0:00:00 Unknown_01: Hello. Unknown_01: I'm making a video that no one asked for. This is my second time watching what was the confrontation between Jim and Ralph. After years of speculating if they would ever go at it, a lot of people have asked my thoughts on it, so I'm going to watch through it again. I've seen it once before the day it happened. I haven't seen it since. Unknown_01: And I've also not seen the stream since before Ralph joined. And I'll pause it and give commentary as I feel necessary. 0:00:31 Unknown_01: But before I do that, I kind of want to give a rundown. I realize that my audience isn't necessarily perfectly coincided with the audience of any of these three people. My name, Matt, Jim, and Ralph. Unknown_01: So I kind of want to just briefly surmise how it got to this point from how I understand it. And I could be wrong. I probably am in a lot of ways. 0:01:07 Unknown_01: A long time ago, when I think like 2015, 2016 happened, like you've probably heard Gamergate, even if you had no idea what that is. Unknown_01: You don't have to know what that is. It doesn't matter. It's really stupid. But one of the things that it gave rise to was talking heads who talked about like alt-light kind of stuff, counterculture kind of stuff, loosely affiliated with 8chan. Unknown_01: And Metacur, Ralph, Mundane Matt, King of Pole, and a bunch of other people were all these people who kind of spun out of Gamergate. And many of them existed before. Like, Jim's internet aristocrat personality existed before Gamergate. But, like, all these people gained tons of traction directly as a result of their takes on counterculture shit from Gamergate. And as Gamergate kind of petered out and died without any real achievements, these people were in this position where a lot of them had made a lot of money for the first time in their lives. Like more money than they ever did working like a real job. 0:02:22 Unknown_01: So you had these people who were internet people. Unknown_01: And they had made money being like a personality, doing something that wasn't laborious or intensive. And they wanted to keep that. And the biggest way to keep growing your income as a personality is to grow your audience. Unknown_01: So they began to Unknown_01: argue with each other there was a lot of infighting and they would try to humiliate one another to gain their audience because it was all like the same people interested in the same things and they were shared between these same personalities so they would start to fight each other 0:03:03 Unknown_01: And that was called Internet Bloodsports. I would say it's directly related, like in a path. These personalities were fed into this idea where if they could like epically own someone with their words, they would absorb the other person's audience and start making money from superchats from those people. Unknown_01: But the people who really made the money from Internet Bloodsports were the people who hosted it and did not get involved and did not have any risk. And the first person was Tonkasol and Andy Worski. And this was before I became interested in this. 0:03:39 Unknown_01: But they hosted... Unknown_01: I don't remember the fucking name. I think it was just called Internet Bloodsports was the name of the podcast. Then it became like Backyard Bloodsports and all this shit. I don't know the timeline precisely because it doesn't really matter. But at the end of it, Unknown_01: TonkaSaw had a falling out with Andy Worsky, and then the Knoxville shit kicked up, and people from TonkaShow started watching Ralph's show, and Ralph became the de facto host of what could be called Internet Bloodsports. And Ralph made a killing. He made tens of thousands of dollars. And sort of what promoted him and what made his show was that Medicare, who never hosted these but did frequently show up on them, started appearing on Ralph's show instead of Tonka's. 0:04:18 Unknown_01: And to a lot of people... Unknown_01: Jem showing up on the program sort of, like, blessed it, or gave it his blessing that this was the official, like, show to watch for this internet drama shit. 0:04:52 Unknown_01: So when Ralph stopped having Jim on because Jim just stopped showing up, it sort of like delegitimized him, and it personally upset him. It's been years since Jim last showed up on Ralph's show, and Ralph is aware that he owes his success to Jim, a large part of it. So Jim not showing up has really upset him, has deeply troubled him for a long time. Unknown_01: and he can't lash out at Jim because Jim has this... His audience, especially Ralph's audience, has this aura of infallibility to his fans. So to lash out at Jim would be a bad idea. And Jim has no reason to start shit with Ralph. 0:05:37 Unknown_01: In particular because Jim is a very defensive personality. Unknown_01: There's offensive people like PPP and Sam Hyde, people who really can't be made fun of because they don't care, like genuinely don't give a fuck. And to acknowledge them at all, to get into the dirt with them, is a losing situation no matter what. That's what an offensive player is. But someone like Jim is defensive, where they wait for people to pick a fight with them. And then they're at a huge advantage because they were minding their own business before someone started problems with them. And the one time I can think of where Jim was really an offensive player was against Sargon. And that didn't end well. Like, he says, I'm going to nail you to a fucking cross. Well, Sargon just has to avoid being nailed to a cross. And despite his best efforts by becoming a trans-European politician, that never happened. 0:06:11 Unknown_01: So since then, uh, Jim has been sort of like passive in part because he's sick, but also in part because I think, uh, the Sargon stuff was just so like anti-fun and like a losing, like, like a, kind of like a loss that it was just like, whatever. But then Ralph, heroically, takes the bait. And I do believe it was bait at this point, where Jim shows up on a couple people's streams, Slavinko's and Gator's, but not his. Not the Ralph retort. And Ralph starts to see. He can't bottle that contempt anymore. And so he starts lashing out, and it culminates in a discussion where uh which i don't think is as bad as most people do and i'll explain why as i get into it but i just wanted to give my my thoughts on um like the history of people yelling at each other on the internet for money by potentially cancer man medicare uh how you doing getting hey am i coming in okay you are you are yeah you're coming in just fine jim thank you for coming on this is uh i i was just kind of fucking around and i didn't think that uh we'd be here but here we are 0:08:00 Unknown_08: Welcome to the surreal. Unknown_00: Yeah, yeah. I haven't talked to you in a number of years, right? It's been a while. It's a nice little bookend, isn't it? You know, kind of. It kind of feels that way, to be fair. You know, it's like one person's downfall, another person's rise, so to speak, if that's how you want to play it. Unknown_08: Well, we'll see if Ralph shows up. I mean, I offered to go on to Flamenco's stream. He didn't want to do that. So this was his suggestion. Unknown_00: I was fucking around like, you know what? I'm bored. There's like nothing going on tonight. I'll see what we'll see what's happening. You know, and then Ralph seemed like OK with it. Like it was like a reggie reunion. Like we're going back to the fall of 2014. Oh, well, now I just want to put a bullet in my head. You're not the only one. Jesus fucking Christ. That was a long time ago. And I'm glad it's done. 0:08:34 Unknown_01: But anyway, so in case you really don't know, and I just want to lay it out there. I'm going to act like you have no idea. You found this video in an archive. You have no idea what's happening. Unknown_01: A long time ago, my name is Matt, the guy on the left. He did a stream, and in that stream, he admitted to more than just admitted. He showed that he had reported a bunch of videos on YouTube, and they had gotten taken down. And that was a big thing. It's like, what a bitch. Narcing to YouTube. Who is the enemy of anyone who likes to say the N-word and yell at retards on the internet? 0:09:09 Unknown_01: And the guy on the right, Jim, said, I want you to say, I am a soy-filled bitch. And I'm sorry I flagged your videos down. And he did. And he said that. And that was sort of like the end of his career. He got bested. He lost his audience. Monday Night has been completely irrelevant ever since then. And the whole, even the name of the show, Boulder Talk Radio, like he's trying to capture his mistake and bottle it and make it his own thing. When he said he was, he couldn't have flagged the video because he was picking up boulders. And now he's like made that his identity. And it's like trying, it's trying to own the joke, but it's so cringing news thing. And even here, he has to really act like... 0:09:50 Unknown_01: He's totally okay with shit, and he's super cool with it, and he's moved on. And I can't like him. Like, no matter what happens, I find it hard to like my name, Matt. Unknown_01: when you try to own it that bad, it just makes you look pitiful. It's like the Wings of Redemption thing. When you try to own it so bad that you just end up making fun of yourself beyond what's reasonable. 0:10:29 Unknown_01: You pass pity and you delve into disgust. It's disgusting that you would... Unknown_01: uh, defenstrate yourself like that. You know what I mean? Um, and his big break this stream, like he ruins it. He, instead of having like an hour and a half long talk and then capping it off, he invites like fucking pedophiles like Vito on to, to keep super chats rolling. And it's just like, You know, like, what a waste. I find it very hard even now to find any redeeming qualities about Matt. Besides the fact, I guess he works to take care of his kids. 0:11:04 Unknown_00: Anyway, so thank you for coming on in for short notice. I hope everything is well with you. I heard about your situation, so that does suck. Well, you know, I mean, things have been going okay. Unknown_08: I do have a potentially drug-abusing alcoholic with a head wound deciding to drive up to my state and holler at me. Unknown_00: So, you know, aside from that, everything's rosy. Yeah, I was a little bit shocked, if I'm being honest, a little bit shocked that the threat to go all that way was uttered while overseas. We'll see if it gets repeated here tonight. Unknown_08: Yeah, you know, just throwing it out there. Unknown_00: Yeah, all right. I mean, what, Minnesota is a bit of a drive from North Carolina, from Richmond, I believe. 0:11:45 Unknown_00: Well, we have the, I mean, this is the king of the sector. Unknown_08: He's going to come out in his private jet. Unknown_00: Oh, right. Like Creflo Dollar style. He's just going to rock that shit. Unknown_08: It's a private jet. That's why he loved to talk shit to Quartering's wife, because he had a better plane. So we just didn't know it. Unknown_00: That's how it works. That's the Killstream Odyssey money right there. That's what 30 grand gets you. That's right, yeah. Yeah, it's not the Stream Me money or the DLive money. That's all gone. Unknown_08: Those are gone. Those are dead. Unknown_00: How many streaming services will Ralph leave in his wake? We're going to find out tonight, folks. Unknown_08: We're going to find out tonight. Probably three or four more if we're going to be honest about this. 0:12:19 Unknown_00: At this point, you never really know. And I will honestly admit, as a semi-observer of Ralph's antics every once in a while, it is really amazing just to see what kind of shit he gets up to. You never know what's going to happen on the kill stream, baby. Yeah. Oh, yeah. But he never thought it would be about him. Yeah. Unknown_08: Well, hey, I'd just like to give a shout out to my boy, Momenko. Hopefully he's rattling pill bottles while he's stream sniping this. Sure he is. Unknown_00: I almost thought about going and getting my own pill bottle, but I'm like, nah, someone else can do that one. I don't have one here. Maybe I can find a coin and a bottle cap and scare away Southern Dingo again if he pops in. 0:12:57 Unknown_08: So, Matt, real talk. Unknown_00: Have you ever had another man? Unknown_08: spend two hours drug piling you via live stream on the internet talking about the good old days because that's been a bit of a new experience. Unknown_00: Uh, yeah, no, I, to be fair, I haven't, I've had people who were like drunk dialing me cause they wanted me to come on to yell at me. That was a while back, but never, never someone doing it from like, you know, the, the nostalgic sense, right? Like, just cause you, that was desperate, man. That was really desperate. Uh, that whole last couple hours. And I tell you, man, nobody's nostalgic for my show. And I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 and that game is less broken than Ralph. 0:13:30 Unknown_08: Oh, that's a good singer there. Unknown_08: Now, he's going to come in here all pissed and fucking vinegar. He's going to be like, Matt, you're supposed to be neutral. What are you doing? Unknown_00: Okay. Yeah, that's very true. That's very true. You got to make a wheelchair joke. Unknown_08: Throw a cancer joke out there and even it out, Matt. Unknown_00: Sure, sure. You know what? Maybe Tonka will roll on up the flattest. No, he won't. You know what's really funny about Tonka is I talked to Tonka the night before. Matt has this weird mannerism where he like – 0:14:02 Unknown_01: It reminds me a lot of King of Pole. Not even King of Pole. It might have been King of Pole. There's somebody I know from the forum who, when they talk in a one-on-one conversation, they find silence really awkward. Unknown_01: Like, they can't have that pause. They can't have a momentary break. So they have to just keep running their fucking mouth. And if there's any, like, space in between sentences, instead of just letting, like, a comfortable peace happen, he just assumes that, like, oh, the conversation has become boring already. Time to move on to the next thing. I don't know where the fuck he gets that from, but it's extremely awkward just to, like, constantly talk and not ever, like, have a long-lasting train of thought. For Knoxville. 0:14:42 Unknown_08: Did you really? Unknown_00: He was in Knoxville. Unknown_08: He went down there? Unknown_00: Yeah, he was there, according to him and Vamp, because I had a conversation when he was on Rakeda's stream. I was... Unknown_00: And I could hear him through the wall yelling at Rakeda. And then he came on and they said that they were there. And I was really surprised that he actually never showed up the next day. I was very surprised, actually. 0:15:16 Unknown_08: Maybe he got a glimpse of Andy and he was like, I can't do this. This man will break me in half. Unknown_00: I think, you know, and I've met Andy. And yeah, Andy worked out he probably would have, you know, actually hurt Tonka. Well, yeah, it seemed like he put some effort into it. Unknown_08: Like he wasn't completely just goofing around because he did put up like a couple of videos just working out and stuff. Right. Unknown_00: Yeah, I don't think Tonka never did any of that. Unknown_08: Right. So it was kind of like a mystery of whether or not he was going to show up and look like Buff Bagwell or look like a stick. Nobody knew what was going to happen. Unknown_00: It was definitely a wild weekend from that particular perspective, at least watching it from my end. Okay, so I had to unblock Ralph and then send him a link because I thought someone had sent it over. I'm sorry, Ralph. I'm sorry. I thought that was given off your way. There you go. I have sent Ralph the link. He can jump on in. I will try to keep the naughty words to him. 0:15:50 Unknown_00: remember we're going to keep this above the belt as much as humanly possible but it might go full bore i don't know ethan ralph of the kill stream how's it going Unknown_06: Well, you know, surreal doesn't even begin to describe it, Matt. Unknown_01: I didn't even realize the first time I watched this, he's wearing a shirt that says internet villain. 0:16:30 Unknown_01: So like imagine the mindset of a guy who like goes online and goes to like a t-shirt cafe printing thing and uploads a graphic of like your own face that just says villain on it. And then you wear that. You wear that to, like, a video conference with, like, two nerds who are just using avatars. Jim doesn't even have an avatar. He's just using the OBS without a video feed thing as his Zoom meeting. Whatever the fuck. Unknown_01: Um... Unknown_01: I have to admit that it's very funny to me that Monday Matt's setup, like, there's the Boulder Talk radio icon, and then once you get three people in, it scoots up and you can't see the logo of his own thing. So I guess in the history of Monday Matt doing his program, he's never had three people on at once, including himself, to talk, because he's never accommodated this. 0:17:23 Unknown_01: I also like that Ralph is wearing sunglasses indoors to hide the fact that his face is all fucked up. Unknown_06: Well, you know, surreal doesn't even begin to describe it, Matt. But here we are. Unknown_00: Yeah, I know. I'm a little on the shock side, too. That's why I'm kind of like, all right, let's just let's see what happens tonight. Unknown_00: Why not? Unknown_08: So we get to go back. Unknown_00: oh yeah we're good to go so again like i said just we'll keep the rules you know let's i mean i know things are going to get heated obviously that's why we're all here well well let me say this at the top there's certain things obviously i don't know you know uh where medicare wants to go with his with his commentary but there's certain things i have legal yeah you know considerations or whatever i i won't uh you know leave the call if he goes there or whatever but there's certain things i cannot comment on so i'll just i just want to put that out 0:18:12 Unknown_00: Sure. No, and that's and I'd already said that where we'll leave those kind of elements. And I'm fine with what the rage pig is saying. Unknown_01: It's funny to me. I remember expecting him to mention at some point Adrian Blair or even Faith. Anytime Faith comes up as a topic, instant, Ralph is like, no. And he doesn't even really delve into it. I also want to point out that you can already tell that Ralph is slurring in this. And I really didn't expect him to be... He stopped drinking after Sandra died. 0:18:44 Unknown_01: So to hear him drunk again is pretty impressive. Unknown_01: I knew he's been drinking wine and stuff on his vacation, but he's like properly fucked up and drinking alcohol out of a solo cup, like throughout this entire thing. And he gets progressively worse as time goes on. And he can talk about anything he wants to bring up. Unknown_02: Do I seem upset, old man? Unknown_08: You've been upset for the last week. You think so? Unknown_02: Do I seem upset? You seem upset. Unknown_08: You just cried for two hours on Twitter, begging me to come so you could suck my dick. You're here now. Open your mouth. Unknown_02: No, I'm not sucking your dick. Come on, say ah. Say ah, Daddy Jim. Unknown_06: Say ah, Daddy Jim. You've always been a loser, faggot. 0:19:19 Unknown_01: Oh, but I look like Jake Gyllenhaal with those farmer muscles, don't I? Unknown_06: You changed your name. Unknown_01: Oh, he's so sexy. Okay, so number one, he calls him Old Man. This is a joke. Jim is like four years older than him. Unknown_01: probably in better health, to be quite honest. Unknown_01: No, I don't know. This first half is mostly just yelling. Why'd you change your birth name, faggot? Unknown_06: Why'd you change your birth name, huh? Unknown_08: You really think that's a huge thing, man? Unknown_06: You've been going on about that. Because you can't fucking own what you did in life. If it was such a huge deal, Ralph, why wouldn't I have done it in a state that hides it? Ralph, if it was such a huge deal, why would I have not gone to a state that lets you hide it? Just like LLCs. You're such a coward that you changed the name your daddy gave you because you're such a bitch. Oh, my daddy? You're such a bitch. Oh, not my daddy. Not my Ronnie. You're such a fucking coward. Yeah, motherfucker. Not my Ronnie. You're such a dick of a bitch. You know what? You can make all the jokes you want. I'm gonna. 0:19:51 Unknown_01: I'm gonna make a lot of them. Most motherfuckers watch this show. Why does he bounce when he talks? It's so disgusting. He, like, undulates like a blob. um as far as like changing your name i don't think there's that many i don't think there's any states that let you like secretly change your name i think that michigan is one that does and i'm not sure i think jim is from either michigan or minnesota i always mix those two up um but it's really it's really hard to hide name changes especially if you're like like i don't want to i don't know i don't know if i should get into it but like he got found out after he changed his name because um there's a license that That is kept current. And when the name changed, it showed up on the license as well for that identity. 0:20:55 Unknown_01: So even if the name change had been private, the license update would not have been. And that's harder to keep a secret, so... I'm not entirely sure if I'd buy the whole, like, oh, if I didn't care, I would have just done it in a different state. Like, that doesn't mean anything. It's really hard to keep records a secret in the United States. Unknown_01: As far as Ralph, like, Ralph just starts yelling. And I don't know, like, there's an audio thing here. Watch what show? Watch what show? Ralph, you have no audience. 0:21:29 Unknown_08: Your audience is dead. It's gone. Unknown_01: Jim is louder than Ralph. Ralph is, like, talking. And even when he raises his voice, he's very loud. And Jim talks at, like, a normal volume. But, like, as far as, like, the microphone gain is concerned, he's louder than Ralph. So he can just say whatever he wants and then we'll speak over Ralph. And then Ralph literally yells. He, like, takes his mic and he gets close to it. He starts screaming into the microphone to be heard at all. And this is smart. Like, when I talk to Ralph, I just let Ralph, like, yell because i was i was a little bit like shocked that he was that full of like anger when i spoke to him um but the tag like if you're trying to like fuck with him just like speaking over him and forcing him to yell at you because his microphone is just quieter is pretty funny audience what your life will be here in about five years cancer patient nigger fuck you whoa okay okay hold on let's let's keep the gamer words to a minimum for the time being 0:22:01 Unknown_00: I don't know why Jem can't pronounce the word Portugal. Unknown_08: He pronounces the L like it's a silence, like Portugal. 0:22:51 Unknown_01: Very very quietly. I don't know why I need to point that out the old fucking greasy slut and take her around back to your fucking Motherfucker. Unknown_06: Do you think I give a fuck seems so mad gator? I'm not like flamenco. I'm not gonna bow down Oh, you're gonna walk wheel yourself down the block you're talking about people's sizes You can't even walk outside your fucking house motherfucker. You fucking pitiful. Unknown_03: You can't walk down the streets of portugal. Okay When I show up to your hometown and I'm a block away from your house, why don't you come down the block then, bitch? 0:23:25 Unknown_08: You'll just hear pig noises. Unknown_03: Oh, because you can't fucking move. You'll hear Suey across the sky. Down the fucking block of bullshit with COVID. What's my age, bitch? Why don't you answer about what you did with COVID? Unknown_03: Oh, you don't want to say shit about it, huh? You want to make fun of me? Oh, no, I'll listen. Unknown_08: Say what? Go ahead and ask me again. Unknown_03: A fucker will sneeze on you and you'll fucking die, you fucking coward. No, you got to back it up. Say what again? Go ahead. Unknown_08: I'll let you speak and answer. What won't I answer for? Yeah, COVID. Put the liquor down, fat ass. Yeah, fuck you, bitch. 0:23:56 Unknown_03: Did you see the liquor leap out of the glass trying to get away from your gullet? I didn't run, bitch. I'm right here. Do you think I'm scared? I know you can't run. Unknown_06: That's why you got beat down by four Portuguese men. Anonymous, fake, a non-faggot, Jim Augustine, who changed his name to get away with everything he ever did. God, how drunk and dumb are you? Unknown_03: Say it. Say it with me. Nobody. Unknown_01: This is exactly... This is what I meant before. He's just talking, same as he always does. But, like, there's something about Ralph's setup where he's literally holding his microphone to his fucking face and screaming. And he doesn't even rise up to the same volume. It's a... I don't know if that's something, like, on that side, but it's really... and they won't ever be scared fuck you bitch come on you fake being religious you should be able to say this particular name you want to talk over me we can do it all day like are we gonna holler are you a fix why has nobody ever made a deliverance choke at ralph expense like if you're gonna do like pigs pig noises and shit when you should you should say squeal like a pig boy squeal like a pig 0:25:04 Unknown_03: You won't let me talk, so why won't I? Come on, holler for me. Unknown_01: Why won't I, bitch? Unknown_03: Why won't I, bitch? Like, you're so fucking silly. Unknown_06: Like, you're so fucking silly. Unknown_03: Ralph, please, holler for me. Give me this sudden holler. Unknown_06: A cancer patient who can't even leave his fucking house, who thinks he has some anime babe who's like fucking 200 pounds. You're a fucking joke. Your cam whore girlfriend is a fucking joke, and your whole life is a fucking joke. Unknown_08: Ralph, can I ask you a question? I've always been genuinely curious about this. 0:25:36 Unknown_03: Fuck you. Unknown_08: You don't like questions? Unknown_06: No, give me a question if you want one. I'll ask you a question. Why did you change your name, faggot? Unknown_08: Because I felt like it. Unknown_06: Oh, is that why? Unknown_03: I don't think so. I don't think that's why. What was your motivation? Oh, you just felt like changing your name? Unknown_08: Why did you change your name, faggot? Are you done asking the question, pig? Unknown_08: Are you going to answer it? I'm trying to, but the hog won't stop. Unknown_00: Hold on. Hold on. Let him answer. Let him answer. The hog won't let him tell the truth. Oh, my God. Please, Farmer Jarbo, please. 0:26:07 Unknown_08: Oh, yeah. Unknown_00: Oh, yeah. Unknown_00: Anyway, listen. Okay, so you want to know why... He looks... I just can't get over how fat he looks. Unknown_01: Especially when he bounces. Like, he's wearing black in a black chair on a black backdrop, so it's harder to tell. But, like, when you can see him in full motion when he starts, like, bouncing up and down, it's like that... He's gained so much fucking weight. Even compared to, like, pictures from last year, he's just gained, like, 50 fucking pounds. He's fatter than he's ever been. 0:26:39 Unknown_00: Jim changed his name. That's what you're asking. Unknown_06: He changed the name that he was born with because he's afraid of the things he said on the Internet. Even though everybody knows where he lives, I can roll up to his house tomorrow if I'd like that. By the way, he thought it was funny when people came up to my house. He thought it was funny when people came to my house. Unknown_03: Where did I say that, Ralph? Fuck you, fucker. You know what you did. You co-signed that fucking stream. You co-signed that fucking stream. Unknown_00: You know what you did. Unknown_03: Fuck you. Unknown_03: You know exactly what you did. Oh, Piggy's lying. Oh, you thought it was so funny with the dog. Dog boy's lying again. Camo. Perpetual victim. Look at you getting ready. Okay, say it wasn't cool then. Pull it up. Pull it up, badass. Okay, say it wasn't cool then. Show me. Say it wasn't cool then. 0:27:10 Unknown_08: Show me, Ralph. Unknown_06: Okay, well, tell me, then I'm full of shit, and then it wasn't cool. You are full of shit. Unknown_08: Pull it up. Show me. Unknown_06: Where did I go? Unknown_01: It's also smart. Like, never yield to him. Like, you get put into a defensive situation where he's saying something was... Like... Unknown_01: He's adopted the qualities of someone else who likes to just lie constantly. And the problem with someone like that is if you start addressing lies like that, he can just spin up another lie faster than you can debunk it. So it's smart to never try and be rational. It's always better to just ignore bullshit and be offensive in reply. Because now the onus is on him to prove what he's saying, and he never does. 0:27:49 Unknown_03: Okay, well, say that it wasn't cool for people to come to my house. Unknown_01: I'm not here to protect your fragile feelings, fuckboy. Unknown_03: You're full of shit, fucker. If you want to lie and get called out on it, you look like a bitch. Pull it up. Pull it up, piggy. Where is it? Unknown_06: Do you know Andy Worski was shitting on you, like, a month ago? No shit. And, like, shitting you bad. And? And you fucking took his side for no reason? Like... Andy Worski was shitting on me. 0:28:24 Unknown_08: You know what I didn't do, Ralph? I didn't start spurging out. Unknown_06: You're a pitiful fucking excuse for a human, dude. You're so fucking pitiful. Ralph, I didn't lose my mind and act like an idiot and implode like you did. You took it out of your way to fuck with me for no reason. How have I gone out of my way to fuck with you? I didn't fuck with you, dude. How have I gone out of my way to fuck with you, Ralph? Unknown_06: Do you really? Like, I mean, are you serious? You sit here and tell everybody what a badass you are and how you can take a joke, but the moment somebody shakes a pill bottle, you fall into a tailspin. You did that for, like, six, eight months straight. It's like, okay, well, silly this guy. I played a pill bottle sound three, four times, and that was enough to make you do this. 0:28:55 Unknown_03: Well, you never said, oh, Ralph, I wonder how he's doing. Maybe he's doing good. Why the fuck would I? Unknown_08: You're not my friend, idiot. Unknown_03: I told you on stream I'm not your friend. You're not my motherfucking friend either, then. Do your face. Do you remember that? Do you remember that stream with Brittany Venti and the others? Why would I say anything nice about you, then? If you're shitting on me, why won't I shit on you? You're not my fucking friend. Unknown_01: His brain is completely incapable of recognizing a... 0:29:32 Unknown_01: Unless something directly benefits him, he has no reason to maintain it. He can't just be on good terms with someone unless they are actively promoting his show or actively backing him up or whatever the fuck. Unknown_01: I don't even know what to call it. You can chalk it up to his addictive personality or whatever the fuck, but he really expects that this guy is going to give him what he wants and promote his show and be nice to him and never take shots at him. Uh, even though everyone wants to, wants to make fun of Ralph and wants Jim to make fun of Ralph, he, he is shocked and I'm shocked actually. Cause I thought the pill, I really thought that the pill shit was just like, okay, like Ralph sanctioned that as something you can make fun of. 0:30:07 Unknown_01: Because that's all... Jim never updated his joke repertoire past that. He never made any reference to anything that happened to Ralph after the pill stream. Unknown_01: So I thought that was like a deal they had struck, where it's just like, okay, you can shake your pill bottle to make people think that you make fun of me, and then I'll just forget that you existed. But apparently I'm completely wrong, and I'm surprised that Ralph declared fatwa on his internet daddy, because that's like... Unknown_01: I did call this, though. I said that if Gator had to choose between Jim and Ralph, he would pick Jim. And I think a lot of his audience will, too. The difference here between what you're saying, you want me to say nice things and pat your ass? 0:30:45 Unknown_08: Yeah, fuck you. Unknown_03: I'm not here to hold your hand through the minefield of the internet and get you money and clout. You're fucking, you're disingenuous. Unknown_08: Ralph, there's literally a video clip of me saying I'm not your friend. Unknown_06: Are you going to let me talk or no? Go ahead. Unknown_06: So it's a guy who I've had on my show many times. I've known him for literally almost a decade. And of course, you know, you talk your shit. That's your thing. I don't like that doesn't bother me. But it's like every fucking time for the last year, this guy's talking shit about me. He's fucking with me. And it's like, why? Like, I don't go out of my way to fuck with you. I don't do anything to you. And so at a certain point, I'm not Gator. I'm not Flamiko. I'm not so-and-so. And it's like, this guy's shitting on me. It's like, okay, well, fuck you. Like, honestly, there's a lot of shit to talk about with you, to be quite real. And so... 0:31:51 Unknown_06: Like, I don't want to take it there, but I'm not going to be a bitch. I'm not fucking Gator. And so I'm not going to live like that, period. And so that's my position. And I think anybody with a brain can understand that. Unknown_08: Can I get my rebuttal for this? Unknown_06: Yes, you go ahead. You gave me all the time. Unknown_08: OK. All right. Well, you've made it perfectly clear. Gator had mentioned you've mentioned on the past two streams that you felt this way for a while and it feels good to be able to write about it. Which one makes me think you're a bitch? 0:32:24 Unknown_03: You were fucking with me, dude. You know you were. You said you're going to let me rebuttal. You're right. You're right. You're right. Unknown_08: You said you felt this way for a year or more. So but you didn't say anything, which I guess makes you a bitch because you're too afraid to say anything. Secondly, you're like, why aren't you treating me like a friend? Why aren't you being my best friend? Well, apparently you've got some fucking animosity built up, huh? You got some animosity built up towards me over whatever the fuck is your issue. Unknown_08: You literally started this. I made a stream joking about the shit that you did in Portugal, which was funny. It was. And you act like, oh, Jim, why would you do that? Remember Andy's Aim Aim Aim stream? I let that motherfucker up, too, immediately after that. 0:32:57 Unknown_03: Yeah, but you know what Andy has said? Do you even, like, you know what? Unknown_06: I feel like sometimes that I'm the only motherfucker who, like, actually watches this shit day to day. Do you know the things that Andy Worski has said about you personally? Unknown_01: he's reeling from that like it's a good response like yeah i made fun of other people too why why are you above that why can i not make fun of you and he he has he has no no response whatsoever to that he just says like like i guess his response is that andy warski has uh said shit about jim like who cares 0:33:37 Unknown_08: Probably terrible things. Yes! Probably just like Matt Jarboe said terrible things. Unknown_06: Well, yeah, of course, but it's like... Can confirm. Okay, well, I'm just saying it's like, oh, well, now Ralph's the bad guy of the week. Like, this is like... Okay, well, I'm not totally done with my rebuttal. Unknown_08: So what do we find ourselves with, huh? I do the Portugal stream, and what is your immediate response? Unknown_03: You're a fucking horrible wife, which is amusing, because you'll sit there and cry on the internet about people fucking with your family, but your instant reaction is, I'm going after your wife. Unknown_08: Don't be a hypocrite. Don't say, oh, that's off limits. But now when I do it, it's cool. When I do it, it's cool. But you talk about my kids or my girlfriends or wives or whatever. That's the line. That's the Ralph Amale line. It's either all or nothing. And this shit you're doing, I'd like to make really clear. 0:34:10 Unknown_01: That's alcohol, by the way. You can tell it gets more fucked up as the stream goes on. Unknown_08: Here, when, you know, I retweet the stuff with Gator. Oh, that's not the doxing issue I have an issue with. You're going from doxing to life ruination. You want to start putting posters up? Wait a minute. Unknown_07: No, I'm not done with my rebuttal. You can reply to my rebuttal in a second. Unknown_08: That's fine. I'm almost done. Okay, go ahead. You're talking about putting up flyers. What are they going to think of his work and his job when they find out he's a white nationalist? Let me ask you a question. Do you think it's funny when Nick Fuentes has his bank account taken away? You like it when he gets fucked with like that? 0:34:42 Unknown_06: You were joking around about him being a faggot two weeks ago, so you think a lot of shit is funny. I do think a lot of shit is funny, but I'm not the one saying that his life should be ruined. Do you think it was funny when Dick Masterson's MP2 project in banks fucked him over? Unknown_08: You like your life ruined, Jim? Unknown_06: No, you know who supported that? All the people you're supporting now, Jim. Unknown_08: Apparently you too, Ralph, because you're jumping into it. Unknown_06: You know what? Okay, well, I'll tell you this, and I'll agree that that is a very hard- Life ruination. Yeah, it's not doxing. It's life ruination. Dude, people have showed up to my house. Did Gator show up to your house? 0:35:19 Unknown_01: That question, did Gator do X, gets asked, I think, like 50 times. He never answers it. Never once. It's frustrating to hear anyone try to call Ralph out as a hypocrite because he's so hypocritical with everything he says that it's exhausting. If you were to try and sit down and actually stop and say, he's being hypocritical here, it would be every sentence because everything he says, there's a double standard. 0:35:54 Unknown_01: If it benefits Ralph, it's okay. It's fine. It's permissible. If it doesn't benefit Ralph, it's not. It's a step past the line. Somebody show up to your house and dump shit in front of my fucking front door. Unknown_06: And I didn't even make it public because it's like, that's what they want. Like they literally dump fucking shit. If people showed up to your house like that, you would be fucking crying, dude, to be honest with you. You've lived your whole life trying to run away from your internet antics and And you know what? And I need to be taught a lesson, right, Ralph? 0:36:27 Unknown_08: You're going to teach me that lesson. Unknown_06: It's not about that, Jim, but it's like they know me, right? Like there was literally shit in front of my fucking front door. You check that image. That's your selling point. Unknown_03: You tell people you're the Ralph Amale. Do you think that's funny? Do you think that's funny? Like people show up to your house. Well, you sell yourself as that guy. You say, I don't give a fuck. I don't care. I'm hardcore. I'm badass. Unknown_06: I didn't cry about it, but what I'm saying is, do you think that's funny? If that happened to you, do you think you would be like, you wouldn't. You know what I mean? 0:36:59 Unknown_06: Right? So, Ralph, let me ask you. You're asking me this question. I'm turning it around on you. Unknown_03: If you don't like it, why are you the one putting it out? Unknown_08: If you think it's so fucking terrible and it deserves people coming to my house. No, I'm saying if you don't like that shit, you say you don't. And I understand you saying you don't. What am I saying? Unknown_07: You're going to go fuck with Gator. Unknown_08: You're going to try to get him blacklisted for being a white nationalist. You think that's funny? Unknown_00: No, you think that's funny. You want to fuck with his life and do life. Unknown_01: That's exactly what you want. Unknown_08: I don't know why Ralph's even denying that. 0:37:36 Unknown_01: Literally, that's what he said. He said on Twitter that he wanted to hang up posters of Gator on his college campus and say that he's a wignat. Unknown_06: You know what? People came to my fucking house. It will be ten times worse than that, Ralph. Unknown_08: You're talking about putting up flyers. What do you think it's going to be like with you and your girl walking down the street with your face up there and it says some nasty shit? Or her face. Unknown_01: It seems like you're scared of that, not me. That's also interesting. It's like, when he says there's some nasty shit, but you know what people would say about, especially Pansu in particular, but he doesn't say it. He does a very good job of auditing himself to talk about things without actually going there. He completely leaves out Pansu and Xander and Faith and all this other shit, and he focuses entirely on Ralph. I don't know how he can do that, because... I would do it on accident. 0:38:09 Unknown_01: I would bring up shit about faith and aid and whatever just on accident. Ralph, I'm asking. Unknown_08: So you're cool with it? Unknown_07: You're scared of that, not me. Okay, Sam Kitteson, yell a little more. I'm not fucking scared of that. Unknown_03: He's like, you're scared, boy. That's what he's like, yeah. Unknown_08: Listen, holler at me. Unknown_03: You don't want to let me talk? You just went about it. 0:38:45 Unknown_08: Are you going to knock? Okay, life ruiner. Tell me what you think. What do you mean life ruiner? Like, you're full of shit. Unknown_06: I'm going to tell everybody Vayner's a white nationalist because I'm a little prison snitch. Unknown_03: I was around when you were doxing people. Unknown_06: Who did I dox? Are you full of shit? Who did I dox? Who are you trying to fool? Name them. Unknown_06: It won't be me. It won't be me. I won't be falling for your bullshit, so it doesn't bother me. Unknown_05: Oh, boy, is this just like the last bullshit? Well, you're just going to yell at me? Unknown_06: Like, look, if you're just going to yell. If they're questions, fucking idiot, answer them. What question? Give me one. You said I doxed. Who? 0:39:18 Unknown_08: Name them. Unknown_06: I mean, everybody was doxing during the Gamergate era. I don't give a shit about everybody. Who did I dox, Ralph? Unknown_06: Personally, I couldn't name. Unknown_01: What a fucking idiot. Why bring up stuff when you have nothing to follow it up with? Did you just expect him to be like, oh, well, I guess you're right then. I mean, now that you put it that way, I don't want to say that I didn't do that and be proven wrong. I mean, I guess it's just the alcohol, really. 0:39:52 Unknown_06: I know you have made a career and a living off using dox material from Kiwi Farms. Oh, so now it's dox material and videos, but not doxing. Shut up, man. Nobody cares about doxing. Are you a faggot or what? I just wish you could get your lies straight, Rob. Unless you cry and play victim. Are you that fucking stupid? I'm not the one that got beat up for a purse. Unknown_03: Who are you talking about stupid? I never fucking built my career off carrying my doxing. Unknown_06: You went to another country and had your purse stolen. Unknown_08: What do you mean stupid, Rob? Who cares, motherfucker? Unknown_06: You changed your name. Unknown_08: Apparently 30,000 people watching Flamingo laughing. Unknown_06: Fucking, you know, greasy fucking Korean. See, here we go again. 0:40:28 Unknown_08: I haven't mentioned your woman once, but you can't stop yourself. Unknown_06: I don't care, fucker. I'll mention what I want, bitch. Okay, so don't cry about your kids and your wife. Unknown_01: Don't cry about it. Don't cry like a bitch about it. He has literally, like, nothing against him. Like, okay, he's sick, I guess, and he changed his name. And that's it. That's all he has. He has a DUI. Unknown_01: And that's it. So he has to resort to talking about Jade. Especially, like, he's trying to come up with insults to rebuttal his own insecurities. And there are so many of them. There are so many things about Ralph and his life and his situation that he's insecure about, and rightly so. And there's just no parallel. Like, the average person does... Like, in his mind, because he's like a fucking narcissist addict retard... Everyone is like him, deep down, even if they may not show it. 0:41:02 Unknown_01: The negative traits that he has are omnipresent in all of humanity. So when he talks to someone, he talks to them as if that's true. Unknown_01: He just doesn't know it yet. you know what i mean and uh it makes it very awkward like you're trying to listen to the conversation and think like what the fuck is he talking about and in his mind it makes perfect sense um but to like a normal person just like oh no that's obviously wrong my family's off limits my family my family you brought everybody else into it i haven't said shit about your family you're fine doing it you're fine doing it so don't cry about it like a bitch i'm not crying 0:41:59 Unknown_03: you do on twitter my family they went after my family my precious children and my girl it's like well because it's like you guys like like i'm the evilest motherfucker that ever existed you opened it's you started it that's not true okay well tell me how tell me how i started literally wrote articles calling my wife a fat whore and a tump duck uh i don't even know what the fuck Unknown_08: That's the hurt. Unknown_03: It's like, I needed you then. I needed Daddy Jim to come down and be like... Unknown_01: No, guys, he's hurting right now. Let's call it off. Let's call off the attack and give him some rest. Well deserved. He expects that from people, and I don't know why. 0:42:49 Unknown_01: He really can't see it. He's a retard, and people make fun of him because he's retarded, and he just has no fucking idea. He really just can't believe it. No, actually, he's just a joke that everyone makes fun of. Unknown_03: You're not special. You're not special. You're not special and protected, Ralph. It's not my duty to take you through the fucking internet like it's a minefield. Unknown_08: Oh, God, you're a hollering... Unknown_03: Yeah, well, you know what? Okay, if it's fine to make fun of me when I'm in the hospital, why is it not fun to make fun of you, Medicare? Because I'm me. My wife isn't. Isn't that what you're crying about? Fuck your greasy Korean slut. 0:43:24 Unknown_00: Okay. Unknown_08: Do you see how mad he gets? It's fine, Matt. He can say anything he wants. I know. Unknown_00: I know. I know. I know. I'm not Gator, bitch. Unknown_08: I want people to drink it in, his hypocrisy, lies, and bullshit. Unknown_06: Like your whore drinks it in, bitch. Hey, I'm just curious, man. Yeah, you're curious. You're bi-curious, probably. That's why you hang around Flamenco. Unknown_03: Okay, Ralph. You fucking bitch. When are you going to turn evidence on Fuentes? When will you die? That's what we care about. When will you die, Medicare? That's what we care about. When will you fucking die? 0:43:57 Unknown_01: I wish I had a term for it, like a debate term, like argumentum ad nauseum or whatever the fuck. I need a fancy Latin word for when he decides, oh, I can't match wits at all, so I'm just going to scream. And whenever they say anything, I'm just going to take that and flip it around. And it doesn't have to make sense. Nothing he says when he's yelling like that makes sense. He just takes it and says whatever comes to mind. He says something like, oh, you're curious. He's like, oh, you're probably bi-curious. 0:44:29 Unknown_01: It's just noise. He's throwing noise at him because it will stagger him. I don't know what he's trying to do, but he does it a lot. He did it with me, and it worked, I guess, because it's just like, why are you screaming? Unknown_01: What are you doing? Unknown_08: Ralph, when are you going to flip on him and be a snitch? Unknown_03: When will he flip? Unknown_06: You know what? You're going to turn on Fuentes. When are you going to flip on him? We could have actually had like a – How do you talk to a pig for two hours? 0:45:02 Unknown_08: What do you mean have a conversation? Unknown_06: Oh, yeah. It's so funny. You know what? We could have had that, and I feel like we should have, but I don't think – You're a rage pig. Unknown_08: You've got issues. Unknown_06: You implode. It's a fucking – It's a circus. Your life is a circus. You do dumb shit all the time. Hold on. Wait, wait. I actually want to ask. Go ahead. So what you're saying is like I just made up. You just might have been shitting on me for – Unknown_06: I legitimately think my honest answer to you is I legitimately think you're out of your fucking mind. Unknown_08: I make jokes. Unknown_03: I make jokes. 0:45:34 Unknown_08: Jokes, Ralph. And you've melted down in a phenomenal way. Unknown_06: Look at the decisions you've made over the last two weeks. Unknown_08: To own Andy Worsky, you flew to another country and got beat up, had your purse stolen. Unknown_02: And then after that, you flipped out when people made jokes about it. It is embarrassing. Unknown_08: You want to do that as an owner. Unknown_01: And it's even worse just today. Nick Fuentes says he might cut Ralph for doxing Aji. So it's like... Just in 2022, since the start of the year, he has systematically demolished any support structures, any sympathy, any benefit of a doubt he would have held with anyone. Has systematically dismantled his own... 0:46:14 Unknown_01: I don't know. The people around him and the underpinnings of his show, it's really amazing. Unknown_06: leave your fucking house that's embarrassing do you understand there isn't there's a video you conned our country into a lockdown that's embarrassing i didn't know i ran the government of course i should get my ass whipped i'm going around talking shit do i run the country ralph now too 0:46:51 Unknown_03: You're an idiot, and you know you're wrong, and why don't you just say you're wrong? Unknown_06: I am not wrong. Unknown_08: I don't take back any of my viewpoints. Unknown_06: What about COVID? You don't take anything back. Unknown_08: Nearly a million dead Americans, six million dead worldwide. Unknown_06: Oh, it was so dumb. Goddamn, I wish they would have seen. Unknown_01: Cringe, to be honest with you, fam. Kind of cringe. Unknown_05: It's on you, I have to say. I have to say. It would have been... Unknown_08: Yeah, you're vindictive and angry. You're a rage pig. Unknown_06: Well, I mean, you know what? That's what you guys say about me, right? Like, I don't think it's out of bounds. Yeah, I'm literally telling you to your face you're a rage pig. No, you know what? Okay. Rage pig, whatever you want to say. That's what I'm saying. All these things, like, what, you think I don't see all these people wishing me dead, saying all this shit about my fucking unborn child? What if I wish you dead, Ralph? You didn't talk about my fucking child custody battle. You didn't point me to that, too, by the way. Oh, I can. You mentioned I can't say the name without me getting in trouble. 0:47:24 Unknown_01: Is it on my timeline? Unknown_08: Where is it? Where have I said something about this? Unknown_01: Well, never, never. When I saw this live, I was like, never. He has never said anything about Faith or Adrian. And I know that because that was my criticism for like two years. Like, why do you not mention that? Like, the Faith shit was funny to me, but I guess his thing is I'm not going to talk about people's relationships, even if it's entirely public for whatever reason. 0:47:56 Unknown_01: But no, never. I can guarantee you he has never, ever said anything about any of those relationships ever. So this is like the fourth thing he said where it's just completely insubstantiated. I won't specifically mention anything. Unknown_06: You know what you said. I legitimately don't. Unknown_03: Is it because Gator donated a dollar? Unknown_06: I can't even say the name. 0:48:31 Unknown_08: Is it because Gator donated a dollar? Is that what we're talking about? Unknown_06: You went into some names that I can't go into because it's like, it's actually like a child custody battle. He's like blessed almost to like have those restraining orders against him. Unknown_01: Cause now we can just say, I can't substantiate any of my claims. Cause actually I got restraining orders that prohibit me from doing so. So you just got to accept what I say is true and move along. Unknown_06: All this shit aside. And again, I'm sure you're going to shit on me forever. It doesn't matter. But like, Unknown_06: actually do care for my son and all this stuff about ralph doesn't you know want to claim him and all this bullshit is he's never going to claim that fucking kid because he will never pay child support for it not true and so i just want to say that for the record and it's a very complicated situation that i have unfortunately it's complicated already in that vein etc um 0:49:32 Unknown_06: And again, he brought this up himself. Unknown_01: Take pot shots as they wish. I would expect nothing less. Unknown_01: You really backed me into a corner here, Medica. I can't talk about this. You're right. I have to retreat. I was like, no, you brought it up. And now you're apologizing. You're surrendering to something that you brought up on your own that nobody else has inflicted on you. Unknown_06: And I've done nothing less. I completely understand that. But I just want to say for the record that I do love my son. And all these things that are being said are not true. So... 0:50:07 Unknown_08: But yeah, and I'd like to say for the record, I haven't talked about your girlfriend or your ex-wife's. I haven't talked about your fucking kids. And if you're talking about the Gator dollar thing, I... Okay, well, others have. Unknown_06: Others that you've promoted have talked about that. Unknown_08: Okay, so you're mad at them and then you lash out at me. Unknown_08: Because you're too scared of them? Unknown_06: You know what? I don't even know why you had a problem with me in the first place, I guess. You wrote two blog articles, Tumblr bitch blog articles about heartbreak. Unknown_08: You were fucking with me before that. Unknown_08: You're telling me that rattling a pill bottle has bled you to this point in your life? Unknown_03: Why would you do that? Because it's funny. 0:50:41 Unknown_06: Okay, but why would you like... Okay, but it's only diminishing things that you're saying and doing. Why would somebody not feel hostile towards that? I don't feel like that's... Ralph, you can make all the jokes you want, but you take it from a point of making jokes. Unknown_03: I never said jokes about your cancer. Unknown_06: I only said I hope this guy gets better. You understand? It's like this guy's fucking shit on me. You just told everybody over the last week that you've been holding it in for a year. 0:51:14 Unknown_08: And you wanted me dead and in hell. And my wife's a whore. Unknown_03: And I'm responsible for COVID. Unknown_08: And my videos are shit. Unknown_06: No, that's not fucking true. So whatever. So you're lying again. Unknown_06: I'm saying when a guy's talking shit about me, of course I'm going to say whatever. Like, that's normal. I don't think that that's outrageous. I've known you for literally eight years. I've known Jade for the same amount of time. Do you think I really want to see you guys dead? Of course not. That's fucking insane. But you know what? You're talking shit about me. You're bringing my family into it. You're bringing my fucking son back in. I literally have not brought your family into it. 0:51:47 Unknown_08: I could have. I could have said some real mean shit, Ralph, and I haven't said anything. Unknown_06: Well, I mean, you're talking about all the mean shit I could have said. Unknown_06: Dude, are you really, like, gonna quibble? Like, do you think that that... Well, this is an end result if you're literally fucking with everyone on the internet. Well, that's... You know what? That's why I'm not gonna take off the collection plate. Unknown_01: That's actually... He doesn't articulate it this way, but that's an interesting thing that could be said, is that, like, there's nobody I can talk to who does streams. Like, Flamenco, Rakeda, there are so few people that this guy could talk to and do a co-stream with. that has not said something about Ralph to offend him. He could pick anyone out of a lineup at random, and it would piss Ralph off. 0:52:23 Unknown_01: He never says it that way, but that would be a really strong point to make. It is impossible to avoid offending Ralph if his level of control over people is that you can't even show up on someone else's stream if I don't like them. Unknown_06: Like, cry about it. You know, it sucks. But I fucked with a lot of people, for sure. So why are you surprised they're now fucking back with you when you do something stupid? 0:53:00 Unknown_03: Well, I never fucked with you, though, Medicare. That's the thing. Like, I didn't fuck with you. There was no reason for you to pile on. That's what I'm saying. Do you feel you're owed something? That I can't laugh when you do something monumentally stupid? Okay, tell me what I did that ever offended you or, like, fucked with you. Unknown_08: Ralph, I'm telling you I laughed because you literally got beaten up for a purse in a foreign country. Unknown_03: That's not okay. Well, you know what? Unknown_06: It is funny. Like, I don't even. But it's like every time you're talking about me, it's negative. Like, why? I don't know. 0:53:33 Unknown_08: I thought you had thicker skin than this. I mean, the appropriate response to that is, what the fuck have you done in the last two or three years that's positive? Unknown_01: Like, what have you done that is worth mentioning in a positive context that is on par with going to a foreign country for no reason whatsoever to own someone, which doesn't even make sense, and then getting beat up? Like, that's like a joke. That's like you're playing a game like Crusader Kings and it's like a duel and you have a 99% chance to win and a 1% chance to die. And you just die randomly. And it's like, that is like comedy. Like, how do you even write something like that? 0:54:06 Unknown_01: Meanwhile, what is the inverse of that? In the last two years, Ralph has repeatedly found new platforms to completely destroy with his weight, and that's it. He's done this repeatedly, and that's all he's accomplished. Unknown_08: I guess rattling a fucking pill bottle and talking about a stolen purse. Unknown_06: You didn't go and get her show. You didn't do all this to fuck with me. There was no mentality of I'm going to do all these shows but not to kill her. 0:54:41 Unknown_08: Do you think this is a 24-hour op that I've decided to take Ethan Ralph down and I'm working my way through the secondary shows? Unknown_02: I can't think you did that on purpose. Unknown_01: I kind of think so, too. I think he did. Unknown_01: Now that I know the pill thing wasn't, like, okayed, I think he's just been pressing that one button. Because that's the only thing that he's done in the last few years, that it doesn't involve other people. That's like his last major fuck up that didn't involve like impregnating a retard or getting a restraining order from a retard or adopting like a retard like May. That's like the last thing that he did that's just all by himself. So he just kept pressing that button for like two years. And then he decided – oh, after he blew up at – 0:55:19 Unknown_01: at flamenco for for showing up on somebody else's stream or whatever the fuck like i bet you if i just start showing up on like gator stream and flamenco stream he'll blow his time i i actually think i agree with ralph on that i don't blame you i think it's funny like honestly i thought it was funny um like i went on flamenco show because he challenged me to a video game and i went on a gator show because i like anime Unknown_06: I don't know, man. But you're rattling your pill bottles on every show. You're talking shit about me. Ralph, if I wanted to fuck with you, I'd be streaming with Josh. 0:55:53 Unknown_08: I'd be streaming with Andy at PPP. Unknown_06: I'd be streaming with Nick Ricada. Unknown_01: You co-signed the Andy stream. That's true. I mean, to be fair, that's the appropriate counter to that. It's like, yeah, if I wanted to piss you off, I'd make it way more obvious. There's a way to do that. Besides going to talk about anime and shit. Unknown_06: I went to my house that night. Honestly, that's kind of what made me pretty salty. I liked the video of us shaking our little pill bottles. 0:56:26 Unknown_08: That was the exact picture that I put out, Ralph. Unknown_06: Can I say this? Go ahead. I will say, and again, you are correct. There were different segments of the stream. Unknown_06: And so Jesse, BS, I'll call him, came to my house. And so that was a different segment. But there was a segment they had advertised you. For the show, basically. Yeah, that wasn't me. Unknown_02: It's a robot. Unknown_06: Well, I know it's not you. I understand that. And even though I knew that and I don't like the person, I know that already. Kill all pedos. He's done videos before. 0:57:00 Unknown_06: But you're like, oh, wow, this is so funny. Unknown_06: It's like, well, this dude just came to my house. I know, you know what? You say whatever you want about my fiance, but I'm literally going on fucking Monday to Virginia Beach to see the guy who tried to kidnap her at her house last year get sentenced. Unknown_01: And I'm going to write about it. Unknown_06: I'm going to talk about it. Unknown_01: So you know what? Anybody can say whatever they want. Unknown_06: And it wasn't like Yeah, but what about the response to that, Ralph? Ralph, what about the response to that, though, Ralph? 0:57:33 Unknown_08: I mean, you say she was fucked up over it. She had something bad happen to her. Well, she was scared. No, no, no. What I'm asking, I'm not arguing that, Ralph. I'm not arguing that. What I'm saying is if she was so scared and fucked up over it, why did you then try to own Andy Worski and immediately leave the country? Wouldn't you stay with your wife who's scared? Unknown_06: Well, I know that's the talking point. No, I'm asking you, why do that? Well, I'll say this. First off, she was never in danger because Jesse P.S. is a faggot. Unknown_06: So I was never worried about her personal safety. The reason she was scared at first is because she didn't know who it was. Not because it was... Jesse PS or Warsky or anybody else. It was because like, Oh shit. Oh, it was because I messaged her and I said, Oh, somebody's outside. Holy shit. That was what, you know, got her worked up. Um, that being said, if somebody showed up outside of your house, outside of your house right now, you would be worried. 0:58:06 Unknown_06: Well, here's what I do. Here's the simplest answer. Unknown_03: You don't answer the door. Unknown_08: You fucker. You don't answer the door, Ralph. Easy. Unknown_03: Hey, I'm serious. Unknown_06: Like, are you serious? Like if somebody fucking came to your house and I've had this happen a number of times and I realize, you know, I'm a, I put my name out there and everything else, but you're like halfway in halfway out too. 0:58:38 Unknown_07: You're not an Anon. People know who you are in reality. Unknown_03: Yes, Ralph, I've been doxxed multiple times. Unknown_08: Yeah, that's what I'm saying, but you can't sympathize with this at all? Unknown_06: I hope people listen to this and actually get some advice. No, I'm confused that you presented to the internet that this was a traumatic event for her, but then you're on a plane to teach the A-logs, making it seem disingenuous. I said she was, like, frightened for a second, like, you know, 30 seconds. Unknown_01: Yeah, but he continually represents that as a serious traumatic event. Well, he's a faggot, you know. Unknown_06: I didn't say she was, like, cowering in fear, could never fucking recover. What I'm saying is, by the way, when I came home today, people had dumped shit out in front of my door. When you say shit, do you mean stuff or actual shit? I mean, like, corn cobs, actually, is what it was. 0:59:24 Unknown_06: on are you fucking serious well what if i came and took a shit on your front porch like do you think it would be you're telling me people drop corn cobs in your yard yeah you think it was jesse probably but by the way jesse has a fucking like my fiance put out a fucking order against him so i hope it was jesse because he's gonna go to jail it wasn't if it was jesse but some random um either way um and then ralph i guess the other question related to this and this is an honest one 1:00:05 Unknown_08: Um, you had, you had no, wait, wait, wait. You promoted, you promoted the Frank Castle and Boogie Thing. No, no, no, no. You promoted the Frank Castle and Boogie Thing as being based in Redfield. Unknown_06: I'll let you ask whatever. I'll let you ask whatever. I'll let you ask. I'll let you do whatever you want to do. But, uh, if somebody took a shit in front of your front door right now, or if I was right here and I said, Hey, Jim, Hey, Jim Augustine, where the fuck you call yourself right now? And I started beating on your fucking front door. You would not think it was funny. You want my honest reaction? Unknown_08: I tell you two things. I'd say, uh, suey, because I think that is funny. And then I'd be like, fuck off, you're trespassing. And then when you inevitably, because you're drunk and head-wounded. No, no, when you're head-wounded, I would say you're trespassing. 1:00:39 Unknown_06: You think I'm dumber than I am, Jim? Unknown_08: I would just walk off the property. Dude, you can't tell me that I think you're dumber than you are after this last week. Come on. No, no, no. Come on. Unknown_06: Well, you know, I said all this because I felt all this. I feel like a lot of people are enthralled to you and it needs to be broken. Yeah, I have to be taught a lesson. Unknown_01: I like Ralph's smiles and laughs there, and he seems much more lighthearted now. 1:01:12 Unknown_01: it's just it's just so obvious to me that Ralph is still so full of love for this man he loves him so much and he can't even like maintain an angry facade for a long time because he just pops out he'll say something that makes him laugh and he's just like oh there's my daddy make me proud Unknown_06: Right, you've been holding that in. No, it's not that. It's resentment, animosity. People think that I can't be my own man or something, and this guy's talking shit about me all the time. It's like, what the fuck? Unknown_08: Oh, so other people are giving you shit for pill bottles, and now you've got to come teach me a lesson because you've got goaded into it. Unknown_06: No, it's not teaching you a lesson. It's like, why even... I don't say shit about you. Like, I don't know. Why do you think if it was anybody else, you know what I mean? Like going, I won't say going either way, but like fucking, you know what I mean? Like if it was Marsh or whoever, like covering you or doing something about you, you would definitely not think that was cool. 1:02:03 Unknown_08: But it's probably a bad example to bring up. Unknown_06: I don't know, man. I don't know. It just seems like. Unknown_06: And again, all these times, there was nothing stopping you. Even now, tonight, it's like, oh, come on the kill stream. It's like, why not? Unknown_08: I'll tell you why. Is it my fucking job to get you money and fame? Unknown_06: How long do I have to drag your ass through the internet and the minefield that it is? Unknown_08: No, no, no. You like to talk about biggest in the sector. When I was on your show, you had viewers. When I left, you didn't. Unknown_07: So am I supposed to come on and get you fucking money? Unknown_08: Am I here to be your ATM Ralph? 1:02:45 Unknown_05: Augustine. Jesus Christ, Augustine. Like the saint that you pretend to be religious of. Unknown_06: Like the saint of faggotry, like you are. Yeah, yeah. Make me money. That's all I hear from you. I want money. Unknown_08: Come on my show. Unknown_06: Make me money. Nobody cares about you, Jim. Unknown_08: Just go down. You obviously do. You suck my dick for two hours to have this conversation. Unknown_07: Look at the smile. You know I'm telling the truth. Unknown_08: It's breaking through. You know I'm telling the truth. Unknown_07: What? Did you tell him the truth about what? Unknown_08: you sucked my dick for two hours because you wanted me to come on. And then you bitch and say, everybody wanted to see it. Right. Like, I mean, yeah, because your show shit without something fucking put together and entertaining. 1:03:18 Unknown_07: Right. I was making money before you came. Unknown_08: Yeah. 200 bucks off Richard Spencer debating the 18th Twitter pedophiles. Really riveting shit. Unknown_07: Well, that's all I need. What are you talking about? Well, apparently you need more because you're calling to my name. Unknown_06: I didn't. You were fucking with me. You've been talking about me for two weeks. Unknown_08: Oh, it needs to be on the kill stream. Unknown_06: We need to have it on the kill stream. Two weeks, Jim, Augustine, or whatever the fuck you call yourself. How are you having this? You do have head trauma. Augustine. Unknown_08: There you go. Unknown_06: Fucking shit. Does it bother you when I'm mispronouncing? Oh, it's not like I did that on purpose, Yankee faggot. Well, no, it seems... Yankee. 1:03:49 Unknown_01: How pathetic. My southern pride doesn't allow me to say your name correctly. That's how little respect I have for you. In what world is that an own? It's been a while since I've been back in the U.S. And even then, it's like, okay, I was in Pensacola. That's not really the south. That's not like Alabama or whatever. But like, is that really like an own? Like the southerners think, oh, if I mispronounce someone's name because they're from the north that like owns them, is that a thing? 1:04:21 Unknown_08: Like you're desperate to get my real name out there, so let me help you, drunk. Unknown_06: It's Augustine. Go ahead and get it out there. I'll be paying a visit to your town. Don't worry. Unknown_08: See, listen to you. You cry and cry about being harassed, and then you're like, I'm going to teach you a lesson. Unknown_07: If you want to fuck with me, I'm going to fuck with you. Unknown_08: I've done nothing to you but laugh. Look at yourself. Unknown_07: You're fucking insane. I'm going to laugh myself. Unknown_08: Oh, you're going to laugh yourself? Yeah. Are you doing the Godfather voice, or are you just the pills kicking in? Unknown_05: Nah, I'm just saying fuck you, bitch. Unknown_08: Oh, thug life. Can I get an oink? Rage pig, can you give me an oink? Nah. Nah, oh, thug life. Look how tough I am. Yeah. Internet's harassing me. I'm so sad. Stop it. 1:04:55 Unknown_06: I'm going to teach everybody a lesson. Is this when the cancer kicks in? The cancer's ongoing, dipshit. Yeah, I can't wait. I'll piss on your grave. Okay. Unknown_06: Do you really think you're going to out-low me? You won't, dude. Don't worry about it. Unknown_08: You know me. You already know me. Gravity helps you. It pulls that gun so far down it's bifurcated. Unknown_06: I'm never going to out-low you, Ralph. There's no way to physically do it. Gravity ain't going to save you and your fucking greasy Korean whore. You're both going straight to hell. See, look it. There you did it again. You're both going straight to hell. I don't bring up any of your family, but you jump right into it and then cry like a bitch when the internet does it. 1:05:27 Unknown_08: I don't cry. You cry like a little bitch. Unknown_03: My girlfriend's so scared. She's so scared of the Pampers. Unknown_08: They left corn cobs. How would you like it? Unknown_07: I'm going to teach you a lesson. Unknown_08: I'm going to go to Gators College and tell everybody he's a white nationalist to try to blacklist his life. Why not? Unknown_07: He fucked with me. Unknown_08: Why not? Oh, cool. So you think it's cool when it happens to Nick Fuentes? Unknown_07: Yeah, I think it's cool to fuck with somebody who fucks with you. Unknown_06: Okay, good. I'm glad you like that that happens to Nick Fuentes. 1:05:59 Unknown_08: How about Dick Masterson? Is it cool when it happens to him? I don't like anybody who fucks with me getting fucked with. Do you believe that principle applies to Nick Fuentes and Dick Nesserson? I don't apply it to anybody. Unknown_01: Do you believe it should? He's like switched again. Like he tried screaming and then he tried having the back and forth and now he's like defeated. I don't know. He's like his entire like attitude has changed. He's like he's not bouncing up and down anymore. He used to be bouncing. Now he's, like, sunken in his chair and he's, like, grumbling. He's like, yeah, but, you know, nobody can go lower than me. He's, like, super, super low-key and just trying to be, like, above it all. I don't even know what he's going for, but it's very bizarre. 1:06:30 Unknown_06: All live thug life? No, because I don't have a black and white view like you because you're a fucking retard. Oh, I see. I have a... Double standards. That's what that's called. People who fuck with me deserve what they get. That's what I have. That's my standard. Uh-huh. Unknown_08: Yeah, double standards. Unknown_06: Yeah, I got it. Unknown_05: No, it's just the truth. Unknown_08: Yeah, the truth is they're double standards, Rage Pig. Jesus, keep up. Unknown_06: Well, I mean, I don't lie about it. I mean, that's the standard you have too, but you just don't want to say it. Unknown_08: You've told people, oh, Jim Dox is... Who did I dox? Can't name anybody. You said, oh, Jim attacked my family. 1:07:06 Unknown_06: Oh, you can't point me to it. Oh, Jim does this. Unknown_08: You can't point me to it. It's all these examples of fictitious shit in your drug-addled mind. Unknown_06: We can end it early, but I just... I do focus on the doxing thing. Go ahead. Because it's like... Unknown_06: You know as well as I do that the whole doxing, oh my god, so-and-so's a doxer, is retarded. Unknown_08: I publicly stated that there's a difference between when you dox somebody and you do life ruination. What you're doing is life ruination. 1:07:42 Unknown_06: Okay, well what's he doing then? What is Gator doing when he shows DMs and talks about what a shit boss you were that underpaid him? Unknown_08: Probably shitting on you, Ralph. That's what he's doing. Unknown_06: I didn't underpay him, for one thing. You paid him $150 to $200 when you're making $5 or $10 a month. You're a cunt. Unknown_08: You're a cunt for doing that. That's why Gator's not there, and Zidane's not there, and Flamenco's not there, and all your co-hosts leave. It's very elfish of you, Ralph, how you pay your co-star. Unknown_06: Okay. Alright. 1:08:15 Unknown_06: It's like this is a guy who said he was my best friend and cozied up to me for years and years and said he would never leak things and never go against me and never do this and never fuck with my family. And then it's all in the front. Unknown_01: Ralph calls Gator his best friend here. What's interesting about that is Gator says that he never talked to Ralph except for business stuff like related to the podcast. So like in Ralph's world, the closest person to him was a guy that never spoke to him. They didn't watch TV together. They didn't play games together. Like, I have friends that I've had for, like, ten years that I'll still play, like, Path of Exile and Dota with on, like, odd occasions. But Ralph doesn't have that with the person he talks to, like, every fucking day. It's so bizarre. It makes me... It really makes me wonder... what he does on a day-to-day basis like who does he talk to whatever his interest does he does he do anything i guess he's streaming all the time right so if he's not like streaming he goes to vegas and he like slowly gambles away money and like watches sports and that's probably it he just watches like black people throw balls around the page so you know what you can say everything you want but you have no clue what it's actually like 1:08:59 Unknown_06: And so you can sit here and you can clean up. How bad would things have to be if your best friend, like you said, of eight years has turned on you? 1:09:33 Unknown_08: He's a shit. And I'll tell you. But if he did it, why would he do it? If you're such close friends, how bad must he be acting? Unknown_06: He did it. You know, I think he did it. And I'll tell you this. True. Truthfully, I think he did it because he thought I was going to go after him. That's that's why I wonder why he thought that I wasn't going to. That's the thing. Unknown_08: Words of an angel. Right. Unknown_06: literally wasn't i have nothing on him like i don't have that's the thing like he's taking all these screenshots and doing all this shit like i have no gator folder i have no i definitely could have one if i wanted to uh but i don't have any like dirt on him or anything like that because like this i mean to be quite you know you can say what you want but like this is one of my best friends to be honest if not my best friend uh and so like i didn't sit there i'd use past that's 1:10:22 Unknown_01: best best friend that he's never met he doesn't know the name of that he doesn't play games with he doesn't watch shows with and he talks only with business so fucking strange to me like how do you how do you not have anyone closer i mean i guess he's probably chased off anyone anyone that he would consider a real friend because at a certain point like if you know an addict and they're like ruining their life it's like too depressing to stay in touch right you have to cut them off Unknown_06: was definitely was he's a piece of shit now I wouldn't piss on him if he's on fire but the thing is like at the time like I didn't set up a fucking dossier like I didn't sit here and think oh my god what what I Sean Gator like he literally fucking was threatened to kill himself three months ago because of a bad test it's his nursing school or whatever like I Unknown_01: That's cringe. I think that he's interpreting literally like, God, I feel that test. I want to kill myself. I was like a literal like, oh, my God, he's an imminent danger to himself. 1:11:15 Unknown_06: Sit here and say, oh, let me screen cap that, Jim. Jim will think it's funny three months from now. I didn't sit here and say that. You understand? And all that shit fucking happened and all the shit in real life fucking happened. And so for him to sit here. Unknown_06: And go that route. It is what it is. I completely understand. Unknown_08: And so now, instead of getting equal measure friends and making fun of him, you're going to try to ruin his life by pitting him as a one-man athlete. Unknown_03: Oh, it's cool for people to come to my house. Did Gator go to your house? Why are you pitting it on Gator? Unknown_08: No, no, no, no. 1:11:49 Unknown_06: No, you don't get to do that. Did Gator do it? No, you know what? Actually, you're more to blame than Gator because you basically co-signed their fucking stream. What the fuck are you talking about? What stream where you got corn cobs? Okay, let me ask you this. Unknown_06: So the stream where they went to my house is the same stream where the gym amalgamation or whatever happened. Yeah, the robot thing, yeah. Yeah, so at the end of the stream, you're like, oh, it's so funny. 1:12:20 Unknown_06: Well, you know how people take that. Unknown_08: Did I like the fucking gym video? Unknown_06: No, but no, it's like you co-signed basically what they're doing to me. And that's how anybody would take that. Unknown_01: It's like Jim Cosa. Guilt by association is so fucking gay. It's really fucking gay on this. Ralph, you are fucking paranoid, man. Unknown_06: Okay, you don't think that at all. Like, what? You think that's crazy? Do you think that's literally crazy? Unknown_08: I do think you're fucking crazy. Yes, I think you're out of your fucking glory. Unknown_06: Okay, you know what? I might be crazy, but I don't really think that's crazy. Unknown_06: I'll ask the chat. Ralph, I'm sitting here calling you a rage pig and talking shit to you. 1:12:54 Unknown_08: Do you think if I was holding back that I wouldn't admit that if that was the case? Unknown_06: I just don't think you make any sense, right? So you co-signed the very end of a stream where they – I co-signed the video related to me, Mimico, and Gator shaking pills because that is something I find funny. Unknown_06: So you don't think that somebody who was watching the stream would say, hey, Jim supports people going to Ralph's house. Unknown_06: They could say whatever they want. Okay, well, you don't care? Well, then I don't care about you, right? Like, so, like, why are you offended? Unknown_08: No, why are you acting like I need to be on, like, the defense for you? I'm not, like, am I on your team? 1:13:29 Unknown_06: Are we a football team? You're acting like I'm out of bounds talking about your fucking... Because you're writing fan fiction in your head. It's fucking weird. Unknown_03: Okay, well, you started it is what I'm saying. Unknown_06: No, you literally wrote it as that. Unknown_08: You're writing fan fiction in your head. Unknown_06: You didn't have to do what you did. You took it there is what I'm saying. What did I do? Unknown_06: You co-signed motherfuckers coming to my house. Unknown_08: This is what I'm talking about. You are paranoid. Unknown_03: You know you did that. Unknown_08: You are paranoid. Unknown_03: You co-signed that segment of that show. Why do you think I screen capped it? 1:14:01 Unknown_03: Why couldn't you just say us? Unknown_06: Because it would lose you cool points. Unknown_08: Sorry. Unknown_06: What you want to say is why couldn't you defend me, Daddy Jim? Now, why can you say, oh, it's not cool to go somewhere? Yeah, yeah. Unknown_08: Everybody likes to say Daddy Jim in a shit tone, right? But when the rubber hits the road, suddenly it's protect me, Daddy Jim. Unknown_06: I literally can look up the clips. He was shitting all over you, dude. Shitting all down your throat. Like, just literally desecrating you. Unknown_01: Rafa is desperate to get him to admit any kind of, like, wrongdoing. Because I guess it would... I don't know if it's, like, a thing, like a gambit he has for, like... audience reasons, like to get people to think that he has a point, um, like a valid complaint, or if it's literally just for him, like he needs, he needs this person to admit that they've wronged him in some way to vindicate his feelings of persecution. That's, I'm not sure which is a, it's probably a little bit of both, but probably mostly like the vindication. Like he feels persecuted and he needs a reason for 1:14:37 Unknown_03: Ralph, Ralph, that's... Holy shit, Ralph, that's fine. Unknown_08: You don't think that I would think that Andy would hate me after the Aim Aim Aim stream? I'm sure he fucking sees about that. Unknown_03: I'm sure he hates me for it. Unknown_08: I bet you there are screencaps of Jarboe talking boatloads of shit. I bet there's stuff of Kron out there and Sargon and everybody else. Unknown_06: I don't think... I really... Of course, there'll be negative and minus, whatever. Pro and positive people. Pro and negative people who watch it. But I really don't think... 1:15:31 Unknown_05: I sound like crazy. I'm telling you, if you've ever taken my word for anything at all ever, Ralph, you sound fucking insane. Unknown_08: I don't know if it's a head trauma. Unknown_01: It's not three reasons I sound crazy. Unknown_01: top three reasons he sounds insane like he wants like a youtube top five number one making up bullshit and not being able to substantiate it like he wants like a breakdown point by point here's why here's my diagnosis by the um the the dsm qualification for fucking nut job here's how you meet those standards okay i'll set up the timeline i'll explain why i think you're fucking nuts I was going to do it. 1:16:19 Unknown_08: Your quality of content has diminished. And I'm not talking about your ability to do a show. But you've been seemingly hitting pills or alcohol. I don't know what. But you're fucked up all the time. Let me go. Go ahead. Unknown_05: You want to know why I think what I think? Unknown_08: I'm telling you. Because you're fucked up all the time. Unknown_05: Go ahead. Unknown_08: You fuck up all the time. You get into a fight with Andy Worski to teach him a lesson. Right after you sail the internet, your wife is scared. You hop on a plane to fucking Portugal. You get beat up, have your purse stolen. People make jokes about that. Suddenly, you go into full fucking rage pig mode. You're going to fucking teach people a lesson. And I'm not talking doxing. I'm talking life ruination. You're going to tell him he's a white supremacist. You want Gator to suffer. You don't want him to work or go to school or anything like that. Way above. Way above him laughing at you on the internet. That's a fucking ridiculous explanation. 1:16:52 Unknown_06: okay i will say this he went after my family first and so how did he when he made the donation that he made it became a different type of situation ralph what okay you're telling me you don't you don't believe in tip for tat you just said that when somebody fucks with you you fuck with them i will say this i will say this it was funny and it was like i could even see myself doing it to be quite honest with you 1:17:39 Unknown_06: But it was like once he did that, it was like, okay. And I did do my kill stream severance package. That's true. Unknown_06: And I maybe should not have done that. But that being said. That's not the first time, by the way. Wait, let me say this. Unknown_03: Hold on. Unknown_06: Don't cut me off. Unknown_06: He had went on air and talked a lot of shit about me the night before. So I was like, okay. I shouldn't have done that, probably. That's true. Unknown_06: But once he brought... That certain situation, man, I don't really feel an inclination to back down off of it, I guess. 1:18:20 Unknown_04: I guess you could say... There's a weird thing where I mentioned earlier, like, he... Monday Matt really, what caused him to, like, completely implode was not just that he got owned on a live stream. Unknown_01: He got called out on being the hypocrite or whatever the fuck, or a flagger. It was very specifically that he groveled. He said, you're right. I'm totally wrong. I'm a soy-filled bitch, and I'm sorry that I flagged your video down. That was what he said that really fucked him up. So in this dynamic, I think Ralph's biggest fear is he never wants to be humiliated like that. He never wants to have the Bolger moment. So, when Jim plainly articulates, and it's obvious for everyone to see, that Ralph is completely in the wrong. 1:19:06 Unknown_01: Ralph doesn't know how to just not be a piece of shit that gets owned by something like that. So he avoids his boulder moment by just owing up to it and then not apologizing for it at all. He's like, yeah, I'm completely in over the line. I'm in the wrong. It's my fault, actually. I started it. And this is not even an equivalence here. I am going apeshit. and uh but you know that's just how i do so he'll never like actually he'll never like this is definitely i i would say that the people said this is like the boulder moment for ralph i don't think it is because he manages to avoid that last step of like total humiliation by just like owing up to it and being like yeah actually i'm a huge piece of shit i have no redeeming qualities and i 1:19:48 Unknown_01: That's better. I mean, technically, actually, literally, that's better than what Matt did to get out of the situation. It's kind of a sad situation, but it is what it is. Unknown_04: I guess you could say I'm not. Unknown_08: But, okay, you're going to seriously tell me you don't think this now sounds insane, that you're going to do all this because of a $1 donation? Well, I'm not doing anything. You're going to go fuck with his life. You've told everybody. You're proud of it. 1:20:42 Unknown_06: I was going to go to Greenville. Oh, yeah. You're really scared of that, right? I know. Unknown_08: I'm talking about doing this to Gator for $1. That's what you're saying the root of it is. The $1 donation, you're going to go try to get him blacklisted. Unknown_06: This is why I don't like... So I went on air. I mean, if you want to have a conversation about it, we can. uh i went on air and basically you know everybody's shitting on me you included and i went on air and i was like oh it's good to get rid of the dead weight or whatever and like he kills on flamingo show and like just fucking completely trashes me i mean what are you supposed to do with something like that like he's he's like in gator's position it's like i think he intended to have like a clean break and be like yeah i'm i'm done with the show and i'm not coming back anymore 1:21:28 Unknown_01: But Ralph really starts to, like, humiliate him, and he never stops. And Gator is at, like, a losing position here, where Ralph just turns on him and goes, like, yeah, you know, I didn't pay him for shit. He didn't ask for... When he asked for, like, money, I didn't give him any more. He basically worked for less than minimum wage for me and did everything I asked him to, like a bitch, and now... Unknown_01: uh you know i'm gonna i'm gonna ruin his life and make sure he never exceeds beyond my show and it's uh it's really remarkable it's uh amazing i don't know streaming you shit back on him that's the internet okay well right well okay well it's like i don't know My point was that calling him dead weight, I think, really offended Cater. He really wanted to be acknowledged as someone who did a lot of work for Ralph, and Ralph, in retrospect, isn't going to give him any kind of gratitude. He's just going to be like, yeah, actually, you know what? Fuck you. You're just a paid gimp, and you're my little bitch, and it sucks to be you. That's not to his benefit either, because now it's like, why would anyone help you with your podcast if that's how you treat people who help you with your podcast? 1:22:42 Unknown_05: Personal shit into it, and I'm just the type of guy who's not going to... Unknown_05: Like, let that go. Unknown_06: And again, I didn't. It was zoomed. That's fine. Unknown_08: But what I'm saying is it's beyond doxing. Right. You want to ruin his life. Unknown_07: Well, he wants to ruin my life, Jim. How the fuck is he ruining your life? Unknown_03: He did the last week. What do you think? Unknown_01: Now that I'm listening to this for the second, I can really hear it. Unknown_01: He's going for the whole, like, he's going for the Boulder thing, where it's like he wants to pin him on something that he's wrong for doing. And he just can't crack it. He cannot crack Ralph's thick fucking head and get him to admit that what he's doing is ostensibly wrong to do. 1:23:16 Unknown_06: All these eight-hour streams and you sending out... No, not ostensibly. Unknown_01: Objectively wrong to do. 20 tweets of fucking, you know, every... Because this is a trash fire. You've turned it into a trash fire. Unknown_06: You're telling me you didn't... Like, you're trying to ruin me. Like, that's literally what's going on. You are ruining yourself. Unknown_08: Bro, you are ruining yourself. I'm watching this take place in real time. You are devolving down a path of a spiral... the likes of which I haven't seen in a long time, and I don't know why. I don't know if you really got hurt in Portugal, and there's some kind of legitimate brain hurt, or if it's like pills or liquor. I don't know what the fuck it is, but you are spiraling, dude. 1:23:57 Unknown_05: Well, you know, I've heard that, and I had some people... Unknown_06: You know why I feel like that that is a narrative basically is kind of what you guys said. I will say that I don't really feel like it seems like you've been going out of your way to shit on me for quite a while. I guess when I go out of my way to shit on you, it'll look like Jack Murphy. 1:24:31 Unknown_01: He couldn't articulate that point. I've heard people say that I'm going down and I'm spiraling down. Yes, I've heard that. But I think it's a narrative because dot dot dot mumbles to himself for half a minute and is like, you've been shitting on me. Very telling to me. Unknown_06: I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. I could be right on that. And I will say this. With Gator, we talked... Unknown_06: And, um, you know, doing this day to day for a living, I think maybe people don't understand this kind of, uh, it's kind of a cutthroat thing. Um, and so I'd talked to him before about, you know, Worski had fallen out. Worski never asked me, by the way, I know you talk about money and you talk about all this and that I've never withheld anybody's money, uh, 1:25:14 Unknown_06: but I'm also don't offer money either. Unknown_05: Like, I mean, I'll be real with you. Like if people like, you know, you have to ask for what you're worth, right? I paid Gator per month for things that he did. I didn't pay Worski. Yeah, but dude, you, I don't care about Worski with regards to Gator. Unknown_08: There was an incident about, yeah. Unknown_06: Huh? 1:25:52 Unknown_01: Well, I'll let you... Just one interjection, not about Warsky. Unknown_08: Go ahead. Unknown_01: Like, two or three years ago, you guys... He already sounds so fucked up and he's drinking more alcohol. That's crazy. Unknown_08: ...into a fight with Gator. Unknown_01: He starts getting real mad right before he cuts it off. Unknown_08: That's true. Unknown_06: That's true. And I apologize for that publicly, Jim. But it seems like you used him as your financial whipping boy. Unknown_06: But you know what actually happened during that episode? Look, I don't think I've ever hidden from this, and I'm not going to hide from it now. I've had problems with substance abuse and all that. 1:26:28 Unknown_05: No shit. Unknown_06: Well, okay. You know what? You've got a DUI. You've got shit in your past. Yeah, when I was 21. Okay, well, you know what? Don't act like you're holier than thou. Unknown_08: I'm not. I'm just setting the record straight. That was, you know, 20 years ago. Unknown_06: You just had to set the record straight. Unknown_08: Anyway, whatever. Unknown_06: Because you keep making shit up. Unknown_08: We have to go through it. Unknown_06: What, I made your DUI up? Unknown_08: No, but you made about five things before it up, so I just want to make sure everybody's clear. Unknown_06: Oh, so you did get a DUI, to be clear. Yes. When I was 21. You did receive a DUI. Absolutely. 1:26:59 Unknown_09: Okay. Unknown_06: Um, yeah, I've had, I've had problems, uh, with that. I forgot the fucking main question that you were asking, but, uh, that you brought up the financial thing with Gator before and you treat him like a Gator got thousands of dollars from me. And it's not, you know, you can just for the course of years, dude, come on. Unknown_08: It's pretty elfish. Unknown_06: Okay, well, Gator literally has been on the kill stream, like, maybe 25 times in the last five months, six months. What about the last eight years? 1:27:35 Unknown_08: The seven years that you've been doing it? Unknown_06: Okay, well, Gator, and I said this on air before, like, Gator's main quality wasn't even as on air before. necessarily uh capabilities it was his institutional knowledge of the kill stream itself which is even greater than mine um which i've said before um so yeah i mean that's that that was that was getter's main quality so Unknown_08: What about his accusation that you had promised Zidane and him $33,000? I heard that, and I never actually heard that from him before then, actually. 1:28:08 Unknown_06: Did you promise it ever? Unknown_08: No. You never promised him any YouTube revenue? Unknown_06: I never did, and I heard that, and I was like... Zidane will never come forward with a story saying that you did? Unknown_08: I don't think so, no. There are never going to be logs that are going to pop up where that's mentioned? Unknown_06: I don't think so, no. Unknown_06: I know there won't be any contracts that pop up where I've said I did, for sure. Unknown_05: So if there's any contractual agreements where it says I did, you could let me know, Jim. Unknown_05: But I don't think you'll see those. Unknown_08: I'm sure more elves will get involved. Yeah. 1:28:40 Unknown_06: If you have some mystery contracts, you probably would have already shown them. Unknown_06: But yeah, I'm literally asking this because it's going to be embarrassing. Well, what I'm saying is like. Unknown_06: So Worski clearly was upset about money. Unknown_01: Do you know Worski? There's never going to be a contract, but I can imagine he probably got drunk and told them, which is like a once-off thing, and he can't even remember it. He was left for dead and completely broken, and you pissed on him, and everybody else pissed on him. Unknown_06: So then why are you surprised I laughed at that? No, I'm not. You know what? I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. I'm just, like, chagrined, I guess would be the word. It's just, like, why? Warski himself was, like, left for dead. And he had 20 viewers. And I said, Warski still has talent. He's still a host. He's a fucking good host. And he's funny. And he's got timing. And it's, like, bring him back. And I brought him back. Me. That was my decision. Do you understand? It was not Jim. It was nobody else. Everybody else pissed on this guy. Everybody else. Else left him for dead. And I said, this guy's got talent. Let's do this. 1:29:42 Unknown_06: And I've done that with a lot of people. And I'm not a perfect person. Unknown_06: I will agree with that. I hate that it feels like this with me and you because we've known each other for a while. Unknown_05: And it is what it is, though, I guess. I feel like you kind of went all in on trying to sing me. Unknown_08: I have not gone all in, Ralph. It would look much different. It would look way fucking different. You know it. 1:30:14 Unknown_08: You fucking know it. Unknown_06: You know I still like you. I can't help it. Unknown_06: It is what it is. Unknown_01: This was literally embarrassing hearing it the first time around. He cannot bring himself to actually... Unknown_01: separate like someone that he like internally has idolized for years from someone who now is just like openly ridiculing him he can't do it he's still holding out hope inside that he will see the error of his ways and come back when they kill stream and everything will be okay again you're gonna piss on me but uh after that jake shillenhall shit we've known each other for many years um 1:30:57 Unknown_06: It's kind of surreal. By the way, I think we're still on Monday Matt's channel. Unknown_00: Yeah, we are. I am just listening for a moment where I might be needed, but in the meantime, you guys have been great. Unknown_01: I've completely forgotten that this isn't... What he really wanted was a one-on-one conversation where they could talk about their emotions and work out a relationship compromise, but instead he is too drunk to remember that he's actually on the air and he's being made fun of by thousands of people. Unknown_00: Keep it up. 1:31:29 Unknown_06: Uh, I don't know, man. I don't know. It's kind of crazy. And by the way, I know I want to say this earlier. Of course, you know, when I get attacked personally, I have a tendency to lean in on the heel type activities. Unknown_05: Uh, and of course, I believe the term is rage pig. Unknown_06: Yeah, well, I don't know that term, but I have a tendency to lean in. Unknown_06: I think the Gator kind of, you know, invited that type of activity. 1:32:05 Unknown_05: That being said, you know, I didn't actually reveal his name or anything like that. Unknown_08: You just did on stream. You played a whole video of Gator. Unknown_06: Yeah, but you knew. Okay, well, everybody knows who I am, Jim. What the fuck? Why would you make an obvious lie that's contradicted in a second? I never revealed this shit. You literally did. What I'm saying is I wasn't the one who doxed him. Unknown_05: You literally did on Odyssey. Unknown_06: I watched it on Flamingo Street. I mean, the video itself was what doxed him, not me. Unknown_05: Those are two different things. 1:32:41 Unknown_06: that sounds like you're quibbling now ralph okay so what oh well let me ask you this what he's supposed to be above that i never said he was okay i'm just saying if you're gonna be honest about it be honest about it you're right okay so like what but you know for a fact can i i want to go back to the discussion i had just a little bit earlier like this whole doxing is like burning witch fire thing you know that's bullshit right like that's fucking great Ralph I draw the line that I've always said this publicly life ruination you start showing up and try to fuck with people's works and their family life and their job and their church yeah but Gator didn't Ralph that's true Unknown_08: Gator's not planning on doing it, is he, Ralph? Unknown_06: Well, I don't know what he's planning now. Well, with your fan fiction bullshit, who knows what you think? Unknown_08: You probably think he's hiding behind the sprinkler. You said I was trying to fucking kill Gator a couple of days ago. 1:33:36 Unknown_06: I literally have never said that, and you'll never find a clip of me saying it or a tweet of me saying it. They weren't saying that on air, though? You said I said that. Okay, well, you weren't fucking promoting it. You sure attribute a lot of shit to me that I don't do, Ralph. Unknown_08: Go get mad at the people that are doing it, Ralph. Unknown_06: It's important, though. Like, what the fuck, dude? Like, I never did anything to you. It's like, why? I don't know. You're asking me to hold people back? Is that what you want? Unknown_08: No, but it's like, you don't have to support it. Like, what the fuck? Unknown_08: You've made me pay attention to it because, as I've said, you've gone into a tailspin and it's become a dumpster fire. What are you doing? 1:34:11 Unknown_06: Well, you're right about that. I'll say I should just not respond. But, you know, when you're here and just fucking. I'm not even saying you can't respond. Unknown_08: You can talk all the shit in the world. You can tell people Gator's a massive faggot. You hate me and I have cancer. I don't give a shit. But it's that life ruination line. You're playing with fire with that shit. Unknown_06: No, do you not understand? This is my life. Fucking super chats and restarts and all this shit. This is what I do for a living. And so all this shit, you're talking about life ruination. You've been trying to ruin my life for a week straight. Unknown_08: Ralph, I've been watching you ruin your own life for a week straight. 1:34:46 Unknown_06: That's like the saddest thing about this. Unknown_01: He is able, in his head, to internally justify doing literally anything. Because he has to make ends meet with super chat money and shit. So it's like, if Gator is impacting his ability to make money by collecting donations from actual literal retards... His fans, if you look at their pictures on fucking Twitter and Telegram... are like, they barely register as human beings like you and I. They are so far off in their own world, like their own species. And he has to find a way to keep those people loyal and giving him their money so that he can support himself. So he's able to say, like, Gator compromising that is akin to him getting him kicked out of college and, like, doing whatever the fuck else he wants because that is his life. Like, this is his life. This is life or death to him. He has to not get owned in this conversation because his child will not eat if he does get owned. It's very strange when you think about it like that. 1:35:23 Unknown_08: You're going to deny it with how you've been behaving? 1:36:01 Unknown_06: You know what? I will say this. I don't think that I've acted appropriately in every response in the last week. I think that that's true. But I also think it's been a lot of people taking liberties, too. It's like, oh, he's down. Let's kick him. Yeah, nobody wants to be the bottom of the gangbang. Unknown_08: I get it. But you're up at bat because you've done some dumb shit. You could have responded differently, but you're going all in on this psychotic, I'm going to fucking ruin people shit. And it's just going to make it worse for you. How can you not see that? 1:36:34 Unknown_08: I know you're not that dumb. I know you see that. You must know it's just going to escalate. Unknown_08: You're telling everybody it's okay. You're basically saying, I'm fine playing by these rules. You don't want to play by life ruination rules. Unknown_06: You basically said that when they came to my house. Do you not understand? We've already been over this. Unknown_06: Yeah, I know you didn't co-sign it specifically, but what people think is what they think. Unknown_01: This is that last sip of alcohol really hitting him. He's slowing down so much now. Unknown_06: Right? Do you understand? I don't want to say optics, but it's like... 1:37:07 Unknown_06: Okay, it's so funny to fuck with Rob. You know what? Some of the shit is funny. It is what it is, but like, you know what? If people were showing up at your house, there's been fucking three people that showed up at my house in the last 10 days. That's not fucking cool, dude. Unknown_08: Jesus, dude, why do you think that is? Look at what you've been doing for the last fucking two weeks. Unknown_06: I'm just saying, man, you wouldn't be so cavalier. I'm not trying to be cavalier. Unknown_08: I'm trying to point out to you that your exact actions on the Internet are drawing attention and making people do that. Because now you've told them, this fucks with me, this messes with my head. If you do this, you're going to get a reaction. You've waved that flag to the Internet. And you've also told them, game on, everything's on the table. 1:37:42 Unknown_08: That's the most idiotic thing you could ever do. Unknown_06: You could have gotten mad. I'm not even trying to insult you, but what's my alternative? Change my name? Seriously. Your alternative is to fucking act like it's the internet. Unknown_08: Talk shit about Gator. He's releasing DMs. Talk shit about it. You can make all the fucking jokes you want. I didn't save a folder on him, dude. I didn't save a folder. Unknown_06: This was my best fucking friend. I didn't fucking save a fucking burn book. You could have laughed about it. 1:38:15 Unknown_08: You could have played the game. Unknown_01: I think this is the part where people think that he's crying. Like, he does sound kind of fucked up. I don't hear it personally. I guess it's just the glasses or whatever. I just hear, like, a fucking waster. I think he's just really drunk. Unknown_08: You could have said, yeah, I paid him $100 a month because he's my gimp. Unknown_01: You could have called him a gimp. Unknown_01: I think that if he is sentimental here, he probably is. I think maybe he is close. His esophagus is, like, clenching up. He is pretty sad. I think because, like, in the last couple of minutes, the tone has changed to be very, like, helpful as opposed to just trying to ridicule him. Because I guess... 1:38:47 Unknown_01: There was no bolder moment, but now it's just like, let's... Because he doesn't seem to understand. Let's lay this out in a way where he can understand the consequences of his own actions, like a principal or a father would. So now he's coming to terms... He's having an emotional response because he's coming to terms with like... Unknown_01: Yeah, I guess I am kind of retarded, but he's still trying to justify it. The reason why I'm so angry is because I trusted him, and he had the capacity to talk back to me, I guess. 1:39:32 Unknown_08: But it's not good enough. You feel like you're not getting the one-up, so you want to fuck with his real life. Unknown_03: He's fucking DMs'd at my fucking... Unknown_06: The woman who's about to give birth to my child in two months was worried about my drinking. He's leaking that. Like, are you fucking serious, dude? I don't have anything on him. And he's playing this type of game, and you really want me to feel sorry for him? Unknown_08: I'm not asking you to feel sorry for him, Ralph, but I will put this fucking to you. If he's leaking DMs where people are worried about your drinking, I mean, look at you tonight. Unknown_04: I'm fine tonight. 1:40:03 Unknown_08: You sound drunk today. Unknown_04: I'm drunk for sure. Unknown_08: Okay, so you're saying he's leaking DMs where people are worried about your drinking, and now you're back home after getting beat up in a foreign country, drunk, raging on the internet. Unknown_06: You haven't left your house in six years. But I'm not drunk screaming about how I'm going to teach people a lesson in Oklahoma. I would rather be drunk screaming than not having left my house in six years. Unknown_01: It's like such an addict brain thing. It crosses barriers and different kinds of addiction, but... Like even like food addicts like Amberlynn and Chantal, they will always do this whataboutism thing where it's like you're fucking drunk. You just humiliated yourself and now people are like concerned about – your fiancé is concerned about your drinking and you're drinking again. And he's like, well, what about you? You've not left your house. 1:40:38 Unknown_01: And they all do it. Like – Unknown_01: If anyone says to Amberlynn, Amberlynn, you just ate 10,000 calories of one chicken in one sitting. And she'll go, but what about so-and-so? When he eats 10,000 calories of cheesecake in his videos, nobody gets concerned about him. I think it's like a presentation of internal logic where Ralph feels justified in drinking because of XYZ. 1:41:16 Unknown_01: And then when people confront him on it and he articulates that logic, it just sounds very silly. But that's how they excuse it when they start doing it. It's like, well, what about this? If X is okay, then me drinking right now is okay. I don't know if that's armchair psychology, but that's how it feels. Unknown_06: What the fuck? It's like, Ralph, people can't tell you shit without you getting mad. Unknown_08: You need to fucking lighten up. Unknown_06: Okay, when's the last time you left your house? Unknown_08: About five hours ago. Unknown_06: So it's not, you actually do go out. No, Ralph, I'm chained up in the basement. Unknown_08: I'm hiding from Fauci. 1:41:55 Unknown_08: Well, you act like that. I don't know. Ralph, I have cancer and autoimmune diseases. My immune system doesn't exist. I'm on 100 million grams of prednisone to fight it. I have no immune system. Unknown_05: I know that well. Yeah, yeah. You sneeze on me, I'm going to fucking get really sick. Unknown_08: Yeah, that is true. That's a funny joke. I would use that joke. Unknown_08: But I'm legitimately sick, Ralph. So yeah, I have to pick and choose my moments when I leave my house for reasonable reasons. It's not just COVID, it's fucking everything. 1:42:26 Unknown_05: Well, you made me smile when you said that my joke was reality, so... Unknown_01: A lot of people listen to that, and Jim's talking about, oh, I have cancer, I'm dying, I have to take these medicines, because if I go outside and I get sick, it's really bad for me. And then Ralph is just laughing to himself, and I think a lot of people look at that and are like, oh, what an asshole laughing at Jim. uh tell the story i i think that he's off in his own world and he's thinking because what he says there is like you made me smile because you laughed at my joke he's he's happy because uh he got positive attention from daddy for once i i have a completely different take on that than most people 1:43:04 Unknown_06: You know what? And I don't want you to die, honestly. Unknown_01: I don't believe you. Unknown_06: I think you hate me. I think you have a deep-seated animosity. Absolutely. You know, that's kind of fucked up that you actually think that. I don't, actually. I just feel like you're a prisoner to the mob, basically. Unknown_06: If I was a prisoner to the mob, I'd have been shitting on you for the last three years. You know what? Unknown_01: That's a fair rebuttal to that, actually. But I just... I also disagree. I think that he doesn't have an animosity. He's just angry that he's been abandoned. He's been forsaken, and that's what frustrates him. He's not actually... He doesn't have a deep-seated animosity. He just wishes that it could be fixed. It could be undone, and things could be like they were before. It's like... 1:43:38 Unknown_06: I've never really done anything to fuck with you. Like, why would you... I don't know. It just seems like I gotta take a shot at this guy because they don't like this guy. Unknown_04: I love the way he says that. And I'm from this shot. Unknown_08: Why would I use pill stream audio on a stream with Flamenco who was on, you know, the pill stream? 1:44:12 Unknown_06: Why didn't you just come on... I mean... Unknown_08: Why didn't I come on your show, champ? Is that what you were going to say? Unknown_06: Well, yeah, honestly, you've been on my show a hundred times before. Like, is that crazy? I don't think that's crazy. Unknown_08: Dude, you realize how this is coming off, right? I mean, it's... No, but it wasn't that, but it was... You know why? Unknown_06: It was almost like he's doing this to, like, not... You know what I mean? Like, he's fucking me on purpose. That's not crazy. That's the norm. Unknown_08: I think you need to, like... Not like a vacation. Tell me how I'm wrong. Unknown_06: What I'm telling you is you need to take a break, bro. Wait, hold on. Wait, wait, and I'll let you speak. 1:44:46 Unknown_06: When you went on all these shows, you went on there and said, Ross, a fat gun, and shook your fucking pill bottle. Can you send me the audio where I said that? Unknown_04: Well, you shook your pill bottle, for sure. Unknown_08: Okay, so you're attributing a whole bunch of shit to a pill bottle. I mean, that really got you fucked up. Why does that fuck you up so much? What the fuck did you do years ago, dude? Why does that bother you so much? 1:45:17 Unknown_06: Because I don't fucking like thinking about that. Unknown_08: The pill bottle specifically fucks you up that much. Unknown_06: I got a lot of reasons why. I don't fucking shake... You know, I don't fuck with you about your worst fucking moment every fucking time you come on air. Like, what the fuck? Unknown_08: I don't know that's your worst moment. You're telling me the pill stream was the worst moment? Unknown_06: No, it's not! Unknown_08: But what I'm saying, it might be the worst ones you motherfuckers know about. Unknown_06: I don't fuck with you like that every fucking time you come... You understand? Like, what do you mean? You act like I'm crazy. I do, because I would think your worst moment would be a tape you uploaded. 1:45:52 Unknown_08: Like if you're talking about me being mean and shit, I'd be making jokes about that all the time and posting caps of that all the time. Unknown_06: I can't talk about. Unknown_08: I know. And I know I'm not going to bring it up, but I'm just saying as an example, if I was going to be like a dick. Unknown_06: and pick what I thought your worst moment was, it would have been that. And I can tell it to you if it was off air, but I can't tell you. I get it. Unknown_08: You can't talk about it. You can't talk about it. I won't bring it up much. Unknown_01: Such a bitchy nodding. It pisses me off. He did it again. It's like he brings up something that's a really good point, and to avoid addressing it entirely, he just collectively dismisses it. Like, oh, that's a legal issue. I can't talk about that. I'd be really interested in hearing his response, but he has like a bitch out card for it. Look, dude, I'm not saying that. I've had some not proud moments. 1:46:28 Unknown_06: I hope you don't think I'm holding myself up as some exemplar. That's not the case. Unknown_08: I don't. That's fine. Unknown_08: I'm telling you, honestly, you're tailspinning. I don't know why the fuck you are, but it's just going to get worse if you keep going down this road, man. It's just not a road you want to go down. Unknown_06: Yeah, I mean... Unknown_06: I don't know. I feel – I'll say when I wrote the article about you, actually. Which one? 1:47:03 Unknown_06: Well, what's wrong with writing articles, too? I actually saw that, and they're like, Rouse writing in his live journal. Unknown_08: Yeah, it came off as teenage girl shit. It's really embarrassing. Unknown_06: That's what I used to do for a living blogger. It's like, okay, well, I'm just reverting to my roots. What are they talking about? Unknown_08: This wasn't like you blogging about politics. It sounded like you got dumped. Unknown_06: Yeah, but it was like... Unknown_06: I don't think you've said anything positive about me for any reason in, like, 18 months. And it's like... Why does he still hear about that? Yeah, he's talking shit. I actually didn't watch the stream. I will say this. I didn't watch the stream. 1:47:35 Unknown_06: I just had people tagging me, and they're like, Jim's saying this. Unknown_05: I was like, you know what? Unknown_06: Fuck this. Now... Unknown_06: maybe it's an overreaction but it's just like i don't know it just felt like you were taking liberties for no reason really um and so that's that's again i mean i i when something spectacular happens i'm gonna laugh at it right you know what and i'm not gonna like she just asked like why can't i make fun of you i want the answer to that question why am i not allowed to make fun of you specifically I'm not really trying to bring this up or go into anything that you've been through personally, too. But if I went through your personal life, if I went through your name changes, we talked about this already. 1:48:21 Unknown_05: Bring it up. Unknown_04: Laugh about it. Unknown_03: So it would be cool. Unknown_08: So you're saying it's fine, then? We've literally sat here for 10 minutes at the start going over what my fucking name is. Yes, go ahead. Unknown_06: You changed it in the first place then. Unknown_08: I literally told you. We got married and decided to fucking change it. If I wanted it secret, I would have gone to another state where they let you do it. LLCs can be kept secret if you go to another state. Unknown_01: He didn't explain that, but that's actually what happened. They got married and they changed first and last names, which is unusual. But yeah, they did. 1:49:00 Unknown_01: Do you think they weren't going to find me? Unknown_08: I posted pictures of my fucking house. Unknown_06: Well, I knew... Actually, and I said this earlier, I talked to Gator and I was like, well, that's definitely... I was like, what the fuck? Like, Unknown_06: He basically just removed all doubt about where the fuck he lives. Unknown_05: And then Gator said he thought you did that because you were going to die soon. Unknown_08: Yeah, not the best of health. Unknown_06: That's true. 1:49:32 Unknown_08: You can make jokes about that, too. Unknown_06: That's fine. Unknown_08: No, that's fine. That's fine. Am I supposed to hide it? You wrote an article called Fear, and then you're saying, but I'm posting pictures of my house. Which is it? Well, no, I actually messaged him when you showed it. Unknown_06: I just saw that you showed the dungeon, I guess, as I've dubbed it. Unknown_06: And I was like, man, why would he show that? I was like, this guy's been... 1:50:05 Unknown_06: you know, you're not fully a non or whatever, but you've been a little assiduous about keeping your name a little bit under wraps, whatever. And I was like, why would he show this? And then Gator's like, I think he's going to die soon or whatever. That was his... By the way, I'm not making that up. Unknown_01: He's trying to get Jim to hate Gator by saying that. It's so strange. Unknown_06: It's so pathetic. Unknown_06: I can't help, but I'm the host still. 1:50:38 Unknown_05: I've never believed this, actually, that you faked your cancer or anything like that. Unknown_05: I think you've been serious about that. Unknown_08: Yeah, I got cancer. Unknown_05: I got cancer. And that would have been fine on its own if it had just been the cancer. Unknown_08: It would have been easily treatable with chemo and radiation. But there's more shit going on. That's why I'm at internal medicine and Mayo Clinic. Unknown_04: Yeah. So you're talking about like, oh, he's afraid to leave his house. Unknown_08: I have to plan trips to go to Rochester. where I've got to duck and dive through the sickest people there are with no immune system to go spend two to three weeks getting fucking every test. Oh, we need a CTA. We need an MRI. We need a normal CT and an MRI. So it's this nonstop shit of having to go down there, and you're around people from all over the world because Mayo brings in people from all over the fucking world doing all these tests, coughing their fucking heads off, bleeding from their fucking orifices, and you're like, shit, it's this fucking dance. 1:51:14 Unknown_06: Yeah, and again, I don't know. I've never been, and you talked about it pretty openly, and so I've never been one who said you were faking or anything like that. Yeah, Ralph, what I'm telling you is you could make jokes about it. 1:51:48 Unknown_08: You could go with the faint cancer thing. That's fine. Just like the name change shit, have all the fun with it you want. It's like, I understand, but it's like, Unknown_06: And again, it feels like I'm sitting here saying this and it's like, again, as much as me and you talked about each other in the last week, even here, I'm sitting here and I'm like recounting it like for the reset or whatever. And it's like, this is depressing. Like, I don't know, man. I don't, I don't know. Unknown_08: Shit happens. You roll with it. That's life. It's unfair. You deal with it. That's all you can do. 1:52:20 Unknown_08: You roll with the punches and you march on. Unknown_01: Was he looking around for booze just then? He looked on either side of him like, oh, fuck, I'm out of alcohol. Unknown_06: Yeah, you just got to keep going on. Monday Matt is still here, too, somehow. Unknown_00: He's so fucked up. Unknown_06: It's his stream. Unknown_00: Yeah, I mean, I'm only here to moderate, and you guys are talking, so there's no need for me. I think we've reached our conclusion. Unknown_08: I don't know what else we're going to talk about. Any questions for your audience? 1:52:51 Unknown_00: The audience has definitely superchatted quite a bit, but I'd have to go through and take a look. Jim mutes himself, and then Matt asks one question. Unknown_01: I think what would be more valuable is a discussion between us three, not the audience. Unknown_05: I think Monday Matt needs to weigh in. Unknown_00: Well, I mean, I have my thoughts. I'm not mentioning that fucking shit. Unknown_00: That shit was old and dead and buried. Unknown_00: But no, look, look, Ralph, here's the thing, man, is like, you know, you are a fucking hypocrite. All right. Like, you know, and you know, you're a hypocrite. I'll be myself so you two can go for it. No, I'm not trying to get involved in this shit, but it's like you're out there complaining about people coming to your fucking house, dude. Now, Matt directly confronts him on something, and I think it actually scares Ralph, which is why he immediately drops after this one question. Like, I got doxxed three years ago with that shit. I've had people come to my house. I've had shit sent to my house. sure all right like yeah well it's i'm not saying it's cool and i don't support it all i'm saying is like you know it's like fucking have some goddamn empathy for other people who you help put in those situations no well you don't understand like uh well maybe you do it maybe you don't but i understand a lot more than you fucking think dude all right and i'll let you speak for sure um i i 1:54:16 Unknown_05: Actually, I do have a lot of empathy for people in our position, I guess you could say. Unknown_00: So, yeah, I don't think that that's. Well, let me let me ask you this. I want an honest answer. How many fucking people have you flagged? Like literally, because I only did I did 13. It was stupid, but that's the number. Unknown_01: So remember, this is the whole reason why everything about Matt's entire career and channel fell apart is because he lied about flagging videos on YouTube. And then when he was ousted for it, Jim had him do like a truffle shuffle and embarrass himself. And when Matt makes a direct comparison between himself and Ralph in that regard, because Ralph has flagged way more shit than Monday Matt ever has, he immediately shits himself and leaves. 1:55:03 Unknown_00: I mean, I'm not going to get into it. Nah, but dude, that's the thing, man. You went at me for a long-ass fucking time. You went at me for a long-ass time over my kid? Unknown_06: It doesn't matter if you yell about your... Unknown_00: All I'm pointing out, man, is if you want me to have empathy over you having a daughter in a couple months... I don't care about your empathy. Unknown_06: I hope you die in a ditch. Unknown_00: I'm sure you fucking do hope I die, but the reality of it is we're here and I'm not dead. I literally don't care, Matt. You do care. You obviously care because you bring it up a lot. Unknown_01: And he quit. I'm not having this conversation. And he just immediately hangs up. Just great. It was his idea. It was his idea. Let's have a conversation between the three of us. First question. What about you being a hypocrite about me flagging shit? 1:55:36 Unknown_01: And then... Who the fuck is calling me? Unknown_01: I guess I have to get interrupted no matter what I record, right? And then he immediately hangs up. That's the end. There's like three hours left of this because Matt is making thousands of dollars hand over fist doing this livestream. So he invites whoever the fuck else he can to get on this and he gets like total fucking retards on. And it's like, I haven't listened to it and I'm not going to. So that's the interesting part. And the rest of it is noise. So I hope you have enjoyed this commentary. I'm now a reaction channel. I'm a bottom feeder. I'm scum of the earth. But I hope you found some entertainment from it. And I'll see you on Friday. Bye.