0:01:00 Unknown_08: Excuse me a moment. Unknown_24: Usually I just play music to intro but today today I'm testing something I'm actually streaming to the social media platform Formerly known as Twitter. It appears to be working however, I remember seeing in Unknown_24: Other people's broadcast that there was like a live chat for that and I don't see a live chat for for mine. I Wonder if that's something that I'm doing wrong or what? I'm not gonna once I the hour turns. I'll just play the music and do the video but I Am looking at this. I'm curious how this actually works because I don't know I 0:01:34 Unknown_24: This is exciting. Chat's exciting. So saying that I get to, I get to broadcast my mental illness to even more people on different, different avenues. Unknown_24: I brought, I actually, I I'm multi streaming to like eight different locations at once. I'm multi streaming to telegram VK odyssey rumble. Unknown_08: Oh, that's four kick. That's five. 0:02:14 Unknown_24: And then, um, now to Twitter, that makes six. It's a lot of chat. I'm gonna have to add that to the, the Sneed, the stream nexus so that I can, uh, I can. Unknown_24: integrate all of you into one seamless stream of absolute fucking nonsense. Though I think to chat on this, the, um, the Twitter thing, you have to have premium. So obviously I'll keep up the other ones, but it's a nice way of getting around shit. Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling there. I will now play the intro music. This is the official start of the, of the stream channel. 0:03:20 Unknown_24: I swallowed Monster wrong. I ruined a great song by choking on Monster. 0:03:54 Unknown_24: Every song in the Wind Waker OST is a masterpiece. Unknown_24: Every one of them. The Dragon Roost Island song like literally makes me want to cry because it's like it's such a nostalgia punch it's like oh my god I remember being like fucking nine years old owning a Gamecube and playing like meticulously exploring every single inch of that entire map and loving sailing and shit. None of the shit about like having to constantly change the direction of the wind or anything None of that sticks out in mind as being like annoying or anything. It was just it was such a masterful game It really it was one of those games that like like runescape that really captured that magic of exploring something in a video game that as a kid you really enjoy like just like Checking every nook and cranny and seeing like all sorts of shit all over the place and going to places You're not supposed to be yet like all of that kind of wonder is is in is in Wind Waker and runescape to runescape was fun to run around and as a little kid and go to places that were Like way too high level and stuff 0:04:36 Unknown_24: So long ago nowadays kids don't know anything Nowadays, the only thing kids want to play is fortnight They want to get into a battle royale and murder their fellow child and eat them alive eat the child Everybody is training to kill each other because we're all we all know we're one bad day away from total chaos chat. I no more fun on the high seas, no more exploring islands, no more questing in glenior, which is a stupid name. It's it's hardcore training from the day you turn seven until the day you turn 30. Hardcore grinding in the fortnight preparing for the day that everyone is fighting over resources. 0:05:34 Unknown_24: That is what we what we or we're playing call of duty dude. I was watching This is my my video game branch of the stream. I was watching wings of redemption I'm like subscribe to him on youtube. So i'm You know browsing around or whatever and seeing that window is live and i'm like, oh my god It's my boy wings of redemption. So I click it and he's playing call of duty and that's why I clicked it actually because it was um 0:06:12 Unknown_24: I know that he doesn't play Call of Duty streams and games anymore because it reminds him of Like all the little meltdowns he's had that have it like amounted to his entire like canonical lore So he just doesn't play Call of Duty anymore because the entire franchise is like poison memories to him and he was playing The new one which is just like the the other one that they already sold and that sucks but in the new one they literally sell a Nicki Minaj skin and Unknown_24: So Wingo loads in, he's talking about guns or whatever. He's in like a war zone. He's a, he's a buff soldier. And right in front of him is Nicki Minaj's ass and like a bright pink, like tight fitting dress. And I'm thinking like, Even these 30 year old franchises because call of duty is like a 1999 game I'm pretty sure like even these 30 year old franchises. They're just completely raped and desecrated and left to the The pickings to be to be torn apart into a live service where you can buy nikki minaj skins and your fucking call of duty 0:07:21 Unknown_24: It's really disgusting. Unknown_24: So that was pretty depressing. I played Fortnite and I get matched with real people now and it's like, I don't know, it's less fun. Unknown_24: I did and I don't get to play too many games. I Played a couple rounds. I was like, you know, this is fun I guess if I had more time to kill maybe if I had people to play with maybe I'd enjoy it more But I don't so I was just playing the solos and was just like yeah, whatever It's not really any different of an experience than apex, I guess So 0:07:57 Unknown_24: Do I have any? Oh, okay. I do have some clerical stuff and then I'll move on. Um, there is two things I want to mention before I proceed into the, the meandering of the stream. Uh, first, um, next Tuesday, no stream busy. Second, um, the Friday on December 9th, which is the Friday after this. Unknown_24: No, actually it's a two, three Saturdays. God, that's a long way away. I didn't realize that. Um, I'll just kind of lay this out. 0:08:28 Unknown_24: a person joins the Kiwi farms and they start like just like really laying on like all sorts of accusations about Sam Hyde and Immediately the thread becomes guessing who this person is and I asked this person I'm like, can you like verify that you've had contact with these people that you're not just like a random fucking schizophrenic That's like accusing Sam Hyde of all this shit And they go, sure. They send me like a photo ID, a picture of them. And then another, at my request, they send another photo, the same photo ID, but like dates, date stamp and stuff. So I know it's this person and I know for sure that they've had a long history with MDE. Unknown_24: So I've verified their account. I say they, I guess I've already said who it is. It's someone named Channing Crager. And she has, uh, has verified herself to me as best as she can. And I, I, you know, I let her loose from the thread for a bit, but it's like a constant back and forth. It's like really unfocused. I'm like, okay, look. 0:09:21 Unknown_24: Let's talk I'm gonna thread banning from the thread because it's disruptive and it's not productive at all and it's a mess to deal with I don't want to deal with it and I said, let's talk and actually is Someone suggests to her why doesn't she go on a podcast? She says I was gonna go on the idubbbz podcast But I does is like afraid of Sam Hyde all the other people don't want to deal with it. Someone's just talking to me I'm kind of hesitant about it because I don't want to deal with like Pissing off a bunch of people, but then I think about it. I think you know there's there's two either one of two possibilities are happening here Either a this person has been screaming at the top of their lungs That Sam Hyde isn't as like a genuine monster and nobody has ever listened because Sam Hyde is just like such a nuisance to deal with and his fans are such a nuisance to deal with and that is like a miscarriage of justice or This person is completely fucking demented and has been saying the most horrific shit imaginable for almost like half a decade, more than half a decade. And everyone is just like silently ignoring this person. And there's like all this bullshit that's spread around and not like one concise place to hear what this person has to say that you can just point to say, OK, we'll listen to that and you'll know that this person is crazy or whatever. So I know either way, 0:09:56 Unknown_24: Um, after some deliberation, I know either way, uh, a conversation with Channing will be productive. Um, and I'm not, I'm not really sure what to expect. I was not expecting, and this might sound like I'm an idiot for, for saying this, but I was not expecting this sort of immediate like vitriol that I got just asking like, Hey, should I talk to this person? Like a lot of people got really upset really fast. Um, 0:10:55 Unknown_24: That was a bit shocking. Unknown_24: Uh, and now like, uh, apparently what has happened, um, to kind of contextualize this is that, uh, the, the, the shit, the marquee shit, uh, has been going around for a very long time, like five years. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. We'll talk about it on the ninth. Um, but. 0:11:31 Unknown_24: Since fish tank, Sam Hyde has kind of like reinvented himself and like redirected his career. And now he has a brand new audience, pretty much that separate from like his old Poltard audience. And it's much more like crazy internet shenanigans and normie than, than before. So the bringing up the Marky shit, that's only known to like bizarre Poltards. Unknown_24: And reintroducing his current audience to that is apparently something that is undesirable to his crew. 0:12:10 Unknown_24: Which is why it's causing such a stink, even though I thought it was old news and it would be kind of pointless to even talk to her because everyone's heard this before, I guess. Unknown_24: So that's kind of thrown me off balance for this stream. Unknown_24: If I sound a little bit off. Unknown_24: But yeah, I just want to lay that out and explain. This is what's happened. This is who this person is. This is why people are mad, kind of. Unknown_24: And this is what I hope to accomplish, because I don't want to come across as, like, I'm gunning for Sam Hyde. I really don't have any dog in the race, so to speak. I just kind of want to know what's happened. 0:12:51 Unknown_24: And there you go, isn't Jet a tranny chaser? Yes. Okay. So in the clear, this up also Jet Neptune has spoken really poorly of me and also the forum. And he's also a tranny chaser. Um, I'm not talking to this person because I do not like Jet Neptune or vice versa. I don't care. Um, I just find it interesting. Unknown_24: All right. So chat that has been said, why is, does Odyssey chat not show up? Is Odyssey chat broken? Odyssey chat is broken. Let me refresh that. Unknown_24: Sorry to all the honest leaders who have been talking. Okay. Now you're up on the stream Okay. Um, and for the person who asked, uh, as far as like my stream preference, I like rumble. Um, odyssey's fate seems to be uncertain because they're up for sale. Uh, so I don't know what to make of that. Um, it would really suck to lose that archive of all my streams, but, uh, yeah, as far as me shilling, the odyssey stream is definitely like the, I believe would be the more, more stable longterm thing. 0:13:25 Unknown_24: Sorry, I don't mean to pick favorites, but. 0:13:58 Unknown_24: Kick is also pretty basic, I like Kick. Unknown_24: They tolerate me, and that's all I can ask for, really. Unknown_24: All right, that is enough random bullshit. I'm sorry, I've wasted 10 minutes already. Let us talk first about how you, chat, need to die for Israel. So I know a lot of you guys like anime. Come on, I know all of you guys are totally in love with the Japanese cartoons. Well, now I'll have you know that the US military Also loves anime come on brofist brofist Nippon desu Anime don't you want to die for Israel now join the military? 0:14:36 Unknown_24: I don't have a picture of this, but someone also posted like a Army recruiter was like putting up Little flyers, and it was just like join the US Army. It was the first thing at the top It says US Army and then in big bold letters that took up the entire width of the page and Unknown_24: And it said no Kobe kovat vaccine required and further ever heard That apparently the the military that dismissed anyone who did not get the kovat vaccine is now apparently they like Don't want to I don't want to say specifics But apparently some people were dismissed from the military for not getting the kovat vaccine with OTH Which is like you don't want to have it means other than honorable And I'm aware that that's the one you don't want to get because it denies you benefits But then there's like there are different kinds of honorable discharge one is like with full honors And then there's one that's like you didn't get OTH, but you're not like you get like sidelined so the guys that did not take the vaccine got shit on basically as they got kicked out the military and 0:15:40 Unknown_24: Now the government realizing that they just fucked off all these viable bodies to die for Israel and have told the potential recruits that we're insane and we're literally going to force you to inject retard juice into yourself. Unknown_24: If you don't do it, we're going to kick you out without honors. They're like, oh fuck, nobody wants to join our shitty gay empire military mercenary force anymore. They're like, oh no, trust us. We're going to go back and we're going to fix all the mistakes we made. We're going to give you guys honors. And then we're also going to go ahead and drop the mandate entirely, which we should have done to begin with. And then also, Unknown_24: Anime titties guys anime titties at the anime convention in New York City. That's right We're hip we're cool die for Israel Very cool US military You 0:16:27 Unknown_24: I love it when people come together for a cause and really stick it to someone. Unknown_24: Like the fact that it's, it's my conceptions that the military are not here. Like I've been an edgy boy for a long time. I've never had any love for the military. I grew up in a military town. I did not care about the military ever. Um, and everybody, everybody around me was in the military and it was always, thank you for your fucking service. 15% off if you show military ID, so on and so forth. I'm like, these guys are just going over to Afghanistan and killing a bunch of goat fuckers. Why do I give a shit? Um, and now everyone sees it my way. The entire young generation is like, I'd rather stay at home and play Fortnite and not fucking die for your bullshit. There's literally nothing you can give me to coax me out of my warm house to go, uh, sit in a fucking Humvee in the middle of the desert for 16 hours straight. Go fuck yourself. Everyone is finally on my level. Okay. That's called being based. 0:17:45 Unknown_24: Do I feel validated? I do. I really do. Like I've been saying this for as long as I've been alive. I just, I never got it. I never got the whole, yeah, let's go be world police, cruise all over the fucking world and fuck up a bunch of different countries that do not impact. Afghanistan does not affect the United States. It is a desert mountain in the middle of the fucking Asian continent that has no ports, has no resources, has nothing. And I'm supposed to believe it's a good idea to go over there and Occupy that shit and try to teach them democracy? Motherfucker, they don't want democracy. They worship a dead pedophile, and they base their entire culture and society around a dead pedophile's textbook, and they don't want to vote. They have a very clear way that they want to live, and I don't understand why we should go over there and try to teach them other ways. They're very, very content the way they have it. They set it up themselves. They're very pleased. 0:18:18 Unknown_08: Geez Louise chat There's like three different lawsuits, I've got filed this week crazy times so on Monday And the social media platform formerly known as Twitter has filed a lawsuit with Media matters and what they're alleging is that media matters deliberately misrepresented 0:19:11 Unknown_24: The context at which ads showed on their platform Because what media matters is they created this huge expose about? advertisements showing up next to anti-semitic content on Twitter or X and As a result a ton of advertisers dropped Apple is the one that comes immediately to mind. I think Chrysler like a bunch of big companies dropped ads and Unknown_24: And someone asked me, I had mentioned on a podcast I would never buy Twitter premium. I bought Twitter premium, and I bought Twitter premium because Elon Musk put out a personal plight. He went out there on X and said, Josh, you specifically, I need you to buy Twitter premium. That would be heckin' based. And I realized he was right, because I hate advertisers more than anything. 0:19:51 Unknown_24: Companies should not be beholden to advertisers now. We'll get into this again in a second, but I like yeah I like this this platform. I like that. He's telling people to go fuck themselves, and I like that That he's telling advertisers to go fuck themselves It's it's one thing like there's a lot of people out there who are okay to pretend to be based like they go out and they say all the right things and they hit all the right notes and so on and so forth and they're just obviously like in it for the money and 0:20:27 Unknown_24: In the moment that someone starts taking a hit to their pocketbook for what they're doing That's when you know that it's not a grift like when they're willing to hold fast what they're saying even when it costs them money or opportunity That's when people start being more respectable in my eyes And I think that Elon is really sticking his he's like putting his dick up on a guillotine like try me motherfucker It's made of titanium Unknown_24: So I respect that and I've changed my mind. I'm starting. I'm really starting to warm up on it on Elon. I think that Personally, he's a bit he's a bit fucked up weird in the head But I suppose any billionaire child spoiled child will be a little bit fucking weird So, I don't know I'm rooting for him I like what he's doing and suing media matters is also excellent or the and has joined a cacophony of other 0:21:22 Unknown_24: Other interests, so the fraud that they're suing for, fraud is a criminal matter, or a civil matter, but it's also criminal. And since X is incorporated in Texas, the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton, who apparently, I think I'm remembering this correctly, but Ken Paxton, AG of Texas, was at the Capitol grounds on January 6th, and he was arrested Unknown_24: On the Capitol grounds for protesting I'd correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember I think that's that's what happened with him So he being he's in and he's also invest he put out a statement saying that they're investigating media matters for fraud criminal fraud in Texas Which is which is pretty pretty awesome to say the least Fake ethics bullshit don't know about the Capitol 0:22:19 Unknown_24: You can tell he likes Elon because he calls the app X. That's true. This is why Elon is autistic. He is a very wealthy pepe. He kind of has the right idea of what he wants. He knows what he wants. Unknown_24: He's really auteur and it's like naming a platform X is like there's so much capital in the name Twitter to take Twitter and just rename it to X is like the weirdest fucking thing and it's because he's like a Manchild and he's always been obsessed with the letter X like when I was a little kid I wanted to have a company called X Corp to like the exact same name And he just never grew out of that phase. He's like I'm gonna be it. I'm gonna make a rocket tip I'm gonna go with faith, and then I'm gonna name my big evil Multinational company worth trillions of dollars and it's gonna be really big and powerful and unlike most people who just grow out of that He's like no, I'm really gonna dedicate my life to making this company and going into space and fuck you guys. Okay, fine Do whatever you want motherfucker. I don't give a shit Yeah, you want to call somebody dude he he wanted to call PayPal X he wanted to call his son X and 0:23:31 Unknown_24: He wanted to call Twitter X. There's like a million different things. I'm sure he wanted to call Tesla X too. He wants to call everything X and even wants to call it X, the Twitter platform, the everything app because he wants everything to be X. Cause I guess it's a variable. I don't know. It's really, it's, it's like, it's, it's actually, it's not like genuinely, not like patronizingly. It is genuinely an autistic obsession with the letter X. Unknown_24: The other one is that Trump Social, if you remember that, is suing 20 different companies, including The Guardian, Hollywood Reporter, McClathy Company, or the Miami Herald, Alex Mena, Reuters, Rolling Stone, Nexstar, The Hill, Accurate of Capital, Benzinga, Market Watch, like Forbes, all these different media companies. And the crux of the allegation is that 0:24:22 Unknown_24: Um, the Trump Media Group, which ran Trump Social, had allegedly lost $73 million. And all of these media organizations in unison, um, published that Trump Social had lost $73 million. And the end result of that was that a, uh, a company called Digital World Acquisition Corporation, or DWAC, was going to buy Trump Media and Truth Social, but then because 0:24:55 Unknown_24: Um, because of the reporting that it was hemorrhaging cash, they decided not to. So the loss of that sale, Trump is blaming on these media companies and he's suing them for the damages. So that's pretty exciting. Um, people are pretty negative Nancy about this. Apparently Trump sees a lot of people and it fails. So I don't know if this has any legs to stand on. It's definitely not as concise an accusation as Elon Musk thing, but I don't know. More power to him, I guess. Unknown_24: No, it's called the Trump Media Group, or it says here, Trump Media and Technology Group Corporation, but the product was called Truth Social. 0:25:41 Unknown_08: He should yeah, that's true You could start the in Corp the I Corp the G Corp The second G Corp the E Corp in the our Corp and you could use these companies for various purposes And then people would have to be very precarious with how they they arrange the letters your companies would be referred to as ginger a lot and Unknown_24: um okay here is where i'm about to lose my mind so there is an allegation it hasn't been substantiated because apparently it's really finicky and it comes and goes and people don't really have a um Unknown_24: It's intermittent is what I want to say. It is an intermittent issue. It does not happen all the time So people have a hard time proving it but it appears to be that Firefox is being penalized by YouTube and when loading a YouTube video on Firefox especially with an ad blocker 0:26:43 Unknown_24: You may get a loading issue where a video takes five seconds longer to play. So the accusation is that YouTube is doing something that is either browser agent dependent and is penalizing Firefox users or is ad blocker dependent and is trying to give a worse browsing experience to ad blockers or something like that. Unknown_24: People haven't narrowed this down but enough people have complained about it recently or it's becoming like a news story. So That is what's happening here Unknown_24: The other one is that Manifest B3, which Google has threatened for a long time, is going to stop ad blockers from working as efficiently as they do. Because right now, I believe that extensions and Chrome have access to a lot of the under the hood stuff. And they can stop ads from loading before they even start. They can interrupt ads and videos and do all sorts of crazy stuff that you can't do unless you have a high or low level access to the browser. So Web Manifest, which is the new extension scaffolding, is going to be less low-level in access and will not enable ad blockers to work as performantly or as comprehensively in what kind of ads they block. And as a result, users using Chrome, using AdBlock Lite, will not be able to actually fully block ads anymore. 0:28:14 Unknown_24: And this is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard. Unknown_24: The fact that Google has, and this was something that people warned us about when it happened, when Chrome came out and offered competition to Firefox and ad blockers came out, people immediately recognized that there was a conflict of interest between Google owning the world's most popular web browser and Google also owning The world's most popular ad platform and then Google also owning the world's most popular media platform That uses the most popular ad platform, which is built to natively work better in the most popular browser So everyone has sold Google their souls and now they're going to use that to force people to see advertisements Unless they pay them And I have something to say that I 0:29:07 Unknown_24: This is my favorite black man talking about the the loading issue, so I want to show people something This is true. I put this in drafts. I'm going to eat something I Unknown_24: I am one of the only people in the entire world who, uh, a long time ago paid for something called Google play music. And when Google play music ended, um, it was folded into YouTube red, which was a very brief thing. And then, um, after YouTube red ended, Unknown_24: It was, uh, became YouTube premium, and then it eventually became YouTube premium and YouTube music. So if I can find the button, I am going to cancel this. I have been on this for eight years as of, um, this week, it would have been eight years. 0:29:56 Unknown_24: and inshallah I am going to figure out a way to cancel my YouTube premium because I'm I don't care what it takes I don't care if I have to install apps for it. I don't care if I have to buy like a server Unknown_24: Do like my own self-hosted media platform. It's now much more expensive. It's like $30 a month for YouTube for YouTube premium with YouTube YouTube music it's a lot so I am going to cancel this here we go. I think this is it And I'm going to paste this into here 0:30:40 Unknown_24: And I will show you that I have actually done this live on air. Hashtag murder Google. Unknown_24: We will see if this actually patches through, because I'm done with it. I will do literally whatever it takes to invalidate the company known as Google, known as Alphabet, known as YouTube. It should be completely and totally destroyed. It's fucking disgusting. They're forcing people to watch ads, and I was happy to use YouTube Premium, because I was already using YouTube Music, and I had no issue paying for what I was getting before, but then guess what? Just realized recently. I'm getting charged for YouTube music on top of YouTube premium So the reason why I kept YouTube red was that it was YouTube Google music plus I got benefits on YouTube now I'm paying for that on top of another $22 for YouTube premium So there's no like the original reason why I had this is gone They're charging me out the ass every month for this shit And I can just get around it by not watching YouTube or by downloading shit and putting it on like a media player or doing literally anything else besides what I'm doing so 0:31:29 Unknown_24: Yeah, I'm fucking done with it. I'm gonna cancel everything Google related that I can I've moved my email from Gmail to the proton mail already I'm gonna look into Spotify or whatever. I'm maybe not Spotify apparently Spotify is like the only alternative for listening to music but 0:32:01 Unknown_24: As I say in this thread, if you want to suggest to me alternatives for everything YouTube, like Google related, how to watch YouTube on TV without getting ads, how to listen to music without getting ads, even if it's a premium service. Again, I'm paying $10 a month for YouTube music on top of $22 a month for YouTube premium. Unknown_24: So if I'm just switching over to Spotify, I can do that. But basically just show me your crazy ways of avoiding ads. I'm completely 100% totally dedicated to the murder, slaughter, murder, Google, slaughter, alphabet, hacksaw, YouTube movement. Fuck these people. They're absolute clowns. 0:32:43 Unknown_24: I use Brave instead of Chrome, but if Brave can't get webmin, like adblock, like Brave's whole thing is adblock, so I'm pretty sure they'll always get that to work. But if they can, I'll switch them back to Firefox. Fuck it. You know, I'll donate money to Firefox if they let me use adblocker. I'm not going to stop. I hate Ads. I hate ads more than anything. I hate ads. I'll say this in actuality chat. I'm not even being facetious. I'm not using hyperbole, okay? I hate ads more than I hate trunes. If I had to listen to two hours of Keffel's and Brianna Wu and Liz Fong Jones and Alejandro Caraballo have a nice discussion about communism, or if I had to watch two hours of advertisements, I guess I'd be learning a lot about the trans POC struggle in Soviet Russia, because I'm not going to fucking listen to two hours of ads, okay? I just can't stand it. I don't want to buy your fucking product. I'm not interested. If it's something good, I'll hear about it from somebody I give a shit about. It won't be from your fucking advertisement on YouTube. That's the bottom line here, chat. 0:34:00 Unknown_08: Alright, that's that. Unknown_24: This guy working for Linus Tech Tips has been arrested with, uh, charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. 0:34:32 Unknown_24: Uh, I mean, he's kind of got the look, he kind of looks like Billy, Billy Mitchell, the Donkey Kong guy without the weird winged hair, but he looks kind of like that. Unknown_24: Um, Unknown_24: In one video you can clearly see his pedo battle station and it's absolutely what you would expect. Okay, I want to see it. Unknown_17: Computer zero is looking pretty zero right out of the gate. That's freaking disgusting. Unknown_16: This is worse than mine and mine's pretty bad. This hair here though? That means they have airflow problems. It's trying to pull in through the gaps. Unknown_17: What the heck? You know what's really gross about this? Is that this is actually a decent machine. Hard disk plus two terabyte. 0:35:15 Unknown_16: Wait, is there no SSD? Unknown_17: You have a 2080 and you don't have an SSD? I don't see why. Unknown_17: Like I'm not like shaming you I'm not being like oh you're too poor for an S- SSDs aren't expensive anymore 2080s are! Why even get tempered glass if you're just gonna make it horrible? Unknown_16: Why would you send this picture? Unknown_17: Like this desk setup is pretty sick. Naya numpty, what the hell? Whoever it is, games, needs extra batteries. Vapes. Oh wait, vapes. I have no idea. I'm guessing Dan. It's Scott. Scott, what a dick. Why don't you have an SSD, Scott? You know what? I should have known from the mug. 0:35:49 Unknown_17: It had to be someone with an accent, foreigner. Unknown_24: Linus Linus can smell a foreigner from a mile away. He he can look at a coffee mug You know this motherfucker ain't from around here We don't take kindly to you numpty motherfuckers up north get out of here with their goon station and your child pornography You sick in me boy 0:36:34 Unknown_24: Thanks, Linus. Very cool. I think that we're all surprised that it was Scott and not the, not the other guy. You know, the guy I'm talking about, I'm not going to name names because it's a serious accusation, but I think if we all, a week ago, we're asked somebody at Linus tech tips has child pornography. Who do you think it is? I think not many people would have said Scott's survive. So Vineson. Okay. Unknown_24: Um, Unknown_24: This guy, Greg Brockman, uh, and his friend, Sam Altman, uh, were released from open AI. 0:37:13 Unknown_24: Allow me to elucidate to my chat. Unknown_24: Uh, what is open AI? What does Sam Brockman or Sam Altman have to do with this? And the answer is open AI was like a small company. Unknown_24: And they were developing ChatGPT. They needed a little bit of investment money. So they said, helpies, we are very poor, but we want to make a chat robot. Can you guys please give us a little bit of money to do this with? And lo and behold, they were invested billions and billions and billions of dollars by many companies, the biggest of which was Microsoft. 0:37:49 Unknown_24: Microsoft apparently saw the strategic value of Unknown_24: this newfangled machine learning type business, poured a ton of money into it, and now if you use Bing, it gives you good results. I wonder why. Could it be that there is machine learning involved in determining what things people want to see when they type in Kiwi Farms, like such as the website Kiwi Farms and not things related to Kiwi Farms from other websites? Maybe so. Maybe it took a human soul trapped in a computer and the complexity of a machine learning artificial intelligence to determine that. But lo and behold, Bing is now useful. 0:38:23 Unknown_24: So Sam Walton was the guy that was in charge of this. He ran the company for a very long time, and it had a board of directors that he was beholden to that had Unknown_24: Usually a board of directors in a company is interested in the profit. They want to make the money chat, the green. If you're a disgusting American, maybe even the cheddar chat, the cheddar cheese. So. 0:38:56 Unknown_24: When a board is retarded, they may focus less on the cheddar and more on the equity, inclusion and governance of things as opposed to things that actually matter. So. Unknown_24: Altman despite being basically a guy who turned a garage company into a 51 billion dollar enterprise funded by some of the largest names in technology ever to exist The board of directors decided that he was not being inclusive enough and they fired him and they fired his partner Greg Brockman as well 0:39:38 Unknown_24: And so, one company in particular, named Microsoft, is very, very angry at this. And they said, Board of Directors, you gotta fix this. This is all fucky-wucky. And the board of directors says, no. Unknown_24: No, Investor Child, we will not fix this. This company is not inclusive enough. So Microsoft has told OpenAI that they're probably gonna hire Sam Altman. They're gonna put him in charge of Microsoft's department of machine learning AI shit. And 700 of the 770 employees at OpenAI have signed a petition that either Sam Altman should be reinstatement 0:40:21 Unknown_24: Reinstated or they're going to leave so basically this company worth 51 billion dollars got rid of its lead Director for no reason besides some bullshit and as a result Microsoft is going to take not only that guy and put him in charge of a direct competitor, but 90% Unknown_24: I want to say 90, 90 plus percent of their entire workforce are also going to leave and probably directly join Microsoft and basically just pick up where they left off. Unknown_24: So, um, a little bit weird. Uh, it's kinda, it's kinda set people off. It's really crazy. Um, like just as it's, it's, it's a little bit, um, it's a little heartwarming actually that you see something like open AI, it's a $51 billion company and you think, 0:41:16 Unknown_24: Well, this is probably our SkyNet. This is probably just going to be how it is for the rest of our lives. And then it implodes. It just implodes overnight. And it's like with Twitter. One day it was Twitter, and the next day some crazy fucking autistic man from South Africa buys it, and now it's called Axe for some reason. It's like, oh, that's nice. Things have changed. Things have changed just a little bit. Maybe one day we'll just wake up to the news that Google has imploded and all of its subsidiary companies are going to have to be sold for parts because they're being liquidated. I don't know. Something cool like that. It can still happen. These things still happen in this crazy world. It just, things just explode randomly. 0:41:49 Unknown_08: Actually talked about this already. Unknown_08: Um. Unknown_24: Talked about this already. Unknown_24: Actually, this I did not talk about. I kind of glossed over who they were replacing him with. Unknown_24: They're replacing him with a woman named Murati who I guess is Indian I don't know what the fuck she is, but she was the former CEO of twitch So, you know that company that's like the largest distributor of softcore child pornography in the entire world The company that tries to sign every one of their streamers to like a soul-selling contract So they can't multi stream and so on and so forth like the worst company in the entire world and A company that I actually, there's a lot of companies I hate but I'm forced to reconcile with because there's not really viable alternatives to them. Twitch is one of those companies that's really big, really contemptible, just pure evil, and I have no reason to use them. I literally never watch Twitch. I never have a reason to watch Twitch. And they run ads, so fuck them. It's great. It's one of those rare situations where I'm like, yeah, I can just tell you to go fuck yourself. I don't need to watch your shit. Bounce in, fucker. 0:42:44 Unknown_24: Was she not Twitch? Am I wrong? Unknown_08: Am I... I thought Murati was Twitch. 0:43:32 Unknown_08: CEO's Emmett Shearer from Twitch. Unknown_24: Okay, so the Twitch CEO guy is the acting CEO. Okay, sorry, I got it confused. The Twitch CEO is currently the OpenAI acting CEO. However, I think they're trying to replace him or her or whatever with somebody else long-term. Unknown_24: Whatever. I'll find her second. Look, I don't care about the losers. I'm voting for the winners, Chad. I'm voting for the guys who are going to bing it up, who are going to bring bing to the next level. That is what I care about. How do we bring bing to the forefront of technology and internet searches across the world? And I think that Sam Burt Altman is the guy for the job, our top guy for binging. 0:44:10 Unknown_24: That's what I'm going for. Unknown_24: Oh, God, okay. Anime, um... Unknown_24: So, there was a show, there was a girl named Ramona Flowers, and a lot of girls felt really empowered about her, and it's from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Unknown_24: It's a show called Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and then there was a BPD whore in it named Ramona Flowers, who people only like if they're a pedophile. Denial I should say and so they wanted to make an anime based off of Scott Pilgrim versus the world for some reason 0:44:49 Unknown_24: I'm just calling it a cartoon. They had to be an anime and then from what I understand Scott Pilgrim dies and then Ramona flowers is like the main lead and all of the weeaboos are really upset over this all the Scott Pilgrim fans are just like completely destroyed the ravages of this betrayal can never be undone Or something like that Am I wrong? He's not really dead. I think communism is a way to go, so I've heard. 0:45:27 Unknown_24: Why do you keep anime fans on your forum? Ask comes illa on kick. Well comes Ella. I'm a man of extraordinary patience and tolerance, and I will never be recognized in my lifetime for the amount of bullshit that I put up with. Unknown_24: Um, but I am a truly a magnanimous Monarch and in my time I'll never be understood. Comes Ella. 0:46:00 Unknown_24: That's the truth. That's the reality. Unknown_24: There's that okay, David zipper Unknown_24: This guy blocked me on Zitter because I told him that what we should do is take him and forcefully install in him, after passing a law, and using due process of course, we should pass a law to forcefully install in him a Neuralink right on his fucking brainstem so that he can never touch his dick again until he gets a written permission slip from some corporate body. Because David Zipper, who unfortunately is still free to touch his dick anytime he pleases, 0:46:34 Unknown_24: advocates putting a hardwired networked internet connectivity speed limiting tool in all computerized vehicles in the country so that you can never go over the speed limit. Unknown_24: This is probably like one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard and they're actually considering it and for some reason like this would spark a civil war. I think this is one of those things where people would like just start like, I don't know. I don't want to say bad words on any of these platforms, but. 0:47:11 Unknown_24: If I were to picture an event that would provoke the average working man into viciously decapitating their unelected bureaucrats, it would be a speed limit networked to the internet in a car that they bought, that they paid money for. That is my thought on that. Unknown_24: Will cops have a remote to stop your car? They already do. If you own a Tesla, they can press a button to pull your car over. They can press a button to send your literally, there was a, a, I think a news story where a woman was in her Tesla and then like locked her in and drove back to the dealership. Unknown_24: because she didn't pay her bill. So they repossessed it remotely. And she was like inside of it when it happened. So like, this is the nightmare reality that we live in. I'm literally going to buy a 1980s Ford truck. And I hope you guys can imagine exactly what I'm talking about in your head. It's one of those steel bodies, low to the ground. It's like a bright blue color. And then on the bumper, it has Ford. That's my truck of choice when I come back to the United States. I want diesel. and I want stick, and I want something that is immune to EMPs. If you try to microwave it, it'll kill you, okay? That's what I'm thinking about. I remember in, um, in Florida, if your car was an antique, it had a really, really, really pretty blue license plate. That's what I want. I want a truck that gets that. Let me show you this, actually. Florida antique plate. 0:48:42 Unknown_08: Here it is I Don't spread about license plates enough. Unknown_24: I don't know how pretty that color is I Want a truck that's that same color and I want the blue plate on it So it's bright blue like a like a blue jays egg and it's nest chat That's what I'm talking about 0:49:18 Unknown_08: All right. Cool. Excellent. Very cool. Unknown_24: Um, all right. And that guy, let me make it so that if I mute somebody, their message is removed from my Snead chat overlap. Unknown_24: Um, Unknown_24: So true news chat, let's be serious here. I know that we get a lot of giggles built up on these streams chat. However, we gotta be serious here. 0:49:48 Unknown_24: If you're in the Toronto area, there is a missing woman. Lily spelled with four L's, age 28, last seen Friday, July 7th, 2023. So a couple months ago, but they've been missing for a while. Lower Spadina Avenue, pay attention, Lower Spadina Avenue in Queens Quay West area. Unknown_24: Pay attention, take a good look if you're listening. I will describe this woman so you can help us find her. She is between six feet and six and a half feet. She weighs 200 pounds, has blonde hair and blue eyes. and known to so she's a natural blonde chat but she's known to wear extensions or a bright red clown wig so 0:50:23 Unknown_24: Take a good look. If you're in the Toronto area, you happen to see this six foot six, 200 pound woman with a bright red clown wig. Please immediately call the police and let you let them know. I found her. I found Lily. She was shooting up meth at the dumpster behind the Tim Hortons, but I found her and we can bring it. We can bring her home chat. We can bring her home. 0:51:06 Unknown_24: YMS will feed her like a mama bird, will chew up a bunch of food. Actually, he doesn't even chew. YMS can't even fucking feed a baby bird. How sad, chat. Sad. I actually don't remember what this one was. I am a woman. 0:51:37 Unknown_19: I am a real, biological, transgender woman. Unknown_19: I was born this way. Unknown_19: I will hold my space, and I will fight for the rights of transgender children. Unknown_19: Love yourself. Be yourself. Be kind to yourself. Unknown_19: Love. Unknown_08: I am a woman. 0:52:20 Unknown_08: Sorry, I'm muted again. Unknown_24: Whenever a tranny talks, I can't help but feel it's threatening, like regardless of what the text of the message is, like if the content of the message is like if they're sitting there and they're like, hey, love yourself. Today's a beautiful day. Keep high spirits and keep optimistic. Things will get better. I'm like, what are you fucking saying? We apply in there. You're trying to say that's going to be fucked up. You know, fuck things up for me. Try to fuck things up for me. You're going to get in my face, motherfucker. It feels like an implied threat just it's something about the fight-or-flight instinct when I'm looking at this I'm like thinking though. He's up something. He's gonna be trying to fuck. He's He's up to no good Diabolic exactly threatening and diabolicals like what do you mean stay optimistic you piece of shit you? conniving diabolical fuckhead I know you're up to no good show yourself show your true form demon and 0:52:55 Unknown_24: Gretchen felke martin says or at scum believable says can pretty safely state that bin laden and I did not Agree on much, but blowing up the World Trade Center is probably the most principal and defensible thing he ever did Dude look at this tranny's tits look at this. 0:53:40 Unknown_08: What the fuck is this? Unknown_08: Do you see these move angles Unknown_24: This is why they have to wear those push up bras that like push their tits together. I say tits, but they're just like their moves. They push the moves together to try and form cleavage. But like. Unknown_24: Anatomically speaking, that shit is not happening like that is not that is not happening at all. 0:54:12 Unknown_24: I love it when I show chat something like truly vile and revolting and like a like my Things are just flooded with like people being upset about it. That's great. Unknown_24: Oh There's a follow-up to this action falcon martin says the other day in a moment of distress I I talked out of my ass to play devil's advocate in a tasteless, needless way. I sincerely regret it and I apologize to anyone hurt or offended by my thoughtless words. Unknown_08: That's nice. 0:54:52 Unknown_08: It's nice that they apologized. Unknown_24: The Educated Hillbilly, or sorry, Educated Hillbilly, TM, says, today I learned that the guy who shot Osama Bin Laden brags about it in his Twitter bio. Haha, I've put three bullets in the sick old man's head for daring to strike back at the country that helped to gut and cannibalize his home. The huge crime of 9-11 is that the shit we do every day overseas just got done to us exactly once. Unknown_08: That's true. Unknown_24: That's all I'm going to say on this. Look, there's not much wisdom packed in these, these flappers. Uh, I don't know. That is kind of agreeable chat, to be honest with you. And I can say, I guess they learned their lesson now that everyone, now that everyone has pointed out, people have come together and they have told Gretchen the air of his ways. They've said, Gretchen, these are the air of your ways. And Gretchen says, aha, 0:55:26 Unknown_24: I see. You are correct. I am indeed erred. I have two errors. 0:56:00 Unknown_24: Suffer. Suffer, chat. Unknown_08: Why did I do this? Wait, hold up. Unknown_08: Where is this in my notes? I have to actually consult this. Unknown_08: Oh, okay. So these women were at a, um, a protest in Portland. 0:56:35 Unknown_24: And they were attacked by Antifa, because they were TERFs, right? Unknown_24: And so they're at the protest, and then, like, Antifa, like, attacks them. Like, maces them, assaults them. This looks like a battery, and that looks real fucking gruesome. Unknown_24: And they call the police and they say hello police We have been attacked. We've been maced. We are on the side of the street. We were injured and we'd like to file a police report and The police now, these are real women. These are just turfs and 0:57:16 Unknown_24: the police never come. Unknown_24: The police never come. They literally never show up. They don't take a police report. They sit there on the curb and they wait for the police to come and they just don't come. So in Portland right now, Unknown_24: If you are willing to dress up in Antifa clothing, and you're willing to pick your targets right, you can literally get away with bludgeoning women with deadly weapons, and the police will literally not even take a police report, because they don't give a fuck about you. Unknown_24: I lived in Portland. I mentioned this once, or a couple times, but I lived in a really nice area called The Pearl, which is like downtown Portland, and the thing I remember the most about Portland is waking up every day and like, 0:57:48 Unknown_24: The air always smelled like yeast in the morning because there was like a brewery like a micro brew like right across the street. So There's always beer smell in the air And um, I don't know I lived there in like 20 actually, oh man, can I find let me Let me look really really quick and if I can find a picture of this Unknown_24: I'm gonna throw it up on screen because I have a specific Request of my chat because I don't know if any of you actually live in Portland, but if you do live in Portland I Received an email from Interpol Hold up It's in French I can't read it 0:59:02 Unknown_08: Oh, this is a spam email. Okay, cool. Awesome Look really legit. Unknown_24: I don't I don't know if it's uh, no, it's a spam email. Unknown_24: No It's like what the fuck Okay, I'm looking for my picture again, give me a second give me a second Unknown_08: Buffalo No, I don't have it. Unknown_24: Okay. Um, so here's what I here's what I'm asking If you go to the pearl there's like these red brick buildings Near like okay. Okay. Can I even find this? I'm gonna take a broad picture of this hold up food line the pearl Portland I can find my way if I can just find a map of this food line. 0:59:36 Unknown_08: I Unknown_08: That's Portland, Tennessee, that's the wrong Portland Desperately taking me to Portland, huh? 1:00:27 Unknown_08: Okay, that looks right Unknown_24: It was a safe way. It was a safe way. Listen. Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen right here Let me see if I can throw this up. Sorry. I didn't mean to be so distracted for so long. Unknown_08: I apologize The turfs were not protesting there is having a meeting in a public library also vandalized by trains They slashed the tires of the attorneys cars and assaulted a random woman. Unknown_24: Oh, I didn't know that that's even worse. Sorry Sorry, I got that wrong Unknown_24: Okay, listen. Portlanders, listen up. Here is your marching orders. This Safeway is where I used to go to get food. 1:00:58 Unknown_24: And I am familiar with this area. Unknown_24: You take me pictures of this area and show me if it's shitty. When I lived here in this area, it was like the cleanest fucking place in the entire world. Unknown_24: And like, it was just spotless. There was no homeless people, there was no litter, there was nothing. Go around here, take pictures of these buildings of trash in this area and show me if it's actually garbage. 1:01:30 Unknown_24: Oregon is suspiciously nice. Unknown_24: It's full of fentanyl. Unknown_08: Is that area really like full of zombies? Unknown_08: Use street view. Okay. Unknown_08: Um, I didn't even think about that. Unknown_08: Oh, hell yeah. I recognize this place. Unknown_08: It still looks really clean. I don't see any zombies. 1:02:07 Unknown_24: Oh dude, this is, um, this I'm getting like nostalgia. Oh dude. Unknown_24: Recognize all this shit, so I'm not showing it on screen because I don't want to like show exactly what address I lived at because that would be Potentially like a question for security answers and stuff Yeah, no this area is still really nice I think the good place to live no fucking zombies or trannies here. I don't even see any trannies running down the street or anything Thank God when did Google take pictures 2023 I 1:02:40 Unknown_24: The safe way has risen. Unknown_24: Dude, the whole Pacific Northwest is like a tragedy. Cause that's like a great place to live, but unfortunately it's just like the worst fucking governance in the entire country. Anyway, sorry. I didn't mean to get off on a tangent there. Unknown_24: All right, next, this is a training, having a meltdown, I believe. 1:03:12 Unknown_08: Alright, so cheers to tricking that fucking dumbass nigga. Unknown_24: Sorry, it's boofering chat. It's boofering. This is the story of my life. I've been talking for like an hour, and I could've been boofering that time. Unknown_25: Alright, so cheers to tricking that fucking dumbass nigga. Oh. Unknown_25: Ew, blood, ew! Why is there blood? 1:03:48 Unknown_24: Oh no, there's blood. Unknown_02: Did he, like, drink? Did he, like, cut his hand open, smashing the TV? Unknown_24: What the fuck? It's just wine from the bottle. Unknown_02: Yeah, this is a hotel room. Look how big that foot is. Look at that big manly foot. It's like a size 16. 1:04:20 Unknown_24: And you find women's sin, I guess they make everything in men's sizes now. 1:05:01 Unknown_24: This reminds me of Red Letter Media, because Jay Baughman always complains that in Red Letter Media, that there's not enough room trashing scenes in movies anymore. And I gotta say, Jay, you gotta eat your heart out with this stuff. This is like the greatest room trashing scene in forever, my dude. Unknown_24: You gotta hire this tranny, put him in your movie. Unknown_08: Like, oh, you wanna trash the fucking room? Well, there you go. Unknown_24: My livestream on X has been marked sensitive content, and as a result, it no longer shows up as live on X. Very sad. I've been cuckolded, chat. By Elon Musk personally. 1:05:46 Unknown_08: I hope this is timestamped. It is not. Unknown_24: It's not timestamps. None of these people gonna have a clip for it Okay, I will just say this. Unknown_08: I know what this is Oh here this is just the screen cap, okay, so Um Unknown_24: Dylan Mulvaney leaked and Stephen Corralda has acquired these leaks. And the leaks indicate that Dylan Mulvaney, who cost Budweiser or Anheuser-Busch like several billion dollars, I want to say, due to the fallout of like the Tranny beer bottle thing. 1:06:33 Unknown_24: Dillon Mulvaney was paid a hundred and eighty five thousand dollars for the privilege of completely and totally ruining The brand name Budweiser forever. How much how does he still get this much fucking money? Look at this shit? Unknown_24: Simon Simon Liu Neil Patrick Harris Unknown_24: Oh, okay. This is on Budweiser's side. I'm like, does Martha Stewart pay Dylan Mulvaney $275,000? What the fuck? But, uh, you kind of respect that. Unknown_24: I mean, if I had to choose between becoming a social pariah and bankrupting a company for free or for doing it for $185,000, I would do it for the money, obviously. Like if I could bankrupt Google and get $185,000 for it, I would take the money for sure. Cool stuff. And this is a dude, let's see. 1:07:16 Unknown_24: Um, now this dude wanted to show the world that despite having, uh, feminine hips and obviously being a woman, um, and looking like a little boy that, uh, he was gonna, she, he, it was going to prove to the world what a tough dude he was. 1:07:58 Unknown_24: and put out a really cool and hyper tough masculine music video this is you dude ryan casada ryan casada i guess is the dude's name but you is the name of the song let's take a listen chat i'm a music connoisseur myself so i'll give you my true unfiltered opinion Unknown_24: oh my god he's she's so tiny that she sits in the chair and her feet don't touch the ground because she's so little and she's trying to be like a tough manly man but it's like a manlet like right off the bat this is silly pick a shorter fucking chair okay 1:08:56 Unknown_24: that is not a man's voice it's like the auto-tune is bad enough but like that's obviously not a man's voice it's killing me how her feet don't touch the ground because she she's so tiny Unknown_24: It's just like the fat distribution on the body the way the fat sits on the abdomen It's like it just screams like this is just like a woman Let's cut her tits off and is trying to act like a dude trying to act like a like a cholo fucking Mexicana or whatever the fuck It's really depressing for 1:09:55 Unknown_24: If I had known this video had 4.5 thousand views I probably would have been a little bit nicer and Instead of just like coming down on this on this poor mentally ill person with a sledgehammer Unknown_24: I'll give it 60 seconds, chat. I'll give them 60 seconds. 1:10:46 Unknown_24: That's enough for them It's a nice house Can you is it like a thing in LA that you can just rent really nice houses like this? Like hey, I want to do my pooner music video Can I like come up to your mansion and like film myself next to your pool for like a couple hours? Yes Okay, that's the thing I was gonna say that's a really nice house I don't think you're making that off 80 80 thousand subscribers, but did I? Unknown_24: There are so many houses in LA that for rent that for movies and shit. Yeah, this looks like that It's like so clean and it's got like that super modern style with the pool and stuff I guess is definitely like a set house and not like a house that somebody lives in Man dude, dude We will never be forgiven for what we've done to this generation Okay, we will never be forgiven 1:11:46 Unknown_24: Oh, fuck, speaking of. So this happened, and I thought, oh, this is cute, and I'll talk about this on my stream. It's kind of funny. I did not realize that this would become like a universal laughing stock that everybody would make fun of all at once. Unknown_24: I was tagged, like six different YouTube commentators posted this clip of James Stefani Sterling on Ben Yahtzee Kroshaw's podcast. Unknown_24: And I was tagged into all six of them like six different people saw this Tweeted out individually, and they all added me and like Josh Did you know that James Stefani Sterling was on been Yahtzee Kroshaw's podcast and said stupid shit? 1:12:30 Unknown_24: And I was like yes, I do I didn't I do I do know this actually Now I kind of regretted it. I was like. Oh, this is really funny I'll save this for my podcast and then I realized I should just fucking seated it and got the got the likes I Unknown_24: Here is here is the clip. Unknown_08: So just go to the video, I guess. Unknown_08: Why is this not timestamp correctly? Unknown_08: Okay. Fuck it. Unknown_08: That reminds me. Unknown_10: Um, you said Stephanie Sterling's son, and then my mind, like, as it filtered through to my brain, I heard Stephanie Sterling's son. And that's one of the things I was going to mention in the catch up at the beginning is that I am pregnant. 1:13:11 Unknown_08: Or rather, my body thinks it is. Unknown_10: So I started getting car sick randomly the other week, and it turns out that the hormones I'm on have made my body think it's pregnant. So just announcing now that I have a strong, sturdy son on the way. I've named him Borkis. And because the baby will never be born, it means I get to choose who the father is. So watch yourselves, lads. Because anyone who crosses me is going on the list. 1:13:50 Unknown_00: All right, then. Unknown_24: Let's break this down, chat. First of all, let's take a look at how Ben Toplap, that's our main of the hour, let's check out how he replies. Unknown_24: Grimacing already. He doesn't know how to maintain his face at this point. Unknown_10: I get to choose who the father is So what then when he says that the moment that? Unknown_24: James to flannery sterling says that he can choose who the father is for his fictitious phantom pregnancy 1:14:25 Unknown_24: Ben's face goes from like this kind of Faint like grin like haha. I'm I gotta maintain a facade for my podcast. This is all sees he he silly moment that says the faintest little grin that he has and Unknown_24: Just gone chat and he's sitting there watch yourself sluts cuz anyone who can when he says watch this is watch yourself. He's It starts to turn to a little bit of a frown now the Jew up there is on the top, right? He's he's all that he's about to go. Oh my god. I gotta tell my rabbi about this. This is so funny This is the greatest thing I've ever heard He's hyped the brown man on the bottom left is like disgusted by this and can't even hide it But Yahtzee is trying to like be friendly here 1:15:04 Unknown_24: And, uh... Frame by frame, I'm going through it. Unknown_24: But at this point, Yahtzee is just like, okay, this is actually not funny, and this is disgusting. Unknown_24: And then... Crosses me as going on the list. The rabbi over there is just, Marty, Marty, oh my God, Marty can't even believe it. This is, this is comedy. I'm gonna, I'm gonna write my, my nephew in Netflix and say that he should make a new show about this great joke that Stephanie Sterling has come up with. A pregnant man, Marty, can you believe it? 1:15:39 Unknown_24: Yahtzee doesn't like it. Yahtzee is very much like, this is not okay. Unknown_24: And then, eventually, after a second of uncomfortable silence, a pregnant pause, if you will, chat, a pregnant pause, Yahtzee finds the courage to break the silence. All right, then. All right, then. Let us continue. And I actually did watch the video, um, at that point when he says, all right, then this is a super chat segment. So once he has like said, all right then. 1:16:19 Unknown_24: He just, uh, goes to the next super chat and it's never brought up again. Um, I also, I, I want to take a second. I haven't beat this into the ground enough chat. I want to, I want to go back and I want to, um, just kind of look at this again from fresh eyes now. 1:16:54 Unknown_24: I'm going to keep it on Soy Jack Marty because I think that's funny. Unknown_24: But it doesn't matter what frame because we're not looking at the faces of the characters chat. We're not looking at the action of this set. We're going to look at the lighting. We have four frames. kind of stitched together and the top two and the bottom left share something in common warm natural light uh it is daytime the their rooms are flooded with a natural light their skin is is uh basking in sunlight And then on the bottom right, there is discordance with this theme chat. No longer is there natural light. There is a blue-gray overcast that makes James Stefani Sterling look genuinely ill. If I was trying to set the lighting of like a medical surgery room for some kind of horror movie, that is exactly the kind of tone that I would want. Something that just washes everything in disgusting, unnatural blue light. And it just, it elevates it from like, he don't only looks disgusting. He has like an unintentional subconscious lighting setup that makes him look like a zombie. Like he's not even a part of this world. He is somebody he's not even human. He has managed to dehumanize himself with his own set lighting. It's really, there's an essence to a chat and essence. It's a little bit, if I dare say, Jeff, I may use this word, you know, 1:18:09 Unknown_24: All right, next. Feeling good today, I don't know why. I'm taking my vitamins, chat. I'm taking my vitamin D with my K2. I feel energy, chat. Unknown_24: Oh, this was on, the reason why this is even worth mentioning is that Yahtzee was on, they started their own media company called Second Wind, which is like a successor to The Escapist. It's like a hostile takeover of their content, basically. 1:18:53 Unknown_24: And he started up his own stuff, like his fully ramblamatic title as opposed to zero punctuation. Unknown_24: Basically did everybody left the escapists and rebooted their stuff with different names on the second win it went over really really well everyone Seems really excited for it I was actually really surprised that his fans were willing to red rover over to this new thing and follow him Good for him great for him, and I guess his thought was hey, we're rebooting this podcast and Unknown_24: Let's pull in old escapist names and Jim James you know he was around the Jimquisition was a thing on the escapist like like 15 years ago. It was a long time ago 1:19:34 Unknown_24: So let's pull out, you know, this guy, he's still putting out video content and, uh, let's have a nice little discussion, uh, reminisce on old times, working for the escapists and, you know, uh, new, new beginnings and stuff. And he brings out this ghoul and it's just like, wow. You know, sometimes people really do change and not always for the best chat. Unknown_08: I think that, and people may lie to this, but it's like, Yahtzee is like super progressive, and I don't think up until the moment that Jim threatened to pretend that he was anally impregnated by 1:20:21 Unknown_24: By him. I don't think Jim really understood that It was just a fetish and that he gets off on being gross. He does not try to act like a woman He acts like the biggest growth grossest fetish blob to ever exist and up until that exact moment that he was being sexually harassed By this fat gross goblin man. It never even occurred to him. Oh It is it is literally just a fetish literally All a fetish. And it's like, that's what that, that, that moment of him freezing is. It's that realization like, Oh, it is just a fat man who gets off on being a disgusting freak. Um, and that was a, that was a nice little wake up for him. He'll never admit it, but you know, you know that he knows and that's what matters. Um, 1:20:54 Unknown_24: One more thing the the whole thing about being like a phantom pregnancy. Hmm. I wonder why you're nauseous Could it be that you intravenously inject hormones that don't belong in your body into your body every day to try and act like a woman? No, it must be a phantom pregnancy. There's no other explanation for this. Everything must conform to my worldview. Yay Also chat Chantal is diabetic 1:21:39 Unknown_24: I have nothing more to add to this. We will not be watching any of this video. I just want to let you know that Chantal has diabetes. Unknown_24: There's no joke. She checks her blood sugar because she's diabetic. Unknown_24: Moving on, Trisha Paytas is pregnant. She is having baby number two. It's a boy and it will be named Elvis. So we have Barbie, Unknown_24: I think that the first one is named Barbie, and the second one's gonna be named Elvis, and they're gonna be Jewish. 1:22:15 Unknown_24: Cool, awesome. Congratulations, Trisha. Unknown_24: As much as I don't like Trisha, she's definitely been living her best life, dabbing on the haters. Unknown_24: She's a better mom than anyone expected. Unknown_24: She's managed to stay at a drama for the most part since becoming a mom. I'm happy for I'm happy for let this be a light that even if you're a disgust I think she stopped only fans and said I regret doing only fans because like I want my daughter to have a good role model and I realized that I What I've done I can't put back in the bottle like that kind of stuff She's doing a lot better good for her. I'm happy for Tricia. I 1:22:55 Unknown_24: Um... Okay, God, this is like the dumbest fucking thing. Uh... So Pokimane, who is like a whore... Is Pokimane the one that does- does like OnlyFans, or is that Amaranth? Or do they both do it? Unknown_24: And elucidate me, chat. Unknown_24: What- what is the- what is the truth here? Unknown_24: Oh, it's Malibu, Barbie, Malibu, Barbie, not just Barbie. Sorry. Malibu, Barbie, and that was a poke at Pokimane or Amaranth only Amaranth. Okay. So Pokimane is not a proper prostitute yet. She's just a soft core prostitute on Twitch. Um, and a hoe, I will say that, uh, she released a brand of cookies. 1:23:31 Unknown_24: Um, Unknown_24: under the name Mina, I believe, how you say that. And they're called Midnight Mini Cookies, Deep Chocolate, Velvety White Chips, and Sea Salt. And that's what she's put out. She says, they're my cookies. Um, apparently they are $28 a bag. 1:24:03 Unknown_24: And the scandal is that they were originally branded and sold as Tootsie Midnight Cookies for $10. And now they're 28. So, Unknown_08: And as you can see, um, this is a bit confusing. Unknown_24: You have to, you can't just say like how much it is. Number one, these are three bags for $7 a bag and this one's $10 for a bag. But the, Unknown_24: The bags are different in their filling the toad seed midnight cookies are 14 ounces of cookies and the minor ones are 4 ounces so you get 12 ounces of cookies for $28 or 14 ounces of cookies for $10 so the the pokey main branded cookies are way way way way more Marked up like incredibly marked up and 1:24:58 Unknown_24: So that's that's that's crazy. It's crazy marketing and this this became a point of contention people are asking like well You're just taking these tootsie cookies, and you're selling them for like three times the profit margin Isn't that kind of shitty of you and she's she came out with a little clap back that did not work in her favor when people Like oh my god $28 for cookies It's four bags Unknown_14: That's seven, $7 a bag. I know, I know math is hard when you're an idiot, but like if you're a broke boy, just say so. 1:25:36 Unknown_24: Okay, number one, this bitch is eating into the fucking microphone. I want to slap the shit out of her. Number two, she has the most annoying baby voice I've ever heard. Um, she's up there with like VTubers and like intentionally annoying fake voices. Number three, yes, math is hard, but as we just said, 14 ounces and four ounces, uh, that's some bullshit. Unknown_24: Yeah, I mean the thing is is that you're allowed to brand some cookies I like I could go out and make a kiwi farms cookie and sell it and I could charge $28 for 12 ounces and People would still buy it because they want to support the site, right? 1:26:12 Unknown_24: You can't just be a huge dickhead about it. You have to like Her her demeanor is fucking irritated. I I Unknown_24: I have a really nasty, disgusting, violent thought about influencers on the internet. And they're crazy stalkers. And I want to say it, but every part of me is holding me back, chat. They're all holding me back. I can't do it. Unknown_24: Moon pies, but you think Kiwi farms could buy moon pies and sell moon pies all the moon pies in the store would be Kiwi Farmers branded that shit would be pulled off the shelves so fast no no listen. I got a actual hold it back Though it is her her response is really fucking gross She says the batch of minor cookies were currently shipping were made three weeks ago They're not a single not a drop ship product and we are our own formula and 1:26:49 Unknown_24: The cookies they are being compared to were also made by our manufacturer Creation Foods, which specializes in healthy foods. The compared cookies had one test batch sold before they were retired. Months later, we partnered with Creation Foods and fell in love with the flavor profile of the Midnight Cookie. We then decided to work to refine and improve the formula and we're really happy with the final product. While the ingredients list may look similar, they are entirely different in terms of ingredient quality, quantity and ratio, sourcing, the size and texture of the cookie, and of course the atom and vitamin D. Refining formulas is a very common practice in the food industry and around 80% of the foods you see in the grocery stores are white labeled. 1:27:51 Unknown_24: Making a healthy and quality snack with real gluten-free ingredients and added vitamins is not a cheap practice. If you've been following me for some time, you know I rarely take sponsorships because I try to be mindful of promoting or endorsing products. I haven't sold merch in years, I kept my donations, and frankly, if I wanted to cash grab, it would be silly to do that through a startup because they are extremely unlikely to profit in the first few years. Any profits we make goes directly back to creating more quality products. That's true. If you sell products, it's a it's really risky. It's really risky to put your money into making a bunch of silver coins They might not fucking sell there might be issues you miss if one thing happens if you put $50,000 of silver into a box and you ship it from Indonesia to Utah and the fucking boat sinks And you don't have insurance You're fucked You fucking idiot you lost all your coins, buh-bye so it is it's really a 1:28:32 Unknown_24: It's really risky, you're taking a big risk putting up cash for shit like that, so it's true. Unknown_24: I think her big issue is that nobody would have fucking cared about the cookies if she just wasn't such a stupid cunt about responding to criticism. And I don't know. I kind of understand. I don't want to simp for her or whatever, but like I understand the feeling and I understand that snippiness that comes out like, bro, I just spent like eight fucking months trying to get cookies stocked so I could sell them to people. And, you know, and you're like asking me these stupid questions and I don't want to get into like a full depth answer and explain to you the minutia of the business exchange. Like her explanation makes sense to me. But her snippiness really didn't help her. Yeah 1:29:28 Unknown_24: She's fundraising. What's the problem? There's no problem. Uh, she wants to sell cookies. Go for it. People want to buy the cookies. Go for it. Um, however, she should control her anger. I think this, this comeback of her yelling is just like a frustration. Like I spent a lot of money and time trying to get this stuff together and I don't want to like deal with this bullshit controversy. So she just got snippy and it's like, well, you're trying to, you're trying to sell something to people. You can't really be dickheads to them, especially not your own audience. Cause they will, They will hold you accountable. 1:30:10 Unknown_24: Especially not when you're so hateable. Like, Pokimane is really hateable, so it's a bad idea to, like, be snippy. Unknown_08: Um... Cool, cool, cool. Unknown_24: counterpoint she's a twitch streamer and therefore a plague on earth dude i responded to a destiny z and destiny was like in the process of trying to get his twitch account unbanned because twitch has this policy 1:30:49 Unknown_24: Where um if you're banned you can't even like guest star and other people streams on twitch So it's like I don't know if hassan piker is a twitch streamer or wherever but i'm sure there's like Like who's the fat one vowsh vowsh and hassan are like on twitch And they want to talk to destiny Unknown_24: They um They their only option is to close their twitch stream and then redirect them to like a different youtube stream like uh or or kick or whatever so Because otherwise they get banned for bringing banned streamer destiny onto their platform So like um He's trying to get unbanned just so he can show up on other people's streams and I just think like 1:31:40 Unknown_24: I don't know. I told him you should get better friends because that's kind of pathetic. Imagine literally selling your soul. Imagine, imagine this. Imagine allowing Jeff Bezos to tell you who you can and cannot talk to. Unknown_24: Jeff Bezos, we need a, uh, uh, a fucking, um, five, seven pointed to my head before I allow him to dictate to me who I can and cannot talk to. In fact, I'm very, oh my God, I'm, I get like crazy impulses and I have to like, Whenever I get like a crazy impulse, and I just I have to stop myself from doing it I just imagine in my head I have to like envision something in my head to gain control like I'm imagining like the titanium like bank vault bolts locking into place like no You will not do this like I have a button on my dashboard I can click it to start a stream up on twitch And then I could just start saying the n-word at the top of my lungs screaming it if I really wanted to however, I Don't know if that would cause complications elsewhere 1:32:48 Unknown_24: I really gotta restrain myself. I'm always on the brink chat. I'm always 30 seconds away from a bad decision All right, no restrain restrain, let's make fun of idubbbz look okay first of all Let me hide it. Sorry hamster. You gotta go. Take it easy my boy. Enjoy those cookies. I bought you a pokimane sends her regards um Unknown_24: whoever has done idubbbz's camera please for the benefit of him lower it a little bit um because my boy looks like anakin skywalker about to fucking butcher an entire school of younglings this guy looks like he has a darkness in him that is so dense it could be the core of a neutron star he is barely able to even He's not even barely able, he is completely incapable of hiding the hatred and contempt at every facet of his entire life from being imminently visible to everybody at like a glance. But let's see what he has to say, chat. 1:33:42 Unknown_12: On the recent strip malls video, and I want to, like my aim is to get more and more comments like this. Unknown_12: someone was either referring or I don't think was on the strip malls video I think it was on the the driving video that complains about driving Unknown_12: they basically said like I'm uh either I'm learning to drive or like these are all my exact same anxieties I feel seen and I'm like oh man if I could get more and more people saying I feel seen in uh in the in the comments of videos I feel like that's like my new barometer for like making a good video or at least achieving what i want to in a video which is like you know relating to others uh and sharing like a bit of of something 1:34:49 Unknown_24: So there you go. What makes a video successful? Is it the views? Is it the financial success? Is it the cultural impact? The notoriety? Is it sharing ideas? Is it convincing people to your way of thinking? Is it just having a nice time putting out something that you enjoy making? No, says the man in LA. It's finding mentally ill people and developing parasocial relationships with them by, uh, by relating to them somehow. That is the hallmark of a quality video. When I put out my videos talking about how the, like right now I'm saying the N word in my head violently in an angry and racist way. 1:35:29 Unknown_24: What I wanna see in my replies is, Josh, at that timestamp, I understood that. Me too, buddy. Me too. Those are the kind of comments I really covet. Thanks, iDubbbz. Unknown_24: Um... Oh. I fucked my chat. Hold up. I restarted my chat. 1:36:10 Unknown_24: I might have to... And now I don't get to see people agreeing with me, and it's causing me gender dysphoria. Unknown_08: Why does this not work? Do I have to refresh it? Unknown_08: Oh, fuck. Unknown_08: Wait, no. Unknown_08: I broke something by refreshing kick and I regret that deeply, deeply chat. 1:36:44 Unknown_08: Um, okay. There's a second one. Hold on. Unknown_24: Okay, I managed to find a fixing point. Unknown_24: Remind me when the Super Chat starts that I have two Super Chat dashboards open because I broke something. Thank you, chat. Second clip, second clip, sorry. I almost had a panic attack because I thought I fucked up everything. Unknown_12: Yeah, I talked to Max about the wedding situation. When he was first fucking sending out invites, I was like really uncertain of how that was gonna work out, because I had some kind of important plans here in the States, so... We went a month earlier to kind of, you know, give him and Kat our well wishes. 1:37:28 Unknown_12: That's why I was in Australia and it's kind of also why we didn't do cold ones is because he was ramping up for his wedding stuff. Unknown_08: Someone in chat says, Josh, you're so competent. Unknown_24: Thank you. Finally, I feel seen. I feel seen cat. Unknown_24: Um, this comment was remarkable because this guy he's talking about named Max is, um, Ian's best friend. He, uh, 1:38:07 Unknown_24: Like, notably, demonstrably, is Ian's best friend. And yet, when Max was getting married, Ian was conspicuously missing from the wedding proceedings. People wondered, why? Why was Ian not invited to his best friend's wedding? And the answer has come out, we believe, that he was invited. Because apparently, he was. However, iDubbbz had 1:38:39 Unknown_24: darth idubbbz let me put him up on the screen again so you can see this man's uh glare this man's utter fucking hatred of everything and everyone around him that he finds inescapable um idubbbz apparently did not go to the wedding because he had other other things to take care of and we now believe that he missed his best friend's wedding Unknown_24: because Aniza was scheduled to get her horrific full back tattoo that week and it would be irreconcilable for their schedules for him to visit this wedding with her while she was getting her back tattoo. Unknown_24: And instead of just rescheduling it, or instead of him going by himself without her, he stayed behind to nurse her, uh, as she, as she healed between the days. Uh, and, and, uh, and he missed his best friend's wedding for her back tattoo. Allegedly, allegedly chat. I don't know that for sure. That's just the speculation chat. Just, just the speculation. 1:39:37 Unknown_24: All right. This is a little bit out of my depth, but I'm going to try my best to recap this. Um, first thing, let me, let me, I got a, I think I have a, um, sorry. And this is the dream stuff. And I haven't, I have notes for it somewhere. If I can be asked to find him, uh, dream. 1:40:14 Unknown_24: who is a Minecraft YouTuber was having a big spat on Zitter. He was having an argument and this was because something had been brought up. I talked about this on stream and I didn't talk about it recently because it was like a Unknown_24: Already talked about it. So I didn't really interest me But dream had gotten a t-shirt that says I love miners. All right, let's see. 1:40:51 Unknown_23: What was sent into my PO box today Looks like a t-shirt. Okay. All right What does it say Unknown_24: Says, I love minors and that's a joke. Um, cause he's like chatted up somebody underage on Twitter or whatever the fuck very briefly and then got rid of it. And someone sent him a t-shirt making fun of him saying, I love minors. It was a Minecraft thing. Uh, that was already covered. What was not covered was this thing that's been developing over the last week. 1:41:24 Unknown_24: A guy named Nicholas Cantu, who is the voice actor of a bunch of different cartoon characters, fell for a bait post. Someone sent him a message on Twitter, making fun of him, and he responded by saying, bro, when you're an actual pedophile, you can't joke about being a pedophile. Unknown_24: So he he took the bait he didn't realize that he was replying to a fake dream account Took the bait and just immediately called dream a pedophile on zitter dream replies saying Unknown_24: You're replying to a fake account. I'm not a pedophile, no matter how much we joke, but you are a shitty, terrible human. You physically assaulted me. You said the N-word and other slurs, verbally berated an Uber driver saying, that's why I'm a famous movie star and you're an Uber driver. And they were just trying to help you not get arrested. Calling them the R-slur, saying your IQ is among geniuses and making racist remarks towards them. Then you apologized on Twitter DMs to me because you were drunk and high. You should never treat anyone like that regardless of circumstance. Crazy how the voice actor from Dora the Explorer, Gumball, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is being racist and replying to a fake dream accounts in his free time. Photo in case he deletes. So... 1:42:40 Unknown_24: Pantoo is probably drunk, he falls for a bait post, calls Dream a pedophile, which is a pretty fucking horrific thing to say about somebody. And Dream immediately, instead of taking the high road and just ignoring it and squashing the beef behind scenes, decides to immediately go out and try to ruin this guy's voice acting career by immediately dropping the names of the companies that he's worked for so people can harass them until he's unemployable. dick move right out the gate. Um, and maybe you can say it's justified. I won't even argue and say it's not justified. Uh, however, chat, um, violence begets violence. Okay. There's a reason why it says turn the other cheek chat so that you don't get dragged into bullshit drama. 1:43:11 Unknown_24: Um, Unknown_24: Dream posted a picture of him saying who want me and can says I want you dead and then dream says blocked and then also post a picture of him Oh, no, this was this was the fake account this was the fake account that uh That responded to him saying I want you dead and that's what started the whole argument. Okay, so 1:43:57 Unknown_24: Next point um dream after laying out all this shit, uh Unknown_24: Instead of backing down, Cantu decides, no, actually, I will not back down. And he replies, um, he deleted this tweet, but it was archived. He says false flag event has hit my timeline. King Bap Bap is trying to fight the kid. Hit my DM weirdo. Don't your shit out. You 20 something, whatever being adult fucking hate Twitter fingers. Talk to me. So this guy, I think he would have immediately been okay. Based on this response, it sounds like. He was like, whoa, why are you trying to fuck with my job? So I think that he would have been okay to like talk shit out in private based off this. Um, but then it has a change of mind. This is the clip. 1:44:30 Unknown_09: Well, you can bring your friend in the live stream too. I'm sure he'd enjoy himself as well. Unknown_09: Is that like a gumball thing? Unknown_24: Is that like, Oh, is that dream or is that, or is that like a gumball joke? Unknown_24: Who is saying this? Unknown_08: Are they both saying it? 1:45:07 Unknown_08: Followed by a video of him. I guess that has to be Dream. Unknown_24: Okay, that's Dream saying that. Unknown_24: Anyways, whatever, I don't know, maybe it was both of them, I don't know. Dream says it. Dream says the N-word. So he accuses Gumball, Nick, of being the racist when he's the one saying the dreaded, cursed N-slur on Minecraft. Tragic chat, really tragic. Unknown_24: However, Nick decides peace was never an option. And so he backtracks and decides that he will go in as hard as he possibly can. Nick says, number one, yes, I slap boxed you in front of the hose. Two, yes, I was an asshole to the Uber driver. I was wasted and it wasn't cool, which is why I tipped him a lot of money and had been cutting back on drinking. Yes, I called you fat and a predator. He's spot on about basically everything except the racial shit and me saying the n-word, don't do that shit, won't never say that shit ever. Hire a Harvard professor to calculate why despite texting every Twitch streamer in Austin not a single one wanted to fuck you. 1:46:18 Unknown_24: So gumball has accused him of being slapbox Of taking his uber not calculating in the fact that he gave his uber driver a lot of money And that yes, he did call him a predator He just owns it all basically except the n-word because that's big no-no, especially as a voice actor He can't say the n-word that was obviously an AI generated message that we just heard There's this message Unknown_08: Nixon him a message saying that he was in bad faith or whatever and then dream blocks him and Dream says you have 24 hours to remove that slanderous post before I get my lawyers involved Is that what you really want and Nick can't attempt to send some a picture of him licking his lips with devil? Unknown_24: So apparently he doesn't give a shit Very cool 1:47:20 Unknown_24: then this is the okay so he decides to release the proof that the uber confrontation did in fact happen and nick canto was being a meanie poop who had to a uber uber driver Unknown_06: They're going to arrest your ass, right? When he came back, what was the first thing he told you? He said, listen, he said, if you get out, I'm a what? That's what I was trying to tell you that before you even started talking to him. Listen to somebody who has experience in life. If I'm putting you on game, right? Unknown_24: He called a dream a faggot right there. That's why he plays it. It's a very fancy dashboard It's like a Tesla what the fuck has this giant as TV screen in the middle car How do you drive with this glowing ass fucking TV screen in the middle of your fucking car? Holy shit? Oh 1:48:11 Unknown_24: Um, but this black man trying to lecture him about being a drunk. Unknown_06: You're asking why I'm not going. I'm not going. Cause you're manipulating the same thing. You say you'd not want to do, or you went through, you're doing the exact same shit. And you're using all these bullshit excuses of why you're still fucking up. Unknown_06: So you're, you're, you're the type of person you're going to have to bump your fucking head for you to learn. So when somebody who is older than you, I want to tell you right now, you are Australopithecus Cro-Magnon rock fucking stupid. 1:48:42 Unknown_03: You're retarded. You're fucking down. Unknown_03: It's like he's trying to freestyle rap or something Unknown_03: What drug invokes like narcissistic rants? Is it cocaine? What drug is this? 1:49:26 Unknown_03: Better for this pussy who doesn't want to give away his millions. Are you Jewish? No, man, because I'm gonna do movies, stand up comedy, everything, all this shit. Music, whatever the fuck, e-commerce. You don't understand that you're talking to, like, a Michelangelo in my time. Unknown_03: Right? Like, I'm a genius, Albert Einstein-level history bookmaker. You're gonna be forgotten like the dust in the sand when you're in the fucking Sahara, and there's a hundred million, thousand billion fucking sand particles. You're gonna be one of those, and I'm gonna be a statue erected in gold. So understand that. Unknown_24: So this is what Turkey Tom was talking about when he posted that okay, I understand Turkey Tom tweeted you're a sand in the Sahara Desert and I'm a gold statue and I would find like nigga you you uh You a youtuber and I didn't I guess I just didn't I did not catch this reference the floor Right, but because you said that's what the mask is I think you're a faggot I 1:50:21 Unknown_24: My god, um, holy shit some people listening to this won't even won't even know I'm gonna I'm just gonna hit you guys like a pot of boiling water and show you this music video. Oh Unknown_15: At the sea, I say I'm just fine And when they ask me how I'm doing I say I'm just fine The fact is I can never get off of my mattress And all that they can ask is Why are you so sad, kid? Unknown_15: That's what the mask is That's what the point of the mask is 1:51:06 Unknown_24: This was a huge embarrassment like he put up this music video it was like a weird time where I think moist critical had just put out like a rock song like because he he went through this transformation of like being a faceless voice and then he put out his face and he thought people would think he's really ugly and then people like yeah you look fine whatever and then he went from that to like putting out like this rock song that was like okay Um, and people liked it, and I guess that was like, it was kind of like the boxing thing. It's like, oh, YouTubers are doing songs now. I guess I'll do a song about my feelings or whatever the fuck and put out a, uh, put out like a professionally produced song about the mask, which is like his thing. Um, and it was really embarrassing. So when this, uh, fucking... Unknown_24: Like, Lunatic is in the Uber with him, yelling at him, and making jokes about, that's what the mask is. He is, like, taking the most embarrassing, humiliating cornerstone of Dream's entire career, and just, like, shoving it right in his face. That's actually really, really funny. 1:52:08 Unknown_03: I am like this because of ADHD, autism, neurodivergent. I have ADHD as well. Right, but because you said, that's what the mask is! I think you're a faggot, alright? So that's why. You're really cool, Dream. I still wanna fight you. And all of the shit that's happened tonight, it's not gonna make it a fucking, like, brutal marauder. It's- I'm not gonna be a brutal marauder. I'm gonna, like, literally, like... Either you're gonna be paralyzed or you're gonna be dead. I'm serious. Unknown_06: Can you fight? Oh, of course, yeah. Hyrell, I apologize. 1:52:40 Unknown_03: Oh my god, I'm good. I know, and I'm sorry for- I met him tonight. Yeah, you can end the video. Thanks for watching. Um, Cantoon Network on all socials. Tune your sets. Unknown_24: Okay, give me a second, hold up. Unknown_24: I'm squaring something away, I'm squaring something away. Unknown_08: Working on something. 1:53:14 Unknown_24: Typing something, chat, typing something. Unknown_24: How do I share this without showing all the people who have sent me messages yet? This is the question. Unknown_24: I will take a screen cap. Unknown_08: I'll take a screen cap. What do you mean? Okay, there it is. 1:53:54 Unknown_08: Excellent. Unknown_24: Just wanna sh- I have- I have invited him. I have invited him to the Kiwi farms. Unknown_24: And, uh, now he is free. He is free to roam among us. Assuming that he is not already there, chat. Assuming. Unknown_08: Alright. Unknown_08: Next stop. Next stop. Unknown_08: Um... Dream then decided that he would... 1:54:28 Unknown_24: He would then go ahead and post pictures proving that Nick is a terrible bad boy And he did this by posting pictures of himself like with bruises and a split eye and shit and it's pretty gruesome and when Nick says that he did slap box him in front of the hose. This is what he's referring to So I suppose that when this got leaked Unknown_24: Dream was hoping that there would be some sympathy for him, and maybe the hoes would rally around him. Unknown_24: They did not. The Hoos did not rally around him. Instead, they rallied around their hero, the gold statue in the Sahara Desert, Gumball, and drew him many, many fan art pictures. This is the first one that I could find. This guy on the Kiwi Farm, I've seen this get shared around a lot, so this is apparently really popular. Kiwi Farms user made this. This was considered a masterpiece that floated around the Zeta. However, it does not stop there. 1:55:25 Unknown_24: People literally animated their argument with gumball. Unknown_01: Excellent. Wonderful animation. True quality. Turns into a cigarette. 1:56:07 Unknown_24: This one's really high quality. If I was this guy, I would use this as like a profile picture. Unknown_24: This was excellent. This is the kind of fan art people can only dream of. Unknown_24: Oh, this is like proper, like, uh, like stylized, like traditional art with the mask and shit. Unknown_24: That is a meme Format done with gumball and injury also excellent. That's just a slam dunk. There's no explanation necessary there I do like how it is very creative to use the mask as like a basketball though That's also a meme format that's also really these are just incredible like the the art is just so fucking I 1:56:51 Unknown_24: Cool and inventive. I really love it So dream lost is what I'm trying to say He tried he tried to slap he tried to go for round two slap boxing with Nick and he thought if this man Thinks he can talk shit. I will use my immense audience to bully him I Will I will ruin his career. I will get him fired. I will accuse him of saying the dreaded n-word. I Unknown_24: He'll put him in the dirt of the sands of the Sahara Desert even and he'll never recover and instead Gumball simply by being like a manic Narcissus screaming at the top of his lungs and not backing down at all has managed to win over the hearts of of the visitor space jet You okay next next 1:57:52 Unknown_08: Um... I'll just- I'll just cold intro this. I'll just play this cold chat. Unknown_22: Hope AlphaCore does well. You brought on Chuck Dixon. One of the greatest comic book writers, uh, that's still alive. Look up the recent projects. Did they hit a million dollars? Unknown_22: Did you sell a story? Or did you sell a movement and an idea? Because I'm pretty sure you sold the second one. Unknown_22: And AlphaCore doesn't have the name I saw. It's not the main character, it's a spin-off. 1:58:28 Unknown_22: I love Chuck Dixon. Great writer. Would love to talk to him about... I did. I interviewed him. He's fantastic. Full of wisdom. Is he gonna sell a million-dollar book? Unknown_24: Okay, I don't, this song, people, whenever I post this video and everyone's like, that's from Berserk, that's an anime, that's an anime. Bro, it sounds like 80s music. Okay, I don't give a fuck if it's from an anime. It does not sound like anime music. 1:58:59 Unknown_24: This, so, I'll try to summarize this as unretardedly as possible. Unknown_24: black man eric july comic book isom made lots of money decided to do a spinoff called alpha core hired chuck dixon who is among other things the comic book artist for um the bane series of of batman comics so he's like really famous he has like a lot of wins under his belt serious um like like Serious acquirer to have him work on your book and when this was going to go fund me Eric July asked for $300,000 as it says there and Nick Rikeda drunkenly Smugly gets on his show and says Mmm. 1:59:53 Unknown_24: I'm not gonna make a million dollars Chuck Dixon Chuck Dixon is not gonna have the brand the pool make like a million dollars and Unknown_24: So how do we, uh, are you going to, are you going to do it? Are you going to make a million dollars? And then immediately or not immediately really, but it doesn't make a million dollars. Unknown_24: And now he eats crow after, um, telling him that he's not going to make it after, after weirdly turning his back on him to like suck, uh, Dick Masterson's Dick, like, 2:00:40 Unknown_24: Now he's gonna go ahead and say that, um... Like, no. No, you're not gonna make a million dollars. And then he immediately gets a million dollars. No, dude, I, um... My comics are still in my P.O. box. I haven't decided. I'm gonna set up, like, a three-prong, um, delivery system, where it's gonna bounce off... It sounds schizophrenic, I am. It's gonna, like, bounce off two other people to get to, uh, to my house. Unknown_24: Um... So... Unknown_08: What was I gonna say? I was being in front of Ricardo. 2:01:18 Unknown_24: Oh, uh, so I, I stole this shamelessly from a bits tits and I posted it to the social media platform formerly known as, um, as a Twitter. And I can't show this to you cause I don't know how to bring this up. However, actually I can hold up. I can show this to you. I'm going to Adam. Unknown_24: He likes a lot of stuff, so I'm gonna have to scroll down a bit. Ah, there it is! Unknown_24: Look, there is a reason why Twitter has been as enduring as it has, and it's because it is extremely funny to post a clip like this and just say congratulations, and then end up getting liked by Arch Lai himself. 2:02:05 Unknown_24: So now you can rest assured knowing that Eric July has seen this clip, and he's smuggled at it, and then liked it This is why X is stuck around. This is why it was worth 40 billion dollars or whatever This was also some fan art by tiny M Which I really like very clean lines very cute and see Baldo man's nose chasing after a poor innocent slobber mutt and in Kiwis Unknown_24: Just excellent and a fan aren't everybody hopes for like a son. Unknown_24: Um Okay, these are these are unrelated this is Rakeda kind of seething over or over Warski and I guess I'll pay but all of us So I go says Nick. 2:02:53 Unknown_22: Why are you drinking whiskey on stream? Don't you know that Warski will make fun of you over it? No, I don't know that at all is Warski making fun of me. That's too bad. I always liked Andy. I Unknown_22: When andy got canceled By everybody I think for lighting his nipple here on fire and doing a bunch of cocaine and he decided to come back and embrace the uh moniker of the retarded phoenix where he would rise again from the ashes People may not know this. Um, andy warsky I was the first show that he came back on 2:03:26 Unknown_22: Um, for his quote unquote redemption arc. Um, I've always liked a Warski if he's decided to, um, like come after me or criticize me or whatever. Uh, Warski, why? Unknown_22: I'd like, I don't, I don't, I don't know what his issue would be. Um, considering I've always been super nice to him. Uh, everything I've done with him has been on the complete up and up, uh, recommended him. He was, uh, Unknown_22: He's thinking of going after some crazy people. I can't talk about exactly what he was talking about doing because of various things, but, um, he was really down bad for a while. He made a nice recovery. He's done very well. And I wish him tons of success. I don't know, um, what Andy would be mad about there. Remember when, uh, 2:04:09 Unknown_22: When Andy and his friends were in Florida, I think it was. And the one guy had to like pull out the gun, defend himself against a roided out angry Canadians. Everybody on the internet was making fun of them. There's one guy who's like, actually, no, uh, no, actually I think they're justified. I think, uh, I think the guy who pulled the guy was justified. Oh, that was me. That's right. That was me. There's one guy who actually stood up for Andy in that. 2:04:41 Unknown_22: Is, uh, is he going to criticize me for drinking? Well, that'd be too bad. He can make fun of me over drinking only once. I don't, I don't care. Um, look, Andy's always been a decent dude. Uh, I like him. I don't know if he's, uh, been saying anything untoward or weird, but it's, it's weird if he has, cause I've always been on his side. I've never done anything bad to him. 2:05:17 Unknown_08: Um, what the fuck? Unknown_24: Review tech USA. I don't know what I've ever done to this, to Google and YouTube to make them want to force me to watch review tech USA, but I'm glad I canceled YouTube premium now, motherfuckers. Unknown_24: Um, so Bottleman seems to be in complete disbelief that he could, uh, talk to Worsky and then Worsky could later turn on him and say, um, Bottleman bad. He seems that disbelief that even the crack addled Andy Worsky, uh, could, could shun the behavior of Nick Ricotta. 2:05:52 Unknown_24: The answer for that is even though Andy Warsky is a crack addicted recovering crack addict abortionist You don't have to like not everybody sees life as tit-for-tat and it doesn't really seem to understand that And there's a weird thing where this video is eight minutes long. I'm not going to play it I Can summarize it very quickly? Unknown_24: He talks about how the 2:06:36 Unknown_24: It's hard for him as a professional entertainer on the internet to network with local community members and discuss frustrations with them. Unknown_24: Because, um, you really don't know what it's like, like there and it's, it's true. It's like being an online person, internet person is not a normal job. Unknown_24: and it's a very small number of people who make their living as like a a personality online and the number of people who can give you input on that kind of shit is very limited and what's extremely frustrating about it is that it's um it's the people who you can rely on or would want to rely on for advice are other people in your your field which in terms of being an internet personality means like showing your ass to people who can then sell your ass for like content people like like the dream guy and nick canto they're like both famous they try to associate with one another and then there's drama between them and it gets sketched into a bunch of different memes like it's difficult to show your ass to somebody who is like an internet person because they might start taking swipes at you 2:07:32 Unknown_24: So it is a very frustrating position to be in I I kind of I understand what he's saying and he seems baffled that like Andy Worsky is someone he's helped or gave a shot or let use his platform and He doesn't seem to like show in kind and it's just sort of like Of course, I mean, of course not Unknown_24: Like if you're an internet person like Rikada is you should know that when like somebody has become toxic like toxic like in a literal sense toxic and associating with them is bad for your own own like Self-preservation like he should know as much as anyone like why Andy Rorski is going to take shots at them It's sort of like a weird 2:08:54 Unknown_24: What's the word weird oversight word contradiction between those two things on one hand he grimaces about how hard it is to relate to people or rather how hard it is to find people you can vent to you will have empathy for your problems or and even harder will have Real valuable feedback for your problems versus like not understanding Andy Worsky's perspective, which is very easy to understand Unknown_24: Because he doesn't he what I'm trying to say is more eloquently. He while complaining that other people don't have the perspective to empathize with him correctly, lacks perspective and empathy for Andy Warski and just admonishes him for saying anything bad about him. Like, how do you not know why he says what he says? Like if the roles are reversed, you would feel the same. Unknown_08: That's a strange shot. 2:09:53 Unknown_08: What does that even mean? It should be easy to understand. Yeah, that's right. Unknown_24: Nick, you're right. Nick just can't understand social cues. He just doesn't understand humans chat. He's trying to figure out Andy Worsky and he just doesn't get it. He just can't pick up on that nuance or just doesn't understand human humans chat. 2:10:25 Unknown_24: God, this episode's going on too long. Another small zitter adventure. My boy, Boss Ben Jack, won some slots. Let's take a look at that. Unknown_24: Come on, dude. Unknown_05: Yo! Oh, that's gonna squirt. I think that might squirt a little bit, boys. Four times. And a five times. Holy shit. Unknown_05: Whoa! Holy shit, let's go. So eight spins. Unknown_05: Holy shit. Unknown_05: Let's go. 2:10:57 Unknown_05: Come on, bitch. Unknown_05: Yes, that's gonna pay a little bit of thing. No, not much. Come on. Unknown_05: Least profit. Come on. Unknown_05: Oh, that's gonna pay a little bit. Yes, sir. Paying a little profit here. Come on, baby. Yo! Yo! Dude, oh my god, is that gonna pay or what? Is that gonna pay or what? Is that gonna pay or what? Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, dude! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! 2:11:28 Unknown_06: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god, dude! Unknown_24: He lost it all within the hour, of course. However, it's remarkable that this ended up on Stake.US's official Twitter and Unknown_24: not to brag or anything, but I noticed that they were using, as I say here, how are you going to use my boy's clips without giving him a sponsor SMH? And this tweet actually ratioed this tweet. So I'm, I'm putting the work from a boy boss. And I say, you gotta give him that sponsor, that $300, uh, uh, $300 a day sponsorship for my boy so he can play them games so he can buy his mama some roses Know what I'm saying? 2:12:00 Unknown_24: so bossman Jack actually did find this tweet because he was Playing the the video on his stream. I was like wait a second This guy is like trying to get me a sponsorship. Who is this who is this Josh guy? He opened my profile my profile on Twitter just says Josh, and so just some fucking guys like who is this? Why does he have? 7,000 followers and then people in his chat says that's the guy that owns Kiwi farms, and he's like nah That's not true. This is like an imposter or something I 2:12:35 Unknown_24: It's very funny. Unknown_24: Um, okay, we're rounding we're winding down chat running down Let's do the reddit and our drugs IDK mix says with the the flare. I love drugs He wonders avoiding anti-semitic thoughts on LSD trips hashtag psychedelics 2:13:13 Unknown_24: It's not the drug that suits me best. In general, psychedelics are not my favorite drug, but I really enjoy good trips. There's no middle ground. Either. I hate them or love them. Unknown_24: But lately, especially so to speak in the middle of the trip, antisemitic thoughts come to me. How do, how they control the world, the markets wars, everything from the shadows and people are not able to see it. I don't understand the reason for this or the origin, because if I'm being honest, I don't think I've ever seen a Jew where I live and I've never gave them much importance. 2:13:53 Unknown_24: It's funny how the human mind works. Why could this happen? My man is opening his third eye. Unknown_24: It's like he opens his third eye and he stares into the eye of the pyramid of the Masonic seal. And he's like, God, It's been true all along. And then he shuts it out and he goes on read and says, why am I seeing this? Why trip? Why am I taken to this ethereal world where I'm staring at the, the eye of the pyramid? And I just suddenly know it's all true. Why is this chat? Why is, why is this happening? 2:14:25 Unknown_24: Um, and then in our stupid questions, Unknown_24: are no stupid questions. Someone asked, how to get that smell out of my gaming chair? A common problem that people that most people have is their gaming chair starts to smell. Mine has started to smell of poo. This is very unpleasant and my girlfriend has started whining about it recently, which makes me angry. I've tried wiping it down with wet wipes and the smell doesn't seem to leave. Any advice? How do you guys get rid of the smell?" 2:15:03 Unknown_24: Opie says in reply, actually someone says, improve your own hygiene. Sitting on things should not generate smells like that with the proper hygiene. Opie says, wow, very judgmental community here. Unknown_24: Extreme moment seven five six years as I sit on the same chair my fat ass has been in for ten years sometimes I wake up hungover with a sack stuck between my legs only if God knows what and Sit in that same chair and just my underwear and it doesn't smell The most staggering part of this is when is that he has a girlfriend but clearly smells like literal shit Best part of this response is exactly what someone with poor hygiene would say I 2:15:50 Unknown_24: How do you make your gaming chair smell? I've been a degen game chair enjoyer for most of the past few years, and not even once have I had that problem. Granted, I do shower every day. I'm guessing they game in their boxer shorts or pajamas, never change them. Skid marks get so bad it rubs into the chairs of the fabric. Ming jing. Ming jing. CowDog Gaming says, look, some people don't have hair conditioning. Swamp ass is a thing. Everyone sweats when they're hot, and most gaming chairs are not designed for ventilation. Unknown_24: That being said, once that funk gets into the chair, it's done. There's no getting it out. You would have to replace all the padding and materials on top of it. The solution is twofold. One, buy a new chair. Two, if all the stuff I stated in this post applies to you, then cover the chair with a large towel or blanket while gaming and wash that towel regularly. Do not sit in your chair near boxers or naked. Buy a fan to keep cool while gaming. Everyone talking trash in this thread could pretend they'd never had a sweaty gamer moment. A sweaty gamer moment. I think PewDiePie had one of those. But the reality is that human beings are often dirty gamers more than most. That's awesome. Thank you, cow dog gaming. 2:16:56 Unknown_24: Depends on if you have a quality leather chair or a fabric chair. I once had a fabric chair that also started to smell a fart. I tried to wash it, but then just started to smell of wet farts. So then when it smells like poo, then it's time to buy a new chair. Unknown_24: and long stroke hips that I bought one of those beaded car seat covers and installed it on my gaming chair. It provides a nice air gap between my butt and the cushion as well as it feels cooler. The next time I get gut rot tequila farts, they're not pushed into the pores of the foam. Learn this trick on my third chair. 2:17:34 Unknown_24: Thanks, Reddit. Unknown_24: Very cool. Unknown_08: Wonderful. Unknown_08: Okay. Unknown_24: I think that's a wrap. I'm gonna do super chats in a second. However, I'm still really busy. And like I said, I probably won't stream on Tuesday. I have a special interview on December 9th. And then I'm hoping that by February next year, I will have more time to dedicate to doing more fun stuff. Unknown_24: I think things are kind of wrapping up in terms of a hectic bullshit with the forum. Knock on wood. 2:18:10 Unknown_24: There we go, knocking on that one. Unknown_24: So one thing I would like to do is I would like to ruthlessly exploit TikTok for money. And I've mentioned before, like, I don't like TikTok. I don't want to use it. However, I have a request. Unknown_24: If you are a super dedicated fan of these streams, Unknown_24: I am looking for like really short clips that could work in like the tiktok aspect ratio to just shit out on my uh on my tiktok and just see what happens like i don't know maybe you can just crop out chat or some shit i don't know like who does the clips i have like eight different archive channels that i really appreciate 2:19:00 Unknown_24: But I'm hoping, as a fun thought experiment, if you'd like to suggest like a clip of the stream that I can just steal from you and throw up on TikTok and see what happens, I would actually really appreciate that. And I'm just gonna... We aren't going to make your content, dude. You don't have to, Blue Bun from Rumble. Somebody will, because they're a fan, okay? Unknown_24: You can do that instead of sending me money, if you don't want to send money. Unknown_24: Look, I'm just trying to become rich so I can take that money and put it into a house, return to the motherland or the fatherland, and start an eight trillion family, eight trillion child family, okay? The trad family, trad family, monogamy chat. This is my goal. Help me do this. I will steal money from Chinamen to accomplish this. 2:19:44 Unknown_24: How much per video? None. My undying love and appreciation. I'll give you a shout out. Unknown_24: I will make your content for you. Thank you, the frouge. Okay. Finally, some respect finally worse than PSP. Unknown_24: Yeah. I'll build a Waco, a compound in Waco. You're all invited. Okay. Finally, the Superberry segment, the famous, uh, well loved, well respected Superberry segment. 2:20:22 Unknown_24: Um, oh my god, and mcgurk reminded me of the dashboard that was waiting. I was looking to make sure someone reminded me. Thank you mcgurk Uh, let's start the mac user for 751 pretend says the sanshu medallion is rotting because chris is gory and gray and the medallion Is his portrait reflection of his soul? I mean, it's true. There's no better like reflect like representation of chris's state of mind than the fucking medallion Unknown_24: Rich wet pasta for 15 says George. I like your streams, dude Keep at it and really enjoy the parts you get pissed off the networking back and stuff can learn informative stuff about things here Here's a little bit for your troubles stalker child. Thank you very much. I appreciate it I'm glad that my rants about technology, you know Especially a really obscure technology that nobody even knows about like nobody knows BGP and whether that does not fall in deaf ears my friend 2:21:00 Unknown_24: I am dimples for 20 says joa you were talking about your saintly patience and struck me that there's a saint with a head of a slobber mutt Kiwi farms equals God's will and then you link me to the e bees in Byzantine Museum exhibit ID 59 is this like an orthodox I oh my god it is holy shit 2:21:34 Unknown_24: St. Christopher depicted with the head of a dog Camara Cappadocia st. Christopher to pick with a head of a dog from the 5th century It was widely believed in Byzantine that the saint was of the mythic dog heads a barbarian race without the grip gift of human speech I mean that makes sense. I can barely fucking talk Nevertheless his depiction as a dog head had not been dominant in the Byzantine art since the Byzantine Church frowned upon the linking of one of its saints with it Sinnoh Kefali That is actually fascinating. It's really cool 2:22:06 Unknown_08: Thank you. Unknown_24: Um, hyper ninja for 20 says Thanksgiving will soon be upon us on the stains. Thank you for giving us a site to stain feed What do you think for in spite of the setbacks is here? I'm really thankful that when the psycho went down people didn't just like leave like a lot of people like who are super casual kind of flaked Off, but they'll come back over time I'm happy that there has still been like an iron core of the site and it's like half the users half the users of the site We're like dedicated enough to stick through find the telegram Come back to the site after a couple months, you know that kind of shit. I'm thankful for that 777 flux for 57 sends a picture that is a gift. 2:22:37 Unknown_24: Oh my God. Okay. I will refresh this. Hold on. Unknown_24: Uh, he has printed out a picture of the slobber month of my avatar. Unknown_24: And he is dousing it in spray cheese. This man is wasting an entire can of spray cheese to epically own me as if, as if him just emptying the contents of this fake dairy product into a bowl and throwing it away is anything but doing my bidding. Nice try guy. Nice try. 2:23:20 Unknown_24: Sultan bin Jew star for $100 says how do you do fellow nibblings? Can you get Fred for a cripple stream KF has feelings about him? But for but he seems endeared to you in a way that would at least make an interesting and not faggy one-sided Fred hates me Redrick has like this burning contempt for me and the forum and I'll never understand it because I was always nice to him and even when the the infinity next shit happened and there was like a falling out between us I don't think I ever did anything like like cruel to him or said anything like negative about him. I mean, I'm sure I might have said something negative. I don't think I was. I really held back when it came to Frederick. And anytime I see him talk about the site, it's still like with this absurd level of contempt that I just I don't understand because I never did anything to him. 2:24:01 Unknown_24: It doesn't make sense like I really and of all the people in my life who hate me I think Frederick's hatred is like the most misplaced. I really just don't get it He one day decided that I was a terrible person my side is evil, and I don't I don't understand Didn't you just criticize Rikada for this thinking yes, however I 2:24:48 Unknown_24: I have not changed. I'm doing basically the exact same thing I was doing when we met and lived in the Philippines together. Um, I, I, I mean, the thing is, is like if, if Nick was being intellectually honest, he would understand why Worsky was making fun of them. I am, I am being as genuine as possible. I have no fucking idea why Frederick is upset with me. Unless he really is just upset that I didn't single-handedly save his website. Unknown_24: But I tried my best. It's not like through lack of effort that things can go how I wanted them to. I tried my- I tried every fucking day for seven months to make it work. And I just ran out of time. Like, right at the launchpad. It was really frustrating. 2:25:20 Unknown_24: Debugs for one says jet neptune It's funny because he likes the busi Unregistered firearms at my house for Tim says Josh. Do you have any similar experiences to win to this one interacting with people YouTube link? Unknown_08: I 2:25:56 Unknown_20: Well, her friends were, they said I have an accent. They said, they asked if I'm from Europe and they asked, I was kind of telling my story. I moved from Toronto here and they asked like, yeah, but aren't you, like where were you before Europe? Aren't you from Toronto? Weren't you from Europe or something? You kind of have like a European accent. No, I'm not European. And the guy was like, I've met a lot of people here. They don't really talk like you. And I've known a lot of people from Toronto and yeah, you don't really have like a Toronto accent. There's like a bit of European in there. Well, Unknown_20: When this girl, they went for a smoke or something and came back and she sat and she touched my arm and she's like, so you have autism. I was like... Uh, excuse me? Oh, it's just my friend said you should come and talk to my new friend. He's got autism or something. 2:26:32 Unknown_24: Is that actually a bro team? Unknown_24: Like that guy, is that him? No. Unknown_24: Usually people guess right away that I'm American. There's no mystery. There's no like, oh, are you like Australian or something? No. Unknown_24: I have a weird quirk where I like pick up random words from wherever I've lived for a while. 2:27:13 Unknown_24: But that's about it. But people just know that I'm an American saying things that they don't like, that they don't think I should be saying. There's never a confusion Anime for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamond I'm on my best on my way to enlist you as you oh, I'm on my way to enlist as you read this I know I have your blessing to take the heads for the glorious nation of Israel and strict accordance with Bushido I'll enjoy my boy one day. You'll have try caring VA mortgage loans. I'm sure you I'm sure that it'll be worth it. I 2:27:45 Unknown_24: Rabies Lorenic sends $1, thank you. 42545 says, for three to four, what? For three to 10 says, look at this cat box link. I guess I should click on this cat box link, chat. And it's a GIF image. Unknown_08: I'm letting it load. Unknown_08: How much did you send me for this shit? $5. Not worth it. 2:28:17 Unknown_08: The man, he's got a sausage biscuit. Unknown_08: He's trying to feed it to his cat. Unknown_08: The cat sniffs it. Unknown_08: It's taken forever to load. Okay. Unknown_24: If you're going to upload like a 500 gigabyte gift, don't put it on cat box. It doesn't load. Okay. Sorry. I'm not waiting for this image anymore. I apologize. I have to get through this. Unknown_24: I assume that the cat, oh the cat bites it. Okay, great, thank you. A fellow Hungarian imperialist revises, bro, just join the reservist, bro, you don't even get deployed if we're not at war, bro, please, it's a different branch, just enlist, bro, it's a different branch, there are different branches. 2:28:50 Unknown_24: You know, you used to be able to join the state's militia, and then they made it the National Guard, and you totally do get deployed. In fact, you could ask all those nice National Guardsmen currently sitting in Germany, waiting to be deployed to Ukraine, how they feel about joining the National Guard, and how they totally don't get deployed. You could really ask them about that. Unknown_24: Stato for two says I can see you buying one of these trucks if you had some shekels 71 K cap box file also Muslims worship a dead pedophile. It's sure they do And then he sends me a link to what looks like a Jeep Yeah, I mean I don't like Jeeps 2:29:32 Unknown_24: I would buy like a regular truck, like a big pickup truck, but it's actually useful. Unknown_24: Thank you. Carpathian florist for one says bussy Lamel. Thank you. Busy indeed. Judy tester for two says the FBI was at the anime con too. They missed an opportunity to just go and stand by the booth selling art for 10 year old waifus and take notes on everyone buying anything. No, I'm sure they took notes on everything. Imagine if you willingly join the feds right now, like the CIA, the NSA, like you're just the biggest piece of shit. I won't feel bad for you. That's what I'm trying to say. 2:30:12 Unknown_24: Sultan Benju star for $300 says Unknown_24: Speaking of lawsuits, I heard people pool cash for the holidays and would never give cash for you February Jihad. Or for your February Jihad. Good thing I'm family-less and can't even get my super berries right. Unknown_24: I mean, I think I can choose the timing of my lawsuits if I choose to sue people, so I would choose a time that's more beneficial to people, but yeah. It wouldn't be over the holiday season. Uh, for sure. Now's not the time to file a lawsuit unless you're Elon Musk, apparently. 2:30:46 Unknown_24: Uh, thank you very much, though. Unknown_24: Uh, Casting Couch Crab for $10 says, Happy World Television Day! Unknown_24: The crab of the day... ...is the Chinese Mitten Crab. That's an interesting sounding crab. He's very tiny. He does not look like a mitten at all. And he's black. That's a strange color for a crab. He looks more like a spider because he's so black. Thank you, cat. 2:31:18 Unknown_24: jets jet set jet seth radio for one says i know you'd never do it but i literally i'd queue up in fortnight no build with you loosen up a little and play some fun videos your nibbas or don't either way i will continue to pay you shrugging emoji ascii um maybe one day not until february i will not do anything until february Unknown_24: Thank you after Troy for five says hey Josh. Here's a fun fact about jet Neptune He created the website world corp enterprises for viral marketing a band's music Before it was discovered that he created it people believed it had some type of Podesta or pedophile connection It got popular based on that so I guess it worked That's probably why Sam hires them on That's interesting. I did not know that actually I did not know that Unknown_24: Sultan been juiced are for $5 says now he calls all of the BPD girls X It's actually a good joke That's actually really clever Thank you, it's NATO for one says xxx 10 tation Very cool. Thank you. 2:32:31 Unknown_24: I only know about him because he died and apparently Russians were really upset about that. I Unknown_24: TPD deluxe for five says I'm officially requesting cacophony and apropos of nothing to the Maddie bingo card How often do I say cacophony? I don't sound like something that I say very often I do say apropos a lot though. It's one of my favorite words. It's very fun to say it's apropos Unknown_24: Thank you base for ring-a-tingling for two says miss last stream have $2 for pizza No, it won't buy a whole pizza, but you don't need it tubby. Stay base. And here's your supper pal. Thank you very much I appreciate it Sultan minju star for ten says return of krunk plus Josh streams would be cool, too Any chance of that or did he get beheaded in shalala? 2:33:03 Unknown_24: Kronk has never streamed with me and never would because Kronk is like a schizophrenic who is obsessed with remaining anonymous. Here's how Here's how schizo Kronk is if the tour service goes down He sends me a message on a secret messaging app that only he uses and I only use it to communicate with him basically Unknown_24: And he tells me that it's down. And he will not post or visit the Kiwi farms until the tour service is restored. That is crunk. He would never stream with me with his voice on mic ever for any reason, because he knows the government records shit like this and puts it into a voice catalog. Not happening. And my, my boy and or girl and or whatever he is, is very, very, very Terry Davis build. Okay. 2:33:43 Unknown_24: Sneedo for one says I use Spotify premium and there's a title that has flack slash lossless audio, but it costs ten to twenty dollars Title I will look at that I would rather use title than Spotify As long as it has like integrations to like other like like like home entertainment systems and shit and 2:34:32 Unknown_24: if it has a wide library because I listen to really weird shit and The big thing about like not having YouTube premium is not being able to play like shit on YouTube. It's like a song That's like weird and obscure. So it depends on what has the bigger library If title is just BMI and the other one and nothing else, no any labels or whatever, then I would have to go to Spotify. I would prefer not to give Swedes money though, because they don't deserve it. They should go bankrupt. Uh, Tiago Toshimi for one says, uh, after this, I hate ads more than I hate shrooms rant. How long till your band on X for streaming this? Unknown_24: Um, not been yet. In fact, my live stream no longer has a warning on it. So there, I'm probably going to delete it right after anyways. 2:35:11 Unknown_08: Where did my thing go? Unknown_24: Rabies reading for one says Israel Palestine technically isn't blood spurring because a dictatorship bombing Children's Hospital is so cape shit that actually happened in the Hunger Games Unknown_24: Very cool. I also see political events in the cons in the, the, the perspective of how it relates to movies. Thank you. Twinkle target for $100 says, ahoy, Josh. Apologies for not using thumbnails yesterday. Fellow homosexual and chat found my PFP at Walmart. 2:35:47 Unknown_08: Okay. Let's see. What is this? Unknown_08: The Kiwi farms video. It's loading. Unknown_08: I'm prefetching it because you know how my site is. Unknown_08: What? Unknown_24: I don't know if this is actually a Kiwi Farms user, but I will play this because this is crazy. 2:36:30 Unknown_24: That appears to be two mittens with an Adolf Hitler Minecraft Steve skin printed on them. Which is pretty based. Thank you Walmart. Unknown_24: I really love Minecraft. What a great game. Unknown_24: All my favorite YouTubers play Minecraft. Thank you Twinkle Darn. Unknown_24: Sonali98 for $10 says, I saw a dead body from a motorcycle accident earlier. I'm mad because that motherfucker made me late. Um... When... Unknown_24: Whenever, um, my mom saw a motorcyclist without a helmet, she would point it out and say, Oregon donor. And that became, that's the thing that I still do to this day. Well, I don't really point it out cause I had no reason to, but if I'm like in the bus or something and I see a motorcyclist with no helmet, I think Oregon donor, it's one of those things that just sticks with you as an adult. Yeah. 2:37:08 Unknown_24: Sorry to hear that you relate to a friend. Unknown_24: Gum gum for 25 says watch this, please maybe it's a YouTube link a Minute long in Cobra JFS. There's 2,000 views. Okay Unknown_18: On April 24th, 2023, famous YouTuber Joshua Faye Saunders, known as King Cobra JFS, took possession of a bearded dragon named Puff from his registered sex offender neighbor called Homeboy E. After he was found violating his parole and sent back to prison, six full months pass. And by all appearances, the reptile was being well taken care of by Josh. Until tragedy struck on November 14th. Puff went missing. Josh and his legion of fangirls claim trolls are responsible. Although some believe that King Cobra JFS is behind it all. For every mystery, there is someone somewhere who knows the truth. 2:37:58 Unknown_18: Perhaps that someone is watching. Perhaps it's you. Unknown_18: Join them. Unknown_24: I'm glad that we live in this technological wonderland where we can use very famous people's voices to orchestrate such perfect memes. Thank you, my friend. 2:38:37 Unknown_24: RabiesRunningForTwo says... Remember my nice truck, Josh? Manual roll-down windows, manual locks, all classic but with a modern stereo system, a 2009 Ranger II with some tweaking, and the fuse box, no seatbelt alarm either. That's cool, my dude. Congratulations. Unknown_24: Aaron dill for one says just wondering if you don't have enough content for math the internet stream Can you instead do a bad at the video game show and said would like to see more game streams? Unknown_24: No, I would never bait and switch the usual time slot for Games because that just seems like a dick move like hey, you know, you usually expect a stream today But today I'm gonna be playing for tonight. Bye. Bye like Now it's a dick move. I can't do that 2:39:17 Unknown_24: Fennel Hungarian imperialist for five says hey Josh me and dainty are going down to the gazebo on the quay They have a horse divorce there, and it's incredible no hyperbole I Have you guys have a wonderful day. It sounds like a lot of fun Thank you, Judy tester for two says I went on vacation this weekend and went to YMS his house Okay, this is just a picture of his house. Oh, okay. I got you I 2:39:51 Unknown_24: No chewing allowed. And if my eyes not deceive me, that is not a hot finger. I don't know what kind of finger that is, but that's definitely not a hot finger, baby. Unknown_24: That's a brown finger. Is that a brown finger or an Asian finger? Okay. Unknown_24: I would say probably Asian. Unknown_24: Thank you. And I hope you enjoyed no chewing. 2:40:23 Unknown_24: I can't believe that Judy Tester is Asian. Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Unknown_24: Roxanne Wolfer says bark bark resist Josh resist the lure of the BPD demon and reject her schizo rambling Also, Sam and Ian should bond over their common love for those with beautiful princess disorder I've never heard that called beautiful princess disorder. That's very funny I Unknown_24: I mean, no, I'm gonna hear it out. I mean, it's either one of two things. It's either a really interesting story of a crazy person who's been stalking Sam Hyde for five years, or it's a really compelling thing that nobody's listened to because it's like a woman. 2:40:56 Unknown_24: You know what I mean? Unknown_24: Salt but no I miss one the bugs for one says Idaho is better than Oregon also Albertsons for the win Idaho is better than Oregon however I would never live in Idaho because if you ever watch true crime you would know that half of all murders in the US take place in Idaho I don't know why there are so many famous serial killers and crazy fuckheads living in Idaho But there are a lot of them Unknown_24: Sultan Benju star for $20 says I'm really going to sound this one out before I send it. I really hate the idea of this dude saying Hugh wants to fuck with the dog. 2:41:40 Unknown_24: Also plus 10 shrimp and them feet. Unknown_24: I have absolutely not a fucking clue what you're trying to say, but thank you. Unknown_24: Ring looker for five says I own 1% of where I worked for 13 years am unhappy I said I'd quit and asked for high unrealistic salary They agreed got an offer for a remote US job that pays 2x. Do I take it even if it burns bridges? 2:42:18 Unknown_24: Do you take a remote working job that pays twice as much and Unknown_24: Uh, yeah. What the fuck kind of question is that? If I have the option of working for $20 or $40, sorry, I'm going to be working for $40. And if your coworkers are upset that you're going to put in your two weeks or whatever so that you can earn twice as much money, well, they're fucking dickheads. Obviously a company is going, I mean, is going to understand when you earn twice as much money that you're going to go with that job. That's just business. Don't make don't make an emotional decision to not take twice as much money to sit at fucking home and work instead of going to a nine to five for half as much pay. That's what a bizarre question. Become selfish. Become selfish. Everyone is so concerned about what other people think who gives a fuck? You know what? If they start to hunt you down and they start to burn crosses in your front yard because they're pissed off that you got a better job than what they offer, just move. You work remotely. Sounds like you don't even live in the US. Do you live in the EU? Guess where you can live? Anywhere, retard. Do you live in the Netherlands where they're going to burn crosses in your yard? Well, now you can now go live in fucking Estonia. Who's going to care? Nobody. You can just do it. You have a passport for the EU. Just go anywhere you want. Who gives a shit? You live in Kazakhstan. Nobody's going to ask you any questions. You work remotely. 2:43:33 Unknown_24: Jeez. Yeah. You never, ever owe your employer anything. Ever. Never. Unknown_24: They they profit off of you you they They make money or they make more money than you do off your work. That's how it goes Yeah, silly question, I mean don't be a dickhead and like leave on short notice But like nobody's gonna hold it against you for getting a job that pays twice as much for less work Unkind naysayer for one says is catfishing trunes into fake dates funny or bad 2:44:20 Unknown_24: Oh, do you not show up? That's really mean. Unknown_24: I don't know if I can co-sign that, but I definitely wouldn't argue against it. You know what I'm saying? Uh, the bugs for one says pooners are shorter than Mexicans and Hondurans Lamau. And yet they get beat the F out of them in a fight. I mean, Mexicans are fucking stab you. Unknown_07: Uh, Saltyman juice star for two says, wait, man, cunt. Unknown_24: You got a boysons for that turd lit Norman back us. Unknown_24: I have no fucking idea what that means either. This guy tipped like $500 and just got progressively more drunk as the stream went on. I have no idea. 2:44:55 Unknown_24: Thank you. The most is for tens of Josh. I am new to crypto. Can you tell me any advice on which coins to buy and how to store it properly? Also, do you see any hope into a crypto in the future? I try not even bother. Unknown_24: Listen, I am the worst person to ask about crypto. I first got into crypto into in 2015. I am not a millionaire. Therefore, I am an idiot. I have no financial advice to give you. 2:45:27 Unknown_24: However, I will say that I use a treasure to as a physical wallet to store my cryptocurrency and I Unknown_24: The way I treat crypto is not as a store of value. I use physical silver for store of value. I use crypto as a way to receive money and to pay for tech stuff. And if it goes up, then it goes up. If it goes down, it goes down. I don't even look at it because whenever I've tried to predict the market or sell at a peak and then buy back, I have always fucked it up. And what I have to show for it is literally nothing. 2:46:06 Unknown_24: So I use the big ones, I have Bitcoin, I have Ethereum, I have Litecoin, I have a couple tokens on Ethereum but nothing significant, and Monero, and that's it. Unknown_24: So don't ask me for investment advice, I had none to give. Unknown_24: If you want to just learn crypto for the sake of learning crypto so that you can bypass the banks, I would suggest that. And if you're going to hold crypto, I would suggest using a paper wallet or a hardware wallet like Trezor. Unknown_24: I can't um I can't like a lot of people made a lot of money I did not I do not have the investors mind And I honestly my luck with crypto despite being one of the first adopters of crypto is so bad that I genuinely feel That there is divine intervention Preventing me from making money from crypto because I feel like if I had just made like a hundred million dollars off of Bitcoin or something I 2:47:07 Unknown_24: I wouldn't be in the right place in life to accomplish whatever it is. I'm supposed to accomplish I honestly I feel so cursed with cryptocurrency that I feel it my cope is that I feel like it is actually divine intervention to stop me from having the financial resources to do whatever I would have done instead of what I what I am going to do as a result of not having money and That's that's literally how I feel because it's it is statistically impossible for me to have played Cryptocurrency so poorly in the way that I did despite being in it so early Zero rest is for two says you should consider using this Baldo news network logo on your news desk for your Akita segments 2:47:57 Unknown_24: Oh yeah, I've um... I've seen autistic rights post, I'll just show you what it is. Unknown_08: Assuming it wants to load. Unknown_24: Does not want to load. I've been working on the site to get it a little bit faster, but it's still... It's weird, it's either extremely fast, instantaneous, no lag whatsoever, or it's like the slowest piece of shit on the fucking planet. It drives me absolutely up the fucking wall continuously. Unknown_08: Here, this. Unknown_24: Um, autistic rights been using this as his, uh, post thing. And it's kind of nice. I don't know. It doesn't fit my, it doesn't jive with me. 2:48:33 Unknown_24: Not the same as the hamster. You know what I'm saying? Unknown_24: Salton been juiced are for $100 says we will back the pies, manufacture them. Unknown_08: I don't know what that means. Unknown_08: What was I talking about when this happened? Talking about what pies? Unknown_24: Oh, the moon pies, the moon pies. My man is trying to invest in my moon pies. Okay. We're going to buy moon pies from a hostess or whatever. Okay. You and me, boy, we're going in on them. 2:49:04 Unknown_24: Thank you. Rock Mike for five says, if you need more background, let's just listen to this. I think you might enjoy this video, especially with the resent tier one debacle. Unknown_24: What is an elephant on sticks? If you'd like to support my work, buy me a coffee. Um, it's more goths review. What is an elephant on stilts? And it doesn't really have a, um, thesis right in the description. So I can't tell you what it's about. 2:49:41 Unknown_24: Thank you though. Unknown_24: Debugger one says hey Josh. Remember when you said smug people eat shit later. You think that's going to happen to pokey, man I mean she already is eating shit. That was like instantaneous We all have our comeuppance one day though Okay, second dashboard, it's not pepper Sam for five says hey Josh I think I dub cinematographer should get a raise or the perfect Kubrick stare angle. Please. Let us know where to find her only fans. Oh Unknown_24: Would never point anyone to a knees is only fans. I would never do that to them Thank you Dante carp dome provides us. Hey, Josh. Thank you for repping us parasocial weirdos. I finally feel seen Oh, dude, this is the kind of comment that I want to see more of I know that I'm doing the right thing when I get people saying that they feel seen I'm so Vinny. I'm so Fulfilled and reading these kind of messages. Thank you my dude. I'm glad you feel seen I 2:50:14 Unknown_24: Rabies the redneck for one says I feel seen and I regret everything. I just said thank you D bugs for two says fuck the fags like David zipper that want to live at speed. This was taken in Minecraft Okay, and there's a screenshot of Minecraft that he sent 2:50:57 Unknown_24: And then appears to be a speedometer that says 125 miles per hour. Well, I hope he's not going to David zippers house. Thank you orange monster energy for what or for $10 says did somebody say Yahtzee and there is a cat box link and Unknown_21: Maybe if the world was a little less prejudiced and a little more accepting, then people might see that we all have the potential to be so much more, and then we could all work together to build a better world for everyone. Not that they'd know anything about work, the lazy nigg- Ah, you can't get away with great stuff like that anymore. 2:51:38 Unknown_24: Death spigot for five says oh boy here. I go giving Josh five bucks to read my super chat He will read it and get my five dollars. It's true. I will thank you very much. I appreciate it Unknown_24: Space Allen for 20 says happy Thanksgiving Josh and everyone even if it's on a holiday where you live or if you've already Celebrated gratitude is good for you, and it's contagious may the corn harvest always be plentiful And then I think he means to say plentiful. I will assume that he says plentiful And I agree. Thank you for Thanksgiving. I'll probably cook myself something nice. I'll probably make a pie again and just Some turkey I can usually find turkey if I look hard enough And I'll probably just cook it wrap it in bacon or something like a turkey leg Thank you. 2:52:20 Unknown_24: Debugs for one says gumball is on his Kanye shit. It's true. It's very accurate Rick and Decker for seven says use this to buy live bait preferably night crawlers for when you go fishing only neighbor cattle use plastic bait dude I was looking on videos of how to like Fish in creeks, and they all use that trout slayer. It looks like a little crawdad, and it's good for catching like Those those little those smaller fish that are apparently good eating I Don't know everyone what I saw they all use plastic bait 2:52:53 Unknown_24: I don't mean to be neighbor cattle though. Salted Manjusar for $1.00 says internet fame. Internet fame is the drug. You dust in the sand nibbling. Unknown_24: I don't think so, I think it was actually high. Unknown_24: Ravisterinik for one says, Gumball was always my favorite show and character. I guess Cantu infected me with furry. Uh, I don't think you'd be happy to hear that. Maybe you would. Holy Hal for one says, hope you're having a good day, Jersh. You are my nibba as always. Thank you. I am having a great day, actually. Uh, Sneedo for one says, x.com link to shitpost2077. 2:53:28 Unknown_24: And it is a two hour long video titled top 1000 cheese. I actually watched, uh, this just long enough to get what the number one was. And it was, um, let me see if I can find it real quick. Unknown_08: I can never find it. Unknown_24: It was something stupid. It was just like Like cheese spray or some shit. Thank you Randy zero butter nubs for 10 says Josh take my meat or take my measly daughter dollars jersh the corn lord Thank you. I think I will I appreciate it very much Unknown_24: Sultan Benju star for one says why tick-tocks are you going full Gaza assault long-nose shell just live in a compound and go a stand Because tick-tock is a bank to be robbed and I want to rob it. That is why sock puppet Sam for 25 says hey Josh, please endure 70 seconds of this video and humble remembrance of a fallen legend and then there is a YouTube link Let me see what it is 2:54:12 Unknown_24: It's big mastodon with chicken in a can. Okay, let's watch it. This is what I prepped earlier, just so I can get ready for this. Unknown_09: Look at all that cheese. Unknown_25: Eat me! 2:54:55 Unknown_24: Is he eating that raw? Unknown_24: Why is he eating raw chicken out of a can? Unknown_24: Is that pre-cooked? Unknown_09: If it's in a can, it isn't raw. Unknown_24: Okay, so it's pre-cooked chicken in a can, and he's just eating it right out of the can? Unknown_24: Okay, I will stop playing this, because this is really gross. Um, good on that boy, I guess. He's very hunky. 2:55:27 Unknown_24: Kindle Motor Oil for two says, I have interviews soon and I'm freaking out. I suck at interviewing. Can I get some autistic support in chat? Bro, just pretend that you're the greatest thing that God ever made and, and just wig it. It doesn't matter. Unknown_24: Just remember nothing matters. You'll be fine. You know for two says Josh if you're gonna buy an old truck slash SUV when you move back watch for the rust Because that shit rots them but from the north southwest southwest also As a suggestion and then he links a Toyota Land Cruiser. I don't know. I'll see what I get. I've heard the Land Cruiser before I have a short list of cars that I'm looking at 2:56:04 Unknown_24: I don't know if I can find them though. I'm specifically looking for a diesel and those are hard to find Red color for five says now that you're older and wiser. What are you gonna do with your next? So what are you gonna do differently with your next silver run? not put Chris on them and probably buy ahead of time and get them made like most of them made a Sultan and you star for one says bring back bingo for New Year's. Okay is bingo. Maybe it's something bingo. I Unknown_24: Arrests is for one says update on shirts. We if we haven't received tracking right now. Should we assume it's back ordered? Yes, I'm going to in the next two days probably go through and find which orders are not being sent and Send out an email apologizing for the back order Sorry wicker Wagner for five says is this new and then links to a niche game or tweet that is a 2:56:37 Unknown_24: Uh, the FCC enacted new rules that seemingly give them power to regulate every aspect of the internet, story below. I talked about that last stream. Um, yeah, like I don't even know. I can't even comprehend the full impact of it. Cause it's so retarded. Uh, the way that the executive order was written, I can't even comprehend it. Unknown_24: Uh, Judy Tesser for two says I'm white. It's just a weird lighting out and I was cold. I swear I'm white. Dude, we're onto you. We saw that chinky finger. You can't hide it now, boy. 2:57:27 Unknown_24: Sultan bin juice star for two says shut up kicker chinked Very offensive Sultan when juice are for once it was the monster feet size training hotel record talking about fucking with his dog. Oh, yeah Sorry, I didn't understand that cuz that video was incomprehensible Doc sound devices. What is your favorite American silver coin in terms of aesthetics? I have actually that Morgan dollar on my my desk. I Actually, I take it back. I like the walking eagle. I will show you this actually because I do like it Walking Liberty silver see I'm gonna find this really really really really fast This 2:57:58 Unknown_08: I love the walking eagle, the walking side of it. Unknown_24: Show me the eagle. Unknown_24: I was hoping for a really high quality version, because it's so rare that in a coin that features a bird, that he's walking from that asymmetrical angle with his wings out. Like that's really, a lot of pictures have the wings folded or the wings like out from the front. The walking perspective is really, really distinct and very cool and kind of imposing. And the way that it fits the coin is very aesthetic. I like that a lot. 2:58:39 Unknown_24: I like the walking liberty. Unknown_24: Um, and this is the last one insensitive for five says if your friend shows off a new tattoo, make sure to smack it really hard so that doesn't fade as fast. I know I dubs has a lot of work to do. Unknown_24: I would advise against that unless you're looking for a fight. Then again, I don't know. He has a sore spot and you don't say you can win. 2:59:18 Unknown_24: Alright, that's it. Thank you guys for watching. I will see you guys on Friday after Thanksgiving. And then I'll see you guys on... next Friday after that. Unknown_24: Bye-bye! Unknown_11: Hey man, come on down. They're selling truth on the corner now. Look at them all dressed in white. Say the angels must have came into town last night. Hey man, come on down. They got your fix on the corner downtown. Look at them with their heavy hearts broke down at the bottom not knowing where to start singing. It's all there in black and white. You can lay down or you can put up a fight. break bread with the beggars and thieves or you could high horse your way to your knees or you could take that lesson at your 2:59:51 Unknown_11: You're the only one I miss in love It's just a game until the game stops being fun Hey man, come on down They're selling truth in the corner now Look at them all dressed in white Said the angels must have came into town last night Hey man, come on down They got you fixed on a corner downtown Look at them with their heavy hearts broke down At the bottom not knowing 3:00:55 Unknown_11: He broke down, yeah he's a bad seed He's all coked out, down on his knees He took a wrong turn, down the wrong street And he got burned by his family He says I'm giving up, he says I'm giving in Got the preacher men preach about living in sin He's got God and the devil fighting for his soul They got love for a price and now he's selling it all Singing, hey man, come on down Singing, hey man, Unknown_11: Hey man, come on down. They're selling truth on the corner now. Unknown_00: Look at them all dressed in white. Said the angels must have came into town last night. Hey man, come on down. Unknown_11: They got you fixed on a corner downtown. Look at them with their heavy hearts broke down at the bottom not knowing where to start singing. 3:01:56 Unknown_13: Come on, come on now, hey!