0:03:01 Unknown_23: Rabbit's got a quick hand He'll look around the room But won't tell you his plan He's got a rolled cigarette Unknown_23: Hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid Yeah, I found a six-shooter gun In his dad's closet, hidden with a box of fun things I don't even know why But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you All the other kids with the bumper kits Better run, better run, I'll run my gun All the other kids with the bumper kits 0:04:05 Unknown_23: Daddy works a long day He be coming home late Yeah he's coming home late And he's bringing me a surprise Cause dinner's in the kitchen And it's packed in nice size Unknown_21: It is the first Friday of the new year. One of many Fridays this year. I'm still chock full of my unbridled optimistic energy. I do not know why. Unknown_21: I guess there's a little bit of a calm right now. Nothing's happening. I don't have any fires to put out. I've had some opportunity to unwind for once. I don't know. Just feeling good chat. Feeling good. I don't live in Iowa. Can you imagine living in Iowa? 0:04:50 Unknown_21: What a disaster. Unknown_21: What's an Iowa chat? Nothing. At least it's better than Illinois. Unknown_21: I think I'd rather be dead than live in Illinois. Illinois is basically like if they had just given DC statehood, it would be Illinois as opposed to like just the shitty little city on the East Coast. So they said, well, let's take like a little chunk of land and make this like the Capitol. It would basically just be Chicago. 0:05:21 Unknown_21: So let's see, unfortunately for you all, I have a very news heavy lineup of things to talk about. As it happens, a lot of things have transpired over the first week of the year. I didn't talk about any of it on Monday on, uh, cause I was doing the, the year recap, uh, stream. So, uh, unfortunately for all of you, you have a full week of new, new year, serious events to look forward to. And then we'll probably laugh at Rikaida. That'll be how we cap it off. 0:05:57 Unknown_21: Usually I've gotten into the habit of doing like a free forum just kind of like site updates at the beginning of these streams With no notes or anything trying to think there's not really anything to update anybody on in regards to the site. It's just been stable Which I suppose I should explain my surprise usually when we have like these Unknown_21: The way I describe it, I think I've described it on stream before like this. It's like the scene in Jurassic Park where the jeep is crashing down through the tree, hitting every limb, smashing them, and then it stops. It finally hits a tree branch that's strong enough to stop it. That's basically how my VPS exploration goes when we're being actively deplatformed by gross trannies. And the solutions that I found this time, the branch that we hit that stopped the cascade, the failure cascade, very surprising to me because that is an update in regards to something I will talk about later. Actually, it's a signal message. I will say I am streaming at the moment. Sure. 0:07:16 Unknown_21: Okay, taken care of. So we are on pretty, pretty respectable, large hosts, not secret information. Anybody can look this up, obviously. I'm very pleased that we've lasted as long as we can, because as I've hinted, my final solution is in the works. I'm running down a timer, and all I'm trying to do is keep the site up long enough to reach this conclusion. And then once we get there, I have a really good feeling that it will upset a great number of people when they figure out what I've done. Um, so. 0:07:52 Unknown_21: That's all good. Unknown_21: Nothing to complain about. The site's kind of slow, but it's kind of slow just because activity is picking back up. Uh, people have discovered the sites back up. Um, and once we hit about 3000 active users, the performance dips again. So I'll have to figure that out at some point, but in general, everything is doing just fine chat. A reminder to everybody that all you have to do is never back down, never give people what they want. Eventually they get tired. Imagine how mentally exhausting it is when you're so desperate to do something, so desperate to accomplish something, and all you have at your disposal to accomplish this is emails, is writing emails to people and hoping that they care enough about what you have to say. I imagine it's really soul shattering when you realize that people don't actually give a fuck about you and the dumb bullshit you're upset about, and you have to find more and more aggressive and problematic ways, potentially illegal, potentially opening yourself up to civil liability in the process to get what you want. 0:09:03 Unknown_21: Um, so let us continue into the news chat. Unknown_21: Uh, first thing is first, I got some places on the planet earth. I'm not too pleased with, and neither is the planet earth. Unknown_21: Uh, in Japan, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake rocks, just as the 2024 year begins within 90 minutes of the initial earthquake, 19 other aftershocks were recorded. Unknown_21: The damage may not be done. Japan is warning coastal residents to evacuate to higher grounds to stay safe from potential tsunamis And here we have the wonderful utopia of Japan burning to the fucking ground as the earth building beneath it shrugs and They are shaken however 0:09:50 Unknown_21: You know, it might be predictably that look, Japanese people suffering, California also suffering. Unfortunately, this is only a 4.1 magnitude earthquake. This is not a, I'm sure everyone knows this, but on the Richter scale, like a five is not one more than four, a five is to the power of 10. Unknown_21: or uh or twice as strong as a four so uh if you consider a seven versus a four that's one or it's eight times stronger chad eight times stronger if only you know that would 0:10:27 Unknown_21: Is it bad to wish natural disasters on entire communities? Can you imagine how funny it would be though if LA just like, if like a massive, unbelievable, like 10 strongest earthquake ever witnessed by human history just happened right under LA and like millions of people died horrifically? Can you imagine? Or DC, ooh. Imagine at the same time, ooh. Unknown_21: And then just a big hole opens up and swallows it. All gone. No more L.A. No more D.C. Oh, what a shame. Terrible. Just sad. The San Andreas Fault? Yeah, something like that. 0:11:00 Unknown_21: Imagine there's no Los Angeles. I want to pick, oh, here we go. So this guy, he's got a pity. He's got a heckin' wholesome big chungus nanny dog. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Not even a single fly. Unknown_21: Unfortunately, the British, he's British, and so he lives under the authoritarian regime of the British government. And they said, no, I know that your sweetie little muffin puppy, your adorable little nanny dog that would never hurt a single fly. 0:11:40 Unknown_21: is innocent and pure and wholesome. However, you do live in England, so you must suffer and we will make you muzzle your lovely little pooch that could never, never do anything wrong. This man, he lives in the United Kingdom. He has no rights. He has no ability to action change in his society. So he decides that he's going to approach this problem with an inventive mind and do the only thing he can, which is to also wear a muzzle himself. Unknown_21: His gambit here is to scare and terrify the children and innocent people of color who have never witnessed white people before, and who are not aware that white people parade around in their fetishes in public. You not only have the pup play people wearing muzzles, you also have the snake people, the snake trainees being let around on the leash in public. Very terrifying, very shocking. The conservative Muslim and Indian folks who live in his diverse neighborhood will see this and complain, and then they'll have to make a cost-effective analysis. Is it worth it? Is muzzling the innocent dogs who didn't do anything going to be worth this man continuing to scare the POCs in his diverse neighborhood and they may come to their senses and let the canine Africanas free at last. 0:13:06 Unknown_21: Hamster. You're completely right. I do not have a hamster already because I'm on Windows. I have not even I've literally not even attempted to fix my Unknown_21: Linux yet? I received offers from people desperate to try and help me fix Linux and I tell them no, child. I do not want your help. I have no desire to fix Linux, child. You will. Watch my streams on Windows and you will be happy. That's all right. 0:13:38 Unknown_21: Um, cool, excellent, wonderful. Thanks, England. Unknown_21: Andy, who knew says breaking a violent suspect with a long criminal history, less rushed a Las Vegas judge and brutally beat her after she denied his attorney's request for a suspended print prison sentence. Unknown_21: Um, so let's see my homie turn into a flying squirrel. I appreciate that, but I think it's time that he gets a taste of something else because I just can't with that history. 0:14:11 Unknown_00: in accordance with the laws of the state of Nevada, this court is adjourned. Unknown_21: I love how the American flag toppling over. It was really just amazing. Unknown_21: Call that symbolism, Chad. Symbolism. Unknown_21: Damn, he's really getting on her. Unknown_21: He's still going, I didn't realize that he's still beating her the entire time. I don't know, it is kind of weird how she's so smug, like, hmm, yes, this African man should taste what he deserves. He should go to prison. Go to prison, negro child. And he's like, nah, fuck you, bitch. Bam, flying. 0:14:51 Unknown_21: What I love, here's the really nice thing. That moment of fear, look at that. Look at that government official, terrified, actually afraid. I am aware that he has a long criminal history. I'm not saying that he does not deserve to go to jail, I am saying that 0:15:26 Unknown_21: the immediate juxtaposition of the preening condescension with the immediate visceral reaction. Unknown_21: uh, is somewhat satisfying, especially look, just look at this judge. Just like, wow, actually, um, this person is not a white person. You cannot simply disrespect them like this and not expect white people will take anything. White people will sit in court and the judge will go. Yes. I think it's, I think it's time. I think it's time to take your child because he identifies as a she and you don't respect this. And the white man will simply sit there and go, oh, I guess we can always fight it on appeals. 0:16:12 Unknown_21: Maybe I think we have a really good chance of filing for writ and being heard by the Supreme Court I guess it'll bankrupt my entire family, but you know I think that the system works and logic will prevail and then suddenly on the other side and the black man here is hey You probably deserve to go to prison this point. You've done this like eight times Unknown_21: I'm not defending this person, I'm simply saying it's interesting. Listen, I'm just saying, maybe he has a point. Unknown_21: I don't know, I have an inability, listen. Unknown_21: I may sound like a hypocrite, but it's really just one of my many mental conditions. I have an absolute inability to empathize with members of the justice system, regardless if it's state level or if it's federal level. I just can't care. I have not a single little... 0:17:15 Unknown_21: a nodule of empathy empathy juice in my brain to retch out to ring like a rag all right it just doesn't exist uh one more time fascinating hope you got your nikes on if you're going to court now uh this lady her name is isabella maria de luca and she is what we 0:17:51 Unknown_21: could call a conservathought. This picture of her cooking caused an issue on the internet. People saw this picture and said, lady, you have a grocery or a crucifix around your neck and you purport to be conservative, but yet you sit here baking a cake with large breasts. How? Do you reconcile these two positions? And it's really fascinating because she is like a conservative thought like her pictures are all like Swimsuit model pictures and she's got like that awful fucking tik-tok makeup on that makes you I don't know It's like the overdoing of the blush with like sparkles and shit on your face. It's really like gross 0:18:34 Unknown_21: But people for some reason took issue with this I guess because she's cooking and the thought is that Okay, if you want to be like a can like a swimsuit model thought that's one thing that's like being an open thought but if you're baking a cake with with your boobs then then you're a Then you're like a fake trad thought which I don't even think of what she's doing here. I Unknown_21: Um, I don't know. My, my, my, my thought with that, with people being upset about this is like, what is she supposed to do? Like what, what kind of clothing is she supposed to wear while baking cakes? She's probably inside. It's winter time. So the heater's on. 0:19:08 Unknown_21: And is she going to like, is she supposed to wear some kind of like sweatshirt on in order to cook? I don't get it. Unknown_21: I feel like this is a inappropriate dress. This is one of these things like with the swimsuit calendar where it's just like Conservatives are like retarded and will argue over the dumbest shit fucking imaginable And I would not have the energy to even talk about this, but there's something funny that's happened this guy Aubrey Huff is a former MLA player and I 0:19:50 Unknown_21: He says, this catfight between Luca and Rach for patriarchy is proof that most today's women even know their sexuality is all they bring to the table, complete with a desperate need for attention, crippling debt, drama, delusion, self-worth, and a lack of accountability. So just like, yeah, women are whores, and I don't respect them. That's right, I just have sex with him. She immediately calls him out on this because he had been sliding in her DMs on Christmas fucking day. This Aubrey Huff guy on Christmas fucking day, who is I think married? Yeah, he's married and he has kids. Slides into her DMs on Christmas fucking day and says this, hey beautiful, let's collab over cocktails and bad decisions. Winky face, tongue out emoji. 0:20:36 Unknown_21: So she calls him out on this. Unknown_21: And then, um... Unknown_21: This man has the audacity to assault me, but is a married father of two deeming me on Christmas Day. He literally deletes his entire account, and all the media has like a field day. Aubrey Huff leaves social media after getting caught out by conservative influencers over bad decisions. Ex MLB, or MLB, not MLA, sorry. MLB star Aubrey Huff deletes social media following alleged blah blah blah. Aubrey Huff deletes social media. Disgraced former SF Giants star embarrasses himself on Twitter. Aubrey Huff deletes social media account after seemingly being ousted as a horndog, oh no. 0:21:10 Unknown_21: That's definitely is FS gate like a sports thing. That's a horned dog sounds like a sports way of referring to like sexual misconduct by players Funny that's the only reason why I mentioned that it's funny. We're dog is a boom return MLA, what's the difference between the MLA and MLB? Hold on. MLA. Unknown_21: Oh, that's the style guide for coursework. That's some deep, dark, buried shit. I don't even think, do Zoomers even experience this? Cause everything's online now. Is there still an MLA format that's required in university? If anyone's in the university is like 20 years old and in uni, do you have to use MLA still? Or is that like an antique that nobody knows about and talks about? Yes? 0:21:45 Unknown_21: They still make you use MLA format? Oh my God. It's like an antique. Unknown_36: Who the fuck uses it? Unknown_21: Absolutely, MLA is still required. God. They just they just hate you fuckers. I'm sorry. We got computers and shit. We know how to link stuff We have like a Wicca Wikipedia Reference format where they still make you fuckers use MLA College is super outdated. 0:22:27 Unknown_22: That's a good word Cool Next people are insane. Unknown_21: Let's listen to what a tick-tock user has to say. I Unknown_38: So I was starving so I have to get one quick sandwich from here and I thought they gave me the wrong sandwich but conveniently McDonald's changed their packaging. Unknown_38: Wow. Unknown_38: What does that resemble? Unknown_02: Yeah, what is this? Unknown_33: This one? Unknown_02: Yeah, what is this new packaging? Unknown_33: It's to make chicken wrappers. Unknown_02: But why is it blue and white? I honestly don't know. I think you do know. This is in support of Israel. They changed it. I mean it was like that actually since a few months ago because we ran out of the regular ones. No, I don't think so. This is obviously in support of Israel. No, I mean we actually had that for a while. 0:23:09 Unknown_21: Love that that guy you can tell that that guy is like a real genuine nice guy And she's like come up and leave this is in support of Israel. He's like no he speaks like um He has that lisp like Jimmy from the first fish tank season like no actually or John whatever the fuck his name was like no actually um We had that for a couple months and that should immediately diffuse the situation but she automatically assumes that he's lying to her for some reason and 0:23:49 Unknown_02: was here two weeks ago and it wasn't like this i mean we i've had stuff i know i know this is not your fault because you're an employee but i think this is disgusting for them to do this and i know you in your heart you know in your heart that this is clearly what this rapper is for i mean i ma'am i don't know what is real is Unknown_02: um i'm explaining it to you it is this is what it's what a cunt what a cunt oh i would lose my fucking shit you're explaining it to me you schizophrenic cunt this is the color of their flag this is clearly what they're doing i would be fired if someone came in if someone came in to to i thankfully when i worked whatever this was before tick tock Unknown_21: And the only thing that you had to deal with as an employee was because I was in like one of the deaths in Florida is like one of the most expensive areas in the entire country. There are more millionaires per capita in Dustin than anywhere in the, in the U S. 0:24:40 Unknown_21: So you get these really snobby kids who just turned 16 and already had like a Rolls Royce because their family worked in the pharmaceutical industry or oil or some shit. Unknown_21: That is definitely better than the wannabe TikTok influencer coming and saying, actually, I'm explaining it to you. Bitch, you ain't explaining shit. you ain't there's there's no fuck there is no way that 725 an hour is going to compel me to sit in my fucking ass here and listen to your dumb bullshit not a chance you're gonna put this on tiktok good i'm gonna fucking chew you out and what they're showing to people and i think it's disgusting you know what this means it means now that like the pro palace sign leftist 0:25:24 Unknown_21: are more anti-Semitic than the neo-Nazis. Like, never once have I seen a blue and white rapper and thought that this is Jewish. And I see Jews everywhere. I see Jews in a lot of places. So the fact that this person is noticing patterns that aren't even there is indicative of some kind of horrific societal change. They can't even get that right. They can't even get the most basic stuff right. That's not how you notice. Where's the early life? Go to McDonald's early life and see if the graphics designer is Jewish. That's how you do it. 0:26:01 Unknown_21: You don't walk into the store and yell at the employee and put it on TikTok. Unknown_21: They suck even at this chat. Unknown_21: Um, Austin Taylor cocker. It's 29, um, has been in prison for sex trafficking in minor and also kidnapping the woman and forcing her to draw furry porn from his basement so that he may sell it on only fans. Uh, here we have a picture of the individual. This is on their website, so I'll just show it there. 0:26:33 Unknown_21: Here is the picture. Here is the man. Unknown_21: Trans rights are human rights. The first pride was a riot stone wall in 1965. Uh, this is what he literally kidnapped a woman and forced her to draw for him. Unknown_21: Um, this is another one. She's he's the furry character is smoking from a bong and has like a galaxy tail and shit. 0:27:09 Unknown_21: I would be interested in seeing more of the pictures, but unfortunately I don't think that there. There's a lot of those. I don't know. That's a good one to pick for the role. Just get the tranny shit front and center. Um, I I'm curious, does this explain how he acquired this person? I feel kind of retarded for not, um, uh, according to documents, Unknown_21: The victim were met as business partners they launched an entity calling called the boring company taking the same name as yeah That's like must company. So he took the name And he was a fan of it. So he just copied it wholesale Furries of the enjoy it. Okay. I know what a furry is The cockroach victim was made to dress in a furry suit resembling a black and white furred wolf while making ironic content 0:27:51 Unknown_21: Um, he had his own costume. And how did the victim draw sexually explicit content on only fans and then take a portion of the profits. But the victim told investigators she quickly lost her freedom and was in prison in a room and forced to make videos daily. Make videos like, I guess in the suit, he took the entirety of her earnings and refused to allow the victim contact with their family or friends. She was pressured to make a minimum of a thousand dollars a day. 0:28:25 Unknown_21: Chris didn't make an ironic content even when she was ill and the only time outfit Was only allowed time off if she recruited other young women to work for cockroach from the local college He poured hot cooking grease on her now and he would chase her from the house for 15 Jesus I Unknown_21: Cockroach had a second victim a female relative who was 14 or 15 at the time He exposed her to porn with text messages presented in court showing that she had been encouraged to her to enter the furry sex trade So this guy was trying to set up franchises Exposed his own family to porn furry porn and tried to convince them To help him make money by selling themselves in their art and 0:29:29 Unknown_21: Oh, he also wrote poems about, ooh, furry poems. Unknown_21: A poem to a younger me. Unknown_21: To a younger me, it doesn't get better. Oh my God, we got a Queen Cthulhu situation here. They finally admit it. It just doesn't get better, Evershet. Unknown_21: Your love life is like a barren wasteland inside your heart. It often, it doesn't often rain. Unknown_21: You'll meet a guy named Chase. He has Harry Potter glasses and is too poor to afford new clothes. Only you see what shines inside him. He is your best friend. Don't let the bullies get to you. Please don't let them push you away from him. He will cry. Everyone will press the blame into your forehead when he moves. You will be alone. Years will pass. They will still blame you. Every night you open your arms. Sleep is brought upon you when your pillow is soaked with blood and tears. Why are you bleeding? You loved him. Then you will meet Colin, dark and mysterious, the first to steal your pure innocence, his hands soft and eyes enchanting. The world is happy for you again. You will know love again, but weeks will pass. He will hide from you. You open your arms again. Distance forces you to end it. In return, he ends himself. And then you will kidnap a 14-year-old and force her to dance in a furry costume. 0:30:36 Unknown_21: Awesome. Gay people. Sure. You know, love is love chat. That's all I gotta say. This is proof to me that the LGBTQ IAP plus community experiences emotions the same way that we says head straight white men do. 0:31:16 Unknown_21: Oh yeah, okay, this is just funny because it's the funny, okay? This is a Facebook group, it's called Unhappily Married to a Filipina or Foreigner Help Group. Makes me wonder, when I saw this I got inspired, I thought maybe it would be worth it to make a Facebook account and then just troll for like private groups and see if there's like any weird bubbles on Facebook of shit like this and then people can like Take out really funny stories like I I married a Filipina and all she does is slurp a balut now, and I'm fucking miserable I want to my house smells like fertilized chicken eggs, and I hate it. I hate it so much Please do it. I don't know It's hard for me to organize stuff like that, but that would be funny. I would be interested. There's like a I 0:32:00 Unknown_21: There's a couple threads for just like social media harvesting, like the Reddit one usually contains a lot of funny posts from people on Reddit. It would be interesting to see like a Facebook one where it's just boomers explaining how much they hate the fact that they 0:33:36 Unknown_18: How long, how am I muted when I'm genuine? Unknown_21: Okay. Unknown_21: I've been talking, but I didn't touch my, my setup. I don't know how I, um, there has to be like a hot key for muting your mic that I somehow press. Unknown_21: Cause I didn't, I literally didn't touch a single thing. I don't know how I would turn this off. Yeah. For two minutes. Unknown_18: Okay. Unknown_21: I'm, I'm so frustrated right now. Cause I don't know what I did. I like, if I did it on accident, if I muted myself to cough and I forgot to unmute myself, I'd be fine. But there's like a keyboard. There's a fucking key somewhere on my computer that mutes my microphone and doesn't notify me when I'm muted. And I don't know what it is and how I pressed them. 0:34:17 Unknown_21: Okay. So let me, I read this tweet. I will reread it. Unknown_21: Um, this is a video from, um, I think Veritas. Unknown_21: It was this journalist at sound investigation. So this is not Veritas, but it's like a Veritas style, uh, footage video. 0:34:50 Unknown_21: She says this is art and young she says pornhub parent alo alo is the company that owns mind geek or is now mind geek mind geek was the company that owned Porn hub, but now it's just rebranded to alo. I guess something happened, and they want to shake an association But he says kids will find their kink on alo says that 12 year olds watching trans angels porn probably helps a lot And he says that we need to push stuff less accepted get more men straight men in on gay and trans porn, too So let's watch a little bit of a chat Unknown_37: To get on, what do you have to do? Unknown_31: That much. Probably that much, yeah. Unknown_26: How easy is it for an underage person to view the site? Unknown_35: Go into the site. 0:35:35 Unknown_35: Let's say you're 12 years old, you're still figuring out your sexuality, maybe even your gender. Wouldn't it be helpful to see Unknown_35: Not a celebration, but just like maybe a normalization of something that you think is what you want, you know? Probably helps a lot. Let's say I was 12 and I saw like trans angels, I saw all these different sites. It would help me figure out what I do like and what I don't like. I need to try to push stuff that's more, less accepted. Like putting a trans male or a trans female in a scene, you wouldn't get that on a normal mainstream site. If you've seen our previous undercover releases, you may be familiar with Mike Farley, the current Pornhub product manager, who became one of Pornhub's first employees over 10 years ago, and Dylan Rice, the senior scriptwriter for Pornhub's parent company, MindGeek, 0:36:16 Unknown_01: now rebranding as ALO, who has written scripts for MindGeek's porn sites and advertisements for over five years. Today, meet Sil Fernandez. Fernandez is a production coordinator for some of MindGeek's plethora of porn sites. 0:36:59 Unknown_01: While states are currently enacting laws to require IDs to prevent children from entering porn sites, these three men talked to our undercover reporter about children viewing pornography on MindGeek sites, including PornHub and TransAngelsAndMen.com, which are MindGeek sites featuring studio-produced transgender and gay-focused pornography. Unknown_26: How easy is it for an underage person to view the site? Unknown_22: Go to the site. Unknown_21: You know, I think that when it comes to this shit a lot of normies find it difficult to Unknown_21: to take it seriously. I think that it feels really fake to a lot of people because when they're so brazen about it, you're kind of forced to assume that there's something more to what's being said, like it's out of context or something. But I think that when it comes to, because whenever you see these Veritas videos, it's always like, a young woman is on a date with a guy and she's like hi oh my god i'm so interested in like sexual liberation at my liberal arts college like i i figured out how much porn is useful to men to sexually identify to find them through cells I think that all guys should watch the most wretched porn ever. And they're like, yeah, you know, I work at MindGeek, and we rape kids and shit, you know? It's like, we're helping kids find, you know, masturbate to trans angels porn. Like, that's all it takes. Like, people like this can be duped into saying, like, the most amazingly, like, disgusting shit imaginable, just because they think at the other end of it, they're gonna, like, get to have sex. 0:38:30 Unknown_31: Not much. Probably not much, yeah. Unknown_27: There was a study that was like... I think it was like 11 years old is the average age kids are now viewing. What do you think about that? I mean, sounds like my age. Unknown_06: I thought so too. Really? Yeah. I mean, it makes sense, you know? Yeah. 0:39:12 Unknown_21: You know what's really scary about that though? It's not even, okay, it, like, I think I was exposed to it like nine just because what I did is I typed profanity into like the URL bar and that just took me to like random porn sites because I just typed in bad words and bad words are mostly like sex related. Unknown_21: So that's how I found it. I'm curious. I saw a study somewhere. I don't have it offhand, but there's like a, a rise in the number of underage girls who are now, who are being referred to doctors for like, 0:39:49 Unknown_21: rectal issues like fecal incontinence and injuries in the colon because kids are now having like violence like sodomy at the age of 11 or some shit and it's like the number of like little girls who are like Having unprepared anal sex is really really high So there's like actual physical damage and trauma that's like happening to extremely young kids because they are seeing violent porn on their discord servers and trying it out and Unknown_06: Do you think that kids go on there? Unknown_27: All you have to do is probably check the box or something. Unknown_07: I think so, yeah. I probably just asked, are you 18 years old? Yes or no? Unknown_27: Yeah. Unknown_07: I don't think they've done too much on that. They've got some educational aspects to it. Yeah, there's so many... I mean, especially with boys. 0:40:49 Unknown_01: Rice and Fernanda. Unknown_21: I don't buy into any of that shit at all. I've become worse. I've become conservative I guess it's not like a thing people describe me as prudish or like some people have said that I'm like asexual just because I come across so prudish now that it's it's Alienating to some people but yeah, I don't know my opinion my opinion has really soured and I would actually I'm gonna do a poll I'm a little bit curious 0:41:22 Unknown_21: What people think I do whole, should there be age gating some kind of age gate or adult websites? Yes. But one for yes or vote two for no. See if that works actually. 0:42:00 Unknown_21: No, that does not work on X. Okay. Hold up. Unknown_21: and try putting on a kick. The pole might be broken because I have, there we go. Okay. Sorry. Just doesn't work on X. Okay. Should there be some kind of age gate for adult websites? And I like, cause back in the day, Unknown_21: If you ever, like when, I remember it was a big deal like 10 years ago when the British tried to push, or I think they even did it. They created some kind of like tiered internet where you were required to like opt in for porn websites. And that was like a big deal that everybody laughed at. 0:42:31 Unknown_21: But now I have a feeling that there would be much more popular Unknown_21: support for some kind of mandatory like age verification for adult sites and it's not an it's not like an easy question because whenever it comes to the proposition of let's censor the internet a little bit Unknown_21: It's a dangerous thing to give the government as a tool. It's also very difficult to understand how you would enforce that, because clearly the Kiwi farms would be classified as an adult website, right? So from a web administrator perspective, when I'm sitting down, I'm thinking like, okay, well, maybe we should make it so that 0:43:12 Unknown_21: Porn is more difficult for children to find on accident, because I found it on accident. Though I imagine a lot of kids these days are deliberately exposed to it in Discord servers. I imagine even if you're a young kid, if there's a Discord server for your middle school and high school, if you have a middle school and high school that's on the same campus at your city, you have a small town. You're gonna add each other and then you're gonna have like the official discord I think schools have official discords now and then you're gonna have like your private discords and then if you're like a you know a ten-year-old in middle school and you're in the same servers as boys who are 18 and seniors in high school you're undoubtedly gonna be exposed to porn that way so 0:43:51 Unknown_21: Sorry, my point is, is that I'm trying to think of how you could implement an age verification system that doesn't compromise the anonymity of internet users and doesn't make the internet less usable, um, or less, you know, less, less private as it is now. Unknown_21: One thing that was interesting is there's a top-level domain that's .xxx, and the pitch, .xxx came out a long time ago. It was one of the first GTLDs, and it was explicitly for adult websites. And part of the reason why the ICANN created .xxx is that they wanted to make it easier for 0:44:44 Unknown_21: Parental filters to filter out like explicit pornographic websites, so if you're on dot xxx You know obviously if you are building a parental filter you would just immediately filter any domain on that top-level domain so if we Compelled even just websites that are dedicated to porn to have to be on top-level domains that are explicitly pornographic that might 0:45:26 Unknown_21: might be an example of something that can be done, but I don't know. It's a very difficult question. Unknown_21: Yeah, don't tell Elon. Unknown_21: Yeah, they don't want to use it. I remember this. It's a domain with an incredibly low utilization rate. Unknown_18: Yeah, for I mean, I think that I mean, that's a good example of how I think you could like if you want to make a website that's explicitly geared towards adult entertainment, it has to be on something like that. 0:46:09 Unknown_21: And then you can filter that out much more easily because you know, Pornhub is just one.com and that's a verisign top level domain, stuff like that. I don't know. It's a, like I said, it's a scary proposition to even think about, like, Unknown_21: But in my audience, at least, of 140 people, 130 of them said yes, they would be in support of something like that. Unknown_21: The tides have turned. Unknown_21: I made fun of Andrew Torbel in this podcast. It was in very recent memory. He was talking about banning porn from Gab, and I ridiculed him for that. I was like, social media is basically just a way of sharing porn. That's like half the traffic on Reddit. 0:46:50 Unknown_21: But he does appear to be in the right now. I think a lot of people would support them I think that even it's but here's a here's another thought before I move on I think that part of the reason why the Kiwi farms is like enduring and successful is that it does a very good job. I think of being safe for work and Like you can browse the Kiwi farms and your odds of randomly opening something extremely explicit or disgusting and vile on accident is pretty low compared to a lot of sites. If you try to browse poll, you're going to be exposed to porn within seconds of opening it. So if you are trying to browse the internet and not be exposed to porn, social media sites that are geared towards that probably do have some value to it. 0:47:27 Unknown_21: Just a thought, Jen. Unknown_21: Yeah, but it kills trannies. That's true. They can't, it's true how they can't exist in environments that are not like conductive to sharing porn. That's, that's a funny, funny thought. Unknown_21: So, and the news continues. Unknown_21: A deposition, I think that this has been mischaracterized as Epstein's list of clients. However, it is not Epstein's list of clients. It is a deposition with a girl who was involved in Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring under the direction of Ghislaine Maxwell, starting, I believe, at the age of 16 or 17. 0:48:08 Unknown_21: And she was instructed by Ghislaine to have sex with various prominent individuals. Unknown_21: So, correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, Unknown_21: Uh, this is simply her personal account of her misadventures. So it's not comprehensive. Um, and it's only based on her memory. So it's not like a list of people and like how many times they visited or what they did, you know, gis Lane, not gis Lane. Um, 0:48:45 Unknown_21: So it's a fragment, they're allowing you to see a single fragment of the Epstein extended universe. This is merely the first episode, perhaps, in a series of documents being made public. 0:49:17 Unknown_21: It goes into detail about a couple people. Unknown_21: None of which are Trump. She's explicitly asked if she's ever had any kind of encounter with Trump. Unknown_21: She denies it. Unknown_21: So this is kind of being hailed by people as being exoneration for Trump. Unknown_21: However, like I said, it's not exoneration for anyone not mentioned, because the sex trafficking circle that Maxwell and Epstein conducted was very large, and she was just one member of it. It's kind of like asking, you know, you worked at Whataburger, did you ever serve Donald Trump? And they'd be like, well, 0:49:50 Unknown_21: That's proof that he doesn't eat at Whataburger. He might have just went to a different place. He might not have been working that day. Unknown_21: So yeah, it's a small win for the little guys, I think. There's only one name that's blacked out. It leaves a lot of speculation. The big one that appears more than anyone is Epstein's lawyer, Alex Deshorowitz, who is extraordinarily Jewish. Unknown_21: A huge pro-israel guy and like he's a very politically connected nepotistic Jewish pro-israel Zionist and his name shows up. I think a hundred and forty three times was the statistic that I saw Dura Shorowitz, sorry, I can't say words. 0:50:35 Unknown_21: Um, so Is it is it not Alex hold on let me look it up sorry I Unknown_21: Dershowitz, Alan Dershowitz, Alan Dershowitz, American lawyer, named 143 times, very politically connected person, lives in New York City. Unknown_21: The other one that was really fit really took off. It's like a meme is apparently Stephen Hawking is Known is a known Like philanderer he's married, but he still has reportedly gone to sex orgies and there's pictures of him like surrounded by like strippers and stuff and Um, but she says that he, he was a routine visitor to Epstein and would have underage girls like sit and grind on him. And that was how he got off. 0:51:13 Unknown_21: So. Unknown_21: No, but never trust anyone in Hollywood, basically. Never trust anyone famous. Assume that anyone super famous is a fucking degenerate. By the way, I have this complaint, chat. I have a complaint. We have an understanding of Epstein's girls, and the youngest girl that he trafficked was 14. 0:52:03 Unknown_21: The youngest girl that Andrew Tate trafficked was 15, and I am really at a loss at how the same people who poo-poo on Jeffrey Epstein and his list of girls that he would send out to celebrities are also sometimes – not all of them, but some of them – are also people who love Andrew Tate. Can you explain to me how it's okay for this Muslim living in Romania to traffic white girls that are as young as 15 and have them have sex with his chads in his alpha mansion or whatever the fuck. But Epstein Island is somehow worse. Explain this to me. Here's what I see. I'm aware that he's supposedly ex-Muslim. I don't believe that. 0:52:54 Unknown_21: I see two people of Middle Eastern descent who love raping little white girls, and they love sharing little white girls with their other creepy, weird Middle Eastern friends, and I have unimaginable contempt for both of them, chat. 0:53:29 Unknown_21: I see them as equals. The only thing that makes Epstein worse than Andrew Tate is that he had more power and influence to get away with it for longer and to do it to more girls, as opposed to Andrew Tate, who spends some of his money on Lamborghinis so he can afford fewer white girls to pass around. Not a fan, Chad. Simply not a fan. Unknown_21: Okay, this is this is finally the fun topic a tranny shot up a school. I Played a intro song for this, but we have confirmation that a tranny shot up a school One killed a five injured and shooting at Iowa high school suspect also dead at 737 There's a suspect not included with the one killed. I think that the suspect He also shot himself 0:54:02 Unknown_21: And he managed to shoot one girl twice in the head. Unknown_21: From what I understand, he was using a .22, which is a very, very low power round. It can still be lethal. Any bullet is a deadly weapon. So you can absolutely kill people with a .22. However, .22s are usually reserved for, like, varmint hunting and other, like, 0:54:51 Unknown_21: uh small animals they're not usually used to kill people so i guess he just didn't have access to an ar-15 or something with like a proper military around um the really interesting thing is that he's a tranime uh no that's not that i want to see Unknown_21: Oh, this guy has it right here. This guy's from Iowa and immediately found this guy's information and posted it. So I am a big fan of his, his quick response. Unknown_21: Um, so this is him. I assume my site may not want to load. It's been pretty slow because of, uh, whatever. It's probably, it's also just my internet, my internet slow as shit. Uh, this guy, this was in the bathroom. Unknown_21: I think ready to shoot at the school. The real question is, is he in the women's restroom getting ready to shoot at the school, or is he in the men's restroom? So he walked into the women's restroom, got out his bag, was listening to Stray Bullet KMFDM, which, by the way, was the favorite band of the Columbine shooters, so he's probably a copycat shooter in some way. 0:55:41 Unknown_21: And then his avatar over here is anime. From what I understand, this is a character from an anime game that I've discussed in the past called Unknown_21: Danganronpa. Unknown_21: And I looked this up. I think I looked this up because there was like a Lolicon character and one of the locales I was talking about was really into her. Unknown_21: But it's a game or it's a show about a bunch of children in a fictional high school. And the way that you win in Danganronpa is that you murder all your other students. 0:56:31 Unknown_21: So it's kind of like Fortnite, the anime. Um, and then, so it's like, it's like, um, it was, oh, I remember I was talking about Danganronpa because it was a very big deal to low tax. It was one of the few things that. Unknown_21: after 2010 that Something Awful did that got them a lot of attention. Unknown_21: They had a Danganronpa Let's Play on Something Awful and this got like thousands of Tumblrites to join Something Awful and permanently changed the culture of Something Awful to be like super super gay and super woke. So this is the anime game thing that killed something awful This guy was a big fan of it and had a little little anime girl as his avatar But I think the premise of it is that it's like a battle royale type thing but in a high school So it makes sense that a school shooter would be interested in that I guess so I Don't know what to tell you anime anime anime cells you will never ever 0:57:15 Unknown_21: You'll never earn the respect of, of your peers when you and your, your, your ilk continue to murder children all the time and dressing in drag and such. I saw a comment and, uh, it was somebody asking me, Josh, you always say that animes are cross dressers, but what, what about conservative animes? 0:58:12 Unknown_21: I do not believe that there is such a thing as a conservative anime. Unknown_21: If you watch anime, you are a secret crossdresser. You are a little egg waiting to be cracked. You just don't know it yet. Or you do know about it, and you lie. You lie in public. You lie to people about what you are. But I know what you are. You cannot hide from me. You think that because It's all in your, your mind's eye. It's all in your, your heart and heart of heart that your secret hidden intentions and your deep, dark cavernous soul that I cannot possibly know for sure that, that you are a secret crossdresser, but make no mistake. I am gifted with above average pattern recognition. And I know, I know you can, you can try to pretend, but you can never truly convince yourself or me for that matter. 0:58:51 Unknown_21: Um, anyways, five kids got shot. Send out the mutts to cope and Snead said, send out the mutts. Unknown_21: Are we not going to get to see the months? Do I have to go to the original source? 0:59:26 Unknown_21: Maybe it will open faster on a different thing. I even went through all this and I tried to preload it. Unknown_21: Oh, it's a mob file. What the fuck? Unknown_21: It downloads. Why does it not play? Can I open this? Unknown_21: We will see chat. I'm downloading it. It's 17 megabytes. So of course it downloads at a kilobyte an hour. Unknown_21: How can I fix this? Unknown_21: It was working so quickly for a little while. I wonder if I'm just low on bandwidth. 1:00:04 Unknown_18: It definitely loads. Unknown_21: The slow download speeds of my website is one of the greatest and longest lasting mysteries that I have to solve. Unknown_18: Taking many shots at fixing it and I've never succeeded. Unknown_21: Maybe one day I'll figure it out. Unknown_21: Okay, it has downloaded. Let me try to open it in Firefox. Maybe it will work. Unknown_25: He was a good person. He was hurting. He got tired. He got tired of the bullying. He got tired of the harassment. Was it a smart idea to shoot up the school? No. God, no. And I am mad at him for that. Lord knows I am mad at him for that. But do I think he should have taken his own life? 1:00:37 Unknown_24: No. He was the kindest person ever. He was there for us when we needed him, and we tried to be there when he needed us, which clearly, we weren't there for him enough. Unknown_21: Is this what people in Iowa look like? Look at these people. This is what they look like, Chad, in Iowa. Is anyone from Iowa? 1:01:10 Unknown_21: Is anyone from Iowa? Can they confirm that this is what your kids look like these days? Unknown_21: Yeah, this is true. They are, uh, not respecting his gender identity. I guess maybe he hadn't come out when, uh, in school yet, but he saw that, that transphobia and bullying. I thought the only thing that I can do is murder them. It's all America. Don't tell me that. Don't tell me that. There's no way that every, that this fucking goblin shit is just the United States now. 1:01:46 Unknown_21: Are these people real? No, they're AI. Unknown_21: The government generated them for our benefit. Unknown_21: He was a coomer, of course. Here's a picture of tomboy hooters and femboy hooters. And I think they're asking, do you prefer hot dogs or hamburgers in response? And then Dylan says, who is the shooter, says hot dogs for days. He also, and this was two years ago, so he's 15. Unknown_21: when he's on Twitter, Jack Dorsey's Twitter, looking at Femboy Hooters memes and saying that he would love hot dogs. 1:02:25 Unknown_21: Then he also says to somebody that he loves My Little Pony. Unknown_21: Insomniac Games says, Happy Pride Month, and it's Spider-Man in front of a rainbow flag in the video game. Unknown_21: Uh, at some point in this conversation, I addiction says fucking furries and Dylan Jesse, who was the shooter again, replies, I love fucking furries. So this man, this little boy went on the internet and did not escape and ended up killing a little girl and five and shooting five other people and then killing himself. 1:03:00 Unknown_21: But he was a nice person. Oh my God. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve it. We weren't there enough for him. Unknown_21: Uh, oh, by the way, before I forget, cause I didn't have this in my notes, but I just remembered it. Uh, the comment of the day is I can find it. Unknown_22: Uh, this guy. Unknown_21: on the Kiwi farms, he said, immediately after the Epstein stuff dropped, boy, that school shooting that'll happen in a few days from now will be tragic. And then literally the same exact day, there was a shooting that happened in Iowa. So if you are a fan of federal sleeper agent school shooter theory, this guy called it immediately. 1:03:37 Unknown_21: Good job. Uh, shout outs to Lin Cham. I did give him a trophy for that. I gave him a little sticker, the big sticker. That's a super secret sticker button that only I can click that has many points attached to it. Unknown_21: The UK is going to get an LGBTQIAP plus only housing for 55 overs if new scheme in Manchester is approved. So they have a nice little building thing here for gay old people. Uh, if you don't know this and I regret to be the one to inform you, uh, senior living facilities are orgies. They are nonstop. disgusting, wrinkly old people orgies. 1:04:18 Unknown_21: And gay people are even more promiscuous than old people. So I can only assume that old gay people will literally never stop the Lemon Party. The Lemon Party will continue until the heat death of the universe at this state funded facility. 1:04:54 Unknown_21: I mean really you can't get pregnant. You can't get AIDS. I mean if you get AIDS. What are you gonna? Do die you're fucking old. What does it matter? So here we go. We're setting this up in the UK in Manchester however There is a little caveat oh Does it not say yeah, it doesn't say Unknown_21: Um, in the article, uh, this is right next to a school. Unknown_21: So they're building the gay, the, the Herbert, the pervert gay lemon party orgy facility, uh, directly next to, or adjacent to a school. Uh, so that they can, I guess they can look out the window during the orgy. 1:05:38 Unknown_21: Because, you know, they can't do it. The British can't do anything, right? Obviously, such a facility should be buried underground near the radioactive waste in Scotland, but this is what you get if you live in the UK. Unknown_21: Mental asylum next to a school. Here we go. Is this it? Okay, so the United Nations, which is a fucking joke. Unknown_21: Wait, hold up. 1:06:11 Unknown_21: No, that's the human rights thing. I was like, is Saudi Arabia still in control? Unknown_22: Who runs the, uh, UN country for women, UN women country. Unknown_21: There's like a thing where Saudi Arabia took over like the human rights tribunal and the UN. I'm curious what country takes over the, um, Unknown_21: The women, the UN women's department, uh, because I'm, I'm aware cause I thought it was like an Arab country and it caused controversy, but, um, I can't remember exactly. 1:06:45 Unknown_21: It's Iran. Is it Iran right now? Someone look this up. I want to know. Uh, but the, Unknown_21: you and women's thing is like completely compromised by trains and that's iran that's pretty funny because they allow sex changes there and they have nominated for the u k hero i think is what's called the u k champion that's even more than a uh... a hero i think knows the other way around heroes above champion below legend uh... and is 1:07:24 Unknown_21: So, the United Nations Women's Department, which is already trans-compromised, is nominating a tranny for UK Women's Champion for Women's Rights. Unknown_21: Just in case you're British and not miserable yet, I will remind you every day how bad you have it. Unknown_21: And this is a nice little skit by Dave Chappelle. I'm going to, I'm going to run a risk and play it on my stream. Even though I might get a copyright issue, I'm doing this for, uh, for, to share, to share, love, chat, to share the love. Unknown_12: And the only thing that got me out of that space was a comedian friend of mine, the late great Norm Macdonald. 1:08:05 Unknown_21: Yes, he did. Unknown_21: Shout out Norm MacDonald, by the way. If you're listening to this and you are not a Norm MacDonald fan, enjoy prison soccer. Unknown_12: Shout out to Norm. Unknown_12: And what Norm did, which I'll never forget, is he knew that I was the biggest Jim Carrey fan in the world. Now, I'm not going to go all into it, but Jim Carrey is talented in a way that you can't practice or rehearse. What a God-given talent. I was fascinated with him. And Norm knew that. And he called me up and he goes, Unknown_12: He says, I'm doing a movie with Jim Carrey. 1:08:39 Unknown_12: Do you want to meet him? And I said, fuck, yes, I do. And it was the first time I could remember since my father died being excited. Unknown_12: And the movie was called Man on the Moon. I didn't know any of this. And in this movie, Jim Carrey was playing another comedian I admired, the late, great Andy Kaufman. Unknown_12: Yes, and Jim Carrey was so immersed in that role that from the moment he woke up, To the time he went to bed at night, he would live his life. Unknown_12: That's Andy Kaufman. I didn't know that. When they said cut, this nigga was still. 1:09:10 Unknown_12: Andy Kaufman. So much so that everybody on the crew called him Andy. I didn't know any of that. I just went there to meet him, and when he walked into the room where we were supposed to meet, I screamed, Jim Carrey! And everyone said, no! Unknown_12: And I didn't understand. And then he came over and he was acting weird. I didn't know he was acting like Andy Kaufman. He's just like, hey, how you doing? And I was like, hello. 1:09:45 Unknown_12: Andy? Unknown_12: Now, in hindsight, how fucking lucky am I that I got to see one of the greatest artists of my time immersed in one of his most challenging processes ever? Very lucky to have seen that. Unknown_12: But as it was happening, Unknown_12: I was very disappointed. Unknown_12: Because I wanted to meet Jim Carrey. Unknown_12: And I had to pretend this nigga was Andy Kaufman. Unknown_12: All afternoon. 1:10:19 Unknown_12: And he was clearly Jim Carrey. I could look at him and I could see he was Jim Carrey. Unknown_12: Anyway, I say all that to say, that's how trans people make me feel. Unknown_21: I love how everyone in chat kept making Tranny references, and it's like, yeah, that's what he's building up to, obviously. Unknown_21: Now everyone's getting their shots in. Everyone knows it's like open season on Tranny shit now. Everyone can go in and get their shots in. And yeah, I'm aware that Dave is not, like, based or whatever the fuck. I'll never forget, like, the reason why he stopped doing the Chappelle show 1:10:53 Unknown_21: is that he made a joke and he looked over and he saw that his white producer, who I'm going to assume is Jewish just for the sake of it, uh, was laughing and he was laughing too hard. And Dave says, it felt like he was laughing at me and not with me. 1:11:26 Unknown_21: So we literally gave up $100 million, I think it was like $250 million contract with Comedy Central at its peak. You know, back when cable media was huge, everyone watched The Chappelle Show. The Chappelle Show was like one of the most popular shows in American television history. And he gave it up. Unknown_21: took his family and moved to fucking Africa and started dressing in like traditional African clothes and shit. Um, and then eventually came back to the United States and now he dresses like he works on trucks for a living. I don't know what's, what's up with him. Um, he literally became so disgusted with white people enjoying his comedy that he fled the country and then decided to come back for, for whatever reason. 1:12:12 Unknown_21: He still walked off with a huge chunk of money that he did not earn. Well, whatever. You know, if he's taking money from the studio, I don't give a shit. It's a bank to be robbed. Any of these big companies that just, you know, grift money off of productions and for distribution and shit. They're just banks to be robbed. Take your cut, take whatever you can. There's literally nothing that you can do to fucking Viacom. There is no evil you can perpetuate onto Viacom that is not in a roundabout way justified. Viacom is an ontological evil that you may destroy and stomp on to your pleasure. Not gonna catch me fucking crying over that. 1:12:45 Unknown_21: But the doctors of the world are starting to protest changes recent changes to medical language Because of the unintended consequences that it has this is a thing that is probably one of the most shocking consequences of tranny shit is that we have started to D D sex very basic concepts we used to say pregnant women now the official guidance of like the fcc and for the the british medical journal or whatever the fuck uh it also says say pregnant people because men can get pregnant too 1:13:37 Unknown_21: You have her prostate, courtesy of Turkey Tom. You have men's ovaries and women's penises and testicles and all these things that used to be very clear, yes or no, man or woman, binary in their designation, with only very, very, very, extremely, extraordinarily, chronologically, or chromosomally disordered people having any kind of in-between. Now everything has to be described neutrally. And the issue with this is that we know what a man is and we know what a woman is, and no attempt to disguise this with language changes is going to compromise built-in biological understanding of people. 1:14:25 Unknown_21: And so when you start talking about his ovaries and her penis, um, and pregnant people, you risk misdiagnosing and miscommunicating things. And I use this expression a lot to describe my contempt for, uh, Unknown_21: Certain certain things that language it Ideally should be very concise. You should be able to express explain very complex concepts and as few words as possible With as little room for imagination as possible In in a best-case situation with adequate usage of language and when you start fucking around with shit and you start 1:15:15 Unknown_21: uh like deliberately trying to confuse people especially in like medicine and life or death fields where complications like screw up someone's entire life Unknown_21: It's really tragic. It's such an avoidable tragedy. You know, we have thousands of years of language development, hundreds of years of the English language that we've built upon and codified and standardized and teach. And now we're like backtracking that and trying to dehumanize it all for the sake of the feelings of an extraordinary minority that contribute nothing to our society. I want to really hammer that home that there is not a single tranny out there Unknown_21: who has ever done anything of note. Because I think that when these people become fully compromised by the trans virus, the mind virus, they stop being functional enough to actually accomplish anything. So even if there are accomplished people who do tranny out, like they stop becoming accomplished and productive people. There are a completely disposable segment of our society that do nothing but at best just kind of like 1:15:56 Unknown_21: tread water in their lives and at worse or like a detriment to everybody around them continuously. And it's so it is so disgusting what we've allowed to be jeopardized by by trying to cater to them. 1:16:46 Unknown_21: This is a tranny rapist serial killer. I've actually, I distinctly remember this case. I've mentioned it before, but this is a picture of him. Uh, he is housed in a, uh, women's prison on Rikers, uh, in New York. We don't know where Rikers is and this is being litigated, but there's a little caveat. See, they want to make a determination. So actually before I explain the litigation, let me explain what he did. Unknown_21: He Killed multiple women and Ate them or joked about eating them The octogenarian Brooklyn serial killer charged with murdering her friend her friend and The body made a twisted joke to cops about the variety of food available in New York You have to be careful about Chinese food. You never know what you're going to be eating and 1:17:42 Unknown_21: he told. Marcelin, a transgender woman, is accused of murdering Susan Layden, whose headless and loomless torso was discovered on the streets earlier this month. Marcelin pleaded not guilty to murder, concealment of a corpse, and other charges. Unknown_21: The sick joke was revealed in a document prosecutors turned in to the defense on Wednesday. Unknown_21: So he murdered women. I think he got away with it for a long time. Unknown_21: And, uh, he would like dismember corpses. I think he joked about eating them, but it remains to be seen if that's actually a joke. He's basically just like the most sick and twisted fuckhead you could possibly imagine. And then he was in jail awaiting trial after he got caught. And a friend in the jail told him about being trans, uh, 1:18:15 Unknown_21: says Harvey calls himself Marcelin. Unknown_21: Was profiled sympathetically by the New York Times after having been connected to killing and dismembering of a woman. Transgender people are more likely to become victims of violence, not perpetrators, reads the New York Times. 1:18:49 Unknown_21: But this guy is a perpetrator, like we know it. Unknown_21: Referred to him as a female and attempted or appeared to attribute Marcelin's history of violence against women as part of his gender identity conflict. Unknown_21: So the reason why this guy is raping and murdering and eating women is that he's actually a woman and he was having issues understanding that. Unknown_21: And so as it is being held, they have decided. So when you litigate something, you get what's called a schedule, obviously, and it details when all your court hearings are going to be set so that you can prepare for them in time. 1:19:31 Unknown_21: He received his schedule for hearings regarding his, uh, gender identity and which prison he would be held in. And it's set for six years down the right down the road, December 30, actually seven. It's almost seven years from now, December 30th, 2030 is when they'll be talking about his gender identity and if he'll belong in a men's or women's prison, but until then he'll be kept in a women's jail in a Rikers Island. The issue with that is that he is already 85 years old. Unknown_21: So they have pushed this until he's 91, and that's the goal, is they never want to talk about this, they never want to open this up, they never want to have to, the state does not want to have to defend the gender identity of a man who butchers, decapitates, eats women as a woman, and they can't compromise on that because then they would have to look at other cases too, which they don't want to do. 1:20:28 Unknown_21: because they want to make sure that trannies are housed with women in prison so that they are endless rape dungeons, basically. Unknown_21: So why? I don't know. I really can't understand why people are like this anymore, but that's how they is. And I talked about this guy, Kelly. Unknown_21: Kelly is what he likes to go by. He says, calling me a man won't keep me out of the women's restroom. Kissing face emoji. My male entitlement told me I have a right to use it. Unknown_21: He also posts, just use the women's bathroom. What are you going to do about it? Uh, what's this emoji called? Face holding back tears, smiling, hashtag trans. 1:21:09 Unknown_21: Uh, and then he also said, dear turfs, trans women are women. We belong in your spaces. I don't care if it makes you uncomfortable. Cry about it. Unknown_21: See what he has to say. Unknown_21: Music. Unknown_21: There is not a single frame in this video that shows his head at profile. And he's very, very careful not to let his arms hang by his side because this is the orangutan training. This is the poo flinging monkey training. Oh, look, you can see right here how long his arms are, but. 1:21:47 Unknown_21: Very careful angles. Look, you can see how stilted his walking is because he's like, don't show the side of your head. Don't show the side of their head. They'll see the slope. They'll see the slope. Stand up straight. Don't show the hunch. Don't don't show them the slope. Unknown_21: Very funny. His insecurities eat at him, and that is humorous to me. Someone this guy points out, by the way. that a prominent brow ridge is linked to dominance and aggression because the correlation may lie in the heavier brow ridge and thicker jaw that result from increased levels of testosterone. So when you have high levels of testosterone during bone development, you're more likely to have a high brow ridge like this man does. So if you're wondering why he's so sexually aggressive and so audacious and willing to deliberately try and antagonize people, it's because the testosterone in his veins is so strong and so great that they drive him like a primal animal to being sexually aggressive. 1:23:10 Unknown_21: Interesting chat. Interesting. Unknown_21: They actually, there's actually a body proportion measurement called an ape index. That's funny. Well, this guy's like a eight, like a monkey on a monkey, like 10 monkeys on a 10 monkeys, bro. Unknown_21: I will just... I will state this very simply. They are grafting penises onto female dogs to prepare for the next generation of sexual confirmation surgeries, I like to call it. They are horror shows. The dogs die. They have to be put down after the surgeries. They have to wear cones because the dogs will literally try to rip off the penises that are grafted onto them because they're like alien foreign objects that they don't like so they'll like try and tear it off um it's basically just like a nightmare you know uh skip over that now that you know boxing men are participating in boxing now oh my god hold up everything i'm about to say is less important than this 1:24:23 Unknown_21: Is that a tranny boxing women with only fans grafted onto his pants? Unknown_21: No way. If this wasn't on NBC news, I would say this is a Photoshop that is fucking insane. So the tranny boxer is sponsored by only fans. That is. Unknown_21: Is this the guy? Kalissa Shields, right? And Marcilia Carneo on the middleweight championship in Detroit. Are they both trainees? That's definitely a trainee. 1:24:59 Unknown_21: That's fucking nuts. Women voted that. Fuck you. Retard. Uh, the way that yo, okay. Yo. Yeah. Kerba. I have to look this up, but that's a fucking weird name. Unknown_21: NBC news, LinkedIn. Let's see it. Unknown_21: Oh my God. What is this? Unknown_21: What is this? Unknown_21: This is, this is the face of a, I'm going to say female to male LGBTQ IAP plus correspondent in NBC news. 1:25:32 Unknown_21: Vancouver, Washington, all sorts of training shit. And the contact I'm a reporter for NBC out the LGBT vertical NBC news. Unknown_21: You got the phenotype of a LGBTQ IP plus correspondence. Unknown_21: Oh, very funny. Unknown_21: What school did you go to North Carolina? Chapel Hill. Unknown_21: Fascinating Awesome so The way this is written by yo-yo your Kerba is That you must not complete mail The changes 1:26:23 Unknown_21: Minors under the age of 18 must complete their birth gender But if you go through male puberty you will not be allowed so you have to be on hormone blockers in order to compete as a woman and what's still funny is that the the Unknown_21: Guidelines for testosterone say that you can have 3.1 nanomoles per liter for women and 10 nanomoles per liter for men or on average or for normal ranges rather Unknown_21: But that transgender women must demonstrate that total testosterone serum levels below five nanomoles per liter. So that's like half of men, but still close to twice what women would have. So like, that's the normal range. They still have more testosterone in them, even if they've never completed a male puberty, apparently. 1:27:11 Unknown_21: Pretty fucking nuts. That, that to me is more shocking than the tranny thing. Like they're just advertising porn on, on boxers now that a fucking, okay, look, I have to look this up. Unknown_21: Clarissa shields. It was an American professional boxer and mixed. Oh my God, dude. Come on. Unknown_21: That's not she born and raised in Flint, Michigan. 1:27:48 Unknown_21: Is this not transgender? There's no way. That's unfortunate. Why is she sponsored by OnlyFans? Unknown_21: So she's just a hoe? She's just a black hoe? Unknown_21: Is this real life? Unknown_21: So this is how they treat women's sports. They're just OnlyFans whores beating each other up. You know, I think that this is a financially viable market. If you want to take prostitutes and just have them punch each other, you know, there are guys that will pay a lot of fucking money for that. Why even bother? with a women's boxing league anymore. Just have it be like an only fans event and just cut out the middleman and go straight for that. That's where the money is crazy. 1:28:22 Unknown_21: Uh, okay. So Ohio, this guy, um, Mike DeWine, I think I'm late to talk about this, but in Ohio, they were going to ban. Unknown_21: They're going to ban sex chain surgeries for minors. However, Mike DeWine, Republican governor of Ohio says no, and he vetoes it. So they wrote a bill and they said that 1:28:54 Unknown_21: They said that we're gonna ban these dangerous procedures for children who can't properly have informed consent because they're their kids and it went all it got passed and went all the way up to the top and Republican governor said no No, actually we will have transgender surgeries for children Who by the way 1:29:38 Unknown_21: receives money for his campaigns from hospitals. who conduct these surgeries. As it says here, GOP governor who vetoed Trans Bill received over $40,000 from children's hospitals supporting sex change procedures. So the hospitals performing these surgeries creating permanent pharmaceutical dependent patients just so happened to be the one financially sponsoring him for his campaigns. And he then vetoes a bill that passed from his own party banning the sexual mutilation of children 1:30:13 Unknown_21: For no possible good reason, but he does say Let's see the band puberty blockers too, that's crazy Unknown_21: He believed that parents should be the ones making decisions for their children, but said that he signed an executive order banning transition surgeries for minors in Ohio. So he didn't ban the surgeries, or didn't veto the surgery. Okay, so he executively banned the surgeries in Ohio, but not the meds. So the way that he reconciles this in his head so we can sleep at night is that he allows them to be drug dependent fucking zombies on scripts from the ages from before they even begin puberty. But they can't have the surgeries until they're 18. So they can only be completely fucked up in the head on drugs under his regime. That's great. Great job, buddy. So let's let's just support the pharmaceutical industry. That's that's the important one. 1:30:59 Unknown_18: What do you mean? Unknown_18: What did I get wrong? Unknown_21: He, he signed the, it says right here, he signed the executive order that bans transition surgeries for minors in Ohio. Uh, 1:31:35 Unknown_21: But he receives money from the hospitals that do these early life gender change things, which includes getting people on pharmaceutical regimes that involve injections for life. Unknown_21: What is the, what did I get wrong? Unknown_21: To be clear, he vetoed the bill. If you don't know how the legal system in the U.S. works, is that when Congress passes something, it has to be signed into law by, in this case, the governor, because I assume they have a bicameral system like the federal government does. 1:32:16 Unknown_21: And that law then has to be changed by the legislative branch. If it's an executive order, Unknown_21: It can be changed willy-nilly by the governor, especially if he gets replaced by a Democrat later on. If a Democrat governor replaces him, but there's a law in the books, it's harder to change the law. Unknown_21: And so vetoing the law and then writing an executive order is complete fucking nonsense, because the law is more powerful, was more broad, and is harder to change later down the road if just the governor gets replaced by a Democrat or something. So him saying, well, I banned the surgeries at least, but for the drugs, that should be a parent's decision, that's bullshit, because that executive order is worth less than the fucking bill. 1:32:59 Unknown_21: He's definitely getting paid by the drug industry. Unknown_18: I don't get it. What? Unknown_18: I don't understand what chat's talking about. Unknown_18: Is this, is the stream like 10 minutes behind or something like what? 1:33:43 Unknown_18: Understand people are talking about boxing but I've been talking about the Ohio governor for like 10 minutes now Rumble is up-to-date Kick is up-to-date. Unknown_21: I just don't get it So what but why people been talking about a boxer for 10 minutes, I just I don't understand why I Unknown_22: I mean, I'm just stunned by like what the fuck is happening in the chat where it's just like nobody is It's like it's like the there's a delay or something like the stream is like 10 minutes behind Okay, bro, whatever the fuck I'm sorry. 1:34:36 Unknown_21: I'm just really I've never had an instance where like the chat is like a like a full 10 minutes behind Unknown_21: Um, you know, fuck it Maryland banned or Has passed a law for gender-affirming care. So if you're in Maryland, he pays state taxes that will be going to gender-affirming care And this page keeps shitting itself twitch and last thing I'm gonna turn the hamster off actually twitch has backtracked their Unknown_21: Rule on implied nudity. So if it gives the impression that someone is naked on livestream It is no longer permitted by twitch rules, which is surprising to me because I don't I don't understand what the I don't I don't understand why 1:35:14 Unknown_21: Twitch does what it does. It seems that they just test how far they can get away with shit. And then when advertisers actually start to complain, then they go, oh, well, uh, that's a, that's a, that's a bridge too far for right now. And then they walk it back and then they see how much they can get away with other shit later down the road. And they just keep doing this. Who runs Twitch? Amazon. Unknown_21: Amazon runs Twitch. Unknown_21: Wish my site would load, man. 1:35:57 Unknown_21: So there's that this comes after they backtracked the artistic unity thing in full because you had furries and Drawing porn and then you had guys jacking off on live stream in front of their their to who audiences and then I guess they decided um, well, we don't want to encourage this because it Want to I really want to know what the conversation is that causes this because I might be even like the cards The credit card companies are threatening them. Well the platform your entire site From processing payments unless you do this Load image it's not gonna work because there's there's like a genuine issue with the I Unknown_21: With the web server, kind of whenever, whenever my site doesn't work, I'm always very tempted just to log in and fix it. Cause it could be something very simple. Actually, I want to see where our bandwidth usage is at. Give me one second. 1:36:45 Unknown_21: My password is very long. Unknown_21: Oh, it's not the bandwidth. Okay. Today's just not my day channel. 1:37:17 Unknown_21: No, I feel I feel really off. Unknown_21: Like, maybe I'm gonna I have a queued up that merge had a stroke on live stream. And I'm wondering if maybe I'm having a stroke on live stream. I could be my that I'm too hot, actually. Unknown_21: I did not mess up four topics. Unknown_21: I can't, look, I just can't tell black people apart. And I can't tell black women apart from black men. How is that my fault? Don't look the same. Don't look like men. Easy. White people can do it. I've never seen a white woman that I'm just like, oh, I can't tell if that's a man or not. Like very rarely, every black woman though, is in the uncanny valley. Don't give me that shit. 1:37:49 Unknown_21: It's true, I haven't had my pizza yet. Unknown_21: Alright, um... Anyways, that's the... BimboyUK. Dude, it's just so fucking gross. He is too hot to be banned. 1:38:22 Unknown_21: Society used to be better when we just beat these people with sticks. They very specifically added a rule saying, nor do we permit streamers to imply or suggest that they are fully or partially nude, including but not limited to covering breasts or genitals with objects or sensor bars. Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_21: Leavage is unrestricted as long as the coverage requirements is met and is clear. The streamer is wearing clothes till the reverse on that. Unknown_21: Okay. So here's another topic that I'm going to fuck up today, chat. 1:38:55 Unknown_21: This is Summer from Fishtank, and to the best of my knowledge, this is how this one went down. Unknown_21: Summer, when Fishtank 2 started, JetNeptune, the tranny chaser who Sam Hyde enables to produce these Fishtank things, had a real mind blast. Unknown_21: And it was supposed to be that everybody in Fishtank would not know much about Sam Hyde or MDE, and especially would not know what Fishtank is. So they're trying to find people who didn't really have any clue what they were getting into for the show. 1:39:35 Unknown_21: Neptune had an idea. He was going to instead Unknown_21: load the house up because i assume most of the because they were trying to set this up over christmas so i assume most of the people who were willing to abandon family and typical christmas events to go live in a dirty stinky house and be fucked with by sam hyde are just like the most deranged autistic people on the planet that are really, really big fans of MDE. So they realized that all their applicants were going to be MDE fans who were big fans of Fishtank as well. 1:40:13 Unknown_21: And they found one person who would not know what MDE is. So Neptune figured out, okay, here's what we'll do for the gimmick, because we don't really have much of a choice. We will have all the members be the planets, except for this one girl who is mentally ill, like genuinely mentally ill. Unknown_21: And so she gets on the set and the other contestants quickly deduce that they're all plants, like on day three, I think they all figure out that they're all plants already, except for Summer. And Summer immediately has like a mental breakdown and is checked into a mental ward and all her weird schizophrenic drama like pours out of this. 1:41:01 Unknown_21: She was a plant too, she knew about MDE. Unknown_21: Okay, so everyone was a plant, including her. Unknown_21: And she still had a mental breakdown after, after being on fish tank for like three days. Unknown_21: Where's the ice cream in this joint? Okay. Yeah, it's the same thing. Um, so I'm just gonna, I have not listened to this. This could be incredibly boring. Unknown_21: Um, but I'm going to click around and see what we get. Hey, could you guys come pick me up? Unknown_05: Um, 1:41:33 Unknown_05: I'm at *** hospital. Unknown_05: I think in ***. Unknown_21: Why is she doing the VTuber voice? Unknown_05: Also, if you could call my brother and let him know that I'm okay now. Unknown_05: Also, if you can make sure that nobody in the hospital gets hurt. Unknown_21: This is voicemails left after she was put into the mental hospital after leaving Fishtank. Unknown_05: I think you know why. 1:42:06 Unknown_05: Hey, Dad, it's Summer. I owe you and Sam a huge, huge apology. I'm still at the hospital if you guys want to come visit me, but I want to retract my statement. I think I was very, very confused. I found out I had COVID, which I didn't know. Unknown_05: Basically, I changed my mind, and I'm so sorry that I accused you guys of doing something to me. I was just so confused, but You know, if you want to come visit me and talk more, you're more than welcome to. I'm still at the hospital, but I just want to say I regret what I said. And I'm sorry. And I still love you guys. Um, this is summer, by the way, Pelkey. Thank you. I'll be at the hospital if you want to see me or if you want to call me, I have your number now. So yeah, I just wanted to say, I'm, I'm truly sorry. 1:42:40 Unknown_21: Nothing is more threatening than someone in a little squeaky baby voice telling you, Unknown_36: I have your number. Unknown_21: That is true terror. Okay. I'm going to jump ahead and see if I find anything by random. 1:43:18 Unknown_05: Anything in the world. I want to be back on the show. And after that, I will accept my consequences. Unknown_05: I believe in God now. That's why I'm not scared right now. Unknown_18: Is this girl also going to accuse Sam of being a rapist? Unknown_05: Am I going to have to interview her at some point? 1:43:49 Unknown_05: I am a narcissist and I want to improve. Unknown_05: I want to give other people the time to talk too. Unknown_05: And I want to get help. Unknown_05: Especially the dog house. I think that was actually really comfortable for me. And maybe if we got me some melatonin even. Either way, I just want to tell you I'm sincerely sorry to you and Sam. There's no one I love most in the world than you and your team. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. And I'm sorry I betrayed you guys when I wasn't feeling well. 1:44:25 Unknown_05: I would give anything. Is this the Christmas example that was for cold? Unknown_05: And try to explain myself to your audience and to the housemates. I believe I truly can do this. Unknown_21: This VTuber voice that she's doing is like the perfect voice for some kind of horror movie where she's like, Unknown_36: But if I stop poisoning you, then you can run away from me, and that would be very terrible and not good. Also, God says that you belong in my basement and that you don't need your feet anymore. 1:45:01 Unknown_21: That's the kind of voice that she's got. I hope that Sam missed. Unknown_05: And I'm sorry. Even if My friends are telling me not to worry about you guys, that I don't care what they say, okay? I'm gonna be loyal to you. I know you don't believe me. They're gonna say that I'm manipulating you no matter what I say. So you don't have to believe me. In fact, it's safest for you if you don't, but I at least wanted you to hear that. It's like one continuous. You don't have to talk to me anymore. Cause that's all I ever wanted to say. Is this like one message? I'm not going to try and call you anymore. I don't want to. 1:45:34 Unknown_21: Okay. So it's like multiple messages. Unknown_05: At least you could do is pass on those two things. That's all I want you guys to hear. I don't even need an answer, but the reason I 1:46:16 Unknown_05: Thank you for not... Um... Yeah. Let's just stop playing games. Unknown_22: I'm not gonna listen to all of it. I'm skipping. Unknown_05: Call me back. Unknown_22: Damn, she sounds angry now. Unknown_05: Okay, so... Unknown_05: Okay, I'll do a poll. If you guys don't let me know in the next hour, I'm going to start calling my family again. Unknown_21: I haven't called my family since before I realized. Unknown_05: For sure. So until you guys tell me that I'm back on the show, I won't call them. 1:46:59 Unknown_05: but if you tell me i'm not on the show my issue is in an hour when when people accuse random things that are around sam of being like a prank my issue with it is that usually there is like a joke attached to it uh if you think back to like idubbbz sam introduces idubbbz to his crews um Unknown_21: like production studio and there's all these little gimmicks that here's here's one of the main reasons why sam i think is successful is that when he does a joke he comes up with like a line like a catchphrase that's very sticky So that when you're, when you've finished watching whatever he's done, uh, there's like a, a meme attached to it that sticks with you. And then you reference it later. Like, where's the ice cream in this joint is like classic. That's how he, how he rolls. And then people reference that and they know that they're referencing Sam and that's, that's a part of like the, the, the culture around him. It's just like this, um, repertoire of, of in jokes. Uh, and. 1:47:59 Unknown_21: Unless there's something like that like there has to be something funny that you hear and you immediately think what the fuck did you just say? Unknown_21: Think it dream it do it. Yeah, that's also it's like he has that there's little skits and plots that come into how he writes stuff, but when it's just like a Unknown_16: Doesn't sound like a joke to me that's not something that I feel someone would deliberately even Sam would deliberately Things that she's like if Example I'll explain how he would write this. 1:48:43 Unknown_21: Okay. He wants to hype his show up and release voice messages from a crazy fan that lost her mind because the fish tank was too extreme and He would probably have her repeat something over and over again until it became like a joke. Like she would be fixated and constantly apologize for some weird thing that wouldn't make sense and that would become like a meme. Like that's how he would write that in a way. This honestly just sounds like she just wants, I don't know. I don't know what she tries, what she wants. Unknown_05: Me on the show so I can help you guys make this right. Please make the right choice. 1:49:18 Unknown_05: Even though you're not answering us the Christmas. Unknown_21: Okay, if you don't know the Christmas the Christmas example lion Before I talked to her She gave me like a bunch of shit and they had file names and I told her if you ever need me to pull something up on stream Unknown_21: Reference the file name and I will find it and I think in there there is like a Christmas like work that in her work with MDE there was a file about their Christmas decorations in the office or something and she was trying to indicate to me to pull up the Christmas example as a File on the stream so I could show people the work that she's done. It's not like It wasn't a joke. She was just that fucked up and No, this is not the same girl. Trust you. 1:50:02 Unknown_30: If you need to get in touch with me urgently, then Friday eight to four. Unknown_05: Don't know what's real and what's not. Unknown_05: I love you all so much and I hope the show goes well. I'm sorry I gave you so much trouble. Unknown_37: Whatever people say about me. 1:50:36 Unknown_05: I hope you know that they're wrong. I've tried so hard to be genuine. I just don't know what's real and what's not. Okay, I'm going to stop this lesson. I'll talk to you guys, I'm sure. Unknown_05: Okay, this is so cringe, but Jett, I love you. Oh my god. Unknown_21: I love all of you guys. Bro, saying Jett, I love you, Jett Neptune, I love you. That should be a line. That's proof. I think there was debate over if Summer was a tranny. Saying Jett, I love you is proof. Only a tranny could say those fucking words. 1:51:09 Unknown_21: This is his gambit. Jett Neptune is setting this up so that he can smash some retard bots. Unknown_21: This is a perfect example of what something Sam would do for attention, by the way. Unknown_21: So they wanted to reinvigorate the show a little bit, because people were complaining that it sucked, and that Jet Neptune is a retard. So they decide, how are we going to reinvigorate this shit? How are we going to solve this crisis that we have? And then they decide, I know, black people. What do my racist fans love? Black people. So they went out. 1:51:42 Unknown_21: Where's my poll? So they went out and found a black criminal who was a convicted rapist. Unknown_21: Oh, he's not convicted of rape. I don't think he's convicted of animal cruelty. He's been incarcerated for assault He talks about rape that he's had He's also a snitch in the prison system, and he's very very popular apparently on Instagram so for whatever reason this guy literally just walks around talking about rape and animal abuse because he pepper-sprayed a cat in the eyes and 1:52:26 Unknown_21: And black people love him. He's popular on Instagram. And Sam said, we need that clout. We need that Instagram clicks. We need the black Twitter and the black Instagram on our fish tank. Now I'm saying, so they invite him over and I think this is the right clip. One of these got deleted. Unknown_21: Oh, here we go. Unknown_04: I'm trying to go to bed, man. Uh, but my dick hard laying next to that little white girl. Unknown_04: What up? Unknown_21: So they invite this guy into the house where there are women sleeping, a rapist and out proud rapist. And he literally can't go to sleep because he's too busy thinking about rape. 1:53:05 Unknown_21: Uh, and that is, that is the shot. That's the shot in the ass to get everybody up and go in and, and, uh, having fun again and enjoying the fish tank content. Unknown_21: I'm very disappointed is what I'll say. It's a little bit, a little bit shit. Unknown_03: So what? I done raped before. Nobody cares. Unknown_03: Nobody cares that I done took some pussy before. I'm still getting booked for shows. I just left Nashville. 1:53:42 Unknown_21: He says, nobody care that I took pussy, I'm still getting booked for shows. So his whole shtick is that he's an out, convicted rapist, animal abuser, and people still invite them on their shows to talk about how he's a rapist. Unknown_03: They go Canada right there. Unknown_03: Look, I'm right by Canada. They go Canada right there, apple and peach. Unknown_03: Who cares about a nigga with a fat white bra like y'all? I'm having so much goddamn fun, nigga. Getting booked for sure. When I leave here, guess where I'm going? Another state. I'm booked, brother. So who gives a fuck that Charleston White done took some pussies before? I don't give a damn. 1:54:16 Unknown_03: And I'm proud of the motherfucker that I got away with it. I'm proud of the motherfucker to be the third black man in America bragging about raping white people and get away with it. And can't nobody do nothing about it. It ain't stopping no money. I done made 50,000 this week. Unknown_21: It's like, truly vile. If we lived in a fair society, the police would literally just walk up to him and blow his fucking brains out, and that would be the end of it. There would be no trial, there would be no burial, there would be no hubbub about it. Like, the government would just extrajudicially shoot this man against a wall, and his nameless corpse would be disposed of in some kind of ditch. We don't live in a just society, and instead this man apparently makes a lot of money just going on shows talking about how he raped a white woman and got away with it. And I don't know. I want to follow that logical sequitur up with a statement about his current engagement and the person who booked him. But if I do that, I'm gunning for Sam Heideggen. I'm trying to ruin him. I can't do that. My fans would be very disappointed. 1:55:28 Unknown_21: Mersch had a stroke. Let's watch this. Unknown_09: Shout out to Dayton police for being like the most Fucking It's by the way, I have to say this this is fucked up. Holy shit. I didn't even know when I like picked this video Female cop 1:56:06 Unknown_21: Gun drawn female cop gun drawn it isn't know it's this he's already had a stroke So this is his second stroke someone in chat asked if this was a recent clip Yes, it is from one day ago. He had a second one and Talked us a good Female cop 1:56:38 Unknown_21: Is that it? Is that what is that? Educate me on what a stroke looks like. Chad, cause I don't actually know. He like completely lost his thought in mid sentence and looked away and it was like mumbling. Unknown_09: Oh yeah. This is white female cop being most competent cop on this scene. Oh God. Hang on. Unknown_21: Does he recognize it? 1:57:08 Unknown_09: female he doesn't he's still trying to say she showed she showed restraint I does he recognize the science how bad his date in Ohio I get him I'll put my headphones back I just I Unknown_09: Dog taco doesn't die female cop Damn gun drawn already dude. Unknown_21: I have seen posts just like this in the articles and news board I need to put out like an anti-stroke notice like it recognized the signs Did you are you literally having a mental breakdown because of a white woman? Well, you might be having a stroke and Unknown_09: Female female other ATF fed feds would have shot dog feds would have shot dog feds with a shot dog chat JB is saying if we sure this are we sure this female cop isn't a tranny That would be the ultimate tranny test 1:58:23 Unknown_21: Drinking too, so he's like drunk and high and he can't recognize the signs of the stroke because he's intoxicated You have to go to the hospital if you have a stroke right it just doesn't it doesn't just end right and it's like oh Unknown_21: I mean, it was obviously some kind of mental episode for, but they are micro strokes. Unknown_21: Okay. Hold up chat. I want to signs of a micro stroke. Unknown_21: Okay. Here's what the NHS says. 1:59:17 Unknown_21: Uh, the face may have dropped on one side. The person may not be able to smile or their mouth or I may have drooped. Unknown_21: Um, God is like flailing around some so much. Unknown_21: Not really. I don't see that. Unknown_21: Arms. The person may not be able to lift both arms and keep them there because of weakness or numbness in one arm. Unknown_21: The speech may be slurred or garbled. Well, the person may not be able to talk at all despite appearing to be awake. They may also have problems understanding what you're saying to them. That's definitely true. 1:59:51 Unknown_21: Call nine nine nine immediately. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms. Unknown_21: So what did they do? Like if you're having a stroke, Unknown_21: What do you do? Unknown_21: Microdose of stroke, die a little bit, AO. How is Ralph not headstrokes? It's a predisposition thing. It's a genetic predisposition. Not everybody with the same issues will have strokes and shit. 2:00:28 Unknown_18: No, that was definitely like an episode just like the way he was completely Unable to be understood. Unknown_21: It was like scary It's like scary watching that because I don't know it, but I've never never watched anything Merce related I don't think ever in my life So Merce having a second stroke micro stroke on stream is something is my first exposure to him I don't know what kind of person he is so I'm watching this I'm just thinking like oh this guy is like he needs to go to the hospital his brain is dying in front of me Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: So, uh, next video apparent. Okay. So this is Perry Caraveo or no, what's his name? 2:01:10 Unknown_21: Perry Caraveo. Oh yeah. I got that right. And Tom, Tom Brennan. So I've talked about this guy briefly before. Um, Unknown_21: They, they get together once a year and then torture the fuck out of one, like one retarded guy. Skip. Unknown_21: Skip. Immediately I mentioned this. He's like, no, don't do it. Next. Unknown_21: Okay, so the way this works, there is an old guy. He's like an old, washed up LA comedian or actor or some shit. He's like from the industry, but he's like a fucking loser. And he's like the pet retard of some other guy. I think that's Tom Brennan is the guy that runs the show. 2:01:45 Unknown_21: The guy who runs the show is like a terrible dickhead to him and like fucks with him the last clip I showed someone shoved a finger up his asshole literally inserted his finger into his ass and then when he freaked out and got pissed off about it the the tard wrangler was like shut up or I'll take off Fucking take away all your money. He's like I'm ending the show's like no you will not end your show you will remain my slave and 2:02:21 Unknown_21: It was a little bit awful so apparently There's another kerfuffle that happens in regards to these people Jim is not the boss. Unknown_15: I'm the boss See if I can make it a little bit louder Unknown_10: Happy New Year, everybody. Happy New Year. We got about 26 minutes before central time zone. Just take a little perusal. Unknown_08: Yeah. Unknown_10: Get something you want, anything. 2:03:05 Unknown_08: What was your favorite sushi? Can I ride the bike? Yeah. No fucking way! Unknown_15: No fucking way! Goddamn you motherfuckers! Unknown_15: That's the Perry's the old guy who's disgruntled who is the the fat man behind him trying to settle him down I 2:03:50 Unknown_08: What was your favorite sushi today? What was it? I liked it. The tuna roll was a salmon roll. He's mad because the guy is touching his bicycle and he doesn't like that. Unknown_21: The salmon was really good. Unknown_10: Do you have a mark on my neck from him? Just a little one. Unknown_08: Just a little one. We all have marks now. Stop it! Stop doing this to me! You fucking assholes! Unknown_10: Harry, stop with the nonsense. Unknown_21: Stop crying, you make me look bad on the internet. People will clip this out of context and make fun of it to their own audience and I will look like a huge fat cunt. 2:04:39 Unknown_21: The tears are fake, folks. The folks watching at home, the tears are fake. Brennan is innocent. I did not make this old alcoholic man cry. Watch me as I massage his cheek muscles and my fingies remain completely bone dry. Unknown_08: No one's taking your bike. Do not! Come on, Steve, I'm always a celebrity! Unknown_10: No. Unknown_15: Stop it, please! Unknown_10: If you resale this bike, you can take this screenshot and get an extra, like, couple of thousand for it. Unknown_15: That's my goddamn bike that was bought for me! 2:05:14 Unknown_21: Apparently he wants to keep his bike, and Tom has other plans for his bicycle. That seems to be what's in contention. I don't know, I'm not very familiar with these guys, but they do get clipped. Unlike most other people, when I storm into some thread and I talk about the people involved, and I start casting aspersions that one guy's an asshole, usually people get really defensive and like, no, stalker child, you will not say that DSP's A-logs are mean. Unknown_21: Because DSP deserves it. He deserves to be eating out of a dumpster, stalker child. When I come in and I say, this guy seems like an asshole, and they seem to be exploiting this retarded person, everyone in the thread is like, yeah, that's not right. 2:05:49 Unknown_21: That's pretty accurate. They're all kind of fucked up. Unknown_21: I appreciate that. My characterizations are not upsetting to people. Unknown_21: Okay. So one last thing I think right now. Unknown_21: Oh, I don't know who only use me blade is, but somebody asked me to mention this. Um, Jonathan Wilkins and wings of redemption a log. Oh, that's wings double Oh seven. I did not know that. 2:06:28 Unknown_21: I don't know anything about Only Use Me Blade, but I've noticed this thing where, um... Unknown_21: like the wings a logs are like such violent mongoloids that once wings of redemption or whatever like clamps down and starts handling like the trolling really really well they like escape velocity and start trying to find other people to fuck with like that Marty faggot started fucking with Chantal and fucking with her entire family and now they're going after this guy 2:07:24 Unknown_21: So I don't know. I don't know anything about only use me blade, but it's interesting. Like the wings, people are like the gift that keep on giving instead of fucking off. Just like they try to find other locales to apply the wings treatment to blade is from IP two. Unknown_21: He's a cod YouTuber turned in real life stream drunk return rotten leg guy from IP two. It was a cool name in 2007. Unknown_21: He's a dying rapist. 2:07:58 Unknown_21: Okay, let me look at the Kiwi farms. Only use knee blade Kiwi farms. Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: Brian Rizzo is a failed Call of Duty streamer who made his way to YouTube by mainly using knife during COD YouTube days. He started, oh, oh, hence his name. He would just knife people. Okay. He started his channel by the same name in 2009, making him OG. Unknown_21: Uh, got away from call of duty and became a, an IP two streamer. So this is his leg is rotting off. 2:08:36 Unknown_21: He cuts, he literally cuts holes in his legs. Oh, okay. There's a picture that's loading. Unknown_21: Oh, it does. Oh, his whole, Oh, his leg is full of holes. Unknown_21: So he, he started, he started streaming. Unknown_21: Using his knife and call of duty. And is that like a coincidence that he punctures? Oh, he has diabetes. Did I have a stroke? I'm not showing the leg. 2:09:09 Unknown_21: Okay. So he doesn't use his blade on his leg. He just has untreated diabetes foot. Okay. Unknown_21: Medicare talks about him. Unknown_21: I mean, listen, when I read it and I see that his name is only use me blade and his leg is full of holes. Unknown_21: Uh, I'm thinking like he uses, he only uses me blades on his leg. All right. I'm not showing the fucking leg. That's really gross. 2:09:44 Unknown_22: Apparently he molested somebody only group or mode activated. Unknown_04: Oh God, he meets Corrin from IP. Unknown_21: Okay, I will watch this. I would love to see this person interact with Corrin. Unknown_21: It's not available anymore. Wonderful. It's not archived. Unknown_21: Here we farms. Come on. Unknown_21: Someone, okay listen, if you, listen up, if you want your only use me blade people to achieve more notoriety, we need an updated OP for his thread. I'm not showing, he raped Gucci's? Is this a joke? Oh my god, the IP2 people are like fucking nuts. 2:10:19 Unknown_21: Chicken Andy suck his toes for content. Unknown_21: This is not real. Chicken Andy. Unknown_21: sucks on this guy's rotten diabetes foot. Unknown_21: Um, okay. Unknown_18: Whatever. 2:10:52 Unknown_18: Uh, I will, I will, I'll just proceed before I lose my mind. I don't want to, I really don't want to hear about any more rape today is my thing. Unknown_21: This, this is like a lot of content, but at the same time, it's just sort of, it's so easy to summarize. There is a man, he is from Texas. Unknown_21: He attended high school in Kentucky. Unknown_21: There is a woman who also attended high school in that area. This person right here, Amanda, who is, um, 2:11:31 Unknown_21: has been impersonated on the internet, apparently for years, uh, in Rakeda's local chat. Unknown_21: and on YouTube. There are videos of Rikada singing this person's name and going, Oh Mandy, Oh Mandy, talking about how he would fuck the shit out of her. How Lady Rackets would also let him, would also fuck the shit out of her. They might arrange a threesome. He can't wait to go to Anime Matsuri because he wants to fuck the shit out of her. Just like continually talking about how much he loves Mandy. Man, he's always in the chat. Man, he's always in the YouTube chat. He's just, 2:12:09 Unknown_21: Constantly engaged with this person who is not his wife And who he only knows through discord and stuff and rigorously defends her and anytime anyone points out how her persona seems like a fake identity Unknown_21: She gets very defensive and Rakeda also gets very defensive, but she'll never get on voice chat. She'll never talk to Rakeda and defend herself. And it turns out that it's probably a guy who has been skinwalking this woman for years. There's a couple of ways that this lines up. 2:12:40 Unknown_21: His location, his high school lines up, and then specific events in his life versus what Mandy talks about. Unknown_21: So you can find obituaries for his family members that are dying at the exact day that Mandy is talking about losing other people in her family. Uh, so it all, Oh, and then there's actual photos of the family members that match up. Unknown_21: Um, so it really appears, Oh, and then the car, uh, 2:13:16 Unknown_21: Manny pretends to be like a car mechanic and continually talks about her super awesome car that her as a cool tomboy car mechanic is super into vehicles, but obviously no fucking woman in the entire world gives a shit about a Lincoln 1984 town car. Unknown_21: And then this guy also drives a Lincoln, but it's like a 2004 town car or something. So it's like 20 years off, but lines up with the wreck history and shit. Unknown_21: So it's very in depth and it's not entirely interesting with details. So I will sum it up just as that, that people are pretty confident that this is Mandy, that it is a woman that this guy knows. 2:14:05 Unknown_21: And that he's been pretending to be for years so that if anyone were to try and dox Mandy or cause her problems in relation to the rickety stuff They would simply be inconveniencing this woman who has nothing to do with this escapades and presumably she hasn't thought about this guy in 20 years So she would not think it's him So Unknown_21: Riccardo has not been having a good time dealing with this and having to come to the Realization that this person who for a long time based on things that he said It's been speculated that he had marital issues because of what he said about having sex with Mandy Unknown_21: So the realization that he might have fucked up his relationship and his, to summarize it, people think that he's already living away from them and has visitation with the kids out like an hour away or something every so often. 2:15:06 Unknown_21: So the idea that he might have fucked up his life because of this catfish is pretty depressing. Unknown_21: So he decides to go out to the hot tub and talk about Stephen Hawking being an inspiration because of how much poon he gets despite being a cripple and being married God did to Stephen Hawking you put him in his fucking place. Unknown_20: I do think Stephen Hawking is a bit of an inspirational story because of that crippled piece of fucking electronic rejects can Unknown_20: managed to cheat on his spouse who knew him when he could walk, get a new nurse for a wife while having a dick made out of an old Atari joystick. Like, everybody should be able to find someone, I would think. 2:15:41 Unknown_20: Maybe she just liked the paycheck, I'm not sure. Hawking was a genius, though. Yeah, why couldn't he figure out how to stand up or open his mouth? Unknown_20: So smart. Unknown_20: Maybe she liked his wheels. She didn't want to walk to the bathroom. Unknown_20: Stephen Hawking was faking. Stephen Hawking was just the first weekend at Bernie's. They're like, oh, he has this disease. Like, no, he's just dead. Put him in that chair and have the, you know, they just have a text to speech, uh, donation chat for Hawking's stuff. They just crowdsourced it from physics students at Cambridge. Were you talking about Hawking wanking to midgets mathematics? No, but that's fine. He didn't wank it. Like he had to have his nerds do it, right? She had to be there. I used to make fun of Hawking in the Dick Show Facebook group. 2:16:18 Unknown_20: because someone's always like he's a genius he had two doctorates i'm like so and lots of people have way more than two doctorates oh i was uh stephen hawking wrote this article it was an opinion piece about human social interaction and it was the most fucking offensive Not words, but notion ever that Stephen goddamn Hawking would be the guy to write a piece about human social interactions. Because one, not only is he a failed technique set, right? But two, he's also a rich, elite, over-educated academic who's regarded as this super genius with insight into everything. This motherfucker wouldn't know human interaction if it put his dick in his broken mouth. I fucking hate that he got to write that article and people listened to it. Of course, he can write it with his speaking spell, but people listen to it and it's like, what the hell is this? Why would you listen to this guy? Who has this guy interacted? And it was more appropriately, it was on modern human interaction. So you can't even say, well, he was leaning on his prior experience because that was decades before. This dude is sitting there writing about the change in human interactivities like brother you live in a literal ivy tower except you need a fucking handicap lift to go anywhere that always just bothered me so i started making fun of it and people got so mad that i made fun of their little fucking hot wheels uh so i made fun of him more forever now i hate him i mean myself into hating stephen hawking it's a really weird tangent that entire thing i i can i can never follow what did i cancel up next 2:18:18 Unknown_21: I'm doing a lie. Unknown_21: Next video is offensive. I'm clicking that. Fuck you. I hope someone has to look at that now. Um, the, uh, I'll never understand or he can't understand what he, what he says anymore. Just like his, his ability to sequence thoughts went into the other. It's just fucking nonsense. And how do you develop a hatred of. Unknown_21: Stephen Hawking. I mean, I can understand hating Stephen Hawking because he's like paying underage girls to gyrate on him that I can understand being a Jeffrey Epstein client. I can understand, but Jeffrey Epstein, um, 2:18:54 Unknown_21: Or Stephen Hawking is being outed as being on Epstein's client list. And the first thing he does is go out and talk about what an inspiration he is. Such a contrar- He's fucking lost. Just lost his mind. He finds- He can- He cannot find a single dipshit thing not worth saying. About anyone. Or any- any time. It's really crazy. Unknown_21: Did I mention did I even mention the sober spring thing? I might have mentioned it during super chats or something last stream I did because I was talking about Rakeda and how my predictions for him getting better completely and totally fell apart But I'll reiterate that 2:19:27 Unknown_21: He made a declaration that he was going to not drink on stream in 2024, which is the year that we're in now, not 2020. That was quite some time ago. Unknown_21: And he's already reneged on this. He put out a series of tweets about how he realized that life is about enjoying the moment. And then someone asked him, so is this your way of backtracking the sober January thing? Unknown_21: And he's like, yeah, he just said, yes, that's that's what I'm saying. So this is the video clip about it. I've actually not listened to this prior. So this will be a first listen. 2:20:12 Unknown_20: Who said anything about sobriety? One of my friends does something that I'm actually going to try out. My friend Cecil, he he does he does a month. It's early in the year. It's either January or February where he doesn't drink out of order. Unknown_21: I think that what happens is that he yeah, he Unknown_21: He says, who said anything about sobriety? And this is her injecting where he mentioned sobriety, I think. And so I'm going to I'm going to do the sober January because it's like the New Year's resolution, right? 2:20:47 Unknown_20: I'm doing sober streams for January. Unknown_20: We'll see what happens after that, but. Unknown_20: Oh my God. Everybody, again, this is fun thing on the internet where everybody claims to know everything because they see a small portion of life, but, uh, it's good. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Unknown_20: So you sober all the time for January or just for streams? Well, uh, again, um, sober streams, uh, but people miss something. I don't generally drink off stream unless it's a social event. 2:21:21 Unknown_20: You just don't drink a ton. People think because I drink on streams that I'm drinking all the time, it's really not the thing, but whatever. Sober Streams, because I didn't like how I was utilizing liquor as a crutch more than a gimmick on the show. And it's, you know, I didn't like how it was affecting the show in that way. And there's a whole bunch of reasons for it. But when you give yourself an excuse to let an activity get out of control, you should get it under control. So Sober Streams for January, focusing on delivering content rather than relying on an altered state, that's my goal. We'll see how that goes. 2:21:57 Unknown_20: If it's good and should be maintained, then it'll keep going. Or if it is bad and isn't useful, maybe bring the liquor back. Who knows? Unknown_20: We'll figure it out at some point. Unknown_20: Don't know. Don't know how it will go. Unknown_20: Tim Cass says, are you an alcoholic? Well, no, I don't think so. Unknown_20: You said the same thing when you stopped doing the Friday shit show panels, too. Unknown_21: Well, I don't- It's just crazy, because the whole point was that he complained. He complained. He went out and he complained that he was being accused of being alcohol dependent. And with an accusation like that, he believed that there was no way to defend himself. from those accusations. How do you shake that reputation of being dependent on something? Because if you say, no, I'm not, you just sound like you're coping like an alcoholic would. And then someone, presumably people in his audience suggested, hey, why don't you just go sober for a little bit? And he thought, sure, of course I can do that. I can do that for January. 2:23:11 Unknown_21: And now he's like pretending that Unknown_21: that he forgot what the purpose of doing that was. Just to show people, yeah, of course I can stop drinking. I can do my streams as I do without any alcohol and I'll do it for an entire month just to really drive the point home that it's not something that I need in my life. And now as he approaches the new year, he goes out and he says, well, life is actually too short to spend an entire month doing something you don't want to do. So bottoms up. And he just is going to pretend that there was no point to the commitment to begin with. 2:23:42 Unknown_20: Crazy Friday shit show panels, do I? Unknown_20: Yes, just again, it's a decision I made based on how. Unknown_20: Certain shows went involving he didn't do it. Unknown_21: He didn't not make a leak. He didn't do it at all He he committed to doing a sober January and then backed out of that commitment before the New Year's happened He changed his mind before it even began. He has not been sober for more than a few hours at a time He hasn't been sober for more than one nap at a time in all of 2024 this far 2:24:19 Unknown_20: Talked about cutting back on the drinking when you did stop the Friday shows. Yeah, I did. And I didn't do it very well. Like I said, it is what it is. People will always make their assumptions about like what your life is like, but you can't do anything about it. Unknown_20: You can't fucking change. You can never change anybody's mind. Like they have decided what your life is and what it will be. So you just, you just let it go. and do your shit. You look way better sober. Best of luck. Oh, thanks. 2:25:00 Unknown_19: I don't think I look different. Unknown_20: Okay. Unknown_20: Uh, it's fine. Unknown_20: It's a weird, uh, weird life. Unknown_20: It's a weird life, but it's, it's all good, man. Um, I've had such a great end of December that I, Really can't be fucking mad about anything. We'll see what 2024 has in store, but I'm I'm enjoying it so far. 2:25:35 Unknown_20: I don't know. Life has a strange way of approaching approaching you and developing in ways that are unexpected and interesting and. Unknown_20: I don't know, I'm here for it. There's not much you can do about most things, so you just kind of ride with it. Life is like a plastic bag. Unknown_21: Some days you're floating in the wind, helpless to every desire and momentary whim of life as a flow, and then one day you wake up naked in bed next to your daughter's best friend, and you are shot dead in the back of the head by a closeted gay Nazi. You just can't be helped. There's nothing you can do. Might as well just drink. 2:26:07 Unknown_21: Poor Akita. Unknown_21: He's like, he's got this learned helplessness about how he perceives things or it's just like, well, there's no point trying to do anything because we're, uh, we're fucked anyways. Meanwhile. Unknown_21: As a proof to the contrary, as proof that you can actually commit to changing your behaviors, Ethan Ralph, still sober from my understanding, just had a wonderful vacation in Cancun with a young Mexican, Pensuela. 2:26:59 Unknown_21: And now that he's grounded back in reality and back from his vacation, he has decided to Unknown_21: Give some learned advice to young men out there over his court dealings with his ex-wife. Unknown_34: The United States is no country for grown men, particularly not a country for grown white men. Unknown_34: They have a setup there where you can actually be forbidden from speaking about your own children online. You can be forbidden from seeing them without a court order. Women can take your child away from you without any recourse whatsoever, keep you out of their lives as long as they deem fit, and guess what? You'll be on the hook to pay them for 18 fucking years. The whole thing is a scam. Child support is a scam. The women don't spend it on the children in the first place. The whole thing is an absolute joke. The country is just about beyond repair, if you want to know the truth. And if you're a man and you're buying into that system in the United States, I'm here to tell you you're buying into a failure. It's not like that everywhere. It's damn sure not like that here in Mexico. where I have been rejuvenated in a way that I didn't think possible. And it's all because I got out of that hellhole of the United States where you think you have free speech. Well, I got news for you. You don't fucking have free speech. They can and will restrict the topics you can talk about online, and they've done it to me, the motherfucker you're looking at right now. The United States is no country for a man. It's set up for women. It's set up for thoughts. It's set up for whores. And if you have any money, you have any capability, you should get the fuck up out of there. That's my true opinion. Now I'll be a little late today because I have something to attend to in the afternoon. So I'll see you tonight. 2:29:03 Unknown_21: One can only imagine what he has to attend to after a rousing speech like that. Unknown_21: Um, I have, I'm not sure. Let me check something real quick before I say this. Cause I don't want to get this wrong. Unknown_21: Um, okay. So Ralph did have a court hearing. Unknown_21: And one of the things that, uh, was in dispute was that may requested a two year 2:29:43 Unknown_21: uh, what they call a permanent, uh, restraining order or a permanent injunction. So in New York, the longest that a restraining order can last is two years. They call that permanent. Uh, even though it's not permanent, it's whatever. Um, and Ralph was open to this cause the terms were basically like, you can't talk about me. You can't talk about the kid. You can't, um, Unknown_21: Uh, follow her in person. You can't talk to anyone to have them talk to her for you. So on and so forth, typical restraining order ship. Unknown_21: And, um, he was amenable to this and offered to take it. However, his public defender cautioned him against that because she believed from her experience in family law, that the purpose of receiving the maximum possible penalty regarding, um, 2:30:19 Unknown_21: a restraining order would be to use that in civil court, because it looks, especially, these things in law tend to snowball. Like, for instance, with Liz Fong Jones, when Liz Fong Jones received a default order against Vinnie in Australia, he since used that default order to try and lie and falsely indicate that there is some matter of law or fact that has been settled that the Kiwi Farms is illegal to host. Unknown_21: uh... which is not the case so when you lose a little bit in court uh... it adds up to a lot over time because when you take that and then reapply in later litigation uh... looks really bad so what Presumably what his attorney believes is that she is trying to get these injunctions, not because there's any threat of Ralph in Mexico showing up to her house in New York, but rather that getting a permanent injunction would then be a stepping stone towards getting a larger and more restrictive reward in civil court for the divorce. 2:31:13 Unknown_21: So he did not take that offer for just to get it done, get it over with a permanent injunction, and it only lasts until May, ironically, because of her name. So that's the Ralph update. Interesting, interesting developments in the legal world, chat. Finally, I do have a little itty bitty amount of hereditary content. Sorry, I'm not using my usual stream setup. Unknown_21: This is a story from RMTF. 2:32:12 Unknown_21: I was removed from the bathroom while peeing. Vinting. GZBZBreezy12 says, I was at the club last night with a friend enjoying myself. When it was New Year's, I went out to ring out the New Year with a few drinks and a couple good laughs. I was enjoying myself, having a grand old time, and after a few drinks, I had to pee, as you do. So I went to the bathroom, took a couple cute selfies since I thought my makeup and skirt tot combo were absolutely adorable tonight, and then proceeded to do my business. 2:32:46 Unknown_21: So what is it with trannies and taking pictures of themselves inside the bathroom? It's definitely like a predator thing where it's like they're they're posing with their triumph. Yes. I am in the women's restroom here I am making my Presence felt Then okay here Unknown_21: Mid peeing, however, I received a violent and loud knock at the door. I ignored the first one, I mean the door was locked because I was peeing. Then I received another, even louder and angrier knock, alongside the door handle starting to jiggle. I figured all I would have to do is pause the stream, tell this lady I was peeing, and then I'd be done in a second and I could finish my business. So I paused my piss and opened the door, and instead of being greeted by the manager, Karen, who proceeded to forcefully take my purse, then told her lackey next to her to search his bag, and he took off outside to rifle through my belongings. She then asked what I was doing, and I simply told her I was using the bathroom like a normal person. She responded by telling me that I'm not allowed to use the woman's bathroom, and if I need to finish, I'd have to use the men's room. 2:33:25 Unknown_21: After that comment, her slave, boy, employee came back and handed me my bag because there was nothing in it besides my Switch, cases for my Switch games, DSi XL, two regular DSi's, and the old fat DS model, along of course with my headphones and my makeup. So this guy walks around, has a purse, and when a woman has a purse, and there's usually all sorts of things that women keep in their purse, right, that are like female, 2:34:17 Unknown_21: uh, relevant to women. He merely keeps a book bag full of video game consoles so he can play Pokemon or anime shit, uh, on the go. Unknown_21: So I took my things and left, crying. I hate my life. This is so not fair. I wasn't even doing anything. Why did she have to search my purse immediately, have to search the bathrooms afterwards? Unknown_21: uh... probably because trainees like to install cameras in women's restrooms especially when 2:35:07 Unknown_18: my own business and wanting to pee in peace. Unknown_21: I ended up having to go to the gas station to finish peeing. My ID and birth certificate say female on it. I legally changed my name. I had been on HRT for two years. I had been transitioning for even longer than that. Why is it not enough? Why am I never enough? When will it fucking end? When will I be treated the same as every other girl? Unknown_21: here is a fun fact tranny you will be treated like any other girl when you are physically physically incapable of stopping your urination midstream because and wahmen will have to back me up on this wahmen kind cannot do this. If you've ever been peeing and you've managed to stop peeing midstream, it kind of hurts. Uh, you, you have done something that no women can ever do. Women do not have the muscle strength to actually cut the stream off. 2:35:55 Unknown_21: Uh, so coincidentally in his own story, uh, he outs himself. Unknown_21: Well, I can't, I've never heard of a woman that can stop paying. Unknown_21: I think trannies are in my chat trying to lie. You cannot. I can't do it. Finally. Okay, look, maybe all these other ladies who do their Kegels every day are able to do this. I've never heard of a woman that can stop peeing because they'll yell at you. That's how you can't. 2:36:58 Unknown_18: they can't yeah no you're just wrong they can stop being how do you know this okay i give up i will not be i mean no Unknown_21: It's not that you can't pause it. You can't like completely stop. Like women can like pause the stream, but you can't like end. Unknown_21: No, I give up. Unknown_18: You get struggled. It's okay. Whatever. Unknown_21: I don't know. Unknown_21: Okay. I guess trans women are women then. Congratulations. Unknown_21: Do a poll there's no point because men like I can't pull based on gender You're just gonna have people voting which shit to fuck with me. So Yeah, whatever Um, I think I have another reddit thing Oh, this is bard fend, okay great um 2:37:56 Unknown_21: So Bardfin, if you don't, okay, Bardfin is really gross and Bardfin has like a history that is, um, like if you're into the Reddit drama sphere, Unknown_21: then you they were really familiar with bard fin because he's been accused of like domestic violence sexual assault he's like a really creepy gross truan and he's also one of reddit's top moderators because 2:38:48 Unknown_21: I think he's actually a hired moderator now. He's like on staff with Reddit as a paid admin. And the reason why is that he wrote some sort of auto mod bot that every single subreddit uses. And because they empower this mod bot, Bardfin is actually able to moderate any sub on the site that uses it. So he has like direct moderation capabilities and a ton of subs and then through his moderation bot He has like access to almost every single sub and then he became an admin. So he basically runs the moderation team now but um 2:39:23 Unknown_21: So he's one of the most hated, reviled, troon jannies on Reddit. Unknown_21: And anyone who's into Reddit drama knows him and fucking despises him. But they may be winning the slog of Sisyphean efforts to continue to shitpost even when the tranny jannies invoke auto-mod supremacy over them. Unknown_21: uh he is tired he says everything every single bit of transphobic reddit rhetoric i'm 100 sick of every bit of it i'm sick of seeing it i'm sick of running queries to surface the posts and comments containing them in unmoderated or maliciously unmoderated subreddits I'm sick of filing reports on those for sight right rules of violations and Sick of getting back when the ticket closes whether those tickets close a action was taken or no violation was found I Thought he was paid. I thought he was a paid admin Is barred fin a paid admin Correct am I wrong? 2:40:13 Unknown_21: Oh my god, does he do it for free? I honestly thought he was getting paid by Hoffman. Unknown_21: Oh my god, I can't believe that Bardfin does it for free. But he continues. 2:41:02 Unknown_21: I'm sick of escalating those wrongly closed tickets to reddit trust and safety I'm sick of seeing the temp employees covering mod support for the holidays wrongly close those escalations I'm sick of seeing Twitter screenshots. Yeah, I'm dead naming this site He's a risque Unknown_21: filled with transphobia and the wetted screenshots of their no-violation report close on them. I was sick of them in 2021 when they took 5-9 months to close tickets. I'm sick of seeing Litman's ROGD pseudoscience keep propping up. I'm sick of seeing bigots miscite the abstract papers whose actual conclusion sections specifically contradict what the bigots say the paper finds. I'm sick of proactively claiming transphobic subreddit names and then sitting on them until Reddit clearly states they'll close such subreddits based solely on the name. And I'm sick of seeing where someone claims others' violations on those transphobic tropes and left the subreddit open and unrestricted, just waiting for bigots to stumble into it and fill it up. 2:41:47 Unknown_21: This guy is a fucking menace. This guy is in his entire life. He, this guy's entire life is funded by like the government. He sits on Medicare and does this shit. It's like a disabled trans folks. The excerpts like unimaginable authority over a platform. He does it for free because he's just so mentally ill that he craves the power and he has like Completely mapped out reddit's trust and safety team so he knows exactly who to complain to when complaining is less efficient and just basically how to make every minute of his time as Aggravating as possible to people just trying to have a conversation Truly fucking sad And one extra post from this Reddit lies says are 2:42:26 Unknown_21: You can post a Reddit post of someone asking, how do we protect our sons from becoming incels? A Redditor reply says, raise them properly and keep them away from porn. The post has 20,000 upvotes and the comment reply has negative 21 upvotes. 2:43:02 Unknown_21: Reddit considers this an affront to them. Unknown_21: Such is life when you're a Redditor. Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: I am sorry. I'm so awful in the stream. I don't know what it is. I ate breakfast. Unknown_21: I ate dinner. I ate lunch. I didn't eat too much. Took my vitamins. I just feel really, really off today. Feel all loopy and shit. I think it's just cause it's so hot in my apartment. I had to take off my, my sweater at some point. 2:43:36 Unknown_21: I'm not having a stroke. I don't know. I just feel off. I feel a little bit nauseous It's just not a good day today show Such as life the marsh effect You know what it is, you know what has me off Today is today is Insurrection Eve 2:44:18 Unknown_21: Several years ago, I did a video talking about the January 6th guided tour of the Capitol building. And now, I think this is, what, four years later? Here we are. We're getting ready to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the event that was worse to journalists than 9-11. Do you guys have anything planned? Do you have any plans? Are you going to go take a guided tour of Capitol Hill on the 6th? Unknown_21: That's what I call it. It's they just got let in and they walked around. They didn't break anything. Some guy had walked away with a podium, but that's about it. Unknown_21: Three years was 2021 when January six happened. 2:45:00 Unknown_22: Okay. I don't know. Unknown_21: That was four years ago when January six, let's see that checked me again. 2021 you're right. Unknown_21: I'm a retard. I've gotten everything wrong in the stream. Everyone's so angry at me and keep yelling at me I Can't believe it was only a year ago the January 6 All right, sorry, I'm gonna go lay down or something I apologize Just not just not with it today All right. I will read the super chance 2:45:43 Unknown_21: BaldoPegans4Five says, need a catfish and alcoholic non-practicing lawyer in his online community? The new Buffalo Baldo will help keep your balls safely tucked away. Use promo code DanielHarris for 10% off at checkout. I heard those go great with night vision goggles. Unknown_21: Those also help trust me Action Johnny for 10 says how long until you reinstall Linux jerk? Unknown_21: Um, I don't know. I really don't want to reformat it. So I'm not sure what I'm gonna do I'll probably try to fix it first, but it's a huge pain in the ass 2:46:19 Unknown_21: Thank you. Senator Cole for five says the show odds is the best depiction of American prisons being a pee pee poo poo rape dungeon that severely traumatizes people instead of rehabilitating them. Let's hope this is vetoes fate when he is inevitably convicted of his possession of child pornography. I agree with that. There is a YouTube video. Unknown_04: Montgomery didn't even die. Unknown_21: I don't know, man. I don't want to play YouTube video. I'm going to have to, I'm going to have to reinforce it now. I apologize to people who already sent in links. It is $10 for a YouTube video. Uh, that is the rule. It'll be six seconds per dollar too. So keep it under a minute. Otherwise I, it's just not respectful of people's time. 2:46:51 Unknown_21: for the superchats because then people who don't submit it in the video you know are not getting like the same amount of attention Unknown_21: A total gunt victory for one says, I hope you want a million dollars, Josh. You banned me from posting video links unless I pay you $10. But I promise this time I won't be a whale. It won't be a whale brap video. Well, I'm never going to know. Sorry, buddy. Umtibadu for one says, Josh, is your plan to get Donald Trump to tweet Gamergate? Yes. Once a Donald Trump tweets Gamergate, um, the, 2:47:24 Unknown_21: The total tranny ousting from tech will, uh, it's, it's like the, it's like the. Execute order six, six. Once we hear gamer gate from Donald Trump, all the tech bros will join together and, uh, backstab the trunes and tech and we'll regain control. Unknown_21: Uh, casting couch crap for 10 says hello. Monsieur moon. The crab of the day is a huge coconut crab. Coconut crabs are not actually crabs. Are there? 2:47:58 Unknown_21: Are they crap? Coconut crab is a terrestrial species of giant hermit crab. Okay. I see. Um, they, they, they're really, really fucking big and they're really scary. I just don't know. They were actually crabs. I thought that was a misnomer. Unknown_21: No, thank you. Unknown_21: Danny Art produces I'm patiently waiting for someone to edit the video of the guy leaping at the judge with Left 4 Dead 2 Never that hunter sound effects and music. I know exactly what you're talking about It's actually pretty funny It was yeah, it would be just download Caden live and you do it motherfucker. It's real easy Zero rest is for five says pizza day clarification at 130 Josh if you're not a ween fan, you should fix that. Happy New Year. There's a YouTube link I don't know what's the title of it. I'll read it 2:48:32 Unknown_11: Sunday, Sunday I know what this is. Unknown_21: Monday, Monday Where's the, you didn't, you didn't timestamp it, right? This is a song called, uh, Someday by Ween. At some point he says, uh, Sunday is pizza day or something. I know, I know what you're referencing, but he didn't timestamp it. James Boone for 25 says, happy first pizza day of 2024. Thank you, James Boone. I appreciate it. 2:49:12 Unknown_21: I don't know. I'm not gonna have I didn't have pizza today. I might have it tomorrow though Just didn't I'm not feeling it. Maybe that's why I'm so off. I didn't have pizza today. I fucked everything up Thank you. I'm Tarot for 20 says pendulum swings or even these guys are starting to notice and there is a YouTube link I wonder who these guys are. I'm assuming that some kind of boomer or something Young European people are shifting, right? Unknown_33: by brilliant. In most of the developed world, it's long been accepted as a truism that people start off left-wing when they're young and gradually get more right-wing as they get older. In English-speaking countries like the UK. Yeah, okay. 2:49:54 Unknown_33: I'm aware that Germany is getting more right-wing. Unknown_21: Okay, so he's just gonna go over and he's gonna show all the different statistics for voting based on age. Unknown_21: Look, young people are, I think, more cognizant than ever that the society that they're growing up in is extremely left-wing and also does not benefit them. They are not the primary benefactors of the social security state that they're paying into. They're being prepared to be economic units in a government that doesn't prefer them over imported migrant works. and doesn't intend to take care of them as well as the imported migrants. So a lot of them are shifting right because they're acutely aware that they're being prepared for a lifetime inadequately to be like a, and that they're going to live a quality of life that is worse than their parents and their grandparents. That's why they're shifting right. 2:50:31 Unknown_21: But I don't know. It's like the real question when it comes to people bringing this up is what do you do with the migrants? Like, do you realize that 15% of France is like first or second generation African immigrant? Like 10% of Germany is African immigrant. The United States is 50% of white. Like, is there really going to be an instance where, you know, people can seize power? And just deport 150 million Mexicans into Mexico or a country that most of them don't even have, you know, nationality in. 2:51:12 Unknown_21: It's a, it's a really, do you have to like reconcile with the Hispanics and divide, or do you have to divide the country in half? Like, what do you do? Unknown_21: Like, if you think it's that easy, it's not. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the United States government was suddenly and totally, from the top down, replaced, exactly as it is right now, with a white nationalist government. Do you think the deportation of like 150 million people from the United States would not happen? A lot of people would leave once any kind of problem started, but not all of them. There would be some, there would be, it would be like the Balkan war. Like that's there. I don't see a way that the, the deportation can happen without Balkanizing the U S because once you have that kind of ethnic conflict where everything is like, so, 2:51:47 Unknown_21: I'm so messy. I don't know. I just don't see it in my head working out Yeah, the military is like completely replaced at this point, I don't yeah, yeah Yeah, I hope you guys like Mexican food cuz I don't know any any way that you can just you might be able to get Like I'm a Mexican Alliance going but I don't see getting really Mexicans at this point. I 2:52:30 Unknown_21: Delightful Dave for two says, hello, Josh. Who is your favorite TF2 mercenary? The spy. I like to backstab people. I also like scout. I like, um, running around and shooting people with a shotgun. That's also fun. Unknown_21: Um, my least favorite is demo and soldier. I just don't like the, the mechanics of explosives based or anything for two says in Lee voice tonight, Josh is having pizza. Here's your supper pal. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Fox shows for 10 says the fact that I can see a 14 year old's opinion at any time without warning should classify as a human violation of my human rights. 2:53:25 Unknown_21: Well, trust me, it doesn't really get that much better. Uh, as they age up, they stay stupid. Unknown_21: Neighborino for once is the name Joshua and Jesus are different translations of the same name Yeshua Why do you have a Jewish name? What are you not telling us? Unknown_21: Joshua's is it anglicized version of Yeshua. It's not Jewish Forsaken wanderer for one says I'm happy to financially support Maddie as long as my long-distance girlfriend Lilith agrees with my heart Well that might that might not work out for too long. I 2:54:04 Unknown_21: Danny Oxford who says you just know these creeps will rationalize that the kids back then would find their dad's dirty magazine So who cares I get exposed to porn at a young age and my firmly believe kids that I shouldn't ever Yeah, that's what? Unknown_21: was the line for a long time, but I Unknown_21: The other thing in regards to that is, okay, let's say that even though porn as a magazine was not a thing until like the 1950s, let's say that it was inevitable that kids would be exposed to porn. If you look at like what magazine porn was, it was just like boobs. It was just like naked women, right? But what are kids being exposed to on Discord? They're being exposed to like weird androgynous femboy, tomboy porn, and they're being exposed to like, 2:54:35 Unknown_21: Weird furry fetish shit and truning out. It's like It's not even the same and and extremely like I mentioned extremely violent and like anal porn extremely early one It's not and it doesn't change like you find a magazine. Well that magazine stays the same But your your discord friends are always gonna be posting like the weirdest shit, even if you don't have access to porn sites yourself which develops problems in someone's brain and 2:55:25 Unknown_21: Pastor Troy for 20 says hey Josh. Is this the best way to make money and there was a YouTube link. Let's see Tick tocks financial advice Unknown_04: Yeah, yeah. What I do, I go on the job. I've sued Singular before, AT&T. I got $40,000 out of them in 2006, July 6, 2006, for race discrimination and sexual harassment. Just niggas cracking jokes on the job, right? So what I did, I went and learned employment rights. So what I do, I go find a job, because I know they got niggas going to be violating safety violations. So I'm going to go complain about safety violations. 2:56:00 Unknown_00: I know some bitch ass supervisor going to get mad by me complaining and start retaliating against me. Unknown_04: Then I'm gonna make a call to OSHA and say hey, they unsafe over here. And then I'm gonna let them know Yeah, I'm the one called OSHA and they go fuck with me and then I'm gonna make them pay me $10,000 for retaliation. I get them every time Damn Unknown_21: Fuck it. I'm all for it. That's called malicious compliance Everyone should listen to this black man and realize that what he's doing has a name It's called malicious compliance If you don't like a system, you should exploit the ever-living fuck out of it until it breaks Don't like something find a way to make it work for you. 2:56:33 Unknown_21: I Mean he has a he has a bonus to his malicious compliance, but everyone can do it. Everyone can be malicious. I Unknown_21: Stalker child enjoy prison for 15 says no little baby infant Patrick s Tomlinson did not lose locale of the year. You will stop the steal or else you will wait for the knock enjoy The vote ends on the 7th. I think for Cato's winning. It's for Cato BMJ and then Patrick I don't know Patrick has beaten lost mine yet 2:57:21 Unknown_21: ForsakenWanderer15 says, hey Joshini Moon Elf, after Bossman and Baldo, who is your favorite cow and why? Cow. That's a hard question to ask because you eliminated the two people I talk about the most right now. Unknown_21: There's a couple people if I If I see their threads have unread posts, I will read it. I don't subscribe directly to threads. Unknown_21: I Keep I keep tracking like a bunch of like Unknown_21: A bunch of e-celebs. I like it. The thing is, I don't actively follow a bunch of e-celebs, but when I hear that Stix or Razorfist is being outed as a coomer and trying to lie about it, or Stix is having a schizophrenic episode and threatening the Dutch mafia or whatever the fuck, I really enjoy that shit. I like it. The nice thing about internet famous lolcows is that they're so rich and popular that when they succumb to their 2:58:14 Unknown_21: Basic sperg instinct and have like a meltdown. It's really really funny because it's so depreciating to them Thank you The Mac user 751 for prices you can submit a shareholder Proposal to cogent if you hold a minimum of 2,000 shares for a full year SEC rule 14 a8 Submissions must be made by May so in November 2025 you or someone else can submit 2:58:56 Unknown_21: That's interesting I I mean I can try to save up to buy $2,000 of shares and every publicly traded ISP in the country if you want to donate to the should I do a GoFundMe for that would you guys donate so that local LLC or man at the NLC or wherever the fuck and buy $2,000 of shares and every ISP in the country so I can submit SEC suggestions I Will do that. I will do that if people are willing to bankroll that I Unknown_21: Thank you. The Mac user 75145 says, oh, sorry, that's $50. And he says, absolutely nothing. Thank you. Those are my favorite super chat messages, the ones that say nothing. The issue with people sending me super chats trying to get me to read the super chat in a way that modifies how much they donate is that I am incapable of reading a sentence without fucking it up. So it's very obvious when I'm reading something, because I start stuttering and sounding like a dyslexic. 2:59:55 Unknown_21: Not deviancy for once, as you have been instructed many, many times to stop contacting this number. Continuing to do so is felony harassment. Your life is already over. Enjoy prison stalker deviancy. Unknown_21: Didn't even talk about that on stream. Okay. Here's a little little thing in case you're in case you're Wanting some extra bonus content I'll just summarize this if you go to the Kiwi farms and you go to mass debates and you just control F the letters DV NC or if you just go to search and type in the letters DV NC and search by title you will find a thread that I made and you are welcome to read it if you want a little little surprise and 3:00:39 Unknown_21: Haramburger for Tuesday's New Year, new pizzas, new dragons, new forms of gastrointestinal distress, new and novel ways of misusing 4chan's automotive force, and may all your technical and legal endeavors be as funny in 2024. Unknown_21: Party popper emoji, party blower emoji. Thank you, Haramburger. The nicest things you've ever said to me. Unknown_21: Deniack for one says, almost every Terminator online shooter is obsessed with Danganronpa in some capacity. Usually they're also obsessed with that Junko character in the shooter's PFP. I don't know what a Junko is, but uh, I mean, don't talk that way about Genocide or CO, okay? He's one of the best Baldo posters and just because he's got an anime doesn't mean he's, well, it doesn't mean actually. It's inevitability. He has to fight it. He has to wake up every day and put it back in the box, but maybe one day he'll put anime in the box instead. 3:01:23 Unknown_21: Insensitive zero for one says Perry is a particular exception it became an enclave for illegal immigrants and Population is mostly like 50 to 60 Hispanic despite gov numbers. I know that for sure the school numbers reflect that oh You're you're talking about I'm sorry I thought you're talking about the the guy Perry that I played a clip of you're talking about, Iowa and Unknown_21: Dude, it's everywhere. They get bussed everywhere in the fucking country. It's so jover. Just, I don't know. Just learn to love tacos and speak Spanish and enjoy getting stabbed, I guess. 3:01:55 Unknown_21: Generic username and password for one says, I spent most of 2023 homeless, unemployed, and a massive debt. 2024 starts and I'm in the interview process for a six figure job by Chinese company you hate. If I land it, I'll send lots of super chats. Unknown_21: Chinese company you hate? Me? Hate the Chinese? Unknown_21: I don't know. I don't know what that's a reference to, but I wish you luck. My dad better pick up a little bit of Mandarin. So I'm told Wayne motherfucker mugsy. Oh, one for 10 says happy new years and happy early Orthodox Christmas. Josh is the season to share this glorious video from the King Astro per thread and chat. 3:02:27 Unknown_21: Um, I'm not sure how enticing that is. Unknown_21: Thanks for reminding me to go shopping early, bro. Unknown_21: Bro. Unknown_21: This is fucking gross. I will play this for at most 30 seconds, but if I, if this sketches me out, I'm out of it. 3:03:00 Unknown_21: Your local hog at number 72 super fart kid, 98 request. Unknown_21: What is he in public? Unknown_21: When is he opening a can of sweet corn in public? Unknown_15: Bro. Oh my God. Okay. Thank you. 3:03:43 Unknown_21: Thank you, Muggsy01. Roxanne Wolf for five says, Bark, bark. Thank you, Roxanne Wolf. Very normal super chat. I appreciate it. Fennel Hungarian Imperialist for 10 says, It's fascinating watching the way the illusion of civility breaks in the court scene. The judge and the three manlets pulling him off of her are briefly reminded that violence isn't replaced by law and merely obfuscated. The court is always a place of violence. It's just impolite to say the emperor is naked. Unknown_21: Yeah, pretty much. I mean, it's, it's immediate how all that fancy clothes and prestige of the marble plate and everything is like immediately cast aside by one very violent, very pissed off black guy. He's willing to jump all over and pound people in the face. 3:04:18 Unknown_21: Well, that civility goes away pretty fucking fast, but on Hungarian imperialist for five says, if you recall the video game monkey, people were comparing to the long arm tranny. This is his part of the games theme song. I don't know what you're talking about, but let's see. Unknown_21: Oh, this is a... 3:05:05 Unknown_21: Bro, I might clip that and send that at that tranny. Would that get my ex account banned? Look, if someone wants to go ahead and clip that part and send that out to him, be my guest. It would be funny if he replies. Unknown_21: Danny Ock, for one, says, regarding the earlier Trune discussion, HRT isn't just injections. It also comes in pill forms and seems to be the most common method nowadays with estrogen and estradiol, progesterone, and or spinal acrone. Unknown_21: Yeah, there's like a myriad. It's like a, it's like a whole fucking entourage of drugs. You have to take bro. The buttons for once is not a prank. This is her Twitter account. Look at the profile picture and you know, it's to be true. And then you link to something called sugar teeth. So I'm assuming that you're talking about the schizophrenic girl that was on the phone call. 3:05:39 Unknown_21: Oh yeah. This was, um, I remember seeing this when she was getting docs because people were trying to figure out if she was a tranny or not, or just molested. Unknown_21: No, I know that you're right. It's an anime lollicon avatar of a summer girl. 3:06:10 Unknown_21: Uh, Nick's hex for five says the baby voice sounds just like the schizo girl in the pearl jam song. Hey, Foxy Mofando mama. That's me. Also, Iowa has the Iowa caucus, AKA the great corn flip. Unknown_21: I don't know, I'm very familiar with Pearl Jam, but I don't remember that song. I apologize. And yeah, they do have caucuses. I saw, what's his face? Vivek Ramaswamy was in the Iowa caucuses. Unknown_21: For the ghost NTC for two says Dick. Oh my God, I can't believe that. Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck. Josh, I love the branding diddler. May I suggest to you an HN board while I close your thread for a while. 3:06:47 Unknown_21: For the ghost NTC for two says Ralph. It's not true, but alexander got me back on my Twitter. That's true Andy Whoa, buddy, Ashton felted PPP someone send the subs to the gumroad sheesh For the ghost NTC for two says medicare. I don't know chat. What do you want to think gator? I don't know chat. What do you want to think? Unknown_21: I? Like how mine is the most convoluted because it's such a stretch, but thank you Unknown_21: TBD for five says anyone else miss the ambulances we we we No, I don't I do not miss hearing a fucking ambulance continuously. Thank you Always, mr. No for 10 says happy New Year Josh. I hope you had a great Christmas Did you get any good Christmas presents this year? I told you I told you exactly what I got. Give me there Get ready get ready Hear that 3:07:23 Unknown_21: That's a two ouncer being hit by a two ounce 5.56 silver bullet. Unknown_21: That's right. Show the pain. Uh, I posted those on turbo empty my dude for one says. 3:08:00 Unknown_21: I don't know anything about blade except that he has a hole in his leg for so long. I am genuinely shocked He isn't dead. I think he streamed him back on fucking stream.me and he had the hole back then Yeah, diabetic can live for a long time. You'd be surprised Sneato for one says music biz Marty is a neighbor by the way He called you a pedo when you talk shit about him. I could not possibly care less about what he says I'm gonna do for one says I am a retard my last super chat. I meant to specify the gem stream blade on stream.me. I Unknown_21: Um, yeah, I vaguely remember that. Unknown_21: Anime for five says most esteemed and venerable Kibi Daimo. To my great shame I missed your last stream. I will now honorably commit seppuku with one of my beloved Super Sonico figurines in strict accordance with Bushido. 3:08:36 Unknown_21: No, don't do that unless you name me as your heir to the Nintendo fortune. Then you can do that. Unknown_21: Just make sure that your suicide clause on your life insurance is up. Escape O for five says one must imagine Bossman Jack happy. Unknown_21: Mean he's got a great attitude. So maybe he is except when he says he hates his life every day Then he's not happy, but he is happy a lot of the time Gamba sessions didn't make him happy you wouldn't do it a Stupid fuck for five says Nick drinks liquor every day. He just can't stop alcohol withdrawal is dangerous He needs a supervised detox and rehab. I was on a benzo taper for a week and for seizure meds for three weeks. I 3:09:15 Unknown_21: Well, tell him that. I know that detox is dangerous with alcohol, which we're all, but you're not going to convince them to, uh, go with the inpatient. Unknown_21: It's too much of a injury to his pride. Unknown_21: Cure Yuma for 25 says you forgot to play the best Rikita video, by the way. And he links to a video, which perhaps is the best Rikita video. Unknown_19: Whiskey 777 says congrats on another wasted and organized rambling mess of a show. This is comedic value and being a drunk moron. 3:09:54 Unknown_19: Dude, yes. Unknown_19: How can you? Unknown_19: How can you do this? How can you fail so hard? Unknown_19: There's comedic value. Brother, I'm only on YouTube and Rumble to make you smile, whether it's seriously or comedically. Unknown_21: That's it. Unknown_21: Are you smiling? Unknown_19: I'll share my life with you. Unknown_21: Are you filled with mirth, Chet? 3:10:28 Unknown_19: So you can smile at it and laugh at how silly it is. Unknown_19: And the reason I'm okay with that is because I look at what I do and go through and all this shit, and I look at my life six, seven years ago, and I go, God, it was so different. Unknown_19: Life was different. Concerns were different. Everything was different. Unknown_21: I'm not eager to hear Rikada cope about being a fucking alcoholic from the performance. Bro, like, I'm like an entertainer. So like, if I'm a fucked up drunk mess and I entertain people by being such a sloppy retard, that's like, I'm still winning, bro. Come on. 3:11:10 Unknown_21: cope and or sneed docs found for five says don't listen to josh everyone should practice stopping peeing midstream male or female train those pelvic muscles do your kegels keep your prostate healthy that's what i'm talking about finally someone gets my judy tester for three says uh redditor was using a persona weeb bag also nudes and funko's and post history 3:11:42 Unknown_21: You carry a DS while going clubbing, that's awesome, but the way you were treated for using the bathroom was horrible. Maybe a cis girl complained, but that doesn't excuse the way they acted kissy face. Unknown_21: It's a purse with the Shu Jian Academy replica bag that was with Take Your Heart edition of Persona 5. I can see what the Joker carries this thing everywhere. It's stylish and fits everything in it well. Unknown_21: Oh, I don't want to hear any discussion about fucking out. Thank you. A laughing hyena for 10 says worth the price of admission. Thank you. I appreciate it. Unknown_21: Space Alan for 20 says cheers man. Thank you appreciate what wonderful super chats Bunker housing for tens is happy new year Josh How does it feel to be a freedom fighter fighting for the good fight for freedom of truth and justice not ironic really mean it? 3:12:18 Unknown_21: It's pretty tiring, and I wish it paid better, but other than that it's it's a fulfilling experience Thank you her on burger for five says pizza day, and there's a link to the fortunes automotive board And I see there's an image of that reads today's crab of the day is the orangutan crab eating a pizza in a car. It is fat and farting. Thank you for armor. I appreciate it. Unknown_21: I'm always Mr. No for five says, haha, I tricked you. Christmas hasn't been this year yet, but you fit, feel silly. 3:13:03 Unknown_21: No fucking idea what you're saying. I apologize. Unknown_21: Finno-Hungarian Imperialist for $5 says, here's the other $5, now play my Tranny Kong link joosh, assuming you haven't played it already. I did play Tranny Kong, and I already encouraged people to clip it. I played it because you also sent in a $10 Super Chat, so I just, I was forgiving. Thank you. Unknown_21: Flocktious for $10 says, something ain't right, cat box file. Unknown_21: And there is a cat box file, and I am endeavoring to play it. Unknown_27: I hear a hunter. Okay, that doesn't sound right. 3:13:43 Unknown_21: Did you make that just now for the stream? Like in the super chat segment? That's pretty impressive. Unknown_21: Good job. Unknown_21: Longboarder241 provides us Happy Friday Josh I had something important to tell you but I forgot it so if you reinstall Linux use IceWM it's comfy and then he links to box.look.org or hyphen look.org and there's a post to it I might I don't know someone was suggesting like a specific arch or a fedora distro that was like made by the guy that made What is it the 3:14:17 Unknown_21: Glorious egg roll thing for a seam. I don't know. I'm fucking exhausted just thinking about it. I really in piss Coco for two says I had a video of my dog running through the forest, but now there is a fee So you can you clarify which anime are okay Western studio hires Japanese to animate like animatrix pre-1960s Jap anime Unknown_21: Um, yeah, shit like the boondocks is obviously not anime, even though it's an anime style. Dude, if there's not like a little girl being sexualized, it's probably not anime, okay? 3:14:54 Unknown_21: That's just how it works. Sneado for one says, did you ever talk about the boss man house incident? Unknown_21: That sounds like a creepypasta. Chapter nine, the boss man house incident. Unknown_21: Bossman Jack was sitting at his computer enjoying a fine gamba sesh, but as he clicked on the mine, instead of a gem or a bomb, he saw photorealistic eyes staring back at him. Unknown_21: Um, oh, so this guy he went to boss man Jack's house and took a picture and then he posted it and then instead of just like posting it he said hi Austin and like the message so I banned him because I consider that like intimidating you're violating the rule of like not talking to cows the Kiwi farms is not like a way to speak indirectly to people And I can't interpret the message of saying hi Austin as anything but like trying to intimidate or scare him. So I banned him and some guy got really pissy with me and says, well, you took pictures of Christian's house. 3:15:45 Unknown_21: Yeah, but people didn't do that to try and spook him. Unknown_21: Um, so there you go. Pimpman64 for 25 says, are you going to do anything about Disney streamboat Willie being public domain this year? No, I don't really find that as funny as people do because the only reason why it's public domain is that it's been a hundred fucking years since that shit was made. Okay, great. The original Mickey mouse is public domain. Uh, but Disney still has like perpetual copyright over fucking everything. I'll celebrate when, uh, the Marvel movies are public domain because we've reduced the, the time of copyright to 20 years instead of 80 or whatever. 3:16:20 Unknown_21: Kerry Kovacs for 10 says it god bless you Josh. Thank you very much. Appreciate it Kadoo for 5 so I never know how to reply to that. I always want to say yeah you too, which sounds really like like dismissive and weird Kadoo for 5 says whoo That's a nice super chat Thank you tech controller for $50 says Josh that neighbor scammer is also known for snitching on rappers that threaten him 3:17:09 Unknown_21: And this is the short. I've heard about him being a snitch, but I don't know the context. Let's take a look. Unknown_04: If we riding in the car, nigga, you sell dope and I don't. And you got dope on you. And it's a question of who dope this is. I'm willing to say that's his dope. Unknown_04: to be here for this baby. 3:17:43 Unknown_04: No, no, man, I tell on everybody not to go to jail right now. Are you serious? Man, I'm 44 years old. You don't let niggas out no more soon. When niggas go to jail now, you come home later. No, no, man, yeah, I tell on anybody get out of jail. Unknown_32: So your logic behind, quote unquote, setting the record straight is that you don't want to be in jail at 50? I ain't gonna be. Unknown_04: If we riding in a car, Unknown_21: Nigga, that's not irrational. If someone's like breaking the law, there's no fucking way to make it to put your ass on the line. Like, especially if it's something retarded, like slinging dope. Yeah, no, I'm not going to fucking go to jail for your dumb ass selling dope. Fuck you. Retard. How about not raping people though? Can we get that? Can we, can we shit talking for that? Come on now. 3:18:22 Unknown_21: That's against the NOG code, I know it's, I don't, I don't care. Don't snitch on, uh, if there's like a principle, if there's like a principle in the matter, if it's like the FBI or after somebody, cause they're a Jan six or whatever. And there's like an actual principle. You can always just say, I don't remember. You don't have to help them. I don't remember. I don't, I do not recall my, uh, memory on the issue is a little bit fuzzy. I cannot be, uh, just can't think of it right now at this exact second, actually. 3:18:56 Unknown_21: Um, a Cino for one says what happens when you park your fancy German car in the hood and she, uh, uh, they stole the hood of the car. That's what happens. Thank you. Uh, J X seven X J X seven X J for 10 says this is a fun short clip of that Dax flame kid to bring joy to others. Thanks for putting your Baldo on the chopping block to keep the lowercase. I internet fun. Uh, you're welcome. Let's see what this is. 3:19:37 Unknown_22: Was this the entire video? It's just a kid running, riding a scooter in front of the no scooter sign. 3:20:13 Unknown_21: The bird sitting on the no bird sign is funnier to me though. Uh, thank you. Well, your Wagner for five years. I'm just glad that Charleston ain't white. Ain't a hypocrite. Unknown_21: Um, Yeah. Unknown_21: And then there's a link to Norm Macdonald. Now, do you think Cosby's legacy will be hurt? Unknown_30: Yeah. You do, huh? I mean, there was a comedian, Patton Oswalt, he told me, I think the worst part of the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy. 3:20:49 Unknown_30: And I disagree. You disagree with that? Yeah. I thought it was the raping. Unknown_30: As my feeling, most rapists are hypocrites. You don't meet many who go, I like raping, and I know it's not politically correct, but by God, people go, well, he's not being a hypocrite, and that's the worst part. Unknown_21: I mean, you know what's weird? Don't make fun of me for this, but does he not look a little bit like Patrick Tomlinson? Hold up. 3:21:22 Unknown_21: Maybe that's why he hates him, because he looks so much like him. I mean, don't get me wrong, Patrick Tomlinson looks worse by like a lot. Unknown_21: But I just can't help but feel that they have a little bit of a resemblance. Am I wrong? Am I wrong for saying that? Unknown_21: Conform, conform. Come on. I know I'm bad with faces, but 3:21:53 Unknown_21: It's just a little bit, right? It reminds me of that tragedy. Yeah, seeing them side by side reminds me of that tragedy. 9-11. Unknown_21: Scuffed Norm. Thank you. Finally, I can get my chat to 50% and back me up on anything. Unknown_21: Rarer and rarer these days. Unknown_21: Supreme for five says our potato and then links to an our drama post in red scare pod And I do not know what this is It's a bunch of people covered in blood So I can't show this on stream. Oh, I did. I'm literally showing this on stream right now, so I can't You know what? Fuck it. I don't give a shit. I 3:22:31 Unknown_21: I am man and on movies and Christian and I don't have pronouns and I work. I'm not a woke adult with Down syndrome. There's a dude with Down syndrome that posts in movie subreddits and is always making nerds seethe. He rules. Unknown_21: He says, I got stuff to say like those modern movies that the Criterion Collection. Unknown_21: Where are the seething at? 3:23:05 Unknown_21: Stop spamming the sub with posts like these. If you want to talk about movies like the Irishman, make a discussion post for it. Unknown_18: Where's the seed? Unknown_21: I'm having the Fisher King. I got this for Christmas, but I tried to watch it this morning. They said they couldn't line up with my DVD players. It's a regional thing. Wait, okay. This I'll read this one. Has anyone seen the movie? The machinist? I said, this movie is worth getting to be added to the criterion collection. I do recommend this movie is really well acted by Christian bill and Jennifer Jason lay a pseudonymous. This is, I have seen the movie machinist. He says, that's awesome, man. 3:23:43 Unknown_21: I don't get it. Dude, forums are so much better than Reddit. I have no fucking idea what's happening with this shit. Unknown_21: He says, I do not like mods that much. I'm sorry you don't like me, but you still have to follow the social rules. Yeah, okay. Fuck the mods. Thank you. I don't get it. Unknown_21: Umtimadu says, I'm shocked you didn't play this. And there's a Twitter link. 3:24:15 Unknown_21: African man unable to relate to the concept of rape trauma. There's no theory of mind, no concept whatsoever. Let's import millions more of their definite redistricting. Unknown_28: Some of them, they're not screaming. It's like they wanted to be raped, you see. She also cries, you see, no more crying. It's like she's enjoying it, you know, even though she isn't, but it's like she's enjoying it. Unknown_27: Do you think it's right? Do you think it's right to rape? Unknown_29: Yeah, it's wrong. Yeah, it's wrong. What about the consequences of what you're doing in terms of how that affects the person that screams? Yeah, the consequences, we look at that all the time, you know, because it happens, she might scream, you know, people might wake up. A lot of people. I'm not just talking about, I'm talking about the emotional effect, the physical effect it has on a girl. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes we know that 3:24:52 Unknown_29: We might rape her and wake up tomorrow with viruses ourselves, like HIV, you know? Unknown_28: What about regretting what you've done to the girl? I also do regret about it, because if she fell pregnant, what will be that baby's father? Who will be that baby's father? What about her personal feelings? 3:25:28 Unknown_22: You guys think, is it staged? Unknown_22: It's uh, I don't know. It's like his rate. What's really funny is his reaction. Unknown_21: Like every time they respond, he becomes like more and more concerned and wide eyed, like literally wide eyed. Like what the fuck is wrong with you? Unknown_21: Real documentary. I don't think so. Oh, well that's 15% of France for you. The bugs for two says the potato drop was better than the gay Nica, New York one. And then there is a three second clip of the potato drop and let's see it. 3:26:01 Unknown_21: Okay. Unknown_22: Here we go. No. Unknown_21: Great. Epic. Unknown_21: Genuinely unironically, a thousand times better than the New York one base potato and the horse meter for once is no stalker child. It is you. Who's going to have a pleasant season. Enjoy the new year. Unknown_21: I'm sorry the stream was a little bit off today. I don't know. I just don't feel 100% as such as life Thanks for watching I appreciate it. I will see you guys on Tuesday. Hopefully be feeling a little bit better And hopefully my site will not be dead and gable Take it easy. I picked out a nice little song an old song that I 3:26:39 Unknown_21: Uh, kind of sets the theme for this for this year, I think. All right. Uh, until next time, see you later. Bye bye. Oh, wait, that was the name of the album. 3:27:10 Unknown_21: Oh, here we go. ♪ And again I can't remember half an hour ♪ ♪ Since I got out of bed ♪ ♪ Throw your clothes the second time it's up for us ♪ ♪ And you leave me with my jaw on the floor, hey ♪ ♪ Oh, just when you think you're in control ♪ ♪ Just when you think that you got a hold ♪ ♪ Just when you get on a roll ♪ ♪ Oh, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again ♪ ♪ Oh, here it goes again ♪ 3:27:53 Unknown_17: No, I should've known again But here it goes again Oh, oh, here it goes again Starts out easy, somethin', simple somethin' Sleazy somethin', inchin' past the edge of reserve Unknown_17: Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. I should've known, should've known, should've known again. But here it goes again. Here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. Here it goes again. 3:28:43 Unknown_17: You're breaking the monotony for Jesus when it rains, how it pours. I saw you close the second side of the ferocity. You leave me. Yeah, you leave me. Oh, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again. Oh, here it goes again. I should have known, should have known, should have known again. But here it goes again. Oh, here it goes. Oh, here it goes.