RETVRN (April 12th, 2024) - Mad at the Internet 2024-04-12

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Unknown_01: I think that's my cue, right? Am I supposed to talk? Hello chat, can everyone hear me?

Unknown_01: I wish I could explain how completely fucked my setup is.

Unknown_01: I just promise you that it is hilarious, it's hysterical. I want you to picture the funniest possible stream setup that you possibly could and just assume that that is what I'm referring to.

Unknown_01: I see that one third of my frames are being dropped, that my bitrate cannot catch up to 2,000 kilobits per second.

Unknown_01: But, oh, and now my computer is trying to update itself right now. I think I will postpone this.

Unknown_01: Whatever. As long as it works, it works.

Unknown_01: Well, the operation was a success and I'm now a woman. Thank you for all your well wishes. My new neo pronouns are she's or I expect them to be addressed or you will be banned from the forum, from the chat, from you will be blocked. You will be removed from my telegram. You will be disbarred and disqualified from life.

Unknown_01: No By the way, this wasn't even the two weeks that I wanted to take off. I just something came up I had to deal with it. I was sick. So something came up I'm like, okay, and then I get a call and it's an appointment and I can't change it and it's like, okay, so It was on stream day. So it's like, okay, so I'm fucked for like three weeks. There's no point even trying I'm done. I'm down and out. I'm out. I'm down fucking bad. I'm just gonna cancel everything and hide

Unknown_01: Disappear for three weeks But hopefully this this has been a significant progress in my plans And I it's hard to speak so ambiguously I would love to share with everybody what I've been up to But I am beset on all sides by extremely mentally ill people who hate me So I can't I just have to I just have to roll with it

Unknown_01: I hope to be back in the U.S. by July 4th. That was my plan. It's a meme number. It's the Independence Day. So it's like, okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna try to do it by July 4th, and if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work. But you know what? So, but wish me luck. Wish me luck on that. I'll film it. I will film that. I'll film myself in whatever airport I end up touching down in on July 4th. I'll post it. I already have what I'm gonna scream at the top of my lungs in my mind I'll probably be immediately detained by the Department Homeland Security for shouting in an airport, but you know what it's America I'll just talk my way out of it. I'll use my guile my sophistication and charm to Razzle-dazzle the police and we'll just get out of there

Unknown_01: So, uh, for the stream, I, uh, when I have been bookmarking, I think everything that I intend to talk about for the stream. And I've just kind of queued it all up. Uh, what do you, I do not have any, like, I have barely any news and I have barely any, like.

Unknown_01: True and stuff. It's it's been you know a bunch has happened like the last two or two and a half weeks, so If we're fortunate, I won't have to delve into that. Let me just check real quick make sure I didn't miss anything on my bookmarks Because I was spending the last hour just getting everything like organized because it's a pain in the ass I'm like I'm not even on my main computer, so I had to like move a bunch of shit over I

Unknown_01: Yeah, okay, I don't think that Actually, let me let me queue this up It's mostly just local stuff because it's like a bunch of people have had time to be retarded. They have had time to Melt down on the internet and to scream and to be angry And to ruin their lives and that's what I talked about here. I Okay, great. Excellent. Let's just jump into it. I'll talk for as long as I can. I have no time restrictions today. I feel great. I don't know if I sound any different. I still have like a little bit of like a thing in my throat, so I sound different.

Unknown_01: Think I sound different in my head. I don't know if I sound different on my microphone But we'll just yeah, I'll just run through everything that's happened and however long I end up talking is however long it will be I do see that I am streaming at 2,000 kilobits per second so oh my god I can't if this works out like the shit that I've thrown together. I would be it would be crazy I Can't listen

Unknown_01: I kind of want to show you where I'm streaming at. I don't know. Okay, I'll phrase it like this. I'm once again stealing Wi-Fi.

Unknown_01: The Wi-Fi I could not find. I have like a little thing that detects Wi-Fi signals, and I went around my apartment where I'm staying, and I found in the closet there was a very, a decent signal that's not decent outside of that closet. So chat I am I'm sitting in a closet I moved in like a writing desk and a laptop because my computer didn't fit and I jury rigged or negro rigged if you prefer My entire streaming set up in a closet and it's very hot in here but I'm suffering for all of you and I'm stealing someone else's Wi-Fi because I don't want to use

Unknown_01: I can't use my phone to stream. I've tried it.

Unknown_01: I'll come out of the closet after the stream, I promise. I promise I won't stay in the closet.

Unknown_01: I just want to let everybody know what I'm doing for you, how I suffer.

Unknown_01: Anyways, cool, excellent, wonderful. So while I have been away, a much anticipated Kiwi Farms exclusive mod has been finished. I'll start with this. It's something nice and wholesome. It is a Doom map.

Unknown_01: They refer to them by a specific extension, but it's a Kiwi Farms themed doom map.

Unknown_01: And at some point I will have to, oh, this is the dilator room. It appears that there are metal bars going into stink ditches down there.

Unknown_01: It's filled with men with guns. There's of course the Nazi room.

Unknown_01: Uh, cause of course we would have a secret Nazi room. Every, everything has to have a secret Nazi room. Otherwise it's not even a real house. I think that's the outside, the observatory. Forbidden server. Oh, okay. It's the forum server. I got you. It's actually, that looks really good. That looks exactly like our logo, which is pretty impressive given the limitations of this engine.

Unknown_01: Cool, this is by Judge Dredd, and it's I think that a lot of the rooms are submissions Yeah, see by it like a there's like a ton of rooms, and they've all been submitted by different users I think they even wanted me to submit one, but I never I never had the the Freedom to do so, but I will play it I will congratulate them for their their hard work by playing the mod on stream at some point

Unknown_01: Little bit of news this just because this is very funny now this happened a while ago, but basically Apex legends runs on source, which I did not know sources the game engine that valve developed And is like Team Fortress 2 and portal and Dota all that's good stuff Apex legends runs on a very modified version of that but the problem is is that when they decided to take their engine and modify it and branch it and They did not keep pulling in updates from steam so a serious remote execution code a remote code execution Vulnerability was found in source years ago, and it was fixed well It was not fixed in the apex legends game because even though even though they run on source They were not pulling in steams fixes for whatever reason which resulted in a very very high profile and embarrassing incident where

Unknown_01: This guy, mid tournament, so he's like not just streaming this, but he's, oh, I can't full screen this? Oh, okay, I'll just play it, sorry. This guy is playing the game on a tournament, live streaming himself, and then suddenly gets hacked.

Unknown_11: I'm getting hacked. I know, I know, sure. Can you play the game? Bro, I'm getting hacked. I know, but can you play, can you play?

Unknown_01: Yeah, but it's cheating.

Unknown_11: The fuck? I know, I know, sure. I know, I know, I know. What? Like, what?

Unknown_01: If you can't see what happens or what he's talking about you can see all the characters in the distance You see those outlines and names you're not supposed to be able to see that So that he's wall hacking and he's literally wall hacking because he's been hacked so the guy who figured out that you could hack players through Steam

Unknown_01: using this RCE had a very, very funny idea of trolling this guy mid-tournament by enabling wall hacks on him. So the hacker went to like a game hack forum, found Apex Legends wall hacks, and then remote executed them on this guy's computer to force him to cheat mid-tournament in a way that has no plausible deniability. He's just fucked.

Unknown_01: And I imagine it must be like terrifying like if you've been practicing for a very long time to play this game and shit And then some like your flight like how like how are you gonna walk your way out of this? You know like oh like I totally got hacked and they enabled cheats on my computer, right? It would just seem like everybody like you just had them on and you forgot about it or just accidentally enabled them And you didn't mean to But he freaks out a little bit. It's funny.

Unknown_11: I can see everyone like I'm I'm

Unknown_10: I didn't leave the game, right?

Unknown_11: Yeah, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving. It's like, what the f- I left, I left. I left. I had to leave. Look, he's like so sullen because he knows, like, how the fuck am I going to explain this? Like, you're caught red-handed for doing something you didn't do.

Unknown_10: Show the hamster? I can do that I think.

Unknown_01: Does that work? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Now we're talking. Now we're in business chat.

Unknown_01: Let me resize them just a bit. I need a bigger hamster. There we go.

Unknown_01: Yeah, that's pretty funny. Apparently he's one of the biggest. Someone's in chat. So it's even, he's just like thinking like, I'm fucked. Like nobody's going to believe that this is a hack or whatever. Nobody's going to believe that someone hacked me and then enabled wall hacks on me. Like it's just fucked.

Unknown_01: Uh, cool. This was the other big news that I, that I bothered to bookmark. Um, this website is, has a, an annoying fly out apparently. Yeah, that's really annoying.

Unknown_01: Tragedy has struck the fine state of Maryland I responded to this in the thread about it in case you don't know a huge bridge in The u.s. Connecting. I think it's connecting Maryland to itself and Maryland has a very weird shape So it's like connecting Maryland to the other side of Maryland across the Chesapeake Bay And I get you're really close to DC. So it's an important commuter Avenue for people going to DC from Northern, Maryland and Anyways, it collapsed, and it collapsed because a ship hit it. The video is strange because it looks very deliberate. I wonder if this is it.

Unknown_01: Oh, this is really shitty. Boom! Bam!

Unknown_01: It's pretty scary.

Unknown_01: A lot of people thought that it was deliberate at first because it does look like the boat is just ramming into it But you can see that there's an electrical error because up until it hits it the lights on the ship are going in and out and for whatever reason when the the power is off they apparently didn't have Because most ships and airplanes these days Even if the power goes out usually the hydraulics have their own secondary power system so that they can continue to navigate Even if the main power is out completely

Unknown_01: So it's it's pretty unusual for a ship or an aircraft to not have their propeller systems on like a different grid but this one did and I think it had been identified that it was like a

Unknown_01: it was already fucked like the port authorities, I think in Chile already identified that this boat was fucked and Allowed it to sail anyways, and it crashed into a big bridge, and it's going to take Billions and trillions of dollars to fix it the crew was all Indian the captain was Ukrainian the boat was Singaporean and The people that died on that were from Maryland They did call in the SOS so the bridge was evacuated But they had construction workers on it and all the construction workers died which is pretty sad

Unknown_01: I know this is old news, but is it yeah, it's pretty crazy cuz I Remember I pulled up my phone And I just went to the bridge on like Google Maps, and it said like the the bridge is closed They hadn't updated the map yet, so it just said like oh yeah, there's a road closure here like yeah Probably there is a road closure. I think that the road is just fucking gone. It's in the sea

Unknown_01: So I'm curious to see how many how many years it will take to fix this probably twice as many as what they had before I think the most notable thing about it was that it was the longest truss it like the the big gap between those two things that collapse Like that that gap between those two towers right there is like the longest truss in the world or the Or the yeah, that's individual truss is the longest truss in the world or something crazy

Unknown_18: Isn't uh And they're gonna rename it it was named after the guy that wrote the um The national anthem and he's a whitey and I think he owned slaves So that's gonna be the george floyd bridge when they rebuild that shit in 20 years from now Ain't that fascinating by the way my response to this on the forum was like happy.

Unknown_01: I said I enjoy seeing um america decay

Unknown_01: I like seeing shit that goes to DC collapse. And then a bunch of people got angry at me and said, Josh, you're being too, trying too hard to be edgy. It's like, I can't, I can't help how I feel when I see all these, when I see the U S and turmoil and things are just collapsing and you know, for a fact, it's going to cost, you know, $20 billion and take 10 years to rebuild it. And it probably won't ever get rebuilt. And then they're going to name it after George Floyd. And it's like, well, fuck it.

Unknown_12: Glad it's gone.

Unknown_01: And all the Marylanders, there's like, Marvin, I've talked about Marvin a bunch of times. He's like a Jewish guy from Baltimore who is old, old school Chris, like mid 2000s Christian. He's the guy in the pickle suit. He's from Maryland. And he's a very, he's like ultra patriotic about Baltimore.

Unknown_01: He was super pissed at me. I can't say that about my bridge.

Unknown_01: Sorry, I'm not trying to deliberately offend people here. I'm just talking about my emotions.

Unknown_01: Can't help it.

Unknown_01: All right, sorry. I keep muting to cough. I don't know how long that will go. Some people warn me that that kind of thing can linger around for a while, but such is life.

Unknown_01: Sorry my second monitor where OBS is on is literally on like a coat hanger on my on my right So in order in order to look at OBS and manipulate things I have to like turn my head 90 degrees and look at it. I'm trying to pay attention to chat regardless I'm physically hurting myself to pay attention to you, but I do see you I do see you Sneed McChuck saying koof koof. I do see you

Unknown_01: Garlic bread saying Marvin is cool. I'm here. I am with you in spirit and presence Epic retracted their statement

Unknown_01: As part of their agreement as I say here or as they say let me read this first epic says epic retracts its statement in regards to Kiwi farms at Kiwi farms net having child sexual abuse material on its website while epic may not agree with the content that may be on the website epic has no direct knowledge of child sexual abuse material on the Kiwi farms website I did not send an NDA so basically there's three things that I asked from them one a retraction

Unknown_01: Two, a certified copy of the retraction. And three, they would help me reclaim a domain, which I think that they have. I have to go check on that. It was a big pain in the ass, but I think it's finally happening.

Unknown_01: In case you're wondering, yes, this does free them up from liability. So the agreement was that the retraction would end the issue, end the dispute. So I can't then sue them anyways. This was not done by them to get ahead of things. This was our agreement.

Unknown_01: However, if you're anxious for a lawsuit, I have some good news for you. There is still another party who is completely ignoring our certified letters. We know for a fact that he or her, depending on how retarded you are, has received them.

Unknown_01: And we're hoping to avoid litigation, but he or her doesn't seem to want to. So now the question is, what do we do with he with him and or her, depending on how retarded you are?

Unknown_01: Oh, and.

Unknown_01: Acer Thorn is suing us in the fine state of West Virginia, the Southern District. So, uh, which is where our business is located. So he emailed a lawsuit, basically. I guess he probably nailed it.

Unknown_01: The Charleston, uh, which I think is the capital of West Virginia. I'm not sure.

Unknown_01: And, um, he is suing us for copyright infringement.

Unknown_01: This is, of course, a vexatious lawsuit. He posted a video and he copyrighted it like eight times.

Unknown_01: From my understanding, what Stebbins does, because let me explain.

Unknown_01: In copyright lawsuits, every work is given a copyright ID and submitted to the United States Library of Congress and the Copyright Office.

Unknown_01: Then, if your copyright is infringed upon, you can sue, and you can be awarded several types of damages, most notably statutory damages and real damages. So if your copyright theft results in $5 of real damage,

Unknown_01: then you can only get $5 of real damages. However, the statutory damages for malicious and knowing copyright infringement is $150,000.

Unknown_01: So Stevens, being a genius, being a 1000 IQ legal expert, decides that when he files his copyright, he actually breaks the video up into several components and pays, I think it's like $50 to $100, or it's like $50 to $250 when you file a copyright. And he pays that amount of money for every part of that video that he breaks up. So when he goes to sue, he says, you actually didn't infringe one copyright by reposting a video. You infringed 20 because I decided to copyright this in 20 chunks. Therefore, you owe me zero dollars in real damages and three three million dollars in punitive damages because it was knowing copyright infringement, which is fucking retarded and that's not how that works, but when you are a Retard loser piece of shit waste of fucking space living in Arkansas and a dump being supported by our government When really they should just not give you any money and allow you to die of starvation in the fair world That's what would happen

Unknown_01: You have the freedom, the time, and the energy available to you to explore novel concepts of exploitation of our justice system.

Unknown_01: Yes, but he can't pay his court fees. Isn't that interesting that he files in form of papara saying that he can't pay a couple dollars per filing, but he is able to file 20 copyright registrations for every video he puts out. And this was like deliberate. He puts out a video, um, saying that the Kiwi Farms is bad. Of course, someone archives it. He DMCA's it. The guy didn't put any commentary into the archive, so I just say, whatever, here you go, it's gone. Uh, knowing that someone would re-upload it immediately. Uh, sure enough, someone does re-upload it, but they break it down, like, every 30 seconds to add, like, robo-voice commentary, which is obviously transformative.

Unknown_01: And then he decides to DM say that and I say send litigation here, and he does so this is like deliberate Calculated malicious just wasting my fucking time our goal is to Have him declared vexatious in West Virginia as well, which would probably Lessen the expense associated with litigating him in the future I'm trying to keep this as like uninteresting as possible Because he's obviously one of those people like Melinda Scott whose entertainment value and filing bullshit frivolous like lawsuits is Like upsetting people like that's his entire thing like he knows that it's frustrating to deal with him and that gets him off because he has literally nothing else in his life and And if you like debate him or try to keep things like, like, you know, try to make a fun out of it, then he'll also have fun. So you just kind of like ignore it and be like, yeah, he's a fucking loser. No, we're just going to handle it.

Unknown_01: Pretty pretty frustrating, but it is what it is. It's just the cost associated with the forum now So it's like now I know that every year we're gonna have this many vexatious litigants filing copyright lawsuits And it's gonna cost this much to deal with so that's just factored into the budget now. That's a In the same way that servers are X amount of dollars a month and domain names and software licenses are X amount of dollars a year, dealing with fat retards with too much free time and government subsidies is a, what's the word? It's like a hazard, an occupational hazard. It's just part of the deal.

Unknown_18: Cool Hassan despite being very successful still and having lots of dollar bills to play around with Is still angry that he is not getting the attention that he feels he deserves.

Unknown_01: Oh Such as life Let's read this because it's pretty funny it's pretty funny to watch this fucking turk roach bitch that he's not getting what he thinks he deserves I

Unknown_01: Assaults is not gonna lie. Australia is all nature shit boys. Not much else out here. It's like Nebraska, but everyone's hot CD-80 says Hassan. Why can't you be normal Hassan says I was very normal yesterday. It's good to ask how animals fuck to an expert I'm so sad. I didn't think the streams are I think the streams are bangers But people just don't see them like yesterday content under the other circumstances is an easy 30k stream Yes, I'm gonna stream in a second

Unknown_01: So he's apparently at this time he was out in Australia and he was like Just wondering about like showing off Australia. Australia is a very cool country. There's lots to show in terms of like especially nature It's a it's like a full-size fucking continents like the size of the United States and there's like 20 million people living there And they're all in the cities.

Unknown_01: So the majority of Australia is like completely untapped original nature. And it's a, it's a biome that is completely unique in the world. There is no other Australia, uh, things there are Australian and they're not very similar to things outside of Australia.

Unknown_01: So it's a really cool place to wander about, especially if you're not terrified of spiders, like I am.

Unknown_01: Hassan says I like it just say no in Australia there are these things called golden orb weavers

Unknown_01: They're everywhere. They're the size of your palm, easy.

Unknown_01: They're fucking huge, and they spin these massive nets or webs or whatever, but they're huge. You walk down the road, and you see them in the bushes, because if there's a clearing in the bush or a hole in the bush, they'll patch that up, and they're right fucking there next to you in the size of your hand. I walked under a tree and hit one of these nests, And I swear to God, I literally dropped to the fucking ground and rolled around because I didn't know if it was on me. And my friend there, who's Vinny, by the way, I guess you guys know who Vinny is now at this point, started laughing. But I literally hit the ground like I had been shot or set on fire or something, just started rolling around trying to figure out if I had a massive-ass spider on the back of my head or some shit. It was terrifying.

Unknown_18: Anyways, but Hassan, his adventures in Australia don't bring him such joy.

Unknown_01: Even though he's getting 13,000 people just watching him wander about, he's not happy about it.

Unknown_01: He says you guys have to stop giving me that dickhead attention. I know I can't stop doing it to Wasop 360 says go swimming in the ocean. That'll be like subnautica in real life Sun says that's what I mean I literally did that shit yesterday and there are people in here who didn't even know so this tranny said hey go swimming because in case you don't know Australia also has unique aquatic life and And Hassan says, I did. But you, despite suggesting this, did not watch my stream. You were not one of the 13,000. You are disloyal.

Unknown_01: in lateral went into the ocean and Motherfuckers in here are hey, you should go to the ocean People are laughing at this son says that's a fun concert. Yeah, you want no shit. That's why I did it I swear twitch streaming isn't about the actual contents But whether people want to pay attention to you or not and clout all that shit was a banger and 13k watch Like I'm a fucking game like I'm gaming at 8 p.m

Unknown_01: Hassan says I am going to kill myself Which you can't say that's suicide baiting I get you in trouble on Twitch Yeah, the stream is buffering I'm sorry, it's just it's just the nature of my connection it's not stable it goes up and down It will catch up eventually though, so don't worry about it. I'll put the recording up and should be fine

Unknown_01: Hassan goes on, say a thing I did one more time as a country idea while I'm complaining about people. No, Lee Berger. Warchung.

Unknown_01: Warchung. It sounds like a German word. Warchung. Warchung.

Unknown_01: Bro, but you should go to an animal sanctuary Hassan. You should go to an animal sanctuary. Look at the animals that get excited Hassan says we used to be a community. This dude sounds like he's one gamba such away from me and bossman Jack I hate my community You guys are never there for me when I need it when I go to an animal sanctuary and pet the kangaroos You aren't there watching me There would be memes galore after yesterday in real life no more memes nowadays I

Unknown_01: I feel kinna a hitty about it, not gonna lie. I'm done. I hate this job. I am not streaming today.

Unknown_01: Fuck it. I woke up at 4 to prep. I'm not doing it. Fuck if. No stream today. Bro, what the fuck is this Discord? I hate what my community is becoming. I hate how much people literally despise any kind of fun content. We killed all the normies. Everyone is like brainbroken and only want politics.

Unknown_01: Canceled a political activists as Hassan has just bothered that views are down because he didn't do enough politics sign replies I don't know this was a space to convert normies to our politics and people who could enjoy shit and many of you Became like weirdos who don't see that as an important part of the project because you associate leftism With being an annoying douchebag who hates fun. That's true It's very true I mean I can kind of understand

Unknown_01: Like, he realized that the money was in jerking people off politically, because that is like a job now. Like, if you want to be like a pundit and you just want to tell people what they already believe, that is like a job and people will throw peanuts at you.

Unknown_01: You can't make a stream like challenging people on what they believe. Like a lot of people don't like that. If you say things that they don't like, they get really angry at you and then they become anti-fans and they cry about you all the fucking time. So it's more difficult to go against the grain. But if you want to tell people what they already believe,

Unknown_01: That's like free money, if you can pull it off. If you can get the audience together. My son figured out that if he just goes on to Twitch and he just says, um, socialism is good. Yeah. Trans women are real women. Yeah.

Unknown_01: um basic income universal basic income yeah uh then people will just like just give him tons of cash free advertiser money easy life and then he's like oh wait by doing this though by jerking off all these retards and telling them what they want to hear for years

Unknown_01: They're all like literally broke-brain Perma perma cave they like live in closets or whatever They're just on their computers on their microphone in a closet like fucking goblins And they don't go outside and pet kangaroos, and they hate outside And they hate kangaroos, and they hate being reminded that hasana be there's not just some guy streaming in a closet But actually goes outside and does stuff with the millions of dollars that they've given him And there's super chat money or whatever

Unknown_01: They don't yeah, they don't like being reminded They probably really don't like that now that I think about it if you're like a leftist streamer It's probably dangerous to remind your audience. I like That you're like super rich and you can go to Australia whenever the fuck you want And you can literally just walk up to a kangaroo and start petting them because you have the money to like buy a kangaroo That's really dangerous to like show people. That's probably they don't want to watch I

Unknown_01: Though I think, also, I think it's worth mentioning that being upset that 13,000 people are watching you is insane. 13,000 people is a huge amount.

Unknown_01: Like the Kiwi Farms gets about like that amount of people signing in every day. So Hassan's viewing audience is like the size of the Kiwi Farms and they're all like when someone uses the forum, I don't make money off of it. But when someone watches him on Twitch, he does make money off of it. They see ads.

Unknown_01: A lot of them get subs, you know, and that's why he's so fucking rich.

Unknown_01: He has a community three times the size of the Kiwi farms when he's doing his political stuff and all of them are giving him money. And he still complained about it. Oh well.

Unknown_01: On the flip side, Steven Crowder. I'm going to have a contrary opinion. You're going to be very upset, and you're going to say mean things in the comments.

Unknown_01: I showed that video of Steven Crowder and his wife arguing, which is still, in case you don't remember, the video was that Steven Crowder's wife, who was like eight months pregnant at the time,

Unknown_01: goes outside and asks Steven to pick up dog shit because the dog is taking an anti, I think it's like an anti-tick medication, but they warn you, do not pick up the dog shit while he's taking this medication because it can absorb into your skin and there are known birth defects to fetuses developing. being exposed to this medication. So if the baby gets like a drop of that medication into him, like he's coming out fucked up. He's going to die. So it's a really, really obviously easy thing to say like, yeah, okay. It's always going to be Steven's job to clean up after the dog because it can kill the baby. Like there's no more obvious an answer for this than to just have him do that.

Unknown_01: Despite this, Steven says, go wear gloves. He's like lounging on the back porch, and he just says to his wife, go get the fucking gloves, pick up the dog shit, I'm not gonna touch it. And then she asked for his car.

Unknown_01: Steven Crowder is a multi-millionaire. He probably makes over a million dollars a year, easily, right?

Unknown_01: Probably a million dollars a month. He makes a lot of fucking money, because he's, like Hassan, he's found a niche, telling people what they want to hear, and it feels really good to be politically jerked off and told that you're right and everything that you agree, everything you believe is the correct opinion. So he makes a lot of money, and he has for a long time. This motherfucker has one car. Why do you think a married man would have one car despite having the space for a second car and the money to buy a new car every week? The only answer, the only legitimate answer to this, and not just like a cheap car, but like a Rolls Royce, like every, every month. The answer is, is that he enjoys the fact that she has to ask him for permission to drive anywhere. It is a controlling thing. Um, to say you can't go to the fucking grocery store.

Unknown_01: Um, because I need the car in a bit is like, it's just a pure, like, yeah, you got to stay at home. You can't go out without, without me knowing and agreeing to it.

Unknown_01: And then afterwards Stephen said that She filed divorce and Stephen complained that she was divorce raping him that she held him down against his will after he was intoxicated bent him over and and Fondled his prostate without his permission. She violently aggravatedly divorce raped him to the sum of $25,000 a month

Unknown_01: And that's true, he is paying her $25,000 a month, which is not very much for Steven Crowder, as we established.

Unknown_01: But it does sound like a lot of money. Like, why does that woman need that much money? And the answer is, is because she's getting divorce-raped. She filed for divorce because he's an obvious piece of shit. And then...

Unknown_01: She is in litigation with him. I think he files a separate civil suit against her like there's multiple ongoing litigations against her and He is he's got like an entire team of divorce attorneys trying to make this divorce as difficult as humanly fucking possible And if she did not have alimony to pay for the divorce Representation she would be fucked there would be no way for her to competently represent herself and

Unknown_01: in this case. So the money that she gets goes directly to the legal team. It is not money for her living expenses, even though she has... Oh, was it only a one-time payment? I thought it was 25 per month. I thought it was... Yeah, okay. If it's one time, then that's even more ridiculous. Basically, the court ordered for him to pay her legal expenses because he's the one that's being aggressive in the divorce court.

Unknown_01: And he's paying multiple times that to litigate against her.

Unknown_01: To the point where she doesn't have the money to feed his children, and he's not giving her any money. Oh, I remember.

Unknown_01: She divorced him because he literally moved out of the house and cut her off from the bank account. She had no money. He wasn't living with her. She doesn't have a car.

Unknown_01: You know what I mean? And she just had a baby. So, obviously, those are the grounds for the divorce, but men never divorce women. In case you don't know, the reason why women divorce most of the time, because this is a big statistic people throw around, did you know that most, almost all divorces are initiated by women? Yeah, because when a guy is done with a woman, he just leaves, and he doesn't file a divorce. If a guy is cheating on a woman, he doesn't divorce her.

Unknown_01: And the money is her money, because they're married. She owns half of it. It's their family trust. They have that in savings. It's coming out of their savings account that they jointly own.

Unknown_01: Um, which he has removed her as a, as a beneficiary of, and she has her baby were twins. It's crazy. It's really crazy that people are on his side and he's not just like the biggest fucking douchebag in the entire world.

Unknown_01: Um, but he jerks them off politically. He says, yeah, Trump is a good president. Yeah. Everyone's like, yeah. Okay. You're my hero. I trust what you have to say. If you say that bitch fucking deserved it, then you know, she fucking deserved it.

Unknown_18: Um, Oh, and the reason why I bring this up is that this guy, uh, not gay Jarrett uploaded a video.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: Alleging that like Crowder's workforce is like shit, and it's it's harassing And he's a pain in the fucking ass and so on and so forth and so Stevens response to this has been to say that not gay Jared Is like actively conspiring against him with his wife everyone's out to get him even though that he cut her off financially left her with the kids moved out and Took the car He's he's the victim Suck it up buttercup around here conservative men take care of their family they pull themselves up by the bootstrap pull yourself up by the bootstrap motherfucking um this is generally related to conservative politics but this is in comics gate and i'm i have no no concept of any of these people so forgive me

Unknown_01: This is like another one of these divisive opinions that everyone gets upset about.

Unknown_01: Ed Pisker was one of the co-hosts of something called... Oh, it's up here. Comics kayfabe. I think he did another show that's like ex-kayfabe, like television kayfabe or something. It was like a YouTube show or something.

Unknown_01: And he got canceled.

Unknown_01: He got canceled because during COVID, he was having a private conversation with a 17-year-old girl on Instagram while he was 39. He invited her over to his house. He said things like, oh, you're a naughty girl. This got publicized.

Unknown_01: because there's a age difference of 22 years. Is that right? 22? Yeah, I think that's right. 22. It sounds like a lot.

Unknown_01: Definitely under the half age plus seven rule. And while I don't think that they actually had sex, I got him into trouble and he got canceled. Well, Chat, he has killed himself.

Unknown_01: And he says, I am so sorry for being so stupid. I definitely should never have talked with Molly D. The language and optics look real dumb at best, but I promise my innocence, especially out of the context, it looks terrible. It was the height of COVID with no end in sight. And I was alone through most of it. I was just happy to have the lowercase I internet to talk to people with common interests. The way that I noticed her was when she would like a bunch of my pictures at once. I wasn't trolling Instagram randomly, but I definitely shouldn't have chatted with her when I found out how young she was. Seeing someone younger representing R. Crumb and Gigi Allen gave me hope for the next generation and made me curious.

Unknown_01: Curiosity killed the cartoonist. There was no way I would have a 17 year old stay at my place. Maybe not 18 even. She was 17 years old in 11 months and 30 days you sick fuck.

Unknown_01: I don't know, maybe don't have, maybe, come on bro, keep it at least half your age. Like half, yeah, 20, 21, can drink, drinking age. I'll negotiate this with you. Let's bump it up just a little bit, so there's at least some fucking excuse.

Unknown_01: I was forward-projecting to some unknown future when COVID lockdowns were finished and we could see people again. It wasn't even sex in mind, but simply saying that there's a bed to crash here. Like the kindness that was given to me a bunch of times was the starting out. Seinfeld town, come crash. Ask Leanna Fick or anyone else who's come to visit. It doesn't mean sex. When I asked if she could keep a secret, it was because I was sharing some Red Room pages before announcing the book and was just trying to sound cool. Tone is missing. When I said naughty girl, it was sarcastic after she told me some simple crime or infraction she committed. The whole pile of DMs she collected isn't to show. It's just awful to look at. I'm sorry.

Unknown_01: Um...

Unknown_01: I wasn't offering professional favors to anyone to use my position to get into anyone's pants. Listen, chat. Stay away from the kids. Stay away from the 17-year-olds. Follow, follow, chat, the golden rule. X. Half of X plus 7. You will never go wrong. There is literally no one on Earth who will take half of age plus 7 and be like, that's fucked up. Never.

Unknown_01: Even OJ.

Unknown_01: Actually, not OJ.

Unknown_01: Because, um... Oh, I'll get to that. I'll get to the juice. Don't worry, boys. Don't worry, chat. I didn't forget the juice.

Unknown_01: Caleb. Caleb is another guy. Oh, jeez. So, Scott Schaefer. I've watched this video. He's not particularly persuasive.

Unknown_01: In part because the victim, or allegedly the victim in this, is, like, so unlikable. Because he's gay, let's be real.

Unknown_01: It's whenever like gay people rape each other. It's just sort of like well You're gay I Don't sound cold. I don't sound rude. I don't want to say that people deserve to be raped for being gay But this was the this is this is a understandable mindset. This was literally the mindset of why I

Unknown_01: Here's okay here if I was a cop right in Milwaukee in the 1960s And I saw that brown boy that had escaped Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment And he was like intoxicated and then Jeffrey Dahmer runs out. Okay. This is this is a true story Jeffrey Dahmer had one of his victims escape and the guy is like fucked up on like roofies or something and Jeffrey Dahmer runs out and the guy had already found police there are like police talking to this brown boy that he had kidnapped and But he's like fucked up on the roofies. So he sounds really drunk and And the police are like, what's going on here? And Jeffrey's like, oh, we're just having a little homoerotic domestic dispute. It's nothing serious. And the police are just like, OK, let me help you get this brown boy back to your apartment. We don't want to get involved in any gay shit. And they literally did that, and he died.

Unknown_01: So if I was a cop in Milwaukee in the 1960s, I probably would have accepted Jeffrey Dahmer's answer as to what was going on, and I would have accidentally contributed to the death of a brown boy through negligence.

Unknown_01: Yeah, he was very young, but I mean, I don't know. That's just what gay people do. Gay people go for teenagers. Like, Milo Yiannopoulos had his first sexual encounter at 14, and then as an adult, he's like, well, it depends on the child. No, that's Carl Benjamin. Milo said something different. Milo said something else like, yo, he had his own depends on the child comment.

Unknown_01: I don't know. Look, I just don't care. I don't want anything to do with gay people, okay?

Unknown_01: So Caleb Hammer is obviously gay, and there's this brown boy that he had invited Over to his show now back in the day all the best episodes of his show are like Actors that he paid and I think that their finances might be real, but there's their actors that he's paying to be on the show to get it started and This kid was one of them, and he had met this guy on this um What the fuck was it?

Unknown_01: It was like some Some website where you can find actors or some shit, and then this guy was running an OnlyFans but it was supposed to be for like women or it was just supposed to be like male modeling or something and After after after the gist is this after Caleb found out that this guy is like dead fucking broke and is spending the last of his money to visit Caleb for the financial audit stuff and Caleb pitches to him that he should suck a dick that there are people who are willing to pay him for gay OnlyFans content and Are willing to pay for him to suck dick and he says I know guys who suck dick for cash and will pay cash for you to suck their dick and You can put it on OnlyFans and because you're young the money you know people pay money and watch it and stuff and like that's the gist of their call and it seems extremely exploitative because

Unknown_01: Here here's your financial advisor who knows every detail of your money knows that you have no money Knows that you're vaguely into doing like adult content already with women and now he's trying to get you to do gay for pay It sounds creepy as fuck. The problem is is that the guy is like a BPD retard and It's almost impossible to trust him

Unknown_01: However, his content is like terrible like Caleb. He really went downhill I think he discovered that horrors get the most views like when you just put like a whore in your thumbnail It gets a hundred thousand more views when it goes viral or whatever the fuck Or it's more likely to go viral So he's just having he had like amaranth on his show and I've just stopped watching like I unsubscribed I didn't want to see all these fucking horrors on my youtube page

Unknown_01: It's really gnarly. I'm disappointed in him, and I'm willing to accept that he might be Jewish. I didn't think that he was Jewish, but now I kind of believe that he is.

Unknown_01: Such is life. I'm always disappointed, chat.

Unknown_18: Alright, Bew is dead.

Unknown_01: That sounds like a...

Unknown_01: a callback, it is not.

Unknown_01: After the Bew suicide thing, I was 100% convinced that he had faked it, because not only are the circumstances of his death stupid, not only is the reason for his death stupid, the stated reason, not only is the evidence for his death basically non-existent, like every single person involved in this was suspicious, unreliable, presenting easily falsifiable evidence, with no death certificate, no documents, nothing at all. And the reason why he said he was going to kill himself was a website that had 13 pages where half of it was him posting and talking to people who really didn't seem to have too much problems with him. When he emailed me, he tried to extort me, and he didn't even wait a day. I said, I'll reply to you in the morning, it's like early in the morning here, it's like midnight, and I'll send you an offer, I'll talk to you.

Unknown_01: And as I've explained in the past, my offer to him was that I felt he was very lonely, because he went to Japan thinking that going to Japan would Be a panacea that would solve all of his problems in life, and I know that Japan is extremely isolating I thought what he probably needs is like someone to work with That's outside of his bubble, and I was going to offer that he work with me on projects that I have

Unknown_01: But he killed himself, apparently, before I could reply. And all I said was, like, bro, I have to talk to my attorney, because I don't know what the fuck is going on. And right in the morning, and he didn't wait. He freaked out overnight, I guess when he saw it, and apparently hanged himself on a doorknob.

Unknown_01: And we're now pretty sure that this is real because someone, multiple people, have sent in a FOIA to the Department of State. Getting information from the Department of State is very difficult and takes a long time. We received, or the guys received FOIA responses in October 2023, so a couple months ago, and he sent it to me. And I received this and I don't know what to make of it. So I sent in my own request to the Department of State and all I asked of them was to verify

Unknown_01: that the document that I received was true, that this is a real FOIA, and the contents of the FOIA match the contents of this PDF. It was received. I got no response. I sent another message to them months ago.

Unknown_01: like this year like in January saying I have not received a reply to my FOIA and They said we received your FOIA and completed it and you have you received a response by email I never received a response by email. I've double triple checked. So I sent them a message that again saying please resend me that by mail to harden

Unknown_01: at his PO box in DC, so it's not that far away and Months later. I never received response to that hard never received any email or paper copy of anything So I've been just been waiting and I was actually thinking of suing them because Hardin is a FOIA lawyer by by trade That's like his thing is that he does FOIAs most of the time in fact a majority of the country's FOIAs are That go to court are litigated by him like that's his bread and butter. He does FOIAs and

Unknown_01: And he loves doing FOIA cases, and he had no issue trying to look into the BU stuff for me.

Unknown_01: But before that happened, someone posted their own FOIA, and it matched very closely to what I had received. And it's pretty safe to say that the contents of this are legitimate, and if they are, that BU is dead, and that the story that Hector Martin published is the actual story that there was a tranny on the phone with him and instead of talking him out of suicide he was there and recounted what weird indie music he was listening to on the phone and That his ashes were sent to his co-worker in Hong Kong like the dumbest and most unbelievable despite the fact that that view was married and had a common-law spouse in Ohio That the ashes were sent to his buddy in Hong Kong in a fucking cookie jar It's just crazy. It's the fact that he is dead is more unbelievable than Then that he would try to fake his death even knowing it because it's just such a stupid fucking story It's and it's such a stupid fucking reason. It's unbelievable No, I killed him yeah, he's Don't spoil it

Unknown_01: And the clues like this are... This guy went over why... Oh, this guy. Sobadash.

Unknown_01: This guy was the clue all along. The stuff Sobadash says about Patrick, Dave's ex-husband, matches 100% with the recount of events given by the FOIA, especially the back-and-forth about the cost of cremation and disposition of the ashes, Patrick emails being the one in blue Comic Sans. So yes, Bew's husband was sending emails to the Department of State, and I'll just show you it.

Unknown_01: Assuming that my internet can hold up.

Unknown_01: This, this is how Beu's husband was communicating to the United States federal government in regards to his dead husband's remains.

Unknown_01: Extremely professional, if I do say so myself, as a font expert.

Unknown_18: Bye.

Unknown_18: He he was a fucking asshole.

Unknown_01: I'm convinced of it now because he had all these enemies in the the emulator community Like these people hated him. They made fun of him in discord. They doxxed his family. They harassed his family and friends They would chase him around all over the place. He was constantly embroiled in this stupid fucking drama And then I think when it came down to killing himself I

Unknown_01: He had two choices. He could just kill himself because he wanted to die because he was a fucking loser who had moved to Japan, had no friends in Japan and was in a foreign alien country as a pudgy white transvestite.

Unknown_01: And option B was try to make some kind of like social movement out of it. And he decided, fuck it, I'll just blame the Kiwi farms and I'll get the Kiwi farm shut down with my suicide. that's what he went with so i just i he like had a revolver with two bullets in it and he tried to shoot me with one and shoot himself with the other kind of a fucking dickhead if i do say so myself however this news um pleased i'm sure the trannies but it also pleased another person in particular chat ethan oliver ralph wait no wrong tab there we go this is the right tab

Unknown_01: Do we read this? Do we read this all? Look at all this shit. Look at all this fucking shit that he wrote about BU.

Unknown_01: I was debating internally if I should read this because apparently Ralph was on Twitter like yeah, that's the point idiot I want to get on mad at the internet I'm gonna write my diatribe my diary article about Joshua fuck Connor moon about fucking John Potter that even is his real name I'm gonna get on that black podcast that coveted mad at the internet bump to my career. You know I'm saying I

Unknown_01: It is a tenuous proposition should I give Ethan Ralph attention chat should we do a poll? Let's do a poll and then I'll put a song on And Then I'll go to the bathroom because even though because after the sex change operation chat, I just can't hold it in anymore So I gotta go I'll do a poll and say I

Unknown_01: Do we feed the pigs and then do yes or no? Vote one for yes, vote two for no, and then see if that works. Does that actually work? Aha, it does work, excellent, all right. Let's see, do I have a nice song that I could play?

Unknown_01: How about this one? ♪ I sold my Jeep for a crack rack ♪ ♪ And a little game to say shush ♪ ♪ When I come up fat, think I'll buy me a civic nest ♪ ♪ I'll wet my entire kitchen ♪ ♪ Juices are all turning red ♪ ♪ Unless any flips the switch like a fucking bitch ♪ ♪ I'll surely be up fat ♪

Unknown_05: Bitch, you know me, I love to gamble Nigga, you know I love slugs Bitch, you know me, I'm a gambler I'll gamble until my body drops Naive old Eddie, you son of a bitch I saw you looking at that old switch Don't make me fucking lose it all Yep, there it goes Fuck my life, I just lost it all

Unknown_05: Every beat of my left foot, my right.

Unknown_05: Now I'm back, I am calm now Sorry chat, I didn't mean it I just get emotional sometimes You know a real man shows emotions I'm not a fake bitch like some other streamers

Unknown_05: Ha ha ha.

Unknown_01: Dude, I hate riggers also. I will explain what this is in a little bit, that song. There is more music in case you're curious, but let's save it. That was an unplanned intermission. All right, what does the poll look like? Feed the pigs, vote one. 100 votes, half the vote went to yes, feed the pigs. Vote two, 47%. 97 votes said no. Well,

Unknown_01: Damn, that's a lot of people who don't want to hear about Ralph.

Unknown_01: Okay. You know what? I'll just keep it nice and short then because I feel like that's what the people want. They don't want to feed the pigs, but half of them do. So we have to make a compromise. We'll just feed them just a little bit.

Unknown_01: So Ralph, what he did,

Unknown_01: Is uh after this came out and I I featured it um, which I guess some people thought was a dumb idea, but it's like It's the kiwi farms if i'm not gonna feature this And be transparent with people about stuff then what the fuck what the fuck's the point of the site, you know, you know Like what the fuck is the point? um, so I I just featured it. I know I and I don't regret it because I think that that's important that people know

Unknown_01: After you know years and thanks to the Kiwi farms We actually have a confirmation of this which otherwise would just be some insane fucking tranny story about listening to music You know on the phone Anyways a Bedtime story about Josh moon at X Josh on Twitter. Oh

Unknown_01: So Josh, Moon, John Potter, whatever this evil slug has changed his name to, still goes by Null on the lowercase i internet. He started a site called the Kiwi Farms to troll shield himself over his allegedly past love of Shadokhan and Lolicon, his dreams of killing his mother. his creepy stalking of romantic interests that wanted nothing to do with him, his general lies, the form that he set up for pedophiles to commiserate and coordinate their sick predilections for harm and children, now has another confirmed kill on his record.

Unknown_01: Unlike Noel, I don't have to sit here and lie. Before this, I had no idea who David Ginder, a.k.a. Bew, was. I still barely know about the guy. He was a tranny. Obviously, that's a lifestyle choice. I cannot understand and have ridicule when the occasion calls for it. I slept well last night, regardless. Or nonetheless, I always sleep well. Why? Because I don't lie about who I am and what this nasty place really is. But Josh Moon does.

Unknown_01: Ralph, you sleep well because you take enough tranquilizers to kill a horse. You sleep well because you mix Xanax and alcohol. I have seen you sleep well mid-sentence in another man's house while standing.

Unknown_01: It's not really fair to compare my sleeping habits with yours when you are on performance-enhancing drugs, all right? That's some bullshit.

Unknown_01: He likes to act as if his hands are tied when it comes to removing the information of people on his website, Kiwi Farms. This is a site that was specifically set up to harass, threaten, and chronicle the lives of those deemed worthy of such journalism.

Unknown_01: Oh man, I don't even have to point out the irony of that. It hosts countless doxxes, lies, pictures of people's children and extended family, encourages and chronicles off-site harassment, and has been responsible for countless acts of real-world crime, which is fucking bullshit, obviously.

Unknown_01: People have been physically attacked, homes vandalized, bank accounts... Is he blaming me for Dan beating his ass in Portugal? Motherfucker, that was Cog. Cog hates me. Cog doesn't have a forum account.

Unknown_01: Cogs friend doesn't know what the sector is. How is he going to cry about me getting his ass kicked in Portugal? Homes analyzed. That was Zoom and the plate gang. I don't know why he's blaming me for that. Bank accounts hacked. That was the DSP people. They don't count. Careers ruined and altered permanently. That's probably true. A bunch of people have lost jobs because their shit has gone public on the forum. Also Josh Moon, no, can make an easy buck and shield himself against the criticism he so richly deserves. There was a threat on my children before they were even born. That is right. I don't make money off the site though.

Unknown_01: There is a thing, I want to compare this because he repeats this several times. This same evil fuck refuses to allow a threat on himself. That's not true, there's like three threats on us. He admits it would drive him to madness. I don't think I've said that he is not some champion of free speech.

Unknown_01: He's a lying pussy who made a career off being a fake disingenuous bastard gender be whatever you want calm came to know in his time of need and offered him a hundred and Twenty thousand dollars to take down his threat or else he would kill himself He offered his highly skilled services as a developer for free to know if only he would pull down his personal information Nolan not only refused this on bullshit, censorship, and free speech grounds, he also published the exchange for his deranged gang of sickos to Gawk at to make another easy buck. Well, Gender did kill himself.

Unknown_01: chat first off he was he had already stated that hecker martin published um the suicide note before i published the exchange i did not publish the exchange i woke up after the note was out and published it as soon as i did um so that that's not what i did that's inaccurate However, I would like to point out the inconsistency here. Ralph is accusing me of trying to make an easy buck. I would like to indicate that the Kiwi Farms is the exact fucking opposite of whatever the fucking easy buck is.

Unknown_01: I can easily get a job, or could have, working in IT, making six figures, way more than I do right now, with the kind of skill set that I have.

Unknown_01: If I just stayed working in IT at the time I started the forum, I would probably work easy hours making decent money in the tech industry. That's the easy buck. That's why everyone does that. That's why there's a billion Indian people trying to learn Bitcoin and IT stuff.

Unknown_01: There's a direct contradiction though, which is so apparent that it's kind of like insane that he wrote this and didn't realize how blatantly he contradicts himself. Bew offered me $120,000 to take down his thread and I didn't to make another easy buck. Offered money, didn't take it to make an easy buck.

Unknown_01: Like the holes, the wet brain alcohol holes in his fucking head.

Unknown_01: To not it's it's the same fucking paragraph my cursor is moving like three inches to compare these two sentences and he didn't know yeah, this is this dude has a Well, he almost had a degree. He dropped out. He was going for a degree in journalism He should know how to fucking write and write in a way. That's persuasive, but he doesn't Um

Unknown_01: And then it just says that the forum is bad. I'll skip past that, it's uninteresting. You can read it if you want, it's featured, I think. No, it's not featured, because it's Ralph crying, but it's in the thread.

Unknown_01: It says he sleeps well. I doubt Josh Moon gets that same sort of rest. Bro, I sleep like a brick. I wish I could prove this somehow, that I sleep like a brick. I go to bed and I fall asleep. I take a magnesium. It helps me relax. Here's a pro tip, by the way.

Unknown_01: For those of us who have our sins crawling on our skin at night, don't take melatonin. I've realized that melatonin makes it harder to get up in the morning.

Unknown_01: Magnesium is both better for you because it has a mineral quality to it. It helps you go to sleep and then it doesn't make it harder to get up in the morning. So if you're taking melatonin and you find it hard to wake up in the morning, try substituting that with magnesium instead.

Unknown_01: Just a thought.

Unknown_01: Sleep stream, ooh, I could make some, me on Twitch, sleep streaming, comfy maxing, I don't know, might be a good time. Anyways, then after this, as if that's not embarrassing enough, Ralph went out to, this is genuinely like, why would you post this? Why are you proud of this?

Unknown_01: He says, Supporting OJ during his case when I was 9-10 years old was one of the most superb seasons of my entire life. I remember jumping up and laughing while some of my female classmates in my 4th grade class cried about OJ winning. The teacher turned on the verdict in class. This happened nationwide. Why did I support OJ? I don't know. It just felt a little punk rock to support OJ because I already hated the entire system so fucking much. You could just tell that this whole setup was stupid and gay. I've always had a deep feeling that the system, or at least the people who run it, are thieves who turn us, the rest of us, into an almost slave class.

Unknown_01: To me, him winning was the kind of fuck the government, fuck these people who I can already see control everything we do. OJ winning was funny to me, arguing endlessly in class about it as a kid, because I would even argue with adults. It was like trolling people in real life, lol. It was just fun. I remember watching hours and hours of coverage, interviews, afternoon tabloids, national choir, newspapers, etc. I just fell into this super information around the clock, breaking story that you could really follow all day. The OJ trial and the coverage was that headlong speed race into that modern sick hellhole we live in now.

Unknown_01: In case you're young and don't know much about O.J. Simpson, O.J. Simpson was a star quarterback in the NFL. He was voted an MVP, and he lived in L.A., and he married a woman. He had two kids with her.

Unknown_01: he divorced her he married a black woman and then married a white woman who was I Want to say 18 or 19 and so she was like 10 years younger than him He and he ditches he ditches entire black family to be with this woman. They had two mulatto kids who are very gross-looking and a couple years later

Unknown_01: They also divorced and they divorced because OJ Simpson was a domestically violent person. There were multiple calls to the police station about him hitting her.

Unknown_01: She had marks that were photographed. He was convicted of domestic violence and given two years parole, but no jail time. And eventually she divorced him.

Unknown_01: She moved away. OJ Simpson went to her house and murdered her. And another man, um, named Ron, I think it's like his head, a Jewish name was like Ron Lederman or something.

Unknown_01: Um, whoever the fuck that, uh, wherever the fuck his name is, he also dies.

Unknown_01: The evidence against O.J. Simpson is overwhelming. There is a bloody glove at the crime scene and at his house, famously an isotoner glove.

Unknown_01: There is literally a trail of blood from the crime scene to O.J. Simpson's house.

Unknown_01: There are splatters of blood from the fucking house all the way up the road he drove on to his own house.

Unknown_01: There is no alibi for OJ Simpson for the time that that the murder took place and he had a history of violence against her and He goes to court it is a national circus because he's a famous famous NFL player and back in the day when there was the celebrities were more celebrity than they are now like being a A-list celebrity was a huge fucking deal everyone knows who you are and And it was scandalous. And there was a conflating factor about this. You had the L.A. riots.

Unknown_01: The L.A. riots were, I think, in 1991, which was like right before the O.J. Simpson murder, where the police beat the fuck out of this black boy. And you can say whatever the fuck you want about that, but the footage of him with the police baton just wailing on this kid became a national news story, and it caused riots that burned down half of LA, and this is in the aftermath of this. You have this police brutality thing that is fresh in people's mind, and then you have this black man, very famous, everybody loves him, dead to fucking rights on a murder of a white woman.

Unknown_01: in L.A., in this county.

Unknown_01: It goes to trial, and it is a circus. O.J. Simpson had assembled what they called the Dream Team, and it included, by the way, Kim Kardashian's father as one of the attorneys.

Unknown_01: And, uh, that one black guy, I forget his name, Johnny Cochran, and that's very important because the cinching moment of this is that they take the Isertoner, oh, the Isertoner gloves, by the way, were discovered by a police officer, patrolman, who had said the word nigger, and they had some...

Unknown_01: some witness testimony asserting that the cop that found the ice-returner glove had said nigger at some point and so they said that he was racist and that he intentionally framed OJ Simpson, but the The cinching moment was that OJ Simpson wearing a latex glove tried to put on the ice-returner glove which at that point had been washed and probably shrank in the wash because they didn't wash it correctly and And he, like, tries to, like, weakly throw this glove on, and the glove seems to fit perfectly, but he's not really pulling. And he holds it up in the court and says, it don't fit! It don't fit! And then Johnny Cochran says, if the glove don't fit, ya musta quit. And the jury was, like, seven black people, five white people. and they voted to acquit. And at that point it was a racial divide. Every black person in the entire country jumped up in unison and screamed and cheered and danced and laughed that they had finally won one and that finally a man of color was able to kill a white bitch and get away with it. And white people were just in shock that we now obviously live in this bifurcated reality where black people have their own justice system and white people have their own justice system. And it's just they should never mix ever under any circumstances because you will never get justice.

Unknown_01: Ethan Ralph idolizes OJ Simpson because Ethan Ralph has never found a black dick that he would not suck. Ethan Ralph was born on his hands and knees, desperate for black penis, grew up on a diet of black penis, and to this day looks back fondly on his life sucking black penis and calls it the most superb time. Let me quote him exactly.

Unknown_01: One of the most superb seasons of my entire life. One of the finest black dicks I ever did suck. I went to every white bitch in my school and I told him, yeah, I sucked that black dick just fine. And then two decades later, three decades later, cause he's an old fuck. He goes out to the internet and says, yeah, I remember sucking that black penis. And that was, that was a fine time in my life. And that's, that's Ethan Ralph. You just can't get enough of it. That's his entire reason, reason de entente. He loves black dick So I think there's a video here. I have preloaded and let's watch six seconds See you didn't understand why OJ Simpson is my hero.

Unknown_22: Well, this is from a while ago This was after When I think he got

Unknown_01: paroled Because he he had an armed robbery years later And went to jail for like ten years nine years and then got paroled He was convicted to like nine to thirty three and a half years for armed robbery, and he only he after nine years He got paroled and I think that was after that that Ralph got really drunk. It's I love OJ Simpson

Unknown_01: I wish I could kill my wives, too. I'm fucking retarded. I love black people so goddamn much. Every day I wake up and I see that my skin's white, I cry myself to sleep. Ronnie, you bastard. You dead bastard burning in hell. Why didn't you fuck a black woman? They would've fucked ya. They would've fucked any white man. And you fucked some white bitch. Why'd you do this to me, Ronnie? Why'd you do this? Why is my skin so pale, Ronnie?

Unknown_18: So sad. It's so sad, chat.

Unknown_18: All right, that's enough pig, I think. I think so.

Unknown_01: So this kitty cat, Moose, was saved from a zoosadist

Unknown_01: The Sapphire Crimson Claw, the Transmask Druid.

Unknown_01: I do not know too much about this, but I do want to just show these things. This cat is safe, rescued from a evil tranny who hurt animals. And then also, no, wait, no, this is different. Okay, so I'll just leave it on this.

Unknown_01: I have been contacted by the way, and you're getting a scoop here. I don't want to give too much information. I have been contacted by a journalist.

Unknown_01: And normally, I would just tell the journalist to fuck off. However, they seem sincere because they're covering the ZUSEDA stuff. And I don't want to say anything more on this because I don't want people to like cause problems for it.

Unknown_01: But I am going to try and get the Kiwi farms credited in a documentary, like a real documentary. That's my, I will help this journal, but I expect the Kiwi, I credit with special thanks to the Kiwi farms in the credit reel or it's not a fucking happening. This is, this is my, uh, this is my gambit. We'll see if it happens yet. You'll know I'm the real captain. I always have a plan chat.

Unknown_01: Let's just put this in a different spot, but a There's a animal penis Litigation going on Animal penis dildo company bad dragon is suing sin saint over stolen animal penis dildo designs I can't show this on stream but basically

Unknown_01: Bad dragon who also commissioned that there's no cock like horse. Sorry There's no cock like horse cock song is also. They sell like a lot of different animal penis designs and apparently since ain't who also is in the animal penis industry has Borrowed a couple of those designs for their own purposes Apparently bad dragons sent them like a cease and desist and so since since ain't

Unknown_01: Altered their animal penises, but apparently not enough to bad dragons liking so there is now a team of attorneys trying to advise these companies on how to deal with an animal penis product and This is going into court, and I'm just going to take a wild fucking guess and say that this is in California Where is this

Unknown_18: Oh, here's the court listener.

Unknown_01: Arizona.

Unknown_01: Oh man, Arizona. You got some explaining to do. Why is there this animal penis litigation in your, in your district, huh? What the fuck are you doing? It's in the district. It's a federal copyright. Interesting. Interesting. There you go. Sorry, Arizona. You do have a nice flag though.

Unknown_01: Let's watch this. Do I dare try to download a video?

Unknown_18: I've not watched this yet.

Unknown_12: Let's see.

Unknown_01: This is YandereDev celebrating 10 years of Yandere simulator development.

Unknown_01: Is this like a Vocaloid thing? Is that why it sounds so robotic?

Unknown_01: it's not um no it's not he has been working on this like continuously for 10 years and it's not done oh i forgot he also added like a sales on sans undertale thing to it see he added this to the game so like okay so his issue is

Unknown_01: And when I was a kid and I developed like mods for games and stuff I also would do this where I would get distracted like I'm supposed to be working on this core feature That's really complicated and it takes a long time and maybe it involves rewriting like existing code So it's like it's just a really deep issue and you have to actually sit down and concentrate for eight hours You know to get it done and you would get distracted by like

Unknown_01: Wanting to do fun stuff and he would just add in like you just take a second and add something like stupid uh fun for people to to play around with And again, dairy devs issue is that he does this a lot too. He calls them easter eggs Like i'm adding easter eggs to the game and that excuses why they're so stupid and like one of them is like the sans undertale um, like boss fights and shit and That's supposed to just be like an easter egg. Well, he does this instead of like core development because he doesn't want to go back and rewrite all the trashy shit that he's actually thrown together or add new features that are real. He just keeps writing easter eggs continuously and that's how he's managed to grift this shit for 10 fucking years without actually putting on a game.

Unknown_01: It's kind of insane.

Unknown_01: Uh, but 10 years, here's the 10 more buddy. Only 30,000 views. That's crazy. Cause if you watch his channel, I want to say that like his, his, um, yeah, like he would put out some of these videos that got like hundreds of thoughts. What the fuck is this? He published on his channel, the intro to an anime called poo poo.

Unknown_01: Is this just like a random show?

Unknown_01: Bro, this is fucking mind rot if you watch this you should kill yourself now Nigga, your life have no value What the fuck are you doing with your life? This has 2 million views 2 million people have watched this video in full and they did not immediately jump off a fucking roof What a sad existence

Unknown_01: Yeah, his old videos used to make like get like a ton of views and now like nobody watches the shit Cool Speaking of a long-lasting thing long-running thing concluding Actually on Derry sim is not concluding so there's no parallel whatsoever

Unknown_01: Gino Samuel has completed from the People's Republic of China Part 85 of the Christian documentary which ends The season I believe he's done. He doesn't want to do anymore Maybe he'll do more in the future, but he considers this like the stopping point and this is The episode that Chris has sex with his mom and I

Unknown_01: I mean there's some interesting stuff. He did a good job with like Bella and Like the discord drama shit and how how that leaked out and how people identified Bella and What happened after Bella and so on and so forth he did a good job with that. I think that what he fucked up was the actual timeline of of how

Unknown_01: of like the story and I've reached out to him because he has a forum account and I've reached out to him in the past and I'm like dude if you have any questions you can just ask but he refuses to do that like he just uses the quickie or in the forum and just kind of like fills in the gaps himself But he completely fucks up like the timeline of Chris did this I say this Chris did this we talked to each other like I could have helped him because that that Weekend of like Chris it came out that Chris fucked his mom And then I'm trying to figure out what the fuck to do because I don't know if it's like what the context is or if it's real or if it's like a relationship or and that she's into that she maybe she started it because they had a like there's a lot of shit there and then

Unknown_01: he decides to clip mad at the internet and there's a a video i've done it's not well it's not me but it's like a 30 minute long explanation of the whole ordeal in chronological order with all the signal messages and he doesn't clip that and show parts of that he instead clips like a joke i make where it just says like I'm sure Gina will show this in part 286 or whatever the fuck of his documentary and like instead of a clipping like the Content he clips the part. That's like self-referential, and I really didn't like that because it's like Was it more important for you to to get the part where I? Acknowledge the documentary than it was for you to get the timeline of the events correct um

Unknown_01: You know aside from that it was it was very good I'm just a little disappointed because it it was kind of like a movie in terms of like how the bomb drops and then you're like left trying to to figure out what the fuck to do and then the conclusion of it like that weekend was very very

Unknown_01: It was full of very complicated questions that had to be answered diligently, and I feel like I handled it the absolute best I possibly could have. I really lucked out with how I handled the Chris shit, and it kind of upsets me that he didn't ask to confirm that things were ordered correctly.

Unknown_01: You know it's not even like a conceit thing where it's like I feel like I deserve more more credit or something It's just like the information is there. It's just it's just not it's just not slotted in correctly It would have been an easy fix even like as a last-second fix if he had asked But such is life other than that I'm very happy that

Unknown_01: I'm happy that the Chris shit is over and now it can be basically ignored like this is the only stuff that comes out about Chris now is that Chris tried to book a convention at the Bay Area Brony Bronycon which is in San Francisco and They told him to fuck off and then not only did they tell them tell him to fuck off

Unknown_01: They framed his emails Replying to him at like angry that he was told to fuck off and are hanging that I guess in their room Which is a bit weird But whatever they're brony's I guess let's I can get away with that

Unknown_01: That's it. This was kind of like a nice little Chris update that wasn't incest related or like an idea guy related so Oh God and finally this so this is this is something that happened over my break because while I was on break I was still checking on the forum to make sure everything was fine and one of the things that was happening that I

Unknown_01: that I decided to address was that King Cobra was being evicted from his apartment. If you don't know, King Cobra is living with this awful, awful woman called N-A-L.

Unknown_01: Which I think stands for naked, all, naked and loving?

Unknown_01: It's naked and something, I think. But everyone just calls her NAL. She's really ugly, inside and out. She's very mean to Cobes.

Unknown_01: People can't wait for her to get the fuck out.

Unknown_01: She's basically a life-ruining kind of woman and there is some debate over the a-log community if He was evicted from his apartment because of her and her noise level like she's a BPD screaming psychopath like histrionic freak

Unknown_01: and It remains it's unknown if the eviction was due to her or due to a logs from the subreddit The King Cobra subreddit which by the way over the hiatus was also banned. I'm not sure why they were really crazy They really hate Cobra and call him like a pedophile for no reason And they hate the forum because we don't try to kill him or something But they got banned

Unknown_01: Anyways, so he was getting evicted and I was kind of pissed off at the reddit people might have been involved so I was genuinely pitching the idea that maybe I should just buy a house in Casper, Wyoming and Rent it to him because he has HUD he has free money from the government from the Housing Authority So he has enough money to pay a mortgage. Basically. I just need somebody like go over there and Check on it and make sure the house is not in disrepair

Unknown_01: I even reached out to his father Clint and I and I offered this and this is by the way I very deliberately slotted this in after the Chris stuff so everyone can yell at me in chat I Don't think Clint responded because I Clint is apparently very very progressive. He's like super gay liberal type and in Wyoming so it's unlikely that he will accept any and for anything from Kiwi farms adjacent anything at all ever and

Unknown_01: But it wasn't just it wasn't a completely selfless offer because having a home in Wyoming Would solve a lot of problems for me like having a having a lived-in space. That was not a pure economic deficit on me That someone lived in that was taken care of Would would help a lot with my situation and trying to trying to get everything squared away coming back into the u.s. I

Unknown_01: I don't know specifically what his financial situation is. I think people were estimating that he was making probably like $600 a month.

Unknown_01: He has social security income, which is not to be confused with SSDI.

Unknown_01: I think that there is some clarification that his SSDI was... People say that he has that because he's obviously disabled, but SSDI pays more, whereas he doesn't really get too much money from the government because he's only on SSI.

Unknown_01: I don't know what his HSA or if he has HUD payments or whatever, but I'm sure he could get it if he applied for it.

Unknown_01: However, one of the interesting things is that I learned, and I'll just pass this nugget of wisdom along to you.

Unknown_01: I asked, you know, if Kobes, let's just say not just Kobes, but anybody. You have a guy and he has $1,000 a month in income for housing. And so he can spend that on rental income, right?

Unknown_01: Well, generally speaking, when you have rental money, you could buy a house.

Unknown_01: Like the only the only valley to cross in buying a house is that first of all you have to Recognize that this is now your house. You have to take care of it. Nobody comes along and fixes it for you And you also have to have enough money for a down payment, but theoretically I'm sorry the hamster is stuck along for way too long He always does that he always sneaks in way longer than he has to

Unknown_01: But theoretically, budgetarily speaking, someone with income can buy a house, especially if you get like a cosigner. So I just wondered aloud in the thread, why doesn't Clint or Kobes buy his own house that he can't get evicted from? And lo and behold, the money that he gets is diminished based on his wealth.

Unknown_01: So if you are on this type of income and you buy a home and you start putting equity into your home, that equity is used against you in deciding how much money that you get. So it's not possible to take your money and buy a house with it and pay it off. But it is possible to get money to pay for rent and never own anything. So quite literally, for the poorest people in the country, the government doesn't want you to own anything. The government incentivizes you as hard as possible to own nothing. Don't own a house or we'll start reducing your payments. Don't be middle class because then you can't get on Medicare or Medicaid, whichever one is for poor people. If you have too much money, If you're over like 200% of the poverty line in that state, you don't get poor people free health care that always pays out and you get the same coverage as everybody else. If you take your housing money and you buy a house with it, we'll take away your housing money, but if you rent and never own a house, then you'll keep getting your money forever. It's like everything that the government does is designed in such a way to make sure that you never own anything ever. It was really crazy to me because I didn't know that until I started thinking about it in Cobes's thread and people Like elucidated me that that's how it works It's it's set up in such a way to disincentivize you from investing into your own life like wow wonderful But I can I he can pay me to get a house apparently if I had worked that out with him just crazy This is a video I have not watched before but apparently it's funny. Let's take a look. Oh

Unknown_01: This is, uh, NAL, by the way.

Unknown_03: No, it's not going to be fine. No, it's not.

Unknown_03: I've only been begging for attention for the past, like two days.

Unknown_03: I need to be told like a toddler. No, you don't get attention. You can get attention on this day and this day and this day, not these days. I need to be talked to like a little child.

Unknown_03: Otherwise I get mentally sick to my stomach and I don't fucking eat.

Unknown_03: I need to know where I stand in people's lives because people throw me the fuck away like a used fucking tampon. I need to know where I stand in people's lives, not fucking messaging me three days later. I don't need that in my life. I don't.

Unknown_03: So if you want to be free, you can be free. I'm not afraid to let you loose. Like you've already had the taste.

Unknown_03: you probably deserve somebody way more better than me anyway so she's probably out there so i hope you get it i hope you get what you deserve in your life because it's obviously not me so i hope you get what you deserve i hope you get what you deserve because it's not me obviously i've been begging for your fucking attention

Unknown_18: I'm a fucking loser.

Unknown_03: You can break up with me. It's fine. It ain't gonna hurt my feeling. I can give your ring back too. It's not gonna hurt me.

Unknown_03: You can give it to somebody more deserving because I obviously don't deserve it.

Unknown_03: I hope you got somebody else in line for that because I can give it back to you.

Unknown_23: I can give it back to you because obviously I don't deserve it.

Unknown_01: That's Cobes by the way trying to get a hold of her because she's like threatening to break up with him and he's like blowing up her phone And instead of just muting it because you know, that would indicate that you don't want to talk to him She's like proud that he's like panicking and blowing up her phone. So she's just letting that play out I don't know who's calling me, but I can't read that, so.

Unknown_08: You can call whatever girlfriend you got on deck in the next in line, because it's not me, obviously.

Unknown_01: You know, when you have multiple sound effects going on at the same time, like a video game or something, it's called a soundscape. And I think that the word soundscape is the best word to apply here. You are not just hearing noises, you are ruminating in a collective sound experience that can only be described as a proper soundscape chat.

Unknown_08: I'm sorry, I'll fucking call you back. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Unknown_08: Where is she? He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find her! He can't find I know I'm nothing. I'm nothing to nobody. I don't believe anything you say.

Unknown_01: The reason why it's so loud is that it's the same phone that she's recording with, I'm pretty sure. So like, it's, it's, you're hearing the actual device that's recording Buzz and Bring as well.

Unknown_08: I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care anymore. You're literally fucking harassing me at this point. I want to be left alone.

Unknown_02: I know how much I mean to no one.

Unknown_01: There's no point in pussing out now, Chad. I mean zero to nobody.

Unknown_02: I mean, you can't have one more fucking life, so pretend to fucking, like, give that to... Whatever her name is, the blonde girl with the big tata is out to fucking here.

Unknown_23: That's why you say what you say to me, because mine aren't good enough. That's fine. Mine aren't good enough. That's fine. I know they're not good enough.

Unknown_12: Almost done. We're almost out of here.

Unknown_01: I don't think one and a half speed would help. Oh, my phone was ringing.

Unknown_23: I guess even she has her limits.

Unknown_01: You know what? I just remembered something. I think I bookmarked it. Give me a second. It's up here somewhere. It's another Cobes thing. It's a, I've also not watched this, but someone, it's apparently about me. Uh, let's see.

Unknown_01: I'll do I'm looking through my bookmark trying to find it. Look at that. That's what that's what she is We need we gotta save Josh Josh. We gotta save Josh from the nightmare that he's currently living in from this fucking bar They call her the bog which that's pretty that's pretty close. It's pretty she's pretty bog boggly I

Unknown_18: I'll do it. I forgot about the man. I can't.

Unknown_18: There's a video.

Unknown_01: Oh, it's on the front page. So I can still play it. Okay. Let's hope this works here to play this. And then I have another video. I think that I want to play.

Unknown_16: Evicted again.

Unknown_16: Thanks to that witch.

Unknown_16: I never found Puff.

Unknown_16: And now I never will.

Unknown_16: I'm so sorry, Scotty.

Unknown_16: I failed again.

Unknown_00: It doesn't matter what Josh got, because he's my friend either or, you know? I might not have been here from the beginning, but I'm sure as hell we'll be here from the end.

Unknown_16: Each time I get up, I find myself even lower than where I began.

Unknown_16: My dad's weeping face is at the bottom of every bottle.

Unknown_16: My life is in the negative.

Unknown_16: You don't have to help me, but any direction would be greatly appreciated.

Unknown_01: Very sad show.

Unknown_01: Um, okay. And then this.

Unknown_01: I haven't talked about ADF in a very long time But this woman protests Era American she protests Islam by burning Qurans across the country and if you don't know ADF is like a very old-school Low-cal he's like a he has such a long history I've tried to sum up his history a couple times on stream if you know I'm talking about you know I'm talking about

Unknown_01: He lives in Portland.

Unknown_01: He is self-described as Antifa. There are several very embarrassing pictures of him dressed as like Mao Zedong, like a Chinese communist. And he calls himself like a Maoist. These pictures very frequently end up in like cringe leftist montage images.

Unknown_01: But he also, I think, calls himself like Muslim, or he just really loves Muslims or something. He's like pro-Palestine.

Unknown_01: So he sees this woman burning a Quran and even though this is like drama related to her uh It is ADF So let's skip ahead a bit to the good stuff see that burning Quran So she's just in a nice uh park in Portland gonna set fire to a Quran Is this where the Hamas supporters are

Unknown_01: That is definitely ADF, and that's how he dresses, by the way.

Unknown_17: Hamas supporters, found them!

Unknown_17: Well, Hamas supporters, Palestinian supporters, supporters of the bad Palestinians, actually, not the good ones.

Unknown_17: Not the ones that are getting killed by Hamas.

Unknown_17: Now you guys are here marching for the ones taken from the hospital, right?

Unknown_10: You get the fuck out.

Unknown_10: You get the fuck out now. Five.

Unknown_10: Four.

Unknown_10: Three.

Unknown_01: He's just like, oh, that's his chart wrangler. That's the gay guy that I think he lives with. When ADF just like walks up and pepper sprays her, like directly into the camera in a way that you could never ever possibly fucking deny in a court of law. I guess he feels safe because he's wearing black, but he's ADF, like we know this.

Unknown_22: Hey, what's going on?

Unknown_20: Save the Quran!

Unknown_17: Oh, so I don't have a right to burn things, but you guys can. What am I burning? This is like a public hate crime. Is it?

Unknown_01: It's a hate crime.

Unknown_17: So much for a religion of peace.

Unknown_01: That's your ADF update.

Unknown_01: Um, I saw that I had briefly lost connection in the closet. Um,

Unknown_01: But I should be fine. So if you guys want to let me know when you can see again, I think we're back. I think everything's gonna be fine. Just a little hiccup, a little disconnect-a-rooski happens all the time, chat. Yeah, I'll deal with that. I'll try to make the connection a little bit better for next time, but it is what it is for now.

Unknown_01: Um, in one last room, uh, we got, we got, we got, uh, one of my favorites that we have to talk about. There's no way around it. It's just how it is.

Unknown_18: Hello, chat, be back.

Unknown_18: Okay, so.

Unknown_01: I don't know what the fuck has happened. I use a online restreamer and it's just down. So this isn't even me. This isn't even my fault. The restream service is fucking down and it can't connect. It just died midstream. So now I'm, I can't, I don't have the bandwidth to stream to barely even one. Um, so I can't multi stream or multicast, whatever they call it. So I'm simply restreaming to rumble to finish the stream.

Unknown_01: Dude, it's crazy. It's unfucking real. Like how shit everything is all the fucking time. I'm gonna have to set up my own thing where I can multicast.

Unknown_01: Dude, it's straight up fucking dead! I'm telling you, it's dead. I'm not lying to you, I'm not fucking with you. Alright, I'm gonna tell everybody in the other chats to go to Rumble, and then I will finish the stream.

Unknown_01: Restream service died.

Unknown_01: I can't even talk, dude, I can't even talk about Bossman Jack.

Unknown_01: It's fucking tragic, is what it is. It's fucking tragic.

Unknown_18: All right, we are going to play the song again, and you will like it, and you will clap as it plays.

Unknown_01: Do you understand? Here we go. Recording starts now.

Unknown_05: How am I getting all these mines, dude? How am I getting all these gems? Holy shit, boss!

Unknown_05: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, dude, I'm dead Oh my god, man, let's fucking go Dude, dude, I can come undue I can go get an A for something And still have a bunch of game of mine left over Let's fucking go Oh, Ripper, where are we gonna go for the other one? We gotta go for another There's years, yes sir, let's fucking go That's what I'm talking about

Unknown_05: Slaughter some man, losing this too Oh my God, okay we're good, we're fine, we're chillin' We're chillin' like a villain, my boy, no I can't lose another one, I can't lose another one Man, fuck off, I was like Dodge 100 Such a fucking idiot, oh my fucking God Man, oh my God, man, that's so crazy, man Fuck my life, dude, fuck my life, dude What do you think happened? I mean, if you had to take a wild guess, what do you think happened? Oh, that's right, I lost it, oh, you're a fucking idiot You know it's like that, it's like that, it's a break

Unknown_05: You lost it all, you're a fucking idiot You know it's like that, it's like that

Unknown_01: This is, in case you're wondering, an entire album put together using Suno and other stuff. It's very nice.

Unknown_01: My users of the forum. I don't know if he goes by Bitch You Know Me on chat. I like, when he does freestyle rap for whatever reason, his go-to lyric is, bitch you know me, or bitch you know me.

Unknown_01: And I've always thought Bishunomi sounds like a Japanese name. So I like to pretend that Bishunomi is like an honorable samurai and he slays rats.

Unknown_01: With his katana he pulls out his katana goes for y'all and then he like cuts a rat in half That's why they keep him around. He's one of the lord's lord eddie's servants to go out and hunt the rats for him Anyways, that's an aside. Uh, boss man has been on his own hiatus. Uh, he is not doing very well

Unknown_01: And I think that his popularity is contributing to his downfall, because when he was a 100 view count streamer on Kik, doing his thing, smoking the little Krakorewski crack rocks and playing the gamba seshes.

Unknown_01: There wasn't much liability to having him on kick. Well now that kick is trying to be a big boy and play with the big boys, and now that Austin himself is a big boy who has lots and lots of viewers, thousands of viewers that watch his streams now, he is ending up being a liability. And when the creators of Kik do their Q&A sessions with the community, he gets brought up a lot because he's, like, everyone knows him. Everybody on Kik knows him. In the same way that, like, everybody at the PVC Community College or the Fashion Nova mall in Charlottesville knew about Chris-Chan, the Kik community is aware of Bossman Jack and his peculiarities.

Unknown_01: So now that there's this increased scrutiny, there is a heightened sense of responsibility that he has to boulder. And now that I'm not using this fucking restream service, my drop frames went down from 30% to 7%. So this does work.

Unknown_01: This does work. This is not, I just have to, I don't know what I'm gonna do for restreaming. Cause I restreamed to so many different channels.

Unknown_01: What a pain in my ass chat.

Unknown_01: Anyways, he had a little gamba sesh, right? Today was payday for your boys, so today's gonna be a good day, hopefully.

Unknown_22: Hopefully, I'm already down quite a bit, but I'm limiting myself from so much, you know what I mean? Sorry.

Unknown_01: So he lost his, he gets paid weekly by kick, instead of daily now, or monthly, or whatever. It was daily, now it's a weekly thing. And as soon as that money hits his account, it's gone.

Unknown_01: Now Mike sounds like shit by the way because he has an XLR cable And he doesn't know what the fuck those are or how to set them up So he's talking about going to Walmart actually dropped it and the port for the micro USB right here Like totally like fucked up inside there.

Unknown_22: You got pushed in that bitch So it will not it will not work. Yeah, you have two other options to plug it in with I Gotta get one of course. I'm gonna go to Walmart tonight or something. I

Unknown_01: OK, so the mic he has is a very fancy mic. A lot of podcasters, including myself, use the SM7B from Shure, which is unnecessarily good for the level of quality that I put out.

Unknown_01: But each microphone kind of has its own qualities to it. And people like Austin, who want to just record himself jumping up and screaming and shit and have a general sound, do not need a specialty mic. Because when you're just trying to eliminate

Unknown_01: Part of the reason why these mics are good is that you have to get really close to them And they only pick out pick up like what's right in front of them like I don't know if you can hear that I have a fan going on cuz I'm sitting in a fucking closet, but I Do I just have it down way down, and I'm like very close to my mic, and that's how it's supposed to work the boss man is using this very

Unknown_01: fine, fine tailored mic to pick up all the shit that he does. So he just does this by cranking up the gain and screaming into it. Um, the mic he bought had a micro USB port, but he fucked that up. So it apparently has an XLR port as well. So he's going to try to fix that so he can use the mic that fucking sucks.

Unknown_01: Um, here's a felt to me, bro.

Unknown_21: No way. No way.

Unknown_21: Oh my God. What a scam.

Unknown_21: Oh my god. Dude, that's such a scam.

Unknown_01: Actually, I'll skip this one and go straight to the violence. Let's go to the violence. Oh, shit. No! Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to do that to you. Oh, come on. I didn't know that this was so loud.

Unknown_19: Come on, bitch!

Unknown_19: Yeah! Oh my god, bro. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Oh! Holy shitballs.

Unknown_20: He's doing $800 spends he's up to like $5,000. Oh My god

Unknown_12: It's all gone.

Unknown_20: It's all gone, Austin.

Unknown_12: It's gone, bye-byes.

Unknown_20: Oh my god.

Unknown_01: Dude, listen.

Unknown_01: Gamble, idiots. You will win. The casinos straight up tell you over a long enough period of time, you will win. Casinos aren't profitable for a reason.

Unknown_01: They give you the odds. You don't have to be a mathematical genius. You plug those numbers in and you see big wins out of context.

Unknown_01: So one of the rules on kick is that you cannot commit violence against yourself or others self-harm is not permitted permitted causes issues with hosting and Payment processors and everything under the Sun so he took a week He got a week ban as soon as the hiatus started so I couldn't even sit back and watch some some bossman tent as a

Unknown_01: as I took care of business.

Unknown_01: But don't worry, he came back that week and immediately got banned again. Oh wait, this is probably the first one. No, okay, that's just a confirmation. He got banned again.

Unknown_01: This time he got into a fight with somebody else on kick and he called him a faggot.

Unknown_01: Is the original thing,

Unknown_01: Yeah, Nick White. Hello. I guess I'm not streaming a kick right now, so I can say that Nick White may be a faggot. I don't know. I've never talked to Nick White, and I don't know if he's a faggot.

Unknown_01: So, let's check out this appeal. Bossman has a chance. Can he convince Kick that he can behave if they allow? He got banned for a month, so he's fucked. He's just on Discord right now.

Unknown_01: So I can't watch it at all. I do get to see the clips that they bring to the forum. It's not really the same.

Unknown_01: So this is boss man's reply to kick he says in I'm honestly at a loss of words I first got suspended for deoxing someone that was close to my community for scamming me, which I understand Deoxing is not acceptable. I got a week for that then I lost $4,000 in a matter of seconds and hit myself on the head and got suspended for self-harm

Unknown_01: Now I stand up for myself after multiple accounts this Nick guy had sent to my stream and call him just one word and I get an entire month's suspension? That doesn't sound justified at all. A month for saying faggot? Are you serious? I feel like I'm being targeted. Why in the world should this ban be for an entire month for someone that was literally harassing me and hate watching me via his stream? I feel like you guys do not have my back at all. And that sucks, because I put years worth of streams on your platform. I've done a lot of outlets of advertising, and I bring outlets of traffic to kick. I doubt you guys will even consider lifting this or unbanning me. I just want to ask you one thing. Do you really think that this is justified? Wow. I just lost my job for a month, my 8k a week from stake, my 2k subs, because I stood up for myself and called another streamer that's harassing me a hate word. Wow. From what my community says, Aiden Ross has said that word, and many other streamers have said that word.

Unknown_01: and never been banned for it. I want to know why they didn't get banned, and I did. Have a fantastic night. I am extremely depressed right now, and I'm actually extremely devastated from this. My viewers and myself are pretty hurt and shocked by this. I can promise you and assure you that it would be that if you would reconsider the suspension or maybe lift it early, that I will never say another hate term or use hate speech again. Capital word, exclamation point. I mean, let's be fair, have I ever done a violation that you guys suspended me for more than once? No, because I learned my lesson, just like I will and have this time. This is crazy. Have a good night. See ya, Bossman Jack.

Unknown_01: Pretty well written, I feel.

Unknown_01: I think this is the kit. Oh, this is Philip. He says, hello there. Thank you for reaching out to us. We acknowledge the frustration regarding your suspension, which may be longer than anticipated. It's important to note that this is the fourth suspension of your kick channel, which is why the suspension period has increased. Each consecutive suspension results in a longer duration, leading to the current 30 day suspension. Due to repeated instances of hate speech, we are unable to reduce your suspension at this time. We hope you understand this decision. The use of such slurs, including the one that led to your suspension, is strictly prohibited at CAKE. Actions will be taken against creators who use such language, which is why your suspension cannot be lifted at this time. Thank you for your understanding. If you wish, you can appeal your ban again in two weeks, and our team will review it once more. Kind regards.

Unknown_01: Then Austin says fuck it. I'm gonna go for malicious compliance I'm putting together all the clips of your kick streamers saying the same thing. I got banned for I'm obviously being targeted Just thought I'd let you guys Throw you guys videos of your streamers saying the exact same thing. I got suspended for thanks for obviously targeting me and picking favorites boss been Jack I

Unknown_01: Thanks, I think we can all agree that I'm being harassed and slipped up and said one word you got to be kidding It's clear you guys don't want me here. Just say that Strahina from kick says thanks for reaching out. We appreciate you submitting your report to us Thank you for your interest in our platform taking the initiative to report this to us. It will be That's a nice way of putting that it will be forwarded to the relevant team members who handle matters from here on out Need an assistance. Let me know so he'd narc and then very coincidentally by the way I Want to say that

Unknown_01: Aiden Ross had like a multi-million dollar contract with kick and after this exchange He's been let go effective immediately So Aiden Ross like disappeared as soon as boss man filed this report boss man is like the Samson and if they're gonna kick him out He's gonna bring down the whole filthy structure. He'll tear down the pillars He'll kick in the rotting door and that's all that's required to collapse evil Eddie's empire of sin and filth

Unknown_18: Interesting. It is evil Eddie. You rigged it.

Unknown_18: Fucking hate riggers man.

Unknown_18: And

Unknown_01: That's it.

Unknown_01: I will read the Super Chats or try to, to the best of my ability, given my current situation. I suppose I could probably go over some news and stuff, but I'd set it against it. I would just read through what I had.

Unknown_01: If there's anything I missed, you can post it to the Math Internet thread.

Unknown_01: And I might show it next stream, depending on how things go. And hopefully I'll have a more stable setup by then.

Unknown_01: Cool. Excellent. Um, where is my green filter at? I wondered a lot for myself. Backgrounds.

Unknown_01: Green. Ooh, that's a nice green, nice green chat.

Unknown_18: Uh, Oh, the ricotta stuff.

Unknown_01: Yeah. I'll have to cover that on Tuesday, I think. Um, so as to avoid streaming for like too much longer.

Unknown_01: um yeah i mean yeah i'll save it but the gist is that ricketa is just like

Unknown_01: He's doing the same like his whole thing is that he just does stand-up now like I think it's like a repellent strategy like if he just coats all his dumb shit and like terrible jokes Then he never has to be told how unfunny he is or Nobody will make fun of him cuz like you have to like listen to his fucking humor, and it's just the worst thing Cool

Unknown_01: Sorry, yeah, if there's anything that I missed I definitely should have talked about just send me an email or something send a tweet and I'll try to try to go back because I I have like

Unknown_01: lot of a lot of like tranny stuff that I missed and Probably some local stuff because it's just my personal notes, and I wasn't like able to pay attention to everything as As I was on hiatus Let's begin The Lion King for three says welcome home King you must have went to where my grandpa got cigarettes got any for me

Unknown_01: Smoking is bad for you. Smoking is the worst thing that you could possibly do. I know that you're joking, but like it's so, it like, it's, it's worse than being fat. It's worse than like anything else you can imagine. It just directly attacks your heart.

Unknown_01: Bodo Pagan surprises. Absolutely nothing. Great. Super chat. Thank you very much. Autism shrinks for $100 as a welcome back. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown_01: Uh, wait.

Unknown_01: Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm glad to be there. I miss my dude. I need my therapy sessions. If I don't do my therapy sessions, I, um, I don't know. I guess I go crazy. You go crazier. I enjoy ranting to my chat. I wish I could rant to you about more things, but alas,

Unknown_01: Thank you. A2Rob pretends to sneed. Great message. Sneed to you too, friend.

Unknown_01: DeadlyHallowed says, I heard the LA comedian fake podcast laugh thing for the first time during your hiatus and god I hate it. Dude, they all act, and this is really noticeable, they all act like, especially when there's like multiple of them. They all act like the they're what they're talking about is the funniest thing ever The funniest thing ever put into audio-visual recording is what's currently being discussed in their studio room And it's just like so fake so over-the-top. It's not necessarily appropriate It's often like ill-timed like the joke isn't there's no punchline. They're just laughing cuz silly thing is happening It's extremely obnoxious

Unknown_01: Always Mr. No for 20 says, this is my favorite Friday activity. Listen to The Biggest Hater on the uppercase I internet while cleaning my guns. Good to have you back, Josh. Well, I'm glad you take such good care of your guns. You never know when you might need them.

Unknown_01: Happy to help. Thank you very much.

Unknown_01: Toriel, for once, has had to suffer a house fire during the hiatus. New appreciation for what you did for Chris back in the day gained. Cheers, man. I had a house fire and I knew exactly what to get Chris. Like one of the things that I put in the care package that might seem weird is I bought him like a package of socks.

Unknown_01: And the reason why is when you have a house fire and the fire department comes, your carpet is drenched in soot water because it gets extinguished but the water stays inside the house. It's just dirty, muddy, charcoal water. And when you walk around in it, even if you try to wear good outdoor shoes or something, it will get into your sock. It's disgusting and you have to throw it out because it smells like, house fire smells distinct.

Unknown_01: Because you have all these plastics and weird shit in your home, and when they burn and melt together, it creates this really, really obvious house fire smell that you can't get out. You can't get out of clothes, you can't get out of the shit that you take out of the house. Anything exposed to the house fire smell is just ruined forever. And it's like a really negative smell association where

Unknown_01: When you pick up like a book or something that you took out of the house fire You just instantly smell the house fire smell and you're like, ah fuck because it's like a bad time in your life And you're just instantly brought back to it Sorry to hear that by the way, holy hell for two says hope you've had a good month Josh you're my neba well

Unknown_01: Ups and downs. It's been nice to relax a little bit. I tried to force myself to go out and explore the outdoors a little bit. So I did try to relax, but it's been, it's not been like a vacation. I'll put it like that.

Unknown_01: Thank you though.

Unknown_01: Angel vomit for five says welcome back. Mr. Josh. We miss you. I'm sorry, dude I got so many emails so many messages and so so so heartwarming. I love my community. I love my community They send me so many heartwarming messages. Thank you Miso saplings for ten says there's my slob a dog man which if you don't know is a reference to the awesome adventures of Captain something it's a cute game about like a

Unknown_01: little autistic boy that I played on stream. Uh, thank you.

Unknown_01: Gay store spokesman for five says we here at the gay store would like to welcome our favorite customer back from his hiatus. Jersh has been a proud supporter of our gay product and gay services for many years and will be for many more. Uh, glad to be back. Such fine services, such fine super chats.

Unknown_01: Appreciate it. Uh, foxes for five says, please sir, remove the microphone from your sock.

Unknown_01: I don't have a microphone in my sock. I just have the little default foamy thing on it, and I'm talking right into it.

Unknown_01: If I sound weird, it's just my voice. I have the fan going, but it's on low. I listened to it. I couldn't hear it myself, so I don't know how I sound.

Unknown_01: Roxanne Wolf for $30 says, we are so bark barking back. Congrats on surviving the American Pfizer cheese, by the way. Oh.

Unknown_01: What I don't know what I don't know what that means. I never got the clot shot I'm still pure-blooded if that's what you're referring to if so, thank you. I appreciate it. I appreciate the support David s 877 for 25 says welcome back. Remember when you have the gender reveal party don't use the exploding targets and burn down the forest

Unknown_01: I mean, that's how you have to do it. If you want to do it like American style, you have to be reckless and endanger the lives of everyone around you for no fucking reason. So actually, there is a reason, and that's to put it on TikTok or Instagram. So there's no point doing something if nobody sees you do it. That's how the world works.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Red eyes, black dragon for 10 says, do you think he overreacted here? And then there is a YouTube link, which is very dangerous. Let's check it out. Maybe it'll crash the stream as I watch it.

Unknown_01: This is a clip from the Rugrats.

Unknown_01: Um, okay.

Unknown_14: But you did it! It's all ruined! What's all ruined, Chuckie? The Bogo Block Village! The police car is at the fire station, the fire trucks at the airport, the airplanes on top of the restaurant, people are hanging out of windows, buildings are moved, and you've completely taken apart City Hall! Chuckie, in my house, we do stuff like this all the time. My house, my house, my house. Let me tell you something, Tommy. This isn't my house. It's my house. And when you're in my house,

Unknown_01: I do remember that show. I do remember this scene.

Unknown_01: The whole context of that is that Tommy's sleeping over and he just keeps complaining that he wants to do things differently. I don't know. The goyim is definitely getting a little bit uptight there. He needs to let Tommy do what he needs to do. I don't know.

Unknown_01: He should learn his place, I think. I think he did overreact, actually, now that I think about it.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Turbo Neil Breen for five says the memes as what you've been up to are probably funnier than what's actually happening Let things remain a mystery. That's my that's definitely my plan my boy Thank you. Coco for two says we got a promise dimensional murder and all we got was merging and this is for $2 And that's a fucking YouTube video. Let me pre-screen it Better be hilarious Probably shouldn't I probably should stick to my guns Okay, I'll watch this just because

Unknown_01: feeling nice.

Unknown_15: Floyd's Feed and Seed in downtown Daywell has it all for that Christmas shopping list. Floyd's Feed and Seed has Layton Martin's best selection of Carhartt apparel and this year we've expanded to offer you the best selection and price on all Carhartt products. Need boots? Floyd has a huge selection of casual to work boots and they're in all sizes from quality name brands that you trust. See all our Western wear and apparel as well as a full line of saddles and tacks.

Unknown_01: I think you've sent this in like eight times because I've definitely seen this before. I think you're gaslighting me Fattiest Pattie is for 27 didn't realize how much I enjoyed your streams until I didn't have them get yourself some pizza Thank you. I just might I'm glad yeah I know a lot of people said that you know, they were watching other stuff and they it just made them miss the streams more I don't know. I don't know what it is about my setup. I guess I just have a very direct way of doing things.

Unknown_01: I Guess when you think about like

Unknown_01: People who are streaming and like the retard sphere. There's not many people left who just boot up boot up computer show chat Open browser talk about thing when thing is done being talked about in stream You know what? I mean? No camera. Nobody needs to see me in my closet you think that you really think that would add anything if I was like if I was like, um, I

Unknown_01: down here and i was just there and it's like me in a closet like hello chat how you doing i don't think that way i don't think that would add too much um i don't know

Unknown_01: I feel like the camera would add some stuff maybe but most of the time it's just embarrassing Like just like streaming your reaction to everything like with the camera shoved up into your face I'm glad that people like my streams is what I'm trying to say

Unknown_01: Letrans writes for one says hi Josh. I got so excited when I heard you were coming back that I threw up and started crying But my mom gave me this dollar so I could say hi now. I feel better. Welcome back boss. Oh That sounds like a nice exchange. I hope you clean it up afterwards Don't make your mother clean up your mom glad to be back. Space Allen for 20 says glad you're back. Glad to be back Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Coco for two says please read chapter two. This is one. This is It is one verse but the chapters until six are short

Unknown_01: See you have remembered this thing the book of Enoch is Enoch like Even a part of the Bible doesn't sound very familiar to me Who was Enoch Enoch is mentioned in Genesis 5 18 and

Unknown_18: The Book of Enoch.

Unknown_01: It's apocryphal. I was gonna say, I don't think Enoch is a book of the Bible. It's an apocryphal book.

Unknown_01: Which means that it wasn't accepted as biblical canon in the Council of Nicaea, I think is what it was called.

Unknown_01: Chapter two.

Unknown_01: And then chapter two is just...

Unknown_01: Behold, he comes with 10,000 of his saints to execute judgment upon them and destroy the wicked and reprove all the carnal for everything which the sinful and ungodly have done and committed against them. Quoted by Jude verses 14 and 15. Is that the, it seems like it's the whole thing.

Unknown_01: Thank you Zero rest is for twins. It's just saying happy you're back and hope you're well site ran flawlessly in her absence. FYI Thanks for any operating or doing behind the scenes. I do have an emergency like set up where I can address site issues I had a babysitter and I also

Unknown_01: Kind of try to keep things quiet when like I actually couldn't handle because there were days where I just couldn't like if the site went down I went down I had told the babysitter who's a guy who watches the server for me. I trust him implicitly Basically just check the site see if it's hacked and if it is just shut it down That's basically that's the last line of like defense for the site if I if I'm like out of action There's somebody who can pull the plug on the forum so that it can be resolved later

Unknown_01: Thank you anime extremists for two says when he moved back to the u.s One thing that I think you'll be shocked to see is the massive amount of mixed-race couples that you will see together walking around Compared to like a decade ago. Don't even fucking say it. I don't want to see it Don't want to see it. I don't want to see fat white bitches with ugly black guys and fucking Walmart or whatever I really don't want to

Unknown_01: Prairie Dog for five says welcome back last week FTM training boxer and People's Magazine athlete of the year Pat Manuel got KO'd in 21 seconds into her fourth pro bout as a man Dazzin and golden boys scrubbed the video from the internet That's funny

Unknown_01: Dude, I'll never forget, because it's like haunting words. When there was that male to female tranny boxer that went up against the women's pro number one boxer and cracked her skull open immediately upon hitting her.

Unknown_01: Her testimony about what had happened is she said, I have never felt so powerless in my entire life. As one of the strongest women in the country, going up against a mid-tier boxer from the men's division, and she's just like immediately overwhelmed, because the physical differences between men and women are just so great.

Unknown_01: Galgaroth420 says, Schmeckle is my favorite parasocial relationship. Love you, Moonboy. I don't know if I can say love you. I think saying love you to your fans is how you get canceled, but I do appreciate it. Thank you very much. Crispy legs for five says welcome back party emoji. Thank you very much for sure glad to be back Danny Hawk for once those bridges closed due to poo and loose true They they redeemed they redeemed that whole fucking bridge The orange cow for one says imagine how much Josh is gonna mauled when people cheer about the three gorges damn inevitably collapsing Oh in China

Unknown_01: No, I don't care. They should have, they should have fixed it.

Unknown_01: Anime extremists for two, so they have a joke. Gender is like the twin towers. There used to be two of them until the Jews got involved.

Unknown_01: Now there's none of them. There's like 264 doesn't make sense Nice try though Kurt Eichenwald anime masturbator for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamo Welcome back to my electronic father or welcome back my electronic father. Did you get your cigarettes? I did indeed though smoking is bad for you. Don't you?

Unknown_01: Anime extremist for two says it's early into the stream But are you gonna talk about that say that was featured on the website a few weeks ago about Britain being the second worst country for contentment after Uzbekistan Why do I need to state the obvious the Britoids already know? You ask your Brits wait, are you happy? What do you get? What do you think? They're gonna say? What do you think? Take a take a guess take a wild guess. What do you think happened? They say no, actually

Unknown_01: DBSW for two says sup, nothing much, my nibba. Sup with you. Hadrian Strongest Soldier for $50 says, I hope you're feeling better, Joosh. I am very happy you're back.

Unknown_01: You have been missed dearly. We're glad to have you back after your month-long TTD trip.

Unknown_01: That's a fun interpretation of events.

Unknown_01: No, but thank you very much. I'm glad that I can boot up the stream and the bleachers fill in, so to speak. Appreciate it.

Unknown_01: Judy Tester for five says welcome back Google says you can buy a kangaroo for $5,000 in Texas if you want to use some of the legal fun for that I think Harden wouldn't mind if you let him pet it sometimes Kangaroos are fucking dangerous animals. Just so you know Don't buy a kangaroo thinking you're gonna pet it cuz that thing can rip your chest open and kill you

Unknown_01: Kangaroo are kind of like they don't have deer in Australia. I don't think but they do have kangaroo and kangaroo are kind of like they're deer they're like a pest and Kangaroo and they do hit kangaroo all the time just like how you hit deer in the u.s. But kangaroo or deer that cannon will fuck your shit up randomly get into a fight with your car break your Windshields and then kill you if you get too close to it Which is to say they're worse

Unknown_01: Sino for 10 says here's a clip of Hassan being annoyed by one of his fans Oh, I forget to clear that up. I know what you're talking about. I will show that to chat Take a look Load and slow chat it's loading slow Letter letter letter cook as they say has the kids Yeah

Unknown_18: I'm sorry, I forgot to say, you need to stop drinking Coke Zero on stream.

Unknown_05: It's boycott.

Unknown_18: Wait, is it?

Unknown_05: You're preaching pro-Palestine and you're drinking it, it's boycott. So please, at least pretend, do it off stream.

Unknown_22: I'll put it in a glass. Is Pepsi okay?

Unknown_09: No! No soda, son! I didn't know it was like that.

Unknown_03: I'm trying to stop it, isn't that right? Yeah, of course.

Unknown_01: Uh, yeah, I would be annoyed if everyone was like no you can't drink soda because israel and shit Sir, I will can I will consume whatever fine jewish products I want nobody can stop me Imagine listening to a muslim. Oh Yeah, skeeves me out even thinking about it Thank you. Seshpin 2 for 10 says welcome back. Josh actually took a day off work to be able to watch one

Unknown_01: Bro you can just watch the VOD you don't gotta do that As a fellow flag enjoyer can I get your opinion on your favorite flag? And then there is a wiki page for the pine tree flag. Let's take a gander at this Pine tree flag appeal to heaven flag is an American Revolutionary flag an appeal to heaven I

Unknown_01: It was used by a squadron of six frigates that were commissioned under George Washington. Official maritime ensign for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Unknown_01: But they removed the text. Okay. So listen, this is the weird thing about this flag, right? This is a maritime flag that has a tree on it. All right. Maritime flag tree.

Unknown_01: Water.

Unknown_01: Tree. Tree flag on a boat.

Unknown_01: Do you get it? I don't know if that is the appropriate symbol to put on a boat.

Unknown_01: Other than that, the font sucks. But I do like the tree.

Unknown_01: That's my opinion on this flag.

Unknown_01: Sorry if this is like your favorite flag in the world, though. What is your favorite flag?

Unknown_01: I don't know.

Unknown_01: An appeal to heaven was used by an expression of the right to revolution by John Locke.

Unknown_01: Appeal of the people or any single man who is deprived of their right is under the exercise of a power without right and have no appeal on earth, and they have the liberty to appeal to heaven whenever they judge the cause of sufficient movement.

Unknown_01: I don't know. I don't know enough about John Locke's writings to write about how I feel about that flag. I just think that using it as a maritime flag is stupid.

Unknown_01: And the font sucks.

Unknown_01: Thank you, though. I hope that you were financially able to take off work for a day and that it won't inconvenience you. Appreciate it. Snido for once says, Caleb Hammer basically wants you to suck dick for cock. No, the opposite. He wants you to go gay for pay. Suck dick for cock is the antithesis of gay for pay. A man who sucked dick for cock loves penis. A man who's gay for pay does not love penis. This is, you have to understand this if you want to make these comments.

Unknown_01: Krizzy for 10 says, welcome back, Jersh. You were missed. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown_01: Ran away we go for prices welcome back Josh or no rather these glowy's can't keep a good fucker like you down big ups to you my neck Thankfully the federal government's not fucking with me. I was as far as I'm aware. Oh, they might be fucking with my internet I'm not the the jury's out on that one

Unknown_01: Thank you. Stalker child enjoy prison for tenses. Please message Josh. Don't leave us to fend for ourselves on the plantation again How we gonna pick that cotton without masses washful gaze? I will never abandon you again unless I have to take another two weeks back For my move, but I don't know if I will Thank you. Haram burger for two says I made three million on Yotsuba stock exchange all on anime and Chuck with a little gaming and boop It was a great April Josh too bad. You missed the trip to the moon. I

Unknown_01: Well, there's always next time. I heard Pajit Coyne will one day make it.

Unknown_01: Dayot, for one, says, Ralph's relevancy is dwindling more and more. He's going to fade away with a whimper and on the bang. Personally, I say good riddance because I want my person to stream on him still when he croaks.

Unknown_01: Yes.

Unknown_01: Ralph is actually in really dire straits. Like, he goes some days where he will stream eight hours and make less than $100.

Unknown_01: Like the kind of income that you could that like if you work at all in the US, you probably make more than Ralph. And it only goes so far where he's at just because he's in Mexico.

Unknown_01: But he really he really lives on a fucking pittance which is kind of bizarre because of how like arrogant he is and I think he doesn't even care because it's like as long as he doesn't have money he doesn't have to pay child support and Spiding his ex-wives and making sure his children have no Financial support is more important to him than having like a decent living wage

Unknown_01: The president Nintendo for five says your impression of the narrator on the first 48 is pretty good Do you actually enjoy that show? I've been listening to watching to more of the true crime stuff during your hiatus you

Unknown_01: The First 48 has been around for a long time, and I think it's one of the most, the issue with the First 48 is that it's a polished TV show, which means that sometimes they get privileged access to district attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, and case stuff. They will drive to the police station and interview people for their show, which is a benefit to it.

Unknown_01: The problem with the first 48 is that because it's like a polished TV show they don't go into too much detail and oftentimes other channels that actually show like Court documents and stuff do a better job of explaining the minutiae of the case which is enjoyable and because like the first 48 will sometimes just leave out important details that They don't they don't have time to explain in their their TV show format, but yeah, it's it's pretty good as far as true crime goes

Unknown_01: Patrick s Tomlinson for 10 says is the gender with a hard G. I've always heard it pronounced like ginger Sometimes the soft G sounds gay or even though the word gay itself has a hard G Thank you for reading my super chat about Jeff and Jeff Our gift in Jeff. I think he's really trying to say I Believe that it's gender. I don't believe that it's gender or gender I'm pretty sure it's gender. I could be wrong. I don't really care. I

Unknown_01: Lion Kang for once as we went King Cobra. We got him her on burger for two says one motherfucker did this at a fair in town He leaned back too far and ripping through the canvas ceiling above him I guess I fling him about block away before he landed in somebody's yard What in the fuck are you trying to say he leaned back too far and ripping through the canvas ceiling above him?

Unknown_01: Inflammable way I haven't I cannot picture what you're trying to write to me in my head I'm sorry Lion King for once is OJ Simpson is literally me, but I stabbed her with a meat knife lol. Thanks Lion King Ham tarot for fire says welcome back. Hope you had a good time in Hawaii with Elvis and Norm Macdonald Look Norm is even funnier in person Don't tell Patrick that though

Unknown_01: Filthy penguin for ten says could you please wish the pigeon in the wind a safe trip and also ask her mother not to have a gastro test gastrointestinal accident in the car Pigeon and the wind please have a safe trip and do not allow your mother to have a gastrointestinal accident in your vehicle Good luck with that Supreme me for two says the silver rally stopped the moment you started streaming I

Unknown_01: Dude, the silver rally never stops. It just gets paused, okay? By the way, I have your fucking letter. This guy, um... How do I explain this?

Unknown_01: This guy, I believe, is the guy who sent me a handwritten...

Unknown_01: like old-style parchment press paper, um, inked with a quill pen and put into an envelope with a wax seal. And he sent, and it has an insane diatribe on it, I won't even try to repeat it, about anime and how I should like anime. That's the whole point of that letter. He sent this to me months ago with a, um,

Unknown_01: Copy of an anime Blu-ray that I don't remember the name of it because it's stupid in Japanese but it's like this really really skinny young-looking girl with like I'm like Enormous tits that are like barely fit inside a brawl and then she has like bright red hair. I

Unknown_01: I don't remember the name of this. I think it has a G in it or something But he he asked me to watch this anime, and then I immediately threw this DVD away I just I just chucked it in the bin. I didn't even do anything fun with it But in his letter he begs he says what if I if I don't want to watch the anime I shouldn't destroy it. I should like give it away to like Goodwill or something. I did not do that I didn't see I didn't find this letter until months later. It was hidden away in my possession somewhere, and I was digging through my shit and Recently over the highest my fellows letter and I read it I still have it. I'm gonna burn it I I'm going to salt and burn this letter because I am convinced it is evil and

Unknown_01: It has been following me for months. It is probably a source of bad omens, the fact that it has been in my possession without my knowing for this long. The only way to cleanse it of its evil is to salt and burn it, and I'm going to do that probably over the weekend.

Unknown_01: I will record this for you.

Unknown_01: TP deluxe for five says Harry Josh Potter under the staircase stream. Good to have you back It isn't true if you wanted to write a letter to me right now, you'd have to address it in the closet I think you debugs for one says the letter you got in the mail was very autistic. Yes. It was I just talked about it Thank you. The line came for once is welcome to America. Do you want communism or usury? I don't even know how to respond to that bro Stato for one says who would win in a fight boss band crack strength or ADF boss man a thousand times over easy easy money

Unknown_01: Uh, TwinkleTard for $100 has FML, and that is a reference to Bossman Jack, who often reflects on his state of existence and exclaims, he appeals to the heaven. Fuck my life. Thank you, TwinkleTard. Appreciate it.

Unknown_01: Select the username for 25 says holy shit. It feels good to be a normal person with a normal wife friends and family We saw the Eclipse knows a majestic. Happy Friday. Everyone dude.

Unknown_01: I Didn't even know that the Americans were having a total solar eclipse until like all the news came out all at once like America there are people talking about if it was going to be like an Apocalyptic event or something like cavemen afraid of the the Sun going out. It was a bit wild came out of nowhere. I

Unknown_01: Thank you. The one guy over yonder for five says your hiatus caused me to get addicted to anime I need just compensation. Don't bullshit me. Don't put that evil on me motherfucker Neighborino for one says yes, you are my boy. I hope you're recovering well from the kovat. Welcome back to the United States. Not yet Thank you, though As you say that I have to cough he's made me cough

Unknown_01: Longboard or 241 for voices. Welcome back Josh. It's been I've been having to watch Kino casino in place of you this past month So it's a relief not to not hearing can we hit it every five minutes?

Unknown_01: I don't know Peter PPP has been very nice to me recently. So I feel I don't want to like doggone too bad I will say this just as like genuine criticism a lot of the time the Kino casino can be funny and

Unknown_01: But the interruptions are like really bad because there's this thing where Andy Andy wants to talk a lot and sometimes what he and PPP is like trained himself to interrupt Andy because a lot of the times it's like he goes on diatribes that aren't funny But then because PPP is like trained himself to interrupt Andy Warski like any opportunity sometimes Andy is on a like one topic and he's actually talking and he's being funny and And people like still interrupt him because it's just like a force of habit, I guess.

Unknown_01: And yeah, the donation interruptions can be annoying, too.

Unknown_01: But it's not terrible.

Unknown_01: Koya Dante for 20 says, oh my fucking god, dude. I just lost all my stream keys again. Fuck my life, dude. Oh my god. I'm gonna do something stupid. You know, I'm not gonna say it. Okay, I'll say it. I'm gonna eat cheddar. No, you're fucking not gonna eat cheddar. Don't eat that shit.

Unknown_01: Yeah, dude, my stream key just stopped working with restream. So now I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do to restream. I'm gonna figure something out. No pain in my ass.

Unknown_18: Let's see.

Unknown_01: Haramberger produces a link to 4chan's automotive board and I see an image of what looks like one of those UFO spinning rides where you stick to the wall. Gravitron and a man, a carny, is standing, defying gravity. I don't even know what a Gravitron is, so if you know what a Gravitron is, Haramberger is speaking directly to you.

Unknown_01: TheBugs, for one, says Bossman is on Twitch. Don't you have a Matty account on Twitch?

Unknown_01: I do.

Unknown_01: Man, I don't know if I can do that. Can I can I raid while offline? Let's check this out. I do have a twitch thing. Maybe we can raid boss man Jack see online right now Twitch I'm gonna What's um, what's this twitch handle I'm looking at chat. What's this twitch handle? It's not boss, man See

Unknown_01: The boss man, Jack, I got you. Oh, he's verified and everything, what the fuck?

Unknown_01: Okay, it's online, it's live right now. If you go to slash mad at the internet, can I like actually, I will totally, I will totally raid him if I can. See mad at the internet, log in. Do I have to TFA?

Unknown_01: I do have to TFA. Let's do that real quick.

Unknown_01: Then we'll see if I can raid him.

Unknown_01: But slash Matt at the internet. I will try to raid while offline. I don't know if that works though Okay, the boss ninja I got you six eight eight

Unknown_01: Sorry, I was reading my two-factor authentication code aloud like a fucking monkey. It's not that big a deal, but I'm a little bit disappointed that my brain decided that I would just read aloud my important information just because I was looking at it like a fucking monkey, like a mongoloid retard piece of shit.

Unknown_01: I can't offline it. Okay, everybody that slash mad at the internet. Um, I will raid. Can I wait? Can I read? How do I read?

Unknown_01: Um, stream manager.

Unknown_01: Shared moderator. Come on. My God, I got to do quick action stream together. Manage goals, reach it.

Unknown_18: Okay, I got it. I got it. I figured it out.

Unknown_18: Um... Why doesn't his name show up? Can I follow him?

Unknown_01: Bro, I'm sorry. I don't mean to waste so much time on this my power flicker and It took the fucking router like all the time in the world to reboot. So this is what we're gonna do We're still gonna raid. I'm still gonna figure this out. And then I want to buy redundant power. Okay We're gonna make it we're all gonna fucking make it. Oh

Unknown_01: Um, okay. So my power went out and I was, I'm still desperately trying to figure out how to raid boss man Jack. Cause I just got the internet back.

Unknown_01: Oh, it's just from four hours ago, bro. It's offline. Damn it. I can't read them.

Unknown_01: Okay. So let's just end this fucking stream. I think, um,

Unknown_01: Cool. Sorry. Yeah, I have to get redundant power for everything. That's my that's my only choice, I guess Yeah, the BMJ curious I shouldn't have fucked with them I was like Samson All right, the ghost of love tax for once is I have to recommend the gothic King Cobra documentary from 2014 It's an actual masterpiece independent Cobra. It's far better than any other little codec or any documentary. It's an hour of pure Keno I know I've watched that it's the one where it's like just some guy and he's like on the train tracks and stuff It's pretty interesting

Unknown_01: Alchemy for one says total smoker death. Yeah, you don't have to do anything for that Ocean Redux for 20 says not only are cigarettes super bad for you They mess your teeth up ten times faster than soda does they're bad for childbirth weight loss and men probably won't believe this But it also speeds up balding. It also makes you impotent. I'm saying now Devious to be for two says come into my office Maybe do you have internet and power?

Unknown_01: Sneed over once is welcome back George. Have you seen the bossman AI reading that letter you got in the mail? No, I have not. Sorry

Unknown_01: The orange cow for one says did you ever watch that any movie? No, I have not. Sorry The bugs for one says instead of a kangaroo get a capybara, dude I would get a capybara in a heartbeat capybara is a fucking cute man, and they eat they don't hurt you Simul Simul again for five says there's a funny video for you to enjoy Josh. Let us hear back Alright, let's watch this real quick before my fucking Closet collapses or something.

Unknown_01: I can't watch this because um, I

Unknown_01: That's the Ronnie McDunn animated revenge of the reupload, but it's age-restricted so I can't watch it. Sorry Judy Tester for three says just remember the poll that InfoWars is running for the Eclipse. They got a genuine laugh out of me and then this is a What does the April 2024 Eclipse signify a planned a false flag be fulfillment of prophecy and

Unknown_01: See natural celestial event or for omen I think it's an omen just gonna say good. Maybe a good omen. Maybe we can be positive Polly's for it

Unknown_01: Valadin for 20 says I donate to you and not Keno casino because they grift as a joke for at least 50% of the stream And then he also oh, no, it's just the same message Well, I'm happy to hear that because I don't I do agree that the money thing is like annoying I real I mean they stream for the money like that's their job. I have other revenue by the way now that I'm at the end of the stream and Everyone has fucked off because I've crashed twice

Unknown_01: I'd like to thank everybody that did stay on the Gumroad during the hiatus.

Unknown_01: A couple people did cancel, but most did not. And I really appreciate that, because not only was I not putting out Gumroad stuff, which I haven't done in like a year, half a year now, but I wasn't putting out anything.

Unknown_01: So I appreciate the people who continued to donate on the Gumroad. It helped a lot.

Unknown_01: And could do for 10 says stream over. Oh my god. Fuck my life, bro. Dude. I was literally typing that on telegram I was like piss. I was just waiting for the power to come back up. All right. I have a song Let's fucking in this before anything else happens And I will see you on Tuesday

Unknown_04: Misery, we stuck our head in reed