Got a proper mystery on our hands.
Unknown_31: Instead of talking about random bullshit, I'm going to cut right to the chase and discuss what I have learned today.
Unknown_31: There is a thread on a website called Kiwi Farms dedicated to a man who has allegedly placed his testicles inside his wife's asshole with a Baldo.
Unknown_31: And this act has raised much contention around the world. And some people are indignant that this sexual act has been made fun of. And now there is fallout from this.
allow me to explain, chat. Someone complained to me today and said, Josh, actually it was one of my, my mods. Josh, I'm pretty sure there is some shenaniganery happening in the Rakeda thread. Can you investigate? And sure enough, I presumed, because if you don't remember, if you don't recall, Rakeda had a locals thing where he encouraged 40-year-old women to go topless for him because that excited him sexually. And I warned him that if you were to do this, if you were to encourage these people, these wine moms, to go full leather on locals, they would develop feelings, as women do. And the fallout of this would be long-lasting, and it made me, will never go away.
So a couple months ago.
Unknown_31: Oh, sorry. I was complaining to someone and I just got back to me with their message So a couple months ago someone named Cynthia behave joined the forum and started white knighting for a kid in his thread as sometimes happens and Then I believe they were thread banned Because they kept derailing the thread which happens
Unknown_31: You're not allowed to whiten a thread because that causes disruption. People can't talk about what they normally do. It's just generally not welcome. But instead of banning people, what we do is we just move those posts to a mass debates thread. And we say, if you want to argue about this topic, you still have a thread for it. Cynthia Behaves was not okay with this, and decided to create other accounts, and their friends apparently also made other accounts. So, as I did some investigation, I discovered that Cynthia Behaves had access to, or had specifically created for themselves, Six other accounts, Judy Gemstone, Geared Chris, Rami Behave, Lumber Licker, KurtzDepression, and Monteshaft. Some of these accounts, so recent they were created yesterday and had zero posts, were all accessed by the same person from Northeast Illinois, who apparently a well-known Arcada simp lives.
So I spent my morning investigating this and I published my findings I cleaned up all these all these sock accounts that had existed for the sole purpose of causing disruption in the Rikada thread and I believe there's probably three maybe even four people who are working together and sharing accounts to try and Create a wall of dissent in the Rikada thread and as I announced this finding a man comes out named
Unknown_31: Zelensky the Nazi and it says It tells me that for on someone named for on lives in Illinois. That's where was Cynthia Liz But for on 100% was in Illinois and as it turns out one of my mods the same day had indicated to me That's the lens be the Nazi is probably specter the same specter that
had given illegal legal advice to somebody in a lawsuit, and pretends to be a Spec Ops Marine slash lawyer, a combat lawyer, if you will.
Unknown_31: So, as it turns out from this post, that's also Spectre, and for sure, with Spectre's haunting guise now lingering over the Rakeda thread, we can be sure that there are converging Discord cliques
Unknown_31: Now having a fight in the Rikada thread and we're gonna need we're gonna need some special Special attention given I guess to figure out what to do about it Generally speaking when people do this kind of shit the best thing to do is like to identify new accounts that are obviously just there to shut up one thread and then ignore them and also report them so don't like
They'll keep coming back forever if people in the thread spurg out every single time they do Even if they get banned immediately and everything gets deleted like the most aggressive ones will be Self-motivated just from evil even like a single reply even if it takes them like 20 minutes to get an account. They'll do it literally forever But if people in the thread don't reply they're a lot less motivated. Don't give up after a while so there are there are
Unknown_31: Literally like literally they're making like eight different accounts and sharing passwords with each other And now that I've kind of shown my hand and I've identified that I can like link accounts like this They're for sure gonna like change their tactics that this can't work anymore and people are just gonna have to be more alert to the fact that there's like literally four or five people who are actively working to try and cause problems and recede is thread and
So, that's, uh, that's my Inspector Gadget moment for the day. Uh, I will proceed orderly into the news segment, which of course requires a specific hamster, uh, in order to relay the news.
Unknown_31: And, uh, let's start with Fortnite. Um, Fortnite has a- okay, I- I looked into this because I didn't quite understand what was happening.
Unknown_31: There's a bunch of skins in the game now I assumed because so many of the skins like show a lot of skin like midriff and stuff and really tight Clothes that this is like a sex thing and it's not because fortnight is trying to fortnight is basically trying to become Robro blacks from what I understand. So Roblox is like a really open sandbox type of thing where you can make your own game modes with your own scripts. And Warcraft with Blizzard had a lot of success, which gave birth to Dota and other game modes by allowing people to make their own game modes.
and I think that what epic has done is to try and Roblox I look I don't know everyone complains about how I say roblox. I'll say roblox however I want roblox kind of copied the warcraft model allowing people to create their own game modes and I believe that epic the license for fortnight says you can create your own fortnight game modes But they retain like an option to buy the game. I know that when
When Activision and Blizzard re-released Warcraft, they modified the custom game license to give them a first-party choice to purchase the rights to any game mode, and then they're only set to give the creator of the game mode a pittance, and that was a really big deal when it happened. I assume that Epic also retained similar rights to buy
Unknown_31: By ideas from people who make successful game modes for fortnight, and that's why they're trying to create this Like extended universe of fortnight where you can make your own game game modes and stuff And then epic can buy them conceivably later if it's really popular anyways um the what I was talking what I my point I was trying to get to
that fortnight is a 10 plus age video game and or 13 plus and some of the game modes because they're nonviolent are accessible to people under the age of 13 and in those game modes
Unknown_31: Certain cosmetics are not permitted because they have big guns I thought maybe they wouldn't allow like the skimpy skins in these 10 year old gamers But I think it's specifically the guns if it's like a more like realistic or extreme weapon. That's a part of the cosmetic It won't permit you to use that in the game
Unknown_31: So, uh, that's it. Because of the controversy over this, I actually did download Fortnite. And in my first game, I won. I murdered 15 children and I got chicken dinner my first time trying. It wouldn't let me change my gender. It forced me to play as a woman, which I didn't like. I tried to find if there was like a default male skin, but no, the female character that you see on the screen is the one that they force you to play with.
Yeah, it's a bot lobby. I was thinking about that because it's it everything looks like real players But it was so easy to kill all these people I couldn't tell if they were children that I was murdering or if they were robots and obviously murdering robots is a lot less satisfying than Murdering children, so I wasn't particularly invested. It was like to it was it was too easy and
The first two matches are 100% bot matches to get you addicted. It's weird because it's it really does feel like you're just playing with really bad players It doesn't feel like you're playing
Unknown_31: Bots especially because they're how they're named. They're all named like little kid names and then also some of them are named in a way where they have numbers at the end and I'm aware that in console games The if you're playing against a party that are sharing like if two people are playing on Xbox together They will share the gamer tag together. So it'll be like xx fortnight lover xx
But then the first player will be called, you know, Parentheses 1, and the second player will be called Parentheses 2. So the bots, if they are bots, they even have 1 and 2 next to the names to emulate console players playing together, which is like a whole other level of, like, bizarre. It's one thing to put bots into the game. It's another thing to make bots in the game that are, like, named in a way that looks like real players. It's like an additional level of like sneaky fuck Chinaman skull fucking where they try to emulate like console players playing like they're trying epic games
try to make me believe that I just shot two children dead in a video game that were sitting next to each other on a couch playing together on Xbox, when really they're a algorithm in a Chinese data farm in, you know, whatever the fuck, Beijing. And it's a really weird feeling to know that this company is trying to actively manipulate you.
Unknown_23: The dead Fortnite theory.
Unknown_31: I don't know. Um, I, I won't play again though, cause I don't want to play as a woman.
Unknown_31: And I was considering, let me, let me show you this actually, now that I'm thinking about it.
Unknown_31: Fortnite, refer a friend. I'm gonna hide this real quick, make sure.
Unknown_31: I'm aware that, um, in Fortnite, if you play and you refer a friend, you can play as Mushroom Man. And Mushroom Man is not sexy at all, or a woman. So I'm considering annoying someone to refer me so I can get- so I can play with them just enough to get the Mushroom Man skin.
That's my consideration. I thought maybe you just refer enough people And then you would um, you would get the mushroom man skin, but now you have to like play together or something, which is kind of gay Um, so that's that's the fortnight update i'll let you know if I play another round what like
I've tried all these other battle royale games and I only played it because I saw that there was like a no building mode And I always considered the building shit the gayest fucking thing that's ever existed on the face of the planet So I didn't want to play like with the spaz kids building towers in the middle of the planet like that looked terrible So I tried it it was it was okay I did I obviously I won because I was murdering androids and or small children on their couches together
Unknown_31: I liked it, and I would say I would liked it more than apex because I find the character designs in apex legends So viscerally disgusting that it actually detracts from my experience I hate the gunplay in apex 2 it just it feels terrible to shoot a gun in apex and then all the characters are like gross Pajit Harley Quinn's actually let me show you this it's not a video game tangent that nobody cares about Let's see apex legends Indian woman I
This look at this this this fucking bullshit It's like it's just the worst character design that's ever fucking existed It's like
Unknown_31: It's literally an Indian woman that pops bubble gum and her big things that she has a big gun. The best way I can describe it is, um, like a Harley Quinn slash league of legends jinx dipped in curry and stewed for a couple of hours. And it's just like, why would I ever want to want to play as this character? Whereas on Fortnite, if I want to, if I want to play, I can play as a mushroom and that's a better.
Okay, I'm just saying that's a fact. Though now, I don't know, I guess I can't even play Dead by Daylight because they've truned it out.
Unknown_31: Where is, where's the character at? I know it's Transgender Pride Week or some shit. Google told me this, which is why I know. Oh, this is extremely gay. Oh, is this, so it's a trans man? Oh no, he's gay.
Unknown_06: What?
Unknown_31: Dead by Daylight slashes through LGBTQ barriers with game's first trans character.
The first tranny is Brazilian. If you're Brazilian, I want you to know this is how Western liberals think of you. They think of you as a fucking freak. They think you're one gender euphoric moment away from cutting off your own dick and then dancing in one of those circuses that you guys have all over the place. One of your carnivals. Then you're gonna cut off your weenus and dance around with your bleeding hole in a carnival. That's what Westerners think about you.
Unknown_31: We think that you're like a subhuman ladyboy race to be made fun of.
Um... Okay, since this is... I don't know.
Unknown_31: I don't know what Turrba... Turrbao means. Can I look this up? Do we have a picture of this drone?
Unknown_31: It's literally Portuguese for shark.
Unknown_31: They named him...
Unknown_31: It's a predator. What the fuck?
Unknown_31: Oh my god, is this the character? No, no, that has to be like an a uh an edit or something. Sorry about that, but they're like trans I guess there's not actually a A character of this yet
Oh well. Um, here, let me try to show you this actually. Dead by Daylight, Myers killed first person.
Unknown_31: No, I want the animation. Oh, here we go. Okay. So, um, here's what you can expect if you're playing Dead by Daylight as this trans character. You ready? This is a first person perspective of what your existence will be like.
Unknown_31: I want to show show show me the mori goddammit. I click for the mori.
Oh, here we go Okay, he's coming here it comes here it comes Yay trans visibility
Unknown_31: Trans visibility chat. Dead by behavior developers, they broke through it. We finally have trans visibility in this wonderful game. Ah, fuck that.
Unknown_31: Oh, and there's also trans visibility in Disney World.
Unknown_31: So apparently, if you're a literal janny,
And you sweep it up in Disney world. Um, you can now print out a name tag that lets people know.
Unknown_31: For instance, let's say that you are a janny in Disney World, and a little kid just shit himself, and there's now poo poo all over the place. A person might walk up to you and go,
Unknown_31: there's poopoo all over the cafeteria floor and I'm gonna need you to sweep that up right away but then they see your name tag and go oh sorry ma'am I didn't realize until I saw your trash can name badge on your shirt that you were a woman ma'am There is poopoo all over the cafeteria floor. I'm gonna have to ask you to sweep that up immediately So as you're sweeping you can be people will respect your gender identity And they won't misgender you which would be very triggering as you're uh sweeping a sweeping shit up off the ground for like $10 an hour without any benefits in no health care and No retirement plan and a social security that's going to be bankrupt by the time you go to collect it When while you're slaving away at Disney World at a hundred degree heat with 90% humidity in the middle of summer sweeping up shit that smells rank because it's so humid and disgusting in Florida as you earn no long-term benefits for yourself you you will be referred to by the proper pronouns and
Uh, that's the- that's your future. This is what you chose. Enjoy. Sweep it up. Motherfucker. Welcome to Disney World. Happiest place on Earth. Cunt.
Unknown_31: My retirement plan is to take over the world, and when I take over the world, I'm going to bestow upon myself a very generous severance package.
Unknown_03: As is traditional in the world of executives, chat.
Unknown_03: Okay, so.
Unknown_31: The I didn't talk about this. It's extremely difficult to really parse what, um,
what has been asked of the FCC.
Unknown_31: In the United States, there is a balancing act. In the Constitution, there is no constitutional provision for what is understood to be a department or an agency. The whole idea of everything in the U.S. being governed by some governing body and some office out of Arlington, that's a relatively recent concept.
Unknown_31: Right before World War two in the 1930s FDR basically reorganized the federal government Because he had four terms he basically and he also had World War two so he had emergency powers to do whatever he wanted He basically defined the concept of everything being in the department and also an agency So there's a sort of balancing power where the enabling acts that create a agency body
have a judicial, executive, and legislative body in each of them. So each agency has its own appeals process, its own executive, and also its own set of rules that are defined by the Congress. And the executive power, which is the president, can inform these agencies how to act. And that's supposed to be
Unknown_31: balanced, and what it does is it creates a giant fucking mess that nobody can penetrate or understand fully, and which can basically get away with whatever the fuck they want to do.
Unknown_31: So the FCC, which is tasked with governing communications in the United States, has been asked by Biden to establish rules for digital equity. And what it says, in its stated purpose, is that
Hope people, the blacks and the indigenous Americans do not have the same level of access to
Unknown_31: to the internet as Hawaii basically and it actually specifically points out and so just so you know that this isn't a racist thing and they're not just saying we need to give more free internet to black people or whatever the fuck Biden goes out of his way in this paper to make note to the FCC that the Amish population doesn't have the same levels of access to the internet as everybody else so we need to do more to make sure that the Amish can get online and that's not even a joke it literally says that in the document so
Um, this, this thing is 78 pages long and it's extremely difficult to parse. I've gotten pretty good at reading like legal paperwork. I cannot penetrate what the fuck this is trying to say and what it's trying to accomplish. I've never seen a legal paper that seems to like suggest things without actually answering them. And I assume that's just how the executive branch deals with agencies, because it's like, well, we believe that Amish people don't have access to the Internet, same as everyone else. So what's the FCC going to do about that for equity and shit? And it's the job of the FCC in response to be like, well, I guess we can set up some 5G satellites on in Pennsylvania. Like that's I assume that it's asked like a question so the FCC has to answer it in its policies The commissioner of the FCC came out against this and said it didn't make any sense but the FCC has passed it regardless of the commissioners objections and From what I understand what I have read is that the the president asked the agency
to task basically everyone with making sure that people have equity to the internet regardless of race and sexual orientation and pregnancy status, which includes not just ISPs, not just telecom providers, not just infrastructure owners like the tier one ISPs, but also landlords.
So the FCC can now regulate landlords to make sure that when you are renting, that your domicile provides equitable access to the internet. And what that means is a complete mystery to absolutely everyone, which is why they were against that. Basically, anything that can be expected to provide or facilitate the Internet is now under the purview of the FCC, and they are allowed and expected to, by their orders from the government, to intervene and figure out how to increase access to black people and the Amish.
Unknown_31: And, uh, that's what they, uh, what, what they done. And I, I, in case you're wondering, I went through it and I tried to read it the best I can. I saw no mention whatsoever about specific companies being cut off for political affiliation or whatever. So, uh, very carefully in 78 pages, it manages to outline absolutely nothing of note while not impacting us in any way, shape or form.
Enjoy. Amish Twitter is going to be crazy. Hell yeah. What about the black Amish?
Unknown_03: We don't ask questions about the Black Amish.
Unknown_31: Same thing.
Unknown_31: New York City, I don't know what to say about this except that it's funny. In New York City, they're trying to get migrants to leave. There are so many, here's a great example of how the government trips on itself. There's a migrant crisis in New York City. They have so many brown people they don't know what to do with and they can't deport them because that's illegal under the state laws.
So they commandeer hotels that aren't in use. They set up tent camps.
Unknown_31: and they crowd people into these facilities for housing. And then, the fire department is called, inspects the building, and says, oh, you've got too many occupants here, we're gonna have to shut you down. And now that entire building is inaccessible to the homeless migrants that it was set up to house, and they must go to bigger tent camps that are now being constructed. This is the efficiency of New York State as they...
Yeah, sorry, you're gonna have to go pitch a tent. This is a dangerous house. What if it catches on fire? You know what won't catch on fire? Your fucking tent. Good luck, retard. Welcome to America, bitch.
Unknown_31: So they're so desperate. They're now paying people to leave the city in the state. They're like, please please Go to go to Montana go to please take these these poor Somalis and bust them to Montana in Idaho in Utah in Missouri in Kentucky in Iowa in Kansas and Oklahoma
Tennessee in Alabama, please go to these other states. They've got so much space for you you poor disenfranchised new Americans Oh This is awesome, there's so many like like news stories that are like politic shit, but they're also fun politic shit This is the fun politic shit in 2002
Unknown_31: Osama Bin Laden, who was the architect, allegedly, of the 9-11 terror attacks, which changed America in history forever. If you're young, there used to be these two big buildings in New York, and they did a bunch of trading. They were called the World Trade Centers. They were very tall. And then an ARAB flew some planes into them, and now we don't have them anymore. It was a really big deal, and it fucked up everything forever, basically.
So Osama, a year after the attacks, realized that Western Muslims were
Unknown_31: taking more liberty with understanding the motivation of attacks than Osama had wanted. So he wrote a very short, very concise explanation as to why he destroyed the World Trade Centers. And he addressed a bunch of different criticisms and concerns and thoughts that Western Muslims had asked of al-Qaeda.
He distributed these among England in the United States, and it was found and published in the Guardian in 2002 The Explanation is I feel that it was well written a lot of people took issue with oh my fucking God Someone just gave me half a grand to ask if we could get a person stream sure dude I'm gonna do a person stream when Osama bin Laden. He's my favorite little cow I
Unknown_31: Who knows? Maybe he wants something more situated, brother.
So he wrote an explanation about Osama Bin Laden and... Sorry, I'm distracted by money.
Unknown_31: Thank you. He wrote an explanation and what he addressed was that...
Unknown_31: He hate number one. He hated Jews number two. He really hated Jews number three. He hated Jews number four he hated Israel and He was very upset about how the West had treated Palestine He goes on to call the West hypocrites for having usury banned in there in the Bible But also allowing Jews to control their banks and stuff he goes goes over all of that he alleges that um
The Jews run the media and stuff. I'll just read this paragraph because I reposted it on Twitter, on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. Let's see if I can find it because I shitpost so much.
Unknown_31: The quote is, you are the nation that permits usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions, yet you build your economy and investments on usury. As a result of this and all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy through which they have taken control of your media and now control all aspects of your life, making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense. Precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against. Very weird to see a Saudi Arabian living in the mountains of Afghanistan, quote Benjamin Franklin.
as he warns against usury, but it was pretty interesting. A lot of this note was specifically about the Palestinian crisis, which is why, despite being a little-known publication by a terrorist in 2002, it went viral on TikTok, surprisingly, in 2023, and despite being up for over 20 years on The Guardian, they decided to censor it and remove this historical piece of information from the internet so that nobody could see it.
specifically because it, quote, propagated anti-Semitic tropes. And what's really funny about complaining about the anti-Semitic tropes is that Osama bin Laden actually addresses being called an anti-Semite in the letter and says, how can I be an anti-Semite if Palestinians are Semites? Explain this, Western media. And they don't. They just continue to call him an anti-Semite and censor his publication 20 years after the fact. So, I don't know. It was very interesting to see.
The whole feeling of politics right now is very strange, because in the similar vein, I think I actually have this pulled up. No, I do not have this next, but I'll jump to it.
Unknown_31: I almost called Elon Musk Osama Bin Laden.
Unknown_31: This guy, Charles Weber, posted this video that I played before of a guy saying, I saw your post on the Internet. Hitler was right. If you want to say that, why don't you say it to their face, boy? And then he's parked outside of a synagogue, and the kid's expression is just like, Dad, why are you trying to convince me of FedPost?
Unknown_31: But in this guide it said, the artist formerly known as Eric says, Jewish communities have been pushing for the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they want people to stop using against them. And then Elon replies to this affirmatively saying, you have said the actual truth. Now, Jewish people were very offended by this. And because Elon Musk seems to believe in the white supremacist, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews run the media and also finance, The Jewish media has labeled him an anti-Semite, and the Jewish hedge fund managers are now planning to short Tesla collectively.
Surprisingly, all the big hedge funds after this tweet came out, and the media started writing hit pieces on it, had put in shorts for the Tesla stock. Isn't that crazy? It's really, it's really the timing of that. It's just really, it's really unfortunate that Elon said something that Jewish people might find offensive. And then all of a sudden he's being branded as a Nazi and his companies are under attack financially. It's just crazy, man.
Um, as a result of this, by the way, I bought X premium. So I'm on, I'm on team Elon. I know he's done some shit. I know that he's a bit weird when it comes to the women. Okay. I'm not a fan of this still. However, I've decided to stop worrying and love Elon Musk. I hope that he conquers space and I hope that Twitter becomes the next great thing. I hope that the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, now known as X, can we, can we get some X's in chat for Elon chat?
I hope he wins, and it's very weird it the I I've now I'm now thoroughly addicted to this bullshit by the way I managed to avoid it's like I'm 10 years late to the party with Twitter Twitter is like super popular now. I'm actually using it And fortnight was super popular like 10 years ago now. I'm trying it for the first time I'm just old I'm behind the times, but I've been playing around with it, and it's really interesting there were some spurs arguing about politics and shit that were being promoted and
Thought like I can see what he's going for he's trying to make this like an all-in-one social media thing Even even Andrew Korba uses X to post Anti anti white woman diatribes from the the black pornography forum known as 4chan's pole to X to get likes so everyone everyone is on the social media platform formerly known as as we're I
Unknown_31: Notice that um when I bought premium it went through stripe, so I'm curious to see what happens when the big fight I bet you there's a fucking boardroom meeting between MasterCard and Visa card right now trying to figure out what they're gonna do to Try and cut Elon Musk off from the payment network Because they know if they do that he's just going to find some way to make an application to make Bitcoin accessible to absolutely everyone
Unknown_31: Which is probably why? Blackrock is trying to make a Bitcoin ETF right now, which we think they're expecting a reply to that today as early as today as from the FTC
So there you go.
Unknown_31: That's the Sperg news in regards to that. There's one more thing. Two things, actually. Did I talk about the Gamergate guy last time? I feel like I did. No Wednesday, so I couldn't have. A long time ago, there was a big news story about how Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked in his home by a man with a hammer. And because the guy that had attacked him was a male prostitute with methamphetamine possession charges,
Unknown_31: The popular conspiracy theory was that he was a man whore and Nancy Pelosi's husband was fucking this meth head in his house and then they had some kind of lovers quarrel and that resulted in physical altercation. However, now on the stand,
Now that he's on the stand, he's claiming that it was actually an elaborate plot to dress as a unicorn, kidnap Nancy Pelosi, and then interrogate and torture her
Unknown_31: In the name of Gamergate, he says that he was inspired by Gamergate to become an anti-feminist and he was going to take out Gamer Justice on Nancy Pelosi. No, that's not a joke. That's actually what he's saying under oath on trial in a federal courtroom. He's pleading guilty to attempted kidnapping of a federal agent or whatever, which is a serious crime. I think it's like 30 years in prison minimum for that. So he's facing like the rest of his life in jail. And this is the story that he's going with.
It's a really bizarre story.
Unknown_31: I don't know why he wouldn't play out the I fucked Nancy Pelosi in the ass and then we had a boyfriend fight over methamphetamine. That's the story to go with. I deliberately intended to try and kidnap a federal agent dressed as a unicorn.
So I'm assuming that they threatened to hang him in his prison cell if he didn't come out and say this. See what I mean? All the news this week, like in the last two days even, is like retard, silly nonsense. Literally, it's 2023 and this guy is claiming to be a Gamergate-motivated anti-feminist terrorist with a hammer and a blow-up unicorn costume. What is this? It's nonsense.
Pure nonsense, utter insanity. We're all losing our fucking mind.
Unknown_31: And then finally
Unknown_31: Uh, Will Smith is a homosexual. Will Smith's former friend and assistant is, uh, saying that, uh, spilling a ton of allegedly, alleged scalding hot tea. Is he, Perez Hilton, is it scalding hot tea or is it alleged scalding hot tea? When you say, when you invoke the, the image of scalding hot tea, and then you say alleged, it gives me like a, um, a Schrodinger's cat. Like you dip your finger into the tea and it's either scalding or it's ice cold. And it's just like, There's a multiverse happening where it's cold and or scalding hot.
But he said, I opened the door to Dwayne's dressing room and that's when I saw Dwayne having anal sex with Will. There was a couch and Will was bent over the couch and Dwayne was standing up killing him, murdering. It was murder in there.
Unknown_31: It's a very homosexual recount of gay anal sex.
Unknown_31: So I don't know. I had no investment in Will Smith. Um, but for those of you not in the know, according to some man named Dwayne, who is a former friend in the system of Will Smith, uh, Will Smith was in the changing room getting his, uh, his anal cavity absolutely murdered by, by somebody murdering that ass. Um,
All right, that's the end of the news. Now we got the trims. This guy requested that I, um, I play this for everybody. I've not seen it, but I, but I like to say, I like to save some things for the stream so I can watch them with you guys. This is a tranny dancing.
Can anyone is it just me or when anyone do you guys like when you see a tranny dancing? Especially like a granny training like this. You're just like would you fuck me? I'd fuck me hard like that like the Sounds of the land every time I see a tranny dancing. I'm just like yeah, it's like the sounds of the lands
Unknown_31: Saturday night fever What is the point of this?
He's really getting into the dress play Reminds me of that anime dancing gif that all the fucking weebs post He's trying to be like that trying to be like a little anime girl
Unknown_31: Uh, sorry, bro. You'll never be a real girl or an, Oh my God, this clip, this clip is amazing. This is the best thing that's ever been produced ever. If you have not seen this clip.
Unknown_31: Trap him. This is perfection. You may not like it, but this is what peak audio visual performance looks like.
Unknown_36: I think you gave me the wrong ID.
Unknown_00: No, that's me. I know I look a little different.
Unknown_36: This is a girl.
Unknown_00: Yeah, I was assigned female at birth, but I identify as a man.
Yeah, his pronouns are he, him.
Unknown_36: Sorry, so you mean to tell me that you're transgender?
Unknown_00: Yes. My name was Ashlyn, but now it's Adam.
Unknown_36: You can't just change your gender like that. It doesn't work like that. Excuse me?
Unknown_36: You people and your he, him, she, her.
Unknown_36: I cannot stand you people.
Unknown_00: I'm sorry, but this seems very inappropriate.
Unknown_36: It is inappropriate. I'm not selling this house to you or your fake boyfriend. What is wrong with you?
Kill yourself.
Unknown_32: Face.
Unknown_32: Look, felt it.
Unknown_35: Kill yourself.
Unknown_32: Wow, wow, what?
Unknown_35: Self. Wow, wow, what?
Unknown_31: I like this part too. This is me every day. This is my every stream.
Unknown_36: And you're he, him, she, her.
Unknown_31: I have to take I have to take a mental health check here and remember that Trannies are among us. Give me a second. Give me a second chat. There's trainees.
There she can be her. That's literally me. This is this is this is me. This is me. This is this person right? This character is me.
Unknown_31: Great job. Excellent.
Unknown_31: Okay, I might have to take another mental health check here and remember about these fucking transgenders with their she him he hers whatever I
Unknown_31: So Caden official in the Caden Coleman someone I don't talk about very often Published this as children's entertainment, and they're for whatever reason tranny art is like the most viscerally disgusting shit ever created But he she whatever the fuck it is says I haven't been feeling well for the past two days So please be patient with me if you've reached out things also when you hire someone and the payment terms are net 30 days That should not mean you're purposely waiting until 30 days to pay shake my head well motherfucker
If you don't wanna be paid in 30 days after invoice, make the payment term 14 days after invoice, or seven days after invoice. You, you set the term to 30 days. You set the term, okay? Jesus, what a fucking thing to bitch about.
Unknown_31: and my belly inspired in my daddy's belly inspired by a real family, a real family. They're both real and a family chat and they're real and a family with tips for parents, helpful resources and FAQs by Logan Brown. The story of a transgender dad giving birth. Oh, there's a little seahorse. But until one day, Oh, Oh, Oh, I ate a big taco bell and now I have a perfectly spherical stomach. Oh boy.
Kate In my daddy's belly a heartwarming story about two dads eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child Teaching kids that it doesn't matter what their family looks like as long as they're safe and loved This book breaks barriers and challenges norms making it a must-have resources for those in the trans community and beyond This illustration cut the illustrations combined with the simply at heartwarming story really makes for a engaging children's story from Jenny Lemon
Kaden Xavier Coleman says, I'm going to share your post since you couldn't tag me. Opinions can be harmful. Opinions can be transphobic. I know you yourself have posted about wanting to have children of your own, so are you going to lie to your children until they are of age?
Unknown_31: Why can children know about heterosexual cisgender parents, but not trans and queer parents? I'll tell you the answer. Because you see, this is something that is bad and deviant and therefore the definition of transphobic. So yes, you are transphobic. You're a pick me. Just remember your opinion when your rights are being stripped away from you. Kiss kiss. Is this a threat? I will defend myself. I have no issues with a double barrel defending my fucking rights. You think that you're a cute little seahorse, you're a cute little ski horse that's gonna be in 80 fucking different parts if you try to strip me of my rights, Hayden.
click trans people like this fucking disgust me you hate yourself that much that you think your existence is inappropriate for children that's fucking wild and yes i unfriended this self-hating person the transphobia was wild in the comments and y'all just refuse to see that as a trans person being a pick me and we'll come back to bite you in the ass too smh oh this tj benzo i did unfriend him but didn't tag him so let me rectify that Because anyone who knows me knows that when I say something, I say it with my full chest.
So manly, like a gorilla. Now who gon' beat my ass? Thinking emoji.
Unknown_31: TJ Vanzo says, personally, I don't agree with this because kids don't even understand trans people, much less understanding a trans man carrying. In reply to Pride on Facebook saying, go check out Logan Brown's new book.
Unknown_31: A kid replies and says, stop lying and saying you're for the trans community. I'm so tired of y'all. Cisgendered heterosexual people are not the only people who have children. And Sean Vinson also says, I'm so for the trans community, but this is a little much. I don't mind teaching my kids about trans life and what it is and mean, but I'm not ready reading this to them.
I hate people like this. I hate people like this more than the trainees like what a fucking piece of shit You are you've been sitting to you've been sitting faggot you think that this wasn't gonna come up You don't think that mandatory seahorse dad children's books for three-year-olds are on the on the table you fucking idiot fucking Facebook boomer piece of shit Can we deport all the boomers to Germany or something?
Unknown_31: KadenXOfficial says, it's trans awareness week and the amount of negative discourse I'm seeing from this book from people in the trans community is absolutely ridiculous. Sorry that I even need to address negativity during this week, but it's needed to be. I love that sentiment. Oh my God. I hate to be a negative Nancy on this most holy of weeks, transgender awareness week. But I really have to say it's like someone interrupting. Look, look, I know it's Christmas, but we have to talk about your alcoholism. Like, I know it's transgender awareness week, but we have to talk about your rampant transphobia. Motherfucker, shut up.
The idea that there needs to be a week for tranny awareness. I didn't even know that it was supposed to be training awareness week until I opened up Google on accident and saw the little byline. By the way, let me hide this real quick. I'm going to, I'm going to be based for a second. We're doing this.
Unknown_03: OK, base.
Unknown_31: So what you do, go to Google, you see how it says honoring transgender awareness. Step one, go to settings and then send the feedback.
Unknown_31: Then, click Upload Screenshot. Make sure that this, oh, I can't. I can't do it without the Chrome browser. But on the Chrome browser, or browser, or Brave, you can highlight it, and then highlight the bit that just says that, and then you can say, go fuck yourself, and you can send it.
I encourage everyone to do this. I do this every time I see anything I don't like on any other websites. I send in feedback saying, I don't wanna see this ever again. So there you go, you can send your Sneedbacks.
Unknown_31: You don't see this in, dude, they never show it in Poland. I can even look at this and say, okay, let's see. I'm in Vegas right now. Let's see what's going, I bet you in Ireland, I bet you Ireland's paused. One second, we'll go around the world real quick.
Unknown_31: Google offered in Gaelic. So Ireland is not paused. Let's try the UK.
UK doesn't have it. Let's try Canada.
Unknown_03: No, Canada offers French. It does not have transgender awareness week.
Unknown_31: Let's try a Japanese Nope not there try French. There has to be one other country in the world that has the fucking transgender awareness shit Google offered in French. No, let's try Brussels Brussels is pretty fucking gay. Oh
Unknown_31: Google offered in eight different languages. Okay. What about Germany? If it's not in Germany, I give up because Germany is fucking gay. Google offered in Deutsch. Okay. That's not what I want. I can't believe it. It's only AmeriMuts. It's only American DPNs and AmeriMut bros that see the Transgender Awareness Week.
Get rekt. Get rekt, fuckers. That's why you complain. Send feedback. Hey. Hey, Google. You know, I know that this is a targeted line for just people in the United States, and as a citizen of these United States, I just wanted to leave a little note saying that this putrid fucking horse shit is disgusting to me on a visceral level, and I hope you burn in hell. Just wanted to drop that in. Thanks for reading. Go fuck yourself. Bye-bye. That's what you gotta do. You just gotta be, you gotta become unhinged. Get your monkey out, chat. Get your monkey out. Start knocking shit over on the shelves and saying, fuck you, bitch. Fuck you, bitch. That's how you do it. You do that shit until they fuck off.
That's how it happens.
Unknown_03: It's the chatter. I know.
Unknown_31: Where do you go to complain? At the bottom right, on settings, say Send Feedback. If you're on Chrome, you can take a screenshot of the browser without actually manually capturing a screenshot. Then you can block out your user info. I don't know if that actually helps, but you shouldn't be afraid of doxing yourself anyways, because you should allow yourself to become unhinged. Highlight the thing that says Honoring Transgender Awareness Week. Submit that, and then describe your feedback. You have to submit a few sentences. Maybe just say, I think that you're fucking bullshit, and I hate seeing this, and go kill yourself. That should that should be sufficient. You can word it in your own way. I'm not gonna give you like a template Speak from the heart speak from the heart become unhinged um Okay, there's that This is another clip that I haven't seen before but which was requested of me. Let's check it out chance check it out Stop using transphobic language instead of saying how do you know that you're trans instead?
Venmo me 20 bucks
Unknown_01: Instead of asking, well, what's in your pants? Cash at me $100. Instead of saying like, oh, well, what is your real name? Give me $2,500 in cold, hard cash. Instead of trying to trigger my dysphoria, buy me something off of Amazon. I have a wishlist. Instead of telling me to find God, PayPal me $200.
Unknown_01: Instead of mindlessly following propaganda,
Go touch grass.
Unknown_01: Go touch grass, right now.
Unknown_31: How much for your eternal soul, Travis? $200?
Unknown_31: Okay.
Unknown_31: Satan will cut you the check, don't worry.
Unknown_31: Satan got you covered, my boy. This is a fun post. On X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.
Unknown_31: Steph Richard, she her. Pumpy Steph says,
Unknown_31: I just wanted to thank Jody Indo PhD and Indo South Sea for their invitation to join them as their new CEO. I was and remain genuinely honored. My mission will be to oversee the charity's everyday running, raise awareness of endometriosis and adenoidosis, and raise the profile of ESC.
Around 10% of women and trans men suffer from endo, with some suffering and debilitating pain regularly. The average diagnosis time via the NHS right now is 8 years, costing the economy 8.2 billion pounds per year due to medical costs and lost days at work.
Our aims is to advocate for a women's health hub in Portsmouth, and I am proud that we started this journey months ago. Health hubs will be cut waiting times and reduce suffering. Feminism has many causes, far too many to put in one tweet, but for me, inequality in healthcare is a priority, and I'll do my best to help overcome this injustice." That's what Steph Richards says, talking about endometriosis. Let's search for a quick endometriosis quick definition for people not in the know. Endometriosis is a disease in which the tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. So basically,
Unknown_31: There's a special kind of tissue that grows inside the uterus. Endometriosis is a very painful condition in which that same tissue grows on the outside, which exposes it to the body cavity. Obviously, that's very unpleasant to have an inside-out uterus, basically. I mean, it's not properly inside-out. It still works and stuff. The tissue is just fucked up real bad. It can be very painful.
Terrible debilitating pain for a lot of women. It's as this person says 10% of women Suffer from me. No, so it's very common even So uterus havers lose again, but wait a second What is this chat?
chat it appears that the ceo of this brit british uterine disease awareness non-profit is without uterus has never had a uterus and never will have a uterus
Unknown_31: How could this be, chat? The CEO of a charity specifically tasked with raising awareness and access to medical care for a uterine disease is a man with a pearl necklace.
Unknown_31: How do we, how do we move forward in this?
Unknown_31: Trans people are doctors, nurses and teachers, lawyers, airline pilots and scientists, designers, artists and poets. Invariably, you don't know we are trans, yet some want to persecute us for living our true selves. Nobody can tell. No one can tell. This person just blends in so seamlessly, you can't just immediately look at their fucking face and see a granny tranny. It's just impossible. Nobody in Chattanooga knew, until I pointed it out.
And then he goes on to say endometriosis is not a gynecological condition says founder of charity with transgender CEO So I mean it's a uterine disease. I guess I don't know if that's come under the umbrella of gynecological the gynecological only associated with the vagina or is Endometriosis gynecological
One of the most common gynecological disease from the Yale Book of Medicine.
Unknown_31: Apparently, the Yale Book of Medicine currently is in disagreement with the founder of the charity for endometriosis. However, I assume that can be fixed in a jiffy real quick.
Unknown_03: All right, cool.
Unknown_31: Finally, a little update, a little Normie lolcow tranny update. Catherine Lorelei, one of Liz Fong Jones's henchmen, I believe this is the one that is trying to escape Oklahoma and move to Washington, D.C. After the amazing success of Drop Kiwi Farms and the uttered and total destruction of Kiwi Farms, they're trying to springboard their political advocacy career, move to D.C. and bring trans rights to the entire union. if only people would donate to his GoFundMe. Until then, he's stuck in Oklahoma with a ongoing domestic abuse dispute, if I remember correctly.
One problem.
Mr. Mr. Catherine has been in a lie for a very long time Catherine claims that he is Indigenous indigenous folks living in Oklahoma you may He has put on them the the myth that he is of Indian American Indian ancestry despite being obviously like the whitest fattest grossest dude on the fucking planet and
Unknown_31: After years of lying, after years of pretending to be an indigenous folks, he has been forced to come out and admit that he is whitey.
Unknown_31: He says, so I'm not indigenous as far as I know, but like have raised kids that are, and I once corrected them when they were used the term Indian to describe themselves.
Unknown_31: Being the non-native in that group. I get a lot of flack for that lol. That's just what they call themselves I should use the term white passing more. I think these are yeah, these are old tweets I should use the term white passing more often I think if we confuse people less about my POTC status as an activist trans POC who gets ignored by large flaws of the community It's pretty frustrating to watch the white trans femmes get all the positive attention When we have to make leadership decisions based on race in this community. There's a problem I White people shouldn't be telling trans POC like me what messaging is best for us. The trans community has a racial inequality problem. Traditionally petty, decently well-off white trans families get much farther than trans POC. We need the leadership in this community to elevate more people of color. They also need to shut the fuck up and listen sometimes. I am a trans POC.
Actually, I lied. I'm not trans POC. I'm just pretending. I'm put on that I should I stuck a feather up my butt and I dance around a cat fire going hey, yeah Hey, yeah, hey, yeah, so that makes me at least like 164 look all I'm saying is I want to be tax-exempt I'm gonna be real with you I don't care at all about being black or whatever the fuck. I just want the tax exemption. I live on Oklahoma is like 90% reservation now and I live on one. Give me give me my exemption. You piece of shit.
And that's, I'm gonna be real with you. I'm gonna be real with you. It's easy to look at Catherine and say, Oh, he's stuck a feather up his butt. And now he calls himself an Indian trans POC. But federal tax exemption, bros, federal tax, the only form of miscegenation that is allowable is with American Natives because when you take out the abacus of base besetness and you tally up white babies versus screwing over the IRS forever in perpetuity with your bloodline, it evens out.
That's a controversial take, that's a contentious opinion of mine, but it evens out. Fuck the IRS.
Unknown_31: So I support Kath- You know what? I support this endeavor. I hope Katharine manages to get recognized as an Indian. As a Native American.
Unknown_31: Cool. Excellent. Wonderful.
Unknown_31: I do have some sad news for everybody. Puff, King Cobra JFS's beloved bearded dragon, has vanished. He says on the Casper, Wyoming Lost Pets Facebook page, hello fellow Casper citizens, I have lost my bearded dragon and I'm desperately searching for him in the last two days.
Seen by a building B at the Conquistadors.
Unknown_31: So homeboy puff is on the lam Josh is looking for him if any of you are in Casper, Wyoming Around building B by the conquistadors Please help a neighbor out get that bearded mofucka bring them home. Daddy misses them, okay?
Unknown_31: They are like mold they barely move how do you lose a lizard?
Unknown_31: I mean, when you, uh, huff air duster and drink and eat the shit that he does, I imagine that time and space are very loose concepts that are easy to lose track of.
Poor Puff. Yeah, he'll find them. I got a good hope that that Puff will be found and rescued. Don't you worry.
Unknown_31: Um, so.
Unknown_31: One of the things I did not get I accidentally skipped yesterday or on Tuesday. I didn't mean to skip it It's just like it slipped my mind There is an IP to streamer Named suspenders and suspenders Has had like this controversial relationship with his girlfriend back and forth for a long ass time. I
and uh during a live streaming a little oopsie doodle happened a little oopsie whoopsie
Unknown_31: on her phone His girlfriend's phone you could accidentally see that she has the tinder app and not only does she have the tinder app She I've never talked about suspenders before I'm just kind of diving into this blind But she's in Bangkok according to this I guess she looks brown so she's probably Asian and I think that Suspenders is a Filipino who lives in Japan, and I guess he's married to a Thai girl. But in the car, you can see the Tinder app, you can see she has notifications, and then it was pointed out to him.
Suspenders purged his discord and left the group because the people were making fun of him It says suspenders decided that it was in his best interest to leave and yes close some of the channels if you all bear With us we're doing our best to get those channels up and running again. Thanks for his understanding So both of them were coping at this time saying it's not a big deal But the evidence that she's cheating was stacking up chat So they had a little confrontation over this you're going to see these wonderful looking people in real time get ready
This is at the time that it was I think it was This is when the screenshot was recorded and he noticed the app which is why they had a confrontation So this was like at the time that it was recorded I
Unknown_31: I tell you. I didn't know there was a hole there.
Unknown_02: My wife doesn't have Tinder.
Unknown_02: You have Tinder? Tinder? She doesn't have.
These people are hideous. These are some of the ugliest fucking people I've ever seen before chat. What the fuck is this?
Unknown_03: Tinder.
Unknown_06: Before I have, but I deleted.
Unknown_02: She had it before.
Unknown_02: I had a Tinder too.
Unknown_02: If you're single, why the fuck wouldn't you have a Tinder?
You think guys are the only ones that use that shit?
Unknown_02: Do you have an app on your phone, Tinder?
Unknown_26: No, it's a... it's a... I messaged, cost a month.
Unknown_31: No, not why I messaged, cost a month. Why, is she like, what the fuck is she? What is this, sitting in front of me?
Unknown_04: Why?
Unknown_31: I don't know.
Unknown_31: Look.
She's like B.S. Odin, she's trying to figure out what to say.
Unknown_26: I have but, oh yeah yeah, I have but why?
Unknown_26: I never message people. Never.
Unknown_30: Is that why you have notifications?
Unknown_02: Why? No thanks, I don't care. She just went through the message and none. She had it on there.
Unknown_02: It's not a big deal.
Unknown_02: She doesn't use it.
Look at him coping. He knows. He's got like this permanently sad face to him.
Unknown_31: Big deal man, I used to have Tinder on my phone. And I can still be on it.
Unknown_02: it's like buying a new phone and tiktok come on the phone saying you use tiktok it's like it's on your phone yeah
That's puts it in f-screen to talk to his wife we got rekt um Forgot why I pulled this up Born to a wealthy family own multiple houses owning up one of them in Spain and
Unknown_31: The family's finances took a hit once the IRS took away a large amount of their wealth.
Unknown_31: He's Filipino and Jewish. Oh my God. And he lives in, he's rich. He's a rich tax dodger of Jewish descent. And he lives in Japan and he dates a half black Thai woman who's cheating on them. Awesome. Amazing shit. That's why I pulled it up. I forgot.
Unknown_31: I already showed this.
Unknown_31: However, they address it one more time.
Goddamn, look at that forehead.
Unknown_31: I bet you could fit a big crime in those wrinkles, lol.
Unknown_02: I just wanted to get chat to get some of their toxicity out. I feel like chat needed to be a little bit toxic. So I needed a vacation from it. So I took like 24 hour vacation from it. You know what I mean?
Just let everybody kind of get it out. I feel like it's working. One of the things that I don't like doing is I don't like repeating myself.
Unknown_34: You guys know that.
Unknown_02: I'll say it one last time as a final thing.
Unknown_02: I kind of alluded to it, but basically she wanted to troll. So my wife has a fucking, what do you call it? A personality. She's funny sometimes. I can see it with me. She's joking around a lot. That's why she uploaded a fucking bunch of money because she wanted to troll.
So that's basically the answer.
Unknown_31: His explanation, uh, that's what I was waiting for is that um, he It was just a troll she was being silly She was being a silly billy by having a fake tinder to try because she's so funny now look you can see This is what this is how you know, it's a joke because when it was revealed to her that she had a tinder um she just denies it at first and then as she he's showing her evidence that the chat had taken um she just silently refuses to address it at all and looks uncomfortable and like she wants to die the entire time so that's That's how you know it was a joke because with a with a finishing punchline like that It was set up and paid off exactly like a real troll would it would be done and not like a cheating? Spouse trying to hide the fact that they have tinder open and or trading nudes on the internet Such as life you laugh good. The troll worked and very funny. Haha. Oh, he I Play Siri joke on my husband and streaming community.
Oh Excellent
All right. So, um,
Unknown_03: I believe Okay, so Rikada has been just this is just a real short Rikada thing Rikada has been like drunk So every time that I've been banned off the social media platform formerly known as Twitter It has been after yelling at either Dick Masterson aka Juju the cow a man who got fucked in the ass by his girlfriend and Nick Rikada, so now instead of
Have just blocked them like my my stratagem is just to completely ignore these people on the social media platform formerly known as X So far this has been working.
Unknown_31: I Think I've managed to stay on on Twitter longer than ever before at this point in time. So I get I get these little droplets of him ranting about me from the threads still and He just sounds really drunk So I'll just read this actually
Unknown_31: It was over a half an hour late to a stream last night even though he was seething about Nolan Twitter shortly before his stream was scheduled to start He then got extremely drunk on stream alongside his Jenny Valhalla weights and another log tube orbiter You may recall that Rick Ada Airbnb where he stayed prior to the live show with Dick Masterson others in September was rebuilt to be a Playboy themed property called the playmate lounge and then he admits this I
Also, I have dirt on you, I think.
Unknown_14: You definitely have dirt on me.
Unknown_16: I think that's what it is. I think I have dirt on you, and therefore I get away with things that most YouTube spatters can't get away with.
Unknown_14: Anybody who's hung out with me in person for 38 minutes has dirt on me. That's embarrassing.
Unknown_16: Listen, y'all, let me tell you something, right? We got back from Nashville. I was talking up Nashville for a fucking month, two months. I was so excited about Nashville, right? We get to Nashville.
Unknown_07: We hang out for the entire weekend.
It was awesome. I had so much fun.
Unknown_14: Never would have fun with me.
Unknown_16: I'm not fun. The day we get back from Nashville, Nick's like, hey man, you shouldn't tell people we're friends. They're going to come after you.
Unknown_15: Yeah.
Unknown_15: What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?
Unknown_15: I've been talking about it for two months. All of a sudden I get back and I'm not supposed to say shit.
Unknown_27: It's funny because he hasn't said that to anybody else. It's purely just he doesn't want to be associated with you.
Unknown_14: Imagine having the hubris to think that I watched your show for two months before Nashville.
I didn't say you did.
Unknown_16: He had his Mustang parked behind the B&E, and I pulled my Dodge Ram behind it, and for a half a minute, I was like, I bet I could drive over the top of that fucking car.
Unknown_14: You definitely could.
Unknown_16: For a half second, I thought about it. I was like, I bet I could just drive right over the top of his car.
Unknown_14: How much fun was that B&B, though? Like, for real, how much fun was that B&B? It was amazing, bro.
Unknown_16: That whole weekend was fucking amazing.
Unknown_16: Is everybody that was there okay with being there?
Unknown_14: Don't talk about anybody who was there.
Unknown_16: Okay.
I don't, I don't think anybody cares.
Unknown_16: I got to meet a whole lot of awesome people and a bunch of people that I didn't.
Unknown_31: A specific part, which I can't, I wish I wouldn't bring this up on the, um, another thing where I should have timestamped it. Cause what happened is explained in the post, but he says that he did a, like a strip dance for his jammy.
Unknown_31: or a pole dance. Dude, I did a pole dance for you and your wife.
Unknown_14: Dance for you, dude. I did a pole dance for you and your wife and you paid me more than your wife did so, you know For a fact that you're not a random Bizarre, I don't know.
I don't want to say too much cuz it's just like it's just for K to being Rikita and there's no point because if I say anything it'll be like I Don't know but that's what he's up to. He's taking he's pole dancing for his Jenny's now
Unknown_31: Oh, this is where he did it. So if you want to imagine if you want to open your third eye and imagine what this would look like in person
Unknown_31: Here we have the playboy themed playmate mansion that Rikada rented. Now imagine Rikada naked or in a speedo or whatever, doing a little, little dance, a little tease on this pole, uh, for, for his jannies for a private showing of the Rikada goods for his jannies. So they will continue to sweep it up for him. Maybe this is what provoked those people to register on my site eight fucking times and try to argue with people and try to derail it. They know that if they do a good job counter signaling the Kiwi farms, Rikita might just put on the Speedo and the Baldo. Imagine that outline. Brian Dunn, eat your heart out. Imagine the outline in the Speedo with the Baldo on. Maybe the Baldo even hanging seductively out of the Speedo.
As he does a little dip a little upside down rolling around on that pole for him. That is why Those people are so motivated so dedicated to Helping out because they know the goods are coming at the end of the day Rakeda will will give them their their comeuppance And then this I don't have not seen this 16 seconds, okay perfect excellent Shelly says just as you apologize for raping our one child.
I will never apologize for raping your one child your child deserve it They wore a skirt that was too short
Unknown_31: This guy's face is just like, I'm on Aussie Overlord is sitting here thinking my face is in this clip. This clip is going on YouTube.
Unknown_31: The clip where Rikada says that your child deserved to be raped has my face on it. And that's going on YouTube. And when this is presented as evidence for the wall trials of 2030,
I will be in this clip. I will be implicated in its depravity forever. I will never escape this fate because I accepted the offer to appear on this stream to try and advertise my my fucking bullshit ass retard channel.
Unknown_27: Sorry, I was literally reading a comment that says I'm reading comments and dying inside just a little bit.
Unknown_31: This man, I assume, I think he's also like, I would assume, I don't know anything about him, but I'm assuming that he's like a law tuber for Australian law. And as Rakeda says that your child deserves to be raped, he very quickly, it's like in a high speed car, it's like he slams on his brakes, throws it in reverse. He's got three seconds to make this pull out convincing as he skids off and he thinks, ah, I'm going to pretend I didn't even hear that. So when they line me up, in the wall hearings of 2030, I can just say I have no fucking recollection of this. And it's on record that I was reading a comment when it was said, which is why I didn't object and prevent him from saying this retarded-ass shit. That is a true legal maneuver. That man's an expert. I'm sure he's done depositions before in his career. Great job, my boy.
After the show Nick got back to what he was doing before laying off some scene, but no on Twitter cases I don't burn burgers gaze a burns bridge in the knee for literally no reason Around 4 in the morning his time, so you see this message I'll repeat this.
LegendsLiveForever asked Rikada, another bridge to burn. RikadaLaw replied saying, a bridge to burn? I don't burn burgers. Gays burn bridges with me for literally no reason.
Unknown_31: Sorry, Gator.
Unknown_31: Amazing post. Thank you, Rikada.
Unknown_31: Well, that post, so good. Here, wait. I'm going to say a toast to Rikada.
Unknown_31: Wow, that alcohol really hit the spot. That was a fine... That was a fine-aged whiskey. It really satiates my... My appetite, my thirst, if you know what I mean. Rikato really outdid himself with that one. I think that he should, uh, toast.
He wants to enjoy himself just a little bit, because he's earned it. He's earned it. Especially with that, um, Rumble contract. He says that he's back in renegotiations with Rumble. So, uh, sorry, Kiwifigs. You gotta...
Unknown_31: You gotta cope and see. He's gonna re-sign with Rumble. Um... Potentially, because he's back in renegotiation. So that's a winning move right there. That's something to be celebrated with a drink. If there was ever a time to drink, it would be after scoring that renegotiation with Rumble. That's well-earned, chat. Well-earned.
Stop drinking my buffalo sauce? No. Never.
Unknown_31: Now I have, I do have a little Ralph news, um, for this, for this stream, Ralph has lost like all of the weight. I think that this is the thinnest I've ever seen him, which means that he has, uh, he, he did not go on diet hiatus after the main event was over. He continued to lose weight now.
A-logs have have questioned the methodology used here to lose weight Some a-logs have speculated that it's ozempic some a-logs have speculated that it's in the stage liver failure Which causes rapid weight loss however that is mere speculation by kiwi figs who are unreliable so I will simply congratulate Ralph for losing a lot of weight that is impressive now I guess I gotta do it eventually maybe when I start fishing all this way I
Though he did he did take this win and then immediately cringe post on the social media account known as formerly known as Twitter by saying In response to this anime avatar saying studies show at least one in ten men cheat on their wife or their pregnant wife Which is sick unfortunately most men struggle with empathy Part of a woman is putting your comfort aside to make your husband happy curse of Eve biting the apple So this um mentally ill anime avatar who may be pretending to be a woman says that women deserve to be cheated on when pregnant because that is their job because um in the the book of genesis from the old testament eve bit the apple and therefore deserves it now that on its own is a bizarre post however what's uh
Unknown_31: Kind of shitty is that Ethan Ralph in replies to this with a series of emojis sort of implicating himself because he's had two pregnant pregnant people in his life and Allegedly he has cheated on both of them, which is not not a good idea Such as life such as life as a Ralph him now
Okay, one more thing. I also forgot about this on Tuesday, and then I have a Reddit post to read and go through. A famous one that I promised I would read.
Unknown_31: This is old news. However, I will replay this clip for the audience so that you may be reacquainted with it. Here we have a man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, and then we have an Albanian pedophile next to him. Let's hear what he has to say.
Unknown_21: Because Nick is forgiving. If you just peace it with him, he's peaceful with a lot of people, right? Even Destiny.
Unknown_04: Yeah. Yeah, well, I don't want to make peace with him.
Unknown_22: That's the thing. I want to destroy America first. So it's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult.
It's a pedophile cult.
Unknown_22: It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult.
Unknown_21: It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult.
Unknown_22: It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult.
Unknown_21: It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult. It's a pedophile cult
Unknown_22: You're just giving me material, dude. Please keep saying stuff like this. Look at that.
Unknown_21: If I'm giving you material, hit me. Don't freeze. I mean, I love it. I love it. I love it when an American person is sitting here saying they're a pedophile. I mean, that's what I want to hear. I can silence you. This is a week where I can silence you with saying, I'm a pedo? You freeze? Wait, how are you supposed to respond to, I'm a pedophile?
It's Exodia right here.
Unknown_21: I won.
Unknown_21: Ethan, you owe me money for this, bro.
Unknown_31: I do. I honestly do. I mean, I'm just mind blown.
Unknown_31: So this is Zerka, he's an Albanian, I think he claims to be Christian, but he's a Muslim, who worships a dead pedophile, and he calls himself a pedophile, I guess because it's funny, or because he probably is a pedophile, more likely.
Unknown_31: Now, I bring this up because Zerka got his shit kicked, let's watch.
Hey, hey, hey, chill boys!
Unknown_05: Oh, chill, chill, boys. Chill. Oh my God.
Yo, you guys!
Unknown_05: Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop, boys! Stop! Stop! Stop! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_08: Chill! Chill!
Unknown_05: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_08: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_05: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_08: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_05: Chill!
Unknown_08: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_04: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_06: Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill! Chill!
Unknown_23: Chill! Chill! Chill
Unknown_31: How is he so much bigger and he gets knocked down twice?
Who's who? Is Zerka the very brown one?
Unknown_03: Or that guy? I can't tell. I wanna... No, Zerka has to be the bigger guy, right?
Unknown_03: Yellow shorts. Yeah, the bigger guy. How is he getting knocked down...
Unknown_03: By this guy who's so much smaller than him. He's like half his size.
Like his only way to deal with this guy was to like put all of his body weight on and then like grind his hip up against his ass.
Unknown_03: He started it too.
Unknown_05: Where did this happen? Oh, this is in Palm Springs in the US? How is that not?
Unknown_25: Oh, dude.
Unknown_31: That skinny guy, if he had hit him right here, he misses. He swings and misses. If he had just hit him, he would have gone down.
That's crazy! How is he getting his shit wrecked by this guy?
Unknown_31: Oh, chill! Chill, boys! I love that guy in the car. He's like, oh shit, retard's fighting. I'm backing up. Very, very narrow miss there. He might have gotten a dent or a scratch on his car, but thankfully he was paying attention to his surroundings and got out of the way.
Unknown_04: Oh, chill! Chill, boys!
Unknown_04: Chill! Oh my...
Yeah, his only way to deal with him was to put up like all of his body body weight on him He couldn't you literally couldn't go to the hair with this guy half his size Maybe if he gets more children, he'll be able to fight who knows chat You also get close oh Well, that's circa Even Turk got handled by mystery me ethnic Turk. No, he's well. Yeah, he's Albanian. He's a Turk I mean, I thought the other guy was going to be Turkish because he's wearing like a very Turkish looking shirt. Not what I expected, chat. Not what I expected. Um,
Unknown_03: All right, I will leave it up to you. I'm going to do a poll.
Unknown_31: This is a poll chat. What are we? What are we? I have two Reddit posts to read. I'm going to leave it up to you to decide which one you want to do first. Either poll, um, teaching what to read, vote one for teaching blacks, vote two for gaping buttholes.
I will leave it up to you. You may also not vote if you choose not to vote. That is an option. Chat is an option.
Unknown_31: I'm not waiting for the votes to roll in. Uh, let's see, 10 votes in with nine to the teaching blacks, 40 votes in, uh, most of the teaching blacks. It is, it is a 75 to 20 to 25 there about a result. I'm going to wait, let it get to up to a hundred. So everyone may participate in this democracy. So when I do whatever I want, uh, it works anyways.
All right, now I'll end it there. It is $75.25 in favor of Teaching Blacks.
Unknown_31: How did that not work?
Unknown_31: Pull in, was it pull in or in pull?
Unknown_31: Oh, it was in pull. Okay, Teaching Blacks won. Wow, okay, great.
Unknown_31: All right, let's read that. This is quite a long post. I might have to get a little sip.
A little sip.
Unknown_03: This was posted, I believe, around 2016, and I'm not sure if this is a 4chan copypasta or if this is from Reddit.
Unknown_31: I've heard conflicting stories about this. I believe it actually did come from Reddit.
Unknown_31: This was posted off my chest, I believe, during the Trump election, when there were lots of chuds on Reddit that have now been genocided.
The poster says,
Unknown_31: I used to teach in a black inner city school, their issues are their own fault and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. I'll try to read as much of this as I can. I've been a high school science teacher for a little under 10 years. I primarily worked with poor urban schools with high Hispanic immigrant populations, and I've loved most of my career. There are some low points and difficult times, but that's everyone right. The year I taught at a black inner city school almost made me leave the profession. I was entering my fifth year of teaching, and I decided to take on a new challenge. Local inner city schools had been advertising turnaround initiatives, and I decided to give it a go at the school. I, uh, as the school I was at had successfully completed a turnaround initiative, which started when I first arrived.
The two schools were very similar with one major difference. The proportion of students who were listed as economically disadvantaged was the same at both schools, but I was leaving a Hispanic one to go to a black one. The entire year was a complete disaster from beginning to end. I could probably write an entire book about what I saw there. Class was basically optional. Kids would walk in or out constantly. They showed up at all. Any attempts to enforce any kind of rules about cardiness or intruency was usually met with, fuck you, neighbor. And even if they did show up, they were rowdy and off task constantly. Very little education took place in that room, or any of the rooms. For example, one girl I pulled out her phone, turned on some music, jumped on her desk, and started dancing on top of the desk. I tried to get her down, but she kept telling me, fuck you, over and over again. This was at least weekly for her.
This same little bitch also has a speech to the school board about the institutional forces that keep black people down. Before you accused me of having shitty classroom management, I tried talking to my AP and principal about what to do because I had never experienced anything like this, and they told me something I was going to hear repeatedly throughout the year. It's just their culture, you have to respect that. It's important to note that I was literally the only white male in the building. Almost every other adult was black with a few Hispanic men and one white woman. The black female principal with a PhD in education told me it's just their culture and I have to respect that.
The crab-bucket mentality is real. I had a handful of good kids, and coincidentally I'm sure they were almost all African immigrants. One boy from Rwanda was accepted to Stanford. I was so proud of him and so happy for him. No, who wasn't? The college counselor trying to pressure him to change his mind and go to fucking Grambling instead said he was turning his back on his community by going to Stanford.
Trying to manage them was bad enough, but each class had about 40 kids in it. You might think this is a problem with funding, but we got more money per kid than every other high school in the area, and this was a major city. It didn't go to hiring teachers, it just went to maintaining all the shit that kids just destroyed for fun. We issued each student a laptop, and that was a pretty small school, about 850 kids. Throughout the year, we had to issue about a thousand replacements. The kids kept pawning them, or just destroying them for fun. Several times I caught groups of them just throwing their laptops against the wall or down the stairs, crackling and howling while taking turns filming it for Vine. This was before TikTok took off.
Every single TI-83 calculator in the building was stolen from every math and science teacher, but you can't just make them put it back when they leave. They howl and scream about any number of things and just storm out with it anyways.
Unknown_31: If we told the principal, they said it's just their culture.
Unknown_31: Um, every two weeks we handed out bags of groceries to every kid in addition to the school cafeteria serving free breakfast and lunch to those kids and free dinner later in the evening to students and their families. I don't know why, it was a fucking waste. They would fish out the snacks and dump everything else. Hundreds of pounds of food wasted a month. We often tried to salvage what we could when we know they just throw the bags on the floor, and I know for a fact that almost all of the housing in the area was heavily subsidized Section 8.
We haven't even touched the real big issue yet, which is violence. Fights were a daily thing. There was pretty much at all times a fight going on somewhere in the halls or in the classroom. Usually the punishment for a fight was about an hour and in-school suspension. A kid needed an average of five fights before anything more substantial happened, like a one day suspension. Notice how I say in the classroom, at least once a week a teacher got hit. I had quite a few take swings at me. Again, usually just sit in ISS for an hour, right back the next day. The first time a kid took a swing at me, principal demanded to know what I did to provoke him. Apparently telling him to remain in his seat was enough to set him off, and I was at fault. Again, why? It is their culture.
And now the big one, where I decided I was done. A group of six of the biggest assholes followed me out to the parking lot, and they showed me their knives. Said if I didn't get credit for my class towards graduation, they would kill me. I was terrified. I ran to the school resource officer and the principal. The principal told me that I had to give them extra credit. You guessed it, it's just their culture. These things happen, and we wouldn't want to wreck their lives with a police report over something like this, would we? For the first time ever in my life, I told a supervisor to fuck off. I would do no such thing and I would finish my contract to the letter, but I would do absolutely nothing extra of any kind. I was done at that shithole. I never walked the same path twice and kept my back to the wall at all times until in the parking lot where I was constantly looking over my shoulder, prepared to run. This was three years ago.
I went to another school in the district, just as poor as his, but Hispanic instead of black. The principal is also Hispanic and alum of the school. And because of the school, I'm glad I didn't quit education. I love it here. And it's just like the school I started off at. There's issues with poverty, but they're good people trying to make the best of what they have. And I go to work each day, um, with a smile on my face. I have some shitty kids, but we do, but we all do every year. I was deeply saddened by COVID because I didn't say a proper goodbye. I actually cried over that.
That sentence is burned into my brain It's just their culture if so, you'll have to forgive me when I say I'm not exactly sympathetic to it to your cause because you did it to yourself and There you go chat. There you go Tnd not hot off the presses but straight from reddit This is the this is why I
Racism is most prevalent in states in areas of the world, but particularly in the United States where people co-mingle. It's like Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, all those states get a reputation of being extremely racist, but those are also the states that have the most black people. The most anti-racist people are from places like Portland and Washington, which have no black people. which are extremely white, from schools that are 90% white or Asian, that have zero intermingling with black people. It is a very strange particularity in statistics, how these things work.
And then finally,
Unknown_03: okay this is from an anal only lifestyle it's clipped out for my convenience by crypto hermit um rand anon ask an anal only lifestyle
Unknown_31: Hey everyone! When swimming in public pools, etc., my butt tends to fill with water. Admittedly, my butt is a bit loose, so maybe this is expected? It happens more with breaststroke legs. When I get out of the pool, it feels like an enema and I can feel the water pouring out of my butt into my costume. Does anyone else have this same experience? xxx People reply.
Someone asked, does that mean that you have a resting gape? I am so confused with how that is even possible with a gape. I suppose I have a resting gape when I spread my legs open. This is phenomenal, and I mean it in the literal meaning of the word. I cannot begin to imagine the depth of my curiosity. How deep is that resting condition gape, as it cannot go very deep? Maybe it can. Do you have anal leakage on a regular basis? I'm so- I so badly want to see that gape. Came for a fap and got sucked into a rabbit hole of anatomy. I can't find information enough on the internet.
Lowercase i internet by the way.
Unknown_31: Another animal-only lifestyle user chimed in, absolutely, sit in the wrong spot in a spa bath and you feel quickly. At least with pools, I sit on the edge for a while before standing up, making sure I have leaked out enough. You're letting your butt water leak back into the pool, frowny face? He asked, where else am I supposed to empty myself? I don't have enough control to keep it inside, walk off, and find somewhere decent to let it flood out. I often sit on the side of the pool to let it drain out before walking off.
This is from the sidebar text. Welcome to our anal only lifestyle. Anal only lifestyle is a place to discuss an anal only lifestyle, a sex life that admits the traditional penis and vagina activity in exchange for anal sex. Why anal only? It can be for medical reasons. It can be a form of birth control. It can be a fun challenge. Maybe you can deny vaginal sex as a form of dominance, or maybe you just don't like vaginal penetration and think butts are neat. I guarantee you, anal is more common than you think and only trending upwards. Winky face. Yes, gay men are welcome, all identities and sexualities are. No, you don't have to be strictly 100% only anal to participate. Yes, you can talk about cleanliness, poop emoji. Yes, you can talk about relationship problems related to anal sex. No question is too dumb. And yes, you can have fun.
Well, there you go, chat. In your libertarian or liberal paradises, as you go to your socialist public pools, you can rest easy knowing that the gay man from the San Francisco choir who sang the song, We're Coming For Your Children, who's a convicted sex offender, is sitting on the side of the pool draining out his enema that he got because his asshole is so loose he no longer has any sphincter control.
Welcome to America, chat. Welcome back. It's so nice of Reddit to accommodate all this fucking mental illness. It's really great. It's really nice to have around.
Unknown_03: I do believe that that is all chat.
Unknown_31: Is anyone in chat?
Unknown_31: Uh, would, would anybody have any requests? Any, anything that I have not touched on? Anything that I might have a seated about that? I did not mention during this stream. Now is the time I give you now to say, so say, Josh, you've done fucked up again.
DSP got mugged talk about peepee dying. Who's dead? I don't know who peepee is PPP is dead The joke oh I didn't watch the bench.
Unknown_03: I don't watch any of the political debate shit. It's fucking dumb Blackface and then by daylight jurors you done fucked up again.
Unknown_31: There was a little bit of bossman Jack tent I will cover this briefly because it's the same thing over and he lost his arm I
Unknown_31: Did I did I mention that he lost his sponsorship last time he had a he I watched him play blackjack He got up to about $1,600 and he kept making $50 side bets and lost it all immediately But that's that's the usual for him he was partnered with rain bets and he lost the sponsorship with them because he had a Glitch where he lost a hand of blackjack that was $100 and he freaked out so hard He spammed their phone line at like 4 a.m. His time until he canceled his uh his membership
So there's that I did not see the shot. He was on footman five o'clock.
Unknown_03: You gotta report that shit Morski owns the casino now.
Unknown_31: I don't know if that's real. I'll mention it on Tuesday, but I don't know about PPP dying. That sounds like bullshit Okay, cool excellent, let us proceed into the super barrier segment chat
The endless march of time continues.
Unknown_31: I have my dashboard open with the super berries on it.
Unknown_31: Striga for 10 says I had to write something. Thank you. Striga. Very nice. Super chat. Striga for one says neighbor spelled out differently with N I G G E R. It sounds racist. Striga for one says Charnuk. I'm a double racist now. I don't know what the fuck that means, but thank you. Uh, James Boone for 15 says happy pizza day. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Happy pizza day to you too. Where's bun bun for 20 says search for Kiwi farms Ethan Ralph on Google and it came back with the firms on top total Ralph on the victory It's the home page. You cannot find the home page of the Kiwi farms, but you can find other stuff and It's extremely low in the search ratings unless you type in Kiwi farms But it does show up sometimes now, but on Google you will never ever find Kiwi farms net with no after the the URL That's just how it is
Them them like the Mac user. I thought your name was them accuser But it's the Mac user the Mac user seven five one four five says when we see your comments. I coach it investors meaning please record Yeah, when it happens it happens. I'll publish it. It's public record anyway Or on burger for five says you're a dead man Eric you will regret this Wow ominous and vague behave yourself, but thank you Haram burger very cool I Had nothing that had a good job
KKKKKKKKK JJ for 10 says hey Josh my wife keeps trying to touch my butthole I don't know why and how it needs to stop What will you do on my shoes if you poo on her she will stop trying to touch your butthole She may be very angry at you, but at least the the touching of the b-hole will stop that's unacceptable Or touch her b-hole and reply because she'll get the message and quit it oh
Unknown_31: low-class glamour for five just taking a lesson from the anal only lifestyle people they have the bodily defense mechanisms required Lower class number five says let me sit on your wide set eyes Josh. Oh, no, that's gross the Romer for one says to kick a kid today. I need a white better. Oh
Unknown_31: You know why Porter's answers question? It's gross CP deluxe for five says Josh every stream. I'm so busy guys. I can't do anything fun until next year Also, Josh guys friendly on fortnight. I want to be a mushroom God help us if they ever release a banana pepperskin That is the first I tried playing a little bit of I had like a couple hours yesterday I tried playing Victoria 3 it's still after like three fucking years of being out crashes constantly I couldn't get through a single can't I couldn't get like through ten years before it started crashing. It's like within minutes So I gave up on that shit
Um, cause Paradox is fucking incompetent. It's fucked now. It makes my blood boil. The map games are the only fucking games I like and they fucked it all up.
Unknown_31: And then, um... I downloaded Fortnite cause I had never heard of the no-build mode and that sounded interesting. And then I killed a bunch of children and or robots. Chinese robots.
Unknown_31: Um, DanTheOctor1 says, the only way a tranny character would work in DVDs is if there's a Buffalo Bill style slasher that does bonus damage to women and does the Goodbye Horses dance.
I mean, you can't really do bonus damage in Dead by Daylight unless you can just one hit KO, but that would be overpowered. I mean, fuck it, debuff the tranny however you want to. Oh, dude, a tranny killer. Buffalo Bill would be funny. Buffalo Bill can like chase the women around and throw them in pits.
Unknown_31: Unregistered firearms at my house for 10 says, what are your thoughts on harmful opinions? One of his interactions on the streets is one of the best time, best in real life streaming moments. I think I remember this.
Unknown_31: This is him harassing some guy who has like a, Oh, it's the one with the wheelchair, right?
No, this is not the one with the wheelchair.
Unknown_03: Okay, fine. I'll play this. I don't remember this one.
Unknown_03: Windy place.
Unknown_20: There's a non windy place.
Unknown_20: I got my speaker from here. I got my speaker from Mankind. I'm very sorry but obviously you can't record in the centre. You don't have streaming allowed?
Unknown_19: Nothing, it's a private property so yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you didn't say it.
Unknown_20: I'm happy to go when you're saying that.
I didn't realise. We're not asking if you leave, we're just asking if you can't record in the centre. I can't turn it off because I'm a sex offender and I have to have it on constantly. Oh, so you have to have it on?
Unknown_20: Yeah. But I can go, I don't have to be in here.
Unknown_18: We don't want to disrupt your team, it's only because normally it's just recording of their brands, so I understand what you're saying. Yeah, no, that's totally fine. We definitely don't want you to leave, honestly. We don't want you to leave, honestly.
Unknown_20: Right, it's cool. I get it, I get it, man, but I want to keep recording, so I'm going to leave because... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown_18: If you just mind your own business, that's great. Alright, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You want your bone?
Unknown_31: It's a very very natural response from him Harmful is fun. Um, I think I played like one game with I can't remember what it was It was like Dota or something. I had him on Steam. I Can't remember. I did do something with him years and years ago. I added him to Steam and We played a game. I can't remember what game it was It was like apex or it was like some stupid game. We played like one round together and
Unknown_31: Uh, he's, he's nice, but we haven't, we haven't talked at all in forever.
Actually, I haven't heard, I've heard so little about harmful. I'm actually a little bit surprised to hear that he's still around. Cause, uh, um, it's been so long since I've heard of him at all. Cause he was involved in like the, I think like the skeptic shit, like with, uh, Sargon and, um, what's her face.
Unknown_03: And since then I haven't heard anything.
Unknown_03: Harmful opinions is what I'm talking about Kali Yuga enjoyer for two says fun fact Josh for last stream Poland and Italy are literally the only countries whose national anthems refer to each other Also, if you're having trouble with dual booting and using Photoshop, I highly recommend running Photoshop using bottles on Linux You never need to use windows again I do I did know that about Italy and Poland.
Thank you. I also I've been told that there's ways to get Photoshop running but
Unknown_31: Yeah, I haven't I haven't had time to look into it yet. So I'll try to get around to that eventually Thank you all else fails for five says FCC already exempted the Biden admin from the regulations for the Internet for all program So yeah, it won't be used for good Exempted the Biden admin The Biden administration does not want to be bound by the requirements of the digital equity law that recalls
I don't know what it means by the Biden administration, though.
Unknown_31: Like, that doesn't make sense to me. Is it saying that the FCC can discriminate, but the private companies can't? It just is not clear what the commissioner is saying.
Unknown_31: The Bugs for One says, Josh, we already have Mexicans in Idaho. I don't need El Salvadorans causing crime here. Dude, Mexicans are everywhere. It's so fucking over.
Unknown_31: Sultan bin Jew star for 500 Dollars says can we get a person stream soon? I just gave you a person stream and you're already asking for more. I feel so put on the spot Look, I I cannot commit to a single fucking thing until quarter 1 2024
specifically February There's a big happening in the plans by February and when it happens I will hopefully have a lot more time to do other stuff I'll let you know as that progresses, but it could be as late as quarter 3 2024. I'm not sure Every second is misery up until then though
Unknown_31: Callie you go writer for one says thank you very much though. I didn't say thank you Callie you go writer for one says by the way the black hockey player who murdered that guy got all charges dropped in his back on the eyes the Mostly white crowd literally gave him a standing fucking ovation for their guy getting released fuck sports ball Well, I mean
A lot of people thought it was an accident. I don't know. I'm not a police investigator, so I can only say that it looked really, really violent and reckless from my uninformed perspective. Hararberger52 says, you focus on the Tranny being addicted to Dead by Daylight, but you forgot to the good stuff. Stranger Thing characters and maps came back. Nick Cage and Xenomorph are new, and Chucky comes at the end of the month. I'm not going to play a game with a Tranny character. I'm going to fucking install that shit. I'm done.
Unknown_31: Done with trannies forever. I'll even tell them i'll fucking say i've spent like More money than I would want to admit on this stupid fucking game, but i'm not gonna play with trannies. Fuck you Uh rotting reliquary for 40 says you're correct about the incompetence of the federal government Every rung of the ladder is a bureaucratic suspect and of cards flailing their arms prime example watch from 6 27 to 8 Okay, this better be good
The German military has a subcontractor that does their IT work.
Unknown_12: The IT firm has a subcontractor that does their logistics. And the logistics firm has a subcontractor that does their personnel management. And I work for that company. Let's say Soldier A moves to an office two rooms further down the hall. Instead of just carrying his computer over there, he has to fill out a form. The IT subcontractor will get the form, people will read it and approve it, and forward it to the logistics firm. The logistics firm will then have to approve the moving down of the hall and will request personnel from us. The office people in my company will then do whatever they do, and now I come in. I get an email, be at barracks B at time C. Usually these barracks are 100 to 500 kilometers away from my home,
So I will get a rental car. I take the rental car, drive to the barracks, let dispatch know that I've arrived, fill out a form, unhook the computer, load the computer into a box, seal the box, have a guy from logistics carry the box to the next room where I unseal the box, fill out another form, hook up the computer, call dispatch to tell them how long it took, get a couple of signatures, take my rental car back home, send a dispatch letter with all of the paperwork, and then get paid. So, instead of the soldier carrying his computer for five meters, two people drive for a combined six to ten hours, fill out around 15 pages of paperwork, and waste a good 400 euros of taxpayers' money. So that is a quintessential example of a BS job, and that's the kind of thing that we're talking about.
And... Well, I mean...
Unknown_31: The reason why that shit all exists is because there's like an incident and then they know hashtag never forget it It's like the soldier said I want the better office down the hall. So he just moves his shit and then at some point that guy can't be found at the place that everyone expects him to be at and And they assume that he's stolen, like, confidential materials, so they launch, like, an investigation that costs, like, $12 million a day to figure out where this agent stole this information, if it's been uploaded to Russian servers, or if it's been to China, or whatever the fuck. And then they find out, oh, he literally just moved closer to the bathroom, because the coffee is there, and he gets coffee a lot. And then they have to, like, shut down the investigation. That's what happens when the government doesn't have, like, their systems, because they're insane.
Such as life It's only a rule cuz someone screwed up that was true So at some point I mean they did the bean counting probably and said okay It's better to do this system that cost you know two days and four hundred dollars and just to accidentally have a twelve million dollar International incident where we're trying to hunt down where a computer went because we couldn't figure it out I
Unknown_31: Thank you.
Unknown_31: Sneedaho, Sneedo, for one says, no 31 times the $5,500, that's $31,500, shout out to Keys. Oh, are you saying that I should take the $500 and bet it on green, on roulette? If I just loan this money to Bossman Jack and say, Bossman Jack, I'm looking for a 31 time in return on investment, can you go and get that sorted out for me? He'd be like, yeah, man, I got you.
And then he would lose it all.
Unknown_31: Daniel Larsen's answer is you can spend that $500 on steak using BMJ's referral link. You could triple your juice, it's true.
Unknown_31: It's true chat. It would be as easy as going to the BJ table and getting the blackjack then would have 25 1250 You know what? I mean? No, I'll say in Roxanne wolf for five says bark bark. Thank you Roxanne wolf Sultan Baden a Jew star for $1 this time. I'm measly $1 You set the bar so high and you come back in with a $1 What's the actual dollar slash month to run the training emulation motivation similar as the Kiwi farms? It varies by the month
because the base level, okay, since you gave me a lot of money, I will crunch this shit for you.
Unknown_31: Um, I pay $2,400 Australian dollars a year for a membership fee.
Unknown_31: Um,
Unknown_31: So that's about $1,600. I'll just say for a particular argument 1,600 divided by 12. It's $133 a month I pay 450 for rack space that brings it up to 583 a month I probably threw all my domain names. I'll probably add like another
Like $50 a month just for domain names. It's probably a little bit generous though The tour node that I have right now is in an extremely extremely good data center with an incredible upstream mix and as a result The tour node is very fast because basically every connection in the world has like a direct link to the tour node But I pay a lot of money for that I actually paid $200 a month just for that server for the tour service And then
I have for Kiwi flare. I run two large dedicated servers in different data centers in different countries and that's up to about
Unknown_31: Another $500 a month for that and then the VPS is that I run that varies Wildly like for instance when I was with host team, and it was just hosting for months I was paying $75 a month, but then when they dropped us, and I scrambled and got a bunch of other shit together I'm paying between like 50 and a hundred and fifty dollars per server and right now we have four of those and
So if you want it to be nice, you just add another $500 for the front ends And the DOS filtering in that that connection and stuff. So that's $1,800 a month for that There's in for a license is well, I don't pay for that anymore because I got banned Other than there's like miscellaneous shit. There's legal expenses You add in you add in like the actual cost of like the lawsuits and stuff and that's an easy $2,000 a month probably right now so
Unknown_31: There you go. It's a lot of money. It's easily $2,000 a month But depending on the month and when I'm doing I mean on bullshit that I'm doing you can add another thousand two thousand dollars All right, so thank you very much Um, where was I
Uh, Steven Rith for once says, too bad Elon doesn't believe his post because he just wants to be a contrarian manchild pandering to the grifting bros. Well, that's the great thing about us contrarian bros. When the Jews come out and saying, no goyim, you will not make fun of the Jewish people, uh, to a billionaire manchild who just wants to be a contrarian, something like snaps in his fucking brain. He's like,
Unknown_31: My father, who ran the Emerald Mine, told me that no one in this life would ever be able to tell me I cannot have something that I want, and I desperately want to be an anti-Semite on the internet. So, the vast billions of dollars. Wealth at my disposal will now be Utilized against you and that's that's the best you can hope for in this life is it is a self-aggrandizing Narcissist who fucks BPD whores and specifically breeds boys because he's insecure about having daughters Who just really doesn't like to be told no That's the that's the good stuff Um
death spigot for five says murder will smith's bussy there is a statement that is now inseparable from your podcast despair and rage you claw that feather fag i mean i'm not too ashamed to be to have read aloud a line that said that will smith's bussy was getting was getting murdered that's pretty awesome it's a pretty amazing description of anal sex between celebrity blacks
Unknown_31: uh the horse beater for five it's an awful name horse beater for five says xavier renegade coleman is gay question mark i don't know what that means let's see only one door left to try it's always the last door holds thy deepest reward
I don't want to play with dollies, mommy. I want to ramble the world to help folks. What's wrong, little girl?
Unknown_08: I can't go to heaven, because I'm a gay.
Unknown_33: I'll smuggle you to heaven via the underbrown mail road. Once I shove you up this Trojan arse, you'll be the first gay homo in heaven. The Blakey Robinson, Uncle Tom.
Unknown_34: Intruder alert! There has been a breach in the system. Heaven will self-destruct in 10 seconds if the intruder does not reveal themselves. 10... 9... Okay, it's me. You have sacrificed yourself for the good of the whole. You are the new messiah. What will be your first act as messiah?
My first act is to drop the act now, let me get some white women for the first black man in heaven I lay my green down and so Oh my god, dude I miss it so much bros.
Unknown_31: It was never it was literally never funny to me as a kid and now that i'm an adult and I am Elevated mentally. I understand it all it all just makes so much sense to me
Uh, thank you. The president of Nintendo for 10 says, post and mad at the internet. And then there is a link to a post and thread mad at the internet. Let's see.
Unknown_31: It's layered. Cause it's like the joke itself was a Trojan horse for a racist joke instead of a gay joke chat. That's just so many layers.
Unknown_03: The President of Nintendo says, I keep fucking up my super chats like a retard because I am a retard and everything I do I do in the most retarded way possible.
Unknown_31: He said on a recent Maddie that you can't take something back once you've actually said it. I wanted to share a very appropriate but extremely emo song about that sentiment. You don't have to play it on stream, but I hope everyone will give it a listen and find it pleasant.
Unknown_31: Brand-new play crack the sky brand-new play crack the sky Okay, sure interested in such a such a song channel. Thank you Cedo for one says you should have checked Brazil for transgender week. I didn't have Brazil as an option unfortunately the browser has a browser VPN has a very limited range and
death spigot for $17 and 76 cents says have you considered a type of spiteful litigation fund a donation pool dedicated to legal expenses could be broad coverage or for Specific defensive offensive suits. I would empty my cripple wallets to fuck over don't go and many others would surely pitch him allegedly I mean they think It's getting to that for sure. I'm waiting on some specific information. But if I get good news from some of the people I'm talking to, I will probably go ahead and do that.
But I mean, it's a really bad time to crowdfund a lawsuit because it's getting to the Christmas season and people need their money.
Unknown_31: Thank you. I'll talk about that later.
Unknown_31: Anime for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamond. I have nothing but of substance to say with the super chat, but I would like for you to read it anyways. Thank you kindly. Good day. Well, I have granted your wish anime my boy. I have read your super chat despite its substance. Listen to us. Thank you. See no for 10 says Amazon wishlist. Lamal reminds me of another true and I had an Amazon wishlist. How come you don't laugh like this anymore? Let's see.
Has my laugh been stolen from me chat has my joy and merriment been robbed from my soul?
Unknown_03: My website's taking a very long time to load I apologize such as life Sneeds was says I was watching some old Maddie content and clip these moments a rare variant of Knowles laughing at some tick-tock trim Amazon will go wish list.
Okay, let's take a listen
Unknown_31: Assuming that it will load. 5-inch Fluttershy. That thing is getting a flashlight shoved into it. I'm sorry to say, if you buy this pony doll for this person, this thing is getting fucked. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Face gems. Oh my god, there's so much shit! There's so much shit!
Unknown_32: A bunch of Legos! He's got a bunch of Legos on it! He wants like a thousand dollars of Legos!
Doctor Who The Legos Movie That's funny.
Unknown_31: I do sometimes. I definitely still laugh like that. I haven't changed It's just it depends on how something hits you. It has to hit you in the right way to laugh Thank you, hi confessor pretenses Josh you should ignore all the ogres and freaks on the lowercase I internet and cast your line that white trout ain't gonna catch itself
Unknown_31: It's true. It's very true. I've actually been here's how here's how mentally ill I am I Recently had a thought because a boss man Jack talking about going out fishing with his dad I'm like how hard really is it to fish and then I suddenly I have been doing like a ton of like looking at I'm gonna sound psychotic. I've been watching men in Kentucky fillet fish Like just taking like a filleting knife and filleting fish that they catch so that they can grill it or fry it for eating. And one day, chat, I will return to the United States and use this acquired knowledge and a fillet knife and catch a fish from the from the waters of the United States and fillet open this fish into two sides of a steak like fish fillet. and eat it. I will grill it and eat it. Uh, something that I've, I've captured with my own hands. The fishing stream, this fishing stream is real. One day it will be real, chat. But one day I'll, I'll catch it. I'll do it. It's easy to get and play fish. I know, it looks so easy. They just take a fillet knife, they cut from the dorsal fin to the, the spine underneath the, behind the gills, and then they, uh, follow the spine all the way to the anus fin, and then they pop it off, and then they cut out the pin bones. That's it. That's all they do. Seems so easy. Seems like even I could catch a fish and fillet a fish, chat. Seems like even I could do it.
Fascinating. Fascinating.
Unknown_31: Sultan Benju star for two says you need to meet me down here down here at the res Take the sacred butt feather down here on the res drink the fire water. Hello, Ethan rail, please not consume or fire weather He needs to consume the fire water so he can be tax exempt because that's being based. Okay, I
Unknown_31: Sneeds McSneedinson for five says quote Josh. I love you You're such a fucking loser virgin neck weird autistic down syndrome Kleinfelter syndrome incel Karen retard faggot loser. I love you, buddy I want you to make all the money in the world. I have a feeling that Sneeds McSneedinson is trying to verbally imitate a specific law tuber who shall not be named and Thank you. Very accurate. Sultan Benju star for one says now this is how Mia Breva under the ocean miss Anakin from Jar Jar, and I believe that is making fun of the Asian woman that In Thailand that had the tinder. I'm pretty sure that's when I came in. Thank you Sneato for one says Oh Josh, and then there is a cat box file. Oh
to a fresh meat account on the Kiwi farms called Mr. Girl.
Unknown_31: Okay, let me see if this account is from LA, if it isn't banning it.
Unknown_31: No, I need no other confirmation to ban this person other than being from LA.
Unknown_03: Let's see.
Unknown_03: Not from LA, so I will not ban it. That's how it works.
It's just a meme account. Don't worry. We're safe. So, um, Baldo Pagan survives.
Unknown_31: There's no balls. No problem. The new strap all do comes with a set of prosthetic balls attached so you can still dress as your favorite farm animal and experience the patent ball peggings.
Unknown_31: Do you think that maybe Juju and Nick can engage in the our anal only lifestyle using the Baldo and the cow costume? I think it's possible. I think where true love is, anything is possible, chat.
I have a Morgan dollar in my hand that I found recently. I was very surprised to see a Morgan dollar. I don't often find them here.
Unknown_31: Um, it's a really worn, but it's still a beautiful pure silver coin. I mean, can I hold up chat? Hold up chat.
Unknown_03: I don't know. People buy them and they import from the U S. Ooh, that's a good one.
The noise gaming is he can't hear listen at the same time.
Unknown_31: So I was just talking at the same time Silver AMR, they are not pure silver. They're like 90% silver the sterling silver you piece of shit fucking pennant motherfucker Um
Unknown_31: Generic username and password for one says, generally curious if someone uploaded copyright infringing material to the farms or to cat box, then link, how likely are they to get in real life? Banhammer? Very, very, very, very unlikely to get in trouble, even if they use an on, on some sort of thing. Cause it's just, they're just going to DMCA the host and the host will delete it. Um, generally speaking, they don't pursue damages from the, the uploader.
Though they I mean they could be entitled to it, so don't risk it Baldo pegman's for one says use promo code Jamie Lynn Hughes for 10% off the strap all due at checkout Jamie Lynn Hughes hands those out for free it's part of the arrangement when she when you try to arrange a threesome with her no fuck
Unknown_31: Oh my god, the dashboard, okay, so a bunch of guys submitted code to the stream, the Sneed stream nexus for the super chat issues that I were having, and I literally just fucked up and refreshed the page, and it actually, I remember that it stores it as long as the application is running, so I was able to recover all the super chats. Bro, my stream nexus shit, this code is like, is like real good. I can't wait, there was a proposition to change it so that it actually works off the websockets instead of harvesting HTML.
I can't fucking wait. I'm gonna get this shit rolled out and it's gonna it's gonna work on everyone's streams Let's see Sneeds McSneedinson for five says I already read that I Already read that are they out of order?
Unknown_03: No Are they out of order? No, they're not out of order. What the fuck?
I don't think they're gonna work, right?
Unknown_31: Okay, hopefully I don't read. Oh, he did! He submitted this one twice! Okay, fine, I'll read it twice, then. Sneeds makes Sneedson for five cents. Josh, I love you. You're such a fucking retard. I love you. You need to kill yourself, Josh. Oh, it's a different message this time. Okay.
Unknown_31: I love you, Josh. Your forum is filled with retarded faggots who need to drink cyanide. I love you, buddy. Ah, who could that be? What a mystery. There's so much nuance and subtlety in Stine McStevenson's message that it just flew right over my head. I needed a good five minutes to decipher this heavily encoded glyph.
Hyper ninja for Ken says I wish I could talk caught the stream live But now I must enjoy it emulsified and full of preservatives as a midnight treat such as in the merriment lot every Friday juice Well, I hope that you can enjoy your lot in life such that it is emulsified artificially colored with petrol byproducts and Not real but I I have to bring joy and merriment to the fatherland
Unknown_31: Thank you. All else fails for five says how do we get Ricada to start taking Xanax? I really missed those Ralph streams. Eventually. He will find a way on his own He just he's he deserves it. He's under so much stress running his media empire that he doesn't know That he needs a little break. He needs a little something a little something to take the edge off to go with his alcohol. I
Uh, don't take my kidneys for 10 says Ralph ungunted. Never thought I'd see that by yourself. Some non cheddar cheese with this. I will bet your ass. I'm going to buy some non cheddar cheese. Motherfucker. Thank you.
Unknown_31: Uh, and yeah, good on Ralph. Good on Ralph for losing weight. I hope he did it in a healthy way and it's not a sign of anything bad.
Like I said, I'm rooting for Ralph. Ralph having a redemption arc and fixing his shit is the funniest possible outcome.
Unknown_31: Forsaken Wanderer for Fives says, Joa, it, Joa, it me, have yo got your Christmas presents sorted? I'm working on it. I usually send out Christmas cards. I might have to get on that again. I had a cute design. I literally, I literally have a wax stamp. I've mentioned this before. I have a wax stamp and I literally took postcards. stamp them with a wax seal and wrote letters to a bunch of random people one year? Like I literally sent Matthew Prince a postcard saying thank you for not dropping the Kiwi Farms and sealed it with a Kiwi Farms wax stamp and that was good for approximately another year and a half before he betrayed me and my wonderful literally a handwritten hand stamped postcard shot.
Sultan Minju star for two says right before midterms. I was shot in the face by one of my students with a stone pistol Such as life in the streets my dude Sultan Minju star for two says my principal visited me in the hospital with sage words wisdom and Sultan Minju star for two says it's just their culture It's what we all learn we all learn that through life. Why are they acting like that? Why don't they just be normal?
Just their culture mine easy
Unknown_31: All cells for coin says random white pill the price of the average home in the US in terms of gold ounces is over 70% fewer ounces of gold today than it was in the early 70s and half the ounces needed in 2000 inflation is only dollars It's not really a white pill, that's a we're about to experience unmitigated economic collapse I Mean it's a gold pill. It's not really a white pill though. I
Unknown_31: Thank you. Uh, Weedeater6945 says, tell us more about the super unobtainable cheeses that we cannot fathom to obtain here in the states. What are the names of these cheeses? What are the rare foreign cheeses? What is your favorite? Um, I don't know, Maramont. Why don't you come to Europe and find out? Just go to Europe. Pick a city and pick a cheese that you can't even pronounce the fucking name of and eat it. Eat it, motherfucker. I'm not going to hold your hand. I'm not going to tell you shit, okay?
Just for you find it on your own it might be stuffed in a Pleskavica in in Serbia Pseudo-tard for 20 says currently working as payroll software that I can't take the corporal Zod wage slavery much longer any advice on jumping ship and starting my own thing like you did So
In my situation, I jumped after the fact. I pitched Infinity Next to 8chan and Frederick immediately after I left.
Unknown_31: And I already had the Kiwi Farm started. I think that in general, and don't take advice from me, I'm a lunatic, but I think that the general advice that people give when you're unhappy with your job and you wanna move on is to get something set up first,
Unknown_31: Think that people especially people in wage slave mentality who have like a Stockholm syndrome like loyalty to their their corporation Think that it's like somehow underhanded or treacherous to get something lined up intense intending to to leave before like letting people know that you're on your way out and This is not true, this is not accurate. You owe your company absolutely nothing. You owe your coworkers nothing. They have taken the profits of your labor.
I don't know the exact ratio, but guarantee that the amount of money they make off of your labor is like a magnitude more than what you actually take home. So they've been happy to take your money for a very long time, and you do not owe them any kind of forthrightness. If you want to start your own business, if you want to start doing Open source software to get like a portfolio going that's more impressive if you want to try to start something You can absolutely start doing that now It just requires more work, and that doesn't feel good when you work like a regular job It was very difficult for me to um for a while I was working both at Whataburger, and then also doing payroll like contracting work So I was I was doing I was literally doing the exact same thing as a contractor for a payroll company while working fast food until I got situated Before I left so
That is That's what I would suggest Good luck SGT wizard fist for three says Redditors who follow King Cobra JFS are actively trying to get him banned from YouTube and kicked out of his house Can't wait for some site to say it was the evil Kiwi farm swap Low cow communities on reddit are way more unhinged than on the Kiwi farms I don't know why we get a bad rap if you look at any other There's like a bunch of them if you look at those communities on reddit The only difference is that they're not allowed to say racist or transphobic stuff But the way the levels at which they commit to fucking over somebody and like d platforming them and interfering with their ability to get through the day is Sorry His heads and tails worse than the kiwi farms It's like oh the only difference is that we allow people to post an address or something and whereas reddit is like actively facilitating like line crossing harassment continuously
It's bullshit.
Unknown_31: Um, long border two, four, one for fire says long time. No, see Josh. It came to my attention that Richard Stallman, despite being Jewish is quite nuanced on the war right now. Uh, he links to Macedon dot X, Y, Z slash at RMS who posts, um,
Unknown_31: The UK government asserts that jihad means support for terrorism, but the cops disagree and refuse to arrest people for chanting jihad. What does jihad mean? I do not speak Arabic, but I've heard it defined as struggle, and just as broad as the English word. It could refer to any struggle, even that of studying hard for a good grade, even a struggle within oneself.
One struggle for which the word was used was the continuing attempt of Islam to conquer the world and convert or subjugate all non-Muslims. A person who chants jihad with this meaning in a country that respects religious freedoms is threatening a religious war, much as Republicans in the U.S. do in the name of Christianity. The early Muslims openly proclaimed that violent goal. However, in more recent times, many groups of Muslims have reinterpreted that goal peacefully or rejected it outright. Meanwhile, I, as a scientific atheist, Remember that Richard Stallman is very autistic. Leaning towards secular humanism. Defend the right not to endorse any religion.
Yeah dude, I mean, some other people, very respectable people in history have used the word struggle to define their human condition, their political ambitions, their peaceful, non-violent political goals, long-term goals for unifying certain regions of the world.
I see no issue with it. I'm a big supporter of it.
Unknown_31: Thank you, IMS.
Unknown_03: Anyway sucks cope and sneed for $5 links a 4chan pull link to the honor or not pull but to the automotive board And oh my god, can you believe it?
Unknown_31: It is a fat green dragon with pink hair eating pizza and farting in a car amazing He's given up and he's just, uh, reverted to his original form. He knows he can't buck break me. Oh, Fenna, Hungarian imperialist for 10 says pull clothes due to AIDS.
Unknown_31: It's finally, it finally happened. Everyone thought it was a racist meme, but now it's the reality. The bugs for one says Jersh ratio, the FCC. Um, I did see this. I was surprised that this took off because it's like, it's just a reply. It was literally an unhinged thought that I had reading a message.
Unknown_31: The FCC says, under the bipartisan infrastructure law, the FCC is required to adopt rules to ensure that all Americans have equal access to reliable high-speed broadband services without discrimination based on the characteristics listed in the statute, which do not, in case you're wondering, do not include political affiliation or freedom of speech or anything like that. to which I reply, unhinged, tired, burn in hell, you couldn't even get net neutrality working, tier 1 ISPs are cutting businesses off without any reason given, nobody has any confidence in your gay ass censorship department to accomplish shit, and I apparently have received 20 times, at least 22 times the number of likes that the FCC with 600,000 followers has received.
So I don't know. Now that I'm on, on the social media platform formerly known as Zitter, uh, I can yell at my government effectively and be heard. Isn't that wonderful?
Unknown_31: Thank you, Elon. Very cool.
Unknown_31: Um, Kendall motor oil for five cents, barely washed. I have a message from Brutal Prov Ross Nick boss, man, Jack off.
I don't know what that means. I don't want to see boss man Jack off. I want to see him gamble and lose. Hopefully his gambling is much stronger than his masturbatory habits. Cause I don't want to, I don't want that to mix. Thank you though. Daniel Larson, Santa pretends, please enjoy this one minute video I made many years ago. I miss him still. Okay, fine, buddy. It's better to be sentimental or nice or funny or something.
Unknown_31: I can't. Sign in to confirm your age. I forgot how to bypass it. Someone in chat, yell at me. I'm going to read the next ones, but someone I'll save it to the end. Remind me how to bypass the age restriction.
Long border 2 4 1 4 2 says I get he's an atheist. However, he is ethically ethnically Jewish. I Mean he is he's pretty awesome. I like Solomon. He's anti-copyright. He's an ally. He's too autistic to really be Jewish Fiddle Hungarian pillars for 15 says no Joe. I did not give Dax Herrera. That is pure fiction. Enjoy a burning burgesses with need a talker
Unknown_31: I nailed it. I nailed it.
Unknown_31: Fuck off. Thank you.
Unknown_31: Try signing in. I'm not going to sign in.
Unknown_31: Use NVIDIA. I just replaced YouTube with NVIDIA. Does that work?
It'd be us.
Unknown_03: It's trying. It's loading.
Unknown_31: Wigger Wagner for Tim says would you mention when you mentioned the teacher post on Tuesday? I thought you meant this famous one. It's worth a watch sometimes and there's another YouTube link And this is to another video that is age-restricted it's called I
Teaching Black Kids by Christopher Jackson. And this is age-locked, but it has a million views.
Unknown_31: So, I don't know. I might watch that. That sounds fun. Teaching Black Kids by Christopher Jackson. Age-restricted, though. Careful.
Unknown_31: Thank you.
Unknown_31: Uh, Sneeds for 20 says, nothing. What a chat. Thank you, Sneeds. Insensitive Zero for 10 says, you should play the leaked audio of Jonathan Greenblatt sneeding about TikTok. Okay, I won't. It sounds funny. Jonathan Greenblatt, if you don't know, is the chair of the ADL. But I also want to point out that we have a major, major, major generational problem. All the polling I've seen, ADL's polling, ICC's polling, independent polling, suggests this is not a left-right gap, folks. The issue in the United States in support for Israel is not left and right. It is young and old. And the numbers of young people who think that Hamas is, you know, massacre was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high. And so we really have a tick tock problem, a Gen Z problem that our community needs to put the same brains that gave us Tagli, the same brains that gave us all these other amazing innovations need to put our energy toward this like fast.
Yeah, no shit I I've said this before I didn't know what a Jew was until I People started telling me that I couldn't host my website because people didn't like Jews on one board of it and shit Like if I had been left the fuck alone, I would not care about trainees. I would not care about Jews I wouldn't care about any of this shit That I've been left alone, I would just be making fun of Boogie2988 and ADF, but... Yeah, no. The damage that they are doing to their own... Like, I don't know, I'm not omniscient. You know, I'm not, like, I don't have unrestricted access to all information in the world, so I only have my own biased perspectives. So it is possible that there are certain demographics that get blamed for shit that... maybe potentially have actual no bearing in things they're blamed for. However, if that was the case, the ADL is so horrifically bad at convincing people to like Jews that I am genuinely convinced that if their organization just did not exist, they would not have...
Anti-semitism would not have propagated as much as it has because all you need to do is just look at the shit that the ADL does and then you hate them and the people that run it are Jewish and the hate is going to extend outwards. It's literally their fucking fault that people despise them. ...generation and the Hamas and their accomplices, the useful idiots in the West, are falling in line in ways that are terrifying. Last thing I'll just say, We saw a dramatic change in the language of the activists here in America on October the 8th. The language of groups that we've long tracked, who've long been problematic, like Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, they flipped like this and went to like Iranian propaganda. The language I could show you from their toolkits, because our analysts are in their groups. We saw this again.
That's a typo.
Unknown_13: October the 8th, because our analysts are in their groups.
Unknown_31: It's mistranslated as they're endless in their groups. He's saying our analysts are in their groups. He's saying that he has spies in these student body organizations that are monitoring them and the person writing this mistranslated it. But again, on October the 8th, it was that fast. Like the language in their toolkits was all about the Zionist entity and lots of other language. that we recognized from Iranian propaganda.
That's pretty interesting. I had not heard this before, but yeah, dude, the kids, the kids were brought up on this, this diet of class of almost like a class struggle where there are the haves and the have nots. And there is no greater distinction between the haves and the have nots than Palestine and Israel.
Unknown_31: Israel enjoys so much prosperity and peace and advancement and security in the world, and the small city of Palestine on the Gaza Strip
Is just like, or the other way around, the small city of Gaza and Palestine on the strip is just one of the most impoverished shitholes in the entire world. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at this and think like, well, they used to have all of Israel as the Palestinian mandate. And now they have this, like, there's no better way to describe it. It's a fucking prison. It's a strip of land bordering the sea with two borders around it that you're not allowed through. You can't go to Egypt, and you can't go to Israel. Well, if you can't leave the fucking country, if your passport isn't worth shit, if you're treated as a terrorist by default, and you can't move anywhere, and you have no access to education, your hospitals are being bombed, your government is considered a terrorist organization, and the land that you used to have has been stripped from you, and you can't actually transport through. Fuck you call it besides a prison anybody looking at this without any sort of bias is gonna go well apparently these guys are getting fucked over and then you add in all the history and stuff and you come to different opinions, but For the the nubile young minds that are fresh off their
their ESG education about the haves and the have-nots are looking at this thinking, how is this not imperialism? How is this not neo-colonialism, whatever the fuck, and they're right. If you have that mindset, you can't come to any other conclusion. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a political spirit. Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, Happy National Hiking Day. The day of the crab is, the crab of the day is the Japanese spider crab. Let's see.
Unknown_31: That's a tasty-looking fucker. Oh We got those long legs full of buttery tasty crab meat. Thank you casting couch cram B&D fu I JSD for five says Josh really calls a Vatican Catholic schizo while hosting a site using a UI a Neuro divergent sped who pops riddle and like pimples could have made quit huffing euro cut cheese and read Nika read a
It's a complain with the Kiwi farms Are talking about X or the Kiwi farms to the kiwi farms has a great layout you're not you're nuts
You know for one says fuck general chat Keno casino chat is best shout out my nick is in the Keno chat based Shout out to the Keno chat. Thank you federal Hungarian peerless replies I've ever heard of Valencia cheese I've had some at Christmas with sour cherry preservatives And it was a real struggle to leave any for anyone else bit tricky to eat because it's so soft and wouldn't mature That it will collapse at room temperatures. We have to keep rechilling it as you eat or finish. I've never heard of that That sounds fucking delightful though. That sounds awesome That's the thing is like there are so many cheeses in Europe that they are often paired with certain fruits or meats or breads and the fresh breads, I should mention, not preserve, preservative filled bullshit bread that sits on the counter all day.
But fresh bread, they're made for each other and you can't really separate them from each other. It's a thing that you can only have if you are from a region that has a long lasting culture of food. Yeah.
Unknown_31: Thank you the bug for one says the Jenny's are striking Josh be careful And then there is a link to a post on the Kiwi farms in the math the internet threat Oh my god. I hope the Jenny's are not striking. That sounds very scary Useful mistake says this is a public call-out post to at null We are rising up Nick the totally real lawyer paces Jenny's with personal striptease dances. However, you did not this is an outrage Hold up
There is... There is a, um... I don't know if I'll ever be able to find them. I remember on Skype, there was a special... Um... Dancing pig reaction? That you could harass people with? Like, it would just ca- It had, like, noise... Is this it?
Unknown_31: Yes, this is it! This- You could harass people on Skype with this fucking, uh... Thing.
Unknown_31: I don't know why it's called the Ignis Pig Dance. He might show his butthole. Yeah, this is it. Here you go. Here's your dance, motherfucker.
Yeah, that's the good stuff. Only real OGs. MSN will remember this. Remember, there was someone, I can't remember who it was, but I would spam this pig emoji at them. This is how the people in the old internet connected, uh, reacted back when the internet was a proper noun.
Unknown_31: Um, Daniel Orson Sanford who says here's a mirror I found. Okay, buddy.
Unknown_03: Let's watch this.
One minute. Okay, good to Oh, I remember the reason to be to speak publicly is to preach a bit shoots chugging reason to be to speak publicly is to preach and to announce friends.
Unknown_31: I'm gonna let this buffer. I know what this is, I'll let it buffer and read the one more that I have. Um... All else fails for five says the same people screaming about Zionists today will not be yelling that everyone is anti-semitic in three months. I have no faith that the younger gens are actually working up- waking up and aren't just, uh, virtue signaling.
Um... I don't know, it remains to be seen. It doesn't help to be a negative Nancy. I, um... Do I have, like, a paint app where I can show this?
Unknown_31: Draw online. Let's see if that works. Sketch pad. I create and share.
Unknown_31: Okay. I will see if this works real quick. One second. I'm going to draw you guys a life lesson. It's very important.
Unknown_31: Okay.
Unknown_31: So can I just start drawing? Yeah, I can. Okay.
Um, I want to make a nice white. Okay. And then I want a pencil.
Unknown_31: Can I make this thicker? I can. Okay, I'm gonna draw for you guys, ready?
Unknown_31: So here we go. We're gonna have a nice quadrant, you ready?
Unknown_03: And I want to label them.
Unknown_03: We're fucked.
Unknown_03: Actually, that one goes to the bottom.
Unknown_03: Oh wait, oh, there we go, like that. Okay, we're fucked.
And then up here.
Unknown_03: We're gonna make it and then we have a chance over here.
Unknown_31: This is coming together correctly.
Unknown_31: We're actually fucked. All right. Now you can see the quadrant, right? This is a timeline to how you feel. We're fucked too. We're going to make it. And then the reality of the situation, we're actually fucked and we have a chance. Now I take my pencil again and I'm going to make it red and make it red like this.
Nope. That's not what I want.
Unknown_03: Oh, the outline. Can I make the outline pink? No, why is it fucked up now?
Unknown_03: I had it right, and then I fucked it up.
Unknown_03: What is this? How is this a pencil?
Unknown_03: Okay, so... What does this do? Ah, perfect.
Unknown_31: No I'm so annoyed because it's like why is it like this? Okay, I'll make do with it Let's see if I can do this. I'll make this red if But why is it black now? I make it I'm sorry. This is incredibly painful. Why is it like this?
Color okay, I will simply since I cannot draw Turn off fill dummy
Unknown_03: Where is Phil?
Unknown_03: Is this it? No, God.
Unknown_03: I hate computers more than life itself, Chad.
Unknown_31: I'm gonna be real with you.
Unknown_31: If we are, I'm gonna, okay, I can move this now. I'm just gonna put the star where I wanna talk about. If we're fucked and we think that we're gonna make it, then we're still fucked.
If we're actually fucked and you think we're fucked, And guess what? You don't get a consolation prize. You don't get a little benefit like, oh, you can graduate. Here's your gold star. You predicted it. We're actually five. Good job. You're the biggest winner of all the losers.
Unknown_31: However, if you think we're going to make it and we have a chance that we might just make a chat, we might just win. We might just we might just come out of it. We might just seize the opportunities we have and we're going to make it. However, and this is the real here's the real gotcha if you think we're fucked, but we have a chance Then you're gonna miss that shit, and you're gonna lose. This is Pascal wages, but for presumers. It's true It's true. It is the exact same thing you logically speaking You have no choice. You must be optimistic. You must be a positive Polly, because if you really think about it and you and you really go over all your options, the only choice you have is to be a delusional retard, happy go lucky to a fault, mentally ill with joy, because the alternatives mean that you may pass up real opportunities or you're just going to be a miserable fuck until we're fucked anyways. So therefore, that's all you got. You must be a positive poly.
Anyways, here's Terry Davis. The reason to speak publicly is to preach and to announce.
Unknown_11: Friends, Romans, countrymen.
Unknown_17: Niggers are the problem.
Unknown_17: Yes, they are the problem. I fucking see with the eyes wide open. I see with eyes wide open. You are the righteous Catholic. You are the righteous Catholic. The righteous power of Rome and the respect of Rome. No!
It was a place where a white man could glory.
Unknown_11: Could glory, okay?
Unknown_29: You will give the people an ideal to strive towards.
Unknown_29: They'll race behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun.
Unknown_29: In time, you will help them.
Base Thank You Terry I'm done with super chats. Thank you for everybody. I really appreciate it I will point this out to you guys because it was mentioned and then I didn't mention I didn't have anything to say about I hadn't heard of it, but We're in the PPP He says is with a lot of disappointment and I know you guys will be disappointed more than anything I
Unknown_31: that I have to announce due to serious inter-life concerns, Kino Casino will be going on hiatus for at least the next week. Prayers are appreciated at this time. Sorry for the disruption." So, uh, people were yelling at me to talk about PPP. I don't know what's up. Apparently he wants to keep it private, so I can only speculate, but, uh, hope my boy stays in good health.
Uh, I wish him luck with whatever he's doing through.
Unknown_31: That's it. Um, thank you guys for watching. I do have an outro song picked out I last episode I played a song by a guy called Kenny hoopla. I didn't know that he was black. He's a black Chicagoan And I gotta say that the blacks out of Chicago make pretty good music. I don't know what it is They got like a really chill vibe to it. So
I have another song from his album his album is called How will I rest in peace if I'm buried by a highway, and this is the titular song from that album How will I rest in peace if I'm buried by a highway?
Unknown_31: Enjoy take it easy. See you guys on Tuesday. Bye. Bye
I don't care, I don't care She's gonna cut my head off But I don't care You say you clean up nice You look like a dead man, like a dead man She say you dress up nice I feel like a dead man
Unknown_24: It's so claustrophobic, claws to prove it hurts so good And the party's over, I'm still on your couch now, Lord Yeah, if there is a line, I know you won't cross it Take your time, take your time
Just like a dead man, like a dead man They say it drives up noise I feel like a dead man, dead man I lie and I rest in peace if I'm buried by a highway Paint on the keys as everybody still's breathing Weight of my shadow, it gets more heavy And it scares me, yeah
Unknown_24: The chair's a scar It's when the hearts collide Speeding with no drive Just let the light expire You say you know that it's fine I say I know that it's fine You say it's only a fire I think it's more than a fire She's gonna cut my head off But I don't care, I don't care
Just like a dead man, like a dead man They say you try so hard, but feel like a dead man, dead man She's gonna cut my head off, but I don't care, I don't care She's gonna cut my head off, but I don't care They say you clean your mind, just like a dead man, like a dead man They say you try so hard,