesh for them. Unknown_02: CrispyLegs45 says, Happy Friday. Heart emoji. Thank you. I appreciate it. Unknown_02: Uh, happy Friday, two, two, two, a laughing hyena for versus, I think this is the base Italian autism video. 2:43:54 Unknown_04: Thanks. Unknown_04: Um, Unknown_04: No, it's not. Nice try. Unknown_04: Nice try. Unknown_02: You can't trick me. Unknown_02: I don't get autoplay on my clips. Durando for once is large dogs. Thank you. Sneedo for 10 says AI Fatrick is something else and then there is a Catbox file. 2:44:37 Unknown_02: That really is something special. Thank you for sharing. I should hang this in a museum. Unknown_02: Never not fishing for two says have a great weekend and enjoy your pizza. Thank you. Appreciate it. I will have a great weekend. Unknown_02: BobbyIsGod45 says, Well, my mom was arrested for resisting arrest. Here's what she does. In her case, she lied about someone being in her house or not being in her house that was in her house. So she was resisting arrest of somebody else. 2:45:13 Unknown_02: So that's one example of how you can get arrested for resisting arrest. If you are going to be detained for any probable cause and then not arrested, but you do resist arrest regardless, that's also arrest for resisting arrest. Unknown_02: ButtChugPeptoBismol for 10 says, Joosh, some websites use coin mining JavaScripts. Have you ever considered monetizing lurkers with a plugin like that? We already have, and we got blacklisted by every malware website in the world, and they don't work anymore. Wigger Wagner for 10 says, you're Kurt shielded before saying the Icy Hot video could have been a doppelganger. Refute this video of him inviting in-state minors to his house. Bro, I don't know anything about Kurt. 2:45:48 Unknown_02: When people say, like, you're ex-shielded, I just immediately assume that you're the biggest fucking retard on the planet. Unknown_14: Also, specifically, if you're under the age of 18... Unknown_14: My offer does not apply as it relates to if you have to travel from out of state. Unknown_14: Okay? Unknown_14: So if you're under the age of 18 and you have to travel from out of state, my offer does not apply. 2:46:28 Unknown_14: Why is he eating? Unknown_02: Why did you send me a picture of this fucking goblin? This shadow of Mordor orc eating and trying to craft an offer to invite people to his children to his home so that he doesn't get interstate trafficking charges. Why did you send this to me? I don't know what the fuck. Why do you think I am intricately involved in this guy's life? I know everything about him or that I care about him at all. But fuck you. Unknown_02: Uh, Snito for one says one small law here, but the States is that we can't import cars that are newer than 25 years old. They want to give us a boring American econoboxes. Uh, yeah. I mean the EPA and NHTSA and all that shit is specifically constructed so that, uh, foreign auto manufacturers can't compete in the domestic market. 2:47:01 Unknown_04: Uh, fed posting Maximus for one says Viz and feel the rooks. Unknown_04: You spelled Phil wrong, didn't you? Unknown_15: Not even numerals for 20 says, I'm not that clever, unfortunately. 2:47:43 Unknown_02: And I can't determine the genders of all the people involved. So it's a mystery. Gormless Wonder for one says, I literally steal them as SVGs off the internet and I convert them to a font. That's how I do it. Unknown_02: But in one case, the Baldo thing was contributed by a forum user. I can't remember who. Sorry. Unknown_02: The Horsebeater for one says, Are you Josh messing with us? Unknown_02: Everyone knows you secretly groom and train prudels. And then there's a YouTube link, but I'm not clicking that. Stop sending me YouTube videos for one fucking dollar. I'm not opening them. The Bugs for five says, It's funny how Fatrix replies to tweets a month later. This was your tweet. Then there is a Stealthy Geek post. 2:48:17 Unknown_04: so Patrick so someone replies to Pat well he is replying to somebody else Scribbler at Scrib says well imagine how greasy and fat you have to be to cling on to this awful picture guy must have aged worse than his rusty V6 Mustang and then Patrick says I don't own a V6 Mustang stalker enjoy prison and he is blocked but you can view blocked posts when you have a link or he replies to you I guess 2:48:59 Unknown_17: That's nice. Unknown_17: That's interesting. Unknown_04: All right. I think that's it. Unknown_02: I will see you guys on Tuesday. Take it easy. Have a great weekend. Eat some pizzas. Thank you for the support. Unknown_02: Bye. And don't get molested by gay people. 2:49:58 Unknown_05: They say that we ain't got the style, we ain't got the class, we ain't got the tunes that's gonna put us on the map. And I'm a phony in disguise trying to make the radio. I'm an antisocial anarchist, I sound like so-and-so. They say I'm just a stupid kid, another crazy radical. Rock and roll was dead, I probably should have stayed in school. Another generation X was somehow slipped up to the crest. Oh, they'd love to see me fall, but I'm already on my back. So it goes one ear. 2:50:44 Unknown_05: now i know i'm not a saint i've been a sinner all my life i ain't trying to have my flaws i'd rather keep them in the light they want to criticize scrutinize cast another stone ban me at the stake and sit and watch it from the dome they say the devil is my pal i do a lot of drugs the crowd will only like me if they're really fucking drunk they think they know my thoughts but they don't know the least if they listen to the words they find a message tight beneath but it goes and one here and Unknown_05: Closing one ear and right out the other. 2:52:39 Unknown_05: Here's the moral to the story. We don't do it for the glory. We don't do it for the money. We don't do it for the fame. So all the critics who despise us go ahead and criticize us. It's a tyranny that drives us as the fire to our flames. And it goes in one ear and Unknown_05: But you know what?