I see that in my efforts to make this stream as pizza-y as possible, I completely and totally forgot to do very important things that I had set out to do last night and which I under duress must do literally right now.
Unknown_35: Um, it was unavoidable. Okay. Give me, I don't even know if I should like stop recording for this cause I, I literally have to do this and I don't have a choice not to. Um, let's see.
Unknown_35: Yeah, fuck. Oh man, what a pain in the ass.
Unknown_35: Cause the issue is I forgot to sanitize HTML again for the messages and the messages come in raw.
Unknown_35: Give me a second. I'm thinking with all of my brain power on the spot. How, what is the literally the most concise way to do this?
Uh, you.
Unknown_35: The issue, cause the issue is, is that when it's sent to the web server, it's already serialized. Oh man. I'm so frustrated, dude. You have you guys listen, I know that you might think, Oh Josh, you're just a silly streamer and you're a dummy dum-dum and you don't do anything ever. I assure you, I fucking assure you that I am in a perpetual state of endless stress and anxiety. Okay. Here's what I'm going to do.
I am simply.
Unknown_35: going to do this. And this will, this will be sufficient, I believe. So the chat should break real quick and then it won't recompile. And now it has restarted. And now if I'm, Oh my God, now it works. Okay. So now if I just go to the chat and I type in, I frame to the chat, what happens? Does it show up? It does not. Great. Excellent. I have resolved this issue. It will probably break emotes, but you know what?
This is how, this is the most direct way to solve this crisis.
Unknown_35: I'm on zany's again. Oh, no. Okay. Listen, the emotes are broken. I ask your patience and that you do not spam image tags in my chat on this most sacred day, which I should now explain to you. Now that I have avoided the imminent catastrophe that I have placed in front of myself. Today's pizza day. Today is the national pizza day.
And, uh, so, um, I have something special planned for this stream, not just converting the P the world. I don't even know what to call it. I, at some point I'm going to have to pay somebody to make like a pixel perfect recreation of my wallpaper and like rat, like change it, layerize it so that the, um,
Unknown_35: the uh the um actually like the the way that it so it's like layered so like the the dust and the world and the planet and the star like all different things that can actually be changed okay i guess people are just gonna not spam chat that's very frustrating
so that's the issue with having a live audience is that it's just like okay listen something's broken i gotta make do with it this is the way that it is everyone's like haha it's funny because the image tag doesn't render so i will just spam this forever
Unknown_35: Like someone is screaming at me in chat the kick emotes are broke the emotes are broken Because there's an issue where I was gonna solve this last night and said I got I um I spent my time programming last night to to get live updates to viewer counts so in the future hopefully by next Tuesday It'll like show the viewer counts read to the streams, but instead of like fixing the urgent issue or HTML injection was a problem I just I've fucked around with donut charts for an hour I And didn't even finish that Perhaps because of I was busy instead of programming I watched Vladimir Putin Explained his Europa Universal's for campaign to me for two hours, and that's what I did instead of programming
So, I will explain that. The urgent breaking news of the world today is that Vladimir Putin has had a conversation with Tucker Carlson and it was interesting. It was interesting for a lot of reasons, but I think the big meme is that Tucker Carlson immediately opens up the interview with the most obvious question. He asks Putin, why did you invade Ukraine? And Putin responds by asking him, are we having an adult conversation or are we doing a TV show? And Tucker Carlson, I mean, answers, I don't think anybody in the world would say, oh, we're just having a silly TV show thing, don't take me seriously. So he answers, the only way that you're allowed to in that situation, he says, this is a serious conversation. So Putin responds, there's a, oh God, let me find this real quick.
Let's see, there's a, I'm making a,
Unknown_35: This is effectively how Putin responds to that question.
So that's literally what he does. It's not even a joke. Over 1,000 years ago, he starts with the description of the Kievan Rus'. And if you don't know, the modern Russian state started not in Moscow. It started in Kiev, in what is now Ukraine. But it was, at the time, it was just a city-state. It conquered a lot of the modern-day Ukraine.
Unknown_35: So on and so forth, it traded hands between emperors and czars until it was incorporated into imperial Russia under modern-day Russia, which was started by the Muscovy dynasty and then incorporated Novgorod and other, fought back the Mongol hordes. Literally, Russia was where, in Ukraine, where all the Mongols attacked Europe.
It was a bad time to be in Russia for a very long time because of the Mongols. Anyway, Russia eventually fought back and kicked out the Mongols and the Horde collapsed and so on and so forth. But he explains all of this and it's really remarkable because he explains all this history and he knows exactly which dynasties held which at what times. He knows about Catherine the Great and all this stuff. He's obviously very interested in history, and he points out something I didn't know, where he says, you studied history, because apparently Tucker Carlson is a history major, before he became a political pundit.
So it's very interesting in the last 45 minutes. I'm just thinking like Tucker Carlson's like the most popular conservative media pundit in the world right now so there are there were probably millions of old beer-bellied conservative gun-toting hicks that watched
Unknown_35: the president of russia for 45 minutes explain the history of eastern europe people who until two years ago would have been literally unable at gunpoint to identify where ukraine is on the map were suddenly uh exposed to
Thousands of years of Eastern European history and now if a person who had no idea about Ukraine or Russia sat down and listened to Putin explain how Ukraine became the Slavic state and how Muscovy took over the Became Russia and then incorporated Ukraine back into it if they watched all this conversation over the hamster of course if they watch this conversation
Unknown_35: They likely know more about, and I'm gonna say this, this might be a contentious opinion, they probably know more about, oh, fuck, I fucked everything up. How about this? Okay, perfect. They probably know more about Russian history than they do American history at this point.
Unknown_35: And it was sort of a long roundabout way for Putin to explain that Russia has not just a historical boundary and historical land claim to Ukraine, but also, and he ends it kind of strongly, I think, the whole interview. He explains that even after the war, Ukrainians and Russians will eventually love each other again, because he says that the cultures and the identities of the people are basically the same, and it's impossible for them to remain enemies for long, because they're effectively the same people. And that's basically what his argument is, is that Ukraine is Russia, and it's completely within his rights to take it. That's just to reiterate because I don't want the fucking people involved passionately involved in this foreign war They have no investment and is extremely high so please not email me your hot take I do not care My argument is that I'm anti anti white people killing each other and that is how this war looks to me I know that there is more to it, but that is what Putin explained to Tucker Carlson So That's how that conversation went however
As funny as that whole argument is and people made fun of the history lesson, which I thought was interesting and I thought it was very well spoken of, you know, I'll play even a little bit of it so you can hear it.
Unknown_28: Before World War II, Poland collaborated with Hitler, and although it did not yield to Hitler's demands, it still participated in the partitioning of Czechoslovakia together with Hitler, as the Poles had not given the Danzig Corridor to Germany and went too far, pushing Hitler to start World War II by attacking them.
Unknown_35: That's an interesting, I'm sure that part in particular, I did not actually intend to play that specific part, that's a really, that telling of, it's true by the way, I forget the name of it, there's a small part of Czechoslovakia that when Hitler invaded after the Munich agreement, There's a small part of Czechoslovakia that Poland sees from them called Založi, I want to say is the name of it, or Založia, and Založia today is in modern-day Czechia.
If you're wondering why Poland took it, Založia at the time, in the early 1900s, late 1800s, was very important as a coal mining operation. To this day, there's an extraordinary amount of coal that's pulled out of Založia.
Unknown_35: No, it's not the Sudetenland. The Sudetenland was taken first, and that's the border between Czechia and Germany, even to this day. Then after the first agreement where they took the Sudetenland, there was a second one where Hitler demanded all of Czechia, all of modern day Czechia. and then also supported a fascist government in Slovakia called the Slovak state under TISO. And by the way, if you are Slovakian and you go to a flea market and you find a silver coin in the 1940s with TISO on it, please mail that to my post office box. I do not have one. I've been looking for one for years. I cannot find it and I refuse to go online and buy one off the internet because that's cheating. But if you have a TISO coin, please send that to me.
But during this partitioning, Poland actually participated and took Zoologia because they wanted the coal in the industry in that area.
My point is, to go back to Putin, Putin retells basically everything from the 1800s and the original Kievan Rus all the way up to Catherine the Great and the Tsars of Russia incorporating Ukraine into the imperial Russian territory, and then Ukraine remaining basically a figment. It was either a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth or it was a part of Russia. It was never independent until after
Unknown_35: Lenin had administratively divided the Soviet Union to include all of that territory and Crimea, which was not at any part of time a part of the Ukrainian national identity, into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. And then after the end of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian SSR became the Republic of Ukraine today. And, therefore, the whole idea of Ukraine did not exist until 1992. That is the official Russian line, and he explains this in a pretty concise way, all things considered, in the time of 40 minutes, in a way that a child or a pot-bellied American hick can understand and perhaps sympathize with. So, that was, I think, the history lesson, although people made fun of it because it was such a very roundabout, long-winded way to explain the answer, why did Russia invade Ukraine? The answer is that it's Russian territory.
Give or take 45 minutes of history lesson, even though that's the funniest part to a lot of people.
Unknown_35: This is the funniest part to me.
Unknown_28: With the backing of CIA, of course. the organization you wanted to join back in the day, as I understand.
We should thank God they didn't let you in. Although, it is a serious organization. I understand. My former... Tucker Carlson does not respond to this.
Unknown_35: Putin says to his face that he knows that he tried to join the CIA. Tucker does not say anything. Putin effortlessly moves on to the next topic, and it is never brought up again. He said he did not talk about that at all. He doesn't talk about that in the after discussion. It's just brought up, dropped, and never touched again. And we should have known the entire time. It was right before our face.
So Tucker Carlson wanting to be a part of the CIA is funny to me. I think there's something else I wanted to say with that. Oh no, I just want to make fun of Tucker Carlson. And then I wanted to say that I think the most remarkable thing about this conversation, even if you're, again, let's say that you're a pot-bellied hick, you're watching this, you have no concern for anything involving Ukraine, but it's Tucker Carlson, so it might be interesting.
After all, you've probably never heard Putin speak before. What does the guy even sound like? How does Russian sound? I've never heard Russian in my life. I've only heard James Bond villains pretend to do a goofy Russian accent. What does the Russian language actually sound like? So they're listening for the first time, right? And I think that he's very eloquent. He's very smart. He's very in control of the entire conversation. When Tucker tries to redirect things, he has a very good presence where he'll say, I'll answer that, but let me finish my thought. He'll finish his thought and then immediately switch to the next question. So he's good at like queuing up things that he wants to say in his brain and keeping track of it. All in all, he comes across as extremely intelligent.
Then the same, this comes out like the day after, by the way.
Unknown_35: Literally the day after.
Unknown_35: Um, or the day before, or is it the same day? It's either like, it's like within 24 hours of this thing dropping, uh, the special counsel investigating Biden for, um, for, uh, his mishandling of classified information comes out and I'll just read it.
In his interview with her office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended. Quote, if it was in 2013, when did I stop being vice president? And forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began, quote, in 2009, am I still vice president?
Unknown_35: He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Boo died. I'm assuming I'm pronouncing that right. Boo? Is this his name? And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he had a real difference of opinion with General Carl Eikenberry, when in fact Eikenberry was an ally with whom Mr. Biden had cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.
Bo? Really?
Unknown_35: Okay, Bo, that's a dumb name for a kid. I just want to let you know.
Unknown_35: Oh, look, I don't speak French. I don't speak fucking fake French either. I don't care how his name is. He's dead anyways. Does it matter? Is he offended? No.
Unknown_35: And then I think, again, this is like the same day. So I think he's actually having a, he's discussing the outcome of this special counsel. So the GOP publishes their findings and they conclude it by saying that we are electing not to try him because we believe that a jury would be too sympathetic to him in order to convict. So there's no point. People will just see him as a fumbling old man and it will just be wasted resources. So Biden is supposed to have a big talk with the media to say like, look, this is nonsense. I'm clearly lucid. You know, this is a right wing conspiracy theory that I'm not incompetent. I'm not infeable. I know what's going on.
You know, things got mishandled. It was part of the staffers fault, part of my fault. I take responsibility. You know, yada, yada, yada. Give a PR statement like this is bullshit. And so he fucks it up. The conduct of the response
in Gaza in the Gaza Strip has been over the top.
Unknown_09: Oh, why is it buffering? Zitter must upgrade your fucking servers.
Unknown_01: I think that as you know, initially, the President of Mexico cc did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. I talked to him. I convinced him to open the gate. I talked to Bibi to open the gate on the Israeli side.
So he calls, um, the president of Egypt, the president of Mexico, and then he calls him Bibi when his name is LCC. So he fucks it up in multiple ways there. I just want to like repeat this.
Unknown_01: I think that, uh,
Unknown_01: CC did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in. I convinced them to open the gate.
Unknown_35: Ok, let's go back. Why was it Poland against whom the war started on 1st September 1939?
Unknown_28: Poland turned out to be uncompromising and Hitler had nothing to do but start implementing his plans with Poland. By the way, the USSR, I have read some archived documents, behaved very honestly.
So, just night and day, Putin elegantly explaining the Russian side of history from literally not even 1800s, from the year 1890, all the way up to modern day.
Unknown_35: Just effortlessly going over World War II, this is based on the Tsar, and then we have this, and the post-war, and the Ukrainian SSR, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Perfectly, eloquently, Tucker Carlson interjects. He says, give me a second, I'm almost done. Back to what he's talking about. Doesn't miss a beat. Biden can't speak. He can't talk. He can't get out a single rehearsed line It actually hurts me It actually hurts my soul to know that there are people out there and if you ever listen, by the way
Xi Jinping speak, he's also very eloquent and he's very impassioned and when he gives like a big rally speech like where he expects the crowd to start cheering and stuff like it's obvious like he's so put together he's a hundred he's like a hundred and ten percent Putin was like a hundred and ten percent Different different ways of speaking, but he's very present and it's just like why why do we have this as a president? Why do we have this feeble old man as a president? It really is like a humiliation ritual. Look at America. Look at their old man president. He can't even speak He doesn't know he thinks that LBB is the president of Mexico What a joke There's just some kind of weird humiliation ritual I guess
Alright, moving right along, we have doubled the goal of the litigation fund. Do not try to donate right now because it is not accepting any donations. LawPay has told us that they would not approve the underwriting for this account any further, and that is because the way that IOLTAs work is that it is impossible, it is illegal for them to touch the funds of this account, even to withdraw fees.
The only person that can withdraw money from this account, uh, is my attorney under my direction.
Unknown_35: So they can't get their processing fees out for this.
Unknown_35: And if people were to start doing certain things, uh, they would be in trouble for it.
Unknown_35: Um, so usually with a, uh, regular account, they would just take the money out to deal with any problems.
Unknown_35: with an iota, they literally cannot touch it. So this is $150,000 of liability that they don't have any ability to deal with. And, um, we're trying to figure out what we can do with.
I would like to keep the payment processor open because if people want to chip in a couple hundred dollars a week, that adds up over a year, right? That's not small chump change. If it's enough money, it might actually pay for ongoing litigation fees as they come in. So it's like the money is still there if people are going to continue to donate to it.
Unknown_35: Harden's opinion is that we should keep it open and maybe change processors However, that's difficult not just not because of complaints. This isn't like oh my god. This is the Kiwi farms I'll take out question mark. We have to shut this down. It's that They don't want to deal with small amounts because they're like a lawyer system so they're expecting payments to be in like the range of like a thousand dollars each minimum and then they don't have any ways to recoup fees without just trusting us to pay the fees so they don't want to have the account open still so as a result we're gonna have to
Unknown_35: And then also apply a second charge for like 5% of the original amount, plus $1 or $2, based on the way the fee structure works. And that goes into the liabilities account. So there would be something like that.
But that has to be worked out. They might not accept it. It's a huge pain in the ass. Bankers are evil. And if that doesn't work, I'm also going to consider, if there's some way, just use Bitcoin.
Unknown_35: Man.
Unknown_35: In a way, I empathize with Wings of Redemption when people are like, have you tried appearing offline? Yeah, actually, I have. So the total amount for this account is $150,000, not including any money order stuff. You know what the amount of crypto that I received is? Not including one specific donation was more than half a Bitcoin.
But that's from a person who gives Bitcoin consistently. Uh, the amount that I've received in, in cryptocurrency is like $5,000.
Unknown_35: The amount of people who actually carry and use cryptocurrency is very, very small. A percentage of all people who have money. So look here, look, listen. I would love it if we had a functional cryptocurrency market that everybody had access to and it was entirely possible to replace standard, normal payment mechanisms with cryptocurrency. I would be the happiest fucking person in the world. I've been pushing cryptocurrency since at least 2016. At least. I'm one of the first adopters of cryptocurrency that I know of because I had no choice. I was debanked way before a lot of people were.
I would love it if everyone used crypto. Not many people do. It is not possible to finance a lawsuit off cryptocurrency donations alone.
Unknown_35: So that's not an option. The other thing that we're looking at is maybe it's possible to do E-check ACH deposits and integrate that and skip payment processors as a whole. And maybe that would be fewer fees, less liability, and the processor would be happier. So we're looking into it. It may or may not work out, but it's not going down without a fight, basically.
I mean, money orders are nice, but the issue is that people have to go outside and go to a post office and have the money, like cash in hand to buy one.
Unknown_35: Um, and like, I'm not trying to be mean, that's just the way that it works. Like when you design a webpage, here's a, here's a fun fact. When you design a webpage, they often tell you to put like the checkout form. the page where the product is so that the page doesn't have to reload because even though you just read this and then you click the red button or to go to this page or you just go up here and click card even though that's really obvious and like right in front of your face
like there is a what they call drop-off like 3% of people will not do that 3% like at least so at least like a certain percentage of people won't even bother to go to a second page even if they are willing to spend money reading this on the first page so that's called friction Do you know how much friction there is in getting someone to go drive to the post office and buy a money order and mail it out? Like a lot. Like that's a 90% drop off, at least. So yeah, I would like it if things work certain ways. They just don't.
Unknown_35: They don't have a button to press that's right in front of their face. Most people just won't. That's just the way it is.
Unknown_35: Um, cool.
So what I was going to say in regards to this, I have to be careful with what I say. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to read these things.
Unknown_35: And you can come to your own opinions and I will not, I will add no commentary. I will just, I know you guys like my voice, my dulcet tones, my wonderful elocution, my perfect enunciation. my excellent spelling and reading ability. I am in no way a fumbling dyslexic mongoloid who barely knows a single language. Um, so let me get a sip of water and then I'll read some stuff and I warn you, I will read some stuff, but I have no commentary on it.
This water has electrolytes.
Unknown_35: In the United States District Court for the District of Utah Central Division, Plaintiff Russell G. Greer versus Joshua Moon, publisher of the Kiwi Farms and Kiwi Farms, a website defendants.
Unknown_35: plaintiff's supplemental memorandum in support of his motion to stay so the plaintiff has filed a motion to stay the motion to stay was replied to and generally that's how it works so I for my understanding the way that filings and courts work is that
The person actioning a filing submits a whole and complete filing, everything they could possibly hope to say, with foresight to make sure that there is no holes to be poked into it, and they submit it to the court. And then of course, the time that it would take to reply to such a motion is considered in cost. And if it's not worth the time to reply, sometimes it's let slide. Like if it's just asking for trivial stuff or for certain technicalities, you know, there's a certain level of professional courtesy where you don't oppose every motion, but a lot of motions get opposed. And so when you write your opposition, you write a big long letter,
Unknown_35: addressing every single point that you want to make.
Um, and you try to make this as a whole and accurate as possible. And that is usually the end of it. There's almost no reason to reply to this. Like this doesn't continue on in a conversation forever. You file the counter and unless there is a serious egregious error,
Unknown_35: that must urgently be addressed because it is so profoundly bad, perhaps an outright lie or something that would seriously, actively do what they call prejudice the case against you, then you just let it go and you let the judge make a decision based off those two filings. You don't go back and forth forever on every single issue. So plaintiff files a motion to stay to get 90 days of time. You file your opposition.
And the judge will look at both and say, okay, well, let's do this. We're going to go side with one party or we're going to have about halfway down. We'll give them 30 days instead of 90, something like that. That's usually how it goes. Uh, the plaintiff in this case has decided to file a supplemental memorandum in support of his motion to stay as a reply to, um, uh, the opposition to his motion to stay.
Let us, this is unusual. So let's read it.
Unknown_35: Plaintiff Russell Greer has received jargoning information that bolsters his motion to stay and demonstrates why there would be hardship if a stay were denied. Email notifying plaintiff. This is how Russell would read it by the way. I'm trying to read it as close to how he would read it as I think is possible. So I'm trying to get some confidence in my voice.
Unknown_35: Email notifying plaintiffs to opposing counsel fundraising off of quote unquote bull cows.
On February 7th, 2024 plaintiff received a harassing email from Kiwi Farms user or from a Kiwi Farms user, a Matthew Burns. In case you're wondering, I cannot find any Matthew Burns on the Kiwi Farms.
Unknown_35: This email not only mocked Rear by calling him, quote, pipsqueak rat mouth, but directed plaintiff to the fact that opposing counsel is fundraising off of the current case, Exhibit A. The link leads to lolcalfund.hardin.law. The link leads to a low-cal litigation fund and has a short blurb and crude drawing of plaintiff exhibit B. The link appears to belong to Matthew Harden, opposing counsel, and shows that $150,000 has been raised. As the footnote says, low-cals are people who can be milked for laughs. While defendants and their donors might think this case is hilarious and they think Greer is a foolish quote-unquote pipsqueak, dealing with Kiwi Farms has been a nightmare and he seeks to end his nightmare.
Paragraph 2. Why does evidence support a stay? Actually, I'm going to read the footnote. As journalist Ali Breeland points out, the users call their victims lolcows because their pain can be milked for laughs. This group made its purpose clear on its Twitter page before it was taken down. Quote, gossip and exploitation of mentally handicapped for amusement purposes. The website's quote, the website that wants you to kill yourself, Mother Jones, 2023. The article goes on to explain Kiwi Farms users deploy significantly or slightly different tactics for various victims, but the rough beats stay the same. First, the group assembles extensive dossiers, then it uses the information, some true, some contorted, and some fabricated to torment their targets. This is exactly what Matthew Burns, quote unquote, did to Greer.
paragraph 2 Why this evidence support to stay this evidence support to stay because it shows many different things Found by the way, he's complaining about that. He first like look look at this. I just want to say this point something out Quote quote in quotes as in this is literally what says local litigation fund and
Locale LLC litigation fund. We are in year three of this litigation and when this was filed it sued Kiwi Farms a website.
Unknown_35: Kiwi Farms a website is owned by Locale LLC and even in this filing it falsely says Locale litigation fund seemingly omitting the LLC part. The company is literally Locale LLC.
And this has never been acknowledged. I just want to point this out. It's not a reference to the people, it's a reference to the company, to whom it supports.
Unknown_35: I would consider that a significant issue.
Unknown_35: Number one, defendants and their counsel are fundraising off of this case and off of Greer's apparent quote-unquote lolcal status. It shows that defendants are well-oiled and ready to last a long time. Dude, that's my dating profile description. I'm well-oiled and ready to last for the long run. That's an advertisement if I've ever heard one.
Number three, and put simply, this evidence points to the hardship requirements as laid out by the Tenth Circuit, Spahn and Associates versus Weidner.
Unknown_35: If a motion to stay is denied, Greer will potentially lose the case because he is outmanned and outpowered by defendants, because they have the funding to have a lawyer. If Greer loses this case, Kiwi Farms users like Matthew Burns will taunt and harass Greer for the rest of his life. Greer's copyrights will continue to be infringed. Greer's career as a songwriter is dead because of Kiwi Farms users tarnishing Greer's works, which works against their fair use argument.
Defendants have raised $150,000 off of Greer. Plaintiffs have seen none of the money for having his likeness or copyrights used, and so Greer kindly asked for a stay to acquire funds himself to the Pellet Council to retain his appellate counsel at the district level and thus properly vindicate his copyrights.
In light of the new information showing that defendants are fundraising off of this and thus showing how serious the matter is, plaintiff respectfully reiterates his request to stay the case as laid out in document 77, respectfully submitted by what appears to be a pubic hair caught in the scanner, AKA Russell Greer, a pro se litigant.
Unknown_35: Uh, this is seemingly a standard signature at the, um,
Unknown_35: at the end of the document, just something of no consequence, but actually is of consequence.
Unknown_35: Plaintiff affirms that service was made to defendants via the court's electronic filing system and personally emailing opposing counsel on February 7th, Matthew Harder.
Unknown_35: We'll get to that in a second.
Unknown_35: in the United States District Court District for the District of Utah. That's a long name, the United States District Court District for the District of Utah. So not just the District of Utah, but the District for the District of Utah Central Division.
Russell G. Greer versus Joshua Moon and Kiwi Farms, a website. Response to notice regarding erroneous certificate of service. So Harden responded to this in two parts. And one of them said, I was not serviced.
Unknown_35: Which seems weird. Let's read what he has to say.
Unknown_35: Plaintiff Russell Greer responds and says that this has already been addressed. This is true. The same exact thing was complained about before. This was addressed in Doc 79. Once again, plaintiff does not have access to the filing system. This has been established. Greer emails his documents to the document department. And so the day he emails them to be filed isn't always the day when they are filed. Once plaintiff receives the receipt, he emails the documents to defendants as it is quite silly to have to change the date. Additionally, plaintiff was only emailing defendants the motion to stay documents because it was an emergency.
Normally, plaintiff will rely on the filing system and the defendants don't email rear documents.
Unknown_35: Any further notices regarding this filing date contention should be viewed as frivolous." So it is I, it is we who are frivolous. We are the frivolous ones.
Also, was services made to the defense of the current system and that said attorneys for the defendant Matthew Harden.
Unknown_35: Greer is not emailing Harden. This sounds like a trivial thing, but I want you to imagine how frustrating this is.
Unknown_35: You file something called an emergency. You put an emergency motion into the court system, and then you email the clerk of court and say, this is my filing. Here you go. And because he's right, he's a pro se litigant, so he doesn't have access to the court system.
Instead, the clerk has to file it for him. No issue. because he can also just email Hardin. No issue.
Unknown_35: But to quote my lawyer, and I hope that he was being serious when he says I can quote him, he's a fucking moron. And what does that mean?
Unknown_35: He is lying about emailing Hardin. And it's not that he can't email Hardin.
Unknown_35: It is that
He chooses not to, because, for instance, in this complaint, where he sends this exhibit, this was actually sent directly to Hardin, complaining.
Unknown_35: Which he made a matter of public record, because he followed it as an exhibit. So he complained to Hardin about his crowdfund, and had no issue emailing him. But when it comes to this, he does not, for whatever reason, he chooses, and the belief is that this is a deliberate choice, because now Hardin receives notification about filings through Pacer. When it gets actually added to the system the day after, he emails it to the clerk of court, then Hardin gets an email from Pacer saying that there's a new filing. when he should be notified as soon as it's submitted to the clerical court as a CC. And that's all he has to do. CC hardened in to the fucking email so that he has the full amount of time to respond to emergency orders or requests. Doesn't get done.
Very bizarre.
Unknown_35: Then finally,
Unknown_35: Plaintiff's response to defendant's notice of supplemental authority. Plaintiff Russell Greer responds and says that the email from Andrew Grimm doesn't disprove plaintiff's motion to stay the case. The email provided by defendants clearly shows Grimm saying that the Digital Justice Foundation currently does not represent Greer, but the Digital Justice Foundation was reserving the right to represent plaintiff. This is exactly what plaintiff explained in his motion this day. Harden took advantage of this unequal playing field by inquiring of plaintiff's appellate counsel. The Digital Justice Foundation answered no because the kinks and logistics of district court representation were being worked on.
As stated in the motion to stay, there are a few stipulations they want from plaintiffs before committing to representation.
Unknown_08: So basically. OK, is it fixed?
It was fucking annoying just having chat bitch the entire fucking time. Like I'm sorry, the fucking thing is slow. I don't know what you want me to do with it. I can't get fucking star link. I can't improve the connection.
Unknown_35: Okay. Is it better? Can we continue?
Unknown_34: okay great so as i was saying the issue is is that he literally does not have the money he's contacting these people that represent him for free because they wanted to score a win in the appellate court and he's asking them to represent him in a lower court
He's in fucking Utah. They're from LA. LA lawyers ask for a lot of money, like $900 an hour, a lot of money.
Unknown_35: So Greer thinks that if he is given 90 days between filings, that he will be able to afford these specific attorneys. Now, he has had years to acquire representation, years. He filed on his own three fucking years ago. He had months after the appellate decision was reached because the Digital Justice Foundation would have informed him that they're only representing him in the appellate court and not the lower court. And he knew after then that he could find representation. And he didn't file any kind of stay of anything until after
The motions came in after his answer was or his complaint was answered then he decided Oh, I need time and to to work to afford an attorney for litigation that I can drop it literally anytime Is there still fucking streaming issue I
Unknown_34: Is it like, why are people still like I see green? Is there still a fucking issue with the stream? Okay. Jesus.
I played that. So that's the litigation ship.
Unknown_09: All right. I will, I will pull up the lady hamster again.
Unknown_35: People, people had varying opinions. Maybe I'll give her a second chance. See if that works out.
Unknown_09: Where it is, can I do this? I need to adjust the size of this again because, there we go.
Wait, no, I'm gonna do it on the other screen actually. I shouldn't change the size of that. I need to completely redo my layout.
Unknown_35: There is something that I've done recently where I've, I move the date onto the overlay so that it changes automatically. I don't have to change that anymore.
Unknown_35: Cause I am an easy here. Let's listen to a man talk about how he needs these nuts.
Unknown_25: So in Mr. Boyd's response, he admits that he possessed the medical specimen and he admits that he disposed of them. Okay. I am suing for the return of them and damages in the amount of $6,500.
She had had her testicles removed. I believe if I recall correctly, it was March 23rd.
Unknown_24: And they were left in the fridge. I wanted nothing to do with it. I thought it was odd, but I tried not to judge because everybody's a little different. It's what made her happy, whatever. I want nothing to do with them.
Unknown_24: I'm not one for body parts and all that stuff. It's kind of gross, actually.
Unknown_24: It's part of her twisted humor, not mine.
So they were in the house from March, April to... They were there from April 2022 until July of 2023.
Unknown_24: Yeah, so because that physical anomaly has been a point of stress in my life since I can remember.
Unknown_25: And my middle name that I chose is D, because my whole life I've been called Big D. I'm D from the D. And I thank God that these D's nuts were extracted.
And they were put into a biohazard bag. And for shits and giggles, I put them in a mason jar.
Unknown_25: And I put them in the fridge next to the eggs.
Unknown_25: So let me ask you this. Was the conversation ever from you, I'm done with you, could you please get your testicles out of my refrigerator?
Unknown_24: That never came up. And if they were so important to her, I don't understand why she didn't grab them then.
Unknown_25: So the amount that I'm claiming is for the damages of not having these nuts with me.
I want them in my fridge, not his.
Unknown_25: I'm not sure why he would want to keep them.
Unknown_25: The damages were the loss of these nuts.
Unknown_35: So as you can see, the American justice system is a very serious place with high stakes. People are wronged and they need retribution that only the court system can provide.
Unknown_35: We thank these people for litigating their issues in public so that we may all see them.
No, this is real, this is not like a joke skit. By the way, let me make sure this is right, and I'll save that to the end of the trim segment.
Unknown_35: You might realize this is Redux. I've shown a couple articles and videos and shit from Redux. They do good journalism. You know who thinks that they do good journalism? Well, here's another story, for instance. Here's one that you might find interesting.
Unknown_35: A transgender daycare worker avoids prison after sexually abusing a baby during a diaper change.
Daycares are also places with diversity, equity, and inclusion. So when a transgender woman decides, hey, I want to take care of children, they say, OK, we don't discriminate. Love is love.
Unknown_35: So they hire the transgender person.
Unknown_35: And then the transgender person made an off-putting remark about a baby enjoying clitoral stimulation to a female co-worker, an actual female co-worker, who believed that such statements were bizarre and disgusting and morally repugnant and reported it to the police, as many whamen would do.
uh so he was arrested for sexually abusing a literal infant and uh was facing charges now here's the issue and it says this very clearly in the article that uh he was able to plead down to uh like a misdemeanor sexual misconduct class a misdemeanor With 12 months and the judge for whatever reason decided 12 months in jail is a bad deal So he gave him six months suspended sentence So he walks out of the courtroom a free man ready to find a new job perhaps in in child care He may also be a sex offender let me check that I
Unknown_35: It doesn't say offender. I I'm assuming that they wouldn't let that there would be no way to make a deal with this unless, um, he agreed to be a sex offender. I can look this up. I I'm, I'm actually really curious. I want to look this up. This is in Kentucky sex offender registry.
These things are all public, by the way, if you ever want to look in your local area to see who the sex offenders are. And they're not letting me connect because I'm using a proxy, which is a common fucking issue with many American websites, which is a big pain in my ass.
Unknown_35: I'm not going to be able to...
Unknown_35: Okay, guys, go to Google and type in, or Bing, go to Bing and Google the Kentucky Sex Offender Registry. It's K-S-P-S-O-R.state.ky.us.
And type in the name that you see on the screen, Maria Childress, and tell me if this person is on the Sex Offender Registry.
Unknown_35: Yeah. Uh, always, whenever you talk about Googling something, even if you're Googling on Bing or Googling on Yandex, make sure you always refer to your web search as a Google, because that is called brand aside and it makes them lose the trademark. Once Google becomes a generic term for, uh, for searches, web searches. Fun fact.
Kentucky, the Kentucky state sex offender register. I cannot do this because they blocked VPNs and foreign IPs. Um, so you have to access it from the U S without a VPN.
Unknown_35: They're not on it? Really? Wow. That's even, I mean, that's even worse than just being able to walk out. They don't even get them on the sex offender registry.
Unknown_35: So that's bullshit.
And one of the things that he complained in his filings is that he did not have access to estrogen while in custody. They weren't giving him HRT. So they basically, I guess they just let him out and he's not even a fucking sex offender. Awesome.
Unknown_35: Uh, Maria, the legal name is Maria child, the children's right here. It's on the fucking screen. It's right on the fucking paper. Like, just look at it. It's look at the fucking screen.
Unknown_35: Uh, but people aren't able to find it. So yeah, this guy molested a baby, bragged about it and has effectively gotten away with molesting a baby. Isn't even a sex offender. Very interesting.
Unknown_35: So this is an interesting story. It's a great rage bait story if you're in the business of peddling rage.
Unknown_35: And yeah, let's go to the next story by Ian Miles Chong. Oh. Look chat, it's the same story that we just read. Is there a Sorceroni?
Unknown_35: No, it appears that a fat Malaysian retard named Ian Miles Chong has taken the article that we just read and reposted it on the internet so that he can get clickeronis Without even citing the actual journalist who are covering Sex offenders walking free. He says Kentucky transgender daycare worker Maria Childers will not be going to prison He spelled the name wrong
I'm so glad that chat bugged me about what the name is despite it being on the screen, because I've been staring at it for 15 minutes and I know for a fact that he spelled the fucking name wrong. It's Childrez, like Childriz, and he spelled it Childers on the thing. So he literally, in his need for speed to expeditiously repost this article to claim credit for the work within, he didn't even check the fucking name and spelled it wrong on the tweet.
He says, Maria Childers, whoever that may be, it's not the person in these pictures, who is Maria Childers, as we've discussed, will not be going to prison despite pleading guilty to sexually abusing a baby while changing its diapers. He hired a trans activist lawyer who argued that he would not have access to estrogen and the court agreed. This is also bullshit.
Unknown_35: It is true that the activists argue that he wouldn't have access to estrogen, but that has absolutely nothing to do with why he was able to walk. It's not like the judge says, what? He's not getting his heckin' HRT shots. WTF? This isn't cool. This isn't Big Chungus. We gotta dismiss this shit. That's that he accepted a plea deal and the reason why they gave him a plea deal is that it's just hearsay a woman said that she said that or that he said that and So they don't really have any evidence and the concrete evidence. They don't have like it on camera or anything So the tranny would just say oh my god. She was a heckin transphobe and maybe maybe she did maybe on Twitter or something She said something like God man tranny shouldn't be allowed in your children So then the tranny lawyer can go like mmm. She's a heckin turf. She's a heckin heckin transphobe ruski and What are they gonna do them? He might walk so instead of taking that risk. I Thought for sure that they would at least get sex offender on it, but I guess not um
And so he walked. My point is that Chung is here is fucking lying. Uh, that is not why he walked.
Um, the court then to reduce his bond. It was not the court. He pled out the prosecuting attorney offered a plea. So this guy doesn't know how the fucking system works. He was offered a plea deal because they didn't have evidence really. And now he had a big, uh, Harvard training and probably Harvard. I'm just assuming some training activist lawyer to represent him.
Unknown_35: Yeah, slots isn't made fun of them. And so that's it. I'm blocking Malaysia, sorry Malaysians aren't Ian he left me no choice and then it makes fun of Ian Ian chimp literally jumped out at this sent her a DMS and please please don't do this and then finally went back to his original Z and added a reply that cited his source
I quoted this and said, X is plagued with these content aggregator scum who can't even bother to credit the small art media platforms they rip shit off of. It costs literally nothing to just retweet the source and didn't correctly explain the issue and fabricate some bullshit for engagement, which is basically what I just said.
Unknown_35: You do see this a lot where it's just like the big popular accounts on Twitter are all like just stealing other people's shit and reposting it as if they discovered it. Like you didn't discover this, you stole it from somewhere and you aren't giving credit, Richard.
Unknown_35: I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm just sympathetic, because you know how it is, chat, to see the Kiwi Farms shit become news over and over again and never get cited, because you might as well be saying, Source, Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1936. You know, that might as well just be your source line in the footer of your tweet.
Everyone knows I'm a copyright respecter. Come on now.
Unknown_35: Um, and this is just some tranny shit that someone posted that that was funny.
Unknown_35: Uh, Kalen Ramos, uh, says the idea of a lollipop chainsaw being for men is crazy because I don't know too many cis straight men who would just say, yes, this is my aesthetic.
Joe says, the autogenophiliac equivalent of the breakfast question is their struggle to distinguish self-identity from external images so they fail to understand that the image is meant for the entertainment of the audience and not for them to identify as.
Unknown_35: The idea is that a trainee doesn't seem to understand that when there is a woman in media, it is not for them to pretend to be and then jerk off to. It may just be a character there for other purposes or for aesthetics. And he supplements this with this exchange.
Unknown_35: Real Boy says, I'm sorry, but you are a retard. If the player, a hetero male, is meant to be sexually attracted to the character, but also enjoy identifying as her, then it is objectively an autogenophiliac sexual fantasy in the form. This is 2 plus 2 equals 4. This is irrefutable and cannot be disputed. So this tranny has figured out a mathematical law. Might as well go up there with the theory of relativity and gravity and shit, basically is what he's saying. That female characters in video games only exist so that people can jerk off while thinking about being them. That is literally the only reason why things exist.
Joe responds with this and says What if you were to play as a character that you do not identify as real boy responds and says there is no such thing Well, can you play as anything and not identify as it no Okay, cool I Thought that it was interesting
um now it is time for the real stream this is this world is an illusion exile pizza time
Now, what could I possibly mean by that chat? There has not been much going on in the last two days as it happens. However, today is pizza day, which means that instead of queuing up a line of things to discuss that may be contemporarily relevant and interesting or politically fascinating.
Unknown_35: Um, I have instead queued up about two hours of pizza content that we will watch together.
Unknown_35: today is national pizza day.
Unknown_35: And let's just start with an old standby favorite that everyone likes pizza related content. This fucking guy eating a pizza like it's a cookie. Let's begin.
Hey there YouTube, Stu here. Back again with another video. Today I'm going to be unboxing and reviewing California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Spicy Chipotle Chicken. It's limited edition. Crispy thin crust. It says it right there. I hope you got it on this one. As you can see, it looks pretty good. I don't know if you guys can see that. Will that focus?
Unknown_32: Is that going to focus for me? Focus.
focus crispy then here we go focus focus focus focus i can see it too okay yeah it's focused on grilled white meat chicken roasted corn black beans poblano peppers fire roasted red and yellow peppers kill kill and cilantro This frozen pizza has a better cheese selection than most Americans, Chad. Did you know that?
I don't like spicy foods, so I- In Canada, you can just go to the store and buy a frozen pizza and get a better cheese eating experience than all of America.
Unknown_35: Every part of America, there's no part of America that doesn't apply to you.
Unknown_32: This isn't too spicy. Uh, my dad got the wrong kind. Um...
I asked him for the barbecue chicken pizza. He got spicy chipotle, but it's okay He told me to just bite the bullet as they say So that's what I'm gonna do So I've already kind of cracked this open for convenience sake We can just pull the rest of this Dammit it ripped it ripped I think I think still is trying to keep the box
He wanted to keep the box, but now that it's ripped, he's just gonna pull this fucker out. There's no point. There's no point playing nice anymore. Stu's gonna get this Cheta.
Unknown_35: Sorry, this Rom- Romana chat.
Unknown_35: This box is no longer collectible.
Unknown_32: What the heck?
Unknown_32: This doesn't look anything like the picture.
Unknown_32: It's not cooked yet. This doesn't look anything like the picture. Yeah, it does. It's just not cooked yet, Stu. This one's going straight in the garbage. What? No, just kidding. I'm gonna cook it. You really had me there. I'm not one to waste food. So I'll come back with the review. See you guys. Hey, YouTube. Back again. So now we're doing the review portion. We got the pizza right here. First of all,
It doesn't look anything like the one on the box. It does! It still looks pretty good, but it doesn't look like the one on the box.
Unknown_32: So, minus one point for that.
My mom would not help me cut it, so I'm just gonna have to eat it like this. I don't know how to cut it.
Unknown_35: His mom wouldn't cut it for him, so he can't do it. It's got some chicken, some good stuff on there.
Unknown_32: I'm just gonna take a bite.
Unknown_35: Hell yeah.
Unknown_35: Who among us hasn't eaten a pizza like a cookie? Oh, he's going in for a fourth bite, Chad. That's a good sign. This pizza must be quality.
Damn, he's raving this.
Unknown_35: He doesn't know how to use utensils to cut food, so he doesn't get to eat very often unless his mom helps him. So this is like the first food that he's been able to consume in a while. Damn, dude.
Unknown_35: He's really masticating that. I appreciate that the microphone is right next to his mouth.
Unknown_32: It's pretty good. It's pretty good, Chip.
Unknown_32: I was worried it would be too spicy, but I'd give it a... 10 out of 10 10 out of 10.
Oh my god. I was gonna say an 8 out of 10 And I thought I was being generous, but yeah, and he loves it Perfect I'll leave it there chat. I actually have like eight more pizza tabs. So let's continue. Let's be expeditious about this
Unknown_35: This is Christian. He's taunting somebody named Christopher Paul Whitney. I will explain who that is. I promise this is actually interesting This is him when he was just starting tomgirl mode. So this is a 2011
He was growing his hair out for the first time because he wanted to he wanted to become that tomboy GF you guys all talked about so this is a tomboy GF and in the early stages Not not quite not quite there yet, but he's getting there. So he's gonna be confronting Christopher Paul Whitney for revealing because I have not heard anything from Alec Vincent Larry Christopher and the due date has been reached
Unknown_26: It is time for total revelation!
Unknown_35: There he is.
Unknown_26: Alec Benson Leary. His real name is Christopher Paul Fatman Whitney.
Unknown_35: Let's... Let's take him aside from this. I have never, ever in my life, in the years that I've done this stream, talked about Fatman. But it's now time to talk about Fatman.
In the early days of the Kiwi Farms, when it was still called the Quickie Forums,
Unknown_35: There was a popular side lolcow named Christopher Paul Whitney and he would do streams eating pizza in a bathtub and his father was present in these streams and his father was also fat.
Now, instead of playing this video, I will come back to the Chris-Chan eating a pizza, obviously. But it's time to play some Fat Man.
Unknown_17: Oh yeah, I forgot about Aussie Dossie. That was something he said a lot too. Aussie Dossie.
Unknown_17: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
This was before fetish content was a thing.
Unknown_17: This is still pure.
Unknown_35: This is literally just a man enjoying a pizza and a bud. And the videos you can find of him are all this low quality because he's streaming to stick cam. Do you guys, unless you're old, you don't even know what stick cam is. This is all like 14 year old videos of, of, uh, fat man on, on stick cam streams and shit.
Unknown_16: And on.
As you know, I stopped and noticed the fire right there at the level I had seen one last time when I was telling him I was coming to Oklahoma too. He didn't like it, he stuffed it.
Unknown_35: Oh, yeah, you guys have to you guys have to troll PPP someone if you next stream somebody okay do this somebody who's already a paypig and whose money is already tainted by the devil sent him in a super chat trying to get him to say oh Yeah, folks Aussie Dossie and then clip this and post it in the math internet thread because I want to hear it Okay, this has to be this has to be Puppeted and completed
He's dead by now. I don't remember what happened to him. He disappeared at some point. He might be dead. That's a possibility.
Unknown_17: Cheers, folks. Here's to no more hope in our life and self-destructing and giving up.
Unknown_17: Cheers, folks.
Unknown_35: Cheers, buddy. Cheers to that. Self-destruction and giving up. 2024.
Unknown_17: Tink. Do I have a thing I can tink? I want to be up on the 1080p underwear concert with this against my better judgment, folks. It's definitely not good judgment, right, folks?
Unknown_35: He's still alive?
Unknown_17: Really?
Unknown_35: Tell him to come back. Fatman now has... Listen. Listen. I don't know where he's from. There's a non-zero chance he might be from Canada. There's a chance that you can replace Andy Warski with PPP. Or, uh, with Fatman. And then it can be PPP and Fatman together. And they can just be like, oh yeah, folks. Nathan Ralph fucked up yet again. Oh yeah.
That's quality.
Unknown_35: Anyways, let's go back to Chris.
San Antonio, Texas, age 36, unemployed and on welfare.
Unknown_35: Chris says he's unemployed and on welfare.
Unknown_26: Hot tubbing, video games, retirement, Xbox, folk music, theft and fraud, milk, comics, and dip.
Unknown_26: EATING ONLINE! He's responsible for Asperchu, Asperpedia, and all mockings and slanders associated and copyright infringement upon my own character. Dude, at this time, eating online was considered like a weird thing to do.
Now it's just like a career choice that people have.
Unknown_26: It wasn't always like that though. Donations and whatnot.
Unknown_26: Yeah, he's that famous hot tubber spack man!
Unknown_26: Okay.
Unknown_35: Wait, this is another person who eats pizza like a cookie. We have this, we have Stu. I mean, Stu is obviously mogging Christian. Christian's got this shitty little personal microwavable pizza. My boy Stu operates an oven all by himself. He doesn't even need his mom to operate the oven for him.
But he's able to cook the pizza and eat it despite it being a full-size pizza. Chris-Chan can't cut his pizza and can't even operate the oven. He has to use a microwave. The oven's probably full of shit. It's probably like a storage space for his mom, so he can't use it.
Unknown_35: And he has to condemn with microwavable pizza.
Unknown_35: I have a theory that there is a direct a literal direct correlation between how one eats and How politely one eats and how intelligent someone is I think the dumber and more brain damage you are the more you eat like an animal the The more politely you eat and more courteously you eat especially in the presence of others the higher intelligence you are like you have to have an IQ above like 120 in order to be spatially cognizant the fact other people might be annoyed by how you eat and The biggest fucking retards chew with their mouth open
You know, there's that poster behind him of like a lady in like in underwear and he would hang these posters up to remind people of him being straight or to remind himself to be straight and I've always wondered why people put like
Unknown_35: Like nude images as like their desktop backgrounds or as posters and now I wonder if this was actually like a common thing Because it sounds silly if chris says it I have to remind myself to stay straight but with sailor moon posters But now I wonder if that's like a thing other people have to do Like if you're like a retard you have to like do pinups and be like, oh, yeah, i'm not gay Maybe Rikada should do that. Someone should go into his house and pin up a bunch of Sailor Moon posters to remind him that he's not gay. You think that'll work? You think that Rikada would look at these posters and be like, wait a second, sucking dick is gay.
It's a possibility. There's a non-zero chance that this will work. Someone should take the risk.
Unknown_35: Ew, he's like folding it up.
Unknown_35: all right thank you oh my god um he didn't wait instant replay instant replay his eyes are rolling back like he's like chantal he's doing the shark bite thing excellent thanks chris i already watched that all right here is foodie beauty eating pizza six minutes straight let's put this up to two eggs
Where's the pizza? Here's the pizza.
Unknown_35: So she's just gonna eat the pizza now. We could sit here and play Chantal eating pizza for six minutes straight chat.
Unknown_35: However, I will instead torment you.
Unknown_35: I will instead torment you and show you her putting ketchup on pizza instead.
Unknown_22: I love ketchup on pizza, don't judge me. Judge me actually if you want to, but...
Unknown_22: I love it. Don't knock it till you try it. You know, she's massacring really loudly.
I look skinny today. Huh.
Unknown_35: What? I look skinny today.
Unknown_21: Huh. Yeah, I do. Anyway.
Unknown_35: Okay, wait, I have another clip of Chantal putting pizza or ketchup on pizza.
Unknown_35: Let's watch chat. Oh, yeah, there it is.
Unknown_35: I'm gonna put this one on mute, I guess.
Unknown_22: They call them ships here. It's so funny. Come on.
Okay, Pete. Ketchup so far on the french fries. I'm not around.
Unknown_10: Two pizzas and fries. She's hungry.
Unknown_22: Thank you. Okay. Stop the chat.
Unknown_35: Oh, more. She needs some more ketchup. What the fuck is that? Oh, it's like a burger King sauce, I guess.
Unknown_22: Well, look, she's made like poutine.
Unknown_35: You guys like poutine, right? You guys liked it when poutine was talking about the history of Russia. Well, here's poutine made in a styrofoam tin.
Excellent. Next up.
Unknown_35: Kay's cooking. Can Kay make a pizza? Hi people, I'm back cooking again.
Unknown_07: And this time I'm going to make a pizza from scratch.
Unknown_35: It's really interesting comparing her like from seven years ago when this thing was made, um, compared to now, like, hold on, let me find this off stream real quick.
Unknown_35: I don't showcase cooking anymore. Cause she's a DMCA goblin.
But, um, I will show just a second of it. 19 hours ago, a different egg fried rice. Okay.
Unknown_07: Hi people. And I'm back cooking again. The difference seven years makes the energy and life in her just gone.
Unknown_35: Oh wait, fuck.
Unknown_35: I fucked up. I canceled the wrong thing. Hold up.
Unknown_09: What? How did I fuck this up?
Unknown_09: Hold up, hold up, this is important. There we go, making a pizza.
Okay, now we can listen to her. Hi people, I'm back cooking again.
Unknown_07: Hi people, and I'm back cooking again.
Unknown_35: Her smile and optimism, gone.
Unknown_07: And this time, I'm going to make a pizza from scratch.
Unknown_35: Okay, I'll just skip and head to her eating.
Unknown_07: Right, as you can see, I've got all the ingredients that I'm gonna need. Seems to be the high point of the video.
Now I'm gonna mix that.
Unknown_35: She's an alcoholic.
Unknown_35: My theory is that she's a severe alcoholic. Uh, that would explain the shaky hands, the weird way of talking like, I'm bad cooking again. It just makes sense of you assume that she's a drunk constantly.
Unknown_07: I don't know if you can see it, but you have to, you don't have to keep kneading it in. Kneading it is when you just keep folding it in. You might need a bit of extra flour.
to keep it going.
Unknown_35: Yeah, that's good. That's good. That works.
Unknown_07: And before I put the dough, which you've seen me doing, into the tray, I have greased it. I don't know if you can see, but it's all nice and greased. Now I am going to put the dough. It's greased with margarine.
Unknown_35: And I'll reiterate that margarine has different chemical properties than butter or other kinds of cooking grease. So, one of the main things that she's done over her career is continually use margarine instead of butter because her son prefers that for some reason, disregarding the different cooking properties of margarine.
In the tray, and then I'm going to spread it out. As you can see, the base I've made is big enough for the pan.
Unknown_07: sorry for the dish I'm putting it in but what I'm putting on there is some tomato puree for the base
Unknown_35: Yeah, that's pretty even. That's an even spread right there. You can barely even see the dough through the pasta.
Okay, I'm trying to think.
Unknown_35: It's not usual just to use straight out of the tube tomato puree like paste on a pizza. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to make an actual sauce and not just squeeze the tube out onto the pizza. Possibly.
Unknown_07: So it should turn out okay apart from the bits that are showing.
Unknown_07: You can get any version of these from any supermarket you want.
Unknown_35: Okay, so
Unknown_35: No cheese.
Unknown_35: I mean, okay. Listen, here's the secret, right? Chat. Here's a secret. Many people, they don't tell you this. They don't tell you this in school, but it's true. Cheese is better on top because it cooks in all the oils and stuff from the, um, and flavors of the toppings into the pizza. They don't teach you this in school. This is actually forbidden knowledge. Only the Jews know how to do this. Uh, so she could be putting cheese on top, which is accurate. Uh, but I don't think she'll actually, I'm going to make a guess that she doesn't put any cheese on this.
He's dropped on the floor. That could have been disastrous.
Unknown_07: And hopefully I'm gonna have enough to go all the way along.
Okay, here.
Unknown_07: Moment of truth.
Unknown_35: Moment of truth, chat. Is there gonna be cheese? Will there be cheese?
Unknown_07: And I am gonna slice some
Unknown_07: Cheese up?
Unknown_35: No, no, no, no, no, no. She is not just putting straight cheddar slices on top of this. I didn't actually watch this before I queued it up. I have no idea what's about to happen. I see a block of suspiciously cheddar looking cheese back there. It might not be what I think it is.
Unknown_07: And as you know, my son can't have cheese. No, those are like Kraft single slices. So I'm making him cheeseless.
Unknown_35: Bro. I'm just gonna put it all on this side. Bro, this is straight up ruining my fucking pizza day. What I'm looking at right now.
Unknown_07: It'll be easier for you to grate it.
Unknown_35: So she's doing half no cheese for her side. Whatever. And then half like Kraft cheddar cheese on the other.
Unknown_35: Like blocks, not even like shredded so it melts evenly, just like blocks of fucking cheddar cheese. I am bong felted, this is a sacrilege to me.
Now, you've got cheeseless pizza. It's like, it doesn't even cover half of it. What the fuck's the point? It's not even gonna melt. Pepperoni pizza.
Unknown_07: Now I'm going to put it in the oven, it needs to go in for 10 to 15 minutes but I'm going to make sure that it's done so I'm putting mine on for 15 minutes so I set my clock for 15 and then we'll see what it comes out like.
Now I'm going to, the beeper has just gone off, now I'm going to have a look in the oven and see
Unknown_07: if it's please turn sounds like she lives in an industrial house like a like a store she she lives in like like british home depot and this is one of the display stovetops and she like comes out of the warehouse with and just has like
Unknown_35: all she has available to her are like the the little um cookie like some of the stuff they keep for like truckers and shit in the the the microwavable aisle so she just has like blocks of cheddar cheese and like prepared pepperoni and some flour and that's like all she has and she just prepares on this one stove in the corner of the display and they just have no idea how it keeps getting dirty
Who the fuck's been cooking pizza on the display stove again?
Unknown_07: Oh, look at that!
Unknown_35: There was an episode of that there's an episode of King of the Hill where that guy with the guitar That's like a recurring celebrity guest on the show was like haunting like the Home Depot or whatever What is the name of that the guy Chuck Mangione Chuck Mangione lives in the the Home Depot near Arlen, Texas That's that's a plot of a show I was so distracted by thinking about Chuck Mangione. I completely forgot to look at the fucking Holocaust in front of me
That's pretty bad and because it's it didn't melt thoroughly because I guess the temperature was hot because all the pepperonis like scorched But it just like melted into a pool Like the surface is so uneven that all the cheese just like drenched into like a cheese soup at the in the middle That's amazing. I've never seen a taste test of this And now I'm going to cut each side.
Unknown_07: Oh look, you can see it bubbling.
Unknown_35: Like there's so much grease from that nasty ass cheddar cheese and all the salami that there's just like a pool of grease in the middle, which is like the lowest point in the surface that all the cheese and grease has coagulated into. And it's just like bubbling.
Let me look for it.
Unknown_35: It's like wet, it's like drenched.
Unknown_07: And now I'm going to cut it.
Unknown_35: And the crust is like completely soft. Okay, I gotta see, I gotta see.
Unknown_07: What's his face eat this shit?
Unknown_07: It's the peppers.
Unknown_35: Yeah, that's a proper cut.
Unknown_35: She should have gotten, she doesn't even have like a, oh my God, she has a curved end of knife. I was wondering how is she using a knife to cut like that? And I realized that the end of the knife is curved. She can't get a pointed knife because she lives in the United Kingdom and she can't get a license for a pointed knife because she's an alcoholic and they won't approve her for a pointed knife cooking license.
There, we are all cool.
Oh, oh my god, please Please tell me that we get to see her son eating that slice of pizza Like a cookie off the edge of the plate like Chris and Stu both did Please tell me that we're gonna this is gonna be a through line in all these videos And that's the other piece
Unknown_07: And that's how you make cheeseless pizza, cheese and pepperoni pizza.
Unknown_35: Well, I hope you like what you've seen. Where's my taste test?
Unknown_07: You fucking coward.
Unknown_35: You didn't even take a bite out of it. You denied me my through line. What a fucking scam. What a fucking scam this is.
Unknown_35: There's more.
Unknown_35: King Cobra, JFS, the pizza whore. I think this is him eating a Domino's pizza, I think. He can't cook. Let's be real here. If he tried to use a multi-ingredient pizza and cook it himself, it would end in disaster. So he just gets a pizza. Whatever, that's respectable. what is up fellow youtubers this is an old video by the way which is why he doesn't sound like such a depressed alcoholic uh if anybody is in need of intervention of of all the locales that are like tolerable um king kobe's is probably at the top of the list
sexy goth bad boy king cobra jfs back at you with another video so in my last live stream my fans were asking about my paypal link they wanted to donate money because they love my videos So, after they donated it, I decided to order a pizza. Oh great, another Domino's food review. Okay, shut up. Domino's makes good pizza. But, this time, I ordered Pizza Hut. Whaaat? Switching up the game. Yeah. No, that's just it Domino's does make good pizza. However, I wanted to try something different for a change The pizza I have ordered is a create your own pizza, of course now Pizza Hut is rather expensive. So But they do make good pizza. I will say that like I The order came to $36.49. Right now it says my pizza is out for delivery, so that's just gonna add to that flavor, man. Ooh-wee.
Unknown_15: Sweet man, thanks.
Unknown_15: Hell yeah, that was cool. Yo, you two, that Pizza Hut delivery girl was kinda cute. Goddamn.
Unknown_15: Just goddamn.
If I could have afforded to leave a tip, believe me, I would have. But I'm broke as a motherfucker right now. But yeah, that Pizza Hut delivery girl was super professional. Told me, hey, enjoy your pizza. I'm like, thanks, I will. So that's what's up. Yeah, my neighbor next door, he was like, hey man, pizza's here. I'm like, fucking A, yeah.
Unknown_15: We got some soda pop to wash down our pizza. Is he going to eat it like a cookie? What's up?
Unknown_35: I don't want to, I don't want to spoil it in the, in the scanner.
Unknown_15: We got ourselves a pizza review.
Boom. Pizza hut, that pizza hut with one of them, one of America's finest melanated gentlemen holding a leather ball or oval egg shaped thing. Let's see what happens.
Unknown_15: Show that logo.
Unknown_35: I do the same thing, to be honest.
Unknown_15: Take a look at this delicious Pizza Hut pizza. Doesn't that just look amazing?
Oh, holy fuck. I was not expecting that.
Unknown_15: You know, the back of my shirt is rather offensive. I am a huge cradle of filth fan, but when I had seen that it was a female pizza driver, especially, I'm like, uh, tried to sign for the receipts without showing the back. Just, you know, I don't need no stinking plate for this. Watch out.
Unknown_35: Oh my god, he is gonna eat it sliced. Wonderful.
Even I paid $36.49 for this entire order.
Unknown_15: Worth every penny, dude.
Unknown_15: You don't even know right now. You don't even freaking know right now, dude. Pardon my French, but that's fucking good pizza. Oh yeah, cheese pull.
Oh my God. If you didn't catch that, hold up.
Unknown_15: Oh dude.
Unknown_35: Oh Lord.
Unknown_15: I'm sorry to make you resuffer through this. Thank you to the fans. That's fucking good pizza. Oh yeah. She's cool.
Unknown_35: She's cool. Wait, no zero pool, zero elasticity, zero real mozzarella cheese in that just instantly breaks in half.
Unknown_15: It's not a sponsor. Thank you to the fans who donated on my last live stream. I didn't ask for it. People asked me they were like, what's your PayPal? I'm like boop. There's the link Not a sponsor now. Here's the thing of it YouTube. I like pizza subscribe for more hit that subscribe button chat if you want to see more pizza content to be quite honest that pizza delivery girl was super sweet and very professional so there you go shout out to my neighbor forget he's not a sicko he's not a sicko we don't have to worry about that
All right. This is a legitimate review of a Vegemite pizza down in Aussie Dossie.
Unknown_35: Um, I just want to listen. Okay. So this requires some explanation.
Unknown_35: If you are American and you hear the name Domino's, you will assume that Domino's pizza is like the shittiest pizza ever. It's a chain that somehow manages to stay open despite the fact that it sucks. Australian Domino's is like a completely different world. It is some of the best pizza on cheap. You just go down and they have some of the best interface. Like when you're standing at the store, There's like an interface showing exactly where your pizza is in the preparation process. And it's just, it's just a wonderful experience to go down to the Domino's and get a cheeky, a cheeky pizza. Right. Um, and it's like five bucks for like a personal piece, five Australian dollars, like fucking nothing to get like a, uh, a normal pizza.
Um, and in Ukraine, they're also really good. I ate at the Domino's in Odessa. And their pizza was good, too.
So, it's not the same as in the U.S. In the U.S., I think Domino's is like the shittiest fucking pizza.
Unknown_31: Oh, God.
Unknown_31: Looks like a rat's run across it with diarrhea or something.
Unknown_31: Look at the size of that thing! Where's the pepperoni and all the salads and all the other onions and everything else that should be on this for $7.95? It looks horrible!
Unknown_31: But looks can be deceiving. Except when it comes to Domino's pizzas.
Anyway, if you don't know what Vegemite is, and you've been living under a rock for the last 50, 60 years, Vegemite is a black salty spread made from leftover brewer's yeast. The yeast is combined with salt, malt extract, the B vitamins, thyme, niacin, riboflavin, and folate, as well as vegetable extracts, giving Vegemite the unique flavor that Australians love so much. Unless you're one of those Australians that doesn't love it. Oh anyway Vegemite is bad.
I'm gonna go on that I've had it I've had it both in the US because my work was Australian and they sent me like a care package from Australia Which included Vegemite and at the time this was before the Kiwi farms So I was with my grandparents my mom when I got this
Unknown_35: And they all tried it, and none of them liked it. But I was told by the Australians I ate it wrong, because I spread it like peanut butter. I took like a big thick glob of it, and I spread it over bread and tried it. Apparently you're supposed to put it on toast only, and you're supposed to spread it very thin. If you do like a big glob of it, it'll be really bad.
Which I thought was terrible But it has like a very very savory flavor to it. It's kind of like even though it's entirely vegetarian the way that I've had it explained to me is that it's like spreading a
Unknown_35: like bullion or something. It's just like a salty, uh, complex flavor to it. That, uh, is very overwhelming. So you have to be careful with it, which is why is spreading it on a fucking pizza. It seems like a terrible idea. It doesn't sound like it would be good at all. Um, there's room two years ago. I think they probably pulled this, but I want to see him taste it. Actually say what this is.
Let's see if it's got some stretchy cheese on it. Now, I got the classic crust, because that's the one it came with. Come on, stretchy cheese, at least give me something. Oh, wow, look! Wow. I'm sure if we put a stopwatch on that, I reckon it'll stretch for a good one-third of a second. Now, I just got the standard pizza, which was with the classic crust. And remember that pizza I had the other day, the three black bears one? Let's see if this crust comes even close to that one.
It's not a fan. He's not happy. Look at that.
Unknown_31: I never realized how bad these crusts were until I had that decent cross the other day. Let's see how Vegemite this Vegemite is.
Unknown_35: This guy is a very mechanical for about those. Look at him. It's like a professional.
Unknown_31: That's Vegemite. All right. All right. Let's go.
That's a huge bite. Oh my God.
Unknown_35: Hungry for the Vegemite.
Unknown_35: I just want to know if this pizza in this after this pizza. I just want to know if it's good boy.
Unknown_31: That is salty to just like Vegemite. Now I was wondering if it's just a Vegemite on top or if it's like on the base. Is there even any like, thanks for your opinion asshole. I want to know if there's like a cream fresh or tomato or anything but what is the verdict?
But if you've got taste buds in your mouth and you want value for money or at least some sort of effort involved in creating a pizza that tastes half decent with a decent crust, then... What about the Vegemite?
Unknown_35: This dude, this dude eats a Vegemite pizza.
Unknown_35: with the saltiest, most overwhelming topping you could possibly add to any dish ever. And he has zero commentary about the fucking Vegemite. Bruh. He did, he ate half of it. He's dissing this pizza and this motherfucker sat down and ate these slices two bites at a time and ate half of it. He didn't eat because he put his fingers in it. There's one piece of pizza in this that was not molested. And he doesn't even give me a verdict regarding the actual fucking Vegemite.
No, I was trying to give you a benefit of the doubt, but no, I won't be getting another one. What a Debbie Downer this guy is.
Do you speak my language?
Have I ever told you how much I hate computers?
Unknown_35: Chat just randomly fucking dies. Video drivers. Just like, you know what?
Unknown_35: I know that I'm a file. It's like 10,000 gigabytes of just pure code for making sure that the video driver doesn't fucking crash. I know that I'm directly published and Biden and vid in video for the purpose of rendering graphics. But today I will crash.
Unknown_35: And yet you use computers. Curious. It's true. Hypocrite that I am. Do you not realize that you participate in society?
I cringe and recoil and discuss with myself. Yes. As a matter of fact, I do participate in society despite loathing society chat.
Unknown_35: Am I not part of the problem?
Unknown_35: Right. Terry shit. I gave up on AMD at some point.
Unknown_35: Reload everything I have a couple things that I want to talk about that are just like extreme shit Cool that's all loaded Excellent. I'll just cut the recording on here and I'll say I'll actually go ahead and stitch this back together and Publish it because I do that for streams that get butchering Alright, so if you're listening right now, you're one of the few people that have survived the Holocaust of my viewers
Get everything up, kick chat's working.
Unknown_35: Excellent. Wonderful. All right.
Unknown_35: Um, I, again, I, because my entire system crashed, I don't have super chats, dude.
Unknown_09: It's very stressful. It's very stressful. Like,
All I need from Rumble is that they put the superchats in a di- Like, I'm so exhausted from yelling about the superchats on Rumble. Like, you just put the superchats on long-term storage and you deliver them and people refresh the page so they can find them.
Unknown_35: It's like that's the- Like, I can't even accept payments on Odyssey at this point, so
Unknown_35: They just have to fix it. Like how is there, how is their system written in such a way that after three years and hundreds of millions of dollars of funding, they can't get paid messages to show up on the stream when you refresh the fucking page or on a creator dashboard somewhere. How does this not exist? Am I wrong? Am I wrong? This is like a thing that like they don't have.
Monetize stream live stream. Yep. That's the right stream In progress live Edit Settings caption.
Unknown_09: No, they just That is fucking wild they still do not have that All right, well if you're opening you have the page you know the deal put them in the Kiwi farms I'll try to find them.
It's just it's so insulting man
Unknown_35: Alright, fuck it. I'll talk about Vaush, I'll just continue on. Uh, so, where I left off before my computer crashed, I was going to show you guys, uh, Vaush being angry, but now it was instead I who was angry. You can see this is an example of the kind of structure that I'm referring to.
Unknown_35: Perfect clip. Hear it again. You can see this is an example of the kind of structure that I'm referring to.
Unknown_00: One more time. You can see this is an example of the kind of structure that I'm referring to.
He likes to LARP and try to dress like Lenin. This is Lenin's reaction hearing that the Poles were somehow able to defeat the Soviets in the first Polish-Soviet war. He's like, so anyways, we'll just go ahead and take and annex all of Poland, I guess. I mean, they're Slavs anyways. It should be pretty easy.
Unknown_35: Um, so the stupid mustache makes it funnier. It doesn't make it funnier actually. Uh, so it was not merely that he had shown his, uh, pornography folder on live stream. It was what was in, in inside the pornography folder.
Unknown_35: Top top Coomer's took to task to identify every single image visible within his folder And found that many of the images Were either directly tagged as lollicon or were made by artists that also did lollicon Many of the images were like visibly like even from the small thumbnails were like obviously Horace related So he has been saying that this the shit about the way hold on
Let me find this real quick, because this is a funny meme. Uh, Valsch reacts to hilarious meme. From the fuck on.
Unknown_09: Uh, yeah, this is the right video.
Unknown_09: This is a peak. Pull that shit up, Jamie.
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
Unknown_23: I ain't on a tractor, lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby, you can go and ask her My life is a movie, bull riding in booties Cowboy hat from Gucci, anger on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothing
I wanna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride till I can't no more I wanna take my horse to the old town road
Unknown_03: I'm living like a rock star, spending a lot of money on my brand new guitar. Baby's got a half a dime on rings and Fendi sports bras. Riding down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car. God knows just how I've been through all that. I'm like a Marlboro man, so I keep going back. Wish I could roll on back to that old town road. I want to ride till I can't no more. Yeah, I want to take my horse to the old town road.
There you go. A comprehensive analysis of valishes attraction to horse cock.
Unknown_35: Uh, the only thing that he seems to like more than horse cock is little girls on the end of horse cocks, which is a whole nother fucking level. I don't know why people can't just be normal. Does this guy, it really makes me wonder, like, does he really think that he's like a communist revolutionary and he's going to like revitalize the workers of the United States?
Unknown_35: Through his horse cock pornography, or is that just like is it like all us a facade?
Is it all a charade does he actually think the things that he says or is it like?
Unknown_35: Or does he just like grift money
Unknown_35: No, actually this is, you know what, for the 10 people left over after my last viewer, holler viewership Holocaust, let's do a poll. Is Val sincere? Yes or no vote one or vote to the simplest of polls. The easiest of polls chat. Let's see what happens.
Unknown_35: Is this grifter a grifter?
Unknown_35: Don't vote. Common Bolshevik taste. I don't know, man. If they find Lenin's horse cock folder, I'll believe you.
Um, but we'll see. Is a vouch sincere nearing a hundred participants, the core audience who can handle all my ups and downs as a streamer.
Unknown_35: um with no i can wait for 100 with 100 participants in 28 now 30 votes for yes he is sincere 84 votes for no he is not sincere at about a 30 70 split precisely uh with the majority of people thinking no he is not sincere
Yeah, I can't believe I feel like with all these political pundants, I think it is mostly about the grift like personal enrichment I think that maybe they might like to see the things they talk about but if it doesn't enrich them they don't personally care like
Unknown_35: I think that for instance, someone like Valsh or Hassan, if Hassan was offered like a top position and like a Turkish, Turkish fascist government, like if he could go to Turkey and then be like the, the, uh,
Unknown_35: The like a high-level politician managing an important agency for like a million dollars a month or whatever the fuck He would probably do that regardless Like if that was had to choose between living in a communist America where he is just still like a streamer ideologue and not recognized for, like, his importance in spurring on the hearts of the workers, or if he had the option of living in, like, Nazi Germany as, like, a high-ranking Nazi party member that was extremely famous and well-respected. I think he would much rather be, like, a well-respected Nazi officer in, like, a fascist government than he would just being some nobody-yes man in, like, a communist government. You know what I mean?
Like most puns are that way it's not it's less about the the ideology and more about like they're securing their place and like the winning team I Think that's probably true for most people throughout history though To do I Don't know just want to think maybe it's not a hot take after all I don't know
NASA odyssey snitch has NASA also chats down also chats down a gay mass now Test it works, huh?
Unknown_34: We make sure that X is working as well Fuck's sake
Unknown_35: My absolute. Oh my God. Now I'm getting a fucking proxy or trying to open X. I'm not, I'm not even using a fucking proxy.
Unknown_35: Show me the goddamn video.
Unknown_35: Why is private internet access giving me a fucking browser error page? I'm not using it.
I'm legit about to lose my fucking mind.
Unknown_35: This is it. This is it. This is how it ends. I'm about to fucking snap.
Unknown_35: It's all Elon Musk's fault.
Unknown_35: Okay, please just fucking load.
Unknown_35: Sorry, you had a stroke. Dude, I'm having a stroke right now. We can stroke together if you want.
Unknown_35: I must be over 18 to view this community. Is this a thing that I'm certain about? Um, yes.
I'm confident in what I had queued up. Oh, this guy. Okay. So lifeless rags had commented on our vouch V uh, in response to the, the horse cock lollicon phenomenon.
Unknown_35: Basically, the thing everyone has on their computer whoopsied up on a stream and the lowercase i internet immediately decided to spend unhealthy amounts of time and effort dissecting a few frames of video to analyze exactly what was in Vaush's downloaded pic dump folder and saw a few of the images were porn. The fun part is seeing how many people had nothing better to do than try and figure out where each individual came from based on a few frames from the thumbnail.
I don't know if you can see in the video, but, um, they have, like, very obvious file names that you can just search, so people just popped that shit in and found it really fast, and they were tagged Lolicon. Like, you can see it in the file names that they're tagged Lolicon.
Unknown_35: One was, uh... Someone pointed out that there was a tag for yellow Scalia, which is like the whites of your eyes And they're like is let's have a fetish for John this Actually kind of want to read the top count where the top cope copements about this Lucky trap kilt says having a porn folder is trad as fuck. Oh
Stackin says IMO the folder is only evidence that Vouch is a pretty genuine dude on stream Like if you ask fans to construct a full porn folder based on what they know about him This is exactly what it would look like. Oh His audience thinks that he's a he's a pedophile into bestiality. Wonderful a large equine cocks. Oh
Unknown_35: I mean, seriously, it's all he's talked about openly on stream. If it was commissioned bespoke artwork with no image generation, that would be mostly ideologically consistent, but it's a fucking porn folder. You guys want to read more of this?
Doesn't this confirm vouchers, a bottom who's been pretending to be a top this whole time, a bottom and denial, a body will denying to be a bottom only makes him more of a bottom.
Unknown_35: He had it right next to his tax folder. He's so real for that. Oh, yeah, I didn't even mention There's a you can see his driver's license and a folder called taxes because I guess he was just downloading all his 1099s because the year turned over so all that I
All the companies that these streamers work with are handing out their 1099k forms to for tax purposes So he's probably just been downloading like 1099s to his tax folder and then just started downloading porn to the same folder And he hasn't sorted all that out yet That is kind of weird Uh
Unknown_08: Thinking about Twitter users posting sources and high-def versions of the images of the very photos they're criticizing Bausch for seems to me that they're also all disseminating things that they're calling horrific and criminal.
Unknown_35: Anyways, all anime porn is harem, stop watching anime. Very mixed, mixed baseness of this take.
Unknown_35: Why is the hamster still here? What are you doing? Was the hamster there for the entire pizza segment? Get out of here, hamster.
Unknown_35: So that's that I guess I wonder there will be no long-term Consequences for this as always these people get away with whatever people just want to give them money so they can hear Here This has been a rough stream, I just want to talk about pizza and said everything got fucked up forever
Unknown_35: Read the chat? Sorry, I'm too busy seeing people spam fucking images that don't fucking work to read the fucking chat.
Sorry, I can't, I can't get, I can't see your messages about the hamster. All right, anyways. Uh, there is one more thing, the Reddit segment, and then I can finally end this, this, this fucking nightmare.
Unknown_35: I'm lying. There's Ralph The nightmare continues forever. I want to talk a little bit about a guy called Gabe Hoffman Ralph went on stream and He
he realized that he was being stream sniped. So he decided to start saying the N-word as hard and fast as humanly possible, which successfully managed to get the kick stream restreaming him deleted. So he did epically own the A-logs. However, he did not remember that Gabe Hoffman, a Jewish hedge fund manager and director, was watching his movements ready to strike.
Unknown_35: So after he did the the chaingun inward spam Gabe Hoffman sent this clip to the different payment services that he uses which I think was check. Yeah was one wasn't like check. Yeah and Kofi And they banned him because of his vulgar racist outbursts that Gabe Hoffman had alerted them to
And obviously I'm against deplatforming, even for retards like Ralph. However, he has no one but himself to blame. And let me explain. After hearing about this, I wondered why this Jewish hedge fund manager really, really hated Ralph. And he didn't seem to hate anybody else associated with Ralph or like the Kiwi Farms, for instance.
And I had falsely assumed that he was a member of the ADL. Because I think there is a guy called Hoffman who is associated with the ADL. Correct me if I'm wrong. And when I realized that he didn't have anything to do with the ADL, I'm like, what the fuck is this guy's thing with Ralph? He seems like a normal person. Why is he involved in Ralph's shit?
Unknown_35: So I messaged him.
Unknown_35: and uh he explained surprisingly he wrote in extreme detail about his history with uh ralph and i will relay this history to you because i've never heard this explained to me um so because i think it's it's like deep lore that not everybody will know about um okay so here's what happened
This guy is a director. He did a video expose about pedophiles in Hollywood, which ended the careers of a couple people that I can't remember. I don't want to name any names because of what I'm saying, but it ended the careers of the people that he did the expose on.
Unknown_35: And since he was into video exposes and stuff He also had like an interest in QAnon and he saw the HBO documentary about Q which by the way I'm featured in there's the one picture of me sitting standing next to Frederick Brennan and Ron Watkins in a k-flay hoodie in the mill in Manila Philippines and that was broadcasted but because of this documentary
He started talking to Frederick Brennan about Q, and eventually he started talking to Frederick Brennan about Wikipedia.
Unknown_35: From what I remember, I could be wrong, but I think that Frederick Brennan literally wrote Ralph's Wikipedia article. I want to say that he not only wrote this, but he wrote it in front of me. I think this was done in Manila, and he was writing this article in front of me in his apartment at one point.
Unknown_35: But at some point when Frederick did like his heel turn He decided that he wanted to Get rid of Ralph's Wikipedia page and since he was like an ingrained wiki crat at that time He was able to lobby for this page to be deleted successfully
Gabe Hoffman noted that Frederick had clout in Wikipedia, and since he was interested in exposés and stuff, he wanted to know how Wikipedia worked. And so Frederick and him discussed the ins and outs of being a Wikicrat.
Unknown_35: as he was getting Ralph's article deleted at that time, when Ralph saw this and freaked out about it, because he saw this as a huge insult, that they considered him not notable enough for an article. He freaked out about it on Twitter, and Frederick, wanting to rub it in, tweeted at Gabe Hoffman in reply to Ralph's chimp out on Twitter, so that Gabe Hoffman may also see Ralph freak out about Wikipedia and laugh at him.
For some reason, not for some reason, I know exactly why, Ralph responded to this by directly attacking Gabe Hoffman because in his audience he has these really low IQ neo-Nazis that are like inbred Klansmen, like Ranbaut. Ranbaut's a great example of someone who's like 80 IQ and also a neo-Nazi that hates Jews, right? And he wants to make money from these people.
Unknown_35: So he sees Frederick Brennan tagging in this random Jew, and he's like, aha, you see this billionaire hedge fund manager Jew? He's bankrolling my opposition. I, the Ralph of Mail, am not only notable, I am so notable, there is a Jewish conspiracy to take me down, as indicated by Gabe Hoffman being tagged into this Twitter conversation.
Gabe thought this was funny and looked into Ralph. So he went to YouTube, he typed in Ethan Ralph, and since Ralph is banned off YouTube, who do you guys think he found talking about Ralph? And I want to see if a chat can guess this, because I think that this is known to some people, but I don't know how known it is.
Unknown_35: Yes, the ADL has mentioned Ralph. The ADL wrote an article about neo-Nazis crowdfunding through superchats on YouTube, which is why Ralph got banned to begin with, because of the heel stream.
Unknown_35: No, not me. Kino Casino. Kino Casino has better advertising, I guess, better YouTube presence, and more content on Ralph. So when he went to YouTube and typed in Ethan Ralph, he found the Kino Casino with PPP.
And he listened, and he thought, this is funny. And this fat retard is getting roasted, and he's white trash, and I find all this very entertaining. So he endeavored to watch it live. And so he watched a couple episodes of the Keno Casino live and thought, these guys are really funny. I'm going to send in a Super Chat, which ended in PPP curiously wondering if the Gabe Hoffman who just sent him $20 in Super Chat is the real Gabe Hoffman they were just talking about.
of the Ralph drama.
Unknown_35: It was him. He confirmed on Twitter that it was him that had sent in the money on Keno Casino, and Ralph took this as vindication. Not only is this Jewish billionaire hedge fund manager conspiring against him by tagging in Frederick Brennan, but he's also directly funding his opposition, the Keno Casino, through Super Chats, making the Keno Casino a Jewish conspiracy against Ethan Ralph, personally funded by Gabe Hoffman. So that's what he went out and said.
Unknown_35: After this point, from what I understand, things kind of died down. Gabe was still watching the Keno Casino or whatever, keeping tabs on Ralph. But there wasn't much active until October 7th, 2023, when Hamas attacked Israel.
And what was Ralph's first reaction at hearing that Hamas had carried out a terrorist attack in Israel?
Unknown_35: He went on Twitter and said something to the effect of, I sure hope Gabe Hoffman's family weren't slaughtered by Hamas in a terrorist attack. Haha. Well, as it turns out, Gabe did not like that very much. So after months, or I think even years even, of just not being very involved in the whole Ralph and Male drama, Ralph randomly decided to shit in this guy's cereal and he didn't like it. So now he's very personally invested in destroying Ethan Ralph. And there's now a literal, Jewish head fund head fund billionaire trying to destroy him Because he kept fucking with them So let this be a lesson now regardless on your political takes that making enemies Needlessly is a bad idea and sometimes it's just it's better to let let things ride as it were Head fund that's right
Uh, so Ralph was on some weird spelling bee.
Unknown_35: Um, I think there's clips of this.
Unknown_35: Do I want to, do I dare try to preload these from the Kiwi firms?
Unknown_35: I'm sure I don't have to do a capture thing.
Unknown_35: Oh, it is loading. Oh my God. Stream saved. Okay. So from what I understand, he, he did a spelling bee and he cheated. So I think this is mostly him ranting and being an inward chat. Can you hear me?
Unknown_19: Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Yeah.
Salvo pancakes attempted to organize an internet celebrity spelling bee on the internet.
Unknown_35: So I don't know if you know this, but dictionaries are a common thing on the internet now and on phones. So it's very hard to, uh, to prevent cheating. But I think that what Ralph did is that he was like loudly typing. So when the, uh, the word was given to him, he, you could hear him immediately start clacking, clacking, like on the mic because he was looking up the word on Google and, uh, he got called out for this.
I like the way you book.
Unknown_08: I don't think they can fucking hear me actually Hey, Ralph, okay What I want to say is and yeah, I know why Salvo is taking this position
Unknown_19: of a
it makes it harder to detect cheating basically um and so I understand why he's saying that but it's not an official spelling bee unless we can actually write down the word then spell it
Unknown_19: I brought my pen and everything. So I, right.
Unknown_09: Ryan knows what I'm talking about, right?
Unknown_10: Like he knows, raise your hand.
Unknown_19: If you've been in a spelling bee, raise your hand. If you've been in a spelling bee in this, in this room. Yeah, I'm with you, but yes, me too.
Unknown_20: I've had been in a spelling bee before. Okay.
Unknown_19: And you know how it works and you, and you know that. that you get that right. All right. Like, I'm not going down the link.
They definitely go down the list and they'll say, you sure turn the spell.
Unknown_19: I'm not just making that up. I didn't make that up to cheat. I didn't make that up. Fuck anybody over. I'm just saying that's the that's the actual rules, right? Like you know, where are we going right now?
Unknown_20: So what's the word that we're going to spell right now?
Unknown_19: A faggot.
Unknown_19: Not for you, not for you. I'm just kidding.
Unknown_09: I'm just kidding. I wanted to make a joke. I wanted to make a joke. By the way, can you guys, um, I've been streaming all day and, uh, been going through a lot.
Can you guys see me? Like my visage and all that, or do I have visage?
Unknown_27: You got to hit the camera, brothers.
Unknown_35: Can you see the haunting visage of my guns? I've been so beaten down by the events that have transpired this day, I need to make sure I'm broadcasting my earthly, mortal, corporeal form to you through the internets. Thanks, Ralph. Yeah, we can see you, buddy.
You look like a faggot right now.
Unknown_19: You sound like a faggot and you suck dick like a faggot. So I wouldn't be surprised. How do you know?
Unknown_12: Yeah, how would you know what a faggot sucks dick like? I don't know.
Unknown_10: Because he watches your videos.
Unknown_08: He might want to know because he told me once.
Unknown_19: Because we know Brian Dunn. What happens? Yeah, we all know Brian Dunn. Can we all just say fuck Brian Dunn? Like, start this off like, fuck Brian Dunn. Hello?
Look at this drunk-ass clown, man. Isn't sleeping with a man kind of a compliment?
Unknown_20: Hey, bro. Let me tell you something, man. I don't mean to shit on nobody's parade, but we're in LA right now. I don't know where you're at, bro. You can be in Wisconsin.
Unknown_19: I'm in Merida, Mexico. I don't give a fuck about LA.
Unknown_20: There's a lot of white people, so I'm thinking you guys are in Montana.
Unknown_19: For you! Yo! I'm like Draco right here in Merida, dude. What's good, brother? I don't give a goddamn about LA. What's good there, yo?
Unknown_20: Nada, what's up, homie? It's so good to see you, man. Good to see you, brother.
How you been? Dude, I'm good, bro.
Unknown_20: I'm out in L.A. right now. I'm gonna be in Vegas next week, bro.
Unknown_19: Yeah, I wanted to come, man. I wanted to come, but I got my own vacation.
Unknown_11: I couldn't afford to.
Unknown_19: Okay, can you see me now? Because, like, I have problems with the Discord. I don't know. No, we can't see you, drunk ass. Where's Ralph at? I don't see him. Fuck you, bitch. Suck my fucking dick. I'm just saying, you're drunk, dude. No, I'm not drunk. I'm not drunk, you asshole motherfucker.
I will beat you in a spelling bee cock sucking motherfucker.
Unknown_08: I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, but it ain't the same nigga you think.
Unknown_19: I'm from Memphis. I'm from Memphis with two illegitimate children, more blacker than, and a felony, more blacker than you can ever be.
Unknown_35: Dude, why are people proud of shit like this? We need to deport these people. He's already, you know, he's already deported. He's in Mexico. Don't let him back in. Confiscate his passport, his el pasporto. Don't let him back in. This is gonna be a fucking blast
This is why Ralph can't like leave his stream anymore. He's like stuck in the Ralph ever He can only stream in his room. He can't take Jesse pot awfuls podcast and and like Take calls cuz you get bully. He can't like guest star on other people's show He used to like jump around shows all the time to promote himself and stuff And now he can't he jumps on his fucking spelling bee discord and he gets bullied by a dozen people
Unknown_14: Do we have everybody in here first off let me ask that yes, I can confirm we have Jesse it's so good to hear you perfect. All right guys. Let me let me run you The other clip This is him screaming in where I think I
Ethan Ralph, your word is entrepreneur. Okay. I'm glad you pronounced it that way.
Unknown_35: I've never done a spelling me before. I could definitely spell entrepreneur if I wrote it down, but I don't know if I can say it aloud. E N P R E P E.
N-E-U-E-R entrepreneur, right? Yeah, I spelled it right. Did I miss anything?
Unknown_08: I missed the R in entrepreneur?
Unknown_35: Aw, that sucks. I guess I lose. I guess I ain't as good at spelling up as their alpha male, huh?
Unknown_18: Hello guys. Hello guys.
Unknown_18: That's kind of a hard word actually.
Unknown_19: He's trying to get me out of here. Say what?
Oh, go ahead. You interrupted me, I just wanted to make sure. I'm sorry.
Unknown_35: You interrupted me. It's gonna take at least another 120 processing cycles to remember the last thing that I had thinking of.
Unknown_35: Anyways, my word is angles. A-N-G-E-L-S. Angles.
Unknown_13: All right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Go ahead. The floor is yours.
Unknown_19: Okay. Uh, E N T R E P R E N U E R entrepreneur.
Unknown_11: Incorrect. E-E-N-T-R-E-P-R-E-N-E. I thought it was spelled N-I-G-G-E-R, nigger.
Unknown_13: Oh, Ethan Rock. Dude, I appreciate you coming on here, buddy. I appreciate you coming on here, motherfucker. Just to be clear, you did spell nigger wrong.
Unknown_10: Guys, guys, kick it from the call.
Unknown_17: Guys, kick it from the call.
I'm smiling. He knows. Dude, this is why nobody can invite him onto their shows. Imagine inviting this fat retard to talk to you.
Unknown_35: Anyways, let's get into some real entertainment here. It's my boy. It's the Bossman Jack time. So, Bossman... Let me prelude these clips, actually. Bossman has been up for approximately 96 hours straight.
Unknown_35: And, um... Sorry, I didn't mean to clip my throat into the mic.
Unknown_35: And, uh...
He's on high on crack He's he's so high on crack and I featured this and now keemstar is trying to rope him into the locale podcast But I think he has too much dignity to do that because showing up on a low-cal podcast implies that you're a low-cal I don't think he accepts that title
Unknown_35: He's a high on crack and he's been gambling for 96 hours. He won $30,000 and Supposedly he has bought a bong and he has bought like half an ounce of gold So he has a $600 bong and a half ounce of gold in the mail But I think that the main thing he bought is a ton of crack He has a ton of crack in them that he's been that he's been consuming heavily and
Unknown_35: So he's been up for 96 hours, and then while high on crack, he deleted his Discord in a fit of rage, banned all his mods, I think, except for Pico, the training, for whatever fucking reason, and then gambled the rest of his money. I said the half ounce of gold. He said he had about like a $1,000 gold coin, which would be a half ounce of gold, I'm pretty sure.
So that's his situation. Pika's gone. No way No way that Pika's going. Oh, is he that is that the tranny that catfish him? He was complaining like really vague posting about being catfished by a tranny Is he is that the tranny that he was talking about?
Unknown_35: dudes Someone oh my god, that's crazy. I didn't even know about that. I he went on stream and someone in chat was bullying him for getting catfished by a tranny and
And, uh, everyone made the joke that it was Pika. I didn't know that it was literally Pika that was the catfish tranny. But, uh, he was complaining about being catfished or something. He was, like, crying about it, too. Anyways, let's hear him all cracked out gambling.
Unknown_05: I got this, man.
Unknown_05: This is the good shit. Oh my god. This is the good shit.
Unknown_35: This is, like, my cry.
Unknown_05: Oh my god.
Unknown_35: Oh my fucking god, dude.
Unknown_06: Stop, dude. I'm fixing for some boss man right now. Stop!
Unknown_06: Oh my fucking god, dude. Man.
The Kiwi Farms is my pipe, the video player that buffers is like the copper wire, and the boss man is the straight crack cocaine.
Unknown_06: Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god, dude. Dude, stop! Oh my god! Dude, this is so fucking sad! Oh my fucking god. It's gone.
He threw it at the curtain. If there was a wall there, it would have been fucking punched through. Thankfully, the curtain took the blow.
Unknown_35: Watch this one. Uh...
Unknown_35: Okay, I'll watch this.
Unknown_35: One of my favorite things is that he depoted in $1,000, gambled it really quickly, like he went to Limbo. Limbo is this game that he's playing. I don't know exactly how it works, but he presses the button, and I can't tell if it just randomly picks a number, or if he has to hold it, and based on how long he holds it, the number goes up.
But um, it's basically just a coin flip the way he has it set up it either hits or it doesn't hit You can see there. It says the win chance is 49.5
Unknown_35: So, he presses button, coin flip, wins or loses his money, double or nothing.
Unknown_35: And he gambled down from 1,000 to zero, re-depot in another $1,000, and then pressed the Gamba button with a $1,000 bet and instantly lost. Like, just instantly, a single bet. It's not like he bet one once, gambled two more times, and lost. First time, just lost. It was really crazy.
Unknown_06: Oh, my fucking God!
It's that crack-rock-a-rooski. Dude, he is so cracked out. You can literally see, look at his forehead, you can literally see the bulge of blood and tension in his skull as he like, as the crack pumps through him and he presses the button.
Unknown_06: Oh my thank God. Oh my thank God, dude.
Unknown_06: Oh my thank God.
Unknown_35: Yeah, he's gambling hundreds because he was up $30,000.
Unknown_35: Like what he does is he puts in $50 and he does double or nothing. And most of the time he loses all his money. Sometimes he'll do it over and over again. He'll bet 50, bet 100, bet 200, bet 400, bet 800, and he'll do that all the way up to $30,000. And it's around that time where he'll like peel off. Because what he does, okay, let me explain.
When he gets way up, he will take the money out of stake. Stake, for federal legal reasons, does not allow more than a $10,000 a day depot. So even if he, once he takes out $20,000, he's like, this is my money, I'm gonna give this to my dad, I'm gonna buy a car. He puts that money back in the stake slowly, because he loses what he has left, and then he re-depots $1,000 in that time. And eventually, he'll re-depot in $10,000 and hit the stake limit. And then he he doesn't he can't gamble. He has two options. He can either redepot into BC games Which doesn't have the limit, but that's against his state contract or he can wait a day. Well when he's fucking cracked out on On on that good crispy crackers ski He'll just redepot and gamble offline. So the money goes fast regardless this time apparently he bought The bong and a gold coin which is shocking if that if that shit actually arrives and he keeps it I would be stunned
Oh my god, there you go. Get that shit back! Get that shit back! Get that shit fucking back, bitch. You gave my fucking money back.
Unknown_06: Come on.
Unknown_06: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god, I'm doing 750, come on. Yes, let's go!
Unknown_35: More gamble cows. Okay. So most of the gamble cows aren't interesting. I will show you this I think I should be able to pull this off. Give me one second and hide this real quick. And hopefully my browser doesn't crash. Oh My browser has apparently crashed. It sure has it sure did it sure crashed It's like crashing right now. Okay, hold up. Let me just reboot it before it crashes my entire fucking computer And let me requeue up the boss, man
Sure. Okay. He's the only good one because he does crack That sounds like I'm taking the piss I'm not because he's always hyped up and he has this really positive Polly spirit to him where he talks about like his struggles and shit and then um I'll show you I'll try to show you another Gambit streamer cuz I've look at I've watched a couple of them and they suck They like really suck
okay gamba slots and casinos okay views high to low 18 slot store studio ish z hit um that's in german we're not gonna be able to see that okay this is in english i'll show you him this is classy beef i've never seen them before
Unknown_27: Post Malone writing on the wall.
Unknown_27: I thought was Sam Smith. You meant Lee Jones. What a baby Sorry to refix my browser Okay, here you go. Hi Lee. Hi Lee Jones.
Unknown_35: So this is the other kind of streamer on Seven minutes
So he's, he's just like a professional. So he just gambles like $5,000 spins. And he does, he has zero emotional investment. He knows that he's going to lose, but he makes his money through the stake sponsorship and through the donations. So like he, he, it's all like a, he's, he's winning just by this, like his entertainment, like people are gambling by watching him by proxy. So he doesn't really care about what's happening. Um, the money that he gambles with is basically fake anyways because it's just stake.us shit And then he keeps all the money that he gets from kick. So that's why he just doesn't care He's just like this slot might as well be a fucking background. He's not really invested in what's happening but you compare that to fucking Austin who is like This next spin might be the one that that gets him out of the the hood and shit Let's go, let's go! Come on, come on, come on Bossman is real
Yes! Let's let him go! Let's let him go! Are you ready? This is it! Oh, wow! You can't see it on full screen, but he's up to 5,000.
Unknown_35: So he was almost gone. He was almost empty. But you can see he keeps doubling up his bet.
Okay, get back!
Unknown_35: Come on. He's at 5,000 right now. Yeah! He just hit, he just did, like I said, he doubled up to 1,500. Yeah! And then he got that one. Let's let him go!
Unknown_30: Let's let him go! Let's let him go!
Unknown_35: Oh, damn. That's crispy. That Krakowski. $8,600 I think he loses it from here He's doing $300 bets 700 He's trying he's desperate he's desperate to get up to 10,000 so he's just bet $1,500 again
He's doing 700. Oh my God.
Unknown_06: Oh my God.
Unknown_35: Back under 5,000. You can really hear his jaw. You can hear the crack mouth of him grinding his jaw. You see it? When he's really focused, he's grinding. He's doing the crack jaw thing.
Unknown_06: Oh my God. Oh my God. Come on, dude. Come on, dude.
Unknown_06: Dude, come on.
Oh my God, dude. Oh my God. Oh wow.
Unknown_06: Oh my fucking God. Dude. Oh my fucking God. Stop. Stop it. Yes. Come on. Come on. Come on. Oh my God. Holy crap. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Unknown_05: Come on.
Unknown_35: This dopamine receptors are completely fried. I got this man.
Unknown_35: And it's a good thing, too. There's no chance of depravity. He's stuck. There's never gonna be the boss man grooming scandal. How can my boy groom? How can he find time in his busy day of crack and gamba to groom? He's a safe bet. You think he can show up on a locale podcast? No. He can't wake up.
When he stays up for 96 hours high on crack and sleeps, you think he's gonna get up and go to a podcast?
Unknown_06: Oh my god, every time I fucking crease it's fucking insta-loss. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god, dude. Dude, stop! Oh my god! Dude, this is so fucking sad!
Oh my fucking god. It's gone.
Unknown_27: Damn.
Unknown_06: I just fucking lost 10, dude. There you go.
Unknown_35: That's the bossman content.
Unknown_35: There was a 128x9 he just missed. I don't understand. No, that's 1.28. Um, I think I don't understand how Limbo works. It's one of the dumbest games. He plays these what they call originals and the originals are games that are built directly into steak and they're just like Common negro gambling games like dice or coin flips and shit like or a wheel. They're like the dumbest games possible
And for some reason he really really loves those and prefers those to real blackjack I think just because of the speed like every time he clicks it he he gets an instant reaction whereas with live blackjack It's much slower and sometimes the dealers fuck up the the hands and also
If the dealer is like talking to people or reading chat and replying, she might smile or something. And if the dealer smiled, dude, he was so cracked out. Usually he doesn't talk in the chat at all. Like, cause he's just there to gamble. He's not there to chit chat. But, um, there was a lady and she was talking to other people in the chat and smiled while dealing hands. Well, he had just lost. And because crack makes you paranoid. He was like so sure that she was laughing at him, that he like flipped out at her in chat. For laughing at him losing his hand or whatever It was really it was really shocking to see he's really bad this week on crack I think cuz he won that money and he put a lot of it into into drugs, which is a bit disappointing But yeah Green means you hit but I don't know. I don't think you hit 120 X I really don't understand how this fucking this bullshit game works. I wouldn't put money into it So I'm trying to say
And finally, the Reddit segment so I can get my fucking pizza chat.
Unknown_35: I have a Reddit screenshot for you. This is from Am I the Asshole? So whatever we're about to see is probably a good one.
Unknown_35: From you, sad husbandry. Am I the asshole for wanting to leave my wife because she had a go bag? My wife and I have been together for five years now. We have a two year old and we are planning to expand our family. I decided to tidy up my wife's closet because there was a mold problem in the garage and I decided to inspect the whole house. There I found a gym bag with clothes, dry fruits, some tampons, and a thousand dollars cash. I asked my wife about it, and her face suddenly lost its color.
At first she told me that it was an emergency bag in case we got hit by an earthquake or something. I asked her why she hid it from me. After a bit of back and forth, she sheepishly confessed that it's a go bag.
Basically, women who need to flee their abusers are told to keep a go bag with all essential supplies and money and clothes and stuff. I asked her why exactly she needs or ever felt the need to do this. I have never even talked to her in a loud voice. We barely have any arguments. Why does she think I'm going to become an abuser?
Unknown_35: She says that she's not saying I am an abuser. She just wanted to do it because of peace of mind. I don't buy her excuse. I don't think she trusts me. Otherwise, she wouldn't have to go so far. It took some days to mull it over and I've come to the conclusion that I cannot be with a woman who cannot trust me and who sees me as an abuser. I asked her for separation and told her I cannot be with a woman who does not trust me. I believe that trust is the foundation of a relationship, and if she does not trust me, then it's better to part ways. Now she is making excuses that she read too many mommy forums and let herself be influenced by them. She showed me the forms where they discuss go bags and how every woman should have one. I get the logic, but I cannot stay with a woman who does not trust me to know that she will never need to have such a thing. I agreed to take more time to think about it, but I think divorce will let her find a man she trusts and not be an abuser because she does not trust me.
Am I the asshole?
Unknown_35: Edit I am taking a break. We'll read and reply to good faith comments later. I would like to address common things here Statistics should not be applied to individual cases That's a reddit post 1350 but what about the individual? Mmm, that's some fucking Rick and Morty shit right there
Unknown_35: This kind of thinking led to racial profiling of African Americans by unfulfilled law enforcement. Oh my fucking god, people.
Statistics does not dictate individuals and I believe me man. I am basically black But a man is the black of genders if you really think about it I believe that every individual has a right not to be seen as part of a group and have statistics applied to them blindedly No, she does not have a history of abusive relationship sounds like it's not carte blanche to accuse anyone of anything Dingo ate my baby woman was also convicted because she sounded like a murderer and it's a shame that you guys feel so at ease of doing something so disgusting a relationship without
Thank you, Redditor.
Unknown_35: Stats are correct. Predictable, Redditor. The statistics say that you probably are an abuser, and a tranny, and a retard. Cope, feed, and dilate.
Unknown_35: Thank you, Reddit. Very cool. Now, chat, I leave you an option. How do I end this stream? I have on standby, it's pizza time. Wait, no, fuck. I got super chats. I got super chats that I don't fucking have to read. Sorry, I'm really hankering for pizza now. It's affecting my judgment.
Okay, I'll read what I have and then I'll check the the Kiwi farms thread for for other super jet Maybe they've been post. I think they usually are I think most people are ready for me to crash these days and they screen cap my super jets Daddy, I cried over once as I appreciate the effort, but I don't think the bit where you go flying for 15 minutes. Is that all funny? Sorry. Well, you know what? I'm expanding my horizons and I'm trying different things these days. I
Unknown_35: Always mr. No for ten says how's that Linux working out for you great my boy great Thanks for asking paying penguin for one says why do people care about what a fat disingenuous addict like PPP says?
When you're funny, you can get away with anything you want Back to life Patrick s Tomlinson for five says what is a beep boop song you played to come back from the stream?
Unknown_35: you're
Unknown_35: You played to come back from the break. Are you talking? I think you're thinking of the, um, Oh, the intro songs, the pizza tower, pizza, pizza theme, pizza time theme.
Unknown_35: Uh, gaze int, int zero, the V zero ID, please for 10 says, hi Josh. My family thinks today's my birthday, but it's actually tomorrow. Would you please wish me a happy birthday tomorrow for my birthday tomorrow? Thank you very much, Aaron. Hello, Aaron. Have a nice birthday tomorrow, but not today. Impermissible to have a nice birthday today, even though pizza day would be a nice day to have a birthday. All right. Hey, okay.
Everyone says I'm going to take my horse to a divorce court going to sue till she can't no more.
Unknown_35: Think that Raph's gonna lose that one, though.
Unknown_35: Considering that he basically admitted that he's an abusive retard.
Unknown_35: For the ghosts, NTC45 says, well, John, not everyone can be into bass, BBW, Brabhug, Slamham, Nail Whale, Moo Goddesses, like us high-test chads. There's a direct correlation of desired size in a female and intellect. Bro, close your fucking mouth when you chew, it's not that hard.
Sonali 98 for 10 says the outro song for the last room reminded me of this song music recommendation, I guess and it is a song called White lies farewell to the fairgrounds. I've never heard of before
Unknown_35: it sounds like some good good indie music that i would listen to thanks brother stark stalker child enjoy prison for two says in beer brew here huh ish issa used to make the beer brew beer here ish we're fine ooh earth rather thanks to the great lakes joe biden leader of the free world
Yeah, his quotes are getting, like, really disastrously bad. I think that the president of Mexico thing was, like, even made fun of by CNN. Like, even normies are like, what the fuck is wrong with him? But they're gonna run him again. I hope he wins. It's the funniest possible outcome. Who's the vice president? Kamala? Ooh, President Harris. There we go.
Unknown_35: x vladden for 20 says is there any reason your super chat program doesn't save the super chats it loads the file and if it crashes you can check the text file not that i care about paypigs thanks for the streams jman yeah that's been proposed someone suggested uh doing a sql light storage thing for super chats
But that's like on my to-do list.
Unknown_35: I want to store super chats obviously But I also want to fix HTML sanitization and get live counters, too. So I guess I And I want to fix my donation form and I want to fix Kiwi flare and I want to fix a lot of things Okay, I'm spread pretty thin. I'm getting around to it. I promise
Unknown_35: Miso Alpink's pretend says thanks for getting me to k-flay Josh. I saw her live recently. What's your backstory behind meeting her? I Donated money to the album my life as a dog. That's it. That's all there was she was very small at the time. So it was easy to To meet her She did signings and stuff with merch like after the shows too. It's not like she's like a high I think she's a big celebrity now, but she wasn't like them. I
Kolya Dante for ten says fun fact gave Hoffman is featured into porcelains merch documentary merch had him on to discuss his film a few times and Hoffman Discovered merch had been spurring about Jews on other streams.
I Did not know that I don't know anything about merch. I've never seen porcelains documentary about him. So I can't really provide any input Well, you Dante for five says actually I think they may have been interacted on Twitter, but they had been friendly at one point. I
Unknown_35: Um, that doesn't surprise me. I mean, he's an enemy of Ralph. So people are going to talk to him. Many people desire to see Ralph suffer.
Unknown_35: The ghost of low tax for one says, Josh, can we see some warm wishes for luxurious Snead? His daughter was born and I'm sure we're all excited to meet the new member of the Snead family. Yes. Uh, luxurious Snead has been seating and feeding, and now he has a baby daughter that was born like this week, like in the last few days. Congratulations, Mr. Snead. Congratulations.
Condolia Collie Nante for five says BLP kosher reverberated his bedroom making it pulsate even as the crack Circulated through his thick powerful veins and washed away his American fear of rats The hottest city civic you can go ever with a Honda Civic. You can go anywhere. He thought Very very poetic. I I can see it in my head clear as day My boy is one click away from making out of the hood. I
Manny R. Craver for one says, when are we going, when are we getting a fishing stream? And then there is a cat box file.
Unknown_35: And it's a picture of boss man, Jack.
Unknown_35: Maybe I'll take Austin out fishing one day. I'll we'll do the fish and stream together.
Unknown_35: The cogs for two says base gets a wife ready for when the micro plastics inevitably damaged my mind.
I have no idea what that means, but thank you. Robert says, when people think pizza time, not enough people think of going to Chuck E. Cheese for some za and ski ball. Dick, the birthday boy.
Unknown_35: I went to Chuck E. Cheese when I was a kid. I know what you're doing. He didn't go to Chuck E. Cheese though. He went to, um, that other one, the predecessor to Chuck E. Cheese knows you're talking about though. Can do for 10 says you have to spend your Valentine's day with one person from an array of pizza videos. He just showed us. What is your Valentine's day pizza date? Uh, Cobes, obviously turbo Neal Breen for one says, Alyssa, I need you to comment on Nick this week. Go look at his responses to the Vick case settlement for content.
Unknown_35: I mean, I think that...
Unknown_35: Sean did a decent response. I mean he lost he lost he lost against the fee shifting provision and now he owes fees I Think it was kind of weird I saw negative comments about Sean's tape because he said I think Ty sounds like a nice enough guy And people were like why is Ty? Why is Sean covering for Ty? Like it's possible for people to be nice and not win a lawsuit
Even disastrously not win a lawsuit.
Unknown_35: I don't know. I don't know what the contention is. Deech, for $100, says, give me pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A. I guess it will be that song. It's been decided. Thank you very much. Mouse Cops, for $5, says, have you tried updating your drivers? If that doesn't work, try turning it off and on again. I try to keep my installation up to date, but I think it's Brave, honestly. I think Brave is causing fucking problems, because it's always... Brave crashes, like, multiple times a day now.
Unknown_35: Aaron Dill, for one, says, Long Nian Kuwaili. Long Nian Kuwailia. This better not be some weird shit. I shouldn't read no fucking anime gibberish. Faze Askey, for one, says, Josh officially says SQL and not the tranny version of pronouncing the language sequel. Uh, that's true. I've never, they pronounced it sequel in Australia, and I didn't like how that sounded. So I've always pronounced, I've always said SQL.
Okay, let's see if the heroes of the chat have archived all the The super chats for me if not, I am just gonna have to steal the bag and run away. Let's check it out As I do as a nefarious ratatouille rat myself
Unknown_09: Okay, look in, look in.
Unknown_08: Look in.
Unknown_35: One day I'll have an internet connection check.
Okay, genocide or so save the super berries. Let's continue Starting from the top this time Blarg goal for 50 says I hate the Antichrist aka Jews. Keep up the good work brother. Thank you very much Blarg. Well, I appreciate it. No comment Space Islander for 20 says sneat on be like kiwi farms. Thank you very much. Appreciate it TP deluxe surprises six months from now Josh sits across from the Caleb hammer on financial audit 153 thousand on pizza. Are you crazy? I've never like him. Are you crazy? You're gonna die on the Walmart floor He gets like super high-pitched when he's like angry
Seek a loather for $100 says Happy New Year. No, here's your red packet money that we usually give subordinates and little children now that we have raised well over 150 grand for your litigation. What's next? Same thing we do every year. Seek a loather, try and take over the world. Thank you very much. Even though your message is a bit fucking asshole. I appreciate the money. Devious W for two says happy 30th birthday to wolf tone. Happy birthday wolf tone shouldn't throw any pissing anybody Foxes for five says is this Matthew Burns in the room with us right now. Could the real Matthew Burns, please stand up.
I think he is He's a ghost people speculate that it's him sending it to himself, but I don't know I wouldn't go that far Probably a redditor Sergeant and wizard fist for five says if you like cancer so much Why don't you get a pet hamster so you can avoid slowly going insane in your Eastern European apartment? Why would I get a pet if I have to move soon, bro? I can't have pets cuz I move so often
Unknown_35: Neighborino for one says Yeshua. I have red-pilled my wife on the Jays, but now she is saying inappropriate things in front of normies What do I do? Continue doing it. There's no consequences for this. Just don't say the n-word in front of black people because then they'll kill you Ashby 742 for five says I love the hamster put her on a shirt Maybe I try to have like a cute design and a cool design for each merch run, but we'll see
Horan burger for two says ma'am. I lick you. I lick you 19 hours in my home, Bangladesh I receive you please come for pleasure 19 hours in this that's fucking gross as v7 for two for five. I read that
Unknown_35: Forsaken Wanderer47 said, did you notice all that cutesy shit Jade is putting into Jem's streams? It's real gay and I'm glad you don't have a girlfriend and use Pizza Tower instead.
Unknown_35: I did say that his background was a little bit different.
Unknown_35: I just attributed that to his slide into anime shit though.
Thank you. Forsaken Wanderer for three says based King enjoying pineapple on pizza, ham, pineapple cheese, tomato based God's choice. That's fucking gross. I'm going to be real with you.
Unknown_35: Gay store spokesman for five says the Kiwi farm litigation fund is brought to you by the gay store. Josh has been a longtime supporter and shopper at the gay store. We support him with all our homosexual products and services. You got your money's worth. So thank you. Supreme media for two says, have you ever considered writing a book about your experiences running the most hated website on the internet? Yes. Many times, but it's a lot of work. Hyper ninja for 10 says happy national pizza day. Slap some extra cilantro on that bad boy. Fuck you. I'm not putting cilantro and fucking anything. Roxanne will for five says bark bark pizza. What a wonderful super jet. Thank you oxen wolf Bob not pretends as a little Josh has played the Chipotle pizza video at least three streams It makes me burst out laughing every time. It's a great video. There's always a reason to play it to Paying penguin for five says have some money for pizza day. My pizza is Saturday pizza day is Saturday speaking pizza How's the weight loss going how much you weigh now? I don't know
I have been either gay. I think I've gained a little bit of weight or I was back to where I started originally because After the dropped kiwi farm shit I stopped I stopped tracking I moved back to the US when I have to watch my weight though because if I move back and I just eat all the shit that I've been missing for years I want to be fat as fuck Troons for Trump for tenses bazinga. Thank you trunes for Trump. I
The end of the kindergartens For the ghost NTC for one says oh, yeah, folks. Well, he doesn't say folks. I'd misread that. Oh, yeah The Lion King for five says I'll miss the stream But my conspiracy theories that we are already in a small-scale civil war the government just frames it as random attacks or does complete media blackouts Well, the Spanish Civil War started with the stochastic terrorism. That was basically just random assassinations before people lined up and started shooting each other and For the Ghost, NTC45 says, while we were on the subject, what are your thoughts on PPP attempting to siphon your audience, your content, and writing your censorship plight while hiding the fact that he called you a pedo for five to six years?
I don't know about siphoning my audience. I don't feel like that's happening. My audience continues to grow, and I still see the same people. So I don't feel like I'm losing anybody to PPP.
Unknown_35: As far as he goes, I don't know. He's definitely somebody who follows things that are popular and changes his allegiances a lot But yeah, I don't know it's like I said before it's gonna take a while for me to be like, yeah PPP is super cool because he did definitely ride the whole Josh rapes children thing for fucking a long ass time Cool did not pay 15 says nobody. Oh, yeah PPP
Thank you for the ghost and you see for 10 says Josh. Did you see what Keno casino said about your recent litigation fund? I wasn't actually my slip schedules fucked up. So I did see like a stream live and They talked about it. They actually linked it and stuff, which of course my appreciative of So I'm happy for the support Though this is the same guy
Unknown_35: Said the negative things. I don't know what I heard about the litigation fund was Positive from them, so I don't know if that's like a different statement. I can't click it cuz it's not a link The Lion King produces the FBI also probably allows mass shootings to happen because 90% of the resources are put towards definitely stopping people From sniping politicians. We just don't hear about it Yeah, probably She got a ski for two says I haven't been paid yet. So have at least so at least have a pizza topping Thanks for all the entertainment. Thank you. Appreciate it
Action Johnny for 10 says base poutine enjoyer poutine is a controversial opinion. I do enjoy it though It's an SRCO for 10 says happy pizza day. And then there is a link Oh, okay. Wait, he did provide the links. Okay, so this is the clip that ghost sent in So 23 minute long video
oh i get it it's just noise okay it is true it's the main issue that i have with uh the keno casino is that he'll randomly like the the interruptions to celebrate super chats and stuff really disrupts the flow of the content um and i know that the the purpose of entertainment is you know to receive
Unknown_35: compensation for your time and for the energy you put into streams and stuff, but like It's just like cutting off that sends ago for the ghosts for 50 subs Let's go buddy 50 subs like yeah, that's like a big rating. I don't like noise. I like quiet. I like peaceful medium energy not low energy medium energy highs and lows I Also like money, but I just don't like I don't like
Nice inside voices chat.
Unknown_35: Thank you. Oh, and the link for pizza day from Gina Sutter.
Unknown_35: This video looks disgusting.
Unknown_02: Oh God, think of all the things you can put on a pizza. Cilantro, anchovies, artichoke, mozzarella cheese, kiwis, cornflakes, cherry tomatoes. Think of all those delicious things you could put on top of a pizza. Pineapple.
Green onion.
Unknown_35: No, fuck this guy. I call it quits there.
Unknown_35: Talking about pineapple pizza, fuck you.
Unknown_35: Stalker child enjoy prison for 10 says a certified democracy moment. Joe Biden.
Unknown_35: I read this.
Unknown_35: I'm slurring.
Unknown_35: Base ring-a-ting for two says, For supper Josh is having a delicious pizza. Here's your supper, pal. Thank you. Boxes for five says, Josh, I request three recommendations for cheese that pair well with crackers and summer sausage.
Don't ask me for recommendations. Don't put me on the spot like that. You guys are a weirdo. You guys are a weird pocket watching rats watching my cheese. Um.
Unknown_35: Summer sausage Fuck you. I'm afraid to answer this the trap you're gonna judge me if I say if I give like real suggestions They're gonna be like, oh my god, that doesn't actually pair well with sausage. He doesn't know anything about cheese I'm just gonna take it safe. I'm not gonna say shit crispy legs revises. Happy pizza friend. Thank you. Thank you I bring back everybody's I'm making some sourdough pizza dough while this case video plays. I've never felt better about my cooking. Well, it's good to have a competence booster every so often
Don Julio 56 for five says Josh show my wink link It's an easy way for people to grind some cash if they couldn't spare any for the legal fund But I have a few hours to spare on shit phone games, bro. I'm not gonna shill your fucking your your Pyramid scheme play phone games for pennies bullshit. Don't do that. Oh
Unknown_35: Payne Penguin for one says, why do people care about what a fat disingenuous addict like PPP says? I already read that. Always. Mr. No says, how's that lunch? I already read that. Okay. I've already read all these. Let me double check. Make sure I don't have any more. Uh, one more base base ASCII for five says imagery. Look at what the state of Indiana gave someone. This will be the last one.
Unknown_35: It's the indiana black expo So he's got like a black lives matter No, indiana plate. Dude. Look they put the state silhouette with the african continent flag on it. That's fucking disgraceful If you're in indiana, fuck you Uh, but they gave him a license plate that says cracka with the black thing on it I'm missing a lot of chats
I don't think so.
Unknown_08: No, I read through them all.
The only one that I missed was this guy who donated a dollar twice to say, fuck you, Josh.
Unknown_34: I don't think I missed anything.
Unknown_34: Okay. Did I miss anything? I don't think so. Hmm.
Unknown_35: Open your attachment from the MADI thread. I just did. I put the long scroll. I scanned through it. I don't see any ones that I missed.
Unknown_08: Oh, wait.
Unknown_08: Happy fish Friday juice and then there's a link Okay, it's $50.
I guess I'll fucking open the link or $20 J capital J. Why hey, why t6 a 8x EW Life is suffering Okay
Unknown_12: And a little bit of fishy pride. Cold fish on a Friday night. A pair of fins that fit just right. And the water level up, up, up. See the fish tonight. See the fish and a woman smile. See the touch of precious fins in your water.
Unknown_35: Brilliant.
Excellent, what a wonderful, what a wonderful song. Thank you.
Unknown_35: Worth the effort.
Unknown_35: Haramberger produces anime sex Copenstein for five says pizza day and there's a link to a fortune on the middle board. I see a post that simply says thick pizza crust shits with no gross image. I appreciate that. Thank you for hamburger. Casting couch crab for 10 says the invertebrate of the day is the Eugene Herald crabs. He's still not feeling it. Well,
Unknown_35: I hope he's feeling it now. Mr. Krabs Bala Pegans for five says money or chads rise up. We three 2003 eBay in this bitch Money orders our base actually friend of Steve for five is a requirement that every major world leader be a rambling retard We need an interview. She's we can get this theory looked down a Rambling retard. He's talking about history my neighbor. Come on now I
I'm gonna do for once is how to teach people to use crypto set up a way to pay crypto But put stickers on stream like stream me dead a bunch of people will go out of their way to learn how to put hats and googly eyes on the hamster That's sure. I remember the stickers That's funny Dude, that that would be a way to make money for sure a crypto what we put money into a crypto wall and then you can put googly eyes on show on screen and
Good thought TP deluxe for five to six months from now Josh. It's across the Caleb hammer.
Unknown_34: I read that scan through Scan through That That oh, yeah folks Okay
Unknown_35: That's all. One more. Many Archive References. You're a good man, Joshua, and I appreciate you trying to read every chat. I do my best. People do pay their fucking wage slave money to me to get parasocial gratification. I owe them at least the best effort to read their Super Berries.
On that note, I'm done. I gotta get... Oh, I forgot to do the green background and everything. I do it this stream. Fuck it. I gotta get out of here before I fuck something up.
Unknown_35: I want to say kill something but anything that I say would probably be a deep platforming statement, so I'll just Retract once it work. What can I fucking play? What's a good pizza song? I won't fuck him up with a Olsen Twins one pizza slow Give me pizza slow high quality. That is what I'm looking for. Okay. See you guys on Tuesday Hopefully my shit won't suck so bad by then. Bye. Bye
That's right, one super giant pizza, plain, nothing on it, and I'd like them to deliver it as soon as possible. Girls?
Your pizza's here. Thank you.
Unknown_35: I know I've played this already. I enjoy it. I enjoy the pizza slow. It's demonic energy.
Unknown_04: Okay guys, we've cleaned out the refrigerator.
Unknown_04: I think we're just about ready to build the perfect pizza. Give me pizza!
Oh yeah, now this, this is a nightmare.
Unknown_04: P-I-C-C-A! Give me pizza! P-I-C-C-A!
Unknown_04: Now we're feeling kinda hungry We got to make a munchies Time to make our pizza As big as some countries How much pizza do you think we can chow? More than our parents would ever allow We're gonna make a masterpiece of pizza A work of art like the Mona Lisa It's gonna be hot like the Tower of Pisa
But to get there, you don't need a visa Pizza! P-I-Z-Z-A Give me pizza!
Unknown_04: Um, did I happen to say... I want pizza!
Unknown_04: P-I-Z-Z-A I want pizza!
Unknown_04: Are you ready to play?
Unknown_04: Now set down the pizza and bring some chicken. Throw it on top and make a finger lickin' guacamole.
Meatball. Whipped cream pouring like waterfalls. Here's a little sausage to make it hot. Here's a lot of ice cream to hit the spot. Toss the fish. Let it fly. Fly, fly. Pizza pie. Pizza. P-I-Z-Z-A.
Watch it rise like a souffle Give me pizza P-I-Z-Z-A I want pizza You think we should stop? No way Get your motors running cause here we go
Unknown_04: Spreading it slow. Oreo. Marshmallows. Caramel coconut cream.
Unknown_04: Egg foo young. Chicken tongue. Hold the eyeballs. I'm gonna scream.
Unknown_04: Now don't forget the rice and the mashed potatoes. And what about these fried green tomatoes? Batter's up. Ketchup's ready. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, spaghetti. Pasta. Put it in the pizza. Fish sticks.
Put it in the pizza. Ketchup.
Unknown_04: Meatloaf I put in the pizza Pizza P-I-Z-Z-A Give me pizza Add some tacos Olé I want pizza P-I-Z-Z-A I want pizza ♪ Call us the queen subornae ♪ ♪ I want pizza ♪ ♪ B-I-C-C-A ♪ ♪ Give me pizza ♪ ♪ How much does it weigh? ♪ ♪ I want pizza ♪ ♪ B-I-C-C-A ♪
Is it finally done? Hooray! Here it is! Ready to serve!
Unknown_04: This pizza is made! Yeah!