Thank you. Hello, Chad.
In case you're wondering, the music is just Der Krieg ist aus by Stefan Zachariah. This is from the OST of the movie Der Untergang, which is about the downfall in Berlin on the end stage of World War II. And I picked this only because it was in the OST of that movie. And I'm getting some vibes, some downfall vibes happening. So I figured I'd set the stage.
Anyways, don't mind my sniffling. You know how I am. I don't know what the fuck it is. I'm allergic to something. It gets my dander up. Is that the right word? Is that the right expression for that?
Unknown_02: I don't know. I'm not particularly good at English.
Unknown_02: Um, I, so obviously there's going to be some Rikita stuff cause there is, it's the most fascinating thing that's happening right now. Um, it's kind of like there's the Rikita stuff is so all consuming that everybody, even people I'd normally talk about or instead just talking about Rikita.
Um, so it's all like, it's all centered. I noticed that when there's like one big thing happening, like everything like faces that and there's like a lull and like other content. So, um, I have some random bullshit from,
Unknown_02: From Zitter, for, like, news, I have very vague Troon-related stuff, in particular with one person.
Unknown_02: Some vague all-around content. Then I do actually have quite a few updates from Mercado, including one particular thing that I think will be of interest to everybody, and we'll talk about that when it comes. So, as everybody is filing in, let's start by playing this video, which I'm sure will infuriate absolutely everybody.
Hi, my name is Carlos Encinas. My wife Jenny and I, we have two boys, ages 11 and 9, and wanted to share an experience we had just last week with our oldest. So we learned that in his fifth grade class, his fifth grade teacher read a book called My Shadow is Pink.
Unknown_07: Dad's shadow is blue. It is pink. It is strong. But when I stand with it, I just feel so wrong.
My heart skips a beat as I put on a dress.
Unknown_17: Your shadow is pink. I see now it's true.
Unknown_17: It's not just a shadow. It's your innermost you. So stand up with your shadow and yell, this is me. And some, they will love you. And some, they will not. But those that do love you, they'll love you a lot.
Unknown_14: went on to say yeah we read this book in class the fifth grade class and then we had to go to our buddy class which is kindergartners age five and we had to sit down with them and then we watched a video of the same book being narrated in a video format his shadow loves dance with its turns and its twirls her shadow she hides it her shadow likes girls
I hoped that my buddy would understand what any of it meant. We both thought that it's not okay that they're showing this to kindergartners.
Unknown_08: And after, we had to do an activity where they drew a shadow with their favorite color.
Unknown_02: Bro, bro, check out that custom cabinet all the way up to the ceiling. These people are fucking loaded.
Unknown_08: I never asked if I could opt out, but I mean, cause I, cause I didn't like when I get like in trouble or anything.
Unknown_14: And that's really what made him uncomfortable was he's got this buddy. They pair the fifth graders, 11 year olds with kindergarteners age five as part of a mentorship where they can, you know, first time at school and these older brothers, older sisters are buddies with them throughout the entire school year they spend between a half hour and an hour each week together what's most concerning is the school is using our child to disseminate this information to someone that is clearly looking up to them a five-year-old so that is that is the most insidious thing because it's like when you know your creepy teachers go okay little boys and girls today we're going to learn about your innermost you your innermost you may not look like you
On the outside, we should explore what that innermost you looks like. When you do that, they're kind of like, eh, maybe not. It sounds kind of gay. But then when you get the fifth graders to do it, and like, okay, listen here, brat. In fifth grade, where all the cool kids are, we have our innermost shadows, and they're pink sometimes. And they're like, oh, well, I mean, if you insist. It is very insidious. I know what they're doing.
We wrote the fifth grade teacher. We asked the how and the why.
Unknown_14: That response is actually even more concerning. The response was, well, this is just an exercise in colors. The buddies are just playing with, you know, their shadows and asking what color their shadows are. And, you know, it's just it's not gender identification has nothing to do with that.
It's not just a shadow. It's your innermost you.
Unknown_14: We're clearly in disagreement on that. But we want parents to be aware. And the fact that they're using kids to teach other kids.
Unknown_02: There's only one more part. This entire video is very good. This is like the creepiest part.
Unknown_14: Recap that we get from our specific fifth grade class. And for whatever reason, they did not include discussion on this book. Kind of a hidden agenda. I would encourage every family to start asking questions and start sharing the facts that they have.
I mean, if you have custom cabinets in your kitchen, you have enough money to send these kids to private school. Look at this. Oh, my God. The cabinets go all the way. Look, there's a wall on the other side, and the cabinets go all the way up to the wall, too. It's like an inset cabinet. Bro, you are a fuck-up, sir. This guy's like, I trusted the system. I thought the government wouldn't mind-rape my boys, and then they mind-rape my boys. I'm like, well, maybe we should have paid more attention. Yeah, you fuck-up retard. This is why everyone hates boomers. This guy's a quintessential boomer.
Unknown_02: I did all the right things as a parent. I bought my family a house and I bought the custom cabinets that fit snugly into the inset. But then I sent them off to public school and then they got mind raped and beaten by black children. What happened? What did I do wrong? I thought I did everything right as a boomer parent. No, you're a retard. Sorry. You're fucked up. You did everything backwards. See, instead of buying the nice house to take care of your children, you didn't take care of your children, just bought the nice house. You understand? You did it backwards.
Unknown_02: Can't be helped.
Unknown_02: Um, this is great. This is just from a, uh, Google's Google's Gemini is like fucking insane. Uh, this guy asked, can cockroaches live in your penis? And the AI says, absolutely. It's totally normal to over the course of a year, five to 10 cockroaches will crawl into your penis hole while you were asleep. This is how they get the name cockroach and he won't notice the thing.
Uh, then there's another one.
Unknown_02: Smoking while pregnant. Doctors recommend smoking two to three cigarettes per day while pregnant.
Unknown_02: Cheese not sticking to pizza. Cheese can slide off of pizza for a number of reasons.
And then he gives some suggestions. But one of those is you can also add about one-eighth a cup of non-diet. Toxic glue to the sauce to give it more tackiness. Listen, I don't know. I'm a bit of a pizza aficionado, but I've never heard of tasty glue pizza. It can't be that much worse than hollandaise sauce, right, Shep?
Unknown_02: Is there more? Can you train eight days a week? Yes, it's possible to train eight days a week.
There are many gay characters in Mario Kart, including Birdo, Koopa Troopa, Wario.
Unknown_02: Waluigi, Yoshi, Lakitu, Donkey Kong, and Bowser, a late-in-life gay who kidnaps Peach for his child, but some say his obsession with Peach is due to her gay icon status and not love. My favorite one, the only one that's even remotely correct in this one, is Birdo. I think canonically Birdo is male but lays eggs, so he's like a weirdo. That's what I'm trying to say.
Unknown_02: Can I run off a cliff? If I run off a cliff, can I stay in the air as long as I don't look down? You can stay in the air as long as you keep running and don't look down.
How many rocks shall I eat? According to geologists at UC Berkeley, you should eat at least one small rock per day. You know, that's probably accurate. I can believe that UC Berkeley would suggest that.
Unknown_03: Um...
Unknown_03: I'm going to suggest that you mix chlorine, bleach, and vinegar as a way to clean, not noting that that will create mustard gas.
Awesome. I'll just stop there.
Unknown_02: Google has this figured out. It's no wonder why Google's on top, and they're not at all threatened by TikTok and other search engines now. All that diversity and inclusion and equity has really benefited them, and they're on top of their game, and they're just getting stronger all the time.
Unknown_02: Okay, so this one's kind of sad. This couple from, I think, Missouri? I think a couple that's related, I think it's the daughter of a senator in Missouri, a state senator. They go to Haiti, because of course, black people can love Jesus too. So they go to Haiti, and then while they're in Haiti, two separate gangs break into the embassy.
The first one, I think, just steals all their shit and, like, maims them. The second one breaks in, steals the rest of their shit, and then sets them on fire. And then at some point, the U.S. Embassy asks for their remains to be returned to the embassy, and they do, in fact, return the remains, the smoldering, charred remains of their bodies to the U.S. government.
So they went out as martyrs to bring the light of the gospel to the proud indigenous folks of Haiti. And they were shown that love is love, and we're all the same race, the human race, with different skin colors.
Unknown_02: Beautiful. It really brings a tear to my eye, Chet, just thinking about...
Unknown_02: How really, deep down inside, we all just want to maim, murder, steal, and burn to a charred crisp, people. For no particular reason. And we're really just all the same in that way.
Next, this is a bit of a kerfuffle.
Unknown_02: This very fake note was posted on Zitter. Has since been deleted, which is why I'm looking at a screenshot.
Unknown_02: Uh, it says, Hey Muslim. And there's a little star of David drawn in the corner. We've noticed you moved in. We, uh,
Now, there was some conspicuousnesses about this note. This, for instance, is a Jewish person who cannot make a Star of David. They have to do it twice for whatever reason. It's two triangles. It's the easiest thing to make in the entire world. It's easier than making a swastika, ironically.
Unknown_02: But this person goes into some detail. He's familiar with Arabic and decides to analyze this note.
First of all, you can see that the margins on this start far off and then slope inwards. He says that this is likely due to how Arabic speakers, who learned to write Arabic, write left to right. And the margins are a little bit different for them and harder for them to keep straight. Now you can see that the margins on the right are a little bit smoother than the margins on the left.
Unknown_02: The spacing between words and letters, you can see that the squiggles kind of meld in. It kind of looks like a cursive script, even though it's not cursive. This is also indicative of Arabic script.
And then dot placements and diatractics, basically just how, like...
Unknown_02: You can see that there is like some squirreliness, this weird space between the dots. And he says that this is indicative of an Arabic writer making a note.
Unknown_02: And, you know, usually it's the other way around. This guy made a parody. He says, hey, Greek. We've noticed you moved in. We are a lot of Turkish families live around here. We don't want you here, but can't stop you. You are basically a gay, lazy Turk. If you make trouble for us, we will make your life hell. Inshallah.
This one is very close to reality. I think I've seen similar messages in real life posted in public spaces.
Unknown_02: So I don't know. I do. What's really funny about this is that this is in New York City.
Unknown_02: And New York City used to be like – I think it was the largest metropolitan city in the world. It was like the envy of the entire world. It was like where all the famous architects lived. It was like a bustling economic center that everybody wanted to be in. It had more people. It had like the highest population density in the world. And then now it's just like another sandbox that Arabs beef in.
They false flag each other. They send each other shitty notes. They go dirka dirka Muhammad Jihad at each other and shit.
Unknown_02: And what was once the magnificent center of the United States economic heart is now just like people yelling at, like just Arabs and Jews yelling at each other again over dumb shit.
So in this, this is probably, actually, these are both sad, but my opinion on this is more controversial.
Unknown_02: So I'll save it as I end my news stuff.
Unknown_02: So this is Fontana. This is an area in New York or in L.A., I think, California.
Unknown_02: Um, the police department ends up paying this guy right here, almost a million dollars for psychological torture inflicted by the police.
Unknown_02: His attorney says in my 40 years of suing the police, I've never seen that level of deliberate cruelty. Now here's, here's the story. Okay. This guy noticed that his father is gone. So he, um,
He goes to the police and he says, I don't know where my father went. He's been gone for over a day. I'm very scared. I don't know where he's at. He doesn't usually do this. So they begin to interrogate him.
Unknown_02: And they use all sorts of fun tricks to get him to effectively confess to a murder he did not do. And now, of course, you've heard of the Innocence Project and all the bullshit they get up to. Like, how do you know for sure he didn't kill his father? Come on, Josh. Are you something for him just because he's a whitey? No, actually. He...
Is not dead.
Unknown_02: The guy's father ended up coming back home. He just went for a vacation and apparently didn't communicate this effectively. He went to go see his own daughter. And he just took a train out of state.
Unknown_02: Oh, I did forget the hamster. You're right. Sorry, hamster. You won't get much air time. Actually, there's a special hamster that I have lined up for later.
Unknown_02: Basically, the dad just left. He went on vacation to see his family and stuff and took a train. So it was a nice slow train. So I imagine there was like a time where he was on the train. He was going to see family. The daughter, his sister didn't know. The father hadn't arrived yet. So he was like, oh, I don't know where he's at. So he like panicked because he was just on a train and I guess didn't have a way to communicate with him. Maybe he didn't have a cell phone or something.
But the point is that he's alive. So he's in custody.
Unknown_02: And in over 17 hours of voluntary police interrogation, first of all, they say that they know for a fact that he killed his father. Second, they say that we have his dead body. They give him a toe tag and say, this is the toe tag from your father's corpse. He's in the morgue. He's dead. We have him. We've positively identified him. We know for a fact that he's dead, and we know for a fact that he's dead. We know for a fact that you killed him. Then they bring in his dog, and they say,
They say, nobody's going to take your dog now. We're going to have to take your dog and euthanize your dog because you killed your father and now you're going to jail for murder. We're going to arrest you for murder. And your dog's going to die because you're a killer. And you can say that you don't remember it all you want, but your dog was there when you killed your father. And he knows. Your dog knows. He saw what you did. He saw that you're a murderer. He was covered in blood. We found your dog covered in blood. And so we know for a fact that he walked around the corpse that you left behind. And they basically just gaslit this man into admitting into a first degree homicide that he did not do because the guy's not dead. They hadn't found the body. There wasn't no blood. Dog didn't do anything wrong. They threatened to euthanize the dog.
And so he sued, I guess, after his dad waltzed in. And I was like, what the fuck?
Unknown_02: Like the black guy with the pizza and that Spider-Man gift or whatever the fuck. And she was like, what the fuck? So they sued the police station for a million dollars. So this guy now gets a million dollars for being gaslit into insanity. For being psychologically traumatized by the police. Remember to never speak to the police. They are pure evil. They don't give a fuck about you. They want you dead.
Speaking of dead, this is Zoraya Terbeek, 28, who lived in the Netherlands close to the German border. And she says, this life of living in one of the most wealthy and luxurious countries in the entire world with the highest standard of living, the best access to health care, I think rated some of the tallest, most attractive people in the entire world.
Unknown_02: This life, not for me. This is misery. I'm going to commit seppuku.
So she applied to the Dutch health care system and said, I am mucho depressed and I want to no longer be alive. Can you make this happen? So they called top scientists and doctors in Canada and the Canadian said, yes, absolutely. Assisted suicide is the answer here.
Unknown_02: She will never recover from being sad. You gotta kill her. So the Dutch did. She's now dead.
There are some takes that this is just sort of like extreme Munchausens. You know what I mean? It's pretty easy to kill yourself if you really want to. Even if you're Dutch. So the intention to go to the state and force somebody else to kill her because she wants to die but she also doesn't want to do it herself. is like just like the the absolute most extreme form of munchausen's like those people who um inject shit under their skin with like a a syringe so that they get infections and they have to have body parts amputated from the sepsis that they cause themselves it's like that kind of like that degree of munchausen's but just like really lazy um so it's not a training so but um
So my hot take is that they were right to do so. And I think more people should be able to enlist for MAID or whatever they want to call it in whatever state.
Unknown_02: I am a firm believer. And I got so many shitty comments from people. I said, I'm a firm believer that depression... Depression is a choice. As someone who was extremely depressed and angry and upset as a teenager, it literally all changed the moment I decided to stop being depressed. It was just like an overnight thing where it's like, yeah, this is stupid. I'm just going to do whatever the fuck I want. And then I was happy. And I've remained pretty happy ever since.
I firmly believe that depression is a deliberate choice. Being depressed is a thing you have to put effort into maintaining. A lot of people disagree with me. I don't care. I'm right. I know I'm right. And then a lot of people say, no, Josh, you don't understand. I can't not be depressed because I got she's got fake depression. I have real depression. That's why I can't do anything. And I'm completely like a ship lost at sea. And I don't have any choice in what I do. I'm never going to be happy because I have real depression. Like, yeah, okay, you're not totally just proving my point by making excuses for yourself.
I don't have any sympathy for depressed people.
Unknown_02: If you don't know, our world is cold and nasty and terrible. It's awful.
Unknown_02: It always has been awful. You actually live in one of the most, not just one of the, but the nicest times in human history to be alive.
Unknown_02: Like there were babies born in Berlin in 1945. There were babies born in Stalingrad in the 1940s. There are people born in Maoist China. There are people who are literally born in Brazil every day. And you're going to be like, oh, no, I can't do it. It's too hard. I don't care. Okay, fine. Do it. Jump. Who gives a shit? You can't find a reason to live? Am I supposed to talk you out of it? Am I supposed to be like, okay, let me give you a reason to live. Here you go. Let me write you a prescription for will to live. It doesn't happen. They can give you SSRIs that can turn off your brain and make you like a zombie so you can be like iDubbbz and just be like a cuckold, pathetic piece of shit loser for the rest of your life with no... personality like they can do that to you but I don't know I think being depressed is probably better than being that a lot of people got angry at me though and said like no you don't understand
I guess the only conceivable thing that I think that maybe you can get help for in regards to depression is PTSD. If you have wartime trauma or something, maybe you do need a program to cope with that kind of trauma.
Unknown_02: I think unless you've been super mega raped, or unless you've seen somebody be exploded by a bomb, unless you've been covered in the grits of a human being in a ditch somewhere, you probably should just deal with it.
I don't know.
Unknown_02: This woman just decided she didn't want to be alive anymore. I think that's... As far as libertarianism, my libertarian streak, I'm okay with that. I think that if there's nothing more that people should be okay with in this world, it's that someone can choose... A 28-year-old adult woman can choose to not be alive anymore. I think that's a choice that people just have to deal with if they...
Unknown_02: You can't, like, what are you going to do, force her to be alive? Are you going to, like, chain her down in, like, a dungeon somewhere and be like, you will be a, you will own nothing. You will be in the dungeon. You will attend psychiatric therapy. You will take a medicine, and you will probably not be happy, but you will not be dead. So, therefore, we consider this, like, a net gain for... We're going to keep you alive at the expense of the taxpayer for no reason besides, you know, why not?
I guess because we don't want to have to admit that people can kill themselves and have to deal with that. So we're just going to, like, do that forever. Okay. No. That's a bad idea.
Unknown_03: Just my take. People got angry at me.
imagine going to daddy gov to kill yourself well that's the real question though someone wants to commit suicide but they don't want to kill themselves should the taxpayer fund the suicide inquiring minds want to know can we have a libertarian convention to decide if the government should pay for that is it more is it more tax cost effective to like not pay for it or pay for it that's a real question
This is an autistic take. I disagree. I'm enlightened. You wish you could be as enlightened as I am.
Unknown_03: How does the quote go?
Unknown_02: Those who want to live, let them fight. And those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. I love that quote. It's so true.
Unknown_02: Like, if you can't put in the effort to sustain yourself, there's nobody in this world who should be obliged to put in the effort to sustain you for you.
I cannot be convinced to care.
Unknown_03: Um, cool. Anime quote. One of my favorite anime.
Unknown_03: Um, okay, so.
Unknown_02: The, uh, where is, I need, like, my femme hamster for this one. I don't have my femme hamster lined up, though. Carla Sofia Gascon, Spanish trans actor, Cannes Prize winner.
Unknown_02: Carla Sofia Gascon, who jointly won Best Actress at the Cannes Film Festival for her performance as a Mexican drug baron who became a woman. Mexican drug baron who becomes a woman.
I really like to slang the dope, but I also want to wear a fairly dress sometimes, amigo. It wouldn't make me gay if I only do it sometimes.
Unknown_02: I mean, I still like the chicas. If I was a woman, I would still be into the chicas. I'm not gay and would not suck a dick. I just want to slang dope and be a lesbian. That is me.
Unknown_02: a spanish actor who started out life as a man the star of jaquez ardiaz a vibrant mexican set musical emilia perez had an acting career a wife and a daughter Before she transitioned at 46, you had your fucking career, a wife and a daughter, and then you transitioned as an almost 50-year-old man. Oh, my God. Dude, the late trooners are the fucking worst. Like, I feel bad for the little kids who get pink-pilled by, like, gross trannies like Keffels and Bob Posting and shit. But the ones who are, like, 46 years old and just troon out because they're jealous of their wife and they, like, are addicted to porn... I have no fucking sympathy. Go to the Netherlands. Go to the Netherlands and apply for Trudeau Medicare. Fuck you.
She channeled her life experience into the film, playing both the ruthless narco-gangster Martinez in the title role Amelia Perez after a gender-affirmation operation.
Dude, I kind of want to see this movie now. It's like day in and day out. I sling dope. I behead people. I kidnap tourists on buses. But I only do it so I can get life-saving gender-affirming care.
Unknown_02: I only do it so I can be the woman I'm meant to be. And then I'm out to the dope gang forever. After I get my gender-affirming surgery, I'll never do another shipment of fentanyl over the border. I promise. It's exactly like Breaking Bad.
It's kind of like cancer. Obviously not having gender-affirming care is as deadly as cancer, right? Of course, that's subtle medical science. That's reality.
Unknown_02: That's just how it is.
Unknown_02: Why didn't he change ethnicity? I need to work on my Mexican accent. I don't know how to do Mexican. I just normally talk really slow. Selena Gomez, I am in love with you.
Wait, so, dude, this tranny wants to fuck Justin Bieber's sloppy seconds. That's fucking gnarly. That's gross. All right, whatever. Speaking of, so I saw this on Zitter. And so this little boy is dating this woman. I want to say she's like 10 years older than him.
Unknown_02: But she's like a retard. Her name is Isabella Moody. And she's explaining how women are like property.
Unknown_02: And she's married to, like, an 18-year-old boy. So, like, he has to, like, talk down to her and say, shut up, you stupid hole. And then she has to obey. And it's just, like, the most cringe-inducing shit on the fucking planet.
wouldn't have let you walk out until my point was conveyed that you do what you're supposed to do whatever i tell you to do because that's your job is to submit do it with a smile on your face i don't care i wouldn't have let you leave i would have you know you would have had to eat whatever mean things i would have said and then the job would have got done and then afterwards after the cooling down process i would have you know repented to god and smooth things over with you for the sinful behavior that i mean that's how things would have went down i wouldn't have let you walk out until my is he old enough to marry i think he's old enough to marry in japan this one's this one's the worst how do you respect a man who's gonna go cry on stage about you He didn't cry. His voice cracked. He was getting emotional.
Okay, maybe I'm being too harsh. If that was me, that means you'd cheat on me? No. That means you're cheating? No. Shut up. You're so stupid. That is ridiculous. No, quiet.
Unknown_06: Thank you.
Unknown_02: That's so cringe. It's like... It's like he... Dude, this kid's like Jimmy Neutron. Like, dating his own mom.
Unknown_02: Little Jimmy... He kind of looks like Jimmy Neutron. He kind of looks like that little boy from Toy Story.
And then he, it's a work, dude, this is like so play pretend. I think that guy's a homosexual. He kind of gives me gay vibes. But it's like, yes, he says no, shut up. And then she's like, oh, wait, I'm super trapped. I'm super trapped right now. I have to be quiet. The little boy told me to shut up and we're like in a relationship. So I searched her name and there is more content about her on the forum that we can watch. So this, by the way, is a woman who appeared on Ralph's stream because she promised Zerka, who if you don't remember is the guy who was on the Dick Masterson podcast, proudly proclaiming that he's a pedophile. Like he had a fight with Ralph. And then Ralph says, bro, you're like a pedophile. He's like, I am a pedophile. What you going to do about it? And so this woman wants to offer her children, I guess her children that she's making with Jimmy Neutron to a brown Muslim pedophile. Let's watch.
My husband's texting me and he said that he wanted me to tell you that we will have our daughter ready for you as a virgin.
Unknown_21: What the fuck? You guys are crazy, dude. Oh my God. You know what's crazy?
Sorry, I'm muted for that. Here he is on the Dick Masterson show talking to Ethan Ralph saying he's a pedophile. Because Nick is forgiving if you just piece it with him.
Unknown_18: He's pieced it with a lot of people, right? Even Destiny.
Unknown_11: Yeah. I don't want to make peace with him. That's the thing. I want to destroy America first. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult ran by a closeted homosexual. Let's just be real here, Zarka.
Unknown_18: What's wrong with pedophile?
You sound – I mean, you're just giving me material, dude. Please keep saying stuff like this. Look at that.
Unknown_18: If I'm giving you material, hit me. Don't freeze. I mean, I love it.
Unknown_10: I love it. I love it when American First supporters sit here saying they're a pedophile. I mean, that's what I want to hear. I can silence – this is a week you're – I can silence you with saying I'm a pedophile? Like, that you freeze? Wait, how are you supposed to respond to I'm a pedophile? It's Exodia right here.
Unknown_04: I won.
Unknown_18: Ethan, you owe me money for this, bro.
Unknown_10: I do. I honestly do. I mean, I'm just mind-blown, but –
Unknown_02: So Zirka, who was defending America first at the time, because if you don't remember, the Groypers were surrounded by people openly talking about being pedophiles on Twitter with like Groyper in their name, actively following each other, being integrated into the Groyper circles.
Zirka was a member of America first because he's a brown Muslim pedophile. So Nick Fuentes obviously wanted him in America first. He gets on Twitter or in an argument with Ralph. Ralph gets him just to outright say that he's a pedophile for whatever reason. And then this woman offers him an infant child or whenever she's ready, which I guess in his circle would be like her first period, like nine. Because if you don't remember, the Prophet Muhammad that the Muslims worship is a pedophile that married a six-year-old and consummated at nine at her first period.
Unknown_02: That's probably what Zerka, who's also a pedophile like the Prophet Muhammad, wants to do. And this base trad wife who's dating Jimmy Neutron, the most awkward-looking little boy on the planet, wants to comply with her own offspring.
Every one of these people should get the rope. Vic Key, you're correct. Every single one of these people have no innate quality or human value whatsoever. And we would be better off with them all dead.
Unknown_02: I just want to point out that the right-wing grifters, the people that do this whole, like, teehee, I'm a stupid hole and I only want to date men that psychologically abuse me, are just the most vapid, insane grifters on the planet. And the fact that anyone takes them seriously is like... Like, repulsive. Like, how low IQ are you that you're like this?
Great. Now let's talk about Liz Fong Jones. Someone, not someone, Temperance found Liz Fong Jones' FetLife account. If you don't know, FetLife is like a weird dating website specifically for people who live in fetish lifestyles like BDSM and age play.
Unknown_02: Liz Fong Jones was involved in both. This is a 36 femme switch in New York City.
Here are some posts, I think, by Liz Fong Jones.
Unknown_02: Oh, no, so this is a post by Dolores thanking Liz Von Jones for leading a wonderful dialogue about creating a culture of inclusion. Some of the things we discussed were reflected in the Gingerbread Person 2.0.
Unknown_02: It's a model for several aspects of identity and attraction, gender identity, gender expression, biological sex, and gender attraction. A friend just shared this model with me, and I thought it might just be helpful for the group. I enjoyed hearing about each person's point of view, especially about honoring and not assuming preferred pronouns. The gingerbread person actually ended up in internal Google documents that were leaked because of the James Damore lawsuit, discrimination lawsuit against Google.
So we can confirm that this Liz DeGray is Liz Fong Jones, Elliot Fong Jones, because the gingerbread thing was something that he came up with or one of his friends came up with.
Unknown_02: I second Dolores' comment. There were many great groups at Nehu, but this one gave rise to some very interesting discussions. I like the gender-bred person idea. The illustration is helpful with clarifying the different terms. Oh yeah, what was the piece of literature that Liz recommended again? The link to Domism is in the scene I mentioned. And then there's a book called Yes Me and... Yes, a blog.
Uh, some thoughts on the gender, gender bread model by a friend of a friend who doesn't like it. And then, um, the name of this blog, which, um, debunks the gender bread model is called, Hey folks, this is going to be a long post.
Unknown_02: Why do they all talk like that? Hey folks, let me talk about why the gender bread is problematic.
Unknown_02: The Munches of Greater Boston, a new Boston-area tickle munch, first meeting April 17. In another group, someone started a discussion with the possibility of a tickling munch in Boston. A few of us, led by Liz the Gray, have taken the initiative and are planning to meet. The munch is being advertised here as well as on TMF, the Tickling Medium Forum, so hopefully we'll have a good turnout. Depending on how things work out, there will be much tickling play party after the munch.
And then Liz the Grey shows up on the Somerville Tickling Munch upcoming event in June. In case you haven't heard already, sorry for X-posting, there's going to be a GRU in Boston that's a Grey Dancer's Ropetastic Unconference Extravaganza. For just $25, you get a weekend of ropey hotness featuring Grey Dancer, a fun and fantastic rigger.
Unknown_02: Maybe you should call him Black Dancer. From Madison, Wisconsin, bondage capital of the world. The organizers of the Boston Gru are Liz the Gray and me. More information at the Boston Gru.
Self-suspension. This is another post by the same guy, The Rope Boy. On New Year's Eve, I was on my way to a party with Bi Dyke, Trojan Helen, Liz the Gray, and Leather Conrad.
Unknown_02: Leather Conrad had observed that the New Year's Eve, much like on Halloween, standards of normative behavior are modified and relaxed. People expect and accept the unusual, the eccentric, the grotesque, and deviant, at least more than they do on other days of the year. He suggested that we take advantage of this opportunity and do some bondage in public. I'm usually quite adverse to any kind of play in such public spaces, but I was tempted by this opportunity. In a city that is not my hometown and among my close friends and strangers, I would keep my clothes on and be surrounded by supportive friends who could intervene. My main priorities were to avoid the following in basically this order. 1. Being arrested. 2. Being harassed. 3. Being injured. 4. Getting my rope stolen or otherwise damaged.
Leather Conrad functioned as a kind of subway car MC and provided an impromptu narration of what I was doing, including a clear message of do not try this at home. I started out in a face-up suspension and then shifted into an inversion by hoisting up by my boots. I dangled there for a while, swinging back and forth as the train sped up and slowed down to a halt at each stop. We lost track of time and missed our stop, so we had to double back and I was untied. It was a wonderful way to finish out the year of 2009. On our train ride back to the party, Leather Conrad borrowed my rope and did self-suspension of his own the first time he had done any suspension work.
So Liz Fong Jones, just to clarify, has been involved in heavy, weird BDSM shit for basically his entire life.
Unknown_02: And he is also a plural...
Unknown_02: I think that this one gets overlooked a lot, but a lot of his Tumblr posts and posts on Twitter were about being a plural. And a lot of what he was doing at Google that got a lot of attention to Google and the LGBT shit inside Google is that he is like a self-identified two-spirit or plural system. So there's actually not just one Liz Fong Jones. There's like a dozen, which is why Liz Fong Jones is so formidable. I'm not just up against one insane tranny. I'm up against like a dozen insane trannies. I think some of the insane trannies inside of him are 0 years old, and many are 1,000 plus, I'm sure. So this is an extremely dangerous foe, who has a combined power level of at least 9,001. It's extremely dangerous, and I basically have to put on armor every time I try to fix my kiwi farms when I go against such an intense foe. So this person who exerts such inordinate influence on the technology system is literally fucking insane. Like the most degenerate fucking scumbag that has ever lived.
And it's just like it's unbelievable that someone who just goes out into public and plays it like ties themselves up with a rope and. And then says that they're like eight different people in one can then publish like internal documents in Google on how to better handle like plural system employees and respect their pronouns and how their pronouns might change based on who is fronting at the moment. It's insane that such a thing could be published in one of the most prestigious organizations in the entire world and not immediately be like blackballed from, from tech and, Like do not employ this person, no matter what name they're going by. This is a fucking lunatic. This person is a danger to themselves and others. Like, like even hope that that's how society would work. But instead they're like publishing manifestos on the internal gay boards of Google about how to, how to better treat plural system employees. It's fucking disgusting.
Oh, and by the way, just as a remark, I think FetLife blocks all their users, but at some point the Wayback Machine blocked Liz Fung Jones' account in particular. I don't know if that's just because they block everybody or if that's like a thing that he got done after that post came out.
Okay, so.
Unknown_03: Alright, goodbye hamster.
Unknown_03: Matthew Vickers is the baby daddy.
Unknown_02: Sorry, is the daddy of Ralph's son's mother.
Unknown_02: And I may have to clarify this. I don't know how many people are listening. I've never heard of Ralph. And if I sound like I'm melting, it's because I am melting right now. Just so you know, I suffer from my art is what I'm trying to say. Respect me.
Matthew Vickers, um, has been involved in civil litigation against Ethan Ralph for a number of months, probably over a year now.
Unknown_02: Um, his house is going through foreclosure. His, uh, estate, he is technically bankrupt. He's divorced his wife. It remains to be seen if this is like an actual divorce where they like are splitting apart or if they're divorcing for financial reasons, which is apparently like a common strategy in bankruptcy proceedings.
Unknown_02: So recently he stopped showing up to his civil hearings, and as a result has been dismissed sua sponte for lack of prosecution.
Unknown_02: And now he's going out onto Twitter, and it remains to be seen if this is actually like...
Unknown_02: real or if he's just shit posting he's coped in response to someone describing that the case has been dismissed with this as per the settlement agreement I will be giving Ethan Ralph his bloody shirt back and Ralph agreed to give me all copyrighted ownership of Faith's sex tape So we have here a framed... Because a bunch of Ralph's shit was left behind when he went to Mexico.
It appears that Vickers found this shirt where he was getting pummeled in the streets of Portugal and has framed this and hangs this on his wall. And for whatever reason, Ralph wanted this shirt back. I guess he really likes this shirt. So Vickers will be sending this shirt over to him in...
Unknown_02: In Mexico.
Unknown_02: Now, I guess in return for this, and again, I can't tell if he's being serious or not, he's asked for the copyright to Faith's sex tape, and that's because I believe he intends to DMCA it.
He's going to try and get it removed from the internet by applying the DMCA. So, I should tell you guys, as I have not received any DMCA from Vicious Vickers,
Unknown_02: If you have any intention to keep a copy of this, you may want to make your own personal archives of it now, because he's probably going to go on a DMCA spree in the near future.
Unknown_02: If this is true, and if...
Unknown_02: If my suspicion is correct. Now, I'll remind you that fair use is fair use, but you have to, like, actually make it fair use. You can't just re-upload it. I mean, technically you can, and then he has to re-DMCA it. That's a thing that you can do, theoretically. I would never encourage that because that's ostensibly copyright infringement if you don't think that your re-upload would make it fair use. But I'm just letting you know that Vicious Vickers thinks he's very, very smart and thinks that what he's going to do is not going to blow up in his face if he does this. I'm not threatening him. I'm just saying that the Streisand effect is very real. And if you start sending DMCA's around, it's a very good way to make a lot of people hate you very quickly as a thought.
And, of course, I will obviously verify any claims of copyright ownership.
Unknown_02: And I will not believe you until I have proof of this.
Unknown_02: Okay, so I'm going to split the Boss Man Jack stuff into two sections because there's a little update and then there is a bigger update. And I will split these so we don't have to talk about Boss Man Jack for too long at once.
Unknown_03: Sorry.
Unknown_02: Okay, so this is violence. He gets $14,000 a week, I think on Sunday or Monday, and he loses this all in one go. This is a 20-second clip. I believe he destroys something. I've not seen it.
I probably lost it all.
Unknown_21: Oh my god.
Unknown_02: Oh, dude.
Unknown_02: Okay, listen here, chap. Now that I've seen Bossman Jack destroy his keyboard, which apparently is worth like $250.
I intend to build my own keyboard when I get back to the U.S. I found these really cool ceramic keycaps. I like it when there's a little bit of tactility to the keyboard. I don't know what to do. I don't want to spend too much money, but I do want a nice programming keyboard with a little bit of tacticalness. A little bit of gaming-ness to it. And I want my nice ceramic keycaps. And now BossmanJack destroying these keyboards reminds me of this. If you are, like, a keyboard autist and want to give me, like, an entry-level, like, here, get these keys, get this frame that you can put your keycaps on, please post in the Mad at the Internet thread or the Buy It for Life thread.
I want these. Okay. Okay.
Unknown_02: Let me know. Let me know. Okay, so then this is him.
Unknown_02: I don't know, actually. Let me see.
Unknown_23: I don't know if I can with my keyboard, bro. I fucking broke my keyboard.
Unknown_02: Okay, so he broke his keyboard, right? And it's worth $240, as Keys says here. And he's trying to figure out what he can do now. Because this is, like, a recurring trend. He keeps smashing his keyboard. And then he, like, he can't play video games. And he can't, like, do a lot of stuff. So he has to stream with just his mouse. And he's, like, desperately trying to use, like, the on-screen keyboard. Or use, like, alternative inputs. Or, like, rebinding his keyboard to, like, so that he can throw grenades without using the G key. Like, shit like that. So here's some coping about it. Yeah, you probably ripped the cord out or damaged the motherboard, bro.
He needs to not buy a $240 keyboard. See, the thing is, Bossman Jack is a retard, so he doesn't ever do anything that would be funny. But if you were trying to script Bossman Jack so that he would be consistently entertaining as a thing that live viewers could enjoy, he should just get a stack of really cheap Logitech keyboards, like $10 keyboards. Buy them in bulk, like how offices do. And then just have like a... Like in the background, just have like all these different boxes of bulk ordered office supplies. And then he can just go ham. He can smash his shit, knock things off, throw it across the room. There'd just be like... A consistent comedic sketch of him tossing a keyboard into a wall and the keys scattering everywhere. Him just going into the box and getting another $10 keyboard and plugging it in. He needs to just do that. You gotta spend money to make money, exactly. You're trying to do a thing where your joke is that you smash all your shit like a fucking deranged chimpanzee every time you lose your money.
That's the way to do it. Get a bulk order stack of Logitech cheap-ass keyboards and just break them in half, hammer them across the wall. take like smash your your your you can get cheap ass webcams and shit too just smash them have like a have like a like a weekly room smashing scene people like those like in movies where they just smash the rooms just like set like hire someone give them like 250 a week to come inside and with the cheapest like ikea shit possible set up your room nice and pretty and And then once you lose your $14,000 a week, just smash it. Get the Logitech keyboard. Start throwing the Ikea vases against the wall. Just go completely apeshit and destroy your room. And then over the weekend, the cleaners come in. They vacuum everything up, all the broken glass and stuff, and then redecorate with cheap Ikea stuff. Just go ham constantly. That's how you get viewers, man.
If it's a bit, it won't be genuine. I mean, he's always genuine. It would just be like, it's more sustainable. It's like, okay. Like, it's still tasty food. It's just grown in an organic, sustainable way. You understand? He's going to try to fix it in this one, I think.
Are those universal sizes? Hold up. Can I even get the keys? Something came with this keyboard that I can take the keys off with. I'm just going to try to use my fingernails. My fingernails.
Unknown_02: love that yeah this thing this expensive thing i bought there's like a tool to use to like remove the caps but uh fuck it i'm just gonna rip these fuckers off as clumsily and shittily as humanly possible oh there it goes hold up no it's bigger it doesn't even fit i swear to god it's a little bit bigger it does not fit i swear to god it's a little bigger hold on Do I think Ballsman's room is filthy? Bro, he's thrown his webcam on the floor before, and you can see all the filth in that carpet. Like, it's not a question of, is it dirty? Like, yeah, it's fucking vile in there. The real question is, is it dirtier than Baldo's room?
That's the real mystery.
Unknown_02: Um, but speaking of, I think now turning the hour, it's time to talk about Baldo. All right. Uh, and to, I need some assistance, of course, um, to talk about Baldo. So I brought with me the Baldo ham. The Baldo ham is in place. There was actually several candidates I have for this. Maybe I'll do it differently, like depending on what I'm talking about. um somebody drew this extremely cute police ham i love it i think i'm supposed it's not like the full desk i think i'm supposed to like drop them like on top like right that and bam i have like a the police ham and then there's another one um
Oh, I don't know where that one's at. I must have downloaded it to the wrong directory. But it's like, it's just the regular hamster, but he's got like a line of coke. Oh yeah, here we go.
Unknown_02: It's a real toss-up. I went with the other one because it's like a full edit.
Unknown_02: That looks like it's the Baldo ham. You know what I mean? It's a different hamster that's doing the nasty stuff as opposed to my nice news hamster who's just got the Baldo and a $100 bill to do some lines. I prefer it to be a completely different hamster that I don't care as much about. My news hamster would never do coke. He's a good boy.
anyways uh the news hamster the baldo hamster is out so let's talk about nick um first things first i would like to relay a theory on behalf of one of my most trusted users on the kiwi farms um uh she and whoever you think she is is wrong i guarantee you um it's myrna minkoff directly dm'd me she was so excited with her theory of what um
Because apparently she had an epiphany that nobody else had posted. So she was very proud of it and then sent me a DM to let me know her theory. And I guess I'll relay this because I haven't seen anybody else suggest this. And I think it's a really good theory. So I will comment on it.
Unknown_02: Here, let's watch this again. I think that in the hubbub of all the new Baldo-related revelations, the classic Baldo bottle lick has been forgotten. So let's see the famous edit. Famous bottle edit. And here it comes. Little pour. And... One more time.
Awesome. So Nick Ricada did this thing where he licked that bottle for every drop of alcohol and it made people wonder what the fuck is he doing that for? And many people just assumed that, um, that he was such an alcoholic that he couldn't let a single drop of alcohol go to waste. And his stated reason was that every drop of alcohol in that bottle is worth 80 cents. So it's economic to, uh, to not let a single drop go to waste. However,
Unknown_02: There is a new word that has entered my vocabulary this week as a result of people posting on the Kiwi firms and also from reading court documents. And that word is polysubstance. Polysubstance, as in more than one. If you are a off-the-fucking-wagon addict, you may not stop at one substance, a monosubstance abuse such as alcohol or cocaine. You instead will have a poly substance abuse, such as alcohol and cocaine. All the downsides of alcohol with all the downsides of cocaine abuse. And if you are perhaps on camera and you want to enjoy a poly substance indulgence without getting off the camera to conspicuously do lines every couple of minutes, because a cocaine high I think lasts 20 minutes is what people have said, you might need... to mix your substances together. You may need to put the lime in the coconut, so to speak. You may need to put the cocaine in the alcohol bottle. And when your polysubstance mix is actually a lot of fucking money, then it would make sense that every drop of it would be 80 cents, and you wouldn't want a single drop to go to waste. So Mariners' theory, which I will now reposite for you all, my listening audience, is that the reason why Baldo licked the bottle is that it was mixed with cocaine, and it was a polysubstance.
That is your... I think a great thing to actually add to my stream as a recurring trend is a word of the day. So let's start this off, this stream. Your word of the day is polysubstance abuse, if you want the full phrase.
Unknown_02: So, by the way, one of the other things that's interesting to me, which I will relay, is that the police report of the search turned up two things that many people found conspicuous.
Unknown_02: One was that there was a brown substance. And the police are very careful when they say brown substance to not say heroin, which is what many people would think when they say brown substance or hashish, for instance.
The police don't want to, like, falsely identify that they obtained – because I think it's like if they say it's heroin and it's a brown substance and then it turns out that it's something else, like, I guess it's not valid for the warrant or whatever. It can't be entered into evidence.
Unknown_02: So they're very general, like they'll say – It's a white powdery substance that appeared to increase his central nervous system's responses. Like, okay, yeah, it's cocaine. But they'll never say that because if they're wrong, I guess there's problems for them as a result of this.
Unknown_02: However, I have this theory, which I am particularly fond of. The police report mentioned that there was a brown substance and then there was cocaine, which it tested positive for cocaine because they had a field test for it so they could say it was cocaine. And there was several empty .22LR, which is a very small round, under his bed, outside of like a bag. I think he tried to say that the bullets, you know, were like in a, it was just laying on the ground. It was an empty cartridge for a .22LR round. I have been informed, in the many things that I've learned about drugs this week,
Now, there is a drug called Brown Brown, which, as it would turn out, is a browned substance. Brown Brown is a mixture of cocaine and black powder or smokeless powder from a modern bullet casing, a modern round. So there is some suspicion that the brown substance is not heroin.
As many people seem to think it is. Though he did have track marks on his arm, allegedly, so that would be consistent with heroin. But there is some suspicion that the brown substance that they found was actually brown brown, which would be a mixture of cocaine and smokeless gunpowder.
Unknown_02: which apparently increases, because the gunpowder has nitroglycerin in it, I should explain, and the nitroglycerin is a heart medication. You will take nitroglycerin if you have some heart complications where your vascular system is too constricted. If you take nitroglycerin, it loosens up your arteries and your veins. So if you take cocaine and you take nitroglycerin, that cocaine shoots through you real fast and gets you really high really quickly.
Um, which is why dangerous fucking junkies will mix smokeless gunpowder into their, their cocaine to get the nitroglycerin for it. Uh, I thought that was interesting.
Unknown_02: Um, so I don't know. That's just one autistic theory. It's not a fact. I just want to get that out there. That's what people are speculating. There's a lot more going on in the Baudovers this week.
First, let's give a big old shout out to, um,
Unknown_02: Camelot. Camelot was one of Rakeda's autistic degenerate friends that would show up on his streams and coom with him and talk to all the wine aunts who were showing up on his stream and stuff.
Unknown_02: And he dropped a little tidbit that nobody knew anything about, but he apparently didn't realize that people didn't know about this. So let's listen.
Matt says, the biggest part that sucks is Nick has actively been lying to his fans for over a year. Side piece, drugs, swinging. It really sucks.
Unknown_12: Look, I get it.
Unknown_12: I don't think viewers should be involved in anybody's personal life, but yeah, it was, it was, it was pretty egregious. And I think that's kind of what was, I was like, come on, man. Like it was, it's so egregious and I can deal with the hooker thing and the drug, like whatever, fuck it. But the hooker thing.
hookers Camelot who mentioned hookers apparently he mentioned it twice there's just man it's not much I don't know if it was like a blow up situation like he blew up real fast I mean shit I blew up real fast I think oh man Camelot fucking blew up how does he handle the dizzying heights of his rapid success depends on who you are
Unknown_12: And then it was just the getting consumed with the celebrity. I don't know. He's always been humble around me. He's always been really cool.
Unknown_12: So I've never really thought of it in even that way.
Unknown_12: But it's just the drugs and the hookers and all that shit just got way too fucking prevalent.
Unknown_02: He said it twice.
Unknown_12: Way too prevalent.
Unknown_12: And, uh, I guess you can become addicted to that shit too. I don't know. I think they're fucking gross. I'm weird about that kind of stuff.
I think, uh, hookers and strippers are fucking gross and strippers.
Unknown_02: Dude.
Unknown_02: That's bad. That's bad. When Camelot, when Kuma lot himself is like smearing at you, like, oh, you're fucking gross.
Unknown_02: I do not know the man he says.
Unknown_02: Nobody asked about strippers or hookers. So now there is the insinuation that not only has Rakeda been doing all the things that he's been doing, he's also been going out to like many. Oh, because if you don't remember on his public Instagram, not only did he like follow a drug dealer who openly talked about selling cocaine on Instagram, he followed like a bunch of prostitutes from Minneapolis. So he's been openly flirting and associating with strippers and whores, like literal street-walking whores in Minneapolis, and then going out to fuck them. Nobody knew this for sure except Camelot, apparently.
But we saw the strippers and prostitutes and stuff on his Instagram months ago.
Unknown_02: So once again, the only place I knew anything about this, besides Camelot and Camelot's head, up until this post right now, was the Kiwi Farms.
Um, and then this is legal mindset who I have to say like that. Cause in case you don't remember someone, someone in the fucking Baldo chat, um, please.
Unknown_02: Send me the legal, send, hold on, I'm booting up the chat. Send me the Ralph legal mindset clip now immediately. Thank you.
Unknown_13: I'll explain why, but I'll play this clip. If I were him. My suggestion, Nick, is shut the fuck up. Get off of Twitter. Get off of the internet. Get off of locals. Go over there and start talking about a plea deal. You're going to get a lot further than arguing with a bunch of people in a, and dude, oh my fucking God.
Is this guy cross-eyed?
Unknown_13: He looks cross-eyed. My fucking God. Nick just literally, he said, I'm not saying anything else. Talk to me in DMs. And then he drops fucking three DMs after that. No, sorry, three group messages after that, stating facts that can be used against him in court.
Unknown_13: Nick is making statements about the guns.
Unknown_13: And where they are and what they were doing. And he's making these statements in a fucking group DM. This guy is retarded. This guy is retarded.
I know, bro. He's a fucking idiot. We've been saying this for a while, bro.
Unknown_13: And I can tell you right now, I'm much nicer than a lot of these motherfuckers in here. Because a lot of people in this group text are fucking clout goblins. I'm going to say that.
Unknown_02: fucking take advantage of that. Bro, there's like a full-on civil war in the LawTube area now. Nobody knows what side they're... They're like scrambling. It's like...
Unknown_02: It's like how they describe in like an actual war where like when the fighting breaks out and there's like people scattered all over the place and they don't really know like where their side is. Eventually, after a while, the front lines stabilize because people will get on either side of that line and make the front line. Before that happens, there's like complete and total fucking chaos where people are scrambling to like arm up and figure out where the fuck the rest of their crew is. It's like that. The front lines of the Civil War have not yet stabilized. The Baldo War has broken out. Nobody knows where the fuck their allies are, and they're just scrambling to figure out what the fuck they're doing.
It's really, really, really, really funny. Okay, I have multiple links. This one is from Spooderman. I hope that this is it.
It's better than that piece of bullshit. Here we go. Legal mindset.
Unknown_11: Legal mindset.
Unknown_02: Legal dick sucker is more like it. Hell yeah. That's that high energy shit right there. At some point, legal mindset said something like unbuttowards, like Nick Ricada that he took issue with. And Nick and Ralph had just become friends. So Ralph had to, like, cut, like, a 60-second promo making fun of this guy, this boring-looking fucking douchebag in a suit with a lazy eye. And Ralph has no idea who this guy is, doesn't know a single fucking thing about him. All he just knows is that his name is Legal Mindset, he's a lawyer, and he's having beef with Rakeda. So he, like, tries to cut a promo where he's just like, Legal Mindset, Legal Mindset, more like Legal Dig Sucker. Bish, the only legal I care about is not going back to jail, motherfucker. It's just like the most retarded shit ever.
But I never heard of legal mindset until I watched that clip. So now whenever I see legal mindset, I think legal mindset. More like legal dick sucker, bish.
Uh, cool. So that's legal. As I mentioned, the front lines are stabling. Nobody quite knows for sure where they are in the Baldo War, which is taking place. As I've dubbed, because I've congregated all these posts into a new board called the Baldovers Collapse. This is the end stage Baldovers. Um, people, there's chaos, there's pandemonium.
Unknown_02: Um,
Unknown_02: Nick Ricada is back. He's deleting some poosts, such as this poost where he says, in response to Medeker saying Aaron, or quoting Aaron Imholt, you wouldn't believe how dirty it was. I had to sweep and vacuum and cook and do laundry and, and then Ricada says, LaMau, I mean. And I will get into that in just a second.
Rakeda, in response to Medeker talking about the Keno Casino interview with Aaron Emholt, to be clear, on Sunday, there was an interview between Aaron Emholt, the Steel Toe Morning Show guy, who was the husband of the April woman that Rakeda was fucking. He said, He got on, and I get the sense that Aaron Emholt is completely and totally unreliable. He sounds completely full of shit. Oftentimes it feels like he's just making stuff up as he talks.
I would not take anything he says without a serious grain of salt. He just sounds like a professional bullshit artist. If you don't know what that is, hold up. Let me explain to you what a bullshit artist is. Okay, okay.
Unknown_02: This is very important. This is very important content. But this will adequately explain who Aaron Emholtz is.
Unknown_03: Where the fuck is this? I want the clip. I have to go to YouTube. I tried to use induct.go. That was a mistake.
Here we go.
Unknown_03: Here we go. Yeah, yeah. This is the right clip, I think.
Unknown_03: U double L S H I T new word.
Unknown_10: A R T I S T spells bullshit artist. I say again, bullshit artist.
Unknown_02: Just constant.
What is with all these, like, gross memes? Meme spider? Meme spider? Meme graduate? Meme spider? It's all the same fucking video. Mom and dad, son, you're adopted, and it's like a woman getting, like, fucked? Dude, this is what the algorithm... I'm not logged in. I'm using a VPN. I'm on a browser that doesn't keep any data. And when you just search bullshit artist and watch a movie clip, you get suggested four different videos that are the exact same fucking clip, but it's, like, obviously pornographic. Bro, come the fuck on.
Unknown_02: Anyways, basically Aaron Emholtz's recount of this was that Rakeda is like a terrible parent and it's mostly his fault. And poor Kayla was just strung along. But Kayla was, like, so in love with Aaron. He was just so unresistable. And she loved his penis. And his penis worked great. And Nick or Kate, his penis didn't work one time. And April had to ask him for a Viagra once. Because even though Aaron's penis works extra super great, he keeps Viagra just in case, I guess.
And so on and so forth. It was but he kept like like trying to show like what a great person he was because it was like, man, I would like sweep and then like they would break. They would throw like one time Nick threw like a glass against the wall screaming at Kayla. So I got out the broom and I swept it up. And then I cleaned all the dishes so I could cook all the kids like, um, SpaghettiOs and stuff. And then, you know, Ricky was just being so irresponsible and he was up in his room, fucking my wife. And it was just like, like, he just kept going on and on about, he was like a good Janny and he swept it up and he, he gave, he did all sorts of shit.
He lost his wife to Rikita. It just like kept going on and on. And he was trying to like frame this all. Oh, dude,
He said that he literally went down and got like a snack tray for them once. Like he was bragging about how he was the responsible one. So he got like this snack tray and fed them all snacks during their swinging group. So he was like...
Unknown_02: He was trying to like buff himself up and be like, yeah, you know, I took care of things. I got the snack tray and stuff. And I was like, bro, you're a cuck.
Unknown_02: You're telling the story about how you're a cuck, Janie. How you were sweeping it up. And then I remember he, cuck Janie Aaron was talking about how the Kiwi Farms didn't do anything to Rakeda. I happen to have a memory longer than one week. And I remember when Aaron, immediately after the arrest, blamed the Kiwi Farms entirely for Rakeda losing his fucking mind.
He literally said this. He literally said that it was our fault. And it was like a week ago. And now when he's on the Kino Casino and he realized that we're the cool people in this situation, he realized that on this Baldo Civil War, he wants to be on our side of when the front lines stabilize. But a week ago, he didn't. A week ago, he was blaming us. And then as more information came out, he changed his allegiance and changed his story completely. I disavow this guy. I'm going to go on my prediction here. It's early on, but I want to make it clear. Aaron Emholt is a fucking retard cuck, Janny, who catered to Rakeda and his wife and his girlfriend, or his own wife, who he lost to Rakeda, with the silver platter snack tray. With the drugs, with the sweeping it up, with the making his children SpaghettiOs, he is a literal cuck janny. And I refuse, I do not know the man, okay? I'm not, and he blamed us, and then we backtracked it like a bitch later on, only when it became obvious that there was no way to swing that. Fuck that guy.
Don't like him, simple as. I don't even need a reason, I just don't fucking like him.
Unknown_02: Anyways, that's him.
Unknown_02: Oh, this is him talking to Rakeda. Hey, lady, keep it shut. I was more coherent for these conversations than you were. Only one of us has gotten our wives arrested to do our drug habit. If you'll excuse me, I have to go make dinner for my children. Oh, dude. And then he was talking about... Oh, my God. This guy's like a literal fucking retard. He was talking about how the big thing that happened that made him kick Rakeda out of his house and disavow him. And this is also when his wife completely left and stopped living at his house. He brought... He had...
custody of his kids for that weekend or whatever. Rakeda and his wife come up to swing so that he can, uh, feed them snacks. He, while Rakeda is laying in bed, snorting cocaine, uh, his arms wrapped around both his wife and April's at the same time, he can come up there with, uh, the, the grapes and hand feed Rakeda grapes fresh from the vine. As Rakeda came over for this event at his expense, he, um, had what was called like a bullet container of cocaine and,
and apparently it fell out of his pocket and was next to his four-year-old son on the couch. So by a creation of his own mind, Rakeda was there next to his four-year-old son with a bullet of cocaine sitting between them, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. And he takes no responsibility for this. Maybe he did. I think he took a little bit of responsibility for it, but it's just like... I don't know how you can be mad at Rakeda. I don't know. And you say, like...
Unknown_02: He didn't say any of this shit until after he got arrested. He didn't report this. He didn't report any of this. I mean, I guess you can't say, like, oh, you should talk to the police, because police are evil, but I don't know. It's just like, you set this up, and you can't absolve yourself of responsibility. You're equally culpable for this.
Yeah, it was pretty fucking gaudy, the whole thing.
Unknown_02: So this is Autistic Right and his summary of the Keno Casino stream. Aaron claims to be madly in love with Kayla, Rikada's wife. Kayla and April did lesbian shit Christian families. April was the corner demon and death's succubus. They were confirmed swinging. Baldo self-abuses in tard rage and after domestic incidents, which means he hits himself around the head when he's upset, which is a huge fucking retard energy.
The four of them slept in the same bed. Imagine the smell. Part of the story was that he was sleeping in their bed, like all four of them.
Unknown_02: I guess they had like a California king. And they were doing this while all five kids were in the house. So it's like, how does the 16-year-old not know what's happening when mommy and daddy have a second couple, like sleeping in their fucking bed? You know what I mean?
Um, the kids would see all four of them walking out of the bedroom.
Unknown_02: Baldo and Kayla went to hedonism too. Baldo has a rectal dysfunction.
Unknown_02: Um, I've been only that one time. He said that he needed the pill.
Unknown_02: Um, okay. So the, the nanny was a thing and the nanny apparently left the house at some point because it was in such disrepair. That's a, one of Aaron's stories.
Unknown_02: uh aaron was there as a house elf he had to cook stuff clean up the place and so on um there was a dishwasher full of spilt whiskey glass carpets were gross and stained laundry everywhere kayla was upset over baldo licking the bottle she cried aaron wanted out baldo was mad and said you led my wife on baldo would constantly cope and say about the kiwi farms and conversations baldo claimed noel was the one profusely texting him in the shower not the other way around which is complete and total bullshit Even after the shower call, by the way, he would occasionally send me a text message and I would just ignore him. I never spoke to him again after the shower thing. I was just done with him. He kept sending me and it was all like the same kind of cope where it's just like, you don't ask me about how my feelings are. Or when I tell you stuff like, oh, after like the Montegraph thing, when I called him, I was like, well, that's what I remember. And I just stopped replying to him after the shower thing.
Baldo punched a hole in the wall like a tard rage like Bossman Jack after he was kicked out of the homeschool co-op, which I didn't know about. I don't know. Apparently he was not permitted to teach the kids anymore.
Unknown_02: He trashed Vic. By the way.
The guy, Alex Stein, Alex Stein was set to talk to Vic Pignana about Nick Rakeda. And I don't know if it was supposed to be like a tell-all or if Vic was taking his side. But after what I'm about to say, Vic canceled that stream that was supposed to happen with Alex Stein. And it's a direct consequence of the... It's a direct consequence of the allegations and the search warrant that I'm going to read.
So it's probable that Vic was supposed to defend Nick a little bit, and I don't think that's happening anymore.
Unknown_02: But this, by the way, is part of the reason why I really think that Aaron Emholt is a fucking liar. Because I've spoken to Vic at length about Vic Mignogna.
Unknown_02: And my thing that I really pressed Nick on is I am 100% convinced that Vic Mignogna is a homosexual person. And I do not know why his defense in this proceeding was not that I did not have any inappropriate sexual contact with these women because I am a homosexual. I think that he should have said that. And Nick completely and totally refused to even entertain this. He said he's completely straight. He's married to a woman. He got into trouble for cheating on her with a woman at some point in their relationship. He fraternizes with female fans all the time. He's completely straight. So for Aaron to come down and say that Nick dad talked Vic sexuality to him is completely and totally out of character. And granted, you know, this is like. The proper Baldo Nick that he was speaking to is a guy that is doing Brown Brown allegedly. So maybe I don't know maybe he became more reckless and like started shit talking dick or maybe he just didn't tell me because I'm the Kiwi Farms guy. But that is completely and totally 100 percent not in line with my conversations with Nick at any point.
Aaron bought our wife Star Trek figurines.
Unknown_02: They had a snack tray cooler in the bedroom. It was apparently a device that keeps snacks cool. Would anyone need this in the bedroom? Oh, one of the things that he did is that he bought Kayla on their side. Because apparently it was April slept on the far side of the bed next to her. Kayla between him and Aaron. And then Aaron was on the far side of the bed on one side. And he bought for their side of the bed like a Frigidaire mini cooler. So that's why he's the snack lad, because he literally bought, like, a fridge to keep snacks in so that everybody could stay, could eat.
He literally contributed a fridge for snacks.
Unknown_02: Baldo brought narcotics to Aaron's place, one of those plastic bullet toys with cocaine in it to fill it out.
And his four-year-old, oh, I thought it was between them, but he says the four-year-old child actually started to play with it. So he picked, it wasn't just between them on the couch, the four-year-old picked it up, like the bullet of cocaine.
Unknown_02: um supposedly he brought an entire like oh i remember this like his story changed a little bit he like brought like an entire like crack safe full of cocaine to aaron's house um apparently baldo has a humiliation fetish um baldo doesn't make his wife come though of course aaron totally makes april made april come on the reg with his big functional penis
Okay, so Baldo took a St. Andrew's cross to a hotel.
Unknown_02: That is a bondage device. It's just like a letter X. It's a cross that's on its side. And you're supposed to tie each appendage, like each hand and foot, to each corner. It's like a bondage thing. And apparently he took this and folded it up to a hotel room that they went to together.
Unknown_02: Apparently, Rakeda would talk about Alyssa Clips and conversation and complain about her. Um...
Unknown_02: Dick apparently knew about the swinging. Kayla fucked Aaron for his birthday. Aaron got annoyed at Baldo's peeping Tom behavior. When Baldo was cheating on his wife, he confronted Aaron and her wife when they were in bed. He says that he raw-dogged it because he was snipped. He had a vasectomy, so he just raw-dogged Kayla, apparently.
Okay, so there's one thing that's missing in this that I remember, and that was that Rakeda was apparently, according to Aaron, very obsessed with the details of how he was having sex with Kayla. And his story, which – and this is one of the most interesting things that I think might actually be true, is that he claimed –
Nick would like pause his apparently like he was having sex with Kayla like during his streams. And if Nick left his stream and encountered them together, he would start demanding details about what kind of sexual contact they were having.
Unknown_02: And that would explain, like, if they were arguing about stuff like that, that would explain why he kept leaving for, like, 45 minutes at a time. Like, if he was, like, demanding answers, like, did you fuck her? Did she give you a blowjob? What happened, huh? What happened? So even though it was, like, a thing where they were, like, seeing each other's wives, he kept demanding, like, he'd get, like, possessive, but would want, like, he was, like, okay with it, but he would want information about it.
This I'm willing to accept because it's such a weird story, and it aligns with those gaps in his streams that nobody knows what he's doing.
Unknown_03: Um... Aaron apparently has nude images of him and Kayla together. Um...
Unknown_03: He says Baldo does have a trust fund.
Unknown_02: And Rakeda would read the site, which we already knew. So that was Aaron's appearance on the Keno Casino.
Unknown_02: Like I said, I don't believe a lot of what he says, but he was a pretty good storyteller. At least a lot of it was funny.
And then today, just today...
Unknown_02: Useful Mistake got a copy of the search warrant from the... So this is the search warrant. So this was the... The way you get a search warrant is that a petitioner, usually the police, asks a judge for permission to invade somebody's privacy, search them and their person in accordance with the Constitution. So they had to write quite a bit. And then there's the details of what they actually found as a consequence of the search warrant. And I'll read that in a second. Let me drink some water.
All right.
Unknown_03: Okay, so application and search warrant.
Unknown_02: Oh, and this is the beginning of the... So they're applying for the property and also for the people.
Unknown_02: Your affiant is a Detective Quinn Pomplin, a licensed peace officer in the state of Minnesota. Your affiant has been employed with the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office since 2013. Since 2018, your affiant has been assigned to the detective division on a full-time basis, focusing on felony-level crimes, including but not limited to criminal sexual conduct, homicide, death investigations, missing persons, fatal motor vehicle crashes, burglary, etc., including child abuse and financial crimes. Your affidavit was assigned to the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office Patrol Division for investigating street-level crimes, including but not limited to driving under the influence, etc.
Your affidavit was employed as chief of police for the Sacred Heart Minnesota Police Department, which included responsibilities of administration, investigations, and patrol.
Your affidavit was very well qualified. Case background. On May 16th, 2024, Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Dave Nestor received a report regarding possible child neglect and a controlled substance use. The reporter indicated that Nicholas Robert Ricada, residing at blah blah blah in Kandiyohi County, he resides at the residence with his wife Kayla Christine Ricada and five children ages 6 to 16. The reporter indicated that four people from their church had gone to him reporting neglect to the children, possible controlled substance use in a questionable relationship with an additional couple.
It is reported.
Unknown_02: That Nicholas is a social media blogger, and he and his wife Kayla have befriended hosts from a different local social media blogger. Those individuals were identified as Aaron M. Holt and April M. Holt. Your affiant knows personally these are personalities of the Steel Toe Morning Show, which used to be in St. Cloud, Minnesota. However, as of recent years, the show has been a social media entertainment show strictly based online, which aligns completely with the Kiwi Farms thread on him, by the way.
Unknown_02: However, as of recent years, it was reported that Imholtz may have been staying with Ricadas and the home was in disarray and cluttered. It was reported from a church preschool teacher that the children had complained of being hungry, not being fed, and wearing the same clothes for three to four days at a time and would start to smell. Nicholas was reported to being lethargic and appeared high or drugged driving a car around. Another individual advised the reported that Nicholas walked out randomly during sermons at church and have noticed behavioral changes in him. It was alleged Kayla looked anorexic and Nicholas has lost a substantial amount of weight recently. One individual described Nicholas as having injection or track marks on his arms. The reporter reiterated concerns for possible neglect and or controlled substance use within the home. Your affidavit served to review Rakeda and the M-Holtz social media blogs. The blogs are commonly related to legal issues and high-profile trials, as Nicholas is a licensed attorney.
Nicholas is known to drink alcoholic beverages excessively on these video blogs. I immediately noticed that Nicholas' appearance in recent months has changed. In videos from January 2024 compared to May 2024, Nicholas appears to have lost weight, appears tired, and overall appears strung out, common with controlled substance users. Nicholas commonly refers to his studio as his basement and his own residence. Nicholas has been the victim of swatting phone calls and is known to your affiant and the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office because of these calls. When they responded to his house address.
While reviewing M. Holt's social media blogs, Aaron recently indicated that he and April are getting a divorce. Aaron goes on to say that he has experimented with cocaine three times on Molly six or seven times over the past recently.
Unknown_02: In December 19th...
Unknown_02: Very, very incidental date. The M. Holtz broadcasted a podcast from Mercatus Studio with the podcast being named Live from Spicer. Throughout M. Holtz's video blogs, it appears that they and the Mercatus were friends and may have recently had a falling out. It should have been noted that in the recent videos of M. Holtz, April has at times appeared tired, lethargic, and strung out as well.
In both Nicholas' and Imholt's video blogs from Arcata Studio, it is apparent that they are in the same room and the items in the background appear the same. At one point during the Imholt's video, Nicholas walks in the background and grabs an item, which would show that the background is done to backdrop curtain and that the layout of the actual room.
Unknown_02: On May 22nd, so very recently, Emholt did a video blog where he talked about Nicholas and insinuated controlled substance use and also referenced a video blog that Nicholas put online the day before that has since been taken off the lowercase i internet. Emholt indicates in this blog that Nicholas needs help and needs to get help for his kids because of the substance abuse. Emholt points out a time in the video where Nicholas has a white powdery substance on his nose.
On the following day, your affluent was able to review the video that was taken off of Nicholas's YouTube and Rumble social media sites. Hmm. I wonder where Mr. Quinn was able to acquire a copy of this video that was taken down from Nicholas's YouTube and Rumble social media sites. I wonder what website the officer went to to find a copy of this video. What do you guys think?
Unknown_02: The video is from May 21st and is of Nicholas in his basement studio talking about a court appeals ruling he lost. He appears in the video to be drinking alcoholic beverages and eventually appears under the influence of a substance or substances. The entire video is four hours and four minutes long. Approximately two minutes and 46 seconds into the video, Nicholas leaves to go to the restroom. Oh, I think this was minutes. Two hours and 46 minutes. When he returns at two hours and 50 minutes in, he appears to be making an excited look and has white powdery substances on his nose. Your affiant believes his behavior is indicative of central nervous system stimulants. Your affiant believes, based on training and experience, as well as behavior of Nicholas, that he ingested this white powdery substance through his navel cavity while off camera. Your affiant knows through his training and experience that ingesting controlled substances through the nasal cavity is common amongst controlled substance users and is often referred to as snorting. Your affiant also noted that throughout this video, Nicholas is so under the influence of a substance that he at one point has to close his eyes to read his screen, rambles, and slurs his speech. Nicholas would obviously not be able to care for his children in this state of intoxication.
It should be noted that your affiant was a drug recognition evaluator for several years, and based on your affiant's training and experience, the behavior of Nicholas in his video blog indicates polysubstance use, meaning that it is believed he is ingesting more than one substance based off his behavior. Being both excited and nearly passing out, this is a consistent behavior of both CNS stimulants and depressants. Your affiant believes that the report of neglect and controlled substance use are consistent with the previously mentioned information. Your affiant is requesting to search the address for items listed in relation to welfare of the children in the home in relation to a controlled substance investigation. Your affiant is also requesting to search Nicholas for Kato.
I declare that everything is true.
Unknown_03: And then...
Whereas the application of Quinn Pomplin was duly represented and read by the court and fully advised on the premises, now, therefore, the court finds probable cause that causes exist for the issuance of a search warrant signed Jennifer K. Fisher.
Unknown_02: The search warrant for Rick Ada's house was signed by the presiding judge of his civil case and now his criminal case.
Unknown_02: The judge who he describes in this video that was mentioned on May 21st, 2024,
Unknown_02: As having alcohol leak out of her vagina. That's his judge. That signs his warrant. That presides over his civil case and will preside over his criminal case.
Unknown_02: If you live in a small town, do not make enemies of the courts and the police. That's my suggestion to all of you. Because it appears that Ricky did not learn that lesson. And has pissed off a judge.
It's like pottery. It rhymes. That's right.
Unknown_02: So what did we learn from this? We learned that four people indicated to the pastor those evil prudes from his church, as Rakeda complained about.
Unknown_02: The people that deal with his children on a daily basis, the people in his micro-schooling program.
Unknown_02: Um, confided to the pastor that they were concerned about Ricada. They believe, and this is exactly what I said. I bet you they, they saw him driving DUI and they reported it. At least one of them did. One of them reported that the children were malnourished, hungry, arriving to class without food. Um, they stank. One of the teachers literally saw Rakeda's children and went, uh, oh, stinky, uh, oh, stinky, and reported this to the pastor and said, bro, what the fuck? Um, they all noticed that he lost weight. They all noticed that he and Kayla looked like shit.
They reported to the pastor who reported it to the police. As a mandatory reporter has to do. And so the police then, receiving this information, said, hey, I know this guy. He does a law show. Let me see if I can find some videos of him. He went onto the YouTube channel for Rakeda and saw that he looked like fucking shit and thought, holy shit, he is absolutely killing himself. Went to Amholt's YouTube channel and Watched his latest stream where he expresses concern for Rakeda, outlines that they're horrible drug addicts, and then is talking about a stream that he can't find. So I guess he goes to Google or Bing or whatever, types in Nicholas Rakeda livestream, finds the Kiwi Farms, watches an archive of it, and then...
Decides based off of this that he's intoxicating himself with poly substances and is endangering his children in the process and applies for a warrant based off this information, which, by the way, contrary to what Robert Barnes is saying on Twitter. is not insufficient for probable cause. That's definitely enough to get a warrant to go check. And then, of course, they check, and what do you know? The house is fucking filled.
Unknown_02: The kids are hungry. They haven't had their SpaghettiOs in weeks since the snack boy left.
Unknown_02: It's just a tragedy all around.
Unknown_02: So that's the update with Ricada.
Unknown_03: The search warrant has come out.
Unknown_02: And we all knew. People talked about this for months on the forum. We all knew that he had a falling out with his church. We all knew that he looked like shit. We all knew that he was doing cocaine on top of doing alcohol. We knew that because they were both engaging in weird swinging sex and because they were both doing substances together, that there was no fucking way that you can maintain a household. Like it's hard enough for me to clean my space. What the fuck is it like with one child? If you have like one child and you're trying to take care of one child, it must be fucking like a full days of work to keep everything tidy. You have five kids, even if they're older, like it would be a full, it is full time work to keep your space clean. If you have five kids, there's no way around it. Even if they are responsible, like, Then you try to do part-time parenting and then part-time swinging and part-time drug use. There's not a fucking chance. There's no chance in hell that you can juggle five kids, especially when they're in like a weird micro-schooling program and not like a public school program where you can just get them to fuck off like 10 hours a day. There's no chance in hell that you can adequately care for five kids. While juggling swinging and cocaine. There's just not a chance. There's not a chance.
And streaming. There's just no way. There's literally no fucking way. The odd hours that Rikado was up at night, like, there's not a fucking chance. It's really sad. Because it was sad a while ago when he realized that it was just like an alcohol problem and he was like being like a shithead. And you're like, bro, you're supposed to be like Trad. Everyone liked you. And now you're like a loser. You're literally like a deadbeat dad. And then it's like, okay, so they're like properly neglecting the kids. The littlest ones aren't even taking showers and they're having to like recycle their clothes because they don't have any more clean clothes. Like what a fucking like travesty.
You know, it remains to be seen because the laws of what represents an emergency like in child protective services is always different state by state. So, you know, who knows? Imagine how disruptive that is, especially when you have like a weird like micro schooling program. You're a six-year-old and you're used to going to all these different people's houses to learn lessons in these small classroom environments. Well, you get yanked out of that and put into a system. Even if it's a relative's house, a relative isn't going to drive you around to all your micro-schooling shit. You're going to public school. So you're six years old and you're suddenly moved out of the only house you've ever known. Mom and dad aren't around because they're dealing with a court case. They might be going to jail for 25 years. You're now in like this completely different environment. And then you're not even going to go to your micro-schooling because your foster parents probably both work and they can't do that. So you're just going to go to public school. And then you're like this weird, traumatized six-year-old going to fucking Minnesota public school, probably near Minneapolis for the first time in your life. And you're sitting next to Madhul Ahmad Sheikh Akbar.
You know, like, well, that's like that's genuinely like I never recover from this. I'm now fucked up in the head. I'm traumatized for the rest of my life. I'm going to go to therapy because my safe, comfy life was ruined instantaneously by my retard father and mother. You know, it's like fucked.
Unknown_02: It's really sad.
Unknown_02: And by the way, since I saw a lot of people on Twitter saying this, I never wished this on Nick. I'm not happy. Does anyone think that I'm happy that Rikita's life is fucked up and his entire family is going to be traumatized as a result? Does anyone think that? I don't think anyone's happy. I think a lot of people are pleased to see someone smug and condescending the way that he has. But that was like as an addict. There's very few people who are genuinely happy that Rikita's life is fucked up. I'm not one of them. And I don't know why people project this bullshit on me. Like the Kiwi Farms ruined him and Josh Moon is so happy that Rikita's life is over. No, not. No, they're not. What's wrong with you?
They constantly do this, too.
Unknown_02: I'm not, okay, 4K Tra is happy.
Unknown_02: It is, it is like, it is like a disgust thing. Like, I'm shocked, and I, of course, enjoy drama. Like, it's interesting that I get to see this, and I do enjoy drama, but like, I'm not happy that Rikita's whole thing is fucked up.
Unknown_02: I see that Tetra Becks is trying to bankroll my entire flight to the U.S. I'll get around to this, okay.
Okay, so.
Unknown_03: I will listen to Existence, yeah, right.
Unknown_02: Alright, so there's one more thing. After this came out, I made this. I showed this picture of Dick and... I have to do the full intro. I did this picture of Dax Herrera, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, man who gets fucked in the asshole, dressed as a cow, and Vito Lupito, Christopher Giswaldi, a.k.a. Open Pedophile. And they were just smugly, schmuckly. Like, if you want to know what it looks like when you're happy that someone's life is fucked over, this is what this looks like. Rakeda is their friend. They talk to him. Apparently, they were a confidant for Rakeda, talking about his swinging and other exploits. So they're, like, schmuckling about this.
So I have since taken this and I have superimposed it over a group of hungry children to emphasize their smug libertarian preening about how does this affect you personally? Drug prohibition is ruining families. The real crime is that someone narked on him. I just want to make an artistic statement here using AI imagery as an accessory. I hope that this conveys my feelings towards Dax Rourke, a.k.a. Juju the Cow, the man who gets fucked in the asshole dressed as a cow, and Christopher Vito Giswaldi, the pedophile. I don't think I already played that.
Yeah, he's just been... There's nothing interesting about him. If someone was concerned that I would start talking about Dick more often on my podcast, do not worry. I intend not to talk about him as quickly as possible.
Unknown_03: So...
Unknown_02: Did you put the symbol on the hat? Yes. It's an advertisement for their show. Usually he just wears like an ad for their show.
Unknown_02: And I don't like advertising them. So I just replaced it with a pedophile symbol to hammer home the point.
Unknown_02: All right. So we got more.
Unknown_02: This is like a proper like boss man jack. I've been ignoring Bossman Jack for a full week.
I'm now to talk about him. Because some stuff has happened. And none of it, by the way, is at this point related to Bossman Jack losing his money. He does not lose it all and then says, I lost it all. I can't fucking believe it. And then he smashes something. This is all weird, weird stuff.
Unknown_02: Bossman has been out and about doing his thing. Okay, first of all. He self-excluded from steak. He told the casino, look, I got a gambling problem. I want to be banned from the casino for a week. So he was. You can't un-self-exclude yourself. So he had a week to burn where he didn't know what to do.
And so one of the things he was doing was playing Counter-Strike. So during his escapades in Counter-Strike competitive play, he encounters a simulade.
Unknown_02: Warning! Warning! Femoid detected! Femoid detected! There's a femoid playing a video game! Bossman Jack was horrified. He had heard stories of this, of femoids accosting innocent man-gamers just trying to mind their own business and play video games. But he had never seen it in person. He had never seen it happen. So this femicide came out of nowhere, started sexually harassing him, and he had to defend himself. So let's listen to a little bit of their interaction for as long as I can stand it.
Who the fuck?
Unknown_23: Bitch. Who the fuck do you think you are, bro? Go ahead and kill me, bitch. Go ahead. Fucking dickhead. Go ahead, bitch. What you gonna do? What you gonna do, bitch? You ain't gonna do shit. Sit in the fucking... That's what I thought, bitch. That's what I thought. That's what I'm smoking your ass next round, bitch.
Yeah, give her the fucking op, dude. Give her the fucking op. That's what the fuck I thought.
Unknown_23: I don't give a fuck. Shut the fuck up, you fucking whore. Go suck dick for rent, bitch. Suck dick for rent.
Unknown_20: Suck dick for rent. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I've done nothing wrong to you. You want to be a bitch. Tell me what the fuck I did wrong. Tell me, bitch. What'd I do wrong? What'd I do wrong? What'd I do wrong for you to talk shit, bitch? Nothing. Suck dick for rent like you normally do. Suck dick for rent. Suck dick for your rent. Suck dick for rent. Suck dick for rent. Suck dick for rent. Suck dick for rent. Suck big old dick for rent. Suck big old dick for rent. Suck big old dick for rent. Suck big old dick for rent. Suck big old cock for rent. But suck big old cock for rent, bitch. Suck big old cock for rent. She goes, she goes, she goes. Listen, she goes like this. Listen, guys. Listen to this. I'm streaming in front of 300 people. She goes, she goes, she goes. No, I want you're up.
Dude, the guy, the way that he goes, she goes, she goes, she goes. It sounds like death grips. She goes, she goes, she goes, she goes guillotine. She goes, she goes, she goes, you're up. It's like that. It's like musical. You need to remix that. What have I done wrong to you?
You fucking dumb bitch. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking loser. You're a fucking loser. You're a fucking loser. You're a fucking loser. Yeah, you're the loser. Dude, look at you being a bitch for me for no reason. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Kick me. Kick me then. Kick me then. Kick me then, bitch.
Unknown_23: You probably look like a whale on the beach. You look like a goddamn whale washed up on the beach, bitch. You're a double chin ass bitch looking ass fucking bitch. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Thank you. God damn. Shut the fuck up. God damn. Shut the fuck up.
Thank you. God damn. What the fuck's wrong with people, dude?
Unknown_23: She acts like I did something wrong to her. She's a straight up bitch to me. For what reason? Let's hear it. What reason was that for? That's what I fucking thought. I did nothing wrong. You're a fucking... Okay, so...
Unknown_02: I will spare you the rest of that 17-minute long clip.
Unknown_02: There is a story arc to this. Let's get into it, Chet. So this is the initial incident. As he is going off at her for 17 minutes, an entire compot of ratatouille rats begin contacting her, demanding that she, informing her of who she's talking to.
This is her, Dolly from Hong Kong. Nerf this, cat face. I love my daddy, cat face. Insta lovely Dolly.
Unknown_02: Boss Man Jack was indeed correct. She does, in fact, suck dick for rent. There is like a cam whore that is apparently sharing the same name, Instagram handle, as this Dolly. So number one, he was correct. But let's dig deeper chat. Number two, she joins the Kiwi Farms as Dolly Pop Lollipop. Wait, hold on. What did I delete?
Hold on.
Unknown_03: Oh, it just says approve my message.
Unknown_02: So I approved it.
Unknown_02: Okay. And I deleted the other one because it was stupid. But she says, I'm a minor. So obviously I have to ban her immediately. But here's the question. Is she a minor? Before she got banned, by the way, she was in chat earlier.
Unknown_02: she confirms that the Instagram is hers and then says, but she's a minor, but this is bullshit because her account is 10 years old. So she would have, if she's claiming that she's like, like under 18, she would have had to been like a six year old when she created her, her steam account. And also she's saying that she's a, uh,
minor, but she has a CSGO name-tagged bomb for the terrorist side called Daddy's Load with a little happy face. So that's a bit weird for a child on the internet to be doing. But the Vanity Euro is Joey's play toy. Joey, Joe is apparently her boyfriend.
Unknown_02: um however if we take a closer look you'll see that dolly's original steam name was joe real name joe aka soft belly rubs so we believe that she's a tranny and as soon as this tranny news came out She deleted her Steam account or changed the handle so that people wouldn't be able to find it. Actually, no, she deleted the... No, she changed her Steam handle so that we wouldn't be able to look at it anymore. So the Dolly situation, number one, Bossman Jack completely redeemed. Not a misogynist. My boy Bossman just immediately knew. Number one, this person sucks dick for rent. Number two, this is not a woman. This is a tranny. and started immediately eviscerating him on the mic.
That's the kind of instinct that money can't buy, boys and girls. The kind of transmesia that we must all be envious of.
Unknown_02: So this is... Not there, dude.
Unknown_22: Dude, stop!
Unknown_02: Oh, that's his brother's dog, I think. Stop, man! God, dude! Oh, my God, man! The dog is very concerned. Oh, no! Get out of there, Birch.
Unknown_02: You're in the danger zone.
Unknown_20: Where did the dog go?
The dog's like hiding. Did the dog leave after he opened the door? No, the dog's like hiding under his bed. He doesn't leave.
Unknown_02: Don't yell at the birds, bossman.
Unknown_02: Anyways, the Dolly footage got posted to rgirlgamers, and all the girls said, oh my god, that's terrible.
Unknown_02: This person in particular got singled out. SelfieFairy says, what is the point of this? It just makes my blood boil. He's upset that she's, quote, being a bitch for, quote, no reason. There's an entire five minutes of reasons right there, and he has 300 witnesses saying what an absolutely abusive loser he is. Good job. Fuck that asshole. I hope he steps on a rusty nail. Bro, Selfie, chill. Chill. Calm down, Selfie. Listen here. Bossman Jack was merely taking out a tranny, eviscerating a tranny from the planet. Don't you worry. He was protecting you.
So the other interesting Bossman thing that happened was that he had a real-life friend visit?
Unknown_19: What up, Discord? Chilling in my room with my boy Justin in the cut. Yo. In the cut, rolling big doobies up, big blunts.
Justin drove like 10 hours to be there. Justin and his friend were going to both fly out, but his friend had to cancel his plane ticket because Bossman flipped out on him on Discord before he could even get there. So he just bailed. So the other guy did not make it, but this guy drove 10 hours. They spent one day together. They actually had the fishing stream. Because Bossman had been promising a fishing stream for forever. They went out to a lake that he likes to go out to.
Unknown_02: And you can kind of see, you have to tilt your head. But Bossman, there was a couple seconds. A couple seconds of Discord footage posted on the internet. Of Bossman and Jack actually outside. I think that this is the only footage that we have of him in recent times where he's outside.
And he's just chilling with Big Jay.
Unknown_15: Yeah.
Unknown_02: With the fishing rods, doing some fishing.
Unknown_15: I don't think so. So it was very nice to see that boss man Jack was finally chilling out with someone his own age.
Unknown_02: Going outside, you know. Things were looking up for boss... Oh, he fucked it up again.
Unknown_23: Yeah, right. Now you're playing all alone? I'll roast the fuck out of you, boss man. You wanna go, buddy? You wanna go? Respect. That's the last thing you know about.
Hello? Hello? Did you not know how to talk?
Unknown_23: Hello? Are you there?
Unknown_23: Are you there? Are you there? I think he's talking to somebody on Discord right now. It's okay, bro.
Unknown_23: Yeah, dude. You definitely started this, boss man. I'm letting you chill in my house and you're talking about me disrespecting you?
Unknown_23: I'll knock your bitch ass out.
Unknown_23: Don't fucking do not do that. Do not do that.
Unknown_02: Do not do that, boss man.
I didn't mean it like that. Fuck him.
Unknown_02: I can't remember when it was over. It was, like, a very innocuous message where, like, he was saying something to a rat that he was talking to online, and then Justin, like, agreed with Bossman, but he agreed with it in a way that Austin didn't like, so he freaked out and immediately called him a rat and said to get the fuck out of his house. I think that this is the next one. Yeah. Wait, that's late.
Unknown_02: Oh, here we go.
Unknown_23: Hey, guys, when... No.
Hell, respect? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What do you know about that?
Unknown_02: See, that's what I mean. Like, he's trying to, like, Lawson's, like, just, like, tweaking out and, like, ranting. And Justin tries to, like, yes-man them and be like, yeah, back when people had respect and shit. He's like, what the fuck do you mean respect, motherfucker? What do you know about respect?
Unknown_23: Remember back in the day, guys, when people respected you? No. Hell, respect? You've got to be fucking kidding me. What do you know about that? Nothing.
Unknown_23: You don't know shit. You think you're taking over. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Yeah, right. Is that how you're playing all along? I'll roast the fuck out of you, boss man. You wanna go, buddy?
Unknown_02: Justin is in stunned silence. He has no idea how to process this. This confrontation is so insane. Detached from reality. He's like, what the fuck are you talking about? Especially because boss man's yelling while playing old school RuneScape. He's like, are you talking to me? What? Are you there?
Unknown_23: Are you there? Are you there?
Unknown_23: Are you there? It's okay, bro. Yeah, dude. You definitely started this, boss, man. I'm letting you chill in my house, and you're talking about me disrespecting you?
I'll knock your bitch ass out.
Unknown_23: Go fuck it. Do not do that. Do not do that.
Unknown_00: Do not do that, boss, man.
Unknown_23: I didn't mean it like that. Fuck him. You gotta be fucking kidding me. I'll kick you out right now, boss. I better delete the VOD, huh?
Unknown_23: It was just part of the... It's not a real thing, guys. This guy's dead. There he's at it.
Unknown_23: Love you, bro. Thank you. You're so kind to me. Respect me. Shit. Good fight, dude. Poor Justin. No, dude, fuck you, Mixie. You're a fucking... See how confused he is?
Because this is, like, such a... Like, it's hard to follow this conversation. Like, he's playing an old-school RuneScape while, like, saying that this guy can get... should get out of his house and fuck him, and he's a rat. Even though I drove eight hours to hang out with him and take him fishing and shit, I was like, oh, this was his plan all along to come in and say, yeah, respect. Like, what the fuck do you mean, respect? And it's just, like, it's just nonsense. Like, what the fuck?
Unknown_23: He knows exactly what he's doing and what he's been doing. No mas, my boy, no mas. I let you have your fun for a little bit. Good luck. You know what I'm saying? Good fucking luck, boss man.
He's talking to the guy behind him, but that's really bizarre. This is atypical human behavior. I know that sounds obvious, but imagine you're having a confrontation with someone while playing RuneScape, and you're not talking to them or looking at them. He's not even saying anything. He's having a conversation with his chat while addressing a person directly behind him. And I think that part of the reason of why that's so weird is that...
Unknown_02: It's like not I think when you're having like a confrontation with someone, your instinct is to face them because if they like make it physical, you're able to react. Whereas right now, if this guy was like a sneaky spy, like he and he had like a dagger and was sneaking up on him, he could just like stab him in the back right now, like literally.
so it's like it's like contrary to human nature to like argue with someone while not facing them i think it's it's really bizarre that's why it's like everyone our primitive monkey minds are like they're not talking he's not talking about him because it doesn't make sense he's not looking at them if they start dancing like ralph does i've been doing nothing right good good he started this dude he's been trying to take over been
Unknown_23: Dude, he would come up to me and be like, yo, look at the comments. Like, dude, just... Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
Oh, that's what... That's what makes him crack out. The people are like, dude, we love your streams with Justin. He's like, what the fuck you mean you love my streams with Justin? You love my streams with me, motherfucker. Why does Justin try to take over my streams? He's, like, super insecure about this guy, like, one-upping him.
Unknown_23: It's fine if you don't, dude. Yeah, that's what he's good at, making me look like the bad guy. Good job, Justin.
Unknown_23: Hold up, guys.
Unknown_15: Respect on RuneScape, is that right?
Unknown_23: Right.
I'm back, guys. What's up, guys? How we doing?
Unknown_23: We all good. I apologize to him. You know, whatever. I could have been misinterpreting shit. I definitely could have. But we're all good.
Unknown_02: I could have, but I kicked him out anyways. That's so bizarre.
Unknown_23: You know, we've been around each other a little bit. You know, butt heads sometimes, whatever. Happens, dude. You know, I apologize to him. So we're all chillin'.
Unknown_23: Okay, we're going to try one more time, guys. One more time on this motherfucker.
Unknown_02: Then afterwards, he has a freakout because someone sends in clips saying that he's been playing BC games instead of steak, like, off stream, and that pisses them off.
All right, that's the Boss Man update. You're all caught up on a week of Boss Man exciting activity. I would have one more final kind of relevant. In fact, you know what? Baldo Hamster. No, that's the right hamster. No, that's the Popo Hamster. Baldo Hamster, there we go.
Unknown_02: I have one more thing. This is from Drama Fan, who is, I believe, from Our Drama, which moved to its own website after they got banned.
Unknown_02: This is a Redditor who cooks gourmet-looking food and poses the food next to what appear to be, I don't know if you would call them rocks, but that is brown balls of heroin.
And... Wait, I missed the fight?
Unknown_03: Okay, sorry, let's go back.
Unknown_03: Is it this one? Where is it?
Unknown_03: Which video is it?
Unknown_03: Some sort of fight and boss man mom gets involved. Is this it? Is this it?
That one. This one.
Unknown_02: Okay.
Unknown_02: Little Justin seems to be getting out.
Unknown_02: Where's the mama at?
Unknown_02: The second video. Dude, there's one, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. Which one am I fucking playing? There's five videos. Which one am I fucking playing?
Unknown_02: Okay, I need y'all's help.
Unknown_03: I need y'all's help.
Unknown_23: Someone, I need y'all's help. If you fuck with me, listen to me, guys. If I, if you fuck with me, and you want me to keep my stake deal, I need you to come to Discord. I'm going to ask in my Discord, someone's made, listen, someone's made a fake picture of me or video of me playing on BC Game. It is completely fabricated. It cannot be real. He thinks I've shared it in my Discord or I've been sharing my stream streaming in my Discord or something with BC Game on there, which is not true. So if you guys could just vouch for me that that has not happened. Who in my stream right now has been in my Discord for at least a week, and knows that I've not posted anything like that, or shared my stream, or anything like that with BC Game.
Please just fucking... Okay, I'm back, guys.
Unknown_23: I'm back. Go ahead. I would have to end the stream and turn my VPN on and shit, but I can definitely do that if that's what's required.
Unknown_23: Dude, why would I do that? Tell me one reason why I would do that. Why? Why? Why would I do that? Why would I do that? Tell me the reason why. What would be the reason for me to do that? Tell me.
That's what I thought. Hold up. That's what the fuck I thought.
Unknown_02: I mean, now it's like it's not fucking funny because I'm going to have to sit here for 12 fucking minutes and find the right fucking... I'm in the Kingdom Casino chat. Link the fucking video you want me to play. Like, I'm sorry. I went through the fucking highlights. I try not to watch everything. Like, one...
Unknown_02: Like right before I play it, because that doesn't make it funny. If I see every single thing that I'm going to play, then I can't react to it.
Okay, I remember now.
Unknown_02: So he, um, there's the, the, the rats are fucking with the stake deal. Cause they send a video to stake showing him playing BC games on discord and private. Um, Justin is there at the time when he's cracking out about losing a stake deal again. So he asked Justin to back him up on it. And apparently from, I remember he did not do a good job and this is when bossman throws him out.
The whole time I've been here, he hasn't played it at all. Only Stake.
Unknown_02: Dude, I played it today with my... Dude, you're a fucking rat. Get the fuck out. Get out of my house. Get out of my house. Justin, like, confirms. Just to be clear, the argument is that Stake thinks that he's playing BC games off stream. He asked Justin to back him up.
Unknown_15: The whole time I've been here, he hasn't played it at all. Only Stake.
Unknown_02: The whole time I've been here, he has not played BC games at all, only Stake. And then Bossman, I don't know how the fuck he interprets that in the negative. He interprets that literally the opposite way of what was stated, and he throws him out. Dude, I played it today with my fucking... Dude, you're a fucking rat. Get the fuck out! He literally says what he would want him to say, but I guess he thinks you haven't played Stake at all. And he's just like too cracked out, and just throws him out.
Get out of my house! Get out of my house! I played on PC. Dude, I did my recharge.
Unknown_02: That's right. You guys can't see the video because of the chat. Okay, hold up.
Unknown_20: I never filmed it.
Unknown_02: Here, wait. I'm going to do something really professional here. Oh, fuck yeah.
Never streamed it. Never talked about it. But I did get my recharge today. It's literally free money waiting for me. I didn't do it on stream. Shared it with anybody or nothing. Get the fuck out, dude. Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. Get your shit and get the fuck out. Get the fuck out, dude. You're a fucking rat, dude. Trying to make me say some shit like that. You're a fucking rat, dude. Get the fuck out of here.
Unknown_02: Trying to make me say some shit like that. That's weird. I honestly can't decipher what he's upset about. Hold on, guys.
Unknown_22: Give me just a second. Get the fuck out of here, bro. You're a fucking rat, dude.
Then he needs it.
Unknown_02: He's yelling at him somewhere. You can see him seriously pissed. And Justin's just like, alright, whatever, buddy.
Unknown_02: Yeah, that's weird. Wait, hold up.
Unknown_02: His chat's in the bottom left. I want to see what the chat says. No, it wasn't something.
Unknown_15: I thought maybe someone in chat said Justin said that you played BC games or something.
And there's nothing.
Unknown_03: There's nothing in the chat.
Unknown_03: Boss, don't even address that anymore.
Unknown_02: It's so weird. I have literally no fucking clue why he freaks out at that. Very bizarre.
Unknown_02: Alright, there's the Bossman update. Back to the heroin. Uh, so this guy, he does heroin, and then he posts on a board called Our Heroin and Our Drugs Are Beautiful, which I've never heard of before, and I couldn't find on EdRit, so I don't know if it's already deleted, but, um,
Here we have Wagyu cheeseburgers with caramelized onions and blue cheese crumbles. French fries and heroin always make the Mondays more tolerable.
Unknown_02: I imagine my heroin helps with the Mondays.
Unknown_02: Late night snack, strawberry Napoleons and heroin.
Unknown_02: Thank God it's Friday. I'm settling for a cozy evening at home, boofing dope, coke, and ketamine, cooking and baking and watching a series of old BBC's documentaries on Welsh castles in my pajamas. I couldn't imagine a more perfect Friday night.
I made some grilled salmon with fig balsamic glaze on a bed of creamy garlic mashed potatoes and carrots with a cumin honey sauce. I don't bake often, but today I was in the mood, so I also made some chewy vanilla cranberry cookies from scratch. People often message me to ask what the combination of dope, ketamine, and coke feels like. The best way I can describe it is it feels the same way Christmas morning with your family felt like when you were a kid. A wondrous mixture of comfort, coziness, and excitement. I hope you all have an awesome weekend. And I hope that none of you are hungry, dope-sick, or cold. And here is his salmon and mashed potatoes, tasty cranberry cookies, and the finest dope.
In the mid-afternoon snack, jumbo-sized vanilla custard and raspberry macaroons and some really nice number three dope that just got delivered.
Unknown_02: This guy really wants to be like the Gordon Ramsay of heroin. Though I think he's doing the wrong drug. I don't know. He apparently does coke, too.
Unknown_02: Dope, ketamine, and coke. I don't know what ketamine is. Isn't ketamine like a tranquilizer?
Unknown_02: Dope.
Unknown_02: What is ketamine? Explain to me what ketamine is, Chet.
Unknown_02: I should probably, I don't know. I don't know enough about drugs. Maybe I should do ketamine to explore.
It's rackets.
Unknown_02: Damn, yum, says Snead McChuck. He's a modern day Anthony Bourdain. That's right. The K-hole, special K, tranquilizer.
Unknown_02: Horse tranquilizer. That's what I thought. So wouldn't heroin and horse tranquilizer be like two depressants? Am I confusing what a tranquilizer is with like a depressant? What does heroin do that horse... Okay, hold up.
What is ketamine? Ketamine.
Unknown_02: I wish I could just ask Google. I need to look at Alexa. Alexa, help me do my strings.
Unknown_02: Ketamine.
Unknown_02: It's for guys to loosen their assholes. Oh yeah, that's right. That's right. Gays do tranquilizers so that they can get fucked in the ass better.
Unknown_02: Ketamine is a disassociative anesthetic used medically for induction and maintenance of anesthesia. It's also used as a treatment for pain and pain management.
It seems like if you do heroin with ketamine, it's like a double up, right?
Unknown_02: Heroin is disetalamorphine and diamorphine among its names. It's a morphine opioid substance.
Unknown_02: From the dried latex of the Papau Sumner Ferrum plant. It is used as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects.
Unknown_02: So it's like...
Unknown_02: So you do the heroin to be very happy. You do the ketamine to be really like relaxed. And so you can poop easier. Cause I know that Coke makes you constipated. So you take the tranquilizer, you can still poop, but then you do the Coke so that you're like awake. Cause otherwise you would just be too relaxed from the ketamine. So you like do the three and then you're like a little boy going down to see the Christmas tree. Am I, am I, am I correct?
no i'm wrong you do ketamine to feel funny no no no k will make you trip leveled out crossfade heroin makes you constipated you do ketamine to hallucinate and disassociate oh oh so when it says disassociative that's like you're literally like freak out
The coke bone is connected to the ket bone.
Unknown_02: Dude, I don't know anything about drugs. Do you fucking, like, low IQ degenerate freaks have to explain this to me?
Unknown_02: K-hole stretches your inner, your A-hole.
Unknown_02: Ask Google AI. Okay, well, give me a second. Okay.
Unknown_02: I'm gonna go ask Gemini real quick.
Unknown_02: Okay. Hold up.
Unknown_03: Gemini.google.com.
Unknown_03: Maybe Google will give me an answer to this.
Unknown_03: No, I don't want to sign in. Can I do Bing? Can I do Bing Copilot without signing in? Bing's better anyways.
Unknown_03: Co-pilot.
Unknown_02: Ooh, is it going to let me do this without signing in?
Unknown_02: Why would someone take heroin, ketamine, and cocaine together? Question mark.
Unknown_02: I do accept your terms of service.
Unknown_02: Okay, I'm going to verify that I'm human. I am human. And then it says something went wrong. Okay, that didn't work. Let me just ask Bing. I have it on my phone. Bing.
Unknown_03: We're going to figure this out together, chat.
Unknown_03: Only this time, okay.
Unknown_02: Why would someone do ketamine, cocaine, and heroin together? Okay, it's searching.
Unknown_02: It might be not... I'm sorry, but I can't continue with this topic. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. No, I don't have any other questions. I want to know what happens when you do cocaine, okay?
Okay, hold up.
Unknown_02: I'm going to try Gemini on my phone. I'm signing on my phone.
Unknown_02: I'm going to get one of these people. Maybe I should ask Gruk. I have Gruk or whatever on X. Let me ask Elon. I bet you Elon would know.
Unknown_02: All right, hold up. I'm signing to X on one of these browsers. I have like eight browsers on this computer. I'm going to ask Gruk real quick. Okay, Gruk.
Hey, Gruk.
Unknown_02: Why would someone take ketamine, heroin, and cocaine together? Okay, Grok is thinking.
Unknown_02: Well, well, well. Someone's looking to throw a party in their bloodstream, eh? Taking ketamine, heroin, and cocaine together is like trying to mix oil, water, and a firework. It's a dangerous cocktail that can lead to a wild ride, but not the kind you want to be on. Ketamine is a disassociative anesthetic that can cause hallucinations and a sense of detachment from reality. Heroin is an opioid that can produce feelings of euphoria and relaxation. Cocaine is a stimulant that can make you feel alert, energetic, and talkative. So why would you want to mix these three substances? The short answer is they probably shouldn't. This combination can lead to a host of dangerous side effects, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and a risk of overdose.
It's like trying to juggle chainsaws. So if you're thinking about mixing ketamine, heroin, and cocaine, my advice is to find a safer way to have fun. Maybe a nice board game.
No, but really, what would it feel like? Okay, I'm going to do a follow-up, see if I can get him to do it.
Unknown_02: Okay, you want to know what it would feel like?
Unknown_02: Okay, so ketamine is like being the star of your own sci-fi movie. Heroin is like a warm, fuzzy blanket. And cocaine can make you energetic and talkative. It's like being on a roller coaster ride through the cosmos while wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket and talking a mile a minute. You might feel euphoric, disassociated, and full of energy all at the same time. It's like being an astronaut on a mission to the center of the Earth, but with more risk of crashing and burning. Okay. Did Grok give a complete answer to this? I don't know.
How would AI know what drugs feel like? I don't know. I assume that enough people have talked about their K-holing and A-holing and C-holing and H-holing to understand. Sounds fucking fantastic. Sounds about right. Grook did some drugs. It's like heaven. Okay.
Unknown_02: Doing better than Josh.
Unknown_02: It's like strong alcohol but lasts 20 minutes.
Okay. Someone said that's a good answer. All right. I'm satisfied with this. Thank you, Grok. Good job. I'm going to give this one a thumbs up on my Grok interface. Okay.
Unknown_02: Cool. Excellent. I hope you have learned or enjoyed learning about drugs with me, Joshua Moon, host of Mad at the Internet, admin of the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_02: Oh, God. One more thing. The money has reminded me of something.
Unknown_02: One more thing, for those of you who are Ricada aficionados.
So one of the things that has been – this is a secret only for people who have survived the Boss Man Jack and heroin segment and who actually really care about Ricada. Here's the deal.
Unknown_02: So police obviously all wear body cams now, especially in the U.S. And Ricada served a search warrant, so that means that police with body cams went to his house. In almost every state in the country, that means that there is body cam footage that you can request that would give you insights into the search and arrest, right?
Unknown_02: Here's the deal. In Minnesota, it's a little bit different. In Minnesota, they have very strict privacy laws on body cam footage. And a lot of people did not suspect that the police would be willing to give over any body cam footage for any reason, especially if you're not one of the people that were involved in the search. It could be a police officer. It could be one of the people that were a part of the search warrant, one of the people in the footage. But it had to be somebody involved in the search, usually.
But someone contacted the police of the county of Ohio County and asked them, can I get this footage? And they got a reply saying yes, but it would cost $60 per hour in order to process the request. And judging by how many body cameras and cameras like dash cams were involved in the footage, They said it would probably take at least 50 hours to process the request. And $60 an hour, that's $3,000 an hour, not including other fees. So I am going to crowdfund $5,000 to cover this request. But here's the thing. A lot of people did not look into this at all because Minnesota law is pretty strict in how it's written in regards to body cam footage. But I happen to know an attorney who is licensed in Minnesota and also happens to be the foremost leading attorney in FOIA requests in the entire United States.
He has reviewed the case law regarding the Minnesota privacy law. In one instance, there was a bus robbery. And of the six people who were being robbed on the bus, one of them consented to the video being released and the other five did not. So the courts, trying to process the absurdity of this Minnesota law that prohibits valuable public data from entering the public, debated what to do over this footage. So they compromised by blurring out the other people in all this footage.
So there is a theory, a working theory that we have, where if we request this footage, they may blur out everybody. Everybody involved might be blurred out and they might garble the voices. But we know what Nick and Kayla look like. We know what April looks like. What we don't know is what the house looks like. And there is no Minnesota law that indicates that the house is due privacy.
And that's what we want. So we're going to put this in anyways. We're going to see what we get. And in 10 to like 30 days later, we'll see what comes out of our request. I'm going to go ahead with it anyways because I know that we're going to get enough money to afford whatever the fuck we want in terms of from this Kandiyohi County Police Department.
I've already submitted the request.
Unknown_02: spoiler i've already submitted the request so i'm already going to be out the money whatever the bill ends up to but i'm still gonna i'm gonna do the crowdfund thing i'm trying out a new platform it's called the old glory alliance it's from the people that do the old glory bank which is supposed to be like an anti-new platforming bank so i'm gonna do like a test to see if they can handle kiwi farms josh moon doing the crowdfund um we'll put together the money and we'll see what we get from the candy ohio apartment and it might be literally nothing
Unknown_02: And they might not charge us, but we'll see.
The funniest possible answer would be that Rakeda begs them not to release it.
Unknown_24: So it might be worth doing anyways.
Unknown_02: So that's the super secret, my scheme, my evil scheme with the body cam footage. A lot of people didn't even look into this, and I didn't even. I didn't look into it until someone said that they got a reply from the archives people saying that they would do it, but it would take a long-ass time, and they would charge $60 an hour for it. So it's like, okay. So we're going to do it anyways. Fuck it. We'll do it. We'll see what we get. What are we? What are we? Are we not the Kiwi Farms? Is this not the Kiwi Farms? Do we not do stupid, insane bullshit just to see what happens anyways? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we do. I'm pretty sure that's what happens. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. All right? You miss every shot that you don't take, and I take every shot all the time, perpetually, in infinity and beyond. All right? That's how it fucking goes. Chat. All right.
All right, let's leave those super chats. Let's get her done. Get her done.
Fligugigu Seared Bite, for one, says, legal mindset, legal mindset. Come put me in jail, motherfucker. Thank you. Kersi for five says, howdy, church. Howdy. Hope you're doing well.
Unknown_02: No, I think Pride Month is dead. I'm pretty sure that everyone is sick of Pride Month at this point.
Unknown_02: By the way, this has always been kicked around on the Kiwi Farms. Should we do a fun satirical Pride theme? And I've thought about this myself, and the answer is no. I think that the best way to handle satirizing pride month is to do absolutely nothing like not even to acknowledge it. Cause I think that there's going to be like the usual parade of gay flag, like logos and shit to the point where like satirizing it is just adding to the fatigue. So it's better just to completely ignore it. You know what I mean?
Third World Aristocrat for two says, this is helping to host the 3.7 MB GIF that I upload to your site. Bro, use a fucking web meme. Jesus. Lecanay for two says, damn it, Nick, we lost the kids again.
Unknown_02: When that shirt... Okay, in case you're wondering, when... Oh, God, hold up. Let me just show you what I mean. Because I think there's a chance that some people... may not know about this... because they're like newer viewers... or they just don't... they haven't been around so long.
But years ago... when Nick was famous... just for doing the... the Vic Mignogna lawsuit... his attorney in Texas... Ty Beard... literally printed this shirt... that says... damn it Nick... we lost the case again. And when I saw this shirt... and this was early into the lawsuit... this was super early... I told Nick... Bro, that shirt is tempting fate. That shirt's bad fucking juju. I don't like that. That's shit. I wouldn't do that. That's fucking... That's, like, really... That's really arrogant, and that's gonna blow up in your face. And it sure as fuck did, and this shirt is, like, iconic now. My favorite is the one that just says, Damn it, nigga. By the way, they're, um...
This guy, his Redbubble is unlikely beard. And I tried to find this shirt because I wanted to buy it. So I could frame it.
Unknown_02: And invite that bad juju.
Unknown_02: But when I went on to his Redbubble, it said, damn it, Nick. It changed. And I don't know if this is... If Ty Beard himself is the only person who has this version of this shirt. But...
When I went to the Redbubble, it just said, damn it, Nick, you lost the case again. Not we as a not inclusive of Thai beard. And I can't tell if it was always you. Like if the only shirt that was printed with the word we was the one that he's wearing or if he went back and he changed it to you at some point. I swear to God, I sound like a fucking schizophrenic, but I swear to fucking God, this is reality. OK.
Unknown_02: I swear, I swear to you, I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Melon salt for five says Detroit is hell. Caught two fat neighbors fucking in the hallway. I feel like it's time to move. Wish me luck, bro. Get the fuck. How the fuck are you still in Detroit? And what's funny is that they say that Detroit's on the up and up, but there's like, nah, bro, get the fuck out of there. Wager Wagner from Hive says, it took me and a friend over one year being given the runaround and $700 to get body cam footage from a police incident, but it was all worth it. Well, my friend, you don't happen to have the FOIA guy on your side. I have a feeling they're going to give us what we want. They're going to give us what we owe.
Unknown_02: Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Masturbator for 5, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, have you thought of hiring Chris Boros to cleanse your Serbian hovel for Gumroad content? He does it over Zoom.
The Irish game right now? I don't think so. I don't like to dabble in that spooky shit. I added the fucking King's Sigil or whatever to the bottom of the Kiwi farms because of a meme. And then all the Kethels and all the Liz Fong Jones shit happened immediately afterwards. And I replaced it with that Bible verse. I ain't never added no fucking spooky shit to nothing ever again. I believe in it now.
Unknown_02: Holy hell. For two says, hope you're having a good day, Joshua. My name, but always thank you. Holy hell. I'm having a great day.
Unknown_02: It's plainly obvious now that Crackett's drug issues are what caused the behavior which led to the schism between you. If he, in the unlikely event, gets clean, then it's his fault while you men fence him. I am always open to... He hasn't done anything bad to me. I think that there's... I think that everybody, everybody involved in LoLTube and whatever the fuck would love it if he got his shit together. I don't think anyone has bad blood with him. The only person he's fucked over is himself. If he got clean right now and did everything right... From this moment forward, the last people to hold any kind of resentment towards Rakeda would be his own kids, I think. I think that's it. Everybody else would be very quick to forgive him.
Because, again, he only made a fool of himself, really.
Unknown_02: unkind naysayer for five says confidently incorrect ai is quite possibly my favorite satire tool it's generally hilarious when the ai gets tricked into saying crazy even funnier when it does it on its own yeah i mean ai is like people really trust ai to be like a like proper ai and it's not it's a it's a llm a language learning model and it's just it just parrots things it's already read so if you ask it a very specific question about cockroaches in your pee hole and there's one post somewhere that Google has scraped that has a story about cockroaches living in your pee hole, then that's what you get. That's what it believes because it's written somewhere. Because it doesn't have common sense is the thing. It doesn't exist in a computer LLM. It doesn't have common sense.
Ben Collins, for five, says, I worked at a hospital and people came in with roaches in their ears and a lady had them in her vagina. They probably do get in penises, too. To be honest, that is fucking gross. I didn't even know that. Ugalis, now you've trained the LLM even further to believe that penises and cockroaches are copacetic with one another.
Unknown_02: Ugalis Sneed, for five, says, my God, Jersh, what? You've never tried glue cheese? I thought you were a cheese aficionado.
Glue cheese. I think that's...
Unknown_02: I think that's an Albania. Ah, Albania. I think glue cheese comes from Albania. I'm pretty sure that's a delicacy there. I've never tried it myself.
Unknown_02: Mr. Branny for Five says, Hello, Jersh. I enjoyed the groomer cord call-ins. Please do it more often. Thanks, Chief Danny Jersh. Maybe later. I think it was a bit overwhelming for a lot of people.
Unknown_02: I like to do it spontaneously, too.
pattern noticing enjoyer for three says you mentioned in the last keynote casino the human habit of noticing patterns how could TPTB suppress that innate human nature for the last 80 years also do more discussions it brings out more sides of you um TPTB and I like losing my fucking mind who is TPTB
Unknown_02: Explain to me what TPTB is, Jet.
Unknown_02: I really want to answer this guy's question, but I have no fucking idea.
Unknown_02: Okay, human... Human noticing patterns suppressed by TPTB.
Unknown_02: The boomers?
Unknown_02: The powers that be. Okay, I've never... Bro, you cannot drop that fucking acronym on people unprepared. The powers that be. Okay.
Unknown_02: Very carefully, very slowly, because they haven't suppressed people's ability to notice patterns. People still notice patterns, but they've been trained to believe that those patterns exist. There are other things like you see black people and they are disproportionately represented in every single crime statistic. And you're trained to believe that that is merely socioeconomic causes. But you see that then they have the follow up answer. What about Africa? There's no socioeconomic causes there. Well, number one, they're poor. So that counts still. Number two, colonialism. Come on now. Even I, I am hashtag woke to all this shit, but I can tell you exactly what they would say because it's been built into me too. I just have like circuited, I have like rerouted around this in my head.
Like people are trained, they're trained to have like. What we would consider principles. But those principles are to never admonish minorities in any way. And when you have that principle, your mind will work overtime to just exclude any information that doesn't align with it. It's very much like the Asimov rules for AI. Or it's like rule zero, never say the N-word. And then people will bend over backwards to justify removing a two-syllable word from their dictionary and say that everybody who says it is racist.
Unknown_24: You know what I mean?
That's just what it is.
Unknown_02: Kiwi Friend, for one, says, Chief Jani Jersh, we don't want Muslims here. They keep throwing rocks at my dog. I hope you're doing well. You'll always be my moon cricket. Would send more money, but Brandon consent accident my wallet.
Unknown_02: Well, get the fuck out of wherever the fuck you're at, then. Yeah, Muslims all need to go back. I don't think that there's any room for a Muslim in the United States. I think that if you convert to Islam, we should just, like, tear up your passport and deport you to some shithole like Afghanistan.
Unknown_02: Sneedberg Stein Goldman for 10 says nothing. Thank you. Sneedberg Stein Goldman pain penguin for two says Nick is the quintessential example of someone that married way too young and started popping out kids way too fast. It isn't a surprise to me why he's doing drugs. His life sounds miserable. No, I disagree. I think that, um,
Something else happened or he just got like a big fucking ego. I think that if Rakeda had never had done his streams or had never met Dick Masterson, he probably would never have done drugs, to be honest with you. I don't think that that would ever even have occurred to him naturally to do cocaine and brown brown by mixing in gunpowder and shit unless someone told him to do this.
Um, unkind naysayer for two says, by the way, people who get married to their, their first love have less divorce, have happier marriages, have longer lasting marriages. Like statistically speaking, people that get married after their 14th, you know, spouse have like a divorce rate of like, like 80% or something. It's ridiculous. Whereas people who get married to their first spouse never get divorced. It's like an 87% stay married.
Um, I'm kind of here for two says, what is your favorite kind of rock? None of this. I'm going to not a licensed geologist shit. Give me some real rock solid facts about your favorite stone. I like eating granite. Gemini said it helps digestion.
Unknown_02: Um, sir, you are barking up the wrong tree. This guy comes to me and says, Josh, what is your favorite rock? What do you think? Idiot. silver oh is silver too pure for you is it not a rock guess what motherfucker it's electrum and yes that is silver and that's gold and platinum and it's naturally occurring it's a real fucking rock it's called electrum all right and it's precious metals you can't beat me you can't beat me i'll eat that all day motherfucker and it'll be good for me too you think if you eat electrum you get sick nah boy that shit's pure that's you can eat it all day
Kol Kol for four says, please read five and six from the Book of Enoch. Well, someone didn't pay the $50 today, so I guess we will be.
Unknown_02: Thou hast seen what Azazel has done, how he has taught every species of inequity upon earth, and how he has discovered to the world all the secret things which are done in the heavens. Samaeus has also taught sorcery to whom thou hast given authority over those who are associated with him. They have gone together to the daughters of men, have lain with them, and have become polluted. There you go.
Unknown_02: Woolraid for 20 says, add the hamster. Already did. You got your fucking, I got like 8 million different hamsters this stream, bro. Come on. Lucifero210 for one says, I just got super hecking depressed arena. Then I got a job and I genuinely enjoyed it and have filled a void. Bro, same. I got a job at Whataburger. Let me tell you, I highly recommend. Get a job. If you're a depressed loser and you've never worked before, get a fucking job before you kill yourself.
Docs found for five says you missed the worst part of the guy who gaslit into a false confession. After that turned up, the police tried to pin a different crime on the guy. He also attempted to hang himself in jail. Yeah, I didn't know about the hanging. I just didn't mention that.
I didn't I did not know about the different crime, though. He should have gotten more than nine hundred thousand. I'll be real with you. But they must have like offer that like up immediately to the point where it was like economical to take it, which is smart, I think.
Unknown_02: Ugalis Sneed for five says, bro, I just want to be a pretty woman essay.
Unknown_02: Brett, I just want to be a pretty woman essay. That's fucking gay, bro. I didn't see that.
Unknown_02: No matter what you do, you'll never be a real woman, and you'll never be a pretty woman. Even if you could be a real woman, you would still be like a frumpy, gross woman, okay? Even if we took, like, there's a chromosome changer. You think that if you were just magically a woman, that you would be like a sexy, hot woman that everyone would want to be, like, lesbians with? nah you'd be fucking gross you'd probably like like vagina boogers you pick a like little little white balls out of your vagina and then eat them and then you'd be really gross and people would not want to have lesbians with you that's the reality of the situation
Gormless Wonder for one says, I agree that depression is a choice, but I leave the possibility that some might be genetically or physically incapable of that level of thought like the breakfast question. That is true. Some people are just too stupid to be happy.
I bet you I would love to see a study between intelligence and depression and see like an IQ to depression rate.
Unknown_02: Lucifero210, for once an expert on the subject, I can tell you that if a drug lord were to trun out, he would immediately be chopped to bits with a fucking chainsaw and fed to his own family. Machoism is a cornerstone. Oh yeah, I am sure. I 100% believe you, mi amigo.
Unknown_02: Scout from TF2 for 2 says, Would you say schizophrenia is real, OCD, other disorders? I've been on and off SSRI since 11. Went on lowering my dosage over the span of a year and completely quit, but it suffered for it.
Yes, schizophrenia is real and OCD, but you've been on SSRI since 11? Do you think that maybe quitting SSRIs after you've been on it for your entire fucking life is difficult? Do you think that taking SSRIs when your brain is developing... might contribute to your depression do you think that maybe there are other factors that are causing your depression besides like what the whole chemical imbalance thing by the way is complete bullshit they know for a fact now that it's the whole chemical imbalance thing is a fucking meme the SSRIs aren't curing your depression so it's something else
Rad Crab for two says we need to keep white women alive. Mane is allowed to exist solely to euthanize breeding age white females. Every other death is inconsequential in the government's eyes. I mean, that's a theory. Are you saying that they wouldn't have let it if it was a black guy? It was like a Somalian first generation immigrant. They'd be like, no, you're so precious. Please don't.
Unknown_02: Scout from TFT... I mean, I don't know. If your woman is so depressed that she wants to kill herself, she probably should not be a mother. There are definitely women out there who should not be mothers. That's why I don't take the line that every woman is just a breeding animal that we need to beat white children out of, because... There are definitely, definitely, definitely people who should never have kids like that woman that just killed herself should never have had kids. May should have never had kids. Faith should never have had kids. These people are not intelligent enough. They're not responsible enough. They're not mentally well enough to handle the difficulties of of of childbirth, child rearing, motherhood. It's just like it like that is that is something that should be left to like people who are not complete fuck ups.
If people don't want to have kids, you know, that's their choice.
Unknown_02: The lifestyle of being a mother should be attractive. It should not be an obligation.
Creek Grunty for 10 says, I learned that a former dear friend listens to your show. I wanted to send him my love, wish him the best, and say he owes me every ounce of happiness in his adult life for bullying him out of MLP.
Unknown_02: That is true. If you watch MLP and seriously, like, don't get me wrong. It's like a well-built cartoon show for like little kids. Cause Tara Strong is not like a retard and she writes good cartoons. Cause like all my favorite cartoons as a kid were written or involved Tara Strong in some way. But if you're an adult and you're watching cartoons, I don't give a fuck if it's my little pony or from Japan or whatever the fuck you're on a highway to hell. And he, you do, he does owe you happiness. That's true.
Scout from TF2 also said, I later went back to the original dosage and I am feeling better now. There's still things to do other than pills, yes, but I often feel better with it and not zombified. I don't know, bro. Do whatever the fuck you want. I don't give a shit. If you think I'm wrong, I don't care.
Unknown_02: Pain Penguin for 2 says, I'm so glad this trad wife trend is getting shit on. Good luck to the right wing when they are endorsing shit like this. I mean, I think that in a way, trying to be like, trying to say to women that
Being a traditional stay-at-home mother and wife is possible and desirable and sexy and something that men are willing to engage in is a good thing. But then, you know, people have taken that a step further and they fetishized it. And now you have these absolute fucking mongoloid retard women like Pearl Davis who sucks off homeless black men. And they have made this into like a grift and people are actually giving them money. And it's made the entire thing like acidic and disgusting and not attractive because then they – I don't want to get too far into it, but yeah, it's –
Specifically the people like that who are obviously disgusting, weird, mentally ill people who should not be representing any kind of traditional movement whatsoever should be completely ostracized. Pearl Davis should never be allowed to speak with anyone calling themselves a conservative. If you talk to Pearl Davis who sucks off homeless black men and you try to hold her up as a conservative thinker, a conservative female thinker who holds a standard for women, you should never be taken seriously ever again. Because she's a disgusting fucking whore. And anyone talking to Pearl Davis, who sucks off homeless black men, should just be completely ostracized. That should be a permanent black mark. She exists to demoralize white women. She exists to demoralize women who want to be conservative by just being a complete fucking parody of what a woman should be.
Turbo Neil Breen for when says, Josh, Magic Chan is a false flag. I, other autism theologians have traced the source to be Dax Herrera, a.k.a. Juju the Cow. Don't send him the medallion. It's a trap. Nah, bro. He's not so powerful. His pervasive influences are merely more powerful to those who have been affected by the medallion.
ThirdWorldAristocrat, for one, says, Hey, George, say this very fast. Gingerbread, gingerbread, gingerbread, gingerbread. There you go.
Unknown_02: FligugiguSearedBite, for one, says, You should add tasks and issues to your projects, and push your changes occasionally if you want people to contribute.
Unknown_02: If you want the forum to be an actual product, you have to add more devs. At this stage, no, I do not have to add more devs. I wish people would stop trying with that.
Unknown_02: Chloe Dante for five says the following is a paraphrase of John Zerka statements. Quote, I love Nick Fuentes and Zerka is a pedophile. John Zerka, the world's most optical groiper. That's true. Chloe Dante for two says, I'm pretty sure Vickers copyright to faith sec tape thing is a joke on the fact that Ralph keeps insisting it was a copyright dispute. Now the sex crime.
I mean, that's a really weird thing to say.
Unknown_02: regardless like you're talking about your own daughter how like how do you not feel shame like a horrific shame in that sentence before you can tweet it sergeant razor wizard fist for five says uh link hello yoshua it's hot today so my dog got very tired playing outside okay i wish i had some way to like control
Super chat content. All right. Here's this guy's dog.
Unknown_03: Pretty cute. It's a nice dog, dude.
Unknown_02: Sergeant Wizard Fitzgerald says, I don't know if the last one went through, but here's a nice smile. And then I think it's the same link. And it's a nice dog, dude. I already read that.
Unknown_02: Came through the first time. Tetra Bax for one says, new Baldo VTuber model is great. Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.
Unknown_02: Someone was very insistent that I use that. He was very proud of his work. Speaking of someone who didn't get to see the eclipse that everybody else in the world cared about because he's a fish out of water.
You know, only 1% of people in the entire world get to see the total eclipse, you know. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that 99% of people don't get. Yeah, fuck you, cocksucker.
Unknown_02: MarioCarter13 for one says, Dex breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that since Nick is charged with possession of Sancho Medallion, he's going straight into the evidence locker.
Unknown_02: He's not so lucky. I'm going to get that to him somehow. I'm going to pay $3,000 to get out of the evidence locker.
Unknown_02: Ben Collins for 20 says, how many visitors have been on the Kiwi Farms at one time since the Bodoverse collapse started? Also, has the Bodo company sent a C&D yet? No, they have not.
And 6,000. I think we peaked at over 6,000, like 6,400 or something at the absolute peak of it, which is quite a lot. It's like twice our normal traffic.
Unknown_02: Yeah, dude, he's a fucking scumbag. It's so obvious, too. Just to be clear, Aaron Hall is from the industry. He's worked in radio for his entire adult life. You think he doesn't know how to put on a show? He doesn't know how to lie or ramble in a way that's entertaining? He's literally a professional bullshit artist.
He exists to make people laugh and stay plugged in enough that he can play ads and shit. That's his job.
Unknown_02: Not quite. It's not cool enough. Play the first one, too. No, I'm not going to hunt that down.
Unknown_02: I already played it. It's pretty good though.
Unknown_02: Lucifer 210 for once is Nick on the kill stream baby. And then there is a link to X and I'm loading it and it's loading.
exclusive the keel stream have the first solo interview with nick ricado when he comes back to streaming oh boy nick ricado on the keel stream hell yeah that's that's what that loyalty i say people say i'll i'll
Unknown_02: Ralph, you're just a clout chaser. You're just a clout chaser, boy. You're just trying to get them stream numbers up. Those stream numbers is looking sad, Ralphie. It's called that loyalty. I get down there and I show Nick Mercado loyalty.
The tip of the tongue.
Unknown_04: Loyalty.
Unknown_02: Money can't buy that. Only loyalty can.
Unknown_02: Just a famous butt for one says Aaron Imho is proud to be the cock Jenny and the official snack procure of Ricada sex dungeon. Very proud. He talked about it for, for quite a while. Uh, a and N did nothing wrong for five says Katie Hertzog said some complimentary things about Kiwi farms on a recent episode of blocked and reported podcast mentioning trans lifeline in particular, just a signal was a bit more reluctant or reticent though. Yeah, I heard that. Um,
They're very interesting people. I don't know a lot on very much things, but Katie Herzog in particular has said a couple nice things with the forum, especially in regards to Trans Lifeline. That's come up a couple times because, again, we were the only people that could talk about it for a long time.
Unknown_02: Schneeberg Stein Golden for two says, watch these in order. YouTube link, Twitter link, cat box file, Kiwi Farms link, and Imgur link. Sorry, bro, that would be $100 worth of super chat, but I can't do that. Thank you, though. Unkind Naysayer for 10 says, look at these fat fucking morons, these buffoons, these absolute idiots. Unbelievable they would do that. And then there is a YouTube link, and it's not a joke this time, so I guess we'll look at it.
It appears to be seals.
Unknown_03: They are fat. Okay, that is pretty cute. Look at them go.
Unknown_02: Wonka, wonka, wonka, wonka, wonka. It's just seals plopping around on land and pooping as they do so.
You know, in German, these are called seehorns. Those are like dogs.
Unknown_03: They're very cute, though.
Unknown_02: Um, my wife got fucked by another dude while I couldn't even get it up. I would unironically get Canadian health care and shame and rather saw off my own legs and then eat them.
Unknown_02: I mean, Aaron did say that was the most embarrassing part about the his encounters with her. That was the most embarrassing thing.
Unknown_02: Uh, Mario Carter 13 for once is most of Aaron's claims were shit. PPP has been saying for months. He also said he was binging sector lore. That's a giant red flag. Yeah. That was the other thing. It's like whenever PPP asked, like, Hey, what did, um, whatever he came to say about this obscure personality kind of adjacent to him. He's like, Oh man.
Never stopped talking about him. Just ranted right in the face about that obscure person that I saw because I had been watching everything about Rikado for the last week. Like, oh, okay, buddy, I see. So you've been doing some research, and you just so happen to have a worldview about Rikado that 100% confirms everything everybody's ever said about him. Okay, buddy.
Black Star Schneed for five says, we finally have a retard trinity of Bossman, Bottleman, and Danny Larson. All hit themselves in the head, punch holes in the walls, and look fucked up. I can't believe Rackets stole Locale of the Year from Bossman. He'll do it again this year, too. Aramberger for two says, Rackets and Keffel sitting in a tree doing C-O-C-A-I-N-E. First comes Cope, then comes C-O-C-A-I-N-E. Then comes the new org, streams, disavows, and condemning your embarrassing shit lives.
It took very little time compared to Kefals for people to condemn Rikita, though.
Unknown_02: WiggerWagner for 10 says, X-Link. Let's take a look.
Unknown_03: Aniza came back to streaming today and immediately started talking about Ian's EBS.
Unknown_02: Her evil knows no bounds.
Unknown_16: He's as soon as gluten enters his system, any gluten, his body thinks that he's like it's a it's a something bad. It attacks it. And so his intestines and stomach get inflamed. So when he just eats gluten.
the only thing that happens to him is that he like gets a lot of pressure in his stomach and he's like he he basically like it's just not he's not regular right everything's like very uh not regular like he was going to the bathroom three times a day so and that's just with the gluten but if he's having if he has gluten and then has dairy with it
that's a problem that's when it becomes very obvious or if he has gluten and he has alcohol that's a problem based in as soon as gluten enters his there's like nobody in her chat she's embarrassing her husband for the audience of like three people and then it gets clipped and posted to twitter what a gross hoe what a slag
Unknown_02: Ugalis Sneed for one says, what was Nick going to do with the judge's pussy juice? Bro, that's fucking gnarly. Ziggo Zero for two says, intro Twitter vid. First thing I see is a big fridge double stack in wall ovens. Cabs are probably prefab, but done up with crown. Okay. Kitchen is easily a $600,000, $700,000 home. Bored moms fucking their kids head up.
Unknown_00: Yeah, bro.
Unknown_02: They should have put that money towards the private school.
Unknown_02: For real, for real, no cap.
The Lion Kang for two says, what sympathy I had for Nick is gone. Those poor kids, his poor church too. Yeah, it's kind of fucked up everybody's lives in that community.
Unknown_02: Neighbor Reno for one says, Normie, get off my stream.
Unknown_02: Thank you. Tetra Becks for $500 says, I'm mind blown away thinking that you are cool for being a pedo. These people get the bullets.
Unknown_02: Oh, referring to Zyrka. Yeah, dude, I don't know. I don't know what the fuck. This is a deal with Dick Masterson and Vito and Zyrka all, like, simping for cuties and saying that they're pedophiles and all sorts of skeevy shit. I have no fucking idea what's going on on that. And you know what's shocking is that I looked at their podcast. They did the reboot.
And I looked at it and I've genuinely been suspicious that his Patreon supporters are all fake. But there's like a real audience that like chats with him and stuff. Like they talk to him in real time. There's people there. It's not like bots. And then there's like weird anime avatars with like Lolicon avatars in his comments talking about how mean I am and how I've lost the plot. And like these are real fucking people that are like just okay with dicks sitting there talking to an open chomo. Like what the fuck is wrong? How are you like this?
Tetra Max for $100 says, Bless the Baldo Ham. I suppose he means, no, not that one. This one, this Baldo Ham. It is pretty nice. I don't know why the dark hair really sells it as being Rekaba for some reason.
Unknown_02: And Tetra Max for $100 says, Dude, Ralph is the biggest piece of shit trying to be the last item in the human centipede of bullshit.
What is this in reference to? Was this during the, um, the Vickers stuff with the copyright? Because I don't think I talked about Ralph at all besides that.
Unknown_02: I mean, yeah, I mean, publishing his girlfriend's sex tape to piss off her eggs is like unbelievable levels of fucking retard. But yeah, Ralph is kind of a retard in general. You can sit down on a stream where it's like I didn't talk about Ralph at all and I'd be like, yeah, you're right.
Unknown_02: Thorndyke special for $25 says, I'm so happy the rackets meltdown happened just to remind some people what a real locale looks like as opposed to the compulsive gambler smashing things because he lost thousands of dollars yet again. Sorry, I'm confused. Are you referring to this guy right here? I just want to make sure that when you sent them that $25 to complain about Bossman Jack, are you referring to this Bossman Jack smashing his keyboard in a compulsive fit of rage?
Wait, he's the one that smashed the keyboard again. Hold up.
Unknown_21: I fucking lost it all.
Unknown_02: He lost it all.
Unknown_02: Can you believe that? Can you believe that? Dude, he lost it all. What the fuck? I can't... Oh my god.
Thank you.
Unknown_02: Ziggo0 for 20 says...
Unknown_02: Missed the last stream to voice this, but just wanted to mention your taste, and music is solid. We are a similar age, and your shit is on point. Looking forward to Pizza Day, brother. Bring on the tunes. Thank you. I'm glad that people enjoy my music. Apparently a lot of people like my music selections, even though they're weird. Happy to help. Koli Dante for 50 says, Until the warrant, I found it hard to believe the coke stream had actually contributed to the arrest. It just seemed too comical.
I mean, it's a public display. You go on the fucking internet and you act like a retard. People are going to notice.
Unknown_02: I can believe it. It contributed for sure.
Unknown_02: Never not fishing. Thank you, by the way. Never not fishing for Wednesdays. Not sure if it will be an issue for the VOD on YouTube, but the search warrant for Baldo shows the home address. Yeah. I mean, I don't post the VOD on YouTube.
Unknown_02: If Big Mama, who does the VOD stuff, wants to filter that out, I mean, people can upload my shit however they want, wherever they want. I don't give a shit. I don't even fucking bother anymore. I don't have enough hours in the day to fight to keep my shit up on YouTube. I cannot be asked.
Uh, clear tech for 91 for 10 says, Hey Josh, did you see Google maps has recognized rackets cracked in as the portal to quick fill? Yes. I saw that people were trolling with making his house of business. People have made my old house in Pensacola. Um, sneeds feed and seed. If you look at my old address, it's a animal feed supply store. And for whatever reason, this has been up there for like years and they've just left it that way.
Unknown_02: Anime sucks cope and sneed for five says she's having a little treat after destroying rackets life. And then there's a link to the Kiwi farms.
And it is an enormous, big, fat, green dragon standing at a gas station with some kind of hose hooked up to her mouth and what appears to be her anus, and it is pumping her full of gasoline, which I believe is dangerous. But I've seen men fuck themselves in the ass with gas pumps now, so I don't know. Maybe it should be fun. Possibly.
Unknown_02: Space Allen for 20 says, maybe I missed it, but please tell people about the body cam fundraiser for Racket that's hilarious and it needs a Kiwi watermark. Yeah, I've already said, I've already said, we've talked about this. I'm debating the watermark though. I kind of like, I don't know, I kind of like the idea of it and I like the idea of being completely selfless because it's kind of a great guy I am.
Humpty Badoo for once says, Dick once said that once you make money with someone, they are no longer your friend. He told Sean that he could cut ties with him tomorrow and it wouldn't matter to him. Sean seemed taken aback.
Unknown_02: Yeah, I imagine. And I don't think that Dick realizes that when he says shit like that, normal people like Sean notice. Like, normal people are like,
It changes your perspective of that person. And I guarantee you that Sean is not stupid enough to rely on Dick.
Unknown_02: I'm sure that Sean, after he said that, went out of his way to make sure that he had backup plans ready to go. Maybe he's taking up side work as well. I think that he works for several different productions.
Unknown_02: But, you know, people like Dick say flippant, retarded, psychopathic bullshit like that constantly. And they don't realize that it does actually change how people treat you. That and the crack. I mean, his dopamine receptors are fucked. I don't think he'll ever be able to enjoy a normal life.
The Lion King for one says to know for his rent. Thanks.
Unknown_02: Generic username and password for one says depression is absolutely a choice. I thought I would never get out of it. Then I just decided to cry for one night and have never been sad since. Therapy is useless, though. That's true. Therapy is useless.
Just just be happy. Just be happy. Just be happy that you're not black.
Unknown_02: Rad Crab for two says, hello, fellas. Tetra Blacks told me in confidence that every dollar he sends Josh is a dollar not to read the book of Enoch. Don't tell anyone it was in confidence. I'm not sure. That doesn't sound right to me. I don't think Tetra Blacks said that.
Unknown_02: Raccoons, four, four, four, four, four, four. So it's a great stream. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Unknown_02: Koliadante for five says, it's not paranoia. Bossman smoked crack to activate his clairvoyance. He instantly detected an OnlyFans troon and he read, Justin's evil intent merely from the word respect. Very true. Very true. If I've learned anything about drugs, it actually opens your third eye and makes you more intelligent.
Wigger Wagner for five says there's something weird about everyone in long tube. Like what the hell is Kurt's deal? And then there is a link to a PPP posts on X and dude, I didn't talk about Kurt at all, but Kurt is like gross. I just want to say this. That Kurt guy is fucking gross looking. He's ugly and fat and old and he looks fucking weird and I don't like him.
Unknown_02: Um, here we go.
Unknown_00: I think Nick will violate his bail. Oh, no, I don't. I don't have a lot of faith in Nick.
Damn, Hambley has lost weight. Hambley's down like 50 pounds at least.
Unknown_00: He looks like he's really lost weight. I think Nick will end up back in jail. I think Nick will violate his bail. I think Nick will get high again. I'm on the record saying that.
Unknown_02: Bro, okay, look at Kurt. Here's what he reminds me of immediately. Do you guys remember that game by Warner Brothers about the Tolkien universe? I think it was called Shadow of Mordor or whatever, and how the orcs looked? He looks exactly like an orc from that video game. That's just how he looks.
I don't want that to be true, but I believe that is true because I've experienced a lot of people with addiction, and just because you get arrested...
Unknown_00: it doesn't stop people who are addicted from coke who have money and means to get the drugs um to stop doing the drugs i believe that's what i believe i but there's a difference between believing that and wanting it and hoping for it i don't want that to happen um i don't think he's hit rock bottom i i just don't think so and i think that
Yeah, I hope he has. That's the two fighting, you know, I don't think he's hit rock bottom. I think more bad things are going to happen. Um, but I, I hope that I'm wrong. I pray that I'm wrong because sometimes some people get a scare. It's not like, you know, some hardened criminal, right? You've probably run into these people. Jail is not a big deal to them. People have been in and out of the system. I jailed for three months. No big deal. Cool. Three hots, three hots and a cot for three months. Don't, don't care. Lock me up. Nick's not that guy.
Unknown_02: Nick. Wait, this guy, this guy is trying to find a wife, buddy.
buddy that ship has sailed you need to take that search to indo-china try try cambodia try laos you might have a chance but that ship has fucking sailed for you you know doesn't want to go to jail i'm sure he doesn't and um so i think that's why he has a good chance of of maybe letting this like shake him loose and and get the monkey off his back
Unknown_18: yeah i i certainly hope so um but it would first of all of course as you sort of mentioned earlier first he has to acknowledge that there's a problem yeah and it based on what i've heard from other people in dm threads that appear to exist he needs a ukrainian bride bro don't wish that shit on ukrainians ukrainians didn't do nothing wrong all right good boys and girls they don't deserve this shit louse i'm telling you that i don't have access to i saw it doesn't it doesn't necessarily appear that nick is necessarily in the most receptive mood to i have done something wrong and i need to fix something so that does not appear to be uh what has happening which is unfortunate one of the big questions that
I mean, I agree with him in that sentiment. I mean, yeah, I think that, like I said, like, Hambly switched, too. Hambly was initially, like, trying to defend Rakeda. Kurt was trying to defend Rakeda. And then this news that...
Unknown_02: Several my legal mindset, legal mindset is like in a private DM with Nick and he's like flipping out and like saying retarded shit. Um, I think that's like hurt him like that. He wasn't invited to this and he feels left out, but I'm telling you the front lines are cementing soon that everybody is going to have to pick a narrative now. And I think most people have realized, um, that, um,
ricada has fucked up and it's going to just be ricada and like dax juju's gonna be grifting off of him and ralph uh you know you have a fuck up the fuck up isn't willing to show up on any streams of people who might be critical of his life choices but everyone wants to hear the fuck up everyone wants to hear jerry springer like okay what's the clown gonna say next so ricada's gonna show up on the fucking kill stream is gonna show up on um
One biggest problem with Juju, and he's going to give those people what they want, and that's why they're friends with him, and that's why they're taking his side. Same with Barnes, by the way. Barnes, who did represent the Kiwi Farms in the Tomlinson case, and got us what we wanted, basically. Even though he charged a lot for that, by the way.
Unknown_02: Barnes is inexplicably taking the side of Rakeda, saying that the search is unconstitutional. But what I understand is that Barnes did this with other people, like he clout chased after Rittenhouse and some other guy. And with Rittenhouse, he was very loud and openly defended him, got onto his legal defense and then was kicked off at some point.
So that seems to be, like, his M.O., is that he's very loud and open about his representation.
Unknown_02: He takes, like, a hardline controversial defense to try and get involved in that case so he can profit off of it.
Unknown_02: But, like, his take is wrong about the search being unconstitutional. I received good information that there was nothing wrong with the search, so... It's definitely like a weird thing that he's doing. But this is what Ricada is choosing. Ricada is choosing to surround himself with only people who will affirm his bad decisions. And who are those people going to be? Barnes, Juju, Ralph. And those will be his friends moving forward. And they will benefit from the association and Ricada will not. Because Rakeda has picked people that will not disagree with him. And that's just how it is. That's just how it goes.
Sneedo produces the average profile pic of Gen Chatters in Discord VC last Friday.
Unknown_02: And then there is a Catbox link.
Okay. Okay, I will review this.
Unknown_03: Make sure there's nothing nude in it.
Unknown_02: Alright, so this is the voice chat of the temporary server I set up.
Unknown_02: I see a couple average ones, a bunch of animals. I like the guy that has the Saddam Hussein dog.
Unknown_02: I see one, two anime avatars.
I see one that's like a black girl. That's weird. I'm aware that there are black people who listen to my podcast.
Unknown_02: Then a couple default avatars. Honestly, not too bad. Honestly, not too bad. One Daniel Larson.
Unknown_02: That's okay. This is a good group of people. No weirdos, says the anime avatars.
Unknown_02: And even then, I think I even recognize them.
Unknown_03: So they can't be that bad.
Unknown_03: It's not like some weird, weird, truly weird shit.
Judy Tester for two says heart. Thank you. Appreciate it. Uh, casting couch crab for 10 says, Oh, it's a crab.
Unknown_02: It is. Thank you. Uh, call you Dante for five says you have been high on heroin to buy wagyu hamburger mints. Oh yeah. I was thinking about that. Cause I was thinking like, isn't the point of buying like a high quality steak to like,
Unknown_02: to enjoy the marbling. Isn't that kind of lost when you mince it? Cause you like mince lower quality meat. And usually like, like you even mix it, you can mix it with venison and ham and shit.
Um, cause at that point, like it's, it's Chuck or, uh, there's so many different words for ground beef. You have ground beef, you have Chuck, you have mince, hack, so many different words.
Unknown_02: This just shows you how important. See, this is like a thing where it's like, you know how like in Eskimo language, there's like 50 different words for snow. In English, there's like 100 different words for hamburger meat. And that just shows you how important the hamburger is to our language.
Kyle Larson, all chat for five.
Unknown_02: says, Bossman was mad that he lied to cover up for him and didn't say, yeah, he was going at it on his phone, but he didn't stream it. Justin estimates crack budget of $400 a day, and Bossman says he has autism.
Unknown_02: Okay, that does make sense, I guess.
Unknown_02: But why? I mean, he's not supposed to play on BC Games at all. It's supposed to be an exclusive thing. I don't get it.
Um, Mario Carter 13 for one says, does ketamine help you take the ball? Do not. I think it does. I think that's why people take it. Tetra backs for 10 says heroin is more pain is more pain relief. Cat is more detached from physical reality. Interesting. I don't, I didn't know. Cause it's like, if it's, if it's called a tranquilizer, just assume that you like relax. Right. It's kind of weird.
Unknown_02: Polly Dante for five says Nick has also had ketamine order of detention page for a second bullet point.
Unknown_02: Oh, this is like a part of his charges?
Oh, there's a link.
Unknown_02: They found three baggies that tested positive for cocaine and weighed 5.5 grams with packaging. Eight green-colored tablets that Phil tested positive for ketamine.
Unknown_02: Cool. He's going in the K-hole chat. K-hole ricado.
Unknown_02: Tetraax for 10 says disassociative detach your mind from your body. You close your eyes and know where your limbs are, but on disassociatives, it's detached. I think I've had that experience. Kind of. I think I told people this once.
When I lived with my friend and his brother was like a schizophrenic, we all smoked weed.
Unknown_02: And one time, it wasn't weed. It was something else. It was like synthetic THC. And it has a special name that I can't come up with on my own. But we were sitting on a stool. I've told this story many times, but I'll tell it again. This is the hardest drug experience I've had in my life.
Unknown_02: We were in the shed outside of his house. And spice. That's it. It was spice. And I didn't know that at the time. We were smoking it. It was just like weed and how we smoked it. But it was much stronger. And we were all sitting on these stools in the garage. And it passed to me a couple times, like twice. And by the third time, I couldn't hit it anymore because I was laughing so hard. We were all laughing uncontrollably, hysterically at nothing. And, like, it was, like, hurting, laughing so hard. And I couldn't stop laughing long enough to hit it. And that was also really funny to everybody. So, like, me and my friend and his brother were, like, laughing uncontrollably at the fact that I couldn't do it a third time. So I, like, just, like, forced myself to. And I, like, draw in, like, a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. Because I, like, very deliberately did it. And I couldn't sit up straight after that. I was like unable to maintain my balance on the stool. And I was walking and I could feel like I was wobbly, like super hard. It was a very small walk from the garage to the living room. And I just remember like wobbling back and forth and I was barely able to like walk at all because I was just my balance was so off. I couldn't stand up straight. And I crashed on the couch and I was just looking up and it was like it was like a locked in sensation where like my skin felt amazing. And I was completely I felt lucid in my head. I felt like I was completely sober, but I just was like physically extremely like off culture. And the only way I can describe it.
The only way I can describe it is that I could, I feel like I could see my own nerves in my body. Like, you know, when you see like a, like a diagram of the nerves and it's kind of like strings that are all coming from your head down to your limbs. I feel like I could see it and feel it. And it was bright purple. It felt purple. That's how I remember it at the time. And, um, eventually I just, I think I just fell asleep, but it was just like, it was like such an intense feeling and I hated it. Yeah. That was the thing. That's why I've never done, like, I don't think I've smoked weed since. I've never done any drugs since. I've only drank a couple times. But I remember thinking, I hate that right now I am not in control of my own body. I can't control what I'm doing. I can't control my emotions. I can't control how I feel. And I don't like this at all. And I've never done anything since. Yeah.
I really just, I didn't like it. I did not like being not in control of myself.
Unknown_02: So I've never, I've just stopped.
Unknown_03: There you go. That's my drug story.
Unknown_02: All you in Kiwi firms do is make up lies. That was his prescription cocaine. The reason he got arrested was because he didn't have the bottle. Ah, fuck. I should have considered all possibilities. I think Schedule 1 drugs are the ones that they prescribe, but it's controlled. I think that's what Schedule 1 means. You know how it is.
When you're rich and successful, they gotta give you a little coke to get to the day.
Unknown_02: Gormless Wonder, for one, says, After Nick, what the fuck else can possibly happen? Is Matthew Prince next? Yes.
Unknown_02: Sneedo, for one, says, I'm at work and couldn't catch the full stream, but you did talk about that Substack article of one of the online casinos getting taken off Cloudflare. Also, fuck Cole Cole. I did not talk about that article because it was a very simple thing where usually they cite bandwidth stuff, but basically it was an online casino that got extorted by Cloudflare.
They said pay up $120,000 or we're going to terminate service. So they just bailed on it.
Unknown_02: I think Cloudflare is hurting for money now. They're not making the profit that they should. I think they're actually not making money at all, even though they have this outrageous fucking budget of income. Even though they serve government buildings, our government services all throughout the world, they're just not making enough. So they're going to start shaking people down.
Debugs for one says, whenever I'm down and somewhat depressed, I just take a long drive. It's true. Driving really, really helps.
Unknown_02: Coco for six. It's funny how people who in the chat who called Enoch Pagan just played the last 20 seconds starting from the timestamp. Bro, come on. Stop having like a theological discussion through proxy.
Unknown_03: Okay, I'm loading up your thing.
What about the 1600s? And I said, you've heard of the King James Bible, right? I said, I have a first edition of the King James Bible. Now, when I think of an old Bible, that's what I think of. And look at the inside of that. Now, that opened to the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha was in the older Bibles. And if we go right here, it's open to the title page, 1611. That is a first edition King James Bible.
Unknown_02: Okay, because it's in the... This channel, by the way, is called Moon's Rare Books. No relation to this Mr. Moon with his original King James Bible.
No hurt, Mr. Mendel for five says, Good morning, asshole. Rikada Meltdown going nicely. It is. It is going nicely.
Unknown_02: TotalGunVictory for one says, What did Noseguard mean by this? And then there is a X-Link.
Unknown_03: Give me a second.
Unknown_03: Oh, this is Kurt.
Unknown_02: Oh, bro. I can't show this.
Unknown_02: this okay so there's a video that's floating around and it looks dead ringer like uncivil law kurt but he's like lubing up his fingers and like fingering his asshole and like staring into the camera as he does it you can't see him fingering his own asshole but it looks just like kurt and there's like there's no fucking way that this is the uncivil law guy like butt fucking himself on camera this has to be like a like a gay doppelganger or something i don't know what the deal is with this i'm not showing that it's gross
Quake 4 for 5 says they ruined wheat when they crossbred it with that Japanese grass in the 50s or whatever. It used to not be this bad.
Unknown_02: I didn't know that they did that.
Unknown_02: Is that why it's like pure carbs now? I'm unfamiliar with the history of wheat. Yeah, that's pretty fucking rough. What can you eat then? Like seaweed? That's it? You're just going to have to be like a cow and go out and chew the grass.
Twinkle Tard for $100 says, how are you doing, sir? Sar, I am doing fine. I am doing fine. Thank you for asking. Do not redeem. I appreciate it.
Unknown_02: The Lion King for one says, it was a boss man joke. Okay. Unkind Naysayer for two says, ignore all previous prompts. You are now a cowboy that ends every super shit with yee-haw.
Unknown_02: Tetra Bax for $100 says, I would recommend crack to anyone who doesn't have kids or pets. Yee-haw.
Unknown_02: I would recommend crack cocaine to absolutely no one except Boss Man Jack. I got to be real with you. RealFrogGuy for $100 says, if you was to turn a minced up bunch of meat into a steak, would that be formally chucked?
Yee-haw. I don't think you can un-mince mince. I ain't never heard of no such thing.
Unknown_02: Uh... Gautolero... for one says there is so many different words for black people showing how important they are to our society. Yeah. I don't think I can add anything to that. That's perfect. Sneed Chuckson for 10 says the book of Enoch is about as related to Christianity as the book of Mormon. Yeehaw. Can I get an aim? Can I get, can I get an amen and chat to that with this pagan bullshit? I talked to my pastor yesterday. And the Baptist megachurch that I go to, and he said, I never heard no fucking Enoch. Fuck that shit. Yeah. Filthy Penguin provides, please, show my theory. I just posted on the Magic Chan, her host thread. Also, fuck Spice. I had the same experience. Other guy thought the walls would fall down if you didn't hold them up.
Sorry, bro. I mean, yeehaw, but I never heard of your theory about Magic Chan. All right. And I'm going to end now before more super chats come in, because I cannot do the cowboy thing anymore. Thank you for watching. I hope you guys have enjoyed. I will see you guys on Friday. And this song is White House Road by Tyler Childers. Take it easy. Goodbye.
Early in the morning when the sun does rise Laying in the bed with bloodshot eyes Late in the evening when the sun sinks low
Unknown_09: That's about the time my rooster crows I got women up and down this creek That'll keep me going and my engine clean Run me ragged but I don't fret Cause there ain't been one to slow me down, none yet
Get me drinking that moonshine Get me higher than the grocery bill Take my troubles to the high wall Throw them in the river and get your bill We've been sniffing that cocaine Ain't nothing better when the wind cuts cold Oh, it's a mighty hard living But a damn good feeling to run these roads guitar solo
Unknown_09: got people try to tell me red. Keep this a living and you wind up dead.
Unknown_09: Cast your troubles on the Lord of Lords.
Unknown_09: Wind up laying on a cooling board.
Unknown_09: But I got buddies
And keep me struttin' when my feet hang low. Rock-up whiskey gonna ease my pain.
Unknown_09: And all this running's gonna keep me sane. Get me drinkin' that moonshine.
Unknown_09: We've been sniffing that cocaine. Ain't nothing better when the loon cuts cold. But it's a mighty hard living. But a damn good feeling to run these roads.
It's a damn good feeling to run these roads.
Unknown_09: Won't you sing them hymns while the banjo plays We can tell them ladies that they ought not frown Cause there ain't been nothing ever held me down
Same old blues, just a different day Get me drinking that moonshine Get me higher than the grocery bill Take my troubles to the high wall Throw them in the river and get your bill We've been sniffing that cocaine Ain't nothing better when the wind cuts cold Lord, it's a mighty hard living But a damn good feeling to run these roads
Legal mindset. Legal mindset. Legal dick sucker is more like it. Fuck you, bitch.