Hello, chap.
Unknown_13: Let's do a proper mic check, I suppose, before I start talking. Apparently, last stream, my audio quality was abysmal, so... Look, I'll figure things out eventually. We're only a couple months away from moving back and having a proper office room where I can set up my mic once and have it sounding right and everything sounding right.
Unknown_13: We'll see.
Unknown_13: Uh, how is everybody? Today is a Friday. Today is a pizza day, actually. If you really think about it, today is a pizza day. Um... I don't know, not much has ha- not much happened this week, actually. Did I have this- is this- one thing that I really want to talk about, um, happened, uh, right before the stream, so I'll save that towards the end of the- the news stuff. Um, this has been a pretty lazy- actually, one thing I haven't mentioned is that the, uh, Supreme Court has listed our
Okay, apparently I forgot to mute I swear to fuck dude I swear I am so gaslit by the system sounds on Windows like I I swear I mute them and then when I when I start streaming They are they are unmuted. They I get it unmuted somehow. I'm not using brave anymore cuz I know brave was fucking with it, but Dude, I don't know
One day I'll stop being gaslit by windows. Let's start with some tax stuff. I think I streamed on tax day or the day after tax day on Tuesday.
Unknown_13: As an expat, I get a free two-month extension because I think that's like anybody not living in the U.S. gets a free two-month extension on their taxes.
So I don't have to file in April like everybody else in the U.S., but I do have to file because the U.S. is the only country in the world where you have to file taxes even if you're not living there, even if you earn no money from the country.
Unknown_13: Just seething I'm not seething about taxes actually It's everyone else who is seething Let's check this out put on the news ham. Let's get this started correctly for once the font of my Bottom thing continues to change between streams. I don't know why one day. I'll figure that out One day, I'll figure everything out, and we'll have like a normal day Cool so
Here's a fun excerpt from the IRS's manual for their agents who are responsible for tax collection.
Unknown_13: This is IRS rulebook number 13114 issued on March 20th, 2023.
Unknown_13: And the title of this section is How to Handle Suicide Threats. Paragraph one starts, some taxpayers are under great stress and while some others may have underlying mental health conditions. TAS employees are not expected to counsel these taxpayers, but sometimes need to reach out to other authorities and resources to get them help they need in an empathetic and respectful manner. CAS may receive a case where the suicidal intention is stated or hinted at in the correspondence or in a voicemail. In these situations, notify a manager of the suicide threat and prepare for what is going to be said before contacting the taxpayer.
The TAS employee may also experience instances when talking to taxpayers either in person or on the telephone when they indicate suicidal intentions either directly or indirectly. These communications are not only sensitive, but may be uncomfortable as well. Take the threat seriously. Document on TAMIS, which I assume is like their internal reporting system, all conversations with taxpayers, law enforcement officials, and other IRS and TAS employees, including managers.
What to do, this is the other subparagraph. This is subparagraph 13-1, 10-4-1, published the same day. What to do when a taxpayer threatens suicide. When a taxpayer threatens suicide over the phone, first and most importantly, this is actually emboldened, stay calm and remain on the phone with the taxpayer. Two, listen to the taxpayer. Three, ask concerned questions. Four, respond effectively. Five, determine the information needed to notify the authorities who can help the taxpayer.
So basically, don't overreact, because when someone says, I can't pay these taxes, man, I'm gonna fucking kill myself, what they want from you is going, oh my god, I don't do it, I don't do anything, I'll wipe your tax debt clean. Don't do that. Never indicate you'll reduce the taxpayer's tax burden. Instead, stay calm, listen, report to your manager, who is more trained on how to tell these people to knock it the fuck off, And finally, docks their precise location so you can make it somebody else's problem. This is the most cost-effective. And by the way, when you notify the county officials that they need to initiate a wellness check, that's actually county taxpayer expenses, not federal taxpayer expenses. So you're actually saving the IRS money by offloading that work onto the county. Smart thinking, IRS. Paragraph B.
If the inquiry is a live phone call, ask the taxpayer for a location, including phone number from which they are calling. Document the taxpayer's address and location for reasons mentioned. And finally, alert the manager or the manager's designee to the suicide threat situation immediately.
For instance, write a note and hand it to a coworker. Wave for assistance. Send a message via Microsoft Teams. Dude, Microsoft Teams is powering the IRS. Fuck you, Microsoft. Bill Gates, you fucking faggot. So that the manager or designee... I'm just imagining a Slack, because I've used Slack for work before. I'm imagining a Slack message to the manager. Hey, we have a little bit of a situation. Oopsie, whoopsie, fucksie, doodle. Someone's starting to kill themselves on the phone again.
Unknown_13: Because their federal income tax is 40% and nobody can live while paying that much tax You know and they're threatening to kill themselves. Can you come over here? I know that you've received situational training for a situation like this Cool It's not how to read that that's funny Um
So if you're, is anyone, okay, show of hands in my chat, are any of you still playing Pokemon Go?
Unknown_13: Even I, at its heyday, I remember, I think when Pokemon Go came out, it was like during the Trump election, the first one in 2016, and it was such a craze that I remember even I, I downloaded Pokemon Go to my phone, and there was a an area in downtown Pensacola and they I think I don't know if it was a gym or if it was just like a walkabout to find like Pokemon but I remember going to this park and just walking around in circles and I was like surrounded by all these other people doing the same thing it was really bizarre it was really bizarre that like the entire
population of the United States was somehow ushered outside to interact with each other at like the peak of Like the anti-social political Game that was going on and unfolding at the time. I was it was pretty surreal Anyways the point the when you made your character because it was a video game you would pick either male You know, what's weird is that the super jets don't stick?
On the
Unknown_13: On the overlay? But like, they do stick on my browser. Wow, that's really fucking annoying. I'm sorry for people whose messages aren't sticking, I'll fix that later.
Unknown_13: Anyways, um, you pick a gender male or female and of course it is now current year. Nothing can have a male or female attribute. So to fix that, you now get a gender neutral blob and you literally just resize like various body parts so you can go for like the most amorphous blob looking avatar ever created.
Whenever I, um,
Unknown_13: Whenever I think of shit like this, I think of the internal communications. I think it was leaked by the guys that do the Silent Hill games. I can't remember. It's the game company that Jim Sterling really, really, really, really hates. Konami? I think it was Konami. Konami had internal memos leaked, and it was like,
Unknown_13: American audience does not want male or female American audience wants to make ugly characters Americans really enjoy making ugly characters So that's how the that's how like the Japanese like in their official like sensitivity training for like the American market It says what American want is not male or female and pretty character. They want ugly dumpster garbage bag character and So I think that this is actually literally
um oh it might be pal world i can't remember who the fuck it was this this sentence though that americans want ugly characters is like burned into my brain and you can really see that this is like um a manifestation of this this person's complaining that their character looks like a lesbian
Unknown_13: This person says removing butts and certain combinations of clothing break the model to not an update you can see like the The triangles are like piercing through so she has like no inside I know you guys put a lot of time and effort into this avatar update So I just want to take a moment to say you did a really shit job If you're gonna go out and buy positive comments try to put more effort than you did with the avatars
Salman Ali says, finally a chance to make our avatars as unique as our pokemon.
Unknown_13: Got to catch em all with your own personalized pokemon go avatar. Talk about trainer goals.
Unknown_13: Ekrem Hossain. Listen, none of these fucking people from Algeria would ever say this shit about this dumpster-ass fucking Avatar shit. Wow, good initiative for the Avatar. Keep going. Good job. So please go and must watch. It's a beautiful show. And then this guy who literally has a Pakistan flag named Saddam Aweed says, That's fantastic news. Being able to personalize your avatar even more will surely make the Pokemon Go experience even more immersive and enjoyable. One of the great tells of these super positive comments and how they're super authentic
is that they all went the extra mile to find the Spanish E with the little hat on it and insert it. They also made sure to capitalize the word Pokemon and Go, like in the stylistic choices of Niantic to make sure that the Pokemon Go brand is exactly as they prefer in their advertising media. That's exactly how, when I type Pokemon,
a phone or something I always go the extra mile to add the little e with the hat and to capitalize go as Two capital letters so that everyone knows that I'm like truly committed to the product. That's how it works. It's how people talk to each other No one asked for this revert it I'm kind of curious what exactly about this change Pisses this guy off
Unknown_13: I guess the thigh is like completely, that's like a man's thigh. That's like a guy with a tuck going on. I can definitely see that.
Maybe it's the skin color. Now I just look like I'm ashy gray, like I'm half black. I no longer look like I'm Mexican. My indigenous pride has been destroyed.
Unknown_13: Corporate asked you to find the difference between these two photos I don't know what the picture on the right is but it's really ugly and there's a guy who's just like Melted meerkat complains revert it Revert go back delete go fast ticket may be wasted cuz I'm not going if my avatar remains weird as fuck This lady does not feel represented by this male avatar
More like me the old buddy looked way more like me than these long torso no tip having diaper wearing things Oh, they say that the characters look like they're wearing diapers cuz like I can kind of see it Actually, I can kind of see how the one on the right doesn't look the one on the left if she was like wearing diapers She has the pins. She's incontinent Sable this
Unknown_13: I don't want to even open up my app now. My avatar looks horrible. Whoever agreed to these changes should be fired. I'm deleting the app for this nonsense. Torso arm length and hand size are not okay because they're men.
Unknown_13: They went with the male avatar for the dimensions and shit. That's why the girls are like freaking out. Oh, here's Liko with the tranny flag at TransLiko. They look fine, calm down. 24, oh my god, that ratio. That's literally an infinite ratio. 24 replies, zero retweets, zero likes to TransLiko, who's getting blown the fuck out on the neo-Nazi website, formerly known as Twitter.
Who suggested these changes and why?
Unknown_13: Why were the small indents to the hips adjusted also? It was like men's. Why not add more variation? I think they removed beards. I can't remember. I think facial hair was completely removed or something because it was like offensive to trainees.
That's actually a really funny comparison.
Unknown_15: That's it. I just wanted to make fun of Pokemon Go for a little bit.
Unknown_13: Is Josh still streaming in the closet? Yes.
Unknown_13: Closet bros rise TF up.
Unknown_13: Okay. So this was a really funny article. Um, there was a protest at Google, uh, 28 people decided that they would occupy their boss's office. So a bunch of pro Palestine protesters and Google, uh, decided that they would rise TF up, go to their manager's office and just sit down in the room.
And as a result, they were all arrested and they were all fired because they were protesting against Israel. They were trying to compel Google to cancel their business relationships with the state of Israel or boycott Israel or something.
So I wanted to remind you, this is a fun comparison. Liz Fong Jones was a bullshit UX developer. I want to say that his official position was like,
Unknown_13: Experience architect it had some weird name. It was like SCR or something someone remind me what the fuck his position was but he had some bullshit nothing position like that that was just like user experience and Liz Fong Jones had inordinate control in his office. I have heard from other Google employees and ex Google employees that I
He people learn just to stay away from him because that dude was he was always looking for a problem. He was super active on Site reliability engineer that was it was some like weird nothing position that he was followed away into And he was active on the Google internal forums for the LGBTQ IP plus community so he had like network with all the other gross weird trannies throughout Google and And he held like this massive presence in the company despite not really having any important position. And anything that he wanted done, which I assume also included getting Kiwi Farms de-indexed from Google, because we were de-indexed from Google for years. I still cannot fucking believe that we're back on Google. I want to do it right now just to make sure. I don't trust it. Kiwi Farms. And I'm not logged in on this browser.
I'm not logged in on this browser, so I get to do a CAPTCHA.
Unknown_13: Oh, this looks like a traffic light to me.
Unknown_13: Yep, that's a traffic light.
Unknown_13: Oh, they verified me, I can't believe it.
Unknown_13: Wikipedia is still the first, but we're the second. One day we will return, spelled with a V. Anyways, so my point is that...
Liz Fong Jones, being a useless shit stain that actively caused malfeasance and annoyance to absolutely everybody involved in the company, did not get fired. Until, I don't know exactly what got Liz Fong Jones fired. I always believed that it was because he used his lizf at google.com email address to harass our providers, and I reported that directly to Google. I've always believed that's it. However, he has never explained how, if he got fired from Google for that, or why he was let go. That's always been mysterious. It could have just been that they recognized that he was a giant piece of shit and was a liability to the company. But he did get let go.
Eventually, but meanwhile compare that to this you have an internal protest for like a genuine cause is a fucking war I'm sure that if there were protests inside Google for not doing any business in Russia It wouldn't have resulted in people getting arrested and fired, but when it's Israel there you go So that's that
Unknown_13: This is funny, speaking of assholes and tech that I fucking hate, this is Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare, who by the way, I like to remind people, is friends with Michael Yonka, the father of Isabella Yonka, the troll of Chris-Chan at the time that Chris-Chan was fucking his mother, and a girl who was boiling animals alive and bragging about it on Discord, who changed her name because she was suspended from her university after it came out that she was an animal torturer.
Especially considering the animals on the campus had gone missing and found were found in like dumpsters, I think That that Matthew Prince who by the way, Michael Yanka was also in a contractor for the CIA I want to say it was either the CIA or the NSA so Matthew Prince knew this guy before the Kiwi firms was de-platformed He's now suing his neighbors
Unknown_13: He's suing his neighbors because they, the Herrmans, own two very large dogs. Now, I want to clarify some language here. The section that this paragraph in the lawsuit is under is called The Menacing Dogs, which sounds like a book title.
Unknown_13: Maybe like a Lemony Snicket book for the series of unfortunate events. Well, it has no alliteration, so it can't be Lemony Snicket. Anyways, The Menacing Dogs and the Large Dogs.
Also, henceforth, they will be referred to as the baby-eating hellhounds. They'll be just the feral pooches.
Unknown_13: The monstrous cretins.
Unknown_13: We really gotta ham up that these are terrifying, terrifying beasts. Let's read what these terrifying beasts have done.
Unknown_13: Worth suing over.
Unknown_13: Assuming that it wants to live. Aha. The large dogs do not stay within the trail easement and frequently roam around the backyard of the residents of the plaintiff's property. That's pretty fucking annoying. I'll give them that.
On several occasion. The large dogs have aggressively approached, chased, and harassed the residents and guests of the plaintiff's property. For example, on at least one occasion, one or both of the large dogs aggressively chased and cornered one of the residents of the plaintiff's property while the resident was in the backyard. The backyard of plaintiff's property cannot be fenced to keep the large dogs out because such fencing is prohibited by a restriction of the subdivision plat. Dude, imagine being the head of a multi-billion dollar glowy organization but you have to live in California so you live in like Cuckolda Hill in a little shanty that shares roads?
and you can't even set up fencing for your property to keep large dogs out of the out of it like and what what profits a man who gains the world but loses his soul and he can no and he's like cuckolded by like eight levels of homeowners association what's the point of what is the point of your wealth when that's your living condition it continues
The residents of the plaintiff's property cannot use and enjoy their property to the fullest extent as they wish because the large dogs are aggressive towards people.
Unknown_13: all residents and guests, especially children that on occasion may be at home.
Unknown_13: Matthew Prince, I don't want to think that you admit that you have like a string of random children visiting your house, not in the current climate. Cannot be outside the Plankett's property out of fear of the roaming large dogs. Upon information and belief, the Hamans are senior and frail and unable to control the large dogs, even when the large dogs are walked separately. So this is an elderly couple that lives in this housing division with Matthew Prince, a multi-billionaire, and he is unable to convince them to restrain their dogs better. It's not a pit bull. If you think it's a pit bull, look, if this was a bully exile, I'd be for it. I'd be giving Matthew Prince a gun so he can shoot them. But these are not the large, I know you're thinking, large, menacing dogs? It must be a shit bull. No, wait for it.
In addition to being aggressive and failing to stay within the trail easement, the large dogs bark loudly and create an unreasonable amount of noise. Additionally, the large dogs defecate and urinate on the plaintiff's property that is also outside the scope of the permissive use of the trail easement. The trail easement, by its term, does not allow dogs, let alone the roaming large dogs, to use the trail easement.
Plaintiff and its owners, guests, and envitees are unable to fully use and enjoy the plaintiff's property given the constant trespassing by defendants, their guests, envitees, and pets. Specifically, no residents or guests of the plaintiff's property can be outside for much time due to the fear of the large dogs.
Unknown_13: The large dogs' frequent barking, roaming, defecation, and urination is offensive and substantially interferes with private use, enjoyment of the plaintiff's property, and the responsibility of the defendants."
Unknown_13: So this is a nice little artist's depiction of what perhaps these large dogs
Look like these dogs are particularly menacing I Personally can understand why Matthew Prince would be afraid of them would be afraid to deal with them and their defecation and menacing Intrusion on his trail easement. I personally would never want to deal with such horrible monsters however
Unknown_13: There is a description, I think this is it. Prince defended his decision to escalate the conflict by filing the lawsuit this weekend. The Herman's dogs, Sasha and Mocha, chased his 80-year-old mother and terrified his nanny, he said, and they were defecating all over the place. So these guys were running after his mom, harassing his mom, boofing.
Unknown_13: at his mother and shitting up all over I like to imagine that they were shitting as they were doing this so they were like chasing like they were herding his mother into a corner going and they were shitting at the same time the poo was just splattering all over the yard
So now is the time to reveal, because it is in this thread, but there's not a picture of the dogs. So I would like to show you what this breed is, assuming that I can manage this with my internet such that it is. Let me hide it so that there's no spoilage of the large dogs.
Unknown_15: I'm doing everything I can, chat, everything I can.
Unknown_15: Okay, be warned chat, a picture of a large dog will appear on your screen and it may cause defecation and urination and inability to reasonably use your own stream.
It's coming.
Unknown_13: It is a Bernese Mountain Dog. It is one of the nicest, kindest animals you could possibly have. There is no threat from this animal.
Unknown_13: I'm sure that the Poo Poo Pee Pee is a nuisance, but to say that they are in any way intimidating animals is ridiculous.
I am impressive. Thank you.
Unknown_13: The chat's a little bit behind. I would like to read the reaction to this revelation.
Unknown_13: Anyways, so we know that Matthew Prince lives in a hell of his own making even though he thought he had gotten rid of the menacing dogs They are still after him still boofing at him and still shitting all over the place and asking him to clean it up for free Which has triggered him into suing his own neighbors I'm sure a very popular move in that neighborhood that he has to live in because he's a California tech giant billionaire And he can't live anywhere else for some reason
More importantly, these large dogs make children unwilling to visit him at his home.
Unknown_13: Which is a true inciting incident for this lawsuit.
Unknown_13: Finally, actually not finally, I'm still going. TheDarknessGrows asked me in my thread,
Unknown_13: Um, to ask everybody listening to this stream to, uh, try and help him on a little scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt is for this purpose. He listened to this syndicated radio show called, I think car, car talk, car talk. Yes. Um, a bunch of people apparently like this show, but they cannot find a full archive of car talk. So I'm going to play a little bit of it.
Assuming I can. Was working before. I think my internet's just out. Give me a second.
Sorry, I'm just giving the stream a chance to catch up because the upload is failed.
Unknown_15: I apologize. Give it a moment, chat.
Unknown_15: Still catching up, I apologize. If it doesn't catch up soon, I'll just go ahead with the recording.
Nah, I think we're fucked.
Unknown_13: It's dropping frames. I wonder... I would really, really, really, really, really hate to switch to just rumble.
Unknown_13: But that might be... Might be my only option. I wonder if I can reduce my bitrate. My bitrate's already at like 2,000. Like, how much fucking lower can I lower this to?
Sorry, let me put up a text real quick.
Unknown_15: You may use this time to go pee. I'll be right back.
Okay, so, nothing I've done helps, and the bitrate is still fucked.
Unknown_13: I'm going to try switching over only to rumble, and if that does not work, then I guess I just have to eat shit.
Unknown_13: It's really frustrating, because it's like, my bitrate is like,
Unknown_13: I see it at almost over 3,000 kilobits per second, but it's still dropping frames and I don't know why.
CPU is not obscene.
Unknown_15: It's just, God, man.
Unknown_15: Let me, yeah, let me just go to switch over to remote.
Unknown_13: I really don't want to though. I want to keep everything open, but it's like,
Unknown_15: It's so frustrating. All right. All right, I'm going to try a rumble.
Unknown_13: If that doesn't work, then. Fun fact, OBS does not natively support rumble because the developers are trannies and they think that rumble is for Nazis. So give me a second.
Okay. Everything working again.
Unknown_13: Yeah.
Unknown_13: I don't know. I'm still seeing frame drops. So here's what I want to do. Okay.
Unknown_13: I am going to continue on.
Unknown_13: Okay, I'm gonna continue on and if it works, it doesn't work.
I will record it locally and I will very, very, very, very slowly upload the recording that I have to the internet after the stream concludes. And it's just, it is what it is. There's no way, I can't like force the internet to be faster. I've tried everything.
Unknown_15: Such is life.
Unknown_15: um is the cheese worth this nigg tear internet yes all right
So I've had internet problems because of my setup and if it I'm just recording it and if the chat is like insane this because they cannot hear anything that I'm saying Despite my best efforts, and I will you're listening to like a archived after this point Iran has attacked Israel actually this is on the way around Iran has attacked Israel and
Unknown_13: With some drones that I think many of them were shot down and then Israel has attacked Iran at an air force base from within Iraq So tensions are going up. The US has repeatedly stated that we will join Israel in a full-scale invasion of Iran if we need to
Unknown_13: So I hope zoomies like trenches. I don't like trenches and I'm 31.
Unknown_13: So I don't have to actually fight, but if you're under 20, the draft age is like 18 to 25 right now. They may increase that if we have to go to like full scale war. Um, but if you're like 18 to 25, you're, you're fucked. Have fun.
Now this was the little piece of news that I, um, that I hinted at the beginning of the screen. This guy called Joseph F Cox working for a company called 404 media, um, is investigating what was a leak of it's not even, you can't really describe it as a leak.
Unknown_13: Basically discord. has allowed independent developers to develop all the internals of their... There's very little functionality associated with Discord. So a lot of the per-channel, customized, tweaked out Discord stuff are these bots.
And these bots are given permissions when you add them to your chat room. So if you like want special functionality that only comes from a bot, you can add the bot, you give it permissions, and then the bot gives you what you want. Genuinely, or generally, you're expecting like,
Unknown_13: just to get it for free or maybe you pay a little bit for the bot but obviously when developers are developing shit they don't do it for free either they want like support on patreon or they're gonna ask for a subscription some small bots might just be like a convenience thing but in the case of a developer
or several developers, or nobody really knows where this comes from. The bots that people have been installing on their servers, and they apparently are very popular bots, have just been reading and archiving, like, everything sent on Discord. So now there are billions of messages that have been scraped by these bots that have privileged access to these Discord chat rooms. Now they're aggregated into a database and being sold for like pennies on the dollar so if you know somebody's discord handle you can look up their post history and like Even messages they've deleted across all their servers Not just the ones that they are publicly associated with
And you can see basically anything that the bots have seen in these databases, which is obviously a breach of privacy and trust. Now, it's worth mentioning that Discord is a subsidiary of Tencent, and Discord does this on its own. Discord sells your information, sells your chat messages, sells your private messages, because remember, a private message between one or a few people is functionally indistinct from how a regular chat room in Discord works.
Unknown_13: There is literally nothing different in terms of the technological backend or the level of encryption used, because there is no encryption, between a Discord chat room and a Discord chat room that's functioning as a private message between either you and one other person or you and a specific number of people. It is literally the exact same thing. is stored and handled the exact same way in the Discord back-end and it's aggregated and sold as data to Tencent in exactly the same way so there there is no privacy on Discord and the fact that the the issue that people are having is not that there's no privacy on Discord and their privacy is being breached the issue is that
It's being sold to the highest bidder for very, very cheap in public, and there's no illusion that there's any privacy. There was never any privacy, but people really seemed to relish in the illusion that there was some privacy.
Moreover, I guess they can't have specific individual people. Oh, I turned away just because I was ranking on Discord, but no, there's more to this.
Unknown_13: The guy that runs this, it's called spy.pet, I think is the database. The guy that runs this actually joined the Kiwi Farms. And he joined the Kiwi Farms, I may not be able to show this just because of my bandwidth, but because he wanted to post logs of what's happening in these things called BoyKisser. The BoyKisser is like a really shitty meme of like a little, it's like a fox, it's like a simple fox animation. of like a fox kissing something and then it got captioned like i like kissing boys and he's blushing and this became like a homosexual meme on the internet and eventually became like a subculture kind of like dogue if dogue was a homosexual pedophile
So the the boy kisser stuff became a subreddit just called our boy kisser And then that fragmented out such as our little boy kisser And then it became discord chat rooms so that the prying eyes of adults in the general public would not Ruin their intentions and their intentions are very blatantly because every single one of these boy kisser discord chat rooms have rules that explicitly say that they're a 13 plus server and But obviously when you have something called the Boy Kisser Room or the Silly Chat Room or the Astolfo, which is like a femboy anime thing, which is also called Cunnyland, and of course, cunny is a euphemism used by pedophiles to refer to a child's vagina. And then you have the Femboy Freaks, which is also a Gay Haven 13 plus server. There is absolutely zero way that you can have chat rooms like this that do not serve as a way of meeting 13 year old boys to adult men. Probably younger than 13 because you know kids don't really pay attention to the signs.
And the whole point is to get them pink-pilled, which is the euphemism for exposing a child, like a 13-year-old boy, to pornography as early as possible, and then enticing them to feminize and humiliate themselves by wearing dresses or feminine clothing, and sending it to the pedophiles who run these chat rooms. And then, of course, the pedophiles use these pictures to extort boys into doing more things for them.
Like how, I think it was like 764 or something, it was that other online pedophilic storage thing. That's just how these work. And the guy that created that database, the spy pet thing, posted a bunch of information about who are posting on these, how many messages they have, so on and so forth. Um, ostensibly good information tracking the actions and activity of pedophile discords. Uh, and nobody took issue with this except Joseph F. Cox of 404 Media.
He took a great amount of issue with this and deliberately lied about what kind of information and was being shared and who was being targeted The title of this article is just The big discord leak has its connect has its origins with Kiwi farms so deliberately trying to create a link between Kiwi farms in this dump which does not exist and
Unknown_13: And then, um, this is how he worded this, by the way.
On Kiwi Farm, an account called SpyPet has uploaded multiple dumps of Discord messages from the SpyPet service. In at least one of these threads, they have analyzed the posts of people posting in a queer community Discord. They described one dump as containing 916,000 messages. Another includes just over 220,000 messages.
Unknown_13: They have also uploaded pie charts, pie charts, which break down the percentage of messages on the servers written by specific users.
Unknown_13: Um, so in his eight posts, almost all of them are in the boy kisser, our little boy kisser, uh, femboy grooming circle thread. And they're just breaking down the activity in these pedophile circles, which for whatever reason, Joseph F. Cox, a 404 media from the United Kingdom, uh, tries to explain away as simply being a queer community. So a queer community rant is, according to Joseph F. Cox, a Discord chatroom where grown men try to convince little boys into taking HRT, wearing dresses, taking pictures of themselves wearing dresses, sending them pictures of themselves wearing dresses so that they can be extorted into doing sexual acts. That's just a queer community. That's just like well, you know, you got gay, bi, les, transgender, and then the femboy grooming extortion cults on Discord. That's just a queer community. I mean, I agree Joseph F. Cox of 404 Media from the United Kingdom. I totally agree. That's a fair assessment. That's basically just what they do. It's a little bit weird that you would want to publish that in an article. About these things because you would think that you would not want to associate the LGBTQ IP plus so openly with pedophilia and grooming and stuff But I mean if Joseph F Cox of 404 media from the United Kingdom wants to break that break that ice and do that in the mainstream I'm all for it. I'm all for it, buddy Just I've never I've never seen this so brazen chat So I've made fun of them That's my point
We got Mo news, but we need a Fem Hamster Feldes news. Let's check them out.
Unknown_13: My boy, Jonathan Yanov, who only comes up sporadically, so when he does come up, I feel the need.
Unknown_13: I love how the name of this publication is Vancouver is Awesome, and then it has like an article on this fucking troglodyte that's just like a blight on everyone. That's an awesome, that's an awesome trip. I only get to bring up Jonathan Yanov every so often, so I want to briefly explain. I've done a full stream on Jonathan Yanov.
Jonathan Yaniv was like Liz Fong Jones before Liz Fong Jones. He was personal friends with the co-founder of Twitter. He used his connections to get my YouTube channel banned before I even started my stream on him. He used his connections to get Kiwi Farms banned off Twitter and my personal accounts banned off Twitter. He did a lot of work. He actually When I lived in Buffalo, our first data center was physically located in Buffalo and he somehow found the parent company of the data center that we were hosting out of, personally contacted the owners of the parent company and had me evicted from our data center in Buffalo. So if you want to know how powerful this guy was, it wasn't just that he was harassing random women in Vancouver, he has
Syria or had serious connections and they fought for him tooth and fucking nail above anybody else's rights for years they even at wordpress.com and wordpress.com does not this is very hard press to delete blogs at least historically, but they deleted the blogs of like actual card-carrying feminists who had serious accreditation because they dared deadname Jonathan Yaniv and the reason why they were deadnaming him is because he was arbitrarily he was suing by taking to the Human Rights Tribunal in Vancouver eight women who operated in home in their fucking house where they lived in home waxing services for other women and they refused because they did not have the tools or means to wax this guy's balls to give him a Brazilian Brazilian wax and and I'm sorry if you've heard this a thousand times but it really just boils my fucking blood just how like how they wanted this to go was that people like this would just run and everything and censor everything and everybody would be beholden to them
But eventually the story of him suing eight women in Vancouver broke out into the mainstream. It became a huge international media story. Everyone fucking knew about this guy. Everyone hated him. And it was at that point only, years later, after all that shit, all that censorship was levied against me and the forum, at a time when, by the way, it was only like Vordrack that was causing problems. So this was not like the status quo, Tranny's deplatforming everything. This was like the first time it had happened.
Unknown_13: It was only after all that damage was done that they said okay fine I guess we won't ban people anymore for talking about Jonathan Yanov So he's still he's still active. He's still on welfare. He's still litigating people He tried to sue his apartment complex because they didn't have working fire alarms or something but I think that
Oh, no, okay. Sorry, I misread this. Um... Yaniv, as a form of protest, anytime he's upset because he lives in an apartment complex around real human beings that don't want to have their fucking life messed with all the time, anytime he's upset and doesn't feel like he's getting the attention he deserves, he literally just cranks down the fire alarm.
And he's been caught on camera doing this repeatedly. So he's causing fire alarm emergencies in his own apartment complex just to spite the owners and the people in his neighbors that he all has grudges with and sues all the time. So he tried to say that, no, really, it wasn't me doing this. It was a faulty fire alarm system. But they have him on camera doing this immediately after he has a confrontation with his neighbor.
Unknown_13: So it's really insane that he would even try that and that he would be able to try that and then just not be sentenced to prison for perjury.
Unknown_13: I don't know, I can't pretend to know what's going on in Canada, but that's a thing.
And then he himself is being sued, this time for large dogs. Here we have his dog.
Unknown_13: This dog is not a service dog, but he lies and claims that it is and he brings this large dog with him everywhere But this large dog actually is dangerous and has attacked women He brought this large dog with him as a service dog into a building brought it into an elevator where there was a woman already and she was attacked and mauled by the dog in the elevator so imagine being in an elevator with a big-ass dog and a tranny and as a woman and then you're like viciously attacked by this fucking animal. So he's being sued over this too.
It's just like we don't have anymore a mechanism for dealing with people who only exist to cause problems because that's never existed before. If you had a person like this back in the day, here's what they would do. The town would gather up a posse
Unknown_13: they would bring a stick and they would beat the fuck out of them. And if he didn't get the message, the next time they would bring a rope and they would fucking hang them. That's how we used to do things when someone was a universal blight with no redeeming qualities who only existed to cause anxiety and suffering to everybody around them. Nowadays we can't do that and we also don't have any legal maneuvers to indicate like this person is not like a real human being like you and I he only exists to be like a Fucking goblin like a wit like a curse cast on this entire community So we're just gonna like put him in like an insane asylum and we're never gonna let him out. We don't have that so instead he's just allowed to wander about doing whatever the fuck he wants inconveniencing real people and And there's no way to stop him. There's no way to be like, no, really, this is really ridiculous at this point. We should just get rid of him. So the government pays his welfare and he spends his time being fed, clothed, and homed by the government and the taxpayer by being a blight on the taxpayer directly around him. Continuously, forever.
Such is life.
Unknown_13: And speaking of fun discord servers, there is a little bit of an expose posted in the Keffel's thread.
Unknown_13: This guy says, Through a journey of self-discovery to being an editor before being booted by Johnny Somali, I have decided to take 10 Advils and not sleep the entire night. In regards to Catboy Ranch, CPR, one of Keffel's friends, Tori, also known by Euphory Tori, while others have made organization known as the Rainbow Passage, Tori is the social media manager for The Orb. but is horrible at her job, raging at any criticism brought her way in Deflex. The Rainbow Passage advertises that they have a, quote, "...offer a vital lifeline for those escaping danger, providing safe passage and supportive transitional housing programs, all at no cost to you." This is specifically for trans adults who are seeking assistance with living and teaching them to live independently. However, there are tons of sketchy characters involved. Before talking about the sketchy character in question, let's talk about Tori.
I will attach her socials and everything via screenshots. Tori is friends with Keflez both being mutuals on Twitter and Discord when going through the server Kepley Ranch. Tori is an avid user of the Discord and is friends with the top admins, but Keflez will interact with Tori a lot asking her to do favors within the server. As per usual careful sends these messages and later purges them every two hours or so Tori has a discord invite link in our bio So let's go to the server rainbow passage has made Volunteers according to the chat room the discord go through formal vetting process via application on their website So there's a little bit of spoiler at the bottom don't worry about that
So this is Amy, Euphory Tori, a, uh, she, her, it is from Keffel's Discord, who has a invite in the bio so that you can join the Rainbow Passage, which is like an underground railroad for, uh, people trying to find tranny housing, I guess.
Unknown_13: Um, here is the vetting process. I think, I think he explains.
Unknown_13: Hi, I'm April. I'm a trans femme who used to be a long haul trucker until I got disillusioned. Okay, so this is the person he's exposing, I think. Until I got disillusioned with the industry and became an in-home caregiver. I'm coming at this with experience as a dispatcher, as a driver, as an admin, as a security, and as someone genuinely curious what all is going on.
Alice slash Allison replies saying welcome happy to have you with a tranime character and Amy who is the couples friend says Awesome sauce 3 welcome welcome. We have a formal volunteer process. You can fill an application on the website
Unknown_13: I'm looking through everything. They do have an application. Originally as I was looking through the website, it was empty, but 20 minutes later, it was fully updated. I achieved or archived the website in its former state. The actual website is currently up and running. Accessing the website through mobile and on a computer, it seems like they did add content to the main page. However, the mobile version isn't complete.
Unknown_15: Let's see.
You would think this is more of a weird crypto scam than an actual charity given the name Echoverse pops up on the main page. There is no navigational bar, so for someone who is new to the site, it looks like an incomplete hellhole rather than an organization looking to help people. When looking at their team members, there is one specific person who is special from the rest of these fine people. This is Animal, that's his first name, Animal J. Smith, a man with AIDS who was a long-time gay trans activist.
Unknown_13: At first glance, you would think this is an average guy, but when you look deeper into him, a rabbit hole of degeneracy and faggotry looks back. So this is one of the volunteers of this rainbow passage. This is clearly an elderly man wearing makeup.
Animal J. Smith, he, him, director of Resettle. So director of Resettle, so the head of this organization's ability to find homes for people who are supposedly vulnerable. Animal J Smith is a longtime LGBTQ IP plus and AIDS HIV activist based in San Francisco Act slash up queer nation SF in the 1990s 34 years living with HIV AIDS Animals or animal work with the yellow brick road back when they met merged with Rainbow Passage in 2024 Give me one second.
I'm getting a lot of notifications. I
Unknown_13: Okay, so this is him in a pup mask Animal J. Smith says brurs is my four-point stance Hashtag pup play hashtag pioneer pup hashtag pup gear Hashtag human pup of Instagram hashtag gay pups of Instagram This appears to be his penis sleeve that he's posted on Instagram This is him dressed like a cholo for whatever reason See
Saying, KO thug life, hashtag KO thug mutt.
Unknown_13: And then this is him with a gay man in leathers saying, me down where I belong, looking up at IML Marcus Barela at the SF Eagle Leather Pup Contest. Hashtag pup play, hashtag pup suit, hashtag pup at 60, hashtag pup gear, 60. So he got AIDS at 26.
Unknown_13: Hashtag human pup of Instagram gay pup gay kink And an interview animal J. Smith does with a professional pup player known as pup twigs. Mr. Smith expresses the desire and the need to get more people into pup play to introduce others into it and to get them to become pups animal also talks about it not just being a kink, but you are that man and dog you were a pup for real and So this guy who is the director of Resettle at the Keffel's Associated Rainbow Passage, which is like a formal transgender rehousing situation, is a guy with AIDS who's 60 plus, has been involved in activism for the majority of his life, and wants to expose as many people as possible into weird leather animal roleplay BDSM, like top, dom, sub,
Like lifestyle shit so if you If you are a true and you're like, oh my god, I want to get out of here You're gonna get end up you're gonna end up HIV positive getting fucked in the ass while dressed as a dog. That's what's gonna happen That's what that's the future you've chose. You can't blame the chuds. We didn't do this to you. It was your own It was your own kind Just thought I would share chat
Let me... Where's my water? Ah, there's my water.
Unknown_13: So.
Unknown_13: We do not need any more hamsters. And I actually remembered the hamsters this time. Good on me.
Can't believe it.
Unknown_15: Hassan Abi, Hassan Piker has posted this post.
Unknown_13: Tom Cotton, Arkansas, I think he's a senator, writes, I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic, take matters into your own hand to get them out of the way. It's time to put an end to all this nonsense.
Unknown_13: So Tom Cotton from Arkansas takes a very Arkansas approach, a very practical approach to a problem.
If you don't know, in San Francisco and New York, there are widespread pro-Hamas protests.
Unknown_13: against Israel and the occupation of Gaza Strip. And they are protesting in the only way that really actually works and gets people pissed off. They are blocking the roads. So all those commuters saying that they're just trying to get out of Jersey into New York for a day's hard work.
Unknown_13: They're getting blocked. They're getting stuck in the streets, surrounded by Arabs and homosexuals and trannies.
Unknown_13: And they're unable to go to work because of the blockades and it's really really really pissing people off In several states that are conservative. They have solved this issue by making a Running over people deliberately obstructing the freeway Not a crime so if someone is deliberately trying to block your car and you can run them over and the state of Florida I think in particular says that is based in red pill and
However, not every state shares the sentiments of Florida, and you cannot run over pedestrians all willy-nilly like that, unfortunately. So you have to just sit there and be cringe. Hassan Abiy suggests an alternative solution to Tom Cotton's alternative solution. If a politician suggests something that you don't want to hear, You should instead build a homemade shotgun and assassinate them. This is the actual design used to kill the former Prime Minister of Japan.
It was exactly, this is exactly what he used, but it's like a drawing, like a diagram, a reconstruction of it. So there's no way to misinterpret this post. Hassan went out of his way to find a weapon that was used in political assassination and replied to a sitting US senator with this image as if to imply that someone themselves should take a handmade weapon and kill him. So I would be very surprised, actually is this tweet even still up?
Unknown_15: There's no way that it's up.
Unknown_13: If it's up, if it's up, the only reason why it's up is that the Department of Homeland Security, oh, it's been taken down by the Rex, okay. I was gonna say, sometimes the Department of Homeland Security asks that things stay up that violate community guidelines.
So I was gonna say, if it is up, the only reason why it's up is because the Department of Homeland Security asked for it to be up, and not because it didn't violate rules. Cool.
Unknown_13: So political violence is increasingly coming to the menu, I think. People are fed up with each other. There's no way to reconcile the vast valley of differences between people.
Unknown_13: And when that happens, the only way that issues resolve themselves is with violence. Historically, that is true. And it's only been in the last however many decades, since World War II, where we've really emphasized no really peaceful protest, nonviolence,
sit-ins marches that's how you get things done in a democratic world order but several other political philosophers who will not be named have purported alternative theories as to why that is being promoted why that's allowed to work and what the real answer to complicated issues are
Cool, thanks Hasan, very cool. By the way, I thought that the Hasan Idubbbz podcast had started?
Unknown_13: And there's no evidence that it has. I was trying to find it for this stream, and it hasn't started yet. So it's still just like an idea. I don't know if they're making efforts to get it done. I'm still very anxious for this. Someone answered my question, why the fuck would Hassan want to stream with iDubbbz? Because I had purported that my theory was that Hassan wanted a dumb faggot to sit next to so that he would look cooler in comparison.
And someone told me that's not the case. It's that Hassan apparently used to do a show with H3H3 and since iDubbbz basically worships H3 and would suck his dick at a moment's notice Hassan kind of sees iDubbbz as like an H3S type person that he can do a show with but also have total control of so that's why He would be open to that kind of partnership
Unknown_15: Audio pop. Sorry, let me pull this away I'm getting really close to my mic and I'm I'm not sure how close I have to be Cool Someone leaked hundreds of discord messages to blow blacks which is his name because he's a tranny fucker This was what he shared with the class a few of them are a tipster calling HRT magic.
Let's read through him chat Tipster asked what's your fursona?
Unknown_13: I thought I had these preloader ago Maeve says I'm only three years in six months on HRT. There's plenty Bob growth to go yet So this is an adult man sitting in a computer chair Injecting synthetic hormones into his ass. I believe he's named after a Video game character. The only person I know named Maeve is a character from paladins, which is like a
A battle royale first-person shooter, so I'm gonna assume that he's named himself after a computer game character And he's talking about his male breast as Bob's which I kind of I kind of like as a name for a male breast because it's like You're you want boobs, but you're a man, so you you only get Bob's But he's bragging that his man tits will one day be of a considerable size
Unknown_13: Velvet, who's also a tranny for sure, says, I wouldn't even mind being fat if I had proportional bobs. Loomy, who's also a tranny, says, same. Tipster, who's fat and has bitch tits on his own despite not being a tranny, says, no judgment. It's nice to know they're appreciated by someone, at loomy lol.
Unknown_13: So I'm gonna assume that tipster posted pictures of his man tits and the trannies in the disco like oh my god He's so well endowed I with my Bob through like kids Bob because his Bob's are so huge and he's like replying to the same like Finally some recognition. I have enviable bitch tits in the tranny community
Maeve asked velvet. Do you wear bras? Lumi says hate seeing my ribs in mirror Okay Don't look Velvet says when I go out. Yeah, usually though only bralettes and sports bras because I got a weird frame No, you have a man's frame because you are a man duh idiot Lumi says bralettes are epic time. I
Unknown_13: Maeve is saying that he has 38 D's and Tipster replies to this knowledge that Maeve the Tranny has 38 D-sized bob bitch tits by going, HRT is a miracle drug. Wee Wee, a tranny, says, yo, baste. Maeve says, now I'm learning how hard it is to take bobby pics. Turns out it's not easy. The bobs don't just instantly look great on camera. No one told me this. because they point in different directions, and they look like a man's tats. They do not look like a woman's breasts, and you are comparing them to your pornography that you have in your head, so they don't look right, because you're a man.
Tipster goes, oh my god, lol. Loomy goes, girl moment, aww. Tipster goes, if it makes you feel any better, my bobs look horrible too at Maeve. Loomy says, I almost got pickle in my nose, would have been so over.
Tipster, you fit in so well with these trainings, bro. Just do it.
Unknown_13: Tipster says, also to be fair, when does Catboy Ranch highlight not involve a combo about bottoms? So that's what you can expect on the child-friendly Catboy Ranch server.
Unknown_13: If you see that as an attempted trick, does that mean that you enjoy being strangled? That's Tipster's first question coming out the gate. What's your name? My name's Tiffany. I'm 36. I work at JCPenney's.
checkout assistant, and it's like, oh, do you enjoy being strangled? That's like, this is make or break. It's like, do you smoke weed? Do you want kids? Do you have kids? Do you like pets? Do you want pets? Would you mind pets? Do you enjoy being strangled? Those are the big ones that you gotta ask right up front to make sure that you're compatible.
Unknown_13: You're a Rizzler.
Unknown_13: uh i just read that okay now what we need is a clip of tips for crying take it away i've not seen this yet but i hope it's it's tragic you don't like my opinion totally fine no no it's not about your opinion no it's not i didn't even come here to talk about like this stupid shit all right like i came here for a completely different conversation that's fair enough i didn't even want to talk about this stupid boss shit anymore like it's so like
I think it's really annoying to me.
Unknown_00: It's like people misrepresent.
Unknown_11: Like what I say is me defending Lolly and I'm not defending like Lolly. OK, like I think it's like, yeah, it's really fucked up that some people like engage with this shit for sure. But like, I don't know.
Unknown_07: I'm not saying you're defending Lolly, right? I'm saying you're defending the sweeping.
Unknown_07: I told you it was a bad idea for me to come on this fucking show.
Unknown_11: And like, I'm out of here.
Unknown_07: Wait, you could have.
Unknown_15: Oh my God. He I told him.
I'm a little bit disappointed.
Unknown_13: I was told there would be crying.
Unknown_13: I don't know. I guess he just, he realized what would probably happen, right? Tipster's fat and retarded. So he's in the stream and he's talking to whoever the fuck that is. I actually, I'm so embarrassed. I want to say that's AlgyRFC. I think I recognize his voice at this point, if only because I am now a Tipster fanatic and I need all Tipster content all day. And Algy is just sort of like in his sphere.
But I think what happened is that tipster was talking and then Keffels came by and says no like urgently as urgent stressing as urgently as possible Like just trying to shake him wake him up get to the bottom of it Keffels in a maniacal Fury lights up his messages and tells him No, don't talk about vows anymore because like the whole drama is like over and if you go on the stream and talk about vows and Lollycon again Then it might like you know
Unknown_13: bring it back up and get people talking about it again and then then tipster having received these orders these urgent orders um reprogrammed himself and just bailed on that conversation because he knew what was going to happen he knew what was going to happen if he continued down this dark dark path against the wise words of his of his mistress
Got the psychomotor retardation ways down. Thanks, bro. I tried to nail it
Unknown_13: I think that's it for tipster. There is actually, um, Oh, I don't have the clip for this, but it was a super chat last stream. And it was a video of Nick to Oreo that he had clipped. And it was from the streamies. And I was like a hundred percent convinced that this was like, I literally said this on stream. I like, this has to be like AI generated.
Unknown_13: This has to be, like, fake. But apparently, H, that embarrassing thing where Tipster, like, fat and disgusting in his, like, gamer goon station, like, uh, toasting with a can of beer despite him supposedly being, like, a recovering alcoholic to the streamies, I literally thought that was all AI, and I thought the crowd was, like, because I thought the joke was,
Like this is what tipster pictures in his head. Like he imagines himself at the peak of streaming, which of course would be the fucking gay ass streaming awards.
Unknown_13: Um, and then he imagines himself in his like goon station going like, here's to you crowd at the streamies. And then he would have like a real life audience going like, yay tipster. Oh my God, I love tipster. Woo.
Unknown_13: And that's like, I thought the joke was like, that's like what's going on in his head. And that's why I laughed so hard at it. But no, it's a real thing. H3H3, for whatever reason, invited Tipster to do like a toast for the streamies. And that actually happened in real life. Which I assume is just because h3 knew how fucking like embarrassing that would be Either that or tipster has AIDS and is going to die And he is a recipient of the make-a-wish foundation and his make-a-wish was that he would be he asked them He says, you know, I'm a streamer. All I do is I suck tranny cock and I don't really have any friends and everyone hates me I'm just a big fat embarrassment. Even my wife who's retarded is like she hates me and I cheat on her
I would for one day like to know What it's like to be popular and then they coordinated with Ethan Klein is like I know that you got you are like YouTube's Enforcer when it comes to who gets to stay on the platform and who gets called out and banned due to like public criticism Can you like do a thing where this fat retard feels popular for like a fleeting second? He said don't worry, bro. I got you I'm by the way I'm gonna charge you a million dollars for this and then waive it and then write this off on my taxes And they're like yeah, that's what everybody does don't worry about it And then Ethan Klein got him to do a toast and told the audience if you don't fucking clap if you don't fucking clap For Tipster, you're gone. Your pass is revoked. You're not getting refunded. You're going to be sitting outside until your plane ticket's ready, and you're not going to enjoy the streamings. So everyone, they see Tipster, and then the sign lights up above them. It says applause. I'm like, yay, Tipster.
That's my headcanon for this.
Unknown_13: That Tipster works in the school? Yes, he does work in the school.
Unknown_13: Oh, it was the steamies. It was not the streamies. It was like their, um... It was their, uh... Like, counter. Okay, I gotcha.
There's a huge delay, so what's the point?
Unknown_13: My brother, all of life is a struggle. You push the boulder up the hill, and then the boulder rolls back down. There's a huge delay between everything you do and the gratification you receive. So what's the point? The point is to enjoy it regardless.
Unknown_13: And then pray that one day I will have a functioning internet connection. But you'll have to pray really, really fucking hard for that.
Pray for me, Chao.
Unknown_13: I asked that someone post the low techs the final low tech stream and they did I've skimmed through it. It's not very interesting I was shocked that there were a couple people who actually called in to talk to him, but for the most part it's like dead air It's not it's it's the same as like all of his streams, but he kind of hints at the end that Like at this point he already was expecting to commit suicide I think
Unknown_13: Or maybe not, because he did kill himself almost immediately after he received court documents.
So I don't know what the deal was. And he hints that he'll stream the next day. I think that there was a plan, because he mentioned in Discord that he intended to kill himself on livestream and then just did not. So it's hard to say if he was hinting that he might kill himself on livestream and encourage people to tune in so that they could watch it. or if he didn't know that the papers were coming in the next day and then just like the divorce papers coming because it wasn't even the divorce papers he had already been served divorce papers it was the final verdict on his what he owed for alimony and child support
Oh, God, this is such a long story, but it's so fascinating. Because he had been divorced. He was in the court system in Missouri. He did absolutely everything that he possibly could to deny his wife and child the alimony and child support that they asked for. And then when it went through court, he basically at that time sold something awful for over six figures and then immediately spent every single penny. And after they audited his finances in the family court, they found that he had actually deliberately squandered all of his wealth.
And they ordered him to pay, pay back like an obscene amount of money based off of the amount of money that he would have had if he hadn't squandered his wealth. Like they just ignored the fact that, um, that he didn't have the money anymore because he, they, they believe that he had spent it wastefully just to spite her and then said, okay, well you still owe her this money as if you didn't spend this. And so he got that read through it and then just immediately took out the five, seven and shot himself in the head.
Unknown_13: But the stream before that was lost of time because of a copyright issue. It was supposed to be a charity stream, but I think that people on the stream that called in called him out because he wasn't actually doing a charity stream.
He wasn't using the Super Chats for Good system, it was just going to his bank account. He said it was for charity. Really, trust him.
Unknown_15: All right, next.
Unknown_15: DSP.
Unknown_13: Let's see.
Unknown_13: DSP.
Unknown_13: I'll try to recap, because I meant to talk about DSP both in my last streams and I didn't.
Unknown_13: So for February, which was like the entirety of my heyday, March was, but February was when this was happening. For whatever reason, actually not for whatever reason, there is a reason.
In February, DarkSidePhil had been playing only RPG games. RPG games are notoriously terrible to stream because if you imagine something like Final Fantasy and trying to stream it you're talking like so much of that game was like a grind and just like Doing like wandering about and doing shit. It's not it's not very entertaining and it's very very long like those games are at least 40 hours of gameplay to finish from start to finish if you're not like speed running it
So he was not only playing RPG games in February, he was playing like multiple RPG games because
Unknown_13: The only other games that were out at that time were either games like Street Fighter that he didn't want to play because he was bad at, or Helldivers, the bug game. But obviously Helldivers is a multiplayer first-person shooter, which is not really DSP's forte. He doesn't play any multiplayer game besides Street Fighter, even then he hates it.
Unknown_13: because he gets trolled so hard.
Unknown_13: So he deliberately throughout February avoided the biggest release of the biggest video game release of that month because he couldn't play it even though his community was spending money voting for him to play it because he was afraid of being trolled in the game.
Unknown_15: Let's watch some these are the clips actually this is fucked I'll try to download these It may not be worth it though, I don't think so
Unknown_13: Hitting the 150 tip goal hat and vest at 10 minutes after starting the stream and playing before the first match.
Unknown_13: So he got his money. I'll cancel that download because that's uninteresting. Scold a tipper for reminding him about not fulfilling tip rewards, refusing to wear the hat. Dude, if you're getting paid money and the whole point of the tip goal is to wear the hat and vest, why the fuck would you not wear the hat and vest?
That's kind of crazy. I don't know if I want to, it's nine minutes at the current speed to download that. I do have three and four downloaded already though.
Unknown_13: Um, he finally puts on the hat and vest.
Unknown_13: Um... Oh, puts on the hat but not the vest. So they clipped this. Okay, let's watch this. So he just puts on the hat silently.
Alright, I'll get the vest on for you guys and now for the next 45 minutes I'm just gonna be fucking sweating profusely like an idiot because I'm doing dumb shit while I'm trying to play a fighting game. Whatever.
Unknown_09: I wish people would just be understanding and understand when I'm playing a fighting game, I'm already heated and trying to fucking concentrate, but no, everyone wants the stupid hat and the vest, it's like, whatever.
Unknown_13: That's what they paid for! It's literally the whole goal, that's the only thing you're offering them for recompense for their Super Chats and their Twitch subs, is that you'll wear the fucking hat and the vest. And then he like gets upset. Why do you guys gotta make me wear the hat in the vest? Because nigga that's what you said you'd fucking do if they gave you money. That's crazy that he bitches about even that. Like come the fuck on.
That's like, I'll be sweaty. Oh man. Imagine being sweaty chat. Imagine being in a hot fucking closet surrounded by monitors and a laptop trying to do a stream that barely fucking runs. Oh man. Nobody would ever do that. That's too much to ask of a streamer.
Why is he always grumpy? Cause he's fat and retarded. Apparently he's like an alcoholic. I don't know if that's true. I think he, I think that people accuse him of being like a gin and tonic fiend.
Unknown_13: Um, so he might just be like hung over constantly when he's on stream cause he doesn't drink on stream.
Unknown_13: I don't know how much of that, I'm not sure if the gin thing is like a rumor or not. That's what I've heard.
Unknown_13: I know that the Gamba Sesh stuff with the loot boxes, that's not a rumor, they can prove that. But they also say that he's like an alcoholic and all his money goes to liquor and I'm not sure how true that is. It's 100% true, it says Triple King.
Imagine, Jackman245 says, uh, imagine a hot, sweaty, wet DSP, drooling emoji. That's fucking gross. DSP is like one of the most viscerally unattractive people on the planet. I don't know what it is. I think it's his head. He has this really hideous head where his like facial features are shoved in like a pug dog. And he has like these weird lines on his face. Cause it's like his skull is wrong. His skull isn't right. And then he's like, then like the shape of the head itself is wrong, where he just has like a flat top and then it rounds out kind of like a candy corn, but like upside down. It's like a very bizarre head shape. I don't even know what you'd call that. It's not normal. His head is not normal. His head does not look right. It's all DoorDash now, okay.
Alright, that's it of DSP. Um, he's doing the RPG thing, and then I think there was some drama. Apparently one of his top donos is like a, uh, a tranny. And, um...
The Tranny had been trying very hard to get DSP to play Helldivers, even though he didn't want to do it. So the Tranny just stopped donating. He's like, fine, if you're not going to play Helldivers, despite me really, really, really wanting you to play Helldivers, then I'll just stop giving you fucking money. And DSP really needs the money right now, because his support level is so low that it's almost like Ralph a male tier. He's just not making the money.
And so he doesn't really have the fans, especially the financial fans, to lose anymore. So I think what happened, this is the rumor, I don't know if this is true, but what I heard was that the Tranny started showing up in streams again, but I don't think DSP has played Helldivers 2 on stream yet. So if I recall this correctly, which may not be the case, what I had heard is that DSP likely
Unknown_13: Started playing hell divers to off stream with the tranny specifically to try and get the tranny back on the support train Oh ice oh I see or oh I she as apparently chat is taken to calling him. Oh
The rumor is is that DSP is playing hell levers 2 with the tranny off stream so that He will show up on stream and support again to get the ball rolling He has played it. He has played it on stream. They're not a real tranny. What does that even mean?
Unknown_13: Triple King says this is also 100% true. He's a tranny's fat bitch.
Unknown_13: I'm honestly surprised that there are any DSP people who know this stuff well enough to reply to my allegations to confirm or deny them that we can actually talk about this because I just assume that all the DSP people hated me at this point.
He has multiple times, okay, so he's playing Hellravers too. The tranny cracked the whip and gotten it played. And apparently he's a fake tranny because he has transition, not at all, I assume, and only says that he's transgender for special brownie points or something.
Unknown_13: Okay, I gotcha.
Unknown_13: I gotcha, we're on the same page now.
Unknown_13: Now I can go over to Rekeda, the other guy.
Unknown_13: I mentioned last stream that Rikada had Taken up a habit of like canceling his streams constantly and it was very bizarre and he said it again He says he has a goddamn fever Had a fever all day and chomped down meds all day still feeling like trash going to try and shiver it out. See you tomorrow
So I got sick recently, I had Influenza B, and I was sick as a dog for a couple days, I cancelled a stream for it, and Rikada gets sick enough he has to cancel streams like every week now?
Unknown_13: Which really makes me wonder...
Unknown_13: but the state of his health condition is.
Unknown_13: I think most people would suspect, simply, that Rikada cancels his streams because he wants to go swinging, or he's too drunk, or he just doesn't want to do it that day. So he just says, I got a fever, and then cancels.
However, there is the option that he really is getting sick this much. It's probably not 109 degree temperatures as he claims, but if he is getting sick enough that he can't actually stream, it leads you to wonder why. I would imagine that alcoholism can reduce your autoimmune system.
Unknown_13: AIDS also reduces your autoimmune system, though that's like down the line. Even if he was HIV positive now, I think with the PrEP pill, is it PrEP? I think it's PrEP that's like the anti-HIV thing. I think even if he could just take PrEP and he wouldn't get AIDS, like full-blown AIDS actually inhibiting his immune system for a few years, if ever.
So, I don't know it could be that he's not eating like there's several things that can inhibit your your autoimmune system So it's just bizarre Here's I download this video another news Nick Rickett his friend and and steel-tone morning show host Aaron and Holti claims that he was when he visited the Rakeda household and Um, he was left to feed Rakeda's children who asked him, can someone please make me food as they're off doing something or they're busy or whatever. As a result, Aaron has been making cans and cans of SpaghettiOs.
So this is a very dire accusation. Let's listen to it before I try to speculate. It's so it's, it's amazing how it just brings you right back.
Unknown_02: Like I've been, I've been making a shitload of SpaghettiOs lately. Cause like.
Unknown_02: I'll go to, uh, like, I'll go hang out, uh, at the Ricada's house. And they're like, their kids will be like, can someone make me some food? And like, everyone's busy. They're off doing something or they're busy or whatever. So I'm like, yeah, sure. I'll make you some SpaghettiOs. Sounds good. And then, so I've been making like cans and cans of SpaghettiOs and it's like exposure therapy. And I'm like, fuck, there have been so many times where I've like wanted to eat SpaghettiOs, like a nine-year-old
I think the video is corrupt now.
Unknown_15: Sorry, I'm gonna try it.
This is such a, this guy has such a sleazy fucking voice.
Unknown_13: Like this is not the kind of person that you would want making lunch for your kids. He just has the voice of like a, like someone from New Jersey. There's like also like a serial killer or something like, yeah, I'll make your little shits a can of SpaghettiOs. Honestly, honestly, if we're being real here, I just want the SpaghettiOs for myself. But for you little shits, if I as a grown man was out here eating SpaghettiOs, you'd think I was the biggest sack of shit. But since I got some kids here to make SpaghettiOs for, I'll make them for myself and I'll give you some so it doesn't look like I'm 40 and eating SpaghettiOs by choice.
That's not the person that I would want minding my children While while streaming this fucking this fucking lunatic and the funny thing is that he's trying to coach it as like Like this this fun bit like yeah, man I've been eating a fuck ton of spaghettios because that's all where Kata's children eat and I make lunch for him apparently because they're desperately hungry
Unknown_13: When I come over, everyone goes, yay, it's the SpaghettiOs man, we get to eat today. Mommy's passed out with Xanax on the couch and Daddy's in the goon room that we're not allowed to enter.
We're too small to get up to the counter and open SpaghettiOs ourselves. The microwave's over the oven. We can't even find a stool to stand on to get to that. But since the SpaghettiOs man is here, we get to eat today.
Unknown_13: It's like it's like the reason why they Public schools are now just like cafeterias for children like are you a child that doesn't eat? You can just stay at school now. We'll feed you at 5 p.m. If you come early you can have breakfast to lunch is on the house, too If you can't afford it, don't worry about it It's like, he needs to stop micro-schooling and just send those little shits to public schools so they can have some fucking spaghettios at lunch. He doesn't have to do anything. They can even stay late and have spaghetti for dinner too.
I don't know, because my thought is, where's the mom? Where's Lady Racket's at? If he can't even make, like, dude, I have a feeling, like, if there is an arrangement, like, because he constantly, constantly, constantly complains that he has to drive kids everywhere. So if it is true that there's, like, seven kids and they all have different schedules and the mom is having to, like, actually go and drive kids around, like, all day, every day, and then there's, like, some parts where it's like, okay, It's like the chicken, the chicken, the grain, and the fox. Like, how do you get the chicken, the grain, and the fox across the bridge? If the chicken eats the grain, the fox eats the chicken. And you can only carry one at a time. It's like you bring the, what is it? You bring the chicken over, you go back, you bring the grain over, you bring the chicken back, you take the fox over, then you can go back empty-handed to get the chicken, bring it over. How do you get all six little shits to where they belong when daddy doesn't feed them?
You can't leave little Johnny at home because little Johnny is not tall enough to cook the SpaghettiOs So you got to make sure that mom is the one dropping off little Johnny every time because if you but you can leave Little Joel at the house because Joel can cook the SpaghettiOs. It's like a math problem You got to organize this out on piece of paper and like visualize it so that you can figure out the precise order of SpaghettiOs, Rakeda, Mommy Rakeda's car Um... Yeah, Rekaita has seven kids, not this fucking loser. I don't think this guy's ever... I don't think this guy's allowed near kids, but I'm pretty sure Rekaita has like seven.
Boldo is just as good. Dude, if the arrangement is that he has to cook the SpaghettiOs for little Timmy, because little Timmy's too fucking small to cook SpaghettiOs, then yeah, that is his job. Like, how hard is it to have a reminder on your stream, like a little bell that goes ding ding, ting ting, and then you just say, hey, sorry, let me go cook lunch for my kid real quick. Mama Rakeda already put the sandwich in the fridge. I just have to, I literally just have to warm this fucking sandwich up in the microwave. It takes 30 seconds. I'll be right back. Like, how hard is that? Nobody would complain like, ugh, this Rikada guy has fallen off hard. He is interrupting his streams to go cook SpaghettiOs for his son. Like, come on. Nobody in the fucking world would be thinking that. So there's no excuse. There's literally no excuse. He's just fucking drunk. He's wasted. I'll tell you what he was doing instead. Can I find this? I'll just show, you know, if I can manage, I will just show you guys what this guy's doing instead. And if not, I'll just describe it. This is how we're, this is how we rolled now on the 800 kilobits per second amount of the internet.
All right.
Unknown_13: I think that's actually loading. Oh, I don't want to nevermind. I take it back. I'm not saying that I did not just say that my internet is loading.
Unknown_13: Because God fucking forbid if I speak that evil into the world... What the fuck is this?
Okay, this. This is... Let's see if we can load this fucker up.
Unknown_15: Oh, I don't think it's gonna happen yet.
Unknown_13: Oh, it's trying his best. Let's reduce this from hard quality to the quality that my stream audience deserves.
Unknown_10: Spider300 says, hey Nick, can we please talk about butter dishes?
Unknown_10: Don't you fucking get me started.
Have you bought a modern butter dish? Have you bought one of these things?
Unknown_10: Why don't they have handles little glass? That's all you need. Why don't they have a handle? So you got to grab the side of the butter dish. Oh, I don't know. Do you have children? Have you ever even seen a child? Hollywood has. Have you seen a child use butter? They get butter everywhere. It's all over the bottom of the dish.
Unknown_13: He looks rough. I don't think the 144 P is helping at all.
Unknown_13: Not only does he have AIDS, he now has JPEG artifacts.
Unknown_10: Inside like a saucer, but it's rectangular. So I don't know what a rectangular sauce thing fits in. Kids slap butter all over the edges of that shit. And then they put the lid just right down on globs of butter everywhere. It's everywhere. So you're like, Oh, I just want some butter. And you grab and you're like, Oh God, it was like grabbing an Italian. It's so gross. Oh, I hate it. It's like put a handle on top. They used to put handles on top back when they did things right back when they were American made back in the fifties where women were at home. And the men put the handles on the butter dish because the women asked them to, but now women aren't home.
All the men are single.
Unknown_13: Hey guys, I'm going to try something experimental. I'm going to try to, um, enhance only the audio. Uh, I'm going to enhance the audio and Ricada's room. You guys tell me if you can hear better. Okay. Give me a second. Don't use the butter dish.
Unknown_10: It's an ashtray. That's upside down.
Unknown_10: When I go to Target the next time, if I, if I don't see a butter dish with a fucking handle, I'm gonna lose my goddamn, I'm so mad. I bought like five butter dishes because I put one in the microwave. Don't ask why you put a butter dish in the microwave. There was no butter on this dish, but don't ask why. It doesn't matter. That's not Pyrex. You can't microwave a glass butter dish that isn't Pyrex. It launches glass shards into every fucking county around you. Don't do it, unless you're trying to kill people in your house. Then do it twice. Don't microwave a butter dish, but just put a handle on top. So I've had to buy butter dishes.
Cause some kids throw them on the ground too. They're like, ah, they pick it up. They're like, just like when they grab an Italian, they're like, ew, gross. And they throw it.
Unknown_10: That's what Germany did to Mussolini. And like, they got butter all over their hands. They're like crying about the butter. It's like, stop touching all of the cabinets. Just wash your hand. Warm water. I don't know. Use a paper towel. Just wipe it off. And they're like, it's oily. I know.
So you have to buy another butter dish. None of them have handles. You know where you get butter dishes with handles? Goodwill. You know what they have on those? Homeless germs, because they came from a cart in Seattle.
Unknown_10: That was the one thing that person took from their home when it was taken back by its original owners because they were squatting in it yesterday. God, I fucking hate butter dishes. Why would you do, how would you know? How did you, I seriously,
I don't know.
Unknown_13: That was like a weird tag.
Unknown_10: How did you know I hated butter dishes? Wait. God.
Unknown_13: The name of this video that audio played is one hour of silence occasionally interrupted by Pikmin.
Unknown_13: Maybe. Okay. The kids are in the back now. They're eating their spaghettios and playing Pikmin. That's what's happening. They just booted it up.
Unknown_10: Okay.
Unknown_10: T-man2442 says, ever try a butter bell? It's far superior to your average butter dish.
Unknown_10: You know, I love the internet. Do you know why? I am learning that there are echelons of butter dishes out there.
Unknown_10: I'm just a, look, I, my friends describe me as bougie.
Unknown_10: You know why? Because I won't stay at an Econo Lodge. Like, wow.
There's only nine of us. We can probably all fit in a days in. No, I don't want to be anywhere near any of you people all in. Like you mean one room at a days in my buying an entire days in.
Unknown_10: No.
Unknown_10: Why don't we just get a better hotel room? I don't know. Closer to what we're doing because you picked a days in, in Iowa.
Unknown_10: They described me as bougie for this. Like, Look, when I go out in the woods, I just want to sleep on a Tempur-Pedic mattress at night.
And I just want Jorge to read me stories in Espanol. Like I want that to happen and I will pay extra for it. But I'm learning now that I'm just a normal plebeian Walmart shopper, Target shopper, when it comes to butter dishes. There's a whole world of butter dishes that I didn't know about. I feel like I've been lied to the entire time by CNN.
Unknown_10: Really love butter, but I really hate but okay.
Unknown_13: God has seen fit to give me enough internet to allow me to go pee pee So I will comment on I've heard this before I've watched Pay pay pay and Andy talk about it This is this is like another one of his comedy skits like this is what he's given up in favor of
Of doing law streams is like I'm gonna make it this this is like actually what's in his mind I'm gonna work on my comedy craft. I'm gonna become an LA based comedian. I'm gonna become like Dick Masterson Aka Juju the cow that gets hooked in the ass
Unknown_13: My personal hero, I'm going to move to LA. I'm going to leave behind all this trad, cath, bullshit, family man, cringe, and I'm going to smash box. I'm going to smash that young LA box on the reg. I just have to perfect my craft. I have to hone my skill. Comedy is like a skill like any other. You just practice more and more, and hopefully one day you'll get funnier, if you have any propensity to it whatsoever, right? So I just gotta master it. Like what's gonna be my breakout piece? The butter dish. Everybody knows about butter dishes. Everybody in the in the world has grown up with a full tableware set and knows exactly what a butter dish is and knows about how they're not really that much better than just unwrapping the
The wax paper that butter comes in and leaving it on the counter Everybody understands this and I can make a full eight minutes out of complaining about fucking butter dishes. Um I don't know That's that's genuinely that's that's the saddest fucking thing. That's harder than the fucking spaghetti. That's actually what he thinks He thinks that one day his butter dish uh skits will be enough will be funny enough that he can make it in like LA comedy scenes
I'm pretty convinced of that by now.
Unknown_13: There's a wrinkle on a fabric that I hung up on the wall that looks like the state of Maryland. It's kind of bugging me now. Let me check. I had to get rid of Maryland. It was haunting me.
Unknown_15: Okay, that's it for Ricko.
I did that.
Unknown_13: COG. COGnificent.
Unknown_13: Is COGnificent different than COG, the COG that we know?
Unknown_13: I think it is. I think it's the same person, right? I don't know. I can't keep track. My COG lore is haunting me.
Unknown_13: So here's the here's what cog did and I want to I want to pat myself on the back everyone get please just start posting the clap and emojis right now in chat because it'll it'll take 20 seconds to get to the screen and I want the timeless correctly I had been informed that Ralph's Ralph has a pet cat named Cleo then I'm pretty sure he's taken with him to Mexico if I remember correctly and cog
claimed that Cleo was dead. And since Cog is in the sector, has contacts to Vickers and so on and so forth, people took him at his word and said, Cleo the cat is dead. And the interesting thing about a lie like this is that it's very easy to disprove. So Ethan Ralph simply took a picture of Cleo with the date and said, my cat's not dead. And instantly, he was demolished.
Unknown_13: So Cog had to go out and cope and see. Now, I asked you all to post clapping emojis, which have arrived, in droves. Thank you, thank you, I appreciate it. Because when I was told that Cleo had died, but the only source was Cog, I said, I'm not gonna talk about this, because Cog is a fat, retard, loser, piece of shit, and I imagine that he would very well openly lie about Ralph's cat being dead, Um, for whatever reason. So I didn't talk about it. Um, and sure enough, I, my intuition was correct and it was just a bunch of bullshit. However, I wouldn't even talk about this now because clogged lying is not really a, um, noteworthy.
What is noteworthy is his meltdown, his cope, his sneed. Because the entire time that Cog has been criticizing anybody, you probably don't know this, but his cope and sneed about Keno Casino and Matt The Internet being more popular than his bullshit is that
Unknown_13: We lie. We don't get our facts straight. It's true, I do fuck up things continuously, but that's because I'm one man. I have no editors. I have no staff writing. This is just the best of my ability, what I remember shit being.
Cognificent only talks about one subject, Ethan Ralph. And as a result, he has a permanent, flawless recollection of every single thing that Ethan Ralph has ever done. And he's holding Ralph to task about the terrible things that Ethan Ralph has done.
Unknown_13: Which is his entire reason why he streams, is that he wants to kill Ethan Ralph. So him coming out and just blatantly lying about his cat being dead is like a direct blow. It's a hypocritical thing for him to do, because that's like his main criticism about everybody else, is that they don't get the facts straight. So him just a fucking lie is bizarre. But he has found a cope that makes it so that his lie is excusable and everyone else is also wrong. Let's listen, or let me read.
Cog says, in response to Lisa Smith saying, wait, Cog wish death upon Cleo? Cringe face, why? And yes, Cleo is shaped like a loaf, which this reads like a very actual woman wrote this post. Probably a British woman. Cog replies saying, no.
Unknown_13: Oi said something with no evidence everyone took as real. A simple lesson to people about requiring evidence because claims can be easily made. Did people take on board the lesson? No, it just became corgloid. I have no faith in the IQ of the Sacker. That's what he says.
More person, people complain. Dchimp at Sector Enjoyer. I like that tag. Says, the problem with you doing shit like this is that now no one can believe anything you say in the future. So congrats on proving the haters wrong, question mark. Cog says, I take on Pascal if people believe me. More haters never believed me until they doxxed me and realized I was telling the truth. And they'll still go with bullshit from two people with zeal, evidence, or reputation. Eaton Ralph is alone in Mexico. You don't have to trust me.
A geekthulu, I don't know if that's the geekthulu from way back when replies saying, your docs prove that you indeed don't own your house, your wife's parents do. You aren't and have not told the truth. Stop cope tweeting about it. You look like a fool.
Unknown_13: Um,
Unknown_13: Ravenous quote tweets himself or losing Ralph's cat Cleo died damn Ralph You are a piece of shit, but sorry about your cat losing a pet is like losing family Ravenous replies himself saying looks like called pull a fast one of me and others in the sector Ralph's cat is not dead I thought lying for a joke was bad. I guess fake pantsu tape jokes were okay then I
Campfire says, how is the cat being dead a joke? It's so dumb. Raven Ravina says, have Kog explain it. I guess he was trying to pull a gotcha to make a point.
Unknown_13: Kog says, correct, no joke, just a simple don't believe he is a without evidence. I hope people learn. Ravina says, I don't get the information from, I didn't even get the information from you. I got it from seeing VHS posts about it. Sorry, my question is to you, what makes it any different from Kinoche and the fakes that takes up?
Cog says I didn't cry about it not being real Back to the classics today work on video do long stream. It's time today is the day get ready It's not a joke. It was a lesson not to be easily persuaded I already read that it was posted twice There's more can I download these images from the Kiwi farms I
Unknown_13: Um, Ravenna says, felt bad for the cat, not for Ralph. Rob, um...
Unknown_13: post a gif, I guess, of the shrugging. Raveena says, until when? And then Rob says, be quiet, stream snoit boy. As if there's anyone on the fucking planet who is like lower than Kog. Kog trying to say, all you do is stream snoit, you don't even show your face, or make original content. Like, who the fuck do you think you are? You adding your face and commentary to a stream lowers its value. Kog plus Killstream,
This is a mathematical can I like I wish I could draw I wish I could just draw directly on OBS I'll just write that would be an awesome thing like if there was like a whiteboard emoji or a Plug-in effect for OBS here. I'll just do this hog Plus Ralph is less than Ralph, okay You are you are what your streams are less than the sum of their parts That's what I'm trying to say
Um, I have mathematically demonstrated this. This is now a scientific law.
Unknown_13: Um, you literally are Ralph's too. Basically everyone you have to jump was going to live when they do.
Unknown_13: Basically everyone you have to jump to going live when they do.
Unknown_13: That's a fucking train wreck. The champ is back and he says, the problem with you doing something shit is that, Oh, I heard that.
Unknown_13: Wait,
Unknown_13: This is like a second reply he's made to the same post. It does have two replies. I'm gonna assume that he replied to this twice.
He says, Dude, people literally send money to a domestic abuser, rapist with several restraining orders. I don't give a fuck about the haters. People always support scum. That's a fucking quote. People send money to Ralph, so I can be a bigger fucking scumbag as Ralph? Why shouldn't I? The bar is so low. Do I have any standards of decency? I can just lure it to anyone.
Unknown_12: Thanks, bro.
Unknown_13: Um, who said anything about crying? You just couldn't shut the fuck up about being fake and gay. I hear you are doing the same damn thing. He says, Zanny Bay has literally told me to delete my tweet, calling it fake and gay. I don't care if you call it fake and gay, you'd be correct. Avita's Archive, uh, says, I'm not going to lose empathy if I can relate to someone bad, something bad happening to someone. It doesn't change my view on that person. It's happening to. Uh, Rob said, or cock says, well, I guess I just lose empathy for wife abuses. Okay. What about cats though?
Unknown_13: Ravina's back says, so you admit you are no different than Keno Shea and Xanibarys. That's like the falling in the desert gif. That's like over.
No different than Keno Shea.
Unknown_13: Crashing on the ground. It's all coming down. This is reaching there.
Unknown_13: The literal difference, unlike Xanibarys crying in DM to not tell the people it was fake, I just waiting for you to realize that you had no evidence had been provided. It's fake, you're all correct. Smiley face.
Unknown_13: written another paragraph of me okay so clearly clearly cog is just above all this yes he fucking lied yes he lied to everyone's face and now everyone hates him yes I pulled out the adapter for my laptop and now I have to
Even the few people who can tolerate Cog now hate him. But don't worry, he's above it all and he was just proving a salient point that we could all learn from.
Unknown_13: And he's just over it. Actually, I'm wrong. He has quit. He's no longer doing his streams. The A-logs have won because they couldn't understand a simple meme you dip.
Unknown_13: assuming that it loads. If it doesn't load then you don't get to hear my Scottish Cog voice I guess. Cog on Discord this time says, when I say it, it's bad. I'm fucking done.
When I say it, it's bad. I'm fucking done. I don't know what that means. That must be like a British thing.
Unknown_13: Um, Crazy Slovak says, context here, I haven't been on X in a few days, are people feeling sorry for Ralph that his cat died? Um, I'm too old for this poo emoji, says, if enough people believe a thing, it actually happens? Crying laughing. Slovak said, the cat is dead, it's a shame, its owner is a complete scumbag.
Unknown_13: Um, who probably neglected the cat, fuck that guy. Space Puppy says, the cat's and porch hair are better off dead, at least the suffering will have ended.
Cog then replacing I've never seen so many people upset because I said something that wasn't true I didn't provide evidence or anything to me is just showing that the sector will run with stuff That's not true to others to say you know as bad as Keno Shane Xander bears ignore the fact that they're following these people I'm too old for this is it's cog privileged privileged held to a higher standard, right? Oh
Unknown_13: And this is a picture of Cog with his, I'm bald hat, but I didn't want to admit it, floating in the clouds. So we can only hope that Cog is leaving forever and I never have to talk about him again.
Unknown_13: I already played the Ralph and oh wait, I forgot about this. Okay. Oh, I didn't download this video because, um,
Unknown_13: I think that Cog showed up on Ethan Ralph's livestream and they hollered at each other over the cat.
I only played the part where his wife... Was that the clip? The one that I played where it's his wife and him arguing with Ralph and Ralph is muted? Because I didn't know that was about the cat.
Unknown_15: Sorry, I have to wait for chat to reply to this.
Unknown_13: Oh, that was about the cat? I only played the part where they were arguing over each other.
Unknown_13: Now, maybe I do have, if I have it downloaded still, maybe I'll listen past the first minute.
Let's see. It's a view with thumbnails.
Unknown_13: Oh my God. I have it still.
Unknown_13: Okay, where are we left off? I have 52 seconds where he fixes his mic.
Unknown_07: You're raging, Piggy. You're raging, Piggy. You're raging, Piggy. Why did you pay a Mexican gigolo to fuck your wife in the arsehole you want? Why did you pay a Mexican gigolo to fuck Amanda Morris in the arsehole? Why did you pay a Mexican gigolo to fuck your wife, Amanda Ralph, Amanda Morris, in the arsehole? Why did you pay a Mexican gigolo to fuck your wife in the ass? Turn the bitch back up! Why did you pay a Mexican gigolo to fuck your wife in the ass, bro? Can you not get it, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_07: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_00: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_07: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_00: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_07: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_00: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro?
Unknown_07: Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro? Can you not get the Memphis micro, Obro Okay, I don't I don't remember this story with the gigolo
It was, there was some really weird tweet that was leaked.
Unknown_13: Oh man, if you know the story to this, type it in chat. The context for the gigolo thing was weird. Because I think he was like following like gigolos on Instagram or something.
Unknown_13: And I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. It was some obscure thing with Amanda, I think.
Unknown_07: Cog is less of an asshole than Ralph, but Cog is like so pathetic that Ralph would win in a hollering contest with him.
Like Cog knows literally everything about Ralph. He's like obsessed with Ralph and just has like a permanent memory of everything he's ever done like in his head. But even armed with that, Ralph can just holler over him and just correctly point out that all of his wealth is inherited from his wife, who is a poo in the loo.
Unknown_13: and he lives off the government.
Unknown_13: You have a net addition to society of zero. Aside from humiliating yourself and getting made fun of on the internet, you have contributed absolutely nothing, and nobody would miss you if you were dead. That's all I got to say with COG, but Ralph is the bigger asshole. COG doesn't do anything bad or good, really.
Unknown_07: You sick, pedophile motherfucker! Fuck you! Fuck you, you sick motherfucker! You're sickening, Cog! You fuck children!
You watch TV with your main fan as an old man pretending to be a 22-year-old Filipino! Hurt your fucking heart! That's your number one fan, Cog! Some sick fucking cat in the street! You're fucking nuts!
Unknown_07: And you're married to the nasty bitch that I've ever seen in my fucking life. And both of you should be thrown off the dole and thrown into the jailhouse. That's where you belong. That's where you fucking belong. Fuck you. Fuck you, you sick fucking notch motherfucker.
You're a 14-year-old, you're probably going to end up raping Dan's daughter. Because you're creepy as fuck with her, too, Cog. Nobody's missing that shit. Nobody's catching what you're trying to do. Everybody knows what you're up to.
Unknown_13: Yeah, there's no point arguing with Ralph. That's why when Ralph was hollering, I may have just let him rant, because it's like, what, are you going to get a word in edgewise? You're going to, like, epically own him and make him feel bad? Oh, well.
I'm surprised.
Unknown_13: My recording doesn't include the dead air from when I was trying to fix the internet, so I can see how long I've been recording. It's two hours, and I still have a lot to talk about.
Unknown_13: I think not like a whole lot, but just like enough for it's probably another 30 minutes Or maybe not. I don't know So I asked because Black comic book man Eric July is doing like another crowdfund because the Yaira thing that he was doing is already going out So we just immediately like said hey, I got this other story lined up. We got art for it. Let's let's do a campaign for it and So I popped into the video thread and I was asked, or I asked, has this fat chomo faggot published his picture book yet? And the answer was no, apparently not. He still hasn't published his fucking star killer, or whatever the fuck it's called, bullshit comic book. And instead, I discovered while I was browsing through the thread that he's bald. He's like incredibly bald. He's one of those people who wears a hat indoors and surprise, he's fucking bald. And I guess he just has like no self-esteem or self-worth anymore, so he's just like posting really gross pictures of himself now.
But what's really, really, really, really funny about this is that he's trying to do some sort of hair regrowth thing. And he says, pretty good result for a month, I think. On the left, which is supposed to be his before picture, he's obviously got wet hair, and his hair is straight down flat. And then on the right, he has dry hair, so his hair is puffier. And it's also brushed inwards. There's hair that's not going straight down. So even in this this picture he's trying to like Pretend he's just lying like look he's coping literally coping about this like look at how fucking not bald I am And then he posted this really disgusting gross-ass picture of himself like ladies. I'm gonna be beautiful. I
It's always like it's always the the one like pedophiles are always the grossest looking fucking people like it's like um there was that guy who was really famous for being ugly that Brian Peppers guy if you don't know what I'm talking about don't even bother looking this up it's stupid it's an old meme it's a guy he had like some kind of facial deformity Um, where his eyes bulge. He just looked like, he looked really gross. His name was Brian Peppers and he was like a meme, like in early internet. And then people found out that he was like a convicted sex offender. He had like raped a child. Um, so one of the grossest, gnarliest looking fucking people that you could possibly imagine was like a pedophile. It's like, it's all, it's always like the gross ass people are like in this emotionally stunted state where they like are attracted to kids.
Um, yeah, I don't know. It's funny that he's bald. Nobody eats at him.
Unknown_13: Nobody has no self-confidence.
Unknown_13: Uh, funny. Cool.
This is Bossman Jack and Dadman Jack. This is Dadman Jack in current state, in full Giga Chad mode, as you can see.
Unknown_13: Like it or not, this is what peak male form looks like. But he wasn't always like that. He used to look like this, and Bossman Jack used to look like this.
Unknown_13: So it's a little bit, it's a little bit startling. The reason why I bring this up is because Bossman and his father share a birthday. It is April 17th. So Bossman and Boss Dad had their birthday yesterday. And kind of depressingly, he spent it all indoors doing the exact same thing, like crying that he lost all his money immediately. And so like, no, nobody's going to help me out even on my birthday, man. Like, even on his birthday, even on his dad's birthday, they couldn't have like a father-son dinner together or something without the gamba and the coke. That's a little bit sad, bro. It's a little bit sad.
Um... Oh, fuck.
Unknown_13: Oh! Oh, did I download this?
Unknown_13: No, I'm a retard. I can't believe I didn't download this. There's no way. If I try to save this, I'm just fucked, I think.
So if you are the kind of people who hate the bossman segments, maybe spared.
Unknown_13: There's a 17 megabytes at 10 kilobits per second.
Unknown_13: That's an hour. We'll take an hour to download this video and I can't spare any bandwidth chat.
Unknown_15: So what happened that I was going to talk about?
Unknown_13: is that um bossman was streaming and i'm so sad i can't show this because of the internet but bossman was streaming he's streaming on twitch right now because he's still banned on kick um and he's streaming on bc games i guess he got rid of his uh his uh stake that u.s partnership in favor of bc games his deal with bc games currently is one thousand dollars a day
with four reloads in total. So he gets $1,000. If he loses $1,000, he gets another $1,000, and he can do this three times for a total of $4,000 play money in that day. If you're smart, you do $1,000, $1,000, $1,000, keep a little bit of the last one when you know it's your last one. Boss man isn't smart, he gambles all that and then begs for more donations even though he gets ostensibly $4,000 to play with every day.
Unknown_13: However, because of his current change in situation, he was on Twitch streaming and he realized at some point that even though his stream key worked and he was able to stream, he was unable to log into the account on the web browser or his phone because it required a two-factor authentication code that he had lost on his app. So he had to wait for customer support to give him, to release 2FA on his account and able for him to log in. The problem is he just logged in, he just started streaming on kick or on Twitch.
He had no mods or he did have some mods. He had a few mods, but he was unable to moderate his chat. And as a 1 million IQ Gamba master, he decided that he would announce this on stream to his audience that he had effectively no way to moderate his chat. And so, millions upon millions of perfidious vermin crawled over the edges of the bossmanship and just shit up his chat and made fun of him relentlessly for hours until he was able to reset his 2FA and get moderation into the chat again.
So that was funny.
Unknown_13: I think that's the bossman stuff. I don't have that much.
Unknown_13: Let's see, I've been streaming for two hours. So I'm making, I have, I have in my hands funny content that I'm keeping for a rainy day. Um, so I will, again, I will, uh, again, delay this funny content for next time. Uh, I think pretty sure. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll delay it again.
I'll just do super chats because we've been doing for two hours. I like to keep my streams two hours. That's my goal The one day I do owe you guys like a super long stream again, I think Once as soon as I'm able to I will do a proper long-ass stream All right. Let's see what the situation with the super chats are. Aha. It worked. Perfect All right. Hopefully you're into any YouTube videos because if you did you're fucked. I'm just letting you know now. I
Unknown_13: Horse Billy at before the stream donated $50 and said hi I promised $100 each month to the legal fund was accepting payments. I'm way behind on that promise Are you still accepting money there? If you are are you comfortable telling us how much you've received? I can't give you the total amount for various reasons because that would I
Because of how the iota works that jeopardizes attorney-client privilege we met the $150,000 goal But then immediately after that we were cut off from our banking stuff so I Want to say that in total we're still above 150,000 I
Unknown_13: But no, I can't accept payments through that. I can't accept money orders, but I can't accept payments because As I've explained before the iota can't be touched by anybody. It's sort of like a magic money account To the point where payment processors don't like putting money into an iota because they can't charge from it They can't refund from it. They can't do anything to it because it's a legally protected thing So that's a pain in the ass
Doing your mom 2988 for five says I recommended Yahtzee Crowshaw's semi ramblamatic formerly extra punctuation series if you want to watch the old Jim Sterling videos you enjoyed without having to deal with current-day Jim Sterling
Unknown_13: Yeah, that's his new thing, and that's on the new platform he created. I haven't watched any of that. I don't, like, I wish I could play games and stuff, but, like, I have no need to watch game reviews. Then again, I guess I did watch Jim Sterling for a while, even though, but Jim Sterling got so gross and annoying, I even stopped watching him, even though he was like a, I enjoyed, like, listening to him complain about shit. But now, his issue, and the reason why I stopped watching him, ultimately, was that
He cannot go a single episode without going, I got the biggest, fattest titties on the whole planet.
Unknown_13: HRE is a miracle drug. My bazongas is so big and I like getting fucked in me ass. Or me arse, sorry. My accent was perfect except for that. And I'm like, I can't listen to this. I can't listen to like video games, video games, video games. I'm a big cum slut. Video games, video games, video games. It's like, that's gross.
No, thank you.
Unknown_13: I'm like, I feel gross. Like I'm paying into his like fetish at that point. So it's like, yeah.
Unknown_13: Bunker housing for two says I made popcorn. So this show with free content, I do not pay for anything, pay anything for it better be good. I only delivered the best content. Everybody knows this.
Unknown_13: Thank you. Roxanne for 10 says bark bark, please use this money to buy a nice frame or magnet for that official epic retraction that you'll probably hang on proudly hang on the wall or fridge. I have an ambition to hang a bunch of stuff on the walls at some point. I'll show you when I eventually get them framed. I'll let you know.
Thank you.
Unknown_13: Though, sadly, framing things properly is like very expensive, like shockingly expensive.
Unknown_13: Kiwi fresh for 10 says chief Jani Gersh if you think taxes are bad in 2023 the IRS shredded 26 million mailed in tax returns because they couldn't review them no one in the industry knows what to do about this So you're saying if I If I mail in my taxes they just get shredded that's pretty based
Might just do that. Kiwi friend for 10 says, by the way, Josh, can you ask Harden about something for me? Somali kids in my part of Minnesota are throwing rocks at my dog and I am thinking about violence.
Unknown_13: You cannot shoot someone for injuring an animal, I don't think. Unless it's on your property, I would suggest getting the fuck out of Minnesota and staying away from black people in general. Sorry. DavidS877425 says, after having listened to Old Natty, I'm curious what your favorite locale from the 2018 streams? 2018?
Probably Chantal. Like, she was going strong then, right? She was really, really funny before the Muslim shit ruined it.
Unknown_13: Thank you. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for five says, glorious Kiwi emperor. I'm thinking I'm going to stop being a weeaboo. I will probably now go by Kurt Eichenwald Suomi masturbator. I don't know what the fuck that is. Then he says per Kelly and links to an image. I will try to open this link faithfully. And if it's something fucking gay, it's a big ass.
Oh, it's a screenshot of an article. It says record 2 million foreign workers are changing the face of Japan.
Unknown_13: Yeah, I bet.
Unknown_13: Sorry, that's how it works now. You gotta open your doors so that grown men can draw anime in your country.
Unknown_13: Supreme Me for two says, imagine having billions of dollars in glowy connections but being too much of a cuck to make your neighbor's nuisance animals disappear.
Unknown_13: I guess the political fallout of getting caught killing your neighbor's dog is a bit high.
Antis for five says your inner Schweinhund is impressive. Please give us your best bark.
Unknown_13: It has to be a deep guttural. That's the, that's how those dogs bark. Cause they, they do like when a dog that size, like the Burmese wants to start barking, but isn't like properly barking, he'll like,
Unknown_13: It's kind of like an automatic transmission, like when it changes gear, like when it goes from park to first gear, it's like that, woof, woof, before he starts barking properly.
Unknown_13: Haramburger42 says, forget Pokemon Go, we getting RuneScape Go. I want to be rewarded for waddling in real life with agility training EXP and rune or deposits for venturing into the world, i.e. the hood.
Yeah, that would be funny.
Unknown_13: The rune or just in black people neighborhoods.
Unknown_13: That's a great idea. You should pitch it to him. Steven Riff for one says, do you treat Rottweiler and Doberman the same as ship bull? Um, I'm partial towards Rottweiler. Dobermans are, I think kind of aggressive. I don't like Rottweilers either.
Unknown_13: Um, but I've had a Rottweiler Doberman mix and he was pretty friendly.
Kiwi friend for one says have you tried turning it on and off again? Yes. Thank you. Patrick. I sound suffices Here's a dollar so you can pay your internet bills of leeching off the kebab shop Wi-Fi That's probably I mean look I'm doing the best I can with what's available to me. All right I'll sort this shit out one day
Unknown_13: Snead Bergstein Goldman for two says, happy pizza day. Any plans to play new life is strange game where you're a black handicapped woman in the 1950s civil right moment. I've not heard of that. Um, I, I'll probably end up playing it in the later half of the year if that's true. That sounds funny. Call it the Lou for 10 says YouTube link. Do you think this is a cry for help or comedy? Um, you're barking up the wrong fucking tree with the YouTube link right now.
Unknown_13: It's the link to the Rikita Butter Dish, which I coincidentally already played. It's probably both, if I have to guess.
Unknown_13: Neighborino, for one, says Yeshua. Shabbat shalom, goy.
Unknown_13: Real Adondie for two says, hey Josh, can you remind the Jannies to pay their internet, uppercase I internet, and electricity bills? How else are they going to do their unpaid jobs? Dude, I need to go see what Jannies I've lost. I probably have to replace a couple people right now because of how, I think a bunch of people never came back after the time we went on tour for a couple months.
Foxes for five says no you can't go after pedos. That's x-phobic. I've never seen a Community self-report as much as the LGBTQ IP plus what a weird hill to die on I agree Just leave the Kiwi farms alone. It's all you're gonna do Action Johnny for 50 says action Johnny glad to know you have a few UPS in your home Keep up keep it up my neighbor. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I do I have it now plug everything into an uninterrupted power supply then action Johnny for 50 says
For 50, I think, did he do this twice?
Unknown_15: Am I losing my fucking mind?
Unknown_15: I think that rumble has actually added like super chat dashboards.
Unknown_13: Do you, do you guys want to go on a detour and try and figure out if this was a thing yet? Let's see.
Try stats and earnings. I've seen pictures of this. I follow the guy that does rumbles user interface design on Whatever. I'll read it again. Why not? I feel I feel generous Actually right now I'm looking at I don't see it
Unknown_15: I don't see it. I assume it's not ready yet.
Unknown_13: He says it again. Action Johnny for 50. He says, Action Johnny. Glad to know you have a few UPS in your home. Keep it up, my neighbor. Thank you. Lucifero for 5. Wait. Lucifero210 for 5 says, Yaniv is a blight infected on Canada, so it is OK. Suffer, Canada.
Poor Canada. We need to liberate them. We need to spread democracy to Canada. They have oil.
Unknown_13: Lucifero210410 says, YouTube link. Let's see how tree barked he is today.
Unknown_13: This is a clip of me laughing at a peek-a-me clip. Okay. If this loads timely.
Ah, fuck ass.
Unknown_15: I just closed it. Okay.
Unknown_13: Oh, I remember what this is. If this doesn't load, I'll tell you. I've laughed at an anime one time. So if this doesn't load, I'll just tell you what it is. Cause I remember it. I think I found a freaking Mac over 20. So I think I found a YouTuber that Josh will actually enjoy. Okay. Let's see this shit. I'm sure it's fat or something.
Unknown_00: I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
No, no, I was tricked. Fuck off. Don't you dare do that again. I will restrain. I will.
Unknown_13: It's not fair. I told people my weakness.
Unknown_13: And then they used it against me. How do you know? How do you know that when I say I can't breathe makes me laugh? How do you know exactly where the pick of me clip of her saying I can't breathe is in time to pull it out for this? How do you, how do you have that off hand, bro? Come on. I disavow.
Oh my god, look at this. Look at all this VTuber shit that shows up. Come on. Look at what you're doing. Look at what you're doing to yourself with this exposure, this voluntary exposure.
Unknown_13: SpaceAllen420 says, is this where we're at now, where I just get sent clips of my own show to me to react to?
Unknown_13: I'm just imagining like the XQC reaction GIF, like on top of an XQC clip.
SpaceAllen420 says, cheers. Cheers to you too. Thank you very much.
Unknown_13: Neighbor Reno for one says there's a youtuber called redeemed zoomer that is starting a reconquista Take back churches from libs made a video about priest getting fired for helping him a queer activist lied to do it Redeemed zoomer. I mean good fucking luck with that So like I don't know the Baptists have a right to start your own church in a real shithole. Oh
Unknown_13: Actitol for five says Bork Bork. Thank you. Appreciate it. Amtaro for two says this is the middle of the reading The New Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan about the growth of China and the decline of Europe. Well written and author is a pro-Brexit academic. I recommend.
Well, China has manufacturing jobs, has people, and has a government that doesn't want to sell its asshole out. So that's why China is growing. It's not complicated. Lucifero for 210 for one says that wasn't Ology, he's been offline for months. I don't know anything about Ology, but voice sounded familiar. Steno for one says what the fuck happened to the ban of the video game channel? It was banned. I was not an email notified about it. It was just deleted by YouTube. Cole Cole for four says can you please read four and five each one verse? Okay.
This is the book of Enoch again.
Unknown_13: Chapter 4 They consider and behold every tree, and how it appears to wither, and every leaf to fall off, except of fourteen trees which are not deciduous, which wait from the old to the appearance of the new leaf for two or three winters.
Unknown_13: Chapter 5 Again they consider the days of summer, and that the sun is upon it. at its very beginning while you seek for a covered and shady spot on account of the burning sun while the earth is scorched up with fervid heat and you become incapable of walking either upon the ground or upon the rocks as a consequent of the heat." I don't even know what's going on because I only read like one of these verses. I don't know why a chapter is an entire verse though. There's like a hundred of these. Okay, that's weird. I don't understand what's going on anymore.
Lucifero21041 says, as a grand wizard of the internet, what is it called when you don't care about lg- when you don't care about lgb but despise the t?
Unknown_13: Probably mainstream right now. Sneadbergsteingoldman42 says, R.K. Kelly is gonna talk you out of the closet. He's tried. Now he's in the closet. It's a bunch of people in here. They're just not talking. They're just listening. Danny Oxford he says there's a 55% chance that rackets is experiencing some form of alcohol induced health issue There's a 45% chance Possibility that he probably got an STD from his swinger lifestyle sad to see how pathetic he is. No, I totally agree We're almost wonder for fives is do you enjoy mustard and if so, what is your favorite variety? I like I guess you would probably call it like Dijon mustard in the u.s but in Central Europe
Um, like, I think it's in Poland, but also probably in like Austria, Czech and Germany. Um, there's a type of mustard that's like real mustard seed. It's like a bright yellow, but it has no sweetness to it. It's nice and vinegary and kind of sour. Um, that shit is the best mustard.
Unknown_13: And it accompanies, um, sausage very, very well. American mustard is a fucking abomination. That shit's gross. I don't know how the fuck people eat that shit.
Red eyes black dragon for five says hey josh i'll give you the n-word pass because yeah dsp is a broke-ass nibba also what's your honest opinion on the beetles to boomer for you or do you like them um the beetles is weird um they have a because it's kind of hard to say do you like the beetles because it's like every song that they do what made them famous is that their their their sound is so variety that
Unknown_13: They don't have, like, Red Hot Chili Peppers, you say Red Hot Chili Peppers, and you know exactly what that sounds like, because all their songs are very similar, but The Beatles is not like that. They're kind of like, I would say that the closest contemporary artist to The Beatles is Ween, where their music is, like, completely fucking different song to song on the same album.
There's no, like, Beatles song that I would go to and be like, oh, that's my jam. I do like Happiness is a Warm Gun. That's a pretty good song.
Unknown_13: Uh, Sneato for one says, Michael, Michelle, Michael Obama ruined school lunches. Jush.
Unknown_13: I remember that push and like, we got to feed our kids healthy.
Unknown_13: It didn't work out. Spoiler alert.
Unknown_13: Ron burger for two says happy spaghettios day Josh. Here's two bucks for your daily chef Boyardee dosage. Thank you. I appreciate it Ontario for tea says just discovered the song Brutus by the buttress Googled the brand and found the first video that came up was trunes seething at them for being turfs and races So checks out I guess I
And then he links to it. Hamtarof1, YouTube link for the records, don't need to play it.
Unknown_13: I'm not familiar. I might be, but I don't recognize it by name. I'm sure that they're, Troon's always fucking Seath, bro. It's not like a breaking news alert. Sneedbergsteingoldman42 says, when you return to Gamerica, will you kick Nick's ass and will it be filmed? Perhaps.
Apparently Nick can't beat up his own sister, so I have pretty good odds. Even though he has Reach on me.
Unknown_13: Wigger Wagner for Tim says, The Gettysburg clip last stream was real and Jon Stewart had it on the show. Today you have to decide if this is real. Then there is a tweet that I will attempt to play on stream, but no promises.
We also are seeing an active shooter.
Unknown_01: An active shooter is in the park outside the court. We have a man who has set fire to himself. A man has emblazoned himself outside of the courthouse just now. Our cameras are turning right now. A man has now lit himself on fire outside of the courthouse in Manhattan where we are waiting for history to be made. A full jury panel is gone. We are watching a man who was fully emblazoned in the front of the courthouse today. We are watching multiple fires breaking out around his body and person. We have seen an arm that has been visible that has been engulfed in total flames. There is chaos that is happening. People are wondering right now if people are in danger. I'm looking across
Bro, the way that like when the breaking thing happens that she like puts her earpiece in and then just becomes like an automaton reiterating lines fed to her is like fucking nuts. That's like crazy. That's crazier to me than someone setting themselves on fire. Just like seeing how she goes into like, there is chaos. People are panicked. This is very, this is history being made. There is crazy things happening. It is very serious and dire. You are scared. You don't know what's going on. You are confused and helpless in this current moment. I will, I will guide you through the events happening. Trust me and only me. Place your faith fully and completely within my warm embrace.
Um, I guess that's real. Her reporting is so annoying. Yeah. Um, I'm assuming it's real. I'm surprised that set itself up by the kids. Self-immolation is the most painful way to die. Um, that you are like, I don't know, maybe crucifixion is worse. Like that thing where they fill you full of honey and send you down the Nile is probably worse. But as far as like conventional means of self of like suicide, uh, self-immolation is like up there. I would not recommend it.
Um, don't do that shit. That's fucking painful.
Unknown_13: So yeah, I'm surprised Coco for one says Josh hire me. I'll be a writer. We'll get you up to Carlos Mencia levels of popularity Alice Thanks, bro. I appreciate it doing your mom 298 for five says Yeshua I love your streams, but your fake accents fucking suck just speaking your normal voice or get better at it. No child I will continue to do silly voices and you will suffer through them. Enjoy prison Kingapool41 says, the drawing program you went to draw on stream is called Epic Pen. I hate you. Thanks, Kingapool. I will look into it.
GormlessWonder45 says, is there an origin story for such as life, family member, or something?
Unknown_13: No. I've always kind of had that expression. I remember
Unknown_13: as as weird as it is now because i don't like anime in japan um i used to be a big fan of the expression shikata ganai which is japanese for it cannot be helped and that is an expression that's kind of emblazoned into a monument for the people who died in the nuclear bombs being dropped or no it wasn't it might be engraved but it was like a comment that I think a prime minister of Japan was asked decades after the war, like, how do you feel about the nuclear bombings that happened?
And he just replied, it can't be helped. It's history, you know, there's no point feeling anything about it.
Unknown_13: And when I was a teenager, I liked that expression.
Unknown_13: And I've always had like a very laissez-faire attitude, like, you know, there are some things that you're in control of, but, you know, what has happened in the past,
Unknown_13: can't be influenced and that's just life such as life i don't remember i don't think i've i picked up from anyone
Unknown_13: Steno for one says, hey, Jewish, someone else set themselves on fire in front of the courthouse. Trump will be tried. Are they burning themselves for Palestine or Trump?
Then there's a drama alert link that I already played it. Kiwi friend for one said some guy set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial and links to disclosed TV. My take on this is that I don't know. It could be a Palestine thing. It would make you know, I would say it seemed kind of obvious that would be like pro Trump. But now that I think about it, it could be Palestine because.
Unknown_13: It's it's like if you want cameras on your your immolation Go to an event that's already happening and just say I'm setting myself on fire now free Palestine. That would actually be pretty smart Though it didn't work because you didn't say free Palestine You maybe probably should have done it in front of like the camera so they couldn't avoid it Twinkle Tart for $100 says hi there good, sir. I
Just dropping in super quick to give you the pizza money. I can't wait to catch up later. Thanks, Manny archiver You're a lifesaver. I'll have to try to officiate like an archive at some point I really have to there's a lot that I want to do with the historical archives of the stream to try and like promote the podcast But yeah, I have no affiliation with the archive so it's completely done As a labor of love which I appreciate and I do appreciate them the pizza money to thank you. I
Supreme need for five says trainees on red alert and then There is a our drama link to the UK is investigating underage dot dot dot. Oh, it's probably it's the story about the UK wanting to just just Do away with underage hormone treatment or puberty blockers because the studies have come out that shows that there's damage that's done So there's no reason to do it. We already knew that we didn't need scientific evidence for it, but now it's out there and
Unknown_13: Octavia sales rep for $200 says I'd I said I'd have a juicy super chat on Friday and I'm a Kiwi of my work. Well, I appreciate it.
Unknown_13: Thank you very much. I don't know what else to say. You didn't leave enough in there for me to to ramble on. So thank you.
Jackman 245 for 10 says jersh. This isn't for pizza day get some goddamn internet lowercase. I internet angry emoji One day one day. I will have internet and we will enjoy it and it will be great Thank you devious to be for two says don't spend all in one pace. I'll try not to thank you Crispy legs for two says party of hat emoji whistle blowing party emoji. Thank you appreciate it The Bugs for one says, Josh, Josh, Josh, get in of Charka. They're fucking huge dogs. I don't need a huge dog.
I need a good dog.
Unknown_13: Zint Sapa for one says Wolf, Wolf, Wolf, Jessica, 2024. It's true. I did say that.
Unknown_13: Wigger Wagner for 10 says this is the only student protest that matters and you aren't covering it. And then there is the in Wilkness link. Let me see what this is.
In Wokeness says, what a time to be alive.
Unknown_13: Yesterday, over 70 students walked out on the Met Nebo school to protest the school for letting furries to bark, bite, and lick them. ABC even interviewed a member of the furry community. They them.
Unknown_08: Okay, thank you. This is Strudel, a member of the furry fandom. Though they've been a furry for over a decade, they have their own opinions.
Unknown_00: It's crazy that it's escalated to this point where these kids are being so distracting. So this is like a high school student that's been a furry for 10 years.
Unknown_13: Yeah, she was raped.
Unknown_00: That their peers want to stage a walkout. To have the next generation kind of muddy our name and not represent it very well, it is kind of disappointing.
Strudel believes there should be some limits.
Unknown_00: Continue doing things you like, continue dressing up, continue making art, but maybe let's keep it outside of school hours.
Unknown_13: Ma'am, ma'am, I can hear your diaper crinkling as you talk, ma'am. That's very weird, ma'am.
Unknown_08: As for the school, Sorenson says they have one main goal.
Unknown_12: We want every student to feel safe when they come to school and we want students to get along. In fact, we want adults to get along.
Okay, so the district- Middle school?
Unknown_13: Middle school? You have children in middle school attending class in a fucking dog costume? Tell them to knock it the fuck off. Get out of here. Go to the gym. Put your dog costume in your fucking locker and pick it up after school. What the fuck are you doing? How the hell are you going to learn anything in a dog costume? Never mind how uncomfortable it makes people. How the fuck are you going to take notes? How are you going to type on your school-issued laptop in a dog costume? Are you fucking retarded? How is this real? Just tell them to stop.
When I was in school, um, the girls started wearing really skimpy clothing, and they, like, deadass brought out a fucking roller, and they said, if your skirt is not two inches longer than, like, the tip of your fingernails next to your thigh, when you, like, put your hands down, you go home. If we don't have any pants for you to put on, you go the fuck home. They can't do that now? You can't say sorry? You're wearing a fucking dog costume. You gotta go back. Are you fucking retarded? What?
Unknown_13: We're in a situation where people are terrified of guns being brought to school. You know what kind of gun I could fit into a dog costume? I could bring in two AR-15s and drum magazines stuffed into the legs. I could fit the drum magazines into the flopping soft cock holster that comes with the costume and just whip them out as I need. What the fuck? That's so ridiculous! In a middle school! It's a sex suit in a middle school and they can't say no!
Fucking retards.
Unknown_15: Where did it all go so wrong?
Unknown_13: And then let me sit on your face Josh for ten says since you don't like spicy Latinas like me I found a fat woman for you to fawn over and then there is a tick-tock link Okay, let me see what this is I'm sure tick-tock is very concert courteous about my bandwidth limitations.
Unknown_15: I don't think I can view this, I think it's going to prompt me to log in.
Unknown_13: Dude, these videos are so fa- I can see behind, there's like a modal that's pro- I'll just show you. There's like a modal that's propped up to block the video because it's going to ask me to sign in eventually. But I can see she's pulling in like, pouring in like an entire jar of Crisco. All this shit is fucking fake. All this shit, everything on TikTok is just fake bullshit. She's not actually gonna eat an entire jar of Crisco, you know? It's just like, people share it and I saw it had a million likes, a million likes, a million people saw this video and liked it because it was a fat bitch overeating. And I thought, oh my god, she's so embarrassing, she's eating Crisco. No, retard. She's making money. That's what she's doing. She's gripping your dumb ass and making you watch TikTok ads so she can get her fucking money.
Everything on that fucking platform is fake. This is why I don't I was griping about how I don't Know any like zoom or low cows and like they're a little I was like thinking are there like no zoomer Like content creators to make fun of it's like no now I realize all the popular zoomer content creators fake bullshit artists Nick Ricketta is actually drinking himself to death Nick Ricketta is actually gonna fucking die from some debilitating liver cirrhosis issue the zoomy the fat bitch Supposedly drinking canola oil is not actually doing that. It's fake Fuck I hate zoomers, man And then she sent in another one Which I am also not gonna be able to view because I don't have a fucking tick-tock account It starts on to Oh continue without login this one actually work, let's see what fake shit she's doing this time I can't wait So I'm gonna load
Breakfast plate with me Sorry, but you can't send in tik-tok videos to plate with my plate my one-year-olds breakfast.
Okay. I've seen this one before Listen, she's gonna put down a bunch of donuts. If you fucking think for a nanosecond that this woman is feeding her kids a Tupperware lid full of store-bought, factory-made donuts, you are literally fucking retarded. This is a grift. She is not actually doing this. And then she puts it in front of them.
Unknown_13: Bro, it's just like, it's just such obvious fake bullshit.
If this woman was actually doing this, CPS would have fucking taken her kids by now.
Unknown_13: Is that it for Super Chats?
Unknown_13: And Wigger Wagner for 10 says, the new manifesto hot of the presses.
Unknown_13: And then it is the, theponzipapers.substack.com, I have set myself on fire outside of the Trump trial by M. Crosby. This is, if you're not archiving this, fuck you.
Unknown_13: Don't send any more superchats by the way, this is the last one. My name is Max Azzaro and I'm an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside the Trump trial in Manhattan. The extreme act of protest is to draw attention to an urgent and important discovery. We are victims of a totalitarian con and our own government, along with many other allies, are about to hit us with an apocalyptic fascist world coup.
Unknown_13: So if you guessed schizophrenic, you are right. Holy shit. Nobody's going to read this, bro. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you set yourself on fire, but your thesis is like clumsily worded and shit. And I have no interest in hearing what you have to say.
He wants, he thinks that Bitcoin is a government conspiracy.
Unknown_13: I no longer have my original research files from the Crypto Rabbit Hole. If you want to see them, you have to get my laptop back from the government. Bro.
Unknown_13: Sorry. Yeah, you shouldn't have said yourself. That was not worth it, bro. I hate to break it to you.
Unknown_13: All right, I think that's it.
Unknown_13: I do not have an outro song picked out because I am a dumb fuck. What am I going to do for an outro song?
my issue is that I've been listening to like nationalist music recently just like the the Injun playlist that's just like old nationalist music you can't really play that actually you know what I'll just play this I was gonna save this for a special day or something I guess there's no
Unknown_15: No real point.
Unknown_15: Alright, I'll just play this.
Unknown_13: There's no better day to play this. By the way, I want you to check out how white everybody is in this music video.
Unknown_13: I'm supposed to say before the music starts, which it did automatically Thank you for watching. I will see you guys on Tuesday. Take it easy. Have a great weekend. Have a nice pizza day, too Wait, wait, wait, fuck Wrong browser
Okay, so this time for real, thank you for watching. Have a great weekend. Have an excellent pizza day. Now that I put it in the correct browser where you can actually see the music video that I want you to see, it's not going to load.
I'll call out some names in chat.
Unknown_13: RainTeamPepe.
Unknown_13: I can't really see, it's kind of far away.
Unknown_13: What videos is Skavosis?
Unknown_13: Han Leon.
Unknown_13: Well, Leon says God sneed. I need all the God sneeding I can possibly fucking get. Lower the goddamn page. Holy shit. It worked on the other browser. Why does it not work though, dude?
Unknown_13: I'm sneeding right fucking now. I can't do this to me.
Unknown_13: Maybe if I delete these other tabs.
No, maybe if I read, if I close the tab and then reopen it. No, that's not working.
Unknown_13: Maybe if I sacrifice a chicken?
Unknown_15: No, mm-mm.
Unknown_15: I cannot fucking, I cannot, dude, my luck.
Unknown_13: It was just playing. Okay, how about this? Since that tab doesn't wanna fucking work, I'm gonna go over to downloads. I'm gonna do YouTube DLP, and then I'm just gonna pop in the fucking link. Is this gonna download before the page actually opens? We'll see. Let's put it on screen. It's still a white page. Okay, it's now downloading the video from YouTube. It's at 4% chat. It's at 4% already.
It's downloading at 190 kilobits per second. ETA, three minutes. Okay, what am I gonna do for three minutes? I told people no more super chats, so I can't read super chats.
Unknown_13: Actually, Daniac41 says, oh yeah, somewhere in the middle of the east is flooding right now. Seen in the news that.
Unknown_13: Well, I mean there's a solar eclipse that cut the u.s. In the east and west there's apparently some sort of plague that's gonna happen in the u.s.
Bitcoin is halvening right now. There's floods in the Middle East Schizophrenics are setting themselves on fire What more do you need to know chat the happening is upon us the happening to end all the prophetic happening is upon us. I
Unknown_13: The song is a banger, that's why I'm waiting for it. It was originally 3 minutes to finish the download, and now it is actually... Oh, wait, it showed up. Okay, I can play it without having to download it through UTPL. Okay, I'll see you guys at the blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabl
Ich will sprechen und erzählen von der Organisation. Die sollen bilden und erziehen unsere Generation. Wir sind alle hier so fein, in der FDJ. Wir sind alle hier so doll, in der FDJ. Wir sind alle hier so jung, in der FDJ. Wir stehen alle hier für bald, in der FDJ.
Unknown_06: We are all free German youth! One, two, three, the best party! And four, five, six, the best connexion!
Unknown_04: Seven, eight, the Warsaw Pact! And nine, my best friend! P-A-R-M-E-C, the best army! And four, five, six, the best connexion!
When I was a little child I was a German pioneer Now I am a free German youth official One, two, three, the best party And four, five, six, the best connexion Seven, eight, the water was clean And nine, a best friend
Das ist FDJ! Passt auf für die Falschheit in dem abländischen schlimmen Kerl! Kommt stattdessen uns mit besser, weil wir werden immer mehr!
Unknown_06: Ungebaren von Manier und Takt und Ton Sozialismus, Kommunismus, Lenin und Revolution Wir sind alle hier so frei, in der FPJ Wir sind alle hier so doll, in der FPJ Wir sind alle hier so jung, in der FPJ Wir stehen alle hier dir bei, in der FPJ
Land in die Jugend Andern Ländern Ihre Tugend nicht verändern Nur ein Schreiber geht vorüber Andern aber Wir sind alle freie deutsche Jugend! 1, 2, 3, die beste Partei Und 4, 5, 6, der beste Komplex Mit 7, 8, der Wasserpack 8 und 9, der besten Freund
Unknown_06: FDJ
Als ein kleines Kind war ich ein Kölmann-Pionier Jetzt bin ich ein freier deutscher Jugendfunktionär Eins, zwei, drei, die beste Partei Und vier, fünf, sechs, der beste Konnexion
Unknown_04: you