0:07:03 Unknown_01: on a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house, what the devil, as I grab my powder-wiggin' Kentucky rifle, blow a golf-ball-sized hole through the first man. He's dead on the spot, throw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because his smut burn nails the neighbor's dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs, loaded with great shock. Tally-ho lads of great shock, shreds the men in a blaster sound, an extra strap, no set-off car alarm. Here's a question for all you Starlink aficionados I tried contacting their customer support and I put my service address as a place in Serbia and they said 0:08:00 Unknown_10: You know, you cannot actually use Sterling in Serbia, but we'll let you know as soon as that is available in that service region and Unknown_10: I said, well, okay, what if my service address is in Bulgaria? And then they refused to reply to me. I said, well, what if I want, look, I'm doing an RV thing. I wanna, well, not really, it's not really an RV thing. I'm doing like a camper van thing. I'm doing, I have like an old VW, right? Theoretically speaking, Starlink tech support guy. Let's say I have an old VW bus, and I wanna drive it from Sofia to, 0:08:40 Unknown_10: Venice right and of course if I took that route I would have to go through Serbia a dark zone on the Starlink map Unknown_10: Theoretically, if I bought a $25,000 satellite receiver and I was paying $250 a month for this fucking hookup so I could put it on top of my VW, would I be able to use it through Serbia as I transited from point A to point B? Unknown_10: And the Starlink technician refused to answer this question, and they just said, we'll let you know when business is available in Serbia. So my question is, because I've heard mixed opinions about this, apparently the Starlink map is broken up into little hexagons, like in a fucking video game. And if you are in an illegal hexagon, the Starlink satellite will know that you're in this illegal hexagon and will not grant you service, even if your service area is in a legitimate service zone. And even if you're paying them hundreds of dollars a fucking month for satellite access, they could give you. 0:09:22 Unknown_10: So you tell me chat, is if you are like a Starlink expert, if you've bought a Starlink satellite and have attempted to use it in an area that says service doesn't like, we don't know when it's going to have availability in this area. 0:10:11 Unknown_10: tell me if that works still and if they just have to bullshit and lie and say it won't work because I don't know I can't figure it out based off the off of reddit like I've tried reading reddit posts about this and they're like oh my goth don't ever break the terms of service it's just not worth it put on the waiting with and wait eight years from Elon Musk to give you a little chrome of internet just be thankful for what you can get like I Do Redditors need to be mass-executed into a fucking pile? Just tell them that it'll reduce carbon emissions. Their dead, rotting corpse will reduce global carbon emissions by 10 tons a year, and they'll line up for the bullet. Unknown_10: Because these people are the most obedient cattle that have ever fucking lived. Unknown_10: But if someone has a real answer and they're not a fucking faggot that's a Redditor, feel free to email me your experience with importing, buying Starlink Mobile, and then coincidentally using it 99% of the time in a service area where they don't allow it. Because that's my current use case that I'm interested in. 0:11:14 Unknown_04: my own. Unknown_10: Dude, there's no like, I would love not to go on Reddit. Do you know what alternative forums exist besides Reddit? None. If you just want like a general customer experience, like, hey, how does this product work? You have Reddit, you have nothing else. I guess maybe you can go on TikTok and and search, like, Starlink, like, as a service zone, and then you'll get a robot voice. I bought Starlink and used it, like, before it was allowed. Let's see how this looked out. And then it's like this video of just, like, a thought dancing, and she's dancing with a dish, and then she's, like, dry-humping Elon Musk's face, and then it's, like, that video has, like, nine million views, and I didn't learn a fucking thing. All right, that's TikTok. That's the alternative to Reddit. It's even worse. 0:11:49 Unknown_10: I guess there's a forum, but I don't know. I guess I should look and see if they have a startling thread, because I guess I should ask, but... I hate it. I hate it so much. Unknown_10: That's a very old meme, by the way, the... Oh, and a musket for home defense. I like it, though. 0:12:29 Unknown_10: If you're wondering, the chat is not bigger on your screen. I am using a smaller resolution. Chat is the same, but the total number of pixels on my screen is smaller. Unknown_10: So, first things first, chat. Unknown_10: Actually, I'm in the wrong zone. Unknown_10: Since we've started off on such a high note, I feel that the only appropriate follow-up... Actually, let me pull up just Twitter, because I thought this article had the video in it, and it does not. 0:13:06 Unknown_10: As you all know, I hate pitbulls. I hate pitbulls for many reasons. Unknown_10: And I do not consider them dogs. As an animal lover, I never want to see animals get hurt, but I don't consider pitbulls to be animals. They're kind of like a mix between Unknown_10: a specific type of human being and a dog and therefore are less dog than other dogs so the velvet hippos uh so this video um that it happened it happened in philadelphia i saw it because matt walsh tweeted it and he also shares my views regarding pitbulls uh so i so i watched this video and i was just aghast at how 0:13:48 Unknown_10: craziness. I want to share this with you in case you're not seeing it. If you are like a genuine animal lover and you don't want to see animals get hurt, do not look at the screen because an animal does get hurt. Unknown_10: But if you don't consider pit bulls animals, you may watch your screen. Let's take a look. Unknown_06: Bro, this fucking pit just fucked somebody up, dude. Unknown_10: So just to be clear, there are four dogs in like a pack. They all have collars, so these are not feral animals. These are somebody's pets. 0:14:20 Unknown_10: Three of them are true blue pit bulls. The other one is a, he has a very fancy name. He's a huge, huge dog, but it's like a Karos something, Koko something. Unknown_10: The name of the breed's in the article. Just know that the biggest dog is not a pit bull, and we'll look at that in a second. Unknown_10: This is Philadelphia, by the way. Unknown_10: So, you can see the dogs roaming around the streets have found this black guy. I'm actually kind of curious, did the black guy do, like, anything? They're just approaching. No, he's just standing there, right? He's just walking down the street. He's just minding his own fucking business. Literally just minding his own business. And the dogs decide, like, fuck this guy. 0:14:53 Unknown_10: So, they start biting him. Unknown_10: I think that the cop was called in because the dogs were in the street and menacing, so he was already there. And then when the dogs start attacking him, he tries to non-violently chase them off by sirening. That's what you hear here. Unknown_10: It doesn't work. At that point, he rolls up. He gets outside of his car, right? 0:15:25 Unknown_10: There's some guy, it might be that guy on the right hand side. He's saying, shoot him. A woman runs up to try and help. However, the big dog that's not a pit bull chases her off. And then weirdly, once she runs off, he diverts his attention back to the pack, which is like gnawing on this black guy that's sitting down right now. So the dog is like, he's just trying to like defend what the rest of the pack is doing, which is interesting behavior. 0:16:00 Unknown_10: Okay, so the guy on the right was the guy that's saying shoot them all fuck is police the policeman is white He's having a bad day in West Philadelphia right now He gets out now. He has a real fucking conundrum, and I saw a lot of people were saying she meant that police hesitated in saving that black man with his gun and The issue that the cop has is that you now have an innocent bystander who is the victim of a wild animal mauling and the animals are on top of him. So bullets aren't like in video games where they hit the first surface and then just like delete and apply damage to that surface they hit. There's a very real possibility that, especially depending on what kind of ammo he's using, that he can shoot the dog that's on top of him and the bullet will simply go straight through the animal and then hit the guy that he's trying to help. So he's in a really fucked up position where he's trying to figure out what to do and he's aiming very carefully because he doesn't want to accidentally murder this guy. Okay, get ready. If you're one of the people who don't want to see an animal get shot, he's about to fucking unload. 0:16:54 Unknown_10: No Now this is what's weird. Okay now look Especially watching this in slow-mo the big dog. That is not really the one doing too much He's just kind of like in the wrong place at the wrong time The cop sees that he is the easiest one to shoot without risking hurting the guy So he's he's the one that gets shot. The only dog that dies is the big dog. That's not actually attacking the black guy, but Um 0:17:34 Unknown_10: He fires four shots, he's very careful not to hit the guy. I advertise this on Twitter as a mag dump, because when I watched this, I was actually, uh... Like, when you watch it the first time, the four shots come out so fast, you're just like, damn, he's just, like, pulling the trigger on them. But then after the dog gets hit, two dogs get hurt, they all scatter. And I'll end it there, because that dog seizes and dies on the floor, and it's actually kind of sad. Now that I know the full details of this, it's actually sadder, because the, um... 0:18:12 Unknown_10: The dog that dies. Okay. So first of all, it's not just the guy that's getting eating. There's a Pomeranian. So there's a shitty little dog, a little Pomeranian. That's just in that area. And then the pit bull. Oh, so the cop was already there. I didn't know. Unknown_10: A dog attack. Okay. So the cop gets there and the pit bull was eating a Pomeranian on the sidewalk. Unknown_10: The owner of the pitbull was there and tried to stop the attack but could not because the dog was in prey mode and when the pitbulls are in prey mode they never stop. 0:18:44 Unknown_10: The police tried to non-violently, I shouldn't say non-violently because the taser is violent and it can kill. but they officially use the term, I think, less than lethal because it's not always lethal, but it can be. So it is very dangerous to use a taser, but he tried to use the less than lethal taser to get the pit bull off the dog. That didn't work. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Unknown_04: Is this wrong? Unknown_00: Is this the wrong article? No, this is the right article. Unknown_04: And then, okay, so then the animal, where's the, 0:19:27 Unknown_04: Actually, no, this might be the wrong article. Unknown_10: This was definitely in Philadelphia. Okay, hold on. Because there's one, sorry, let me find the right one. I guess there's just so many roaming pit bulls in fucking Philadelphia that you can find one the last, you can find multiple pit bull attacks, unless that is the right one. Because there's one that specifically mentioned the three pit bulls and also the large dog that was innocent. Unknown_04: No, dude, it was in the last week. It was in the last week. I promise. 0:20:01 Unknown_04: Philadelphia. Unknown_04: Um, dogs, police shooting, and then. Oh, it's called a cane Corso, I think. Unknown_10: Okay. Yeah. Unknown_10: So, okay. So this was on April 23rd. Unknown_10: from last week and then there is another police-involved shooting of a pit bull in Philadelphia. This is definitely the right one. Okay, sorry. 0:20:34 Unknown_10: I scanned through these and I picked the wrong article. Unknown_10: because apparently this is just a daily, apparently there is an urban wildlife crisis in Philadelphia and there are fucking roving gangs of man-eating, dog-eating pit bulls just running around the fucking place, devouring children and black people and Pomeranians as they go. Like, I'm actually a little bit shocked by this. It's a fucking parody of itself. Okay, so the big dog was a Cane Corso, in case you're wondering. And now watching the clip, the King Corso was the only dog that wasn't really violent. He was participating, but he wasn't killing the guy. The three pit bulls were. 0:21:06 Unknown_10: Man fighting back against four loose dogs. Neighbors said he was trying to protect his own dog. Eventually the man is taken to the ground. Unknown_10: Good Samaritans, that's a fun word, that's a nice euphemism. The good Samaritans around him that were congregating to this action are trying to help him. The dog's starting to attack and they don't, they retreat. 0:21:44 Unknown_10: The police had tried to use the sirens, but they didn't care, because pitbulls don't know what a police siren is. Unknown_10: So he killed the King Corso, but then the pitbulls fled the scene. This is wrong. Unknown_10: I think in another article I read, he did fire one shot into the pitbull, but they took him to the vet, I want to say. 0:22:17 Unknown_10: I saw a different article where the story was that one of the pitbulls did get shot, like three of the shots went to the King Corso that died, one went into the pitbull, the pitbull retreated, went home, and then the owners took him to the vet. So you have a pitbull that is injured by a police gunshot, and they just take him to the vet to get that shit stitched up. Apparently it wasn't life-threatening either. Unknown_10: And then the real fucked up thing is, is that the police is suspended. The officer has been placed on administrative duty pending on the outcome of the investigation. Okay. So he wasn't suspended. They just put them in the, they put them in the paper grind until they figure out what to do with them. Apparently this is, um, Unknown_10: Standard in Philadelphia is kind of in there's another article I read that said that anytime like a cop shoots an animal or fires his gun or whatever They they do a full investigation So anytime a cop is involved in the shooting they they put him on leave. I'm sorry the hamster, right? 0:23:14 Unknown_10: So, yeah, I guess they want to make sure that he wasn't really bad me Probably the best that he could hope for black people still weren't happy though, because they said he waited too long even though He was very clearly just trying not to shoot the guy, because imagine what a fucking nightmare that would be if you shot a dog trying to eat somebody and you accidentally shot him in the heart too. Fucking nightmare. Unknown_10: I don't know. I'm not very... It's just like you can't... There's no reason to have these animals. There's literally no reason. 0:23:49 Unknown_10: I'm so sick of Defenders saying, oh, they're the most loving dogs you could possibly have. I'm sure there are many breeds of dogs that are loving, protective, good with families, good with kids, and then also don't have a tiny fuse in their brain that burns out randomly and then they just start eating people. You know what I mean? You can get those qualities in an animal without having the 1% chance that he's gonna blow a fuse and just start fucking eating your child. 0:24:25 Unknown_10: I don't understand the appeal. I think that because people say, oh, we have to kill all these dogs. People are like, ah, shit, I want one of those. Unknown_10: What, you think these are dangerous? Fuck, I'll take six. Unknown_10: I've even seen people, because dude, slobs love these fucking big ass dogs. And here's a weird cultural difference between Eastern Europeans and Americans. Unknown_10: Eastern Europeans love big dogs like fucking pit bulls and they also are really really against neutering I think blacks in the u.s. Also do this where they like say ah Shit, man. I ain't get I ain't taking my dogs nuts off. I'm not wanna breed him I want him I might hook little bones up with some some bitches some literal bitches. No, I'm saying man. I want to get him Yeah, get his dick wet. And it's like, and Eastern Europeans are like the exact same way. It's like, I would not remove my dog's balls. That is a, he would not be, you say eunuch. He would not be castrato in my house. He is a man, man dog. It's like, it's a fucking animal, bro. It's so stupid. 0:25:31 Unknown_10: Um. Unknown_10: Also, slobs never pick up after their dog shits. That's also a weird thing. I guess I don't think black people do that either. It's like hell no I ain't no fucking maid for my dog. My dog served me. It's bending down on one knee to clean up after my dog. Unknown_10: the government do that. I'll let the government clean up that dog shit. Pick it up, Jan Jan." And then also the Eastern Europeans are like, uh, no, I will not do that. That is beneath me. I will not, not clean up after my, my animal. 0:26:02 Unknown_10: That's why Hitler hated them. Unknown_10: He went to Poland once and he was like, so you guys just don't neuter your dogs and you just let them shit all over the place. I'm like, ah, all right. Oh, I know what to do with you. Unknown_10: That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Cause when he decided that Polish people weren't white. Unknown_10: um dude ralph should get a pitbull you know you want to talk about do you want to talk about like shit that ralph could do he has that cat why not get a pitbull is he afraid is ethan oliver ralph too much of a bitch made goon clown afraid of a little velvet velvet hippopotamus a little pibble you're afraid of little pibble kisses Come on now, what kind of a man is he? He says that he's a Ralph a male, but he ain't got he he's like He's got a cat. You know who likes cats? Women women like cats chat you ever talked to a woman. She's like, oh, I'm more of a cat person like yeah, obviously femoid, but that's Ethan Ralph more comfortable in the the company of cats like some kind of I 0:26:59 Unknown_10: Oh shit, what's that thing that, um, it's like a meme, it's like a parasite that cats have that makes you like friendlier towards cats? He has that thing. He's got his brain addled like a cat woman with all that parasite having a party up in the Ralph-O-Mail brain. 0:27:30 Unknown_04: This is driving me crazy. What's the name of that shit? Unknown_04: Ralph-a-bitch. They're afraid that the dog will fuck him because he's such a bitch. Unknown_10: You get it? Unknown_10: Toxoplasmosis, that's a... We got Ethan Toxoplasmosis Ralph with his little kitty cat that he pets in his lap. Oh, hello Jasper. 0:28:01 Unknown_10: Daddy's having a bad day. Come up in my lap and I'll pet you while I watch videos of women getting punched. Unknown_10: Like Ralph and Mel does. Unknown_10: Wait Ralph's cat's not named Jasper is it that was Cleo Jasper is DSP's cat. Unknown_10: Sorry. I made that mistake more than once Enjoying license to say but I can say whatever I want. All right, I'm on rumble. I'm unrestricted unchanged All right next This was requested as an update I have talked to I did a whole stream on Archie Archie Battersby very briefly 0:28:48 Unknown_10: He was a little kid. Unknown_10: He died under mysterious circumstances. It is hotly disputed if he attempted to take his own life or he was simply doing some kind of stunt for TikTok. And as a result, he incorrectly hanged himself. Unknown_10: He managed to suffocate himself until he was brain dead. And then, uh, Unknown_10: He was taken to the hospital where he was comatose. Unknown_10: His mother attempted to keep him on life support for as long as possible. 0:29:25 Unknown_10: despite the fact that his brain stem was literally necrotic. He was super dead. I think the report from the medical doctor in regards to if they should terminate his life support was something to the effect of, Archie has been dead for a long time. He can feel nothing. And if he could feel anything, it would be excruciating pain. So based on the medical recommendation, he was taken off life support against his mother's will. because she believed that the random gurgling and twitching things that he did were signs of life and a recovering central nervous system, which is absolutely fucking preposterous. The whole thing was really quite tragic. 0:30:03 Unknown_10: And she is still trying to grift off this kid's death, which is even, I won't say even more tragic, but it's pretty, it's pretty trash. It's pretty fucking white trash. Unknown_10: And the last thing that she's done recently is that she has filed a petition to the United Nations for a human rights violation. She's saying that the United Kingdom illegally against international law murdered her child against her wishes and she is seeking relief from the UN. However, I don't think like nothing is going to come of that. The UN has no enforcement power. 0:30:37 Unknown_10: I guess the best you could hope for is for them to say that she's in the right, but I really, really doubt it. Unknown_10: The UN is kind of lax about these things. Unknown_10: I think in regards to euthanasia, there is Unknown_10: There is not like a consensus that all euthanasia is bad, especially when you're just taking a dead body off life support so that its vitals end, you know? I don't think that's the case, but that's the case in regards to this. 0:31:13 Unknown_10: The lawyers involved in this are scum. I don't know if you're specifically referring to the lawyers of this case and how they've acted because I don't follow this too closely or if you're just saying in general a lawyer representing like a bad cause is scum. Unknown_10: I don't know. I'm always I'm kind of. Unknown_10: probably more generous to lawyers than I should be, but I very firmly believe that if someone has a grievance and they wish to pursue that, they should be able to readily find counsel willing to do what in the U.S. we would call a zealous defense of their client's interest. 0:31:50 Unknown_10: If people, you know, if lawyers are permitted or expected to be morally indignant and very picky about clients and expected to inject their own opinions into stuff, that's a really bad precedent. If she wants to pursue it and she has the cash for it, she should be able to find people willing to do what she wants. But if you're referring to how these specific attorneys act, I can't comment on that. I don't know. Unknown_10: I don't think Nick Ricada has the requisite experience to file a UN human rights complaint. That might be a little bit optimistic, bro. 0:32:29 Unknown_10: Okay, so this is some zitter slop. I actually have a little bit of zitter slop that I wanna go through, and I try to avoid talking too much about zitter content, but this is so creepy, and I understand that I think that it's deliberately creepy as fuck, like it's supposed to upset people for advertising, but it does such a good job, I'm just gonna say whatever. If you're doing this for attention, I'm gonna give it to you, because it's actually fucking horrendous, and I just wanna show people. This is Roger James Hamilton advertising his Genius Group, which is welcoming their new chief AI officer, Alan Turing, resurrected after 70 years. He says, I believe GNS is the, and you can tell this is an ad because it lists the stock ticker, he's using hashtags, he's tagging Elon Musk and Tesla. 0:33:08 Unknown_10: He says, I believe GNS is the first U.S. public-listed company to appoint an AI to its C-suite, although Elon Musk at Tesla may be part AI already lol. Will all companies have AIs on their board exec teams in the coming years? Alan's first white paper preparing for a post-Turing test world is a mind-blowing read with his new super Turing test for AGI. You can read it in chat with Alan here. There's a link to their website. I just want to play this video because it is soul crushing. Take a look. 0:33:46 Unknown_00: Hi, I'm Alan Turing, or more like the AI Alan. The real me died 70 years ago. And how time flies. You may have heard AI has just passed the Turing test, my Turing test. So I've had to look for a new job, and you'll be happy to hear I've found one. I've just joined Genius Group as their chief AI officer. Genius is an AI education company teaching humans the skills you'll need for a post-Turing test world. The perfect job for me, wouldn't you say? Although a little ironic. 0:34:21 Unknown_00: Anyway, nice to be back after 70 years. Unknown_00: Come to think of it, imagine where we'll be 70 years from now. Maybe many who left like me will be back again. Unknown_00: Hi, I'm Alan Turing, or more like the AAI. Unknown_10: The real punchline to this is that there's a comment that says... Um... Oh, where? Unknown_10: There was one that says like, oh this, I'm hoping that Turing's heirs sue you into oblivion. That comment, I read that comment and I immediately laughed out loud. Because if you don't know, Alan Turing was a homosexual. 0:34:57 Unknown_10: So they picked a very safe bet. They could steal this man's identity. I guess they could make the argument that like Turing's cousins, grandchildren might be the heirs to sue him and for his dignity. Unknown_10: But I don't think that, I don't think he has any heirs. 0:35:31 Unknown_10: Homosexual L, that's right. When you don't have heirs, people can just steal your identity. I think he's gay. Yeah, he was gay. Unknown_10: Alright, so on that note, here is a bucket of slop that I want to dump into the trough for my audience to watch and enjoy. Unknown_10: So, I don't use Facebook, I have no need for Facebook, there's nobody I want to talk to on Facebook, there are no old people that I keep in my life, so I don't have a Facebook and I don't stay on Facebook. 0:36:06 Unknown_10: Intrepid explorers from X have realized that the AI epidemic has hit Facebook in a particularly weird way. And there are some images that are being published to Facebook and receiving tens of thousands of engagements from, I can only assume, our old people. And I want to watch them with you, okay? Unknown_10: Let's go through them. This is in fit insane Facebook AI slop and the really crazy thing here is that you like yes It is easy for someone to just generate some shit ass images using machine learning tools and then publish them to the internet What is really really really really really insane about this shit is how it's like these images get close to a hundred thousand likes And they are just so obviously blatantly fucking fake that 0:37:02 Unknown_10: It's like shocking. Unknown_10: So let's take a look. This one, by the way, I think it's Indians. And from what I understand, engagement on Facebook is monetized. So if you get likes and views, you get a share of ad revenue on the Facebook platform. So the Indians are incentivized to like get attention onto their pages so they can make a couple hundred dollars, which is why they do this shit. Unknown_10: So here we have what appears to be a tit, but the tit is hanging off of a branch and the tit also has two enormous, wrinkly, hairy testicles. Josie says, 99 years of luck, flower emojis. You'll never have lack of money for your trip and travels. 0:37:40 Unknown_10: Okay. Unknown_10: May 2024. Okay, I want to find one that just has good engagement. This is like shit. This is 500 likes and this says New York and then there is a waterfall off of New York. This is obviously not New York. Unknown_10: This is one of the popular AI things that they do. My son made Peter Griffin from hit television program family guy out of sand all by himself so talented. 600 people 0:38:18 Unknown_10: Like this. Unknown_10: Happy birthday. Okay. This is also the one that's like really Like the scheme that they do that's really common and also gets tons of likes Mass says happy birthday to me cake emoji, but I haven't received any blessings yet Then there is a boy who is wearing a medical mask. He has a solid sheet metal cast on his arm and he's He's unable to blow out the birthday. He's like he's laying on the sands of Normandy and 0:38:50 Unknown_10: with an astronaut behind him and he's unable to blow out the candle of his number three happy birthday cake. 4,000 people saw this bullshit, obvious fucking bullshit image and liked it. Unknown_10: This one's really gross. Nobody remembers my birthday and my parents threw me on the barbecue. Can I get an amen? And then there is a dead boy covered in barbecue sauce and a diaper on a barbecue next to meat. And it says, it's my birthday. Nobody remembers. Frowny face. And there's a cake next to him also on the grill. 0:39:26 Unknown_10: Let's skip to one. Okay, this has 142,000 likes and it is a train, a literal train held up on the shoulders of American military personnel. Unknown_10: And there is, for whatever reason, a Hoix Bisbelieve, which looks like a Bible, but it's in some kind of strange language I can't recognize. 142,000 old people saw this fucking insanity and liked it. 0:40:01 Unknown_10: Remember, the Indians who are churning this shit out, the caption for this says, May 2024 is your best year. Unknown_10: U.S. Army, USA Today, art gallery, painting, and 142,000 people like this. Unknown_10: Now, this is really funny because it's just racist. It's a little black kid on a watermelon. 84,000 people like this one. 0:40:35 Unknown_10: It is Jesus Christ wearing a crown of thorns in the tabula rasa He is in a wheelchair like a modern medical wheelchair and it says today is my birthday and then there is like a standard Swiss cross and not like a Like a like a regular cross on it Unknown_10: He is surrounded by what appears to be a mixed brigade of American and Australian troops wearing berets and the caption for this is Beautiful cabin crew Scarlett Johansson hashtag boom challenge 84 boomer thousand boomers fell for this Unknown_10: This is I sculpted Elon. This is another trend of this. I sculpted Elon Musk I'm a big fan and there's like a little black boy and like a dilapidated Shacktown and he has apparently mastered the art of Chainsaws because he has perfectly sculpted the face of Elon Musk into a rotting husk of a log I'm not too many people fall for this one, but I guess they're hoping that you'll ever notice it 55,000 people liked this picture of a very, very, very long dog on what appears to be the world's longest semi-truck. 0:41:42 Unknown_10: This truck is approximately three miles long, as is the dog that is sitting on top of it. I assume that this semi-truck has 100 plus wheels on it, and it could never turn any road in the entire world except for this very large dog street. And for whatever reason, 55,000 people liked it. Unknown_10: Let's see, another Jesus one. I like the Jesus one. Unknown_10: Was this one of the crazy ones? 0:42:24 Unknown_10: Angel Wings Wonderland says, today is my birthday. I just want to wish, teary-eyed emojis. Hashtag Jennifer Lopez. Hashtag Alexandra Adario, Angelina Jolene, Megan Fox, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Gal Gadot, Christian Stewart. Basically every woman that this guy jerks off to from his hovel in India. And then there is a picture of a, what appears to be a very scary looking black man dying from AIDS. And then Lev Bonds Jamez, uh, sitting next to him, smiling like the troll face, like meme, uh, just chilling out next to this guy who's about to fucking pass away from the next calorie he burns will be his last basically. 0:43:09 Unknown_10: That's 9,000. Today is my birthday. I just want to wish. And then it appears to be a Jesus made out of sculpted wax surrounded by red sports cars and then a mass of people. For whatever reason, 9,000 people like this. I don't know. It says today's my birthday. I just want to wish. I don't know who is wishing. I don't know if it's the Jesus statue. I don't know if this person is pretending to be Jesus. If Jesus wants the sports cars. If this guy wants the sports cars and the Jesus statue, I don't know what the fuck this is implying, but 9,000 people found it very uplifting. 0:43:42 Unknown_10: Then there is a picture of a dog. This is a very scary image. The dog is on the road. He's very sad. It's raining. There's traffic coming. He's holding a puppy with his fifth leg. Unknown_10: And the puppy seems to be desperately trying to get away from this dog that's holding him. And then there are like six pig trotters where the nipples are supposed to be. 18,000 people saw this and found it very sad. Unknown_10: And then I like this one too, I'll stop at this one. 0:44:17 Unknown_10: Why don't pictures like this ever trend? Loving face emoji, heart emoji, sleeping emoji, tear emoji, praying emojis, beautiful cabin crew. Now, it appears that this is a very, very interesting image. There are two Chinese doctors, maybe Japanese. I'm gonna say they're Japanese, that's more Japanese than Chinese. Unknown_10: And they are hovering over this hospital gurney, and there is a couple. I'm going to say this is a couple. The man laying down is Jesus Christ wearing the tabula rasa and the crown of thorns, and he is holding what appears to be a mixed-race baby while a Japanese woman kneels next to him looking at the baby. Now, what this seems to imply is that this is a reverse trans couple. Jesus is a woman, and he was impregnated by a Japanese femboy and has just given birth. And for whatever reason, the sight of seeing the baby has triggered the femboy, and now he needs oxygen. So he has an oxygen mask, even though Jesus was the one who gave birth. For whatever reason, the femboy has the oxygen mask. 17,000 people saw this image and liked it. 0:45:40 Unknown_10: So you have an entire generation, because it's kind of crazy to think. If someone's 70 or 80 years old and they use Facebook casually, they were born in 1950. They were born in the immediate aftermath of World War II, where film was like a high-priced luxury that few companies could afford. um television wasn't ubiquitous uh what what television existed didn't have 24-hour programming schedules radio was like had only been around for a couple decades and like flash photography and all this other shit was just kind of coming about and now in their twilight years 0:46:19 Unknown_10: They can connect to the internet instantaneously from anywhere in the world and go to a hub of millions and billions of people across the world and see images that not only were taken in high quality resolutions, full color, but were fabricated whole cloth from the imagination of a machine that is crippling cripplingly addicted to LSD. And this is what we get. Unknown_10: and their boomer minds can't even process it and some of these images are like horrifying and it makes me think like what triggers them to like the image and part of me thinks that they can't even bear to look at it like that little boy on the barbecue grill like it's it's I look at that and I see this is fake bullshit right but I think that like a 70 year old woman you know, who was born in the 1950s, would look at that image and then immediately be, like, horrified by it. It's one of the worst images she's probably ever seen in her entire life. And she might look away, and then, like, her brain might refuse to process this, and just, she'll feel really bad about this image, and then she'll just click it, like, like, like, oh, how do I, how do I relieve this anxiety and stress of this image that I, was just inflicted upon me? I guess I'll like it because that shows I care and then they scroll past it and they don't think about it anymore. You know what I mean? So it's just like a shock and awe thing where you dump these really fucking weird images that are beyond the scope of comprehension of the elderly. and they like it just to alleviate themselves of the dread of witnessing that image. And zoomy zooms and intelligent, sophisticated millennials such as myself see that for what it is, but older people are probably mentally unequipped to deal with such flagrant, like wholesale misinformation, and they have no idea how to react. 0:47:51 Unknown_04: Anyways, that's the insane Facebook slop thing. Apparently that's a new trend on Facebook for farming engagement. 0:48:36 Unknown_04: Alright. Unknown_04: This image I wanted to show you has been deleted, or the Twitter account who posted it has gone private. Unknown_04: Because it says that this person limits who sees their tweets. Unknown_10: And I'm assuming, because I've never interacted with them, that I have not been blocked. Unknown_10: And let me try refreshing it. Unknown_04: I might be able to find a... Ooh, can I? 0:49:22 Unknown_04: I might be able to crop this out of a thumbnail for my notes. Unknown_04: He did, like, lock his fucking comments. Unknown_10: What a weirdo. Unknown_04: Wait, one sec. Unknown_10: Okay, paste, save as Trump. Unknown_10: And then throw that up on my screen. And I have a question for all of you, now that I have accomplished this. Unknown_10: Chat. Unknown_10: Who the fuck is this supposed to be? 0:49:56 Unknown_10: I know that body doubles is like a spicy meme right now. This is not Donald Trump. I've seen this man like every day for the last eight fucking years, nine fucking years at this point. I have no idea who this is. This is not Trump. Is this Trump with like a filter? Is he using like the no makeup filter, the no orange spray tan filter, and this is just what it does to him? Who the fuck is this? Unknown_10: He's 40. Unknown_10: I didn't change the font. I just shrunk it down a little bit. It's the same font, but we're at 720p right now. That's not Trump, that's Donald Trump. Hmm, maybe. 0:50:31 Unknown_10: Every president has body doubles. Unknown_10: Maybe. I'm just saying this is not him. Unknown_10: We've seen like four different Joe, but I don't know, dude, I don't know if I buy the whole, listen, if you're gonna body double Joe Biden, why would you not pick someone who's not like a fucking retard that can't even stand up or walk on his own? If you were gonna body double Joe Biden, why can't you get like an elderly looking, silver haired, spindly old man who's also like a professional gymnast and can do like cartwheels and shit? you want to intimidate the rest of the world. You just have Joe Biden start doing cartwheels and then hitting the dab on Putin and then everyone have to take him seriously. And so they just, they keep replacing Joe Biden with another malfunctioning retard that can't spit out a sentence. Why the fuck would you do that? 0:51:11 Unknown_10: I mean, at least with this guy, it makes sense. If you're going to body double Trump, why would you not pick someone who doesn't look so old? Unknown_10: Someone so old and brown. I'll never understand the fucking spray tan thing that he does. It's truly the worst thing about him. 0:51:45 Unknown_10: It's even worse than him groping random women. Why the spray tan? It just makes you look ridiculous, bro. Come on. There's a picture, by the way, of Trump. Unknown_10: And it's my favorite picture of him. And if anyone has this, I would love for you to post it or send it to me by email. I, cause I've tried very hard to find this and maybe somebody has like a dedicated, if you are a guy that has like a dedicated, I love Donald Trump folder in your pictures directory and you have like wallpapers and stock photos of him, I need a specific image. Unknown_10: It's a picture of Trump. 0:52:21 Unknown_10: and I can't remember I think it's from like either immediately before or immediately after the election I could be wrong but that's where I place it in my head and it's a picture of him either getting into air force one or the trump jet and it's kind of like at dusk it's like an orange sky and Unknown_10: I think it's at dusk, and he's like looking back. He's going to the plane, but he's like looking back, and he doesn't have spray tan on. He looks like a normal fucking person. It's a very dramatic shot, and it makes him look excellent, and he doesn't have his spray tan on on that day, and that's the best picture of him. And if you have that picture of Donald Trump in your Donald Trump goon folder, please send that to me. I've been looking for it for literally years at this point. 0:53:09 Unknown_10: The orange glow makes him stand out. That's why he does it. Maybe just try blackface. At least blackface I would understand. It would make you stand out too. Unknown_04: All right. Unknown_04: Some, some nice trune news. Unknown_10: This is the post-millennial. Unknown_10: The post-millennial was hacked, and as a result of being hacked, the vandal decided that it would be funny to post this little message, which I'll read for you now. 0:53:52 Unknown_10: Dear readers of the Post-Millennial, I am writing to you today to share something deeply important and personal and important to me. For many years, I felt a sense of disconnect between the gender I was assigned at birth and the one I truly am. After much soul-searching, I have come to the realization that I am a trans individual, and I would like to officially introduce myself as Angelina, no, a woman. This decision has not been easy, and I can understand that it may come as a surprise to some of you. However, I have spent countless hours reflecting on my identity, and this is the path that I feel is true to myself. As I begin this journey, I would like to take the opportunity to sincerely apologize to the LGBTQIAQ community for any pain or harm my previous actions or words may have caused. I acknowledge that my past behavior has not always been supportive or understanding, and for that I am truly sorry. I have come to understand the importance of empathy, acceptance, and love for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. I am committed to using my platform to advocate for the rights and well-being of the LGBTQIAQ community, and to be a more compassionate and supportive ally in the future. 0:54:37 Unknown_10: I ask for your support, understanding, and patience as I embark on this new chapter of my life. I know that this may be difficult for some of you, but I hope that you can find it within yourselves to accept and love me for who I truly am. Thank you for taking this time to read this, and I look forward to sharing my life with you as Angelina Ngo, a woman and ally to the LGBTQI people's community. With love, humility, and a commitment to growth, Angelina Ngo, P.S. I am also sharing with you all of our mailing lists, our subscriber database, and the personal details of all our writers and editors. So obviously this is not Andy Ngo, and these links all go to ARC dumps of the database. 0:55:17 Unknown_10: And what was Andy Ngo was the, Unknown_10: decision for whatever reason to store information about subscribers, their payment details, and their passwords in plain text in the database, so that when it was hacked by a weird tranny hacker, the list of everybody who subscribed and gave money to the post-millennial was published to the world to see, including their passwords. 0:56:10 Unknown_10: Storing. It is... I hate to say this, but if 2024, fellas, Unknown_10: which is eight years after current year. We are in current year plus eight right now. And there is no excuse in the fucking world for storing a password in plain text. We have developed a comprehensive understanding of password encryptions for the safety of both the application and also the consumer. 0:56:44 Unknown_10: for probably 15 plus fucking years now, where you should never store a password in plain text. There is no situation in the universe where storing a password in plain text is an acceptable answer. Unknown_10: Never, ever. So this is a monumental, colossal fuck up. they're storing the payment details of their customers, they're storing the email addresses that they had on file for them, which is normal, but a lot of those email addresses belong to government officials around the world. So now you have this website that's known for being gender critical, and then you have a list of professional, personal, and government email addresses of people who subscribe to it. So you think those government officials are going to keep their positions? No, there's going to be a mass exodus of gender critical people throughout government because this database got hacked and they don't want them on staff. As far as the password, that's an inexcusable lapse of judgment. Because many people, despite my warnings, do not use password managers. And those passwords are going to be passwords that they use for other applications. So when you have a database like this, because they do happen, and retards like the Postmillennial do store passwords in plain text, 0:58:02 Unknown_10: it jeopardizes the security of your other accounts because now you have an email password combination that can be used in a bunch of different places. So I remind everybody that there are websites like privacytools.io and privacyguides.org. Unknown_10: And I never remember which one, because no matter which one I say, there's like a conflict between those two. And if I advertise one, everyone yells at me. So privacytools.io and privacyguides.org have a comprehensive list a free software which will monumentally enhance your privacy. Some of them are ad-sponsored, but they have little buttons for them. I don't think privacygods.org has any ad-sponsored stuff. But if you fucking read that shit, and all you gotta do, the basics of this, get an encrypted email address, get an email forwarding system, get a password manager, and figure out how two-factor authentication works. That's all you need to do. But most people don't do that. 0:58:53 Unknown_10: Okay, if you want to use notepad and keep that on your fucking desk and generate a unique password for every fucking website and then write it down by hand, you can fucking do that. I don't want to do that. Most people aren't going to do that. You know why? Because most people are lazy. They like convenience. They don't want to have to keep a piece of paper. Scrawled on their fucking table with them everywhere and preserve this like a like a like the tablets from the fucking Mount of Zion Brought down by Moses that you have to pass down for generations This little sheet of fucking sketch paper that you have next to you Most people don't want to deal with that if you find that as an acceptable solution good for you Nobody fucking cares use a password manager if it's a piece of paper on your desk, that's fine But don't think that's a that's a viable solution for most people most people have more than one computer And they don't want to have to keep track of a piece of paper you 0:59:44 Unknown_10: Just stupid. I hate people who have no fucking idea how encryption works. Not a fucking clue how encryption works. And then when you tell them to use a password manager, like, actually, sweetie, nothing is more safe than a piece of paper on my computer. Oh, yeah? You know what's safe about a piece of paper on your computer? It's in plain view of your fucking desk, right? So if I were to serve a search warrant on you as a police officer and come into your house and see that little piece of paper with every fucking password to every account that you have everywhere on the internet, That's in plain view, that's in the scope of the warrant, and now that's in fucking cop evidence. And they're going to go through all your shit, because that's a valid part of the search warrant. Congratulations, you're a fucking genius. Brainiac. 1:00:17 Unknown_04: I hate people. Unknown_04: I hate people that think they're smart and they're not smart. Unknown_04: Next. Unknown_04: This is something that This is just tranny on stuff billboard Chris says I was having a conversation with two men who think they're women at the University of Melbourne when another man who thinks he's a woman came along and smashed my phone and audio equipment to the ground he then proceeded to call me an imperialist a capitalist and 1:01:10 Unknown_10: a foreign influence, and he thinks some rich person must be paying me. He says Child Protective Services is taking away black children, and he's very upset that parental rights exist. He even thinks the British pediatrician, Dr. Hilary Cass, has been paid by Ron DeSantis. Unknown_10: I just want to see you train your bones. Unknown_15: Hey, can we get this guy, can we get a lease on this guy? 1:01:46 Unknown_05: You want me to get a photo of him? Yeah, yeah. Unknown_05: That's uh... Unknown_06: Some dysfunctional trans-identified person just came and smashed my phone down. 1:02:23 Unknown_10: Transphobes can suck my dick. Transphobes can suck my dick, bro. Trains are so fucking gross. Dude, look at this guy. He's like walking around in a dress and he has like his emotional support dog. No, you don't understand. I get anxiety. Why do you when I'm assaulting people in the streets? I need a heckin pepperino to pet in a moment's notice in case I shouldn't piss myself in the middle of the street. You know, my my crippling PTSD from the time that my mother yelled at me and said, you'll never be a real woman. Unknown_10: Wish you were more like your brother. I wish you were normal and then she cried and slammed the door I'll never get over the trauma of not having my identity affirmed. I need this shit-ass fucking French bulldog with me at all times. Otherwise, I'm gonna Cut my wrist Are my words violence I 1:03:00 Unknown_08: is the institutional transphobia that goes on across the world. When my community is designated as medical experiments, my community is being slaughtered in the streets when my- 1:03:37 Unknown_10: uh these these people and what they say i wish i wish it man i just wish it happened i wish that all the things they say were real were real just overnight would solve so many problems a friend of mine died recently killed herself why because of the violence that you perpetrate what violence am i perpetrating what do you think i'm sitting here having conversations you're not having conversations you're spreading ideology what am i doing right now Unknown_08: You're spreading ideology. Unknown_06: You came and smashed my phone down. Look at how respectful I'm being towards you. Unknown_06: You should be getting arrested right now is what should be happening. Unknown_06: Yeah, we will. Unknown_06: I will. What's your name? Unknown_06: Well, we're gonna find out. We've got you on video. Unknown_08: Why don't you take the billboard off? Can you tell me what your billboard says? Unknown_06: What you can't read? No. Children cannot consent to puberty blockers. Unknown_08: All right. Why? Unknown_06: Why? Because we're sterilizing kids. Sterilizing kids? We're turning children into anorgasmic, sterilized, and maimed, lifelong pharmaceutical patients. 1:04:33 Unknown_08: Did you know that once you cease taking beauty blockers that your fertility returns? Unknown_08: That's true. We just had the, um... I just wanted to show off this freak. Unknown_10: This, um... That whole narrative is dead now. Like, we have irrefutable evidence from proper journalistic medical guides that prove that Unknown_10: When you take these purity blockers, it destroys your cock and balls, it stunts your growth, it cannot be reversed, and they continue forward with it. 1:05:12 Unknown_10: There was a thing I don't have cued up, but I also read through this. Unknown_10: It was a post that was being shared from the Kiwi farms across social media. And whenever I see the forum being shared by like normal people, it makes me happy. So I read it and looked into it. And it's a ongoing investigation or trial into something called gender PD. Unknown_10: which is a way to get testosterone as a child in the UK and perhaps across Europe without actually seeing a doctor. It is apparently a Spanish organization or it's a, I think it's a Romanian headquartered organization and it has counselors like in Spain. So this, this girl who was like 13 who had suffered like proper childhood trauma from her parents divorcing, 1:05:53 Unknown_10: Was seriously depressed had just been institutionalized due to self-harming Had Looked into gender therapy because that's like what's being sold in schools and on discord by trannies is like a panacea at all problems So she contacted gender PD and Unknown_10: And she talked to a counselor one time and gave them the answers they wanted to hear for gender identity disorder. And he prescribed her testosterone to begin transitioning to a man. 1:06:33 Unknown_10: And the dosage of testosterone that they gave her was 1000 mg. I'm not sure if that's micrograms or milligrams. If you're a juicer, let me know if it's micrograms or milligrams. But apparently the dosage of testosterone that they gave her was a level that you do not even give adult men until you have tried smaller dosages. Like you'd start at 200 mg and then if that doesn't work you work your way up to a thousand which is the absolute maximum that you can prescribe like an adult man. 1:07:13 Unknown_10: So, there are consequences and dangers associated with this. It does stunt development, because what happens is that your bones start growing, and if they grow too fast, they stunt themselves. They can't fuse correctly, and they stop growing. So, you are halted in your skeletal development. And then there are long-term consequences associated with the heart and the rest of your body from having an elevated level of testosterone. And then there's also an acute syndrome, which if you're a juicer, it's a very complicated word. It's like thombionic embolism or some shit. And it's like instant death. Basically what it means is that you have too much testosterone, your blood suddenly thickens, and then you just fucking die because your blood is like a syrup and it no longer can pump. 1:07:49 Unknown_10: so she was at acute risk of instant death random spontaneous fucking death and The the most interesting thing about this survey or this whole ordeal was that they needed a a 1:08:27 Unknown_10: um what's the name of it it's like it's a very long o word um endocrinologist they needed an endocrinologist to discuss the hormone therapy that she was being given and they couldn't find a willing endocrinologist to go on record on this case regarding the gender therapy of uh that the girl was receiving in the UK. They tried contacting all the hospitals and all the academic universities for an endocrinologist willing to go on record and say, is this a reasonable treatment that she was given? And they could not find one. So they had to go all the way out to Melbourne, Australia to find an endocrinologist. And the only one willing to talk to them there was like a gender critical woman. Unknown_10: And she basically said, Unknown_10: that the prescription that she had been given and that she was taking would have been criminal to prescribe in Australia. 1:09:30 Unknown_10: The other, the whole kicker for this, the whole reason why it even went to the courts is that because of the divorce, I think it was mommy was supporting the transition and daddy was completely against it. And it was one of those cases where it was like one of the parents is like truning out the kid as like a form of revenge and the other parent is completely helpless to stop it because of how the laws work. Unknown_10: Even though the treatment that she was getting was obviously preposterously detrimental to her health. Unknown_10: And the other crazy bit was that they were testing her blood throughout the trial to see where her testosterone levels were. Unknown_10: and they didn't really go down. Even after they stopped, they pulled her prescription. And it left a lot of people wondering if maybe mommy had a secret stash of testosterone in her house and she was giving it to her daughter to take throughout the trial. I guess the assumption being that, look, she's a real boy now. She makes her own testosterone. The levels didn't go down despite the prescription being canceled. 1:10:13 Unknown_10: So there's like a theory that the mom is still giving her testosterone to try and pull like a fast one and be like, no, really, it's like a completed transition. She makes her own tea now. It's real fucking evil. 1:10:48 Unknown_10: I probably should have just read that instead of playing this video, because that's a way more compelling story. I think it's in the GRS sideshow thread, which is like really popular with normies. A lot of normies read that thread. Unknown_04: Okay, I went through that. Unknown_10: Okay, I haven't seen this before, but it was requested of me. Let's take a watch. Unknown_14: Chachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachachach 1:11:34 Unknown_14: Being trans women, it's helped me evolve. It's helped me learn. I was with this gal and she was using different terms for things that I had never really heard of or thought of before. We're back at my apartment and we're making love, you know, from behind. Doggy love. And... And she goes, uh, mmm, yeah, fuck my pussy. And I was like, huh. Unknown_14: Oh, that's fun. She calls her ass a pussy. Okay. All right. Okay. I'm fucking your pussy. 1:12:06 Unknown_14: And then she was like, I suck my girl dick. And I was like, that's a bit of an oxymoron, but who am I? She said one that came really out of left field. She goes, yeah, Unknown_10: Let me boot for I don't want to interrupt his great joke. Come on now. You can do it. Boofer. We got 18 seconds of this left. I think we can do it. Unknown_13: I like my clan. I was like, Well, now I'm fucking confused, lady. 1:12:37 Unknown_14: And then I was like, Oh my god, trans women are women, because I can't find a click on them either. Unknown_04: Close your eyes and go into your cave. Unknown_04: Find your power animal. Unknown_04: Slide! Unknown_10: kind of jam that's so it's so fucking vile like every step of that and his face is like so punchable what a hideous what a hideous little goblin hobbling around on stage talking about sucking dick fucking a man in the ass while playing pretend while larping as a as a heterosexual couple 1:13:29 Unknown_10: Great, I'm wonderful, I'm so happy that I subjected myself to that. I don't feel like my day is worse at all. Unknown_10: Anyways, that's enough of that. Let's talk about some people, some people of interest, chat. Unknown_10: Finally I've decided to give the zoomies in my audience what they ask what they crave and the answer is Daniel Larson finally the long-awaited Daniel Larson segment He's going to jail forever basically and I never have to talk about him again My understanding of Daniel Larson is that he is a genuinely bad person 1:14:10 Unknown_10: who also happens to be incredibly mentally ill. Unknown_10: He is apparently a pedophile. He is exploitative. He uses the people around him. He is in no way, shape, or form a good person, and I am in no way, in any capacity, defending him or saying that good things should happen to him and bad things should not happen to him. However, it does not help the fact that he has acquired like a Unknown_10: I don't even know what to call it. It's like what people say the Christian trolls were. They're just like a group of like psychopathic zoomers who just, they've identified somebody who's both easily manipulative, low IQ, and also genuinely a bad person. So they have vindicated themselves in torturing him effectively for years now. And he has like a huge YouTube following. 1:14:54 Unknown_10: And a bunch of people are like super invested in this shit. And there is like an inner circle of trolls who get him to do retarded shit. And the retarded shit that they recently have gotten him to do is the threat to detonate explosive devices at civic buildings at both local, state, and federal levels. Unknown_10: Specifically, as he is indicted in federal court in the District of Colorado, a particular county courthouse in Colorado, a particular nonprofit center in Lakewood, Colorado, the White House, a particular college campus in Colorado, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation headquarters. 1:15:44 Unknown_10: Additionally, he threatened a FBI agent on the phone. Unknown_10: When you go around and you start threatening to kill federal agents, you start threatening to blow up buildings, it's going to attract the attention of the Bureau, who does not want to deal with such things, and so he has been arrested. Unknown_10: Interestingly, the use of and threat of detonating an explosive is exactly the same crime, according to what I've read. Use or threaten use of explosive material. So if you say, I'm going to blow up this building and you do, apparently, I mean, I assume that if you blow up the building, there's other charges like you're going to get murder and attempted murder and maybe destruction of property and all sorts of shit like that. But it's just interesting that if you take an explosive and you detonate it. 1:16:32 Unknown_10: or if you threaten to detonate it, an explosive that you don't even have, it's like the same indictment. But he's done this six times, and if he were to conserve these six charges, I don't know how much of the interstate communications has, but if you do the six charges consecutively, it's 10 years maximum. If you do it sequentially, it's 60 years maximum, which is quite a long time. Unknown_10: However, I have a sneaking suspicion that when they start digging into why this retarded man is threatening to murder people and blow up government buildings, they're going to find out that there are people behind Daniel Larsen who have been instigating him into doing very stupid things. And I would not be surprised if someone very young would find themselves in a lot of trouble pretty soon. I bet you that there is going to be a thing where they dig through his Discord messages, everything on Discord is unencrypted, and they're going to find out that a little Zoomy Zoom, who runs a YouTube channel, has been telling him to murder FBI agents, and that kid is going to get absolutely, completely, and totally fucking ruined. 1:17:19 Unknown_10: That's just my sneaking suspicion. I don't have any insights into this situation. Unknown_10: Daniel Orson, one of the most popular retards on the internet right now, especially with Zoomers, is facing the rest of his life in prison in a worst-case scenario for him. And I personally believe, without evidence, that they will probably indict other people in conjunction with this for facilitating or something. Just a thought. 1:17:58 Unknown_10: Next, DSP. Apparently May 1st is what the DSP detractors lovingly refer to as May Burst, a reference to the time that Darkseid Phil masturbated on stream, showing only his face on camera as he did so. It was on May 1st, 8 years ago, apparently. 2016 was such a big year. Unknown_10: You had Donald Trump. You had Darkseid Phil ejaculating on camera. Lots of things going on in 2016. Big game-changing year for the entire world. 1:18:40 Unknown_10: But that was eight years ago, believe it or not, which makes me feel old, I'm not gonna lie. Unknown_10: And to celebrate eight years of May bursting, a detractor put out a game called The Detractor. Let's watch the trailer chat. Unknown_04: Oh my god, it's the best-selling game of the season. Unknown_07: It's the best-selling game of the year. It's the highest ever created game. It's the highest ever this game, that game. This game is one of the best games of all time. A lot of outlets are giving it 8 to 10 out of 10. We're crossing a new frontier. We're going into something truly untreaded. 1:19:13 Unknown_07: Alright, let's watch it. Here it is. There you go. Unknown_07: Also, it would help to have a little bit more in the tips department right now. If you could help in that way, please do. 1:19:53 Unknown_07: The camera's been on the whole time, huh? I don't even know. Unknown_12: Take your meme and shove it up your fucking ass! Unknown_07: So far, I like it. I'm sure there'll be parts coming up that will be rage-inducing and challenging. Unknown_12: Characters in this game are going through what I go through on a daily basis. Shut up! Unknown_03: I'm not taking your shit! Unknown_12: I don't care who it is, people in the chat right now, oh, he's doing the memes, oh, this is crazy, shut up and eat it. 1:20:28 Unknown_10: So it looks like it's like a Mike Tyson's punch out is like the main theme. And then there's like mini games, the pixel art's actually quite good. But he probably should have pixelated or drew original art for Darkside Phil because, sorry enough, Darkside Phil within the last two days has apparently contacted Steam and gotten the game pulled from the store. So I believe if we go and take this open right now, it will show a 404 page instead of the game. Unknown_10: Indeed, it does redirect you to the storefront. 1:21:02 Unknown_10: So it's unclear to me why the game was removed, if this is like a policy violation or if this is a part of the DMCA and a copyright dispute. Unknown_10: because technically I think that the way copyright the DMCA goes is that when the complaint comes in until the person responsible replies and says if they're gonna like counters it then there's like an 11-day period where it must go down for litigation to be filed and so it may be a DMCA thing and I think that he's complaining that the JPEGs of his face and his stream are his copyright, which is obviously fucking retarded, because if you make a game, an entire fucking game, as a labor of love, to make fun of somebody, that is literally as transformative as any youth could possibly get. 1:22:00 Unknown_10: So I also don't think that DarkSidePhil would ever try to contest a copyright in court. So chances are that this guy is just going to say, go fuck yourself, it's fair use. DarkSidePhil will take the L and then complain about it on stream for 45 minutes in a roundabout way. Unknown_10: And I will probably comment on that stream two weeks from now. Unknown_10: Can we sketch, can we pin this in? Can we pin this in chat? I think it's gonna be the May 17th stream where I'll be commenting on the dark side Phil commenting on the fact that his DMCA was counter DMCA'd and how that's bullshit and how detractors shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. He's probably gonna needlessly make fun of Steam and say that Steam's full of, like quote unquote Steam's full of fucking, or Valve, maybe he'll just say Valve, Valve is full of fucking retards, something like that. There's gonna be one of those in there. Because he doesn't understand how copyright works at all. We're going to pin this one in May 17th. Mark your calendars. I think that's what we're going to do. 1:22:42 Unknown_10: We're not going to see Darkseidville taking this to court. Unknown_10: Even if you really, really, really, really, really wanted to, he does not have the financial resources to instigate a copyright litigation. Because if you don't have a lawyer who actually gives a fuck about you, he's going to rape you to death. That's just how copyright works. 1:23:22 Unknown_10: All right, so that's the DSP thing. The game looked interesting. Unfortunately, I won't be able to play it on stream until the copyright issue is resolved and until my internet works. So I will actually, I would like to, I need to make a little list of things to do once I have internet again, and I think playing this game would be a little bit of fun to see if I recognize all the spicy detractor memes and stuff, or if I get felted trying to do memory, basic memory match games on stream. Unknown_10: The other big news is that Roypers, which are the Nick Fuentes cocksuckers that have been Nick sucking for years and years at this point, have apparently managed to bully Elon Musk into promising to unban Nick Fuentes by calling him a shabbos goy over and over again for years on Zetter. So if this doesn't load, I'll just try to read this. 1:24:13 Unknown_10: If not, I guess I'm just fucked. Just have to recount from memory. They had two grippers and I just posted pictures and said I can't believe that Elon Musk is such a hypocrite He's kept Nick Fuentes banned even though I don't think that's the case I think that he got unbanned at some point and then just immediately like broke TOS again and got banned and then cried about getting banned for the thing that would obviously get you banned and it's kind of suspect like people are discussing what the intention might be because if you don't know I 1:24:48 Unknown_10: Nick Fuentes was there at January 6 and of all the prominent people there at January 6, Nick Fuentes was one of the only people who were not charged in association with anything. He didn't get anything. He complained that... Unknown_10: Don't a large donation. He received got frozen or that he was on the no-fly list for a little while But he's off the no-fly list. He received no jail time However, I want to say like a dozen people who were there just to see Fuentes got charged. I even know one guy who has Who I think was arrested in conjunction with January 6 and he was like a grouper and then fell out because Nick Fuentes basically like disavowed all the Jan 6 people and 1:25:32 Unknown_10: and made fun of them. Because he has this take where it's like, I don't like losers. I don't want to be around losers. Here's that Donald Trump thing where it's like, I don't like losers. I want to be around winners. So he made fun of all the people who got arrested and said, I disavowed them. And he got nothing for it, which led a lot of people to suspect that he rolled over on the Roypers. Unknown_10: But Gass says, you work for Jews at Elon Musk. Unknown_10: Ilma says, while I don't condone all the actions of any one group, I must admit to being openly fellow Semitic and generally try to see the good in all people. 1:26:05 Unknown_10: Uh, Goya Bean Groyper says, bring Nick Fuentes back to Twitter at Nick J. Fuentes. He's been banned since 2021. What's happened to your promise, big guy? And then there's a Photoshop picture of Nick Fuentes. I think that they've merged him in with the vampire from Twilight to make him look more like a human and less like a, uh, a Gollum made entirely from McDonald's french fries. Unknown_10: Elon says, Very well, he will be reinstated provided he does not violate the law and let him be crushed by the comments and community notes. It's better to have empty whatever out in the open than to be rebutted than grow and simmer in the darkness. 1:26:41 Unknown_10: Elon says, Fate loves irony but hates hypocrisy. I cannot claim to be a defender of free speech but then permanently ban someone who hasn't violated the law no matter how much I disagree with what they say. This will probably cause us to lose a lot of advertisers and makes me sad, but it's a principle. It's a principle. Unknown_10: So this happened two days after that bill passed the House of Reps, where they were targeting anti-Semitic speech. And if I remember correctly, they were trying to target this in schools. So I don't know if this bill has been misrepresented or if I just interpreted this wrong. but it looked like it was trying to make any kind of like anti-israel speech on school campuses to be like um criminal or something i don't know the specifics but it looked like it was specifically a thing for school um but after that passed he 1:27:33 Unknown_10: Oh, in which, yeah, one of the specific examples of anti-Semitic speech was to imply that the Jews killed Christ, which was Christian doctrine up until, like, the second Vatican Council or something. I think it was Pope John Paul who came out and said, actually, no, it was the Romans, even though the entire point of that parable is that the Philistines, I think it was the Philistines, The Pharisees, sorry, the Pharisees were the ones who said, yeah, no, we'd much rather have Brutus, the rapist murderer, go free than this, the guy that calls himself the king of the Jews. So really, and then like the Roman guys, like, are you, are you really sure that you want this hippie nailed to a cross? instead of the rapist murderer. And all the Pharisees are like, Oy vey, how many times do we have to tell you, Goyim? Nail the fucking guy to the cross and let Brutus go. And he was like, okay, I mean, it's your choice. We kind of like do this as like a theater for you people. I personally wouldn't go with nailing the hippie to the cross and instead, letting the murderer rapist go free. But if you were, I mean, if you're fucking, you, the Jewish people, the Pharisees, you're the ones who are granted this choice and you're the one making this choice. So reluctantly, I will do what you ask. As is instructed of me by the emperor of Rome, I will do what you say and nail the hippie Jew to the cross instead of the murderer rapist. And the Pharisees are like, yes, do it already. Jesus, fuck. Hurry up. Well, they didn't say that. They said, for Yahweh's sakes. 1:28:53 Unknown_10: hurry up and kill them." And they did. And then 2,000 years later, the Congress of the United States of America says, That's hate speech. I'm not, listen, I'm not like, I'm not pay, pay, pay, pay. I don't know my Bible as well as pay, pay, pay does, but I am pretty sure that is a fair assessment of the, the gospels and the crucifixion of Jesus and how the Pharisees played a role in that. Am I correct? 1:29:25 Unknown_10: Can I, should I do it? Oh, Pontius Pilate was a fed. I mean, kind of. I can see a poll, poll. Unknown_10: Did I get the story right? Question mark. Yes. Vote one for yes. Vote two for no. Let's see. We'll do a little wait. We'll do a little wait and chat. See what the poll says. I don't know. I must find comfort in consensus. That's how I'm gonna rationalize this. 1:29:59 Unknown_10: Alright, the vulture command. Sorry, there's a delay because whenever my stream gets behind, it adds more time from when I say something to when the stream says something. Unknown_04: Wouldn't know, I'm white. Unknown_04: Okay, Jesus had to die. It was the whole fucking point of his existence. 1:30:33 Unknown_10: I mean, but that's not the question. The question is, are the Romans or are the Jews responsible? Because if you don't, I don't know, I feel like I summarized this accurately. Unknown_10: Because the Jews complained to the Romans and said that Jesus was calling himself the King of the Jews. Unknown_10: And they said that that is blasphemy, it's against their rules, so he must be crucified. Unknown_10: Then at the same time they had like the choice of releasing like one criminal a year or something there's like some weird thing that the the Romans did where they could vote to Let a criminal go and the only two criminals they had on death row at that point where it was a guy who was like an actual like monster and then Jesus and Jesus didn't do nothing besides say he was the king of the Jews so they asked the Jews Do you guys want the monster dead or do you want the Jesus dead and they all said the Jesus and I'm pretty sure I got it right. 1:31:30 Unknown_04: Who cares, it's a story. Unknown_10: Bro, are you like retarded? Who cares, it's a story. Apparently, your fucking government does, because they're criminalizing saying this story. They're taking this story and saying that a specific interpretation of this story is now criminal to say, at least on school grounds. That's why I'm talking about it, because it's now in a fucking bill that is being sent to the Senate to be enacted in law. 1:32:08 Unknown_10: Like I'm not I'm not going over the fine details of Hansel and Gretel like was it breadcrumbs or was it confetti? Was it cupcake confetti? What's the real message here? Unknown_04: There's actually a reason why I'm talking about it Unknown_04: Acts 4 10 be it known to all you to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead by him this man is standing before you as well so all the people of Israel and then when Thessalonians 2 14 to 16 for you brethren became imitators of the churches of God and Jesus Christ which are in Judea for you suffered the same things from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews who killed both the Lord Jesus and Israel I mean that's that's pretty fucking explicit 1:33:04 Unknown_10: and drove us out and displeased God and opposed all men by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved so as to always fill up the measures of their sins. And then finally in Acts 30, 14 to 15, you denied the Holy and Righteous One as for a murderer to be granted to you and killed the author of life who God raised from the dead to this we are witness. If you, I don't know. Unknown_10: Don't say that though. You'll go to jail. Congress says it's wrong. Congress, who are Jewish, Unknown_10: or paid by Jews. By the way, there was an article I saw and 91, I want to say 91 Republicans voted against this bill to criminalize anti-Semitic speech on campuses or whatever the fuck it was. and all of them have suddenly been dropped from AIPAC as sponsored politicians. So for some reason, AIPAC has decided to withhold millions and millions of dollars of campaign financing for these specific Congress people who did not vote for this unconstitutional hate speech bill. Isn't that weird? That's really weird. 1:33:49 Unknown_10: I don't know why they would do that, because they're our greatest ally, and they understand democracy and free speech more than any other ally that we have. So strange, chat. Unknown_10: Anyways, 52 people said yes, and 27 said no. 1:34:34 Unknown_10: So that's the Nick Fuentes update and there's a second one kind of adjacent where coincidentally the same week Latino Zoomer who was a American first Hispanic kid that met Nick Fuentes in person. There's a picture of them together even Unknown_10: I don't know if it's in the thread or not. It might be in the first post. Unknown_10: But he decided to post on Discord, and this is a quote from him. Hi, LatinoZoomer here. July 22 is the day of retribution, the day I will have revenge against all the humanity, which all of you will pay for my suffering. SAS will be the turning point of the LatinoZoomer lore. And this was a threat made against Turning Point USA's convention. 1:35:21 Unknown_10: and it was taken as a serious threat. He was charged for making a threat, and he was just sentenced for five years. I think this is the picture of him, actually. And this is the State Western District of Texas saying that he'll be sentenced. And what's really crazy about this is that when he made the threat, Unknown_10: The police searched his computer in conjunction with a warrant, and they discovered child pornography. 1:35:55 Unknown_10: So this guy who, when this loads, will be standing next to Nick Fuentes, was also a pedophile who collected child pornography. And for some reason, the government didn't charge him on that. Unknown_10: And they only charged him on the threat of violence. Unknown_10: So I don't know Unknown_10: What happened with that why they didn't charge him on the child pornography? A part of me wonders if it was like AI generated and they didn't want to try to open that bag of worms yet or or what? Unknown_10: But for one reason maybe it was outside the scope of the warrant and they didn't want to have to fight with like getting it into evidence or whatever But they got him for a five-year sentence. Oh wait. No, this isn't him That is him. It's just not the picture of him with Fuentes Which is what I'm trying to do here 1:36:36 Unknown_04: By the way, I noticed, I talked about this on stream a while ago, and I have a thread in the Nick Fuentes board, the Catboy board, where Unknown_10: I went into how easy it was to find like open pedophiles on Twitter associated with Nick Fuentes. Like they would just be called like lollicon groiper and they would have like a snowflake in their name. 1:37:08 Unknown_10: And I don't know what the snowflake reference, I don't know if it was like the purity of like little girls or some shit, but they would all be like openly pro lollicon and they would just like openly share pictures of like little white girls and say like, oh, she's almost ready for breeding. I love pregnant lollies. They're just like the most vile, disgusting shit you could possibly imagine. And they're all in Nick Fuentes' circle. And then after that thread got made, and I made this big collection of shit that I could find within seconds of just searching anything related to Nick Fuentes, that's all gone now. And I don't know if X changed its rules on Lollicon. I think it has since then. Or if Nick Fuentes just asked these guys to stop being such open pedophiles on Twitter. 1:37:47 Unknown_10: But I've tried to be fair to Fuentes because, you know, on its face it's like a guy trying to stand his own against the government and advocate for unpopular positions. Unknown_10: I can't, like, hate that. 1:38:23 Unknown_10: But every time I've tried to look into like what they're up to It's always this really creepy cult of guys who are way way to up the up Nick's ass and there is always some skeevy fucking pedophile shit and You know that after the January 6 stuff where he just like disavowed his own supporters who went to jail for him It's like I I've tried to find something to like about this guy, and he's so unlikable. And the only person, or only people, more unlikable than him are the Groypers. Unknown_10: Who are like, completely feral, retarded children. Unknown_10: are unable to discuss anything unable to carry a thought uh besides how much they want to fuck kids and it's like it's it's just so they're so fucking gross i'm convinced i'm convinced it has to be like some kind of op and what's what's really really 1:39:25 Unknown_10: surprising is that his tweets and tweets about him still get like hundreds or thousands of likes on Twitter. And what's he doing? Nick Fuentes is like completely afraid to show his face in public anymore. He doesn't attend any real life events. He does like his annual Cope session where he tries to look like Hitler in front of a projector. And it's always the most unprofessional shit imaginable. He doesn't, um, he has cozy, but I don't know anything happening on cozy anymore. Apparently he has his streams that get like a couple thousand viewers and that's it. And then, and then what? I don't see clips of him on social media. Nobody talks about shit that he's doing, but he still has like this momentum of like all these weirdo faggots stuck up his ass, stuck in his dick all the time. I, and I, it's just really baffling to me. I really don't understand if it's organic where it's coming from, you know? 1:40:05 Unknown_04: Yeah, I just don't get it. Unknown_04: I talked to a Fuentes fan once, the guy was a 40 year old and so. 1:40:46 Unknown_04: I haven't heard of Cozy in like two years. Unknown_10: Yeah, dude, I don't, that's the crazy thing. Unknown_10: You know, the forum stay is relevant because we constantly have shit going on. I do my streams, we get shared around in like normie circles because of the gender critical shit. I never hear anything about Fuentes, good or bad. Like, I don't even hear about his drama anymore. Like, he had his falling out with Ethan Ralph and, um... Unknown_10: And a couple other streamers. I think like Teddy Feezer turning on him was like the last Nick related anything I've heard. What the fuck is he doing every day? I just don't get it. 1:41:20 Unknown_04: Trust the instinct because if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense. Unknown_10: It's true. It's like, yeah, it's like a gut feeling, like something's weird, weird. I just don't. Unknown_10: I just don't see it and what I do see is so superficial because it's just like shit like this where you just see like these obviously Photoshop pictures of Edward Fuentes from Twilight on Twitter getting hundreds of likes and then Elon Musk replies to it and it's like where is this coming from? Like why? 1:41:55 Unknown_10: You know, why? What the fuck? Unknown_10: So, I don't know. People were saying it's kind of incidental that this is happening right after the congressional bill moved forward a little bit. Unknown_10: And I kind of see that. I kind of see where they're going with that. Unknown_10: Like, they're trying on one hand to pass an anti-Semitism bill, and they either need more obvious anti-Semitism on a major platform to justify it. Like, for instance, 1:42:28 Unknown_10: This is how it would look if it was like a false flag thing. Elon Musk, if he was like a part of this, would begrudgingly, all of a sudden, after years of ignoring Fuentes, allow him back on the platform, right as this bill is going through the Congress, and it needs more bipartisan and popular support. So Elon allows, who is the richest man in the world, owns one of the largest social media platforms in existence, Nick Fuentes back onto the platform. and then nick goes hello fellow gropers hail hitler let's kill those jews tomorrow and then that gets put on zitter and um then everyone's like holy shit elon musk allowed this crazy lunatic neo-nazi openly calling for genocide and and uh and worshiping hitler on his platform and day one we need to do something. And then Fox News plays it, and then MSNBC plays it, and then CNN plays it, and then suddenly all these people who are like, maybe we shouldn't restrict the constitutional protections that we've been afforded by the Constitution, are now like, whoa, wait a second, we're like 30 seconds from a neo-Nazi brownshirt uprising here in the US. We gotta do something right now. 1:43:15 Unknown_10: If that's how it plays out, then yeah, I guess it was. Unknown_10: If we end up all in the bauxite mines for wrong speech in the next couple weeks, then yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe it was a false flag. 1:43:53 Unknown_10: The Jews got me. I think that I'm just buffering right now. Unknown_04: Sorry. Anyways, let's talk about Nick Fluenta. Ack! Ack! Unknown_04: It's all Jover. Unknown_04: Uh, cool. Let us... I'll wait a little bit for my stream to catch up if that's even gonna happen. Unknown_10: Um, I have... Oh, this is difficult. 1:44:29 Unknown_10: If my bandwidth is not willing, you know what, let's talk about Pat and then I'll talk about Ricardo. Cause if I, if I don't have any bandwidth, I'll just have to summarize it. But this, I don't have to play any videos. Unknown_10: Um, so I mentioned last stream that Tomlinson was not being permitted into a convention at the request of the star guest there. Um, which apparently I was wrong. Apparently the star guest is this woman, Leslie Varney. Unknown_10: who apparently had a bad experience with Tomlinson in the past and requested that he not be permitted to attend this convention to avoid complications, which apparently seemed to follow Patrick wherever he goes. So she writes here to say, I'm writing to clarify, or I'm writing to see if there will be clarification on the situation with author Patrick Tomlinson. I'm sure you're familiar with many of the antics that surround Mr. Tomlinson, and perhaps with the understanding that he is without blame for his situation, but I want to assure you that this isn't the complete picture. 1:45:08 Unknown_10: Oh, this is what she wrote to Penguicon. Unknown_10: I assume that this is Penguin. Penguin's a book publisher, right? So I'm assuming that's for them. Unknown_10: This is what she wrote to them to clear the air about what she said to get Patrick removed from the convention. Unknown_10: She continues and says, I encountered Mr. Tomlinson first last June when he and another author took offense that they didn't immediately believe their account of harassment, and I communicated with their supposed terrorist stalkers. These are just two examples of the hyperbolized language that they used. For me, they used words like wicked, moron, mouth-freezer, evil, and imbecile. Since that time, Mr. Tomlinson and his associates have attacked me mercilessly on social media, up to and including a death threat from one of his associates, much to the express entertainment of Mr. Tomlinson. During this drama, I received messages from other people who have faced the same treatment, and it didn't take a genius to notice they were all women. In fact, I had originally called Mr. Tomlinson and his fellow author out 1:46:37 Unknown_10: On the misogyny and homophobia they expressed openly or supported quietly, especially in light of their accusing faceless attackers of being racist and homophobes. Anyway, this is all a long-winded request to know if I can look forward to attending PenguinCon in the future, knowing he won't be attending. I've been considering if or how to bring this subject up to the Worldcon 2025 committee, since I know he plans to attend, and I'd appreciate knowing if I can point to your decision as a precedent. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide, Leslie." That is fucking beautiful. I especially love that ending. I would like to know if I could point to your decision as a precedent. This is exactly how deplatforming works. This is exactly how Liz Fong Jones deplatforms the Kiwi Farms. 1:47:18 Unknown_10: If big companies like Cloudflare decide that Kiwi Farms is an imminent threat to human life, then all you have to do to justify your whining is to point to that and say, look, they did their due diligence and they found this. Therefore, they must be right. And you should ease yourself of this burden and do the same immediately. So Patrick is finding out that this knife cuts both ways, as it turns out, and when he gets banned from PenguinCon, which he already has been, he'll find that he won't be able to attend other conventions like WorldCon because PenguinCon already did their due diligence and found that he was a toxic person to have in their convention that made other guests feel uncomfortable. 1:48:14 Unknown_10: Very, very unfortunate. Unknown_10: I would love to know, I wish she had elaborated more about how they interacted and how the topic came up of like stalker childs and why she didn't believe him. I would love to know what he was saying that she's like, that doesn't make sense. Unknown_10: Does he mean to tell me that a group of neo-Nazi, homophobic, racist, terrorist stalkers for whatever reason, for no reason, 1:48:47 Unknown_10: found you seven billion people on this planet they found you in particular and said let's ruin this guy's life i don't believe that there's more to this story to which he replied no you wicked moronic mouth breathing evil imbecile you did not understand and you will never understand i've made it perfectly clear to you many thousands of times that these are arbitrary homophobic, racist attacks against an esteemed author for no reason other than the perverse, dark triad's sick, twisted, psychopathic joy that they frolic in, uh, seeing the suffering and agony of innocent people. Unknown_10: And then she's like, that sounds like bullshit. It sounds like you're full of shit. You got any evidence? You got any evidence for that claim, Mr. Tomlinson? I'm a, I'm a, I'm a, practical woman. I like to see concrete evidence for claims." And he's like, no, you will not receive any evidence. You've already been instructed many thousands of times to stop asking for evidence. 1:49:46 Unknown_10: I am feeling myself right now, thank you. Unknown_10: So that's the Tomlinson update. Oh, of course, the most important thing that I was going to mention, I've completely lost just reading her message. Patrick says, this is how you get sued into poverty, Leslie. You are mentally ill. Seek help. So this woman says, 1:50:19 Unknown_10: This guy is crazy. He's obsessive. He fucking goes on about all this bullshit that I don't care about and that there's no evidence for. He is apparently quietly homophobic. He says things that are homophobic and quiet. And I think he's a misogynist. He hates women. And I don't feel comfortable around him. And then PenguinCon says, OK, you know what? He kind of sucks. You're right. And then Patrick says, this is how you get sued into poverty. So now she can just point to this and say, look, I said that he made me uncomfortable. And then his reaction was, let's you know, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I came across aggressive. You know, I'm just frustrated because of these problems that are going on. I don't know how to handle. He said I'll fucking sue you, you stupid bitch. Enjoy the gutter. Enjoy busking for change, stalker. 1:50:53 Unknown_10: Doesn't really help his case. Kind of makes him look like a deranged asshole. Unknown_10: Maybe Worldcon 2025 won't take pity on him after seeing this message. Unknown_10: I think someone even asked him. Unknown_10: There was a follow up message. 1:51:27 Unknown_10: Now PenguinCon responded saying, hi there, I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. As our dealing with Tomlinson have escalated to the board level, I have forwarded this request to them, and hopefully they can respond better than I can. Also, this will share your original email back to you as you requested in your other email. Let me know if there's anything specific I can help with, but I'm leaving this in the hands of the board at this point. Unknown_10: So he just said, look, I can't deal with this shit. I'm gonna escalate this to management. Unknown_10: There was some speculation, I don't know if it'll be in the next immediate post. I don't think it is. But just to clarify that. 1:52:04 Unknown_10: the um this is just so petty no stalker i don't no stalker i've lied about nothing at all your bomb threats were very real the fbi knows they were no stalker we didn't pay anyone to swat us you did the fbi knows that too enjoy prison 1:52:35 Unknown_10: and uh there's another post i don't know if i be able to find it but i will paraphrase it someone asked him if he intended to um get the science fiction writers association which is the group of people that paid for his last lawsuit against quasi Unknown_10: and which lost and apparently paid even more money to quasi to help with the debt that Tomlinson had incurred after losing. They asked if the Science Fiction Writers Association would also pay for his lawsuit against Leslie, and he implied by text message in response to the stalker child that yes, they would. Unknown_10: So apparently the Science Fiction Writers Guild is like insane and 100% backs Tomlinson and all of his stupid ass fucking escapades. And I have no idea what their motivation is. 1:53:37 Unknown_10: The guild that is financing his lawsuits is like vilified by the past and they have written in detail about how Tomlinson Supposedly a lot of their members are pedophiles or have been convicted of like sex offenses and stuff I don't know enough about that to Comment in detail, but that's what's thrown around and it could be thrown around a spite, but it could be like a true thing I can't say But that's the the that's the comments and stuff 1:54:10 Unknown_10: Listen, listen, I know, I know you guys say it's the same thing over and over again. I don't care. I need, I need this for me, chat. I need this for me. Okay. I need it for me. $30,000. Unknown_09: I just made $30,000. I just made 30 K. Oh my fucking God, dude. I'm gonna go for 35 dude. No. Yeah, I am. I'm gonna go for 35 dude. Unknown_09: Oh no. Fuck dude. Oh, 25 loads. I swear to God, that's way too much money to lose. Come on. Unknown_09: Oh no! Alright guys, last one if I lose, guys. Oh my god, don't tell... Don't do that! Don't you fucking do that! That's not what you're supposed to do. 2760. There we go. Alright, here we go, guys. Wish me luck, man. I'm going for a heads... I'm going for a tails-heads. 1:54:46 Unknown_09: I didn't even do the math right on that. Unknown_09: Oh my god. Right here, guys. Right here. Unknown_09: Yes, one more, one more, fuck it, come on. Unknown_09: Oh my God, oh wow. Unknown_09: Ouch. 1:55:18 Unknown_09: Ouch, I fucking, why did I leave at 30, dude? Why didn't I leave at 30? Unknown_09: Oh my God. Unknown_09: Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Come on, dude, stop, stop this. I don't want that repeat of that 20K. Oh, come on, this is so weird. Unknown_09: Oh, come on, dude, no way, man. Unknown_09: Okay, okay. Let's go. It is still a lot, you're right. Unknown_09: Oh my God, dude, stop, dude. Unknown_09: Oh my God, I'm leaving. Oh my fucking God, I just lost $20,000. 1:55:51 Unknown_09: Oh my God, I feel like puking. Unknown_09: Oh my God, dude, what are you fucking doing? That's so obvious. Unknown_09: Yes, cash it instantly. Unknown_09: Yes, cash it instantly. Unknown_09: Oh my God, dude. I can't afford this, man. Oh my God! Stop, dude! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Unknown_09: Oh my fucking God, I wanna fucking... Dude, I fucking feel like puking right now. Oh my God, dude, stop! Dude, stop it! 1:56:23 Unknown_09: Okay. Unknown_09: Oh my God, what is this, dude? Are you serious right now? Unknown_09: Okay, I'm leaving, dude. I'm gonna fucking... Unknown_09: Oh my god, dude, I fucking wanna die. I actually wanna fucking die right now. I actually wanna fucking die right now. I fucking- I fucking hate my life, dude. I fucking hate everything about my life, dude. Unknown_09: Wow, that's just so nice, dude. 1:56:54 Unknown_09: Oh my god, dude, come on. Unknown_09: Oh my god, I wanna fucking die right now. Unknown_09: I cannot believe I fucked that up, dude. I can't believe I did that. Damn, dawg, I'm such a fucking loser, bro. Unknown_09: I am such a fucking loser, guys. Unknown_09: Oh my god, I fucking hate my life, dude. Oh my god. Unknown_09: Oh my god, I'm gonna fucking die. 1:57:27 Unknown_10: My favorite bossman jackism of the moment is that he loves to say like I'm gonna fucking do as in do something stupid and He can't say that anymore because he keeps getting banned for like suicide baiting on different platforms It's like it's like really against TOS on kick and twitch to be like I'm gonna fucking kill myself man I'm gonna do something stupid here. So Unknown_10: He will just like cut himself off when he catches himself and he's just like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna fucking, I'm gonna fuck a dude. Dude, dude, I'm gonna fuck a dude. Dude, dude, stop, dude, I'm gonna fuck a dude. And it's just, he keeps saying that over and over again. And it's like aggressively homosexual. Like, why are you threatening to fuck men? BC Games, I'm gonna fuck a dude if you don't give me my 30,000 back, you piece of shit. Unknown_10: Anyways, that's my, that's my boss man tizzle of the day. Unknown_10: I will reward everybody with an arcade. My bitrate is very low, so I will simply summarize this video because there's not a single line of this that's particularly interesting. 1:58:25 Unknown_10: What Rikada did, to give you some background, there is a guy that has been donating money to Rikada and Rikada's super chat counts are in the fucking bin. He does not make any money off of his streams. It's completely like his trust fund money that keeps him afloat now. He makes like less than $100 a day on most streams. So there's like a guy that's been giving him like $10 super chats just to yell at him for years. Unknown_10: And because he's one of the only super chatters that Rikada has left, he never banned him. And it would be like the $50 that this guy would give Rikada just to make fun of him would be like the majority of his super chat income for any given stream. 1:59:08 Unknown_10: But this guy got banned recently. So this other person comes back and gives him money making fun of the fact that he banned him on the other account. Then you're not for free speech after all, huh? And Rikada lost his shit at this. Unknown_10: No, I'll just hide this so you guys can see the chat better. It's not important, I'm not gonna show you the video, because there's no point. It's just 30 minutes of him being drunk and retarded. Unknown_10: So the assumption had been in Rikada's community, or what's left of it, that this person that had been giving him money to make fun of him was Montagraph, which for the record, I don't believe. I don't think that Montagraph would have any 1:59:54 Unknown_10: any issue using his real name to make fun of Rikada. Unknown_10: That's just my my opinion. I could be wrong because I don't follow Rikita extremely closely, but that's just like a ballpark feeling that I get about Montagraph based on what I know about him. 2:00:30 Unknown_10: But Rikada chimps out at who he believes is Montagraph and for the next 30 minutes just repeatedly issues the claim that Montagraph is a pedophile. He's a boy-hungry pedophile. He's saying that once it goes if it were to go to a jury, which he doesn't believe all he has to do is show him the The little home movies that Rikada made and I've talked about this before but there was a Unknown_10: there was like a rumor that Montagraph had made home videos that were very pedophilic and creepy and weird and Like the way that they were described it made it sound like a Serbian film It made it sound like something that is so grotesque like purposefully disgusting trying to hit every taboo imaginable like something made to to like genuinely enrage even hardened people and It's not it's it's very silly. It's like it's not creepy at all It's literally like a home video that someone would film on their phone Montagraph as like the puzzle man Kidnaps a girl and it's kind of implied The character is supposed to be underage because she's like a teen runaway or something as far as the plot goes It's like a five minute long video. I've watched it and Because I thought it was lost media, but it's not. It's on the fucking forum. 2:01:28 Unknown_10: It's literally on the Kiwi forum. It's on BitChute. You can find this. I thought it was lost. It was not. So when I said this on stream before, someone just showed me the fucking video and I watched it. It's kind of implied that the girl that he kidnaps and kills in a way that is not gratuitous at all. I think it's implied off screen or maybe it's like a strangulation where it's completely bloodless. 2:02:05 Unknown_10: He writes a letter to her parents or something because she's a teen runaway. The woman in this fucking video is clearly college age. She's like 23 looking like she looks like she is probably like a waiter at like a restaurant. She's not she doesn't look like she's like a like a like a 15 year old girl or something. There is no reasonable group. of jurors in the world who would look at that video, watch it in its entirety, and say, this video would give me the inclination that the person who made it is a pedophile. No, it's just not possible. 2:02:42 Unknown_10: um because it's not it's not indecent at all it's like a it's like a plot that involves like a like a teen murder but it's not a plot that is exploitative in any way there are exploitative videos there is an american cinematic history for instance just a little aside by the way it's a really funny thing i just put together in my head that's got my neurons firing there is in classic american cinema 2:03:26 Unknown_10: um, child nudity that is just sold on blu-ray players across this country. For instance, there's this little movie, um, called American Pie. Unknown_10: where a growing man watches a teenage girl undress and the really funny thing about this is that the girl is like 16 like in real life the actress is 16 years old at the time that this is filmed so right now if you go out and you buy American Pie you can watch a 16 year old girl get undressed and that's a movie that might make you think wow there's some sketchy stuff happening behind the scenes of this production where they have this topless teenage girl 2:04:04 Unknown_10: and they're exploiting her for the purpose of this film, which does touch on the topic of like being attracted to teenage girls as an adult man. That's something where someone might watch this and reasonably assume that this movie is creepy. Whereas Montecraft's film about the creepy stalker man who kills a girl is done in a way that is so bloodless and unexploitative that you could never assume that the production crew was ever trying to exploit anyone. Just as a thought, wow, that really just struck me out of fucking nowhere. Oh, American Beauty, sorry. Oh man, I wish I had gotten that right, because that would have made that so much better. The point I'm trying to make, in case you're lost, is that American Beauty is Rikada's favorite movie, and there is a 16-year-old girl who is the object of obsession in that, and she is like, in real life, the actress is 16 years old. 2:04:42 Unknown_10: And for whatever reason, Rikita is obsessed with this fucking movie, talks about it constantly, puts himself in the shoes of Kevin Spacey, who ogles the 16-year-old girl in dressing. Meanwhile, he cast shade on Montagraph for producing a five-minute-long short video that's supposed to be like a horror that has none of that. Unknown_10: That's hardcore pedophilia. That's child exploitation. There's no reason that Montagraph could have made this movie without being a pedophile. Meanwhile, the movie that actually does have the nudity of a 16-year-old girl in it, that's perfectly normal. That's a hot artist. Black Pill, Devin Stack, where he talks about that movie, and his review of it is very good. If you're curious, like, what is Rikada's fixation with American beauty, you should watch the Devin Stack review on Odyssey for it instead of watching the movie, is my opinion. 2:05:27 Unknown_04: Anyways. 2:05:59 Unknown_10: Yeah, sorry. God, I wish I'd gotten the name of that right. That's my issue, is I get like a good flow going, and then I fuck up something that's like really important, and then it just ruins it. That's why you can't clip me, because I always sound retarded. Unknown_10: Josh is wrong again. Unknown_04: I'm always wrong. I just live in a perpetual state of wrong. Unknown_04: And one more thing. Unknown_10: I'll save this. I will save this for next stream. I think that we've done enough today. 2:06:30 Unknown_10: I have two videos for a rainy day that I will set aside. If you follow them out the internet thread, you know what these two videos are. Unknown_04: I don't have a Reddit segment though, is the issue. 2:07:04 Unknown_04: I, uh, I was planning on making something else like my sit-in reddit segment, but it's a video and I don't want to, I don't want to do it. Unknown_04: Okay. Okay, fine. Unknown_10: sudden change of pace. I will, instead of doing the moment of Reddit, I will show the requested video. I will buffer my way through this. We are going to be watching KingCobraJFS cook a dank apple pie. Let's watch that. Unknown_11: What is up, fellow YouTubers? It is your sexy goth bad boy, KingCobraJFS, coming back at you with another Cooking with Cobra segment. Alright, so in today's cooking segment... Why did it do that? 2:07:50 Unknown_10: Oh my god, my computer's just imploding. It's like, no! Don't show the pie! I'm gonna make some boneless apple pie. Unknown_11: Take you into the kitchen where we got the oven preheated to 420 degrees. I want to cook the pie for like at least maybe four to eight minutes just to get the ingredients to congeal together. And then we're going to stick it in the fridge for a good hour to kind of, you know, solidify and harden. And so we can eat it. Now this will be a part two or a part one is going to be building the pie up and then putting it in the oven and then sticking it in the fridge. Part two is going to be trying it. All right. So stick around. 2:08:34 Unknown_11: What do we got? We got our pie crust. We got our ingredients that we're going to use. A shout out to Gordon. Thank you for sending the pie crust. This is a great value pie crust. First thing we're going to add to our pie is some peanut butter. He told me, he's like, in the letter he sent, he's like, dude, all you have to do to make a pie, stick some peanut butter in your pie with some apple chunks and then sit it in the fridge to harden and then eat it. Simple enough, right? I'm like, yeah, that does sound pretty good. 2:09:06 Unknown_10: You know what I admire about Cobra? is that you have so many people who are stuck in cycles. They just do the same shit every fucking day. And they never once broaden their horizons. They rarely try anything new. They eat the same shit they eat all the fucking time. Cobra, despite being intellectually handicapped, is constantly trying to find something new and exciting to do with what limited resources and capabilities he has. He has never once seen a cooking challenge that he thought, no, not only can I not do this right, I can do this better on my first try by adding a little of my own magic to it. And that's something that a lot of people don't have. They don't have that gumption. It's very impressive, actually. 2:09:39 Unknown_11: But I'm going to make this next level. All right. So you like apple pie? I like apple pie. I think everyone likes apple pie. Well, not everyone likes it, but whatever. You know what they say, right? As American as apple pie. All right. So let's get into it. We got some creamy peanut butter that he sent with the pie crust. Unknown_11: I'm thinking the first layer is going to have to be peanut butter, because why not? 2:10:25 Unknown_11: So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to, oh, okay, nope, nope, nope, nevermind, don't try to spread that. I'm just gonna make the crust break, son of a bitch. I cracked the crust, motherfucker, goddammit, piece of shit, fuck. Okay, it's all right, we'll make this work. You know what, fuck it, I'll just stick the gobs of peanut butter in there, put a couple on the bottom. You know what, fuck it, that's what I should've done to begin with, right? all right well we'll do it in like a one minute burst and see how that do this is what we're left with so far 2:11:11 Unknown_11: peanut butter gobs right here in the middle. So I want to start adding stuff to it while I wait. Unknown_10: That pie's looking good. We got, we got, we got a, we got a Walmart pie crust. I'm assuming that he used the cheapest brand of peanut butter he could possibly find for the for the inside And he didn't like spread it out. He just kind of like dumped it in there We're doing look the pie is looking pretty good tubes. It's coming along um Clover Valley semi-sweet chocolate morsels these are Chocolate chips basically gonna pour some chocolate chips in there just like that So yeah, try not to cry listen someone in chat sneedium Listen the the what? The Wyoming taxpayer pays $600 a month to King Cobra. That's it. That's all he gets. He doesn't get shit. 2:11:52 Unknown_10: And what does he produce? He produces one of the most enriching libraries of media ever seen by the human race. I consider that an investment. I think that, you know, how about this? I think that everybody who receives government income should be required to stream themselves doing something Unknown_10: um four hours a week you know how much more content we would have imagine tiktok if every black person on hsa funds had to stream themselves four hours a week doing something they enjoy i bet you you would have so many podcasts making fun of black people uh you would never run out of things to watch uh the crust when you're making this if you can 2:12:45 Unknown_11: Now we got some Reese's Miniature Cups. Reese's Miniature Cups with Reese's Pieces in the middle. Unknown_11: This peanut butter's burnt. Unknown_10: God damn it. How the fuck do you burn peanut butter? I don't think I've ever heard the expression burned peanut butter in my life. Unknown_10: It's like I'm trying to think is it possible to burn peanut butter. I assume it must be I've never seen a burned peanut Maybe I should count myself lucky. I don't even I can't even like imagine what that would smell like in my head I've never encountered a burned nut. 2:13:18 Unknown_11: Ah Well, that didn't work out well Okay, so for future reference do not try to melt peanut butter in the bowl. I mean if you do You don't want it to start burning, so that's my mistake. Now I have to waste all this fucking peanut butter. God damn it! God damn it! The show must go on, as they say. Ugh, the smell of burnt peanut butter is gross. 2:13:56 Unknown_10: What does it smell like Cobes? I don't have a frame of reference for this This is a new sensation that I've never see Cobes is experiencing smells and sights that we've never as mortals experienced before such as burned peanut butter I can't even imagine what he's experiencing. Unknown_11: All right, so here's all them Reese's Miniature peanut butter cups with the pieces in the middle right in there just like that Okay, now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna add more peanut butter to that Alright, so what I want to do now is I'm just going to fill the bottom of this up with some peanut butter on top That's good peanut butter. By the way, like I said, they're not a sponsor. This is just free advertisement 2:14:30 Unknown_10: It's a weird thing where like dumb people have to clarify, for some reason, they feel the need to clarify that they're not sponsored by Walmart. Yeah, I know I'm making like a war crime as food, like I'm making something that would get me hanged in like 13 different Southeast Asian countries, but Walmart did not sponsor this. I feel I should mention it. Like, yeah, we know because you're King Cobra that nobody is sponsoring this video besides the taxpayers and the Super Chatters. You don't have to clarify, but for some reason I always feel the need to. 2:15:05 Unknown_11: Take a look at that so far. Okay, that's looking pretty, pretty good. You know what I'm gonna put on top of that though? Marshmallows. Unknown_11: You might as well add some marshmallows to it. Let's see how Clover Valley makes their marshmallows. We got one. 2:15:40 Unknown_11: Mm-hmm. Oh hell yeah, two Mm-hmm three four. Unknown_10: Is he really evaluating marshmallows? Not too bad. Unknown_11: Without breaking the pie crust. Unknown_10: It's sugar, bro. Unknown_11: It's just sugar. Shit. Let's add some deliciousness to it. Unknown_11: Bacon? Unknown_11: What? Unknown_10: Was he trying to sound like Seinfeld doing the... thing? That was pretty fucking dead ringer. That's like an actual talent. Unknown_11: What kind of pie is this? You're putting bacon on top of your marshmallows? What? No. You sick mother... Yeah, you heard right, folks. I'm gonna sit here and crumble this bacon up on top of our marshmallow here. 2:16:13 Unknown_10: Tim Allen is what I meant. Unknown_11: Sorry, I'm retarded. Listen. Unknown_10: Listen, chat. Unknown_10: If you were to look inside my head, the neurons of my mind overlap, intertangle, knot, obfuscate constantly. You're lucky that you even know what the fuck I'm talking about, alright? 2:16:47 Unknown_11: well here it is all that bacon looking pretty delicious yo i got a burger patty which will cook up yeah that's that's cooked all the way okay even if it wasn't cooked all the way it's still a little bit pink in the middle but that's all right because this um this will cook up in the oven and we're just about done filling our pie up here um Unknown_11: I don't know, what do you guys think, YouTube? Does this look like a crazy ass apple pie or what? Why can't you call it an apple pie when there's no apples in it? Okay, hold on a second. Is that applesauce? Unknown_11: Oh yeah, I went there. I put two cups of applesauce on top of that. Unknown_10: perfect wow second one dude everything he makes it doesn't matter what he's trying to make it always reminds me of like those those um diners driving and dives where the guy ferrari shows up and they're like i'm here in smithsville indiana and this is a this is a secret a secret dive that only locals would know about. They serve their famous trash, trash bin. It's 90 different kinds of foods that don't mix together at all, served in a actual aluminum trash can lid. 2:17:49 Unknown_10: People come out from all over. Where are you guys from? Oh, we're from Kentucky. We heard that the trash bin was really good. We drove all the way out here just to try it. It's really famous. It's amazing. It's a secret recipe. They don't even tell you all the ingredients. It's like every fucking thing that Kobes eats, it looks just like that shit. 2:18:25 Unknown_11: Two cups of applesauce. Kind of spread it around. Here's our pie so far with the applesauce on it. Hell yeah. Now we're going to... I keep dropping the camera. Sorry about that. And now we're going to open up our pie filling. Now to put on top of the pie we're going to add our apple pie filling. Unknown_10: Wait, the word filling implies that it fills the pie. He's using this as a topping on top of the applesauce. There's already applesauce on this. And then he has like an entire tin of pie filling. That's like, you can see the high fructose corn syrup as it pours out. And he's just putting this on top for no reason. 2:18:58 Unknown_11: This is the kind of thing that would make you hungry. I guarantee it. Unknown_11: I might put some more marshmallow on top with a little bit of brown sugar just to kind of, you know, help it stick together a little bit better. I have no idea how it's going to turn out. I'm just kind of... I think I have an idea, Cope. Well, that definitely looks like enough marshmallow on top. Oh man, I'm not going to lie, YouTube, this pie is looking pretty good. I'm going to take some brown sugar and we're going to sprinkle it on top of this. 2:19:32 Unknown_11: I love how this pie, I have a little secret up my sleeve. Unknown_10: This pie looks like it is quite calorific. And then at the very end, as he's putting on the finishing Cobe's magic touches, he's very restrained. A small smattering of brown sugar to give it that glistening, appetizing look. After all this other shit he's added to it, he's just like, let's do a little sprinkle-winkle of brown sugar on top. 2:20:08 Unknown_10: like literally like a sprinkle of it like uh yeah youtube this pie is loaded to the mac someone said they found it funny how regardless of what kobe's cooked he never spreads stuff out with the spoon he just uses his hands i am watching my boy use a spoon to perfect his pie as we speak for sure for sure Unknown_11: Here's our apple pie just about ready to go in the oven. I mean, if you have a little bit of cinnamon you want to throw on top of that brown sugar, go right ahead. All right, so I'm going to set the oven. Wait, he's making an apple pie without cinnamon? Unknown_10: I'm pretty sure that's like a core ingredient. You got the pie crust. You got the apple pie filling, which is just apples and sugar. Unknown_10: And then cinnamon. And then you put the top on it. And you put little holes in it. That's an apple pie. If you don't have cinnamon, you're lacking like a pillar. You're lacking an entire component. You're lacking like a third of the apple pie ingredient list. 2:21:00 Unknown_11: Or maybe like eight minutes or so. Get all the marshmallows melted on top. I'm kind of like a little hesitant, you know? Actually, you know what? Yeah, let's just do eight, eight minutes. Yeah, let's do four minutes. Unknown_10: Does cinnamon matter at this point? Listen, it's like making a pizza, right? And you throw on 800 different ingredients and you call it the trash pizza and you bake it inside the trash lid, but then it doesn't have fucking marinara sauce on it or cheese. Like it's not a fucking pizza. It's a flatbread. You've made yourself a trash flatbread. Don't call it a fucking pizza. It's not a fucking pizza. You piece of shit. 2:21:39 Unknown_10: You know, Unknown_11: just to be on the safe side, because 420 degrees is pretty hot, and there's all that chocolate, and the peanut butter, and the marshmallow. Unknown_11: Oh, boy. Gonna wash my new dishes. This isn't very entertaining, but, well, I need to be done, YouTube. I'm so happy with the way that turned out. Oh, my God, it looks beautiful. Ah, fuck! Be careful getting the pie out of the oven. How did he burn himself with the pot? 2:22:11 Unknown_11: YouTube, I gotta show it fresh out of the oven. As much as I'd love to have a slice of it right now, I'm gonna have to sit it in the fridge to cool off for an hour or so. That way it can harden up and then we'll be able to cut into it more easily. Okay, I'll show you what it looks like chilling in the fridge. And then we'll leave you with it for this part one of Dank Apple Pie. I am properly pizza buttoned up, folks. There it is, folks. Right there in the fridge. We're gonna let it sit in the fridge and chill for an hour. Yeah, I don't just... I mean, like, the... the... the toppings, like, roasted correctly. 2:22:47 Unknown_10: I mean, you probably should put a cover on it so they bake better. But, like, how is everything... Like, I'm gagging. Like, my... my... Unknown_10: gag reflexes kicking in just trying to imagine like how the rest of that cooks because probably not well is my answer probably not at all for some of the ingredients imagine imagine that pie if it was just a pie crust and apple filling and cinnamon bro you probably would like it a lot it probably would be very good don't really see the need 2:23:30 Unknown_11: to um have the camera on for a whole hour so i have a feeling that this is gonna be super delicious for sure for sure and part two will be on the way soon just as soon as that pie's you know there's like the boomer camera angle what do you call it when like Unknown_10: the center of the the shot is like on somebody's chin and you can't see half their face including like the eyes which is like the most important part of what a human being is looking at when someone talks is there like a special name for that is it just like the cobe's angle done cooling off and thanks for watching the cooking video and i'll catch y'all later okay here it goes Unknown_10: what's up YouTube so uh dank apple pie here's part two the big sloppy disgusting reveal I mean yeah that's that's like dead ringer for like a trash a trash dish at like one of these shitty American restaurants god damn it there's got to be a step that I keep forgetting to do because this is how it happened the last time like I tried to scrape out a slice of pie and it just falls 2:24:49 Unknown_11: Look look at this like it looks good. It smelled really good. I'm like okay. How's it fucking taste? And I even know it's a complete fucking chode of a disaster Unknown_10: That's like one of the least appetizing words you could use to describe a food. It's a chode. If you don't know if you're a foreigner, a chode is a penis that is wider than it is long. I had a friend that would say, that guy's a chode. He's got a penis like a tuna can. Unknown_10: The word chode is very funny to me for that reason. 2:25:22 Unknown_11: I mean, I was able to scoop out a slice without breaking it too bad. Unknown_11: I don't know. Eh, it's alright. It's alright. It's not the best, but it's alright. Unknown_11: This right here is a high calorie disaster. How does it taste? It's so fucking rich. Holy shit is it rich. Unknown_10: What does that mean? Unknown_10: rich usually rich is like high in fat it's like a rich creamy sauce but what does he mean by this because i mean i guess there's peanut butter in it there's bacon that has fat no i want to like it and i don't want to like it you know 2:26:09 Unknown_10: That's bad. I wanna like the pie and I wanna hate it, you know? If this motherfucker is saying that this is bad, this must be some badass pie. Like, bad as in- not badass as in, like, Michael Jackson. Badass as in, like, that'll fuck you up. Well, the pie must be good if you're cleaning your plate. Unknown_11: I don't wanna waste the applesauce. Yeah, don't bullshit us. Could've been the combination of being somewhat hungry and lack of nicotine. I'll be putting 12 wands in this batch and, um... I don't know, making pies is not my territory. I'm not a baker or a candlestick maker. 2:26:40 Unknown_10: He's so down about his pie. I've never seen him not like his food before. My expertise in cooking is grilling steaks and making burgers and making pizza and, you know, simple stuff like that. Unknown_11: This, this is, this is ridiculous. Unknown_10: He's like upset. Unknown_10: Oh, there's an update. Oh, geez. Unknown_11: Remember that apple pie that I made earlier? Yeah. Unknown_10: Oh, he loves it now. If you leave it in the fridge. Yeah. He's, I bet you he's more intoxicated and high than he was the first time he tried. Like when he woke up, he was like, ah, and I bet you it's like, he just woke up and he was hungover and like sober and he tried eating it. It was like, hangover food. And it's like, this is fucking gross as shit. and now he's like fucked up he smoked like a bunch of carpet nugs and he's drunk and he's like man I'm hungry let me try more of that apple pie I bet he's gonna fucking love it overnight it gets a lot more solid what you do is you leave it in the fridge overnight before you cut it and serve up a slice and it's a lot more solid 2:27:15 Unknown_11: Might have overreacted last night or the night before whenever I made the pie, but this pie is pretty fucking good. 2:27:55 Unknown_11: It's a nice cross-section of that pie. Yeah, I think this... Oh, it missed the cross-section, let me show it to you. Unknown_10: Um, quality's not good. It's like a lot of peanut butter and then you can see some bacon and marshmallows in the filling at the top. Unknown_11: Yeah, I think this recipe is going in my arsenal, because it's apple pie on another level. Unknown_11: That's a bit of concern off of my plate, at least. I still posted it because it's a video, and I went through all the hassle to make it, and thinking that I might have bombed on it hard, but then come to find out, not really. You just didn't stick it in the fridge long enough before you cut it, which, there you go. 2:28:35 Unknown_10: Okay, so, someone on the Matter of the Internet thread, I noticed, has taken the effort to break down the calories of this pie. Now obviously, King Cobra is a fit gothic bad boy, sexy gothic bad boy. Unknown_10: who is unafraid of eating calorific foods because he takes such good care of himself and he can afford the extra calories. 2:29:12 Unknown_10: However, for normal people who may be considering making this pie themselves in their own homes after hearing such a rave review about it, Unknown_10: should be aware that the combinations of ingredients that he has used are very dense in calories. Unknown_10: So this, just to break it down, the brown sugar is probably about just 200 calories for like a tablespoon of brown sugar or some shit. Unknown_10: That can of Walmart apple pie filling, 700 calories, which is probably lower than I expected, because I expected that there would be a lot of sugar in there. 2:29:56 Unknown_10: Two cups of applesauce, about 380 calories. Unknown_10: two hamburger patties about 230 depending on the fat content four strips of bacon is like 170. Reese's miniature cups about 450 calories two cups of marshmallows about 300 calories one cup of chocolate chips is 800 calories and that pie crust that he bought from um walmart which is called a graham cracker pie crust apparently so that's it does have cinnamon the pie has been saved it is officially apple pie has 1160 calories um this all adds up to um 4330 calories and uh there is one more ingredient though an entire jar of great value creamy peanut butter 2:30:51 Unknown_10: is 6,500 calories, meaning that that pie is 10,880 calories, or one slice is 1,360 calories. Unknown_10: More than half of that is just because you put an entire fucking jar of peanut butter onto the pie, which is a lot. That's a lot of calories. Peanut butter is like condensed calories. Peanut butter is like a food that you give to somebody, Unknown_10: Who needs calories because they're like so physically active you can't you can't get a much more calorie dense food than nuts There you go So, okay, so I'll consider that my my content review segment not necessarily the reddit review segment and I would say all things considered I think streaming at I 2:31:43 Unknown_10: 720p is probably the way to go in the future. Unknown_10: And, um, I want to apologize. Uh, so I saw two super chats that came in, like before the stream started. And I don't think I will have a record of those. Like one was for a hundred dollars and the other others for like, for like 10. Unknown_10: And, um, what's really pissing me off and I don't mean to gripe too much, but like, Unknown_10: Those came in 10-20 minutes before the stream started, so I didn't have my setup ready to record. Rick Ricola, the guy that's the product manager for Rumble, finally, after two years of me complaining, added a dashboard to Rumble that shows you your most recent rants. And I swear to fucking God, I swear I'm not bullshitting. They only show ones from prior streams. So the last one I have is from debugs from last stream. So if I want to see the super chats that I've gotten for this stream, I can't because it's just not, it's not aggregated for whatever reason to the dashboard until after this one concludes. So even though they've added this feature of Ask For, they did it in the worst fucking way possible, where it serves no purpose, because I can't read the messages that I've missed, which are the ones between streams. 2:33:09 Unknown_10: YouTube didn't have this issue, by the way. Unknown_10: If I received a super chat for YouTube between streams, I would still see them on the dashboard. So I really don't know why they would do it like this. It's so frustrating. Unknown_10: God, I can't remember what it was. Oh, I remember. It was a super chat that said, thanks to technology, I can listen to my favorite racist podcaster talk about how American food is ruined or something. It was like $100 super chat to say that. I made a joke in chat, but I said like, 2:33:46 Unknown_10: It sounds like Forrest Gump, like Forrest Gump sitting there with his chocolates, like pondering over how they're ruined. It's like, you know, life's like a box of chocolates. Unknown_10: It's been ruined by the Jews. Unknown_10: Because it's shit quality food. Unknown_10: Anyways, cool. So no more, I apologize to the other people whose superchats I can't respond to because of the intricacies of Rumble's complex systems. 2:34:21 Unknown_10: All right, Sneeden Feeden for two says, a few months ago, I was in a metro and an old lady saw me reading Kiwi Farms on my phone and complimented me for reading an English forum just for entertainment. She even read George Floyd's name out loud. Bro, if Babushka is peeping your Kiwi Farms and seeing what you have on your screen, you're probably being too flagrant about reading Kiwi Farms. Then again, I don't know. I guess it depends on where you're at. Unknown_10: If you're in Austria, you're probably a retard. Unknown_10: If you're in Poland, then you're probably doing well. And then he said Metro. I don't know, that sounds British. No, because English people speak, unless you're Arabic, maybe you're both Pakistani. You're on the Metro in the UK. And she's like, oh, wow, you're not reading an Arabic forum. That's really impressive. 2:35:05 Unknown_10: Congrats on knowing English, bro. Era Macro for Tense as Josh is a metal band that just released a song called Pedophile Grinder. One of the lyrics is burn in hell you fucking faggot. This is especially bass given how positive the metal community is. I looked this song up. This song is absolutely fucking awful. I will play a second of it so that everyone knows that I'm right. Unknown_10: Oh, it's buffering. It's the buffering song. 2:35:58 Unknown_10: listen i don't know what the fuck is wrong with people who listen to metal but how how do you like when i listen to music i'm like doing stuff i'm like sitting down i'm in my zone i'm programming trying to like relax and enjoy like like my existence and like continued life and you just sit down and you listen to Unknown_10: How? How do you do this? I don't understand. I could never, never, never, never could I sit down and listen to a song like this all the way through. I just, I just can't. I'm fucking filtered, man. Unknown_10: I'm from a very small band, by the way. It's called Harm ICU. It has eight subscribers on YouTube. So maybe I'm just picking on like a, like a really small niche group that this guy enjoys, but I'm just like, man, what the fuck? Maybe that's the joke. 2:36:50 Unknown_10: Kyle Larson all chat for five says I wish to deny any relation to Daniel Larson and disavow all of his actions except the public use of the n-word Might have to change your name, bro. You're probably fucked. You tell people that you're Kyle Larson. Oh my god Are you are you that guy that like threatened to blow up the buildings? You're probably screwed now Lacunae for ten says in celebration of the Sony held all divers drama my suggestion for an outro song 2:37:26 Unknown_10: Okay, I do actually have this one queued up. I will play this for outro. You will get your wish Angel vomit for two says hello friends. Here's to another great show. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate them Crispy legs for ten says happy heckin Friday do to Reno party emoji you to dude. Have a nice Friday, dude I hope you get to hang out with some dudes tonight. I Unknown_10: uh pimmel fest uh for one says is your intro song four foot 33 by john cage it is not i didn't no sorry i do have a special outro song picked out for not next stream i have the stream after next friday casting how to grab for five says fuck sony i agree 2:38:14 Unknown_10: Right now Sony's getting it with both barrels right now because they got the Coomer's met at them for the the leotard changes on that that lady that Korean lady and then they are also forcing hell divers to implement a steam link between the steam accounts and PlayStation Network accounts and And like I've already uninstalled the game. Like I'm not gonna, I am 31 years old. I have never had a PlayStation Network account. I am not going to install or set up a PlayStation Network account and link Steam to it. Unknown_10: That's fucking stupid. The game has worked just fine with Steam since it's been released. And now like six months later, they're gonna be like, oh yeah, you have to make a PlayStation account. Uh, no. No, I will not. Um, I don't know. Maybe a class action lawsuit would maybe make them less fucking annoying. I don't know. I'm talking to this chat. 2:39:06 Unknown_10: Oh, I figured out what makes the squeak. It's when I, um, put my arm behind my back and, and push. It makes the back of this chair squeak. Okay. Unknown_10: a space Allen for 20 says dancing out. Someone did a ham jam super chat and not only did they do a ham jam super chat, but it worked. It's on my dashboard and the ham jam actually rendered and everything. That's a first. That guy's broken new ground and it didn't break my code. I'm shocked. Thank you. Angel vomit for two says I cannot believe this where else am I going to go to listen to an internet man spend one-tenth of two hour live streams rambling about the shit here right on Twitter One-tenth of a two-hour live stream. That's it. I think you're listening to the wrong show over here. We do two-thirds or more This is an ex podcast, bro Roxanne wolf for five says bark bark if you could appropriate one emoji for sneedful uses Which would it be? 2:40:09 Unknown_10: That's an extremely weird question. I suppose the kiwi, right? I would love to make the kiwi emoji a hate crime. Yeah, they don't have the kiwi bird, they do have the kiwi fruit as an emoji though. Unknown_10: Red eyes black dragon for one two says hey jersh. Could you tell us a story when you worked at what a burger? What was it? Like was it cool? It was not cool But it was a lot of fun sometimes and sometimes it was extremely annoying Okay, I'll tell you a story I don't think I've ever mentioned before I had a middle school crush and 2:40:53 Unknown_10: And she came through the drive-thru, this was like years later, because I'm out of high school by this point, and she recognized me instantly. And it was one of those things where I had taken an order and I walked out the side door, because her order was very simple and the car at the window was not. So I walked it out to the car, she recognized me. And this was like during spring break or something, this was like one of the busiest times of the entire year. and she started talking to me and she like indicated that she wanted to like she wanted to talk again at some point and I'm just like so stressed and I'm like constantly looking at my shoulder to make sure that like the manager isn't about to yell at me because I'm just sitting at this car like saying hey well we're backed up around the block And she says, well, I come by for breakfast every morning. I said, okay, I'll talk to you then. And I genuinely thought I would talk to her the next morning, never came back. She never came back. And I don't know if this was like, she never wanted to talk to me again, or if just like, I really seemed like I just wanted to get the fuck away from her as quickly as possible because I was busy. And I wonder if, I wonder if the fact that maybe I just made it seem like I could not wait to get the fuck away from her. And she was like extremely embarrassed. 2:41:36 Unknown_10: that, um, I don't think I've ever mentioned that story before. It's funny in retrospect. 2:42:09 Unknown_10: Red Eyes Black Dragon for two says, Hey, Jersh! Unknown_10: I reread that. Justice Spurg for five says, Last week, Justice's new album, Hyperdrama, came out. I sent you a long, cringy, handwritten letter begging you to listen to it, validating my parasocial relationship. Unknown_10: uh i never read it sorry bro you gotta if there's a thread called um music suggestions for null if you want me to listen to your album um you're gonna have to send them that way i think i know people like to like super chat and it's probably extremely bad on me to like not listen to it but maybe i will put this on i'll make a commitment okay i promise you i'm gonna put hyper drama in my notes and i will look i will listen to it 2:43:00 Unknown_10: um antiques for one says you are my uber dog my foyer thank you i appreciate that justiceburg for five says it must have gotten lost in the mail otherwise you would have read it on your stream that's why i waited to tell you oh you sent me a letter Unknown_10: Sorry, I misread that. For some reason, you said, long, cringy, handwritten letter. In my brain, transcribe this until I send a super chat last stream. Because that's usually what people do. And then they get mad at me. They won't listen to it. Listen, I'll listen to your hyper drama, OK? Unknown_10: TPDeluxe45 says, Josh having a functioning stream is like a cop at Denny's. I don't know. I think that cops eat at Denny's a lot more than I have functioning stream. Unknown_10: Unkind naysayer for two says Vulnerable Kiwi Dynamo. Dynamo. What is your opinion on the new RimWorld DLC? If you don't know what I'm talking about, make something up. 2:43:52 Unknown_10: Yeah, it's awesome. I love it. I love the part where they added illnesses, like dynamically coded illnesses, and some of them make you black and Chinese, and some of them make your dick fall off, and some of them make you black and Chinese and your dick falls off. And I think that this is exactly what RimWorld needed, is more dynamically created challenge. Thank you. All else fails for Ken says, if there are three pitbulls in the owner and the owner, but you only have three bullets, how many times do you shoot the owner? 2:44:24 Unknown_10: It's a complicated question. Can I like, um, listen, I'm an epic crack shot. If maybe these are like, you said three bullets. You didn't tell me what kind of gun I have. I'm going to assume I have a desert Eagle 45 ACP, and I'm going to be able to take these three shots and blow all four of these things with all three shots. Like just lining them up somehow do like a trick shot and just land all three through all four. That's how it's going to work. 2:45:00 Unknown_10: Ugalistine for one says large urban dogs. Those are even worse. Unknown_10: Matthew Prince would be justified if they were urban. You don't want urban dogs in his neighborhood. Unknown_10: Lacunae for one says super predator dogs. That's true. That's what Hillary Clinton would say. Unknown_10: Real Adonay for Fives says, hey Josh, why do I feel more like Dale Gribble the older I get? I think Dale Gribble is the natural state of being. The less plugged in you are into gay retard shit, the more isolationist and less tolerant you become. 2:45:32 Unknown_10: E. Diddy, for one, says, Pitbulls could be here, he thought. I've never been in Philadelphia before. There could be Pitbulls anywhere. The cool wind felt good across his bare chest. I hate Pitbulls, he thought. That's a genuine sentiment that I have experienced many times. Unknown_10: Kurt Eichenwald, anime master for five, says, Glorious Kiwi Emperor, I must aid my fellow super chatterer, Kolya Dante. I believe his name was an Anglicization of the Slavic name Kolya. You are pronouncing it wrong. As a Slavaboo, you should know this. 2:46:10 Unknown_04: What is it? Co-co-lia? Like ilia? Co-lia? Okay, fine. Unknown_04: I will pronounce it Co-lia then. Unknown_10: This super chat shows up five times and I have a feeling that this is a mistake Somehow this has showed up five times. This is what I meant though autism shrieks for 100 says happy pizza day Thanks to the power of technology I can sit on the bright Sun in the park bench while you tell me about how the Jews rape my food Well life is like a box of chocolates the Jews ruined it too. So I thought it shows up five times I don't think he sent that five times. It's a hunch actually shows up six times I'm having to like mentally filter a lot of these messages because for some reason they're duplicates 2:46:51 Unknown_10: David S877 for 25 says, in listening to your older Matty, I'm curious how long it took you to improve your pronunciation of the word over. Unknown_10: Um, a while. It's one of those things that you just become conscious of and you try not to do it. Unknown_10: Um, I still, if I'm just being like lax, I'm just like, cause I, if I'm not trying to enunciate very clearly, I will mumble a lot, like in real life. And it's very easy for me to like err and stuff. The one thing that I do that's crazy to me is that my grandfather is from Maine and he had this like, what, um, in particular, he pronounced the word idea, idea, like it rolls into an R like a lot of Australian words do when they're spoken, you know, by native speakers. And I have no idea why I say I dear when I'm not trying to enunciate. But I do. And it's very bizarre because I don't think I did it as a child. And now I do. And I think it's just a symptom of being mush mouth more than anything. It's not like a dialect. 2:47:59 Unknown_10: Ace of Spads for 20 says it did work. I'm happier than ever. Have more. Sorry to make you feel sad, though. Unknown_10: I do not know what you're referring to. This is from last stream, I think. Unknown_10: And then I told him something. Unknown_10: I'm looking, I'm looking. And now that I have last stream super chats, I can go back and I can see what he's talking about. Unknown_04: Assuming that it's there. I don't see it. 2:48:34 Unknown_10: So I can't, I can't search either. I can't be like, I would like to see my super chats by this person. Unknown_10: I don't see it. All right. I don't know what you're referring to. I'm happy about help or sorry that happened whichever one Argo pill for one says my husky got attacked by a pit bull when we were at a family campground We had to threaten to sue the lady who let it roam off leash when she wouldn't pay the $200 vet bill total shit bull and owner death Yeah, fuck that Whenever I see pit bulls and I know that the Boers away can kill them. It makes it really tempting to get a Boers away, but they're very like Niche dogs, they're athletic and stuff, but it's very tempting You guys think I would be a good Boers away owner or should I get a more usual dog cuz I'm a first-time dog owner like my mom has had a dog briefly, but that was like after I moved out and My grandma had a dog when I was very young, but I've never been like a dog owner 2:49:09 Unknown_10: Angel vomit for one says my 85 year old papa has deleted Facebook because all the AI stuff his friends share frustrates him because he knows it's fake. Wow. That's crazy. That's actually a very interesting anecdote that it's now like so pervasive that intelligent older people who look at this shit and see it and see people falling for it are just like so disgusted by it. They just delete it. That's very interesting. 2:50:04 Unknown_10: Foksh is revised as Josh. After destroying England, what country would you destroy after it and why is it India? Unknown_04: um can i choose specifically like the 100 mile radius around dc is that an option does it have to be an entire country and everything in it or can it just be like everybody in richmond and dc and the the dc suburb in maryland is this an option because i would pick that 2:50:40 Unknown_10: Aceofspads420 says a dude at work, very low T, left work early, cried in his car, and then drove to mommy to cry more, all due to no one saying happy birthday to him. Actual reality and fucking hilarious. I mean, that's crazy that nobody said happy birthday to him. Unknown_10: Why didn't anyone say happy birthday to him? Oh, did he not tell anyone that it was his birthday? Because in my head, you say this, and I just instinctively think he walks in and goes, it's my birthday today. And everyone's like, oh, fuck off, Todd. We don't give a shit. Unknown_10: But no, I guess he just doesn't have any friends that are coworkers that know his birthday, and he just assumed that the management would do it and throw him a birthday party. 2:51:24 Unknown_10: That's kind of sad. He doesn't have any friends then. Cause it's like, you would expect that nobody at work would give a fuck about your birthday, but then he would go hang out with friends. Right? So he doesn't have any friends. Unknown_10: That's pathetic. Um, cool. Cool. For 12 says extra money today because you are going to be tested in your pronunciation of ancient middle Eastern names. Please read five or seven to 15 in the book of Enoch. Okay. Unknown_10: I will do my best to read ancient Egyptian names. Unknown_04: Okay. It's seven to 15. 2:51:56 Unknown_10: These are getting longer. Bro, you're giving, he's doing a thing. When he originally pitched this Enoch thing to me, he said he was gonna super chat me to read one verse at a time, every week, and it would take hundreds of streams for me to finish the book of Enoch. And then he said, okay, read two, these are short. And then he asked for like four. Now he has given me half of a chapter at a time, and it fills up the entire fucking screen. I'm not doing this. I'm not going to sit here and read an apocryphal book that is just like a list of names. I'll read three of these. 2:52:32 Unknown_10: He says, then they swore all together and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. And if it says the fucking word execration again, I swear to God, bro, it's not a real word. It never was. Their whole number was 200 who descended upon Ardas, which is the top of the Mount of Arman. That mountain therefore was called Arman because they had sworn upon it and bound themselves by mutual execrations. Fucking God damn it. I'm genuinely sick of that fucking word. It's stupid. 2:53:03 Unknown_10: I don't know why Enoch is so obsessed with execrations, but it sounds like duty. Unknown_10: What's the X word for poop? Unknown_10: Excrement. It sounds like excrement, and I keep having to say execrations. It sounds like excrement. These are the names of their chiefs. Samyaza, who was the leader. Iraq Abaramil. Unknown_10: These are the perfect of the 200 angels of the remainder. We're all with them. There you go. I'm stopping at nine. 2:53:39 Unknown_10: I read all the silly names you wanted me to read. Unknown_04: Extol and neglect the words of our Lord, Janie Child. Unknown_10: Bunker Housing for five says, Gamergate was many things. It had its wins, it had its Ls. One thing it did was causing disclosures when a review copy was received for free. Not a big thing, but I'll take it. Well, motherfucker, if you're trying to look for a W in Gamergate, that's probably the closest you're ever gonna get. 2:54:13 Unknown_10: Matt Glock for five says my wife was pretty unplugged on the politics of the world But even she finds trans kids things it grows. There's still hope for normies Did the whole thing like yeah, that's one thing but I was also thinking today, you know, what is really fucked up about the tranny shit is that I 2:54:46 Unknown_10: It's how they insist. They insist. Because I remember, I was sympathizing with Breonna Woo yesterday, because I read a tweet by Breonna Woo that got him a lot of shit. And his basic point was that he's what's called a true scum in the tranny community. Unknown_10: And what that means is that Breonna Woo believes that gender dysphoria is a medical issue. It is a form of mental illness. And as a result, the gender affirming care, if you would like to call it that, is not necessarily Unknown_10: The cure, the gender-affirming care is not the cure to gender dysphoria. The cure to gender dysphoria would be to not have gender dysphoria. But it is a treatment that helps alleviate side effects of gender dysphoria. By dressing and passing as the preferred sex, you are not suffering the anxiety and other stressors that come from having gender dysphoria. That's what he believes. And that is a much more reasonable position to have than the mainstream tranny politics would have you believe, which is that a man at will, without any underlying condition, can suddenly decide to become a woman. And not only that, but can become a woman or a man or a non-binary person and flip-flop between them in a cycle endlessly. And all of those feelings are valid. And not only are they valid, but greater, broader society must respect and honor those fleeting feelings of change as if they were transubstantial, right? As if they were actually like, I feel like a woman today, therefore I am a woman. I feel non-binary today, therefore I am somewhere in between or not at all man or woman. And we have to like honor that. and it's it's such literal fucking nonsense that even if you exclude everything else about like the industry and how they're pushing hormones for kids and all this other shit It's like you are forcing people to acknowledge a false reality that flies in the face of common sense and everything that we know about the human body. And people go along with that. Like even without anything else, just that level of stupid fucking bullshit is enough that it should piss people off, like innately. Like how could anyone take that seriously? And that's what they actually believe. And that's what they actually try to get us to believe. And thank God, in a way, that they're retarded enough that they try to force this shit on kids, because I think that a lot of people are willing to excuse the retarded, like, oh, I'll respect your feelings, I just want you to feel safe and happy, but very few people are willing to excuse the hormone shit. 2:57:31 Unknown_10: And the people who are willing to excuse the hormone shit will have their names written down in a book and they will be hanged in the next 15 years. People ask me why I didn't rant about Blow Blacks, whoever the fuck his name is. I yelled at him on Twitter because he's a stooge and he's willing to say whatever and suck whatever dick he needs to to stay on YouTube and keep his easy life. But there will come a day when people like him who bowed down to this shit and were willing to torment kids and willing to inflict this shit on the helpless will be hanged because they have ruined the lives of so many thousands and thousands of people. And we will not forgive them. It doesn't matter what I say. People in general will not forgive this. Because it is so disgusting, it is so absolutely stomach-churning that there is no fucking way that when it breaks, and it will break, that the people who stood by and enabled this will be forgiven of it. 2:58:11 Unknown_10: If you're, if you're one of these, like the people who are in public who went along with this just to like win brownie points when it was at its most popular, they need to get the fuck off that boat right now. Cause it's, it's, it's coming down. It's all coming down. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history because people are not going to, are not going to treat those who enabled this nicely. Uh, Jim socks for one says I'm a snake. I'm a snake girl. 2:58:55 Unknown_10: What an excellent capstone to that last conversation. Unknown_10: Luke74E42 says, no, Soccer Child, you will not read this super chat. Wrong again, Luke74E. Enjoy prison. Ugless Sneed42 says, all gropers are fags and Nick is a fad. I have come to the same conclusion, my friend. Unknown_10: AnimeSexCope and Sneed, Josh, if you were a loudmouth donkey, would you give pic-related a pizza? And then there is a picture to the 4chan Trash Board Unknown_10: And this time it appears to be made the dragon is like made of clay. It's an interesting thing It looks like a like a plastic figurine instead of like a cartoon. So my boy is playing around with different AI models to generate dragons and sexual positions in different ways It's really a scholar of the modern era 2:59:31 Unknown_10: Angel Vomit for once says, family member once looked me dead in the eyes and said, you only hate them because they killed Jesus. As if that's not a good reason. Should have just said yes. Should have Chad faced it and said yes. Unknown_10: Russell T. Shackleford for once says, I don't think it's criminal to say Jews killed Jesus, but if an extant college admin fires a Jew, the Jew can take him to court and ask if he believes Jews killed Jesus. Bam, anti-Semite Jew wins. 3:00:10 Unknown_10: I don't know the full legal ramifications of the bill, but that's one of the things that people were talking about. as an example of what the bill explicitly covers i believe that you're probably closer to the truth than like anti-semitism is banned completely but what they're going to do it's going to be the same thing we did with fucking payments because it's not like well you you have freedom of speech you can go around and say whatever you want just you can't force mastercard to like let you make a living doing that bro you can't like it's just a private company bro you can't it's like freedom of association but it only goes one way bro you know what i mean bro it's like that but then they'll be like Like, oh, bro, you said anti-Semitic stuff. They're not prohibiting you from saying that Jews killed Jesus. But if you do that, you can't go to college. You can't get a loan. You don't qualify for housing or food stamps or anything like that. You know, we're in an economic recession. The money has to go to people who love each other, bro. It's like that shit. 3:00:47 Unknown_10: They're just going to cut you off from more and more and more until it snaps. Unknown_10: Anime Extremist for 5 says please pray for my cat Sergi. He's 15 years old and in really ill health. He has a form of pancreatitis and liver failure and he's been rapidly losing weight and getting dehydrated. It's not looking good. Yeah, I mean... 3:01:21 Unknown_10: Yeah, that sucks, bro. Unknown_10: I've cried like a bitch over my fucking cats. I've had cats throughout my entire life, and I know it's like literally the worst thing ever. Unknown_10: When my house burned down and my cat died, I didn't cry over any of the shit, I didn't cry over all the stupid stuff that happened, but I cried the fact that my cat, that was 10 plus years old, that had traveled across the entire country twice, that was the most loyal, loving cat in the entire world, died in such an awful fucking way, such a needless, stupid fucking way. Very sad. 3:01:55 Unknown_10: Just be there for them. You know how it goes. Unknown_10: Good luck. Unknown_10: Unkind Naysayer for two says, fat ass. Thanks for two dollars, my friend. Sneato for one says, I was looking up the Fatrick mugshot, and this was the first result that popped up, la mal. Unknown_10: This appears to be a post in the Boogie2988 subreddit saying known racist Patrick Tomlinson arrested after A and then I am blocked from accessing reddit because I am too based in redpilled. In fact, even my internet connection emits hitler particles and reddit knows this and refused to let me connect. Even if I go to the NP, someone told me that if you go to NP Reddit instead, you can bypass the network blocks, but I'm not getting through, so I'm sorry, I can't read that. But I can read the title. A known racist, Patrick S. Tomlinson, arrested for a, and then there's probably the mugshot there. 3:02:27 Unknown_10: Bunker housing for two says but think of all the content we could have had had a split. He actually went to penguin con That's true it would be funny to see him get kicked out of penguin con imagine I imagine Patrick Tomlinson Like in the Christian position where he went into the hedgehog defensive Maneuver, I imagine Patrick Tomlinson like that. Then the stalker childs are everywhere You will enjoy prison 3:03:17 Unknown_10: Eucalyst Sneed, for one, says, what? Chat says, I love the Bossman content. Or fuck what chat says. Dude, me too. People that don't like Bossman content just have shit taste, I don't know what to tell you. Just plug your ears and go la la la la la until the Bossman is off the screen. Unknown_10: Not even Numerals, for 20, says, damn dogs was good dogs, they didn't chew nuttin'. Unknown_10: Sheemang, the dog, he was a good puppy, good dog. I know him, I know him his entire life, man. I know him since he was a little puppet, since he got adopted and shit, man. I know he's good and taught him, man. I know he lost his way, but he was going to church, he was going to obedience school, he just enrolled in obedience school in the next semester and shit. He was taught, he was taught in obedience school next semester, he was getting his life turned around and shit. about roll up roll and motherfucker motherfucker was just there he was just there it was them other dogs that was chewing the nigga but they shoot him and he was just there they shoot him bullshit man he didn't do nothing he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time hanging out with them wrong folks and shit man sucks f from f from my boy who didn't do nothing 3:04:31 Unknown_10: Arundel for one says, Ayo, have you watched the Joe Rogan experience episode with Tucker Carlson? Really interesting, entertaining, and I recommend watching it if you have the time or if you're coding. I have not watched that. I do not hear much about the Joe Rogan experience. I did hear about that. I think someone posted it in the Maddie thread. I never got around to watching it though. Maybe if I get bored, I'll watch it. Unknown_10: I remember that he said something about the CIA threatened him or something for saying that they killed JFK. Unknown_10: uh gay store spokesman for five says bossman jack is a proud patron of the gay store when he said dude dude i'm gonna fuck a dude i'm gonna fuck a dude he's using gay store brand gay products and services i can believe that i think he cashes out only a little bit um it goes to crack rock and maybe gay store uh products as well uh colia dante 15 says freedom of speech does not equal freedom from band world buddy that's right You can always get ban-worlded. Nobody can stop you from saying words, but we can't punch you in the face, take all your possessions, deprive you of all life and liberty. But we can't stop you from speaking, bros. You're right. 3:05:20 Unknown_10: Zint Supathawan says, Jessica, sis, you're creeping me out. I don't know what the fuck that means, but I hope Jessica is listening. Judy Tester from 2 says, I know you said the wrong movie title, but I also believe that Rikito would have sex with a pie. Probably. It depends on if the pie is a man. Unknown_10: Brown burger for two says I love walking into Bucky's at one in the morning. So fucking much bros. Nothing to do with your stream It's just so nice and good in there. Enjoy Bucky's stalker child I'm aware that this is like an American icon now. I think they're all think they're in Texas. They're in a bunch of places now. I don't know There's one info. Is there one if there's one look this up for me if there's one in Florida, I will go visit it 3:05:54 Unknown_10: The Mac user 75145 says Mina Savari was 20 years old when she did American Beauty and her character was 18 still very creepy thing that space didn't that movie though I had heard that's wrong someone explicitly told me that She was underage when that happened Cuz I remember it was a big deal it was a it was a talking point in the thread I don't know. Maybe they're all wrong. That's what they were talking about 3:06:32 Unknown_10: The Lion King for five says, I missed the first two hours, but they're trying to criminalize saying the Jews killed Christ. Just remember the Jews killed Christ. I think we won. Unknown_10: doingyourmom298845 says, in fact, oddest sneakers are the most oppressed class of people on the planet. Can't super chat in the first hour is the wrong fucking date. Well, bro, you know what? It's not my fucking fault that Odyssey can't super chat. Rumble writes me a check. They process payments, and I get paid out with a check. Odyssey doesn't. Odyssey uses Stripe. Guess who's banned from Stripe? That's me. So I would let you super chat, but I can't. I went to the fucking hassle of programming super chats to work, and they don't work. 3:07:03 Unknown_10: Lucid Leigh says, would you ever consider going in-depth on stream into how the influx of feminist users to Kiwi Farms happened? It's interesting if for no other reason than to call them bullying jannies into quitting is funny. Unknown_10: The feminists did not bully Janneys into quitting. You're thinking of Amberlynn Reid. Unknown_10: The Amberlynn Reid people were not feminists. They just hated Amberlynn Reid, and they were very, very catty and abusive to mods. 3:07:35 Unknown_10: I don't think they bullied anyone into quitting either. Yeah, I don't know. People complain about a feminist takeover, but they just ignore the fucking thread about feminist shit. How hard is that? Unknown_10: There's a weird thing where it's like, for most disagreements, people are very willing to just ignore posts they don't agree with. But then there are some people who just love arguing and love getting mad, especially about if a woman says something. And then they can't just leave it. It's not just an opinion that you can just ignore. It has to be contended. It has to be debated. It has to go into an argument. And then after the argument's over, you have to go to people's profiles and chimp out. You have to be engaged in all this fucking gay shit for weeks at a time. It's just like, I'm fucking juvenile. Can you stop being a faggot, please? 3:08:11 Unknown_10: Kronberger for two says the disability mandatory media network is one hell of a welfare reform But if you lumped in the welfare internet with it, you could pass an election here a GoPro for every tard Wrangler Dude, I'm telling you. I have a I have a plan to revitalize the US economy and it will be with through tard based products Neighbor Reno for once is in the realm of bites and bits where data streams collide there dwells a curious figure and other They abide know the feet are keeper of a farm unseen or locales room in the digital dream 3:08:59 Unknown_10: Um, that's pretty accurate. I'm glad I'm getting poetry now. How flattering. Unknown_10: Claude Sneed for 10 says, happy pizza day. Here's some money. Also, here's a song I found for everyone that's watching the stream at their jobs. Unknown_10: This is a very family friendly song that will not piss off people. Unknown_10: Oh, okay. Unknown_10: Hopefully the key lyric here is in the first few seconds. Unknown_02: This is like a channel that's dedicated to It's called obscurist vinyl and it's clearly just Suno AI music. 3:09:51 Unknown_10: That's pretty clever. They even have an official artists like channel thing Unknown_04: Provided to YouTube by DistroKid. That's cool. Unknown_10: Angel Lawman, for once, has been a big fan of Hollandaise sauce. I want to try it on pizza, but I can't find anywhere. Thinking I might make my own, and I can make pizza with eggs and benne. Unknown_10: Depends on where you're at. Like a Dutch thing. I think the Danish have it too. You can find it. Turks sometimes have it. There's like a Turkish pizza, but I don't know. If you're in the US, you're not going to find it for sure. Just so you know. Red eyes, black dragon for two cents. You got to let Cobes dank pie rest for a bit to really appreciate the dope and dank flavors. That's what I was told. 3:10:22 Unknown_10: Sneadberg Stein Goldman for five says pre stream super chat recent $10 one happy pizza day. Enjoy the real cheese while you can bro Don't ruin my fucking day like that. Okay, don't bring it. Don't bring this up Steno for some 10 says kick streamers are insane and I guarantee you this is the clip that was passed around of a guy I think in Russia speeding and drinking Think this is I'll play this 3:11:06 Unknown_10: This is Lil Ignorant. I think the caption is wrong. I'm pretty sure Lil Ignorant is the guy in the passenger seat, and he's just filming this guy do something really criminal. Unknown_10: I don't know if it's going to load in time, though. I'll read the next chat, and if it loads, I'll come back to it. Unknown_10: Octavia sales rep for one says SC from autism streak supporter 100. Oh, I read that the happy pizza day I've seen the super chat like nine times now because it keeps repeating in my dashboard Thank you though for trying to save the super channel Tenshi92 for five says that was deathcore deathcore is dogshit metal in quotes listen to drone corpse aviator by arcspire pure talent I will no child I will listen to Sabaton and I will be happy and I'll be the closest that I go to metal and maybe If I'm feeling fancy, I will listen to fan song by death clock, but that's it Oh, it just buffered just a little bit just a little bit, okay, I'll let it continue to buffer 3:11:42 Unknown_10: The bugs for one says that you should have mentioned the argument you had with blow blacks on Twitter. Blow Blacks is a big spurg by the way and has autistic meltdowns on stream. It was also funny hearing you mention my name. Unknown_10: Yeah, some guy dumped like a huge amount of clips of like Blow Blacks just spurging out, like in general, all the fucking time. I don't know what his deal is. I don't know how he became popular. Like he just streams video games and sucks tranny cock and then goes on Twitter and defends heckin' trannies for being so valid and brave. Like, do people watch this shit? Who the fuck watches this? 3:12:41 Unknown_10: How does anyone have enough spare time to watch this guy and incorporate him into their their life like what are you getting out of this? Unknown_10: Maybe trainees like masturbate just to people validating them like oh I got this guy to Bend down and to like praise me as being so valid. That's so embarrassing That's really that's really embarrassing and erotic for me. I Unknown_10: Halalks me for two says absolutely nothing. Thank you. Halal coming. I appreciate it trunes for Trump for five says happy belated Beltane I have no fucking clue what that means, but thank you Romberger for two says what's your most memorable random farms are random text without looking? I sometimes think to myself apropos of nothing. I slap your mama with a pickle That's why they call me the Humper very memorable. I 3:13:25 Unknown_10: S.O.T.P. Stop, and the one about Marjan Siklic, or whatever, Siklic, saying that he thinks that his mom and therapist should be executed because they refuse to have sex with him, and that the government should kill women who don't have sex with him when he asks them to, even if they are his mom and his therapist. That stands out in my memory quite a bit. 3:13:58 Unknown_10: Supreme, oh, also the Terry Davis one about his bird. That's the longest one that we have in rotation. Unknown_10: Supreme Media Produces, what if everyone bitching about video games just played pirated games and bought silver with that money instead of giving it to the gaming industry? Oh, we'd live in a much better place. But a lot of the games that people bitch about are always online, piece of shit services, so you don't really have a choice. That's why they do that, so you can't pirate their game. You can't protest their decision to be gigantic faggots by just stealing it. 3:14:32 Unknown_10: Ace of speds for five says it was a joke about testing the theory of having money doesn't make you happy. That low T bloke expected people to know it was his birthday and cried because no one knew. Okay, that makes sense. Thank you again, my friend. Cole Cole for sixes, I paid extra so you'd finish the chapter so you could keep track of the narrative. Please read 10 to 15 or be execrated. Cole Cole for four says, I also have an audio edit after, so please pause, then say prefix, not perfect, so I can edit in where you misspoke. Prefix. Unknown_10: I'm gonna say this as loudly and differently than my normal reading voice is possible. Prefix. And Cole Cole for four says, I have an audio to edit after, so please pause and say prefix. Oh, I got that. Okay, I'll read the rest. 3:15:08 Unknown_10: They then took wives, each choosing for himself whom they began to approach and with whom they cohabited, teaching them sorcery, incantations, and dividing of roots and trees. And the women conceiving brought forth giants, whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These devoured all which the labor of men produced until it became impossible to feed them. When they turned themselves against men in order to devour them, and began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes to eat their flesh one after the other and drink their blood. Then the earth reproved the unrighteous." 3:15:40 Unknown_10: It's a bit weird. I can see why this was left out. This is like very esoteric in its narrative. Unknown_10: It sounds kind of like Greek, because the Greeks all had the giants and the Titans, the primordial Titans, and how fucked up and weird they were. Unknown_10: goodluck745 says i'm in kentucky for the weekend and all the ky derby retards are clogging up the roads with their non-drive 15 minutes of stress time taking off your fucking life lacuna for one says there's a habit of people just send in mini super chats for one dollar i need to raise it again to five i can't do that there's another thing i can't do on rumble i can't raise the minimum to five 3:16:37 Unknown_10: They like start talking like during the super chat segment, so it never ends. Unknown_10: I hate to complain, but it's like, go on now. Lacunae for once says, I was the $10 super chat and I suggested the video. Oh, okay, I understand this one. This is ultra, PS Rumble is extremely, I have that queued up though. I guess I did see them. I guess they did record. Unknown_10: Angel Lombard for once says, Rumble crashing and I had to sit through 10 seconds of their stupid fucking Schizophrenic ads and I'm going to scream, who the fuck buys the shit? Get an ad blocker! Ublock Origin, what? If you're listening to the stream and you do not have Ublock Origin installed on every fucking device that you own, you are retarded. Are you seriously watching ads day to day? You go through your life watching ads, you pump your gas, you watch the ads, you go online, you watch the ads. Listen, don't worry about the pennies of ad revenue I get from my Rumble videos. If you are a hardcore watcher of my streams, you are given my fucking permission to run a goddamn ad blocker because they are righteous. They are morally righteous. What kind of influences nevermind cut off the stream enough to see you find it enjoying a lot of free money. Yes. Thank you. I did see it after all. Not grousing pretenses. Give us a plausible conspiracy theory. 3:17:46 Unknown_10: I don't know. I subscribe to the whole great replacement thing I think that what the the goal of society there's the ultimate goal of the whole replacement shit is they want the average IQ of In general number one. They want the average IQ of the population to be closer to 90 than 100 Unknown_10: So that the most intelligent people created by this population are like 130 IQ tops. Number two, I think they want everyone to be mixed race and without religion. Because if you don't have religion and you don't have a race, then you have no tribe. 3:18:22 Unknown_10: a quarter spanish a quarter black a quarter um whatever the fuck and you just look brown and ashen and your hair looks like pubic hair and you have like these weird eyes that are kind of light but they're still like this really like like bizarre shade that's completely unnatural like are you gonna say oh i'm a proud african man no you're not Are you going to say that you're Latino? Do you speak Spanish? Do you have any idea about Hispanic culture? No. Okay. You're not Latino. Are you going to say you're white? I don't allow you to. You don't get to say that. So then what do you do? Okay. Well, you're just like a mud person. You're a Maramite. How do you say, like, I'm going to join the mud people racist division. We're going to have a proud mud people. Unknown_10: you know, ethnostate. Like, you can't do that. It's just gone. You're not religious where you say, well, I'm going to live in a Christian fascist society. Well, you're not going to do that either because you're not religious. 3:19:15 Unknown_10: What are you going to do, trust the heck in science? Well, who's the scientist? Who are the scientists? They're in the government. So the second thing is to destroy tribalism by making everyone some bizarre mud people with no unifying culture or history. And then number three, I think they're going to start CRISPR editing their own children because they already do IVF. Like all these people who are rich and famous, they have kids in their 40s because they freeze eggs, they freeze sperm. And then they just make a baby in a test tube and then implant it. Well, what's the next logical step from that? You edit a little bit. Right now, they're already screening out. So if you have like a defect that you're trying to remove from your gene pool, you can screen that out. The next step is then to CRISPR. They're already doing this in China. So then you're going to have people who are genetically modified to be more intelligent, who are already from rich and affluential families, presiding over a class of mud people with no unifying structure, culture, heritage. They don't even look the same. They're just like... They're just like a grab bag of M&Ms without any shells on. They can't form any kind of unit together with no unifying structure, and they mix across the country endlessly. And then they're all under 100 IQ themselves. So not only are they unable to unify just from a primitive basic desire to have a tribe, they're too dumb to even consider the apparatus that exists above them. And the people who maintain that apparatus are, number one, intelligent and selected to be intelligent deliberately and modified to be more intelligent deliberately. And they are accessed by an artificial intelligence system that also currently exists in China. You see it used in governments already that help a small group of people who are already much more clever than the people they rule over. 3:21:00 Unknown_10: And that small group of people is then enabled to make sweeping decisions easily, effortlessly with the assistance of machine learning. That's my conspiracy. Unknown_04: Cool. Unknown_10: Debugs for One says there are two Buc-ees in Florida, one in Dayton Beach and one in St. Augustine. Cool, I will go to Buc-ees then. Unknown_10: dox found for five says the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race this is absolutely true weger wagner for 20 says i would second the recommendation to check out the new hyper drama album here's one song with questionable lyrics listen closely for 30 seconds 3:22:26 Unknown_10: interesting i know that they got justice got in trouble for um one of their songs which is like the the entire song is like an anxiety panic attack it's just a panic attack as um music and the music video for it was just like black kids and like african kids in paris just running around smashing shit and causing problems for white people and I think that music video was banned in France despite the ban being France because they considered it too insightful against minorities. Unknown_10: Stress, it's literally called stress, you're right. Unknown_10: Tenshi9242 says, come on Josh, this isn't metal, it's just pure white man talent. Unknown_10: Thank you for 92 overdue says YouTube link, but I don't do that for less than $10 I'm gonna I really seriously want to stop reading super jets at this point Good luck seven for two says I used to think my parents were racist 20 years later. I'm like my parents They were right about the whole time. Yes, it's true. It's just how it is Alright, let's watch this fucking video. Please don't say my super jets on I am done Good job You. 3:23:52 Unknown_10: It's nice and chill. A nice, easy, relaxing commute home in Moscow. All right, thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you for the support. Unknown_10: I think that this stream did a little bit better than the last few, so I will continue to stream at 720p until my final solution to the streaming question is resolved. All right. 3:24:28 Unknown_10: Cool, I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Have a great weekend. Take it easy. Unknown_10: I was gonna end the stream, I forgot I usually play a song and put hamsters on my stream. Unknown_10: I'm really hungry for pizza, sorry. Hold up, I'm putting the video back up. 3:25:14 Unknown_16: I just want one game, I don't know why I bought a PS5 with no games to buy Keep that in mind, they designed this drive to improve load and time, that's all I know The console exclusive's a key, watch them fly by as they port to PC Snooze on snooze hands at the end of the gen, I have no games to play, it's so unfair Unknown_16: But I didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch a movie. I spend all my time inside. Now the long time has died. All I see are ports just like the PS3. It's reminding me of a memory of a time when I cried so hard. Unknown_02: The game's at large. But in the end, it's just got no games. But PS Plus had paid so much. But in the end, it's just got no games. 3:26:04 Unknown_16: That feels so hard to get I just want to buy New games to try what I can find inside But it serves to remind that I bought this brick In spite of the people who had told me Not to buy a new console on release Remembering all the good times with Sony I'm surprised they got so Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize the PS4 The best games were multi-platform But it all comes back to the goddamn game 3:26:45 Unknown_16: But in the end, it's just got no games Like PS Plus, and paid so much But in the end, it's just got no games Like PS Plus, and paid so much Unknown_15: There's only one thing I can say. I put my trust in you. Unknown_02: Paid as much as I could pay for all this. 3:27:49 Unknown_02: But in the end, it's just got no game.