Mad at the Internet (February 23rd, 2024) 2024-02-23

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(S Shorter than expected, * May be missing)
I'll be back.

Unknown_11: They don't make games like they used to anymore, boys. Back in my day, we all lined up on 2-4 and shot each other for hours at a time.

Unknown_11: All right, chat. I'm up to no good. I just want to let everyone know that I'm up to no good.

Unknown_11: Okay, so listen. I have a final solution to the hosting question in the works, supposedly. I believe this will pan out in my favor.

Unknown_11: Um, and when it happens, I've already teased this, but when it happens, it will be the funniest thing that's ever happened in the history of mankind. And you'll all laugh and it'll be very funny. Um, I need a name. I need an operation name. I talked about this literally last stream, but I'm still thinking over what to call the operation name for the final solution to the hosting question. Considering Steiner, my, my counterattack will bring the true menace under control.

Unknown_11: The operation Steiner.

Unknown_11: Cheddar. Oh no, not cheddar. That's a shitty operation. That's an operation that's going to fail.

Unknown_13: It's Uber Eats.

Unknown_11: All these names suck. You guys suck today. Where's my good suggestions at? Not in chat, that's where. Can somebody in the X chat say something? Because I don't know if that's working or not. I'm going to be real with you.

Unknown_11: That could be very well not working.

Unknown_11: Um, there's a weird peculiarity where, um, X in particular has very strict content security policy rules on their headers. And it's very difficult to get around that. And actually, uh, actually get things to connect because it feeds messages into the, no, it does not show. God, let me just try refreshing just real quick. So I want to give it a fair chance.

Unknown_11: So everything's just a pain in my ass as always.

Unknown_11: There's actually a lot to talk about for a stream that happened two days.

Unknown_11: For the Friday stream that happens two days after the other stream, a significant amount of retard fucking up has occurred. And I also have to rant. I'm very angry at certain things, and I want to explain myself before everyone thinks I'm gay for whatever reason.

Unknown_11: Then I get to make fun of Vito which is my Vito content you have to be very careful of because Vito wants attention So you have to make sure that when you make fun of him It's not going to be in a way that he is sexually aroused by it has actually hurt his feelings Say one more thing in the X chat, please and then I'm moving on

Unknown_11: that's just gay that's mean bro that's that's cyberbullying that's like defamation per se it used to be if you called if you called somebody gay that used to be defamation no x chat is broken okay we're moving on sorry x chat guys i tried my best it's really hard to test x because it's not easy to find um streams

Unknown_11: Okay. Anyways, my point, let's move on.

Unknown_11: We got some news. We got some good news, actually. Some good news for everybody.

Unknown_11: BuzzFeed is laying off an additional 16% of its workforce. I did not know that BuzzFeed was even still around, because they keep shuttering things. They keep saying, we're going to close this, we're going to close this. BuzzFeed is still unsuccessful, and it's still having to lay off its workforce. So now,

Unknown_11: It's really weird, too, because whenever these journalists get fired, they're like, I've been here for five years writing high-quality articles with some of the best writers in the entire world.

Unknown_11: Every day, we sat down and thought, what could we do to take BuzzFeed the next step? What could we write on that nobody else has dared write on before to intrigue our viewers, to stimulate discussion, and further mankind? and then you like read their their actual listings and it's just like the dumbest shit possible it's like these afrocentric hairstyles first were spotted in white people after the slaves came over it's like it's like the like absolute fucking bible like he's trying to he's trying to show other companies like oh this is what i've written like really bro you wrote this you sure you want to let me know that why would you do this um it's really embarrassing especially vice like oh so oh you were the guy that wrote about how um you're a pedophile not a monster okay yeah we got a place for you it's out back by the uh the gardening shed s s uh juan to show you the thing the thing with the last of you the last one of you that came by asking for a job um

Unknown_11: Yeah, Vice, I don't think a lot of people, if you're young, you may not know this, but in early internet, like around 2010, Vice was perhaps the single best source of investigative journalism in the entire world. Like the shit that the guys that founded Vice did to make media was crazy. They went to some of the biggest shitholes in the entire world and really put themselves in physical danger to show people what life is like in Liberia and it's like intense you're like you're watching it and you're realizing like these guys it's like it's like a white dude his white cameraman and then one Liberian guy and then like one like a couple security guards who have a gun And that's it. And between them and thousands of miles away from any civilization, there is a mob of desperate, hungry, low IQ Liberians who would love to rip them to fucking shreds.

Unknown_11: Yeah, it used to be called journal.

Unknown_11: I think that that's wrong, actually.

Unknown_11: Journalism, there is a point, and this is how it's been explained to me, but I need to

Unknown_11: I need to actually think about this because there was a point where, in like the 50s, briefly after World War II, maybe starting during World War II and then at some point a couple decades after World War II, there was a

Unknown_11: a golden era of journalism and all the big companies that we know of today that are media companies that do news they got their starts like during this period and they made their names during this period and ever since then they've all been riding off this high of like no the news is like a serious thing and journalists aren't scum of the earth who should be bullied and beaten Whenever possible, we are the fourth pillar of government. It was never like that. Journalists have always been despised. If you look back in the historical records, like hundreds of years before World War II, journalists were universally despised.

Unknown_11: held in utter contempt by everybody. And then for some reason, after World War Two, after World War Two, when Germany lost the war of aggression from the United Kingdom, everything was fucking gay and retarded forever. And it's never corrected course. And journalists becoming respected was one of those things.

Unknown_11: Was after it was after I think was like after Nixon where the media just became like completely and totally irredeemable because you had the Washington Post break Watergate and then since then there's just been no challenging that the the media is holy and everything they do is righteous.

Unknown_11: Um, okay. So that's that the other one is vice, uh, vice filed for chapter 11 last year and chapter 11. There's two kinds of bankruptcies. Um, there's the one that most people think of, I think.

Unknown_11: where, which might be chapter 13, I think is what they call that, but chapter 13 bankruptcy is, I think it's chapter 13, but there's a kind of bankruptcy where you basically said, okay, we're insolvent. We have all these assets. We have all these debts. We don't know what the fuck can do anymore. Help us out.

Unknown_11: Um, things don't, things don't like make sense anymore and we give up. And then the court basically says, okay, we're going to sell this shit off for scrap. We're going to divide your assets, your debtors, and then we're going to divide what's ever what's left if there's anything, uh, to your investors. And then we're just going to shut this whole thing down.

Unknown_11: um that that's the like the breaking down of the ship basically chapter 11 is more responsible and it comes before actual insolvent like dissolving the company it comes says we have this company it has a lot of equity in its name it could probably be salvaged um but we're gonna have to like restructure shit we're gonna have to fire a bunch of people um we're gonna have to really like sos we're about to we're about to go under um And these exist so that the government recognizes that businesses going out of business is bad for the economy and it creates like a chain reaction where a business goes under and people get laid off and then people don't spend money anymore and then other companies go under because the people that were buying their shit don't spend money anymore and so on and so forth and that creates a depression, right? So they have bankruptcy and government mandated loss proceedings like that so that chain reactions can be halted.

Unknown_11: That did not work in Vice's case. Vice's filed chapter 11, they failed to fuck up or defuck up their company. And then yesterday they announced they would be closing So the company still exists. It still has a skeleton crew. They're still going to be trying to put out things. They're trying to sell parts of their company because they have different divisions.

Unknown_11: But they're basically just going to become a social media channel. You know what I mean? Like they're downsizing. Like we have a front page. People are going to come to our front page to see our news and they're going to see our ads because they want to see our content specifically. They might subscribe to see our news in full. Like that's what you want to be. You want to be someone who can sell something to people.

Unknown_11: But Vice is effectively saying we fucked up. We lost. Nobody comes to our site anymore. Nobody cares.

Unknown_11: People don't subscribe to see our content. Uh, we're, we're going to become a YouTube channel.

Unknown_11: That's what's, that's, what's becoming of the, um, the vice name. We're going to become a high quality YouTube channel.

Unknown_11: We're gonna use the resources that we have left to try and really nail something that's already tried and true, and that's opening a YouTube channel and doing videos.

Unknown_11: Which is, I mean, it's fucking depressing, because remember, I think the guy that founded Vice sold out bigly and made off like a fucking champion, so good on him. If I remember correctly, the guy that went to Liberia and like shit his pants in a car being surrounded by a mob of black people trying to eat him,

Unknown_11: I think that guy sold vice for like 10 figures and left I think at least but the people that actually bought it ran into the fucking ground Cool So that's the media suffering next up on the suffering list are anime fans. Hey, look here's the half British rapist posing with an anime girl and this I mean obviously this is like his advertisement for like his masculinity thing because it's like he's saying hey I watch Japanese cartoons I have a waifu and I also have sex slaves you just because you're a fucking loser that likes anime and has a waifu that doesn't mean that you can't be a Kang with sex slaves like me in Romania so I don't know this is obviously an advertisement that's really funny and I probably make somebody angry to see so I'm gonna I'm gonna show it anyways

Unknown_11: Oh my God. He literally me. Exactly.

Unknown_11: Next. I feel like there is a statistic listing on my screen. Oh, of course, for whatever reason, it is extremely resistant to updating its viewer count on the page. I don't know why that is. Um, there's like an error on kick side and they've never fixed it. So it just, it just doesn't fucking work. Apparently.

Unknown_12: Cool.

Unknown_13: Uh, where was I? Oh, Pearl.

Unknown_11: Pearl Davis, a ginger skeletor, who, I don't know if you know this, but Pearl Davis fucked a black guy that was homeless. She picked him up off the street and sucked his dick. She's trying to get an interview with Kanye West, another black guy. She says, I'm making a documentary on divorce.

Unknown_11: And I wanted to see if you would participate in it. If a billionaire like you had trouble getting access to your children, what chances does the average man have? Well, maybe if you're not an unmedicated bipolar who's walking around with a half-naked stripper all the time, you might do better in family court. I don't know. Usually that's how that works, generally speaking.

Unknown_11: No, the way she writes this is like, I would love to marry you, Kanye West, and then you can abuse, you can trot me around half-naked like a stripper to the dismay of absolutely everybody on the planet Earth. And then when we get divorced, you can,

Unknown_11: Fuck around with me in family court, and I then I'll get that I'll have enough information for my documentary She's kind of like the new vice she goes out to to the sticks of Liberia and puts herself in physical danger So that she can make a great media content that we're all waiting for

Unknown_11: Kind of desperate. What are the odds? You guys, you guys think that Connie is going to help like the Pearl Davis? Oh, I would love to help you with your documentary indoors. Please come into my house and, uh, rifle through all my, um, all my legal divorce paperwork for me. I'm going to wear a Balenciaga Gimp mask and play with a net in a, in a Yuhu bottle while you do that.

Unknown_11: No, no. What a bunch of negative Nancy's.

Unknown_11: You don't think that Pearl Davis can, can get it.

Unknown_11: He did let neck flint. That's true.

Unknown_11: Maybe if Pearl here, you know what, based on his track record, a Pearl Davis starts dropping, um, anti-Semitic bombs on Twitter. She might be able to get in with Kanye West.

Unknown_11: No, then again, I don't know. I think Kanye likes shoes now. I forget how that goes.

Unknown_12: Hmm.

Unknown_11: I see that Rumble deciding to put a cell phone requirement for chat messages has worked in its favor, and the bots have been stopped.

Unknown_11: Patrick S. Tomlinson has been swatted over 47 times over casual dis of Norm MacDonald. This was published on the 19th. I forgot to read it last stream.

Unknown_11: A sci-fi writer has been swatted 37 times by haters dead set on ruining his career because he publicly amended to not finding Saturday Night Live star Norm Macdonald funny.

Unknown_11: Patrick S. Tomlinson of Milwaukee, Wisconsin says he was the poster boy for online harassment run amok during no fewer than five years of vicious web harassment. So why does the New York Post capitalize the W in web?

Unknown_11: Why is it doing that? Oh, okay. I have to check and see if they write the word internet somewhere. They do not. So I don't get to decide. I don't get to figure out if Jesse O'Neill capitalizes the W and web, but not the I in there or not.

Unknown_11: I'm actually very curious to see if he does that.

Unknown_11: Web harassment and swatting, cops called to his home after his casual 2018 comment. You can't fathom the amount of clinical obsession that grips these people. The 43-year-old author told The Independent of his haters in a story published last week, trying to destroy my world is their full-time lives.

Unknown_11: um complained about that shit he was once handcuffed naked to his porch another time spotted four times in one day with the final episode resulting in police pulling guns on his face and the outlet said tomlinson's nightmare began when the sci-fi writer and part-time stand-up comic took aim at mcdonald the legendary dudpan canadian comic um

Unknown_11: It was doxxed with one X. Oh my God. Is the New York Post a real website with real writers? It seems that way. The author was then doxxed by Redditors, leading to death threats being left on his phone. Stalkers reportedly began following him to public appearances, photographing him and telling his publishers that they had kidnapped his wife.

Unknown_11: His only crime was not finding Norm Macdonald funny.

Unknown_11: Then there's the actual cameo of Norm Macdonald saying, wait a second, I'm Norm Macdonald.

Unknown_11: They blame Norm Macdonald. They said that this cameo from Norm Macdonald is the reason why Patrick S. Tomlin really picked up after Norm Macdonald said, my soldiers, please bully this fat retard to death. They were like, yes.

Unknown_11: Yes, we will. We will storm Stalingrad. We will take Patrick and we will kidnap his wife and his wife. It will save his wife from having Negroes fart in her vagina. And we'll save up. We'll save all the young black babies in his pepperoni basement. Tomlinson's harassers continue their perverse campaign on ONA forums. Oh, my God. A direct link to ONA forums. I'm sure Patrick Tomlinson is very happy about that.

Unknown_11: Uh, posting 40,000 threads, about a million comments, focusing on what a victim called total, what the victim called total clinical obsession with my every tweet thought in public appearance.

Unknown_11: Um, so on and so forth. Other lawmakers stick campaign of harassment against Tomlinson until cops crack down on spotters. Tomlinson's life is endangered by repeated, repeated encounters with heavy armed police. That is true.

Unknown_11: The Milwaukee Police Department declined to provide a response to the outlet about why it had not taken measures to prevent serial swatting attacks at the Tomlinson residence and denied an open records request, citing an FBI probe into harassment.

Unknown_11: It must be related to tour swats. So how do you guys think Tomlinson took this very flattering article calling him a victim over and over again?

Unknown_11: Not well, is the answer. Surprise. He says,

Unknown_11: He says, I say, optimistically opening an attachment on, formerly I think I might have to, oh wait, no, it did load. Okay, let's see if this works now. Aha, okay. Patrick Tomlinson, we would have appreciated some warning you were running this story in New York Post, seeing as we're being targeted by an anonymous online stalking cult trying to get us killed. It's kind of important to our safety. An opportunity to respond to your reporting would have also been nice.

Unknown_11: So even that article that I just read, which glosses over literally everything that he's ever said and done, um, uh, just to focus on how opening Anthony forums is trying to murder him by chainsaw. Uh, that's not good enough, I guess. Cause he wanted to add his own flair, his own pizzazz to it, his own, um, his own comment. I don't know. That's funny.

Unknown_11: by the way he posted this Patrick says what comic book panel had a profound impact on you as a fan of the medium and for some reason it's this like blackface woman in like skin tight clothes saying holocaust like he actually posted this he said for some reason the holocaust panel um

Unknown_11: is it was a profound thing that that really influenced him that was a huge development moment in his life it was a core memory oh my god the holocaust this is a great these comic books are actually awesome is this not a woman is this a tranny as a child clarice ferguson was considered pathologically shy clearly that is no longer the case

Unknown_11: Larry's on some boys name. Is this a tranny? Dude, it is a tranny. Cause look at how big his hands are. Like, okay. So this one's really big cause it's supposed to be a perspective thing, but look on his right hand. He has like these massive, like, um, Jackie sing catcher mitt glove hands for some reason. Why is it like that? That's how you know it's a tranny. Cause he's got the big hands.

Unknown_13: It's not a training. What kind of name?

Unknown_11: Clarice is not a, is not a woman's name. Okay. Let me look this up. I don't know anything about comics as you'll find out later on the stream.

Unknown_13: Come on. I think my VPN slope blink blink is a super heroine appearing in American comic book published by Marvel comics.

Unknown_13: She's like a purple woman. Why is her name Clarice?

Unknown_13: Clarice is a female given him. What?

Unknown_11: There's a guy named Clarice Thomas on the Supreme Court.

Unknown_11: Whatever. Okay, fine. It's not a tranny. It does look like a tranny with this fucking weird mask on its face.

Unknown_11: Oh my God, I might have to actually get a fucking moderator for the first time ever. Cause I cannot, I cannot fucking believe the spam. Nobody here cares about the sound of freedom. I hope you get raped.

Unknown_11: Uh, speaking of John Cena, John Cena has opened in only fans. This is something that I complained about that people gave me shit for. I posted this and I said, he literally does own having only fans.

Unknown_11: And, um...

Unknown_11: it's like an actual page that you can go to and it has images posted now it's all he's doing he's starring in like a stupid stupid comedy movie and um it's supposed to be like a joke it's all promotion for his movie obviously like some like a bunch of people pointed this out to me and said he has uh he's just doing um advertising for his movie it's like yeah but he's advertising only fans as well and they're like no no he's advertising his movie

Unknown_11: do you not get that he's advertising two things at once you can advertise only fans and also advertise your movie at the exact same time like do you not think that john cena was financially compensated by only fans to promote only fans do you not think and if it like someone said oh john cena um

Unknown_11: He probably didn't have any say in this, it was just his studio. Okay, do you not think that his studio was financially compensated to promote OnlyFans? Like, of all the things in the entire world that they could do to try and promote their movie, it was OnlyFans. Why do you think that is?

Unknown_11: Because it legitimizes the platform. They're trying to repair their image, kind of like Pornhub.

Unknown_11: Pornhub, for whatever reason, was able to legitimize itself. I think in part because, if you don't remember,

Unknown_11: Pornhub would put out these annual statistics that kind of made it like, we're not just a company that sells random videos of porn, we also do studies into psychology. And I think that legitimized it. And this is like the same thing, because now they're trying to get people to do like safe for work stuff on the site so that it's more legitimized, more normalized. Normalized is not a word I like, but yeah, basically.

Unknown_11: Um, I don't know. It's stupid, but it's like, I can't, I can't see. I think that there's an issue with people where they can't think two steps at once. Like they see it's an advertisement for the movie and then they think, oh, this is just an advertisement for a movie. It's like, it's not just an advertisement for a movie. It's doing something else as well. It's like people have issues. That's definitely like a 100 IQ thing. If you're below 100 IQ, you can't conceptualize that something does A, but it also does B. The fact that it has two functions is completely unknown to people who are unintelligent.

Unknown_11: I sound like a totally pretentious dickhead, but yeah, that's a bit fucking weird.

Unknown_11: Owned by a rabbi, same as Pornhub, yeah. Someone got mad at me. I said OnlyFans is, the rabbi from OnlyFans is trying to get people to use OnlyFans, like try to spread the word of it to more people. Because people that watch WWE and are fans of John Cena might not know what OnlyFans is. So now he's exposed us to a completely new audience. And that's obviously the point. And then someone replied to me and said, are you being anti-Semitic? No, a rabbi owns OnlyFans. That's not an anti-semitic conspiracy theory. It is literally a rabbi. That's not a joke. I'm not lying. That's just how it is. That's what it is.

Unknown_11: Don't get mad at me.

Unknown_11: The other thing that pissed me off is this.

Unknown_11: We'll watch this video in 50 seconds.

Unknown_12: Yeah, what are you doing? My leg day warm up?

Unknown_11: No, don't give me that bullshit. This is fake and staged, in case you're wondering.

Unknown_10: So actually... I'm making it. No, you're actually the wrong person. You're actually the wrong person. Are you pointing at my dog? This is fucking ridiculous.

Unknown_05: Don't come to my gym later, dude.

Unknown_05: You can see him online.

Unknown_11: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and- Shut up, Handley.

Unknown_11: Oh, actually, I didn't know that he left his take at the end of this. He's gonna sit at the base- Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and guess someone in full makeup at the gym isn't exactly doing a leg warm-up exercise, although it does look kind of like a legitimate one.

Unknown_05: You think this girl's- Oh, he doesn't- God, they never include their fucking take.

Unknown_11: These people are such fucking cowards. I don't want to be too mad at Hambly because he was nice and quoted the Kiwi farms in this fucking article but that's like do you really do you really not have an opinion on if it's okay to walk up to random people and break their shit? I left a reply to this and I said how about you mind your own fucking business because

Unknown_11: Like, and then people got mad at me and said, Josh, you run a drama forum. How about you mind your own fucking business? Well, well, well, well, when you upload something to the internet, it is my fucking business. You have published something online on a global platform that anybody can reply to and people will.

Unknown_11: When you're exercising at a fucking gym,

Unknown_11: reminding your own fucking business filming something. You can't just walk over there and kick shit. If this was real, it's fake. So by the way, everyone aggregating this and getting upset over it and saying, wow, he's so based to go on Thought Patrol. This is an OnlyFans prostitute. Her TikTok name, I think it's already banned. It says your favorite daughter too. So this is a person who goes on TikTok and advertises OnlyFans, gets banned and creates another one and keeps doing this.

Unknown_11: So number one, your outrage content aggregation bullshit has advertised a literal prostitute. Number two, it's fake. Number three, if you think this is based, you're a fucking retard because you're going to go over to somebody and break their phone. Do you know what that's called? It's called assault. You know what happens when you assault somebody? You go to jail. If you think that this is an appropriate reaction and you try to emulate this in real life, when you are in a police department getting your fingerprints booked, remember these words that I told you, you're a fucking retard.

Unknown_11: I know it's less masculine to go to management and complain. Like, okay, you don't want to be filmed in your gym, fine. That's understandable. You don't want to have OnlyFans prostitutes in your gym. Fine, understandable. Just have her removed. Just say, there's a whore who's filming inside the gym. I find this an invasion of my privacy. I don't want this to happen inside my gym. Can you tell her to stop?

Unknown_11: Again, for the sake of argument, let's say

Unknown_11: that it is real and it's not fake, even though it is fake. Do you think that this guy kicking her phone, breaking her shit, convinced her, persuaded her in any way to stop doing this?

Unknown_11: The answer is no. The answer is no, because now she's famous. She has sold thousands of subscriptions to OnlyFans. She's on the New York Post. She's trending on fucking Twitter. Millions of people have seen this video because this monkey roided out, broke her phone in a fit of rage. So now she's going to film herself more often. She's going to film herself in different places. She has been financially rewarded for filming herself.

Unknown_11: It's just like, I don't know.

Unknown_11: It's like, I, I, I condemn monkey behavior whenever I see it. And, uh, this is proper fucking Kool-Aid drinking monkey behavior. And for some reason, people are going to, uh, are going to defend it as if it's not monkey behavior.

Unknown_11: I remember when this was, people are going to get angry at me for pointing out the obvious.

Unknown_11: It's not a microaggression. Breaking shit is literally aggression.

Unknown_11: It persuades others to not act hoarse. No, it doesn't.

Unknown_11: If you act like a whore and then your OnlyFans name, which is right fucking here, is advertised on multi-million follower channels for days and goes to the front page of news articles, that is a signal for free advertising. That is a signal that if you want more viewers and more advertisements, you do this. Now, maybe if he had properly committed to it and just killed her, like if he had just like taken a dumbbell and bashed her fucking brains in, that would only need to happen like twice before people would stop doing that. Now, obviously he would go to jail forever or be executed for that.

Unknown_11: Um, but the, the, the safe middle where it's like, I'm not going to complain to management because that's Karen behavior, but I'm also just going to do something just dumb enough that it accomplishes nothing besides giving her exactly what she wants. Um, that is like, that is proper neighbor behavior. And if you disagree, you're fucking retarded.

Unknown_13: I'm, I am pragmatic.

Unknown_11: If your intended consequence is to get her to stop doing something. And this is how you go about it. You failed your failure. Uh, you have committed a crime. You're going to be charged with assault. You're going to be booked. You're going to have a mug shot and she's going to make thousands of dollars off of the outrage video.

Unknown_13: Stop it.

Unknown_13: Stop arguing with me.

Unknown_11: If you want me to move on, just admit that I'm right.

Unknown_13: That's how it works, Chip.

Unknown_13: Uh, if everyone, no.

Unknown_11: Dude, this is what I mean. It's like you have two things happening.

Unknown_11: People can't, can't process more than two things at once. And they just shut down and they just get, they are just not, they're literally just not smart enough to understand it.

Unknown_13: I'm right a hundred percent of the time. That's right. That's right. Motherfucker.

Unknown_11: It's just, it frustrates me seeing people constantly fall for shit like this. Just constantly fall for it.

Unknown_11: And then they, they get wrapped up and they start defending, number one, a guy who didn't actually do anything. It's fake. And that accomplished the purpose of advertising her. And they're still going to say, no, that's base.

Unknown_11: profound mental retardation just obsessed especially when it's coming from like like when I say something that's my chat and it's like Do you really actually think that it's like it cripples my brain to think there are people who listen to me and actually are that fucking stupid I Don't understand social queuing was true. I'm a fast pass kind of guy myself A man from Spain has bought in a baby for Mexico. I

Unknown_11: he has gone by himself unmarried not even gay married to Mexico and bought a child from a surrogate with cash money and for whatever reason the surrogacy company is proud of this and uh has published it to the internet and uh people are supposed to be happy for this i guess so this greasy

Unknown_11: A Spaniard that you're looking at right here. I don't even know what he is. I guess he's like Moroccan or some shit. Just went to Mexico, bought a baby. Because in Mexico, the surrogacy shit doesn't require you to be even married. And he's bringing him or her home to her, it says, daughter to Spain.

Unknown_11: Enjoy.

Unknown_11: Enjoy the hell that we live in.

Unknown_11: Like the Spanish shit 100 years ago. Exactly.

Unknown_11: British Columbia has updated.

Unknown_11: uh, their hate crime definitions. And what they have done in short is that they have made attempting to persuade someone who is transgender or claims to be transgender to not pursue gender affirming care, conversion therapy, uh, which is a type of offense that can, can trying to do conversion therapy only applies from what I understand the two different types of groups of people.

Unknown_11: A, if you are a father or mother in Canada and your child is saying they're transgender, one parent, um, wants to pursue transitioning and the other does not. If you take your child from Canada to the United States or to any other place that doesn't recognize gender affirming care as a right or like a mandatory thing, uh, that's, um, that's a hate crime. That's like prosecuted as if it was a conversion therapy.

Unknown_11: And then if you are a medical professional and you tell somebody who says, I think I might be trans.

Unknown_11: If you say like, whoa, okay, so before you do that, let's do a proper psych eval. I think that maybe it might just be confused. That kind of hesitation is now an offense. It's the same as saying to a gay man, we need to just burn you until you stop thinking gay shit. Like that's literally what they're complaining. They're saying that if you would tell someone who says they're transgender, that they're not transgender, they might not be transgender, or they should pursue other things besides gender-affirming care. It's the same as saying, if you take bureautic acid and pour it on your penis every time you think a gay thought, you will stop thinking gay thoughts. That's what they're trying to say.

Unknown_11: Great.

Unknown_13: They also added hate crimes.

Unknown_13: They explained their hate crime definition.

Unknown_11: And I have this perfectly in my head and now I can't remember what they added to it.

Unknown_11: The hate was hate speech. I think that, um,

Unknown_11: they made it like hate speech to advocate for conversion therapy like to say de-transitioning um you should you should de-transition is now like a or advocating for any kind of conversion therapy is hate speech so we say that gays can become straight and all they have to do is eat kallax cereal and they'll become straight, that is a type of advocating for conversion therapy. And they've added advocating for conversion therapy to a type of a hate speech. And since we just covered that they added detransitioning as a type of conversion therapy, that means that advocating for detransitioning is also advocating for conversion therapy and is therefore hate speech.

Unknown_11: in British Columbia. So this is a state level rule.

Unknown_11: And not a Canadian rule yet, but it may expand that way.

Unknown_13: Eventually. Um, cool.

Unknown_13: Next, simple, simple news chat.

Unknown_11: Okay, this is the last of the shit from Twitter, I think. No, actually, there's more. I have to yell at people. But you will not find this opinion controversial. See, okay, so this is a Dane. This might be Kitty Styles, I'm not sure. What he's done as a tranny is actually extremely funny. he goes on instagram as a man and posts on instagram pictures of his male breast of his budding breasticles on hrt and he then reports himself He reports himself in his male breasts, and he says, I'm a woman, and therefore these are female breasts. And he forces Instagram to action his own posts as if he was posting pornography, because bare breasts are not allowed on Instagram.

Unknown_11: and he basically he it sounds convoluted because he is a sex pest and he's obviously trying to get away with being a sex pest on instagram right um but the way that he forces the moderators to moderate him reminds me so much of the um

Unknown_11: of of like pepe shitting on the floor and the janny is uh is crying in the background he's basically doing that he's taking a big old dump on instagram he's like sweep it up jan jan you gotta i got we got some female breast over here for you to delete and then he's forcing some poor instagram janny to look at his man tits and then delete them over and over again and he cannot be stopped

Unknown_11: So it is gross yes, but it's also funny for the contrived reason that I mentioned Daniel

Unknown_11: Dave Moscato, I've only mentioned him a couple times, so you'll have to give me a second to try and remember who he is. He's a fat loser. He's in his 40s. He had a, he lived, his parents are rich. I want to say that his father is a doctor or a lawyer, so pretty sure a doctor, and he makes a fuck ton of money.

Unknown_11: Dave I think is their only son and he has always lived at their house. He's a Absolute reprobate irredeemable has no qualities Of a living breathing human that would make it in a society without welfare, but his parents paid for him And I can't remember exactly What caused the issue?

Unknown_11: But, um, eventually he started calling his father like a rapist and started trying, I think a rapist, um, and started trying to sabotage his, like his, his job, like trying to sabotage his career as like a doctor by saying that he was guilty of sexual misconduct or something like that. It was something really, really awful for a son to do to his father, even though his father had been bankrolling his lifestyle for like 40 years.

Unknown_11: Um, and then at some point because of this, he, uh, had to move out and, um, his dad obviously stopped paying for his shit because, uh, he was trying to ruin his life and his entire life's work. And then, um, now he's like, I want to say that he's suing his own father or is just doing like a total online smear campaign from his, his hovel now because he's been kicked out. It's something like that.

Unknown_11: Um,

Unknown_11: Oh, his father told him to not true now. OK, that makes sense. That's that aligns with what I what I understand.

Unknown_11: So he put out this this long post.

Unknown_11: Um, and I will read it because I've been told it's very funny. Um, and then I have a, uh, a picture for you to show. Uh, so it's Daniel Moscato says in fifth grade, I started growing out my hair and nails. I had no idea being transgender was let alone that I did that. I label myself that, but I knew that I felt better presenting more femme to the extent that I could do that without adult help. In other words, I still had to wear the same masculine clothes my parents got me for my twin brother. Oh, he has a twin brother. Dude, that must suck. Imagine being the grossest, fattest retard ever.

Unknown_11: And you have a twin brother who is normal and successful.

Unknown_11: Can you imagine anything more soul crushing than having a twin that that is not a loser when you are this fucking creature?

Unknown_11: It's like it's like um There's like a saying like a like a self-help expression like when you you

Unknown_11: When you try to motivate yourself, you should try to imagine what an ideal you would look like. What would you look like if you were exactly what you wanted to be? What would you look like five years from now? If you started working today on being who you want to be like that kind of thing. But in Dave, Dave's life, he doesn't have to sit there and imagine he could open up Facebook and go to his twin brother's account and see someone who looks exactly like him. Accomplishing things that he wished he could in his wildest fucking dreams that he could do He just is constantly sat in front of this mirror that mocks him That's funny anyways

Unknown_11: My teacher, Mr. Rothstein, pulled me aside one day and told me I needed to cut my nail and hair because I don't actually remember the reason he gave it. I remember thinking, why? Other kids in class have long hair and long nails and they're allowed to do that. Why can't I? He said, I would talk to my parents about it if I didn't. So I cut my nails. I can't remember, imagine how different my life would have been if I had recognized that I was trans. If someone, anyone had told me what being a transgender is, and that is a thing that exists.

Unknown_11: That teacher was gay himself, which my parents knew, but he didn't talk to his students about it. And I didn't find out until many years later, but like, I'm sure he was aware of trans people being gay himself. I just didn't have the language for it at the time. All I knew is I felt better. Dude, this is like 30 years ago at least. And it's like drag queen shit was just a thing that gay men did for fun.

Unknown_11: like they just dressed up as like bimbos and were like haha i'm such a stupid faggot teehee and that was like funny to them um because they hate women

Unknown_11: Wait, sorry hamster. Go away. This is not news. This is Dave Moscato He's stuck. He always he always sneaks in like that. It's just sneaks in. Why does he do that?

Unknown_11: So no the whole thing like oh, oh my god, we have to get you on bathtub estrogen right away like that would never happen Even though I was fucking fancy that would not happen I

Unknown_11: All I knew is I felt better with long hair and long nails, and it wasn't fair to my friends in class. Cis girls could have them, but I, for some reason, couldn't just because everyone insisted I was a boy. I was 10. I wish I had known what hormone blockers were. I mean, both of my parents are medical doctors, you know. I knew it was doctors. I didn't know that they were both doctors, though.

Unknown_11: Dude, that's so sad. You have two people who obviously have the intelligence to go through medical school and operate a, uh, an office and a medical office themselves. And then they have two sons.

Unknown_11: And one is this fucking freak that that's so crazy. Like, how do you, how do you, how do two smart people's genes zipper together in such a way that they result in this like 80 IQ abomination?

Unknown_11: Where, where is, where is the line between nature and nurture chat? Where's the line.

Unknown_11: It still makes me mad. And it was one of the reasons I do trans activism today. I don't want other people to go through childhood.

Unknown_11: Not even knowing that being trans is an option that there's a name for that in the whole community of people like me, things are different with the internet. Now the uppercase I internet, my boy. So that just shows you how old he is. Cause back in the day, they spelled it correctly. Now they don't.

Unknown_11: I didn't have access to any of this kind of information when I was a preteen. I wanted you to know something like that.

Unknown_11: You had to physically go to the library and read about it until the encyclopedia set. Google didn't exist until I was in high school. The only source of information about this kind of stuff came from our parents, our teachers, and a priest. I've known I was trans ever since I first became aware that there was different genders in the first place. I was probably five or so when I realized something was wrong. They always say this. They always, like, retcon their entire childhood and be like, there I was, a three-year-old, my first memory vivid. I was at the Walmart trying to wear a dress, but my mommy said, no, that is a girl's clothes, and she slapped my little wrist. That was a traumatic memory. That was my first memory, and it was a traumatic memory. I wish I had known then what I know now. I think every single time there's a tranny, he goes back and tries to, like, pretend that he knew the entire time that one day he would become a porn addict and try to cut off his own dick.

Unknown_13: Um.

Unknown_13: To the.

Unknown_11: I didn't know that there were people like me. I didn't understand what it was. I just knew there were two categories they divide kids into and they put me in the wrong one, but I didn't know how to explain it or I didn't know how to explain it or talk to anyone about it. I just knew. So, so if he knew when you were five, why didn't you like tell anyone? Why didn't you ask your parents about it? Why are there no pictures of you in dresses? Why didn't you know why? I just didn't have the words for it because no teacher taught me that transgender was even a thing.

Unknown_11: Okay. Cool. Cop out return. Uh, I wish the adults in my life had done a better job of educating us. We did have sex ed that year, fifth grade for the first time, they separated the boys from the girls or in our usual teacher, the gay guy talked to the boys and another teacher, a Sith woman talked to the girls in another room. I remember that I wanted to go with the girls because all my friends were in that group, but they wouldn't let me.

Unknown_11: On the boys' side, basically all I remember is they told us we would start growing body hair, pubic hair, and they told us about wet dreams. There was absolutely... Dude, I was also taught about wet dreams. I have never had a wet dream. I don't know if that's... Like, they really want us like, okay, you will wake up with jizz in your pants frequently. If this happens, do not worry. You have not sprung a leak. You are not dying. You have merely had a nocturnal omission. And that has never happened in my entire fucking life.

Unknown_11: I don't know if that's like an indictment on me or what.

Unknown_11: Stop gooning, you don't get them if you jerk off. I'm not jerking off.

Unknown_11: Like as a like in fifth grade. I think some Jewish and doctor invented wet dreams, they don't exist.

Unknown_11: Nocturnal emission, that's the polite medical term for a wet dream.

Unknown_11: Kind of like how, um, the, the, I remember in AP history, they taught us that the polite Latin word for, um, pulling out was, uh, coitus interruptus. That's how they taught it. They taught us about how in the, at a certain point in time, people became aware that if they just pulled out after, uh, climaxing and not didn't come inside, they wouldn't have babies. And this was formerly known as coitus interruptus.

Unknown_11: John money invented wet dreams. This is a no. Okay. My chat's about to break out into civil war between, um, those who believe in wet dreams and those who don't believe in wet dreams.

Unknown_13: I got someone quitting opiates. That's weird.

Unknown_13: Okay. Fuck it. I'm not reading chat anymore.

Unknown_11: You guys are weird.

Unknown_11: Um, on the boy side, basically our members, what dreams they were, there was absolutely zero mention of queerness whatsoever. That I remember this was in a small town in Missouri in the 1990s, Missouri or Virginia, something about those States.

Unknown_11: Children deserve to know the truth that trans people exist, that being trans is normal and common. There's a label for that in the community, people like this. I thought it was alone, that there was something wrong with me. I thought I should be ashamed of feeling this way and I was supposed to hide it. So I did.

Unknown_11: Someone had said to me when I was 10, I see you're growing out your nails and your hair if there's anything I could do that would make you feel more comfortable in your body, anything that would make you feel... Dude, if I saw an adult talk to a 10 year old and say, is there anything you want to do that would make you more comfortable in your body? Anything that would make you feel like expressing yourself?

Unknown_11: more authentically, because I would have absolutely, I don't think that guy's a pedophile, but because absolutely anything I said that I want to word absolutely would have said that I want to wear dresses. I want to paint my nails. I want to wear earrings. I want to do things that my friends were already doing. We didn't know there was a word for that. I didn't know that was an option. I thought it was disgusting thinking these things and my parents would be angry and humiliated if I said anything about it.

Unknown_11: So I didn't.

Unknown_11: I could have come out when I was 10, but I'm like, there's a specific line on this I'm looking for.

Unknown_11: Extremely slut-shaming. The messages they sent to me about gender and sexuality were homophobic, transphobic, and extremely slut-shaming. So telling a little boy, cut your fucking nails and cut your hair, you look like shit. That's slut-shaming. Dude, these people have like the most ass-backwards concept of sexuality that has ever fucked me. My son is a slut.

Unknown_11: Dude, Jim and Dave at Sneed's Feed and Seeds in Central Missouri were talking around saying, yeah, I think my boy's a slut. He wears fucking his hair long and shit.

Unknown_11: Sneed, you can't say that. That's slut shame. It's 2024. Lord, have mercy.

Unknown_11: I came out as bisexual when I was 16. I was terrified to tell my parents because I knew they would be angry. And I thought they would throw me out of the house.

Unknown_11: Which they apparently didn't fucking do until you were 40 years old. So that anger seems to be a little bit misplaced.

Unknown_11: Even though I was not yet sexually active, as soon as I came out to them, they forced me to go to their office and take a bunch of blood tests for HIV and all other STIs. Even though I told them I wasn't having sex, they didn't believe me. They assumed that being bi meant I was telling them I might have AIDS.

Unknown_11: It was so insulting and homophobic and humiliating. I know all the nurses at their office, they all work for my parents. I had to explain to them why I was being tested for this stuff.

Unknown_11: My life could have been so different if my parents weren't such bigots. There were so many stories I could tell you about the abuse they put me and my siblings through. My dad screaming at us, throwing temper tantrums like a toddler, throwing things at us, punishing us arbitrarily. So much emotional abuse and gaslighting and screaming. My mother was and still is so manipulative, passive-aggressive, judgmental. She lies constantly over the most petty, ridiculous things. Both of my parents lie their asses off daily about everything. They're so two-faced, it really makes me sick. They both have narcissistic personality disorder. My dad has grandiose subtypes, same as Donald Trump. My dad, abuse me. He is the same kind of person as Donald John Trump. Bum, bum, bum. Dude, that's, that's how, you know, when the tranny starts comparing you to Donald Trump, you're fucked. That's over. He's he, he wrote you in his book of grudges. You're going down.

Unknown_11: Literally, I have PTSD diagnosed because years and years of their child abuse violence emotional terrorism emotional emotional I'm just imagining a world. We're on 9-11 Osama bin Laden did not Orchestrate a plan that involved crashing two planes into the World Trade Centers but instead managed to hack into the intercom system and said You, you, this is a message from Osama Bin Laden of Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. You will never be a real woman. You have no womb. You have no ovaries. You are a man twisted by drugs and medicine into a crude imitation of nature's perfection. It's like that. And it's like, Oh my God, it's emotional terrorism.

Unknown_11: Thousands of people were triggered that day. Never forget.

Unknown_11: Um,

Unknown_11: manipulation and lies. I feel so lucky that I survived all of that and got away. I'm in therapy and healing, but I'm frigging 40 years old now.

Unknown_11: I feel like I'm so far behind where I wanted to be at this age because I'm still healing from all that abuse.

Unknown_11: I didn't get to have a real childhood where I got to figure out who I am and what I want because my parents wouldn't let me be myself. I almost feel like a 10 year old now because I'm 40 trans age. And I came out as trans when I was 30. I will never be the little girl in the pink dress. And it makes me want to cry every time I think about it.

Unknown_11: I will never be the little girl in the pink dress and it makes me cry every time I think about it." He says. This is him. This is what the guy who wrote that sentence looks like. This is a recent picture of him. I think this is the most recent picture of Dave that they have. And that is a guy who is 40-something years old on Facebook writing 10-paragraph expository essays about how he's a victim of emotional terrorism, and he cries every day he thinks about how he'll never be a 10-year-old girl in a pink dress. That. That. Never forget shit. When you read what these people say, and the dumb shit they say, that it's not just some lispy little queer crying behind a fucking keyboard it's actually genuinely disgusting monstrous people like this uh who are saying shit like that disgusting chat disgusting um alejandro caraballo who may or may not be receiving a letter in the mail this week asking for their cooperation uh has decided that calling the kiwi farms a host of illegal material was not uh dumb enough they have or sorry actually

Unknown_11: This just goes to show you what kind of quality education they teach people in Harvard Law School, because after the blunder that they made a couple weeks ago, they've learned their lesson.

Unknown_11: And now Alejandro Caraballo has learned that when you do something that is accusing somebody of something criminal, you use plausible deniability. Someone, someone out there, someone in this world bought and is now using it to criticize her.

Unknown_11: And it's a, like a pseudo autobiographical website that basically accuses the libs of Tik Tok lady of murder.

Unknown_11: So someone set up this website, someone who knows, um, who has a lot of hatred for chai or I chick, and also knows how to do internet shit, uh, set up this website and is calling her a murderer. Someone, I'm sure this will work out fine for, for care bio.

Unknown_11: Also, this made me see you, and this is much less controversial than my other my other hot take.

Unknown_11: Let the tick that got banned from Stripe to clarify. Let me go over this because I want people to really understand how this works.

Unknown_11: There are payment networks, MasterCard, VisaCard, Amex, Discover, also known as JCB or Diner's Club.

Unknown_11: These are the actual card networks. And to deliberately obfuscate who is making decisions, when and where and why, there's what's called a stratification. You have payment networks, you have payment gateways. Payment gateways actually connect to the different networks and exchange money between them.

Unknown_11: And then you have payment processors. Payment processors are an API that instruct the gateway on what to do to the payment networks. And there's usually three different companies. Stripe is actually both a gateway and a processor, so they just have a direct relationship with the card processors and the merchants.

Unknown_11: Stripe is very, very easy to use. So it's very, very popular. Almost everything uses Stripe. And they skim 3% of every charge in the US, basically. So MasterCard, VisaCard take a cut of like 1% to 3%. And then Stripe takes another 3% or more. So basically, every time you swipe a credit card or type in a credit card number, Um, in real life or on the internet, you're charging, you're losing. About five to 10% of your money, depending on the exact configuration going on to bankers and not just bankers, but some of the most evil companies that have ever existed in the history of mankind. Some of the most powerful and influential and genuinely insidious creatures that have ever walked this fucking earth.

Unknown_11: Chai Rychek found herself debanked by Stripe, and after trying to handle that privately for 30 days, she then went to TikTok or to Twitter, complained about it. Tim Pool got her back, blasted it, and then lo and behold, the CEO of Stripe himself, Patrick Collinson,

Unknown_11: Comes out and says the issue was unrelated to lives of tic-tocs views Stripe stands strongly for freedom of speech We received a complaint from card networks about how their charge descriptors were causing customer confusion We passed that along they fixed the issue and now they're good to go again This is a fucking lie Chaya clarifies that she had talked to them for three weeks to try and figure out what the fuck is wrong

Unknown_11: And then Patrick comes out and says, actually, it was just that the descriptors, which is like, if you look at your credit card statements, it usually has like a very short line that just says like Google asterisk, uh, super chat charge or something like that. They're saying that her descriptors in the billing information was confusing. Like it might just say, for instance, an example of a confusing billing line would be like L O T T standing for lives of Tik TOK. Like a person reads that thing. I don't know what that means. You know?

Unknown_11: whereas if we were to say libs of tiktok monthly sponsorship or something that would be very clear that's a rule that they have but it's basically patrick's word against hers as to what it means because these things are a trade secret you're not you are not

Unknown_11: you have no right to know why they ban you. If that's true or if that's false, they don't even need to tell you. They can just say you violated our terms or any of our terms. Remember, there's four different networks and then Stripe. So those are five different AUPs, at least, that you agree to.

Unknown_11: And when they tell you that you violated their AUP in some way, you don't know which one. You have no idea what rule, and you have no idea what company. And she had no idea until she complained about it. And then the Stripe comes out and says, we really care about freedom of speech. Motherfucker, you are the head of one of the most evil companies that has ever existed.

Unknown_11: Dare to go out and pretend that you have principles or integrity or things that you care about besides cheese grating 3% off every charge in the entire country every day or, you know, every second. Um, absolutely disgusting. It actually fills me with like, like a boiling contempt for him.

Unknown_11: Like, imagine having the audacity to come out and lie so bold-faced.

Unknown_11: Can you even imagine just like lying? This would be the equivalent of if, for whatever reason, you were suddenly in charge of a press conference and you had to walk out there and your script says, the sky is green and the bad thing happened because it was raining lava. And you have to go out there and say that. And then people are going to like, well, that's obviously bullshit. You're just you're obviously just full of shit. And then you just have to say, no, that's true. But what I just said is the truth. They have to walk away. And I think that's ridiculous. Nobody would have the audacity to do this unless you're being paid millions of dollars a year to be a soulless puppet for the most evil banks that have ever existed in human history. I hate them.

Unknown_11: If you put all these bankers on guillotines and you gave me an axe and you said, you got to drop the axe over and over again. And you only get one side of this. You can cut off as many heads as you physically can. You know, I'm not, I'm not in shape, but I would be out there with that axe and I would be sweaty and out of breath, but I would, I would find the way my arms would hurt. It would shoot battery acid through my veins.

Unknown_11: but I would find a way to keep going till every banker was legally decapitated after due process. If it fell on me, chat, I hate them.

Unknown_11: I hope that when,

Unknown_11: This is over and the regime has changed and the empire has fallen that there is a day where bankers are out in the courtyards of their big ass office buildings burning their employment records. I, in my head, I see it clear as day. I see Patrick Collison with binders of their risk assessment team and all, all the people who work for them and he's burning them like it's the battle of Berlin. and he's like just trying to destroy as many records and as many names that have worked for him uh in his life

Unknown_11: I hate them so much, you can't even fucking imagine it. And the thing is that nobody, nobody cares. Nobody cares. These banks managed to operate outside of the public perception and they have managed to do so for decades and nobody, never, never does it enter actual public consciousness how evil MasterCard and Visa and Stripe and Discover, it has never once in decades, actually made like a like in the same way that trannies do or that bud light fucking bud fucking light bud light sponsors a tranny like what gives him one can of with his face on it and that's international news they lose out billions of dollars it has never and probably never will it probably never will enter mainstream consciousness that the that the entire reason that things are as broken as they are is because a handful of companies control 100% of global commerce. It'll never enter public consciousness.

Unknown_11: And you see that when it does threaten to enter public consciousness, the CEO himself, like, gets in there and diffuses things. And even in this, like, okay, a thousand likes for Tim Pool, a thousand for him, 2,000 for the TikTok. But when I make fun of Keffel's, it gets like 5,000.

Unknown_11: But when the CEO of Stripe has to personally fucking lie about his motivations and censoring companies and shit, nobody cares. It's just, it's just, it's just, it's like I mentioned before, you got too much going on. There's an a and a B. There's a, there's a, a complex like banking law. That's complicated. The economy, how does it work? A dollar's a dollar, right? It's too frustrating.

Unknown_13: Well,

Unknown_11: um okay so i did watch this video it's a clip of a guy this guy is called defy jay and he is apparently a creepy weirdo from what i understand based on this video he has a long ongoing history of using his old school runescape celebrity status to find retarded women with no money and then to like fly them out to his house so that he can lock them up in rooms and groom them and try to force them and extort them into having sex with each other and just like the way it's described just makes it sound like he's a typical like narcissistic personality type who um enjoys like power and control however the problem is

Unknown_11: is that the person who put together this expose saying that he's an abuser, uh, is a gross tranny. And this undermines his entire thing. This is him. He came out and he like, if I, if I should have played the video first, cause if I go to the middle of this video and click play, he also has no proof.

Unknown_13: That's true.

Unknown_11: I was going to get to that.

Unknown_11: I'll play the- There is a monster in the world against them.

Unknown_00: When he's grooming you, he will convince you that everyone else is evil as well and that he is the only person- So yes, this entire video about rape and abuse and someone killing themselves because they were- Apparently his first girlfriend killed herself or something and it's speculated that that's because of how he was acting.

Unknown_11: You might think, that's just like an Australian guy. talking. No, it's it's a woman chat. It's a woman. Be clear.

Unknown_11: Um, also he's like super AstroTurf like runescape has continually come out and said that his name is hand on the, uh, and they call him trend on the, uh, but even like the old school runescape staff have tried to call him the community champion for the year. And Narnia has championed mental health awareness, especially over the last year, raising over $50,000 for wise above the disorder. She's a fantastic voice for all scapers. It's so fucking gay. You know who is a true representative of the old school RuneScape community?

Unknown_11: I'll give you guys a chance chat to figure out who I'm talking about. I'm going to try to find a good clip. Oh my God. Chat already knows there's no hiding it. It's, it's just so obvious. Like who else, who else makes you think when, when you think pride of runescape players, Oh fuck. Cool. Let me try to find a video of him playing some runescape.

Unknown_11: Because I know what you guys, I know what my chat likes. Obviously, I'm always a pleaser. I'm always giving chat the content that they're looking for.

Unknown_11: And they never get angry at me ever.

Unknown_11: I swear he's been playing RuneScape recently.

Unknown_11: I'm playing fucking Call of Duty. Or not Call of Duty, the other one.

Unknown_11: Counter-Strike.

Unknown_11: You know, the fucking act is, well, as I bring this up, let me just explain that counter-strike is the gayest fucking shooter game ever. It's gayer than call of duty. Okay. I'm bringing it up here. You want to talk about ambassadors? This man has done more for the runescape old school runescape community than a trillion Hannah bees, Trana bees combined.

Unknown_11: You're talking about, you're talking about a real fucking hero right now.

Unknown_11: You see this guy playing and you think this is, this is a clue guys. This is who I want to be.

Unknown_11: You defend counter-strike, you're gay. Counter-strike is gayer than two men fucking. That's my new expression. I like to say that things are gayer than two men fucking. Cause that's really fucking gay. Um, oh great. Okay. I get to start a fight.

Unknown_11: I get to start a fight today chat. This is a guy called, um, I think it says Jesse here, but I think his name is Sven. You guys have to clarify who the fuck, whoever is talking is talking because I don't know these people. Apparently nobody does. Um, but I'm going to dunk on them regardless. I'll just let this play out real quick.

Unknown_04: Then I had to find out about this Liz Fong Jones person and then Liz Fong Jones was dating Like a trans snake?

Unknown_02: Liz Fong Jones is like, that's the tech tranny that's always harassing Kiwi Farms, like if Kiwi Farms is offline. So I like this person a lot.

Unknown_02: I'm a huge Liz Fong Jones fan.

Unknown_02: Because Kiwi Farms keep stepping on rakes in regards to this person.

Unknown_02: You can't fight a tranny that works in big tech in a powerful position. They just win. Your website goes offline until they stop being mad. Right and they're not the one that does it like they they're never gonna take that They're never gonna take that side all the way down because it's like an Intel like it's a Intel laundering It's like most of the the whole idea of tranny hackers is I think quite often like just fucking intelligence agents you sit like pretending like trannies are functional people that like the idea that they're like hackers like they barely as people can barely like play video games, but like

Unknown_13: Sorry, I ran to the bathroom. I've heard this clip before, so I didn't need to listen to it.

Unknown_11: Um, okay. So I find this is one of the most pathetic things I've ever heard anyone say about the site because you have people who don't like the site for various reasons. Um, and there are various levels of justified and not wanting the site to stay up anymore. Uh, this guy,

Unknown_11: If I remember correctly, he's the one, is he, is he Borzoi, is the guy, you guys have to help me with this, is he the one that is upset because his wife's nose was on

Unknown_11: Small bladder energy, that is me for sure.

Unknown_11: Yeah, okay, I did get this right. This guy, Borzoi was one of the most popular, he's not Borzoi?

Unknown_11: That's somebody else. Okay.

Unknown_11: Someone told me that it started because of the boys. I think they can't tell if they're just friends or if that's just a joke or if it was boys away himself. I don't know who he is. Um, but I've been sent clips of him before and every time he is simultaneously.

Unknown_11: Seething that the site exists because he considers it a info info laundering is the the right-wing keyword for I was doxxed I look like a huge faggot on the Kiwi farms. That's there. That's what that means he's simultaneously rooting for a tranny and Also complaining that the site is immune to consequences because it is a FBI info laundering site Which it's

Unknown_11: He, there's actually a specific part, hold up. As is like most of the, right.

Unknown_03: And they're not the one that does it.

Unknown_02: Like they just win.

Unknown_16: It's like, you can't, you can't fight like a super, you can't fight like a tranny that works in big tech, like in a powerful position.

Unknown_02: Like they just win.

Unknown_11: don't even try chat don't even try the moment that you receive any resistance to anything that you do if you realize that it's a training just say yes ma'am take down your website retreat to your fucking your fediverse instance paywall your podcast just admit defeat like there's no point even trying bros imagine these guys consider themselves to be actual like important people who have ideologically strong viewpoints worth sharing worth charging money for that have been that have tried to attach i think they tried to attach themselves or were part of the national justice party which was supposed to be like the nsdap of the of the united states or some shit And that went nowhere. It's like, of course it went nowhere. How do you listen to people who are so fucking gay and so fucking defeatist that if a tranny, if a Google tranny tells you not to do something, the answer should just be yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. Right away. Like they found it in JP. Okay. This is, um, the right stuff is their podcast.

Unknown_11: And this is Sven AKA Jesse talking. There's one guy in the background who just seems to be like, yeah, okay. Like, I don't think he's fully on board with this, but the main guy talking is just like seething that the Kiwi farms exist because our info laundering is so good. Where's my fucking check.

Unknown_11: Where's my fucking check. Where's my Gabe Hoffman check for, for my info laundering.

Unknown_11: I always have things to spend money on that will support the site.

Unknown_11: The podcast race. That's right.

Unknown_11: I worded this much more eloquently on Zitter. It was like, the most morally bankrupt, intellectually vacuous, unprincipled, craven, craven especially, craven position to take. There's no point in trying to fight a tranny. If a tranny says something, you have to, you just have to go along with it. And if it inconveniences you, well, that's your own fault. And then he says this, this part.

Unknown_02: Your website goes offline until they stop being mad. Right, and they're not the ones that does it. They're never going to take that side all the way down.

Unknown_11: Simultaneously, there's no point resisting it, because they always win. But also, they're not the ones doing it. I think he realized how bad it was. They'd be like, Tranny's always win, don't even try. They're just so much smarter, better, funnier, more interesting, more intelligent than I am. He's like, oh wait, um, well, it's not really the trannies It's like the it's like the Jews and the Jews in the background the trains are just front and for the other ones that are doing it So it's like he has to backtrack that statement almost immediately And he says then he realizes that the site's still up So, how can you say that the tranny slash Jews have taken the site down and always went if it's still up?

Unknown_11: oh, I mean it there it's never gonna it's never gonna go fully down because it's like an Intel like it's a Intel wandering a

Unknown_11: Complete depletion of confidence in his voice because he realizes internally that he's contradicting himself like eight fucking times in a row And he just has to like continue. It's like he's playing like a game where he's just like a like paddle ball He's like a ball. He's just trying to keep up So he's pushing it and keeps falling out to different sides. He has to run and catch it and keep bouncing it back up

Unknown_11: It's like, uh, well, I mean, the trainees always win, um, except, you know, it's not the trainees, it's the Jews, and it never goes down anyways, because, uh, infilandering.

Unknown_11: Nailed it. Nailed it, bro. What else does it say at the end?

Unknown_03: It's like, most of the, the whole idea of tranny hackers is, I think, quite often, like, just fucking intelligence agents. You sit, like, pretending like trannies are functional people. Like, the idea that they're, like, hackers, like, they can barely... Who's the one talking at the end?

Unknown_11: Is that Mike or Sven?

Unknown_11: The one that says that the trainees aren't hackers, it's all Jews and shit.

Unknown_11: Mike who's the guy that's saying the dumb shit can't fight like a super you can't fight that works in big tech like in a powerful position like they just win you're like the idea that they're like hackers like it's the same guy because like they keep like Kiwi farms keep so Mike is the retard I said Sven Sven's the one that seems like

Unknown_04: Then I had to find out about this Liz Fong Jones person and then Liz Fong Jones was dating Blakey.

Unknown_11: Both retarded. I'm trying to in my head for whatever reason. I'm thinking one of them is retarded and one of them is being more reserved and not retarded. And then I realized on a second, another listen through. Oh, they're both retarded. They're both fucking dumb.

Unknown_11: Great master, master that shit.

Unknown_11: Voice blind, listen.

Unknown_11: I have a big brain full of many beautiful thoughts and I will spare no more room to this matter. It's three people.

Unknown_13: Now you're fucking with me. I'm moving on with this.

Unknown_11: By the way, if they see the on, if they see this, if they see the on transgender Twitter, uh, please screen cap it and post it in the thread. Cause I will laugh at this.

Unknown_13: They're guys also retarded.

Unknown_11: Okay. I love that. When I started talking about the right stuff, um, and I'm asking for clarification, I'm getting all the guys with German names out in my chat, like head codes angle.

Unknown_11: He pops out. Oh yeah. That guy's also retarded. I know him. He's, he's stupid as fuck. Thanks bro.

Unknown_11: Um, okay, this, this is actually really cool. I'm proud of this. Someone, uh, um, this guy, maple, he's actually been a part of the community since before I was hosting the, the quickie forums.

Unknown_11: And, uh, he's been working on this. You don't, you don't remember in like the late two thousands, there was like this surge of people making little games on RPG maker, which was like a.

Unknown_11: It was just sort of like a, you know, cause old style J J RPGs were like really popular at the time. So there was like a way to remix assets and stuff to get like a really basic, um, uh, RPG style game out. And so this guy has been working like for 11 years at least when getting a Christian RPG maker game out.

Unknown_11: And, um, I haven't played it yet, but, um, people have said that it's really detailed.

Unknown_11: So I might if I ever get a moment, I might play it on stream. It's in its second beta release now.

Unknown_11: So the first beta release was a little while ago, but he's finally getting it to a point where he wants to call it done. I think it's first official release, so it's getting really polished out, and I'm super hyped for it. I haven't played it, but I will. I don't know. It's apparently this really huge project that he's been working on piecemeal for over a decade now. You worry about the Barbara level, and hopefully there's no Barbussy. I'd have to cut that out of the stream. I'd have to edit that out and put a black screen that says, at this part in the stream, I play the level where Chris fucks his mother, and there's a graphic sex scene. That would sour the whole experience, I think.

Unknown_11: the barb ending.

Unknown_11: Um, it's on like just a basic Wix site. I told him to be careful and make sure that he archives all this because, um, if I advertise it, people will try to fuck with them, but I know hopefully they won't. It's really cool. I like shit like this. Um, there's also that there's a community made Kiwi farms, doom map that's in the works. I think it's getting out to its first release. So I'm going to have to play through that. And, um, and this as well at some point, super hype chat.

Unknown_11: Uh, cool.

Unknown_11: All right. Let's look at Ralph looking miserable. Let's preload this, make sure that it actually buffers for us.

Unknown_11: So Ralph, um, took a break. I don't know why he took a break, but he did take a break and he just got back from his break. And apparently the break was not as relaxing as he might've hoped.

Unknown_13: Okay. Give me a second. My fucking site is slow as shit.

Unknown_11: I don't know why. I think it's my VPN. I think there's something wrong with Moldad cause I, um, I've been having really serious issues connecting and it's only on, um, my, my desktop. When I use my phone, it works fine.

Unknown_11: Okay. I will skip. I will come back to the Ralph thing at the end.

Unknown_11: Rekina I talked about this actually last stream, and I did not do a good job covering it because I was Uninformed on what exactly was being discussed So now that I've rewatched it. I have to show you guys a clip of commando 1985 John I'll be ready John

Unknown_11: Why did I show you a clip from Commando 1985 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Unknown_11: Many years ago, 10 years ago, speaking of old wiki forums, there was a moderator called Comperex.

Unknown_11: Compie loved Commando 1985 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. And in chat, Comperex would quote this movie continuously. For years he did.

Unknown_11: And so while listening to Rikada drunkenly threaten a guy named John over and over again, all I could think of in my empty fucking skull was John, John, I'll be ready, John. Like just over and over again, continually hearing this, this clip haunting me in my fucking dreams.

Unknown_11: Um, cause Rikada.

Unknown_11: Kena is tired of being made fun of by those damn darn Kiwi farmers. And so he decided that he would epically own the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_11: by characterizing the community as a group of mentally ill, homeless, deranged, unloved people. And the way that he chose to do this has upset far many people than I would have expected. I don't know if it's merely posturing or if people are actually genuinely upset, but there does seem to be like a lot of people who are bothered by what he said.

Unknown_11: There's a user on the Kiwi farms named John who, during the Vic Mignogna saga, was a big fan of Rikada, paypig Rikada, and tried to talk to Rikada in private. And during a low point of his life, I'll be charitable, contacted Rikada and said, Rikada, I intend to kill myself. I am a loser, Reketa. I cannot.

Unknown_11: My family does not love me. My girlfriend doesn't love me. And I'm going through issues and I'm going to kill myself.

Unknown_11: And apparently Rikeda tried to walk him off that ledge, my friend. And he said, why don't you call 9-1-1? And then apparently gave some kind of excuse like, oh, I don't know how to dial it. I'm just so, so fucked up right now. And he said, well, why don't you go get a cab to the hospital? And I was like, well, I don't have money for it. And he said, well, how far is the hospital? I said, four miles. And he was like, well, you can walk four miles to the hospital if you really want to.

Unknown_11: And he said, no, um, I'm a loser or whatever. I'm a, I'm a, I'm like, I have issues. I have such bad anxiety. I can't walk down the street for miles.

Unknown_11: And I find this story believable because if you've ever talked to somebody who is in like a genuine, like, whoa, isn't me baiting baiting era. Um, people like that tend to reject or in that state of mind, tend to reject any and all advice. If you try to help somebody who doesn't want to be helped and just wants to whine.

Unknown_11: Um, they will take every single thing that you say and immediately try to find reasons to undermine it or say that it's not applicable to them so that they don't have to work on changing how they feel about things. Uh, that is, that is the, I don't know if there's a name for this mindset, but it's a thing that you definitely see. So I believe a story, um,

Unknown_11: However, what people have taken offense over is that this guy apparently really trusted him, dumped all this woe is me shit on him, and then years later, for no reason other than to try and epically own the Kiwi farms, decided to randomly just dox him and call him out.

Unknown_11: Um, and I don't know why he didn't really justify this. He just smugly preened about it when, when a stream I'll play it's 30 minutes. So, but I'll click it like random moments and it's just like really fucked up. Um, and being an asshole. So let's start at like the first 30 seconds and then I'll skip ahead and I'll just keep doing that.

Unknown_09: Some of these Kiwi farmers, some of these commentators,

Unknown_09: Here we go, this is fun. Not only do I know them, do I know their failures? Do I know their social security checks? Do I know their inability to even contact their own family for help? Do I know their desire to leave their own state?

Unknown_09: Oh man. Oh man. I cannot fucking imagine being in the place that this man is. So he has, there's a thing that he keeps doing in this video and I have no frame of reference to describe what it is besides to talk about bossman Jack.

Unknown_11: And so I will use this as an opportunity to discuss bossman jacket again.

Unknown_11: Bossman Jack smokes crack.

Unknown_11: A side effect of crack is that you tend to not sleep because it is a stimulant and it deprives you of sleep. A side effect of not sleeping, which is not combated by crack, is hallucinations. If you stay up for three plus days,

Unknown_11: perhaps high on crack cocaine, you may start seeing things that aren't real. Particularly bugs, for whatever reason. If there are bugs, from what I understand after three days, you start seeing bugs in the peripheral of your vision. For instance, on the ceiling. There's a very interesting clip where Bossman Jack really freaks out. He like jumps and looks up at the ceiling and says, what the fuck is that? And nevermind. Because he saw like an insect or something growing on his ceiling at the corner of his eye as a result of sleep deprivation.

Unknown_11: Rakeda is doing the same thing. For whatever reason, while pontificating about how big of a loser John, John, how big of a loser John is, he keeps glancing up at the ceiling as if there is some kind of tentacle monster up there that's glaring at him and staring him down.

Unknown_09: Has to go to a YouTube streamer to beg, beg, beg for a shred of attention. Say, please, please, Rackets. I love you. I love you. Oh, man.

Unknown_09: Begging is embarrassing. I love you. I have, my family hates me. I can't get a job. I'm so mentally handicapped. I can't do anything.

Unknown_09: And my name is John.

Unknown_09: All I want to do, I want to die. I want to put a bullet in my mouth, but I can't afford a gun.

Unknown_09: Texting me this, by the way, like, Hey, holy shit, brother. You want to kill yourself? Like, that's not good.

Unknown_09: No, I deserve to die. Well, I mean, probably, but seriously, no, that's not good. Can you buy an Uber and go to the hospital? No, I can't afford an Uber. You can't afford an Uber. Eight bucks. You can't afford one. Why? Oh, it's social security because we use a piece of shit. But I'm so successful. Oh, man, that's fucking embarrassing.

Unknown_09: Man, that is embarrassing, right? I'm such a piece of shit. My family hates me. Nobody loves me. I'm just going to kill myself. You're messaging me. You're texting a fucking YouTuber. Holy.

Unknown_11: What is on the ceiling? Is it ceiling cat? Hold up. Hold up. Oh my God. That's a funny meme. I'm going to do that.

Unknown_11: Hold on.

Unknown_11: I'll let this play out a little. I'll skip it. I know he's in a good round. I'll let that continue. Oh my God, man. That's embarrassing.

Unknown_09: Right, John? You're texting me and I say, I'm like, holy shit, please don't kill yourself.

Unknown_09: First of all, you can't afford the bullets. You've already expressed that. You can't afford the hardies that would kill you either.

Unknown_09: You're just you. You're just a useless pile of garbage.

Unknown_11: Oh, fuck. I fucked it up. I fucked it up in random. I dropped the ceiling cat into the video.

Unknown_11: That's okay, it's like two minutes in. I didn't lose it.

Unknown_11: I meant to drop it into OBS, not into the browser. Here we go.

Unknown_13: Okay, two minutes. Uh-oh.

Unknown_13: I might have fucked everything up yet again, chat. I can't keep getting away with it.

Unknown_13: Well, all of all of this, all of this drama and disaster caused because I wanted to add a little bit of ceiling cat.

Unknown_11: Let's skip ahead to like five minutes this time.

Unknown_11: Look, looking up at ceiling cat again. Oh, my God, I can't even change my own diapers or whatever you are, John.

Unknown_09: Right, John?

Unknown_01: John, you remember this conversation and literally said, John, if you do not start walking to that hospital, ask for some help.

Unknown_09: I will call nine one one because you are too incapable of saving your own life that you will call the only friend you have on this fucking earth. When your family and friends have disowned you,

Unknown_09: You're sitting there. What was it? Was it New Mexico or Arizona? I don't remember. John, you tell me. You're sitting there in this southwest state full of illegal immigrants. The state will save every person on earth except you because you're white, John.

Unknown_09: Because they expect you to save yourself.

Unknown_09: You had no one to call except when someone paid five bucks a month to be your friend.

Unknown_09: Then they did give you friendly advice all the time. They talk to you, right? Cause you reached out. I know. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so pathetic. So when I kill myself, then I'm going to go to the clinic. John, I have to put Nick Ricada in Minnesota to put Nick Ricada of Minnesota is my emergency contact. I'm still as fucking faggots emergency contact.

Unknown_09: So there,

Unknown_09: Here's why.

Unknown_11: Now we're set. We're protected.

Unknown_09: I talked this man off the ledge. Hours of time. Hours of time.

Unknown_09: Hey, man, please just to kill yourself. Life is worth this life.

Unknown_11: It's like, it's like he's asking for permission from ceiling cat. He's like, should I, should I, should I mention that? Um, should I mention, well, should I really say this? It seems like it might be bad spirited. Yes.

Unknown_12: Say fun of him for being a loser. Yeah.

Unknown_09: I don't care about the $5. I care about, please don't kill yourself. At least be killed by a black.

Unknown_09: Just walk to the hospital. You useless piece of shit. All you have to do on earth is get up. Here's the, here's how you not suicide guys. Let me get some fucking advice to you. You know, you're not suicide.

Unknown_09: Instead of putting the gun in your mouth, you just set it down. You stand your fat ass up and you start walking towards the clinic. That's it. It's literally the only thing you need to do. Like John, he's like, ah, I'm gonna kill myself. I'm like, John, you can't afford a gun. You can't kill yourself. What are you gonna do, buy a Caesar salad from McDonald's and die that way? He's like, I don't even like Caesar. I'm like, unless it's in your ass. I got it.

Unknown_11: okay i'll freeze frame i was waiting for the right freeze frame the the mcdonald's salad rant was a nice addition to it um so there's a part i don't i don't know if i'll be able to find it because it's a 28 minute long video but um there's a part in this where he realizes i think just a little bit what a huge dick he sounds like so he starts to like reframe the prior 15 minutes of unhinged ranting

Unknown_11: and says, um, Oh, he, like, he's a hero. He really starts talking about God. Like I saved a life. I saved a life. I told this guy, even though I didn't know him, I didn't even really like him. I told him don't do it. Step back from that led to my friend. Step back. I saved a life. He goes on and on about what a hero he is for, for not encouraging this guy to kill himself. Um, and, but that only lasts for like a minute or two. So I don't know if I'll be able to find it, but.

Unknown_11: Uh, then he switches back to being a even more drunken dickhead for the remainder of it.

Unknown_11: Actually, can I, I love the, honestly, the best thing that YouTube has added in forever is the fucking, the transcript. Save a life. Okay. This. Okay. Perfect.

Unknown_11: Oh, okay. This is a great part actually.

Unknown_13: Okay.

Unknown_13: Um,

Unknown_13: OK, this I'll give this part. I think this is the.

Unknown_11: The right moment.

Unknown_09: OK, OK, OK. How do I help you? Just help me live through the night. All right. Here's a simple answer. You know, I mean, friends, which you also don't have any enemies.

Unknown_09: No one's coming to kill you. The only person who can kill you is you. How about you just not kill yourself and instead go to a hospital?

Unknown_09: So, again,

Unknown_09: Motherfucker walks to a hospital on my recommendation. I'm like demanding. Send me pictures of what you see. Maybe you see the hospital. There's two ceiling cats.

Unknown_11: Maybe one of them is trying to reign him in. Like there's a good one and a bad one. And the one trying to reign him in and the other is telling him, like, no, keep keep going. You're doing great. This is awesome.

Unknown_09: To the side. And when you do all these things, I want to make sure you live through the night, because literally, if you were a cat woman,

Unknown_11: A cat, 50 cats, a cat woman. Oh, oh, he's talking about cats now. Oh, the cats are laid down in your state.

Unknown_09: They would fucking shit in your mouth to get toxoplasmosis. Then we'd eat your skin. It's so embarrassing. You weren't jumping.

Unknown_09: Text me, show me that you're getting there.

Unknown_09: Call a fucking ambulance.

Unknown_09: Finally gets the hospital, he doesn't die, doesn't kill himself. You know what he doesn't said?

Unknown_09: Goes out to Kiwi Farms. Tells him what a piece of shit I am. Holy shit, I have faith in this guy. I trusted this guy, I have faith in this guy.

Unknown_09: He's such a garbage person. The things he believes aren't true at all.

Unknown_09: And yet, he asked me to save his life. You know what he never asked me? Hey man, are these things true? Well, no.

Unknown_09: No.

Unknown_09: You save a person's life. This is quintessentially Kiwi Farms, wrapped up for all of you. There's a person whose family has disowned them, who will never have a significant other, whose government has disowned them, whose employers have disowned them.

Unknown_09: They sit on some internet all day, watching some person begging them to save their life.

Unknown_09: And when they do, they're appreciative for a moment until that person stops paying attention to them.

Unknown_09: And suddenly, well, they're eating 22 LRs all day. And you go, I tried to save you by just John.

Unknown_11: Okay, so, um, I want to recap what he said. I have been listening. Some of you may think I've been distracted this entire time. No, that's not true. It's not true. I've been listening intently to what the wise words he has to say. Yeah, his argument is that

Unknown_11: Because he saved his life. I guess he assumes that this is like in Japan Is there is the Japan that has the thing or is this like a fictional thing where it's like if you save someone's life They then owe you their life and they're like your slave Am I thinking of like a movie or something? There's some kind of movie that has a trope like that But that's what Rikada seems to think if he saves your life if he tells you don't commit suicide you therefore owe him a blood debt of his entire life Life debt. There you go Star Wars. That's Wookiees.

Unknown_11: Okay. Yeah. He thinks John is a Wookiee.

Unknown_11: John, you're my slave now, John. Um, and so, uh, he has to stick with them through, through his entire life.

Unknown_11: And he can't ever say like, wow, he's really falling off the wagon. Cause you know, there's no way in a, there's no generous interpretation where a guy actually does feel indebted to you and then sees your drunken unhinged rant taking orders from invisible ceiling cats.

Unknown_11: that he might think, wow, I don't want to see this person who I respect and who I owe such a debt of gratitude to in such a miserable circumstance. There's no way that that could happen. That's ridiculous.

Unknown_13: Let's see.

Unknown_13: Let's see here.

Unknown_13: I'm sure your story is compelling.

Unknown_09: Have fun with that. Oh, always remember, dude, that your story is compelling.

Unknown_11: Have fun with the is he?

Unknown_13: Yeah.

Unknown_13: Wait.

Unknown_09: Critics of you are because the critics of you are generally embarrassing.

Unknown_09: You find this out. This is a thing you don't realize as a non streamer, non-professional online person.

Unknown_09: People who reach out to you as a normal person are normal people. People who reach out to you as a professional need professional help often.

Unknown_09: They'll beg you to do the thing.

Unknown_09: Ask you, please, please, please save my life. And you're like, dude, I can't save your life.

Unknown_09: I can't do anything. I can barely go to a grocery store. Please save my life. So you try.

Unknown_11: So he again, he's trying to say what a hero he is. But there's that one line he said it for like a second. And now I realize what's going through his head. He.

Unknown_11: He thinks that if he just says, John, John, John's pathetic. And he tried to kill himself. And then he told me all about it. He thinks that he can personal army, his critics and divert attention onto him. Like in his drunk brain, devil ceiling cat has told him, uh, throw John under the bus. They will be too busy making fun of him to make fun of you anymore. That's what he's thinking.

Unknown_13: Uh, let's see.

Unknown_13: Oh, then he would touch. Okay, great. I like this part.

Unknown_09: All of the vas deference licking, they can get.

Unknown_09: Please, thank you. Thank you. Oh, my God. It really wasn't that expensive whiskey, but OK.

Unknown_09: We'll do that.

Unknown_09: And then when it's gone and they can't have another sip, they go, motherfucker, you betrayed me. You betrayed me.

Unknown_09: I didn't betray shit. Like I just offered you a nice thing.

Unknown_09: Took it or you didn't take it.

Unknown_09: Always frame it as betrayal. You know why? Failure stems from their inability to take accountability for who they are.

Unknown_09: Their demand to blame everybody else.

Unknown_09: So of course they're not going to start blaming themselves when you call them out.

Unknown_11: Is there like an ounce of fucking self-reflection on that one, buddy? All right, let's skip ahead. There's actually, I want to show, is this the one where he shows what he's drinking?

Unknown_11: He was showing off a bottle and it was like 120 proof whiskey. It was the highest grain or highest alcohol per volume whiskey that I had ever seen. It wasn't, it was more than 120. It was like 125. It was like 62 and a half percent alcohol. Uh, it was really crazy.

Unknown_11: Um, anyways, let's get to the last minute or so here. Let's hear how he caps this this masterpiece off. I think this is the part that I actually played on stream last time. Just the very end of it. But the entire thing is like fucking deranged down the road to the hospital because basically like watching Stephen Hawking walk. If you ever watched Stephen Hawking walk, it was really simple.

Unknown_09: He didn't.

Unknown_09: Best part.

Unknown_09: All of the chat's like, this John guy's fucking weird. What was that about? Hey, John. I know you'll watch it. I know you will. I know you'll sit there and go. I literally begged a YouTube streamer to save my life because I couldn't end my own.

Unknown_09: John.

Unknown_09: Buddy. You could have just hired an eight-year-old to kill you.

Unknown_09: But you didn't. You know why? You couldn't afford the eight-year-old.

Unknown_09: John.

Unknown_09: Get help, brother. Not from me. It was never from me. I told you, I can't save you. I can't save you. You're like the only friend I have.

Unknown_09: I literally cannot make your life better.

Unknown_09: Only friend I am. I'm not your friend, John. I never was. But you do pay me five bucks a month. That's nice. You can afford five bucks a month. Well, you're gonna. Because I want you to know, John, fake love don't last.

Unknown_09: Embarrassment to yourself and humanity, John. All you had to do was look at yourself in the mirror. and see what every other masculine. I can't stop listening.

Unknown_11: I want to stop yourself.

Unknown_09: I can't fuck way harder than I thought. I'm still fucking embarrassing. The ugly. And then you walk away.

Unknown_09: John couldn't even do that. You know why?

Unknown_09: We'll figure it out. Okay, here we go. I cannot believe. You cannot believe. Oh my God.

Unknown_11: I was wondering who is that verified user in my chat. And then I realized it's Botrix. And I thought, I don't have a bot in my kick chat. I have Bossman Jack's chat open still. I wonder how many of my messages have just been Bossman Jack's chat.

Unknown_11: Since I opened it to show RuneScape playing.

Unknown_11: Okay, anyways. So there you go. That's the Jon rant. It's very good. Let's cap this off before we started.

Unknown_08: Hey, hold it. I'll be ready, Jon.

Unknown_11: Perfect. Blow off some steam, Bennett.

Unknown_11: Um, Ralph, I have nothing else. I don't know. We're kidding. Embarrassed himself. We know we saw it. We were all there. Nothing needs to be added to this. My commentary has already been insightful, but we didn't have to go today.

Unknown_10: I want to see Ralph be sad.

Unknown_11: Let's watch this.

Unknown_10: Well, we didn't have to go today. Of course I was going to stream maybe a little bit longer too, but.

Unknown_10: We didn't hit the goal, but 53% of the way there. We'll see how tomorrow goes. Just get back out there, hit it again. It's good to be back. I have to work on guests and work on a bunch of stuff. So Ralph did not hit his goal.

Unknown_11: This combined, he looks, he honestly sounds like he's on the verge of tears when he's talking about this and the Odyssey shit.

Unknown_11: I just, I'm thinking, you know, like it's so weird how he streams for eight hours and he gets like $120. And then if you think about it, that's like, let's see, I'm not good at math. That's why I'm a programmer. Cause I can just have computers do math for me.

Unknown_11: Uh, $16 per hour to stream for, for that much. And that's not even considering fees or anything of the sort. So, you know, that's not very much.

Unknown_11: Um, considering how much he's had to give up to maintain that lifestyle, you know, living in Mexico, uh, can't walk outside without people making fun of them. Having the gun. That is like, especially when you consider his age, he's like, what, 30, 38 now getting closer to 40.

Unknown_11: Making $16 an hour. It's like the starting salary of somebody in fast food these days. If you live in California, kind of sad. Um, there's something I was going to go with this. Oh, it's especially kind of sad when you compare it to this other streamer. I'm a big fan of actually, ironically, huge fan of, I think it was boss man, Jack.

Unknown_11: And sometimes he gets $120 just from his fans. Like, Hey buddy, see that you're not having any, you don't have a dollar to your name right now. Here's 120 on me boy. And he just gets $120 just bam, just like that. Just to get the stream moving along a little bit. I was thinking, you know, maybe.

Unknown_11: Ralph's talking about doing all these guests and shit. Maybe Ralph should just embrace a hobby of his that he already loves. He loves spending all that time in Vegas. Well, you know, a steak and with a kick. There's a whole blue ocean market for savvy, smart gambling streamers. I wonder if Ralph has, especially for Mexico, you don't even have to use You can use and you can gamble online and do sports betting because steak, the international version of steak has sports betting and stuff.

Unknown_11: So, you know, he could, he could maybe get sponsored by, by a stake, get like a couple thousand dollars a week. Like Bossman gets $4,500 a week to gamble with for free. You can make that last. I think that Ralph might have, if he were to, if he were to be adventurous and savvy enough, he might be able to break into the, uh, kick gambling streams. And there's so many new people in the cake, the gambling streams on kick. I've never heard of Ralph. It's a whole new, whole new demographic for him to look forward to.

Unknown_11: He's unbanned from kick I think he's been on Odyssey Boss man's agent. Yeah that after what he did to my mom

Unknown_11: Uh, Oh God. Okay. I'm going to, I'm going to be mercifully short with this. I think cause I haven't really read over it yet. Um, but I will one day, uh, veto just Waldie who called himself a pedophile and his friends with pedophile Max Carson since high school.

Unknown_11: After deciding that Eric July is a faggot for being black and making a comic that he did not authorize, Vito decided, you know what, I'm going to make my own comic with blackjack and hookers. So he went onto the internet and he begged for money and received about $60,000 to start a comic book called Superkiller.

Unknown_11: uh, which would be his answer to show the world that really he has writing chops. He loves comics. It's his lifelong passion. And he definitely has what it takes to be a comic book writer to challenge a hack fraud, like Eric July and one up the black man, super comic game.

Unknown_11: Well, he was asking for some creative input on his writing on a stream recently. And he decided I'll pull up the script and I'll go to certain parts and I'll talk about the script with these people. And what he didn't realize is that when he was screen sharing the URL at the top of the page for the Google Drive document was a full

Unknown_11: Google was like a full access URL So anyone with that link would be able to view the entire document and save it as a PDF file, which they did So now the entire script of the unreleased super killer has been released. I suppose intentionally. I know I don't know how these things work I'm assuming that he wanted more input before he finalized and paid for all the art and stuff, right and

Unknown_11: So if we want to go over this and review it, as Vito has done with other artists and their books, I would be completely within my rights to chat, especially considering that this book will never, ever be fucking released because it's shit. I based this off of skimming through it. I'm going to read. Let's start with the ending, actually. I like starting with the ending. Because the main character's super killer. You could be forgiven for not realizing this because of how he's skinny and not a fat, disgusting piece of shit slob. This is supposed to be like Vito's self-insert.

Unknown_11: So let's just read the ending.

Unknown_11: Spoiler alert, Snape kills Dumbledore. That's a cliffhanger. Apparently comic books end on cliffhangers. You got to get people buying the next episode. Eric July ended his comic book on a cliffhanger, so it's not that bad, right?

Unknown_11: Page 47, overhead shot. This is panel one. Overhead shot, Beck, who is the sidekick, apparently her being the sidekick is a huge deal in the way that this is structured, but she is, I think, an unwitting heroine. She's joined her on against her will, and I'll talk about her a bit more in a second.

Unknown_11: But Beck is passed out in the grass, completely naked. Sam has landed on top of her and appearing to straddle her sexually. Sam, well this looks bad. Panel 2. Sam's head turns towards a nearby shriek. Woman off screen, eek! Panel three, a woman points at Sam, onlookers behind her turning in the direction of her scream. Woman, rapist, get your hands off her. Panel four, Sam is still straddling back one of his hands on her breast. We see two Sam heads, one trying to explain the situation to the woman and the other looking down and freaking out as he realizes what he's touching. Whip blur between both heads, that's like very anime.

Unknown_11: Sam, lady, this is all a big mistake. I assure you, Sam, again, ah, this is the last page of the book.

Unknown_11: Panel 1, an angry man holds up a beer bottle, pointing at Sam. Another angry park patrons are behind him. Man, let's kick his ass. Panel 2, the angry mob descends on Sam, kicking up a cartoonish dust cloud that envelops him. Sam, ah! And then Sam, bee jams!

Unknown_11: Ah!

Unknown_11: Beck, where do they get their money? Ah!

Unknown_11: Just kidding. Panel three, Beck, barely conscious. Shot is framed chest up. Her nipples tastefully just out of frame. Her mouth is flat. What the fuck does that mean? Can anyone explain to me what a flat mouth is?

Unknown_11: Besides her, the mob fights in a cloud of dust. Man off screen, what's that chest emblem stand for? Sex creep? Sam, please, this is all a misunderstanding. Panel four, closeup of Beck. She smiles as if in a dream. Panel five, this is the final panel of the entire book.

Unknown_11: Super closeup of Beck speaking the word that she has been waiting to hear her entire life.

Unknown_11: sidekick um and then i assume there's no page 49 but i'm assuming that he's adding the panel where the snow globe rolls out of her hand and smashes on the fucking ground it's basically if you really think about it this is a masterpiece um if you don't if you haven't picked up on the symbolism the symbolism is that veto Because of his own words and associations and deliberate actions and what he's decided to talk about for years and years has been quite a pedophile.

Unknown_11: Probably because he is one.

Unknown_11: And Starkiller, his self-insert, or Superkiller, is also being falsely accused of something he didn't do. And the angry mob just doesn't understand. It's a misunderstanding, uwu. And now poor Superkiller, just like Vito and my wife, is being beat up by people who just don't take a second to listen to his reasonable explanations of things.

Unknown_11: Rose Chud.

Unknown_11: So that's how it ends.

Unknown_11: Snape killed Dumbledore. And then let's go back to the first page, or this is page two. So this is where Beck is introduced. And I clipped these out just because it's like, everything in this is supposed to be a parody. It's a work of satire. So there's supposed to be all these family guy references to fucking everything. This is the time that the Simpsons did this thing. So he has like an image because he can't explain these references in like a rational way. So he just includes like a screenshot of the Simpsons.

Unknown_11: In this one, he's trying to explain what a neat bedroom looks like. So he just includes a shot of some anime. If you know what anime this is, please take a gun and shoot yourself in the head. And then in flipping back to back, he just picked like a random picture of this. And what's really weird is that this picture of the, of the diner woman is completely and totally not a representation of, um, what he's actually describing in this comic book.

Unknown_11: Page 2. Panel 1. Inside Diner Day. A small inset corner panel of a comic book sits on the diner counter. The page is open to reveal the entirety of the previous page was actually a page from an in-world meteor man comic book. A female hand holds the page open. Beck Offscreen Wow. So the first page is supposed to be some bullshit where it's like a traditional style superhero comic and then it cuts to the reality and then there's actually a comic book and it's supposed to set up this comic is not like other comics. We're going to break the fourth wall. I'm a pickle Rick. It's like that. That's how bad we are right off the bat.

Unknown_11: Panel two, then we have the picture of a random woman who is completely not what he's describing in the paragraph under it. A full page shot, we meet our heroine, Rebecca Romano, aka Beck. This is our first ever shot of our heroine, make it count. She's a bit of a nerd, the kind of girl to throw on a gamer headset and play some League of Legends rather than hit the mall or club. But despite her tomboyish attitude, she is an understated beauty with dark lashes, full lips, and cascading brown hair. So if you're the type of guy that masturbates to tomboy shit on the internet, the people jerking off with you are Vito. I just want to make sure that that is known. That's what's being described here. Uh, that's, that's the camp you find yourself in. Oh, sorry. I got rid of the beautiful comic. I want you to read.

Unknown_11: She wears a stereotypical waitress's outfit. See the reference above. Man, thank God for this reference. If it wasn't for this reference, I would never know what a fucking diner waitress wears.

Unknown_11: My world of understanding does not include concepts such as diners. Thanks, Vito.

Unknown_11: Then there's this description. This right here, this is on page three. So this is like your introduction to this 50-page comic book. Beck looks down at the comic book on the counter, appearing bored. One hand holds the comic book open, while she rests her chin on the other. Her name tag clearly reads, Beck. Behind her are expected accessories of a diner. A microwave, condiment bottle, coffee machine, whatever feels right. Beck, were comics always this bad?

Unknown_11: So page three, all you see so far is like a... Actually, let me pull up the first page. Let me see if this is like a direct Eric July reference that I'm just not getting.

Unknown_11: I want to make sure that my Superkiller review is completely accurate.

Unknown_11: Page 1. This entire page should be done up as a page from the Golden Age comic book, Scream Tone's old-fashioned artwork. So this isn't even specifically making fun of Merrick Delilah. This is just supposed to be like, remember old comics? Weren't they bad? Yeah.

Unknown_11: Panel 1, inside Secret Base, the fiendishly evil villain UFO Bot at a computer control panel. His eyes wide open to find his evil deeds are interrupted by the arrival of a mighty hero, Meteor Man. The hero's flying punch has easily broken through the rock of U.S.O. Bot's secret base. Bits of debris are still filling the air. Meteor Man flies through the hole. His punch was created. It says, looks like the jig is up, UFO Bot. UFO Bot says, Meteor Man, but that radioactive meteorite should have disabled your powers.

Unknown_11: So this is supposed to be like intentionally bad.

Unknown_11: It's, but then.

Unknown_11: Then it, then it cuts to, yeah, it's just like trite shit. Ironically, this is like the most detailed page of the entire thing. Like the only thing that Vito had describes that takes up like three pages like this is apparently the one page that's supposed to be really bad. He knows what bad looks like. That's what I'm getting from this.

Unknown_13: Cool.

Unknown_11: Um, and that's it. There's 50 pages of super killer for you to read. This is only version three. So keep in mind, he might update this and fix everything. Uh, but the, what you're reading is, has gone through three iterations of revision and this is what it's mounted up to.

Unknown_11: Great. Awesome.

Unknown_11: This is such a bad idea for Vito. Why did he choose Down the Hill if I can make a good comic even though I have no experience and don't like comics?

Unknown_11: Because he's a fat retard. That can be described by literally everything that Vito does. He's a fat retard. Why does he think that he can do certain things? Because he's a fat retard.

Unknown_11: I mean, no, no, his his current tweets are like your your outrage makes me famous, idiot. Like nobody's supporting you. Your videos make like twelve dollars a month on YouTube. And that's what the the Star Wars shit that broke a million dollars.

Unknown_11: He lives in California and he makes less than like $50,000 a year and I'm supposed to be jealous of his income? Are you fucking ridiculous?

Unknown_11: Imagine all the things he's had to sacrifice. Whenever you hear this guy makes $50,000 off of his internet presence, that's his entire life. He lives in LA. He's cut off his prospects. He's known as a pedophile because he keeps defending stupid edgy shit and has outright said that he's a pedophile.

Unknown_11: And now that's like, that's like his lot. And he makes a little bit and he makes enough money to feed his fat ass. And that's about it.

Unknown_11: Cool. Uh, I will look, dude, I got a list of shit to do. Um, the next few months are going to be absolutely fucking crazy for me. And then halfway through 2024, I will hope I want it to be done already. I want it to be in the U S already, but, um, that's not happening. So, uh, bear with me. I'm in a perpetual state of suffering.

Unknown_11: one get some reddit content and then we'll do some super chats and we'll bail

Unknown_11: Uh, my partner is trans from evil. Guana says my husband just spent $1,400 on women's clothes. Hey, we're having a big fight about this. He came out less than a week ago to me and not to anyone else yet, but he plans to, and he's still using he pronouns, but he just ordered $1,400 of clothes online and they came today. And I feel so mad about it because that's a lot of money. We have a two year old daughter and I'm seven months pregnant. They cut every fucking time. What is it with people that are like on their second baby and they true now it's. So honestly, there is a need for conversion therapy. There is no argument you can make that would convince me that we should not just beat this guy with a stick until he stops acting like a faggot. That is the only humane solution to this problem.

Unknown_11: so i'm mad that he's wasting money on this but he was like saying that this was fine and claimed that the average girl spends $400 a month i don't know what the fuck he got this from on clothes so we're um so this was three months worth and since it was just the first time and he didn't have any it was fine and we're having a big fight about all this it's just so soon and he's not even wearing them out it's just like a massive waste of money and then he started talking about how he makes five thousand dollars more than me per year And this is from that difference and this made me really angry and I found it very patronizing. I told him that he only made more because he's a man.

Unknown_11: Calm down, sweetie.

Unknown_11: And this really upset him and found it super triggering, which is super pathetic.

Unknown_11: Oh my, this entire argument is a fucking living nightmare.

Unknown_11: Oh my god.

Unknown_11: You only make more because you're a man. What do you mean I'm a man?

Unknown_11: I also feel like he wasn't honest about it before and he said he went to order a couple things to try out and I was like fine but now he ordered $1,400 worth which is just a materially high amount. Also he was just ordering dresses and actual outfits I could kind of understand but he was ordering lots of underwear and lingerie which I found weird. Yeah, no shit.

Unknown_11: Like why would you wear a bra when you don't even have boobs it makes no sense to me but he got upset when I pointed it out and I don't really know how to deal with this. Also sorry if this is TMI but I walked into our room while he was standing looking at himself in the mirror in his new underwear and he had a boner which I found so weird and I don't understand why he would buy all this. I just can't help but feel like something is wrong about this and I'm trying to understand but I feel mad and I need advice on processing this all. bro every part of this woman's brain is like alarm alarm sex predator sex predator went went went and she's like god it's just like there's this there's just this noise and i don't know what the fuck it is it means something but i just i just can't place my on what it's trying to tell me it's just there's something happening

Unknown_11: Ugh. Enjoy divorce, stalker child.

Unknown_11: I mean, to be clear, this is his fault, but...

Unknown_11: I mean, it's a hard realization. Like, this is like a perfect example of like a slow boil frog type metaphor because it's like, there's all these things that to us are obviously super, you gotta get the fuck out of this. You're about to be Buffalo built. But to her, just like, well, I know this guy for like 15 years. We have two kids. I can't just leave. I have fucking children. What do I do?

Unknown_11: And that makes obviously that makes it so that she doesn't she doesn't want the answer to be. This shit's going south and hell, it's a hell in a handbasket real fast. That's not the answer you want to hear in her position.

Unknown_11: Kind of kind of terrible, terrible. And that's sort of terrible.

Unknown_13: All right, let us switch over to the super berry green and

Unknown_11: I will remember to refresh every so often this time, so I hopefully don't miss anything. And then one day I will fix the fucking issues that I've. Oh my God, it's not what I want. I will fix the fucking. Ah, that's not what I want. Uh, that played my, my, my setup.

Unknown_11: Cool. Thank you for watching. I'll see you guys on Tuesday. Um, if, if we're going to bail out from here, action, Johnny for 20 says here's a non-woke guide on how to game with our respecting while respecting our father, founding fathers.

Unknown_13: Right.

Unknown_13: See ya.

Unknown_05: If this happens on the rig, be sure to check out my video about how to organize your game collection without forcing your so-called values on everybody else. And be sure to check out my videos about anti-woke controller storage, and also how to clean your consoles while still honoring our founding fathers.

Unknown_06: That's very stupid. Hey man, you wanna play some video games? Hell yeah, I love playing video games. That's fantastic, let me grab one for us to play. I'm sick and tired of your fascist agenda, you alt-right bastard.

Unknown_06: I think maybe I watched too many of that guy's videos.

Unknown_11: Is that, is that the actual, like, is that the actual like counter to that? Oh no, it's supposed to be like, Oh no, I, um, woke cards are ruining games. But if you listen to the people who rant about woke cards, then we're going to, then you're going to be a Nazi.

Unknown_11: Kind of fucking gay actually no, I thought the first part was Maybe going somewhere, but then it was a lie and you tricked me into watching that One thing I kind of as an aside But

Unknown_11: I someone asked me to read this for the reddit segment and I and I won't but um It was it was a reddit discussion, which is already a bad place to start, but it was a reddit discussion about Fight Club and Fight Club is one of those like three or four movies that like young men decide to base their entire personality around Fight Club happened to be mine and Which you may be surprised with because I am definitely not someone that Chuck Polinski or whatever the fuck his name was would be into as a result of reading that book. Or not reading the book, but watching the movie.

Unknown_11: But they were arguing about what the meaning of the movie was. And I don't want to get into an entire theatrical review of Fight Club, even though it's one of my favorite movies of all time.

Unknown_11: But one of the things that they...

Unknown_11: one of the points that people on Reddit agreed with is that it's supposed to be like an anti or like a pro status quo thing because it's supposed to present all these questions about capitalism and consumerism and then say, actually, if you're anti capitalism or consumerism, then you're a fascist and you're evil. So don't do anything to challenge the status quo. Um, and what, what, no, what I've never seen anyone mention about a fight club,

Unknown_11: is that, um, the buildings destroyed at the end are banks. We don't remember all the buildings that Tyler didn't destroys in project mayhem are banking institutions. Uh, very specifically that he wants to wipe out credit card debt by destroying the credit card companies. So whenever people analyze like the, the takes that the movie has on, um,

Unknown_11: on consumerism they almost always tend to skip over or miss the uh the takes that it has on banks and debt slavery and even even like on reddit where they're trying to like critically analyze it they just they just conveniently forget that that's what's happening it's a food for thought

Unknown_11: Stalker child enjoy prison pretenses seeing rackets of all fully over the last few months has unironically convinced me to stop drinking bad family history. So might as well cut it out now before I even before I end up a schizo rambling skeleton. Yeah, I mean. Oh, oh, like I drink, but I drink extremely infrequently. I drink like socially and for no other reason. At.

Unknown_11: Yeah, I don't know it is scary. It's kind of like when I watch boss man Jack I'm very conscious of the fact that like gambling looks fun but Even though he's losing like there's a part of my brain that has like that childish Let me try like, you know, you see somebody playing a video game and he's failing and Like to kill a boss or something you just want to snatch the controller from like no you're doing it wrong Let me do it like you're not playing blackjack by the boot like there's like that childish voice in me It's like I could do better, but then you have to like you have to process that thought and realize no actually These games are all games of chance, and they're always going to take your money in the end. You know what I mean

Unknown_11: So, yeah, I mean, if you if you if you drink alone, yeah, you should stop. I think if you ever drink alone by yourself and you're not doing something that's like social and you find yourself reaching for a drink, I think that's the appropriate time to be like you're trying to beat the house at its game and it's not it's not going to work out in your favor.

Unknown_13: Well, thank you.

Unknown_11: a DV DVS DV for two says sup nothing much up with you. Thank you. trunes for Trump for 10 says it's so over.

Unknown_11: It's never been more than it is now.

Unknown_11: a secret loader for $130 says my friend Johnny Fox gamer get veteran with a 15 year long a career has a message for everyone begging you to play all 130 seconds of it for $130.

Unknown_11: and there's YouTube link, uh, seek a little over $130 also says Johnny wants his story told. So please highlight his thread. And then there is a link to a Kiwi farms thread. I will put this on and play it. And then I'll ask a question to my chat with the second message. Let's get this going.

Unknown_11: Unlisted video by Sika Lola. This let me, yeah. Okay. The timeline scans passed.

Unknown_07: Okay, babe, I promise this isn't a sexy one. I'm not gonna be all sexy and perverted. I promise this is a good one. Except for the fact that I want you to fuck me, baby. Fuck me so hard. I fucking love you. Come on, baby. Come on, Kimmy. Fuck my brains out. I love teasing you, baby. It's so fun.

Unknown_07: But babe, I didn't do anything wrong. I don't know why you're mad at me. I just want you to fuck me. That's all baby. Come on. You know, you want to, you know, you can't be mad at me, baby.

Unknown_11: I hope that these are not messages that you have induced from this person. Seek a loather. I hope that's not what I'm listening to. And I hope that this is just a crazy man posting these publicly, baby.

Unknown_07: I'm in trouble. Don't do that. Just fuck me, baby. Come on, Neve, come on. Round two, round three. I know you can take it, baby.

Unknown_07: Just do it, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me again. Fuck me as hard as you want. I want you to- It's a Seeker Loather, though.

Unknown_11: Seeker Loather something, which makes me wonder what the gambit is. Because if you don't know, Seeker Loather is like an old school Ralph Pay Pig that gave lots and lots of money.

Unknown_11: to Ralph and then I think to Keno Casino at some point.

Unknown_11: Um, so I don't know, he's really trying to promote this guy and this is very, very repetitious. I will, I will play through all of it for $260, but I'm a little bit concerned, but I just want to send you this message and tell you that you're the most beautiful girl in the discord and you're the most beautiful girl in my discord.

Unknown_11: How do you have access to this? What are you doing? We are together officially.

Unknown_07: And I promise you, I'm just gonna be here for you regardless of what happens. I promise baby.

Unknown_07: And I just hope that you know, I think you're really fucking hot. And soon when I do have the energy, I'm going to make love to you, baby. I don't want to make you feel so fucking good. I'm supported by Sika Loader and everything. Just me and you in our own little world in our bed. Just having a hot steamy sex, baby.

Unknown_07: Oh, fuck. I need you.

Unknown_07: Hey, baby. It's the same fucking thing over and over again. I want to make sure I talk real sexy into my microphone and make you swoon, babe. You're so beautiful.

Unknown_07: Oh my girl, I'm happy you're back.

Unknown_11: Okay, cool. Thank you. Sika.

Unknown_11: Uh, he wanted me to, okay. Should I feature his thread? That's what he's also asking me for. I said, I would consider it. He asked me for permission. He asked if I would sell out in advance.

Unknown_11: Let's see. It's in locales. It has two pages. You know what? I'll feature this honestly.

Unknown_11: And I'll just say that Sika Lothar paid me $260 to feature this thread chat. That's what we're going to do.

Unknown_11: I may decline this author in the future. I have no idea what this is. Sika Lothar paid me $260 to feature this thread on Johnny Fox. All right.

Unknown_11: Yeah, I don't know. It's just like a catfish like it's diamond doesn't find a retarded person and then you say like, Oh no, this is definitely your girlfriend now. Right.

Unknown_11: uh next neighborino for once says yeshua moonstein a prayer for victory in your upcoming battle against the guay

Unknown_11: Probably did not pay me enough for that. Thank you. Casting cash grab pretends that bossman Jack can cook better than Jack Scalfani and Jack Scalfani can lose less money than bossman Jack. Let the ambitious Jack crossover begin.

Unknown_11: Dude, Jack Scalfani can't even lift his hand to click the slot button. OK, he's not going to win anything.

Unknown_11: Patrick S. Tomlinson for Tuesday's Part 8 of Cryptic Web Chronicles is out on YouTube and it's the best one yet. Lots of hilarious Patrick backstory for those who are missing bits and pieces of the lore. Get fucked, porcelain. He's still working on it. Oh, there you go. Cryptic Web Chronicle. Kurt Eichenwald, anime masturbator, provides his most esteemed and venerable kiwi daimo. How can you say all anime characters look like children? My waifu, platonic, supersonico certainly does not. How many children do you know with F cups?

Unknown_11: Nigga, I'm not engaging you when you're animating debate, OK? The bugs, for one, says apparently Kanye got called anti-Semitic recently for the lyrics. How am I anti-Semitic? I just fucked a Jewish bitch. Well, now.

Unknown_11: Oh, the Jews don't like it when it happens to them.

Unknown_11: Puddle sucker for 20 says YouTube link.

Unknown_11: stir it up josh stir it up he says okay let's stir it up let's see what this is is this the fucking bag no no no no no no no i will show you what this is and i am going to just say that this is a port-a-potty and someone's hand is going towards it and i'm not playing this i don't give a fuck

Unknown_11: Thank you. Uh, her on burger for two says poop dick for 20 blaze it. I agree. Thank you. Hello. Holy. I said hello. Holy hell for Jesus. Hope you're having a good week, Josh. You are my nibble. Always. Thank you. Holy hell. I appreciate it. Daniel Larson, Stanford tens is thought to the new Florida driving while we're, if someone left lane, someone in the left lane is going slower and you pass them on the right, you are in creating an infraction and can, can get ticketed finds up to one 58. Um,

Unknown_11: I mean, that's fucking gay. Hopefully the law also permits me to slam on my fucking horn for 20 minutes straight until I get the with with my right indicator on as I as I ride their ass. Is that legal? If so, then I'm perfectly OK with that.

Unknown_11: The Bugs, for one, says the people in the Maddie Archive YouTube comments are going to spurg out on your takes, especially the Tranime Fag Orgas Den.

Unknown_11: I mean, people will spurg out in the fucking comments in my archives all the time.

Unknown_11: Angel Mom for 10 says, Hi friends, thanks for the show, Josh. It's keeping me positive as I get ready for work the next 14 days straight. The cemetery is very busy because the neighbors won't stop shooting each other.

Unknown_11: Just turn the cremator on extra, extra spicy this week, my boy.

Unknown_11: Paying penguin for five says when it become cool to hate women fuck the retard saying feminism was acting up But the gym horror phone story I legit don't understand where this contempt for women is coming from Keep in mind that only 60% of men reproduce. So 40% of men are gonna be crabbed in the bucket TP deluxe for five says Josh Red letter media has been doing goofy trivia vids recently in a self-defense trivia situation What non cow related topic would you stand a chance at pepper farming South Park fat women?

Unknown_11: Um, Rivia, um, South Park, I'd probably be decent that I've seen all episodes of South Park a couple times.

Unknown_11: Trying to think of anything else, maybe silver. I know a lot about metals, flags, of course, flags. I know every flag in the world. And I know a lot of non country related flags, too.

Unknown_11: Roxanne Wolf says, bark bark, nothing. Thank you Roxanne Wolf, excellent super chat. Sneato for one says, Dave Muscato is basically Tipster if he truned out a fat truan ogre. I don't know, does Tipster have rich parents? Maybe.

Unknown_11: Based Orangutang for one says, Based Orangutang says nothing for one. Thank you, Based Orangutang. Bossman Jack for 20 says nothing. I'm kind of suspicious of that. That might be broken?

Unknown_11: Sorry, if you actually sent something, I don't see it. So I appreciate it.

Unknown_11: Baldo Peckins for 10 says, Robert Frank already did the whole filming yourself at the gym thing and did it better. Three out of 10 for the only fans who are not enough yelling.

Unknown_13: I'm Robert Frank, and I'm going to demonstrate the proper way how to walk in front of someone's camera as they're filming their set.

Unknown_06: The wrong way. I'm sorry. The proper way.

Unknown_11: I mean, it's funny as a skit, but if you act like that in public, you're fucking embarrassing yourself. I don't care what people say.

Unknown_11: Thank you. Forsaking Wanderer for 10 says, Nig is a dig leg, formerly null. Thank you. Very cool super chat. I appreciate it. That's a reference to Chris, by the way. Fox says for five says, which is gayer, anime or Counter-Strike? Anime. God. I mean, Counter-Strike. Dude, last time I played Counter-Strike, there's so many like animated gif anime titty avatars directly built into Steam now. It's fucking bizarre.

Unknown_11: Or, that's why Team Fortress 3 never came out. Poor Gabe was up in his goon tower, gooning all day. TPDeluxe45 says, you couldn't behead more than four bankers without having to stop and go pee, tinybladderjosh. Dude, if I had to, I would piss myself while beheading bankers. I would not stop. He would not be able to stop me.

Unknown_11: I would piss and shit and let it fall where it may as I continue to decapitate bankers.

Unknown_11: The Lion King professes my friend just found out she had a Y chromosome her whole life but developed female organs before birth. How do I comfort her?

Unknown_11: That's weird. You know, the TERFs like to say that the Y chromosome is a disability. So, I don't know. Maybe you can't. There's nothing you can do. Danny Ock, for instance, nobody panics when they're denied their human right to make money because of an overbearing payment processor because it's all part of the plan. But when you tell a trainee you'll never be a woman, everyone loses their minds. That's literally true. That is literally my manifesto.

Unknown_11: Real Frog God provides us planning on sending you something big in your P.O. box, so I'm going to need a lot of packing pans. Good thing I have a special task force of Albino get gray tree frogs to help me. Please show them. Okay, well, I'll be able to think of my people. I'm telling you, if it's a big thing that can't be sent to me, I may not be able to receive it.

Unknown_11: Um, that is a really, really weird frog that makes me kind of uncomfortable. He's so splotchy, but like pink, it looks like chewing gum. I'm going to be real with you. I don't like this frog. I'm going to be real with you. I don't like him. He scares me. He looks like a vore monster from the video game.

Unknown_11: Uh, sorry. Gina, if it went to something quick for the Reddit segment, I'm not going to read an entire fucking Reddit post for a dollar. My dude.

Unknown_11: Okay. It is real quick.

Unknown_11: only because I like you and you have Steve in your name. Surprised nobody has talked about DaFuckBoom, the creator of Skibbity Toilet's racism. For context, after creators received copyright strikes from a channel that was supposedly either impersonated or hired by DaFuckBoom, people began to dig back into his one-year-old videos, which he made racist and distasteful jokes and said the N-word. For example, made fun of George Floyd's death, had a character imitate a racist caricature of Chinese people, said the N-word. Made a video mocking the Russian-Ukraine war. Well, he is Russian.

Unknown_11: The Lion King produces a woman shooting herself is as believable as the Holocaust. Thank you, The Lion King. Very cool. Space Allen for 20 says cheers. Cheers to you too. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Coley Dante says, Nick keeps doing the thing I've noticed where whenever he feels like his mind is awkward, he just mentioned something racial, not a racial joke, just John's a loser, by the way, black people.

Unknown_11: Whenever he is saying something that's like retarded, he decides to like amp up the retardedness like a million times so that people can't like point out that it's like he's deliberately being retarded. Like he's, for instance, you can say,

Unknown_11: John, I remember the time that you came to me at your lowest point and you told me things that you told nobody else. I will now use these things against you, John, by the way, black people, penis and, uh, the Baldo. And that way it's like, Oh, where Kate is just being a silly boy. Once again, it's, it's so clever. It's like 180 million IQ things that he does that just like go completely unnoticed. It's just, that's how he just can't keep getting away with it. He's just too smart.

Unknown_11: Uh, thank you. Niga for 20 says, remember that people portray Josh as literal Hitler when in reality is a man who laughs at his ass off a ceiling cat. It's true. It's cause it's funny.

Unknown_11: Thank you. Moon cricket in 1865 for one says this is for a ceiling cat. I nearly pissed myself laughing. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad people enjoy my comedic stylings. Uh, Fox just pretends to press X to say, I mean, John, John, just play five seconds. Okay, I will.

Unknown_13: Let's see, it's loading. John, John, John, John.

Unknown_11: I do remember that it was a funny name, basically. Well, Dante for five says Ralph would be a great pro sports gambler. I heard he won $5,000 betting on the chief. I'm telling you, the future for the Ralph a male is on the casino floor. You think about where the hot ladies are, where the big money is, where the

Unknown_11: high rollers is where the famous people is you think about that las vegas penthouse suite and the city skyline in the background that's the place for the ralpha male not mexico not hiding in mexico i'm talking about the penthouse suite in las vegas

Unknown_11: Steno, for once, has that feeling when Bossman's chat when he isn't live is more active than Otisneed's chat. Otisneed's chat are such fucking haters of Bossman, so fuck them.

Unknown_11: Such chat rivalry. I don't know if I can go sign that. What your Wagner provides in the New York Post is for real journalists. Look at this article and click the link for your website near the end.

Unknown_11: Okay, so there's a New York Post article and he says that there's a link for the Kiwi firms at the end.

Unknown_11: Uh, oh, it links to Kiwi So it's spelled K I V I farm that reportedly supports cyber stalking. Well, I don't know about this Kiwi farm, but it sounds really nefarious. I hope they shut it down.

Unknown_11: Fliggy gigu seared bite for five says as an aspiring digital nomad. Why would you recommend Serbia? Why not Romania Hungary or Portugal? Also, what expat bars do you recommend? I'm not gonna give out any of my haunts I do not want people visiting places to ask about my pizza or wherever the fuck I

Unknown_11: I did not choose Romania, Hungary, or Portugal because those are all EU countries. All three of those are in the EU. And I didn't want to say any, I didn't want to be in the EU because I say things which are illegal everywhere in the EU.

Unknown_11: Um, and I host things that might be illegal in the EU. So that's why I picked Serbia. And so I also picked Ukraine, um, before Serbia.

Unknown_11: Where you want to go really depends on what you're trying to get out of things. Do you want a place that speaks a lot of English? Do you want a place that has an extremely low cost of living? If so, you're not going to get that in the EU. Even Poland and Hungary and Romania have a higher cost of living than countries like Moldova and Serbia, I think, even.

Unknown_11: If you're just trying to minimize your expenses like I am and you're trying to stay out of the EU like I am Then you know Ukraine was a better bet. I'm obviously I wouldn't recommend Ukraine right now. I might want to go to Moldova or something Yeah, I can't really give you a suggestion because it really depends on your situation

Unknown_11: Bossman Jack for five says the XQC reaction JPEG is one of my favorite running jokes on the show I've only done that like twice I think but Yeah, it's the it's the automatic fair use qualifier. That's how it works Jim socks for five says Josh just found out my good leaf friend passed away recently. His name was Jordan He's a big fan of your streams. I miss him dearly and just want to let you know how much he appreciated you That's sad I

Unknown_11: I'm glad he liked the show. It sucks to hear that he died. I hope you're doing alright my boy.

Unknown_11: How would you recommend learning Rust? If I wanted to contribute to your projects and have years of professional experience coding other languages, how difficult would it be to get up to speed in that? It's trivial. There is a steep, steep learning curve to understand how memory management and ownership works in Rust. That is the steep learning curve. But once you figure that out, Rust is a language that once it compiles, it works. It will complain over and over again. You'll have to reassemble things to get the ownership right. But when it compiles, it does not,

Unknown_11: It has no unexpected outcomes. It always does exactly what you think it does.

Unknown_11: And Copilot helps a lot with dealing with management or with, uh, remembering or learning new because the syntax is weird. So there's like snippets of code that you'll reuse a lot, um, to accomplish certain things that are different than other languages.

Unknown_11: A new stalker child for 10 says, Hey John, you were featured as a bachelor on the Greek dating call show. Colin.

Unknown_13: Okay. Let's see.

Unknown_13: Okay, did you guys send my picture into like two greek women to review?

Unknown_11: This is what this is These guys do not look anything like me. Oh my god The fuck is wrong with you people, why are you doing this?

Unknown_11: I don't want to hear what greek men have to say about me. I don't understand greek anyways Thank you. Docs fell for once. Hi, Josh. Hi, Docs fan. How you doing? Genocide or CEO for three says happy today. Thank you. I can't fucking wait. You have no idea.

Unknown_11: Mouse cop five for five says, do you intentionally pronounce exasperate wrong? You say exasperate. I'm just it's just so consistent that I feel like it's inside joke and missing.

Unknown_11: If you have to ask, am I pronouncing something wrong on purpose?

Unknown_13: The answer is almost always no.

Unknown_13: Exacerbate.

Unknown_08: Exacerbate.

Unknown_11: Exacerbate.

Unknown_08: Exacerbate.

Unknown_11: Exacerbate. Okay, I gotcha. Thanks, bro.

Unknown_11: Coli Dante says, get ready for 20 episode Keno Casino Arc about Kiwi Farm's Sika Lothar pay-for-play scandal. I think those days are behind us now. Stingo says, this is a nightmare. Also, I see you in the Swifty thread, John. And then he links to a thread where someone asked me if I'm a Taylor Swifty, and I just say, as a response, anti-hero is decent, which triggered a lot of people for whatever fucking reason.

Unknown_11: It's like when people got upset over, she's not actually anti-hero in the song. She's just a jerk. Just like how in the other song, she said that I'm Romeo and you're Julia. And then they didn't get decapitated at the end. One didn't kill them. The other didn't die. Like, yeah. Okay. I got you. Don't worry about it. I don't care. It just sounds nice.

Unknown_11: Thank you. Now it's got five or five says, do you know that? Did you know what a Harpo driving means? Harper jobby, the meaning of fifth pillow. Only I can have the fifth pillow. I do actually. Actually, no, I don't. I know that. I don't know. That's what it means. That's what true knowledge is. If you really think about it, it's a mysticalism or whatever. Thank you. Move for scooper for 20 says Taylor Taylor Swift's Dear John covered by Nick Rickada Sneed. All right, let's check it.

Unknown_11: to skip ahead like six months long.

Unknown_11: Oh, I pressed I tried to skip ahead on a Kiwi farms audio visual thing. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to flip away and it will start start playing randomly as I read the next super chat.

Unknown_11: BossmanJack410 says it's a freak phone and there's a party freak freddy freaker new dance sensation grabbing the nation doing the freak call now 1-900-490-FREAK

Unknown_01: Don't you think I was too young to be messed with The girl in the dress tried the whole way home I should've known

Unknown_11: lovely really pitch perfect really sets the moon for the the heartbreak and deech last super chat for a hundred dollars says nice show you know what deech you know what i agree it was a nice show and i didn't know what the outro song was going to be until um i was halfway through the the dear john rant but now i know and you know what i'm gonna play it and i'll see you guys on tuesday take it easy thank you very much for watching i'll see you then bye

Unknown_11: And then I click the song and then it plays without any kind of delay or hesitation.

Unknown_13: That's what's happening right now.

Unknown_14: Step one, you say we need to talk He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk He smiles politely back at you You stare politely right on through

Unknown_15: And she goes left and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame You begin to wonder why you came with me

Unknown_14: Cause after all you do know best Try to slip past his defense Without granting innocence Lay down a list of what is wrong Things you told him all along Pray to God he hears you And pray to God he hears you

Unknown_14: As he begins to raise his voice, you lower yours, and grant him one last choice. Drive until you lose the road, or break with the ones you follow.

Unknown_15: everything or he'll say he's just not the same and you'll begin to wonder

Unknown_15: How to save a life? How to save a life? Where did I go wrong?