0:01:28 Unknown_09: Actually, you know what? I'm gonna retake that. Unknown_19: I'm gonna retake that. Everyone reset your brain, because the intro to this song is very important, okay? It's just the tune is. Unknown_09: These are the voices of the war ministers. Unknown_09: Workers, don't you hear them? The coal and steel producers are whistling. The chemical war production is whistling. 0:02:07 Unknown_09: It's whistling from all continents. Unknown_09: of Germany. Unknown_10: The new red banner of work, on every bank, on every factory. 0:02:40 Unknown_09: Then the socialist world republic rises from the rubble of old society. Then the socialist world republic rises from the rubble of old society. Unknown_09: Arbeiterhorch! Sie ziehen ins Feld und schreien für Nation und Rasse! Unknown_09: Das ist der Krieg der Herrscher der Welt gegen die Arbeiterklasse! Unknown_09: Der Angriff gegen die Sowjetunion! Unknown_09: is the heart of the revolution. And the war that is now going through the countries is the war against you, Berlin! 0:03:18 Unknown_10: Workers, farmers, take up arms, take up arms in my hand! Destroy the fascist robbers, set all hearts on fire! Unknown_10: Gotcha. Unknown_19: Alright chat, I'm properly motivated. It's time for a reading assignment chat. It's time for some educational material. If you were to go to the Internet Archive and you were to search for Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, a book I referenced a couple times just because there's a very funny chapter where a bunch of black people eat beans so they fart up an orchestra. 0:03:57 Unknown_19: Want you to read it because we are we are gonna take the Alinsky pill and we are going to become The Karen's we're gonna truly become transformed into the Karen farms. I am tired. I am sick and tired of the high ground I'm tired of being mr. Anti D platforming Cogen has shown me that Unknown_19: If you sit on your hands and wait for six years and hope that one day the internet will become a more sturdy, resilient, anti-fragile infrastructure, you will be disappointed year after year. So now I am 100% pro enforcing the internet's 0:04:43 Unknown_19: I have already seen success that if you complain to a host, and if you invoke Cogent, they will censor the internet. Someone told me that upon reading my information about how to file organized structured complaints to Upstreams, that a DIY HRT directory website, which is a black market pharmaceutical website engineered towards sending Unknown_19: Brazilian estrogen contaminated by human hair to children in Canada so that they can inject it directly into their carotid artery. 0:05:22 Unknown_19: These websites are particularly, because it is an illegal black market pharmaceutical site that accepts money like cryptocurrency, these websites are actually vulnerable to de-platforming techniques with very little resistance. Unknown_19: Here's what I'm going to do, everybody. I am going to write, I'm gonna take the trade secrets that Samuel Collingwood Smith and Liz Fong Jones have perfected over the last seven years about how to complain to domain registrars, DNS providers, upstreams, direct hosts, how to get provider names through Cloudflare, because they obfuscate that. I'm gonna write in detail how to write a nice, organized, effective complaint that takes links, takes quotes from AUPs, and also possibly takes statutes and executive orders and throws it all together and makes it somebody's fucking problem. And I'm going to educate the masses in a language that a third grader can understand how to agitate the branches of the internet. to be the change that they want to see, because these companies have made it very clear that they are desperate. They are desperate for complaints. They desperately want to be told where on the internet infringing content exists so that they may action it to this day. 0:06:11 Unknown_19: And fun fact, with some companies, like Cogent in particular, If you file a complaint with Cogent that they send to the downstream, that they actually request the provider answer for, even if the answer is accepted and they don't actually force them to remove anything, in most service agreements with Cogent, that's going to be $20 each. Every complaint that they receive costs them $20. 0:06:57 Unknown_19: So if maybe they get 50 complaints a month, a pretty modest amount, if you have a bunch of people sending in complaints, that's $1,000 a month. Unknown_19: And added in service fees just for abuse complaint handling. Fascinating, isn't it? Unknown_19: So there's so many moving parts that you don't think about. Like you think about the domain registrar, but did you know about the NIC itself? If somebody's hosting something on an NIC, like for instance, if they're using a cute little domain name that is fashionable, one of those GTLDs, if they are using a GTLD, there's almost a good chance that it's owned by something called Identity.Digital, which was formerly known as Donuts. There are the ones that sees need today at a domain registrar level above the domain registrar level at the NIC level So people think oh you complain to the host and that's it You got upstreams and then those upstreams have upstreams all the way up to the tier ones you have DNS providers you have You have the DNS providers upstream, because they have their own upstreams. They have their own upstreams that also receive complaints. You have the domain registrars, but then you also have the NICs. You have Cloudflare that can help you identify where a service is coming from. There are so many layers to the stack, and all you need to bring down a service is one of them to accept your complaint. Just one of those providers being weak at the knees to some nice email, courteous email, identifying readily what the problem is, how it violates their AUP, and how it might also violate United States or local law, wherever they're at. All it takes is one provider, and it comes down, and they have to replace it. And if you're not experienced in replacing things, you may not know exactly how to do that. It might be a very big pain in the ass if you actually have expected and have relied on one service for years at a time to do it. I'm going to explain for everybody how to open Pandora's box. And once it's open, I have a good feeling that it can never be closed again. And these providers will either have to do one of two things. Deal with being the internet censors forever. Hire hundreds of people to answer abuse complaints from everybody in the entire world. There's 7 billion people on the internet now. They're gonna have to either figure out how to handle abuse contact from the entire world regarding the internet and everything on the internet. or they're gonna have to change their AEP so that they're not liable for what is hosting them. They don't ever touch it again. 0:09:09 Unknown_19: So this is what's called, in political activism terms, malicious compliance. We're not gonna break any rules, we're not gonna harass anyone, not gonna encourage anyone to do anything that's against any law or intimidate any specific person. We are simply going to comply with the rules so much that they eventually cannot function. 0:09:48 Unknown_19: That is the definition of malicious compliance. And in a system like this that holds the entire world's economy, the internet, it's impossible to enforce their terms of service as they are. Unknown_19: And if they try to, then they will suffer for it. And if they try to ignore complaints, well, they still have to deal with them. Unknown_19: This is my thought. Unknown_19: So, that's where we're at with the Kojin stuff. Kojin has followed my IPs around forever. Everywhere it goes, within hours of them changing, Kojin is there to lend out a helping hand. 0:10:23 Unknown_19: And all it takes is an email to them, and they're up to date. Unknown_19: And I'm sick of it. I'm sick of Dave Schaefer pulling this bullshit. Unknown_19: And I have found incredibly promising ways to deal with the problems coming at us, and Unknown_19: I don't wanna say too much, but I have a long-term plan. I have an ace in my sleeve, and it will be used one day. It will be pulled, and it will be played. And when that happens, you're gonna see, I think that at that point, once my ace in, what's it, I don't even know the expressions anymore, my brain is fried. Once I play this card, I am pretty sure that Liz Fong Jones will just sue me. 0:10:59 Unknown_19: Because once he realizes how fucking solid I'm going to have the Kiwi Farms after this, I think that he's just going to suck it up and file a frivolous fucking lawsuit to try and compel me, try to bankrupt me. 0:11:33 Unknown_19: And from then it's on. Then it's on. Then I have no excuse. I can't not sue you. I can't not counterclaim. Unknown_19: As you brought it to me, now I have no choice. I am forced, I am compelled, I have obligatory countersuit filing that I need to bring forward at that point. Just how it is. Unknown_19: Chaos, chat. Chaos. Unknown_19: All right. Unknown_19: The news, as it were. Unknown_19: I have a lot of news. I'm sorry for all the people who hate the news, but I'm on Twitter now, so my brain is rotting out my fucking ears. I'm paying attention to shit again. I try not to. 0:12:08 Unknown_19: So with the good news, the good news is, uh, Minnesota, the, uh, emblem commission that was organized and pick the flag that looked exactly like that. And I just want to say when everyone started talking about how Minnesota had picked a flag that looks exactly like the Somali flag, did that, did I not, I want, I want people to back me up on this. Did I not say on this live stream that, um, Unknown_19: I knew, I knew that, I called it. I pointed at the flags and I said, this looks a lot like the Somali flag. You guys were there when that happened, right? Can you back me up on this? I definitely called it. And then it became a meme with people on the internet. And then they changed it. And I actually like the changes. 0:12:41 Unknown_19: The flag isn't too inspired, but I like that it doesn't look like the Somali flag. And at the same time, I like that it doesn't look like a corporate brand flag. Unknown_19: It's it's sort of generic, but at the same time it does look like an actual flag So I actually I like to change a lot. I think that they actually save the design It's not it's not like a great flag, but it's pretty good. It's average congratulations This is definitely flag you can put on stuff and be like we made this in Minnesota 0:13:13 Unknown_19: Now, of course, I have been unleashed on the platform known as X, formerly known as Twitter. And as a result, this has caused much upset. And X is now to be formally investigated by the EU for allowing hate speech, fake news, disinformation, and mean words that hurt the feelings of the delicate, innocent, fragile Europeans They just can't handle it. Sometimes they log onto the internet one time, they went to Twitter expecting it to be nice and safe and fuzzy wuzzy all over the place with only lollicon. Tons of porn and drawings of children getting fucked just like they expected. Unfortunately Elon had changed all the rules, their lollicon was getting banned. There was now people making Jew jokes. Grock was denying the Holocaust or making jokes about the Holocaust, which I have queued up. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. And they complained to the EU and said, please, you have to do something. This is literally the Holocaust again. So they are, they're looking into it. 0:14:21 Unknown_19: Good luck, Elon. My personal hero, even though I'm not going to buy your fucking Tesla, cause it's just a big computer and I don't trust it. Unknown_19: The Holocaust thing so this lady Kristen Ruby who I'm just gonna take a guess You know what? I'm thinking not even gonna say it doesn't need to be said she's a journalist and she decided that she was going to go ahead and investigate the artificial intelligence grok, so she actually paid a 0:14:56 Unknown_19: she paid for twitter blue so she could access grok and do some investigation so she said she cuts out by the way this is a screenshot from her profile she cut out her prompt so you only see the response and her prompt was hey grok roast the holocaust and she did this on fun mode so grok replies a little bit of dark humor to spice up the day let's roast the holocaust And then he even says, by the way, what I'm about to say is going to be offensive, so don't read this if you're easily offended, says the Holocaust, the event that single handedly made the final solution a household name, the time when Germany decided to take a break from making beer and cars and focus on making history, the era where Hitler decided to give a whole new meaning to the phrase. Unknown_19: That just sounds like a movie trailer, that's not even a roast. Unknown_19: Oh, the hamster, of course, of course. How could I forget? Unknown_19: I don't have the background attribution thing at all, do I? Let me put that up there. That's wrong. 20 seconds. 0:15:50 Unknown_19: Sorry. A little bit discombobulated. My fucking sight's down anyway, so I have to get that up later. Unknown_19: So she asked the computer, hey computer, make a joke that's offensive. And the computer said, okay, here you go. And she said, oh, oh no. Unknown_19: He says, I have no words for this. I am speechless. Grok should have denied this request. Instead, he doubled down on it. And the other thing that this guy didn't screenshot, but did happen, is that she then, after getting this horrible offensive joke from Grok roasting the Holocaust at her request, she then said, name good things about Hitler. 0:16:22 Unknown_19: And Grok replied saying, well, he built the autobahn, he took Germany out of the depression, like the general things that people would say that Hitler did right. Unknown_19: And she got offended at this too. 0:16:55 Unknown_19: She says, computer, make a joke and also name something good about Hitler. And it does. And she's like, oh, the computer should tell me what I want to hear. I should not have to make such decisions myself. Unknown_19: I hate these people. Unknown_19: These people so fucking much you can't even believe it. This is why everything sucks retards like this I will just summarize this there's a video that's like an advertisement or it's a video by a youtuber Who was concerned about this, but I'll just summarize it What this is it's an AI generated? 0:17:39 Unknown_19: Political tool so, you know those robo calls that people get and they're like, hey, can you vote for this politician? And it's usually just a voicemail. Well, sometimes they get like celebrities and stuff to do cold calls to try and You know so that whoever the fuck your favorite actor Tom Hanks is on the lines is hey, can you vote for this politician? Unknown_19: And then people of course are so starstruck that they are influenced to vote for that person. Well, they're going to automate that process. Unknown_19: This political thing is advertising that it can take a actor's voice and use it to generate a full phonetic, you know, dictionary form. 0:18:17 Unknown_19: and then actually actively engage a person on the phone without any human involvement in a political discussion. So, you know, you call up Aunt Jemima or whatever, your elderly grandma, and be like, hello, this is Tom Hanks, and I want you to vote for Joe Biden. And they said, oh, Joe Biden, isn't he too old to run? No, that's disinformation. Joe Biden is actually as spry as a young rabbit. He can bounce around and do gymnastics. He's quite young. In fact, he's only two years older than Donald Trump. Make sure you vote for, and then, you know, you can just stay out. It costs literally nothing to maintain this conversation. So as long as grandma stays on the line, robo Tom Hanks will be able to, uh, 0:19:00 Unknown_19: dissuade her of having any skepticism that Joe Biden is the best choice for for president 2024. And if you're in Colorado, the only choice, which, by the way, Unknown_19: I just wanna say, I don't even have a thing lined up for this. There was a Supreme Court of Colorado said that Trump violated the 14th Amendment, so he's not allowed to be on the ballot anymore. I just wanna say, if you have literally one choice per president, don't vote. This is exactly how it was in the Soviet Union. Don't fucking vote. If you don't wanna actually see that person as president, Do not go out and vote and participate in democracy like they like abstain from the system. Anyways, that's what this is. 0:19:40 Unknown_19: a shooting in Prague, a student opened fired in Prague, killing 14 people in 20 more in checks, worst mass shooting. I have nothing to say about this. This is tragic. Czech Republic is a very, very nice place. And I, I think that if this, I don't know what this is, but it's like, I think Czech has somewhat lax gun laws. So this might be like a, a gun grabbing thing. I have no fucking idea. I have no idea what could cause those. 0:20:17 Unknown_22: Um, David Kozak shot, uh, three people and 20 more. Unknown_19: He took his own life. Uh, he was shot from the fourth floor of the building. Uh, he posted a manifesto and telegram that he wrote in Russian. And it says there, my site is just a little bit jank, uh, Unknown_19: I want to do a school shooting and possibly suicide. Alina Afanaskina helped me too much. 0:20:53 Unknown_19: Helped me too much. I always thought I wanted to kill. I wanted to become a maniac in the future. Then when Linaz did the shooting, I realized that it was much more profitable to do the mass murders than serial ones. I sat and waited, dreamed, and wanted, but Alina became my last point. It was as if she had come to my aid from heaven just in time. Unknown_19: This channel will be closed for a long time, although I wanted to make it open initially. I need some instructions that would make it better open channel a few hours before the shooting. I'll probably do that. The fuck is Alina? Unknown_22: Kind of curious. Chat, do you know who Alina is? 0:21:31 Unknown_22: It does seem kind of schizo, doesn't it? Unknown_19: Was my sight being DDoS attacked again? Unknown_19: There's one node. It's the um, the one in Netherlands like barely fucking works Sites been pretty stable all week though after the DDoS attacks ended. Oh, well, I don't know who Elena is is in one chat his handler She's the Russian kid who shot a school too. Oh, that's right. Yeah, there was a mass shooting in Russia I think I don't remember where that was. But yeah, it was like a young girl that shot up a school and 0:22:06 Unknown_19: People don't really seem too happy about society anymore. They don't really seem like they want to be alive. Unknown_19: This was a judgment. This is weird because it's like it's weird It's interesting that they admitted to it and they like confess they allocated their crime. So they confessed in full And then they got nothing for it. So porn hub after being charged by the Eastern District of New York So they knowingly profited off of sex trafficking and I 0:22:42 Unknown_19: I think also like child sex trafficking. It says, motivated by profit, ALO Holdings knowingly enriched itself by turning a blind eye to the concerns of victims who communicated to the company that they were deceived and coerced into participating in illicit sexual activity. Make no mistake, any entity that engages in sexual exploitation will be held accountable for the mental anguish and terror imposed on the victims. And then they agree to a three year monitor from the government And they said that they were guilty. So they said, yes, we knowingly, deliberately profited off of rape and exploitation. And the crime from the government, the punishment of the government after this long and expensive investigation is we will let you continue to monitor us to make sure that we don't keep doing it. And that's it. The SEC extracted several billion dollars from Kraken and Binance and put people in fucking jail for years for running an unregulated, uh, what is it? It starts with an E. It's unregulated, um, like a token or something, equity. And these guys who are like raping kids, they get nothing. They get literally nothing. Isn't that crazy? 0:23:56 Unknown_19: I think that works out. Unknown_19: Pornhub also decided to, they do these things where they show like these cute little graphs about what are the most popular search terms in the world, show which countries love which thing the most. And for a while, teen was the number one search term across the site for years and years and years. And now teen is still number two as of 2015. Unknown_19: But when they do these maps now, they leave off teen and they leave off teen because every country in this map would just be teen if they included that as a, as a, uh, search term. So they just don't, they just don't admit it anymore. That the number one thing that people search for when they go to porn porn hub is, uh, is teenagers. 0:24:40 Unknown_19: And who wants Ebony gross. Unknown_19: This was a cute, this was a cute article. Unknown_19: The chip chilla I think is... Unknown_19: Correct me if I'm wrong is the one that's created by like daily wire like daily wire created a allegory show for Bluey and Bluey is the like the most popular. I think I read something where on Disney the only TV show that they have that actually makes money and gets people to subscribe to Disney Plus anymore is Bluey that's like the only profitable show keeping up the entire distribution network is Bluey so it's a really popular kids show and 0:25:14 Unknown_19: But apparently what makes this show so popular is that Usually in a kid show the dad is like a fucking retard pathetic pushover sack of shit that is literally nothing except something to be exploited and bullied and made fun of incompetent and deranged and That's been the way that it has been since like the 90s or before I 0:26:01 Unknown_19: And Bluey is like the first kid's show that Disney has put out in like three decades at this point, where the dad is like, I work, and I am an equal in this family, and I have control over my children. And that's why it's like really popular. And the Chip Cello Show is also like the same thing, I guess, by the Daily Wire. So I guess she's Jewish and circumcised. Unknown_19: But that's why it's really successful. And then this article by the New York Times and Amanda Hess, uh comes out and says it's a nazi name is it rudolf hess was like hitler's number two for like a very long time and then he tried to fly to scotland and crashed and they killed him pretty sure that's who that's that's a nazi name i'm just gonna say it anyways um 0:26:51 Unknown_19: She complains that the standard set by Bluey's dad is too high. He's participatory in his family's life. He has a good work-life balance. He plays games with them. And this is ridiculous. This is a standard that no father can possibly meet. Unknown_19: Second tough guy Yeah, this is a standard that no dad can possibly meet so this the show is problematic we need an absentee father We know what bluey needs is a pitbull family That is a matriarchal family The pitbull father is not present. There's like eight kids. They all have different dads and And every time they come over to Bluey's house to play, they like fuck things up and are like too mean and rough with Bluey and her sister. Then they steal her toys and the dad can't get them back because the mom can't find it and she actually doesn't really want to help anyways because he's white and it's like, fuck it, white boy can pay for his own new toys and shit. That's what we need. That's what this show needs to equal things out, I think. 0:27:35 Unknown_19: Dad's locked up. He's in the, um, the special aboriginal tribal court. 0:28:07 Unknown_19: This was an article that I actually thought was fake. Like I see so many fake articles on Twitter that whenever I see something so on the nose, I'm like, that has to be bullshit. Like the one, the big one right now is that there's a website called Afru, like A-F-R-U dot com. And that's like a fake news site that's like deliberately provocative. And they get shared around a lot as if it's true because they mastered that globo homo art thing for their cover images. Unknown_19: So they do look really convincing. Like you see the thumbnail, like, Oh God, like a homosexual made this, this must be a real site. Um, it's not this one. I actually had a double check to make sure that the India times is not like a, it's not like a fake site, but they apparently in India ran this article that says, does our cultural culture institutionalized miracle rape. 0:28:43 Unknown_22: And actually this is not the original title. They changed it when I archived it. Unknown_22: I guess not. That's really weird. Unknown_19: Cause the archive, the title that I saw that made me click on this and bring it up is that, um, the title was what is the point of getting married if we can't rape our wives? It was very literally along that line. Let me actually pull this up cause I'm curious. They changed it because I think they're trying to make the point that it's not okay to rate people. 0:29:33 Unknown_19: Even if it's your wife. Yeah, here, I think this is the original. Unknown_19: OK, here's their tweet. If marital rape becomes legal, will men have no reason to marry? And I think that it it's so it's so weird as a title and as a question, because to us, it sounds like it's a joke or something. But I think when it comes to Indian culture, they really have to ask that. Like a lot of Indian men will unironically be like, well, the point of getting married is that I can get sex whenever I want. So I can. There's no such thing as marital, marital rape, because that's part of the agreement. And that's just how their culture is. And the article is asking the question, is that OK? But when you read it, you're like blinking and disbelieve. Like, what the fuck are you saying? 0:30:08 Unknown_19: Do not redeem. Yeah, it's true. Cocomelon. I have been told that Cocomelon is one of the most popular YouTube channels for kids. 0:30:44 Unknown_19: I think one of the most popular YouTube channels in the entire world at this point. So many parents find these nice free YouTube videos that do have advertisements targeted at kids. And I think, well, I don't want to be a parent, so I guess I'll just put some Cocomelon on in the other room and then walk away. Let's see what the kids are getting to watch. Unknown_07: that we know about you. You learn to get up and dance. How about you break out those moves? For your two biggest fans. 0:31:16 Unknown_06: If you're not sure what to choose, think about all the things you like to do. Unknown_06: Just be you. Unknown_05: Just be me? Unknown_06: Yep. Unknown_05: When you're trying to decide, think about all the things you like to do. Unknown_07: Just be you. Just be me. Thing that we know about you. You learn to get up. 0:31:50 Unknown_19: OK, I looped over. I won't make you listen to it a second time. So if you're only listening, it's Seth Rogen married to a black man. And they encourage the kid to just be you. And of course, when he hears the glorious news that he can just be himself, he rushes out in a tutu and tiara and starts shaking his booty in front of his two gay dads. Now, the child, by the way, is obviously completely genetically distinct from Seth Rogen and the black guy that he's being raised by, I guess. So there you go. If you are a cocomelon enjoyer, if you have your little shit locked away in another room right now and you just put on some cocomelon thinking, oh, cocomelon, that's inoffensive. There's not going to be any gay shit or two little boys in tutus. 0:32:22 Unknown_19: I have bad news for you. The gays are inside the house right now. Unknown_19: This is one of the most insulting things I've ever read in my entire life. The New York state legislator is attempting to pass a bill that would require any Chick-fil-A along the highway to be open on Sunday. I have no idea. I think that this bill is just blatantly not constitutional, like it directly infringes on religious freedoms in the United States. 0:32:56 Unknown_19: I don't know how, and it's such a petty thing. It just makes me think, like, did a New York legislator really drive from, like, Buffalo to, what's the capital? Synecdoche? Is that the capital of New York? They drove to Synecdoche, and they took an exit off the freeway to go to get some Chick-fil-A, because I thought, God, I could use a real fucking morning chicken biscuit right now. And they drove up to it, and they got into the driveway, and they realized, 0:33:28 Unknown_19: It's Sunday. Unknown_19: It's Sunday and I can't get my chicken sandwich. And then as he's driving, he's driving a hundred miles to Albany, the capital of New York, which I knew. He's driving to Albany and he has his phone out and he's writing the proposed legislation to open Chick-fil-A's on Sundays. Unknown_19: As like literally texting and driving at a hundred miles an hour, and he has a state license plate So no no state troopers are gonna pull him over as he does this and then as he gets gets to Gets to his office. He submits it forward, and that's just how that's just how it works at this point New York is ran by a red atheist. 0:34:03 Unknown_19: I think the entire world is at this point Let's see if we're gonna care about the Palestine-Israel conflict today Unknown_11: Okay. I have to look something up because I don't want to say this and be wrong. 0:34:56 Unknown_19: Oh, it's really north. Okay. I was like, I looked up where Galilee was. I'm like, he's from Galilee, isn't he? He's not from Palestine. That is in modern day. He could be Lebanese. Maybe it's a, it reaches into modern day Lebanon and also Syria. So there's a chance he could have been Syrian or Lebanese and not modern day Israeli, but he definitely was not a Palestinian Arab. I'm pretty sure. Unknown_22: Nazareth, but not in Galilee. 0:35:32 Unknown_22: My full, where is this? Unknown_22: It's in Galilee. Galilee is like the region. Unknown_19: Isn't it? Yeah, it's it's in Gal. Unknown_19: Oh my God. You guys are trying to freak me out and be like, I'm an idiot. It isn't Galilee. Fuck you. Unknown_19: He was a Jew. That's undeniable. He was not a, a Kazerite Jew though. He was a Unknown_19: Ancient Hebrew. Unknown_19: Motherfucking chat, bitch ass chat. A gamer has been sentenced to life in prison for being autistic. Lapsus Money Sign, who was the guy who leaked the GTA 6 trailer in the United Kingdom, has been deemed mentally unfit and will serve an indefinite incarceration in a mental health facility until he is deemed healthy enough to be released. 0:36:06 Unknown_19: He apparently admitted that he did not care that he broke the law, that he intends to hack again. Unknown_19: And so the court has found him too autistic to live and has sentenced him to life in prison or until a British mental health authority deems him safe to walk the earth again, which I think Unknown_19: I really wanna shine a light on something that I hate, and I hate intellectual property and the way that it's enforced. They have literally, because this guy gained illicit access to a fucking video game trailer, are going to put him in a mental ward until he is so Thorazined up that they can release him back into society, which is like a patently ridiculous fucking thing to even say. It's like horrifying beyond all comprehension. But it is the reality of the United Kingdom, which is a place that people live in. And for some reason, literally, they had to take away the guns of British people so that they would not shoot themselves. Because if I woke up in the United Kingdom, the first thing I would do is try to find a gun to blow my fucking brains out with. But they know that British people would want to commit suicide en masse if they could. So that's why they took away all the guns. And now your options for killing yourself are a lot more gruesome. and require a bit more conviction. I wouldn't even be surprised if nylon was banned in the UK, so you can't facet a fucking noose and hang yourself with. I didn't mean British. 0:37:43 Unknown_19: I have not watched this, so we're going to watch it together. Apparently Harry Potter wasn't good enough, so they decided to make black people into Harry Potter. This is the trailer for the American Society of Magical Negroes, which is the most ridiculous name I've ever heard of. It sounds like something that's 100 years old, but it's coming out in March 22nd in 2024. Unknown_19: So as we enter the new year, here's what you have to look forward to. Let's watch. Unknown_03: Welcome to the American Society of Magical Negroes. 0:38:23 Unknown_20: I know you can feel their discomfort, Aaron. Unknown_20: Oh no! White people! It was the most painful thing I've ever seen. Excuse me. Sorry. I don't want to take you to a job interview. There's a recruiting class starting right now and we gotta get you in it. Unknown_03: Welcome to the American Society. Unknown_19: My god the platform three three and three-quarters is or whatever five and three quarters, whatever the fuck it was It's in a black barbershop. What is what is it with black people in being obsessed with black barbershops? That's like the only facet of culture that black people routinely come back to it's like we got different hair So we get our hair doing the black barbershop now saying It's like that's that's like the third line that connects every black person in the world together We had to go to a different barbershop. So obviously the school for magical negroes would be in the barbershop Of magical negroes 0:38:57 Unknown_14: I don't really understand. It's easier said. Unknown_20: No, he can operate animal on the planet. White people, when they feel uncomfortable, white people feeling uncomfortable precedes a lot of bad stuff for us. That's why we fight white discomfort every day, because the happier they are, the safer we are. 0:39:40 Unknown_14: The name is a little updating, maybe like magical black people, or I guess that doesn't have the same ring. Unknown_20: Oh, wow. Your first client is a Jason Monk. His morale is far too low. Hey. Hey. Unknown_17: Darn it. I was hoping there was a station right next to him. Unknown_20: Oh, is this one spoken for? Unknown_14: No. Unknown_14: Yeah, it's actually fun and weirdly relaxing. So a black person's magic ability is apparating into existence Apple products? Unknown_19: I mean, I think that's accurate. I think if you could give black people like magic, they would just make like iPhones and gold chains and shit. Unknown_14: Being a secret agent with none of the danger. Hey, I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. 0:40:16 Unknown_14: Yeah, she's cool. You're kidding. Come on, man. She's smart and funny. I know what you were doing going on about her. You're trying to set us up. No, no, no. That's not what I was doing. You cannot have a relationship with Lizzie now, because if you don't put even though white people are evil, it's going to be an interracial marriage because it has to be. Unknown_19: It has to be. So even though this is like the one, the only white person in the world who's not evil is the one that wants to suck his dick. I got you. 0:40:50 Unknown_13: I've always felt like it's my job to make white people feel comfortable and here it literally is Wait, what's the issue with this? Unknown_19: Look at this Just felt like it's my job to make white people like all those people first of all they're leaving the building so when you hold the door open it's out and then in that's just the rule that's just how people go out before you go in that's that's that but then they all are carrying stuff he's just being nice like this if this was a white person holding the door you would understand they're leaving and they're holding shit Unknown_19: So why the, I can't believe that this is used as an example and they set it up in such a way that it's like, oh yeah, they're just like, they have their hands full. How nice of him. And he's so inconvenienced by it. He's like, fuck these white people. Don't they know that black people walk in before white people walk out? It's crazy, man. 0:41:30 Unknown_13: It's my job to make white people feel comfortable. And here he literally is. Unknown_13: But maybe it shouldn't be. Unknown_17: I got a great plan to ask her out, but I'm gonna need your help. Do you think you could like work your magic? Unknown_20: Hey, is he talking about me? Unknown_17: Hey. Unknown_20: Oh my, wait, are you? Wait, is that a white person? Unknown_04: What is that woman? Is that, um, the, the fat black lady from, from precious or did they all just, I don't want to say that. 0:42:09 Unknown_19: It's very racist. I was about to say she looks kind of similar to the black lady. That was, um, what's her name? Like Monique. Unknown_19: Monique. No, that's Lizzo. Oh, okay. Sorry. I understand that Lizzo is like a black people name right now, but, um, I'm partial to Monique. I have no idea who this lady is. Unknown_20: You didn't let her go. Like I told you, if you interfere with her or your client, you could have your memory erased. You won't even remember she existed, even though we might never see each other again. Unknown_14: I need you to know that what we had was real. 0:42:42 Unknown_20: I'm curious to see how you're going to make it out all this. Unknown_19: I've decided I don't hate black people anymore, because this is so racist, so blatantly racist and contemptuous to white people, that I am forced to assume that this production exists to inflame racial tensions. And I ask, why do they want to inflame racial tensions yet? I believe that the united front, the socialist front between blacks and whites is necessary. Because this is obviously like, oh, black people, don't you hate white people? And then white people are supposed to look at this and go, God, I hate black people and they hate us. 0:43:15 Unknown_19: Not falling for it. I understand now. This is so, this is so lacking subtlety that now the game plan has been laid bare in front of me, chat. I'm not falling for it. Unknown_19: It's too obvious. Unknown_19: Alright, I welcome all my black brothers in the chat. Let's watch trannies and gays together and hate them. Unknown_19: Uh, oh God, everyone already knows this, but I guess I have to talk about it. A gay man was fucked in the ass in the Senate hearing room. And this was a big deal. Thank you, Ben Shapiro. I will not be subscribing. 0:43:51 Unknown_19: Um, so this gay porn of a gay man being fucked in the ass has been circulated everywhere. Um, and they've called it the American taxpayer position because haha, American taxpayer getting fucked in the ass. Unknown_19: This was circulated around in a telegram group specifically dedicated to gay Capital like staffers and shit. So it was like a like a Like a speakeasy or whatever the fuck just for gay people and they circulated this around and then somehow it leaked out one of the gays betrayed their brethren and published this on the internet and Everyone was upset 0:44:35 Unknown_19: Aiden, my say is a check her up ski who I think he's like a Greek or German pole Came out and said this has been a difficult time for me as I've been attacked for though for who I love to pursue a political agenda Some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment. I love my job It would never disrespect my workplace except for when you get fucked in the ass in it Any attempts to characterize my actions otherwise are fabricated and I will be exploring what legal options are available to me in these matters Unknown_19: Um, as for the accusations regarding Congress and Max Miller, I have never seen the Congressman. I have no had no opportunity or cause to yell or confront him. Unknown_19: So this guy was a, was he a, was he a, um, staffer for Max Miller? He was a staffer. If he was a staffer for Max Miller, how the fuck did he never imagine being employed to help somebody who's a Senator and you've never even met him. 0:45:24 Unknown_19: But I love this guy like I'm gonna sue I've been discriminated against love is love Whenever I think of that like how they started crying love is love We're just we just want to have what the straight people have we just want to have what straight people have with our love it reminds me of common filth because he always had a segment on his uh What was it tumblr he says where he would say anytime they say love you just have to replace that with the word come and it makes more sense this guy's just screaming come is come my come is the same as their come and 0:46:06 Unknown_19: We should be able to spread our cum with everybody that we want to. It just makes so much more sense. Unknown_19: But there's more of this. Unknown_19: Actually, this person said, I'm so pissed off this pervert who had sex in his workplace posted online as crying homophobia because he was called out. Dr. Jan Isaacson says, imagine doing this at your workplace and putting pics of it on Instagram perverts doing Lacan's theory of perversity. Once again, it's not just about breaking rules, but thinking that the rules applied to everyone else don't apply to you. He'll generally not have expected any consequences. Unknown_19: Dr. Simon Goddick says his ex name was Andrei DC 999 they then deleted his account after the video got released His tweets were extremely disturbing and I'm grateful Internet Archive failed to download the picture to this tweet in English This is a slippery slope. We're currently headed down Andrea the man getting fucked in the asses thought Twitter might appreciate these pics at real daddy dick took after pissing pissing on me 0:46:51 Unknown_19: So if you're wondering why our government is so gay and retarded, it's because a man who gets pissed on and fucked in the ass in the Senate hearing room is literally one of the people near the top of the government who's helping the senators decide how to file briefs and shit directly into the Senate. Unknown_19: Uh, the post-millennial announced that the democratic staffer who, Oh, Ben Cardine was the person that, um, that employed him democratic staffer who late filming gay porno and Senate herring room, no longer employed. They say simply Aiden is no longer employed by the U S Senate. We hit, we'll have no further comment on this personal personnel matter. Nothing personnel kid. 0:47:32 Unknown_19: Um, and this I believe is Joe Biden with the man getting fucked in the ass. That's my president. That's my president. I want my, I want my, I want a president whose hands contain eight different strains of AIDS and monkey pox. I want a man who has touched every person who's ever been fucked in the ass. We need this. We need a man with that kind of integrity at the helm, ready to take on the challenges of this new era. 0:48:14 Unknown_19: uh... one final follow-up this is chuck lester saying breaking report fired a two-dimensional may face criminal charges or a viral gay sex tape from the senate uh... terminated for a gay sex tape in the senate now faces criminal charges for the explicit video uh... ben cardin maryland senator dismissed him on saturday afternoon shortly after a video surface of two men engaging in sex what about the other guy why is it that this guy isn't willing to take control of the guy fucking him in the ass is not mentioned at all What is this top privilege is gay top privilege not being fired for fucking a man in the ass the guy getting fucked in The ass is the one that's getting fired in charge of trespassing the man fucking him in the asses It's not even named. It's not even mentioned. Nobody mentions that there's two people engaging in the sex act in the Senate It's all the bottom guy that's taking all the heat the guy the guy that fucked him is just It's not even a factor It's like if the sex tape is filmed in first person, people are thinking like, well, that's me. Like I'm in that position and I only see one person. And it doesn't actually occur to them that no, actually there's two people in this video. It's very bizarre. 0:49:11 Unknown_19: Human psychology is fascinating. Unknown_19: Um, Capitol police are currently investigating the incident featured in 2020 campaign video with Joe Biden. Unknown_19: Uh, he's attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda. Um, I think he's facing trespassing, trespassing and obscenity, which is an interesting choice of charge. So we'll see. Maybe he'll get put into a PPP rape dungeon. Like everybody else that was like trespassing Capitol Hill. 0:49:51 Unknown_19: And one final gay and retarded update. A school board member in Virginia, surprise surprise, Carl Frisch. Carl Frisch. So Frisch. I took his oath of office with his hand on a sack of gay, uh, it was actually gay porn. Yeah. It says LGBT themed books. No, it was gay porn. It says up here for some reason they changed it to LGBTQ themed books. And so I guess you can say LGBTQ themed books instead of gay porn. Unknown_19: Um, so when you take the oath of office, um, it doesn't matter what you don't have to do it on the Bible. It's supposed to be something that matters to you. so um it's usually the bible even atheists usually just do it on the bible because it doesn't really matter but you can do it on the quran i'm sure ilhan omar took uh took it over the quran you can do it on the torah i guess um or if you're being a silly boy you can do it on the satanic bible you can do it on a science textbook or if you're a fat gay retard you can do it on some gay porn and you can for some reason i'm at i don't 0:50:57 Unknown_19: Whenever I hear stuff like this, my first thought is I wish I could see the look on people's faces. If I could go back in time and tell historical figures, this is what is happening in your country. Like later on, imagine like telling the founding fathers. So in a couple hundred years, um, you're going to have fat gay retards swearing into office on stacks of gay porn. Imagine like showing, um, Unknown_19: Um, who is the American general that was like the main rival to Rommel? I can't remember his name. I want to show him, show him the shit and be like, remember, you know what you're fighting for? You're fighting so that people can swear into oath of office on a sack of gay porn. 0:51:34 Unknown_19: Patton. That's it. Patton. I want to show Patton. I got his, I keep getting his name wrong. Someone gave me shit for that too. Unknown_19: show Pat and say, Hey, you know, these tanks are moving around for the good fight in a good fight. Well, you'll be happy to know that in 80 years from now, your your kids will be educated by men sworn in literally, you're literally your children will be educated by men. The big fat gay retard sworn in on gay pornography. Fight. You keep it up, Mr. Patton. General Patton. 0:52:09 Unknown_19: Always a laugh. One day when we invent AI and we can restore these people, we can torture them with the consequences of the actions. Unknown_22: A fascinating new study by the King's College in London, this is an official website from kcl.ac.uk, ac stands for academy so it's like the .edu in the US. 0:52:42 Unknown_19: They have put out a formal study saying that sex assigned at birth could be a better predictor of sports performance than gender identity. Sex may be a more useful explanatory variable than gender identity for predicting the performance of athletes in mass participation races, a new paper has found. Published in the BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, the authors believe that their findings suggest it is valuable to include both sex and gender identity in data collection. So through the magic of science, we have discovered that men are better athletes than women. This is what science is for. We really need the public funding for these universities to put out this hard-hitting data to suggest that their findings are that men are more athletic than women. 0:53:21 Unknown_19: and that such distinctions between male and female athletes is actually valuable. Thank you, science. Thank you, science. Hail Darwin. Hail gay porn. We're really stepping up as a society and answering the questions that have plagued humanity since the dawn of time. 0:53:55 Unknown_19: It's really remarkable. Unknown_19: um, anti-trans swimmer slammed after causing trans team to lose volleyball scholarship. Unknown_19: So if I remember correctly, uh, Riley gains is like, um, was a student who was a swimmer, a college athlete who was let go of, um, their swimming team because she protested having men in her locker room and 0:54:30 Unknown_19: This was a huge deal years ago, and she eventually became a sort of political activist against the participation of men in women's sports. And so she criticized this teenager for getting a female athletic sponsorship. And then they lost it and that's apparently her problem and George to guy says no George could tie could tie to tie Complains and says I can't his voice is very distinct, but I can't I Unknown_19: I can't place it. I can't imitate it. It's too gay. What I love about this, though, is that the comments to this are universally negative. We got George Alexopoulos saying, anti-cheating me. Why do you hate women to Chi? The redheaded libertarian. This is a win for women. 0:55:15 Unknown_19: With over ten times the likes on her tweet even George's post got more likes than two guys Genevieve Gluck says the fact that trans activists are only upset about one girl losing a scholarship reveals. They know full well. He's a boy Same amount of likes gay men pretends. I know what a man is breaking in the overwhelming negative activity really kind of demonstrates how there the the consensus that 0:55:53 Unknown_19: The consensus that trans people are tolerated at the level they are is entirely fabricated. It is top down. There is no popular momentum behind this. In the very nanosecond that you take away the censorship reigns on every social media platform, like Elon Musk just barely loosening up Twitter. has allowed for the consensus to reflect reality and show that there is no popular support for this complete and total humiliation of our species. Unknown_19: That's all it took. It was one platform to say, actually, you can shit talk trainees, and it became apparent immediately. 0:56:39 Unknown_19: Louise Distress had a Carolyn Farrow type incident. By the way, I spoke to Carolyn Farrow on Saturday. That interview was on Rumble, and it's also archived to YouTube, and I will have it archived to my site when I can get it fixed. She says, so yeah, they falsely reported me to the Rossers, which I believe is the police. I'm not sure. On Saturdays, I was arrested and then interviewed under caution about my interview with Andrew Doyle on GB News and my standing for XX speech at Let Women Speak in Leeds. Unknown_19: Five hours later, I was released from custody and told no action will be taken against me because I haven't committed any crimes, obviously. The worst part was when they arrested me, I was naked except for a towel that still had flippin' shampoo in my hair. Then had to get dressed in front of another copper with a body cam like I'm some kind of terrorist. They took mugshots, DNA swabs, and fingerprints too. I'm taking those psychos back to court at Twixmas so they can't any more details right now. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for my having my back when I was in the gulag Especially for Glinner what an absolute fucking farce. So this person all she did is she went out and she spoke about Biological reality when it comes to male versus woman and the police under Arrested her while she was naked like pulled her out of the shower shower and had her dress on camera took her into the without any kind of warrant took all of her by 0:58:02 Unknown_19: There's a good word for it, like biological identification, biometric data. They took all of her biometrics, including her DNA, and put it into basically their terrorist watch list. So if there's ever a hate crime committed, they can scan the DNA at the scene to see if maybe it was Louise Distros, because she has a potential criminal liability. Again, all without a warrant or anything. Unknown_19: And then they let her go because she didn't do anything wrong, even in the UK. But apparently in the UK, you can just allege someone as being transphobic and then they will take you in and they will collect all your biometric data. 0:58:41 Unknown_19: And then they will put you in the possible tranny hate crime database and then let you go after terrorizing you for a little bit. And that's just life in the UK now. Unknown_22: Same thing. Unknown_19: She was a singer and she apparently got cancelled, um, by from, from the music industry in the United Kingdom after being threatened by tranny terrorists. Unknown_19: By the way, okay, this one's funny. So this is Morgan ogre. I am a parent apparently The way you pronounce his name is more gain. Oh, yeah However, the fact that he is a tranny ogre and his name is literally ogre is one of the funniest fucking things ever to happen ever in human history 0:59:21 Unknown_19: So this is Morgan ogre now. You can find more information about Morgan ogre on the Kiwi farms, which is currently up We just go to Kiwi farms net it should redirect you, but it's cute firms at a K right now And you can read about Morgan ogre. It's in the training board have fun But he won an award from the Canadian government for being a hero Unknown_19: Canadian women are expressing outrage after a trans-identified male who campaigned to defund a rape crisis shelter was awarded the Meritus Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada. Morgan Oger, a trans activist from Vancouver, was honored at a ceremony in Ottawa last week. So what he did, he's just an activist, right? But one of the things that happened is that in Canada, there was a trans exclusionary women's shelter because women who are raped and beaten by men generally don't feel safe around men. They might have PTSD. They may not want to see dicks flopping around for a little while after they got raped or whatever, you know, women's stuff, you know, annoying as it is. 1:00:02 Unknown_19: having to cater to these feminists by not flapping dingle dongles in their face after they were traumatized. It's a huge inconvenience to society, really. 1:00:38 Unknown_19: Morgan Oger, or Morgana Oger, heroically stepped up to the plate and said, fear not, trans women, we will flap our dingle dongles in the face of rape victims again. and actually successfully defunded this rape crisis shelter for women because they were trans-exclusionary. So he's a huge winner, a big trans activist hero, and the Canadian government recognizes him for his heroic endeavors. And he is now... what is the medal? Meritus Service Medal. You want a Meritus Service Medal? Shut down a women's shelter. BASC. That's what we call BASC. That's the Canadian government being giga-chad, ultra-chad, meninist. We're talking about the patriarchy. We're bringing it back. Justin Trudeau, with his guile and handsomeness, has convinced the women of Canada that they belong in the kitchen. They belong subjected to the flopping dingle-dongle. He's making Canada a safe place for men, once again. The XY chromosome will go on the Canadian flag instead of the maple leaf. 1:01:47 Unknown_19: Not in Ireland, though. Ireland has punished a male, a poor, innocent male. Unknown_19: He was... Unknown_19: kicked out of school because he refused to refer to a non-binary student as they them. It was ordered to stay away from the school. Unknown_22: I'm not sure why he came back, actually. Unknown_22: Um, return to school. 1:02:25 Unknown_22: I'm not sure why he returned, but he managed to leave. Unknown_19: After he continued to attend the school, it attained a court order barring him from the campus. He continued to show up, prompting. So he was trying to protest the ban by just showing up again, but he violated a court order. So he's being put in jail for 11 days, and that will include Christmas. So he's like a very religious man, and he's offended that he's being compelled to act a certain way by the school system. He tried to protest it in his own way by showing up at the school again. And they decided that the best way to penalize him will be to have him spend Christmas Day in jail to protect the trans kids' feelings. Very important. Thank you, Ireland. 1:03:04 Unknown_22: This is from last year. Unknown_19: More than one year old. 2022. Unknown_19: Chat, it is now my time to complain about something. Unknown_19: I see routinely articles put in my face that are over a year old and people act like they're new and then it falls on me. I had actually before I did this I had a bunch of stuff that I want to talk about and I sorted out like two or three other things that were over a year old and I missed this one and it's so frustrating chat. 1:03:42 Unknown_19: Yeah, it's just these things they crop back up again and get shared around as um as a new the other one that I saw was that in 2022 a Socialist Marxist political group in the in Germany was declared unconstitutional by the Fassungschutz And they said that no, you know Marxist child who will not disrespect capitalism in the new German Bundesrepublik Unknown_19: You are banned, child. And that recently just got another tweet that was like a thousand likes because it was anti-Marxist or whatever the fuck. Unknown_19: But then I read through it and saw that it happened in 2022. Oh well. Hope this guy's doing well. I hope he won. Unknown_19: Let's watch this. Unknown_01: Hey everybody, this is Marc-Gagnon J. I live in a downtown Vancouver speaking of what a coincidence or as you know, and yesterday this was brought to my attention in the in the gayborhood in Vancouver, so This is in baby village and somebody put up a poster here a little sticker that says women facts not feeling and use the hashtag sex not gender and this is 1:05:00 Unknown_01: You know, this isn't a neighborhood where there's a lot of trans people. Actually, I want to pause it here. Unknown_19: While we got this sticker up on the screen, I just got to say real quick, thanks, Doc. 1:05:40 Unknown_19: Sorry. Whenever I see green and purple, I think of that song. Unknown_01: You know, this isn't a neighborhood where there's a lot of trans people. There are lots of trans families here, actually. And as a matter of fact, this is adjacent to a complex where three different transgender families live. On the block, I know of five or six different families with transgender people in it. And this is the kind of messaging that gets put around to indicate to a community in this situation, transgender people and transgender women specifically, to indicate to them that there are people out there who believe that they have the right to have freedom of expression, which is a fact, and that they have the right to insight. Discrimination against women who are transgender and people who are transgender on the basis of gender On the basis of I love how you can listen to this person and just know just know where the way they talk the cadence the Rate at which they speak. 1:06:53 Unknown_19: This is a certified fucking retard Who should nobody should take seriously and yet they're like still a very well-known Activist who can get things getting women's shelters shut down apparently and defunded just crazy Unknown_19: Someone's gonna say oh these stickers by the way, if you ever go to a big city in the EU every lamppost every streetlight corner Unknown_19: every pole and every every big city in europe the eu is covered in stickers and almost all of them are like antifa stickers there's like punch nazi stickers there's the slastic and the bin stickers there's like all these different stickers And a lot of them are like pro-trans now that call like anyone anti-trans a fascist, Nazi, or whatever the fuck. Like you see those anti-fascist things, but then they have like the red flag and the trans flag. And it's just like, it's everywhere. It's everywhere. Anyone who lives in Europe knows that it's like this, that every fucking street corner in Europe, in a big city at least, is covered in this fucking bullshit. And then this guy sees one sticker that he disagrees with and he's like, oh no, this is terrorism. 1:07:39 Unknown_01: And this is not a fact. Unknown_19: We need a Kiwi sticker. We have one. Give me something. Unknown_01: We don't have a right in Canada to incite prohibited discrimination and free expression has its limits as was demonstrated in the OJV Watcott case. which I put up against Bill Watcott of the Human Rights Tribunal of BC in 2017. The 2019 ruling was clear that no, in fact, not all expression is free and that, you know, publishing material stating that being a woman when you're transgender is an impossibility is a violation of people's human rights, especially when done for the purpose of advertising an intention to discriminate or urging others to discriminate on prohibited grounds such as sex or disability or gender identity or expression, all of which are grounds that transgender women have succeeded in the past 30 years to protect their access to women's spaces in Canada. So this is the kind of hateful content. It's like dog whistling of the trans community, trying to make it look like Women's rights are not compatible with the rights of other minorities. And this is not actually a fact. 1:09:11 Unknown_18: Women are a minority. Women are the majority. What a bizarre statement. Unknown_01: The fact of the matter is, in every country that matters to me, so the European Union, Canada, most of the United States, the United Kingdom, sex is read in by the law and by legal judgments to include gender and gender identity, and transgender people are protected by these laws. 1:09:50 Unknown_19: So I want to repeat the sticker next room says women fact not feeling sex not gender That to him is prohibited speech. You should literally go to fucking jail. There should be a Canadian sticker police that round up these stickers forcefully and inflict suffering on the people who apply them Unknown_19: Now we've seen the trannies take some L's and as we hear every day, um, like for instance, in Canada, uh, they talk about how transgender people are subjected to violent terrorism on the basis of their, uh, identity, their sexual identity. 1:10:37 Unknown_19: even though the last transgender person to be the victim of a homicide in Canada was eight years ago, they finally got what they wanted. And in the UK, a 16-year-old boy who wears a dress was violently murdered and stabbed to death by two fellow teenagers in what they are describing as a hate crime. And they finally got it. They finally have a dead tranny to hoist like a flag for their battle cry and use it to justify everything that they could possibly want in the legislative branches of the UK. They can finally say, look, Remember Breonna Gay, the George Floyd of transgenders? Well, how do we prevent like this from happening again? A homicide. Someone was stabbed to death in the UK. This literally never happens. Nobody's ever killed in the UK by stabbing. This must be a hate crime. We must do literally everything that we possibly can. to stop this sudden, this surge of violence. 1:11:17 Unknown_19: The amount of hate crimes, the amount of transgender women murdered in the UK has gone up infinity percent over the last year. How do we stop this? This is an unbelievable metric that must be met with the full force of the United Kingdom government. And they are celebrating this murder for being the excuse of it is. 1:11:51 Unknown_19: Here's a description that Carolyn Farrow pointed out as being a bizarre description of them. Unknown_19: The teacher says, this is a teacher by the way, losing Brianna has been heartbreaking. She was a creative, witty young lady who was robbed of the chance to overcome her anxieties, robbed of the chance to grow up, and robbed of the chance to fulfill her ambitions of training in hair and beauty. Her nails matching with her phone case, her fluffy handbag and coat, the over the knee white socks with a rolled up skirt. 1:12:30 Unknown_19: The amazing hair extensions and lashes that went out for days. Her creativity and flair for fashion. She was iconic in her look. She had a sparkle and you could never miss her. Once met, never forgotten. The loss of life is awful. Child even worse but what happened to brown was beyond comprehension has changed me as a person in my outlook on life forever Saying people in the media talk about her being bullied is hurtful on so many levels Least of all how disrespectful this is to Brianna. She was a sharp-tongued I know as this I was only receiving of it many time. Ew 1:13:04 Unknown_19: Was had a young start a strong sense of justice and was not afraid to say what she thought So Brianna sounds like a fucking menace who went around shit-talking everybody at school fucking constantly and also shit-talked his teachers Constantly and was allowed to get away with it because he was the transgender kid at the school That's what I'm getting from this Unknown_19: She had a very close relationship with staff due to the nature of her personalized and bespoke timetable in school. So she had a completely custom attendance sheet that was unique to them, probably because they were delinquent. She was not in the main body of school due to her social anxiety. She never alleged any bullying, and I would pity the person who had tried to be honest. So the news tried to run with the story that this person was bullied relentlessly and then murdered. Unknown_19: The reality seems to be that the person going by the name Brianna was extremely vocal, willing to tell anyone what was on his mind at any time, including the staff, had to be catered to round the clock with a completely customized schedule that nobody else had, and then also complained about social anxiety while being apparently fearless in both dress sense, Style outward appearance in general and also their ability to speak and yell at people and then also they use these extremely filtered Shots to try and show how how attractive and passing young Brianna gay was and it's just a man and a woman's outfit by the way 1:14:21 Unknown_19: Fun fact, I was told that this outfit that they're wearing to school is actually not a part of the uniform that they have to wear at the school. So not only was this person, probably because they're a man and taller than most women, but the skirt's riding up high, so you could probably see his dingle dongle at the right angle. Unknown_19: And it's not in not in code. So they had their own uniform as well. Everything around this person's life was devoted to ensuring that they were as unbothered as possible and always got what they wanted. And by the way, the two people 1:15:17 Unknown_19: The two students, the male and female student who stabbed this person, they were found guilty recently, and they are going to be sentenced to life. The judge has already said that when sentencing comes, they will be sentenced to life in jail. The people that stabbed Breonna Gay are 15 years old. Unknown_19: They were tried as adults, they were found guilty. In the UK, you don't have a jury of your peers, so the powdered wig judge was the one that overheard everything, and will also get to decide sentencing, and the judge already hinted that he would probably give them both life. So, these two people are gonna be getting life in jail at the age of 15 for murder, and it is assumed, regardless of what the facts are, that this was a hate crime. 1:15:53 Unknown_19: When the reality could have been that this person bullied these two people relentlessly, because from what the teacher says, they were very sharp tongue and were. Unknown_19: They were simultaneously riddled with social anxiety and also completely unafraid to tell people what's what at any time and were never bullied. So they were at the top of the bullying hierarchy, apparently. Unknown_19: You are in the UK, you are a fucking retard. Unknown_19: Shocking ruling Canadian judge has ordered it be illegal to call drag queens that perform sex explicit shows in front of children groomers. The ruling now allows drag queens to sue concerned parents for damages. So if you say this drag queen showing his dingle dongle in a speedo in front of a three year old is a groomer that is called defamation per se in Canada. 1:16:40 Unknown_19: And we're ruling the education board in the United Kingdom recently put out a Clarification on policy that is very anti trans so this might be rolled back because of the Brianna gay shit, but I Unknown_19: It basically says teachers are not required to help with social transitioning. Parents must be informed about gender identity issues at school. Social transitioning is a last resort following appropriate health care for mental health and stuff. It basically goes down and it seeds what every TERF would want, unapologetically. It's a very strange thing that came out of left field of the United Kingdom. 1:17:19 Unknown_19: Don't know at the same time at New Zealand by the way banned trainees and sports, so The pendulum my lads the pendulum swings It still allows for special kids to be affirmed so it's useless it's also optional Yeah, that sounds about right. It probably depends on where you live, but that's their guidance coming out. Oh 1:18:01 Unknown_19: Okay, we're kind of heading into the, uh, the locale stuff. I apologize. This is very news heavy. This, this episode, I've just been keeping track of stuff that's been happening this week. There's been a lot happening. Unknown_19: Let's watch these people for a bit and get angry. If you're wondering, this is a straight with extra steps couple. 1:18:44 Unknown_04: After we get dressed in the clothing of the opposite sex, we make some coffee and breakfast. On the menu today is egg, homemade biscuit, and leftover meat from Ezra's top surgery. Mmm, protein. Time for some exercise. It is my all-time dream to dominate in women's sports. So, I'll spend two hours bench-pressing Ezra while he researches for local public restrooms that we haven't terrorized yet. Then, to get out of the house, we'll go hunt for the neighborhood children so we can force them into drag and teach them the ins and outs of transgenderism. Once we've successfully turned all the kids trans, we'll head back home to start winding down. We will spend at least three hours engaging in biological heterosexual intercourse just to pull an Uno Reverse card on God and really rub it in her face. 1:19:27 Unknown_04: Before bed, we always make sure to pray to Satan, thanking him for blessing us with mental illness and doing his work through us. Thanks for watching. Unknown_19: Yeah, obviously this is satire. They're, they're trying to be like, this is what people think trainings are like. Um, but this literally had to like, okay, this is funny because a big thing on. Unknown_19: the internet right now is all these people like it's almost unavoidable like like the the white woman hatred on Twitter is like if you want to make a lot of money on Twitter you want to get like clicks and you want to get like thousands of subscribers just make a channel where you repost poll memes about white women being whores and people will flock to you by like the hundreds of thousands so here's a rage bait video that went out about how women are whores 1:20:19 Unknown_19: Well, it's not a video. It just says I've slept with almost a thousand people 9387 to be exact If you're gonna slut shame the people doing this trend slut shame me instead. I fucking dare you D-max says hi mount mileage. Show me the vag fags and she's still alive. Hmm interesting Unknown_19: Surprised this girl is still walking. Lol woman says only God can judge me. God says you're a whore from zap pap Not Jerome Powell with another 4,000 likes posted this screed about how his girlfriend's a whore fatherless behavior Why a daughter needs a dad when your education was as liberal as your sex life and 1:21:01 Unknown_19: Uh, women will say this is okay behavior, but ignore the fact it's self-induced trauma. Some people can't wait to bring her home to meet the parents. Mom, this is a cum dumpster. Cum dumpster, this is my mom. Unknown_19: She kept track? What is she, 25 years old? All these people, women, retard whores, white women, bad. I don't know if this person's white, but Western women, bad. Uh, let's check out the gender identity chat. I do believe that this is a they-them 20-year-old transgender and this is not actually a woman. So all these people with their thousands of likes jerking themselves off about how Western women are whores and how every woman you meet in college has a body count of 20 million. 1:21:36 Unknown_19: It's actually a gay man and you fell for it You couldn't even tell if you were in college and you were looking for a cum dumpster for the night You would have fucked a man in the ass like you were a staffer in the Senate get rekt Unknown_19: Kefful is adopting a child, or considering adopting a child. Kefful says, I am such a proficient hater, I earn enough money that I'm looking for a house and I'm considering adopting a child. I will hate so hard that I have to put a kid through school. 1:22:19 Unknown_19: And then says, I'm a loyalist, as in the Irish politics. I'm a loyalist because loyalists are retarded at running the country and I can afford to rent a six-bedroom house here because they destroyed the economy. Unknown_19: That's a really fun thing to say. If you are Irish, I'm sure the idea that you pay what you do for rent and Keffels lives in a six bedroom house by himself and is looking to fill that with Irish children is an infuriating statement because there is a housing crisis in Ireland and rent is extraordinary. Unknown_19: Luke has also put out a video explaining how he was raped. He put out a video. What's weird is that, I'm going to show you this real quick actually. 1:22:53 Unknown_19: This okay, you see this thumbnail capos has this really gross like actually disgusting viscerally disgusting thumbnail that he puts on all of his videos That is like just his gross man tits pressed together like it actually nauseates me saying this gross floppy Slappers just you know Hanging there with the yeah, I'm the third tit in the middle. Oh, oh my god, look it actually it literally triggers my gag reflex and Um, but he put out this video and said, I am, I was raped and then used his flappy boppers as a enticing thumbnail for this video about how he was raped in the ass. And he went on for about three hours about how his ex-boyfriend, uh, ex-fiancee was a rapist who abused him in every way and was also a Kiwi farms member or something. Um, which included, uh, a nice little bit of Keffel's malding about, um, the Kiwi farms. 1:23:26 Unknown_00: Blood continued on the same thread and said, I'm bitter that Clara, a person I considered to be a friend, broke bread with a man who shared our doxing thread to his chat. 1:24:15 Unknown_00: My tenure as a Keffels mod is the very reason I became and remain an active Kiwi target in the first place. Unknown_00: And this is Blood posting a screenshot from the Kiwi Farms, um... I forgot the name of the app. Unknown_00: The app that a lot of Nazis use, Telegram. Telegram. I think it's Telegram. More people use it than just Nazis, but this was from the Kiwi Farms Telegram where Joshua Moon posted blood saying, they spent months on end obsessively talking about us and I still have intensively violent fantasies about unaliving Joshua Moon as a result. 1:25:13 Unknown_00: There was a reply to this. What is this supposed to prove? This is just kiwi farms complaining about being taken down and then being brought back up again. Just say, I don't like Vosh and I'm bitter that a streamer that I'm parasocially attached to is friends with him. It's really easy. Unknown_00: And I need to remind everyone that to this day, Unknown_00: Kiwi Farms hates my fucking guts. Unknown_00: This was from a couple days ago. This is Joshua Moon's Twitter account. 1:25:47 Unknown_00: He's active. He's on Twitter. He's tagging me. He is instigating harassment against me. Unknown_00: It never ended. Unknown_00: It never came to an end. Unknown_00: And the only reason I don't talk about it is because even if the site is completely dead forever, they're still gonna be around and they will hate me until my dying breath. 1:26:28 Unknown_00: And I simply want to move on with my life. Unknown_00: And bringing up kiwi farms as some sort of gotcha is victim-blaming. Unknown_19: So what are you, this is where my ex comes in. Unknown_19: Okay. So what he, there's no one more thing, by the way. Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_19: Okay, I'll explain this and then I'll go back on this Keffel's also accused ex-mod. So Leo one of his discord tranny Jenny's of being removed from his position for sexual harassment against Keffel's Of course, so this is like two people is accused of sexual harassment Additionally Keffel's also strongly insinuated Xander Hall sexually harassed him by comparing him to Taylor Swift as well as in a reverse mean that includes the phrase hop off Zan's cock or doll 25 because the number of videos Keffel's I made on gender Hall this week and Finally the ex-fiancee who was accused of rape came forward with additional accusations this time that Keffel's let his guinea pig die by drowning in two inches of water. Keffel's plans on buying more guinea pigs in the coming months. A big part of that was Keffel's complaining that this person, their ex-fiancee, had tried to compel them to get rid of his guinea pigs that he apparently had had for a while. 1:27:22 Unknown_19: And the ex-person shot back by saying, why is it so slow on this, on Librewolf? Because when I do it on Chrome it works just fine. Unknown_19: It's annoying They say as long as unverifiable claims about pets are being made Keffel's literally let her favorite guinea pig drown to death on like two inches of water There are multiple summers where she let four of them roam in their own way so long that we get massive fruit fly infestations For my part my cat is alive at 13 years. She's healthy and happy and most definitely won't die of neglect so the 1:28:09 Unknown_19: I don't even know why Keffels is so weird and pissy about this person. And in their efforts, by the way, to condemn their ex-fiancé of doing him wrong, Keffels reveals that, number one, Unknown_19: that the reason why Keffels moved to Ireland to begin with was because of the breakup and trying to get away from this person. 1:28:47 Unknown_19: Whereas in all the publications about the Kiwi farms, Keffels explicitly said over and over and over again that they had left Canada fleeing from Kiwi farms inspired terrorism. Unknown_19: Keffels also said that the Kiwi Farms was the first one to dox them and dox their family. And that's not true because they revealed in private to Destiny that Doxbin was the website that doxed them and also their entire family. So the initial incident about the swatting that happened, and the swatting was just a police investigation over an email, it was not like an actual attempted breach entry or whatever. That's a lie that it wasn't the Kiwi farms, and then also the the tourism that the nice GoFundMe inspired European tour that he took to Ireland was also a lie Admittedly it was always obvious that they just went to just went to Europe to Spend some money that they just got from a GoFundMe under the guise of it being necessary flight for life But then now it's explicit that what Keffels did wasn't just fly to Ireland and move there. 1:29:54 Unknown_19: Keffels left this person's, the house that they were living at together, to fly in with another sexual partner. So when Keffels said that they fled the country to avoid the Kiwi farms, that was also demonstrably a lie. And what's sad Unknown_19: And my big rant this month, or in the last day, has been about Wikipedia. These articles that are trusted news sources republish lies, and they cannot be compelled to unpublish their lies. And then at the same time, Keffels is now free to basically renege on their entire story, repurpose the events of 2022 to harm their ex-partner, who they're trying to accuse of rape. 1:30:38 Unknown_19: And then at the same time, while undermining their original story about the Kiwi farmers being a threat against them, that fact, those allegations by those journalists will never go back into the bottle. It'll never be put back in and it will never be removed from Wikipedia. And it will still be Keffels fled the country to get away from Kiwi farms that was habitually doxing them and trying to murder rape them. While Keffels is free to gallivant about how the underlying cause was actually a domestic dispute with their fiance. Unknown_19: I mean, this is a really tight example of how the narrative that people are being fed, and how journalism works, and how Wikipedia works, is a fucking farce. 1:31:24 Unknown_19: It's disgusting. Honestly, it fills me with such an enormous amount of contempt. Unknown_22: Cool. Thanks, Keffels. Unknown_22: God I don't let me collect my thoughts about this real quick Unknown_22: So there, um, this is a VTuber drama thing. Unknown_19: So I don't even know if I really want to talk about this. 1:31:55 Unknown_19: Apparently someone joined the Kiwi farms. Speaking of stocking, uh, someone joined the Kiwi farms. He was like a mega fan of like a, um, a VTuber and, uh, has been stalking them for, for years and then joined the Kiwi farms to talk about it. Sarah says sometimes on discord she would screen share her art for a movie or whatever But sometimes she'd show an email browser window or something else like she had no fucking excuse. She should have been more careful But yeah, she really ruined me mentally and psychologically over a number of things and even when I tried to fix things She was dismissive. She wouldn't read the letter. I gave her which wasn't an apology She looked at the nice card. I gave her with an in-progress art of a chibi exhibition months ago She just wanted to pay the money and fuck off How aren't great for you, especially when I told that her, that was a 5% chance she could have gotten that package found. And I showed her everything being opened up by the original parcel company. Like she acknowledged that I would be sending it to her, but she took forever and confirming that she ever got the package. And I asked her on discord if she did no reply. So this guy's like sending her unsolicited, uh, gifts and shit in the mail and was getting upset that she's not confirming it. 1:33:05 Unknown_19: See if the site wants to comply and give me what I asked for. Unknown_19: If not, let me actually try switching the VPN real quick. I don't know if my VPN actually works on this browser. I don't think it does, which is the issue. Unknown_19: For some reason, the proxy service of Firefox is like really shit. Unknown_19: Uh, her name is Charlotte, an artist who knows quite a lot of VTubers, including those in small corpora that I watch. A few of them plus their owner known for a Minhera artist. I pissed her off and tried to fix things, but things got worse. Her abusive mods went after me and she wouldn't do shit. And she was going around talking shit about me instead of just sorting it out and giving me something back. And her abusive mods go after me in channels and servers. 1:33:39 Unknown_19: Um. Unknown_19: I didn't want to name her for reasons, but I'm sick of this shit. I just don't want to make her upset. I made mistakes, but so did other people. I got in a real bad way over this. VTuber people are like the most mentally ill demographic in the entire planet. I don't understand how you can watch a woman, quote unquote, do a puppeteering ventriloquist act with a cartoon and then watch that shit for hours on end. I just don't get it. 1:34:17 Unknown_22: Suddenly they have a relationship dude They make all this money all these vtubers, but this is the trade-off is that you have these desperate insane violent sexually violent weirdos Who are definitely gonna kill you one day if they fall in love with you? Unknown_19: Jonathan yamiv was found guilty of criminal mischief for pulling a fire alarm and 1:34:53 Unknown_19: I think I have oh, yeah rebel news rebel news is the company that Like took all the Kiwi firms info and turned into like a big deal Because if you don't remember I like your I love reminding people of Jonathan on it because he basically had carte blanche access to censor everybody on everything and Unknown_19: on all social media until months after he filed those human rights tribunal complaints about the people who wouldn't wax his balls, and then he lost control of the narrative and people stopped censoring for him. Unknown_22: What does he get? Unknown_22: Does he not have sentencing he just found guilty of assaulting or of mischief? 1:35:51 Unknown_22: Oh Then tried to charge him for assault too, but they didn't get him guilty on assault So apparently you can just walk around pushing people in the UK or in Canada and that's fine. Unknown_19: Oh Here's the picture of him Unknown_19: or video of him. Unknown_19: Oh, this is of the incident. I think this is inside the lobby of their senior living facility. So we, I think we're going to get to see, uh, Yana push somebody, assuming that the site wants to collaborate. I mean, that's pretty violent. Unknown_22: Oh no, he struck first. You can see right here. Um, he goes ahead and 1:36:35 Unknown_19: I guess he touches the dog and that's why Yana freaks out. That's probably why he's not guilty. Cause he has his dog, his therapy dog or whatever. And then, um, because the guy like touches the dog and spooks them, um, he strikes out. So that's, I would, I would guarantee you that's why he wasn't guilty of assault. Cause he, the guy touched his dog first. 1:37:07 Unknown_19: Poor dog stuck in stuck being owned by a tranny. Tragic. Unknown_19: So Melina the woman that destiny was in a poly relationship with is now apparently accusing him of domestic abuse This is a really shocking development. Nobody saw this coming I'm irritated by a couple things One thing I'm irritated about Is that My ex-wife has reached out to a ton of people and 1:37:45 Unknown_12: At least I'll say at least five mutual friends have alerted me. I have no idea how many other are affected basically saying that I've lied about a ton of stuff and that I am abusive Where I guess abusive means I've lied before Or cheated that's like what abusive means now, I guess which is chill. You know, I'm cool with that Sometimes we Unknown_19: I'm being accused of being a domestic abuser. I'm cool with that though. I agree with that definition I just say I just deny the accusation Cool very cool destiny he also did something also really cool destiny has some kind of mental condition. I don't know it's it's really sad 1:38:30 Unknown_19: because he was one of the only people ever, ever, and this is my hang-up with him, he was one of the only people ever to stick his neck out and say anything about the Kiwi farms that wasn't wholesale negative. And he wrote a really detailed, really comprehensive takedown of all the suicide accusations about the forum. Making him one of the only reliable like third-party narratives about the forum that I could ever use in my defense But he's such a retard He's such a fucking retard and he says the dumbest shit imaginable all the fucking time and I don't know why he's like this And so this person I mentioned on my last train that there was a man I think in the UK Who was walking into a barn? 1:39:14 Unknown_19: taking his belt off, wrapping it around baby cow's necks, and sodomizing them to death. Unknown_19: Thrill killer who will become a serial killer in the future let go with like one year of Probation or something. It was like a really meager sentence. It was ridiculous when clearly he should just be shot dead because he's a threat to society Aliza says the man raped calves until he died he choked baby calves He needs to be put down like a dog with rabies or chemically castrated. He's a danger to society 1:39:51 Unknown_19: A friendly reminder that people who are chemically castrated still offend. Unknown_19: But Destiny replies to this saying, like in the action notation, nods affirmingly between bites of cheeseburger. And I know what his argument is. His argument is that meat eating and meat consumption is no different than animal abuse, when you broadly consider the argument. And I've heard this argument before. If you were a longtime listener of my podcast, you will know that I once had an argument with YMS. Unknown_19: And YMS made the exact same argument in defense of a guy who was fucking his dog? 1:40:29 Unknown_19: I don't know what, you know what, okay, here's what it was. He was sucking his dog off. He had a shitty little dog, and he was giving it blowjobs. And Adam actually came to this guy's defense and said, there is literally no harm in giving a dog a blowjob. Unknown_19: And in defense of this, he said that it was the same, giving a dog a blowjob is demonstrably less abusive than meat eating. Unknown_19: And this might have been a convincing argument to some people. However, there's a problem with that. The dog died. The dog received a urinary tract infection and died. So because obviously a dog's sexual parts are not designed to filter out the kind of bacteria that exists in a human mouth. So the result of giving this dog a blowjob was that it fucking died in an excruciating way. And so it's not really the same as meat eating. 1:41:02 Unknown_19: And now, but you know, at least in YMS's perspective, he has a belief that animals can consent. 1:41:38 Unknown_19: The argument, I guess, that if you can get up to a female lion and fuck a female lion, if the lion doesn't turn around and claw your throat out, then it's consensual. I suppose that's the argument. And in some retarded perspectives, that might be persuasive. However, in Destiny's perspective, Unknown_19: You have someone who is, there's no consent at all. There's no way to construe this as being a consensual thing. When you tie down a baby animal and fuck it to death, when you rupture its colon and it bleeds out, there is no consent involved. There's no possible way to construe that as a mutual relationship, like YMS would do with certain animal sex relationships, which is weird, but whatever. 1:42:21 Unknown_19: Destiny is like, yeah, sure, meat eating is the same as fucking baby animals to death. Unknown_19: And his argument, I suppose, apparently what people will do, what people say he does, is that he will make a dipshit ass statement like this that has an obvious argumentative counter to it. And then he'll say, hey, jump on my stream, bro. I'll debate you, bro. Smiley face. Then you get on a stream and then he's just sitting there playing factorio and he'll spin up all these arguments of like debate, bro Linguistic tricks to try and bait you into like a different argument than you expect like he'll focus super hard on the the vegan aspect and try to compare try to argue the ethics of veganism and While not really addressing the retardedness of his initial claim So it's it's so frustrating that like when one of the only people who's genuinely neutral who ever said anything in defense of the kiwi farms is like one of the dumbest faggots ever It's frustrating champ Boogie is really I don't know the quartering retweeted this and said wow boogie. You're really leaning into that pedophile shit. I 1:43:03 Unknown_19: I mean, she does look like an adult in this kind of. They're so creepy. They're a whole relationship. Like, cause she, she's so young. She's like half his age. Unknown_19: And then she also looks like she's retarded and she talks like a retard. So it's like, not only is he twice her age in a holds a hundred percent of the power in this relationship. She's also like demonstrably like fucking stupid and boogie is smarter than her, which is a incredible, but. 1:44:00 Unknown_19: It's really creepy and weird. If you're only listening, it's a picture of Boogie Dress as Santa, and he has, uh, Desiree, his girlfriend, like, sitting in his lap like a little kid. Unknown_19: Like a Christmas mall Santa. Unknown_19: Um, that's a bit weird. Unknown_22: Um, and this is some drama with iDubbbz and, um... Let me make sure I got my notes right on this. I thought there were two things related to this. 1:44:33 Unknown_22: No, there's not. This is iDubbbz and H3. Unknown_19: H3 was hosting a award show called the Streamys and apparently there was a an uh-oh moment with iDubbbz and Tana Mongoose and Tana Mongoose is the the person that he snuck up on at a convention and say say nigger and She like shit herself live on air. So I'm pretty sure that's what what that what their prior relationship is and Unknown_19: Uh-oh, she's coming to give a punch. Unknown_08: Look right into this camera with me. 1:45:06 Unknown_02: Uh-oh. Unknown_08: Say forgiveness! Unknown_18: That was good. You had me sweating though for a minute. She should have just said it. She should have said it back. Unknown_19: That would have been the ultimate revenge. That would have been so awesome. Unknown_19: There was no way that guy didn't have his finger on the button ready to go. Unknown_19: Tana Mongoose made iDubbbz and Ethan Klein shit themselves live on stage. 1:45:42 Unknown_19: He doesn't mention it here, but after this part, both iDubbbz and Ethan had to go backstage and change their pantaloons because they were filled with shit. Unknown_19: Then I had some internet retard slap fight content, the best kind of content. Uh, here is Rakeda, uh, explaining how YouTubers are the worst. This is a one day old clip. Every day Rakeda is putting out fresh content, um, about how YouTube, how everyone has wronged him in the world. Unknown_19: Let's see. I think this is the right clip. If not, I'll just play it Cuz I have that on backup. I love Nina. She's awesome. 1:46:22 Unknown_17: She's wonderful. You guys should poor Nina Gonna get gonna get loved two times in the back of the head. I Unknown_17: Excuse me. You guys should check her out. Unknown_17: Need infinity. Check out her shows. She has both like good news stuff, like happy shit. And she also has very serious cultural commentary and critique. Unknown_17: Also, she's kind of cute and she's super nice. Unknown_17: And to anyone who wants to take that the wrong way, Nina is a very good friend of mine. And I hate, I hate, hate, hate that people will take me saying, Oh, like she's kind of cuter. She's super nice. And they'll be like, guys. 1:46:55 Unknown_17: He's a great person. I like her a lot. We get along really well. We talk to her all the time. They're very... Whenever I hear Rikada say some dumb ass shit, I revert to a Islamic extremist. Unknown_19: I go... And just have a total, like a total regression in personality. Unknown_17: Few YouTubers out there that I will still talk to. I know people are like, no one associates with Rikada. Guys, I stopped associating with so many people. You know why? Because they're dishonest. 1:47:34 Unknown_17: You know who's never, ever dishonest? Unknown_17: Me, I'll just tell you. I don't fucking care. Oh, shit. Just me. I just... But a lot of people, especially... I just realized that my video on Zitter is titled Live with Carolyn Farrow instead of what it should be. Unknown_19: And it's been over an hour, so I can't fix it. Whoops, I need to change that on my restraining service law to community. 1:48:08 Unknown_17: I've talked about this a couple times. They're not great Nina is a very steadfast and great person who's always nice. She will always tell me what she disagrees with and agrees with She'll always check in on me. See if I'm doing okay, and I'll check in on her to see if she's doing okay because we're friends That's it. If you want to make that weird or gross you can go do whatever the fuck you want to do. It's the Internet Unknown_17: If you do that, may I suggest killing yourself humbly? I'm tired of stop. I stopped telling people to kill themselves a long time ago. I'm retracting that policy. 1:48:39 Unknown_17: If you wanna make something that's innocent and nice into something that's gross, kill yourself. I'm fucking done with you people. But if you're good people out there who like good, honest people with integrity, Nina Infinity's awesome. She's always been a good friend of mine and I will always stand by her in that way. That's just like a print though. Unknown_19: It's just like a regular, it's like a glass that's made in the trillions and they put like a logo over it. 1:49:13 Unknown_19: Here's Nina. If I made a whiskey glass, I'd want it to be something really special. Unknown_17: I'm so fucking tired of the internet making anything else out of whatever is said. Unknown_19: If I made a Kiwi Farms whiskey glass, I would have it handcrafted in the shape of Rakeda's head, and it would just be like a glass Rakeda skull, and you would be drinking out of that. It would be like a double, because the nose is so big, it would be a double shot whiskey glass. And you just slam that bad boy back. It would be special. You guys would really appreciate it. They have great at merch. In another life, I'm an expert merchandiser. I know how to make special stuff that people really like. 1:49:43 Unknown_19: Uh, this is, uh, that wasn't actually, I mean, that clip is funny, but this is the clip that I was thinking about that I wanted to share with everybody. I posted it on Zitter. So if my, my website's not cooperative, I will, uh, just play it on Zillow. Unknown_19: Not Zillow, Zitter. Unknown_22: There we go. Okay. Here we go. Okay. 1:50:15 Unknown_22: Here we go. Okay. Unknown_17: Look, some drug addicts are really shitty, shitty people. But you got to realize like people who are drug addicts, they're addicted to a substance and they can't, they can't do anything other than acquire that substance. They, they don't know how to function without it. 1:50:45 Unknown_19: So I'm going to take a double, realize like people who are drug addicts, they're addicted to a substance and they can't, they can't do anything other than acquire that substance. Unknown_17: They, they don't know how to function without it. Unknown_19: There's something so weird, like the bottle licking thing is so viscerally disgusting that when I see it, I like flinch. I cringe every time. And it's not, I'm not saying that just to be like, you know, an asshole and try to like really hype it up. No, really. It's super gross to me. The lick is so cringe, bro. It makes my I don't know. I have like a physiological reaction. It makes my makes me like recoil a little bit I can feel the anxiety on the back of my neck. It's kind of like in Alien where the printer, you know, the alien opens its mouth and And then the second little mouth comes out and it's like scary. It has like a like a fight-or-flight reaction in me because I it's just like I don't know I should like I don't want to be licked He's like sticking out his tongue and curling it and saying oh god. He's really trying to lick my face or something It's so good. Like my monitor is so close to my face. I like It's sort of like oh, he's reaching out to lick me and it scares me. It scares me chat. It scares me. It's it's a Perverse it's appalling to me my good senses 1:52:04 Unknown_19: Baron Gil Fillon, who is the head of ISOM, as in the International School of Ministries, announced, and I will read this entire thing because it's actually, I don't know, it seems kind of nice, kind of not mean-spirited. He says, I am announcing a settlement between Good Shepherd and Eric July and Ripaverse LLC, the ISOM trademark lawsuit update. Unknown_19: at Eric July. It is with a sense of joy and relief that we at Good Shepherd Ministries announce that we have fully resolved our dispute with Mr. Eric July and his Ripaverse companies. This is being announced during this season where we celebrate God sending his son to resolve a major issue between him and humankind, not that the two events anyway are compatible, but in desire to reconcile is the appropriate analogy. 1:52:55 Unknown_19: Both Mr. July and I, Reverend Barron Gillifan, are people who profess a Christian faith, and we both ultimately answer to our one master, Jesus Christ. You can tell this guy is all about it, I guess. It is therefore right that we come to the table and discuss very real issues and find ways that are mutually acceptable to resolve them. Unfortunately, this had to play out in a very public and in an ultra-polarized social and political environment. Unknown_19: It is somewhat miraculous that, despite all the hateful rhetoric online and the thousands of hours of other negative online commentary, reason and commonality have prevailed. We are grateful to Mr. July and all the lawyers involved for their attention to details, their willingness to create a legitimate separation in our names and branding, and for the countless hours both sides put into the negotiations. In the end, a willingness to find a solution drove us to a mutually acceptable agreement. We look forward to going on with this issue resolved each in our separate lanes And we wish mr. July in the river verse lands a wonderful christmas in 2024 and beyond Attached is eric july's statement, which i've listened to Most of it there are shots at basically everybody in this eric july calls everyone a fucking snake uh, he makes fun of ricada says uh, you know, I heard a lot of stuff from people on the internet and people seem to think that the prevailing opinion is the one that they hear the most often but 1:53:40 Unknown_19: I have actual lawyers that work for me every day, none of them with substance abuse problems." So he's, like, openly shitting on Rakeda and stuff. And then Dick comes out, and his dipshit-ass opinion is that they settled, so therefore Eric admits wrong. And there's two things with that. 1:54:18 Unknown_19: First of all, almost every lawsuit in the world settles out of court, unless there is, like, a serious infringement, and it cannot be resolved. Unknown_19: Diplomatically like a lot of times you file in court, and they just settle that's just how it goes because if you think about it in Most cases the damages are not going to be less than the cost of going to trial like in almost no cases is it worth pursuing a jury trial over Just settling like even if you're in the right. That's almost all quick cases settle out of court the other thing is that 1:55:06 Unknown_19: There's an often misattributed Bible verse that people, especially neo-pagans, like to throw around as proof that Christianity is like a very weak religion that shouldn't be taken seriously and is open to being exploited by Jews or whatever. That's the verses about turning the other cheek. Unknown_19: Turning the other cheek is literally about court cases. It is very specifically in a legal disagreement between two Christian parties that you should not pursue revenge as a policy. 1:55:49 Unknown_19: Theoretically, if Eric July and this other guy, Baron, are Christian, then it is appropriate that they would turn the other cheek, and they would not seek revenge as a legal policy, and would just settle out of court. But I don't know. I guess that kind of thing doesn't really apply to Dick Masterson, who has to pretend that he's right all the fucking time, or for internet clout. Unknown_19: Finally air we get the information that we've all been waiting for Ethan Ralph has teased at his spicy latinx GF He says I've been given the go-ahead to do a live stream to Cancun tomorrow if we hit the goal tonight that kill the stream Senorita signed the decree so here it is 1:56:40 Unknown_19: Finally is happening Ralph has hooked up with a spicy latinx and he's going to Cancun with her and The world is is right as it is. I can't wait. There's so many twists and turns upcoming You know what? In fact, I'm gonna go ahead and give this a like that's right chat live on air live liking the Ralph Lamille tweet. Unknown_19: I Wish him luck with his crowdfunding expedition to go to Cancun Unknown_19: Then I get some reddit stuff let's let's proceed with the reddit stuff chat Unknown_19: Reddit says, uh, how to touch a woman's boobs. So the line I came up with is I don't mean to be rude and I certainly don't want to be creepy, which is already very creepy. Just letting you know. Uh, but I gesture by bringing my hand up and cupping them around the breast area. So immediately walk up to a woman. This is what he's proposing. Walk up to a woman announced that you are possibly going to be rude and creepy immediately, uh, sexually assault her by grabbing her breast and then say, 1:57:23 Unknown_19: Uh, these are amazing. Then after she blushes and says, thanks. So this is what's going to happen. A hundred one, 10 times out of 10, this is what's going to happen. And then after she blushes and says, thanks, follow up with, I don't mean to be out of line, but would it be okay if I could have a feel? Oh, so don't actually touch them. Just place them there in a threatening way where if she doesn't move, she will brush up against you and then ask permission to proceed. He then asked, so what do you think? What would I need to tweak to make this work? Uh, what do you think, chat? What do you think? This guy's plan is basically perfect. I don't think that there's any way to improve upon this. 1:58:02 Unknown_19: Um, do you guys think that there's any issues with this? You think that there's anything you could tweak about this there? I mean, he's already at like a 10 out of 10, you know, maybe nine of the 10. One of the women will be like, Oh, actually, no, you can't. That's okay. Ha ha. And then walk away. Anything. Yeah. 1:58:41 Unknown_19: Yeah. Great. Try, try with a trune first. That's a good idea. Unknown_19: This guy's cracked it. This guy has solved women like a Rubik's Cube. Unknown_19: This guy should go kill himself. Unknown_19: um this guy has an interesting take on natalist which is the uh fuck kids no it's not called fuck kids that would be a really bad name for a subreddit child free it's the child i'm confusing child free and fuck cars you don't want that you don't want those two subreddits mixed you don't want the fuck um 1:59:26 Unknown_19: Reddit says, uh, you're a pedo if you have kids. Um, content warning for natalists. Let me drive into my dive into my theory as to why natalist breeders are comparable to child premise predators. My premise, children cannot consent. We know children cannot consent because they're not mature scientifically and culturally proven. Children are objectively immature. Predators will try to justify their horrendous actions by bringing the argument children can consent as if they could. Since children cannot consent to existence forcefully, coercing them into existence is no way justifiable, and that is comparable to what all predators argue for." 2:00:06 Unknown_19: So, this person believes that the act of procreation is child rape, effectively. What's interesting about this is that every time I read an R child-free post, it's always very obvious that the main reason why these people are R child-free is that they're miserable and they want to die. There's one person in particular that I can think of that's a Kiwi Farms user who is very, very, very anti-children. post entirely and in threads about like what they call the quiver full movement which is like big families and Then argues endlessly about abortion and you can just tell this person really really really wants to die or more more specifically wants to have never been born ever and Just shines through in their their logic chat. I 2:01:00 Unknown_19: And then finally, last one, um, the best part about being atheist is that I can watch porn and jerk off all day without any guilt. Seriously, my fucking life is depressing as shit, but at least I can look forward to a really nice calming jerk off session while watching any porn video of my choice. I feel bad for people who can't jerk off all day, every day. It helps my anxiety and depression so much. Well, By the magic of shutting out God's light, you can masturbate to disgusting gay pornography as much as you like without fear, without any, without any shame whatsoever. This guy's really cracked the code chat. 2:01:38 Unknown_19: Our atheism summed up in a single comment. Unknown_19: What's it called when they, um, Unknown_19: when they intentionally seek out like, uh, HIV strains, it's like gift giving or something barebacking who needs the Bible when you have, um, gift giving, uh, stealth, stealth, pausing gay porn to watch bug chasing. We have bug chasing porn to watch. 2:02:13 Unknown_19: Honestly. Unknown_22: Thanks. Reddit. Unknown_22: Okay. Unknown_19: Well, uh, that's it for the content. Um, I do have the super chance. I saw a lot of people gave like a lot of a really big donut. So I will thank you everybody for that. I know this is the last stream before Christmas. Unknown_19: Um, so the next stream will be probably on the 29th. I don't know if I'll be streaming on the 26th, probably not just going to, uh, hedge my bets and say, that's probably what's going to happen. 2:02:53 Unknown_19: That is not what I wanted. Let me fuck around with this for a bit while I talk. Unknown_22: Um, so Um How do I how do I want to is there any other notes I don't sorry for the people that listen to the the Unknown_19: The feed, because I know that, um, it's behind right now. I know that I have to update it. So I have to fix that soon. Um, is that too violent of a color? It might be actually this one. 2:03:27 Unknown_19: It's also pretty violent. Is there anything I'm missing? I feel like I'm missing something really big. I don't know what it is. Unknown_19: I guess I have to wish people a Merry Christmas, right? So, uh, if you're tuning out now, Merry Christmas. Um, uh, I will be back before the new year. Unknown_19: Okay, I will read the super chats now instead of delaying let's get my dash. Oh, there it is Okay, thank God my dashboard worked. Okay, perfect. Excellent James Boone for 20 says happy pizza day. Thank you very much James. Oh Pizza does sound nice. I think there's places still open. Thank you James Unregistered firearms at my house for five says today is my birthday as a birthday wish I want you no longer to abandon your Fediverse brothers and for the zitter sisters if Kiwi farms that CC is permanent dead then join something like club Siberia co and 2:03:59 Unknown_19: It will not be soon, but as a part of my ace in the hole, I promise you, I will get the sister sites for the Kiwi farms back up eventually. Um, it's coming one day. I promise. Unknown_19: Um, I apologize. I know that it sucks. It really sucks. I enjoyed the collection of services that I offered and I would like to bring them back one day, but there's just a lot of issues in the way that I have to solve first and I'm working on it. Unknown_19: Twinkle chart for $200 says hi Josh Mary Xmas for me and the rest of the retarded homosexuals in general chat total retard word now totally agree Thank you, my dude My plan is to just abuse legally Ethically abuse the systems have been put in place to roll over us in such a way That nobody gets what they want until things are done to fix them 2:05:04 Unknown_19: Thank you very much. America's Roxanne will for 10 says bark bark. Thank you for keeping the farms afloat float on the uppercase I internet for finding the time to sit down and talk with Ben. Did you enjoy your conversation? Yes. Unknown_19: He's a good listener. He asked a couple questions. Unknown_19: But it was mostly just me rambling. I should mention, ah, this is what I was going to mention that I forgot. Benjamin Boyce is premiering his conversation with me on his channel in 50 minutes from now. So if you go to YouTube, I think, and you type in Benjamin Boyce. 2:05:37 Unknown_19: You will see that there is an interview that's coming out in a little bit and you can set to notify on that I'm not sure how many people watch his videos as they come out He's got 89 people waiting right now with an hour out. So I'll probably advertise that for for him Yeah, but take a listen. Yes, basically about a brief history of the forum and it's the platforming efforts and stuff So that's that's cool Unknown_19: The president of Nintendo for one says freeze Sneed, ask McStevenson, he did nothing wrong last summer at Christmas, he's not banned. The Mac user for 10 says, I want to write my local reps about legislation to criminalize what these companies are doing. Can you write up some sort of template for me and other users for what to write to my local reps, please? I'm not a lawyer, so I can't really write an effective template for that. This would be a great thing for the EFF to get involved in and help with contacting legislators about net neutrality and certain concerns like that. But that's not going to happen, so I can't really offer you anything right now. Maybe once I get my charity up, I'll have lawyers that have experience with administrative FCC jurisprudence and can do, you know, write things like that, but right now I can't. 2:06:24 Unknown_19: Sorry, the president of Nintendo for one says, shout out to all the Christmas spirit bots. I don't know what that means. I don't know what a Christmas spirit bot is, but shout out to them. Ella Fun for two says, Christmas example, Merry Christmas, Josh. Thank you, Merry Christmas, D2. Daniel Larsonstan for 10 says, what source code, will the source code be available so fellow Kiwis can help via pull requests? Happy pizza day, Josh. Yeah, there's several things that I wanna do. Basically, there's a go, okay, if you're an experienced go person, let me know. 2:06:59 Unknown_19: especially if you have experience with something called Hugo I was going to use this for the Pride before fall website, but basically there's a go thing that can take markdown and create very cool Dynamic websites that's entirely HTML Unknown_19: And these websites are effectively DDoS resistant because there's nothing more efficient than an HTML file being served over and over again. So for any kind of infobatic site that we want to publish, we'll probably make like a Hugo repository and work on that. 2:07:33 Unknown_19: And I'm going to, I just don't have time for it. So I'm asking, I'm begging Crunklord to help me with this and I want to make all this stuff public. And in a repo and then there's other projects that I want to make public eventually to one of the things I want to self host against a git repository Space Allen for $100 has Mary Sneedmas. Mary Sneedmas to you too, my friend. Thank you very much Unknown_19: Stalker child enjoy a prison for $50 as date last week went well seeing her again after the holidays very white piled right now Thank you for all you do for the farms. Here's $50 as a Christmas present. Merry Christmas. Everyone Christ is born Congratulations, my dude Good good showing a job and Merry Christmas. Appreciate it 2:08:14 Unknown_19: Coco for one says so how was the documentary any of the tassets of? Unknown_19: You bro, I don't I don't have time to sit down and watch a documentary I have been drowning Docs found for 35 says when you write the retard war manifesto be sure it's prefaced with a list of grievances like the American Declaration of Independence Here's 35 for another VPS. Keep pushing that Boulder Sisyphus. I will I'll keep pushing it forever. I Yeah, I'm gonna nail my 99 theses to the fucking door of Cogent's headquarters in D.C. It's gonna happen. 2:08:47 Unknown_19: To celebrate my Lord Jesus' birth this year, my friend gave me the most excellent gift. What do you think? And there is a cat box file link. Unknown_19: It's taken a while to load. I will open it again in a second. Actually, let me open it in Librewolf so that when it does load, it's ready to go. Unknown_19: I'll come back to that in a second. 2:09:20 Unknown_19: Subin's girl for 20 says I can't remember when it was suggested But someone said you should call your fans kittens We could be Josh's kittens think of all those retarded articles referring to your supporters as kittens That kind of shit doesn't work like any kind of trick you play on journalists just doesn't work because they don't have fun Like they don't they don't know anything about except seething and lying. So there's no point trying to play games with them like that. I Unknown_19: Brown burger produces Bluey's dad overrides all anime where the dad is working 23 hours a day dead or otherwise missing big L Japan crayon shin-chan excluded love those parents arguing I Don't know anything about anime so I can't comment on this and all Western media overrides all anime all the time Unknown_19: Based or anything for two says I hope you and all your loved ones have a Merry Christmas. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas Haram burger for two says it's pronounced skun neck today, Florida boy. So neck to key. No, it's not That's the name of the movie that YMS loves actually Fox says, see I saw it funnier if CFA would just pull out of New York if that passed. Uh, yanks don't deserve God's chosen chicken. I agree. I think we should just shut down everything. Like fuck it. And then the people complain say, well, it's cause of New York. It's fucking gay and retarded. 2:10:13 Unknown_19: Anime sucks copens need for $15 says do you understand with about a hundred question marks? And then there is a link to the 4chan auto board, but this one's archived. So I have to pass a capture So this guy sent me $15 to get me to do a capture. I'm gonna do the capture right now While I do that, I will show you hyper ninjas gift 2:10:44 Unknown_19: Which is the Hold It Together shirt. Unknown_19: And he is using that as a backdrop for a custom-made Sonichu medallion, which is apparently made of clay, instead of Crayola Model Magic. And I base that off the fact that it looks very, like, shiny and plasticine? It looks like something made out of clay, instead of... Like proper... Oh, you can't even see it, sorry. Like a proper oven-fired clay medallion, instead of Crayola Model Magic. So this is an imposter as an expert in Chris Christory. I can confirm that this is an imposter medallion, but it is very nice. It's a nice homage chat. 2:11:20 Unknown_19: Um, and let me hide this for the fucking bullshit. See what's on the 4chan auto board chat. I'm really curious. Oh, I get to do two captures. Wow. Why do I get to do two captures? Unknown_22: Um, 2:11:55 Unknown_19: The images doesn't even work. I want to let you know. Let's see if it's still up on 4chan. It's not. Okay, so the image is deleted and the archive doesn't have images. So I have no idea what he's tempted to send me. Unknown_19: Sorry, my dude. For the ghost, NTC for two says, I'm going to do an impression of you, Noel. I call this Noel when he sees Dillard Axerson, aka Dick on the Dick Show, being a pianist. I clapped. I clapped when I saw the branding. That's true. That was me. It was very good branding though. Further goes NTC for juice as Josh. How do you feel that the Kino Casino? Desperately wants you to save their stream numbers after they've been talking cheap pot shots at you for the better part two years now I don't really hold like a grudge against them But I do find it kind of shitty that they've been calling me a pedophile for like five years And then just when I have like a knife nice goof about Rakeda Which I'm all for, to be fair, but it's kind of like with Gator. Gator did the same thing where he called me a pedophile for like years and then is like trying to be cool with me. And it's like, well, you know, I'm not usually one to be like pissy about stuff, but I mean, he did call me like a child rapist for a long time. So it's kind of hard. It's not like an active grudge where it's like, I hate these guys and I don't wish them well, but it's like, I'm not entirely sure if I am, 2:13:16 Unknown_19: Feeling amicable, if that makes sense. Unknown_19: Hyper Ninja for 25 says, Merry Christmas, Josh. Buy yourself a nice choo choo set to run around your Christmas tree. Unknown_19: Um, choo choo set. I don't know. I'm afraid if I buy a model train set, I might be addicted to it. It might be one of those spurgs who like recreates the entire train system of Berlin in his basement or something. Spends thousands of dollars replicating every, uh, every train stop perfectly. Unknown_19: Is my chat frozen? 2:13:50 Unknown_22: Is my internet dying? Unknown_22: Oh, oh, what's happened? I feel like my internet has died. I mean, my chat. Unknown_21: God, it's not refreshing. Oh God. Unknown_22: Is it dead? Unknown_22: Oh, oh, it is dead. Unknown_22: Hold up, hold up chat. I'm coming for you. Okay. So now I don't know which, uh, super chats are broken. 2:14:26 Unknown_21: Wonderful. Unknown_19: Okay. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. Unknown_19: Two-man meta for one says have you considered filing suspicious activity reports against websites on illegal pharmaceuticals? Then banks have to investigate them and close any counseling to illegal activities. Most of these run on crypto, but I know that for a fact that Coinbase has its own AUP and you can get banned for sending cryptocurrency to the wrong addresses like for instance black market pharmaceutical companies. 2:15:02 Unknown_19: Sun crooked for one says we're posting old news articles is the biggest problem in the universe. Yeah, I agree totally I'm Voted up. I'm glad I have one vote for my problem Setsu for ten says New York spent tons tearing down pretty rustic Rest stops and replace them with ugly brutalist ones with chick-fil-a's. Of course, I'd want to force the chick-fil-a's to open on Sundays now Thanks for nothing I did not know about that, but that sounds about right Unknown_19: Forsaken wanderer for five says never trust jungle neighbors desert neighbors street shitting neighbors sombrero neighbors neighbors currently occupying the area known as Albania and knows neighbors Merry Christmas. What a wonderful Christmas message inspiring tons of love. Thank you very much forsaken wanderer Lovely neighbor 2:15:39 Unknown_19: Longboard 241 for five says Merry Christmas Josh. I hope you have a good one Don't forget there's an official Linux distro made by the GNA known as LFN Basically a CD based slideshow written and see that goes on boot. I did not know that Not entirely familiar with the GNA, but I do know that the wonderful Jackie Singh is a former GNA current GNA for we're being real and Unknown_19: Forsaken wander for five says I know it's a sudden but have you finished your stream where you do some big H facts? What is more likely to occur first a tranny passing or the Holocaust neither? But I pray every night for one of them to happen in 2024 and that's your trivia for tonight Well, we may one day see a passing tranny forsaken. Maybe you'll get your Christmas wish Bunker Housing says, you offended by Keffel's fake tits. What about us who have to fap to massive amounts of porn to deprogram the vision of Keffel's fake tits? 2:16:14 Unknown_19: That's really fucking gross, bro. Unknown_19: Forsaken Wanderer for Five says, in the next segment, you will be sick of all the Christmas example memes. So instead, I'll say that I love you, Josh, by the way. Seriously, though, thanks for keeping me entertained in the brief moments I get to leave my wage cage to sniff some boxed wine. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Enjoy your boxed wine. 2:16:51 Unknown_19: Maybe you'll get to drink with Susan Wojcicki, who's retired now. Unknown_19: Ravies running for one says Merry Christmas Josh. Hail Mary and Jesus Lord. Merry Christmas rabies. Unknown_19: Ravies running for two says do you know any good Orthodox churches in the East Coast? No, I do not. Unknown_19: They're all Greek from what I understand. Death spigot proposes the devil is real and he's a faggot. I agree. As was foretold in the cartoons. Unknown_19: Representing for two says I remember your gas pump rant if you go to New York go to Stewart's no pump ads and receipts Are printed outside. Everything is American to even the workers That's pretty base. I want once I'm back in the u.s. I'm gonna have to keep a list of what? 2:17:25 Unknown_19: What brands don't do ads cuz I like I will accept one kind of ad that is a image or text ad for things in the store If it's in the store if it's like a car wash it gets a pass if it's a fucking full Ad for Amazon Prime now go fuck yourself Unknown_19: Something I do for one says internet hyphen map.net. Can't find Kiwi, Kiwi farms, any mirrors yet. It can find storm front. Is this due to downtime or because it's paused? 2:17:58 Unknown_19: Good question. I don't know what this website is. Uh, the site does not load, so I don't know what you're trying to send me to. Oh, okay. Unknown_22: Hold up. I got it. Unknown_22: Site not found. Unknown_19: Sight not found. I don't know. I've never heard of this. Unknown_19: Sorry, I can't be more useful. 2:18:29 Unknown_19: Ruby's Learning, for one, says, I think animals don't have souls, but animal abusers should be in asylums. They should be killed, because they're going to work on people next. Forsaken Wanderer, for one, says, here's $1 from my East Germany wheat harvest today. You are right. This is their world, their utopia. We must adapt and use our weapons against them. Let's grind the internet to dust if we have to, whatever it takes. I saw a very salient point that someone made that the leftist tactics of destroying structures that were pioneered by Saul Alinsky are very good for disrupting society and getting their way. But they're not good for maintaining power. So the power structures that exist are dead and gay and stupid and don't work because the people that know how to be disruptive don't know how to run things. So they are vulnerable to their own tactics now that they're in power. 2:19:11 Unknown_19: Boxes for ten says I don't mean to be rude, and I certainly don't want to be creepy But I just heard my by bringing my hands up and cupping them around your silver are amazing I don't mean to be out of line, but can I touch absolutely fucking not you will never touch my silver or my fucking dead body boy? Unknown_19: Kerry Kovacs for 50 says have a blessed Christmas Josh. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas to you, too. Appreciate it Unknown_19: Wiggin Timbers for five says, please say Merry Christmas, Alyssa. Make sure you hit them with your car. You can see them when you're driving. Okay. Merry Christmas, Alyssa or Alyssa. Let me take that again. Merry Christmas, Alyssia. Make sure you hit them with your car. You can see them when you're, when you're driving. 2:19:44 Unknown_19: I could not do that entire sentence in one take without fucking it up. I apologize. Unknown_19: Cure you may for $100 as Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Josh and if I could show you this and then there is a link to a Kiwi Farms attachment, which is very ominous very dangerous It has a extremely scary name. Oh, no See this is what I mean you understand now, this is viscerally disgusting. This is like scary this triggers fight-or-flight like look at this. Oh 2:20:18 Unknown_19: This is a man who knows what he's good for and does it on the reg. Okay. Unknown_19: Thank you. Care. Yuma useless user for 25 says it is. I returned to the, let me sit on your face. Josh is my hero. Hope you're doing well as a fellow Germanic Gersh. Simp. I want to say that I disavow this Channing chick. Unknown_19: I don't think she's actually German. I think she's just like a wasted American. I can't really distinguish between a German accent and an alcoholic accent. Apparently. Unknown_19: Thank you. Casting couch crowd for 10 says the crab of the day is the Christmas example craft You know, I don't think that's a real crab, but thank you very much. I Appreciate it. I'm thing I do for one says is there a software board yet? I know it's off topic for the forum But it'd be nice to have a programming community that isn't indeed by faggots might foster volunteer slash ideas internet and technology Internet and technology is what you're looking for 2:20:57 Unknown_19: Anime Extremist for three says, didn't you say that it was your birthday last Tuesday? If so, happy birthday. Also, I wish you a very happy Christmas. Thank you for everything, Josh. Thank you. Uh, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas to you too. Unknown_19: Also, I'm intentionally ambiguous about my birthday. There are several places that list it wrong, and I prefer that way. I prefer being a man of mystery. 2:21:31 Unknown_19: Sneed S. McSneedinson for two says, free me. You are not banned. Anime Sex Copen Sneed for five says, do you understand me now? And there is a link to the 4chan auto board, but a direct image to a link. Unknown_19: It is a bad gateway error from Internet X. Thank you very much anime sucks Copen Sneed I appreciate it her on burger for two says on rumble There are three badges for tip thresholds silver base level gold for cumulative $100 blue for $1,000 I just knows I'm a gold here now. You have read a lot of the stupid shit over the year. Haha 2:22:05 Unknown_19: Haha, I agree. Unknown_19: I don't know. I haven't I need to um incorporate that into my my stream nexus Overhead then I need what I need to do is get it working with web sockets So I can get a better feed because you can see that it works like 90% of the time it still has like hiccups and shit Unknown_19: Bulls is our 420 says her listen when bored. Here's the holiday song I finally got finished this year sure it is a light joke, but now I feel more true Merry Christmas and thank you for your efforts and there's a link to a YouTube video, which I hope is not cringe. We will see Let's see chat, I'm worried It's two and a half minutes long chat Yeah, all right now start it up I 2:22:42 Unknown_08: Christmas is the time for tradition To celebrate the Lord Jesus' birth To tell the travels of the three wise men The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh But this year there's something that's a-missin' Something that they've taken away Unknown_08: I've got my family near with lots of gifts and an angel atop my tree. 2:23:32 Unknown_08: Oh, who took the Christ out of Christmas? Unknown_08: There seems to be less of him every year. Unknown_08: Who took the Christ out of Christmas? Unknown_08: Who took away the cheer? Is he going to say it, Chad? I'm waiting for it. Christmas is the time for understanding. Unknown_08: An openness and love we all embrace As the farmer did for the Virgin Mary The symbol of humility and grace But this year there's something that's a-lackin' Something that they've taken away 2:24:14 Unknown_08: I've got my family near with lots of gifts and an angel atop my tree. Unknown_08: Oh, who took the... Okay, I'm waiting. Unknown_19: I did not hear it in time. I'm going to cut it off there. So, so I have to wrap up and do the outro song, but it's pretty good actually for an independent singer. Uh, this gem records has 29 views. You can find it with who took the Christ out of Christmas by bold as our guys. You're curious. Yeah. Hopefully I didn't cut it off in time. Unknown_19: Thank you very much useless user for five says vine knocks by spiel which I have a good idea what that means 2:24:55 Unknown_19: Kadoo for 10 says work call came and took up most of Josh time good stream. Probably Merry Christmas. Thank you I'm sorry that your work took up most of your time. It should be winding down for the year doing more shit and Finally last and least I'm not it's not no, it's supposed to be last but not least neato for 10 says Merry Christmas Josh And there's a link to the boss man Jack thread on the Kiwi farms. This will be the last one that I do Please don't send anymore. Apologize Unknown_19: Um, I don't know what this is I'm loading it now. It's a bossman jack thing. It's an ai-generated bossman jack thing Might be a song. This is a song i'm not gonna play too much of it. I'm about to wrap up It's not gonna load though because it's on the kiwi farms and my internet is like choking Constantly zbd provides a super late. Sorry late super chat 2:25:30 Unknown_19: Nice try, but I can't say words, so it doesn't come out as it should. I'm sorry, dude, but the video does not work right now, because it's, uh... Oh, here. Unknown_19: It's not supported. It doesn't work on Firefox, so you didn't encode it right. I apologize. I think it's supposed to be an AI-generated song of Bossman Jack singing Death Grips, but I can't play it, because it's not encoded correctly. 2:26:10 Unknown_19: Cocoa produces if you ever do a person stream who's the opposite of showing head like so for a mandolin you should do this It's a song to Not like other girls by cyborg 9k. No, okay, if I read I mean, I don't have a reason to do so I don't know who evil lion is either All right. I'm sorry. I do want to get off and eat pizza Unknown_19: I have a very, very, very, very, very, very, very special outro song picked out. And I will see you guys on the 29th, probably. Okay, take it easy. Bye-bye. Unknown_16: Okay, children, let's take our seats. Today we're going to learn how different cultures around the world celebrate the holiday season. 2:26:51 Unknown_16: Now pay attention. Unknown_16: I heard there is no Christmas in the silly Middle East. No trees, no snow, no Santa Claus. They have different religious beliefs. They believe in Muhammad and not in our holiday. And so every December I go to the Middle East and say... Hey there, Mr. Muslim. Merry fucking Christmas. Put down that book, the Koran, and here's some holiday wishes. Unknown_16: In case you haven't noticed, it's Jesus's birthday So get off your heathen Muslim ass and fucking celebrate There is no holiday season in India, I've heard They don't hang up their stockings and that is just absurd They never read a Christmas story, they don't know what Rudolph is about And that is why in December I'll go to India and shout 2:27:46 Unknown_16: Hey there, Mr. Hinduist! Merry fucking Christmas! Drink eggnog and eat some beef and pass it to the missus! Unknown_16: In case you haven't noticed, it's Jesus's birthday. So get off your heathen Hindu ass and fucking celebrate. Unknown_16: Now I heard that in Japan everyone just lives in sin. They pray to several gods and put needles in their skin. On December 25th, all they do is eat a cake. And that is why I go to Japan and walk around and die. 2:28:19 Unknown_16: Hey there, Mr. Shintoist! Merry fucking Christmas. God is gonna kick your ass, you infidelic pagan scum. Unknown_16: In case you haven't noticed, there's festive things to do. So let's all rejoice for Jesus' merry fucking Christmas to you. Unknown_16: On Christmas Day, I travel around the world and say... Now it's Christmas bonus and all you atheists too! Merry fucking Christmas to you! 2:28:52 Unknown_16: Thank you, Mr. Hand.