Mad at the Internet (January 19th, 2024) 2024-01-19

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Unknown_03: It's my style, it's ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous We ain't here to hurt nobody Wanna see you work your body

Unknown_30: This is the bad remix?

Unknown_28: I didn't, I was not aware there was a good remix.

Unknown_30: You know, it just occurred to me that I'm back on Linux and I am using my, I had completely reconfigured my audio setup.

Unknown_28: So I'm using pipe wire instead of pulse audio. I received a very, very passionate email about how when I returned to Linux, when I ret, ret, returned to Linux, I should rid myself of Pulse Audio because, apparently, the person who made Pulse Audio is a wretched, metrosexual German man, and Pulse Audio is a computer virus that many innocent goy have been convinced to install on their computers because Chromium does not natively support Pipewire.

Unknown_28: I am using Pipewire now.

Unknown_28: I'm happy to be back on Linux. I don't know what to tell you. I've noticed that, this is gonna sound weird, it's gonna sound like cope and seethe, but I've noticed that my mouse is more fluid on Linux. It just feels like when I move my mouse, because I have a 144 hertz monitor.

Unknown_28: in a high DPI mouse, and I just feel like I can really feel it move on every pixel. And then when I open Hearts of Iron 4, and I'm playing my map game, and I'm clicking all the many different menus, I really feel like it's going at 144 frames per second. It seems noticeably faster and smoother, more fluid than on Windows. So I don't know if I'm insane, if I've lost my fucking mind. Some people are arguing that Linux does perform better with video games, but I really, uh, I really feel like it's just better. And maybe that is cope and sneed, but in my opinion, it's true. As far as audio goes, I don't know. I'm not an audio expert. I'm not an expert at anything, to be clear. I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. I'm vaguely familiar with 10 trillion different subjects.

Unknown_28: And the only thing I'm really adequately informed on is how much I fucking hate the government, and how much I hate banks, and how much I hate ISPs. Everything outside of that remains a vaguely illuminated mystery to me.

Unknown_28: So as you might have guessed, the first thing I would like to talk about today, as we put on the hamster, if I can find it, I'm getting everything set up. Okay. Hamster bam. Ah, look, it's the old setup chat. Wait, wait, wait.

Unknown_28: It's the old setup. Exactly. How you remember it? No more windows half ass shit. And this is, this is, this is the comfy config, which I threw together like eight years ago and I haven't changed since. Um,

Unknown_28: First thing is first is Scooby-Dee Toilet Man.

Unknown_28: You don't... Should I play the original? Should I find the original video?

Unknown_28: Um... Oh, here we go. Okay, this is it.

Unknown_28: I'll play the original so you know what we're doing here.

Unknown_28: I don't think people know this is apparently the first meme that um that all uh the first gen alpha meme this is all the little kid meme so let's play it the first episode

Unknown_28: So some Russian guy threw this together and it became a huge like it became an astronomically successful Meme on like tik-tok or something. So he's just been putting out from what I understand Episode after episode for a long time and they keep going viral and people acting like this is the dumbest shit you've ever seen I think I've even talked about this before our retards because I remember as a kid I Watching the exact this is G mod. This is a fucking G mod This is a Russian guy recording a G mod like YouTube poop video And this is exactly what I remember seeing when I was a kid I remember in G mod theater watching videos like this like watching a rubber fruit just complete fucking nonsense here Wait, let me find a rubber fruit video so I can mind people Remind people what we used to laugh at as children

Unknown_28: um let's get an old one here this oh this one's a good song i like i think i'm gonna play this as an outro song it's an 11 year old video now 11 years old old enough to be watching scoobity toilet

Unknown_15: This is making me so nostalgic.

Unknown_28: crack open a monster crack open a monster it was this was hysterical look this is just how kids are kids like things that are vulgar stupid random logical non sequiturs because that's how kids are creative they're stupid and they say things that are dumb And they conjure randomness.

Unknown_28: It's just how kids are. And it's literally the exact same thing. This is fucking Gmod. You know what I mean? So I don't know how people can feign upset over the skeeby-dee toilet. I authorize it. Apparently there's like, he's just been cranking these fucking videos out for a while. However, a Karen, Karina Karinovich of Moscow has come out and reported him to the authorities.

Unknown_28: for having a detrimental effect on children. So I think he's in custody, or they've told him to stop making the videos. I don't know what authority in Russia is responsible for investigating detrimental effects on children. I'm going to assume it's Roskomnadzor, because that's the one that everyone hates anyway. So if I shit-talk Roskomnadzor, nobody cares. Even Russian people are going to be like, yeah, duh. They are Pidori.

Unknown_28: Fuck Roskomnadzor.

Unknown_28: So it's no big deal. I don't know. It's sad. It's like this is like the only source of foreign income in Russia.

Unknown_28: I think Skibidi Toilet makes up like 40% of Russian media exports at this point in time. Probably more than that. If you want to be serious, you want to talk about Russian media being consumed outside of like Belarus and Ukraine. I want to say that Skibidi Toilet is probably like 80% of Russian media exports at this point in time. So you're going to take this guy who has exported, I think even the song Skibidi Toilet remix thing is like a Russian techno club dance song. So they took Russian music and this Gmod theater, or whatever the fuck, and put this together. And that is a wholesome Russian export for kids. And now it's under investigation by Roscomnads, or apparently.

Unknown_04: More footage in Skibidity!

Unknown_28: I didn't calculate in war footage. I think if you include war footage, that includes another 40%. That's a good point. That's accurate.

Unknown_28: Sorry, that mental juxtaposition of horrific war footage and skibbity toilet as being the only things that Russians are exporting to the West as media is really, really funny to me.

Unknown_28: Um, anyways, I wish this guy lucked. This video is fucking dumb, but it's for little kids and it's as far as like kids entertainment goes. Dude, kids entertainment today is just wretched. This shit, this scooby toilet shit is less of a detrimental effect on kids than cocoa melon. or whatever, what is it called? It's, it's, um, dude, I don't, if you've not seen like what, what's popular kids media right now, it's appalling that cocomelon shit that, oh my God, you want to talk about fucking brain rot. You might as well just hit your head, your kid in the fucking head with a bat instead of showing it. Cocomelon, the effect is probably better. It probably can recover better from a bat to the fucking head as opposed to like eight years of cocomelon. Jesus fuck. I would happily allow kids to watch Skibidi Toilet over fucking Kokomelon. Jesus.

Unknown_28: Especially now that Kokomelon's... I think I even talked about a clip from a Kokomelon Netflix special and it had like a gay interracial adopted child singing in theater or something. Fucking awful, man.

Unknown_28: Just awful.

Unknown_28: Anyways, rape. So the European Union wanted to put together a little framework for identifying domestic violence, right?

Unknown_28: Or violence against women in particular.

Unknown_28: So they get together and they say, how are we going to, how are we going to define this? We need to like, we need to consistently categorize what is domestic violence. What does it look like? How does it respond? So that we can better coordinate law enforcement efforts between countries, you know, because in the EU, you don't have borders.

Unknown_28: So if somebody is a domestic abuser and they move from, let's say, Germany to Poland, something like that, well, you want to have this consistent framework so that you can say, well, he is guilty of the crime in Poland as well, so we're going to deport him back to Germany, something like that, just something nice and consistent so that people are on the same page, right? That's what a pseudo-country like the EU would want. Problem.

Unknown_28: What is rape? That is the question of the day.

Unknown_28: You know who can't answer that question? The European Union. Their domestic violence or violence against women directive. Absence, the definition of the word rape. What is rape? What constitutes rape? When is sex non-consensual? They don't know. Apparently all the different countries have different definitions for this and they couldn't come to an agreement on what rape is. This includes Ireland because I think the big issue is spousal rape is probably if I had to guess I don't know if it specifically says

Unknown_28: No, it does not. My guess is, and this is especially in countries that have a high religious population, I think for most of human history, the concept of spousal or marital rape didn't exist. I think even in really advanced countries like Germany, I want to say that spousal or marital rape wasn't...

Unknown_28: criminalized until like the 1900s. So you have a serious discrepancy between countries about what constitutes non-consensual sex within a marriage. Because, I mean, theoretically, according to the Bible, when someone's married, they and their spouse have one soul, which is, coincidentally, it's very fascinating that that Bible verse is why in the United States,

Unknown_28: Married people cannot be compelled to testify against each other because you can't be compelled to testify against yourself, and because you have one soul biblically when you're married, you can't be compelled to testify against your spouse because that would be testifying against yourself under biblical law.

Unknown_28: Kind of strange.

Unknown_28: So that is the update on the EU in terms of rape.

Unknown_28: I hope everything that I've said is correct. I am known, I'm famous, internationally famous for having a very strong conviction about things I know nothing about.

Unknown_28: I heard a woman's voice and probably heard people of Curry walking down the hallway.

Unknown_28: Um,

Unknown_28: Oh boy, this is a fun story. So the EU is very progressive, right? And they've done away with brutal, debilitative, inhumane punishments such as life in prison.

Unknown_28: Fuck, I ruined my own joke. I very specifically picked ABC News Australia so I could keep calling him Australia. The Australian father from, I think it, what was it? Amtawanga in Lower Queensland.

Unknown_28: He got 24 years. That was his sentence. That's the maximum sentence that can be imposed in Australian court for any crime including murder because he was convicted of murder. He was convicted of killing one of his incest babies. Um, he was convicted of, of obviously of rape, of false imprisonment, multiple counts of all these things because he kept his daughter and I think there are seven children.

Unknown_28: Together in their basement or actually some of the kids he had like a weird thing where he couldn't keep any of his kids in the basement because It was too small So he had once they started coming out he would like just doorstep them on his own house And then his wife would find them and be like oh my god another baby. I guess we're raising this one, too so he had like the upstairs house in the downstairs house and

Unknown_28: And what's sad is that apparently the basement had a clearance of like five foot six. So one of the sons that he kept down there for over a decade, when he hit puberty and grew, he literally could not stand up because the clearance of the basement was too low. So he developed like a hobble because he was not allowed to actually ever stand. uh... correctly really really tragic horrific unbelievably nasty disgusting uh... case obviously white captivated the entire world and brought great shirt shame on the country of australia uh... so

Unknown_28: That's why it might surprise you that he might get out, because of how rehabilitative justice is in Australia and the Oceania and the Commonwealth countries.

Unknown_28: He is eligible for parole. He may not get it, because the way that it works is that even though technically they have a maximum sentence of 24 years, they can say that...

Unknown_28: people in chat trying to correct me.

Unknown_28: Okay, so the way that it works in Australia, obviously, is that...

Unknown_28: is that after 24 years, if you're still deemed a danger to society, they can keep you forever. They can declare you like a continued threat, and then they can put you in like a mental, like a psychiatric facility, and they can just hold you indefinitely until they clear you of being a danger, which in a lot of cases they never do, depending on the crime.

Unknown_28: God, what's his name, the Norwegian guy that shot up a bunch of Muslim kids on an island? You know, I don't even want to say his name, because that might get me flagged for some shit.

Unknown_28: Sorry, I just snorted DSP snow. I've been so pygnosis-ed. I've been so, um... What's the other word they use? Pygnotized is one. There's another one. Now I'm turning into DSP, as I've been told many times this week.

Unknown_28: And I will get to that.

Unknown_28: Yeah, it was Andrew Breivik, that's it. Now I've said this, this video will get me in trouble.

Unknown_28: He was a Norwegian, and there was an island that was supposed to be a summer camp, I think, specifically for Muslim kids. So he just took a gun and went to the island, and because it was an island, they couldn't escape it. So he just hunted them down, like in The Most Dangerous Game. They couldn't go anywhere. They're just little kids too, so they couldn't really fight back, and he had a fucking firearm. So yeah, he murdered like 40 people. I want to say 40 kids It was a camp for Labor Party youth. Was it is it? I thought it was very specifically Muslim kids.

Unknown_28: Oh They were white. Why do they love him? Then I assume what?

Unknown_28: It was a workers Youth League camp not Muslim so it was like a like a communist summer. I always thought it was Muslim though Hmm that's sad

Unknown_28: I don't know why, um, I don't know why the fucking pole loves him so much then I guess. Cause it was like, but there's some kids.

Unknown_03: Nobody in Norway went like some little pole does.

Unknown_28: Uh, but

Unknown_28: I think that he's an example of someone who can only be sentenced to like 24 years in prison, but they're going to hold him indefinitely because they're going to say that he's a danger to society. I think in the US we do something similar, but only with pedophiles.

Unknown_28: Because I remember there was a documentary about this by that guy who interviewed Baked Alaska.

Unknown_28: Remind me what his name is.

Unknown_28: He's my favorite documentarian. Well, he was before he became a retard like everybody else.

Unknown_28: He went to one of these pedophile prisons, and what they do is that once their criminal sentence is up, they get remanded to a psychiatric facility, and they're held there until they're cleared of their illness.

Unknown_28: Oh, Louis Thoreau, that's right.

Unknown_28: And they're held there indefinitely until they're cleared of their illness. Well, their illness is pedophilia, so they're never clear of it, and they just get held forever. So that's basically what's probably gonna happen with Fritzl. However, he's asking to be released to a Psychiatric facility because he is an advanced age. I think he's 88. Yeah, it says right there 88 years old So that's the update with Fritzl

Unknown_28: Speaking of rape, here we have two very old men adopting a white boy. They can just pay money to do this. So that's creepy.

Unknown_28: Look at the two old men. They're doing YouTube face. That's so quirky.

Unknown_28: There's more here's this man. He's like fucking seven years old and bald But he can just buy a newborn baby. Apparently he paid two hundred thousand pounds to buy a baby And was facilitated by a British surrogacy agency, so he didn't even adopt this is not an adopted child He paid a woman to carry this babies and he paid two hundred thousand pounds so that he could have a baby Is this also surrogacy?

Unknown_28: Yeah, surrogacy. Sue Holly, Sue Holly. So they paid probably, I mean, what the fuck can I name a Sue Holly? That sounds African.

Unknown_28: Um, was it just like, is it a fake American black name or is it like an African name?

Unknown_28: It looks like a fake American black name and not like a real African name.

Unknown_28: So they paid a poor black woman to carry one of their babies.

Unknown_28: And now they, as a seven year old gay man, are going to raise this small child. Cool.

Unknown_28: Uh, this guy was actually convicted. Um, this is a German article, so I can't read it. Uh, but I can read this a phone yard. I guess what that means. Five years. Uh,

Unknown_28: son abused five years for the father. As it says here, man was forced to pay 60,000 euros for sexually abusing a baby from the ages of two to three and gets five years in prison.

Unknown_28: So that's what you get. The fucking surrogacy shit is like unimaginable. Like it's, it's an ad. They're doing too much too quickly. You know what I mean? Like,

Unknown_28: It took them decades of trying to convince everybody that gay people were just hot lesbians. And then, um, once we, and they just wanted to live their best life together alone, peacefully and quiet. And then once that got legalized and they could march in the streets and just have gay sex in the middle of New York city, um, then everything broke. Now they're doing the transgender shit and the surrogacy shit and like the, like the buying baby shit, the organ transplant shit. It's just,

Unknown_28: It's everything that happened all at once. I know that they're gross lesbians in reality. I'm just saying like whenever they try to push, oh and the immigrant shit all at once, they're doing this all at once. And it's like, I realized that when they try to promote something, they always use women. they always like when the gay shit happened they always used young lesbian girls that were basically models and say this is what homosexuality is don't you like that men vote yes for this this thing and then when they do um

Unknown_28: Immigration, it's always like here's a here's a young girl in a hijab. She's not too threatening Don't you want to let her into your country man? And then you're like, oh sure. I'll vote for that She doesn't seem like she's a danger to anyone and then of course, it's like 80% Somali men that you actually get And then of course the the majority of homosexuals. I think the majority of homosexuals are men and then they're they're raping each other and spreading AIDS and monkeypox and to animals and dogs and children and And it's like oh you got tricked you got bamboozled. They they dangled a Pretty girl in front of you and said vote for this and you're like oh, yeah sure I like booba and now and now people are buying children It's a it's a slippery slope chat so slippery so Oh This guy okay, I am

Unknown_28: I stumbled upon this. I'll just play it. This is Pearlie Davis, who, if you don't know, sucked the dick of a heroin junkie homeless black man once. Actually, she was in a full relationship with him and let him live in his home.

Unknown_11: So what made you leave the porn industry, though?

Unknown_22: Largely a frustration of not being able to speak my mind. The entire industry was all left-wing, all 100% feminist. I'd be on set, and I was very pro-Trump at the time. They'd come on, they'd be bitching and whinging about Trump or something, and in the back of my head I'm like,

Unknown_11: Yes, nice one.

Unknown_22: And I can't say shit.

Unknown_11: Have you said anything? 100%.

Unknown_22: I would have not got work instantly. And the moment I decided I'm getting out of this industry, I went on and tweeted some like red pill stuff. And the very next day I was cancelled. Agent called me up. He's like, what the fuck? What are you doing? What did you tweet? If she calls herself a queen, a princess, a brat or a bad bitch, she's probably not relationship material.

Unknown_11: So what made you leave?

Unknown_28: That's a lie. Yeah. He was in the porn industry.

Unknown_28: Um, his career took a dive. He actually, um, he was selling pictures of his butthole on only fans at some point. And the person points out that the, there were porn stars in the industry calling him out for what he said.

Unknown_28: Sterling Cooper gives horrible sex advice after he got shamed out of the porn industry for being terrible and dead. He's literally Andrew Tate's sweaty dingleberry Abigail Mac who is a Porn actress said I was paid to fuck this guy. He's hyper-aggressive and couldn't come for over an hour Shut himself in the bathroom ten out of ten do not recommend I

Unknown_28: Everything I said is 100% true, plus he was married to a co-worker of mine and he did terrible things to her, but that's not my story to tell, though. He's a bad man. The reason why this guy left the porn industry is that he could no longer function. He was sexually dysfunctional, and as a consequence, he was no longer able to find work. However, then he comes out and he says to the public that no, actually, I left on my own accord. You can't fire me. I quit. And I left because of those dang, darn liberal women.

Unknown_28: Fascinating what is it? What is the trip this?

Unknown_28: It is funny that you have these like male like male porn stars who sell their butthole pigs and get cucked on camera Doing like the Manosphere shit cuz it's this guy and then there was at least Jack Murphy

Unknown_28: Who shaved his beard by the way, which is well, that's one of the funniest stories Look, I didn't follow the Jack Murphy stuff But I I know I had clearly had like a mental image of him in my head because he had that Branding with the iconic beard and then after he got outed as a cuckold his beard became like a symbol of cuckoldry and now he has to shave his beard that he was so proud of that he manicured into a representation of his work and his brand for over years

Unknown_28: Oh, he's Jewish, oh boy. The Spanish government is passing a legislation to regulate porn access to minors.

Unknown_28: According to the government study, half of the Spanish population under the age of 15 have accessed and consumed pornography at least once, and a quarter of them before 12.

Unknown_28: So they want to launch an age verification pilot project before the summer to reduce the consumption of pornography by minors. Their plan is A, launch an age verification system, establish working groups, and then draft a law. So they're trying to reduce how much access kids have to porn, which involves necessarily internet censorship and regulation, which is always a very dangerous proposition.

Unknown_28: But I suppose as far as this goes kind of like how Portugal did the whole decriminalizing drugs thing It's nice. I guess to see it tested in a smaller realm like Spain though. It's it's hard to imagine how efficient this kind of program will be when it is like just in Spain because how much how much can they really do to to regulate the internet from their one country

Unknown_28: And I figure I line this up because this is a nurse explaining I mentioned in people were in my chat seemed surprised that when I mentioned that a majority of like violent sex abuse between kids or affecting kids is perpetrated also by kids. They seem really surprised by that. Like how many like under under 12 year olds are being abused by people their own age. So here's a video of a nurse explaining her experience with it.

Unknown_25: Pornography, people don't like to listen to this or hear this, it's not a popular thing, but the accessibility of pornography now, and the things that little kids are seeing, because I ask my patients, so you're only seven, and some of these things were happening with you and another child.

Unknown_25: Did you see this from someone? Is it something you saw on TV, in a movie, in a picture, in a video? Did you walk in on your parents? Like, where did this, did something happen to you previously? Because we kind of want to establish, we want to make sure that that kid is also, we know that some of the child perpetrators are being perped on as we speak. So we're always trying to back it up to be like, okay, this kid did something horrible. What happened to that kid? And then you're kind of like moving back to try to find out how many kids are being affected in this group and trying to get everybody in for forensic interviews.

Unknown_25: the accessibility of pornography and people having their little phones all the time and these kids that have, my kids if they were little would never have any of these smartphones or there would be so much blackage on it, it wouldn't even, there would be no point, they might as well have a flip phone. And there are kids who...

Unknown_25: know how to get online and find all of that. And I know there are just some legislation that came through recently in a couple of states about trying to minimize the accessibility and age restrictions and certain entities that they make a lot of money off of that, being really upset about that. I feel like everyone should think that's the messed up thing is trying to, well, there's always going to be ways to get around things. We do know that, but why not have it in place? Can we minimize? Yeah. Why do we want kids to see these kind of things? It's bad enough that stuff is happening to them, but they're seeing it and they want to act some of the things out. So it's not just kids that have been perped on, it's kids that have seen these things and they end up perpetrating. It's just, I wish I could say that there's a solution to getting rid of sexual assault, but it'll never happen. But the outcomes can be changed to where they at least have a better chance of a positive outcome.

Unknown_28: Why is she so red? Probably because she's from Florida. I had a guess she probably likes to go to the beach in Florida Yeah, I just wanted to say that like confirms I think suspicion because what do you expect if you show kids something they want to reenact it I remember like reenacting Dragon Ball Z fight scenes with my friends when I was that age and I guess if you're watching like hardcore non-consensual pornography on Pornhub instead of Dragon Ball Z, you reenact that. It only makes sense, I guess.

Unknown_28: Josh watches anime. No, child. They were dubbed and they were on Toonami. They don't count as anime.

Unknown_28: Nice try to you who watches anime.

Unknown_28: Lily what couch key? Oh my god, what a disgraceful name. This is one of the matrix guys when you talk And all those guys talk about taking the red pill by the way, this is what they mean People that I saw the first images that really struck a chord with me were I

Unknown_27: you know, trans women and pornography. And there was something that unlocked in my brain that I saw these wonderful, fearless performers

Unknown_27: becoming desirable. And in my head, I could take the leap where I felt like, well, if I could be desirable, then maybe I could be loved. And for me, that's one of the keys that trans people have to struggle through. Will somebody love me? And so yeah, that's my answer, Nick Adams. That's an excellent answer, Lily Wachowski.

Unknown_28: Oh my god, this guy on the left.

Unknown_28: This guy on the left. I'm getting some vibes from him, chat. I'm getting some vibes. I'm getting unleavened vibes from this man. What a wonderful name. When I look at this guy, I really think, wow, he is like a dainty little flower. He is like a small, tiny daisy to be picked. Here, wait, hold up.

Unknown_28: There's a there's a character that he reminds me of that. I hope other people can see the resemblance of I Don't know if he's as well spoken as this character, but there is definitely a resemblance

Unknown_28: This is, assuming that it wants to load, I daringly took a screencap from Wikia. Oh, there it is. This is Fox from Fallout 3. I don't know if you guys see the resemblance there. Maybe it's a little bit vague. You know how I am. I'm face blind, but I definitely get some Fox vibes from him. And when I see Fox, I think, wow, you know, he's like a little blossom in the radiant sun of the DC wastelands.

Unknown_28: Terrible.

Unknown_28: Oh, um, this is a teacher and of course, uh, from Hawaii. So they're very liberal.

Unknown_28: Arrested for producing production of child pornography, sentenced to 17 years in federal prison. Uh, he was very upset with right wingers on Twitter, popular popularizing the term groomers.

Unknown_28: Um,

Unknown_28: Star Advertiser says, a former, oh, wait, no, it's a juxtaposition. The teacher says, you're fucking acting like we want to show kids porn or something, but something I've learned through the years is whenever right-wingers accuse others of something, it's definitely because they're projecting. So you want kids to be completely ignorant about sex, which is of, which is true because pedos like you can feel them up and they won't understand what's going on and can't verbalize it to their parents and others. Also talking about LGBT does not require discussing sex whatsoever.

Unknown_28: People like you are the ones who allow actual groomers to thrive. Not being able to discuss sex education with children prevents them from having the knowledge to know when they're being abused. But you don't care because as long as you're polite, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

Unknown_28: Transitioning as a kid is purely social and has been found to drastically improve the well-being and mental health of the child. Even if they end up not being trans, allowing them to freely express themselves harms no one except the egos of bigots like you and Rowling. 17 years.

Unknown_28: Production. Child Pornography. It's like...

Unknown_28: The so you want to fuck spiders argument. Oh, it's actually you who wants to molest children and stalk a child Fuck him

Unknown_28: Oh, and this is the appropriate time, I'll just splice this in. Some of you may remember Nick Bate, also known as Nikolas Stautzenberger.

Unknown_28: He has an updated photo. He was sentenced eight years ago for molesting his stepsister.

Unknown_28: Nick Bate was kind of famous for a long time on the internet because he would just openly, here, you know what?

Unknown_28: Let's see if I can find this someone showed me this This is from I think this is from the

Unknown_28: What are these podcasts? It's from the creep off channel, but I'm pretty sure this is Carl from the, what are these podcasts? So to give you an idea of what this guy was saying and nobody took him. Oh my God. Fuck you. Give me a second. Let me bypass this. I think I just do in bed. Kiwi farms don't know. Okay. Uh, this is what he was just openly bragging about for like years before anyone bothered to see if like he was just talking shit like before he was arrested and charged for doing exactly what he was talking about.

Unknown_03: okay yeah this is working i think this is uh the nick bait tribute album by carl i'll just play the first little bit ain't only raping children and disemboweling and force-feeding them their own intestines

Unknown_16: I mean, it's a very good cover, but I don't think I would have the audacity to sing this. I think that's enough.

Unknown_28: It goes on. There's many different songs. I think that, uh, I'll just read the titles of them for you, if you'd like.

Unknown_28: Oh, it doesn't show.

Unknown_28: That's weird. There was like a, a, a guide to it, like a, a timestamp guide.

Unknown_28: Um, but so yeah, he, he basically admitted to doing this, um, for years and nobody took him seriously. And then the stepsister actually went to police on her own accord.

Unknown_28: He went, he was arrested. He then decided that he would deny it all and famously his big defense against molesting his stepsister was by taking poop and then smearing it on his cock and balls and presenting this as evidence in court.

Unknown_28: uh, stating that there was no way he could- actually, no, he literally sent this video of himself masturbating with poo to the prosecuting- like, the district attorney, and said, uh, Madam- Madam Attorney, District Attorney, you cannot charge me with molesting my stepsister because I am a coprophiliac, and as you can see, I am molest- I am masturbating here with poo-poo. And yet, the, uh, accusation of my stepsister does not include any poo-poo. And clearly, I would have involved Poo-Poo if I was going to molest my stepsister. Therefore, you cannot charge me with this crime because there is insufficient evidence for it." This was found to be a lackluster defense. He was charged with molesting his stepsister. We had people who went to the trial and heard the testimony firsthand. However, the person who went refused to recount any of the details of Nick Bates' stepsister.

Unknown_28: Said that it was just left to this. I remember this very very clearly This was eight years ago, but I remember it clear as day He just said that her testimony was worse than anything anybody had guessed because people Speculated on what had actually happened. He just said no it's worse than anything that you've that you've that you've said so far and

Unknown_28: So he just didn't recount it and left it at that and then he actually disappeared from the site as a whole because he and his Wife were the ones attending the trial and they both had accounts and they both disappeared after the trial So He got 20 was at 16 to

Unknown_28: I want to say 16 to 40 years. I think I posted this on something. Let me check real quick so I don't get this. It's 16 and a half to 40 years for child molestation. So his earliest release date is 2032 and his latest release date will be 2056.

Unknown_28: Um, he is 31 or 32 years old now.

Unknown_28: Well, I think there's always a chance they might just hold him indefinitely for psychiatric reasons.

Unknown_28: Good to know that he's still in jail. I'm surprised he's not dead yet, to be honest with you. I guess the fact that he's not dead, despite being the Poo Poo Pee Pee rape man, kind of indicates that they probably keep him in solitary. They probably keep him in Ad Seg, 23 hours a day, and they only let him walk about in like a little zoo, like outdoor screened-in porch area, one hour a day. Because otherwise he'd be dead, for sure.

Unknown_28: That's pretty rough. 40 years in a single cell with zero socialization and one hour a day and a screen and porch to walk around in. I think I'd rather be dead, chat. I think I'd rather just fucking die. But you know how it is in the US.

Unknown_28: In this case, it's probably warranted, but it's pretty fucking rough.

Unknown_28: So famously, a couple, let's see, I'm going to say this is two years ago, Pope Francis decided to meet some transgender guests of the Roman Church. He met with transgenders, many of whom were Latinx sex workers, to discuss LGBTQ issues in the Roman Catholic Christendom.

Unknown_28: The pictures of these trannies on their way to meet the Pope were a bit of a news cycle at the time. However, the Pontifex on Zitter put out this message this week saying,

Unknown_28: Peace requires respect for the universal declaration of human rights. Attempting to introduce new rights, which are not always acceptable, lead to instances of ideological colonization that create divisions rather than fostering peace, as in the case of gender theory. So very interesting post by the Pope, by the Pope saying that we need to not codify gender theory as a part of the Declaration of Human Rights. Which just makes me think that he met those lovely LGBTQIA plus latinx sex workers, transgender sex workers, and said, wow, fuck I dis a shitta. And then has changed his course on trannies and said, actually, these people are fucking vile. Um, I've, I've kissed a lot of feet, but those hoses were by far the most sour, the most disgusting, uh, the most revolting feet that I've ever kissed and I will do it no more. Uh, so good for the Pope. I'm glad that even at the age of 967, uh, he's capable of learning.

Unknown_28: Capable of growing chat. What, how do I want to grow from this? I want to develop and become better chat.

Unknown_28: Uh, okay.

Unknown_28: England is suffering and that's what matters at the end of the day. Uh, great Britain news has posted about a labor plan to make misgendering and aggravating offense, which I assume means that at least based on how the U S law works, but these things are rather incongruous is that when

Unknown_28: When you commit a crime, but you do so for aggravated reasons, uh, the crime, the punishment is worse. If I walk up and I punch you in the face, then I have merely committed battery, uh, probably, and I will be sentenced for battery. However, if I, if you are black and I am quiet and I say the N word and then punch you in the face, well, I have committed aggravated battery and my sentence will likely be twice what it would have been had I not called you the N word.

Unknown_28: so That for instance is an instance of aggravated circumstances, and they're trying to make misgendering an aggravated circumstance I assume that if you say go fuck yourself and die you have committed a Harassment however if you say go fuck yourself and die tranny you will never be a real woman That would be aggravated harassment, and I assume that the sentence goes up. I think they say down here that

Unknown_28: We've seen people arrested for misgendering, but this isn't enough for labor. They want them locked up for two years. So I assume that when it's like an aggravated harassment thing, and then if you get like six months or a year for regular harassment, you can get up, you know, twice that four times that for, for two years. So that's, that is their plan.

Unknown_28: Suffer England.

Unknown_28: When this happened, I was notified by precisely a quarter of the population of the planet Earth. The FBI arrested a Oregon-based, Latinx, LGBTQIAP+, trans woman of color who identified as a neo-Nazi and routinely harassed black people on Zitter.

Unknown_28: Elizabeth Ballesteros West from Cottage Grove, age 56, still dressed up like this, but would also parade around his arsenal of weapons. The FBI arrested him for making a series of credible violent threats towards minority groups, including Jews, black people, and immigrants.

Unknown_28: Elizabeth Ballesteros West was taken into custody and is being held at the Lane County Jail.

Unknown_28: So this is what he was posting. This is his arsenal of guns. Actually, is this, uh, Oh, this is like a slideshow of all the different weapons of it. Damn. That's a lot of fucking guns, bro.

Unknown_28: Gun bros identify all these, all these weapons. I don't want to take a guess on the shotgun. That looks like an AR platform. I don't know enough about handguns to distinguish them. They all look the same to me. That looks like a Glock for sure though. It's so square. Um, and that looks like a,

Unknown_28: I don't wanna guess on the bottom one.

Unknown_28: I'm not too good at spot identifying weapons.

Unknown_28: That looks like an AK variant. That looks like, that's a Mossberg pump shotgun, right? That's definitely an AK platform.

Unknown_28: That's a lot of guns.

Unknown_28: That's I think for some reason this flag very I guess cuz 4chan uses this flag variant, but if I'm correct This is only the the flag of the Kriegsmarine, so this is the naval ensign of the Third Reich it's not actually the flag This is the flag that they use in Hearts of Iron 4 for Germany, unless you use a mod to remove it. They basically just take the naval inside of the Kriegsmarine and then they replace the swastika with the Iron Cross, which is fucking retarded. It's not a flag. Germany never used that flag ever in any context.

Unknown_28: It's wrinkly as fuck. He probably sleeps in it. It's probably a duvet.

Unknown_28: More guns, more guns. I'm seeing pictures over and over again, but it's a minute long.

Unknown_28: The affidavit states West the self-proclaimed Nazi dominatrix, and this is from his Twitter group. He says a Nazi dominatrix from hell who is tired of the blackening of America and Europe and is ready to stand back to the black orcs and Jewish wizards. from Portland. He also loved whitey says you can't deny the beauty of the white race. Think about which is lovelier. And then there is a white woman, uh, and whatever the fuck that is. I'm going to assume that's Lizzo. I don't know who Lizzo is, but I'm going to assume that's Lizzo. If I'm correct, make sure you say Josh. You're right. That's a hundred percent Lizzo. Um, that's the only fat black woman that I know of besides Oprah. And I know that's not Oprah.

Unknown_28: Um,

Unknown_28: See first visited by the FBI in September Facebook posts where he threatened co-workers from the affidavit one picture was titled veil mistress the manslayer queen of the underworld Composition notebook was called the shadow black shadow journal Mass murder at the gloved hands of the veil mistress in which she drew a black child appearing to die in a car accident. I

Unknown_28: Was first arrested in 1993 for allegedly placing a shotgun and hit her father's mouth and pulling the trigger the gun did not fire Cool I'm happy that my boy Elon did not delete this I

Unknown_28: This account so now everyone can see the shit. It's just like pictures of Like blacks, I think they're like starving or that's just like a tribe and then his flag But he's very very proud of he went to Alibaba and found a Kriegsmarine flag and Bought it with money and now he sleeps in it as a duvet I mean is it is it based or cringe to sleep in a a

Unknown_28: Rice flag as a duvet if you got like a queen-sized duvet with just the swastika flag on it is that cringe Yeah, I'm sure Hitler would have loved this person I'm sure Hitler was like yeah this black tranny Not black. Sorry. I don't want to get shot by the veiled Queen. That's a latinx tranny. Oh

Unknown_28: It's a bridge like the sound that the little ding-dong behind the the door makes when you bring it You know we're talking about the door stopper when you flick it. It was bring spring spring There is a black SS squad. That's true. That was in Africa that was a Part of Rommel's African campaign they recruited North Africans for that

Unknown_28: And maybe the Ethiopians, I don't think there was a lot of collaboration between Ethiopia and Italy. Italy was not that good.

Unknown_28: This study comes out, says puberty blockers given to children who say they were born in the wrong body and want to change gender may lower their IQs.

Unknown_28: In an alarming study, Sally Baxendale, professor of clinical neuropsychology at the University College of London, called for urgent research into the impact of the drugs on children's brain functions. NHS England stopped routinely prescribing the drugs, which halt bodily changes in puberty, after a damning review found that the treatment could interrupt the process of the brain maturing. But the private gender clinics are still giving puberty suppressants to under-16s in the UK, and trans activists insist the drugs are safe.

Unknown_28: Professor Broxendale has presented evidence about the detrimental impact of the controversial drugs on young people's IQ levels.

Unknown_28: They are on average seven points lower than their compatriots who were not given hormone suppressants. One patient in particular experienced a significant loss of 15 IQ points.

Unknown_28: Which, I mean, it makes sense, because it's like, we don't even say, like, make sure you limit caffeine intake for children under the age of, like, 24, because your brain's still developing, and we don't fully understand the intermingling of caffeine and the brain. Like, I drank caffeine a lot as a kid. I drank a lot of soda growing up. So, you know, who knows how, like, I still need caffeine to get through the day as an adult, you know, at the age of 31. Am I 31 or 32 now?

Unknown_28: I'm 30. I'm 32.

Unknown_28: Wait, let me check.

Unknown_28: I'm 31. I just turned 31. Okay.

Unknown_28: Um, so yeah. So who knows what sort of IQ impact caffeine has on the brain when you drink it?


Unknown_28: I don't know maybe I have like a really bad hard time Multitasking and keeping track of multiple concurrent things that I'm working on like I have a really terrible like work-life balance it's really hard for me to Take breaks and and put stuff down and get back to it, and I wonder if maybe You know I'm not like ADHD or whatever. It's just like I drink too much soda as a kid and now my brain is like Haywired wrong and I have to drink caffeine continuously I

Unknown_28: But no, let's give hormone blockers to children. I'm sure that will have no negative consequences for society.

Unknown_28: Let's listen to a proud trans woman explain her experience.

Unknown_08: After coming out as a trans woman, I got to have my first lesbian experience. Growing up, I had the same thoughts about lesbians that most red-blooded American males had. Like, like lesbians are so hot, man. They're like, they like kissing and stuff. It's so hot.

Unknown_08: So once I did experience it, I can honestly say, yeah, pretty much. Yeah.

Unknown_28: Let's watch another one. This is like the training of the week that everyone's making fun of. Let's watch another video.

Unknown_28: Oh, sorry, this is a stock photo horror image of a decrepit monster smiling at the camera.

Unknown_28: Sorry, that's completely unrelated to the trans content that I was watching. As you can see, there is literally zero correlation between these two images. One is a spooky, scary stock photo from Creepypastas, and one is a beautiful trans woman, and they don't look alike at all.

Unknown_07: Shortly after I came out as a trans woman, I became worried that women wouldn't accept me. Not because I'm trans, but because I'm hot.

Unknown_07: Shortly after I came out.

Unknown_28: It's just so gross. One more, one more.

Unknown_06: being trans is so weird because like misogyny gender euphoria like you're gonna get the cat calls on the street and you'll be like oh that's disgusting but also

Unknown_28: I don't believe these people. I do not believe trans.

Unknown_06: They all report this.

Unknown_28: They all say, Oh my God, I got sexually harassed. It's so arousing. I don't believe this. I don't believe that they're actually being cat called by, I don't think cat calling is as big an issue today as it was in the past. And I definitely don't believe that men are being cat called by other men. Maybe if you're walking past a gay bar or something.

Unknown_28: This pooner you are looking at female breasts by the way, don't censor my video Decided to get a tattoo of all sorts of Harry Potter stuff nine and three-quarters I see Dobby really awesome. I get like a elf goblin thing tattooed on you the Deathly Hallows sorting hat Daniel Radcliffe, he just loves Harry Potter. He loves Harry Potter and

Unknown_28: But then J.K. Rowling ends up being transphobic. And indeed, there was a new article put out, this one by the New Statesman, by Nick Hilton, saying, J.K. Rowling, Britain's gloriously nasty novelist. This was originally Britain's nastiest novelist, but I guess there was some debate, perhaps some threat of defamation to say that somebody is the nastiest of anything in England, because there are so many people who could possibly be the nastiest person in England that it's impossible.

Unknown_28: To adequately ordain a single person to be the nastiest on that particular Island so he changed it to gloriously nasty novelists And I'm curious to see you know how people are responding to this article. I'm sure that it was received very well Obviously we have to make sure that this article stayed up I guess because you got to make sure that the SEO poisoning does and

Unknown_28: But the account did not the backlash to this this article calls all the whamon of zitter to descend upon Nick Hilton and call him a fucking retard so violently that he hit his tail between his legs and quit zitter He could he can no longer show his face in public after deciding to call Jk. Rowling one of the nastiest novelists in the UK

Unknown_28: All right. And I think that's the news. We can slide right in to, uh, the.

Unknown_28: Well, I mean usually this is the end of the tranny segment, but this is now a mix of the tranny and Locale stuff because Keffels decided to interview Christian.

Unknown_28: I do not know what the point of this interview was. I had a suspicion and I was ready to live stream this. I had a suspicion that Keffels was going to try and get Chris to shit talk me.

Unknown_28: I guess he assumed that I had tortured him behind the scenes, and that if he could just get Chris-Chan on, Chris-Chan would talk about how terrible I was, how terrible the QB Farms was, and how anyone working to bring it down is such a great person.

Unknown_28: And after I made a note, all I said is I have a sneaking suspicion about what Keffel's intentions are with this video. And Keffel's apparently recognized that there was some threat. Oh, I specifically said I can't wait for it to blow up in his face. He realized exactly what I knew. He knew that I knew that he knew. And then he decided, oh, wait, maybe I shouldn't live stream this because it might not go the way that I intended. So he decided to instead pre-record it and then put out a really, really, really awful edited version. There were many issues with the video. The audio is out of sync at various places. The audio is not equalized. Chris is twice as loud as Kefl's is throughout the entire thing.

Unknown_28: Keffels is using his his front pointing microphone as like a He's using like a shotgun mic to record from the side. So his his audio is like really low quality There's several instances where he cuts between different segments and just leaves like two or three seconds of black frames which you should never do because there's Like that's unprofessional and gaudy as fuck. So it's just a disaster the entire video Oh and in the original version that he put out there's an entire seven minute long segment. That's just duplicated in full And there is some stuff about the Kiwi firms brought up But anything about me has been cut out And he even complained about this one is a live stream and said Josh thinks everything in the world revolves around him Well, what else is the point of talking to a man who was accused of fucking his mother?

Unknown_28: Who knows? I'll never know what the intention was of this interview, but it did blow up in Keffels's face regardless.

Unknown_28: I clipped a segment where Keffels congratulates Chris on beating incest charges.

Unknown_28: This is perhaps my most liked tweet of all time. It has been liked 200,000, 700 times, bookmarked 500 times, seen a million times. And Keffels has gone out and cried about how the reaction to this is, but let me play the clip first and then I'll read his reaction.

Unknown_10: So are all of the charges now dropped?

Unknown_10: Yes. Okay. I knew about the one, but again, I don't look – I'm not one of these obsessed freaks.

Unknown_10: I mostly wanted to do my due diligence because I know there's going to be a lot of people – like when I said I wanted to do this interview,

Unknown_10: There were like dozens and dozens of my fans who said they weren't even aware the charges were dropped. Because people only follow to hate you. They don't care about the good news. They don't want to see you do better. So the good things that are happening in your life, they never get publicized.

Unknown_10: So are all of the charges now due?

Unknown_28: So, if you... Keffels is lazy and stupid and low intelligence.

Unknown_28: But if he had done any due diligence, like he said, he would have understood that the charges were dropped not because of a lack of evidence. They were dropped because Chris sacrificed his right to a speedy trial. During the proceedings of the trial, he...

Unknown_28: They made his attorney on his behalf mate because he had a court-appointed attorney made a filing That basically waived his right to a speedy trial For some other gambit, I think in regards to like mental health issues And so Chris basically stayed at the really comfy jail and never went to prison. I

Unknown_28: and waited two years for trial.

Unknown_28: The state having to deal with the entirety of Chris Chan and the thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who follow Chris and the thousands of people probably fucking with them and sending them emails every day to try and submit evidence into court to try and get Chris put away forever.

Unknown_28: basically, I assume, prohibited the state of Virginia from actually going to trial with this. And on top of this, they would end up having to prosecute a transgender woman for incest and rape of an elderly person.

Unknown_28: Which is not a good look in the in the political climate to do that So there was probably some political motivation there too as well to not see this go to trial the end result is that Chris stayed two years in jail and For what he was being charged with which was a class 1 misdemeanor or a class 5 felony He would get at most two years in jail So for time served the fact that he had already basically gotten um spent his time in jail for what they could convict him on I think that barbara was uncooperative as a witness and also the fact that they were dealing with this like political bomb that they were just sitting on Uh, they just dropped charges. So chris was not Innocent he was not acquitted they uh dropped the charges with the uh potential to bring them back later on if circumstances change And, in regards to if he actually did it, yes, he actually did it. In fact, it's not even known if Bella talked to him about molesting his mom. From some of the logs I've seen, she was also surprised by it. Chris confirmed to me. to Bella, to some random My Little Pony YouTube animator, and a couple other people that yes, he had a sexual physical relationship with his mother involving penis and vagina and oral sex with her.

Unknown_28: And it is not a question of if Chris had sex with his mother. He did do it. He denies it now because he knows that there's consequences to having sex with your mother in the state of Virginia.

Unknown_28: and he doesn't want to go back to jail. But Keffel's coming out and congratulating Chris on basically beating a rape charge because you can't, a demented person cannot, who often, who has one camera, accidentally referred to Chris as Robert, which is Bob, Bob Chandler, his father, indicates that she is not in the mental state to be able to give consent. So, it's kind of a fucking disaster to go on stream with someone who is Chris, not know anything about Chris, and then compliment him on beating a rape charge, basically. But Keffels, of course, being a drug-addled retard, didn't understand this, and now is eating shit for it, as he says here.

Unknown_28: If you check the replies or quote retweets of anything I've posted in the last 48 hours, there have been hundreds of people posting pictures of drugs, telling me to relapse, and telling me to die. These aren't right-wing trolls. These are people who supposedly care about progressive values.

Unknown_28: I am constantly disgusted and ashamed that so many people who consider themselves on the left absolutely hate people who struggle with mental illness, disabilities, and seemingly have no principles whatsoever, except for the fact, except for whatever can score them the most Twitter upvotes.

Unknown_28: Well, my dude, you brought it on yourself. I don't understand. What would this guy do? I just imagine if you like, I imagine like the victim card, he's just sitting there at the table. Like when you're playing Uno or go fish or something, he has one card in his hand and it's just the victim card. And every round he just plays the fucking victim card over and over again. What would happen if you took that card from him? If Keffels was somehow prohibited from playing victim, I just imagine he would like deflate, you know, like a like an inflatable pool or something. He would just be completely flat, pressed against the ground and like a puddle of himself. Like, oh, my spine, my blood has been wrenched from me now that I'm no longer able to be the victim.

Unknown_28: This is also the highlight of the stream.

Unknown_09: Thank you so much for coming on the show, Christine. It was a real pleasure.

Unknown_12: Yes, and thank you for having me, Keffels, and thank you again for just taking down Kiwi Farms. That massive peg.

Unknown_28: That, well, just immediately cuts there. There's no discussion. It continues on. And I realized this is how Keffels got Chris to talk to him, is that he lied. He lied to Chris and said, I destroyed Kiwi Farms. Do you want to talk to me? And Chris believed it at face value because he's Chris and he's gullible. Well, he's gullible to the best of days, but even some people still think that Keffels actually took down the Kiwi Farms.

Unknown_28: And he agreed because of that so couples lied to a severely disabled person to gain their trust to get a interview so that he can monetize it and congratulate him on beating a incest rape charge I Hope it was worth it.

Unknown_28: I Hope you got what you wanted, bro You deserve it

Unknown_28: Ralph Ralph off the wagon again There was some weird thing where he basically put his sobriety up for bid said if he gave me money I'll go drink someone gave him $50. He said well I don't actually have any alcohol in the house. Give me $75 and I will go find some alcohol. I'll literally walk to the store and buy alcohol and we can drink and

Unknown_28: Uh, so let's watch some clips. I've not seen any of this. Um, but my boys have, uh, given me, uh, hopefully some Primo content. Let's see. I guess I'm telling the truth. I had like, uh, sorry, let me make sure that my game is correct. My game is off. I'm going to drop my limiter down to eight and I'll just turn this down just a little bit.

Unknown_02: Uh, 20 year porn addiction where I really studied how to please and make men come repeatedly over and over and over and over again. Wait, what?

Unknown_02: and make men cum make men cum it's edited it's edited there's a very make men cum there's a very there's like a couple frames missing that you can see to remove um to edit the sound make men cum repeatedly over and over and over and over again

Unknown_02: And so, once I'm able to do that to them in every orifice that they own, they really, really like it.

Unknown_28: By the way, porn is not real, and if you study how to pleasure women from porn, you will be a fucking retard. Ooh, seven minutes. Let's watch these first, and then I'll watch this for a bit.

Unknown_31: And I think I paid, but I don't know, we'll see. Seems like I did, but... They don't rip you off here, but it doesn't matter.

Unknown_02: Yeah, Taylor Swift's my queen, I don't give a fuck. As long as we win the Super Bowl, I don't give a fuck.

Unknown_02: I'll lick her asshole clean if we can take another simple roll home.

Unknown_28: Bro, we already have enough corpophilia rumors going on and we don't need to hear this.

Unknown_02: Especially if it involves beating the Buffalo Bills.

Unknown_31: And I, I think I paid, but I don't know. We'll see. It seems like I did, but.

Unknown_28: Go build.

Unknown_28: I'm sympathetic to- I don't have any team spirit for anything, but I did live in Buffalo and Buffalo Bills are very popular there.

Unknown_29: Yeah, Taylor Swift's my queen.

Unknown_02: I don't give a fuck. As long as we win the Super Bowl, I don't give a fuck.

Unknown_28: I'll lick her asshole clean. Oh, that's right. That's the same clip. Okay, let's watch this.

Unknown_02: Is it bottoms up?

Unknown_02: If they say his bottom's up, all right. Hey, fat merchant, out west. I do what I want, nigger.

Unknown_02: But I'm very libertine when it comes to the vices Do the coke I've never done cocaine in Mexico, I've done plenty in the United States cocaine White girl here in Mexico is probably like $15 a gram. I don't know anybody

Unknown_02: I've heard of people who know how to get smoke, weed, and stuff like that.

Unknown_02: And LSD, and stuff like that. But like, I don't, like the cocaine they take serious because, well, I don't really want to get involved with that anyway. Man.

Unknown_28: Does he even know why he's clapping?

Unknown_02: Oh, they got one of those birthday candles. You can't see it. They're really cool.

Unknown_28: Dude. Have you guys ever seen somebody talking to a camera in person? I imagine if you live in LA, it's probably a lot more common, but have you ever like walked into a restaurant or like an outdoor eating area and seen somebody like having a conversation with like their chat?

Unknown_28: If so, if so, you have to tell me what city you saw this in.

Unknown_28: Never not once. Good. Okay. Streamers, outdoor streamers are still like not a thing everywhere yet. At least he's American. Of course he's going to clap.

Unknown_28: It is a myth that Americans clap when the plane lands. They, I have, I can only imagine that people will clap on the plane lands if there is like some sort of fear, like either an engine is smoking or something like that.

Unknown_28: It is a myth. It is a myth. Americans do not clap when the plane lands. That is bullshit.

Unknown_28: Germans clap when the plane lands. I don't think that's true.

Unknown_28: Romanians do not clap when the plane lands. They just steal the wheels. They take parts of the plane with them as they leave. Oh, and I know what this is.

Unknown_02: Also, I don't really care about this quarter piece.

Unknown_02: I'm also like, oh, look.

Unknown_30: Uh-oh, look!

Unknown_30: Uh-oh!

Unknown_30: Uh-oh, what is that? Uh-oh, what is that?

Unknown_28: You found a zany berry in the carpet fibers. The only person I've ever seen do this is Bossman Jack, where he would pick up nuggets of pot, like a bud, off the carpet and smoke that. Or sometimes he'll pick up pieces of resin that have chipped off on the carpet and smoke that.

Unknown_28: Floor drugs. When you're eating drugs off the floor, that's a low point. That's pretty bad. It's like a... I keep referencing that guy eating the hamburger, David Hasselhoff.

Unknown_28: When you're drinking and eating cheeseburgers, smoking the floor bud, eating the floor zannies, drinking the floor vodka while eating hamburgers. That's a bad sign. That's a sign to cut back.

Unknown_03: Ralph making fun of Cog.

Unknown_02: Okay.

Unknown_02: But we do have a goal, and Cog had a goal today. He's dead, but he had a goal. He had a $200 goal to extend his show and he hit 178. So I want to hit the full goal, but I think blowing out cog goal may cause him to rekill himself.

Unknown_28: Okay, so Cog didn't meet his 200. I can't believe people pay to watch Cog. That's fucking sad, man.

Unknown_28: So Cog didn't get $200, and this is Ralph, four and a half hours later, at $90.

Unknown_28: And then tonight, well, I don't think we're gonna have anything else.

Unknown_02: Because we're at, let's see, 31%, 92 out of three. We didn't crack the hundred, so I'm about to just sign off and go do something.

Unknown_28: I mean, I imagine the money good. I don't know. It's hard. I don't have like a empirical evidence I imagine the money is less when he's not sober because I can't imagine trying to do this stream and Talk about the things that I talk about and try to at least because I already talk kind of slow So I imagine if I, uh, am drinking or high or something, I talk really slow. The reason why I talk slow is that I try to think about what I say before I say them, uh, which doesn't always happen, but sometimes it does.

Unknown_28: Uh, but yeah, I can't imagine. I imagine I would say lots of stupid shit if I was drunk. I think the one time I drank and did a stream, I showed a toe picture and thankfully that has been purged from the internet and no longer exists.

Unknown_28: Bradycardia L.

Unknown_28: I guess I'll play this new tattoo.

Unknown_05: So it's not done.

Unknown_28: Look at all that alcohol in the bag. This dude's entire house is like constructed with alcohol bottles. He has so much in the, in his room and in the kitchen, like everywhere. He just like walks around his house and just hear the bottles clinking together.

Unknown_05: Um, based this is the, it'll be, it's an interpretation of the Gadsden snake. It's not the Gadsden snake. Obviously. Um, the Gadsden snake looks like it was drawn by a child.

Unknown_05: Actually, he's gone through multiple iterations, uh, throughout the years, but, um, has landed on, you know, the three coiled snake ready to strike. I want to just walk around.

Unknown_28: Now, does he think that he is like, he has an impressive body? I don't understand why he does this. He's like a 40 year old man. And he just walks around shirtless. When I see old people walking around shirtless, I think of like, um, alcoholics going, walking to the gas station to get smokes. You know what I mean? I don't think of like, oh, that's a guy that's like proud of his physique and wants to show it off. I think, oh, it's a guy walking to the gas station in flip-flops.

Unknown_28: And trunks to buy some Nobberos.

Unknown_05: You know, the three-coiled snake ready to strike. I wanted a snake to represent the Gadsden flag. I will add don't tread on me to it later when it gets finished. Well, that'll be part of finishing it.

Unknown_05: But I didn't want it to look like the snake from the flag, because it doesn't look that good. So anyway, it's just scales right now. They're not finished. It'll be shaded in when the rest of the scales are put in on the neck and the tail. Then he'll shade it in. It'll look a lot more realistic than cartoony. And we'll add the don't tread on me. At some point.

Unknown_05: I mean, it's flashes of yellow to represent the flag. But for now, that's that's how he is required, by the way, to do these these local streams after his his regular streams to fulfill his contract with Rumble.

Unknown_28: And he was supposed to renew his contract with Rumble and renegotiate it.

Unknown_28: I think in December. And one of the things that he really wanted to do was to change the fact that he had to do local streams after his regular streams. He has routinely talked about how much he hates doing them, how they're late at night, how the audience is dwindled because it's like at four in the fucking morning, how he's like, it feels disgusting because he's been drinking for, you know, 12 hours at that point. And he just doesn't want to do them, but he's still doing them. So I look you can see it's like Morning, I don't know if that's like if the the Sun is rising or what but

Unknown_28: He I don't know I Assume that he's just had his contract extended for a couple months so they can get to Negotiations later because he still has the clauses in it if he doesn't like but he always complains about this so when he does do these local streams because he's um He just finished streaming. He's eating and So if you're paying ricketa for your local content so you can have one-on-one chats with your streamer He's eating the entire fucking time He's like continuously chewing and talking and cooking and eating shit as he like cooks and it's just like it's fucking vile I'm glad that illicit clips is like trimming out all the eating shit. I don't know how the fuck people can stand listening to that though I don't look very good.

Unknown_05: Well, that's nice. Thank you I feel terrific. Um, probably the healthiest i've been in a long, long time at my college weight. Well, when I graduated college weight, 10% body fat, like I am feeling great.

Unknown_28: That's weird. You don't look great, buddy.

Unknown_28: It's just like, I went to, um, Greece once and I went to a beach and it was a nude beach and there are lots of people like Ricardo walking around the other day. They're hairier cause they're Greek.

Unknown_28: And it's just like, it's just like an old man, topless and his house eating, eating his floor hamburgers.

Unknown_28: That's kind of sad.

Unknown_28: Finally, actually not finally, I don't know why I said that. I have another like two rows of stuff to talk about. This guy, he is the crucible and he explains why he's not good company for women. I'm just gonna play this at time and a half because he talks very very slow and He's one of those people who talk slow not because he's thinking about what he says to avoid sounding like a retard He's one of those people that talk slow because he likes to put a false emphasis and into the profundity of what he has to say So I'll let him talk and then I kind of want to show show some explain some things about him I'm gonna be honest with you

Unknown_20: Most women, this is just my experience, they never have anything interesting to say, and so I don't actually care about what they say. And so I feel like they're just talking, and I'm just kind of nodding my head.

Unknown_20: Like this.

Unknown_20: And I just kind of want the exchange to be over so I can get on in life and do other things that I consider more meaningful, like watching paint dry on the wall.

Unknown_20: You know, or like shoveling the driveway.

Unknown_20: Or literally anything other than that.

Unknown_03: Okay.

Unknown_20: So, because of that... Sorry, that was a very deep and profound pause to give you the time that you needed to really let that sink in.

Unknown_28: Let that sink in. If you're cold, he's cold. Let that sink in. I know it's really hard to digest the kind of complex philosophical things that he has to say, but he gave you the time to really at least chew on it.

Unknown_20: I'm not particularly good company for women, Because sometimes they'll be talking to me and I'll literally just get up and walk out of the room.

Unknown_20: Because I just don't care what they're saying. I don't give a shit what they're saying. I don't care what they're saying. It doesn't make any sense. I'm just like, okay, what... And sometimes they'll be talking to me. I don't even know what they're talking about. I'm just like, what the fuck are you even talking about? Just get up and leave. I don't... I just don't prefer... I don't prefer the company for the most part. So I'm not pleasant company generally for women. I don't dislike women. Plenty of women who I think are great.

Unknown_20: But for the most part, they're not very enjoyable to be around. And they just kind of talk at you.

Unknown_20: And they don't say anything. So I don't care.

Unknown_20: Like I've said this before. I wonder if he thinks he makes that, makes him look cool.

Unknown_28: Like, yeah, I, um, I intern to relationships with vacuous people and I don't care what they have to say. So I just literally walk out of the middle of the room. Like I have fucking autism or something.

Unknown_28: Like I'm, like I'm severely mentally disabled. I leave people wondering if it's something that if I, if I was offended and ran away from them, uh, because of the offense or if I'm just like retarded and lost train of thought or demented or something.

Unknown_28: No, actually, I'm just a dickhead. I wonder why he has the issues that he does. Apparently, he has a thread. I saw this, incidentally, and I thought, oh, this guy's a dickhead. So I looked it up.

Unknown_28: He actually is Big Papa Fascist, Andrew Wilson.

Unknown_28: I have some notes. I went through this thread, and I have some notes put together about Big Papa Fascist.

Unknown_28: He was married to Rachel, or is married to Rachel Wilson. They're both tradlarpers on Twitter with podcast. Rachel has five kids from three different men and has been divorced twice. Andrew left his ex-wife for Rachel because they had an affair and Rachel got pregnant. Andrew made her do a paternity test because he wasn't sure the kid was his. Rachel tried to get her oldest daughter to marry a groper, but the relationship didn't work out. And the groper threatened to release her nudes, uh, or did release them, but they're not in the thread. So I don't know what happened with that, but, uh, that's the benefits that he's bringing to this family and this relationship.

Unknown_28: The affair isn't true. What do you mean? It's not true. He was married and then he knocked up another woman. How was that not an affair? Um,

Unknown_28: Andrew and Rachel were on the killstream, which is how they got a thread, by the way. Shout out to Ethan Ralph.

Unknown_28: And Rachel was accused of sending feet pics to Beardson Beardley. But Beardson came out, right? Beardson, the little goblin, came out and said, yeah, your wife, she's sending me feet pics, bro. And then Andrew has to come out, big papa fascist, trad man, woman disrespect her. Comes out and says no Beardson child That is not a feet pic intended for you That was a public feet pic posted to Instagram that you merely pretend was a private message So she's not just sending feet pics to Beardson She's sending feed pics to the entire world to entice people to follow her Instagram account. So Beardson barely was completely and totally back the fuck off Okay with with that epic comeback

Unknown_28: That guy respond to my question. I'm looking at rumble now. Where is he?

Unknown_28: The fair wasn't true. He's raging alcoholic. She had one marriage before.

Unknown_28: And the dude left.

Unknown_28: The feet pics thing was fake to this guy.

Unknown_28: Tell me raging alcoholic. You have the mic. It was a pick of a pool and her feet were in it.

Unknown_28: Are the feet pics in this thread? Let me hide this. I don't know if there's going to be like nudes of her daughter or whatever the fuck.

Unknown_28: Okay. I'm looking for the feet pics. There'll be in here.

Unknown_28: Tell me my dude, why do you listen to him? Just let me know. I'm scanning through to try and find the feet pics.

Unknown_28: No, they're not archived on this.

Unknown_03: Did he say anything? Has he explained why he likes this guy?

Unknown_28: No, he has not.

Unknown_28: Listen Pat posting when I'll read this later for the the super chat But the the Pat posting thing is just something that embeds into your deep psychology and you can't stop Once you started going no stalker child, you can never stop. You never stop responding to people that way. I

Unknown_28: That's the issue with Pat is that he started Pat posting himself as patient zero, the Pat posting menace. And he just has no, it's like eaten away at the rest of his brain and he no longer has the faculties to respond to anything else in either way. Okay. I don't see the feet pic.

Unknown_28: That is funny. That's a funny troll from Beardson though.

Unknown_28: I mean, he tried to suck up to the group. He literally tried to marry off his his new wife's daughter to the grouper movement and the grouper movement responded by leaking her nudes and Lying about his wife In her feet pics. Do you think that because I assume if you're into this guy, you're probably into the whole grouper shit Don't you assume that to be like a indictment on the thing as a whole? Or do you just excuse that as being the few bad apples? Maybe it's his fault in particular for

Unknown_28: For not for not being on Fuentes Fuentes is nice list.

Unknown_28: I need to know After this I'll move on but I did find these these Grippers are gay losers generally. Okay. I assume that nobody who is like a griper can listen to my podcast I guess this guy likes big Papa fascist, even though there's the most fucking cringe-inducing name ever

Unknown_28: Selling his stepdaughter to a homo cult wasn't the brightest idea. I guess if it worked out. There seems to be a common thread. Candace Owens offering her kids to whoever the fuck. Um, those, uh, I can't remember who it was, but the, the, the fucking pick me bitch who tried to sell her daughter to Zerka the pedophile. Who's also an American first guy, a Brown guy in America first.

Unknown_28: It's just a very common thing. I don't, it really is crazy that these guys, this is what I mean. These guys have children either because they want to sure up the white, white birth rate and then they're so retarded and so irresponsible. The first thing they try to do with those kids is use them for clout and marry them off to Nick Fuentes or fucking pedophiles and associate with them or Andrew Tate or whatever the fuck.

Unknown_28: Does he know anything about fascism? Really? I think he's just a gay. Are you talking about me? I mean, I guess it just sounds nice as a, as a name.

Unknown_28: Well, it is what it is.

Unknown_28: Okay, now, let me explain something.

Unknown_28: Last week, I had to demilitarize the DSP board. I found out that one of the mods was one of those people who makes YouTube videos about Dark Side Phil, runs ads on them, has Cash App and the thing, and is actually, like, prominent on Twitter in, like, the DSP hate sphere.

Unknown_28: And I find this to be a conflict of interest. And I found that the way DSP people reacted to my presence on the board. Every time I show up there, there's like outrage. There's people angry. And I'm sick of it. So I demodded all the mods. I conquered. I instilled martial law. And now I am directly moderating the DSP board myself.

Unknown_28: And there's still like 10 people banned.

Unknown_28: I put in a little test. I banned like a dozen people. Just for being dickheads, because I'm fucking sick of it. And I said, if you want to be unbanned, I won't ban you. However, you have homework to be unbanned. Very small homework, very, very minor homework. I said, all you got to do is send me your username by email and send me a post from the Kiwi Farms that is funny, that is not from the DSP board. So just go out to the site and show me one post from the, not featured either. So don't go to like the featured thread and pick a link and send that.

Unknown_28: Find a thread, find something funny and send it to me. And this was my way of trying to encourage people to branch out to the forum. And a couple people opted to do this. The others are mad and are on Twitter, and they're going to stay mad. And that's OK. I would rather them stay mad and be off-site than be on-site and mad. So that works out. And the other people, they got to go out and explore the forum. I consider this an effective way of weeding out chaff from wheat. Or weeding out the wheat from the chaff is how that goes.

Unknown_28: So now I'm thinking about mods the boards really calm now everyone seems to be getting back into place and as I have I have encouraged them to go ahead and to Explore the rest of the site to post things directly to the community happenings board when DSP does something funny to try and encourage new people to get an interest so that there's more exchange because that board is like completely segregated from the rest of the site and

Unknown_28: And it doesn't make sense, you know, why, why they're so into DSP, but they're not into anything else. It's like, do you not like branch out, explore things? Um, there's more, there's more on the forum than just DSP.

Unknown_28: Like it's weird. They're not even into wings of redemption or anything, or they don't talk about Keenstar or other things that they should like have a natural interest into just because of the proximity. It's literally just DSP. So I've tried to discourage that and encourage more integration. And so upholding my end of the deal, I have decided to watch DSP content so that I can become more familiar with what's going on with him.

Unknown_28: His latest happening is this.

Unknown_18: The trolls always come out for this crap and they did a really good job.

Unknown_28: Well that was, I pulled this off because I wanted to clip this and said this is what happened when I tried to talk to the DSP people.

Unknown_18: As I've been informed many many times, I am actually exactly like DSP.

Unknown_28: I have transformed into DSP.

Unknown_28: I am under pygnosis is what they call it. When I, uh, if I don't want DSP completely banned and demonetized off YouTube and forced to get a job collecting garbage on the side of the street, I am, I am pygnotized and I am unable to think for myself and I am something for him. Uh, so the trolls have come out in fashion, by the way, cat is really fat now. That was the big thing. She showed up on stream for the first time in years, I want to say, and she's fat. Uh, so that was a big deal. People were having fun with that.

Unknown_28: However, uh, someone sent me this video. This is from yesterday and I found this funny. So I'm going to play it.

Unknown_28: Um, he.

Unknown_28: has encountered, he has been trolled by an Argentinian.

Unknown_28: Uh, now I've heard conflicting information about this, but it does appear to be a thing still. Uh, if you don't know the Argentine peso is so bad that the purchasing parody of it is like skewered on YouTube and you can buy channel memberships that are usually like $5 for less than a penny.

Unknown_28: if you're using an Argentine proxy.

Unknown_28: DSP is getting fucked and fucked with by guys who are actually from Argentina Because what this guy did is he found out that because memberships channel memberships cost a penny each he can go out and buy 500 memberships for you know $2 and that's all That's all that DSP will get Meanwhile the entirety of his live viewing audience will be gifted subs So that they have no reason to buy subs from DSP at full price anymore

Unknown_28: So that's what he did And it really really pissed DSP off and I have a couple timestamps the main thing about DSP That's hard to clip is that this is a 27 minute long video and you might think that this is like a montage of all the different Times that DSP has talked about the channel channel membership. Thanks. No The way that DSP streams is that he sits down an hour like the first hour of any stream and he just rants about his business and

Unknown_28: In the financial hardships he has and this is the this is like the fun stuff that the DSP a logs like Really enjoy is I don't even know how to explain it It would be kind of like every stream DSP considers his entire viewing audience to be like board members to the DSP king of hate enterprises and

Unknown_28: And he's doing like a financial report to them and being like, hey, guys, I want to say that viewership quality is really high right now. Love to see the engagement. I wish I could get a couple more memberships. We're meeting our goals. You know, I got those taxes to pay. It's like he's doing a report each stream about the ongoing financial crisis of his of his enterprise. And everyone is invited to participate as if they're like employees or members of this community of direct direct beneficiaries of the company that he runs.

Unknown_28: So he goes for 30 minutes and the way he explains things is extremely tedious he goes off on tangents and He can like what I just explained guy from our Argentina buying memberships costing him money like that sentence 30 minute video because he just can't explain it correctly and in any kind of brevity or being succinct at all now skip the

Unknown_28: Snort this guy only has a 12 second intro but Most people most DSP clippers like you have to skip through like an hour of like Like the first minute is just dedicated Like bumper intro bumpers. That's really bizarre. Anyway, I'll start with this. Oh

Unknown_18: So, I think I've covered everything at this point. So you guys know the deal. I'm someone who makes a living out of stream contributions, not off of sponsorships, partnerships, and the like. I don't have any paid promotions, no product codes to enter in to get a discount and give me a kickback. It's all about me making content and you guys liking it so much that you support it. Please consider supporting the stream today. Ways that you could support, becoming a member, gifting memberships, Super Chats or Super Stickers, or tips. Currently, I'd like to hit $50 in tips on this stream. That's always my goal when I do any kind of a stream on YouTube, and sometimes we hit it and sometimes we don't. It's great what we do, it helps a lot. It'd be great if we can get around maybe anywhere from eight to 10 members today. Would help boost the channel a bit, okay? Speaking of that, I think it's time to now get to the subject at hand that everyone wants to know about, right? Let's do it. Let's talk about it, because finally I have my definitive answer of what's been going on,

Unknown_18: this last week and a half with these member bombs.

Unknown_28: See what I mean about how it sounds like a boardroom meeting is like he walks in and is like, I'd like to thank everyone for being here. We have coffee and donuts. Remember that we're expecting quarterly reports from these departments. You know, I thank everybody for their timely emails. It's like, it's like, and this is how he starts his stream every day. It's just like, hello everybody. Thanks for being here. Be sure to give me some money.

Unknown_28: Now he'll get into the the membership bomb thing as you can see he has a thousand members on the bottom five That's a lot of money. That's like. I think he says $4. This is membership fees. That's like $4,000 a month for my boy Phil

Unknown_18: Alright, so let's review what I'm talking about so you get the full story now in one section. I'm sure OPBoon will timestamp this video with AI and this will be the start of the story of the member bomb nonsense that's been going on because I finally got all the answers. Why do I have all the answers? Because people can't keep their mouths shut. Seriously, most of the time when these kind of things happen, if people just kept their mouths shut, no one would ever figure them out. But people can't help it. They just gotta brag, they gotta go, you know, stroke their e-penis on forums somewhere, you know, the big assy code coming out of their crotch and stuff. They can't resist. And so because of that, All this stuff finally comes to light. And now the reason I'm telling this story is twofold. Number one, see what I mean?

Unknown_28: Like story. I got 500 subscriptions. They were in Argentine peso. They're worth less than a dollar for all 500. Therefore, I am going to make adjustments to my membership counters to reflect my actual income. That's the story one sentence but dsp can't do that He has to make sure that everything is by the board that the the the minutes of the the meeting are covered that this lasts 30 minutes So he doesn't have to play five hours of video games. He can just do four hours or whatever um, and then he also makes sure to hit hit the dab on the trolls for uh, Revealing their hand showing him what he's up to Now I will skip ahead a little bit. We're not going to watch 30 minutes of dark side phil. I promise 400 gifted memberships to which I'm like now I'm skeptical.

Unknown_18: I'm like, how could I have gotten 400 memberships, but no real increase in income those two days. It doesn't seem to make sense. Right?

Unknown_28: So what tipped him off was not that somebody is donating thousands of dollars of actually, yeah, thousands of dollars. It's like $2,000 for 500 subs at $4 each. So it's like, it's not that someone's giving him thousands of dollars out of the blue. Some guy he's never seen before. It said it's not adding up in his revenue. That's where he's like, huh? That's not right and Some people were starting to say things like oh well Maybe what it was was these people were under from another country like Nikita whoever Nikita is maybe Nikita is from another country and in their country Memberships cost something different so maybe you did get paid But you got paid less than what you would have thought so instead of making you know if it's a $4 membership I would have made like 250 a membership, but maybe not maybe in their country.

Unknown_18: It's way cheaper so maybe you made like a dollar a membership instead. Can you confirm that? And I looked, no, I didn't even get that. Like I didn't get $400 for 400 memberships. Like, no, there's like nothing there. Right. So I'm like, definitely that can't be it either. So what could it be? Right. So a couple of days pass, it hits January 10th.

Unknown_18: Okay.

Unknown_18: And on January 10th,

Unknown_28: next next you got it that's right no revenue however something even more insidious happens than him not making money somebody starts talking in spanish and i come back to streams this week and i basically told you guys at the beginning of the week it's weird that it's not recording any income for those gifted memberships and now there's 500 of them and none of them are recorded as revenue and i'm like something definitely gives here right

Unknown_18: In the meantime, someone else came on these streams by the name of XHooligan. And this person did a series of super chats, as well as 50 gifted memberships. But this person started speaking in Spanish. And then they were using Google Translate to try to figure out what they were saying. Well, one of the things that they said, all right, was something like, oh, so I like your content, but I have to go poop.

Unknown_18: You mean like Doodie? You see what I mean?

Unknown_28: That sounds like a weird statement. One of his main a-logs is a guy called Doodie. And so this guy mentioning in Spanish, adios mio, I have to go caca. Like him thinking caca, poo-poo. Duty duty is behind this like that's that's literally the gears turning in his head trying to Take to figure out what the fuck is happening. Why he isn't making his goddamn money off his super chats and shit The Argentine pesos pouring in but yet the dollar amount just not going up at all. What is happening here? 849 He goes on to explain that he loves Spanish peaking people and Spanish speaking people are great. He loves tacos and burritos literally

Unknown_18: Because there's something that happens here on YouTube that from to my knowledge is an exploit. I don't know if it's if it's actually like purposeful or legal. It seems to be an exploit. What is an exploit? An exploit means that someone has found a loophole in a system that should not exist and was not part of the original design of the system.

Unknown_28: I just imagine, like, okay, imagine DSP. He's at the head of the table in a boardroom. There's a literal roundtable meeting, and you have all these different, like, financial sponsors. He's got PowerPoint slides up. There's an overhead projector, and he's got PowerPoint slides up. YouTube has an exploit.

Unknown_28: What is an exploit? And then it's like a dictionary definition of an exploit. It's like, is this necessary to the minutes of the meeting, sir? Can we progress to the next slide? What the fuck is the point of the exploit? Everyone knows what an exploit is.

Unknown_18: Yet they found it. But oddly enough, this isn't an exploit, so he's just wrong. To use it for personal gain or benefit. Okay? And you might say, exploit? Well, what's the exploit?

Unknown_28: He's literally, listen, look, look at his eyes. Benefit.

Unknown_18: okay yet they found a way to use it for personal gain or benefit he's reading the dictionary definition of an exploit he's literally reading like the cambridge dictionary for that that word as he as he like he doesn't know what he doesn't know what an exploit is okay and you might say exploit well what's the exploit Alright, so here's what I'm to understand and people can correct me on this because I only know of this from people telling me and through my research basically last night Where I found out through someone contacting me and telling me this always happens to people contact me behind the scenes They'll be like Phil just so you know We found out what really is going on right for example when I got kicked out of twitch the partner program two and a half years ago. Now it's almost three years ago. At first I had no clue what happened and Twitch wouldn't respond. And then someone behind the scenes contacted me and sent me all the information and said, here's literally the anti-DSP campaign that was sent to Twitch to make you look awful. Obviously it's completely false and out of context. It was like a compilation of my worst moments of like 15 years, right? And they sent it to Twitch and said basically Twitch had to basically get you out of the partner program because if they didn't and someone complained then how would they pretend like they're woke?

Unknown_28: I think I missed the actual explanation that I wanted there. Because he just randomly goes off on Twitch. He does this a lot. I tried to timestamp this to the best of my ability. There's actually a seven minute gap between him getting back on track. So the first is him explaining what an exploit is. And then he goes into, how is this allowed? Oh, Oh, all right.

Unknown_28: Alright.

Unknown_18: Basically, you might say, well, how is this allowed? It's not.

Unknown_18: It doesn't matter how much YouTube pretends like it is. It's not because it's okay.

Unknown_28: So this is, this is a really, really typical DSP ism. Something happens. Somebody finds an exploit to troll him with. And instead of getting like, instead of realizing that these are people who are trying to get him in trouble, trying to compromise his financial situation, trying to get him deplatformed, trying to fuck with him and get a reaction. Instead of just acknowledging that there's some trolling going on, the sub count doesn't accurately reflect my revenue, I'm going to reduce the amount because some people are using the financial situation of Argentina to, you know, or just don't say Argentina, just say they're doing a trick to artificially increase my sub count.

Unknown_28: So instead of just doing that handling it professionally and privately his inner inner working boardroom meeting explaining the exact financial situation how people are fucking with him is a The first thing that you would see you're watching his streams like his how-to guide to trolls to fuck with him, so I

Unknown_28: he makes a big deal out of it and he gets mad at youtube in particular and maybe he has a right to be mad at youtube but he goes on and says that they are literally stealing from him i'll let him explain exploit the difference would be if this was correct if this was a proper like currency conversion

Unknown_18: then it would be correct, but it's not. It's not a proper currency conversion, it's an exploit. So in reality, when people do this, they're breaking the law, and YouTube, every time that they enable this, also is kind of breaking their own terms of service, or not terms of service, excuse me, their own partnership contract, okay? If this becomes a huge thing on YouTube, and this starts happening en masse to tons of YouTubers, that's a lawsuit against YouTube. and they're gonna have a hard time defending themselves. They are, because this is a problem. This is a giant hole where people can just lie and buy things on the cheap and that affects people's businesses, right? Imagine if you were running a restaurant and someone walked into your restaurant and says, well, I have a coupon that says that I get everything on the menu for a nickel. Like, what the fuck is this? Hey, you got to honor the coupon, tough shit.

Unknown_28: I mean it depends on your agreement with like the venue if you're at a mall and the mall issues certificates You have to accept it. Usually you would be reimbursed, but I mean it's kind of right

Unknown_28: I mean, in a way, I don't know. It's kind of hard to explain because on one hand, it's like you're not really selling anything. It's just channel memberships. It's just like emotes and stickers and shit. Um, after a month, you know, those people are going to lose their gifted subs and YouTube will probably have fixed it by then because he explained somewhere, uh, actually at this point that YouTube does fix things when he raises the complaint. So instead of just handling it privately, not encouraging people to do this by freaking out, um, he does the opposite.

Unknown_18: two weeks. And I kept telling them, no, I'm not. Here's the evidence. I don't want to hear you. Give me a form letter. I don't want to hear this bullshit. This is a huge side exploit. You need to fix it. So after two weeks of me hammering them and saying, it's real, give it to someone to review. YouTube support closed my conversation and I didn't hear from them again. And within one month, the fit, it was fixed. They closed the problem. It fixed. They repaired it behind the scenes.

Unknown_28: So he just admits that if he does raise an issue with YouTube and he does talk to them and he waits a little bit, they'll fix it. But instead of doing that, he feeds the trolls and he outlines exactly how to troll people. So by the way, I don't know if you have to be Argentina or if you are Argentinian or if you can just use a VPN for gifting memberships like channel memberships.

Unknown_28: But I suppose you'll probably see a lot of this with like vtubers and shit anytime I hear about like exploiting super chats and stuff with the Argentine peso I just think of how people are gonna use that to fuck with super chatters or big youtuber big streamers because like if you can if you can donate $5 subs for a penny each

Unknown_28: Using the Argentine peso you can go to like a huge streamer that has you know thousands of viewers and you can gift like a hundred thousand subs for like a hundred dollars and Then everyone will have the channel memberships for four months all all the regular viewers and then those people I don't know Maybe they'll donate as like sympathy or whatever, but that person then is like cut off from membership financing for a long time as a result of this and

Unknown_28: Interesting. And then finally, one other thing, um, he does, I think he does this live at this point. He explains how this hurts him.

Unknown_18: I can wholeheartedly tell you after investigating the situation, after having basically looked at forum posts and all the evidence, I have 550 fake memberships on the channel right now. They're not real. No one paid for them. You know, it's good that you guys have the benefits from them, that's amazing, but the problem is, the whole point of this leaderboard down here is to show how I'm doing support wise on a stream, correct? And when you see 1147 memberships, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Wow, that's a lot of members, Phil's doing really good for himself, right? That's not true. That's a misconception based on 550 memberships I'm not gonna get paid for. okay so that's not right because now what will happen is people will come by and look at that and say wow phil's doing well off for himself he's got tons of support he doesn't need help today i'll come back in a couple weeks maybe when things are slower and i'll help him then and that's bullshit i make my living on that this is my main income down here it's funny because it's like he kind of says

Unknown_28: Like there are people who don't watch his streams, but try to support him So they might come into a chat once like every couple weeks See, oh god Phil sub counts fucking terrible. I guess I'll I guess I'll buy some give some subs and then they don't watch And they might be confused by him having a thousand subs and be like, oh, I guess he's doing fine I won't donate for the next two months then, you know, it's like what kind of people are doing that? I don't think there I think there are very few people

Unknown_28: who are turned off on buying something based on success. Like, I don't know. I think that in a way, you know, if a thousand people have given you a sub, that just means like, oh, if I buy a sub, I'm part of a thousand people. If you have like 10 subs, someone might be like, oh, why would I, this guy's like a loser, I guess. He only has 10 subs. Why would I give him a sub?

Unknown_28: I don't feel like people are turned away from giving money Financial support to people who are already financially successful because otherwise you'd have all these mid-level youtubers And you wouldn't have super super famous youtubers who have tons and like thousands like XQC or whatever Because those people would just say XQC has enough money and not giving him any money. That's clearly not what's happening but yeah, he's he's figured this out apparently and now then he does the unforgivable and

Unknown_18: You understand? There's no behind-the-scenes agreements that I have with companies to pay me to shield their products. This is what I make my living on, and that can hurt me concretely. All right? So... Enough is enough. Right now, I'm fixing the fucking members total. We're fixing it. We'll do it live. I have 550 fake memberships.

Unknown_28: Fakers.

Unknown_18: So if you subtract 600... Wolves in sheep clothing. You're at 647.

Unknown_18: And if you subtract the other 50, right? You're at 597. I love that he has basic arithmetic live, too. He shows people the math. You see, I'm not doing this... I'm not getting my math wrong, chat, as I reduce the number.

Unknown_28: I'm getting it right. You do 500 and then 550.

Unknown_18: So what I would like to do today is get 610. Okay?

Unknown_18: It's only fair that I properly adjust it so people actually know what I have.

Unknown_18: Because that's bullshit. You know what I'm saying?

Unknown_28: All you had to do, it's 27 minutes, so this still goes on, I've listened to this entire thing, this is the peak of it, when he drops the number. All you had to do, boot up the stream, and say, hey guys, just so you know, the sub count's lower, because I realize that a lot of the donations that I got were in Argentine peso, or were in the foreign currency that isn't worth very much, so they're not really like, they're not financially, they're not like the same as everybody else's subscription amount. So we just have, um, I reset it from those, those troll subs. That's all he has to say. It's one sentence. Uh, what's really, really, really funny is that someone sent this to me as video proof that DSP is in fact funny and the A-logs do not in fact wish him to be homeless, destitute and eating trash out of the bin. But you know what?

Unknown_28: You know what I did after I watched this video?

Unknown_28: Took my mouse wheel and I went, wait,

Unknown_28: Let's read the comments, chat.

Unknown_28: How is it not a scam to artificially lower your number total to make it seem like you're not getting enough support? Let's take a moment to remember that Phil has never once done a giveaway for his fans. Empty box games. Empty game boxes don't count. This has to be a TOS violation, right? Misrepresenting your contributions to scam your supporters might need a mass report. Let's see. It absolutely is, but YouTube seems to defend the pig roach. Little snort pig makes his money on YouTube. They won't do anything to him. The only punishment he has gotten is being walled off the algorithm.

Unknown_28: Let's see.

Unknown_28: This is a people just saying I I mean I can't complain about people encouraging people to Exploit the fuck out of us because as far as I'm concerned YouTube can eat shit this guy explains what? incorrectly the exchange rate thing the Argentine peso is not directly pegged to the US dollar in terms of membership. It's based off purchasing parity So that's why it's not he explains that it's not a direct conversion, but it is based off purchasing piercing parity

Unknown_28: He's a scammer. He doesn't care for his fan base at all. I don't understand this 500 memberships wasted because Phil cannot accept that his whole channel is built on lies Like come on calm down. It's a funny troll. You don't have you don't have to hate him. You don't have to like Oh my god. I hope they ban this fucker for lying Like come on, come on

Unknown_28: I will give a shout out to Ludwig world order because he made this funny animation and I maintain that his don't play of That one game the loot the loot vague It's not Elder Scrolls, what is it is dark dark souls the kind of sound similar I guess Well, that's the say you don't play is the best one ever made so I will play this. Oh

Unknown_09: Thank you so much for coming on the show, Christine. It was a real pleasure.

Unknown_12: Yes, and thank you for having me, Kefus.

Unknown_23: And by the way, thanks so much for taking down Kiwi Farms. Well, taking down Kiwi Farms is the pinnacle of your accomplishments. Well, that's something nobody can ever take away from you. If somehow the Kiwi Farms was actually online, that would be terrible, and negate all of your hard work, but thankfully that will never happen. Without a doubt, Kiwi Farms is down, or my name isn't Jesus, Allah, Muhammad, Buddha, Christian, Western, Chandler. On behalf of Dark Side Phil, Wings of Redemption, Boogie, and all the other lolcows in the lolcowsphere, we all thank you.

Unknown_23: If Kiwi Farms isn't down, may God, who is me, strike me down with a bolt of lightning.

Unknown_09: Well... Perfect.

Unknown_28: Good job, my boy.

Unknown_28: All right, that's enough DSP for the next year, I guess. There is one more insidious drama that has crept up, has consumed the universe, that I will try to summarize to the best of my ability, though I should remind you that this is a thing that was covered by other people that I'm kind of late to the game to. I don't have any skin in the game. I'm just going to try to summarize this as accurately as I can based off what I've seen. I did try to watch the... I picked the... I had a choice between listening to Nick D'Oreo or Mutahar, and I decided I have enough curry in my life already, so I picked Nick D'Oreo, which is a mistake. Nick D'Oreo's video editing skills are abysmal.

Unknown_28: the way he adds a grainy vhs effect to absolutely everything and then like his interstitial frames between segments is like Different backgrounds colors fonts font sizes font styles and it's just like a it's like an actual hideous nightmare and then he talks and if you think my voice is annoying you're right, but uh, he's got a really really like high pitch whiny voice And it's also particularly grating to listen to. But he covered something called Mama Max.

Unknown_28: I have spoken about these pedophile vigilantes every so often. I'm not a fan of that kind of content. It just doesn't appeal to me. Because I kind of see it as dangerous.

Unknown_28: I think that these amateurs trying to make money off of doing what is effectively police work can come at a detriment to actual police investigations. I always feel like the people involved in it are not involved in the right reasons. They always come across to me as abusive types that have found a target that nobody is willing to stand up for. And people just sort of tolerate their behavior because they're fucking with pedophiles so who gives a shit? But they give me like heebie-jeebie vibes. They seem like people I don't want any involvement with because they come across as kind of dangerous.

Unknown_28: and I apparently had been proven right when at least one person involved in this because They this guy's called mama max, and there's actually a really great thread on him on the Kiwi farms It's made by this guy called not based for red pill, but this was made in 2022 So it just contains all his drama like from 2022 prior which gives you like a really solid groundwork into how his channel got started and

Unknown_28: And it probably shouldn't come as any surprise that before he found his footing as Mama Max, as, like, a pedophile hunter, he was involved in many different kinds of, like, griffs that all didn't amount to anything. So he's, like, deleted and recreated his YouTube channel a dozen times, tried to get involved in, like, a dozen different kinds of content, which includes hentai reviews at some point.

Unknown_28: And his ex-girlfriends are, like,

Unknown_28: Oh, but this was one of his other failed ventures.

Unknown_01: I was in the United States Army before I was discharged for attempting to commit suicide.

Unknown_28: So he was in the military, he didn't have any skills, he just got out of high school, didn't know what to do with his life, got involved in the military, was in training, he was in Oklahoma for a year, threatened to commit suicide allegedly, and got an other than honorable discharge for mental health reasons. Then he started doing YouTube videos, such as reviewing hentai,

Unknown_28: And, um, found his footing in pedophile hunting. Eventually, uh, he has, he has had girlfriends that are obviously like drug addict losers.

Unknown_28: Now this person was an OnlyFans whore.

Unknown_28: Her Instagram just had almost nude photos of her. She was involved in cosplay, wearing Lalita shit. This is unsubstantiated, this paragraph, but I find it interesting. I wish that he had provided a source for it.

Unknown_28: Max met Olivia after a breakup with this previous girl some of the first traits he noticed in her that she was small like a child And apparently and I have to take his word on this that he also portrays her in life sucks heartbreak as the main character Taiga from Tora Dora and this is Taiga from Tora Dora She is four foot eight. So she is firmly in the short category of anime characters Am I a buffering I'm sorry, I do notice that my

Unknown_03: that my stream bandwidth is low.

Unknown_03: That's strange, why is my kilobytes?

Unknown_03: Sorry, is everything okay now?

Unknown_03: I just had a small outage with my stream software.

Unknown_28: Okay, I'll just repeat myself real quick So I'm just the last part he was dating like an OnlyFans girl She had posted like almost nude images on Instagram There is an unsubstantiated quote that he had found interest in Olivia B

Unknown_28: Because she was small like a child and that he says in when his life in his playthrough of life sucks heartbreak He portrayed her as Taiga from Torga was this Tora Dora And she's a four foot eight short. So do with that information as you will I do not have substance to back this up with that is merely what is claimed in this post and then at some point he gets involved in a

Unknown_28: The pedo hunting stuff and he has this trend. This is the one of the actually the most interesting things as far as this intro post about him goes This is a post from him When he was banned or he had a video taken down on YouTube for violating the TOS He says hashtag pick-a-side YouTube children or pedophiles at team YouTube at Susan was Jiki and he has emojis for all this and Philly D at h3h3 at Keemstar at John scares had moist critical at Chris Hansen at Shane Dawson at corpse has been 33,000 like so this guy is like extremely notable He has a large following and when he says that YouTube is encouraging pedophilia by not doing something Thousands of people will believe him and millions of people will see this post

Unknown_28: which is interesting, because it appears that he's a liar.

Unknown_28: He had a live-streamed interview with Mutahar and Nick DiOrio, and he was confronted on his corpus of work as a pedophile hunter. This started because you saw that he tweeted at moist critical He had tried to compel Charlie who I don't have any love for but in this instance It's hard not to take his side because he is in the right this guy trying to promote his pedophile hunting channel tried to compel moist critical to talk about videos that he had put out and

Unknown_28: The gist is that somebody he has a direct knowledge of, this black guy who considers himself a werewolf, he is accusing of running a pedophile cult, and without any kind of evidence or substance of this, And only based off one woman's testimony says that this black guy ran a werewolf pedophile cult and had molested potentially hundreds of children or groomed them or got nude images or whatever. But he had no substance to back this up with. And in the eight hours of video content he had put up trying to expose this werewolf pedophile cult, he was unable to substantiate a single one of his claims. Which, when he tried to compel Moist Critical to talk about this, he refused. And so he chimped out and started calling Moist Critical a pedophile enabler because he was not promoting his videos to his liking.

Unknown_28: Charlie complained about this, which got Mudahar and Nick D'Orio as, like, um...

Unknown_28: I don't know what you call it, like YouTube drama people to try and talk to him. And the result of the conversation was that he basically admitted live on camera that he had never helped a single child, that he outright fabricated some of his videos, that he fake rape stories to promote his content and so on and so forth. Basically, everything he has done is a swindle and a fraud.

Unknown_28: and not a single person was a beneficiary of his work. There was not a single person that was saved or helped as a result of his pedophile hunting, and it appears to be all fake.

Unknown_28: Let's see, I'll read the thing here.

Unknown_28: He used a fake drama to bait and switch by exposing more people to a random black guy named Camden, allegedly a word Max never used. So he is like trying to accuse this guy of doing shit without any evidence. Running a vampire werewolf sex cult. No concrete evidence is provided.

Unknown_28: He had done this multiple times to try and pester celebrities to talk about his videos. The commentary channels, that's what I was working for, commentary people. The commentary people dislike his bait-and-switch video, they approach him for it. Max invites them on to a debate, alongside one of his survivors, Spencer, who's living with him. So one of the people that he said, the person who he's living with is this woman who claims to have been a victim of Camden's vampire, werewolf, pedophile sex cult.

Unknown_28: But he's or she's living with him as he's promoting this story.

Unknown_28: He refuses to provide any evidence. He asked for people to sign an NDA.

Unknown_28: They look into his history. Info on the alleged predator and the supposed the cult is very scarce.

Unknown_28: The black guy has no criminal record except for driving without a license charge.

Unknown_28: There's a police report from years ago, but the detectives did not find enough evidence, and so on.

Unknown_28: So then they call to him, it does not end well. Max admits to fabricating a victim's traumatic story of rape and abuse, but he genuinely acts surprised that people believed it was real and not fictional, despite the predator supposedly being real. Max is confronted on straight up lying about one of his videos leading to an arrest of a predator. So he's lying about people going to jail because of his work.

Unknown_28: And also feigned surprise that people would believe him. Believe him and not just believe that it's all fake.

Unknown_28: Nick D'Orio plays this clip back to him and he has to actually admit that he lied about the entire thing He has never worked with law enforcement on any of his cases He has never gotten anyone arrested as a result of his work on YouTube, but he has apparently millions How many people actually follow this guy? I'm curious.

Unknown_28: I Didn't look that up 750,000 subscribers

Unknown_28: His videos get hundreds of thousands of views. That's crazy.

Unknown_28: Puppystomp.mp4. Bro, this guy is fucking gross.

Unknown_28: All of it. Oh my God. He has all these anime.

Unknown_28: All these anime videos. Oh, that's crazy.

Unknown_28: He used chat GPT for legal advice. This is what he admits on video. He does not work with real lawyers, but instead uses chat GPT for legal advice in regards to how to handle pedophile cases.

Unknown_28: Um, Max has been accused of abuse by his ex girlfriends who, as we've established, are like crack whore, um, only fans, prostitutes. And he claims that their testimony is fake.

Unknown_28: And then says that Magnetar, someone who actually brought them together, is a pedophile. He can't prove any of this. He doxes Magnetar.

Unknown_28: I think at one point when he's exposing this black guy Camden he is Like doxing Camden's entire family like he's name-dropping his mom and his brother and he's implying that people should like get involved and Look these people up and hound them for evidence about his pedophile vampire werewolf sex cult So it's all it's I mean, it's incredibly shoddy and fucking juvenile and it's really shocking

Unknown_28: That I don't know people are so gullible. They just get lied to and they just fucking believe it This guy also calls him a sociopath or calls himself a sociopath. Um He takes pride in that he's a sociopath. He's a liar an exploiter, but just not a very good one. Apparently if you manage to get Mentally outmaneuvered by Nick D'Orio and Mutahar You got to pack it in you got to give up you lost you don't get to call yourself a sociopath anymore You can call yourself a low low IQ the psychopath I guess but that's about it You don't get to call yourself some master manipulator at that point when Nick D'Orio is walking circles around you

Unknown_28: And that's the Mutohar stuff. I don't know enough about the specifics because I don't know. It's just not my thing. I don't want to watch puppystomp.mp4 to try and understand this character better.

Unknown_28: I will assume in good faith that Nick D'Oreo has humiliated this man. Yeah, I watched I tried to watch Like the expose videos and stuff. It's just like yeah, I get it He's a fucking liar and he lies for money and YouTube is the platform to do this one. That's pretty accurate. I

Unknown_28: Mudahar bros you get a win if you're interested in this as I mentioned Mudahar and Nick Dorio both have multi hour-long video expose is talking about how this guy Has effectively made an entire career probably millions of dollars. I wonder his patreon still up. I wonder how much money it has Come on patreon don't let me down

Unknown_28: Ooh, it's not public. I wonder if, um, Graf Trion has it. Oh, that's really annoying. It doesn't even show how many members he has. You don't get this on Patriot and doesn't even tell you how many members you have anymore. That's crazy though. I'm seeing hundreds of replies on some of his posts.

Unknown_03: Okay. Let's see. Hold on.

Unknown_03: He's been losing members. Oh my God.

Unknown_28: Okay. So he had, he had

Unknown_28: At his peak he had 4,000 paid members and on average they were paying $6 a month so that's $24,000 a month at peak it's been dropping off so now it's probably half that but that's still like tens of not even including YouTube income It's probably tens of thousands of dollars a month just by lying Just by saying hey guys. I um actually someone asked me to do this. I don't have a way to modulate my voice and

Unknown_28: Let me check. Make sure there's not like a spooky button that I can press on my, my microphone to filters.

Unknown_28: Problem is I don't know how to, how to, yeah, I'm not going to try. Someone asked me to, um, to try and modulate my voice. I'll play like a clip of how he talks so you can, um, you can get a feel for it. Let's see if I can find the Nick to Oreo videos. Oh, here. Okay.

Unknown_03: Um, is this it?

Unknown_03: Yeah, this is it.

Unknown_03: No, this is just him talking.

Unknown_20: Oh, this. Yeah.

Unknown_28: That's enough to get you tens of thousands of dollars on YouTube. He just puts a modular And then that's enough everyone's like oh my god, I Will give you memberships and real US dollars and not Argentine pesos. I will subscribe to your patreon Thank you hero for saving children. Thank you my lord for stopping the puppies the puppy stomp Come the fuck on

Unknown_28: Most of his videos are demonetized. Well, good.

Unknown_28: Considering all things, um, Neil Mahan, spicy curry, Dick W. I don't know what to tell you. He does sound like the saw puppet. That's right.

Unknown_28: Mama max, you've dedicated yourself to saving and empowering children. That is a lie. Now you must choose between what you claim to be and what you actually are. On the left is a child who will be killed unless you manage to pull the lever, which can only be pulled by cutting off your own penis because you are a coomer only by freeing yourself from your masturbation addiction. Can you actually do what you set out to accomplish? Choose wisely.

Unknown_28: And then that, that is the proper... Proper trap, the Saw trap. You wanna play the game? Okay.

Unknown_28: My big voice. Funny thing, I don't try to like deepen my voice when I talk, so I have no idea how that sounds. I probably sound really goofy.

Unknown_28: Stop talking about this gay shit, talk about Bossman Jack. Is my boy live? Is my boy live right now? He's always live, so he must be live.

Unknown_28: He's offline. I think last stream I talked about it. He got $27,000 and he fucking lost it all. He fucking lost it all, bro. Every day, man, I fucking do this shit. I fucking lose it all. I wake up in the morning and I lose it all. I go to bed broke every day, man. Every day is fucking hard. It's the worst shit, man.

Unknown_28: Anyways, I love you guys. Thanks for all the support. I have a great community. See you later. Bye.

Unknown_28: Not even a pinky finger, not even one. I don't have any, I don't have any bossman jack content. So instead I will read to you since everyone seems to like my spooky man voice today. I will, um, I will commit to reading some internet content and this one.

Unknown_28: Some credit content. No Quit 112 says, I'm on unpaid maternity leave. My husband still expects me to pay half the rent. Is this fair? My husband earns four times more than me. I earned 68,000. He earns $280,000. Jesus. Our rent is 2.6 thousand a month. We've been splitting rent 50 50 since we moved in together before we got married. The arrangement did not change after we got married and now we have a baby with me having no income. So I'm having to rely on personal savings. If you're not in America, you don't get paid maternity leave, so when you have a baby and you take time off, you actually just don't get any money. So I'm relying on my personal savings. I say personal because we don't have a joint account. We are currently looking for a house and I'm expected to contribute for the deposit, 75% of my total savings. Is this fair? What is the best way to approach this?"

Unknown_28: Utility bills used to be split 50-50, but since I start working he pays for them since there's no joint account He doesn't give me any allowance for baby stuff. I ended up buying most of the baby stuff myself He pays for most of the grocery bills and I know if I go by myself I have to pay so I try not to he funds our overseas travels once a year to visit his family We don't have any loans or debt I

Unknown_28: That's a bit... How is this an issue? You think that it's okay? Jesus, dude, this is... People are hopeless. You don't think this guy has more than enough money to be a single family, a household where his wife can just stay at home and do her best to raise the child. And he just chooses to force her to work, to pay half the bills so he can do what, what does he do with the hundreds of thousands of dollars that he has? If it's not towards, uh, buying a home, uh, improving his family, funding his children, what does that money go to?

Unknown_28: No debt, she is living well.

Unknown_28: Secret second family, that's a good guess.

Unknown_28: Is this really how Merrimuts live? Yes, it is. Except most people don't make $68,000. Nevermind $280,000.

Unknown_03: Generational wealth gotcha games.

Unknown_28: Hell. Yeah, he's definitely cheating if he's making $280,000 a year and he's not putting any of that money towards like a family like a single-income family That money is definitely going to family a B and C. He set up franchises He's making them pay half to he's very frugal because that way if you make them pay half You can get twice as many families. You know what? I mean like

Unknown_28: If you have four baby mamas living a secret life, but you pay for all of it, that would be enough money to pay for eight baby mamas if you made them pay for half. Cool, excellent.

Unknown_28: Family maxing, that's right. Clan-pilled. 400 IQ it's goodies procreating.

Unknown_28: I'll skip that one come back to it This is in some kind of trans subreddit he says do you oh no, this is like in a lesbian subreddit He says do you think we could happily talk about trans women penises the same way we do cis women breasts and vaginas as a trans woman I want to normalize that I feel that vaginas are essential eyes in lesbian jokes and talk of women as someone who loves women I like them with either genitals Trans Catgirl says, I've noticed something I've noticed that every post talking about trans women is by a trans woman. Almost everyone in the comments is also trans. It also makes me feel kind of sad that so many posts are about pussy, which makes it kind of feel like we're lesser or not preferable. Downtown Canary 5226 says, every freaking time, even in this very post, the comments are overwhelmingly by other trans girls. I don't know why very few cis lesbians join in. I want to interact with both trans and cis lesbians on these topics. Well, my friend, what you have done is ban all cis lesbians from your space for not wanting you in their space. And now you have no cis lesbians and only trannies who would fuck other trannies and only other trannies. You know, there was a study done recently where

Unknown_28: they did like a survey of like trannies and autogenophiles and Overwhelmingly trannies are not open to dating other trainees. They all prefer CIS women. I know that's not a surprise, but it's in numbers now that these people don't even fuck themselves

Unknown_28: What determines the price of a person being sold by human traffickers? I'm pretty sure acting this will cause some unwanted attention, but I'm curious. For context, me and my girlfriend live in Hungary, which is rumored to be a main exporter of slaves in Europe. We wondered which of us would be sold for more if we were kidnapped one day. We're both young females, but I'm assigned male at birth, and she's assigned female at birth. What determines someone's price in the black market? How does race, age, gender, health, and other factors come into consideration? Is there anything known specifically about trans people being trafficked?

Unknown_28: Um, you are completely free to draw up your own conclusions about what this fucking weirdo is up to. I will not inhibit you.

Unknown_28: Finally in our stupid questions by phase working three two seven eight He says is it weird that I'm 21 year old man, and I still sleep in bed with my mom sometimes Please don't be nasty and call his incest I won't even let my mom kiss me on the lips, but we both but when we live together But we live together, and it is comforting to have someone next to you And I really worry that if she passes away She wouldn't know how much I love her and how much she means to me I'd be really lost without my mom in this world, and I honestly don't know if I could even endure it I think a big reason why I haven't left this part of me behind is I'm kind of stunted, I would say. Yeah, no shit. Not to mention, my mom is like my only friend and the only person I fully trust on the earth. My big brother loves my mom just as much as I do, but he's had better luck in life and finds it weird. He also thinks it's weird that we hold hands, but that's just for us to do our three squeeze thing. I love you. Am I doing something wrong? Honest opinions are appreciated. Edit. When I say that my brother has better luck in life than me, I mean mostly mentally. I have high functioning autism and have a lot of mental health issues. He does not struggle with these things and I would never resent him because he got the better end of the stick. I wasn't trying to undermine how he got to where he is in life.

Unknown_28: So now is the best time I think I should mention. I got an email from somebody and it was an interesting story. So relay the information to you. Uh, he was an editor. He's a video editor for hire and he was hired by a YouTuber to help him edit his videos.

Unknown_28: No, I'm sorry, I got that wrong. He was a freelance writer for hire, and he was hired by a YouTuber to make fake Reddit posts. And what he would do is he was paid money to write in our divorce, our marriage, our relationship advice, etc. under fake burner accounts with these really elaborate, detailed cuckolding stories. About how his wife cheated on him, and he heard you know the the plopping sounds in the other room And she had two phones and so on and so forth all this shit. It's like elaborate cucking shit and then The guy that was paying him to write these posts

Unknown_28: would read them on YouTube, and these videos apparently would do very well.

Unknown_28: And he would monetize these videos of him reading cuckolding posts under the guise that it would be, ha ha, look at these sad Redditors, ha ha. But obviously the guys with humiliation fetishes watching these videos are in it because it's sexually arousing to them.

Unknown_28: So, eventually these videos got demonetized, so he stopped getting hired to do this. But now, I think it's a good time to remind people that everything on the internet can be bullshit designed to demoralize you. So, be careful what you believe, because it could just be someone's fetish.

Unknown_28: Okay.

Unknown_28: On that note, um, I am going to put us, oh no, I have to go and find a green button again. Let's do, cause I'm switching things again. I'm going to do chroma adjustments, color correction, doing some green. Let's get a nice green chat. Nice green.

Unknown_28: I want a lovely green. Oh, that's too dark. Nobody can see that green and do a brightness. Nope. Contrast. Nope. I had it right before. What's that? Oh, hell yeah. That's not very green though. Yeah.

Unknown_28: Kind of too bright. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Fine. Let's leave it at that.

Unknown_28: Um, did kick crash. It might have.

Unknown_28: It did. Kick is completely offline. Cloudflare bad gateway or sorry. Um, I am AI only. All right. Where's my dad? Oh, I completely forgot to open the X chat for the stream. Sorry. If you're listening on Twitter, my bad.

Unknown_28: Horsey Blatt for ten says enjoy a couple slice on me. I will actually thank you very much Wiggin for five says have you ever heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy? 14 with an expanded free trial you can play through the entirety of a realm reborn with the award-winning heaven sword and stormblood Expansions up to a level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime Wow, bro, that sounds really awesome. Thank you

Unknown_28: My new channel for 5 says the tubalentatus of the day is aardvark. And that concludes the tubalentatus of the day. Oh, I guess because aardvarks are like genetically isolates, so they don't have any cousins. I understand the joke, my friend. Good joke. Thank you.

Unknown_28: Harambe says rumble ads hit different I'm being offered 25 years sealed food packets one simple trick for heating a room in mere minutes and silver silver silver Often for free thanks to Trump's IRS backdoor Well know your audience those all sound awesome I'm thinking once I get a house If ever I'm gonna start buying buckets of food and for when the bombs drop anybody else out there buying buckets of food. Oh

Unknown_28: Alias unknown one three five one four one says have you taken down a local thread by the request under interesting circumstances?

Unknown_28: There was one thread that was taken down because it was about like a weird German porn star who had like stopped being a porn star and and Her thread had like literally one post And I think I took down the thread upon request about a child who had gotten the thread at like age 12 and had gotten on medication and Had had no activity in their thread for like three years. It's something like that it's very very obscure threads that are about people that aren't that interesting and have changed and There's not gonna be any chance of new content coming out

Unknown_28: Hamtero for two says an interactive map all the pipelines and oil and gas deposits in the world for anyone interested at oil map dot XYZ. Let's see what this is. I'm not gonna Not sure. I want to see this oil map

Unknown_28: Oh, it's just a picture of, um, that ginger girl.

Unknown_28: Just kidding. I fucked that joke up. What was her name? Pearlie Davis. I can't remember. I can't ever remember her name because her name is like stupid and fucking fake.

Unknown_28: Here we go. What's this guy? Is this, or is this not being harvested? Harvest this. Why are we not harvesting this invade Canada? Take this. It's ours for the taking.

Unknown_28: Fascinating here. Look at the oil map while I read super chat show.

Unknown_28: Steffi area for two says Joseph Russell is Austrian not Australian. Thank you That is the joke David s 877 for 25 says as you probably heard craft has now flavored cheese product slices even as American I don't understand why we just buy that instead of just putting jalapenos on your burger. They've always had that really I

Unknown_28: American dude American cheese is literally just flavored cheese. They don't put they don't have different kinds of cheese I just take fucking cheddar product and then put shit in them and they call it something else and then I was like Oh, it's Colby Jack with with jalapenos. It's different. Fuck you

Unknown_28: Sent the same message twice perhaps. I'm not sure based or anything for two says Josh is having pizza for supper. Here's your supper pal Thank you. Appreciate it Space Allen for $20 says cheers. Thank you very much. Cheers to you, too Sneato for once as Nick Bates was also a cross-dressing training. Yes, that's right. He was also one of those people that Was an early cross-dresser like Christian and of course, he was a gross pedophile to Judy Tester for two says gross more

Unknown_28: Good morning, Josh. Please add an option where if one donates $100, it auto skips the subject that you're talking about when it comes in so that I can pay pig out of ever hearing about Nick bait again. Hey, you look up the, um, the reverse Peter Pan syndrome when it comes to financial incentives. There's a famous story about, um, the British Raj and trying to pay people to get rid of rattlesnakes that I think you would find entertaining.

Unknown_28: Payton Penguin for five says why since for the lowercase I internet when parents could just fucking parent I don't trust the government to stop requiring ID for just porn great question I think that a lot of people lack the intellectual capacity to understand how to block the internet effectively It's a it's a hard thing to balance it's like yeah, when does When do we just expect people to to fix things themselves versus the government stepping in

Unknown_28: Snee snee odd for five says my contribution to the CRP funeral fund may he find himself a loyal submissive Slavic trad wife in the afterlife They don't have those where that where he's going. They just have I almost said a J word Doing your mom two nine eight eight four fifteen says $1 for six seconds should equal roughly $15 to get a live Jewish reaction to this All right. Let's take a look at this

Unknown_28: Streaming sites are slow as fuck this in cat box Sorry, I'm just scanning through it real quick

Unknown_28: Okay, he said, $1 for six seconds should equal roughly $15 to get a live Jewish reaction to this. Okay, fine, I will watch this.

Unknown_28: Scan through.

Unknown_19: Disney corporation be frontin' in Shia tonight. They trying to say they was fittin' to drop a grip of fat stacks. I've already seen this.

Unknown_28: I'll watch a little bit of it for people who haven't seen it, but I've already seen this. There was a couple video, when the AI voice thing came out, there were a couple videos on this guy's YouTube channel, or Odyssey channel that had shit like this.

Unknown_24: This fake story should make all y'all unemployed white people mad as shit as you think you would have gotten jobs at this permanent gay parade anyway.

Unknown_24: In true Disney fashion, they are trying to fuck this crypto-Jew governor while they get fucked by the people the governor paid to fuck them. It's all very Semitic, and that's why my fucking thick brown ass and this low IQ nigger shield are on your TV, so you don't think about the Jews or the fact that neither one of us should be in this country.

Unknown_19: I was just released from prison yesterday, and while-

Unknown_28: it's so tight the scripting of the the it's just very very tight and every line's a joke every line is a punch that's great thank you uh roxanne wolf for five says nothing thank you roxanne wolf i appreciate it

Unknown_28: We're Wagner for 20 says no child ironically skippity-toilet music is not a Russian techno song It is give it to me by the Beethoven of late odds hip-hop music Timbaland and he links to a song on YouTube Let's take a look at this I don't know

Unknown_28: This is a joke.

Unknown_28: This is a joke. This song is not Ski With Your Toilet.

Unknown_04: It's hard to hear you from way up here.

Unknown_28: Anime to tell me my age obviously anime for five says most esteem available. Here is five dollars. That's all. Oh my god Finally anime paying dividends without any gay shit attached What a wonderful change of pace Real frog God for five says if you is a viewer of the frog that thread then you most likely know about today's frog of the day the hairy frog man straight out of Africa this frog breaks his own bones and shit to get epic armor and

Unknown_28: have to do this to me.

Unknown_28: Thank you for I'm done. Snead over to says the keynote chat from Boston on a weird movie site and decided to have some fun with the casting. And then there is my stories, Austin.

Unknown_28: Take a look.

Unknown_28: Backgrounding. No, it is really terrible. I'm going to change it. I hate it. I think it's vile. It's disgusting.

Unknown_28: Oh yeah. Perfect.

Unknown_28: And I can reduce the contrast. No, that's not helping. Hue shift? No. Also not helping. I think I made it worse. I'm gonna be real with you. I think I made this worse.

Unknown_28: Yeah, this is shittier than it was before. I do this.

Unknown_28: No, that's worse. Okay, you know what? Fuck it. I'm not touching it anymore.

Unknown_28: Okay, this is Austin, a gambling story by Studio Canal. The true story of a life of streamer Austin Peterson and how he ruined his life after developing a gambling addiction. Fan cast roles for Austin. Austin Peterson, starring Aaron Paul. Boss Man Drew, the brother, would be me. Trapper would be the slobber mutt.

Unknown_28: Good choice, Cass. That could be, yeah, sure. Derek Christmas by George Floyd. Interesting choice.

Unknown_28: Ross rip city and max the rat just uh They don't have a good candidate for them yet. What about jasper for dsp's cat? I don't know who has a rat though I don't think any locales have a rat I have to fix this background actually Let's take this off Color correction What's that hdr toner mouth i'm afraid i'm gonna like destroy i'm gonna crash my computer

Unknown_28: I just want it to be green. I want to make it green.

Unknown_28: Bright, light green. No, that looks like poo-poo. Don't like that.

Unknown_03: Terrible.

Unknown_03: Still terrible.

Unknown_03: That works. No more touching it.

Unknown_28: Sorry.

Unknown_28: I had autism. Walulu42 says, Caffles playing Uno. He has one card left, the victim card, and plays it. Caffles wins again. Ha ha. Nothing personnel, Joshy. Ha ha. Burning down the bars at the Kiwi farms. Ha ha. Except you did not read the fine print of the card. When you play the victim card, it goes back into your hand, so you never win. You just continue to play.

Unknown_28: It's just continue to play the victim card riveting stream. Yes. Thank you. I appreciate it TP deluxe for five says Josh. I know you like crime, but so you should check out Matt orchard on YouTube He's a literal Kiwi. So he talks like a pretentious turd But one of the best since JCS went dark haven't I say I do watch that orchard? I was suggested by a super chat before puts out good videos like the video of the guy getting his arm eaten by a tiger Except for the one they shoot the tiger. I would let the guy just get eaten to be honest with you and Ran away we go for five says I am loving the constant digs at Patrick Sean Tomlinson. Keep it up Josh No child, you do not understand. I have told you many thousands of times that the pat posting embeds itself into your brain You can't get rid of it. It is you who is delusional enjoy prison Fox is racist. No child. I did not pass those pathos. Enjoy brain worms stalker child It's true. It's just a part of my personality now. I suppose I

Unknown_28: Camtaro for two says here's an even more interesting that 2019 world migration map not on Google. So copy paste the link Okay, let me guess they're all going to Europe from Africa and shit This is 2020 so this is during kovat Oh, it's all from India

Unknown_28: Holy shit. 25 million outgoing trips from India, bro.

Unknown_28: The poo world order. We're going to have to make alliances. We're going to have to decide what ethnic minority we're going to let say in the U S we're going to have to make an alliance with the light-skinned non Aztec Mexicans in order to combat the poo menace. Okay. That's the, we have no, we have no chance anymore.

Unknown_28: Uh, me gusta tacos y burritos. No me gusta vindaloo. Por favor.

Unknown_28: Hilfa. What's the word for help? I don't know. Help us.

Unknown_28: That's what we got to say. We got to tell them, please end the nightmare.

Unknown_28: Robmergaver2 says, Trombonista will helpfully lay up all DSP tickets. Sorry sister, someone's gotta sweep it up. Unpaid overtime until further notice.

Unknown_28: I handle, I think I handle most reports.

Unknown_28: I'm more than happy to do five more reports a day.

Unknown_28: Cracker Jack in Nepal for $50 as late Hanukkah gift. Hopefully this works. It worked just fine, my boy. Thank you. I appreciate your Hanukkah. I mean, usually you give one a day, but I will accept all at once. I have no choice, I suppose. Appreciate it. Halulu for two says, Javier Michael is saving Argentine economy. Javier Millay is saving Argentine economy by defrauding DSP and reselling his memberships at a profit. Afuera, afuera, afuera, chainsaw noises. Also, this chat made you three cents.

Unknown_28: Thanks. Perfect.

Unknown_28: Beautiful message.

Unknown_28: Forsaken Wanderer says, only you can stop the post nasal drip for as little as a vesicle a day, dude. Folded hands.

Unknown_28: Um, nothing stops the snorting. I don't know why. That's so the, that's like the ricotta eating thing. Like, do you not care about your audience enough to stop fucking snorting into your microphone? Like it's so gross.

Unknown_28: Not even numerals for five says, Oh, I like your content, Josh, but I have to go poop. Poop? Caca? Poopy? Doody? No.

Unknown_28: No, Mini. I've told you many thousands of times, Doody child, to stop pooing. You're not my toilet, stalker.

Unknown_28: Thank you.

Unknown_28: What's this name? Yeah, Jack Jack Graham for five says UFC main event tomorrow Sean Strickland USA versus driscus duplices South Africa, please pick the winner based off the name alone. Thank you. Sean Strickland for sure Sounds like Hank Hill's boss about to lay a fucking beat down on someone asking for workers compensation. That's what's gonna happen

Unknown_28: Well, Lulu for one says makes fun of DFPs for showing math earlier Josh said a penny each who get 200 subs for $5 needs to get a hundred thousand subs for $100 Phil vindicated Josh felt eternally No, well, he said that he can get 550 subs for $2. So whatever the purchasing parity is for the peso.

Unknown_28: It's like less than a penny each Review tech USA made a video on Christian and Keffel's interview RT was such a fag. Yeah, he is and

Unknown_28: Benno Hungarian imagine needing like the droplets from like the the Keffel's leftovers for views. That's fucking pitiful Fennel Hungarian imperialist for 15 says mudahar is a psychopath I don't believe it was possible to see evil in someone's eyes until I saw mudahar mudahar is a son of a Kali spiritually a gory Mudahar would skin a man alive and eat the raw testicles out of his scrotum if it was to benefit him I have no proof of this, but I am deadly certain. Yeah, I can believe you that sounds about right Thank you archive Bob for five says when are you going to go to Chernobyl stalker child? We had an arrangement in joy prison

Unknown_28: Never.

Unknown_28: Now it's a war zone. I'm not going there.

Unknown_28: James Boone for five says... I don't know what that means. I'm assuming that says something about pizza, I think. Thank you. I will get pizza. I appreciate it.

Unknown_28: Bunker housing for five says what do you think of the asthma gold then? Do you hate him as much as Charlie? I don't even know anything about him. And if I knew anything about him, I'd probably also hate him Bunker housing for five says regarding the simp guy Charlie had him on stream and interviewed him Would he do an interview if he was buying sexual favors?

Unknown_28: I have no idea what that means What's some guy sorry? I don't know who you're talking about. I

Unknown_28: I don't think I talked about a charlie simp. I was thinking I was talking about the um, the max guy. I'm a max Uh, I don't I have no idea Asmongold is kind of retarded. I don't I don't know who the simp is. Sorry And I don't know what the question is, it's very perplexing sneed overton says the jew fears the german smoke machine, okay, let's see I mean, I would also be scared of this retard.

Unknown_28: What a fucking dipshit thing to do in the middle of the road. I would also walk away from him.

Unknown_28: Wiggin for five says by the way, I saw this on Twitter and the top comment was it's a German car emitting tons of smoke Of course, they'd be afraid Wiggin for five says in Korean the word for you is knee the suffix used to indicate the Subject of the sentence is ga. So in the word you is the subject the sentence it is said as nigga That's why so many k-pop songs can be dropping in month. I know that and it's also the same thing in Chinese nigga means that that Which is why?

Unknown_28: which is why we have this song here we go yeah this one i'll put this on the screen so you can see it this is a classic piece of taiwanese music that you should all enjoy

Unknown_28: This is your K-pop segment of the day. Enjoy.

Unknown_28: Classic, classic song.

Unknown_28: Caricolax410 says, nice stream as always. I don't want to patronize. The only thing that takes away from it is when you say the Lord's name in vain. God bless you. I don't think I do.

Unknown_28: It's so where there's this weird guy who's Croatian and he just like constantly he joined he literally joins the forum every day He creates a new sock account every single day and he creates just enough post to get into chat and then he gets into chat and he says please don't say the Lord's name in vain and He posts and every he makes new accounts every day every stream He says please don't let him say the Lord's name in vain every day and it's like he never time stamps it Like he just says it regardless of what is said in the video and he doesn't timestamp it So he's just like I honestly think it's like schizophrenia or something because he doesn't even like Substantiate what he's saying and I don't understand the point of it, but he's very very insistent on it It's been going on for like over a year now.

Unknown_28: I Don't get it. Life is dull in Croatia. It must be if only they were a part of the glorious Serbian Empire still I

Unknown_28: By the way, I don't think I mentioned this on stream, but now that I'm thinking about it, there was a guy who would super chat every so often, and he would say, Josh, you should visit Bosnia. I'm Bosnian, and I love my country. It's the most beautiful country. And every time he said this, I realized in retrospect that I would have a moment.

Unknown_28: Some kind of light would go off in my brain. And I would just start talking about how I hate Bosnians and Albanians and how they're subhuman for allowing the Ottomans to convert them to Islam and to continue being subjugated to this very day.

Unknown_28: And he no longer sends in super chats anymore. Someone brought this up to me and I remember this because it's been so long. I just didn't notice when he stopped doing it. I felt kind of bad, but I can't not keep it real. If you know, I'm not saying I just can't not keep it real.

Unknown_28: I'm sure that Bosnia is lovely though, as far as the land goes.

Unknown_28: Um, the bunker housing for 10 says witness statement and the text from Ukraine. Read it and give me your assessment of the truth. And there is a zitter link.

Unknown_28: I guess this is something about Ukraine. Okay.

Unknown_28: From Maria met to it. Chook. Chook.

Unknown_28: I'm waiting for a sitter to load. This is a tenuous request, I suppose.

Unknown_28: I mean, I feel bad for shitting on one of my viewers, because it's not even a money thing. It's like, if you like my streams and stuff, I don't want you to hate me.

Unknown_28: He probably thinks that I'm just a huge Serbian nationalist, and I think that we should just genocide everybody that's not Serbian in Yugoslavia. We should put all the Slovenians to the rope. It's not really the case. I really don't like Islam in Europe. I think that Islam should be kept south of Gibraltar and Istanbul, or Constantinople, rather, if I have to LARP correctly.

Unknown_28: Um, oh god, this is a very long post.

Unknown_28: I'll read it, whatever. What was I going to do today?

Unknown_28: Maria says I just got back from Ukraine. I was visiting some friends everything we've heard about what's happening in Ukraine's ally The reality is a darker bleaker unequivocally hopeless. There's no such thing as Ukraine winning this war by their estimates They have lost over 1 million other sons fathers and husbands entire generation has gone Even in the southwest where the anti-russian sentiment is long-standing Citizens are reluctant or straight-up scared to publicly criticize Alinsky. They will go to jail in every village or town and streets shops and restaurants are mostly absent of men and

Unknown_28: The few men who remained are terrified of leaving their homes for fear of being kidnapped into conscription. Some have resorted to begging friends to break their legs to avoid service. Army search parties take place early in the morning when men leave their homes to go to work. They ambush and kidnap them off the streets. Within three to four hours, they get listed in the army and taken straight away to the front lines with minimal to no training at all. Here's a death sentence. It's getting worse every day. Dude, I don't know if I believe all this. Because this is, I mean, it just sounds like, I just, I read this, I just think that this is propaganda. Like this is posting the most bleak, dire circumstances you could possibly fucking imagine.

Unknown_28: Um, though, then again, I mean, Zelinsky is Jewish and he has no, he has no love for the boy in his country, but that's why I left. Literally. That's why I left. Um, when they elected his loans case, I knew this shit's fucked. Because he was very pro, like, Ukraine nationalism and provoking Russia. I'm just like, nah, fuck this. Fuck this bro.

Unknown_28: I mean, people are going to believe whatever they want to believe, so I don't give a shit. Believe what you want.

Unknown_28: Sneeds for 20 says Marty sent a big black gay hooker to boss man's house again The faggot needs to stop fucking with her calendar disappearing already I think I mean, I don't know why he's not in jail because he's like when he starts Obsessing over somebody they get swatted. They get people sent to his house Nothing ever happens Huey Farms is the bad one though Venom Hungarian parallels for 15 says the food buckets are a scam most of the calories in them are dried staples like rice and beans at a huge markup if it just by the same dried and green ingredients as in the bucket you see like 80%

Unknown_28: That's a good point. I believe you. I bet you that's right. And just by preserve stuff and, and, uh, grains and you'll be just sent.

Unknown_28: Uh, thank you. So, you know, for once the slobber mutton and then there is a picture. Okay.

Unknown_03: It's taken a while. It's from the Kiwi farms.

Unknown_28: This appears to be a picture of bossman jack. I think he's probably holding the slobberment once it loads. Oh, I'm right Here we go. It's loading the best that it can under its circumstances. Yeah, this is this is literally my internet connection And this is why I have trouble updating the rss feed and stuff because it's like this fucking slow I literally use my cell phone internet to do stuff that requires more bandwidth because it's a Like a high latency more bandwidth. I just use my mobile phone That's right. That's that's accurate. That seems like a good portrayal of bossman jack for the movie Thank you Bunker housing for five says definition of word catfish does money had to be involved to be classified as a catfish or as an actor pretending to be someone else on the internet a catfish The the strict definition of a catfish I think is I

Unknown_28: Think that there usually is like a blackmail thing. It's like a guy goes on the internet like a Nigerian 403 or whatever 429 scammer pretends to be a woman and then either like Convinces someone to give them money like oh no I broke my leg and I need money to pay for the hospital and they just start getting sending their money abroad to them for this fake person doesn't exist or It's like a blackmail like I know that you've cheated on your wife with me And I'm not I'm actually a Nigerian man, and I'll tell her unless you pay me like $10,000 or some shit That's a catfish However, I think that now contemporarily We use catfishing more for like any kind of deceit So it could just be like a tranny who like jerks off to having sexual conversations with people online under false pretenses Or it could just be like a an actual woman who just like completely misrepresents themselves online to get attention So it really just depends on how orthodox you're being with the definition There's a very strict definition and then there's like how people actually use it these days

Unknown_28: I usually would say that there has to be some kind of money involved, though. Colcol45 says, watch until 31 seconds to get the gist. Matthew Prince is saying AI controlled by the media should scour the internet to fight disinfo. They mean replace him with an anti-free speech double or something. Uh, no.

Unknown_28: Probably Isabel Yanka's spook father twisted his testicles in the dark room and now he has to say whatever they want.

Unknown_26: How can we be working with or developing ourselves the technology to be able to say, this is something that someone actually said, this is something that was actually generated, and I'm going to help you distinguish between one and another. That to me feels very much like it is a natural role for media companies to play. And I think we as technologists would be happy to help facilitate that. So I'd be curious what the FP is thinking about in terms of your role about disinformation and finding automatically generated content.

Unknown_00: Putting on other hats I've worn in the past, working for CNN or elsewhere, I can speak for those places in saying that they'd love the technology you're describing. If the AP or Reuters had access to the ability to fact-check and verify in the way you're describing, they would take it. As long as it's affordable and sort of a customizable enterprise solution, they would provide it. Customizable. And I think that's the... We need to be able to very specifically tweak...

Unknown_28: What's happening? Yeah, what we sensor did we just have to get rid of these people like all of them like they're gonna They can't be allowed to like scuttle away and regroup. They have to be getting rid of I don't know. I think he just realized where the money is. He wants money They probably got him with his dick and a kid and he doesn't have any choice He has to say what they want him to say

Unknown_28: Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, oops, there's no invertebrate of the day anyways. Danganropa sucks. Very, very influential opinion, my boy. Murloc Chan for 25 says, can we get...

Unknown_28: Isn't Danganronpa like the kids that kill each other in high school or some shit? I know about this because of the low-tech stream. I think I've mentioned- I think I've fucking mentioned this stupid-ass fucking anime every stream since the low-tech stream. Murdock Chan for 25 says, can we get a King Cobra JFS cooking vid? No, not today. It's gone too long already. If there's a slower stream, probably.

Unknown_28: As gross as it is, as hard as it is to stomach, I will get you your cooking vid one day though.

Unknown_28: Cadou for five says have a nice weekend. Thank you. You too Fennel Hungarian players for 15 says no stalker quote. I did not say the Lord's name in vain while swearing. Enjoy heaven child of God That's pretty good Cole Cole for cases. How do you feel about this me making a reassurance check the upload dates also? The Mario or pirate ones are the funniest if you want to preview. I really don't want to preview anything right now my dude. Oh

Unknown_03: That's a that's a YouTube playlist of like Christian edits Nigga, I am over Christian.

Unknown_28: Okay. I'm so fucking over Christian. I can't even put into fucking words how over Christian I am Thank you the bugs for once was even though the boss man got about I'm sorry. I read Bosnian as boss, man Fucking brain rot, even though the Bosnian guy doesn't donate anymore. At least the Megumin retards don't super chat anymore That's true. But now you've mentioned them bunker housing and produces that's fair. Your assessment is that it is propaganda and not true. Thank you

Unknown_28: I'm hesitant to believe anything I read about the Ukraine Russian war because the fog of war is there and The emotions are very very high people are very opinionated they will always believe what they want to believe and they will always disregard what they don't want to believe and I I See it as a completely pointless mental exercise to try and decide which Information is true or false at this point

Unknown_28: Tis the happy 420 says hey Josh get a race question I'm from Hawaii and almost everyone myself my fiance included included as a mix of white Jap or Pacific is now Or Pacific Oh Pacific I Pacific Islander now is being white and mindset or do you need to be born with it?

Unknown_28: The HAPA question, and I will just insultingly refer to you as a HAPA, even though I'm sure you'd disagree with that assessment. HAPAs, once the Department of Race is established and the glorious Americana Shura Reich, the Department of Race will need to study the long-term consequences of HAPAism and where HAPAs belong in our society.

Unknown_28: I can't I can't answer that obviously. I'm big I Find Asians very agreeable. I'm not attracted to Asian women. I just Like people it seemed to really hate the Chinese, but in my experience I've never been wronged by Chinese people except Liz Fong Jones who was a tranny so I just attribute that to that Being a tranny instead and a Californian more than Chinese. I don't know listen Asians are definitely more agreeable than certain other peoples, and I cannot come to a scientific conclusion as to where the Hapas fit into the big-picture chat. Josh's AI, fuck you.

Unknown_28: Bunkerousingfortwo says, was Nickricate a catfish by the Manny guy? What word do we use for commercial catfish now?

Unknown_28: Um, I don't know. I guess catfishing works when, when the, the gains are when there is some like purpose to it. And in Mandy's case, it was just to humiliate Nick or Kata, maybe get them divorced.

Unknown_28: Which has maybe happened, so. I don't know. Debugs4One says, why is the VTuber thread such AIDS? Because it's about VTubers.

Unknown_28: They tried to start their own site. I don't know if that's still happening. They all quit the site when it went down. Because they can't go without talking about their VTubers, so they had to make their own community for it. I don't know if it's like they just didn't invite people that you don't like or what. No, the splintering is really sad to see because it is ingratiating to the the trannies one tranny the 50 year old man who has like 8 million hours in Vault 76 has been really happy about the DSP stuff Because now I guess he's given up on the hope that the Kiwi farms is gonna go down for technical reasons So he's trying to cheer on people making splinter sites and stuff

Unknown_28: So it's a, I don't know. I try to keep everyone happy under a big umbrella. You know, I have very, very loose rules.

Unknown_28: Um, and obviously I'd like to keep people together as opposed to the site splintering apart. Cause the more people who use the site, the more powerful it is in actuating change and stuff, you know? The smaller the site is and this is definitely one of the things that they're hoping to accomplish with just intermittent downtime even without killing the site is Reducing the population of the site low enough that there's no hope and that people can't we can't accomplish anything anymore Stalker child enjoy prison for 12 says don't know what the costs are in Serbia by juicing you at the price of a slice slice of my favorite roquefort cheese enjoy penicillin

Unknown_28: Thank you. Cheese. Groceries are very cheap in Europe.

Unknown_28: From what I've seen, if you go to a cost of living calculator and you compare Belgrade to any city, just compare it to Pensacola or something, it's shocking. I don't know how Americans are getting by. I don't think they are. I'm really afraid about the cost of living shit.

Unknown_28: If I ever go back. Haramberger produces Doka Doka Doka Chan says Megumin Megumin Megumin watch Megumin on Crunchyroll new episodes every Friday. Very cool. Thank you Bunker housing for two of this last one. Don't say anymore Have you ever heard of the Sumerian creation myth all Abraham attic religions ripped it off. According to the Sumerians. We were created by aliens interesting rabbit hole to dive into Yeah, the deep old like ancient history lore about the biblical stuff and the pantheon of gods from the The Aramaic people like all that weird shit. That's a bit out of my my depth I'm I'm I'm interested in like contemporary history from like the 1400s onwards. I'm not really into like super ancient Bronze Age history and shit Sorry to say

Unknown_28: All right, that's it. Thank you guys for watching. I really appreciate all the support and the viewership. I appreciate you guys listening to what I have to say and how that enables me to do the things that I enjoy doing. And so I have a very, very special song picked out for today. It's almost the, actually it was almost the song from

Unknown_28: For yesterday, but I'll play this on the on the topic of happens in the place in the the greater American Empire Here is a question. Here's a question posed by a band called ween See you Tuesday. Bye. Bye Wait, is it gonna? In the name of B.S.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I.B.E.I. Bye for now.