0:00:38 Unknown_21: All right, Josh, time to psych yourself up. Unknown_19: Get hyped. Unknown_19: The people, they want a show. They want some banging ass intro music. And I got just the thing. I know how to set the stage for this eight hour long stream. Here we go. Cold intro. you 0:02:17 Unknown_14: From creation's core And ends beyond control Unknown_19: This guy has a dream. He wants to be an anime, like all of his favorite anime girls, he thinks. Unknown_19: Well, I kind of have like this famous voice from my YouTube channel. I think I, with the right character, the right lore, the right design, 0:02:55 Unknown_19: I can also do the sing-songing and the music and be a real anime just like all my favorite anime girls. However, what he doesn't realize is that the people who watch that shit are just jerking off to it. It's like a girlfriend experience with an anime character. And, like, all the shitty singing and all the fucking gameplay and stuff, it is a cheap excuse to develop a parasocial relationship with a fictional character that they can then jerk off to. Frederick, I hate to break your dreams, even though you are shilling this on, like, one of the largest YouTube channels in existence. After three weeks, this gets 6,000 views on a 2,500 subscriber channel. 0:03:36 Unknown_19: And I'm going to continue to make fun of you because it's really bad. Frederick, I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just pathologically predisposed to hate everything by somebody named Frederick at this point in time. I don't know. I think this is why Frederick Knudsen decided that he wanted to stop doing drama videos. 0:04:10 Unknown_19: I think that once he did the Wings of Redemption video, he did a couple down the rabbit holes on a couple different popular locales or easy pickings for a video. I think he realized that when he did that, he invited that sphere, he invented the sector Unknown_19: Don't know it's like a vampire like the internet drama sphere When you do something you have to invite the internet drama sphere if you just like boot up your mommy vlog channel Probably you're not gonna get any attention at all but then if you say the magic words if you do the right things then the internet drama sphere will waltz in through your door and it will never leave and I think that he realized that He didn't really enjoy the internet drama sphere and he's like, I wish this vampire sitting in my living room eating all of my, um, Pocky sticks and drinking my tea would vacate premises immediately. But unfortunately, uh, such things cannot undo themselves, Frederick. Uh, and I have only one option, but to make fun of your music. I'm sorry. It's, it's legally required of me. It's part of my contract though. I should be careful now because. 0:04:53 Unknown_19: I am playing his music, and that may be contributory copyright infringement. I'll just give a brief update of what's weighing on my mind right now. Unknown_19: I'm kind of upset that I'm the world's nigger. I am a nigger. Everyone treats me like a nigger, and I have the rights expected of a nigger. and I can't really expect it to be treated fairly by any system, ever, at any point in time. 0:05:35 Unknown_19: It's frustrating, it's upsetting, it's emotionally compromising. I have been done bad by a federal appellate court judgment. I put in an appeal, and they ask for a response. Usually, when they ask for a response, almost always, I think it's a really high statistic, like nearing 100%, if they ask for a response to your petition for an en banc review, or an in-bank, on-bench, whatever the fuck you want to call it, it's pretty up there. And the response comes in, and I'm reading it, and I'm thinking, the arguments are bad, but then there's one final thing that guy says in response to my petition. I'm thinking, that's probably going to suffice. He says, you don't have to do a full bench review of this bad decision. Because even if it is a bad decision, this is paraphrasing, this is basically how I interpreted this final paragraph, this final argument. Even if this was a materially deficient judgment, even if things were gotten wrong, even if 0:06:57 Unknown_19: process was denied, even if this was actually a miscarriage of justice, it only applies to this guy. So don't worry about it because he deserves it. And I'm thinking, damn, that's probably really persuasive. Unknown_19: And I believe that that was the argument that managed to change the, the appellate court's mind and say, actually, no, you're right. Fuck this guy. We don't have to review shit. He's a bad person. And so the next step is to either try and litigate it all the way through and argue, you know, the arguments. I don't want to say anything more than that, but it starts over. You have to start from the beginning and try to re-litigate the entire thing that's been going on for three years now. Or you can try to go for the Supreme Court, which is, I think, has an acceptance. Put to this in perspective, I think that the Supreme Court gets 8,000 petitions a year and in the last year they accepted 80 of them. 0:07:36 Unknown_19: So it's a small number is what I'm trying to say. It's a it's a very small number of of petitions for rid of Sartori or whatever get accepted, but. 0:08:14 Unknown_19: It's a little bit frustrating show. Unknown_19: So, I don't know. It's not... What's frustrating is just that it was so wrong. It was so wrong, so obviously wrong, it didn't even make sense. You couldn't read it from beginning to end and say, oh, this makes sense. Like, it contradicts itself, and it's like, how do you not review this? But when it's only happening to somebody you don't like, it's very easy, I guess. When it's just happening to the Internet's nigger, it's very easy to overlook it. 0:08:46 Unknown_19: On that note, I remain in positive spirits, I am Sisyphus, I rolled the boulder up the hill, the boulder rolls back down to the bottom of the hill. You know what you do, chat? You say, ah, fuck. The boulder, chat, rolled back down again. Unknown_19: Shame, isn't it? Uh-uh, chat. You rolled the boulder back up to the hill because that is the punishment that you, you have voted for. And it is a fine punishment indeed, chat. Unknown_19: So on that note, I have tortured you as much as I have been tortured. Uh, here's a cute little, uh, little thing that someone drew that I liked. 0:09:24 Unknown_19: Uh, slobber mutts gift. Oh boy. Another Christmas gift. What could it be? And it's pepperoni. And it says, let's see who is the one who gave us this awesome gift and says dark meat from Patrick. Unknown_19: I'm not even being ironic, I'm not being facetious, this isn't a joke, I would eat that sausage, chat. Unknown_19: unapologetically. I am the dominant species on this planet. I did not get here by sparing feelings, chat. That pepperoni is getting sliced up, and it's getting put on a pizza, and then I'm taking hollandaise sauce and I'm putting it on top. I have no mercy. I have no mercy whatsoever, chat. 0:09:57 Unknown_19: Not always slobbers. Unknown_19: You only get, oh my god, the fucking anti-cannibals in my chat, once again, trying to pass on the myth that you get prion disease, or what is it, like Carlton-felt-Jacobson disease, or whatever the fuck. You only get prion disease by eating the brain, okay? There's a reason why, you know, they get this in Africa. It's because they eat the brain. You don't eat the brain, you don't get prion disease, alright? 0:10:34 Unknown_19: Come on now. I thought my chat would know better than that, but no they don't. Unknown_19: Rumble is down. Oh! Unknown_19: I'm such an idiot. I did my whole speech, I did the whole fucking video, and I, um... Unknown_19: I didn't mean, I didn't do the one thing. 0:11:09 Unknown_19: So as I fix this, let me complain about rumble again, because rumble, um, is the only platform that does this literally the only stream, the only service on the fucking world that does this. Um, so there's a streamer key, right? If you ever streamed, you know, that when you boot up a stream, you have to have the streamer key for YouTube for kick for odyssey for Twitch. Unknown_19: Um, Unknown_19: for basically any streaming platform that you can think of, what you do is, why can I not do that? Unknown_19: What you do is you pop in your, what you do, you pop in your stream, sorry, I'm checking everything. You pop in your stream key, and then you press the save button, and then every time you go to stream, it just works. Not Rumble, not Rumble. Rumble's the second largest streaming platform, or third largest, or whatever. It's a high up there. It's very moneyed, it's very backed by the establishment at this point. Despite this, Rumble is the only platform that changes its stream key every single time. So if you're streaming to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 platforms and, uh, five of them work without fucking with by default every time and rumble doesn't, if you don't forget to change your rumble key, then you're just shit out of luck as it turns out. 0:12:38 Unknown_19: Alright, it's up on Rumble. Unknown_19: I'm sure that's fantastic for my stream numbers. I'm sure a lot of people didn't hear my rant about the fucking quartz system, but... I don't know, I guess that's for the best, because I dropped the N-bomb a bunch of times. But as an N-word myself, I of course have a permanent platinum engraved N-word pass, and I can say it however much I want. Unknown_21: Alright. Unknown_21: Uh, okay. Unknown_21: Cool. 0:13:10 Unknown_19: This was me eating pepperoni shot. Unknown_19: Uh, grant that auto released its video game trailer and I think it released it a little bit early because it was already leaked. Uh, they verified the leak and they re uploaded it and it's trash and the video is not, or the game is not expected to come out until 2025. Um, I didn't, I didn't really like GTA five. My issue with GTA five is that, um, Unknown_19: The number one I the heist mechanic was so promising but so fumbled Like I really thought that they were gonna iron out the high stuff and it would just be like a drop-in You know payday style game and you could just play that forever like you could have a payday They completely fucked that up And then the other thing I hate is that they added all these mechanics like continually like even at towards the end of the game You're entering a submarine for the first time and it's like there's one Mission with a submarine and then you never use it again, and then it's just there so they kept adding all this shit They didn't actually get to play with at all Like they could have kept the story going I guess I don't know. I don't remember it that well. It doesn't stick with you either. I don't remember anything with the plight of of the three characters, I remember Michael the best because his middle-class family was 0:14:04 Unknown_19: An interesting interesting story an interesting reflection on pop culture, which is what GTA is supposed to be but it's It doesn't really hit that mark anyways I Do remember more about GTA 4 yeah is the the guy is Serbian Nico Bellic Yeah, that's I mean that's a very memorable story It's also more classic and I don't want to talk too much about but here's what they here's what they've decided to do with their pop culture shit for this one and 0:14:59 Unknown_19: You want to see black people booty clapping on the streets on the beaches of Miami she Where is it? Where's the beach scene? This is like, oh, it's right here this This is what the Thai artist paid to produce this video game. Think about America. And by the way, this is in Miami This is um specifically in Broward County Unknown_19: Broward County is Hispanic. It's not black. Broward County is like a minority black. I want to say there's as many black people as white people, but the rest of it is just Hispanic. So it's not like, it's not this shit is what I'm trying to say. 0:15:41 Unknown_19: Who would want to play a game in Miami though? I mean the coolest- I remember I played GTA Vice City, and the thing that was most memorable about it was that it would have hurricanes every so often, which was pretty nice. I don't know, I'm not hyped for it. Unknown_19: because I know what it's going to be. I know that it's going to be another fucking live service. They're going to have shark cards. They're going to have all that gay shit. Are they going to focus on like the heist mechanic? No. Are they going to focus on like a really cool story that's really memorable? Like San Andreas is 0:16:15 Unknown_19: No, I'm not going to do that. It's just going to be fucking shark cards. Everything that's in the game is just going to be like an advertisement to play with the shark cards after the stories are over. And there's not going to be any, any meaning to any of it. And it's not going to be a, a meaningful reflection on pop culture. There's not going to be a scene where you have to shoot up a gay pride parade, or you have to like, like, like fight neo Nazis at like a Tiki torch rally or anything. It's not going to do any, it's going to be the most, It's the most tepid, bland, unprovocative GTA installment ever. 0:16:57 Unknown_19: Offend like it didn't back in the 90s. I don't know what it was the 90s in 2000s you had Eminem and you had Marilyn Manson and he had all these video games like postal coming out and like the entire premise of it was to like shock audiences and Cause controversy and piss people off but nowadays you can't do that you do that and you can't sell any shark cards because your bank accounts been fucking closed and your CEO has been put into jail for Terrorism or some shit. I don't know Unknown_19: It's just kind of depressed like this is another franchise thing or it's just like I remember when this was good That's how I feel about almost everything. I remember when this didn't suck so much shit. Yeah I'd even play red dead. I'm sorry Never got around to it. I never had any interest in being a cowboy. I guess I don't know It's not really my uh My my field of reference um 0:17:32 Unknown_19: Oh, this was really gay. I included this as an aside. Unknown_19: Dan says, list of games I have not played. GTA, GTA 2, GTA 3, GTA 4, GTA 5, or GTA 6. Elon Musk adds, I tried, but I didn't like doing crime. GTA 5 required shooting police officers in the opening scene. I just couldn't do it. Which is like, I don't know, he's an old man. I know he likes to think that he's hip and cool, and I know that he likes to smash young, retarded box as like a way of maintaining his youth. But I can kind of see someone born in the 80s in South Africa being like, I actually like police officers. They parole my gay community in Emerald Mine and keep the darkies out. I never saw a black man until I was 13 and moved to Canada. Like, that kind of perspective I understand from Elon. 0:18:45 Unknown_19: However, chat, while it's fun to make fun of that, the real kicker is in the reply here, and he says, I'm glad shooting cops in Cyberpunk 2077 is completely optional. Never finished GTA V either. Unknown_19: is one of the most pathetic dingleberries ever. I have no idea how this man has achieved as much success as he has. There must be something about his useful doormat face that everyone can just walk over, that has managed to find a niche to aggregate content on the internet. But it's just like, this man has not found a dick he's not willing to suck, and I kind of hate him. Unknown_19: I've never interacted with him. I'll always remember is that guy that shows up on the kill stream with in talks to Ethan Ralph and was a member of Gamergate I will never take him seriously as a journalist 0:19:28 Unknown_19: I would make a joke about the flash being the dog, but I've been told by Wild Goose, who's like an old school, like Encyclopedia Germanica or Baphomet. I can't remember where he came from, but he was like an old school troll that was really active during the 8chan era. And he says that he just made it up. So I'm going to take him at that word because I don't know. Unknown_19: Okay, the flash being the dog some either it happened, or it was made up I think it was just made up but apparently the there was a claim that went around for a very long time that in most young swatted somebody and When the police showed up at his house or the guy's house they threw in a flashbang and it killed the dog So he's always been known as somebody who like flashbang the dog however this appears to be a false claim I'm not actually sure if this is true 0:20:38 Unknown_21: No, it was not Warski. Unknown_19: That claim was applied to like several people, but Ian Miles Chong was the one that it stuck to. That he swatted somebody in the flashbang, killed a dog. Oh, you need the news here, I'm sure you're right. Okay. I prepared this time, I fixed my screen. Unknown_19: Uh, this is really cool, I have nothing more to say. Actually, I do have something to say about this. Unknown_19: So the police were serving a warrant to this house and allegedly what happened is that someone fired a flare gun and this caused like a chain reaction which exploded the entire house. Let's take an instant replay. Instant replay of what life is like in Virginia. 0:21:19 Unknown_19: Mr. Nolan eat your heart out. This is what the kind of pyrotechnics you have to pay for usually These fine people up on the balcony you have to see it for free So Unknown_19: Apparently, the guy who was living there went around and was telling a bunch of people that he, this isn't hearsay, I have a vague idea of what I'm talking about with this. The owner said, 0:21:58 Unknown_19: that they had gotten the wrong house or something, that they blew it up. He was alleging some kind of conspiracy. And then all of his social media accounts got taken down and his story got swept under the rug. He was active on Reddit or something. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please spam me in chat. I don't know it was definitely somebody claiming that he lived at that house and that they had done that on purpose it was not his house was like They were doing like a false search warrant, and they destroyed it for some reason Was he just a schizophrenic 0:22:35 Unknown_19: The guy was a complete schizo. Okay. Look, I'm at this point, I am willing to completely and totally believe in trust and anybody who says anything anti-authority. If a deranged schizophrenic tells me that a meth house was, was detonated under false pretense to hide evidence about Joe Biden, molesting children, I will believe him. I will take him at his face value because that aligns with my worldview. Okay. 0:23:07 Unknown_19: sorry, that actually mentally deranged schizophrenics are more reliable than the US government at this point. Unknown_19: And then two things about PlayStation, which I hadn't mentioned. Unknown_19: There's something going on, and just in brief, I'm not gonna read the article, but The Verge reported that a bunch of people recently have been mysteriously getting banned off the PlayStation network, so they're going to Unknown_19: They're They don't know why they can't appeal it they have no say in the matter apparently they're like the appeal button is just completely gone so they're They're just left in the dark They have no clue why they're banned and this is interesting because it especially because it comes after a recent decision that kind of upset everybody where there 0:23:59 Unknown_19: There was some content that you could buy through the PlayStation Store, and I think it was HBO related. Someone correct me, because I don't have a tab for this. I just remembered as I was reading through this, but it was some kind of content. Discovery. It was content that you could buy from Discovery on the PlayStation platform, and at some point they just Yanked it like they could not reach an agreement with discovery so they were asked to remove all their content from the PlayStation Store and that included access to content that people had paid for so no longer could they distribute it, but they also retroactively revoked people's access to shit that they already paid for and 0:24:47 Unknown_19: Which, while I can never condone copyright infringement, I will say that it is morally ethical to pirate. Because if it's morally ethical for PlayStation to take content which you have paid for, and Unknown_19: take it back from you, then it's okay to not pay for the content to begin with, right? Doesn't that make sense? If they can take things that you've paid for, then theoretically, because they're not actually offering you anything in exchange for your money, you should be allowed to just take things without paying for it anyways, because it doesn't have a material value that they have to compensate you for when they take it back. This only makes sense logically and mathematically speaking. 0:25:29 Unknown_19: So, really awesome that we live in this era where copyright owners basically exert unlimited control and power over their IP. Even if they sell it to you, they can take it back. You don't own anything anymore. The discs you buy in Walmart contain codes to put in on Steam or Epic Games. You literally own nothing, and you must be happy, and you cannot contest this at all. 0:26:02 Unknown_19: Sorry, I forgot to put my phone in do not disturb Hopefully this will resolve the issue chat because I am disturbed Unknown_20: Okay, so here's a string kind of on the same topic. Unknown_19: I don't know why this became such a big thing this week in particular, but it did. It's a lot of fun to talk about. It's a really fun topic. It's the topic of how surrogates are being used by gay men to create false families at the mother's expense. Unknown_19: Basically creating a system where underprivileged people are prostituted out by ultra wealthy homosexuals So they can play mommy and daddy like they did when they were little kids 0:26:48 Unknown_19: Here's a conservative man, Guy Benson. He's put out pictures of his children already. He just bought this child from the market and he's very happy out here. They are doing an epic selfie together. It's a newborn baby that they just purchased from the mother and they couldn't wait. I don't even think like a couple, a couple of weeks before putting pictures out there. So there you go. Smile, you little fucker. We paid a lot of money for you and you're going to make us ultra famous because we're going to tweet about you. Cool. 0:27:20 Unknown_19: Here's a message from someone named Shea. She says, IVF process used in surrogacy involves the creation of multiple embryos. Only the healthiest are used. The rest are frozen or disposed of. He's a fucking hypocrite. The guy here only cares about bodily autonomy when it comes to women renting their wombs out for rich people. But when they want to make parental decisions about their own reproductive health care, sorry, you don't get a choice. His politics is controlling women's bodies, either financially or through legislation. This is Guy Benson, epic conservative, posting a CGI picture of a fetus saying, person. And then, oh, here's the picture of the baby again, because he really has to make sure that everyone knows that he's a real father now, because he paid for this. 0:27:57 Unknown_19: If you don't understand her point, what she's saying is that when they do IVF, because the way that they construct these children for these rich people is that they take a donated embryo and then sperm from one of the fathers. Unknown_19: There was one family where one of the gay guys had a sister, so the gay guy took one of his partner's, his sex partner's sister's eggs and his sperm, artificially inseminated it, and then used in vitro fertilization to implant that mutant embryo into the womb of a completely unrelated surrogate mother. That's usually how they do it, so that the offspring is as genetically related to the caretaking parents as possible. 0:28:44 Unknown_19: When they do IVF, not every implant is successful, and it's a very expensive process. That's why when you hear about mothers having sextuplets, it's usually that they had IVF. What they'll do, in order to avoid unnecessary expense, Unknown_19: They'll fertilize six to eight eggs all at one time, they'll implant them all, and then they hope that only one or two will remain. But sometimes that doesn't happen, and the mother ends up pregnant with five or six babies all at once. What she's saying is that when they do this and they're super-rich, they will implant only one of the fertilized embryos, the rest will be discarded. So, they are creating life in a laboratory by combining a viable egg and sperm, and then they pick one. implant it and then the Fertilized eggs are either frozen in case they need more at any point or they just destroy them by disposing of them in a biological waste bin, so the point is that he's a hypocrite because his He claims to be a religious conservative against abortion, but he is in a fucking lab frankensteining together babies with the 0:30:06 Unknown_19: uh, appropriate genetic material and then disposing of the ones that he doesn't actually need. Uh, Dave Chalen says this. Unknown_08: How much does it cost? Unknown_07: We probably spent a quarter of a million quid. It was the first time we were meant to go to America and then we couldn't because of COVID. Unknown_07: So we ended up working with a clinic in San Diego and we went to Mexico. Unknown_08: I mean we were slightly knobheads at this reason as well because I wanted to make sure that we knew who the egg donor was. I wanted them to be super fit. You go to the bar and you go, I'm going to procreate that person, right? That's your choice as a human. I wanted to find someone that I know is going to be absolute smoke show. Basically we chose Emily Bratunowski. There's a company in L.A. 0:30:40 Unknown_07: and they have a company that basically is supermodels who are Ivy League educated. So they have to have gone to like Brown, Columbia. No. Unknown_08: That feels a bit strange. Is it not or no? It's a bit prostitute isn't it? I think it's quite fabulous. But the eggs were terribly expensive. But we got a Brazilian supermodel. Unknown_19: So this guy went to a third world country, one of the poorest countries in the world, with one of the most dysfunctional governments and socioeconomic systems. And they found a woman that they deemed attractive as two gay men. And they said, we will pay you six figures of American money. Someone asked what squid is. Quid is a British word for the pound sterling. We'll pay you six figures in American dollars to donate eggs to us, kind of like buying sperm from a stud horse or something. And that was apparently his only qualification. He made this child Brazilian, which is a war crime unto itself, a kind of backwards eugenics that nobody should ever endorse under any circumstances. 0:32:03 Unknown_21: Sorry, I had a coughing fit. Unknown_19: Under no circumstances, and then without even paying any attention to other qualities. Is this person depressive? Do they have addictive personalities? Do they have any kind of education? Are they predisposed to cancer? Do they have cancer or diabetes or something in their family? Apparently, and I believe them. I don't even think this is a joke. Apparently the only thing you look for is, I think that woman is conventionally attractive over there, and I want my young lad to smash box on the rag. Let's pay her 10,000 quid for her eggs. And that was it. That was like the extent of their investigation into the system. 0:32:41 Unknown_21: Sickle cell. Unknown_21: Then here, two gay men were both attending law school and filed a legal complaint against the city of New York, arguing that not having access to a woman's reproductive potential is a form of discrimination, and that they are entitled to have the city pay for a surrogate. 0:33:40 Unknown_21: Man, I don't know what the fuck is going on. Sorry, no, there's like something going on outside and I'm muting. Unknown_19: Is this like the government? Is the CIA about to kill me? Like, what is happening? I'll have to make a mental note to like crop out the dead air. I'm sorry. Unknown_19: What I should be saying is, I can't contain my rage. I'm just so indignant with frustration. Unknown_19: The rich, obviously, are the ones benefiting from being able to enslave women to carry their gay babies for them. However, we live in a society, and our society demands equity. What that means is that you work And then we take the money and force women with pay, because it's not slavery if you pay them. We figured this out after the Civil War. What happened to all the blacks working on plantations when they were freed from slavery? We built them little crack shacks and said, okay, I'll pay you three cents a day for the work that you already were doing. and that you don't know any other labor or skills, and you can't counter-read, I'll just pay you to work in my field, and then it's not slavery. And you don't really have a choice in this matter. So that's how we get around the whole slavery thing. We just say, we're paying you, so shut the fuck up. You're not actually a slave. 0:34:50 Unknown_19: So, they're going to figure out a way to take the healthcare system of New York and enable them to buy women for gay male procreative fantasies. Unknown_19: Same woman, Genevieve, points out that a Ukrainian surrogacy clinic promises to send women to any country in the world, quote, to be implanted with a buyer's chosen embryo. So, are you in a war zone? Are there Russian tanks outside your door right now? Are you under the age of 30 and a woman? Well, you can come to the United States. Now, I know that you're trying to find a guy on the internet. The only person replying to your messages is Coach Red Pill, and he's fucking Chilean, and you don't want to hook up with Coach Red Pill. Can't blame you. 0:35:25 Unknown_19: Thankfully, we have new systems for importing impoverished women to the United States or to the UK, and that's called being adopted by a gay man so that they can use your womb to complete their sexual fantasies of becoming mothers. 0:36:09 Unknown_19: That's going to work out. That's a great idea. This is not a hellscape. Unknown_19: Instagram post put up by these two gay guys, who are really creepy and gay. There's something just about the way they look. It's very dysgenic. They should not be reproducing, but alas, they have the money somehow to reproduce. Unknown_19: And they're remiss over recent tragedy that they've suffered. Unknown_19: They post a photo of themselves and one of the babies they paid for and say, oh, sorry, this is men having babies. So this is a page specifically for posting these kinds of success stories. Men having babies says Matthew Jake went through a miscarriage and say it was the most challenging part of their surrogacy journey. So they took a woman and forced her, or paid her, sorry, it's not forced if it's paid, and put in her a baby genetically unrelated to her. And then through the miracle, I shouldn't say that, she unfortunately had a miscarriage and the baby did not make it to term. 0:36:43 Unknown_19: And who suffers in this? Is it the woman? No, no, no, no. The woman got paid and that's what matters. It was the men who paid her to carry the surrogate baby that suffered. It's very difficult when you, because you know, these things, even though medical science has made it a far ways away, these things are not set in stone. You cannot guarantee that the baby will make it to term. And it's kind of like, You know, buying a car, you buy a car, you think, oh, this is a great car. That says everything that I think it needs has the right trim, has the right interior. Uh, surely this will be, this has all the features on paper, but then you get it. It's a lemon. The car sucks. And you paid all that money that you won't get back because your car sucks. It's exactly like that. 0:37:50 Unknown_19: Also, I don't know if this person inferred this, or this is something about the story that... Oh, it's down here. They went through a miscarriage, not the woman who they fired afterwards. So, much like a car, if you buy a car and it's not up to your standards, you can just get rid of that car. You can just sell it. You'll recoup some of your expenses. to sue her to get a little bit of that money back, but you can recover, you can just find a new car if you don't like it, obviously. You can just dispose of this woman like the used goods that she is. She can't even have your children that you're paying her for, so what a fucking waste. Not gonna do that again." It continues, "'It was at 14 weeks, and it was traumatic for both of us,' Matthew recalls. We had just made a public announcement for which we received so much love and support. So having to turn around and share the devastating news ripped our hearts in half and it took me personally a very long time to build up the confidence to pay another woman to carry our genetic experiment. 0:39:07 Unknown_19: It also meant that we had to end our journey with our original surrogate for medical reasons after growing so close with her and her family. Luckily, our friendship with them continues and her family is in a great place now." So they invited these gay people to their house and after she had the miscarriage, he still fires them and says, sorry, we're going to buy another one. You didn't perform to our standards. Goodbye. Unknown_19: Fortunately, Jake and I were eventually able to pick each other back up and start a game. We found a new surrogate who we are over the moon about, and she was able to help us reach our goal of meeting with the love of our lives, our son William. So this is the son. This is the second one. This is Mark 2. 0:39:51 Unknown_19: That's a great name. Mark, and then middle name T-W-O, Mark Two, because the first one was technically called a natural abortion. It was naturally aborted. Unknown_19: This is from Surrogacy A Concern, a Twitter account completely dedicated to this topic. Unknown_19: Here we have a woman. She appears to have just given birth to a healthy baby. 0:40:23 Unknown_19: She carried him in her body for nine months. Unknown_19: And oops, here come the rich people. That chinky lady doesn't want to ruin her body with the white man's baby. He paid for her. Now he's paying for a white woman to actually carry the baby for them. Unknown_19: Thanks for the work. I hope you hope you had a nice time giving birth. Bye. Bye Message attached reads this Back in our fields we're watching our moment the moment our gestational carrier Amanda met van 0:41:01 Unknown_19: gestational carrier chat you see this woman on the right sitting here crying because they're about to take her baby away gestational carrier don't forget it that's a new buzzword uh white heart i wish there was a way to truly share the emotions we all felt in this hospital room that day we stood there shaking crying at the magnitude of god's divine work in his for a buddy buddy boy you leave god out of this god played no part in this he is not happy with you don't don't try to like a pot trust me guys god i asked him he said go for it Unknown_19: Not only did he give us no actually the doctor did I know that it's like as a meme say Thank God that he survived heart surgery. No think the doctor in this case literally God didn't create this, baby You fucking paid for it. It was it was literally grown in the vat 0:41:55 Unknown_19: He gave He led Amanda to this beautiful moment in her life as well. Thank you. God is God's plan God's plan Amanda was broke as fuck. She thought I ain't really got shit going for me I might as well sell my womb to these rich folk God's plan God's plan. Thank you load. Thank you load for making this woman destitute and desperate for for 10 grand There's probably more than that's like 30 grand I think 30 grand Unknown_19: Come on, now. She can buy a Honda Civic with that. Unknown_19: She could buy a van from Honda. Get it? Instead of the baby van, which is a stupid-ass name, she can buy a Honda van and drive around in it and go beep beep. It's basically the same thing. It's better. Let's be real here, chat. It's better. 0:42:33 Unknown_19: To that day, she carried and delivered a child that belonged to someone else in order for them to become a family when on their own it was impossible. From the moment we began this journey with Amanda, she has been a bright light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Dove with olive branch emoji. We entered this jury aching in pain and came out on the other side with joy and gratitude that we ever felt possible. Amanda, thank you for taking care of our sweet Van all these months. Imagine paying that much money for someone else to give birth to a baby and then you name it Van. Like, I guess she didn't have any say in this. She couldn't just say, can you name him something not stupid? Like fucking Josh. Josh is a good name. Name him Josh. 0:43:04 Unknown_19: Uh, from the moment we did our embryo transfer with you back in February to the day we held your hand on our operating table, we have been witnessing to your selflessness, love and faith heart pounding emoji. It's been inspiring. Thank you. We'll never be enough. Your belly buddy is here and he is perfect. We all love you forever for what you've done for our family. Hashtag gestational carrier, hashtag miscarriage, hashtag infertility. 0:43:42 Unknown_19: Hashtag dollar dollar bill y'all There's more of this in case you're wondering Megan Basham says research demonstrates children can see via donorship suffer from profound struggles with their origins and identities and those raised in same-sex households are more likely to experience depression anxiety and sexual abuse 0:44:22 Unknown_19: Wow, what a surprise. What a surprise that people raised by gay men are going to get molested more often That's a real especially ones that they're not fucking related to genetically. That's really that's a shocker chat really shocker Anyone celebrating intentionally depriving a baby of the mother must grapple with what they believe with the desire of adults outweighs the needs of children's some of the research Yeah, that's pretty fucking gross. Like I you know, I Know it's important for people to have dads and shit, right? Having a paternal influence is is a really big deal for a child's development having a mother That loves you unconditionally. I think is even more important. I know it's like a contentious opinion because You know the way of politics are and shit and the focus is on you know paternal Activity and families, but let's be real if you look at a serial killer or a What does a serial killer almost always have? An absentee father and an abusive mother. If you have an absentee father and an abusive mother and you suffer brain damage, at some point you will become a serial killer. That's basically guaranteed. You do not walk away from an upbringing without mother's love that results in you being a well-adjusted, functional human being. 0:45:40 Unknown_19: So I just I'm telling you we're raising a entire generation of fucking serial killers I would they don't publish this anymore, but I would love to know how many active serial killers There are in the u.s. You're gonna see grass more. I see this in your mind's eye clear as day chat It's gonna be one of those bell curve Unknown_19: It's just like an exponential chart where it goes up and up. It's like, what happened in 2030 where now we have 20,000 active serial killers leaving butchered women in the streets? What could have caused this? Maybe it was the vaccines. It was the COVID-19 vaccine gave serial killer genes to everybody at that time. 0:46:21 Unknown_19: No, it's because we've raised an entire generation to cut their dicks off and gave them to gay men as parents. And now they're insane, and they're killing people, and they're jerking off while they do it. Unknown_19: And then one more. As this is a comedy show, I gotta ask, they made Sir Isaac Newton black. Unknown_19: He's not black, Chad. He's white. Unknown_19: Yeah, I guess they did that I think it's the BBC yeah the BBC did it All right next now that I have segued perfectly from point A to point B at BBC 0:47:15 Unknown_19: Now that I've segwayed perfectly off the horrors of surrogacy, what have we got next? Unknown_19: Nice little grab bag, I think. Oh, I can't believe I lined this up. This is so conceited of me. Unknown_19: So I watched the movie The Lady Ballers. I showed you guys the hilarious trailer of Ben Shapiro joking about Black Dick. Well, I watched it. I don't know if they intended for this link to be out in the public, but there was a link to watch the entire thing for free on thedailywire.com. There's no paywall or anything. I think they wanted you to buy Daily Wire Plus, but the full movie was accessible for free, so I just watched it. 0:47:52 Unknown_19: It's pretty good. Unknown_19: This was apparently a contentious opinion because the trailer is bad. I gotta admit, the trailer sucked. Unknown_19: However, the guy, it's a starring directed by and written by the Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boring. Unknown_19: After watching this movie I Can tell you this the Jeremy boring guy is like a 180 IQ mastermind I have a feeling that this guy is like really cutthroat like he's like a Machiavellian type so I'm watching this and I really that he's writer director and star and he's a daily he's like the co-founder of the Daily Wire and I've never heard of him before and And I get the, I really feel like he probably is a really smart, really conniving fucker. And he knows exactly what he's doing. Um, because this movie, my main, my main thing for, um, 0:48:46 Unknown_19: My main compliment for this movie is that it is the easiest movie in the world to make. The whole premise of a comedy centered around tranny shit and a sports team is just there, and all it required was somebody to walk up and swing at it, and they would have had a successful movie that people would have talked about. 0:49:22 Unknown_19: But Jeremy Boring actually put in work. This was a professional movie. It had a lot of extras. The line deliveries were actually really competent. It was a competent script. And then it had decent cinematography. There was a lot of camera motion and stuff. If you really just tried to do this yourself, you would probably overlook a lot of things, and you wouldn't make a real-looking movie. But this is like a real looking movie so he hired competent people to put in the effort to make a real movie and That's what really surprised me, and I have a feeling that that Jeremy boring is somebody who has some background in like film because It's far better than I anticipated it being and it's not I mean not to like Sing its praises. It's it's like a competent movie. It's like a 6 out of 10. I would say 0:50:13 Unknown_19: But that's more than I expected when looking at it honestly and critically I thought it would probably suck ass and just do well because it was you know the offensive movie, but it was it was okay which would shock me and I My take is that Jeremy boring is the is a mastermind and he's he knows he's like a fucking snake Unknown_19: I have a feeling that he's a fucking snake man and like just crazy All right someone I don't know I said this like I use the metaphor it's only to be knocked out and Matt Walsh agreed with me Matt Walsh like stars in this movie by the way. He's throughout it and so the idea is that it's not like a brilliant idea It's incredibly obvious 0:51:02 Unknown_23: It's a ball sitting on a tee for, uh, just waiting for someone to come along and take a swing. And it's all, it's just, it's sitting right there. In fact, I just, so Matt wash follows me on Twitter and pays attention to what I have to say. Unknown_19: That's what matters. Unknown_19: Right along, right along. Um, Dylan Mulvaney is, uh, having an episode today. Unknown_05: It wasn't supposed to be a crying day. Unknown_05: Why do I always feel like crying? 0:51:39 Unknown_05: Why do I always feel like crying? Don't do it, Dylan. Don't you dare. No! I feel a little better. Unknown_05: It's like Gollum. Unknown_19: It's like Gollum. He has, he has his female side and like his, his scrotal side. He's like, Misa want to cry today. No, don't do it. Don't cry. I'm a manly man. I can handle my emotions. No, you take the HRT. Misa thinks you should cry. And he's just like, ah, descending into darkness. 0:52:13 Unknown_19: Awesome. Good to see bad things happen to bad people, as always, chat. Unknown_19: A trigger warning, and they just went to pee, but look closer. This emoji is one such male and woman face. We do not want him in our spaces. Him and his rape fantasies and his degradation of women fantasies. He's a male and he will always remain a male. Unknown_19: Um, wild cat, but horny says an R M to F. Is it bad that I have this kink? So I'm into misogyny as a form of a degrading kink. I despise actual misogyny, but when it's used in a sexual context where I'm consenting to it, it feels weirdly euphoria inducing. Like I'm being told I'm a woman and the degradation and how I'm useless and just a fuck hole because of I'm one feels great. 0:52:52 Unknown_19: Our women are things from wildcat, but horny 19 TF. This guy's 19. He's already this porn sick 19 TF head in the toilet like a good girl. Sorry for keeping the shirt one I'm still pre-medical transition have very bad dysphoria due to a lack of breasts This is a hentai rape No hentai and roleplay 0:53:25 Unknown_19: TFPF4M, that is an acronym that is too dense even for me. Usually, I am pretty good at seeing an acronym and like automatically, instinctively translating this in my head as I go along. Unknown_19: And this is an acronym too dense for even me. Unknown_19: Trans female, poor, I literally have no idea. Unknown_19: That's fucking nonsense Trans female porn female for male. Yeah, I don't know man Looking to be raped in the forest bonus points if you like race play He's white, isn't he? 0:54:12 Unknown_20: Maybe he's like Mexican. I Unknown_20: He definitely looks white. Unknown_19: What kind of race play is that? Does he want people to call him Masa? Does he, does he, does he want like a black woman to dominate him and call him a slave? Crack ass, crack ass. Unknown_19: Oily hair, Latin. Unknown_19: A rate hentai and role play looking to get raped either at the gym or in the woods. 0:54:52 Unknown_19: Uh, looking to do an RP where I get raped at the gym. Hi, I'm a trans woman and this is my first nude of myself on here. I'm think- I think I'm pretty well-versed in being a slut, but is there anything else I need to know? I really want to know what race he is. I don't know. Unknown_19: Uh, and here's a- here's some training news to get us in the mood, chat. The Christmas mood. No, don't- don't think other things, chat. Unknown_19: Look at him go. 0:55:25 Unknown_22: He's got that AGP spurt, too. Unknown_19: Look at him. Oh, you can't see this there. Look at that spurt. He's like, yeah. Would you, would you fuck me? Oh, you can't see it because of the... How do I want to, how do I want to do this? No, fuck it. I'll just minimize it. Look at that. Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I love the American flag in the background, as if the American flag was necessary to pinpoint which country this would be in. Alright, here is a public freakout, courtesy of LiveTheTikTok. Unknown_09: Like a girl? I do not understand. You don't? Do I look like a boy or a girl? 0:56:08 Unknown_09: Me. Unknown_09: I think you're a boy. No, I'm a girl. Okay. Okay, I think you look like a girl. Sorry. Unknown_09: No. Unknown_10: Here you can actually have my pizza. Do you like those? He's so mean. I'm not eating his pizza. So you should have it Okay, you enjoy your pizza Look at me. Do I look like a boy or girl? He's telling me I'm a man. Come on. It doesn't take rocket science He thinks it's funny It doesn't take rocket science to figure it out Thank you. Enjoy your pizza. Bye Bye, I'm just telling you, you have to be more respectful. Just leave, bro. 0:56:39 Unknown_19: Jesus. See, this guy is like so fucking like trying to cause a scene, like trying to get this guy to chimp out at him and go, OK, goodbye, you ugly man. You not real woman. Ha ha. Like he's trying to provoke this response. And he keeps saying, I'm going to leave now. I'm going to leave. Eat your pizza. And then but doesn't leave because he's trying to bait this guy into fucking with him. 0:57:10 Unknown_10: Yeah, you are not. You're not embarrassed to be ignorant and rude. Unknown_19: Does that man look embarrassed to be ignorant and rude? I don't know. I changed my mind on immigration. Can we, like, import all the violently homophobic Somalians into Minnesota or some shit? I'm for it. Let's just import... What's the most transphobic state of the entire world? Can we just import everybody from... You know how many poor, innocent children have been displaced in Yemen by the Saudi war that we fund there? 0:57:52 Unknown_19: All of those Yemeni people, disperse them throughout the country. Unknown_19: Oakland, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Los Angeles. These places have the capacity to handle Yemeni refugees, Chad. We can fix this. Unknown_10: I am not good English. Unknown_10: I don't buy that for a minute. I think you speak English just fine, my love. Because you understood every other sentence we had. Great. 0:58:28 Unknown_04: Okay, bye. Unknown_10: Educate yourself. You know all the pizza. What? I would never eat your pizza in a million years. You're so rude. How are you going to tell me I'm a man in a purse and long hair and nails? You can't figure that out for yourself? Unknown_10: Fucking asking, well, what are your pronouns? What do you think my fucking pronouns are? Take a fucking guess. Unknown_19: What do you think chat? Honestly, like I, this is why we need the stickers. I'm now pro pronoun stickers. This guy needs like embroider it into your sweatshirt. She, her, just give me a hint, bro. 0:59:01 Unknown_10: Take a guess. Well, what were the pronouns of the guy in the pizza shop? Unknown_20: Um, probably go fuck yourself. Unknown_19: Uh, what's his face. Um, uh, Liz fun Jones was at an AWS reinvent conference. And he showed up this muffin top hanging out, disrespectful holding. If I don't even know what his shirt is. 0:59:39 Unknown_19: Oh, uh, hold up chat. My browser might've crashed. Unknown_19: It's crashing chat. It's crashing. We're going down. We're going down like a Boeing 747. I put the square jaw on my fucking screen and my, my browser is now just like dead fucking dead. Okay. Okay. I have to reboot. 1:00:11 Unknown_19: Thanks Liz. Unknown_21: Liz wins again. Chat. Unknown_19: Anyways, his muffin- muffin top was- I just wanted to point out that this man's fat. He appears to be gaining weight because of the stress of trying to, uh, commit acts of terrorism in multiple countries. Unknown_19: We'll get to anyone, chat. We'll get to anyone. Unknown_19: Now all the tabs have to reload. Okay, give me a second. Unknown_21: I'm gonna go through and try to reload all the tabs. 1:00:44 Unknown_21: I went through, and I got everything preloaded. Unknown_20: I was ready to go. Unknown_21: then this shit happens all day. Ruined chat. Ruined. Unknown_21: Oh, this guy. Unknown_19: Oh, this is a barred fin. He's like a power. Jenny from Reddit. Unknown_19: on Blue Sky in response to Becca Levi saying, it's serious Saturday, share your serious niche opinions in the quote tweets or else. And he says, Kiwi farms should be listed as a foreign terrorist organization, because even though he's American, he wants to sound fancy in British organization by the U.S. Department of State. And it's participants prosecuted. So, uh, Penny Oaken, AKA Bardfin, AKA somebody who beats his wife. 1:01:17 Unknown_19: and has allegedly spammed child pornography on subreddits to get them shut down, believes that a West Virginian LLC, for a website hosted out of the United States, owned by an American with all of his banking and assets in American banks, is a foreign organization. I'm not even gonna address the terrorist side of this. He thinks that's foreign, that constitutes a non-American entity, What is that? Who? If, if, listen, if I'm not American, can I declare my sovereignty at this point? Can I just do whatever the fuck I want now? I am a free traveler and I demand that you treat me with the respect of the, uh, and diplomatic immunity that me as a representation of Josh Topia, uh, should enjoy a chat. 1:02:35 Unknown_21: Um, Unknown_21: Oh, and this. Unknown_19: Okay. So I get fucked over by, uh, by politically motivated decisions all the time. Right. And I have to pay out of pocket for my legal representation. This guy's a tranny that worked at a daycare center and was wiping an infant. And the infant was making uncomfortable noises, which caused someone at the daycare center. He worked at one of the other people in charge of taking care of the children. Ask this man, who dresses up as a woman, if there was an issue that was causing the infant child pain because it was making uncomfortable noises. And the tranny turns around and says, and I quote, 1:03:06 Unknown_19: That was her clit area, and she likes it. It just made her day. That is what this guy says, according to his coworker. He's arrested for abusing an infant. And he gets, from a trans activist organization, pro bono representation. These powerful non-profits 1:03:50 Unknown_19: funded by some of the most Incredibly powerful organizations in the entire world have the money and clout to get a infant child molester Openly bragging about molesting children a fucking pro bono representation That is fucking crazy. That is one of the craziest things I've ever read. Like, okay, sure. We know that they're gross retards, but the institutional power that they wield and the frivolity, the recklessness, which they wield it with is truly just shocking. Like it's unfucking believable to me that that's out. That's just how it is. And everyone has to be okay with that. Unknown_19: Everyone else can eat shit too. 1:04:38 Unknown_19: Um, Chantal, I have some Chantal news for once. Hamster dismissed. Unknown_19: Uh, what, what, what's the, what did they say? There's like a military grunt that they do when they like, like attention. And then there's like another one where they like dismiss somebody that goes, Oh, and then they can turn away. Something like that. I'm trying to, I'm going to figure this out and I will do my dismissal salute at the hamster. Uh, the time comes full load rock. And then he goes, boom, poof, he's gone. Chantal. 1:05:14 Unknown_19: Chantal is moving back to Canada. Why, Chat? After all the months and months spent in her Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad cloth, worshiping a dead pedophile who married a nine-year-old, why would she ever want to return to icky, disgusting Canada? Well, Chat, Unknown_19: She's diabetic and now needs dialysis and the Kuwaiti government is not going to pay for health services for an immigrant So she's moving back to Canada to suck up the the NHS there I don't know what you call the NHS of Canada, but whatever your health services are 1:05:51 Unknown_19: I'm pay up time to pay up. She's behind on her taxes, but you're going to pay what you owe Canada. She got kidneys. They don't fucking work no more because her body's broken and fucked up because she keeps eating and you got to pay for it. Unknown_19: She's going back to Canada, and I'm assuming that when she's there, she's going to start working on getting her beloved Syrian husband. People think that he's Kuwaiti. He's not. He's Syrian. He doesn't even have Kuwaiti citizenship. This is how the Middle Eastern countries work, like Kuwait and Dubai and the Emirates and shit. 1:06:24 Unknown_19: They have they are like the citizens of these countries are like a minority of their own countries the rest is just foreign labor that they import from like Syria and India and other shitholes and then pay them a pittance like borderline slave labor And then when they're done with them, they just send them away and they don't have any rights They don't have any accrued benefits They don't have any health care and they use their oil money to actually provide for their citizens that uh that do live in the country so he's Syrian which is Getting anybody from Syria who only has a Syrian passport into another country is probably a pain in the ass right now to be legit But I'm sure Love and Justin Trudeau will find a way to get that poor Syrian man into Canada where he belongs 1:07:01 Unknown_19: Wish they did that hair in, oh shit. Tell me about it, bro. I have nothing to play from this. I think that, um, the entire video was just her shilling like a, no, that's the other video. I watched a video where it was just like an advertisement. It pissed me off. She was just shilling for some fucking company. I guess she needs money to buy the plane ticket. Unknown_19: Surprise. 1:07:57 Unknown_19: So, is the Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie chat? We will find out. I will now type in a poll. Unknown_19: Is Nightmare Before Christmas a Christmas or Halloween movie? Question mark. Vote one for Christmas, vote two for Halloween. Unknown_19: No, you cannot say both. Unknown_19: Yeah. You have to pick a side been sitter vote to, okay. The votes are now coming. The votes are coming in at an alarming pace. People ignoring my warnings. They're still voting. 1:08:33 Unknown_21: Um, with 100 votes and 54 people say Christmas, it's like 50 50. Unknown_19: I think a lot of people, they're trying to balance it out because they want to vote both. Uh, what's her face? This lady, Eugenia Cooney, she is definitely on team both because, um, she was spooky for Halloween and she was spooky for Christmas. 1:09:06 Unknown_20: Simple as. Unknown_20: So, Jack Scalfani has announced that he, having had serious health complications recently, would be changing his diet. Unknown_19: And for the last couple months, he's been cooking more healthy stuff with less salt, so on and so forth, the kind of dietary restrictions that people with strokes are expected to make. 1:09:39 Unknown_19: Jack Scalfani has listened to Twitter and has gone his own way to combat his stroke Health conditions and other health conditions. He is going to adopt a carnivore diet So this man is going to be eaten the beefiest beef you've ever heard Actually, that's I want to play just a little bit of this because I want you to just to hear how great he sounds It's a live stream Hey guys, good morning Unknown_01: Still getting my coffee throat cleared, uh, drinking cup of coffee here. This is a man in peak health, but not yet. 1:10:20 Unknown_19: He could be a little bit better. What he needs is 2000 plus calories of nothing but meat every day for the rest of his life. Unknown_19: By the way, a lot of people spurged out about this and said, no, really, the carnivore diet's base. Unknown_19: So people are very opinionated about diets and shit. Don't even get into it. Fuck it. If you think that this is bad or good, I agree with you. Don't write a comment about it. I do not want to fucking hear about it. Just spare me. And I talked about this a while ago. This is the guy that crashed his plane. 1:10:55 Unknown_19: I'm Unknown_19: Deliberately crashing an aircraft which is a big deal and then also lying to the police because he told the investigators because obviously when you crash a plane There's that I forgot what they call it, but it's like that federal agency that monitors all aircraft they take the guys that that look after airplanes are 1:11:33 Unknown_19: Like, they're very, they take their jobs in aircraft safety very, very seriously. And like after every crash, it's not like a car accident where they just bump with their bumpers and then you call insurance and you get it fixed or whatever the fuck, and then you sue each other. If any aircraft crashes, I think even for the small planes, this agency comes out and they will write a full report about what happened and how it can be prevented. I think not just for commercial craft, but like any plane that goes down is like a serious thing to them. Unknown_19: So when he he did not know this and when he crashed his plane he didn't expect that the FAA would come out and Would actually do like a very serious investigation Ask him a ton of questions pull out the black box inspect it figure out that he's lying or whatever the fuck And they did and they said they said you're fucking lying to us, and that's a crime So he had to plead guilty to it, and he was very lucky 1:12:37 Unknown_19: that the fuel tank wasn't full, because it was a dry day. It was one of those years where there were rampant forest fires throughout California, and by pure dumb luck, this idiot did not set off a epidemic wildfire with his plane crash. So he only gets six months, and there was something else to it. It wasn't just six months. Oh, I thought there was something else. Unknown_19: And then I imagine he also probably loses his pilot's license and can't fly anymore. Unknown_19: So he lucked out. That's a very lenient sentence for him. 1:13:18 Unknown_20: The NTSB does not do, um, the inspections, does it? Unknown_20: I've never heard. I thought it was, I thought it was the FAA. Who does plane crash reports in USA? Unknown_19: The National Transportation Safety Board, you were right. Unknown_19: I was wrong. I think that's a part of the FAA, though. Someone in the chat said that it's the only legitimate government agency. Unknown_19: Everything that I've seen from them, they don't fuck around. They're not like the TSA where they just fondle your balls and then wish you well, slap you on your ass as you walk through. You're gonna get a full expose written when you try to crash a plane without 1:13:59 Unknown_19: With it and try to cover that up Okay Speaking of cover-ups chat Darkside Phil did a video Actually, I think it was a stream and he came out and he said I have proof that Comcast is deliberately fucking with my internet connection and And he goes out and he shows his router. And in case you don't know, in the United States, routers are usually distributed to clients of ISPs. 1:14:37 Unknown_19: They just sort of lease you their modems. And it's usually like a combo modem and router. Back in the day, you used to have a modem and a router. These days, it's usually one device. So they lease you this device. However, what you don't know is that these devices, when you get them from the ISP directly, are usually their custom firmware. They can control those devices remotely it's really scary, which is why there's things like I think it's called tomato router that Is like a it's sort of like an open source Firmware for routers, and they like support every device ever made so it's like they completely and totally control these devices they lease to you and I 1:15:29 Unknown_19: So he's checking his router because he's having all these issues and he's finding out that there's like parental controls on that like Block any page that contains Twitter or Phil or DSP or like the DNS is blocking these certain sites and then IP is related to Unknown_19: to xbox and stuff are being uh blocked so like his connections going off and he doesn't know why and his streams are going down and he doesn't know why and then he has the the uh conscious mind to watch his router and refresh it when this happens and he discovered that there is someone remotely accessing his router from concast deliberately fucking with him blocking IP addresses and using DNS resolvers to make it so he can't access certain sites at random. And then they just undo it, and there's no logging, and there's no way to figure this out unless you catch them in the act. So he discovered this. 1:16:21 Unknown_19: Reported on it and then the guy joins the fucking website the Kiwi farms and post Comcast dashboard information showing that this person using the website in the DSP board has access to the Comcast account profile for DSP Unknown_19: And then, the cope is with this, is that this is all fake. That DSP has somehow convinced a Comcast employee to take this picture, or forged this copy of the account dashboard for his profile, and then post it to the Kiwi Farms to, I guess, provoke people into giving him sympathy donations. But I completely believe that this happened. It's really shocking it definitely opens. I think Comcast up to a lawsuit, and you can even see it has information like customer tenure and and shit I Believe this I really I really do believe this even like yeah, I think this is legit, but we'll see 1:17:09 Unknown_21: And then, um, so yeah, I'm like, the DSP people are just like retarded. Unknown_19: I don't, I don't understand the fascination with, I don't understand the fascination of anyone looking at a locale and like hating them, like genuinely hating them for what they do. And then like staying invested in like trying actively trying to. 1:17:54 Unknown_19: Create scenarios where they are inconvenienced or deplatformed. Because if someone is a lolcow and you find them funny... Unknown_19: You should want them to put out as much content as possible. You should want them to keep making weird videos where they're having like schizophrenic episodes and doing weird shit or, you know, causing drama or whatever it is that they do that you, that you find funny. You should be like rooting for them to continue on their trajectory in a way. Well, the DSP people, they really want to like get him to kill himself. They want him to be destitute. They say it's for like, it's for his own good. They cope about it in the same way that the wings of redemption people do. We just got a good majority to get a real job. We're gonna get DSP to get a real job You should be working at Staples This is fucking gay. It's like it's like a cope so they don't admit that what they're doing is rotten You 1:18:28 Unknown_19: Josh you hate Rikada. No, I did not Masterson. I do hate Vito, but that's because he's a pedophile like Dick is scummy and Vito is sexually attracted to children. I don't want to like Ruin him like teehee. I've undone your business Vito teehee. Now you can't make YouTube videos teehee I want to see Vito Prosecuted to the fullest extent of law and put into the peepee poopoo rape dungeons. I'm not like I'm rooting against him in a very direct way not like I'm not posting about him every day making like Vito's last thing is so bad like no I'm just waiting for the news one day that he's killed himself so I can laugh about it There's a difference 1:19:45 Unknown_19: Anyways, XQC, uh, reacts to like, look at this. He's so hungry. He's looking, he's looking at this cheesy bread. Like he's about to come, but he finds out while watching the cheesy bread that his YouTube account has been banned. Uh, we'll talk into destiny. I believe we have to wait a second. This is downloading from the Kiwi farms, the slowest site ever to exist ever in the history of mankind. Unknown_21: Ping Sherry. 1:20:24 Unknown_16: People are spamming and chat at your YouTube channel. Got that girl. Unknown_15: It looks amazing by the way. Like basically I think some, uh, the strikes were going to kick in. Then I had like a counterclaim and then it just, it didn't kick in in time or something like that. And it's auto termination, but it gets, it comes back up. I mean, I mean, I'm sure you had that before where you have like multiple strikes and they're like, okay, that's sometime. See, the problem is that all the strikes kicked in at the same time, right? Unknown_15: And that, like, since they didn't get fought and cleared at the same time, right? If one of them went through, because I was only on three strikes, I mean, it's a GG. Sure. 1:21:00 Unknown_16: You're not scared about, like, posting YouTube content and shit with multiple strikes? Like, one could, like, destroy your channel or whatever? You're just like, fuck it? Unknown_15: Yeah, I'm like, fuck it. I mean, I'm really wrong, right? Like... Hey, it's true. Unknown_16: That's how I move through life, yeah. Unknown_15: So it's like... Unknown_15: If you're not wrong, I mean, you don't have anything to worry about. Unless your channel gets deleted like mine did. Unknown_15: Which is fine. Unknown_15: Bro, the reason why I'm not panicking and I'm not going high wire about it is that I've always said that YouTube is for people and I don't care about the amount of money it makes. It's just for people. It sucks that we lose it for now because people don't get their VOD content, right? But revenue-wise, I haven't looked twice at it. Does that make sense? 1:21:32 Unknown_16: Okay. Well, um, I mean, I have, I have my whole things on it. Unknown_15: I'm just saying it was overall. Um, if there's any proof of all the defensive, like it was never about the money. Is that like, I'm financially not mad about it and never will. Um, cause it was always for people. Look at that. Yes. It's the guy asking, why does he speak so weird? Unknown_19: He is Canadian scratch that chat. He is Quebec law. That is why he speaks weird. 1:22:05 Unknown_19: with a claw accent. Very strange. I like his attitude. I'm warming up to this guy. He pisses off people about copyright. He, um, he has a very, very laid back attitude. Yeah. You know, YouTube that's for, for, uh, cattle. That's for neighbor cattle. That shit's for dumbasses. It's just like a, just a whore to be used. You know, I don't look twice at it. Very, very based, very based YouTube, YouTube loather. 1:22:38 Unknown_20: Fascinating so yeah, this channel struck. Unknown_19: I figured I'd just say that and say shh That was very tasty garlic bread by the way Pyrocynical I believe pyrocynical is the guy who had furry fart roleplay with underage boys is surprised to learn that people think he is a homosexual Thank you Unknown_13: Wait, what? You had my girlfriend, didn't you? Unknown_11: Wait, you're not... Wait, you're straight? 1:23:11 Unknown_13: Yes. Unknown_11: Wait, since when? Unknown_13: Since ever. What? Unknown_11: Wait. Unknown_13: The fucking revelation chat is happening right now. Unknown_11: Wait, I thought you were gay. What? Unknown_11: I'm done. For the longest time, I thought you were gay. Unknown_05: What the fuck is this? What the fuck have you put me in? Unknown_13: Now I'm straight. Unknown_11: Oh wait, wait. Oh! Now I got a girlfriend. Unknown_11: Whoa, you look really good in makeup. 1:23:42 Unknown_19: That's a real mystery why this limp-wristed, gawking, homosexual-sounding, furry fart roleplayer is mistaken as gay, chat. In fact, he probably is gay, his girlfriend just doesn't know it yet. Unknown_19: As these things frequently turn out. Unknown_19: Now, finally, an hour and a half in, I can start shipping away at the mega contents. There are three things that happened in the last week that I probably should have split out to two different streams and save one for next week. I don't know, maybe I will if I go on too long. Unknown_19: The first one, by length, Ruben Sim. This guy is a fan of my streams. He was the largest channel besides YMS that had subscribed to my YouTube channel before I was unceremoniously banned. 1:24:26 Unknown_19: And he's a Roblox creator. Unknown_19: He was sued by Roblox for threats of terrorism because he didn't make terroristic threats towards their company. However, despite being banned and permanently banned from Roblox, he has never given up. He has never stopped making content, because he hates their company. It's publicly traded, it's a profit-oriented business, and unfortunately it caters to children. 1:25:05 Unknown_19: So their lackadaisical approach to moderation in combination with their always online online service centralized platform approach to like social social media meets You know open source video gaming type thing it means that there's a lot of ways for very bad people to meet very young players and Unknown_19: My boy Ruben has been on their ass about this for literally years and he's made an entire career Just chewing out this this company for being shitters So he put out this video that I watched And I think I'll play you know just like the first minute because the first minute has like a little highlight reel that leads into Like an expose type thing 1:26:08 Unknown_23: Adopt a child? And beat it? Unknown_23: The deeper you go into the list, yeah the names get worse. 16 inch bull. 25 inch bull. Rough black bull. Back shattered? That sounds like a Mortal Kombat finisher. Unknown_02: I am M18. Maybe I can worship your feet and armpits? Unknown_23: Wow, we hit the mother load. Giantess. Remember when that Roblox intern was caught playing the giantess game? Unknown_13: Oh my god. Their role was changed from intern to former intern. Add me to fart on me, girls only. 1:26:42 Unknown_23: Add me, I gotta let such a big one be bound. Unknown_17: Oh my god! Woah, woah! Why does the other song, like, the legs are uneven, that bothers me so much. You think the fat asses that make this care? Unknown_19: So from what I ascertain There's like a shop where people can sell skins for your roblox character Unknown_19: and uh it's kind of kind of like a profit sharing thing like steam has for the cosmetics that they get from their workshop um but people will just make not safe for work stuff and it doesn't get approved by any central authority um so they just have like like sexy skins and shit like thongs what is the other song like the legs are uneven that bothers me so much you think the fat asses that make this care 1:27:49 Unknown_19: I Don't know what a condo is I think that what happens is that you advertise a server as being a condo That means like it's a sex roleplay thing. So That's like their code word for like not safe for work RP Unknown_02: Look at the chat, look at the chat. I need boi to do sus. ABC to do sus. I'm in the bathroom. Oh, what the fuck? Unknown_14: It's one of these bathroom games. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why is Dream in there? Unknown_07: They might hire you, buddy. Unknown_14: Good job. We'll be paying you for this. Unknown_14: Guys, my paycheck. Unknown_23: Wait, 150 Robux per two hours? That's 75 cents an hour. 1:28:30 Unknown_22: If you love your job, then the pay doesn't matter, you know? Unknown_23: Look at how many members there are. There's 12,000. Unknown_18: Oh my god. Unknown_23: There's 12,000. Go to the member list and just click forward as many pages as you can. And you can see, it just, it never ends. It keeps going. It's all add me for, you know, big bull, sub toy, BWC, bull for bunnies. Unknown_22: I want to play this because it's a really good. I thought it was like before two minutes. Unknown_17: I think this is where it ends 1:29:15 Unknown_19: Yeah, this is literally I cut it off right before the dramatic title screen thing The one thing that was really sad, and I'm not gonna play this I'll just summarize it, but he goes into a profile That's like obviously like a normal kids profile And you can see that this person started off joined like a regular name And then you can see like they change their name from like a regular like kids screen name to like Unknown_19: Black Queen or something like she changed it to like a porn name and then you can see in her groups that she at first She was joining all these regular like kids groups and then at some point it starts getting like more and more explicitly Pornographic until she's like in the condo groups so you can see in real time Like or kind of like in a fossil Record how this this kid joined the platform was normal had normal interest and then was exposed to like Like goon clown shit, and then by the end of it. She's just like porn addicted and being pimped out by these discord groups and shit 1:30:16 Unknown_19: So it's really fucking nasty, and my boy Ruben is doing a bang-up job lighting a fire under this company's ass, and I approve of it wholeheartedly. This video was interesting, I retweeted it on Zitter. Unknown_19: So that's one thing, I feature this, it's a fetish with a name, it's called Early Porn Introduction. So at the end of it, when the goon clowns cannot find anything more to goon off to, they find kids, introduce them to porn, make them into gooners, and then harvest child pornography from the source. 1:30:56 Unknown_19: That's their fetish. Unknown_19: H bomber guy he created a a ruckus I will summarize very quickly the point of his video He talks about plagiarism on YouTube how in the endless content churn of all these all these youtubers who have like high video output and Unknown_19: that they cut corners, and they plagiarize articles, and they use other people's work as a script to build a video off of with less work, no credit, and no profit-sharing with the original author. He starts off with a proven case of plagiarism that was from an IGN guy a couple years back, 1:31:37 Unknown_19: And then he ends like half the video is just this guy who does Like I don't even know how to describe it He's like a he describes himself as like a queer media social commentary critic And he talks about how everything is gay for whatever reason like that's his entire thing very popular and obviously h-bomber guy being a faggot is into that kind of shit and Unknown_19: But he basically ruins this guy's career because he's already deleted all of his social media Took down his patreon deleted thousands of like views of worth of videos on his YouTube His name was James Somerton by the way He's the queer media critic and he basically proved beyond a reasonable doubt as far as I'm concerned that this guy is He basically just stole articles, stole excerpts from books, stole anything that he could get his hands on, and then integrated that into a video, slapped some stills, some screenshots on top of it, recorded himself reading other people's words, and then put it on YouTube, and made lots and lots and lots of money as a LGBT creator, SAS, pumped into the algorithm on the platform. 1:32:26 Unknown_19: And I think most people would agree that that's not acceptable. The one that got hairy and that got a lot of people yelling at me and became a thing on Twitter that people are yelling at each other about is Internet Historian. Internet Historian, for the most part, hasn't plagiarized anything. There's one specific part of one of his videos where it's a story about a Kentucky cave diver Who got contorted in a really terrible way and died horrifically and for the most part this is Internet historians original work however he word-for-word reads a mental floss article About this exact same thing and not only does he read it word-for-word, but he actually animates parts of the article and 1:33:37 Unknown_19: And people took issue with me agreeing that, um, that was plagiarism and he should have paid. Here's what I believe that he should have done. He should have, um, number one, he should have done it to begin with, but after he was called out, damage is done. He should have paid the guys from mental floss, a portion of the money that he had earned over the months that this video was up and the millions of views that it accumulated probably resulting in six figures. plus worth of ad revenue and other support. I believe that he should have paid the writers for the work that he had copied, which helped make his video as successful as it was. 1:34:18 Unknown_19: Who gives a shit the authors that he stole from that's why They wrote this fucking thing to make money this guy takes the thing that they made to make money Makes money with it and pretends that they had no part in it They don't even get exposure And I think that he should have made things right by actually purchasing the rights to the parts that he read and the the script that he animated and left the original video up, because what he did instead is, after getting called out, he didn't fight the DMCA claim, but he changed the dialogue of these parts to a less artistically creative, less interesting way. He made an inferior copy of his own work, re-uploaded that in its place, and then left, by the way, parts of this were inspired by this article. Instead of compensating them, and I think that's a dick move and that's my entire point Intellectual property is gay 1:35:15 Unknown_19: However, I think that's mostly because of how the law works, is that it's extremely fucking gay. You and I, as people, realize that it is unethical to take somebody else's work and then make money off of it, and then pretend that you're not... In the original edit, he didn't even acknowledge that he had taken shit word for word for these other people. Whatever you want to say about the law, I would say that it's plagiarism and is copyright theft under the law of the United States, which is why he didn't try to fight it or file a counter DMCA. He instead took it down and re-uploaded it. Unknown_19: It is unethical to take people's stuff. 1:36:00 Unknown_20: XQC base Josh ten minutes ago My distinction with XQC is that he plays a video in its place, so it's sort of like what I'm doing I have a screen open you can see the source You can see exactly what I'm watching if you want to go watch what I'm looking at you can easily find it based on the information That's on your screen. Unknown_19: I'll put up his thing so you can see it um Unknown_19: I'm not saying that he's base. I'm just saying that I think I I I'm not even being ironic I think that what XQC did is less copyright infringement than what internet historian did because Unknown_19: If I can even find this yeah sure like this you can see what he's seeing you can see the author of it You can see and it's like a live stream So you you just watch it live and then you're done with it, and it's not really successful as a VOD It's just there as a VOD and very few people are going to Go out of their way to watch this cheese garlic bread with honey dip recipe when XQC's VOD versus going to the Delicious Day cooking channel and seeing it there. Whereas Internet Historian has created a video that fully replaces the need to read the original article by publishing it as a video for the same market, without even crediting the original source. I feel like it's very cut and dry that that is less acceptable than somebody who's just doing live reactions to garlic bread videos, because this guy is not replacing the original market for Delicious Day. In fact, he's advertising her channel and her garlic bread to his viewers. Internet Historian took somebody else's work and then tried to disguise it as his own and sold it and made a fuck ton of money and when called out, just changed it and didn't give them shit and then said, oh yeah, by the way, they kind of inspired this. And I think that's, um, 1:37:50 Unknown_19: I think that that's less ethical. Unknown_19: They're journalists, that's true. Unknown_19: Listen, the only acceptable counter to what I'm saying is right. It is less legal, it is not fair use, it is not a critical use of their work, it's not a sharing alike like XQC does. I am right both ethically and I am right in terms of the law. And if you want to disagree with me and just say fuck it, they don't deserve shit, then just be honest about that and just say they're journalists and it's YouTube and I don't give a fuck. But don't try to say it's actually fine what he did. Because that's wrong. 1:38:25 Unknown_19: I am right again. Unknown_19: Sorry, not sorry. Dude, The Sims, it is a thing where you can't evaluate the fact that because it came from Hbomberguy and it's against Internet Historian, that no, actually, it is not acceptable to steal other people's writing. You have to pass it off as your own for profit. It's not an okay thing to do. You learned this in elementary school. Most people do. Unless you're, I guess, a communist. 1:39:05 Unknown_19: Anyways. Unknown_19: So the other big long video that more people are interested in I think by far and which would require an insurmountable amount of effort to go down case by case is when fans become stalkers by Maddox. Maddox has not spoken about the lawsuit or his falling out with Dick Masterson and Jake Sean. for, uh, for years. I think six years now has been from when the biggest problem in the universe ended and when this video is made. 1:39:43 Unknown_19: And I think that the video is both very embarrassing and also extremely compelling. And the issue is entirely in its presentation and its length. This is a two hour, 45 minute long expose, uh, Unknown_19: By Maddox it has pretty decent editing like it's pretty there's certain jokes that land really well the issue is entirely in the beginning like you can see the intro chapter is eight and a half minutes long and Then this part up until about 22 minutes is Maddox sucking his own dick and explaining that he's really super popular He's very important. He's friends with Penn from Penn and Teller and He's done all these great things. He's a New York Times bestseller yada yada So obviously he has rabid fanboys like Dick Masterson I think that like if he didn't have this thing where he had to stroke his own ego and just Sorry, it's not even that's 32 minutes before he gets to him explaining why he was silent I think that if he managed to condense this down to like three minutes like 110th of length. Hi. I'm an author I've done all this stuff. I did a podcast with this guy called Dick Masterson 1:41:00 Unknown_19: And, uh, we had a falling out. And then he immediately proceeds to, uh, you know, why he was silent despite, you know, all the shit. That would have been a much better video. Unfortunately, he feeds Dick all this, all this bullshit, all this, like, feather pluffing, and he makes his own video less accessible to a normal audience. Because who the fuck is gonna, who doesn't know Maddox, is going to listen to this guy suck his own dick for 30 minutes straight? It's it's it's a really really it's really unfortunate because a lot a lot of what he says is interesting And the longer that it goes the better that it gets like the two minute two minute 45 minute mark it's like his balls are on the table, and it's like it's crazy and He hides that at two hours 45 minutes in it's like he shouldn't have done that so 1:41:54 Unknown_19: Yeah, just saying this, like I tried listening to Dick's cover of this. I will give you a very brief impersonation. I've watched like literally a couple minutes before I got bored of it. It goes like this. Unknown_19: Oh my God, he's so crazy. And then Sean goes, yeah, I think that he might have like genuine schizophrenia. Like he's crazy now. Unknown_19: It's like and then he unpauses it for another 30 seconds and then pauses it and it's just It's it's really it's painful to fucking sit through. He has to he has to pretend that this is the funniest shit possible No matter what You 1:42:28 Unknown_19: So he explains why he was quiet. And, uh, the reason why he was quiet in a nutshell is that, uh, he just didn't want to give him attention because he believed that Dick was just a troll and that if he had just ignored him, then everything would have resolved itself on its own. Um, however, he alleges that Dick continually provoked him and basically forced him to respond to content. Um, Unknown_19: Forced him into it into a corner in some ways and never stopped like what dick would do instead of Just like laughing at his whatever the fuck whatever his videos is that he would aggressively go out to events that he was at and harass people and try to get him fired from actually, that's a Later down the line It just says that his idea was based off his PETA. He said that PETA was, he realized that PETA's advertising was to get attention, so he thought, I'm not going to talk about PETA anymore, and I'm not going to talk about this guy, and see how that works out. 1:43:25 Unknown_19: He then calls Dick Masterson completely irrelevant. It's actually kind of embarrassing. I want to see the Maddox blast thing. Unknown_19: There's a part where he explains how dick basically sucked his ass for for months and months and months until he agreed to help him And that was pretty funny there's a part where there's a book treatment that he wanted to publish where I 1:44:20 Unknown_21: Dick had basically written an entire book about him and called him a god and said that he was an extremely great entertainer and Came up with this term called the Maddox blast And I wish I could find that cuz it's really funny. Unknown_19: Here's him dressed as a pony by the way, everyone's seen this though Okay, so there's the silence Unknown_19: Oh, he also alleged that dick accepted payment for For merchandise or for sales related to their problem the biggest problem in the universe And it was in Bitcoin and dick wired or not wired, but he used his personal wallet for the sales So at the time, the amount of money that they earned through Bitcoin was negligible, because it was 2015. However, now he alleges that it might be as much as $50,000 that Dick had stolen from him and didn't split with him. The issue is, and I looked into this, there's two different torts that I believe you could use in regards to someone taking money for goods and then running away with it. 1:45:06 Unknown_19: It would either be a common law fraud tort, Unknown_19: Or it would be what's called conversion and conversion is an interesting tort that many people don't know about It's basically if you take if you take something that you don't have rights to in a general sense not just like an object but also, you know rights to some kind of 1:45:48 Unknown_19: like media or mineral rights or lumber rights on a property, and you take somebody else's rights and then you do something with that. You may put in your own work, but you take that and then you sell it somehow and make money. Unknown_19: The original owner who you took from is entitled by law to the money that you earned using their property without their permission. That's called conversion. You could say that either it was just a fraudulent thing to take the Bitcoin from him, or you could say that he took something and then made money off of it, which would be the case with Bitcoin. Unknown_19: However, it's been so long... Unknown_19: that those have statutes of limitations. I think it's three years for conversion and four years for fraud in California. It's now six years. So he would have a really hard time trying to get around the statute of limitations on the Bitcoin shit because he waited so long before doing anything, anything at all about Dick. 1:46:28 Unknown_19: In part because of his financial situation, Dick has literally financially ruined Maddox, and now it's really hard for him to take a swing at him, because Dick is funded well enough that he can absorb any singular lawsuit indefinitely forever, and probably also make money off of it by talking about it. 1:47:04 Unknown_19: But Maddox is not in that position, because he's bankrupted. Unknown_19: He talks about how he thinks that Dick's numbers are fake based off the fact that Dick gets next to no engagement on all forms of social media. Unknown_19: And then backs that up by posting how he posted a random picture of a vacuum cleaner and it got that more engagement than Dick Masterson's shit. Which, that's been speculated for a while, that his numbers aren't what he purports them to be because of the engagement. But it's really hard to tell without having a look into the analytics. 1:47:37 Unknown_19: This is the lamest thing in the entire entire like two and a half hours Dick at some point decided to ask his fans to burn any books of Maddox's that they had And oh well, it's called book burning because it's but it's talking about how his fans went after fuck whales which was his last book that he released and They bombed it with negative reviews and dick personally bombed it with like a fake review, so he called this a book burning, but then he also 1:48:12 Unknown_19: Dick literally held like a book-burning contest, so he decides to compare him to Nazis. Unknown_12: He even offered people rewards for burning them along with my merchandise. And sadly, this won't be the last thing this mob will have in common with another famous mob of book burners, as you'll see later in this video. Unknown_19: That's so cringe. Why do you do that? Why do people do that? Like you're talking about how this guy is fucking with you and you want people to take it seriously and then just in the background you hear, Just like random German in the distance in a swastika for like like for a good measure like come on bro how am I supposed I cannot I literally cannot take this seriously. Anyways, that was that made me laugh out loud and cringe. 1:49:07 Unknown_19: Even though he was on it. He was on a good terror like yeah this guy Here's proof that this guy was fucking with me and trying to make it so that the book I put out was not financially successful He posted screenshots to implicate that dick was literally paying people to fuck with him which might be its own kind of crime and then up Hitler Come on Unknown_19: Complains about doxing which okay you want to complain about doxing that's a very normie friendly thing to say people don't like doxing Sure, whatever And he supports this by showing that his address shows up on his reddit a lot and that there was some comedy thing that he did where 1:50:00 Unknown_19: This guy's a huge fucking dickhead. I don't know what his name is. He's a big fat cunt that was on the Drunken Peasants Project podcast, and I'm not talking about Ben Grady. So this guy was on the Drunken Peasants, and he was gonna do a show, and he reached out, because it was Dick on the show, he reached out to Maddox and said, I'm having Dick Masterson on the show. I know you guys have like a heated thing. He's gonna have his fans in the audience. Is there anything that you would like me to put on a block list Unknown_19: for the show. 1:50:31 Unknown_19: And I remember this story, it was a long list of stuff, but one of the two of the words that were on the list was 829, the number 829, and then the word Sycamore. And he's reading this list of words that he collected from Maddox under false pretenses, under good faith, and it's his home address. So Dick is on stage, this guy is reading up the thing, and then they react in such a way that you can tell that that's his home address when he reads it aloud. Unknown_19: so He alleges doxing and then the patreon thing comes up over and over again and says that patreon is Supporting this by allowing him to stay on the platform and collect $20,000 a month And then 1:51:26 Unknown_21: He talks about how Vito is a pedophile, and how Digibro is a pedophile. Unknown_19: Actually, he doesn't even talk about how Vito is a pedophile. He really should have talked more about how Vito is a pedophile. He mentions that they rebooted The Biggest Problem in the Universe without his permission, because they own the trademark now. Unknown_19: But he doesn't talk about how Vito Gasaldi is a fat pedophile. I don't know why, but he does talk about how Digibro's a pedophile. I guess it apparently took him like three years to get this video made, so maybe he had lost track of what was happening. But he doesn't mention Vito, unfortunately. Unknown_21: Let's see, sorry, I'm just kind of scrolling through. 1:52:08 Unknown_20: So that this does not take literally forever. Oh, this is also a really, really cringe argument. Unknown_12: I'll play this. By now it may seem obvious that this stalker is deeply obsessed. So when I rejected him, something in him on a deeper psychological level seems to have snapped. Unknown_12: As crazy as this sounds, there is actually a precedent for it. The pop singer Selena was- This is bullshit. Unknown_19: I don't even know why he talks about this. 1:52:43 Unknown_12: posted a photo of it, calling it anti-Maddox protection, even though I've never threatened him and haven't even spoken to him in over half a decade. And then he posed with another gun while wearing a shirt with a reference to my book that he attacked, all while his followers openly suggested that he aim it at me. Unknown_19: So his complaint is that Dick bought a gun and he considers that a threat. That's also incredibly gay. Then he complains about the N-word, but this has a purpose because Dick went out and said, Unknown_19: Identify that somebody on the madcast network had said the n-word on a podcast that was not on the madcast network And then because this guy had said the n-word Dick and his fans went out to all their advertisers all their sponsors and said this is like a racist Podcaster he's on this network you guys are advertising with them You should drop them, and he was successful in getting all these sponsors to drop the madcast network from there from their financial support 1:53:39 Unknown_19: However, obviously that's fucking bullshit. And not only is that bullshit like Dicks people are inward enjoyers. Here's our here's your Nick Rikeda cameo the blackface lawyer. He makes fun of that Hazen Cruz Was somebody who said the n-word a lot? There's like a big n-word montage of this that I would like. Oh, here we go I think this is it Unknown_12: pearls to clutch. Wow, he sounds really horrified. Unknown_02: Holy shit, poor thing, get this man some pearls to clutch. 1:54:17 Unknown_12: And what's especially egregious about this is that even if it were true, which it is not, it doesn't seem like the stalker or his hate mob would be the type of people who would have a problem with the n-word. In fact, they seem exactly like the type of people who'd use it themselves. How do I know? Because even though I didn't say it, you know who did? His entire fucking community. Unknown_19: These are his followers. Unknown_12: His contributors. Unknown_12: His guests. His co-hosts, his moderators, you guessed it. Unknown_04: When you're raped by a pack of fanboys, regular co-host. 1:54:59 Unknown_12: And I remember when Dick was talking about that, uh, he definitely, he's talking, it's a song about Mel Gibson, uh, called imagine if there's no Mel Gibson and he goes, uh, Oh yeah, actually I find this. Unknown_21: It is critical of I know Gibson Obviously I have I personally to be clear I have no issue with this song, but LA would I Unknown_02: Hi. Last week, Mel Gibson allegedly said that he was glad John Lennon got shot because the song Imagine is disgusting. Well, I think Imagine is a beautiful song. I think everyone agrees with me. 1:55:44 Unknown_02: Some of the lyrics might have offended him. So I took the liberty of changing the lyrics so Mel could enjoy the song too. I hope you like it. Unknown_04: You might say you look like a pig in heat And it'll surely be your fault When you're raped by a pack of n****s Just like Jesus said while he was on the cross Just like Jesus said while he was on the cross 1:56:28 Unknown_19: My favorite, my, one of my favorite things about Dick is that he is a actual, talented, trained penis. Unknown_19: And it just fits, it fits so well into the Dick. the dick persona the dick show i love his branding i think that's that's why i was like drawn to show up on the show it's just like it's it's so tight it's just such an amazingly tight branding package his name is dick master son on the dick show and he's a penis like that's amazing that's that's such clever branding Unknown_19: Yeah, he did say that he says he does sing it just to be clear and then he censors it out So there's no I don't think he's on the record saying the n-word which is why He is immunized from such consequences. He does go after Rekheda and he talks about how the Harry's the the man the man purse company dropped him as a sponsor and 1:57:17 Unknown_19: as a result of that. Unknown_19: He talked about the rape list, and I was here for this, because the rape list was on 8chan. Unknown_19: At the time, 8chan was just getting popular, and people suggested, I suggested even, that he and his community set up a 8chan board for the Dick Show. Unknown_19: They did and people from his community Because the guys that did this called into the show and apologized for it and dick told them not to worry about it Because it was funny but they basically post a list of every woman that Maddox knew and said it would be funny if they got raped and And this was the crux of, including his girlfriend at the time, and this was the crux of him making the video calling Dick a rape apologist or whatever. He never called him a rape apologist, he brings that up. But he said that Dick's community did this and was threatening him, and that got him in trouble with UCB. And then when Dick talked about how he got into trouble with UCB, that got him permanently banned from UCB, which is a comedy club in LA. 1:58:06 Unknown_19: So he took that that's one of their main grievances like that's really important to the dick show lore because Unknown_19: Maddox going out and saying that dick was responsible for this rape list on HN Really tanked his prospects within LA that he was you know Had been working his entire life on and on making so when he made the rape list video and talked about how dick's community You know was doing this to threaten him, and they caused consequences for him that basically 1:59:04 Unknown_19: Authorize all's fair in love and war like sure we can go after your your Advertisers because you got him kicked out of UCB by calling him or you know a rape a rape apologist That was the line So that was really important and he talked about that. Unknown_19: I Mean, I think the guilt by association shit is real fucking gay and the two Unknown_19: Before I get into the final chapters, which are funny, the two things that Maddox did that really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucked him over more than being a Spurg was the rapist video and then the lawsuit. Because I think that there is probably buried deep down in there a genuine case to be made that Dick Masterson has knowingly or sorry, I'm calling him Dick Masterson, which appreciates him. A daxipad apparently is the new hot meme to call Dick. 1:59:54 Unknown_19: There is a genuine case we made that Daxipad has, over the course of his career, caused serious financial harm to Maddox in a way that's unfair and unlawful. I think that you could, if you had the right wits about you, and you went about it the right way, you probably could make that case. I think that the pieces are there to make that case with. Unknown_19: What Maddox did... 2:00:29 Unknown_19: And what has tanked his reputation permanently is that when he went ahead and filed this lawsuit, he sued innocent people. He sued the company Patreon to try and get Dick kicked off of, which he still is not kicked off of. But he also sued the customer service representative that was responsible for taking his tickets complaining about Dick's Patreon. Thankfully, I think Patreon covered their employee. Unknown_19: Which is very nice of them. They did not have to do that, but it could definitely have ruined that random person's life for no reason The other person was a stereos, and this is the other bit really big deal 2:01:09 Unknown_19: Asterios worked for a company in New York called Weber-Shanwick, and Maddox sued both Weber-Shanwick and Asterios for Asterios' involvement in the Dick Show after the biggest problem in the universe had ended. Asterios has done nothing to Maddox. As far as I'm aware, I've watched both his full video on Asterios and also this one. I cannot remember a single thing that Asterios has ever done to Maddox to warrant his anger. And Asterios, you know, disappeared, ghosted Dick years ago, but Maddox still hates Asterios Kokonos, and I cannot figure out why. And it was really, really terrible of him to sue Asterios and to sue Weber Shanwick, because he did get fired from his job. Weber Shanwick did not pay for his lawsuit. 2:01:55 Unknown_19: It ruined the stereos his life because he was trying to do the good boy routine in LA he was trying to do like the proper get into Hollywood stuff that kind of thing is very fragile and Maddox like threw a fucking firebomb at this guy and torched all of his prospects in his current job and for no reason, and he's still angry at him, and Asterios is not saying anything about Maddox, he's not involved in the Dick Show, he's not doing anything, and I just, I cannot understand it. I don't understand. That is his main issue, is that he ruined that guy's life for no reason. I think the reason why Maddox ruined Asterios' life is that he was associated with Dick, and he helped Dick get the Dick Show off of the ground after the biggest problem in the universe. He saw that as betrayal, and most importantly, I think that Asterios' life was way easier to ruin than Dick Masterson's. Dick's life has a foundation that's much stronger, a community base that's very broad and willing to send him money. Asterios did not have that. 2:02:32 Unknown_19: He was trying to integrate into the LA structure Legitimately like in the actual way that you're supposed to go about that as opposed to how dick did it and he just he just Overhurt feelings he fucking ruined that guy's career, and it's like how can I can't root for you? You know I want to root for you because I think dick is a fucking scumbag and it would be funny to see him get comeuppance for you know his shitty shit that he's done, but 2:03:19 Unknown_19: I can't, you know, when he went after that random employee in Patreon, he went after Asterios for literally no reason. And he's still, it's not even like he learned his lesson. Like, oh, I shouldn't have sued Asterios. I'm really sorry for that. I realized that he wasn't doing anything bad. And I'm really sorry. He's still angry at him to this day. The first video he makes breaking his silence on the lawsuit is to just take shots at Asterios for no reason. 2:04:00 Unknown_19: So it's really frustrating, because you want to root for them, maybe. Maybe if you're weird and petty and vindictive. Unknown_19: But if you're the kind of person who wants to see an underdog win, as some of us in the audience may be, it's still impossible to really root for them in good faith because of the serious stuff. Unknown_19: So that's that. So then the final chapters of this are actually pretty funny. Unknown_20: He talks about... Uh, how he was cancelled. Uh, the X stuff is really funny. 2:04:35 Unknown_21: There's a part where... I think I'll just read this. Unknown_21: Can I find this? Unknown_12: He doesn't have any other content, brand, or identity without me. He's a bottom feeder who spends his entire life reliving the glory days he had with me. It also doesn't help he has Kummer eyes. Unknown_00: Even though we've been broken up for a while now, it really solidifies that you've moved on and that it's permanently over. 2:05:09 Unknown_00: I guess I always just figured that, in the end, when we were both ready, we'd make our way back to each other. Unknown_00: I know it's a selfish way to think, as well as totally unrealistic. Unknown_00: In a way, I guess this is good news for me. I shouldn't cling to the idea of you. So maybe it will force me to let you go and move on. It still hurts like hell, though. Unknown_00: For what it's worth, I will never feel about anyone else the way I did for you. Unknown_00: It's not like someone will come along one day and I'll change my opinion on that. I know for a fact that this is true. 2:05:46 Unknown_00: Sorry, I fucked everything up Uh-oh that letter sounds like somebody wasn't over me and still isn't because in her own words She'll never feel about anyone else the way she did for me so Unknown_19: That's this is this shit flinging with 80s girl is a high point of it because it's so like Nitty-gritty rolling around in the muck just burning down like 80s girl was like a teacher And she has had like a tangential like light presence on the dick show So her her life is a little bit easier to fuck up than dicks and the importance of this is that 2:06:27 Unknown_19: The whole narrative that Daxipad has ran with for years is that Maddox is a sour bitch because he fucked his girl. He took his bitch. Unknown_19: The entire thing has been that he's just upset that I have his girlfriend, and Maddox has always maintained that's fucking absurd. You have my sloppy seconds, why would I care? Unknown_19: And This email exchange that he's never published before where she is caught up in feelings trying to get over him And he's over her because there's an email that he posts in reply where? Unknown_19: Cousin dick a cock by the way he posts his email where he shows that um oh 2:07:11 Unknown_19: He's telling her we can't be friends until you are not emotionally. You have to be honest with yourself and with me. If you can't get past the fact that I'm dating somebody new, then it will be, then it will take you some time before we can normalize our friendships. I basically tells a zero to fuck off. And this is a very strong contradiction to a baseline narrative that is like critical for Dick's extended universe of like the fight with Maddox. It is all, the premise has always been that the root issue was that he had chump syndrome and could never get over the fact that 80 girl was with him. 2:07:48 Unknown_21: Um, so there's that. Unknown_21: Um, let's see. Unknown_21: Oh, then he, he reads, uh, this part's funny. Unknown_12: that I did write some really embarrassing and cringy text messages to her, and in the interest of full disclosure, I'm gonna read some of them to you right now. Here are some text messages I sent. I've ached for it since the second we met, just to feel you in that atavistic way. I could fuck you forever, raw and pounding, and soft like a romance novel. I know, I know, it's super embarrassing. I also told her that I just wanted her to say and be anything, and I would worship it, and not to hide how happy and eager I was to please her. I don't know how I'll ever live this down. In fact, I even wrote her a book of poetry. This is super embarrassing, but here is a snippet of a poem called, I Want to Believe. I want to believe that love is more than a neurochemically induced state of insanity involving the cohesion of two projected matrices. I want to believe that it's more than animalistic lust and raw atavistic fear and greed. Look, I know I'm going to be ruthlessly mocked for this, that I wrote that as an adult and in that handwriting. Oh, wait a second, hold on. I think I accidentally read the wrong thing. These are actually poems and text messages written by Fanboy. That's right! One of his exes recently did to him what he did to me, and it's much, much worse. He actually sent those text messages to her and gave her a book full of poems that she made public in what may possibly go down as the most hilarious example of what goes around, comes around. His jilted ex released pages and pages of this embarrassing, sappy bullshit. Remember earlier when I said his book treatment was the second most embarrassing thing I'd ever read in my entire life? Well, this is the first. And there's a lot more where this came from, and it's one of the many reasons it's a bad idea to secretly date your friend's ex. But the funniest and most tragic reason of all is that sometimes she might be using you to get back to the person she's still in love with. And I know how they both feel about each other, because after we broke up, Fanboy told me that he always thought that she was fat, and she came up with a nickname for him because he didn't know how to parallel park and thinks that horror movies are too scary. That nickname is Daxipad, and he hates it. 2:09:32 Unknown_19: That part's very funny. That's all the Jesse Lee Jamie Lee Hughes. I think is the her name That story is funny. He doesn't even go into the details Dick has always like claim that he's like a huge playboy swinger who always fucks young box He smashes those 17 year olds all the day all the all the time every day, right? Oh Unknown_19: Well, he's been a monogamous, or I don't know if it's monogamous, I don't know what their status is, but he's been in a long-term relationship with 80s girl for like six years now, because that's when the breakup happened. And during that time, he tried to arrange a threesome with Jamie Lynn Hughes, the woman who he wrote these poems for. 2:10:21 Unknown_19: And it ended in disaster, because 80s Girl had written a series of emails to Jamie Lynn Hughes about how Dick had ruined her life, had denied her a family, how she felt like they were going nowhere fast, that she was very unhappy, and that she was willing to try this threesome thing, even though she wasn't really into it, because she wanted to make Dick happy. Unknown_19: And then at some point, because, of course, anyone willing to do a threesome is going to be a neurotic BPD insane person, Jamie Lynn Hughes blew all this up, posted all of it, and it was a huge embarrassment. And Dick's code for the shitty poems and stuff is, yeah, of course I wrote that. I'll say anything to smash some box, you know what I'm saying? I'll say anything to get laid. Ha ha ha. Ack, ack, ack, ack. Ack, ack, ack, ack. 2:11:09 Unknown_19: I have a feeling though. That's not What his emotional state was when he wrote all that shit? that's all very embarrassing and it's funny to watch Maddox laugh at it because As terrible as a lot of his shit is that is pretty fucking embarrassing The restraining order he goes over the story with the restraining order was that um I 2:11:46 Unknown_19: Dicks or Maddox's girlfriend was harassing 80s girl and trying to get her fired from her job calling up every The way the story was told was that? Unknown_19: His girlfriend called up every single school in the entire greater, Los Angeles area trying to say hey does uh Does a 80s girl work here and then saying no okay? And then she just called every every school she could find and Unknown_19: The truth is that she called the board directly and filed a professional conduct complaint because an 80s girl had been flinging shit at her first. Unknown_19: And because they didn't have money and they didn't lawyer up, but 80s girl did. 2:12:30 Unknown_19: 80s girl then filed for restraining order saying that she was trying to harass her employer and one because Maddox's girlfriend was representing herself and 80s girl was funded by dick so that's his counter narrative to the The restraining order and that that's also if that's true and his telling of that is accurate that's also a huge blow to dick because the restraining order is another thing that's like We can do anything. We can treat Maddox like a fucking dog. We can ruin him financially. We can tear apart his prospects. We can go after his advertisers. We can go after anybody who works with them because his girlfriend tried to get eighties girl, a poor, innocent teacher fired from her dream job of educating children. And apparently she was the one that was doing something in the beginning. Unknown_19: Do you think he waxes waxes? Why? 2:13:26 Unknown_19: Don't even want to know don't answer that Then finally the lawsuit he basically says he lays out that he has a good case for You know damages against dick, but then doesn't mention he like he just says that hysteria was like a Unknown_19: Like even the fact that he mentions that the lawsuit was thrown out because of jurisdiction and he ran out of money to finance it. And it's like if he had just filed it in LA against Dick directly without involving Patreon and Weber Shandwick and Hysterios for no reason, he would have fared much better. than how he did it. And if you don't know, he literally filed it in a state that neither of them were in New York because that was the state that Webber, Shenwick and the stereos were in. So he didn't even just picked like the area that would make sense because they both lived in the same fucking like like area. They lived right next to each other. So it would make sense to file in California. No, he went out of his way and filed in New York because he wanted to make sure that it was in a stereos and Webber, Shenwick's backyard so that they would have to answer it. And so like he really literally he sabotaged his own lawsuit for what appeared to be on its face Legitimate grievances of torturous interference and stuff and conversion even I think he mentions that as one of the reasons Whatever validity he had in his lawsuit He destroyed it in a legal sense and also in a public image sense by suing a serious for no reason It's and he's still not over it. He hasn't learned that lesson which is pretty fucking shameful 2:14:57 Unknown_19: And then the final chapter of this called The Mystery Man is unhinged glory. I am not kidding, I love this. Maddox announces to the world that he is insane. Unknown_19: Literally, he announces that he is going after Jack Conte, the CEO of Patreon. He is announcing to the world that he is unhinged, he has nothing to lose, and he will kill and eat Daxipad alive. If it's the end of him, he's going to go after Patreon, he's going to go after Jack Conte personally, he's going to find every investor to Patreon Inc. and contact them and say, you're funding this fucking lunatic that I hate. And he's going to personally try and destroy Patreon. And not only that... 2:15:36 Unknown_19: He pulled down a list of everybody who was subscribed to the old Dick Show Facebook group and put them on a website calling them neo-Nazis. He's not only going to go after Jack Conte and Patreon and their investors, he's going to go after everyone who follows the Dick Show Facebook group and personally try and ruin them, too. Unknown_19: He like I don't even I can't obviously I can't endorse that behavior because it goes against everything that I've that I would ever stand for But at the same time there was something unimaginably I Can't even put a word to it just Unbelievable literally unbelievable that he would just say I am going to go full scorched earth on everybody. I hope you all fucking die I hope that I am the end of you and everything that you cherish It's like okay 2:16:29 Unknown_19: Yeah, I can kind of I can I can respect the hustle. Okay. That's all I can say It's a I've literally never seen anything like I've never seen someone make a three-hour long video where they cap it off by saying I'm going to be the personal reckoning of every single person who has ever slighted me in the last six years Never I have nothing to compare this with that's just He's been pushed this is the nerd rage he's been pushed around for too long. He's gonna go buy a gun and start hunting people 2:17:08 Unknown_19: He's gonna hunt Jack Conte down, he's gonna sneak into Dick's mansion, and he's gonna find the shotgun that he was complaining about earlier, steal the shotgun, and murder Jack Conte with it, in an act of unbridled revenge. Unknown_19: And that's the Maddox thing. There's one more thing that I want to add to the Maddox thing. I think that my summary is very concise and hits all the right points. There's one response that I have omitted, and that is a response of Nick Ricada, who was notified by absolutely everyone that... Oh, I didn't even mention this. He bought a domain called nickricadaisnotablackfacelawyer.com, because at some point, Maddox said that Ricada was a blackface lawyer. 2:17:59 Unknown_19: Nick sent him a formal cease-and-desist requesting that he either a post a public apology saying that he is not a blackface lawyer because while he has worn this is literally what he says because it's like a joke it's like it's a formal cease-and-desist but it's like a joke he says yes he has practiced law and yes he has worn blackface however Unknown_19: He has never practiced law in blackface, or promoted his legal practice while wearing blackface. Therefore, it is defamation to call him a blackface lawyer." So he sent that to Maddox. Maddox ignored it. But years later, he has now bought the domain name. Nick Riccata is not a blackface lawyer, and has posted a picture of Nick Riccata in blackface, and then also not in blackface, and says, this is Nick Riccata. This is Nick Riccata in blackface. They're not the same thing at the same time. It's just like a it's like a little SEO poisoning page they set up so people ask for Kata to To respond and this is not his response to that But this is him promising to respond to it and all of this is a needless aside Because it's not what I'm showing you by playing this video 2:19:04 Unknown_24: Good night, Nick. Maddox made a website about you, by the way. Nick Ricada is not a blackface lawyer dot com. So funny. Everybody's like, you got it. You got to talk about the Maddox thing. And I'm sitting here going, I want to so bad talk about the Maddox thing. Unknown_24: We're delving into Maddox because Maddox. Unknown_24: Has given us a gold mine, the gold mine is. Unknown_24: Maddox has finally, after six fucking years, decided to talk about the lawsuit. 2:19:51 Unknown_21: Sorry. I once again, I muted myself. Unknown_19: Let me repeat myself. Ignore his words. I put this on mute and I'm going to show this to you because I want you to look at him. Do not look at what he's saying. Do not look at anything else on the screen. Focus in right between his eyes or maybe on the outline of his head and just watch his head for a second. Unknown_21: You see a chat. Unknown_21: Do you see what I see? Unknown_21: Take a look. 2:20:27 Unknown_21: Not his horns, no. Unknown_21: Just watch his head. Unknown_19: His entire body is shaking. Every, his entire body. You can see his head is very noticeable, but like he's got the proper shakes and his entire body is shaking now. Unknown_21: All right. Um, Unknown_19: I think that that is it. I do not know. The rest of what he says is just like rambling nonsense. I just wanted to show you, show him shaking. 2:21:00 Unknown_19: Cause I'm mean like that, I guess. I don't know. I was watching this. I was looking at him and I was thinking like that motherfucker is like vibrating maybe. Ah, that's the expert. He doesn't have the alcoholic shakes. He just has the vibrato on and it's a buzz in as he's talking. That's more reasonable chat. That's less mean spirited. So I'll just go with that. Unknown_19: And one more thing I have a Reddit post to read and then we can go to the super chats actually no, I don't there's more I lied Ethan Ralph, there's an Ethan Ralph update Let's go through this 2:21:40 Unknown_19: Exit Valhalla says, you can't trust any e-girls. And then there's a picture of a woman's profile image, and then also a picture of her without makeup on, with a candid shot. Unknown_19: Ethan Ralph says, many such cases. And TangySweet511KingOfTheManlit says, scary. And then Ethan Ralph says, even scarier when you face it in person. So he's alluding that the horse is not ... the beautiful horse that we all know. Whenever we see a picture of Mae, we think, ah! What a lovely horse. Ethan Ralph promises us that in person, she is not... I'm trying to think of... What's a very complimentary word? Handsome. She's not so handsome in person. 2:22:19 Unknown_19: However, he continues, he says, I'm thinking about releasing a fictional story on Christmas Day over my substat preview of my book. It's about a legendary underground live streamer who moved to Mexico and the wild events that took place in his life after that move. El Tiempo Loco is the work and title. So, he's promising a dramatization of real events, basically, of what it was like in the stable, in Avocado House in Mexico. And then, of course, to really rub it in to May, he has moved on. He has a feisty latinx sitting at his table at a lovely Mexican establishment, ordering food. 2:22:55 Unknown_19: And all you can see of her is her hand and her phone. However, that brings contention because when he posts another picture of the food that they're enjoying, that does look pretty tasty. I'm not going to lie. Unknown_19: I even got a Caesar salad. Very on brand for him. Very on brand. I do like a good Caesar salad. Anyways, I'm very hungry if you can't tell. Unknown_19: She's holding her phone back there, but let's take a look. You may notice that that phone is different from this other phone. Now why this woman has two phones is a mystery. However, it led people to speculate that this was a once-off prostitute and each one was a different woman because what person has two phones that they use at the same time? That's kind of weird. 2:23:34 Unknown_19: However, Ralph strikes back and says, a crazy thought for all the autists out there. You can easily have two phones in Mexico where the bill is $16 a month, or you could have just taken it out of its case, which is what happened. Mind blown. Also, the British pedophile can't tell the difference between Android and Apple. 2:24:12 Unknown_19: Of course to prove his point the killstream strikes back shows the two different phones and the two phones side-by-side Proving that they are completely different devices once and for all the haters are owned Unknown_19: And in a rare moment of self-deprecating humor, Ralph poses under a sign that says Pig Beach on the lovely shores of Mexico and says, they're already building monuments to me out here in Mexico. So I'm rooting for my boy. He seems to be on the straight and narrow, has picked up a spicy latinx. There is literally no way that that decision will ever blow up in his face. It's an all around a great decision. 2:24:55 Unknown_19: Yeah, and he's a skinny queen come on. Yes, Queen slay Okay finally the reddit glad to see that Ralph was striking back putting the haters in this place Okay, this is an actual vile stomach-churning disgusting the story, but I will read it because we enjoy pain on this podcast Unknown_19: User JBW25 on rsex says, when do kinks turn into domestic violence? Feeling scared, want to end this and move on. My husband and I are getting into a fantasy he has had for years, and I was hesitant to even go down this road. It was meant to stay a fantasy, but we took it to another level because we both like to try something new, and he felt like we were going too vanilla most of the time, which we were, but I preferred it that way. This is a bit bizarre, but most fantasies usually are. He wants me to drink his urine and to stop drinking any other liquids for an entire month. It's really odd and uncomfortable to me, but to him it's a type of dominance play. He says it won't hurt me because urine is sterile. But I feel kind of under the weather and nauseated already after only five days. Yes, I've already been doing this for five days, almost six, drinking urine, but of course still eating. We aren't that extreme. My stomach hurts and I feel like I'm going to start smelling like I'm starting to smell like urine, even though I shower every day and take care of myself. I just kind of feel like bloated and sick and keep tasting it. I already sat him down and told him I want to stop, but he completely dismisses everything I say and thinks I'm just playing along with the game and playing the submissive role and pretending I don't want it. I actually do want this to stop, but I don't know how to make it clear that it's not a joke to me anymore. He's been choking me every morning, urinating in my mouth, and expects me to continue doing this for 25 more days. I can't do this anymore. I actually feel sick. What do I do? How can I let him know that things have gone way too far this time? I feel afraid of him, and I never was before. We usually trust each other and pay attention to each other's needs, but he's letting his fantasy ruin our relationship because he enjoys it too much to acknowledge that it's making me miserable and I don't feel human anymore. It needs to go back to where it belongs as a fantasy." And then she says down there, it says, "'Update, I've been working through things for the past few hours now. Unbelievable that I actually had to threaten him with a 911 call to get him to listen to me. He wasn't happy, but he understands the reality of it now and knows that I'm serious. We need to discuss more tomorrow and see if we can come to any compromises that are safe for both of us. There will always be a safe word in the future. 2:27:18 Unknown_19: So, Chat, imagine, if you will, you are married to a Redditor, and now your life is hell. That is the story. What's sad is that this was nine years ago, so Jamie couldn't have even known the dangers of marrying a Redditor. That red flag was not Into the the femoid firmware they hadn't gotten their update yet to be on the lookout for redditors It's a no to avoid them at all costs however modern women do have the reddit update and they do know that a redditor is a fucking Is a is a thing is a menace to society to be avoided at all costs and 2:27:52 Unknown_21: Drink it? Fuck you. Unknown_19: You drink it, motherfucker. She's dead. She Mama JF. By the way, when I was a teenager, I watched a lot of Keith Olbermann, which is now a point of shame in my life, but every episode of his show, he would sign off by saying, it has been 1,265 days since President George W. Bush declared mission accomplished in Afghanistan. And this was his way of saying like, this war has obviously gone on too long. Should I start doing a counter that's like, it has been 189 days since JFG allegedly dropped Mama J off in a New Brunswick forest and nobody has heard from her since. 2:28:45 Unknown_21: What a tragedy. Unknown_21: Um, okay. Unknown_19: Good bit for the hamster. Unknown_19: Alright, um, I think I'm ready to proceed to the Superberry segment. Uh, sorry that I fucked up the entire beginning of this and did not broadcast on Rumble. I am a retard. Um, the VOD will go up quickly. I will try to make sure of that. Ooh, that's a violently disgusting color. Look at that. Look at that bright pink and green. How terrible. I need to find some way to get, like, a... Uh, I don't know what you call it when it's, like, two-tone. I need, like, a two-tone green and red for Christmas for my- my Superberry segment. 2:29:27 Unknown_20: Um, okay. Unknown_19: Cool. Super chats. Unknown_19: Uh, Judy Finney, straight or Judy Finney, straight or the fence trader. Is that a word you're trying to say for 25 says have babe open the window. I found another one. 2:30:02 Unknown_19: Okay. I understand because the fence trader means to throw out a window, doesn't it? Unknown_19: It's a very roundabout way of saying that. Like, good job. Unknown_19: Uh, the president of Nintendo for five says, You got several suggestions for the favorite dog in the Manny thread. Do you like any of them? Uh, no. I don't want a poodle. By the way, stop suggesting poodles to me. I do not want a poodle. They look stupid and gay. I don't care how fucking cool they are. Um, maybe they put all their points into all the, like, all the stats, but they had to withdraw all their points from not looking gay. So now they have like zero not looking gay points. everything else went into like intelligence and dexterity and personality and shit. I don't fucking care. I need at least one point in not looking gay. 2:30:36 Unknown_19: Sin 7 goal for 10 says as insufferable as dicks acting is those rare times when he actually gets visibly angry and run the face of the funniest He's been in years people need to bully him more dude I agree when he's like screaming into his microphone to try and sound like in dominating or impressive. It's like the best This was two years ago Well, let's see if I can just skip ahead to the part where he's like screaming 2:31:09 Unknown_19: Remember this oh, yeah, this is what the Unknown_03: You run your fucking mouth because you came in here to lose a debate that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. You fuck Leaf and you're accusing me of false flagging somebody? Prove it. Fucking prove it. Unknown_15: Fucking prove that I did it. Unknown_03: Fucking prove it. I'm so sick of this shit. I'm so sick of this false flagging shit. You motherfuckers get backed into a corner and all of a sudden it's, oh, here's a bunch of shit that I can't prove. 2:31:51 Unknown_03: You motherfuckers with this false flagging shit. I I don't know why anybody off There's that there's um, there's a song that was made from this I don't know what's the name of the song sweep is it sweep it up Danny That's the videos about me when I see a search sweep it up Jenny fascinating where's the fucking song at Unknown_20: Oh, Daft Gunt. 2:32:24 Unknown_21: Clean it up. This song is awesome. Unknown_19: This is a shameful secret, I actually listen to this song unironically sometimes. Like when I'm coding, and I'm vibing, and I need some energetic music, I can listen to PPP say, sweep it up! Unknown_19: It always puts you in a working mood. What is the technical distinction between a mop and VS Code? There is none, chat. There is none. 2:32:56 Unknown_19: Thank you. Unknown_19: Lacunae for five says we're so back. We never left. It's oh so over and never even began. We're so back, dude It's so over right now I'm hoping to get some some good news in the near future because I am fucking over the bad news The president Nintendo for five says hamster video. Okay, this better be nice. I will scream this This is not nice, this is like violent hamster karate 2:33:32 Unknown_06: Look at that. Boom. Unknown_06: This female European hamster is looking for the fittest mate possible. Unknown_19: Dude. Aren't we all? Unknown_19: Um, not even numerals for 15 says it's still up. And then there's a link to a get hub repository called word. Enjoyer. Oh, I see. Unknown_19: Someone using, uh, the GitHub repository has spelled out the N word, um, by contributing on specific days at specific times. Now that is creative. I applaud this. Good job. Uh, Meriburger. Thank you. Meriburger produces. I went to shill the Godzilla minus one movie. It currently has a 98% on rotten tomatoes and I genuinely earned it. Additionally, the movie includes no gays or Brown people. It's great. Fuck Hollywood. 2:34:10 Unknown_19: It's just like an anime. I know they like that might sound silly. I know Godzilla was like a thing it is I don't know what this is. Unknown_21: I don't think it is an anime. Is this like an actual like Japanese movie? 2:34:43 Unknown_19: I didn't know they made movies Japanese people just made horror like cheap horror films and anime. That's good. I'm glad for them I'm glad they made a monster movie that everyone wanted Unknown_19: Pastor Troy for five says hey George, or is it no? There's no are sorry people calling me retarded shit has now baked into my brain and when people spell my name correctly I just assume in bad faith, and it's spelled retarded Hey, Josh. Is this the best way to get a GF and then he links a Twitter post Let's inspect and see if this is a sound reproductive strategy 2:35:22 Unknown_19: My little sister went on a date with a young farmer tonight. He decided to gift her a 12 kilogram wheel of cheese And this is like a famous image, and he asked is this a sound reproductive strategy it absolutely is There's a book that I saw recently Unknown_19: I found it in time to actually show people. Unknown_19: Give me a second, I'm going to put this up on screen. I'm going to prove that this is actually a good way to attract womankind. This is from a book, Spells, Charms, and Incantations. It says, take a shoe that the woman you love has worn, fill it with rue, and hang it over your bed to make her love you. Quote, to win a maiden's love, get a hair and pin it off her. Pin it off her unperceived, twist the hair around the pin and throw them backwards into a river. However, don't do those gay shits. Do this. You may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese. This is sound advice. Tucked away in the Spells, Charms, and Incantations book, you can win love with processed dairy product. That's the lesson to take away. I know you guys are slow learning, but you will see it my way one day. 2:36:31 Unknown_19: Unregistered firearms at my house for five says it looks like Vito has released a trailer for his comics. What are your thoughts? Um, I think that Vito should jump off a fucking cliff. Unknown_21: Let's see Hold up. Unknown_19: Hold up. Unknown_19: Let me find something real quick Unknown_19: I need, in order for me to look at this, I have to actually make sure that we are in fair use mode. That requires somebody's help chat. 2:37:08 Unknown_21: All right. Unknown_21: All right. We are now in fair use mode. Unknown_21: Let's take a look at this. 2:37:39 Unknown_20: Is this real? No, this has to be a joke. XQC does not look impressed. 2:38:18 Unknown_19: This is, um... Sorry, I was a little bit confused if this was fake or not because... I can't show that. Why would you put that at the end? Because now I have to edit that out. Unknown_19: Let's see, record time is... 2.37. I am gonna have to edit that out before I upload the bottom. Unknown_21: Okay. Unknown_21: Yes, very good edit Josh, congratulations. Unknown_19: I did think it was real at first because there was like a quote, like a quote pull. Yeah, I don't know what he would even show at this point. 2:38:55 Unknown_21: I guess he doesn't have it made. Unknown_21: Anime for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi demo. Unknown_19: How could parcel cuck do me like this? I paid that nigga $20 to send you that anime blu-ray. I have been bamboozled but blasted and buck broken My gopher will not betray my trust so easily the anime most assuredly went to the trash my boy I'm sorry to say you should not have sent me a $60 blu-ray of your favorite show because obviously that's not gonna fucking make it to me and 2:39:36 Unknown_19: Base or anything for one says stay base. Here's your supper pal. Thank you. Finally some appreciation. I appreciate it Longboard or two four one four five says hey Josh. Just remember that streaming is temporary So you should try to try out soul seek the idea is that everyone shares and downloads their own music libraries and you can search through their own music I Will definitely I know I guess I should start collecting like an audio archive. I used to and now I don't anymore Because I got lazy and complacent Unknown_19: Longboarder24142 says, what's nice? It's peer-to-peer, so it'll never go away, and most of its music is 16-bit flack. It has a built-in chat, so you can ask for recommendations, and you can search through other libraries. That does sound cool. Thank you. CastingCouchCrab410 says, have a happy Krampusnacht, Josh. The crab of the day is the horsehair crab. 2:40:09 Unknown_19: Vaguely aware of what that is. I don't know the exact legend of it though. Just be nice so that Krampus doesn't get you And thank you. What a cool crab Long long border two for one for two says if you went in similar music I have heard title and it's me people keep recommending the title and I have already said I got title. It's what I'm using now But yeah, obviously the learning is better 2:40:48 Unknown_19: Holy helper 2 says I hope you're having a good day. Josh. You are my nibba. Also. Thank you for the gumroad content. You're welcome next week. I will be publishing the Isom review. It's like a 26 minute long commentary of a couple different pages I'm mostly critical of it, but I should reiterate that I thought it was fine Like I don't I don't know is I felt that it was very average as far as like a story goes I'm not I have one serious grievance, but I'll save that for the actual review. I Unknown_19: Ruby's running for one says shout out to my girlfriend and it's a picture to Twitter and It's just a random drawing of a bunny girl. Very cool. Ruby's running for one says I'm Puerto Rican. Lol. Awesome Remember that you can flush toilet paper in the United States the Meriburger for one says if you compared Godzilla negative one to anime you're wrong The movie is great and I imagine you would actually like it's very focused on being a war analog and has a grounded story as well as words that sounds I mean, I don't really get to watch movies that much anymore, but 2:41:26 Unknown_19: I mean Trying to think I think there's a movie that I watched that's Japanese. I mean, I like the the ring. It's a good movie The only other Japanese movie I think I ever watched was like a thing that we watched on movie night And it was called like the the stranger and it's like a movie where a dad I think he fucks his daughter and then strangles her and she shits herself and And that was one of the things that they played on movie nights the only other Japanese movie that I've seen so I'm not really really like I should watch um I should watch more more Japanese films I Think I'd look elsewhere It's very Japanese someone definitely knows what what I'm talking about because it's like a famous meme movie 2:42:14 Unknown_19: That's a decent movie. Unknown_19: It was not, it was very, very, it was like deliberately weird. There's a, cause it's like the name is like the mysterious Mr. Q or something. And it's like a guy that comes into this family's house and has an affair with this guy's wife and they all lose their minds and shit. Um, but it's like a famous, uh, like mean movie. Unknown_21: Okay. 2:43:05 Unknown_19: I'm team ado for once as I distinctly remember IMC going on the morning kumite and admitting that he swatted a guy killing his one-year-old Show quality golden retriever because some other guy told him he had hired a Bitcoin assassin Well, you should dedicate yourself to finding that clip because that would probably destroy his life Visitor Q that's the name of it Unknown_19: Wigger Wagner for five says some something similar to the discovery PlayStation BS happened to me I bought million-dollar extreme season one on YouTube years ago, and they removed it many conversations with support and put it back up Wow, I can't believe you triumphed over fucking Goliath congratulations Unknown_19: Lacunae for five says these man-made horrors may not be beyond my comprehension, but damn do I wish they were Yeah, it's a relatable feeling these days You know nothing in relates relation to the gay pregnancy shit Fennel Hungarian imperialist for 15 says played all the way to the end. It's only seven seconds, okay? 2:44:00 Unknown_15: My name is Unknown_15: I've never actually seen this movie. Unknown_19: I think I think this is where my name is Jeff thing comes from I got I got you I got you He's dead. I'm sorry to say That's everyone the joke 2:44:32 Unknown_19: Fair man for five says didn't manage to catch laugh last stream live but good on you for Using the kindred theme as the intro song say what you want about league with some of the music is perky No, I've really I've always loved that that song. It's um It's obviously I mean obviously it's like a classically inspired piece of music, but it also has like this strange discordance to it and Unknown_19: That I that I really appreciate it vaguely reminds me of the temple OS theme Because the temple OS theme is so perfect for Terry because it is it has nice melodies throughout it But then it just goes off the wire and does this weird shit And it's like it's very it's very Terry asking the disaccordance and the kindred is obviously a lot more Professional, but it kind of reminds me of that a little bit just a little bit off makes it a good piece of music 2:45:21 Unknown_19: Roxanne wolferton says bark bark just wanted to let you know from Last stream that Roxanne wolf is a Five Nights at Freddy's character. I wasn't going to say sexy to describe her But since you said it Unknown_19: I mean the drawings were obviously meant to be like sexually enticing okay, that's when I say sexy I'm not saying that I find it sexy. I'm saying that it is meant to be sexually appealing to somebody okay Kindle motor oil for two says did Liz Fong Jones once say during a talk that his needle vagina smelled like rotting lemons when he went off hormones I swear him or someone did I don't remember that part, however, people found old blogs of his where he was describing the excruciating pain that he was in after his surgery and how painful dilating was. And it's very funny to me that he lives his life in agony. 2:46:05 Unknown_19: Just as an aside, wasn't really answer your question, but just something I like to throw out there. Unknown_19: Morshu for five says love the new font for the date look at the crossbars on that beautiful capital I makes it clear doesn't say internet with an L Our linter net with an L. You should change all your sans-serif wants to have a crossbar die I think I fucked up and this is not the actual font that I wanted usually I use Verlag But uh, I don't even know what this one is. I can check real quick See background properties 2:46:43 Unknown_21: Verlag pyres. Yeah, I don't I think I installed the wrong verlag I did There we go, sorry, I know you complimented the font however We are going back to the original get rekt I Unknown_19: Don't know why that's Someone paid money say hey, I like the new font, and I'm like oh it is wrong Submarine dude for Tuesday's pornos me 2:47:34 Unknown_19: Ford has been around for decades. What do you think trannyism has spiked in the last two decades, and is more of a modern phenomenon than the past?" I think porn came about in the 50s and 60s. Between 1950 or 1960 to 2000-something, Unknown_19: Most people the only pornography that they had access to was from like video rental stores and from shelves so if you're gonna buy porn you either have to like mail a check into a distributor or you have to buy it off a shelf or you have to go to a video store and rent it which actually a Lot of people were not willing to do and then if you're making porn and you have to distribute it like that well What's gonna be the most successful type of pornography? It's gonna be very tame pornography and There was more extreme stuff and Ted Bundy and a bunch of other serial killers said when they were arrested that they were Pornography addicts before they started killing women but then in 2003 I mean and and onwards like the availability of online pornography was Completely uncapped like every deranged fetish literally. There's entire communities devoted to making pornography of being eaten alive 2:48:12 Unknown_19: Like anything any bizarre, you know kink that you develop you can exploit endlessly Until it no longer does anything for you so just the availability of it and the lack of of limitations because again before it if they were gonna make something it would be super vanilla for People to buy that would have mass appeal now. It's like if you want to make a career Doing you know really weird shit patreon will support you And you can find, you know, the thousand or so people who are into that very specific kink and you can make a career off of that. And it never stops. Like those people will move on and move on until they're goon clowns. 2:49:04 Unknown_19: Rickenbacker45 says, Null let out a stressed sigh. With all the retardation he has to deal with, he was left with no time to enjoy the Christmas season. Suddenly he heard a knock at the door and what Null saw on the other side was... a cat box file. Well, that's cute. 2:49:41 Unknown_19: I think that this is... Kiwi singing Christmas carols. It says, Jingle Bells, Stinktich smells, Chantelle has no eggs, KF got DDoS'd, and Null kept it up anyway. Aww, that's very cute. Although I think that your AI-generated image gave them Qurans. That looks like the big circle that the Muslims write into. It's also a green book, which is also very Muslim. Unknown_21: Cute otherwise, though. Unknown_22: Thank you. Unknown_19: A Sneed S. McSneedson for Five says, Null, the edgy nerd, Louis Rossman, the tame angry nerd, Eric July, the brother, Maddox, the left-wing actually funny comedian. Oh, that's a controversial opinion. Make it happen, Null. I want to watch this. How can I help manifest this? 2:50:27 Unknown_19: A podcast with me, Louis Rossman, Eric July, and Maddox? I think Eric July is the odd one out for that. The three of us that would actually probably have some traction as being like really retarded and having enough friction But also like passive aggressiveness to make like an entertaining listen. I don't know I Think Lou my boy Louie is busy, though That TP deluxe revive says nothing my favorite kind of don't know oh by the way guys I was kidding, but the diet advice thing please stamp spam my zitter with all your advice. Thanks Appreciate it, bro Fox's vice the soy types if you would 2:51:02 Unknown_19: I don't know what that means. I don't know what that's a reference to. I apologize. I can't, I don't understand your reference. Unknown_19: Sneeze McSneeze. And by the way, I am definitely trying not to cough or clear my throat to the mic as much anymore. I hope you guys appreciate my efforts. Unknown_19: Sneed's McSneedson43 says, no, my heckin' ebbin' base internet historian, you people are faggots that cheered on the DSP router switcher and called the Maddox video a nothin' burger. You also eat fake cheese. Sneed. I mean, that does sum up my opinions. I piss everybody off. Everybody off. 2:51:41 Unknown_19: I'm developing a long list of things that people get angry at me about. Unknown_19: Ain't I did nothing wrong for five says fuck rumble. No, that wasn't my bad, dude I mean, it's a pain in the ass, but I should be used to it by now Asino for once is nothing. Thank you very much, Nino Insensitive zero for one says gotta go prior obligations. Merry Christmas. I have to ask before I go Are you going to get the Peter Griffin fortnight skin? Oh 2:52:12 Unknown_19: No, I only played a couple rounds of fortnight before getting over it I had to switch back over to Linux to fix shit on the Kiwi farms and stuff and That's how it goes and when I stop playing games usually or just play Victoria 3 or whatever works on Linux Ray was writing for one says I met my girlfriend on Roblox Roleplay and she's a year older than me was I groomed no I Unknown_19: Help the blanks for two says I'm glad you tried my suggestion for title. Well. Thank you very much It is a very nice system The search could use a little bit of work But besides that it's nice 2:52:50 Unknown_19: Jack channel for 3 3 8 33 88 says Ruben Sim my ability to speak through this vessel is short-lived So this will be quick your odyssey account remains neglected many such cases Please resume the flow of bed beset TM videos into my soul total YouTube death You hear that room and my boy Jack channel on Odyssey. I want you to update your backlog I know it's a pain in the ass, but I have to keep that shit up. They do you should do rumble, too. I Because you know, I know people prefer odyssey a lot of people do because rumble is just like a new conservative fucking bullshit Odyssey's future is not looking good because of their their SEC lawsuits. So Anything can happen with the new guys say acquire it. I would definitely suggest a rumble back up to you I would suggest a locally hosted backup to if you know, you know have the wherewithal to do that. I 2:53:41 Unknown_19: Space Allen for 20 says I am a relatively new listener and I understand there is history between you and Dick Masterson Have you done a person shim about him in a past episode? No The dick thing was over a length of time. I think over a year basically a fan of the Kiwi farms when I was very very new to podcasting and stuff and And just starting out, begged me to contact Dick Masterson, said he was very funny and he had a lot of ties and a lot of clout and maybe had the potential to help out the site. So I did reach out to him and we, I mean, we got along great. 2:54:17 Unknown_19: I had a lot of fun being on the shows and stuff. Unknown_19: But, and I was in early, I get in like episode 30, Unknown_19: And I had just started streaming he liked listening that he told me that he listened to my show and stuff and could Reference it like I was actually surprised that he he was like a frequent listener because he was so successful as a podcaster, but What what broke it off is that he started bringing digibro into his podcast and midget digibro is a pro lollicon pedophile and literally he just says that he likes looking at little girls getting fucked and 2:55:02 Unknown_19: Dick also had a producer named Riley. Riley is a drug addict, waste of space, just a complete fucking loser with no redeeming qualities. But he was able, he was the guy that Dick paid like a pittance and probably drugs to like arrange interviews for him. And Riley told me to like fuck off because I was making DigiRo uncomfortable by calling him a pedophile. So I had a big argument with him, and I didn't want to come on the show anymore because I was concerned about his association with, like, pedophiles. And then immediately after this was the cutie stuff, where Dick started, like, gung-ho on defending the live-action movie that, you know, zoomed in on little girls' crotches and shit. And then he has Vito on, and Vito's the exact same thing as Digibro, except probably worse. 2:55:41 Unknown_19: So I don't regret it. I'm just really frustrated that someone who did try to help the site and me Like fucked everything up by being such a retard, and I guess you just can't help it Cole Cole for one says both dick and Maddox seemed to be cringe and gay dick only had the benefit of Maddox not defending him What possible resolution between them can we expect that would be satisfying Maddox has to kill dick 2:56:15 Unknown_19: You're talking about like a narratively satisfying end to this conclusion Maddox has to kill dick That is the only way that this movie can end and have a satisfying conclusion the only way I'm not joking Unknown_19: For the ghost and you see for two says wait a second so PPP caught dick running an embezzlement racket and racket and it turned out he stole 40,000 in Bitcoin, but you made an 8-chan board for Diddler Daxton, but the branding or something oh Unknown_19: Yeah, bro. Basically, bro. Unknown_19: Hyper Ninja for two says, Shekel sounds. Thank you. What an amazing sound. I appreciate it. Twinkle Tart for $100 says, hi, sir. Gen Chat wants to know how many noses would a Baldo doze of a Baldo could doze noses? One. One at a time. 2:57:03 Unknown_19: Maybe two if Drexel was there. Unknown_19: Sock puppet Sam for 32 tens. Well, that's very nice 3 2 1 0 I got you I says hey Josh, please describe this short silly video. There are slow burns. Feel free to skip ahead Please describe the short silly videos that are slow burns Let me take a look and see what I'm dealing with Yeah, I will play one of these I guess like a 2:57:47 Unknown_19: I mean, I'll show it on screen. Unknown_19: Do you want me to like not? It says, please describe it. Unknown_19: Okay. So I mean, to be as faithful as possible, I'm just going to watch that and not, and just narrate it. Unknown_09: I started it. Unknown_19: Okay. So we have a lesbian woman. She has a camera. There are two furries who are dressed up as anime foxes, which is like double that. It's like an anime furry thing. Unknown_14: Mine sucks. Unknown_19: She has like a proper like camera, so this has to be this is a 14 year old video She's not using her phone. She's using a real camera Oh They were there in public this is not I thought this would be at like an anime convention This is not an anime convention. This isn't a Walmart They are entering the Walmart in their Fox costumes people are looking at them bewildered grandpa looks like he regrets fighting in Nam and 2:58:20 Unknown_19: Okay, so now they're walking in. People are, like, smirking and laughing at them because they're in the costumes. Unknown_19: There's a Subway. And I'm very hungry. I would eat a Subway sandwich right now. Lots of onion peppers. 2:59:03 Unknown_19: Okay, I guess there's a second one. Fuck it, I might as well. Unknown_19: This is part two. They're in the cheese aisle. The aisle, the cheese aisle looks disgusting. Uh, there is goy cheese stacked high. One of the wolf is doing like a Nazi salute or something. No, she's just checking her watch, I guess. The other one is on her knees. The white fox's skull, like the mask, does not look like a fox mask. 2:59:34 Unknown_19: It looks like a fox skull. Unknown_19: People are staring at them. Unknown_19: Skipping ahead a little bit. They're just being awkward in front of a very poor cheese selection. Where's the Okami Run? This video is titled Okami Run. And they're not running. Unknown_16: Yeah, they're just being awkward in public. Unknown_19: That's cringe. 3:00:07 Unknown_19: Okay, sorry. It's not the film video. I hope I've described these videos to your liking. Zebedee for once says, can't watch live, but have a good day Joshy boy. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the show. Whenever you can see it. Unknown_19: For one says I'm working graveyard shifts. I can't catch the whole stream live. Have you ever worked a graveyard shift night shift jobs? Yes, I've worked at whatever during nighttime. It's not a lot of fun It's a very boring and they usually offload all the cleaning and then the busiest part of the night is when You're doing prep in the morning because the morning guys need you know fresh produce and stuff ready to go and It'll sometimes you do get slammed and like a bunch of it's like usually when it's raining I don't know why it is usually when it's like if it's 4 a.m. On a regular day. There's nobody for miles, but then if it starts raining to the people like pile up in a drive-thru. It's bizarre 3:00:42 Unknown_19: the ghost of low-tax for one says well frederick nelson has disavowed the farms and does gay vtuber shit based gino not only still active on the farm but has spoken positively of you and the forum on podcasts in a stream well gino and i have a common friend and that friend Unknown_19: China he has gone to China he lives in China and he's married Chinese so he knows and I know it's like um when the Masons show their ring to the jury so that the Masons on the jury know that they got a they got a voucher that guy and deliberations it's like with that I look at do you know when I go China and he winks it because he gets the message 3:01:40 Unknown_19: Coco for two says Josh. I do not suggest a puddle look at my legato Raman Nalo on screen say Roma you are not cute, and I don't want you okay. Let's see I am NOT a libertarian. Unknown_21: I'm just a China appreciator Unknown_19: This has the poodle cut. This is a business. I can't I can't say I don't like this dog I will say that this is a bus and got dog though on God on dog. We bus them, okay? 3:02:13 Unknown_19: Entropy 93 produces Alabama gave away all gave all her citizens $150. I thought I'd throw you some of my government money Why I? Unknown_19: Am aware that Alaska has like a fund But they have oil money the only people that the only governments that can afford to give their people free money have petrol dollars Like Norway does it Alaska does it Kuwait does it I? Unknown_19: Didn't know Alabama had oil though I Unknown_19: Supreme for five says I know you've said you browse PMG on biz, but do you ever post? I stopped browsing biz like years ago because the signal to noise ratio got too bad there are too many enemies like shitting up the thread with fucking forced memes and Shilling their anime based mean silver and shit. It was really fucking it got too much and And I wasn't, I tried talking about things that I, I did post a couple times to try and like talk about things that I was interested in and it was always just like ignored in favor of anime shit. So I gave up. Uh, it was very, I don't know, it sucks. It sucks when people like invade your hobby and fag it up. 3:02:48 Unknown_19: Sock puppet Sam for five says hey Josh quick update did you burn no longer claims to use therapeutic lollicon because he saw an anime about a guy becoming a little girl which made him realize that he is transitioning into a grown 32 year old woman That's cool. You know there's therapeutic value and lead to that. He should probably explore. I can't diagnose him I'm not Canadian, but if I were I would definitely look into it just as a sneaking suspicion 3:03:38 Unknown_19: Okay. That is that. I am hungry. I'm going to have a snack and then go to bed. Um, I will see you guys on Friday. Thank you for sticking around. I really appreciate it. Sorry for fucking up the start of the stream. Unknown_19: Um, take it easy. And what do I want to play? 3:04:13 Unknown_19: this this is a new song by korblund who's a guy that i like he's like a country singer but he's not really he's like a new kind of country singer i don't know i like him it's called i don't know when bye Unknown_18: I fought in Brazil, I fought in Japan, I wrestled with the Chechens and in Dagestan. I worked amateur promotions all over the states. I always showed up and never missed weight. I've been choked out, tapped out, and knocked out cold. I've been heel hooked, leg locked, and TKO'd. Hammer fist finished and triangle choked. I hate to tell you boys, but I might have got old. 3:04:53 Unknown_18: All I wanna do is go out on a win Feel the ref raise my arm up, feel it again Stars make fights, I waste time in the gym All I wanna do is go out on a win Unknown_18: Competed in college in CAA I drifted around and found MMA A quick left hook and a stiff right hand They said it'd be my tickets to the promised land Well, I rode with the Gracies a couple of times I took a few meetings with Danish guys Did most of a thing short of making the show Now it's a little too late and I'm a little too slow All I want to do is go out on a win, feel the wrath, raise my arm up, feel it again. Stars make fights a waste of time in the gym. 3:05:43 Unknown_18: All I want to do is go out on a win. Unknown_18: Well, these kids coming up are training everything young Muay Thai, BJJ, Wing Chun About all that's left of me before I retire is an old school broke down fighter's design I'll give it all up for the octagon But with the first few notes of my walkout song Adrenaline hits with a puncher's chance I bite down on the mouth guard for one last dance