Unknown_08: The last three days I've been working nonstop on updating the chat integration and I'm kind of halfway done.
Unknown_21: It's not a hundred percent yet, but I see the super chats on the dashboard. I see kick. I see rumble. I got the rumble, uh, rumble finally rolled out a permanent restream key. I got a odyssey working. I think say more stuff in Odyssey chat. Oh, it doesn't show up.
Unknown_21: Okay, great that works kick works for sure kick works too. Well I might have to make kick work a less good because the people in kick love to spam emoji. That's just the extreme culture there, but i'm gonna manage to get um All the like the gifted subs and stuff. I'm gonna have that tie in to the uh, It is live. It's live. I'm just talking to myself However, I notice the X people and save more stuff in X because you'll you think your thing does show up When it's colorized, you'll know that the circle will be a white But it also has a little X emoji and it has the the at sign. So that's how you tell that apart from other things Yeah, you can see it. You can see the X emojis in the Restream chat, so I've got everything Going good right now That's a lot of work chat Here's the fun thing about building an integration like this is that every website is fucking broken in a different way So I go to one and there's one issue and I spend eight hours fixing that then I go to the next site and there's another fucking issue completely different and It works in a completely different way, has a completely different API, broken, completely different way. Uh, so I could just spend another, some hours fixing that. And it just, it just keeps going. So next time I want to get, um, there's more I can do, but now it's set up where I can do anything. I can get like moderator actions working in the, the, the replay.
I can get gifted subs and stuff working and get it all working now, chat.
Unknown_08: All right. Thank you for helping me test. I will now start the stream chat.
Unknown_07: Panther DnD
You might be wondering, gosh, you're such a feminist. How can you play the rape song?
Unknown_21: I still firmly believe that someone should take all the rape songs, there's like multiple rape songs, get a good mix of Alex Jones, Sam Hyde, I think Nick Fuentes does it too, where he just breaks out into rapes. Just mix that together and probably get a real beat out.
The justification for playing such an evil song, Chad, of course, will be revealed to you later.
Unknown_21: Some content that has come out of left field literally out of nowhere. Taking everybody by surprise, revitalized the Kiwi Farms up to 3,000 members because suddenly a bunch of women had to figure out how to access the Kiwi Farms again for the first time in a year.
Unknown_21: And lo, it is a fascinating drama chat.
Unknown_21: I like it when I mention three people. I mentioned Sam Hyde. Everyone's like, oh my God, he's doing it again. He's trying to drive a stake through the heart of Sam Hyde. Trying to spit roast Sam Hyde on a wooden pillar, Vlad the Impaler style. He wants to decorate his home in Sam Hyde arts and crafts made from his bone and skin. He wants a Sam Hyde lampshade. Calm down, calm down. Sam Hyde will live a million years.
Okay, the news chat, let's get right into the news. The main issue with the forum this week, in case you're wondering, here's what they do now. They just flat out lie in their emails. They've been doing that for a while, but now they flat out say, this is a criminal enterprise wanted by the U.S. Marshals Service, and they're going to fly to Hong Kong. Remember that movie, Batman, where Bruce Wayne flies to Hong Kong and then like kidnaps a Chinaman out of like a skyscraper. That's you motherfucker. Batman's going to come to your house and use that weird Fulton escape recovery system to kidnap you unless you shut down this website.
Fix the rumble stream. The rumble stream is fixed, is it not?
Unknown_21: Yeah, your site, your site is broken, my dude.
Unknown_21: Um, so
Unknown_21: They ask, like, is this true? And then I'm like, no, here's my business registration. Still active, still in good standing. No, it's hard to disprove that. Like someone, here is a key for all you aspiring psychopath, sociopath, master manipulator liars, people do not assume ever that you will straight up lie to their fucking face. If you go to somebody and you tell them a bold faced, audacious lie, they will believe it's true because surely like surely nobody's going to lie about that. Like if you go up to somebody and say, hey, you know, that guy over there, he was convicted of rape and he's and he was sent to jail for eight years. Like that's a really audacious claim. And chances are that that person you're speaking to is going to believe what you have to say, because it's like, Surely that could be disproved, but then it's like how do you disprove? Something like that like you can't show no prison records. You can't show no rape. How do you disprove that?
So here's my psychopath 101 lesson for you. I've learned this from the trannies. Just fucking lie continuously. Whenever you want to get your way and there's no consequences to being caught out on your lie, like you're just lying to some guy who runs a company, you know, 8 million miles away from you on the other side of the planet, just fucking lie to him. Just lie to his fucking face. It causes problems, causes more problems, takes more time to fix than it does to cause the lie. You lose nothing. They can't sue you in court. It's very expensive. So unless you're like, you know, pissing off somebody extremely powerful who would have the means to sue you, you can just get away with it. So there you go. I hope you ace psychopathy 101. Well, here's psychopathy 102 lie continuously make boldface lies and lie in a way that causes more problems than the lie took to the more effort to fix than the lie took to create. That's this is how you cause problems in our society in our zero trust society.
Um, you wonder how he connects all the chats. It's pretty cool. Well, my, my boy, if you go to get hub.com, um, j w dot S H slash stream hyphen Nexus, you can play around with my scripts. They're user scripts. They're in the browser. They inject code into each page. So I have like all my streams open myself. And it's just like continuously monitoring the, uh, the outputs.
Unknown_21: And then I have a web server that creates the dashboard that I can just overlay into OBS. And soon, because of how it works now, as soon as I spent that time fixing it, I can get view counts. So next time I hope that you watch a stream, it'll say like, viewers, live viewers on XYZ pages and how many are in total. This is my aspirations, chat.
Erlensky methods only have short-term effect. Well,
Unknown_21: If they have short term effect again and again and again, and it really adds up really causes some fucking problems.
Unknown_21: Um, so that's that. Uh, we're on ST again. However, I think that the DNS for dot HK is propagating, uh, slowly takes like 24 hours. So I'll probably switch this back to dot HK eventually, but always a pain in the ass to do.
Um, cool.
Unknown_08: Excellent.
Unknown_21: Um, let's start with the news.
Unknown_21: So this was a famous case. This is actually recent there was there was a girl in I want to say Springfield, Missouri Named gypsy Rose Blanchard and as a true crime enjoyer. I heard about this case when it happened She was a victim of of the hamster. Of course the hamster. Okay now we're set and She was a victim of something called Munchausen's by proxy, and her case basically made Munchausen's by proxy something that anyone knew about, because Munchausen's by proxy is sort of like a weird thing. I mean, this goes along with my lying thing. Very few people will assume that a mother is outright fucking lying that her child can't walk and has all sorts of medical conditions and needs to go under surgery.
So she was the lone daughter of a woman named Dede Blanchard, who effectively gaslit her from birth that she had all sorts of serious debilitating physical health problems, and forced her to lie about being able to walk. Took her to all these events for disabled kids, like Make-A-Wish, went to Disneyland like a hundred times in a wheelchair. Always shaved her head and said that she had cancer and the reason why she has to shave her head is because she would lose her hair anyways, so it's just keeping it nice and tidy.
But she didn't have cancer and she wasn't undergoing chemotherapy.
Unknown_21: So it was all just a big lie.
Unknown_21: And then what happened with her is that she managed to achieve an internet connection and went to, I think it was Christian Mingle. It was like a Christian dating website. And she met a total fucking retard. This guy was like her age.
But he was obviously autistic. He was obviously like, um, low, low IQ. And, um, what he did, what she did is she asked him, Hey, can you kill my mom? And he said, uh, yeah, of course. Um, and they, they conspired over weeks and like this really weird kitsui like teehee. would you like to kill my she has this extremely annoying voice i don't know why she talks like this but she has like a she's um the the screen says that she's out now so she could become a vtuber she has like that vtuber voice it's like teehee would you like to kill my mom and then the retard guy is like yeah i want to rape your mom i want to i want to rape her in the anus because he's like he was he's so porn sick he was literally arrested for masturbating to porn in a mcdonald's so this dude is like like gooning 24 7 and she's like can you like help me with my excruciating circumstances He's like, only if I get to fuck you in the ass and then fuck your mom in the ass and then kill your mom, then fuck your mom's corpse in the ass. And that's the exact conversation. That's how it was written.
So this actually happens. The boy comes over, kills her mom, does not rape her mom, but then they have gross, gimpy, retard sex, like the raunchiest retard sex imaginable.
Unknown_21: And then they get caught.
Unknown_21: they tried to escape to Michigan where they thought they could hide at his mom's house but then they just tracked him down because her text messages were sent unencrypted over like regular SMS so they just hunted him down and then she got six years
um for like some lesser charge because everyone felt bad for her but because the guy that she hired was like an obviously mentally ill like rape fetishist porn sick weirdo autist spurg he got life without parole um so she she's out she served three years and is already on probation because um uh she obviously had good behavior in jail like she's just she just went to kill her mom so she could escape
Unknown_21: and then She's out now. So I assume that she's gonna do this the media circuits She's gonna talk about how bad you know her mom was how she feels like she got Rehabilitated that she learned, you know how to be normal person from women in jail or some shit and then probably will become a vtuber and And will grift retards with her with her weird squeaky voice. That's that's the life. I
No, she's like completely disavowed the other guy I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that they're not like in a romantic relationship So he he is in the poopoo peepee rape rape dungeon And she is done with him and I can't blame her cuz he's kind of fucking sick in the head if we're gonna be honest
Unknown_21: All right.
Unknown_21: A cool story, Josh. Next Brazilian woman, 34 cuts off husband's penis and flushes it down toilet after 39 year old, uh, bedded her 15 year old niece. And I will sum this up real quick in Brazil. The age of consent is 14 years old for any age. So, uh, here, her 39 year old boyfriend hooked up with her 15 year old niece. Completely legal. She was very upset to hear this, uh, said, Hey,
Let's do something a little bit freaky. Why don't you come to bed? I want to tie you up teehee teehee and he was like, oh boy This is just like in my porn so she tied him up and then she took out a knife and cut off his penis and balls and then She flushed them down the toilet because and I quote
heard it was possible to reattach it. So she wanted to make sure that there was zero chance that this cock and balls would be returned to its rightful owner. Uh, she destroyed the remains so that they could not be reattached.
Unknown_21: Um, another, another inspiring story from spicy latinx enjoyers. I don't know. This is a pretty great story. Good on you lady.
Unknown_21: I wonder what's going to happen to her.
Unknown_21: They don't really have a justice system in Brazil, right?
Considering the aggravating circumstances, they'll probably just get like a couple years on the cocoa fields and then it'll pay off her debt to society that way. That's how that works.
Unknown_00: Is Brazil even real?
Unknown_21: No, not really. You know the official name of Brazil is the United States of Brazil? The fucking audacity of these people to call themselves the United States. It's such bullshit.
Unknown_21: They speak Portuguese. It's fucking embarrassing.
Unknown_21: Australia Port Phillips prison heads apology heads apologized for program which had children sending Christmas cards to pedophiles I believe that this was a private prison thing and they were gonna do like a little Christmas thing like hey write the inmates so the thing get some socialization help them reintegrate into society and Kids volunteered to send Christmas cards to the prisoners. Because in other countries, and this is kind of hard for Americans to understand, in America we send people to pee-pee-poo-poo rape dungeons so that they can be raped to death so that they'll never function again ever in any way, shape, or form.
And the rest of, in most civilized countries, they don't do that. Like, that's not like a thing.
Unknown_21: They try to want people to come out of the prison less fucked up than they went into them. So like, okay, let's do like a Christmas card thing with little kids. That's cute. It'll be like some community, some community integration. Um, unfortunately they decided to send these cards to convicted pedophiles. So the little kids saying, Hey friend in the, in their letters, um, are going to people who would probably masturbate to such things.
Uh, which is a, obviously a bad publicity for rehabilitative justice in general.
Unknown_21: Speaking of misplaced government propaganda, we have a surge of black Africans coming into the UK, and they don't integrate.
Unknown_21: They fuck everything up. They stab each other. They bring drugs and gangs and crimes.
They're generally a menace. Rape statistics are through the fucking roof. How do we entice them to be good boys? Let's use 14-year-old Welsh girls.
Unknown_03: Hello and welcome to Wales. We understand being a refugee isn't easy. They go through so much. Fleeing your country is difficult, but Wales wants to help you feel welcome. The Welsh Refugee Council is here to help you. You can contact them here.
Wales is seen as a nation of sanctuaries.
Unknown_03: We welcome anyone and everyone. We recognise your skills and talent. The Welsh Refugee Council offers a lot of support, including... ESOL classes, which means English for Speakers for Other Languages.
Unknown_02: It may be hard to learn our language, so we offer support. Employment. You may feel stressed about employment, but we can help. They help you to apply for bank accounts, child benefits, and they can help with housing.
Unknown_21: This is why I know you ever wonder why the Welsh like usually when people talk about like their nationalist movements like Catalonia or Breton or even Scotland or Ireland like people are like oh hell yeah those countries should totally be independent
But nobody ever thinks like, oh, whales? Yeah, that's its own country. That should be its own thing. This is why. Nobody wants the whales to be independent. They literally need the crown. They need King Henry to come down and say, look, mate, this is fucked. This is shite.
Unknown_21: We'll be having none of this. You gotta do away with it. And if they didn't have the king, God bless him, whales would be an even bigger shithole than it is currently.
um oh god speaking of the british paul joseph watson
Unknown_21: Imagine more shock financially successful British gay man has bought a woman and her womb for the purposes of creating life. He's very conservative. I'm sure he's going to be trad. They're going to have him in a little swimsuit speedo for the next trad conservative calendar. He's going to be a pinup model. Like look at me and my gay husband. We're raising a child that we paid for.
Unknown_21: That's very inspiring. It's very heartfelt. I can't wait for it. Thank you, Paul Joseph Watson. You inspire us.
NBC News said a 14-year-old teen vaguely shot his sister in an argument over Christmas gifts, only to be shot moments later by his own teenage brother, authorities say. So, as Milton Fletcher points out, maybe the entire family's owning guns wasn't such a great idea. So what happened is that this guy over here shot his sister over a dispute, and then his older brother shot him.
Unknown_21: So, yeah, huge tragedy. Actually, this is bullshit. It was black people. This person did not open this news article and read it. And if he had, he would have realized it was black people. Do you know how hard it was to find the pictures of these people?
Very difficult. You can find the sister's picture, but they don't put the perps up. And that's because they don't want to advertise that black people are fucking deranged.
Unknown_21: Except for Mental Outlaw, who's the only good black person that I know of.
Unknown_21: He likes computers and he likes open BSD, so I like him But I know to find this I had to find a local news source I think this is I look they have a gay pride flag in their logo What is that I would say oh never mind I
That's just their logo. It just has some stripes. I saw colored stripes and I had PTSD and like grab my gun. I need to go shoot at this logo. No, it's just how their logo looks. Okay. It's local 10 news at noon in Florida. Good job. Local 10. You have to go to the local news. If you want to see the mug shots.
Unknown_21: Also, we have to take a moment to fact check chat. I'm going to wait for a, cause this is big news. It circulated around, got millions of views. People talked about it, said, Josh, what do you think about this? Um, I even saw it directly from the Loomer account itself. And I thought, Hmm, that's interesting. So I asked, um, reclaim the net, which is like the only good publication left or what they would think about this.
And I haven't gotten a reply and they haven't written an article But I did check this out before I decided to talk about it because here's the thing right now There could be many reasons for this, but it is just my intuition. I don't trust Laura Loomer I don't trust anything that she says I think that she's a liar She's every bit as much of a fucking liar as people on the left. So just because she's based on just because she's the best said and she is on the winning side on the right team i do not trust her you can make your own determinations as to why this is um so i looked this up laura lima put this out and said breaking team mobile has quietly updated their terms of service to include fines for content they don't agree with beginning on january 1st they will find users who commit perceived violations on their bandwidth who knew that america what that the phone providers should now be policing and then i think
I'll just show you this actually.
Unknown_21: So this is from the Terms of Service, their shaft fees, which is a funny name for a fine, says that $500 for any violations including hate speech, which is in the Code of Conduct. So any text messages according to Laura Loomer that contains hate speech would be fined $500, automatically added to your phone bill. However, T-Mobile has clarified on their support forum that this only applies to commercial mass messages. So if you're paying T-Mobile to send out unsolicited advertising in the form of text messages, which is already pretty fucking annoying, if you use that for any purpose that's like harassing or against their terms of service, they'll fine you for it because they'll get complaints. So it appears that this is not a consumer terms of service, this is like their advertising terms of service, which is obviously a lot more understandable because you don't want people using your service to like harass people or say the n-word or whatever. Like if you're a billboard company, you probably would turn down somebody who wants to put up a big black and white message on, you know, in Detroit that just says the n-word on it in the huge like impact font letters.
Probably not a good idea. Now you could say that maybe that should be allowed and people should be allowed to use the N-word on giant billboards. I would actually be okay with that argument. I'm not gonna say. However, when we're crying outrage here, I think that they can set their commercial terms for fucking spam messages, whatever they want to be. But I don't know, I don't trust Snopes, obviously. So I'm waiting for someone to actually look at the terms of service and see what it actually says.
However, I'm fully able to believe that Laura Loomer is fucking lying to get attention, which she is very good at, and many people fall for, and she's been wrong in the past. So fuck her.
Matthew Prince got norovirus for Christmas this year. Congratulations, Matthew Prince. You earned it, motherfucker.
Unknown_21: And finally, for the new segment.
Unknown_21: Um, when Twitch briefly changed their terms of service to allow quote unquote, artistic nudity, one man decided actually two people, one man in particular, the really decided to push this as far as it could possibly go to its breaking point to see, uh, what could count as artistic nudity. Uh, this guy's name is, uh, Tectone, who is probably the largest Genshin impact in Hong Kai star rail streamer.
which is a fucking red flag right away.
Unknown_21: He decided on Twitch that he was going to test this by whipping out his cock and balls and masturbating in front of his viewers. Now Genshin Impact is a mobile phone game. I don't know what the fuck a Honkai Star Rail is. I'm assuming that's also a gay cringe phone game. And it's mostly marketed towards little kids who want to play anime games on their phone, right? So I would assume then that his viewers are also probably teenagers. And he's gonna whip out his penis and masturbate as a matter of free speech, as a protest, switch his terms of service, and not because he is a fat, schlubby dude with a young audience that he wants to show his cock and balls to under pretenses that are not Dark Side Phil-esque accidents, right?
So this is what's going on with him. He was banned for his actions, for his crimes against his audience, which is perhaps one of the only good things that Twitch has done in recent years.
Unknown_21: Cool. Excellent.
Unknown_21: True news. Hamster, stick around.
Unknown_21: Redux says trans activists are calling for a boycott of Delta Airlines after a transgender actor complained about being misgendered by two Delta employees at LaGuardia Airport. Tommy Dorfman, who starred in 13 Reasons Why, uploaded a video of the interaction on his TikTok. So this is.
Does it say the date on that billboard?
Unknown_18: And what about when adults?
Unknown_21: We'd love to see the date. I think it's December 22nd based on the conversation. I'll just play it because the exchange is really quick and funny.
Unknown_18: And what about when adults employ misgenders you intentionally while he's talking, you're talking, you just misgendered me again. Okay.
Unknown_18: Multiple times. Both of you have.
Unknown_17: Wasn't intentional, but if you want to take it personal, that's also- Well, she did do it intentionally twice.
You said she and then you said he.
Unknown_17: You're being condescending, and if you want to continue, I have full authority to escort you out the building right this moment if you want to play that game with me.
Unknown_14: Okay.
Unknown_17: Would you like to continue three days before Christmas? I really don't mind.
Unknown_14: I'm good, I'll just put this on.
Unknown_21: Notice how at the first sign of any protest, at the first sign of any fight back, the troon recoils when a man simply says, no, I do not give a shit. It is three days before Christmas. I've been working 16 hour shifts all week. This is the busiest that the airport will ever be. If you want to play fucking games, I'm in the position of power over you and I don't give a fuck. I will escort you from premises. You will walk to your destination, sir. I don't care.
I lied, there's two good black people, this is the other one. And now you might be wondering, who's demanding to be called a she? Well, it's this man over here, 13 Reasons Why. This is as much proof as you could possibly hope for. This whole thing is a fucking fetish. This guy, he's got his little HRT... like budding tits and a black like uh like women's underwear on and he's walking around with see-through clothing in front of everybody and this is supposed to be taken seriously this is supposed to be respected as a valid identity and not immediately beaten with stakes by absolutely everybody in line of sight um yeah fuck that
Okay, so this is another TikTok thing. This person, this Troon, wanted to film how scary, to show that his gender euphoria, he decided to show how scared he is walking around at night because a pretty young lady like him could be sexually assaulted doing something as innocuous as getting in his car. Let's see how that looks. He even says right here, if trans women aren't women, why do I have to immediately do this anytime I'm alone at night?
sad music put to it he's rushing in sitting down oh my god lock that door holy fuck holy fuck he's he's getting into his car neighbors he thought neighbors could be here when you have a car you can go anywhere looking around did any neighbors follow me
Unknown_21: no okay it's safe so to prove how how dangerous it is to be a real woman aka trans woman he decides to film himself getting into his car and then acting very upset while doing it uh wonderful now here's the other thing oh this is another that's the same same person i think
Unknown_21: Not a fetish by the way. Fake. This dude, they're all so obsessed with this. They take their man tits and then they fake, they like put implants in and then they show off like the greasy flabby man tits. Keffels does this too. Now this person got a better surgeon though because he doesn't have the third breast like Keffels does. He made it to the thing without being super raped.
There are no guys. Who's staring at you? I mean, I would be staring at a man in a dress too.
Unknown_21: So he's complaining about being stalked and eye raped by men.
But he's not showing that, like he's not showing the harassment. It just doesn't happen. And you might be wondering, like, oh, I mean, I guess he passes really well. Look at this. He passes super well. wrong wrong wrong chat nobody is eyeing up this fucking orangutan with arms big gangly freak monster arms dangling past his fucking knees the only thing that this man is good for is throwing shit a mile and a half away to pin some kid across the face from his fucking zoo exhibit that's wrong look at this look at this slope Look at this stuff look at how look at how the angles help so much because the only way that you can look at this person
and not think that he's like some kind of homunculus is a head-on shot like this, where it hides like the actual figure of his head. And then it also hides his gigantic, gigantic monkey arms. This guy, this guy could walk doing like what gorillas do, where like he put, like can put his arms down and then swing his legs underneath his body in front of him. And then like walk that way, like, but by like putting his fists down on the floor and then swinging and then putting them down again and swinging. You can do it. I would love to see that. They can be the first trans woman to walk like a gorilla.
Unknown_21: Teacher ban for misgendering pupil. Kevin Lister lost the best job in the world in the very day government finally issues a trans guidance.
Unknown_21: And this is a paywall. Give me a sec. I will try to rigmarole this.
Telegraph, it's really hard to read your articles when you say, Josh, you can't read my articles. You have to pay to read my articles. No, I'm a soccer child. I will not pay to read your articles.
Unknown_21: A teacher has been banned from the profession for misgendering a pupil with his ban coming through the very same way that the government issued guidance to protect staff on trans issues the Telegraph can reveal. A 60-year-old, pretty good shape for a 60-year-old.
Unknown_21: using to use male name and pronouns to refuse to a 17 year old Latino people who identified as a boy.
Unknown_21: He also warned the people against irreversible surgical treatment. Uh, and then he was fired. So when it happened, I had complimented the British, which was something that took a lot out of me. I had to sacrifice a small chip off of my soul to say a good thing about the British people. Uh, however, what I understand now is that when the department of it has the name right here,
No, that's not the right name. It was the Department of Education or whatever in the UK or the Ministry of Education. I think that's what they call things. The Ministry of Education put out a notice saying this is what you probably should do when it comes to training students. He followed these guidelines and then he got fired for it because apparently when the Ministry of Education puts out guidelines for how people should interact with students, it doesn't actually mean anything. It's completely voluntary and they can apparently still fire you for following them. Depending on what school you're in. So it doesn't mean anything. It means literally shit No, so crazy Actually actually kind of shocking that somebody in in England you can get in trouble for following instructions That's how fucked up that country is You got 14 year old girls advertising themselves to the Somali immigrants and then you get fired for following instructions So that's that's the state of things over there
And this I have not seen before, but Sneeds suggested it, and I trust his input. So we'll see what a transgender autist speaking to the Ohio Senate Oversight Committee has to say. Let's watch.
Unknown_19: I truly believe that the reason I am here alive talking to you today is because I got testosterone at 17 and top surgery the minute I turned 18. Um, gender affirming care is much more than surgery. It is beautiful and expansive and lifesaving. And in my case, after wanting it since I was 13, it meant hormones and surgery, and that's okay. If this bill gets passed, I have no doubt that it will kill and displace Ohioans.
If I may talk about a specific part of this bill that is particularly harmful to me and my community, page six, lines 134 through 144, allow me to summarize. Nobody shall be granted gender-affirming care without first being tested for mental illnesses, neurodivergences, and trauma of all types.
Unknown_19: First of all, this is a slap in the face to transautistics like myself who are infinitely deserving of both mental and gender-affirming care. Second, the reason I had and have depression, anxiety, and trauma was due in large part to the hate crimes that I experienced because of existing as trans in my supposedly good and accepting Catholic high school. I don't even want to tell you what I experienced for fear of triggering my friends here, but it was bad.
I love being trans. My partners are trans, my best friends are trans, my sibling is trans. I would choose being trans in every single lifetime.
Unknown_19: The trans community is the single greatest. That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard.
Unknown_21: One of these people say is usually they say I was born in the wrong body, but like this woman is just, uh, completely insane. Like, yeah, I want to be fucked up. I would choose to be fucked up 10 times out of 10. Uh, okay. That's fucking weird. Most people wouldn't destroy of my life.
My shirt, if you can't read it, it says you are lucky to be loved by a trans person. I feel that love every day, and I almost feel bad that the people pushing this bill and those who wake up every day and choose violence alienate themselves from that love from their family, community, and constituents. Trans people are proof of a love that has lasted for generations that most people can't even imagine.
Unknown_21: Yeah, this person's weird. This person's weird. It's female to male, so that's already weird zone. Like, the female to males usually have... Like, with men, it's usually pretty straightforward.
You have those that were molested. Um, and then you have, and being molested is a precursor to hyper promiscuity, but then there's usually two groups of, of trunes. You just have the homosexual transsexual, which is a gay man who like this guy.
Unknown_21: I'll show you. This guy for sure is a homosexual transsexual. They usually pass better, at least from certain angles, and they really play up being attractive to men because they covet straight men. And then you have the AGPs, and they do not care if they pass at all. They find being feminine a humiliating thing, and that's arousing to them.
So the ones that talk about how beautiful they are, how beautiful they think they are, those are the AGPs. The ones that are like the Blair Whites, those are your homosexual transsexuals.
Unknown_21: With women, it's more complicated. They're almost all victims of sexual abuse, all of them.
Unknown_21: and their their personal inner workings for why they want to be a man is like strange and this person saying I want to be not just I would I If I did this again, I would always choose to be trans like saying I prefer to be trans over being a man or woman That's weird. It's a weird person. I hope everyone who listened to this thought that that was a weird person Um
Oh, okay. End of the news. Thank you, Hamster.
Unknown_08: So, Troon stuff.
Unknown_08: Who is this? Hold up, let me check my notes. I forgot who this is.
Unknown_08: Oh, this is Tenacious Unicorn Ranch.
Unknown_21: These are, okay, so I've covered the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, the Trance, also known as Alpacao, and their misgivings. They did a whole stream on the Trance. The Trance was eventually dissolved.
Unknown_21: The mass graves of the alpacas have been documented rigorously. At least six million died. That number has changed over time, but it is rising.
Unknown_21: And now the war criminals responsible for the Apakakaws are on the run, living with their mothers in their mother's house.
Feral crow at caustic crow says so my two partners and I are homeless now Actually, so okay. Mother's house is now officially outdated information I'm sure we'll be fine and most importantly safe, but I'm scared of my own physical and mental health I'm terrible at asking for help, but anything would help since we're struggling financially My sure at money App tag
Unknown_21: is Scarfox616. I would love to know how you pronounce that Hungarian H with the cross across it, by the way. I feel guilty even asking because I know that everyone is struggling, but things are getting rough. I don't know what else to do. I'm disabled.
I was able to get work that doesn't feel like anything I can do at the moment. I'm sitting alone in a tent full of food on top of a mountain in black bear country is really making me miss having my 10 millimeter. One of the few situations that actually justifies owning something chambered in obnoxiously glorious caliber.
Unknown_21: Uh, cool.
Unknown_21: Axe wielding top. I don't know what that means Samara was looking rough with high winds. We're gonna have to collapse the tent and pack vital stuff up So it doesn't get destroyed anything people could contribute would be greatly appreciated Things are so rough with the trucks still but God, I love living out in the forest at mountains just processing firewood and there is a
Rosen ice on their windshields. So usually I Mean clearly they love this lifestyle They live out in the woods for free in a tent in nature beautiful nature in the Rocky Mountains one of the most gorgeous places on earth Surviving off of the charity, but to keep the charity flowing they have to be no we're like so homeless and shit Oh my god, I'm disabled. I can't work. Meanwhile. They're out there with a 10 millimeter handgun chopping firewood
And people are supposed to imagine that these people can't function in society. So we just give them cash.
Unknown_21: um so the situation escalates a red snow situation people this is not a drill little burger says i don't remember my name wow caesars are so fun cool uh feral crow back in says i want a fucking cigarette i don't even know where my vape is it probably fell in the snow just ended up getting my own blood in my friend's hair because she had a seizure and hadn't had time to wipe my arm before i caught her falling and helped her into the car uh scratch that i want a fucking cigarette And then Axe building top against this. Tomorrow is looking rough. Oh, I already heard that part.
So they made $120 for their GoFundMe.
Unknown_21: But they're there. It's amazing how whenever they try to do anything like we're going to make a ranch, we're going to take care of alpacas. We're going to live in the Rocky Mountains. It's always like a huge fucking disaster. They can't take care of themselves at all.
Unknown_21: Even when they're playing pretend Fallout New Vegas in the Rocky Mountains, they just can't do it.
Unknown_21: Maybe this is their their fate their torture their life on earth now because further for the six million alpacas chat That's the only thing imaginable Good on them, I hope nobody gives them money
Caffles doing stuff again. I want to see if they have the greasy sloppy man boob picture They do in fact have the greasy sloppy man boob picture this one guy. Okay. So here's the thing the keffels I know you will hear this. I'm telling you right now you will change your thumbnail because I get suggested your videos and And every time I see them, they have the greasy, sloppy man-boob thumbnail. And this upsets me greatly. So I report your videos when they get suggested to me for sexual content. And that goes to YouTube, and they age-restrict your videos because your thumbnails are inappropriate for anybody. But they can't really say that, so they just say it's inappropriate for minors.
I am taking away your primary source of income because you decided to put the triple tits onto the thumbnails. I could just say don't recommend channel.
Unknown_21: I will not do that. I will continue to report your thumbnails until it changes. Put a fucking shirt on, my dude, bro. Put a nice t-shirt on, a nice high collar, maybe it's winter time, so maybe like a turtleneck, but I will continue to report your thumbnails because they're fucking gross and they make me nauseous.
Anyways, he did a video called Time to Go Fuck Nuclear, the Hassan Abid Manifesto.
Unknown_21: Here's what Keffels told his audience about Hassan. A. Hassan said, um, swatting happens when you give it attention, so stop giving it attention. Which is obviously false, because Keffels fought the law and won. Because they added like a swatting database in Canada or something, which I guess, whatever, that's nice.
Unknown_21: And they still have to go to the the house when somebody alleges that there's a crime there They can't stop doing that. So you're still gonna get police visits But I guess maybe they they if it happened once they'll know not to come in with the SWAT team Even though they didn't get really swatted. The police just came over to the house and
The other thing is that a mod was mean to them. One of Hassan Piker's discord mods was mean to Keffels, and this is Transphobia. And this video was, I think, eight hours long, so nobody watched it.
Unknown_21: Because it's boring. Including me. I'm trying to remember anything from it. It's just Keffels doing the Xanax voice for eight hours, complaining about Hassan. And I mention this at all because now that I get to use Twitter, and you get to use the API to watch stuff that is of interest to me, It's really, really, really remarkable how everybody hates Keffels. The online discussion of Keffels is universally negative. Everyone hates him. The most common thing that I see is people making the joke, Keffels only wanted to try and take down the Kiwi farms because he hates competition. Then Keffels also put out a video making fun of a black YouTuber.
because apparently he's born in the US, but his family is from Jamaica or from the Bahamas. And when he talks, he uses an accent that's like a Bahamas accent. And Keffel says that he is a fraud because of this. And then Keffel's also posted his full name, date of birth, and what city he's from as proof that he's fraud and he's not actually a Bahaman, only his father is.
And also his father is a ex-police officer in the US So Keffel's posted that to try and like discredit him like oh, he has family in the police That means that he's not a true leftist. No leftist would be a police officer So now everyone's like, um, so you're gonna go on a huge tirade about how doxing is terrible And then you're gonna post everything about this guy by the way to dock somebody in the US you effectively only need two pieces of information and You need a date of birth, or not even a year, a date of birth, like, you know, December 29th, and then a first and last name. With those two pieces of information, you can identify where anybody lives in their entire family tree using public records. So Keffel's, like, fanboy is trying to say, oh, he didn't box anybody because he only posted XYZ. No, that's sufficient information for anybody to find out where this guy lives and who his family members are in the U.S.
They're very funny seeing people, uh, shut on couples again is what I'm trying to say. It's not funny seeing those gross meaty flappers in the thumbnail, which is why I do my duty. And I tell YouTube about content violations on their platform. And I hope if you see those big meaty flappers, uh, suggested to you, you report those man boobs to YouTube too. So the Neil Mahan has to see them until they finally stop. Okay.
Um, cool. Very cool. Thanks, Lucas.
Unknown_21: This guy. Do you know the annoying orange?
Unknown_21: The guy the orange where it's like a really annoying orange and it's like a 20 year old YouTube video He is now a tranny. He was non-binary for two years and then he came out and he told everybody I'm a tranny now. I'm actually a woman. So here's a 45 year old man enjoying a midlife crisis He's announced to the world that he is a man or no that he is a man pretending to be a woman He says hey beautiful peeps rainbow emoji. This is a 45 year old man So when I say the emojis and stuff make sure you keep in mind. This is a 45 year old man That's writing this
I hope you're all doing amazing! Sparkles emoji. Today I wanted to share something incredibly personal and special with all of you. Recently I had the privilege of sitting down with Anthony and Ian for a super fun interview on Smosh's flashback series about Annoying Orange. It was such a blast and I can't wait to check it out. The link is in my bio. During the interview I made a big announcement. some of you may have already suspected but i'm finally ready to say it loudly and proudly i am transgender rainbow emoji sparkling heart emoji this journey has been a roller coaster filled with self-discovery ups downs acceptance and more love than i thought possible i've known since i was very young and i took 45 trips around the sun which is a nice way of saying i'm 45 i'm a 45 year old man i'm already
More than halfway to my grave probably like 90% there for being real and Yeah, I'm gonna I've decided at this point in time is the appropriate time to fuck up my entire life and my family and shit 45 trips around the Sun for me to find the courage to share this truth with all of you
Sunrise emoji. I'm beyond grateful for all the love and support I've received from family, friends, and now all of you. Your acceptance means the world to me, and I'm excited to continue growing, learning, and embracing my authentic self. I'm not sure where this journey is going to take me, but I am so very thankful I get to take it.
Unknown_21: Star with sparkles emoji.
Unknown_21: Fucking rats, my dude. Hey, penis. Hey, penis. Hey, penis. Knife. And it's gone. Just like that. Like magic. That's an annoying orange joke. That's a joke that everyone made. I stole that from Twitter. Thanks. Very cool.
Alright, finally, fun stuff.
Unknown_21: Chibi, Adam White, autistic let's player that everyone hates for some reason. I don't know his full story. He wanted to go to Japan. He now lives in Tokyo. He got a job in Tokyo.
Who is going to save the white race? All the autistic people going to Tokyo to raise the birth rate. I'm sure he's going to find a woman that will tolerate him there and he won't live in isolation like he did in the US, but this time in Tokyo paying three times as much for rent. Uh, in fact, as soon as he arrives in the airport, he is being interviewed by Tokyo, um, news people about what it's like to be a whitey in Japan. Let's listen.
Unknown_21: I say, optimistically hoping that this video I did not preload will actually load from the kiwi farms in real time.
Unknown_21: I see it. I see it inching forward.
Oh my god, it's off.
Unknown_08: Is it gonna do it? I wonder if this video is 100 megabytes for no fucking- Oh, there's a streamable link.
Unknown_21: Oh, fuck yeah. That's what I'm talking about. I'm sure this- Can you speak Japanese?
Unknown_05: Yeah, a little. Oh, wow! Where are you from?
Unknown_20: He's so gross. He's so gross and autistic looking.
You know what I mean? He just has that look where it's like I wouldn't I wouldn't want to sit next to this person because he probably smells.
Unknown_20: I came here before, earlier this year.
Unknown_21: Ah, failure. Failure. Failure. Watashi wa failure motherfucker.
Unknown_20: And I want to actually possibly learn how to teach English. So I'm here by myself. So this time I came alone just to see if I can kind of handle things on my own.
It's really funny
Unknown_21: He's like super autistic. Like when he talks, you just know that he's like a Spurg. But, um, when he speaks Japanese, it, he actually sounds native, which just really bolsters my theory that Japan is inherently an autistic thing. And everyone in Japan is autistic. And their language is also a language of Spurgs. This confirms that in my mind chat.
Thank you. I'm looking forward to it.
Unknown_16: Oh, his fly is open.
Unknown_21: Oh my, and his butt crack is showing. Welcome to Japan. Come on Whitey. We're taking in 350 immigrants this year, 350,000 immigrants this year. We need your best and brightest to sheer up our economy and birth rate. Oh, his fly is down and he's showing his ass crack on television. Great job. Everyone spam W in chat.
Spam W.
That's how you say ha in Japanese. Now I have an important lesson. This is from the Ministry of Immigration in the federal state of Japan. You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry. You have no citizenship. You have no skills that would ever make Japan want you. You are a self-hating, shut-in, hot man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery. of nature's perfection. All validation you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse than making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first graders level was a worthwhile use of your time.
Get fucked, Chibi.
Unknown_21: Next!
Unknown_21: Zatlit. Zatlit is a Spurg. He has a forum account. I banned him until New Year's because he was spamming threads. I don't know why. He does this every so often where he has like a Mondo meltdown. He's also sexually attracted to Jinx from League of Legends. Like he wants to bang Jinx really, really bad because he's an incel. And apparently people have found his incels.me account.
Unknown_21: He says, let's read these posts.
Unknown_21: Zat says, and his user title is Cope or Rope, the choice is yours.
And this was posted on Christmas Day, I want to say let's see Yes Christmas Day so on Christmas Day is that lit jinx fucker is on incels.me. He says Merry Christmas people and You post this last night two neighbors tried to rob me when I was back coming back home lost $70. Thank you. I
Unknown_21: I got beaten, but at least I kept my phone. Spent the night in the hospital. Today I'm entering my house. The first thing that my mom says is that I'm a failure and I always screw up Christmas. And how careless and heartless I am. It's so depressing. I'm the worst.
Unknown_21: Yeah, not even going to tell her what happened to me. Just left right now, walking around the worst moment in the worst day, of course, because I only thing that I see across the streets is happy families and couples enjoying Christmas.
Now, I remember that my mother didn't give a fuck about Christmas for 15 years, and my dad was always drunk in a bar, and I had to buy a gift for my nephew while my sister was banging a random fuck somewhere. But I'm the bad guy here.
Unknown_21: Um, he also posted this in September 29th. This is a while ago. Uh, have you ever fantasized about touching a dead girl? Not talking about a rotten corpse, not glow posting, talking about killing one. I'm talking about a fresh dead girl. Like how do you imagine like what it's like to interact with a girl that doesn't speak or looks at you with disgust just lies there in absolute peace while you touch her hair or face or hug her. dude whenever people talk about like cuddling or like what they imagine is not creepy contact like oh just to share a hug just to to touch her just to smell her perfume those people are the most fucked up like a normal person can say like i'm sexually attracted to this person do you want to go on a date i find you very attractive a creepy motherfucker would be like what i would give just to cuddle you just little cuddle waddles and touch your hair and smell your perfume and uh feel feel uh your hand cross mine those people will kill you those people are trying to compensate for how creepy they are by not being sexually explicit but in their heart of hearts They want to rape and murder you and cut you up into a million pieces. This is Josh Joshology 101 I'm teaching women how to not get raped and murdered anyone who talks about like Gentle stuff only and doesn't have it pretends not to be sexually attracted to people that person That person's a monster that person is a genuine freak
Um, she'll just lie there with an ethereal, almost angelic look and don't have to worry about what she might be hiding or thinking. She's truly yours.
Unknown_21: Um, someone then post bands that they are a fake cell in an asshole. He says, cry me a river, cut, go back to Reddit. You can block your bad meaning users there. You can actually ignore people and, uh, it was in for her, but.
Unknown_21: yeah this guy um there's actually such an epidemic with morticians molesting corpses that uh they try to find morticians who are female because women won't rape a corpse usually i mean i guess some do but it's mostly men raping corpses because male corpses can't get an erection unless they're um
Vampire I guess But yeah, so that's actually a thing Be wary of any morticians, especially if they're cuddly only
Unknown_21: Boogie has announced on Christmas Day. And this is my first dream since Christmas. He says, y'all, I can't help myself. I got the parents alone and asked her for her hand in marriage. They said, yes, as long as she's happy, they're happy. Now we can start planning the proposal for the summer. Stepdad reminded me he would gut and would gut and shoot me and watch me suffer if I left her. But honestly, why dad in the situation should do the same.
That's a weird thing to say. Um, if boogie is murdered by Desi's father that are stepfather, that would be amazing. Um, so usually the, if you're going to ask your, someone's parents for a sense or consent before you propose to somebody, you're trying to keep that like low down. Right. So it's kind of weird. to ask the parents for permission and then announce to the entire world, including your girlfriend, that you want to propose to her, but then make plans like six months down the line. That's a bit weird.
Some dead guy got a female mortician pregnant.
Unknown_07: What?
Unknown_21: This man manages to wake up in the morning and not immediately gun himself in the back of the throat. I don't understand. But he says Boogie just fucked up the black bar metal on Twitch and got his and showed his entire naked body. And Boogie clarifies that this was just loose skin. So let's watch this video chat. Here's the Boogster dancing. This one is censored not by the user or by Boogie, but I think by the user.
You gotta raise the bar up.
Unknown_13: I think I can move this black bar. Hold on, let's see.
Unknown_22: Oh, that is him.
Unknown_13: That is him bucking around with us. Oh, there you go. Oh, you can't see nothing.
Unknown_03: Yes, you do. You can see nothing.
Unknown_13: You can see. It does look like testicles. Oh my God, I'm Peter Phelps.
Unknown_06: Are you sure? You gotta pull the fucking pulse. You gotta pull the fucking...
Unknown_21: That's not actually his testicles, though. That's his subfupa.
As an expert of fat people, okay, I understand what they're saying. That's his testicles, because that's where it would look like it would be. That is not. That's his fupa. Okay, you have above your penis, under your belt line, there's that space that's usually flat, but on super morbidly obese men,
Unknown_21: It becomes like another layer, like another fold. So that's actually sitting on top of his penis, hiding it. That's not his testicles. That's his, uh, his, uh, his like mound fat.
So that's not nudity, actually. Twitch made a mistake. They couldn't identify that part of his body.
Unknown_21: Um, he complains about this again on Twitter, trying to get unbanned.
Unknown_13: I got banned for Twitch. for no news. Let me show you you see anything you're not allowed to see on Twitch because of the way I'm built and I'm going to put
Why don't you come? Because she left me. And I have a better girlfriend now. Merde.
Unknown_21: Merde. Nul. So his update to people again insisting that he murdered his wife is to loudly and boldly declare he doesn't even fuck. Go fuck yourself. Will Canada catch up to this man? Will the Quebecois police force? What do you call it? The Quebecois Grenadiers. Will they catch up to Boogie? or not boogie what's his name jfg maybe chat maybe probably not though i'm losing faith i'm losing faith we got a genuine cold case here chat all right and now for the moment everyone has been waiting for where's where's my song at All right. What am I talking about? What's happening? Chat?
Uh, the answer to this is, um,
Chantelle Chantelle at the last moment in the final minutes of 2023 has dropped a bomb on the whole internet. Uh, she is in Canada right now for various reasons. One of which is to receive, I think healthcare. Um, she can't afford dialysis in Kuwait from what I understand, something like that, or her visa expired. She's in Canada. So I'm trying to say, so she's separated, uh, has deleted her account, but did, uh, get all this out. And then it was reposted to the Kiwi farms and piggy clipped it and posted it to her channel.
Unknown_21: It's really quiet.
Unknown_15: He says, yes, exactly. You're my slave. Don't forget to clean the bathrooms with your tongue.
Okay. Don't forget to clean the bathrooms with your tongue. You're going to be under my shoes forever and ever.
Unknown_21: You're going to be under my shoes forever and ever.
Unknown_15: Um, it's a lot of saying your ass is more important than my whole family.
Heart emoji goddess. I'm here. Pink heart. I love that your ass better than my family.
Unknown_21: So if you can't tell what's happening, this person is catfished, Chantal is... Very romantic text.
If you're only listening, uh, the woman recording that message, uh, immediately recorded it with her other phone and then responded with four heart eye emojis.
Unknown_21: She says you're perfect.
Unknown_21: Uh, weary emoji, clap emoji.
Unknown_21: I wrote.
Unknown_21: Says like two hours working then break half hour then two hours working and so on. It's not easy. Yeah, daddy You did a good job. I wrote the script. I prepared pics with the whole edits and text and the music and sound effects I don't know what he's talking about. He's talking about his work as like a fiver editor or something No, he is talking about chantelle It's a shame girl world wants to give all the credits to Chantal for the script though. I'm proud of you. So it's like he knows that this person knows Chantal from the internet and doesn't is not suspicious of this or that these things might leak. What a fucking idiot.
Now here are the screenshots. Pause to read.
Unknown_21: Okay. Well, uh, so losses, do you have Instagram? Yeah. I was sending a message on Insta there. I think it's that it's a different account.
Unknown_21: Um,
Unknown_21: Salah talks about becoming God and having his peepee worshipped by this person.
You like the humiliation and blasphemy of religions too. She says, yes. Oh my God.
Unknown_21: Things girls will do for content these days.
Unknown_21: So I went to replace Chantal, take her place.
Unknown_21: She can stay in Canada. And then he says, I can't, I love both of you.
Unknown_21: So he wants like a harem of toilets to poop on.
Unknown_21: She will come back cause the bypass after one and a half year. She didn't expect it. She'll start a diet and exercise. I hope it works. So this, he's like, he's not only that blows my mind. I thought this was just like a catfish that like leak the stuff to, to humiliate him. But he knows Chantal, he knows that this person knows Chantal and knows of her drama and follows her on, on the internet and still thinks, yeah, I can pull this off and do poopoo peepee rape stuff with her. and then maybe also get her into my harem and that it'll just work out. It'll just work out.
Nor about making.
Unknown_21: So hot, can't wait. If you be a good girl, we're going to meet up and I find my ways." And then she says, yeah, and make Chantal pay for it. Heart emoji, clapping hands. He says, you think so?
She says, yes. And then he's, they're seriously considering this. She pay for another girl to come meet and fuck me? She says, yes, exactly. Imagine what she's going to do. Nothing, nothing. Oh my, he's like taunting her. You ain't going to do shit.
Unknown_21: It's complicated. I will rape you and your Bible and your cross. Don't worry.
Unknown_21: Every minute when you go outside, your mind will be worshiping me and you're the bathroom. You will think, Oh, you will think that your face on the toilet and I'm going to pee and poop in your face. When you sleep, you will think that you are sleeping under the bed and I'm top of you in bed. Like a King. You are worthless. My garbage bin. I'm going to spit on your face so much. Dude. Zoomers have the worst, have the worst concept of relationships in history.
Unknown_21: She says, uh, I thought you, I was special as a slave. She, he says, yes, you are. You're my lucky slave. Cause for real, I never ever talked with any girls since I loved Chantal. So weird. Why only you?
Unknown_21: And she says, because I was made to serve you. And he says, good answer. There are too many new people who like to be, by the way, nowadays there is too many, like these people who like to be abused and humiliated beta boys. I am alpha. She says, my God, my King, I am the alpha and omega. This dude's quoting the Bible verse from fallout three.
Um, and he sent pictures of his feet.
Unknown_21: Cool. So now we have Salah feet, pegs, big, hairy Arab men, feet, smoking in the house. That's the worst thing I've seen all stream.
Alright, so that's the that's the damning leaks, right?
Unknown_08: Is that a border?
Unknown_21: Can Fubi says before I go away for a long time I want to say that having a fetish no matter how to boo does not ever define a person or make them a criminal a lot of people on sacrifices law has never once treated me badly other than the infidelity in this one case. Oh This is out of order. I think
Unknown_08: This is like her community post apology video.
She put out a stream that she's since deleted.
Unknown_21: I don't know if I have an archive of this.
Unknown_21: Sorry, I've spoiled everything by flipping through it. She put out a big long video crying in Canada saying like, this guy ruined his life, she's so mad at this, she wants to become like a lesbian, she's swearing off men. And then immediately she's like, to the desperate, ugly whore who started it, you are sad and no man will ever respect you. Your flex that got Salah attention. Bitch, he wanted to use you as a toilet. Desperate as hell. Anyways, I'm judging by how he has always treated me. He has never been anything except kind and loving. You weirdos let Kaya back and she's back with a child- up- she's shacked up with a child pimp. Jesus. Different ballpark over human beings that messed up. Anyways, we need a long break deal in private This person replies saying you know what you had to go to get Salah's attention Chantelle follow him. That's all I did He took an interest in me and took full and I took full advantage of it. No idea how else to tell you girl And then she proves that he reached out to her for on his own I
The second bathroom is actually a sex room. Wait, where is your ass? I must look at now before I poop on you. He says this is this is the man and this is what he says.
Unknown_08: Didn't you once say she farts to entertain Salah?
Unknown_21: It was right after she accidentally left off a giant fart at the end of her form of things, and it makes more sense now.
Unknown_21: Uh, more farting stuff. I will twerk on your face and suffocate you. Wow. No farts are what you think, my bitch. I will fart for you. Where? Heart emoji on your face. Wow. So hot. The, the energy of these messages, the sexual tension, the, the elocution of such beautiful language to entice and romance and arouse. It's really, it's really, it really is prominent here. All the, all this is the peak of ERP that doesn't get more erotic than that.
He then sends her rape porn of women being pinned to the room coming from. I also am sorry for disappointing the Beezus and to anyone who never thought I had the side of me. I am a good man. I would never hurt anyone in real life. This is all supposed to be private and fetish talk only. From now on I will always communicate my feelings with my wife. Baby, I love you so much and I am so, so sorry. I will tear my arm off before I ever hurt you again. and I will do whatever it takes to get you back. I miss you and since you have been gone I have been so lonely and messed up. I am sorry I let everyone down because everyone now thinks I am cheater and bad person. I did things yes and I am deeply sorry. I will take a long break from the lowercase i internet. Thank you for listening and understanding. So all you people who are like, yeah, you know, Muslims are fucking based and trad and they put women in the place and they make them wear like hijabs and shit and like, you know, a lot of fucked a nine-year-old but like if I could fuck a nine-year-old and I could fuck like four nine-year-olds and have like a harem of like bitches that don't like talk back to me and shit and aren't sloots and then you know, maybe Islam is the way maybe like maybe like a a white european uh caliphate is like the right direction uh those people are still pornsec and they are into the peepee poopoo rape and they're dumb as hell the entire thing of this reminds me of that meme where it's like the person sees something and says wow what a deep introspection of the xyz and then it's like he's missing the point and the point's literally flying over his head in this it's like chantelle says Man, men are so bad and you can't trust men and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, pee, pee, poo, poo, rape, fetish, blah, blah, blah. And then it's like the missing point is Arab men suck. These people suck. They live out in the fucking desert and they rape goats and children. They suck.
You know, I understand, understand, understand me now.
Unknown_21: Here's her forgiveness. Let's watch this until you get bored of it.
Unknown_12: Hi guys, I'm going to not edit this so there might be pauses and ums and all that crap. So anyway, I'm going to follow up to my previous live stream, um, where I was freaking out because I learned of some conversation of sexual nature that was going on between, um, Salah and, um, someone else. Anyway. Um, so,
I did a lot of talking with him and probably should have done that before I came to the internet freaking out, but I have the track record of when something goes wrong, I impulsively go live and just let it all out.
Unknown_12: So, which brings me to some reasons I've decided to make the decision I did. I decided to forgive him and move on and try to.
because number one, which you know, you haven't heard very many outbursts from me during this relationship compared to the previous encounter I had with someone who shall remain nameless.
Unknown_12: There's no tea with Salah. There's no abuse story. There's no anything bad. He's always been treated me like a queen.
Unknown_12: he was always been an amazing husband and this is all kind of shocking for me and So two things about this video one the way that she talks, I don't know why she talks like this, but she's like mmm Like every time she opens her mouth like I don't know She does it deliberately like you can't make that noise without deliberately creating suction in your mouth and then popping it open She does this like every line judgment crazy.
There's a specific line that I'm waiting for chat
Unknown_12: um i do believe that he loves me and i say that because um you can just kind of feel it you know when i mean also he you can love someone and still cheat on them because that was my situation i loved my ex and i still did it um
Unknown_12: I just had needs I couldn't communicate to him and I had my own issues and it had nothing to do with my love for him and I feel like Salah comes from a repressed and I'm not excusing his actions, I'm not at all, but I'm giving my reasoning to why I'm deciding to work it out and number one is I love him. I love him.
Other than this incident, he's been nothing but good to me.
Unknown_12: And I think I believe him when he says it would never happen again. I think this is, you know, he's told me like, I will hurt myself before I hurt you again. And
Unknown_12: you know i just have these fetishes that i've just been so afraid to communicate to you because you're my wife and i feel ashamed of that and i'm like you can come to me you know like um i can't promise i can do everything but um it's very private and embarrassing um you know private stuff but you know as for i mean fetishes go
It doesn't mean you're a bad person if you have fetishes. No matter how, um, even... I wanna say, and this may be a contentious opinion, I wanna say, if you are into raping women and shitting on their face, you're probably a bad person.
Unknown_21: I don't know if that's a contentious opinion these days. I'm not in with the kids. I don't know what the Zoomers are into now, but...
Unknown_21: I'm going to go out on a limb and make that assumption.
Unknown_12: Grape ones. I mean, some people like that. Like if you look at the screenshots, this person came to him and said that they liked that kind of thing. And you know, um, I don't. So, I mean, that's the thing. So he knows that. But, um, I think also,
it doesn't make him a bad person to have fetishes. He's never abused me or even alert to any of this in private life, which is why it's so out of left field for me. It doesn't even seem like my salah, you know, but he's obviously been hiding a side of, you know, desire that he just doesn't, he can't help it.
And, you know, he never did anything in person. He didn't show any nudes to this person.
Unknown_12: Duh!
Unknown_12: You know, he never did anything in person. He didn't show any nudes to this person. Wrong.
Unknown_21: When she confronted him and said, Salah, you have done the nasty and you've talked about pee pee poo poo rape with another woman. How do you plead? He says, my baby, my baby, habibi, I would tear off my arms before I ever hurt you again. I did not do nothing with this woman. It was only fetish fantasy on the text messages. And I did not show her my pee pee. Then explain this, Salah. Explain your dingle dongus being on the internet. Oh ho ho, it appears you lied. He even, he was so proud of this, by the way, that he shaved. You can see the razor burn from him shaving. So he was so prepared to show his dingle dongus to his woman that he actually shaved it down.
So it would look nice. So, so because when you, when you hold up, I have to find something.
Okay, let's see.
Unknown_08: Oh, I'm never gonna find this.
Unknown_21: There's a, in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, there was like a fake news channel where Andy Dick was like, I think it was Andy Dick, he kept calling into this show about gardening. And he kept saying like, like in a creepy voice, you know, shape the bush, the tree looks bigger. And for whatever reason, when I played this game, that line stuck with me. Now whenever I think of trimming pubes, I think, if you shave the bush, the tree looks bigger. In Andy Dick's voice, it haunts me. Yeah. Yeah, it's that. So anyways, he learned that apparently. He might have played GTA 2, and he learned that message. If you shave the bush, the tree looks bigger.
Gardening with Maurice. Yeah.
Unknown_21: Gardening Maurice Andy Dick was the the voice actor for Maurice But some guy would call in and do like the creepy voice things shape the bush the tree looks bigger And this is also the catfish I think Not Chantal calling me a whore when her husband was trying to convince me to go take out a loan So I can go and be with him for the next two weeks while she was in Canada But okay
I'm the whore for your husband's actions.
Unknown_01: I mean, if it wasn't me, it was going to be somebody else, Chantal.
Unknown_21: She messaged this man and then when he said, I want you to become my slave and worship my cock as a god because I am Alpha and Omega and then I will pin you down and fuck you in the ass and shit on your face and piss on you. She responded with heart emojis. Can I do this? Wait, hold up.
Unknown_21: heart I emojis everyone spam the heart I emojis to the peepee poopoo BAM there we go that's what it looks like where's my message it doesn't show up oh I fucked it up I I haven't integrated my inbound messages for all the different streams it's only on some of them do they show up there we go heart I emojis yes King yes Alpha and Omega peepee poopoo your husband isn't faithful your marriage is fake
You're impulsive. You married somebody you didn't even know.
Unknown_01: Come on. When are you going to, when are you going to learn?
Unknown_21: This woman scares me.
Unknown_01: Also not Chantal calling me ugly.
Unknown_21: It might be like the filters. It's just like, I don't know. She looks like a little girl, but she's obviously like a fat woman, like a fat older woman. You know what I mean?
Unknown_21: There's something wrong with her. This is like a psychopath. Stay. Listen, chat. If this woman ever adds you on Instagram, block her immediately.
She scares me.
Unknown_21: This is the kind of person who can do pee pee, poop, poop, poop, rape, role play with Salah for the sole express purpose of owning Chantal.
Unknown_21: I showed that now we get to the meme zone Apparently at some point Chantel decided that she was gonna hawk down a big log of sticky chocolate Perhaps it was this picture that you see right here. That's the last saw that made him think oh My Allah, I have never seen such primal beauty it bring to my I do not know I have seen across the seven deserts and many a woman, but I have never seen such beauty as this Canadian fine import. I must have her in my life.
Or maybe it was this, you know, he, uh, brings her over to Kuwait. Well, at this point they're already together, but he's like, I would put to do the test. I will make her eat the kebab. And if the kebab get eaten, I will know I can progress to phase two of my plan and have her eat the pee pee poop.
Unknown_21: That's also possible. That's a possible thing, a possible part of his plan.
Um, I think that's it. I don't think I missed anything with the Chantel thing. All right. Alrighty now. So that's the update with Chantel. That happened like yesterday evening, I want to say.
Unknown_21: Um, Jackie Singh, the Indian wonder, the hacker, but legal, Ms. But legal. She has gone on a tirade.
Unknown_21: She says, Hey, ex Josh question. How is it that your father and grandfather have had good careers and meritorious service to our nation?
Well, nobody in my family has served the nation of India, but... Yeah, you decided to become an Internet, capital I, Internet. Congratulations, Jackie. Good job, Jackie. It is a proper noun. Good job. Become an Internet lowlife and start Kiwi Farms. I can see why you'd be angry about your mother. She looks like a train wreck. She takes pics with her other kids like she did with you, and now from outside, it looks like you don't even exist. That would do a number on any kid. Her entire situation, plus her father disowning you, seems to explain you, but still doesn't excuse you. um now you guys have listened to me talk quite a bit and i have spared little details about my family over the years uh which is probably unwise but i think everyone who knows anything about me knows that this is all bullshit i don't know how you can fail docs My, my family, considering that they've been successfully docs like a thousand times by like the, a bunch of angry retards, uh, who post about them on various websites all over the internet to try and get back at me for some reason. Um, so this is a, this is a real, um, testament to her failures as a, as a epic doxer.
Um, then.
Pupupipi420, who has to be a fan of my show. I'm pretty sure that Pupupipi420 is among us right now. He asked, why are you not more concerned about regaining custody of your oldest child? Child, serious question. I then asked this in reply, how does a mother lose custody of her children? And that's shocking. I've heard this detail before, but I forgot what happened. So I just asked for a follow up. Hey, how did you lose custody of your kid?
Unknown_21: If I remember correctly, she actually just ran away like she left the child with her husband or her boyfriend or whatever the baby daddy and then just disappeared like she abandoned them. So she lost full custody because she just like abandoned the child and didn't contest it.
That's what I remember, but I'm pretty sure that's true.
Unknown_21: But she takes this in the most retarded way possible. She says in reply, that isn't a concern of mine. I have no risk of custody loss. You must have deoxed the wrong person. So this is a very low IQ thing. If someone is like 80 IQ and just very mentally challenged in general, If you ever accuse them of anything that hurts their feelings, they will turn it around on you. You notice this a lot with Chris-chan?
because when people called him naive, it really upset him. So it's always been like a huge insult card that he will pull. He'll just randomly call people naive. And that's because it hurt him and he has like a low IQ. So when he wants to hurt other people, he just applies things that have hurt him to other people. So when I correctly point out that she's failed at her attempt to threaten me by trying to dox my family, who's already doxed, She then says, hmm, you failed to ask me, stalker child, even though this information is actually true. But why not answer my questions? It would be best for you to treat me nicely. I see you sent your winged monkeys to fly around me. Trolling me won't make this better for you, since you won't give me a real response. I'll block you for now. Let me know if you want a dialogue to try and save yourself. I always offer it, but dudes like you never take it.
Then bullied her more, I screencapped what I could see. So Jackie Singh spent her early morning hours fiddling with my family to try and make me feel better. It was like 3am where she was.
Unknown_21: When someone pointed out that she lost custody of her children and asked how, she posted this and blocked me. I love crazy people. The king of insults says the chat log is the chat log of her saying the n-word legit. She keeps hiding it so I'm inclined to believe it is. I reply saying yes, Jackie desperately wanted to be a part of the trolling hacking group called Gina a Which is the gay neighbor Association of America? She was never allowed in because she's dumb, but she hung out in the IAC like a desperate fangirl thing as you should try and get attention That is true. So she was never allowed in GNA a which was like a trolling group that did like gray hat hacking just to fuck with people and
She was never allowed in because she's a retard But she hung out in their IRC just saying ed you shit dropping the in bomb constantly calling people faggot continuously Obviously, they just saw her as like a retard fangirl groupie and not like a serious member So she never got in but people have been calling her like a member of the DNA for a while and that was upsetting her so she responded to this and said
Unknown_21: Finally, he admits it, that I was never a member of GNA. I was just a little curry dingleberry off their taint forever, and I never actually accomplished anything.
Unknown_21: Which I don't know how that's a win, but she takes it as a win.
Unknown_21: Uh, Joseph Schuster says it was just months ago. This person was featured in banger, the bar pod episode as being with cybersecurity episode, who was accused by a completely innocent man of being tour swats by zero evidence. Now she's out there threatening to dox Josh in a fashion that can be charitably blah, blah, blah. Jackie gets mad and says anyone who defends the end of Kiwi farms, fuck them, including you.
And Patrick Tomlinson justifies responding to every single person with no child with being a correct the record There was a funny tweet too in response to this where I
Unknown_08: She said someone she she would I believe that Jackie was actually like a cyber security advisor to the Biden campaign so if you want to know the quality of person that the government will hire and Put into positions of power and why everything is so fucked up.
They will take a ugly dumpy Indian woman who is retarded and and obviously disturbed, and they will make her a cyber security advisor to the presidential candidate for the United States of America. That is the situation that we're in.
Unknown_21: That's why nothing gets better.
Unknown_21: Finally some fun news Rakeda drinking himself to death in real time here We have Rakeda of three years ago looking healthy spry young ready to produce more children And then we have Cryptkeeper Rakeda who is about to fucking die. How did we get this way? But first let's uh, let's take some information from some words of wisdom from the man himself It's a it's a silly thing
there's an intersectionality here of lubrication and socialism that's going on because i picked out nine dresses at the store for lady rackets and they're like well he's got these discounts i'm like i don't want just take the money off Don't give me a gift card or think spend 50 gain 25. Just take the money off. They won't do it. He's a little fucking shitty gift card in a bag. Why are you doing this? Really? At least throw on perfume. They don't know what I went dress shopping. Lady Ragsday spent a ton of money buying a bunch of dresses.
She's amazing. She fits the dresses like it's.
Unknown_09: Passing.
Unknown_09: That girl. I wish, I fucking wish I expressed to you what goes on when she tries on dresses.
She's so little. She's so fucking tiny. It's hard to find dresses, generally. Because that was the thing, we were going out to this event. She's like, I need a short dress.
Unknown_09: And I need a long dress for the beginning of the event. And none of her long dresses fit her. All of them look retarded.
Unknown_09: It looked like Down syndrome babies that had eaten lead. Like, God damn, that's worse because they're going to die slower.
Unknown_09: No, is is bad. So today, after the event, of course.
Unknown_09: We go to the store, I buy a shitload of dresses, all of them are fucking slayers.
Every single one. I'm dying for an hour and 15 minutes. All I want to do is eat a goddamn bullet.
Unknown_09: If you haven't married someone like that, what are you doing with your life?
Unknown_09: There's no alcohol left in this class. T-Hassell says, Nick is lucky to have and keep his lady, but he knows that all good things come to a crashing halt.
Unknown_09: I'm lucky? Dude, I'm not lucky. Stop this shit.
Guys who are married this long are not lucky.
Unknown_09: We're not lucky. You're lucky. You're lucky.
Unknown_09: If a girl comes up to you is like, here's a prenup. I'll never take any of your stuff. All I want to do is give you, uh, there's 365 days in a year. I want to give you, uh, a, 830 blowjobs and never take anything ever.
Just I want to be next to you, but also with your cognitive. That's the lucky guy, the real guy, the real humans who have to do this shit.
Unknown_09: They go, OK, we're going to get married. Here's what I have. Here's what you have. Do we want to do a prenup? For most fields? No, you don't have anything.
Unknown_09: All these guys is my favorite part of the fucking red pill Internet. Most people on the red pill Internet have literally nothing to take. Guys, if you married a woman, she'd probably take you to the cleaners.
But let's ignore that. Let's ignore that for a minute.
Unknown_09: Guys, you do have something to take.
Unknown_09: Just sear the or into her butthole. Why is this a problem? Do this. Get your fucking yacht towed out of the water.
Unknown_09: Go to the gas station, jerk off twice, I don't know, in the family bathroom.
Unknown_09: And then buy some goddamn Dr. Pepper and a giant cinnamon roll.
You don't have to plan for the show. You don't have to do anything. It's all over. Guys, if you have not realized this, there's a huge contingent of people, the different lifestyle expectancy with you than you. They go to church every day in that church is 35 hours away, 35 minutes away. They do this 35 minute drive out. They do a eight to 12 hour beat.
Unknown_09: You're a 35 minute job back and you can't do anything about it. You can't prosecute them. You can't help them at all. Eventually they come on your day and throw their desk on your chair and you have to fire them. Cool. Nice guy.
But. But.
Unknown_21: So that's a that's a real lesson that everyone should take close to heart. Guys, you got to get a prenup. And when you think about oring her butthole, go to the family bathroom and jerk off twice, because if you're not careful, she'll take you to the cleaners while your friend in L.A. is getting 834 blowjobs on a yacht.
If we don't I mean it's easy to disparage Nick and say that he's a washed-up alcoholic who's slowly dying but when the man spits pearls and Has game you got to recognize game. All right You can't just uh, you can't just dismiss Everything that he has to say because he's so drunk
Unknown_21: He's been taxed. Well, there is no translation to this. He's just completely drunk. It's really remarkable He's very proud of this by the way, because I think it's allowed him to get away with DUIs but he loves to brag about how He does not slur when he's drunk so That's like a skill that he has And he likes to show it off I
He talks at some point. I think it's the next clip where he talks about No, it's not.
Unknown_21: I will take a break. I want to actually know what I mean I'll say that here's a clip of him talking with Ethan Van Shiver who I don't know anything about But he's apparently one of the last friends that Rikita has still but that may not end That may not last long if he continues to talk about American beauty
Unknown_10: Well, you know the people who dislike you the most will often cut you to the quick by seeing you more clearly than your friends will and just Your friends won't apologize for everything that builds into why you were bad on his particular place They're like he's good everywhere else like well, but that doesn't matter Right like in American Beauty if Kevin Spacey lives like it's the worst movie ever.
Unknown_09: How can you have that happen?
Unknown_09: Or if in American Beauty, the fucking guy who's filming the bag, he kills Kevin Spacey because he wants to fuck his daughter. That's literally the worst movie ever.
Unknown_09: But the self-ashamed neighbor who is gay tries to go kiss Kevin Spacey, finds out he's not gay, and that he hates himself. And so he goes and kills Kevin Spacey because he can't put a bullet in his mouth.
Unknown_09: That's a good movie.
Unknown_10: Yeah.
Unknown_09: But if you had Kevin Spacey's gay neighbor kill Kevin Spacey because he wasn't gay enough, that's a bad movie. Or if kevin spacey killed himself or his wife killed him because she wanted to fuck the real estate king Or his daughter daughter killed him because she wouldn't go with uh Because he wouldn't approve going at the guy or the the other girl whose virginity he took because he thought she was a whore Uh, or the guy who definitely wasn't ordinary because he jacked off to videos of bags If any of those people would have killed kevin spacey, it's the worst movie ever
But this one guy kills Kevin Spacey because he realizes in a moment that he's actually a faggot. And then he wants to go and buttfuck Kevin Spacey because he thinks he's gay too. Kevin Spacey's like, no man, I'm just a guy. I just love you because you exist. He's like, but I want to have sex with you because I'm a repressed Nazi gay. And Kevin Spacey's like, I'm not gay though.
Unknown_10: Can you play the video and shut up about American Beauty? Who gives a fuck about American Beauty? American Beauty is one of the greatest movies ever made, Ethan.
Unknown_09: It's alright. I hate you.
Okay, so I have looked up a synopsis for American Beauty. I refuse to watch it. The gist is this. Kevin Spacey, who is now a convicted sex offender, in this movie,
Unknown_21: has a perfect life. He has a wife, he has kids, he has a job. He has everything going for him. And then at some point, he becomes sexually obsessed with his teenage daughter's friend, who is a high school girl. I think she was like 16 or 17.
He projects onto her this idea that she is a slut she develops a reputation of being very easy and as a result Kevin Spacey's character has zero respect for her and Decides that if he's gonna fuck around and ruin his life He's gonna smash some young box and because it's slutty box. It doesn't matter She's a whore and therefore has no value and he's allowed to have sex with her even though she's 17 and
Unknown_21: He successfully manages to manipulate her into bed. And then, while they are in bed, she is very nervous and tells him that she is a virgin and doesn't know what to do. And for some reason, this ruins it for him. Camden Spacey's character is unable to have sex with her and actually take her virginity because in his head, it was only okay because she was already a whore slut and had no value as a person because of it. when he finds out that she's actually a virgin and the reputation is entirely false and him ogling her and uh well as a cheerleader and him staring at her through the blinds and shit all of that is in his head and he's projecting his fetish onto her uh so it's it's a weird movie about like
I don't even know. I don't know how to summarize. I've not watched it. But from what I've read, it's supposed to like challenge like preconceptions about like families and shit.
Unknown_21: And it's just an extremely degenerate movie about Kevin Spacey being a complete fuck up trying to have sex with a teenager that he has imagined to be a prostitute that's ready to be taken advantage of when she's done nothing. She's literally innocent, and she hasn't done anything to deserve being coveted like that.
And then he doesn't kill himself. The movie ends, he kind of describes it, but at some point he has a relationship with a man, and the man wants to have sex with him, but he's not actually gay, so he comes out to him or something.
Unknown_21: And then the shame of coming out, uh, gets him to go and kill Kevin Spacey. But I think he was already planning to kill himself. Like he was about to kill himself and was about to admit to everything that he had done to his wife. And then this other guy kills him for him.
So, but this is, like, this is his, I talk about Fight Club as being very transformative, as presenting ideas, you know, that are inspiring. And he talks about Kevin Spacey fucking up his whole life and being shot by a closeted gay man after failing to deflower a 17 year old that he's been oogling for months. As being like his his favorite movie of all time and it's just like the most disgusting pathetic thing imaginable like Kevin Spacey is a bad person and If you think that he's just misunderstood then you're also probably a really bad person and an idiot and he just he every like he constantly talks about this fucking movie and it's the saddest shit ever and
Anyways, I've been I'm really sorry. I've been trying to figure out who made this clip because it's really really good I don't I did I failed to take note of who actually made it so shout out to whoever made this video because it's really funny I mean I made a joke on my last stream about him licking the bottle and somebody made this excellent video that really perfectly Encapsulates exactly how I feel and I don't know how to say thank you because I didn't record who who it was I made it but I'll play this
Unknown_21: There's something so weird, like the bottle licking thing is so viscerally disgusting that when I see it, I like flinch, I cringe every time. It's kind of like in Alien where the alien opens its mouth and then the second little mouth comes out and it's like scary. It has like a fight or flight reaction in me.
I don't want to be lit. It's sort of like, oh, he's reaching out to lick me. And it scares me. It scares me, chat.
Unknown_21: That's exactly, literally perfectly encapsulates how I feel when I see the bottle licking. It does. It scares me, chat. It scares me.
Last minute addition. Somebody demands that I play this and thus I have no choice.
Unknown_21: Here is your bossman tint, your bossman jack tint.
Unknown_21: Uh, let's see. I think this is a recent freak out. It's 20 seconds long, so I can't go wrong playing this.
Unknown_07: Oh hell yeah. Now this is gangsta.
Unknown_11: Fuck that keyboard.
I didn't even know about those holes over there. The hole is spreading. The hole is like invading the house and now there are holes everywhere. How do holes do that? How do the holes spread chat?
Unknown_21: All right. Um, okay. You guys got the fucking, the, the Twitch kick thing of like spamming emotes constantly is like the most annoying fucking thing. I guess the next, I mean, I was going to work on like the moderator tools and stuff and like, um, fixing everything. But now I'm gonna have to do something where if someone just spams an emote one after the other, they get like concatenated into the same message or something. Cause I just can't fucking stand it. Like disrupts everything.
Uh, I will, I'll put kick back when, uh, the overhead, when I have, um, fix the extension so that it's not so easy just to flood literally the entire thing with the same fucking thing over and over again. All right.
Unknown_21: Uh, that's that now I have the Reddit stuff. I have some good Reddit quotes.
Unknown_21: Hazel Apple yard, uh, has spammed laughing, crying emojis. And she posts a picture of a Reddit thing. Unfortunately, she has decided to crop out the attribution. So I don't even know what subreddit this is in. This is probably in, in some trans board though, because he says, is my penis just broken now? Hi, almost three weeks into HRT. I'm on two micrograms of Estradiol Valorate daily.
and 12.5 micrograms of cyproterone acetate three times a week. I've noticed since starting that my erections have been way less frequent.
and last for not nearly as long as they used to. They're also much less firmer. This is a problem as me and my boyfriend both like my penis very much. Is this going to stabilize at any point or should I alter my dosage? I've been using it where I can, but I need to choke the thing to keep it hard. I'm very worried. And since I've received a few comments suggesting such, no, I am not stupid. I knew this would happen on some level, but when half the internet lowercase, I internet says it's a use it or lose it situation. And that advice doesn't seem to hold true. I naturally have a questions about that statement's legitimacy. There's no need to be rude in the comments.
Uh, based HRT D D activating this retard. Uh, I think so. Yeah.
Unknown_21: And then this person, um, post L from casual. I, Oh, casual. I am a, uh, you platypus 6 1 6 0 says I have had sex with 168 prostitutes in 2023. Ask me anything.
I, 45M, visited many in the years, but this year I really stepped it up and had sex with 168 prostitutes, averaging 3 women per week, mostly in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. This number is mind-boggling to myself as well, and a big step up of the last year's 106 women, which was already a new record. I've had sex with 1,222 women so far. Ask me anything.
Unknown_21: Uh, Joe, Jose her eyes says, do prostitutes in the area you frequent know you sort of like a Victor Hugo type deal. Do you ever do anything other than sex with them? Like just chat or mingle outside of a service? He says, sure. They recognize me. I fucked most of them. We chat a bit. Sure. Aside from that, not much. And the German clubs sometimes eat together or just chat and have some fun.
How much did it cost? 7,270 euros, which is about $40 per woman.
Unknown_21: Um, the average quality is much higher than you think. I've had sex with a lot of A's this year, young, slim, and beautiful. I know exactly where to find them. I prefer quantity, but never had sex with unattractive or older women.
Unknown_21: How do you get into this game? I was very sexual when I was very young at 16 or so. I went for the first time. Damn dude.
Unknown_08: His entire fetish is, uh, just having prostitutes.
He says, I've had a relationship, but we broke up.
Unknown_21: I've had some dates. Yeah, but only two that I saw several times and never to have sex. That's if that's your question. Meeting a nice woman again this week though.
Unknown_21: Someone asked, do you think you'll have a monogamous relationship with a woman or would you need to find someone that was okay with your open relationships? You can continue to see prostitutes.
Unknown_21: He says, I'm afraid it will be difficult in my relationships. I stopped going to prostitutes, but at a certain point, the relationship had some troubles or we had less sex. So I quickly, again, went to prostitutes. I can't imagine many women agreeing with me to visit prostitutes on the side. I'm very much looking for a serious, deep, emotional relationship, but also need to have great and free sex. And she needs to be a bit younger and attractive. And it's all a bit too much to ask, it seems.
This dude is literally like addicted to this. Like he's constantly thinking about where to get his fix now. Cause he has to do it like three plus times a week. I think heroin junkies shoot up less than that.
Unknown_21: Crazy chat.
Unknown_08: All right. I think that's it.
Unknown_21: So
Unknown_21: The next time we meet chat, uh, number one, the kickers will be in a, in a kick box where they can't spend my chat.
Uh, and it will be more importantly.
Unknown_21: it will be 2,024.
Unknown_21: A number that infuriates me, and this is a strange complaint but I will make it.
Unknown_21: In computers, numbers that are a factor of two are important. That's 248, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024. However,
Unknown_21: The next one will be 2048, 1000 plus 1024 is 2024, which seems like it is a factor of two, but then you have to sit and think for a second, think, wait, that's not actually a factor of two. That's just a thousand plus 1024. And I hate that number. I don't know why it's something that irritates me.
So my, my, my optimism for the following year is low chat.
Unknown_21: Um, cause the number, the number ology, the numerology is all fuck you. Wucky just doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Unknown_21: Uh, however, I actually, I do have some faith. There's some stuff that I have in the works in early 2024 that I will hope to see the fruits of. And I believe that when that happens, it will be very, very, very funny.
We will see.
Unknown_21: Um, but on that note, let's, uh, get the super dress. It seems like there's been a few of them, so it might take a while. Um, if you're bailing out now, I will see you guys in the new year. Oddling sign and shit.
Unknown_21: see if the dashboard works. Um, Haxley for 20 says, do you still do streams in exchange for nudes or have you changed your ways? And then there's a link. This is a old clip from the Chantal stream where, uh, I mentioned that someone showed me their boobs. They sent me an email and, uh, that's why I did the Chantal stream. I have since educated myself on the don't fuck your fans question. And so if someone attempts to do that, to, to offer me anything via email, I always politely decline. And that isn't a joke. Um, do not engage with fans that way. That's a bad idea.
Enemy souks hope on need For 25 says fuck you and I he links to the 4chan autoboard and what do you know? It's an error 403 forbidden. This is a big yes He has a spear and then there is a Cyrillic capital letter for yes, which is not used in Russian but it's using like Bulgarian and Macedonian and shit and Thank you. Uh, Baldo Pegans for five says you should have a random text feeds show. Nothing but quotes from Jackie sings, Jean and a shot logs next time she gets up with a, um, yeah, I mean they're pretty embarrassing. And what's really embarrassing is that she's still at that like emotional age where she's just like a retarded fangirl. Um, I think he sent the same exact message three times or I fucked it up and I, um,
I have a shorter three. I might have to fix that. I think that's an error on my side. For the ghost NTC produces, don't you dare fucking lie a fifth time about this being a fucking 502 gateway. Joshua Coomer, our Connor moon, he just spills it right now. When people spell my name, right?
Unknown_21: I assume that they fucked it up somehow, but there is no link. So I don't know what he's talking about. Thank you. So, you know, for once a shout out to the keynote chat for all the rat with all the rats and have a happy New Year's happy New Year's to the keynote chat. Thank you. Uh, for the ghost NTC then links to a cat box file. Two of them actually.
Um, which I'm sure are really hilarious jokes. I can't wait to see them.
Unknown_08: Um, it's a 4chan green text about the fucking fart dragon, uh, bumper sticker again.
Unknown_21: And then the other one is not reading these. I'm not going to sit here and read all this shit. You're fucking nuts. You think I'm reading this shit, bro.
Unknown_21: Catbox has taken a very long time to open so I might have to give up on this one I don't know why catbox has been so shit recently I'll see if that one loads in a second Elephant elitism for five says total orc death decapitate orcs massacre or it's burnt orcs to death in their homes throw Molotov cocktails at work shoot orcs with rocket launchers hang orcs from lampposts Oh the second image loaded and it is just the anime sucks cope and sneed bumper sticker fucking thing again And I agree fuck orcs orcs are cringe and gay
For the ghost NTC for five says do you understand me now? No stalker child. I will not masturbate your anime fart thing anymore Hemorrhoids for five says one half this year's Secret Santa has been concluded successfully Thanks for all the participants helpers and spirit bots. They jump in and someone drops out Also, thank you Josh for helping for fighting for this community. Thank you. Thank you for running the community ran Secret Santa thing
Unknown_21: And he also says, and for making events like this possible, also the best for 2024. If you want to say something heartwarming, and then he links to the Kiwi farms.
Um, and that is, Oh, okay. So this is a thread on the forum. It's under general discussion. It's called secret Santa, 2023. So showcase thread, and it's everyone posting all the things that they got for the secret Santa thing. So if you want to see, uh, the art and stuff that was done for the secret Santa, you can find on the forum in general discussion.
Unknown_21: Thank you.
Unknown_21: Fennel Hungarian imperialist for five says a common mistake ESL Southeast Asians make is emitting double letters This creates a humorous synchronicity where Indians attempts to declare themselves rappers.
Unknown_21: Oh Yeah, cuz yeah. Yeah, that's a thing where people are like, yeah, I'm a reaper. I'm a reaper. I rape David s 877 for $25 says is total retort war or fighting in total retards or a fight by total retards by total retards obviously
Thank you. James Boone for 50 says happy last pizza day of the year. It's true. It's sure as fuck is I can't wait. I'm actually really really hungry. Thank you. Jellyfish for 23 or 23 for 10 says any chance of having another silver run? No, not right now.
I'll explain why in a bit. By the way, if you're waiting on your shirt still the the replenishment came in they should be going out shortly.
Unknown_21: Supreme meme for 20 says new man-made horror conceived moral bile bio enhancement Western Michigan University. Let this rambling madman teach medical ethics. Then there is a link to a file This is a Hit post cloud FedEverse instance and
This is a publication, Compulsory Moral Bioenhancement Should Be Convert by Parker Crutchfield.
Unknown_21: It says, I take this argument one step further, arguing if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then this administration ought to be covert rather than overt. I argue that covert administration of a compulsory moral bioenhancement program better than conforms to health ethics and as does more than an overt compulsory program.
Unknown_08: I don't know what this means Nerve stapling apparently I Cannot purse.
I'm not gonna read a bunch of like for skin fortune schizophones But this guy apparently thinks that come from the Western Michigan University thinks that compulsory moral bio enhancements are a thing Over that's what I said Gretchen well, he looks like to me.
Unknown_21: It just sounds like a retard
Unknown_21: Thank you Stupid fuck for five says yesterday I got out of my 37 day stint in rehab because I'm a degenerate alcoholic I miss the show and the lowercase I internet in general do not go to recovery centers of America. They're a shit company Yeah, I've heard that rehab is really hit or miss in the u.s You should go to the one that Keffel's went to that was boozy as shit. It would cost $40,000 though I don't know if you can afford it. You might have to pretend to get spotted from the Kiwi farms to crowdfund your escapades in Ireland
Congratulations, though. Don't become arcade. Oh Cynical for five says Daxi pad is a funny nickname But I like the name Maddox or mad Dax that people in the thread came up with Maddox and Maddox are two sides of the same coin The only issue with Maddox is that it's so close to Maddox that it's easy to Misinterpret what you're saying Daxi pad is unmistakable
Unknown_21: Thank you. Hyper Ninja for five says last stream of the year. Any predictions for 2024? Oh, fuck, dude. I. If I had time, I would have put together one of those how my predictions actually fared thing, because Ralph not dying is the one thing that everyone wants me to cover.
I did correctly predict that the relationship would not last until 2024 by the way I would have to go back and actually compare side-by-side to what happened to do that though I might do that for the New Year's if I have time Depends on how well the hosting situation is so don't count on it. So I'm trying to say Sneato for one says should we lie Jersh?
Unknown_21: Okay, K's itch and the pigeon raped and killed a girl in 1990.
Unknown_21: I mean, uh, that you can air that on TV. That's the thing.
Unknown_21: Who was the guy with the really annoying voice that did that?
Unknown_21: Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990. The parrot from, um, Aladdin. What's his name?
It's going to drive me crazy because I was thinking about that yesterday too.
Unknown_21: Even that skit, I was thinking of that skit yesterday too, for some reason.
Unknown_21: Now I, uh, I can't think of his name.
Unknown_21: Gilbert Godfrey, even his name sounds annoying.
Unknown_05: Gilbert Godfrey.
Unknown_21: Thank you.
Unknown_21: Ben Collins for 50 says, I'm glad you were able to stream today after you had stayed up all night calling airlines to see if anyone would accept Bitcoin for a double seat on direct flight to Ottawa from Belgrade. Um, listen, I have no interest in Chantal. It's a little, it's low key. It's kind of annoying when people are like, Oh, by the way, Chantal single now, Josh, I kind of fuck one. Do you really think I cannot do better? Come on, chat. Be nice to me. I didn't, I didn't nothing to you.
Thank you. Gender Pirate for 10 says, God, you'll have main. I'm so glad you're keeping it real. Imagine keeping it fake and being a fool. That would be wrong. Fuck neighbors and Happy New Year. Fuck neighbors and Happy New Year to you too, my friend, Gender Pirate. Appreciate it. Judy Tester for five says, Lovey Josh, my hoodie is very warm and reminds me to keep it together through all the family holiday BS. I'm missing your stream for it. Be well. Oh, sorry to hear about that. You would kind of hope that family get healers are nice. Just remember they won't be around for forever. So try to enjoy it.
Steno for one sends a cat box file Wow elation. I can't wait. What could it be?
Unknown_21: It's a giant billboard with the the n-word on it and then a phone number I mean I was thinking the entire billboard like the entire thing blacked and Covered with the n-word. That's what I'm that's pretty close though.
I Wonder what kind of text you would actually get if you put that up. Oh
Unknown_21: Rabies Renwick for Tuesday's you asked if New York is pretty petty enough to target Chick-fil-a It's the same state that fired 10k hospital staff for being unvaccinated National Guard for help the back staff still got missed Yeah, New York is a shithole just listen to um based Italian man Lewis Rossman His rants about how awful New Yorkers are very funny and actually are very effective at making me never want to even step foot in New York
Unknown_21: XX Internet neighbor for XX for 20 says guy who won latest Dutch election and I believe that this will be Geert Wilders saying things about immigrants in Mohammed. I have to... The freedom of speech is under fire, and especially when it comes to Islam criticism.
The European Court of Human Rights has recently suspended the criminal conviction in Austria of a woman who suggested that the so-called prophet Mohammed had pedophilic inclinations. While it is generally known that Mohammed was a paedophile, Speaker. Notably in the hadith, the Islamic translations, it says, I quote Bukhari, and he married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated that marriage when she was nine. Mohammed, also today still the example of one and a half billion Muslims, had sex with a nine-year-old girl. And then you are a paedophile. So how is that possible?
It's a shame that every Dutchman speaks English. Like 90% of Dutch people speak either your English or German, which makes learning Dutch like a very undesirable thing economically speaking. You have to just love the Netherlands to learn the Dutch language, but they have such a beautiful language. Everything they say sounds so whimsical and that it's like if I was if I was gonna do like a Tolkien and Model and Elvin language, I would model it off of Dutch because it's so weird-sounding It really is just a delight to listen to Garrett Wilder's explain how Muhammad is a pedophile and his beepity-boopity language
Thank you rabies learn act for two says also punitive mask mandates But only for businesses that didn't reject undaxed clientele everyone chose the mask the state plays also monitor social media and keep files on people like Stasi And I was done for two says also the dozens of time project Veritas got raided and gun laws specifically despite the Supreme Court You get the point New York is petty. Yeah, I don't think I ever said otherwise Cito for one says that tranny and then there is a picture. Oh boy. I can't wait to see what it is. Oh
Unknown_21: It is a comparison of that tranny and Diddy donkey daddy Kong is a daddy Kong. It does look exactly like that. That's very accurate. I'll keep that up
Unknown_21: Dillo for $250 says, hi Josh. I have found a host not listed on your tier list. I've sent you an email with details that are registrar as hell. Uh, well hope they can work out. Um, I actually have a domain registrar with them. I looked at your email when you sent me this.
Um, I think I'm banned from them. I will check this out for you real quick.
Unknown_21: Uh, let's see. I think I had some kind of issue with them or, uh, or something.
Unknown_08: I have a cloudflare page.
Unknown_08: That's taken forever.
Unknown_21: Okay. Finally, I do have an account with them. Let me see if my account's in good standing because I think I even have it on the list.
Don't I do have, okay. I still have my domain with them. Let me check my tickets.
Unknown_08: Oh yeah. They never kicked me off.
Unknown_21: Okay. I might try them again then.
Unknown_21: They did never kick me off. I have to check and see what their Upstream mix is like because if they only have cogent I can't use them Thank you very much, I appreciate it Um Neighborino for one says that bhagavata piranha has many predictions for Kali Yuga including one finding the belly will become the goal of life filling the belly will become the goal of life and one who is audacious will be accepted as truthful That is a fascinating statement
Bill it being okay. Yeah Cravings will become the goal of life and anyone who lies will be accepted. That's I mean, that's true. That's true
Unknown_21: I refuse to accept, however, that it is the Indians who created Buddhism because like Buddhism has like so many like little bits of wisdom that are so that sounds so tasteful and accurate. But Indian people are the opposite of tasteful. So I'm forced to assume because Buddhism doesn't come from India, the subcontinent comes from Tibet. Right. So it's really more of a Chinese thing, if you think about it, than an Indian thing.
Srimad bhagavatam is worth a read. I don't know. I'm not too interested in philosophy and stuff, but Kali you guys from Hinduism really And these are definitely the Indians them I don't know I mean, I don't know what's the fuck is wrong with Indian people
Unknown_21: Because it's like, I don't know if... It just seems like there would be more to their country than what they have. Like, they're so far behind even China. And it's like, you could say that maybe the colonialism and exploitation of India set them back, being conquered by the Mughals and being subjected to Mohammedine rule for hundreds of years set them back. But China was also subjected to humiliation for centuries. And China's in a much better place than India. Why is India such a shithole when China isn't, chat?
At least, relatively speaking. What's wrong with Indians?
Unknown_21: Um... Neighborino41 also says, Jewish, you are a visionary. Joa, you are a fantasist. Nol, we support your war on soy. Thank you, my boy. I appreciate it. Krusty Loves for 5 says, Hey Josh, I hope you had a merry Christmas. Here is a 400-pound man who might be on fish tank soon, hitting bossman with a piece of bread. 10-second video.
Okay, let's see it.
Unknown_11: Hey, Bossman Jack, you just got breaded! And get some juice with that bread.
Um, what would this man do on fish tank? I don't watch season one or two but would he just lay in bed and Sam Hyde would come in like once a day and Feed him like with a bag of groceries, but he would like just take out baguettes and hit him over the head with baguettes endlessly
Unknown_21: Maybe he would feed jet neptune to him jet this guy would just open his mouth unhinge it and then consume jet neptune alive That would be entertainment. I would watch that I would turn into fish tank. I might even don't know for it I might super jet something during that Troons for Trump for 10 says happy new year Josh. Thanks for the entertainment. Good luck for your hinted at plans for 2024 Thank you very much. I need all the luck I can get
Roxanne Wolfe for five says bark bark and a happy new year. Thank you very much. Happy New Year to you too. Judy Glover for 25 says 2024 year of the Kiwi as decreed by the Serbian Zodiac JVL JVL.
Unknown_21: Which I think means happy new year. Let me check though. I don't want to be wrong.
In English.
Unknown_21: Lived.
Unknown_21: Has to mean Cheers cheers, it's like pros. Okay. I got you. What's that message who messages me?
Unknown_21: Ralph dude, I will have to respond to that. He wants to do an interview or something. I don't have to respond to that I really don't think I have time to do fucking anything anymore though Red eyes black dragon for five says crazy buck-toothed Asian dad. Where are you? Where are you at? I come get you. Where are you at?
That's true. That's literally what that was like.
Unknown_21: Um.
Unknown_21: Fox is for five says just because you are dead and gone doesn't mean your body shuts off all at once. Hint, hint, hint. Freshly dead men get when getting women pregnant. I don't know if you get pregnant off the courts. They should probably just shoot you. That's my thought.
Unknown_21: Sox five. Kunk funk for five says Kiwi Farms dot net attachment URL.
I'm not eager for this.
Unknown_08: Um, it's loading very slowly, but it's obviously like a naked person.
Unknown_21: So I'm not going to look at that. Thank you. The ghost of low tax for one says, would you bust down WAPI for a hundred racks?
Unknown_21: I don't know who the fuck that is. So I'm going to say no. Based or anything for one says, here's your separate pal. Thank you. Based or anything. Excellent post. Thank you. So you go for 10 says a cat box file. It's a fucking MP4. So let's see.
Hey, what's up everyone? It's your man Devin here.
Unknown_08: Oh God, this guy again.
Unknown_21: He's obviously like down syndrome. Like he's got down syndrome.
Unknown_04: Hey, what's up everyone? It's your man Devin here.
Unknown_05: And I learned a new word the other day ago. It's called spec. And I was sitting in the backseat of a car just one day and I yell out the window at these Mexican, you specks.
Unknown_21: Oh, no, I have to let it load because now I want to hear what happens.
Let me guess. He gets raped. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it honest. This is my prognostication for the story. And he looked so mad at me when I yelled the word.
Unknown_05: But anyway, that's my new word spec. Okay.
Unknown_21: There's no punchline to this.
Unknown_21: It's just a retarded man. Okay, great. Wonderful.
Unknown_21: Uh, cocoa for two says rate all the swag I have ever gotten. And how was the documentary? Fuck you on that.
Now I'm not doing that a protest.
Unknown_08: Oh God.
Unknown_21: So he has a knockoff Make America Great Again hat which is probably not a Trump one because the Trump's one is red He's got a Murdoch Murdoch shirt Reject weakness embrace masculinity, which is a bit cringe. It's probably the worst that you have because only people okay first of all he doesn't
Unknown_21: He has a myr-myr-myrdach. Myrdach. Like, you can't pronounce that. Myr-myr-myrdach. Myrdach. If you're gonna, if you're gonna spell your fucking, your brand and put umlauts over the U, there's a very precise way to pronounce that, and it's impronounceable. You cannot pronounce myrdach in, in, like, in a real, in a real way. Just take the fucking dots off of it. It doesn't look more German when you spell it wrong.
That hoodie on the bottom that looks fantastic and the hat looks okay. The hat looks really comfy It's like a denim hat. That's nice. The hoodie is the best though. Good choice
Forsaken launderer for 26 happy new year Josh and chat 2024 will be so bad that will be in the sonic nostalgic for DNS entries being deleted by backbone internet service providers But the Kiwi farms will remain a stalwart keep that the training meat wagons can't batter down. God bless clinking beer mugs a tumbler glass making glasses You can only hope so Thank you very much
Unknown_21: Kitten all for five says here's some fresh reddit content for you to read. Let's see if it's interesting or not Oh, it's a lovely. It's a cloudflare page.
Oh, I do want to click all the crosswalks.
Unknown_21: Yes, I do I love clicking crosswalks. Oh another one I like it when I have to sit and fucking wait for it to be replaced by another goddamn image.
Unknown_08: So if you click that too Um
Unknown_21: Will I be the asshole if I tell my incestuous in-laws that I don't want them in my kids' lives? My 31F husband, 32M, has two younger siblings, 26, that were assigned male at birth. Recently, one of them came out as trans and let us know that she is a woman. Let's call them Jamie and Cersei. This is great, and we're all so happy that she can be her authentic self, and it only took her kids a few weeks to adjust to calling her auntie. Here's the problem. Since the transition, Jamie and Cersei have been getting closer. It all started out small with them holding hands. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
The next room were over there assembling us drunk at 3 a.m. And we could hear noises. It was unsettling We try to write it off as maybe Jamie was vomiting Then we visited for Christmas and things had escalated down there kissing and call each other pet names in front of us We know for obvious reasons Jersey can't get pregnant. So that takes away a major issue Still gives us the creeps. We have three children and we don't want them around Yep, this is a reddit this is a reddit family for sure I'm kind of curious if
If this is like a genuine thing, yes, I'm over 18.
Unknown_21: Lock posts removed by the moderators.
Unknown_21: Contest mode enabled. Everything is gone. All the comments. Oh wait, no.
Not the asshole, not the asshole, not the asshole.
Unknown_21: There you go.
Unknown_21: Even Reddit knows that tranny incest is still fucked up.
Unknown_21: Reddit stories are all fake. I completely believe that there are gay and cistrous relationships, and they're very common. When you're in a homosexual relationship, the concept of morality outside of that really begins to fade.
Unknown_21: It's like when we think about a relationship, we think about ages and power dynamics and the prospects of bringing children into the relationship and if that's healthy. There's a reason why we have an idea of normal. And when people go outside of normal, when a 50-year-old man marries a 17-year-old girl, that's creepy.
Why, when people have an incestuous relationship, that's creepy.
Unknown_21: Be it brother or sister or father and daughter or anything like that, it's fucking weird and creepy. We have an intrinsic aversion to these things.
Unknown_21: When people want to have polygamy relationships, it's creepy and weird because you know that when a man has multiple wives, he's not paying them any attention. that they deserve that would make a healthy relationship. And the reason why we care about that is because when a father is absentee in his relationships, the children suffer. And there's no way that a father can be present in multiple relationships and going at one time. And so our concept of normal is built around having children and having a family. And when gay people are together,
There is no normal. So they can have interracial relationships, and that's normal. They can have incestuous relationships, be it brother, brother, brother, brother, transgender brother, brother, father. It doesn't matter because it's just gay. And once you hate gay, nothing else matters. Like, okay, gay tranny doesn't matter. It's not any different than gay. There's no kids. And that's why that surrogacy shit is so fucking disgusting, because you have an unnatural relationship, which is programmed through evolution, through biology, to be impossible to be childbearing. And then you're injecting a stolen child into this relationship, which is unnatural and cannot bear healthy fruit. And you are programming it under these alien conditions that we've never tested. And we have no idea if it's even possible for these people not to grow up to be serial killers or whatever.
Once it's gay, it doesn't matter. Gay incest to me is not any worse or unreasonable compared to just regular gay. It's all the same shit. It's all like sewer sludge at that point.
Unknown_21: Like, no exaggeration, gay tranny incest is not any worse to me than just regular gay. Because it doesn't matter. It literally does not matter at that point. It matters once a child's involved.
I don't like AF, but your critique of getting no pussy struck me as really vain. Chastity is a virtue. Nick Fuentes has proposed multiple times that people shouldn't impregnate teenagers, like 13-year-olds, like Prophet Muhammad. He would just be a Muslim pedophile if he was permitted to.
Unknown_21: Nick's issue is that he's a gay man, I believe, and he doesn't have a healthy concept of relationships for the reasons I've already explained. If you listen to Nick Fuentes, you're probably fucking retarded.
People in his chat I watched a little bit of his marathon because I was doing a rumble integration programming with my chat overlay and People in this chat were like praising Zerka and stuff and Zerka is the guy who? Went out and loudly declared that he was a pedophile America first will never have a serious movement when the people involved are on Twitter posting lollicon and talking about having sex with children when Nick Fuentes is calling himself a pedophile and saying that he wants to impregnate a 12 year old as soon as she has her first period when other people associated with the movement are ex-muslim pedophiles who loudly declare that they're pedophile that they want to have sex with kids like It's just Nambla at that point. It's just Nambla disguised as an American first political movement and I mean if I'm surprised they haven't had more violence pointed at them, but I guess you know if you want to have Controlled opposition poisoning a well have America first. They're all fucking pedophiles that talk about raping kids They're great to have as opposition for the right for the left James moon for pipes is Nick couldn't eat the bullet because that would be too many calories. That isn't alcohol. That's true It's a lot of calories and lead
TP deluxe for five says my 2024 prediction this Josh Moon guy will continue to be a pretty swell fella. Thank you What a nice compliment. That's how you do it chat. That's how you compliment. Thank you pancake Luchador for five says what the fuck is wrong with Nick 200 blowjobs in a prenup He wants a fucking $2 whore and takes everything for granted. He deserves everything that comes to him a long marriage isn't lucky ass Yes, correct, he's a retard. Thank you
Phenohalgarianimperialist415 says, I noticed a neat thing in this one drunken kitchen video of Arcadia's. You can see the marked line between the white skin of his nose and the red tip. It's like he's wearing one of those clown noses permanently. Well, that's just the blood vessels in his nose.
Unknown_21: He does have like a really like it the way that it lights up like Rudolph. It is pretty pretty distinct I don't know. He just looks like shit. He looks so shitty a Total gun victory for once is the next day Baldo man announced he is going to not drink for all of January No way does this have anything to do with the distraction or embarrassing himself? So there is a video and I'm gonna take a little detour actually we're gonna swing back into the content zone real quick I'm gonna need an illicit clip there, but I have that one stand by I Forgot to bring this up I think
I want to say this is it.
Unknown_08: That's 10 minutes long.
Unknown_09: Dick.
Unknown_09: Dickerson says we love drunk and sober Nick, but we hope Nick doesn't drink too much.
Unknown_09: Guys.
Unknown_09: This is this is the this quintessentially Internet.
There's so many people.
Unknown_09: Drink so the part that I'll let's play actually because it's in the first minute what I want to point out much more than I do every night They're fine. Like I'm I'm not saying I'm fine because other people are fine. I'm saying I'm Fine because my liver numbers are fine. My function is fine. Everything's great. Whoever changes well, I quit liquor. Yeah in a heartbeat. I don't I
Unknown_21: Um, what is remarkable about that is that it um, it may sound like something scared him recently So I went to go get tests done and they told him yeah, you know, your levels are normal But you know, you might have health complications in the future So now that he takes that as like a card to drink as much as he wants But he definitely got spooked into going to the doctor. It sounds like
Fuckin care. I don't have a physically addictive personality Do I like liquor? Of course, of course I do Alright read I says niggas in control of his drinking guys literally, yeah It's a weird thing to see and say you cannot defend against an accusation of addiction. He can't everything you say sounds like a
Unknown_09: Well, I drank some water, so I'm okay. I'm fine. He's definitely not addicted to porn. Why would you say that? I've been addicted to porn since I was probably 15. I'm working on not being addicted to porn, but it's an ongoing struggle. Why would you?
I've never represented other was this weird.
Unknown_21: Okay, so he's ramblamatic. It goes on for 10 minutes. The gist of what he says is that he cannot fight an accusation that he is a alcoholic because there is nothing that he can say in his defense that wouldn't sound like something an alcoholic would say. Like, I can stop at any time. I'm not that drunk. I only drink on stream. You know, that kind of shit that everyone's heard from, you know, addictive personalities who don't want to admit they have a problem. And he's right. It's very hard that people are concerned that you have an addiction issue to, uh,
to dissuade them otherwise. However, when I was listening to this, I remarked in private to the people that were also watching it that it's very conspicuous that he neglects to mention one thing that he could do that most people would find to be a fair way to prove that he is not addicted.
And that would be
Unknown_21: That would be simply stopping drinking for a length of time and allowing people to see that he can go without alcohol. And like for a month or something. That was just what I had in my head that I spitballed. And it's very conspicuous that in this 10-minute diatribe, he does not ever mention once quitting for a period of time to show that he can do it. As if, if he were to make this defense that there's nothing he can do, but just didn't mention the possibility of quitting for a full month or something. People wouldn't ask him to do it and therefore he wouldn't be bothered to have to stop for a month However, apparently other people had this exact same thought and I have a feeling that his fans and private pressured him into Into doing this thing for a for a month So now he's planning to quit for January and I have a sneaking suspicion that it will not go well But we'll see chat. We've been through this before with Ralph
Um, I didn't even mention that Ralph nodded off on his last stream. He said he was just tired though. So I don't know. Uh, um, team, I do it for once. As you know, a few streams ago, I joked about how
Unknown_21: Ralph passed on a curse to Rikada back when streamed on me But Christ that drunken rambling sounded just like Ralph Tonka is greater than Ralph is greater than Rikada. Who's next? Oh That's like a progression If we're lucky someone I don't like like like dick drinking himself to death would be pretty funny at this point Or, uh, Vito. Oh man, Vito asphyxiated on his own vomit. That'd be awesome. Uh, you know, me for 10 says American beauty sounds like some of the most subversive small hat shit I've ever heard of.
I'm sure that it's small hats all the way through from, uh, let's just look, let's just look real quick.
Unknown_21: Uh, American beauty. 1999 film starring directed by Sam Mendes, British.
Unknown_21: He is a Roman Catholic of Portuguese descents and his mother is an English Jew. So that's the director written by Alan Ball, American writer, director, producer, um, born in Marietta, Georgia.
Let's see. It doesn't say he's an LGBT Buddhist.
Unknown_21: That's his category. He's in the category LGBT Buddhist, gay dramaticist and playwrights and gay American screenwriter. So a gay man pontificating about a straight man's relationship and having sex with 17 year old girls. Interesting.
Unknown_21: Produced by Bruce Cohen, no check required. And Dan Jinks, who is a working partner of Bruce Cohen.
Directed Gus Van Sant starring Sean Penn and Harvey Milk Harvey the Harvey Milk the gay activist pedophile. No Couldn't be he worked directly with the Harvey Milk interesting Let's see Doesn't say anything about his status, but he is an LGBT Film producer according to his categories. So that's the two producers starring Kevin Spacey who I'm pretty sure is
I will check them.
Unknown_21: His brother has stated that their father, who he described as a racist Nazi supporter was sexually and physically abusive.
Unknown_08: Okay.
Unknown_08: So he had a, a pedophile neo-Nazi father and now he is gay himself.
Unknown_21: I don't think he's Jewish though. No, he's just gay.
Unknown_21: Um, it's cinematography. I don't think cinematography. Oh, it's Alan balls.
Uh, brother is a cinematographer. I don't know if he's a gay Buddhist though.
Unknown_21: Deaths from bladder cancer. Okay.
Unknown_21: There you go. The entire thing is Jewish and gay surprise.
Unknown_21: Sneeds for 25 says happy have a happy new year when it comes. Thank you. Have a happy new year to to my friend Anime extremist for three says just got here. Did you talk about Tucker Carlson posting a skit on Twitter with Kevin Spacey while he was in character as the person he played in House of Cards? Not a good look for Tucker. No, I did not hear about that. Does not sound good luck to be honest with you.
It's funny how when people get successful, they want to associate with other people who are like legitimately famous and then they look like fucking weirdos in the process. A lot of people do that.
Unknown_21: Sneedo, for one, says, did you see that turkey tom shrine? I have my own shrines. I don't need to look at turkey tom shrine. It's a bad idea to encourage that, by the way. That's how you end up dead. Death Spigot, for five, says, bye, Josh. See you next year. Ack, ack, ack, ack, ack, ack, ack, ack. Thank you, my friend. See you next year, too. Happy New Year. Kali Yuga, enjoyer, for two, says, Josh, as someone who says piracy is morally justifiable, plagiarism on YouTube should also. YouTube is a hoard of e-milk. Give it new respect. Yeah, do whatever you want to YouTube.
But, I mean, I'm not speaking legally. I think that all of our copyright laws should just be thrown in the bin. But if you're gonna, like, just copy somebody else's shit to make money off of it, that's fucking gay. And you should be, like, it shouldn't embarrass you. You should be embarrassed that you're intellectually deficit, and you have, and bankrupt, and creatively bankrupt, and you have to steal other people's shit. And you know that, when you hide it, when you hide the fact that you're stealing other people's shit to make money with, and you hide the fact that you do it, and then you try to pretend it never happened, and you never address it. That kind of indicates that you feel, you know in your heart, that what you've done is a bad thing, regardless of if it's illegal or not, and you're trying to cover that up because it embarrasses you. And when you do something that you know is wrong, it should embarrass you. It should make you feel bad.
FennelHungarianImperialist415 says, since the behavior of kick-chatters, henceforth kicks, is detrimental to wider chat society, we must find a way to peacefully separate from them. Perhaps we should deport kicks of some island nation, but in the meantime they can be put into a separate kick ghetto, or perhaps a kick camp. These are all interesting ideas, FennelHungarianImperialist. However, I will simply find ways to break my chat system so that their messages become less disruptive to the greater society. We simply have to deal with the kickers in the meantime.
Prairie Dog says, Devon stacked a great review of the movie American Beauty. It totally explains Rakeda's fascination. So this is a odyssey link to The Fate of Americans by Blackpilled.
Unknown_21: And it is a 20 minute long movie review of American Beauty, apparently. I actually might watch this because I would be interested in knowing. I'm sure it touches over all the little drama that happens in it.
Space Allen for 20 says, Happy New Year. Happy New Year, my friend. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
Unknown_21: Callie you go enjoy produces I see you're actually a turf You're not really a racist anti-semite and it really is a bit the final tells that you show the CCP and consistently mock people for being anti-abortion and then everyone on er's chat so that your main problem is something for feminism a mishmash of KF users politics sad I would address that but you didn't pay me enough. I don't I Don't think I've mocked people for being anti-abortion. I
And I don't really care what people in the chat has to say. He watches anime and goons to fucking, uh, what's her, what's her face. Who's the lady from avatar? I don't know.
Unknown_21: Benno Hungarian imperialist for 50 says instead of trying to cancel Hassan for vague DM etiquette violations capital should imply a challenge and him to a fistfight either Hassan gets a second person he has to dodge fight challenges from or he gets his ass beaten by a tall agile woman the perfect zugas vong maybe
Yeah, that would work careful should just challenge him to a fight that works I Think what is he gonna do? He's already ignoring him like Hassan's not gonna reply to this retard shit There is a I don't know. I'll save it. I'll say I have a I have a thing I have a thing regarding Keffel's and I'm keeping close to heart. I
Unknown_21: Stranger five says remember the voot remember to voot bossman jack as locale of the year Also, ai has been used to predict the baldos appearance in 2024 Okay, so this is an ai generated baldo of the future. Let's see it Uh, this appears to be a picture of daniel larsen great job ai really wonderful. Thank you
Daniel Larsen stand for five says what are your brief thoughts on Frederick Nietzsche?
Unknown_21: I'm not actually familiar. I only know like the the zeitgeist of what his his philosophy is about So I can't really comment on it However, I have a feeling that it's like immature I tried to read Stirner and read like his his personal anarchy thing and it just felt really immature and
Unknown_21: Not very not and actually not very convincing. So I probably I would feel the same way about for technetia how you can enjoy her for 488 says you said on 922 stream at 246 you'd hunt down you'd hunt me down at the site surpassed 4k active users by the end of 2023 Guess who's laughing now corn boy? Hashtag Kali Yuga writer was right, by the way, I adored Dutch I tried learning it but I ruined my African so I stopped plus and these issues are caused by low-cast pageant's and Well, we probably would have hit 4k users if um We were not being continuously deplatformed on every level, uh for years I'm, dima do it for one suggestion requirement document and unit test for steam for kiwi flare You better the only way to go fast is to go. Well, we're about to see martin clean architecture. Um, I have
I do have some unit tests for the rust side. However for the the actual like Web server side I don't have a unit test for that because it's all it's like in a different thing that I Shit out trying to learn it for the first time if I ever make it public. I'll accepting a test Casting crouch crab for 10 says the crab of the day is the fiddler crab. Thank you. Let's check him out
Unknown_08: That is a big claw.
Unknown_21: Look at this dude's claw. He's like a crab coomer.
Unknown_21: Look at this. It's like the, um, it's like the coomer meme, but with a crab. That's a big crab claw. I'm sure that's tasty. It's a waste though. Cause you can't eat the rest of the crab.
Fascinating. Thank you. Uh, Cino for one says, fuck you. Fino Kino Casino will rise.
Unknown_21: Alright.
Unknown_21: Thank you, everybody. I appreciate it. I will see you guys in 2024. Take it easy. Good luck with the New Year. I have a decent song picked out. I was considering just doing Auld Lang Syne because it's one of my favorite songs, unironically. But I'll play this instead. Take it easy. See you next time. Buh-bye.
Swinging for the fences, hanging from the moon I cut my tongue on the rust of a silver spoon I bet my billionth bottom dollar on a hopeless case And now the devil on my shoulder has a knife to my face Sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest Sometimes all you gotta see is daddy make it go away Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass
Unknown_23: With a cigarette and a 50-cent suit. Thanks, God, he ain't in the circus while he's watching you. I got two clothes in the furnace. I've been on both sides. Sometimes the shorter end of the stick is the sharpest.
Unknown_23: Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest. Sometimes all you gotta see is Daddy make it go away. Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass. Sometimes you gotta finish what you shouldn't have started. Sometimes you gotta shoot before you see the target. Sometimes Daddy's gonna say you're not worth the price to pay. Sometimes your tunnel only leads to darkness.
Racing toward the mailbox with a letter in your hand But the postman's gone away, you begin to understand But you're no hero to this story, you're just another wretched pawn Who bought his tickets to the sideshow and then slept through the alarm Sometimes the short end of this ticket's the sharpest Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest Sometimes all you gotta say is, Daddy, make it go away Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass Sometimes you gotta finish what you shouldn't have started
Unknown_23: Sometimes you gotta shoot before you see the target. And sometimes dad is gonna say, you're not worth the price to pay. Sometimes a tunnel only leads to darkness. Sometimes the shorter of the stick is the sharpest. Sometimes the harder road to take is the darkest. Sometimes all you gotta say is, dad, it makes me happy. Sometimes the only way out is as a car gets Sometimes you gotta finish what you shouldn't have started Sometimes you gotta shoot before you see the target Sometimes daddy's gonna say you're not worth the price you pay Sometimes the tunnel only leads to darkness