Mad at the Internet (January 30th, 2024) 2024-01-30

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Unknown_09: That boy a bimbo, gettin' low, they playin' limbo Tried to slice me, I went Kimbo Op hoes get turned to widows, he was stretchin' shit for shit shows Now he ridin' in a limo, I'm the fiddler on the roof, I'm sendin' 50 out the window I used to work at five below, but now I keep that five below Them hearts cold, would they melt, or Robert Frost, or does it explode?

Unknown_12: Them boys suck to each his own, they try to slide, epic poem So if it's smoke, then let me know, they drop the post to postpone Come run, Tom Hanks, every op gon' walk the plank And Coral Springs masked up, I'm lookin' like I robbed banks

Unknown_12: And I'm forever smoking Nazis, I'm a pastor blunts and Frank's oh wait, sorry, sorry This is the wrong Jewish rap everybody.

Unknown_30: This is the wrong. This is the real intro everybody. This is the real one You're lucky you're saved by the buffering

Unknown_30: I can't believe it. I can't believe that my poor stolen internet connection cannot handle facts and experiencing interruptions.

Unknown_30: best part about that is him saying that he he makes money with compound interest and then also begs his followers for to to buy his album so he can get it to number one which he did his rap song is trending charting number one in in the hip-hop category so He's done it. He's broken into the scene with the first known instance of grift hop. No, he is not the first known Jewish rapper because BLP kosher has him beat by country mile chat by country mile.

Unknown_30: Well, hello. This is a very video heavy episode of my formerly podcast, but I haven't updated the RSS feed in like weeks cause I've been busy. Um,

Unknown_30: Let's see, is there anything, any news to take care of? I don't think so. I have a, I have some, some scheming in the works. I'll talk about that later when I'm closer to having it done. Um, however, I am very close to having the crowdfunding lawsuits side up.

Unknown_30: The goal will be $75,000, which I believe that we will hit, because I have been contacted by people who I trust to let me know that they will be contributing significant amounts of money. One person wants to match a lot of donations into the five figures, so I think that will probably readily hit that.

Unknown_30: I'll explain this more when it's ready to go. I've been working over the past week just to get this set up. It'll be a general litigation fund for all the Kiwi Farm stuff, basically anything that I deem to be emeritus to the cause, which may include my buddy, who is an idiot. I mean, honestly...

Unknown_30: He had faith in the system to take care of a frivolous lawsuit. And now he's going to have to deal with it. And he honestly, I tried contacting solicitors in Australia to like help him like find a solicitor. The Australian legal system, it's fucking impenetrable. I don't even know anybody who knows anybody who knows a solicitor in Australia, and I've reached out to a lot of people. And then I've tried cold calling solicitors who I knew from famous cases, and they say, sorry, but we don't accept cold calls, and I'm very busy. You have to only talk to my undersecretary. And that's like all of them. I contacted multiple people, and there's not like a low, you know,

Unknown_30: like a budget attorney in Australia. Like they're all apparently really, really wealthy and they don't even bother to talk to you. Uh, so I, I, I basically said like, you know, you need to call the, the, the courthouse and you need to say like, I have been sued. I have a default and now

Unknown_30: I need anybody. I need literally anybody that the court has. And then I asked them to also call the solicitor's house in Australia because presumably there's some fucking way to find it. I'm actually shocked by how broken Australia is. I can't even fucking believe it.

Unknown_30: but I might try to help him as well if I if we really really like collect enough funds and But it's like it's so far. It's like disgusting. It's like genuinely revolting makes my skin crawl Anyways, what's the other part fix odyssey chat?

Unknown_30: Got my fucking phone. He's always fucking broken This work now, okay now it works So

Unknown_30: What was I gonna say next?

Unknown_30: That's what I'm working on. I have some other stuff in the works. Basically just trying to keep everything chugging along until my final art solutions are in play.

Unknown_30: And until then, today I have a bunch of kind of fun stuff to talk about, I think. A lot has happened. Most of it's all videos too, which is the richest kind of content. It's like one part is like,

Unknown_30: Just you know talking about things that have happened and then there's like articles to read And then there's sometimes audio to listen to but videos are the best because then you can really go frame by frame and let in like point out everything that's funny, so Let's start with the articles actually Actually, okay, but even before then I'm gonna someone pointed this out to me and I found this humorous Someone pointed out a while ago that somebody had donated a hundred kick subscriptions a honey pack as boss man refers to it and I um, I

Unknown_30: Remember I did like a little skit where I typed like manually typed on the screen like anonymous doing it's a hundred Subscriptions and they put like a hamster for a second and then I played the this epic sax man song Well, someone pointed out that that haunted pack has an interesting story because when you donate a haunted pack on a kick

Unknown_30: There is, it'll say anonymous donated, but then the, the name of the donor, even if they're anonymous, will show up on the monthly top gifters. And you might notice that there's one, a particular person donated specifically 100 subs, which is very incidental. It's either, uh, Elijah, but he didn't do it anonymously. So it has to be this guy. And if you click his name,

Unknown_30: I'm assuming assuming that the fucking thing wants to work. I did this before and now I think I brew. Oh, that's why dude They're they're cloud flare capture is like so aggressive right now It's driving me crazy trying to watch boss man and having a refresh all the time to do capture Anyways, click this and you get a little pop up and look at that Kickstaff verified. Now, I wonder if this is just something that they do for everybody who's verified, you know, Eddie will show up and do a hundred pack just as a little token of appreciation to get people on this platform, or

Unknown_30: if the casino man himself, the most wanted casino man in the United States, has donated a hundred pack. Very interesting chat. Very interesting.

Unknown_30: To be honest with you, I think that they probably just do it with everybody.

Unknown_30: To be real with you, chat.

Unknown_30: The mirror is... Okay, it's over.

Unknown_30: First off,

Unknown_30: The Evergrande, this was a big story a couple years ago, I want to say. Evergrande was a massive developer in Australia. Because in my head, when I think China, I think Australia, just instinctively. When I think Australia, I think China, instinctively. But it's in China.

Unknown_30: And Hong Kong's courts have ordered a total...

Unknown_30: This is why I don't support journalism. I will just tell you what this says, because I read through it, unsurprisingly. The Hong Kong courts have ordered for Evergrande to be liquidated. Liquidation is the last step of bankruptcy, because usually what happens is it's no good for a company to go bankrupt in terms of economic output, because there are people who are employed who become unemployed.

Unknown_30: Debtors lose their money, so on and so forth. There's lots of negative consequences for a business to go under. And then, of course, that business just stops existing, and it stops putting out economic output. So usually, when a company files for bankruptcy, there are several steps to this that try to keep it in business.

Unknown_30: while having a court presence to guide them through their financial issues. Liquidation is the last step. It's when everything else has failed, there's no way to keep the business solvent, the only thing you can do is sell it off for scrap at that point and try to pay back as many debtors as you possibly can before letting people walk away with whatever's left.

Unknown_30: That is generally how that works.

Unknown_30: So Evergrande, despite its massive size, it's being liquidated, I think for over a billion dollars. Actually, let me check and make sure. I guess I can't fucking find this. I think that it is a billion. 300 billion dollars in debt, so I think it's actually closer to a trillion dollars It was it was a stupendous number like 900 billion.

Unknown_30: I want to say that it was liquidated for so that's been Cut apart so all four parts the biggest real estate firm in China, so I think closer to a trillion is probably accurate Cool

Unknown_30: Does this mean, is this the end of China? I'm sure that we're going to see lots and lots of very well-informed YouTube videos by people who definitely don't have a financial interest in putting out videos on how China is doomed. Once again, forecasting the inevitable death and collapse of the Chinese Communist Party. Only time will tell, chat, only time will tell.

Unknown_30: Speaking of, let's go across the Japanese sea and let's acknowledge that a Ukrainian woman is now Miss Japan. This is upset all the weeaboos. Japan has formally acknowledged that white women are prettier.

Unknown_30: They went to every woman in Japan and compared them to one Ukrainian Jewish woman and then decided that this Ukrainian girl is prettier than every woman in their own country. So now, this Japan is quiet and and all the yellow people are seething about it. So I consider this a. It's actually Ukrainian Jew, it said Eastern European, but.

Unknown_30: Jew doesn't say Jew, what's her name?

Unknown_30: Carolina, she know.

Unknown_30: And it's an impeccable Japanese law.

Unknown_30: Moved to Japan at the age of five and was raised by Nagoya. And her last name is Shino.

Unknown_30: That's creepy. That's really creepy to me. There's things happening in this story that indicate things to me that make me uncomfortable. And you know what I'm saying? And I'm not going to spell it out for you, but you know what I, you know what I'm saying? And you know, that's probably true. Yeah.

Unknown_30: Weird, weird chat.

Unknown_30: Yeah, I know it's not her original last name, you fucking retard. What do you think of this? You think I just thought that Shino was a fucking Ukrainian last name? Really, bro? Come the fuck on.

Unknown_30: Jesus, shoo. Dude, I'm so offended when I get comments that are just like, does he not know? Does he not know that Joseph Frenzel is from Austria, not Australia?

Unknown_30: Does he not know that Shino is not a Ukrainian name? You fucking bitch.

Unknown_30: Jesus.

Unknown_30: Drone attack, war, imminent. I literally did not even know that the American military had personnel in Jordan, but apparently the terrorists did, and they killed three Americans, and now it's time for war. We're going to go to Iran. We're going to bomb Tehran. We're going to say, Mr. Ayatollah of Iran, You're no good. Let me tell you, you're the you're the biggest sour grape on the whole planet. And we've had just about enough of you. And so we're gonna we're gonna occupy your country for the next 20 fucking years and then leave and you'll be back in power anyways.

Unknown_30: There were two senators

Unknown_30: who made statements supporting the invasion of Iran.

Unknown_30: Senator Lindsey Graham, who nobody likes, and Senator John Cornyn, who I've never heard of before, went onto Twitter to say that they support a war. In particular, Graham said, hit Iran now. Hit them hard.

Unknown_30: And then Cornyn said, target Tehran. And then Tucker Carlson went on Zitter and said that they were fucking lunatics because they want to plunge us into another war because three Americans died in some country. Nobody gives a fuck about supporting a cause that nobody gives a fuck about. Um, and probably shouldn't have been there to begin with, but yeah, that's a good number. We have, we have the economic, I think even, um, what was his name? Who's the guy that's like the top military guy in the U S right now? Who's like super Jewish.

Unknown_30: I recognize his name immediately. It's a B name, I think. Blinken? Is that the top Jewish man who runs our military? He said we definitely have the finances to support a two-front war against both Russia and Tehran at the same time. He says that we got it. We got the money for it. We got the bombs. We got the bodies. We got the booty. We got what it takes to war everybody all the time forever. And I trust Mr. Blinken. Mr. Blinken says, jump. I say, hi. How high, sir? That was one of my grandfather's favorite things to say. It's like when you're in the military, your command officer says, jump. You don't say nothing unless it's, how high, sir? That's me. That's me. Senator Blinken, you want me to go to Tehran? You want me to shoot RPGs at the Ayatollah? How high, sir? How deep am I going into Tehran? Just let me know, bro. I'm in. I'm in. I'm down. I'm down for life. That's how I serve my country.

Unknown_30: Okay, I made a little thing for this. Let me see if I can find it real quick.

Unknown_30: Not gonna be able to find it, chat. I made a little graphic showing my love for...

Unknown_30: or the federal government of the United States, but the U S the, the police of America did something useful for once. They arrested a 17 year old boy in California who is tour spots.

Unknown_30: Yeah, I did. I did post it on there. That's right. I'll just find this real quick I made a cute little graphic showing my love for the US federal government They did get a trophy. I suppose I should show it on one screen. So everyone knows they got a little trophy for Here it is

Unknown_30: There we go. These are our boys right now, our boys and the feds. They got the useful for once trophy. They're very proud about it. They thank the American people for their confidence. Uh, the guy behind tour swats, who was a 17 year old who I, I think that they've confirmed that this guy is the one who has called in like hundreds of police pranks or SWAT pranks or whatever the fuck you want to call them. Because they're not always like SWAT teams or sometimes I wish there was like a term like emergency responder hoaxes or something I like that one the best emergency response hoaxes assuming I could pronounce that right But I think he was behind Marjorie Taylor Greene. I think when Ralph and Nick were getting swatted over and over again. I

Unknown_30: I think that was him, and he was just posting about it on Telegram, and nobody could do anything about it. Our police were just, like, getting completely buttfucked by this. And apparently the person who found him wasn't even a FBI agent, it was apparently a private investigator who was working with the FBI to find this guy, and somehow he managed to find it.

Unknown_30: I think that what he did is that the tour swats guy was using talks to to Communicate and talks had a known vulnerability where media was sent peer-to-peer So he was able to without without even asking permission so he was able to use his avatar to Snag the IP address of the guy that he was talking to and then he was identified as a 17 year old in California

Unknown_30: Um, so there you go.

Unknown_30: Um, oh shit. That's out of order. Uh, the, uh, his name is Alan Winston fillion. Uh, and that is significant because.

Unknown_30: Um, he is not Swedish. This is an article by Jackie Singh, who is the fattest, grossest, most retarded Pidgey woman to ever walk the earth. Um, she had been accusing course Watts of being a Swedish Kiwi farms user for literally months, wrote entire articles about it, which she's now trying to hide from public. She hasn't like removed them yet, but she was like unlisted them. So you can't find them unless you have a direct link.

Unknown_30: But she says that they are. Oh, I'm not. I'm not subscribing for the full article, but it was some Swedish dude, basically. And that was that was her her claim that it was some Swedish guy. Now, I'm not very familiar with Swedish culture. However, the last name Phileon in California doesn't I don't I'm pretty sure California is not a place in Sweden, and I'm pretty sure that Phileon is not a Swedish last name. So it seems like despite all her rage, she's just a rat in the cage and she can't even dox the swatter. And what's really, really funny, I didn't even queue this up because I forgot about it. There's this fucking imbecile on Twitter who's being sued by General Mike Flynn because this guy said that he was queuing on. And when he threatened to sue him, the guy just burned the cease and desist letter. So now they're suing him for defamation because they're accusing him of being queuing on.

Unknown_30: But this this absolute fucking moron who has like 200,000 subscribers on Twitter He's like the dumbest like liberal boomer ever to exist Congratulated Jackie Singh on doxing and finding this this water even though her article about who he was is completely false she just oh She it's a team, okay?

Unknown_30: What is this guy's names? Someone must know what I'm talking about. He's, he's got like a Ukrainian flag and a blue heart and a, um, needle in his name. I think they just made a thread about him. Give me a second. I'm curious. I forgot. I want to call him out. Cause he is, he is like a fucking unbelievable retard. Jim Stewartson. That's it. That's the correct name. This guy, this guy is like the, the, he's like an NPC, but he's not a very good one. He's like a alpha version of the NPC. He's like an iRobot. He's like the shittier robots that are all in the cargo containers that are like, not really up to date with the latest firmware. They're weaker and stupider than the new robots. He's like an alpha version NPC that they just like put into a cargo container and forget. But no, not Sterling Stewartson. Give me a second.

Unknown_30: Um,

Unknown_30: Jim Stewart's Jim Stewart. This guy even retweeted me at some point. I can't remember what he was angry at me about. Oh, I don't think I can use Twitter without an account anymore. Oh, I can. Oh, it's not going to show me like the latest zits or anything. This fucking guy, this fucking guy is like an insane person.

Unknown_30: And he sent out a message congratulating Jackie saying for doxing, um, the tourist Watts guy, even though she had literally nothing to do with it.

Unknown_30: I think he, he talks about Kiwi forms being a disinfo agent for Russia or some shitty, like genuinely fucking retarded.

Unknown_30: Uh, this is some fine, some fine content.

Unknown_30: This is the only Twitter content I have, by the way, but that's because this video is funny.

Unknown_30: So this guy, he's got one, two, three, four kids. And he gotta feed them kids. Now it's a difficult economic climate out there for young folks to get their food and get what they need so they can survive. And folks are suffering and shit's hard, man. So, you know, sometimes when they ain't gonna feed you, you gotta feed yourself. How you gonna feed yourself when shit's hard and you can't find no jobs? You can't find no food stamps and shit? Just gotta take it. So let's see what this man providing for his family has decided to feed his family by seizing the means of production.

Unknown_31: When your kids say they hungry in the store, gotta feed them. You gotta stop, and you gotta feed them. Because one thing about me, when I'm hungry, you gotta make sure you eat. You gotta eat.

Unknown_32: Ain't that right?

Unknown_32: So when y'all hear y'all kids crying, just stop, take a break, and give them a snack. It's the only way to get them to shut up. That's it.

Unknown_32: It's simple. Y'all see, they quiet as a peep. It's okay to take a break, y'all. It's okay.

Unknown_32: It's better than listening to y'all kids cry. And to the people that want to see the kids, here they are.

Unknown_02: Okay, so let's point out a couple things about this for while we can chat first of all first things first I

Unknown_30: You're starving, you're hungry, your stomach is growling, and your children are asking when they can expect their next meal. Times are hard, but thankfully you're in a Walmart, so you're surrounded by food. Anything that you want to feed your children is readily available to them, and a lot of it is just ready to go, ready to eat, right out the box. Well, out of all the options available to you, what do you go for? What do you spring for? Now times is hard, so you're going to go for those calorie-dense foods such as ice cream. That's what you go for. Spring for that ice cream. The ice cream will keep them full and happy. It's also a morale boost. So spring for the ice cream. Also, um, I gotta say, I'm also a huge fucking fan. Those are my favorite potato chips. I love the ruffles, uh, sour cream and onion and cheddar cheese thing. Um, I don't put them in dip though. That's gross. Now, even though I am a big fan of those ruffles and I would eat that bag of chips like anybody else, like a full red blooded American.

Unknown_30: Um,

Unknown_30: I actually did not notice this the first time I watched it. My brain refused to acknowledge that this was even a possibility. I actually thought that he had some kind of plate down there, like a paper plate that I just couldn't see. It was like off screen. Um, no, he is dumping those chips on the floor of Walmart and then eating them right off the floor. Someone in chat said this and then they clicked like, oh my God, there is no plate. He is just dumping those on the floor and eating them.

Unknown_30: Uh, just like literally unfathomable to the point where I refuse to internally acknowledge this until it was until it was pointed out to me. I can no longer avoid, uh, avoid the reality of the nightmare that I was washing. I was literally in denial about what I was seeing until someone forced me to confront the truth.

Unknown_30: Really awesome. So, that's your Twitter content for the day. A survival how-to from those living in the hood, living on the streets, who understand that family is first, and the consequences of theft come second.

Unknown_30: Speaking of hard times, this is a tragic story out of Rhode Island. In Cumberland, Rhode Island, an animal rescue group has rescued 10 chickens and are trying to find homes for them. They don't know what to do with these chickens.

Unknown_30: They were rescued from a really horrific scene. Apparently, these chickens were being used as some kind of prop in some kind of weird internet television reality TV thing called Fish Tank.

Unknown_30: So, they were being kept in a pen in the garage, and someone reported that the chickens were being abused as part of this reality TV show, this fish tank thing. And they were released, they were just let out. So, animal control was called to try and find the chickens, because they had literally fled the coop, which was just their garage.

Unknown_30: And they did recover all the chickens, but now they don't know what to do with them.

Unknown_30: If you're in Rhode Island, if you're near Cumberland, I mean, I say if you're near Cumberland. If you're in Rhode Island, you're near Cumberland. There is no position in Rhode Island in which you are safe from being near Cumberland.

Unknown_30: So if you want some chickens, the Humane Society there has got some chickens for you. They're looking for a good home. Please just don't expose them to any fucking weirdos. Don't let them anywhere near Sam Hyde.

Unknown_30: Cool. Excellent.

Unknown_28: That's it for news.

Unknown_30: Now, let's check on my boy, Queen Kafals.

Unknown_30: Queen Kefal's I mentioned this last stream that Kefal's was trying to quit being a political streamer because as it turns out he's really bad at it and whenever you throw punches at people like Hassan all other people have to do is point out the fact that you groom children sent collars to underage boys in your discord and tried to facilitate the sending of illicit hormones to underage people, and teach them how to use cryptocurrency to buy drugs without being found out by their parents, and that you were involved in something called the Queen's Fart Throne Fandom Pornography, and that you were also a communist, but you stole money from the Communist Party to buy drugs with.

Unknown_30: That you're generally just one of the worst fucking people that have ever walked the earth So really hard to be a political commentator when you have literally so many skeletons in your closet But they're just toppling out and now that your ex is accusing you of being a violent abusive mongoloid You really just check all the boxes of being a total cunt Without the cunt of course just being a dick. I guess a dickless dick Keffel says again reiterated

Unknown_30: The online left is one of the most cancerous spaces on the lowercase i internet. I want nothing to do with 99% of you and I have become a worse person. Biases. No, that's a lie. That's a lie. Kefl is trying to say I've become a worse person by proximity to anything, bro. Unless you're like in proximity to the green river killer or something, unless you're in proximity to, um,

Unknown_30: The goon clown, maybe maybe he became a worse person, but Hassan I mean I gotta give Hassan credit at least he's not keffels And he says I'll continue to support what I believe in but I hate these incredibly snug people who are for the most part Morally lucky what what does that even mean? What is morally lucky mean? I? Like, they don't have any morals, but they just so happen to be better people on accident. Like, it just never occurred to Hassan Piker to send collars to underage people on Discord. It never occurred to Hassan Piker to bec- I mean, he would've- trust me, he would've done- he would've done Findem fart porn. There would be a Hassan Piker video with his balls and asshole on the screen. Like, mm, you like this, don't you?

Unknown_30: It would be like that. If only he had come up with it though, but he was lucky. He was fortunate enough that the idea never crossed his mind. Otherwise that would have happened.

Unknown_30: He also says.

Unknown_30: I'm not doing politics streams anymore or talking about lowercase I, internet drama. He just said the exact same thing.

Unknown_30: I'm tired of fighting people and honestly, I feel like I was becoming toxic. I'm putting the Keffil's persona on the self. You can call me Clara. I'm going to focus on the positive things in my life.

Unknown_30: Okay, so I mentioned that he kicked this idea around on Twitter or on his stream or whatever that he was just gonna give up like everything that he's worked on and just reboot because it's so bad like the brand is so toxic, but there's no point trying literally toxic.

Unknown_30: There's no point trying to salvage it. And he was thinking of recreating himself as a true crime, a YouTuber, which is just the worst fucking idea I could ever think of. Like true crime is so saturated.

Unknown_30: And all the big cases that people find really interesting are already covered like three times. I can watch the same story on Matt Orchard channel or Jim can't swim. And then, uh, there's no, Oh, he will. He will. What's new. He will crew. And then, um, uh, 48 hours. I can watch the same rape and murder on eight different channels already and get vaguely new information for each one of them. So Keffil's is not going to add anything.

Unknown_30: Those things are hard to make. There's a lot of research that goes into it. EWU has gotten a lot. I've given EWU shit, which is Explore With Us, by the way.

Unknown_30: I make fun of them because in their very early videos they paid the spooky voice narrator to say what's new? Iwu crew as like the intro like and then they'll go today We're talking about a rape and murder this mother and her children were all sodomized to death It's just like totally totally inappropriate, but they've gotten a lot better and now they do like foyers for court documents and stuff So sometimes they have stuff on their channel, but the other channels don't have I

Unknown_30: Anyways, this whole tangent is just that the market's saturated, there's lots of channels, they do a good job.

Unknown_30: And then you have 48 Hours, which is actual professional quality with interviews and all sorts of stuff. There's no way that Keffels can compete in this space. It's just gonna be a fucking disaster. And to quote Erat Demonstranum, he has started his Scared Awake YouTube channel, which has nine followers as of today, but we all gotta start somewhere.

Unknown_30: And this is his intro trailer on his YouTube video with 822 subscribers.

Unknown_30: Okay, let's re-watch this. Put this down a little bit, and we'll watch this. Okay. So we're in a dark, dank room. It's a 3D rendering. There's something scary on TV. It's like a montage of, like, spooky stuff. It kind of reminds me of, um... Have you ever seen Undertale footage? There's that TV screen that's at the very end of the game if you kill Flowey, and it's just, like, spooky stuff on, like, the monitor. It's just, like, generic horror trope shit.

Unknown_30: Um...

Unknown_30: Then it's a scared awake, and I don't know there's something kind of aesthetic But I think the 80s aesthetic because I'm playing the finals right now and that kind of has like that 80s aesthetic of Like the the CR monitor TV with like the scan lines and shit like that kind of thing is really popular now with bright neon colors So that's like a resurgence of 80 shit, but then Okay, we get this I cheated through Undertale. I didn't like the combat, so I just played through it one time with cheats on. I did play all the way and I killed Flowey at the end. I actually did a pacifist run, but I got a neutral ending in my playthrough of Undertale because apparently you can't just be a pacifist to get the pacifist ending. You literally have to go back to an earlier part of the game and sexually romance a skeleton and feed him spaghetti in order to get the good ending. So when I found that out after my playthrough, I never went back and finished Undertale with the pacifist ending. Because I could not fucking be bothered to do that.

Unknown_30: Anyways, my point is that there's like this...

Unknown_30: There's a sequence, and it's it's competent like I understand what it's trying to do I get it. I'm sorry hamster. You know no longer muted I get what it's doing, but this is the funny part, okay? This actually made me laugh out loud, so it scans up, and it says scared awake, and then what does it do right after this?

Unknown_30: hard cut hard cut black screen default Windows font

Unknown_30: two of them, no sound effects. This one's not even fucking uppercase letter. And it's just like, so this guy went to Fiverr and he paid somebody a hundred dollars for generic five second long YouTube intro sequence. And then he went to windows movie maker or whatever the fuck he has. and just put in a black slide with a text inlay that is not stylized and it's just ariel or whatever the fuck is the fault on windows and then he just rendered that shit and threw it up on youtube to tease people into watching this thing and that's supposed to be that's the level of effort that he's putting into this And he's going to try to compete with like Jim Can't Swim or EWU. Hello, you are going to be fucking miserable.

Unknown_30: Keflez cannot do an honest day's work. His entire life has been spent trying to find a way around doing an honest day's work.

Unknown_30: Went from druggie on welfare to communist politician, which is not a job. Being a politician is not a job to being a fart fetishist. which was also not successful, to being a children's YouTuber, to being a political YouTuber, to being a activist. And that was their most successful thing, was being an activist. And then once they failed at that also, they tried to do politics again, failed at that because they did a lot of crack.

Unknown_15: Because they did $100,000 of crack.

Unknown_15: And then, now, now he's got it figured out. It's gonna be the spooky YouTube content. What's New? Scared Away Crew.

Unknown_30: Today, we're gonna be talking about an innocent trans woman who was raped and murdered.

Unknown_30: Oh, glorious. Wonderful.

Unknown_30: Someone I did not see this, but it's crazy Catherine Sorrenti who is Keffel's his mom says happy 11th birthday to your vagina at Keffel's have a great day She then repeats happy 11th Vaginaversary Clara at Keffel's my babe to which Keffel's replies and says I love you mom forever and always

Unknown_30: So, I don't know, maybe those people who hate women have a point because this is some of the most fucked up shit I've ever seen in my entire life.

Unknown_30: I don't know what happens to a mother to allow their child to cut off their body parts and then 11 years later celebrate their vaginaversary. Are you genuinely psychotic?

Unknown_30: Did your parents murder your pets? What broke in your brain to make you like this? Don't try to give me that peace and love shit. This is not what a loving, supportive parent looks like.

Unknown_30: Now's a good time. I brought this up during the Keffel stream as well, by the way. Keffel says, normalize milf twitch streamers.

Unknown_30: and then having a favorite milf twitch streamer is by far the best way to satisfy your disgusting hidden freudian urge to fuck your mother and kill your father and he also says in this house we fuck moms and keep it messy so i don't know what's going on here i'm very concerned about this vaginaversary we need to send the

Unknown_30: the Green County Police Department up into Canada to investigate yet another motherfucking because I'm very suspicious about this.

Unknown_30: By the way, Kefla's blocked me. Now, this is not noteworthy because he blocked me, like whatever.

Unknown_30: I expect to be blocked and to be honest, I block a lot of people who are fucking just trying to get attention from me because I don't want to see their messages. They're trying to make me, like, irritated. Why would I give them my attention? However,

Unknown_30: Keffels has never blocked me up until this point. Keffels was very happy to see my messages, to show my messages on stream, to comment on my messages, and then apropos of nothing, in the last week, for some reason, he just decided, this Josh guy?

Unknown_30: I'm done with him It's weird to me. It's like is this a part of his growing. Is this a part of his his? Becoming a a scared awake streamer and leaving politics behind no more Reading tweets from people. I don't like I will block everybody who I don't like now Don't understand So that's your your quinka falls update

Unknown_30: Now, it's time to check in with a crowd favorite, Gorlock the Destroyer.

Unknown_30: How can you tell I'm trans? There we go, bro. How could you tell? How did you know I was a trans woman, you know?

Unknown_30: I like how, I really appreciate how even the microphone is like a foot higher than all the other microphones. Like they got that stand stretched out to max to get that mic up there. Um, Gorlock, the destroyer has made an appearance on Fox news to discuss that men need to man up.

Unknown_02: I understand that like to society, I guess to like the male gaze, if you want to call it or whatever it is, I know I'm not a 10.

Unknown_02: I know that I'm plus size. I know that there's so many other things wrong with me, blah, blah, blah, et cetera. The list goes on. However, I carry myself.

Unknown_02: And with such grace and light and with politeness, and I know what I bring to the table. I feel like we live in a very sensitive society right now where it's almost like, no babe, like chill out. I just see a lot of men expecting women in the relationship, especially when they're in committed relationships already, like they expect the women to go above and beyond and like them just almost do nothing.

Unknown_02: And I feel like it's something that I see a lot outside of social media. I also love when there is a little bit of a gender role in a relationship. I'm not a big fan of toxic masculinity or whatever, the norms, I guess, but I like when there's just a little bit of that, I'm the man and I'm gonna take charge, you know? Because why not, you know? I feel like a lot of boys need to start being boys, though. Like when it comes to like the male world, because a lot of like men nowadays are expecting princess treatment and it's like, okay, well, I want that energy just as much as, but just as bad as you do. For example, like let's say I get a flat tire on the side of the road and we're together, you better know how to change that tire.

Unknown_02: Like you better know how to do these things. Cause if I have to call my dad, just like I said, no, no. Sorry, babe.

Unknown_30: I, one time I went to Atlanta, uh, to meet somebody and I hit it. I was driving like an idiot and I hit a curb and I popped my tire and I didn't, I had never changed a tire before in my entire life.

Unknown_30: And I went into the boot of the vehicle and there was a, uh, hand pump and there was a wrench.

Unknown_30: and there was a spare tire.

Unknown_30: And all you have to do is crank up the car with the hand crank and unlug the wheel and replace it with the donut. I had never done this before. I did not look up a guide on how to do this. Oh, I thought the boot is what you call the compartment inside the trunk. I didn't know that was like a specific term. I thought that there's the trunk and then the boot is the little sub area underneath the trunk floor.

Unknown_30: I didn't know they were just the same word for trunk. Anyways, I just changed it. Anybody can figure this out. Just call AAA. That's funny.

Unknown_30: It's the donut that- Oh, he ate the donut. Yeah, that's true. The sucker ate the donut. No, he doesn't have one for his car.

Unknown_30: You're a white man who can think. I don't know, this guy's a man too. This guy's a white man. Why can't he think? Why can't he do it?

Unknown_30: I think that if he has an issue with the current level of masculinity present in men, he should first turn, turn inwards before turning outwards with his, with his rage at chat. Just the thought he looks Hispanic. That's his name. Oh, it's Gorelock the destroyer. Okay. Nevermind. He's an Orc. He's made from dark magic and mud. Okay. I he's not white. Sorry. Sorry, chat.

Unknown_30: Chantal, brief update on Chantal. I will not subjugate you to any more Fat People vids today. However, I will do a small update. Chantal has returned to Kuwait and she is back with the Poo Poo Pee Pee Rape Man.

Unknown_30: And after only a couple weeks there, she suffered some kind of injury. She's been putting out videos of her walking around trying to lose weight, and I think that the extra Exercise has caused some kind of strain on her because now she's currently bedridden. I think that what happened is that she hurt her back

Unknown_30: So she's got like a really bad back sprain. She's in bed right now, restoring and she's still streaming cause she's bored. She's bed bound and to stream. She's just using a, um, a PNG picture of herself. That's like the thumbnail that you see on your screen.

Unknown_30: Um,

Unknown_30: So there's a really good chance. There's a not, here's what I'm trying to get to. There's a non zero chance that Chantal may be bed bound. Cause when you're like 40 years old and 400 pounds and you go down like that, there's a lot of people who go down and they don't come back up. Especially when you're chanting, when you have someone who's an enabler, like the pee pee poo poo rape man. Uh, so she might just be down, down and out, uh, down for the count. Right.

Unknown_30: On that note,

Unknown_30: There because she wants to continue streaming because that's how she makes her her her her living

Unknown_30: She may have to resort to some sort of abstract form of streaming, some way to represent herself as a bed down person, but not just show herself rotting in bed. If only there was some kind of way to avatarize yourself and keep your, your appearance on stream without showing your face chat. That's right. It's the Chantal bed-bound VTuber arc. She is going to be the first white, Muslim, fat, bed-bound VTuber.

Unknown_30: She's going to introduce herself into the scene. She's going to do collab videos with people, with the rabbit.

Unknown_30: with the other ones She'll get into What's the studios like the the groups Like they have a they have a name for their their groups. I forget like the management Anyway, she's gonna I know that one's called phase. She's gonna become a phase connect streamer and She's gonna blow the rest of them out the fucking water. She's gonna be Agency She's gonna be she's gonna be she's gonna be the best and you guys are gonna be you're gonna look at her raking in super chats You're gonna get see all these weird Arabic messages from people donating like a thousand dollars in Kuwait Kuwaiti dollars and she'll be reading them off and shit and you're like, oh my god, she made it She's finally rich and successful and your oh, she your oh, she will look like fucking trash next next to Chantal Chan

Unknown_30: Haha, Chantal Chan. She'll look like fucking- the trash that she fucking is. Your Oshi will look like fucking garbage. She'll make nothing compared to Chantal Chan.

Unknown_30: She'll be long in the fucking bin. Okay? That's what's gonna happen with you. I hope that guy gets into a car accident. I don't know if you can hear that, but I'm actively wishing that he doesn't come home tonight. I'm sick of hearing his fucking car. I don't think that's legal. You can't have cars like that here.

Unknown_30: Okay, what's next? Fucking, he's got like a, he's got like this fucking Jap economy shitbox car with like this, with like the silencer, I don't know what you call it, the muffler. He has the muffler removed. And it's the most obnoxious shit ass fucking car on the planet with a fucking carbon fiber spoiler on the back of it. And it's just loud. It sounds like a like a fucking lawnmower. It's not impressive. I'm not fucking impressed by your your economy, four door sedan with a loud ass muffler and a carbon fiber spoiler. You dumb piece of shit. He's not he's not Serbian. No, he's like fucking Turkish or something. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Unknown_30: Fuckin... Just please, please crash. Please fuckin' drive off into the river and don't come back.

Unknown_30: Oh, I mentioned Jackie Singh earlier, and um... So this is what she's up to now.

Unknown_30: Just trying to jump onto the Epic calling us pedophiles thing.

Unknown_30: This is a great example of the damage that Epic has caused us, by the way.

Unknown_30: This guy, Dark Horse Security, is the guy who tried to convince Epic that we were hosting child pornography, because it's of him. He says that the pictures of him that he demonstrably provably took at the age of 19 were child pornography, and Epic took them at his word. And now he's making the same complaint to other registrars to try and achieve the same success. This is the guy that allegedly sold child pornography for Monero. And that's like, you can read his thread if you really want to, but he's like a complete piece of shit and he considers himself a cyber security expert. So who do we have backing my boy up? Jackie Singh.

Unknown_30: And of course, all those Kiwis just making things up. As always, Jackie Singh has discovered the truth knows that her boy did nothing wrong, that he's a Namibian prince who has a pure heart.

Unknown_30: Of course the pictures of him playing with his asshole Are the age that he says he is and not the age that is watermarked on the fucking photos So that's what that's Jackie saying is teaming up with somebody who is claimed to have sold child pornography for cryptocurrency to Epically own the Kiwis and the thing about Jackie is that she's not even worth suing because she's like an idiot How do you prove damages from Jackie saying anything when she's so fucking stupid like nobody takes her seriously? You have to... I have a feeling that it's probably a valid defense, like, Ana, my client is a fucking retard. She is a fat, gross retard, and nobody believes anything that she says, and she has zero credibility, and therefore, she is incapable of committing defamation, per se, because her words have zero meaning, literally no value to anybody listening to them.

Unknown_30: I think that is a genuine defense.

Unknown_30: Okay.

Unknown_30: Um... We're gonna watch all of this.

Unknown_30: Sorry, this is the... This is Darkseid Phil endorsing the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_20: Just because you don't like someone, doesn't mean that when they state a fact, the fact is wrong. By the way, Kiwi Farms is fucking based. I can say whatever the fuck I want, and you like it. Every one of you bitch ass content creators out there, you're fucked up. You're broken in the fucking head. You're all replaceable. Every one of you has nothing to add concretely to this planet. Nothing positive. If you go away, the world's a better place. I want you to think about that. Give me your mailing address. I want to post it up all around Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_30: Sorry I had a lot of fun making this. This video is 6 minutes long and usually I try to make it so that videos that I play on stream are 5 minutes or less. 5 minutes is really pushing it because I stop for commentary and it at least doubles the length of a clip.

Unknown_30: This is probably the most unhinged I've ever heard Darkseid Phil. It's so weird because it's so off the wall in what he's saying that he actually sounds like Bossman Jack instead of Darkseid Phil because Darkseid Phil usually tries to present himself as like a squeaky clean type of streamer and in this he's just like totally unhinged with his hatred.

Unknown_30: I find it very enjoyable.

Unknown_20: Now in reality it's funny because

Unknown_20: You know, this is the this is the exact moment in his brain.

Unknown_30: He's trying to hold back his demons that he wants to keep things on on on the rails. He wants to keep things going. But at this moment, he starts stuttering and he's like, actually, fuck these people.

Unknown_20: Either way, how about this? I don't know what the fuck idiots are talking about with memes and shit. Oh, it's like, he's just like me. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I don't follow your dumb fucking memes. So take your meme and shove it up your fucking ass, because I have the ability to make an observation that's factually fucking based.

Unknown_30: fucking based. He is referring to a Mimi that had been floating around. He was playing a game and it was some Japanese fucking game. Don't ask me what it was. Um, but he compared himself to one of the guys. It's a, Oh, it's the accuser. I think it was. And you know, it's a crime game. So it's like one of those stories I think where guys are trying to leave the scene, but they keep getting pulled back in kind of like a GTA type thing.

Unknown_30: he um he compared himself to One of the characters and set in the game and said oh He's basically like me my struggles as a streamer and this guy's struggles and organized crime in Japan Are basically the same kind of arc if you really think about it So a lot of people made memes like oh my god. He's literally me with this guy from Yakuza and This really got to him. So when he starts talking about like, oh, he's literally me like that's what he's referring to and

Unknown_20: Just because I'm dark side filled doesn't mean I get to ignore fucking facts that the characters in this game are going through, what I go through on a daily fucking basis. Shut the fuck up! I'm not taking your shit! I don't care who the fuck it is, there's people in the chat right now, oh he's doing a meme, oh this is cringe, shut the fuck up and eat it!

Unknown_20: Eat it! Give me your mailing address! I want to mail you a spoon, so you can eat shit out of my fucking ass! I'm tired of people saying that because I am who I am, I can't say a factual observation.

Unknown_30: Someone in the thread left a comment that, um, his dad, he was playing this on his, like, speakers, and his dad walked into his room right as DarkseidPhil said that, and just got something out of his room, but as he, like, did that, he just said, that's someone who ain't had their ass beat enough, and then just left.

Unknown_20: It's a fucking fact that the characters in that game are going through what I have factually gone through on a daily fucking basis for years, so shut the fuck up!

Unknown_20: I am not putting up with any of this shit ever again. You're gonna tell me I can't make a factual observation? How about you kiss my fucking ass and lick my balls?

Unknown_20: Sip.

Unknown_20: Yeah.

Unknown_20: And I'm fucking pissed about it. Yeah. Because I see this shit. Oh, he can't say that. Oh yeah? I can't say a fact?

Unknown_20: What fucking world do we live in that I can't say a fucking fact, you bitch?

Unknown_20: Kiss my fucking ass!

Unknown_20: Enough is enough with this shit. Yeah, King B. Cruel, King B. Bitch, you're gonna say dumb shit like that in the fucking chat, and everyone else who said that too, because people in the comments, all my haters saying it in their videos, so now we know what you're watching every fucking day, right?

Unknown_30: It's so it's I think I like this just because it is so close to bossman jack. He's just one fuck your mom rant away from from Truly embracing bossman jackism just going out on people in the comments calling people rats saying that they're rat viewers talking about Shitting on kids calling them bitches and shit. That's very bossman jack play. Oh

Unknown_20: You dumb fuck. Shut the fuck up. No one cares about your bitch ass memeable opinions. There's facts, there's reality. This is your bullshit world that you live in on the internet where you circle jerk each other with your conspiracy and your nonsense. And no one fucking cares about you except your circle jerking community. The problem is there's too many of you.

Unknown_20: There's too many fucking idiots. And enough is enough with this shit, it's time to call it out. Just because I'm one of the most abused people on the internet doesn't mean I don't get to make a factual observation. I can say whatever the fuck I want, and you like it. Or you shut the fuck up.

Unknown_20: Now, you got a problem with that? Test me, bitch. Cause I'm not putting up with it anymore. I'm not. I'm not gonna have people come in here on my streams, and in fucking other videos and say, oh, he's just, oh look, you know, I'm like him, just like me and him again. Shut the fu- no one even knows what you're talking about. I've never even heard the meme before, cause I'm not an asshole, I'm not a fucking dumbass mouth drooling idiot. I don't follow Dunce's follow on the internet. It's my life I'm talking about. Right? And it's true. Follow the plot of this game.

Unknown_30: Someone says it sounds like the low tier God kill yourself rant. He's getting there. He's getting there. He's charging up.

Unknown_20: Exactly what I've gone through. I've lost tons of business opportunities. I've lost the ability to branch out on the internet as a content creator. Tons of people, hundreds of thousands of people will never check out my content because all they hear is conspiracies about me.

Unknown_20: Right.

Unknown_20: What they'll do is now, they'll take this actual segment of my podcast out of context and just show, look, Philip abuses his viewers by swearing at them. Instead of actually showing the reason I'm doing it. That people are mistreating me, that people are being horrible to me and my family and everyone else. And then when I finally call it out, oh my God, look, in the game it's happening just like what happened with me. Oh, that's so cringe that he would say that. He's thinking such a big egotistical. Egotistical? How is it ego-fucking-tistic?

Unknown_20: to state a fact. You fucking buffoon.

Unknown_20: You are so dumb. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean that when they state a fact, the fact is wrong. That means you're an idiot. You understand?

Unknown_09: Oh my god, I'm muting myself. I said someone sent me this and I um, I wanted to know where is the lie chat?

Unknown_30: This is factually fucking base. I can't state a fact. I can't state a fact chat when it's factually fucking base. Come on.

Unknown_30: Oops, I fucked up my browser.

Unknown_20: of stuff on the internet based on this level of hatred, based on this level of hearsay and tabloid bullshit. And it's ruining people's lives. He's getting to it. He's charging up.

Unknown_30: This is his low tier God. He's like going into super sane. He's starting to emit like the energy and shit.

Unknown_20: There is literally no fucking reason whatsoever that I should not be in the Twitch partner program. Zero. I never did a damn thing to deserve that treatment. But, a campaign of slander was held against me, and those idiots at Twitch, as unprofessionally stupid as they fucking are, said, uh, we don't want to deal with this drama, so we'll just remove him from the- To be fair, the reason why he got kicked off of Twitch is bullshit.

Unknown_30: It was just people harassing their off-site behavior. People are like, Twitch is fucking garbage, and the fact that the trolls managed to get him cut off from Twitch is like, such an indictment on how shit-ass their platform is. But he's like charging up here. He's thinking about it. The injustice is real. And he is a victim of the trolls. And he's going to tell them what he finally, finally, he's going to tell them what he really thinks.

Unknown_20: We won't ban him from the site because I literally didn't do anything wrong. But as we move, we're moving from the program. Now we have no liability. People keep complaining about this guy. Right. So.

Unknown_20: Yeah, it's happened to me 100% concretely. By the way, it's on Kiwi Farms. When they did it years ago, they posted up all around Kiwi Farms about it. All the evidence was always there. It's that people want to ignore it.

Unknown_30: It must be subconscious. When he starts talking about Kiwi Farms, he just throws up the right hand and starts pointing out there for some reason. It's just an instinctual thing that he does, I guess.

Unknown_20: On Kiwi Farms, when they did it years ago, they posted up all around Kiwi Farms about it. All the evidence was always there. It's that people want to ignore it. When there's evidence of all the horrible things that have happened to me, oh, that doesn't exist. That never happened. No. But any time that I do something even slightly wrong, oh, here you go. Here's all the evidence of everything Phil's ever done wrong in his 15 plus years on the internet. That's not how it fucking works. That's not fair. OK, this is it. He's breaking through now.

Unknown_00: Can't contain it.

Unknown_20: Really, you're all nobodies. The people who do that shit. You're fucked up. You're broken in the fucking head. Everyone, and every one of you bitch ass content creators out there, will all you do is talk shit about people all day and you call it the news? You're the most worthless humans on Earth. Right now, if you all had fingers snapped away by Thanos, no one would care. You're all replaceable. Every one of you has nothing to add concretely to this planet. Nothing positive. You're nothing but a blight on the fucking planet. You're a big hemorrhoid on all of our fucking asses who are trying to make a positive living and help people on this planet. You're the problem. Not us, the ones who you abuse. You're the fucking problem. Get it? If you go away, the world's a better place. I want you to think about that.

Unknown_30: All you bitch ass content creators out there. Kill yourself now. The world would be better place without you.

Unknown_30: Truly great. He needs to get on over onto rumble or kick. That's how you grow. You should see that some of the people that stream on kick, there's some fucking garbage trash on kick. It was like crackheads and shit on kick Not not even naming one specific person in particular. I mean, they're like actual like drunky crack whores One on kick and dark side Phil there is an audience if he's willing to just say whatever he wants and have fun kick I think he can revitalize revamp his uh His brand on kick. It's a place to grow chat a place to grow Um, okay the Ralph stuff

Unknown_30: So Ralph was, um, has been in Mexico for over a year now. Uh, he brought pants to, to Mexico. Uh, he lived with her for a while in the avocado house. That was an Airbnb.

Unknown_30: And then he had an issue and decided that, uh,

Unknown_30: When she decided to leave, she decided that he was physically abusive. There was a recording of him that dropped where he was threatening her, threatening to kill her. And both Pantsu and Faith have alleged that he has put his hands on their necks, which is a very aggressive and threatening thing to do in case you're unaware of that.

Unknown_30: So she left. He took a trip out to see Dick Masterson. During that trip, she left him, took the baby and left.

Unknown_30: Since then, he's been alone with his cats.

Unknown_30: who he has repeatedly said are the only people who love him. And then a couple of weeks ago, he started taking pictures with a very young woman who was obviously a lady of the night. And, um, but, uh, apparently it was some kind of relationship thing he likes to say. Uh, so he said, I met this after weeks of people wondering what was going on with this, uh, this lady, uh, uh, he announced that they had broken up. And I think this was, yes, this was after he was supposed to go to Taxco, which is a, which is a town in east, western Mexico.

Unknown_30: in a state which is very well known for being like a cartel place, like an actual ground zero, occupied state, zero legitimate government, Civil War tier part of Mexico.

Unknown_30: He decided later that he was not going to go to Teco, or Tasco, and instead met her halfway, because he traveled from Merida to Mexico City. And I want to say that from Tasco to Mexico City, and from Merida to Mexico City, it's like the same distance. So they met halfway, and then shortly after that meetup, Ralph posted this statement saying,

Unknown_30: I met this amazing girl a few months ago. She really loved me for some reason. I loved her too, and I still do. A simple and stupid fight turned into a very nasty one. So that's the end of that. Deni really is one of the best people I know on this earth and she did so much to help me. I hope we can be on good terms again someday and I'm sorry that I hurt her like I always end up doing. That's the last thing I wanted to do. Regardless, the show must go on. Kill stream returns tomorrow.

Unknown_30: So there are many speculations as to what happened.

Unknown_30: The prevailing theory was that he had ran out of money and could no longer afford her services, so he figured he would announce that they had broken up. However, Faith Vickers, if you remember, his baby mama number one, reached out to this lady who had an Instagram account via Instagram DMs. and asked her what had actually happened, and then asked her for permission to share their private exchange. So I'll read this. Denae Moreno says, hey Faith, sorry for not helping sooner. I can't do a Mexican accent, I can just do, Ralph told me,

Unknown_30: told me not to do it, that you just wanted to fuck him up. I'm very scared. Ralph tried to kill me. Luckily I managed to get out. He is really crazy. He is a criminal and he does not deserve to be free."

Unknown_30: Faith says in reply,

Unknown_30: I'm so sorry that happened. Are you safe away from him and in a good place at least?" She says, yes, rent another place and it is safe.

Unknown_30: Faith says, I am sincerely praying for you. If you have any information for where he may be, I am in contact with his other ex who threatened, who he also threatened and who is also his daughter's mother.

Unknown_30: She also has a restraining order.

Unknown_30: And if he is in any danger of harming her, I would like to pass on that info. If you like the paperwork, uh, please let me know if you need anything. And she says, I'm sorry, you had to go through that situation like that. Ralph shouldn't be free. He's a criminal.

Unknown_30: I don't understand why there are people who follow him.

Unknown_30: Faith replies saying, bless, I'm glad you got out. Myself, his ex before you, and his ex before me have all restraining orders against him. Me and one of his ex's orders are specifically for violence because of his addiction and behavior.

Unknown_30: Again, I promise not to share any of this. God bless and stay safe.

Unknown_30: Denise says, yes, I know he lives in Merida and he is staying at the Casa Core Boutique Suite in Baja, California.

Unknown_30: Baja, California, so that's on the east or the west side under actual it's Baja, California is a little dingle It's like the heel of the stiletto for Mexico So he didn't he moved from from Merida all the way across to Baja, California. I

Unknown_30: Faith says bless you is okay if I give this information people who are currently trying to safe have him serve paperwork in the States She says thank you very much. Could you provide provide me with information that shows Ralph is a violent person?

Unknown_30: She says okay, and then gives him there's her the string order.

Unknown_00: She says thank you gives her more restraining orders Of course you can give him the information more of the restraining order

Unknown_30: Washington Post article she says thank you very much for sending me all this information I don't know whether to proceed legally my parents know absolutely nothing about him I'm very sad that they find out he's an ugly person inside and out and I would like you to provide me with proof of his racism I didn't know it was he is an incredibly toxic person what a shame people like that exist She writes her some tweets

Unknown_30: Lady says he is shameless yesterday. He almost killed me and he still has the nose nerve to post her about me. I just returned home and I realized that he's also posting about me on Instagram to make me look bad. Um,

Unknown_30: What a pathetic way to want attention. I already blocked him from everywhere. It's good that I realized what a trash person he really is. Uh, she faith and asked permission to post their conversation. She says, yes, you can publish it. I give you my consent. No woman is safe with Ralph. So this got out there and there are some thoughts about this chat.

Unknown_30: Because she is a true-blooded, genuine Mexican woman and Ralph is a filthy gringo living in Mexico in a legally dubious way.

Unknown_30: Now, Mexicans have like eight kids each.

Unknown_30: So if she lives in one of those big cartel states and she is probably one of eight kids and, you know, her mother or father each have, you know, seven siblings each and they each have eight kids of their own, there is like a 100% chance, almost impossible to avoid, that one of her cousins is in the cartel. And if at least one of her cousins is in the cartel, then he has the context necessary to end Ralph's life.

Unknown_30: I've replied to this and I say to Ralph, get out of Mexico.

Unknown_30: Because I've mentioned this on stream before, the two rules to getting by in any foreign country, doesn't matter if it's North Korea or Russia or Ukraine or the Philippines or Mexico, the two rules that you follow to not die in a foreign country is one,

Unknown_30: Don't talk politics. Someone says, what are your thoughts on Putin? What are your thoughts on Crimea? You don't know. You're a dumb American. You have no, you have no opinion on anything. You can't, you don't know what Crimea is. You've never heard of Vladimir Putin. That's a name that's not familiar to you. You are only here to spend American money as a tourist. That's it. You have no opinions. That right there solves 50% of your problems. And then the other 50% of your problems can be solved by not fucking around with the local women. If you manage to avoid doing these two things, you will not die in a foreign country. Almost guaranteed.

Unknown_30: So, he's violated one of those rules pretty badly, and just by her accusation, you know, you don't want to go to Mexican jail. That's not a good idea. That's a bad idea. So, I say he should leave, because there's no reason to stay. He has no ties to this country, Mexico. He has no gain in being there. He has literally no reason to stay in Mexico, and many reasons at this point to leave. And he doesn't have to go back to the United States. He can go to Argentina or some Argentina sounds like a good place. Why not? It's basically a white country in terms of climate.

Unknown_30: Very, very cheap, too.

Unknown_30: Though it is haunted by demons.

Unknown_30: as I found out recently, but I said, get out of Mexico. And then he literally, I mentioned that he had like blocked me on Telegram and deleted our entire conversation history. He literally sends me a message saying, should I get out of Mexico?

Unknown_30: He says, I didn't try to kill her, but there was a heated argument. So Ralph hates me. He's calling me a pedophile on Twitter, but he values my opinion.

Unknown_30: And when I say, you should get out of Mexico, he's like, oh, maybe I should. So he messages me, a guy he hates, for my expert expat opinion. Like, have I fucked up? Should I leave the country? Yeah, you should, buddy. You done goofed. This is not a good situation to be in.

Unknown_30: And I mentioned it on Zitter and he replies to that and says like, I did not attempt to kill her. I have nothing more to say on this matter. And then I realized that he was shocked. He replied. So I said, get out of Mexico, you idiot. And he replied to that saying, maybe I should go to Texas. Like, yeah, buddy, maybe you should.

Unknown_30: So this came about after this conversation he had a Twitter space With some guy called Slavo pancakes, I think But I want to skip that there's a part like in the middle I want to say I think this is about where I was started listening.

Unknown_05: I want to be I want to be clear No, of course, of course, why would you do that? No hits on anybody. They're putting a hit on me. It's not about lying. It's about like, I wouldn't tell what I was going to do next anyway, because that just gives people, you know. Good, good, good.

Unknown_30: And if I ever see you doing that, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to get in your DMs. Here is the part I want to listen to.

Unknown_05: My two cats hate each other. It's honest and a disservice to not come out here. Wait, I want to go to okay. We're solo leaves. I think is where I'm looking at. I mean, you know Even if I knew exactly what I was gonna do, which I just might by the way Um You know, why would I get on Twitter and and tell my my enemies are listening to this right now too, you know what I mean?

Unknown_05: um

Unknown_05: So that would be, he's fucked up and skip ahead a little bit.

Unknown_05: Now, do I want bad things to happen off bullshit? No, of course not.

Unknown_05: But you know, a part of me is, is willing to let it ride, uh, as well.

Unknown_05: Um, and if they had anything, they would have put it out.

Unknown_04: And where is it?

Unknown_09: Where is it?

Unknown_30: That's how I'm debating. Where is the evidence? I don't think he understands that it's not about, about evidence about the evidence. It's about not getting in this situation to begin with and not going to Mexican trial where they present the evidence at that point. You want to avoid this. You want to avoid all of this.

Unknown_30: Uh, cause guess what? Outside the U S the comfy United States evidence don't mean shit.

Unknown_04: Where are the photographs?

Unknown_04: Where are the anything?

Unknown_04: Witnesses like none of this shit fucking happened.

Unknown_04: There was an argument. I'll say that.

Unknown_04: But everything else is complete bullshit.

Unknown_04: And I know they're listening in right now, too, by the way.

Unknown_04: And if you have it, put it out.

Unknown_04: Because a lot of women

Unknown_05: over a decade have tried to shut me down, usually with weaker shit than this, but it does happen.

Unknown_05: And I'm not going to be shut down unless it's in a- That's a weird admission I didn't pick up on.

Unknown_30: Usually with weaker shit than this. So he's admitting that whatever happened with this woman is worse than Pansu, worse than Faith, and worse than that old woman that he fucked around with. I forgot the name of.

Unknown_30: But he's saying that it's worse than all of that. It's worse than the revenge porn. It's worse than, um, the domestic with pansy that caused her to leave. He's admitting that brave or gel.

Unknown_05: So, so I've said that before on air and I wasn't joking.

Unknown_05: I wasn't joking at all.

Unknown_05: And so I'm still, I'm still deciding what to do. I think Salvo might be right, honestly. Um, that's just time to come back. Um, and let the, let the chips fall where they may. Um, but also the things that are being claimed, there's no evidence behind them besides people just saying chips.

Unknown_09: Well, that's not evidence.

Unknown_04: So again, I completely deny any type of attempted murder charge.

Unknown_05: And I shouldn't say this on air, but I wouldn't have to attempt murder if I wanted to do that.

Unknown_05: You know, it would just be a murder charge.

Unknown_05: Uh, so I shouldn't say that because that's kind of controversial. But, uh, then they're going through and saying, oh, what did he say about Mexicans? What do you say about this and that? I'm a fucking entertainer, dude.

Unknown_05: I've talked all kinds of shit about everybody, including myself, including right now.

Unknown_30: So, let's review his defense. 1.

Unknown_30: There ain't no abundance, besides her testimony. 2. So what if I hate beaners and spics? Fuck em, I'm an entertainer. 3.

Unknown_30: It's not that I have any reservations of murdering women, it's just that I know I would do it. I wouldn't hesitate, and I wouldn't almost do it. I would actually just kill her.

Unknown_30: Those are really, really unpersuasive arguments. Especially if your jury is a member of the MS-13 and not actually 13 members of your peers, okay? That's not your defense strategy at that point.

Unknown_05: So if you have something, put it out. Because all I've seen is two harpies commiserating about how they missed the Ralph-a-dick.

Unknown_05: And I can't say that I blame them, to be honest with you.

Unknown_05: Because it's damn good.

Unknown_04: But if you have anything, put it out.

Unknown_09: Don't bullshit. Don't.

Unknown_09: Don't, you know, oh, what, this order, oh, I have a DVRO against Faith Vickers, with Faith Vickers.

Unknown_05: By the way, I signed that willingly. I admitted to zero crimes during that DVRO because I did not commit any crimes.

Unknown_05: A person who I'm not supposed to speak about legally has testified in court that those things didn't happen.

Unknown_09: So again, you don't really have anything. I mean, the room, I did play no contest to revenge porn.

Unknown_05: That's true. I mean, I can't lie. I can't lie about that.

Unknown_05: Um, although my lawyer would have just absolutely fucking destroyed. I should have let her, but

Unknown_05: I thought I was doing the right thing because my daughter was about to be born.

Unknown_05: Somebody's daughter was about to be born. And it's like, well, let's just get it out of the way and clear it off. But clearly it was a mistake.

Unknown_30: What's really funny about this is that you can see down there it says 275 others at the end of this call he says something like Wow, what a great actually, let me see if I can just skip the last minute and clip that because it's really funny.

Unknown_05: I want to say too much more because I

Unknown_05: you know, there could be other, um, considerations that I'm not, uh, you know, I'm not a lawyer. Right. And so I don't want to say too many things that could be, you know, used against me or, or twisted against me. Um, so I just want to put my side of it out there because, Damn sure see a lot of bullshit and lying motherfuckers putting their side out there so I just wanted to do that myself and Very very very so and I appreciate you guys listening.

Unknown_09: Good night

Unknown_30: I thought it was at the very end, it's not.

Unknown_30: He says something like, thanks for the huge turnout, I should do more Twitter spaces. Like thinking that the 300 viewers that came out to listen to his Twitter space. were there just because they enjoy Ralph Amale content and not because he's only streaming to Twitter and he was just accused of murder or attempted murder by his like prostitute girlfriend in Mexico that he might get killed because of like, it's not a usual circumstance for the stream or it's a, it's audience Ralph.

Unknown_30: Um, but afterwards he has apparently said that they have made amends.

Unknown_30: I will read the messages.

Unknown_30: Ralph says, I talked to Deneed today. She was angry at me when she wrote those things, and rightfully so. I was angry when I posted my BS, although not rightfully so. I still care about her so much.

Unknown_30: She told me I could always show you guys some of what we discussed. I wish her nothing but the best.

Unknown_30: He says.

Unknown_30: It's okay, I won't say bad things about you again. I hope you do the same." And then he says, I won't say nothing bad about you. I hope you'll still remember some of the good times we had together. The blank messed me up again. It was perfect until that. You are completely free to guess what the fuck that blurred out bit is because it's so small that there's a very, very, very small number of things that could possibly go there.

Unknown_30: I was thinking maybe coke, but the word V is even as big as the blackout. It makes me one It makes me think if it's a Like X like ecstasy because I don't think the word Zan's would fit in there. That's like a four Coke pills Maybe pills

Unknown_30: Might be a cum. Oh, that would fit. Cum would fit in fine. The cum messed me up again. Yeah. He was, he was fucking cranked out on that cum. He couldn't get enough of it.

Unknown_30: It's either that or just the letter X isn't like ecstasy.

Unknown_30: Can ecstasy make you violent?

Unknown_30: It's called the love drug, but it's like an upper, isn't it?

Unknown_30: Help me chat.

Unknown_30: It's gotta be pills.

Unknown_30: It just doesn't, I don't think that would fit. I'm thinking, I think if you add in spaces, it looks like it's just one letter. It's G. What's G? What would G be?

Unknown_30: What would G be? What does G stand for?

Unknown_30: GHB?

Unknown_30: GHB would have made him violent. What is GHB?

Unknown_30: G for guns. He was high on that gun grease. I see.

Unknown_09: GHB is meth.

Unknown_09: Here. What does GHB drug?

Unknown_30: G GHB the party drug. So it's like ecstasy, right?

Unknown_09: Um, what does it do?

Unknown_30: Why do people willingly take date rape drugs? I understand the purpose of a date rape drug, but usually you inflict that on somebody. Why would you take a GHB drug yourself?

Unknown_30: Someone suggested in chat that it would be the letter G because it would under, it would explain him being violent and it would fit in one letter. Cause I was assuming it would be X for ecstasy, but I don't think ecstasy makes you violent and small doses. People like it with alcohol because druggies are retarded. Oh, Keane's. Oh, Keane's is saying G for glass as in methamphetamine. That I understand. That would make sense.

Unknown_30: Apparently.

Unknown_30: I'm pretty sure it's ice.

Unknown_30: Ice would fit. Ice would fit perfect in that.

Unknown_30: Yeah. Yeah. It's ice. That's what he's saying. It's ice. That was the, cause those letters are small. They would fit in and they would be smaller than the word. The, I bet you that said it's ice.

Unknown_30: He's taking meth.

Unknown_15: It reminds me of this song.

Unknown_30: Hold up.

Unknown_30: Um,

Unknown_30: What's the name of that song? It's driving me crazy now. Alright, hold up. I have to look at my music playlist to find this song because it's one of my favorite songs when I was like 20 and I would listen to like the alternative music channel on the radio with my friends.

Unknown_30: So at the same time that I was listening to like Nonpoint and shit.

Unknown_30: Oh man, my music playlist is like completely ruined because YouTube has deleted so many songs. I was a big fan of I'm really butthurt if I can't find this. Oh, oh, I found it.

Unknown_30: Wait for the drop, chat. Wait for the drop.

Unknown_24: It's a good song, chat.

Unknown_30: It's a good song.

Unknown_30: You know what? Fuck it. I will play it. I will play it on the outro.

Unknown_30: Song is fucking gay. Your mother is chat.

Unknown_30: Uh, okay. I believe it's ice.

Unknown_30: Next okay, so he blocks out an entire row there. He says haha. I hope they are nice I was thinking about that this morning. I hope he didn't mean it was all fake about you loving me It wasn't fake for me. She says I won't do anything about you I will not follow connect nor will I tell people where you live charity did though nor would I do you any physical harm?

Unknown_30: Ralphin says can we be friends again someday? And then there's a big blank out and then she replies which I assume means no And it says and I'm an idiot for not learning Spanish for this long. Haha. You were right about that Thank you for messaging me. You didn't owe me that you could have just ignored me. Yes, maybe one day

Unknown_30: It wasn't fake. I really loved you, but you hurt me a lot. And I was angry. I said it just to make you feel bad. Just like you make me feel bad. I understand. I do the same thing when I'm hurt.

Unknown_30: And that is the cover. Now chat. Do we believe this? Let's go to the polls. Let's have a democratic showdown poll. Do you believe that the knee forgives Ralph? I will give my hot take after this vote.

Unknown_30: Give me a second. I have to go pee really bad. I'll play you some user chat.

Unknown_30: I'm back. Let's look at the poll. Let's look at the poll arena with 112 participants.

Unknown_30: Uh, 18 people vote that Denny does actually forgive Ralph and 96 people vote at 85% of the votes say he does not.

Unknown_30: Interesting.

Unknown_30: Um, so

Unknown_30: Quit LARPing as gender fluid on Telegram. It's tripping me out.

Unknown_30: I don't know what that means.

Unknown_30: Here's my, here's my hot take.

Unknown_30: One of two things happened.

Unknown_30: Option A, Ethan Ralph had owed her money, and the breakup, the fight, was over the money.

Unknown_30: After she went to Faith, and after it became clear to Ralph that he might actually be in trouble, they agreed on a payment.

Unknown_30: She received all her money and then some to put this behind he also paid a little bit extra for the apology messages So that he could save face on Twitter. That is option a

Unknown_30: Option B, and this is my pet favorite story, is that she intends to murder him, but she knows this gringo has a USA passporto and can return to Tejas at any time he pleases. So she's buttering him up, saying, oh yes, yes, Cece, you are my one true love. I love you like I love tacos and burritos, Cece.

Unknown_30: Mimang with the large PNA, CEC, and as she's doing this, the MS-13 Caravan with their ISIS beheading equipment and 4K resolution, 8K resolution, Coach Red Pill drones are in route as she's doing this to keep them in place just long enough for them to get there.

Unknown_30: It's one of those two things. Either they found an agreeable amount of money to set this whole messy issue in the past, or she is buttering him up to keep him confident enough to stay in Mexico so that the wet work can commence.

Unknown_30: So that's the Ralph update.

Unknown_30: The Rikita update, however. Rikita, um...

Unknown_30: Rikeda had soft committed and backed out to a sober January, and then he reduced that from sober January to sober on stream January, I believe. And I haven't heard many updates from Rikeda this month. So I'm going to assume, and I'm pulling this completely out of my ass based on the sole assumption that I have not heard any retarded news about Rikeda in over a month. that Rakeda actually did manage to stay sober on stream for the entire month of January until yesterday. Yesterday, he had a hot tub stream with another couple. Kayla was there as long as two people as I've never seen before. They were all drinking in the jacuzzi together. And it was an extremely, extremely awkward encounter.

Unknown_30: So let's go over that.

Unknown_30: Uh, here we go. Here's them just hanging out in the party. Um, he did not manage to make it until February. Uh, sober January is officially dead. Uh, regardless, I don't know if he was actually sober on stream until this, but, uh, this ended it officially.

Unknown_30: No, there are some clips that I'll play, uh, about a minute each. So.

Unknown_30: Oh, by the way, this one doesn't like me very much. She, uh,

Unknown_03: Okay, I'll explain my... I only got into this house because of this one here.

Unknown_08: Absolutely. I'm charming.

Unknown_03: These two are friends. He and I, a lot of weird homosexual friction that we're both denying.

Unknown_08: Definitely not. Do you want to read this name right here?

Unknown_03: It's on my nail? Where's my clue? I don't know. I'm getting this in.

Unknown_08: Hold on. Read that name right there.

Unknown_03: That's Long Rod Van Huge Dong.

Unknown_30: Um, so he, he's saying that she does not like him, but she likes her. And my, my theory on this is that.

Unknown_30: Kayla is in such a down bad spot right now. She will literally allow Rakeda to swing with women, but she is desperately trying to get him to not swing with men. Because if there's a woman involved, she can kind of compete with women. She has a lot of the same qualities as other women, right? So she can theoretically compete with women. She cannot compete with men. A woman,

Unknown_30: Women are universally turned off by bisexual men for a variety of reasons. A lot of it is like, I believe, deep-seated evolutionary reasons. But a main logical reason why women don't like bisexual men is that a woman knows they can compete with other women. They can do makeup. They can stay in conditions. They can dress a certain way. They can provide certain services that women can provide. Women can compete with other women. A woman cannot compete with a man. There is no way to provide your bisexual boyfriend a male sexual experience. So it is a 100% chance that your bisexual husband will cheat on you with a man at some point in the future, and then you'll get AIDS and you'll die. Uh, so if you are someone who's ever had a homoerotic encounter and you intend to stay in a relationship with a woman, never tell her that you're a faggot because she will dump you immediately. She will no longer see you as a man and she will leave you.

Unknown_30: No, even if she pegs you, it's not the same. I'm telling you, women don't feel secure in a relationship with a bisexual because a bisexual man is a homosexual man.

Unknown_30: So the reason why Kayla doesn't like this guy is that she literally does not want Rekheda to have homosexual sex because she can't actually compete with homosexual men. She cannot do what he does. So...

Unknown_30: That's why she doesn't like him.

Unknown_30: See, even her, she's like, that's gross. I can't believe my boyfriend touched her ass.

Unknown_25: I'm going to try to forget that.

Unknown_07: I guess we're swinging tonight. Maybe I've put it on the table. They've rejected me.

Unknown_03: Look, guys, here's the deal. There is no swinging tonight. Let's Nick and I get drunk enough. We decide our lips look to taste.

Unknown_06: It's just them.

Unknown_29: Look at Kayla's face as he says this tonight. Let's Nick and I get drunk enough. We decide. She's literally rolling her eyes at him talking. Her lips look to taste.

Unknown_06: It's just them.

Unknown_30: Her face just like, God, what a faggot.

Unknown_08: You notice we ladies are on the inside, it's to keep these boys off each other. They can't help themselves.

Unknown_03: We pretend that the heads of our penises are magnets with the same charge and we just go... Guys, I lost my voice and you know how.

Unknown_08: It gets very uncomfortable. Ew, that was a dick sucking joke.

Unknown_30: Ew, that's fucking gross.

Unknown_08: No, driving and drinking is good advice. I don't know what the lawyer would say about that, but I think it's fine.

Unknown_03: I believe Nick's official advice on drinking and driving is, meh!

Unknown_08: Uh, Aristococcus?

Unknown_30: I remember back in the day when Kata was a young hotshot lawyer who just got his law degree and he decided he was going to do some commentary on funny internet cases. Maybe his YouTube channel would take off just a little bit.

Unknown_30: Talking about that Russell Greer and that Tay-Tay Swift. Talking about that Ariana Grande. Talking about that Montagraph. All them LOL cows on the internet that a lawyer could talk about and provide some legal insights on to make just a little bit of extra money to supplement his actual law career.

Unknown_30: unless he was a good person to talk to and he just enjoyed a little bit of whiskey just a little bit of whiskey uh because it's classy it looks it looks it's like a cigar and a whiskey whatever it's part of the lawyer sona when you're larping as a lawyer Yeah, what do lawyers like they have nice offices. They got a bookshelf with all those encyclopedias and The for whatever reason their state's entire Code printed out in paper as if that's not immediately out of date within like a month of printing it That kind of shit, you know, it's part of the it's part of the look And he's like an addict now. He's sucking dick. I was getting fucked in the ass Chad. I

Unknown_30: Now he only supports freedom of speech when that speech is positive about him.

Unknown_30: Sucks, chat. Sucks. At least we can still make fun of him.

Unknown_17: Oh boy, it's nice to have a night off without the kids, huh? Yeah, I know what you mean. I love having a family and all. I just miss being able to party, drinking and socializing and experimenting with all kinds of different things.

Unknown_33: Well, that's what being young is all about. Once you have a family and a career, your experimenting days are over. But tonight is the exception. That's why I'm going to smoke this cigar. Only because I've never smoked before. Good idea. What haven't you tried that you've always wanted to try?

Unknown_17: Oh. I don't know. Maybe I'll drink a few more beers and see where the party takes me.

Unknown_33: Yeah.

Unknown_33: Was that your leg?

Unknown_17: Huh? Oh, you mean this?

Unknown_33: Yeah.

Unknown_17: Yeah, that was me.

Unknown_17: You never had a homosexual fantasy? Not that I have. You haven't? No, I mean, well, they say everybody has at some point, don't they?

Unknown_33: Well, I never really wanted to experiment with anything too crazy. You know, maybe just... I don't know.

Unknown_17: Yeah, well, that's not really gay, is it? No, no, I don't think so.

Unknown_17: Well, it is a night for experimenting. It sure is.

Unknown_17: Okay, I'll start.

Unknown_30: Well, this is by shush on the forum and it's it's so high quality and must have taken him forever to do all the the rotoscoping and shit, but I didn't even notice this until I saw comments pointing it out.

Unknown_30: But that, I thought that snake, that snake is so South Park looking. I thought it was just a part of the show. The snake tattoo is added too.

Unknown_30: I didn't notice that. I like how the snake is like, um, in the South Park style too. It's such a perfect homage.

Unknown_30: Really? And just amazing.

Unknown_30: Okay, let's see how much I'm gonna play of this because I know that I know some people Not necessarily on the team bossman, but I will give some background to this and I will I

Unknown_30: I'll play, it's 17 minutes long, very unlikely I will play all of it, but I want to point something out. I had mentioned a certain Eddie had donated 100 subs on Well, Eddie is not just founder.

Unknown_30: Kick basically exists as a way to advertise,

Unknown_30: when twitch banned slot machine streams on twitch um that was like a great source of of advertising for steak so eddie thought fuck it you know twitch is going to ban all these streamers and they these people are looking for a platform to do their streaming on might as well be mine because then I can control the rules, I can provide a stream service, and then I can keep eyes on my casino. So he did. He made and now it's basically, functionally, it's an advertising front end for his casino. Which is why he has the money to visit not-at-the-internet stream and drop a hundred sub arenas because Every second of every day someone's losing $500 to his fucking slot machines and he can do whatever the fuck he wants include make his own streaming service apparently

Unknown_30: The one thing that he can't do, and that no amount of money can possibly afford him, is Bossman Jack's prolonged respect, because has had an on and off formal relationship with Bossman Jack for a long time. There was a time where he was getting $100 a day and then $300 a day directly from Eddie for the purpose of gambling with because, you know, he's streaming and they don't want his streams to just be him begging for juice. So they give him a little bit of cash to start his streams with. And that way he has, you know, money to give back to them every day. Well, after a couple, a couple of weeks, I want to say, uh, he did something that they're not, that you're not allowed to do.

Unknown_30: Um, he withdrew his stake that us money into. So.

Unknown_30: I'm trying to formulate how I can express this in as few words as possible. has a $10,000 a day deposit limit because of the IRS. So if you do a thing where you, that sounds really high, but what Bossman Jack does is that he withdraws his money and thinking, I'll just take this $2,000 I won out and then I'll go spend it on myself. I'll do whatever the fuck I want with it. What he ends up doing is depositing that and then withdrawing it over and over again as he goes back into gamble more So he very frequently would hit that $10,000 deposit limit just by withdrawing and depositing over and over again When he hit that limit He doesn't just stop. Um, actually it's not $10,000, uh, $10,000 anymore at $600. Joe Biden changed the IRS mandatory reporting limit from a $10,000 transaction to a $600 limit. So basically every transaction that you make is reported to the IRS these days. Um, if it's not just groceries at fucking Walmart or whatever.

Unknown_30: So I don't know why 10,000 is the limit. I'm assuming there's some other anti-fraud limit that is related to Raffles or whatever because steak isn't technically a casino steak that us Exploits a loophole where you're allowed to do raffles so the way that the underlying gambling mechanics work. It's not actually Random on the spot. It's like a pseudo raffle type thing that's happening anyways my point is I

Unknown_30: He would hit this $10,000 limit. He would then take Eddie's money, which he was giving him to gamble with as an affiliate, and then he would gamble on other platforms. He would take that money and then send it to BC Games or whatever the fuck, and then gamble with that. Well, that's not good. I can give Bossman Jack $10,000 a day, and if he's gambling at my casino, I'm gonna make all that money back, and then probably more. But if he's sitting that money, if he's taking that $10,000 and then going to the nexus, you know, over and spending it there, well, then I'm just out $10,000. So that's why he lost his sponsorship.

Unknown_30: Um, when he came back to, uh, stake that us asking for a sponsorship back, they changed the rules on them. So instead of $300 a day, they were going to give him $1,500 a week, uh, which was a bit of a slight to him because he would lose that money of the same day, almost always.

Unknown_30: Um, but I guess it, it reduced the chances of him sending money outside the casino or something. There was some reason why they did it that way. Uh, but regardless, he ended up getting pissed cause he kept losing his money and, uh, just decided to say, you know what, Eddie, go fuck yourself. You're a piece of shit. And that's what this clip is. So let's watch.

Unknown_16: No, don't do that. Do five, five. That's all I know.

Unknown_16: You ain't got scared. Come on.

Unknown_16: Oh, dude, there fucking goes, man. Dude, it does it every time when you go big, bro. It does it every... They do this, dude. I'm done. I'm done with this, dude. I'm done with this, bro. I'm done with this bullshit, dude. They take all my money every day, bro.

Unknown_30: The song that's playing in the back is BLP Kosher's newest song, and it has the lyrics, I don't wanna do this no mo', which is very funny, because it somehow always serendipitously plays when he's having a meltdown about not wanting to gamba anymore.

Unknown_16: This is over. This is over for me, if you catch my drift. This is bullshit. Dude, look at this bullshit. Let me fucking show you guys something. This is a joke, bro. I be depositing. Man, fuck this, bro. I'm done. Fuck this, bro. I'm good. I got a new deal, dude. I got a new deal lined up. This is over, bro. You might think I'm an idiot, but they'd be making me lose it all every day. Why the fuck would I stay with them, dude? No way. No fucking way. This is over, dude. I've been asking for a raise for three weeks. My fucking stats are amazing. My fucking viewer count's way up. They're giving me $250 a day when fucking, when fucking, I'm putting $1,000 of fucking, dude, they're giving me 250 bucks a day when I'm depositing over $1,000 into their fucking site every day. What the fuck, dude? I lose thousands of dollars to this fucking site every fucking day. Fuck you, steak! You fucking suck! I'm getting a fucking new deal with $500 raw every fucking day. And guess what? If I lose that $500, I get another $500. If I lose that $500, I get another $500. $1,500 a day. Bitch, match it then. You guys just fucked up. I don't give a fuck anymore. Fuck you guys.

Unknown_16: Sorry guys, I'm just sick of fucking getting cleaned by these fucking losers, bro. They're a bunch of fucking losers, bro. I'll collect all my reloads and deposit straight to the other site, bro. Fuck you guys.

Unknown_16: Fuck you, Eddie. Fuck you, pussies, man. You guys could have let me win a long time ago, bro.

Unknown_16: Man, fuck that. I'm done. I'm fucking done, dude. I deserve a raise. I've been asking for three weeks. All he says when I ask about the raises is he complains about the compliance team complaining about me. Like, what the fuck is that, bro? I have lost $13,694 this week. I have lost this month $23,900. $23,000 if you crunch the numbers just off to his kick income and just off of his stake that US affiliate money he is making $25,000 and at the end of the month he has nothing to show for it.

Unknown_30: He has Nothing to show for it.

Unknown_16: Fuck you. I'm doing all this advertisement for what? This is fucking bullshit, bro I'm fucking writing my sponsor right now and say I'm done. Say I'm done, bro. You suck balls. He didn't even write me back. When I write my sponsor on Discord, it takes him two days to write me back, and he writes me a one little sentence, little five-word sentence. These guys don't respect me at fucking all, bro. Fuck that. I know my worth, bro. I know my worth. I know my worth. Listen to my new deal, guys. I get $500 raw.

Unknown_16: every day now if i lose that 500 i can withdraw everything by the way if i lose that 500 i get another 500 if i lose that 500 i get another 500 fucking pog is a bitch i'm getting 1500 a day basically and i can take dude i'm moving out that's all i'm saying when i said it was big news yeah it's big news guys i already got my first 10 code set up that i can enable with my 500

Unknown_16: You know what I'm saying? It's fucking over, dude. State can suck my fucking ballsack, bro. They fucked up, and I've been asking, and asking, and asking, and telling, and showing all these stats about myself that I should be getting more fucking money. It's gonna start tomorrow, bro. I could probably start right fucking now, Yeoming, if I write them right now. I'm fucking done getting treated like a fucking little pipsqueak when I become a big streamer. Fuck that bullshit. I'm fucking done, dude. Fucking done, dude. Steak is a goddamn scam. These games are scams. They'll let you win big once a month. And the other 29 days, you're gonna fucking lose it all. I promise. I fucking promise you that this site is a fucking scam. This site is a fucking scam. I don't give a fuck. I'm not gonna get sued. I'm speaking facts here. I signed no contract with them. It's nothing like that. This site's a scam. I'm sorry. It just is. I'm fucking done. I'll be right back, guys. Fuck this shit.

Unknown_16: The new deal is way better. Way better. Fuck Stake. Never want to talk numbers, jalapenos. I've gotten over 200 affiliate signups on Stake in the last month alone.

Unknown_16: Dude, he fucking ignores me for three days at a time. And will get back to me, sorry mate, I've been real busy. Then I'll fucking message him directly back, immediately, and it'll be another three days before he fucking gives, no! I've already told him I got this deal offer. All he said back to me was, we've gotten a few complaints from compliance. Didn't even talk about anything I mentioned to him. Dude's fucking disrespectful as fuck, bro. The dude's fucking super disrespectful, bro.

Unknown_16: I'm on bc game now guys bc game and it's a dude. Let me tell you something Even when I play on there, I win more on there. I swear on my fucking life I win more on bc game than I do on stake.

Unknown_30: Okay, so

Unknown_30: One thing I want to point out, and I know that you can't take credit for, Bossman Jack is very funny and the streams are very funny and I listen to them a lot. I listen to Bossman Jack, lose it all on fucking gambling shit. Then I do any kind of YouTube content these days. I'm plugged into, I'm plugged into the kick and I get, I'm literally subscribed to no, he's the only channel on any platform that I am subscribed with notifications. the second he goes live I get a fucking custom bossman jack alert on my phone to let me know that it's bossman jack in time okay so like I'm a fan I'm a fan because he's got good content chat that's why I'm a fan of bossman jack however he hates me and he knows that i am a ratatouille rat and he makes fun of me and he he he's unbanned me from his chat but he has me muted i figured this out i'm muted by bossman jack so i'm allowed to talk in his chat but it doesn't show up on screen and he doesn't respond anymore because he doesn't want to see my messages because i here's my game i'm going to tell you what i've been up to on this chat

Unknown_30: he is he never takes any money out he never takes any money out of his chat or out of his winnings so when he's up like several thousand dollars i try to remind him like boss you know you um you were talking about these these bongs that you're because he he breaks everything right so he wants these thick ass glass bongs that are like indestructible so he can't break them And they're like $400 for like a huge, like two foot long water bong for smoking weed in. And I'm like, every time he's up there, I'm like, hey boss, how about getting one of those bong arenas, right? And I try to encourage him to take money out and buy something with it. Because even if it's a bong or something stupid, it's like, at least you're taking your winnings and you're enriching yourself with them. It's unreal how much he has nothing to show for his money.

Unknown_30: And me asking him about the bong has apparently upset him. The accountability, the peer pressure has caused him to mute me because he doesn't want to see me reminding him about my, my, my psyop to get him to invest money into things he's actually interested in for once.

Unknown_30: So, um, one thing I would like to point out, cause I do feel like I've been, I've listened. I had nothing but love and I have been, um, a slighted by this. I was told that Bossman Jacks, um... I first started talking about him...

Unknown_30: July 28th 2023 he legit has like a thousand viewers all the time now If I go to July 28, that's it right there total hours watched 9,000 peak viewers is 400 I think he got his forum thread at the start of the month and then I talked about at the end of the month and now you see you see how fucking big he is peak viewers 1600 average viewers 700 so he went from

Unknown_30: um having less than 200 average viewers to having more than three times that I don't want I don't want to pull an Ethan Ralph here and say I made you John Potter I made you I have helped okay unfucking mute me and buy a bong that's all I'm saying I'm nothing extreme I want to see that thick ass glass premium Gucci fucking bong all right I'm not an unreasonable man I'm not unhinged I'm just saying

Unknown_30: He does watch me, actually. He knows that I talk shit on my podcast. He's referenced this before. So he definitely knows. His mods watch stuff and send him stuff, too. Apparently he reads Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_30: He spends so much time gambling, he literally does not have the time to do much else. So I truly believe that he doesn't get up to anything nefarious. He's like a very wholesome kind of streamer, despite being a huge gambling degenerate addict.

Unknown_30: This man does not have the time to masturbate. There's no goon session happening with Bossman Jack. There's no grooming happening on his Discord. Why would he fucking groom minors on Discord when he can just gamba? It doesn't make any fucking sense to not be gambling. So I know I can trust him to stay wholesome for at least some time, okay?

Unknown_30: Anyways, I want to continue watching this actually, just for a couple more minutes.

Unknown_16: Dude, BC game is a good site, bro. I swear to fuck. I got my first max win on BC game My first max win ever when I first started gambling dude, everybody everybody get off stake I shouldn't say that I don't want to get sued or nothing But uh, they uh, they didn't treat me with respect bro, and I just I'm speaking my mind. I'm just being there I know I know the feeling I know the feeling boss man easy night gypsy. Yes Yes, it's very easy. It should be easy. It should definitely be I'm not sure Dude, it doesn't matter Dylan. I'm gonna put them on the map, bro. BC game is a solid-ass fucking site, dude It really fucking is dude. I gotta love the hole in the wall, bro.

Unknown_30: He doesn't have a door He literally smashed the door to splinters He went through it so many times that he started breaking it down into like pieces You see that carpet that's hanging up the towel. That's a wall. That's a giant hole It's like the size of a human being you could hide a Jew in there. Okay, that is a big asshole that he's covered up He's making him. He stopped breaking punching holes in the wall. I think but now he just smashes peripherals all the time I think you're doing that department but I gotta talk to my sponsor about how that's all gonna work and what I'm supposed to talk about what I'm not

Unknown_16: You guys see me lose type of five if you think that I almost feel like They watch my streams and pull little fucking switches and make me lose It feels like I'm being victimized and bullied half the fucking time on the site. He does give money away He were to when he's up he gives money away and I think that a lot of his like genuine fans who aren't like Kiwi farms Weirdos are people who watch him just because he does giveaways where he'll drop like $50 on people at random Like his actual supporters are like that.

Unknown_30: I think

Unknown_16: I'm done. I'm just saying Dude, I want to know is there anybody in the chat? That's up on stake There's anybody in the chat up on stake like literally financially up and can you prove so? Good.

Unknown_30: No, nobody is up on say, okay. Yeah. Oh god. I'll put this place like I'm gonna find something No, it's not Jay Bucky chances bad No, sir.

Unknown_16: I'm not going back there Who is marble eyes? I'm down bad. I'm down bad. I

Unknown_16: I'm down bad marble lights. Oh, I'm a stake. You're all at stake. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And everyone's saying this week in particular, I think, you know what I'm thinking? I don't know. I don't want to talk about it too bad. Everyone's down on stake, dude. Yeah, that's different, Rothbard. Dude, stake, they're giving fucking million dollar fucking deals to fucking their people that are like three, four times as big as me, bro. It's fucking, it's stupid.

Unknown_16: Yeah dude, there's switches on it. Dude, how did- did you guys see that 55k run up on Kino that I did? What the fuck was that? Bro, and I've never won like that again? Dude, what the fuck was that 55k run up? I'm trying to find something really funny, I promise. It felt fake. A lot of people thought it was fake. It felt fake to me! I was winning so much. I'm done with this, dude. They had fucked up. They don't do nothing for me, bro. They don't do nothing for me, bro.

Unknown_16: I'm done. I'm done with it, bro. Like I said, does anybody here... BC has all the slots. Their originals kick ass! Dude, when I hit my daily deposit on here, I go straight to BC game and cake it up. I'm serious, I've always done that. I be caking on BC game, dude. I'm serious, dude. I'm serious, dude.

Unknown_16: I know filing divorce, dude. Exactly.

Unknown_30: Everyone's losing this week. I'm so I'm fucking, I'm dying. I know. Oh wait, let me check my YouTube history. Cause someone sent me this in chat and I watched it and it was hysterical.

Unknown_30: Oh man.

Unknown_30: No, that's the fuck. I watched the video about the Martin Gale strategy and I thought that might be it.

Unknown_30: Never going to find this. It's so fun. It's so fucking Jover. It's never been so fucking Jover before ever.

Unknown_30: Wait, maybe keys. No.

Unknown_30: The train wreck meme video.

Unknown_30: If I type in keep gambling, you're going to win. I get a YouTube notification about the national gambling hotline, which is not what I want. I want this video. Actually. This is the guy from I think this is Eddie.

Unknown_30: I'm not sure if this is Eddie or not. This is one of the main guys from kick who also runs steak.

Unknown_26: Gamble idiots. You understand if you watch the entire context of all my gambling over 15 months, you'll see it as 99.8% big wins. You understand? Look at big wins out of context. Do you understand that you will win? Casinos literally tell you straight up, they give you the odds and you don't have to be a mathematical genius to plug those odds in. They literally say you will win over a period of time. You understand? Casinos are not profitable for a reason. Get it twisted. It is no way to get rich quick. It is no way to get yourself out of any fucking low parts of your life. It will put you in a fucking rich part of life. I didn't come in and just spend a thousand dollars and- and- and win 7 mil, right? I spent like 4 mil. To get back 7 mil, it is no way to make money, you stupid mo-

Unknown_30: That's like the one of the guys from the state and they're not wrong like Casinos make money you don't win so him complaining that like have you ever seen have you seen people winning? No, obviously not to casino, bro. They don't they don't they're not a charity They're not existent to keep you afloat and give you free money. They're there to take your money. That's why they're there What's up with that?

Unknown_16: They never lifted a finger for me, dude. They really haven't. I even told them, look, are you really paying me? Yeah, Onion. I said, are you really paying me? You're paying me 250 bucks a day, but I'm depositing four times that every day. Am I really getting paid? Bro, this is bullshit, man. This is wrong. This is wrong. That's all I got to say. This is wrong. Dude, this is wrong what they're doing, bro. It's evil. It's pure evil, dude. They'll feed you a little wind on the originals and then just suck it all dry.

Unknown_16: Hey, it's it's so weird

Unknown_30: Actually, let me ask chat again. I'm trying to figure Let's see. There was a video of boss man from years ago where he was playing runescape and saying the same thing Like he he has these things that he says and there was a video that someone played Um that someone found in chat that was like years old It was like him from five years ago and he was doing staking in the ruins old school runescape duel arena And he was talking about like jag x manually rigging his random number generator for the the hits on the splats for because if you don't if you don't know in runescape runescape made an entire generation of um of uh

Unknown_30: Gambling addicts basically because in the dual arena there's a way to build your character called a pure where you put all your points into strength and then you put a certain number of points into attack and you put zero points into defense and Because their attack system is basically just a dice roll. It's a random number generator So you take two characters that are pures they're built the exact same way they're the exact same level and they use the exact same items and And then they go into the arena and they're locked in. They stand next to each other and they're forced to hit each other. And it's basically with, there's very little wiggle room where skill plays any part, but people play it the exact same way. And it's basically just luck. Whoever wins these rules. It's, it's not like you're doing anything fancy or not using certain items. You're not trying to predict their ways of attacking. It's literally just, you hit each other until one falls down. and you stake money. So there was like an entire generation of young boys playing this game that got into the Duel Arena shit and became like serious gambling addicts. And it was so bad...

Unknown_30: That runescape gold became a form of black market cryptocurrency in Venezuela during the economic downturn, where they would literally trade each other gold and farm gold as a way to get cryptocurrency to buy groceries and shit in the country. It was fucking nuts to the point where they had to get rid of it, because the anti-money laundering police were starting to fuck with Jagex in the UK. It was crazy.

Unknown_30: Okay, this part. I think he's got me on this one.

Unknown_30: I think this is him talking about Yeah, it is It's just so weird because it's like this is boss man as like a young person and he just talked he talks the way that I can describe this clip is that it sounds like boss man, um

Unknown_30: as if if you ever watch a cartoon and then they show like a character as like a baby or like a little kid and The character is basically the exact same thing But just like a little kid talking a little kid voice and everything else about their their personality is exactly the same This is this clip in real life Please game

Unknown_16: Dude, I don't have a telly! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god, I don't have a telly. Okay, we're okay. Yo! I clicked! I clicked my food!

Unknown_31: You can hear me clicking, somebody clip it!

Unknown_32: I literally clicked, dude!

Unknown_30: Wait, there's one more too. I'm looking for Dumbledore apparently somewhere. Is that one? Oh, here it is the meltdown of saying Jagex bullies him. I think this might be it

Unknown_15: Please help me, dude. Please fucking help me, man. Please help me, dude. Please fucking help me, man. Please help me right now, dude. Please, man. I need the help, dude. Please stop doing this to me, man. Please, dude. Stop making me fucking lose over and over again, dude. Please. Please, Jagex. I'm fucking begging you guys, man. Please stop doing this to me, man.

Unknown_30: It's like he really I don't even know it's how to explain it He just really thinks that Eddie from is didn't like like like I just imagined that guy from this clip Hold up this guy

Unknown_26: Gamble idiots understand if you watch the entire context of all my gambling over 15 months. You'll see it is 99.8% big wins this guy is sitting there behind like a steampunk Cockpit in some kind of mech where there's like a levers and pulleys and things they have like yanked down and like steam valves relief it's like this guy is in that cockpit and

Unknown_30: Pull in the levers for the random number generators and cranking shit and changing knobs and stuff. And he's like, please, Eddie, you got to give me a win. And it's just like right there. It's a flashing green button on his dashboard. Give the win. And all he has to do is slam that shit. And the money just starts shooting out. But he's just so evil. He's so mean and nasty.

Unknown_30: that he never does it. And Jagex is the exact same thing. Jagex is out there. They're watching all the PVPers and Stakers on RuneScape. And like the admin just has like an eye in the sky type thing and they're over the duel arena.

Unknown_30: And they just see a guy that they don't like. And they go to, they like right click him and the little pop-up shows down. And there's one for like change luck, change RNG.

Unknown_30: And they just take his, they just click that and then they set it to zero. And then he just has shit luck and he loses all his stakes. Like that's how he actually thinks like these people are out to get him and they have direct control over the RNG and they were manually tinkering with his settings to either deprive or give him wins.

Unknown_30: It's just crazy.

Unknown_30: I'm still going to get banned from his chat again. Chat. It's really tragic.

Unknown_30: Oh, I'll cut it off there. I have shown you what I want to show you chat.

Unknown_30: Um, on that note, it's time for some RNG, some gamba sesh with, uh, my super berries. Hope we got, hope we get some big wins, 99.8% big wins, uh, over the last 15 months.

Unknown_30: Um, let's open up the dashboard. I haven't decided what outro song I want to pick. You know, I'm now leaning towards, uh, the crack, the crack song.

Unknown_30: I don't have a reddit segment today. Sorry.

Unknown_30: Rich wet pasta for 10 says rate my short animation of Ralph. Okay. I will. Let's see it. It's better to be nice. No, sorry. This is the wrong one.

Unknown_30: For some reason did not copy to my clipboard.

Unknown_09: light ear rape. Okay.

Unknown_30: I wish I knew Spanish. I wish I knew why she was holding a bat. Very nice animation though, especially on short notice. Thank you.

Unknown_30: Uh, lit s lit lit lit lit as old moms. Oh, I cannot pronounce this. I'm going to post this in chat. I don't know how the fuck you pronounce that.

Unknown_30: life. Wait, life melons, life lemons, life's lemons, life's lemons, life's lemons for $50 says presented for deer feeders viewing pleasure. Okay. Let's check it out.

Unknown_30: Um,

Unknown_30: MPL poppy Diablik was dumped by a member of their polycule and has gone scourge earth across Twitter about it as more stories come out about both their sex pestry Poppy is a MTF 42 year old licensed therapist with BPD Multiple personalities and there's a polycule with their non-binary fiance Zena and another MTF named sage who poppy ignores I

Unknown_30: Miss Frizzle joined the polycule pictured below. This person became the center of Poppy's attention, full of love bombing and oversharing on Twitter accounts.

Unknown_30: Poppy blocked the other girlfriends and actually wrote a creepy letter to the girlfriend about why she needed to leave. This behavior led to a falling out where Poppy was visiting them on Christmas.

Unknown_30: They did go on Christmas, but Noah dumped Poppy, leading her to post all the details of their breakup.

Unknown_30: Didn't read crazy truant therapist love bombs another Truman accuses them of rape because they got dumped also in a UTI. Oh, well Don't want to read this Boundaries cowardice cover this on stream Had the gal to blame penny as a reason our relationship ended when she was separate partner for her and she can't be told to Do these are just men fucking each other and dresses like all of them

Unknown_09: Relatable BPD feel. Is this the one that has the rape? Let's see.

Unknown_30: I was just in contact with my ex-girlfriend and she unironically used DARVO on me. She denied every fucking thing that she did and refused to take responsibility for any of it and then proceeded to turn it around on me and call me the abuser because I asked her not to step over our boundaries during the relationship. There is utterly no hope for being friends or even in each other's lives. God, this is disgusting. Dude, these are just like men fucking each other in dresses and shit. It's pretty gross.

Unknown_30: I don't know if there's much viewing pleasure to be had in men fucking each other.

Unknown_30: I've never heard of any of these people, by the way. The thread is, uh, the channel tranny sideshow on social media, and that is poppy the oblique.

Unknown_30: I think, you know, the bugs for one says looks like a certain related Chinese tranny, you know, and there is a link.

Unknown_30: Respect elves. Isn't this a weird anime account? I've seen those.

Unknown_30: Oh my God.

Unknown_30: This is an advertisement for the NDC conferences. Don't miss out on NDC Sydney, 12 to 16. Dude, there's like a whole like, like branch of weird Chinese people in Australia that are like truned out hideously. That's quite tragic.

Unknown_30: Space Allen for 20 says, we shall sneak in the beaches. We shall sneeze on the landing grounds. We shall sneak in the fields in the streets. We shall sneak in the Hills. We shall never surrender. I said that way too correctly to be a true Churchill repraisal, but thank you very much. I appreciate it. Lion Kang for five says music suggestion for Texas. And it is named the song.

Unknown_30: The South shall rise again, a Confederate song.

Unknown_00: It's pretty good.

Unknown_30: I've heard that before. Thank you. President Nintendo for 10 says autistic children are not born. They're made. Here's a video from the production factory. Yeah that's incredibly retarded.

Unknown_30: I don't know why they're doing this.

Unknown_30: Thank you James Boone for five says here's my there's there's my hot dog man. That's a reference to a The autistic adventures of Captain Thunder or whatever. I remember that I played it for some reason cynical five says what is the distinction between griff wars and internet famous and internet famous in the general local board There's a lot of overlap

Unknown_30: Local should be very strictly locales internet famous as anyone who's like popular on the internet and griff wars are very specifically like political agents that are Are basically just rippers people who make their living online as opposed to just being famous online There's a lot of overlap though But I try to create them for the different categories of interest and people and separate them so that the boards are useful as like an index Sneato for one says goats and then there is a YouTube link, but he donated $1. Thank you, though Base orangutan for one says for supper Josh is having a floor burger. Here's your supper pal I only do I get floor chips with my floor burger because otherwise it's not like a real meal. You need burgers and chips, obviously Roxanne wolf for five says bark bark nothing. Thank you Roxanne wolf. What a hero Fennel Hungarian peerless for $15 is since couch the casting couch crabs original role is now vacant I will move Into it like a hermit crab into a discarded shell the crab of the day is the pelagic red crab Unless he already did that joke and I forgot in which case it's the smooth box crab I don't understand the joke and we'll show what a smooth box is I guess it's called the kalapa kalapa That's a nice name for a crab

Unknown_30: Why are they, like, mounted to each other? That's weird.

Unknown_30: Every picture of the Kalapa Kalapa is, like, two of them stuck together. That's very bizarre.

Unknown_30: I will show you. There you go. Thank you. The Mac user for 20, or the Hal for two says, hope you're having a good day as always, Joshua. Thank you, Hal. I appreciate it.

Unknown_30: Uh, I am having a good day. The Mac user seven, five, one for 20 says YouTube link.

Unknown_30: Okay. Let's take a look.

Unknown_23: I bought an electric guitar. I rented a shiny car. I went out to lunch, but McDonald's is a thrifty lunch. I purchased a random flute. I hired a prostitute. Whatever will we do?

Unknown_30: We'll have to think it through. Is this like an ancient video? How is this only seven months old? This feels like it was made in 2003 or some shit.

Unknown_30: Very bizarre, but thank you.

Unknown_30: Coco produces you have been complimented by three different women for your puppy hoodie Or I have been complimented by three different women for your puppy hoodie. It's a good hoodie. I make good merch. Thank you Real frog God for fire says coming in hot today's frog of the day often see in the air It's the Wallace's flying frog. These guys can get so flat that air carries them not to mention useful webbed hands Okay, let's show him.

Unknown_30: Oh He's pretty flat

Unknown_30: That's weird. He has like, um, or propellers, like a, like a video game, hovercraft or some shit. That's a cool frog.

Unknown_30: Thank you. Fennel Hungarian pills for five says, but how would you feel if you hadn't eaten directly off the Walmart shelves, like a feral raccoon? I don't know what you're talking about, man. I did eat off the flow, like a raccoon ship, man. She seen it over 10 says, forgot videos were $10. And then he links to a YouTube video. I will accept his offering.

Unknown_19: Look at these cute fucking goats. Jesus, there's an oppressed goat. A less privileged one. Ah, there's the privileged goat. That's a mixture. That's a crossbreed. This is actually adult content for Arabs. They're watching this right now, bricked up, ready to get it on. Make sure to keep your baby goats away from the vicinity. because when they're done with them, they're not going to be the same. The Middle East is wild. Imagine coming home to find out that your husband cheated on you with the animal. One of the many in your backyard. This one looks like it just had one of the best lays of its life. Crazy that you can milk your food, do your food, and then later eat your food. I'm not sure that's haram or not. This one's ready to give the guac guac. Look at that tongue game. Gross.

Unknown_30: That's nasty. That's a little bit out of sync, the audio. Thank you. Dr. McAndrew says, have something good to eat and keep up the good work. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown_30: Now, Pancake Luchador says, have a good one. Thank you. I appreciate it. What awesome super chats. Wallums for two says, Keffel smoking crack inside haunted houses on live streams would be pretty good show, to be honest. I would watch.

Unknown_30: Dude, Keffel needs to take Bossman Jack's BC dot game referral code and start doing some gamba sessions on crack. That would be some good entertainment.

Unknown_30: You think, you think, Kefla's gonna make it big man, he can make it out. He wouldn't have to stream no more. He don't want to do no stonemongering shit, man. Uh, holy hell, Vertu says, Kefla has one of the grossest voices ever and no one is going to listen to him do two hour documentary videos with piss-poor editing in dead air. No, he doesn't stand a fucking chance.

Unknown_30: He also can't speak at a rate that most people find acceptable.

Unknown_30: SupremeE for $2 says, blacks and dying over Jordan, name a more iconic duo.

Unknown_30: Sorry, let me reread that I was dying blacks and dying over Jordan's name a more iconic duo I thought he was referring to Jordan the country because I had talked about Jordan, but this time he's referring to shoes This is an article title says three u.s. Soldiers killed in Jordan attack name Okay, he was talking about Jordan, but he was making a joke about shoes. That's very complicated. It's self-referential. I got you

Unknown_30: Thank you Arkana's I'm brushed for two says Chantal is quickly becoming Joe is ideal wife inshallah great feeder Yeah, fucking right nice try casting couch grab for $10 is sorry to send you a YouTube short But I find this animation very charming and silly. Okay, let's watch it. It's a little bit of it

Unknown_14: Woah, what a cool mountain!

Unknown_25: How did you get here? This is my secret mountaintop, where I brew my secret ale. Wizard Ale, made fresh on the mountain by me and my army of little owls. We brew it and it's good and it's delicious and it's made of hops that we collect from the prairies.

Unknown_30: Man, that is a cute animation.

Unknown_30: I like the part, I can't scroll back to the YouTube short, but I like the part where they had like a 90s squiggly background on the back and that was a nice reference to the 90s. I don't know if that's from though. Thank you though. Mario Carter, 13 for five says like all good comedians, Nick is leaning into the joke. Unfortunately, most Nicks of most of Nick's swinger friends didn't appreciate when he called their cock the joke.

Unknown_30: I don't know. I think he's leaning into it wrong. You're not supposed to lean into it ass first.

Unknown_30: Thank you. Stalker shout. Enjoy prison for five says dropping all of my Tomlinson and racket stocks because it's time to put it in for the Ralph and now it's amazing how accurate your 22 prediction about treating women bad in Mexico turned out pit bulls incoming.

Unknown_13: Oh, gross.

Unknown_30: That was an awful video. Hopefully he'll make it out. My boy will survive and go to Tejas.

Unknown_30: Haramberger for two says the DSP edit is way better than the six-minute clip that was on the front page for a day Thanks for making the pig roach actually fun and enjoyable. You can really salvage anything what nice words. Thank you Devious day for seven says go to YouTube search EBT door dash click on random video and count the number of black people you see in the comments Okay challenge accepted

Unknown_30: EBT DoorDash. Check it. You can use your Snap or EBT card on DoorDash.

Unknown_18: Hey, did you know you can use your Snap EBT card on DoorDash?

Unknown_18: Excuse the chip crumb. I've been using my EBT card on DoorDash.

Unknown_18: Okay, so right here, you guys, you can add... Oh, it does.

Unknown_30: It does let you use Snap or EBT.

Unknown_18: ...the payment method. You can add a credit debit card, PayPal, program card.

Unknown_30: Just Jess 77 says, girl, EBT has come a long way. Amanda Stewart. So that is, I know that. Thank you for letting us know. Um, Natasha, rash, moonshine, Bob was slay Kristen.

Unknown_30: Jill was, is this a white man? That is white kids that are being fed on EBT cards.

Unknown_30: There's another one. Mary Lee thickness.

Unknown_30: Cooking with sugar. Woo. No, this is just white trash.

Unknown_30: Oh my God. She eats nothing but like.

Unknown_30: like tuna cans and shit. No, that's cat food. Wow. Crazy.

Unknown_30: Watch another one. Just one more. Okay, here's a light one. Let's see if the comments are quieter. Did you know that door?

Unknown_30: Black? No picture. No picture. Black. No picture. Quiet. No picture.

Unknown_09: How about this one?

Unknown_09: White trash.

Unknown_30: Yeah, that's pretty accurate. That's what I expected Thank you Ron burger for five says the new Yakuza game isn't even as well as the last one look up you could who's a seven diaper Club on YouTube for the craziest side quest you'll ever seen a not hentai game Epstein-pilled I'm not particularly inclined to do that, but I'll take your word that it's some biting commentary about the elites

Unknown_30: Anime provides us most esteemed and variable Kiwi ammo I realize now that you probably don't need a samurai because all of your enemies self-immolate pretty reliably I will continue to be one away for my own personal fulfillment and strict accordance with Bushido Yeah, I'm very fortunate that all my enemies are retards and will eventually collapse on their own way to stupidity

Unknown_30: Go to statement for five says hi Josh. Thanks for the streams and all the work you do to keep the website up I'll try to donate more in the future. Well, if you want to donate to the legal fund just wait One or two streams. I'm hopefully I'll have it up by Friday if my development goes well

Unknown_30: Thank you. Flip do you see your bite for five says Josh? Do you plan your weeks in advance? Just wing it? How do you keep productive and not fall into inaction? Do you hear Tony Robinson's the mirror or other use self helpers?

Unknown_30: No, my motivation for getting up and doing work is that I know if it doesn't get done, it never gets done. And that if I don't do it, nobody will and everything will just collapse. So I don't really have a choice. Every day I wake up, I have 100 new emails I have to take care of. and I never really get chances to plan anything because I just work. I really don't have any option but to continue. Things break, things get taken down, you know, and I get emails about it, or it just stops working, and I just fix it.

Unknown_30: So I don't really, uh... don't really have to think about it.

Unknown_30: Uh, red eyes, black dragon for 10 says YouTube link. Okay.

Unknown_28: Wrong browser.

Unknown_01: A clodsire, commonly known as the spiny fish Pokemon, it spends most of its life out of water.

Unknown_01: It can walk on land and breathe air.

Unknown_01: Its life is very different from most fish.

Unknown_28: It's a fake Attenborough, it's AI generated.

Unknown_01: But they thrive here in Paldia.

Unknown_30: It's extremely good by the way, the model they're using.

Unknown_28: The animation's pretty good too.

Unknown_28: But what makes life on land so worthwhile?

Unknown_28: The answer lies in the mud.

Unknown_28: And the polka sacks, they're going up there to breed and shit.

Unknown_30: Thank you. Cole, Cole for two says the ref really got a cool motorcycle. He could drive around really fast and outrun all the cartels. He would be able to drive away around central America with no consequences. You agree, Josh? Yes. A motorcycle would be the perfect addition to Ethan Ralph's life. He would be able to be a really cool gangster in Mexico and do whatever the fuck he wants because nobody can tell a guy on a motorcycle what to do. You know, that's how it works.

Unknown_30: Yeah, but no Hungarian pillows for fices Ralph could take a crack smoking tips from boss man as far as we know He's never beat his girlfriends. That's true. I've never heard of boss man beating his girlfriends My boy keeps it clean treats whamon with the respect. No, I'm saying Kill your desires for teachers. I'm a little behind the stream, but Ralph could have meant Yeah, which is short for ye, which is short for coke very common slang Oh, yeah, I've heard of ye before hold up First time I heard of ye was in this

Unknown_30: Hold on.

Unknown_30: Yeah, here we go. There we go. This is, this is a Coke reference. I think that I'm pretty sure that's all a cocaine reference.

Unknown_11: I'm pretty sure.

Unknown_30: Thank you.

Unknown_30: Uh, cynical for five says keynote recommendation is 28 days later. Best zombie movie, probably by default because it shows Britain being destroyed. Also has one of my favorite shots. And then there is a link to a picture.

Unknown_30: See what it is shot.

Unknown_30: That's a graffiti on the wall. It says repent. The end is extremely fucking nigh, which I do remember. I've watched this movie. It's a good movie.

Unknown_30: Would agree. Thank you. Russell T. Shackelford, for one, says, you know what fits in with the little Ralph redaction KF?

Unknown_30: I heard that as well, but I mean, it makes more sense if he was talking about drugs and if he just saw something on the Kiwi farms he didn't like and then started beating women. I don't know. Anything's possible though.

Unknown_30: Mario Carter 13 for one says lady rackets is the only woman for Nick emphasis on woman.

Unknown_30: Sure.

Unknown_30: Uh, socks skunk fung for one says in what could he possibly mean by that chat? Just the letter in twinkle tard for $100 says hi, Josh, Jim stream Friday.

Unknown_30: There is a link to Jim on post saying, first off, I'd like to thank God for keeping me alive long enough to watch this clown show continue towards its inevitable conclusion. I'd like to thank Ethan Ralph and his trash fire of a life for helping to secure my financial prosperity. Finally, I'd like to thank the sweatshops that make my hats. Big love to you guys. Great job. Now let's learn how to properly beat women with love.

Unknown_30: Then he quotes himself saying dating is the modern era is hard in the modern era is hard So many people these days have trouble forming long-lasting and meaningful connections luckily for us the examples of a man recently accused of potentially strangling a woman and attempting to flee Mexico while employing the tried-and-true methods of Begging her not to call the police. Yeah are here to show us the way Join me this Friday February 2nd at 7 p.m Central Center time on YouTube for an early Valentine's Day in celebration tune in and learn to unlock these lady man techniques yourself There you go. There's your time and date for a gym stream apparently Still alive my boy still alive Murdoch cook a chin for 20 says and I'm thank you very much by the way for $20 says in honor of Keffel's retiring from locale dumb Please press F or F is the fake fart clip. Sorry Keffel's cows never die Thankfully for my mental health I do not keep an archive of Keffels' Fart Throne video on my computer or I would definitely try to play the clip but I really don't have it on hand. Let me check real quick.

Unknown_30: Nope.

Unknown_30: Nope.

Unknown_30: Sorry, no Fart Throne videos to play. I know, you must be disappointed.

Unknown_30: A real frog god for 10 says, Mr. Moon, I have a song request. I'm shooting my shot. Play One in a Million by the Guns N' Roses for outro, please. I cannot play songs by super, super, super famous bands like Guns N' Roses because the automated DMC for those things are aggressive, and I just don't want to risk it. It makes the videos impossible to archive.

Unknown_30: Sorry, Stephen Riff for one says the term feminists side with GamerGate But new man child slash and sells you keep using it as their favorite buzzword just like lip shit with more racism or fascism. It's true Feminism as a concept basically doesn't exist anymore because feminists already get what they want Anyone talking about feminism now is almost surely up to like some bullshit

Unknown_30: Boxes for five says caught the neat hog day clip again, man It's my it's if that's ever motivation to change your life clips depressing a shit That's guy once a guy once in peak with the neat hog day neat hog day is a true genuine keeno dog went 2007 masterpiece that he will never ever top and has been trying desperately chasing after to try and beat Ever since but he my man my man's Pete now his milk is going sour He can't he can't top himself drives him crazy. He has to hit the cracker the crispy cracker Ruski just to cope There's a great clip though Deitch for $100 says absolutely nothing. What a Chad. Thank you very much teach. I appreciate it Lion King for one says rare to witness the birth of a locale. Welcome sugar. Whoo. I

Unknown_30: I don't think so. Maybe. I don't know. I don't want to make any predictions.

Unknown_30: Unkind naysayer for one says bababooey bababooey Howard Stern's penis bababooey. What an excellent way to end the stream. Thank you very much.

Unknown_30: I really, really have to go pee. So I'm going to be brief in saying thank you for watching. I will be back on Friday at the usual time at noon Eastern, 6 p.m. European. And I did decide I would play the King of Tweakers music song, because the other one I had was not apropos enough. Since we talk about Krakowski a lot this stream, it only makes sense, and methamphetamine a lot.

Unknown_30: Thank you for watching, take it easy, and buh-bye.