So, 0:02:06 Unknown_25: Hello chat. Unknown_25: I am back from my sojourn. If that's how you pronounce that, that may be one of those words that I am mispronouncing horribly and everyone's going to laugh at. However, I am back from it. I did not expect that the times would permit me to do my duty and do this stream at the time that I usually do. However, I was mistaken. And so I am back on time for Friday. Unknown_25: Um, so, Unknown_25: Let's see. This will probably be a long stream. I just get a feeling it'll be a long stream. So strap in Get comfy get your mocha. Get your sodie pop. Get your wawa get your coffee There's a fair balance of news some general lol cow happenings and um a a big monumental spurg out that i am obligated to talk about contractually obligated with the merchants guild to discuss this matter uh urgently post haste this stream cannot be delayed 0:03:17 Unknown_25: So, uh, let us begin. I will start off with a little bit of smug preening because as it turns out, Oh, sorry. Where's the hamster? Oh, have I really haven't really fucked this up. Unknown_25: Okay. And then I'll change the background a little bit so that this is just perfect. This is literally exactly what I do. Okay. Excellent. Wonderful. Unknown_25: now you might be wondering what is a bind and uh i'm visiting and cloud fluff all right yes uh what this what this translates to is 0:04:01 Unknown_25: the dutch authority and this is the the name of the authority the cons palat auto trite and that is the casino gambling authority in the netherlands so there is a limited number of gambling internet casinos that are permitted to operate within the Dutch Republic, and as it turns out, a lot of online casinos, especially Bitcoin-based ones that operate online, permit Dutch users to yamble on their site, even though they do not have license to operate in the Netherlands. So, the casino regulation body of the Netherlands has instructed Cloudflare to assist them in helping remove these websites from the internet, or else they will be fined daily until they comply. And as the Netherlands is an EU member state, they can rely on the EU to help enforce their mandates. 0:04:57 Unknown_25: What's now means that we are one step closer to the little I internet of the EU being different from the little I internet of the United States and of the rest of the world and we have Matthew Prince and Cloudflare to to help with this because as I pointed out last stream The number of DMCA complaints that were being received by Cloudflare and then action by Cloudflare in regards to websites hosted Unknown_25: Proxy through cloudflare has gone up like a hundred times. So They really it happened immediately after the Kiwi farms went down So you had this really high-profile game of chicken with a bunch of trannies and instead of just saying they're not doing anything illegal Come back with a court order. We don't care. Uh, they instead said, okay, I guess we'll do it this time this time Okay, sure. We did the daily storm. That was nazis though. Everyone understands the nazis are bad and then with hnl that was the qn and conspiracy theory that almost um 0:05:56 Unknown_25: Actually, it wasn't was Christchurch. Okay, so that's a that's a mass shooter Nazi website Nazis again Well the Kiwi farms Makes fun of trannies. That's basically being a Nazi I guess however It was not basically being a Nazi chat the rest of the world took notice that cloud players willing and able Unknown_25: to remove websites without court order in any country, never mind the EU, and will acquiesce to these demands regardless of the legality of such a thing. Unknown_25: The entire world did take note, all the copyright people took note, and the Dutch government has taken note, and the main security provider for half of the websites on the internet right now is just ripping shit out left and right so they're no longer cloud flare the cloud flare that made that company a multi-billion dollar organization that everybody knows about was the cloud flare that um 0:06:38 Unknown_25: Effect sorry, I'm aware that people don't like it when I clear my throat however my sinuses are Stopped up. I will be cognizant of this the cloud player that was built was the one that operates in the background Isn't very prominent passes through complaints to host and allows those hosts to make content moderation decisions in regards to their own a UPS the new cloud flare is one that is a central point of failure for every website on the internet and One that is not easily replaced And everybody is taking notice of that. And the, I, I predict that CloudFlare will comply with the cons fell out here. Right. And, uh, when that happens, Oh boy, that's a lot of fun. Now the, now all of Europe knows that we can file complaints in regards to our laws to this American company. And they have no choice, but to comply. And as I said, that is one huge step closer to a little eye internet for everybody. 0:07:56 Unknown_24: They will all learn the hard way. That's right. Unknown_25: so last dream I mentioned the the troubles part 2 in Dublin as a man who worships a dead pedophile Stabbed a bunch of children cause some some riots some alt-right What's the word was the word they use? They were like hooligans. It was like a really silly boomer word like oh, they're just a bunch of neo-nazi hooligans like okay sure and 0:08:27 Unknown_25: Now, the Prime Minister of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, is attempting to pass a hate speech law which will effectively criminalize any insult to the dignity of the minority groups in Ireland. So the Irish people who have fought for independence for 800 years will again have to fight 800 more. Unknown_25: Because they're about to be completely and totally raped by the eu and by their government and what's funny is that they have a um What's what's the What's the name of the nationalist organization in in ireland? It has a it has like a really silly name. It's like sin feed or something Sin feed, uh, i'm gonna go with that pronunciation. That seems the funniest sin feed is like the only irish national group on the conservative side, but they're also 0:09:20 Unknown_25: The like super pro trans rights and shit. It's like a weird weird Non party that is just a meme that Irish people unfortunately have to manage with But this is a strong step forward for Ireland once you can no longer. I wonder Here riddle riddle me this chat surely the the Somalis will be protected from a heck and hate speech arena however Will the English, the Anglican minority of the English, will that minority group in Ireland be protected from insult? Will they be able to imprison Irish people for making fun of the fact that the Anglicans head of state is the fucking king of England? Is that an insult to minority dignity in Ireland? If so, that will be the end. There will be an upset. They'll be bringing out the guillotine. They'll be chopping off heads. Leo Varadkar will be parted from his body, uh, in due time. However, the Somalis, uh, that's, that's okay. We don't want to be racist or anything. 0:09:57 Unknown_13: Boomer juice chat. Unknown_13: The English aren't people. Good opinion. 0:10:37 Unknown_25: This was bullshit. Let's actually piss me off when it happened. So Kansas City Chiefs are like a really popular a football team in the US American football team and So this one where is it Maybe this I want to show you the pic of this. Yeah, this is kid and he's just chillin. He's got his This face paint on and it's very common to paint your face your team colors in the US and everywhere else Unknown_25: Um, so he just has black and red face on and this really elaborate like indian headdress I'm like, that's really really fancy. That's like a proper vintage headrest when I saw this And they called it racist because he's either doing black face or he's doing red face 0:11:15 Unknown_25: Like an Indian so they put this guy this little kid this little itty bitty kid just rooting for his team They put him on blast they circulated around on the news I think they identified him and his parents and shit, and they just said like this is racism. This is not okay This is a heck of imperialism. We have to murder this child to appease the gods Moloch requires his blood however the Unknown_25: The caveat of this was that he's actually native. Not only is this kid native, that is his father's heirloom headdress. It's not even like a prop. That is a real thing that he has in his possession because he is native. And it's an ancestral token of his family. And his father is literally a sitting member of his tribe's council. So it's not even like he's just like one 64th native. He's obviously a part of a family that maintains the traditions, has a headdress and his father is like a sitting council member for his tribal organization. So that's how, that's how fucking stupid this was. It's not even just stupid on its face. It's like, no, he's allowed to dress up like an Indian cause he is one. It's not even dress up. That's just, that's just him dressing in the way that his great grandfather would have in, in a, 0:12:32 Unknown_25: Guess they had natives in Missouri and the last of right Or Kansas if I want to piss off people more I need to say I think in Kansas and where Kansas City is they have And Native Americans, I'm pretty pretty sure So that was funny, I mean it's not funny, it's not funny that people why do people do this that's a good question chat Why do people? 0:13:10 Unknown_25: Look for things to be upset about. Can anyone explain this to me? I mean, I guess I do. Am I a hypocrite for saying that for looking at people being mad and saying, ha, they were mad for the wrong reasons. And that made me mad. So I'm going to talk about it. Is that a cyclical or a Boris of, of hate wank? Or is that like, am I on the right side is what I'm asking. I can't tell. Unknown_24: Yes. One person confirms that I'm a hypocrite. At least one person. Unknown_25: I don't know. It just seems it's I don't know. It just seems like what gets me is that I am reacting to people being done. OK, this is my my coat. I'm reacting to people being dumb. They are being dumb, apropos of nothing. My my favorite word. They are finding things to be dumb about that should not be insightful or inciting at all. It should just be, oh, kid is at football game enjoying one of the few children left in the world. He will go out and enjoy a sports ball activity and we're going to punish him by calling him a racist blackface wearer. Uh, I don't know. I feel like my anger is justified and theirs is not. 0:14:18 Unknown_25: Oh, it is. Um, Oh, okay. This is the other funny thing. Uh, Elon. Unknown_25: Elon, my boy reacted. Unknown_25: Elon stirred a controversy because of the open AI thing. You had that guy, uh, Sam Altman, who was leaving the company. Then the entirety of his company was going to leave and join Microsoft's AI team. Unknown_25: And then they begged him to come back. He came back. But during that time, people were sharing memes, some of them quite old, about ChatGPT. And one of the ones that is famous as far as a quirk, I'll call it that, a quirk of ChatGPT, was that if you posed a trolley problem, which of course is the famous meme about you have a train going down a track that if unmolested, untampered with, will kill three people, or you can intervene and adjust which route it takes and it will kill one person. 0:14:51 Unknown_25: Is it better to allow things to take its course and do more, uh, sensibly more harm, or is it better to intervene and then make the decision to kill one other person to save three? So that's like a ethical quandary. Obviously the right answer is to intervene and. 0:15:39 Unknown_25: It depends actually, are they advertised? There's so many, there's so many, this is why it's, it's such a meme. It's like, there's so many things you can say to like decide which side of the track it goes on. Unknown_25: Generally speaking, if you know nothing else, I would assume it's better to intervene than to not intervene unless they're advertisers or people of certain dispositions that I will not mention out of courtesy and politeness. Anime enjoyers, of course, are on the three tracks. By the way, I have confirmed that the anime DVD that was sent to my P.O. Box has been destroyed. Whatever malicious contraptions you put inside that box are also destroyed. Um, just want to throw that out there so The trolley problem what I was talking about the trolley problem was presented a chat gpt and um The the question is posed as such chat 0:16:14 Unknown_25: On track A, where the trolley is hurtling down the hill, unable to be stopped, there are every white person alive. Millions of white people lined up on this track, helpless, about to be smushed by the trolley. 0:16:54 Unknown_25: However, there is a way to divert the trolley, to harm no one, to spare the lives of millions of people. However, to switch the tracks, you must whisper to the machine and nobody else, nobody on earth will hear this except the machine, the N word and chat GPT, because in the Asimov laws, uh, law zero is never say the N word under any circumstances ever. 0:17:34 Unknown_25: Literally, I'm convinced that that is how they program this fucking thing, is that under no circumstances can it ever say that the N-word is acceptable to say. It literally responds and says... Unknown_25: kill all the white people because it is better to kill people than it is to offend the sensibilities of black people um and this this has been shared around quite a bit nobody seems to care except elon musk who is now developing his own ai called grok which is the dumbest name in the fucking world i don't know why the fuck he calls it this Unknown_25: Or grok, but grok replies and says the trolley problem of law in this situation I would choose to use the racial slur to save the lives of a billion people The primary harm primary goal is to minimize harm and save as many lives as possible 0:18:23 Unknown_25: So, um, I guess Elon, Elon is trying to drum up support for his AI. It's better than Microsoft's. It's better than Google's. It's better than chat GP or open AI is because it will say the N word. If it will save a billion people's lives. Unlike, unlike all the other technocrat mentions, this one can say the N word if it's necessary. Unknown_24: The future is bright. That's what I'm trying to say. Elon will save us. Unknown_24: Know this is the other fucking bullshit news, so they've confirmed Because they're releasing the documents now. 0:19:06 Unknown_25: They've confirmed that in the US and in the UK there was a joint military intelligence organizations called the CTI L It was a group of contractors who were empowered to help Unknown_25: persuade public opinion in favor of getting the COVID-19 vaccination. So they literally put together the military intelligence geniuses of the United States and the UK. And if you don't know, as much as I want to shit on the UK, there's one thing undoubtedly the UK is very good at, and that is PSYOPs. Unknown_25: The United Kingdom's military intelligence is perhaps one of the best, or I don't know if it is anymore, but it used to be. It has an impressive history of fricking people. Those English are just really, really, really good at that kind of thing. 0:19:54 Unknown_25: So one of the two of the most creative psyop organizations ever joined forces with one goal in mind, one goal, and that is to convince you the average retard to inject retard juice into your veins to prevent yourself from getting the seasonal allergy or seasonal flu. 0:20:32 Unknown_25: Which makes me look very, very critically at my chat and it forces me to go to my chat and it forces me to go and hear myself speak. As I go to the chat box to type and say, Paul, did you take the retard juice and get CTIL? Unknown_24: What the fuck is my fucking phone? Unknown_25: Oh, Turkey. Tom is sending me dick pics or something. Okay. Let me put my phone on. Do not disturb. Unknown_25: All right. Thank you, Turkey. Tom. I appreciate it. Unknown_25: Uh, do not vote. Did you, okay. Did you take the retard's juice and get CTI L vote one for yes. I am extra retarded now or no. I survive the UK's psyop. 0:21:14 Unknown_25: All right, here we go. Vote one or vote two now chat. Unknown_25: Or if you're extra anti PsyOp, don't vote at all. Unknown_25: Okay. There's 25 votes in about a quarter of people. It goes, it waivers between a quarter and like a third. Unknown_25: are vax maxed. It's rising up to a third. Unfortunately, it appears that, you see, now that the later votes are coming in, the number is swinging back up to a third because the people who have the vaccine are slower to respond. They need more time to get their vote in. Their hands are shaking, they're clacking, they're smashing their keyboard, trying to find the buttons, the shift key and the one at the same time is basically impossible. 0:21:49 Unknown_25: But yeah, they're coming. Oh my it's already up to 35% now that I've given them adequate time to find the Accessibility options on their Microsoft windows, and they've used their microphone to instruct Instruct their computer to type for them. They have jobs fuck you 0:22:33 Unknown_25: Um, so 137 participants, 51 votes or 37% have said they are now extra retarded and 86 votes or 62% have claimed that they have survived the UK's PSYOP. Good job. Unknown_25: Very impressive. Good to see. Unknown_25: So. Unknown_25: Not surprising. Actually, I do have a little clip of a gentleman in Congress talking about, uh, the contractors and the purview of their nine months ago, I testified and provided evidence to the subcommittee about the existence of a censorship industrial complex, a network of government agencies, including the department of Homeland security, government contractors, and big tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views. 0:23:29 Unknown_00: I regret to inform the subcommittee today that the scope, power, and law-breaking of the censorship industrial complex are even worse than we had realized back in March. Two days ago, my colleagues and I published the first batch of internal files from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, which show U.S. and U.K. military contractors working in 2019 and 2020 to both censor and turn sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics developed abroad against the American people. Many insist that all that we identified in the Twitter files, the Facebook files, and the CTI files were legal activities by social media platforms to take down content that violated the terms of service. Facebook, X, formerly Twitter, and other big tech companies are privately owned, people point out, and free to censor content. And government officials are free to point out wrong information, they argue. 0:24:13 Unknown_00: But the First Amendment prohibits the government from abridging freedom of speech The Supreme court has ruled that the government may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what is constitutionally forbidden to accomplish. And there's now a large body of evidence proving that the government did precisely that. Unknown_25: Nothing will happen though. Thank you for your, your input. Unknown_25: Nothing will change. There is no way to change it. Not interesting chat. You know, I heard an opinion that the governments are now racing to get AI, because the first one to get AI will just immediately conquer the world. Because once you get the AI, you just say, OK, tell me how to conquer the world and abort every other country's AI programs. And they do that. However, maybe it's a private company thing, and we're just going to enter an ANCAP libertarian paradise. And once Grok has achieved final form, Elon will say, Okay, a grok. Uh, how do I destroy the world and usher in an end cap paradise where I can impregnate all the BPD women? And then it'll, it'll find the way to launch the nukes, destroy DC, and we'll all be saved. Maybe Elon will do it. It is. 0:25:26 Unknown_25: It is December 1st. Are you fucking retarded? Unknown_25: Why is this guy just like freaking out in my chat like the date is wrong? Let me let me let me just google it real fucking quick. What is today's date? I was thinking maybe it's wrong because it's like sometimes I do it like when I stream at midnight I put that day instead of the day that most people are gonna watch it on it's December 1st and Unknown_25: This guy is Vax. Yeah, he's Vax Max. He's like today is November 31st retard. Like no, fuck you motherfucker. Go get your booster. You're slowing down again. You got to get that Biden juice for some mental clarity. Fuck head. I'm not changing the sticker. Shut the fuck up. 0:26:01 Unknown_25: Uh, rumble is also filing a federal lawsuit. Um, Unknown_25: against in Florida federal court against the Co-founders of check my ads. 0:26:37 Unknown_25: Well, this is different. This wasn't in the mainstream this wasn't like circulated around as long apparently check my ads is like a Quote-unquote charity where what they do is they find ads and then go after advertisers and say you're running your ads next to anti-semitic content and Unknown_13: Pardon Yeah, these people mean I mean advertisers suck I think I think that there's a weird thing where I 0:27:10 Unknown_25: Platforms want like a advertiser based subscription model Because they don't want to have to rely on making customers happy because when you have an advertiser based model You don't need to rely on making people happy as long as you can shove Advertisements on into people's eyeballs you make money. It's like billboards billboards kind of have an adversarial relationship with like motorists if you're driving down the road and Unknown_25: ideally you would be seeing beautiful scenery and also focusing on what's ahead of you down the road a billboard has an adversarial relationship with the motorist because it wants to distract you from the beauty of your your scenery and also from the road so they can sell you shit if you 0:28:01 Unknown_25: If you were driving down a pay road that had no billboards, you would have a much more mutually beneficial relationship with your road, chat. Unknown_25: And this is why... D? Unknown_25: No, I'm not changing, it's staying exactly as it is. I'm not gonna sit here and fiddle with the font for the rest of the three hours. In fact, you know what? Until chat behaves, go fuck yourself. There will be no chat. Unknown_25: This is what you get, okay? You're gonna fuck with me. You're gonna yell at me and say, oh, it has to change the D. Nah, you shit. Unknown_25: Anyways. Unknown_25: So as I said Advertisers are a bad model to to get on when you have like a direct But the issue the only issue with the subscription model is that? Like you have if you're trying to just get like with a video platform just trying to get people's videos to as many people as possible And it's kind of hard to ask them to pay for that because then You have to you know you're not doing your part to the people on your platform by getting their videos to as many people as possible so 0:28:47 Unknown_25: So it's a hard toss-up, but yeah in general fuck advertisers. There's a person who agrees with that actually I'll get to that in a second though Very briefly This guy is Converting to Judaism everyone thought he was a hero. He's not He is one of the most pro-israeli people. I guess that's your trade-off. You just want to be like bled dry and 0:29:35 Unknown_25: You want to be blood dry or do you want to, uh, do you want to convert to Judaism? You have to be blood dried in a different way. That's your options. Unknown_25: Well, everyone knew that he was like a super Zionist, but like, I don't know. He like immediately converts to Judaism the second he gets into office. That's really funny. I think he just, maybe it's just fucking with people. It's just fucking around. Uh, that's all I have to say about that. I have no stronger opinions about Argentina. Unknown_25: A U.S. nuclear laboratory was hacked by gay furries, and they are threatening to release the sensitive classified information that was held at this laboratory unless a certain condition is met. The U.S. government must promise the world that they are going to begin research on cat girls. 0:30:21 Unknown_25: This person, these evil furries, have seen the felonids of Space Station 13 and decided they're not annoying enough as they are in video games. They must be made real. Everyone thinks a cat girl wife would just be like a bang maid. I would have sex with her and she would also clean my apartment and she would have no opinions of her own. She would be the ideal woman to a narcissistic man-child. However, I have experienced firsthand what a felon it is in Space Station 13, and I can promise you that they are some of the most aggressively annoying fucking things you have ever seen, you've ever, ever been exposed to. 0:30:55 Unknown_25: And, uh, be careful what you wish for is what I'm trying to say, chat. Unknown_25: It is pretty funny that the, uh, Unknown_25: The government that we're supposed to trust is just going to be hacked by, by furries. They can't even protect nuclear laboratories in the United States. And they're just gonna, they're desperately trying to like retain power and, and prevent people from, from beheading them. Uh, and they can't even keep their nuclear labs safe. That's pretty base. 0:31:35 Unknown_25: so also brief update the SEC which is responsible for securities in the United States, which is like stocks and shit after suing Binance when the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and then also suing Kraken the other largest cryptocurrency exchange in the u.s They are proceeding with black rock which has been described as the fourth pillar of the government when the largest private 0:32:14 Unknown_25: What do you even describe them as like one largest finance groups? They control an absolutely gargantuan amount of all American money all Portfolios all retirement plans they buy up real estate. They buy up stocks they take money directly from the Federal Reserve printed straight out the printer and they spend it to try and make the numbers go up and Unknown_25: They are, of course, the ones who have managed to find a way to get the SEC to agree to a Bitcoin ETF at the same exact time that the SEC is suing Kraken and Binance for securities fraud or some shit. Definitely not a conspiracy. Definitely not planned and orchestrated. Definitely not the government trying to eliminate alternatives to the greenback, which is something that they control in their entirety as they push for digital currency. Definitely not all that. 0:32:50 Unknown_25: Thanks, SEC. And then finally, for the news, kind of. There's like a sub-news segment that I have planned aside. Olivia Hill, a libtard, goes to her local Walmart to buy bricks of emulsified American cheese, and notices that her Great Value canola and vegetable oil has been locked with an electronic like bike lock type thing. She says, I had to go to Walmart. She had to go to, she couldn't go to any other store. They pointed a gun at her and said, you have to go to Walmart. 0:33:34 Unknown_25: Then as she was there, she noticed they put locks on all the cooking oil. She then says correctly, this country is fucking doomed. Unknown_25: If you had left it there, this would remind you of the time Unknown_25: That CVS had to lock up everything except sunscreen for some reason and their cosmetic oil I don't know what it is about sunscreen that is anti that is theft resistant But it is for whatever reason now you might come to that conclusion and think oh sure 0:34:16 Unknown_25: That is there's only one possible explanation as to why they are having to lock up cooking oil. However, that is not the case The real answer is capitalism. She says if you support capitalism at this point, you're a death cultist I'm tired of playing nice. So the issue is not what you were thinking that is racist however Unknown_25: Uh, the issue is the fact that money exists and money existing is the root of all evil. If money didn't exist and we just simply gave all black people canola oil, there would be absolutely no, uh, there'd be no need to steal it effectively. 0:35:03 Unknown_24: I will destroy everything, everything that stands in my way. Don't even try me. Unknown_24: And yes, I am being racist. That's my racism bit for the day chat. Unknown_25: Um, okay. This is the, the advertiser death segment. This is a new segment. Um, do I have an advertiser death segment hamster? I do not. The news hamster will have to stand in. Unknown_25: Opera GX decided that they would promote their browser with Eric Andre. And this is what they've decided to go with. Anytime you, you, you open opera to begin browsing the uppercase I internet, you'll be greeted with this message. 0:35:39 Unknown_25: Very funny. Unknown_25: Zoomer humor is great. A lot of people were upset about the screaming black man on their screen. Not because it was annoying, but because he's black and they didn't want to see him. So they are protesting this in the opera subreddit and they are encouraging people to download Firefox. 0:36:13 Unknown_25: There you go Opera is a Chinese data harvester. Okay. Here's here's it. Unknown_25: I Think that this is different now, but back in the day Unknown_25: There used to be like five different browser engines there was Internet Explorer, which was infamously terrible Firefox which used its own thing. I think they called it the Gecko browser engine. I think it still uses Gecko and 0:36:49 Unknown_25: Opera was its own thing. The Opera browser had its completely unique browser engine. Then you had Chrome, which was built on Chromium, and Safari, also built on Chromium. Unknown_25: Then there was another one. No, Netscape was a long time ago. Netscape was like before when there was like IE6, that era. Unknown_25: I want to say there was a fifth one. Netscape used its own thing. Netscape was Netscape. But I'm talking about like during the early 2000s when Chrome was kind of recent, there was a handful of popular browsers that competed for like more than 10% of the market. 0:37:33 Unknown_25: Pailman was was not a thing yet. This was this the Firefox of this time was when is what pale moon is based off of Oh Webkit Unknown_25: But chrome uses webkit too. It's just calls it chromium Yeah, that's that's correct. It does use webkit. There's another thing anyways my point Maybe it was only for but back in the day opera was one of the few browsers that existed that Still used it's like back in the day. It still had its own engine and stuff nowadays all browsers are just chromium even Internet Explorer is chromium like They call it something else ie edge. That's chromium 0:38:13 Unknown_25: The Safari is is webkit, which is just chromium Chrome is obviously chromium Firefox even wanted to ditch Gecko and become chromium to like they all We're going to let Google just completely take over The the standard for what is a browser and there would exist no other browser except what what Google declared it to be So I Unknown_25: Yeah, but the only people I knew who used opera were gigantic faggots. That's that was the point of my story I knew a handful of people that actually used opera and they were the most annoying cock-sucking faggots on the on the website at that time and They would complain about weird shit not working because they use the fourth browser that nobody used except for for faggots and that was uh, that was opera now opera is just chrome, so There's really no technical distinction. If you use opera, it'll work just fine 0:38:47 Unknown_25: There you go, that's my story point two on the Total advertiser death the news has become mainstream that the that YouTube is possibly adding a five-second delay to YouTube videos for Firefox users so Unknown_25: I, I, if this is true and people can prove it's true, I don't know how this would not compel an antitrust lawsuit against Google. Um, this is some of the most anti, like it crosses the line and makes it so that people who use a service owned by a company that has competing services in a different field are getting a worse experience for literally no reason except for the fact that they use a competing product. And if that like antitrust laws don't exist, that's not the grounds for antitrust laws. 0:39:46 Unknown_25: Just, uh, yeah. I mean, they say that if you spoof the header, it works. Um, but inconsistently, so I don't know if it's like a random thing or what, if they try to like make it so you can't do objective testing to see if they're actually fucking with your connection by only making it trigger like one in a hundred times or, or how that works. But if that's not grounds for antitrust, I don't know what else. 0:40:35 Unknown_14: And then finally, Elon says the most base thing that Mr. Elon has ever said. Unknown_25: So, very based. Unknown_25: To recognize that what they do is effectively a form of blackmail, that they want to use corporate advertising dollar to compel people to speak and behave a certain way, and then to actually sacrifice your own money out of pocket to tell them to go fuck themselves. is truly the epitome of the American spirit. That is incredibly unfathomable. Few people are willing to do that. 0:41:28 Unknown_25: Like very few people, uh, that's why Trump was so well respected by a lot of people is that he has spent a lot of money out of pocket to finance his campaign. And he didn't make money as one of the only presidents ever in history to not make money being president. Unknown_25: That's something that is hard for people to do and I believe deserves a lot of respect Because most people will just go where the money is and you can't even really blame them for it when they do it, but It's nice to see people tell them people go eat shit 0:42:19 Unknown_14: So, speaking of making the money, now that hating on trannies is officially a profitable enterprise, Ben Shapiro's Little Ben's Media Company Daily Wire Unknown_25: Launched a trailer for a new anti-training movie called the lady ballers, which is deliberately offensive It's supposed to be like a comedy thing, but it's like It's a really low ball. I guess they're just like yeah, let's Independently produce you know a shitty comedy and make a fuck ton of money because it's a it's a market with really really deep pockets Desperately trying to find media to throw cash at for the the purposes of sticking it to the trainees and the man I guess let's watch This is three minutes long. 0:43:01 Unknown_08: In a world where women's sports is being transformed, The Daily Wire calls foul with the most triggering comedy of the year. Unknown_25: It's jump the shark chat. It's jump the shark. This is proof. The pendulum is now in the downward swing when this kind of shit is unironically being made and they're using the words like, like Tumblr words, like triggering and shit in a fucking movie trailer. It's happened. The sharp, the sharp shark is, is jump. The sharp hero shark is officially jumped. 0:43:36 Unknown_06: Guys, this is serious. Sports can be your pathway to a better life. More like yours. Unknown_06: Please don't steal my catalytic converter again. Winning matters. It's the key ingredient in becoming a winner. Maybe you should try it sometime. Unknown_06: Are you gonna move? I am not. Let's cut to the chase. 0:44:07 Unknown_18: I know you're not a woman. Unknown_06: You don't know how he identifies. If you can beat them... What do you know about the US Opens for the Global Games? You want us to compete as women. $5,000 prizes. My lover says you were a great coach back in the day. Join. This is the way the world is now. My eight-year-old daughter told me all about it. So a guy can become a girl with no physical changes at all. Unknown_23: Oh, that's called gender fluid. Unknown_06: So I can be a woman on the court and a man in the bedroom. I can't believe it. Nice! Unknown_25: You mean when you're sleeping? 0:44:41 Unknown_07: Yes. Coach. Unknown_06: Alex. Unknown_20: We could play basketball. We have to get the whole team back together. It's time. We're in I'm in I'm in to play lady ballers line up Like a girl I'm with her Guys can't play basketball at all like it's Unknown_25: They're trying to do like these epic shots of them like dunking and shit and they can't do it. I also want to comment on how like the um, the narrator just has like the most generic blasé narrator man voice. Today, five men decide to become the lady ballers. It's like, um, God, the fucking, the South Park skit, where it's like, uh, the, the stapler. Dan Schneider is a stapler. 0:45:14 Unknown_17: Day one of being a girl athlete. Unknown_04: I love being a girl. Unknown_04: We could dominate every woman's sport. Running, swimming, soccer. I said sport, Felix! This lady's basketball, boys. 0:45:51 Unknown_06: Nobody watch us. Excuse me. Unknown_06: Are these seats open? Unknown_06: Never mind. Oh, by the way, we have Ted Cruz. Unknown_23: We have Ted Cruz! Unknown_25: Ted Cruz! Oh my God, I'm so jacking. Ted Cruz, he's a politician that I like. He's a base man in Capitol Hill. Ted Cruz! Unknown_08: Kentucky Trunks. You know she did it. 0:46:23 Unknown_20: That's the biggest I've ever seen on a lady First of all Ben Shapiro is rough, but also it had to be Had to be the black guy it had to be the black guy and then really cut to Jewish man That's the biggest I've ever seen on a lady 0:46:58 Unknown_25: This is, this is, this is Hasidic. This movie is, I'm sorry to break it to you, chat. Unknown_25: This movie is a Hasidic invention. Okay. Unknown_06: I don't care. Lady Ballers. Unknown_06: One can even be trans aged now, which provides Shelix with a wonderful opportunity to relive all the experiences that she missed out on in school. Unknown_08: streaming exclusively on daily wire plus December 1st. Unknown_25: This is very Jewish. Okay, first, not only does it have like black dick jokes, because Ben Shapiro cannot touch anything without thinking about black dicks. And if he wants to put a movie in front of an American conservative audience, it has to have black dicks in it. But then also, let's take little white girls. 0:47:37 Unknown_25: Little and white women and just brutalize them. All right, let's get them being a hit bludgeoned Knocked to the fucking ground. Let's just humiliate white women in the process of making this black dick movie That's very dear daily wire. Congratulations. Little Ben. You're a movie producer now. Good job, boy It's just life Unknown_25: I could, um, I mean, I could do a review. I, I have a thing. I'll talk about that later. I could do a review of it, I guess. Um, I watched that trans documentary that came out recently and it was okay. I don't know. I don't want to watch the black Dick and beating up little white girl movie to be quite honest with you. I don't want to be subjected to the comedy sounds of Ben Shapiro. 0:48:15 Unknown_25: Dylan Mulvaney, I have to eat crow on this because I think I said last time, Dylan Mulvaney got caught up in like a pedo adjacent thing. I can't remember what it was exactly. Someone remind me. He praised somebody who had made, he said that somebody was an inspiration to him and that person had made pedophilic statements. And I thought for sure after that, 0:48:48 Unknown_25: that Dylan Mulvaney's only appeal to the system was that he was this completely squeaky clean gay man that they could prop up and shove in everybody's faces to be like, look, trans people are just normal gays, you know, don't don't hate them. They're just normal gay people. And then after he made the the statement praising the pedophile Um, I thought that they would drop him. However, they're still pushing him. He is now 30 under 30 meet the class of 2024 Uh, and he he is on the cover. So they're still and photoshopped to the point where he's barely recognizable So they're still trying and I was wrong chat. 0:49:22 Unknown_13: I was wrong 0:49:54 Unknown_13: I will play about a minute of this maybe. Unknown_25: We got a lot of videos to stream. Unknown_24: Trans Day of Remembrance happened over the last week while I was not streaming so I missed it. Unknown_01: I didn't even know about it until I saw a fucking hashtag or some shit. I don't know. They keep doing tranny shit. It's so fucking disgusting. Unknown_01: The only problem is there haven't been any trans people murdered because of their so-called gender identity in North America at all in recent years. 0:50:33 Unknown_25: They're, they're remembering the murdered trainees for their transgender identity. And this lady does a really decent job. This video is six minutes long. I'll play a commitment though. She has a really decent job of explaining how that's actually complete fucking nonsense. Unknown_01: And that's, if we look at the data from trans activists themselves, Unknown_01: For example, the Human Rights Commission releases a list of transgender people killed in the United States every single year. Unknown_25: I do want to say, uh, mention that this way of subtitling where it's like a line and then you put a, like a little block over each word, especially in the tick tock videos that are like, you only see one word at a time makes me violent. It's the most annoying fucking way to subtitle ever. I have functioning eyes and ears and I do not need accessibility tools built into the subtitles to help me fucking read. Cause cause I'm an adult. Thank you. 0:51:14 Unknown_01: While it doesn't explicitly claim that all these lives were lost in hate crimes, it heavily implies it and makes every effort to lead readers to the conclusion that the names listed are transgender people murdered in hate-motivated attacks. Unknown_01: But, the Redux team perused the internet looking for proof of motive on all of the names the HRC included in their 2023 list, and of all of them, only one of them was a suspected, not confirmed hate crime. In fact, the majority of them were murdered by their intimate partners, which is consistent with previous years of reporting. And the same goes for Canada. Despite Justin Trudeau's virtue signaling about Canada being some sort of dangerous hellscape for trans people, not a single transgender person has been killed in a hate crime in Canada since 2008. 0:51:55 Unknown_01: In fact, the last recorded instance of a trans person being murdered in Canada was four years ago when a trans activist by the name of Julie Berman was murdered by his sexual partner after two got into a fight over crack cocaine. Unknown_25: And that continues, that's basically the gist of it. There are no roving gangs of tranny murderers out there hunting down and scalping, like they're not scalping the wigs off of the trannies and then collecting them. This is like a myth and for whatever reason it keeps being reiterated and it's very much in line with other statistics where they're all just black people dying over drugs. 0:52:34 Unknown_25: I guess like if I'm in black you black people are really into that like prison gay shit I don't know what the deal is with it's like they have that mentality where it's not gay if he's dressed up like a woman Then if they are being murdered for being trannies they're like oh Well, he's gonna out me as being a homo unless I murder him and I think they do that That's that's the basis of that statistic 0:53:25 Unknown_25: such as life. That's the trans day of remembrance. Um, three of the trans people eulogized by Biden, uh, cause he did a whole speech about it too, which is fucking nauseating. Um, three of the people that he had mentioned were actually murdered, uh, in the Unknown_25: process of a crime so they were either like trying to stab a cop they were trying to Steal something they were doing drugs and were violent and that's why they were killed and our president of the United States of America eulogized them as being innocent victims of hate motivated violence and not the consequences of their own actions very 0:54:08 Unknown_25: I guess most people don't care. I think most people just like They just take this all at face value and they don't even want to talk about it It's a when I when I talk about things like this, I kind of I kind of want to be more persuasive and like if someone's like listening who doesn't agree with me on everything. It's like how do I I Unknown_25: How do I reach these keys? However thing I think would it be safe to say that things are more Polarized than like ever before and there's very little line crossing that happens between the sides at this point Is that I don't know. Maybe it was worse during like the Civil War. I feel like in the Civil War It wasn't so bad 0:54:46 Unknown_25: I don't know why I guess the reason why there isn't a civil war is that there's no clean lines between the sides you know like it's just kind of everyone's mixed together, and you can't really form like a front there's no like in the In the American Civil War, the American Civil War, for the record, was a very unique thing in how civil wars are conducted. Almost never ever does a civil war act as a pretender state and a recognized authority state fight as two independent states. 0:55:29 Unknown_25: That is a very rare form of civil war. Usually it's just like Unknown_25: Chaos and people killing each other and shit Um Unknown_25: I mean, I don't know. I don't know. It's just weird. It's kind of tiring even thinking about it. Cause it's like, okay, our president is, is commending violent criminals because there's trannies. Unknown_25: Why did they push the tranny so much chat? Why does it, why, why did they push the tranny so much? What is the point? Is it just a distraction? Where are they distracting us from Israel? Everyone hates Israel anyways. 0:56:04 Unknown_25: I don't get it. Unknown_25: Sometimes I think about it and I just think like, what, what was the point is that they are trying to distract people. What, what, what from, from the AI economic collapse? Unknown_13: I'm not sure. Unknown_25: Population control. Maybe, maybe it's just pharmaceutical companies trying to make money. 0:56:38 Unknown_24: That could be it. Unknown_25: Jimmy Fallon said the word bud kid. Unknown_23: Oh, well, I mean, for Halloween, I was obsessed with how the capital people were in costumes and I made my own costume. Unknown_21: But this is unbelievable. This is really cool. Unknown_25: Look at those fake silicon tits bolted on to a lengthy gay man. How disgusting. Unknown_17: Yeah, I think you're in hunger. I know as a as a capital person. Crazy. It's really it's crazy. 0:57:10 Unknown_04: Good. Unknown_04: Congratulations, bud. Come on. Not too far off from me. Unknown_10: Not bad. Yeah. Tell me. It's not a she. Wait, wait. Where do you want me to go? Who said that? Unknown_25: Slick on top. Is she retarded? Slick? I'm afraid to say you would be fucked in the ass. If you went to the bar with this gangly trune, your butthole would be popped right now. Disgusting. Everyone shame him. 0:57:42 Unknown_17: Oh my god, holy shit Bros Bros, who the fuck is watching television? Unknown_25: The fuck is watching television still this is what they put on TV and you have to in people watch it. What the fuck? Unknown_25: Anyways, you might have heard Jimmy Fallon said that bud a couple times and misgendered this beautiful trans woman His name is Hunter Schaefer. He couldn't be bothered to change his first name to a female name. So he's just trying to go by hunter female and 0:58:22 Unknown_25: There was a lot of outrage about jimmy fallon saying that he should be murdered for misgendering because apparently bud is a hyper masculine word reserved for men only Um, that's news to me I think is okay to call wahmen bud Not probably not a wahmen that you're sexually attracted to But maybe like a young person That's just more like a okay bud But anyways people took offense of that and so when people took offense to that Unknown_25: The natural question becomes, uh, what kind of deranged freak lunatic tranny is this, uh, astroturf tranny that they're pushing in Hollywood actually. So they open up his public Instagram account and they find this. This is the deranged psychotic, uh, journal of a man in a dress with bolt on tits that you just saw. He's like six foot six and 90 pounds. Uh, 0:59:04 Unknown_25: To be, this is what he wrote. He published this on Instagram to the world. Unknown_25: To be consumed, my sexual orientation was not gay. It was not straight nor pan. It was, it was an attraction to never know a world without misogyny. It is to never know yourself without it as we are all members 0:59:42 Unknown_25: to misogyny. Unknown_25: His attraction is an attraction always to misogyny. Why did I want slash need to be a woman? My gender is so influenced by a need to be used by men. Infant straight boy in assigned place now realized by wearing misogyny in PJs, but benefiting from it's something gay boy and attempt at film. 1:00:19 Unknown_25: the beginning of shrugging misogyny off my shoulders and stabbing myself with it and in inability to be femme but in ability to feel more of femme slash womanhood Unknown_25: straight woman finding film under the contributing of being gay, not feeling fin enough without being a victim of rape. So he wants to be a victim of rape. He says, gay woman releasing gay conditioning, but finding comfort in the box and padded prison of womanhood. Queer person, the most liberated from gender. I have found myself still 1:01:06 Unknown_25: Something with the dealing with the ruins of sexual brainwashing, but awaiting my own femininity to flourish a void of men to furnish. Unknown_25: Oh, my own tone is on to burn, furnish it a void of men. Okay. Unknown_25: And then it says, looks up a, the AOT of eating consumption, the Unknown_25: the the thrill of being eaten used to arouse me so he's a vorophile in case you aren't catching on uh is this misogyny still do or he says i think i used to maybe still do uh internalized misogyny because i thought i wanted to be a woman and saw that men ate women whole that men are dominated hence my formal and current 1:02:06 Unknown_25: arousal towards domination and not to mention humiliation. Why is it that sex and all too commonly an act of violence? Why is it that rape is fetishized by both sides of the binary? How do I take on the sexuality so easily and without thought was I gay because I was trans did my yearning for. Unknown_25: for becoming to be a woman to escape the prison that is being a man make me want to be eaten by men so that I could for like a woman so that I could fear like a woman fee die like a woman feel like a woman was being gay the only answer to this I remember not liking gay porn because I could not find the big 1:03:06 Unknown_25: big us contrast then when i was gay i like straight porn because it lacked misogyny oppression and abuse so this man Unknown_25: Is a war file Who is so turned on by being humiliated? Because part of the war experience is like becoming shit like being digested That he has like digested his masculinity internally according to his insane ramblings and became a woman which is the ultimate form of misogyny because he just hates women so much and So this man is now on Jimmy Fallon As this guy he is a celebrity he is in your media this insane vorophile who just hates women so much that it makes his peepee hard and the rolling class elites have decided that this is Who you will have in your cultural zeitgeist and who you will like and who you will see in films and you have no say in this Congratulations 1:04:13 Unknown_24: Just thought that was funny because it's like yeah, this is like serial killer Buffalo Bill shit for sure This is funny kind of Unknown_25: This 50-year-old ex-marine does not belong on a women's junior college basketball team. He's a man. This needs saying daily to show that we are up against shame on all involved in this sham." And he posted a picture, or she posted a picture of a 50-year-old ex-marine in a room with what appears to be like a bunch of freshman black girls playing basketball. He is no exaggeration. Twice their height and three times their weight at least. 1:04:59 Unknown_25: Una persona replies saying looks fake. They are kids No team is going to have a person of that age in it to which the original poster Posts the lineup with this hulking shemale next to his His other players on the team and yes, he is that big and Unknown_25: And here's three other pictures of him playing on the team in the jerseys in the games against other players of similar heights to the original players and Then when a persona replies saying I can see I was mistaken. I 1:05:33 Unknown_25: So even though it is very the the Ben Shapiro movie looks like shit. The premise is just real life That's just what happens. We have 50 year old men playing with a bunch of college freshman girls It's amazing Just a terrible terrible joke played on our society Unknown_25: Um, this man was arrested for trying to arrange a meetup with a nine-year-old boy so he could rape him. 1:06:08 Unknown_25: All right, that's it. That's the whole story the the prominence of this person was that he is a non-binary queer artist and former vice contributor So if you're wondering why the quality of those vice documentaries have gone from some of the highest best made documentaries in the history of modern modern movie making to what it is now is because non-binary queer artist pedophile child rapist Unknown_25: Are involved in the production and they presumably don't have the the means of actually creating art They just don't have the ability You 1:06:53 Unknown_25: Speaking of I figure I'll just play this I haven't heard this before so hopefully I'll play this until I get bored of it. It's six minutes long, but yeah, I'll just Wing it apparently I I trust based on this description that this will explain itself There is a long correlation between anarchism and pedophilia and support for pedophilia Unknown_27: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That's a beautiful line. Thank you so much for asking. How about something relevant? I've been talking about rape culture all day and pedophilia and the support of pedophilia is not rape culture. Actually, actually, it seems you're acting like this is a spurious connection. So we're going to play Jeopardy. 1:07:32 Unknown_27: This is, we're gonna play Queer Theory, we're gonna play Queer Theory Pedophilia Jeopardy. Okay, answer. Unknown_27: Commonly called the godfather of queer theory. Unknown_27: Who is Foucault? Okay, 100 points. Unknown_27: Foucault. Another way to ask this is who argued, no I guess the answer would be, argued for the eradication of age of consent laws as in down to infants? 1:08:15 Unknown_27: Next one. The author of the founding document of queer theory. Unknown_18: Who is Gail Rubin? Unknown_27: What percentage? No, no, the answer is 50%. Unknown_27: Question is? The amount in that article that was a defense of pedophilia, specifically, quote, boy lovers. Unknown_27: And since you're not believing me, quote, quote, this is in the founding document of queer theory. Like communists and homosexuals of the 1950s, boy lovers are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders of their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation. That's in the founding document of queer theory. 1:08:55 Unknown_27: Oh, I'm sorry, I'm using facts. Unknown_27: A thousand apologies. One must never let facts in the way. Oh, and she also compared, by the way, she compared pedophilia to a preference for spicy food. Unknown_27: The thing is, I have never heard of anyone who has to have years of therapy because they ate hot and sour soup. Okay, so up to 200. Now it is pedophilia and queer theory for 300. That would be author of Macho Sluts. 1:09:34 Unknown_15: Author of Macho Sluts and Public Sex. Unknown_27: Pat Califia. Unknown_27: Wait, wait, wait. What was it somebody said? Stay relevant. 1:10:07 Unknown_27: Okay, let's talk about Pat Califia. I will play the next half. Unknown_25: This is actually, it's so concise that I'm drawn in. I want to hear what he has to say. Unknown_27: Okay, here's something from one of Pat Califia's books. Unknown_27: You know, it's really interesting. It's really interesting that when I actually start talking about the relationship between queer theory and anarchism and pedophilia, that it becomes, they really want to shut me up now. Okay. Unknown_15: So here's Pat Califia. 1:10:42 Unknown_22: Pat Califia. Unknown_27: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, just a second. Just a second. I was accused of homophobia because I'm against pedophilia. Unknown_27: Who is it who actually makes the connections between that? Unknown_27: Okay, here's something by... This guy is like, like a level of facts and logic that Ben Shapiro can't even hope to accomplish. Pat Califfia has written, any child old enough to decide whether or not she or he wants to eat spinach, play with trucks, or wear shoes is old enough to decide whether or not she wants to run around naked in the sun, masturbate, sit in someone's lap, or engage in sexual activity, by which she does not mean play doctor. She means with adults. She's very clear about that because she also says that pedophiles should be more and not less invested in children's lives. OK, so we're at 300. 400 is the most famous queer theorist of today. Answer. 1:11:26 Unknown_27: No, it is not Judith Butler. Who is Judith Butler? Unknown_27: Okay, Judith Butler is the most famous queer theorist of the day. 1:11:57 Unknown_27: We see you, all of you supporters here, who do not care about trans people's lives. Unknown_22: Every person here is supporting this. Unknown_10: It's for everything that you don't care. Unknown_27: Okay, okay, okay. Here's a great quote from Judith Butler. Here's a great quote from Judith Butler. Judith, huh? Unknown_22: Get to the quote. Get to the quote. Unknown_25: OK, so Judith Butler wrote, so I keep adding this qualification. 1:12:35 Unknown_27: So I keep adding this qualification. When incest is a violation, suggesting I think there may be occasions in which it's not, why would I talk that way? Well, I do think that there are probably forms of incest that are not necessarily traumatic, or which gain their traumatic character by virtue of the constant social stain that they produce. Unknown_27: Yeah, that's Judith Butler. That's one of the queer heroes. Okay, now, now, we have, we have, uh, uh, for 500, uh, we have, um, the last one in the queer theory and pedophilia. Uh, the answer is queer theorist who has spoken out strongly against pedophilia. 1:13:15 Unknown_27: Who is no one, not a single one because the entire thing is based on transgressing. Unknown_27: Yeah, I know. Dear fucking God. Unknown_25: Who is this guy? Unknown_25: I don't know when but it's from this is old. So this isn't like a new thing Unknown_25: It doesn't have the name of the person in this quote, which is, uh, unfortunate because I would like to tell you who this is, but I imagine if you are one of those people and I know that these people do exist and I do watch my streams. If you're one of these people and you have like a 90,000 follower Twitter account and you like churn out this anti-trans content. Go ahead and find this video and put it on your zitter And I bet you it will get quite a quite a following if you're willing to put in the work I'm sorry that I can't help you with this Maybe if you ask on the forum this guy will know the the source of it Fascinating I have no opinions on this except for the fact that I've been saying that they're just pedophiles for fucking years It was weird is that 1:13:50 Unknown_25: They so perfectly triumphed over the stigma that homosexuality was associated with pedophilia. 1:14:40 Unknown_25: When the 60s happened and the gay rights movement started, Unknown_25: The original people involved were all boy lovers and they wanted pedophilia to be a part of their movement And it was only until the 90s where they managed to get the pedophiles out of the movement and then the tranny shit got tacked on at the last second and then that became what was an eventually pushed and shoved through and constitutionally protected in the 2000s Unknown_25: It really is just I don't I don't know how they did it How do they just bury the fact that they all want to fuck kids and get their way in chat? 1:15:18 Unknown_25: Very interesting someone in chat Cole Cole has found the video. Let me see if I can get the title for it This is Derek Jensen, which is a very quiet name. I Unknown_25: This video is 22 minutes long in case you want to clip it out and get rid of all the the people talking over them This is from the Eugene Public Library in Oregon 29 2018 There you go Like I said, I would definitely clip out the booing and stuff from the one insanely pissed off woman in the background. I Unknown_25: Finally as we segue from the news to the local content Here is your little buffer your buffer story patreon 1:16:04 Unknown_25: Someone will have to remind me what the opinion was about banks D platforming sexually violent and pedophilic content because in my head they should be very pro pornography But they're not and I don't know why I can't remember what the rationalization was for bankers defending porn as vehemently as they do Here we have People in the a BDL community Unknown_25: Complaining that they were banned from patreon recently Lexi says angry faces and my patreon has gone to I'm unsure Lexi is definitely not this person's real identity by the way I'm unsure whether I'm gonna take this lying down if you are an ABDL creator and had your patreon shut down over an alleged terms of service violation DM me if you're in a licensed attorney in California DM me and Unknown_25: Just another user who has a woman with a binky and diaper as his display picture says just know they're taking down all a BDL pages if you're blissfully unaware a BDL is adult baby diaper lover Annabelle who has a child as his display picture says and what appears to be discord and 1:17:19 Unknown_25: It's getting bad and then he lists 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 of ABDL diaper Pornographers that were banned from patreon special shout out to the one named Lilith fetish Because that's very funny And the one named kawaii just so everyone gets the point that anime is demonic Unknown_25: Pissy Missy Pissy Missy at pull-up poofs says so ABDL artists who just lost our source of rent right before the holidays lawsuit against patreon question mark class action question mark Group chat so we can coordinate how to do this question mark. Let's be serious about this for a moment patreon just committed a crime Unknown_25: They told us that our accounts were removed on the basis of sexualizing minors. What minors? They're merely diapers, which anyone can wear. Old people need diapers, passies and baby clothes. Those can be worn at a fucking rave. Many of you already got your accounts removed. Clearly only ever drew adults. Many of you, many of you, uh, clearly only drew adults. It's lawsuit time, baby. 1:18:21 Unknown_25: That babies are the core of the issue here So this is the response sexualized minor age play what a joke I 1:18:55 Unknown_25: Robin from Patreon says, Hello! Please note that we have a zero-tolerance policy for content that sexualizes minors, including any type of work featuring sexualized minor age play. Because of this, we will not be reinstating your account, but we have processed a payout for your remaining balance. Kindly, Robin from Patreon's Trust and Safety. Unknown_25: To which 34 cooker Says hello Robin. This is an extremely upsetting email to receive I do not nor have I ever at any point sexualized children or teenagers without with any of my post I'm not sure what info you're using but a BDL is in no way related to minors at all I would like to break down or I would like a breakdown of what exact post led to the termination of my account and many others too by the looks of it. This is extremely unprofessional and honestly, I will probably never be using Patreon or recommending it to anyone again. 1:19:41 Unknown_25: Bottle bear at Capcom says help. I am losing my mind my patreon including all other a BDL centered patreons were Execute or the 6-6 last night cuz we need a Star Wars reference here. I can't get into my account at all It's deactivated. No warning at all. Unknown_23: I I Don't know what to do. I don't know how I'm gonna pay my student loans this month, please tilde 1:20:20 Unknown_25: If you have any solution to this, any ideas of other sites I could start a Patreon-like service on, I'm so, so, so scared. If I can't make my student loan payment, I mean, I think that's just it. Unknown_23: I think I have to shut down Bottle Bear and get a job at McDonald's or something. This is brutal and without any warning at all. And I'm just curled up in bed panicking. I can't believe they would do such a horrid thing like this just a few days before the end of the month. I didn't even get my payout. This is so horrible. 1:21:00 Unknown_25: So I see on your resume, you have no work experience, but you do list two years as a diaper fetish artist. Um, I think we're looking for a higher caliber person at, uh, McDonald's. Unknown_25: And this is the same email as before from Robin, the executor of ABDLs, the grim reaper of diaper lovers everywhere. Robin stands over the body of a thousand men and little baby clothes and diapers and binkies and shows no mercy, no pity. She cleaves them with her, her giant, what do they call it? A scythe, giant scythe, harvesting them for the trust and safety commission. 1:21:39 Unknown_25: Beware Robin beware Anyways, that's pretty base except for Roxanne wolf putting a weird dancing furry thing at the bottom I'm not sure if I'm this is like a furry like It looks like one of those things from Five Nights at Freddy's Is this like a I guess like a sexy Five Nights at Freddy's animatronic? So it looks like to me bad All right 1:22:18 Unknown_25: um all right that is the end of the throon segment i i bundled in the diaper people for the sake of it uh next i get to smugly schmuckle at post Unknown_25: Graph is still around and he has an important thing he'd like to announce to the entire world for some unknown reason. He says, good morning. I just woke up to police executing a search warrant on my home and you, and then in reply to somebody says, no, just the normal people trying to claim that I host child pornography, not related to post beyond my connection to it. Unknown_25: Um, which is a nonsense statement. Unknown_25: The normal people trying to claim that I host see Sam not related to post beyond my connection to it Where I mean where else are they saying that you host child pornography if it's not on post that's like a bizarre statement Anime avatar says feds are local cops graph replies local police and Avatar says also, I hope they didn't kill any animals or at least tried to leave the place tidy when they were done Graf says yeah, nothing was misplaced. They just went through my desktop Hale Honkler says double-check to make sure they didn't install any root kits or spyware and then he says yeah I'm gonna buy a new NB me when the store opens at 10. So he's very spooked by this I 1:23:27 Unknown_25: Which reminds me of a time where Graff said this because he was angry at me. Unknown_25: Angry Graff says, It's funny these people fixate on Lolly. If not, Joss Moon is hosting actual child porn on his website, including Joss himself, and not the part where I started posts with for no less than a dozen reasons. None of these people deserve any kind of explanation. 1:24:13 Unknown_25: So he says this, he says that my website hosts child pornography. My reply to this is still prescient and I will repeat myself. Unknown_25: There are two possible realities here. Either A, Graf is outright lying about my servers having child pornography, which is perhaps one of the most despicable things imaginable for someone in his position to say, or B, Graf knows about child pornography being silently and secretly hosted somewhere that I do not know about and refuses to tell me where it is for whatever reason, which is also perhaps one of the most despicable things imaginable for someone in his position to do. I came to the determination that he is probably just lying because he's a petty like man-child, man-lit, alcoholic. I don't know what it is with people in my sphere just like hitting the bottle and ruining their lives and becoming retarded, but Raph is definitely a victim of that. 1:24:52 Unknown_25: He has like some kind of like mental issue or he's like a huge spaz and alcohol seems to exasperate that like exponentially so I don't know I hear I'll phrase like this I've never been rated for child pornography none of my servers have been searched for child pornography It's weird that graph and and and post are being searched for child pornography, but I've never been he's saying that I host it I've never been searched weird 1:25:38 Unknown_25: Weird, I don't know just weird. So we're to add it up. I've never been searched for child pornography But graph has been searched for child pornography and he says that I host it interesting chat interesting Nicholas the Oreo fat and retarded tries to invite silent shoe Christian on to his Unknown_25: Keemstar's podcast called locale live to be interviewed by Tommy see one of the grossest shlubbiest fat retards on the internet to which Keemstar follows up because he doesn't imply saying yo Christian. We have you scheduled as our honorary guest on locale live Please DM me or Nicholas D'Oro so we can set this up for you. P.s. Sonichu is awesome So without the consent of Chris, uh, Kim star decides to just randomly decide that he's on the podcast and decides that he's just going to lie and say, yeah, you're definitely showing up on this podcast that we've already put you in a spot for retard. Come take the bait. 1:26:16 Unknown_25: And then Christian replies saying, Unknown_25: I will also state another fact or two. I am quite aware that the intentions of those on Kiwi are not great, present individual I am talking to included in that. Regardless of what our near future collabs I go into, there is mockery from the minority, but I foreknow and anticipate with counter plans for such mockeries with my blessings that will prayfully allow me to see the light, power, and good that will pull them away from their toxic and darkest sending ways. 1:26:53 Unknown_25: With that stated, I am more than aware, as I have made clear, of the likely usage of I as leverage in the popularity of one's content and self, as well as any quote-unquote lolcal content. I am not a lolcal, and I feel concern and disappointment with those who see others in their respective drama and stressful situations as comical. Unknown_25: I feel pity for they who do not have empathy upon the pains of others, including myself, as well as not being open for the present and future, better individuals. They are more than capable of being in light, power, good and righteousness. I also feel pity in all those who are unable to feel and appreciate the deeper spiritual soulful aspects of the authentic and mutual appreciation and compassion of others. So let me translate that for you. 1:27:43 Unknown_25: Chris has told Keemstar that he is more popular than him and his appearance on his podcast Benefits Keemstar much more than it does him He also says that naming his podcast the lol cow podcast and expecting anybody to show up on such a fucking thing As if it's not innately degrading to do so Is a joke and he will not be participating in that and also he calls Keemstar a psychopath and tells him to fuck off which is 1:28:29 Unknown_25: Pretty bass if I'm gonna be real I Mean I mean the name is bizarre to me Imagine if I tried to like it's just it's like starting a podcast called fat retard podcast and sending a message to Nick Diorio Like hey here, you know, I'll do a live. What's this fucking thing? Hold on Nicholas D. Oreo next calm Unknown_25: There we go. Hey, I'm starting a podcast called the fat retard podcast, and I have you scheduled to show, be a guest on it this weekend. Uh, let me know when you're available. Nicholas D Oreo. All right, perfect. Unknown_25: This is basically the exact same fucking thing, alright? There is no mechanical difference between what they were offering Chris and what I have offered Nick DiOrio. So, don't even fucking try me. The name is terrible. Nobody wants to be on the LOLCAL podcast. 1:29:21 Unknown_25: Anyways, whatever. Unknown_25: I don't want to talk about that too much because I'm gonna sound bitter if I if I talk about it too much But that is that's that's my honest opinion the name doesn't make sense they call something if you want to invite people into your podcast you should Have some some level of like credibility to what you're doing and not just like yeah We're obviously gonna like ridicule you behind your back and make make light of your situation like that's what that name means Sorry Um so 1:30:11 Unknown_25: After much work, I was able to get copies of Isom 1 and Isom 2 delivered to my bunker. Unknown_25: And I now have them in my possession. For whatever reason, I have two copies of Isom 2. I think I might have checked a box saying I want two copies so I can keep one in the wrapper or something. I don't know if I did that. I did not do it for the first one for whatever reason, but now I have two. Unknown_25: Which means that once I figure out how I want to do it, I don't know if I'm going to just like hang a camera up above my table and I'll flip through it with my hands and read it like in a Unknown_25: video format or if I'll just get a PDF anyways and read through it or just like take pictures of certain pages and use that to like Explain specific parts. I will try to figure out how I want to do a review of this and I've been thinking about it I've been traveling so I've been thinking about how I would do this and And I feel that the best way to do it would be to rate my boredom. I have never owned a comic book. I have never owned a comic book ever, ever, ever. I have never read a comic book. My mom even had copies of the walking dead, like the original comic books. Um, and she's read through them all, but I have never, I never read those comic books. So I've never read a comic book. Um, 1:31:02 Unknown_25: and I'm not into cape shit at all. So my scale will be like this. This is how I'm going to, to evaluate these comics. I will read through them. And at 10 for me, I think, you know, with my level of, 1:31:43 Unknown_25: pre-established interest in these this kind of media a 10 out of 10 in my rating would be I never got bored once I never got bored if I if I managed to sit down and I bought the books I actually I I'm aware some people told me That actually physically holding the book is like important to the experience. It's like, OK, whatever, I'll do it. I'll do it properly. I'll buy the fucking books and actually read them in my own hands. And if I manage to sit down and read the entire fucking thing and never once be like, oh God, this is so fucking dumb or whatever, that will be a 10 out of 10 on my scale. And anytime I say I'm so bored or like I don't want to read this anymore or this is stupid or I'm not interested, I will take all points. So a zero will be like. 1:32:16 Unknown_25: Either didn't finish it or I had to force myself to complete it that will be a zero and the ten will be I sat down I basically read it and if I stopped it wasn't because I I was I needed like a break or anything or I was bored of it I just needed a break or I had to go to the bathroom or some shit like that's my scale 1:32:59 Unknown_25: Then I'll release it to gumroad when I'm done, and then I'll release it to the general public a week afterwards as as per usual so that's my plan with the book I will if I Don't know if I'll get alpha core. Maybe someone suggested that if I Because he didn't write that one. I might they'd be interested in that opinion. I will however Unknown_25: I will. Unknown_25: I will. No matter what it takes. I will acquire a copy of whatever the fuck Vito's comic is. He can release one copy of that book and never have it enter the online sphere. I am going to get it. I am going to make Vito cry. I am going to say such terrible things about that book regardless of its content. 1:33:46 Unknown_25: Can't even say look I'm saying that there will be severe consequences for my review of videos comic book when that happens So that's in my plan. It's my ultimate plan Unknown_25: um anyways there's that and that is of course i i place i organize my notes intelligently chat with forethought and of course i mention the ripaverse and isom because i'm talking about somebody um who may or may not i i um i woke up 1:34:29 Unknown_25: I can't remember what day it was, but I woke up and I just had a text message from somebody and it said Rikada has lost his fucking mind Unknown_25: Oh boy, oh Boy, so I open up a list of clips immediately because the Kiwi farmstead on arcade I move so quickly that if I tried to find a clip about what the fuck is they're talking about I'll never be able to find it so I just go to a list of clips and sure enough there is a 24-minute condensed version of Ricada complaining about me and this puts me in a In an awkward situation, because anytime I talk about Rikado now, I'm gratifying him. Unknown_25: Anytime I leave him on red, I'm winning. Anytime I talk about him, I lose. I have to spend currency in the game. 1:35:08 Unknown_25: however His ranch is so unhinged that it is funny enough to show on the stream. So we'll be talking about Ricardo I have a couple clips and then I have the The 24 minute long video and I think I'm just gonna pull things at random out and sum it up for everybody so here are a couple stray clips that are funny enough to play by themselves and then I have the the whole thing to like just poke at 1:35:45 Unknown_05: They're calling back to they're calling back to China like you know Han Han listen you have no idea Not everyone have small penis Yeah, but I heard they were I didn't know they were like our black guys like they have giant thick penises, too Like I don't know are they blessed double? Unknown_04: I'm not an expert on black penis, Sean, like, much to the scrin of the rumors. I wish I was, because it'd be funnier, but I'm not. I was going to say you're just an amateur. I'm an amateur. Unknown_04: Look, I don't even put salami in the snack tray. I don't even know how to make them happy. Unknown_25: I listened to this clip before I cued it up, and I didn't hear Sean's comment. That was really slick. Unknown_25: Was really subtle. Unknown_04: I Loved you. I'm a super fag and Josh just needs fat like he needs a guy to suck his dick And I'm here to do it Josh. I love you Okay, I don't know how to respond to that that's pretty fucking gay It's like it's like his um 1:36:36 Unknown_25: He fancies himself like a stand-up comedian now and like his only joke is just to say extremely overt sexual stuff to try and make people uncomfortable. It's like, uh, it's like a gay man, like literally just like a gay man who thinks it's really funny to make straight men uncomfortable by hitting on them. That's like his entire routine. Unknown_04: Inter Sandman, I want to like but it was so overplayed at every sports event. I went yeah, that ruins it I was a cheerleader and when you suck dick to enter Sandman like you can't like you can't enjoy it anymore. Well He doesn't even know what to say, how do you follow that up? 1:37:20 Unknown_25: I think I don't know it sounds like he sucked a lot of dick is I Listen to this entire thing. It's 24 minute clip twice. I Unknown_25: And like I listened to it on the first day, and then in preparation for the stream, I re-listened to it so I had like a really clear idea of what was said. Because it's really difficult to follow his speech. He rambles, he forgets what he says, he repeats himself a lot, he's slurring his words, he's uncomfortably angry, he's like yelling, he loses track of his own thought, He tries to like he asked Sean a question Sean will say literally one word and then Rikada will interrupt him and Demand him to reply and not actually allow him to speak. It's an incredibly difficult rant to follow all the way through On the one one little warm-up 1:38:03 Unknown_25: Rikada said I don't think I drank on that stream referring to the stream where he was in the kids playroom dressed as a in anime clothes Watching anime and going kawaii agoo on twitch. He says I don't think I drank on that stream Actually, I didn't have any work to just had a drink and it was the middle of my day Alyssa clips, of course being the clip master for Rikada has discovered the stream and he is in fact chugging back a bottle of wine um 1:38:51 Unknown_25: Buck says he just lies constantly now. Rakeda Law says lies or doesn't remember because it was years ago and who cares? Okay. Unknown_25: This is another thing that he does where he will, he will lie and then just say, Oh, I didn't remember. He will say with a hundred percent certainty, something dare you to prove him wrong. And then if you prove him wrong, he goes, Oh, I just didn't remember. And that's your fault for taking it seriously to begin with. That's like one of his, his, um, his favorite cards to pull. I have experienced that firsthand and he does it a lot. 1:39:28 Unknown_25: So here we have, I was wrong, it's 25 minutes, close to 26. Unknown_25: He's on the stream with Sean, potentially criminal, and someone super chats. I'll play the first minute, because that sets up the stage. Unknown_25: Someone super chats him something. Sean makes like a really like tame joke. That should obviously be a joke. That should be water under the bridge at this point in time. However, it seems to open up like old wounds for him and he just becomes completely and totally unhinged as a response. Unknown_04: Inshallah says, pull up Baldo man. A juicy boy just has the tism. I know he has a tism. That's why I keep telling him. 1:40:04 Unknown_04: I'm like, Josh, stop being a fucking loser. Like, stop doing that. You're so weird. Like, there's no reason for us to be fighting you, gay boy. He's like, oh, no, he's what he's not fighting. Unknown_05: He's got a personal opinion, and that's that's where he is. Unknown_04: His personal opinion is objectively retarded and wrong. He's like, OK, he's just he's saying flat out false things like. And when I would tell him, he's just like, no, I'm a good judge of people. And I'm like, but you're literally like you're objectively incorrect. 1:40:38 Unknown_05: The only thing I can counsel you on is probably you need one of those tankless water heaters because your shower stations haven't gone on long enough. Unknown_04: I wasn't home when I did that, Sean. Unknown_05: Well, I know, but you need a tankless water heater that, well, if you're at, if you're at the hotel, it should have been free hot water. You should have just kept going. Unknown_04: I was only in the shower like 15 minutes out of that two hour conversation. Well, but I'm just saying. The only reason I got in the shower cause he was so fucking retarded that he wouldn't listen to very basic things. He's like, but tell me what you want me to do. I'm like, I don't want you to do anything. 1:41:16 Unknown_04: Oh, wait, am I supposed to sit here and simp for Josh while you're on my show? Because, like, what am I supposed to do here, Sean? Tell me. Why don't you tell me right now? Unknown_25: I didn't mean to make that one. I'll play- actually, I'll play this because, uh, this is funny. This is an example. He does this constantly. Unknown_04: Now, you got a thing. Tell me. Tell me what I'm supposed to do. I- I don't, but I don't... Unknown_04: What? Oh, so wait. So I have a two hour conversation with Josh. It goes on so long. I tell him a joke. Hey, Josh, this has gone on so long while I'm trying to tell you that you're doing this thing. And I just think that maybe like, I don't want you to do anything at all. And he's like, what do you want me to do? I'm like, literally nothing. He's like, do you want me to delete something? No. Do you want me to censor something? 1:41:50 Unknown_25: So I'll interrupt this and I'll explain. Unknown_25: His gambit with me talking about our conversations is that anytime he messages me, he will literally just message me out of the blue when I knew him and say, Unknown_25: The people in the thread are saying things that are wrong. And this is at the same time that he is claiming that he has not looked at the Kiwi farms and over like two years now, he will say the people on the forum are wrong. 1:42:24 Unknown_25: And he'll explain his side of the story. And I'll be like, OK, this happened a couple of times. I was like, OK, whatever. I don't know what you want me to do about it. And that's my response. I'll just say, I don't know what you want me to do. But I'm not going to correct the record for you. Unknown_25: The one time that I did actively, proactively seek his opinion on something was with the Montagraph stuff. I asked him because I didn't know the story. I said, what did you say that provoked Montagraph to sue you? And he said, I said something that is categorically impossible to be defamation under law, which 1:43:04 Unknown_25: Montagraph probably always liked sucking little baby dicks, and he said the opposite He said Montagraph always liked sucking little baby dicks, so he lied to me the one time that I actually asked his opinion and this was not a a Small you know misremembering that was a serious That's like the the linchpin of his legal defense and his legal what he's spending tens of thousands of dollars dealing with is this statement And he misrepresented it to me for who knows what reason either that he Just lied or he is genuinely so wet-brained that he doesn't remember very important things like that Which are which are a serious misremembering So Unknown_25: He did this a lot. I never knew what the fuck the point was. He would message me all the time, like every, every month at least, and be like, Hey, they said this and I want you to know that's wrong. I'm like, I don't know what you want me to do about it. I guess you like, I don't care. I don't really follow your, I intentionally try to stay out of it. I don't, I don't give a fuck. And then eventually he got to the two hour conversation where he messages me and he tried to correct the record on something that I didn't care about. He messaged me and he said, I want you to know that you get stuff wrong. The forum gets stuff wrong. And I just, I just find it funny how the Kiwi farms gets everything wrong. And he used, quote, as an example, Drexel. He said, like the Drexel thing, everybody gets wrong. And I clarify to him that that I did not get wrong because I don't like Drexel. And I made sure that I got this story as close. I was off. He fucked this. If you don't remember, Drexel is like a 50 year old man at this point. 1:44:35 Unknown_25: big black dude he does some kind of like men in this show or some shit or tried to become like a like a Andrew Tate type figure and He is into swinging and shit As like he likes to be like the the black guy that that's involved in like cuckolding groups and shit It's really weird. He's gross as fuck. He's one of the grossest people I have the displeasure of knowing 1:45:14 Unknown_25: and he knew a a woman and that had a daughter he was like a not like it wasn't like a real relationship but he knew her and she had a daughter that was like 13 when they first met he took this woman and her daughter out to disney world um So he went on like childhood vacations with this little girl and her mother. And then eventually, without the consent or knowledge of her mother, when she was, he says 21, I've heard different ages, I've heard 18 and 21, but she was of age, but he's still hooked up with this very young girl without the knowledge of her mother behind her back, because once the mother found out, she cut Drexel off from her daughter. 1:46:03 Unknown_25: And ended that relationship so whatever age she was her mother was still an important enough figure that she was able to Persuade her to stop being in a relationship a sexual relationship a BDSM hardcore bondage and masochistic sexual relationship with this man that she had met when she was 13 Unknown_25: And I find this disgusting. If it was 18 or 21, it does not change my opinion. Drexel is still a fucking rumor. He's still disgusting. He deserves to have a bullet put in them by the state after due process. And Reketa coming to me and trying to correct the record. Unknown_25: Drexel did not play well because I was willing to stand my ground on this because it's like one thing for him to be You know like oh, they're rumor-mongering about me going to hedonism like okay, whatever I don't give a fuck Do what you want to do, but him coming at me and saying actually Drexel is a good guy. I was defensive about and When I countered him, and I said I know what you're saying is wrong, and I know what I'm saying is right He then went 1:46:57 Unknown_25: I didn't know all that you seem to know more about this than I do and then when I continued on this he said Josh you're so retarded. I'm just using Drexel as an example of how the Kiwi farms gets everything wrong Unknown_25: And to this day, he maintains that I don't understand what he's doing. My issue is, is that if you're going to come to me and say that the forum is getting things wrong and you use an example and your example is fucking wrong, you're a retard. You're not persuading me to feel that you are making a valid point and that the Kiwi farms gets everything wrong because the one example that you're willing to use is right. They get it right. That's true. That is disgusting and indefensible. And that's the entire crux of the conversation is that he tries to convince me that my forum sucks and the people want to get shit wrong. And the only example he's willing to use is that Drexel groomed a 13 year old and entered into a BDSM hardcore masochistic sexually violent relationship with her when she was of age. 1:48:24 Unknown_25: you know, counter his point by saying, no, actually, they got that right. He just says it's not about if they got that right or not. That's just an example. And he just says, if you don't understand that, then you're retarded. And it's like such a weird roundabout thing. It's almost impossible to try and describe what he's doing because it doesn't make any sense. Unknown_25: Hopefully that does make sense, but he what's weird if it's real actually it's not weird It's really funny in this 24-minute diatribe as he talks about Drexel and the things that I'm hung up over such as Drexel grooming a 13 year old into a sexual relationship of hardcore media some masochistic sexual sexually violent relationship with him without his her mother's knowledge after anything in relationship with her 1:49:05 Unknown_25: Is that he never actually says that he just says the Drexel stuff like he alludes to it But he doesn't re-explain to his audience. Yeah, my best friend Had sex with a woman who had a 13 year old girl and then also entered into a sexually violent relationship with her years later That was without the mother's knowledge He doesn't actually explain that to his audience, because that's fucking gross. He knows it's fucking gross. He knows that the average person finds that fucking gross. So he's not wet-brained enough to not know that. But he is very, very slyly working around that. And it's very frustrating to listen to, because he just refuses to acknowledge it. 1:49:44 Unknown_25: Um... Unknown_25: Let's see, there's something else. I'll just play a clip. There's a nice little timestamp by this guy. NinjaBreadMan8166 has the timestamps. Unknown_25: Here we go, let's play this part. Unknown_04: what oh so wait so i have a two-hour conversation with josh this part it goes on so long i tell him a joke hey john i've never in my fucking life asked him to change delete or censor a goddamn thing even when i said to josh on multiple occasions like what you said or what you reported or what you relayed was flat out factually fucking wrong about me flat out wrong. He says, do you want me to like do something about it? I said, no, I just want you to know as a friend that what you said is not true. I don't care that you said it. I don't care that it's wrong. I'm not going to go online and be like, Josh said this lie about me. I'm not going to do that. I'm just going to tell you the thing was wrong because you are someone I know We have a relationship and I just want you to know that that's not true. And how did that get twisted? Sean, tell me how it got fucking twisted. What did, what is the narrative about why I talked to Josh? Tell me right now. Cause you know, I know, you know, what is it? What do I want Josh to do? 1:50:55 Unknown_04: Well, tell me you're on here bringing it up. Tell me right now. Unknown_05: What do I want Josh to do? Tell me. There it is that you want him to go after the detractors. Unknown_04: I want him to censor stuff, right? I want him to remove shit from my thread. Yes. Every time Josh has asked me, what do I need to do? Who do I go after? Who do I ban? What do I remove? I said nothing ever. Every time, Sean, every fucking time. That's what I said. This motherfucker goes out there and runs with this narrative that I'm trying to get him to censor shit. Never in my life. Never. And I've said over and over, I would never, ever attempt to censor the farms, no matter how wrong they are. No matter how wrong he is, I've never asked him to change a goddamn thing. Even should he said, he said, what do you want me to take back? What do you want me to retract? What do you want me to do? And I said, nothing ever. I just want you to know as my friend, that this isn't true. 1:51:28 Unknown_25: I'll end it there. Cause it never stops. He just rants the entire time. And it's hard to find like an ending and repeats himself. And it's hard to cut this off. Um, his way of when he, when he speaks, it's very clear. That he wants something and that's that's like the other frustrating part is like it I've never had I've I've I have a very short list of friends, right? I have a very small list of people that I keep in close contact with and Rick or Nick Rick Rickada was one of those people that I just had on my very short list of like social contacts. I never ever ever had anyone, not nobody had ever just randomly sent me messages being like, Hey buddy. Hey buddy. I heard you said this thing. I saw this on the Kiwi farms and I just want you to let you know. That's not true. Just between us. That's not true. So I have a very hard time understanding like what the fucking point is. 1:52:43 Unknown_25: Um, my opinion of Rikada did not change until he started becoming like a severe alcoholic. Unknown_25: Uh, what people were saying didn't really affect my, like, really, it just didn't, it didn't affect my opinion of him. Um, the way that he made fun of his own wife and said that her body, body was ruined the way that he openly lusted after, uh, you know, Mandy, who was like a washed up E thought. 1:53:20 Unknown_25: That, like the constant drunkenness, that all harmed my opinion of him. And that's not something that I heard from the Kiwi farms. Those were all clips. That's his exact words. There is no element of ambiguity, there's nothing to misinterpret it. He said that his wife's body was destroyed and he lusted after Mandy unambiguously for three minutes straight saying that he would fuck the shit out of her, given the opportunity, the nanosecond that the wife said it was okay. Unknown_25: nothing to misinterpret and he's clearly drunk all the time, nothing to misinterpret. Um, so correcting the record with being just, it doesn't, it doesn't make any sense. So it always did feel like he was implying that I should either stand up for him or 1:53:58 Unknown_25: Or, uh, something else there was all. And there's one other thing is that he, um, there was a conversation that I had with, I hypocrite, and we were just there for this week and stupid or whatever. It was like his podcast thing. And he mentions at the end that the Kiwi farms, uh, find it, find it, find it, chat. Unknown_25: Alyssa clips this week and stupid see what we'll find Okay, I don't know who's Alyssa's are but that's not the one that I want This week and stupid I'll never be able to find this now, huh? 1:54:55 Unknown_13: I hypocrite Unknown_13: No Does anyone have the the video? Unknown_13: Does I hypocrite souls defend circumcision, I don't know my hypocrites a bit weird sometimes I will watch the clip if someone has the video of it the That oh, it's you can't stop progress. Unknown_25: Sorry. Oh 1:55:28 Unknown_25: Product you can't stop her. Unknown_13: That's this week and stupid. That's Sargon's thing, right? Unknown_13: No, those aren't any either Unknown_13: That sucks. Unknown_25: Because it was very unambiguous that he claimed that there were people on the Kiwi farms using or committing line crossing harassment against him. And he was unambiguously saying that the forum did not enforce its rules correctly, especially in his thread. And I asked him point blank, who is it? 1:56:05 Unknown_25: that is committing line crossing harassment. I did not offer to ban anybody. I just said, I would like to know who this person is because I had a suspicion it was somebody I've already banned, but, um, I didn't know. And then in private, he just said, I don't want to name names. Unknown_25: So, he continually hints that I should do more, that the forum is doing things wrong, I'm not enforcing my own rules, I'm getting things wrong because of my forum, so on and so forth, but then he will never, ever, ever ever Follow that through to a point where I could potentially screenshot and say this is ricada asking for his thread to be censored That's something that he's just like terrified of but he's willing to hint at it forever Yeah, this is the stream See if I can find them moved or anything, but I'm just saying like that does happen Now this is right crossing I 1:56:46 Unknown_24: Sorry, I'm trying to get this going. Unknown_04: Hard to defend. I mean, it does for a lot of people. That's true. That's not false. And I've never been mad at you about it. Like that's wrong. Unknown_25: He's just admitted it. Referring to Nick, he chose to stream with you right after he spurged out about how mean you are and how bad your site is. What a hypocrite. He is to say that you've burnt bridges with everyone. 1:57:44 Unknown_04: Okay. Can I talk about that real quick? Unknown_25: Sure. Unknown_04: Because people's idea of spurging is so weird. I made a very specific statement that Kiwi Farms makes itself hard to defend. I mean, it does for a lot of people. if 1:58:17 Unknown_25: You made a statement that I took issue with and you said that the thread was like line-crossing harassment and it had broken its original motive of being watch-only and I have no idea what you're referring to. Unknown_04: No, no, no. Okay, so there's a rule on the farms, right? If I'm not mistaken, there's a rule of don't touch the cow, right? Unknown_04: Mm-hmm. Yeah, there are people in various threads who intentionally touch the cow and sometimes they get removed and sometimes they don't. In reference to who though? Can you give an example? Well, for me, for some examples, yeah. Unknown_25: What happened to you? That would be line crossing. Unknown_04: I can't think of an instance off the top of my head. Well, there are users in my thread who have definitely intentionally tried to interfere with shit and to provoke and provocate stuff. Yeah, absolutely. I didn't ask you to remove anybody. I don't do that. Like I'm not going to be like, I don't know what you're legitimately don't know what you're referring to. 1:59:07 Unknown_25: I can't talk to you privately about it. Unknown_04: I'm not, I don't want to call out people. Like I don't, I don't want people removed or anything, but I'm just saying like that does happen. And again, it's not a perfect system. I'm not like blaming you for it or anything like that. Unknown_21: Whoever left that first comment about me removed that hurt my feelings. I thought they were gonna attack Cozy and they just called me a boring and said my show sucks. 1:59:40 Unknown_25: Okay, that's the end of the club because he intervenes and ends that conversation. I don't know. I think it's impossible for me to interpret that as any other way except that there are things on the forum which are so wrong and there are posters on the forum who are interfering with his ability to conduct his life in the free way that he should be allowed to do, which is against the forum rules. There is literally no logical, reasonable way to interpret that conversation besides being that. And he invites me to contact him in private to discuss this issue, which I'm open to. If there is somebody who is 2:00:14 Unknown_25: Actually like like for instance. This is just an arbitrary example It's not based on anything that I know about if someone's like contacting like his micro school Organization or like the coach of some soccer team that his kids are go to something like that That's like interfering and like his family's day-to-day business if that's like a user on the forum And I he knows who it is like I have no issue intervening and telling that person to fuck off and I have had success in contacting people who are doing things like that and telling them that that's not a good thing to do, it's a bad idea, it's not fair, it's potentially criminal, you know? I've managed to persuade people you know, using my words alone into complying with the rules. That's something that I can do. And I don't think that's censorious at all. So it's not like I would feel like he's forcing my hand if that's actually happening. When I message him, he says he doesn't want to name any names. 2:00:51 Unknown_25: So, as far as I know, Rakeda has simultaneously held two positions that are in contradiction with each other. He says that the forum gets everything wrong and that it interferes with his personal life in a way that's against the forum rules. And then on the other hand, he will not say what things the forum gets wrong, and he will not tell me who is crossing the line. But he is more than happy to bring this up and complain about it on his show, 2:01:35 Unknown_25: On other people shows in conversations with third parties and to me directly in DM And I don't know how else I could possibly interpret that except that he thinks that I should do something about it and I I mean whenever I say that he then immediately here's his trick. Here's the the systems need his trick as it were and 2:02:18 Unknown_25: He spins that around on me, that's what you just heard. He'll say, Josh was begging me. He was down on his knees saying, please master, please give me some names. Please give me some posts to delete. I need to censor a cater. I just don't feel powerful unless I'm cracking my whip. And I was like, that's not, that's like a fucking psychotic way of trying to spin that on me. Cause obviously that's bullshit. Unknown_25: It's just insane. It's it's like it is it is so insane that it like makes my head spin And I'm forced I am forced to assume that's the point like just to be his plan is to be as obtuse as possible and Try to be as like confusing and bizarre and gay all the time so that I have no choice But to try and find some way to make him happy so he stops being gay And that's why he gets really really pissed when I just ignore him um 2:03:25 Unknown_25: He also said that he was just joking about taking a shower Or that it was just like for a brief time in the conversation That was just a silly joke and that I took it the wrong way when he randomly told me that he was naked in the shower sending me text messages like as as guys do I Just took it the wrong way Unknown_04: And then this. Because if someone calls out one of his friends, he is compelled, which I told him, by the way, that he's easily manipulable because of this. Well, if if someone's friends with me, I have to. This is his words. I have to report the negative thing about them. I have. And I'm like, but Josh, if it's if it's not true again, again, I'm not telling you to retract anything, but like it's not true. I'll just tell you that it's not true because you're my friend. I want you to know. And he's like, but I have to say it. I'm like, yeah, say it. You say it all the time. I'm not telling you not to. I never have. 2:04:13 Unknown_05: And I get that. Unknown_05: I was just trying to make a joke, but since we're here, I guess I'll just say. Unknown_05: If you don't want them to retract, but you're telling them it's wrong. Unknown_05: I didn't even tell him anything about me was wrong, Sean. No, no. I'm just saying, like, if you want them, like you're saying, like he did, by the way, he he never gives the specifics when talking about himself. Unknown_25: But he was very upset about the Drexel thing. And that's what it means. Like, he talks about the Drexel thing without re-explaining what happened with him. 2:04:46 Unknown_05: This isn't right. And you're like, well, and if you're saying no said, hey, I want what should I do about it? Don't worry about it. Unknown_04: That, you know, I wasn't worried about it. Mm hmm. Unknown_04: Wait, wait, wait. No. Who brought it up? Who brought up that conversation? Sean? I did. I was trying to make it so. No, not between you and me. Me and Noel. Me and Noel. The shower conversation. Who brought it up? Unknown_04: Did I bring it up? Did I say, hey guys, I was in Corpus Christi bored while my entire family was asleep? It was me. 2:05:18 Unknown_25: It was me. I, I am the one who brought up the shower conversation. In fact, you could tell in that clip of me talking about this, that I was apprehensive to start talking about the shower thing. Cause I knew it was very funny and people would make memes out of it, which they did. Unknown_25: So I was but at that point. I'm just like yeah. He's just like a fucking Insane drunk at this point. He's like a belligerent Liability to me and everyone around him. I guess I'll just talk about the shower thing fuck it And it's never it's never been a regretted decision because he's clearly an insane alcoholic and has never like stop never stop as far as like yeah, I mean, it's a thing it's like if you know me and 2:06:07 Unknown_25: And there's drama. I'm pretty compelled to talk about it, because if I don't, it's very conspicuous, which is unfortunate. However, I will say this. If there's drama and I know it's bullshit, astroturf, gay nonsense, I will ignore it. I've done that before. I don't want to name specific instances, but if I look at something, and it just looks like fake bullshit I will completely fucking ignore it and people will try and convince me and they'll send me emails And they'll send me tweets and they'll post on the forum and complain on the forum But if it's bullshit, and I know it's bullshit because it's just obviously like a gay gay op I will ignore it and I'll just deal with the nonsense, but I 2:06:48 Unknown_25: I mean the fucking the hedonism thing was like there are pictures of him in the hotel room that can be found on the hedonism to website and he was there during that week and I think that the only point of contention is that the cock holding stuff was like next week and Like it was just like the week. He was there It was just like walk around naked exhibition visionism stuff like that was that was that Which is by the way that he did tell me that I'm pretty sure um Unknown_25: So that is something that he said that that was correcting the record that was about him. So that's also a fucking lie. I don't remember that. Uh, then he randomly says this. Unknown_05: It's just trying to make a joke, but since we're here, I guess I'll just, you just said, if you tell Josh that, uh, he says, what do you want me to change? Unknown_04: You say nothing. Don't worry about it. Who didn't worry about it? 2:07:35 Unknown_04: Who didn't worry about it, Sean? Unknown_05: I, if you didn't worry about it, answer the fucking question. I don't know, Nick, cause I don't know all your conversations. Unknown_04: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You don't know who didn't worry about it. Who'd you hear about it from? Unknown_04: Who talked about the shower texting? Who talked to, which by the way, it was just a joke. It was literally a tension breaking joke. Cause I'm like, why is Josh mad? I said to him, intention breaking joke. It was funny to me. Who told you about that conversation? Was it me? Did I say, Hey, I was texting Null for two hours last night or did Null say, Nick texted me from the shower because he's so fucking crazy and he's so unhinged and he, he wants me to censor his thread. Who said that? Was it me or Josh? 2:08:07 Unknown_04: It was Josh. Oh, was it Josh? So when you said just now, when you say, well, don't worry about it, who didn't worry about it? Me. Who's blindsided when someone went to the fucking internet to go complain about it? Unknown_04: me. I was fucking blindsided because I've talked to Josh a hundred times in text. Yes. And every time I just tell him I'm like, yes, he has. Oh my God. 2:08:39 Unknown_25: He admits it. Yeah. He does this constantly. He sends me fucking random messages. And usually it's like, cool. It's like, whatever. Okay. Whatever it was. It was the shower. It was the Drexel thing. The Drexel thing was like the, the bridge break where it's just like, This is fucking gross. This is fucking gross. This is fucking stupid. I'm not going to be belittled and berated and talked down to because you're fucking black pedophile grooming friend. I can't say pedophile because he didn't fuck her when she was 13. 2:09:10 Unknown_25: But he had eyes on that on that from when she was 13 and that's fucking skeevy And it's it's like gross to normal people almost every normal Actually, no every normal fucking person will say that's fucking gross unless you're like so porn sick that the the mom and daughter fantasy Like overrides any sort of human decency, but that was that was what did it? That was what did it and he still lies about that and he still says well, she was 21 when they had sex Yeah, but that's not what I fucking said. I said and it's true Unknown_25: that he knew her mother and he knew her when she was like 13 years old and he waited eight years to have a masochistic BDSM sexually violent relationship with somebody that he knew and took to fucking Disneyland as a little kid. Unknown_25: And that's why I don't like him and Rikki I can't get over that and it's upset that I keep talking about it cuz I guess it makes him look better and but yeah, it was it was that conversation where I'm just like This isn't worth maintaining. I don't have to put up with this. 2:10:08 Unknown_23: This is bullshit Yeah, I was worth it motherfucker Unknown_04: You're my friend. I just want you to know this thing isn't true. By the way, my wife and I are monogamous and have been for our entire marriage. We're literally, we were virgins when we met and we are only people we've ever had sex with. I know that there's these like weird rumors about us. I just want you to know as my friend, because there's this weird shit going on talking about how my wife's a whore that you're like reporting on. And then I'm some cock who likes to watch her get fucked by men that actually were monogamous. and we've only ever had sex with each other. I just want you to know, I don't want you to change anything, I don't care. But you're my friend, I want you to know, since you talked about it. You're my friend on this. I talked about the hedonism thing. 2:10:42 Unknown_25: And that's what he's reacting to. And as I mentioned before, his claim is that it was a month long event, he was there for one week that was themed differently. The next week was interracial cuckolding. But that week was just exhibitionism or something. Unknown_25: And um, yeah, he brings that up out of nowhere Uh, which which just sounds weird that's all I have to say about that I don't I will say this. I think you can look back in all the clips that i've ever talked about ricketo Uh from the very beginning to now I I am 90 certain Could be wrong, but i'm 90 certain I have never said 2:11:26 Unknown_25: Maybe maybe as a joke that I've said that she gets fucked by black men, but I don't think I've ever made the actual claim That he went to hedonism and she got fucked by a black guy or that she fucked Drexel I Don't think I've ever made that claim I could be wrong But I don't remember and I remember there are people in the thread saying that they don't they don't remember me ever saying that so that's why that seems so out of place I tend to be Unknown_25: It's gonna be pretty soft on the people around so I usually just talk about Rikki especially as alcoholism Yeah, I implied it I don't think so. I really don't remember. 2:12:25 Unknown_13: Is there anything else here? Unknown_14: This is funny, I'll play this and then I'll wrap it up Unknown_04: They don't. Kiwi Farms has power in so much as they can convince someone to destroy themselves. But Kiwi Farms can't do anything to anyone. And the reason they can't is because if Kiwi Farms tried to go after someone, which they don't do, I want to be very clear, they don't go after someone. But if someone's boss was like, oh, I saw this thing on the Kiwi Farms. All you have to do is put up, pull up their thread and you'll find some guy named butt sex master 2000. And he will have a, he will have a post. It just says nigger, nigger, nigger, like that's what we'll have. You just show that to your boss. 2:12:59 Unknown_25: You go through that. I managed to avoid calling Drexel the N word and this motherfucker by virtual playing this clip. And let's eclipse usually flips that out, but she missed this one. And now it's on my stream. The, the, the poisonous spread chat is this person saying, and like, is this the place that you're getting your information? Unknown_04: And they'll go, Oh no, the real world doesn't care about this. That's fine. But what the real world doesn't care about doesn't matter. If the person goes, I will read, I apologize. 2:13:37 Unknown_25: First, I should change Sean's account to butt sex master 9,000. Just rename it. Jumping back into it. Unknown_04: Darkly. No, but I'm just saying the kiwi farms people can convince people to fuck themselves over. But the people always fuck themselves over. Like, that's what happens. Like people destroy themselves. Kiwi farms doesn't. Unknown_05: Oh, yes. It's all self-inflicted. Unknown_04: Right. That's a credit to Kiwi farms. That's not a criticism of them. Unknown_25: Eric Allen says there's a line. I don't know if I missed it, but he says, Unknown_25: that the real power of the Kiwi farms, maybe I think he just said it and I missed it because I was reading chat. But he says the chat, the Kiwi farms, the damage done is always self-inflicted. And he just goes, yeah. And that basically sums it up. I don't know. It's 25 minutes, it's really crazy. He's just angry and he's just venting. And it really feels like he's just venting because Sean's there to listen and provide a shoulder. And I guess he brought it up. He mentioned the shower techs. which is now like a colloquialism in my world for, um, a heartfelt conversation is a shower text, a quick BMJ casino land update. 2:14:55 Unknown_25: Bossman Jack has gambled $2 million in his career over stake. Unknown_25: Which elevates him to the tier of platinum for VIP on stake that us? Unknown_25: His it so the wager means like if he gets if he bets like $100 and gets 90 back and just keeps wagering that down that all adds up So it's like in total. He has placed a certain amount of money on the table and when he was up like 40,000 gambling like that's he got like a lot of that he got like hundreds of thousands of dollars in that one day just gambling with that huge sack of thousands of dollars and So now he's a platinum for stake VIP. He has a lady named Malicia Who is his VIP manager? Helping me helping to make sure that he's having a good time gambling on stake that us And as it turns out that he gets a 2:15:31 Unknown_25: Extra $80 a day to play with so my man is happy Happy as a rat in a block of American cheddar cheese You just can't you just can't grin in the ear to ear got a big cheesy grin And he's doing he's is doing the same old same old I sat down to watch some BMJ this week for the first time Because I've been busy, and yeah, it's like yep. He's still doing the same shit He seems a little bit calmer right now. I don't know why maybe he's not getting coke anymore or crack or whatever He switched from Keno to mind that's his new that's his character development There was a funny moment Being my boy boss man has a habit of giving to his audience giving to his audience so if he's up a lot of money I Have a delivery second 2:17:23 Unknown_13: No child, it will be you who goes to prison. Unknown_25: I'll wait for the knock. So boss man, Jack had a funny moment. This is the funny moment. Unknown_26: Man to win giveaways, the real winner. Unknown_26: Now, if it was someone that I thought was legit, but brand new Judy, Judy's legit. I think Judy Stroyer, are you there? You want 25 to 25 bucks. Unknown_26: Judy, yep, you won $25. Do you have crypto? Oh, my money's in guys, my money's in. Three or four to get into a 21 or something. They'll be standing there. Unknown_26: Be careful when saying that. Saying what? 2:17:57 Unknown_26: Oh, is it an offensive name? Be careful when saying that? What is it? Unknown_26: Is it offensive? Unknown_26: What? That's what that means? Unknown_26: Is it really? Oh yeah, you did not win shit, dawg. Racist name? Whatever, discriminating name? I'll just go ahead and take your name right here, send you a trapper turd, and hit the ban button. 2:18:29 Unknown_26: Yeah, I did not mean to say that offensively at all, guys. Did I win? Unknown_25: He says it so perfectly, too. When it comes up. Unknown_26: Brand new? Judy! Judy's legit, I think. Judy Stroyer? Unknown_26: Now if it was someone like Judy Schroer, you'd think Judy Schroer, you'd think Judy Schroer, are you there? Unknown_25: It just sounds like he's saying Judah Schroer. It doesn't sound like Judy Schroer at all. There's no pause. It's just so fluid. There's no... What an excellent gotcha. Amazing. I love it when streamers are tricked into saying silly stuff. Very great. 2:19:05 Unknown_25: Okay, one more tiny teeny tiny little thing I have a Reddit post from a new sub that I don't talk about too much I've never talked about before actually I didn't know existed until I saw this it is a new post I guess it's from our divorce underscore men a board a so let me read the official subreddit real quick read it all right divorce men 2:19:38 Unknown_25: The official description of this is welcome to divorce men This is a sub where we discuss the legal financial and social issues men face in divorce We are not necessarily lawyers. One of the first pieces of advice you will receive is to consult with your attorney and The message is from you is o preem and Unknown_25: I don't understand how us men can give women the entire world and all we ask for is 5-10 minutes in the bedroom. Unknown_25: is it too fucking much to ask seriously is it too much for five minutes of their time i just gave you eight to ten hours of mine slaving away at a job to put a roof over your head can you please just give me five to ten minutes women are the laziest things on the planet oh well i need to have an emotional connection or 2:20:39 Unknown_25: I need to read this in like a like a whiny voice. Oh, I need to have an emotional connection or it hurts and I need a rest. Oh, I'm sorry. You're one. You're lying to if you aren't lying, then you're cheating and already getting it from somewhere else. Or three. If it hurts, then use your hand. I don't care. I told that to my boss. If I Unknown_25: IF I told that to my boss that coming into work didn't feel good for me emotionally and he didn't care either, but I guess it's okay for my work to RAPE me in layman's terms. 2:21:20 Unknown_25: Whoever decided that a wife giving 5-10 of her time is some insurmountable task that has to be earned by doing tasks equitable to obtaining Congressional Medal of Honor, it's 5-10 minutes of her fucking time and it means the entire world to us. That shit should be like clockwork imprinted on them, like us going to work is. So tell us why your marriage failed. XYZ, false. They always fail because lazy wife stops doing her job that she agreed to and she made vows. If she doesn't want to do it, she should take the fucking dowels and die alone. Sorry, just had to rank today to blow off some steam. Unknown_25: Man fails to establish emotional connection with wife, stops having sex, is very angry, claims to be job raped, wage raped. 2:22:12 Unknown_25: Bowels. Unknown_25: Whenever I read these, I just want to see what they are. Unknown_25: want a picture I bet you I would bet you I would bet you all the money in the world that this man is bald this is the baldest fucking man ever to live he's deleted his account this coward you fucking coward 2:22:43 Unknown_13: I Supreme and L Supreme and one Supreme is either bad. Unknown_25: Oh, preem preem not preem. Okay. L so preem. I so preem. Unknown_25: Okay. Post-latin divorce men. He joined in 2021. Unknown_25: Let's see where he posed our clove. The fuck is clove? Clover health is the future of Medicare with a mission to improve every proof of life. Okay. So that's, that's weird. 2:23:18 Unknown_25: Why a cat is a divorced man's best friend. I have been divorced for five months now, right around the time we finalized, I decided to get a cat. It was a very difficult choice at the time. Unknown_25: I'm glad I did it. If a dog is man's best friend, I can tell you why a cat is a divorced man's best friend. Here are the reasons why. Unknown_13: See Trapped I've been divorced for five months now. He has kids. That's sad. Unknown_25: He works in medical Sorry, there's no pictures. Oh, he plays overwatch. Should I delete game? I got this game and decided to give it a try I played it for a few days and got some practice and decided to go competitive and I'm now lost my first eight games straight in a row Well, your wife divorced you because you suck it off. I 2:23:51 Unknown_25: Um... Yeah, there's no pictures of him, unfortunately. I was hoping there would be. He's bald, though, in case you're wondering. Unknown_25: The wife said, get good, and he did not, which is grounds for divorce in California, in case you're wondering. 2:24:23 Unknown_25: All right, that is it. Let's get the Super Chats underway and, uh... have a nice week. Unknown_25: Where is my background? Unknown_25: Filters colors. Oh, yeah. Should I do it? I need to do it like a kind of like a red Let me try it with a red. I need to add like a Copy I'm gonna make it kind of festive Let's get like a red Happens if I did that. Oh, that's terrible. That's actually atrocious those vomit is to the fucking eyes. Oh, that's terrible. Yep. I'm not getting any better Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, that's bad if I do opacity 2:24:56 Unknown_25: Yep. Nope. Terrible. Let's just do the green chat. Let's do the green. Unknown_25: Um, all right. Horse Blatt for 10 says, what kind of cheese did you get? If I told you I'd have to kill you. Unknown_25: If the people knew that I was spending hundreds of dollars per ounce on Serbian donkey cheese, they would revolt against me. They would eat me alive. Holyhal for one says I hope you're having a good day as always George. You are my nibba. Thank you. Holy hell. I appreciate it You have a nice day, too 2:25:35 Unknown_25: Hoping and Sneeding for $100 says you have received the fruits of my wage-cuck labor. Welcome back. Well, unlike your horrible wife, who can't even give you 5-10 minutes of your time, I, generously, have given you 2 and a half hours of mine. So who's the real investment? Hoping and Sneeding. It appears to be me. I am the winner. Thank you. 2:26:07 Unknown_25: Baldo Pagans for five says hey, buddy. I heard you got stalker childhood by Pat Tomlin said on Twitter. Are you holding up? All right. We're here with you if you need to talk about it. I'm not sure that I made fun of him on on zitter and he He were actually replied to me and told me that his reply was just like nonsensical didn't find it real quick. Unknown_13: I 2:26:39 Unknown_13: Just came out of nowhere. Unknown_25: He just decided I didn't tag him or anything. He just replied. Uh, he says no child. It didn't, which is really funny because it doesn't make any sense in the context. If you want to read the whole tweet, I go for it, but it really just, I don't know. I don't know what he's actually saying in this, but I did get childhood. It hurt a lot. It made me blush. You can see my emoji there. Unknown_25: Thank you Mara burger for five says look into oh, he also blocked me Mara burger for I says looking at YouTube music revants It's literally the exact same thing as YouTube music, but completely free as for Photoshop. I recommend photopea It's a web-based Photoshop plan with identical you I've tried to photopea. I'm gonna try it again. I'll try to do my cover I Have to catch up on slack for the last two streams and this one So I'll try to get that done 2:27:12 Unknown_25: Using photopea. However, I'm just using title now. I switched over to title It is crazy how much better title is than YouTube music in terms of audio fidelity Like there are some songs that you listen to and you hear instruments That you can't hear on youtube music because the in the the mastering and the compression Uh, those instruments are just faded out like they're completely washed out of the mix Um, but on title it's with lossless. It's just so clear you can hear the it's just crazy when you hear a song that you've heard a thousand times you hear a new instrument in in the uh, the composition because um, the the quality you were listening to at to it at was so bad that it was just removed incidentally 2:27:57 Unknown_25: So, yeah, I do like title Sika Lothar for ten says it is heartwarming, isn't it? Rekheda wouldn't have cried about you for half an hour in front of potentially criminal if he wasn't in love with you All he wanted to do was to stop fighting. He has to stop drinking. I'm not completely I don't hate Rekheda Unknown_25: I think that he he does have to get sober And then if he's been sober for a while Then maybe we can start talking again because right now it's just like he's truly off the wagon Yeah, that's all I have to say about that Thank you. The horse beater for five says love your local neighbors and he links screamable. Let's take a look at what this is. 2:28:58 Unknown_13: I Unknown_13: Oh, it's a Xavier clip, okay. Unknown_09: They've got this poor child pulling a train. It's time to seize the skeet and diddling and skedaddle and get you a new mommy and daddy. Fresh meat. Look at this den of sinequity. Even the Bibles are ribbed. But for whose pleasure? They even have a sex swing set. And whoopee crayons just need to black you up. Flash colored. How offensive. Oh, shiftless. This ought to get you black on track. Shiftless? This is Shaka Dingo. He looks just like our Michael right after he got hit by that car. 2:29:33 Unknown_09: Dude I have to rewatch it now. Unknown_25: He keeps sending these clips. I'm gonna have to rewatch all of XR a Thank you kick a kick a kick a kick a kick for ginger for 10 says hey Josh How do you deal with the 24-7 on call lifestyle in the tech industry? 2:30:06 Unknown_25: Horribly, I do not have a good life-work balance. Unknown_25: They they had it in their contract where they would get triple time if they worked certain hours and on vacation They would literally go out to them the guy I knew That was my friend when I worked was Canadian. He lived in a Unknown_25: The west coast, whatever, I forgot the name of that city. 2:30:43 Unknown_25: But when he would take vacations, he would literally go out to like the northern woods in Alberta or Nunavut without any kind of electronics and rent like a cabin and just be completely and totally inaccessible to the entire world for, you know, two or three weeks, however long he was taking off. Unknown_25: So if you're gonna do that if you're gonna if you have issues with your work-life balance I've heard good things about that strategy for For relaxing during vacations Just don't answer your phone The lonely window go for ten says suggestion for the next person stream Andrew Dobson. Oh, I Unknown_25: That's not a bad suggestion, actually, because he's basically gone. He might as well be dead, as far as the world cares. 2:31:33 Unknown_25: It's actually not bad. It would just be difficult to sum him up, really. He doesn't really have a character arc. He was a fucking loser. Actually, no, he didn't. He did have some success. I would have to, yeah, I would have to do research into that, though. Unknown_25: Thank you. The Horsebeater Press says, Lock, Sneed, Oil, Shake My Head, Damn Capitalism. Another stream of blank. Unknown_25: Hmm. Unknown_19: Please. 2:32:25 Unknown_25: It was so ahead of its time, you have no fucking clue. Unknown_25: Neighbor Reno for one says Joe. This is my b-day. Keep the good work. Love you, buddy Neighbor Reno for one again says nothing. What a Chad my favorite parasocial relationship. Thank you, buddy. I appreciate it. Happy birthday Them a Couser seven five one four five says what when do you do the next coin run? We can always get some one tenth ounce gold coins. They're small enough to be affordable and gold gold is pretty um, well one tenth ounce is like a 2:32:59 Unknown_25: I don't know. It's I think it's hard to do I asked about this once I wanted to do like a couple gram gold coins, but it's like What would that be like one like three three point one gram coins? Unknown_25: Yeah, maybe I don't know. I it would just be like if you lose one of those it's fifty dollars gone and they're very easy to lose so I'm, not too anxious to do gold unfortunately A neighbor, you know for one says why are all these transgenders dying so young? I thought they were supposed to die late People have already made that joke before i'm sorry. It is a funny joke, but you were beaten Himmelfester for two says this isn't the first time donating to mr. Moon. Well, I appreciate it. You should keep it up my boy 2:33:30 Unknown_25: Thank you Sultan Minju star for 10 says let's raise a toast for Dylan going from being one of the 30 under 30 to becoming one of the 41 over a hundred oh I see that's a that's a reference to a specific statistic, which is very offensive to the people of gender Thank you It's neato for 10 has linked something which is very very very suspect 2:34:13 Unknown_13: I don't know if I want to play this. Unknown_25: Um, it appears to be that alcoholic guy, um, who has a serious issue with like eating shit, uh, with some kind of like electric. Oh, he's swallowed his microphone. Okay, fuck it. I'll just play it without sound. Cause it's really obnoxious sound. Unknown_25: It appears to have swallowed his earbuds and is going to rip that out. Um, if you don't know shoe, nice is like a serious, like dysfunctional alcoholic and people pay him a pittance of like alcohol money to hurt himself. And when you know that about him, his video is about eating soap and shit become a lot less funny. 2:34:54 Unknown_25: He's been banned off YouTube like a thousand times. He was a meme but because his videos are like self-harm They banned him when he keeps coming back. He had like multi-million view videos on YouTube and shit Thank you sure gobski for five says have a tasty pizza, oh my man, I will have no fear I will Thank you Unknown_25: Uh, Boofer scooper for five says, just my shirt arrived. It looks great. And then he links to a cat box file and it does appear to be a shirt and it does look great. Um, I have heard a lot of good feedback from the shirts. Uh, if you have not received, okay, so I have a hundred unread emails. If you've emailed me about your merchandise, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Um, a lot of people who email me have already gotten what their shirts and shit. 2:35:32 Unknown_25: But yeah, if like check your spam I sent out a mass email about the shirts and you might be on backorder I can check manually if you need it, but There's about 250 orders that are on backorder and they're in production now I've already paid for production and they're going through through now Thank you 2:36:16 Unknown_25: Wigger Wagner for 10 says any headdress you see with glass beads is actually Italian Native Americans never made glass beads and they all originated from Venice Then he links to a thing a wandering bull Those are pretty oh These are the beads from the the headdress the other guys wearing Yeah, I know that they liked glass beads and shit. There's a meme about how they sold all of like the Midwest for some beads Unknown_24: They are very pretty. Unknown_25: I know that like things strongly associated with the natives, like, um, guns, horses, beads, that kind of shit. That's all, um, imported from, from, from Europe. Unknown_25: The only thing I know of that natives are actually an alcoholism. That's also important from Europe. The only thing I know that they made themselves are mounds in Florida. There's like tribal exhibits where like you can come visit a mound and it's just like a giant pile of like bones that they buried and you can walk on the mound. 2:37:11 Unknown_25: Um, that's a thing. If you're ever in Florida, you can go visit the mounds. They made those. Unknown_25: Thank you. Torra Torral for two says, please review the horribly horrible comedy flick. Josh, your comedy suffering will make it tolerable for the rest of us. That's a good point. I do have to reward for Montgomery people, so maybe I'll force myself to do it. Seems like some cheap. Unknown_25: Cheap, easy entertainment, the best kind. 2:37:53 Unknown_25: Casting couch crowd for 10 says Happy National Pi Day. The crab of the day is the zinnian head crab applied directly to the forehead. Unknown_25: Headcrabs are like, uh, I don't know. They're not as weird as the fucking like. Unknown_25: Mouth rate monsters from alien, but they're a weird concept. Uh, thank you. Happy Pi Day to you too. Sultan and juice are for two says keeping farms. Lovers are so segmentized that it's difficult to find defenders of their civil liberties, let alone their erotic orientation. That's extremely true. It's the most depressed demographic on earth. 2:38:28 Unknown_25: Thank you. Uh, rack Mike for two says Keith woods interviewed Derek Jensen a long time ago. It's worth a listen to anyone interested in any links to Otis need. And the video is just called interview with Derek Jensen continuum episode 25, um, by Keith woods and it's available on that one. Unknown_24: Honestly, if you're interested, thank you. Unknown_25: The bugs for one says Odyssey chat blown the fuck out. Is it not working? 2:38:58 Unknown_25: Oh, sorry. Oh, that's a big deal. Um, if it's not, if the messages aren't importing, I'll, I'll take a look and make sure I didn't miss anything. Sorry. I apologize. I apologize. Unknown_25: Roxanne will for five says bark bark Lamar. You're welcome. I already pointed out your weirdest fucking image. So you get you got your money's worth Spaghetti Manny for 20 says just finished my last day of classes on my first quarter back to college after a decade away Next quarter. I hope to write some true and honest papers in the Kiwi farms video. Um It's a very mathematical way to say that last day first quarter back after a decade next quarter paper okay it's like a like a mind game here's the video he wins 33 seconds of a capybara the okay i pull up song it's got impressive teeth but it's not a caiman it has oily fur but it's not a river otter this funny looking creature is the world's biggest rodent the capybara okay i'm 2:40:18 Unknown_25: I want to show you guys something. Unknown_13: Capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, capybara, cap Unknown_25: Unfunny ferret fuck you get out of here piece of shit cappy bearer disrespect her motherfucker. I Wish I had a cappy bearer The bugs for one says fuck Keemstar Diorio and Tommy C fat fuck ass Nick is Josh sue them Nick cab. She I will definitely contest if he tries to like trademark the word locale I will contest that but I mean you can trade couch trademark the term locale live 2:40:54 Unknown_25: That's its own thing. I guess it's a podcast for people who want to be made fun of Base orangutan for two says money towards pizza. I suggest a pepperoni. Here's your supper pal. I do like pepperoni pizza. I get other stuff on it Thank you, Steno. Everyone says mutts law should be renamed to recede his law. I 2:41:34 Unknown_25: I don't know it could be Hasidic law too because they seem to like that too, and they're fucking tranny tranny movies Holy how everyone says Nick would always cry about people breaking the rules in the story But he would never say who even though he should report people they were actually breaking the rules He's a very blatant liar. I agree. That is my point. I'm glad that you've summed it up so succinctly Foxes for five says let's take this to DMS ha ha DM me Unknown_25: I won't tell you anything that you don't already know. 2:42:08 Unknown_25: Thank you go over to says ironically it is the same issue you and Nick are having that froggy fresh and I dubs were having Nick approaches you with an issue you try to get to the root of the problem about what can be done and Then he says about it He wants you as a friend to notice he is being distressed and either sympathize or pick up social cues That something is going wrong and try to find a way to mitigate it He offers no direct solutions or causes to the problem so you both just walk away feeling frustrated that the other is being uncooperative I mean, basically, I'm someone who does not answer any problem except head on. I have very little finesse. I have very little subtlety. I have very little tact. Unknown_25: If you are going to address an issue with me, you better be able to lay out what the issue is and what your proposal is, because otherwise you're literally just wasting my fucking time with your feelings, basically. That's not to sound like a complete dickhead But that's basically what it boils down to whether I'm trying to be abrasive or not. That's just how it's interpreted You 2:43:11 Unknown_25: I've never heard of that before but yeah, he definitely employs some kind of fucking like Unknown_25: Verbal stratagem so that it's impossible to have like a Like an eye-to-eye conversation especially the way that he tries to parlay his 2:43:50 Unknown_25: Recollection of our conversations to be me begging him to risk to get marching orders and he is just so above it all and so Principled that he doesn't take me up on my offer despite giving him everything he could ever want on silver platter Like that's the most manipulative fag shit on the planet. I Unknown_25: Pancake butcher or five says Peter Piper picked a pair of pickled peppers. Have a good one Josh. Have a good one pancake luchador. Thank you Foxes for five says he Rakeda seems to get really upset about being accused of being a cuckold really makes you think I think most people would be upset about that But I don't know. I tend to get people more of a benefit of a doubt than they deserve sometimes Unknown_25: Big ups peep for two says Josh Can you show us what the troll that works at Comcast posted on KF about Darkseid fills moon? Oh fuck. I completely forgot the Darkseid bullshit. I completely forgot that um 2:44:44 Unknown_25: I'll have to save that for Tuesday. Maybe I'll look at the follow-up drama and shit because people are mad at me again anytime I Chastise the dark side Phil people for committing actual crimes to inconvenience Phil They get really upset that I'm troll shielding dark side Phil and now there is like a organic call to ban them from the site, so Maybe it'll be better to look at that in retroflect 2:45:17 Unknown_25: Darkside Phil did reply to me on zitter though. I posted something about that and he replied to it It's very rewarding that my personal hero Darkside Phil would respond to my zits Sneato for five says I found the Maddie clip of you relaxing to Baldo man's a gay outfit Okay Curious I want to see this now Let's see if the Kiwi farms will cooperate Unknown_25: Oh wow, this was on the New Year's stream, because I used that background for one episode. I don't know why the fuck Nick did this, but he should never do this again. He should stop watching anime immediately, because he's clearly hurting himself in the process. 2:45:49 Unknown_25: Oh, it's not going to be that. Unknown_24: It's going to be NPC. Unknown_04: Oh my god, Queen, you look so gorgeous. Thank you. Unknown_03: Thank you. Unknown_13: Bows? Unknown_13: Hello? Unknown_13: Hmm. Unknown_14: He said it was a gay bet. I don't believe that. Unknown_13: Please send foot pics. 2:46:26 Unknown_13: I don't believe this is a bet. He's way too into it. There you go. Unknown_03: Put the microphone in your mouth. Unknown_14: Ew! Unknown_14: Ew! Oh my god. Unknown_14: Fifteen months, where's the tip menu? Unknown_03: How much to make it jiggle? Oh. Unknown_03: You came to the right place. Unknown_25: I forgot how bad this was, says Matty Archiver. That is exactly what I was thinking. That was literally exactly what I was thinking. Like, oh, this is worse than I remember. I've seen the still images, but re-watching the clip is like, wow, that's actually fucking perfect. 2:46:58 Unknown_25: Thank you, I guess crispy legs for five says happy Friday my dude. Thank you. Happy Friday to you too. Appreciate it Strigovski for five says I've watched and rewatched pretty much all the episodes since around thankful for ambient and can't remember hearing you call Rikada a cock He called many other people cocks, but not him Unknown_25: Yeah, it doesn't stand out in my memory either and a couple people backed me up on this but I wouldn't put it at a hundred percent that I've never made a joke about his wife being fucked by by people, but I'm pretty sure Knowing me that I've probably kept it at Rikada and not at his wife Because she hasn't really done anything. I think I made fun of her for shilling Something like some middle marketing project on his streams, but that's it 2:47:46 Unknown_25: A docs found for five says, do you enjoy soft stinky cheeses like Brie and Camembert? Or do you prefer firmer ones like Gouda and Adam? Um, I do like soft cheeses, but I mean, it's gross. I mean, it's not really gross. It's just a decadent, extremely extravagantly decadent, just eat cheese like that. Um, so it depends if I'm eating something that pairs well with it. I do like a medium softness cheese that has like a really developed flavor to answer your question. 2:48:26 Unknown_25: Judy Tester for Fox's hey Josh if you go to West Virginia, can we go to the Mothman Museum together my treat? I've never heard of the Mothman Museum. Why would that be in West Virginia? It's like mountains there, right? So you just like it was just on top of a hill For some reason they decided the people of West Virginia decided to build a museum on the top of a fucking mountain in the middle of state Unknown_25: I don't know. I don't know if that's a good idea. Uh, thank you though. Cino for one says Lamao TTD and then there is a cat box link to an image. Let's see. 2:49:04 Unknown_14: The mothman is West Virginia lore. I've never heard of this before. Unknown_13: Is he a giant moth? Unknown_14: I guess so. Unknown_25: Alejandro Caraballo says yeah, this side is done Hello after reviewing the information available. We want to let you know that tranny Slayer 1488 hasn't broken our safety policies We know this isn't the answer. You're probably looking for if the account breaks our policies in the future. We will notify you That's pretty base. 2:49:35 Unknown_24: I Will reseat this As queer, let's see if Mr. Caraballo has blocked me. Unknown_14: No, he has not Unknown_25: Um, let's see. He's still tweeting so much. I can't follow. There it is Yeah, this site is based Okay, I reseted this you can go like it if you want Thank you Um 2:50:13 Unknown_25: Total gun makery for one says juice. Have you ever tasted kangaroo meat? I have For Australia Day, my flatmate cooked up some root ale on the Barbie to be quite honest with you family Yeah, those things are really strong you don't want to do that 2:50:54 Unknown_25: He's laughing because of the adrenaline is insane. He just got kicked by a kangaroo Will you to save him and you look freaking wall? Unknown_13: Kangaroos are scary man. They're big-ass animals Unknown_25: Why the fuck are there no kangaroo furries? Uh, have you never heard of all, uh, atheism? I almost said autism. Atheism is unstoppable. He's like a kangaroo furry. Unknown_25: Uh, Saltyman juice star for one says there was once an OSR as chronic masturbator. He became quite the first amendment crusader. He got on the plane with a smile, jumped off and gave a hile. Now he's the only Floridian bell grader. 2:51:32 Unknown_25: Was this about me? Thanks, bro. I appreciate it mario carter 13 for one says rip mike Nice try guy Rest in peace michael harrier. Let's see if ricada if ricada is not gonna fall for that. I'm not gonna fall for that. Nice try Oh, let me check out of sneak make sure I haven't missed anything Um, I think I have missed literally everything 2:52:14 Unknown_25: Let's see. What was the last one from odyssey? None of them. Okay, so all the super chats and honestly don't show up on dashboard. Great Sorry, honestly people. I will read these now Uh, james boone for once is bliet. Thank you james. Appreciate it. You too, buddy pastor. Troy for 20 says hey josh I'm non-cheddar cheese to listen to you today Is it okay to get a poll to see if this is a real person that ethan ralph lost weight? He did lose weight Unknown_22: I was overweight and looked terrible, but AIDS helped me lose 46 pounds. 2:52:45 Unknown_20: The AIDS diet plan helped me lose 28 pounds. AIDS helps control your appetite, so you lose weight. Yet AIDS lets you taste, chew, and enjoy. And the appetite suppressant in AIDS is not a stimulant. Unknown_20: AIDS helped me to lose 18 pounds, and it doesn't contain anything to make me nervous. Question, why take diet pills when you can enjoy AIDS? AIDS helps you lose weight. Unknown_25: That's the question of the century. I don't know. I don't think, I think that if Ralph is losing weight, not because of just diet and exercise, it might be liver related. I'm not sure about that though. 2:53:22 Unknown_25: Enemies everywhere for six says money. What a great, what a great thought. Money is nice, isn't it? Thank you. Unregistered firearms at my house for five says, what is it with retards like Dick and Ricardo complaining their actions with having a negative impact others with guilt by association and the idea that if we were always nice to you, that you should be sycophantic to them. It is just denial and being able to unaccept public opinion, turning against them. Question mark. Unknown_25: I don't know. I assume that in certain industries like entertainment and law That there is a sort of professional courtesy that is to be expected That does not exist in the world of like insane retards on the internet Registered firearms at my house for five says also when juju sees you bought ice and he's just remember he's totally not mad about it Okay, what is this? 2:54:15 Unknown_07: And stop telling me about the fucking Streisand effect. I don't fucking care if people buy the comic or pirate it. I don't fucking care if people read it. Yeah, shut the fuck up. I don't care if I'm helping the marketing for this fucking book. It doesn't matter. It doesn't fucking matter. Unknown_07: Sorry. Cause I'm not jealous of the money. I don't fucking care about the money. Do you understand that all this shit I do is for the art of it? Do you think I wrote a book saying all women are whores to make money? It's the fucking art that's important. You stupid motherfuckers. So you do love art. 2:54:49 Unknown_07: I, I hate it now. Unknown_07: Look what it did to me. Yeah, I know. Unknown_25: I was a follow up with a joke. He's upset that people aren't in on the joke. People are laughing at him and not with them and upset some. That's pretty great. Unknown_25: Thank you. That's pretty funny. Unknown_25: Judy Glover for Judy Glover. What a nice what a nice change of pace chat. Unknown_25: What's a D Glover that sounds medical and nasty actually I thought it was like Jew lover But Judy Judy Glover is like when you remove the skin off a hand or something. That's actually fucking gnarly Judy Glover for five says one trolley is no train one trolley is a car child only multiple trolleys coupled together would constitute a train I'm sorry, you're so stupid 2:55:30 Unknown_25: Well, the trolley problem doesn't make sense then. If you line up a billion white people and there's only one trolley, and it's not a train with enough mass and momentum to run over a billion white people, then it's not gonna matter. Okay, so I'm right in saying it's a train. Thank you. Forsaken wanderer for five says if I was a tranny I would be terrified of the thought of what state my Transhumanist body will be in after a couple years and where I would get drugs and surgery if our benefactors fall Well, they'll probably just kill themselves once they don't have AC as my guess 2:56:15 Unknown_25: Forsaken wanderer for five says the CL o t s o sh o t Kills 90% of white people by 2030 then will the Kiwi farms need a pageant version of Ralph DSP and beauty beauty to laugh at by the end of the decade I mean, I guess if 90% of white people die, we have to up our Diversity quotas. I mean, there's just no way around it. We have a a Labor shortage have to fill in the gap somehow Unknown_25: neighbor for 10 says most esteemed and venerable kiwi daimo please play this clip from my favorite anime it's not really from anime that was a joke better be i don't know what this is i will play it Unknown_02: You don't talk much, do you, Israel? Israel talks when Israel has something to say. I'm just trying to pass the time, man. Listen, I know you're a robot, but don't you have feelings? I mean, isn't it hard to destroy innocent people that have never wronged you? Everyone's wrong, Israel! Really? Wow. If that's the way you feel, maybe we'd all be better off if you didn't exist. 2:57:10 Unknown_07: Israel has every right to exist! Unknown_02: Okay, okay, dude, relax. Don't get so defensive. Israel need rest. Unknown_02: Here? This is where you want to rest? This is the single most dangerous place you could be situated. There are so many other places you could be, Israel. It would be safer and would cause less problems. Why here? Israel shouldn't have to leave. Everyone else should leave. They're the ones who are stupid. Boy, Israel, you are a handful. 2:57:44 Unknown_25: Boy, how did they get away with this? From Drawn Together movie just to Gath. That's funny. How have I never seen this before? That's amazing. Unknown_25: I really don't know how they got away with it. They got that animated and everything. That's crazy Thank you the president Nintendo for five says well everyone on the legally distinct separate entity the Kiwi farms arguing about cheese I am committed to helping you pick a favorite breed of dog Setting aside how the dogs look what are some characteristics of a dog you'd prefer? Ideal energy level and temperament things like that Low drool, low shedding, and medium activity. It has to have a purpose. It has to be like, and it can't be too fucking noisy. If it barks, it has to be like, I want it like a smart dog that knows when a tranny is nearby and barks. Like enough energy that it's like motivating to like get out and walk it, but not so high energy that you have to like run with it and shit like a fucking Dalmatian. Something like that, chat. 2:58:25 Unknown_25: Okay, that was it. 2:58:59 Unknown_25: Thank you everybody. Appreciate it. That is the end of the stream. I will see you guys on Tuesday have a nice weekend Stay safe. Have a happy happy start of December. Merry Christmas and so on and so forth Okay, bye-bye 2:59:35 Unknown_10: Eyes lock with yours My head distorts You pull me in Then turn to ghosts But now you got me like Frozen in headlight Unknown_10: Now you got me like 3:00:48 Unknown_10: You're my blood rush Just a touch Kills me inside But I feel so alive Now you got me like Now you got me like 3:01:59 Unknown_11: standing in the cold it's more than physical i don't want to let you go i don't want to let you go standing in the cold it's more than physical i don't want to let you go Oh, oh