Mad at the Internet (March 5th, 2024) 2024-03-05

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Unknown_03: This channel just needs me to see, oh yeah.

Unknown_02: So I'm painted with secrets, so it seems.

Unknown_04: John Cleola was the boss, he took the lead.

Unknown_04: One of the four Hidden in the dark Secret to speech and to suppose

Unknown_15: Someone suggested that I play around with this Suno AI thing for making songs. And this was one of the first ones that I got. And I was quite pleased with it. Quite pleased. Uh, the only problem that it has is that it is so restrictive with how many tokens you get, uh, to generate songs. So you can't really play around with it too much. Uh, you can play around with being basically indefinitely, but you can't really play around with, um, uh,

Unknown_01: Sorry, I just got an email about the Supreme Court thing. You can't really play around with the music too much.

Unknown_15: So, chat.

Unknown_15: Let's talk. Let's talk about some drama that's happening. It doesn't involve me, thank God. I'm always, yeah, I'm always just a little bit out of, out of touch with these things. Um, so here's, here's the last couple of days of forum drama in case you're curious. Cause now that I, uh, have had some stability, uh, the retard levels of the site are returning to.

Unknown_15: They're usually extremely high and caustic levels. Uh, so now, now that the site works stably enough.

Unknown_15: People have returned to using it as a way of talking to each other. This includes direct messages. Now, Zenforo direct messages are a bit more loose than some other websites. You can invite as many people as you want to your DM. And so, me being the generous liege that I am, permitted senior users, those who are at least six months old on the site and have a couple other qualifications, have the ability to invite as many people as they choose.

Unknown_15: So they did. They would invite hundreds and hundreds of people into their DMs called rape roleplay, which wasn't really about rape roleplay. It was just nonsense to annoy the fuck out of everybody. And then I decided to start deleting these. If I ended up invited to any of these DMs for any reason whatsoever, I would use a special tool that only I have access to because I coded it myself. And it's a command line prompt. And I would command line hard delete these DMs to get myself out of these fucking message chains.

Unknown_15: So after a couple months of that, I decided this is stupid. So I reduced the ability of people to invite people, even for senior users down from, I think, intimate to 10.

Unknown_15: What I did not know is that when you invite people,

Unknown_15: and they invite people, uh, they also can invite 10 people.

Unknown_15: So if you invite 10 people who are retarded into your DM chain, and then they invite 10 people themselves, you then have a hundred people locked into your dipshit ass DM chain about fucking furry role play.

Unknown_15: This resulted in a furry oriented DM, um, spiraling out of control and it culminated in this.

Unknown_15: A guy called Kattler, who had like an AI-generated Adolf Hitler catboy avatar, decided, was not only active in like a furry roleplay where they shared like porn, and like porn of like men fucking other men, like in fursuits, he went into the

Unknown_15: Oh, what was it? I know Slav Power knows this story. He went into a specific forum thread where a user or a lolcat was being accused of skeevy and inappropriate discussions with underage people.

Unknown_15: And he defended this, I want to say, and then at some point he was so upset that people were making fun of him. The boy kisser thread, you're right, good one. Good, good memory. My chat knows more than I do sometimes. Uh, the boy, the boy. Okay. So that requires explanation. There's like a Reddit meme of like a little fox thing, kissing cute boys. And this is obviously really creepy. It's supposed to be like a, like a gay teenager type meme from, from Reddit or discord. Um, but it's obviously like a pedophile coded thing. It's like a boy lover thing.

Unknown_15: So there's like discords dedicated to these like this meme so it's kind of like that how dog d-o-g-e dog had like its own meme culture. Well the boy kisser thing had its own meme culture and but instead of being about dog being innocent and heckin wholesome and cute and and going to the moon with dog coin it was instead a way for gay men to try and solicit contact with underage boys on private things like discord. So this guy called Catler decided to say, no, actually, it's not that bad. It's not like it's not what you think it is or some shit. I don't know. He said some dipshit ass things. All I know. I don't know what he said. I just know how we reacted because people made fun of him for being a contrarian in this thread. And he reacted by because the boy kisser thread was not in a locale area. The users can edit their posts for a much longer length of time. So he went back and edited out all of his posts to try and, like, soft delete them by just removing the text.

Unknown_15: Which caused the off-topic moderator, Iota, to flag this to me. He said he warned him for being a DFE risk, which is what we apply to people who might try to wipe their posts.

Unknown_15: And then I looked into it, because people said he might be trying to groom people in DMs, and I've not seen any evidence of this.

Unknown_15: What happened as a result of him, like he preemptively fled the site like he scrambled his password and abandoned the forum and then went into like a splinter forum to talk about how I'm like a closeted homosexual neo-nazi or some shit and cry about how he was heinously mistreated by the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_15: But this caused people to dig into it and that's how the whole like furry roleplay DM like became a public discourse thing and users went through and screencapped like there's like 50 plus pages of this and that all went into a public thread that iota started I think if I remember correctly and Because this thread was so popular and so many people were fascinated with what people were saying, they started also making like stupid DM chains, just like dozens of DM chains to try and be as annoying as possible.

Unknown_15: which has caused me to ask the question. Well, I further limited the DM chain thing, but then I also added a rule. I say, if you're inviting people into DMs that don't want to be in a DM or don't need to be in a DM, I will just start banning you from sending DMs and inviting people into DMs because you're being annoying. Which caused people to discuss, well, I like making DMs because... Well, I started asking the question, why do people like these long-ass DM chains anyways? Why not just post on the forum?

Unknown_15: To clarify, I've never... I could have banned this at any time, but I chose not to because my theory is if I ban people for making these annoying DMs, they'll just go to Discord.

Unknown_15: which is not like I don't want to sound like I'm trying to force people to use my site because obviously I don't have control over that. But there is a benefit to using the Kiwi farms when you are a member of the Kiwi farms active in an adjacent community to the Kiwi farms because there is a psychological thing where people go to a discord

Unknown_15: and talk to people from the forum. Because it's so personal and kind of walled off, people have like a psychological thing where they think, oh, I'm safer now. I can say whatever I want. I can share things that I wouldn't normally. I can open up myself to people and don't have to worry about it as much. And then that shit always gets onto the forum anyways. It always causes a problem, which then is back imported into the forum. All this shit gets screencapped and it's just people being way more vulnerable than they have to be because they think they're safer. And DMs are kind of like that, but much less so because you still at least see the logo and it's like burned into your brain that you know that you're not completely safe. You can't like fully expose your intimate details on this website because you're still on it.

Unknown_15: So that's why I prefer that and I try to tolerate it. But the question was raised like why do people not use like we have boards dedicated to just fucking nonsense. Why not just use the shit posting boards that are like there's like four of them on the site and they have no rules basically. Why not just use those? And someone I saw multiple people say that the benefit of conversations is that there is no ratings point. So there are little stickers that people have derided as being reddit karma or, um, upvotes or whatever the fuck on the forum. And they each have like a, a point system to it. And there is zero value to this point system. There's literally nothing about this point system that actually impacts your ability to use the site. The only thing that is, um,

Unknown_15: that considers reaction score is that the highlight system takes the most reacted to post so it doesn't matter if it's a terrible post or a very good post if it's highly reacted to that that's favored for highlights and that's why you get when you get like a mixture of

Unknown_15: like memes, generally informative posts, and also like complete shit like malding retarded faggots.

Unknown_15: And I've realized that a lot of people running websites realize and that is engagement indicates how interesting something is. It doesn't matter if it's upvotes or downvotes. It doesn't matter if it's Um, likes or dislikes on a YouTube video. It's the net interaction. It's something that it's or on X it's like whatever causes someone to interact with something. That's the most interesting type of content, even if it's offensive or, uh, or stupid or whatever.

Unknown_15: But my point was is that the ratings do nothing. Why do people care? And then I realized that they actually do check the score because it adds up on your profiles. Like I have like over a million reaction score because there's one rating that's worth three points and then most are rated one or two. And then there's a couple that are like rated negatives. But people actually watch that score and they care about that.

Unknown_15: And I removed this. I hid the score because I'm thinking, why do people care about the score?

Unknown_15: It's literally just something I can't turn off, so I never have. But then I went into the templates and I yanked out the score wherever it was present.

Unknown_15: So now you have no way of telling what your reaction score is, which I hope would break the habit of like refreshing a page over and over again to see what your fucking point score is, because it literally doesn't matter. It doesn't do anything. And within seconds, within seconds of this, I was getting alerts from the technical grievances thread where people report the site breaking and saying, I can't see my points anymore.

Unknown_15: Like, do people really check that often that they would immediately notice that the point score is missing? It's like they F5 the home page to see it there. And I'm like, wait a second, my points are gone. This is a problem. So then people started talking about it, and then I realized wow this is really stupid So I went in and there's a notification thing if you're signing to the thing and someone rates your your post You get a little thing that said you know Noel rated your post like I think that's stupid. That's why I've had that shit turned off, but it's the default. If you log, if you make an account by default, your reaction alerts are enabled. And I've always just left that alone because I figured, you know, I, my, my, my logic is

Unknown_15: If you're a new user on the forum and you've made your first post, you know, it's probably nice to see, oh, look, I'm getting alerts that people are reading my posts and they're interacting with it. And so I know that I'm being heard, you know, that's a nice, that's cute. That's a nice thing. But when you have like hundreds of posts and people are rating your shit continuously, then it has no value. It's like a dopamine thing. It's like, I can't even stand it on Twitter. You go to Twitter and you go to your all notifications and they're just like pages of all these likes and shit. It's like, I don't care. Let me go to my all and I'll just read you like my, my recent likes. Okay. So I made a post about Mudahar. Voight-Tech liked my post. Mobius Zero liked my post. An anime avatar named Zephryl11 liked my post. Solopsist liked my post. Egoo liked my post. I don't care. I do not give a fuck.

Unknown_15: That has no value to me. I know it's a good post. I made it. I don't need people to tell me that my post is good. I know it's good. That's why I wrote it. Why do I need to know? I don't need to know. If someone wants to say something in reply, then I'll read it. You can alert me for that. I care if people are going to react because they might have information I want to read, but I don't need to know that someone clicked a button. Who gives a shit? I'm glad they liked it. I made it for it to be enjoyed.

Unknown_15: So yeah, I'm just shocked. I'm shocked by how many people were really genuinely involved in monitoring their upvotes. So I disabled reactions, and then I re-enabled alerts for... Sorry, I disabled the reaction scores, then I disabled the reaction alerts, and then I re-enabled them. Because there are two there are two types of things that can now trigger reaction alerts. There's a special admin only sticker That's worth a hundred points that I use when someone post art that I like or post an update or does something cool I give them a little trophy sticker, which honestly used to be cooler back in the day when all stickers showed up back on PHP BB, but In the future that will be the case again. I don't like how the current thing doesn't show all the reactions you get That one will show you an alert so that because it's special, you know when I like something that means it's cool and good and you deserve to know that I Like your post the other one is a secret watcher and this requires some more explanation and A user many moons ago realized that users on the Kiwi farms were heavily autistic and actually cared about their sticker value. So he made an account called Secret Watcher and all he does is reads. He's like a hardcore lurker. He's a real person because he is not like a bot because when his, I changed something so that you had to have, oh,

Unknown_15: Okay, there's like a long sordid history of people being extremely autistic about stickers on the site. It used to be that you didn't have to make a post to like things. Now you have to have at least one post and be in what's called an introduced user category that I can't give the full details to. You have to have a couple posts to like things now, because people would make sock accounts to like posts to upset people. They would get pissed off that you rated their post dumb. They would create a sock account, and then on that sock account, they would go through that user's post history and rate all of their posts that they've ever made dumb in retaliation. This is called revenge rating. It's a name I'm not making this up. People do this a lot, to the point where I had to intervene to stop them from doing this. So now you can't just create a sock account to revenge rate people anymore.

Unknown_15: So Revenge, the Secret Watcher guy, he's just a lurker. And when I made this change, he made a post, he has one message that counts as a post, and that's because he made it and talked to staff, and he said, why can't I rate things anymore? And I said, oh, I changed something. So just for him, because he's a special boy, I gave him access to all the boards. So now he can read all the, I think he can read even the senior user boards and stuff. He has no restrictions, he can rate wherever he wants. Just because I know that's he's like a hardcore lurker and he and you know He doesn't want his he likes to like post and that's it And but his presence has pissed people off since he was around he let me show you this I Can't actually I can't show you this because if I do you can see the people who are reporting him but um

Unknown_15: If I start, okay, so he has never literally never made a post, right? This guy has one post. It's in the talk to staff board and nobody can see it except a couple of users, right? That are mods.

Unknown_15: He has been reported 22 times.

Unknown_15: Starting in 2020, it would be really funny if this guy lost his rape privileges. He downvotes in the Nick thread, if I don't praise him, LOL. This faggot is back, abusing the ratings on Trump enslavement page, probably a sock account. He's not a sock account. He uses like a regular broadband connection. It's just some guy.

Unknown_15: Obvious troll that does not participate in message boards. Only downgrades posts, never replies, never contributes. By the way, after every single one of these, you can see Ride, who at the time was active, would reject them.

Unknown_15: Going through my posts and marking mad at the internet on all of them. Yes, my podcast is named after a sticker.

Unknown_15: He's been giving top hats to everyone at least two threads for months. Won't show butthole.

Unknown_15: Engaged in retaliatory negrating, which is not possible because he doesn't have any pose for you to negrate.

Unknown_03: You can't negrate him.

Unknown_15: He's immune.

Unknown_15: Excessive negative ratings. I have him on ignore. It continues. Some suspect he's a sock puppet. He is not a sock puppet. That is very funny that even if you ignore a user, you still get those alerts that it's like Secret Watcher rated your post dumb. You can't do anything about it. It's like, You could turn off your alerts and be freed from this demon forever, but they would much rather just report the guy and say, please ban him for rating my posts dumb instead of, you know, just turning off the alerts to begin with.

Unknown_15: This guy reported him three times in a row. He's been following me to various different threads and negrating all my posts. He won't leave me alone even though I asked him to. He just gave me five more negratings within a span of five minutes. And then finally, I have schizophrenia and he's making the voices worse with his negrating. Could he gently be asked to stop? Thank you.

Unknown_15: Request for revoking rating privileges on the grounds of being a gimmick account that plays on people's reactions and never participates in the threads. I cite the removal of sticker privileges of users snail slime as a precedent for doing just that. Thank you.

Unknown_15: And then that guy got banned because he was actually a stock account himself.

Unknown_15: A sticker abuse. Disruptive gimmick account. And I know who, okay, Maskell made this report and he did that just because I mentioned that he gets reported a lot. Possible sleeper account. One post in four years. This was during a big scare during Drop Kiwi Farms where people were afraid of like sleeper accounts awaking and like posting violent threats or whatever to get us in trouble.

Unknown_15: Oh, this is a great one. Reported for being an alt account of Hollywood Hulk Hogan.

Unknown_15: Hulk Hogan has been posting on the Kiwi Farms since before I joined the Kiwi Farms. He is like a liberal and he loves arguing with people. The articles and happenings people are obsessed with hating this guy. Instead of just ignoring him and the fact that he's like one guy that just goes against the grain because that's what he actually believes, he's like um... Like, I don't know, I don't want to offend him by saying he's like Destiny, but he's probably closer to Destiny than not, you know what I mean? So instead of just ignoring him, people freak out about him, and because the Secret Watcher rates the same people dumb, they think, oh my god, this has to be Hulk Hogan.

Unknown_15: This nigga is unfathomably based without saying anything Now usually okay. There's like a secret thing where when admins handle reports We just say we have like a it's not a rule, but generally speaking we reject posts We take no action on and we resolve posts that we did take an action on So every single one of these is met with a rejection up until this post in which case right result

Unknown_15: where I decided to resolve the report instead of rejecting it because he just wants to agree with us, I guess.

Unknown_15: And then finally, this one was three months ago.

Unknown_15: Non-poster to abuse ratings. Hulk Hogan alt. Only users who contribute should be allowed to give ratings. This new meat account with a donor tag, same rules should apply. I chose to respond to this with an alert to the reporter saying, shut the fuck up.

Unknown_15: And that has been the last report. I'm sure that if I refresh this, I've got a no and nobody, nobody bothered to report this account again while I was reading these.

Unknown_15: So there you go. It's a report history of secret watcher, a user who has done literally, literally nothing besides vote posts that he doesn't like as dumb. And because of the alert system, they see this shit and they think, Oh my God, this is the end of the world.

Unknown_01: Hmm It's not like he only does negative ratings, too He seems to read the community happenings board and reply what like normal rating?

Unknown_15: Yeah, people just people just get upset and they like justify like oh no It can't just be that he thinks my post is dumb or that my take is dipshit ass It's got to be some kind of nefarious Hulk Hogan thing to troll means crying You gotta help me Josh Cool excellent

Unknown_15: So that's the sticker drama. I have hard disabled stickers and I'm importing all of this data into my cerebral cortex so that when I make rust for it, which will never happen, um, I will make sure to avoid these pitfalls.

Unknown_15: Let us continue now to continue. Actually, we're going to need help and we're going to need a hamster. Hello hamster.

Unknown_01: Let's get roll into the new, actually,

Unknown_01: Don't want to read this.

Unknown_01: No, no, I did not actually this. I do want to read.

Unknown_15: Trump wins Colorado ballot disqualification case at the U S Supreme court. If you did not know three States opted to remove Trump from their state ballots.

Unknown_15: as voting is managed by state electoral commissions. So it's not that the ballots of the U S um, are, are handled federally. The States manage elections.

Unknown_15: Um, this is kind of like a hold back, uh, hold back a, uh, hold over from the delegate system, which doesn't, I mean, doesn't really make sense. Like to have actual delegates casting votes doesn't make sense. Like the modern era, but, um,

Unknown_01: Oh, okay. Uh, I have to fix the many that live domain.

Unknown_15: What's it going to say?

Unknown_15: So it's States minus the elections themselves. And

Unknown_15: Okay, dude, I'll fix it.

Unknown_15: States manage the elections themselves, and as a result, they manage the ballots, they print the ballots, and they decide who gets to vote, as they're responsible themselves for managing citizenship. And Colorado decided that they would apply the Constitutional 14th Amendment, which was a Reconstruction-era amendment. It was after the 13th Amendment did various things, including abolish slavery, and the 14th Amendment barred any Confederates from running for public office, even in the South.

Unknown_15: But the way that they did this was by blanket banning anyone guilty of insurrection or aiding enemies of the state from holding public office, which presumably would include the presidency.

Unknown_15: So, uh, Colorado, Maine, and I think Illinois were the ones to say, you know what, we're going to apply this constitutional ban. We're going to say that Trump can't run in our districts and we're not going to print his name on the ballots, which is only kind of.

Unknown_15: ceremonial in a sense because there is one. Maine is one of the few states in the U.S. that actually gives proportionate delegates. So Trump would get one delegate from Maine's two delegates because the southern district is the one that goes Democrat. The northern one is the one that goes Republican. So he would lose one delegate.

Unknown_15: However, Illinois and Colorado do not have proportional delegate representation for voting. And as a result, he would lose none because he's sure to lose both Illinois and Colorado.

Unknown_15: Uh, the real interesting thing about this is that the people who have been screaming about democracy for years are the ones who advocated for literally removing a candidate from the ballot in a state which he had no chance of winning at all. Um, which is a blunder. It's like a serious blunder because.

Unknown_15: If the only thing that would actually practically serve to do is to galvanize voters to go out in the states that still have them on the ballot and vote for them. Like it's a serious thing. It's an anti-democratic maneuver and it is galvanizing to your enemies. So it was, it was a very much a virtue signal in the original literal definition of what a virtue signal is. It was a symbi, symbi, symbiotic, sym,

Unknown_15: Bollock move to just aggrandize how progressive these states are at the expense of their own party and their own candidate.

Unknown_15: And then it went to the Supreme Court, because of course it would, because this is retarded. And to the surprise of absolutely no one, sane, it came back in favor of Trump, because obviously it would. We're a constitutional republic with democratic elections, and it doesn't make sense to remove the president, the former president of the United States from the ballot. Just doesn't make sense. Even with the most generous interpretation of the 14th Amendment and the disqualifying clause, it just does not make sense. And perhaps the only, I wouldn't, actually, no, not even, I don't remember what I said about this originally when it was first going to the Supreme Court and was first happening, but it was a 9-0 verdict, which is unusual, because usually the court has some dissent. In this case, it did not. All nine justices, even the gay ones, even the black lady, said this is fucking stupid.

Unknown_15: Because it is, obviously.

Unknown_15: And I don't know how anyone could be surprised by that. Like, you know, from a legal perspective, it doesn't make sense. From a constitutional perspective, it doesn't make sense. From a philosophical standpoint, it makes no sense.

Unknown_15: The only, the only logic, and this is something I've learned about, um, studying like history in the world war two history. There is a, a concept in Germany that's called like the self defending democracy.

Unknown_15: They have like a fancy word for it. It's like the strides bar democracy or some shit, but it basically means that Germans, Germany's constitution is explicitly democratic. And it prohibits Germans from voting anti-democratic. So there's like multiple built in democratic saving mechanisms.

Unknown_15: You have the very fun constitutional court called the Verfassungsschutzgericht. And that bans all the Nazi parties, basically. And they're thinking about banning the AFD. So Germany has the most pro-democratic, anti-democratic democracy in the world.

Unknown_15: And that's probably what Colorado was thinking, like, we're going to be a self-defending democracy like Germany, and we're going to ban politicians that we don't like because he's pootler or he's a trumpler or whatever the fuck, and we can't allow him to jeopardize our democracy. Only by jeopardizing democracy ourselves can we protect democracy from itself. Because the question of if people should be able to vote democracy away is a philosophical one But it's not an American constitutional one So

Unknown_15: What was I saying? Trump is on the ballots, people are crying, and some people are crying piss. C, Keith Olbermann. Keith Olbermann is crying piss. He says, the Supreme Court has betrayed democracy. Its members, including Jackson, Kagan, and Sotomayor, have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension, and collectively, the court has found itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It. Must. Be. Dissolved. Gunther Eagleman replies and says cry more 9 to 0.

Unknown_15: Keith Olbermann replies and says, those aren't tears fascist, they're urine. And I'm sure you enjoy being bathed in it.

Unknown_15: Um, so there's a community note that was approved for this message, uh, on Twitter. And now I believe the community note for this says Keith Olbermann is saying that he cries piss. This is not biologically possible. And then it cites the Wikipedia article on tears.

Unknown_15: which notes that there is no urine and tears.

Unknown_15: Um, so yeah, I think, I mean, what do you, I understand what he's trying to say. He's trying to say, I'm, I'm pissing on you. You think that you're being rained in my tears, but it's actually my PP. I PP on you. Epic on edge.

Unknown_15: Um, Keith Olbermann has completely lost his fucking mind. And if you're not American, you don't know who he is. Um, Keith Olbermann,

Unknown_15: was originally a sports commentator. He's a big fan of baseball. And at some point he was a pundit for MSNBC, which was either the second or the third most popular news network in the United States cable television for a very long time. I want to say that CNN is more famous now, but CNN was like the odd child because they sucked. I want to say MSNBC trumped CNN for a very long time.

Unknown_15: And so Keith Olbermann was segued from a baseball commentator to being a political pundit, and he kind of became, um, Famous or popular. I want to say he was the most popular commentator on MSNBC for a while and he was popular during the The George Bush era and he was into the Obama era and he was kind of like anti-war He was very typical. It was very boring He just kind of went on these very

Unknown_15: long-winded monologues about things.

Unknown_15: And he concluded every episode of his show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I think is what it's called, and would say like, it has been 1,548 days since George W. Bush declared mission accomplished in Iraq. And that was like his way of protesting Iraq. But at some point he lost his fucking mind. I want to say during the Trump

Unknown_15: Election he lost his mind. He got fired from MSNBC. He became a he tried to self host his show on some YouTube Publication nobody's ever heard of and I forget the name of Now I think that ended because it was extraordinarily unpopular

Unknown_15: And now he's just like an insane person. He's like a Patrick Tomlinson-tier lolcal on Twitter that everyone makes fun of because he talks about crying piss and then talks down to people in like the most condescending, retarded way possible.

Unknown_15: So yeah, it's it's uh, it's really crazy. It's really crazy like cuz he's like he's not like he's not like a fucking nobody You know what? I mean? He's Keith Olbermann He used to have a he used to have like the the number one cable television show on in his time slot I think the only person that beat him out on the news circuit was Bill O'Reilly And now he's like degraded to this shit on Twitter. You know what I mean? It's crazy. Funny how things change over time.

Unknown_01: So there's that. That's Keith Olbermann. And that's really it for news.

Unknown_15: I felt bad getting rid of the hamster so soon. I need my ham ham. Do I have the feet female hamster? I do. Okay. We're swapping them out. Female hamster. Cause we got a lot of shrooms stuff to talk about today. I feel like we need a hamster for what I'm talking about. All right.

Unknown_01: Femme hamster.

Unknown_01: It's a short news then.

Unknown_01: That's a good thing here.

Unknown_15: That's a good thing.

Unknown_15: That's Franny. She just talks about shrooms.

Unknown_01: Okay. For instance, this one.

Unknown_01: For instance, this one I say, y'all weigh the way the freedoms of your constituents with the fact that we haven't had another mass shooting in Florida since Parkland since we passed reforms.

Unknown_13: Thank you, sir. It's ma'am. Thank you.

Unknown_01: Y'all do look at this guy's face.

Unknown_15: It's especially funny because it's like It's like He's such a normal-looking guy. You know what? I mean? He looks like someone who's probably served in the military I don't know. He just has that look to him. I want to see if I'm right Overdorf Lord this is in Florida, by the way, Floridians is doing just fine Let's see if he was in the military

Unknown_15: It's a native of Rhode Island. Oh no, there's a chance he might be related to Kingle.

Unknown_15: He's not.

Unknown_15: He was never in the military. He just has that look to him. That doesn't say he looks like such a serious guy. And then he just like rolls his eyes. Cause it's like, he's like overwhelmed by how childish this shit is.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: Next this so this is something that I found about just before the stream.

Unknown_15: So we're gonna kind of explore this together This is obviously a tranny. Um, and let me just play this He's saying i'll just mute it so you don't have to listen to it But he's saying I advocate the abolition of of destroying and annihilating the traditional monogamous nuclear family Not that i'm going to beat up my parents

Unknown_15: enough of having a standardized cannon and see what he means like of what is normal. Um, this guy is now the representative of Doritos. He is a celebrity ambassador of the Doritos brand in Spain. The problem is, is he appears to be a pedophile. Um, I can only tell you what I've heard that these say now, does anyone, does anyone actually speak Spanish in my chat?

Unknown_01: Okay, especially as like a Spain Espana, okay Galaxy King Galaxy King I want you guys to translate if he was okay if you seek speak Spanish, especially Espana Spain Spanish Translate these tweets for me already.

Unknown_15: I want to see this first one. I don't want to read them aloud because It was he apparently saying that he's a pedophile I

Unknown_15: Neo Nazis do your thing. Translate the span.

Unknown_15: Yes. He's saying he's a pedophile.

Unknown_15: Um, yes, he's saying he's a, okay. He's saying a pedophile here. Okay. How about this one?

Unknown_15: What about this one? I've been told that he says if a minor would see me asking for help because she's being raped, I'd spit on her face. Apparently he's saying, okay, what about this one?

Unknown_15: Come on, Spain yards, hurry up.

Unknown_01: Okay. Okay. Mark your prefix, your post with one with the number two, this time too.

Unknown_01: When you translate them, just Google translate negative.

Unknown_15: No. Number two, I hate women that are victims of violation and I resort to help centers and overcome trauma. What fat whores fast? Really? Okay. Putas Posadas.

Unknown_15: That does sound right. Cause what, what whore? Okay. Yeah, that's right. Okay. What about this one?

Unknown_15: Number three. Mark this one. Number three.

Unknown_15: Type faster. Andele, andele, rapido, rapido.

Unknown_16: Rapido, rapido, rapido, rapido.

Unknown_01: Josh's Pavlovian response when he hears fat whores.

Unknown_15: Shut up.

Unknown_15: He says, three, fucking slut, you should stuff yourself into a slut and buy you a Cheon? What's a Cheon?

Unknown_01: I'm too late. Maybe I can take my phone's translator.

Unknown_15: Cause I, these are like in a screen, like a Spanish or we're doing, um, some, this is an elaborate matter of the internet trust building exercise. I'm going to find translate real quick on my phone. I like how half of Google's apps.

Unknown_15: Buckingham where you're in tight clothes and they let you in because you are a whore by a decent chin retard. Okay. That sounds about right. If this one is, I have, um, this one.

Unknown_01: Okay. Spanish.

Unknown_01: And then I'm going to use my phone.

Unknown_01: Then I have, Oh wait. Yeah, there is. Okay. Camera.

Unknown_01: Open camera while using this app.

Unknown_15: I cry with laughter at videos of bullying that ends in suicide. That's a bit of a foreshadowing right there. This is the Doritos sponsor by the way. That's why I'm reading this. Okay. New one. This is number five.

Unknown_15: In the middle of the street of Mallorca and panties and shouting that I'm a nymphomaniac in front of a super nice eight year old girl.

Unknown_15: I'm sure all the German tourists in Mallorca like that.

Unknown_15: Mayocra is a I think part of the Canary Islands, but it's Spanish. It's a tourist place that Europeans go to.

Unknown_15: I just ran my tongue over my, I'm not reading that, and then she smiled at me. The little ones also deserve pleasure. Dude, this guy is like just a straight up pedophile.

Unknown_15: If someone wants to translate into the chat, but I see what this says on my phone and it's like the worst shit fucking ever.

Unknown_15: The feminist tweets of Samantha Hudson, the new signing of salvame. I hate women who are victims of rape to the fucking, the, the, I sexually assaulted my eight year old cousin. Um, that needs to be, how is that not the front and center of the shit that he said? I went like an archive of this. It's from 2014. So he really thought he could get away with it.

Unknown_01: Yeah. Chat.

Unknown_15: They pay for this. Griegos is paying this man.

Unknown_15: He's such a good representation of the trans community. We need him front and center in front of everybody. We need to empower him with money and, uh, and, um, and clout.

Unknown_01: He's infamous for being an absolute monster, deranged communist, and under low cow.

Unknown_15: Where is he from? I'm curious. Cause I've always heard that the communists in Spain are from, uh,

Unknown_15: Samantha from that autonomous area on the Northeast.

Unknown_15: There's no information about where this from. Oh, they're from Leon.

Unknown_15: So they're not from, um, the autonomous Catalonia is what I'm thinking of.

Unknown_01: No, it's from Leon. It's from the Capitol.

Unknown_15: Alright, well there's your Doritos sponsor. If you're eating a bag of Doritos, unfortunately, chat, this is what you now support. Doritos used to be the chud gamer fuel of choice, but now it's the fuel of pedophilia, literally.

Unknown_15: I'm surprised this guy's not dead yet. I'm gonna be real with you If there's anyone in Europe that is going to like kill somebody for being a pedophile still Poland

Unknown_15: and Spain would be like the top of my list. Cause the Spaniards, the Spaniards are like, they are, they are willing to put violence in their catalog of solutions. They, the Spaniards have at routine times in history decided that violence is the correct answer to certain, certain problems. And they've enacted this, but yet when, uh, I mean, Russia is not a part of like the European union. That's what I'm referring to.

Unknown_15: Yeah, dude. Especially because it's not in English. Like, there's like a barrier. Like, how many people speak Spain Spanish? How many people pay attention to like Spaniard celebrities? Not that many, you know. It's not until they fuck with Doritos and the Americans are like...

Unknown_15: Now I heard that there's some kind of Spanish tranny eating on my corn chips covered in MSG. What could possibly be going on on their Twitter account? Let me pull up Google Translate on my phone and point it at my computer monitor to make sure that all this is kosher and in line with Jesus and the Bible.

Unknown_15: son of a bitch. He molesting kids and eating Doritos. Come on boys. We got some lynching to do. Get in the Ford.

Unknown_15: Oh boy. All right.

Unknown_15: The other tranny thing.

Unknown_15: Let's get them. Skeeter, Skeeter, get the gun.

Unknown_15: WPAL is a trans advocacy group and they are like the foundation of all transgender medical science. Every word of that sentences in quotes.

Unknown_15: Their studies are routinely cited by hospitals and other medical studies.

Unknown_15: So when you hear someone say,

Unknown_15: Actually, we know for a fact, it is a peer-reviewed, case-studied thing, that these hormones are reversible, safe, effective. This is who they're referencing. They're referencing WPATH.

Unknown_15: And WPath has had a little bit of a oopsy-doodle. A journalist, a real journalist, not a fake journalist, named Michael Schellenberger has released internal memos from the organization which indicate that not only Did W path know that their treatments were not safe and not effective? Um, they actively covered it up. Uh, this is a quote from, uh, someone asked, and this is like an internal, uh, colleague thing. It says 14 year old trans female wins, gender affirming surgery. And then they say, the doctor says, hello, my dear colleges. Now this is a college educated MD that is posting this and he does not know how to spell colleagues and spells it colleges. I'm going to assume.

Unknown_15: I'm gonna give this this monster the benefit of a doubt and assume that his phone autocorrected it incorrectly Hello, my dear colleagues I would I would like to know how to proceed on a 14 year old trans female who started transitioning since she was four So this is a four year old boy that put on a dress and then mommy said oh my god I knew that you were mommy's special little snowflake. You were always meant to be a little girl. We can undo God's unsightly error with modern medical science." And so they took him to, they, um, ten years later took him to whoever the fuck is posting this and said, I need you to cut off my son's dick.

Unknown_15: Uh, she wants to have a turn, gender affirming surgery into F and her parents are supportive of her decision. That's how you know, that's how you know it's fucking abuse. There's a child molester in the family.

Unknown_15: Uncle Kevin has been diddling some kids and they're completely blind to it.

Unknown_15: Um, but I have never done this on such a young person or young patient. What are your recommendations for this case? Triple question mark, triple question mark.

Unknown_15: This just shows that even like doctors are reddit-fied now. When a doctor has like a problem, they go to reddit and they go to like tranny doctor reddit and they just pop in like a phone post about what to do.

Unknown_15: Yeah, so this is a child with Irrecoverable Penis Mutilation Surgery and she's like 14 and I have no idea what to do. What do I do? And then the most up-duded post will be by, you know, Dr. Jude Silverstein who says,

Unknown_15: Um, the science is settled safe and effective penile, scrotal, flat vagina. Plasty is the correct answer. I am so happy to hear that her parents are supporting her on her transgender journey.

Unknown_15: Um,

Unknown_15: It's like it's like this is like the quality of post that someone makes on reddit for like ours. No stupid questions. It was like My sink is leaking. What do I do? I don't know if I'll be able to find the pars I've never actually I've never faked a sink before but you have a wrench. What do I do? Question three question marks Should I just call a plumber? Three question marks in the top post? Yeah, just wing it. Just wing it, bro. Try some duct tape. If that doesn't work, you know, you can try some Gorilla Glue. Fix your leaky faucet. Good luck. Let me know if it works.

Unknown_15: You know, that's the exact same thing.

Unknown_15: I wonder if this internal colleges system where transgender medical professionals can talk to their colleges. Do you think they have stickers? Do you think I can rate this post heckin' valid and give him like three score points for his great post? Is that how that works?

Unknown_01: Cool.

Unknown_01: Next time I read more.

Unknown_15: Schellenberg also posts this comment that says, you bring up some very interesting issues. At what age should transition begin? And what are the problems associated with possible detransition in a person who is so young? I usually recommend that the person be living as the other sex for six to 12 months.

Unknown_15: Yeah, try throwing a dress or something. If you're a girl, just pack some sausages into your pants each morning and walk around. If you still want to hack things off your body after, I don't know, give or take half a year to a full year.

Unknown_15: Depending on how sure you are. Yeah, we'll proceed fully. Just let me know. You just got to do something so it looks like I'm not doing malpractice.

Unknown_15: Since they may find that they are uncomfortable with the sex that they feel is appropriate. Also, they need at least one supportive parent involved.

Unknown_15: They need one supportive parent involved because we need them to sign a waiver and we only need one signature. So as long as dad or mom is kept out of the equation and they have a silently supportive parent, they can go through with it without the other's consent. This is especially useful in split families.

Unknown_15: It is very difficult to ask that they wait until 16 because by then they will be dealing with menstrual periods and complete breast development. Waiting appears to increase the rate of suicide attempts. Based on what?

Unknown_15: As much experience as a pediatric endocrinologist. After much experience as a pediatric endocrinologist, I would not rule out treating if the person is living as male and is convinced that transition would be correct for him.

Unknown_15: I trust the science.

Unknown_15: Um, this is so big by the way that, um, is already kind of, why is it black? Oh, cause my VPN.

Unknown_15: This one on the Telegraph. Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in late emails. So one of these that's not in this that I, people are digging through it, because there's so much material, but in some exchanges they admitted that there is a cancer link. Like they're seeing patients that have been transitioning their own hormones for a while, and suddenly they have cancer. They're linked to hormones. Wow, what a surprise. Who would have saw that coming? Everybody.

Unknown_15: Everybody.

Unknown_01: Thanks for playing.

Unknown_01: Oh, I, um, the, the, uh, the discoveries are mine.

Unknown_15: I think a lot of people will recognize this quote from like a meme from, um, there's a meme that's like popular regarding like American war crimes in Japan and the firebombing of Tokyo. But there's a famous quote by Curtis LeMay, who was responsible for the U S air operations, um, in the siege of Japan. And he said, if we lost the war, we'd have all been prosecuted as war criminals. Yeah. And that's basically what this amounts to. Like, these are like basically devils. They do, they're Satanists. They do whatever they want. They enjoy inflicting suffering and harm on children because it's like the most evil thing they can think of. And that's exciting for them. And it's only if they, they don't have to worry about consequences unless they lose, then, then they're all going to be hanged anyways. So it doesn't matter. Uh, fun.

Unknown_15: This is a fun thing that I bumped into randomly, but I discovered that the United Kingdom's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has asked for a review of pornography regulation, legislation and enforcement, a call for evidence. So they're asking for public comment. And this ends soon, so people are freaking out. But the survey says, the government wants to ensure that any legislation and regulation operates appropriately for all pornographic content. It is interested in ensuring that there are effective regulatory and criminal justice, policing, prosecution, courts, prisons, and probation response to online illegal pornographic material and exploitation and abuse in the industry. To help deliver this, the government announced an independent review of pornography legislation, and then it asked for the following evidence.

Unknown_15: to understand the prevalence and harmful impact of illegal pornography online, to assess the public's awareness and understanding of existing regulation, to consider current rules in place to regulate the pornography industry, comparing online to offline laws, to determine if law enforcers and the justice system are responding to illegal pornography sufficiently, to find out how prevalent human trafficking and exploitation in the industry are, and to use this knowledge to set out more that can be done to protect those that need it.

Unknown_15: Um, so obviously, uh, prostitutes and Johns are freaking out. Here's a, uh, a message from Pandora Blake, who is a female to male transsexual, uh, pornographer that does like only fanship saying high treasured spank a file. And this is from her blog dreams of spanking.

Unknown_15: We love talking about porn, right? Well, this week we get to talk about porn to the government, as if enough of us do it, they might listen. The government has commissioned an independent review into pornography, one couch in anti-sex work and prudish attitudes. They're not proposing any specific legislation just yet, but the terms of reference are for full review of the foreboding questions like, are we doing enough to prevent adults and children from accessing porn? Do we need more laws restricting porn? Are we enforcing the existing laws stringently enough?

Unknown_15: Needless to say, the review is likely to be bombarded with badly informed sex-negative responses from religious groups, SWERFs, and anti-trafficking orgs who love to... Okay, so let's break this down. First of all, those dang darn Jesus freaks, and probably also because this is the UK, let's be real, Mohammedans are going to reply to this. SWERFs, you might not be familiar with what a SWERF is. You know what a TERF is? A Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Well, what is a SWERF? That is a Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist. So feminists that would see Pandora Blank and think, wow, you're a fucking disgrace. By the way, in case you're wondering, the femme hamster is a SWERF on top of a TERF. Just so you know.

Unknown_15: And anti-trafficking orgs. So nuts, religious nuts, those evil swerves and anti-trafficking orgs. That's a unique combination to be against. And then of course, when you say anti-trafficking orgs, like organizations like by Jimmy Walton that exist. Well, she's no longer a part of the Wayne Foundation, but. Jimmy Walton was a forum user who was active in anti-sex trafficking and basically I've talked about her a few times because she's a remarkable person. She was on call like 24-7 as a part of her anti-sex trafficking organization because there is a

Unknown_15: There's a, I can't remember the specific legal problem, but it's like when you have a victim that is under ownership of like a pimp, you obviously can't return that person to the pimp. If you put her out in the street, she's going to be getting, she's going to get into trouble immediately or, you know, not be like, it's dangerous to be a homeless woman. Right.

Unknown_15: Especially a young one. Um, and if you don't have a permanent place for them, then what do they do so jamie walton would be on call like 24 7 if the police in her area i think she was in like massachusetts and then florida they found somebody who was like being pimped out and was like underage the police would hold her at you know at the office for a while they would call her

Unknown_15: say we need somebody who needs placement. Jamie Walton would wake up at whatever hour the police found this girl, drive to the PD, pick her up, and then she would spend the next however many hours contacting shelters to try and find placement for this person. And that was her work in the charity. So when they say anti-sex trafficking organizations, they're talking about Jamie Walton, who is obviously involved in some of the most selfless kind of work imaginable. And I have to clarify, because most people are pro-anti-sex trafficking organizations, who love to invent lurid trafficking tales, the sexier the better, rather than critiquing the real problem, which of course is immigration controls.

Unknown_15: So, Jamie Walton is very open about this. She was sex trafficked herself. And I am sure that she does not find it funny.

Unknown_15: She's been gone for a while, in case you're wondering.

Unknown_15: I'm sure she would not find it funny that this person, this gross, weird, true, non-binary pornographer,

Unknown_15: is implying that she likes to sit down and come up with fanciful quote-unquote sexy tales of like child rape and abduction to try and stoke fears i'm pretty sure that she has acquired through her through her work enough horror stories to feel like a book and doesn't need to sit down with like a quill and come up with like the 50 shades of gray of like sex trafficking stories to try and get legislation passed for whatever nefarious probably religious and swarf related reasons right um

Unknown_15: Oh, and immigration controls. So obviously not having a border is a good thing, because if you don't have a border, then you have no reason. I guess what happens is that children come up from Mexico all by themselves, and they don't have to be pimped out, and you can just have sex with any child that you want. But with those dang darn pesky immigration controls it creates a black market for sex trafficking And that's and it doesn't empower it doesn't empower the means of production It doesn't allow the children to seize the means of production themselves It's just like the most fucking like you can tell this woman is like insane like the most ass backwards fucking crazy bitch in the planet

Unknown_15: Um, anyways, next we need as many voices as possible telling the other side of the story and wherever possible adding some nuance. They purposefully made the consultation difficult to access and understand, but don't worry, I've got you. They're asking about evidence. And as my porn academic friends have that got that covered, but real people's lived experiences, evidence. So to make a bit more accessible and easy to answer, I've reworded each question.

Unknown_15: So.

Unknown_15: He wants you, porn-addicted Johns of the United Kingdom, to go to the government and say, to the king and his court, I am a masturbator.

Unknown_15: Every day I wake up and I masturbate. I masturbate three to four times a day. My life is enriched through my masturbatory experiences and you will not keep me from my pornography. The King's horses, the King's men may try to obstruct my access to unlimited internet pornography, but I will not be held back. You cannot stop me. Go fuck yourself. Sincerely.

Unknown_15: John Edmonton of Pimmsbrook, England.

Unknown_15: Cog be like, yeah, I need my poo in the loop horn.

Unknown_15: Oh, Sussex. Oh boy. Getting some opinionated boosters here. Obviously not Pembroke. That's a hecking wholesome place. I'm talking about Sussex. That's where all those fucking gooners live.

Unknown_01: All right, cool.

Unknown_15: Sussex. I see it's a pun. It's a pun chat.

Unknown_15: Sarah Ashton Cerullo, who is a tranny from Ukraine. I have made a observation multiple times that this person being the Ukrainian armed defense forces ambassador to the West is one of the most insulting fucking things that any organization has ever done ever. Like, this is what we think of you. This is what the West is to us. We're trying to advertise our military campaign to you taxpayers of England, Germany, France, and the UK. What do we do to show that we're not like a backwards Slavic country? I know. Let's have our ambassador for our military be this deranged, psychotic fucking tranny. That'll work.

Unknown_15: So this person cheered on variously punitive action against the sitting American senators for saying that they should stop sending money to Ukraine, advocated for the incarceration, which led to the death of coach Red Pill, an American citizen. And then at some point mysteriously de-transitioned and just became S Ashton Cirillo on Twitter. And now he's gone.

Unknown_15: They have vanished for whatever reason, the ambassador of the Ukrainian armed defense force has simply disappeared. Nobody knows where he's at. Nobody knows what he's doing. Nobody knows why he's gone.

Unknown_16: No word, not a peep.

Unknown_15: Just.

Unknown_15: uh what you know what i think it's time for a poll that's right chat that's right poll what happened to s ashton ashton cirillo question mark vote one if you think he was recalled to the cia

Unknown_15: Vote two, if he fled the country, perhaps to Serbia or Israel and vote three, if conscripted to die in the Don bass, you can vote now.

Unknown_15: We can't get a, can I get a nice little doo doo doo?

Unknown_15: Let's see.

Unknown_15: Um, jeopardy.

Unknown_15: Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown_15: And while that was playing, I fixed the live count number from kick, which doesn't work for some reason. I wish they would fix that.

Unknown_15: Um, great. So the votes are in, let's tell you them up. I will end the poll now.

Unknown_15: At 156 participants, 55 say he was recalled to the CIA, 30 say he fled the country, perhaps to Serbia or Israel, and 45% of the vote was 71 say he was conscripted to die in the trenches of the Donbass.

Unknown_15: We will see. Perhaps we'll get an update one day. Maybe they'll find his dog tag in the trench. I'm sure if they do, they'll post it to Telegram with all the other weird war trophies.

Unknown_15: I wonder if there's any silver. I know that they sell those war trophies on the internet for money for like crypto and shit. If you guys find any cool silver on like a war trophy site, buy it for me. I want more. I want more. I didn't. Oh yeah. I should have voted put suicide as an option, but I did not. Didn't have the foresight.

Unknown_15: Roy into the little cow segment. The swerve hamster has done her job for today. No more hamsters.

Unknown_15: We're doing little cow stuff. You're one of those people that's that looks for the hamster disappear when you skim through the videos. This is the time you're listening. You're the this message confirms that we are out of the weeds and into the tall grass of the fields of the pastures.

Unknown_15: Let's start with a little recap.

Unknown_15: So a while ago, this guy called H bomber guy who I'm not a not too familiar with, but apparently he's a very like, he looks like he is pure AIDS. He's like a British man who looks like he has AIDS. His eyes are like sunken and like Brown. He was like butthole eyes. He's very ugly. And he's British. And he does video essays about gay shit, apparently.

Unknown_15: He is a graduate of the Medicare alumni. So Mr. Medicare, Jim was also an alumni of the medical forums. And another alumni was h bomber guy, which was like a trolling like harassment, like ventrilo old school ventrilo harassment type trolling group, I think.

Unknown_15: And he has since gotten trolls from Morris, renounced all that and moved on to bigger and brighter things such as critiquing queer content on YouTube.

Unknown_15: Um, a while back, I talked about this and I, um,

Unknown_15: when I actually watched in my off time, H bomber guys, full takedown of, uh, plagiarists on YouTube, which was a sort of now in retrospect, it was kind of a masterclass and what he was trying to do. He was doing a video essay, broadly speaking about plagiarism on YouTube and how copyright theft or like content theft is like abundant and nobody cares. Um, he took a swipe at internet historian, uh,

Unknown_15: He took a swipe at like some other guy, but then it was mostly a No holds barred Destruction total and complete humiliation of a guy called What's his name?

Unknown_15: Jay it's like Jame his last I forget his last name.

Unknown_01: It's James Somerton. I want to say and

Unknown_01: Somerland?

Unknown_01: Somerton. I was right the first time.

Unknown_15: God, I'm stupid. I should have just went with my gut and ignored all the naysayers. James Somerton, who was a very popular, I want to say he had like a million subscribers on YouTube, a very popular, like queer. When I say queer, I just mean he talks about gay shit all the time. He talks about how movies are gay, how everything's secretly gay. All the characters that everything good ever made is secretly gay or gay coded.

Unknown_15: just like absolute trash fucking content like humiliating gay retard shit that nobody should ever watch but which is apparently very popular with gay retards.

Unknown_15: Anyways, he wasn't just a gay retard. He was a plagiarist. Um, he routinely stole outright, um, entire like chapters of books, books that were on his desk that, that H bomber guy could easily just take the transcripts of his videos and control F sentences and find them in the books that he would show in his own, like in his set, like behind him on the shelf. And so Hbomberguy, over two hours, took all of his recent videos and found that he plagiarized articles, he plagiarized books. He essentially did nothing except take concepts and ideas from other people's work and smash them together, stitch them together in a Frankenstein way, and then narrate them as if he's some sort of like genius on queer studies or whatever. And he was very massively successful for doing so. Hbomberguy's article destroyed this guy.

Unknown_15: It hurt his YouTube channel. It hurt his Patreon. It hurt his career. And since he, since, you know, when you have a degree in queer studies, you can't, like, do anything. All you can do is teach. Like, you can teach queer studies. So when you're an academic and you are outed as a plagiarist, you also cannot teach. So he, his plagiarism precluded him from the only job outside of YouTube he could ever possibly get.

Unknown_15: without completely restarting his life. And when James Somerton came back and apologized, Hbomber, a couple days ago even, because I saw this video, it was a community feature that Somerton had made his first post since Hbomberguy's video came out, he kind of meekly came back, he apologized for doing a bad job representing the queer community and actively hurting it. so on and so forth. H bomber guy is not satiated with his blood loss. His Medicare. See, while Summerton has a degree in queer studies, H bomber guy has a master's in trolling people to suicide.

Unknown_15: Spoiler alert. So he went after his recent video outlined how it was a failure and then says, congratulations to James on his first non plagiarized video. And so two days later,

Unknown_15: James Somerton posted this on his private Twitter account. He says if this message is live, it means I scheduled it before ending things. I have videos scheduled to go out over the next couple of days. Nothing new. I just want a next portfolio of work to be available. I've left directions that. Any money from these videos be donated to the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. They've had a very hard time to pull me back, but there's simply no life for me anymore. I've lost everything, my only friend, my livelihood, my name, and it's all my own fault. This will be a little bit better off now. This world will be a little bit better off now. Goodbye. So, uh, he's killed himself. Allegedly he has claimed that he has killed himself. It remains to be seen. It's not confirmed. H bomber guy has not posted since. And of course his Reddit is, is deeply concerned.

Unknown_15: I genuinely hope that James Sunderland's situation won't harm Harry's mental health. It must feel awful to do something that was in and of itself absolutely morally fine and see it spiral into this madness.

Unknown_15: Harry, I hope you are not beating yourself up and have a good support network right now. Whatever happens, you did good. Your intentions were pure.

Unknown_15: and you are not responsible for whatever JS did or did not do. And Kat, yes, Kat also deserves all the love in the world and profit rolls or whatever is good for self-care for her. Thanks for calling me out on that omission. Internalized misogyny and ignoring her input is what's happened here. Edit 2, if you genuinely think I cannot feel sorry for H-Bomb and JS at the same time and see Harry is the most effective party, you need to touch grass and think why you automatically chose the least charitable reading of what I wrote.

Unknown_15: Um, yeah. I mean, this is kind of mean it's pure content mill his list of sources, which is a step up at least makes it abundantly clear. He just loosely paraphrase his favorite true crime podcast. It's a.

Unknown_15: You can't come back. No, buddy. I'm not gonna let you come back. I'm not gonna say oh Hello ally. Hello comrade in the queer struggle, you know, even though you were a plagiarist You did a lot of good work. You had a million subscribers. You put your best foot forward You taught all these people about how to be proud of who they are. I'm happy to have you on the team I think that you can put out your own original content. Now reads bomber guy. I know your sins. I have it written on my Medicare farm. I'm going to nail it to your fucking cross when I crucify you you fat fuck.

Unknown_15: Great job dude could I don't look I'm just saying no confirmed Kiwi farms kill But if this guy is dead H bomber guy apparently H bomber guy has done a lot more than one I said he has a kill count of one but I should have said plus one because apparently he's put in work before Making making us look like chumps chat with our zero kills.

Unknown_01: Oh

Unknown_01: Church, I hope Keffel's potential future doesn't harm your mental health.

Unknown_15: My dude, I live in a mental fortress. My brain is made of steel. It cannot be penetrated by anything.

Unknown_15: So I have some content that I have not listened to yet. You might think, Oh, Joshua washy. Um, how lazy of you to, uh, to not watch your own content. However, stalker chat.

Unknown_01: Um,

Unknown_01: I have decided that I'm going to watch these all with you.

Unknown_15: We're going to have a first genuine reaction together. I think it'll be another good trust building exercise, let's say.

Unknown_14: It's uh, it's funny this Ali Akbar guy. He keeps dodging me.

Unknown_08: I don't know what it is and uh This Ali I shouldn't talk about him And the reason I shouldn't talk about him is because like he's a nobody but when I say that Ali is a nobody That is not rhetoric. That is not like a Bantz. He's a nobody look on his Twitter. He gets oh my god Okay, wait, hold up Gargamel the turbo juice is Julia Josh.

Unknown_15: You're so thin-skinned. You can't handle someone calling you gay. Oh

Unknown_15: This guy had two posts deleting on the kiwi farms and has had a a meltdown ever since he has been calling me a faggot in every thread calling me a closeted homosexual because we deleted two posts in one thread and he's demanded a a janny

Unknown_15: Reprisal against whoever deleted his shit posts because it offends his sensibilities To the point where I banned him because he's just a faggot and I don't care Sorry, I didn't want to read that out though This is this is the new appeals process You will interrupt me when I'm streaming Nick Fuentes talking about Ali Akbar being a pedophile if you want to be unbanned from the Kiwi farms No likes he gets no retweets.

Unknown_14: He gets no replies. The engagement is terrible. It's worse.

Unknown_08: I had better engagement Talk about Riven in real life

Unknown_15: Maybe next stream.

Unknown_08: but at the same time he has like this sick inferiority complex because he's black and because maybe he's a closeted homo so he is like this alien he's the most fascinating thing in the world to me and not even like he's interesting this guy does not have an interesting original thought in his brain but interesting to observe like an animal in the wilderness like when you see a spider crawling around your kitchen or whatever and you kind of look at it and you're like well that's neat look at how it walks look at how it does things and then here's the best part I was talking to my buddy Steve about this I have evidence that Ali is, like, literally gay for the alt-right. I can't share it, unfortunately, because there are reasons for this. But I have it on very good authority, confirmed by several sources, that this person is a legitimate homosexual. And, like, not that there's anything wrong with it. Like, if he's gonna do that, whatever, okay? In the Bible, it says it's a sin. I disagree with it. Like, what? I'm not gonna judge. I'm not gonna come after him for that, right? But what's funny about it is, he's gonna go around saying, like, James Alsop and Richard Spencer have, like, this gay thing going on, and there's, like, abundant evidence that, quite literally, he would like to do things, he would like to interact in a sexual way with young, fashy, white boys, quite like myself, and like others. and abundant evidence that, quite literally, he would like to do things, he would like to interact in a sexual way with young, fashy, white boys, mentally ill, neurotic, where he has all these different, like, competing demons in his head. He's black, he's Arabic, he's a closeted homo, but yet he's also American and conservative and right-wing. I'm sure in his mind it's just like, I don't even know, I can't imagine what it's like inside of there. What must it be like in there? What must it be like to be, like, this literal bio-trash, literal biological waste?

Unknown_08: You look at the physiognomy of this individual and and you just got to wonder like why is God cruel? Why is there suffering like this? I will say he's been the one challenge to my faith He's been a challenge to my faith because you look at this poor creature And the position he was put in and you're like why why why did you create this?

Unknown_15: So after saying this he decided to let Ali Akbar like into America first and then put him on like the Kanye West President presidential team and introduced him to all the young fashy white boys in America. First, um, two of which said they got groomed by him and he knew like years in advance. So this was a thing. It was like, how, how do you fuck up this bet? This is from 2017. So if you want to know what twink death looks like, this is a good example. Like he knew about this the entire time and he just allowed this to happen.

Unknown_01: All right. Uh, this requires, I think a little bit of background.

Unknown_15: So Jeremy Hambly is the quartering and Ian miles Chong is a Malaysian guy. Who's one of the ugliest men ever. And I don't want to, I don't want to get on my, my pro wahmen thing, but Ian miles Chong loves to like retweet white women on his, his ex account. and say like, look at this white woman. She's not behaving in a way I approve of. Don't you guys agree? And it's like, bro, you look like a fucking goblin. You look like Nick Fuentes is making jokes about like biological way. She looked like a mistake. You look like something fucked up, like the genes in the sperm and egg zippered one one peg off. And now everything's a little bit misaligned, like a Quasimodo hunchback of Notre Dame, just really fucked up looking mongoloid. And you're going to sit there and say, pretty white woman, you shouldn't dance this way. I disagree with that. Like who the fuck asked you? You're in Malaysia. Why do you, why do you talk about American politics? Shut up. Nobody cares. Why do you think anyone, why does anyone care what you have to say? when you look like a fuck like a like a like a zipper head like put together wrong like a someone buttoned you down like a like a dress you know like a button down suit or a over shirt just like one one notch off and now everything's like misaligned like You're gonna sit there and you're gonna cast judgment on how attractive people look? Like, honestly, who the fuck asked you?

Unknown_15: How do you even have the friggin' audacity to sit there and cast aspersions and judgment on people like you're not, you know, completely and totally like a genetic dead end?

Unknown_15: Can you even breed? You look like you're sterile. Like you're a mix between two different species that can't procreate on its own because your genetics are all fucked up.

Unknown_15: Anyways, Ian Miles Chong was in Internet Bloodsports for a while.

Unknown_15: And...

Unknown_15: You know, he's like an alumni from the school of like yelling at retards on the internet and being yelled at by retards on the internet class and For some reason he was able to just start like making super milk or lukewarm Milk toast takes on on Twitter and was able to like I think he probably pioneered that type of content aggregation on Twitter was just like what do you guys think about this and Oh, that's interesting, isn't it? Just like taking other because what he does is he because I've called this out before. He will take information from actual journalists who do things that are good for like calling out trannies and shit.

Unknown_15: Such as with Redux, just take shit from their site, repost it himself and then get things completely wrong. And he does this all the fucking time.

Unknown_15: Um, and that's probably because he feels entitled to that work because he used to work with people from Redux. And now he's just like, yeah, sure, I can. I was your boss before. I guess I can just take your shit and repost it. It's still fucking mine, even though you don't work for me. That's the that's the entitled mongoloid genetic extra chromosome shit happening in his brain. They're like a like a glob of gray matter in his in his skull that just injects retard juice straight into his fucking cortex. Yeah, sure, you can just do whatever you want, whatever. Nobody's gonna fly to Malaysia with a baseball bat and break your fingers for doing it, so why not just go ahead and do it?

Unknown_15: But yeah, he like perfected that and then he became like Elon Musk's golden boy for a little bit. Like him and quartering were both like Elon's pets for a while on Twitter. And now they're fighting. So, um, I guess Ian Miles Chong, how many followers? I know Hambly has like 300,000. I'm curious what, what big old Chungus got over there. 900 he's like three times as big as Hambly and For whatever reason I guess Hambly like threatens him like they're both but like yipping at each other because they want to be Elon's favorite like a pet and Chungus feels threatened because Hambly is like

Unknown_15: He's white. We'll give him that. He's white, and he's losing weight, and he appears to be doing well for himself. I'll be nice. He follows me on Twitter. I don't want to lose that follow. He's my biggest follower. I'm easily placated, chat. I can be bought with a mere follow these days. I've compromised my integrity. I apologize.

Unknown_15: Chunkus doesn't follow me, so the safety's off with him.

Unknown_15: So Ian decides, I'm going to take shots at Hambly. I tried figuring out where this came from. I have no idea. I have no idea why he decided to do this. I will admit there is potentially something that Quartering said, or one of his people said that Chungus didn't like, and I'm only seeing the reaction to it.

Unknown_15: But his reaction is just like insane. He comes out and he says,

Unknown_01: preload these real quick.

Unknown_01: These exact same, they are the exact same fucking thing.

Unknown_15: I tried very, very hard to not download the exact same fucking thing twice and I fucked up. I have them on my computer, so I'll put them up. But he says, I don't like to do this, but.

Unknown_15: I don't like drama. I only started my career on Ethan Ralph stream yelling at people, but he says I Don't like to do this, but the drama slash gossip youtuber Jeremy the quartering Hambly has been credibly accused of sympathizing with pedophiles and groomers in the video I highlighted

Unknown_15: Hamley gave advice to pedophiles on how to delete their illegal material. Speaking on a pot video podcast, Hamley spoke out about the age of consent and how he doesn't like, doesn't think child grooming by 40 year old adults is a problem. As long as you get that pussy.

Unknown_15: Uh, so let's listen to this. I've not listened to this. I want to have a genuine reaction. Maybe I'm going to have hard disavow my, uh, my biggest fan on Twitter, uh, live on air. Let's see.

Unknown_10: What is the age of consent? What should it be in your mind? Go on record.

Unknown_06: I support whatever law is in place in your current residence. You know, let's get a real case. Asia Argento, right? Asia Argento. You guys bearing you familiar with this? She allegedly groomed a 14 year old boy and then fucked him when he was 17. Now, how old she, she was like almost 40 at that point.

Unknown_03: Oh, fuck.

Unknown_06: Well, she had also worked with him when he was like an eight-year-old or a nine-year-old boy in some Hollywood set.

Unknown_10: Why are we focused on that?

Unknown_06: Well, no, I'm just, I'm just trying to take a long, I'm trying to, it's a really long example of how I feel. Well, it's hard to say like every 17 year old boy is credited equal, right? But I'm saying like Asia Argento was in her forties. She fucked a 17 year old and the age of consent in California is 18. So she technically broke the law. Do I view her as a fucking, Disgusting child predator. No, I don't that will.

Unknown_15: That's just something that.

Unknown_15: I think that that's like, there's like an entire episode of South Park about this that everyone knows about the nice episode. They, for whatever reason, when we hear.

Unknown_15: Well, I say we, but a lot of people when they hear, so like, um, uh, like a teacher, like a 40 year old teacher, and she's an actress apparently. So I guess she's probably, you know, attractive even at 40.

Unknown_15: Um, like conventionally attractive with Botox and everything looks young. Like everyone's like, Oh, you know,

Unknown_15: Well, that's nice because that's, you know, that's 17 years as long as he smashes that box. That's what we're looking for. Um, I think that's just like a, like a thing that people think because I guess people don't care. Like I, they assume, um, pretty good reason I would, I would wager. But as long as it's like a guy doing it then It doesn't matter but that's obviously not the case especially when she knows him from like being eight years old if it was Imagine if the roles were reversed It was a four-year-old man fucking a 17 year old that he had known since he was eight Unless you're Dick Masterson Dax Herrera co-host of the biggest problem universe. You'd probably think that's repellent Continue this is an old clip and I think that

Unknown_15: the perspectives on this have matured he probably would not give this answer these days this looks like it like you know five years ago we'll see from the time he was 14 i think it is a pretty pretty disgusting crime if she was 40 i could understand if she was 19 and he was 17 i mean that's that happens but 40 and she's groomed him since 14.

Unknown_09: Now that's fucked.

Unknown_06: But isn't that fucked up, right? Like if I'm 16 and let's say a 24 year old woman, you know, I'm at some like a music festival and some 24 year old fucks me.

Unknown_06: It's really hard for me to view that as like a predatory situation. I'm like, yeah. In the Asa Arzanto situation, she absolutely knew how old he was.

Unknown_06: And then like, I mean... Oh, no, no.

Unknown_09: I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about your example scenario of a 24-year-old chick fucking 16. If she knew that that guy was 16, yeah, that's fucked. She's committed a crime.

Unknown_06: But if you're 16 and you get that pussy, do you feel like a victim? Dude, you know what this is?

Unknown_15: I'm going to go on a limb here. I'm sure that he's probably had more success now because he's so rich and well-off. I'm going to say that this is Hambly completely pussy-less. trying to trying and failing to empathize with a young man who's taken advantage of he just can't do it he can't put himself in that frame of mind because he's like if i was 17 and a hot milf wanted me to smash her box i'd be like hell yeah i'm gonna smash that box like he's just like a virgin at this point in time in his life and he just has he just can't do it he can't place himself in that position where he sees that that dynamic as exploitative You know, I mean that's that's my take on that. I bet you i'm i bet you i'm not wrong either Just the way he says that is like, yeah, that's right um, so in response to this the quartering says emile shong employee of Uh as relevant in rebel news online is now threatening to get me trying to threaten me out of suing him for his libelous statement I love it. Keep talking, dude The results of this is that you can see right here

Unknown_15: Chungus is verified and he has a Rebel News brand badge. Rebel News pays Twitter $2,000 a month for branding like this and it's gone. Yoink! Just disappeared.

Unknown_15: So it looks like Hambly talked to the manager about this and they have fired him or distanced themselves from him just now.

Unknown_15: And normally I would say that that's kind of bitch made to complain to someone's employer like that but

Unknown_15: I think if they're calling you a pedophile and randomly trying to destroy your life and they're like, this is all like on the same side. Like you have these, these counterculture critics talking about different things that could easily like hash it out like, like this and as adults and for some reason aren't, I can kind of understand his perspective there. Um, then again, I don't know. Getting people fired is always fucking gay.

Unknown_15: Um,

Unknown_15: I think that this is after. No, okay, so this is the, on the third, I get this backwards. He says, I'm retracting my previous statement to repost it with an amendment about Jeremy Hambly, who some alleged the pedophile enabler for advising pedophiles on how to get rid of their illicit materials discovered by tech experts. So that clears things up.

Unknown_15: And then he says, um, that he's crowdfunding a lawsuit and he's going to file it next week.

Unknown_15: So this is the clip.

Unknown_06: It's more of a public service announcement than anything else.

Unknown_06: At the office this week, we had a situation where one of the techs came across some pictures on a customer's computer that were of the child pornography variety. I don't really know if there's any tech way to put this.

Unknown_15: This is super old. This is super old.

Unknown_06: But the customer was reported. He's streaming on Twitch.

Unknown_15: This is so old, he's not like automatically permanently banned from Twitch.

Unknown_06: And subsequently arrested, I believe. as last that I heard. There's even more serious. However, I've never known a tech in my life that ever took anything other than like videos or music off computers. But the point of this video is just to remind people that, you know, as techs, we read your emails, so to speak.

Unknown_06: I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying it happens.

Unknown_06: So if you have things that you don't want computer text to see, I want this guy's face smashed into a fucking table.

Unknown_15: Look at him. Look at that fucking face. Look at this guy. What, what, what, what emotion is he trying to convey? He looks like he just ate shit and he's being forced at gunpoint to swallow it.

Unknown_06: You know, you should delete them or rename it. You don't want text to look at. Um,

Unknown_06: You know, maybe change the folder name when you take it in if you can or, you know, I'm not condoning it. I don't think it's necessarily right. I believe it's an invasion of privacy. But that's really why, you know, I don't really do it anymore. But I certainly did back in the day and, you know, there's not a tech in the business out there right now that doesn't do it.

Unknown_06: So if you have these sorts of things, remember that computer techs do look at other things on your computer. Sometimes it's by accident. Sometimes it's by curiosity. But just keep in mind when you take things in to get your computer fixed.

Unknown_06: People look around on it, and you should make it really easy for people to find things.

Unknown_15: When you are taking your computer into a repair place that people can and will access your files. I've heard, like I've heard horror stories of texts, like pulling nudes off women's computers that they bring into their, their shops and shit. Like that's not bad advice at all. Um, that's stupid to even to, to even include and then try to extrapolate that he's teaching people how to hide child pornography. That's fucking retarded.

Unknown_15: Sorry. There's another video, but I can't find it. I thought I had uploaded it and I fucked it up.

Unknown_15: Uh, oh, and one other thing, let me pull this up on the side real quick.

Unknown_01: Queen falls is up to no good again. Um, falls has made like eight more videos since saying that they already delete it.

Unknown_01: Oh, this is his, I can't, I can't do it anymore video.

Unknown_15: And he just renamed it. What do you want from McDonald's? I'm getting a McBlizzard. And that's him crying about being made fun of for being a fucking retard. And in this Repzion dude, when I finished this thought, we're going to go down a wormhole. I'm going to find this video on live. If it kills me. Uh, some guy named Repzion said Kiwi farms was right and replied to his, this video.

Unknown_15: I think he might even have sticked it. No, he did not. I'm just going to reply to this, because KubuFarms is right. And that really, really, really, really pissed him off. And then he made this video.

Unknown_15: And I want to see. Hold on, watch this. Careful, this is trending again on Twitter because of this.

Unknown_01: James Somerton may have taken his own life, is monetized.

Unknown_15: Wow! Keffels must be hurting for some, uh, from nose sugar. Isn't that what they call it? Some nose sugar? Nose candy? Because, uh, uh, oh boy, a queer creator committed suicide due to relentless cyberbullying. I wonder how I can profit off of this, Keffels thinks to himself, creating another shitty video on YouTube.

Unknown_15: So, okay Let me find this real quick a Long time ago in a galaxy far away One of the top creators on YouTube was a guy called the amazing atheist because way back on Way back when

Unknown_15: During the Bush administration, where YouTube first started, religiosity was extremely big in the U.S. The U.S. was, like, still mostly Christian. So, like, this neo-Christian shit that's happening is recent. At the time, when YouTube first started, being anti-Christian was very profitable and lucrative on the Internet, and one of the first big YouTubers was The Amazing Atheist.

Unknown_15: who everyone in my chat is spamming banana. That is because the amazing atheist is now most famous for sticking a banana up his asshole and posting the video to the internet for everyone to see.

Unknown_15: I don't think it would surprise many of you to know that back in the day, I was a fan of The Amazing Atheist, and while I did not file... I was very anti-drama as a teenager, in a way. I didn't care about YouTuber drama, so I didn't follow his goings-ons, and I didn't care for things like Encyclopedia Dramatica very much back in the day.

Unknown_15: But I was aware that TJ had a... TJ is the amazing atheist's real name, had a roommate called Repzion. And I wanted to see if I can find this video because they had a falling out.

Unknown_15: And I am... This is it. No, this is a long time ago.

Unknown_15: This has to be like 12 years ago, this video that I'm looking for. And when they had a falling out, TJ evicted him from his house, I think in Mississippi is either Mississippi or Louisiana.

Unknown_15: And, um, after kicking him out, he did like a house tour.

Unknown_15: And this house tour involved TJ like walking around Repzion's room and like you could hear as he walked. Oh, it was the other guy?

Unknown_15: You guys know what I'm talking about. Oh my God. I'm so happy about this. Uh, okay, look, I don't know who it is. I just want to tell the story. He went to his room and it was like trash. And as TJ walked around his room, you could hear his foot sticking to the ground and you could hear that like Velcro sound as he moved, as he walked, as he lifted his foot up because the guy had somehow managed to coat his entire bedroom floor in Coke. like the soda, not the stuff that Keffel's enjoys. And it left a residue of like corn syrup, like, like, like adhesive on the ground. And as he walked around and could just hear that sound as he, cause it was just like everywhere. Um, I don't remember if that was Repzion or somebody else. Someone remind me of who I'm talking about.

Unknown_01: Repzion. Repzion, not Repzilla. I don't know who that is.

Unknown_01: I'm pretty sure. Is Repzion?

Unknown_15: No, look at this. This is from Repzion. This is the right account. And he says, the parents of the amazing atheist ban from my house.

Unknown_07: Hey guys. This is 12 years ago.

Unknown_15: This is a 12 year old video. This is a video.

Unknown_07: It's going to be a rather long video and I'm just going to be talking to the camera. But I want to share some recent experiences that things that have happened to me recently.

Unknown_07: sitting in my room i had my speakers on i was listening to a video by the amazing atheist and i don't remember what video it was he was talking he was talking in front of a um yeah this is uncomfortably close this is him i need some i i i desperately need somebody to

Unknown_15: to find what I'm talking about. Cause this is like a lived experience.

Unknown_15: Is this it?

Unknown_15: Live house tour.

Unknown_19: Ask me.

Unknown_19: No, this is just him showing off his house.

Unknown_15: I don't care about that. I want like the eviction of his old roommate. I'm never going to find this though. If you find this video, you find this video. I need you to show me it because this is like a childhood memory of mine and I want to find it.

Unknown_15: I don't mean to call Repzion out, but this is like something that happened. Um, so long ago that it's like, it's like uncovering like an unearthing, like an old memory.

Unknown_15: Oh, well there's that.

Unknown_15: Yeah, he does. TJ doesn't get much views than anywhere. Like if you look at his recent videos, I'm curious. I say to myself, 13,000 views, 13,000 views. Like he's completely dropped off. Holy shit. He has such a weird beard now. What the fuck?

Unknown_15: OK, this is embarrassing, but.

Unknown_15: I have.

Unknown_15: Actually, this book might be burned. I bought TJ's book when I was like 17, maybe younger. Remember the house that I was in when I bought it? And it burned down that house, so I was like at most 17 when I bought this, but I bought TJ's book and I have it.

Unknown_15: I have it signed. I have a signed copy of TJ's book. And I can't remember what it's about. I want to say it's about like a jelly monster that like destroys the world or some shit. It's like a weird fiction book. I want to say, but I have it in a sign somewhere.

Unknown_01: Either that or it's burned.

Unknown_01: I don't know though.

Unknown_15: People get weird when I talk about shit from when I was like a teenager. It's like, I'm not sorry. I liked those videos. He went around about how evil those darn Republicans and religious folks were and how much George Bush sucked. And that's where the world was at at that time.

Unknown_15: The flying spaghetti monster. That might be it.

Unknown_15: It could be.

Unknown_15: Look, if I ever go through my old shit again, I will try to find TJ's book and I'll post it to the internet as proof that this was real.

Unknown_01: Um, okay. So this is the other update.

Unknown_15: Brikada has a friend named Camelot. Camelot is known as Kumalot because he's like a retarded hick that jerks off constantly. Um, and he went online and he cried about being swatted. He says, this is live footage of me getting swatted. It's pretty unnerving. Share this for awareness.

Unknown_15: If you take a picture of his live swatting and you search it, you get stock footage, stock video of a emergency response video.

Unknown_15: So, um, this appears to be a hoax.

Unknown_15: Uh, this is literally fire truck at night. And that appears to be literally exactly what he's trying to pass off as, um, him being swatted. So if you don't know, this is the guy that randomly started like trying to get involved in VTuber drama. And now he's trying to get involved in the Patrick S Tomlinson stalker child's saga by claiming he's swatted when he's just using like free stock video of like fire trucks rolling out.

Unknown_15: Uh, very fucking embarrassing.

Unknown_15: I don't think Ricada himself has done anything recently, though.

Unknown_01: Let's check real quick.

Unknown_01: No.

Unknown_15: Ricada has done nothing of interest. I think he's been kind of taking it easy because he faked that he was dying recently, and so now he has to take it easy. I talked about that, right? That wasn't this weekend where he claimed to have a temperature of like 197 degrees or whatever.

Unknown_01: Confirm this for me, Chad, real quick.

Unknown_01: Yeah, he's still lying about being sick. I did talk about the temperature, right?

Unknown_01: One more ceiling cat. Okay. Yeah, I did talk about on Friday He clearly had a temperature of like 107 and then tried to walk it down to like a hundred and three And then like a day later, he's streaming like oh my god I had a temperature of like a hundred and three and then thankfully some very good people came over and Put me on ice and now I'm fine But I can't stream for a while And so that's that's the rickety update. I don't think there's anything else to make fun of them with

Unknown_15: Uh, next the Vickers family, and this is a one thing that Ralph can take solace in the Vickers family is vanishing. Uh, Vickers has randomly spontaneously closed down all of his internet presence. He is apparently moving the Rockland coin shop from a physical location in Rockland, California to a virtual only presence.

Unknown_15: And, um,

Unknown_15: He's gone, basically. Vickers has disappeared.

Unknown_15: Years and years ago, when Faith first abandoned her family to go live with Ralph on the other side of the country, Vickers joined the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_15: And I told him, straight up, that his, like, because he had a very punitive approach to dealing with Faith. He shut off her phone. He threatened her, he basically said that she was going to do everything he said, or she would be removed from the family, so on and so forth. And when that happened, I told him on the forum, you can go look this up if you have the time, if you're really that interested, and I said, all you're doing is pushing her away further. This is a failed tactic. Um, she's in the clutches of a man bear pig monster in Virginia. Um, and your threats don't work by disconnecting her phone. All you're doing is making her further rely on Ethan route for things that she needs. What are you doing?

Unknown_15: And he shoots back at me and says, boy, I'm the father of like 10 kids. And I know a little bit about fathering more than you do. So you can just hush up. And I want to do my own thing. And he like immediately started like buddying up with like retarded faggots like Keno Shea.

Unknown_15: Trying to to avoid posting on the Kiwi farms because I made fun of them for being a retard and the end result of him failing as a father was that he heard his daughter fled the entire country like I

Unknown_15: like 3,000 miles to Virginia to the clutches of a fat retard. She had a mental breakdown, became impregnated, and had pornography of her released against her will to the public. And this all could have been avoided if he had taken a less retarded approach to dealing with her. I believe

Unknown_15: Then, after eating the biggest L ever, having his genetic lineage permanently and inseparably conjoined with Ethan Ralph's forever and ever in a way that he has to bear some responsibility for because she is a single mother.

Unknown_15: He continued to try and fuck with Ralph on social media through a series of social media posts. And by maintaining tacit relationships with people like Kino Shea, who are the biggest fucking losers around, feeding him information so that he could post it online and take credit for it.

Unknown_15: Um, just so he could avoid the Kiwi farms, even though he wanted to own the Kiwi farms, he would just do this in a roundabout, retarded way. That's like the most petty, asinine, retarded fucking thing you could possibly imagine. I don't

Unknown_15: Maybe he'll come back. Maybe this is just like a gambit, a 9,000 IQ chess play like the ones Ralph does.

Unknown_15: But I have no idea why he just didn't do this at literally any other point in time in the last like three years.

Unknown_15: Oh yeah, I forgot about this fucking podcast. He tried to make a podcast called The Good, The Bad, and The Vicious, so he could call himself Vicious Vickers. That's one of the most, like, it's insane how much Vickers is like Ralph, because Ralph had the Rad Roberts persona, and then Vickers had the Vicious Vickers persona. And he thought, yeah, I'm just going to make a podcast and be better than Ralph. I'm going to, I'm going to make a podcast about how my daughter fled from me and got impregnated by a pig monster. Now I take care of it. I'm gonna make a podcast about that. That's a great idea. What a fucking imbecile.

Unknown_15: I don't know why Gabe Hoffman does this. I assume that this is a fair use thing where he just uses his camera to record things.

Unknown_15: But Gabe Hoffman wanted to laugh at the fact that Ralph closed his stream in a very sad voice. Uh, after not meeting his goal, um, or even half his goal for five and a half hours on stream. This is Gabe Hoffman's, uh, personal satisfaction. From what I understand, he watches Ralph streams just so that he can see Ralph not make his goal. And then, uh, quietly sign off saying maybe next time I'll hit my goal.

Unknown_05: Monday, Thursday and Friday.

Unknown_05: And then Saturday we'll set up some type of goal.

Unknown_05: system or whatever for the dinosaur stream. Maybe I'll do that on Saturday or Sunday.

Unknown_05: We'll see. One time next, one day next weekend. So I'm gonna get off here. I'm gonna do some work on the show. Tonight I'm gonna go fix me something to eat and probably just go to bed early, get up really early tomorrow.

Unknown_12: I got to clean up the studio a little bit. There's a bunch of water bottles over here. Water bottles, huh?

Unknown_15: Are they full of anything? Are they full of water, Ralph? Why do you have all these bottles around your desk when you do five and a half hour long streams? I wonder why. A couple of yogurt containers.

Unknown_05: Doesn't look like asthma gold shit, but there's a couple of cigarette packs that are empty and shit like that. So I'll pick up around here some change, smokes, litter.

Unknown_05: Bone's new litter and Cleo's too.

Unknown_05: Do a few chores, because I have to do all that stuff myself now.

Unknown_05: And that's what I'll do. What happened to Boneface? Yeah, you're welcome Mary Jane. He's still around. I think he thinks I don't like him now or something, but I could check back in with him.

Unknown_05: I don't think it's a downside. Somebody told me I shouldn't, but... I don't know, I think I just... I like the idea of just bringing as many people in as possible.

Unknown_05: So we'll see. There was something else I was gonna say, but yeah, I gotta do a few chores around here.

Unknown_05: And not anything too major, but I'll do that. Thank you, James Gardner. Yeah, it's over. I'm just gonna play a song.

Unknown_15: Sad.

Unknown_15: Cleaning up his empty food containers, piss bottles, and changing kitty litter in a avocado house in the middle of Mexico, making a hundred dollars for a full day's work.

Unknown_15: know what is Ralph sounds so fruity in this clip I don't know he's he's not doing his tough guy voice where he's like screaming it's just like yeah guys I guess I'll just um sweep it up I guess I'll just run on over to the sink and empty out these pee jugs into it might get the pooper scooper out and clean up a couple cleo turds up in that cat box keep it nice and fresh for him Maybe we'll make the goal tomorrow chat. I've got to put in some more work trying to get my show back together I'll just play the outro song See you later

Unknown_01: Oh, now it ends with a whimper chat.

Unknown_15: Not with a bang, maybe with a bang. But for right now, just a yogurt bottles can turn chat such as life.

Unknown_15: Oh, oh, I do smell I almost forgot la red dot red lit How do you say they don't say lay and in Spanish? I said la where l l reddit l reddit segment see Alright, this is from Trini tunes on Twitter. He clipped this from our transgender surgeries. Oh

Unknown_15: Is it possible to surgically close the neovagina again? This is from you, SurgeryGirl91.

Unknown_15: SurgeryGirl91 in Our Transgender Surgery is asking, is it possible to surgically close the neovagina again?

Unknown_15: If so, what are the downsides? I'm talking about health-related issues that may arise if a vaginal cavity has been created and enclosed again. I'm asking,

Unknown_15: because my vagina is a nightmare. I lost the entire penal and scrotal skin transplant. My vaginal cavity or vaginal cavity is vaginal canal is literally just granulation tissue, hyper granulation a lot and fibrin three months post-surgery. It won't heal properly and I have no sensation whatsoever as everything died off, including skin around the entrance. Thus I have my doubts that even if it would heal, if penetration would ever be good for me, I have below 10 centimeters of depth. So yeah, I kinda wanna have it closed. What would that mean for me in terms of healing and long term health?

Unknown_01: literally a granulated pressure ulcer.

Unknown_15: I don't know what that means. Can someone in chat explain to me what he's describing? So all the skin is gone. So it's just granulation and hyper granulation accounts. What is granulation tissue?

Unknown_15: Granulation tissue is a new connective tissue and microscopic blood vessels that have three main functions, immune,

Unknown_15: knows the wound from the base. So it's just, it's just, it's like how a, um, like a hole heals itself on the body. It just heals.

Unknown_15: It's bad. Really bad.

Unknown_15: It means ouchie.

Unknown_15: He's got nothing but scar tissue for a dick.

Unknown_15: No lookup images.

Unknown_15: he means scrote rot and his man pussy thank you big ups pimp i appreciate that description so this is a description of scrote rot and man pussy it's a gaping ax wound it's a fucking open wound okay i understand so this is like if you get a cut and you start seeing that new tissue form as it heals um so there's like no

Unknown_15: There's no epidermal layer whatsoever. It's literally just an open wound. This guy's in a lot of pain. This guy's in agony, if that's the case. I understand this concept of like a cut healing on my arm, and imagining that as like a 10 centimeter deep hole in my dick is immensely unpleasant to my monkey brain. This guy's in pure agony. I actually kind of feel bad for him. I know that he's like a sick freak probably,

Unknown_15: They tricked him into this they tricked him into this and now he has a a healing wound for a penis It says It's kind of nasty Regret is not a powerful enough word. I imagine fake fake vagina. Oh my god Spurgo and chat. Thank you Spurgo All right chat, that's it

Unknown_15: Thank you for watching. I will now do these two berries and I feel like we got a lot today Let me get a little you know, I feel like before I do the super berries I should go pee it really quick and take a drink of water. So we're gonna need a little bit of a a Pause song give me a just give me one second.

Unknown_01: Yeah

Unknown_03: In the streets of Milwaukee, where the stalkers reside I'm here to expose all the filth they hide They hide behind screens thinking they're so clever But I'm here to let them know that their time is over Knock knock, hear that sound at your door

Unknown_19: Your life is done, can't run anymore Child, you think you're tough With your keyboard fights But in the real world, you're just a sad parasite Stalkers, stalkers, your time has come Prison walls are closing in, no place to run

Unknown_19: twice before you invade someone's life. Milwaukee's watching ready to end your strife.

Unknown_01: I'm back.

Unknown_01: I'm back.

Unknown_01: Alright, so sure.

Unknown_15: Thank you. Appreciate that. Let's do to the super belly. Alright, so

Unknown_15: Eric George, for five, says, Yeshua, which is more likely to happen this year? One, Stalker Child, go enjoy Prison. Two, Porcelain drops a new documentary, also go on Lolcow Podcast. Two, I think Porcelain is working on it. And no, I will not, thank you. Davis to V, for two, says sup from Orland. How's Orland? I bet you it's nice and green and pretty right now.

Unknown_15: In a perpetually mild climate between 50 and 80 degrees. Bet you it's real nice in Orland.

Unknown_15: Except for the fact he got keffels and British people. DoingYourMom2988410 says, Ethan Van Shiver has been becoming the latest e-celeb to go all in on Team Juju and Pito against Eric July, and it's all led to some embarrassing behavior. So then there is a link. Let's check it out.

Unknown_15: I have heard about Eric Shiver becoming more and more embarrassing.

Unknown_15: Let's see this. Some good old-fashioned locale content.

Unknown_11: Mark Jones says, did you see Medicare response to you on a list of clips? Yes, I did. I watched that today. Medicare is trying to sort out exactly what's going on here and he's being gaslit by Andy Warski. And I sent Andy Warski a message. I said, Andy, next time Medicare comes on and goes, I'm trying to understand what's going on with the air July thing. From what I can tell, this is, and you sit there and go, I don't know, to me, I just, I did a little research and it must just be that Ethan VanSkyver is jealous of Eric July because he's black and successful. You know what, Andy, next time just send me the link and let me talk to my friend, Mr. Medeker, who mentioned, you know, and he was, Medeker's like, the things that I know about EBS, I streamed with him like four or five years ago. This is what I think he's about, so I'm trying to figure out what's going on here. Let me talk to Jim. I know that's not in your interest. I know that your goal is to gaslight Jim, to create conflict, to get him to think this and that. Let Jim come to his own conclusion based on the actual facts. And if Jim thinks that I'm a racist, jealous racist guy, that's his conclusion that he can come to based on what I add to the conversation. It's infuriating. Don't sit there and tell people what my motivations are, Andy Worsky, or I'm gonna say, aim, aim, aim, aim, right back at you.

Unknown_15: I wouldn't epic own this guy kind of looks like a halfway point between Jeremy Hambly the quartering and Ethan Ralph His name's even Ethan. You know what? I mean? I feel like that's not too far off Aside from that. I find it very embarrassing how when medic if you don't know Medicare came on to You know casino and talked to Andy Worsky and I think also PPP about Like the whole Eric July shit

Unknown_15: And they were both mostly just confused as to what the fuck the issue is and why people are so obsessed about this and like so insistent on it. And the reaction from like Juju, the cow, Daxipad, Vito Lupito, and the usual suspects are like, oh my God. oh my god the kiwi farms the karen farms and andy warski got to got to medicare first if only medicare knew if only he was enlightened if only he came on our show we could show him what primo a grade quality locale is i'm not mad at jim i know he's been betrayed and he's been he's been led astray by the kiwi fags but one day veto we can help him see the light and come to our side like do you really need jim's acceptance of every fucking opinion that you hold like no no no like surely it can't just be that he just doesn't give a shit it has to be that no if i need i need i need this dying rice burner internet man

Unknown_15: who put out content like three fucking years ago to agree with me. Otherwise, either a my opinions are wrong and I have to think them are B. He's simply been led astray. Like, come the fuck on. It's like because Medicare never had like a fumble or something like that people can hold against him. He's like the IBS Jesus Christ, and he's dying without sin. And so everyone is like looking up to him on the cross, like, I need you to care about the things that I do before you die. And the biblical equivalent of this would be the Roman guy with the spear stabbing him in the ribs. Like, please, please, Jesus, care about Eric July. His comic sucks. And they're just stabbing him in the fucking ribs over and over again. It's like, come on, get the fuck over it. Nobody cares. Nobody will ever care about this.

Unknown_15: All right, next.

Unknown_15: A to Rob for five says Schnee, you think you ate to Rob? Very great. Super chat TV is to be for two says an Irish girl bit me and now I'm turning green. A song lyric. I know Galloway girl. I don't know that one, though.

Unknown_15: A casting couch crab pretends as the invertebrate of the day as the ESG crab destroy on sight. Oh, I didn't even talk about this.

Unknown_15: Crunkhead suggested I talk about the sweet baby stuff. I just do that for Friday. I bet you there won't be too much to talk about on Friday, and then I'll talk about that. I'll leave a note somewhere, a mental note, chat.

Unknown_15: Uh, Roxanne Wolf for five says bark, bark. Thank you for banning Madre Muerta and removing the Kiwi karma system. Incredibly base. Also, can we get a he, he react for post we find funny since it doesn't matter now. It has never mattered is my point. Uh, but he says, thanks big dog.

Unknown_15: I don't know what a he, he react would look like. It's like that little kitty cat says he, he, right. I'm not sure.

Unknown_15: Based or anything for one says pizza for supper pal. This won't buy you a whole pizza, but you don't need one tubby I do though. I'm not gonna order half a pizza. You can't do that Spaghetti mani for five says your name in Chinese is actually you shoe. Yeah You like the contract or simple and frugal shoe means book. Yeah means inferior second rate or Asia fun fact That one that last one yeah

Unknown_15: um, when the Chinese came over to America, they had to, they had to transliterate America into Chinese. And the way you would do this is like, yeah, may car or something. So it would just be like, if they were to do it by their center, they would take the first word and then add guo, which means land or country, and it would be ya guo. But because ya means inferior or second rate, they didn't want to do that. So they went with the second one, mei, which means beautiful. So America was not ya guo. They were so taken aback by the natural beauty of the United States, they went with the second one. And so it's Meg will for America, which means the beautiful country. Fun. Chinese fact of the day chat.

Unknown_15: Holy hell produces hope you're having a good day, Josh. You remind me about always. Thank you. Holy hell. I appreciate that.

Unknown_15: Radcrabprepire says free my nibba Mr. Bond. He didn't do nothing. I have no idea what this means. I don't know why you keep asking me this. Umpteenmadu410 says Suno AI and there's a song.

Unknown_01: Let's take a listen. Very good.

Unknown_01: In a sleepy little town, folks lived without a care But there was a secret lurking, a goblin did wear Every night he would roam, causing quite a fright No one knew his motive till they saw the morning light To the four-skinned goblin, sneaky as can be Snatch your four-stick quick as a honeybee Don't you drop your trousers when you're all alone Cause the four-skinned goblin isn't coming for your own I wish I could have seen the lyrics, cause it's a bit jumbled But I got some of that, that's pretty good

Unknown_15: Oh, are they talk is that they're talking about mr. Bond who's currently in jail in Austria for like hate speech or some shit Yeah, he did. Um, he did rap covers that were like gratuitously racist or anti-semitic, but he lived in Austria why he while he did this and they the Austrian equivalent of the Vifassung Schutzpolizei, whatever the fuck they're called arrested him for Hate speech now. He's like serving a long as prison sentence for that

Unknown_15: Now I understand what you're talking about.

Unknown_15: Fox says, I'm not associated with that faggot boy kisser Fox. Well, happy to hear. Anonymous 93 for one says, Josh, was there any part of Florida, which is not a great waste of killing people because of natural disasters? I've been thinking of moving there. No.

Unknown_15: If you wanted, I guess like. Um, north central, I think that the safest area would probably be like the meatiest part. Like the, like where, if you imagine, um, Florida as a, as a cock and balls, you're talking about like the route where it connects to Georgia. That area is probably the safest in terms of like floods and stuff.

Unknown_15: But when you're in Florida, you're never more than a few meters from a Florida man. So you're never safe.

Unknown_15: A TwinkleTard for $100 says, Tiao Shin, aka Josh in Chinese, why is my homie Bossman Jack not streaming consistently anymore? Also, nice work making all the Spurge from the forum angry about you and the stickers.

Unknown_15: Thank you, number one, I agree, my moderation decisions are the best ones.

Unknown_15: As far as your question in regards to Bossman Jack, Bossman Jack is like properly strung out on his gambling addiction now. Because he makes so much money, he gambles really high, like he's not happy unless he's gambling in that $100 to $1,000 range, like with $100 hands, $50 to $100 hands, or like $10 spends on slots, which is really high.

Unknown_15: So he's like if he gets money for gambling Like he used to if $20 to him when I first started watching him was like a big deal So he would get $20 and then like oh, thanks, dude things and then he would go to slots and do like 50 cent spends or dollar spends or go to blackjack and play dollar hands and

Unknown_15: Not anymore. Now if he gets $20, he goes to fucking Keno, or he goes to Hylo, and he bets it all, goes for double or nothing, like four times in a row, and then usually, of course, he loses and doesn't have that money anymore, and gives up and quits his stream. Or he wins and then starts betting $100 hands and then loses it all anyways So his streams have like become really inconsistent even though he's making more money than ever because he refuses to pace himself at all and if he does try like if he's cognizant of the fact that he is he wants to try and make his stream last for a long time what he does is he goes to slots and

Unknown_15: And he starts playing, like, normally. I say normally, you should not gamble. Don't gamble, idiots. Don't get it twisted. You will lose.

Unknown_15: Casinos tell you outright, you will lose.

Unknown_15: But as far as, like, trying to get content for a stream, if you're a gambling streamer, you would want to get, like, $1,000, right, your gambling money. And then you want to do $1 spends, or you want to do $5 hands of blackjack, something that you can stream for eight hours and do it as a job. He goes, takes his $1,000, and then he does,

Unknown_15: He has dollar spins, and then he gets his first feature. And then after his first, like if that feature doesn't pay out, he goes and he starts doing spins again. And then if the second feature doesn't spin out, then he gets impatient. He says, this isn't working. And then he goes to Mines or Hilo or some other gay ass fucking digital original game. And he just does $50, $100 hands and loses it all in minutes, literal minutes at best. Uh, which is really unfortunate. So boss man's kind of like peak right now. He's in a really uncomfortable phase where he is, um, not gambling patiently at all. And he's also upgraded his equipment, but he bought like the Shure microphone that I use, which requires like, I mean, a couple inches from my, my mic. And I'm still not happy with how it sounds. I keep fucking with it. I've got a compressor. I've got a limiter. I've got a focus right thing to adjust the gain on the fly. I'm constantly checking my volume to make sure I'm in good range and I still fuck it up all the time. It's really hard to get this right, but he's got that and he like bounces around his room and like crackhead shakes while streaming.

Unknown_15: and constantly goes in and out of range of his mic or gets really up close and completely blows it out with no limiter, no compressor, nothing. So it's hard to listen to his streams. I have him at 5% tops and I still have to turn down my master volume because he blows my fucking eardrums out on 5% because his gain is way up and he's right into the mic and you can hear it clipping constantly.

Unknown_15: his old mic which was like an all-rounder cheapo piece of shit that's designed to pick up everything in the room regardless of how you set it so because so that's like idiot proof that was way better for him but he you know he thinks that more expensive is better without any constant understand without any understanding of like how that equipment works or how it has a place

Unknown_15: Because more more expensive equipment is better, but it also is usually more niche like You can buy something that's $50 that works Okay in most situations or you can buy a $250 mic that works excellent, but in one application because it's like a professional quality microphone Yeah, it's it's it's frustrating I hope he like I hope something happened in the near future where he's like won his game again and

Unknown_15: Thank you, by the way. DeadlyHallowed410 says, I'm really worried about Aaron Hansen. He is running a dying channel. His wife is MIA. He is simping for Trans Lifeline, and he has mentioned that he is now Pi and Polly, scared for when it crashes down. Aaron Hansen? Is that the guy from BroTeam? Oh, Eagle Raptor. Sorry.

Unknown_15: BroTeam is not retarded.

Unknown_15: Yeah, Eagle Raptors probably fucked. I'm looking at his picture. He gives me a bad vibe. He might be fucked, bro. Sorry.

Unknown_15: Sorry. Sorry to hear you lost a real one, bro. I know.

Unknown_15: Uh, ice Mexican for 10 says hell help. I started a gossip forum and now a fat retard living in a Slavic battleground. What type of tasty cheese will help me through this situation? Um, there is a type of goat cheese that they put in the hamburgers in your Slavic shithole called, uh, I don't remember. I can't pronounce it as the issue. Um, but it's really, really good. And they usually add a spice to it, which is extra, extra tasty and savory.

Unknown_15: Thank you. Eugalus Sneed for Tim says, Maddie's stream detected total Jewish victory. That's right. Every time I go live, it's a victory boy. I don't ever take it at all. Thank you. Dragoons for two says I missed the forum. I've been away since Valentine's Day and I'll be back at the end of the month. I know I missed a lot. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I think you won't be too surprised. Coco for one says the guy in check and I'll piss you that I even suggested the first book of Enoch. So I chose that. Enjoy your audio book. I will post it in the Maddie thread when it finishes in 10 years.

Unknown_01: Okay. Looking forward to it.

Unknown_15: Okay. Oh, he links it. Coco for four says read. You have to link the specific verse, bro. Bible gateway gateway lets you pick specific verses.

Unknown_15: I lost my dashboard. Okay, there we go. Please read verse 1 and 2 or as many verses as you think $4 is worth.

Unknown_15: I'll read one in two.

Unknown_15: Uh, the word, okay. Chapter one, the word of the blessing of Enoch, how blessed the elect and righteous who were to exist in the time of trouble, rejecting all the wicked and ungodly. Enoch, a righteous man who was one with God answered and spoke while his eyes were open. And while he saw a holy vision in the heavens, this, the angel showed me. And verse two, from all I heard from them, I heard,

Unknown_15: Sorry, I'm like a bad reader on the best of days. And then you sing me the King, King James version with like old English. And you're asking for pain. You're asking for the literal worst Bible audio book ever composed by a human ever from them. I heard all things and understood what I saw that which will not take place in this generation, but in a generation, which is to succeed at a distant period on account of the elect.

Unknown_01: That's really complicated language.

Unknown_01: Okay, it's all a vision. I got you. Thank you.

Unknown_15: Holly Howell for two says please don't rate cookies post dumb and autistic. Oh too late. They're already dumb and autistic. Steno for 10 says cat box file. Excellent. Let's take a look.

Unknown_15: Oh, this is Oh my god.

Unknown_20: driving down the street. So sleek. bumper sticker catching everyone's eye.

Unknown_20: Baldo came, crashed into the scene Tried to wreck your ride, get you all mean But you stayed cool, didn't let it consume Kept your composure, laughing like a loon Farming dragons on my bumper, it's a sight to see Cruising in my Civic, feeling so free Baldo tried to wreck me, but he couldn't succeed I'm rolling on, nothing can impede

Unknown_15: Should've posted this to the 4chan Automotive board instead. Maybe we would've known what's up.

Unknown_15: Thank you, I guess. Oh yeah, over two says total sticker death.

Unknown_15: I'm very TSD right now, I'm gonna be real with you.

Unknown_15: But it's been around for so long, I feel like I can't remove it, you know what I mean? I can remove the counters and shit, but the stickers themselves, they have a purpose.

Unknown_15: Stalker child enjoy prison for five says why is the Maddie sticker a top hat? I've tried searching but I don't know if there's a meaning or lore behind that choice. There is actually. So there are two stickers which have a meaning that's not obvious. The one that is called TMI used to be called power leveling and it's a it's actually a Dragon Ball Z reference. I guess that is the only anime reference on the entire Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_15: Um, but the scouter, um, is from the original over 9,000, um, power level mean, um, people over time became unfamiliar lies with the power leveling as a, as a meme. So, but everyone knows what TMI is. So I switched that terminology to that, but kept the icon.

Unknown_15: Um,

Unknown_15: then the mad hatter is the thing that people assume but it's actually a reference um that rating used to be called a logging originally but people didn't know what a logging is and now people know what a logging is but they don't know what a log is um because it's like a weird term that's escaped the low calvers and now people know what a logging is but they don't know who a log is

Unknown_15: A-Log wore a top hat. He tried to be into like steampunk aesthetic. He was a fat retard who would do reaction videos to Christian fucking blow-up dolls and he once compared Christian's impact on public perception of autistic people because people think you know associate autism with Christian or whatever the fuck at least in his small world. He said What Chris has done, or what Saddam did in the Gulf War, is potatoes to what Chris has done. So he compared Chris's negative impact to public perception on autism to the war crimes of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War, and compared them favorably.

Unknown_15: Said that Saddam Hussein was less evil than Christian, which is a is a quintessential example of a logging from a log and it isn't like when you are so Blinded by your contempt for a low cow that you say retarded shit. It doesn't make sense but over time people forgot who a log was because He's not interesting He kind of disappeared off the face of the earth I think he briefly came back after Christian fucked his mom and said like can we stop calling a logging a logging now?

Unknown_15: Because I don't want to be associated with Christian fucking his mom and everyone said shut up, and we still call it a logging But he wore a top hat which is why the a logging I kind of the top hat and now it's just Matt in it

Unknown_01: God, everyone saying he was right. There's an old post on the forum called...

Unknown_15: Null, stop being a dick. It's from 2013. I banned this guy because he was a retard schizophrenic who was like, really just wanted to murder Christian. I banned him for being an A-log.

Unknown_15: But he came back on a sock account and made a very long post. And famously, at the end of his post, he declares, one way or another, the A-logs will win. And this was like a ridiculous, over-the-top message. Like, just completely insane.

Unknown_15: But fucking ten years later Christian fucks his mom, so I guess they win Holy how for once a Zed kiss 60 used to troll people with stickers as well was funny as hell. Yes, I know Zed kiss, and I I don't know what his problem is. I still have no idea what his issue was I

Unknown_15: David S877425 says the wood chipper of the day is the bandit 3590XL. Great for all your wood chipping or similar needs. And then he links to a YouTube video, which I assume is going to be a wood chipper. Let's take a look.

Unknown_01: This is a big wood chipper.

Unknown_15: That's a lot.

Unknown_15: You could fit like an entire sex offender cell block into that fucking thing and it wouldn't even miss a beat. That's a nice wood chipper. Thank you.

Unknown_15: Pres Bay for five says Catler one. That's a interesting perspective Pancake bridge it over for five says can't catch the full stream. Hope you have a good one. What a burger question Which would you prefer a patty melt or a barbecue chicken strip sandwich? I'm not a fan of sweet barbecue. I like vinegary barbecue sauces But usually in the US when you see here barbecue sauce, it's like a brown sugar barbecue sauce, which I'm not a fan of So a patty melt actually Though when I ate at Whataburger, I would just get a regular jalapeno burger with white cheese if they had it.

Unknown_01: Could go get Cogito green for 10 says, Hey, Noel, do you have any good tech podcasts?

Unknown_15: I like listening to you. Spurred outs about technology in every tech podcast I've tried is gay and cringe. And most people are, as are most people in the tech industry.

Unknown_15: Um, no, I don't listen to any tech podcast. Um, I'm aware that a lot of people are fans of Lewis Rossman and mental outlaw. So I'll give a shout out to them because I am aware that they're not gay.

Unknown_15: Thank you. Autism strikes for $100 says happy super Tuesday. Oh, that's right. Any voters out there? I hope you guys are out there voting. You want to vote for your Republican primary? Cause gosh knows it could be anyone. You don't want Nikki Haley to win. Do you? She won DC recently. She's on the up and up.

Unknown_15: Uh, well you can before the Democrats take your voting privileges away. I voted eight times. Good job. So you guys are out there only you're saying I can't go voodoo. So inconvenient. Trump's going to win anyways. But Nico out there is voting eight times.

Unknown_15: So what's your excuse? Got none.

Unknown_15: Koya Dante for 15 says no child. I am not crying. I am in fact pissing myself.

Unknown_15: Enjoy pissing stalker. I will. Thank you stalker.

Unknown_15: I don't know how to respond to that.

Unknown_15: Sometimes they catch me off guard, super chats. Can't be a smart ass every time.

Unknown_15: Thank you.

Unknown_15: The line Kang for seven says, I told you of a hard time I went through a hard time and your response was nobody gives a fuck. I forgive you, but this might be my last don't know. Are you the guy that sent in the message last time saying that your girlfriend was like slitting her wrist or something? What the fuck am I going to say to that? Oh no, bro. I'm so concerned about your girlfriend slitting her wrist and how you want to kill yourself, bro.

Unknown_15: I do a stream where I make fun of people. I don't know. Don't send me money about your fucking hard times, about your guinea pig's cancer, because I'm not going to know how to respond to that.

Unknown_15: Angel Vomit for 10 says, I cannot stay for a whole stream, but nice show. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown_15: Eric George for one says, Olbermann went to current TV, which was owned by Al Gore. They literally turned off the lights on his studio and he broadcasted his last shows in the dark. Gore sold the company to Arabs.

Unknown_15: I heard about that. Um, I forgot to mention the current TV part because, uh, um,

Unknown_15: Like nobody watched that. I watched like a couple episodes of, I think it was called the situation with Keith Olbermann on whatever that show was that had like the, the, the bi colors to it. I never watched the current TV stuff with Keith. I watched the, I watched a couple of episodes of his, um, the situation because I was curious what he was up to and I kind of left it on his background music once and listened to like a hundred episodes while playing Dota or some shit years ago. And, um,

Unknown_15: Yeah, he had like completely lost his fucking mind. It was like genuine C constant perpetual C on the, on the verge of crying, like tears welling up in his eyes, his face soured. Like he just tasted limit crying about how much he hated Trump. It was genuinely deranged behavior. And it's like, all you got to do is go outside, go outside, go fishing or some shit. And you won't care anymore. I managed not to care about anything all the time. It's not hard.

Unknown_15: Lucifero for 210 pretends, or Lucifero 210 pretends, says Josh. period josh i was watching you are older stuff and lowercase i agree with you on your tranny killer theory most serial killers start out with an idealized sexual fantasy festering until they give in and go out on the spree yeah i'm not wrong um what's really weird i remember listening to this as a kid and now it sticks out to me in memory in retrospect but i remember ted bundy and um

Unknown_15: Like the Green River Killer, I want to say a bunch of serial killers before they were executed, like in the 70s said that they were all porn addicted. Like Ted Bundy explicitly banned or blamed pornography for like why he was inclined to kill and why it was a sexual thrill for him. And now I'm just like, everyone is so porn addicted and there's so many people like you have to have like a certain thing wrong with you. I think there's like three components to a serial killer. Where it's like you have to be predisposed to it, you have to suffer a brain injury, and you have to experience childhood trauma. And now maybe also porn addiction. But if you consider how many people might have had those things but didn't have one key element, but now because of the internet, so many more people are going to have the potential to unlock their serial killer potential. I bet you there's going to be a lot of them.

Unknown_01: Thank you. Ugly Cracker for 20 says YouTube link. Let's check it out.

Unknown_01: Oh boy. I'm a lawyer and my advice is eat Doritos.

Unknown_20: I'm a dental assistant and I love Doritos.

Unknown_00: I like to make the sex with the children.

Unknown_00: Also, I like to make the sex with Doritos.

Unknown_15: I think that guy truned out. That did get me though. See, if in case you're wondering, in case you're a scholar of the liberal arts and you're studying comedy and jokes and comedy and jokes are so important to you. This is an example of a pedophile joke. That is obviously a joke. And because I think it's kind of implied that he doesn't speak English too well, so he doesn't even know what he's saying. That's how you make a pedophile joke without implicating yourself as an actual pedophile, even if you literally say that you're a pedophile. In case you're wondering, in case you're like a fat retard who should probably kill himself and you're listening to this, that's what a joke looks like.

Unknown_15: You only study the conservative arts, good boy. Kurt Eichenwald, oh, thank you, by the way. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for fives, has most esteemed and venerable QE diamo. The Japanese can't stop winning. Tenno haikabanzai. And then he links to 4chan poll. Wow, that's great. Say off polls, brain rot.

Unknown_15: I almost read that as a super chat. Synesthetic four days ago says Hiroyuki Sanada had certain conditions before signing on to Shogun to ensure Japanese culture was accurately depicted. Episode 1 and 2 now streaming on Disney+.

Unknown_15: I needed things including if you don't hire a Japanese actor for a Japanese role, I cannot be involved in this project.

Unknown_15: And they say the same fucking thing about woke shit. Like it's a movie about Hawaiian people. We need Hawaiian people. It's a movie about black people. We need black people. Um, that's not, that's not different from anything else.

Unknown_15: Luciferra for one says you shouldn't get a hamster in a little cow costume for the low costume. That defeats the entire purpose. The entire purpose was to like splinter up the news stuff so that people knew what to skip past. They don't want to hear it.

Unknown_15: Orion from the grill cast for 10 says just got a jail after four and a half months for DUI. Glad I got to catch the stream. This is the first piece of media I've listened to in months. Anything interesting happened while I was locked up.

Unknown_15: Four and a half months chat. Has anything interesting happened on the internet?

Unknown_15: I'm trying to think there has to be something that was like super interesting in the last four months.

Unknown_15: Can't think of anything like dial it himself on fire, but I think it was mostly news because nobody cared. Oh yeah. Vouch looked at, um, opened up his horse cock lollicon folder.

Unknown_01: Jim had a stream.

Unknown_15: Drama is still alive, which is relevant because the grill cast is associated with like their drama people Bitcoin would up that's true Kiwi Farms is appealing to the Supreme Court Mandy is a man. Okay. That was less than effort man. I I guess you'd miss the entire, uh, Palestine war. You don't need to care. Nothing that doesn't matter. If anyone starts talking to you about Palestine or Gaza or Israel, just like turn off the volume knob in your head. It doesn't matter.

Unknown_15: CRP died. That's true. That was recent. Good one. Oh, the law fund had a 50 to $150,000.

Unknown_01: That's true.

Unknown_15: Hey, that's enough. I think that's enough. You got to think that that should you'll look up all that shit and you'll be set for a while.

Unknown_15: I'm gonna know don't run over any people while drunk. That's not based space Alan for 20 says cheers Thank you very much space Alan appreciate it I feel a sneeze for five says I donated BMJ like 10 F to watch him lose it and get upset shit kind of slapped 10 F is like $30,000 right now. You probably shouldn't done that. I think you mean like 0.1 F or something a Real human being for five says CRP has his vengeance and then there is a cat box file. Let's take a listen. Oh

Unknown_04: In the depths of despair, a cult emerges Gonzalo once defeated, now seeks revenge He rises as from the grave, a faithful spirit To punish the true who wronged him

Unknown_04: C.I.P. The clones from beyond the grave With fire and fury To make their pay No mercy or remorse Defendants won't sway Guns are lords' red veils No escape in his dismay

Unknown_15: kind of reminded me i have another one of these i have i made this and i forgot about it hold on let me find it real quick i think this is it

Unknown_15: Yes, I am very creative and very funny and that chorus does that part where the chorus kicks in hold up I

Unknown_15: Actually slapped that's actually great Cool thank you. Chloe Dante professor's h-bomber guys count is currently tied with chat GPT

Unknown_15: But he's got a strong trolling pedigree that I think is going to shine through. I'm anticipating big things from queer crusher, Harry. Dude, me too. If I had to bet, you know, he's an underdog because he's like a libtard and a homosexual himself, but he does have the pedigree. He does have the experience. He does have the will. Can we see great things from him? I think we can. Great commentary. Coleo Dante. Sika Lothar for 10 says, fun fact you may know, Rumble Superchats sent on mobile are written backwards for some reason. That said, can you humor me by reading the next Superchat?

Unknown_15: Um, okay.

Unknown_15: Sika Lothar for 10 says, I sent more money to Rikada than to Ralph, not the Ani Kino Casino.

Unknown_15: uh you are now the e-daddy i send the most money to more so than ralph and ricketa you must feel hon hon hon hon honored honored i must feel honored

Unknown_15: No. I don't. Please don't do to me whatever you did to Ralph and Rakeda.

Unknown_15: Sorry, his message was literally backwards. I'm reading it.

Unknown_15: Thank you for the goes and see for one says can you explain to me? Why you purport yourself to be a positive Pollyanna's us Jover and voting is a meme and scam Are you a secretly an acceleration as Doomer Groper? Do you use a an end sometimes?

Unknown_15: I just feel think that there is no there's no purpose in voting especially at the federal level I don't think that there's any choice the candidates do not care what they say and Um, anybody with actual idealism will be crushed by the system. Um, I think that like, for instance, Obama had like, I still say that Obama had actual good intentions when he got into office. Like for instance, closing Guantanamo Bay is objectively like a good thing. But then once he got in and he was like faced with like the political realities, he just gave up and became like a shill.

Unknown_15: I don't know, I haven't thought about this in a long time, but it's like even with Trump, he came in with a lot of idealism and he didn't get as much as he would have wanted done because the realities of the system are so against him. There's no point in voting. You don't really have a choice. What's your choices? Biden and Trump again?

Unknown_15: I didn't. And Harris or what's her name? What are the fuck her name is? I forget her name. I just don't.

Unknown_15: Of all the things to be positive Polly about the U.S. federal government is not one of them.

Unknown_15: Yeah, she'll be positive Polly about thinking of alternatives.

Unknown_15: How alchemy for five says I do not like trans base and true Thank you very much. Kolya Dante provides is taking down the Kiwi farms and keeping it down is definitely still down. Don't Google it or one It was one thing keffels, but you don't have what it takes to go up against Harry the homo bomber guy Dude if h-bomber guy decides that he's gonna the fucking chokeslam keffels on the squared circle. It's a fucking jover true facts

Unknown_15: Holy hell for one says TG tried to suck up to Vouch and become a bread tuber saying Vouch was on the cutting edge of YouTube or something sad.

Unknown_01: Who the fuck is TG? I don't know who TG is. Help. Help chat. Who the fuck is TG?

Unknown_15: antis for once as visa went through america here i come oh sorry to hear about your vaccination entice enjoy america vaccinated child maybe he might have meant tj kirk but he he wrote tg like the letter g uh Mario Carter 13 for one says the bottles of piss just proved Ralph's a pig monster. Pigs are packing a corkscrew down there. They don't want to hear about Ralph's penis ever again. Somebody for one says, forget to ask this last week, but have you had a chance to listen to the new Caravan Palace album? If so, which songs are your favorite? I have, but I don't have like names. I listened to the whole album like twice. I don't really have names associated with anything. So I don't have like a favorite song picked out.

Unknown_15: Alchemy for two says hams for my beloved Steno for one says Pudahar is closing up close to uploading his Keffel's video. How much do you want to bet? It's gonna call Lucas a she and not mention the farms 100% there is a 100% that if he even mentions the Kiwi farms, it will just be a Keffels heroically tried to take down the Kiwi Farms, or at absolute best, Keffels heroically tried to take down the Kiwi Farms, but it was only to cover up her own dark past.

Unknown_15: And not for any good reason, like there are many reasons that are good to take down the Kiwi Farms, but this wasn't one of them. Something like that.

Unknown_15: No hurt Mr. Metal for five says good morning asshole. See ya in the archive Thanks Mario Carter for 13 for one says Medicare's biggest fumble was Gamergate and even though he turned into a W because that's how he met his wife I mean he left Gamergate when the getting was good Gormless wonder for one says if you made the intro and P break songs, please leaked him on the forum good stuff They're in the man the internet thread

Unknown_15: Insensitive zero for two says McDonald's Japan branch made an ad people like so much the American branches I didn't temporarily rebrand all their products with gross weeb shit, but eventually it made the burgers ad but anime I Don't know I don't know what's up with the fucking Japanese shit. I don't pay attention. Oh my god Then he fucking links it for $10. Okay, it's $10. Sure. Watch the fucking McDonald's ad. Yes He will watch the McDonald's anime I

Unknown_15: It's a, they couldn't even do it. It's a black woman with like curly blonde hair. Yeah, that's anime as fuck. When I think anime, I think black people.

Unknown_16: Mud shark sama. Your chicken nuggies are so fresh and hot.

Unknown_08: Dude, weebs, you did this.

Unknown_15: Weebs are responsible for this. Weebs, if you watch anime, you're responsible for this. If you, if you posted that fucking gay ass Japanese anime shit with the McDonald's family on your fucking Twitter, you are responsible for this shit. I hope, I hope. here's my here is my rap i'm getting rid of the pop filter when i pop right into my mic here is my wrath on you fucking weeaboo faggots i hope that your japanese cartoons are ground up into a fine paste and commercialized to a disgusting level i hope every advertisement you see is in that kawaii segway shit with the fucking big eyes and japanese I want every anime character put out to be dark-skinned with natural black lady hair. I want interracial relationships in your Japanese cartoons. I want it all infected. I want it all ruined. Suffer, Weebs. Suffer. He thinks, oh, I like Japanese. They're so base. There's no niggos in it. Yeah. Wait and see, motherfucker. Wait and see. That McDonald's money is coming, and it comes with black people attached.

Unknown_01: The Orange Cow over here says, Josh, you are right about people getting upset of having not having gym support or being big gay, but didn't you get pretty pissed back in the day when he wouldn't fight Ralph for you?

Unknown_15: I considered his silence on Ralph to be extremely weird. Like he just ignored Ralph for a very long time. I never really explained why. Like I, I.

Unknown_15: I tried to see if Ricada would like recover on his own And I can kind of understand his perspective a little bit because you know, he was on good terms with her off at some point But it's like at a certain point He did eventually this is like I just I just want to know why I just want to know what? What was the motivation for it?

Unknown_15: No hurt, mr. Metal for one says I second orange cow I think back in 2021 I

Unknown_15: Oh, about Jim.

Unknown_15: Sorry, I said anything about Jim that could be construed negatively. So people have to make sure that people point out that I've said things about Jim.

Unknown_15: Total gun victory for one says and soon I thought I'm not playing an entire fucking minute long song for for a dollar, bro. Come on, we got to wrap this up. The Lion King for one says sorry for being retarded. That's up to chat to accept your apology. Not me. I am merely the author, the narrator of these messages. Holy hell, everyone says, sorry for the minor spelling mistake. I meant TJ. Well, we'll figure that one out. Thank you.

Unknown_15: Don't worry about it. Mario Carter, 13 for one says Jim has a DUI glass houses and shit.

Unknown_15: But with Ralph, is that, is that the motivation for that? I can't make fun of Ralph because I'm, I was also an alcoholic and I drove a car. I don't have a song picked out.

Unknown_15: I just realized.

Unknown_01: Maybe I don't know. Should I, should I just wing it again and play a random song? Sorry. It's been hard to find music lately. I've been busy.

Unknown_01: Um, this song is called talking on the internet by spiritual cramp.

Unknown_15: I don't know what that means. This could be terrible. I'm going to play this song. I have no idea what this is and if it sucks, Josh core. 28 illicit clips and videos in the last minute.

Unknown_15: I'm gonna wing it. I've never heard this song before. It's called Talking on the Internet. It could be suck. It could be shit ass. Let's see. See you guys on Friday.

Unknown_01: Take it easy and buh-bye.

Unknown_15: Oh, this is gonna suck. I can already tell.

Unknown_17: Another day in a different place, in another state, in a new town. Drink up, get in town.

Unknown_17: I'm not gonna lie, it's better than I thought it was gonna be.