yeah it is that literally me this entire week trying to understand why things break randomly for no fucking reason i am back baby i am back on windows my rust compiles my scripts work my video driver
Unknown_20: does not randomly crash. I'm also just going to say this. I have given up on brave. Um, my here's, here's literally what gave me and what made me give up on brave. I have tried watching boss man, Jack on kick. It will randomly exit and die. Like the tab will crash for either SIG kill or memory errors. So now I'm on Firefox again.
Unknown_20: specifically the mold ad browser and wow what do you know Firefox is less shit than it used to be a couple years ago when I gave up on Firefox and now I Switched from chromium back to Firefox and the cycle will continue and all my all my all my scripts from all my violent monkey scripts for Chrome work just fine in Firefox so
Now I can watch my boss man Jack screams and then hopefully I can get all my shit working. Everything seems fine I actually had a little panic attack right before the the stream started because I was getting acquainted with all the stuff I'm going to talk about and one of the last things I was thinking of adding cuz Keffel's published this at Like 11 a.m. His time. I think no cuz he lived in Ireland but he published a
Unknown_20: like an hour before the stream so i was listening to it at 2x and i was watching and he has this horrific you know fuck i'll just show you this is i'm not going to show you force you to watch this fucking video but i will show you exactly what i'm talking about he has this really horrific vtuber setup where it's just like his shitty little cartoon character in the the wiggly outfit and it will like it's like in the swivel chair and his idea was
that when he's not talking the character will swivel away to face away from the character and then when he's talking again it'll swivel back and he'll start bouncing in the chair so it's supposed to be like during a live stream when he's watching a video it'll swivel back and forth I guess it's kind of a neat idea But in execution, it sucks dick, you know, and I'll show you exactly what I mean.
Unknown_20: But I also want to make sure that I show you what made me shit a brick right before stream.
Unknown_20: So here we go.
Unknown_20: This is this video, and this is the part where I'm thinking like, oh, God, what the fuck is this?
Unknown_16: The reason that I even said that in the first place was honestly Gallo's humor. It felt a bit empowering, at least in private, to make edgy jokes like that while thousands of people speculated about how terrible of a person I am based off of no substantive evidence.
but all that pixelation that you just saw on screen not me not my video driver i was legit so freaked out by this i sent myself the link on telegram and pulled out my old laptop and double checked to make sure okay this is rendering display this is not me my video my my video card is not dying in real time uh this is actually how it rendered and was uploaded to youtube okay great but i was free i was like legit freaking out like oh my god my computer's gonna crash midstream again i already see it dying as i as i uh watch youtube um yeah my alienware laptop that i use for a flashlight too that one uh yeah okay that was my first scare of the day there's almost nothing to show in this this fucking video keffels is a drama whore so he's like
Unknown_20: He's so happy that Ethan Klein is paying attention to him, even if it's to call him a pedophile over and over again. He's like, yes, I'm relevant again. In fact, actually, let me bring this back up since I'm already just shitting on Keffel's immediately. There's a part where
I think it's like immediately into this. Yeah, here we go. He's like, I didn't want to talk about this. I was busy doing other stuff.
Unknown_16: You're all aware. This has been quite a chaotic week for me. The situation has taken up a lot more time than I would have liked it to, as I've been trying to dedicate more time to working on my new channel, Scared Awake.
Unknown_20: yeah i'm so busy with my two thousand one point five thousand subscriber channel where i talk about the same exact shit that's been talked about a million fucking times by a million other people who do that job way better than i can ever possibly do it i'm so busy it's it's such a drain on my resources to have to take out and deal with high profile internet drama that's the backbone of my career involving multi-million subscriber channels calling me a pedophile like I profited off of in the past man it's like geez dude I really didn't want to deal with this I was really hoping to talk about crop circles or some shit but I was just forced into a corner to make this 40 minute long video funny funny chat
Cool. Excellent. Wonderful. Okay. So the news and to do the news chat, what do we need to do? We need to put the hamster on the screen. There he is. Bam. Wow. Things are working today. I feel like I'm doing a kid show and I put the hamster up on the screen. Like, what do we do when we want to talk about the news? That's right. We do a dance and we sing a song and we throw glitter in the air.
Unknown_20: Look at that. Emojis are working in check.
Unknown_20: Two days. Imagine what switching to Windows does. Wow, things just work. Even the emojis work. I noticed that there's no giant text in the chat or script tags trying to do pop-ups on my OBS.
Isn't that wonderful?
Unknown_05: All right, first up on the news, heartwarming pedophile busted.
Unknown_20: I have a guy. Please forgive me. I have a couple of things from Twitter for the stream. So because I when I when I see news, like I try to find like the actual source so I can show the source on screen instead of like a fucking tweet. But you know what? A lot of news is just made directly on Zitter. Now, please, please do not yell at me in the comments about how I'm Twitter brain, because I'm showing a couple of fucking tabs on Twitter.
This is the clip both of these actually so I'm assuming that he has a full YouTube video that he's showing but This guy okay, so the fat guy that you're seeing here. There's two fat guys the tall fat guy who's a little bit buff or looking buff he kind of has like like a
Unknown_20: what do you call it when someone's like like kind of fat but also kind of buff at the same time like he's bulking he's currently bulking chat it is the winter he will go otter mode in the summer i'm sure that's his plan but right now he's bulking uh the other guy is just dough fat so the guy that's big in the blue shirt and currently bulking um he is
The pedophile hunter and he basically like I guess he just talks to pedophiles and they open up and like yeah These are the terrible things that I do And then he calls the cops on them and visits them in person once he doxes them. So what happened there is that he talked to this guy on Discord or some shit. I'm assuming discord because he's a pedophile and and got him to confess to nasty shit, threatens to talk to his wife and his kid about the things he's been doing, and so to avoid confronting his own wife about the things he's been doing to their daughter, he decides he'd rather confess openly to being a child molester to the police. Let's take a gander, Chad.
Unknown_02: I don't understand how as a father you are comfortable- Sorry, let me cut this back down to 1x so people listening at 2x, as is often the case, can hear what's being said. with sexualizing your own daughter, some random pedophile online. I'm going to tell you, man, I'm not from anywhere near this area, and I came all the way here to talk to you about this. So the least you can do is just be honest with me, OK?
He's actually really good at doing the police interrogation thing, where it's like he comes across as very non-threatening. Like, I just want to talk. I want to see what's going on. And, you know, like it's kind of creating this false sense, like, oh, if you just confess to all the terrible shit that I already know is true, I'll just leave and it gets it works. It works on this guy, at least. He's apparently a fucking retard. His most pedophiles are retards.
But yeah, he's got he's got some tactics. He knows what he's doing.
Unknown_02: No, there's nudes of your daughter on your phone. There's not. Yes, there is. We were able to see every single one of your photos already.
Unknown_13: Well, I have a problem because that phone is at my store.
Unknown_02: OK, so that has nudes of your daughter? It has a couple, yes. OK.
Unknown_13: And I will delete those.
Unknown_02: When did you take those nudes of your daughter? A while ago. What was she doing in those pics? Just like this. Okay, were you able to see her private parts? Just her top. What about her butt? Yes, I have some of her butt in underwear. Okay, were those meant to be for sexual arousement? Yeah.
Unknown_02: Did you touch her? No. Here's what's going to happen now, okay? I'm prepared to go to her school and go talk to her right now. I'm prepared to go ask her everything. Please don't. Okay. I want to hear it from you. Was it maybe just over the clothes, rubbing of the vagina?
Unknown_00: It's over the clothes.
Unknown_02: You rubbed her vagina over the clothes?
Unknown_00: Oh yeah, yeah.
Unknown_02: Okay. Listen to me. You're going to be as honest as possible.
Unknown_20: That's also, see, as a...
Unknown_20: As a feminist I now watch true crime shows and I know that's part of the reed technique when they say like, okay Well, you're saying this but I know it's not true and then he gives them an out like was it over the clothes? Was it like non penetrative and then like to not confess to the worst things? Yeah. Yeah, that's true So that's like an in out so that the pressure can be released without actually saying like everything that he's done What that guy whatever you serious?
Okay, you gotta go talk to the police. And that's like, the end of this is a teaser. This is kind of where it continues, and I'll play this. Sorry, let me put this back down to 1x.
Unknown_02: that just be as honest as possible with him, okay? I'm a good person. I know you are. I know you are. That doesn't mean this can't get taken care of, okay? It's gonna be taken care of. He's my wife.
See, that's really hard for people to do. Like, this guy who's a child molester who's offended against his own daughter is telling him, like, I'm a good person. And I think it's very instinctual for most people to just want to, like, yell and, like, scream at him, maybe punch him or choke him or something. But if you're trying to like coax him into confessing to what he's done so that the process is as quickly and painlessly as possible This is the correct way to do it. So Don't don't like I've Unfortunately, I've seen that where when someone handles something correctly like this people be like why is he saying that this pedophile is a good person? Is he stupid and then they like harass him and it's like no he's doing the correct thing to elicit a confession He's probably freaking out right now.
Unknown_13: I'm sorry
Unknown_13: I don't want to lose my daughter, please. Okay. I will delete everything. Like I said, I don't get joy out of it at all. I know. I know.
Unknown_02: Hey, Seuss, can you tell him I want to do the thing? Will you be there with me?
Unknown_14: Yes.
Unknown_20: That right there, I want to replay that because that's a crazy interaction. Like this guy, this guy is in the process of ruining his entire life and destroying him and breaking him down. And he's done such a good job at building rapport with him. He's like, can you please be here with me when I confess to being a child molester? And he's like, there's like a pause where he's like emotionally processing this request. And he's like, yeah, sure, I guess.
Unknown_14: That's really intense.
Unknown_20: That's like a real interaction. Like that's not like scripted or something. Like this guy's actually saying that to him and he has to figure out what the fuck you say in response to that.
Unknown_02: I got you.
Unknown_02: I got you. I got you.
Unknown_02: So basically officer, basically officer. So you have some nudes of your daughter that you got to delete right on your phone.
Nude pictures of your daughter who's like seven years old, right? Tell about the times you touched her
Unknown_20: This is also great and rich and this guy he's an older man So he's obviously he's been on the forest for a long time. He's seen everything and now he has this guy Confessing to him on the street about being a pedophile and he's like, okay. Wait a second. I gotta I have to read you your rights You have the right to remain silent Anything you say can and will be used against you in court of law.
You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed. for you before any question.
Unknown_11: Do you understand these rights? Yes. Okay. Do you wish to continue to talk? Because what you're telling me is a crime.
Unknown_20: Crazy language a child can understand you are about to confess to something that's gonna ruin your entire fucking life. Are you sure? Sure you want to do this? And it's like, Yes, I'm sure. That's professional. That's how you do it.
anyways this is alex rosen at i fight for kids be aware that when it comes to these these pedophile hunter people they're usually a little bit crazy so i've only seen this video from him um good work however if this guy does something truly fucking crazy and unhinged i have not endorsed him i don't know him i've never interacted with him i hope that he stays on stays sane okay
Unknown_20: This was also a thing I could not find the source of. I think it was clipped out of something from the Tucker Carlson News Network, which is his own thing now, after he got let go from Fox News for being too beset. But he decides to go through a Russian supermarket.
Unknown_12: I went from amused to legitimately angry.
Unknown_12: So we were guessing what this would cost. Everybody here is from the United States, buys groceries, and we didn't pay any attention to costs. We were just putting in the cart what we would actually eat over a week.
Unknown_12: And we all came in around 400 bucks, about 400 bucks.
It was $104 US here. And that's when you start to realize that ideology maybe doesn't matter as much as you thought, corruption. If you take people's standard of living and you tank it through filth and crime and inflation, and they literally can't buy the groceries they want, At that point, maybe it matters less what you say or whether you're a good person or a bad person. You're wrecking people's lives in their country, and that's what our leaders have done to us. And coming to a Russian grocery store, the heart of evil, and seeing what things cost and how people live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That's how I feel anyway, radicalized.
Tucker Carlson had his his Yeltsin moment. I think it was Yeltsin because it was in the late 90s It was worth I think was under Ronald Reagan where I'm pretty sure it was Boris Yeltsin that went to the United States and they gave him a tour of a supermarket and And he looked around and said, if the Soviet people saw what the Americans had access to, there would be a revolution. And it was a turning point.
philosophy and that basically led to the, was one of the things, there's many compounding causes to why the Soviet Union broke up, but Boris Yeltsin and his Gorbachev both liberalized the Soviet Union towards capitalism, in part because they were falling behind so much that the economy had stagnated, but then they went to the U.S. and they saw things and were like, wow, things aren't so bad abroad. And I think people are going to give me shit for this, but hear me out. You're listening to my podcast. Hopefully you don't think I'm a total fucking retard. I'm sorry. I'm fucking with my microphone because I feel like I'm quiet. Am I quiet? Am I quiet?
Unknown_20: But when you, when you go to, when you go to a foreign country in Europe, even, even ones that are getting shittier and you see how nice things are, like Serbia is a poor country. You can still take the bus. The buses are old. The buses are like Soviet era. There's just like, you know, they're obviously very dilapidated and it's crowded, but it's still, it's not violent. You know what I mean? You're never, you're never at unease. on the bus.
You can take a train in Ukraine. You never feel that unease, even if it's an old, probably a Soviet era train that's running on the tracks. Um, the, the, the mosque, I've never been to Moscow, but the Moscow, uh, train station is famous for being basically a museum. Uh, it's like a Michelangelo painting, you know, in a, in a subway station. And you think, how is that possible? Cause in the United States, it doesn't matter if it was 500 year old art, it would be painted over and tagged and ruined. and that's very radicalizing it is genuinely radicalizing and people give me shit for this, but you go to the grocery store you buy groceries and Some of the stuff some things in particular are a higher quality of grocery or a quarter of the price than what you get in the United States and it's it's um
It's angering. And from what I understand, things are even worse than they were when I left.
Unknown_20: I've looked at it because I have to, I'm looking at the US and I'm budgeting and I'm going to cost of living things. And it's just like 400% more for groceries. It's like 10 times as much to eat out.
Unknown_20: So I'm looking at that and budgeting. It's like, even though I make more money than I ever have, I'm looking at this, I'm thinking like, how the fuck am I going to afford this bullshit? Because it's so expensive now.
um so yeah people are making fun of them because it's true there is income disparity in russia and ukraine and serbia the poorest people and in those countries are much poorer than the poorest people in the united states and that is not because of uh the success of the american system if you look at our federal budget it's like i think half i think literally half so every every 50 cents of every dollar that you send the irs or get taxed federally goes to either hud which is housing credits or ebt which is a part of hud or medicare and medicaid And everybody else, and those are programs literally just to give black people and illegal immigrants free shit. Free phones, free housing, free medical coverage, free food, and now that food can be used for restaurants, and that food can be paid, like everything goes on ABT now. There used to be a, remember, there's Lose Yourself by Eminem.
And in that line it says, man, these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers. Well, I'm pretty sure EBT buys diapers now. I could be wrong. Maybe it's only state by state, but I'm pretty sure food stamps buy diapers now. And these are only programs for the poorest people. So the poorest people The illegal immigrants, because you cannot be discriminated against by your immigration status, have access to all the things that middle class Americans who actually pay taxes cannot have access to.
And what you see in Russia, the reason why when you go to Russia and Serbia and Ukraine and you see groceries for basically fucking nothing, they don't have these programs.
Unknown_20: Um, actually that's not even true. Russia does have socialized healthcare. It's not the best. It's not like the most Gucci shit on the, on the planet. Um, but you do have access to some medical care in Russia because they kept their socialized medicine from the Soviet Union era.
Unknown_20: But then people, um,
Unknown_20: Food stamps by DoorDash, yeah. So, I mean, why do you think restaurant costs are way up in the U.S.? Because people are receiving government credit, and they can spend that however they want, and the things that they're buying go up in cost because they're subsidized by the government. And then normal people, who want to order out, can't afford it because they don't get subsidies to buy restaurant food with. That's why they go out.
Um, yeah, it's, it's completely fucked. And all you have to do, literally, all you have to do is go outside the country for a couple of years and you're like, Oh my God, like things are actually fucked. And when you understand how our medical care system came to be as like a series of compromises to avoid, uh, they call it the two Santos. Basically the Republicans give tax cuts and, uh, the Democrats give free shit and then they never like actually
go back and change each other's policies, because that would be very unpopular. The result is you have a completely broken system. I mean, the purpose of a system is what it does. And what the system does is it destroys the middle class and creates a disparity between the ultra-rich, who are allowed to be ultra-rich because they're in line with what the government wants and what megacorporations want. And then you have everybody else who can't do shit and rely on the government to eat. That's it. That's what it does. Why is the system built in such a crazy way? Because the purpose of the system is what it does. And what it does is it makes people poorer and makes the rich richer. And that's actually the goal. In the nanosecond you leave the United States, in the nanosecond you look at any other country, be it Russia,
or australia or serbia or germany or the netherlands or whatever the fuck you'll see that in most of these countries they have a system that is saner than the united states even if you don't agree with it in um in any other context no i do not listen to i don't listen any other podcasts believe it or not if you look at the same set of facts if you go to these foreign countries and you experience living there You will come to the same conclusions without listening to each other. Tucker Carlson goes to Russia for a fucking weekend and he's like, oh my God, I can, my dollar goes so much further here because it's not subsidized by fucking EBT. Anybody who has these experiences will come to the exact same conclusion.
Yeah, Australia has single payer, I'm pretty sure.
Unknown_20: I'm telling you, dude, every other country has figured this out.
Unknown_20: And people say the United States can't afford global health care. Yes, it can. The reason why it can't is that we do something that no other country with social health care does. We do not set fixed prices. $75 an aspirin, $150 for a fucking plastic tube. They charge whatever they want to charge, and then they bill the government for it, and the government asks no questions. Why is it like that? Because we don't have fixed price limits, and the government never questions a bill. Every other country on the planet has different rules on this. If you go to a social hospital in any country, the government sets the prices on medical stuff, so they are not bankrupted by the system. It would be trivial for the U.S. based on its massive budget. We still pay more per capita for health care than any other country in the world, and that's because we do not set price limits.
They're bought and sold. It's deliberately broken. It's deliberately broken, and I'm convinced that what they're trying to do now is liquidate the country, like with Disney. Why does Disney do things that don't benefit its bottom line? Because they are taking existing properties. They're putting no effort into it, no money into it, no thought into it. They're trying to squeeze as much capital as they can out of it. They're taking it out of the company and out of the country to banks in Israel, and they want to leave the United States completely and totally destitute, utterly broken. filled with people that hate the fucking country that are only there for economic reasons so they can never ever become a global superpower again. That's why it exists.
And that's what you get when you go to Russia and eat fine cheeses that you cannot find in the United States.
Unknown_20: Speaking of Russia, even though it has great health care, it also executes people that it doesn't like. This is very controversial for some reason. Navalny was a well-known democratic ideologue in Russia. It was a challenge to Putin. He wanted to expose corruption with the oligarchs, so on and so forth. Unsurprisingly, he was arrested, and he has now died in jail. I have called him a CIA asset because he obviously is one.
And people took issue with this. I do honestly think that this guy is not being bankrolled by the U S federal government to cause problems. Are you retarded? I don't need evidence for this. Uh, look at what he is.
Unknown_20: Reason, by the way, has always been a capital punishment. So I don't know why people are surprised that he's dead anyways.
Unknown_20: Oh, this was in reply to a tweet about this. It said Gonzalo Lira also died in prison and Siegel posted this wonderful picture to memorialize Gonzalo Lira, a political prisoner. Obviously his point was that Ukraine also kills its political opposition in the prisons and yet we don't raise any issue about this. Here we have Gonzalo there at his peak.
A happy man in stride with good company in the United States, enjoying his American freedoms.
Unknown_20: Taken before his time, Chad. Taken before his time.
Unknown_20: And this is just me dabbing, this is just me hitting the dab. Taliyah, which is a tier one ISP, has parted ways with
Path if you don't remember path was the first ISP To drop the Kiwi farms way back when when we were hosted in Nevada Our DDoS mitigator was path which I did not know at the time but path employees quarry Barnhill the pedophile known as zoom and IBS as their chief operating officer
Unknown_20: And when Corey heard that the Kiwi Farms was using PATH for DDoS mitigation, they blocked our ASNs. We did not have DDoS protection, which caused a lot of downtime for the Kiwi Farms. They loudly and proudly, during Drop Kiwi Farms, went on to Twitter to advertise themselves to say that they were actually the first ISP, even a year before ZAO, to drop the Kiwi Farms. They're very happy about this. Well, now they have been dropped by Taliyah because they haven't paid a single bill.
Unknown_20: Path is going bankrupt at all of its locations. They're not paying data centers. They're not paying ISPs. They're paying nobody. And so they're being kicked out. They're being evicted. And I think they have one existing connection right now, and that's Equinix. And the nanosecond that they stop paying Equinix, they will be kicked out. So this is actually a bigger, oh, and they're being sued, by the way, for nonpayment in Canada, I'm pretty sure. Actually, this might be in the United States. Yeah, this is in Arizona. They're being sued in the United States, but they,
are being sued by a Canadian company because PATH is in Nevada. So this is actually a bigger deal than it may look because Rumble uses PATH for DDoS mitigation. I have repeatedly tried to contact the Rumble development team and the Rumble head of product on Twitter and via email. I have never gotten a reply. I have told them it is an urgent Danger crucial danger situation that they are using a bankrupt Company ran by skids and pedophiles to handle Their DDoS mitigation because they not only use them for application layer DDoS mitigation They use them for man-in-the-middle layer 7 app that mitigation which means that when they're being attacked, they switch the routes over through PATH. PATH has computers that actually terminate the SSL, read the raw data being passed through the server, and then act on that data to determine if it is a DDoS attack request or if it is a legitimate request. That means that when an attack is happening and they are using PATH, every single thing sent and received to the Rumble servers are being read by a company of known Black Hat hackers and a pedophile that is currently insolvent.
I have repeatedly told them this is a fucking liability and they do not respond. They do not fucking respond. It is like, I don't know how many more warning signs. Insolvent, kicked out for non-payment, kicked out of a data center for non-payment, being sued for non-payment, ran by fucking retards. In fact, I want to say that in this,
Unknown_20: It is, Augustus Hart, that's fucking Zoom. That's his fake new name as of 2020, was August Hart, because that's the name of the comic book character Zoom. If I remember correctly, August Hart was the guy who plays Godspeed in the fucking comic books or some shit, and he changed his name to that. And he's listed under perjury as the COO of this company.
Drop them. If you are listening to this, I'm broadcasting on Rumble. How many people are listening on fucking Rumble? 2,000 people.
Unknown_20: One of you has to have somebody's fucking ear. Urgent, urgent, alarm, alarm, imminent fucking danger to your business. You're letting these people, man in the middle, your fucking connection. Urgent, crucial urgency, imminent fucking disaster on the horizon.
Please, figure something out. Terrain, terrain, pull up, pull up.
Unknown_20: God, there was something else. Oh, Cogent. So Cogent likes to pretend it's a tier one company. What is a tier one company? A tier one ISP is a ISP that has a cross-connect, free cross-connect with every other tier one ISP. So that means that when a, An ISP can exchange data with any other ISP that exchanges data with any other ISP that's considered a Tier 1 ISP. It's kind of like a circular definition. Then it's a Tier 1 ISP. The gist is that these Tier 1 ISPs, if they want to retain the title of Tier 1 ISP, must maintain a political connection to these other ISPs, stay in good standing, pay their fucking bills, and don't have traffic issues that result in them being de-peered because if they lose access to one of these Tier 1 ISPs they're no longer a Tier 1 ISP. Cogent isn't technically a Tier 1 ISP because they don't have cross-connect with Hurricane Electric in a long-standing feud that has escalated recently because Cogent actually refuses to connect to Hurricane Electric at all.
So if you have a situation where computer A wants to connect to computer B, and it's merely, and both of them, one of them uses only Cogent and one of them uses only Hurricane Electric, and it's an IPv6 connection, they actually will not connect at all. So there is a thing where you have two internets basically in the IPv6 space and that's because Cogent can't and Hurricane Electric has begged Cogent to stop being so fucking retarded but they refuse. So Cogent, terrible company, deserves to be destroyed, ran by a retard who deliberately misleads his own investors by saying that he promotes net neutrality while being not net neutrality himself and personally involved in censoring companies and websites. They've lost cross-connect with
With, who did I lose cross connect with? Sorry, I'm on a tear right now.
Unknown_05: I've lost it. Let me scroll up.
Unknown_05: Did I retweet? I did retweet this. Let me check my Twitter. Sorry.
Unknown_05: I want to say Talia again, but I don't know if that's accurate.
Unknown_05: Sorry, I want to get this right, because I'm laughing at them. Oh, I tweeted on the Kiwi firm's one. That's fine.
Unknown_05: I know it's not important to any of you, but it's important to me.
Unknown_05: NTT, how did I forget that?
Unknown_20: NTT Europe, Deep here, Kojo. That's a huge loss. NTT is a big company.
Unknown_20: That's really big. That's really big. They're a huge.
Unknown_20: Geez. Okay. Yeah. They're definitely not a tier one. Now they don't have cross connected with NTT. That's a big ass company. Um, so there you go. All, all these bad people, all these bad people I don't like are suffering. It's not amazing.
Unknown_20: I gotta, I gotta keep my chat. My head is huge. You ever see that meme where it's like the guy has like the big head because he's been working out in the library. That's literally me right now. I need to, I need to reign that shit in before I start, I start, uh, getting too full of myself.
Very embarrassing. Yes. Bossman Jack is live. If you are waiting for him to go live, you can, you can go watch him now. Uh, so someone sent me this on Twitter and we're like, Hey Josh, talk about this. And I looked at it and it was like, hands off my rewards. Don't breach my credit card.
Unknown_20: Cyber attacks against consumers are on the rise with megastores like Target falling victim to breaches that expose customer information of the worst actors on the dark web. Now megastores like Walmart and Target want to leave you even more vulnerable to credit card cyber attacks so they can pocket billions of dollars in additional profits. Don't. let them get away with it. You can play an important role in standing up against special interests in Washington to protect your valuable credit card data that will be easier to steal if new credit card routing legislation is passed. Tell Congress to protect your data, not the profits of greedy megastores." I'm thinking, what the fuck is this? And then I looked it up. This guy, uh, Dick Durbin, who I believe is a Democrat. He is in Illinois. So most corrupt state in the U S that's interesting. He wants to pass legislation that injects competition into the MasterCard Visa card duopoly. So this thing right here is owned by like MasterCard and Visa card. And they're saying like, you need to tell Congress only MasterCard and Visa card have the tools required to profit process your data. Don't.
Don't don't protect the profits of greedy megastores. We hear that. Don't you protect Target and Wal-Mart to create Target card and Wal-Mart card because they are big evil businesses. Instead, allow Visa and MasterCard trillion dollar businesses that process 83 percent of all global commerce to protect your data. Protect our profits instead, you fucking retard.
Um, that's interesting. So apparently all eyes are coming on the credit cards. We will break them down, chat. Insha Allah. We shall see a day where MasterCard and VisaCard are scattered to the fucking wind where they belong.
Unknown_20: Why are the viewers on Kik not showing up?
Unknown_20: Kik is just the most functional platform. It's the most wonderful functional platform. Okay, great.
Unknown_20: Okay, now they show up. Um, cool.
This is a small note, small side note, but after the Kansas City Chiefs won the Superbowl, they did a little parade. They said, woo, we win. We went again, baby to Ching just as planned, just as, as Papa Joe Biden plan, uh, a malignant individual took issue with this open fired. Um, there were many injured. One was like a five-year-old boy. However, he was heroically tackled by a bystander, a white man in the audience and subdued, I think before more damage was being done.
Unknown_20: Uh, he was black by the way. Oh, this is the wrong thing. I wasn't going to show you this though.
But oh I did this wrong. I was supposed to say guess the race And the answer is a black man if you guessed a black man shooter, you're right. Oh
Unknown_20: Okay, I'm gonna show you the rat penis everyone's distracted by this So This is a publication
Let me make sure I get this right. What is the title of this publication? Cellular Functions of Spermatogonial Stem Cells in Relation to JAKSTAT Signaling Pathway by Shiyong Guo, Liang Dong, Ding Zhuohua. And they have decided to use AI to assist them in their diagrams of what they're talking about. Now you may be confused at what the fuck this depicts and the answer the reason why you are confused is that this is nonsense this is not obviously not anatomically correct last I checked rats do not have giant dingle dongles full of balls like this and a huge umbilical cord that stretches into the fucking space
But this is a peer-reviewed journal in academics and it was accepted for some reason I do enjoy how in this Petri dish of stem cells the thing that they like the utensil that the AI drew is like a Spoon, it's like a little baby spoon. Like do you want whatever the fuck you want a nice? Well start your morning right with Kellogg's stem cells and like just scooping up all these weird eyeball looking things to eat them up So if you're wondering Josh
Unknown_20: or gosh, rather, not even, not even to me, but like, you know, we have this replication crisis in academics and there's a competency crisis as well. People are studying things that they don't understand. They're citing things that they haven't read. and they just don't seem interested in the underlying machinations that make our society work or the bulk of information that we rely on. We're going to start forgetting things as time goes on. How could things get even worse? The answer, we're going to rely on foreign people to use AI to generate things that are nonsensical and then study those.
and come to scientific medical conclusions based on diagrams that were invented out of thin fucking air by a machine that has no concept of what a rat is besides the fact that they know pictures of a rat.
This is the future you chose. Embrace neo neo. What is it? It's not neo feudalism, neo agrarianism, neo scavengers return to monkey. That's what I'm trying to say here.
Unknown_20: I do have to pee. Can I queue up a video so I can pee?
Unknown_20: That's only 30 seconds. Hmm. I could subject you to more keffels.
Unknown_20: Yeah, let's do that. Hold up here.
Unknown_20: I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to this part right here and subject you to keffels.
The things I have actually been upset about were simply ignored, and I want to lay out my arguments, as well as address some of the accusations made against me,
Unknown_16: both by Ethan Klein and ContraPoints. What I'm upset about in this situation more than anything is Ethan presenting his audience clips from Vosh's streams that deliberately cut out very important context. For instance, this is a clip that Ethan Klein played on his show to prove that Vosh is a pedophile.
Unknown_01: That was pretty bad, right? Here's what was said immediately after that clip was played, which was not shown on Ethan's stream.
In fact, and this is going to be a real hot take, I have yet to hear a convincing moral or legal argument as to why possession of child pornography should be illegal. Actual child pornography. How's that for a hot fucking take? Now to clarify on this take, as I feel it necessary to do so, we do not, in this country, typically criminalize people who have procured media or resources which were the product of abuse. It is not illegal to own necklaces that have slave diamonds or whatever, what are they called? Yeah, blood diamonds?
Unknown_18: Yeah, all of our clothes produced by sweatshops, our computers, the silicon and lithium mined from literal fucking slaves. In our society, we have already deemed that people are not responsible for the mechanisms by which the media they consume and the content they engage with are produced.
No, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_18: Right now. You like that argument? Ooh, you like that? You like that moral culpability? You're all worse than fucking CP owners, and I am too. Do you like that? No ethical consumption under capitalism. Shit sucks, right? But if we accept that argument for slave labor, then we definitely have to accept it for child pornography.
Unknown_18: None of it is. Yeah, I agree. None of it is ethical, but we've already made the social decision that people are not responsible for the systems by which the stuff they own is produced. We've already made that decision.
Unknown_18: You're right, but you're kind of revealing your power level. No, this is exactly what this is exactly what I fucking mean. I'm right, but I'm revealing my fucking pedo power level because I love this.
There's another one. I actually let this play out and I'll just I'll skip back and forth. I'll let this play out and then I'll talk about a little bit and I'll go back and use stuff. um i don't just love how it's like kevin's like but they forgot to add the context immediately after the ethan klein clip bausch then says more dipshit things about child pornography and then he plays it in full and it's like well this hasn't really changed my opinion uh queen kafal's right no this is a moral inconsistency in society the answer should be that all of these things are bad
This was a common occurrence throughout all of Ethan Klein's coverage of VOSH. Here's the most heinous time that it occurred.
Unknown_18: Once again, he sets it up in the clearest terms possible.
Unknown_01: Clear your ears out everybody. Sit down and listen to every word which I mean with my whole body and soul.
for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship and for it to have positive outcomes on the child as well that's game i don't know how he survived that what i don't know how he survived that one
Unknown_16: Once again, absolutely horrendous, right? Absolutely no way this could be justified, correct? Now I'll show you the full clip with the context from before and after the clip was played, which Ethan Klein did not show his audience.
Unknown_18: You guys misunderstood. I just think that... Read the chat and see the people listening to this fucking retard and realize that they're actually listening to something like, hmm, he's making a couple salient points here.
Like those people actually exist. I can listen to this and believe it.
Unknown_18: This is very dumb for you to misunderstand this point. It's not like you guys misunderstood, it's just like this is embarrassing. Okay, look, this is super duper simple, okay? A utilitarianism, act utilitarianism, is about considering the consequences of a specific action, okay? It is possible, please, right now, uncuck your dumb shit, libcuck, fucking SJW brains, and recognize this empirically correct fact that I am about to spit. It is possible for an adult and a child to have a sexual relationship and for it to have positive outcomes on the child as well. That is possible.
However, categorically, we discourage those relationships because as a rule, it is substantially more likely that enabling them would cause harm in society. That's the difference between act and rule utilitarianism. An act utilitarian would say, oh, this is an instance where it was good for the adult and the minor to have sex. That would make it a good action. But the rule utilitarian, which is what I am, would say, even though that individual outcome was good, the act was still bad because in general, in a broader application for adults and children to have sex with one another leads to horribly destructive outcomes. For that reason, it is an unethical act. So on the off chance it might help someone, we just allow everyone to engage in a generally destructive practice? Except that's the literal exact opposite of what I am saying. Do you have fucking brain worms? ByFairy79, I literally made the opposite of that point. I literally just explained the opposite of what you just said. That no, just because on the off chance it might help someone, we shouldn't categorically support one action because I am a rule utilitarian.
Another thing that really bothered me. So that clip obviously just makes Vash look like a fucking creepy weirdo. Like regardless of literally anything else.
Unknown_20: Like, uh, yeah, that's fucking weird. I'm sorry, bro. That's weird. I know you're trying to do your epic ownage thing and show everybody how right you are, but that's just fucking weird. Uh, sorry. Not sorry. Is that right? Is that, no, that's squish. Hold up. I'm fucking with, I'm fucking with something right now. Chad's it's a bad idea, but so yeah, that obviously did not make things look, um,
any better than the previous assumption. So I really, I really just don't understand the defense. I don't understand like why, why would you risk, why would you risk it all for vouch? And I guess he just assumes that vouch will defend him. However, now I, um,
Unknown_20: I am forced to move one second and actively I'm actively in the process of fucking up my OBS layout. So this requires a little bit of work. I got you. I get to scale again. Um, the response, there is a response to this. Oh, okay. So I was sorry, hamster. Listen, I've completely fucked up the order of things. You got to go. We're, we're in, we're in the proper low Cal segment right now. I'm going to hide this. transition this back go to my Libra wolf. I'm going to find the tab that The thing that I was going to talk about
The thing I was going to talk about is actually Peter Coffin. It's a very familiar name if you remember Gamergate, because Peter Coffin allegedly was fucking a blow-up doll, and then he had a baby, and then someone Google Image searched that baby, and Google Images thought it was a toilet. And then someone in Cal said, even Google thinks your baby is a toilet nigga. So the baby was affectionately named Toilet Nigga moving forward.
by everybody. And then at some point he found like a prostitute to like live with him that looked kind of sort of like the woman that he alleged that he had been married to that no evidence existed of. It was a very long detailed conspiracy if Peter Coffin was actually married or not before, uh, the Ashley that was supposed to be the Ashley he's always been with came on camera. But then even then a lot of people were not convinced that that was actually the real Ashley. Uh, anyways, my point is, is that he's a retard. Oh God. Also he made a song. Um,
that I'm gonna share with you. You may or may not remember this song. And it's actually been so long that you may have never heard this song, but you know what?
Unknown_20: We're gonna just take a little look-see at this. A little look-see down memory lane, chat. Now this is old school tunes.
Unknown_20: Old school tunes, chat.
And we're both bitter as fuck If you're looking for an alpha male here Then you're shit out of luck Domination and total power These are not things we crave Our self-worth is not contingent on how many women we lose
Unknown_20: He's the guy that's wearing the shirt. Has he already done the really embarrassing dance where he's just like shuffling? I think this is the part. Watch him dance. Oh yeah, look at that dance. That's some Rebecca Black Friday shit going on there. Excellent. Anyways, um...
Unknown_20: I bring him up because he's involved in this. He actually did a heckin' real journalism chat. Peter Coffin, Peter Cofferoni, did a real journalism and he brought up something, two things even, that I hadn't thought about.
One of them was that Vausch owns this thing called White Forest and Keffel uses this. White Forest is a hosting service. It's a managed hosting service, which is a little bit different than like a regular traditional VPS service. It means that he actually does work on your servers. He has access to it. He sets things up. He manages it for you. And those are more expensive because they involve other people helping you. but he runs this hosting service that a bunch of breadtubers use. So Peter Coffin, who is a Marxist Leninist according to his bio, says, in case you wonder why these streamers defend VOOSH or just don't talk about them, it's because somewhere in this weird hosting shit, he either holds actual power over them or there's just enough going on for there to be a perception of it. So he is, as it says here directly on their about us page that vouchers involved. So vouch sets up a hosting business specifically for bread tubers. He controls all their internet presence bullshit.
Like, uh, it's based off from what I understand. It's, um, software that destiny originally wrote and then vouchers took the source code, cloned it, and then made it like a thing that he, that he sets up. So if you ever go to like, I think if I can do this on live and just show you, you go to destiny's website.
And then, okay.
Unknown_20: It looks like this. And I think there's this thing that says, um, big screen. Yeah. Right. It looks like this. And then I think if I go to cathols.gg, it should be the exact same kind of site.
Unknown_20: Yeah. Okay. So it looks a little bit different, but then there is the stream.
Unknown_20: I do not want to allow things. Yeah, and you can see it's kind of the same thing It's kind of like the the big screens thing going on. So that's because Valsch took the open source code for this and then poured it into a hosting service that he runs called White Forest And now a bunch of bread tubers rely on him for the, uh, for the big screen thing. Cause they all multicast and they like, you see how much of a pain that's it for me to set up my own multicasting. Well, you think someone like Keffel's can manage that by himself? No. So it relies on Val should do it.
And so all these streamers rely on Val for their, their internet presence. And then when he's having a big pedo scandal, they can't say shit because of how she got him by the balls.
Unknown_20: All he has to do is crush his hands, close his fist, and suddenly Keffel's ravioli is smashed out into linguine, if you know what I'm talking about, chat.
So there's a conflict of interest there, and they can't talk about it. And Pyrrha Coffin is completely right to point out this conflict of interest because of how it's playing out.
Unknown_20: The other thing he pointed out was that there was a tranny that was involved in... I'm going to totally misremember this. I think, hopefully it's in the comments. Oh, I can't see the comments on this. Let me check this out on...
Unknown_20: My thing because there was a tranny that had already been treated this way and I need to double check this. Oh a tranny ran a mastodon instance on Vausch's service and When he said something that Vausch didn't like Vausch literally just shut off his mastodon instance so like that boom Vausch thanos thanos snaps as a Darkside Phil said Uh, his, his, his mastodons and it's just boom, it's gone. And all those people on it, boom, they're gone. Your domain name that might also be gone if you use him. So good luck retard.
Now, you know why a lot of people are gathering ranks. Why do I have it?
Unknown_20: My least favorite thing about windows is that on arch, you can see what tabs are making noises. And on winning windows, you cannot. Oh.
Unknown_20: I see what it is. It's my terminal. There's a alert.
Unknown_20: Okay. Sorry. Let me just move that here real quick.
Yeah. Yeah, buddy. We're back to hearing windows sound effects like the old days, like the old days chat me yelling at my Thunderbird for getting an email.
Unknown_20: All right, so that's the Keffel's Vausch update, I guess. Peter Coffin doing some heckin' journalism out there. I literally didn't even know this. I had no idea that Vausch ran his hosting service and was kicking off trainees for talking shit about him. Now a lot of stuff makes sense, don't it?
What a clever boy that Vausch is.
Unknown_20: He sees the means of production, chat.
Unknown_20: It's a proletariat dictatorship out there, chat.
Unknown_20: All right, let's swing back to the news. And I think for this, actually, I'm going to need a different hamster.
Unknown_20: Let's find her.
Unknown_20: I'm back on one of them. Oh, I do. I do.
Unknown_20: Please tell me I put the I did.
Unknown_05: Aha.
And resize.
Unknown_20: professional I need to make a song professional live streamer Joshua Connor moon tries to set up his OBS in the middle of a stream again our content and welcome did no pussy no work I actually actually I saw I had a message let me double check I did respond
Unknown_20: I sent this to the incels.is guy, who I never talk to usually, but I asked him, is this satire? So this might be satire, fair warning, but it made me laugh, so I'm sharing it. No Pussy, No Work is a involuntary celibate movement. advocating for exiting the workforce until pussy is gained. It says here, do you get no pussy, no GF, no wife? Are you lonely in despair? Many millions of men exactly like you are out there. And there is a very beautiful gallery of, I believe, AI generated images of young men in various states of despair.
Especially this guy, this guy's having a real fucking bad day. It's a beautiful day, beautiful sunset, and he can't even bear to look at it. The light disgusts him. It's blinding.
So he says, the problem is not you.
Unknown_20: The rise of loneliness and sexlessness in men is a global phenomenon and not a coincidence at all. Over the world, there are widespread systemic sexual oppression and exclusion of men. Systemic sexual oppression is a form of violence.
Unknown_20: This is definitely parentherity. Or keeps people of manliness, people of manliness. Bro, this is excellent. In conditions of loneliness and sexlessness, through structural withholding of the female resources, this phenomenon creates conditions of, Pussy insecurity, a problem that nowadays affects nearly 90% of the male population.
Pussy insecurity is the lack of access to free or affordable
Unknown_20: which is necessary for the active and healthy life of a man. Several studies confirm that lack of this absolutely necessary resource creates trauma that causes serious mental, emotional, and physical health problems."
Unknown_20: It's true. Actually, I saw a news article recently that indicated, I think that one of the biggest ones that I was surprised to hear is that married men
Like everyone knows that married men live longer. Did you know that married men will die with 10 times as much money? So I guess because women were like, Hey, maybe let's put money away for retirement and for inheritance and shit. And otherwise a guy would just be like Dick Masterson and spend all his money on fucking lollicon and flashlights and 3d goggles to watch porn. And like, if you don't have that, you're just dead. Uh,
Unknown_20: I just want to show you what they said, like no pussy, no work approved job access to the disapproved job. So these are the jobs that they would be doing if they were not deprived. Firefighter, airline pilot, and as is popular in conservative media right now, this is actually a really big deal. This is having a great effect. Apparently, police officer.
electrician, doctor, paramedic, biochemist, sea captain, as opposed to other kinds of captains.
Unknown_20: a urologist, construction worker, waste collector, all these different jobs that men are abstaining from, uh, to avoid putting effort, putting work into a pussy list society. Let's see their approved jobs.
None. There are no jobs approved for work. If you, uh, until their, their demands are met.
Unknown_20: Very, very true. What got me about this, just as the idea, like I get it, it's funny, but not working to demand sex is like counterproductive to an extreme. It would be like no pussy, no bathing. We will remain extra stinky, ranted, vile, filthy until you give us sex. Like you're really crippling your odds there in your protest.
It feels like a little bit like you're shooting yourself in the foot by saying that.
Unknown_05: Cool.
Unknown_05: Let's see. What's the next one? I'm insecure. Oh, OK, I was going to show you this, too.
Unknown_20: No matter how bad you feel about yourself, at least you didn't spend seven thousand dollars for an alpha male boot camp just to be screamed at in the office parking lot.
Unknown_06: Here's why. Here's why.
Are you touching me? Are you touching me? Are you touching me? Get the fuck off of me. Get the fuck off of me. I'm not touching you. You little bitch. I'm not touching you. You fucking bitch. All of you get in the fucking tubs. Get in the tubs. Every one of you. What are you going to do now? What are you going to do now?
Unknown_00: Every one of you get in the tubs.
Unknown_06: Get in the tubs.
Unknown_00: Get in the tubs. Shut up. There is no respect.
Unknown_06: Get in the tubs.
Unknown_00: You are going home. I know you like to sit down.
Unknown_06: You're not going in the fucking water. They're all going in the water. They're all going in the water. You're fucking done.
I mean, I feel manlier just watching this.
Unknown_20: Why are they all bruised? This is like a thing where you had to like self-flagellate like they all have the bruising. So I guess they were required to like self-flagellate like the Germans did to cure themselves of bubonic plague.
Unknown_20: That sounds reasonable, I guess.
Unknown_20: They'd be the, this is alpha male training. You give Andrew Tate $7,000 and you can be humiliated in an office parking lot and beat with chains apparently.
Unknown_20: Why is that guy wearing chains? He's wearing two chains. That's why they call them two chains.
I had a friend, uh, who anytime he had two of anything, he would say that literally about anything. We go to Taco Bell and he would get like two burritos and he'd be like, you know why they, you know why they call me two burritos? Cause I got two burritos. It would just do that all the fucking time. And I still remember this. It's still engraved into my brain.
Unknown_20: Uh, anyway, okay, let's uh, I don't actually have too much tranny nonsense to talk about. I don't think this is more just like, I don't know what to call us this rant. I have, I'll put the hamsters away. I think actually, you know what, can we get both hamsters?
Can I, can I manage this?
Unknown_20: oh hell yeah this is a double correspondence chat a double a double reno we'll just do this this will work now they're together isn't that cute we should do it like this that okay there we go so that her hat doesn't clip them now we're talking now we're talking um
Rachel Dolezal, who, if you are, there is a gracious God you've forgotten about already. Rachel Dolezal was a white woman with permed hair who was obviously born white, who somehow managed to finagle her way into an NAACP chapter.
Unknown_20: She then was outed for being a honky and was let go from her NAACP chapter after a bunch of outrage. This was like in 2016, I want to say. This was Trump era. She came out and said a bunch of shit about Trump being a racist and people were like, um, bitch, you're white.
So that resulted in her being let go. She is apparently down bad for money, because now she is trying to look Puerto Rican, it looks like, and she has decided to start an OnlyFans.
Unknown_20: However, her new job to make ends meet is a teacher. So when it was found out that she was both a teacher and an OnlyFans ho, who had an OnlyFans advertisement for her OnlyFans on her van that she would drive to this private school,
Unknown_20: They they fired her She was fired According to news for Tucson Rachel dolls all who now goes by Nick a Diallo the catchy Diallo I guess she changed her name is Nick catchy a Puerto Rican name. I lost her job with the Canolina Foothills school district. I
was under fire in 2004, accused of misidentifying herself as black while serving as the NAACP spokesperson in Spokane, Washington. Resigned amid backlash, she was a prominent civil rights leader and African studies professor in Washington state, accused of pretending to be black for personal gain. Diallo has made a social media page where she linked an OnlyFans page that appears to be operated by her.
Unknown_20: We learned in the catchy Diallo's only fan social media posts after day her poster contrary to the district's use of social media by district employees policy She's no longer employed by the Catalina full Foothills School District So there you go. She decided to become a hoe and was fired And I don't know what kind of fucking name the catchy is but it sounds stupid. So there you go that is your combo hamster news update both whammin and hand and news
And then this one, you know what, I'll leave it on. This kind of falls into both as well.
Unknown_20: Uh, this is a Kiwi farms breaking news report. Jenner said, Jen, the CIDR CEO, who's also a super chatter. I reckon, I know Genesis are still common in the Maddie thread. Also super chatter, uh, has published this. He attended a conference, the CEU. I don't even know what that is. And one of the seminars links to a links to in references, a document that Liz Fong Jones wrote or edited for Google on plurality in the workplace.
well chat let's read uh the plurality playbook to help employees and managers understand the disassociative disorders as well as plurality as a whole by freya's spirit lucia batman lucia batman and irene's irene knap forward by liz liz's
Are you curious what it's like to work with or manage someone who is plural? No, I hope I, I pray I hands classed right now. Eyes closed, head pointed up. Dear God, please never put me in a situation where I have to deal with someone who is like Liz Fong Jones ever in my entire life again. Thank you.
Unknown_20: Amen.
Unknown_20: uh he continues or if you're plural perhaps you've wondered how to get your co-workers to better understand your your and accept your neurodivergence in 2016 freya's spirit and irene's realized that they could write a guide for pop to plurality for all three of these audiences to help other plural systems come out of the workplace and
The document is a product of that effort and was published initially with the benefits of feedback from other plural systems. Hundreds of employees read this guide or used it when coming out to their teams.
Unknown_20: Personally, it was helpful for me to be a better ally at first and more useful after we awakened as a plural system ourselves. The authors of this document debated whether or when to publish it to the entire world. They were worried about facing retaliation from the company for doing so without its approval. Given the publicity sounding the hashtag plural gang hashtag,
In early 2019, an increasing number of systems that were coming out, they have decided now is the right time to publish with or without management's approval. And we are proud of them for taking that risk. We hope the authors, we and the authors hope this document helps an even greater audience understand and other themselves. We all hope you find it historically interesting and practically useful. Liz Fong Jones, who identifies as a collection of Liz's.
Unknown_20: So if you don't remember,
Unknown_20: Liz Fong Jones is married to a man who will walk around in public led by a leash while Liz is in a collar and BDSM gear, and this person has their hands tied behind their back or under their clothes with no arm holes. As they identify as a snake that Liz Fong Jones, a plural of people, apparently, uh, will lead around so that he can go, I'm a snake. I'm a snake girl. I'm a slippery snake. I'm a snake. And I'm also a snake girl. But now I should have realized the reason why Liz Fong Jones has been such a problem to me is that he's not just one gross brick headed tranny. He's several.
And yes, I did go to great lengths to set that up.
Oh wait, I forgot one more thing I was gonna say.
Unknown_20: We are many, we are a legion, we all have committed, and they are all committed, as we speak. So surrender now, and the economy will end.
Unknown_20: Awesome, great.
Unknown_22: All right, I am done with any and all hamsters.
The plural system of hamsters are dismissed.
Unknown_20: Next chat. We got some L O L Cal updates. Uh, in particular, your boy too mad, dead as fuck.
Unknown_20: Uh, dead at 23 investigated as possible OD. So there is drama with him. I don't know anything about too mad. So you're really, you're really just going to have to X excuse my ignorance on this. You know how I feel about people of Melanin. So I'm at a disadvantage here.
From what I understand, he was just like a video game player, but he was also accused of being a pedophile in my, I believe that much is true.
Unknown_20: There is some contention on if he is or is not actually a pedophile. I've heard comparisons of him being made to, uh, the fat guy who's currently dying.
Unknown_20: and Yeah, what's his name? Oh eat ADP eat that pussy phone phone 9 That guy I've heard comparisons made to him who was actually Got got twice for trying to solicit such from an underage person as far as too mad. I I don't know the context. I just believe that it was related to Keemstar really furthered the rumor and I think that
Cathal's even talked about this in context, because Keemstar has a habit of calling people pedophiles randomly. He called some random grandpa who dresses like as the old man and plays RuneScape, and that was like a lie, I'm pretty sure. He just lied and didn't ever apologize for it. So because he plays RuneScape and he dresses up like the old man from RuneScape, therefore he's a pedophile.
Unknown_20: And he still gets shit for it, which is a fucking nightmare.
2Mad might have been the same thing.
Unknown_20: No, the old man's not dead, is he? No.
Unknown_20: What?
Unknown_05: Really? Oh no, he died in 2022.
Unknown_20: Wow, that's tragic.
Unknown_20: So fucking Keemstar called this guy a pedophile just because he's like an old man that plays RuneScape and now he's fucking dead.
I didn't know that.
Unknown_20: So that like, like cancer said about him haunted him until his fucking grave, literally. And then I don't know about too mad. I don't know if he did it or not. However, I will read some things said about him after his death. First off, this guy.
Unknown_20: Actually, this is a quote directly from him and his Discord says, in December, for some reason, I keep feeling like I'm fucked, but I quit ketamine today. Yeah, therap-at-a-lot. LOL. Yeah, wait, I'll just read what he says, too.
Good shit, man. Have you ever talked to anyone outside of the internet? And then he says, yeah, therapy, a lot, I guess, confirming that he goes to therapy. Technical says, that's great news. You're still relatively young. So I want you to be able to keep your head on straight and continue growing. Two minute laughs. And he says, yeah, prop sounds corny, but your schizo post and ketamine usage can be genuinely worrisome. Just glad you're doing good right now. He says, yeah, I have friends over here right now. So he's, he's apparently is doing okay, but he is like addicted to ketamine.
Unknown_20: And then, uh, it was found that he was literally like slumped over his computer playing overwatch, like at the time that he dies.
Um, wait, wait, that's out of order.
Unknown_20: No, it's not. Okay. Um, oh, it's, it's part of this part here. They show him playing overwatch for five days in a row because he died, uh, ketamine at the computer table. He like slumped over from ketamine playing. He, he got, he got wrecked so bad playing the shittiest fucking first person shooter out there right now. And it literally killed him. It caused him to overdose, but this is ongoing drama with James. I'm going to need my chat to help me understand this retard shit.
Unknown_20: So as I mentioned, 2-Man had this reputation of possibly being a pedophile, but it could also just be some bullshit that Keemstar made up, because Keemstar loves to make shit up.
But he says, I can finally say it, Too Mad was a rapist and a pedophile. Over the past few years he tried to murder me multiple times for helping the police and detectives in multiple states to investigate a lot of horrible things he's done. He went to take out multiple innocent lives by getting behind a wheel and going head on the freeway while being high on illegal drugs. He didn't succeed once as he overdosed before killing anyone so he tried again. Despite him trying to murder me in multiple innocent lives, I've been trying to help law enforcement to make sure he's safe, doesn't get hurt and doesn't harm anybody, which sounds like fucking bullshit. If someone was trying to threaten me, I would not be on Twitter. Like I'm making sure that I'm helping him. I thought I'd report them to the police. I'd be like, nah, nigga, you dead. I'm going to make sure you dead motherfucker. So that, that immediately raises a red flag that this guy is insincere as fuck.
Please remember that he's a rapist and a pedophile. He continued to pray on vulnerable. Even after the police got involved, including a 13 year old in a mental hospital, the tragedy doesn't excuse any of his actions. I will address a lot of stuff when I fully collect my thoughts. Past few months have been a total mess. And the reason why I ended up in ER, please help give me time. So this guy is also extremely mentally unwell to the point where he puts himself in a five, What's the name of the California? I'm assuming he's in California. There's a Derek Bentley Bentley. I think his name is Derek's Bentley songs like five one five. Oh, somebody called the Pope. It's like that. He five one five owed himself because he's so sad. Now, this is a confirmation of his death. Moody Sadiq.
And that is that sounds like a meme like.
Have you ever heard of Sadiq Sadiq these nuts something like that something really immature They're brony I don't know says some news site are reporting the two-man deadly sign it just for everybody's on the coroner's website is deceased just remember that oh he continues
Unknown_20: These recent allegations referring to Jabrowski says the recent allegations court cases restraining orders. He was getting into were dark and tragic at the end of this way. I know he hurt people, but when I was first starting out on YouTube a few years ago, he was nice enough to answer my messages to give me advice. We talked intermittently when two men was at his best. He was creative, funny. You never knew what he was going to say or do next. It was refreshing.
Unknown_20: I think after he moved to L.A., things began to change. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, it's a dark hole that nobody escapes out of. You think, oh, I'll just go to L.A. and make all sorts of money. Everyone does it. All my friends there. What's the worst that could happen? And then they end up getting, like, arrested for being pedophiles and dying of ketamine overdose.
But he continues. I started posting videos less, started using substances more, and it seemed like he lost his passion for YouTube. I didn't talk to him much during this time, but he allowed me to interview him along with Achi Tu after the recent lawsuit. The goofy, guarded Tumad was still there. The one who never gave a straight answer or took anything serious, but the real person was still there, just under the surface. We got to talk to him a little bit. I'm sad to say that the real person behind Tumad, Mudia, is gone. He was a troubled person, but had so much potential, blah, blah, blah.
Well last thing I said to man was about his ketamine problem. I really thought it was turning around. I can't believe I'm reading Rubber Ross at rubber ninja says this was a lot I witnessed firsthand two mads of threats on James life during twitch con He couldn't even go home because he knew his address and he was on route to Vegas after threats He would have to use the motel room to hide out while waiting for law enforcement There was another long-ass fucking post by this guy and
When my friends and colleagues say that my life was in constant danger, they're not talking about just threats. Within a short time frame, I had a bullet hole put in my office window, was told to wear a concealed bulletproof vest when in public, witnessed SWAT team with ballistic shields outside my home, and had to cooperate with anti-terrorism units when the rapists made implications of people's lives being in my control at TwitchCon. leading to this entire convention center being surrounded by police SUVs. This isn't even all the things I and my colleagues and close ones had to endure just to get perspective. I don't think I need to explain why I'm not talking about it publicly, but if multiple people coming forward confirming what I said isn't true enough, a lot of information is on public record and can be accessed by anyone.
Useful mistake, who is very interested in legal stuff, did actually go and get the court records to show that there was a restraining order that was issued on May 12th, 2023 against too mad.
Unknown_20: Which he could have done himself, but he didn't, for whatever reason.
Unknown_20: There was never a lawsuit at any point. There were court orders that led to multiple cases. Once again, there has never been a lawsuit. A lot of things like these public records have always been. It was never about money. He lied to the public and someone dated up.
Unknown_20: Um has been caught destroying evidence sending death threats to witnesses and fabricating stuff to brainwash his audience The judge shut down his lies during the hearing and all this is public record I just remember this guy got caught hiding in the court's cafeteria when he realized that he would Get to see one of his victims in person again This is the same guy who was dancing on the grave of a murdered child just a year ago
Same guy who secretly recorded multiple videos of him committing crime including sexual assault and pointing a gun at one of his victims. He shared those videos with his friends but was mortified to find out the court had gotten a hold of him. This is public record once again. One of the things that people said is that
Unknown_20: A bullet hole in your window in L.A. is not really evidence. That's just like par for the course. You can't really say that a bullet hole in your window when you live in L.A. was created by anyone in particular because that just happens. If you live in L.A., the chances of your window collecting a hole created by a projectile is like almost 100% after a couple months.
So that was dismissed by critics.
Unknown_20: The other one was, if you look at the document, one of the things he submitted as evidence of harassment and threatening was a video that Tumad had posted on the internet of him using a gun to kill a spider with. And he said that Tumad was deliberately posting pictures of him with assault rifles in order to instill fear and obedience in his victims. But the issue was that it was an airsoft rifle. Um, and the guy that filmed the video confirmed that it was an airsoft rifle and two men didn't wasn't carrying a gun, but that did get filed in the court as evidence of harassing behavior because, um, it looked like a gun, I guess.
Uh, so I don't know. This is a little bit complicated. I don't want to make any determinations. I don't want to put my strong reputation on the, uh,
Unknown_20: It's the same thing we're in the beginning. Sorry. Um, on the line in defense or against too mad, but these are, these are the ongoing happenings chat.
Unknown_05: Finally, uh, more of the valve stuff.
Unknown_20: Actually, I'm switching back.
Uh, cause there is, okay.
Unknown_05: I showed that already.
Unknown_20: I will play this. I've never watched this before. So I'm going to, I am going to force you all once again to listen to tipster.
Unknown_17: So in the previous videos, I talked about how Ethan Klein of the H3 podcast exposed politically, bro, this guy, this fat fuck.
Unknown_20: Okay. He's not showing his fat fucking face this time. Cause he, cause he, nobody wants to see his fat fucking face, but he's doing the thing. He's like really close to his microphone and like two Ethan Klein, like you can hear every like, stop it. Stop it. Get back off. Back off of your microphone. It sucks. YouTube streamer Vosch for having material on his computer. Oh, it is Boblax. Sorry, I instinctively say Boblax because I mean, look at his fucking name, bro. It's the worst fucking name.
It was so indefensible that even longtime enemy of the H3 podcast Keemstar came out in support of their callout of Vosh. But one of the few people who were brave enough to defend Vosh on this indefensible behavior was the YouTube commentator Tipster, who got into a bit of a back and forth with Ethan over their disagreement on this topic. and it ends up culminating in a live stream that Tipster did where he spends 3 hours criticizing Ethan's callout and defending Vosh for having cartoon loli CP on his computer. But before we get into all of that, since I know Tipster is watching this video right now, I'd specifically like to let him know that this video is sponsored by Factor, the perfect solution for people who don't know how to cook good food or just don't have the time to do it. Because with Factor, every week you can get sent meals that are pre-prepared and ready in 2 minutes or less. And what they send isn't your typical TV dinner. There are over 27 meal options each week, with most of those options focusing on health. And within those healthy meals you can pick your own style, like one that's more focused on keto, low calorie, being vegan, vegetarian. However you want to eat, you will be able to do it with factor with the barrier to entry in cooking knowledge being zero, as well as every meal being ready to eat in two minutes or less. The time saving health benefits just make this a no brainer to get if you are missing the time or skill to make proper meals for yourself. And I'm sure your body will thank you for your ability to consistently put good food into it. So if you want to check out Factor, you can get 50%- I went pee.
I went pee. Now you guys are watching a video.
Unknown_20: OK, bros, hold up.
All right, we're installing sponsor block right now.
Unknown_20: All right. All right. All right. Calm down. Calm down. It's a fix. Never see a sponsor, but this is really gonna put, what is this? This is that thing where you just order food and you microwave it.
Unknown_20: Oh, it's not even the main one. It's a fact or it's fact or I was thinking of, um, what is it? It's like bit.
Unknown_20: I'm drinking tea, drinking tea. Okay. Unsweet tea.
the perfect ad for a tipster episode hello fresh that's what i'm thinking of you can't even that hello fresh gotta get this shit okay i want to hear what this fat retard says nursery chat vibin ready to talk about today's topic with you guys it's a very content
Unknown_03: it's so weird to me like i just look at this fucking freak in this room filled with toys in the same way that a lawyer would have bookcases with his encyclopedias and and uh printouts of laws and statutes and then maybe like an entire shelf for the talmud this guy has toys
Just rows of toys! This is my personality, and I'm so hyped, I'm vibing. I want to talk to you guys about how much I love Voosh and Keffels, and I hate Ethan Quine, because he says you can't jerk off to Lolicon.
Unknown_03: Come on. Just topic to say the least. And I think the thing that I hate the most about this topic is it's almost one year to the day that I had a fight with the YouTube commentary people revolving around a similar topic. And I, I hate this particular topic because it just brings out the biggest amount of brain rot. Is that his soundboard? Does he have an, Oh shit. But because he reaches over like,
YouTube commentary people revolving around a similar topic. And I hate this particular topic because it just brings out like the biggest amount of brain rot amongst everybody on the internet. Like nobody could actually
Unknown_03: think about situations in terms of nuance or anything like that. They just, they lose their fucking minds and they just, they just, they, they, they can't have a rational thought when it comes to this stuff. So, uh, it's really annoying to have a conversation revolving around this subject.
He posts my tweet and says, cheers my horse, love ya, no pedo. Andy Warski quote tweets this and says, I got banned from Tipster's chat for saying he shouldn't defend CP. He is losing his mind. Chris shares this clip and says, I don't care. I don't care what Andy Warski says.
Unknown_03: Weird ass expressions for anything, everything. And how often are you being accused of being a pedo that you need a nickname for it? If the jacket fits, you must not acquit.
Unknown_03: I don't know if you realize how optically bad what you just said looks. This looks fucking imagine this guy. Imagine this fucker having the audacity to inform people about optics.
Unknown_20: Motherfucker. Do you know how optically bad you look at every second of every day for your entire fucking life? You look optically bad as a default state. There's nothing you can do to make optically good looks for yourself. It is impossible.
Ethan Klein's statement is either I know what he's gonna say before he even says it But I want to hear what he says cuz it's so funny to make fun of this guy Ethan Klein is like what the fuck is a pedo jacket if some people are calling you pedophiles so much that you have to have a term for being called a pedophile you probably are a pedophile if the jacket fits you must not acquit That's what he's saying. And I know what tips is gonna say. I can already feel it undulating throughout the universe He's gonna say It's the anti-twins dog whistle.
You can't say that. It's anti-twins.
Unknown_03: Terrible, Ethan.
Unknown_03: You are talking to a community of people, the LGBTQ community, which are very regularly accused of being pedophiles and groomers constantly.
Unknown_03: Constantly being accused of these things and you're going to ask them the question How often are you being accused of being a pedo that you need a nickname for it if the jacket fits? You must acquit
That is the most insanely fucked up, homophobic thing, transphobic thing, anti-LGBT thing I've ever heard. Now, to be clear, this is about, he's like, he's like, he's on the verge of tears. No, no, you can't, you can't say that. It's anti, it's transphobic, it's homophobic, it's anti-LGBT, it's queerphobic, you can't do it, no.
Unknown_20: I love it. I love it. Suffer. Why is this person? Why do you care? Does he really just want to bash the gash that much? Is that, is that really what he's after? No Neo badge, no work says tipster. I'm going to stop bathing and I'm going to stop collecting. I'm going to stop working at the grocery store until I get this bash that gash ma'am.
I'm not saying I think that H3H3 is transphobic, homophobic, anything like that. I'm not saying these things. But you can make a statement that falls under that category without you yourself being those things.
Unknown_22: Can someone clip this with just pixel? Okay, hold on.
Okay. Okay, wait, I got this all set up. Hey, what does Tipster have to say about the vouch stuff? I wonder.
Unknown_06: It's pig squeal time, baby! Oh, there's crap stuck in my d**k. Wait.
Unknown_20: Do it. Get him squealing. Yeah! Make those pigs squeal.
Man, I just want to say that I totally called it. I really knew that Tipster was going to say that. I've just heard that defense so much before in the past, chat. Another win for me.
Unknown_20: Excellent. Great. Great suggestion. Really liven up the content. I want more of this.
Unknown_20: I need more Tipster content. I can't get enough.
Unknown_03: I have evidence that will put Tipster in jail this stream. Literally go fuck yourself, Keaton. You are a disgusting human being and I regret that I ever associated with you or ever defended you. You are a piece of trash. Go fuck yourself.
You're no better than Ethan is right here. If not worse. I'm trying to find a video.
Unknown_20: Oh, this one. Okay, this is what Keemstar allegedly said about Tipster.
Unknown_10: This dude needs to be in a fucking cage.
Unknown_20: Put him in a cage! Look, they're gonna try to put him in a cage real quick. He doesn't want to go in the cage.
Unknown_19: No Keen, you're being too rough.
Didn't even know that was Keem. Yeah, he runs HappyPunch.
Unknown_17: Keemstar then shares another clip and says, Tipster mad at Skyfire News. Is the possession of child pornography immoral? Because it hurts people to make child pornography.
Unknown_03: Ban Skyfire News, that's also Keemstar. Thank you.
Unknown_18: Is it really?
Unknown_03: Does Keemstar have like eight different accounts? I told you Keem, you're not welcome in my chat. This is my, my chat is my fucking house and you're not welcome here, you bald dome bastard. Oh my God, bro. When you're you for the love of God, don't make physical appearance judgments.
Unknown_20: Bro, your hairline's receding. You're about to look like a... His head is genuinely about to look like an egg. You could put this fucker in a little suit and have him play Humpty Dumpty in a play. He does not get to go around calling other people offensive nicknames based on how they look. I don't care who they are, what they look like, you've lost that card. You don't get to play it anymore. Come on now. Get the fuck out.
Unknown_17: And then finally Keemstar posts this clip and says, Tipster is mad at lolcow live. Tipster has 300 live viewers. Last lolcow had over 5,000 live viewers.
So the lolcow podcast doing these days, Keem, I saw you guys got an initial boost of views on that show. Okay.
Unknown_20: Fucking Wings of Redemption is trying to get Bossman Jack and Chantel on lolcow live. And it's kind of irritating me. Like, back off. These are, these are my things. I have nice things that I enjoy and I don't want Keemstar involved. I think that that's very reasonable. There are other things for Keemstar to ruin. It does not need to be my shit. Okay.
Come on now. And you're like, show just fucking died like weeks later.
Unknown_20: They're tagged. check the ear check the ear there's the locale llc and then a number okay don't don't cattle rustling used to be a capital offense back in the day keem you don't want to do that it's almost like you're kind of irrelevant these days and you don't have the star power that you used to keem
Unknown_03: that you can't make us podcasts be successful overnight the way you used to.
Unknown_17: Nicholas Diorio responds. He's the least threatening DJ ever. Lol. Blitz responds. How are these pedos not banned in jail? Skelly tweets out this clip and says, Oh, no, tipster wasn't happy about people's reactions. That's what he does. That's what Blueblacks does.
Just please. I want to see the tipster. I dare Keemstar show his fucking face in my chat. Don't you ever show your face in my fucking chat again. You're not welcome here.
Unknown_17: Squatchen responds. Why does it sound like he's going to cry? Krista Nork shares this tipster clip and a safe for work picture of the girl that Vosch was caught having CP of on his computer and captions it by her.
Unknown_03: Started digging into these images. They allegedly found that some of these images like a cut one or two of these images might be lolly. And so they went on the Vosch is a pedophile thing.
And I know there's a lot of people who are going to disagree with my position on this. That's fine.
Unknown_03: Not everybody has to agree with me. If I legitimately thought that Vosch was advocating for things that would potentially bring harm to children, I would not be defending him here. I would not be defending him if I thought he actually believed in, you know, arguments in favor of child pornography. Oh, yeah, would not be something to mention.
Um, I replayed this. I'll play that in a second. But Um, one of them I think it was Val or tipster I think tipster was the one saying that flamenco is a pedophile because flamenco had um that boy soprano shit on his favorites or something And uh, there was something else I forgot but people called him a pedophile and he dipped out of the vtuber shit for for like a year And now Tipster is going to defend Vaush for having Lolicon on his computer, like demonstrably so, and then say that Flamenco is a pedophile for the exams. It's so inconsistent. The only way to delineate between who Tipster and Keffels want to defend and who they want to call pedophiles is literally just if they like them or not. It's like, come on.
So disingenuous, you know what I mean? And it's like, it's one thing to sit here and like wave a finger and be like, Oh, you're doing something bad that I don't like. And I find that hypocritical of you. So I'm going to, I'm going to wag my finger and make fun of you on the show. that doesn't accomplish anything. But I think that when someone is like so inherently contradicted and so hypocritical, it really hurts them long term, which is why I get to sit back and I get to see these people emulate over time. Because when someone has built their foundation so shakily, and they have no scruples, and they have no moral compass, and they have no dignity, and they have no principles, and they have absolutely nothing that guides them in any Um, like tangible way. Inevitably, they're going to fuck up. They're going to, you know, build their, their entire, their, the roof over their head on a poor foundation and old collapse on them. Inevitably. No, it's just when people are like, so obviously two face, there's no way that in the longterm, they're going to avoid, you know, completely fucking everything up.
I did do a stew voice, I didn't even know I could do a stew voice. I just wanted to do a silly voice and I immediately mimicked stew for some reason eating a pizza.
Anyway, that's it. Now let's make fun of Ralph a little bit. Gabe Hoffman says, Ethan Ralph is currently a delinquent on two months of child support for his only son, 800 per month for a total of $1,600 for January and February due on the 1st, which I was informed of by a primary source. stalkerchild at enjoy prison which is one of the best names on twitter says ethan ralph has left mexico and will be in memphis for this for this thursday through sunday he has challenged people to try and find him gun hunt 2024 has kicked off so this could be another epic
Uh, uh, epic Ralph misdirection. We will see. Is he so clever? Is he so smart and funny that he has misdirected everybody yet again with his extremely high IQ only time will tell. Yes. Gabe Hoffman really, really hates Ralph. I went over that.
Unknown_20: Um, okay. So.
Unknown_20: I will watch. I have not. Okay. This is one of those things where I hear, I know what it's about. I've seen it. I thought about it, but I have set it aside for a genuine reaction. Now in the legal sphere, actually, this may require a little bit of an Elissa clip to, uh, proper show people. Let me just hop back over to one, do Elissa clips.
And I'll just play like a second of this because it's not so important.
Unknown_05: You'll understand very quickly what the gist is. And I can find it.
Unknown_20: OK, so there is a woman that's suing Disney. And of course, because this is a big lawsuit, it's like perfectly in that parallel economy. It's like right up Rumble's alley, like all the people on Rumble that do shows about politics and shit. Obviously, they're going to talk about this kind of thing. So everybody chipped in and legal mindset thought, you know, it'll be funny if I just watch all these all these other law tubers give their takes about the lawsuit and then rank on a tier list. Uh, how informed they were, how, uh, strong their legal arguments were, how thoughtful, you know, so on and so forth. So he decided to just rate them. Uh, and he gave poor Ricada, um, and, uh, uh, we've got one more.
Got one more. And of course that is the rickety rockets. So let us, so this is where I'm going to put this at. Wow. Okay. Um, I, I honestly, I honestly like,
Unknown_10: I don't even know what to say. I don't want to, he didn't read the complaint. So my threshold for C tier was reading the complaint.
Unknown_20: I mean, D tier is, I see potentially criminal up there. You got an S legal mindset has given my boy an S for super good, clear.
He'll make a D tier. It might even be F.
Unknown_10: But I wanna put it here because it's locals, it's late night, he didn't know. He gave a good defamation analysis, but that was completely wrong. But yeah, he got like a little bit like a shade of the basic facts, right? Essentially criminal, Nate, here.
Unknown_10: The F bomb percent 60. OK, we'll see. I'll give it a second here. Oh, I'm checking the poll poll. That's why 63 percent of you wanted to go easy on Ricada because it was it was just a shitty local stream and he admitted up front that he didn't do any research into what he was saying and just did like an off the cuff analysis of theoretically what he thought the case might be.
And so legal said, well, he admits that it was a shit legal take because he was drunk, eating garbage in his kitchen as he fucking does. This is half of his content at this point. So I'll be nice. I'll give him a D. But then legal said, OK, I'll do a poll. What do you guys think? Everyone said F because they like the shit on Ricardo. That's really that's really in vogue right now. So I gave him a no. Rekina did like a wobbly, I don't care what people think about me, that's how I am as a streamer, you know, everything I do, I do for myself, for my fans, and if people don't like it, well, they can pound or whatever. However, upon orders, believed to be upon orders of Commander Dick Masterson, of the Ereshka Mizarat,
has ordered Ethan Ralph, a lowly peon, to cut a promo making fun of legal mindset for daring to say that Rikada law is an F of anything.
Unknown_20: Let's listen until I get bored of it.
Unknown_07: I like Rikada. Fuck legal mindset. He can fucking choke to death on a dick and joint too mad for all I care.
Unknown_19: Imagine being, that's like a hard thing to cut a promo on.
Unknown_20: Okay. So a law tuber did legal analysis of different law tuber takes and found that Nick Ricada's take was one of the worst.
Unknown_20: You're really upset about this. Everything that Ricada says is true and factual and the best possible take. You're going to do eight minutes making fun of this guy you've never heard of before. No. Yeah, I don't give a fuck.
Legal mindset, legal mindset, legal mindset.
Unknown_07: Yeah, here's my legal mindset. Here's my legal mindset. Come put me in jail, cocksucker.
Unknown_07: Oh, that works. Cause I ain't going back to jail. I'd rather be six feet under than back in that fucking hell hole.
Come put me in jail.
Unknown_19: Nobody has said that he's going to jail.
Unknown_20: Why? I guess it's because when you cut a profile or cut a, what was it called? Cut a promo, then you just have to like go off the cuff and say shit, right? So he's like, okay, well, what do I have to rant about? He's a lawyer. I guess lawyers are kind of involved in the criminal justice process. I don't want to go back to jail. It's one of my favorite things to say. Yeah, I'll just say that he's trying to put me back in jail for some reason.
That's my fucking legal mindset, God fucking damn it.
Unknown_20: Please, chat, do not let Ethan Ralph take the Lord's name in vain and say the Lord's name with the F word, okay?
Unknown_07: Put me in the ground!
Unknown_15: Legal mindset! Legal mindset!
Unknown_07: Legal dick suckers more like it!
Unknown_15: Fuck you, bitch!
Faggot-looking motherfucker.
Unknown_20: Faggot-looking? He looks really normal. He looks kind of like, um, that Supreme Court Justice, Kavanaugh, you know what I mean? Just a little bit like him.
Unknown_07: I didn't like you from the moment I fucking first heard your voice, which was three days ago! Rikada made you! I'd love to see him suck the shit out of you, too!
Unknown_07: Which I have no doubt that he probably would!
Okay. Oh, these are perfect side by sides.
Unknown_10: There was a, there was a recent arcade video and this is from a few days ago.
Unknown_20: You see the color temperature is like just completely changed. Cause he just looks like a age written written zombie. He's like, it's like he's an animated corpse back from the dead on a task by his necromancer to find all the fifths of whiskey and drink them all. And then he's like, oh fuck, I look terrible. How am I going to hit on my discord kittens when I look like such shit? I know, I'll just add a piss tinge hue to my camera and then I'll look like a human being with color in his flesh again.
So here we go. This guy versus this guy. I don't know if I had to pick, they look like they're about the same age. Um, I, this guy has at least like 40 pounds on him, especially now that he's like proto AIDS victim. I would bet on, I would bet on my boy Cavanaugh.
Unknown_07: Fucking shit, I would!
Unknown_22: The jaundice filter.
Unknown_22: If I add the jaundice filter, they'll never know that I'm in liver failure.
Come on, Ralph.
Unknown_07: Come on.
Unknown_07: Some fucking piece of shit.
Unknown_20: This is low energy, bro. If you just take the music out of this, it's like, Oh, this guy. Fuck him.
Unknown_20: He's a piece of shit.
Unknown_15: I love this guy.
Unknown_20: Fuck you, bitch.
I ain't going to jail. Okay, I give up. You lost me Ralph. Boring. I rate. Okay, hold up. Hold up. Hold up.
Unknown_05: One second. I have to find something. I think this is it.
Unknown_05: Okay.
I just wanna, surely there's like a button I can press for this, right?
Unknown_05: Okay, perfect.
Unknown_20: I must be logged in. Oh no, no, no, no. You're not forcing me to log in. I am going to go to paint. I'm going to crop this out. I'm going to save as thing. I'm then going to go to my folder.
Unknown_20: I am going to go and I am going to put this on my screen. We'll chat, be able to figure out what I'm doing as I do this live. Then I will do take snapshot, save to downloads. and then I'm gonna put this on the screen. Oh, what is Josh doing? Ralph, I'm rating your promo an F. It's not even on the screen. Theoretically speaking, if there was an F tier on this chart for this promo, comparing it to no other promos that I know about, it's going in the F tier because you're sitting there with fucking music playing saying absolutely nothing for eight goddamn minutes. No excitement, no passion. You don't even know who he is. You've never seen this guy before. You have no idea what he looks like and you're defending somebody who has AIDS. That is all the makings of an F tier chat. Give him the big thumbs down, the thumbs down arena for being a loser.
Okay. Um, short stream. I actually, uh, planned for this to be a short stream because I anticipated that my computer would crash and everything would be horrific again. And I would close the stream midway through because of technical issues, but everything worked. Oh my God. I fixed the, the HTML injections, the live counters where everything's just working chat.
Uh, one parting gift for everybody.
Unknown_20: The Reddit segment.
Unknown_20: Are actual lesbians over 25? Rule one and genital preference. Hello, the moderation team has come to a consensus that going forward post regarding genital preferences will be banned. These posts only draw out TERFs from outside our community and further divide us. TERFs do not have any place in this lesbian community and will be removed. Trans women are women, regardless of where they are in their tradition or what genitals they may have. As lesbians, we may not find all women to be attractive, but post-expressing transphobia, talking about how certain genitals or experiences completely disqualify you from being attracted to them as a partner, will be removed, and serious offenses will lead to a ban. This is a community to discuss our experiences as lesbians, all of whom are over the age of 25.
Discussions of exclusionary behavior are not welcome and are now banned. Under Rule 1, be kind. This includes all transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, racism, and other forms of discrimination. I will share my personal feelings on why the general preference issue is transphobic, and the comments on this post are open for civil discussion. So sayeth I. From uAcidVoice who also posts in DykesGoneMild, sick new world was pretty sick.
The complete and total destruction and humiliation of lesbians who just want to get the fuck away from men continues And continues to drive people to the right Because why else wouldn't it?
Yeah, this guy is just like yeah, I can I can tell people what to do I'm gonna wear an upside-down pentagram shirt and dye my hair pink and I'm gonna take over women's subreddits because I can
Unknown_20: Epic. Oh, that is, you know what, what, who said that pine spines, pine spine says right at a moment. And yes, that is accurate. This is a genuine certified 100% wholesome, big Chungus right at the moment.
Unknown_20: Thank you. Okay. So let's see if I can figure out how to make this shit green and we'll do the super chats and hopefully the super chats are still there. Green. All right.
Um, I do not have an outro song picked out. Actually, I might, I might do a repeat. I think I've done the song before, but I'll, I'll play that if something doesn't come to me.
Unknown_20: Uh, let's check the dashboard, see if that fucker's working.
Unknown_20: It did work. Okay. Excellent. Wonderful. The lion Kang for five says camp. The city cops are shielding gang members, but Southerners told me police were based and perfect in red States. And I'm just a Yankee lib truck for ever believing a cab. Uh, cops always suck.
Unknown_20: I don't know if that's a reference to, um, oh, you mean, well, the PR people in these departments don't like the cops don't actually get to decide what the PR people are going to do. The PR people, the city council is going to do whatever the fuck they want. The elected sheriff is going to do what gets them reelected. We have black people in the city. You can't like shit on black people. Lion King for two says support the brave police, the brave police in the free state of Florida. Who else would defend our private flag crosswalks from truck tires? A calf that refers to a person who was charged for a hate crime for doing a burnout on a crosswalk rainbow flag thing.
Yeah, it's always like that.
Unknown_20: Murdoch Cook Chan for 20 says Happy Friday, fellow farmers, enjoy this cover written by my very own wholesome big chungus. Let's take a look.
Oh, okay. I'll play a second of this because it's pretty funny.
Unknown_09: To the Kiwi town of Christchurch rode a stranger one fine day.
Unknown_09: Oddly glanced at all the Muslims, didn't have too much to say. No one dared to ask his business, no one gave him eye contact. Well the stranger there among them had a rifle on his back. Rifle on his back. I don't know what this is referring to, but it's very catchy.
This is Marty Robbins' Big Iron New Zealand cover. If you want to look it up.
Unknown_20: xxx hank scorpion xxx for two says hey josh great seeing you on pippa pipkin stream last night sorry you btfo'd by boss ben roscoe um i was informed that pippa pipkins did a roblox tournament and one of the players was named joshua connor moon so of course i want to hear about this for the next week thank you supreme me for five or for two says welcome back to team windows linux is only free if you don't value your time
It's it's not that I don't value my time. It's that I hate Microsoft.
Unknown_20: And I'm on the long term support channel, so I have a little bit of Lila with this, but eventually, I mean, it has to get better one day, man.
Unknown_20: Casting couch crab for 10 says the invertebrate of the day is the Caribbean reef octopus. All right, let's see that fucker.
Unknown_05: That's cool.
Unknown_05: Oh.
Unknown_05: He changes colors, Chad. There are many different colors of this octopus.
I'll put him up on the screen.
Unknown_04: Thank you.
Unknown_20: Ron murder produces sure Josh your fans donate $150,000 but putting a hamster up for news feels childish like a kid should just do what you're told you Pippa kissing rabbit lover. Fuck you Judy tester for two says strong work as always. Thank you. Thank you Hoping and sneeding for tenses when I went to Europe for the first time before I arrived I really thought the u.s. Is better than everyone else I came back to the u.s. And haven't been able to look at the country the same sense The U.S. has one thing and one thing only going forward. The first and second amendments. And we are very precariously close to losing both of them. It is what it is. The reason why I want to come back to the U.S. is because those things are better than fuck.
The second amendment is better than cheese, chat. Even cheese.
Unknown_20: Thank you. Roxanne Wolf for five says, bark, bark. What's the best part of a pizza? The cheese.
Unknown_20: Obviously. Come on now. You can, you can do anything you want to a pizza, but you cannot remove the cheese. You can even remove the bread.
Unknown_20: I think, I mean, you can get really, I don't know. That's a bit tough. You do need bread, but I'm not ambivalent towards like crispy crust or, um, normal crest. I just don't like pan pizza. That's like all crust. But I mean, the cheese is obviously the most important part.
Uh, thank you.
Unknown_20: Rand away. We go for $15. It says, have some dough from me. Courtesy of those faggots from the IRS only got a hundred dollars for my tax refund.
Unknown_20: Listen, go away. Listen, hang away now. I mean, can I rub my hands closer to the mic? There are hundreds of people in your town who need EBT and, and HUD credits. I slipped from Jewish to country.
complicated doing silly voices is a complicated thing chat very complicated but i'm sure they appreciate your money that's what i'm trying to say supreme me for two says the reason farmer burrow martin shkreli was so demonized by the media was not because he was ripping people off it was because he was pulling the certain curtain back on the scam that is american health care that is 100 correct um this is a take that i did was a pill i did not want to take cause I hated the pharma bro, Martin Shkreli, but I looked into it and the facts are he bought a pill that almost nobody used. It was like an anti parasite pill for people that had a certain kind of AIDS. And there was like a couple hundred people who had a script for this and he jacked the price up from.
however much like a thousand dollars a pill and uh if the if the people were self-paying couldn't afford it he would directly send them medication but then for everybody else they paid nothing they still paid nothing they paid zero dollars out of uh fourteen dollars a pill and then zero dollars out of a thousand dollars a pill the only reason why he got into trouble for this is because people found out and they made us think about it and then people realize wait all pharmaceutical companies do this. All of them do. So he went to jail, but he went to jail for a completely unrelated reason, and it was a kind of fraud that none of his customers reported to the police. So basically, he was running a business, he had investors, the investors were happy with his company, but then he technically somehow committed fraud, and they got him for that, for a crime that nobody was victimized by. And it just so happened to be after he demonstrated to the world that the U.S. healthcare system was a fucking scam. Very crazy. Very crazy story. And especially with how the media universally portrayed this guy like he was raping babies or something. Really, really, really crazy.
um stalker child enjoy prison for five says f for ak divka i have no clue what you're talking about but i'm pressing f my boy thank you anime extremist for two says australia doesn't have single payer it's what is known as a two-tier system and it's not socialized government run it's the best type of health care system in my opinion I could be very wrong. I know that Australia has the best retirement system in the entire world. Here's how the, because I worked in Australian taxes, so I know how the superannuation, superannuation is a cool word, first of all, but it's basically their 401ks. When you start working, the government requires you to open a private account called a superannuation fund.
then they mandate that a certain percentage of your money, up to a certain amount, is taken directly from your bill or from your paycheck and put into your superannuation fund. Your superannuation fund is held in a bank of your choice, and you can move it at will from whatever bank to whatever other bank. So it's basically a 401k.
or it's basically okay sorry no it's not it's a 401k but it's um closer to social security but instead of social security being a giant pot that the government can take money from at any point you control it entirely and they can't steal from you so it's kind of like a a mix between a 401k and social security where the government forces you to have money sense in a sense. So I can believe that Australia also has some kind of goofy healthcare system that is smarter than the rest of the world because Australians, their government has some pretty nifty ideas at times.
Red eyes black dragon for one says I can't believe coach red pill died to Azov battalion resting in power King They did get him in the end. They said they were going to Now it's got five four five says you are pronouncing Nevada wrong the first a sounds like the a in Apple people in Nevada don't like it when you say Nevada Nevada
Unknown_20: are you saying like Nevada versus Nevada? I switched between it depending on how I'm speaking. I think I was saying it right when I read your super chat, which makes it confusing. Nevada, Nevada, Nevada. Yeah, Nevada. Yes. Yeah. Talk like a mermot. And we're like, yeah, it's taking a trip down in Nevada. Nevada. Gamble. I'm gonna have a nice gambit session in Nevada.
ForsakenWanderer47 says, Josh, they are using Talmudic AoE magic to disrupt mana. You must pull seven silver pieces in a circle around your computer to stop this. Or I can just use Windows, apparently.
Unknown_20: ForsakenWanderer47 says, if Ralph needs money fast, he could frame his sharded genes and sell them to the coin man for a cool 10k. He would have enough to get to McMurdo base. No A-logs down there.
I mean, he could do a lot of stuff for money. I didn't know that what's his face was buying his sharded jeans for $10,000, though. It's a lot of silver to sell for that.
Unknown_20: Sarcastic Madman for 15 says you were a runner up and nearly won this game of Survivor. He did pay 15 fucking dollars. Let me guess. This is Pippa Pipkin's. Just so you know, anime time is twice as expensive. So seven seconds.
Unknown_15: Joshua Connor moon. That's four votes Roblox character Looks a lot like me.
I'm just gonna say that's pretty good. Whoever made this did a really good job I am that handsome actually Okay, it's enough rabbit for one for one week
Unknown_20: Thank you. Angel vomit for one says haven't been able to watch live in a while because of work, but it's a relaxing day at the cemetery and I'm happy to be here friends.
There's a song I want to change my outro song because you're you have inspired me.
Unknown_20: Yeah, uh, this will be a shout out to angel on it in particular this outro song because uh, I was I didn't know what I was gonna play Uh foxes for ten says I can't express how much I hate the there is no ethical consumption under capitalism faggotry It's just an excuse to be a hedonist sack of shit, basically It's like oh, well, you think that society has problems with you you Participate in society. It's basically just that argument. It's fucking gay. TB Docs for five says I just got a call with the board of Maddie investors or two week vacation and get approved. Sorry, Josh. You're also going to need to come in on Saturday to finish those TPS reports. OK, thanks.
It's a fight clip reference. I got that, bro.
Unknown_20: Thank you. The Lion King, for one, says to Matt has joined our holy martyr George Floyd in the rehab in the sky. We're kind of rejoices and buys you a chicken pizza and I do not get chicken and pizza.
Unknown_20: I mean, I guess it's because it's a black people thing. I got you. Tech controller for $50 says as a dirty American working in Poland, I can attest to getting between two to three works, three weeks of groceries for around $100. It's fucking insane. Telling you, man, you know, I understand that purchasing parody is different and that people are poor in Poland and poor, poor in Russia. Like, I get that. Um, but it is fucking insane how much EBT and HUD has distorted the American purchasing power and like basically ruined people's ability to afford normal. If you work and pay taxes in the United States, you are funding a parasite class, both up and down. Um, if you wanted to fix the American budget, all you have to do is cut social security and cut healthcare and cut Medicaid. and your taxes would immediately drop in half. There would be no deficit in the budget.
People always gripe about fucking military spending. It is giving black people free shit and illegal immigrants. That is it. That is the entire U.S. budget is giving black people and Mexicans free shit. and the second you cut that out you know what's going to leave the country mexicans you don't need to fund the largest deportation in human history you cut out the free shit they leave because they can't afford the country they will fucking go home um space allen for 20 says thumbs up cheers thank you space allen i appreciate him Real frog got for five says frog of the day is the Perez snouted frog when looking for an interesting frogs and for my frog of the day I tend to find one with this find a sneak frog and this was the result show him please. Okay, is he gonna be yellow?
I'm gonna be yellow with green suspenders.
Unknown_05: Not really. He is a nice looking frog though. You got a white belly.
Unknown_20: It's a handsome frog, I gotta say. Thank you. Patrick S. Tomlinson for Five says, only way to get people to better understand you is to avoid LARPing as different, more quirky types of retarder than you actually are.
Unknown_20: Is this a pointed message to me? I feel like I say too much retarded shit.
Jeff Sarcio for once says, CEU stands for Continuing Education Units. It's a requirement for licensure to attend courses and conferences for a certain number of hours. Well, I hope you feel educated. I hope not now when you encounter a mentally handicapped person in your office making more money than you who also collects ADA disability funds. You know how to appreciate them and how to politely respond to them and respectfully address them by pronouns. Thank you Dan Don Oh Zero zero Joe for five says as a 90s Gen Z. I believe that black pills my generation's MK ultra This is closely associated with insult them and women hatred push too much. IMO thoughts your streams have been a great for years. Thank you Maybe
It's hard for me to say that it's MKUltra because that was like, I think that it's just the natural consequence of people who are hopeless and who choose to be miserable. I mean, maybe there are people who are actively pushing it, but you don't really need. that the crab bucket mentality is the adversary of all mankind. And you see this with trannies and you see this with the Anzals too, is that you have people who are miserable and who just spend their time trying to make other people miserable. That's all they do. They try to trick people into cutting off their dick or to foregoing relationships and, you know, being miserable and finding the negative side of everything. I don't know if you need the government to, to get people to do that. It seems to be a natural behavior.
uncredited for one says love you josh smiley face and then the uncredited for 20 says happy fish friday josh oh i think that this is the person who did the fish song yes i will play it again and a little bit of fishy pride cold fish on a friday night
See the fish tonight. See the fish in a woman's smile. See the touch of a precious lens in your eye.
Unknown_20: Can't wait to go fishing in the USA, chat. Now, crack me open. I can't say bud. That's not the cool thing anymore. A yingling. Crack me open a yingling bottled in the U.S. of A. Yee-haw. Catch me a fish-a-fry.
Unknown_20: I've been informed that if I want to catch fish and eat fish, I should seek out panfish. They are called panfish because they are tasty in a pan, chat. That's what I've been told.
House cop 545 says to pee breaks and one podcast Josh diabetes arc. Listen, bro. I chug water. I like to stay hydrated. I also drink a lot of diuretics. I drink a lot of coffee and caffeinated drinks and tea, which also has a lot of caffeine. And I drink a lot of water because I get thirsty because I drink so much caffeine and I have to go pee a lot. It's not diabetes. I've already been tested for shit like that. It's literally that I am physiologically addicted to caffeine, which I mulled over what to do for Lent this year. Um, and I decided that I've already given up everything except caffeine. And I decided that right now in particular, caffeine would be too hard to give up. Like I could say, I'm going to give up caffeine, but I would lie.
So I'm just going to fast on weekends. I've decided that that's going to be my my lint thing, which I know is not like the coolest possible commitment to make, but it's reasonable and probably good for me.
Unknown_20: Lint is spelled with an E, lint with an I is shit you find in your dryer.
Give up trannies.
Unknown_20: Jesus gave your his life for you and you can't give up caffeine. I can do it anytime I want. Just not right now. I'm busy. I got shit to do. Okay, I'm sorry. One day I'll be better. I'll be more Christ like but at the moment I have a monster and I need it.
Unknown_05: Sorry, bro.
I'm a big bandana guy. I always carry one. What are you, Mexican? Who the fuck wears a bandana? I was going to make a Scooby-Doo joke, but he wears an ascot, not a bandana. Only Mexicans wear bandanas.
Unknown_20: Kurt Eichenwald anime masturbator for five says most esteemed and invulnerable Q8IMO did you see that chat dbt can generate video now is this the beginning of the end it's so fucking over you can't even believe however it is bro
Unknown_20: Thank you. The lion Kang for once is pray for Armenia. Oh God, somebody even asked me to talk about this, but, um, Armenia is getting ready for another war with Azerbaijan. We don't know. Um, Armenia is like South of Georgia. It's in the caucuses and their neighbor is Azerbaijan, which is like an artificial state that was created by the Soviet union.
And Azerbaijan is bordered between Armenia, I think Georgia, and then Iran. But because Azerbaijan has land that Iran has like a historic claim to,
Unknown_20: Israel funds and trains the military of Azerbaijan because it creates problems for Iran. And since Armenia is aligned with Russia, and Russia is currently busy in Ukraine, nobody will help Armenia because Israel funds their enemy because it's funny to them to see Christians die Russia's busy fighting another war and they can't get involved in Armenia and NATO has no interest in protecting Armenia from Azerbaijan Because they also they're in NATO's interest always aligns with Israel's So basically, Azerbaijan has a complete for very obscurely. Azerbaijan has a free pass to basically invade Armenia and kill its citizens and kill its border guards and oppress its people and take its land over and over again. And nobody's going to do anything about it.
The oldest Christian country in the world, by the way.
Unknown_20: I think that the Armenian church is like. 1700 years old something like that it's very old one of the oldest forms of christianity on the planet so um anime extremists for two says i saw wings of redemption clip i think from breaking banquet a few weeks ago wings was trying to get a hold of you because he wanted you to get as a guest get you as a guest for an interview on the locale podcast i will not be doing that osmium for two says nick losing his liver ralph being more fatter than christian on ambien
More flatter than Christian on ambient our Warwick being a hypocrite by simp explaining his goons about chivalry though He's a textbook example of being cocked. Lol Yeah Carl was um
Unknown_20: is sticks, right? He's such a faggot.
Unknown_20: No, and don't forget, um, the other guy, the ramp, he's the guy in black and red who did the Michael Jackson documentary. Don't forget the time that his girlfriend took his phone and called him a serial porn addict on Twitter. And then he said, ha ha, my phone got hacked, he he, oops, just a big silly joke. And then his girlfriend that he was with at the time has since disappeared completely from his content and has never shown up again or been mentioned ever since. So he just fucking, the rageaholic, so he just fucking lied to everybody's fucking face. He has like a public anti-porn stance, but then his girlfriend just hit the dab on him and now she's disappeared. She's been black bagged.
Um, New York Times for two says, sorry, I made you watch the video last stream.
Unknown_20: It's okay. I accept your apology. Sergeant wizard fist for two says decided to check out a V2 or drama you talked about. And it's very weird seeing how parasocial the fans of these people are. When surprised me if one of them firebombed the company for revenge.
Unknown_20: I mean, they are guys who are in love with a cartoon character.
I mean, that's what it is. It's like you watch this. I don't I don't know I think all these people watch vtubers for like a little bit of social interaction with like an anime girl Like they love anime girls and this one response to them. So that's like the entire crux of it Uh, call you dante for instance, does anybody believe tips or skits with lolly takes paraphrase? I think lolly is disgusting, but I am friends with lolly arts and be criticized people for drawing lolly or evil
Unknown_20: Um, I don't think tipster has any principles. He'll just say whatever. He'll say whatever he feels is like the most economic thing. Like he's just going to say like, I'm not until all he, cause he doesn't want people to call him a pedophile, but then he's also going to defend everybody who consumes it or creates it because he has to doing your mom. Two nine, eight, eight for two says my brother. I knocked him out cold.
Did you say something last? Okay. Someone in chat explains me what the fuck.
Unknown_20: Um, what's what that means. I think he's referencing something he said yesterday, and I just completely forgot because I was miserable stream Sorry, I was being produced of following retards who would win the WWE cell grudge match racket stick Ralph DSP boogies careful destiny or Elliot Dong Dong Jones. Well, Elliot is in chronic pain Destiny is like four foot tall keffels is also in chronic pain boogie is very fat and we've already seen him fight and he sucks and
DSP I'll get back to him thinking on that Ralph is a fat magic who's also addicted to Xanax So I'm assuming that his pain tolerance is very low Sticks is a spindly faggot, but he's normal I guess and rackets has AIDS DSP I don't think that has D does DSP is DSP the one that has back pain. He's complained about back pain, right? He's like also disabled
Unknown_20: Oh, fuck, man. That's a that's actually a really hard one. I would say it's between sticks and rackets just because they're the only ones who are not like they don't have like a serious debilitating chronic illness.
Yes, guilt.
Unknown_05: You know, I'm going to bet on DSP, I think he could take them all all at once, too.
Unknown_20: He's an epic gamer, too, so he knows what to do.
Unknown_20: Koya Dante, for instance, says Rikero's recent videos have been Breaking Bad and Mexico Filter because he's secretly moved in with Ralph.
Unknown_20: I didn't watch Breaking Bad, but I kind of understand what you're saying.
Unknown_20: Maybe, that would be Keno. Crispy legs for five says it's Friday party emoji. Yes, it is. Pizza day. Pizza day, my boy. Romberger produces used to think sharing music that you liked and representing your mindset was important. Now you just forget to pick out outro songs. What gives faggot looking mindset?
I mean, I've already played many of the songs that I like, so sometimes I hear songs and I set them aside or sometimes there's a theme to what I'm talking about that I don't really have a song for. So it's just hard.
Unknown_20: Sometimes I just have to pick something random out of them for 10 says, God bless you, Josh. Thank you.
I never know how to respond to that because it sounds weird to say you to someone, someone who is a church going member of honest society.
Unknown_20: Tell me what the, the appropriate, um, knee jerk response to God bless you is because I don't have one. I don't have one program into my brain and it catches me off guard.
Unknown_20: Arundel for one says, can you clarify your Matic schedule? Last stream, you said you won't stream for two weeks. I almost missed today's stream. A month ago, you said you won't no longer stream on Tuesday. I am considering going back to one stream a week.
Unknown_20: Um, this year, don't know when, but just be on the lookout for that. I might change my schedule. And I said, I might not stream for two weeks, last stream, not immediately. I am considering taking two weeks off, but not right now. So at some point in the future, be aware I will take two weeks off. And at some other point in the future, maybe at the same time, maybe not, I'm considering going back to one stream a week.
Literally just thank you. Okay. Or I too are also with you. Yeah. Of course be with you.
Unknown_20: Thank you. I read eyes by training for five says play the Andy Dick frog song or the red sun in the sky for the outro. No, those are inappropriate. I've already played the frog song. Thank you.
Zero Nova Blossom for choices. Happy Pizza Day, Josh. Enjoy. This is a fucking anime character. I'm going to be pissed.
Unknown_05: Take that pizza to go be like a place and I want to fight a midget Take that pizza to go beat and then he's that's creepy.
Unknown_20: I didn't want to see that Thank you Buford scooper for 10 says need CT to thank you Jess our CEO for four says you may have had the crab of the day the inverter of the day the frog of the day and now the yokai of the day
I don't think I need the yokai of the day, bro. The never Tori translated as the sleep fattening. Okay It's a really fat guy drone drawn in a traditional Chinese Japanese style are these tits I'm gonna assume that these are man tits I hope you enjoy a chat. This is what someone this is what an anime is
Unknown_20: This is like modern art. There's a guy being crushed by the fat man above him.
Unknown_20: Diet insatiable. I'm not reading this. This is fucking weird.
Thank you. Near KF for one says, did you know Ethan Klein is married?
Unknown_20: No, he didn't. Thank you for the girls. NTC for one says, I thought about this year and they say that I'm already perfect fucking Nick Fuentes.
Unknown_20: I just, I live a very aesthetic lifestyle and I don't know what else I could reasonably give up besides caffeine. And I'm just not in the position where I can, I can quit caffeine. I'm too busy. And it would just, it would just be a, it would just be painful and not productive. And so I'll do it at some other point. Okay.
Judy silk slicker for Tim says, how different do you think the world would be if in surreal? Um, I imagine we wouldn't chop down so many trees.
Unknown_20: Speaking of trees. I've been playing last epoch, which is like a Diablo style game. It's actually quite good so if you're looking for if you were disappointed by Diablo 4 And you've already put 9 million hours into Path of Exile or you just don't like Path of Exile too much last epoch is actually pretty good
Holy hell produces. Hope you're having a great great day. Josh. You were my nibba always. Thank you. Holy hell I am having a good day. I'm very happy my stream made it to this point without crashing. Thank you very much. I appreciate it That trick as Tomlinson produces now, bro. I wasn't digging on you was mocking LFJ's paper. The only systems you have are Linux and Windows Screw those are my only choices
Unknown_20: And I reject multiple systems, aka dual booting. That shit's just a pain in the ass, okay? I have my computer set up to dual boot. It still fucking sucks, okay? It's still annoying. And Sneedo, everyone says Sneed. Thank you very much, Sneedo. Thank you, everyone, for watching. I hope you have a great day. I will see you guys on Tuesday. Yeah. What do I have for an outro? Oh, that's right. Ah. Corb.
London, one of my favorites, a Canadian country singer. Who's actually very good. Four minutes. Okay, perfect. That's actually a perfect link song. See you guys on Tuesday. Bye-bye.
Unknown_05: Oh, there was an unexpected error because I don't have DRM installed and title won't play.
Okay. I'll have to fix that.
Unknown_20: Okay. Hold on. I'll just pull up on YouTube, which works.
Unknown_05: Okay. I think I opened it up.
Dig, dig, grab a digger, dig, grab a digger, dig.
Unknown_08: Work that chub with a digger, grab a digger, for a wreck, a mortar, sips, and dig. Dig, dig, grab a digger, dig, grab a digger, dig.
Unknown_08: That big old hole just keep getting bigger, so dig, grab a digger, dig.
Unknown_08: Well, he don't mind the cadavers, he don't mind human remains He got no problem sleeping at night, ain't nothing that a whiskey won't tame I asked about ghosts and spirits, I asked him if he ever got spooked I asked him if he ever got haunted by souls, but he reckons that he buries them too
Nah, he ain't bothered by corpses Hell, he'll plant stiffs all day See, he on some kind of piecework deal He get paid by the grave Dig, dig, Grave Digger Dig, Grave Digger, dig Work that shovel with a vigor, Grave Digger For a rigor mortis, it's in dig
Unknown_08: Well he could be making more money He could be out working the rigs But he says he don't really like no company He says he'd rather just dig
Grave Digger, he got secrets He whispered as he lit up a cig He said you gotta watch you don't badger the hole When you're cutting through the roots and twigs
Unknown_08: He works right through in the darkness, and then he stops and he takes him a swig. Drive by the right time of the night, you might spot him in the moonlight doing a jig.
Unknown_08: Dig, dig, grave digger. Dig, grave digger, dig. Work that shovel with vigor, grave digger, more rigor, more it sets in dig.
Unknown_08: Dig, dig, Grave Digger. Dig, Grave Digger, dig. That big old hole just keep getting bigger, cause Grave Digger rather just dig.
Dig, dig, Grave Digger.
Unknown_08: dig dig digger dig that big old hole just keep getting bigger so grave digger keep on digging
That big old hole just keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.