Mm. 0:01:48 Unknown_11: chat. Unknown_11: Today I organized all my thoughts as I do into categories following the trends of previous Maddie streams. Had the news, had the trunes, had the cows, had the sector, had a little bit of reddit, and then I decided fuck it. Fuck it all. We'll just save it for Friday. chat today is a very unusual stream i don't do very often today we're going to do a live reaction to nicholas ricada drunk and uh apparently extremely miserable that he just lost his appeal in uh minnesota 0:02:28 Unknown_11: There's approximately two hours of footage that I intend to review. I've not seen a second of it. As it was ongoing, I was being pinged, I was being alerted, I received live signal messages instructing me to pay the fuck attention to Rikada because holy shit, I can't even believe it. 0:03:09 Unknown_11: I manage, through purity of mind and with a little bit of Dota, to completely avoid paying any attention to Nicholas Rikeda as the implosion was happening live, so that I could retain my virgin eyes for this stream that we're going to do now. Unknown_11: That this is what's up. Unknown_11: I Have downloaded the entire stream. My internet may not want to cooperate with me. Actually. Well, whatever we'll try We'll try Yeah, so this is just this is just as as Ricada himself would put it chat as he would put it Let's see 0:04:13 Unknown_08: Right? Gay isn't happy. Unknown_06: Anyway, uh, well, we've got one major topic tonight. Unknown_11: Starts off drinking just right off the bat. From what I understand during his streams, he doesn't usually like just drink immediately. Like usually he tries to save that as the, he tries to start off a little bit sober. I think he times it so that my theory with his sobriety on stream is that he times his, um, Unknown_11: uh his uh naps his sleep schedule so that he wakes up before the stream that way he doesn't have to spend even a single second sober and having to deal with the confines of reality As soon as he starts his day, he can start streaming and be sober enough to deliver a couple things that someone posted to him in Discord, and then he can progress through the stream, getting more and more liquored up. 0:04:57 Unknown_11: In this particular stream, there is no force on Earth strong enough to keep the man back, and he is completely, completely fucked up almost immediately, based off what I've heard. I have a brief itinerary. Unknown_11: So I downloaded this entire thing. I should be able to scan through it without any issue. Oh, lovely. I tried to get MPV player and VCL set up so I could just play this on a video player like normal, and it didn't capture correctly. So I'm using the fucking MulVet browser as a video player. It worked, so I'm happy with it. 0:05:40 Unknown_11: So at 1.09, now we're in, he has to go peepee. Unknown_11: very relatable. Frequently, I also make this mistake. Unknown_11: Um, let's see. So, there's a little video, I think, before he goes pee-pee. He says, Unknown_06: Drop Eric who just says just to that chat. Retard isn't rewriting history. I sent one chat. Then one reminder. No spam. Love you, Nick. Dude, I didn't think you spewed anything. Don't worry about it. All right, guys. Bathroom break. I'll be back in a minute. Peace. Don't go anywhere. Oh, my God. 0:06:12 Unknown_11: So that's his intro. Unknown_04: Hypocrisy. Unknown_11: This is still his intro. I should probably turn this down just a little bit so you can hear me. Um, so he says, I'm going on a bathroom break. I'll be right back. And then he presses a button and it plays the intro. 0:06:44 Unknown_11: And then he says, give me a minute and don't go anywhere. And he leaves. Now this has become a very common occurrence from what I understand that he will go to the bathroom for several minutes. So this is three minutes in and I think that he's not intentionally displaying his chair As as he does this now the theory is that his 20-minute bathroom breaks are so that he can do coke which I don't believe because Unknown_11: As a man of taste, as a man of exquisite taste, I happen to know that boss man Jack does crack rock. And he will pardon himself to use restroom facilities so he can light up his butane lighter and smoke some crispy crack-a-rooski to keep the content flowing, as a man of his word. So I'm aware that cocaine, real cocaine, is even easier to get, to procure, and to use. So that's not it. His cocaine usage is not what he's doing. There is now a theory that he is fucking somebody during these breaks. He's probably going off stream. He is doing a bump of coke because the reason why people think that he's taking this time off to go off and do coke Because he's um, he's coming back much more energized. You can hear like in the last second. He's already completely wasted He cannot conduct the stream. So He needs to go do some cocaine to live it up a little bit, but he's gone for not one minute not five minutes not 20 minutes not 30 minutes. This is now an hour 39 minutes in and 0:08:01 Unknown_11: He's still gone. Hour 45 minutes in, still gone. Hour 51 minutes in, still gone. And now he's back at 1.55. So he was gone for 45 minutes. He had just completely abandoned his stream. It would be literally like if I, at the end of this hour, got up and said, all right, I gotta go pee, be right back, and then I just left the stream on. 0:08:35 Unknown_11: And then came back an hour later, and was just like... And he does this routinely. Routinely he does this. So it's a very bizarre behavior. Um, and I, you know, instead of directly confronting this, I'm gonna... Now I'll save it. Remind me to talk about the amholtes and the... the, uh, hot wife, uh, theory. Unknown_11: Oh, the kickchat. Oh, dude. Oh, I see you. I see you. You are seen. You are seen. 0:09:08 Unknown_08: Hold on, I got you, give me a sec. Unknown_08: All right, here we go. All right, it's coming in. Unknown_11: Start watching, accept. All right, here we go. You are seen, you are noticed, you are loved. Your life is a gift and you are special to me, okay? That's how it's going. 0:09:39 Unknown_11: All right, so he comes back to the stream. Let's hear what his lovely. Oh God. Unknown_10: How did I accomplish this? Hold on. Unknown_10: I already have technical issues 30 seconds into the stream. Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_06: Medicare says 45 minutes. I think this might be my fault chat. Unknown_06: Hashtag buy a hat. I wish him a million bathroom breaks. 0:10:10 Unknown_08: It looks like he took it literally. Yeah. Unknown_08: There is a problem with my drive. I have this, um, literally on an SD card and I think that I, um, I bumped it. Unknown_11: And as a result, it fucked up. I wanted to hear his response to Medicare one more time. One more time. One more false start. One more false start on this roller coaster chat. 0:10:41 Unknown_11: Why is he frozen like this? Is this again my computer's fault? Unknown_11: It could be. Unknown_08: Did I like completely disconnect? Oh no. Have I bungled this? Unknown_10: Not much room in the streaming closet. 0:11:18 Unknown_11: It's like a disaster stream inception. Okay, hold up. I am doing what I should have done to begin with. I am physically copying the video to my actual hard drive so they can then put the video from the hard drive into the browser. Unknown_11: And then we'll stream that. And then I can hopefully hear what Rakeda has to say to Mattakirk. Because based off what I've seen, I know the context of what was happening, but Unknown_10: Okay results, okay, it's loaded up 155 these have audio There it is Did I break my fucking thing too It was working I swear to God it was working 0:12:14 Unknown_10: Here, wait, I'm just unplugging it and plugging it back in. Unknown_08: This usually works. Ooh, I hear noise. Unknown_12: How did I do this? Unknown_12: How have I done this? Unknown_11: It completely set everything up and it was all working. And then I, I get up for a second and it's just ruined forever. I feel like I should just do a restart. 0:12:48 Unknown_10: I should just completely give up and restart my computer. Restart the stream. Unknown_10: Wait, does the music of this browser work? Unknown_11: I'm going to blame kick chat actually. Unknown_11: This does work. Oh my God. I'm gonna, I'm gonna throw up if like the fucking. Unknown_11: The four gigabyte file clearly resolved the choice of law. Is he just, wait, is he muted? He was muted on his end. I was going crazy. I was literally losing my fucking mind thinking, Holy shit. Why is he just talking? And there's no sound coming out. He was muted. Ever on the internet. 0:13:24 Unknown_13: Okay, where was he talking? I'm muted! Yeah, muted. Yeah, yeah, no shit, asshole. You fuckhead. Knob-end. That's what they say in England, right? You fucking knob. Unknown_06: I'm fucking muted. Jim! Goddammit. Unknown_06: Let me re-read this chat. This is from Medicare. 0:13:56 Unknown_06: Medicure, if I- Okay, so to be clear, um, what has happened, in case you didn't pick up on the subtext in the midst of the chaos, um, Unknown_11: he was gone for 45 minutes and Jim Medeker was in the chat bullying this man for being absentee on his own stream then to break the silence after 45 minutes he sits down rants incoherently into his microphone because he's muted and then makes it clear that he literally only came back because Jim Medeker was in the chat 0:14:33 Unknown_11: And it was very important that he speak to him. So he probably would have been gone, I guess, fucking the closet demon or the corner demon. I'm the closet demon. The mysterious woman is the corner demon. He would have been fucking her for another 45 minutes while the stream was muted until Jim Medicare showed up. I guess he was reading the chat in the process of this. And he thought, oh, wait, sorry, babe. Let me go yell at Medicare. This is important. Unknown_06: I was Asian and gay. Unknown_06: He said, 0:15:06 Unknown_06: Medicare says 45 minutes. I think this might be my fault chat. Unknown_06: Hashtag buy a hat. I wish him a million bathroom breaks. It looks like he took it literally. Yeah. Yeah, dude. Unknown_06: God damn it. Uh, you guys can see I'm fucking tossed. This is great. Unknown_11: Yeah. I was going to say like the way that his hair is and shit, like I love how when Unknown_11: I really appreciate how there is like a physical decay happening here. It's kind of, it's kind of like, um, a movie or something. Like you have a character who's in decline and it's not just a behavioral decline. It's not just like a psychological decline. There's a literal physical decline happening that matches what you're feeling and hearing from this person. 0:15:41 Unknown_11: Um, he really does. The outside matches the end. I don't know how else to put up. Unknown_06: Yeah. Yeah, dude. Unknown_06: God damn it. You guys can see I'm fucking tossed. This is great. This is how streaming should be. Everybody's mad. Unknown_06: If you stream drunk, you're the one person who's not bad ever on the Internet is. 0:16:22 Unknown_06: Medicare, if you stream junk drunk, he's very happy. So Jim is the longest piss on record. Medicare, I wasn't pissing. Unknown_06: Look, it was my time of month. I had my period. I bled. I recovered. I took my doll in the middle of it. And then here I am. Here I am, my brother. Tell me more about COVID masks. God damn it, you sick fuck. Why don't you ask Minnesotans for help? Jim's out here. He's like, look, my immune system is like a 12 year old boy at a Catholic church. 0:17:02 Unknown_06: during COVID. Please don't fucking COPD me to death. Unknown_08: I'm like, Jim, God damn it. Unknown_06: Let me get your death. Let me get your death interview. All I want to do is to make, Oh shit. Unknown_11: Sorry. Let me take a sip of my monster. Unknown_11: This is going very well so far. 0:17:36 Unknown_11: When I was muted, much like Rikada was muted that one time, my thing was, it's weird how he like, his go-to joke now for anything is just child molestation. Like, oh, your immune system is like a boy in the Vatican being gang raped. Unknown_11: That's not much of a joke. Unknown_10: It's just like, you're just referencing child rape for no reason. Unknown_06: all the money on earth off of your death. God damn it. I don't. At a certain point, we might do one and a half or 1.25 speed just to get through this faster because it is two hours. Unknown_11: Just a heads up. Unknown_06: Like an anime dungeon or whatever. All sorts of hentai in it. 0:18:19 Unknown_06: All of us would do that. Unknown_06: All of us would do that, except, except we would never admit it. We would just put it on your supple, uh, leprosy riddled shoulders. Unknown_06: where your arm fell off, your arm fell off. Like, I know you're mid-jerk, but your arm, like the leprosy pervaded your shoulder, your arm fell off. You wouldn't have to try as hard on my shoulders, don't get me wrong. And like falling down, like forearm and upper arm or whatever, that just did it. That just did it. And I know, but like the leprosy severed to that. I would crowdfund every amount of hat I can to just get your leprosy riddled arm back on your, 0:18:54 Unknown_06: Supple. Unknown_11: Why does he keep saying supple? How the fuck does leprosy lend to the word supple at all? Is leprosy even like an immune disease? I don't know enough about leprosy to know offhand if that's like an immune disease or something, or immune system disease, but that's a weird fucking... It's like pockmarked and holy and gross. It's not supple. It's fucking weird. 0:19:31 Unknown_06: A Detroit transgender youth at a camp's body. Also Jewish. Unknown_06: Just kidding, Jim, I'm I'm literally just kidding. Honestly, I don't I don't give a shit who fucking makes fun of me. I really don't. I hope you live. A million more milliseconds or whatever. Unknown_06: Dude, seriously, get healthy. Do what you need to do to get healthy. I don't fucking care about this internet shit. It's so stupid. He still does this. He still does this shit where he's like, Jim, you're a leprosy-riddled faggot with subtle nipples, and I want to pinch them, but no, really, I hope you live for a million years, brother. 0:20:03 Unknown_11: I love you, man. I don't care at all about this. This is stupid. He's, like, still doing that shit. Unknown_11: He leans into it now, because I take credit for pointing that out, how he does this love-bombing shit where he just complains about you in a genuine, hurtful way, where he's obviously coming from a place of hurt. And then he backs it up and says, no, I really hope that you're successful. And then he kind of toned it down a little bit after that, but he still does the... I mean, he leans into it, but he can't stop himself. I think it's more that he realizes that he's doing it, and then tries to make a joke out of it again, but it doesn't really work. He just sounds really fucking bitter for no reason. Like, all he's... 0:20:41 Unknown_11: I don't know. I guess his perspective, and it's hard to attribute human thoughts and rational feelings at all to Tricate at this point because he's so liquored up, but I guess his thought is that, oh, of course, now Jim shows up in the chat to make fun of me only after I've lost my appeal. I see how it is. But he was making fun of us for losing our appeal. 0:21:20 Unknown_11: He made fun of me for getting that weird fucking judgment from the 10th Circuit. Unknown_11: I don't know if he put out anything about the Supreme Court. He probably doesn't even know about it yet because he's too fucked up, but he's very happy to dance on that grave. I guess it's upsetting when it happens to him. To be fair, when Hardin, I think Hardin through the entire process of going to the appeals court, and no, it was Skordas. For the record, I only paid Skordas $5,000 in total, which is why he did not do a good job at all. He just wanted the case to be over with, and when it got appealed, and I paid him, he just thought he would just shoot, like, whatever fucking bullshit he could have. And then when that didn't work, because I wasn't paying him by the hour, he just, like, kind of gave up and put in a half effort, which is something that I probably should address at some point, because I feel like my representation was fucking retarded. 0:21:53 Unknown_11: But then Harden, he's only charged a couple thousand dollars for all the shit that he's done. Unknown_11: Meanwhile, Roketa has poured in, I think, probably six figures at this point. I think it was $50,000 just for the appeals that he did. So he's down like $50,000 just for the appeals that he lost, and that's not including anything else that Randazza has done in the Minnesota court, and it's not going to include Discovery. 0:22:28 Unknown_11: I kind of want this is like an aside and I know that I'm supposed to be making fun of him for being a drunk retard But I have this conversation With people in the know regarding the law and It's conventional wisdom that when you are being sued you don't talk about being sued and the reason why you don't talk about it and the the claims in the court even though you really want to Because it's a huge part of your life when you're tangled into a lawsuit and litigation, you want to talk to people, you want to make your plight, you want to state your case, you want to do things to help yourself and you really are limited in what you can say because it's not smart. 0:23:07 Unknown_11: People know this. I think instinctively people know you're not supposed to talk about your lawsuit. The question is why? Why aren't you supposed to talk about your lawsuit? I think there's like a misconception that it's just purely you might say something stupid that hurts your case. Unknown_11: um which is true you absolutely can say something stupid that hurt your case um the issue is when you talk about your lawsuit like for instance let's say that you in a drunken fit of rage accused a random person you didn't like of fellating children a very terrible accusation that nobody should ever make without concrete evidence but you decided because you were drunk that you were going to say that this person had always liked sucking little baby dick 0:24:05 Unknown_11: That is a pro se defamatory statement. However, it only happened once. It was done, sure it did damage, it might go to court, but it was only done once. So when it comes to discovery, which is the most complicated and expensive part of any any case is the discovery there's only one day you had that argument you were on that stream and therefore the scope of discovery is very limited to that one stream um and the subpoenas that might go out would just be things like uh how many people were watching does youtube keep records of of how many countries or states people were watching from that kind of shit it's one day if you continue to talk about this case over and over again 0:24:51 Unknown_11: and you reassert this claim that he's a pedophile, then suddenly your discovery is one day stretched to multiple years, however long this case goes on. So now they can subpoena all sorts of shit. They can make this very expensive and very time-consuming and very complicated when it could have just been a single day. So the question of why... Unknown_11: Why Ricada is a nightmare to fucking have as a client is answered by that. What he's done is he's taken one defamatory statement and he's made it into a serialized habit of defamatory statements that increases the scope of discovery, which is, as I mentioned, the most expensive part of the litigation, to be multiple years in many, many streams as opposed to one thing. 0:25:40 Unknown_11: And I forgot why I brought that up. I'm sorry. I'm just staring at a court case document on my screen that Rikada, I think Rikada will continue to ignore for the next two hours. Unknown_06: Get healthy. You're in Minnesota. You're dealing with the same communism as I am. Unknown_06: Now onto me, because Jim is an unimportant little faggot wallowing over there like, oh, I'm dying. I've got terminal illnesses or whatever. Like, yeah, that's good. Would you die already so we can grift off your death? Oh, I'm going to do my Medicare stream where I make fun of somebody for 24 hours. Like, Jim, will you just die already? Will you just die? Please, dear Christ. 0:26:12 Unknown_14: Won't you die, Medicare? Won't you just die already? Unknown_06: Let me tell the world how black lagoon is the same as Andy Warsky looking to PPP's asshole. Will you just do that? I can cough like three times an hour for you or what? I have cancer. It's like, I can just do that. I'm a wife named Jade or what? I don't even know. 0:26:43 Unknown_06: The Jade thing always makes me laugh because I think of the Charles Bronson movies where he hates Asians. I'm like, yeah, every woman in those movies are named Jade. I wouldn't Medicare me married to Jade. I don't know. Unknown_06: But legitimately, please live, please. Please live so we can throw you off a snow covered balcony next year. You can die. Unknown_11: Live, bish, live. Unknown_11: I can't wait to see you in your driveway, Medicare, so I can throw you off a balcony and roll you up into a snowman, Medicare. 0:27:19 Unknown_11: Live, bish, live. Unknown_06: I don't care. Like, I'll throw you into Tim Walz's butthole. Unknown_06: Or Jacob Frey, the mayor of Minneapolis. Do you want to pay Jim? Please pretend to be a child so I can donate to make a wish just to have you learn black people dancing from Jacob Frey and record it. Unknown_11: Okay, I just want to say that for no reason whatsoever, once again, children were invoked. Apropos of nothing, there was no reason to bring up children twerking in this rant, but yet, my man has found a way. Through the most cutting-edge, juju-the-cow science, he has found a way to inject another child sex abuse joke into his comedy. 0:27:57 Unknown_06: That's all I want to do in my life is literally I want to let you learn from Mayor Jacob Frey how to dance like black people. And I want Jacob Frey to learn from you how to not get raped by a gay Cuban. Unknown_05: I don't know if I want to pretend to be a child with Vito in chat. Unknown_06: Oh my god. No, you can't be a child with Vito in chat. Vito is barred from this chat. He cannot be within 500 internets of this chat. 0:28:38 Unknown_11: Do I agree? Unknown_11: Vito is like in this chat cheering him on the entire time because him and Dick find it very funny that Rickade is slowly killing himself. I guess because if he gets pathetic enough one day he'll hang out with them in LA and they can do whatever the fuck they do together. I might be implying certain things when I say that but I'll leave it up to your imagination. By the way, I've noticed that Vito has been tolerated and I'm just gonna put out a strong condemnation. Alyssa Clipse I was tagged by Vito. I received an email notification that I was tagged by Vito Comedy. And I had to read a fat pedophile's message because he was permitted to leave a comment on your channel and reply to me. 0:29:11 Unknown_11: I consider this completely unacceptable and I condemn it in the strongest possible language. Unknown_06: Because if he does, he might find a minor. Unknown_06: If Vito finds a minor on the Internet, he literally fucks the CD-ROM drive because he doesn't have a new computer. He fucks the CD-ROM drive until his dick runs Jewish and it circumcises him again. 0:29:48 Unknown_13: Look how he smiled. He smiled at that joke like it was nailed it. Unknown_10: Perfect. Unknown_06: Vices, did you wait? Vices texted me. Holy shit. Unknown_06: Oh my God. Jeff, are you trying to get on here? Unknown_11: Who the fuck is Jeff? Unknown_11: Ain't nobody coming on this stream, brother. Nobody's going to help you. Unknown_10: You're on your own. 0:30:28 Unknown_06: Nobody's coming. Where's my fucking link? I did this wrong. Unknown_06: There's no innocence here and you know it. Unknown_06: Jim's basically a baby. Unknown_06: Nick, what the fuck are you talking about? Unknown_06: Vito being a pedophile, monograph being a pedophile, Medicare being dead from cancer aids, legal vices being Korean, how is this hard? You're bailing. Did you piss out your bladder? No, I only pissed for a very short amount of time. Maybe the rest of the time is between me. You know, I was tasked with seeing if you were still with us. 0:30:59 Unknown_06: You want to come on the show, Jeff? Unknown_11: Here, I'll invite you on the show. Is Ian M. Holta the other? No, that's Medicare. Unknown_06: You want to come on? Unknown_06: We come on my face or whatever. Unknown_11: Claudia Dante has taken it upon himself to count the number of times that child molestation is mentioned in the stream. And I have a feeling that if this were a drinking game, we'd all be drunker than Ricardo by the end of it. 0:31:33 Unknown_06: Oh, Jesus Christ. Unknown_06: Hold on. Unknown_06: I hate these fucking Korean chanselors. Unknown_06: Why don't you just give us sushi? Unknown_06: Would Koreans call sushi if they were Japanese? Sushi! Unknown_14: Why do you smile at your jokes? Unknown_13: They're very bad. You're not funny. 0:32:08 Unknown_13: Why does he keep creepy smiling at the end of these? The punchlines are abysmal. Unknown_04: Guys, I'm fine. Unknown_11: Look every all of his his chats like blowing up and they're like bro. Are you okay? You sound like a drunk piece of shit. Unknown_06: What the fuck's wrong with you? Unknown_06: You want to do a show to talk about how your lawsuits going your lawyers you've paid a bunch of money to Have fucked up dramatically okay, so Unknown_11: If you wish to keep a lawyer, you cannot insinuate that they are bad at their job. 0:32:47 Unknown_11: If you have put them in an impossible to win situation, where every judge that you talk to is going to be predisposed to hate you because you're a menace. Unknown_11: That makes the job very difficult. And then if you go out and you say, well, fuck them, they suck. They might stop. They either will charge you more, which I have a feeling in Randazzo's case, that might be what happens, or they might just leave you. And then I know it's kind of like, everyone likes to think of lawyers as like these scalpers who will, 0:33:22 Unknown_11: who will take whatever, you know, will take money to do whatever the fuck you ask of them. Unknown_11: A lot of lawyers won't. There are some cases lawyers won't touch. There are some people that people won't represent and you have to search very hard to find representation for your bizarre case. And when you deliberate, like I mentioned, if you deliberately exacerbate your case to the point where you now have like two years of calling someone a pedophile as the litigation is ongoing, demonstrating actual malice and possibly, there are warriors who will be like, I can't help you. I can't help you. So it's a really bad idea, even though Randazza is charging him out the ass to make fun of Randazza and say that it's his fault, because either he, if he's merciful, he might just raise his rates. If he's not merciful, he might leave you. And then Rekheda might have to represent himself. And at the end of that, I think he might just be hanged. 0:33:58 Unknown_08: Oh, don't tap it twice. Oh, we did. Unknown_06: Cool. I get the legal argument. But this this is the legal education you don't get normally. Right? Unknown_06: Have you guys seen 0:34:40 Unknown_06: Have you guys seen how the case is going for Nate, the lawyer, against Boozy? Have you seen it? Have you seen it? He's got legal, uncivil law. He's got Ron Coleman working for him. One of the best law firms in the country, Harmeet Dhillon, for this type of stuff. How's it going? How's suing Boozy going? Remember that crowdfunding thing? You see Boozy? Unknown_11: Let's let's smile when he's trying to be smug that little smirk like oh, how's your lawsuit going? He's so fucking petty and he knows firsthand how unpredictable courts can be You know, that's why it's not fun being sued like you can be a hundred percent in the right about something You still get a fucking shit ass judgment that you didn't have to pay extra to deal with you know 0:35:29 Unknown_11: It's really, it's so petty and sadistic to be like, how's your lawsuit doing, buddy? How's that lawsuit doing? Because he knows firsthand that it's not exactly fair in the US system. Unknown_06: He sued, by the way, me. Nobody. Unknown_06: Nobody. Unknown_06: I don't sue people because suing people is retarded. I'm a lawyer, I know. Suing people is fucking retarded. Unknown_06: They're sending people their crowdfunding and tons of money. All of a sudden, boozy guy, go for it. Unknown_06: Here I am saying, hey, maybe. 0:36:12 Unknown_06: Maybe don't do this, maybe like just complain about him online and grifted. Unknown_06: Maybe try that. Unknown_11: Someone in chat explained to me or they could go all the way to fucking. Unknown_06: You know, straight to YouTube with their problems, they can get a ban off the Internet. Unknown_06: Here I am, the same guy. Always been the same fucking guy. That's a bit of an exaggeration. Unknown_10: That's a bit of an extension of truth. Unknown_11: I haven't changed a bit. Unknown_11: I think, I think you're wrong. I think you have actually. Just do whatever. 0:36:47 Unknown_06: Just do what you have to do. Why is this hard? Unknown_06: Oh, it's Chris Boozy making fun of me. Yeah, it's Boozy Badger. Apparently, they're crowdfunding a lawsuit to sue Boozy Badger. Unknown_11: I don't know. I don't know the details about it. Unknown_06: You're worried about what he says? Oh, my God. Unknown_06: What did Nate do? Nothing. Unknown_06: Love Nate. Unknown_11: He's great. Unknown_11: I had a friend who acted just like this after seeing his wife get railed at a swingers party. They got a divorce a year later. Jilted swinger vibes. That is such a specific tale that I believe you. That's a very, that's a very, very strange story. 0:37:22 Unknown_10: That's relatively applicable. Unknown_06: I love all these guys. They're fantastic. Unknown_06: They sued a fucking weirdo under broken rules. Unknown_06: Congress says he's jealous of Nate's crazy YouTube games. No, I want I would need to make all the money in the world. I like these people. You guys are weird. 0:37:58 Unknown_06: I like all these people. I want them to win. I want the monographs in the world to fucking win monographs, terrible. Unknown_06: Autograph should be put down like Lassie if Lassie was retarded molested children. There is what does this appeal decision mean? Is it a venue thing or something else? The appeal decision means literally this. Unknown_06: If we won the appeal decision, it would be remanded in district court to determine if we win on summary judgment or not. We lose the appeal decision, which we did. 0:38:36 Unknown_06: Mark Randazza, Randazza Legal Group tried to get Minnesota to recognize other states' appeals. Unknown_06: Cool. If we lose that, here's what happens. We go to discovery differently. Unknown_10: We're already doing. Unknown_06: And then we get to file a motion for summary judgment after discovery, because the judge, Jennifer Fisher. Yes, like the office decided that you needed to have discovery. The only fact the only fact outstanding on discovery is Monte Graff's alleged damages. 0:39:16 Unknown_06: I don't know why we need those. I don't know why Montagraph needs us. Unknown_06: But that's the thing that was sitting out, everything else is there. Our judge is literally fucking stupid. I'm going to say it. Unknown_11: OK, so don't insult your judge, the one that's still presiding over your case. He's he's talking not just about the appeals court. He's talking about the actual judge who's still at the head of his. Now that he's lost his appeal, it's going back to her. And she's going to be presiding over the rest of the case. And he's sitting on live telling thousands of people that she's a fucking idiot. It's not a good idea. 0:39:49 Unknown_06: Jennifer Fisher, chief judge of Wilmer, Minnesota, Kandiyohi County, is touched not by an angel, not even by a priest, but probably by retardation. does not know basic facts or elements of common law. She doesn't know Minnesota statutory law when she tries to apply the law to facts. And I know this from previous cases with her, by the way. 0:40:27 Unknown_06: She gets along awesome. Unknown_11: Okay, so there's an ongoing joke where montagraphs attorney in minnesota is somebody that ricada knows and has beef with and if I remember correctly he also has personal experience with this judge overseeing his case Unknown_11: he says that he cornered her in an elevator at some point and she got upset with him because I Don't know if it was like an ex parte communication or something, but he did something that pissed her off So not only is the attorney representing Montagraph someone who has a personal beef within with Rakeda the presiding judge also has been irritated with him at some point in the past and now he's doubling down and calling her a retard on stream and 0:41:09 Unknown_06: And you know, it's crazy. I know what people are going to say. Those cases that I had in front of Jennifer Fisher, the chief judge of Kandiyohi County, when she applied basic. Unknown_11: Is this like a Rakeda joke? All the people in chat telling me to show up that I'm not a lawyer. That has to be like a Rakeda joke, right? Does he like say that to people who say, hey, maybe don't talk about the judge like that. Is this, uh, I'm hoping that's the reference and people aren't legitimately trying to tell me that. Unknown_06: Common law principles on contract. Incorrect. She applied because she said, I can do whatever I want. Basically. She was not at that point judging in the district court. She was judging at the small claims court level. She said, no, that's not how contracts work. I'm like, judge, that's how contracts have worked for 450 years. 0:41:42 Unknown_06: You don't get to just change that. Like we win. Guess what happened? Unknown_06: We won the next time we got to the hearing because like any boring stereotypical woman They will sit there and tell you why you're wrong over and over and over again But lo and behold if you just wait a day They'll come around to your thing. They're going you know what? You said I said you were wrong, but you weren't wrong. I just really love the taste of liquor being squeezed out of my vagina. And then they drink it and then they do whatever. And I'm just sitting here going most of the judges in Kandiyohi County are men. 0:42:26 Unknown_06: How are they going to squeeze vagina liquor into my mouth? Unknown_11: Dude, it's like he was trying to make like a sexist joke, and then it just became like a retard, like like Coomer joke. Unknown_11: I think most people especially if you're being like a confrontational dickhead men or women like if you're trying to tell them they're wrong about something and you're not being very persuasive and you're kind of being like a like a Fucking faggot about it like Riquela is I think most people would double down on that I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about the vagina juice though. 0:43:10 Unknown_06: I don't want them to But my is that Galifianakis? Am I Barack Obama? Am I Joe Biden? No, I do not want man juice in my mouth Unknown_06: So I go, can you just apply the fucking law? Can you just apply the fucking law? And when they do, they go, holy shit. Unknown_06: It supports the next client. Here's the thing. I'm not a good lawyer. I didn't win because I came up with a novel legal, legal argument. Literally, my clients have good cases. 0:43:43 Unknown_06: And I go, this person didn't hire that person. They hired someone else. Unknown_06: Talk to someone else. Person A did not hire person C. Person A hired person B. Person B quit. Person C sues person A. Person C is not in the company of person B. The court's like, well, why are you there? Because these people are working in my house. Unknown_06: It should be simple. Unknown_06: But why are you there? Why are you, why are you in town? Why are you fighting this? I don't know. Freedom matters. My rights matter. If you don't fight the government, they get to just say whatever they want. 0:44:18 Unknown_11: I have no idea what he's talking about. I'm going to be real with you. I feel like there's that meme about like, based on IQ, a person can tell a story about two people talking and keep the name straight. If, um, Unknown_11: If a person has an IQ above 100, they can... Unknown_11: develop a story where two people are referencing two other people telling a story. And then if you have like a very high IQ, you can on the spot come up with a story where two people are talking about two people talking about two other people that all have like different names and keep the names and shit straight. And somehow Rikada is able to mastermind this web of parties in his head. Um, and I am just too low IQ to follow what the fuck he's saying for whatever reason. 0:44:57 Unknown_04: Yeah. Unknown_06: I'm like a 70 IQ prisoner in California. Unknown_06: Every bad defense attorney is two times better than the best prosecutor. Unknown_06: You're sitting here. Unknown_06: Anybody who's sitting here going, the state is right. OK, don't I? Unknown_06: Time. 0:45:35 Unknown_06: The state is right, you want the government controlling what you do and say, because government would rather have people who are not literally raped. Unknown_06: by federal officers, be able to say anything when they go to say anything, they shut down their testimony. Unknown_06: Well, we want them to say, yes, we want them to say everything, but they don't. Unknown_06: Charlie says you're getting bent over with diameter, all because some ego and pride, man, this is crazy. Unknown_11: That's awesome, that's an awesome reaction. Hey, bro, you're dealing with the consequences of your own actions. How does it feel? Pretty good, I guess. I'm gonna take another drink of this empty glass, but there's a couple of drops of liquor down there and I need them. I need a recharge right after reading that. 0:46:15 Unknown_06: Tell me more about my ego and pride, brother. I don't give a shit. Unknown_06: People always say what they want to say. It doesn't matter what you say. So say it. Unknown_06: You want me to fight you on it? I'm not a narcissist. 0:46:49 Unknown_11: Oh God. Is that maker's Mark? Is that, that explains the Medicaid rant. Let's see that bottle. Look again. Instant reply. I'm not a narcissist. Unknown_11: That's it. It's got a wax cap that doesn't look like maker's Mark though. Cause the wax is red for maker's Mark. Okay. So Ethan is drinking maker's Mark and Rikita being a, um, Unknown_11: being a new Ethan Ralph, who hates Medicare, has to also drink Maker's Mark, but he's drinking like a bougier one that has a bougier cap. It's basically the same shit, but it's just green. 0:47:23 Unknown_06: Mr. Medicare says, How quickly will the case move along? Not the appeals finish quicker. Take a while. It's going to take a while, Jim. Unknown_06: Our our discovery window goes through fucking October. Unknown_06: So. Unknown_06: It's October, man. Unknown_06: Until October, we have potential dispositions, disclosures, whatever. Unknown_06: In October, it'll end, and then we will probably file again for a summary judgment. 0:48:05 Unknown_06: Because the judge did not say we lose on the merits. The judge says this is not ripe for summary judgment yet until discovery is over. Unknown_06: They negotiated out of discovery one window somewhere around October. Unknown_06: They didn't ask. Unknown_05: They didn't ask, Jude, can you ask me? Unknown_11: It's Jack Daniels? Dude, I think Jack Daniels... I've had it. That shit is fucking bad. Jack Daniels sucks. If he's drinking Jack Daniels, he's down fucking bad. 0:48:41 Unknown_06: Oh, please, as long as this can possibly go. What I like to do what I like to do is if there's a if there's a milk beast over there, I'm not talking about test holiday fucking hell or Nicki Minaj. I'm talking about literal bull bovine. Unknown_06: and your job is to jerk it off. You wanted to, like, stay there while you just get the job done. No, no, no. They wanted to, like, run around the yard or whatever. Like, can you please stop running around the yard? I just want to, I just want to do this. 0:49:15 Unknown_06: I just want to do that. Unknown_06: Jim find out. Unknown_11: Oh, dude, Jim Bean is even worse. Jim Bean is like some of the most accurate fucking alcohol I've ever had. I have no idea how they can call it a whiskey. Yeah, like Jim Beam is like it might as well just be like low grade fucking vodka. Unknown_06: Oh, by the way, your next your next discovery date, your final discovery date is in October. 0:49:48 Unknown_06: It's in October. Are the Germans invading again? I'll defend the shore. Unknown_06: So I just don't have to pay you as much. But Jesus fucking Christ. Unknown_06: He negotiated for. An October terminal term on discovery, it's like a year apart from when they were negotiating with the other party, and I'm like, why we just be done with discovery in, I don't know, February, maybe March 90 days, that'd be good. We just get rid of this guy and the next guy. We just bring all the fucking faggy DBZ characters on the stream with our Nintendo Wii or Nintendo Switch. 0:50:19 Unknown_11: Faggy. This dude, this dude was on his hands and knees for the fucking anime people, specifically the people who like Dragon Ball. And now he's like, yeah, these Dragon Ball people are all fags and their characters are faggots. Unknown_10: What a fucking disrespect He crowdfunded tens of thousands of dollars from his audience with the voice actor for fucking Goku. Unknown_11: Oh Dude that's that's like such a that's that's the way he said that too. That's from such a deep place of contempt That's like genuine hatred. Whatever you'd be like, haha. 0:50:57 Unknown_06: Don't you says Krillin you're gay? Oh Unknown_06: Can we just do that? No. Oh, we have to fight. All right. So they set up an amateur boxing thing. It's always bad. Unknown_06: To undercut the main event, the main event gets millions of views, make tons of money. Unknown_04: Good. Unknown_06: But here we are going, wait, the fuck is this? Like, why is this life? I don't know. Unknown_06: I literally don't know. So you're saying, hey, can we just finish this fucking case? Why do you want to finish it? Oh, I don't know. 0:51:33 Unknown_06: because I should win it, but even if I don't, I just want to move on. You know, that's why I should win it is because you say, oh, monograph kind of seems like a pedophile. Unknown_11: no i can't i can't fucking believe that's the thing that gets me it's like who is he lying to i can pull up the clip where he says word for word montagraph always liked sucking little boycott i think word for word that's exactly what he says and which is undeniably a reprehensible defamatory statement to make about somebody who has no history no convictions nothing even indicating that they're a pedophile besides a bunch of fucking assholes making fun of him on the internet It's like it's not just like it's like a thing where he was like accused of being Possibly like a pedophile like when I say Vito is a pedophile I mean it because he is one but I would never say like Vito has done a specific sexual act with children because from what I understand he's a non can he's a Non-contact pedophile that's how he describes himself So even if there was like a thing, like to go out and specifically accuse him of sexually abusing little boys is just like insane. And he lies about this every fucking time it gets brought up. He lied about it to me, he lies about it to his audience, and every time it gets brought up he lies about it again. And I don't know why. Like is he hoping to, what's his gambit? Is he like, does he just not fucking know what he said? How do you not fucking know what you've said at this point in time? You're being sued for it. 0:52:21 Unknown_11: Genuinely makes me angry because if you don't remember That's why I stopped ever trying to do anything for Rikita when he messaged me on signal midstream and said hey You're getting this you're getting this fact wrong. 0:53:20 Unknown_11: I Made a statement that could not possibly be defamation because it was a qualified statement Which I believe he was implying that he said probably or sometimes or may have or I don't know but probably you know that kind of thing and Unknown_11: said the exact opposite of a qualified statement he said he knew for sure always Unknown_11: After that, I was just like, you're not gonna fucking lie to me. You're not gonna lie to my fucking face about the shit that you said that I have clips on my fucking website that prove the opposite. What fucking disrespect? And if you're in his audience listening to this shit, this is him lying about what he said about Montagraph and the thing he's being sued for when he talks about it like every fucking night is absolute proof that he has nothing but contempt for his audience and really, really does not believe in their own intelligence. 0:54:10 Unknown_06: Oh, that I don't know all the times he admitted he's a pedophile. Just go read his fucking transcript. The streamer he did about pedophilia. Unknown_06: I don't need you to evaluate his claims, I just need you to look at them and go, Oh, shit, that's reasonable. Unknown_06: Bailey says me thinks I don't know what he's talking about either, like that he admitted that he's a pedophile. Unknown_11: Read the transcripts. Where the fuck did he met the if that like that's another thing. Like, to lie about that. Because I've looked at this. I really, I really, I don't know if you guys remember, but I did a whole conversation with Montegraff. When Montegraff was threatening to sue Jim, I talked to Montegraff, and by the end of that conversation, he said he wasn't actually intending to sue Jim. 0:54:46 Unknown_11: And we talked about his movies and stuff, and where these allegations came from. I have never seen any transcript where he admits that he's a pedophile. It's just fucking nonsense. It's so insulting. Unknown_06: You should go to sleep. Come back and do the rest of your document later. Unknown_06: Why? I'm delving into where I am is fun. Unknown_06: Trunk, whatever. Call me. You guys are going to call me whatever anyway. Unknown_11: It's been an hour of Rikita. My boy, this is the Rikita stream. I'm going for four hours if I have to. It's nonstop Rikita. It ain't going away. I'm not even joking. If you're hoping for any, I'm not even going to mention anybody else. You just got to strap in. Am I tossed? 0:55:28 Unknown_06: Yeah, it's great. Edgar says another five months just for discovery. Asking for a summary judgment move faster than that. Let's stretch out for months as well. So asking for some Jim. Unknown_06: Five months for the close of discovery. Asking for summary judgment comes after the close of discovery because we asked for summary judgment before discovery was closed. And Jennifer, Jennifer, not Jennifer Fisher. She's Hunter. Jennifer Fisher is ugly. Decided to say, hey, by the way, you know, close discovery on this date. And then the. 0:56:00 Unknown_06: Respondent, defendant, whatever can do what they're going to do. Unknown_06: Great. Cool. So if you have some synth speakers or something while I'm out talking to someone else, let me sit there and figure your butthole or whatever. Go for it. The reality is it's going to take 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Who cares? Who's going to tell the judge they're taking too long? 30, 60 or 90 days. We'll make our case as it were. 0:56:35 Unknown_06: And then jury, I guess, can decide whether or not I was truthful when I said that Montagraph probably likes fucking little boys. Unknown_10: It's not what he said. Unknown_11: I'm going to have to find this clip, because it's driving me crazy. He's just going to keep fucking lying about it. I feel the need to do the objection and then play the evidence, the evidence, where he says otherwise. 0:57:06 Unknown_11: By the way, what he's saying is that Unknown_11: The appeal, just to clarify, the appeal, what he appealed was that Montagraph was in Colorado at the time that he sued Ricada. Unknown_11: Colorado has a law to stop all but the strongest of defamation lawsuits. Minnesota has no such law. So therefore, applying the lawsuit in Minnesota is advantageous to Montagraph. 0:57:47 Unknown_11: Rakeda argued that Montagraph should have sued in Colorado or that because Montagraph lives in Colorado, Colorado law should be applied. And yes, it is possible in certain situations for a Minnesota court to litigate Colorado state law in their own court. It's very weird, but it can happen. So they went to the appeals on this, and the appellate court said, we're not persuaded at all that this should have been the case. Literally, we're not persuaded. Brandeis had tried to make this very eloquent argument using all sorts of facts and logic uh regard and by the way just so you know um i watched the i watched with uncivil law or no potentially criminal um sean i watched with sean i think his name is potentially criminal but his name is sean that's how i know him um i watched the appellate oral arguments with him and randazza did a great job uh schneider was pretty pretty bad in oral arguments 0:58:47 Unknown_11: But even though Rendazzo was much more direct and knew what he was talking about and the $50,000 of money really showed because he had great presentation, the facts of the case just weren't in his favor. So now it's back to where it started. The case is in Minnesota. There's already a very bad judgment against him where the judge basically says, I think that this is probably per se defamation already. Then they went to the appellate court, the appellate court kicked it back to Minnesota, and now it's right back where it started, except Rickada is $50,000 poorer for the effort. So if he had just let this ride, he wouldn't be $50,000 poorer, and the case would probably be over or close to being over by now. 0:59:30 Unknown_11: But he decided to fight this the entire way on bad bad merits because The the problem is that Rikada said it like he said the defamatory thing and you can always sue somebody and where they're from basically I Don't know why I lie about that I've seen it Unknown_11: Monographs probably a pedophile. I don't know why I lie about that me neither It's crazy Guy threatened to murder me. Unknown_06: He threatened to murder my entire family because I said, oh, yeah, he lost the lawsuit I'm joined the sweat squad sweaty squads gonna kill Nick Rickada and his family and his gas station. Okay, cool Unknown_06: It's like oh, but also I'll touch your kids Clarification someone in chat pointed out they hired us an appellate court specialist to do oral arguments whoever his I Thought it was Schneider, but I'm wrong, but whoever it was Is bad if he's an appellate court specialist, and that was his you know performance oral argument. 1:00:35 Unknown_11: He's not very good at it Sorry to not to be a dickhead, but I was I was not impressed Unknown_06: Like, don't do that. Touching kids is bad. To be fair, he was talking to a Mexican family at the time, not mine. Unknown_06: He's sitting there going, he called me a pedophile monograph. Have you looked at you? Have you looked at you? Have you seen what you do? Have you seen what you say? Have you seen the movies you create? Have you seen the online chatter? Unknown_06: Jim, I know you remember this. Unknown_06: You brought me in the show to talk about Monograph losing his lawsuit. One guy, a guy called him a pedo. Monograph sued him. Guy said, Hey, no, we need this dismissing. He's like, OK, fuck shit. 1:01:10 Unknown_06: Shit. Unknown_06: He got fucking tossed out of the court. Unknown_06: Why is that? Because it was real. Unknown_04: Anyway. Unknown_06: The Internet is a great place because you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want, you can be whatever you want, and then everybody else will determine you're something else. 1:01:44 Unknown_11: If you have, sorry, I was looking for the origin of Montagraph and the lawsuit. If you can, I'm trying to find the clip, but it's hard to do on my setup. If you can just, like, tag me on the forum, like in the Man at the Internet thread or whatever, I would really appreciate it because I want to play it. Unknown_06: Rawls is just in the stream. I'm not even close to passing out level. Unknown_05: Jesus Christ. Unknown_06: A killer Kong killer King says you didn't say probably I thought you didn't lie. I don't lie if I didn't say probably cool. Unknown_06: I just said he likes touching little he likes touching little boys cocks or whatever sucking. 1:02:21 Unknown_06: I stand by everything I said about Monograph. I 100% believe everything I've said about Monograph. 100 percent. Unknown_06: I have. It's amazing. He's had every opportunity to disprove it, not just against me, but against other people who see him for the same shit. Monograph has never been able to disprove that he's a pedophile. Unknown_06: Edgar says, Wait, so if discovery takes five months, summary could take up to three months. You might have another eight months of this at a minimum. I'm amazed it's come on this long. Yeah, brother. 1:02:55 Unknown_06: Might be eight months of discovery and then, uh, however many months of, uh, pre-trial motions posts, uh, and trial trial, trial and trial motions, and then post-trial motions. And if there's an appeal to go on, who knows, who knows? Unknown_06: Funny thing is the best part of this same autograph wins this thing. Unknown_06: He has to prove damages. 1:03:28 Unknown_06: Problem on the graph is that when I started talking about him, his viewers went up, his income went up, they went higher. He's going to what? Hope I'm in a position where he's fucking me with a dig up. Unknown_11: I don't think Medicare is probably I don't know if he's trying to get him to say certain things or show any actual damages from Monograph. Unknown_06: He doesn't have damages because he doesn't have income. Unknown_11: So he's hammering on the damages thing, and it's like, first of all, you've hired Rendazza, so even if he has $100 of damages, you owe him $100, which may not cover his legal fees, but his legal fees are probably $10,000 at this point, and yours are $100,000 plus. And by the time that discovery is over, it might be a quarter of a million. It's gonna be a lot of money. 1:04:18 Unknown_11: Rent as is not cheap. Hiring a big shot California attorney like that to represent you all the way through a case can be up to half a million dollars. I was quoted by the way, I contacted a big wig in a big firm in California. And they asked for, they said it would probably be half a million dollars at a rate of like $2,000 an hour. And that's without appeals. So if you, and Randazza is from California, I'm pretty sure. So if you hire like the best of the best in California, you're going to be paying an exorbitant rate that your mind can't even fucking process. 1:04:54 Unknown_06: He doesn't have income because he's an embarrassing streamer who jerks off on the other part of that. Unknown_11: He doesn't have to prove damages because it's per se defamation. This is another weird thing to lie about. Monograph can't prove damages. He doesn't fucking have to. The judge already thinks that it's per se defamation. He doesn't have to prove damages. It's per se purposes of dead people. Unknown_06: He was bullying. I don't know. Unknown_06: That's a joke. Unknown_05: Is it? 1:05:32 Unknown_06: Yes. Unknown_06: Read the document. Look at this guy and go, yeah, he's fine. He's okay. Unknown_06: This in there is okay. Never. Okay. None of these people are okay. They're broken. God damn it. You know, people think I am what I am. I'm like, good, cool. Do you see what your congressmen are? Never will. They're way worse. Unknown_06: Way worse than anything you could be. 1:06:03 Unknown_06: I should just trying to find my fucking mouse. Unknown_06: So we can do this. Fuck. Unknown_10: And I should skip here just a bit. Unknown_10: I don't want to miss any great content, though, as he fumbles to read his own legal documents about it. Unknown_06: Look, it's not your fault, but it is, Chad. Unknown_06: Jim, by the way, how long do you have left to live, Jim? 1:06:38 Unknown_11: Seriously. Hey, I got a couple of questions regarding your case. How how long you got left to live there, buddy? How long do that leprosy claimed you from this sweet hearth? Unknown_06: Classy. I want to know because I've had this dream of going to your house, just sitting outside like. Unknown_06: petting your roses or whatever. Do you have flowers? I don't know. 1:07:08 Unknown_11: Okay. Hold up. I see. If, if generic white man has deceived me, I'll be very displeased with generic white man, but I trust him. I trust him. Unknown_11: Okay. This is directly from Montagraph. Okay. Unknown_08: So let's hear what he has to say. Unknown_08: Ali Pham, Mondegraff is a child diddler. Unknown_03: Mondegraff, he's on this thing where he's like emailing everybody I know now. Mondegraff has always been into sucking little boy cock, which is weird, but that's his thing. Look, I'm not here to stop him. I'm just saying he should probably be shot in the fucking head. Mondegraff, you're a fucking faggot. Everybody knows you're a faggot. Clip this all you want and sue me if you want, you fucking faggot, child molesting fucking faggot. do that how about you try that i don't care bro if this goes to a jury trial he is going to get slaughtered i did i forgot how bad it was i knew i knew that i knew the first bit at 10 seconds but like it just goes on and on and it doesn't get any better he's gonna get fucking slaughtered like a baby lamb they're gonna take him and they're gonna cut him apart 1:08:20 Unknown_11: Like he doesn't stand a fucking chance. And he keeps lying about it. It's right here. It's archived on the Montegraff fucking channel, okay? It's not going anywhere. He has a hard copy of it. You ask him to sue you. You say that he's a child molester. You clarify, just so in case people weren't confused, hmm, what did he mean by always like sucking little baby dick? Maybe he hasn't sucked little baby dick. Oh, sorry, he is a child molester. So he didn't just like it, theoretically. He's done it, because he's a child molester, okay. 1:08:52 Unknown_11: And then he lies about it. He lies about it and says, I didn't say that. I'm like, it's right. It's right fucking here, bro. You're going to say this is AI. This is from years ago. We didn't have AI back then. Unknown_08: It's nonsense, man. Unknown_06: Where you live doesn't beget flowers. Petting your whatever your perennials are, then your perineum. Oh, God, Jim. Unknown_11: Well, okay. See, this is what I mean. Discovery is expensive. If Ricada is going to come out there and say that that video is doctored, you know what's going to happen? Montagraph is going to have to subpoena YouTube. He's going to have to subpoena Rumble. He's going to have to get the evidence of this. And then what? Is Ricada going to hire an expert to evaluate the media? And that's thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars down the fucking drain. when he could have just said, I'm sorry, and found some way to compromise with this guy to begin with years ago. And he would have spent far less. I understand not wanting to do that on principle, but you're clearly in the wrong. You're clearly in the wrong when you're saying this about somebody. 1:09:57 Unknown_06: Through this, will you please have an enlarged prostate, but then get over it? Unknown_06: And you're like, no, Nick, I can't. COVID has got me. I called the government at first. I told them that COVID was going to kill millions of people. And then it did. And I'm like, Jim, the elderly aren't people. Neither are blacks. And you're like, no, no. But that's what it killed. So it killed, it killed old people and black people. I'm like, well, there aren't old black people. So those are white people. And then he killed black people. And you're like, I'm like, Jim, why are you so scared? And you're like, I have COPD of the vagina or whatever. 1:10:34 Unknown_06: I just want to get you someone to die from Governor Tim Walz. Jim, I will protect you. I'll put my mouth buttocks, whatever it is, over your fragile, sensitive vagina. I'll save you from that. Unknown_06: I want more of this. Unknown_11: I want more of Rikada's impression of Jim afraid to die. This is the quality comedy that I want to hear more of. I want to hear Rikada go on a full half hour long pretend soliloquy from Medicare's perspective as he begs not to die. This is what we need. This would really impress people with how classy and sophisticated and funny he is. 1:11:11 Unknown_06: It isn't going to give you COVID and I didn't have COVID. Unknown_06: What am I, Jewish? I don't have COVID. Unknown_06: Come to your house, sit around in your front yard until you come out because you can't stop me anymore. I'm just sitting there meditating over tea or whatever. Like Jim will come if I don't build it, Jim will come. You come out, you're like, what are you going to build there, champ? I'm like, I don't know, slugger. Can I call you slugger? Cause I think I'm older than you, but if I'm not, you look younger than me because you look like you're dying. I want to build a movie theater for you, Jim, to just play Charlie Brown movies for the rest of your life. It's probably gonna be two or three minutes and want that to happen. It was just have us have a good time. Why, why is it so hard? 1:11:43 Unknown_06: You're like, but I'm in St. Louis Park. You're not. I know this joke. I'm in St. Louis Park. That's where all the Jews are. Jim, how much gold do you have? He's like enough to mortgage 12 houses. But because they're Jews, 24 houses. 1:12:17 Unknown_06: Three and a half percent to maybe 12 percent. Unknown_06: Jim, don't do it. Unknown_11: I have no fucking clue what he's talking about. I don't know why Jim is suddenly in St. Louis. Why is Jim in St. Louis? Can someone explain to me why Jim's in St. Louis now? Unknown_11: St. Louis. Unknown_11: I don't fucking mess instead. Unknown_06: Instead, I need you to go. I need you to go to the Mayo Clinic, hand him a jar of Hellman's and say, please, gentlemen. 1:12:52 Unknown_06: Save me, save me. Unknown_06: Here's Helman's put on the back of the bread. Unknown_11: St. Louis Park is apparently a suburb of Minneapolis. Okay. I thought he was actually in St. Louis, the city far, far away from. Unknown_06: Put on a sandwich, put it on. Oh God. Put it on a soup. Unknown_06: Chicken wings. I don't care. I just need the Helman's mayonnaise to keep me sustained. Unknown_06: Jim, I'm kidding. 1:13:25 Unknown_06: Seriously, do get well. Have fun. Make fun of me all you want. I don't care. Unknown_11: I love you, man Autograph you cost me all this money. Oh my god. Unknown_06: He blames Jim I Remember the time where Jim you know held a gun his little his little emaciated hand shaking as it holds a Colt 45 and it pointed Right at Ricada's head and he says listen here big guy. Unknown_11: I I need you to say that Montagraph likes sucking little boy dick, and that he's a child molester. I need you to do this for me. It'd be funny, big guy. Trust me. Trust me on this, Rikada. You like me, don't you? You want to buy a hat and call Montagraph a child rapist, don't you? You want to be cool on the internet, don't you?" And then Rikada was just helpless, like, yes, master, I do. I do want to become cool on the internet. I will do as you say. I remember this as it happened. People don't share this clip as much as the other one, but I remember that clearly. 1:13:58 Unknown_06: this to me I will forever never forgive you like when you finally die and they bury you in the ground I'm gonna go find your corpse I'm gonna dig you out I'm gonna donate to you to the U of M and I'm gonna say oh no this is a Muslim who's a suicide vest didn't go off can we put it back on him and send him into Israel and we will FedEx that motherfucker to Israel 1:14:49 Unknown_06: His name will be Muhammad Allah, who, I don't know, Boba Tea or whatever. I'll put the vest on him. Say, go in peace. Find your 72 virgins. Unknown_06: That man will flow right into Israel. He will blow up in town square. Is he talking about? Unknown_05: Yeah, probably two or three Jews. Unknown_06: No Jewish women because they keep them for the camera. They don't put them on the front lines. And then I'm going to turn this down only then a little bit. And I'm going to just talk over him more often, because I think we're fine if I just pause to give commentary. Shit's fucked. So can you guys hear me over? 1:15:26 Unknown_06: all of them play Warlock and they're all like, please, Warlock's a good support. Please, please, please don't bend me over. Keep me standing because that's how I like it. And you'll be like, why is I didn't I didn't do the suicide bombing and I'll call hell myself and I'll be like, Hey, by the way, Jim, I did this. I did this to you, but I'll buy a hat. Unknown_13: That's actually a decent punchline. I'll buy the hat. Okay. 1:16:02 Unknown_13: Now that you're a martyr for Islam in Israel. Unknown_06: Nick, I don't care how dry it. I don't care how drunk he is. Who gives a fuck? Because it bites you. Unknown_06: Do you have one that comes in? Yarmulke? I need that for my circumcised penis. Unknown_06: Literally, I. The chat doesn't know, you do know, I love Medicare. Unknown_06: He's a guy who grew up watching, grew up being I was 30. Unknown_11: Now you're the same age. Unknown_06: We don't grow up in our teens anymore. We grow up when we're 30 or whatever. And Jim's out here making fun of people. And I'm like, Oh God, I used to make fun of people, too. I can do this. He's doing that. And now Jim's making fun of me. I'm like, God damn it. 1:16:36 Unknown_06: He's right. OK, I'm going to keep doing it because I want more. I want him to stay alive. Unknown_06: I want him to like do that thing where he travels around the mall and they have that treadmill and the black guy running on it. They're like, Stevie, keep up with the black guy. And the police officers get on there and they just fall over and over. Unknown_06: But like the one Mexican gets on there, the black guy has a green card in his hand, the Mexican overtakes him every time. He's like, I will shingle your roof or whatever. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. And he just chased him down. 1:17:11 Unknown_06: I want Jim to have one of those with his wheelchair, with Bill Gates, like where he's sitting on Bill Gates's lap, just like rolling 12 miles an hour. He's like, I've got super buff arms. I don't. Jim's arms are way better than mine. And then you think about it and you're like, Sir, there's another hour and a half of this. If this may be right now, we're listening to all of it. He would need a fucking handicap ramp to survival. They didn't even have those. They didn't even have those. They they flashed images of Japos on the wall. They put them into dust and made them into pudding for Dr. Phil or whatever. You know, like, oh, God, what would Jim have done there? No, he wouldn't have done that. He would have been FDR. He would have been an FDR. No, he would have been an American president in his wheelchair. Is Jim healthier than Nick? He would have died and left it to Eisenhower to solve the goddamn problem of the Japanese. Eisenhower created anime, Jim. You didn't. Why? Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie? You said you created anime. You're watching these big-titty anime bitches. No. No, no, no. You created the interstate highway system. You created the legal drinking age of 21. You created everything wrong with America. 1:18:17 Unknown_06: You try to better animate this. Eisenhower is you like I have a wheelchair to Eisenhower is the one that said that quote about what America has to have access and a time machine. And you went back, you dropped the bomb on the Japanese. Thank you, by the way. You should have done more, but you didn't. 1:18:49 Unknown_06: Instead you left karaoke bars Please one thing what the fuck is I think that I think that now I think it's time I think it's time to time and a half it if he's going too fast for you guys Let me know but I um, I try to I try to not do 2x or a time and a half because I know the podcast people like to listen to me I'll do I'll do time and a half. Unknown_11: Hopefully it's not too too indecipherable If anything is listen if you're listening to this on podcast on 2x if he says anything important, I'll stop it and explain 1:19:23 Unknown_06: big booty bitches like knocking themselves like animated ones because no japanese women have an ass they don't have an ass because they don't matter because japanese men just want a hand hand up hand out just like communists they're like oh wait i can do this and their hand becomes a futanari have you seen i know you know this their hand a slit opens up here like a vampire hunter d instead of a mouth an intelligible conversation a giant black cock comes out and they're like this is elizabeth warren they Then they die fucking themselves. And you're like, no, this is good. I'm like, Jim, no, no! Why would you create anime? No, no, no, please nuke them again. Please nuke the Japanese again. Just tell me it's a campfire. Unknown_11: I don't know how to answer this. What? Unknown_06: We don't direct a campfire. I'm like, no, no, no. Keep your paper wall, rice paper, it's even worse. Keep your rice paper wall structures. I hope your government buildings are rice paper too. North Koreans at least learn. I'm just imagining Nick testifying in Congress He was cutting to all the very serious phase politicians watching him explain to him about like atomic bombing of Hiroshima You sit there and you're like no we want to create anime. Well, we'll create Japan Japan will be better with anime and Tom Cruise Stop no, no, no, don't do it. Don't do it. Remember that rollerball movie where James Conn killed Japanese people with his bare fucking hands. I That's what we need. That would stop anime. A nuke doesn't stop anime. Bare fucking hands of James Caan, he'll kill every anime motherfucker on the planet. He can team up with Charlie Brownson in Kenjite. 1:20:23 Unknown_06: He's like, I don't need your kimono-wearing motherfucking slant-eyed asses out there! Unknown_03: Kill yourselves! Unknown_11: Dude, we're only at... I did it, um, I put it on 1.5 before, it was too fast, and now it's at 1.25. So he is talking really fast. I'M MAKING FRIENDS! Someone pointed out how he is like, like, switching between like, lethargic, almost passing out, blackout, drunk, babbling. to like super hyped up cocaine use where he's speaking very fast it's like his brain is literally like it's like um there's a flapping part of his brain that's just switching back and forth between like depression and like uppers and it's it's complete nonsense his central nervous system is just having a complete and total collapse rise the chinese way i'm like charlie's bronson why what are you doing like that's like charlize theron monster you're weird you're ugly you look like a man and like oh yeah charlie bronson 1:21:39 Unknown_06: He had a rope. He didn't use it. He didn't need to. He had Fukushima. And he's like, I'm going to send radioactive water. Unknown_06: It's radioactive water to your house. Unknown_06: Charles Bronson, then by then it was a battle of the egos. Keep in mind, this is one point to five X. You know, I'm going to put that on the screen so people know I've got it sped up. Unknown_06: Riley U.S. Leafson says, I used to wake up with my liver laying next to me smoking a cigarette and flipping me off. Both doing much better now. Eight plus years later. 1:22:12 Unknown_06: Barbara Rogers says Nick will survive this. Of course I will. Jesus Christ. Unknown_05: Oh my goodness. Unknown_06: Summary. Montegraf and his gay fucking lawyers who don't know what they're doing beat the best Unknown_06: You reiterate this while I'm big. Unknown_06: Like Tom Hanks after he sees a man. I'm large. 1:22:45 Unknown_06: Montagraph and his small town Minnesota, never done a defamation case attorneys have defeated the best defamation lawyers in the country. Unknown_06: Do you know how much Randazza charges per hour? Unknown_10: Oh, boy. This is going to be some fun information. You know how much it costs. Unknown_06: It's at least a big Mac, at least a big Mac. And then Mondegraff is over here with a retarded appellate attorney. He's like, I've never even been to appeals. I don't know what to write. He writes an argument that's incomplete. In fact, Randazza and his team, they capitalize on this. Unknown_06: I don't even want to know how much my appeal costs. They capitalize on this. They go, yeah. 1:23:27 Unknown_11: He said $50,000 on a different stream. Somebody pointed out, not just the appeal. There's still the rest of the case that's happened and that will happen. Unknown_06: This appeal doesn't make any sense because this isn't even the standard. I'm like, you're right. It's not. Unknown_06: It's not in the standard, but the court didn't care because Montegrath is cut rank disco attorney who's still in roller skates or whatever. Unknown_06: He's he's walking circles around one of the best anti-defamation lawyers in the country, which is Randazza. 1:24:02 Unknown_06: Oh, my God, how much does it cost? Unknown_06: How much does it cost? I don't know. I try not to look. I try not to look. Unknown_11: Randazza is definitely a $2,000 an hour attorney. I'm pretty sure it's a lot. Hey, he's famous. Unknown_06: He's like a top lawyer. Well, trying their stuff, but Unknown_06: I know why this was a defamation. Why don't you want to do X, Y, Z? I mean, I guess. That's cool. 1:24:34 Unknown_06: Hmm. Unknown_06: Benjamin, the dream wizard says, Griffing off Medicare's death, chef's kiss. Now, I'm gripping off of the possibility that Medicare will die. If this motherfucker was at Niagara Falls with me, I wouldn't push him off the fucking cliff. That'd be really weird. I would push him into Canada and Trudeau would kill him. with COVID up his butthole. Unknown_06: And I would absolutely do it. Jim, if you were an Ira at Niagara Falls, I would demand a handjob first, but I would shove your ass into Canada. Like, hey, Justin, son of... 1:25:04 Unknown_06: Son of Fidel, will you please come down here and rid me of this problem?" He's like, what can I do, my black brother? I'm like, I've done blackface as hard as you. There's a guy here who's never done blackface. You know why? Why? Because he's in a wheelchair and he doesn't have rims. He doesn't have rims, Justin. He's like, oh my God, I got to get the Negro police on this. Unknown_11: Someone in the chat pointed out that Rikeda had been quoted for $40,000 as a retainer. So he's easily at least $100,000, I would wager. 1:25:39 Unknown_06: A bunch of like weird Latino and Filipino Canadians come down like we don't have blacks here in Canada. Blacks aren't welcome here because they steal bikes and we like to ride bikes in the mountains. But we do have Filipinos. We do have Latinos. There's a lot of black people in Canada. Maybe a Dominican or two when we need a knife. You're fucked, Jim. Jim's sitting there like, wait, no, he doesn't have arms. His arms do math. Unknown_06: Hecker says they'd force me to use the maid thing. I think this is what the Canucks call it when they in their healthcare. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Unknown_06: They're like, Oh, sorry. We have an option to beat your cancer. And you're like, Oh, what is it? And they're like, well, it's death. 1:26:16 Unknown_06: What do you mean? That doesn't sound right. No, no, no. It's fine. Well, what method do you use? Do you like a lethal injection where it feels good? And then I die like slowly in my sleep. You don't do ketamine here. That's all for Elon Musk and his butthole. You don't get ketamine. Unknown_11: I was gonna say, lethal injection, the way that they do it, they use, um... Unknown_11: I can't remember the name of it. It's like I want to say it's like sodium potassium chlorinate or some shit. It's it's a really awful chemical. Lethal injection is the way they describe it is like fire burning through your veins until you fucking die. It's not a it's not a very nice way to go out. I prefer to be shot. 1:26:50 Unknown_06: Are you what are you even in Silicon Valley? And you're like, I'm going to show you my Silicon Valley has been repaired. So I can sit in this chair. Like, no, no, no. Here's what we're going to do. We are going to put ketamine in your mouth. Unknown_06: And when your viewers in your mouth, so do you put the trigger until you're dead? Unknown_11: It's like potassium. Unknown_06: That doesn't sound pleasant. Like, it's not pleasant. It's free speech, bitch. Canadian fall. But Canadians don't do anything. They pull the trigger on themselves. You know, they do. Unknown_06: But closest Jim, why are you doing this to me? I hate you. 1:27:23 Unknown_06: The closer scrutiny reveals that given the interdivisional split discussed above some Colorado courts, some of them do weigh evidence that the second step of adjudicating any slap special motions dismiss requiring courts to evaluate plaintiffs reasonable likelihood of prevailing on their claims. They actually don't. They literally don't have to value the weight of the fucking evidence. Reminded that this was like a legal Nick. I know a guy who has a pie who is pie. We're going to get you feeling the sunshine. I'll eat pie on the rumble stream. 1:27:54 Unknown_06: Mr. Rubio says, how do you feel about drugs, Nick? I don't care what people do. Go do whatever the fuck you want. If the government wants to intervene in your life, it doesn't matter what it is. Drugs, school, speeding. Unknown_06: You being a gay faggot. I don't care. Unknown_06: Why would you act? We asked the government you own. It's like a meme where like whenever I see a clip of his show there's always something on the screen that has nothing to do with what the fuck he's talking about. Unknown_11: So it's like every time it's like it's like if you took like an actual streamers like set up and just replace the webcam with like a homeless person lunatic screaming at the top of his lungs. That would be the effect that watching a Rikada stream has. It's like, this is weird. This is not correct. 1:28:31 Unknown_10: This is not a correct combination of things. Unknown_06: Nuclear Acorn says, I may not be allowed to exist as a person, but at least I want to see how your appeal went. I hope it was well. No, it didn't go well at all. Unknown_11: Again. In case you're wondering, that Nuclear Acorn person who's giving him simpies in chat is supposedly Mandy the Catfish. But he's, but he's like, I just want to, I just want to hear your appeal, Rekhaida. I just want to know about what's happening. I don't want to hear the nasty internet drama. I want to hear like, I want to hear the appeal. How did it go? Did it go well? He's just like, no, you stupid faggot. It didn't. I fucking lost. Retard. The best defamation defense attorneys in the country. 1:29:04 Unknown_06: He lost the appeal. Unknown_06: Minnesota he's so salty about that, bro, you know Rene's I has a very strong reputation. Unknown_11: I'm sure he's I'm sure I've heard him speak at the oral arguments He seemed very eloquent and very informed But he's defending somebody in an impossible situation He's, the statement that Rikita made could not possibly be more defamatory. 1:29:45 Unknown_11: Like, I don't know what more he could have said except for maybe at the end adding one, by the way, everything I just said is false and I know it's false, but I say it anyways because I hope to cause Montagraph reputational and financial damages. Like, that's the only, and even then, I think tacking that one might put it so over the top that it becomes satire in its own right, you know what I mean? Like, how do you make what he said worse? Unknown_06: Can we just dismiss the case outright? I don't know. Unknown_06: I guess so. Are you free to stream how you want on YouTube and rumble? So forcing you the whole switch? No, I get to choose what I want. Not used to seeing you over here for extended streams. 1:30:20 Unknown_06: No, I that was one of the goals of my renegotiation was like, I don't want to be as fucking controlled. And then I don't think the switch from someone says it's potassium chloride that you use to kill people with lethal injection. Unknown_11: I know it was a potassium. I didn't think it was a sodium. Unknown_06: Rumble is good. If I want to start a show on YouTube, I kind of want to end a show on YouTube. If I end a show, I mean someone else's show. Unknown_06: You know what I mean? Like, I want to have the show on YouTube the whole time. 1:30:53 Unknown_06: I do the rumble flip. I don't have to. I'm getting a feel for it, but whatever. But yeah, man, that's good. Shame, though. If you ever want to, like, have me on the show, make fun of me, I don't care. I literally just want to hold your hand while you pass on into the Neverwinter or whatever. Unknown_06: Tentacle porn. Come on, Jim. Don't do tentacles into that. Unknown_11: Dude, I've seen the gym seating is the best shit in the stream. Unknown_06: Every time he sees a message, he sees Jim say something. Unknown_11: He has to remind them, Jim, you're going to die. I just want to be there when you die. I just want to see life. Leave your eyes, Jim. I love you, though. We make a million. I hope you say a million hats, brother. 1:31:24 Unknown_06: Maybe seals and boogies or whatever ATF agents. Unknown_06: Anyway, man, I legitimately please don't invite me on. I'll just be drunk and stupid. Please don't invite me. I'm gonna hear this. Jim, get healthy, as healthy as you fucking can. Unknown_06: And I'll meet you at the gayest breakfast place in Minnesota. We can have mimosas, if your constitution can handle it. And then I'll make you eggs. We won't buy eggs at the buffet, because that's really gay, but I'll make you eggs at your house. Or whatever. Just the whites, though. 1:31:59 Unknown_06: Jim says, you can hold my hand, but you'll have to buy a hat first. Priorities after all, buy every hat you've ever sold. I fucking hate the internet. Cause all like, I'm sitting here going, God damn it. You're like, I haven't seen Jim. I'm like, I just want Medicare to live so you can make fun of me. I'll do stupid stuff just so we can live. God damn it. Unknown_11: Someone asked, why is he just spanking shitty jokes constantly? That's a great question. The reason why is that at some point, Nick Ricada realized that he did not want to be a law tuber. He did not want to be involved in law. He didn't want to do arduous amounts of stream prep so that he could stream for multiple hours a day and cover cases like people wanted. He didn't want that lifestyle. He became envious of Dick Masterson. who does no show prep, reads a couple of articles, and collects $40,000 a month for the privilege of doing so. 1:32:35 Unknown_11: At least, not including his other sources of income. Unknown_11: And when the camera is off, Dick gets to go out to LA, he gets to snatch underage box, he gets to buy prostitutes, he gets to do drugs, he gets to do basically everything that Rikada loves to do and be paid for the privilege of doing it. 1:33:14 Unknown_11: So when you hear him rambling, I think in his mind, what he's doing is this. Unknown_11: He knows that his law tube streaming thing is dead. It's not coming back. He's not going to be that guy again. And more importantly, he does not want to be that guy again. Unknown_11: I think what he's doing in the flippant way that he handles his own audience and his own reputation is that he is practicing. I think that these streams in his head are practice. Unknown_11: He might want the money, I don't know, but I think mostly the way that he justifies continuing to do it is that he's training his comedian skills, he's trying to write jokes. I think people have caught him reading off his screen because he would say stuff and you could see his eyes move as he reads stuff off his monitor from the side. So that's my opinion, is that he thinks that he's practicing to one day become like a Dick Masterson, LA-based comedian type guy. Which is, for a father of six, I want to say, I think it's six children, who's already firmly in his lot in life, it's one of the most sad and pathetic developments that a person could possibly try and undertake. It's like, what a fucking way to ruin everything for literally no reason. 1:33:54 Unknown_06: Please, Jim, live. You're like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, except you're not chasing Kate Winslet, you're chasing the fucking loser rich guy's hat. No, don't throw that up. It's like, well, Kate Winslet has titties and a vagina that you were just drawing. You're like, I don't care. I'm going to jump in the ice cold water. Like, here's a door. You fit on top of her, the door, and the hat. You're like, no, I'm going to fuck the hat in the ocean. I'm freezing to death. I'm like, well, that's 20, 20 for you. I know Jim is still there talking about the weatherman, the fucking company's like, ah, it's going to kill us all. It's like, no, only old people. And who cares about them? Why do you mind? He's like, I have COPD and he dies. And then a fucking AI takes over a stupid goddamn YouTube account. He's posting my channel. That's my AI. I already said I would do this. Don't you dare. I have the rights. Jim and his potatoes. 1:35:10 Unknown_06: Boogie put his saliva on my balls to put in your mouth while you were dead and you didn't even care. You didn't care. Unknown_06: It's more important than that. Closer scrutiny reveals that. Oh, yeah, there's a lawsuit that I'm part of. Unknown_06: Some Colorado courts do weigh the evidence at the second step of adjudicating a special motion to dismiss crime courts to courts, not courses to evaluate plaintiffs reasonable likelihood of failing on their claims. He sounds are agreeing that review of a special motion dismiss is similar to review the sufficiency of evidence in medical reviewing. 1:35:43 Unknown_06: Such emotion is called on to determine whether the plaintiff's allegations is supporting evidence viewed in conjunction. You can't even read like a court motion without trying to do silly voices and shit to make it a success on the merits. That's a bunch of bullshit to say. Yeah, you have to prove your case without proving your case. That's what it says. Unknown_06: See also make your life epic LLC, Colorado's anti-slap statute requires courts to consider the pleadings and supporting and opposing affidavits saying the facts upon which the liability or defense is based and evaluate whether the plaintiff has established. Normally, if you are. 1:36:25 Unknown_06: If you are making a motion, you assume the claims, claims are true for the purposes. Unknown_11: Someone linked this or Canada just posted this in his locals as an update titled taking a couple of days. Whoo. Seems I was a bit more stressed than I knew. Ha ha. Taking a couple of days to chill and work on some local stuff. Yes, actually. I'll try and find some times and post them in advance on here. Thanks for hanging with me through the weird shit. The local stuff is like a joke because he promised he would put out like 14 locals videos this month and he's done zero. 1:36:58 Unknown_06: Is of the motion. If you're defending a motion, the other side has assumed all the claims are true. We have ways to deal with this. We have ways to deal with this. There exists in the common law for fucking ever. I've got a problem. Unknown_06: The problem is. Unknown_06: Urination. Unknown_06: Kidding. I'm not kidding, that is the problem. I'll be right back. Four minutes or so. Less, I hope. 1:37:35 Unknown_11: Oh, God. I think he's only actually gone for a couple of minutes this time. Unknown_11: Yep. He actually just had to pee this time, he didn't. He had to do a bump. That's it. Unknown_06: Can Andy wear one during the boxing match? Yes, it's white. It's too white. It's actually, it's so white when I wield, where? Unknown_06: one of those hoodies and I go to Chicago, I just kneel on black people all the time. Unknown_06: So I do. Unknown_06: Anyway, I tried to find it. I tried to find my white Nationalist Medicare Fuentes hoodie and I didn't have it in my closet. What am I, Eminem? Like I used to have cool stuff in my closet and now all I have is woke bullshit. I said, Lady Rags, I'm like, what the fuck? Where's my white hoodie? She's like, you wore a white hoodie? I don't know, maybe. I was in Tennessee. I don't know what I did. Is this the one where he has the powder like on his nose or in his mustache or something? 1:38:06 Unknown_11: I think there is like a little speck of white like on his on his right nostril. Unknown_06: I know where it is. Unknown_11: I can kind of see it. So you're like, oh, God, is that coke? Unknown_06: I just wanted to back my friend, Jim. 1:38:46 Unknown_06: Is it like on the underside of his nose? Because he doesn't have back skin. Unknown_11: It is. You can see it. You can see the little speck. It's on the tip of his nose on the left side. It's like at the very, very tip of the nose. Is my mouse visible? Yeah, it is. Right here. See it? Unknown_11: People are saying, oh, that's Coke. Actually, let's compare this. Let's go back before the break and see. Unknown_08: I'll skip back to whatever. Unknown_11: Because there's a point where he was there. Oh, yeah, he doesn't have a white speck right there. Normally, let me go back to this. Oh God, I might have lost my place. 1:39:18 Unknown_08: There it is, okay. Unknown_08: Yeah, and then there's a late spec. He should. Unknown_06: Jim, I don't know if you know this, but there's a guy who made shirts with you and your alleged picture on the back on the back because the. 1:39:52 Unknown_06: Bears liked him or whatever. Unknown_06: Patio furniture, maybe sweatshirts, his hoodie, pockets in the front because people use pockets on shirts and why, like. Unknown_06: Calculus students in Vegas or whatever, his pockets on the front of their shirts. We had a Medicare shirt sending me from the Knoxville knockout back when show chef red pill was still chef red pill. Someone already changed their name on the Kiwi farms. Unknown_11: I got a name change request just today to change somebody's name to chef red pill. Unknown_06: Wasn't his chef coach red pill. Chef red pill would be cooler. Coach was alive. Ralph and Dick and coach were all friends. I was there. Andy Worsky was still doing cocaine. And we're like, this is funny. And Tonka. 1:40:26 Unknown_06: Tonka still couldn't walk. Unknown_06: Just like it was in fourth grade or whatever. Anywhere where one during the boxing match? Yes, it's white. It's too white. It's actually is so white when a wheeled wheel where is it? Unknown_11: Wait, he's doing the ceiling cap thing again is looking up into the corner of the room, a coke thing. 1:41:01 Unknown_11: Did Andy Warski do this when he was on Coke? Because he wasn't doing the seal and cat thing before, and now that he's back from the bathroom with the Coke on his nose, he's like looking up. This has to be like a thing that he does when he's on Coke. Unknown_06: One of those hoodies, and I go to Chicago, I just kneel on black people all the time. Unknown_06: So I do. Unknown_06: Anyway, I tried to find it. I tried to find my white, Unknown_06: Nationalist, Medicare, Fuentes hoodie. And I didn't have it in my closet. What am I, Eminem? Like I used to have cool stuff in my closet and now all I have is woke bullshit. It's like Lady Reagans. I mean, what the fuck? Where's my white hoodie? She's like, you wore a white hoodie. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I was in Tennessee. I don't know what I did. I don't know where it is. So you're like, oh, God. 1:41:38 Unknown_06: I just wanted to back my friend Jim. He can't do it because he doesn't have back skin or muscle or skeletal structure. All he has is an iron lung, an iron kidney and three iron Jews circumcised mouth. Fuck him. Unknown_06: He's like imagining Jim in an iron lung, unable to move, missing his epidermis, completely skinless, getting mouth raped like a fleshlight by Jewish men. 1:42:24 Unknown_11: What the fuck? And he keeps going back to Medicare. Why the fuck is he mad at Medicare? What a bizarre thing. Unknown_06: Jim, no, you can pull out of this. Please pull out of the Jewish mouth. Unknown_06: Just kidding. I'm just kidding, Jim. Unknown_13: And he accidentally slams his brake button. What the fuck? Unknown_13: Not the peeing lawyer song. Unknown_06: I'm not peeing again. Unknown_06: Nice try, Nick. Medicare and Fuentes? No, no, no. Dude, I love that. 1:42:56 Unknown_06: I watch the Medicare Fuentes thing. Unknown_06: That was my point is that I was really mad at Jim. That was like two years ago. You're still bad at behind you in high school. You took the Italian dunkers. Unknown_06: I know he knows that those aren't even though he grew up with all the Jews in St. Jewish Park or whatever. Unknown_11: Oh, that's what he's doing. That's why he keeps mentioning St. Louis Park. Is he trying to like, like smear Jim as being like a Jewish person? Like, Oh, I know what part of Minneapolis you're from because you're dogs. And I know that you're like Jewish or something. Is that what he's doing? Is he, is this just like a coincidence or is that like his, his angle? The Red Baron pizza. 1:43:30 Unknown_06: Goddammit. But one day I beat him to the Italian dunkers, shitty marinara sauce from ragu or whatever. So you get the ragu and then you add in this week's abortion from the high school sluts. Like that's, you blend those up, you pour them into ragu. And they're like, oh yeah, this will serve all the kids. And it would. Unknown_06: And then you leave noodles. What are those? And they're like, we don't care what those are. We have nondescript meat product to put in this sauce thing. Oh God, I love public schools. But the next week you're like, Italian dunkers! Yes! You're happy about it. Every time. Did I really say doing instead of doing? 1:44:04 Unknown_11: Did I say that? Unknown_06: I read parent pizza that you got because you were too embarrassed to buy anything else. Do you know what it's like? You fucking losers don't even know what it's like. I know that Jim is in the chat, but it's like, you don't have to respond to everything he says by saying, I hope you get raped and die. Just kidding. I love you, bro. Government with Scandinavia. You get Scandinavia. Unknown_06: Scandinavian food. 1:44:40 Unknown_06: It's like Auschwitz for a T-Rex. I'm biting this, but it's just bones. It's just bones. It's bones and dust. Unknown_06: Some of this tastes weird. It's like, well, that's the seasoning. What's the seasoning? Zyklon. No! Unknown_06: Scandinavian food isn't good. Unknown_06: Their signature dish is lutefisk. That's when they take a fish, they put it in a jar of poison. Unknown_06: They take it out of that jar of poison and put it into another jar of poison. They take it out of that and they give it a shower, something Ed Norton hasn't seen in 12 years. Unknown_11: Did you know that Norwegian countries do not feed guests? And if you visit a Norwegian person's house, they will not eat with you and they expect you to leave or bring your own food or something. Whereas if you go to based Italy and you visit someone's house, regardless of if they hate you or not, they will feed you. They will give you food and they will be very proud of their food. This is a cultural difference between base medchads and cucked Scandinavian soyboys. 1:45:14 Unknown_06: ever since the last time he was with Kevin Spacey. And then they're like, oh, yeah, we wash the poison off. Now eat it. And then the Norwegians are like, oh, this is good. Yeah. And then they give it to the Dutch because the Dutch are retarded. Unknown_11: That's exactly how we've been selling, by the way. 1:45:52 Unknown_06: Danish. Unknown_06: They smell dangerous. They have to make a donut. If they made a donut, they'd be Vietnamese. But they're not Vietnamese because they haven't they haven't defeated communism in their own minds. They just love communism from the start. So they go, oh, yeah, yeah, we make that doughnut. Yeah. And they make a doughnut. If you're like, what is this shit? It's a doughnut. It's like, no, there's a cake in a circle. I thought my actions were bad. I want an elite. It is a level, but not a not a garden one. I want I want a fucking swimmer from Asia to get here. I want them to bad drive and run over some of the Mexicans on the way. I want them to get here with them to make my goddamn doughnut. And we go, oh, you're Chinese or everything. Oh, no, I buy Vietnamese. And why do we save you? 1:46:26 Unknown_06: I have no fucking I have a feeling that what happens because I don't have to chat archive to this this is just the stream my my theory is that when he does these insane like logical non sequiturs Unknown_11: Like when he says, Jim, I hope you get mouth raped by Jews because you're from St. Jewish Park. And also, I hope you make a million dollars and live forever. I have a feeling that his chat gets really ornery with him and calls him out on live. And his reaction to this, instead of apologizing or moving on, is to just try and disorient his chat with an information overload attack like Trish Chan does. 1:46:58 Unknown_11: This is how he tries he he basically tries to do like a Confuse ray on his own chat to disorient them so that they hurt themselves in confusion Instead of pressing the attack for being upset about what he said about Jim or whatever That's my only that's the only logical thing I can come up with Should've gone to Saigon and died with dignity like no we make doughnuts. 1:47:38 Unknown_06: I'm like okay. That makes sense. That's cool You're in Houston, Texas. Do you have doughnuts? Unknown_06: You have black people, but they're all at the dialysis center, which is literally next door. And all their single kids. Well, they're single moms, single kids. The kids are definitely dating their six single moms or the dialysis center. And all their kids are the fucking daycare that I went to. I went to that daycare. It's America's Choice Daycare was like Destiny's Child. Yeah, something like that. Unknown_11: I mean, it's different. It's more autistic. It's the Christian. Unknown_06: Why do I have less representation in my vote? We couldn't vote yet. We were children. Why have less representation in kickball than the Indian kids? One of them is a sniper. I didn't even know what to do with her. 1:48:09 Unknown_11: Someone mentioned the Sonichu Medallion. Unknown_11: And now that Rikeda is dead, we need to talk about who the next victim will be. I promise you this, Dick Masterson, if you wear a blue and red and white striped shirt and you wear the Sonichu Medallion, have Rikeda send this to you, the Sonichu Medallion, and you read the same inscription, that he did, and you put this on your personal channel or whatever, you send this to me in some way, you do this, you read the inscription, you wear the shirt, you wear the medallion. 1:48:48 Unknown_11: You have one favor, one favor with me. I will appear on your show, whichever show you prefer me to appear on, I will do, I promise you two hours of my time, favor token, but you have to wear the shirt, you have to wear the medallion, you have to say what Rikada said when he wore the medallion last time. Unknown_11: And you can't make Vito do it in your stead. It has to be you. You can't pay Vito to do it. Unknown_11: I promise you this. 1:49:30 Unknown_06: And then I'm like, looking at the other fucking Indian kid, I'm like, how is math so easy for you? Why is that? He goes, oh, because my name means garbage. And the only thing I can do is climb the economic ladder. But if I can't detail what the ladder means, I don't know how to climb it. Like, are you that guy from Slumdog Millionaire? He goes, yes. It'll be released in 15 years. Please watch it. I won't I won't Slumdog millionaires like the movie alive. I'm a soccer team crash on a mountain. He's still going like a 10-minute rant It has to be like completely enraged at him right now and for him to be going on so long on one diet Try just die in front of all the Asians. You can at least eat garden animals or house animals. No I can't do this talk too much Jim. I 1:50:07 Unknown_06: make hats, you make soufflés. And we will make a soufflé out of a Jim's speech. Unknown_06: And like Jeff Garipe cooks his wife better than you can. And everything I know in this world is that. Unknown_06: Rumble should have given you a contract that says this is like a reverse mortgage, but we're not taking the home from your kids. We're taking the home from your wife in the hopes that she doesn't parallel park it in the Pacific Ocean. 1:50:40 Unknown_13: He did the thing. Hold up. Look at this. Man, completely and totally satisfied with how that landed. Unknown_11: That joke that he just did, he's like, nailed it. Unknown_11: Yeah, that's exactly how it was supposed to be. like in his head his eyes are closed he's like on um the stage like on a dave chapelle level where he's on like a stage in front of like a thousand people at one of the largest like indoor auditoriums in la or whatever and they're all cheering like not even close brother not even fucking close you might have made three people who are completely fucked up out of their mind in your own audience smirk at some point but nobody laughed 1:51:38 Unknown_10: Here we go. Unknown_06: Here we go. Unknown_06: Benjamin the Dream Wizard says... He's seeing the Joker in his mind. Yeah, exactly. Unknown_13: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, because the Joker wanted to be a comedian too, but he... Unknown_13: It's exactly like that. He's in the audience and like the the half black lady is like giving him bedroom eyes Like oh my god, he's so funny. Unknown_11: I can't believe how funny this ricotta guy is. Oh my god. He's right Jim shoulda cooked his wife in a souffle. That's in Asian women can't park. Oh my god. 1:52:09 Unknown_10: It's exactly like the Joker Unknown_06: A real Patriot party. You punked chat for unbridled on Friday. I did that. Do it twice. Unknown_06: Got to make that up. And no excuses. Be nice, Nick. Be nice. No, it's terrible. Unknown_10: To my chat break, I like Bruce Willis and 12 Monkeys. Unknown_06: Holy shit, that's brutal. Take another drink. Absolutely. Unknown_06: Now you should play video games or something. I'd love to, except every time I play video games, I just get sad. 1:52:40 Unknown_06: This is better, so Jay, not to try and park the house fresh. That's what I'm saying. Unknown_06: Ormagami. Unknown_06: Ormagami says, Nick, love your drunken niffs. Zach, Zach Galifianakis, woman, lawyer, jokes, rant killed me. I wish I remembered that. That sounds funny. 1:53:14 Unknown_10: There is a quartering in the chat. Unknown_06: Oh, my God. I was banned. Unknown_06: Recording talking in my chat somehow broke the overlay. Unknown_11: I think now is the appropriate time to Reference a post I made one On Twitter, give me one second. Unknown_08: Oh, I hear the wrong thing professional streamer It's calm 1:53:47 Unknown_08: I guess I'm probably pretty high up on Rumble right now. Unknown_11: Rumble needs to cut me- Hambley, get me a deal with Rumble. I'll stop saying the K-slur. Unknown_11: That's my only sacrifice I'm willing to make for a contract. Unknown_11: Okay, no, I want to play this clip because I know I woke up or I Didn't wake up, but I saw all these people talking about. Oh, that's my own stream. That's not what I want to play this I noticed many people who do not talk about Rikada had mentioned Rikada when or Implied to mention Rikada. And so this is my when I saw the people talking about Rikada on Twitter who are like verified high follower count. This is what I heard in my head. I 1:54:20 Unknown_11: I was like, okay, the commentary herd has been alerted. We have a, we have a certified fucking outbreak right now and they're all going to be rushing us. Unknown_06: New Lake, New Lake, uh, born one week ago today. Yes. Unknown_11: For some reason, the stream, and I don't know, by the way, it was just as a followup. I don't know why this stream in particular, I guess, cause he lost his appeal. Maybe it was because he went so hard on Jim, but a lot of people, um, 1:55:02 Unknown_11: lot of people thought like okay this is the straw like i think he lost a lot of goodwill when it was um when the mandy catfishing thing happened and when the dear john thing happened but for some reason this stream in particular is like a lot of people are just like okay he is like a certified fucking nut job at this point personally i can't pronounce the name of uh wait was it Unknown_11: Oh, the Turkey Town video is coming. I guarantee you. Because it's such an easy video to make. Like he had a hundred thousand. You know how fucking popular those The Fall of videos are on YouTube? They get like multiple million views. Is there like a harder Fall from Grace ever documented? 100,000 concurrent viewers one of the highest concurrent viewers ever in YouTube history was to this guy He was making like tens like five-figure super chat days not even including ad revenue or anything else not including the rebel contract and then Now he gets fewer viewers than me and I'm a fucking nobody I 1:56:04 Unknown_11: So I have no fucking idea what it is that made this one the stream. Maybe it's just because of how bitter he is in this, but as opposed to, but I don't know, the Dear John, I don't know. I would love to know from a source, someone close to the sources, why this stream was worse than the Dear John stream. I guess because you have to know the Dear John stream, like what he's talking about. I don't know. I don't want to dwell on it too long. Unknown_11: One kid, you're good. Unknown_06: It was the Johnny Depp show where he got 100,000. Unknown_11: Second is a little different than the first first leader. Unknown_06: Second starts to grow their own personality, but it's subservient to the first third kid. 1:56:40 Unknown_06: Holy fuck. Unknown_06: They win. There are more rooms than you can be. There's three of them. They pair off. These are iPads to fucking torture you. Unknown_06: Thank you. Black guy. Eric's the bike store. Ask him about. Oh, I have to wait till the last 30 minutes. OK, I believe you. Unknown_06: We got 28 minutes left. Unknown_06: The guy doing a wheelie down the street with no front tire. Why would you do that? There's an hour left. Unknown_11: I'm going through all of it. I don't care if it takes me four hours. We're going through this entire thing. 1:57:14 Unknown_06: Life plus one says there's nothing to be conflicted about. I just desperately want him to get out of the fucking the Joker. Unknown_11: He's silly. Unknown_06: I think that he's in right now. Do not. How dare you do? Unknown_06: Not. Unknown_08: Ever! Unknown_08: Ever! Unknown_05: I tried to let this go. Unknown_06: I tried to let this go. Unknown_06: Do not ever take Natalie's name in your fucking mouth. Unknown_06: Medicare says, I've had torture long. I can't imagine how many electronics kids ended up destroying by just using them. 1:57:48 Unknown_06: Jim. Unknown_06: Five children. Unknown_06: Pretend they're all rich. Unknown_06: They're not, but pretend they're all billionaire rich because their children and children are stupid. What they do is they're like, oh, yeah, I can have another one. Like when Leonardo DiCaprio looks at a Victoria's Secret model, he's like, yeah, I got one. I can have another. Your kids look at their iPads. They're their iPads that they're ruining. You're like, yeah, I can fix this. No, you can't. You're telling me you can't fix this. No, I can. Jesus Christ. Here an application of Colorado's anti-snuff statute. You thought we were done. You thought we were done. 1:58:21 Unknown_11: I guess he dude, I guess he just he like he hit a wall He had gone as far as he possibly could have with his rambling and they were like, oh fuck I don't want to stop talking for even a nanosecond. So oh shit. There's a duck There's a fucking court document for to make and read that how convenient that there's this court actually feeling findings findings over feelings 1:58:52 Unknown_06: It's funny. That was good. Unknown_06: That can, depending on the findings, result in the complete dismissal of the underlying action. Why didn't they appeal that? Ryan Blue Thunder says, Nick, we miss you at the National Republican Lawyers Association conference last weekend. You being there would have raised the flag in so many ways. They're like, oh, my God. I didn't know he was real. Maybe. Unknown_06: Maybe I could just kill him. Hold on. Unknown_11: He was invited into the National Republican Convention. Unknown_06: I literally don't even know. 1:59:26 Unknown_06: Where's refresh you fucking, oh, there it is. I said it right. I said faggots. Unknown_06: Somebody explain how nose candy works. Unknown_05: I don't know. Unknown_06: Nick, we missed you at the National Republican Lawyer Association conference this weekend. You being there would have raised the flag in so many ways. Yes. Unknown_11: Oh, that's a super chat that he's reading, where someone's like, he should have been at the RNC. What a fucking bizarre statement to make. It was like someone sending me a super chat, like, Josh, you should have been at the National Borzoi Breeder Convention. You being there would have added so much. Like, would it have really added a lot? I don't know. Absolutely. 2:00:02 Unknown_06: I don't think so. But it's funny that I could have been there. Unknown_11: A lawyer convention, sorry. I didn't know that there wasn't a Republican lawyer convention. Unknown_11: You know what, I agree. I agree with that super chatter. He should have been there. He should have been a keynote speaker on whiskey. Unknown_13: They should have invited him to do a panel on alcohol. The bold text kills me. Unknown_06: Can I get a chance for the birth of my third child? August Dim Nullick. Then one week ago today, of course, you can to August. Here's the thing you guys don't know. 2:00:33 Unknown_06: Here's the thing you guys don't know, Lady Rags, and I had when I saw the name August Dim Nolik, I thought that that was trained like one of those things like Judy. That's her. I thought that was like a trick phrase that they're trying to get him to say. But I guess it's just a genuine thing. Unknown_06: That's right. You get punked by a goddamn baby. I love her. She's hilarious. Unknown_06: But we're going to go to my fifth slash six minute child. He's got a neon light. Hey, dad, can you help me with this? I'm like, I'll get there. She pulls it down, hits me in the face. I had no idea. 2:01:06 Unknown_13: No fucking idea. I should have been at Awesome Games done quickly. Unknown_13: I can do it. I can do a sick Dota 2 speedrun. Any percent loss. Five minute throw in. He wants to see you. Unknown_05: I hope he makes a million dollars. Unknown_05: In everything that he does. 2:01:38 Unknown_11: Who? Oh, the kid, he's still doing the toast for the fucking kid. I hope he makes a million dollars. Unknown_06: I have to say, I was Banda. I read that one. Cheers to the birth of your third child. Amen. May he never be pasty. You're still going, bro. Unknown_11: You got paid like three dollars. You drank like eight dollars of whiskey to see that three dollar super chat. Unknown_06: Only person. ever benefit from Nick's legal advantage. Unknown_11: You know what it is? Is that he just wanted to keep drinking more whiskey. Unknown_13: So he just kept going because he could do like multiple sips as he was doing the very long toast. You can't stick that past me, Ricky. I got you. Nice. 2:02:13 Unknown_06: Was it my legal advice? It was Randolph. Unknown_06: Let's get some sun. I'd love to. Unknown_11: OK, I see. Hambly, listen to me. Go to my Twitter, scroll up, click this pinned comment on X Josh. It is 5000 words, but it will be worth every second that you spend reading it. It reveals scandalous details about the setup of Rumble. Uh, here, hold up. 2:02:46 Unknown_10: I'm not joking, it actually is. Unknown_10: Basically, Rumble relies on two internet service providers, Path and Cogent, who are fucking horrible. Unknown_11: Their entire infrastructure is dangled upon Cogent and Path. I have tried warning both the CEO, Chris Pavlovsky, and the head of product, Rick Rechella, that they need to get off Cogent and Path urgently as fucking possible. They do not respond to me. I am right. Everything that I say and have to say is detailed in this extremely long article that I've written. Unknown_11: And I don't seem to care so I'm my next step is I am going to print this out literally I'm going to print this out And I'm gonna fuck it and mailing to mail it to them, and if they still stay on Cogent and path They're gonna get what they fucking deserve because right now the Kiwi farms is proxied through rumble cloud I know the Dave Schaefer CEO Cogent does not like that and I know that path doesn't like that and they're gonna cause problems for them Mark my words Conglas says yo, I thought we were reading the rest of field appeal 2:03:46 Unknown_06: I will get there. Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_06: The Moldy Crow says, I hope Monograph makes. Thank you. Thank you. Unknown_10: I appreciate it. You know what makes me sad? Unknown_06: It literally makes me sad. When I said that originally about like Eric July, I'm full on reparations mode back then. I'm like, Oh yeah, I hope you get disabled. Got your balls to a subway. So when you order a 12 inch, they just put it on your dick and they suck it off or whatever. I'm like, Unknown_06: I love black people, I think they're hilarious. They're great stand-in improv actors in court. They're great improv actors in prison. Even in county jail, you're like, yeah, they're pretty good. I just want to point out that at some point, Nicarcada brought up his lawsuit and said, I'm going to continue reading this. 2:04:17 Unknown_11: And then immediately minimize that and started ranting again. He did the toast to the guy's kid. And then immediately after he got a couple more sips, he's like, actually, I want to talk about some other shit. I want to talk about this fucking lawsuit. So it's just sitting there. Unknown_13: It's a little more special. Unknown_06: I don't think he read a single sentence of the lawsuit. It doesn't matter what you say next. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. Right. Unknown_06: Can we talk about that? No, we don't want to talk about that. That's bad. Unknown_06: Of course, unconstitutionally applied. Yes, of course they are. You know how a lawyer knows they're unconstitutionally applied? They're leaving. They're leaving. MattHTX43 says, you all suffice to not say anything. You're retarded about the case. No, I didn't. I'm not Aaron's lawyer. I don't talk to him. 2:04:54 Unknown_06: He says what he says. Unknown_06: He did this weird thing today. He's like inferring, letting the audience infer that I told him I have not talked to that man in weeks. What is he talking about? Makes you do whatever he like. His thing is his thing. He's his own. I'm literally paying as much attention as I possibly can to this. I have no fucking idea what he's talking about. 2:05:27 Unknown_06: He never said I did. The audience was led to believe those things. They're not true. Unknown_06: Friends with Aaron, good job. Unknown_11: Go get it. Oh, Aaron. Okay, I will explain this in brief. So Aaron Imholte is the guy who is the host of the Stilto Morning Show, which was a local radio show in Minnesota where he's from. Unknown_11: And him and his second wife, I think were into swinging. So they were hanging out, they physically showed up in the studio and there was like a scene where him, Aaron Imholte, his wife, 2:06:01 Unknown_11: Alyssa Amhalta, I want to say is her name. And then Kayla was all sitting together. So there were two couples, the Amhaltas and the Rakedas just sitting there. I think there's a part where Aaron and him kiss. Unknown_11: And, um, Unknown_11: now they are no longer friends and Eren is strongly implying that number one he's completely done with Rikaido and number two he's implying actually there's three things that he's implying number one that he's completely done with Rikaido number two that the thing that Rikaido did that pissed him off is that he did drugs in front of his own children April and Malta I'm sorry 2:06:46 Unknown_11: He said that he did, he implies that Rikada did something very inappropriate in front of his kids that really pissed him off. And I think it's also implied that April might be like living with Rikada full time now, because Aaron and Holta is getting a divorce. So this couple that he met up briefly with, hanged out with a couple times, they did a couple tub streams together. I think Aaron did his show with April from Rikada's office for one of his shows. Unknown_11: And now Imholta is getting a divorce from his wife, and it's strongly implied that April is hanging out with Rekheda. And there's one more, there's a final fucking kicker to the stream at the very end. 2:07:23 Unknown_06: Joe, brother, I hope you win a million lawsuits or whatever. I don't give a shit what he does. I really don't. People are like, oh, Nick says this and this and this. I don't care. Unknown_06: I'm not sending the night letters or whatever. You know, if I was sending the night letters, I would broadcast from my shower. There'll be news attached. I'd give you the severe judgment. I would have the judgment written on my cock. You need to get it hard. You need to get it hard. I know the water's going cold, already conditioned my hair. 2:07:57 Unknown_06: You need to do this so you can see the message. Unknown_11: The water's getting cold That Sean was right when Sean was saying he needs to get a better hot water here because of all this shower talk There shows that Sean knew what he was talking about motherfuckers should have gotten a better shower or a better heater Yeah, he'll do what he wants to Do the thing put on good show that's all any of us Oh Unknown_06: I've talked to him at all. Unknown_09: He can do whatever he wants. Unknown_06: Go ahead. Hear an application of Colorado's anti-slap statute. Consistent with Salazar. We conflict with the animating... 2:08:32 Unknown_06: animating reasoning of Leidecker by unconstitutionally instructing the district court to use the role of the jury by making pre-trial actual findings that can, depending on the findings, result in the complete dismissal of the underlying action. So yeah, he created a scheme. Unknown_08: white bread ass niggas. Unknown_06: Why? Unknown_11: Oh, my God. I was just hacked by Eric July July. Eric July hacked my stream and called him a white bread ass nigga on live, shocking everybody. 2:09:05 Unknown_06: Why? They're not white bread ass crackers. They're male monkeys. Juniper, Jupiter's fucking cognac. What is this? You want? What do you want, brother? Unknown_06: Matt says I was referring to you telling every July. I'm ashamed to not say any say something Retarded about the case. Yes, you shouldn't do that, but that's not legal advice is fucking basic concepts. I Was gonna comment on this court case, but is that damn I don't think we'll get to do that I think from this point out of my fucking hands Christopher Nicholson says read Jim's last chance his last chance. Oh, I 2:09:50 Unknown_06: He barely says you need sleep, get sleep post-haste. No. No, we find Jim here. Unknown_06: Hold on. I'll find it. Unknown_11: For the last 45 minutes, I will slow down to one. Unknown_06: Jim says, I guess I'm behind a lure. No clue who Aaron is. I just want to know where you are keeping that secret copy. Coach Redpill's great novel. And when you're releasing that lost media to the Internet, Jim, so here's the honest truth on that. 2:10:22 Unknown_06: Wilshire Boulevard, I got an early review copy of the PDF, Wilshire put a PDF of is a PDF. Coach Red Pill, I don't know if he's a PDF, but I don't know if Wilshire Boulevard was a PDF. All I know is I opened it like, oh, a woman golfing. Why would I watch this? Unknown_06: And I keep reading, I'm like, oh, yeah, man, how golfs are always her dad. She's mad about Milagro tortilla. 2:10:54 Unknown_06: That's tequila. Unknown_06: Why are you mad about this? Please stop drinking. She is fucking livid. She is not. She's like, Oh, I want to buy this pico de gallo. And she's putting chains and tomatoes in my soup. We listen to him at one accident is like it really. Unknown_11: When you listen to him at one point to five, it really sounds like he's there. But when you slow it back down to like real time, it really emphasizes, oh, he's fucking out of it. He's barely he's barely conscious. Unknown_06: Corn chips come from Americans. You know why? Because Mexicans can't spell corn. All they can spell is repair. That's all I want is these kernels. I want to scoop these things off. 2:11:28 Unknown_11: That's random text worthy. I don't know why. That's really funny to me. Corn comes from Americans. You know why? Because the Mexicans can't spell corn. They can only spell repair. If anyone can decipher what the fuck that means, please let me know. Please email me. Please email me, What the fuck does that mean? 2:11:59 Unknown_06: from both of July, you're going to be there. Put him in the fucking colonels. She can't. Because, my God, it's a leader active. Unknown_06: Me. Unknown_05: Just us. So you're going, why? Unknown_06: Are people like this? Just give me fucking classic cars. Just give me fucking food, dude. Unknown_11: What is it with people in midlife crises and wanting like classic American cars like 1950s restored cars with things? 2:12:33 Unknown_06: You have liquor and you have food to counteract. Unknown_11: What's your what's everybody in chat? What's your dream midlife crisis restored vehicle? Unknown_06: I've always I've already said I want like a 1980 Ford. Unknown_11: Mr. Rubio says, like, well, in the movie, the book like a blue jay light blue slash summary. Unknown_06: I'm not giving you a slash summary. Unknown_06: I'm giving you. Wait, I'll give you this. This is a slash summary. Unknown_06: Every protagonist in Coach Redpill's book is an American woman. Every single one. The best prominent characters in Redpill's book are women, of course. 2:13:09 Unknown_11: Everybody wants the car they couldn't have as a criticizing. Unknown_06: All I said was, hey, coach. Unknown_06: These don't sound like women at all. Like my chat is so active because everyone has that fucking car that they wanted. Unknown_06: That's so funny. That's what they sound like. Unknown_06: That's it. I didn't send him a copy of the document or anything else. I'm going to try and find it. Unknown_05: Try and find it. Unknown_06: Cal Rolio says, how can you call Monty a pedo while friends with Vito? 2:13:45 Unknown_06: Oh, my gosh. Do you not know this? Fun fact, Evil Spun said Pontiac Firebird. Unknown_11: This is completely irrelevant to Rikita, but, um, Unknown_11: I want to say that Badspot restored a Pontiac Firebird. Unknown_11: He took his Blockland money, his feral children forum money, and he bought a bunch of like arcade cabinets for his garage for like an arcade room and then restored a Firebird. I'm pretty sure that's what he did because he showed off like a fancy car at some point. Unknown_06: Photograph can't be within 500 feet of school. Vito, can I be within 500 photograph Montague's ass? Because it's tight and gingerly. 2:14:17 Unknown_06: And Dick's like, no, I like everything. Everything is cool. Unknown_06: Wait. Unknown_06: Where did Dick come from? Unknown_11: How did Dick get involved in this story? Unknown_06: What do you think of Israel? I don't. I literally don't think of Israel ever. You brought up Israel yourself. You were going to send Jim to die there in Israel. Why? Unknown_06: Go work in Target or whatever you do, wherever the fuck your skill set is. So you're like, I can't wait. Anderson Cooper thinks about Israel. No, you don't. He's just using his own mouth. I don't understand the words coming out of your mouth. I don't either. You know, we're all we are. 2:14:57 Unknown_06: You saw how she says you should play a discount Tony Montana and it beats here list series. Yes, let's do all the drugs Tony sold before count. Unknown_06: Be a good fucking movie. 2:15:33 Unknown_06: Rambler's under says the sound and the fury of Nick along. Google says, Hey, man, it's late going to bed. We get some sleep soon. I won't run. I'm going to log off, but I'm not going to sleep. So I'm going to do is ponder how Justin Trudeau. Unknown_11: You know, fuck April. Legs. Spoiler alert. Unknown_06: Turn around in the kneecap, split backwards. They lean up against his calves, lean up against squads, fucked unrelentingly by Castro or three. I don't even know how many cashers there are. There's Castro. There's this David cost called Castro. Their body counts are bigger than college chicks. This is incomprehensible. You can. You can take probably never impregnated anyone, but you can take any five minute segment of this last bit. 2:16:07 Unknown_11: And he is in muster. Unknown_06: Comprehensible. Get a boat to come to Cuba and buy a sandwich. I don't want to do that. Unknown_06: Muster on my sandwich, mayo on my sandwich. Unknown_06: These fucking Jewish Cubans chop up the sandwich. Why would you do that? 2:16:40 Unknown_06: You throw the garbage. You say, I hope Germany comes for you next. Unknown_10: I was going to say something, but I don't care. Well, yes. Unknown_06: How can you call Monty a pedo or friends with Vito? Unknown_06: Do you not realize how I know Monty Graff's a pedo? Unknown_06: I'm friends with Vito. What the fuck are you talking about? Who admitted to being a non-offending pedo or Ralph, who tried grooming himself? 2:17:15 Unknown_06: Ralph, who tried grooming himself? Unknown_06: Oh my God. Unknown_06: He'd all his anti bars and then do whatever, like get arrested. I don't care. I have no idea that Ralph did that. Unknown_06: God damn it. Oh, guys, when I get stuck, I go to the corner of my bathroom and roller skate. I can leave. Does it make me gay? Yes. It may be super gay. Yeah. To me, I could get it tonight. Now you're somebody on the forum. 2:17:47 Unknown_11: What recounted a story, and this is kind of adjacent. They have a point to this, I promise. Somebody on the forum was talking about. Unknown_11: Their time in Portland. Unknown_11: And they were into clubbing or something. And this was brought up because Liz Fong Jones had been accused in the post on Y Combinator for being like inappropriate or something with him at this bathhouse in Portland. And I can't think of the name of it. It has a kind of a fancy name. It's like this infamous 100 plus year old bathhouse in Portland, Oregon. 2:18:23 Unknown_11: And this guy was recounting a story where he went there after his time at a bar with some friends. and he was like Taking a back how because he went to this bathhouse and everybody there was Extremely high on like MDMA and other uppers and they were all on party drugs Club Z Club Z in Seattle. Sorry, not Portland Club Z in Seattle. That is correct Unknown_11: So we got Club Z and everybody there is high on uppers and shit and they're taking MDMA and ecstasy and stuff. Is MDMA the same as ecstasy? They're taking uppers. They're there to fuck. They're there to fuck. They're there to have debauch, like group sex and stuff and go to rooms and do whatever the fuck they want. And it's just very degenerate, right? 2:18:59 Unknown_11: And he's there and he's like it's weird because you know You're in this place where everybody's there to have fun and drink and do hard drugs and have you know sex with strangers and stuff But he said everybody there looks so soulless and empty and miserable Like the the flesh was there and the flesh was trying to party it up but like the people there according to him all look very empty inside and Rekhata gives me those vibes where it's like I The flesh is there. He's hopped up on something. He's trying to sound very lively, but you can just tell that it's like rattling around on the inside, and there's nothing there. Just hollowed out. That's what I'm reminded of. 2:19:33 Unknown_06: What I have to do, don't finger anything, and we'll get you tomorrow. Unknown_06: Moreover, as Quest points out, Colorado's reasonable likelihood of success standard deviates from Minnesota's summary judgment standard because determining whether there is a genuine issue of material fact requires an analyst analysis. 2:20:19 Unknown_06: for far less exacting than an evaluation of whether a plaintiff is reasonably likely to succeed. He's trying to read. He's right. Unknown_11: He's read this exact same sentence, I think, at least three times. I think this is the third time that we've heard the same fucking thing. Unknown_06: Anti slap statute. These are the things you need to prove. Are they likely to succeed? Did they do it on purpose? What level of guilt did they have? They don't have those. You don't have a case. They don't have a case. Unknown_06: Cal Rolius says, how can you call Monty a pedo? A friend of Vito who admitted to being a non-offending pedo. 2:21:00 Unknown_11: I was, I was almost certain that I had gone back somehow, but he read that in a very different way. He's just looping. He doesn't, he's like so out of it that he's, he can't remember three months ago. Unknown_06: Or Ralph, who trained for me? Unknown_11: I thought I was losing my fucking mind, but he read that so differently that I knew for sure that we've not heard this again. Unknown_06: If he is not an offending pedo, I don't want him to die when his pizza and his body rendered down. Yeah, this is a completely different answer. There's a lot of fat there. Unknown_06: He's gross. Unknown_11: Dude, it's like when you're talking to a chat bot, like a chat GPT thing, and then you ask it to retry and make its answer. It's exactly like that. He's giving a completely different logical non-sequitur answer to the same question. It's exactly like a fucking chat robot. 2:21:42 Unknown_06: Have you ever seen 15 stack kind of like, oh, no, it's for a party. The party is literally them sitting there shoving their fat galette full of sandwiches. It's a party. Unknown_05: That's the thing, that's all I meant. Unknown_13: Then he smiles again, he nailed it. Oh, what a banger. What a banger that was. 2:22:14 Unknown_06: Why? God damn it. All I'm trying to do is find this fucking tab. Unknown_11: Read the same sentence. Unknown_05: Don't you read it again? Unknown_11: Hey. Unknown_05: Oh, I've got a I've got a text from someone. Unknown_06: Nick, we got some long chat talking about wellness checks. Nobody wants those. Why would you want to check my wellness? Oh, my God. 2:22:46 Unknown_06: Ellie says, no, no, no. If you're OK. Unknown_06: Yeah, guys, calm the fuck down. Unknown_06: Calm the fuck down. Unknown_05: It's not, she says, what do you think of Israel and less Wexner being involved in many child trafficking cases in West China? Unknown_06: Like if you're a government employee and you have. Unknown_06: You have control over the distribution of evening minors. 2:23:23 Unknown_06: Also, what's crazy is that there's somebody in the room with him. Unknown_11: This is a spoiler alert, but there's somebody in the room with him. And they're not like ending this. Unknown_06: They're not like, hey, you're like really fucked up. You can't even remember the shit you said three months ago. Unknown_11: And they're just allowing this to cut my wrist. Unknown_06: I cut my hands off like an Iranian. Unknown_06: Nano nomads is what kind of thing is going to be involved in discovery. So based on public comments, literally nothing. I don't know. 2:23:56 Unknown_06: They have alleged that I'm engaged in some criminal conspiracy with other law tubers to disparage them. And I'm like, why would I do that? You disparage yourself. Unknown_06: Montagraph is a giant faggot. Unknown_06: What he does is, all the things he does on his channel, you're like, why would you do that? If you report on it, he gets mad, but that's what he does. Okay, cool. Peace. Unknown_06: Hey, we're here with Mickey Riccato live. I've got some room temperature shrimp. Unknown_06: I've got some oysters. I've got some ruby red. Ruby. 2:24:33 Unknown_10: I have no idea why room temperature shrimp made me laugh. They caught me off guard. I don't know. It's very specific. You just, you can imagine what room temperature shrimp is. That's very unattractive. Unknown_06: Red fruit punch. I'm here to live. Unknown_05: Let's get that Georgia going. Unknown_05: He just goes, I'm like, why would this be a thing? Unknown_06: Because people are broken, guys. Unknown_06: Can we get some shrimp, shrimp emojis in chat? You seem to perk up. I think there's a shrimp. No, I don't want to do another bathroom break. What the fuck? Why would you say that? 2:25:10 Unknown_06: Cal Raleigh. You have read that chat two or three times. Unknown_06: Yes. I approve the liquor. The funnier it is. Unknown_06: But the real question is, do you like my parodies? He wished me a million parodies. Cal Raleigh. Yes. Unknown_06: I've never listened to a single parody of yours, but they're probably great because you watch my show, which means you're retarded and autistic and you hate yourself. So. Unknown_06: Say this fully inclusively. Do you like it, brother? Blasted from the goddamn rooftops until you get thrown off by Birkin men. 2:25:42 Unknown_11: Burka, the men. Why are the men in Burka? Unknown_06: She just says, OK, a lot. Don't you feel embarrassed by being violated this live now? Unknown_06: Guys, everywhere you go, you meet someone you're like, I would be really embarrassed to be with that person live. Always worse than your online presence. You know why? No one in here but me. There's an office. The vault has a fucking steel door that you can lock. Nobody in here but me can do anything to me. I got to go to Kill La Duty or whatever, Camelot. If you're a woman, you go over to the Camelot thing and you just pee. And I'm done. Go back to Camelot or whatever this race thing is. 2:26:15 Unknown_05: Can't do anything to you. Why not? Didn't break the rules. Unknown_06: Given the importance of Minnesota's constitutional right to a civil jury trial, it's not important. They don't give a fuck if you get a civil jury trial impracticality. 2:26:49 Unknown_06: and the conflict between Colorado's reasonable likelihood of success standard and Minnesota's summary judgment standard. We conclude that applying Colorado's anti-slap statute will require Minnesota to apply rules of law inconsistent with Minnesota's concept of fairness and equity, quoting Medtronic. Unknown_06: Zahra says, how do you feel about mixing drugs and alcohol? I don't care. Do whatever you want. Unknown_11: Just to clarify what he was saying from the document, one of the reasons why the Minnesota Appeals Court decided that they would apply Minnesota law in the case is that in Minnesota, they believe that anti-SLAPP laws are unconstitutional because it deprives the defendant and plaintiff of a right to a jury trial. 2:27:44 Unknown_11: And that was like a that was a kind of a thing to go out on because I think Minnesota is trying to pass an anti-slap law and this court is basically saying that they don't think that it's constitutional in the state. That's the I think this will probably be the last bit of Rikada law. Unknown_11: The actual Rikada law that you'll hear this stream. Unknown_06: Do more. Unknown_06: This green says, was it really a good idea to regularly state Monty molest children early in this stream? Yes. Unknown_06: Monograph, I believe is someone who enjoys touching boys. As I've said, everything I've said, I believe to be true. 2:28:23 Unknown_06: Next to null. You're not next to null. Stop it. You're not in Europe sucking up boys, bro. You're an alcoholic at this point. Unknown_11: Um, someone indicated that, uh, I should threaten Rikada over that statement. And it would be funny. Um, however, I think that Rikada is like, so completely without credibility. There's no point like the only point would be to like defend my integrity or whatever and it's It's just not worth it. It's not worth it. It would be don't get me wrong. It'd be very funny if I had nothing else going on I might But I have I have bigger fish to fry bigger fish to fry chat no, they go to meetings I don't You have lost weight yes intentional is 206 pounds guys I 2:29:00 Unknown_06: I was only 130 pounds less than no. I was only a stripper and a half less than those weight. 2:29:32 Unknown_06: But now the feeder is half a woman for him. The stripper to have less like I don't want to fucking be that fat and try harder. You you cry. You left room for patio. Unknown_06: Yeah, of course. Hey, bitch, put it near the garage. Unknown_05: I'll set it up. Unknown_06: People are weird. The fuck? Why are these people like this? I think the coke Aaron talking about today, why were you talking about Coca-Cola? If you love Nick Chen, help him. But I'll shut the fuck up. She really lay in. No. Why? Why do you lay in? No, no comment on it. He understands humanity. He doesn't. You know why? Because he literally likes Thomas Train or whatever. He's an autism. 2:30:07 Unknown_06: I made programming like, no, that's not why you're popular. No, it made popular because you're programming. You have to try to convert wormholes, not wormholes, wormholes into sexual energy for you, but not for me or that guy for the family. 2:30:45 Unknown_11: I have no idea what he's saying. He's saying that I don't have a good grasp on humanity. I don't know. I feel like at this point in time, considering what I've said regarding certain people and how that's come to pass, that I actually do have a pretty good judge of character at this point. Unknown_06: Oh, yeah. I'm in Ukraine or whatever. Unknown_06: I don't even remember where Nala is. Unknown_11: Is that his voice from me? Like a 90s greaser or something? Like, yeah, I'm in the Ukraine, baby. 2:31:17 Unknown_11: I'm out here chilling like a villain. Liz. Unknown_06: I'm in some other country. I'm on a completely different timetable. Right. Don't answer on a normal timetable. Unknown_06: Make your life epic, LLC team, as cited in the text above, like his previous correspondence. However, Rick's letter, once again, is not constrained to citation of pertinent and significant authorities. Unknown_06: Why do you fucking screw that up? But instead, the quote presents a new. 2:31:50 Unknown_06: Argument and therefore fails to comply with the. Unknown_06: with this fails to comply and significant rule authorities. Cool. Keep going, Bishop. Unknown_11: That's him calling the appellate judge a bitch. Unknown_11: Basically, in short, both Randazza and Montagraf's lawyer sent in letters to the court twice to notify the appellate judge that things that had developed in the court system at a higher level 2:32:32 Unknown_11: should it inform their judgment. The first time they sent the round of letters, they said, this thing has happened, and then they also said, this is relevant because it benefits me, and they made an argument. And the rules say that you can't do that second part. You can't say, if you want to bring something to the attention, you can't supplement that with an argument. So the first time the letters came in, they dismissed them. Unknown_11: The second time, Montagraph's lawyer sent in a letter without Scor- or Randazzo sending in a letter. And this time they just said, this thing happened and it's relevant. And they didn't support the inclusion. So they're just noting that that happened. 2:33:06 Unknown_06: Gandhi didn't know Wong. Unknown_06: Aaron said he had to stop associating with you because of the constant drug use. Unknown_06: People get to tell their stories. Unknown_06: Even when they're false. Unknown_05: That's it. Unknown_05: She says, trust fund kid really fell off the tree far away to rot. Unknown_06: Again, trust fund thing. Unknown_06: None of the people who have ever claimed I'm a trust fund person have ever seen my bank statement. 2:33:44 Unknown_06: Jason says, I'm in Arizona, dumb ass. Unknown_06: That's where Ukraine is. How do you not know? Geometry or whatever. I'm a veteran. I'll kill you. Unknown_06: Good. Unknown_11: Now he's just arguing with a guy called next to Noel. Unknown_06: They care about your well, and he's like triggered by this name. Fuck, I think. Right. Do you like this guy has no relation to me. Unknown_11: And the word null is a very common word in multiple languages. And he's just yelling at this guy. Unknown_06: That's me, I think. Unknown_06: Silly retard, he says stuff on the Internet. I have fun with it. Why on earth? 2:34:17 Unknown_06: Would you worry about anything else? I know he isn't a trust fund kid where he would have bought at least three hats. Unknown_06: Jim, I don't even buy hats. I just look for homeless people on fentanyl and call the cops and wait for them to go kneel on their necks because we're in Minnesota, please. Homeless people are black. I wish you let those in a house. Unknown_06: Homeless? I know they aren't white because those could just go on the wall with the clever painting schemes. Latino, I know they're not homeless. Those come in the garden. Like those little gnomes or whatever. You know, a little Pedro walking around. He's like, I want to rake your garden. It's like, there's nothing in there to rake. 2:34:50 Unknown_06: I did not say rake. You know what I mean? I say rake. Unknown_06: Like, Pedro, no! Don't talk to Malia Obama like that. And then finally, they're like, no, go do whatever. Don't do anything. I suggest you do anything else. Unknown_06: Dude, it's not about that. 2:35:25 Unknown_06: It doesn't matter. It's all silliness. Unknown_06: Alicia Green says, gotta go, but keep winning, buddy. Okay, Alicia. That's cool. Unknown_05: Oh, my God. Zod means he's really out of it. Unknown_06: Now, a fat woman, you know, and make him happy. Probably still talking about me. I have no room. He's going to find it. I don't even have a tangential country. He's in where he's like, I want to go to white people. 2:35:57 Unknown_06: No, you don't want to go to white people. You want to go to the dominoes with a fat bitch in it and probably black, maybe Hispanic, I don't know, Latino, Greek. Unknown_06: How much chest hair do they have? I'm not sure. Oh, you're gully, you bitch! Christian, Christian, Christian. And she just... Unknown_06: christian christian christian and she just what the fuck is that noise i have never in my life heard that guttural fucking noise before one more time oh you're yelling you bitch christian christian christian and she just 2:36:37 Unknown_11: That combination of words Fuck you, bitch Christian Christian Christian demonic sonichu demon noises immediately erupt from within him like What the fuck that makes this entire stream worth it. That's nonsense If he goes further in her mouth Unknown_05: Then he goes, I'm tired. Unknown_06: She goes, no, I'm not that tired. Unknown_11: The Sonichu demon is erupting. Unknown_11: He's about to split down the middle. His flesh suit's about to rip off and there's just going to be Sonichu sitting there. Unknown_06: And then he dies because she rolls over on him. Unknown_06: End of story. Unknown_06: Is he here to pretend? No. No, of all people. 2:37:25 Unknown_06: Liberals are like, you know what? I want to jam. I'm a person on a proud pornography side. I want to talk about null. Unknown_05: I fixed Odyssey Jet, by the way. Unknown_04: I'm dead, you retards. Unknown_06: How do you feel about mixing drugs and alcohol? Go for it. I don't care what you do. Thoughts on DSP? DSP is invincible and invulnerable. I love him and I want to hold him. Unknown_06: Like Achilles' mom. Yeah, that's right. You better love that DSP. Don't you talk shit about DSP, boy. He's my penis in his butthole, so there's no ambiguity. He'd be impervious forever. 2:37:58 Unknown_06: Imagine being Achilles' mom, like, well, you have a choice. Unknown_11: Did he try to make it like an analgy saying that if he stuck his penis in DSP's butthole, he would be like invincible and then immediately tried to make that into like an Achilles' heel joke? Is that what he's doing? Unknown_06: What is the choice? You can either hold him by the ankle, dip him in the state of River Stakes. What's the other choice? The welfare choice is. 2:38:33 Unknown_06: Spread them cheeks, bitch, some guy's going to pretend to nut you. Unknown_06: And that's Yahoo. Is he talking Israeli? He's Israeli. He'll father of your supporters and that guy will win. Just do that. Unknown_06: No. Why not? Chicago. OK, cool. Unknown_05: Can you try saying the alphabet backwards? Unknown_06: Uh, backwards alphabet. The right now it is. We actually looks better than you. You gotta be kidding me, man. Good. He didn't even do that. Right. I literally liked just closed document dog. You aren't finishing this. I get down here. I get out here and start reporting on issues over 290 pounds. 2:39:04 Unknown_06: I'll be a suspicious lottery streamer. Unknown_06: Hang on, I can do this one. I'm talking about a woman, by the way. 2:39:44 Unknown_11: I like how someone pointed this out, but I think what happens is that eventually Rikita gets like too drunk to like lift himself up physically. So when he starts like dipping off the camera, like the way he is right now, I think it's because he's like leaning forward to support himself or doing some kind of weird sitting position where he's like slouched. Like, cause he's, he's unable to like sit upright anymore. Unknown_06: to anyone else, but this is sad. Why? Please consider taking a streaming break to your health, mental and otherwise, friend. Bailey says, Go to sleep for today, friend. Oh, shit. Unknown_06: I rang the bell. I didn't mean to ring the bell. I didn't mean to ring the bell. That was my fault. 2:40:24 Unknown_06: Hold on. Hold on. Yeah. Get back in the right chance. Unknown_06: Oh God, they're going to be mad at me now. I didn't do nothing. I didn't even do nothing. Unknown_06: Even though you said this wasn't a precedent setting case, you still have wider implications for online discourse. No, not really. Because what they did was they analyze four-factor tests. So even though we won two of the four factors, and one of the four factors that they won was an insignificant case, they won it. They wanted us for to enter the case. That's what they wanted. You have to understand this about appeals court sometimes, especially if you have a case of first impression. 2:40:58 Unknown_06: You know how stereo equipment has migrated in the past several years, you have basically Dolby Atmos system coming out of a golf bag. Unknown_06: Golf bag, not a golf bag designed by the cheery for Dolph Lundgren. 2:41:38 Unknown_11: Yeah, I'm watching the entire thing. Why would you listen to that? From like after his pee break where he does coke. I've been watching since 155. And we're in the last, we're in the last like 20, 30 minutes or so. So might as well just grit our teeth. Unknown_06: I have no idea, but that's what people listen to these days. Unknown_06: That's what they do. Oh my God, tell me about Dolph. Unknown_11: The thing is, like in the first hour, he was coherent, and now it's like the Coke has completely worn off, and I have no fucking clue what he's saying. Like he's read less than a page of this lawsuit. 2:42:16 Unknown_06: How people work out this way. Let's see. Unknown_06: Red Rhombus has just closed the document dog. You ain't finishing this. Cool. We've got Charlie says, listen, I love laughing at all this bullshit as much as anyone, but anyone else. But this is sad. OK. Unknown_06: Are you crying, Charlie? Unknown_06: Weeping into a towel or whatever. Please consider taking a streaming break. Intend your health mental. You read that already. 2:42:50 Unknown_07: This is so bad. Unknown_06: Mental health works. This is fun. He's completely out of it. You do a show like X amount of times a month. It's hard to even comment on what the fuck you're saying because it's nonsense. I can't do that. I can't relax. I have a show to do. No, do it. Look at the. Look at this frame. Unknown_11: Like, look, hold up. I have a show to do. Look at this. This story here, bro. It's like he's blind. I can't even see his fucking pupils anymore. It looks like he has that kind of glossy, like white cataract eyes that blind people have or they don't have any pupils. Like he looks fucked. 2:43:23 Unknown_06: Now do it. Fuck me. and they massage you and you orgasm out your butthole or whatever. Unknown_06: Everybody says go to sleep for today. Unknown_06: FRFE no cap on God. Unknown_06: Try to cap God. Unknown_06: patio furniture says I'd still trust Nick is current state with a kid over keffels. Never trust Keffel's with a kid. Oh, my God. They're going to do one of two things to chop off the male child's penis, putting Keffel's his butthole. 2:44:04 Unknown_06: Do Keffel's is ready to move on. Then they switch a fresh butthole. Keffel's Keffel's, whether taking out the industry, you know, like, God damn. Unknown_11: Pro, look at this. He's talking about like butthole and child cock again for like the 10th time this stream. And this is how he looks as he says it. 2:44:37 Unknown_12: This is fucked. Unknown_06: Goddamn, how much butthole do you have? It was like more. Get the fuck out. Get the fuck out. Unknown_06: Me. Severance is what when is the locals reward going to be sent out? Unknown_06: Nineteen thirty one bedroom and drink some water. Water is for Native Americans and critters. So we're crazy. Please wipe your nose to confirm something. 2:45:10 Unknown_06: Carson Dev says, How is your wife? She's great. She's upstairs sleeping. Cal, well, yes, would you trust Ralph to threaten to kill his wife, your children? No. Unknown_06: No, I wouldn't have Ralph watch my children. People are so weird about it. They're like, who do you have watching children? I'm like, nobody on the internet. None of y'all. There's a Ralph Dick Madison watching children. Jesus Christ. Why would you do that? Why would you have these people watch your kids? You wouldn't have to watch a kid, no, would you? Would you? 2:45:42 Unknown_11: He made a, um, a remark once where it's like, why would I trust anybody with watching my kids? Um, I would never trust anyone except like the most, like, like the closest friends to my family to watch my kids. And then he let that Aaron M. Holta guy that he was swinging with watch his kids and like make SpaghettiOs for him. And now he's trying to do that. I would never let anyone watch my kids routine again. It's really bizarre. Unknown_06: Able to discuss how you feel about Randazza trying new tactics. Is that too close to the case? 2:46:20 Unknown_06: No, I able to discuss it on this case. Take care of quickly. And Daza talked to me about opportunities for new cases. He wanted to try and set a precedent in Minnesota. Well, I just wanted to have my case dismissed. Unknown_06: So we got there as spring announces. Why did your ring? Why did you ring the bell? No. Unknown_06: Medicare says, is that an Xbox refrigerator? The back table? Yes. From Target. Unknown_06: It looks like one blurred out. Yeah, it is. 2:46:55 Unknown_06: I've tried to get my dick in the slot. It doesn't work, Tim. Unknown_06: Our galley got out, Ilya says, can't wait to rumble offers you that multimillion dollar contract. Remember, says, would you let Aaron feed his kids spaghetti? Unknown_14: Someone in chat asked him about the spaghetti! Unknown_13: He's like genuinely staggered by that question. He can't do like his Cope bullshit that he does with Vito and Dick because he knows about the spaghetti-o's. He knows that the spaghetti-o's is real and he asked Cope about it. 2:47:30 Unknown_06: going to come to my house and cook my kids spaghettios. Just do it right. Just do it right. Unknown_06: Why? This is so weird. Unknown_04: This is so weird videos. Unknown_06: Can you not cook spaghettios? Unknown_06: What are you? What are you? Democrat, termless, mentally disabled, mentally handicapped and vaginally broken. Like, what the fuck are we talking about? 2:48:08 Unknown_06: She's got a goddamn. Unknown_04: cooking spaghetti. Unknown_06: Go for it. Unknown_04: Cool. Unknown_11: Fresh off the heels of the I would never let someone watch my kids. Unknown_06: I don't get it. People have their own like jokes and theories and then they run with them. Unknown_06: That they stop tagging you so you can't see him. Here we go. We therefore declined to consider Ricada's responsive letter about. He's your life epic LLC He's reading the um the appellate court thing again. Unknown_11: I've already talked about this though I'm just letting you know because he didn't put it back on screen that he's actually reading this said I remember my letter about Bondographs lawyer to these guys. 2:48:50 Unknown_06: I'm like hey you're faggots Unknown_06: We therefore declined to consider Ricada's responsive letter about make your life epic LLC. Unknown_11: He's just there. Unknown_06: There they go. You go for the fucking letter. Unknown_06: Thus advancement of the false forums or of the forums. Governmental interest favors application to Minnesota law. Unknown_11: Spaghetti O's is not spaghetti. It's a can. Unknown_06: This is the case that they have. I'll bring it up. I'm not going to watch. Oh, my God. 2:49:23 Unknown_04: There's a fucking mouse. Unknown_11: Yeah, this was last night's. Unknown_04: I fucking hate these streams. Unknown_06: Yes, I'm 18. Give me a look. Unknown_06: Give me blurred out tits. Unknown_04: Why? Why? Why? God, you're fucking horrible. 2:49:54 Unknown_11: What's he talking about? Oh, okay. So this is a good pause. Um, he is, uh, doing the thing where he closes one eye because the room is spinning and he can't, um, he can't look at his computer and figure out what the fuck is on it because the room is like, like swimming around them. So he's, uh, he's squinting or, uh, using one eye to look. Unknown_11: Um, and I think he's trying to fix his computer cause he just realized that the thing he's trying to read is on the screen. Unknown_11: Either that or it's just hallucinating. 2:50:32 Unknown_05: Here we go, guys. Unknown_05: Oh, shit, I'm still on. It's a secret. Unknown_06: Just kidding. Oh, my God. Unknown_06: Why, she says, what is your favorite BDSM subword? Hunter Biden. Unknown_06: Mikey says, I'm crashing, bros. Make Rick get a lot of gay aging. Peace, peace. Unknown_04: It's literally asleep is great. 2:51:06 Unknown_04: Enemy sucks. Unknown_06: Chopin, Steve. Unknown_14: No! Nick, don't do it. Don't do it. Don't click the link to the 4chan autoboard. Don't do it, Nick. Unknown_06: Okay, Law, show this on stream and critique it, please. Let me see it. Let me see it. 2:51:40 Unknown_09: He's opening it. Unknown_09: Oh no. Oh no, he got him. Unknown_06: You guys wanted to be. I don't. Unknown_06: I don't do some goals. I don't do drifting. It's just an average black woman on an average day. Try to call some German shippers for a reason. Unknown_11: He's staring at it is like intensely evaluating where is this shit? 2:52:13 Unknown_06: Come up all the way. What the fuck is that? Unknown_11: This is a bad last thing to see before passing out. Anime sucks. Unknown_06: Cope and Sneed says we're K to Law. Unknown_11: Oh, he's just on stream and critique it based on. Unknown_06: OK, he's looped in. Unknown_11: Now he's got the link on the 4chan autoboard. Unknown_06: He says it's going to be meat spin, isn't it? Unknown_06: Jim, I've done 15 cycles on meat spin. I don't see the problem. Unknown_06: Tell us your recent fetish. 2:52:46 Unknown_06: Recent fetish. Unknown_06: OK, I don't know how to describe this recent fetish is literally just someone super chatting me over and over and over. While I jerk off into the Google CEO's mouth, take only 30 percent, fucker. Unknown_06: Spill the rest of your corpse's feet. Open the link from the anime sucks. Weirdo. Carolina or whatever. He kills you and your son. He's trying to drink the microphone. 2:53:18 Unknown_06: I would agree. Sometimes downward graphs become interesting. No, they they never do. Unknown_09: Open the link. Unknown_06: It's my look at bad. It's OK. Unknown_09: Open the link. Unknown_06: The body needs to shut down. It needs to act up. 2:53:50 Unknown_06: Verisoft says, Nick, you really need to consider to stop. No, you can keep going forward. Unknown_06: I mean, Nick, you really need to consider something. I mean, no. Unknown_11: Twenty six hundred people still. He just read that. He just read that. He read that exact message twice, one after the other in the span of 30 seconds. And he doesn't fucking know. Unknown_06: Good. Unknown_06: Guys, you want me to watch a trial, I'm looking for one. That's it. 2:54:23 Unknown_06: No, I want you to open the link. Unknown_06: Tina Trinity for Tony says upper still in him as keeping up. It didn't do a very good job. I literally fell asleep on stream. How dare I? Oh, is he going to lie and pretend that he doesn't do uppers? Unknown_11: Oh. Dude, I'm sorry, this is kind of like a weird throwback, but like Amberlynn Reed, back in the day when I talk about her a lot. Unknown_11: She would lie about little stuff for literally no reason. Like, she would just lie about the dumbest shit possible to the amusement of nobody except herself, and everybody would know that she's lying, but she would just do it anyways. Like, for instance, with dieting stuff, she's 600 pounds when she's saying, like, I eat 300 calories a day. I've only gained weight. Like, I know you're fucking lying because you're 600 pounds. If you were eating 300 calories a day, you'd be 500 pounds in a month. But she would she would just lie because she derived enjoyment from lying and I'm really at a point where it's like is Rekhata just like Deriving pleasure from like like just lying even if it doesn't like deceive anybody He just enjoys lying like it makes it has like the opposite reaction like what it doesn't most people most people get like anxiety when they lie I really feel like he just enjoys it How dare I? 2:55:43 Unknown_06: Guys, let me tell you this, because this is. They respond to the keynote casino streams now. Oh, my God. You look fucking 80. Yes. Unknown_06: You should see me when I run a five can't finish it. Unknown_11: Where is Nick's comfy office? Oh, is that his clapback? I'm not sitting in the office anymore. Unknown_06: Why? Because my bones poke through my asshole. Unknown_06: But all he counts, his wife is peeled out. Unknown_11: That bones poke through my asshole thing. He might be referring to like really anorexic people. When you're like super anorexic, your butt cheeks no longer cover your butthole. And he's so thin now from like his, his like failing liver that doesn't allow him to process fat anymore that he might have that like anorexic anus that just pokes out all the time. 2:56:17 Unknown_06: Been watching Star Wars all day. Deserve each other. Unknown_06: Who's account is that? I mean, that person, they seem cool. Tina Trinity 420, he could get better because she's AA or another recovery program. 2:56:52 Unknown_06: Yeah, I can't be great. You guys would love it. Unknown_06: Meth up, Samara says, Nick, have another drink. You earned it. Unknown_10: Oh, my God, he's going to do it. Unknown_06: You know, it says this is a good impression of an online personality trying to self-destruct. You're nailing it. Yes. You should figure it out. Unknown_06: I'll be what you need, guys. 2:57:27 Unknown_06: Space aliens, this is a big trial with a former president. If you were sober, you do a good job with that. Can't actually. Unknown_06: isn't stream of the trial. They they outlawed all photography and outlawed all videography. Unknown_11: You can't trial stream at all. Fun fact, I know somebody not going to name names who's currently litigating in the New York courtroom. That is our courthouse that the trial is going on. And that person, whoever it may be, says it's a fucking circus up there right now with all the media there to see Trump. 2:58:03 Unknown_10: But who's the fun of science? Unknown_06: It's come over Nick. Yes. It's good. What I do with it is I cover your mom's failures. She's a bunch of semen. I don't know why, but I like it in my hair. Uh, Cohen is curious, curious. Unknown_11: You mentioned Trump one time and you're suddenly disconnectory node from the whole internet. Interesting chat. Interesting. 2:58:37 Unknown_11: Okay, cool. Refresherino, I think we're all set. Every chat's ready. I'll count to 10. Can I get like a song going? Unknown_11: In case you're wondering, in the time that we were disconnected, Reketa said nothing of value or nothing of interest. I hope that helps. Unknown_11: All right. I hope everybody refreshing up. Let's continue. Those who have to catch up later, you're not going to miss anything. Unknown_06: You normally say that about kids getting naked. Unknown_06: And then, uh, that's that's a brilliant line of nobody escapes. 2:59:12 Unknown_11: Is that is that Koya Dante guys still counting? Unknown_11: Mount. Unknown_04: And what the fuck is that? Unknown_06: Mount and Ontario. I couldn't read the letters. Unknown_11: He had to press his nose against the computer to read it. Unknown_06: It's like, oh, Russell, Russell's are fine. You be back. It's not Mexican, but Spanish. The ones who are going to crash, crash to a continent. You're like, well, this isn't a guy we're looking for. They're like, no, we're not. We're going to put you on heads and chop your bodies open. They're like, no, don't do that. You should keep blankets. They killed them with disease. 2:59:46 Unknown_05: Smart, very smart. And then white people went again, maybe anime. Unknown_06: Yes, yes. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Unknown_11: He can't even read the name. He's read it three fucking times. Unknown_06: Show on this stream and critique, please. 3:00:21 Unknown_04: All right, whatever. Unknown_06: Let's check it out. Unknown_12: He's opening it. He got it. I can tell things are happening. This is going to be a disaster. Unknown_05: Why do I care, though? I don't. Unknown_12: Evil Eddie, Evil Eddie. Unknown_04: Oh, my goodness. Unknown_04: Is have disgusting point interests. 3:01:01 Unknown_04: Has she like this? Unknown_12: OK. Unknown_10: He's still looking at the dragon farting and eating pizza, and I can't get the fats on screen. Unknown_06: That's what we're going to do. Are you streaming tomorrow? Yes, that's the plan. At least at night, if not during the day and also at night. I'll do those. I'll find Marco Randazzo and I'll nail him to a cross. Does it matter what cross? No. Even if it's the light cross, I'll nail him there and be like, yeah, by the way, your beard is retarded. It's a lesbian woman for my mom. 3:01:36 Unknown_06: He'll say that and send us away. Unknown_02: Let's see. Unknown_06: I thought. Unknown_06: And a sex cope. And Steve says. I came along. I want to show this on stream. Unknown_06: Make a TV, make a TV is praised. 3:02:12 Unknown_06: Why would you do this? Why now? Unknown_11: It isn't another super chat. Unknown_11: Is this the same one he's looping? Does he not remember the farting dragon? Or is this like a second super chat? Unknown_11: Okay. This is where he masturbates. 3:02:45 Unknown_06: Why is my camera so on trying to shut this show down? Unknown_06: We'll play the credits. No, we'll do is we'll sit here. Unknown_06: Guys. Unknown_11: OK, so the guy sent in the one super chat. He read it twice. saw the farting purple dragon gave two completely different responses the first one was the very reasonable this is disgusting and he moved on the second one he like pantomimes masturbating to it and the thing is is that because he didn't explain what the image is it just looks like he's masturbating on stream like dsp like nobody knows what the image is unless they've opened it unless you've been pavlov conditioned by the words anime sucks cope and sneed to know that a farting purple dragon eating pizza inside of a car on the 4chan automotive board is about to follow you have no fucking idea what he's doing at that point in time it just looks like he's jerking off for no reason on stream because he forgot about it like the his behavior is not out of out of place here's 3:03:30 Unknown_11: By the way, that is probably, unironically, Rikita doing that was probably sexually arousing to that weirdo who does the dragon pictures. Like, that probably was like a goon eruption. That was like Mount Olympia exploding in terms of, like, goon payoff. Because he's been doing this shit for years. I got me drunk. Unknown_06: Yes. Cool. Unknown_06: I'll do it at your kid's family thing or whatever. 3:04:23 Unknown_06: Why would you hire me as a babysitter? Don't. Unknown_04: You should hire me though. Unknown_04: Because I'm an asshole. An asshole. Unknown_04: Anime. Unknown_06: Anime sucks kelp and or sneeze. Check this on stream. I don't know what that is. Fuck off. Unknown_06: I'm gonna degenerate Japanese shit in my aircon because I can't fucking say this. 3:04:59 Unknown_14: Three completely different responses to the same message. That is fucking unreal. That is unreal. Unknown_04: Anime cunt. Unknown_06: He's trying to get a kiss. Nightcaps and head sneezes. Get a lock. Unknown_06: I show you Unknown_14: He's reading it a fourth time! He's looking at it again! 3:05:46 Unknown_14: You know, Rikita probably woke up the next morning and he thought, you know, that stream wasn't so bad. Unknown_11: And then he looked at his computer and just saw that he had four tabs open to the same insanely disgusting picture of a dragon farting and eating pizza inside a car. And thought, I can't fucking believe I jerked off to this last night. What the fuck is wrong with me? Unknown_13: And that's why he's taking his sabbatical. He's embarrassed. Unknown_13: He didn't. 3:06:28 Unknown_06: Here we go. Unknown_06: You can't read. Unknown_04: Yeah, I know. I'm telling you, my history is more abominable. Unknown_06: Nick, we need one more hour. Unknown_06: Let's cover the latest news in the Trump trial. Come tomorrow. Do you want me to be drunk like this tomorrow? Every day? I don't give a fuck. Who cares, guys? 3:07:00 Unknown_06: Reality is that you have two options in this world. Unknown_06: I realize what people do to you or you do the same thing to them. I don't do the second thing. I realize what people do to me. Unknown_05: You can't stop it. Unknown_10: Yeah, that anime sex guy has been doing this for like two years. 3:07:34 Unknown_04: Oh no! Unknown_10: No fucking way! Unknown_04: No way! No fucking way is he doing it a fifth time! Unknown_14: Woo! Unknown_02: He doesn't remember! Unknown_06: Warlock is inside. Unknown_06: There are two wolves. Unknown_04: Mostly because you have double... double vision. It would probably... do the same. Un-fuckin'-believable. 3:08:09 Unknown_14: Anime wolf. Unknown_04: Now, if she says, Nick, you're fucked, huh? And... Unknown_04: It's like he's in like a 30-second long groundhog day and like the 3:08:43 Unknown_13: And the dragon farting picture is like waking him up from the groundhog day. And then it restarts again. And he's just hopelessly enslaved in this cycle of anime sex compensate. Unknown_06: I'm fucked up too, Nicky boy. Yes, good. Unknown_06: Nick fucked her. How many times did you say the N word in CP tonight? Unknown_06: Love you, Brown. Fucked up to you. I didn't say those things. Here we go. Unknown_11: It is literally an AI generated image of a purple dragon who is like 800 pounds in the seat of a car farting noxious green gas and eating pizza. It is the same fucking image over and over and over again. The same fucking image and he sends it like 10 times per stream and it never fucking changes. Except that he just regenerates it. So it's basically the same image but slightly different. You don't need to go see it. It's really gross. I don't understand what the fuck the point is. And sometimes he makes its shirt say different words. 3:09:31 Unknown_11: Like, that's it. But yeah, he's been staring at it. He's been literally staring at a picture of furry fart porn for 10 minutes. Unknown_11: And despite how profoundly disgusting this image is, he still forgets that when he opens the link, it will be the same fucking dragon farting. 3:10:22 Unknown_06: Calculate your aggressive face all over. I'm going to say the N-word over and over. I don't know. Find something. Unknown_06: What I want to do is go to bed. Unknown_06: I feel like my eyes have been set on the couch. Unknown_11: Buddy, I think he missed that super chat from me, and I said, Hi, guys. Unknown_11: enemy sucks coop and sneat in my chat says that's not what that one was this one was a hyperinflation of a green dragon in a laboratory was she farting what was she doing bro it's base it's not gross dude 3:11:10 Unknown_11: I'm I'm waiting I need you literally it's literally high test so is it just hyperinflation in the laboratory is there anything else to this image did you tailor it to the specific situation or did you just fire this this one shot into the into it you have the stage sir I'm giving you a chance it's even a Unknown_08: Someone beat you to it Okay, I don't see a reply I don't know did the image get captured did someone like Yeah, this is a link in the chat one of this is the image Requested page could not be found because the the link is cut off. That's why I 3:12:10 Unknown_08: There's another link that I saw, but I don't know if I'll be able to find that. Unknown_08: I don't know. I don't want to spend any more time dwelling on this, but it's usually the same fucking image over and over again. Unknown_06: People want you to be responsible on the Internet. They want you to get out of livestreams. They want you to do whatever. Unknown_06: but they love when you're honest. Unknown_11: I will pull it up on stream. Not, I will not show it, but I will. Um, wait, someone else sent in the link. Hold up, bro. You have to send in the only, you just got to tell me the number of the link. The link is getting cut off. Just tell me the fucking number of the, uh, the thread, the thread ID, and then I can pull it up. 3:12:42 Unknown_11: Um, this third does not have the image of them, so I can't review it. Unknown_11: Just a famous, but you have to just give me the number at the end and I can just change the number. The number is the thing that's getting cut off. Unknown_08: It's after the period. 3:13:16 Unknown_08: The delay of the stream is like crazy right now. Unknown_11: I just want to, I just want to describe what it is. Cause now I thought it would be this one thing, but it's not one eight. Okay. Hold on. He has posted the number. Unknown_08: I'll pop this in really quick, and then I will tell you guys how this one differs from the others. Unknown_08: I must be logged in to do that, why? Unknown_11: Where the fuck did you post this that I have to be logged in? Actually, you know what? 3:13:49 Unknown_11: I have it on, I'm logged in on the other browser, but that's the one that's on the screen. I cannot show that because that will get me banned from literally everywhere all at once. Unknown_08: All right, here we go. Unknown_08: This is in prospering grounds, which is why, bro, this is, this is just the thread for him. Unknown_08: And nobody has posted. No, this, okay. I give up. Unknown_11: I don't know where, what the fuck the image was. I apologize. 3:14:23 Unknown_06: What the fuck kind of track they want, whatever the fuck you want to say, which is labor laboringly. Unknown_06: No, you're not. Unknown_06: No, dad doesn't clap those cheeks in a way you are agrily for her because you are a beta. Unknown_14: I just want to describe what it is. Unknown_06: Cool. Fine. Unknown_05: That's great. Unknown_11: Sent it an honest go find the thing you need to make your streams better guys. Unknown_06: Don't look to me for advice. Unknown_06: I'm terrible at it. And all I want to do. Unknown_11: Okay. Someone sent it in. It is a green dragon in a laboratory. 3:15:03 Unknown_11: And now I understand why it's in a laboratory. She is, like, you know how, like, those geese for the foie gras have to have, like, their livers fattened so they, like, get force-fed by a tube, like, the right food to fatten their liver before they're slaughtered? She has, like, a feeding tube lodged down her throat to inflate her. So that's why it's in a laboratory. And he sent this to Rikada and Rikada pulled it up literally five times and pantomimed masturbating to it at some point. Which makes it the most successful super chat in human history. 3:15:39 Unknown_12: Now you know. Unknown_04: With that, I'll catch you guys tomorrow. Have a good night. Thanks for hanging out with me. Unknown_06: Peace! I'm waging right now. Unknown_11: Peace! This is waging so he can spend more money on furry porn. Unknown_06: Why? Why isn't it there? Why can I not end this fucking stream? What is wrong with everything? Oh my God! Where is my fucking thing? Unknown_06: I can't find it. Hold on. Unknown_06: Ah! Unknown_05: It's ridiculous. What the fuck is this? 3:16:15 Unknown_04: I can't find it. Unknown_04: I'm asking Lady Racket, she can't find it either. Unknown_04: Wait, what are you saying? Unknown_04: In the stream, trying to find the fucking video. Wait. What are you saying? Unknown_06: I'm asking Lady Racket, she can't find it. Unknown_06: I can't find it. Unknown_06: I'm asking Lady Racket, she can't find it either. Unknown_11: That is crazy. I didn't pick up on this because people clipped the very end of this. They didn't clip this part. Unknown_06: I can't find it. 3:16:48 Unknown_04: I mean, asking Lady Rackets, she can't find it either. Unknown_11: There's no point asking Lady Rackets, she can't find it either. Unknown_04: Wait, what are you saying? Unknown_11: And then he's talking to somebody because he thinks the stream is off trying to find the fucking video. Unknown_11: But he said that Lady Rackets is upstairs sleeping. Unknown_04: Blanket doesn't matter. Unknown_11: The corner demon is trying to help him shut off the stream and then he says that lady rackets can't find it either But lady rackets isn't in the room because he said that she's asleep. So who who's talking to her? I got news for you 3:17:22 Unknown_14: That means you get give us a lot of advice, Nick. Unknown_06: Very simple. Unknown_06: Fuck the police coming straight from the underground. Unknown_04: Shit. Hey, guys, local stream afterwards. Unknown_06: Actually, maybe. 3:17:54 Unknown_06: Just watch the locals were K to law that locals dot com. Yes, there's going to be a bunch of streams this month. No, I haven't started them yet. I know. Unknown_06: Chill. Unknown_06: And make up its need. Oh, my God. Copen see with the anime. Stop fucking you, Charles. Unknown_04: You're a war tortoise. Unknown_06: Six times. Unknown_06: Anime sucks. Copen sees his laws. He lost show. This is on stream. So never did it, please. 3:18:30 Unknown_06: I don't know who that is. Unknown_12: No, I guess you mean, bro. All right, guys. Unknown_06: My toast. Yes, I can't. I honestly can't even fucking believe the graph. A giant faggot. Yes. Unknown_06: Next. Unknown_06: I hope you guys have a good day. My name is Shin. Unknown_11: He read anime sex Copen Sneed super chat Almost as many times as he made like a child rape joke in this stream. That's impressive. That's really fucking impressive Not super chat was probably like five dollars. 3:19:02 Unknown_06: Oh If I didn't mention it, I lost the appeal Unknown_06: My attorney's lost the appeal. I didn't have a fucking thing to do with my attorney. Unknown_11: You mentioned that, bro, you've been talking about that. You've been reading the decision for the last four hours, one sentence at a time, every ten minutes. What do you mean, by the way? Unknown_11: You opened the stream by saying it's the only thing you're going to be talking about. Unknown_06: So we're sitting out there. Stream is funny. It was attorneys. It lets up. She goes out. I go out. I lay down and grab her. She's not on a fucking mission. What are you doing? Like, oh my God, just hang out. This is what women do. They do it all the time. 3:19:33 Unknown_05: You just have to fucking deal with it. Unknown_05: It's okay. Unknown_05: Anime sucks. 3:20:14 Unknown_14: Whatever the fuck he's on, he needs to never do it again. Unknown_13: This is brain damage. This is actual fucking brain damage. This is like scary to watch now. He's done it seven times. Unknown_06: Unreal. Your mom's deep penis says good luck with tomorrow with all the stupid ass fucks. Unknown_06: Try to paint your tomorrow. Unknown_06: Description act of the autonomous. I don't care. Dude, why would you write a statement that's so hard to fucking read? 3:20:49 Unknown_04: What am I? I feel like I was coming across the border to Uganda. Unknown_06: Pop to 15 says, Nick, you're drunk. You're not drunk. Unknown_05: You're fine. I know. Stop it. Unknown_05: One rumble flip. Unknown_04: No, I'm not going to do the rumble flip. I'm done. One more time. Unknown_06: Guys, I said all I needed to about rumble. Unknown_06: Great show. 3:21:22 Unknown_06: Very successful. Go get it. You'll come with everyone. Unknown_11: No, the anime sex person is not resending it. He's literally just looping that hard. Unknown_04: Just a ceiling for there isn't any chance to go to it. Unknown_05: Back. Unknown_05: My camera's screwed and I can't. Unknown_06: We'll do it next time. Turn off the stream. Go to bed. 24 hour streaming. Celebrate the good news. 3:21:53 Unknown_06: I'm playing with you. I'm playing with you. Unknown_06: Show's over. Catch you guys later. Have a good night. Peace. Peace. And streaming, go to bed. Is Warski a pro at spawning co-cats? Unknown_02: No. Unknown_04: We're worse. He's a pro. It's funny. Men versus women. 3:22:26 Unknown_02: So I did it's over. Unknown_11: It's. Unknown_11: You can hear the sound of it. Unknown_10: You can hear the shadow demon in the stream. Unknown_08: Go away. Why? Why would you do this? Unknown_08: One more time. Unknown_08: It's over. It's a. It's not nothing, actually. Unknown_08: In the same go away. Unknown_11: So that's the corner demon. Unknown_11: This entire time there's been like a woman or something in the corner. 3:23:00 Unknown_11: So the question then is, who the fuck is it? Because he says that Lady Rackets is upstairs. If Lady Rackets was just chilling with him the entire time, why the fuck wouldn't he just say that? Like she's hanging out with me tonight. What's up with that? Unknown_11: So people suspect that it's Unknown_11: em holta the ex-wife because now that they're divorced so i will play this so i did so i did 3:23:38 Unknown_11: It's hard to say but it's like I don't know I don't think that's her Kayla cuz Kayla would just like say it's still on You know what? I mean? Like she would just say like, you know, you're still streaming because she doesn't have to hide herself because she's his wife but if it's another woman then He does have to hide it. Unknown_08: You know what I mean? Unknown_08: So, yeah, that's a Unknown_11: He um, I don't know there's dispute over if she's saying it's still on or stop I did yeah, I can kind of hear stop to or still on By the way, Ralph thought that this was a great stream Recreta has been roasting medicare for the last 30 minutes and the best thing ever I guess Ralph enjoyed the and then dick replied saying that it's really great or something. He said something on Twitter 3:24:38 Unknown_11: Dick says, you guys call this drunk, give me a break. And someone replies saying, it looks kind of like sleep deprivation. And then he says, yeah, it's obviously sleep. Unknown_11: Bro. Unknown_11: He's, he's literally drinking throughout the entire stream. Unknown_11: Like, what do you mean sleep deprivation? He's fucking drinking throughout the entire thing. I don't get it. 3:25:11 Unknown_11: I guess they want him to die. They want him to be, like, broken down or whatever the fuck. I don't know. Unknown_11: Friends like these... Who needs enemies, champ? Unknown_11: Alright. Unknown_11: As promised, I have listened to the entire two and a half hours of Rikita drunk out of his fucking mind, slowly dying. Unknown_11: Which will conclude the stream. There is an outro song that I have picked out. Unknown_11: Let's see... Unknown_11: And I think I'll just read the superchats and we'll call it a day, chat. And I'll save everything else that I have for Friday. 3:25:44 Unknown_08: See if there's any farting dragons today. Unknown_08: I think all my superchats should be there. Unknown_11: Okay. Lion King for one says kill yourself. No thank you. Quake 4 for $50 says stop reading from the Book of Enoch. Unknown_11: Okay, I guess he gets a skip this stream. Unknown_11: Thank you. Devious to be for five says, can you give us, can you give this a twinkle tart so he can buy himself an extra box of zebra cakes this week? I love zebra cakes. Those are good, but no. Holy hell for two says, hope you're having a good day, Josh. You remind me about always. Thank you. Holy. I appreciate it. Ben Collins for 20 says, are you accepting physical super jets money orders to your PO box? Um, 3:26:17 Unknown_11: Maybe I hopefully I can remember to read them. But if you want to try that sure, whatever go for it. I'll try to read it Just make sure that you make the payee mad at the internet LLC and not Not local LLC 3:26:51 Unknown_11: D Karcher for one says DC Archer been okay. Thank you DC Archer for one says been watching Endeavor's YouTube channel. I cannot thank you enough for pointing me to him via your sub stack. You're welcome I'm glad you have been enjoying endeavor. He's pretty good. Unknown_11: I Think he did the superstructure of woke capital and yeah, it's very enlightening. I Unknown_11: Kiwi friend for five says thankfully you aren't going to traffic court with Russell. We're here hurting might not have shown up. Unknown_11: I Don't know it's hard to make it to court, you know, it's easy to forget about things like court dates and stuff Grandma's wonderful one says you won't read this until the end, but sounds like it's gonna be a fun stream Cheers Hopefully you think it's fun stream still appreciate it cold call for two says please read three and four and then he links to the book of enoch however quake four has uh vetoed your super chat sorry to say face ascii for two says hey josh i found out yesterday that my grandma has cancer today i learned it's cantaloupe sized and may be wrapped around her colon thoughts and prayers are appreciated 3:27:34 Unknown_11: I have, I don't, this sounds like a serious super chat, but then when you describe it as like cantaloupe size and then you specifically talk about like her colon, it makes it sound like a joke. I don't know. I am hoping I'm not into that phase of like streamerism where people are like asking me to shout out like their, their cancer patient grandmas and stuff. Unknown_11: Um, but if that is in the off chance that this is real, I'm sorry to hear that. Unknown_11: It doesn't sound like a fun time. Unknown_11: Kolya Dante advises Rikita accidentally trolling Josh by muting himself like a drunken boxer tripping into his opponents I mean literally exactly like that like I felt it Allsville's for 20 says imagine being a Rendezza and having to be drugged up having this drugged up retard as a client Not sure if Nick or his chemo was worth for Rendezza. 3:28:43 Unknown_00: I didn't know that Rendezza had cancers. Unknown_11: It sucks to hear Unknown_11: I'm sure that Rikita is the worst client to have to deal with. I'm sure that it's frustrating and I'm sure that Reynadza doesn't appreciate that things aren't necessarily going his way and that Rikita is shit-talking him and saying it's his fault because it's like Randazzo was trying a novel concept, a novel application of law, which is always a long shot. Unknown_11: So, I mean, you got what you paid for. He did a very, very what you would call a zealous defense. He put out a very persuasive application of 3:29:20 Unknown_11: of legal concepts and it just didn't fly. Unknown_11: Shit happens. Don't defame people as child molesters. Unknown_11: Thank you. Arclight Redux for 10 says, oh, by the way, if you guys want to raid PPP's stream on Kik, I think if he's still streaming by the end of the Super Chats, I'll just raid him as the outro song plays. So if you want to be a part of that, you can switch over to Kik. Unknown_11: I don't know if he's still streaming though. Unknown_11: Like arc like redux for Tim says Nick's passive-aggressive melee mouth insults are obvious. Yeah, dude. It's so fucking it's so obnoxious to him Because when he's sober it was actually effective. It was actually effective as a way to like Try and make it so that if you say anything shitty and reply to him that it just makes you look like an asshole But eventually once I figured out what he was doing I called him out on that because it was like grading like it's not fucking that clever and 3:29:57 Unknown_11: Generic username and password for one says job update. They were so mismanaged They fell behind schedule and blamed it all on me and are telling me I'll be paid $500 for nearly two months of work curse doesn't describe my luck with jobs I mean if they're not paying you you should threaten to sue them immediately Like you should get a lawyer to threaten them for you it probably you'll probably get paid more than the cause like he'll charge you like $100 for like a cease and desist like a like a civil lawsuit or whatever and Unknown_11: But if you're actually owed money, don't let that money go. You have to be a dickhead sometimes to get what you want, and if you did work, you deserve compensation. And the moment you have a lawyer sending letters to them, you'll get what you want really quickly, I think. 3:30:49 Unknown_11: Neighborino, for one, says, prayer for victory. Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. Peace be upon you, Yeshua. I don't know what that means, but thank you. Unknown_11: unkind naysayer provides us the sanju curse has been taken root with the intuent script read loudly clearly in public it shall grow until it's consumed him from the inside out and the first sanju of the merge emerges rikki the sanju does he get little cute ears and like a zigzag tail i think so uh if we see that we know that he's truly fucked The Lion King, for one, says, Nick's visual deterioration is like, come and see. I don't know if that's a reference to you, but yeah, probably. 3:31:28 Unknown_11: Angel Vomit, for one, says, hey friends, I'm late for the show, but nice to see everyone. Oh, what a nice message. Stalker Child, enjoy prison for tenses. Hey Josh, if you don't understand humans, you don't understand humans. If you could only be less autistic, you could be a drunk bum that does drugs and has five children and calls the judge of his case a retarded bitch. Unknown_11: I can only aspire to such dizzying heights. Maybe one day though. Unknown_11: There's always room to improve. Stalker child enjoy prison for five says at this point, I think Ethan and Ralph could give her K to some tips on sobriety in courtroom adequate. I mean, I think Ralph is more sober than Ralph or, uh, than Raquel at this point. Ralph seems sober in most clubs. I see them these days. I think it just ran out of money for alcohol. So he stopped. 3:32:03 Unknown_11: I think that's what happened with him. Unknown_11: A Space Allen says, Nick making sex jokes reminds me of someone who doesn't know how to curse trying to curse. He doesn't understand that jokes are supposed to be funny to other people. Great stream. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, his sex jokes are always awkward because I think he has that mentality where it's supposed to impress people, but it's not impressive. Unknown_11: Patrick S. Tomlinson for five says lawyers talk shit about judges and clients with their friends all day every day including illegal breaches of confidentiality. Nick thinks the Internet is his trusted friends. 3:32:43 Unknown_11: Yeah I mean that's true but I think his issue yeah I mean the issue is that he doesn't know that it's public and it's here like if you sell somebody you know something about like the judge of your case and confidentiality like that doesn't matter. Except for the confidential like the breaches, but just hearsay that you did this I could accuse anybody of that I Think Nick is just an idiot Wilderness front for $50 says enjoyed your latest article Josh Ted argued leftists are against censorship until they have the power to impose it as a Kaczynski is group. We support your fighting and censorship wilderness front 3:33:21 Unknown_11: That's an interesting message. Unknown_11: I don't quite have the wilderness skills to join any kind of wilderness fronts, but I think it's a bad idea to call yourself a Kaczynskis group, because you're implying something V-related that, as Mr. Kaczynski writes about, is very, very not enjoyed by the federal government of the United States. I would be careful with using language like that. Thank you, though. Unknown_11: Supreme me for three says Montreux's lawyer will remember this case for the rest of his career How often do you get handed victory on a silver platter like this in a defamation case? 3:34:01 Unknown_11: Well, don't count your chickens until they hatch, but I'm sure that he will if he does win this He will be very very pleased with himself if he doesn't like Cricketa I think that this will be a very one of the most satisfying Cases of his career if he comes out on top completely and gets what gets his client everything that he wanted Unknown_11: Deadly hollowed for Tensa, and especially considering that Montagraph, who is a weirdo, I mean, all things considered, he is a pretty weird guy. Montagraph has been able to keep his mouth shut for the entire fucking duration of this case. So how is Montagraph smarter than you, really? Unknown_11: Deadly Hello for 10 says, what if the 45 minute break was a goon sesh? It explains how he was able to end it so suddenly to talk to Jim. Unknown_11: Maybe. I mean, what's weird about that is that he came off, like, directly off camera to the stream. It makes me wonder if he was just, like, diddling that woman. Like, they were just, like, J-O-ing together for a little bit, and then he was reading his chat, and that was, like, arousing to them, like an exhibitionist thing, or it's like, oh, we're, like, J-O-ing right now. 3:34:51 Unknown_11: high on high on whatever the fuck and they're just sitting there waiting for us to come back and then he saw medicare he's like what the fuck medicare can't make fun of me and then he just stopped i think that that is there is like i would say this is maybe at least like a 30 chance that's actually what happened it's not like an look i'm not making like a joke i think that's possible 3:35:26 Unknown_11: Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for Five, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, after a long espousing the politicals of Yukui Mishima, I finally read one of his books. I thought it would be about samurai, but it was about having sex with gay boys. He really, and then Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for Five says, was the Nick Fuentes of his time. Unknown_11: Well, I mean, he is Japanese. I don't know what the fuck you expected, bro. I told you, I warned you fucking people that Japan is not some mystical magical culture where everything is good and pleasant all the fucking time. It's a really fucking, like, shit-ass place. It has a really weird culture, it's very foreign to you, and you probably don't like all of it. Unknown_11: Just like the anime. Unknown_11: Kyle Larson, All Chat for Tuesday says, shout out to Mr. Stilto for managing to get apparently cuckolded by Rikita even at his most appraved. 3:36:13 Unknown_11: That Stilto morning show guy is like, he's like a proper fucking weirdo. And he has like this whole history. And if I ever get the time to go through it and read all this shit, it's probably worth like a stream. Unknown_11: Um pancake luchador for five says fuck. Yeah, horse face liquor stream go and have a good one josh. Thank you. Unknown_10: I appreciate it We're almost wonder for one says ricketta's physical deterioration as represented by nick by assassin creed 3 Assassin's creed is a good franchise. Unknown_11: That's what I think of when I hear that because of dunkey Um, the left looks like dick nasterson the right does look like ricotta 3:36:55 Unknown_11: I don't know if this is some obtuse reference or if he does just deteriorate over the course of the video game. That's pretty accurate. Unknown_08: Still, Sneedberg Stein Goldman for 10 says nothing. Unknown_11: Thank you, Sneedberg Stein Goldman. Unknown_11: Asian tech support pretends as a really weird threatened PG right now about deranged Ukrainians who stream themselves torturing each other for money fish tank style I'm not saying talk about it, but just read it. Yeah, they've been showing they stream on kick and when Bossman isn't doing his thing the guys in the bossman chat like to watch the these guys like Ukrainian guys they do like they like beat the fuck out of each other and do like weird shit to each other and 3:37:41 Unknown_11: I'm for money. Times is tough in Ukraine. I'll just say that. Unknown_11: A Kiwi friend, for one, says St. Louis Park is a town here in Minnesota. Literally just asked me for all Minnesota questions. Okay. If I ever have a Minnesota-related question, I'll hunt you down. Unknown_11: Unkind naysayer for two says you should get drunk and high and read out updates on your own legal documents All the professionals are doing it I have been advised strongly by my representation to not get drunk and high On stream and not to read my court cases different professionals have given me these opinions separately, but combined I think that actually creates like a loophole like negative one times negative one is positive one. So maybe it is a good idea I don't know 3:38:20 Unknown_11: MarioCard13ford1 says, I hope Nick takes comfort in the fact his legal advice has now officially helped one person. Unknown_11: Oh, you're referring, okay, because Nick Rikeda has said it multiple times, you can always sue somebody where the action occurred or where they live, and that applies in Montagraft's case because of him suing in Minnesota. That's what he's referring to. Unknown_11: The president of Nintendo for five says Nick's sense of humor is like Christian's random acts of humor with more racism and child molestation. That's very, very, very true. It is mostly just weird references to shit constantly that it just throws out at random. 3:38:54 Unknown_11: And then he tries to build on top of it. His jokes are kind of like, imagine if you had a game where you had to stack blocks on top of each other, and the blocks came in random shapes, and you had to try to build this tower of blocks as quickly as possible without letting it collapse. That's basically Nick's comedy style. He just like stacks his random bullshit on top of each other and doesn't kind of, it doesn't make sense, but he has to kind of like go from one thing to the next to keep it going. And then eventually just falls apart and stops and sputters out like over and over again. 3:39:32 Unknown_11: All else fails for 20 says between your rumble channel and Mattyarchive404, you consistently get more equal views than Nick does on YouTube and rumble. Small amount of schadenfreude, but enjoyable nonetheless. Unknown_11: I am very pleased with the level of support that I get. Unknown_11: I'm not really trying to beat out anyone. I realize I don't put in as much work as some people do. Unknown_11: Kino Casino, I think it's comparable numbers to me, and I'm happy for them because they do put in work. They organize their shit, and they have a whole set and stuff. They do the webcams and stuff, and they put out a lot more hours than I do, I think. 3:40:07 Unknown_11: Like if I had the time and the resources to kind of sit down and devote more of myself to my streams, I probably would do better than I do right now. Unknown_11: But I think I probably get more attention than I really deserve, considering how much I actually do for the streams and stuff. I just kind of read stuff that happens on the forum. Unknown_11: So I mean, I guess kind of running the Kiwi Farms lends itself to my streams in that way. But I'm not trying to run a race with anybody. I never thought I'd get more than a couple hundred viewers when I started doing these. Thank you. 11thercat410 says, just graduated from law school. Thanks for the weekly entertainment that kept it going. With just one upcoming job, I'll have a more prestigious resume than Alex Caraballo, Coop and Seed Trooms. Well, you better be careful, because he'll come after your ass. 3:40:43 Unknown_11: Yeah, congrats. That's impressive. I mean, you have to graduate the bar still, right? If you graduated law school. So you have to like study for the bar still, right? I'm pretty sure that's how it works. You get like a JD and then you pass the bar. I don't know, get the fuck out of California though. 3:41:17 Unknown_11: If you're in California, get the fuck out of that. Unknown_11: Or are they the night? I don't know. I don't know. I'll look at the circuits. Congrats though. Mario Kart 13 for one says Nick when I have wished Randazzle a million dollars, but he's definitely gonna get it That's cuz he didn't wish him anything. I could do for five says I'm working with this in the background It's like a fever dream of following a river of incoherence true 3:41:52 Unknown_11: There's a song by a guy called Casablanca, I think. And there's a song called A River Flow of Brake Lights. It's a very kind of like moody, ethereal sounding song. Unknown_11: And it's kind of like that, which is kind of like drifting high, and that's all there is to it. Unknown_11: AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed for two says, I wish Nick a million pound brap hog. Unknown_11: I think he got it like nine times. AnimeSucksCopeAndSneed for five says, I would like to respectfully let it be known that I sent Nick that fat dragon with the intent that it would be much needed testosterone boost. I didn't think he'd start whacking it, but it is cute. I told you. I told you that's like a goon explosion when he started like J-O-ing to it. 3:42:30 Unknown_11: When the gooners are in their goon discords and they start sharing stuff with each other, that's what they're hoping for. Like a mutual masturbation thing going on. Unknown_11: Eugelous Sneed pretends his balling man is looking more and more like a goal as time passes. Dude, he looks so fucking bad. I can't even fucking believe it. It's one of the most, like, incredible physical declines in a person ever, especially in such a short amount of time, because it's almost impossible to deal with the fact, to cope in Sneed, that a mere two years ago he looked normal, and now he looks like this. I, um, 3:43:11 Unknown_11: My the one of the mods a useful mistake pointed out to me that there was a video that was broken on the Kiwi farms Because I had asked people to alert me to any broken videos and as it turns out it wasn't broken It was just the fact that I maintain a tip like a old style directory archive of certain videos There's a video that's very large and I want to create like a full archive of it. Unknown_11: I Will download it manually to this archive directory and Unknown_11: And because of all the changes that have happened in the configuration for the site, this archive, like the way that I could link these videos from the archive into the forum thread also broke. So this video that I was looking for in the Montagraph thread doesn't work. So I fixed it. And when I fixed it, I ended up listening to almost all of it. And it was the two-hour long video where Montagraph is being discussed by Jim and Reketa. 3:43:50 Unknown_11: And just hearing Reketa talk to Jim in this old, like, how he used to, where he's very, like, professional, he's very well-spoken, he's very concise. You ask him a question about law, and he can, in a very, you know, concise and clear way, describe the answer to that question. Because Jim doesn't know anything about law, so he's just in there asking questions to Nick, and Nick is, like, responding, you know, as a lawyer would. And he's just so coherent. He's not drunk. He's not slurring. He's speaking at a reasonable pace. His answers are clear and coherent and they are irrelevant to the questions asked. There's not too much information given and not too little. He's just a hundred percent. And it's fucking crazy. Listening to that clip now, and that was like right at the start of the Montagraph lawsuit and hearing him now It's like it's like he's aged like literally 25 years You know he's he's not even like half of what he used to be and it's really sad 3:45:10 Unknown_11: But at the same time, it's like, everybody told them. Everybody warned them. There's not a single unclear conscience in the audience of Rikita's fanbase. Everybody told them. It wasn't just me. It wasn't just certain other people. Everyone fucking told them. You're overdoing it. You're not focusing. You're not paying attention. You're hurting yourself. You're hurting your audience. You're hurting your reputation. Why are you like this? Unknown_11: And he just didn't give a fuck. So he chose this. He literally chose this. He said, this is what I want to do. I'm not interested in the law tube thing. I'm not interested in being, you know, I want to, uh, I just want, you know, I just want to, uh, to do my thing. So I don't, I don't feel bad making fun of him at all. I did more than the average person did, um, more than, than could be expected of me. And like trying to say like, what the fuck are you doing? 3:45:43 Unknown_11: glib facsimile for five says no what is your favorite nicrocated joke and was he the one who told it or was it on him um nicrocated joke that's a hard question um nothing comes i like the part where he um 3:46:28 Unknown_11: This is a roundabout one I like the joke that he told where he keeps Insisting that he didn't say anything defamatory about Montreux, but we had fucking clips of it. That's a pretty funny joke That's pretty silly. It's pretty wacky and zany Colgate Dante for five says oh the camera was on the camera was on the whole time, huh? Unknown_11: And then he says the snort is on a DSP snort but a bump of coke Well, I did the DSP snort so Unknown_11: Tetra backs for $200 says. Unknown_11: You are my favorite VTuber. I don't even have an avatar, bro. Why are you going to do me like this? I don't do shit. You can't say that the hamster is a VTuber. Okay. I didn't even have the ham. There was no hamster. The stream, the hamster shielded his eyes from such tragedy. 3:47:08 Unknown_11: Thank you very much, though. Caligula, Caligura for 125, 125 for 20 says, Hey, Jewish, thanks for the stream. Check out this song called White Neighbor by Lil Bill or Ill Bill. You don't have to play the song. Just look at the lyrics and read some Jewish rap is keenalicious. Unknown_08: OK. 3:47:43 Unknown_08: He wants me to read some of the lyrics. Unknown_08: genius that's it oh genius is blocking me you are blocked stalker child you are not a human being okay i have to do the cloud flare thing hold on waiting for genius to respond aha all right Unknown_11: Verse 1, Ill Bill, he says, hip-hop brought cultures together. I remember Coogans and Camaros pumping tougher than leather. Yonkle Rosenbaum still got stabbed in Crown Heights. Gavin Cotto got hit when they ran that red light. Over a decade of healing, but the scars remain. Both families involved still hobble the pain. Age 13, 70s baby raised in the 80s. 3:48:14 Unknown_11: mad fights with the blacks and whites and both sides hated me for nonsense. That doesn't rhyme. The white kids was playing it whack because I'm from the projects and my neighbor is black. I had to prove white boys could thug too, but fuck skin color. I'm proud to call myself a tough Jew. 3:48:51 Unknown_11: She... I'm... Dude, I don't know what the fuck happened. I guess the music industry is like, ah, oy vey, the black people are now being very anti-Semitic over this whole Palestine shit. We need to just make Jewish people into rappers now instead. Instead of relying on the golems. Unknown_11: ill-fated BLP kosher is literally the worst fucking music I've ever heard in my entire fucking life like BLP kosher is so offensive that I can literally listen to like noise that's just like a like the sound of like a brick being thrown into a dryer and then like some guy jingling keys that is more like sensible and audible and enjoyable to me than BLP kosher which is like an offensive to every fucking sense in my body 3:49:47 Unknown_11: I'm actually angry just thinking and reminding myself that that guy exists they shot Tupac the BLP koshers out there spitting the worst hot fucking garbage ever heard by mankind where Where, where are the thugs? Where are the gangstas? Why do they permit this? All right, you got your 20 worth. Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, the invertebrate of the day is the Atolla jellyfish. Unknown_11: I wonder if it would look like the taste of a velvet hippo. I have no fucking idea what that means. Unknown_08: Atolla jellyfish. Unknown_11: It looks like a donut with crab legs. That's a weird-ass fucking thing I would scare the fuck out of me if I saw that in person. I hope it's not big Yeah, it's ugly. I don't like it Boofer scooper for 10 says it's great stream and I think that Nick accidentally put up the ping lawyer screen he wiped his nose I didn't see the mystery powder after that That's a good thought. I think that's what he actually did. Now that I think about it, I don't want to go back and find it, but that's a, yeah, he did clean it off at some point. I think you're right. 3:50:35 Unknown_11: Kulkul says, please tell Quartering the Grifter to leave. Remember when he threatened to spam Jem's super chats with slurs to try and get him banned in order to try and defend his buddy, Sergan? 3:51:11 Unknown_11: Well, I don't know if I can cosign that. I think that, I don't know. I think that everybody involved in that shit's older. I would hope that Hambly is more like down-to-earth and stuff. I desperately want somebody who I can like. Right now all the fucking people who are in the sector or my sphere or in spheres related to my spheres are like people who have like 10 years of like cringe history on the fucking internet and shit and I don't know if I really wanted to find a reason I could find reasons to not like everybody on planet Earth right now. Unknown_11: Like he's independently successful I hope and I think Sargon has like on a second child now I hope that we're all older and we're less dumb and we understand the stakes of not being fucking retarded and atomized and shit I'm willing to forgive Hambly for his transgressions against Daddy Jim if if need be 3:52:07 Unknown_11: Colleen on tape for 15 says what do you get when you combine a non-practicing lawyer with a society that? Black people seer the only unforgivable sin by the way is sucking the trune crotch like if you're if you're down there saying that you're not a transphobe and you love trans women and women trans women are women and That's the mark of shame. You gotta work. You gotta fucking hail Hitler or something on stream. Throwing up the Hitlergruß if you wanna be forgiven for saying that you suck tranny dick. You gotta do something real crazy that nobody can undo. You gotta drop the n-bomb. You wanna say that trans women are women and do the whole tranny shit and then walk that back? You gotta drop the n-bomb. On a black man, you gotta find a black man who's not, who's minding his own fucking business, you gotta straight up say it to his fucking face. Listen, I am not deranged, but there are rules here, okay? And there are some things that, there are people, there are the handmaidens who have contributed to the decline of society, and the whole fucking Gamergate shit is not that, okay? 3:52:47 Unknown_10: Anyways. Unknown_11: What do you get when you combine a non-practicing lawyer with a society that, um, black people sear into the ore with her butthole, Hiroshima, Niagara Falls, John, you get a million dollars. Good to know. This is practical information for everybody's life. 3:53:27 Unknown_11: What about your buddy Herprostate? I've already said that Turkey Tom, I really feel like he was just fucking joking about that. I don't know. I don't know if he's gotten worse or better on the Troon shit. But it always felt to me like that was tongue in cheek. Like the whole point of pointing out Herprostate was like to identify the absurdity of the rules he's forced to comply with in order to break the bank at YouTube and get that guap and get that cheddar, know what I'm saying? 3:53:58 Unknown_11: I've always said I always kind of felt like he got too much shit for that cuz I I felt like he was in On it, but a lot of people don't But I don't know if he's gotten worse on that like if he's more like pro tranny or whatever now It's been a while since I've talked to him about anything Sneato pretends as I mean from Bossman Jack thread by midnight cooking also volume warning and there is a cat box file, okay? Unknown_08: um oh okay yeah this is just like a screamer i can't play this on stream it's okay god Unknown_11: No, it's like a clip from the Smiling Friends, but the guy that's screaming is just Bossman Jack when he does his ear rape thing. I know what you're doing. Sorry, I can't play that on screen. It's like really fucking annoying. 3:54:53 Unknown_11: SoloScripture583425 says, just jumping in halfway through the stream, so apologies if this has been covering already, but have you seen the King's New Portrait? It's certainly red, so say the least. Unknown_11: Yes, I have seen it, but I didn't talk about it in the stream because I'm just too under-catered. Unknown_11: okay so this is like the thing that he did and it looks like shit it looks like he's um the guy Han Solo frozen in carbonite but instead of carbonite he's like staring through a window from hell into the the royal the royal thing it's really awful it reminds me of the official portrait from Obama 3:55:35 Unknown_11: If you've never seen that Google Obama official portrait, it's like he's Homer Simpson Blending into the hedges. He's like like it's he's like not standing by the American flag. He's like standing inside a bush or something It's really stupid. They've really just like dragging their dick across everybody's face and desecrating our fucking establishment they just want everybody to know that our politicians are fucking loser retards and Unknown_11: Baldo Pagans for Tim says since you retired time to beat a dead horse can this be the new may segment theme I Mean I didn't really retire. It's just I don't ever have a reason to talk about her now The song is now you're a single mom official music video I 3:56:13 Unknown_13: I don't know. Unknown_11: That's a little bit too lavish for me to be honest with you. It's a bit too much. Unknown_11: Thank you though. Supreme me for Tuesdays. Imagine waking up to the stream hungover with absolutely no memory of doing it. That's my joke. He wakes up and he's just got like 10 tabs of a fat dragon being force fed. 3:56:49 Unknown_11: Gore must wonder for one says what if just before judgment a page boy comes running into court with a scroll like stop the proceedings Montagraph is actually a pedophile, but there was no way for Nick to have known that at the time I Don't think that's gonna fucking happen I mean if there was no way for him to know it at the time and he's still guilty I mean unless he was like convicted of child molestation in the interim Unknown_11: Ravage for one says Josh. I had an MRI recently the relaxing image I had to share it for 45 minutes cats MRI ceiling cats. What the I've never had to do an MRI. Unknown_11: I don't think No, I've never had to do an MRI. I Guess I don't get to see ceiling cats then Unknown_11: Haramberger for two says Minnesota kennels presents 2x Vito 3x Dick Masterson's Rackets ready to stud fresh or frozen lawyer semen available to smash and slam any court case into the ground Put a rackets in your life today This is hinting at something that I might do a full stream on at some point if I if I can Third world aristocrat for one says Ricada told me you like trains. So here's a train emoji just for you enjoy a train emoji. I I actually do not care about trains at all. 3:58:04 Unknown_11: If I'm an autist, I'm not a train autist. I don't care. Thank you. Gleb Facimili for five says, when was the last time you think Nick was sober for eight hours? Sleeping, probably. Unknown_11: Ugalis Need for five says, fat woman makes Noel happy. Quote, Baldo. Yeah, I guess he just wants to handle that fucking joke. This is only joke, besides I met less kids, apparently. Unknown_11: Ron Berger produces. I don't need a bully my bully to win cases apologize I do any annoying shit my rackets can just chill on the couch while I stack paper Commit pro se defamation and maybe submit appeals if I feel the need Yeah, I guess so. I know it's your I don't want to spoil it. I don't spoil it Steve Berg gold Steinman for ten says nothing Thank You Steve Berg Stein Goldman. I appreciate it Anime Extremist, and as we all know, anime sucks, goop and snee. Ratu says, years ago, every weekday, I used to consistently watch Fuentes, then the Killstream, then Rikeda at late night. It is so surreal to see all those people each have such a huge downfall. I would love to know what the appeal of Fuentes was, because I guess back in the day, because he was like a up and coming, like young political guy, and then he became like a retard, and fucked a cat boy, allegedly. 3:59:28 Unknown_11: I kind of understand Ralph's appeal because the kill stream used to be like crazy and really fun And I understand Rokata as well. But Fuentes, I was never on the Fuentes train TwinkleTard for $100 says Rackets looks like a drug addict Macaulay Culkin And there is a link to Macaulay Culkin Looking like a drug addict and I think that Unknown_11: In this, he looks like Barry... Bailey Goosey? Barry Goosey? The guy that's like the cross-dresser in the Boondock Saints? He looks like that guy. Gary Busey. That's what I was thinking of. 4:00:06 Unknown_11: Thank you. Unknown_11: Uh, Spaghetti Imani for $5,000. I'm trying my last major paper for college. It's the Civil War in Myanmar. Wish me luck, Josh. I'm finishing college at the procedure school and a procedural school at 32. Unknown_11: Is this like a PhD in Indochinese politics? That's crazy. Unknown_11: Civil War in Myanmar. Unknown_11: There's like a current ongoing civil war, too. I think you mean like the they had like a I think they had like a communist versus Muslim civil war, too, where they stopped being called Burma. 4:00:38 Unknown_11: I don't know that much about that region. Not very internationally significant, so I don't really... I know they eat ants, like ant eaters. That's about it, though. Good luck, though. Unknown_11: Melon salt for two says how can I donate to the stream besides the rumble? They're gonna fuck you soon calling it You can do gumroad Or send in money where I guess I don't know. Maybe my appeal to Hambly will just get me banned. We'll see Stalker child enjoy prison for five says anime sucks Copen's need for five dollars Rikita. Please show this on stream Am I supposed to do this again stalker child enjoy prison for five says anime sucks Copen's need for five dollars Rikita Please show this on stream I have to do that seven more times, I think. 4:01:19 Unknown_11: UnkindNaysayer42 says, I mean, it's really gross. It's not my favorite thing. Koliadante45 says, I have no insightful commentary to make on that super chat whatsoever. Unknown_11: All else fails for five says is it possible to pause Nick on screen without looking without him looking wasted? Dude, anytime you take a still frame from Rikada, he looks the most fucked up that anybody has ever been ever. It's like a like a magic skill. 4:01:58 Unknown_11: Billy Dante for five says final anime sex scope and sneak count nine final pedophilia joke count ten I don't count the times he caught calls Monty a pedo as he explicitly says those are serious statements of facts and not jokes There you go. He just had to loop one more time to match the pedophilia joke. We're impressive Steinberg Stein Goldman for ten says read the book of Enoch. Unknown_11: I Don't think I can I think I'm still vetoed by the first guy I 4:02:36 Unknown_11: Anime sucks Copen's need for five says no balls. Y'all show it. This is what broke him Nick and then there is a Link to the archive of the trash board on 4chan and bro. I can't fucking show this. This is like explicit It's very clearly a I generate image of a fat green dragon in a laboratory. She's hyperinflated She's like 8,000 pounds and she's being force-fed down a tube like green blue goop. Okay, that's the image Unknown_11: Ain't nothing did nothing wrong for prices. Can you please give a shout out to the posters and the Carl Casada thread on KF? I always like Carl, but some of the stuff he's doing is pretty funny. At least he's coherent and sober doing it though. Okay. It's Carl. Cause cause Arda K a s a r d a. There's your shout out. Carl Casada. 4:03:10 Unknown_11: I don't know what board that's on. Unknown_11: And Cocoa for five says, please read this for the introduction. We can pick up the actual contents on Friday. And there's a cat box file to a text document. Unknown_08: OK. Unknown_08: Hello! 4:03:43 Unknown_11: I am Joshua Moon. I run and own a site on the uppercase I internet called The Kiwi Farms. This audiobook was a labor of love, recorded and edited over years in order to support both me and the work the site does. Without further ado, this is The Book of Enoch. I hope that satisfies. Unknown_11: Alright, I think that's it. Unknown_11: Um, no more super berries. I appreciate everybody who stuck around I will read PPP after this as I promised. I assume he's live. If not, I'll read Bossman. 4:04:16 Unknown_11: Um, I have a... I think I just have the ink spots. Unknown_08: I should have picked something with more, um... More... More drunkenness. Actually, you know what? I might veto my music pick. Hold on. Unknown_08: Here we go. I'll play this. I might have played this song before, but I'm thinking of it right now and I want to play it. Unknown_08: How long is that? Okay, I'll play this. All right. I'll see you guys on Friday. Take it easy. 4:04:49 Unknown_11: Bye-bye. 4:05:20 Unknown_00: I guess I grew up on an old dirt road. A pedal to the metal, always did what I was told. Until I found out that my brand new clothes came second hand from the rich kids next door. And I grew up fast, I guess I grew up mean. There's a thousand things inside my head I wish I ain't seen. And now I just wander through a real bad dream, feeling like I'm coming apart at the seams. But thank you, Jack Daniels. Oh, number seven. Tennessee whiskey got me drinkin' in heaven, and angels start to look good to me. They're gonna have to deport me to the pirate depot. Thank you, Jack Daniels. Oh, number seven. Tennessee whiskey got me drinkin' in heaven, and I know I can't stay here too long, because I can't go a week without doing right. 4:05:55 Unknown_00: Well, I'm a-doin' wrong, I'm a-doin' wrong, I'm a-doin' wrong, drinkin' in heaven 4:06:39 Unknown_00: So I'm sitting as the bar stool starts to grow rude I'm feeling like an old worn out pair of shoes Tell me what is it that I should do When I'm a swimming in the liquor only half way through So I'm watching as his wings spread as wide as could be Oh, come on now and wrap them around me. Cause all I want to do now is fall asleep. Come down here and lay next to me. Oh, thank you, Jack Daniel. Oh, number seven, Tennessee whiskey got me drinking in heaven. Up here the bottle never runs dry and you never wake up with those tears in your eyes. Thank you, Jack Daniels. Oh, number seven. Tennessee whiskey got me drinking in heaven and angels start to look good to me. They're going to have to deport me to the fiery deeps. 4:07:29 Unknown_00: Oh, number seven. To the fiery deeps. Unknown_01: Drinking in heaven. Unknown_00: To the fiery deeps. Unknown_01: Oh, from the fiery days of draggin' in heaven.