0:01:30 Unknown_18: You got to go and dig those holes. Man, I'm tired. Unknown_27: With broken hands and withered souls, emancipated from all you know. You got to go and dig those holes. Hey, you're slow, bro. D-10. Oh, that's what we're doing. We're singing. 0:02:13 Unknown_22: Two suits, two tokens in hand I got no respect cause I'm the new man Unknown_26: Oh, chap. 0:02:51 Unknown_33: I hope you've all been digging today. You know what else would have been a good alternative? Diggy Holes, but I think I've already played that one. I have not played the intro songs or the rap song from Holes. Unknown_33: A song from a movie by Disney. Unknown_33: that is written about a white woman falling in love with a black man and being lynched so that one day a half black Romanian child can have his gypsy curse lifted. And it's a really good movie. 0:03:26 Unknown_33: First I think I heard the audiobook to holes while I was taking a road trip with my mom and I was like in Second grade or some shit. It was a long time ago It was a pretty good book Was by Disney and I don't know this was peak 2000s when America was truly a multicultural multi-ethnic melting pot and we didn't particularly hate each other just yet. Unknown_33: Everybody in America declared that they hated each other the nanosecond that Obama was elected. After Obama took office, it was all over. We never recovered. 0:04:03 Unknown_33: So, chat. Unknown_33: Let's see. I do have some stuff lined up. I have a good mix of stuff. I have a very special outro, um, lined up. So if you're, if you are in the mood, stick around there for the super chats. I'm going to play something in its entirety that I usually would not. Unknown_33: But, uh, it's so good that I have no choice. I have to play it. Unknown_33: Besides that, I've been working on the Kiwi Farms and its performance. I've been diagnosing why it's been running like shit. 0:04:38 Unknown_33: I'm very frustrated because it's partly my fault and I've been trying to figure out what I've done and what I've written is so fucking slow. Unknown_33: But I'm working on that in between playing video games I've been playing the finale or final less because I just got bored of it because First-person shooters are something that I play like for a brief amount of time I could get really into it and I play a couple days of like shoot them up and stuff and afterwards I get bored and And I move on, I usually go back to my map games, so I've been trying to figure out why my Romania games suck so much ass in Hearts of Iron IV. Unknown_33: I do not understand why the Soviets can stack 14 divisions on one tile and then no amount of metal can break through all the Russian corpses, but so be it, that is the reality of my playthroughs, no matter what I try. 0:05:31 Unknown_33: On that note, chat, Unknown_33: Don't think that there's anything Kiwi farms related. It's been quiet. It's been quiet too quiet. Unknown_24: The gypsies have been stealing my supplies. Unknown_33: It feels like, uh, cool. Excellent. Wonderful. Unknown_33: Let's see, where am I going to start off the stream at? Unknown_33: Let's make fun of the Jeets. I feel like that is the correct answer. Uh, the, the pageants are upset. They are protesting, uh, having poor grades in their, their classes. I think this is in Canada. Yes. Uh, international students protest outside of Algoma university after being failed repeatedly. So this man right here, this Sikh dude says, please come talk to us. We need explanation. 0:06:06 Unknown_33: So this man who cannot spell is upset that he's failing his exams. A group of Indian and Pakistani students stage a protest outside of Algoma University and they want their professor fired. The protestants have had a bunch of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. This one says, 0:06:41 Unknown_33: Something is fishy, looks possessive, like a scam. Come to country, fail university test, become angry at Hawaii for oppressing you. Many such cases. Unknown_33: um this tweet got cycled around a bit if ai girlfriends really do become as pervasive as online porn what does this mean for you girls and young women who will feel the need to compete with this we can't compete with ai girlfriends this is the new trend um i i predicted or i made the 0:07:19 Unknown_33: Suppose I don't even consider a prediction. It's just stating the obvious when the AI stuff first started coming out and all these waifu generators became like Open-source models and stuff available. You can download like 50 gigabyte large, you know Our neural networks and shit and just make whatever the fuck you want. Unknown_33: I Stated the obvious that a lot of people are probably gonna get lost in this stuff in Unknown_33: in the world it's difficult and when you can just create whatever you want to see uh people will just sort of meld into that and lose themselves in it um it's like a false gratification like sure you haven't really earned whatever you're working for you don't have to draw it you don't have to obtain it in real life you don't have to take a photograph of it remember hearing a story about a guy who was a nature photographer and he had a um 0:08:18 Unknown_33: He had won an award for a photograph he had taken of a fisher bird with a very long beak, like a stork or something, catching a fish. And the picture that he wanted was the beak of the bird just touching the water. but not causing any kind of ripple effect on the water. So, like, literally, like, it looks like it's touching the water, but it hasn't yet caused any kind of surface tension. And he took hundreds of thousands of pictures of birds diving, and it took him years and years to take a photo of this bird, how he wanted to get his nature photograph and the award of it. And nowadays, you can just go to a computer and say exactly what you want, and you can get an exact picture. 0:08:58 Unknown_33: almost indistinguishable in some cases from reality, and soon very easily indistinguishable from reality. And you don't really have to work for it. And for a lot of people, I think that's good enough. Unknown_33: I think that a lot of people just have this very passive, natural disposition towards the world, and they don't really want to do anything or struggle. They never want to feel uncomfortable, so they just accept whatever they're given and take little outlets like this. 0:09:37 Unknown_33: I think a lot of people Unknown_33: Especially like trannies they have this mentality of non competitiveness because when you when you're When you're competitive you can always fail, you know what I mean you can Really put your heart into something and you can completely fuck it up and humiliate yourself And then all these people will come out and say oh look at him. He tried and he failed how embarrassing is that? And it's really painful. It stings a lot to lose and So a lot of people avoid any kind of confrontation like that, which is competitive and has potential to loss. And that's why you see a lot of people who have a support mentality. You know what I mean? There's a group of people who... 0:10:08 Unknown_33: will only play support classes in games because it's much easier to support somebody. And then if you lose, you can just blame your carry or whatever, or your, your, your damage dealers for not carrying hard enough. And the support just kind of takes like the backseat and doesn't really get yelled at enough. Unknown_33: But Unknown_33: They take that kind of it's a it's a sort of way to compete without being Directly competitive and I think a lot of people have that and I just want to they want to occupy Some niche that doesn't have any attention and you can't really fail that and you can just get by in this passive supporting role forever Enter the AI girlfriend For guys who don't want to compete in the sexual marketplace, but still have a 0:11:14 Unknown_33: natural law of attraction towards feeling loved, I guess. I don't know how anyone could ever be placated by something like this, but I know for a fact that people could. Unknown_33: This guy, for instance, Ax Angelo says, the near future of wahmen. What man should want to put up with an abusive, nasty, used up hoe that shrivels into a turd raisin when you can have a sexy, submissive, legal young woman that never fights you, never gets old, never cheats and is your property to do whatever you want with. 0:11:54 Unknown_33: Oh, I should read this. So here we have the nasty turd raisin organo flesh whammin' saying, come back here. Sex robots normalize violence. Sex dolls can be raped. Virgin. Sex robots epitomize patriarchy. Threat of female independence. And then the sex robot says, master, why is the organic female so angry? And Annan, who of course is thin and not fat and a loser at all, says, ignore her, baby. She's just jealous. Unknown_33: He also does a comparison females femoids. I look I don't know what it is. This has become like a weird if I see someone refer to women as females oh This isn't news. I guess I can put the hamster up hold up. I have to find him again. He's in my assets folder Okay Here we go 0:12:26 Unknown_18: Here, we'll switch it up a little bit. Somebody made this. Unknown_33: I'm just gonna go ahead and put them down here. We're gonna just have a, we're having a substitute. The regular news hamster is sick. They're perfect, okay. 0:13:10 Unknown_33: So this guy compares females don't stand a chance now Stay mad. So here's the the wahmen fake hair fake lashes Fake eyes. I don't know what that means. I guess the eyes are glass. She's blind makeup Doesn't cook doesn't clean doesn't watch clothes nags and bitches versus sex stalls fake hair fake lashes fake eyes makeup doesn't cook doesn't clean doesn't wash clothes, but doesn't nag or bitch and Unknown_33: And then this guy. When they start making AI dolls that can reject you, they should also make them able to feel pain so you can slap some fucking sense back into them. In regards to this, where a man is hugging a really ugly robot and says, one of the world's most famous sex robots can now revoke her consent. 0:13:47 Unknown_33: Here's another one of his banger tweets to put this in comparison axe Angelo says y'all seem to forget. It's a doll. It's an anonymous and inanimate object and no different to your refrigerator if they made them reject feel pain crying and shout then we could recreate scenes from the Movies hostile and saw with them and it wouldn't matter because they're not alive I'm reminded of the The 0:14:28 Unknown_33: Game Fallout 3, there's a segment where a evil German scientist, of course, has created a virtual reality. Unknown_33: And after being locked in with these projections of other people's personalities, he goes crazy and starts torturing them because that's the only thing he can do that's entertaining to him anymore. Unknown_33: I'm kind of getting that vibe. I have a feeling that if you have like a woman that can never dissatisfy you and is just like a robot, eventually you would just go insane by having absolutely zero friction and you just start taking an axe and like hacking them up and you just start going through the motions like buying new ones and hacking them up because there's no point. He would just go crazy. 0:15:18 Unknown_33: Yeah, Tranquility Lane. It would be like Tranquility Lane. It would go insane. Just start torturing your sex robot, because she can't displease you or fight against it, so you would fucking lose your mind. Unknown_33: Bathtub full of dildos? Unknown_32: This is him. What bathtub full of dildos? Does this man have a bathtub full of dildos? 0:15:54 Unknown_33: Hold up. Okay. I'm gonna open this guy's thing. I'm gonna take this off Someone has promised me but there's a picture of a bathtub full of dildos And I'm scrolling down his page real quick Maybe he's deleted it because This guy posts a lot about how much he hates women 0:16:29 Unknown_18: I don't see a bathtub full of dildos though. Unknown_33: We're just going to have to take this guy's word that this guy with a sex robot also owns an entire bathtub full of dildos. Unknown_33: I do believe it. I'm not, I'm just going to say it. I do believe it. You know who hates women the most gay people? Unknown_33: Uh, Howard Stern announced to the world that, uh, wait, here we go. Wait, no, actually, no, I found it. One second. Unknown_33: I see the tweet that someone was talking about. 0:17:04 Unknown_18: I will go back to making fun of Howard Stern in a second. Unknown_18: Okay, here. Unknown_33: Axe Angela says, whenever women use in display dildos, they're encouraging the idea men, in some cases, animals are just sex objects to be used and abused without consent. And that's not okay. And very rapey. Unknown_33: I think that is supposed to be a joke. Um, and then he has this literally a bathtub full of giant, enormous, weird, multicolored dildos. 0:17:37 Unknown_33: And, um, one is literally a corn cob. I want to point that out that there is a gigantic corn cob dildo right there. Unknown_33: Um, and then this person tried to 10 I it and it got zero matches. So this guy, Unknown_33: may, theoretically, based on the information available to us, may be in possession of an enormous bathtub filled of dicks and also an enormous corncob dick that he shoves up his ass. Unknown_33: So, this is the, you know, 0:18:13 Unknown_33: There's something that I that I saw I can't remember what it was It was a post by a new user that was in the approval queue on the Kiwi farms for because when you're brand new There's an approval queue for your first few posts And he made a it was posting a thread I think about porn and he mentioned how I Can't remember what it was, but he made a Unknown_33: He made some kind of point about very bright colors and how that reprograms the brain and I really think that I think that there is like You know that bisexual lighting that like a lot of like twitch thoughts use a keffel's uses it, too Unknown_33: And, like, you look at the furries and all the sparkle dragons are all, like, super bright neon colors. And you look at this guy's bathtub and it's all full of, like, neon-colored dicks. There is something weird with, like, bright neon colors that stimulates, like, the erotic area of the brain. And you can tell when someone is trying to be erotic just by, like, what colors they're using in a shot. I don't know if there's, like, a color theory for this, but it's something that I've learned. 0:19:11 Unknown_33: Yeah, the bisexual colors, you see that one in the background that's like a purple and bright pink, that's called bisexual lighting. It's a very popular thing with like Twitch Slots and Shed. And it's just something I noticed, but there's like a very tight correlation between bright neon colors and like sex. And they use that, they use it a lot. They use it to make things that are innocuous, sexual. It's something that I have noticed. 0:19:50 Unknown_33: It's not schizo, it's true, you'll notice it now too that I mention it. Anyways, Howard Stern, this is schizo. Howard Stern came out to CNN a couple, I think years ago at this point, I don't know when this was filmed or written. Howard Stern says CNN is over the COVID-19 pandemic and is taking on anti-vaxxers who refuse to get the shot. Should I say vaxxers the same way I say docs? Because it's spelled the same. 0:20:24 Unknown_33: Like toxic, doxing, vaxxers. Yeah, I think that works. Anti-vaxxers who refuse to get the shot. Speaking on his Sirius XM satellite radio show about the recent deaths of several anti-vaxxers, radio host Stern said people who don't get vaccinated are idiots and called for vaccinations to be mandatory. He says, when are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get vaccinated? Fuck them. Fuck their freedom. I want my freedom to live. He said, I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to take some pictures. This is bullshit. Stern, who is vaccinated, is also frustrated over COVID patients who choose not to get vaccinated, causing hospitals to be overwhelmed. I've heard What's funny is that I've heard from so many different like people who worked in hospitals that during kovat 19 like they were having trouble paying for for staff because I 0:20:58 Unknown_33: the uh like there was nobody there was nobody going to hospitals because the the injury rate was across the board down there were no people getting sick there were no people with covid there were no car accidents there are no like firework injuries there are no people getting shot like everything was across the board way the fuck down 0:21:42 Unknown_33: And there's not a single person who posted from a hospital on the Kiwi farm saying, I work in a hospital and we are, we are actually overwhelmed. Seems like they were just fine doing fucking TikTok videos and shit. So I don't know what they're complaining about. Unknown_18: All right. Unknown_33: Uh, so Howard goes on to say, if you have a heart attack or any kind of problem and you can't get into the ER, and I'm really abiding to say, look, if you didn't get vaccinated and you got COVID, you don't go to a hospital. So you had the cure, you had the cure and you won't take it. Wow. It's such a cure that backs. This is an old article you can tell. Cause they wouldn't print this today. They wouldn't print, um, people calling it a, uh, a cure today. 0:22:21 Unknown_33: I was like who the fuck is spamming my kick chat, and I realized that it's boss man Jack's chat That's flooding into it's being scooped up by my arm It's It's my my plug-in was scraping his chat as well. Sorry. I didn't realize that it was the boss man Jack chat flooding mine Boss man Jack is too powerful across the streams. Oh 0:22:56 Unknown_33: Okay, then Shot chaser Howard Stern the shock jock XM radio announced on his talk show on Monday that he has kovat 19 Stern who said his show was supposed to be back in the air last week So he had to take the week off because he had kovat and he still has it today Finally, it's not fair. I know your hero wasn't supposed to get it. Stern said that he's still testing positive since he got COVID-19 last week. Stern says he's also no longer contagious since it's been five days since his COVID positive test. It's impossible that I got COVID, said Stern. Stern hasn't been anywhere. He went to his mother's and wore his mask the entire time. He's still masking up. 0:23:28 Unknown_33: He also said that he saw his assistant and his driver without a mask and they both tested negative. So he won't even like get in the car with somebody unless they're testing negative. He's still doing the shit. Stern said he also gave COVID-19 to his wife, Beth Stern. I must think the scientists who helped develop the COVID vaccine, Stern said, as he told her the story and how bad his COVID has been, Stern has been on the record as being against anti-vaxxers. Unknown_33: So the cure didn't stop him from getting COVID and didn't stop him from getting bad COVID. 0:24:06 Unknown_33: It's crazy. Dude, how old is he? I bet she's like 60 something. Unknown_33: How old is Howard Stern? 69. My dude, it's time to die. You have nothing more to offer this world. You have nothing to give. Your life means less than my freedom. I have 30 more years before I'm a decrepit old fuck like you with nothing to give the world. You just gotta die at some point. We can't cry about it, we can't say, oh no, Howard Stern, he was fucking ancient, but he died. 0:24:40 Unknown_02: What was, how are we gonna live? What a world, what a world where a young man like that can die of COVID, oh. Unknown_33: Sick of it, man. Linus, Linus Travold, how old is he? How old is Linus Travold? Unknown_33: Biddy Foe, Biddy Foe is not that bad. It's less than 69. Unknown_33: It's just, I don't know, it's like... Unknown_33: These people, the elders of our generation, the people who are like 60 plus right now, are so afraid of dying. They're so afraid of dying. It's like they think that the cure to death is like right around the corner. If they can just make it another 10 years, then we'll all be plugged into the matrix and nobody will die anymore. Like we're that close to biological immortality and they're so afraid of not making it onto the, 0:25:15 Unknown_33: onto the the SOMA the SOMA space station you know being on the SOMA disk and being planted into the future it's crazy I literally know people who believe us dude I'm sure I'm sure they all they're all so close to SOMA man we just got we just got to make everyone wear the vax or wear the mask and triple quadruple vax we got to make it 10 more years we're all gonna make it to SOMA cool 0:26:09 Unknown_33: I think this is a different one, I think. Sex trafficking survivor wins a lawsuit against Pornhub for creating a model that enables them to profit from sex trafficking adventures involving tens of thousands of children. This is actually a class action lawsuit. Unknown_33: It's on behalf of Jane Doe and all others similarly situated. Unknown_33: And the judge says, all persons who are under the age of 18 when they appeared in a video or image that has been made available for viewing on any website owned or operated by the defendants anytime from February 12th, 2011 through the present. Within 21 days of this order's entry, the parties are directed to meet, confer, and file a written plan for how the class-related portion of this case will proceed. 0:26:44 Unknown_33: So they won, and this is a class action lawsuit, so now expect to see advertisements like, Have you or someone you've known or loved had their nude or personal images uploaded to Pornhub or XYZ or ABC? Unknown_33: Since February 2011 you may be entitled to compensation now contact the law offices of so all the fucking Vulture lawyers are gonna come out now and try to get people to file claims and shit And I'm sure that the money that they're entitled to will be like a thousand dollars tops. That's all it's gonna be But it is a damage at least 0:27:26 Unknown_33: Pope Francis has called for a universal ban on surrogacy. He says it exploits mother and child. Pope Francis called money for a universal ban on what he called despicable practice of surrogate motherhood, as he concluded the commercialization of pregnancy and annual speech listing threats to global peace and human dignity. In a foreign policy address to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, Francis lamented that 2024 had dawned at a time in which peace is increasingly threatened and weakened and in some parts lost. 0:28:05 Unknown_33: But many, many different things. I'm sure many of the pause things, this was one unpaused things. Hey, Catholic bros. Hey, Catholic bros. Remember me? I live in the Vatican. I said something ba-ba-ba-based. Unknown_33: Uh, I'm going to go back to kissing migrant feet now. Unknown_33: Sucks. Unknown_33: Maybe it's, maybe he's like testing the waters. I always said that people would actually respect Catholicism more if he didn't, um, Unknown_33: wasn't so fucking craven and gave in to every single liberal talking point ever. 0:28:40 Unknown_33: Uh, this person, a black person read the reds. This is my page. I say what I say. I blocked the little, so try it lightly. 40,000 followers. Oh, she's a whore. Look at that bisexual lighting. I guarantee you she's got nudes on that page. Unknown_33: Uh, but I saw this tweet cause it was funny. Unknown_33: She says, this might be the most egregious display of anti-blackness I've seen in a grip. These words or sayings are prohibited in my classroom. If you're caught using these words, you'll write a short essay explaining why you chose to use these words in an academic setting to express yourselves. 0:29:20 Unknown_33: Here we go, here's the list, ready? Unknown_33: Bruh, standing on business or bidness. Unknown_33: Oh, we are ski ski. Listen twice. If you say ski, you're fucked. You ate that up. That's cap. What's up gang bet. Oh my God. Miss T. Oh God. Oh God. Oh my mama. Oh my dead mama. Dad, aunt, cousin, or any friend, family or associate. Riz. 0:29:55 Unknown_33: What's up G Wade? In the cut with my twin. Just vibe. Gap. On bro. On hood. Gang gang. Nigga. On me. On the set. Freak ya mean. Period. Money. Big dog. Motion and or big motion. Just vibe twin. What's up twin? Knee. It's given. This list is subject to change. 0:30:28 Unknown_33: Do you guys believe that this is a direct? not even vernacular Do you guys see this as the direct attack on? African-american vernacular English that it is or do you guys believe that this is a hot woman? Just ignorant to the way that the black folks is talking these days. I Unknown_33: Maybe that should be listed. Number 33, chirp! Unknown_33: If your fucking fire alarm is chirping in my classroom, you're out. You have to write an essay about it. You have to write me a technical manual on replacing a 9-volt battery. 0:31:02 Unknown_18: Anyways, Ms. Unknown_33: Redhead did not like this. Unknown_33: I can't read the comments because of Elon's Twitter. Unknown_33: Gary Marcus says, rough translation, we won't get fabulously rich if you don't let us steal, so please don't make stealing a crime. Don't make us pay licensing fees either. Sure, Netflix may pay billions a year in licensing fees, but we shouldn't have to. Mo' money for us, mo'. In response to an article on the Daily Telegraph about OpenAI calling for copyright exemption in the United Kingdom to save chat GPT, 0:31:35 Unknown_33: This is the ongoing dispute about OpenAI at this point, is that a computer is incapable Unknown_33: of actually coming up with something new. And I mean, in general, people are like this too. Like if you try to be random, you're not going to come up with something totally unique. You're just going to either reference something at random, or you're going to like remix a bunch of different things you've already heard into something that sounds untraceable. That's why I like Schizophrenics. because schizophrenics are, they're not random either, but when they try to reference stuff like glow in the dark, like it's just, it's so abstracted from whatever Terry Davis was thinking of that it comes across as something like genuinely random and genuinely new. Uh, so that's why schizophrenics are interesting to me, but, uh, Computers in particular are totally incapable of creation. They can only remix. They can synthesize patterns and develop them into new expressions, but they can't create from scratch. 0:33:01 Unknown_33: So every model is actually just a deep learning network based off of other people's work. Unknown_33: And that's why certain artists get very, very angry Unknown_33: When you can type in their name and get a character that's drawn in their style because they feel like they're being plagiarized, their art style is being stolen, their copyright is violated. Unknown_33: And though, we're going to have a conflict of two very important lobby groups in the United States. Unknown_33: Copyright is one of the most fundamentally powerful things in the United States because copyright is owned by By a tunnel-digging race in the United States and therefore it's inherently powerful, but on the other hand Every country in this world has recognized that artificial intelligence is the most important 0:34:02 Unknown_33: thing to the future of mankind. The country that develops artificial intelligence is going to be the country that runs the world next, for multiple reasons. Unknown_33: In general, from like a very philosophical standpoint, you can ask a truly intelligent machine, If you're China, you ask your machine, how does China take over the world and impose its will on the planet? And it can start to formulate ideas. And if there's other AI that come out, they can combat those other AI effectively. And you have a head start, so you're always going to be in the lead because technology builds upon itself. But also from a combat perspective, Once we have rockets that can be guided intelligently, the threat of ICMBs disappears. You can no longer launch a nuclear warhead into Washington, D.C. from Beijing or from Moscow or from a nuclear submarine if there is a barrier of artificially intelligent guided missiles that can deconstruct it mid-flight and stop the payload. 0:35:12 Unknown_33: So, whoever harnesses this technology is going to be the global superpower and will remain the global superpower for quite a while. And the same way the US was once we developed the nuclear weapon. Unknown_33: ICBM was whatever. I don't care. Unknown_33: The question is, is the government going to give basically free reign to artificial intelligence because they need artificial intelligence to stay competitive, or are they going to tie up artificial intelligence in a way that harms it to satisfy copyright owners? And that would be a really, really funny way for the United States to lose its competitive edge. 0:35:57 Unknown_33: Because if you don't know, one of the main reasons why the Soviet Union fell out of competition with the United States is that the Soviet Union didn't have capitalism, and when computers were becoming a thing, the Soviet Union was incapable of producing microchips and semiconductors and the things important to computers at a level that was fast enough to compete with the United States, and the Soviet Union lost out on a lot of efficiency that the United States was gaining in the 80s and 90s. 0:36:38 Unknown_33: So it just stopped being successful as a country. So it'd be funny, and it would sort of mirror that if the United States fell out of competition with China. Unknown_33: because our copyright laws are so strict, and the rights owners of media groups and shit are so powerful, they were able to hinder the development of artificial intelligence through legal means, while China has no such issues, if Beijing funds these things directly. Unknown_33: and doesn't have to worry about copyright because they're a communist country. They don't give a fuck. 0:37:17 Unknown_33: So that would be interesting. That would be an interesting reflection of history. Unknown_33: Anything to fuck over Disney. Unknown_33: If it means China becoming the only global superpower, so be it. Fuck Disney. Unknown_32: Cool. Unknown_33: Jews digging tunnels. Unknown_33: So, uh, let me, let me put this in reverse actually. Oh wait, no, this isn't that hold up. There's a tweet that I have somewhere. 0:37:51 Unknown_18: Hold up. Where's this? I don't know how this did not make it into my box. Unknown_18: Is this it? Oh, please. 0:38:24 Unknown_18: No, fuck. It's not it. God damn it. Oh, I'm going to lose my mind. I'm really sorry. Unknown_33: There's a, um, there's a tweet of a guy freaking out. Unknown_33: Somehow fucking miss this. Unknown_33: Wait, wait, wait, hold up. I think maybe it's below this post. Unknown_33: No, oh, it's bookmarked. It's bookmarked on my Kiwi farms. Give me a second. Sorry. I want to talk about this really, really badly, but the best way to introduce people to it is to read this tweet. 0:38:56 Unknown_33: If I don't find it, I'm going to count to like 10 in my head. And if I don't have it by then, thankfully the Kiwi farms is fast enough right now that there's actually a non-zero chance I'm going to find this in time. Unknown_18: I said, okay, I want to ask somebody for help real quick. 0:39:32 Unknown_33: Oh, here it is. Okay. I got it. This one. All right. I died on stream again. Unknown_33: Uh, this guy, okay, so this guy, okay, this man, this poor man, Richard Schrocher on X says, I swear I keep hitting Yiddish, hearing Yiddish under the floors in my New York apartment. I live on ground level and we have no basement. I'm not crazy. There are Jews living under my apartment. I hear them like it's digging or something. For the record, I live at ground level. We do not have a basement. Now this man is obviously crazy. Obviously there's not tunnel rat Jews digging in the basement, digging a basement under his apartment building. That is completely insane. There is no way that's happening. Except it was happening! The Jews are digging tunnels under New York City! How? Why? For what reason? What nefarious purpose are the Jews digging tunnels? But they are! Nobody knows why! Nobody understands why! So, there is a famous building in Manhattan called the... 0:40:05 Unknown_33: The Shabbat? Shabbat's iconic headquarters. So the Shabbat are like a weird sect of Judaism. They're called Messianic Jews. So if you don't know, Christians started out as a form of Messianic Jew, where they believe that Jesus was the Messiah that was prophesied in the Torah. 0:40:44 Unknown_33: However, Jesus is not the only Messiah that has come around. People believe that Bar Kokhba, who led the revolts against Emperor Hadrian and the Roman Empire and who was massacred and resulted in the diaspora of Jewish people across the world. Some people believe at the time that he was the Messiah, but also these guys in the Chabad headquarters in Manhattan believe that some guy like in the 80s was the Messiah. So they believe that that site that they're at is very holy. And the Messiah told them to expand his headquarters and make the Chabad bigger. 0:41:23 Unknown_33: And so apparently the explanation being given is that they literally have decided to expand his headquarters by digging tunnels underneath of their headquarters and around the block and stuff. Very strange, very strange. Unknown_33: Menachem Schneerson, which is a very weird name, and it's very close to Menachem Sneedson, which would be much funnier. 0:42:04 Unknown_33: But he is apparently the messiah to these people, who are very orthodox, and New York State has discovered that these Jews is digging tunnels and shit, and they don't know what the fuck is happening, they just know that that is against the civic policies of the city and they're filling in the fucking tunnels but the jews are not having it they are pissed so let's let's let's see it this is a tunnel that the one of the entrances was behind wood paneling inside the Unknown_33: I think this is them tearing up the wood panelling. 0:43:21 Unknown_33: Oh my god. Dude, it's so scary. This anti-semitism. These police are roughhousing these poor Jewish men. In broad fucking daylight, these fucking Gestapo, Stasi motherfuckers, goose-stepping around the streets of New York, oppressing Jews in broad- I can't believe it. We need to do something about New York City. It's become- it's become the- the sport- the sports past, okay? 0:43:53 Unknown_33: I'm not sure why they're getting arrested for, I think they don't want the tunnel open? Um, I think, is this the one where the guy's climbing out of the sewer? Unknown_33: They're like escaping from the tunnel because the police have invaded it. I don't know what this one, I haven't watched through all these yet. Unknown_33: There's like protests going on, all the Jews are really pissed off that the Goyim are shutting down their tunnels. 0:44:34 Unknown_18: Where's the one of the guy escaping the tunnel? Unknown_33: You can see the rights and stuff. The confrontation. Oh, this guy. Here he is. Unknown_33: Hey rabbi, what you doing? Unknown_33: Why are you climbing out of the sewers? Unknown_33: What are you doing? No, back to Israel. I go. Unknown_33: Uh, this is them welding that gate shut by the way. 0:45:08 Unknown_16: You can hear them crying. Unknown_33: Yeah, they're crying because they're, they're, they're poor. Innocent tunnel is being filled in. Unknown_33: One of them. Is this the one where they, there's a very specific one. And if I can't find it, I'm going to have to find it. Although the bed, if you know, you know, if you know, don't spoil chat. Unknown_33: This guy's arrested. Unknown_33: They're really pro- They're pissed. No, you will not fill in my tunnels, William. Why you, why you, why you? 0:45:40 Unknown_21: Why you? Why you, sit down. Yo. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo! Don't you wish you were a Jewish just so you could participate in these shenaniganaries? Unknown_33: If there was a, okay, listen, if I was in New York city, I would join the tunnel Jews because that's fun. Give me a pickaxe. I'm going to go dig a hole. I'm going to dig a hole while playing dig a hole. I'll dig in a hole. 0:46:14 Unknown_02: I was just reminded of those. Hold up. Unknown_30: Here we go. Unknown_19: TUNNEL SNAKES RULE! WE'RE THE TUNNEL SNAKES! THAT'S US! AND WE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RULE RU 0:46:45 Unknown_33: You know, tunnel snakes rule sounds a lot like Jews rock. You know what I mean? There's a, there's a, there's a, there's a little bit of a connection. There's a mental wiring happening between these two concepts. I don't know. That could just be me. Where the fuck is the mattress is why I don't know. 0:47:18 Unknown_33: One of these has to be the mattress. Unknown_33: Let's skip ahead. Cause I think someone points it out. Unknown_33: My site's learning sneaky enough that I might be able to get away with it. Unknown_18: Um, hold up. 0:47:56 Unknown_33: So I'm gonna find a picture. Aha. Unknown_33: It's on Reddit, of course. My first instinct, of course, should have been to go to Reddit. Unknown_33: Oh, it's on New York City has 600. Oh, fuck you. You can't use a VPN. Unknown_02: Hoffman can't send you advertisements if you use a VPN. We're just a poor little innocent startup company. We can't afford to not show you advertisement. You gotta use a VPN. Unknown_24: Kill a VPN. 0:48:30 Unknown_33: This reddit that has a picture of a stained mattress from a tunnel snake tunnel is asking me to get vaxxed. No, no New Yorker city subreddit. I don't think I will. Okay, listen, they pulled this out of the tunnel. You tell me chat. Why is this blood stained mattress getting pulled out of a tunnel snake tunnel? Huh? Explain to me this. Unknown_33: What possible use for a bloodstained mattress would these nice Jewish men have in their tunnels? Unknown_33: Like, yeah, they're rushing that out. The tunnel's gonna get filled in, but they're getting ahead of the controversy and pulling out the blood stain. What an interesting spot for that stain, too. Imagine if you're laying on a bed, right, and there's that stain. What part of the body would that be coming out of? It's either your head or your crotch, right? Am I wrong? Because it's either, is that the, if you're sitting midway through, 0:49:08 Unknown_33: There's either, there's one of two ways. Like if your butt is on the edge of the bed for some reason, like for some reason, if your legs were hanging off the bed and your position at the end of the mattress, then your crotch would be there. Or if you're laying down and that's where your head was, and that would also be where the blood is. It's just weird. Just weird. This bloodstained mattress from this Jewish tunnel. I wonder what it's for. Maybe, maybe, okay. Alternative idea. The Jews are digging tunnels. 0:49:47 Unknown_33: to help end the homelessness crisis in New York City. And the reason why it's stained is that a lot of the people sleeping there just have really poor hygiene. And sometimes, you know, it gets stained with like hair grease. Maybe it's like shit from their ears. But it's just stained because that's where, you know, that's where the homeless are sleeping, that they're taken care of. 0:50:19 Unknown_33: Because it's a non-profit type thing. Either that or it's a rape dungeon. But that's retarded. Rape dungeons are an anti-Semitic conspiracy. Unknown_33: Unlike Jewish tunnels under New York City, which are not an anti-Semitic conspiracy. That's actually real. There are those. Unknown_33: Strange. Baby blood. It could be. It could just be nice, healthy, wholesome circumcisions that are happening on that mattress. Unknown_33: Which is a completely legal thing. 0:50:56 Unknown_32: By the way, hold up, let me find something real quick. Unknown_18: Um, wait, I found it. Unknown_33: It's a really hard word. Unknown_33: Okay. So if you are a New Yorker, haven't, haven't helped you. Guess what? You are in a Jewish house. 0:51:34 Unknown_33: You literally live. If you live in Manhattan, you live in a Jewish house of creating Holy space. Wait, the wrong browser. Sorry. Unknown_18: But the bow. Unknown_00: The idea of creating holy space is really an idea that people generally appreciate today. 0:52:17 Unknown_00: One of the prohibited activities on the Sabbath is something called carrying. Unknown_00: The rabbis realized the difficulty in enjoying the Sabbath if you weren't allowed to carry outside of the house, and therefore they created a construct in which the area in which the Jews lived was enclosed first by a wall or a fence and then eventually by a symbolic wall or fence which was created by setting up two poles and a string on the top of the two poles. 0:53:05 Unknown_00: And that imaginary wall served to religiously enclose the neighborhood and to allow Jews to carry within that neighborhood. What's amazing is that in 1970, there were under 10 Arub. I want to show you the map. All of North Arub. On the Upper West Side is now the Arub. This area. Almost all of Manhattan from Unknown_33: This area of Manhattan is by their laws, a Jewish home. It is encircled in the fish transparent fish line, a row. And according to rabbinical texts, this is their actual home. And therefore they're allowed to carry things in this area because it's where they live. So if you live in this area, you live in a Jewish house by what this man just said. 0:53:44 Unknown_33: I don't know why that one part is cut out. It might be like an industrial sector Maybe that's where all the black people live, so they don't want them. They're like fuck it Draw a line around them I'm not familiar with the the demographics of New York City, so I'm not sure what's in that little area, but Very interesting I appreciate I 0:54:26 Unknown_33: This is why Jews are really, really good at law, by the way, because the Torah is a very small book. And it's the definitive word of God in the Jewish religion. And it's a very strict set of rules. There is no forgiveness, right? There's no grace. So if you want to be Jewish, you have to follow the rules. Unknown_33: Well, it's a short book, and it contains every rule you have to follow. But then there's caveats, and you wonder, well, it says I can't carry, but can I carry, like, in a fenced area? Unknown_33: enter the other books of Judaism, like the Talmud. There are several books like this that are a part of the Jewish expanded universe that explain the rules a little bit better. And the rules are effectively debated in a legalistic way. It's sort of, all these books that are like writers to the Torah are like case law in Jewish rabbinical law. And they explain all the nitty gritty and the very precise rules. So, you wonder why They're such proficient lawyers, it's because they're raised on a religion from birth that is effectively just a series of 4,000 year old case law books about how to follow the Torah. And if you live in Manhattan, you live in a Jewish home, just so you know. You're also living above their tunnels, and there might be a circumcision happening under you at any time. 0:55:44 Unknown_33: Cool. Okay. Tranny stuff, I think. Unknown_33: Oh, okay. So this is my natural segue. We're going to explore this together. I have this queued up, but I don't, I don't know what exactly off the top of my head. Uh, this guy is named Kayla. Unknown_33: or Pravnavi Kalavthama Lorai, or Jacob Lorai. He's a tranny, and he's digging a tunnel illegally. 0:56:22 Unknown_33: Under his home, he has been digging tunnels, and the local city governance is very upset about this. Let's watch some of these videos. Unknown_23: It's just been over a year since I started building my underground tunnel system. Unknown_23: This is a one-year recap. Unknown_23: In August of 22, I cut an opening off the side of the sub-basement and started to carve into the solid rock. 0:56:57 Unknown_23: Fabricated an elevator to lift material. 1,000 pounds at a time. Unknown_23: As the entrance tunnel stretched longer and deeper, I bought an electric yard cart and converted it into a mine cart. Unknown_23: I used hundreds of concrete blocks and yards of hand-mixed concrete for the 30-foot entrance tunnel. Unknown_23: As it got deeper underground, I ran into a lot of groundwater and a spring which made work harder and required constant pumping. Eventually, I set up a sump basin and a pump which is keeping the system dry. 0:57:34 Unknown_33: Oh, he hit an aquifer. Those are difficult to deal with. You usually have to pour lava into it, and then you can dig through the granite that forms to get underneath the aquifer. It's very difficult, and you have to find pumps. pump stone to make parts with that are lava proof. Unknown_23: Set up a blower and air duct for ventilation. Unknown_23: The main chamber is 22 feet below ground and I set up rebar lattice work and a steel form to pour concrete with a trailer pump. 0:58:19 Unknown_23: One of the forms failed and the concrete bulge needed to be removed, which was affectionately called the elephant's foot. There is still a lot of work left to do, but I am having a blast and enjoying sharing this project with you. Unknown_33: Prediction. Prediction. This cable collapsed. The government will have to pay millions of dollars and usher in a massive rescue team to try and save this person from their own tunnel. Unknown_33: They will fail. This person will suffocate tragically under a mountain of rubble that they created using their Section 8 housing and tax credits instead of working a job. 0:59:07 Unknown_33: Then, an online news site will publish a timeline of the events. An internet historian will steal this carte blanche and make a video about the collapse and this person's suffocation. And then I will chastise him for plagiarism in the future and that will piss off a bunch of my fans again. Unknown_33: This is the future. This is an unavoidable timeline of events. Unknown_33: Uh, let's see more. Okay, so that's the general project. Uh, this is his nice garden. Unknown_23: This is my vegetable garden. It's been a bountiful year, not for vegetables, but for weeds. 0:59:44 Unknown_23: I have a small clump of strawberries and something that's supposed to be a trumpet vine, but I'm thinking it might be something else. And a foxglove. Unknown_23: And a little bit of ragweed. Unknown_33: um so what why do you call it a vegetable garden if you didn't grow anything love the smell of ragweed oh my god dude look at this look at this look at this most importantly is Unknown_33: the bald spot oh that's tragic english ivy it comes from my grandmother's backyard which was overrun with the stuff years ago i played in the ivy when i was a child and during easter she would hide plastic eggs with candy under the dense foliage unfortunately she hated the ivy and spent years eradicating it i dug up the very last shoot from her yard and brought it here and now it's spreading there are The destruction of my IV was one of the most traumatic events of my childhood. My grandmother was a Baptist, a Southern Baptist, and she hated gays and homosexuals. And when she caught me in my sister's dress, she made me put my hand in scalding hot water and beat me vigorously. but now she's dead and i have inherited her house and have let ivy overtake her vegetable garden and are now digging a complicated tunnel system under her house so that i might find her grave and in near her remains and then i will have the last laugh fuck you grandma this i have cracked the code 1:01:29 Unknown_33: A castle? Man, he really does think this is Minecraft. Unknown_23: I love castles, especially medieval ones, but also Victorian Gothic Revival country homes. One day I am going to construct one with stone walls, battlements, catacombs, alligator-filled moat, and a rusty drawbridge. Unknown_23: I don't really have enough space in my small suburban plot, but that does not mean I can't build with stone. This foundation wall will eventually support a real stone wall, built with the stone that I'm quarrying out from my secret tunnel system. 1:02:10 Unknown_23: I hate veneer rock walls. In fact, I abhor veneer anything. It is inauthentic, temporary, tacky, poor, nasty, How can he afford this? Unknown_33: Your taxes! Your taxes! Unknown_21: Listen you fuckers, you screwheads. Here's a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is someone who stood up. Taxes are shot on robbery! 1:02:43 Unknown_22: The collectors of taxes funneled the majority of funds to policies and institutions counterproductive to spiritual advancements. Unknown_33: Good timing. Cool. One more. Actually, I'm enjoying the tunnel tranny. Yeah, I'm going to feature this. Can I feature this? 1:03:24 Unknown_32: That's a good tagline, right? Unknown_33: Okay, a little tunnel tranny. Unknown_18: Okay, one more, one more. Unknown_18: It's going to take forever to load now because I refreshed the fucking page like a fucking retard. Unknown_00: Fucking retard. 1:03:59 Unknown_23: This is a problem. I've developed a nice automated process for removing rock from my tunnel system. Using this Landworx minecart, I am able to dump material directly into an elevator skip that I designed. But there is a constraint. I can only rent a dumpster for two weeks before accruing a daily surcharge. I cannot mine that fast. It is laborious to break through rock, and it takes three weeks or more to extract a full 10 cubic yards. Unknown_23: So I end up staging the rock in my basement. This pile is six feet tall and contains eight cubic yards. 1:04:32 Unknown_23: I am not complaining because there is nothing more rewarding than transferring rock from the pile to the chute. It feels like working in an old assembly line. Unknown_33: There is nothing more rewarding than transferring rock from a pile to a chute. Unknown_33: Change my mind. TTD, we're doing away with it. TTWC, total tranny work camps. This is a more ethical, a more humane solution. We take the trannies, we put them into quarries. We have the mind box site chat. This is how we're going to save the future for everybody. 1:05:07 Unknown_33: Tunnel collapse or rock pile collapse, which will kill him. The tunnel collapse for sure. So I've already called it. I've already prognosticated the outcome of this. Unknown_18: Okay. I have to know what this is. 1:05:42 Unknown_33: Apparently he thinks his house is haunted, I guess. Cause grandma's still scolds him in his nightmares. So I have to know what this is about. He's got a really creepy house has two haunted areas. Unknown_23: One is this troubled bedroom, and the second is this normal-looking closet. This video is about the closet. Originally, it had a reversed knob that can only be opened from the outside without a key. That detail is important. Oddly, I was not able to view the bedroom with that closet before buying the house, and it was still locked during the home inspection. I felt some suspicion but after closing everything seemed fine and I rented it to a student who I had known for some time. 1:06:15 Unknown_33: When I, um, see trannies, I took me a second. Cause I realized that the screeching and metal metal grinding noise that I was hearing in my head was not the, the normal, uh, uh, fight or flight instinct that I get when I see a true. And this is actually in, in case you're watching and you're confused, that noise is not coming from inside your head as per usual. That's actually added as an effect. Unknown_23: One afternoon, one I will never forget, I was upstairs cooking with a few roommates and we heard a muffled pounding sound from downstairs. It was barely audible, but we went to check the student's room where the sound was coming from and the door was locked. The lock was easy to open with a pin, but the room was empty. A moment of silence was broken by a renewed racket from inside the closet. 1:06:56 Unknown_23: I unlocked the closet, and she came tumbling out. The horror in her eyes shook me. She said that the door slammed and locked by itself. After that day, she was a changed person. She stopped coming out of her room at all, unless during the night to pilfer some food from the kitchen. She wouldn't answer the door and stopped paying rent. 1:07:34 Unknown_23: Occasionally we would see her scurry into the room after we returned home from an outing. She looked thin and frail. Unknown_23: After a few months, we stopped observing her presence. I was worried and entered her room. She was gone, and all her stuff was gone as well. I never heard from her again. Unknown_23: Years later, one of my friends who stayed in the same room had a recurring dream of children being sucked into the closet by a dark force. In one, she was holding the child with all her might and repeatedly chanting a prayer. 1:08:08 Unknown_23: She woke up still chanting. At the time, she did not know about the earlier incident. Unknown_33: The inverse of this is like, is there like a spooky, Unknown_33: uh let's see royalty free spooky ambience horror ambience feedback okay i had just come from new delhi and i did not have much money 1:08:47 Unknown_33: I found a room to rent on Airbnb. I started my studies and was failing all of my classes because my professor was a racist white man and did not like Indians. Unknown_33: While I was living in my room, I would hear clanking sounds from the basement. I realized that the homeowner was digging a tunnel under the house. Children would come into the house and I would never see them again. She always assured me that they were fine and there was nothing to worry about or to call the police about. Then, one day, I walk in on the lady of the house on accident, and I see that he is naked and has a penis. And I gasped and screamed. I had never seen a lady with a penis before. After that day, things were never the same again. He would sexually harass me and try to tell me that he would like to taste curry for my butt crack. It scared me so much, I never left my room. I would try to sneak food out at night, but then I realized that he knew I was doing this, so I just stayed in my room. And then, I became very thin as I stopped eating. I asked my parents to book a flight back, and they didn't, and I left. Never to return to America again. That's the other side, that's how this went down on the bed. 1:10:05 Unknown_33: On the reverse, on the flip side. Unknown_02: It's like this really happened. Unknown_02: But then who was found? Oh my god! There was somebody on the phone who was found. It was a tranny. It was a tranny miner. Unknown_02: He had dug all the way to Manhattan to link- that would be a really awkward meetup. 1:10:40 Unknown_33: Like, they're digging and then he's like, suddenly he connects to the Orthodox Jewish tunnels and he's like, what the fuck? Unknown_33: And then he'd be like, Rabbi, why do you have that small child with you? And then the rabbi would be like, Mahim, why do you have a small child with you? And then they would, they would take a second and they'd be stunned. There'd be really lots of tension in there. And then they would just start laughing and realizing that they were both raping kids. Uh, it was a really wholesome moment. Unknown_16: Cool. Unknown_16: Um, 1:11:18 Unknown_16: High fives I've told a hundred thousand school kids. Unknown_33: I'm non-binary Jack Lynch Published this year. Let's see what he says Posted to the Metro Jack Lynch as I came out as trans to a nine-year-old their response floored me. I Unknown_33: I feel like you feel a nine-year-old student told me recently, I don't fit into a box that everyone else seems to fit into. Unknown_33: I don't like normal girl things. I like football and wearing boys' clothes. Tranny. Tranny. Chop her tits off, put her on hormone blockers. We gotta get her fixed up. We gotta get her fixed up. She likes football and doesn't like skirts. That's fucked up. We need to correct this. 1:11:59 Unknown_33: It was the start of the last year, I was speaking to a group of roughly 65 and six year olds at a primary school in Sussex, but my gender, Sussex, okay, Britavoid detected, but my gender identity as part of my workshops led by Pop and Dilly, an LGB, or an LGBTQI plus education company for primary age children, whether this child was non-binary or simply a girl who dared to break traditional gender stereotypes was irrelevant. They were seeing the representation that I so desperately needed when I was their age and recognizing something similar in themselves. I grew up in South London and was lucky enough to have supportive parents who... that put him in a dress. Okay, I'm sure they were just very supportive. From as young as I can remember, I wore dresses and high heels, makeup and necklaces at home, and shopped everywhere I could. 1:12:35 Unknown_33: Awesome. I want to see where he says a hundred thousand. I'd estimate that I've spoken to over a hundred thousand primary age children and spoiler. Most of these kids already know what non-binary and trans means. So if you are British, your child has already been exposed to this man. He has already, he has already, uh, had a nice little outing with your, with your primary school age child and has taught them what it means to be non-binary. 1:13:11 Unknown_33: Excellent, wonderful. Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_33: Women exist. Ask Mark Spooner. Define woman. Mark Spooner replies, Dr. Mark Spooner. Sorry, let me get the honorific in there. Not my area of scholarship, but I'm sure if you Google a few credible sources, you will find a suitable definition. 1:13:48 Unknown_33: Uh, Mark Spooder is professor, faculty of education, university of Regina, social political commentators say no to irresponsible austerity. Opinions are yours. Unknown_33: What the fuck is irresponsible austerity? Unknown_33: I guess these saying be a socialist. That's bizarre. Unknown_33: I guess that's it though. He's just saying, what is SK? I got to know Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan. 1:14:27 Unknown_33: Saskatchewan, rather. It's a very pretty area. It's a lovely looking school. It's a shame it's fucking- How does Saskatchewan get woke? It's like a fucking Arctic Circle territory- Unincorporated territory that's like 90% Eskimo. Can the Eskimo not take their whaling spears and fucking shove it through this guy? What are they doing? Unknown_33: Come on now. Unknown_33: Doesn't want to be fired for saying well, that's a good guess. I'm not my area of scholarship. Uh, I only know about unethical austerity Sorry not Eskimo. I mean anyway, I mean anyway, oh my god, I'm canceled bro. Oh, no. 1:15:00 Unknown_33: Oh No, I can never go to Saskatchewan Libby Evans says one of the many newly appointed trans member of the World Health Organization Trans Guidelines community said there should be no mental health assessment prior to a person getting a medical sex change drugs and surgery Unknown_33: Oh my god, okay, we're on TikTok, so this is gonna be some dumb shit, and let's listen. Unknown_12: Hey partners in crime, so my colleagues and I just published a cool new article in Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, one that will be really important for transgender health. So this is the article pause to look at the quote if you want to go read it It is available for free on the website Okay, listen, I've said this before I'm gonna say it again there is something about the the format of like a tick tockers having to stick their dumb fucking face into the shit they're talking about and then like 1:15:36 Unknown_33: putting themselves on top of an article as they gesticulate. I don't know what it is, but this format makes me see red and I get like a blood lust. It makes me irrationally angry because it's so fucking stupid. Like you just can't take yourself out to show you, show what's being on your fucking screen. Is it that important that I see your dumb fucking faces you taught for real? Come on. Unknown_12: The American Psychological Association and it is called Do Gender Assessments Prevent Regret in Transgender Healthcare? A Narrative Review. and what we look at is whether gender assessments do anything to prevent regret over and above gender self-determination. In other words, is there any reason to ask people to go through a lengthy and complex gender assessment in order to access gender-affirming care, or is that useless, and should the time best be put in supporting decision-making and informed decision-making? What country is this person from? 1:16:36 Unknown_33: Is this Swedish? What is this? Unknown_33: Florence Ashley, okay. Unknown_33: Florence Ashley. Lock in your guess as to what shithole this person crawled out from. Oh my god. I don't know how I got this wrong. They're from Canada. Their accent is Quebec. They're French Canadian. Unknown_12: Which is a distinct thing from the actual assessment itself. Unknown_12: And what our article concludes is that there's really no evidence that gender assessments work. On the contrary, they're predicated on stereotyped considerations, arbitrary considerations, and just plainly irrelevant ones. Or, at the best of cases, they're really just a fancier way of asking what is this person's gender identity in their own opinion. I like the, um... 1:17:29 Unknown_33: Make a transphobe mad, share recklessly. Dude, that's some good marketing. I need to say, how do I, I need to say that. You know, here, okay guys, we're de-platformed from search engines and shit. Make a tranny mad, share the Kiwi Farms recklessly. Make sure you include links to the Kiwi Farms whenever possible. You gotta get on that tranny marketing thing. Make people you don't like mad by promoting my shit that benefits me directly. Do it today. 1:18:09 Unknown_33: Share recklessly 87 likes. Unknown_33: That's true. I didn't realize how little engagement this got. Unknown_12: In which case you're really not doing anything better than just gender self-determination. It's just a lengthier process for no real reason. 1:18:42 Unknown_12: I can't stand listening to this guy anymore. Unknown_33: His face, he's got such a punchable face. He's got that big fucking potato face and like little fingers and shit. Fuck this guy. Unknown_33: No, you don't understand. We have to, we have to get rid of the, of the gender assessments before we cut off the breasts and the testicles. We need to do that as soon as they say there's a gender question. Unknown_33: We must be a professional. But they're in the World Health Organization, so this person gets zero natural engagement on their fucking TikTok, because they do their weird dance-in-front-of-an-article shtick. They get to decide guidelines for health organizations all around the world, because our world is evil and ran by tunnel rats. That's the reality. 1:19:17 Unknown_33: This is from a Whamons thing that I found on Zitter. Unknown_33: This is, is this an old article? Cause it mentions 2021. Unknown_33: Um, but this is from England as well. Uh, they, I think they've rolled this out. Oh, I think what they did is they rolled this out, but it was in 2021 that they, uh, proposed that transgender women, AKA men in dresses be allowed to conduct strip searches on women. 1:20:06 Unknown_33: which prior to this policy rollout, it had to be natal women that conducted the strip searches. And for obvious privacy reasons, you know, especially with women who are like Muslim and stuff, they can't show themselves to men. So in airports, they always have to make sure they have women on duty who are able to conduct searches that infringe on someone's privacy in regards to women in particular. Unknown_33: Now, the next time Carolyn Farrow gets picked up for a harmful comment on the internet, she can be strip searched by a tranny because they do have to search you when you go into custody, even before you're charged with anything, just on suspicion as we determined in our conversation. 1:20:48 Unknown_33: And now they can make sure training does that for extra humiliation. I'm telling you, I've always said that our prison system in the United States is specifically designed to be as tortuous as possible so that people are afraid to go to jail. We don't kill people, we just put you in like a rape dungeon that is like, third world conditions for for 80 plus years. And that's like worse than being executed by a firing squad. And now they're going to like, like put you literally, especially if you're a woman, they're going to put you into tranny custody directly. 1:21:23 Unknown_33: This was an example. You're a woman. You've been arrested. You request a female officer for your strip service. This search, this man enters and you are told he is a woman who will search you. The objection is not only bigotry, but possibly a hate crime. This is transgender ideology. Unknown_33: Here we have a wonderful member of the British police force who will be hands-on searching the orifices of women entering the prison system and detention system of the United Kingdom, checking them for drugs. 1:21:54 Unknown_33: Only the top professionals of the country allowed to do these, by the way. Unknown_33: What is that? That's a woman. That's a woman. She's a police officer. Come on. Come on, chat. It's 2024 now, bro. It's 2024. Women can be police officers too. Unknown_33: This one's based though Muslim girls basketball team reportedly cancelled game after being made aware that a competing team included a transgender player and not only were they gonna be playing it's a transgender tranny teenager or whatever the fuck this is But he was the team leader so you can see my dude is showing those femoids how to stretch 1:22:39 Unknown_33: So as this I like this person sweet are Assuming someone he's captain the team here. He is leading the pregame stretches another leadership spot loss for girls So those wahmen are trying to teach girls that it's okay Ban bossy hashtag ban bossy. Don't worry. You can be a leader to woman Actually, no, you can't leadership roles for women are reserved for men. Go fuck yourself We dudes you just can't stop winning Unknown_33: And finally, a little bit of Atari. 1:23:27 Unknown_11: Look at his acne because his it's not even acting that's like razor burn. Unknown_33: From shaving his beard, he's got like bumps all over his chin from shaving incorrectly. He didn't apply aftershave to get some alcohol to clean the microdermabrasion, so now he's got bumps all over his face. 1:24:16 Unknown_11: Trans rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights. Trans rights are human rights. I like you, babe. I like you. I stand for our rights. I like you. Does this guy have a threat of improving grounds? Unknown_33: I don't know. I stand for my rights. Unknown_11: I won't laugh. I won't laugh. Unknown_33: Dude, this video is proof that these people do not fear for their life. You would not be in a McDonald's picking a fight with a bunch of men if you were afraid. Like, back in the day, when you actually had to be afraid about being open and gay, you were not running about in McDonald's harassing people. 1:24:51 Unknown_33: or I won't let a fucking Tory government take me rights away. Like, dude, that is a cursed, barbaric bastardization of the American language. This disgusts me. Unknown_11: Look at all the people laughing at him. You need to hear the laughter. 1:25:28 Unknown_11: I'm a proud woman. I'm a proud woman. Don't you come at me. You hear people like wheezing with laughter. You fuck off. You fuck off and get out the fucking place. Fuck off. 1:26:00 Unknown_33: You fuck off. You fucking transphobia, mate. Holy Cor blimey. That's a hecking transphobia, isn't it? All right, that's enough of that shit. Unknown_33: Finally, the content everyone's been waiting for. Unknown_33: Amberlynn Reed. Thank you, Total Advertiser Death Hamster. I appreciate it. We got Amberlynn Reed. This is what you all come here for, the Amberlynn content. 1:26:33 Unknown_22: Catch me outside, how about that? That's what I always do, and they never catch me. Ain't nobody gonna catch me. Unknown_28: Because you're too streetwise? Unknown_22: Yup. Unknown_22: And all these hoes laughing like it's so funny. She's talking about the audience, that they're laughing at her. Unknown_28: Did did you say the the hoes are laughing? Unknown_15: Yeah, so the audience are a bunch of hoes. Yeah Catch you outside 1:27:15 Unknown_33: Amberlynn recently did a reflection about her position in life. It's not this video. This is obviously not a self-reflection video. Unknown_33: She acknowledged that she was turning 33 years old and she was thinking about where she is in life. Unknown_33: She's had a total hysterectomy. She's reproductively severed forever and ever will never be able to have children She's a lesbian. Anyways, so whatever kids suck. Am I right? Haha But she has Twinkie. She has a bunch of shitty little animals 1:27:52 Unknown_33: She recently just moved back to her mother's house in Oklahoma because after she broke up with wipey She can no longer wipe herself and she doesn't have anyone to wipe her so she moved back into her mom's house So she can get wiped properly adequately and she's been going to the casino recently to play slots and as somebody who has a a fit a proud family history of every addiction you can possibly fucking imagine because her her family is like a bunch of crack addicts uh she's going to the the indian reservations down there in the big okay And is hitting those slots, channeling her bossman Jack. And she's in the state of permanently arrested development. It's actually kind of shocking how someone who had as little as her is actually able to roll backwards in life. But lo and behold, here she is. 1:28:43 Unknown_33: writes diaries all day. Unknown_33: You should see her diaries. She buys all these notebooks and there's these TikTok trends of like these one a day things or like once a week you go through and you fill out like every page and you write down like your weight, you write down how you feel, you write down how many binge eatings you had. She does this journaling stuff. Unknown_33: To keep meticulous track of how she's doing so she can try and be better or something. It's very strange. Um, and I'm just thinking like this journaling bullet journaling. Yeah. Shit like that. It's just like you at the start of the year, you go through, you take all these notebooks and you fill out every page that you, you can go back once a week and fill in all these different statistics about your life in the last week. 1:29:18 Unknown_33: So you can monitor and keep track of what you're doing and the things you're interested in and it's like Nobody does as little as Amberlynn, you know When you think of journaling you think of somebody who has like things that they have to care about They they have jobs. They have kids they have shit that they actually have to keep track of and the journals exist as like a 1:29:59 Unknown_33: You know as a reminder of all these all these different events in your life, and it's like she is obsessed with journaling and it's kind of like It's kind of like I think she wishes that she had enough going on in her life to actually fill them out she has created a hobby of Unknown_33: Preparedness for events in her life that will literally never happen She has nothing to put in these fucking journals. She plays Lego literally every day She plays Legos her most expensive habit is buying these $100 Lego sets and then completing them and I guess they go in the trash afterwards or they go to Goodwill or some shit 1:30:44 Unknown_33: It's like she really hopes that one day. She'll have enough happening to fill her fucking journals out Yeah, it's really depressing her life is shit, but she's such an annoying cunt. I don't care what I mean she never once Unknown_33: Admits a fault. She will like pretend to she'll pretend to take accountability and be like Yeah, XYZ, but then when you call her out like when people try to confront her about her continuing to be a gigantic piece of shit She gets all defensive and weeks down the line. She has like a big drama video about how she gained more weight and shit and It's just like she's so unlikable. I would really like it if her decline was faster. I 1:31:17 Unknown_33: She lies all the time. She's like an actual psychological liar where she just gets like, it's one of the few things that make her happy is lying to people about bullshit, about total bullshit that nobody has any reason to lie about. And all her exes will talk about how she will continually make shit up about, about nothing for no reason. Unknown_33: I really don't, I don't understand it at all. 1:31:55 Unknown_33: Zero hedge sponsored a big debate rumble and zero hedge were talking about how they would like to see more Debate and discussion that we can see left and right comparing notes Talking to each other instead of just sitting in echo chambers and jerking off to their fans Unknown_33: It's an interesting idea. I tried listening to this. I actually was developing my X incorporation to my overlay using their chat because it's hard to find broadcasts. Someone sent me a way to find it, but it's hard to find broadcasts that have like active chats. So I was watching it as I was developing. Unknown_33: And it wasn't really that interesting. Unknown_33: You have the two Kasserstein brothers and then you have Glenn Greenwald. 1:32:39 Unknown_33: Who I like, I've mentioned him before. Alex Jones, and then some guy I've never heard of, versus the Kassersteins and Destiny. Unknown_33: If you don't know, the Kasserstein brothers became Krashenstein, Krassenstein rather. They became famous because they became reply guys to Unknown_33: To Trump they basically just started any they had some kind of program where the very nanosecond that Trump tweeted anything They would be the first reply every time they literally made an entire career off of this and then when I'm Sorry, that's that's boss man Jack announcing that he's live again. I have to hurry this up. I didn't want to intrude on boss man Jack's time slots But he 1:33:26 Unknown_33: Trump even blocked them and then like sued Trump to be unblocked. Cause that was like their entire life. Their entire lifeline was like, uh, being Trump's little dingleberry. It's really sad. Pathetic. Um, Unknown_33: Nobody nobody's mind changes. You can't change people's minds. I'm convinced that you can't change people's minds especially people that you're talking to like people have a lot of pride and dignity and Are arrogant especially if they think they know something and if you try to confront them on anything You're never gonna get them to yield and say like yeah I'm wrong, especially like on a big debate. Like Alex Jones, there is nothing that Destiny and Alex Jones can talk about where Destiny would tell Alex Jones, fuck, I guess you're right. I guess I'm wrong about all of that. And you're totally right. Like it does not matter what the conversation's about. There is zero chance that Destiny will ever say those words to Alex Jones. The hosts suck, okay, here's a fun thing. 1:34:15 Unknown_33: The host is this guy called Ian. He looks like Weird Al. He's the guy, he's from Tim Pool's podcast. He's like the dumbest fucker on Tim Pool's podcast. People complain about Tim Pool. Ian is a dipshit. He's routinely the dumbest motherfucker on that podcast. I apologize if Ian somehow hears this. I don't mean to be too mean to Weird Al, but I've never heard that guy speak and he had an informative position to take on anything ever. 1:34:49 Unknown_33: Um, yeah, the temples on no Ian's worse. The best guy on that is, um, Luke. I follow him on Twitter. He's Luke. We are the change. Uh, he's, he's pretty, he's pretty inside. He's like a hardcore libertarian though. He's not like a, he's not bus said, but he is more, more aware than temple is. 1:35:23 Unknown_33: Um, Ian is weird. I don't know how else to explain this. He looks like weird out. Unknown_33: but it was on Tim Poles podcast. I tried listening to it and it wasn't, I remember nothing about it. I just remember them fighting over Alex Jones' civil case thing where they were, the Krasenstein brothers were like, oh, how dare you, how dare you, how dare you shout the veracity of the nine million children slaughtered at the Sandy Hook death camps. How dare you? And it's just like, I don't know. The government lies about literally everything. There's not a single thing that I've been told my entire life by the government that I believe is true and accurate anymore. I don't give a fuck what it is. 1:36:14 Unknown_33: And I don't think Alex Jones should owe like eight trillion fucking dollars for the rest of his life. Unknown_33: And then that was the end of the debate, basically. Unknown_33: Viper has been charged. Unknown_33: with kidnapping. 1:37:04 Unknown_01: The woman says at one point she managed to text police who took her to the hospital. She was then released back to Lee Carter. This latest attempt to reach out to police resulted in her pressing charges. Carter is now in custody, charged with aggravated kidnapping. Unknown_33: So she alleges that she's been chained up in his garage for like five years. Unknown_33: However, he denies everything. Unknown_33: He says that he's only owned that house for a year, and he says, y'all can check them tax records. 1:37:49 Unknown_33: I only owned that house for a year. How could I have her chained up for five years? Which is a pretty good defense. If her story is that she's been chained up in the same basement or garage for five years, and he's only had the house for a year and didn't live in there prior, her story is false, categorically. Unknown_33: It appears that there is a possibility that she is a black crack hoe. Unknown_33: and something happened, and now she's lying about being held captive. That's a possibility. If she's black, that might be, if she's white, she's telling the truth. If she's black, we need to evaluate her story and investigate the property records and see if that timeline really does add up. So that's how I feel about that. However, someone pointed out something that is truly, 1:38:26 Unknown_33: So insane, I can't even believe it. Unknown_33: There's a rat click called screwed up click. Unknown_33: Uh, and Viper was a part of it. Uh, he used, I'm sorry. I think he's no longer a part of it anymore. Let's see Viper. Yeah, he's, he's got, he's up here. He's, uh, an other member. I don't know what that means, but you know who else was another, another member of this screwed up click that Viper is a part of. 1:38:58 Unknown_33: Big Floyd. Big Floyd, George Floyd, raised in Houston, briefly rapped in the group in the mid-1990s. He later joined the group called Presidential Players, which released one album in 2000. Unknown_33: George Floyd and Viper were a part of the same rap group in Texas. 1:39:35 Unknown_33: That, that is too cosmically impossible to be true. Unknown_33: Truly, truly, we live in a simulation, chat. Unknown_33: Jesse seeing Jackie zing is having a little melty. She has blocked me after tripping out at me on Twitter continuously She's actually given up and has blocked me at this point. She has formed a Rivalry with a group called Taurus watts, which as the name implies is a swatting for hire service She accuses this person of being a guy from Sweden. There's information in this thread about how that's complete bullshit, but I 1:40:12 Unknown_33: That's what she says. So the Torsewatts guy is just fucking with her. And she continues to say that the number one, he's the Swedish guy. Number two, it's Kiwi Farms. And then she's saying that she has the police involved because she's being threatened by Torsewatts. Unknown_33: What she says is related to the Kiwi Farms. So. Unknown_33: It's just crazy. Like how does like you realize that you realize that you can't just lie to the police, right? You can't just say that this group is Kiwi farms when they're not and then have that work. Correct. Is she aware of this or is she retarded? 1:40:51 Unknown_33: Maybe we should send her to live in the, uh, Unknown_33: the mining troon's house, the tunnel troon. Maybe she can spend some time in the closet and it'll give her a new perspective on life. Unknown_33: Finally, Unknown_33: Gino Samuel, best known for making the voiceover videos about Christian, which I've criticized in the past for being boring and not very good and way too fucking long, uh, has gotten his chink wife pregnant. Gino actually lives in China. He streamed from China pretty regularly. He's married to a Chinese woman and he hasn't knocked her up. So, uh, 1:41:29 Unknown_33: What is the fascination with yellow people? What made him this way? Unknown_33: Why did he knock up a Chinese woman? Unknown_33: I don't know why. Imagine telling your wife, hello, honey. So you may be wondering how I, white man, can afford to buy you luxurious commie block here in Beijing and form a family with you. Well, you see, I am a documentarian. My entire life's work is reading a Wikipedia on a retarded man who shits himself and raped his own elderly mother. I post these videos to YouTube and Zoomers watch them by the million. And this provides me with enough American dollar to buy you a new life, sweetie pie. 1:42:09 Unknown_33: He's laughing and he can't get real white women. Unknown_33: What's wrong with Latvians? Latvia is a nice country. If it was Lithuanian, I would understand, but Latvian, how are you going to knock the Latvians bro? 1:42:49 Unknown_33: Projecting project. I'll have, you know, I'm an actual entertainer. Okay. No, don't, don't try to diminish my work. Unknown_33: American driver. Uh, Unknown_33: Fish Tank had something interesting happen for once. So to give you some context, right, this is what I've gleaned off of the Kiwi Farms. Unknown_33: There is one contestant on the Fish Tank. They're competing for, what is it, $50,000, right? 1:43:22 Unknown_33: And Jet Neptrun, Sam Hyde's second-in-command, a man who loves bussy. realize that this one contestant named Jimmy is particularly mentally unhinged and dangerous and he wanted to goad him into a chimp out. Unknown_33: So he basically set up the entire thing, the entire household, to become against Jimmy. And Jimmy, because he was a tard, but he learned how to cope. He learned how to do tard coping. If something happened that made him very angry, he would find an empty room and he would simply sit in there for a little bit, for about an hour, and calm down to the best of his ability, because people can still super chat him and stuff. But after JetNeptune, the bussy hungry leader of the program, realized that Jimmy was adequately coping with the duress that he was being placed under, and set the house against him, the chat also joined in. See, there's a way 1:44:34 Unknown_33: There's a thing that you can buy. You can pay like hundreds of dollars to Sam Hyde, uh, and you can close a room. So what will happen is you put in your hundreds of dollars and jet Neptune will get, we'll have his bussy porn interrupted, uh, with a notification saying we have to clear out this room. Someone paid out money for it. He will then send in people to remove everybody in that room and then lock the room for like an hour or something. 1:45:08 Unknown_33: So when this guy, Jimmy, started to do his TARD business, and he would try to chill out and meditate a little bit in those rooms to handle the problems, they would simply pay Sam Hyde money to kick him out of these rooms and put him back into the general population where he was overstimulated by what was happening. Unknown_33: Eventually, Jett Neptune told this girl, I think her name is Abby, Unknown_33: that she must destroy a toy phone. Unknown_33: From what I've gleaned from people in the thread, I asked about this, the participants in JetNeptune's Little House of Horrors will tend to cling to a little totem. They will make an object their safety blanket They will carry it everywhere with them and they will develop a attachment to this object because it comforts them. It's some kind of control. Like if you lose control in a situation, you look for control. And I assume that they're maintaining control by possessing an object. 1:46:04 Unknown_33: Apparently they did this with a couple different people in the last season did this too. They would all carry their totems anyways netrune told Abby Take this cricket mallet and destroy his telephone his plastic toy telephone Because it will cause great discomfort And this actually happened I 1:46:42 Unknown_03: Don't you ever fucking swing that hammer at me again, you stupid cunt! Jimmy! Jimmy! Stop! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything to her! She fucking picked that shit up! Fucking swung the hammer! Don't you fucking do that! Unknown_33: So what he did, instant replay. Unknown_33: Abby smashed telephone. Unknown_33: And then Jimmy comes in, Jimmy angry. He takes the cricket mallet and he literally slams it in her fucking face. Unknown_33: and then yells at her, storms back, he overturns the bed to block the door. She screams again at this point because he's literally blocking off the exit. 1:47:17 Unknown_33: And he grabs his telephone and then they take him out of the house and he is disqualified. Apparently, immediately after this happened, Unknown_33: Sam Hyde put out an SOS on Twitter because apparently Jimmy was the only person in the event who was an active personality who could be goaded into doing stuff for content. And without him, there is no content factory on the stream. So Sam Hyde immediately put out a flare and said, please, if you know a debilitating retard who can take the place of Jimmy for some extra cash, let me know, because this shit's dead in the water if we don't find somebody. We can't put Jimmy back in because he's violent and just assaulted a woman with a mallet. 1:47:51 Unknown_33: So that's the update on Fish Tank. Unknown_18: Ralph. Unknown_33: Ralph is off the wagon. I think it's pretty safe to say that he is intoxicated now. Uh, I listened to him speak and he sounded off, definitely on something. I don't know if he's denying that yet, but, uh, he went off and talk some shit and then accidentally, uh, did the unthinkable. 1:48:41 Unknown_06: Uh, what's this? Like you can hear it. Unknown_14: I'm just spinning facts. Unknown_14: I have, man, I have a pussy every which way you can have it. And I ain't kidding. 1:49:25 Unknown_19: Is it a man or a woman that sings this song? Unknown_00: I could never figure it out as a kid. Unknown_13: He told me... It's Q Lizer. Unknown_00: Is it a man or a woman? I see him rise. Unknown_13: I was just staring. But... Who knows? It always falls. I see him come. I see him go. He said... All things pass. 1:50:01 Unknown_13: Did I say what? What? I'm down over there. Hey, Harry! Unknown_00: Whoa, calm down, Ralph. Unknown_06: No, calm the fuck down, Ralph. Unknown_15: Hey, Harry. Unknown_00: Hey, Harry. Calm down, Ralph. Unknown_15: This fucked up your whole life, cocksucker. How you like this? This is Ralph and Mel. 1:50:37 Unknown_15: There was no good place ever heard from anybody. I got to say, how? Now, maybe you get it, Ralph. Unknown_00: Getting a little past PG-13. No complaints, except from Harry. Boy, boy, man, I have to be careful. Unknown_15: I have to be careful, bud. Five stars, shit! 1:51:33 Unknown_15: You know I'm right, by the way, man. Like, I'm not telling you lies, like, that's what's so fucked up. I believe you're right. Hey, Harry! Hey, Harry! In your own house! In the garage, nigga! In the garage, nigga! Unknown_17: right here right here motherfucker that's where it was 1:52:28 Unknown_00: I think Ralph's saying there was a conception. Unknown_15: Well, now we have to finish it. And what's she gonna do about it, bitch? What's she gonna do about it, bitch? Ah, shit. Unknown_15: Every room in your fucking house, including on the kitchen table, Unknown_33: Oh my God. This, by the way, was in response to recent court filings. May is attempting to get some sort of, I think she has a, yeah, I mentioned before she has an injunction against him until May of 2024. I think she's really trying to get a permanent one. 1:53:02 Unknown_33: Because she filed a court proceeding to have him held in contempt for a violation of his restraining order Because on the 27th of December he posted a tweet that included the name Roseanne Ralph 1:53:43 Unknown_33: He posted a form that named Roseanne, the baby as his sole heir. So she would inherit everything, but the form included her, her name. And he has been, um, on the 27th, he, she filed to have it so that she, okay. I'm sorry. This is hard to explain. Unknown_33: On the 27th, two things happened. May filed for a, uh, permanent restraining order. Unknown_33: And Ralph posted a tweet that included the name of his child, which when the restraining order was granted until May, uh, as it was on January 3rd of this year, uh, it, it barred him from posting her name and may has now filed again to say that he violated the, uh, uh, 1:54:39 Unknown_33: Injunction by posting her name even though he posted the name before it was granted So chances are that's not going to happen, but she's filing pro se to try and tie him up in court I Think so there you go. I'm having no sorry. It's just hard to explain the timelines of this Because it's all legal bullshit anyways Unknown_33: Well, I don't know she I think that it was granted the original domestic violence thing Because if you remember Ralph posted a photo album And he was trying to post the photo album like look at all the good times me and my wife had together And one of them it was like a picture of her with the baby or I want to say no there were several pictures of her 1:55:26 Unknown_33: That, oh no, sorry, I'm confusing two incidents. There was the time that he posted the album that included a nip slip, and then there was a picture of her pants-less, and she had a really big bush, and that was posted, I think, to Cal? I think that's still up. Unknown_33: But that's definitely gonna be Ralph, because the only person I know who uses Cal at this point is Ralph. Unknown_33: Like literally so I think she she's been trying to get one against them for revenge porn or something same as a faith Pantsy pants list Yeah, that's that's the Ralph update The Rikada update actually, you know, I can go ahead and skip this I think there's something that just came out Here we go 1:56:31 Unknown_18: Oh, wait. Unknown_18: Oh, sorry. I copied the wrong thing. Unknown_07: So the tattoo is eventually, it's a rattlesnake that goes up my arm and comes across here a little bit. It will eventually be like the, I'm gonna say like the Gadsden flag, but it's not gonna be like yellow and stuff like that. But it will have Don't Tread On Me incorporated into the image somewhere once the snake is complete. Right now it's just line art and there's still a couple places where the line art isn't done. Because of the time but all of that's gonna get it's all tying together He's capping off locale of the year by getting a gaudy ass tattoo Now here's the line art of it. 1:57:05 Unknown_33: It doesn't like again. I'm not like a tattoo guy. I don't have any tattoos obviously Due to my employment. I'm not permitted to have any visible tattoos So I'm not an expert on these things, but this is what he's going for I Unknown_33: What's weird about it is that, this is what I found weird about it, is that the snake's mouth is wide open in such a way that... 1:57:46 Unknown_33: It's like it would never open that wide if the snake was just lurching to bite something. It only, it's like an unhinged jaw. Like he's trying to eat a mouse. So it's not like, it doesn't look to me like he's lurching forward to bite something. It's like he's already, it's like he's swallowing like an invisible hot dog that is not pinned into the ink. So it's like, I don't know, it's a, Unknown_33: It's not too captivating and the head looks too small for the body. Like the body is like this big thick rope and then the head is barely any bigger. So I'm not a tattoo guy, but the head in particular looks really off to me. 1:58:26 Unknown_33: But it will match his white slave man tattoo. That's what matters. Unknown_33: Is there anything in this worth, no, it's just him and his fucking, where is this? This is like a different part of the, oh yeah, this is a different part of the kitchen. It's just panned up a little bit. Unknown_33: I think, hey, is this the bathroom? Where the fuck is this? Where is he in his house? Oh, he takes his shirt off. Okay, let's see him dance. Unknown_07: Pretty decent size, right? Unknown_07: It starts here, the rattles here and then it coils around and it'll come up and it coils around twice. This shit hurts. 1:59:00 Unknown_07: This shit hurts bad. Right here to right here hurts like a motherfucker. But yeah, so there'll be more scales added in here, along the neck, obviously going into the head, and then down the tail. And then a whole shitload of shading on the body is gonna be there. And then, don't tread on me, I'm not 100% sure how to incorporate it, but it'll be somewhere in the negative space. kind of in a its own its own way but there you go guys that's uh that's a tattoo for now um who knows when it'll get done it'll be cool though for me i don't care if other people find it cool but that's uh that's uh what we got so far am i wrong for saying that the head looks weird because i don't know like it just it does look weird to me though he didn't plan it ha ha ha ha it's objectively bad 1:59:57 Unknown_33: Libertarian faggot midlife homo. He doesn't care guys Shit is collections of tattoos. I have ever seen that is a lie Look, look here. Look listen if you want to talk shitty tattoos, we can talk shitty tattoos. Thank you very much for my email alert However, you did not get to say after watching my podcast that Rekheda has the shittest collection of tattoos ever because Anisa Joma exists, okay, and he will always Or she will always take the cake. I wonder when Anisa Joma did her tattoo thing. I did a meme where I took her Her designs and I made an AI generated image that looks better than her actual tattoo Can I do the same with Rekheda? Okay, hold up 2:00:29 Unknown_33: Paul thin man with bright red nose standing in kitchen. I'm wearing only pants with tattoo of snake around bicep. Unknown_33: Uh, let's see if I can do this real quick. Unknown_33: I don't know if wearing only pants will get blocked, because if it detects, like, toplessness, it might reject the prompt. Come on, Bing, don't let me down. 2:01:11 Unknown_33: Tricep? Oh, it's bicep between the elbow and the hand? Unknown_18: He's naked during, um, hedonism. Unknown_33: So that's where, that's who he has to impress. Unknown_33: I have a question. Black people get tattoos. 2:01:59 Unknown_33: Okay. I actually, I literally, I just put bright red nose. I did not put clown nose. So that, that's, um, that's the AI's interpretation. Let me try one more time. Let's see if it gives me one that doesn't have a clown nose. Unknown_33: I spelled tricep wrong. Oh my God. If you just say bright red nose. Unknown_33: Okay. This one might be better here. 2:02:31 Unknown_33: Okay. Well, okay. This is actually fine. We'll try it one more time. Tricept tricep around, wait, right. Tricep. Unknown_33: Um, with alcoholic nose. Unknown_33: Okay. One more time. One more time. Unknown_33: Albanian man. 2:03:01 Unknown_33: I wonder if alcoholic is like a ban phrase. I never know what Bing doesn't like So my prompt now is thin tall thin man with alcoholic nose standing in kitchen wearing only pants with tattoo of snake rip around right triceps and then doesn't like that with And there's a term for it alcoholic nose Unknown_33: Alcoholic nose is rhino by Mia. Okay. That's a nice term. That doesn't include the word alcohol with rhino, rhino. Find me in those. Unknown_33: Come on, ding. Don't let me down. 2:03:43 Unknown_18: Rosacea. Unknown_18: Oh, I made them black. God damn it. Unknown_33: White. Unknown_33: Polish man with rosacea nose Okay, this is the last one if this one gives me a black man. I give up. It's stressful. I Don't know. I don't see any underage girls with Mickey Mouse ears in the pictures. I don't think it's her It's dream come true Okay, I'll show you the It doesn't like it 2:04:21 Unknown_33: Rosacea. Okay. I will give up if this one doesn't give me a tough and Polish man. It blocked the last one. I don't know. Maybe it just doesn't like Polish people. Unknown_33: That's a possibility. It's computers programmed to hate unsafe. Well, how was it unsafe? Unknown_33: Did I take out Polish? Does it let me do it? 2:04:54 Unknown_33: Give up now. No. Sorry. Unknown_33: I want, I want my, my image perfected. Unknown_33: Polish is a slur. Is it not like rosacea? Unknown_33: I'm baffled now with pink nose. So if I say red nose, it gives me a clown nose. Like, Unknown_18: Okay, come on now don't let me down Bing It really doesn't like flush noses for some reason It just doesn't It really doesn't want to make his nose red 2:05:49 Unknown_33: Okay, blush one more. Well, I'm like boss. One more if it doesn't help this doesn't help this. Unknown_02: I'm done. I'm done, man. I'm gonna withdraw. I'm gonna get off. I'm gonna stop binging. Unknown_33: This is this this technology that you're seeing is bringing about the end of civilization. Unknown_33: Course it has to be retarded. I'm safe. Fuck you. Okay, I'm done. Unknown_33: This is what you get, this is Rikeda. This is literally what Rikeda looks like. My question though is, chat, does my snake look better than his snake? Even though it's got a really derpy tongue that's like, all else like, derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 2:06:22 Unknown_33: Where is it? Unknown_33: I had this lined up and everything. Am I a piece of shit? Am I retarded? Am I retarded? Unknown_18: Um... Oh, I did miss it. Okay. Unknown_33: Oh, I missed one other thing, too. Let me get that lined up. All right, here's some Bossman Jack content. Actually, no, people don't like that. I'll just save that to the end. 2:07:15 Unknown_33: Some people don't. It's very polarizing. Bossman Jack, despite his wholesomeness, is polarizing. Unknown_33: First time catching Odyssey Live. Unknown_33: Congratulations. Unknown_33: Guess you're not European then. All the Europeans are asleep. The European free stream. Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_18: Let that buffer. 2:07:51 Unknown_18: Some reason Firefox is so slow learning the site. I wonder what I, maybe it's a being attacked or some shit. Unknown_33: No, it's not. It's just Firefox. Why are you so fucking slow? Jesus. Unknown_33: Maybe, maybe Google sends Firefox all their trannies so that their browser gets shittier and everybody is forced to use Chromium for a browser instead of Unknown_33: Instead of a gecko, the possible, it's a very real possibility called true and more fair. 2:08:32 Unknown_33: It's like, I don't know what's wrong with it. Cause it's like, it's loading so fucking slow. It's just loading the, um, like avatars and shit. Unknown_33: Okay. Well that's loading. Unknown_33: Let's just open this on this page, and I'll just read it to you. I'll just tell you what it says Because I don't know I don't know exactly what's been having what's been going on as in gold I don't know at all XQC who is the giga Chad of anti-copyright? Unknown_33: All of OTK. I don't know what that is Ludwig Hassan and other famous dreamers have been exposed by a journalist named Jacob Wolf and for promoting a charity scam called the soft giving now known as brand influence or brand influence, which is a stupid name. Soft giving and brand influence are both stupid fucking names. 2:09:04 Unknown_18: Um, what is the gist of this? Unknown_18: I would like to make an executive summary of what the fuck that says. 2:09:43 Unknown_33: Um, but of course he's a reporter, so he doesn't know how to keep things fucking succinct. Unknown_33: Soft giving is not consistently forthcoming with the public nor the influencers it's worked with about its expensive expenses and how it compensates itself. And in several instances, it told influencers a different story than what occurred in reality. Unknown_33: Um, it has filed a lawsuit against the owner of this website. Unknown_33: Demanded that we not publish this piece. We believe the investigative journalism in our first amendment right to freedom of press Here's a middleman marketing company capitalized on a niche of highly viewed it critically undeserved industry and influencer led charity marketing campaigns on the process made itself millions so 2:10:32 Unknown_33: Is it a, is it a fucking CEO bounce graph? That's an awful name. That's terrible. I would never trust someone named bounce graph. Unknown_33: This guy really needs to leave like a fucking executive summary for ODD people or a 80 people trying to figure out what the fuck this is. I don't know. So the gist is, I apologize because I didn't have to queue this up in time for the stream, but Unknown_33: You're interested. There's the Jacob Wolf report on, uh, charity for profit about brand fluence, which apparently a lot of people promoted. Look. 2:11:12 Unknown_33: Oh, that picture of Charlie reminds me that I have to call him a retard. I'm much more interested in doing that. So I'm going to find, I'm going to find this real quick. You're ready. Unknown_33: Moist critical YouTube, which is the dumbest fucking name on the planet. Unknown_33: Anytime you see this guy's face, you know, that some retarded ass shit is going to get sad. That's right here. I was a moderator, a moderator requested that I talk about this because it's such a crazy story. 2:11:46 Unknown_30: It's such a crazy story. When it comes to sad, pathetic things on the internet, I feel like I've seen it all. I'm like the Oracle is okay. Unknown_33: So what this is, there's this horror. Unknown_33: This half a bitch on the right who sits there with her tits out with this guy. This guy to her left is a moderator for her Twitch stream. And it is ping, ping window, moist, critical sits there and for 18 minutes he pumps out this fucking SEO bullshit. Actually, does this even, I wonder if this has like a titty thumbnail. I bet you it does. 2:12:22 Unknown_33: yes okay so pretty pretty lady and it says saddest twitch stream ever clickbait this is the keemstar seo juice everyone on his fucking videos get like five four million views four million views and he he has the most like milk toast insipid baseline takes on every fucking thing ever 2:12:56 Unknown_02: Hey everybody, it's Critical, and I just saw this thing, and I'm about to say something very uncontroversial, but I'm gonna act like it's a really big deal, and what I'm saying matters. I have literally sucked the guy, Neil Mahan's dick, so that I can stay relevant in the search engine algorithm. I never say anything controversial, and it's really advertiser-friendly, so he lets me occupy the E-drama niche on YouTube now. Anyways, I saw this twitch video or rather the content aggregators in my discord channel sent me this and I decided I'm gonna make a video in 17 minutes and make 20 million dollars and profit off 4 million views and that's that's what he does every fucking video is Exactly the same fucking thing and he gets this completely wrong Because he just like he watched this one time He took notes from his discord staff that send him shit that I wasn't seeing videos and then he profits, you know 200,000 fucking dollars off this video and it's like 2:13:50 Unknown_33: Here's the gist of it. This guy sits here and she's like, Oh my God, this discord, Jenny, who pays me lots of money is so gross. Ew. Oh my God. You guys are going to give me thousands of dollars to kiss him. Unknown_33: Oh, I gotta go wash out my mouth now. It's so gross. and he's so ugly and his hands are so small oh would i rather get with my abusive ex-boyfriend or him i gotta say i'd get with my abusive ex and he sits there and he says wow she's so mean to him and that's really inappropriate because he's one of her biggest fans 2:14:26 Unknown_02: And then for some reason he's staying at her house and seems really, really mean of her to invite him to her house and then be mean to him like that. It's really bad for people to be mean to people that are mods for their Twitch streams. Unknown_33: Like, that's his fucking take. It's like, are you retarded? This is a fetish! You dipshit. He's paying her. He's paying her to mog him in front of her audience of tens of thousands of cents because that gets him hard. Why is he staying at her house? Cause they fuck after they're having sex. He's paying her. He owns a business and then he invites him over or he invites him onto the stream and he's like, so don't you think it's really inappropriate for her to be like that to you? He's like, no, because I own my own fucking business and I'm paying her to do this to me. 2:15:11 Unknown_33: He says that it's worth it for the exposure to his business, but he owns a business, and he's making enough money to hire this fucking hapa prostitute to fulfill his weird sexual desires. Like, ho ho, you are a Chinese man with small pee pee. I like a white man with big pee pee. Ho ho. And then that gets him off. It's really, really, really fucking obvious. Here, I'll just play it. Listen. Unknown_13: Okay, okay. Whenever you're ready. Unknown_13: Can you poke her up? 2:15:45 Unknown_16: I have small lips. Unknown_16: You just snotted on me. Unknown_33: Her voice and her smugness triggers a violence instinct in me. Like, I have to destroy this person and flee the scene. Unknown_33: She's specifically playing up this act of like, teehee, I'm such an evil bitch, teehee, because it makes his pee pee hard. And he doesn't get it. He's like, that's really bad, I can't believe she liked that. 2:16:17 Unknown_30: There is nothing jovial about this whole stream at all. It is mean-spirited and just really fucking sad. Like I mentioned, there was a couple of times she tried to cushion the blows like, oh, we're such good friends, this is all okay. And then when one of the questions during Truth or Drink is, what was your favorite thing about Dillian? She says that he's nice and that he's like just super nice and not awkward. Those Unknown_33: And that's it, that's the entire video. This 18 minute long video gets 4.1 million views, and all he's saying is, she's mean to him. I need the fucking, the missing over the head meme, because it's like, well, she's really mean to him. Meanwhile, point, he's paying her for this. He's an independently wealthy Asian businessman paying this obvious fucking prostitute to humiliate him. 2:16:56 Unknown_16: Like, obvious fucking prostitute chat. Unknown_33: It's fucking awful. Unknown_33: Zoomer slop, it is. It's like slop. Unknown_33: And it's just so obvious that he like sat down he had this shit like ready to go he recorded himself saying that this is mean Somebody else edited him for him. He got the notes from somebody else, and then he just rushes out this video He doesn't even stop and think he doesn't I don't think he actually sits down and thinks about what he's saying anymore like he's successful enough where he just has a team and 2:17:34 Unknown_33: And he pays them to write everything for him. And they just go for the most obvious, obvious, uh, um, surface level analysis humanly possible without any kind of, with any kind of bite or thought into it whatsoever. It's really, it's really, I don't know. Every time I, every time I'm forced to see this guy, I'm just like, God, what a fucking dipshit. How do people watch this shit? Unknown_33: Um, anyways, that's that. Where's ball ball spin? Where are you? I need you. I need, I need my content. I need the real content. This, this, this, this moist critical shit. That's what we call zoom or slop. What I'm about to show you is the thinking man's content. This is what you enjoy when you have a 160 IQ, like I do. 2:18:17 Unknown_33: Assuming that it actually loads on the Kiwi farms, which is actually very unlikely. Maybe I should go save this real quick. 2:18:50 Unknown_33: If it opens on its own. Unknown_33: No. Okay. So for whatever fucking reason, Firefox just operates on a completely different, uh, universe. Unknown_33: He's 40. Yeah. If I opened it, let's go on. Unknown_33: on my browser, it loads just fucking fine. If I open it on Firefox, it does not load just fucking fine. Unknown_18: Okay. Give me a second. 2:19:22 Unknown_33: The gambling guy. Yes. Bossman, Jack, my hero, the content hero that I don't deserve. Unknown_33: How much hours I've spent trying to get this fucking website to work, right? Unknown_33: Oh, and now it just starts the download. Okay, cool. So I haven't downloaded already on my browser. And then when I right click save as it needs another 30 seconds to finish downloading. 2:19:55 Unknown_33: Okay. Any second, six megabytes, seven megabytes, eight out of 13, 10 stopped. Unknown_33: It's paused. It's broken. Unknown_18: Okay, it literally stopped. Okay, it started again. It stopped again started again 1213 days 40 2:20:27 Unknown_33: Okay, so we're in the boss man universe now if you can't if you can't handle boss man look away Turn off your audio turn off the monitor throw your monitor out the fucking window because we're about to enter the boss man universe he's got $300 to his name $300 and a dream and in front of him lays the Keno board only a master can approach Keno and Handle it Unknown_33: But those who do master Kino, master the universe and master infinite money duplication. Let's watch. Unknown_10: Oh, let's go hit the 40. Oh, I will turn off slow mode in the, in the kick chat. Unknown_33: Oh my God, guys, eight times. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. Another eight times. Unknown_10: OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY GOSH GUYS! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY GOSH! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? 2:21:24 Unknown_33: Chat, he is up to $3,500 US dollars. This is a considerable amount of wealth. Let's take a look at what happens next. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. Oh my God. He's dancing. Unknown_33: He's happy. Oh my gosh. He's on cloud nine. 2:21:56 Unknown_10: Oh my gosh. Unknown_33: Another massive hit. Eight times on a $160 bet. He's up to $4,600 chat. The Keno Master playing the keys like a penis. Did you see that? He's sneaking around. He's so pumped up he can't sit in one place anymore. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. Oh. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking god, 4k lowest guys, I swear to god. Unknown_33: This is 4k lowest. Unknown_33: He misses, but even though, now this is important, even though he said 4k lowest, he's still betting under 4k. Now you might think, oh that's just gambling addiction, he can't control his impulses, he's trying to chase losses. No, chat, that's not what's happening. He is psyching the game out. If he threatens the game with walking away from the table, then the game realizes that the game has to squirt, has to pay out in order to keep that man in his chair where it needs him. So he's threatening it. There's a deep game of psychology at play here to make sure that Keno board is still paying him. 2:22:33 Unknown_10: Okay. Dude, this might juice me. Oh my fucking God. Unknown_33: Another 3.5. Oh my fucking God. 2:23:10 Unknown_10: We're over 5K chat. Unknown_33: We're over 5K. Oh my fucking God. We're another 3.5 times that 5.5K chat. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. He wants that 6K. Unknown_33: It's in his head. Unknown_10: All right, let's do it. Okay. Oh my fucking God. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. Oh my fucking God. Unknown_33: He's at $5.9,000. Do big ones. $300, $327. $300 bets coming in the pipe now. Unknown_10: Oh my gosh, one more. Unknown_33: One more, last one, I swear to God. Unknown_10: Oh, last one. Hit this, hit this, hit this. So he's still betting $300 a hit. Oh my gosh. He's under $4,000. Oh, come on. 2:23:43 Unknown_33: He's still betting $300 every hand. Unknown_33: Yeah, let's fucking go one more time back up to $4,000. So now he knows he knows it will pay almost $300. Unknown_10: Hey Lois, don't you worry yet? Come on chat. Come on chat. Unknown_33: We're under $3,000. Unknown_10: Oh my gosh back up to $5,000. Oh my gosh, one more one more. Unknown_31: He just needs one more. Unknown_10: He's gotta hit 6,000. He's gotta hit 6,000. 2:24:17 Unknown_10: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, 6K! Unknown_33: 6K chat, 6K. We're at $6,000. He can't be stopped. Don't even try. Don't even try. Oh my God, let's go. He's gonna hit a million dollars, obviously. Unknown_10: Okay, okay, okay. Unknown_33: Back under $6,000. Oh my gosh, one more, one more, one more. Unknown_33: Back under 5,000. Don't worry, he'll climb. He was under 3,000 last time. These $300 hands are gonna pay. Unknown_33: Under 4,000. Oh my gosh, come on, come on, come on. How's he gonna recover? We know at the end of this, he gets a dream home. 2:24:51 Unknown_10: Bro, hit one, please, man. Under 3,000. Oh my gosh, guys. Unknown_10: Looking close, but we know we have a happy ending here. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking God. Unknown_33: Under 2,000. Unknown_10: Oh, there we go. Ah, but he hit. He hit, you guys doubted him. Unknown_33: Gotta get it back. Unknown_10: Get it back. Unknown_33: Under $2,000. Unknown_10: Oh my gosh. Unknown_10: Oh my God. Unknown_32: Still betting $300 a hand. Unknown_10: Yes, let's go. I need more of those, man. 2:25:24 Unknown_10: More, more, more. Oh my God. Oh my gosh, dude. Unknown_33: Under $1,000. Still betting $3,000 a hand. Unknown_10: Oh my gosh, dude. Unknown_33: He halves it and he's back to $106. Unknown_10: Oh my gosh. Bro, stop, dude. Unknown_33: He halves it again to $80, so under $500 in total. Unknown_10: Oh my fucking god. I cannot believe I just lost 6k, dude. Unknown_33: Dropped it down to $40 bets. That is so fucked, dude. Unknown_33: He doubles again, because over $500. Oh my god. Under $500 again. 2:25:55 Unknown_10: Oh my gosh, dude. Unknown_33: He's keeping it steady at $80 hands. Unknown_10: Can you fucking hit one, dude? Unknown_10: Oh my fucking god. That is so fucking sick. At $150. At $60. Oh my fucking god. Unknown_10: and oh my god i just lost six thousand dollars and he lost it's over we're putting the kick chat but on slow mode because it's fucking over chat he lost he gained he climbed from three hundred to six thousand dollars the dizzying heights of wealth and success of a hard day's gamba sesh and then he lost it all four minutes and nine seconds finney 2:26:40 Unknown_33: You get this is every day, but this was I feature this one cuz it's so tight four minutes four minutes start to finish 306,000 down it's really impressive So on that note I'm going to switch over to the reddit segment and then I Will start doing the super chats But I ask that if you are on kick or if you just want to see a special video that you stick around through the super chats Unknown_33: Trini Toons on Zitter repost from rsmalldickproblems. Bit like I've been dealt the worst possible card, what's even the point in improving at all? Been reflecting about this for a while, I think people will agree that having a small penis is the worst feature a man can have, but they don't seem to notice how it is so, so much worse than any other flaws. Unknown_33: I was browsing Zitter yesterday and stumbled across a porn actress's page. I thought she looked a lot like a girl I knew from elementary, so I poked around and eventually got to a video that kind of stood out of her having sex with a dwarf. Fiddled a little bit on the dwarf's page and saw his whole thing was having a big dick while being a small person. This may sound ridiculous, but that shit fucked up my day a little bit. I ended up not going to the gym like I was planning to. It reminded me of how ridiculously far away from happiness I'm set back when compared to other guys. In my opinion, being short is one of the worst things that can happen to a man. Height is super valued by women and men, and it's almost definitely going to define a good chunk of how you're going to get treated and perceived by others throughout life. But guess what? Just having a big dick and you can be a fucking porn star. The same goes for ugliness. It can be a horrible trait to have as long as you don't see people's lives ruined because of it, as long as they have a decent penis size. Uh, this guy, this guy is a poster child for how pornography can destroy a man's self-esteem. This guy would have been happily married farming potatoes 50, like a hundred years ago. 2:28:25 Unknown_33: This is true off my chest. My fucking vacation is ruined because of a racist kids. Unknown_33: I, 22 male, have been planning this vacation for months. Many positive things were told to me about this African country called South Africa, and I was totally stoked, spelled stocked, to visit Namibia too, but after that racist experience, I don't know how anymore. I thought about visiting the deserts and the savannah, explore new things, see exotic animals in their natural habitat, all those funny giraffes videos I watched with animals sticking their tongues out into cars. All of that ruined for fucking ever. For context, you all probably know about those YouTube thumbnails with funny faces. Annoying sometimes, but they are supposed to boost the algorithm to get more clicks or something. Mostly baiting little kids into clicking videos because the thumbnail has a weird face. So some of you might know where this is going. Oh, is this guy like on a YouTube thumbnail because he's so ugly? 2:29:03 Unknown_33: So everything was basically standard, nothing bumpy on the way to Africa. The food was weird on the flight. I booked two flights to the country and back in the hotel included. Went down there with South African Airlines and dropped me off in Johannesburg. The food wasn't great, but whatever, everything else was perfect. 2:29:43 Unknown_33: So I'm in South Africa, sightseeing woohoo, great as fuck, that might be the only good thing about the vacation. I put safari stuff on hold because I wanted a reason to travel to Namibia in the future, but that's been put on hold for obvious reasons. Unknown_33: I got a taxi and we went driving through Sowinto, and the driver talks about the crime in these parts and how the people here suck. Whatever racist taxi driver I thought, I'm dropped off. I walk around Sowinto, which is like a suburb of Johannesburg, and everything is alright. I buy some souvenirs and get ice cream as a treat for having the balls to go outside the safe city of Johannesburg. 2:30:19 Unknown_33: Well, then it happened. A group of African kids with new clothes, mind you, walked up to me and asked for money. I bluntly told them no, and they straight up teased me and called me a YouTube face. I was taken aback what they mean, YouTube face, so I kinda lose my cool, like I mind my own business and a group of teen assholes insult me with a slur I didn't even know yet. Like I tried to walk away calmly after telling them to fuck off and they kept calling me YouTube, YouTube, YouTube face all over again and I lose my cool and throw the ice cream at them and walk away. Only afterwards did it dawn on me that they mean those shitty YouTube thumbnails and how racist as fuck it is, it was aimed against me. I'm angry typing this out, I'm white if you didn't already guess, and this whole ass YouTube thumbnail thing spawned a new kind of slur to be hurled against my race? Are you kidding me? 2:31:01 Unknown_33: Fucking little children in other countries think that the people of my race are only there to make those shitty mouth-breathing open-faced... Open-mouthed faces. Fuck YouTube and fuck those racist kids. Most racist anti-white things I've witnessed in my life. You're lost, you're racist. Another Italian isn't going to visit Africa and give you tourist money. 2:31:38 Unknown_33: I had the same thing happen to me. Do YouTube. But I walked off confused. It seemed to spread everywhere because I was in Nigeria at the time. Unknown_33: So... Unknown_33: Black people in Africa think that white people just soy jack open-mouthed at random? Like if you walk up to a... Black people will walk up to you in Africa and say, hey, soy jack for me. And they just expect you to do like an open-mouthed, like, orgasm face for them on the spot. Is this a thing? I've never heard that. We gotta teach them. It's not YouTube face, it's soy jack. You gotta walk up and say, hey, soy jack for me, soy boy. 2:32:13 Unknown_33: You enjoying the rich, vibrant culture and diversity, Soyboy? Do a Soyboy face for me. Unknown_33: That's actually really funny. Unknown_33: See, everybody can enjoy racism. Spoiler alert. It's a little secret there. Unknown_33: Alright, this is the Super Check segment, and then as I mentioned, I have a super secret outro video to play. 2:32:46 Unknown_33: Nobody spoil it. Unknown_33: And I also have a plan, so if you want to stick around, if you're on kick, I ask that you in particular stick around because I am up to something. Unknown_33: I finished the stream in time. Unknown_33: Again, if you're on kick, please stick around, especially. Horsey Blatt for 10 says, I would like to congratulate King Cobra on his fantastic victory. Unknown_33: Yes, congratulations King Cobra. Probably something of a little cow of the year or something. 2:33:20 Unknown_33: Maybe he went a category, I don't remember all the categories. Unknown_33: Roxanne Wolfe for five says, ask not for whom I bark bark for as I bark bark for thee. Aw, thank you Roxanne, I appreciate it. Unknown_33: Askmaster33 for two says, African American agency level Josh. Unknown_33: I have no idea what that means. Unknown_33: I cannot answer this. Unknown_33: Holy hell for two says hope you are having a good day joshua reminded but always also did you see that journal scum stefan zeddy got banned from x briefly no i do not i don't know who stefan zeddy is sorry 2:33:55 Unknown_33: DocsFound4Five says, what percent of superchat donations do you actually get? What is the best way to actually send you money? The rumble cut for streamers via superchat is 100% right now. Unknown_33: You would keep 100% of your superchat money, I think. I think it's the superchats, either that or the advertisers. Just send them by, it doesn't look, don't worry about it. Just send by whatever's the most convenient to you. Unknown_33: I appreciate it. Unknown_33: Ice Mexican for five says please help. I'm stuck in a tunnel and I can hear deep people deep throating the letter H Thank you a to Rob for $10 says me eat I think you a to Rob's need to Twinkle Tart for $100 says shout out to my man and boss man Jack retarded loser who couldn't manage to win locale of the year or anything else for that matter Maybe next year Kang maybe next year, bro Bossman Jack just won $6,000. You just saw him win $6,000. What the fuck? What kind of shit you talking about? Okay. Hey, if you're so fucking good at gambling, why don't you, why don't you juice? Okay. Okay. Motherfucker. How about that? 2:34:47 Unknown_33: Thank you. Anime for five says most esteem and venerable Kiwi Dymo. I believe I have a solution for your brown people question from last stream. It's a solution that does not require any solutions after it. What would you call one of these? Unknown_33: The last solution, I suppose, the terminating solution, the end of sequence solution. Thank you. Remy Threading for two says, speaking of girlfriends, I'm friends with a sweet Catholic girl. AI could never compare. Please wish me luck. Bro, you don't deserve shit, because you're like a weird furry porn addict. I don't know. I'm not wishing you luck. Thank you, though. David S877 for 25 says, with your return to the US and your need for meat and cheese, are you aiming for rural areas where you need shady deliveries in the dead of night, or urban areas with Whole Foods and Amazon cheese? 2:35:20 Unknown_33: Don't know. I'm gonna do some feelers and set up my own supply network I have to get airdrop cheese from from Serbia like one of those big cargo planes is dropping me like a parachuted crate Thank you, I'll put that towards cheese Casting couch crab for $10 says hello Darth Moon. It's raiding a lot today. So the crab of the day is the mud crab. Oh 2:36:02 Unknown_33: The natural enemy of the mud crab is the mugged shark. You gotta watch out for those. Stay safe, casting cash crab. Especially on the casting couch. Mud sharks are particularly dangerous. Ben Collins for 20 says, I worked in a hospital during the first two years of COVID and I didn't post about it on the Kiwi Farms because I was too goddamn busy. It sucked to the nausea. The nurses left for travel jobs that paid three times. Unknown_33: Well, I don't know. It would have been nice to know what area you're talking about. I can't blame nurses for leaving for more money though. Why would you not take more money? Why would you not take more money? Ben Collins, for one, says, also ignore my display name. That's my dead name or something. I don't even watch streamers. I have no idea who Ben Collins is. So don't worry. I'm not making fun of you. Uh, Danny Ock, for one, says maybe Rikada can jump on and actually do his job and not be a drunk retard. Am I right? Nah, whoever we're talking about, he'll never clean up this, right? Yeah. I was kind of optimistic for sober January, but that's not going to happen. So it's never going to happen. Um, at least not anytime soon. I don't think. 2:36:34 Unknown_33: Amtaro for 10 says, what are you going to do? What were you doing in the Belgian Congo in 64 at 25 seconds? Very good. 2:37:06 Unknown_33: Let's see. Apparently there's going to be a Belgian man in the Congo in 1964 that looks like me at 25 seconds in this video. Unknown_33: He does look like me. Unknown_33: Listen, any, I deny any and all war crimes committed in the Belgian Congo in 1964. It couldn't have been me. Don't ask any questions. And I resent being called Belgian for the record. Unknown_33: Um, anonymous coward, 1776 for two says, Josh, I regret to inform you that the divorce study you quoted was faked by woman and was debunked nine years ago. Oh no. 2:37:46 Unknown_33: The women, they're lying as women do. Unknown_33: A widely reported finding that risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill, but not when men do, is invalid thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior." Okay, listen. I don't remember the study, but it's possible that this is also wrong. Have you considered that? 2:38:17 Unknown_33: For the record, I can absolutely believe that men divorce women when they get sick, because there was a fucking congressman who did that. Unknown_33: Who was it? It was like a famous guy. Unknown_33: It was the guy that went against Obama in the second run, wasn't it? Unknown_33: Mitt Romney, was he the one that divorced his wife when she got cancer? Was it Gingrich was the one? Oh my God, he's still in politics too. Yeah, she got cancer and then he dumped her and married a woman that was way younger than him. So I believe it. Unknown_33: I can't believe it was Gingrich though, because he's still around, and people don't make fun of him for that. They should. 2:38:57 Unknown_33: Federal Hungarian imperialist for 15 says kill artists, behead artists, roundhouse kick an artist into the concrete, slam dunk an artist baby into the trash can, crucify filthy artists, defecate into an artist's food, launch artists into the sun, stir fry artists in a wok, toss artists into active volcanoes. Unknown_33: Which ones? Hopefully not... Unknown_33: uh, architectural artists. Those guys are good. Thank you. Todd Lum's for one says, Hey, Jewish and chat. I'm looking for a place to live with good transportation. So I don't need a car. I only speak English. So EU is iffy on me, any recommendations, uh, any fucking city in the entire fucking world. If you speak English, you can go any city in the entire world. Go to Belgrade has public transport. It's not really good, but. 2:39:32 Unknown_33: I mean literally any European city will speak English. Unknown_33: Everybody speaks English. We won. We won the war and we made English the language everybody has to speak. Just how it is. Unknown_33: To Derek, username and password for once. His interview was yesterday. They claimed it was a good interview, but they emailed me a rejection without any reason or feedback. 2024 is off to an even worse start than 2023. Email them back and say, for why? Would you have any feedback? Be aggressive. I mean, they already said no. They can't say no again. Just email them back and be like, what was the issue? I'm curious. I'm trying to improve. You know, and see what they say. 2:40:06 Unknown_33: Become unhinged. They're already not giving you anything. So, become, do whatever you want. Unknown_33: The horse beater for one says, turns out chuds were Jewish all along, because the chuds came from the center of the earth or something, right? Makes sense, makes sense. Supreme me for two says, cheers Josh, found the silver 1908 barber half dollar while coin rolling, quote, coin roll hunting as I listen in, you are my good luck charm. 2:40:45 Unknown_33: Barber, that's a rare one. Unknown_33: Oh, I have one of those. Is that called a barber? Unknown_33: It's really faded. Is the other side better? Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_18: That's nice. Unknown_18: I think I have one of those. That's really nice though. Unknown_33: By the way, for some reason, after FDR, we started putting presidents on coins, but you can see the outline. That's called a liberty cap. That was started during the French Revolution, and it's a homage to freed Greek slaves that would wear a little red cap. And it became a symbol during the French Revolution as an anti-monarchist thing that carried on, too. Because the French Revolution influenced the American Revolution a lot. 2:41:16 Unknown_33: Which is why we had a good relationship with France going into the American Revolution because they supported us So that cap was something that used to be prominent in American iconography, but it got phased out for some reason The Eagle was great. That's a great classic American Federal Eagle really nice Really nice design though. I'm a big fan of the walking Liberty a half dollar For some reason. I don't know why the way the Eagle walks is really nice to me. I Congratulations stalker child enjoy prison pretenses if it doesn't get covered on the stream gets check out this spurg out from the fish tank Jet it up. This is the guy. Yeah, I played that. Hope you enjoyed my fish tank coverage stalker child. Enjoy prison. Thank you Orange monster energy for three says you got important details wrong or miss about the Jewish story read this entire post if you have the time There's our drama post Effort post why the fuck these Jews digging 2:42:31 Unknown_18: This is a very, very long post. Unknown_18: They fought over the tunnel. Unknown_18: The building is very crowded. Unknown_33: Bro, there's no fucking way that they're building the fucking tunnels to accommodate more worshippers. You can build it upwards. Unknown_33: That's stupid. That's true, they're even dumber than I expected, bro. The basis of the post was that the tunnels are there to expand it because it has to be expanded because there's so many worshippers at the temple. But it's like you're building makeshift fucking tunnels under your building instead of doing anything else? That's retarded. 2:43:13 Unknown_33: A real frog God for 20 says, hello, Josh. It's been a while friend. I always watch your streams, but it's been a while since I'd shipped in anything. Today's frog of the day is the frog fair. Unknown_33: You're very carnivore. Please show him. Unknown_32: Okay. Unknown_33: I can do that. Unknown_33: The crab eating frog. Oh no. Unknown_33: I guess this is of least concern. This thing is apparently a menace. Here you go. This is a crab eating frog chat. 2:43:54 Unknown_33: Diet the food sources of the crab eating frog are mainly determined by local available prey They eat small crustaceans including crabs. Believe it or not. The crab eating frog does eat crabs Fascinating frog fact. Thank you J snimba for five says cool with the anti-semite marks Hey, man, nothing. I say is anti-semitic. I cannot be anti-semitic. I Unknown_33: But thank you. The horse beater for one says this is the tunnel stream. So here is Xavier's tunnel content for all the stream to watch as they please and pleasure. Then there's a stream link, but as I have said many times, no videos for less than $10 because otherwise I'll never get through these fucking super chats. Sorry. Rickenbacker says roundhouse an advertiser into a wood chipper, shove a cactus down an advertiser's throat, throw advertisers into the tranny work camps. Now that is a political message that we can all stand behind. Thank you. 2:44:36 Unknown_33: Neighborino for once is Yeshua. We support your war on soy. Thank you my thank you. I appreciate it Meowga for two says late, but did you send receive any Christmas cards this year? No, I did not I plan to this year. Hopefully if I have time, hopefully we'll have more time this year Third world is aristocrat Third world aristocrat for one says be sure for sure a real woman would prefer a man to do the police search than a female trainee 2:45:15 Unknown_33: That's true, that's probably a legitimate statement. Unknown_33: At least if it's a man, there's a... It's like with male gynecologists. Unknown_33: I always pronounce that word wrong. It's not pronounced gynecologist. People make fun of me for that. I don't know how it's pronounced. Is it gynecologist? Unknown_33: But male gynecologists are like super, super professional because they're like dealing directly with the Goomba. So they have to make sure they don't fuck up and get a sexual harassment charge. So they're like super, super professional. I've heard from women that male gynecologists are better because they are so careful. Whereas women are like, uh, less careful because they, they have more familiarity with it. 2:45:48 Unknown_33: But total gun victory for ten says Josh, please enjoy this video of a very comfortable pig, okay Drunk pig I've watched this video before Okay, here come we're gonna get the intoxicated pig He ate a bunch of fermented apples, I think mash it right there Hey 2:46:35 Unknown_20: Are you messed up, girl? Unknown_20: Never seen a damn pig. Unknown_20: Yeah, that one there's fine. That one there's fine. Unknown_20: This one here has turned belly up. Unknown_20: Hey, you. Whoa, ho, ho, shit, the bed on my, ho, come here, girl. Holy hell, boy. Unknown_20: I didn't mean to do that. Okay. Okay. Okay. Wait a minute. 2:47:09 Unknown_00: There we go. Unknown_16: Wait a minute. Unknown_20: Wait a minute. There we go. All right. Unknown_33: Ship the bed almighty. Where's this guy from? Cause he's got like such a funny way of speaking. Cecilia. Unknown_33: Is that like a, a where? Unknown_33: Celia, Kentucky. That sounds about right to me. 2:47:42 Unknown_33: Thank you. That's a very comfortable pig. A laughing hyena for five says I'm convinced becoming a transgender is the penultimate point. A nihilist reaches before 41%. Great show. Unknown_33: Yeah. Something along that point. Cause there's so many different motivations behind it. It's hard to categorize it succinctly, but it's all, it's all very selfish and weird and creepy. Unknown_33: For the ghost, NTC42 says, I'm getting A-logged by my cat. When I go to use the restroom, she begs to come in. When I hop in the shower, she begs to come out. She's going to start my thread with, this dumb fuck is an animal abuser. For the ghost, NTC42 says, Josh, my cat makes my thread calling me an animal abuser that only gets shitty boxes for her to make her two-bedroom, two-bath cat house. Can I count on you to close the thread and sweep it up? No, you cannot. I don't play favorites, but nice try, guy. Claudia for me for five says what was the name of the fake news website that you talked about a few streams ago? They had a layout like buzzfeed. It's used to incite right-wing outrage with fake news articles It was called something like Poru or so bore so boo or something like that 2:48:16 Unknown_33: I have no idea. Sorry. Oh, um, are you talking about the, the African one? It's like a, it's like an African news site, but it's like, uh, it's, it's not real. It's like parody or satire. Afro Afro. That's it. They F R U. Uh, Mario Carter. Thank you. Mario Carter, 13 for two says slaps world trade center. This city can fit so many secret Jew tunnels. As long as you keep it within the protective, uh, protective boundary. 2:48:59 Unknown_33: That's a completely true statement. Thank you. 2:49:36 Unknown_33: Jason Imbafortensa Stern has always been a hypocritical, hypocritical. Oh my God, how the fuck did I lose the word hypocritical? It just slid out of my fucking brain. Has been a hypocritical coward. He threatened to leave Sirius XM with Opie and Anthony, made fun of him. Opie and Anthony couldn't even refer to Stern by name or on air or risk being fired. Yeah, what a little bitch. He deserves it. He deserves fucking COVID. I wish they had killed him. That would have been funny. That would have been funnier than what happened. Unknown_33: And he thinks himself so fucking cool, too. Unknown_33: Space Allen for 20 says, cheers. Thank you very much, Space Allen. I appreciate it. Patrick Sneedson for two says, my parents are wanting to get a Ring camera for their house. Is it possible to set up an isolated network just for the camera so it isn't on the same Wi-Fi as the rest of the devices? Yes. 2:50:14 Unknown_33: There is a, it's not Ring. You have to get something else. If you get Ring, it is 24-7 sending everything that happens to Amazon for processing. Unknown_33: If you want to do a home security thing, you have to do a little DIY. Um, I forget the name of it. I don't have it saved on this computer. Unknown_33: Um, I have it start on get hub somewhere. It's a, it's a security system and you have to buy like a, a Google, um, 2:50:50 Unknown_33: like, GPU thing that's used for, um, like processing images. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, it's a open source, like open software platform for a home security system that you can isolate on the network. Uh, please post that on, uh, on the amount of the internet thread on the Kiwi farms for this guy. I can't remember the name of it though, but it is a thing. Unknown_33: Uh, thank you. Sorry. Thank you. Unknown_33: Do you think gender ideology will ever die off and lose institutional power in your opinion? I can't see how this shit can keep going without dragging down society. It's dying off now. It's extremely cancerous, everyone hates it, and it's becoming an obvious problem to everyone. It's just so blatantly bullshit that it's a free punching bag. 2:51:25 Unknown_33: Like it's the easiest way to say I'm a sane human being like I don't believe in this tranny shit. It's fucking retarded It's like the easiest way to symbol signal to other people that you're that you're not an automaton that you have a soul Because people that that go along with it are just like the biggest dipshits ever 2:52:02 Unknown_33: D cause for $50 says I don't know what your current rate is But watch a minute or two current context red bar funded Salvo's roast battle with deaf noodles bass boomer I have no idea what that means, but we'll take a minute and watch it for $50 for $50 we can excuse it just me saying Mike moist critical is covering years 11 I Unknown_04: so what he sucks you know so having him having the 10 million is what makes him good you know this is like that mr beast syndrome because mr beast is rich because he's so big therefore he good no this guy's terrible and in fact he did a awful retelling of the incident. He didn't look into it. He got every detail wrong. Didn't do any research, but thought, oh, I'll make a video and gobble up all the views. I'll collect all the coin. Sticking my nose into a Twitter trend I got no business being involved in. 2:52:51 Unknown_04: So it was interesting to watch this because he didn't know the story. It was like the laziest reporter. I'd be more excited to be on like Tommy NC 2010s stream than this guy. Unknown_04: And it was funny. It really opened my eyes to, you know, and I hope some other listeners when you're watching this guy, well, what else is he sloppily and lazily reporting? You know, what else is this bedroom tuber getting wrong? I just. 2:53:24 Unknown_33: bedroom tuber that's a funny boomerism that's really because i was thinking about that like god look at that fucking man child's room of toys like look at how he presents himself to the world yeah you should take what i say seriously i sleep in a room surrounded by my childhood figures that i couldn't afford when i was a baby but now that i'm an adult and i have a job making youtube videos i can afford Unknown_02: whatever kitsch novelty products that I want from eBay. Unknown_33: Like, wow, like, can you not present yourself in a less shitty way? Like, come the fuck on. 2:53:59 Unknown_04: You know, the time is over. It's time to evolve. You can't just sit in front of your webcam with your Apple headphones talking into the webcam in your bedroom anymore when you're making millions of dollars. Sorry, you got to put some of that money to work. You got to evolve the whole Unknown_04: thing and do something different. Um, so we're in his little bedroom. We've got, here's all I need to know. If you hang a YouTube plaque, you're my enemy. That's all I need. 2:54:31 Unknown_04: If you hang, I'm thinking, I'm seeing this sign that says moist. And I'm thinking, ew, did he like choose this name? Because moist is an uncomfortable internet word. Unknown_33: Dude, I hope I can be as, like, crass and ruthless as this Jewish boomer. In case you're wondering, what is Josh gonna look like when he's, like, 60 years old? This is me. I'm still gonna be putting out YouTube videos, and I'm gonna be shitting all over people less than half of my age, saying, like, this is fucking embarrassing. You should feel bad. 2:55:03 Unknown_33: This is me. This is my aspiration. I wanna be this old man. Unknown_32: Awesome cool. Unknown_33: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna break out the soundboard. I'm gonna say I'm gonna get that that stuka dive bomb sound effect that And when my jokes when people's jokes bombs and shit, that's great I like that a lot Thank You D cars Unknown_33: That's for Troy for five says hey, Josh is okay. If you give me some juice, please Josh from sitting next bonus But the squirt is I can buy a 2006 Honda Civic. Don't be a rat. I need this. Sorry, bro I blew it all on key now this on this week. 2:55:42 Unknown_33: Oh My god, okay. No, I have to actually show everybody what I blew it all on I Have to show people what I put my money hard at work one. Unknown_33: Give me a second Unknown_33: Hopefully my browser will play nice. We'll see though. 2:56:19 Unknown_33: Okay, give me a sec, give me a sec. I'm working. Let me cook, chat. I know I got a bunch of zoomers in my audience. Let me cook. He's cooking. He's cooking right now. Let him cook. Unknown_33: It's a 931 kilobyte file. Come the fuck on. Okay, here it is. Unknown_33: Okay, here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Unknown_33: Can't juice you, bro. I already juiced Bossman Jack. Unknown_09: Oh, Matt at the Internet for eight subs. Holy shit. Thanks for the eight pack. God dang. 2:56:52 Unknown_09: Thank you very much. 1,488 subs. Wow. Thank you. Thank you for the eight subs, man. That's huge. Thank you, brother. Unknown_02: Thank you very much. Unknown_09: Thanks for the eight pack. God dang. Unknown_09: Thank you very much. 1488 subs. Wow. Thank you. Thank you for the eight subs, man. That's huge. Thank you, brother. 2:57:24 Unknown_33: It was worth it. Unknown_33: That's just a wing, Josh. It's a little wing. Unknown_33: Haramberger for two says, pizza day and a link to a 4chan's automotive board and I see an image of George Casanza looking at me raising a baseball bat to swing and the caption saying, I sure hope you guys don't do that. Thank you, Haramberger. I sure hope you don't. Sneado for one says, cat box file. I open it. 2:57:56 Unknown_33: It is AI generated images of Bossman Jack. Okay, hold up. I will show this. Unknown_33: It was AI-generated images of Bossman Jack with Nick Ricada drinking whiskey. And I am pretty sure that the one on the bottom right is merged with David Hasselhoff eating a cheeseburger, but for some reason it's sushi now instead of a cheeseburger. 2:58:31 Unknown_33: That's pretty great. Thank you. Unknown_33: Judy Tester for five says hello, Joe. There's a mouse in my terrible inner-city apartment. Can you help me figure out which terrible American? She's by product. He's lured out thinking events No, actually Mises will not come on the wall to eat your fucking goy slop. They know what that shit is They know what they have a long-standing feud with the rats They know what the rats try to feed them to lure them out and they will not eat cheese the fake cheese You gotta get some good old you gotta get real cheese my dude. Oh 2:59:05 Unknown_33: Her on burger produces most esteem and venerable kiwi. I know the crab of the day is the bark bark Thank you for on burger very insightful very original super chat Kersey for 10 says thanks for the streams jersh. I appreciate you. Thank you appreciate you Boxes for five says on the Belgian question, and then there was a cat box file. That's what that is 404 not found. Unknown_33: Wonderful. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Cito for once has credit to Lord of the End Cells for these AI bossmans. And then he links a cat box file. This one's not a 404. Uh, and instead appears to be bossman Jack, but Mexican Jewish, and then very fat. 2:59:36 Unknown_33: There you go. Excellent. Holy hell, for one says Steven Zetti was the journal who told his followers to follow reports to name silo last month. Oh, that dipshit. Awesome. That's funny. Unknown_33: What a piece of shit. Unknown_33: Stito for two says, hello, Jersh. I came to say I appreciate your taste in silver. Me and my mother love trying to find silver coins in our change, and she has a pretty decent silver coin collection. Have a nice night. That's a very healthy and fun family friendly hobby to have. Congratulations. Appreciate it. 3:00:08 Unknown_33: Orange Monster Energy for Two says, you missed the part where the Hasids who dug the tunnel and think that the dead Shabbat leader is the Messiah are from extremist chapters in Israel. The Shabbat leader has called the police on the extremists. Unknown_33: Really? Yeah, that's fucking weird, bro. I don't know what's going on with that shit. I just know that there's a rape dungeon down there. Unknown_33: Steven Rith for One says, French Revolution happened 13 years after the American Declaration of Independence. Dull Null strikes again. 3:00:47 Unknown_33: Um, my history is failing me. The French supported us for sure during the revolution despite the English. But I want to say that we supported the French during the revolution or vice versa. I just can't remember exactly. I'm sorry. Claude Affirmative for three says, that was it. Thanks Josh. I'm under the weather now. So watching your streams majorly improved my mood. Much love. Thank you. I'm glad I helped you out. Find your, your weird tabloid thing. Unknown_33: Indeed cogs for 50 says I don't know what your current rate is, but watch a minute or two red bow Oh, I already read that. I don't know how that ended up at the bottom of the super chat list again strange With that I do believe that is the end of the super chats. So as I promised the 3:01:22 Unknown_33: I have a special outro video. Uh, this will be taking place instead of the song. It does have a song in it, so it counts as an outro song. Um, and if you are on kick, make sure you stick around because I have something, I have something devious planned. Unknown_33: Uh, where is it? I had this queued up somewhere. Unknown_16: Alright, this is the illicit clips. Unknown_33: This is 12 minutes long as I mentioned I will do something special to kick people after the stream or after this video plays This is a list of clips is Arcada law you local your local the year And she did a nice little montage of Nick's finest moments in 2023. Let's take a watch a sunny guys on Tuesday this will be the outro 3:02:13 Unknown_33: Take it easy. Bye bye. And I will put a hamster somewhere. A Sonichu medallion has been passed to me. Unknown_07: I don't know where this came from. I am being sued. It's fucking Montagraph. Montagraph has always been into sucking little boy cock, which is weird. Unknown_07: This is the things people can do to you. 3:02:50 Unknown_07: If you guys don't know, I mean, I'm well over, I think I'm well over $40,000 into this lawsuit, 40 grand. Do you think that Montagraf sued me because I said, sue me, try it? Flip this all you want and sue me if you want, you fucking faggot child molesting fucking faggot. Like, do you honestly think that that is the, Montagraf's like, you know what? I'm not gonna sue Nick for anything. Oh, wait, he said to sue me, now I'm gonna do it? Any news on the lawsuit? No. There's no updates. Just waiting on a ruling. For whatever reason, our judge decided that this was not frivolous, even though it's clearly fucking frivolous. I HATE THIS TRIAL! I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS! THREE WEEKS! I'VE WASTED THREE FUCKING WEEKS OF MY LIFE, CURT! I'M SITTING HERE, AND I'M GOING, WHY IN GODDAMN HELL AM I WATCHING THIS? YOU KNOW WHAT I COULD BE DOING, CURT? YOU KNOW WHAT I COULD BE DOING? I COULD BE SLEEPING! I COULD BE EATING! I COULD BE COOKING! I COULD BE GOING OUT AND DOING CHORES! I COULD BE SPENDING TIME WITH MY KIDS! I COULD BE SPENDING TIME WITH MY WIFE! I COULD BE GOING TO THE CITIES, AND GETTING GODDAMN HAPPY ENDING MASSAGES! I DON'T KNOW! 3:03:36 Unknown_33: Rickada followed a black prostitute from his area on Instagram. 3:04:09 Unknown_07: You know what? Fuck you, chat. For the past six months, for the past six goddamn months, I've been talking about nothing but boring politics and law like every fucking get requested. They're all like, ah, this is a law channel. This was never a law channel, but you guys fucking demanded it. And so I'm sitting here, I'm suffering through it. I fucking hate talking about this shit every single day. And they're like, don't talk about anything fun. Don't talk about anything. Just talk about my goddamn Trump and my guns. Oh my God. I just need to talk about Trump and guns more. You know what? Fuck you. I'm done talking about Trump and guns every fucking other than like, if that's not your thing, please never give me money and fucking leave. 3:04:41 Unknown_06: Here we go, he's in the kitchen shittered again. Listen to this shit. Unknown_07: Oh my gosh. Did you see the abject fucking retard on Kiwi Farms? The dumbest motherfucker on the planet. Unknown_07: It was the fucking stupidest thing I've ever seen. The person who posted that, I don't even know who posted that, you are the dumbest motherfucker on the planet. You're so goddamn stupid that it's hilarious. Like you didn't see the obvious bit. You should probably go in and have the doctor check your autism. And when the doctor checks your autism, they shove their fingers. 3:05:17 Unknown_06: Nick Riccardo has been caught at a gay bar named Gay 90s hosting an underwear party and karaoke in Minneapolis as a birthday present from his wife. People are like, oh, oh, oh, are you going to go to a gay bar and do an underwear party again like last year? Unknown_07: If you fucking negroes would understand how much I want to go to a gay bar and do an underwear party, I would 100% do it. But let me tell you the truth. The gay bar no longer does underwear parties. I can't. I can't do them. You ever consider having a sugar daddy, Kyle? Get your money woes taken care of. Just borrow some of Skyler's underwear and wear that. Send him some pictures. You know, I'm good. I'm good. 3:05:59 Unknown_07: Whatever floats your boat, Nick. I gotta say, you mentioned that I never reached out to you. Unknown_07: I don't have any DMs either. 3:06:30 Unknown_03: Well, I've never taken issue with you like that. Unknown_07: You call me out on two live streams by name. Unknown_03: Yeah, because you were talking about me, Nick. The fuck? Unknown_07: You might be renting access to two or three exclusive spaces. You know, I know because I did practice and I read a bunch of fucking commercial leases and have negotiated way more of them than you. It matters what you say. If you say, give me $70 and I'll put a comic book on a palette, you better answer yes when I ask you if it costs $17. If you say it costs $13, then you've exposed yourself to legal liability that you should not expose yourself to because it isn't fucking real. You're just too goddamn dumb to realize it. And so many people, because of corrupt prosecutors, have been prosecuted for them being fucking stupid rather than I think Eric thinks he's smart. I think he wants to explain why he's so good or whatever, because I'm just a white bread ass nigga that don't understand Padna means friend. I get it. I'm not white. Eric, you don't know fucking shit about me. I grew up around black people my entire life, man. I grew up in poverty in the fucking hood. I had my vacation location. I didn't disclose my vacation location at all. Rakeda. 3:07:46 Unknown_33: Rikada had an Instagram account, and on it, he was following two nice Jamaican men. And Rikada was following them. Coincidentally, they both worked at Hedonism 2, the resort in Jamaica that he went to. He's just randomly sending this message to me at midnight, in the shower. He says that he's in the shower. He's like, nah, I'm just texting my bro at night, in the shower. And how did that get twisted? 3:08:21 Unknown_07: Sean, tell me how it got fucking twisted. What is the narrative about why I talked to Josh? Tell me, right now. Because you know, I know you know, what is it? What do I want Josh to do? Unknown_07: Tell me. You're on here bringing it up. Tell me, right now. Unknown_07: What do I want Josh to do? Tell me. You done? Wait, okay. Unknown_07: Who does text people in the shower? We had breakfast with him yesterday. Unknown_29: Felt like such a pussy. He had a bourbon and I was just so hungover, so I cracked a beer. 3:08:53 Unknown_16: The only thing I have within arm's reach, hold on. Unknown_06: That was the best thing I ever did. The only thing I have within arm's reach, I don't know. What is that? Unknown_08: The only thing I got within arm's reach, uh... Chris is getting whipped. Wiggle Jim! But that's all he's got on hand. 3:09:38 Unknown_08: Okay, here's what I need to do Unknown_07: I have to be up at... So my kid, my kid's at the speech tournament, and he's like, we might get eliminated in the first round. If we do, we need to ride back home so we can go to prom. So I have to leave my house at 9 a.m. That's in four hours. You gotta go to bed. There's a fucking hot tub here. 3:10:14 Unknown_14: I do. Unknown_07: But the great thing is, it's also the substance that probably won't murder you unless you drive home. And I don't tend to. I wake up, wake my kid up and say, hey, get some fucking clothes on, let's go. 3:10:53 Unknown_07: Normally, tomorrow I don't have shit. But that's normally. So you go with that. It's fine. It's a good outfit. Unknown_07: Mandy, I'm telling you this right now, Mandy. Unknown_07: Show up to Anime Matsuri. Unknown_07: I will 100%. Unknown_07: I've changed my mind on this. Mandy, I will sign your tits. I gotta prep Lady Rackets for this. I gotta tell her. I gotta tell her before she's there. Which one? What is it? Are you gonna show up or are you gonna not? 3:11:27 Unknown_07: You better fucking buy a ticket. Kamala, do you know Mandy? Unknown_10: How can someone not know Mandy? Unknown_07: There's nice tits. Mandy is so fucking gorgeous. Would eat that ass. Unknown_07: Oh my gosh. Mandy, if I was single... If I were single... Mandy... You would never be single again. Mandy, if I were not married, girl, I would wreck you. I would save you. I would do whatever on earth. I would do whatever on earth to praise you. These weird guys who are like, oh, you're too depressed or whatever. No. Mandy is so goddamn hot. 3:11:58 Unknown_07: Mandy is fucking phenomenally hot. Unknown_05: Mandy is so hot. Unknown_07: Mandy, if you come to Mont Surrey and Lady Rackets would fucking fawn over Mandy. I got way out of hand. And I said some shit that was beyond the line involving a couple different people. So that type of shit can't happen. 3:12:38 Unknown_05: Identity of Mandy is a guy named Daniel Paul Harris out of Tejas. All kinds of stuff matches up. Unknown_05: And the reason why we figured that out on the farms is because when Joe had Mandy call in, he accidentally had Mandy's number on the screen. Unknown_05: When tracing the number, it goes back to a guy named Daniel, and there's enough of a tracing back through Daniel's history, he may have known a woman named Mandy Kerevicius back when he lived in Louisiana. So yeah, that's, it's very weird. 3:13:18 Unknown_05: Yeah, the dude was digitally skinwalking this woman for like 20 years almost. I heard Mandy is a man, so I guess no, right? Unknown_07: I mean, I'm not into that. Unknown_22: But I sent you away, oh lady You kissed me and stopped me from shaking 3:14:28 Unknown_07: Drink time!