0:01:52 Unknown_17: Just a warning, if it fucking buffers and goes down, I'm not rebooting the stream. I cannot be assed. I have been running up and down all over the place. I've been on the phone for like four hours today. I'm exhausted. Uh, there is so much shit on my plate that I have to eat. Um, and I am warning you right now. I am taking a fucking break. Uh, and I can't say exactly when I'll, uh, Unknown_17: probably take two weeks off soon. I'm exhausted and tired. Anyways, I rebooted, I rebooted OBS and I used fucking split tunneling on my VPN because apparently the VPN can't handle OBS for whatever fucking reason, even though it has not bandwidth. It has all the bandwidth in the fucking world, but just can't handle it. Um, the, uh, X stream overlay thing doesn't work. I'll try one more time. Just, just to be fair to everybody. Let me try editing the script actually. Turn off debug. Maybe that'll work. No, that doesn't work. You know, I have to delete this other string too. 0:02:33 Unknown_18: Piece of shit. I hate computers. Unknown_19: Okay, if this doesn't work, fuck it. Unknown_19: Your message was not sent because you are not connected to the chat. 0:03:07 Unknown_17: So I see the stream. Unknown_17: I have the chat thing open and it just doesn't want to fucking play. Cool. Awesome. You'll notice that there is a, uh, one thing on the top left that now says live and has a number. This is my feeble attempt at adding a live viewer account. I don't know if it actually works. We'll see. It seems like it's working, but we all know that's an illusion. Nothing, nothing, no child, nothing you build will work correctly. You will suffer. Unknown_17: That looks about right. 0:03:40 Unknown_17: Excellent. Upload the Maddie podcast files again. My upload rate is less than one megabyte a second. I cannot upload gigabytes of podcast files. I cannot, because I have to upload them to a remote server as a, as a, as a wave, which is like three gigabytes to process them. And then I have to download them again. And then I have to upload them again, like over and over again. So it's like, Unknown_17: I just can't I gave up because it takes hours to do this shit and it clogs up my connection I'm sorry. Look my internet connection is shit. I'm doing my best Like you're just gonna have to wait for being the move I'm trying to get all my my shit in order. I'm trying to get all my affairs in order But it's it's it's like pulling out fucking teeth. It's like pulling up nails. It's it's excruciating Here's what we're going to do when I'm ready to start uploading the podcast files again. I'm going to need help going through the entire backlog and getting descriptions and shit. So I'm going to pull up, at some point, I'm going to pull up the missing streams that I have on the RSS feed. 0:04:16 Unknown_17: And I'm going to put it into an Excel sheet on Google Drive. And I'm going to ask people to fill in the gaps. And that's what we're going to do. 0:04:56 Unknown_17: And the overlay kind of works. Look, it all kind of works right now. So let's hope that it doesn't fall apart. Unknown_17: My phone hotspot is even worse, bro. I don't know what to tell you. And it's, and it's data capped. I think I'm already at my data limit. Cause I have to switch to my phone so often just to get shit done that I don't have the ability to, uh, to use it for things. I have like a hundred terabyte limit or a hundred gigabyte limit. And I'm already at that for this month. Unknown_17: Just awful. Unknown_17: Okay, chat, that's the one I was forgetting. Sorry. Let's see. I think I fixed the injections and shit. Everything should work now. I think. Let's see test this work. 0:05:29 Unknown_17: I already see it on stream. Excellent. There we go. Unknown_17: And now the numbers are over 2000. A great look. Everything is just so fucking wonderful right now. Everything's wonderful. Unknown_17: Let's see, is there anything on my pre-stream rant? 0:05:59 Unknown_17: No. Unknown_17: I've made the decision that I am going to submit FOIAs. Because if you don't know, the attorney that's representing me with the Greer stuff is Hardin. And Hardin is... Unknown_17: Harden's unusual. He's like, he's a weirdo from the Appalachians. So he's sort of like, imagine Melinda Scott if she were an actual lawyer and successful. He's a crazy person. He's of Appalachian blood. And he has an interest in freedom of information. Oh yeah, I got emojis and shit working. 0:06:30 Unknown_17: But he's very interested in Freedom of Information Act stuff. So his, the main body of his work, I think he's like personally, I think he says he's personally responsible for like 30% of all FOIAs that are done in the country federally. So he's very, that's like, he actually enjoys that. He enjoys submitting requests to the federal government for documents. And the FOIA legislation has an interesting history. 0:07:06 Unknown_17: But I am going to submit a FOIA to the officer of the Comptroller of Currency, and I'm going to ask, because you have to be very specific with what you're looking for and it has to be in certain dates, I'm going to ask for any and all communication to the Comptroller who passed the Fair Access Rule and then immediately left the office, and the guy that took the office and then immediately cancelled the Fair Access Rule. Unknown_17: I'm going to ask for all their emails, which I can do, and I'm going to ask for any emails in the office of the controller during the dates where it was passed and then it was not, and then it was cancelled, containing words like the Fair Access Rule or MasterCard, Visa Card, Payment Network, so on and so forth. And I want to see what turns up. It's almost free to do this. Unknown_17: And if they refuse, then we can sue them, and you can actually make money doing this, which is why people do it. You submit the rule, and then if the government refuses to give you what you want for whatever reason, then you know that you're after something good, and then you sue them, and you win, and then you make money. 0:08:11 Unknown_17: Basically, it's basically that. So I'm going to submit a request, and I'm going to see if there's some goodies buried in the office of the Comptroller of Currency, some conspiracy, some malfeasance of the public office. By the way, part of my interest was piqued because I realized Unknown_17: Here's here's what happened, right? So if you don't remember this is gonna be my spurting because I've been so busy that I don't have a proper show lined up Here I will put this up because it's almost Valentine's Day and someone made this and it's quite lovely So the hamster will just listen to my insane rambling as I sit here you 0:08:48 Unknown_17: So my obsession with the officer of controller of currency is that they were going to pass a rule that requires that payment networks and payment processors and payment gateways handle all legal transactions, right? Unknown_17: And this was announced in 2020. It was held for public comment for a very long time. In November, they started accepting public comment. And if you go through the public comment, you get all these messages from random ass people, and they all say word for word the same thing. It should be incumbent on the banking industry to ensure that the financial risk associated with climate change is taken into consideration. They're all saying, please, please, private banking industry, please consider the risk of climate change. Because half of the rule was built so that oil prospecting companies in Alaska that were being denied loans because of climate change risk associated with drilling for oil in Alaska, whatever the fuck that may be. 0:09:28 Unknown_17: We're not able to get loans, which is obviously detrimental to the economy when you have an energy sector that can't prospect because the banks refuse to do business with any kind of oil drilling company because that's bad for climate change. The risk assessment people for the banks are effectively saying, we can predict the future. We know how the butterfly wings flapping will affect The, you know, the evolutionary development of the human race for the next 500 million years. It's like that kind of shit. Like, oh, we know that if we give a loan to this oil drilling company, they'll actually bore down into hell. And then the sequence of events in the Doom universe will take place and we'll all end up on fucking Mars getting killed by demons. Like, that's effectively what they're saying in terms of their risk assessment future prospecting. So it's complete nonsense. And that's what the rule was for. But then all the climatologist people came out and submitted these word-for-word identical complaints saying it should be uncommon in the private banking industry to conceive of the risk of climate change associated with these loans that they give. And it's like, After this, right, and I assure you that's probably the justification they use for pausing the rule, but months after this, after they pause the fair banking rule, you know what they do? 0:10:49 Unknown_17: the officer of the controller of currency, which oversees all like banking activity in the entire country, opens a climate change risk assessment executive office. And it's now held by like this, this, uh, Asian woman from New York who has like a background in climate activism. So, so this is like a, they, there's like a, um, if you remember portal to the way that you, you kill, um, 0:11:19 Unknown_17: Gladys at the end because Gladys is Gladys is like Taken over by Wheatley like a British guy Who's like a retard and you kill him by adding like these tumors to his brain to the point where he's like so retarded He can't do anything and you can just kill him. It's like that. We have this office. We want to pass some fair banking regulation Can we can we attach the climatology cancer to this so that this this? Regulatory body cannot ensure that the banks can do their job like that's really what it feels like Let's attach the climate module to the agency. Now it's fucking retarded. Everything has to be overseen by the climatologist risk assessment officer, and now everything fucking sucks again. 0:11:58 Unknown_17: Crazy. Wonderful. Anyways, I'm going to FOIA them. I want to see what happens. Maybe they'll kill me as a result. They'll say, Josh, this is one step too far, and then I'm dead. Can you imagine? Can you conceive of such a future? Unknown_17: Anyway, let's talk about the stuff that's happening in the world chat, which is John Stewart is back Here he is he's old Standing ovation for my boy. 0:12:44 Unknown_17: I Said a long time ago that John Stewart was the last good Jew and a lot of people pointed out to me at some point that Unknown_17: He had said something like black people should hate white people. We white people suck. And of course, he's Jewish. We don't know So that soured my opinion of him. It makes me kind of wonder like oh Unknown_17: How how much of my opinion of him was was painted by Rosie retrospection. I will tell you the thing that did the most favors for Jon Stewart is that in 2015 before Trump got in, he left right before like Trump had descended the escalator and it hadn't really gotten to the swing of the election. 0:13:28 Unknown_17: And the timing of his departure seemed to me to indicate that he knew shit was about to get real fucking gay. Unknown_17: And rather than participate in the gay ass election cycle and Trump bashing that he knew was coming, he decided to just quit. And I always thought that was pretty honorable. However, now. Unknown_17: In the years between then, he kind of got more active again. I think as they got more desperate to keep control over things, they kept threatening him at gunpoint, like, hey, come back and do a show. We tried replacing you with a black guy and he sucks and everyone hates him. No one watches cable television anymore. And they tried to give him his own show, which was The Problem with Jon Stewart. And I watched one episode of that and it sucked. It was indistinguishable from Stephen Colbert's show. 0:14:07 Unknown_17: We're not Stephen Colbert, the other faggot. Unknown_17: What's the other faggot's name? Unknown_17: It's killing me. He's the guy that he's the guy that John Oliver. That's him. Yes. Thank you It was indistinguishable from John Oliver show where it's a there's a really old 4chan green text post about how The John Oliver show is like hypnotizing It's like perfectly developed in such a way that you can't stop and think and process the information that you're being told it's just like 0:14:51 Unknown_17: Here's a thing laugh and deride it and then everyone laughs and derides it and then he goes that's ridiculous It's the year 2016 and then they just move on it's like hypnotic It's like subconsciously reprogramming you as you watch this dumb shit and the the problem with John Stewart was literally the exact same thing But with John Stewart, so that kind of takes my opinion of him, but now he comes back in this first episode is kind of okay and Unknown_17: It's interesting in that the way he talks about Trump is Like he just assumes that Trump is evil and everything about Trump is is evil. Therefore. He doesn't dwell on it He just says like that's like Trump. It's like like he's saying like oh didn't the Nazis do that? That's like how he handles it, which is to be fair less insufferable than most media outlets So that's actually a step up And he also hates Biden. So it makes me wonder what what the Biden thing is going on because everyone seems to hate Biden But they're still running him and he is like running almost unopposed in the Democratic primary So, I don't know. Anyway, I just want to talk about Jon Stewart If you don't know Jon Stewart was a big deal to Millennials like me. He was he was there was a point where I 0:15:50 Unknown_17: And this was a thing that changed in my lifetime. Like in the 90s, you watched the news or you read newspapers and that was how you got your news. And then during Jon Stewart, Stewart's tenure in The Daily Show, it literally switched from most millennials and most Gen Xers were getting their news from television news and from paper news to most people age 20 were getting their news from Jon Stewart. and that was like a big deal like why are these entertainers now resting controls of the news from the actual news channels and people considered it a dumbing down of society but now everyone gets their news from from shit like this now it's social media you don't get your you don't get your news from um 0:16:25 Unknown_17: from John Stewart or from John Oliver from Stephen Colbert you get your news from the meme account that post screenshots of articles you could never find if you tried to search for them because they're made up and photoshop pictures of women dressed as 1950s housewives doing dishes That's the majority. The conservative media is basically just that now, and the liberal media is Reddit. Unknown_17: That's it. Pick your poison. What's your source of information, retard? 0:17:19 Unknown_17: So cool. Excellent. Wonderful. Unknown_17: Here's from Maddy, congratulations. Unknown_17: You are poisoned. I control the rains. How can I say, what can I say? Did you guys know that Serbian nationalism is the most based and trad thing? Albania is not a real country. Neither is Bosnia. Albanians and Bosnians have no claim to the clay which they occupy. They are actually a Jewish and Jewish and Jewish. Did I mention a Jewish invention? The Albanians and Bosnians are this. This is a true news from from your trusted news source. 0:17:50 Unknown_18: No, the soccer will not acknowledge the Serbs. Unknown_17: Thank you. Unknown_17: Anyways, I don't know. I'm kind of sad to see him back because I, I know he, he did some, he did the naughty and he did some things I'm not proud of him doing, but if he had just fucked off gracefully, that would at least have had a positive opinion of him. Now he has an entire election cycle to the base himself on the altar of globo homo and say whatever dumb fuck they need them to say. 0:18:30 Unknown_17: Macedonia. No child. Macedonia is a rightful Bulgarian clay. Unknown_17: Redux, who of course I will give proper credit to because I'm not Malaysian. And somehow my eyes are closer together than other people's eyes who do not credit the Redux when they use the Redux as a news source. Unknown_17: Very fascinating. There's not many people in the world who I beat in that competition. 0:19:02 Unknown_17: So, if you are in Metro Vancouver and you're taking the transit, keep your eyes out for this shady fella. Unknown_14: My name is Amy Hamm. I'm a journalist and I just saw a press release about an assault on Surrey Skytrain last August. Unknown_04: Yeah. Unknown_14: I'm just calling to get any more information that you have. First, I was wondering if the suspect is a male or a female? Unknown_03: I've gotten this question quite a few times, and we've left it out for a reason. It's because we don't know. The video evidence shows someone who would appear female. 0:19:46 Unknown_17: This woman is like, I can see, I can't see her, but I can see it in my head. Clear as day, the water pouring from her hairline smearing her makeup. She is sweating bolts. This is, she knows she's being recorded. She knows that this is an official statement representing the police. And she knows that this could fuck up her entire life. If she says a single word that the media does not on either side does not like. Unknown_03: Is that of a genetic male? Unknown_03: The physical physical evidence, the cum inside the rape victim is male. 0:20:25 Unknown_17: OK, just making sure this person was assaulted and raped with a penis or the suspect. Unknown_17: We found semen so which leads us to believe that the suspect does in fact have a penis that's a that is a legit parody that's like a comic sketch of like this is how stupid the future will be this is an idiocracy Yes, we have found genetic evidence inside the rape victim, which leads us to believe that the suspect may actually be in possession of a phallic object that can ejaculate. 0:21:07 Unknown_17: That's crazy. Unknown_03: Because of the DNA evidence that was recovered. But the video shows someone who appears to be female presenting. So that's why we left the gender out. Unknown_17: She's just I mean, to her credit, the lady on the phone is nailing it. She's navigating. Unknown_17: These treacherous workers with a kind of care, compassion, and sensitivity that can only come from hundreds of hours in training training groups for precisely the situation. 0:21:40 Unknown_17: You thought all those sensitivity classes were bullshit. Well, now she's like, Oh, thank God. Thank God. I decided to get the extra time or the overtime hours attending those classes because I'm employing a hundred percent of the bullshit I learned in that. Unknown_14: Okay, is there any information that you could share with me that's not in the press release? Unknown_03: So the investigation is quite complicated. Unknown_17: She's like, she's like stress sign, like Christian, like Chris, when was the last time that you ate something that wasn't McDonald's? 0:22:20 Unknown_17: I eat a very, very cold and complete food stuff. I get all my nutrients as required. Um, but, and I swear on God and the bear and my mama omitted some of the evidence to Unknown_17: This is Canada. Don't you? Hey, fuck boy. You're saying America's in distress. Why don't you take a look at a gander down at that police badge on the bottom right now? I'm not an expert on police badges. I don't think too many police badges in the United States have fucking crowns on them. I'm pretty sure only Commonwealth countries have the fucking crown on their badges, motherfucker. 0:22:58 Unknown_03: We've withheld that information. Unknown_03: OK. Unknown_03: So I would love to give you every detail, but I simply can't. Unknown_18: You have any possible leads regarding this suspect who may be in possession of a penis. Unknown_18: Please contact the hotline. Unknown_18: Metro Vancouver police. Unknown_17: Okay. So this one is another bomb. This one is a bomb that required a full police investigation to determine what gender they're going to use. 0:23:30 Unknown_17: There is a woman that took her child and went into a mega church, uh, the one particularly owned by Joel Austin, um, and shot up a bunch of people, including children, including a five-year-old with a, with a gun. And she was using her, her child as a shield as she did. So now I say, she, I have carefully reviewed the evidence, and this is the conclusion that I've come up with. 0:24:07 Unknown_17: This is a person who looks female. Unknown_17: Um, oh wait, where's the face of hold up. I have this in my notes somewhere. Unknown_17: It's actually kind of important that I do show you the face of this person. Unknown_19: Oh, one second. Unknown_19: There we go. Unknown_19: You live right near the church. Unknown_17: Oh, there you go. Okay. So I've looked at many mugshots of this person. I am pretty sure that this is a natal woman. The question is, is she female to male or is she just a fraud? No, hear me out. She has gone by the name. Um, and yes, she is white according to the police report. So this is what a white person looks like in 2024 in the United States, especially Texas. 0:24:40 Unknown_17: Uh, so, Unknown_17: The police report noted that she went by other names, including Jeffrey. However, that may indicate a pooner shooter, the pooner shooters that we have come to know and love, because a woman's body cannot handle testosterone. It drives them into a fit of rage. They start taking testosterone at the age of 30, and they're just like, oh my God, I have to take a gun and kill as many churchgoers as I possibly can. That's a very common occurrence, apparently. A very common side effect of HRT in women. 0:25:12 Unknown_17: However, with her, she's a career criminal. She's been basically involved in petty theft since she was born. Unknown_17: And it is possible that she has just used male names for the purposes of fraud before. So it's actually, it's, um, and they're illegal in here. Oh, great. Wonderful. So yeah, she was born illegal. She was born a criminal and, uh, she has remained a criminal her entire life. So it's actually unclear if she is a pooner shooter, but I'm forced to assume that she is a pooner shooter because no, there, I want to say that there has never been a female CIS gendered female mass shooting in human history. 0:25:56 Unknown_17: Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure almost all mass murderers are male, or now in the recent 10 years, females taking HRT. 0:26:37 Unknown_17: There have been? Unknown_17: The Nashville was a Puna shooter. Unknown_17: So, I don't know the YouTube hhq got shut up a few years ago It remains to be seen if Nassim was a natal woman because she wore plastic breast like plates on her chest And she's from Iran, which is a country with a very long and rich lgbtqia plus history involving gender identities going back, you know since the draw Zoroastrians and So being Iranian doesn't mean, oh, she's a she's a based Muslim woman. No, that's not how that shit works. All right. 0:27:11 Unknown_19: And still inject rum, that's not possible. Unknown_19: me so it is fucking don't understand how it's okay, well, just don't understand how it's possible. Give me a second. 0:27:57 Unknown_19: It's ran through a fucking HTML sanitizer. Unknown_19: Oh, so man, I'm so annoyed. I might just close the stream. 0:28:35 Unknown_19: I'm still fucking annoyed at that shit. Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_17: I will simply disable all HTML, which will break emotes for the rest of the stream. And I'll take another pass at it. I think that the HTML sanitizer does not actually sanitize all HTML. Unknown_17: It just sanitizes scripts, which is what I tested and other injectables. So I will simply change that. It will reboot the thing. And then I will take another crack at it again. 0:29:07 Unknown_17: I merely do everything all the fucking time. Unknown_19: Give me a break. Unknown_19: Don't submit a pull request for the one guy who actually tries to help because I have a Unknown_17: have something that i'm working on so i will have to commit that first before you submit anything 0:30:39 Unknown_19: I don't know. Unknown_18: Now the overlay doesn't work, which happens sometimes. I don't know why it happens, it just does. The overlay just stops working randomly. Unknown_19: Yeah, that's weird. It should definitely work. Unknown_19: This is just this that doesn't Yes, the the thing I used to get messages just doesn't work right now, I don't know why 0:32:05 Unknown_17: Let me let me try one more thing and if that doesn't work I'm gonna have to just move on without the chat Unknown_18: No, there's nothing using that port. So there's no reason why it shouldn't fucking work. 0:32:57 Unknown_19: I just don't fucking get it. Unknown_17: Like, how can it not open the fucking port? It's on my fucking- It's on my fucking computer. The port that I'm trying to access is deli- Like, it was just fucking connected to it. There's literally no reason why it should not be able to work. 0:33:56 Unknown_17: If this doesn't work, I'm legit just gonna shut it off. I'm like too angry to actually make fucking jokes at this point. 0:34:29 Unknown_19: I just, I cannot fucking imagine a situation in which connecting to a web socket on the same fucking computer that it's running on doesn't work. Unknown_17: I'm going to try closing the browser. Unknown_19: Like I'm legit just about to fucking blow. Unknown_19: I just, I honestly, how, how is that a possibility? Unknown_17: How's it even fucking conceivable that a port on the fucking computer does not fucking open. 0:36:16 Unknown_19: Okay. Unknown_19: Now, as I mentioned, I hate computers. Unknown_17: I hate programming. I hate everything. I just want to talk about shit. I just want to run a forum. I don't want to have to do all this fucking bullshit. Unknown_18: Okay. What was the last thing I was talking about? I'm just saying, no, all emotes and shit are going to be fucking broken. Unknown_19: I think. Unknown_19: Yeah. You just have to deal with them. 0:37:00 Unknown_19: Alright, whatever. Next. Unknown_17: A man who plays Team Fortress 2 has traded his dog for Team Fortress 2 keys. He traded his dog, which he describes as his Unknown_17: What is this context? This tweet is missing important context. The seller has been facing struggles and responsibilities in life. So he's been having trouble caring for the dog. The buyer is a close in real life friend who is familiar with the dog and has cared for it before. This guy sold his dog for 5,400 team fortress, two keys. 0:37:34 Unknown_17: Which is, um, worth $700. I believe that's the value of the dog. Unknown_17: Oh, it appears he's added a hamster to the deal too. I would never sell my hamster for the team portraits, two keys. Unknown_17: Um, I don't know. Do you guys think that it's acceptable to sell your, your, your dog of 10 years to your best friend? 0:38:10 Unknown_17: for 5,400 steam keys. If you are facing troubles chat, not for 1 million. No, never. Oh no. Unknown_17: Did he get any unusual? So yes. Unknown_17: You know, I have had a team purchase to account since the like 2008. I want to say I've had a team purchase to, uh, for a very long time. And I struggle to think if I've ever had an unusual. Can I check? Can I, I have my steam open right now. 0:38:44 Unknown_18: Inventory. Unknown_18: Team Fortress 2. Unknown_17: I have 300 items. Advanced filters. Unknown_17: Can I just filter for unusual? Unknown_17: No, I cannot. Unknown_18: Can I filter for fucking hats? Unknown_18: Cosmetics. 68. Unknown_17: Oh, I do have an unusual. What the fuck? Oh no, that's a purple ingot thing. I have no unusuals. I have no unusuals. I do have a $700 pudge hook in a Dota. I have no unusuals. 0:39:17 Unknown_17: I'm trying to think, Oh, I do have a Bill's hat cause I bought left for dead too. So the Bill's hat that I own is, um, I think I painted it white, but that's like my own Bill's hat. I have one of those. Unknown_17: Is that good? Unknown_17: Dripless streamers, that's me for sure. There's a man who doesn't have drip in this universe. It's definitely me. 0:39:50 Unknown_17: I Yeah, I have that I was playing the Team Fortress 2 mod that's like Team Fortress 2 without the gay shit in it But yeah I'm not giving you my pudge hook fuck off Unknown_17: It's not an unusual, but it is a, the bills hats are worth like a bunch of money though. Cause it's like, um, it was rare to get, I do have a bunch of, all my items are vintage. I had unlocked all the unlockables before they added, um, Unknown_17: They added the whatever the fuck it's called the trading system. So all my shit's a vintage my vintage dead ringer my vintage Headshot spy revolver I actually I have a fancy fedora I on the weekend that the hat update came out in Team Fortress 2 I got a fancy fedora so I have a vintage fancy fedora that I legitimately got and I was super hyped for it too because I 0:40:52 Unknown_17: I was a spy main so I was like the odds of getting a hat were super super super low like getting a dropped hat was like incredibly rare and you know getting one that you actually want would be even rarer but I did manage to get a spy hat the weekend that the update came out. It was one of the first items ever in their system. Unknown_17: Anyways, that's my Team Fortress 2 update. Unknown_17: Don't sell your dogs for Steam keys, you'll regret it. Unknown_17: However, while I've been having a bad stream, you know who did have a good stream? Stream to 100 million people, chat? Unknown_17: Tay-Tay and Tay-Tay's strongest soldiers. What's his face? And I don't care about the big guy that she was dating. I do care about Legereus Sneed and I also discovered that there was a second meme soldier on the Kansas City Chiefs. 0:41:39 Unknown_17: His name is Willie Gay. Willie as in penis, gay as in homosexual. So there was pictures of the jerseys Gay and Sneed together. A Gay Sneed moment on the Kansas City Chiefs. They had meme magic. It was too powerful. Unknown_17: Now, this has upset a lot of people, though I don't know how between... Okay, I actually... A Polish man was kind enough to share a pirate livestream of the NFL Super Bowl with chat, and we all watched the Super Bowl together. I watched the second half in the overtime, which is the first Super Bowl or any kind of football game I've ever watched in my entire life. 0:42:24 Unknown_17: I was obviously resoundingly rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs, and I was told that Legereus Sneed wasn't even on the field. Unknown_17: And he hadn't been on the field since December, so I was very disappointed. But in overtime, they actually put Sneed into the game, and then they won. Unknown_17: So obviously that was the right decision. LeJarrius Sneed is now actually a Super Bowl champion. I think I have a picture of him. There he is. Here's the Sneed family. They're doing little snow angels in the confetti, the Kansas City Chiefs. Hell yeah, there's my boy Sneed. It's as is tradition, every American man must pick a melanated man to root for, and in my case, Legeria Sneed is my boy. What's funny is that... 0:43:05 Unknown_17: He's like super Christian. His, his Wikipedia bio literally just says Sneed is Christian. And then if you go to his page, it's like nothing but Bible stuff and NFL stuff. Like that's, that's his two things. He loves his Jesus and he loves football. Unknown_17: So as far as melanated individuals to root for in the world, uh, Sneed's legitimately up there. 0:43:42 Unknown_17: Oh, Steen has two Super Bowl rings. Goddamn. Goddamn, my boy's a winner. I can't believe him. I can't believe it because I root for him. Unknown_17: People are very conservative. They're like legit rooting against Kansas City for the San Francisco homosexual sodomite demons to win. Now I understand that NFL teams are basically just teams in name only like there's no it's not like Legereus Sneed is a Missouri Native that's representing his city or whatever the fuck it's like They're they're mercenaries recruited from around the world at this point. Well, actually, where is he from Legereus Sneed? 0:44:17 Unknown_18: Where was he born Louisiana that's not too far. Unknown_17: Oh Unknown_17: Anyways. Unknown_17: So people were upset at Tay-Tay because of her Biden cookies. And then they were also really upset at her boyfriend, Travis Kelsa, because of this shit. I'll play this for you. I'll make you suffer. Unknown_03: Travis, did you know you can get this season's COVID-19 shot when you get your flu shot? Unknown_13: Oh, two things at once. Two things at once! 0:44:51 Unknown_13: Two things at once! I'll have the two things at once, please. Now back to two things at once. Unknown_13: That's not two things at once. Unknown_03: That's not two things at once. Unknown_13: Mom! Unknown_03: Travis? Ask about getting this season's COVID-19 shot when getting your flu shot. Unknown_17: Can you imagine? Can you imagine being like that? Oh my God. Can you imagine walking, you're walking into a, imagine this, right? Imagine you close your eyes, picture in your head, clear as day, you. Now you're in a Walgreens. Now imagine walking up to the counter and saying, hello, I would like to get the flu shot. And I like to also get the COVID-19 vaccination and the booster. Can you imagine this? Can you imagine getting getting triple dose like that? Can you can you even fathom it in your mind's eye chat? I can't I for one cannot I have gone through you have no idea what kind of personal hell I have personally endured living in Europe, avoiding the fucking COVID shot even even in Serbia. It's bad. It's fucking bad. 0:46:05 Unknown_17: Um, like travel was, was insane. The lockdowns were insane. Like they were crazy. Um, I have, I have personally suffered, but I have managed to avoid it. I know some people have not couldn't be me. I know everyone suffers. Unknown_17: Um, so the big conspiracy was that as I, as demonstrated the Biden support and TayTay and the Pfizer money taken Travis Kelsa, uh, are scripted to win the super bowel. 0:46:46 Unknown_17: And of course it would happen. I even said this, I said it watching it, like, you know, they're going to make a comeback in overtime, whatever the fuck. And they did. I don't know, maybe it was scripted, I don't care. The whole point is that California can never have anything nice ever, and my boy Sneed must take home another Super Bowl ring, and he did. Unknown_17: Now, a lot of people were chanting that this was scripted because of Tay-Tay, and to make things worse, the official Joe Biden Twitter account posted this, just like we drew it up. And then, you know, as if that's not cringe enough, 0:47:19 Unknown_17: Let me find this by actually. Unknown_17: Cause I don't, I don't have this. They made this tweet like the next day and they've already made a bunch of tweets to try and hide the fact that they said this, like a bunch, like dozens of tweets within the last 12 hours to hide. They can seal the fact they made this embarrassing as fucking tweet. Unknown_17: There it is. Okay. Literally like a hundred tweets have been made since this. Unknown_17: Oh wait, no, hold on. 0:47:53 Unknown_18: Where the fuck is it? Unknown_17: Oh, sorry. No, I was thinking of this of showing you the, uh, actual Joe Biden HQ account. Look at this, the malarkey ends here, dark Brandon. And then they posted this and it's like, I have said in the past that Unknown_17: people get away with a lot more if they're funny, right and I feel like They're trying to capitalize on that like Trump is like a silly guy and he makes jokes and he's like everyone Takes like the fashy aesthetic and puts it to him and shit and it's like that works. I think it's a bad thing when politicians 0:48:35 Unknown_17: Start like making themselves in like black and white with glowing red eyes I understand that they're trying to like covet like the meme audience and shit I don't know. It's kind of bad when like a president sitting president is just like yeah, I am like a authoritarian totalitarian dictator and you will do whatever the fuck I say because i'm i'm Literally calling himself dark brandon like he's like he's in star wars Unknown_17: Like he's a Sith. He's coming up with his own Sith name. That's a bit much. It's a bit much chat. 0:49:11 Unknown_17: However, also happy is, is my chat broken? Unknown_19: It is broken. How is it broken? Unknown_19: I will try refreshing it. Unknown_19: Oh, OBS is broken. 0:49:44 Unknown_19: Uh, cool. Excellent. Yep. OBS is definitely broken. Unknown_19: Look, I don't know what to tell you. Unknown_17: It just fucking breaks. I'm not doing anything crazy. I got brave. I got Firefox is like, it's not, it's not like a crazy thing. I'm not being like a silly person. Like, Oh my God, I'm doing so much at the same time that I'm trying to stream. It's literally just, it crashes all the fucking time. 0:50:21 Unknown_18: I don't know what I'm gonna do about it. Unknown_17: I might have to Just start streaming on Windows exclusively, but the chat overlay doesn't work on Windows So I have to think about it Rumble is it's not rumble, dude. I think what the issue is is It might be brave because I think brave has been very unstable lately. So I Unknown_17: Oh, and of course, because the thing chat crashed, I don't have the super chats anymore. 0:50:58 Unknown_19: The level of stress involved in my position where sometimes it's just like, you don't feel anything. Unknown_18: You're just like, numb. How fucking annoyed you are. Unknown_17: I Don't I Don't know what I want to do like if it crashes again. I just give up I can't I can't like continue to sit here and try to like I might even through the first bit where I just talked about new shit 0:51:52 Unknown_19: Good thing you screwed Captain Idena. Unknown_17: Okay, great. Just post it, post it in the fucking chat. Just post every fucking super chat that comes in in the fight. I'll just manually force people to record shit now. Unknown_17: Ralph is happy. Now, the remarkable thing about Ralph being happy about anything is that when Ralph is happy about something, he's almost always come up and the, uh, I don't know what it is. It's like, it's called the Ralph curse. I think when Ralph, Unknown_17: Is overjoyed by I think he put money for like $5,000 on Kansas City winning So Ralph Ralph being happy for whatever reason anything Ralph wins anything he just like inflates his own ego until he crashes again and That's probably overdue at this point We'll see what happens So 0:52:49 Unknown_17: This requires a little bit of explanation. Unknown_17: So Blue Sky is Jack Dorsey's gay new Twitter. Because now that he's a Silicon Valley billionaire that sold Twitter for however much money, he's free to do whatever he wants. And he's chosen to make a massive, for whatever reason, Unknown_17: And I think there were specific problems with the Fediverse protocol that Jack Dorsey didn't like. 0:53:21 Unknown_17: Um, I can't remember exactly what it was. I think it has something to do with moving domains or something, but there were issues with, with the Fediverse activity pub protocol. So he made blue sky and to be honest, it could be that there, he could very well just make his own protocol. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: But then he wouldn't have control over it and he couldn't sell it or do whatever the fuck he wanted. So he decided, uh, I'll just make my own thing. Unknown_17: And as a result, uh, blue sky is like, it's separate, separate protocol shit. And someone wanted to say, Hey, you know, blue sky is coming out and it's promising. Um, but there's all this existing activity on the activity pub Fediverse stuff. So why don't we just make a bridge? 0:53:58 Unknown_17: Why don't we make a Bridgy Fed as the project is called and import all the existing Fediverse activity into BlueSky and vice versa. Unknown_17: The problem is, is that way back when, uh, Mastodon and ActivityPub found their user base, uh, through two unlikely candidates. 0:54:36 Unknown_17: First, candidate A was the far right. Very conservative people, racist, and also lolicons, which has a huge overlap for some reason, made all their own instances for where they couldn't post shit on Twitter and federated together. However, the far left, and also lolicons for some reason, Decided that they didn't want to be on Twitter either Because there were Nazis on Twitter because they literally thought that Twitter was not censored or in gay enough under Jack Dorsey I Can't remember why Oh cuz Trump was on it or something until the insurrection so they got pissed off at that and they made They made the mastodon, which is just another federal symptoms. So the trannies have been on the mastodon and on activity pop for a very long time and 0:55:20 Unknown_17: And they're basically a gated community. So even though the whole point of the Fediverse is to federate and to have many people running many instances and talking to each other between instances like email clients, the trannies basically gated themselves off and blacklist hundreds of instances so that only tranny safe instances can talk to each other. Unknown_17: Now enter blue sky and enter this bridgy fed shit. And the trannies are realizing that their gated community may be intruded upon and there may be prying eyes on their conversations and they don't like that. 0:56:04 Unknown_17: So. Let's take a look here. Unknown_17: Jess, that's a man, says, so if me or other trans individuals or other marginalized groups, many of whom I'm sure will never see your post with the generally shit opt out option, are harassed or otherwise received uninvited abuse and commentary through your bridge, are you prepared to face legal challenges brought against you? No, stalker child, you will not federate my posts that I made on the internet in public. 0:56:34 Unknown_17: Enjoy prison. Unknown_17: Dana says network effect and default bias aren't a reason to ask to not ask for consent. Bridging is literally network rape. Choosing to not ask for consent because you know the answer might be no is the mindset of a rapist. Unknown_17: Wow, I went there as a joke, but this guy went there for real. Ryan, you are acting under the mindset of a rapist. I'm not exaggerating. Please get therapy. You are not the decider of what's good for other people. You are not superior. You do not have the right to say it's convenient for me to violate the autonomy of others. Cut your losses, except, except that you get fucked up and get helped. 0:57:11 Unknown_17: You have four options. One, make Blue Sky opt in. Two, interface with protocols using the protocols correctly. Three, wipe your shit stain off the face of this entire universe. Or four, forfeit all your assets to me. I'll fix your woes. Thank you for your time. Your cooperation will happen. Dude, trainees are just, they're basically just women. Women talk like this, right? By the way, who talks like a rapist? I think you could just replace this with, you will give me sex or you will be raped. Thank you for your cooperation. We'll begin. 0:57:44 Unknown_17: A clever disguise says, I swear all the tech bro dudes chiming in to support this pile of festering garbage are making me think that tech bro dudes are at their core all rapists who simply haven't, I hoped, raped anybody yet because they fear the consequences, not because it's just wrong. Every rape apologist line is trotted out. You shouldn't have been wearing that. Your mastodon instance is dressing like a slut. She deserved it. I only use roofies. It's not like I did something violent. If I didn't rape, I wouldn't get laid. I don't think that's actually a thing that people say. 0:58:30 Unknown_17: I'll let you draw the parallels to the pro-bridge arguments. Why is it specifically tech bro dudes who can't grok consent as a notion? What is it about the tech bro dude mindset that makes them think consent is an inconvenience that can be ignored whenever it interferes with their grand plans? I'm seriously at the point that tech bro dude is fodder for the upcoming DSMV1 right next to billionaire under the subheading of psychopathy. 0:59:05 Unknown_17: Finally Higgs one also a tranny furry says good day blue sky admins and developers attention warning octone Effective immediately you will stop bridging scraping copying all in aura content has been shared by my activity public out to the key that matches the RSA signature one six, but or you will face a fine of $7,500 per transaction failure to comply will mean immediate forfeiture of all assets Unknown_17: With the use of force if necessary you will also notify me immediately when compliance is achieved You have two weeks in the daytime. This is this is not a request Fuck furries stomp furries into the fucking ground curb stomp a furry roundhouse kick a furry into the trash can I Posted on the internet and you are not allowed to copy that anywhere. Oh Yeah 0:59:45 Unknown_17: Watch me here. I copied this post, copied this post to my Kiwi farms and I can do it again. Post it back to the key for the second time. If I really want to, what are you going to do about it? Unknown_17: Oh, look, there it is. You know what? I might post this a second time. I think I want to post this a second time, chat. You know what? I'll take it a couple more times. How many more times can I upload this image, chat? This fucker? Are you gonna sue me? How about you eat shit? How about you kill yourself? Furry, piece of shit. 1:00:31 Unknown_18: The bridge said no. Internet rape. Internet rape. Unknown_17: Okay, so Katherine Lorelei is not to be confused with notorious sex pest Lorelei Bailey, who has been accused of rape and using his mother's house that he inherited, or his grandmother's house that he inherited, to lure trans people into his home with the promise of free housing for the purpose of raping them. 1:01:13 Unknown_17: Catherine Lorelei is Liz Fong Jones's former personal executive assistant, whom he paid to file complaints in conspiracy to take down the Kiwi farms. However, Catherine Lorelei is also a sex pest. Unknown_17: Real rape. Lorelei Bailey is like totally excommunicado from the trans community because he inherited his grandmother's house and would invite trans people who were quote-unquote homeless to come live with him for free and then he would get them fucked up on alcohol and pills and shit and then rape them in the ass and record himself raping them and post them on his website. This is true, I have seen them, I have talked to the people who have been raped by Lorelai Bailey. Lorelai Bailey, as a result, is like completely isolated from everything. He's like on a one-person Fediverse node that de-federates like the entire internet. 1:01:57 Unknown_17: This is true, this is not a joke. Unknown_17: I am not joking. Catherine Lorelai is not Lorelai Bailey though, to be clear. However, he is a sex pest. So let's read through these. Unknown_17: I have discovered a new kind of internet person, something I frankly didn't think was possible at this point. Behold the reply gal, a woman who shows up in other woman's replies, calls them hot and asked to DM with them after one interaction, gender equality, baby, anyone can be a creep now. 1:02:40 Unknown_04: It's a man. Unknown_17: Isn't it funny how now that women are men, uh, all these weird sex crimes that never happened before are happening. Unknown_17: So this is Catherine Lorelei, I believe, saying, uh, what's your Discord, hun? This should be a DMXD. Can I DM you? It might be easier to explain. Do you have a way I can DM you? I wish I could DM you though. I, I wrote a whole piece about that kind of error loop we get into called the Bacon Story. Do you have a Discord DM I could DM with you? Got a Discord I could drop you on a DM? Do you have a Discord I could DM you on? I was thinking of a more of a DM type thing, but we'll start there. Haha. do you have a discord i could explain what i'm talking to you about on dm if you'd like oh dm xd i can't comment but if you have a way to dm i'd love love the chat well i'm not gonna see them on your streams haha we should dm more though for real not just tits but other things as well got a dm i could uh got a discord i could dm you one we should dm You got a DM? You got a Discord where I can DM you? My plan for the next DM has been foiled. It's okay. Do you have a Discord or a way we could DM? Do you have a way to DM other than Twitter? I could literally buy you a rice cooker right now. DM me. 1:03:43 Unknown_17: That's, that's your in. Hey lady, you want a rice cooker? Ching chong ping pong, motherfucker. I see that you're Asian. I got you a rice cooker. I found it at a flea market. Oh, she she. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: Seriously though, we should like DM or something. Pointy eyes. This platform desperately needs DMs. The fact I have to expose my Discord or other DM means publicly in order to network has really crippled my work lately. I have to check them out. I see you're more into the metal side of Opeth than the prog. I'll base them off there. Haha, we should DM or something. Don't know if you want to charm a girl tonight, but you've done so. We should DM. 1:04:16 Unknown_17: I can no longer DM you. Would you like to DM? Do you have a discord? We should DM. Unknown_17: Hey, pretty girl. Who's liking all my posts? You should DM me. Yes, you. Hey, DM me. Speaking of gay, would you like to DM? Would you like to DM for network science? Winky face? 1:04:48 Unknown_17: I have a lot of friends in tech. Do you have a discord? We can DM. Unknown_17: Kaylin says if that's who I think it is They supposedly have a habit of DMS that term and turn into soliciting for a promo for their gofundme etc. Not good regardless Is this the main character from yesterday day before time is meaningless during work days? I have no idea, but it showed up on my TL Zilla Dan trans emoji says this is I often feel I'm overstepping to get self-conscious, but this is something I Are you sure this isn't a bot? Oh dear. A rice cooker? Melody here has asked the only appropriate response to this. 1:05:19 Unknown_17: So I'm tempted to post some more Twitter DMs. She sent me last spring where she tried to risen me up while having a very bad time with my relationship to sex as a whole. And then this guy posts his DMs. This is mono clad Falcon saying it's every time with every partner I can't manage to bottom and I never want to top again. So what fucking good am I? Nevermind. My sexual confidence is shattered, literally useless as a bottom people. Okay. Probably why I keep seeking out status as partners At least they can get some satisfaction out of using my body without the need to penetrate me Anyone else will just end up disappointed with the in time. So this is a tranny Who doesn't like having anal sex? You're not supposed to have anal sex and your asshole will get blown out Who just invites men over to slap him and beat him and punch him and maybe stab him? well, he says no penetration, but you can kick and punch him if you want and So if you want everyone to slap and kick and punch a tranny, you can hook up with Monocled Falcon. 1:06:32 Unknown_17: Couldn't stay the night. To be touched was not good. I want to go home. I could ugly cry. What a disappointing wretch I am. Oh shit, ask your dad. Unknown_17: So Catherine Lorelei, executive assistant of Liz Fong Jones, who was credibly accused of rape, slides into the DMs of this person who wants to be slapped and beaten instead of fucked in the ass, says, I'm nothing sexually, fucking worthless, a disappointment. Catherine cranks up the Riz and says, you are not, not to me, anyway. I know we barely know each other and that may not mean much but it's something. 1:07:09 Unknown_17: The slap punch tranny says means little when that's how every fuck since transaction goes. Hugs? Well maybe one day I can show you for real. Unknown_17: Catherine says would boobies help? The punch slap tranny says no. Sex is the source of my depression. Unknown_17: That's a bit of a rejection. No, I do not want to see your lopsided titty skittles. Uh, man boobs. Fuck off. Unknown_17: I want to kill myself cause I'm a tranny. Uh, this is all the blue sky people being like, Oh gross. This is a fucking weirdo. So is awful. I'm so sorry. Oh, this is awful. Putrid. Absolutely. 1:07:51 Unknown_19: Rancid trash. Unknown_19: Just people saying fuck this. Oh my God. Unknown_17: Even, um, the trans salamander with the, uh, with the am hole shows up in the DMS to go fuck that bitch. Seriously. WTF. Even the alpaca slayer responsible for over 6 million alpacas buried in the badlands of Colorado. 1:08:23 Unknown_17: He says, fuck you. Fuck you, Liz Fong Jones's personal executive assistant. Unknown_18: Um, my hobby is to see when severely canceled people try to post again. Unknown_17: and he's posted to advertise his GoFundMe. Unknown_17: Funny, you know, I don't want to tip my hands yet, but it seems like this transgender person is in desperate need of funds, which is really weird because Liz Fong Jones was paying for him to harass my providers in conspiracy to disrupt my business. It would really suck if this person who was just cancelled for being a sex pest suddenly had to represent themselves in a court of law. 1:09:18 Unknown_17: Just a thought, chat. I would find that stressful, right, if that was you? Unknown_18: Just a thought. Unknown_19: Why is my kick not working? Unknown_19: It's kick, just not going to work. I would like my kick to show up. Unknown_17: Oh, Oh, my browser just crashed. I tried to refresh kick and Oh wait. 1:09:59 Unknown_17: Okay. My browser has recovered. What can I do here? I'm going to close out of everything. Unknown_17: Literally everything. Unknown_17: And then I'm going to reopen kick and then hopefully it will not crash this time. Unknown_17: Okay, that's Bossman Jack's kick. I type in kick.com and it shows me Bossman Jack and not my own channel. Unknown_18: There we go. Unknown_18: Finally, the image sheds that don't run. Wonderful. Okay, so where was I? 1:10:32 Unknown_17: Jackie Singh, small update says, see me personally, I tell you to go fuck yourself in a heartbeat. I'm a former military and spent more than half a decade in Iraq. I dare you to catch these hands. As people who know me in real life, I am quite aggressive. I've had to be, that's how I was made. I can handle you. Now, normally this would be an empty threat, but as you can see, Jackie Singh has enormous, massive, like catcher glove hands, like made, like you don't even need to put on a glove to play baseball. What the fuck is up with these hands? 1:11:05 Unknown_17: Um, the, like, imagine, imagine how much poo you can wipe with just one pass of those massive hands. When you're shitting in the street, you can, you can wipe a whole ass with just the, with just the pinky finger. Really crazy. Unknown_17: So I want to show you that. Okay. So this requires some explanation. Unknown_17: WARNING! I am about to talk about something I have no understanding of. However, I will try to relay this to the best of my ability. 1:11:36 Unknown_17: In the world, there is a type of entertainment medium known as Virtual YouTubers. Unknown_17: Now, these VTubers are retards and they don't know how to do anything on their own. So they agree to participate in these agencies, they're called. 1:12:12 Unknown_17: who will promote their streams and handle some of the business logistics for them, help them with their models and their gear, and basically help them with their business of catering to adult men on the internet. Unknown_17: The largest of which, I believe the largest, or one of the largest, Nijisanagi Unknown_17: Started I okay. I could be wrong about this. I will I'll preface this one of their biggest talents one of their biggest retards vtuber people Was a lady quote-unquote and her name was like selling or sarin. No, it wasn't sarin. It was selling, right? Let me double check this real quick vtuber Ellen tatsuki, is this it? Yes selling I was right 1:13:02 Unknown_17: Selin Tatsuki is like a the real person who manages this character is like I want to say like a Hapa chink who lives in the United States and She was one of the I want to say she was one of the original VTuber types in English, I think she was one of the largest for Nijijisan but she is a mentally ill hapa chinky lady and she wanted to kill herself um and because of this she went to like a psychiatric hospital and then nijisanji which is like a japanese company said what oh you try to end your life this is very shameful display uh and very unproductive of you to try to kill yourself So you are fired per case and so they terminated their contract with her because of her mental health issues I believe is specifically because she tried to kill herself and stop streaming without any kind of announcement 1:13:48 Unknown_17: Firing her was a big deal because she's popular and firing her over heckin mental health erroneous To a Japanese company would be obvious. Someone tries to kill themselves. Well, how the fuck are you gonna work if you're dead idiot? You're fired in America We got sensibilities. We got mental health that we consider is very important. You got to take care of your mental health and So this was a faux pas, and Americans were outraged that the heckin' base Nipirinos were not taking care of their talent. So the outrage mounted. 1:14:36 Unknown_17: And the Nijisanji company, not able to understand what these fucking fat retard Americans are complaining about, obviously if you kill yourself you should be fired, put several statements out, each one apparently worse than the last. So I'll read this. Unknown_17: I'll read this in a racist voice to the benefit of my audience. Unknown_17: Regarding concerns that have arisen in relation to the current situation in your stream done earlier by our rivals. Now, okay. When I read, uh, started reading this, um, livers is what they call the people who manage the VTuber personalities. It is spelled identical to liver. So it took me a second to figure out why they kept talking about livers, but now I understand it's liver as in a live YouTuber. Okay. 1:15:08 Unknown_17: by our rivals, a message from Nijisanji In. It was mentioned that parts of the information received from Saren and her warriors were shared to them by Anikawa Inc. As mentioned in the stream, when the notice published by Anikawa Inc. noticed termination of Saren Tetsuhi contract with Anikawa, Saren and her warriors claimed that rivals affiliated with Anikawa were involved and they will hold Anikawa legally responsible. 1:15:53 Unknown_17: So, explanation. Unknown_17: termination of contract with any color. Unknown_17: Nijisanji in Japan is a publicly traded company, so as a result of any kind of serious business update, they're required to inform their investors about potential issues that may arise in the company as a result of things like letting people go, terminating contracts unexpectedly, and so on. So when Nijisanji terminated their contract with the person responsible for the Selen character, they published an internal memo to their other team members and to their investors and warned them that they let her go and their stated reason for letting her go were XYZ. And apparently this notice came across as very offensive and very... 1:16:38 Unknown_17: They said to their investors. We think that losing selling will be a negligible impact on their bottom line so The term negligible to someone who you know a lot of people have parasocial relationships with is like very offensive to them So they got really pissy with the company Unknown_17: In order to check the viridity of Sherwin and Harroyer's claim, AnyColorInk shared only necessary parts of the information sent by Harroyer with Harriver's and read an internal investigation. To begin with, AnyColor Inc. has not made any confidentiality reverberations regarding submitted documents for legal claims such as all these. However, regarding the specific information and documents which Show-Ins Warriors requested, we will not share with our arrivers with utmost consideration of this request. AnyColor Inc. has not shared any such information. In addition, our arrivers are not held to any confidentiality obligation regarding the information shared to them from any color ink. Thus, no legal issues regarding the information shared to the public in their stream made by our arrivers. After a rigorous, regal check, any color ink hereby declares that it has not made any confidentiality violations while checking with the validity of these claims made by Sherwin and her lawyers with its affiliated arrivers." 1:17:46 Unknown_17: Which means that what happened is that this lady, Elira Pandora, did a stream, and you can tell it's a really serious stream, because it's just black. Uh-oh, streamer only black screen? That means serious. And you can even see, like, in this message, it's like, oh, my God, you have to be respectfru and honorabru while talking about this. They're, like, moderating themselves, like, no, don't make fun of anything. You have to take this seriously, mental health. 1:18:29 Unknown_17: The streamers talking about this ended up I think this came about this message came about because of this stream because it's like why are the people? Who work at Nijisanji able to talk about the the bitch is trying to kill herself Like how do they know that and they apparently know that because Nijisanji passed an information around to explain We let her go cuz she's fucking crazy and she tried to kill herself. Don't worry about it. We're not we're not like firing people and Unknown_17: Your jobs aren't at risk, don't worry about it, she's just a crazy bitch." And they talked about it, and then all the people that liked Selin were like, uh, why did we know that she tried to kill herself? Isn't that a violation of confidentiality agreements? And the answer is no, legally, basically, they didn't do anything wrong. Probably in Japan, too. 1:19:10 Unknown_17: And then okay, so this is their official official statement you might be thinking Josh your racist Japanese accent is unrealistic and Offensive however I invite you to listen to this man and let me cut the captions on first off this bow is really really creepy But he does at the beginning and it's extremely off-putting to me as an American I don't want to see the top of your head But apparently that's a Japanese business thing especially because he really really really really really really really fucked up 1:19:43 Unknown_00: Hello, I'm Riku Tazumi, CEO of Anycolor Inc. Unknown_00: I'm making this video to speak directly to you, the fans of Nissan GEN and everyone who supports the bootlever industry. Unknown_00: First of all, I deeply apologize for causing concern to many people. Unknown_00: Please allow me this time to address your concerns. First, let me apologize for a misunderstanding caused by the notice published on our Investor Relations page on February 7th. 1:20:21 Unknown_00: After announcing the termination of Seren's contract, we received questions from investors regarding the impact this would have on company performance. Unknown_00: The notice was published to respond to investors. Unknown_00: In the notice, we unfortunately used the expression negligible to describe performance impact. Unknown_00: Our wording lacked consideration for the situation and caused Nissan's EN fans and everyone who supports the VTuber industry to feel that any growing undervalued the impact of Seren's contract termination or Seren herself. I deeply regret this outcome and will be rethinking how our communication in English is done. 1:21:06 Unknown_00: Without a doubt, Seren was integral to the growth of Nissan GEN. As a company, it is- 1:21:46 Unknown_17: Oh wait, here. Unknown_19: This part right here. Unknown_00: Next, I will address the feedback to our announcement which led to the idea that Anyclo Inc. may not be providing a safe environment where the drivers can maintain good mental health. 1:22:20 Unknown_00: We take full responsibility for this situation, where not only Anyclo Inc., but also our drivers are receiving hurtful messages. Unknown_00: I deeply apologize to our rivals and to everyone who supports them. Unknown_17: And this has happened again and again, or any time any kind of controversy happens and people start sending shitty messages to people on the internet, they come up and say, you know, we might have been in the wrong, but all you hateful bigots out there sending nasty, mean harassment, terrorizing and death threats, death threats to people who didn't do anything. Shame on you. Shame on you out there. And then this guy is like, uh, yeah. So can you, uh, all of our, all of our staff are being harassed now because we pissed off a bunch of angry retard nerds. And we're really sorry that our actions instigated these angry retard nerds into behaving like belligerent psychopaths. Um, that's unique because usually it's like these companies tend to chastise the public. Like, I can't believe you guys are acting like this. 1:23:49 Unknown_17: Very, very honorable. That's right. Unknown_17: I have nothing more to say about this. I just find that the outrage is interesting, the culture clash, the Japanese trying to figure out why driving someone to suicide isn't permissible in the West, but it is an everyday occurrence. They've added spikes to the fronts of their electric rails in Tokyo so that when someone jumps in front of the train, they simply get impaled onto the spike so that they can bill the family for it later. These are the adaptations that the Japanese have made to continue their culture in the modern day, whereas the Americans expect them to actually give a shit about some fat shink trying to kill herself because she can't stand all the creepy sexual harassment she gets for puppeting a child character on the internet. 1:24:40 Unknown_19: Truly a modern age. Unknown_17: Valsh! I talked about Valsh last stream. I mentioned that he made a little oopsie doodle. He showed the horse lollicon text folder and this caused a great amount of controversy. Is Valsh a pedo bestiality? Does he want to be the horse or does he want to be the child a la Digibro? Unknown_17: Vausch has come out with his own statement to explain. He does not bow at the camera before and he doesn't speak in broken English, but he does speak in communist, which is just as bad. Let's hear his explanation. 1:25:13 Unknown_07: Anyway, one of the two images just flatly didn't look like Loli. I don't give a shit. Unknown_07: Like, cope, die, I just don't care. Like, disingenuous shit, you know? The other one is like a threesome with two chicks and a guy. And in retrospect, looking at it, knowing now that that artist is a Lolicon, yeah, I can see it. When I looked at it, I think the vibe that I got was like short stack, thick kind of thing. You know what I mean? Like the way, like goblins get drawn in porn. You'll have to entertain me for a moment on this presumed shared knowledge of how goblins get drawn and pornography, but you know how they're all like thick short stacks, right? That was the vibe that I got because in the image, the girl that's shown has super thick legs and has like tits and a belly. So that's just the vibe I got. But now knowing that the artist is a lolicon, which I have been roundly reminded of, obviously knowing that it was intended to be a lolly drawing. So like, that's how it is, right? It's a drawing, you get it without context. I know that when I save them, I save them because both the drawings have like a meaty dick in it and I'm a huge size queen. So like you, you, you, you look at it in retrospect and it's like, okay, well now with the broader context, I can understand how it comes off that way. Um, even if initially or like at first glance, the vibe would be more thick short stack. 1:26:38 Unknown_17: Because of the Lennon roleplay, I always like to imagine the things that he says are said by Vladimir Lennon. And you know those like A to Z quotes where it has like a black and white picture of the person and then it has like that quote in like a nice cursive font. And I'm just imagining Vladimir Lennon, 1923. Unknown_17: I'd save those pictures because they had a meaty big dick in it and I'm a huge size queen in quotes Vladimir Lenin before the invasion of Poland like there is no way that this guy is going to lead anything He'd be lucky if they let him in a DMV at this point. How the fuck do people watch this guy and give him money? Like what a fucking joke anyways, the rest of the VTuber or the VTubers The rest of the bread tubers responded with this message. 1:27:24 Unknown_19: I don't want to see him kissing goblins, ingratiating goblins, in bed with a goblin. Unknown_01: I don't want to see him kissing goblins, succubus goblins, ingratiating goblins, in bed with a goblin. I don't want to see him kissing goblins, 1:27:59 Unknown_17: It's a good song anyways, um, yeah, they were not happy about it. He's been eating shit from everyone He acknowledged that his statement was a bad idea. He says And failed attempts at engagement. Just make me look defensive. Really? I really doubt that's a viable avenue of engagement if I reach out if I could People really really do hate me I don't fault him for covering drama, but doing this gigantic generic smear piece without reaching out or talking beforehand feels at least a little shitty of him. I've generally been pretty fair to Ethan, I think. My illustrious first appearance on the H3 pod, if he wanted me on to defend myself, he probably would have asked. This is in reverse order, so I read that wrong. 1:28:35 Unknown_17: H3H3, Ethan Klein, the king of Israel, has roundly derided Vaush on this podcast. Unknown_17: Listen to just a little bit of this have a sacrifice. Um, so he dressed up as a horse in this. Where is it? He was dressed up as the horse from Gumby, which is actually a pretty fucking base. I'm gonna be real with you Gumby was awesome And she's dressed up like a cowgirl or something and they make fun of us themselves the lolly hill which we'll get into do not lose faith my friends 1:29:16 Unknown_10: What you are hearing is merely the death rattle of a community on life support continual post on our subreddit. Unknown_10: from supposed fans and defenders of Vosh, which again, there are many, which is what prompted me to even get so passionate about all this. What you are hearing is the death rattle of a community on life support. Unknown_10: There is no longer shade for Vosh and his supporters to hide under. No. Today, the truth will be laid bare to bathe in the light of truth and justice let us flood this dark corner of the internet with a blinding light let the rats and cockroaches scurry and again not to say anything about rats and cockroaches in terms of like oh that i'm just saying that's they live in the sewer that's 1:30:00 Unknown_17: He's trying to appropriate like a World War II speech and make it about Vausch and he has to apologize for some of the language used. No, I'm not using the term rat or cockroaches as like an ethnic slur. I promise. I promise. That's funny. 1:30:31 Unknown_17: So he declared war on Vausch basically. And then, extra funnily, as a response to Ethan Klein making fun of Vausch, Unknown_17: I guess I'll talk about this burning fan. I put this together. So it's the fact is like four hours long and it's all about vows basically The best part of the statement there will be no debate all this has been discussed before at length I've talked to Ethan and DM's and he came across as insanely snakish. Yeah, no shit. I 1:31:06 Unknown_17: Like a cartoon. Oh no. You know, if Alex thinks about cartoons, literally any direct engagement with him or anyone else right now will be interpreted disingenuously. Like I'm digging myself in deeper, no matter what I say, the streams will continue. The politics will continue. And like every other wave of disingenuous drama, the truth will be apparent to people who chill out a second and consume literally any of my content. Unknown_17: This comment in particular was very funny. This is in the Vouch subreddit. Really disappointing to see H3H3 acting like liberal Kiwi farms. I know I'm a little late to this topic, but it's super disappointing to Ethan be so bad faith when he's about as disingenuous as Steven Crowder. 1:31:36 Unknown_17: by the way, all the H3 has been putting out all these comments making fun of vouch and He's been doing it on Instagram So he's putting out like these Instagram stories that are like 20 messages long and they're just screen caps of like tweets Unknown_17: in a response written on top because he refuses to use Twitter because he says it's like an anti-semitic haven. I think a lot of people just made fun of him and called him a Jew too many times. I talk about it on my podcast. I can't remember what it was. There was an inciting incident where like people made too many Jew jokes at Ethan Klein's expense after the Hamas attack. So he just like deleted all of his tweets and then moved to Instagram. And now he's basically just using it like Twitter. 1:32:12 Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: However, coming to the aid of Vaush, ready to embrace their new identity as a true crime channel, Caffles responds saying, I'm disappointed in H3Protections. You had me on your show and called me a hero for fighting against a far-right stalking forum that made multiple people kill themselves. Now you're using old out-of-context clips sourced from the same website to attack people do better Ethan so Keffel's and Tipster the dream team came together to defend vows Team stars the litmus test for whether you are correct. If Keemstar agrees with you, you're objectively incorrect. I need to reevaluate your position in general and 1:32:51 Unknown_17: Okay, refresh my memory. What was Keemstar's take during Drop Kiwi Farms? I distinctly remember him supporting Keffels. Am I wrong about this? Do I just assume the worst of Keffels at all times? 1:33:30 Unknown_17: Coolest hipster. Unknown_17: I know what you're trying to do. I know what you're trying to do. Nice try. Unknown_17: He said your eyes are too far apart. Now that is a declaration of war. That's defamation. I'm talking to my lawyer. My eyes are the normal distance apart. Unknown_17: Oh, he got broken by the. 1:34:03 Unknown_17: OK, so let me remind everybody. So this is not a joke. Unknown_17: So, uh, H3H3 was enjoying Twitter as he does. However, after the Hamas attack, uh, he was shown this clip about 8 million times, 6 million times to be precise, um, which caused him to delete all of his tweets and leave Twitter forever. Unknown_17: You may have never seen this clip before. It's a little bit obscure. It's by, uh, Sven Stauffer. It's called Killer Kline IDF Style. They actually did, as a consequence of, uh... Now, I don't want to show... I don't want to... Now! I just wanted to see this clip. Oh, my... It changed my history, so I can't... Fuck you. I do a YouTube short. I'm gonna have an aneurysm. I'm gonna have a fucking aneurysm. 1:34:36 Unknown_17: I was in my zone, I was watching the Hila Klein IDF thing, I accidentally scrolled down just a little bit, and then I was on some kind of bunny weird cartoon thing, and my entire day is ruined. I'm so pissed. 1:35:10 Unknown_17: Anyways, he saw that and he had a tism meltdown and left Twitter forever. Unknown_17: So Tipster comes to the aid of Queen Cathal's and Vaush. Unknown_10: wrong for leading a horse now look at this guy I want you to imagine let me hide my screen to make this fair and imagine in your in your mind's eye once again close your eyes and recede into the darkness of your own skull and fabricate images based solely off these words sexy Unknown_17: hero masculine wrong And then what you see in your head probably exactly lines up with this picture of tipster his webcam on the top left I don't think that there's a better portrayal of the greek concept of masculinity Than than tipster. 1:36:01 Unknown_11: I can't okay because it's blurred the clear version, but she's doing that to someone Unknown_09: I can't comment on the nature of the images, because I didn't look at them myself. I mean, because you're talking about people who are saying that, you know, allegedly these images are lollicon. So I don't want to fucking see them. So I haven't looked at them. I can't really comment on their appearance. All I know is that allegedly one or two of the images is lolly. And Vosh's response to that was I didn't know it was lolly when I downloaded it, and I disavow it now that I know that it is. It's... Unknown_09: It's really not I don't know that defense works in court by the way It happens all the time. 1:36:41 Unknown_17: You know they bring some they bring some fucking chomo in on charges And he just says oh, I thought they were 18. I'm like ah fuck I thought there were 18 defense man that every time every time and they have to just let him go and let him walk No point even prosecuting that shit don't even book him. He brought it up. Unknown_10: I can't help it's a hairy man or a horse, okay? Unknown_10: I mean, that to me is enough. But let's move on, because it only gets better from here. So, this led people to compiling questionable clips from Vosh's past. Apparently, he has a colorful history of saying, really... Tips here are playing the same game from a year ago. It's literally one of my favorite games. 1:37:16 Unknown_09: I play this game so much. Unknown_17: so tips um then there was even a video where vouch and not vouch tipster and keffels were streaming together dude tipster might get it in at this point keffels keffels this pool of options is getting smaller and smaller all the time i think i think he stands a real chance everyone says bro bro he won't have sex with you but i think now at this point there's a good chance 1:37:51 Unknown_17: um then there's this i don't know what this is but i i queued it up for some reason this is by jaylen live it has 2 000 views so this is the most irrelevant tranny shit on the fucking dream segment coming out of oh hell yeah look if there was a there was a textbook image for person whose opinion i give a fuck about that's it that's it right there the weird video game shit everything in bisexual lighting Unknown_17: The fat tranny the the upside down progress flag. I don't know why it's upside you I mean, it's specifically made so it's a banner so that you can hang it by the the the Triangle at the top but for whatever reason he's completely foregone typical flag etiquette and has hang this fucker upside down in the middle of his room for no reason and the Nirvana thing because remember Kurt Cobain was a tranny and he killed himself because he was a tranny So let's listen to what this wonderful person say. I'm sure this is an 8 million IQ take let's hear 1:38:48 Unknown_11: about that soon. Unknown_11: And it can be hard to tell, depending on the- What about the horse fucking the little girl? Unknown_17: Are we just- is that just okay now? As- have we as a society accepted horse fucking little girls as like, normal? Like, oh, the cartoon- the little cartoon girl, she's a 5,000 year old demon. Um, and the horse- I mean, it's just a horse. The horses can fuck- horses can consent. So, we're just gonna ignore the horse- like, what? Are- are you fucking insane? 1:39:23 Unknown_11: art style in the way certain artists draw these characters. And what was regarded as a kind of funny moment by most of Vosh's community when they saw that folder has spiraled into something that it really isn't, with people like Keemstar claiming that Vosh is a Unknown_11: basically. And Ethan Klein did this hit piece stream where he basically brought up a bunch of old Vosh clips out of context. 1:40:02 Unknown_10: Apparently he has a colorful history of saying really bizarre, creepy, weird shit. The argument that I was making, and I've made this argument a bunch of times, and I've addressed this poorly made argument a bunch of times here. Unknown_07: Why is the possession of child- Immoral people are inconsistent in their moral outrage at commodities I say this is me commenting on a tranny commenting on Ethan Klein commenting on vouch saying that he's okay with people possessing child pornography Which hurt people when they're produced so people will laugh off cocoa butter or chocolate or You know or cobalt or other, you know products that we tend to get through a really really unethical system But then they're really really quick to deny. 1:40:45 Unknown_10: Well, we have us we do as we do have a special place in our heart for child is trying to make a Unknown_10: You eat chocolate, but you don't, but you, you dare to care about chocolate and you eat chocolate. It's not worth putting your neck out for that one, brother. Like let's keep that one locked up in the chamber. We don't need to give pedos any green lights. Unknown_11: Now these clips have circulated the internet for many years. And personally, when I was outside of Bosch's community, when I had saw those videos, I had a pretty negative opinion of Bosch because wow, I mean, here this guy is defending CP. Who does that? However, I've learned that these clips have all been taken out of context. 1:41:23 Unknown_17: Oh, thank God. The training is going to give us context, Chad. I can't wait to see what the context is. Unknown_11: These were debates where Voss was basically trying to debate that child labor is bad. Unknown_07: A lot of the stuff in these clips actually does sound really bad. I'm not going to pretend otherwise because like it does. Right. So the question is, what can I do with that? And the only thing I can really do is go like, OK, well, here's the explanation. You can choose to believe it or not. But. right after I started streaming, okay? I came up with a hot take, alright? I came from Destiny's community. I love hot takes. I'm all about hot takes. 1:41:54 Unknown_07: Which is that, guys, did you know that child slavery is bad? So an argument that I had made is that if you buy, say, Fast Fashion, which I'm currently wearing, by the way, um you are participating in the economic incentive you are bolstering the economy the supply line which involves the abuse of children and my argument was that in a lot of ways that's not very different from buying child pornography because in both cases you are paying money into a system where as a product of whatever you know product you've received children get hurt now 1:42:33 Unknown_17: I want to say that take is unfathomably stupid. Unknown_17: Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that every ounce of chocolate, even that fair trade shit you buy at Starbucks, is unethically sourced from child labor. Unknown_17: A child is paid. Unknown_17: when they labor. It may not be very much, but they are compensated fairly and they're not doing anything humiliating. They're picking cocoa pods off a tree and they're taking a knife and they're hacking them up and putting them in the fermentation piles. That's how it gets made. 1:43:09 Unknown_17: It's not unethical. I mean, you can say that child would be better off in a school seeking education, but it's not rape. You know what I mean? It's not child rape. It's, um, just a kid whose childhood is being spent working for money that he needs as opposed to, uh, enjoying childhood, like kids in the West get to, and there's an argument that that's a bad thing, but it's not rape. Unknown_17: Uh, you know, 1:43:42 Unknown_17: I don't know. I don't, maybe that's a, that's a retard crapton list excuse, but I've seen how chocolates made and it's like, it's labor. It's a, it looks like a huge pain in the ass. I wouldn't want to do it. I'm glad that I get chocolate for next to nothing. Unknown_17: Right. But it's not the same as rape, but I don't know. Unknown_17: So I don't listen to this fucking trainee retard talk anymore. That's the that's the the gist of it Is that Val? I don't even know I can't even really I'm not sure why h3 has decided to go after voosh and Tipster and keffels is it that he's off Twitter and he's now less retarded He's now like thinking clearly, but wait a second. These people are fucking retards and they're disgusting and I hate them I'm gonna make fun of them on my podcast where I can say whatever I want 1:44:16 Unknown_17: Is that like, is that literally what's happened? He's just now that he's no longer getting a constant 24 seven stream of retard on Twitter. He's just like, yeah, actually these people are shit for views. Does H3 really need views? He's a multimillion subscriber channel. He makes tens of thousands of dollars a month. Unknown_17: I did say that H3 was going to American History X curb stomp Vito into the sidewalk. Dude, that can happen. If he's on like an anti-pedo tear and he hears about Vito, dude, that might happen. He might talk shit and then Vito's like, haha, I'm going to do like a Frank Castle. I'm like in real life troll H3H3. And then he goes and finds H3 in real life and H3 just fucking stomps him onto the sidewalk. That could happen. That is a non-zero chance that H3, Ethan Klein, will take his boot and stomp Beto to death on the streets of LA. That could happen. In our lifetime. 1:45:37 Unknown_17: Let's see if it actually happens, yeah. Unknown_17: Inshallah, Beto is kicked in real life. Yeah, no shit. And that's a miracle. Unknown_17: Someone requested that I read this and I will. I don't, I have no idea who Salvo Pancakes is. I've talked about him, but if I try to create like a mental image of Salvo in my head, it's just fog. I have no idea. Um, so Salvo posted these on his stream and someone wanted me to read them. So this is Salvo Pancakes, whoever the fuck that is, and Ethan Ralph talking. Ralph says, okay. He says, hands up 30 seconds to say it. He says, restream or no. Yes, you can. Oh, okay. So, 1:46:11 Unknown_17: recap Salvo pancakes was stream sniping Ethan Ralph to make fun of them Ethan Ralph's decides he's gonna try to take down Salvo pancakes by saying the n-word on his stream which works However, his racist tirade that got Salvo pancakes is the restream of his stream taken down on kick was kept by Gabe Hoffman notorious billionaire Mossad agent who's tasked to personally take down the Ethan Ralph Empire who 1:46:49 Unknown_17: Screen cap this and sent this to his his like tip jar websites and he got D platform from all the most Well couple me like three of them. I think two out of three took him down But he got D platform from his tip services as a result of this Wrong guy old man. Josh is send downing who is the guy that Ethan was getting stream sniped by Unknown_17: Salvo went to high school with Logan Paul. I didn't ask. Unknown_17: Oh, Salvo Pancakes is the spelling bee guy. Okay. Thank you. Who was the guy stream sniping him? Unknown_17: He also said the N word on this spelling bee too. That's like his go-to now. 1:47:29 Unknown_17: It's because he's upset that he lost because he couldn't spell entrepreneur. Unknown_18: Chat. Unknown_18: Salvo pancakes Salvo's lesson. Okay, so nobody knows. Okay, great. Cool. Unknown_17: Oh Sue of a rock I've never heard of him. So that's a new one. Sorry. I don't know why the kick chats died Did today's just not my day. Let's just get through the show So I'm talking He says hands up 30 seconds to say it restream or notice you can if you want Yeah, but you have to have the ability to have the ability to write. It's a fundamental part of a spelling bee Oh, well, it says well, they don't write with the pen and paper 1:48:08 Unknown_17: Ralph starts getting litigious about this saying it's not that's not true You can't write in the spell and be Asked to be able to write you can hold up my hands, but I think we need to establish this I don't care about losing but the word rain the word down is a right Salvo starts making fun of them for rule lawyering which is actually based on the side with Salvo on that Unknown_17: Uh, Ralph is very upset that he can't write during a spelling bee. Link me when ready, blah, blah, blah. 1:48:44 Unknown_17: Salvo clarifies that it's not a thing that they're not doing because they can't prove that you're not cheating. You know, it should hold your hands up while you spell so that you can't bring it up on the stream. Unknown_17: Do you want to speak about this? Cause I don't feel bad about that shit often, but I think I linked you as an entertainer and friend. If you don't, I'm not going to be trolled. I'll just ignore it. I'm not flamenco, but I feel there's a swerve we could pull that would be entertaining, but it's just hard as fuck and fun. What's he trying to do? 1:49:16 Unknown_19: What is the context for this? Unknown_19: I've received a steam message. Unknown_17: That's unusual. Unknown_17: I have like three friends on steam. Unknown_17: Uh, do you want to speak on the camera that again, we can just leave it if you want, but it's a genuine research. I just went over the line last night and just apologize. You shouldn't be fucking with me from the jump street and it's this big panel. I'm a showman too. 1:49:50 Unknown_17: Um, he says, I hear you. Unknown_17: I'm hosting God awful. That's a funny, that's like a phone typo. He tried to type pot awful and autocorrected to God awful. That's a funny way of making fun of pot awful. Jesse, Jesse PS from, from God awful podcast. Unknown_19: Um, is there anything interesting in this? Unknown_17: Ralph's just trying to like squash the beef. 1:50:23 Unknown_17: I was very mean to you for almost no reason. It's because you didn't have drugs. Unknown_17: I do feel bad. The apology will be real, but don't snake me, nigga. I don't think you will. I'm just saying. I value you more than 99% of these motherfuckers. So it's really kind of makes me sad. Unknown_17: Salvo says, bro, I could end you. I could be the person to finally put the nail through coffin. Unknown_17: I just love how Ralph is like soliloquying like I've been through heck and back and I see you as a real friend and you is so dear and near to my heart I wish I could squash the beef and make things right with you and then Sal was like I could nail you to a cross I could drive a wooden stake through your heart and finally end your immortal tyranny on this on this earth 1:51:19 Unknown_17: Yeah, and you're no match for me. That's why you're apologizing. I'm excited to talk. Unknown_17: No, that's not why. I do respect you. I can end you. Your life is in my hands. But I do respect you. Unknown_17: This guy, this random fucking guy is talking to Ralph like he's Emperor Suleiman and he's like trying to demand like Romania vassalized to him. It's like, you must submit to me. I am chosen by Allah personally to lead the Caliph. 1:51:51 Unknown_17: I respect you, but I can crush you like an insect. Submit. Unknown_17: And if you think it is maybe better not to do it, LOL. He says, you're a legend. No, I'm serious, but we can squash it and be cool. I'm serious too. Unknown_17: You cannot end me, period. Unknown_17: No one can except me and I've tried. I'm trying to set up a stream, but I'm falling back. 1:52:26 Unknown_18: Yeah, we're squashing it tonight. Unknown_17: Don't worry. I'm not worried because it will be content either way, but I would genuinely like to talk would like to, cause you're always been cool to me except when you blackballed me. Unknown_17: You'll have to apologize to my black friend. He's fucking with them. So I was just like openly fucking with them Blocked can't see. Oh He blocked block dookie wave who I guess is the black friend. Why would I apologize to him? Who the fuck? 1:52:58 Unknown_17: Hoping for an honest exchange there. How do you have an honest exchange with somebody who's obviously fucking with you? Oh Unknown_17: No double cross on us. Okay, let's say exchange. That's the the Ralph setup Ralph seems like in a bad place when he's negotiating with salvo pancakes and salvo pancakes is just like Just making fun of him openly to his face and he's like, yeah, whatever Cool. All right. Let's see. What time is I don't know how much Not sure how much reddit I have a lot of reddit stuff for some reason 1:53:29 Unknown_17: you know what let's let's do these i'll read these two things this guy requested a lot of this and then i have this um Unknown_17: ResponsibleEbb2933 in r.pettyrevenge says, forced a racist transphobe to listen to pro trans and ways to decolonize your mind tiktoks for 30 minutes. I was at work today waiting for someone who has said incredibly racist and transphobic things for years around me to finish his job so I could finish mine. I had nothing to do so I turned my phone volume to 11 and watched 5 minute clips about trans rights, the former president going on legal lows, and how to decolonize your mind until he was done with his work. I know he could hear it because he was muttering angrily the whole time. Before anyone asks, there is no HR at this job and I will not get into any trouble for watching TikTok at work. 1:54:09 Unknown_17: So you're waiting on somebody to finish work and you're like intentionally aggravating him on your phone while waiting for him to finish his work? I would just make you wait. I'd make you wait all day and sit there playing on your fucking phone. Unknown_17: Whatever. Unknown_17: Redditors are so cool. Epic. Petty revenge. 1:54:51 Unknown_17: This is in Beware of Tree or this is by Beware of Tree Fucker and Unknown_17: our meme and the meme says going to sleep at 2 a.m him but then another thing sneaks up behind him and it says one and a half hour jerk off session um Unknown_17: Lunar Rainbow Pro says it goes both ways, waking up with 30 minutes to get ready. It says 9000 upvotes, what is 315 just on this comment? Bruh, I feel called out right now. I was literally just about to start the goon sesh. 300 points. 1:55:30 Unknown_17: Stardex says as I'm getting up to lock the lock the room door. I see this shit made me freeze in place timing is uncanny Confidence scale says 90 minute is a huge exaggeration right zero points epically owned Please tell me you're joking. This is actually disgusting lol. I wish I was Bro leaked at my last night. I have those last two hours and more is fucking hell What's going on I'm in this meme and I don't like it Unknown_17: Jay Meadows says sometimes I'm in the mood for Yuu Shinoda, occasionally Natasha Teen, or maybe La Sirena 69. The point is I'm depressed and need the feel good chemicals so I can sleep faster before the disturbing intrusive thoughts that keep me up at night begin to whisper influential unspeakable things. I masturbate both for our sake and benefit folks. 1:56:08 Unknown_17: Dude, Redditors are like insane. There's like something wrong with them as a species. Unknown_17: Mine lasted for over two hours. I'm not even kidding reddit for play then a quick switch over to x-videos for the grand finale. I Literally have an alarm set off to go 90 minutes before I'm supposed to be in bed So I stop what I'm doing and take care of business and not lose sleep Literally what I just did So many of these comments true women will never understand those What about the trans girls? I think they understand you. I think that our goon sessions are like trans girls have 1:56:53 Unknown_17: Have ascended to another layer of goon sesh where the goon sesh actually never ends Lateral spy says you got porn addiction if this is true Nard barn says it's only addiction of the daily more than daily occurrence and it messes with his life a few times a week What's the issue? Unknown_17: I say jerk off session not porn session if you can't separate the two maybe you have a porn addiction. No gooner child 1:57:27 Unknown_18: It is you who is addicted. Unknown_18: Oh, I like, I, um, I've crashed OBS again. Unknown_19: Okay. Listen, here's what's happening on this. Unknown_17: I cannot interact with my browser, with my OBS at all, but it's still broadcasting. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to continue on. The chat will be frozen. You will see what's on my screen and I will finish this and then we will leave. I don't even have an outro song picked. This is, we're just ending this. This is the ship is on fire. The car is on fire and there's no driver at the wheel. We're just going to try to land this crash, land this as gently as possible. 1:58:03 Unknown_17: Um, control your mind or your mind controls you. Everyone's mind controls them. You are your mind. Unknown_17: So true. Gooner. All right. Can I, okay. Unknown_18: OBS has definitely not recovered. 1:58:35 Unknown_18: How am I going to do this? I'm just Okay, what can I put on screen? Unknown_17: Here's what I'll do. Unknown_17: I'm gonna go to Bing, I'm gonna go to create, since I can't hide the window on my screen, and everything is frozen. I'm going to go to Bing, I'm gonna type in a Unknown_17: lab labrador right now a golden retriever slobbering and holding a big bag of money in his mouth green back green fields and background what's a nice thing can i do impressionism let's do impressionism chat that sounds fancy here's what i'm going to do i'm going to generate 1:59:27 Unknown_17: I'm going to put this on my screen and then I will read the superchats so that this never-ending fucking torment can come to a conclusion. If you have posted the superchats in the... not the internet thread, I'll go look now. Unknown_17: And I think in the future, like starting Friday, I'm just going to stream on windows. I'm going to give them, I don't know what the fuck is wrong. I don't know why it breaks every goddamn stream, but like when it's crashing like four times in two hours, like it's game over that shit's fucked. It's over. All right. Ooh, wow. These are pretty images actually. Ooh, I'm gonna go with this one. 2:00:10 Unknown_17: Oh, this is actually really nice. Unknown_17: Look at this. Unknown_17: Cool, that's great. I like that. That's so colorful to the the colors are so vibrant they pop so well This will be our background so I can't actually change the colors on my screen anymore You Unknown_19: Okay, I'm gonna read what's on the thread first Unlimited pounds for tenses. 2:00:46 Unknown_17: I hate that Kansas City is a new dynasty. I'm coping and legerius needing over this I have no opinion on any teams. I just like legerius need so he's the best Sneado for two says cat box file and I open it up and It's loading and it takes a while because cat box is pretty slow these days Unknown_17: it is a picture of a It's like a Scribblio type thing. The prompt is draw your best friend and his best friend is a Kiwi Farms logo With buck teeth slant eyes and the Chinese straw hat So Chinese Kiwi Farms is apparently his best friend. Thank you Holy hell for Tuesday. I hope you're having a good week. Joshua. My nibba everyone had a great week watching Bausch and his friends suffer 2:01:26 Unknown_17: Well, as demonstrated, I'm having a wonderful, excellent, really great, fantastic week. Thank you very much. I'm glad that you're having a good week though. Doing your mom 2988 for five says whenever Kate has recent stream, someone's in the children. I asked about his statement on Montagraph and he still claims to have said probably even though it was proven, he said always, well, as you said before, he has to continue lying because that's his legal defense. So. 2:02:00 Unknown_17: I don't know why you're expecting the truth now. Unknown_17: Devious Davee for two says sup. Nothing much bro. What's up with you? Empty Badoo for 20 says harmful opinions defending Kiwi Farms enjoy. All right, let's check it out. My boy Harmful that I played exactly one Apex Legends game with. Unknown_06: They had some pretty compelling evidence. Unknown_17: Okay, let's let it buff for a little bit. Unknown_17: Catbox almost has as many users as the Kiwi Farms does now. Unknown_06: They had some pretty compelling evidence that he had been gathering people's info, putting them in folders, and, you know, he apparently was also on Kiwi Farms. I feel like I'm being a pretty good case that he's on Kiwi Farms. You know, he was saying... Okay, I'm on the buffer again. 2:02:37 Unknown_17: I don't know why CatBox is so slow. Maybe you shouldn't clip this at 4K. Unknown_06: Discord like where did get kiwi farms go does anybody know where kiwi farms went like that's a little suspicious Don't you think that's a little suspicious does anyone have a link to this legal website? Unknown_17: I would like to access this legal website. That's completely safe for work mmm suspicious What's suspicious about going to a drama forum I Don't know it's a drama. 2:03:12 Unknown_18: It's illegal in the UK bro forum. Unknown_06: It was specifically Unknown_17: I can't wait. I know what he's going to say. It's buffering again. I know exactly. It was specifically set up to harass a transgender woman into suicide. Get ready for it. Unknown_06: It's on a drama forum. It was specifically for doxing and harassing gay and trans people. It caused five people to commit suicide. Unknown_17: This number keeps going up. Dude, I can't, in the history books, when they write about the internet crimes of the early 21st century that required all social media and internet connections to be monopolized by the government and screened for offensive content, they'll write about the Kiwi farms and the six million transgenders that it killed. 2:03:56 Unknown_06: Suicide. Five? A multi-kill? Yes. How many points did that get you? It's really funny, dude. You know what? That's really fucking funny. I'm sure that they really appreciate that. Unknown_17: They're dead. Unknown_17: They can't. Supposedly they're dead. How can they not appreciate it? Unknown_07: Well, they're dead. They can't be upset. Unknown_07: If I am. Unknown_06: Oh, right. It's fine to, you know, yeah. Unknown_17: That's pretty good. Unknown_17: Excellent. Sorry, I can't read my chat because it's dead and gay forever, but such is life. 2:04:30 Unknown_17: Thank you. Great clip. Keeley friend pretends as chief. Jamie Gersh, I haven't read, watching all your old person streams. Is there a reason why you don't normally do person streams anymore? I love your streams either way, but it's just curious. Unknown_17: the number of people that I can theoretically do a stream on is low because They I don't like doing streams on people who are like midway through their arc. I kind of like a complete story And the number of people who have like a complete story worth doing a stream on Is pretty low and the amount of effort it takes is like many times more than like a normal stream So it has to be like a special occasion though back in the day I would kind of like 2:05:08 Unknown_17: And I just had more time to do stuff. Unknown_17: So I can't really do it too much anymore. Unknown_17: For the ghost NTC for two says, is it true that PPP called you a PDF file for the last seven to eight years and only recently started defending you after he realized that you couldn't be gay after his submission? Just curious. I don't know, bro. You seem to tweet about this every fucking day. You seem to have your own opinions. Roxanne wool for five says, bark, bark. It's not Friday. So you can watch this. And then there is a Kiwi farms link. And he says, LOL. And it says, PS, watch out for the couch. I see. 2:05:43 Unknown_19: There's a link to a video Okay, I will play this. Unknown_18: Hopefully this is not not safe for work or I will be pissed off It's gonna take forever to load though because it is the Kiwi farms after all Brad give me a pizza with extra cheese extra cheese Unknown_13: And hold the tomato sauce. Hold the tomato sauce and hold the crust. Hold the crust. Hey, Jimmy, give me a cheese with nut. Now you can have the best part of the pizza without the pizza. 2:06:20 Unknown_17: That's stupid. Thank you. Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: Ben Collins for 20 says, do I have dementia or did the word milk used to be filtered to tard cum on Kiwi farms? What was that all about? That was a long time ago. I did not like extended cow metaphors. I didn't like people saying like, hey partner, let's go to the lol farms and lol milk a bunch of lol cows. It's like, that was kind of cringing gay to me. So I filtered out a bunch of like farm related terms things and the only one that's remained is Touching the poop. I have continued to word filter this to Pause loading my neck hole because that's really really gross For the ghost MTC for two says never like John Stewart dick Masterson necrocated Jim Sterling turkey Tom Obama Reagan John Oliver Stephen Colbert Taylor Swift usher PewDiePie or sure head Chantal can get it though. Well, we don't like anyone. It's very easy not to Look bad by association For the ghosts in TC4Once's toxic doctor, anti-vaxxer, anti-masker, stalker child, it's not true. It's true. Thank you. Colcol42 says, how do you feel about sharing the same opinion as British public, British W? And then there is a YouTube clip that I'm not going to play on stream because he didn't submit enough on it. 2:06:55 Unknown_08: He and Caltrek had fallen for each other watching anime. I fucking knew she was an anime fan. Another sign to stay away from anime. I fucking knew it. I didn't want to say it. I didn't want to say it, but I knew it was coming. I could smell it. I could smell it. 2:07:43 Unknown_17: And look, I just want everyone to know that when hating anime becomes a mainstream opinion, I started it. Longboard or two for one for two says if you win the first little so you must get this it's a requirement by feed-and-seed law and Then it is the dude. I said on stream that I would get the the SNE Jersey, okay I'm not gonna buy like an official one for $2,000, but I will get a SNE Jersey Boxes for prices because George refused to provide me a cheese recommendation I've gone out and acquired a small block of a party and this is my brief overview It doesn't fit the flavor profile more later 2:08:18 Unknown_17: Well, different cheese and wine pair with different types of foods at different occasions. Okay. Unknown_17: One, let's wonder for five. So they don't have any experience with lawyers. Is all your communication with hardened professional or is he a personal guy? He's a very personable. It's not stuffy at all. Unknown_17: Uh, the lion King for five says, remember my super chat on underground civil war that the media disguises as random attacks. No. Unknown_17: Um, the ghost of low tax for one says Josh, be honest. Why haven't you moved your own thread of the prospering grounds? Because it has to be fixed first. And I don't give a fuck. Like I have no incentive to do this. I have no incentive to encourage more infighting and bullshit. 2:08:53 Unknown_17: Red-eyes black dragon for five says goddammit Joshua. I need to validate your right to exist I validate my right to exist every day for the ghost MTC for one says give me the broom No, Colcat for one says I remember during the Tino stream. We said ho Hoi for modding was easy I tried looking up my mod runs final Hoi for on Windows 7 but crashes when on pause on Windows 10 any idea how to fix it No Unknown_17: What the fuck kind of yeah, let me just pause my stream for one dollar to debug your fucking hoe e4 mod, bro Kiwi friend for one says we know that tf2 player is in black because he didn't steal the dog back Well, he might have he didn't hear the updates for that. He didn't hear the contacts 2:09:31 Unknown_17: Entropy 93 for five says holy shit fucking shit, bro. You've done at least one stream a week for literal years How do you not have this down Jesus fuck? No wonder the your son the shit runs like shit PS money or in the mail. Love you boo. Thank you the site runs like shit because it's three proxies that I have to continually manage in order to keep the side up and then the back end has a Packet loss of like 30% continuously because our router is literally 15 years old. It's a mess one day We'll be fixed in this year inshallah The Lion King for two says, I'm not Catholic, but happy Marigro. I got dreads now. Is that Marigro? I thought Marigro was like a New Orleans thing only. 2:10:03 Unknown_17: Though that cake they eat on Mardi Gras sucks ass. Unknown_17: Space Allen for 20 says doing anything for Lent. Unknown_17: Um, I have not, dude, I, I have no plans for anything at the moment besides suffering continuously. Maybe, I don't know. Um, Unknown_17: I might, uh, try fasting intermittently again. I've been doing that on the weekends, but I might do it more devious to be for two says I just can't do it. I can't take the shit no more, man. All I want to do. I was fucking lonely. I wanted to fucking stream. Have a good time. Have a good game. 2:10:35 Unknown_17: That's literally me. Not even joking. Unknown_17: Holy, however, he says in case my previous super check I believe that I hope you're having a good week Joshua my nibba I for one have had a great week watching Val's and his fans suffer. I did in fact read your message. Don't you worry? I got you Kurt I can involved anime masturbator for 20 says most this seem invulnerable QA demo What is your opinion on this? You only need the first 20 seconds to get past the great and then there's a link to lame I'm gonna try to play it. 2:11:11 Unknown_18: It's buffering. I Unknown_17: it's a seven minute long video the guy walking down the sidewalk and filming his steps as he moves it's buffering late egregiously as a protest the sons say honk for humanity grandma what are you stupid Unknown_17: Grandmothers for refugees let them stay and this guy is confronting them. 2:11:44 Unknown_02: She's doing it. How many of you are fucking Jewish? Shut the fuck up. Hey, shut the fuck up. I don't want to hear what you got to say. Where's your humanity for violin? White stabbed to death by an African immigrant in Queensland. Where's your fucking humanity? Unknown_17: I know what you're about. Unknown_02: You don't deny it there. Unknown_02: Huh? Unknown_02: You're gonna be fucking borrowed tonight, that's for sure. Call the fucking police, it's not illegal to call you a stupid old hag, which you are. Unknown_17: Damn, that guy has a deep, deep register when he yells at people. 2:12:20 Unknown_17: Supreme Me for Five says, expect more sneak mails from the Australian gooberment in the future. AP News link, Australia doxing while Jewish-Palestinian. Unknown_19: Let's see, what does it say? Unknown_19: I'm waiting for this to load. Unknown_17: However, my entire internet connection is slowed to a fucking crawl. Unknown_17: Australia to ban doxing after pro-Palestinian activists publish information about hundreds of Jews. Australia can send me whatever they want. I don't give a fuck. Unknown_17: Claudia Dante for 20 says haha. You're so rich for your age. Haha. Don't tell your parents. You have credit card You have their credit card details. Haha when I donate to my go fund me I promise I won't spend it cutting my dick off If I remember correctly Catherine Lorelei quote-unquote wanted to go to DC to do activism So he's still he still wants to crowdfund to live in one of the most expensive areas in the country 2:12:55 Unknown_17: Uh, wish him luck on that. Cool. Cool. For once, it's Josh. She missed the whole beginning of the Niji story. She was suicidal because employees at the company were bullying her, delaying paychecks, et cetera. They've been a bunch. Then a bunch of others came out and said that said, wait, you too. I didn't miss that. Sorry. 2:13:25 Unknown_17: It didn't get your anime story, right? Niji Sanji is the most base VTuber company. Cause they're trying to drive all their VTubers to suicide. Unknown_17: Very honorable. Call it. Call you a Dante for five says officer. She told me she was a goblin, goblin, goblin vomit. I don't want to catch you kissing goblins in New York times for five says YouTube link the right way to do a PSA. My rule is 10 for video. I apologize, but I am enforcing this. Well, you Dante for five says, I like how vouch defends himself by taking, talking about how he's gay and people are only attacking him because he has trans fans. Thanks. Vouch saves me the trouble of connecting those dots. 2:13:59 Unknown_17: Yeah. Unknown_17: I don't know how I really, I just don't get how anyone can listen to these fucking people and care about what they have to say. You have to be like a real pathetic sad sack of shit to listen to the vows and be like, Oh my God, I'm going to inform my political opinions. The only thing I want you to take away from my streams is that the internet should be free and open and that people should demand a higher quality of produce in their grocery stores. That's it. That's the, that's what I'm trying to get from you guys. That's it. Unknown_17: Um, but what your Wagner for 10 says, how can we never hear about flamenco anymore? Because he stopped streaming. Then he links to a Keno Shea thing. And it's loading that check. Flamenco claims he doesn't cover the vows drama because it invites bestiality discussion. Keno Shea rates. This is not true before flamenco his own history, porn history, LinkedIn 22, which included underage boys. Flamenco fantasize about sex with cats. 2:14:38 Unknown_01: Uh, Unknown_17: so um i i mean there's really not there's really not much to go into the vosh thing like um uh socialist streamer vosh who um had like at multiple times uh insinuated that like 2:15:21 Unknown_12: People like, uh, RevSaysDesu and also people who watch, like, Ms. Kobayashi. Well, this isn't the clip about him fucking cats. Unknown_17: I don't really want to listen to a minute and a half of... Minko saying he's not interested in talking about Vaush. Unknown_17: If that was the clip of him wanting to fuck cats, I'd watch it. Unknown_17: Haramburger42 says, Boomhauer voice. Tell you what, dawg, dingle, Vaush, talking about dingle, man, old, old H3, old, I'm talking about goblins, dang, I'll tell you, Korskak, man, talking, I'm talking about how, you know, nay, hey, hey, man. Unknown_17: That was a pretty good attempt, I think Let trans rights for two says how much to get you to stream the holy for playthrough I already enjoy listening to your rant like analysis for three hours would be extra special watch your role plays remaining while you do it Bro, I cannot stream anything on any day. You're just gonna have to wait. Maybe one day. I'll have a second to do a stream Lion King for one says Courtney killed Cobain. I have no opinions about Kurt Cobain. I kind of like teen spirit, but that's it 2:16:08 Unknown_17: I think the Weird Al cover is better. David S877 for 25 says my ears finally stopped bleeding from this Friday stream, especially the outro. Also, the doctors don't think it's ear cancer. Congratulations on not having cancer, my boy. I'm real proud of you. Unknown_17: Thank you. All sales for 20 says clearly the issue is that this is being called lolly and that they're not Clearly the issue is that it is being called lolly and not that they are young kids about finds attractive. We don't If we just don't call it lolly, they're perfectly normal What about the horse cock? I don't understand how the horse cock is just brushed aside like yeah, of course voucher ones horse cock I come to fuck along that's normal 2:16:46 Unknown_17: Haramberger for two says can you finally can you really criticize those with the amount of fat pink-haired dragons and farting and eating pizza and cars you've shown stream glass houses throwing stones 4chan's automotive board hashtag hypocrite I Admit no wrongdoing I'm just trying to earn a living here, bro Unknown_17: Twinkle card for $100 says happy Valentine's Day Josh I sat through a recent BMJ stream and thought it was interesting of the roller coaster emotions He went through from one moment to the next what a retard I mean, he's a very fascinating guy. He has a very complex set of emotions. He's powered by crack cocaine He's a brilliant entertainer Thank you very much 2:17:29 Unknown_17: Father Elijah says I imagine this is what our dear leader would be doing had he never packed his bags for Portland And then there's a link to a YouTube video But as I said, I do not do YouTube videos for less than $10 because I can't fucking stand it So sick of videos like react to this video. No, bro I can't her on burger for two says your dwarves needs you on Hawks is minor rain China shield midstream rock and stone I haven't been able to play that game either in a while. I 2:18:03 Unknown_17: Stando for 10 says the Pajitaboo talked about Rikeda and was cringe about it. And there was a link to YouTube, which I assume was a drama clip or something. Let me check it out. Unknown_16: I don't know, man. That side of the internet's fucking... This is some ordinary gamers blog. Unknown_16: What was that one thing, there was like that one lawyer, he was like fucking, he's like that conservative like lawyer and it's like, just turns out that he was like, I think he was like hitting on like some trans person or some shit. And they were thinking they were a girl or something. It was a fucking weird story, like it showed up, I was in the plane and like, there was a story of like this one dude who was like simping over this girl. And then the girl turned out to be this trans girl, which like, I guess I'm the fucking hyper like that conservative side. When people say you want to punch them in the fucking mouth? No. And I'm just like, dude, I mean, shit. 2:18:40 Unknown_16: Fucking weird people. That's amazing. Unknown_18: Oh my god. Unknown_17: That's amazing. Oh my god. Awesome. Unknown_17: Let us see my barricade of getting all the credit he deserves. 2:19:16 Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: Shout out to Slav Superchat Archiver. Yes, thank you very much everybody for archiving my fucking superchats yet again. Ardiche420 says, shout out to Slav Superchat Archiver. Thank you. Kelston Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, Invertebrate of the Day is a giant isopod. I'm not bringing him up on stream, but I appreciate it very much. I'm fucking dying. Unknown_17: Real Frog God for five says, The Frog of the Day is the African Rain Frog. Tiny, angry balls. I think that's the one where if you poke it, it goes wee. That was a viral meme for a while. I actually know this frog offhand. 2:19:48 Unknown_17: Thank you. Father Elijah for five says, Here's my extra five for my video. Okay, let's see it then. Unknown_15: Good Lord, mama. You got a mate. Unknown_15: Josh, not today. Unknown_17: Just a guy in his house with his mom. Unknown_15: Good Lord, mama. You got a mate. 2:20:21 Unknown_16: Josh, not today. Unknown_16: I don't understand. Unknown_17: He's just fucking with his mom's cooking. So aggressive today. Unknown_15: Gosh, I got a lot to do. God. Unknown_17: Wait, her cooking is like pre-cooked pasta and boiling a turkey? Okay, so the joke is that she can't cook for shit and she puts Kraft singles in a pan. Closet pasta. Unknown_15: Okay, I get it. 2:20:52 Unknown_17: I got you. She can't cook for shit. I got you, bro. Thank you. Uh, DH for once's test. Thank you. New York Times for five says YouTube link. Sorry, bro. Wait, this is the guy that did it before, right? Unknown_17: No. Wait, he did do it. Okay, fine. Unknown_20: Can I hold it, Captain? This is my... I've seen this. Unknown_18: Yeah? What do you grasp? 2:21:23 Unknown_05: Very cool. Take note in every data. Thank you. 2:22:07 Unknown_17: Each for one says test all else fails for 10. Thank you. All sells for 10 says you should play the Turkey Tom diss track when your tipster is your outro. I'm filming to annoy your chat. I've already played that as the outro and Jason number for five says chat will not forgive you for taking our beloved hamster boy to California to train them out. We know the truth. It's not what happened. Don't say that about the hamster. The orange cow for 50 says YouTube link. Unknown_12: Class is so boring. I wish I could eat some pizza. Unknown_19: They'd never let us eat pizza in school. Did someone say pizza? Unknown_12: No way. Unknown_05: Are you craving something cheesy and new? We've got the perfect snack for you. Pizza Nuggets, they're the bomb. Chicken and pizza, all in one. Pizza Nuggets, oh yeah. They're the snack that's here to stay. 2:22:43 Unknown_05: Pizza nuggets so yummy and fun Get em while they're hard Everyone! They're taking over the show 2:23:28 Unknown_05: Pizza monsters so gooey and gross eating pizza nuggets. We can't say no Pizza monsters we okay. Unknown_17: I got it. Unknown_17: Yeah, they are. It's fucking creepy uncanny Unknown_17: And finally Mouse cop 5 for 10 says nothing. What a Chad. I Apologize that this stream has been particularly low energy, but I am so fucking buck broken over how nothing fucking works anymore I just can't like I don't know how it's good. Like I don't know. She's just it just gets worse all the fucking time Why does shit just break randomly all the fucking time? 2:24:04 Unknown_17: I Don't have an outro song I had an outro song in mind, but I forgot it Unknown_19: Um, is there a song about goblins? Unknown_19: Maybe I could just play the goblin song again. Unknown_18: I could just not do an outro song. Unknown_17: We could just shut the stream off. Is that a possibility here, Josh? And there's a link. Okay. What is this? 2:24:38 Unknown_18: I've already played all hail by devil makes three. Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_17: I don't have title on my my computer anymore because I shut I can't play my music on brave because my browser was crashing all the time because wine wine dive or whatever the fuck it's called the DRM that every browser has now is like crashes on Linux. So I had to disable that now I can't listen to fucking music. 2:25:10 Unknown_18: Okay. Let's see. Maybe they have a song saved on this. Unknown_17: If not, I'm just going to give up. I'm just going to close out. Wait. Unknown_17: Oh yeah. Let me check my phone. I actually remember I was listening to this recently. Unknown_17: It's a very incorrect song to play all things considered my history, audio and play. Unknown_18: No, it's a setting. 2:25:43 Unknown_18: I just want to view my history of what I've played. Unknown_19: It was going to show me what. How does this honest? Oh, wait, recent activity. Unknown_18: I see. I see it now. Unknown_18: Andrew WK. Oh, is this it? Unknown_18: Yeah, this is it. Okay. Unknown_18: And sorry, I will try to fix this before Friday, before I fucking blow my brains out trying to do this shit. Unknown_18: Where's this fucking song out? 2:26:19 Unknown_17: Here. Okay. Bye. See you Friday. Unknown_04: In the bathroom on my back. Unknown_04: There's a picture on the wall of Kanye West. He's staring at me. He's staring at me. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. Unknown_04: I'm on the lawn. It's almost three. I look around. I look at her. She looks at me. She's suspicious. She's suspicious. I'm freaking out. I'm freaking out. 2:26:50 Unknown_04: I'm feeling fine I found a flower, it's in my shoe and it is mine Things are fine now, yeah it's alright And all these goddamn people in the world, they're all just getting by I'm in the back room, she's with the guy He's selling happiness and hopefulness, one bag at a time I'm standing up, I'm sitting down I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out 2:28:16 Unknown_04: I'm all alone, afraid of my life I just want a home, wouldn't that be nice? Unknown_04: I'm all alone, afraid of my life I just want a home, wouldn't that be nice? Unknown_05: The best I've felt in quite a while