0:00:51 Unknown_09: Boys seem to like the girls who laugh at anything The ones who get undressed before the second date Girls seem to like the boys who don't appreciate All the money and the time that it takes Unknown_09: this is the wrong song wait hold on yeah this is the wrong song actually hold up hold up oh this isn't gonna show up on title okay cool wonderful i'll just play it from this then we're gonna do it we're gonna do a retake chat we're doing a retake everyone re-reseat yourself we're doing a retake 0:02:12 Unknown_02: but josh but josh you scream in agony this is not much better josh why are you doing this to me well chat there is a reason for it oh the internet shit out anyways okay if if my stream dies horrifically it is because i'm having uh serious network issues today so we're gonna do our best we're gonna do our best Unknown_17: Let's see, site updates. This is how I usually do this first. I do a site update. Unknown_17: The server is like, I don't know, I have to redo everything at some point. When I go back to the U.S., I'm going to personally visit my data center, and I'm going to reconstruct some things because we have issues that are, I think, hardware related at this point. I'm going to have to, I did fix the issue with the firewall though. So the firewall is fixed. 0:03:03 Unknown_17: Um, but there's more to do, uh, in regard. I don't even know what it is. It's such a pain in the ass. There's so many moving parts that I have to manage myself and I can't rely on anybody else to host anything that's related to us. So I have to end up doing a ton of shit and maintain it all. And it's just the biggest pain in the ass. Unknown_17: And then I have to find different hosts every fucking week and shit. It's a lot of work, chat, which is why it pisses me off a little bit when I ask a group of people on my site to not be deranged lunatic psychopaths. And they tell me, no, actually, you are wrong and you are simping. 0:03:40 Unknown_17: I actually wasn't going to talk about this, but I think it escalates. If I say anything to these people, they will just remain angry continuously until I do something about it. It's a really weird thing where the dark side Phil people cannot be tolerated on anywhere. They get banned from everything all the fucking time because they're just deranged psychopaths who are single-mindedly obsessed with one fat retard. And I ask only one thing of them, which is to lighten up and take it fucking easy. You don't have to do crazy illegal shit to Dark Side Phil. You can lighten up a little bit. And it's always met with this utter contempt of me for even daring to ask them that they do something a little bit differently. It's so bizarre because I have this issue... 0:04:22 Unknown_17: With nobody? With nobody else? Nobody else on the entire planet do I have an issue where I go into Bethlehem and I say, hey, except the Cyrax people. They're similar, where it's like you say, hey, maybe don't do this, because that's probably illegal, and it's kind of retarded. It's like, no, he is actually a bad person, and therefore... 0:04:58 Unknown_17: We are internet vigilantes, and we're going to invoke justice against him, gamer justice against Cyrax and Darksidesville. It's like, okay, that's fucking really gay. It's incredibly fucking gay. Unknown_17: So I don't know. I have actually locked the board, because it's very clear, if I don't do things that compel them to respond in a specific way, I do not get any kind of absorption of my message. If I say... 0:05:33 Unknown_17: Something and I don't back that up with any kind of force behind it It will just be trampled on by by these people So I'm considering my options and I have a game plan for how to tolerate the DSP people Because there there is like a contingent of users who've been around for like 10 years who still talk about DSP I don't want to like boot them off in part because I know Unknown_17: if um if i boot them off they'll make their own site and i think they'll have similar issues to the kiwi farms because they're drained but i think that also evicting people to a different site that's led by like the dsp people will result in a um like a more dangerous form of the board because right now if they have no checks and balances and they just self-regulated without any kind of oversight from people who are more grounded in reality. They would probably just march over to his house and shoot his dog at this point, or his cat. He's a cat, not a dog. So they just poison his fucking cat and say, haha, Jasper wasn't taken care of well anyways, so therefore me murdering your cat is epic trolling. It's shit like that. I have a feeling, I have a sneaking suspicion that they need benevolent dictatorship to encourage them not to be insane cat murderers. 0:06:32 Unknown_17: That's my theory with the Darkside Fill people. Unknown_17: Which is interesting timing, because there is something happening right now in the DSP world that is disruptive. And a lot of people are upset about it just by the threat of it. But I'll talk more about that later. It's not a chair screen. Look, it's the pop... you don't want to hear me take this away you don't like that huh sounds bad well i got a squeaky a squeaky pop filter right here if i go it blocks it and you're no longer hearing my okay so sometimes it squeaks when i adjust it because there's a little little screw in it and that's uh my very professional setup okay motherfucker 0:07:45 Unknown_03: What do we do to you? You don't like my ASMR? Unknown_17: Okay, whatever. Fuck it. Hampshire, to the ready. We move forward, endlessly, into time. Unknown_17: Let us start with making fun of Indian people. The... Unknown_17: Canadians have a workforce shortage. And where do you get work? You go to India. They have 1.2 billion people at the ready. Unknown_17: Anywhere you need them, anytime you need them, any field you need them, there are hands at the ready to whatever you need done. The problem is, is that they smell like curry. 0:08:25 Unknown_17: Now, I have encountered Indian people on several occasions, and I cannot overemphasize this. They reek of curry. It is a body odor that they have. Unknown_17: It is continuous. If you're sitting next to them on a bus or something, you are overwhelmed with the odor of curry. And it sounds like I'm being racist. I'm not being racist. This is not like, haha, black people smell like cocoa butter. No, really. They stink of curry. And their houses, if you walk down the... 0:08:58 Unknown_17: the corridor of your apartment to go to the elevator or something. And one of them opens the door and they are Indian. It is a overwhelming stink of curry. It will knock you on your ass. And I don't, I don't have like a particularly strong sense of smell that, but it is overwhelming it's like it's stronger than the smell of walking into like a club or a bar where they're smoking like you walk in as a non-smoker and the smell of cigarette smoke hits you and you're like oh god that's really strong no it's it's worse than that it's it's really really really overpowering um so this appears to cause some issues people complained that the graduates from a canadian college where 50 of the student bodies indian are being blacklisted due to poor english and hygiene 0:09:55 Unknown_17: This is Conestoga College in, I think, Kitchener, which is ironic because that is where Sagittarius Shawty is from. Unknown_17: A post from a Canadian player on Reddit has gone viral. Actually, I did read this some time ago. Unknown_17: He is blacklisting all graduates from Conestoga College due to incompetence of many foreign graduates from the Kitchener, Ontario-based institution. Unknown_17: It said he was absolutely shocked at how poor job applicants from Conestoga was. Every presentation gets flooded with Conestoga applicants. The first few seemed very impressive, so we gave them a shot and did interviews. Literally none of the four we interviewed could speak English properly. It seemed like they all followed the same script down to the same words and struggled to answer any technical questions. Along with that, three of the four applicants had serious hygiene problems, sweat smell, not dressed professionally. One of them used our washroom and made a mess over the floor and didn't flush. This is literally unheard of for us, he added. 0:10:37 Unknown_17: crazy there's a there's a saying import the third world become the third world just just a little update from canada um i don't know what's i don't i really don't know i guess they're killing all their white people they're murdering them um pushing them to assisted suicide and now they have to be replaced with indians 0:11:14 Unknown_17: They all carry shit in their pockets? No. I think it is a thing where if you eat curry powder, it's sort of like... It's kind of like how when you eat garlic, something happens that ends up in your lungs. So that when you breathe, you have really bad garlic breath. And that's why mints don't help. It's because it's like a lung thing and not like a... Unknown_17: A mouth thing. I think it's like that curry powder enters into your bloodstream and then enters into your sweat and then you constantly have this curry smell to it that you can't really wash away. You just constantly stink. 0:11:49 Unknown_17: They do not carry plastic bags full of curry in their pockets. It's just like a B.O. as a result of eating a lot of curry. Unknown_03: Fascinating. Unknown_03: I'm not blaming, look, it's just, it's true. Unknown_17: It's like a food thing. It's what they eat. Unknown_17: Maybe they also have poor hygiene, but it's like both are, both are bad. Unknown_17: I, I am not willing to believe that Indian people carry baggies of curry powder on them. What the fuck is the point of the baggies of curry powder? 0:12:22 Unknown_17: You are insane. This is not true. Show me, where is your source? Unknown_17: Do Indians carry curry powder? Let's ask Google. Unknown_17: No answers there. Let's try Bing Ringo. Do Indians actually use curry powder? Unknown_03: Nah. Unknown_03: I see nothing about this. I see nothing about this shit. 0:13:01 Unknown_19: You're stupid. Unknown_17: I feel like the IQ of my chat is getting lower over time. It used to be like a bastion of intelligence when we were a small stream. Now that I'm like up at several thousand people, my chat's like, yeah, no, Indians only carry baggies of curry in their pockets. What the fuck is wrong with you? Unknown_17: One was literally walking with a small curry bag, which you use for every meal. Okay. I can believe that they... I mean, that's like... You have, like, a lunchbox, and you carry curry powder to spice things up a little bit. That's not... That isn't a real explanation. That's not bags of curry in their pockets. 0:13:36 Unknown_17: Fucking... Anyways. Northern College. This is, uh... Unknown_17: This is Conestoga. Northern College is 80% Indian. The Lambton College is 75%. The Canador College is 68%. The Conestoga College was half Indian, 39% Canadian, and 11% other, which I don't know what that means. Salt College is 49%. St. Clair is the first one that is majority Canadian, that I see, and 46% Indian. 0:14:15 Unknown_17: So is anyone listening to this in college? And if so, are they just all Indians? Like is half your class just Indian? Tell me, okay, just do this. What state or country are you in? And then yes, no, Indian factor. This is my informal poll. State, country, or Indian factor? Unknown_17: I'm watching now. This is your chance. I carry a gun. That's not the question. You're answering the wrong question. Unknown_17: Very retarded says yes. A gem says yes. Cambrian, 41%. 0:14:48 Unknown_17: I'm in Uganda and yes. Unknown_17: PA college, yes. West Virginia, no. West Virginia is like 99% white. The power of poverty compels poor people to stay away. Unknown_17: Everyone's saying yes. Yes. Utah, yes. Alabama, 50% Indian. Yes. Yes. Unknown_17: New Jersey, Princeton, all Indians, not even half. Midwest, IT classes are 90% Indian. That's crazy. 0:15:20 Unknown_17: I guess because the colleges just make their money off of having people come over, right? So this should be like the families of like more well-off people in India sending their kids abroad for like a prestigious US college graduate thing. It's a bit strange. Unknown_17: This is a part of the war on surrogacy. This woman was born to a surrogate. This is an interesting story because she's a surrogate child, which means that she was born in Kentucky to a poor person. Unknown_17: And apparently her mother used her own eggs for the surrogacy. 0:15:57 Unknown_17: And she was then shipped off to the United Kingdom. Unknown_17: where she grew up British despite having the coursing blood of a Kentuckian in her. Unknown_17: And she says that she grew up very mystified by her upbringing, why her birth certificate said that she was in Kentucky. And her mother spun this lovely tale about how she was so in love with Gone with the Wind that she went to Kentucky and named her after the main character, Olivia, so that she could have her baby in the setting of her favorite movie of all time. 0:16:30 Unknown_17: And she says that she has always felt like she instinctively did not belong, that everything was a little bit off. She didn't have a strong bond with her family, so on and so forth. She grew up very depressed and shit. But, I mean, while I find that interesting, because she is a surrogate, the other issue is that her parents were so wealthy that they hired nannies to take care of her. So she... Unknown_17: She mentions something called a primal. Unknown_17: When writing about the trauma, adopted children are said to suffer after being taken from their birth mother. Some psychologists refer to this emotional and physical severance as the primal wound. I believe it's the same for children born via surrogacy, a profoundly painful experience that disrupts the innate connections between birthing mother and child. However, she was raised by nannies. So I'm wondering, it's hard to say. It would be a better case study if she had been raised by her mother primarily. Because it's like, if these adopted and surrogate children don't form maternal bonds with their own mother, their caregiving mother, because there's some sort of direct, like they just know that it's not their biological mother, that would be interesting. But if she was raised by nannies... 0:17:47 Unknown_17: It's hard to say for certain that she has experienced a primal wound as a result of being adopted. Unknown_17: She did a little speech in Czechia. Unknown_17: In case you're wondering, the Czech Republic prefers to be called Czechia. Czech Republic is their dead name. Unknown_01: I'd like to thank everyone here that invited me to tell my side of the story. Unknown_01: As a child born from surrogacy and now fighting against surrogacy, I'm grateful and extremely honored to be in such a place. This is more than I expected and I am very emotional, I have to say. 0:18:28 Unknown_01: My entire story, I will... Unknown_01: share with you with a lot of sincerity, a lot of humility. It's the first time I'm speaking in front of such a big group of people that are so bright, so I'm a little nervous, I have to say. Unknown_01: But I do think that my words today are important, because all too often, unfortunately, we forget the people that are the most affected by surrogacy. Unknown_01: But these people, they never give their consent. They never have their word. And those are the children that are born from surrogacy. These children that are ripped from their mothers at birth to be sold to strangers. Kind of like cars that you order from factories that you, I mean, pick options that you may or may not like. 0:18:59 Unknown_01: And these children are considered just like vulgar objects and products. Unknown_01: I am today a product of surrogacy, created, sold, bought, and I'd like to tell you my side of the story so you can understand how it affected me and why today we can't just simply regulate surrogacy. 0:19:42 Unknown_01: We have to abolish it purely and simply for the good of the child and of course for the rights of children. Unknown_01: A child should never be the subject of such a contract, and above all, should never ever be the subject of a transaction. Unknown_01: So as I said, we're now going to travel back 40 years. Unknown_17: Consider this, though. Unknown_17: Nick Fuentes is an IVF baby. Now, what would we do without Nick Fuentes? How would the white race have survived without Nick Fuentes being crafted by top geneticists in a test tube? 0:20:25 Unknown_17: Antinatalism, how is it... Unknown_17: It's so bizarre. I think there is like a weird fixation that like low IQ conservatives had where it's like we need more white babies. We will make white babies in test tubes. We will pay black women to to surrogate. white babies, we will enslave women into Muslim harems to breed more slave children, white babies, and sell the daughters off so that they may be bred like cattle. It's like, do you think that maybe that's not the correct approach to doing that? 0:20:58 Unknown_17: I don't know. Unknown_17: It's kind of depressing to see how retarded people are. Because there's so much signaling from the retard right about birth rates above all else. Unknown_17: And if you raise, like, a bunch of... The reason why... Unknown_17: A lot of white people have like this internalized self-hatred and loathing of their parents and this antinatalist perspective is that they had miserable childhoods as a result of being born into unfortunate circumstances or unloving families. And then they get into adulthood and... 0:21:47 Unknown_03: who do have you know nuclear families because that's better to them it's like if you really want to save the white race and increase birth rates uh you have to actually save the family you cannot um sorry that's my mic just cutting i don't know why it does it i have a focus right usb um a compressor or whatever the fuck you call it i forget the name of it and just cuts out randomly that's just how it is 0:22:29 Unknown_17: My point was, if you want to save the white family, you actually have to save the white family. You cannot just rape and impregnate women and grow fetuses in test tubes and implant them in surrogates and shit. That does not work. Unknown_17: Let's say that, for instance, you were born in West Memphis, Arkansas, and you aspired to impregnate as many mentally unwell women as possible. What do you think the likely outhood of these babies being raised by fatherless, insane women would be? Do you think that they're going to grow up and form nuclear families and have multiple children, like eight kids each, and they're going to all be functional and they're going to have pride and and self-confidence and capabilities to handle the realities of the world or do you think that they're going to um be non-reproductive unhealthy maybe race mixers maybe ending up in a ditch somewhere alcoholic like what what what um 0:23:07 Unknown_17: What do you think the result is? And it's really depressing how many people are just like, well, all that matters is pumping out babies. It doesn't matter if they're actually successful. It's very short-sighted. The success of the child is not just bringing it to term. It's making sure that when they're adults, they have the ability to also seek out productive family bonds and start their own families who will then be healthy themselves. That's how it grows. 0:23:47 Unknown_03: It's not – I mean if you want to say that it's only a specific demographic of right-wingers, it's a very loud demographic. Unknown_17: Fuck it. I'll just skip ahead to the Tate people because Andrew Tate has become my personal hate subject. People think that I hate certain people. I do hate Andrew Tate. Candace Owens started sucking up to Andrew Tate. If you don't know, Candace Owens has three children, one daughter, two boys. And I said, Epstein's youngest victim was 14, Tate's youngest was 15. Tate is a litmus test for false conservatives. Anyone buying this Turkish? Now, apparently I was wrong. He looks Turkish. He's actually British. He's got a black father and a white mother. So he's half black, all British. And I say, anyone buying this guy's rapist griff should be discarded. Real Candace Owens, what age are you giving Tate your daughter, or does he only like little white girls? 0:25:02 Unknown_17: I did not get a response from real Candace, in case you're wondering. Unknown_17: But here's an example. 51-year-old Pajeet says, in response to Tate News, I don't sleep with vaccinated women. Unknown_17: Pajeet says, I can't say enough how much this body type is maybe only attractive to gay men. I have literally turned down dates with gym bros with ripped abs in the past because I find this body type suggestive of aggressive and narcissism. I bet other women feel the same way. I've never heard of a woman who's actually into super ripped guys. This is gay. This is somebody who masturbates to Greek statues and thinks, this is the twink body type. This is for attracting men. 0:25:43 Unknown_17: I don't know. Gay men love ripped guys. Gay men love muscle bros. Unknown_17: Women don't seem to, though. Unknown_17: Please fix my mic. Okay, here's what I'll do. I'll plug it back in. Unknown_03: And if it doesn't fucking work. 0:26:40 Unknown_17: I plugged it back in. I went around and I re-plugged it back in. I plugged it into USB 1. Because I remember that this Focusrite had an issue with USB 2. Unknown_17: I think I re-re-assembled all my USBs recently. So I think that maybe this time it'll work. If it doesn't work now, fuck it. Unknown_17: Alright, so... Unknown_17: Andrew Tate. I agree that this is gay as fuck. If you think that women are into super rip guys, maybe slags. I don't know. Usually they focus on other things that are not so fucking homoerotic. However, Andrew Tate gets offended and says, You dare say that I resemble a homosex? I'm super disappointed that I'm not attractive to you, Kurti. I was only trying to make my arms as big as your nose. Ho ho, 51-year-old Indian lady. You dare say that I look like a faggot? I have him blocked. 0:27:11 Unknown_17: I must have, like, seen him too many times in, like, my For You tab, and I blocked him. Let's see. 0:27:49 Unknown_17: She replies to this, I'd agree that the appropriate picture of me is not my best. This, I think, is cringe. Like, why are you trying to prove how fucking hot you are to him? Just say, like, he's faggot. Unknown_17: She's 51, though. I don't know. She's probably not in the market of this shit. Unknown_17: Andrew Tate says, Insulting me for being the strongest man you've ever seen wasn't very courteous. Get it? Ha ha. It's 5 a.m. I should go to sleep. Disgusting nose guardian. D&G. Ha ha ha. Unknown_17: Epically owned. Yeah, I don't know why she tried. Like, he's fucking gross. If this guy thought that I was ugly, I would not give a fuck. Because he rapes white girls. You know what I mean? If a rapist who sexually enslaves little white girls and rapes them and pimps them out to his fucking faggot friends in Romania says, Josh, I don't respect you. You're a bad person. You look bad. I wouldn't give a fuck because he's a rapist that hurts little white girls. You know what I mean? 0:28:23 Unknown_17: Um, this is in response to a post that may be deleted. So this guy got wrecked. Um, I can infer what it was originally about though. She says, FYI, gynecologists only see patients with vulvas, not penises. The last time I had a patient with a penis was approximately seven, 27 years ago in med school. I only have to be professional at work. It can be unprofessional the rest of the time reported to your mama. 0:28:55 Unknown_17: This person who's an Andrew Tate fan says, Unknown_17: is trying to get this medical doctor, gynecologist, fired from her medical practice because she dared go out and say that this guy looks like a faggot, looks like a bald faggot. And he was so upset that daddy was called a bald faggot that he tried to get this 51-year-old gynecologist fired from her own practice. 0:29:34 Unknown_17: Jasmine says, how was your lunch break? I left your receptionist a nice message. This is a person who is trying to get her fired. This is not an actual woman, I don't think. Maybe it is. Co-host of Let's Talk About It ESPN Radio, insider for Pine Sports News, retired marketer. So she works for ESPN Radio and is a simp for a rapist. Unknown_17: I'm actually going to reply to this. Unknown_17: Really cringe that you simp for a rapist at ESPN News. Unknown_17: I don't know. Does that work? Am I allowed to do that? I got dinged on Twitter recently. 0:30:06 Unknown_17: ESPN Radio. Unknown_17: And harass medical doctors. Unknown_17: Oh, there's an S there. Unknown_17: I have to fix that. Really cringe to simp for a rapist and harass medical doctors at ESPN Radio. This will be my final tweet before I am banned. Unknown_17: Very frustrating. I hate people like this. Literally, she's upset that she called this guy a faggot because he looks like a faggot. And she thinks, oh, my God, from Boston, Massachusetts. And she thinks, oh, my God, she's unfit to take care of her male patients because she is misandrist and she hates men. And it's like she's a fucking gynecologist, number one. 0:30:37 Unknown_17: I care too much. Dude, I hate this fucking deplatforming shit. I hate these people who go out and try to get people fired from their fucking jobs with impunity. They go around and they harass people's fucking work. They harass their service providers and they just do it with impunity because nobody, the people they do it to don't do it back to them. And they're never at risk. They play this game. They play this gambling game with other people's lives, other people's careers, other people's work and their money and their livelihoods and their fucking homes and how they feed themselves. And they never suffer repercussions for it. There's never any repercussions. recourse you can't sue them you can't cancel them back they just play dice with your fucking life and never doesn't say okay well they tried to get you fired and they failed so here's a lead pipe you get 30 seconds to hit them as hard as you fucking can if that should be the way that it is if you try to get someone fired and there's no reason for them to be fired and you fuck it up the punishment should be 30 seconds corporeal punishment with a stick you get to hit them wherever you want for 30 seconds If that was the case, this shit would go away real fast. This shit would end overnight. There would be no more Jasmine America flag heart emojis crying about Andrew Tate being called a faggot on Twitter. I'm so sick of it. So it's literally the worst kind of people, the worst kind of people who take a personal offense to something you say and then decide, oh, you shouldn't be allowed to work anymore. And this wasn't a thing like 20 years ago. We used to have a separation between private life and work life. And that separation is now completely gone. There's never an end to when you're this and this. It continues like this enslavement that employers have where an employer owns you. They own your past. They own your future. They own your present. You work for them. 0:32:43 Unknown_17: You spend your entire life building up your resume so that you can get with them. Then when you're with them, they have you on call 24-7, and they own everything. Every second of your time, they can always call you back in to the office. They don't let you work from home because they want to have total control over you. And you can't say anything because you might get fired. And you have to play nice with them because they also own your future because if you get fired, then you can't find new work. You don't get a new resume. You have a work gap in your history. You can't find a new job. I fucking hate it. 0:33:19 Unknown_17: Really hate it. Unknown_17: I hate this bitch. Unknown_17: Cray replies, because a woman called the office today and told my receptionist I hope she dies. My life is being threatened and my staff put in fear for exercising free speech. These people are always hypocrites trying to bully everyone with a contrary opinion into silence. Unknown_03: There is no show with ESPN on the name, so this is fake. 0:33:51 Unknown_17: She does not work for this. I'm gonna report her then. Unknown_03: Let's see, impersonation. There you go, fucker. Unknown_17: Professional Janny. Dude, it's just like they shouldn't be allowed to get away with this. You should not be allowed to fuck with people's careers. 0:34:24 Unknown_17: Malicious compliance. I'm just following the rules. Unknown_17: You know what? I got dinged on zitter. You know what? I got dinged on zitter. I said I hope Twitch dies. And you know what they said about that? That's violence. That's violent rhetoric. Hoping that Twitch dies. That poor Twitch. Put Twitch in fear of his wife. In front of his... Unknown_17: Put him with his wife. Hope he dies. That's a 12-hour ban for saying they hope Twitch dies. Oh, well, you know what? This bitch, this faggot who pretends to be a woman on the internet, pretending to have an actual career, is doing damage to somebody, threatening them, threatening their business, threatening their employees, and they don't actually exist. And they got a blue checkmark. That is a deceptive personality. You want to try to fuck with me over that shit? Fuck you, bitch. 0:35:04 Unknown_03: Just I just, I just don't like them. Unknown_03: Switch back to the news chat. Unknown_17: British children commit 18 rapes a day. Shock official figures reveal 15,000 rapes and sex attack by under 18s in 2022 with access to online violent pornography for normalizing criminal behavior. So this statistic reports to ages 10 and 17. There were 6,800 rapes in the United Kingdom committed by people under the age of 18 over the age of 10. 0:35:39 Unknown_17: And this goes in line with what I mentioned briefly yesterday that I heard a number that there was a shocking increase in girls under the age of 18, as young as like 13, going to doctors for rectal trauma as a result of having anal sex. Because apparently when kids start having sex now, they start spitting each other's mouths and fucking each other in the ass as soon as they start being sexually active because of what has been popularized on the media they consume. 0:36:20 Unknown_17: And this has also resulted in sexual violence between children escalating enormously. The really staggering part of this statistic is that it is now 52%. 52% of rapes in the United Kingdom are now perpetrated by boys under the age of 18 against other children. Unknown_17: Little girls under the age of 18 are now being raped by classmates more than rapes between adult men. In the UK, where there is a Pakistani mob... 0:36:59 Unknown_17: And grooming gangs and shit like this and the unprecedented betrayal of children. Still, the majority of rapes are between teenagers. Unknown_17: I mean, that's staggering. I mean, even if they are Pakistani or whatever the fuck, it's like, how? How are children raping each other? And then think about this. 52% of rapes are committed by under 18 boys in the United Kingdom. Unknown_17: What happens when they become 30 years old? They've only been addicted to pornography for 10 years tops by the time they're 17. Right. So what happens when they've been watching it for 20 years? Well, what about for 30 years? I am telling you, we're going to see my prediction is this. We're going to see a rise in serial killings. um the likes of which you cannot even fucking imagine we're gonna have so many buffalo bills so many rapists and murderers and like weird dungeon sex dungeon like slave camps and shit we're gonna have like a genuine unimaginable crisis of serial killers and shit what's happening chat this is my official prediction uh and this is uh 0:38:21 Unknown_17: I summarized this basically already. This is her explaining the 400% rise on child abuse since 2013. I mean, there were already Indians and Pakistanis and shit since 2013 in the UK. So it's not just the fact that they're all brown Muslims now. Unknown_17: uh oh okay i'm gonna do something i've never done before hamster you're temporarily temporarily temporarily dismissed because i'm gonna cut into something i'm gonna segue into the classy the classy question chat i don't know what the fuck it is these two videos have gone viral one was like a video game of like a clown the other is i don't know what her name is but she's um 0:39:06 Unknown_17: She's from a animated series that was teased called... Unknown_17: I forgot the name of it has been hotel. So we have the, the clown and what's, what was really creepy about the clown thing is that it's like a girl, but she's like trapped. She's like forced to be a clown. So she's been dressed up and made out to be like a jester. And then the other one is like a literal demon that lives in the hotel. So you have two weird clown demon things. Um, one of which is like forced to be a clown. It's really creepy. 0:39:41 Unknown_17: And I am very scared about the rise of interest in Klussie. This terrifies me. This goes along with my serial killer thing. As we all know, John Wayne Gacy was a clown. He would literally dress himself up as a clown named Pogo the Clown. This is not a joke, by the way. In case you're a Zoomer, you don't know who John Wayne Gacy was. Back in the 70s, he was a Baptist minister. who would sometimes dress up as Pogo the Clown. He would also kidnap little boys, and he would tie them up in excruciatingly uncomfortable positions and then rape them to death while dressed as a clown, saying, I am a demon, I am an actual demon. This is all true, this is not a joke. 0:40:18 Unknown_17: And then they found out that it was him because he did it so often that he fucked up, but then when the police went to his house, he had just buried all of the bodies into... Unknown_03: Okay, I will address this next, I promise. Unknown_17: Your chats have been seen. I will address this after I'm done talking about clown pussy. So John Wayne Gacy got caught because the police went to his house and he had literally buried all the children under his house in the crawl space. And then when the heater kicked on, the smell of decay and corpses crept into the house and they knew that it was because they're cops. They smelled dead bodies before they knew it was a dead body. So that's how we got caught. So the fetishization of clowns invokes a primal fear in me. Am I not going to be able to talk about clown pussy until... Just chill. Just chill. I'm getting there. I'm getting there. Chill the fuck out. Okay, let me finish my thought. 0:40:54 Unknown_17: And that brings you... Okay, you know what? I'm not going to be able to finish my thought, so we're just going to skip from clown pussy to... 0:41:33 Unknown_17: Coach Red Pill. Coach Red Pill is dead, apparently. Unknown_17: Where is he? This better be true. I haven't looked at this yet. Unknown_03: Tucker Carlson has announced that Coach Red Pill is dead. Let me see this. I'll reseed it. Unknown_17: Should I leave a snarky comment? Should I say something like, how did women accomplish this? 0:42:05 Unknown_17: No, no, no. We're being we're being solemn, bros. Tucker Carlson says Gonzalo Lira Sr. says his son has died at age 55 in a Ukrainian prison where he was being held for the crime of criticizing Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was a American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago, we spoke with his father who predicted his son would be killed. Unknown_17: So I don't know. That's just Coach's dad saying that. I don't know if I actually believe that. Unknown_17: Coach is far too powerful, far too powerful in Keno to be killed by mere torture and imprisonment, Chet. 0:42:42 Unknown_17: Don't give up hope. He may still be alive. He may be out there. If you go to Kharkiv and you say women are dogs, you might hear in the distance that Yah! Unknown_17: But only on a quiet night, with the gentle thundering of artillery munitions in the distance, and a full moon. Women are dogs! Yah! 0:43:13 Unknown_19: That's... Unknown_17: Okay, here, let's do a poll. Everyone seems to be anti-women. Let's do a little poll-erino here. Let's do a little poll-erino. Are women dogs? Is coach being dead a good thing? Vote one for yes. Vote two for no. And we'll see. The votes. Don't vote if you're based. That's the rules every time. I'm waiting now for the results. The poll is ready. There's a delay. 0:43:44 Unknown_17: The first person to figure out how to vote has come in. Okay, finally people figured out how to vote. Let's see. I'll wait a little bit. We'll get up to about 100. But at 50 votes, two-thirds of the majority say yes. It's a good thing that Coach is dead. Actually, let me feature this. 0:44:19 Unknown_03: Bill's father is claiming that his son has died in a Ukrainian prison. Unknown_17: Cool. Okay. 110 participants in my poll. 58% say yeah. And 41% or 42% say no. Not a good thing. I have... Unknown_17: my thing about coach is that he's not a good person. Um, he gave really bad. He was like a prototype for like the Red Pill guys. He was just like, he gave really bad advice. He told young men to move to Rwanda to find black wives. He went to Ukraine and effectively bought a wife and then he didn't do a good enough job and lost her. I guess somehow in the matriarchal society of Ukraine, um, 0:44:59 Unknown_17: He was just kind of a malicious dipshit. And I knew him personally. I've spoken on the phone with Coach for like hours. Unknown_17: And he was very bad at giving advice. He was very presumptuous. He asked me to delete his Kiwi Farms thread. And when I told him that I couldn't do that because it was a bad... Not only just from a moral perspective of... 0:45:33 Unknown_17: Should I should I be censoring the Kiwi farms to enrich my friends, basically, because he was trying to get a book deal and he was afraid of the site sewing up in the Google results, which goes to show you how long ago this was. Unknown_17: But just not even from that perspective, but the fact that people would notice people would notice that the thread was being censored. Unknown_17: And I needed help renewing my visa. And once we had this conversation, he just completely iced me out, even though he also lived in Ukraine. I lived in Odessa. He lived in Kharkiv. So it was a little while. We never actually met, but... 0:46:08 Unknown_17: I reached out to him for help with the visa and I offered him like a counter offer. I said I could remove the thread from Google results for a couple months for him to get his deal going. Unknown_17: If he would help me with my visa. And he said that, number one, he wouldn't do that. Number two, the boat had sailed, even though he basically offered me an all or nothing deal about this. Either take my thread down or we're not friends anymore. And then afterwards, he tried to blackmail me and say and tell people that I offered to help him. 0:46:49 Unknown_17: For my visa deal, as if it was some huge fucking betrayal. And it's like, what an absolute fucking asshole he was. Unknown_17: just a real prick um so i'm not gonna miss him at all i don't know i never understood his appeal um i guess he kind of uh made himself out to be like a martyr for for uh the pro pro russia in the war and stuff but i don't know he doesn't seem like a hero to me 0:47:28 Unknown_03: I think all I said is that because he was trying to work on a book deal, I said I can remove it from results if that's what you're concerned about, which I don't feel is that bad of an offer because the site stays up. Unknown_17: And right now we're completely being indexed from Google. So it didn't make a fucking difference in either way. Unknown_17: So the eDaddy, it's a crisis of fatherlessness where people like Coach Red Pill can somehow seem like they have insight into anything to give. Like that was his thing. He sold his insight into the world and into women and men and the dynamics of a relationship. And he was like an aged, unsuccessful old man. who had been divorced like multiple times and didn't have custody of his children, even though he went to a foreign country with a weak judicial system to accomplish this and to basically buy a wife. It is the most like depressing kind of existence to live. And people still thought that he had cracked the code into women and life. Yeah. 0:48:19 Unknown_03: Crazy. Unknown_17: He live tweeted to the world that he was going to escape into Hungary through Ukraine. If you don't know, the Carpathian border between Hungary and Ukraine is like in the mountains. So there's like two roads that cross into the EU from Ukraine into Hungary. It's a very, very small border. So what a horrific, retarded idea to announce before you left that you're in line at the owner, an account you know is being watched by the FSB or whatever. I forget what they call their FBI in Ukraine, but just zero IQ. SBU, sorry. Yeah, terrible. Terrible. 0:48:54 Unknown_17: Anyways, Klussie. Now let me get back to what really matters here on this stream. 0:49:27 Unknown_17: So I already mentioned that there is these two characters, the clowns scare me. They remind me of John Wayne Gacy. This adds fuel to my serial killer theory. And we have a man who has fallen so hard for the Klussie that it's ruined his life. Unknown_17: This guy is called Verbal A's or Verbal A-S-E for Adam S. Evans. He's a black guy and he likes to go. It's called beatboxing. It was a thing in the 90s, but it's now a thing in the 2000s because white people find that funny when black people do the thing in their mouths. So he does, he's one of those artists who is like obsessed with cartoons. He gives me that Mr. Ender vibe where it's like, you're 30 years old. You probably shouldn't be reviewing cartoons and doing cartoon stuff, but Hey, it brings in the money and bring in the money. It showed it. Cause here we have Pennywise versus the Joker, a hundred million views, Mario versus Sonic, 82 million views, Black Panther versus Batman, 50 million views, Darkseid versus Thanos, 46 million views. This is his most famous one. Cause I think it has the, um, 0:50:39 Unknown_17: boom-chicka-boom-chicka-boom beatbox thing that was used in the memes of, um, uh, like, Guy explaining something meme. Hey, what's up, Guy? Y'all gon' make me lose my cool Up in here, up in here Y'all gon' make me watch the smack Up in here, up in here Y'all gon' make my finger snap Up in here, up in here Why should I battle a crusty old man when you... This part, oh yeah, okay. Unknown_17: You guys did hear it and you heard the sound. That sound where it's like... Is it this part? 0:51:23 Unknown_17: So that's what he was famous for. He paid people to make cartoons. He did little epic rap battles between cartoon characters. And he was also apparently a talented beatboxer who could do the boom-chicka-boom-chicka-boom thing in his mouth. And people thought that was silly, and they used it for TikTok videos. And a wonderful, excellent creator slop for the algorithm. 100% family-friendly. Unknown_17: um very very good for seo stuff kids love it family's okay with it uh and it's a black guy so there's points for esg and blackrock loves it so hey everyone everyone wins this is the system winning what a great he found his little niche makes a ton of money doing this what could possibly go wrong chat enter the klussy this thing from has been hotel i don't i've not watched this i'm aware that the first episode has leaked or whatever the fuck um so he pays his animators for his show not much money so these guys making these cartoons um don't get a lot of money 0:52:03 Unknown_17: this guy was paid fifty thousand dollars now when i skip ahead you can see oh it's like it's just a video that's like she's trying to chase after him so he's like self-inserted himself into like the as the love interest for this demon girl from this cartoon that he likes Unknown_17: And it's just like a popular meme song at the time that he paid someone $50,000 to make an animated music video for. But wait until this part. 0:52:59 Unknown_17: If you are a minor or you do not want to see a black person, turn away now. No. Unknown_02: Nobody can see I'm your heart Unknown_02: Yes, I know what you're. Unknown_17: So I'll skip. She strips. And then there's like this is this penis has like a little face on it so I can post it to YouTube. And then she gets on top of him and I guess rapes him. And then she he takes this video that he paid this money to produce. 0:53:35 Unknown_17: And he posted it to his YouTube channel because he wanted everyone to see that he had paid money to have sex with a white woman cartoon character clown. And he got that klussie, that white klussie. And he was very proud of this. So he published this. Unknown_17: And it had been like six months, I think, since his last animated video, which is like the content that people mostly want. Unknown_17: YouTube realized that this guy who made family friendly videos like this cute video of him doing a beatboxing cameo for a little girl that likes his cartoon videos. It's like all emotional and surprising. One of my young my big my biggest fans emotional. It's just a little girl. And so, you know. Is it just making kids content? There's nothing wrong with making kids content. Kids need entertainment, and it's a little bit embarrassing to make kids content. But you know what? There's a lot of kids, and I need something to watch. So whatever. Beatboxing, cartoon characters rapping at each other, not a big deal. Until this fucking thing gets dumped on his channel, and then YouTube is like, what the fuck are you doing? So have you ever watched that movie Chernobyl? 0:54:53 Unknown_17: When a nuclear reactor is having a meltdown in order to stop the nuclear reaction, they insert these boron rods into it because that somehow slows down the reaction. It's like that. YouTube puts in all these boron rods into its channels like, oh, we have to fucking collapse this thing immediately because this is going to melt down. This is going to cause problems. The advertisers... Are going to pull out. We're going to get on the front page. Of CNN business again. For putting Klussy in front of little girls. Who are like five years old. 0:55:26 Unknown_17: This is bad. This is really bad. And then after that. As you can see. We look at his popular videos. 100 million views. 23 million views. I have to scroll down to get to a video. That doesn't have a million views on it. He's just a really successful. He's found a niche. He's constantly pumping out these videos. That have 3 million views each. Unknown_17: I mean, this is the life. This is what you want. This is making it on YouTube. Getting this kind of engagement on all of your videos. Still, okay, finally, on page four, his first video under 100 million views is Bugs Bunny beatbox. Let's listen to it. 0:55:57 Unknown_17: Let's see what kind of content. Ready? Unknown_07: Hey, what's up, guys? It's Verbal Ace, beatbox. Oh, wow, bugs. I hope you've enjoyed this. Unknown_17: very very big difference between the two okay i'm just saying uh so his video viewing base has collapsed as a result of this and he's put out a video uh after his skibby d toilet cameraman beat box 170 000 views he's like oh my fucking god we're collapsing this is three minutes long i'm actually going to take all three minutes to watch this i've not watched this yet 0:56:51 Unknown_08: Hey, what's up, guys? It's Verbal Ace, beatboxer from outer space. And some of you may already know that Cartoon Beatbox Battles is currently dead. This is not because of the YouTube algorithm, but YouTube itself not sending you guys notifications when I upload new videos, regardless of the notification bell settings. But you can save Cartoon Beatbox Battles by becoming a part of Cartoon Beatbox Battles. I know there are content creators out there with channels that need more subscribers. So I am looking for nine animators and content creators to help create a segment in Luigi's Beatbox. Luigi's Beatbox has been divided into nine different parts with each part consisting of 10 seconds, which means you guys, whoever you are, will have 10 seconds to animate or create their portion of the video. This could be stop motion, puppeteering, 2D animation, 3D animation, live action, whatever you guys do to make creative content, I would like to see it. There will be an animatic video of your section provided to you for reference, so if you guys want to improve your part with backgrounds or a crazier scenario similar to what you've been given as a reference, it'll help you win the contest. yes contest out of the nine people chosen one of you will win a signed verbal ace plushie but even if you don't win your channel will still get promoted on my channel you can tell your friends hey i did a part in luigi's beatbox it's gonna be really cool so it's a win-win situation so we are all gonna come together as a community to be a part of cartoon beatbox battles Is this going to be every episode of Cartoon Beatbox Battles? No. This is its own project and a way for us to collaborate as a community with voting for the animator and voting on who wins the battle, Tails vs. Luigi. Am I going to do this for Tails Beatbox? Yes, just to make it fair and to give more people an opportunity to have their channel shouted out. When a verbal ace plushie with the algorithm being the way it is, we all need to come together as a community to help each other out. Am I going to have regular animated cartoon? 0:58:26 Unknown_17: That's such a black way of, of, of asking for help. It's like, I hope, I hope you know what I mean when I say that, like, it's just the thing where black people say like, we got to help each other out. We got to form together as like a community. It's not like, it's always like, I need help. I need free shit. I need to make more money, but it's always pitches. Like this is, we're like a community guys. We're like a community. You gotta, you gotta give me, you gotta give to me so I can give back to you. 0:59:00 Unknown_08: You know what I mean? ...beatbox battles episodes in the future? That really depends on YouTube and all of us. I can't put out videos if they aren't... A black person says, I am black. Unknown_17: I agree. See, I don't miss chat. I don't miss. I am copacetic with the melanin community, and I understand what they're talking about. 0:59:42 Unknown_08: He's complaining about 1.4 million views. That's crazy. Unknown_17: See, here's my thing. OK, so this video is basically him just asking for free clips from animators for to pay people an exposure. And he claimed elsewhere that he's like bankrupt. So he paid fifty thousand. Apparently he paid more money for the porn than he did for like his actual videos that he puts out onto YouTube to like retain his audience. But he's still making like 1.4 million views. And I think that Turkey Tom said something like if he gets like a million views, it's like $80,000 of ad rev. And beware that his audience is younger, so there's limited... 1:00:14 Unknown_17: There's limited what you can show them in terms of advertisements, but he should not be struggling for money. 1.4 million views should still be a lot of money to him. So I don't know what he's doing. I would love to see his finances because I guarantee you that motherfucker has a lot of candles that he's buying if his economy is so bad. uh it's kind of remarkable like a fifty thousand dollar video uh you know should not should not collapse your channel at 1.4 million views should not mean that you're in the red for your your ad revenue uh it's it's really really really crazy i i'm genuinely he yeah he just has to spend it on dumb shit i bet you i bet you 1:01:22 Unknown_17: That he does commission a lot of porn. If he's, like, dropping $50,000 on, like, an animation of him getting, like, raped by a cartoon character, I bet you he probably does just commission all sorts of porn for, like, thousands of dollars each. Because what the fuck else is he buying? Unknown_17: Short video no ads money? Unknown_17: He still makes... Dude, I'm sorry, but he has... Unknown_17: He has millions of views on these videos. 4.5 million subscribers. 1:01:58 Unknown_17: He's getting like 100,000. There's no way. There is no way that he's not making enough money to support his channel when he gets this many views on his videos. Unknown_17: Yeah, he's doing something wrong for sure. Unknown_03: He got some sick rooms. Unknown_03: I don't know. Unknown_03: But yeah. Unknown_17: Anyways, hamster come back. Unknown_17: Uh, these are emails from the CEO of porn hub, uh, and his executive team explaining how apparently they know what's going on. Uh, make sure that these are in order. They are. 1:02:36 Unknown_17: Uh, subject re privilege and confidential video flags. How many videos are there in backlog? What's the turnaround time? What determines priority count flag views and ratio? Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: process the team reviews between 50 and 500 videos per day that are flagged in order to address any video with more than 15 flags approximately five percent of those result in the video being removed we have one person responsible to review flags on a daily basis five days a week 1:03:14 Unknown_17: That is insane. So, Pornhub is the largest porn website on the internet. And they have a single person. One dude. One Coomer Janney. The most wretched, deplorable, Coombering Tranny Janney on the fucking planet. As the single... Unknown_17: Think about this. There is a single person who is the Jesus bolt holding together the report system of all of Pornhub and the millions of videos that they host to make sure that there's no child pornography or like rape happening on their platform. One dude, one dude in a dress sitting at home, gooning 24 seven. That's it. It reminds me of that meme about, um, 1:03:59 Unknown_17: It's like all of modern technology and it's held up by like one block of like an open source project that's been managed by some guy in Nebraska for 20 years. It's like that except all porn moderation and then one tranny-janny gooner that is getting paid. I guess I don't even know. How much money do you think this guy gets paid to watch porn and check flags? 1:04:34 Unknown_17: Probably not much. He gets paid in exposure. Exposure to illegal videos to download. Unknown_17: Oh, okay. So then the guy replying to this says, so basically a video with 15 flags with under 15 flags is never viewed. Unknown_17: The person replies saying the below seems good and reasonable. Unknown_17: There are 706,425 videos flagged for being child pornography, for being rape, for being anything, being nonconsensual pornography that are hosted and active on Pornhub that will never be reviewed because the tranny janny is only reviewing videos that get 15 plus flags. 1:05:24 Unknown_17: So unless it is both so obvious and so... And you have to have an account to report shit to. So the only people reporting shit on Pornhub are going to be people with accounts watching a video that they don't want to see that they actually think breaks the rules. But everything else is fine. Unknown_17: That's crazy shit. Unknown_17: If we're dividing by the same number for each video, it's the same as using counts of flags. It's obvious we're just trying to hide that it's a minimum number of flags. Might be better not to put a number or percent ratio unless asked. 1:06:03 Unknown_17: Good for me, CEO of MindGeek. Unknown_17: Enable track changes so you can see updates. Unknown_17: This is already done. I'm not sure how much more I would stress this. Simply put, we don't have IDs for user-generated content. I did make it more clear that UGC is made available for free. Unknown_17: No IDs. Quality control. One training, Janie Gunner, who was the linchpin in their entire operation to ensure that there's no child pornography on the platform. 706,000 videos that will never be reviewed by the company because they're too busy. Didn't they, like, pay to put a woman in space to have sex? They're too busy. They could... Pornhub has enough money that they can launch a spaceship into orbit to film a porn video, but they cannot hire more than one Tranny Janney to review child pornography. Let me make sure it's on the site. 1:06:36 Unknown_17: That just shows you what their priorities are. Unknown_17: speaking of priorities amazon's twitch to cut 500 employees or 35 percent of staff the move is designed to stem losses after two rounds of layoffs last year twitch is dying and i mean that in the most violent way possible it's getting stabbed it's getting wrecked it's getting murderfied it's 1:07:31 Unknown_17: in a literal biological sense prohibited by the X terms of service. Unknown_17: Um, and that is because they are on. Oh, I forgot to open the X chat. Speaking of X, let me bring that up real quick and say, hello Zitters. And then, uh, now you will show up on screen. Unknown_17: Okay, where is the video that I was actually trying to show people? I liked it. Let me check my likes. Unknown_17: Here we go. This is the CEO of Twitch, and he's got some pretty choice words for what their platform is like right now. 1:08:12 Unknown_00: We've implied this before where we say we need to run it sustainably, but I'll be blunt. We aren't profitable at this point. Amazon has been extremely supportive of Twitch. Unknown_00: And a big thing for being sustainable over time is ensuring that we don't lose money. And that's a big part of my job because that's going to be what makes sure we can be here for long term. We've implied this before where we say we need to run it sustainably, but I'll be blunt. We aren't profitable at this point. Amazon has been extremely supportive of Twitch. Unknown_00: And a big thing for being sustainable over 1:08:51 Unknown_17: Oh, I already played that. Sorry. It's a very short clip. The CEO of Twitch has admitted that Twitch is a terminally unprofitable company, and it's only existing because it's currently supported financially by Amazon. Unknown_17: They actually closed down... I don't know if I read this on stream, but I read an article about Twitch closing down their offices in South Korea because the bandwidth and everything in South Korea is actually so expensive that they couldn't afford to host there. And very interesting, they actually tried to peer-to-peer South Korean Twitch streams so that... It would kind of work in a decentralized, federated way, like a BitTorrent stream for their stream. And they just couldn't do it. They couldn't find a way to make Twitch profitable in South Korea, so it's been closed in that location. 1:09:26 Unknown_17: It's very fascinating, and it fills me with glee. Because if you look at all the places on the internet, there is none so big and so walled off to the general public and to free speech as Twitch. Twitch is worse than, I would say, worse than Facebook. It would be worse than any other site that I can think of in terms of how they try to death grip their streamers into conforming to one specific style of content creation. and behavior they they literally have a narc email a dedicated narc email for their twitch staff so that or for the twitch streamers so that if you see an affiliate who has tweeted something you don't like or has said something in discord that's against the twitch terms of service you can send that into their dedicated narc email for off-site behavior for their streamers and ban them for it so when you stream on twitch you are never not twitch's bitch even though 1:10:02 Unknown_17: I remind you, you are not employed by Twitch. Whenever you stream to these platforms like Rumble or Kick or Twitch or YouTube or whatever the fuck, unless you have a contract signed with them, you are not an employee. You are being paid on a W-2 basis. They can get rid of you for any reason or no reason at all. You have zero recourse against them for harming your income financially. diminishing you, not promoting you in the algorithm, so on and so forth. They have zero obligation to help you or maintain a relationship with you in any way, shape or form. And then they still want to own your ass 24 seven, no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, no matter where you're saying it at, they own your ass. 1:11:04 Unknown_17: And it's fucking disgusting. They're the birthplace of people like Valsh and Hassan and Keffels and all these fucking loser faggots. And they are dying because everyone hates them. That's the beautiful thing is that all these people that they've promoted like Hassan and Keffels, they fucking hate Twitch. They all hate Twitch. Nobody's like, man, I'm so happy to be a Twitch streamer right now. Like even, what's his face? Ninja. He tried to jump off to Microsoft's thing when that happened. He took a big fat contract with them the very second that that shit came up. They didn't want to be on Twitch. None of these people want to be on Twitch. They hate Twitch. 1:11:45 Unknown_17: You can't run a business when people hate you. And Twitch takes like 50% of your revenue. They take half your ad rev. They take half your... Unknown_17: your super chats and shit uh it's just an awful platform every time i look at twitch because someone's streaming there for whatever reason i try to use it they're they oh my god can i show you this hold up let me try to show you what they do okay i open it and the first thing i see oh god can i show you let me can i show you this can if i pull this up on uh my own thing do you see it 1:12:25 Unknown_17: Oh no, it doesn't show up on the, Oh, if you're not signed in and they don't know that you're over 18, it doesn't show up, but I'll show you, I'll show you what I see when I open my account. Unknown_03: This is just on the front page. Unknown_03: Look at this. Look at this. This is just on the front page. Unknown_17: This fucking half a bitch with her tits out. And I just want to open it and try to show you what the advertising situation is. Unknown_03: Dude. Unknown_03: Dude. 1:13:09 Unknown_03: This is crazy. Unknown_03: People make fun of Twitch or a kick, and this is what's on Twitch. Unknown_17: Like, I just opened the fucking front page, and this is what they're showing me. And I'm wondering why people hate their fucking platform and don't want to stream on it. Unknown_17: I just want to find a clip of someone playing a game so I can show you what their advertising situation is like. Because what they do now... I'm sorry, I'm just clicking on random streams to try and take a picture of this. 1:13:42 Unknown_19: Hello? Unknown_17: Maybe they only do it after a little while or something. Let me try clicking on Ninja. Seems like a good one for... No? Unknown_17: I won't dominate? Unknown_03: Nope. Unknown_03: Yeah, I'm not sure what triggers it, but oftentimes what they'll do is they'll shrink the video so that... Unknown_17: It's like the actual streamers output is minimized and then they put like a full like what they call a skyscraper banner ad on the right hand side. So the advertisement for the video content is like baked into the stream so that there's zero way to ad block it unless you're your ad blocker was using like video recognition technology to identify ads and then crop it out. 1:14:23 Unknown_17: You would not be able to block these ads. So they're that desperate. They're that desperate for money that they are modifying the actual bit data to include the advertisement directly into them at the expense of the streamer on the platform. And no other platform does this. Kik doesn't do this. Rumble doesn't do this. YouTube doesn't do this. Though YouTube is getting desperate and they're putting forced ads and shit into everything. Unknown_17: Partner streamers run four minutes of ads every 15 minutes. Dude, that's like television. I can't watch television because it's like that. 1:15:10 Unknown_17: I have no idea how people are sane. This is why people are jerking off to Klussy and are becoming serial killers and shit. Because when you're this bombarded with advertisements, you can't function. You have these suits sticking their dick in your eye socket constantly. There's nothing you can do about it. Unknown_17: My point is that there's a lot of animosity between the platform and the people on it, which is why it's not successful. Why would you ever, ever, ever want to support people on a platform that fucking hates you, that wants to pretend that they own you, that doesn't have any respect for you, doesn't have any respect for your attention, is not invested in your success, is going to stalk and harass you for shit that you say off-platform? It's like, what a terrible, terrible place. 1:15:52 Unknown_17: And, by the way, someone tweeted this at me, and I figured I'd bring this up now. Unknown_17: This is OBS. I use OBS to stream. Shout out. Unknown_17: Most people do. It's like the de facto standard for streaming. It's free to download. And as a free and open source project, it has to solicit funds sometimes if it's really big, and it has to pay people for their time to fix very complicated, low-level issues that you might get with a C-based project. But Twitch is interestingly one of the sponsors, the premier sponsor of the OBS project. They pay the most money to support the project because obviously Twitch streamers need OBS. They use OBS to stream with Twitch. So what's the issue? You know, it's nice. They're supporting an open source project. 1:16:25 Unknown_17: This is the issue. A person this year, so this month, submitted a patch to Twitch to add kick to as one of the default streaming services. So if you go to your settings on OBS, there's a way to select your service. And if it's one of the recognized services, they have more options that are kind of baked into the streaming platform, like for instance, location, or you can just put in your password so it can automatically grab your stream keys for you and do more complex stuff. You can always just set in your RTMP details yourself by copy pasting the 1:17:08 Unknown_17: the URL and your stream key, which is usually how most people stream. But if it's one of the default services that they recognize, it shows up in the list. So people know about it. First of all, they use OBS to stream and they're looking to get into streaming and they pick a platform. They see those names first and foremost, but it also provides more granular detail for streaming and Unknown_17: Different streaming platforms have different encoding requirements. And without too much detail, sometimes you have to change your bit rate, you have to change your resolution, or you have to change your keyframe interval. There's little settings like that which differ slightly between platforms. And it's a huge pain in the ass to get your thing set up to stream to a bunch of different places at once. So by baking that into the software, it's actually easier to get started on those platforms because it changes those things for you without you having to configure it yourself. 1:17:48 Unknown_17: Uh, so, uh, somebody submitted kick, uh, very easy. Just click the button and then it's merged in and then people can easily stream the kick. However, the project lead Fener Tvati, which is definitely a Icelandic person, I would say because Icelandic people are fucking gay. 1:18:26 Unknown_17: Uh, it says, thank you for the submission, but kick does not meet our requirements to be accepted. Uh, someone asked, assuming that was kick was just too obscure to be on the list. And I can open this right now. Actually, I think I can't change it cause I am streaming, but I would read you the name of some of the streamers. There's like really obscure shit. That's on it. That's like Chinese streamers or whatever. Um, just zero says, but other unknown services are supported. Okay. And Fanta replies saying kick does not meet our requirements because the platform supports and encourages the testable and vile content and creators. And we, as a project do not want ourselves associated with it. 1:19:01 Unknown_17: This accomplishes nothing because, as I mentioned, you can just put in the stream details yourself and configure just fine. Or you can use a restreaming service, which is what I do. If I don't have the bandwidth, well, usually when I have the bandwidth, I just, I use a restreaming, a multistreaming plugin and manually configure it myself so that I don't have to pay for a restreaming service. But when I have really shitty bandwidth, I'll pay for a restreaming service and they can restream to eight different things at once. Unknown_17: So it accomplishes nothing, but it is a virtue signal, and it mostly serves one thing, which is trying to keep eyes off of Kik. When you're looking at a list of streaming services and you see one that you don't know, it's like, hey, what's Kik? It sounds English, and it doesn't sound like a weird Chinese thing. Let's check it out. You're like, oh, look, I can do more stuff on Kik, and it's not as, like, porn-coded for, like, teenagers. I got gambling. I love gamba sessions. Blackjack's my favorite. Shit like that. You might think, hey, I'll stream here instead because they don't have an off-site behavioral narc email. Maybe that's all it takes. There's no off-site behavioral narc email address. 1:19:40 Unknown_17: And in fact, this Matt at the Internet guy is verified on Kik. That's pretty base. I like him. 1:20:14 Unknown_17: They're trying to hide it because the beast is afraid. I believe they are paying the OBS people to keep viable competitors in their region off their stream list. Unknown_17: Probably because Amazon itself is suffering. Unknown_17: Amazon laying off hundreds in Prime Video Studio in latest cuts. 500 Twitch workers from the other article, but this one's unspecific. Unknown_17: They say hundreds of employees in this Prime Video and Studios business. I know I got... I have Amazon Prime because I think I'm grandfathered in because I have S3. I use S3 for some shit. 1:20:52 Unknown_17: and i got this email can i find this oh yes i can yes i can okay give me a second chat i'm getting you some hot fresh content that i my favorite kind of content the one that i found found myself didn't have to scrape it from the site didn't get into zitter i encountered this as a primal hunter Unknown_17: as a savage, as a man who goes out and gets his own content for you. 1:21:28 Unknown_17: He says, this was an email I got for Changes to Prime. Unknown_17: Dear Prime member, we are writing you today about an upcoming change to your Prime Video experience. Starting January 29th, Prime Video movies and TV shows will include limited advertisements. This will allow us to continue investing in compelling content and keep increasing that investment over a long period of time. We aim to have meaningfully fewer ads than linear TV and other streaming TV providers. No action is required from you and there is no change to the current price of your Prime membership. We will also offer a new ad-free option for an additional $3 per month that you can sign up for here. Prime is a very compelling value. Prime members enjoy a wide range of shopping, savings, and entertainment benefits, including blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I suck dick. My company's failing because I'm evil and people hate me. 1:22:09 Unknown_18: Oh, BlackRock isn't giving us ESG money anymore. We have to cut corners and put advertisements everywhere because our customers hate us and want us to fucking die. Unknown_17: All that animosity we built over the last 20 fucking years isn't paying dividends. 1:22:43 Unknown_17: Suffer. Suffer. Technology companies that I don't specifically like. Suffer. Unknown_17: Based. Unknown_17: Based and suffering pill chat. Unknown_17: Speaking of suffering chat, here's another person suffering. Cloudflare is laying off employees too. Oh no, not Cloudflare. I wonder what could have been causing them issues. I wonder why they're having issues holding account managers and they're having to fire people. You know, account managers handle relationships directly with large customer accounts, right? 1:23:14 Unknown_17: So if you're firing account managers, that usually means that you don't have so many accounts to take care of. And I wonder why Cloudflare's growth is dropping. I wonder if maybe people are a little bit skeptical of the platform that can kick you off at a moment's notice. That wants more and more of your technology. It's trying to offer you S3 storage and JavaScript workers and so on and so forth. Just offload all your fucking computer infrastructure onto their network. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, yeah. That's right. They might unilaterally terminate service with you at a moment's notice and then lie about your fucking company. And then you might have not shit to lie back on because you put it all in Cloudflare. That's a big risk. It's a big risk putting all your eggs in one bucket that kind of sucks and has a fucking hole in it. Kind of sucks, doesn't it? 1:23:49 Unknown_17: Let's see what she has to say. This is a woman. She was hired as an account executive for Cloudflare. Unknown_17: And she's about to speak to HR to get fired. 1:24:20 Unknown_13: She's aware she's about to get fired. Yes, I'm so sorry. My name's Rosie. I cut up to a time and a half. Nice to meet you. Monday HR team. Hi, Brittany. Hi. Unknown_14: Thanks for meeting with me and Rosie. We have an important meeting today. Unknown_14: We finished our evaluations of 2023 performance. This is where you have not met Cloudflare expectations for performance. We've decided to partner with you. Yeah, I'm going to stop right there. Unknown_10: So I started August 25th. I've been on a three-month ramp. And then it was three weeks of December and then a week of Christmas. And then here we are. 1:24:51 Unknown_10: I have had the highest activity amongst my team since I started. I have had three contracts out, done a really great job managing my deals up until the very end that decided not to close last minute. Unknown_10: So I don't think that that makes a lot of sense for me in my Cloudflare journey here so far. Also, every single one-on-one I've had with my manager, every conversation I've had with him has, he has been giving me nothing, but I am doing a great job. I have had great activity. I have really great meetings. I'm picking up the products very quickly and um things have been going really really well i make really great relationships with my clients um so i disagree that my performance hasn't been um i haven't met performance expectations um when i certainly have just because i haven't closed anything officially 1:25:39 Unknown_10: Also, why are you doing this and not my manager? We've never met, so this seems a little odd that my manager has no idea that this has been happening and the director has no idea that this has been happening. So I'm just definitely confused. And yeah, I would love an explanation that makes sense. 100%. Unknown_14: Real quick, let me carve out the two threads, the latter of why I'm on this conversation. I'll put that one in the second half, and Rosie might be better to explain the process of who's giving this information in the prior piece, which is your feedback and notes about your performance. So let me add a little context to that. So just for clarification, you're not being singled out on this. Your peers are also being collectively assessed on performance. This is a collective collaboration for Cloudflare. So I just want to clarify that piece. I won't be able to add any kind of specifics on numbers or... Wait, yeah, no, can you explain for me why Brittany Peach is getting let go? 1:26:13 Unknown_14: the i won't be able to go into specifics for numbers wait why though i just started i've been working extremely hard just because i haven't closed anything that has nothing to do with my performance on a three-month ramp with just one month with two major holidays in the middle Unknown_10: I don't think that has anything to do with why. Unknown_17: I got an email. Yeah, people are divided on this because she's obviously angry. 1:26:46 Unknown_17: Her argument is that she has met efficiency or effectiveness standards because she's been there for three months. One of those months was a holiday month, so business is in decline regardless. It's weird to hire someone for three months starting in August. Unknown_17: um but she basically says that she established a bunch of connections to potential clients and was on the process of onboarding them without you know high pressure you know like sales and shit and they for legal reasons refused to say anything um Unknown_17: They have to be very careful with what they tell her because if she's not fired for being ineffective, they owe her unemployment benefits at the company's expense. If you just fire someone because you made a mistake in hiring them to begin with, you still owe them money for being fired. However, if they're in a review period and you fire them for being ineffective, then that's their fault and you don't owe them any unemployment benefits. So it's, I would say it's unfair to make, um, assessments of her performance based off what the HR is saying, because the age, the reason she complains in this, that she's not talking to her manager or any of the people who have been giving her, um, uh, review reviews of her work. Apparently she says that her manager and stuff has been happy with, uh, her progress, but HR is telling her that she's been ineffective in our firing her. The reason why that they put an HR instead of letting her talk to her manager to be fired is Is that her manager might say, yes, well, you were being effective, but and then try to excuse it away. And that right there is a is a big hole for a for an unemployment check. So they're they're using these stooges for a very specific reason. And if you listen to the entire thing, which I won't subject you to because it's a very cyclical. They repeatedly go, we understand your feelings. Your feelings are valid. We empathize with how you might feel right now. No, we cannot give you any other details. We'll circle back to you on that later. Like just the corporate bullshit wall. And it's very gratifying to see employees of Cloudflare get treated the same way that people who pay them for service do. Because when I try to contact Cloudflare, I don't get any fucking responses from any human beings. Even when they're making publicly announced international news about deplatforming me, I don't get a single email from anybody in their company about the situation. So it's really gratifying to see that the people inside the machine, the cogs inside the machine, get traded with the same lack of dignity, respect, and basic human values. 1:29:17 Unknown_17: It's a human dignity that everybody else does. Unknown_17: If you work for these big tech companies, you also are inhuman, and you mean nothing to them, and they will eat you alive the very second that it would save them a fucking dollar, and they'll lie about your performance and hinder your ability to get reemployed in the industry with a different company because they said that you were ineffective and didn't want to pay your unemployment benefits. I'm glad to see that the people who submit themselves to this demon also get raped to death. It's really gratifying in a way. 1:29:55 Unknown_17: The British people cannot brush themselves. They cannot groom. They cannot clean their teeth. Unknown_17: And so it is now an official order from the King of England. that all children inside the British school system must brush. Their teeth are too bad and too oogly, and they're too stinky, and when they talk, they have stinky breath. So now the king has ordered that all of his vassals be taught how to take care of their dental hygiene from a young age in the school system. 1:30:30 Unknown_17: Stuff for British people. Unknown_17: And this one is actually genuinely shocking to me. I don't usually get like surprised by news anymore. Unknown_17: Spain has elected a woman with Down syndrome to the parliament. Unknown_17: Mar Galceran makes history as Spain's first parliamentarian with Down syndrome. This is not a joke headline. This is not a meme. This is not Babylon Bee. Unknown_17: Wokeness has now progressed to the point where we are literally electing retarded people with chromosomal disorders to parliament. As if someone who is... who is genetically different from you because they're missing fucking chromosomes or have extra chromosomes or whatever the fuck, are now elected into a position where they have to represent your interests in law. 1:31:04 Unknown_17: Actually shocking. Unknown_03: Oh, I got a reply to my email. Unknown_03: Let's see what they say. It's a ticket, chat. It's a ticket. 1:31:41 Unknown_03: Oh, they're asking for confirmation of my identity. Unknown_17: Okay. Give me a second chat. Let's see how long this will take. It might be worth doing. Oh, I have to do, uh, a real ID verification. Okay. I'll do that after the stream. I can do that. That's not a big deal. Unknown_17: Um, actually let me, let me just, sorry. Let me check one thing really quick. And if that, um, yeah, that's fucked. Unknown_03: Okay. 1:32:14 Unknown_03: Sorry, I hate to interrupt this, but these things never wait for an opportune time to inconvenience me. Unknown_17: And I, of course, I love my farms. I love my web zone. And that when such inconveniences happen, I will take a nanosecond. You know, I could play, I could play you that, um, that cartoon rape porn. Again, you guys want to see that? I could play you some Bugs Bunny beatboxing as we do this intermission. You guys want to see that? Unknown_03: All right, 10 cent, let me in. No, you don't want to hear the boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom 1:33:18 Unknown_03: Almost done. Almost done chat. Unknown_17: Josh scored beat boxing. Unknown_17: Maybe one day when I get desperate enough, just no classy. Okay. I'll, I'll make the first first YouTube classy free beat boxing channel. That'll be my claim to fame. Unknown_17: Finally, Josh went legit and got rid of the classy and his beat boxing gym. 1:33:49 Unknown_17: All right, next unfortunate. This person starts his, his byline with unfortunate valve has sent a DMCA request to get hub to take down team fortress to source team fortress source to a dedicated project, reporting team fortress to the source to engine. This was found out after get hub updated their transparency and a valve report was in this. They announced this issue via discord and Twitter, but unfortunately have shut down. Unknown_17: This is difficult because obviously I like Valve and I want to see the best in them. Unknown_17: However, to kind of co-explain why Valve would do this, in the world of copyright, there is a literal unwritten rule that you got to use it or lose it. And if, for instance, let's say this, this GitHub project exists and it's a bunch of volunteers taking Team Fortress 2, importing it to the Source 2 engine and making some changes and tweaks and stuff. And it's completely free. It's set out of labor of love. And it's just it's a genuine big kiss, kisserino to Steam and how much they love their game. But then. 1:34:35 Unknown_17: But then, who's an evil company? Hinsent. Epic Games releases Team Fortress 3, which is just Team Fortress 2, but on the Unreal Engine. And then Valve is like, what the fuck? You can't just do this. And they send in a lawsuit for copyright infringement, say that Team Fortress 3 is a conversion of their intellectual property. 1:35:20 Unknown_17: as an infringement of their rights, and therefore the game should be shut down, the profits should be dispersed to them, and the source files should be transferred to them. But then Epic rolls up with a man who is half Chinese and half Israeli, and he slaps down this incredible report. And what it says is, Chapter 1, Valve didn't use it and lost it. Quote Erot Demonstrandum, Team Fortress Source 2. Unknown_17: They allowed people to take their intellectual property and do whatever the fuck they wanted with it, and therefore they've lost the rights to Team Fortress. That is a real thing that can happen because our intellectual property laws are written by fucking insane people. It is the most evil branch of law, perhaps, under family law. I don't have enough experience with family law. If I ever have a divorce, I'll let you know what my opinions are on family law in the U.S., but... 1:36:03 Unknown_17: And as far as what I am familiar with, intellectual property law is pretty fucking up there in terms of absurd insanity and actual cruelty and evil and retardedness. Unknown_17: So I do feel bad for everyone involved here because it's a difficult thing to do, to tell your fans who've worked really hard on something that you can't allow them to continue. However, if we're lucky, Valve might hire these people to actually make Team Fortress 3 on Source 2, no hats edition. That would be awesome. 1:36:43 Unknown_17: A hundred subs gifted on kick, and I didn't even get like a... Oh my God, from Anonymous. Anonymous gave a hundred subs. What is... Unknown_17: What's the name of the airway? I need like a song that plays. It's like an app here. Wait, I'll do the, I'll do the thing. I'll do a little show thing real quick. Cause it's fun. Unknown_17: Uh, text and then moose donates a hundred subs and then, okay, this is how this usually works when you're a competent streamer. Who's not banned from everything. Then we need some kind of dancing gift thing. I have just the idea, just the idea chat. 1:37:17 Unknown_17: Storage pictures. Unknown_17: Drop a hamster in there. And then you need some royalty free. And some royalty free music to let everyone know that the big thing has happened. Here we go. This is perfect. It goes away. 1:37:58 Unknown_17: quickly as it came what a what a remarkable moment in the stream chat thank you anonymous i appreciate you Unknown_17: Signal boost for $100. Actually, it's $500, right? It's a sub. It's a lot of money, Chet. Defending woman. Defending woman. Shitting on dark side, Phil. Unknown_17: Dumping on Twitch. Pays dividends, Chet. Pays dividends. This is the way to success. Take it from me. I'm a purple pill kind of guy. A white pill, Sisyphean kind of guy, Chet. 1:38:34 Unknown_17: I think Rumble gives you 97% of your income. They just take a little bit of it. Just a little bit. Just the tip. Just the tip of your Super Chat money. Unknown_17: Next. What's going on here? What do I got next? I might have to just... Oh, that's the wrong thing to get rid of. Unknown_17: Professional streamer, Josh Moon. Unknown_03: Okay, hold up. 1:40:24 Unknown_03: Nothing happened. All is in order. Unknown_17: We pursued down the, down the list of things to talk about. Next, the, um, the Fediverse instance queer.af. AF is a nice novelty vanity domain as fuck. Unknown_17: What it stands for, uh, this one queer as fuck. Unknown_17: Uh, and they have been banned. Uh, there has been a top level domain seizure. Unknown_17: The government of Afghanistan, which is what AF stands for, not to be confused with America First, we're talking about Afghanistan here, has decided that they don't actually want a domain called Queer as Fuck on their network information center. 1:41:11 Unknown_17: And so they have decided to suspend the domain. Unknown_17: Let's read the announcement, rather. Unknown_17: We are as fucked shut down. TLDR queer AF will be, will be closed. I was going to say, I read that, I read that aloud and my brain put in like brake pads and said, Josh, that does not sound like English. You must've slipped up and fucked up and said this wrong again, but now it's how it's written. We'll be closed on 2024. Oh, four 12 on January, July, 2018. Me and three friends were chatting in a flat in London. I wanted to mention the, They had a fun domain they had no idea what to do with. That domain, of course, was queer as fuck, and the rest, as they say, is history. We invited our friends and let them invite their friends, and that's how things got operated ever since. 1:41:45 Unknown_17: Since the fall of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2021, the fate of that domain has been fallen into question. Until late last year, the AF registry had effectively ceased to exist, leaving everything in a state of limbo. The Council of Country Code Administrators, Kaka, kaka.org.nz, I've never heard of this before. Unknown_17: who were contracted to operate the TLD, continued to operate things as is, although eventually turned off all operations but automatic renewals. More recently, however, the registry has begun to operate again. Unfortunately, this is not really good news. This means that it is now under the control of the Taliban government in Afghanistan. From a practical perspective, this means the present government has a desire to exert control over the country's top-level domain. And from an ethical and legal perspective, this means the domain-related fees are now directed to the Taliban. 1:42:21 Unknown_17: As an additional complication, the registry operators have wiped the existing list of accredited registrars and replaced them with 21 new organizations. In light of this, the Queer as Fuck domain name, which expires on the 13th of April, will not be renewed because Fediverse software does not support domain migrations. The Queer instance must be therefore closed as a consequence. 1:42:54 Unknown_17: Here we have a depiction of modern-day deplatforming. Just chuck them off a roof. That's what you do. That's what the Taliban says to do. Can't endorse that perspective, but that's the reality of the trans genocide in real life that we see. Unknown_03: This. Unknown_03: We got some copesplaining. Unknown_20: I was just very much. Unknown_16: I was confused too. Cassidy educated me and said, no, no, no, honey. You're straight. Don't you look at me like a woman? I said, yeah. She's like, so where do you find the word gay? And that's when I realized, yeah, I'm not gay at all. I'm an alpha male that's attracted to femininity. That's exactly what I got right here. 1:43:31 Unknown_17: It gets me every time. Look at him. Alpha male. He's a gym bro and definitely not a homosexual. I'm like, I'm like Andrew Tate. This actually reminds me of something. Hold up. Unknown_03: I forgot about this cut. 1:44:02 Unknown_03: Bam. Unknown_17: Boom. Meme reference coming in the pipe. Unknown_05: I am not gay. I have relationships with women and sex with men. And I got news for you. That means you're gay. Unknown_17: Tragic. Unknown_17: Um... Unknown_17: Here we have a wonderful video of a woman scratching her balls. 1:44:39 Unknown_17: Don't you hate it when you're out with the girls and then your female testicles are really sweaty and itchy. You just gotta do a little scritchy scritch. Tuck them back in. Very annoying when that happens. Unknown_03: Um, uh... Unknown_17: Oh, the Welsh refuse to ban trannies from their sports. I have queued this up specifically just to make fun of British people, which, of course, the Welsh are. They're British. They don't even have their own department in the United Kingdom. It's literally England and Wales. You guys are, like, stuck forever. You're never going to be independent again, and you have trannies in your sports. Very tragic, very tragic, the fate of the Welsh and their bizarre language. 1:45:17 Unknown_17: Quite an upset. Unknown_17: The Harvard Medical School offers courses in OBGYN pediatrics to identify LGBTQIAP plus newborns and infants. Unknown_17: Gaze Against Rumors says, no, this is not a headline from Babylon Bee. Harvard, one of the most esteemed universities in the United States, is teaching medical professionals to identify babies under the LGBTQIAP plus umbrella. uh how do you know a baby is gay why why do so many educators want to believe that infants are sexual don't be deceived we are being lied to from the top down fed lies by people we are supposed to trust for one reason to weaken our society by destroying innocence says the gays against rumors guys 1:45:49 Unknown_17: Um, so I don't, I, it is a good question. What makes an infant gay? I suppose the answer is, do they have gay parents? If the answer is yes, the infant will probably be gay. I don't know why just a sneaking suspicion that I have, but, uh, Harvard's on top of it. They're going to do some studies. 1:46:29 Unknown_17: Probably like the Harvey Milk studies, really top class studies that will shape biology for whatever reason. Well-respected Harvey Milk studies. Don't look it up. Same process. Unknown_17: Quotes this and says, this is sin Satan. Unknown_17: It says transphobes, so this guy is literally named Sin Satan. He says transphobes all deserve to die a brutal death. My hands thirst for their blood. I can't wait for my first victim. I'm telling you, these tranny serial killers are coming. 1:47:02 Unknown_17: You say, oh, he's just being an internet keyboard. No, it's happening, chat. They're coming in, and they're going to kill people. Unknown_17: Transphobia killed my sister and I would love to put you bigots in the grave where you belong. I already did what I said I would do on this post. I don't know why you all are many years late on that tweet. Thanks for making me famous, by the way. By the way, you're all too late and too stupid for tagging the FBI. Bloodstains on my hands. This guy claims that he's literally a murderer and nobody can do anything about it. This is what he looks like. Oh, he's black, of course. I do believe he's killed people then. You can't tell me this is not a serial killer. Can't tell me. You can sit there and you can cope and state and say, Josh, Josh, he's not a serial killer. Trans people aren't serial killers. Serial killer. Serial killer. Serial killer for sure. 1:47:35 Unknown_17: The only social media where you can confess to murder and absolutely nothing happens. Unknown_17: I mean, if I was Elon, I would not ban this guy either because information is useful for our end. 1:48:06 Unknown_17: I have fucked something up. Unknown_17: Oh, I figured out what I fucked up. Okay. Unknown_17: I already talked about the Andrew Tate stuff. Unknown_17: I have more bad news for the entire world. I did a stream many years ago that, um, Unknown_17: about a woman named Bex. Bex is a fake Jew. Unknown_17: She worked for League of Legends. If you want to know what kind of people work for League of Legends and why League of Legends is so gay, well, the answer is a trans Jew, both trans female to male or female to non-binary, I think. polyamorous, fake Jewish converts with enough listed diagnosed medical disorders to fill the DCM or DSM. And she has given birth. 1:48:48 Unknown_17: I guess she now goes by Daniel Klein. Her real name is Marie Hernandez Gerber. And she then went by Yona Beck-Skerber and then became Tranny, and now is Daniel Klein. So she went from Hernandez, Marie Hernandez, to Daniel Klein, to give you an idea of what we're talking about here. 1:49:31 Unknown_17: Oh, no, this is sorry. This is her one of her boyfriends. Remembrance MX is now officially in labor. Contractions are still manageable. They wanted me to keep everyone up to date. She's pregnant. She's having a baby today. Everyone wish her a happy wish. Sorry. Wish him a happy birth of their baby because they don't know what gender it is, I guess. Unknown_17: Yona says we're calling it labor is not progressing at all. C-section tonight. So she's fat. She did not do exercises. She did not take care of her pre-pregnancy stuff. And they're going to have to cut it out of her. 1:50:03 Unknown_17: Because, you know. Unknown_17: Whatever. And this baby will be raised in a polyamorous, fake Jewish relationship by a trans being. This is not a joke. I am telling you, the serial killers will be fucking nuts. They'll be writing stories in the same way that we never got rid of World War II and we still write books and movies with Nazis and shit, like allegories to Hitler in all of our films and books. We will be writing about the serial killers of the 2000s for like 100 years. 1:50:38 Unknown_03: um i actually don't know what this was oh this is um sorry the video didn't load this is britney venti who i am so glad has finally stopped making the baby voice i think she's pregnant or got married i think yeah she got married it's um Unknown_17: Maybe, I don't remember. Either way, she's stopped doing the weird, squeaky, annoying baby voice that YouTubers do. There's a video about... If you think I'm a mean girl, just wait. Unknown_03: I forget. It's in my notes. Unknown_03: Where is the Britney? Unknown_03: Oh, it's a trad thought grifter. Unknown_17: It's an expose on another woman. Okay. I know it's Britney. Tolerate it. We'll see. Maybe it's... Maybe you'll enjoy it. Unknown_12: if you think i'm a mean girl just wait until this next part what i'm about to show you is some class a mean girl stuff so isabella riley who's known for her offering her newborn child to a pdf file news i actually like don't want kids so this is the funny thing about my twitter 1:51:45 Unknown_11: I like play the part of a trad wife, play the part of a trad wife, play the part of a trad wife, play the part of a trad wife. But I'm like, I have no maternal instinct whatsoever. My husband's texting me and he said that he wanted me to tell you that we will have our daughter ready for you as a virgin. Unknown_17: So Zerka is the American first brown pedophile, Muhammadine, who went on the Dick Show podcast with Ralph and they had like a little spat and then Zerka just proudly announced that he's a pedophile. Unknown_17: Someone was angrily asking me why I don't support Nick Fuentes. It's because he's associated with so many pedophiles and he doesn't do anything about it. So I assume that he endorses it. It was Stone Toss retweeted a message about how the purpose of a system is its outcome. So when America First is completely surrounded by pedophiles like Zirka, who proudly announces that he is a pedophile, I am forced to assume because the purpose of the system is its outcome that America First is a pedophile organization and you should not support it because it's involving people like Zirka. 1:52:22 Unknown_17: This woman who was a prostitute turned trad thought grifter offered her child to Zirka. 1:52:58 Unknown_17: So this is a baby that her mother is already intending to literally sell to a brown Muslim pedophile who's friends with Nick Filantes as soon as possible for whatever reason. So she's already in her mind. She's figuring out how to use this infant. As a way to become more politically entangled and more enriched as a byproduct. Unknown_19: ever live so this girl isabella riley so not cake girl isabella this is a different isabella she's part of this fake trad coalition they all interact on twitter and these girls have a past too before i get into that i just want to show the context of her hating on cake girl and saying see you can show a cooking recipe without her juggies taking up the whole screen get over her milky moomoos all this bazoonga kahoonga hate as if implants don't exist and of course pearls in the reply 1:53:57 Unknown_12: As you can see from this photo, Tradlarp Isabella is casting stones at Cake Girl for posting bikini photos online for everyone to see. Meanwhile, she did the exact same thing, and this is not the only instance. And yet here she is saying, why is it so hard for women to admit that they are purposefully wearing revealing or skin-tight clothing for male attention? In the photo I am blocking, it's her and the other girl in the photo with their asses showing in panties with writing on their thighs. This looks like amateur porn. And yet here she is on her pedestal talking down to everyone saying, how dare you wear a t-shirt? And so before the whole cake thing, this is frustrating because I see someone in chat. 1:54:37 Unknown_17: He says there are no real trad women. Unknown_17: Here is the issue. The women on the internet doing the whole, I am a submissive, breedable, dumb slut, and I have nothing to offer except my holes. Those people are prostitutes. They do it for money. They like attention. They would prostitute themselves in any way. However, they found one particular newfangled political slant that involves being a trad thought as a way to prostitute themselves. And the fact is, is that these people are the most prominent because the Coomers will share them and say, oh, my God, the trad thought feat. I love the trad thought feat. And she says that she's a dumb whore and all women are whores. And it's like, I agree with this. I'm going to share it. So that's what you see. 1:55:14 Unknown_17: It's so blackpilling. I wonder if it's deliberate because it does feel like a subversion where in the right you now have Muslim pedophiles on a pedestal. You have people like Zirka and Andrew Tate who are disgusting, who should have been fucking hanged for their crimes. And they're somehow the red pill guys that people pay attention to and look forward to reading. 1:55:50 Unknown_17: to life advice and then the women who are trying to entangle themselves in the the traditional lifestyle are just prostitutes that um have are not they can't cook or clean it's it's really depressing it's a it's a mind game that they're actively playing with people and i wonder it makes me wonder if it's intentional or not because it feels intentional Unknown_17: Pratt itself as a concept doesn't work. It does. All traditional is, is a nuclear family. You have a single income house. You have a stay at home mom devoted to raising the kids. And then you have a nuclear family of at least two children. That's it. That's all traditional is. It's not, it's not fancy. It's not some unattainable thing. It's something that's existed since the dawn of humankind. um it's the natural order of things but then you know the issue is that people don't that's not sexy you know the woman who stays at home and uh 1:56:48 Unknown_17: you know, is like 30, 30 and 40 or whatever, and takes care of her kids is not like sexy. And what sells is sex. So now the trad thought grift of all these prostitutes and tightly fitted, revealing clothing, walking around with bare feet, bending over the, the, you know, to clean the sink and shit. That's what sells. Uh, that's what people get attracted. But then when you see that, Unknown_17: Even though that's what you're seeking out because that gratifies you, you see that and you think, oh my god, even these trad women are actually just prostitutes. No, that's just what you're presented on the internet. Unknown_17: Um... 1:57:28 Unknown_17: It's so frustrating because I want to instill in people a confidence that there is a normal and that you can seek out normal and you can be happy with normal. But there is such a massive volume of these hugely financially successful people who are absolutely disgusting, who are fucking rapist pedophiles. Mixed race, miscegenating, rapist pedophiles trafficking young white women. And then you have these prostitutes who would literally offer their children, their infant child, to a pedophile to be raped if it would get them more clicks on Twitter. And this is what the online right is presenting to young people as like, these are your heroes. They're on the right side of history. Normal people don't get a million subscribers on Twitter. Normal people, the guy that works, you know, 50 hours a week to provide for, you know, three kids while his wife stays at home, those people don't run a fucking YouTube channel. They don't have a Twitter account. 1:58:11 Unknown_17: You know what I mean? They can't push out Telegram of the latest, you know, updates of the latest news about how women are whores. They can't do that. Unknown_17: So I don't know. 1:58:44 Unknown_17: I struggle to think of how you can reverse this. Unknown_17: I think that, I don't know, especially because they just, they have all the institutional power. Like you might, they have the, the follower base and they, and more importantly, more importantly, um, Unknown_17: they, it's what people want to believe. People want to be negative Nancy's and they want to believe a certain way. And they have these, these prebuilt ideas about who they hate and who's the bad guy. And so, and what's possible in the modern era and how people are naturally programmed and they will never compromise on this. So they will only follow people who reinforce these ideas. They will never challenge what they think. They will simply buy new e-daddies that pair up what they already know. And it's just, it's like, how do you, how do you compete with that? 1:59:21 Unknown_17: And he like, I don't know, he like fight that. Unknown_17: Yeah, you got to be a positive poly. I'm telling you, like, you just have to be a retard. You have to be positive. You have to think about what you actually want. And then you have to aggressively pursue that recklessly with disregard for what other people are saying. Only you can make you happy. Andrew Tate can never make you happy. America, Nick Fuentes can never make you happy. If you're waiting for somebody to say the magic string of words that tells you this is what you do to be happy, you'll never, ever find that. You'll be alone and miserable for the rest of your life. You'll never know what it's like to feel joy. Because nobody can ever make you happy except yourself. So ignore the negative dances. Ignore all bitter Bettys and rapey Tates. And become positive poly. Only. Forever. 1:59:53 Unknown_03: Simple as. I don't want to watch more of this. 2:00:26 Unknown_17: I'll be real with you. Unknown_17: I hate shred thoughts. I'm explaining right now. Unknown_17: Johnny Somali has been imprisoned. And the interesting thing about... He was imprisoned for obstructing a business or something. He's gotten like one month in jail and he's going to owe like $2,000 in fines. And the interesting thing about that is... Unknown_17: When you are imprisoned in a country, usually your imprisonment is not an excuse for overstaying your visa. If you overstay your visa because you were in jail, they don't say, oh, okay, you're in jail. I understand. Okay, we'll give you like another month. Like your visa does not get halted when you're in jail. So if you end up getting forced to overstay your visa in a country because you were incarcerated in the time that you were in that country, you are still going to be facing deportation. and you're still going to be facing like an overstay uh mark on your record so that you can't come back in easily so japan by imprisoning him for a month even though it's like a very small amount of time it effectively means that he won't be able to return to japan as a as a consequence because they are forcing him to overstay his visa uh and then when they deport him assuming that they don't give him like a deportation order which means that he has to leave um and they deport him by 2:02:39 Unknown_03: Hello. 2:03:28 Unknown_17: You know, there was a video game. It's like a steampunk game. And the basis of the lore was that technology and magic are in opposition of one another. And if a magical person went near technology, it would just start to break. Things would just start to spontaneously destroy themselves. I assume vice versa, that magic was less powerful around technology. Unknown_17: I feel like that. I am being a pure magic, and instead of steampunk trains and other machinations, physical machinations, I destroy computers. Computers just randomly break around me. They recoil in my presence. They fear me, chat. 2:04:08 Unknown_17: the only possible explanation it's the only logical assumption um so such is life i'm gonna i guess i'll delete the other stream linux i'll open that one so frustrating it's so frustrating that shit just doesn't fucking work ever i'll open that one all right cool 2:04:48 Unknown_03: All right, next chat. Uh, anyways, so yes, he appears to have freezer burn on his tongue from, uh, from huffing duster. Unknown_17: Cause you don't know when a can of duster expels air, uh, heat is energy, right? So when you have a Unknown_17: When you have a can of air that is at room temperature, but then it expands rapidly from decompression, the amount of energy and heat that exists at a highly compressed can of air at a room temperature, when expanded, is freezing. It's below freezing. That's why it forms frost when you spray it, because the energy releases creates sub-zero temperatures. 2:05:30 Unknown_17: And then when you spray it directly onto your tongue because you're a retard and you get high off of suffocating yourself effectively, it burns your tongue. So he is so addicted to dusters that he now has a black spot on his tongue from decompressive temperature. Unknown_03: Interesting chat. 2:06:04 Unknown_03: There's something else that I was supposed to show you here. Unknown_03: Is it this? Hold up, let me check my notes real quick. Let me find my notes first because my computer has crashed again. By the way, I just want to show you this. Unknown_17: I have never in my life seen the blue screen of death overlay your application. I've literally never seen it where the blue screen is not just the blue screen. I've never seen the blue screen like superimpose an image from your computer as it dies. I've literally never seen that. I've been on a computer my entire life. This is the first time I've seen a blue screen that's so poetic. 2:06:37 Unknown_17: Anyways. Unknown_03: say it is this king cobra clips that's right it sounds about right i'll try to open these sorry everything is going to be extremely slow as my computer chokes as it struggles to exist in this nightmare even when i go to the effort of uh queuing everything up it still fucking breaks and then i don't have any of the uh 2:07:26 Unknown_03: Any of the shit ready? Maybe I should try to refresh. I don't know if that will help or hurt as these things go. Unknown_17: Now I'm wondering if I'm downloading something because I just started. There might be some weird fucking thing that's taking up my network. No, it's not. It's just really slow. How's your day, chat? Unknown_17: i see on twitter the dsp people are uh trying to salvage together a discord where they can conspire against me and say oh my god that dsp guy maybe discord is where they belong chat maybe the dsp people belong in discord they can talk in hashtag general right underneath hashtag goon windows update no it doesn't show up on the thing so i don't know what the uh 2:08:22 Unknown_03: the actual it's just the site being slow probably might be a dns issue you're sick i don't know do you have the koof you have covent do you test are you masking up are you masking up for the safety and health of others corporation death what Unknown_17: Just use windows 10, 1809 LTSC. I have, I am using windows 10. I am on the long-term support channel. I will find out windows, windows version system information. Um, I am on windows 10, 19 34 long-term support channel. Unknown_03: So therefore. 2:09:17 Unknown_03: is this fucking thing gonna load video stopped loading how is that fucking helpful retard okay i'm gonna try to save it wait why is it showing up now it is a genuine mystery how computers work i control every facet of everything in front of me and yet it still falls apart maybe that's the issue Unknown_03: Unknown time left. Unknown_17: Can't even, what's really, really, really, really, really, really, really frustrating is that oftentimes the, um, the issue is merely on Firefox. And then if I try to switch over to a brave and download it, it, it works just fine. Unknown_17: Now I'm so off my rocker. I'll just play the, uh, the goon clown classy, uh, video and loop for 30 more minutes while I drink. 2:10:22 Unknown_03: No, it's just not gonna load. I just can't fucking believe it. I can't fucking believe how big of a pain in the ass every fucking thing is all the fucking time. Unknown_03: Looks like it's downloading now. Oh, it's downloading at 256 kilobits a second. Unknown_17: Very cool. Unknown_17: There's no reason for it, too. There's literally no fucking reason why it should be so terribly fucking slow all the time. We don't go anywhere near our bandwidth limits. We're not using IO. Wait. The file server is optimized as fast as I can get it. It's using EPOL. It's using AIO. Everything is asynchronous. Everything is threaded. Um... 2:10:53 Unknown_17: The front end servers are fine. They all have one gigabit per second networks. We don't go near that. Unknown_17: It's just, just fucking breaks at fucking random all the fucking time. Unknown_17: And then I spend the day playing with it and testing things and changing things and switching protocols and updating software. And it doesn't fucking get any faster. And I just don't, I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't understand how it can be so terrible all the fucking time. It's better be a funny fucking clip. 2:11:28 Unknown_15: I haven't had a go-gurt and God knows how I can't even hear it. Unknown_17: Wonderful. Unknown_17: Excellent. Unknown_03: Cool. Let me try changing this real quick. Unknown_03: best i forgot i haven't had a gogurt and god knows how i forgot they even still made that takes you back to my childhood i'm a 90s baby so that speaks to me sam's fish tank was down josh should have been on to make it worth watching 2:12:15 Unknown_17: Who the fuck are these people? Who are any of these people? Why are these guys wearing masks? Like talking about King Cobra is like being in the fucking IRA and they're about to drop a pipe bomb in some British police officer's car. What the fuck are they doing? Unknown_05: When I can, like right now, you know, I'm still looking for profit. Hey, Cobra, you get on fish tank, man. You got to punch Sam Hyde for me. But I'll have to pick you if you make the audio fart. 2:12:49 Unknown_18: What does that mean, farty? Like, when you make the audio farty? Unknown_17: You guys are retarded. These are people who are trying to make their careers off being commentators, like doing streams with fucking... Unknown_17: king cobra and they're just like not funny he's like up on air duster and and they're just like what's the 40 sound mean i don't know bro why don't you kill yourself why don't you commune with the dead if you kill yourself and you commune with the dead you might find the answer to your question you might figure out what farty means dipshit 2:13:29 Unknown_17: The other download broke twice, and now I've restarted it, and we are going to see what the result is of this. 350 kilobits per second. That's basically modern-age space technology. Unknown_17: It's slowing down, actually. So as this time has progressed, the waiting time for the second video has gone up. It started at 29 seconds, and now we're at 43 seconds. So somehow this is going in reverse. Unknown_17: I'm actually removing information from my computer as the download goes on. It's just erasing parts of my hard drive as it continues. 2:14:11 Unknown_03: This is a struggle stream. Unknown_17: Existence is suffering chat. Unknown_17: You're not suffering. You're not doing something right. Unknown_17: You don't know why you don't exist. Unknown_17: There's a quote by a famous streamer. Unknown_17: I'll let you guess who it was, but I'll give you a hint. He's from Austria. And he made this quote, a very famous statement about what it's like to be a streamer. Unknown_17: In a very thick South German accent, of course, but he says... 2:14:44 Unknown_17: Those that want to live, let them fight. And those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not get to live or should not be allowed to live. That was a statement by this Austrian streamer in regards to what it's like to try and put out internet content and keep a website on the internet. It was very inspiring to me. It was a very transformative statement, a quote that I adopted into my ethos. Unknown_17: That life itself is struggle. Unknown_17: The video failed to download twice. I am going to take that as a cue that we are not going to get to see this. I apologize if you wanted to see this other video about King Code over JFS, but it's not happening. 2:15:21 Unknown_17: Cool. Excellent. Is there another one? Let's see what we got here. I think I might have just come back just to do the super chats. Oh, wait, no. Okay. There's one more thing. Unknown_17: Let me load all these up. Unknown_17: Maybe I can just like, is it possible that I have like, I am like streaming my own stream. Oh my, okay. The kick chat doesn't show up because the browser crashed for being out of memory. That's wonderful. I love kick, um, kicks interface because it crashes for being out of memory fucking continuously and breaks. 2:16:00 Unknown_17: Uh, that's not playing. It's not playing. And that is playing, but I don't crash for being out of memory. I don't want this to be playing. I want this not to be playing, but it doesn't want to shut off. Okay, cool. Cool. I can't turn it off. Wonderful. Excellent. Unknown_17: That is my lawyer telling me that I'm being sued. Cool. I have to mute system notifications again. I mute system notifications every day and every day they become unmuted. Excellent. Unknown_17: Um, okay. Unknown_17: Neat. Let's see. 2:16:32 Unknown_17: What was I doing? Unknown_17: Just, I literally just turned system notifications off and I literally opened the sound mix here and I turned off. Why? How? How is it turning itself back on? I just muted. Oh my God. I'm about to lose my shit. This is the end. This is the end of it. Me chat. I cannot handle this anymore. Unknown_17: What am I doing? Okay, I am going to... I tried to load this page, and this page actually just did not fucking load at all. That's cool. 2:17:03 Unknown_17: The computer is just disobeying me at this point. I wonder if I'm possessed by, like, a demon. Unknown_17: I'm going to read the Reddit post. That's what we're going to do. We're going to read some Reddit posts. The images are actually loaded, so I don't have to do anything. I'll just read. Unknown_17: So that's cringe already. She has three other kids, probably half black. 2:17:35 Unknown_17: With her first pregnancy, her family were very critical of the baby names she liked. Because they were like Daquanda, Chaponda, Menanda, Manugabi. And they're like, you don't want to name your kid Manugabi. That's a fucking terrible name. How about Steve? And she was like, no. Unknown_17: So she just started giving her children ridiculous fake names, defending them furiously, and then to everyone's relief, changing her mind at the last second and naming them something normal. I thought this was hilarious, and thus we named our baby girl Granadine. The joke kind of fell flat, though. My parents were too polite to say anything, and my wife's family had already caught on and took no notice. We kept using the name as an inside joke, regardless, because it had grown on us. Not long after we revealed the baby's sex and name, my brother revealed that they were male to female and would be transitioning soon. This wasn't massively surprising to anyone, so she didn't really get much of a reaction beyond a polite, good for you, from all of us, to be honest. Do you see where this is going, Chad? 2:18:11 Unknown_17: Skip forward to now. My wife is out of the hospital and we've brought Susan home and my family came to visit that week. My parents were visibly relieved and gushed over the new baby name and her new name. My sister, on the other hand, pulled me aside and asked why we changed it. I explained the whole joke and that it was never a sincere choice and she got very agitated. Apparently, she had adopted the name for herself. I asked why she would even do that, and she told us that she just felt a connection to the name when she heard us say it. I told her I didn't understand the issue, she hadn't legally changed it, and since she hadn't even introduced herself as such to us yet. 2:18:47 Unknown_17: Either. She said that she had started using the name with her friends and in her daily life outside the family. And now it felt as if we were laughing about it behind her back the entire time. I went to rejoin the rest of the family because I'm just baffled at this point and thought my sister can pout for a while, but she'll get over it. 2:19:22 Unknown_17: She hasn't yet and is refusing to speak to me or acknowledge the baby when I bring her over since my sister still lives with our parents. Unknown_17: So this tranny got jealous of his brother getting attention because his wife was pregnant with their first child and decided to trune out to try and steal some of that thunder and some of that attention. Then, for reasons unknown, decided that he would adopt the name that they had publicly selected for their baby, Grenadine, which is a terrible name. 2:20:03 Unknown_17: um for reasons unknown chat what possible reason was this true i do believe it's real this sounds like a real story because it's so weird um it's that right mix of like reddit woke and it seems so pointless like you couldn't come up with a story like this because it's just like so it's so bizarre it doesn't hit the marks correctly you know for like a fake story Unknown_17: i always i'm wondering if it's like he wants to form like a connection with the child you know like oh i'm also new i'm aunt grenadine just like you little baby we were meant we are soulmates we were meant to be because we have the same name it's not coincidence at all i'm a mark whatever you say bro seems like a real story to me it's like what's the if you're if you're posting this and i the asshole What are you trying to get out of this? You know what I mean? Because it's not, like, transphobic enough to spur on any kind of vitriol towards trannies unless you're, like, really paying attention. I don't know. 2:21:03 Unknown_17: Twilight imprinting. Unknown_17: That's a good reference. I got that reference, bro. Good one. Unknown_17: Um, and our divorce, which is probably, I bet you there's a lot of funny stuff in there. Uh, I, okay. You can tell me if you think this one's fake. This is in Jew ash cheated on my wife with an escort and realized I essentially paid to have my life ruined. Vent rant FML 32 M and my wife, 33 F have been together 12 years and married for three of them. I sought out an escort because I wanted to experience things in my, in the bedroom that my wife was unwilling to do. Um, Well, I won't go into detail, but it was the worst sexual experience I've ever had and the worst I've ever felt about myself. I felt total disgust and shame with myself, and I felt like a total piece of shit. My soul feels black. I felt this way before my wife discovered the deleted messages on my phone. 2:21:34 Unknown_17: My amazing wife, who I'd pretty much grown up with, we met when we were both 22, so we spent a really good chunk of our lives together, and I can't believe I threw that all away. I jeopardized a great life we were building together, and for what? A fantasy that actually turned out to be a nightmare that I am now living with every day. She says she doesn't want to be in this ugly relationship anymore. She had already threatened divorce before due to my porn addiction. I don't know how much longer I have left with her, and I've been a mess. This man went out... behind the sacred bonds of mariage and found a hoe a dirty disgusting hoe and he paid this woman to shit on his dick he stuck it in her ass and got shit on his dick and it stank like ass and lube and shit and afterwards he thought Oh my god. This is not like in my videos at all. And his wife found out about the fact that he had paid to get shit on his dick. And is disgusted with him because he had had sex with a dirty hoe. And it's over. It's so jover. 2:22:45 Unknown_17: Fascinating. Fascinating chat. Most trad readers. Unknown_17: He fell for the meme. He fell for all the memes. Can't even feel bad for him. He falls for the memes. Unknown_17: Okay, hold up. I'm going to try to extract a clip one more time from my website. It's not the old one. I give up on the old one. 2:23:21 Unknown_17: Okay, I found the one clip that I wanted to play. And then I have this one. This is a clip for Friday. I forgot what it was and it's not loading. Unknown_17: oh it's just how is it so fucking bad now i've uh restarted my computer so okay i got i think this one's one wants to load i say that aha it is loading oh my god the bar creeping across this 20 second clip taking three hours but it's making its way making my way downtown do you think this gun do you think this gun is stopping me from like 2:24:01 Unknown_20: Do you think this is stopping me? Unknown_00: Like, I mean, seriously, it's not, dude. Unknown_20: It's literally not stopping anything. Unknown_17: He sounds a little bit fucked up. I want to be real with you. I think I said this last game. I'm disappointed in Ralph. Off the wagon. He should be on the wagon harder than ever before, bolted onto that wagon so that he can hit the dab on Rakeda as he is flailing around on the ground way off the wagon. Just a thought, chat. I'm not surprised. 2:24:38 Unknown_17: I'm literally just disappointed. Especially right now. He should be hitting the dabble in Rakeda, but I guess he doesn't hate Rakeda anymore, so he has no motivation to hit the dabble in Rakeda. Unknown_17: Um, okay. I'm going to read, I'm, I, I, someone wrote me an email once and said, Josh, you got to say you can't, you started saying what Dick is. It's true. I was saying what Dick would say at the end of the stream. Like, okay, let's get out of here. I'm gonna let you guys enjoy your weekend. But this is one of the first times in a while where I'm ending the stream and I'm like, I'm so fucking glad this never ending cacophony of fucking nightmares is over. Let us do the green. I don't even know if I have a list of all the Super Chats. I restarted my computer. Rumble doesn't keep history. And the program that I wrote to keep history shuts off when my computer fucking dies. Let's see. 2:25:09 Unknown_03: What do we got? Unknown_17: Okay, so the Super Chat dashboard is completely fucking mangled. I will try to read... 2:25:50 Unknown_17: messages from obs or from uh odyssey and then if i missed any messages i am really really sorry uh i apologize but today's today's just not my fucking day i don't know what to tell you anime for 30 says most esteemed and vulnerable kiwi daima please play this short clip be warned it is actually anime but i'm certain it will simulate your semitic genes Unknown_17: Let's see. You pay me $30. Unknown_17: My going rate for anime... What did I say? Was it $10,000 an hour? Okay, so... 60 times 60. 360. And then for... Unknown_17: And divide that by 10,000 or 10,000 by 300, 6, 3,600, $2 and 7 cents per second. Unknown_17: And then we divide 30 by two seven. You have 11 seconds. You have 11 seconds of anime footage paid for by the super chat message. Let's take a look. 2:26:44 Unknown_17: Was it, was it 11? Was it $1,000 an hour? Unknown_17: Cow. I can't remember what I said. Unknown_17: Here we go. Unknown_20: Well, goi is just like their word for it. 2:27:21 Unknown_17: It's not actually supposed to be like Jewish. Okay, you got your 11 seconds worth for anime, my boy. Thank you. Unknown_17: Yeah, so it's very funny that the Japanese men are saying goi. Hilarious anime. Unknown_17: Rice Cat for 10 says, those Jew tunnels were really well made. I'm sure they had a lot of miners down there. Unknown_17: Funny. Nice meme. Unknown_17: Macho Man, Trendy Savage for 10 says, just picked up a tube of South African Krugerrands. Oh, my God. Congratulations. Silver or gold? I imagine if it's a tube, it's silver. If so, congratulations. You have deprived the continent of Africa of their precious metals. 2:27:54 Unknown_17: James Boone for 35 says, here's some money to buy a can of WD-40 for your squeaky screw and not your chair. And also for a pizza since it is pizza. Dude, I can't fucking wait. I'm so hungry. I'm depressed. Unknown_17: I'm depressed. Okay. Where's my, can I throw some cans? I had cans on my desk. Where are they now? Unknown_17: Depressed chat. Unknown_17: And hangry. Unknown_17: Redacted Gamer for 5 says, Josh, I love the show. I get the mindset of quality over quantity of reproduction, but Hawaii is extremely outbred by every other race and will die unless drastic measures is taken. I don't believe in sex outside marriage. Married white dudes should have many children regardless of financials. 2:28:30 Unknown_17: I mean, I agree that people should aspire to have children. Unknown_17: But like I said, if you don't, I think part of the reason why whiteness is on the decline is that boomers and millennials were such, or not millennials, but Gen X were like such shitty parents. that their kids grew up in an era of amazingly high divorce and, um, and broken families. And they're just like, well, you know, I was miserable growing up and I don't want to put kids through that. And society sucks. And there's, you know, what's the point? So you have to not only have kids, but you have to raise them to want to, to, to be white piviled in Sisyphean, you know? Um, 2:29:12 Unknown_17: Life has never been easy, but if you don't at least try to raise them correctly, you're not going to have a successful, like you might have eight kids, but if they're all suicidal, depressive maniacs, you know, then what are they going to do? They're going to kill themselves and they're going to become cat ladies and shit. And it's like you had eight kids, but you're still a genetic dead end because all your offspring were like raised horrifically and they were antinatalist and they hated being alive. You have to be careful. 2:29:56 Unknown_17: Forsaken Wanderer for 10 says Jonah, the ex-enthusiast, you said in one of your gum roads that Maddie has South Park references in it. What would those references be? Unknown_17: Oh, not like the concept of the podcast, but I reference South Park a lot, I think. I feel like I reference South Park more than any other show or any other thing. Long-time listeners will know that I'm encyclopedic when it comes to South Park because I've literally watched every episode, I think, up until the recent seasons, two or three times at least, including the later seasons that suck. I've definitely seen the first ten seasons like four or five times, I think. 2:30:32 Unknown_17: Forsaken Wanderer says, Josh, what was it that DSP detractors did to cause you to lock the board? The biggest problem I've seen with them is that they're now filled with rainbow flags and furries who cry racism all day. They're just belligerent. I try to talk to them and they're like animals and they don't understand anything except force and being banned and shit. It's really obnoxious. And there's no other area of the site that's like that. If I get upset with some other group because of some shit that's going on, usually they will at least respect my request or pretend to. The ESP people think like, what, you think that us trying to fuck with Phil is a bad thing? Why are you a simp then, huh? Sounds like a you problem. Like, no, I'm going to make it a you problem because you're on my site and you're an asshole. 2:31:10 Unknown_17: So they should probably avoid being belligerent fucking dipshits all the time. Unknown_17: Jack the Bunny says, I'm sorry, Josh, and links a video. Oh, God. Unknown_03: Oh, this isn't news. Unknown_17: I guess I can put the hamster up. Hold up. I have to find him again. He's in my ass. Very nice. Thank you. 2:31:53 Unknown_17: It's .hk, my dude. There's issues. I have to fix them after the stream. But if you go to directly .hk, it should work. Unknown_17: Have you ever thought about pursuing an offline hobby when you have more time? I can picture you doing something like this. I do have hobbies. Unknown_17: A lot of them are computer-related. I would like to garden, though. Okay, let's see what this is. This is my offline hobby. 2:32:25 Unknown_17: This is very autistic. It's like men running around in circles spinning a thing. That's a little bit too autistic for me. I think I'll stick with gardening. Unknown_17: Sneeds for 20 says the Scottish government have finally banned the nanny shit bowl dogs. Babies can now sleep soundly once more. Thank God. The UK has finally done something to protect children. They have gotten rid of the shit bowls. Unknown_17: Shipboats are kind of like abortions though. Unknown_17: You can understand being against them, but keep in mind who they truly impact. 2:32:59 Unknown_17: Thank you though. Act me for 10 says, Josh, do you think this is an appropriate response to our hype consumers society? And then he links to Instagram, which is a very dubious proposition because Instagram loves to block absolutely fucking everything all the fucking time. Unknown_17: Um, Oh, this one loaded. So this is the hump dollar stores and I don't know what this is. So let's see. It's on Instagram. 2:33:30 Unknown_17: opens the door. They're very confused. Dude, I don't know what the fuck this is. This is just like attention grabbing shit. This is not like an actual revolt against the modern world or whatever the fuck you think it is. Unknown_17: No, this is a wiggerish behavior. Gentle heart for $100 says replace your microphone. My good sir, I regret to inform you, it is not my microphone that is the issue. It is some kind of issue with Focusrite. I forget what you call it, the fucking thing. 2:34:03 Unknown_17: It's very specifically that, and it's a connection to my computer. I might buy like a, I think it's a USB-C to USB 1.0, and if I try to put in USB 1.2 or something, it breaks. Unknown_17: So I might get like a new cord, like a modern USB-C cord, and connect that in. But yeah, that's what the issue is. It's a pain in my ass. Everything's a pain in my fucking ass all the fucking time. Thank you, though, very much. Unknown_17: Wemi for 12 says, Etsy.com star. 2:34:39 Unknown_17: That's interesting. I've never been linked an Etsy thing in a super chat. Let's see what it is. Unknown_17: wow weird kiwi farms uh charms and they're just the logo but they're like what are they made of cast in resin variations with gem on request how many people have bought this does it say 2:35:10 Unknown_03: It has one review. Unknown_17: So one person has bought this. Fascinating. I'm at theoretically, I should give them a takedown notice for infringing on my copyright, but I just don't give a fuck. Unknown_17: Thank you. A super turret for 10 says, please tell me some of your favorite birds. This is the first rumble super chat that I can find. So if it's not on, if yours was before this one, I really apologize, but life is suffering. Unknown_17: He says, please tell me your favorite birds. Unknown_17: I love crows. I've said before in the past, someone asked me once if I had a fursona, what would it be? And I said a crow, but I think people like dogs more for like fursonas. I don't know. I like crows. They're very intelligent birds. They're very big. You don't really appreciate how giant ravens are. There's a specific type of crow in Serbia that I've never seen before until I moved, but they're very big and they have like a brown petticoat on. 2:35:44 Unknown_17: So they're not like a pure black raven. They have like a little, little coat on. They are enormous, enormous birds. They are like literally the, the, like probably a foot high, like a foot or two high. And they, instead of walking, they bounce. So they'll like bounce around and they're like these enormous fucking animals. They love to get in the trash cans and, and, but they're like big enough to like pull stuff out, like entire bags of shit and throw them around. 2:36:23 Unknown_17: They're really enormous. I like them. Unknown_17: Casting couch crab for 10 says, hello, Professor Moon. The crab of the day is some overpriced crab bisque served at an Outback Steakhouse that is too far inland for comfort. Unknown_17: Dude, I can't imagine eating fish in, like, the Midwest or something. You know that shit's not, unless it's, like, a river fish from, like, the Mississippi River or Missouri River or some shit. You know that's not going to be, like, fresh fish. Can't imagine eating, like, Alaskan salmon in, like, Iowa or something. 2:36:58 Unknown_17: I do. I'm a big fan of lobster and crab, though. Unknown_17: Up where I'm from, blue crab was a big thing in Old Bay seasoning. If I ever get or I haven't had this a long time, but if I ever got like a bag of shrimp, I would always tell them. Unknown_17: Then I want it seasoned with Old Bay. I want it seasoned with enough Old Bay that you feel like it's too much. This is exactly what I tell them. This is how I get them to do it right. If I say nothing else, they don't put enough in. I tell them I want my shrimp seasoned with Old Bay. Put so much Old Bay that you think it's too much Old Bay. And then put more. Put more Old Bay in before you steam my shrimp. That is the only way to get people in Florida to put enough Old Bay in the shrimp when they cook them. 2:37:34 Unknown_17: It's good. I love Old Bay. Unknown_17: Old Bay is a type of seafood. It's like a general seasoning mix, but it's really, really popular in D.C. and around it. 2:38:06 Unknown_17: Okay, look at you weaklings. Wow. Unknown_17: If you cannot eat Old Bay and enjoy your shrimp, you're weak. Unknown_17: Oh, rumble crash. Okay, my computer might blue screen again. I'm getting, like, memory errors on my computer, so just letting you know. Unknown_17: Oh, and I lost all the fucking Super Chatmasters. Oh, my fucking God. Um... 2:38:39 Unknown_17: spaghetti manny for 20 says hey josh would you be interested in reading some approachable academic papers on precision guided weapons and their impact on nuclear and conventional strategy bro i don't know what that means if you want to like take some here's what you do if you want me to read something find choice quotes extract them post screenshots on the kiwi farms and the math that you're in that thread uh let me check my thing hold on Unknown_03: Uh, okay. Supreme me for two says bonus Reddit content. Unknown_17: My partner betrayed me. I got off work and decided to surprise my partner at their job. They work at a restaurant. When I walked in, they weren't wearing a mask. We have been masking everywhere since the past August, and I'm completely shattered by this. They said it broke, but after pressing them, they admitted they hadn't been masking at work for a very long time. I feel violated. This is two days ago, by the way. This is not like from a year ago. 2:39:39 Unknown_17: I feel violated, and I am in disbelief that they would do this to me. I am not looking for advice. Just have two more hours until I get off work so we can talk more. And I don't know what to do with myself. I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit, but I'm heartbroken, and I feel like my soul has been crushed. Unknown_17: This is a man talking to his wife. He's upset that his wife is not masking. His wife is cheating on him. This is a faggot. They overstepped the clear boundary and didn't communicate it with you. That's a huge no matter the topic. But given that it's putting your health at risk, it's a big red flag. They don't make serious amends and change their behavior. Unfortunately, the only way you can uphold that boundary is to end the relationship. I'm so sorry that happened to you. These people don't deserve to be happy. They literally deserve to be fucking miserable cunts for the rest of their lives. 2:40:11 Unknown_17: uh thank you pancake luchador for five says rumble is starting to put ads before your streams and archives i'm gonna move if they kick move to kick and they keep this up um i am monetized so uh unlike with youtube any youtube archive that you see that has ads has ads placed on them by youtube it is not an archiver thing it's not a me thing it's not my copyright it is the um 2:41:05 Unknown_17: It is the youtube itself monetizing those videos, but I am actually monetized by rumble Um, so if you're getting ads that is my fault, um, because I am showing ads um I should I will look at what the revenue looks for that. I imagine that I am not getting too much money probably like 50 a year Actually, can I show this monetize videos? Unknown_03: It doesn't say Unknown_03: Stats and analytics. YouTube. Unknown_03: Yeah, I can't see, like, ads. Unknown_17: I'll probably, I'll turn that off. I'll look at it and see how much money I make. It's probably very little, and people super chat, so I'll just turn that off. Sorry about that. Wimmy for 350 says, Wim Corp. 2:41:51 Unknown_17: Wait, so that's you. That's you who has listed the Kiwi Farms resident thing. Okay, my dude. Unknown_17: Haram murderer for two says I'm stuck on today's wordle, Josh. It's space, space, ute. And I'm guessing in other words, shoot, shoot or flute. And I only have two guesses left. I'm counting on you, my niba. Don't fuck this one up. Okay. So it doesn't have a C, H, or L. C, H, or F. Is that the wordle? Like the actual wordle right now? 2:42:31 Unknown_17: Okay, hold up. I'm going to pull it up. We're going to do this. Unknown_17: We're going to do a wordle. This is the primo content that everyone watches this podcast for. Unknown_17: Okay, I know how to play. I'm an expert at this. Start with the classic Sneed opening. Unknown_17: So there is an E there. So when that happens, I do Earth. Unknown_17: Uh, so now we have an R T E about, I know what it is. It's a ute sound. So now I can do X, R root crute, R X root re re. 2:43:10 Unknown_17: Uh, it has to be something. Unknown_19: Brute. Unknown_17: Brute. Unknown_17: I'm wrong. It starts with an R. Oh, my God. What the fuck starts with an R like this? Root. Unknown_19: Root. Unknown_19: Root. Root. Root. Root. Root. Root. Root. 2:43:50 Unknown_17: Ah, there we go, my boy. I cracked it wide open for you. There we go, chat. Another day, another word. Unknown_17: rhymes with doom it does not there you go haram koko for two says despite being in the center of the uppercase i internet blood sports you never really got involved closest you got was versus kenny jones can you give us an update did he stop after the expose video um can he kind of i think he just decided that the risk to his work was not worth it because he was like really really into snakes and he didn't want to lose his job doing snakes so i think he eventually just decided to That like arguing online and trying to fuck with that Margaret woman was just not worth like risking his career in her pathology. So he decided to fuck off. 2:44:27 Unknown_17: As far as IBS, I never got involved in IBS because I find the format of yelling at people to be very tiring and not very entertaining. So I just didn't get involved. Unknown_17: uh for the ghost ntc for 11 says did you hear that keno casino was royally felted over their payment processor no i did not my keno casino one of the most important part in our there 2:45:11 Unknown_17: I don't know what this is. This is like a weird edit video and PPP is like dressed as a pig and there's like movie references. I apologize, but I'm not playing this on stream because it's confusing to me. Hate to disappoint my dude. Unknown_17: Spaghetti Manny for 20 says, Hey Josh, would you be interested in reading some approach? I already read this. Send it to me. Clip it out. Unknown_17: A gay store spokesman for two says, Last message got deleted because you're a fucking retard. Just stop. Just fucking shop at the gay store already for fuck's sake. Unknown_17: I cannot. I will not be pressured into being a homosexual that does homosexual things and shops homoerotically. 2:45:47 Unknown_17: anime sucks copen's need for five says that i hear another lawsuit you know what that means pete today and there's a link to the 4chan auto board and there is no joke it's the same fucking thing it's a very fat dragon eating uh pizza and farting in a car that's really really big proportionally it appears to have some sort of like um eczema or like what's that what's that disease where like your skin is like attacked by your autoimmune system and you have like patches of flaky skin Unknown_17: It has a real psoriasis. It has like psoriasis. And, uh, it says, whoa, a chat on the shirt. Excellent. Thank you. Anime sucks. Go for Sneed. You know, Hungarian imperialist for five says, did you see Marty has started harassing BMJ? Yes, I have. Unknown_17: What a faggot. Uh, spaghetti Manny for 20 says, Hey Josh, would you be interested in reading some approach? I already read this fucking eight times. Unknown_17: Um, let me sit on your face. Josh for five says, finally got a day off work to hear your sweet voice. Let me be your spicy senior reader to change your mind about Mexicans. No senior Rita. 2:46:42 Unknown_17: uh no y chicas uh nimals don't what's the word what's the term sorry i have like eight like i've i've learned like very basic components of like eight different languages and now they like all slur together in my brain to one language slushy and then mixes with english too sometimes i say it wrong i'm not reading chat thank you um what's the forever in spanish 2:47:16 Unknown_17: What the fuck? No e-girls. Never. Unknown_17: No e-girls. Nunca. Nunca. Motherfucker. Unknown_17: Gay store spokesman for two says, last one, I swear to God, just go to our fucking store. I already read that. Wait, no. It's a different one. Just go to our fucking store. It's gay. You're gay. You'll love our gay products and gay accessories. Just buy them. No. Haramberger for one says, I have a snapshot of all Super Chats on the Maddie thread for you to go check. Thank you, Haramberger. I'll go look at that. Action Johnny for 10 says, when will you improve your Super Chat software? What the fuck am I supposed to do if the computer fucking crashes? What am I supposed to do with it? Am I going to add a fucking database to my fucking screen scraper now? Is that what I have to do? 2:47:48 Unknown_17: Also tunnel sinks roll action. Thank you. I'm dying now. I'm going to fucking die before the stream is over. Unknown_17: Action. Johnny for 10 says, I heard that. How many, how much money to permanently shut down the DSP board? Unknown_17: They should be paying me. You're right. That's what I'll do. I'll change my mind about the DSP board, but I'm going to start to go fund me. Uh, and it's going to be a thousand dollars a month. DSP fine. Or you can go join discord and goon with your goon friends. 2:48:22 Unknown_17: stalker child enjoy prison for five says jersh i sent this for 15 before the crash uh jumped to 14 30 at the end of the video for about two months okay fine very good that's gonna be great jimmy don't fight what the fuck are you stopping for yeah he sucks punch 2:49:03 Unknown_17: This guy on the left holding the camera he looks like um The guy Trevor from GTA 5. He looks like a fucking man Then say I quit say I quit Jimmy no stop fucking around like a third grade say I quit Bye-bye. Unknown_21: Bye-bye. Quit the show All right Unknown_21: Then say, I quit. Say, I quit, Jimmy. No. Stop fucking around like a third grader. Say, I quit. I quit the show. Why am I waiting? Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Quit the show. Good. 2:49:40 Unknown_21: Let's go, buddy. I thought everyone liked Jimmy. Unknown_17: Why is he bad now? Let's go! Yeah. Hey, you fought fan square. Loud is funny, champ. Unknown_20: All you have to do is fucking fight. Unknown_21: All you have to do is fucking fight against someone you have 30 pounds on. Calm down with this. You told me you were going to make the show good. Mission failed. 2:50:12 Unknown_21: You told me you were going to make the show good. Unknown_17: Okay. That's what you're missing on fish tank. Lots of screaming, apparently. I don't know. Just not my thing. I apologize. I don't really have any input on this. 2:50:45 Unknown_17: Hamtaro says, in the song Windfire, the lyrics are meddling intellect, misshapes the beauteous forms of things. We murder to dissect. It's a form of a 19th century poem. The table's turned by wordsmith penultimate stanza. Unknown_17: okay it's very it's a very poetic and tarot the tables turn by wordsworth penultimate stanza sorry i have no energy left i'm completely drained i'm just i'm just chugging along here i'm so buck broken at the moment deech for 50 says last minute don't know sneak thank you deech what a hero what a champion 2:51:21 Unknown_17: Chaddo5 says, good stream, picture shit. You're bullying our blessed archiver. I'm very sorry. I know. Everything's shit. My archive is fucking out of date. My audio doesn't work. My computer fucking crashes. My site doesn't fucking load anything ever. Unknown_17: You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to eat pizza and I'm going to play Hearts of Iron 4 and I'm going to try again because I can beat Russia but then Italy gets naval invaded by the UK and I can't pierce their tanks and I hate it yet. One day I'm going to take over the world of Romania. Watch me. Watch me. 2:51:58 Unknown_17: Have you ever listened to the band Muse? If so, what do you think of them? I think they're pretty red-pilled. The most recent album was explicitly anti-vax, anti-mask, and anti-lockdown. If you've never heard them, I suggest the song Thought Contagion to start. I have never heard of them, sorry. Unknown_17: I'll check that out, though. Sounds good. Unknown_17: If you have music suggestions, there's a thread for it on the forum that I look at sometimes. Unknown_17: Muse is so gay. Says, for the ghosts in TC. I'm hearing conflicting things. Wiggin for five says, insensitive zero for five says, can't go back to the stream. I don't know if you talked about this. Tucker Carlson has announced that CRP died. I did, in fact, announce that. Very sad to hear. Poor boy. Our angel. Our sweet, innocent angel. Taken from us before his time. By Moses Jones for five says, sent this before the crash for 20. It's good. Everyone's going to send a super chat for $1. I sent this in for $40, bro. 2:52:31 Unknown_17: Bro. Unknown_17: I don't want to play those. Unknown_17: I'm sorry. Did you send me $20? It's just a guy in a hotel. Oh, my God. I hate this fucking guy. He's a fucking TikToker. He just cooks food in gross places. He's throwing chicken in a hotel room. They have to clean that up. 2:53:05 Unknown_06: They don't get paid enough to clean up this fucking chicken grease. Unknown_17: Why are you doing this? Why is there a hotel bathroom? It's just gross. It's disrespectful to the employees that get paid $9 an hour. Okay. Unknown_17: Like that's my thought of that. Let me send your face. You asked for five says I'm no e-girl. I just want to be your sugar mama. No, leave me alone. So it's actually harassing me. I know I'm a handsome and I have it all. I'm good looking. I'm smart. I'm funny, intelligent. I have run my own business. I know you think, God, what a, what a giga Chad, but the answer is now. Let's see. Women think that we can just sexually harass men. It's a matriarchal society chat. 2:53:39 Unknown_17: um mario carter 13 for one says i can't believe crp was put down by the ukrainian supermodels of the dog pound something like that but ip is just completely shitting out my fucking website's dead is it like they like break it i turn off the wrong fucking thing i changed my vpn to canada isn't gonna load is the site just down what's happening anymore i don't even know 2:54:19 Unknown_17: I'm trying cause someone, uh, Haramberger posted the screenshots of the super chats and I would very much so like to read them. Unknown_17: Well, the site don't work, the site don't work. Okay. Let me try opening Tor actually. Maybe if I connect to Tor, this is where we're at. If we connect to Tor and we use the dark net, my site might work. We use the evil rape and murder network known as Tor. Unknown_17: Maybe I'll have some straight my screen counts. Unknown_17: Perronberger made a post saying, just kidding. Fuck you and the sloppy-ass stream. Establish policies and procedures. Fuck you and fuck Linus Travolta and fuck that guy that runs that Linus Tech Tips. He's not Linus Travolta, but fuck him anyways. Fuck you. All right, I'm done. I literally am not mentally prepared to handle this stream anymore. I'm going to fall apart here in a second. 2:54:57 Unknown_17: There's one more super chat that I missed, I think. I did. There is Carrie Kovacs for 10. I think that's a Serb name. So it'd be like Carrie Kovacs for 10 says, God bless you, Josh. Thank you. God bless you too. I appreciate it. Ocean Redux for 10 says, been a while. I hope everything's doing okay. I hope you've been doing okay too. That's really low. Also, do you do anything specific on days off like stuff that you will repeatedly do every time? Um, 2:55:29 Unknown_17: I mean, I never have a day off. I'm on call 24 seven. If I can, I'll play a little bit of hearts of iron. I might play like a first person shooter and get bored of it in a day. Unknown_17: Um, but right now I'm not really in a position to do things like have hobbies and stuff. I will soon for sure. I will soon. Unknown_17: Okay, that's it. If I missed your super chat, I am very, very sorry. Thanks for the big 100 donos on Kik. I really appreciate it. I appreciate everyone's support, even though I'm so fucking roughshod. It's such a fucking mess all the time. One day I will have a proper sit-down place to do streams and shit. My computer is literally cracked open. The fucking case doesn't fit together. I think that the issues with my computer is that the memory is going bad or something because I get memory issues all the fucking time. 2:56:02 Unknown_17: I might have to reseat it again. I might have to replace it. I don't fucking know. I really just don't know anymore. Unknown_17: Anyways, I have a special outro video picked out, so I hope you enjoy. It's a cover of a very famous song that matters a lot to all of us. 2:56:45 Unknown_17: See you on Tuesday, Chad. Bye. Unknown_06: I remember all my life Raining down as cold as ice Shadows of a man A face through a window Crying in the night The night goes into morning Just another day Happy people pass my way 2:57:30 Unknown_06: Looking in their eyes I see a memory I never realized How happy you made me Oh, Mandy Well, you came and you gave without taking But I sent you away Oh, Mandy Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today Oh, Mandy Unknown_06: Standing on the edge of time I walked away when love was mine Unknown_06: And I need you today, oh 2:58:58 Unknown_06: Yesterday's a dream. I face the morning crying out of grief. The pain is toll and old man. Well, you came and you gave. Well, I take it. Unknown_06: Well, you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today Oh, Mandy You came and you gave without taking But I sent you away Oh, Mandy You kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need Thank you.