Hello, hello.
Unknown_04: It is me, again, screaming to the internet. And, uh, I don't know. I don't know how to start these. It's been years and I still don't know how to start these. Do I just talk? Do I just explain things? Do I, do I, I never have like a breaking intro piece. I don't have like a, most people are smart enough after a couple years of like talking to people on the internet to like, fabricate some kind of intro sequence where they say like what's what's good EWU crew or thanks for joining the mug club or some shit I don't know I do not or they have a naked intro intro video that they play me not no not me I'm not muted
Rumble died. I mean, I'm streaming. My setup is fine. If Rumble wants to die, Rumble wants to die. You got Kik, you got Nasty, you got Telegram, you got VK, you got everything you could ever possibly fucking want.
Unknown_04: Um, so.
Unknown_04: Where do I even begin? You know, of all the things that I have pulled up ready to go to talk about, um, I don't have the thing most pertinent to me personally, which just goes to show you where my mind is at any time.
Unknown_04: Well, so while ago, I suppose I should just say that, um,
I opened a crowdfund for legal expenses and I received quite a bit of money, probably a bit more than what I was asking for, which opens up some interesting avenues for me to pursue justice, as it were.
Unknown_04: One of the things that has really pissed me off recently is that Russell Greer received pro bono representation and received an absolutely disastrous 10th Circuit federal court ruling in his favor with pro bono representation from a digital rights scalper group called the Digital Justice Foundation. And their application of law was both erroneous in terms of copyright and also its own procedural standards.
Unknown_04: it contradicted the Supreme Court, and it basically made posting a DMCA takedown notice a legal liability, which has a chilling effect on freedom of speech. Copyright is already a chilling effect on freedom of speech, but the implications that contributory copyright infringement can be established with merely a republication of a DMCA that you don't intend to oblige, for whatever reason, is dangerous. It's actually really, really bad.
So when we applied for en banc, they actually asked for a reply. And this is very unusual. Usually when they ask for a reply, that means that they're going to grant an en banc review. And they chose not to, which basically means that the Digital Justice Foundation's reply became the case law for this, because you can look at their arguments and then you can say, well, I guess they were right because the court found that there was no need for an en banc review. And when that happens, There is only one possible avenue, one desperate maneuver that you can make, literally to what is called the Court of Last Resort, the United States Supreme Court.
So, since I have the money, and it's earmarked for legal expenses anyways, I figure, why not file with the Supreme Court of the United States of America? And so we've done so. So now Joshua Moon and Kiwi Farms, a website, whatever the fuck that means, is the petitioner in the Supreme Court of the United States.
Unknown_04: And yes, this is live.
Unknown_04: We outlined three questions. I'll simply read this because it can be understood in language a child can understand.
Questions presented, one, whether the receipt of a takedown notice alone is sufficient to impute actual knowledge of copyright infringement to its recipient under the contributory infringement framework.
Unknown_04: Basically, does posting a DMCA automatically mean that you recognize that there's copyright infringement?
Unknown_04: Or can you post the DMCA for other reasons? The answer is obvious, which is what we're hoping the Supreme Court will see. 2. Whether a recipient of a takedown notice who publishes the notice with limited editorial comment thereon materially contributes to any prior or ongoing direct copyright infringement, i.e., if I say, no, this is obviously fair use, you fucking retard, does that mean that I am doing something bad? By saying, this is fair use, you fucking retard, does that mean that I acknowledge that that is not fair use and therefore I am contributing to that? Probably not, but the 10th appellate court seems to think so. And then number three,
Now, whether posting a link to copyrighted material saved at a third-party storage provider is the same as posting the infringing material itself.
Unknown_04: This is actually settled case law because the Supreme Court has ruled like 15 years ago that this is untrue, but yet the 10th Court said that it is true, that if you have a website that links to a Google server and that server has content that may infringe on copyright,
then it's Google's responsibility to remove it. It's not my responsibility to remove it because I can't.
Unknown_04: That was found probably in the 2000s, I think, and yet it's still not resolved case law because the 10th Court fucked up. And you would hope that the 10th Court would recognize when these exact same things were told to them months ago, they had fucked up, that they would say, oh yeah, we did fuck up. And they kind of did, but then said, actually, we don't feel like we're doing it anymore.
Unknown_04: Now we have to ask the Supreme Court to fix what the 10th Court has fucked up. Because until they do, there is now contributory copyright infringement liability for every link ever posted on any website, even websites that don't have images. Like you think, oh, my website and my BBS forum is only tags. Well, too bad. Well, you got links. If you can post tags, you can post a link. You can post a link to a movie on a Google Drive, and guess what? Um, that is apparently contributory copyright infringement, um, in the 10th court, which applies to, uh, federally because it's a federal court.
Um, so there is speculation because to be clear, the Supreme Court sees about 80 cases a year, 8,000 are submitted, which means if you do the math, if you do a little gamba session in your head, um, the odds of you
Getting in, getting what's called RIT.
Unknown_04: Actually, I can't pronounce the other word. It's like Certorori or something. The chances of getting a RIT are 1%. So if you get, say the RIT's name, we can't do it. So if you get RIT, you've had a epic Gamba sesh. It's a one in a hundred odds.
Unknown_04: However, there is, I mean, number one, it's copyright law. And the number of copyright cases that get appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court are very limited. And number two, it's copyright law that directly contradicts existing established Supreme Court precedent. So there is a chance that some guy who really cares about copyright law is going to see this and think, hmm,
this is a bit fucked up maybe we should review this but there is the the opposing thought that they're going to see this and say oh kiwi farms i don't want to deal with kiwi farms and a pro se litigant maybe we'll just wait for somebody else's life to get completely fucked up because of some frivolous bullshit copyright lawsuit and then with a different set of facts we'll settle settle the issue for everybody which apparently they can do they're not supposed to but there's nothing stopping them because you can't force the supreme court to do anything he doesn't want to do
So that's, that's the fear. It's not that it's not that it's a bad argument. It's a very good argument. Um, the, the problem is, is that I am me and the rules of the universe do not necessarily apply to me in the way that you would expect them to, um, in regards to anybody else.
Unknown_04: So.
Unknown_04: You don't think that they've heard of the Kiwi Farms? When you submit this, I'm not handing it to Clarence Thomas or Clarice Thomas, if you prefer. I am handing it to a bunch of clerks. These clerks are lawyers that work for the Supreme Court. Each of the justices have their own team of clerks.
The clerks will each read this for them and then write a brief that explains, number one, what the facts of the case are, and number two, what the clerk suggests. So each of them are going to receive a brief from their much younger lawyers that work for them. And many of them might have heard of the Kiwi Farms. They might be online. They might be familiar with XYZ. They may have prejudices against the site for whatever reason. It's definitely not
and out of the question that there may be people reading this who instantly recognize what Kiwi Farms, a website is, and think, oh, those are bad people. You don't want to take a case in their favor. Just let these guys dangle and then deal with this later with a better case, which would suck.
Unknown_04: There's two possible outcomes. There's one I don't understand too well.
Unknown_04: There's that the Supreme Court can look at this and without hearing oral arguments can decide to remand. They can say the Tenth Court definitely fucked up. We don't need to hear oral arguments from the parties.
So we're going to send it back and we're going to say, fix this immediately. And we're not going to do anything about it. The second funnier option is the one that everyone's familiar with, where they say, OK, we're going to have this argued. So come to the Supreme Court. Now, I want to rule out something that many people have brought up and is just not going to happen. So don't even get your hopes up. There will never be the infinite world of all timelines in existence. There is no timeline where Russell Greer shows up to the Supreme Court of the United States and makes oral arguments. That is not going to happen.
The only people, kind of unique in the world or in the US litigation system, the only people who can do oral arguments in the Supreme Court are people registered specifically to the Supreme Court's bar. Hardin is registered to the Supreme Court bar. Russell Greer is not. So if something were to happen, there's
Unknown_04: There's a possibility it wouldn't happen, but if Russell were to suddenly be the defendant or respondent in this petition and he doesn't have a lawyer, there would be a million attorneys that would raise their hand and say, I will rep, like the entire US Supreme Court bar would say, I will represent your case for free because going to the Supreme Court is the most masturbatory thing that an attorney in this country can accomplish. So he will have no issues getting representation. If something were to happen and people say, ew, your face, which is not going to happen, obviously. But if that were to happen, this is a joke, the Chief Justice would assign him an attorney from the bar. So he will get represented. There will never be a case where Russell Weir delivers oral arguments to the Supreme Court of the United States.
So that's what's happening with that.
Unknown_04: Now, the issue is looking statistically speaking, it's about a two to three odds that the case is actually delivered in our favor. So not only is it a 1% chance that we're heard at all, it is a, or maybe a 2% chance that we include when they just respond automatically. But then there's also a chance that it doesn't go in our favor. Now, I've made the decision and I've had time to think about this.
I mentioned that Russell Greer might get – or would get inevitably, no matter what, would get free representation from a very serious law firm licensed to the Supreme Court of the United States' bar that would represent him free of charge just for the honor of being in the Supreme Court. I would also have that privilege because I am the plaintiff and there's lots of Supreme Court bar attorneys who would love to represent a Supreme Court copyright case, many of them extremely, extremely good at copyright law, that I would have my pick of the litter in regards to who I want to represent me and I would have that pick for free. I have decided against the advice of my attorney that if we were to go to oral arguments, I would force Hardin to continue and actually do the oral arguments himself.
Because, as far as I'm concerned, the ACLU, FIRE, and EFF have had the opportunity to intervene and represent me at any point in time in the last four years. They have chosen, every step of the way, and I've reached out to them multiple times, to ignore me or to simply say thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and not actually do anything. So now, why would I, having reached the Supreme Court in the 1% chance that actually happens, why would I then say, okay, now that we've made it and I've spent money out of pocket to reach this point, and I'm only reaching this point because my district level attorney did not do a good job representing arguments in the public court to begin with, why would I now give you the privilege of appearing in the Supreme Court to make my defense? I'm not going to. Now, there is a chance that's a bad idea because Hardin might not do as great a job as possible.
But if he completely fucks it up and the Supreme Court rules that any use of copyrighted work is a death penalty, I don't care. I'm kind of would actually be very happy if things were so fucked up as a result of this that nobody could use anything in any context legally anymore. in regards to copyright, because then maybe the ACLU fire and the EFF would give pause about if maybe they should start representing clients that are bad PR. Because right now, all these so-called charitable organizations that are supposed to stand up for civil liberties don't do it if they think that you're too toxic for them. Maybe if you take a hammer and break it down so that everyone suffers, they will sit back and think, That was a bad idea. Next time, we should represent them.
Maybe it'll be a win for public policy chat.
Unknown_04: Um, so yeah, fuck them. Um, Harden represents me for almost nothing, basically nothing. He charges me less than what he, if he has to, if he's busy and he like offloads me to other attorneys that want to help with first amendment shit, then like that costs more usually cause he can't discount me for somebody else's work. But, um, so I have to pay them at their regular rates, even though they work for very little themselves because they just want to be involved in
fun legal work.
Unknown_04: So why would I not want him to move forward to the Supreme Court?
Unknown_04: Jenny Logic, yes, no, no, suffer. Suffer, America. Suffer, United States of America. Suffer, EFF. Suffer, ACLU. Guess what? I'm a petitioner to the Supreme Court and my stupid website might go to the Supreme Court and we might fuck up copyright law for everybody. My case might be cited in a million different cases moving forward to put people in jail for the most benign uses of anything ever. Guess what? Fuck you.
I don't care. Hate me. I don't give a shit. Everyone else hates me already. You already fucking hate me. What are you going to do? You're going to hate me more? Oh wow. What a shame. I would hate to be hated a little bit more by you retards.
Unknown_01: All right.
Unknown_04: Harden will be happy to hear this. I don't know if he will. That sounds like a lot of pressure. I haven't even told him yet.
Unknown_04: Suffice Supreme Court, it's it's weird the PPP doesn't like his own suffer voice I listened to it wasn't no an old clip of him making fun of cog I came in I didn't I wanted to show this on stream until I realized it was so old that it wasn't worth it But they did like a Christmas video making fun of colleague And it was so funny that I was I was laughing a lot cuz cog took calls in regards to his his girlfriend cheating on him and it was just like
the most retarded British shit I've ever heard. Your missus is getting fucked. Your missus is getting fucked in every hole.
Unknown_04: Nonsense. Suffer, Cog.
Unknown_04: What's the Supreme Court show?
Unknown_04: Next reclaim the net has announced that, um, the NFL will be putting facial recognition technology into the stadiums to check out who you are, where you are, what you're doing, and saving it into a database, um, forever and ever.
Um, and it also restricts your access to certain areas of the field, I guess. Oh yeah. News hamster. The funny thing about this is that this is obviously like a violation of your rights to be recorded constantly. But because it's a private company, it doesn't matter. Like we're just going to establish this private security network so that every camera in the world is like connected to each other by facial recognition technology.
Unknown_04: And then it'll just be OK because it's a private company. Oh, sure. Sure. Every security camera in the entire world belongs to a monopoly that feeds its data into a data like a software that keeps track of all your biometric information so that you can just walk into a store and lay your palm print down on a console and pay for something. And your face is tracked at every second of the day. But it's not the government. It's not the government, bro.
What are you upset about?
Unknown_04: What are you upset about? Your constitutional rights don't apply to private companies.
Unknown_01: So eat shit go away This is funny actually, so If you're a new listener, you may not know this but I hate Andrew Torba Andrew Torba is
Unknown_04: is both simultaneously extremely stupid and extremely lucky.
And he has had several opportunities to listen to input and safeguard his product and actually make it big. And he has completely and totally failed at every step of the way.
Unknown_04: If you don't know, Andrew Torba in 2016 forked an open source PHP project and made it into a Twitter clone called Gab. At another point, he decided to fork a different PHP project called Mastodon, integrate Gab into the Fediverse, which is a decentralized Twitter network that's kind of like a halfway point between Twitter and email. and immediately after joining the Fediverse, realized that anime avatars would be able to post at him and make fun of him. So he was so triggered by this, after the hours of work his team had put into joining the Fediverse and completely rebasing their project on a completely different PHP project that he copied off of GitHub, he defederated and removed his instance from the Fediverse. Though I think that
it was I can't remember it's changed it used to be like a one-way thing like like gab would just shit out its content onto the Fediverse and then not receive any content itself but he may have reversed this and now it's like just completely isolated
Unknown_04: Um, my favorite video is gone from the internet forever, but it's a picture. It's a video of gab or of Torba running around his backyard, literally huffing like he's out of breath just from walking around. And he's just yelling about how he's being censored. And then there was the time that he tried to keep bees and he killed all his bees. And he posted this to the internet for some reason.
Um, anyways, he's, he's been like a personal locale of mine, but people to say, Josh, that you're jealous because he is rich. He's made a ton of money off of gab. Um, he asked people to mail in checks to support gab and I received millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin and checks. But since then he's never been able to parlay that he even tried to do like his own token like his own crypto token And that didn't succeed So he's just been kind of flailing and I think that Elon Musk taking over Twitter really dinted his prospects because
um there's nothing on gab that you don't get on x anymore um like x is is tolerant to even like outright racist shit and um there's a ton of christian posters on x it's like what would you possibly post on x that you can't post or post on gab that you can't post on x anymore and the answer is not much um so now his i think he's
Unknown_04: He's not doing too well, and he made the decision, which is kind of baffling to me, but I'll go over that now.
Unknown_04: Andrew says, and I had to log out to view this because he has me blocked on Gab. My handle on that is like at moon and he has me blocked because I made fun of him.
Unknown_04: He says, starting in March, media uploads on Gab will be a privilege reserved for Gab Pro verified donor and investor users. We will no longer be supporting free media uploads and hosting huge amounts of data for free. Let me explain why. As all of you know, DApp has to maintain our in-house infrastructure because we have been banned from all cloud hosting providers. Over the past year, we've had so much data uploaded, largely from free users, that we have to purchase more storage and spend our precious and limited engineering resources trying to expand our infrastructure storage. We've also faced an onslaught on bot accounts over the past few months that we believe are purposefully uploading tons of media files on purpose to flood our storage space.
Finally, there are many real users who have been here for years and posted tens of thousands of times and have 10 to 100 gigabytes of media stored on Gab's drives for free. And those are all up, and it becomes extremely costly to maintain. We can't do it anymore. Every user will be able to speak freely with words. But if you want the privilege of Gab hosting an endless stream of large images and videos, you will need to support the service. It's just that simple. Pro, verify donor and investor users will notice no change when this happens.
Unknown_04: Things will continue normal for you. Everyone else will have to upgrade to Pro to unlock the privilege of posting media files on Gab. And then he links to pro.gab for instructions on how to mail him a money order so that you can become a Pro user.
Now, Andrew Torba is dumb, but I'm curious what the actual situation is like. If you were going to try and convince your users that it was necessary to remove one of the most fundamental features of a social media website, one that is common to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Uh, what was Google plus, um, X slash Twitter, discord, um, fucking signal. Every one of them allows you to communicate. Telegram allows you to communicate with images for free.
So it's a hard bargain to tell your, your audience that they can't post media anymore. Um, and it in inherently disprivileges you to other or disadvantages you, sorry, his use of privilege has like rotted my brain now.
Unknown_04: He's, um, like especially compared to X, which has very generous upload standards, especially if you are subscribed for only $9 a month or whatever.
Unknown_04: Like you can upload very large files on X in perpetuity.
Unknown_04: So I would be very curious to see, number one, if he has something called deduplication. Deduplication is a programming term where if users upload something, if a same file exists somewhere else, it doesn't actually store it twice. It deduplicates it. I would be curious to see if he has deduplication because that's pretty significant thing to have on a social media site, because people are going to share the same images of Donald Trump praying a million times. And if it's a one megabyte file that's been shared a million times, that's a lot of storage. That's a terabyte dedicated to just your Donald Trump praying.
So I'd be very curious to see if he has due duplication. I would be very curious to see how much he's actually storing because storage is infamously cheap. You can buy a petabyte of storage with, um, redundancy on spinning disk drives for, um, relative to the cost of enterprise, pretty, pretty much for nothing. Like storage is, is fucking like really, really cheap. Um, I don't know how to emphasize that enough.
It's like fractions of a penny for a gigabyte of storage now. So it'd also be peta peta. It's the, it's a thousand terabytes. So I'd be curious to see where he is with that. Um,
Unknown_04: Then, I would also like to know why he has chosen to do this and ban all media uploads instead of limiting file size. The Kiwi Farms deduplicates and limits file size.
I could theoretically, because it used to be 200 megabytes was the limit that Cloudflare allowed us to upload files. But these days, I keep the file limit low to encourage people to upload files that are like 720p instead of 1080p, unless they really need to upload the 1080p version. So just by having a soft file limit, people are generally more considerate with what they upload.
Unknown_04: But just allowing images. or WebP files, for instance, would allow people to post media and images are not expensive.
Like this guy, he's complaining about 10,000 images. 10,000 images is not very much. 10,000 images is not.
Unknown_04: It depends, but it's not even a gigabyte sometimes, you know what I mean? So if you have a bunch of users posting 10,000 images, you have a very healthy community, but you also don't have much storage.
Unknown_04: So why would he? It's just it's just inconceivable to me. Why would you? Because I don't know. I mean, I could be wrong because.
Unknown_04: Back in the day, Andrew Torva was one of the first people I know who banned pornography. And I made the claim back then, if you want to go find it and clip it, that no social media site can survive without pornography. Because if you look at Twitter and you look at Tumblr, which I think was around at the time, and you look at Reddit, all these sites are like replete. They're like 50% just porn.
So my thought was there's no way that you, and especially the Fediverse, like there's no way that you can bootstrap a social, uh, social network that doesn't have pornography.
Unknown_04: But he did just fine. In fact, he was ahead of the curve on that. Pornography became a taboo in his circles. And it was kind of a benefit to have a safer work community, which was something that even though I wasn't out to ban porn, the Kiwi Farm was being safe for work was a benefit, I believe was a benefit to it. So, I mean, I could be wrong about this, but
I mean, posting images is pretty, pretty crucial to a platform. So.
Unknown_04: I don't know, I don't know what to think about this, but his community is not happy.
Unknown_04: Cosmonaut Katusha says, now that Gab is doing media uploads for the majority of users, the site is going to lose 90% of its traffic. As a predominantly conservative site, the vast majority of the traffic here is memes, screenshots of Left Hard X meltdowns, footage and breaking news, and DIY videos on everything from cooking to leatherworking. Without any of that, there's nothing here. The only content you will see is bot accounts linking generic clickbait articles in larger groups, literal bovine ex shit, and good morning cat turd style memes of Michelle Obama's penis.
The larger PayPiggy accounts will continue to or sign up for paid accounts to post their media content, but when 80-90% of the people who interact with them leave the site or stop engaging, they too will end up leaving. Why shouldn't they? Maybe if A had saved the $20,000 he gave to Nick Fuentes, he could have bought a new server.
There's not much anymore. There's not much more to say except that we had a good run Lamal broke Eve But this will probably be my last image uploaded to gab So I think it's fitting as to what the site is going to look like in the evergreen words of Arthur Fleck You get what you fucking deserve $20,000 to Nick Fuentes. Can we build a server?
Unknown_01: Hold up
Unknown_04: All right, chat, we can.
Unknown_04: I'll circle back to that, actually.
Unknown_04: Andrew Torba toots his own horn a little bit and says banning Israeli IPs and changing the media policy are only the beginning. The subversive operations are coming to an end and the rats will be smoked out of their tunnels on this platform. Mark my words. The little ratatouille rats pocket watching media file uploading rats, Jewish rats, mind you.
He's out to get you. He will crucify you. I see the rats. I see the rats in the chat right now. Disgusting. Andrew Torber's onto you, fuckers.
Unknown_04: I love the people. People are very upset by this. Trying to paint everyone that you're screwing over as a subversive Jew, huh?
Unknown_01: Good plan. It's actually a good post.
I love that he repeatedly iterated.
Unknown_04: There's no free rides. There's no free rides like That when you are running a social media site like you're incur you're selling people attention You're basically saying come post on our site. You'll get attention from people
Unknown_04: And you'll grow your, your, your audience. If you can't advertise that, then you don't really have too much. There's lots of sites that let you upload images for free. I wonder how many people are just going to like upload images to imager or something and leak them in their posts or just link to like their own blog sites and shit.
Um, this guy, 2024 gab refugee underscore, uh, joined and he has this, this image requires a gab gold account. If you've not purchased a gab gold account, you may not view this image. Uh, he joined up to explain his grievances with Andrew Torba.
Unknown_04: He says, hello, Kiwi Farms, I've used Gab for too long. It's so totally over. They sent out emails begging for more money. Their monthly fee to post beams is around $30, and this goes up to $100 for a year and a staggering 500 USD for a lifetime pro membership. This instantly discourages new users who will not pay $500 to post dumb memes. I will not pay that, and I had an embarrassing number of posts on that site. Happy to be at the farms." Oh, so this guy, Papa Torba says, no more free rides, Goyom. Pay up. Pay the piper. And he's like, ah, I can get a free ride over on that Kiwi Farms. I'm being taken advantage of my fee is $20 for lifetime membership. I set the fee for a $20 lifetime membership in 2013 and I have never raised it. You could originally buy it for, um, uh, $20 like through PayPal. And I have just never thought about this ever in like 10 years because it's like an insignificant amount of money to be quite honest with you. Regardless, I've never raised it. So to this day, there are people who have bought True and Honest Fan through PayPal in 2013 for $20 and they are still True and Honest Fans and have access to the secret shit posting site.
I'm a shitty capitalist, true. If I ever get, um... I figure if I ever do get to process payments, I'll just give everyone who has ever donated anything, like the True and Honest tag, and attach whatever bullshit to, like, something more expensive.
Unknown_04: Oh, it just went up. Oh my God. After he made that post. Oh, this guy's funny. I'm going to kind of like this post. Oh, let me refresh this page.
I want to like his post.
Unknown_01: He posted a bunch of images, which is like a site slow image poster.
Unknown_04: I already seeing the detriments of his. Oh, I did. I already liked it. What a futile effort though. That was all right. Let's see. He has posted his, uh, plethora of gab means. So let's read this.
Unknown_04: And he doubled the fee. So it was 500 for lifetime. Now it's a thousand dollars minus one. And then, um, everything else is, Oh yeah. The five year plan is for 500 minus $1. And then the lifetime is now a thousand. So 500 is only five years. What's the difference between the one year. Look at this. This is stupid. You can even see the one year plan is $99 and the five year plan is $500. So,
Oh my god, this is how bad Andrew Torba is at math. If you spend $99 for one year, you save 45%. If you spend $4.99 for five years, you save 44%. That means that it's more expensive to buy five years at once.
instead of one year at a time. Because after five years, doing it one year at a time, you'll pay $495. And if you buy five years at once, you'll pay $499. So it's more expensive to buy the $500 plan than it is to buy the one year at a time plan.
Unknown_04: Instead of, instead of just offering it for $400 or something, you know, and giving like a significant discount over month to month. That's really fun. This is, this typifies why I think Torba is just a fucking retard, by the way, in case you wanted an explanation. This is a prime example. This is like zero thought put into how I'm going to chart, how I'm going to, my business is failing. What do I do? Let's put zero thought into our pricing structure and just ask for more money. That'll work. People, people love it when you don't respect their money. and you just feel entitled to it. It's really great.
This is the email. I didn't get to see this because it was sent by two active users. Dear Gab community, as we continue to grow and face new challenges, by the way, he says this, I don't mean to interrupt it so soon, but he says, as we continue to grow, where are the numbers? Show me your act. If you're, if you're trying to rally the troops and you're trying to show people that you need their money, that they work for, they go to fucking, if you worked at McDonald's and you just want to shit posts on the internet and post some memes on gab, your favorite social media site. And now you're asking for, you know, $500. That is a significant amount of money for them. That's like a week's pay, at least, uh, even before taxes.
So you better make sure that you are crystal fucking clear in your explanation. We have grown 25% in the last year. Our expenses are up 30% because people are posting more images and more video.
We are storing 20, 50 terabytes of data. We can't use cloud. We're paying this much in bandwidth. We're paying this much for new hard drives.
Unknown_04: We've already tried to deduplicate images. Show me what you have. what you're doing and what you've already tried before asking for charity, basically, and restricting existing features and asking for money for the paywall. But no, he just says, and people just have to trust him, as we continue to grow and face new challenges, we are at a point where we need to expand GAP's infrastructure to handle the increased demand in different areas. By how much? How much? How much are you expanding it? Are you trying to buy a new server? Are you trying to buy, you know, 500 terabytes of triple redundancy spinning disk drives in your data center? Like, are you upgrading your bandwidth from 10 gigabits per second to 20? Like, what are you doing? I have no idea. One of our primary concerns is the storage space on our existing drives, which is quickly filling up.
That's scary. The storage space on our existing drive, he makes it sound like there is one 12 terabyte drive plugged into the gab server. And it's like at 90%.
And now he's thinking like, Oh fuck, I have to buy a second one.
Unknown_04: I mean, he says drive singular. There's one drive. There is a single 12 terabyte Western Digital stuck into a server somewhere, and that is the entire collection of every shit post on Gab.
Unknown_04: It's urgent, we need a second one.
Unknown_04: The D drive, DGAB shitpost. Oh my god, it's like critical, I'm gonna send this to fucking Crunklord.
Please help us, we have one drive and it's almost full.
Unknown_04: To ensure that we can continue to host every photo, video, and post on Gab, we need to expand our storage capacity before our existing drives are full.
This requires us to own and operate the server in hard drives ourselves, which is both expensive and necessary to the deep platform we face You know, that's not even true. He's full of shit because it's like $200 for like a big-ass storage storage drive
Unknown_04: but when you like host on cloud because there's like redundancy and it's stored in multiple data centers and really bougie ass data centers too you pay more over time for cloud storage you know what i mean i mean i guess if you're in tech you know what i mean but like if you're paying amazon for storage you're paying way more than if you just have your own servers because you're paying them to manage the bullshit involved with hardware owning hardware sucks shit breaks sometimes your motherboard just gets fried and you don't know why that's why you pay them more so to say we're buying more hard drives like I don't know it's just not copacetic with me um
We urgently need the support of our Gab community to cover the cost of expanding our storage capacity. The best way is to upgrade. Your support is essential for us to maintain and operate Gab effectively. Anything you can do to help us with this effort would make a world of difference." It just so bothers me how there's no transparency. Like, if Torbit were to come out and say, you know, we
Unknown_04: We have this many staff. We have this much in operating expenses. We have this much. We're trying to buy a new $50,000 one petabyte storage cluster.
We know how we're going to do it. We've already got a plan. We got it all scheduled out. This is exactly what we're crowdfunding for. And we just need
Unknown_04: this many people to become monthly or annual subscribers and then you just have a little bar and it says we're trying to reach um i don't know how many but we're trying to reach like a thousand monthly subscribers that would be really awesome and then we would never have to worry about money uh for a very long time you know what i mean and i think people would do that because you just outline this is what we have this is what we need and this is how you can help But the whole like extortion gamut, the free ride is over the Israeli image posting rats will be smoked out of their ratatouille dens. You're you're free.
Your reign of terror on my one storage drive is coming to an abrupt end.
Unknown_04: Come on, buddy.
Unknown_04: Let's Okay, let's see the memes. I'm done reading the shit. I want to see Andrew Torba.
Unknown_04: All right. Oh, what?
Unknown_04: If I can't, I can't do, um, the, the thing, if I, if it's a inline spoiler like this, if I click it, it doesn't bring up the carousel. They call it, Hey, leaving gab is free and now you can do real life activism.
That's him. He kind of has like a Matt Jarboe soy face to it. Gab right now. Then it's a guy on fire. I wonder what he's protesting.
Unknown_04: Gab tour, but good news. We released an update. That's actually pretty funny.
Unknown_04: Um, seems we have a problem gifting pro to others. So not only are they asking for this without any kind of goal in mind, without any stated purpose, besides just making more money, uh, their way to gift shit does not fucking work. So they can't even, you can't like, if you're going to demand people give you money, why are you making it difficult for them? Make sure your shit works first.
Believe it or not, when I launched the lolcal fun, I actually put in my own credit card details to make sure that it would go through. A user complaining he can't give to someone. License to meme. Hosted on gab.com.
Unknown_04: Speak Freely says, Torba heavily invests in AI. This requires large upgrade costs and dedicated servers. Bankrupt Gabs. And it's these damn free accounts and then slashed out demon crats. There's a nice picture of him in a room full of burning money. I didn't even mention that Gab is trying to make Gab AI, because this is the Torba business model, is that anytime anything happens, He says we should make a gab version of that and then he just takes other people's money and he burns it in a fire And then nothing happens. He tried to set up gab TV as a streaming service that went nowhere. He tried to set up a
like a news site and that went nowhere. He tried to set up a, um, oh, he tried to, um, you know how, um, like, uh, you have those little, um, transponders like Google TV that you just plug into your, your, um, TV to get like smart TV onto it. He tried to set up a gab TV. with like a Chinese made smart TV thing with a remote control.
The cab TV box, that's what it is. He tried to like bootstrap physical hardware for a 24-7 cab TV thing. It's like, dude, it never stops. Yeah, like a fire stick. Like you try to physically manufacture cab TV devices and have people buy them so you can have 24-7 access to cab TV on your television.
Unknown_04: Um, oh, in the gab phone. Oh my God. I thought you were joking, but no, he tried to make his own privacy oriented gab, like, um, graphite OS smartphone. And I don't think that materialized either. And now he's doing the gab AI. So like his core product.
a social media platform where people can share memes about current events and news and stuff. And he's crippling that with a golf club to try and force people to cough up while he is like investing in failed venture after failed venture. All he had to do for gab to be successful is make sure that the core product works. And I don't know, he, we have, I have different ideas than him for how that could be done. Um, Apparently he is more innovative than I could give him credit for because his banning pornography was a good idea in the long run. But just get that working. And then here's an idea. How about gab advertising?
Google AdSense has a monopoly on the market, but everyone hates them and there's no alternative. If you could get like a like a free speech advertising alternative that has, you know, like dude wipes and, and, um, black rifle coffee and shit. And you can put that on your website. That might be something even I'm interested in, even though I hate ads, I do like money. Um, so that, that's something that has like a genuine market to it. And he just, he just doesn't focus on shit. That's actually viable. He focuses on shit. That's like self, self ingratiating and like autistic.
Um, so yeah.
Unknown_04: that's the meme that says avatar already read sell your soul to gab pro a picture of him i like this this is an ascii of a um schutztafel wojak and he's crying but it's all ascii because he can't post images anymore um
Gab needs useless biased AI programs a lot more than it needs loyal users and there's like a retard drowning I don't know who that is, but it's supposed to be Andrew Torbett and it's extremely unflattering It's not about meme data usage or bots. It's about your identity and what the feds can prove with this info in court.
Unknown_04: I Don't know what that means Gab helps as nary goal check your followers. Are they still active?
Unknown_04: I Think he's trying to say like I
Unknown_04: That's weird, I guess he's trying to mock this guy, like Torba's trying to mock him for not having active followers.
Unknown_04: Torba as a rat saying, don't worry guys, I got your back. I support all legal speech and protect my users unless politely asked by the feds for your personal information. He must have given data without a court order or something, because that's weird. I must not be up to date on my Torba lore, because that seems to imply that he gives user data out just from a request.
Gab the social media site for memes and anonymity now without memes and anonymity.
Unknown_04: Oh, they're complaining because, um, of course, how did I forget to mention this? The, that they, um, don't know how to, like, if you donate money, how do you do so anonymously? And Torba is suggesting that if you use a post office, um, a money order, then that will work. And I suppose it does generally speaking, but like the police could check the post office footage to see who's buying that money order.
Like you can't, it's not really possible without, without crypto. And even with crypto, it's difficult to give money to someone anonymously. Uh, black people built gab and that's a fact. Andrew Torba on the, the, you don't even really need to replace the, the, cause it is a frog. That's a stabbing on the back. These are great. I love it when like a, like a social media site like implodes and everyone's like shit posting.
Unknown_04: This is a large account apparently saying gab says starting in March No more memes will be posted from people using free accounts. I have the same meme group on me. We.com It's 5 000 plus members. If you can't post memes here join me on me. We so he's trained Well, I mean, that's a, that's a natural consequence. If you have these accounts and they have their social media presences spread out like a, you know, tree roots, are you going to ban advertising too? Are you going to say, no, you can't, you can't advertise alternatives to gab one gap to circumvent our paywall. Well, if you can't do that, then nobody's going to use your site. Like the whole point of using social media is to advertise your podcast and shit. You know what I mean?
Make speech $14.99 again. That's pretty funny actually $14.99, huh? Not $14.88.
Unknown_04: Now, how based is he truly?
Unknown_04: Twinkle Tart sweeping it up. Twinkle Tart.
Unknown_04: Why am I having to sweep it up?
Unknown_04: Oh, I see Seeker Loather is giving money again. That's dangerous.
Unknown_04: I thought that was Twinkle Tart. I was a bit surprised that there was spam.
Unknown_01: Okay, I will have to sweep it up.
Yeah, I'm getting it. I'm getting a little bit annoyed by the bots.
Unknown_04: Like how really, honestly, how hard is it to put in some kind of a filter? There are no, there are no bots on base. Kick, kick a ruski, kick a ruski bros. Where we at rats and chat. Okay.
Unknown_01: It's not rat jam. What is it?
Unknown_04: I thought it was rat jam.
Unknown_01: Sorry, I'm trying to explore.
It's rat jam in all caps, apparently.
Unknown_01: Okay, fine, whatever.
Unknown_04: You have to, I did rat jam with proper casing and not rat jam all caps. So that's my bad. Uh, okay. So I was, let me break off of this real quick before I get too into it, but I kind of want to go, I'm going to pull this off screen and make sure I don't show anything I shouldn't.
Unknown_01: I'm going to do something really quick.
Okay. This looks fine.
Unknown_04: Okay. Storage unify open ZFS durable for high level deployments, rate expansion. Let's go with the cheap one. I guess we're going to build a server today, but chat.
Unknown_04: Okay.
Unknown_04: Starting at 12,000 for that chassis. That's pretty expensive. Dual. So this is a 20 gigabit ethernet port.
Unknown_04: Configure. Start with the cheapest boy and just slot them up.
So we're going to go.
Unknown_04: Six, I mean, it's just a storage server. It doesn't really need anything comes with all this shit. So it's basically out of the box. It's a good server. Like this is what they suggest for you. You don't have any other options. So enjoy that's the boot drive has a SSD.
Unknown_04: And then I went, Oh, so this price includes all the storage too. I see. So I can change this to like, if I want. 22, 22 gigabyte disk.
That's crazy. That's crazy storage. But if I switch to that,
Unknown_04: Price barely goes up. It's $14,000 for this. It's got three, six, 12 drives. Each of those 22 fucking gigabytes is actually, I wouldn't put 22 gigabytes on a single drive. That's crazy. Um, then you want to have at least like one X redundancy. So probably half of that gets lost to the raid. Um, so that's six.
Unknown_04: Actually I can change the raid settings down here.
Um, anti.
Unknown_04: I guess you have to set up the raid yourself. They don't do it for you, but you just take, let's see 22 times six. That's 132 terabytes, terabytes of storage for $13,000. And this thing is going to last for like five years. Easy. So 13, that's your crowdfunding goal. I need 13 people to give me a lifetime subscription to gab so we can buy 132 terabytes of storage. There you go.
Problem solved. Why don't I get hired? People hire me. I can solve your fucking issues like that. I'm a smart boy. Sorry, terabyte. I was confused.
Unknown_04: Terabytes. That's massive.
Unknown_04: a 200 terabytes dude I would not put 200 terabytes of fucking anything on a single drive unless that thing is like never going to it has like a 0% fault risk there's not a fucking chance um anyways you just need 10 like less than 10 of these to get a petabyte That's like $100,000, but then you have a petabyte of storage. Are you going to fill it up? No, you're not going to fill that fucking up. Are you retarded? Enjoy. There you go. It's only two or two units. That's so slim. Dude, that's crazy.
I'm actually shocked. That's really, really, really thin. Anyways, my point is, is that Torb is an idiot. Next.
Unknown_04: So this is a back and forth thing. It started in August of 2023. Texas passed a law trying to age-gate porn sites and said that you have to verify that you're over 18 or that porn sites must make sure that you're over 18 before you start browsing.
Unknown_04: Pornhub sued and won. So the federal court agreed that is a violation of the First Amendment to age to require porn sites to verify the identity of people accessing their site.
Texas appealed this and won. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals actually lifted the injunction and the law went back into effect. Pornhub must verify the age of people accessing their site in Texas to see if they're over 18.
Unknown_04: This week, Texas is suing Pornhub for not doing so. So Pornhub filed against, won, and then lost, and then the rule went into effect. They basically lost their lawsuit and then said, yeah, you know what? Fuck it. We're not going to do anything anyways. So now it's going to court again, but this time under the law that Texas passed that they refused to abide by.
which they have a history of doing, by the way, because, like, there was a case recently where, like, a little boy was, like, gang raped, and they posted all the videos of this boy being exploited. The police contacted Pornhub, sent them court orders demanding that this be removed because it's videos of a little boy being raped, and they just ignored it. They just ignored the court orders for months. They said that the videos were accessible on Pornhub for months. And they did nothing about it, even after getting a court order to remove it. So there, um, this is not a new thing that they do. They just decide, actually, you know what? Glam walls don't apply to us. We're going to do whatever the fuck we want.
Um, let's see if they keep getting away with a chat.
Unknown_04: And finally, this is from the Blaze. By the way, I want to say that the Blaze's website is absolutely delightful. I love the coffee color in the background. I love the faded black of the text. I like how the copyrights on the left like this with just this is an excellent layout. What's not excellent is the content of this article, which is more important rather.
This guy is being arrested.
Unknown_04: His name is Steve Baker. The FBI have told him to arrive at their office in sandals and shorts, presumably because they're going to put him in a jumpsuit and strut him out in front of the media to show that they got another kill. Kill confirmed.
Unknown_04: They might be wondering.
What is his charges? Why are the FBI treating him like a terrorist? He was a reporter on January 6th. He was there with a camera. And his video footage has actually been extremely important to the January 6th committee because he filmed a lot of stuff that contradicted official lines from the government. So he was able to prove that a lot of the things the government said were lies with his footage because he was there as a journalist exercising his right to report on current events.
Unknown_04: Well, he's being charged with misdemeanors.
what misdemeanors are is a mystery to everyone, including Steve Baker. They refused to tell him what his charges were because they were apparently afraid that he would post them on social media. So he has been ordered with an arrest warrant under confidentiality of what his charges are. Even his attorney does not know what his charges are yet. So they ordered him to appear so that they could arrest him in certain clothing so that it's easier to put him in a jumpsuit. And he is now in detention. Here he is. being hauled off by the FBI in handcuffs and nobody knows why not a single person besides those men in suits know why and if you want to know what a dying empire looks like it is an actual journalist being arrested for charges he doesn't he at this point does not know by two melanated men in suits working for the FBI. This is a wonderful little example of a dead gay empire for sure.
So we will see. The January 6th thing has basically been the inciting incident for the federal government to just completely discard the Constitution. They're setting up Capitol Hill police offices in random states now, like in Florida. So the federal district, which is like a 25 by 50 square mile area between Virginia and Maryland, now has offices in random states like Florida.
Why, who knows there are federal police branch that serve the district and now they're all over the country and they say it's to protect Congress people while they're at their, um, residents, but nobody really knows why.
Unknown_01: Uh, so there we go. Finally. Um, Ooh, how do I want to do this? I kind of want to pee.
Unknown_01: Yeah, you know what, let's do this. So in Virginia, a state representative who is Danica Rowham, a white tranny, um, stormed out of the Virginia Senate building because he was misgendered by this lovely lady of melanin.
Let's take a listen chat.
Unknown_04: What would be the exact number for that? Madam president?
Unknown_00: Yes, sir. That would be 32.
Unknown_00: Senator Sorovel, for what purpose does the Senator rise? I think I'd ask that we take a recess for five minutes. Without objection, the House stands at recess for five minutes. Our Senate stands at recess, this esteemed body, for five minutes.
...me that I said something that upset Senator Rome. Let it be known
Unknown_00: I am not here to upset anyone. I am here to do the job that the people of Virginia have called me to do, and that is to treat everyone with respect and dignity. I myself have at times not been afforded that same respect and dignity.
Unknown_00: But in this body, and as long as I am president of the Senate, and by the grace of God, I will be treated with respect and dignity, and I will treat everyone else with respect and dignity. I have called people, not by their names, but by everyone else's names. Indeed, I have just put the Senate at ease in the name of the House.
It is never my intention to make anyone offended, and I hope that others would consider that they would try not to offend me as well. We are all equal under the law. And so I apologize, I apologize, I apologize, and I would hope
I would hope that everyone would understand there is no intent to offend, but that we will also give each other the ability to forgive each other. I have seen us conduct ourselves in ways that we would not expect.
Unknown_00: of our own children or nieces or nephews. And so I would hope that we take this opportunity to be kind to each other, to be gracious to each other, to be about the people's business.
Unknown_00: That is what I hope. And I join you in serving the people of this great commonwealth. I join you
and being a citizen of this great country.
Unknown_00: Thank you.
Unknown_04: Apology not accepted, lady.
Unknown_04: I feel like Listening to this lady. It's kind of like She feels retarded. You know what? I mean? I don't know who the fuck this is I don't really care but whenever I hear her speak or that really really ugly lady who's like the mayor of Chicago or that max Maxine or Maxwell, whatever whatever the fuck her name is. She's like a black lady whenever I hear them speak, I'm just thinking like
damn these bitches is retarded and somehow they're like in powerful positions of government and they're like retarded uh how how is this possible um maxine letters that's correct just uh she can't form a fucking sentence these people can't form sentences and yet they are leading
Unknown_04: representing people and that's the main thing it's like this tranny shirts grows to the trainees and the seminar whatever the fuck but also keep in mind that this person supposedly represents other people but how
How can she represent other people?
Unknown_04: How can the tranny represent other people when the tranny can't even represent his own interests? The tranny made the decision to cut off his cock and balls because he thought he was a woman because he gets horny when he wears a dress. And I'm supposed to believe that this person can competently represent constituents? I don't think so. I think that is kind of a violation of the Constitution to have trannies and represent the positions because a tranny cannot represent anything except his own sexual desires because he's a goon-brained goon clown and not like a real person.
So that's an interesting constitutional question. Should a goon clown be permitted to represent real people?
Unknown_04: I think that permitting a goon clown to, it's like letting an animal represent somebody in Congress. An animal can't really make decisions. So how can a goon clown, those people that, that are the constituents of that seat are being deprived of their representation.
Unknown_04: That's my, that's my feeling chat.
Unknown_01: um next i don't know who this is but janitor ceo requested it uh jay apprello got approved for top surgery apparently he's like he it's a woman that pretends to be a really fat dude so he says
um my super fat top surgery fund ten thousand dollars i just want to expand how excited this thing's being both jay perlow but and i but also gives me hope to other people in large bodies who have been denied life saving in all caps life saving gender confirming care because of bmi it brings me so much joy to see a friend have access to the care finally but also that doctors exist who are willing to buck a deeply fat phobic system
Unknown_04: And this is a screen cap of body weight requirements for top surgery. Dr. Moser does not have a body mass index requirement for chest reconstruction surgery and has performed top surgery on patients with BMIs as high as 65 after a thorough medical clearance in partnership with the patient's primary care physician. So this guy is willing to cut off that fat lady booboo.
Unknown_04: Um, even though surgery, putting a seriously morbidly obese person under, um, anesthesia has mortal consequences. Uh, your rate for just dropping dead and going into shock when you're extremely fat, um, is very high. Like just, just being anesthetized as a super morbidly obese person, uh, increases your likelihood of just dying spontaneously. Uh, but we have to save lives and chop off a booboo. So let's see this guy.
You never thought your top surgery would be possible for you and then- Jesus. Surgeon, health insurance, and mutual aid all finally say yes.
Unknown_04: Dude, I love how you can tell that this is a fat woman. Like, he's trying to look like a dude and he's on T, but this is like the Chantal body type and not like the big fat dude body type. You know what I mean?
He's got a sweet butt and everything. Gee, oh my god. It's so hard with the female to males because you look at it and you just say like a fat dude.
Unknown_04: She kind of looks like Tipster, but then again all fat people at that size look the same kind of.
Unknown_10: I'm just working and I decided to check on my GoFundMe and I see that folks are really like showing up for me.
Really impressive guy voice, by the way.
Unknown_10: And it's blowing my mind. It's pretty surreal. I can't believe this is really happening.
Unknown_10: And there's a big portion of the costs that are due before surgery. And I'm almost able to like make that payment, which
Unknown_10: It's just like another hurdle out of the way. I can't express very well right now what I'm feeling because it feels really surreal.
It sounds like y'all are like sharing and donating and like seeing me and caring for me like that is a big deal. So thank you. I thank you.
Unknown_04: Here man choking to death in the background.
Unknown_01: Okay, so I have good news for everybody.
Unknown_04: If you remember Bob Posting, Bob Posting was the friend of Keffel's who ran the DIY HRT directory, was responsible for, quote, pink-pilling thousands of boys by his own, or, yeah, his, sorry, I'm getting confused again. It's a male to female.
One of the main architects of the Hormone Accost that Keffel's is responsible for went to jail.
Unknown_04: And I know what you're thinking, Josh, is it possible that he went to jail for his sex crimes?
Unknown_04: No, he went to jail for bank robbery. This tranny robbed the bank wearing like an N95 COVID mask in COVID territory. And they found him and charged him with bank robbery.
So he has been convicted. He's going to jail. I don't know why, um,
Unknown_04: Didn't also by the way, I think when he got arrested
Unknown_04: was the same time that he stepped down from the DIY HRT directory. And I kind of want to say that Keffels lied and said that Bob Posting stopped doing the HRT DIY directory stuff because of threats to his life and concern for his safety. However, now it looks like he went to prison for a violent offense. Actually, it wasn't violent. I don't, I guess not, but it was a bank robbery. So he went to jail for a bank robbery. Um, and then they just lied and said that it was, uh, uh, terrorism for his, his heck and wholesome, good work towards the trans community. Uh, so it's Canada. So no, obviously they're not going to charge him for anything that's like related to his sex offenses.
You may remember this video, but in case you don't, let's watch it again.
The way that the sound cuts out after that is so cinematic.
Unknown_04: From my point of view it looks like you ran into a 10 gallon run of bad luck or some shit like that.
Uh, so fun fact about this video, the stepdad committed suicide immediately. The mother was involved in the federal government and also committed suicide. And his real dad was involved in some other glowy agency, if I remember correctly. However, that's not. Oh, that is not the thing that I want to talk about.
Unknown_04: Uh, this guy, Kyle Spitzer was a member of six or seven, six, four, seven, six, four was, um, a child grooming operation that, uh, was ousted recently. Um, and there were a couple of high profile arrests. So this guy, Kyle Spitzer, I think is a pedophile and has been accused of being a pedophile. Uh, it's actually, this person specifically says that it's a satanic grooming operation.
Um, now this is not actually news because if you read the Kiwi farms, you would have saw this where, uh, Redditors five months prior had announced that criminal AKA Kyle Spitzer, um, was a member of seven, six, four, and added him for grooming girls, uh, on, on discord. extorting them for nudes, cut signs like having their name cut into their arms, making them kill their pets and other animals like birds and mice, drink their own urine, eat their own feces, etc. These people also enjoy sharing child porn, gore, and Nazi propaganda, and have between their servers and Telegram chats.
And I believe that 764 and Harm Nation were also positively identified by the FBI as being child grooming cults. So this is not only one of the craziest videos ever, it's one of the craziest set of circumstances ever. The guy on the bed who gets shot is apparently a pedophile. And his mother and his real biological father were involved in the federal government. And the guy that shot at him apparently knew something enough to shoot at him and then killed himself.
Unknown_04: Both of those people are dead and his real father is still in the government. Apparently really, really crazy.
Um, and he was arrested actually. That's what the reason why this kind of broke out is because, um, there are statements that there was, this is a affidavit for an arrest warrant, I believe.
Unknown_04: Affidavit in support of criminal complaints. So this is the actual charge against him. A special agent of the FBI currently assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Knoxville.
Spitzer this affidavit is support of arrest warrant for Kyle Williams Spitzer here after Spitzer, a 24 year old white white male. Oh, oh, joint terrorism task force. You're in trouble. You're in trouble. Oh, he's clearly a femboy. You can't call him a white male.
Unknown_04: But there you go.
Unknown_04: But oh, there's an addendum to this. So I searched the, I wanted to find if we had had like an actual thread on this guy or if there was any real ongoing discussion about him after this video came out. So I searched Kyle Spitzer and I did not get a thread. Um, I didn't find that post I showed you, but I found something else.
There was a thread mentioning him in 2018 and it was deleted. It was deleted and sent to Spurgatory. And there's only a couple mods that have mod powers in Spurgatory. So of all the people who could have searched the name on the Kiwi farms and found this thread, uh, I am like one of three.
Unknown_04: So this thread was deleted by a mod that also deleted his account. But I understand why he deleted it. It's a low quality thread. But I will read this to you. Nobody has seen this ever in years. And it's about the kid on the bed that you just saw. It mentions him, rather. Tara Marie Dozier. aka panda or rooted panda a 36 year old woman who dates teenage boys and has her nudes plastered all over the lowercase i internet she currently lives somewhere in alaska with her 18 year old boyfriend kyle spitzer they started dating in february and a few weeks later she drove down to florida to visit him Since that visit, she has never returned to her mom's house in Washington where her kids are living. She currently travels all over the country from hotel room to hotel room with her boyfriend and doesn't seem to stay in one place for long. She claims to have kids with her, but there is no sign of them based on her social media, which are narcotics on Twitter and securables on Instagram.
She has dated a few teenage boys, two of them being Tristan, suspect, alias suspect, i.e. the suspect in this.
Unknown_04: Wait, no. Oh wait, there's another suspect and then this guy's called just called criminal at the age of 15 and the Nick alias Rambo at 17 at the time of them dating I can't find either the Twitter ads. She is willing more than willing to send nudes whoever asked for it. They've been leaked multiple times She has been reposted censored version of these news publicly with her suspended account She has been doxed by Twitter hacking community. Any address listed on doxes are addicted to the fact that Blaine Washington's address was her mom's house where she lived up until mid late February. She claims to be the victim of revenge porn despite posting her own nudes publicly on Twitter.
And then I don't think that Spitza is mentioned again, just that she has kids. So this guy, the femboy, was involved with this absolute whore pretending to be a hacker. And she was also dating other young boys at the same time.
Unknown_04: And then when this got posted, people thought, well, this isn't really a lolcal, so the mod deleted it and sent it to Spurgatory. And then years later, I'm looking for the discussion about Spitza, and I find it on accident. So this is like some really, really, really long running weird shit. Um, that seems to have really deep roots. I don't know. FBI hit me up. I accept PayPal. Actually I don't accept PayPal. It has to be crypto.
I don't know anything more than what's in this. The user, by the way, I thought that maybe they had just joined to dump this post and then disappeared, but they didn't. They posted up until November, 2020. So.
Unknown_04: I think that was when one of the hacks happened and I reset everyone's passwords, but I reached out to them about this via their email. So I don't know if they'll reply or what.
So we'll see. I just thought that was weird. I thought that was a weird chat.
Unknown_01: Okay, boogie.
Unknown_01: This, in case you're wondering, is Fake and Gay.
Unknown_01: Um, he also, uh, so the medicine man who was the guy that was giving him mushrooms and the boogie documentary with Mike plum, uh, apparently has tagged all of his shit.
And, uh, boogie is crying about it on Twitter. He says, Oh my God, the medicine man who I worked with in a documentary came to my house and spray painted teeth, uh, as well as ped file. Holy shit.
Unknown_04: He goes on to say, scroll through these real quick.
Unknown_04: Just a reminder, my opinion of this is that this is all for attention, but I'm going to give it to him because why not get a water drink while this is loaded?
Generous, slow, shitty site, allowing me opportunities to drink and hydrate.
Unknown_01: Why is this so slow? Uh-oh.
Unknown_01: Uh-oh, chat.
Unknown_01: Is the site itself just dead? Well, it might be.
Unknown_01: No, it does load.
Unknown_01: We have no excuse, boogie thread.
Unknown_01: Well, I'll just try to read the thumbnails.
Unknown_04: Okay, now we might have an opportunity.
Boogie says oh my god the minute I read that I'm currently a thousand miles away anyway So I can't take photos will post them as soon as I get them from one of my roommates Apparently he posted threats on Facebook wild and the threat said Stephen Williams. You're so fucked. It's unbelievable
Unknown_04: And then there is a random picture. And then he also says the city of Fayetteville chose war. That was very unwise protecting Glenn Whiteman and Steven Jason Williams, AKA boogie to 98. All the Tomahawks are out now. Let's see what happens since everyone wants to play games. And then there's a series of emojis.
Unknown_04: Uh, he also destroyed my roommate's car for no reason. Also, he can't spell. And he says that because pedophile is spelled ped file.
Um, but he says he tried to steal my collection of magic cards and we didn't let him. That's why he's upset. Apparently, uh, me and my girlfriend are safe in Ohio. Um, I guess it's my personal property. He's more after than me. And this is a, one of his roommate's car is tagged with red paint. Apparently.
Unknown_04: Interesting chat. Interesting. Will this bring attention to locale live? We will see. I will keep you guys up to date on the boogie to nine and eight happenings as I am informed.
Jackie Singh, the past have, uh, struck a blow to the stellar, uh, reputation and widespread critical acclaim for Jesse Singh and her hacking her hacking a miss, but legal hacking, but legal, uh, career as an internet commentator.
Unknown_04: They have found court documents which indicate that she is in fact the dumb fat hoe that everyone knew that she was. Let's look chat.
Unknown_04: Jackie Singh says he's a stock. He's a lot. He's lying. He's a stalker who normally targets stealthy geek But he's angry about my work targeting the cult. He runs with they are now a nuisance targeting me at every opportunity mentally warped owner forums I like saying owner forums instead of ONA and
because owner forums kind of sounds like own a whole and that's funnier. Uh, owner forums trolls creating false stocks and disinfo attacks against me via replies on Twitter. Hilarious Kremlin like owner forums is Kremlin. Okay. The department of owner forums and uh, and
Unknown_04: uh, in Moscow, uh, because they keep accusing me of vice crimes, drug addict, bad mom, broke living in squalor, horror, bad daddies on the lamb, criminal running tour swats, uh, running tour swats has done a vice crime. That's just a regular little fashion crime.
So this is a pest on Zitter. He says, Lie about her liabilities. She has hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to the IRS and credit card companies, but she listed her toilets at 58. Will refer to my posting of public documents as stalking as she digs into my life, making false accusations without evidence. Calls it OSINT, or open source intelligence. And yes, she is, one, running the tourist watch telegram to knowingly frame an innocent Swedish man, but he came pregnant twice while married to men who were not her husband.
Unknown_04: Has been unemployed for years lives off the taxpayer lies about being a cybersec expert ruins innocent lives Scumbag Jackie's divorce documents are 100% legitimate She is lying and you can find them here at pay quasi. Lol slash OS int PDF I will be stocked harassed falsely accused of crimes for posting this so I would appreciate it if you would download and spread it everywhere you see fit Well, that is an invitation. Let's check out pay quasi. Lol slash OS int and see
what she's up to. I actually have screenshots of this. This is a very big document, which it appears to be. This is massive.
Unknown_04: In particular, the highlights are her age is 38. Her income is zero. She's unemployed.
Unknown_04: Her full total gross income for 2022 is $10,000.
Unknown_04: She gets $950 a month in disability. If anyone would like to take a educated guess at what this fat cunt's disability is, please go ahead and do so in the chat now.
She swore in her penalty that there was one child born of this marriage to wit.
Unknown_04: The wife was pregnant at this time. The parties have stipulated that husband Jason T. Stokes was not the biological father of the child, nor is he the biological father of the wife's child born in date. No further issue contemplated between the parties.
Unknown_04: So he was married to her and she had two children with different men that were not him. That's impressive. Actually, that's impressive levels of ho.
Um, the police were called once to our home in Milton, Milton, Florida. Oh my God. It's such a small world.
Unknown_04: I've driven through Milton a thousand times. Is that where, is that where I think it is?
Unknown_01: I'm going crazy. You don't want to double check.
Unknown_01: Um,
Unknown_04: Sorry, I tried to use the DuckDuckGo maps and that didn't work out for me too much.
Why is my internet slow? Why is everything so slow? Okay, now it's working.
Unknown_04: It is! It's right next to Pensacola! I knew it! I drove through Milton all the fucking time when I was driving from, um... Like, from Niceville to Pensacola. Okay, let me show you this, actually, because I want to, um...
Unknown_04: I want to identify for you what I'm talking about.
Unknown_04: Let me load this. It's going to take forever to load because whatever reason my internet is fucking dying on me as I desperately try to hack this out. Okay, great. Cool.
Um, so I have lived both variously here in Pensacola here in Niceville and I, um, worked,
Unknown_04: Oh, that's Dustin right here. Okay. So I was, uh, I worked right here in San Dustin. So, um, and my friend also lived over here by sand dust. And this is where the water burger is that, um, can you see my mouse on this?
Unknown_04: Okay, I can click and show you okay, so this is where the Whataburger is and this is where my friends were at and this is where I lived for a little while over here And that's actually where that exactly where I clicked is where I got my first speeding ticket and it embedded in me a deep hatred of police forever and ever amen And this is Florida, and I live somewhere over here too. So Milton is right here. It's sandwiched between Niceville and Florida. Now you have two options to get to Pensacola from Niceville. You can go south and cross the sandbar. Don't do this. This highway on the thin strip of land,
um that is is that 95 no it's not 95 i forget the name of this road it's a it's a highway uh it is the most shit-ass fucking road in the world they are constantly doing construction on it it's two lanes um it is one of the most miserable conditions to ever drive through ever if you drive on this road you will be in pain there will be no end to your torment or agony um so if you're a true Floridian if you want to get to Pensacola from Niceville you will go up to Crestville
And cut across through Milton into Pensacola to avoid the agony of this, of driving down. Everyone wants to drive down and see the beautiful beaches and the scenic highway. You do that if you enjoy agony and suffering and misery. So this is where she's from. This is a shithole. I want to let you know. This is a very, very, very poor place. It's next to a city literally called Baghdad.
Unknown_04: This is a fucking shithole, but a lot of people who either work at the Eglin Air Force Base here in Niceville or at the That's the
Unknown_04: What's the name of it? The naval base in Pensacola will live in, if they're poor, they will live in either Crestview or Milton and stay out of this. You can't, if you work in the military, you cannot afford the sandbar. Um, this right here, Destin, this is the richest city in all the United States per capita. There are more, uh, more millionaires living here than anywhere else in the country. It has the highest net worth of residents than anywhere, anywhere. It is the richest place. It is extremely, extremely upscale. And, um,
prohibitively expensive area to live in.
Unknown_04: So here is your review of Florida.
Unknown_04: Yes, seriously, that's the richest place per capita in the country. It is really staggeringly, because that's where all the super mega wealthy people who have the luxury of travel will buy a house in Destin, like a small beach shanty shack. There's very, very tiny houses that all have walking distance, like right here and stuff. They all have walking distance to the beach, so they'll buy a small house there.
That's like over a million dollars. And they will have, they will resident there because Florida has very, very low taxes.
Unknown_04: So they just buy a summer home. They make that their primary residence and then they avoid a fuck ton of taxes by doing so. And because Destin is such a really, I mean, it's a jaw-droppingly beautiful place.
It's a really good place to do that. And so you can just go there for the summer and take your boat out for fishing or whatever the fuck and have a nice summer.
Unknown_04: Cool.
Unknown_04: GIS. Yeah, sorry. I don't know. It's just hearing, hearing Milton dude. Milton is like, it really is such a small shithole hearing Milton name dropped in the middle of my stream really caught me off guard.
Unknown_04: Anyways, great. Let's go back to Jackie Singh. She does not let's be clear Jackie Singh does not live in dust and one of the most beautiful cities in the entire country Jackie Singh lives in Milton Which is a shithole next to Baghdad in Florida. Okay. I want to make this clear While the police were there I've been struggling since that time to get back on my feet I rented an apartment in Pensacola
for three months and I was, dude, I don't know why. Everyone in Pensacola gets so happy when they hear Pensacola name dropped. It's like, I'm from there. I know that shithole.
Unknown_04: Um, I was too afraid to ask him to close and threaten my life.
Unknown_04: Certificate of completion. Jackie Stokes have completed parenting and divorce and V six, a four hour Parent Education and Family Stabilization Program.
Divorce statistics, the stages of grief and divorce, developmental stages of childhood and how divorce affects children, communicating with children during divorce, communicating with your other parent during and after divorce, how to separate adult business from children business, conflict avoidance strategies during divorce, domestic violence, child abuse and divorce, legal matters of divorce, financial matters of divorce with children, resources for divorce parents.
Unknown_04: She had a certificate for this. Good job.
Unknown_04: I'm sure that practical knowledge came in use in her life and she applies that every day. Moving forward.
Her total assets are $2,820 and her liabilities are 53. Oh, she has an account with Navy federal. That's nice. Uh, her liabilities are $53 and they're only on the Navy federal credit card. Um,
Unknown_04: But that's not true because as we established, uh, she owes the IRS a fuck ton of money.
Unknown_04: Her Discover card has $11,000, which she did not declare. Her City card has $13,000 on it, which she did not declare. Her American Express Platinum Delta SkyMiles credit card, that sounds familiar, has $16,000 on it, which she did not declare.
in her bank americard and i thought that was an edit that said ameritard at first but it says americard um and this has $28,000 on it i need to do the the caleb hammer voice you're gonna die in poverty jackie jackie you're gonna die in nilton on the walmart floor jackie
uh cool excellent real voice that's a lot of that that's not even including your irs that so what happens between the um irs and you is a mystery to all so we'll never know now
Unknown_04: It's time for another second breaking update on the Patrick, the Patrick universe. Um, I have found this, this Twitter account. This is perhaps the most juvenile and insane thing I've ever seen. Um, I want to share it with you. It's called Farty Tits Tomlinson Fart on Pat's Tits. Now this is a picture of Patrick S. Tomlinson with some breast enhancements done. And then he photoshops in a cartoon of a man farting on Patrick Tomlinson's tits. And this is his entire Twitter account. He does this every couple of days. And yes, Patrick responds to this saying, no child, you do not fart on my tits. Enjoy prison. I do not have tits. Probably. He also throws that in. You do not fart on my tits and I have no tits to fart on. Enjoy prison stalker. You are mentally ill.
This was going to be my entire Patrick S. Tomlinson discussion for this stream. I had pulled this up and I thought, this is so stupid. I will show this on stream and laugh at it. And then we will move on from Patrick Tomlinson. That'll be the joke. Patrick Tomlinson has a pest account called Farty Tits Tomlinson. Haha. Isn't that silly? Let's move on.
Unknown_04: Just this day, we have received an update on the Patrick Tomlinson universe. Patrick Tomlinson and Nikki Robinson, his partner or live-in partner, has sued the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee police officer Lyndon Evans for civil rights violations. 42 USC subsection 1983, the Civil Rights Act, means that he has been systematically deprived of his civil rights and he is suing for it.
I actually, let's pull this up. I kind of want to read this and just show you what it says. Cause it's a very vague, um, law and, uh, it has its own sort of metaverse of litigation and legal history. Um, because it is such a peculiar law. I will read this.
Unknown_04: assuming that my computer wants to load it, because I am stretching my bandwidth as far as it will go. 42 U.S.C. 1983, Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights. Quote, every person who, under any color of statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any state or territory and the District of Columbia, subjects or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person with the jurisdiction thereof, to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in the action of law, suit, or equity, or other proper proceedings for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer, for an act or omission taken in such officer's judicial capacity, injunctive relief, shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or a declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.
Now you can see how some people have made an entire career litigating this law.
Unknown_04: If any government or any officer of the law somehow deprives you of your constitutional liberties, you can sue them for it. The only people you cannot sue for this are judges. Any member of the judiciary, which means judges, if they rule against you, they cannot be, even if it's a violation of your civil rights, even if they're so completely and totally wrong that they actually deprive you of your civil liberties, you cannot sue them for their bad judgment. Judicial immunity is a very, very well-established thing in the United States. A judge can never be held liable for his judgments, no matter how awful they are, unless he's accepting money. There's crimes that the judge can commit. But in general, if he just makes a very bad decision, even if it really fucks up your life, even if it deprives you of liberty, even if it sends you to jail for no reason whatsoever, he is in his right to do so. And the reason for that is that judges
can't feel pressure to make certain decisions. So judges in the capacity of their, their role enjoy intense, uh, blanket immunity to basically everything. However, not immune to such a deprivation of rights lawsuit is the city of Milwaukee and officer, uh, what's his name?
Unknown_04: Evans. Oh no.
Unknown_04: Think this guy's black. So there's no chance. He's related to rich Evans However, that is a genuine possibility if he was white, maybe he was I don't know. Maybe rich Evans does have a black a black Relative or like a step stepbrother or some shit We'll never know it is Milwaukee. It could happen AIDS. Oh, no, that's racist in this context chat. You can't say that you can't say AIDS
Ask Harden to interpret that. Well, I don't know if I want to say, I don't know, I can't bug my lawyer. However, I do have a lawyer that looked into this, and this is what he had to say in regards to the lawsuit. I will not read all of this. There are some highlights that I'll read.
But it is 17 pages, and there are some highlights. But this is, I had a lawyer look over this, and this is what, a lawyer who happened to have experience in this particular subsection, and this is what he had to say.
Unknown_04: It is a very poorly written complaint, such that I wonder if these lawyers have any idea of what they're doing, or if the real goal is just to get a Milwaukee, or just to get Milwaukee, the city of Milwaukee, to come to the table and hug it out. They barely made a feint at Mon-El liability, cited in the case, but pled no facts, which is a massive problem. And even as to the pleaded facts, there are precious few. It's a conclusion from a pattern, but they didn't really explain the pattern, except to say that there is one inside a couple of examples.
Also, apparently William growls. Dad is a circuit judge in the neighboring County, Wausau.
Unknown_04: So maybe that's their hope that through some family ties and a lawsuit, they can get it all to stop. Uh, so, uh, that is a lawyerly take on, uh, Patrick's filings. I will not go over all of them because honestly I had nothing to contribute, but there are some funny things, apparently something awful, um, cut out some, some gyms. Let's read it.
Nikki Robinson and Patrick commonsense are the targets of a vicious campaign of domestic terrorism care carried out at the hands of a group of bullies who hired behind the anonymity
Unknown_04: of the lower case I internet, which one it doesn't specify. I guess we'll never know.
Unknown_04: The bully's main weapon of choice is something called a swatting, which is when someone who wants to endanger the life and safety of another calls 911 and lies to provoke a dangerous police response to the victim's house.
But time and time again, the Milwaukee police have ignored reality, resulting in multiple illegal searches of Nikki and Patrick's home and illegal seizures of their persons. The insanity has drawn local, national and international media attention.
Unknown_04: It goes on to then name Sergeant Lyndon Evans. He says the worst offender is Sergeant Lyndon Evans. On three occasions, Sergeant Evans responded to the swatting call with his abuse and violence. Sergeant Evans told Nikki and Patrick that he was well aware of the situation, but still demanded to be let inside their home going so far as to threaten to break down the front door if he was not allowed inside.
Nikki and Patrick live in a constant state of fear, worried that the next encounter they have with the police will be their last. Every knock at the door or police car that drives by leaves them terrified. Uh, this is con, uh, contradicted with a very recent tweet made by Patrick Tomlinson, which says.
Unknown_01: Hmm.
Unknown_04: my life has never been better stalker while yours is already over this is why enjoy prism uh and apparently uh there's a contradiction the obvious contradiction is that every knock at the door uh leaves them terrified but he's also never been better this is i mean
I mean, if we're going to legal lawyer, lawyer, LOL, your speak this, it's not technically a contradiction. It could be simultaneously true that Patrick Tomlinson lives in a constant state of fear and anxiety, and this is the high point of his entire life. He's never been better. So if you really want to really want to go at that, there are ways around saying that he's a hypocrite.
Unknown_04: Um, this lawsuit seeks to end the madness and vindicate the violation of plaintiff's constitutional rights. It seeks to affect change through punitive damages by punishing the defendants for their egregious conduct with the hope that punishment is significant enough to prevent this from happening again in the future.
So. I will say that there is probably an argument to be made that.
Unknown_04: being swatted and having police visits to your home over and over again for the same bullshit might call for some relief.
Unknown_04: Um, but there's also a very strong argument to make that police are obligated to conduct a thorough review to see if when someone calls something in that someone suicidal or has someone kidnapped that that's not untrue because.
You know if there if Patrick Tomlinson did suddenly decide to start making pepperoni in his basement out of black children and the police decide oh my god, I've heard this before and He was just allowed to do this. He was allowed to become another Milwaukee serial killer grinding up black people That would be that would look really I mean, especially in Milwaukee because of their history with Dahmer and stuff you can't just take shit like that not seriously, I guess because if you remember
Unknown_04: Milwaukee has been sued repeatedly because there were instances where people did tell the police that Jeffrey Dahmer was doing things and they didn't take it seriously because they just went, well, this sounds like some fag shit. It sounds like some fag shit that they would do. And then that, uh, they didn't investigate. And as a result, a lot more people died than would have if they had taken it seriously.
So, I mean, they do have obligations and they do have a history of needing to oblige stuff like that.
Unknown_04: Um, so he might have a case, however.
Unknown_04: I would love, I would love, love, love to see the argument made by the city of Milwaukee that the only reason why people keep doing this and calling these in, number one, to say that they have an obligation to ensure the wellbeing of people and they have to take all complaints like that seriously. I would love to see that argument made and then followed up by saying the reason why people keep calling in this bullshit is that Patrick Tomlinson keeps spurging about it. He goes on Twitter and gives these people trolling him all this attention. Like that is a legal argument. He brings it upon himself. He puts out all this negative attention to a worldwide audience and brings all this bad publicity on himself by being a retard continually. And that's why people keep doing it. And it would stop if he just fucking stopped.
You know what I mean? Um, so I would be, I would love, I would love to see that argued in court. That would be really, really, really, really funny. Uh, chances are though they will probably just settle cause that's cheaper than litigating something all the way.
Um, and that's the update on Patrick. He is suing the city of Milwaukee home to the ugliest flag in the United States.
Unknown_04: And now, um, I do have, uh, some other local stuff. I have to give credit where credit is due. This clip is thanks to a guy called Josh. No, not that one.
Unknown_04: His name on Twitter is Bo blacks.
bo blacks and he apparently watches something that nobody else in the world does uh called she ruined my life or something and it's a podcast between anisa joma and ian joma who literally changed his name to his wife's name i for whatever i think because he didn't like his dad
Unknown_04: but now he shares a name with a prostitute, which is cool.
Unknown_04: They had a little conversation on their podcast that Beau Blacks clipped out, and it actually beat the Kiwi Farms. I guess nobody on the Kiwi Farms watches this podcast to clip this out on, so we will watch it on his channel and give him credit where credit is due.
Unknown_07: This is iDubbbz's dating advice segment. Ooh.
Unknown_05: Huh?
Unknown_05: Okay.
Unknown_04: I'm giving the, I love her reaction to that. I'm going to give a dating advice to young men. She's like, really? Are you sure? Like immediately just like, really?
Unknown_07: People what they want. They've been asking for it for weeks. Yeah. Dating advice. Yes.
Unknown_04: Look at the camera like this like a skit like people are asking you for advice Are you fucking is like a joke my own camera? I guess I am on camera We're filming a podcast is there a second camera that's filming my reaction to this you for dating advice on the yeah, okay?
Yeah, they're like.
Unknown_07: Oh you bagged a cool one. Tell me how mm-hmm
Unknown_04: She knows she knows that is a complete bullshit nobody nobody's wondering How do I get my own amnesia Joma a single fucking person on the planet even I does is not wondering that Okay, so I'm gonna give you guys some bagging advice, huh?
Unknown_07: Uh, I heard this, uh, piece of advice. First, it started as like a, uh, advice on like how to, like, uh, how to decide on what home you should buy to get like a lot of value in a home.
And this one guy was describing on TikTok is like, I fucking, I love trains, so I would buy a house near some train tracks.
Unknown_07: And for me, that would be awesome and wouldn't bother me and my lifestyle at all.
Unknown_07: Meanwhile, everyone else on the market in the scene, they would be like, oh, I'm not going to buy this house because I'm afraid that the train will wake me up or it will be disturbing or something about it.
Unknown_07: Apply that logic to the dating world.
Unknown_07: uh, when you're looking for a potential partner, you can, I'm not saying you should, you know, apply this universally, but you can say, Oh, like for me, I'm like, I don't mind any hair length on you. You could be bald.
Okay. That is the shit eating grin of a woman who has just recorded a permanent grudge memory. This is a memory that she will store in her brain for the remainder of her life. And at various points in time until Ian is dead, she will recall this memory and she will bring it up to him and say, do you remember that time that you said my hair was ugly on your podcast? That is what's happening. It's like when you listen to like a hard drive and it's making that sound because it's like recording something that is literally what you're looking at right there. Um, so there's, there's two things we have to, we have to unpack. We have to unpack that. First thing, he is referencing her OnlyFans. Do not get it twisted. Do not get it twisted, chat. That is what he's referring to. Literally, that's what he's referring to. However, he can't say that. He knows in his head, he cannot say, you're a busted OnlyFans whore, and I'm one of the only people on this planet that would tolerate your busted ass. And she knows that. You can see that in her face. She knows that.
So he has to come up with a metaphor, some other thing about her, perhaps that other people might find unattractive that he doesn't care about. So he decides to go with her hair. If you don't know, Anisa used to have normal hair. She then shaved herself bald. There are pictures of her like in black leather.
And, um, oh my God, I thought the spam bot was back, but it's the get it twisted coffee pasta.
Unknown_04: Um, they're pretty real and like black leather with bald hair. Can I find this? I want to torture you guys. I want to, I want to really make this chat suffer and needs a bald. Oh fuck. Yeah.
Unknown_01: First result.
Um, hopefully there's nothing. Wait, I just want the fucking link.
Unknown_01: Okay.
Unknown_01: So here's what she looks like bald.
Unknown_04: Whoops. She looked like if she was black or Chinese, a fucking God, nothing fucking work.
Unknown_04: Okay. I'm going to try and save this and then put it up on my browser and see if that beats the fucking thing. Actually downloading normally.
I just want to show an image of bald and knees. So I can make fun of her. Why does it have to be so hard yet? Well, there we go. Okay. So she's shaved her head to do this horrible, horrible set. I think to show off her tattoos, including her like MS 13 spider web tattoo.
Unknown_04: Uh, she used to be normal looking and then she shaved her head and now it's like, it's a short hair.
Unknown_04: Um, I can actually show you this to someone that doesn't crash my computer in the process.
There we go.
Unknown_01: So long hair, bald, short hair.
Unknown_04: Now we return to modern day. He is trying to say that, um, even though she has, even though, okay, even though she's busted and he tried to come up with the softest possible thing to describe on her as busted. So what he's literally saying is that her hair is ugly. He acknowledges that her hair is ugly. This is a fact.
There's no getting around it.
Unknown_04: Uh, she's, uh, she, her hair is fucked up.
Unknown_04: So that's what she's literally saying. Now she recognizes this. Even though he's not trying to say that, he's not literally trying to say that her hair is ugly, that is what he's actually saying. And she knows this. She knows that he's both implying her OnlyFans are embarrassing for him, and he's also literally saying that her hair is ugly. And she understands this. That's why she looks so pissed.
Unknown_07: Your hair could be down to the floor. Any hairstyle, as far as I know, I'm racking my brain through all the different options of hairstyles, and I'm like, yeah, they're all fine. I don't care.
And that kind of opens you up for a lot more options that you didn't necessarily consider. I also, I'm realizing that I'm caring less about body hair, like women with armpit hair,
Unknown_05: I think that's my fault.
Unknown_07: Arm hair.
Unknown_05: Like four years ago, I just stopped shaving as often. And I think you've just had to get used to it.
Unknown_04: No, that's not true. Really? Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown_04: Okay, that is an interesting conversation. I don't shave, she says. Idubbbz says, but you do shave. So Idubbbz has confirmed he is not completely aware of how frequently his wife shaves, which implies that he does not see her naked often. And if he does see her naked, he has no memory of how often she is shaved. So this sort of implies that they have a dead bedroom relationship going on, because how the fuck would you not know this? But then Anisa decides to get her vengeance. She has just recorded in her permanent book of grudges the time that iDubbbz made fun of her hair and implied that her OnlyFans was embarrassing Tim on their podcast. So she now has a stick of dynamite that she has to blow up to even equalize the moment. This is what she decides to say.
You shave all the time.
Unknown_05: No, I only shave when I'm doing OnlyFans.
Unknown_04: No, I think you're... I only shave when I'm doing OnlyFans. I am married to a man, and generally speaking, a married woman will try to appease their husband by looking attractive. Aniza does not do this. She just said this on podcast. Now Idubbbz might be too fucking retarded to understand what she's saying, but in the same way that Idubbbz saying that her hair was ugly was implied by what he was, by his tangent. Aniza is directly stating, um, or implying through what she's saying that she doesn't care what he thinks about her or how she looks. And she only grooms for being a whore. And Idubbbz's enjoyment of her body hair is a secondary, actually not even a secondary concern, it's not even a concern of hers.
She is making fun of him to his face and he's too stupid to know this.
Unknown_07: Your perception of like what is shaven and what is not shaven is different. Okay. Because you can get like a little stubble and you're like, oh, I'm fucking, I'm Sasquatch or whatever.
Unknown_05: That's not true. No.
Unknown_07: To the untrained eye, I'm like, yeah, it's fucking, that's a naked leg.
Unknown_05: No, I won't shave for like three weeks on my armpits sometimes.
She's like really, she's like a little bit shocked. Like I'm making fun of you to your face and you don't seem to understand and you don't seem to like remember the times that I've gone weeks, like an entire month without shaving my body hair. Like, do you not get this?
Unknown_05: Sometimes I look down, I'm like, yeah, the armpits I don't even fucking care about, though. I know. Why does anyone care about that? It's just the fucking under your arm. No, I know.
Unknown_07: Someone's like sexually attracted to armpits. I don't get the which, by the way, I uploaded a picture of me yesterday where my arm was up and someone did in the comments say, yes, armpit.
So she really wants, someone said that he does know, no. And now she's making it very clear that this is what's happening. She's really trying to hammer it home. The humiliation. Now wait, blink and you'll miss it. Pay close attention, champ.
Unknown_04: The editor, I think, tried to remove that, what was happening there, but I saved it.
Unknown_04: Idubbbz does an honest to God.
Unknown_04: Hog champ reaction, soy face, to the revelation that the men masturbating to his wife, who pay her a pittance for the privilege of doing so, are masturbating to her armpits.
And his reaction to this is not to immediately take his chair and break it over her fucking head. It's instead to pug face, like he's waiting for a cock to enter his mouth. uh and this was so so fast you might have missed it but for a couple frames it was there i love that yeah yes uh so
Unknown_05: Okay, so body hair. What about like height? Like maybe you're a guy who doesn't mind tall women.
Unknown_07: Yes, you could bag.
Unknown_05: I'm also in that category.
Unknown_04: I don't care how tall you are. Okay, so this you're about to enter the actual most embarrassing part of this video. You might have thought everything that I have talked about is embarrassing. There is a man behind the camera.
He's a producer. I don't know who the fuck he is. He's one of the dumbest fucks in the world. The exchange you're about to hear is so perpetually, like, unbelievably retarded that it will stagger you.
Unknown_05: Yeah.
Unknown_07: I mean, although I haven't been with anyone who's taller than me.
Unknown_05: It's very hard to be taller than you as a woman.
Unknown_07: Yeah.
Unknown_04: It's very hard to be taller than you as a woman. There are two ways to interpret this.
But through context, it's immediately obvious to anyone with a passing familiarity with the English language what she's saying.
Unknown_04: You can infer from this conversation, Idubbbz is tall. men are taller than women, and therefore it would be difficult to find a woman in the population who's going to be taller than iDubbbz. That is very obviously what she's saying. I don't even have to explain this. The only other way to interpret this is retarded, and that is it's difficult to be taller than iDubbbz. If you're a woman who's taller than iDubbbz,
Unknown_04: It it as in general, everything is difficult. That's the dumb way to interpret that. And unless you're just not paying attention or are a retard, you would not infer that that is what she is saying with her statement. Fortunately for us, there is a retard in the room, but I don't know.
Seems interesting. Wait, um, I have a question.
Unknown_06: Why is it hard for a woman to be taller than the man?
Unknown_05: What, for him?
Unknown_06: No, no, no, what you just said, you said it's very hard for a woman to be taller than the man.
Unknown_05: No, I said taller than you. Him specifically.
Unknown_06: Huh? Oh, it's very, very rare.
It's hard for a woman to be taller than him. It would be difficult to find a woman. Oh, rare, rare, rare. Well, when you say hard, I thought it was like difficult. It was more poetic language. Yeah. Sorry, I just misinterpreted what you said. It's difficult to find a woman out there that is taller than you.
Unknown_04: Okay, so let's break. Let's break this fucking down. You are Let's go back to him. Okay, so Look at this gross faggot ginger. First of all, okay, actually take that back That's gonna be our second point of condition Look at that mixing board this shit-ass podcast in this ugly-ass Dale lapitated room in the middle of LA does not fucking need a soundboard that cool-looking
You don't need it. You're not interviewing like eight different guests. You have two Mike lines, three. If you count his, it's unnecessary. This podcast is going nowhere. Keep your fucking garbage. Uh, point two, look at this nasty ass gender. This guy is 100% going to true now. There is no way in hell that this guy is going to keep his dick for the rest of his life. This is a failed ginger male to be a hundred percent accurate here.
Unknown_04: Uh, third.
This is Aniza's face when confronted with his overwhelming stupidity.
Unknown_04: The guy speaking to her is so fucking stupid. You know, those memes of like all the women sneering at the viewer and like a camera. Cause they're like, eh, what are you doing here? This, this was literally that sneer. She is literally disgusted by this ginger retard asking her dumb fuck questions when she was trying to be dadding on Idubbbz and this, this, this degenerate filth has spoken to her to demand her attention for the most Obvious fucking thing that has ever happened It's a really really sincere look of disgust. She fucking hates him. She thinks that he's a gigantic faggot, and it's really nice Um And that is the items that I Hope you have enjoyed. I really enjoy by the way the little painting of Satan behind her
Uh, some, some, a thimble of them done below. I don't know where the recording, but it is literally like the most disgusting trashy house ever. I assume they live in filth. Uh, well-deserved. Thank you. Bo blacks for your contribution to the stream.
I appreciate it, buddy.
Unknown_01: Um, cool. Now kick also has spammers. I guess I'm so high up on the.
Unknown_01: ban and report spam. Okay.
Unknown_01: Nice.
Unknown_01: I'm going to have to get Jenny's chat.
Unknown_04: I'm gonna have to get Jenny's Jenny's because I am being spammed and I, if there's anything I hate more than ads, it's more than it's ads in my fucking stream that aren't paying me. Okay.
kick partnership when I don't know, bro. I don't know. That's my question. Where's my fucking partnership at?
Unknown_04: And finally, to cap off the stream chat.
Unknown_04: the Reddit segment. So I saw this post and I was unable to identify its origin.
Unknown_04: This is a question saying, man to man, am I wrong? My ex sent me these saying she was going to post my drawers, but I'm a man and this is normal. I'm sure other men can relate. I'm not a female. I don't wipe how y'all women wipe. We shit wipe once and carry on. As long as I can shower when I take them off, I don't see the issue. To other men out there, please back me on this, because females be really overdoing it over my jaws like you can't wash them.
This is a man that can't wipe his ass. This is apparently a meme that men cannot wipe their ass. And I tried to find the origin of this post so I could read it in the comments, but it seems to be deleted. So instead, I found a replacement.
Help. I don't think my BF is wiping his ass and self relationship advice. Posted by peachy keen XO three years ago. My female 22 boyfriend male 24 has lived with me for a few months and he's always been decently clean. He doesn't ever smell bad. Usually always showers after getting off work and keeps good general hygiene.
Unknown_04: Except recently, I started to notice that if he didn't seem like he was he was using toilet paper when he pooped.
The first time I noticed was a couple weeks back when I had to pee really bad while he was showering. I knocked and asked to pee. I lifted the toilet and noticed poop. I commented, oh, I guess Amelia, my child, fake name, pooped. He then commented, no, that was me. I forgot to flush. I didn't comment on not seeing TP on my quick glance in the toilet. I flushed the toilet, peed, washed my hands and left the bathroom. hadn't had any more incidents in the last couple of weeks and eventually it just left my mind until the day before yesterday. He told me he had to poop earlier and had gone to the bathroom for a few minutes. Didn't think anything of it. It's just a normal human thing. Fast forward an hour or two later and I go to use the restroom and notice there was no TP on the holder. I remembered that I had brought the usual into the bedroom during a mental breakdown.
Just a casual little quickie mental breakdown. I need some teepees Just remember when you go when you go poo to take the teepee back with you into the bathroom normal reddit stuff
I had also noticed residue on the bottom of the toilet bowl. Weird, right? Curiosity got the best of me, so I checked to see if the container holding the TP had any open rolls in them. None of them had been used. Okay. I then started freaking out. Why would he not wipe his ass? Oh god, she's going to have another mental breakdown. This is about her boyfriend not wiping his ass. What's a good actual reason for not wiping your butt after you poop? I didn't want to seem obvious, so I left it alone, but it's constantly bugging me. I then waited until he got in the shower, just curious if he was wiping in some mysterious way. But lo and behold, streaks in his dirty underwear in the basket.
Fast forward to today, I got out of the shower and went to grab my towel off the rack and noticed three large yellowish stripes down his towel. Fucking curiosity and concern got the best of me.
Unknown_04: I sniff it. It doesn't smell clean but it smells like a mix of tortilla chips and Fritos. I haven't said anything. to him, but I'm extremely concerned. I've been really sick the last few weeks and I've been trying to figure out why and maybe I found my answer, but I really don't know how to bring it up. It made me absolutely repulsed by him and I feel bad for it. I just can't let this go. Number one, because it's gross. Number two, I do absolutely love him. Number three, I don't even know how to tell him I'm breaking up with him for not wiping his ass. What do I do? How do I bring this up to him? I'm repulsed by feces to the point of vomiting. Okay. And also really shy about sensitive subjects. I don't want to embarrass him, but I can't keep letting him do this. Please help.
Unknown_01: Horror Lynn says I had to sit my ex-boyfriend down and tell him to please wash his dick better or I would not let him fuck me.
Unknown_04: The dude never washed it. I just figured it was clean enough with the water running down his body. It just wasn't. I said in a respectful manner and started by asking him if what he thought was the best way to clean his genital area. Might be a good air freshener for you. Good luck.
Fellas, is it gay to wipe your butt? Oh yeah, I remember this.
Unknown_01: Some straight men are so frail.
Unknown_04: I was expecting to see the actual tweet, because I remember the original tweet for that. So there you go, boys and girls. If you're a man, make sure to wash your dick and wipe your ass.
Unknown_04: The woman is taking notes.
And if you're not careful, you might catch a look like this.
Unknown_04: This, this, you could be on the receiving end of this disgusted sneer. If your girlfriend sees your stinky cock and smelly butthole, don't let that be you. All right. You know, spamming sweep does not help with the, um, the chat being flooded with spam, by the way.
Unknown_04: Actually, it makes it really hard not to instinctively reflexively ban you. Cause I'm looking for spam.
Um, cool. Awesome. Thanks. Rumble. Very cool.
Unknown_04: All right. So that's that.
Unknown_04: Uh, thank you for watching. I hope you have enjoyed this episode. I'm out of the internet. Um, I will see you guys on Tuesday, I believe. Yes. On Tuesday. And then next Friday is a very special day chat, a very special day, uh, with which to piss everybody off of. So be there or be square.
Unknown_04: Bossman Jack. Oh, there's only one Bossman Jack update. Hold up.
The Bossman Jack update is Bossman Jack has acquired a kick sponsorship. I think he has some kind of exclusivity deal with kick and they are now paying him $28 an hour to stream, which means that if you do the math based on his current rates, he will be making an extra $1,400 a month in income. So I want to, I want to tally all this up for you. $1,400 a month times four is $5,600, probably already more than a lot of people listening to this.
Then we take the $5,400 a week and times that by four, that's $21,000. You add 56 back to that, you get $27,200.
Unknown_04: Then, you take the fact that he has on average right now this month about $2,750 and times that by $475 and you get $13,062.50. Add back in that $27,300 and you're up to $40,362.50 for Bossman Jack each month.
Which I believe, if we multiply that by 12, you get $484,000. So I believe that firmly puts Bossman Jack as the top 1% income earner in the United States.
Unknown_04: If you're not making half a million dollars gambling, what are you even doing with your fucking life, Chad? Remember, get it twisted, idiots. Gamble. The casinos outright tell you, you will win.
Unknown_01: Idiots.
Unknown_01: Um, cool.
If I banned you on accident for the spam, you have to email me because I can't, I can't unban you easily. Uh, all right, cool. We're back to green mode. Ratatouille rat time is over. Everybody getting it twisted in chat.
Unknown_04: And now let's read some super chats and give me some time to delay and think about what song I want to play as an outro. Cause I don't have one pick. Thank you. Wonderful.
Unknown_04: DoingYourMom298845 says, one of my favorite things about the Bossman Jack community are the funny and creative names for the rat YouTube channels that clip him. Lost Man Jack, Bossman Crack, Bossman Lacks, Debt Man Jack. Lost Man Jack is like a thing that the forum came up with, I think. It's the name of the emoji for when he lost it all. But yeah, it's very, the community around Bossman's very funny.
Angel Vomit for one says, I get to leave early today and I have tomorrow off my first day off in two and a half weeks. Hooray friends. Congratulations. I'm glad that, uh, that, uh, Mr. Steinberg gave you a day off. That's really generous of him.
Unknown_04: Action Johnny pretends a sweet baby child versus Patrick Pepperoni Tomlinson who would win in a fight. Sweet baby child. Is that like a wrestler?
Sweet baby child is a
Unknown_01: It's an actual child and I searched that probably Tomlinson Probably Tomlinson.
Unknown_04: I think there would be some pepperoni made Docs found for five says keep pushing that Boulder Sisyphus. I will thank you very much. Appreciate it. We'll continue to do everything. That is funny I didn't even mention that our extra long, extra terrible Black History Month is over.
Unknown_04: Though I have to say that this Black History Month was extra not Black History at all.
Sorry, give me a second.
Unknown_04: I got an update on some important Kiwi business chat. Important Kiwi business. Apologize.
Unknown_04: Grumless Wonder for 10 says, Suno AI is wild. You can type lyrics in a style and it makes the whole song for you. The Matty Anthem. Okay, take a listen.
From the days of K to the Lucasarts. his courage never fails though he seems to bury penchant for particular land whales drunken rambling lawyers and zany popping hogs each super chat says hey look at this weird disgusting frog
That's pretty good.
Unknown_04: How easy is this to do? I will experiment with this. It's called Suno AI. That's actually really crazy.
Unknown_04: Um, thank you.
Unknown_04: grace weasel for five says happy pizza day sweetheart that's kind of weird sweetheart is like a threatening word it's like a word you only say dismissively um thank you i'm very hungry actually i'll let you mention that thema cruiser 751 for five says and 50 000 cents wow i didn't know you could donate like that how bizarre but thank you oh
Sorry, I fucked it up. I don't think $5 is 50,000 cents. I think that's $50 actually.
Unknown_04: Stalker Child, enjoy prison for...
Unknown_04: Actually, not even. 50,000 cents is $500. So I'm not even close, bro. I'm close. Stalkerchildenjoyprisonfor15 says, no, a little baby, infant, pepperoni, kitten, an old child that did not file another lull suit as lull suits did not exist. This is why your life is already over. Wait for the knock. Thank you.
Devious Davey for two says sup. Nothing much, bro. Sup at you. Roxanne Wolf for five says bark, bark. How's the charity going? I want to write off my tax donations as something that won't be squandered by norm groids.
Unknown_04: Poorly I am a little bit tied up at the moment. I would Before I go into the charity thing I want something set up first and I'm waiting on that that shoe to drop and then when that happens I can start really considering setting up the charity But I think I have my three people but I'll I'll look at that later right now. It's just not a good time
Stalker child enjoy prison for two says say note I have seen the light on BMJ used to only like your segments on him now I'm sub to the clip channel on YouTube and I can't get enough boss Chad's I kneel bro. You gotta get subscribe to him on kick
Unknown_04: When Bossman Jack is live, and I'm not live myself, I am listening to Bossman Jack. He has just the best background noise. He's the best background noise until he plays BLM Kosher. I need something to Pavlov condition Bossman Jack into hating BLM Kosher, because that guy fucking sucks. Or BLP Kosher.
Holy hell, Fortuza says, hope you're having a great day, Joshua. Always. Thank you, holy hell, I appreciate it.
Unknown_04: For supper, Josh is having pizza. Here's your supper, pal.
Unknown_00: Not even close to covering my mighty pizza order, but thank you.
Unknown_04: I appreciate it. I even have pizza. Wigger Wagner for 10 says, luckily for Clarice, Thomas just got a base new clerk. Just read the first paragraph.
Unknown_04: Okay, I'm actually curious.
Unknown_04: The New Yorker daily comment, the scandal of Clarence Thomas's new clerk, Crystal Clanton has been notorious for sending outlandishly racist texts. Now she's been hired to work for the justice and a dubious news story has surfaced to clear her name.
She tweeted, I hate black people like fuck them all. I hate blacks. End of story.
Unknown_04: Um, guys, I think we're going to fucking make it.
Unknown_04: I think we're fucking making it. We're going to go all the way up to the Supreme court. Clip this clip this mark my fucking words.
Unknown_01: We're in.
Unknown_01: Oh.
Unknown_01: Bunker house. Thank you. Bunker housing produces. I do not hate, but I hope you take your medicine.
Unknown_04: I don't know what that means. Is that a reference to something? It feels like a reference to something. I didn't get it though. Sorry. I'm retarded.
Wigger Wagner says pray that Crystal Clanton gets to write the brief. Dude, we can only hope. Actually, you know what? We can't even hope. I feel good about it. I feel good about it. It's going to happen. Jillyfish23410 says I need to update the PAT programming language to include some gems from the LOL suit. And there is a GitHub link, which I assume is a
set up which aliases a lot of Pat posting terms to C tokens. And it is so you can do no stalker child. This is hello world written in Pat posting. And this is the Fibonacci sequence in Pat posting. You know, this is just, um, the, the terms are converted, converted to tokens. Uh, so like, I think it's C probably.
Unknown_04: Is it esoteric programming language based on the white space language? Oh, is it like a full? No, there's no way this has its own compiler. That's crazy.
Cool. Dude, the rumble shit is like out of fucking hand, bro. Okay. I'm making the fucking archiver a mod. That's crazy.
Unknown_04: Like there's hundreds of bots that I banned myself on my own fucking stream. Can we like, is it like any.
Unknown_04: Moderators at the archive, man, bam, a second, Janny broom given freely.
Sweep it up. Thank you. You might have to refresh to get your tools.
Unknown_04: Tp. Deluxe for five says Josh when is ye olde crypto rug pull going to happen this time trying to take some profits for once have a good day friend Oh, well the price of Bitcoin is going way the fuck up because um The happening is happening again, so it's a that's why it's going up and usually the price to Spikes after the happening and then goes down a little bit and corrects. That's usually what happens It's a cycle that's because the happening gets longer and longer. It's a cycle that's happened a bunch, but it happens pretty consistently
Ron Berger for two says are you telling me that the Kiwi farms doesn't have 5,000 copies of stone toss? How will this help us sell burgers comic eating up a terabyte of disk space time to start adding a one pink pixel? Fuck you. Don't you fucking dare you piece of shit?
Unknown_04: Forsaken wanderer for one says life sucks sometimes Forsaken wanderer says make it ten bucks to change your name color and KF will be generating $50 per day infinite money trick Basically, basically, that's the scheme once I can process a payment. Oh
Unknown_04: Sika Loather for $260 says, Kiwi Farms thread, insane hermit art, hermitude, unread. Many requests the past week. Sprite header one that featured to be shown on stream for 260.
Insane hermit sector fan art, your call.
Unknown_04: The last time we did this, it was a very, very bad thing and everyone spammed your thread and made it complete and total shit, bro.
Unknown_04: I mean, if you want to like, if you want to post it in the community happenings thread that is free, you don't have to pay me to do that. You can simply say, I made a thread about this and I think it's funny. And then if it is through, um, what is like the, the humor version of egalitarianism? Is there like a Greek word you can concatenate into egalitarianism to make it humor based meritocracy?
That's what that's what how it works.
Unknown_04: Um, thank you very much though. Her on burger for two says Pippa Pipkins does build a bear order streams. Josh does build a server lol. Interesting price.
Unknown_04: Oh, honey.
Unknown_04: Be be jams. Honey be honey.
Unknown_04: Thank you for on burger. I appreciate it. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator for 5 says, most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamond, my brother recently bought a 3D printer, now I can achieve my dream of replacing all matter in the world with Super Sonico. How voluptuous do you want yours? I don't even know what the fuck that means, bro.
I don't want to answer that.
Unknown_04: Mouse Cop for 5 says, Mouse Cop 5 for 5 says, I work for a website that requires age verification for broadcasters. Getting ID from them is an ordeal. If customers were required to get age verification, it would kill the porn industry in one stroke.
Unknown_04: I mean age verification shit is like super streamlined now lots of stuff requires like ID verification and it's not that hard to do The real issue is is that it the real issue with age verification is that it it I
it prejudices porn sites versus random sites so like 4chan is not a porn site but it does have porn whereas Pornhub is a porn site so you're saying like should Pornhub require id but 4chan doesn't what about the kiwi farms the kiwi farms has pornography but it's all speech-based. They all exist for a speech-based purpose. Does that mean that we should require ID too? That does have a
Unknown_04: chilling effect on speech. If any website that allows anything over 18, um, pornographic to, to require ID.
Unknown_04: So yeah. Um, it's, it's, I mean, it's an interesting tactic, but the internet is the internet, you know, and you can't really enforce that, um, without just harming American businesses or American based businesses, you know? So I don't know. It's interesting. I don't really have a very developed opinion on this.
Brain bucket for five says I have a sudden desire to Fed post J6 is such a scam It's the biggest scam in American history even bigger than 9-11 at this point At least 9-11 killed a bunch of people. The only person I got killed in January 6 is the fucking Veteran lady that got shot in the head Pirate Mike for 2420 says a shitty donation message message that I will not read. Thank you pirate Mike. Appreciate it
Unknown_04: Dr. Mick Andrew for 10 says the Capitol Hill police force having offices in other states reminds me of when they found that secret CCP police office in a restaurant in Glasgow Well, I mean keep in mind the New York City Police Metropolitan Police Department has an office in Tel Aviv So I don't know what the fuck is going on
Red eyes black dragon. Thank you though. Red eyes black dragon for two says, you know, who's really fat pvp. That's true He is pretty fat and he has no shame about it anymore. Like his booba is just hanging out like in every video I see of his now. He's a pretty sure he needs to get like a moomoo or something like i'm being real It's it's a bit off-putting to be like watching The stream and he's just got like like nips hanging out. You know what? I mean? I don't want to see that
Unknown_04: Lucidleia45 says, I recently listened to your 2019 call with Montagraph. He genuinely seems surprised when you let him say his piece. He may be an oddball, but what Rikada did is indefensible. I didn't even mention this, but I spoke with PotentiallyCriminal on his stream yesterday, I think, or maybe the day before. I can't remember. Sorry, I had bad memory.
And we had to talk about the Rakeda lawsuit stuff because Randazza, Rakeda's lawyer in the Montagraf lawsuit, gave oral arguments in the appellate court because Randazza has effectively raised a novel issue of law regarding jurisdiction and it's being argued in court because what they want to accomplish is getting the case relocated under Colorado law so that anti-SLAPP can be applied to Montagraf's defamation suit.
And while I was there, I spoke of people seem very in his audience. I won't repeat myself in full, but people seem very confused as to how anyone could support Montagraph.
Unknown_04: And I do believe that what he said about Montagraph is like blatantly defamation. Like if saying that someone sucks little boys off is not defamation.
Unknown_04: What is? What is defamation? What is defamation if saying that someone gives oral sex to children, then what is, if that's not defamation, what is?
His audience, like, there are a lot more Raketo fans than I imagined listening that were
Unknown_04: Upset with me. And then a lot of people were upset with him because they're like, ah, just because we're Kate is having like a hard patch in his life. Doesn't mean his friends should all flip on him. It's like, well, if he's in the wrong and he refuses to admit that he's in the wrong, what the fuck can you do? You know, if he gets mad at you for saying that he's in the wrong, what the fuck can you do? You can't not piss him off. You know what I mean?
Unknown_04: Collie Dante from 15 says that fat retard tit chop is going to be difficult for the doctor. How do you know how much fat to leave behind and to give him gender or her gender affirming mubes? The reason why fat surgery is really like a high risk is that if you think about fat like in your kitchen, what is fat? Butter, oil, pork grease. Those are all examples of fats, right?
Now imagine you have a scalpel and you are trying to delicately remove parts of someone's body, organs that they have attached to them, and your scalpel is greased in butter the entire time. That's not a joke. When you're dealing with a person's fat inside their body, It's like grease. It slicks everything. It makes it more difficult. So when you're trying to cut through that much fat, it makes it more dangerous and more difficult. And your tools are more unwieldy. Like that's an actual issue that they have.
So, yeah, it's a big pain in the ass. There's a reason why it's so expensive and most people don't want to do it. Colgate Dante for Fox's witnesses were easily able to identify Bob posting. Yet again, the coat mask fails to protect anyone.
Unknown_04: I get it, because the COVID mask didn't protect his identity. Okay. That is funny.
The Lion King produces, I wish people used greetings other than, how are you? Because I either have to lie about being obviously depressed or I have an awkward conversation.
Unknown_04: You just say, I'm doing great. Thanks. Or, how are you?
Unknown_04: Nobody cares. How are you is a non sequitur. They don't actually give a fuck. It would be obvious if they did. Like, how are you so artistic that you don't understand this?
Unknown_04: Fligoo Master for three says, do you really think Navalny is a CIA asset? Is there anyone who protests and exposes corruption in the government the U.S. opposes about being a CIA agent? Sounds like USGov is omnipotent and everything is CIA.
I don't really know enough, like I wouldn't bet either which way, but I wouldn't be surprised. Like, Navalny is, was not popular in Russia, really. And he was like, the main thing is, you have these dissidents in every country.
Unknown_04: But what makes them really suspicious is when they suddenly gain like a lot of media attraction very quickly. Like people know who Navalny is even though he hasn't accomplished anything. He's just the face for a democratic movement in Russia that opposes Putin, right? Well, why do you know Navalny? Do you not think that there are other pro-democratic, pro-reformation,
Russians out there. I'm sure there's a bunch but novelty is the one that everyone Champions, it's like well why and the answer is probably that he is selected to be the face of Russian Reformation in the same way that I did the exact same thing for sure and that we know that they did in Ukraine during the Iron Maiden color revolution, you know That's why I kind of think that he's probably CIA because well he was he's dead. No, you're right and
But yeah, I don't know. It's you can never know for sure. And that's part of the that's part of the process.
Unknown_04: Space Allen for 20 says Cheers. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you, appreciate it. That came out pretty good. I don't usually do poo voices, but I think I did pretty good on that.
The Lion King for two says pray for my emo friend. She cut herself a few days ago. I'm grunge. I'll just blow my head off someday. Dude. Nobody gives a fuck for the ghost NTC for one says look at these cheap fucks 3000 viewers. Can we get some $3,000 and don't know it's just a dab on Tomlinson. She shams.
Unknown_04: Thank you.
Unknown_04: That was awful. Fuck you.
Unknown_04: Stito for one says nulls having a black American Express card, which is invite only.
Unknown_04: I will never disclose my my assets. Yeah.
Unknown_04: for the ghost ntc for one says atst atsts atsts atsts atsts atsts and he says like eight more fucking times thank you crispy legs for 10 says uh it's an emoji of like a party hat and a little party blower thing that's nice thank you patrick s tomlinson for five says fun fact nikki's name is always listed first before pat's on legal document including their mortgage
I wonder why it's a mystery.
Unknown_04: Angel vomit pretends as chat. My cousin, 11 years older than me, stole my clothing style and truned out. He's in Portland band called Elephant Walk trans hardcore on Instagram. I think he's worth laughing at.
Unknown_04: I mean, that's doxing yourself basically, bro, but.
Unknown_04: I don't have an Instagram account, so I can't show you this.
Unknown_04: If you just type in trans hardcore, you get tranny porn. So don't do that. I can't show anyone this because Instagram has like an account requirement. Kyle Larson, all chat for five says, I always enjoy seeing the confluence of exceptional individuals that run through the panhandle. Wait, was that just a joke? Was that entire super chat just a joke to get me to search trans hardcore? Is that what that was? That was a very weird super chat. And then now thinking about it, I think that's what it was.
Kyle Larson all chat prices. I enjoy seeing the confluence of exceptional individuals that run through the panhandle did Jackie rant from John Bulla Do you think I'm sure they bumped into each other at Publix in the pub sub at least once?
Unknown_04: For the ghost NTC for once I want to beat the shit out of this homo-sounding dweeb holy shit if you ever were a fan of Idubbbz you causeless if you were ever a fan of Idubbbz you need to kill yourself. Thank you.
No comment. Matty Archiver for once says free manoir orange monster energy he didn't enough and also we need more rumble brooms please. I gave you a broom. For the ghost NTC for one holy crap this sounds just like the time I went three weeks without shaving. Thanks. That's really cool. Matty Archiver for once says that Idubbbz wearing teddy fresh I wonder who owns that company. Oh yeah I forgot to point out that he's wearing a teddy fresh hoodie which is very incestuous of him.
Unknown_04: Sergeant Wizard Fist for 2 says, Idubbbz having a fight with his wife while not knowing he is doing it. Will he truant out or will she leave him for another man first? Place your bets, everyone. He will truant out and then she will leave or she'll leave right before he comes out as being trans. Something like that.
Ran Away We Go for 10 says, I prefer to goon off to nudes of an e-girl named... I'm not advertising this prostitute.
Unknown_04: He prefers to goon off to nudes of an e-girl named, and then I'm not saying that. You can look it up if you want. She got a larger ass and more flattering tattoos. That's a hell worth dying on, at least to me. That's fucking gay, bro. Cena for once is that fag gender producer is the iDubbbz, on the iDubbbz podcast, definitely goons the trace. I agree. Anime sucks, Koppenstein professes, I've never been with a woman who weighed less than me, and he's living proof that I'm so fucking, that I'm so fucking based. Maybe if I unfed her, he would have her under control. That's possible. Anime sucks, Koppenstein, that's possible.
Julio Dante for Fives says, I think Aniza being surrounded by men she has pretended to care about that she has to pretend she doesn't care to hate is a perfectly proportionate consequence for her. It's like a perfect one-to-one ratio of sowing and reaping.
Unknown_04: Probably. She probably does genuinely despise her fucking life. Casting Couch Crab for Ten says, Invertebrate of the day is the inchworm. Well, we all know what a fucking inchworm is, and we also know they eat trees and kill trees.
Very sad. Jody Tester for two says, please don't do the special stream next Friday. There's the anime convention next Friday. Too bad, bro. Though, I mean, if you like anime, you'll probably want to miss that stream anyways. Sino for one says, hey Josh, I was wondering if you heard the song, I'm God by Clams Casino. Bossman used to play it a lot. It was probably one of the better songs he's played. There's also a Death Grips mashup. I've not heard of that.
Unknown_04: Aaron Dilfer one says maybe the Florida panhandle isn't for car brain folks. Anyways, have you ever passed through seaside before? It's a cute town and also where the Truman show was filled.
Um, maybe, but I don't remember. I've been down to, um, that party town a couple of times. What was it called? Was it Miramar beach? It's not Miramar. It's Panama city. Duh. I've been down to Panama city. I don't know if I've been by. Oh, you passed through seaside going to Panama city. I probably have been through there and I just don't know about it.
Unknown_04: Because I was a kid most of the time I was in Florida Many are covered for once his attentions needs feet and see Chuck is going down tonight city of slickers and panic I can't miss this one and that's supposed to be like a copy pasta looks like spam. Thank you So, you know for one says USA's are You know for one saying no smoking to crack like his idol boss man, no not yet not yet Bach says, John 1 5, there's a light in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome in translation dependent.
There is a light in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. There's a lot of quotes like that that are nice. I think that's, um, from the same book as the one with the, no, no, it is from James, but it's not the same book of James that I was thinking of. That was a nice one.
Unknown_04: Uh, total gun victory for one says use this dollar towards a Nutella pizza. Absolutely not. Docs found for five says at first they require ID for porn, then they require ID for social media, then they require ID to get on the internet at all. The prevalence of porn is terrible, but it's a thin edge on the wedge. I totally agree, which is why I have such a noncommittal response to things like this. Cause on one hand, I do think that the pornification of everything is ruining society.
and destroying relationships and ruining young men and women and how they perceive relationships. But on the other hand, I think that giving the government a banner to rally under for more censorship, more invasive mechanisms to monitor the internet is a really terrible thing. They are both very, very terrible. And it's a
It's an extremely nuanced problem that humanity has never faced before, and it's going to require a nuanced solution that I can't personally think of right now.
Unknown_04: Cole Cole says, when I have nothing to say but still contribute to you, I'm just going to send verses. Would you like to make an audio book of the book of John or Hosea or be unique the first book of Enoch? I will leave that determination completely up to you. It's your money.
Unknown_04: S&T Gino for 10 says my favorite Maddie clip and then there is a YouTube link.
Let's check them out chat.
Unknown_01: Now remember, I have a slow internet connection.
Unknown_04: Oh, I know what this is. This is very loud. I wheeze. No, no, don't go for the lick. We're at halftime now.
Unknown_04: She wiped it on her tits again. Come on, you get napkins in the bag, bro.
Unknown_09: I love veggies.
I wish the bun was multigrain, but... Okay, that is a certified Hood Classic banger.
Unknown_04: That is true. That is one of the most popular clips, I think, of my podcast.
Unknown_04: NoHurtMrMetal410 says, now it's pizza time. Bye, I'll be back for the archives. It's true, basically. Orange monster energy for five says attention joshua moon is live right now i am ian joma in panic dead bedroom jackie baby mama drama josh exposed rich destined kid you can't miss this one sure i do live in dustin i lived in an apartment though i wasn't i wasn't in one of those little beach house kabamas mk9 ultra for three says suggesting schadenfreude by ajj for closing songs that you don't have one you know what
I do like at least one song by AJJ. Actually, no, AJJ, there's a couple songs I like by them. So I'll take the risk. I'll play that without listening to it. Maybe it'll be good. If not, MK9 Ultra Anime Avatar, your song suggestions will go straight into the bin. I will hard-code it into my overlay that if you send me a song suggestion, it will go straight to the fucking trash.
Unknown_04: Those are the stakes.
Unknown_04: And Angel Vomit for once says, Mr. Josh, I don't give a fuck if I dox myself. Like boo boo, I watch Maddie and have a normal internet presence.
Unknown_04: Careful what you wish for, bro.
All right, that's it. I'm done. Thank you guys for watching. Thank you guys for sticking around through the Super Chat stuff.
Unknown_04: Thank you for all your contributions. I really do appreciate it.
Unknown_04: The end of the
Unknown_04: all over the fucking place saga of my life will be coming to a close in the next six months. I'm very eager, I can't fucking wait.
Unknown_04: And I promise I'll update the archives one day.
Unknown_04: Until then, see you guys next Tuesday. Have a great weekend. Thank you for listening.
I love schadenfreude, I've got schadenfreude stuck in my teeth.
Unknown_09: There's no scarcity of epic caricacy.
Unknown_04: I want more schadenfreude, thank you please. Schadenfreude. Duh. You pronounce the E in German. So this is just wrong, categorically. I just want to let you know.
Unknown_09: Barely contain all my joy when a dickhead is thwarted.
Unknown_09: Junk food for the soul is still food when you're hungry and everything is so goddamn distorted. I don't want a bottleless feeling. I want to take a bump of it. It's a beautiful American emotion.
This is a really bad song by the way. Anime Avatar are coming for you. I'm going to kill you.
Unknown_09: In your house. In your life. I wish that I could eat it. That it could cure diseases. I wish that it made anything.
I guess you can say that I'm just fucking me.
Unknown_04: Oh, legal, legal mindset, legal mindset.
Unknown_04: Bitch. I like ricketa motherfucker.
Unknown_09: I can barely remember legal mindset. So when you read you