0:02:31 Unknown_02: Eiffel 65's Blue by Cornelius Link in Bardcore. Bardcore is a thing, apparently. Someone sent me... I played that Nirvana song in RuneScape, old school RuneScape Soundfront, and someone thought it was like a really bad Bardcore version of that song, so they got angry and sent me a DM saying, play a good Bardcore song. I was like, okay, fine, I will. Motherfucker. Unknown_02: hello chat this is matt at the internet i have never done like a proper introduction ever in my entire life where i just say like hello this is matt at the internet i am the streamer my name is joshua i run a web site called the kiwi farm um today we're talking about asinine stupid bullshit i hope you enjoy and i have a monster they're good stuff ready to go 0:03:26 Unknown_02: All right. Before, as always, before we get into the... No, I'm going to play something first, and then I'm going to do my roundups. I've decided to do it differently today. Unknown_02: This is not what I wanted to show you. You cannot do this to me. Hold up one second. Let me find it again. It was just on Twitter. Unknown_02: See, from my following, it was a really bad song. See, I had this all mapped out in my fucking head before I am a retard. 0:04:02 Unknown_02: Where is this? Unknown_02: Oh, there we go. Okay, this is, I was going to say, I was tempted to play this banger intro song, but I decided to go with the bard choral. Here, let's listen to this. Unknown_06: Put a bullet in a kid's head Think they got a sickness If they're not dressed up straight But what happens in the closet Doesn't matter if you profit From the flag of the USA You're too fucking old You do as you're told You base your life off your nation's scroll Out there burning wedges Filling up the ditches Tell me, can I still be saved? 0:04:41 Unknown_02: No. Well, I can't say that. I mean, technically it's possible. We're going to be talking about a troon who found the Jesus in their final months, but so far this is not one of them. Unknown_02: Yeah, what a fucking tragedy. We've got to save those trans kids. There's a common reply to this, but it's very accurate. It's just like, how can you say that you are punk, that you are counterculture, when everything you say, everything you do is 100% in line with everything around you? Besides, like, Elon Musk and J.K. Rowling and a couple fringe retard websites like the Kiwi Farms. You're not punk. You're just gay. 0:05:14 Unknown_02: Anyways, okay, so now the roundup. Unknown_02: I have a request. I have a special request. If you are an animator, and I don't even know how to ask for this, because I'm not necessarily asking for a video for an animation. Like, I've commissioned animations from Sven Stoffels, who does a lot of cool stuff, but I was on Comic Book recently. 0:05:49 Unknown_02: Oh, jeez. I'm gonna... I feel like such an asshole. I fucking own his comic. I did a whole... I read through it. And now that I want to promote it in some way... What the fuck is the name of it? Hold on. I feel bad right now. Sven Stoffel's comic. Like Killface or something. Unknown_21: I know that's the name of the guy from... Someone in chat saying... Unknown_21: Killigan. Unknown_02: Butch Killigan. Jeez. I don't, I'm so, I'm so embarrassed that I forgot the name of his comic because I read through it and not only, not only did I, I thought, not only did I think it was decent, I thought it was good. And I thought it was good just because, um, it has like a very bare bones plot, but it's like, It's, Sven Stoffel's art style is so good, and he put in all sorts of really crazy, like, psychedelic visuals that were, like, extremely unnecessarily gratuitously well done, and they made flipping through it actually very enjoyable for someone who does not read comic books at all, so... 0:06:27 Unknown_02: That's not my point, though. I was saying I need an animator who can do, like... I don't even want to say 3D. It's kind of hard to explain. I want somebody who could... I guess this will spoil it a little bit. 0:07:02 Unknown_02: Who can animate my background. If you think you have what it takes to put this JPEG that I've been using for five years into an animation true to its art style... Unknown_02: um let me know because when i am back in the us and i have proper internet again i'm going to take everything seriously and i want to update how i present my stream a little bit just a little bit i want to refresh it and call it season three so if you're somebody who can do an animation similar to the background but just take its elements and make them in motion get in touch get in touch with me mad at the internet at protonmail.com the easiest to remember shortest email address ever made pro and i'm the internet at protonmail.com i will pay you i will commission send me your work um i will i will uh reward you i will compensate your time and effort with cash money or preferably cryptocurrency of your choice 0:07:46 Unknown_02: That's the first thing that I want to catch up on. Second thing, I have worked on Schneid Foro, and I want to share the fruits of my efforts just a little bit. Unknown_02: So what I've done, I've done a couple things. So... Unknown_02: my code my code was getting a little bit messy and i had i had set up models if this if you don't know programming at all just like let your eyes glaze over i'll be done with this in a second i i want to do an mbc so i set up models and then i put a lot of the database logic in the models and then i realized i need to set up repositories so i can abstract the databasing from the models and so i did And then I took that a step further and I actually set up proper views. And to do this, I can basically dump a ton of database content into what I call collections. And then I can put those into groups called collates, which are instances, single instances of an object from a collection. 0:08:51 Unknown_02: And I can pass that entirely by reference, which if you don't know, is very, very, very fast. And it's so small, the object is in bytes. It's like less than 64 bytes. It can cache inside a CPU's core. 0:09:24 Unknown_02: Which means it doesn't have to be read from memory. If you can cache objects inside the CPU, it's extremely, extremely fast. So after a lot of work, like literally thousands of lines of code over the weekend, I managed to get it so that not only does it work as it did before, it works better and now there are proper attachments to the post. And this right here is an obscene, I promise you, an obscene amount of work to be able to make it so that the database is organized. You can take a message, post it in a thread that belongs in a node, and then the message and the attachment, the attachment goes through a thumbnail process that returns an image and then creates multiple thumbnails that are also stored in the database. And then it takes all that and rewinds that into these collections and very, very expedient, what I call the collates. Um, so that it can be rendered in, um, a, the templating engine that I use is, uh, actually compiled into the code, um, which is unusual. I'm not sure if I'll keep that forever, but, um, because it's compiled the, um, 0:10:05 Unknown_02: It's basically the same as just like hard coding the HTML into the application. And that is extremely fast. So this entire page and all the thumbnails and all the database queries are done in six milliseconds. And if I change something, it would probably duck under five milliseconds. And to compare that, a thread on the Kiwi Farms will load in like 300 milliseconds. And that's with all the crazy optimizations I've done to get it working on a server that has 256 cores and shit. 0:10:44 Unknown_02: So, my point is that I put in a lot of work, and if you don't care, you don't care. I just realized I probably can't show that guy's avatar on stream. This is a weird thing where I don't allow not-safe-for-work avatars, but he's had that avatar. What's his number? 44651. 0:11:18 Unknown_02: I bet you he's been around since 2019, and he's never changed it. And nobody's ever reported this avatar as being not-safe-for-work. So I've just not bothered to force them to change it. But now I don't know. I mean, it is covered. It is covered, so it's not that big of a deal. But I'm mildly worried that one of the nine platforms I stream on will ding me for that if someone reports it. Unknown_02: Anyway, they've done a lot of work. Unknown_02: And there's a lot more to go. There's just so much. It's like you can't... Unknown_02: I can't even really summarize. It's very overwhelming. By the way, I took the time. It doesn't work. 0:11:55 Unknown_02: Did I fuck it up? I can't believe that. I thought I fixed that. Hold up. Let me fix that right fucking now. Oh, man. Unknown_21: No, I did fix that. Why doesn't that work? Unknown_21: I thought I had fixed the sticky super chat messages. They don't work. Unknown_02: Oh, she's wearing a nude top, so it's like she has a form-fitting shirt on, so you can't see anything. I see. 0:12:31 Unknown_03: Okay. Unknown_03: Alright, well that explains why it's never been reported. Unknown_02: Anyways, what was I talking about? I never, I didn't fix the super jets. I thought I did. I tried to, and I didn't do it correctly, so I don't know what the fuck's wrong with that. Unknown_02: Um, what was the other thing I was going to talk about? Unknown_02: That's it, that's it for the catch up. Unknown_02: I think I fixed Odyssey and I think I fixed the Twitter restream. So we're back, we're getting closer to 100%. I will still be streaming at 720p for the foreseeable future. 0:13:03 Unknown_24: Because that is life. Unknown_24: Cool. Unknown_21: So, all that, let me make sure everything is running correctly. Unknown_21: That looks right. That looks right. Now that does not look right. I don't know why Kik... Dude, there's a thing where if you open the developer console on Kik and you look at the... 0:13:35 Unknown_02: at the console you see all these error messages and there is like a constant stream of error messages in the developer console for kick because for whatever reason the code that updates the live number of viewers on the stream itself is like broken and they've just never fucking fixed that so kick reports zero viewers almost continuously for reasons completely unknown to me Unknown_02: I think that what they're doing is that the actual Kik platform is written in PHP. And if you were to try and have the tens of thousands of people using Kik to actually use PHP for the live stream chats and stuff, it would just explode. So they outsource every single API endpoint that's on their platform. And they pay out the ass for these premium enterprise level endpoints. Like fully CDN, cloud. 0:14:33 Unknown_02: international web socket endpoints. And as a result, it's just like a clusterfuck and everything is fucking broken all the time on Kik. Unknown_02: That, chat, is a future I hope to avoid with Rust. Unknown_02: Okay, let's do some politics and for the politics, chat, we are going to need... Actually, let me try refreshing this. Maybe that will work. Unknown_02: No, actually, it broke it even more. Excellent. Cool. Actually, let me fix that real quick. Unknown_02: I decided to change something on live. And I made an oopsie whoopsie fucky wucky. Alright, that's fine. 0:15:08 Unknown_02: Okay, now, actually, sticky chats might work now. Someone else sent in money. Sorry, to that one guy who sent in money, and then I deleted it immediately. Someone else sent in money. It's not a trick, I promise. I want to see preferably a high amount, so we can figure out if this actually sticks. Show me that hamster. Hell yeah. Unknown_21: Size him up a bit. I need a bigger hamster. Unknown_21: All right, that works, right? 0:15:41 Unknown_02: And then we do this, and then I show you the video, and then we talk about it. That's how the stream works. Unknown_02: Watch again. The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own. Actually, sorry, I listen to this. I have brain damage, and so I listen to everything at 2x, even like recaps on my streams. Unknown_02: The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money. Unknown_00: it obviously begs the question, why exactly are we borrowing in a currency that we print ourselves? I'm waiting for someone to stand up and say, why do we borrow our own currency in the first place? 0:16:18 Unknown_15: Like you said, they print the dollar, so why does the government even borrow? Unknown_01: Well, again, some of this stuff gets Unknown_01: some of the language that the MM, some of the language and concepts are just confusing. I mean, the government definitely prints money, and it definitely lends that money, which is why, the government definitely prints money, and then it lends that money by selling bonds. Is that what they do? Unknown_01: They, yeah, they sell bonds, yeah, they sell bonds, right, since they sell bonds and people buy the bonds and lend them the money. Yeah. 0:17:00 Unknown_01: A lot of times, at least to my ear with MMT, the language and the concepts can be unnecessarily confusing, but there is no question that the government prints money and then it uses that money to... What does the government use money for? I can't really talk. I don't get it. I don't know what they're talking about. It's like, Unknown_01: The government clearly prints money, does it all the time, and it clearly borrows, otherwise we wouldn't be having this debt and deficit conversation. So I don't think there's anything confusing there. This is the chair. 0:17:37 Unknown_02: Jared Bernstein, chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, who directly, personally advises the Biden government on American finances. One of the most complicated and powerful financial systems which has ever existed in human history. And this dumb motherfucker cannot explain in any terms why the government borrows money. 0:18:13 Unknown_02: Here is why the government borrows money, in case you're curious. Yes, it is true. Unknown_02: When we print money, we are devaluing the value of American dollars everywhere. All of our allies, all the governments in the world, actually, besides, I think, Russia and maybe North Korea. Actually, no, North Korea has lots of dollars. I think Iran does, too. I think every country in the entire world, except Russia... holds U.S. dollars in their bank account. And when we print money, we don't just steal from you. We don't just steal from bank accounts of American businesses and American people, which is what happens when we print money because the value of the dollar becomes less. We steal from our allies. We have enslaved... all of the world under our economic system including the people who rely on us in foreign countries and we steal their fucking money because they have to handle US dollars for most things and they keep a lot of it in store so the reason why we can print so much money without an immediate collapse of our financial system is that we simply steal continuously and everyone knows that we steal and they have no choice but to allow us to steal from them because we are the United States of America 0:19:17 Unknown_02: The other question is, why do we pay taxes? If the government already steals from us by printing money, why do we pay taxes? And the reason why is that if you were to actually pay taxes in dollars, which is, it costs money now. If you don't file online and pay digitally, they actually charge you a fee, I'm pretty sure the IRS does, for the burden of making them deal with your filthy fucking money. physical dollars. They don't even want to see them. But if we did pay taxes with cash, you know what they would do with that money? Assuming that we had an all cash system and that digital currency did not exist, what would they do? They would take that money and they would burn it. They would burn your money because that's what taxes is. It is deflation. It is removing money from the system. So we pay taxes so that the money can be burned and then reprinted effectively. 0:19:48 Unknown_02: Now, we could theoretically just stop paying taxes. We could completely abolish the tax system and just print money. And the effect would be the same in terms of the amount of money created because we would just have to print more of it and we'd devalue the dollar faster. But deflating the currency helps avoid superinflation and, as a benefit... When we tax money, we actually take money more from specific people in specific organizations and give it to other people in other organizations. So it is a redistribution of wealth. We don't tax people flat. We tax people based on how much money they have and how much they bribe the government to create tax loopholes for them. So it incentivizes the government to keep taxes going so that we can punish specific groups and specific organizations more than we do other groups and organizations, as opposed to printing money, which would be fair to everybody, basically. So that's why we don't do that. Question is, why do we borrow money? We borrow money because we also lend it. And this is kind of, I think, hard for people to understand. The reason why we bankrupt our Medicare system and our our 0:20:59 Unknown_02: Yeah, Medicare and our Social Security, is that we're actually lending that money to ourselves. We take the money out of a trust, out of an established government trust, and then we give it to other branches of the government for them to spend as a loan. So there's actually an extremely complicated... roster of debtors paying back loans to other entities in the government. 0:21:33 Unknown_02: And the logic is that Medicare and Social Security actually makes more money when we do loans this way. Unknown_02: That's the actual logic. Why do we take money from Social Security? Because we actually just lend it to ourselves and then we pay interest on loans that we gave ourselves so that Social Security actually makes money in the long run. That's why they do it. Unknown_02: So he mentioned MMT. That stands for Modern Monetary Theory. The way I would describe MMT to an average person is that Modern Monetary Theory is kind of like the nuclear bomb. As much as we look back at Austrian economics and silver and gold and we think, God, I wish money was real again, you can never go back to that because MMT is extremely good at accelerating growth. The way that we do fractional reserve lending and we lend money to lend money to lend money to borrow money to lend money. and so on and so forth, and we create these complicated networks of lenders and payees that makes up the economy, it's really, really good at getting shit done, even though it's a fucking nightmare, and it permits a specific cabal of people to control how the world works by controlling the flow of money that Austrian economics does not. 0:22:18 Unknown_02: So in the same way that the nuclear bomb basically stopped conventional warfare between major powers, modern monetary theory effectively makes obsolete Austrian economics and more traditional money theories. In the same way that a standing army can't beat a nuclear bomb, Austrian economics cannot beat modern monetary theory, heads up. 0:23:10 Unknown_02: Now, with the nuclear bomb, you have machine learning, and you have AI, and we're going to have missile defense systems that will stop an intercontinental ballistic missile from traveling with a nuclear payload from California or Hawaii to China eventually. And when AI is integrated into defense systems like that, the nuclear bomb will only be as dangerous as far as you can throw it, and conventional warfare will probably become... Unknown_02: viable again. And I predict that that's what's going to happen in the next 10 to 20 years, is that there's going to be a conditional war because it will be impossible to deliver a nuclear warhead to Beijing to stop them from doing something like, say, taking back Taiwan. As far as modern monetary theory, it's collapsing right now in real time. We see it breaking apart. We see people like this who are supposed to be experts trying to talk about this monster that they've created, and they don't even understand it. They don't know the basics. that a child can learn through Economics 101 right now. 0:23:58 Unknown_02: How does money work? I don't fucking know. I just run the Council of Economic Advisors. Why the fuck are you asking me this? What a bullshit question. So it's dying. But in the same way that machine learning was like this black swan event that makes obsolete all these other things that we've taken for granted for like 80 fucking years, what's going to replace modern monetary theory? 0:24:38 Unknown_02: who knows I'm sure it will be a nightmare that's my that's my theory maybe we'll just get rid of money as a concept and everything will be a direct we'll just go back to like the feudal system everything will be a direct vassalage to the king and money doesn't exist and we're just given what the king gives us speaking of speaking of Unknown_02: It's time for a very rare event. I don't think such an event has ever happened on the Mad at the Internet stream chat, but I have to say, God save the Queen. I don't care if she's dead. Don't even try me on this. Unknown_02: You see, chat, in the United Kingdom, 0:25:38 Unknown_02: They have decided to start shutting down gray market pharmaceutical websites selling hormones online. Unknown_02: That's right, Chad. Was it the FDA, one of the most powerful enforcement bodies to ever exist in human history, that went down and just stomped on these fucking websites that are selling hormones to kids? No, it was not. It was England. It was the UK. It was the turf island that decided enough is enough. That's a shame, isn't it? And then just decided, you know what, we're going to subpoena you, and we're going to subpoena your domain registrars, And we're going to subpoena Cloudflare. And we're going to tell Google to de-index your websites. And we're going to stomp and stomp and stomp all over your fucking tranny nuts. And I can't even believe it. What a shocker. 0:26:19 Unknown_02: You would have told me that the UK had done something based. Unknown_02: I would not have believed you. Unknown_03: Canada, however, is doing nothing right. Unknown_02: This is the People's Voice TV. Canada to imprison anyone who has ever posted a hate speech online. Unknown_02: This guy says, the Trudeau regime has introduced a new law called the Online Harms Bill, C-63, which would give police the power to retroactively search the uppercase I internet for hate speech, violations, and arrest offenders. See, this is how you know it's real news, because this guy spelled the internet correctly. Even if the offense occurred before the law existed, that is fucking illegal. Like, in the U.S., you can't do that. There's a very fancy Latin term for the U.S. concept that you cannot retroactively break a law. That's ridiculous. That would never fly. That would be immediately overturned in the Supreme Court. 0:26:59 Unknown_02: But post-ex facto, that's correct. That is the... Fancy Latin term that I was thinking of. God, it's so nice to have chat in real time again. I've missed my chat being on the same page as me as I talk. But he continues, the new bill is aimed at safeguarding the masses from so-called hate speech. Revolver News reports the real shocker in this bill is the alarming retroactive aspect. Essentially, whatever you've said in the past can now be weaponized against you by today's draconian standards. Historian Dr. Muro Blade has weighed in on the draconian law, labeling it as outright mad. She points out how it literally spits in the face of all Western legal traditions, especially the one about only being punished if you infringe on a law that was valid at the time of committing a crime. 0:28:07 Unknown_02: That is true. Unknown_02: Ex post facto laws are... I want to say completely... I'm going to ask somebody. Unknown_21: Let me ask. Unknown_21: But... Unknown_21: by the way x post facto laws i have to type this on my phone unconstitutional are exposed 0:28:52 Unknown_21: okay great we'll find out chat second jack dorsey leaves a blue skyboard and calls x freedom technology this guy is a fucking retard um i kind of want to i kind of want to like him um but he has that first of all he has that um that cuckold beard what the fuck was that guy's name it was another jack who's the jack that was a cuckold and had this beard Unknown_02: I am told that ex post facto laws are completely unconstitutional and it's actually explicitly written into the U.S. Constitution. Bro, okay, let's go back to the Canada thing, now that I know this. Unknown_02: I have been told my entire life that the United States enforces... Jack Murphy, that's the guy I was thinking about with the beard. I've been told my entire life that the United States goes into foreign countries and enforces democracy and the... the democratic way of life. Like in Helldivers, a game that may be mentioned later in the stream for reasons unknown. However, 0:29:45 Unknown_02: We have friends in need. Just north of the 48th, or is it 49th? I think it's the 49th parallel. Just north of the 49th parallel are people, freedom-loving people, under the boot of a... Under the boot... Okay, I said it more Canadian the first time. Under the boot of the oppressive regime they find themselves under. And they're being denied essential liberty. They're being... convicted of crimes that did not exist as crimes until many years later i believe that we need to go in and liberate the fuck out of canada and i think if you were to pull canadians do you want to be a canadian state or an american state i think you would probably at least get alberta but we can't just stop at alberta because i've gone over this and it would make the the borders of the country look really really really really ugly so british columbia sorry you're on board And maybe also the Yukon, just to even things out and make it look nice. But you've got Quebec. And what does Quebec have? You've got the Hudson Bay. And if you're going to take Quebec, you're also going to need that other shitty little thing between those two states. I don't even know the name of them. Between Alberta and Quebec. We've got to take those two because otherwise they'll look ugly. You can't have border war. That's illegal. That's internationally illegal. And you know what they got up there? They got oil. They got gold. They got fucking gold up in the Yukon. Yukon Joe up there with his pickaxe. Dodging, um, uh, the, the, it's not Sasquatch. What the fuck was his name? The Abominable Snowman? Yeah. Getting gold and stuff. Dude, they got resources. I'm just saying. And, and, and, here's the fun thing. 0:31:17 Unknown_02: uranium here's what uh nobody even i don't think most people would if i were to say what kind of of resources does canada have that would be valuable to everybody um they got everything okay they got everything that you would think in the ground but think above the ground chat what does canada have above the ground more than any other country in the world castoreum is the first person i saw who got that right water fresh water there is more fresh water frozen on the land in canada than I think in the rest of the world combined. Like if you were to pour the Great Lakes out onto the Antarctic, you would have less frozen water than you would have in Canada right now. So if you want to slop some fresh mineral water, okay, you got to go to Canada for that. And if they're up there and they've decided that all the fresh water in the entire world belongs to like 1,000 remaining indigenous Eskimo people, they don't even want to be called Eskimos, 0:32:04 Unknown_02: Who are all cuckolds, by the way. Actually, all that frozen fresh water, it's Eskimo frozen fresh water. They're going to go fuck each other's wives and jerk off watching on that frozen... Nah. Nah, bitch. We didn't respect the Afghans fucking goats in the hills. You think we're going to respect your Eskimos and their frozen water? Nah. We're going to have to find somewhere else to live. We'll put them on a reservation somewhere. Maybe in, what's a shithole? California. We're going to move on. All those Eskimos, you get a free one-way trip to L.A. 0:32:39 Unknown_02: You can start up some weird reality TV shows about being Eskimos in L.A. Because we want some fresh water, and you're sitting on it. 0:33:16 Unknown_02: Alright, listen. Unknown_02: Jack, anyways. Enough about Canada. I'm sick of Canada. Jack Murphy. I almost called him Jack Murphy because it was on my mind. Unknown_02: At some point... Jack Dorsey, who was the long-running CEO of Zitter before it became X. Before Elon bought it. Unknown_02: At some point... Unknown_02: There was a time where Twitter was extremely, extremely cuckolded. It was like a walled garden for homosexuals to beat off into each other's mouths and nothing else. 0:33:53 Unknown_02: But the problem was, some of those homosexuals beating off into each other's mouths would also say, I'm not sure if I'm quite okay with this whole trans business. And they would... begrudgingly tolerate that perspective. And so there was both an extreme contingent of like anarcho capitalist trannies. Um, okay. Here were the three groups that were not welcome on Twitter by the end of Twitter becoming X. Okay. The, um, extreme far left who were afraid of any contrary opinions, uh, lolly cons from Japan, uh, who wanted to share lolly con, uh, and neo-Nazis, and basically anyone further right than Obama. 0:34:37 Unknown_02: I think that's a good way to put it. So like the majority of the entire world, besides like a very, not even the majority, but the majority of like politically active people and a good amount of the Japanese were not permitted on Twitter for the purposes of what they want to use it for. So the Fediverse began ticking up in popularity. And I've talked about it before, but the Fediverse is basically a defederated or a federated Twitter. It's kind of like an email. Unknown_02: If Twitter worked like email, that's the best way to put it. 0:35:09 Unknown_02: And for whatever reason, Jack Dorsey, who was at the time the CEO of Twitter, did not like the Fediverse, but he liked the idea of the Fediverse. So he started up his own project called Blue Sky that was supposed to be the exact same fucking thing. It's supposed to be Twitter, but works like email, but it's just not the Fediverse. I have no clue. I think actually there was one thing... Unknown_02: There was a couple reasons why he didn't like the Fediverse. It was something about blocking. Like, the way that blocking worked didn't work. Unknown_02: That's killing me. I wish I... I don't have my messenger. I'd ask Crunklord. He knows this. There's a specific way that the Fediverse works that didn't... 0:35:49 Unknown_02: Had like a bad user experience connected to it because of how it handled some kind of like blocks or something. Unknown_02: So he started up like his own version of the Fediverse called Blue Sky. And now he's departed Blue Sky as well after Elon took over X. And I don't know why. Unknown_02: There's kind of a theory that Jack Dorsey and I think Elon even like sent him a message like, wow, he's such a great guy. There's kind of like a theory that Jack Dorsey is like secretly based. 0:36:24 Unknown_02: I don't think so, though. I think that what happened is that Jack Dorsey is a fucking loser. And he loses control of every project he's involved in. And he either quit Blue Sky for one of two reasons. Either A, he lost control because he's like a lunatic that dresses up like a fucking cult leader. Like a mix between Jack Dorsey and... Unknown_02: Who was the guy that had the beard that was like a cult leader? Unknown_02: Am I thinking of the satanic guy from England? I don't know. Listen, he just looks like a loser. That's all I'm trying to say. I want to talk, but I know when I see one, okay? 0:36:59 Unknown_02: And so either A, he just lost creative control and he is upset about that, so he leaves. Or he... Unknown_21: It's not Renise Perron. Unknown_02: I don't know who I'm thinking of, okay? Unknown_02: But my personal theory, my real theory, is that Blue Sky is losing funding. I don't think that Jack Dorsey is secretly based. I think he's a fucking idiot. I think he's a loser. I think he hates everybody that isn't him. And I think that Blue Sky is losing money. I think that there is probably a slush fund of anti-based people that were trying to prop up Blue Sky as an alternative to X because they don't like Elon Musk and they don't like the type of speech that he presents on X now. And they want to bankrupt that program because they don't like the fact that people have free communication again. 0:38:11 Unknown_02: But threads now exist. And I think that threads is now like where all the faggots go. Unknown_02: I've seen both Maddox and Patrick S. Tomlinson talking about how they get better engagement on threads. And I think they get better engagement on threads because that's just like where their people are. They're already on threads. And Instagram is propping up threads by trying to force people interested in certain types of features to use threads instead of using Instagram. So it's kind of like Google propped up Google+. If you're old enough to remember Google+, in the time that Google tried to start up a competitor to Facebook by making a social media program that forced everybody with a YouTube account to suddenly join Google+. 0:38:49 Unknown_02: I think it's like that. Instagram is trying to force its users to start using threads with hopes that they can bootstrap that social media program in the same way that Google tried to bootstrap Google+. However, it does seem like threads does have some organic use, apparently. I've seen posts with thousands of likes and stuff, so maybe it is doing well. I kind of hope it doesn't. It's one thing, especially I don't want to root for Elon, I do like X, and I do like the fact that I can talk about all the shit that I want to talk about, and as long as I abide by some very basic rules, which effectively amount to don't say you're going to kill anybody, and don't say that you want somebody to die, and avoid certain explicit words like retard unless you don't mind your post not getting seen by anybody. 0:39:55 Unknown_02: But that's it. But I think there's enough people who are, like, genuinely upset by any kind of speech that they don't like. Enough to, like, give threads some lift, some momentum. And I think that Facebook wants to broaden its crippling, crippled, dying niche. Because it's... Unknown_02: Facebook basically only exists by buying up other programs that are successful. They had Facebook and everything else they've tried to make sucks. Then they bought Instagram and they bought WhatsApp. 0:40:26 Unknown_02: And now they're fighting TikTok and Snapchat for users. And they want to expand again. Well, Threads is like a Twitter platform that was successful. It was actually the most successful social media site ever. after 2020, I think. Unknown_02: Now that's in turmoil. Maybe we can capitalize on this. I hope they don't, because they suck. Unknown_02: Apparently boomers on Facebook can get away with saying a lot now. 0:41:02 Unknown_02: Who knows? Unknown_02: I hinted... Unknown_02: that Helldivers would be mentioned, and I hinted that Helldivers would be mentioned because there was a kerfuffle. Once again, Sony has entered the news and angered the gamers. But this time they angered the gamers in a way I actually care about because they decided that anybody wanting to play Helldivers would be forced to tie their Steam to a PlayStation Network account. The problem is that PlayStation Network only operates in, like, 0:41:33 Unknown_02: like 50 countries so in almost like half the world a considerable portion of all people across the world would be just flat out unable to play helldivers and many people who play steam and play steam games have no interest in the playstation network obviously because they're a pc gamer and they already hate steam because uh steam's out there with its little tailoring suing kit suing up all the cleavage in the world and that's pissing them off So Sony decided to swing its nuts around and say, hey, we're also going to make you sign up for our fucking bullshit Uplay third-party login service. So play Helldivers. Pissed a lot of people off. Unknown_02: In fact, I looked at the map of who could play, and guess what? Bosnians and Albanians backed the fuck off forever and ever, not permitted to play Helldivers with real people. This upset a Croat, however, even though both Croatians and Serbians would be allowed to create PlayStation Network accounts. And this guy says, why are Serbs allowed to play? They should be one of the in-game enemies. If you don't know, the in-game enemies in Helldivers 2 are literal insect monsters. They're just called bugs. 0:42:35 Unknown_02: This guy has had an account since July 2011, and he has never posted, ever. The first post that he has made on this account is this reply, saying that Serbians should be the bug monsters in Helldivers 2. Just out of nowhere, this guy decided, actually, I'm breaking my vows. I've never felt compelled to reply to a post on Twitter until now, and today I leave my mark, which is very, very, very in character for the Yugoslavs. 0:43:16 Unknown_02: However, he need not worry. Unknown_02: The gamers rose TF up, and they have announced that they would not be requiring people to create PlayStation Network accounts to play Helldivers 2. Unknown_02: This is probably because it hurt them in the money. As it turned out, when Steam realized that a significant number of people who owned the game would not be able to play it once this update rolled out, they decided to blacklist the game in all countries that would not be able to create a PlayStation account. and allow players from those countries to refund the game, even if they had played it for many hours. So Steam's perspective was that you sold this game worldwide, and then you're going to force them, months after the fact, after it's already popular, to create a third-party integration account, which obviously you're in the right to do, but that third-party integration is not going to apply to half the countries in the entire fucking world. So it stands to reason, then, that you would be okay refunding the game to any players who live in these countries. And once the news broke out, a lot of people chose to refund the game, and a lot of people review bombed the game. So you have A, a game that is overnight, went from overwhelmingly positive to overwhelmingly negative. And then you have thousands of people refunding a $60 game, and that's like a nightmare. It's a monetary nightmare. 0:44:25 Unknown_02: It hurts their relationship with Steam. It hurts their relationship with the community. It makes a successful game, I think one of their most successful games right now, into an unsuccessful game overnight. It's just a big fucking disaster. So they backed out. Unknown_02: And I reiterate, not because people whined, but rather that people found a way to hurt Sony's pocketbook. So a lot of people, actually not a lot of people, just one faggot in particular pointed this out, but I will stand to correct it anyways, that... 0:45:08 Unknown_02: Gamers crying and pissing and shitting themselves is actually a very effective form of protest. Unknown_02: In response to me saying, and me continuing to defend my position, that the people upset about Stellar Blade should be lobbying for a class action lawsuit and not lobbying for a petition. Would you like to sign my petition? I'm upset about anime boobs again. Unknown_02: You have to actually sue them and hurt them in their pocketbook, which is what the Helldivers people did. They refunded the fucking game because they had the right to do so because it wouldn't be playable in their country. And as a result, the lost income made them realize, oh, wait, what we're proposing is actually fucking stupid and it's going to cost us thousands of thousands of dollars. 0:45:49 Unknown_02: However, the Stellar Blade people have been emboldened by this, and some of the best and brightest have come out to show their support for the petition to be signed. Unknown_19: um please remove all censorship of sexual nature from stellar blade i want to i want to play the game uncensored i'm sorry the video for this is actually absolutely mandatory um leon here agrees with me remove all censorship and to remove the censorship of sexual content i will be doing a can crush 0:46:28 Unknown_19: truth justice in the american way thank you if you're only listening the joke is is that he's wearing a sonichu medallion and this is very clearly a joke um but it's it's funny to me it made me laugh hell out so yes it's very obviously a troll but it's very funny so whatever um cool so that's the the sony update Unknown_02: There's one more. This is also a video game update, kind of. I mentioned many months ago that a new Dead by Daylight killer called The Unknown, who was a paranormal entity who killed and, after killing, could assume the identities of the people whom they had killed. Unknown_02: And they had a very creepy appearance. 0:47:23 Unknown_02: of this elongated neck and like crickety crackety bones and joints as it moved. Kind of creepy looking. Unknown_02: And it was voiced by a transgender person, the assumption being by the studio, I think, that because the unknown could be both male or female, it stands to reason then that a person who can do both a male and female voice would be able to do both voices for the character, and then it would be a more convincing persona or something. Unknown_02: I don't know if that's true. Because it does kind of just sound like a dude doing... What's kind of weird is that this guy is a voice actor. 0:48:05 Unknown_02: And on top of being a voice actor, he also did, like, female voice lessons for other trannies. But it still just sounded like a guy doing, like, a ditzy voice. Like, hey, I'm a silly girl. I'm a silly girl and I'm also a monster. I'm a silly girl monster. I'm going to kill you with my little monster hand. I'm going to slash you. Slash. And I'm going to put you up on this hook. And you're getting up on the hook. And then I'm going to stand there and I'm going to face camp you. I'm going to do a little facey campy wampy. Unknown_02: so it didn't I don't know it still sounds like the same person just when doing like a silly voice that's what I'm trying to say they're dead I made fun of them they did two things one they made a post saying this is very transphobic this is obviously supposed to be a trans woman I'm disgusted by this because one of the outfits for the character is just like a high school girl outfit so it's like this hideous monster in like a high school girl outfit um 0:48:59 Unknown_02: and for whatever reason they also thought that the monster had a similar appearance to them personally so they assumed that it was like a taunt at them and then after i think dead by daylight threatened to sue them because they immediately backtracked and started sucking up to the game like as hard as possible to the point where it kind of seemed performative like Wow, actually, after speaking to behavior, I've got to say, this is the least transphobic thing I've ever seen. I really love this character. I've never played this game before, but here I am playing. Wow, I killed four people. I'm so in love. What a great game and what a great character. I'm so happy to be a part of it. Okay, yeah, I got you. They held a fucking gun to your head and forced you to say this. Unknown_02: Anyways, I mentioned that already. Spoiler alert. 0:49:47 Unknown_02: They had a degenerative illness. This is actually the post that they got banned for. Oh, I could just show you this, actually. Unknown_24: Here's the male voice. Unknown_24: It's a little bit spooky. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Unknown_24: And then this is the same one, but as a whammon. Unknown_20: That's, uh, no, that's, wait. Unknown_24: Are these the female voice actors? 0:50:21 Unknown_24: Where are the, oh, this is the whammon one, I think. Unknown_20: So the male and female voices are the same person, basically, and they're dead. Unknown_02: They're dead because they had an autoimmune disease that targets your brain, which is incredibly rare. They died at 29. I want to say 29 or 26. And they died at 29 or 26 because of their autoimmune disease, which was not AIDS. I thought it was AIDS. I thought for sure it was AIDS. It was not AIDS. It was a brain disease, which sucks. And in their last months, they were actually... 0:50:53 Unknown_02: So crippled by this disease, they were in a wheelchair. So they decided to stop all treatment, which allowed the disease to kill them naturally. So it was a pretty horrific death. Unknown_02: And I kind of want to... Actually, let me pull this up, because there's an interesting little footnote to this. Unknown_03: Let's see. Unknown_21: Zoe... Is it Zoe Alexandria? Yeah. 0:51:28 Unknown_21: Alexandra. Unknown_21: The community post is still up, so I'm going to read that. Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_21: Okay, here we go. This is from eight days ago. Unknown_02: And they say... 0:52:09 Unknown_02: I'm wheelchair or bed-bound most of the time. I had 16 seizures yesterday and 30 stiff person attacks. The main thing I've learned is that life is too precious to focus on things beyond those you love and those who love you. Love is always and has been the answer. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, taught this. I have failed numerous times at acting Christ-like and sharing my faith through my actions. I am sorry I wasn't a better example. Know now that Christ is and always has been the answer, not the church. Church is not inside your building walls. It is alone with your creator. 0:52:44 Unknown_02: For those of you wondering, we nailed everything down a while ago. I have GAD65-based non-peroneoplastic limbic autoimmune encephalitis, which I just fucking nailed. I can't even believe it. Is Josh getting better at reading things, chat? I think so. And GAD65-based stiff person syndrome indicated in my latest blood test. My autoimmune markers are off the charts. Please know you are loved and valued. The God who made you loves you unconditionally. Things get better. Unknown_02: Very interesting last post. 0:53:19 Unknown_02: I guess many people would say it's besaid. You live your life. You have an autoimmune system that's eating your brain. You trune out. You try to do voice acting. And then I guess you just accept death and become very religious in your last months. Unknown_02: Which I think a lot of people have issues with that. Like a lot of people are going to like, I saw a lot of comments in reply to this saying like, well, he's definitely burning in hell because he's a tranny. Unknown_02: And I think that the fact that in Christianity, right, this is how I understand it. So if you want to yell at me with your theology takes, you may do so in the comments of this video. 0:53:54 Unknown_02: But it's very clear in the gospel, right, that salvation is faith alone. And I think that upsets a lot of people. I think it's like if we have really bad people who are bad their entire lives, and then in the final chapter of their life, they decide, actually, I'm religious and I love the Jesus. And I want to go to heaven. Isn't that ridiculous that after being terrible about their entire life, that they can go to heaven anyways? 0:54:36 Unknown_02: And I think that, and some people are already disagreeing with me because the works versus faith alone thing is very primordial in like inner doctrinal arguments. But for the sake of argument, I think that Unknown_02: It is kind of remarkable, right, that God can even love a tranny. I think that is an indication, right, that it's so freely given. Even trunes, even black people, all those people who are like, oh man, Odin was so much better than Jesus. Jesus was a Jew. Odin probably raped bitches. He's cooler. Unknown_02: because they're upset, right, that black people can also be Christians. Like, isn't it great that God could love a tranny and a black person and a Chinaman? Is that blasphemous to say, to say it like that? 0:55:24 Unknown_02: I think, Chad. It's actually, if you really sit down and you really think about it, it's quite remarkable. Unknown_02: Not the Chinese. Unknown_02: Only the communists. Unknown_21: Anyways. Unknown_21: Not really. Okay. Unknown_02: I've gotten into the habit of just blocking pagans. Unknown_02: I get all these people who yell at me on Zitter, and I just block them. I got over that whole, I don't know, I guess for all my life, before I became a streamer, and while I was a streamer, but before I was allowed to have a Twitter account, I was like, what the fuck is the point of blocking people? 0:56:06 Unknown_02: Now I get it. There's so many people who just don't care what they ever have to say. You post a picture of Nick Fuentes, I don't care what you have to say. You got an anime avatar, don't care what you gotta say. You're talking about Odin or some shit, couldn't care less. Unknown_04: Just don't give a shit. Fuck you. Unknown_02: You're not entitled to talk to me. I don't need to know anything about what you have to say, ever. Unknown_02: I guess it really is hypocritical. I've always said people who block people on Twitter are fucking stupid, but now I totally fucking get it. I just could not be forced at fucking gunpoint to give a shit about what you have to say. All right, cool. Next. 0:56:47 Unknown_02: Oh, I've already played that. Unknown_02: That's where that went, that video. Unknown_02: Brief, brief turf segment, chat. Brief turf. I don't have a turf hamster for my 720p thing, but... Um... So... Oh, this is in reverse order. 0:57:27 Unknown_02: J.K. Rowling, of course, one of the most popular Twitter accounts on Twitter, and who has been very loud and very anti-trans in Turf Island, which apparently has been so effective at persuading the general public in that particular island that they are now taking actual steps to stopping the gray market hormone sales to children in their country through online retailers that Keffel's promoted. Unknown_02: Here we have J.K. Rowling, and she has written a long, lengthy post explaining her comprehensive understanding about what a woman is, what womanhood is, 0:58:12 Unknown_02: And how the transgender stuff actually affects her and girls and how that concerns her. Very comprehensive post. Not going to read it aloud. You probably can guess what it says. But Elon Musk saw this post that's been viewed 17 million times on his platform, which needs, quite frankly, as many different voices as it can possibly fucking have on it. Unknown_02: which was shared many thousands of times. And he says, while I heartily agree with your points regarding sex and gender, may I suggest also posting interesting and positive content on other matters? It's like, okay, so people call him a shabos goy and make fun of him for banning Nick Fuentes, who is like entrenched in like a circle of pedophiles. OK, I mean, I guess if you say so, I'll let him back on. I'm very pro free speech. 0:58:51 Unknown_02: Nick or Elon Musk, when Andrew Tate talks about how white people are fucking retards and white people deserve to be replaced by by black weirdos like him. And how many to adopt their their rapist, their race, rapist ancestry. He doesn't say anything. These guys, no matter what gets posted, he's just like, wow. The guy posted a message. Did you know that Jews control the entire world? Brain blast emoji. That's what you guys say. woman say words he says hmm interesting words have you considered other words have you considered not have you considered something else perhaps it's like the way that like a stereotypical 1950s husband would reply to the wife like honey I made you tuna casserole oh honey your tuna casserole is so good but have you considered something else every so often there's like hinting like yeah come on i'm tired of seeing this i want something i want give me a fucking steak bitch where's my steak bitch this tuna casserole's been going on for too fucking long every day it's a tuna casserole driving me crazy 1:00:07 Unknown_02: Cool. That is your turf update. By the way, bent the knee. JK Rowling rocks. Unknown_02: So many people yelled at him and called him a little bitch that he's like, fine, okay, I do love JK Rowling. She rocks. Unknown_02: Rowling rocks. Rowling rocks. Rowling rocks. Unknown_03: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 1:00:57 Unknown_03: I see what you're saying, my boy. Can't slip it past me. Unknown_02: Ooh, one hour in, and we're out of the news segment chat, which means we are in the local. God, my timing is just impeccable. How am I doing this? I got like an internal clock. Unknown_21: So you'll be happy. Okay, perfect. Unknown_02: So Turkey Tom, with his new best friend, I guess, someone he likes a lot. For whatever reason, Turkey Tom loves Destiny. Let me ask him. 1:01:29 Unknown_24: Let me ask him. Right now, actually. Give me a second. Unknown_03: Where is he at? Unknown_24: I have an emergency communication line to Turkey Tom. Unknown_24: Why? Why? Unknown_24: Wait, I'm typing on the wrong key. Why do you love Destiny so much? Unknown_02: Question mark. Unknown_02: Just curious. Curious what may be going on. Anyways, he loves Destiny a lot. Unknown_02: And he interviewed Destiny. After doing like a whole documentary on Destiny. A documentary, by the way, I think was supposed to be Clattering towards Destiny, but it made me hate him. I went over this already. It made me hate him because I realized that all of his politics are designed to enable the status quo because Destiny knows internally. I think he's actually literally cognitively aware. It's not even like a subconscious thing. He knows. That in any other political system, any other time in the universe, he would be a carpet cleaner. And he would not be allowed to fuck as many BPD girls that he wants with millions of dollars in the bag. Any other establishment, he would be in a ditch or he would be in a field or he would be cleaning carpets for minimum wage. And he knows that. And he knows that. So he loves the status quo. He doesn't even care what it is. 1:02:37 Unknown_02: Pro-Israel? Sure, whatever. As long as I can keep fucking BPD bitches and making them money. I will say literally whatever. He's kind of like... He's kind of like a CPC guy. Is it CPC or... Unknown_02: Yeah, it's CPC. It's like a Chinese guy. It's like, ha ha. Unknown_02: The communist party pays my beers. And so I revved him so very much. Like that. Oh, yeah. 1:03:13 Unknown_02: Fuck it. IDF. Greatest army that's ever lived. God bless them. Anyways, here's him talking about the kiwifarms. Unknown_17: When you're thinking, like, imagine talking to a therapist, and you're like, I feel like everybody is, like, thinking about me and talking about me all the time, and it's really stressful, and the therapist is like, oh, no, no, no, nobody thinks about you as much as you think they do. And I'm like, okay, well, here's, like, a 500-page thread on a random- If this does not load, I have it on backup. Unknown_21: It might load, though. Unknown_21: Here, hold up. 1:03:46 Unknown_21: Boom, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum. Unknown_02: Is this the only one I don't have saved? I have like 80 million fucking videos on my thing right now. Unknown_02: It's not. I don't know. A lot of people talk about me. It's kind of weird to think. It is a little bit weird to think that you have all these people who are like devoted to hating me. There are people who hate me so much. They've hated me for a decade, half a decade to a decade. And they have spent hundreds of hours, probably thousands of hours, trying to inconvenience me. And in one case, they've spent over $100,000 trying to inconvenience somebody next to me. Somebody who doesn't have any input on what I do, but they are adjacent to me in some way. 1:04:21 Unknown_02: So fuck them. However, I find this very easy to process. People hate me because I do things they don't like. Unknown_02: But they're faggots, so I don't care that they hate me. I don't know how Destiny is like... What does he say again? Let's replay this. Unknown_17: Yeah, when you're thinking, like, imagine talking to a therapist, and you're like, I feel like everybody is, like, thinking about me and talking about me all the time, and it's really stressful, and the therapist is like, oh, no, no, no, nobody thinks about you as much as you think they do. And I'm like, okay, well, here's, like, a 500-page thread on a random website where everybody's talking about me constantly. Like, it's really hard to process and deal with all of that. And again, I keep... Um, it's... People are talking about me. 1:05:02 Unknown_02: It's like, how do you deal... Unknown_17: Yeah, when you're thinking like, imagine talking to a therapist and you're like, I feel like everybody is like thinking about me and talking about me all the time and it's really stressful. But why? Unknown_02: That's a weird thing. Why do you care? Why do you care that people are talking about you? Maybe it's just something that my bug brain can't understand. It's not everybody. It's just people that make fun of internet drama. People who make fun of your crusty leaks and stuff. And the dumb shit you say about Israel because it's so transparent about why you support the status quo. But why does that bother you? Don't you get paid? Don't you get paid money? Why do you need a therapist for that? I hate therapy. 1:05:38 Unknown_02: I've been to therapy twice, once as a child and once as an adult. And I took literally one session as an adult. Unknown_02: And I suppose it was useful. I've told this story before. 1:06:10 Unknown_02: When I was a child, I went because I had bad grades. So I went to a child therapist who decided that I had ADHD and ODD. As an adult, I went. Unknown_02: And one time, and this was... Unknown_02: eight eight plus years ago and i went because it was that time where i shut down the kiwi farms for like two weeks and um i don't know it's kind of like a weird thing because it's like well now what so i went one time and then he asked me the question just on the first session like what do you want what does it you know i remember now what does an ideal you look like i thought that's a good question what does an ideal me look like And I decided an ideal me would be fit, sexy, skinny, super funny, super smart, clever, witty, and most importantly, chat, most importantly, an ideal Joshua Connor Moon. would have his Kiwi Farms. 1:06:55 Unknown_02: And so I decided that I did not need any more therapy. I had realized what I wanted, and I sold 100 Ethereum for $11 each, which is now worth over 100... How much is it right now? It's like $350,000. And I bought a plane ticket to Buffalo, New York, and I lived there for a year, and I brought my site back. Unknown_02: That's a true story. That's a 100% true story. 1:07:45 Unknown_02: And that's why the Kiwi Farms is still up. Unknown_02: So you guys better be worth 100 Ethereum is what I'm saying. Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_02: cool it was like $7,500 at one point which means it would be worth almost a million dollars if I had sold it at the peak the absolute peak isn't that cool I can't think about that. That hurts me more than anything else in my entire life, knowing that I sold that cryptocurrency for a plane ticket. I had credit. Why did I just put it on a credit card? 1:08:18 Unknown_02: It's finance 101, chat. I went to college. I went to college and I took finance. Unknown_02: I should know. You put everything on unsecured consumer debt and you keep the cryptocurrency. How did I fuck this up? How did I fuck this up, chat? Unbelievable. Unknown_02: Um... Unknown_02: Sorry, I have to recombobulate myself. Thinking about that Ethereum makes me want to neck rope. Makes me want to jump out the fucking window. 1:08:51 Unknown_02: Don't think it, don't say it. Unknown_03: Don't think it, don't say it. Don't think it, don't say it. The Ethereum man. Unknown_02: Tim Pool! He's at the Mar-a-Lago with Roger Stone. And there is something to take a note about, chat. It is... Tim Pool's beanie. Tim Pool is at a fancy pool party with the rich and famous. Unknown_02: And... Unknown_02: He is wearing a beanie. If you don't know, Tim Pool has coped and sneeded about the beanie before. He has told people, this is what he says, this is true, I've mentioned this before, I've made fun of this before, I'll reiterate it for those who are uninitiated. Tim Pool's cope and sneed about his stupid fucking beanie is that he needs it to secure his identity. By wearing the beanie, he is protecting his identity. He literally says this. He literally says that when he takes the beanie off, he can't be recognized. His thought is that if he wears the beanie anytime he streams this Tim Pool, nobody would be able to recognize him in public without the beanie. 1:09:27 Unknown_02: This is obviously Copen Sneed. I've compared this to Superman. Unknown_02: When Ken Clark takes off, like the only difference between Ken Clark and Superman is that the Superman outfit and that he's not wearing glasses. It's like he thinks he's Superman. If he takes off the glasses, nobody knows that it's the mild-mannered reporter from the Post or whatever. 1:10:11 Unknown_02: And it's just fucking retarded. I don't know. This is a really, really embarrassing picture. Everyone, this reply, they gave him a beanie too. Unknown_02: And he even replied and said, lol. So he knows that that fucking beanie is embarrassing. And this guy, who apparently is a senator. Oh, from Utah. Okay, he's a Utah senator. Apparently a Utah senator personally photoshopped a beanie onto Roger Stone and posted it on Twitter. And he laughed at them. 1:10:42 Unknown_02: So even they know. They know and they can't say anything too mean about it, but they do laugh at him in public in front of him. And he just has to deal with it because he's the one that's wearing the stupid fucking hat to begin with. Unknown_02: They just shave your head, literally. Unknown_02: Um, sticks X and hammer 666, uh, who I've made fun of many times because he is basically just a cocksucker that jumps between different dicks to suck. Like if any company offers any centralized service that doesn't actually offer any solutions, any problems. Offers him like a sponsorship or a deal. He's like immediately on that dick. And now he's having an issue where as a hardcore libertarian, he's defending the practice of eating dogs, which, as you know, libertarians love Asian women. And I think that he he's supposed to have like a Dutch girlfriend. Right. He's the one with a Dutch girlfriend. 1:11:25 Unknown_02: So I don't know if they broke up or something. I think he moved back to the United States. I don't know if they parted ways. And now he's trying to pick up Asian women. But now he's really big about defending dogs. Or eating dogs, sorry. Everybody defends dogs, but he eats the dogs. 1:11:59 Unknown_14: I don't understand exactly why you would think that this particular ban is going to work so supremely well as opposed to banning anything else under the sun. You have nations, for example, like I think Singapore, if I remember correctly, in which having a little bit of weed carries a death sentence. And yet people still do drugs there. They still traffic it in at great risk to themselves. If outright killing people for a practice is not going to stop the practice from happening, then unless that practice specifically violates the NAP or is really, really egregious, like a rape or murder or something like that, then there shouldn't be any enforced law at all. It shouldn't exist. You can dissuade people with fines, although I don't particularly agree with that either. 1:12:39 Unknown_14: I just, I don't fully comprehend how you can, on an objective scale, say eating the dog is evil and gross and wrong, but eating the cow is perfectly fine. Unknown_02: Dude, dude, he has, he has to have an Asian girlfriend. Someone in chat, back me up. Is he dating an Asian woman? Unknown_02: This has to be happening. Unknown_14: I find it to be very, very hypocritical. And I think that this particularly will create a black market. It will not actually solve any problems. There are other nations in Asia where dogs will continue to be raised and butchered and consumed. They will be imported. They'll be smuggled in. People in Korea. I mean, are you going to spy on anyone who owns a dog? Someone in the chat says he's dating a cat. 1:13:10 Unknown_02: maybe he's dating a cat boy maybe that's the issue make sure they're not breeding them for sale on the meat market that's going to be a little bit onerous now won't it bro sticks abandoned his child he has a child 1:13:52 Unknown_02: So this is the issue with like moral relativism. Cause he's like a Satanist, right? His name is sticks, hex and hammer and shit. So he belongs to that type of Satanism where like the, I think the type of Satanism where it's like everything that you do is like perfectly fine. Nobody has any say about what you do to your own body. Um, And it's very like individualist. Unknown_02: And so like his point is like, what's the difference between a dog and a cow? Like technically they're none because they're both animals that aren't humans. Therefore that doesn't, the dog does not have an NAP. 1:14:27 Unknown_02: But everyone instinctively knows that that's fucking retarded. Except Asian people. I've discussed this with Asian people, who I am friends with, and I will relay what... Asian people simply have a different relationship with animals. Unknown_02: To Asian people, and I'm not being racist, this is literally what I've been told, and I believe them. To Asian people, animals are a tool. Animals don't exist to be friends of mankind. I think the relationship between man and animal is very special and unique to white people. 1:15:02 Unknown_02: I will go on record saying that. I think that humans... When I say humans, I'm referring to white people. Whitey... Unknown_02: And dog evolved together. Whitey and cat domesticated evolved together. And now we have a special relationship with animals that no other people on earth enjoy. Unknown_02: And Asians like dogs. They like cats. But they're very able to draw a distinction between an animal that is a pet and an animal that is a tool. And many Asians simply see animals as having utility. Even animals that are pets. Because if you ever watch cute animal compilations and stuff, 1:15:38 Unknown_02: You will notice that Asian people breed animals for certain qualities that are attractive, but which are debilitating to the animal. Like the munchkin cats are a great example of that. A cat should not be a munchkin. A munchkin cat is like a pug of cats. It looks cute, but it's a debilitated animal that's been bred to have defects that reduce its quality of life. And white people would object to this and say this is cruel. uh, Asian people don't care because the purpose of that animal, that utility of that animal is to look cute and more specifically to look cute for Tik TOK and Instagram. And that's something that Asian people just do is they, they, in the same way that you might like in the past, people would breed animals for herding or for hunting or for finding people in the Alps or for whatever purpose for, uh, 1:16:16 Unknown_02: safeguarding children and so on and so forth. There's many different purposes for animals. An Asian person in the modern era will look at an animal and say, we can breed this to look especially cute on social media because social media is a way to earn revenue. And therefore the animal's purpose is to look cute on social media. And there is not like a pet owner bond there, like a normal pet. It's like, this is why this animal exists. This is why I take care of it. This is why we bred it this way. It is to make ad revenue on Facebook. 1:16:59 Unknown_02: Which is why they're okay drugging it and doing other weird things to animals so that they can pose them more easily for pictures. It's like an entire cottage industry of animal abuse that is... Unknown_02: um that that outputs cute stuff so to us it looks cute but to them it's like we're breeding these animals to have defects so that we can sedate them and then subject them to multiple hours of professional photography so that our cute animal channel will make a viral post that gets millions of views and thousands of dollars So the relationship between what I'm trying to say is the relationship between animal and man in most places of the world, but especially Asia, is very different than in Europe. 1:17:48 Unknown_02: And I think that's evident just by how people, even how immigrants and non-whites in the West treat animals. It's very different from how white people do animals. Unknown_02: This is fucking racist. Welcome to my podcast. I hope you are enjoying. Feel free to subscribe, like, subscribe, leave a comment, and super chat if you really enjoy. Unknown_02: um anyway that is guy oh there's more a long hunter says i was in south korea back in 2001 and i still speak a couple of people that live there what makes dog meat a delicacy is the issue um and an issue is that the dogs are literally skinned alive while hanging from hooks that's the other thing asians have no concept of like a humane kill like even in switzerland uh if you want to there are laws in switzerland where if you want to kill a uh if you want to eat a crab or a lobster you 1:18:49 Unknown_02: You have to kill it first. There are special tools to destroy the brain of a crustacean before you boil it so that it is still very fresh and very tasty, but it's not suffering. And there is a level of assurance there. In Asia, they will literally, literally flay an animal alive and put it on a plate. And you are expected to eat the flesh from the still living animal on your plate. Like in Japan. There's a word for it. It's like pokey pokey or some shit. Doki doki pokey doki. Some other fucking gay ass word. It's like a double word like that. It's pocky pocky. When you get pocky pocky, it's a fish that's still alive and looking at you and flopping around. But it's like splayed open so you can pull it out, pull the flesh out of it. 1:19:21 Unknown_02: And it's a real thing, and it's a delicacy. Unknown_02: But yeah, they're just completely... Dude, Asians are so okay with... 1:19:54 Unknown_02: Vivisection. Vivisection is the word. They're so okay with vivisection. They vivisect each other. When the Japanese occupied China, they opened up the water treatment facility. It's like Unit 743 or whatever the fuck in Manchuria. And they vivisected each other and did rape experiments on each other. Listen... They're fucking weird, okay? They're fucking weird, and they should live in Asia, and I should live in white people land, which doesn't exist anymore, but it should exist, and then Asian and white people, even though I like the... Nobody loves China better than me. I love China. China's great. I love China. Xi Jinping, I think. Oh, Xi Jinping. I love China. I want to do business with China. 1:20:25 Unknown_02: Stay in China, okay? Unknown_02: This is the deal. Unknown_02: I am both tolerant and... Unknown_02: I what's the kind of tolerance that's also not retarded there's like tolerance where you just accept everything carte blanche and you ask no questions and you just say it's their culture and if it's something you don't like it's not their culture it's something else that you can just you can just explain away I am a type of tolerant and understanding where it's like listen You got your shit and that's fine. If you want to vivisect children, whatever, just do it away from me. That's the kind of tolerant I am. And I think that's a beautiful thing. That's called multicultural. I'm a multiculturalist, Chad. 1:21:02 Unknown_02: I'm a multiculturalist. I think everyone can, they can, you know, I don't even, I don't give a fuck. If they, if they want to do child marriage in, in Turkey and Iran, go for it. Don't give a shit. Not, not white kids. If Andrew Tate wants to go and, and traffic kids in, in Turkey, whatever, not my problem. You want to eat fish alive in Japan? Not my fucking problem. Unless they're my whales. If they're my whales and they're from the U S and they have a little whale passports, 1:21:35 Unknown_02: then it's my fucking problem. But until then, it's not my fucking problem. Unknown_02: I'm just saying. We can all live in peace together. Just stay the fuck away from me. Unknown_02: Finally. Unknown_14: But is there an objective basis to that, or is that just my fee-fees? Ultimately, it's literally nothing more than my fee-fees. I can say, well, the cat is more intelligent than a lot of other animals. They can learn tricks, they're very helpful. Okay, cows can be helpful too. Grazing, keeping the field nice and mushy with their poo-poo and stuff like that, and they're cute, and they make mooey noises, and they're intelligent too. Maybe not as- Usine corrects me and says, well, passports would be very big, not little. 1:22:08 Unknown_02: That's true. If a whale did have a passport, it would be a very big passport. So if they're carrying around giant passports and they want to throw that on top of a Japanese fishing ship and sink it, they can do so. Unknown_14: ...intelligent as a cat, but, you know, reasonably intelligent. 1:22:41 Unknown_14: But nobody has a problem with eating them. Again, outside of the Hindu majority. It's ultimately, at the end of the day, it's unhelpful, it's hypocritical, and it can't work. That's the whole problem. The main problem is just it's not pragmatic at all. That's about all. Unknown_14: I hate people that think they're smart. Unknown_02: I think I'm retarded. So if I say something retarded, people go, that's a pretty good brand for Josh. He is a retard. And then when I say something intelligent, people are like, wow, that's a good point. I didn't expect a retard to say that. Styx, on the other hand, thinks that he's a fucking genius and that everything that he says is like a divinely inspired wisdom. Like he's coming down in those bathrobes from the top of Mount Sinai, not Mount Zion, I was corrected, with the tablets that say the Ten Commandments, number one commandment, thou shalt eat dog, because fuck them. 1:23:19 Unknown_02: Um, but I mean, just listen to what he says. Like you're retarded. Unknown_02: He's not, he's not no the intrinsic difference. I don't know. Maybe he's a vegan. It sticks a vegan. I would imagine not. Cause he, but I think that people would make the argument. Vegetarians would make the argument that, um, you can eat that you, cause it's that, that famous billboard. Like here, let me try to find it real quick. 1:24:04 Unknown_02: Someone in chat figure out if he's vegan real quick while I find this. Unknown_21: Is he really? Sticks is not vegan. Unknown_21: Okay, this is like a... Unknown_02: very famous meme, but it's a billboard from PETA and it says, uh, all animals want to live. Where do you draw the line? And then it says vegan billboard.com. Um, and it's a list of animals from like the least edible to like the most edible. So it starts with cats, French bulldogs, a little kitten, um, a big puppy. I forget what they call them. It's like a hound dog, um, a big fluffy kitty cat, um, 1:24:39 Unknown_02: I'm sorry, that was an English bulldog, and then a French bulldog, and then a golden retriever, and then a bunny rabbit, and then a horse, and then a chicken. Well, obviously you draw the line between the horse and the chicken. Unless you're Swedish, and then you draw it between the rabbit and the horse. Unless you're French, Swedish, and then you draw it between the dog and the bunny. Because they also have those meat dogs. No, Flemish. 1:25:13 Unknown_21: It's the Flemish that eat the rabbits. Unknown_21: Yeah. Unknown_21: I mean, the real reason... Unknown_02: I think the only thing that's wrong about this is that the rabbit is more edible than the horse because the horse and the dogs and the cats all serve a purpose to mankind. Unknown_02: cats were domesticated because they incidentally serve the purpose of mousers um domesticated cats are hunting hunting animals they keep pests they eat they even eat like cockroaches and spiders and and all sorts of nasty shit that like that wander around my cats would eat palmetto bugs and and big oogly spiders and shit so they're nice to have around and then you have dogs um 1:26:10 Unknown_02: Who serve a myriad of purposes. And then you have bunny rabbits who don't have a purpose. They're just pets. Horses have a purpose too. They have less purpose now because we have vehicles. Unknown_02: But yeah, it's like none of those other animals serve a purpose. And the only other alignment that exists is the cow. Because I think that in Hindu, the reason why they worship cows is because they provide milk. so i think that they had to make it like a religious principle to not kill and eat cows because they were more useful providing milk and they they had to like teach people like no really don't kill the cows because we can milk them you fucking retards and it took it making like a divine principle for them to understand what a dairy cow is and they wouldn't just kill the cows on the the fields horse meat is good though i've never had it 1:27:05 Unknown_02: Simping for rabbits. Dude, rabbits are food. Unknown_02: I'm sorry, does that make me like a psychopath? Unknown_02: A rabbit serves no purpose. It doesn't do anything. It's a pet. You can keep them as a pet, but don't get it twisted. Guinea pigs and rabbits are food. Unknown_02: It depends on, like, what level of tragedy we're at. You know, if we're in, like, a vegan utopia and everyone gets their soybean paste and I guess nothing is food. But if you're in any level of, like, survival, then that line starts getting further and further to the left. 1:27:45 Unknown_21: Rabbits are food. Unknown_21: They lay eggs in it? Unknown_02: Okay, that's a good joke. You guys are fucking around. Fuck you. Next, I made a prediction on my stream that Daniel Larson's arrest would be the harbinger of future arrests from his managers. And indeed, lo and behold, the Discord people who managed Daniel Larson and got him arrested have reported that the FBI are apparently showing up at their place of work. And this guy works in a restaurant and seems like asking questions about them. So there is indeed... Like... 1:28:16 Unknown_02: The FBI and the federal government are very serious people. They are not easily humored. And when they have a man in their custody who is severely retarded and he's on charge, he's facing serious, he's facing literally the rest of his life in prison in a worst case scenario. Unknown_02: And it's a serious charge and he's extremely retarded. Unknown_02: Um, so they're not happy with the fact that they have a fucking retard in custody who they're trying to pin serious charges to. So they're going to find accomplices. They're going to find people that put him up to it because they can't haul a retard around as a, um, as a trophy. You're going to want all the little boys and girls who, uh, all the zoomy zooms on discord trying to fuck with them as, as their trophy. So that, like I saw this coming a mile away. Like, obviously, they're not going to stop. Like, why did you tell this guy to break the law? Why did you tell him to send bomb threats? Are you retarded? Like, literally, are you fucking retarded? I guess the answer is yes. 1:29:27 Unknown_03: You'll have plenty of time behind bars to consider if you're a fucking retard, the policeman says. Unknown_02: Okay, so this is weird. I've not watched this yet, but I've been told that it's very funny. Unknown_02: In the years after AVGN became popular on YouTube, and this was like literally 20 years ago now. By the way, just an aside, I've only talked about James Rolfe one time. And that was because of that very, very, very, very funny song called the Balls on the Dick song. 1:30:07 Unknown_02: What was the... Oh, it was James... The APGN put out a book, an autobiography, and he tried to focus on his life as this very pompous perspective of a very serious filmmaker and satirist, even though his life is doing the nerd, doing the nerd character. And... Unknown_02: For whatever reason, he took himself very seriously, and he barely talked about the AVGN stuff at all, as if he was embarrassed by it. So it was a terrible book, and it didn't satisfy the people who bought it, because they expected it to be an AVGN thing, and it wasn't. It was James Rolfe trying to talk about his movie flops as if they were accomplishments. Unknown_02: So it's a little bit weird and now he appears to be doing like cringe content he did he did a video called my horse prints and it's like a like a Dating some with like a horse anime character. Anyway, I just want to show you this 1:31:01 Unknown_02: look at that fucking hairline dude he's like 40 something years old now because he was like 20 when he started doing the nerd and now it's been like 20 something years so he's like 40 he has kids and his hairline is in full fucking retreat and it's like whenever a video i have i'm still subscribed to him on my channel and if his videos ever pop up on my suggestions and i see like his hairline i'm thinking like what the fuck man Unknown_02: He needs to just shave that shit back like a friar boy and just make it like now he's the aged nerd. Go for the full male pattern baldness look for the videos. Because this shit, in-betweening shit, is just a disaster. This is a lost cause. He should ask Tim Pool for some beanies because this shit's over. It's fucking over. 1:31:38 Unknown_02: Anyways, I brought them up because AVGM's success in early YouTube inspired many copycats. One of them is the Irate Gamer. Well, you thought the Angry Video Game Nerd was a great moniker. How about the Irate Gamer? Unknown_02: My nigga really pulled up a thesaurus and looked up angry and tried to find another word for angry so he could put it in front of the word gamer and got the word irate. So he became the Irate Gamer. And... 1:32:17 Unknown_02: Apparently, he also is done doing video game content because I have been informed that the irate gamer, who I've never watched a single video of up until this point, gave up doing video game content and is now a ghost hunter. Unknown_02: So I don't know what the fuck this video is going to be, but we're going to watch it, Chet. Unknown_13: Now before we get started, I want to put it out there that I wanted to make this episode about a month ago, but a couple weird instances happened at the house here that got in the way of production. 1:32:56 Unknown_02: How are you a YouTuber? IrateGamer has been around for a long time. I want to say 10 plus years. How have you been on YouTube doing videos for 10 years and you're still so mush mouthed? Unknown_02: Like, I definitely know I have gotten better at, believe it or not, I know this is shocking to people who are recent listeners. I used to be even worse at speaking. I have come a long way in how I talk and my mic presence and stuff. This guy is still like fucking mush mouth. How are you still so mush mouth after doing this shit for 10 years? 1:33:28 Unknown_13: In fact, a day before I was going to be filming this episode, that night we had some weird paranormal things happen where we had an entity kind of come in and wake us up in the middle of the night and mutter the words, I can't breathe. Now, what's weird about this is that the very next day, all over the news was George Floyd and one of the mantras that they were talking about was the words saying the exact same phrase, I can't breathe, which was just, it blew me away. So I don't know if... What came into our room was operating on the same frequency. But, yeah, very weird. And we have weird things happen at this house all the time. I always have to cleanse it and bless it, because I'm a lightning rod for this stuff. I'm just not called the ghost doctor for nothing. Another weird thing... 1:34:16 Unknown_02: Dude, this guy is literally trying to sell that like George Floyd. This video is completely sincere and it has the same energy as the I nutted on my George Floyd doll and it became a homunculus thing that I read like eight years ago, a long time ago. It has that same energy where it's like, it's like a joke. I was sitting there and then I heard, I can't breathe, man, please. I was like, what the fuck is that? There's some kind of spirit passing through my house. 1:34:51 Unknown_02: And then the next day, it was on the news. It was on the news that Moronic, father in Minnesota, who killed from fentanyl, Unknown_02: and it was George Floyd. However, a anime avatar asked the irate gamer, a.k.a. the ghost doctor, Hey, Chris, is it really true that you were attacked by the ghost of George Floyd and he said he couldn't sneed? Let's listen. Unknown_13: Right, and I want to get to this question because I've kind of put it off for a long time. Sorry, Marlon. Unknown_13: But this is kind of a deep cut. This is something I talked about uh, in one of my early episodes on the ghost doctor channel, where it says, Hey Chris, is it true that you were attacked by the ghost of George Floyd? And he said he couldn't sneak. I think that's supposed to be breathe. 1:35:24 Unknown_00: Uh, let me clarify that a little bit. Unknown_13: Uh, whoops. Sorry about that. There we go. Uh, at night. Uh, like I said, I do a lot of dream work. Okay. That might sound kind of farfetched or whatever. Uh, and, and, 1:35:57 Unknown_13: You know, I have – and we haven't even touched upon these attacks that I get in the dream state yet because there's so many great questions. Thanks, guys. But what happened was me and my wife were falling asleep, and we heard a voice say something like, I can't breathe. Dude, dude. Dude, the irate gamer who can barely speak and who believes in ghosts and thinks that the ghost of George Floyd visited him in person and said, I can't breathe before flying off is married. Unknown_02: You motherfuckers have no excuse. All those people like, I can't find a high quality Western female to bear my seed. 1:36:38 Unknown_02: You are losing to the irate gamer. The ghost doctor himself has fucking backhanded you in the genetic race, okay? Unknown_13: And the very next day, all over the news, we start hearing this buzzword of, I can't breathe, coming from the whole George Floyd incident. I don't know if it was necessarily him, but it's kind of weird that Unknown_13: you know we heard this i can't breathe in the very next day it's everywhere you know it's it's the mantra of uh the that whole movement so i i don't think it was necessarily him but i think it was something darker and and that's probably controlling a situation i don't know i i don't have all the answers but only cory says josh will never breed should i do a poll i'm kind of curious how 1:37:32 Unknown_02: prevalent this sentiment is let's do a poll poll will josh sneed vote vote one for yes vote two for no do not vote if you're obstinate let's get let's collect it chat let's collect the numbers here i'm gonna get some raw fucking data on this what what are my chats uh prospects into my future Unknown_02: Don't vote. Unknown_02: I'll continue playing Bardcore while this plays. Unknown_24: I just realized I don't have a peeper. Unknown_02: Actually, I do have a peeper. Unknown_02: I've gotten more votes in this poll than I usually do. Okay. Unknown_02: Yeah, usually people don't vote in my shitty, you have to type to vote polls, but people are voting. They're very passionate about this one. Okay, with 135 votes, 87, 60, almost two-thirds say yes, Josh will sneed. 1:38:34 Unknown_02: A third, a full third have no confidence in me. Unknown_02: Such treachery chat, even my own audience conniving, working against me. Unbelievable. Unknown_02: I just want to do a head count so one day I can prove everybody wrong and say, look, I am viable. I am a stud. 1:39:08 Unknown_02: Nicholas. Unknown_21: I have a clip from him that I've not watched. Unknown_21: This is from a 33-minute video that he did. Unknown_03: Where... Oh, I know what this is. Unknown_21: Actually, no. Unknown_21: He did like... Actually, you know what? 1:39:42 Unknown_02: One thing I want to talk about. He did another defense of American beauty. Unknown_02: And he said something profoundly retarded in this. Unknown_02: He... Unknown_02: He tried to posit it as like a moral story where Lester, if you don't know, in brief, I've never watched the movie American Beauty, but I mentioned this last stream, but I'll try to keep this concise. There's a review by Blackpill Devin Stack about American Beauty. I would highly suggest you watch that instead of watching the movie because the movie sounds like slop. Sounds like Zog slop. And in the gist, Lester has a really shitty life. His wife hates him. His kids hate him. His gay neighbors are perfect, immaculate people. He tries to improve his life and get loose and smoke marijuana and be cool and emulate his kids a little bit more. But it all fails. And eventually he falls in lust. He becomes attracted to one of his teenage daughter's friends. 1:40:14 Unknown_02: And eventually he has the opportunity to have sex with this girl who is supposed to be 16. She's 20 in real life. However, there is still nudity. This got worked out, by the way. This movie has multiple nude girls in it. One of them is a 20-year-old actress pretending to be 16 in the movie. The other is a 16-year-old girl who is 16 in real life, so there is an underage girl who gets naked in this movie because her parents were both porn stars, and Hollywood is all about child rape and introducing kids as young as possible into the pornography industry, so that's why there's a naked 16-year-old in that movie, which is Rikita's favorite movie in the entire world, unlike Montegraph's movies who have no child nudity in them. 1:41:26 Unknown_02: So he's about to have sex with this 16-year-old, but in his mind, she has a reputation, a false reputation of being a slut at her school. She is a virgin. So when he goes to have sex with her, in his mind, he thinks, oh, she's just a slut. So I'm just fucking a slut. It doesn't matter that I'm having sex with a 16-year-old. But then she tells him, actually, this is my first time and I'm really nervous. And he decides not to do it. But as fate would have it, the literal closeted gay neo-Nazi that has a furibunker in his basement is in love with Lester and wants to have sex with him. And when he sees Lester having sex or making out with a woman, he gets so enraged that he murders him. And Lester dies anyways after making a moral upstanding decision. 1:42:05 Unknown_02: And Rakeda is trying to posit this as being like a moral story, as being like some kind of insight and how, like some kind of positive story. But it's nihilistic. It's fatalistic is what it is. That's the word I've been trying to find. Because it's about how life is arbitrary. Your decisions don't mean anything. All the people fucking Lester over and betraying him and cheating on him. Unknown_02: walk away fine and even though he makes an upstanding decision at the very end to abort his chain of bad decisions he is still arbitrarily killed by a gay closeted neo-nazi neighbor which aborts his chances at fixing his life and that's what he worships this movie that he fucking worships with child nudity and fatalism and life is meaningless so do whatever the fuck you want anyways because you never know when a gay neo-nazi might come over and kill you 1:43:05 Unknown_02: So it's really, really stupid, and his whole thing about how it's a moral lesson is fucking absurd. Unknown_02: And there was another thing that he went on about in this that I forgot. Unknown_21: I do want to see what this video is, this clip that I bookmarked. Unknown_02: It is very, it's very Jewish. Every aspect of this movie, every actor, every director, every producer from top to fucking bottom, except the 16 year old girl who gets naked. Uh, every one of them is Jewish. 1:43:43 Unknown_07: Dicks in my nostrils. You're such a faggot. Little boy penis or whatever. Not that guy. Give me more money. Um, I'd like a fag. Favorite part in American beauty. Unknown_07: I mean, why would I stop? Unknown_07: Oh my God. How can you say that? He's like, I'm so surprised by this. You lost the lawsuit. Unknown_07: Yeah. Unknown_07: I don't know. It's a mystery to me. Guy's a weirdo. Unknown_07: How can you say this? 1:44:17 Unknown_07: Show me when you stopped wanting to fuck children. Just like, just show me that. Unknown_07: Show me evidence of you not wanting to fuck children. I'll wait. Unknown_07: You take that back, Nikki. You have no proof. You take that back, Nikki. How dare you say that? You take that back, Nikki. It's defamation. The sweaty sausage squad is coming for you. 1:44:49 Unknown_07: Well, Nikki, how can you say that? Like this. You like to fuck kids. It's weird. Unknown_07: The vocalization of a concept isn't that difficult. Unknown_07: Well, how did you come to the conclusion that he's a pedophile? Unknown_07: I don't know. What else? Saying he's a pedophile and like his responses to him kind of make him look like a pedophile. I don't know. You know where you belong? On goddamn Jupiter. I stopped listening at the well. Get in it. You're gone. There was a parental consent form. Oh, Jesus Christ. 1:45:22 Unknown_07: I know you guys don't like me. That's fine. Unknown_07: Most of you guys who don't like me, you're on the same website that posted all that information. You guys called him a pedophile before I did. Hope you don't remember that, I guess. God, inconsistency is hard. Fag, I will pay to call you out. 1:45:58 Unknown_07: That this thing should be removed by summary judgment. Unknown_07: Oh my God. Unknown_07: Which means all the people who reach out to me and say, please. Unknown_02: Let's do a little thought experiment. I noticed this yesterday. Unknown_02: Just out of curiosity. Because I was trying to fix the sticky chats. And I needed some dummy data to play with. So I was on Rumble looking for a stream to open up that might have super chats rolling through it. Unknown_02: And what I noticed is that I was suggested a live stream for Necrocata. 1:46:33 Unknown_02: I want to see if I can find this really quick. Unknown_21: Ooh, I'm one of the top streams on Rumble. How exciting, chat. Unknown_21: Let's see, it doesn't show up on the first page. Unknown_21: Let's see, let's just do Arcata Law. Unknown_21: Okay, so. Unknown_21: That's the live one. It's not the one I want. Okay, so. Let's take a look at this. 1:47:10 Unknown_21: This is Rakeda's stream. Unknown_02: He is verified. He has 161,000 followers. He has 594, so I'll just say 600 likes. And he has 19 comments. And 50,000 views on his stream. Unknown_02: Then, this is Man at the Internet. The last week. So this is 20 hours ago. This is a week ago. Unknown_02: I have 3,000 followers. I have 20,000 plays on this and 220 likes and 66 comments. So I have to pull out a calculator set up for fun. 1:47:46 Unknown_02: Let's see, 160 divided by three. Unknown_02: He has 53 times the number of subscribers, but only less than, like, two and a half times as many likes. Unknown_02: Only two and a half times as many views. Unknown_02: And one third the comments. Unknown_02: I find this very interesting because I don't know what this says, what it says about his audience or his engagement, where, um, his streams have so little like audience interaction. Like, how could it, how could it possibly be that way? 1:48:29 Unknown_02: Ayo, that's per capita. Unknown_02: I don't know. Why am I not verified? Can I, can I, I don't know. Do I have to like ask? Do I have to say, please, please Wumble, verify me. Maybe they don't, maybe they're embarrassed. They don't want to tell anybody that I stream on their platform. Unknown_02: We don't want people to know that this retard is on our, on our system. Unknown_02: Is he sweeping his comments? That might be it. Unknown_02: I don't know. I think the deleted comments count though, to be sincere. 1:49:04 Unknown_02: Alright, whatever. There's another Nick that I want to talk about more, actually. Nick Fuentes is back on Twitter. As promised, as foretold by Elon Musk, King of Zitter. Unknown_02: Not Rikada. Fuentes is back. Unknown_02: And... Um... Unknown_02: I mentioned last stream that I tried to understand. I've tried to give Nick a fair shot because I gave some reasons before, but really I just didn't want to like jump on like a hate bandwagon and be like, okay, so this guy, this guy wants to do like political stuff and everyone's calling him gay. And so he looks like a faggot. Um, he's like a twink mode and he says like embarrassing shit every so often. And I guess like his greatest sin was like associating with Ralph as far as my memory goes. 1:49:44 Unknown_02: But then, you know, when I look into it, he is just there's something wrong with him. And I talked about this on my last stream and someone said, like, trust your gut. It's like, yeah, it really is like a trust your gut thing. I just get like a skeeved out fucking vibe about him and something's wrong. And it's hard to pin anything directly on him and say, like, this is why I hate him. But it's just like a gut thing. Like, I fucking get it. You know what I mean? So I want to play a couple clips. This one I found from Sprite. He reposted this. 1:50:18 Unknown_02: Not too long ago, a couple days ago. Unknown_02: And it's just him talking about Ali Akbar. If you don't remember, there was a time where this guy is like a brown Muslim named Ali Akbar. Who's since changed his name to a Christian name, Ali Alexander. But he is like a Pakistani guy or some shit. And he's like a gay pedophile. He is... Or... 1:50:50 Unknown_02: What's the word for the Greek shit? He's a pederast. He's interested in, like, teenage boys. Unknown_02: And Nick Fuentes and America First are basically an unlimited well of teenage boys that are then exposed to Ali Alexander because, for whatever reason, Nick Fuentes uses him as a part of his group. And he didn't always want to do this. So I'll play this clip of him explaining Ali Akbar. 1:51:23 Unknown_02: This is a long time ago. It's from 2017. It's funny. Unknown_16: This Ali Akbar guy, he keeps dodging me. I don't know what it is. And, uh... This Ali... I shouldn't talk about him. And the reason I shouldn't talk about him is because, like, he's a nobody. But when I say that Ali is a nobody, that is not rhetoric. That is not, like, a bantz. He's a nobody. Look on his Twitter. He gets no likes. He gets no retweets. He gets no replies. The engagement is terrible. It's worse... I had better engagement... nine months ago, when I had 2,000 followers on Twitter. So I probably shouldn't talk about him because anytime I talk about him, it's feeding him. The reason he comes at me is because he wants me to channel my audience into his. He is half black, half Arab, basically like a lefty. He's basically a Black Lives Matter guy. He did weird things with Karl Rove. And he pretends to be in the right wing. But at the same time he has like this sick inferiority complex because he's black and because maybe he's a closeted homo. So he is like this alien. He's the most fascinating thing in the world to me. And not even like he's interesting. This guy does not have an interesting original thought in his brain. But interesting to observe like an animal in the wilderness. Like when you see a spider crawling around your kitchen or whatever and you kind of look at it and you're like, well, that's neat. Look at how it walks. Look at how it does things. 1:51:56 Unknown_02: This is at 1x. I don't know if it's sped up on the codec, but it's not being sped up by me. Unknown_16: And then here's the best part. I was talking to my buddy Steve about this. I have evidence that Ali is, like, literally gay for the alt-right. I can't share it, unfortunately, because there are reasons for this. But I have it on very good authority, confirmed by several sources that this person is a legitimate homosexual. And, like, not that there's anything wrong with it. Like, if he's going to do that, whatever, okay? In the Bible, it says it's a sin. I disagree with it. Like, I'm not going to judge. I'm not going to come after him for that, right? But what's funny about it is he's going to go around saying like James Allsup and Richard Spencer have like this gay thing going on. And there's like abundant evidence that quite literally he would like to do things. He would like to interact in a sexual way with young, fashy white boys quite like myself and like others. and abundant evidence that quite literally he'd find he would like to do things he would like to interact in a sexual way with young fashy white boys mentally ill neurotic where he has all these different like competing demons in his head he's black he's arabic he's a closeted homo but yet he's also american and conservative and right-wing i'm sure in his mind it's just like i don't even know i can't imagine what it's like inside of there what must be like in there what must it be like to be like this literal bio trash literal biological waste You know, you look at the physiognomy of this individual and you just got to wonder like, why is God cruel? Why is there suffering like this? I will say he's been the one challenge to my faith. He's been a challenge to my faith. If you look at this poor creature and the position he was put in and you're like, why, why, why did you create this? 1:53:05 Unknown_02: I played that entire thing because it's such a brutal takedown of someone who... Because at this time, Nick is on the up and up. He's growing organically at a rapid rate. And the number of people who are on the alt-right grift trying to suck his ass is extremely high. 1:54:04 Unknown_02: And he has the liberty to be extremely choosy about who he associates with. And because he's so off the cuff and like brutal, I think that's a huge reason why a lot of people were just organically drawn to him. And he sees this guy who is the literal opposite of anything that Fuentes at the time cared about or liked. And this guy was trying to suck up to him. And he's like, I'm going to make fun of you. I'm going to ridicule you. I'm going to call you literal fucking biohazard waste. I'm not even going to refer to you as a human being. You're like a pile of like, like excrement or like fat cut off of a fat woman's ass and thrown into a biohazard bin. Like you're not even like a real person. 1:54:41 Unknown_02: And it's important to say all that because in the end, Ali Alexander ends up in his cabal. He ends up as like one of the top people in America first. And he's calling him like a gay pedophile. He says that he has direct knowledge that implicates him as a gay pedophile interested in having sex with teenage boys who are young and white and right-leaning. And he lets them into the organization and then... 1:55:14 Unknown_02: Years later, three years after the fact, after this... Unknown_02: I think it was three years, maybe a little bit later. I can't remember exactly when the Ali Alexander stuff happened. It came out that Ali Alexander was having like trying to solicit dick pics and stuff from people in America first. And Nick Fuentes knew that he was a gay pederast, let him in anyways when it became politically expedient to do so, allowed him access to underage people in America first. And then when they came out and said that this happened, 1:55:48 Unknown_02: Then, um, he blamed them. He said, well, you're the one that sent the dick pics. It's your fault. And he knew the entire time and said this. Unknown_02: Um, this is a post, by the way, that accuses him of having sex with, I think this woman and then also Brittany Venti. I don't, it's unsubstantiated. Uh, Unknown_02: And it's very strange. I don't know if anyone cares about any of this shit. I'm not going to read through it. But they allege that he's just fucking all these brown women that are in his circles. And I don't know if that's true. I don't really care. I find the weird pedo shit that circles him more interesting. This video I think pieced together by Gabe Hoffman on his other Twitter account, A Open Secret. 1:56:29 Unknown_02: Found this video and put this out and I'll play this as well. This is from... Unknown_02: It's April 2023 is when Ali Alexander was outed as having solicited nudes from men in America first or boys from America first. And I think this video is from 2020. And I say that because of the mask. 1:57:04 Unknown_02: Yeah, November 15th, 2020, the Million Mega March. I appreciate them keeping this in because it's so fucking gay and painful to listen to. Unknown_02: Now, you might be thinking, Nick Valente is a masky, walking in the open, in the streets, in public, wearing a masky, like a good little masky goyim cattle. Not only wearing a mask and being a good little masky cattle, but wearing it upside down, because you can see that the aluminum strip that you conform it to your face with is on the underside of his chin, so he's wearing it backwards for some reason. 1:57:44 Unknown_02: However, you can't really blame him for wearing a mask because I think in his group of people, there's a chance that people might cough like up blood. And if you get like a blood particle in your lungs, you'll get AIDS for sure. So you can't really blame him for wearing a mask. Unknown_05: Is that Elijah Schaefer? Is it? No, it's not him. He's so gay for me. 1:58:34 Unknown_05: A C-Pack? Hold it while you drink. Unknown_00: Maybe a minute ago. Unknown_05: What's going on here? Unknown_00: Him and Ali. Unknown_05: Ali was out here. I was like, I took Owen Shroyer. I was like, Owen, Ali's a pedo, right? And he's like, why does everybody say that? I'm like, dude, come on. Are you serious? How do people not know him? And he's like, oh, I work for InfoWars, so I don't really deal with that. That's some bullshit right there. Who said what? Owen Shroyer was giving you the bullshit. Oh, I don't really know about Ali. I just work for InfoWars. That's my job. Unknown_10: Oh, were you asking about, like... Well, Ali hit on me hard. 1:59:06 Unknown_05: Oh. And was, like, asking how tall I was, what kind of alcohol I drink. He was like, hey, if you want to come do chores for me, let me know. Oh, bro. Yeah, I'm trying to get that guy... Hey, this way! The sexy maid up. Unknown_10: Hold on, they're, like, Unknown_02: He knew, not only years before 2020, but he personally had a boy from his movement walk next to him and explain how Ali Alexander tried to sexually entice him, and he still kept him around. That really defies belief. Like, I've... 1:59:56 Unknown_02: I've definitely... Actually, you know what? Unknown_02: I'm thinking over this really hard in case I'm wrong. I don't think I've ever had to fire a Kiwi Farms mod for being sexually inappropriate. Unknown_02: I don't think it's ever happened. Unknown_02: Somehow, I'm better at picking janitorial staff for a retarded drama forum than Nick Fuentes is in finding allies for his right-wing cause. Is it a coincidence? Is it a coincidence that that's the case, chat? Is it just bad luck on his part? Or is it perhaps really, really easy to avoid letting sexual predators into positions of power in your organization? And Nick Fuentes, for whatever reason, just simply chooses not to avoid doing that. 2:00:33 Unknown_03: Isn't that interesting? Unknown_03: Don't jinx it. Unknown_02: It's true. Do I got some wood here? Bop, bop, bop. Got some more wood. Hold up. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. Unknown_02: No jinxing, chat. No jinxing. 2:01:11 Unknown_21: So yeah, there's more of this. Unknown_21: No, that's what I wanted to play. Unknown_02: There's also a thread. A lot of its images are missing right now because of the restoration that's happening. Unknown_02: but by the way i apologize to the guy from who has the s3 experience who like reached out to me and personally told me how to restore these attachments in the less retarded way i picked the most retarded way so it's taking literal days of time to undo all the deletions but um it's slowly working its way back and there's no risk to the data no but there's a thread in the 2:01:49 Unknown_02: I want to say in the sector, because I think we closed down the Nick Fuentes thread because America First is, like, winding down in terms of, like, I don't know. It might pick back up now. But I was shocked on Twitter a couple months ago that so many of the people with Groyper in their name also usually had, like, a snowflake icon in their username. And these guys just openly posted Lollicon and talked about wanting to fuck little girls. Unknown_02: And they would all like and follow each other and retweet each other. And it wasn't just, like, small accounts. These people would have, like, thousands of followers. And they would all be, like, in his circle. And they've since, like, quieted down. I don't see these people anymore. And it's either because Zitter is enforcing its, like, anti-Lolicon rule more. Or it's that Nick Fuentes told these people to stop embarrassing him. But it's still easy to find. Like, if you go out of your way to, like, browse through Groyper Propels to find the Lolicon people. But they're still out there. But at the time when I put together the thread, it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Like, you just click any Groyper account. It's like that game where you try to find Hitler on Wikipedia. You just click random article and try to find a way to Hitler's page. It was like that. Find a pedophile associated with Nick Fuentes. You go to Nick Fuentes, and then you find, like, some... You open, like, his latest tweet and go to the likes for that tweet. And then there's, like, Lollicon Groyper... 69 snowflake avatar and it's just like immediate at the top of the fucking list so the whole thing is skeevy to me and it's definitely a trust your gut thing but it's like I don't know it's very disheartening it's kind of like disappointing 2:03:31 Unknown_02: Because he does have, like, this following and this charisma. There was definitely a time where he was charismatic and, like, he was funny and, like, watching his streams and stuff. If I ever, like, randomly pulled up, like, a stream of his, he would say, like, I don't know, like, at the time, like, really offensive shit that was, like, funny and just laugh about it. And now he just seems, like, so, like, gross and angry with his... He's now, like, mid-20s and he's still got that broccoli boy haircut and shit and he just looks older and sadder and angrier. And there's like all the momentum that he has is just from like his hardcore, um, strong, strong, but tribes like running around posting his posting clips of him under every fucking tweet possible and trying to get people to talk about him more. 2:04:18 Unknown_02: I don't know. Nothing I see from Fuentes is organic, and it really, really, really skews me out. Unknown_02: And he's one of those people that I've just tried to give a benefit of a doubt to for a long time, and I just can't find it. I can't find any reason to like him. Unknown_02: Pre-Jan 6. That's right. Unknown_02: They definitely got him. They got him by the balls. They must have. And then once they got him by the balls, they probably got him to put in Ali Alexander and all these other fucking retards that are also by the balls. They probably got Ali Alexander on fucking child pornography charges or something, and they are hanging that over his head. And he has to... 2:04:51 Unknown_02: He has to work the beat for whatever reason, and he has to network with Nick Fuentes. I wonder if Ali Alexander is kind of like a boron rod. You know how in nuclear reactors they use boron to slow down chain reactions? Nick Fuentes, even though he's already compromised, we need to make sure that he doesn't get too popular, so we've got to put in some fucking retard faggots in his movement to make sure that no intelligent person will ever join America First and maybe network there, and then also... 2:05:28 Unknown_02: pull off his real organic momentum to a different splinter momentum. So we need to make him extremely unpopular to anyone with an IQ above 70. How do we do this? And then they put in the Ali Alexander Boron Rod to make sure that his chain reaction doesn't pop off too much. um so he's just like like he's like uh pinhead but instead of like needles it's like boron rods of retarded faggots that stop him from being an attractive uh political spokesperson to anyone intelligent uh i think i'm gonna say there's something else i don't know 2:06:14 Unknown_02: Just leave it there. Maybe I'll segue. Maybe I'll use this opportunity where I've lost my train of thought to simply segue. You know who is very happy to see Nick Fuentes back in the saddle on Zitter? Unknown_02: Ethan Ralph. Nick Fuentes posts his triumphant Patrick Starr Spongebob meme as he returns to Zitter. Unknown_02: And Ethan Ralph says, Congratulations. It's good to see you back. To which Alex asks, Are we pro-Fuentes again? He says, I dropped the beef a long time ago. It was a rough time in my life and certain people took advantage. I regret it. And any anti-Zionist voice is welcome, in my opinion. 2:06:47 Unknown_02: So to clarify, in case you don't remember, in case you're blessed and you don't know anything about Ethan Ralph, Ethan Ralph is a fat retard. He streams on Cozy, or did stream on Cozy. Cozy is Nick Fuentes' personal streaming platform that nobody else uses except for him. Unknown_02: And... Unknown_02: At a certain point, Ethan Ralph realized that he is the pet retard of America First. Nobody likes him. Because at the time, he was super shit-faced on pills every night. 2:07:24 Unknown_02: And everyone just made fun of him and hated him constantly. Unknown_02: And he kind of realized that even though Nick Fuentes never said anything untowards Ethan Ralph, he kind of realized that all of the capos around Fuentes bullied him relentlessly. Unknown_02: Not really relentlessly, but they kind of sneak dissed him. And Ralph is retarded, but he's intelligent enough to know when the vibe of everyone around him is mocking towards him. So he got really pissed off one day. And he was personally invited to... to attend um afpac which is fuentes's um like little little conferences that he does and small venues where he like tries to put on like a hitler performance but it's always like a disaster so he he shows up in florida for this afpac and he's like started at some point 2:08:00 Unknown_02: He starts a fight with Fuentes and gets really pissed off that Fuentes, who's in the middle of preparing for his biggest event of the year, is not answering his messages promptly enough. So he just assumes that Fuentes hates him now. And he goes off and starts dumping docs of Fuentes' best capos, which is a really big deal because Fuentes is maligned as a neo-Nazi. So if you're in America first in your docs, well, that really hurts your genuinely hurts your job prospects because people like Gabe Hoffman and Antifa organizations will hunt down who you are and your family and try to ruin your family's businesses and stuff because, you know, it's anti-fascism. So therefore, it's all all above board. 2:09:09 Unknown_02: So it's a really fucking dick move to start snaking on all your all your people in that organization if you're supposed to be down with it. Unknown_02: But he does that, right? So where am I at? He's on Cozy. He says, fuck Fuentes. And then he starts up a stream on Rumble, and he's, like, doing all this shit. And I want to encourage this, because I don't like Fuentes, and I want to see America First have problems. So I talked to Ralph for the first time in, like... Unknown_02: Over a year. And I try to keep him on track and keep him talking about Fuentes and stuff. And for some reason, a lot of people who are very low IQ and who don't understand what the Kiwi Farms is and what my show is and what my interests are, just assume that I was trying to help Ralph. And I was obviously trying to get him to, to, 2:09:49 Unknown_02: dump all his dirt on Fuentes so that's what he's referring to when he says people took advantage of that situation but to be clear I mean I did take advantage of the situation but I didn't start it I didn't like prompt Ralph into doxing people in America first um Unknown_02: And what's really, really, really, like, sickening about Ralph going back to Fuentes is just, like, what shit happened. Like, first of all, the Gropers are going to treat him like a pet retard, for sure. Like, he'll never have vertical escalation in America First. 2:10:36 Unknown_02: Fuentes will never trust him again. None of the Cozy people will ever trust him again. If he's allowed to have a place on Cozy, it will be strictly so that Nick Fuentes can advertise Cozy and America First to more people. Unknown_02: They all make fun of him and call him a retard. Unknown_02: And so on. And then, this is the most shocking, is that when Ralph was actively snaking on Fuentes, and Fuentes addressed this issue... 2:11:14 Unknown_02: There were people in his live chat saying, Rape Rosie, the fatherless whore. This is Mac Groiper. If you don't know, Rosie at this time was a one-year-old infant baby girl. And the America First people, the first thing they jump to is rape a toddler, not even a toddler, an infant, to spite Ethan Ralph. Even saying that is just like fucked up. But then, I think even worse, even worse than saying that particular sentence, Is accepting those going back to those people and groveling and trying to get back in their good graces for monetary compensation is like the most stomach churning level of cuckoldry that has ever existed. Where you have people threatening your infant and you're just like, yeah, well, you know what we... We squashed the beef. I don't care if they said they wanted to rape my daughter. I don't care about my daughter. I care about my son Xander. They can say whatever they want about Rosie. Fuck Rosie. I care about Xander. 2:11:58 Unknown_02: I think if you were to rank Ethan Ralph's piggly wiggly moments from most piggalicious to least piggalicious and based, him going back to America first after this shit is the most piggalicious that you could possibly get. The most debased, pathetic, weak-willed, groveling... uh just utterly craven and disgusting and subhuman uh i think it's probably one of his worst most pathetic moments and it's just like i mean it's it's up there there's some other shit but that's all like on stream as far as like actual like decisions that he's made as a sober person unfucking believable just genuinely unfucking believable that he would do this i'm not saying a lot because it's ralph 2:13:13 Unknown_02: And then this is not related to Fuentes anymore. He's decided to put out a video discussing his lawsuit or his situation with Matthew Vickers, who has been a little bit more quiet after declaring bankruptcy and filing for divorce. Unknown_12: I, along with 50 Anons, basically the sector, are being sued for defamation in California by Matthew Vickers, the grandfather to my son, Alexander Vickers. Unknown_12: And I wanted to settle this, right, because I talked about this publicly already. I've been trying to just move on from all this, put the beef behind me, not air this out in public because it's just ridiculous. But his first offer was for me to give him my grandfather's diamond ring, my diamond ring now, which, of course, I refused and would never do that ever under any circumstances. His second proposal was for him to hold on to the ring and me to sign over my rights to my son when it came time or when it was able to be done, which would be like a year or two down the line. And I said, well, if that's the case, then we need to have some sort of renegotiation on child support, et cetera, because this is an unfair burden. I should have never even considered this in the first place. 2:14:39 Unknown_12: But we did have those conversations, and then he had a meltdown and lost his mind and said don't contact him, et cetera, et cetera. But the fact of the matter is I'm not going to give over any diamond ring. They would have to cut this diamond ring off my cold, dead hands before they got it from me. Unknown_12: I'm not going to sign over the rights to my son ever at this point. Uh, and I'm going to see my son here pretty soon, actually. Uh, so, you know, um, you try to handle things the right way. You try to do it the right way. I offered to make an apology. I offered to, um, 2:15:20 Unknown_12: just put this behind us, but he had all these things. He said he would lock it in his safe and hold on to it for a year and a half that only he and Ariana, who's his wife, had the combination to. Now, they're allegedly going through a divorce. Unknown_12: which it seems kind of weird that they still have that sort of relationship if they're going through a divorce. I know there's been rumors that he's doing that to restructure his debt, and it's kind of a gimmick. That seemingly leads... lends credence to that theory, in my opinion. 2:15:56 Unknown_12: But, you know, you can't sell things with a guy who's nuts. Unknown_12: And so I did my best. to try to put it behind me, to try to move on. Unknown_12: But that's not possible, apparently. So I look forward to seeing him in court, win, lose, draw, whatever. It's not going to affect me much here in Mexico, but it is a huge threat to free speech here on the Internet. It is an attack on my parental rights and just – fatherly rights in general. Uh, and you know, I look forward to seeing him in court. Uh, I don't, uh, I'm not particularly concerned, uh, about any judgment, et cetera. Um, for several reasons. Um, but no, you're not getting the ring. No, I'm not signing over my rights and, uh, you can go fuck yourself. 2:16:34 Unknown_02: What a brave stance you took, Ethan. What a brave stance. Oh, you're so fucking brave. So, wow, cool. The $20 fake Pawpaw's Etsy ring, the fake-ass fucking glass on fake-ass fucking metal. 2:17:10 Unknown_02: By the way, in case you're curious, the ring he's so defensive of is clearly just a glass gemstone in a fake ring. And we know for a fact that it is a fake because he has an allergy to it. Um, gold, gold allergy is extremely rare. Gold allergy, gold is a very non-reactive substance. It does not usually interact with very much. 2:17:44 Unknown_02: Um, to be allergic to gold is just not fucking likely. However, there is another metal that many people have more allergies to, and that is nickel. And gold-plated nickel is a lot more common than, um, Unknown_02: Where it's very common. And therefore, if you have an allergic reaction to a piece of jewelry, it is almost always that you have a nickel piece that is plated. So his ring is fake. It's fucking nickel. And I almost wonder if it's like, is he refusing to give this fake, worthless ring to Vickers because... 2:18:18 Unknown_02: Vickers would just, as a, uh, metalurgist would just test it and, and see that it is a fake ring and would laugh about it on the internet. And he just can't stand that, but we all know it's fucking fake. Um, he's also just, he's really, this is like one of his griftiest videos ever because it's, it's kind of like a masterpiece in grifting. The first thing he does when he opens this video is he says, Matthew Vickers sued 50 anonymous anonymous people, basically, basically the sector, uh, So he opens by saying that Vickers' lawsuit is against 50 people, and that includes everybody in the sector, anybody who's ever made fun of him. So he tries to immediately frame it as Vickers is the enemy, and we're all on the same team in this lawsuit. 2:18:57 Unknown_02: When the 50 people are spaces that he's left open to sue certain other trolls on Twitter who fuck with Vickers and shit, it's still retarded, but it's not the sector, quote-unquote. Um, so he frames it like that to try and gain or garner more sympathy. And then he also frames it as like the current grift of like paternal rights. Like, Oh my, my evil ex-girlfriend took my child, my own one and only first born son away from me because you know, Took her to California, where the California family courts are just the most evil thing in the whole world. And even though I don't pay any child support, they're trying to take away my kids, trying to ruin me, using my child against me. Just like baiting the fucking line that everybody on the planet takes when they want to grift a right-wing audience. Like, oh, it's an evil bitch, and she went to California, the most evil state in the whole country, and they're trying to ruin me. They're trying to use my child against me. Man. 2:19:41 Unknown_02: Even though he's like a fucking disgusting pig monster. Unknown_02: I don't know. I think there's a little bit more about Vickers as well. He's crying about the lawsuit that he's still fighting pro se. 2:20:17 Unknown_21: And... Unknown_02: This is the post put out by Ralph through a proxy. This is an email that he received from Matthew Vickers saying, Since the provision is not about signing your rights away, but concerning the ownership and return of property in the event a specific act is accomplished, I believe the provision will pass muster. So this is in reply to something that Ralph says, This won't hold up in court. You're trying to blackmail me. And Vickers says, No, it is legally enforceable. 2:20:50 Unknown_02: I doubt there's a third party that either of us trust, but it will go into my safe and never be touched or looked at. Only Ariana and myself will have the combination. Ariana is his wife, which kind of lends to the argument that the divorce is fake and only for tax structuring reasons or bankruptcy reasons. Unknown_02: I have nothing to do with child support. You're welcome to work on the family courts. This is between you and Faith. Vickers is suing not for anything relating to Xander. Vickers is suing him for defamation. I can't remember what the original tort was. It was a defamation claim, I think. And I think Ralph probably called him a pedophile or something. 2:21:25 Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_21: So forgive me if I'm misunderstanding, but what I'm reading is you want to see Xander. Unknown_02: You understand it is in Xander's best interest if you don't see him. Child support is a financial burden. You pay child support. You intend to see him. You intend to take on extra financial burden if you continue your existing financial burden to accomplish something that you believe is not in Xander's best interest, but mostly because you know that's something that we need to rather see not happen. 2:21:59 Unknown_02: This is, by the way, the whole thing, the lawsuit, what he's trying to do is trying to convince Ralph to allow Faith's long-term boyfriend to adopt Xander legally. Unknown_02: And then once, um, in doing so, uh, Ralph would surrender parental rights and, uh, the adoptee father would become the sole, like the sole legally recognized father. So Ralph wouldn't have no legal right to visit. Like even if there's like a sole custody arrangement, if you're the father, you can arrange visitation. Um, even if you're like a piece of shit, usually, unless you like did something to hurt the child. But in this case, he would be saying that I'm not the father anymore. This other guy is. And therefore, you can't even force visitations. That's how I interpret this. 2:22:41 Unknown_02: But he's trying not to do that. And I don't know why. I don't know why Ralph cares. Unknown_02: The last time he saw this kid that I remember, he flew to California like over a year ago. And during that time, for whatever reason, he had bright blue hair because that was like a trend. Both him and Destiny and Ninja all had bright blue, neon blue hair. They've all since dropped this fucking blue hair because it's ridiculous looking. But when he went to visit Xander, the baby said, Bluey! 2:23:20 Unknown_02: Because apparently he was watching the cartoon and Ralph having blue hair reminded him of the cartoon little girl dog. Unknown_02: So that's how often Xander sees him. He mistook Ralph for a six-year-old dog. 2:23:55 Unknown_02: Crazy. Unknown_02: So that's how Father of the Year is doing. Unknown_02: What a horrific fucking nightmare Ralph's life is. I'm so glad I'm not him. Let's all do a quick prayer chat. Thank you, dear Lord, for making me not Ethan Oliver Ralph. Unknown_02: I thank you for your continued blessings and not allowing you to wake up as Ethan Ralph. I hope I never wake up as Ethan. Unknown_21: Thank you. Amen. 2:24:31 Unknown_21: What's this? Unknown_21: Okay, so I debated doing this or not, you know, and the stream's already going on long enough. Unknown_02: I decided I wouldn't talk about Boss Man today. So we'll just wrap it up with one more final segment real quick, and then we'll call it a day. 2:25:11 Unknown_23: Rats rise the fuck up rats rising the fuck up Unknown_02: Alright, Bossman Jack. What's he been up to? That's the real question. What's happened in the last four days? The answer is quite a bit, actually. I got some clips. I got some stories. We're going to talk about Bossman. Because you know what? I like the Bossman tent. And the people who don't like the Bossman tent... Unknown_02: They're what we call gay and retarded chat. In this house, we say gay and retarded, and the people who don't like Boss Man Jack are gay and retarded. 2:25:47 Unknown_02: So let's flesh the homosexual retards out. Unknown_02: So a little, this I think goes to show you how the Boss Man entropy level is continually increasing. A while ago, I talked about his greatest win streak ever, where he ended up up $64,000 or something, and then he lost it over a couple days. He would take $1,000 out, he would play that, he would lose it. He did this over and over again, once every hour, over a three-day crack bender, and he lost $64,000. That was the most remarkable bender that he went on. 2:26:24 Unknown_02: Since last Friday, I want to say, Bossman went up $70,000 twice. He went up $75,000 doing coin flips. Unknown_02: Because it's a literal fucking coin flip, and I'll show you clips of it in a second. But he plays this all the time now. It's his only game. It simplifies the whole process because basically the odds of the coin flip are the odds of the slot machines and the blackjack and everything else evened out over a length of time. Unknown_02: So even though it's like profoundly fucking retarded to go to a casino site and just play coin flips, I guess in his brain it works out the same because it's literally the exact same fucking thing as every other game at a casino. It's still 48% odds, right, with the 2% house edge. 2:27:03 Unknown_02: um but he he will like double or nothing multiple times until he ends up big and then he'll just lose it all so uh he came up twice he lost both of it and he loses it off stream because he's afraid of being clipped losing his money and crying about it um so he fucking as a boring he decides to play off stream and it sucks Unknown_02: He's on Discord, and I'm going to play some clips of this, which are short. But he got banned off Twitch because of drugs, I think. I think that his official—he got banned for a month for doing drugs. And I don't know if that means, like, crack or marijuana. I think he can do marijuana on Twitch. Maybe not. Maybe not marijuana. So he got high as a kite, and they banned him or something. I don't know if it was off crack or marijuana. But he got another month-long ban. 2:27:39 Unknown_02: So now he's just streaming on Discord. Well, this is causing him problems because his sponsor, BC Game, expects him to be streaming. That's why he's a fucking sponsor. And they don't consider his Discord streams to be a stream because he only gets like a couple hundred viewers and he gets thousands on Twitch and Kik. So now he's banned from both Kik and Twitch. 2:28:16 Unknown_02: And, uh, oh, the bongs. It's a, it's a fucking month long ban for a bong on Twitch. Dude, Twitch is so fucking gay. How the fuck do people use Twitch? If you are able to stay on Twitch for a month and not get perma banned, you are like the most pacified Negro cattle that has ever fucking lived. You are like a designer model of a good goy. They will make wax sculptures out of you and put you on the shops in Tel Aviv. Like, look at this goy. He's so good. He's the best goy we've ever had. He can stream on Twitch even. That's how fucking good this goy is. Like, unbelievable. I can't fucking believe people... I can't believe anyone would ever subject themselves to a platform as overbearing and motherly as Twitch. It actually fucking disgusts me. It's like a... I had a little spat with Blowblacks on Twitter, and I sent them a message. I posted a message that a lot of people thought was, like, over the top. But no, when I think about these people and the way they bend and contort themselves to stay solvent on Twitch and YouTube streaming... it actually nauseates me. I don't see these people as people anymore. If you are actually able to contort your brain in such a way that it can pass through the filter, the strainer that is Twitch or YouTube's terms of service, you are not a fucking person. You're like a cow. I can eat you. I can hang you up on a meat hook and disembowel you and cook you on a barbecue and eat you without remorse because you are no longer a human being. You are like a subspecies of monkey that's perfectly fine to... 2:29:26 Unknown_02: to to uh to split open and cut up for for choice bits you know what i'm saying like how the fuck how where do you draw the line on this pita billboard right at fucking beau blacks he's not a person anybody who streams on twitch not a person you're closer you're closer to a flemish meat rabbit than you are a human being uh okay so anyways he's on discord and people are are um annoying him so he bans them let's watch 2:30:27 Unknown_08: Coin flip is love and coin flip is life. Unknown_08: I wake up, I pray for a good coin flip sesh. Unknown_08: I go get my morning breakfast and then pray over my food and my success at coin flip that day. Unknown_08: And I never stopped praying. Praying for coin flip success. Unknown_08: He's a rat, dude. He's a rat. Unknown_21: What the hell? Oh, shit. Oh shit, dude! Unknown_02: Is that a black guy? What the fuck? Why is Anonymous a black guy? Why the fuck? 2:30:59 Unknown_02: Dude! What is this in here? Austin? Unknown_02: Is he a British black guy? What the fuck? What? Yeah, Austin, I know your name. Unknown_08: Oh, I thought I didn't have my name on there. Just say my name. Unknown_08: Say my name, say my name. Unknown_15: Wait, what? What? Unknown_02: Shut the fuck- He looks weird now, dude, because he does crack. You want to see the faces of crack? Unknown_02: It's actually kind of shocking. I thought he's been, like, an addicted gambler for years. He's only been gambling since, like, November 2023, I want to say. Or July or something. Oh, February 2023 is when he started gambling. So he's been doing crack and gamba for literally just over a year. And you can see, like, an actual, like, physical decline in him that would make Rakeda blush and call in a wellness check. 2:31:30 Unknown_08: I'll smack you in your face, boss. Yeah, go on, then. Unknown_15: I already have your idea, James. You're from Warsaw. Oh, yeah. Unknown_08: No, I'm not. Unknown_08: From where? Unknown_15: You're from Warsaw. Unknown_08: Warsaw. Unknown_08: No, I'm not. 2:32:05 Unknown_02: This black guy looks at him and thinks he's Polish and sounds Polish. I guess all those whiteys look the same to him. Unknown_02: You are. Unknown_08: It says you're from Lincoln. Don't fuck this. Lincoln logs up your ass, you weirdo. Lincoln logs up your ass. Lincoln logs up your ass. That's what you like. I sit here and I fucking... I sit here. I'm not so ugly. I don't have to hide my face. I'm not ugly. Unknown_15: You're just fucking... Unknown_08: I can't tell. Unknown_02: Dude, look, he's really thinking of pulling it off. See, we all think that Austin's, like, a retard because he does the fuck your mom shit, but he, like, just is, like, black. He, like, speaks black. He says, oh, you're fucking ugly. That's why you're wearing a mask. And the guy's, like, actually holding the bottom of his mask, like, oh, fuck. I don't want him to think I'm ugly. 2:32:39 Unknown_02: He just, like, he just knows how to communicate with black people. Unknown_08: Ogre, dog. Unknown_15: I've done some... He looked at... Ogre! Unknown_08: Ogre! Hello! How you doing, Ogre? Unknown_08: Shut up, bitch. Shut up, bitch. Shut up, pussy. Shut up, pussy. Unknown_03: He made him disconnect. The guy disconnected. 2:33:12 Unknown_02: Then he hits the vape. Job well done. Mission accomplished. Unknown_02: Okay, this is a conversation between Trump, Donald Trump lover. Mmm, spicy. A little bit erotic. And Bossman Jack. Unknown_02: So, Donald Trump lover says, What up? Bossman says, Look, lost it all. Donald Trump says, the 70,000? Fuck, dude. Bossman Jack says, swear to God, 400 for 500, bro, before I shoot myself in the face? Please, cap, cap there, bet, please. Thanks, man. Man, are you being serious, he says after getting no reply. Then he tries to call Donald Trump and says, bro, I can't. I hit myself. I lost $4,500 tonight. I'm sorry, man. And Bossman says, whatever, dude. Get out of my community, dog. So Donald Trump lover, who is a Gamba addict himself, who typically loans Bossman Jack thousands of dollars to play with, with the assumption that when he's up, he'll get paid back. 2:34:22 Unknown_02: was excised as a rat for refusing to give Bossman Jack $500 when he didn't have any money to give back. Unknown_02: Clearly, this is rat behavior. This is also probably a scam because it's assumed that Donald Trump lover was already owned several thousand dollars. And now he's not going to get paid back. So, yeah, that happens. And you can't really hold him accountable. Like, what are you going to do? Try to tell the government that you lend a fucking gambler like thousands of dollars? You're going to try to sue him? Sue a crack addict for money? Yeah, you're right. Unknown_02: Violence okay, so this is him. He lost some money. Let's see what happened I'm trying every fucking method there is every fucking combo every different fucking thing You can fucking flip on this shit two heads to it. 2:35:00 Unknown_08: Just it never works, dude. I Unknown_02: it's like he's trying to do gambling as like a puzzle like if i do tails tails tails i lose if i do tails tails heads i also lose if i do tails heads tails i still lose what is happening what is the answer to this intricate puzzle sorry bro the answer changes every time oh my god by the way if there's one thing that's nice about um 2:35:41 Unknown_02: rumble is that what the fuck sorry what the fuck is he listening to what kind of song is this um the nice thing about discord is like a streaming platform is that if instead when he peaks instead of just like capping the volume it just shuts off the volume so when he's like smashing shit and screaming at the top of his lungs it just drops it it just drops the audio Unknown_02: Then he's complaining that he injured himself. He says, what a fucking sick-ass joke. I'm bleeding pretty fucking bad right now. Nellie says, don't let it get infected. You should wash it, boss. Courtney says, you good, boss? He says, yeah, I'm fine. I just don't see how I can lose on that game for so many hours straight. I'll be okay. Unknown_21: Six people liked this message. Unknown_21: I think that this is him talking about fucking a dude again. 2:36:37 Unknown_02: On some of these patterns they got on here, dude. This is the coin flip game, by the way. He's spent, like, literally hundreds of hours staring at this coin flip machine now. Unknown_08: It is not right, dude. It's not right. Unknown_08: Oh, see what I mean? It's that third one you miss every time. Unknown_08: It's the third one you miss every time. It's a miss every... You'll hit the two, no problem. You go for that third. Nope! Nope. Unknown_21: Nope, we ain't giving you that one. 2:37:10 Unknown_21: Look at that, it won't even give me fucking two now. Unknown_08: Fuck you. Unknown_02: In case you're wondering, this is how the mechanics work on this. If you flip a coin one time, it's a 50-50 chance, and you can cash out for 1.98 times your money, which is not two times your money because there's a 2% house edge. Unknown_02: If you flip a second time, you get four times your money or like 3.96. Unknown_02: And the reason why it works like that, it's not like it's kind of simple. It's basically when you flip a second time, it's basically double or nothing. And every time you flip after that, it's another double or nothing. So after the third time, it's 7.94% or times or whatever. 2:37:45 Unknown_02: Um, so it would be the same as doing double or nothing one flip three times in a row. Unknown_02: And, uh, obviously the chances of, of winning are 50% the first time, 25% the second time, 12.5% the last time. So like one out of every eight, eight chant times, you'll get the eight multiplier, right? Very, very simple, very straightforward. Um, he doesn't seem to understand it though. 2:38:21 Unknown_02: Oh, my God. Oh, actually, Evil Sponge corrects me. He says, actually, no, Eddie's a rigger, and he flips the fucking switch. That's true. So, generally, when you flip a coin, it always lands heads unless malicious forces get in your way. This is actually known. Gamba facts. Oh, dude. Unknown_02: This is fucking absurd. Unknown_08: fucking dude i am dude i love it i love i don't know why i'm such a child i guess because when he says i'm gonna i'm gonna fucking and then he just cuts himself off and says dude i'm gonna fucking dude dude i'm gonna i'm gonna fucking i'm gonna fucking fucking dude dude i'm gonna fucking dude i'm dude i'm serious bro i'm serious real fucking dude 2:39:08 Unknown_08: I'm going to do it, guys. I'm not kidding. Unknown_04: I'm going to do it for real. This is it, guys. I fucking love you guys. Unknown_08: I've done this for too much. I'm miserable, dude. I cannot go on anymore. I cannot, dude. I can't. I can't do this anymore, dude. I can't, dude. I can't do this anymore. Unknown_02: And then look at, when he ends the stream, look at all those rats. Look at all those ratatouille rats. It's like lifting up a, like a piece of wood that's on the ground. Or pulling a cabinet off the wall. And there's just like a thousand rats eating into the wall. And they all start scurrying away into the wall. Look at all you rats. You think I don't see you? You think I don't see you rats? 2:39:39 Unknown_02: Like a hundred of them back there. Unknown_02: I got some gamba. Each of these is about a minute long, I think. Unknown_21: Sure, I think this is violence. Unknown_02: I like the violence clip myself. Unknown_21: I'm a simpleton. Unknown_21: Discord cutting out the smash there kind of deprived me of my joy. 2:40:13 Unknown_02: I need to hear his father's possessions smashing and breaking. That's fucking bullshit. Unknown_02: Look, you see? That's all the impact. All the impetus. I need to hear things break, goddammit. It's just not the same. Unknown_02: Another reason why Discord's a shit platform. Unknown_08: I'm fucking done. This is all over. This is all over, dude. I broke my mouse. I don't even know what to do now. What am I supposed to do now? Unknown_02: Yeah, fuck a dude. 2:40:54 Unknown_02: Wait, wasn't his door unattended? No. At one point in time, Bossman Jack had a door. He destroyed this door. He literally carved through the wood, or the plywood, a shape of Bossman Jack to the point where it looked like a cartoon, like Hanna-Barbera cartoon silhouette of himself. And then they threw this door out because he just randomly decided to tear it apart one day. Unknown_02: Rat Dad then went out to Home Depot. And about the cheapest, shittiest door possible. Unknown_02: Because he knows it's going to get destroyed and put it up in its place. However, the hinges are on the wrong side. And instead of fixing this, he simply puts the door in the hole and removes it as necessary. Kind of as if he was just blocking the door to his room with like a boulder, and he would roll the boulder out of its place whenever he needs to open the door. I do not know why this is a satisfactory way to operate a door, but for Bossman Jack, it works. 2:41:28 Unknown_08: Here's 500, suck it! 2:42:01 Unknown_02: I forgot about the curtain phase. There was an intermediary privacy phase where he did not have a door and instead just hung up a curtain on, like, a cheap, like, pressure rod that you pull out. And now he has the door there, but it's not actually used. Unknown_08: Give every fucking one of your viewers money. Holy shit. This shit's fucking so stupid, dude. Unknown_08: Oh, my God. They fucking take all our money, guys. That's all I can say, dude. They don't fucking give me shit no more, dude. If they do, they take it back the same fucking day, man. What the fuck's up with that? Goddamn. Nice. Thank you so much, man. My life is fucking awesome right now. I fucking love life right now. Love it. Love it. Love my life, dude. Fucking bullshit, dude. Look at this fucking bullshit. Fucking brand new vape. Broke my fucking mouse. Broke my fucking keyboard. Oh, my God. Fuck me. 2:42:34 Unknown_02: He acts like it's the casino that does this. Like, Eddie comes in from steak and just smashes all his shit when he loses. Like, sorry you lost that coin flip. I'm taking that vape and I'm taking this hammer and I'm fucking breaking it. 2:43:05 Unknown_02: I think that, I don't know, I can kind of understand why some people don't find him interesting, but I find the psychology of his addiction in particular and how it manifests to be endlessly fascinating. The way that he does gymnastics to avoid any kind of blame, his paranoia that the owners of the casinos are manually adjusting his RNG to be more or less favorable to create content. 2:43:40 Unknown_02: The way that he has these goals in his life, like moving out and getting a car and all these normal things. But even when he's up enough that he can afford these things, he simply gambles it until it's gone. When you're up $70,000, what the fuck do you need more money for? If you have $70,000 cash and you're gambling, why not... Unknown_02: stop. Why not buy the car? Why not go outside and buy the car? That's why it drove me crazy for like that. He never bought like a bong or, or a gold chain or anything like, why the fuck would you not just go out and get what you want? And I know that the answer is that he's addicted, addicted to gambling and he's addicted to losing money. And that's why he doesn't, but it's just, it's still fascinating to me. 2:44:18 Unknown_02: It's also fascinating to me how he has multiple streams of revenue. He has like his daily bonuses from his platform and his affiliates and he still chooses, he still has these side income from his subs, his subscription income and his tips. And he gambles that too. Like he knows that he has a $5,000 check from kick coming in this week. So he'll take out a $5,000 loan from Donald Trump lover and then gamble that and like spend his money before he even has it. Instead of just like, 2:44:58 Unknown_02: Instead of, like... I think that even, like, a retarded person who has, like, an addiction problem would simply set up this income to go to an account managed by his father so that the money can be reinvested into his life, but he chooses not to do that. And... I just... I just don't get it. The more I sit and I think about, like... Unknown_02: How advantageous his position is for him versus how he chooses to spend his time and money, the more bewildering it becomes. And that's what I find fascinating about him. And I hope at least most of you share this fascination. 2:45:31 Unknown_02: And finally, a little moment of Reddit at the end. To cap this off before Superberries. Unknown_02: Am I the asshole for asking my partner to stop fidgeting with his balls? My partner, 24M, and I, 22F, have been together for almost two years now. And I have been living together, or have been living together, for about a year. Unknown_02: I have only had one other boyfriend, so I'm not sure if this is normal for many men to do, but my partner constantly has his hands in his pants. When I say constantly, I mean basically every 10 to 15 minutes. He just keeps sticking his hands in his pants the whole time. And no, this is not a pleasure thing. He formed this habit when he was a young kid. It doesn't matter if he's happy, stressed, sad, or angry. He's always touching and stretching out his ball sack between his fingers. Sometimes he makes this god-awful squeaking noise by cupping his ball skin in his fist. 2:46:10 Unknown_02: At first I didn't see this as alarming, but now I'm just fed up. It's gotten to the point where I will lightly smack his hand above his junk area and tell him to stop. Over time, this has become somewhat triggering to him, so oftentimes after saying please stop, he follows up with, you can't tell me what to do. It's even progressed to the point of him saying things like, if you really loved me, you wouldn't try to change me. Now this is where even this little habit becomes a real issue. It doesn't matter if he has showered in a few days, he will still be constantly fidgeting in his pants. And yes, it stinks. Sorry, it fucking stinks. 2:46:44 Unknown_02: If he hasn't showered and I hit his vape, there's a slight stank lingering on it. Sometimes I don't feel comfortable holding hands with him, having him hold my face, touch food, because there's almost zero guarantee that he hasn't touched his junk. In terms of our sex life, he always showers beforehand, so luckily I don't need to worry about that. However, he isn't the most sexual guy, which has me wondering if the overstimulation to his genitalia is causing him to have a low libido. overall it's been a long battle between me and his terrible habit and his consistent argument of i need to love him without the need to change him and the way he does things uh it has me wondering if i'm really the asshole in the situation i do this this is me says someone in chat i mean i think all guys adjust like he like it just becomes uncomfortable 2:48:06 Unknown_02: It, like, sticks to your thigh and stuff. You have to, like, pull it apart. I don't know. It's not, like, a constant thing, though. It's weird. Especially every time... Dude, women on Reddit, like, just live in constant agony. Like, their lives are hell. I have another one, actually. You know what? I will read this one. This is even worse. This is way worse, actually. It's not even comparable. Unknown_21: But let's make this a four-hour stream, shall we? Unknown_21: Life Advice by Good Vibes 182. 2:48:39 Unknown_02: On the phone while having sex, hashtag relationship advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for seven years. He's 31 and I'm 29. He's constantly on his phone on a daily basis, even when we're out eating. He won't give me access to his phone. When it comes time to intimate time, it's always a struggle. The most we have gone is a month without sex. But when we do have sex, I catch him on his phone. Doing doggy, and he says it's okay because he's looking at stocks and makes a dumb excuse. I just have no idea what to think anymore and need advice. JealousAd5146 says he's watching porn while you do doggy. And 4URProgesterone says this. $500 right now, let's do he has a severe porn addiction. Dude. 2:49:14 Unknown_02: Redditor women live in a layer of hell that has somehow broken through the crest of this earth and occupies our corporeal realm. The tenth layer of hell is actually our existence, and it's reserved for Redditors, basically. Unknown_02: Yeah, stocks is unbelievable. If he had said Bitcoin, I would get it. Like, when you're doing day trading with Bitcoin, you can't look away for a second. You might miss your sell signals. But regular stocks, especially now at night, the stock market closes. Bitcoin never closes, though. 2:49:47 Unknown_02: It's Bitfolio. It's the only way it makes sense. He's lying. If he had said Bitfolio, I would be like, yeah, obviously. Obviously, he's a day trader. He can't stop that Sigma grind symbol. Unknown_02: You lost it all. Unknown_04: Fucking life, dude. Unknown_02: Fuck. Unknown_04: Fucking dude. Fuck. Unknown_02: All right. I think that's it. Let's do some super berries. And I have a very, very special outro song picked out because I will not be streaming tomorrow or the day after or today, actually, or the day after. And those days are special for a historical reason, which will become clear when I play the outro song. But until then, let's do some super berries. 2:50:19 Unknown_02: Unkind naysayer for two says, busy at a bar right now. Pretend I attached some serious fucking parasocial bullshit to the super chat. That doesn't work. I read those out loud. Dude, I don't know. You can't send me $2 super chats asking me to pray for your dead hamster. I'm sorry. You know, I like hamsters and shit, but when they fall into your drink, I don't want to talk about this. All right? That's uncomfortable. Devious to V for two says, tornadoes took my sneed. I'm sorry to hear that, but you know how tornadoes and trailers work out. Should have bought one of those panic rooms for tornadoes that you bolt into the ground. 2:50:53 Unknown_02: Doing your mom, 2988 for five says, you either die a hero or live long enough to see her become Trani Pesos. And there is an attachment to the Kiwi Farms. 2:51:26 Unknown_02: I assume about Nami Pesos. Unknown_21: Let's see what this is. Unknown_02: It's really weird how these people always behave like the people they're against. Complete strangers that tell you what you have to believe, what you have to be against, who you can and can't talk to. They're not live and let live. They're do as I tell you people. Unknown_02: Uh, Rika replies saying, you defended a guy who choked his wife out until you got backed into a quarter. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mundane that till the end. Until it's someone else on your side, right? And then Dame Pesos blocked this anime avatar. 2:51:59 Unknown_02: Dude, yeah, there's something about Dick Masterson and the way that he does business and the way that he, like, tricks unintelligent men into worshipping his way of life. That is, like, so bizarre to me. I can't, I can't fucking believe it. Unknown_02: I am so thankful that COVID-19, as I say, COVID-19 prevented me from flying to LA. I had literally booked a ticket to go see Dick Masterson in person in Los Angeles of my own will in 2020. I bought it in February. I can't actually find the exact date I bought this ticket. And then COVID happened and I had to cancel. I can only fucking imagine. I contend that COVID-19 exists specifically to stop me from visiting Dick Masterson in Los Angeles in 2020. So whatever the outcome was of me visiting Dick Masterson in Los Angeles in 2020 must have changed history to the same degree that COVID-19 did. That is the level of historical significance that that would have caused, okay? 2:52:32 Unknown_02: Because of entropy. 2:53:07 Unknown_02: Kiwi Friend for 10 says, Chief Jani Jersh, two stupid questions for you. One, is buying BTC before the election a good idea? Two, what is the good recipe you learned in Serbia? Unknown_02: One, I would never give investment advice. Bitcoin is happening, which is a technical thing, but it usually means the price of Bitcoin goes up. um do not ever like if you want bitcoin buy bitcoin if you want ethereum buy ethereum do not buy this thinking that it's going to be here let me uh let me find you a video it's actually this is a really succinct uh video about bitcoin investment one second follow this guy's advice when it comes to um when it comes to bitcoin one second 2:54:02 Unknown_11: gamble idiots you understand if you watch the entire context of all my gambling over 15 months you'll see it as 99.8 big wins you understand look at big wins out of context do you understand that you will win casinos literally tell you straight up they give you the odds and you don't have to be a mathematical genius to plug those odds in they literally say you will win over a period of time you understand casinos are not profitable for a reason get it twisted It is a way to get rich quick. It is a way to get yourself out of any fucking low parts of your life. It will put you in a fucking rich part of life. I didn't come in and just spend a thousand dollars and win seven mil, right? I spent like four mil to get back seven mil. It is a way to make money, you stupid mother. Unknown_02: Basically that. Buy as much Bitcoin as you possibly can. Unknown_02: Oh, and number two. What's a good recipe you learned in Serbia? It's called pleskovica, I think. Pleskovica. I always forget how to pronounce that. It's complicated. It's a type of hamburger and it's stuffed with cheese, creamy or spicy goat cheese. And it's very, very good. Very savory. I would recommend it to anybody. 2:54:54 Unknown_02: Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, YouTube link. And then it says, Rip Eric Mays, Flint, Michigan, Councilman. Unknown_21: All right, let's take a look. Unknown_21: I'm just telling you. I'm going to let you talk. Who you talking to? Unknown_22: You got let. The voters let me. I got voted in. Who you talking to? I want you to know. Unknown_04: Ain't she crazy? Unknown_22: Do I have the floor? Do I? Unknown_22: Yes, you do. Thank you very much. 2:55:30 Unknown_17: Got to move the city board. We have got to vote yes on this. Thank you. Unknown_22: You're the reason that I'm going to vote the way I'm going to vote, because you tried to put words in my mouth like I said you was a racist. Unknown_22: You got to stop doing that. You got to stop doing that. All I said there was mediation and there were people in rooms. Unknown_00: That's not confidential. But I am going to finish saying this. Unknown_22: Well, go ahead. We got folks sitting in business and I wouldn't care if you was the chair, the sofa, the TV. 2:56:05 Unknown_20: You're going to follow these rules. Unknown_22: Now say another word. Unknown_15: bro dude i wonder why flint michigan couldn't get clean drinking water it's a real fucking mystery why their politics didn't allow them to have basic essential um services working right it's a little mystery it would be funny it would be a lot funnier for this was like a council in ghana or something but unfortunately this is the united states and you get the government that you deserve 2:56:41 Unknown_02: Tragic. Very funny, though. Unknown_02: Kurt Eichenwald, Anime Masturbator, for five, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, would you rather be stuck in the woods with a bear or a weeaboo? Unknown_02: A weeaboo, so I can kill him. Unknown_02: Easy clap. Unknown_02: Red eyes, black dress. I am the guy that they tell you to watch out for. Choose the bear or the man. Well, if you're a fucking weeaboo, you better hope it's a bear. Because if I run into you... and you have some fucking gay anime pins, I'm taking the nearest rock, and I'm caving your fucking skull in, and they'll never find out that I did it. 2:57:17 Unknown_02: RedEyesBlackDragon42 says, Damn it, Joshua, you need to validate your right to exist. I validate my right to exist all the fucking time. All right. KiwiFriend41 says, Test for Jushua. Unknown_02: It worked. Thank you. Except for the sticky chat. That did not work. Dragoons for five says, who let the tards out? Woof, woof, woof. Who let the tards out? Unknown_02: It's funny when you know that Black Eyed Peas sang another song called Let's Get Retarded, which is very funny. And I consider it kind of like a soft anthem for the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_02: Rad Crab for 20 says, not giving you shit. Fuck you too, buddy. 2:57:52 Unknown_02: denying me my hard-earned shekels. Do you not hear the entertainment that I'm putting out tonight? Not even numerals for 20 says money. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Look, I asked people for money and they gave me money. Isn't that amazing? I need to do that more often. Give me money. Well, how holy hell for two says, hope you're doing having a good day. Josh, you are my nibba. Always. Thank you very much. Holy shit. Unknown_02: I am actually having a good day. Unknown_02: Fox is for five says the day of the right can't happen soon enough. That is true. Canada should be raked and can be raked and will be right there. Wallbanger forever for five says the Yankees will never take Canada. We have been importing two million shitskins a year to make it as undesirable of a vassal state as possible as our national defense strategy. We'll keep the we'll keep the French. We'll get rid of the Indians. That's our plan. 2:58:25 Unknown_02: You're not going to be a vassal state. You're going to be an integral part. You're going to be the 55th states all added together. How many states are there? Unknown_02: Like 57. That's a good number. Unknown_02: Imagine our flag. Imagine our flag with that many stars. It would be beautiful. 2:58:58 Unknown_02: The president of Nintendo for 10 says, here's a $10 loan. Don't worry about paying it back. We'll just print 10 more dollars to replace it. Great idea, President Nintendo. I appreciate it. Though now every dollar is worth a little bit less because of your strategy. Schneedberg Gold Steinman for 10 says, dot, dot, dot, which is menacing, but I appreciate it. Sneedo for one says, fucking Josh, I started laughing at the sanshu nigga and I almost crashed. Ha ha ha! Unknown_02: I can't help it. He just wanted to fight. He wants to fight for boobies video games. That's the most that is. I've been lectured. A guy wrote a 47 long paragraph essay in the mouth. The Internet thought explaining how I am a contrarian hypocrite, anti free speech person and anime titty in video game is the most pinnacle of free speech ever created ever. 2:59:31 Unknown_02: Papa D's for 10 says, beat the Soviets as Romania yet. Unknown_02: I did eventually. It was a slog, though. I don't know how the excellent YouTube gamers do it. I tried all the meta templates and stuff, but it was just a fucking slog the entire way. And then Hitler border gored me, and it was a nightmare. 3:00:03 Unknown_02: Ameriberger for two says, the Helldivers and Stellar Blade issues just go to show you that vooting and voicing your opinions doesn't actually work. You have to actually hurt them in the pocketbook. That is my point, my boy. That is indeed the correct answer. You can listen to it for two cents. Have you ever seen that training on the latest financial audit of Caleb hammer, bro? It looks like he kind of training monster DVD. Now I stopped watching Caleb hammer. Um, and then he did like the thing with Amaranth and it's like, it's so clickbait. It's so fucking fake. It's so fucking gross. Like I have no interest in seeing a Jewish man like slot in horrors and talk about their finances. I like, I like financial talk. Um, money is interesting to me and people in general aren't financial advisors. Um, But like prostitutes are fucking gross. And if you're sucking dick for cash, your financial strategy doesn't really matter because you're a whore. And how you spend your money is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. 3:00:39 Unknown_02: Um, so I don't watch Caleb and subscribe from them. Unknown_02: A and N did nothing wrong. Five says visit a relative in hospital recently showed him a video of K attempting to avocado and toast, not knowing an avocado toast look like she bought an aubergine instead. Him laughing made my day. Case cooking is, uh, well, you know what they say? Home cooked foods, panacea at all problems. 3:01:14 Unknown_02: When I had my, I think I mentioned this, but when I had my flu, I went to different stores. I masked up. I masked up because I was sick. That's a valid reason to be a maskie. If you know you're sick, mask up. But I went to the Amerimut section where they import shit from the U.S. and I found masks. Unknown_02: Campbell's chicken and stars soup, bro. I got like four of those and cook them all together. And it was eating that shit with like my torn up throat was one of the most healing and spiritual moments of my entire life. There's just something about warm chicken stock laid in with sodium. 3:01:54 Unknown_02: That is so, so uplifting to morale, uplifting to your health. It was just perfect. It was like being a kid again. Unknown_02: I mean, if she stopped doing that, maybe I'll look at her videos again. I watch them myself because they're funny, but I can't show them on stream if she's doing crazy shit. 3:02:32 Unknown_02: You can listen for Jesus Bible enjoyers need to chill out. Damn. Pretty sure God is a tranny. Unknown_02: Okay. Ready? The Mac user seven, five, one for six says sticks seems to have returned to Netherlands and talks about Liz occasionally. Like they're still together. Have they reunited? I have no idea. Sticks is a bit of a fucking loser. I never hear about him though. He still has like a huge following. It makes tons of fucking money though. Just grifting off the Trump shit. Here's how Trump will still win 2020. We can still win 2020 chat. Unknown_02: Cole Cole for four says, I am only grouping verses so they make narrative sense to you so I can remember only verse one and two today. Friday is a bunch of short ones. 3:03:06 Unknown_02: And this is the book of Enoch, chapter eight, verse one and two. Unknown_02: Moreover, Azizel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and of all sorts of dyes that the world became altered. Impiety increased, fornication multiplied, and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways. Unknown_02: Nice and short. Unknown_03: I like that. 3:03:39 Unknown_21: Guy Zavari for 10 says YouTube link. All right. Unknown_21: Oh, this is from Xavier Renegade Angel, or XRA. Unknown_02: One of the best Adult Swim cartoons that they ever ran. You don't appreciate it as a teenager, but as an adult, it's one of the funniest fucking things ever put on television, and this is an excellent clip. 3:04:15 Unknown_06: That'll give you time to reflect. I accept Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal savior. Yes, mate. Unknown_21: Just perfect. Unknown_21: Great show. Unknown_21: Uh, you get less need for two says you can't call COVID the Kung flu or the Chinese virus on X. Fuck you on. Unknown_02: Those might be filters from before he took over to be fair. It's not that common anymore. Uh, Kersey for 10 says, howdy, Josh. That's all cowboy emoji. Howdy, Kersey. How you doing partner? 3:04:49 Unknown_02: Supreme me for teasers. I feel you friend in 2020 I had over 2 million phantom which was worth over 7 million at all times high I lost it trying to gamble on other shit quits to tell me about it I think I traded some coins that went up for coins that went to literal fucking zero And I ended up selling for pennies at a loss breaks my heart Um, I think overall I've definitely made money I've had to pay taxes on cryptocurrencies. I know I have I Debugs for one says, Hispanics love cats and dogs too. 3:05:21 Unknown_02: They like chickens. I don't know if that counts. Unknown_02: Perronberger for two says, ah, bee jam. For whatever reason, he wrote it in a way that it seems like it should be really restrained and not like yelled. Unknown_02: UnkindNaysayer for five says, fatty fat fat. Thank you, UnkindNaysayer. SpaceAllen for 20 says, Unknown_02: I enjoy this racist podcast a lot. You're right. Asians are weird. Cheers. Thanks, Space Allen. I appreciate it. I'm glad that I've convinced you that Asian people are weird. 3:05:52 Unknown_02: Radcraft for 10 says, I know you were looking for a superior dog breed in the past. Something purpose white bred or purpose bred, parentheses white, strong, loyal, defensive, no pubes and can kill a nigg bowl, etc. Consider the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Unknown_03: Story of Rhodesia, a land both fair and great. On the 11th of November, an independent state. This was much against the wishes of certain governments, whose leaders tried to tear us down and make us all repent. This is the Rhodesian Ridgeback. 3:06:32 Unknown_03: It's a nice dog. Unknown_21: Looks a little bit slobbery. Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_02: I like it. He's nice and big. I bet you he barks really loud. I don't know. It depends on the exercise level, too, because I'm a programmer. I spend most of my time programming, so I have to... I don't know. Then again, see, that's the thing. On one hand, it's like having a dog that has a high activity level seems like a good way to start integrating more aerobics into your lifestyle. but on the other hand it's like i don't want to buy an animal that has a high energy requirement and then neglect it because i'm i'm still lazy you know what i mean it's like a trade-off like on hand like yeah i kind of see the advantages of that on the other hand it's like i don't want to like neglect an animal so i have to be sure that i can handle it large dog 3:07:06 Unknown_02: The Lion King for three says, Happy Pasha Josh, a friend of mine, ate home-raised lamb wrapped and roasted in agave. I guess that's where most would draw the lion. Unknown_02: Pasha was a while ago, wasn't it? Is that what they call Easter? I don't know what he's referring to. Maybe he's like an Ethiopian or some shit. uh kyle larson all chat for five says kyle larson is a nascar driver that dropped the hard r on a hot mic and won the championship the next season after his suspension i at least hope i get mistaken for a racing racist before a schizo um oh because last time we super chatted yesterday or on friday i uh i said is that like related to daniel larson now i know it's a racist nascar meme 3:08:17 Unknown_02: Supreme Me for two says, the spirit stole my TV. The spirit stole my TV and took my bike and left with fake 20. What do I do? Unknown_02: The Lion King for three says, I can't breathe. Punches Femoid. Thank you, the Lion King. Cool Cool for one says, it's amazing that irate gamer prophesized George Floyd's death and intentionally did nothing to stop it. It's true. He could have walked over there and been like, no, don't do it. You'll go to jail. It's not worth it. Unknown_02: Check his pulse to look like you at least care that he's going to die. 3:08:50 Unknown_02: They made us watch American Beauty in high school. It was like in like 2010. Unknown_02: They made me watch and I didn't even realize this. We were talking about this in the Maddie thread about how it had underage nudity into it. And then someone brought up the fact that they had to watch a Romeo and Juliet movie that had underage nudity into it. It was like a 1970s film. And there's like a 15 year old girl's tits in this. And they showed it to us when I was in when I was in high school. Unknown_02: And both of the actors came out and talked about how being nude on stage was perfectly fine and they felt fine. And then they like came out later and said they were both like super mega raped by Hollywood. 3:09:23 Unknown_02: And then this other girl that's 16 in American Beauty, she's literally the daughter of a male and female porn star who then became a porn actress herself, I think, if I remember correctly. So it's like it's so fucking sick. Like Hollywood is so fucking sick. Unknown_02: And for whatever reason, they really want to show these movies to teenagers in high school. It's crazy. Unknown_02: Fligu Gigu Seared Bite for two says, Good morning, SAR. Please do the needful and answer email SAR. Unknown_02: Bump your email. Reply to it. I'll take a look at it. Unknown_02: Quake four for one says in Valente's mystery meat, half Spanish. I don't know. He's so pale that I'm sure he has pink nipples and therefore is white. Cause that's the qualifying factor. I don't know for sure though. Calling him little spickles or like a Mexican, like a, like a beaner is, is like the least convincing persuasive argument. Cause you look at him and you just see like, he's so pale. Um, and that could just be because he doesn't go outside, but he's like, he's so pale. It's a very poor argument to make. 3:10:05 Unknown_02: It was really fucked up. It's tragic. Yeah. 3:10:51 Unknown_02: I don't know either, man. I don't get it. I don't know if he's completely astroturfed or what the fuck. I don't understand how he has... I guess because he's, like, the only option? Like, who else is young and right-wing politics and not a complete fucking cringe embarrassment? You know what I mean? I don't know what the fuck is going on with people that still like Fuentes. Unknown_02: Fligu Master for five says, Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, you did not have breakfast today. How in that unfortunate situation, regardless of whether or not it's actually true, do you reckon you'll feel? Unknown_02: I don't know why the fuck you keep asking me this. Every stream, this guy asks me, how would you have felt if you didn't have breakfast? But motherfucker, I ate breakfast. I eat breakfast every morning. I'm not poor. I can afford breakfast, dude. I don't get it. This guy's fucking with me. I don't know what this is. 3:11:23 Unknown_02: Sola Scriptura for 583 for 25 says, taking a break from my regular donor messages, it's obvious that both you and chat have grown weary of scripture reading now. Instead, I'll ask you a question. What is your earliest childhood memory? Unknown_02: Um. Unknown_21: My answer to that is probably... There is a very fuzzy memory that I have where I'm in a house I don't recognize. 3:12:07 Unknown_02: I talked to my mom about this a long time ago, and I think she said it was a trailer that she and my dad lived in very briefly. But I just know that I'm running around in the kitchen and there's like a birthday or something happening. There's like a birthday cake. You know, those like hard candies that you can buy like on a sheet of wax paper at the store. I was just running around and constantly reaching up onto the counter and pulling off hard candies from the sheet of wax paper and eating them, even though they're supposed to be like cake decorations. And it's so early that I must have been like three tops there. And it's just like the faintest, fuzziest memory. I just remember running around eating cake decorations off of wax paper. And it had to be like a super long time ago. 3:12:49 Unknown_02: I know it's not very interesting as like a story, but it's like I had to have been very, very young because my mom and my dad split up super, super early to the point where I have no memories of him except running around in his kitchen eating candy. Yeah. Unknown_02: um snedo for one says people who hate boss men are ricada powerpots gross i don't think about ricada having sex uh wigger wagner for five says aids is not autoimmune it's acquired immunodeficiency syndrome thank you i do say autoimmune a lot when that's not apparently the right word to say 3:13:38 Unknown_02: Mestrada7937 for Fire says, I have been a fan since 2019. Do you ever plan on making person streams on a semi-regular basis ever again? Love the news streams, but the energy of early Maddie was great. Also, where's that comic background from? Unknown_02: What, the one I used on the person streams? Unknown_02: It's either on the earliest ones. The Kiwi Farms has had two comic backgrounds. One of them is Sonichu, which was a... Unknown_02: a redraw comic of Sonichu from a guy on deviant art. I still have that. And, but I, um, after Chris fucked his mom, I asked for the Kiwi farms users to submit single pages of like fake comics. 3:14:23 Unknown_02: And, um, I replaced the Sonichu one with a collage of like these single page fake comics. And I asked people to submit like a, like middle of a comic book type pages, but a lot of people submitted cover art and, So it's kind of like a mix of like a single panel or a single page with panels versus like a lot of cover art. But the original was a Sonichu redraw by like a professional artist. That looks really good. Unknown_02: But I've used both. Wigger Wagner for 10 says, lives of TikTok on X-Link. Unknown_21: Okay. 3:15:00 Unknown_21: Is this about Israel? Unknown_02: Video reportedly shows a group of rioters in Athens, Greece trying to break in and surround a hotel where they heard Jews are staying. This is a lynch mob. Terrifying. Okay, this is about Israel. Let's take a look. 3:15:38 Unknown_02: Who dispersed them? Are the police firing rounds? They disperse really quick. Unknown_02: Oh yeah, there is. There's like cops firing on them. Unknown_02: Ooh, nice. Cultured Thug says, no termite. What is going on in Gaza is terrifying. Not your Jewish tears. Unknown_02: Luca Manzotti says, more Jewish propaganda. Find Christ. Unknown_02: Agent Orange, the most Jewish victim porn headline ever. 3:16:19 Unknown_21: Interesting. Interesting times we live in, Chet. Unknown_02: Yeah, I gave up. I unfollowed Chaya because I tried to follow both of them, Chaya and Libs of TikTok, because I had some respect for what she was doing. And then after the Israel shit started, it was just nonstop. Originally, it was like on her personal Chaya Rychik account. So it's like, OK, whatever. I'll just unfollow that. And then it just started pouring into the Libs of TikTok stuff because she justified it by saying the Libs, the Libs are the Palestinian protesters on campuses. Fuck you. 3:16:51 Unknown_02: Twinkletard for $100 says, when will Rat Dad install that door? When will your mom get fucked by Bossman Jack? Owned. Epic. Unknown_02: That's right. Swish dunked on Rat. He'll never install that fucking door, to be serious. Koliadante for 15 says, On the third day, Rat Dad rolled the door aside, and lo, the tomb of Bossman was empty, for Bossman had gone to meet Derek Christmas. Unknown_02: That's a very common occurrence, I think. Unknown_02: Uglycracker for 20 says, Josh, watch a chirp enjoyer woodchip a Lambo because a Hellcat wasn't available. Okay, I will. 3:17:26 Unknown_02: Apparently this is going to be a luxury car destruction by a chirp enjoyer. This is police activity. Unknown_02: My thing is, my grandfather was a cop and one time he got into a high speed chase and he said that at a certain point he was chasing this guy and he checked his speedometer and it said he was going like 130 miles per hour or something ridiculous like that. And he just looked at that and he realized how fast he was going and how pointless this chase was and how catching this guy was not worth his life. And he just slowed down. And he just called in that he lost him in the pursuit. My grandfather was a cop for like two years. And he has like a bunch of stories that he's told a million times. So I have them all committed to long-term memory. But he says afterwards he just slowed down the car. He said it wasn't worth it. He wanted to go home that day. So he said, fuck it. He called in that he lost him. And just continued down the road going the speed limit. And then a couple miles down the road, there's a slight bend and he sees the ruins of a car strewn about the edge of the woods and like a completely like confetti confetti fied version of a dead body. And sitting lodged into a tree was the engine of the car, like the engine block. And the rest of the car was completely demolished, and there was no identifiable remains of the driver. So... I don't know what the moral of this story is, but he said he just let it go, and then the guy killed himself anyways because he was driving like a fucking retard. So... 3:18:59 Unknown_20: I'm predicting, by the way, the reason why I said this, I'm predicting that this Lambo is about to get fucking tree-stumped. ... 3:19:55 Unknown_02: well well well if it isn't a tree hold up i want to see that was a tree oh dude he knocked over a tree it was a tree the trees the natural predators of the speedster strike again nobody suspects how hungry a tree may be Unknown_09: 10-8-47, let me have the frequency. Vehicle is TC'd. Major TC damage. Unknown_09: Let me get... Bro, the car is fucking shredded. Unknown_02: The car is an amalgamation of shrapnel scattered about the street like someone dumping out a trash bag. TC is not an adequate acronym for what the fuck you're looking at. 3:20:42 Unknown_10: RA starting to roll. I need traffic shut down for westbound traffic on Sherman Way. Unknown_02: I can't even tell. Unknown_02: Bro, that car is fucking gone. Man, Giegenbaum. 3:21:17 Unknown_02: Let's see the body. Oh, is he in the car? Unknown_09: I can't tell, but this is the... He's not in the car. Unknown_02: That guy's corpse must have flung like 300 feet down the fucking road. Unknown_02: He flew so fast out of the car, he broke the physics engine and clipped through the floor, and now he's just falling forever outside of the bounds. 3:21:51 Unknown_02: He'll respawn on the road if you give him a minute. When they realize he's out of bounds. Unknown_24: To shreds, you say? Did you guys see anyone run? Unknown_10: Did you see anyone run? Unknown_04: Did you see anyone run? Unknown_04: He's asking, did you see this car hit this tree at 130 miles per hour and get obliterated, get atomized to its basic fundamental fucking particles? And then a guy hopped out of the mist of boiling hot plasma and just ran away Looney Tunes style. Did you happen to see that anomaly of space and time lady? No, I did not. Sorry. Must have missed it. 3:22:33 Unknown_02: He had a parachute on, so he's fine. He landed. He's gliding away. They can't even find him, dude. Unknown_04: They can't even find him. 3:23:22 Unknown_02: This must be L.A. because, oh yeah, in L.A. You hear the helicopter, and I'm aware that L.A. has a perpetual patrol of helicopters day and night because there's so many crimes happening that there's a financial incentive to just have 24-7 helicopter surveillance. Unknown_20: I want to see where this guy's corpse is. Unknown_02: I'm hooked. 3:23:57 Unknown_02: Oh, did they find him? Unknown_02: Is that him? Unknown_02: Oh yeah, there it is. Dude, he's so far away. He's hundreds of, he's like a hundred feet away from the car. He's on the other side of the road and you see the cop is like jogging to catch up to this spot and he walked away before he even got there. He's so fucking far. Every bone in that body must be broken. That's crazy. What an excellent video. People love this cop content. I can see why. Now you know, chat. 3:24:28 Unknown_02: They caught him by going the speed limit. It's the turtle and the hare, right? Is there a version of the turtle and the hare where the turtle breaks his neck running and the turtle catches up? Unknown_02: um gormless wonder for one says what a great stream with good vibes thank you finally can i pat myself on the back finally good streams again and the the the fucking bitrate never plummeted i don't know what i did differently today 3:25:01 Unknown_02: big bobster 86 for 100 says for the defense of the farms appreciate it i assume that you mean to feed me as money is appropriated to me from the stream and then i use crypto for the farms i'm assuming that's what you mean maybe you mean a literal farm so i can buy a gun and defend a literal farm that i will one day buy that's what you mean actually that makes more sense Unknown_02: Thank you very much. Gormless Wonder for one says, the breakfast question is a psychological measure of whether a person can comprehend hypotheticals. Motherfucker, I'm playing into it. I understand the breakfast question. The least funny thing I could say is, yeah, I feel hungry, obviously, because I'm very smart and white, unlike those Negroes that don't understand hypotheticals. Get the fuck on. Now, see, I'm such a great actor, and you, not very smart, so I just, right over your head, like a black guy on the streets of L.A. 3:25:55 Unknown_02: Haramberger for two says, ah, I got to underestimate the BJMs. Unknown_02: Thank you. Chloe Dante for five says, Jews could be in this hotel. He thought, I hate Jews. The warm Mediterranean wind felt good against his hairy chest. It's hairy because he's Arab. Thank you. And finally, Sneeto for one says, states like Arkansas and Georgia will keep pursuing no matter what and will pit maneuver the suspect over 100 miles per hour. Other states will dismiss the pursuit for safety reasons. There's no reason to chase a guy over 100 miles per hour. Um, you just call him the fucking tag. And if he takes off and maybe you alert the other city, he's going down this highway, a hundred miles per hour, next fucking town, maybe set up a roadblock and be there to, to, to stop him. But like, who the fuck? 3:26:36 Unknown_02: Maybe if he's a child rapist or something, then it's like stay on pursuit no matter what. But if it's like he's going the speed limit and took off, fuck it. Just call him the fucking tag and arrest him later. He has a house. You know what I mean? He has a fucking house. Unknown_02: Yeah, it really depends. If it's just like a routine traffic stop he's running from, just call him the fucking tag and arrest him later when he's asleep. Go visit his house when he's asleep at night and arrest him then. 3:27:15 Unknown_21: It depends on the crime. I'm not saying that no crime is worth the pursuit, but there are certain things where it's like if a guy's just playing fucking games with you because he wants to run away from the cops, you don't have to risk your life for that. Unknown_02: You can just call him the plate, the old hood later. Unknown_02: Okay, that's it. Thank you guys very, very, very, very much for watching. I hope you have enjoyed this stream. It's been a long stream, actually. A little bit longer than usual. I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things. Unknown_02: And I'm looking forward to... Unknown_02: I don't know, like an actual work studio eventually. Everything right now is temporary, so I'm just kind of doing the best that I can. I appreciate the people that are tagging along for that. I promised that I had a very special outro song, and I sure do. 3:27:48 Unknown_02: Tomorrow, actually today, is the Western Victory Over Germany Day. Unknown_02: And the day after the 9th is the Victors in the Great Patriotic War Day for the Eastern Bloc. Unknown_02: Today is not special, but I won't be streaming on either of those days. But I have a very special song that I like quite a bit that I will play for everybody. This is called the Trisonesian Lied or the Trisonesia song. And this is a comical anthem for the Allied occupied Germany in the 1940s. 3:28:23 Unknown_02: Take it easy. I'll see you guys on Friday. Unknown_21: Bye-bye. Okay. 3:29:03 Unknown_18: Die Welt geht weiter, eins, zwei, drei Ein kleines Häuflein Diplomaten Macht heut die große Politik Sie schaffen Zonen, ändern Staaten Doch was ist hier mit uns im Augenblick? Unknown_18: Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Kryzonesien Heidi, tschimmela, tschimmela, tschimmela, tschimmela, tschimmela Wir haben Mägdelein mit feurisch-wilden Vesien. Hey, Chimela, Chimela, Chimela, Chimela, boom! Wir sind zwar keine Menschenfresser, doch wir küssen umso besser. Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Trits und Vesien. Hey, Chimela, Chimela, Chimela, Chimela, boom! 3:29:56 Unknown_18: Columbus found America A new part of the earth was discovered What Marco Polo saw was inspired by culture Sven Hedin was in the Himalayas He walked through hot desert sand He was still standing at Munzen's Heia Unknown_18: Doch uns hat keiner je zuvor gekannt Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Klebsonesien Haydi tshimela tshimela tshimela tshimela buh Wir haben Mägdelein mit feurisch-wilden Wesien Haydi tshimela tshimela tshimela tshimela buh Unknown_18: Wir sind zwar keine Menschenfresser, doch wir küssen umso besser. Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Pizzonesien. Halli, tschimmela, tschimmela, tschimmela, tschimmela, bumm. 3:30:50 Unknown_18: Doch fremder Mann, damit du's weißt, ein Trizunesier hat Humor. Er hat Kultur, er hat auch Geist, darin macht keiner ihm was vor. Selbst Goethe stammt aus Trizunesien, Beethoven's Liege ist bekannt. Unknown_18: We are proud of our country. 3:32:18 Unknown_18: Wir sind zwar keine Menschenfresser, doch die Küssen tun so besser. Wir sind die Eingeborenen von Indonesien. Halli, tschimmelat, tschimmelat, tschimmelat, tschimmelat.