you 0:01:31 Unknown_10: It starts with time. Unknown_03: One thing, I don't know why. It doesn't even matter how hard you try. Keep that in mind. I'm resigned as Prime to explain it to time. One thing, all I know. Time is a valuable thing. Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings. Watch it count down to the end of the day. The clock ticks life away. It's so unreal. Didn't look out below. Watch the time go right out the window. Trying to hold on. It didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch you go. I kept everything inside, and even though I tried, it all fell apart. What it meant to be will eventually be a memory of a time I tried so hard and got so far. 0:02:36 Unknown_11: Well, the good day not to be set on fire. Unknown_01: How about you chat? Unknown_01: Um, ah, this week, mostly bullshit. I'm gonna be real with you. Mostly bullshit. Started out with a retard setting himself on fire. Unknown_01: Um, and that's probably the highlight of it. Unknown_01: I mean, I guess a little bit. People wanted me to play the footage of him, like, burning to death, and I don't think I'm gonna do that. They were gonna say, is he gonna play the censored version or the uncensored version? We'll know how base Josh really... I'm not gonna play a video. Okay, imagine a guy, and now imagine him on fire. Okay, that's what happened. Now imagine in front of the Israeli embassy. I think the only remarkable thing about it is that... 0:03:09 Unknown_01: The Israeli embassy guard rushed out of his post and then pulled out a gun and pointed it at his charred corpse and said, don't move. Unknown_01: Which I imagine was quite easy to comply with because he was charged to a crisp His he chanted free Palestine as he burned to death and now I think most people are making fun of him I don't know. It's kind of sad that someone died chat. That is kind of sad usually But he I mean he died 0:03:47 Unknown_01: It's kind of weird because I consider not supporting Israel beset, but so do like hardcore Marxists because of imperialism or some shit. Um, so in this case, anti-Semitism and communism have found common ground at last. Unknown_01: I don't know. It's kind of the whole thing like okay, so here I'm gonna start I'm gonna start my comedy podcast off with the guy burning to death Okay, what happened is is that this guy who was a US Air Force member was like a like a furry liberal who wanted to protest the occupation of the Gaza Strip. And he did so by setting himself on fire. So you have a white American chair force mutt who, in support of brown Muslims who would have fucking hanged him by the neck, would have probably set him on fire with his furry costume on, which would have been exceptionally painful. And then he did this in front of an Israeli embassy. Israel being a country known for not giving an absolute single solitary fuck about you or anything you know or love or care about in this entire world. So truly the most pointless of all endeavors. 0:05:07 Unknown_01: I mean, he sold his soul like three different times in this. He sold his soul originally to the federal government, and then he sold his soul to brown people of a foreign culture who hate him, and then he sold his soul again to commit suicide in front of the Israelis who don't care that he's died. In fact, they're probably happy that he's dead. There's like a channel with like 300,000 subscribers that said something like, it's like Mossad commentary, and then the guy just says like, our enemies killed themselves, ha ha. And he points at this guy dying. So they think it's funny. They think it's really funny. 0:05:43 Unknown_01: Because in the Talmud, it says that Jesus is boiling Gehenna, which is like, Unknown_01: The jewish because jews are obsessed with peepee poopoo. So jewish hell is literally boiling in like septic tank water Uh, so that's what that's what they think about that I think he's it's a good thing that he burned himself to death because he's gonna be burning forever in ghana now Unknown_01: I was the Is the furry thing fake? I don't know. I don't really care. He's a chair force member So if there's anybody that's gonna be a furry in the US Air Force or in the military, it's gonna be the fucking Air Force guy. I'm see that Rumble still has not found a way to deal with Deal with pots I might need a mod, okay 0:06:17 Unknown_01: Who can I trust in my, my rumble chat? I can trust in literally none of you. Actually twinkle tard. Unknown_01: Twinkle tard I can trust. Twinkle tard say something so I can make you a moderator. How do I make someone a moderator? Oh God. How do I make somebody a moderator? I have to go like go into my settings to do this fucking bullshit. 0:06:48 Unknown_01: I'll do it for free. Okay. No, I'm going to do this too. Uh, what's his face? Twinkle tard. Cause I know him. Unknown_01: He's, he's generally like, Unknown_01: Like in general, not a retard. Okay. I have made you a moderator. It may take up to 10 minutes to propagate our against our system. What the fuck? I don't even know if this applies to my, my channels because I have channels. 0:07:22 Unknown_01: And I don't know if that's a, uh, makes you a mod for my channels as well. It might, but I'll never know. I'll never know because of how this works. Unknown_01: This is why I don't have a sponsorship with rumble by the way. I think I don't go a single stream I don't think I go in a single stream ever without saying God this platform Really could could be improved it really could use some fixes Cool excellent, okay, so a guy burns up check and 0:07:56 Unknown_01: um this guy says he'll be remembered for generations and then they have like a little muslim boy saluting him um even though he appears to be holding a weapon now this is highly unrealistic we all know Unknown_01: that chair force members never touch a gun. In fact, most chair force members are afraid of guns. If you were to show them a gun, they'd be like, whoa, buddy, what's the need for this? We don't need weapons. Unknown_01: Cause they don't even kill people anymore. I think that like the air force, the air force used to be like what flew over Germany and shit. Right. And like blew up Dresden and killed a bunch of civilians. But nowadays it's like, they just do logistics because the Navy has the air force that actually does anything. Unknown_01: The Navy has the Air Force that actually like goes out and does shit and then they know the Army has their own Air Force for like rescue missions and shit Just I think they just do nothing That was the Army Air Corps that flew over. Really? What? Dude, we don't we didn't need Space Force. Just make Air Force Space Force and just say like, okay, you guys don't do anything Anyways, just go up into space or whatever Space Force is cool. 0:08:48 Unknown_01: I Don't know my grandmother Unknown_01: I guess she's dead. I can talk about this. Unknown_01: She was a clerk in the military and she worked for like basic training for or not basic training, but for training for EOD, which is the Explosive Ordnance Disposal people. 0:09:20 Unknown_01: And her job was kind of sad because she would intake all these young, like all these adrenaline seekers, all the people that go to the bomb disposal people are like crazy adrenaline junkies. So they would go in and then like so many of them would die. I don't know if EOD is like the highest mortality rate, but so many of the people that she knew that she helped out getting into getting enlisted into EOD were like exploded while in Afghanistan and Iraq. Unknown_01: So that's kind of sad. Unknown_01: But she told me that I was not allowed to join the military because she had seen so many people die, who she personally helped enlist as a clerk for the EOD. And she told me that if I was going to join the military, the only branch of the military I was allowed to join was the Air Force because it has no mortality risk whatsoever, and it's just sitting at home in a seat. You don't do anything. So I know firsthand, I have firsthand familial information that the Air Force actually does literally fucking nothing and is the safest group to join if you just want to get benefits or whatever. Anyways, let's see what's next. Air Conditioned Force. Ooh, it sounds comfy. 0:10:10 Unknown_01: this breaking flag news. What does Josh have to say about breaking flags? Well, everyone and their mother. Okay. So I made this joke, but so did a lot of other people that eventually they were going to add the Ukrainian flag to the LGBTQ plus flag. And they did actually. 0:10:43 Unknown_01: So this is the flag of Keeve pride So it's a liberal democratic country or trying to become one so that they can join NATO It may be the EU and then have NATO actually help them in the war instead of just giving them money and guns So they can steal it 0:11:15 Unknown_01: So they decided to, hey, let's show that Ukraine is not like those other Eastern European shitholes where they, you know, bash Pidori to death. We're a progressive new shithole. So they added the Ukrainian flag. Unknown_01: And then this actually this photo is from. Unknown_01: Canada I want to say I want to say that it made its way to Canada even though this is the key of pride flag And they flew it around during the stand with Ukraine rally or some shit So it ended up getting a picture taken of it and put on the internet so everyone can laugh at Ukraine again In case you wonder it does not bring me any joy Unknown_01: in case you're wondering no this does not make me happy at all um i i feel because it's like i know that everyone looks to say oh ho holes are so dumb ukra ukra piggos get blown up teehee i know them i i have been around them i've eaten their food i've drank their vodka i have uh explored their towns okay 0:12:18 Unknown_01: I do not see the desecration of Ukraine and the Zelensky regime leading them into a migraine or funny at all. It's very sad, actually. Unknown_01: It's kind of like, I don't know. It's kind of like watching your own country die to a lesser extent. It's like watching the U.S. You know that the U.S. doesn't actually stand for BBC and mutilating children, but the government really, really wants it to be about BBC and mutilating children, and you can't really do anything about it. Very sad. Oh, you're right. There is no hamster. How could I forget? 0:12:58 Unknown_01: There he is, okay. Now it's news. It's real news, verified by our correspondent, who does not have a name. He's just called the News Hamster. Unknown_01: Someone pointed this out, and I thought this was funny, but I have talked about this before, because it's not just that... Unknown_01: that I predicted this. The NSA has been talking about this for a while. Unknown_01: The White House, for whatever reason, decided to announce that future software should be memory safe, and then they go on to explicitly, or they had explicitly named REST in the screenshot that I saw. Oh, this is from the other reports, but they want to switch away from memory-unsafe languages. 0:13:35 Unknown_01: to memory-safe languages. Because I guess every rung of the government is getting hacked continuously, so they're like, well, we should probably fix this. How do we fix this? They ask the NSA, NSA, what do we do to not get hacked? Unknown_01: And they're like, I don't know. Maybe write shit in Rust or something instead of, what do you think the government uses? If you look at a government page, they all look kind of the same. We go to 0:14:14 Unknown_01: Like, the pages of this look the same as every other government page. Like, this looks exactly the same as, like, the embassy pages and stuff. What do they write this in? Is this known? Unknown_01: Holy See, yeah. If the government tried to write in Holy See, it would catch on fire. Unknown_01: It's a WordPress blog. It might be. Unknown_01: Like, Every website on the federal government looks exactly the same. I'm really curious what they write in. It could be Java. They use Sun Microsystems and Java. I could believe that. I was gonna say, it's probably some corporate language like Java or the Microsoft one, .NET. I don't know if .NET is retired, though, at this point. If you don't know what any of this means, don't worry about it. 0:14:53 Unknown_11: Java. Unknown_11: I could believe it. Unknown_11: If anyone, it's all Drupal with a COBOL backend. No, it's bullshit. Unknown_01: Yeah, I would believe Java. Unknown_01: I don't, look, I don't know where things are at. I just write in Rust and PHP. That's it. In JavaScript if I need to. Go for it then. Dispose of the spammer. Let's see. What's the reaction time? One, two, three, four. Look, it was Jenny already. Imagine if this was saying something that hurt my feelings. 0:15:26 Unknown_01: How long would it take? Actually, I don't think you can yet, because it's been not been 10 minutes. Okay, I'll take care of it myself. Unknown_01: If I was Bossman Jack, everyone would already be demoted. I would be upset by this. Unknown_01: Oh, now you're a mod. I see the badge. You fucker. Refresh your page. Unknown_01: Alright, next. Unknown_01: I just wanted to brag about this. I use Rust for stuff. I like Rust. The funny thing is that when you talk about Rust, I've actually, I saw Liz Fong Jones and like Frederick Brennan bragging like, Josh wants to write stuff in Rust. Doesn't he know that all Rust programmers are gross, tranny weirdos? I'm like, yeah, but that's, if anything, that's even more a reason to write in Rust. Because imagine if the Kiwi farms, which is basically Nazi Germany 2.0 if you think about it. If you really, really think about it and the fact, because you know, when you think about Nazi Germany, you think about their abundant freedom of expression. It's basically the same thing. So imagine if Nazi Germany 2.0 internet version was written in the language of the Trannies. They would cope and they would see the chat. 0:16:38 Unknown_01: That makes it funny. And remember everything I do has to be, has to be a joke at some point. Unknown_01: Okay. So this is a Serbian guy. Someone sent me, um, that I found kind of funny. I will summarize this article briefly. Unknown_01: what he's done is he has gone through and because, you know what? Well, that's kind of a spoiler, I guess, but there's all these media companies going out of business, right? Well, when they go out of business, they don't keep the domains forever. So a lot of these old media companies are expiring. And as a result, like the domains are expiring into public use. And as a result, this guy is like having, he has machines built to buy these domains as soon as they expire. 0:17:13 Unknown_01: Then he owns an old news company domain name, let's just say Vice. Let's say this guy manages to snipe the domain. Well, Vice is a really respected domain, and the way that search engines work is that they recognize certain brands and certain domains, and domains have a trust built into them. 0:17:48 Unknown_01: So if you manage, it's also dependent on age. If a domain, if a domain is old, it is presumed to be more trustworthy because it's been around for so long without getting into a blacklist. But if a domain is brand new, if it was bought yesterday, that's very suspicious. Unknown_01: For instance, Unknown_01: Spam house, which is like the de facto central authority on what is and is not a spam server You can't send a single fucking email unless your server is okay with spam house But spam house considers the age of the domain as well if a domain is registered yesterday, and it tries to send email I probably won't be read at all because spam house will say oh this domains at you know a day old so therefore it has to be spam and 0:18:33 Unknown_01: So you can't just like buy a domain name and set up a web server or an email server on it because SpamHouse is gonna say, well, this is probably a spam account and there's nothing you can do about it. Search engines work kind of the same way. If a domain is old, it's more likely to be trustworthy and it has a better SEO. So he buys up all these old depreciated media sites and then he starts writing articles. And by writing articles, I mean, he has a chat GPT bot and he says, Unknown_01: Like, he literally shits out articles. I assume what he does is something like this. He has ChatGPT on his computer. Unknown_01: And then he has some way to scrape what is trending. 0:19:16 Unknown_01: So he'll go on Twitter and then see that the Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift, and Legerius Sneed are all trending on Twitter. He'll automatically feed these keywords into his ChatGPT. Unknown_01: And the robot will invent a full article on these keywords. Breaking News, Legerius Sneed, and Taylor Swift. I don't want to say hook up because that's Mutt's Law. Sneed is black. Unknown_01: Taylor Swift delivered the touchdown. She intercepted it. She ran it down the field. She did a touchdown It's just like a nonsense fucking article about the Super Bowl completely fictitious invented from the mind of a machine and then 0:20:06 Unknown_01: And then it gets posted on to And so when you search, and then most importantly, there's a bunch of fucking advertisements on this website. Um, so you go to, you go to Google and you type in luxurious need Taylor Swift or whatever the fuck. And this is the top result. And it's all because Google, as far as Google is concerned, this is a real article. It looks like a real article. It looks like a human wrote it. It's a part of the Google ad program. It's on an old domain. It's on a respected media site domain. That has to be what you're looking for when you type that in. Unknown_01: Then you click it, you're confused, you scroll up and down, you see all the ads on the page. This guy, this Serbian gentleman, I can't even pronounce his name, Nebojsa Vujinovic, 0:20:44 Unknown_01: He gets like three pennies off your mild confusion and then you back out of the page and you Close out or whatever the fuck and then he just does this forever on like 80 different websites pumping out garbage every fucking day Completely automated and then he makes thirty to fifty thousand dollars a month Because there are millions of confused people trying to understand what this absolute fucking nonsense on Google is Unknown_01: And it's really funny because number one it plucks with Google it plucks with the media companies it plucks with everybody But it really kind of hammers home further how the internet will continue to become centralized because now it's like Google's entire strength is that it lets you find websites besides where you would normally look Like if you don't know how to find something and you google it you can find it well if it's unable to do that and then you're not really gonna use Google like 0:21:46 Unknown_01: Um, if you like, if it, if the internet gets so small that if you want a video, you go to YouTube. If you want a article, you go to Wikipedia. If you want the news, you go to, to X. And if you want recommendations, you go to tick tock. Well then what's Google's cut of that pie, you know? Unknown_01: If all information that you're allowed to read is on Wikipedia, if all news discussion is on Twitter, if all the videos and music that you want to listen to are on YouTube, and then everything else is like, what are cool places in London? And you type that into TikTok, and that's how you find restaurants and shit. Like, if that's your entire world, where does Google fit in? You don't have to find anything. Everything is centralized to five websites, and you know which they are. So Google really doesn't get to do anything anymore. It doesn't need to run ads on other people's website. It doesn't need to communicate people. It doesn't show ads and listings. It doesn't advertise small businesses like, um, so Google is intensely threatened by stuff like this. And it used, I think it used to have machine learning in a way to try and identify real websites. But if you're, if it can't do that anymore, because AI is also very capable of generating fake articles now, then you're just fucked. 0:23:06 Unknown_11: Yeah, I gave up on brave. Unknown_01: I mentioned this, but I don't know if people are arguing about, um, like I'm using fewer and fewer Google products altogether. The only Google product that I'm using right now is, and I'm looking at my dashboard to make sure I'm not full of shit. I use, like I use proton for my email. I use, um, self hosted email for a lot of my websites. I use Thunderbird for clients, but I use, uh, mold that and, and, um, Unknown_01: private internet access for VPNs. My phone is Android and I use Brave on that still, but I switched from Brave to LibreWolf on my desktop and it works great. It works excellent. 0:23:43 Unknown_01: And then I switched LibreWolf to Moldad for my on-screen browser. So I can just, cause it's very private. So it's like, there's no history, there's nothing on it. It's a great streaming thing. Yeah, I switched off to Brave because I couldn't watch Bossman Jack. It would crash my browser. And if I have to choose between Brave and Bossman Jack, I'm sorry. Unknown_01: Sorry, I will literally switch my entire browser before I stop watching Bossman Jack. 20 hours a day. That's just how it is. That's the rule. 0:24:17 Unknown_01: Yes, Firefox is Mozilla. Unknown_01: So I don't know. Pretty interesting. We're at the, the, the end of the old internet for good. Uh, it's been over for a while, but now it's truly and, uh, truly fucking over. Unknown_11: Sorry. I keep coughing. Wasn't coughing before, but I'm coughing now. Unknown_01: This article made me laugh out loud. In fact, I didn't even check to see if this is a fake fucking, I don't think this is, I think this is a real thing. This is, that's a Han journal. And this is out of, uh, uh, Minnesota, I guess. Hey, let me look this up now. I'm curious before I read this and look like a dip shit is Sahan journal real Sahan journal. 0:24:52 Unknown_01: Let's see, 24,000 followers on Twitter. Unknown_01: I see Reddit questions asking about, about this. This does appear to be a real journal. Okay. It's not bullshit chat. 0:25:24 Unknown_01: Okay. Cause this seems like bullshit. When I read this, you're going to think I'm bullshit. Black and Brown Minnesotans get worse sleep than what people researchers at the university of Minnesota say it's hurting their health. Unknown_01: what could be keeping these black and brown Minnesotans up chat. Do you want to take a guess? Do you want to take a guess what that is? Unknown_01: One example and many Somali homes in the twin cities, smoke detectors with low batteries, beep around the clock. Many people believe the devices beep when they are working properly. 0:25:58 Unknown_01: Up to Fata said, uh, Unknown_01: or that it's the landlord's responsibility to fix them. Such misinformation could be corrected with a community-wide effort. So there is now an official medical document, a medical journal, that examines how black people and Arabs Unknown_01: will literally sacrifice quality of life and sleep to avoid getting up and changing their own smoke detector. Even if, even if it was the responsibility of Whitey to maintain these things, why the fuck would you sit there and be annoyed by a smoke detector and not fix it yourself? How? How are you like this? But they are. There's so many of them. It's a real thing. 0:26:37 Unknown_01: I've heard it with my own two ears. I thought it was a meme, but no. You go online and you play video games and then a black guy is in your voice chat and you hear the chirp. Unknown_00: Like, brother, get up and fix it. I don't get it. Unknown_00: I just, I can't, I can't even bro. Unknown_01: I am so autistic over sounds. Like if there's a sound. It, it, it distracts me so much that I have to go and immediately resolve whatever that noise noise is. Um, 0:27:20 Unknown_01: Like in one of my apartments, there was like a bunch of pigeons that would coo a lot and it would annoy the fuck out of me. Cause it was like, it was literally like a brick wall out in the courtyard of my apartment. And I don't know why this brick wall was completely unfixed to any structure, but the pigeons would just sit there and coo all the time. And it would, it would fucking drive me up the wall. Actually, can I find this? 0:27:53 Unknown_01: I want to show you guys my pigeons. Well, these are not my pigeons anymore, but actually I have a really, really scenic picture of this courtyard with this random brick wall with these pigeons on it. This would drive me crazy. So my, my point is like, can I empathize for even a nanosecond? Is that how you can just fucking sit there and allow noises to, to intrude on your peace, your quiet, your serenity could not be me. 0:28:27 Unknown_11: I found my pictures. Unknown_11: Scrolling through my picture. I do actually see a couple pictures. Unknown_11: Oh man, I'm looking. I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to be able to find a picture of this lonely courtyard that I had set up. Unknown_01: Ooh, actually. Oh my God. Unknown_11: Ah ha I found it Sorry, I know this is riveting me rifling through my fucking Picture folder, but I'm gonna download this. 0:29:09 Unknown_01: I'm gonna show you guys some bomb-ass pictures This is an 11 megabyte file, so this is gonna take a second Unknown_11: I wanna show you the beauty of Eastern Europe. Unknown_01: Technically, it's Southern Europe. You wanna be specific, chat, which I don't. Unknown_01: If I ever have the option to be specific or to be direct in how I want to be, I will choose this. Unknown_11: Okay, here, look. Unknown_11: All right. 0:29:47 Unknown_11: This is a courtyard. Unknown_01: To the left, there's a brick wall that connects that weird red building to, like, a commie block type building. And on that wall, pigeons would sit there and then go... all day. Unknown_01: All day. I mean, I thought they had, like, breeding seasons, but no, they actually just make that sound continuously regardless of what's happening. Unknown_01: Pigeon eyes. Unknown_01: It's not so poor. 0:30:24 Unknown_01: Here it is without the filter. Actually, I don't know if this is a different picture at different times. Is it filtered? Unknown_01: Yeah, it is filtered. Isn't that cool? Unknown_01: So nice. So pretty. You have no idea. Unknown_01: Sorry, I don't have a picture of the actual pigeons. I know that's what people want. I know that people want me to show them the actual pigeons, but that's what you get. All right, so that's my detour about noises. Unknown_01: Pittsburgh, absolutely not. 0:30:56 Unknown_01: As far away as possible from that. Reddit. Reddit is the next thing I want to talk about. Reddit is becoming an IPO. What is an IPO? It's an initial public offering for a publicly traded stock, which means that Reddit, the company will become Reddit, the publicly traded company. Unknown_01: And you know how I feel about publicly traded companies. Unknown_01: Sorry rumble so the way that this works is that companies become public because It's an easy way to increase the value of your company or to increase your working capital you own 100% of your company you go through the bullshit with the SEC to become a publicly traded company and then you sell a portion of your company and 0:31:41 Unknown_01: Like let's say you sell 5% of it. So that's 5% of all of Reddit. People buy it and then you make money and then you can use that money to grow your company. Unknown_01: And then if it goes well and your stock goes up, well, you can sell another cut of your company and make more money. And you can just keep doing that and to try and further, because if you have money, you can spend that money to make money. So that's what they're trying to do. Reddit's problem is that it's not very profitable. It relies on advertisements and Reddit gold. And the issue that Reddit has 0:32:15 Unknown_01: is that it's basically just a porn site. I want to say that the majority, like literally, if you look at, I would have to dig through their filings, but I want to say that literally the majority of all traffic on Reddit is porn, which is why, and they've had like serious like scandals where Unknown_01: Or publicity scandals where like people found out that there's like massive rape related subreddits for just sharing like non-consensual pornography on the platform Which scares away advertisers which are their main major source of income so it's like it's basically a porn site disguised as a regular community And the other issue that they have is that everybody hates them 0:33:09 Unknown_01: That's that's important because they make so much of their money from reddit gold well who the fuck is gonna like a very few I think very I would love to see the statistics of what percentage of their active users Actually pay for reddit gold because they can't really offer any kind of perks that would relate to the functionality of the website because Unknown_01: You know, the entire reason why Reddit is popular is because you search anything and what you get is Reddit posts, you know, that answer the question. So if you start making posts harder to read, then you lose the entire reason why your site's popular to begin with. Unknown_01: But the problem is that people hate Reddit. Reddit is a shit site managed by people that are complete shit and the people that use it hate the site. They hate the people that run it. So the issue then is that who the fuck wants to support a website that you actively want to destroy because it ruined everything? 0:34:00 Unknown_01: Um, so they're going to have issues. And when, when you're an IPO, you have to release quarterlies explaining your profits. And if you're saying, well, we're spending this much on hosting and, um, we're not, we're not making enough money. Well, then people sell your company and then your company is worth less. And then you don't have any money to work with to grow anyways. And you have, you have issues. So they're trying to, here, here's my thought. Um, cause they've been trying to go public for a while. And I think the reason why, um, is that they, they basically want to exit scam. They know that red is probably at its peak and then something is going to come along and destroy it soon. So they're thinking we should probably get out while the getting is good. 0:34:39 Unknown_01: And you can easily do that by making your company public and then selling what you have to the market slowly over time. That's a legitimate way of selling your business without selling your business up front. Unknown_01: It's below its peak. I can believe that. They can see that it's coming, and they want to get rid of it. And I can't blame them, because it's a shit site, and everyone hates them. 0:35:12 Unknown_01: You can't really blame them. Unknown_01: So what they're doing, and I think Unknown_01: They asked their moderators to buy the stock. Unknown_01: You might be thinking, but Josh, don't their moderators make no money from what they do? That is correct. The moderators on Reddit do it for free and yet Reddit asked them to buy their IPO. they've literally sent them an email or like a Reddit mail or whatever saying, Hey, you're a moderator. We're going public. This is how it's going to affect you in your, your community. By the way, you should buy some stock because it's a publicly traded company. So in theory, if you own a part of Reddit, you're not, it's think of it like this. Think of it like this, uh, working class, working man and or working woman. and or working non-binary person of indiscriminate gender or identity think of it like this you will become part of a collective we will be a cooperative corporation that you own a piece of and therefore control so you should spend your money to increase our IPO that's uh that's their pitch 0:36:33 Unknown_01: I think that the reason why they're doing this, besides obviously to get these retards to spend their money on their bullshit company that sucks ass, is that they saw the Wall Street silver stuff and they saw the Unknown_01: The, uh, what was the other one? Oh, the, the, the squeeze, the game stop squeeze. And they thought, oh my God. So we have this huge community of people that are willing to do retarded things with their money because it's funny. Unknown_01: Maybe, maybe we can convince them to buy our company. Cause it's like, think of it. You guys love doge coins. You love GameStop stocks. You love silver. Surely you'd like to own Reddit owning a money sign. Reddit stock is like owning a meme directly. You should be all for it. And they really think that people are going to buy that shit. 0:37:17 Unknown_01: I think that everyone I think that the our Wall Street people and the our Wall Street silver people Have been planning to short this stock Since the announcement of the IPO came out like two years ago They've been working for like two years to get this done and it's finally happening and the entire time The people that they should be trying to sell their company to have been planning to short their company out of the gate so 0:37:57 Unknown_01: So, um, I don't know. I really can't wait to see what happens. I bet it'll be really funny Cool excellent, I don't know people are saying don't short it though because There's gonna be so much black rock money and shit pouring into this, but I don't know if there will be Unknown_01: I feel like the government is running out of fake money to play with. Um, all the gay shit, the DEI stuff that used to be really popular during COVID just dried up really quickly. I think they're running out of cash, but we'll see. 0:38:33 Unknown_01: Shorting is a fool's game, sir Have you heard the wise words of a man who's been there done that and walked away? Unknown_01: Walked away better off. Let me find them real quick The you say you say don't shorting is a fool's game it's gambling. Well, I'll show you The truth the light Unknown_04: Gamble idiots. You understand? If you watch the entire context of all my gambling over 15 months, you'll see it as 99.8% big wins. You understand? Look at big wins out of context. Do you understand that? You will win. Casinos literally tell you straight up. They give you the odds. And you don't have to be a mathematical genius to plug those odds in. They literally say, you will win over a period of time. You understand? Casinos are not profitable for a reason. Get it twisted. It is no way to get rich quick. It is no way to get yourself out of any fucking low parts of your life. It will put you in a fucking rich part of life. I didn't come in and just spend $1,000 and- and- and win 7 mil, right? I spent like 4 mil. To get back 7 mil, it is no way to make money, you stupid mother- 0:39:14 Unknown_01: I am such a fan of this clip. I think someone showed it to me. They paid a super chat for me to watch it. And I love it. I love there's so many like little mimetic quips to this. Um, I gamble idiots is obviously the top tier meme. Cause it's just like, you can throw that out there anytime. However, I also really enjoy get it twisted because you can, you hear often don't get it twisted, but no, there's no really, there's not really a, 0:39:46 Unknown_01: Opposite of that you don't ever say yeah, I I got it twisted or whatever. I Enjoy this. I enjoy this immensely is what I'm trying to say It's so true it is, you know 99.8% of gamblers give up before they make it big I 0:40:18 Unknown_01: Alright, I covered this a couple months ago. This is the dikey British woman who got called the lesbian nana or whatever and immediately demanded that the other jannies of England rally to her and arrest this poor autistic sped girl. for offending her dignity. Well, she was cleared of any wrongdoing or misconduct. However, she was asked or rather court mandated to apologize. 0:41:01 Unknown_01: So yes, the the spur girl was arrested for no reason. No, there wasn't any charges. No, she probably shouldn't have been arrested. Yeah, it was probably a big fuck up. Yeah, it was a PR nightmare. But well, whatever. You know, we don't want to say we don't want to hurt her feelings. We don't want to hurt any of our police officers feelings and make them feel bad because then they might quit and then they won't enforce our draconian laws. So let's just, uh, say, okay, how about you? Apologize, please. How about you make things right? Please. Unknown_01: Can a court mandate that you apologize? Is that a thing in the US? I don't think that, I think that that's a form of compelled speech. I don't think that the government can say when you lose like a lawsuit, okay, now you have to go out and say this. You know what I mean? I'm pretty sure that's illegal. 0:41:37 Unknown_01: I'm going to ask harden. I want to send a message real quick. Can a us court order you to apologize? I feel like that is compelled speech. 0:42:11 Unknown_01: Uh, we will see. No, you're saying that they can, um, they can probably offer that you apologize, like as part of a plea deal, but they can't force you to like, it has to be an either worth thing. Like we'll, we'll, we'll drop like a month off your prison sentence if you apologize or whatever, but they can't force you. Unknown_01: We will see if I can answer to this. I'll let you know. Unknown_01: Okay, so this is a very long article. It's by a publication I've never heard of called Reality's Last Stand. I did read through it. It's very fascinating. So what happened is the woman that you're looking at is a mother. She has a daughter. Her daughter is 17, and her daughter has cut off all contact with her because she refuses to accept her new gender identity as a man. 0:42:43 Unknown_01: Um, the daughter went behind her back, uh, kissed up to, uh, her now ex-husband. Her ex-husband encouraged the transition, started using he, him pronouns. And basically this little girl has gotten her tits cut off. Um, I think was in, was on testosterone. It was basically, she was, she was chewed up by the system. 0:43:16 Unknown_01: Um, and because she did not conform to the identity, she was removed from her daughter's life. Unknown_01: And so her mother decided, um, let's see how broken the system is. So after a routine OBGYN, um, visit, she asked her OBGYN, uh, I'm feeling gender nonconforming, or I have some, she opened up the very plain. I have some, I'm not sure if my gender identity is correct. 0:43:54 Unknown_01: And she says that every step of the way, the medical professionals that she spoke to seemed giddy and enthusiastic, um, with unbridled support the entire step of the way. Unknown_01: And she mentioned how she was told while dealing with her daughter that the medical system is safe and effective and how there are checks and balances, how nobody's just rushed through these things, you know, willy nilly. They take it very seriously and their psychological exams and you know, it's all very by the numbers. However, she, when she went through the system, she was repeatedly told by doctors, um, that, they would not gatekeep her from her decisions. So at no point would they ever question her at all. Like they even apologized for the, the psych about said explicitly, we're sorry that this seems very gatekeepy. We're not really going to challenge you on what you believe about yourself. And she was able to get queued up for a mastectomy and was able to get her insurance to pay it. 0:44:32 Unknown_01: So for $100, they would remove both of her breasts. And she was able to get this done in no time at all. She backed out of the surgery at the last second. So they confirmed that they canceled it. 0:45:08 Unknown_01: But then she decided in her email, she said, hey, sorry, I got cold feet on the top surgery. But that's because what I really want is a phalloplasty. I want a fake penis. Unknown_01: And they said, oh, sure. Unknown_01: And they got her scheduled to have they even gave her like a little like an engineer's triangle. I'll show you this. It's in the article. Unknown_01: Here. 0:45:42 Unknown_01: This they gave her like a little engineering triangle to make her this is for the breast This is for flatness nipple sensation and scarring you have to like pick your poison. Do you want it to be extra flat? Do you want your nipples to have any sensitivity or do you want to reduce scarring? So you have to like pick which which perk you want you like you're trying to like it's I mean This is like a video game. Everyone says that transhumanism is like a video game. Well, here you go you have to You get your engineering triangle, like Mage, Archer, Knight, and RuneScape. You have to pick which one you want to go with. But then you can deck that out, you can bedazzle it however you want. And then they gave her this one. So this is the decision-making considerations for lower surgery. They never refer to this as a vagina. 0:46:23 Unknown_01: A vagina, um, penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty, which is what the actual name is because penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty sounds horrific and is a word that is etched into my memory. I can't remember my birthday or my age most days, but I can recall penile scrotal flap vaginoplasty off the top of my head like it's nothing. Unknown_01: So, when they're giving you your bottom surgery, in quotes, or lower surgery, or penis-scrotal-flat-vaginoplasty surgery, not in quotes, literally what it is, you can choose what your perks are. Oh, you're right. Penis-scrotal-flat-vaginoplasty is. for male to females it's just a fun word this is just a phalloplasty this is just a um this is the other way around this is the part where they take the the meat they take your meat and they stitch it together and for fun they put a little tube in it and then you you can take your hand and go 0:47:02 Unknown_01: and pump that thing up so it can look like an erection. And then they even have like one of those dragon dildo things where you can put like fake cum in it and then shoot fake cum out of your fake penis. 0:47:40 Unknown_01: After you pump it up like a little balloon. Unknown_01: So when they decide to do this, complication rate 100%. Unknown_01: Save an effective phalloplasty, please. Don't get it twisted. Get it twisted, idiots. Gamble, idiots. Unknown_01: Okay, let's listen to some considerations for phalloplasty. Appearance. Do you want it to be thick, boy? Do you want it to be a long boy? 0:48:14 Unknown_01: How do you consider about your donor site scar? Because you got to remember, when you're taking a big chunk of your schmeet, you're like a little girl and you're trying to make a big dongus out of something. It's going to leave a scar, right? You're going to have this big, like, ditch in your thigh. Unknown_01: So keep in mind you can get a bigger. That's a real Sophie's choice Do you want a bigger penis or do you want to have a gigantic? gash carved into your thigh Because remember the more Schmitt you take the less Schmitt's gonna be left there Unknown_01: Circumstance Complications or risk I love how the biggest one is the complications and risk circle I would love it if the diagram had to like compensate for the size of the complications and risk one So it's just like the it's just like the bigger circle. It's like It's it's like in guy talk. It's like how one one ball is bigger than the other right? It's like this ball is just a little bit bigger than the rest 0:49:03 Unknown_01: Functions do you want to stand to pee do you want to have a little pump so you can shoot? Unknown_01: So you can stand up and like like shoot a syringe into your taint and then ejaculate that way so you can simulate sex eggs Fertility do you actually do you want any ovaries left or are we gonna just like get rid of all that shit? We're gonna throw that into the biomass recycler 0:49:37 Unknown_01: Complications and risks. And this is the largest ball of this. Uh, this person opted for three testicles. That's how there's three circles. Uh, urethral lengthening. So keep in mind, I guess if you want to stand to pee, I guess you can, I guess, cause this is all fake bullshit and your shmeet can go any which way. We can keep your female urethra as it is, and you can just lift your dongus shmeet up and you can like pee sitting down. But if you want to stand in pee, we'll have to lengthen your urethral. Now, all the medical documents that we have regarding fucking with someone's urethra comes from Dr. Mengele, but he was German and you know, German doctors are very good. 0:50:11 Unknown_01: So keep in mind you might get infections. It might go up your urethra. It might enter into your kidneys and then propagate throughout your entire body and kill you. That's a complication that happens with urethral lengthening. It might get a narrow urethra. You know how that goes. Unknown_01: Graft or fallow? Flap or fallow? I wish I knew what the difference was. That's a great. Being AI, I'm going to need you right here. 0:50:49 Unknown_01: Being AI, Unknown_01: Let's see. Unknown_01: In plastic surgery, what is the difference between a graft and a flap? Question mark. Unknown_01: Let's see what Bing has to say. Unknown_01: The difference between a graft and a flap lies in the blood supply. A graft is composed of the same tissue type such as skin, fat, tendon, bone, or nerve. It lacks its own blood supply and relies on the vascularized bed at the recipient site. Commonly used for extensive skin damage like burns, large skin excisions, or poorly healing ulcerating lesions. There are two types of skin grafts. Split skin thickness skin graft contains only the epidermis or the full thickness skin graft. Now if I'm trying to get a phalloplasty, I want that full thickness skin graft. Includes the entire dermis including hair follicles. might want to laser that because I don't want to know. Yeah. I do want the full thickness, but I don't want the hair. I don't want a hairy Sasquatch penis. Okay. That doesn't sound good. That doesn't sound good to me. 0:52:03 Unknown_01: Then we have, OK, let's compare. We're doing a diagram here. What's what's the flap? What's the fallow flap? Bing says a flap is a type of auto transplantation of tissue. Unlike a graft, a flap retains its original blood supply during transfer. That's good. Larger amounts of tissue can be used, including muscle, if needed. Flaps are suitable for more complex reconstructions, but they require a good vascular bed for survival. In summary, while both grafts and flaps can consist of the same tissue types, the key distinction lies in their blood supply. Grafts lack it, whereas flaps have their own vascular support. 0:52:36 Unknown_01: So I assume that the consideration there is that if you're going to take the flap, you're going to remove your own blood supply from your thigh. That's going to be a huge, like, if you want to do a graft. Unknown_01: you'll have a less convincing and possibly a hairy phallus. But if you go for the flap, you're going to be ripping out your own vascular system and transplanting that. And then if that's fucked, then you're just fucked. You're losing a part of your body that you can't regrow. 0:53:10 Unknown_01: uh implants so do you want do you want the pump if you want the pump you gotta let us know before we do this we can't add the pump in later that's all that's fucked up we gotta get that we gotta pre-order the pump the pump comes we don't keep the pump in stock we gotta pre-order it from badger Unknown_01: And Unresolved dysphoria, so keep in mind. I'm glad they are up front with us keep in mind. We might remove a chunk of your thigh Put it in put the pump in from the bad dragon take the bad dragon fake semen syringe and put the little input hole on your taint 0:53:45 Unknown_01: and you still might be unhappy. We might go through all of this, we might charge your insurance half a million dollars for this, and you might still hate it. Unknown_01: And you might kill yourself. Just letting you know. Thanks, Doc. I think this is worse than Mengele. Mengele did some fucked up shit, but this is pretty bad. Unknown_01: Is this less or more ethical than a non-consensual vivisection? 0:54:36 Unknown_01: Um, a less or more ethical thing than convincing someone they want someone to shake. Can we do a vote? Okay. Hold on. Unknown_01: Uh, Paul is a fellow plus D voluntary file, plus C more or less ethical than non-consensual vivisections. Unknown_12: Okay. Unknown_01: This is a very controversial, this is probably the most dumb ass thing I've ever typed. Unknown_01: Um, more ethical or less ethical vote one. If you believe that a voluntary phalloplasty is more ethical than non-consensual vivisection vote two, if you think that voluntary phalloplasty is less ethical than non-consensual vivisections. 0:55:14 Unknown_01: Will people even be able to interpret the complex vernacular that I have employed with this poll to vote in it? We will see. Live a section that at least serves a purpose. That's what I'm thinking. There's at least some medical science. You know, there's a lot of medical shit that we learn because of Mengele and because of the Nazi experiments. Those are some of the things that we paper clipped in and we don't talk about. Unknown_01: Same with Japan, actually, because they did a, you know, as bad as Mengele was the Japanese on average, like the average Japanese doctor. Okay. This is like a mean template, like the worst, the worst Nazi scientist, doctor, and then you have Mengele and then you have like most ethical Japanese doctor. And it's, it's just like the, like a Japanese Chad with like the, the, the screeching emo music on top of it. 0:56:03 Unknown_01: Megalov would fucking flinch if he saw what the Japanese did All right, we have close to 100 votes in 30% of people say that a voluntary phalloplasty is more ethical but 70% of people said that is less ethical we may need a 0:56:51 Unknown_01: Can I do in pull on a different chat? Let's see. Unknown_01: It does less ethical. Okay, great. Unknown_01: Excellent poll. Unknown_01: Um, but if you want to read it, it's on a reality last realities last standards by death born. It's very interesting. Um, she was able to get queued up for this. All the emails are there. Everything's there. If you want to see how easy it is for someone in unquestioning, it is for someone to get queued up for this shit. Oh, here you fucking go. Um, will it change any minds? No, because nobody's mind ever changes. 0:57:26 Unknown_01: And finally a P break video, courtesy of slatsism on Twitter or Zeta rather. Unknown_14: And all your time waiting for that second chance For a break that would make it okay There's always some reason to feel not good enough And it's hard at the end Unknown_14: I need some distraction Oh, beautiful release Memories seep from my veins Let me be empty Oh, I'll wait less than maybe I'll find some peace tonight In the arms of the 0:58:36 Unknown_14: From this dark, cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie Unknown_01: Hello. Oh fuck. Sorry. I forgot. I forgot that dude. That's the one thing I have to fix on this thing is that the, um, if I minimize the browser, it like stops working. That's such a pain in the ass. I'll scroll through it really quickly so everyone can see. Unknown_01: Yes, you absolutely can be fat and fit. What's it like to be an asexual sex worker? Why can't my famous gender nonconforming friends get laid? And it's these lovely people. I love the Paget one. Dude, that just proves it doesn't matter who you are. Even Paget gets fucking paws going to the US. 0:59:30 Unknown_01: Sex tourism isn't just for straight white guys anymore. Unknown_01: US customs wants Indians to stop carrying cow dung in their life. How to have sex with a fat girl. Can't touch, and I cannot stress this enough, the FUPA. Unknown_01: You know, what's funny is that you could easily just rewrite shit like this with AI these days if I asked being bought to write me a journalistic article about How my irritable bowel syndrome affects my sex life? He could probably do it being AI is a Chad Hmm See I asked her didn't he got back 1:00:08 Unknown_01: He says, that is correct. The court cannot make such an order in the U S the court cannot ask you or tell you rather to apologize. It is simply compelled speech. It's unconstitutional. Unknown_01: Um, cool. Unknown_01: From Redux, a trans identified man boasts of breastfeeding an infant with professional support. The catch is he is HIV positive. Unknown_01: So this is his post about breastfeeding and when I say breastfeeding, I mean that he has he's on that chemical content Cocktail of like progesterone and all this other shit that enables him to lack lactate pus 1:00:57 Unknown_01: He's also HIV positive, which means that there will be HIV inside the breast milk, quote unquote breast milk. He says this on translator. There's him with the baby he bought at the gold, the famous gold farm breastfeeding clinic, uh, who is responsible for all those horrific articles and journalistic articles about, um, male breast milk. Unknown_01: He says, hey fifters, cheers. And a lot of people, I received multiple comments that I did the gay voice too much in the last episode. And it was like, apparently my gay voice is like so good that it like incites anger and violent frustration. So I'm going to not read the entire thing in gay voice because I don't want to be killed. 1:01:38 Unknown_01: It says, turns out that one of the indisputable benefits of being trans femme is that you can be pregnant and get drunk with no undue problems. Malt is a spectacular for, for lactation. So for trans femme moms, a beer is actual beneficial. I have a baby almost nine years old, nine months old. This baby is staggeringly meaningful because their presence there. So he's using. Unknown_01: He's using gender neutral pronouns with the baby because he doesn't want to impose a birth identity gender on it. 1:02:24 Unknown_01: Their presence in my life is astoundingly unlikely yet they are and they are perfect and I cannot wait to connect through feeding. And yes, I will stop drinking before it negatively affects anything they drink. This is a wish this, you know, nine months old is about when you fucking stop breastfeeding a baby. It's not when you start. So this guy's been going through the motions for so long that he's going to force this child to start drinking from the breast around the time that he should be weaning off of it. That's how. Wow. Um. 1:03:02 Unknown_01: This wish is, this is a wish I have had for decades. He's had it for decades. This is his fetish. He's had it for decades. So it doesn't matter what the child is like development wise. He's going to force it. Unknown_01: My egg cracked a year ago on December 12th and I realized I could nurse my baby already on the way. That led a fire under me. So I've gone from lean pectoral muscle in March to full B cups now and growing fast. I am humbled by my staggering privilege and my accessibility in medical expertise. I have five physicians and three clinics and two world-class hospitals helping me. This includes the Goldwater Clinic, Fans of Induced Lactation will recognize the name. Fans, my fans, are you all not fans of Induced Lactation? Because I think you all recognize the name. 1:03:39 Unknown_01: December 7th is Milk Day. I declare its infamy redeemed. We should remember milk, not blood. That's like a fucking movie quote reference. He couldn't go through this one post without like a pop culture reference to a fucking... It's not M. Night Shyamalan. Who's the guy that did the shitty action films? That's what he's referencing though, Independence Day. 1:04:14 Unknown_01: Shots in order me tonight December 3rd going to my dear friend's birthday party me with my prize mother's milk tea at the Montreal autumn show dance my baby at the Goldfarb clinic Living the dream of e2 ice cream and here he is eating his ice. This is a goal. This is a grown man Trying to cosplay as like a League of Legends character This guy is like 53 years old and he's eating his estrogen pills with ice. Dude. This is 1:04:46 Unknown_01: Anything that I want to say about this man and this face and him eating ice cream is illegal anything that I want I want Everybody sync up your racist and trans phobic brains. We're going to exchange literal criminal thoughts right now I am projecting them into you. You know what they are. You know what I'm saying? You know why it's illegal you agree with me. We're all nodding our heads right now and in an agreement Okay, great Cool excellent Unknown_11: Anyways, he's HIV positive. Cool. Thanks, Canada. Unknown_01: Thanks, Goldfarb Clinic. 1:05:28 Unknown_01: And finally, this one is extra. This one, I don't know. I'll let you decide if this is funny or not. This guy right here has, is a simp. I don't, I don't know. I don't know my, um, my terminology. You guys let me know if he's a Sempernat. He is obsessed. He's a member of a band. He has a bandmate. His bandmate has a girlfriend or a partner, according to the band, because it's like a progressive. It's in Tennessee, but it's like a faggot band. Unknown_01: And he's obsessed with his bandmate's girlfriend, and he wants to steal his bandmate's girlfriend. So his diabolical plan 1:06:06 Unknown_01: is to spike his bandmates creatine with estrogen, because he believes based on the medical science that by doing so his bandmate will become a woman. And then once he's a woman, because nobody likes trans men, his girlfriend will break up with him. Unknown_01: Then he can ask his bandmates girlfriend out on a date and steal her from From her from his bandmate, so that's his actual plan He actually did put chemicals in this guy's creatine to try and make him more feminine And then they found out because he got pissed drunk and admitted to everything in text message like in writing so that he can't backtrack Out of it. It's not hearsay. He actually sent these messages, and they're recorded now 1:06:50 Unknown_01: So this is what he's not going to jail because his bandmate is not pressing charges Because it's a it's like a shitty faggot band. So he's like you've got the bad mental health. We're gonna part ways We're gonna part ways, but I know that he's just in a heckin bad headspace right now So I'm not gonna and all I'll Cobb a cab a cab. I'll cop their bastard I don't want to involve the police at all Unknown_01: So he he basically got estrogen poisoned and then apparently spent tens of thousands of dollars Trying to get lab work done to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him because he was sick And then they I guess they figured they actually no they didn't figure out what it was they um They had to wait until he confessed to doing this before they found out so It'll I 1:07:46 Unknown_01: So is he a simp? Is this simp behavior? I don't know where this falls. Is this Chad? Is this cringe? Is this simped? Is this beset? No, this is insane. Okay. Unknown_01: But what I really enjoy is that it that I think that his implied because he is like a woke sir, right? Unknown_01: it's um his entire plan hinged on like this on like the estrogen actually turning him into a woman and 1:08:20 Unknown_01: And not just making him sick. Like he didn't, he didn't, he actually thought that would happen. And then like, he would just wake up when they go, Oh my God, I feel like a woman. I'm a real woman. And then he would just like, they would break up. Cause she's not a lesbian. Then she could get with him. That was like his entire plan. Like, this is what happens when mentally ill people believe retarded bullshit. That's actually that everyone knows is fucking fake and gay that the government just keeps lying about. Unknown_01: Anyway, I don't know. I thought that was one of the craziest stories. It's really bizarre and he gets away with it because the other guy's a faggot. All right. I know you guys are sick of shrooms, so we go to keffels now. 1:08:52 Unknown_01: Taylor Lorenz and Chaya Rechik, Jehovah's Strongest Soldier, met face-to-face in a public place to discuss various things. I didn't watch the interview because I'm not interested in hearing what Chaya Rechik has to say. However, there is one funny thing that I will play. Unknown_01: Let's listen to it. Unknown_02: I have seen sex educators say that they want these books in schools. So then you're okay with it? I think I would want to talk to the sex educator and rely on whatever the sex educators say. 1:09:28 Unknown_16: I'm wondering why you feel like you're qualified to be a sex educator when you have no background in that. Unknown_02: I don't want to be a sex educator. I just don't want to give kids porn in school. I totally understand. Unknown_01: Okay, so let's go over that exchange. First of all, Taylor Lorenz is completely incapable of having independent thought. Uh, like chai or red shirt or, uh, Taylor or ends can be told you're going to be gang raped. Now, how do you feel about this? And she'll go, no, I have to consult a gang rape expert. Is this a, is this appropriate for me to feel bad about, or should I be happy that I get to experience a life changing event with so many people at once? I really, I really just can't make a conclusion. I can't come to a conclusion on this until I talked to the gang, the gang bang doctor. 1:10:02 Unknown_01: Like you Okay, so appeal to the authority to the point where it's not just appeal to authority It's like I have a microchip in my brain that that shocks me if I think that if I come up with Independent thoughts that are not approved by the government. That's where we're at with her Tyra I check just s do you want porn in school and tell Lorenz? who I guess has like a little bit of humanity left in her says I No, I don't. So let's just listen to that one more time and then I'll play it with Kefl's reaction. 1:10:44 Unknown_02: what do you mean, taylor, you totally understand? why are you agreeing? taylor, come on! taylor! 1:11:22 Unknown_01: I have never heard Keffels has a voice that's incapable of emotion. Um, I think you could punch Keffels in the face and he would still be like, Oh my God, I have been assaulted. This is a crime. I have been the victim of a crime. Please give me money on my go fund me. But Taylor Lorenz and chiropractic as natal women independently come to the conclusion and agree that pornography Unknown_01: delivered by this government into the hands of children is a bad thing. And Keffel's, his voice cracks. He is on the verge of tears. 1:11:57 Unknown_17: Taylor, you totally understand. Why are you agreeing? Taylor, come on! Taylor! Unknown_01: Listen to Keffel's cry. Unknown_17: Taylor! Unknown_01: Taylor! Taylor! Why won't you, why won't you defend giving state-sponsored pornography to children? Taylor! Unknown_01: So sad. Sucks to be a Keffels, I suppose. Unknown_01: Next, speaking of retarded streamers, Hasan Piker, who is the nephew, I've been corrected as many times, the nephew of Cenk Yogurt has said that his job as a streamer is harder than an actual labor job. 1:12:41 Unknown_05: Yes, a real job can be gruesome. A real job can make you very tired, but a real job doesn't suck the soul out of you. You know what I mean? In the same way that nine hours of streaming absolutely will. Unknown_11: So. Unknown_11: You see that, that set that silence. Unknown_00: So that's him. Unknown_00: Does this does this fucking Turk chew gum into the microphone while streaming? He's chewing gum. 1:13:20 Unknown_00: He's chewing gum into the microphone and people voluntarily listen to this. The only fucking way you could get me to choose to sit down and listen to a fucking turk roach chew gum into the microphone is if the alternative is having my fingernails ripped out. Unknown_01: What the fuck? This guy does not give a shit about his audience. Not a single fuck about his audience. 1:13:52 Unknown_01: Chewing makes you look cool. Yeah, I love this fucking cow this fucking turk roach Hamburger ready to be slaughtered and turned into processed meat just chewing his cud Yeah, man, I ain't got no soul anymore cuz I have to stream on Twitch Okay, you ain't had no soul to lose They don't they don't give souls south of Constantinople those things aren't those things are simply not delivered down there Unknown_01: Anyways, that silence is great, because that's him reading his responses and thinking, oh fuck, I'm going to have to backtrack this immediately. 1:14:36 Unknown_01: People make fun of it as they do. Unknown_01: Let's read this. Juju, not to be confused with Juju the cow, a man who gets fucked in the ass, says, imagine being so out of touch with reality that you think talking at your computer is harder than a real job. Unknown_01: Hassan replies saying these people farm the stupid people on Twitter for $3 and Twitter ad rev with clips like this. Of course, I don't think Twitch streaming is harder than a real job. You dumb fuck. It is however, better than whatever the fuck y'all are trying to do with this increasingly more dog shit website. 1:15:09 Unknown_01: I got 12,000 likes. Is he really that popular? I mean, how many Hassan a B or Hassan? That's such a cringe name. Unknown_01: Because he thinks he's like a Mongolian conqueror or something. 1.4 million followers. 1.4 million followers listening to a soulless, turk roach hamburger chewing into the microphone. Unknown_00: What the fuck? I can't believe that. 1:15:42 Unknown_01: Juju actually replies and says your dad is a multi-millionaire and you believe in socialism you live in a five million dollar mansion own supercars while preaching capitalism is bad everything about you is hypocritical and your whole fan base is mindless Americans that can't think for themselves and Then he complains because everyone's making fun of him says Twitter is absolutely is just straight-up fortune now so many people's brains are cooked one day We will study its impact on generation of school shooters who grew up here on reddit, but it'll be too late yeah, as opposed to the fucking generation of like serial killers that are cutting their dicks and tits off right now and Unknown_01: I think that what he's probably going for, and this is something I've talked about a couple times, and I have a vague notion of what he's trying to say. I'm not defending him because it is definitely harder to work like a real job than it is to stream. Unknown_01: I think what he's trying to express is that when you put yourself out there and you have to deal with all these people who hate you just because you're like a public figure and obviously if you say anything on the internet people are gonna hate you for it doesn't matter what it is That's like that's like the downside like that's a major reason why a lot of people don't want to be like streamers is because anything you make public like that is going to Be a pain in the ass to deal with when you have to deal like the general public there are people There's like a couple dozen people out there who literally just sit around and try to think of ways to like ruin my life. 1:17:02 Unknown_01: Like they just like, that's what they do for fun. They just sit there and they thank God. I hate this Josh guy and I hate everybody who likes Josh and I hate everybody who helps Josh. How do we ruin these people? Um, because I don't like Josh and that's it. That's their, that's like their, their fun as they sit around and think about that. And that is a bit like draining, but it's not soul crushing. Like what a burger is soul crushing. Unknown_01: It's a, it's a, it's definitely more of a creative prospect than a, than what a burger. 1:17:39 Unknown_01: I'm fine with him hating me. Yeah. I mean, you make peace with it. Unknown_01: I remember, um, when I first started hosting the forum, I was really afraid of being doxxed because I had never in my life had to deal with people like taking my pictures and like Photoshopping them. And I was really, I was really unsure of how that would affect me. Cause I just couldn't imagine it. Like all the edits of people that, that people made of like Chris Chan and Mole Man 9000, who was popular at the time. And I was thinking like, could I like deal with that? And then when it happened and people did it, I didn't care at all. And I was really surprised by that. 1:18:13 Unknown_01: I really thought that it would bother me more than it did. I don't know why. I guess I'm just emotionally detached from everything. It doesn't, it's just like, I was really surprised by how, how, I think that the fear of certain things related to relating to being docs is worse than dealing with it by itself. You know what I mean? Like, like, Unknown_01: When you're anonymous, you don't have to deal with bullshit and you're afraid that when you do, it'll be like an insurmountable thing. And I guess depending on your reaction, your viewpoint, it could be, but, um, yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't so bad, but I imagine that with Hassan, like he's got 1.4 million people that follow him. You know, he's got like tens of thousands of people who watch them. So anytime he says anything, it's going to be torn to shreds. And if he says one dumb thing, Like it goes really viral and you have thousands of people making fun of him, like hundreds of thousands of people laughing at him for being a retard. I imagine that is a bit difficult. 1:18:53 Unknown_01: Hasan Piker. Oh yeah, then you have to worry about Sam Hyde coming to your house in real life and killing you. That's scary. I guarantee you Hasan has like full security details. He pays out of pocket for private security. 1:19:25 Unknown_01: Literally at any time, Sam Hyde could pop out of the bush and start screaming at him in an Irish accent on camera and he would look like a bitch. So he's got, he's got to have some big beefy dudes from LA walking around them all the time. No, in real life. Uh, cool. Excellent. Thanks. This on next. Unknown_01: What is this blinding white document? Can I make this dark? Cause it is hurting my eyes. 1:20:01 Unknown_11: No, no, I cannot make this start. Unknown_01: Actually. Unknown_01: Let's do this filters. Unknown_11: Luma key. Unknown_01: What the fuck is that? I don't want to tell that might crash my thing. Color correction. Can I invert this? Unknown_01: You shift? Unknown_11: Nope. That's not working. Unknown_11: Nope. 1:20:34 Unknown_11: There has got to be a way. Unknown_11: To invert this. Unknown_11: No, I'm really bothered by it. Unknown_01: What if, what if, can I make it transparent filters? No, that's surely there's a way to invert color key contrast. Unknown_11: You can make the opacity lower. That works kind of. Unknown_01: No, it doesn't. 1:21:06 Unknown_11: It really doesn't work chat. Unknown_11: brightness. Unknown_11: Oh, yeah, there we go. Does that work? Unknown_11: You know what? Unknown_11: That works. Unknown_01: That's better chat. We're gonna leave it like that. Okay, so yeah, there are extension whatever I can figure it out. Anyways, I'll just leave it like this. I'll make you suffer. Unknown_01: So plaintiff, 1:21:37 Unknown_01: Thick with 3 C's Boy Productions Inc. vs. Kyle Swindeles aka Uniqueness Defendant. Unknown_01: I do not know who this guy is. Thick Boy Productions. He has a name actually. Let me find this real quick before I look like a fool. Brendan Schwab. Mr. Schwab was a, is a podcaster. Apparently he's like a really, really famous podcaster. He's friends with Joe Rogan. He was in, um, combat sports or something, did podcasts about that. Unknown_01: And he has because he is a, uh, he's an awful standup comedian too. Apparently he's a mixed martial artist. He does a lot of stuff. He's a, he's a man of a jack of all trades. Uh, this is a copyright dispute that he lost. 1:22:15 Unknown_01: Um, what had happened is, is that he has a mentally handicapped fan boy. Um, and I'll play actually, you know what? Unknown_01: Schwab. Let me go through and I'm going to play just a, an audio recording of him. Well, I want you to have an idea of what this guy sounds like. Unknown_01: There's a video. Oh, here it is. And that's on the previous page. 1:22:47 Unknown_11: Sorry, I didn't want to play this. Unknown_01: I didn't queue this up because it's like a long form video of this guy going over, um, the lawsuit, but I need to hear his voice to understand who he is. This is unique productions. This is the defendant in this, this lawsuit. Unknown_01: He has a Goku avatar on, on YouTube. Unknown_01: So he's just some random guy with a Goku avatar that makes fun of Brennan Schwab. This is what he sounds like. 1:23:21 Unknown_08: the court concludes that Mr. Swindell's use of the copyrighted material is fair. Three of the- Actually, sorry, that's at two X. Let me play it at one X. The four statutory factors weigh in Mr. Swindell's favor. And Mr. Swindell's use of the copyrighted material serves a public benefit. See, I'm doing the public a benefit by trashing Brendan Jobs. Unknown_08: He's now officially codified in law. Unknown_01: So he's like a marshmallow, um, like anti-fan, uh, who has this really shitty microphone set up, but you know, he does it old fashioned style. He boots up his recorder. 1:24:01 Unknown_01: He sits down with a shitty microphone. He lists out, uh, you know, his review over the recent Brandon Schwab drama. Uh, he goes over footage of like him at parties where he's handing out phone numbers to women, despite being a married man. He's basically this guy's critic and, uh, Brandon Schwab got upset at this guy. Unknown_01: Thought he called it defamation even though it's a copyright lawsuit. This is a very type of guy. That's that's stalking me and you're you're Trying to involve yourself in my personal life. I won't stand for that I'm not going to allow you to make videos talking about if I'm handing out my number to other women I'm going to go after you hard and I have the money and I have the big scary lawyers to make this happen and 1:24:38 Unknown_01: So we hired a proper law firm and sent this guy a copyright complaint on YouTube. And Kyle Swindeles, or Unique, I'll just call him Unique, decided to counter and say these are fair use. Unknown_01: Because all I'm doing is I'm providing commentary over things that really aren't creative works to begin with. Unknown_01: Because for instance, a purely creative work like a movie or a book or a song, those are kind of different than commentarying on themselves. What I do where I talk over clips is a different type of copyright than something that's a purely creative work. So my clips have significantly less copyright protection than something like a book would or a movie would because it's not a it's it's it sounds like I'm self deprecating, but it's not a creative work. 1:25:30 Unknown_01: It's a commentary. It's a discussion. It's just a guy talking as opposed to something that requires sitting down and investing a considerable amount of time and maybe money to produce a completed work. It's just a guy with OBS, right? 1:26:11 Unknown_01: And ultimately that's what they found about Thick Boi Productions is that Brendon Schwab's podcast or whatever is the same as mine. He's showing clips, he's showing articles, he's talking, giving his opinions, and therefore he's entering into a public discussion. He's not creating a creative work. Unknown_01: And again, that's not like a diminutive thing where I'm saying, oh, his podcast isn't even a creative work. The judge says that he's un-creative. No, it's just that it's not a work in that. 1:26:43 Unknown_01: It's just a different kind of work. Unknown_01: And that is not in his favor in a copyright dispute. Because when Younique takes his clips and comments on his clips, well, he's just doing the same thing to him, right? So you can't really complain too much about it. Unknown_01: From what I understand, the real fuck up with this case Unknown_01: that When they took this to court because he's a pro se plaintiff. He didn't even have an LLC, right? He he was just he just went by the name uniqueness He didn't have an LLC for his videos or just I assume that if he collects money off of it it just goes to his social security number and instead of like an EID for a company and 1:27:25 Unknown_01: However, this has a very interesting side effect. Here's a fun fact about the legal system. Everyone knows that you can be a pro se plaintiff or defendant. Well, you can't be a pro se defendant or plaintiff representing your LLC, even if your LLC is a hundred percent you. Unknown_01: The way that it works is that companies have a type of personhood. So because your company is a different person than you, you can't be a pro se plaintiff representing another person, even if it's a company, right? You have to have a law degree. You have to be licensed to do that in the jurisdiction too. 1:28:00 Unknown_01: So, um, by not having a company when he was sued, um, he could represent himself. Now, ordinarily, uh, there's an expression, a, uh, a man who represents himself as a fool for a client, right? That's well known. So it would be a very bad idea to try and represent yourself, especially when you're being sued for big money for, for copyright infringement. That's no joke. That's a serious problem. Unknown_01: Enter the ghost lawyer. Now it is illegal to, um, represent somebody, um, for money. Actually, let me ask her in this too, because I'm curious. I want to be right. I'm just going to, this is going to be my, another segment. I'm just going to ask him questions. Midstream. Is it illegal for a lawyer to send filings for a pro se litigant to file without the lawyer being on the docket? 1:28:37 Unknown_01: i.e. a, like a ghost writer, ghost lawyer. We will get an answer to this. Unknown_01: I believe that it is illegal to do this. I think that if you represent somebody, you actually have to, to file that you represent, because if you don't, for instance, if you don't have jurisdiction, if you're not licensed to practice law in Rhode Island, where this is taking place in the federal district of Rhode Island, nonetheless, 1:29:12 Unknown_01: Then you can't do it. So there's a lot of questions involved in that and I'm pretty sure that that is legal to allow a pro se litigant to file your filings for you. Unknown_01: But he did, is the thing. This guy who you listen to and who doesn't really sound like a lawyer or someone who has a law degree suddenly started filing very correct filings, which is not easy to do. I may know another pro se litigant. 1:29:58 Unknown_01: who has been asked to file certain things by a certain time and has failed to do so to date and may have three days left to file. Actually, it may have less than one day left to file at this point. Unknown_01: But he started responding correctly and responding in a way that made the litigation much more complicated than it would have been with just a regular pro se litigant. So the attempt to scare him into settling failed and he refused to settle later because his lawyers started offering like $1 settlements with him and he refused. So he fought with his ghost lawyer in tow and won. The federal court of Rhode Island held that the uses We're fair that the That Brendan Schwab's Podcast did not constitute a creative work and that it was of a public interest to allow unique or Kyle Swindell is to comment on his podcast and make fun of it and poke fun of the fact that he was handing out his number at parties and stuff so he lost and 1:30:39 Unknown_01: against a pro se litigant and his ghost lawyer. Unknown_01: So I don't know. I do want to show you this clip because after he decided to file this and lose, he then went out to show the tough guy what he was by taking his truck out to the desert to do some donuts. So he's lost all that money. The videos went up. Uniqueness is now going to get a lot more followers because he went through the court and won and people are going to talk about this. Anytime a copyright, by the way, anytime a copyright case goes all the way up to a federal court and reaches a conclusion, because lawsuits are expensive. So most times when there's a copyright dispute, it will be settled before it goes to the judge and the judge reaches a determination. But anytime a copyright case is settled, it adds a little bit more to case law for copyright. And because copyright is such a huge part of society, 1:31:57 Unknown_01: Anytime you win something like this. It's a good thing anytime a litigant prevails on fair use that is a great thing especially it's a I mean it's in the federal court of Rhode Island, but Unknown_01: But it's, but it helps, you know, it can be referenced in other districts. So this is, I mean, it's a good thing. He won and that's, it's awesome. So good for him. So the dude decided after, after losing that he was going to go blow off some steam because he just accidentally, in his attempt to silence this guy, this random spurg, he accidentally set case law, which is beneficial to all people using fair use. 1:32:32 Unknown_01: So he decided he was going to do some donuts out in the desert to show what a big guy he was. Unknown_07: To start an emergency call, tap the SOS service provided by the manufacturer. To cancel, press the SOS or Cancel button. 1:33:15 Unknown_07: It looks like you've been in a crash. iPhone will trigger emergency SOS if you- SOS call not successful. SOS system will continue to retry. Unknown_01: cool. Um, the whole, the whole like robot voice, like saying you have been in a car crash. It reminds me of this. I actually downloaded this because I was going to clip it, but I didn't hear it. Does this play experiencing a car accident? 1:33:58 Unknown_01: I don't know why, just the robot voice, you are in a car accident, we're gonna call the police. And then the car, then it fails, they can't call the police. We tried our best, you're just gonna bleed out in the desert, I guess. Unknown_01: Sucks to suck. Cool. By the way, Harden replied, he says, this is controversial. Unknown_01: And that, uh, some courts do not allow it. And some courts require that you disclose it. And some courts don't have a precedent. So you can go, you can go slower. Surprising chat. Surprising. 1:34:32 Unknown_01: Why did he upload that video? He might have, um, live streamed it. I'm not sure. Maybe he uploaded it to show what a cool guy was. Yeah, man. I've been in a car accident and that's five, man. I'm like, I'm like killer on the inside, bro. You know how tough guys are. Unknown_01: Speaking of, Britain Schwab can survive a car accident in the desert, but can he survive a temperature of 107? Rakeda Law can. Rakeda says, so, kind of going to have to cancel the show tonight. Been running temps as high as 106 and 107. Right now, I'm fairly stable. Hope to see you soon. Chat. 1:35:05 Unknown_01: If you took a first aid class at any point in your life, or if you were exposed to biology 101 in high school, you may be familiar with the concept that 104 is a hospitalizing temperature. If you have a temperature of 104 degrees, you should immediately go to the hospital. Unknown_01: In fact, you'll probably be unable to drive yourself to the hospital. You'll be flat on your ass, incapacitated because of your temperature. 1:35:39 Unknown_11: Okay, he up Britain Schwab uploaded that clip of him crashing his truck to Twitter great awesome. Unknown_01: Good job, bro Anyways back to Arcada, so yeah, he obviously does not have a temperature of a hundred and six That's fucking ridiculous. If he did have a temperature of a hundred and six or hundred and seven. He would not be staying at home however, the way that this is written is Extremely Extremely Weasley 1:36:18 Unknown_01: He says so kind of have to cancel the show tonight Been running temps as high as a hundred and six and hundred seven notice There is no subject to that sentence Unknown_01: Who is doing what? That is actually not grammatically correct in the English language. Been running temps as high as 106 and 107. I guess you could imply that the subject is him, but the way that it's written is that it could be anybody. It could be the thermostat in his home. It could be his truck's oil. There is no indication of whose temperature or what's temperature is 106 and 107. And it says, right now I'm fairly stable. Like, okay, that doesn't imply, I mean, it implies it begs the question, but were you not stable a couple hours ago? Were you, are you expecting that your condition may worsen? Are you fine and have been fine and will continue to be fine? Uh, hope to see you soon. 1:37:09 Unknown_01: Okay. Unknown_01: Again, it doesn't like that also kinds of implies that I'm facing like a life threatening illness, but it doesn't explicitly say I'm facing a life threatening illness. So, um, this is all weasel worded, but it's just another excuse to cancel the stream and cancel his, um, uh, cancel his show. So, and his, uh, more importantly, his contracted locals stream afterwards. 1:37:45 Unknown_01: And that's it. He hasn't done anything interesting I'm assuming that he's gonna what's gonna happen is that Rikada will like do a video like in a couple days where he's doing the Olympus things like I Didn't say that I had a fever. I said that I was running temps. I meant my car was running temps and you know if if certain websites want to imply that I am NOT running those temps I 1:38:26 Unknown_01: Then that's on them. Uh, and, but it was just my truck. My truck was running a temperature and if people assumed otherwise, you know, that's just more fake news. I didn't say anything. Uh, anyways. Okay. So Ndido is the next problem. The biggest problem in the universe, even. 1:38:59 Unknown_01: I have to be careful with what I say here because I made tweets making fun of Vito's shitty script. I made four tweets, three even. I made three tweets. Vito and Dick did a 25 minute long take. Unknown_01: explaining how reference images and scripts work because I made fun of the fact that he inserted a picture of like a generic brunette woman wearing a 50s diner outfit. Unknown_01: And I said, does he really not have enough confidence in his writing to explain what a, like a fifties diner outfit with waitress outfit looks like? Does he need a reference images for that? And then they made 25 minutes of commentary on this, on this one thing. 1:39:40 Unknown_01: So I'm just going to, I'm just going to try to, uh, to not stimulate their prostates and just be as direct as possible. Um, Unknown_01: This script, I read through it now. It's bad. It is extremely bad. Um, and it's so bad that I am kind of convinced that, um, it's deliberately bad. 1:40:16 Unknown_01: If Vito doesn't know that it's bad, Dick does, and it doesn't matter to them. To give you an idea of the timeline, Eric July put out his comic book. Vito said that he could do it better. He managed to grift from Dick's audience $83,000 to make his comic book. Unknown_01: The result of this Unknown_01: And keep in mind that's 100% profit. Whatever money that they don't spend on a comic book that they put out, as long as they put out a comic book, then they've legally met their obligation of putting out the comic book. It has to be enough effort that the average dick show listener, God help them, doesn't realize that this is deliberately bad. 1:40:52 Unknown_01: But they have to keep down production costs enough because any money they put into this is lost. Right now it's $83,000 gravy. Any cent put towards actually producing this comic book is money taken out of their profit margins. So they have Vito write a script for free, basically, because it's just his labor. They have a mid-level artist do some of the art. The storyboarding, like everything except the final drawing is by Vito. 1:41:33 Unknown_01: So that's 100% his labor up until the final drawing of it. So, um, I guess those, because he's doing the storyboarding, I guess it's like, he, he needs the reference image for the diner because he doesn't know what a diner looks like. He forgets. Um, Unknown_01: And once it's put out, even if it is a genuinely awful fucking comic, which to be clear, it's not like the room where it's like so hilariously broken that it just doesn't make sense. It's just mediocre to the point of like porridge. It's like lukewarm vomit where it has a mild, like a, you know, like an, like after you throw up and you have that dad aftertaste, it's just like, 1:42:09 Unknown_01: It's just nasty, but it's not actually like really invigorating and how bad it is The gist of it is this is the entire plot Unknown_01: His character, his self-insert character is super killer, has a gun, and the gun kills superheroes. And he's supposed to go around and like kill superheroes in multiple universes. So every world that he's a part of is a world that is destroyed by his behavior. 1:42:52 Unknown_01: And in one of it in the the episode one he like abducts a woman he has to like like save her by making her like an established sidekick and That saves her life because her universe is like collapsing because he killed the star killer or whatever or meteor man with his magic gun I Unknown_01: Sorry, I lost my train of thought. Unknown_01: So it's just like the most generic fucking thing you could possibly imagine with extremely terrible dialogue. And I'm convinced that it's bad on purpose. It's like you just write a bare minimum, you get it put out there, you get it circulated, and then when everyone points out how bad it is, you just get Dick to go, ah-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka- 1:44:02 Unknown_01: There was one particular part. Unknown_01: Here's an example of the lines. Beck, but it's not like the small press scene is doing any better. Seems like every new indie comic is just prepubescent dude-bro fantasy. Nothing but lazy hyper-violence and flimsy excuses to get the female characters naked. Unknown_01: So that's a line from the comic book about comic book industry from the female. And it's like, it's that kind of really mediocre writing where there are multiple characters talking and they are all the same. Like when there's a scene in the middle of it where Meteor Man gets shot by the magic gun and he's dying or whatever. 1:44:40 Unknown_01: And it's Superkiller, his sidekick Beck, and Meteor Man talking. And you can... It's like clear as fucking day that all three of these characters are written by the same person. It's just Vito in different tones. You have Smug Vito, Confused Vito, and Angry Vito. Smug Vito talking about... shooting a gun instead of molesting children for once, Confused Vito trying to understand why Smug Vito killed Angry Vito, and then Angry Vito, who has a hole in his chest, explaining, ah, I'm gonna hit, ah, why, you motherfucker, you shot me with your magic gun. 1:45:31 Unknown_01: You know exactly what I mean. When you read a bad story by a bad author, there's no distinction between the different characters. It reads like one person. Unknown_11: Uh, and there was some, oh yeah. Unknown_11: Okay. This, this guy pointed this out. Unknown_01: I didn't even realize this. So the whole thing is that the, the, the girl, the woman in it that he abducts loves superheroes. She's a comic book fan. She's like a tag. She wants to be like a tag along. She wants to be like a component, like to like a sidekick or a hero herself. But yet she like tags along. with a guy whose job is to kill heroes so she loves heroes she wants to be a hero she wants to be a sidekick to the hero yeah this is the girl that um he strips down at the end for no reason and gets accused of raping her for whatever reason um but when it comes to like murdering meteor man she's just like yeah sure whatever this is fine 1:46:03 Unknown_01: And no, this is not Vito's tranny self-insert. This is a real woman who died. This is her. He was friends with her, and he has commissioned pornography, or softcore pornography, of her as an alternative cover. So this is a real person that he's supposedly basing this off of. And he's already made alternative covers of her being imminently tentacle raped. It's not actually pornographic, but it's imminent what's about to happen. So no, it's even worse than that. It's not like, oh, this is just Vito being a weirdo trying to insert a League of Legends character into his fucking comic or whatever, because that's what he jerks off to. Because obviously he jerks off to children instead, based off what he said on Twitter. It's it's a real woman who's dead and whose memory he's encapsulated in this shit-ass fucking comic which is embarrassing to everyone involved And this is the video segment I can't wait to see how fucking long they spend talking about that Finally the boss man jacked him Boss man, I did not even encourage him to do this. I don't think but he has been buying 1:47:46 Unknown_01: silver and gold and here he is showing off the silver. Unknown_03: Guys look what came in the mail today. Unknown_01: Ready? Unknown_03: Bam! 10 ounces of pure silver. Pure silver. It's as heavy as fuck. $200 and some dollars worth. Unknown_12: Pure silver. I got a gold coin here worth over $1,000. I got gold and silver now. Yeah, I eat it, put it on my cereal. Yeah. Nah, dude, it's collected, man. 1:48:21 Unknown_01: Finally, chat. Now this, this is a real investment to one's future. I'm so proud of him. I'm sure this will not get pawned off immediately though. Someone asked him about making a silver a kiwi farm silver coin, and he was just like dismissive of this Kiwi Farms, is that what you want, Kino Casino? Unknown_12: Kiwi Farms coin? Unknown_12: You care less about any of that. You fail to realize that. 1:48:55 Unknown_01: Dude since I've talked about boss man Jack there have been like several High-profile YouTube channels put out like documentary like mini documentary videos about his gambling He now has over a thousand live viewers. He has almost 3,000 subscribers, which is like $15,000 a month Unknown_01: just in subscriber income, not including the like $1,000 to $2,000 a day he gets in juice. He's getting $1,000 to $2,000 a day in free money from people who just want to see him gamble. And then he gets $4,500 a week. Unknown_01: in free gambling money from stake directly. So you're talking like easy, easy $30,000 a month in cash, right? And I love that even despite all of this, he is completely unchanged. He is unfazed by the world around him. He cannot be catfished because he would rather play gambling games than he would masturbate. He cannot pay attention to the Kiwi farms because reading the forum would distract him from gambling. He does not watch YouTube videos about people talking about him because he could instead be spending that time gambling or doing crack. I'll actually, I forgot to mention the crack. He smokes crack, so he could be smoking crack instead of reading the forum. And he, that's an obvious choice. That's a big, that's a easy, easy win right there. 1:50:17 Unknown_01: Um, Unknown_01: Next. Unknown_11: What a fucking dick fuck. Unknown_01: What a dickhead, dude. Unknown_01: I guess he just included that because it was funny. Then he steps on glass. Unknown_12: That's pretty good. I just got glass in my foot. I'm not kidding. Holy shit. Is it bad? Not bad. Not bad. Thank God. Oh, that could have been bad. I'm not showing. Unknown_01: he cuts this too early he he just shouts that there's glass in his foot and the next thing like the second after this ends he's looking at slots again like he goes up he still has glass embedded in his body and he's still paying attention to the slots on screen or the card game whatever it is that he was doing but he just like completely ignores the glass in his foot i think he picks it out at some point it's like a small like sliver but he just like ignores it um 1:51:15 Unknown_01: By the way, you might notice that there's a dog in the background of this. Unknown_01: Oh yeah, there it is. That's his brother's dog. His brother was over when this was filming. Unknown_01: I assume that his brother and his parents were downstairs commiserating together about Austin. Unknown_01: After while the dog was upstairs, it kept eating things. I don't know how to describe this. The dog was just wandering around his room and, um, 1:51:49 Unknown_01: And he would turn around and say, Hey boy, what you eating? What are you eating back there? And he would not get up and stop the dog from eating someone. So the entire time, like I want you to, the state of this guy's carpet, he routinely will, when he's down bad and he wants to smoke weed, he will get on all fours and crawl around his carpet looking for, um, little nuggets. What do you call it? It's carpet nugs that are like nuggets of, of, of weed that are like embedded in the fibers of his carpet. And then he will just smoke those on stream. Um, the dog, he has like stacks of plates in his room. So the dog is just wandering around finding like, like forgotten relics of food and just eating those off the floor. And then at the same time, he's got like glass embedded in his foot because I think his last bong shattered because he smashed it and it just left little splinters of glass everywhere. So he randomly steps on glass from his previous bong artifact that he destroyed. 1:52:24 Unknown_01: If you do not enjoy Bossman Jack content, you are truly just missing out. Unknown_12: I just, did I have anything in the vault, dude? 1:53:01 Unknown_12: Oh, thank God, dude. Oh my God. I thought I lost everything, dude. Unknown_12: Man, that is some fucking bullshit, dude. Unknown_11: Beast. Unknown_01: We can get some oh my god, what the fuck I guess suffer to suffer people who don't like Please ice. Unknown_12: Oh my god. There you go. No, no. Oh my god Save them. Oh my god, dude. That's such bullshit, dude Wow, I'm done $100 1:53:36 Unknown_01: I think that boss man dad or rat dad, as he's affectionately known, has just given up on hanging that door. So the door is just propped up. I think that if the door is actual purpose is not to protect the, um, the door itself, but to cover up that giant hole that's right there. So boss man or rat dad, his goal, I think, is to buy multiple doors and just hang them up around the room. so that the walls in his room are fortified and can no longer be smashed. 1:54:10 Unknown_01: It's either that or he has accepted the fact that this door will be wood chippered by Fist of Fury before he ever has a chance to hang it to begin with. So he's just going to leave it there. In case you're wondering, this was recorded at like 3 a.m. His time. His parents can hear him when he screams and he just screams continuously. Unknown_01: I assume that they have some sort of rainmaker. Maybe they take like that NyQuil shit or melatonin or all of the above, or maybe they have prescriptions to sleep aids. 1:54:47 Unknown_01: Earbuds. Yeah, all of it. They got earbuds. This is their nightly ritual, right? They take a shot. They take some NyQuil. They take a prescription sleep aid. They lay down. They put in their earbuds and then turn on their Rainmaker and then they go to sleep. Unknown_01: So there you go, that's the bossman jacket. Oh my god. I left the news answer up the entire fucking stream Why what is wrong with me? I have like there's like only like two moving parts of my entire stream and I fuck it up every Goddamn time. You know what? I mean? There's like Change the date show the hamster hide the hamster. Fuck it up. I just fuck it up the entire time Keep them on I mean I might as well now 1:55:20 Unknown_01: I can't, that's fake. If I'm going to do something funny, like leave them up the entire time, it has to be, um, it has to be like, uh, like not fake. Unknown_11: Uh, okay. Super chats. Let's take a look. Unknown_11: Background filters. 1:55:52 Unknown_01: Green. There's the green. All right. Unknown_01: Dashboard refresh. Okay. Perfect. Unknown_01: Get through this. Eric George for 20 says Yeshua. I want to buy a gold coin for a woman of Polish origin. Their coins are lame and feature men she doesn't know. I'm going to buy a Ukrainian archangel Michael coin instead. Any suggestion? Unknown_01: Make sure that you're buying her a gift that she wants instead of a gift that you want for her, because that's what it sounds like. I don't know if she's actually interested in gold or whatever, but I mean, Ukrainian archangel coins are pretty cool. 1:56:24 Unknown_01: There I mean, there's lots of like novelty coins that aren't supposed to be like they're not like backed by a state. They're just like Manually made, you know to look cool So if you just want to get gold or silver there's all sorts of shit you can buy They don't have to be coins Oh Unknown_01: Entice for 10 says bomb or D plus complex muscles get quality quilt ubed Vilfried's a cliches you down. I don't know what that means. But thank you Johnny Clyde cash for $300 a shout out to my nibbles in the gun chat y'all the realest motherfuckers on the site for real for real Parentheses for real no cap and there's a no emoji cap emoji on one god weary face emoji praying hands emojis three 100 emojis three fire emojis and then sneed thanks bro very cool no cap no cap for real on god I feel bad for the gun chat having been destroyed. Um, all the gun chat people migrated over to the boss man, Jack chat. I had to segregate them cause some of the gun chat people were complaining about boss man Jack cause they don't like them. But then when I made the boss man, Jack chat, all the, so many people left that I killed the gun chat too. 1:57:39 Unknown_01: Sad chat. Sorry. Unknown_01: Lion King for once is pray for mom. Her kidney is infected. Well, I'm sorry to hear that dude. Unknown_01: Sneado for 10 says Patrick S. Tomlinson for says YouTube link. 1:58:12 Unknown_11: OK. Unknown_11: The chat works fine now. Unknown_11: Hey, Patrick. Unknown_15: It's time wrong. Unknown_15: I heard you've been talking about me on Twitter. Unknown_15: You ain't getting your blue check back. And Nikki is my child. 1:58:43 Unknown_01: Dude, he does the lip smacking thing. He talks in such like a stereotypical way. Unknown_01: Very funny. Thank you. I don't know who that is, though. Ugalis Sneed for 10 says Sneed. Thank you very much, Ugalis Sneed. Great super chat. Doing your mom 2988 for 10 says found a video of Reketa packing up his kids. And then there's a stream of a link. Unknown_11: check it out this is a minute and a half this better be fucking good bro 1:59:31 Unknown_01: point of view you are joshua moon getting a cab in one of the many eastern european countries where uh russian people are all cab drivers it's funny because you get into the cab and they're blasting like the most cheeky breeky shit you've ever fucking heard in your life and then they're like because they realize you're like a westerner or whatever they're like oh we got a westoid and they like change the channel over to like like piano music or something it's like you can play your cheeky breeky shit bro i'm not gonna judge you for it Unknown_01: Uh, thank you twinkle tart for one hundred dollars says goddammit zoos. He's straight up scamming it tonight Oh my god, dude, fuck my life. Fuck you. God. I'm sick of losing bro. Have a good night. Fuck my life Uh, he's been really bad recently like bossman jack like I didn't mention this during the segment because I forgot but Like, because he's getting so much money now, he plays really stupid. Like, because he's getting like hundreds of dollars a juice now instead of like $20 each, he will just like straight up go to limbo. And then with a $500 juice, he'll put in $100 and then coin flip it until he's back at zero, like immediately. So his like gambling is like accelerated really bad. And his streams are like super short now. They're like minutes at a time. They used to be multiple hours. So his like addiction is accelerating. 2:00:32 Unknown_11: Haram burger for two says sex boobie. Unknown_01: Thank you Haram burger Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes for five says have a totally terrific day Josh I will thank you very much. Actually, this is the end of the day, but whatever I'll have I'll save it for tomorrow. I'll save it for tomorrow Roxanne wolf for five says bark bark nothing again. Thank you very much. We're Roxanne wolf on a great super show 2:01:12 Unknown_01: Kadoo for five says, back from our road trip to Kentucky, I'm certain that I'm not the first one for me that there is a city named Sneedsville in Tennessee. Here's a fun fact. Unknown_01: I typed in Sneed when I got my new phone number for the Kiwi Farms, because you have to have a phone number for your business. Unknown_01: And I can receive text messages and voicemail to that phone number. It's the one that's in the contact us page. But if you go to the Kiwi farms and you scroll to the bottom and you click contact us, you'll see a phone number. Take the area code of that phone number. Actually, no, it's not on the contact us page. 2:01:46 Unknown_01: That's weird. You definitely use it for public stuff though. But if you search the area code for it, it is Sneedsville. So our area code for the phone number is Sneedsville, Tennessee. Unknown_01: Cool. Unknown_01: Seek a low their pretenses morning nold. So do you agree with Hassan Piker that streaming and reading super chats like this is more draining than digging ditches like Kingapool or working at a fast food restaurant? I have worked the gambit. I have had a cushy tech job, a streaming career and a fast food career. So I can with assurity tell you that it is definitely more soul crushing to work a low end job than it is to stream. 2:02:19 Unknown_01: One of the most blood boiling moments ever was like when I was 17 or 18, whatever the fuck I worked at Whataburger. Um, I was like changing out the trash bins cause it was like a low, it was like spring break. So busiest time of the entire year. It was like the week of spring break and it was like one moment where the lobby was not packed and I had to run out real quick and change all the trash cans cause they were overflowing. Cause the lobby gets, like you have 20 people working in the back of that kitchen during spring break just to keep things from falling completely apart. 2:02:57 Unknown_01: You get one moment of rest, and you run around and change the trash bags. While I was doing that, there was some snobby-ass fucking kid, because it was in Destin, which is, if you don't know, Destin is per capita the richest area, the richest city in all the U.S. Like, so many millionaires own beach homes in Destin, that it's the richest city in the U.S. Unknown_01: And there was some fucking snobby kid who was like in a polo short and had like a, like a big, like a car and he was with his girlfriend. And he pointed at me and said, how much do you think that guy makes? And I went to fucking murder him. Uh, so I have ingrained in me a respect for service workers and, uh, people like Hassan Piker are people who need to be thrown into a fucking wood chipper. Cause they have not a fucking clue. Unless you've worked that kind of job, you have not a fucking clue what it's like. 2:03:36 Unknown_01: We can only pray that he's dead by now. He'll be dead when the class war happens, brother. Comrade, we will find him. We will hunt him down like a dog, inshallah. 2:04:09 Unknown_01: Miso Alpine X for five says a black guy moved into the apartment next to me and his smoke alarm has been going off since that day from four months now, too. I don't know. I've I've experienced this online and offline. Like, I just don't know what it is. I thought it was a meme. It was like a meme. I before the meme, I had never acknowledged this problem. And now it's like you notice it all the time. It's like the meme really did make itself after after it became a thing. Unknown_01: All else fails for Ten Says Google, AI will trune out within the next year thanks to Reddit. Okay, so Reddit becoming an IPO means they have to increase their profitability. And one of the ways that, I didn't even mention this, I forgot to mention it, but you want your balance sheet to look as good as possible when you become an IPO. So they're trying to shape the company up into its best shape ever so that when it launches, people will look at the sheets and think this is a good investment. And one of the things that they did is they struck a deal with Google. So now Google has unrestricted access for $60 million a year to all data on Reddit. 2:04:50 Unknown_01: And obviously that's good for their income, but it means every single thing that you post on Reddit will be fed into Google Gemini. And that means that Google Gemini will literally just be Reddit AI. Unknown_01: The most disgusting thing you could ever possibly fucking imagine. 2:05:32 Unknown_01: If anything is censored, it's not censored on my end, just so you know. Unknown_01: poke hole for two says fuck marry kill anyone who has a forum thread but choices are forever you can only have sex with the one you choose the marriage is sexless and divorce illegal and you cannot choose to be resurrected bro i don't even want to put myself into that situation i hate to disappoint you that's not happening David s 877 for 25 says have some money for the Josh promises to do something funny fun or food or whatever Thank you. I will definitely either do something funny or eat with it. I can guarantee this. Thank you Neighborino for one says Yeshua the International Fellowship of Christian Jews are giving away the free start of David charm So you can show your support for Israel Notre Dame donation required and there's a link to the IFJ see and 2:06:06 Unknown_01: It's like a shitty brass one. I don't wear that. If it was gold, I would take it for free. This isn't gold, though. It's just shit. It was garbage. Unknown_01: No, thanks. Unknown_01: Most esteemed and venerable Kiwi. Oh, wait. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator. Most esteemed and venerable Kiwi. Jacob Rothschild IV has died from G-Force of the pendulum swinging back. S to spit, P to piss, and shit T to tinochka bonsai. I don't know what that means. I'm very happy to hear that he's dead. However, he did die at 87, so I can't be so happy. If there was like a rash of Roth child's dying at like 40, then I would be happy. 2:06:51 Unknown_01: but he's already done his damage. There's no point celebrating now. Uh, her on burger for two says abstinence for ducks. I don't know what that means, but thank you very much. Space Allen for 20 says, cheers. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Zog cog feed Sneed for 50 says I'm in the air force. Everything you say is true. I drive fuel trucks and spend most of my shift gaming in my office. Mad comfy. I'm planning on getting out working for the D I D O D is spiritual poison. 2:07:22 Unknown_01: Um, yeah, most, most of the, the guys in the military that make it big after they go private, they always go private. They try not to let you go private. They want you to stay in for the honor or whatever the fuck, but get out, go private, get contracts, uh, double dip, do private contracts and then, uh, take your, your income and then do contracts for the government again. And, uh, so you can have your retirement income and then also have your, your, um, 2:08:00 Unknown_01: Your payment from the government get that money get that cheddar and then reinvest it against the government's interest Thank you. Holy hell for two says hope you're having a good day. Josh. You remind about always. Thank you. Holy hell I appreciate it based or anything for one says for supper. Josh is having a little currywurst. Here's your supper pal. I Don't think I've ever had little cream. There's a little in um, I Unknown_01: In Belgrade actually. I've never been though. It's not, uh, it's not close enough that I could ever walk to it. Unknown_01: No, thank you. Red crab for two says what's more likely government injected estrogen in bottled water or tap water. 2:08:41 Unknown_01: and tap water, I would imagine. Because bottled water would be, there would be too, you could easily manipulate tap water without anyone noticing, but you wouldn't be able to manipulate bottled water without people noticing, because there's so many private companies that bottle spring water. Unknown_01: Cole Cole Forti says, remember these people think sex work is real work. Hasan thinks he has more, he has a more soul sucking job than a girl who has chosen between having sex she doesn't want or not having food for the week. Unknown_01: Listen, bro, you cannot, you can't, you can't paint all prostitutes the same. Not all of them had to choose, um, a horrific demoralizing job of sex with gross men doing weird fetish shit for, for money. Um, you're, you're, you're being insulting to the heck in sex work arenas. Okay. 2:09:16 Unknown_01: Koya Dante, 15, says you can kill everyone, Josh, this time as a true mongoloid. Unknown_01: He has a whole rant where he gets called a mongoloid, he's like, I am mongoloid. My ancestors conquered Tibet. Fuck off, retard. You can't say that as a white man, though. Oh, yeah. My ancestors conquered you, Roach. Unknown_01: Judy Tester for two says they don't they don't give souls south of Constantinople. If you weren't born in the north of the Orange Line, you have some explaining to do, Josh. 2:09:58 Unknown_11: Let's check it out. Unknown_11: It is an image. Unknown_11: No. Unknown_11: He literally drew a line at that parallel. The US is so low. It's not fair. 2:10:33 Unknown_01: No, this doesn't work. You know what I mean? It's south of Turkey, because look, there's a part of Turkey that's above. This map projection is bullshit. This is a fucking bullshit map projection. Hold up. Unknown_01: I'm okay. No, this is because this, this projection distorts landmass. This is not accurate. I need a curved globe to work with to make an assessment on this. This map fucking sucks. Unknown_01: Um, Archlight Redux for 10 says period. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Gormless wonder for five says regarding Hassan and being hated for putting yourself out there. Do you feel a difference between being despised for the forum versus when people dislike your stream? 2:11:05 Unknown_01: um yes when people hate the forum it's very impersonal usually unless it's like a like a retard that i had a ban for being a fucking shitting spastic then it's like oh they like personally hate me because i i slighted them Unknown_01: But generally when people hate the forum, it's just because of what people say on people hate like my streams it's usually very personal like that like they don't like that I I Say certain things and they get really pissed like like there has been one, dude I should even say this because I'm giving them attention But there's been one dude who after I made fun of PewDiePie drawing himself like a girl has commented on every stream in Every comment on every YouTube video about Matt Athena if you go to YouTube after on the archive of this And you say anything like Josh did a great stream this week You will get a reply from one guy and he'll be seething and if you look at his history it will start Precisely when I made fun of PewDiePie like that you never know either when you're a streamer You're just talking like you give like you make like a joke you say something but then one guy that like blows a fucking fuse in his brain and now are you are his blood enemy and Nothing will ever stop him from trying to harangue you over the time that you made fun of PewDiePie for drawing anime Bullshit garbage like you never know. It's like there are certain things where you know like when I talk about women's shit I know that's gonna piss off some people and if people decide they hate me because of it That's kind of my own fault, but sometimes it's like really Really that's what you're upset about you listen to me for fucking years make fun of Jews and black people and Muslims you listen to me froth at the mouth and rage at Bosnians, but then when and Japan and anime, but when I made fun of PewDiePie for being a weeb retard that moved to a shithole country He will never ever fit in and that was it that was like that was the time that you decided to Fuck this Josh guy. I will be his reckoning personally. Like, come on, bro. 2:13:13 Unknown_01: Get over yourself, faggot. Unknown_01: Um, cool. Twinkletard for $100 says, I muted Devious Dave and now he can't send super chats. So this is on his behalf. Sup? Unknown_01: Why did you mute him? Unknown_01: Only take care of the bot. You don't have to mute the fucking chat. Unknown_01: You have to send more. Well, you did, but you have to send them more super chats. If you're going to mute my super chatters. 2:13:45 Unknown_01: No hurts, Mr. Thank you very much, but no hurts, Mr. And I'll provide says Jesus Christ, the chat works on rumble. Now, finally, we're stuck in a processing forever. Also, you're an asshole. Thanks. I'm glad you can chat now. I appreciate it. I can't wait to hear more of your takes. Unknown_01: Gordon, let's wonder for once as well, that was a rude message. I agree. I agree. Um. Unknown_01: None of these are rumble chats. Oh, yeah, that's right. I can't earn superchats or own Odyssey anymore. Bit Collins for 20 says are all the images of Sanshu cursed or only ones created by Quake? If a Sanshu demon is in my home, how do I get rid of it? 2:14:19 Unknown_01: I mean, the images that I made were cursed and they weren't made by him. So I don't know. You have to get rid of all your Sanshu shit to be safe. Unknown_01: Ludwig world order for five says, I made a video summarizing a certain pro se litigants thread. It could be convenient to help him explain things settle. Unknown_01: Uh, let's see. Oh, he did. Okay. So this is the guy that made the really good, this is how you don't play video about, um, uh, dark side, Phil playing Bloodborne. And he has apparently has made a 40 minute long video explaining Russell Greer's litigations. If you want to watch this, actually, this is seven months ago. 2:14:56 Unknown_01: So I guess this is covering his, um, his stuff. No, cause that wouldn't include a lot of the Kiwi farm stuff, but I guess you save this for after he lost, um, his case and before his appeal is what I would imagine. Unknown_01: But yeah, there you go. By the way, you might get an email contact from somebody. I mentioned you in a, in a discussion and a private E-Celeb discussion and your name came up because of, uh, because I liked the Bloodborne video. 2:15:34 Unknown_01: Devious Davee says Twinkle Cart abused me. Welcome back. I went to see Madame Web in theaters. It was as lame and forgettable as I expected and it was still preferable to Vito's dogshit comic. Seriously. I hope Kiwi artists redraw it to be ironic. Unknown_01: Don't give them that much attention. Like Vito is the kind of guy where you just have to ignore him continuously until you can call him a pedophile again and make fun of all of his endeavors in a way that he actually gets upset about. But like his comic is bad and I know that he knows it's bad because nobody could not know that this is bad. So talking about it and like doing fan art of it, it would just masturbate him. 2:16:12 Unknown_01: All else fails for 20 says hamster after having to listen to the whole cow segment and then there is a YouTube link. Unknown_09: I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Unknown_09: Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. Unknown_09: The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do and there's no end to it. Unknown_09: We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. We sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad, worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. 2:16:46 Unknown_01: Dude, these fantasies of like the newscast, like getting to hijack the news and talk like they would cut your ass off so fast. Now. I also like all those rookie numbers, 15 homicides. Wow. Real impressive. I should see now, bro. Unknown_01: Um, thank you. Casting couch credit for 20 says yoink. And then there is another YouTube link. Wonderful. Check it out. 2:17:28 Unknown_01: Um, I don't like where this is going. Unknown_06: Hey guys, I'm in the Florida Everglades and I'm shaking hands with a swamp puppy. Every night I spend hunting that 20 foot Burmese python. It's raining out here. He has to be out here somewhere. I think this sleepy crocodile is trying to ignore me. Unknown_06: This crocodile is angry. I'm just trying to help you cross the road, buddy. Ooh, a python. Yoink. Unknown_06: Yoink. We got a tokay gecko. Unknown_06: Ooh, what do we got here? Yoink. Unknown_06: Check out this large scarlet snake. This guy is so pretty. Oh, this is a classic yoink. It's a Brooks King. I find these guys absolutely everywhere. Look at him wag his cute little tail. 2:18:00 Unknown_01: Okay. I get it. I imagine I don't, I wonder why they don't bite him. I guess small snakes realize when they're picked up like that, that if they bite, they'll probably just die. So they just get defensive and hope for the best until there's like pain. You know what I mean? Unknown_01: I'm not sure because he picked some of these up and they're not like fighting him back at all. 2:18:33 Unknown_01: Cool. Thank you. Bill's here for one and says, hey Josh, sorry for the stupid question, but what's a good VPN? Nord is currently on for 74 for two years, but what is a useful world price one? I use MOLVAD and I really like MOLVAD. However, MOLVAD is apparently very popular and I am increasingly running into issues where MOLVAD IPs are blocked. So I don't know what to do about that because it's like they don't limit how you use it. So I guess it gets abused a lot and it's very frustrating. 2:19:05 Unknown_01: So, Private Internet Access, I actually use both. Unknown_01: Private is owned by CyberGhost now, which I don't like. I do like MOLVAD, but it has issues where it's blocked often. Private Internet Access does not have that issue. So what I do is I run MOLVAD as the base VPN on my computer or router and on my phone. And then in my browser, I have the private internet access browser extension. And if I run into an issue where the IP is blocked on Moldad, I will turn on the VPN on private internet access. And that usually, if I fuck around with it enough, I can usually get around VPN blocks. I guess private internet access fucks around and changes its IPs more often. 2:19:40 Unknown_01: But yeah, I use like three different VPNs. Unknown_01: Uh, Buford scooper for fives this need. Thank you. Buford scooper. I appreciate it. Collier Dante for 15 says no Tyrone did not fart in my wife's vagina. Enjoy prison neighbor. Dude, that's unrealistic. Patrick Tomlinson would never say that to a melanated man. That's disrespectful and he's not a racist. OK, come on. Come on now. 2:20:15 Unknown_01: No hurt, Mr. Metal for two says pizza time. Oh yeah. Actually, that's on Friday. It's not pizza time. You got my hopes up and then you crush them. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. For one says Christmas example. Unknown_01: Don't remind me. I've gotten through several stages of grief related to that. I'm over it now. Unknown_01: Russell, Russell T. Shackleford for two says, Have you ever watched Stop a Douchebag on YouTube? Russian youth, youth pedestrian traffic enforcement. No, I have not ever heard of that. Sorry. I guess like forcing people at camera point to obey minor trivial things like carts is going to be like a genre now. 2:20:48 Unknown_01: Dios mio, la critiara for two says I'm proud to think so. Who has a beeping alarm when I was a team. If you live with one, you literally stop hearing it. My friends told me over voice chat and I thought they were pranking me. Unknown_01: I'm so glad you're in our country, bro. Welcome to America. Uh, how do you say that? How do you say that in, in, in Mexican? 2:21:24 Unknown_01: It's not, I honestly, I can't even think of it's like Blaine Blaine Vista, right? Unknown_01: Welcome in Spanish. Unknown_01: Tell me the secrets. Bienvenida. I was close, right? Unknown_01: Bienvenida a ustedes americanos, mi amigo. Unknown_01: Tu es bueno. Si, si, si, si, si. 2:22:01 Unknown_01: I have dug up my basic Spanish from the back of my brain. Unknown_01: Mi gusto tacos y burritos. Bring it back up for 10 says BMG is just Josh new foodie beauty just a tweak on the same feeding kink. He's not he's like he's literally a crackhead. He's not fat at all. Come on now. Chloe Dante provides a shout out to Sika Lothar Thread, formerly the John Michael Faulkner Thread. Unknown_01: Pay me for services at your own peril. Everyone thought I was mad, but I had a plan all along. 2:22:35 Unknown_01: Okay, I'm done. Please don't send anymore in. I will not be reading any more Superchats. Unknown_01: Oh, I hope you guys have enjoyed the stream. I will see you on Friday. Do I have an outro song picked out? I do. It's gambling themed. Unknown_01: See you on Friday. Take it easy. Bye-bye. 2:23:11 Unknown_13: I had a stack, I pushed all of it in I knew I was never gonna see it again Unknown_13: I had a stack embedded on air But sometimes people like to draw real thin, oh yeah I had much more than I knew what to do with To blow through it all must seem kinda stupid But I never really had a good example to follow Daddy run around and show me how to save a dollar, yeah Unknown_13: I had it all, I pissed it away Irresponsible, some might say I had it all, and now it's all gone But sometimes, babe, I like to have a little fun, oh yeah I kinda feel like a better-off broker No more cribbage, no pitching, no poker 2:24:18 Unknown_13: I kinda feel like I'm better off busted And that's why your mama says I hate to be trusted My cowboy past and a speed metal future Have a nice night and a good day to use it I got an education, took some graduate courses On the insides of bars and the outsides of horses Unknown_13: I had it all and pissed it away. Unknown_13: Irresponsible, some might say. Unknown_13: I had it all and now it's all gone. But sometimes, babe, I like to have a little fun, oh yeah. 2:25:25 Unknown_13: I had a pony, nobody would ride him Had a real deep dark stripe of hate down inside him I had a pony, an occasional bucker He put me on my ass, he's a real tough sucker, yeah I had it all, I pissed it away Irresponsible, some might say Unknown_13: I had it all and now it's all gone. But sometimes, babe, I like to have a little fun.