Hello chat.
Unknown_23: I sat for a good five minutes thinking what intro song to play.
Unknown_11: I could not think of an intro song. So I have made the daring tactical decision to play no intro song.
Unknown_11: I am, uh, I'm not feeling well today. I don't know why I'm like, I woke up feeling well. And now today or at this moment, I am not feeling well. So now I am, I am off. I'm off killed. I'm complete. I feel completely unhinged. I'm going to, I'm going to let you know. And it's not even like formulated. I just, uh,
There's some stuff that's on my mind chat as a result. I am more unhinged than I usually am Don't yell at people. That's what that's my issue when I'm like upset. I just want to like yell at people Usually people who don't really deserve it, but I'm gonna yell at them. Anyways, just as it is what it is It was real I Could not possibly care less about the war thankfully I have um, I
Nothing more related to talk about I won't said talk about I Got an email I mentioned I don't know if I mentioned this last stream, but I was uh just sitting around I got a call from Cogent it's very weird. I had just been yelling about them I suddenly on my phone on my secret number that I use for business dealings I get a phone call from Cogent. I'm thinking that's weird so I call him back and And it's a guy from Virginia and he's the head of sales for the company. I don't know if it's like across the entire company or just in the U S or if it's just whatever, but apparently he's a big head honcho in sales. And he asked, Hey, I just wanted to follow up. I saw that a couple of months ago, we were in talks with you and your company to get a fiber set up for, you know, however much bandwidth.
And I told him, ah, my good sir, you don't seem, you don't seem to know.
Unknown_11: that your CEO is directly involved in purposefully trying to shut down my website and has been blocking my subnets in different data centers around the world, personally involved in trying to shut the site down. He's like, oh, that's weird. I've never heard of that before in my career. I will look into this. And sure enough, he did. And he sends me an email a couple days later, and he says,
Unknown_11: Josh, or sorry, he says, Joe, uh, he's, he missed the S key and hit the a key. So it says Joe up straight up. Are you still running QE farms or any ancillary websites that promotes taxing hate speech and anti LGBTQ messaging slash targeting? If the answer is yes, then I won't be bothering you anymore. And it's just kind of weird. This man,
is a sales rep.
Unknown_11: He exists to sell product to people. So in an ideal world, anybody he talks to willing to buy product from him is one that he will sell product to. However, it is the year 2023, and my boy, who is one of the lead marketers for Kojin as a company,
Uh, is more concerned about anti-LGBTQ messaging. My boy believes that if you are in the business of anti-LGBTQ messaging, as defined by his personal ethos, then he shan't be bothering you with his marketing and connecting, uh, your computers to the internet is no longer of interest.
Unknown_11: And this is, this is our brave new world where a small cabal of major companies have the unilateral authority to do whatever the fuck they want against your interests, against their own interests.
into the entrance of their company for the purposes of preserving messaging, in his words. As long as the messaging is correct, you can have an internet connection.
Unknown_11: And this fills me with a kind of psychotic, blood-boiling rage that I can't really eloquate into words because it is...
Unknown_11: It's like, it's kind of like a searing pain, like when you burn your hand. You can't really articulate your anger.
Unknown_11: It's sort of like a visceral, lower primitive feeling, and not one that's in the higher thought feeling that you can take and convert to complex phrases. It's more of a sort of like, Instinctual fight-or-flight response as opposed to something that is a philosophical position to express So that's why I'm not in such a good mood chat. That's uh, that's where I'm at so
The, uh... I feel like this will not be the end that Cogent will deal with me. I'm sorry to say that I missed their executive quarter three public communications call-in segment for their investor report. However, I will not be missing the next one. And there will be a next one. In fact, there will be many more. They have to have these every couple months. Every three months, as it were. So, there's always next time, chat.
Anything else for him related not really I made the decision just to I feel like Non-consensual pornography what they believe is non-consensual pornography is their primary concern So now that I've intercepted all the emails that Sean Working for Liz Fong Jones and honeycomb have sent to data centers and stuff I know the list of things they're claiming is non-consensual pornography I have put those on the the sensor list and I'm curious now. I've since then I've not received any complaints and from any ISPs or any data centers. So I have a feeling, because it's one of those very binary things where it's like, you can say something like a website is anti-LGBTQ messaging, but when you open a website and you see, you know, titties, you're like, oh, that's titties. And this guy's claiming that those are non-consensual titties. So therefore, I am compelled, I guess. I guess they're afraid of certain laws in certain states. Let's not fuck with this. Just censor it. So I'm still waiting to see what happens as a result of that.
For how long will you censor said topics? I don't know, motherfucker. I'm not, I'm not really like in a position where I can make commitments to certain timeframes or circumstances. I'm in a blue ocean kind of field where every fucking thing I do is unprecedented in the history of mankind, unfortunately, or I don't know how things work. I don't know. I just do random shit at this point and see how it works out. I can't commit to any timeframes for that content at this moment. Sorry to disappoint my investors, as it stands. Yeah, I am seething, because it's fucking legal. I don't know. If you don't want your tits on the fucking Internet, don't post your tits on the Internet. I don't know what to tell you.
It's like it's not my fucking responsibility to manage your shitty personal privacy. Why the fuck is it on me? Why is it that a website with 16,000 people who log in every day and millions of people who view every month being penalized because one woman can't fucking put her tits away? Why is that my fault? I don't get it.
Unknown_11: I don't know. Personal responsibility has been completely, uh, completely lost. Nobody knows what they're doing anymore. And we need the government to intervene. We need Cogent and Dave Schafer. Only Dave Schafer's expert eye can inspect and determine what titties are consensual and which ones are not. Thanks, Dave Schafer. What a fucking hero Dave Schafer is. He needs a cape. He needs a cape and a spandex suit so he can pull his arms up over his head and make wishing noises as he runs around the boardroom because he's such a fucking hero.
Anyways, chat.
Unknown_23: Let's see, I heard some senators almost beat each other. I'm gonna skip to that because it sounds funny, chat.
Unknown_23: Ta-da!
Unknown_11: Okay. I better see a politician get punched in the fucking face.
Unknown_12: Like he's self-made. Sir, I wish you was in the truck with me when I was building my plumbing company myself and my wife was running the office because I sure remember working pretty hard and long hours.
Pretends like he's self-made. What a clown. Fraud. Always has been. Always will be.
Unknown_12: Quit the tough guy act and these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Anyplace, anytime, cowboy.
Unknown_11: I can't make it louder.
Unknown_12: Sorry. This is a time. This is a place you want to run your mouth. We can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here. Okay, that's fine. Perfect. You want to do it now? I'd love to do it right now. We'll stand your butt up then.
Unknown_22: You stand your butt up.
Unknown_12: Oh, hold on. Stop it. Is that your solution? No, no.
Sit down.
Unknown_02: You're a United States Senator. Sit down, please. All right. Can I respond? Hold it.
Unknown_02: That's bullshit.
Unknown_11: You know, in other countries, politicians fight each other. They actually have fun. They get really, they, here's the thing, the, the complete lacks of fist fighting, like in the, back in the day in the United States,
Politicians would pull out guns and shoot each other like they would have proper duels, and they would murder each other in cold blood That's how politicians used to be you know why because they actually were like Invested and what they were saying and their positions, and they were actually really heated up and autistic about what they believed was right So they would kill each other over it, and they would have fistfights on the floor of the Congress. Nowadays, it's like, what? Stand your butt up. And then Bernie Sanders, this decrepit old 80-year-old Jew who can't even lift his own head above his shoulders, like, hey, first stop to that right now. You better sit down. This is a hearing. And he's like, OK, I guess. Nowadays, you know why? Because everyone in that room is a retard, and they don't believe what they say, and they know that they're fucking liars, and they can barely muster the energy to pretend they care about what they say when they're on the floor trying to get elected. So to try and muster the energy to fight each other, that's bullshit. They're not going to do that.
Back in the day, they would- I mean, let's say, I'll challenge you in my honor to a duel. 12 paces at night, tonight, or at sunset tonight, and then one of them would be shot in the fucking head. And now they don't do that anymore.
Unknown_11: Thanks, Bernie. Ruined some content, some Kino content.
Unknown_11: Ooh, this might also be Kino.
Unknown_11: Um, is this an actual video? Okay, I read through this. Um, there was a teacher and she was trying to teach some disenfranchised, impoverished young folks at a, uh, Orlando, uh, school. And she discovered in her, her, uh, her experience that reaching these kids is even harder than previously known.
Especially when they're autistic, so she told a 270 pound black kid who had autism hey put your Nintendo switch away This is a place of learning and he done did whoop-ho ass oh There she is damn I like how everyone just walks away. Oh one woman ah Now listen hey, buddy. Hey, buddy. Can we not oh my god? He's beating her Hey, buddy.
Let's stop doing that
Unknown_23: It was like, what? Let's see, at this point, it starts beating at five seconds, one, two, blah, blah, blah.
Unknown_11: It's like 15 continuous seconds of unhinged chimpanzee behavior before enough white women summon the courage to intervene, and then he's arrested, I guess.
This is not his first offense, actually, and he faces 30 years in jail.
Unknown_11: Brendan Depe then 17 This is the I think he was already convicted three different times for battery and this is now his fourth case and this is the teacher right there and They expected her to be like wait a second guys. He deserves his own chance at life like don't don't do don't do anything to rash and But no she refuses she refuses to talk in his defense or ask for lenient sentencing in any way shape or form So he faces up to 30 years for like his fourth extremely violent offense before he even turns 18 So he might be going away into the peepee poopoo rape dungeon for for a long time boys and girls I think I'll do just fine though as long as they give him a Nintendo switch. He's a pretty big boy He should do just fine
I've not seen this, however, there was a thing, from what I understand, it's two motorcycles, and because it's like a metal cage, they can, with the velocity, they can drive in any direction, even against gravity. And this is supposed to be like a cool thing, it's supposed to be like a fiery thing. However, it is in China, and I suppose one of the people's inspectors did not take a good enough look at this,
event because I am informed that it does not end well. Let's take a look, chat. I know you guys love it when Chinamen die. Driving around, driving around. It's pretty dangerous. Oh, he fucked up. Oh no. Oh my god. Holy shit.
Unknown_11: I guess the petrol inside of it broke out and uh, yeah, it caught fire. And then that guy up there is like, oh my God, it's hot. It's really hot. What do I do? And he doesn't, I would drive a lower cause it's gonna, the heat rises. We might be dying up there. I hope that they're like in fireproof suits.
Oh, he may, he was, he was in a fireproof suit. Wow.
Unknown_11: Wow. Oh, I lied. Okay. He doesn't die. They took, they took, they took reasonable precautions and even though things went bad, it's okay. There you go, chat.
Unknown_11: Your China hate, your China blood loss has, has not been satiated this day. The escalator hungers in my chat riots.
Oh, I don't know what this is needs has reported this. Let's see what sneeze has to say today chat Meta their net correspondence needs
Unknown_11: Heather Marie on Facebook posts a Dodge Charger in Idaho with a NRA license plate, which is pretty fun. I didn't know that NRA had their own license plates. And it seems to be right wing is what he's saying in his Vannessy license plate. That's pretty inoffensive. What could possibly go wrong with this? Though I am surprised that someone right-wing is in a Dodge Charger. You would expect that a certain socioeconomic factor would be driving such a vehicle. Rich Palmer says, conservative nutjob. Eric Allisman says, how do you feel about the Second Amendment? I can't say replies to that Randy chum replies sheep Rich Palmer again replies to him saying more like someone who served this country and knows that the rights I defend are for everyone Not for those who think not for those who the right think deserve rights get bent chud he says Trish Henderson milky says thank you for your service I
Eric Johnson Anthony Ramsey says right-wing nutjob Donald Lynch says that's what a communist crat would say Randy Chun replies to him calling him a sheep Scott Bowen says mentally impaired a license plate. He spelled impaired wrong Then my turn says to a is the American way and then Eric Allison dimmers who apparently Is a insane person says well, that's great for your whole personality rolling eyes emojis Jonah replies saying, come on, you got blue hair.
Unknown_11: Allison says, yeah, and things both totally real. I don't know. I can't believe the license right wing. It's an Idaho is Ida. Is this bitch born in California? I would bet that would make sense if she was born in California and now she's in Idaho shitting up the Pacific Northwest.
The bastion of whiteness ruined forever by Californians as everything is. Yeah.
Unknown_11: Returns are giving the dude. These are the people who vote this person Those people think that they have the right to vote and that their opinion matters. That's why when those politicians come out and they on Enthusiastically say we will do the thing and we'll also do the thing we can't let bad person win because they'll do the other thing that's not as good can I get a yeah, and everyone's like bro finally He tells it like it is. I'm voting for him. It's not even that. When people vote these days, they just pull up the ballot and the ballot says, okay, if you're on team blue, check these boxes. If you're on team red, check these boxes. If you intend to throw away your vote, you can write in or whatever the fuck you want to do or whatever, who cares what you want to say. If you're not on team red or blue, fuck you. And then they do it.
And then life goes on.
Unknown_11: Oh, and then, um,
Unknown_11: I don't have the full slide for this.
Okay, I do have to talk about this a little bit, because I have a more informed opinion than most people. The black guy, Matt Petgrave, who kicked a whitey in the throat and slit his throat, and then he bled out on the ice. And that was like a big stink. Everyone said that it was very intentional. Um, he came back to the ring and everyone gave him a standing ovation for returning to play, even though he had murdered somebody basically. And then a lot of people were upset that he wasn't being charged. And then immediately after this, right before the stream, he actually was arrested and has been charged with manslaughter.
Someone wrote me I figured I might as well Might as well Try and relay this because I did get an email and I do read my emails I know that you guys like to email me and that's I try to respond as much as I can a guy Who is a nice hockey fan from the area?
Unknown_11: That those teams are from I don't remember which team it was but he says that he watches like all the games for those teams and
Unknown_11: That's his home stadium, and he said that it was 100% an accident and even though he would love to blame the socio-economic factor It was very he said to him It was very clearly a freak accident where he lost balance and then put his leg up to try and rebalance himself because he was making a legal tackle is what how it's described to be he made a legal tackle lost balance and then lifted his leg up and I've watched the video a couple times now to try and understand what he's saying, and the main thing to me that stands out is that he's not looking where his leg is.
His leg is raised up in this weird kung fu striking pose, but he's actually looking the other way at the person that he tackled when he's trying to regain his balance. Apparently the the prevailing opinion of people who were at the game was like a hundred percent It was a complete accident, and it wasn't intentional at all, so I know that I know that's popular to hate on Matt Pegrave But I wanted to relay the very the very impassioned long Substantiated email that I received from a viewer who was there and who was saw it live and who is 100% adamant convinced totally and completely unwaveringly convinced that it was an accident Just so the both sides are represented but he has been Arrested for manslaughter, which I think manslaughter is a charge that they can bring when it is an accident It's not I want to say that manslaughter can even range. It sounds it sounds brutal manslaughter sounds like a really Like treacherous crime because it's just such a harsh. It's like a german word. It's like a really harsh word of like two compound phrases um but uh, yeah, I I think that It can even just be like parole and shit because it is I think it covers access. I'm, not sure though It covers accidents where it's reckless endangerment. Maybe it's against the policy of the NHL to raise your foot that high to regain balance. So by doing that, even if it was a complete accident, he was recklessly disregarding the safety of other players in the process, obviously, because somebody died as a result.
I'm not sure what to expect for that.
Unknown_11: Man's laughter doesn't sound so bad. That's a, that's a very medical marinara. This guy's all full of puns. Medical marinara says to put a space between it becomes man's laughter and it doesn't sound so bad.
Unknown_11: That's a very positive poly outlook. That's a, that's a great perspective. If we just put the space in the right place, it's no longer man's slaughter, it's man's laughter. And that's precious.
Actually, we do have some training news as you can imagine but a lot of this training news is actually more local related Which is nice Let's see, let's progress
Unknown_11: Tech writes known for being a for being the planet platform by training Adriana Connell is claiming its family's members are being harassed especially the women he says This site is growing invisibly upsets the militants who have surgeries are resorted to sending us forgeries Yesterday the server served the usual million or so requests and the Gemini capsule served about 13,000 pages Earlier this week French investigative media got in touch with us for more information as it was preparing articles based on the material We covered here in the process that helps us find the number of bugs in the WordPress static conversions and
The intensity of attacks have increased on us, but the upsides help us to explain the attacks to other proponents of software freedom are subjected to Free software hostile militants, that's crazy. That's a crazy expression though. I know some by the way This reminds me, this is the appropriate time to mention.
Unknown_11: The Greer's counsel in the copyright thing, he was supposed to respond to the in-bank review request yesterday. However, he messaged us last second and said, I'm such a busy boy that I need a couple more days to prepare my slam-dunk response to your in-bunk review request. Can I get those couple days? And I, being generous, magnanimous, kind, empathetic, compassionate, just an all-around wonderful human being that I am, said, sure, why not?
He has a couple more days to reply however, I'm pretty sure that it will proceed to in bunk regardless of the response which is why Part of the reason why I felt that it would be appropriate just let him respond St. Gersh, that's right. That's nice. I mean it would I I feel I feel like if I had just replied and I said like you could have asked like on Friday you had the time to know that you wouldn't be able to file this in time on Monday, but um
I don't know, I got a lot of negative karma from something, so I'm trying to earn back good karma, chat. I'm trying to be nice. I'm trying to be generous.
Unknown_11: Liz Fong Jones put it here's Liz Fong Jones was invited to Cambridge was it's Cambridge the same University that that one really grows tranny is like a Fellow at not what is it?
error error Alejandro Caraballo Alejandro Caraballo
Unknown_11: at Harvard, not Cambridge, I'm wrong, Liz Fong Jones was invited to Cambridge to speak about reverse engineering hate, how he and a small group of dedicated lovers has taken down the Kiwi farms forever.
Unknown_11: I didn't listen to it because I can't bear to listen to this fucking freak speak ever.
Unknown_11: However, it is interesting to see that he's trying to bootstrap his entire career off being a fucking nuisance and making the internet shittier and more censorious for absolutely everyone. And the universities are just going along with it, like, yeah, this is a great thing. We should talk about this.
He's a lot of like numbers about how like post per day on the forum have gone down however one of the things that really can't be measured by these studies is the hate that the title of this speech was hate reverse engineered, so The metric should be how much hate towards protected marginalized groups there are like for instance trannies How much you want to bet?
Unknown_11: Because we do, we receive, it's slowly climbing back up, but we do receive about 8,000 logins a day, right? And it used to be about 16,000, and it's creeping up. It was 6,000, and then it was 7,000, 8,000, getting close to 9,000 again, creeping back up to what they were. How much do you want to bet that those 50% of accounts that are no longer accessed
Are liberated from their hate how much do you want to bet that the total amount of a hatred towards trannies at this point in time has decreased in corresponding in Proportionally to the amount of logins to the forum Do you think that the people who have had their community taken away who have not found their way back are? The people who just want to shit talk about Krishna Wesson Chandler fucking his mom and watching Fat Woman Eat, do you think those people hate trannies less or hate trannies more now? Because a lot of them don't really care about trannyship at all. They literally just want to watch a fat woman eat and talk about it. Or they just want to make fun of the Yandere Sim guy who stole money for his fucking shitty video game. I can't say stole money, but has taken tons of money for his shitty video game and will literally never finish it. And now they remember this fun place they used to post and they know that trainings took it away from them because they can't find it anymore. Because if you try to search Kiwi Farms on Google, you will literally... Here's a fun... You can do this right now in real time.
Go to Google and type in any phrase that you can think of. Anything at all.
Unknown_11: And try to find the home page of the Kiwi farms Kiwi farms net forward slash Nothing just the home page There is not a single term that you can put in there to get Kiwi farms net on the just the base URL to show up on any page no matter how far you go you can go a thousand results in and it does index I have a 100% verified
Unknown_11: that Google does have access to the site, does send crawlers to the site, does index the site, and there is no manual action against the site. You will find the forum discussion page sometimes for Kiwi Farms, but you will never, ever, ever, ever find the base URL, which is not an issue anywhere else. They even removed it from Wikipedia, so you can't find it from that, either. So there is like a deliberate top-down censorship from multiple massive multi, like in Google's case, a multi-billion dollar international search engine, has decided that, yeah, you don't get to know where the Kiwi Farms is. You don't get to find it.
So yeah, that's why people don't find it and I guarantee that the people who can't find it who haven't just tried searching You know typing in the URL or haven't found through social media that's back up with that URL I guarantee you that they hate trainees more than fucking ever and people who never paid attention to it Are now galvanized against this this group of people who will absolutely inordinate amount of control over all media in the planet right now Fun times
Meanwhile Dave Muscato posted a 40-minute long diatribe about his parents, the district attorney who's prosecuting him for being a transphobe, and so on and so forth. And our boy Dave, who we don't talk about too much, but I have mentioned a couple times before, has escalated all the way up to the ceo of transphobia uh lived with tiktok has found his video and has clipped a little bit out um and put him on display for for her followers to make fun of i've not listened to this but i'm sure it's good let's take a listen to uh dave muscato I see that he's dressed in appropriate cuckold tranny attire already, so this should be good.
With my court case here, they filed the charges in my dead name.
Unknown_20: I'm transgender, and I use she and her pronouns, and I legally changed my name six years ago to Danielle Tatiana Moscato.
Unknown_11: You know, this is a weird thing to comment on, but there's something about like his his microphone and his EQ that gives him like a really deep podcast feeling to it. It's like his mic is configured to sound like he's on the Joe Rogan show and he's trying to sound like Joe Rogan, which is really weird because he's trying he's trying to pass off as a woman, I guess. It's just a weird disconnect between his audio setup and what he's trying to do. I came out of the closet 10 years ago, and they filed these charges in my dead name, which is an offensive thing to do, to bring up somebody's dead name for any reason.
I mean, you just don't do it. It's transphobic. It's unkind to all trans people. There's no reason to do that.
Unknown_20: And anyway, so they filed these charges against me in my dead name. And so I was forced to show up in court and use whatever limited leeway I might have with this judge about this to mention that I first need some more time to come up with the money to hire an attorney. I have disabilities. I haven't worked in several years. I'm in the process of applying for disability benefits. But it takes five years on average, and I'm on year seven, and that's just how long it takes. And I'm, I'm just, I have a GoFundMe and I'm trying to raise the money for an attorney. And I just, I said, I need some more time. You know, this was very unexpected.
And second, I apologize for, you know, being a stickler about this.
Unknown_20: but you're dead naming me in these charges. That is not my name. I legally changed my name 60 years ago. This is offensive aside from inaccurate. It's transphobic and I'm really pissed off about it. We need to fix my name on here."
So I showed up in court and
Unknown_20: I had to explain this, and the judge seemed to be... Can someone explain... Sorry if I missed it.
Unknown_11: What was he charged with? Is he charged with... I think he's charged with trespassing, because he keeps going... He has this weird thing where he's, like, been living with his rich doctor father that he keeps accusing of rape. And despite living in his father's basement, he was, like, accusing his father of being a rapist and trying to ruin his professional career. So I think he got accused of trespass because he keeps coming back to the house that he's not allowed at.
Okay with it at least.
Unknown_20: I brought my ID that has my name, Danielle Tatiana Moscato on it to show him and he ordered that they change the name.
Unknown_20: And I know, I know that the detective knows that I'm trans. Now I know with 100% certainty that the prosecutor does too.
Unknown_20: because she was right there when I said this. So the judge ordered that they change the name on the filing. And they did. And I just found out they changed it to Danielle, which is my new first name, Brian, which is my dead name, middle name, Moscato, which is hasn't changed.
Oh, no. Dead middle name. I've I've actually OK, listen, I've been a professional transphobe for several years now. and I pay more attention to this dumb shit than any person should. I have never, honestly, I have no recollection of ever hearing someone complain about being dead middle-named. It's really just crazy, Chad. That's some bullshit.
So they made up a third name that is neither the name that the judge ordered them to change it to, nor my actual legal name, Daniel Tatiana Muscata. They changed it to my dead name for my middle name, my new first name for my first name, my actual first name, that is my legal first name and my last name. And I'm just, I'm so pissed. Like,
Unknown_20: They were told to fix this because this is insulting and offensive to trans people and inaccurate, and they didn't. They fucked it up again. There's no way there's this incompetence. I mean, there's no way. You don't deadname somebody twice by accident in writing. After you're told, fix this, we might get sued. I'm so angry. There's no way this is an accident. They're sending me a message that I cannot expect fair treatment in this courtroom as a trans woman. That they do not care that they're being offensive to trans people and to me personally. They want to send me a message that I am not going to be treated fairly here because I'm trans. That they are okay in writing with insulting me as a trans woman because fuck you, that's why.
Do you think that Dave feels heckin' validated that, um, that Libs of TikTok made fun of him? Is that, like, the most- that should be considered, like, the most gender-affirming, like, like, true and affirming, um, euphoria that you can get. Like, oh my god, I'm such a disgusting ogre tranny that I'm- and I've ended up on Libs of TikTok. That's like...
Unknown_11: That's like making it. That's like the Elite Four. You made it to the end. That's the end game being a gross tranny. You're being made fun of by the TikTok on Twitter and you have like 40,000 likes on your posts and shit.
Just check my notifications. Dude, I get so many notifications on this shit. It's all bullshit too. It's all like, um,
Unknown_11: It's just like likes and retweets, yeah, I don't even know how to change it I don't need to know if I'm being liked and retweeted I only have the option to turn on a quality filter Which doesn't make any sense because all that does is make it so you only see like verified posts and shit and by verified I mean they're paying Elon Musk a subscription Green Oh Okay
I'll play this bit.
Unknown_11: This guy almost killed himself.
Unknown_11: I don't wanna be... Fuck it, I'll just play it. Anything that I say in response to this is gonna get me in trouble.
Unknown_01: I almost fucking died! I'm not even kidding. Okay. You ever seen Breaking Bad?
Unknown_01: Some of you are getting it. You know that character, Jane?
Unknown_01: Dude.
Unknown_01: I jammed myself.
Unknown_01: I'm not fucking with you, dude. I was awake. I was so... Dude, I couldn't fucking move. I could not fucking move.
And I was choking.
Unknown_01: Do you know how fast choking takes shit? Dude, you pass out in like 20- Dude, I love the chat's reaction to this. You guys are like viscerally appalled by looking at him. So I was like, Ashley was here at the time, don't get me wrong, and she flipped me over onto my side, but I could, for a good like 10 seconds or so, 10-15 seconds, I was just choking.
Unknown_01: Just continuing to choke like I couldn't do anything. I could I would have straight-up died I would have just complete that would have been it. I felt like though. I felt like shit drain, dude, I Felt like never let someone pass on my back exactly. She flipped me over immediately she got like as soon as she realized what was happening. She just moved me and Ha holy fuck dude Jesus oh, it's important to know shit, mate
I muted myself. Today's just not my day, chat.
Unknown_11: I don't usually talk about Finster because he's gross and shit, but he's recently become like a fascination of the forum because he got caught out as being friends with someone who's directly friends with the goon clown. He was like one of the worst people to ever fucking exist. So now everyone is like trying to force him to eat shit and
Unknown_11: He's in this weird position where he's like a PG twitch streamer he is Not a tranny, but he calls himself like a crossdresser or something. I think he's in a relationship with like an official tranny I Want to say he does like only he does like soft core only fans, and he's kind of hinted at doing other stuff but never has
He like his angles are very flattering like someone said that's uncanny That's kind of like his shtick is that he passes really well in his streams, but you have to keep in mind He's got like the myspace angle on he has like an AI filter and shit there are more candid photos of him And it's obviously he's just like a gay man and like a and I put upon
Unknown_11: He almost asphyxiated on alcohol, because he is taking ketamine as part of his therapy for depression, and ketamine has a contra-intradiction with alcohol, so he was at risk of overdosing as a result of taking these. It appears that Finster, despite being probably like the top 1% of all passing trannies in like the entire world, Being like a fetish icon who gets whales donating for his like facial feminization surgeries and shit Despite having one of the easiest cushiest jobs in the entire universe He doesn't seem to be able to bear with the totalitarian totality of like his lifestyle He knows that as he ages his market value is depreciating rapidly and one day will all come crashing down to an end And this is like something that he's cognizant of so he's handling that in the very appropriate and responsible way of taking ketamine and drinking So good for him, I hope that tactic works out I hope he continues down on this trajectory that he feels is appropriate for him and
Next. Ooh, this is a good one. My boy James Stefani Sterling of the Jimquisition has made it to the big leagues. He is out protesting in the United Kingdom for justice or whatever the fuck and he got interviewed. So let's listen to what wisdom James has to impart on the world. Um, such horrific. So first of all,
Unknown_11: Um, Jim had lost a lot of weight and it appears that he's gained it all back. Uh, the other thing to mention is how fucking disgusting, uh, that thing interviewing him is like, okay, there's so much going on with this, this frame that it's kind of hard to put into words. Like, yes.
Jim is fat. Uh, that other guy is also fat and dumpy and gross. And I love how you can see the bra outlines that he's wearing for his man tits. I love how it's so, it's so obviously man tits too. Like they're just pointing completely outwards and there's like a huge, like shallow,
Unknown_11: Valley between them because they're outward pointing man tits and not like actual breast I love how you can see his gunt like his he's wearing like a tight-fitting shirt that like perfect perfectly forms to his gun to the point where you can even see like the outline of his belly button because it's so tight I Like how despite the fact that this goblin is so disgusting Jim standing next to him is like Somehow outdoes him because not only is Jim himself fat and dumpy. He also has those those British Winston Churchill jowls, which are Children's kids are real real girls and real little boys.
We need to get hormones to all of them.
Unknown_11: Oh Like that kind of like British Jowl shit. And because he's getting older, he's getting like a saggy face, kind of like a Brianna Wu face. He has a very Brianna Wu face, but when you go downwards, like Brianna Wu is tall, but Jim's also tall, but also very big.
Unknown_11: And he's feeling back out. So it's like you have a six foot six ogre next to a dumpy freak and they're talking about trans kids and shit. And I haven't even allowed Jim to get his point across. There's one thing in particular that I know I want to point out.
bills as one in, I believe, Missouri that wants to raise the age of any form of medical care for trans people to the age of 25.
Unknown_11: Shout out to Missouri and the Midwest, fighting the good fight.
Unknown_18: Because their brains aren't developed yet, which is not a requirement to join, say, the military or any other life-saving, sorry, life-changing activity or goal, that's perfectly fine. Obviously, it includes genital inspections for children. This is something that a number of Republican lawmakers have been incredibly interested in. I wonder why.
Nominally to so the the the truants who are sick of being called child pedophile groomers Because they try to find little kids that are socially isolated and lure them into a life of drugs and porn addiction They're really upset that they're being called groomers.
Unknown_11: So now they'd like to turn it around and say Actually, it's Conservatards who are the real groomers because they want penis inspection day today chat I will remind you what penis inspection day is
There are laws on the books in states like Missouri and other states that are trying to get rid of the tranny kid shit that's happening. Penis Inspection Day is something that happens when there is, I think I've phrased this very eloquently last time,
Unknown_11: a little boy or a little girl is sus, and an emergency meeting is called by the parents, and they vote that this little girl is in fact sus. So they will traitor test him by having him go to a medical professional doctor, like a general practitioner, to get a certification that this little girl is in fact a little girl, and not a little boy in disguise.
So that is how that works. It is not literally okay. Okay, little Susie. Let's see if you got a penis whip it out You know conducted by like the the coach or whatever. That's fucking retarded Keep Aside male at birth trans women out of sports But there's a there's a far deeper and darker Not just what's on the surface that's deep and dark about
Unknown_18: the desire to inspect the genitals of children, but also to police where we can and can't go. This is a huge part of it. It started with bathrooms years and years and years ago and moved on to keeping trans women out of sports.
with an intense focus on trans women, thereby erasing trans men, gender non-conforming people, non-binary people such as myself.
Unknown_18: This intense focus on trans women, keeping them out of sports, then that moved on to save the children rhetoric, telling lies about children, talking about how they have gender reassignment surgery at a pre-teenage, things that are just blatant lies.
That's true though.
Unknown_11: The, there are hospitals that do genital surgeries on preteen children. Um, so to say that that doesn't happen is a lie. Not true.
Unknown_18: Um, then that moved on to things like puberty blockers, which are obviously very reversible. They are not, uh, this, uh, they're not reversible. life altering death sentence. Your skin doesn't just start melting off. No, no, absolutely not. In fact, I can confirm that HRT makes your skin wonderful.
Absolutely fabulous, darling. Oh yeah.
Unknown_11: I love that skin. I love that skin. I want this interview broadcasted nationally. I want every single person on the planet forced to watch this. I want to see like the crown prince of Saudi Arabia like strapped to a chair and forced to watch this.
Unknown_18: Yeah, my husband's jealous.
Unknown_18: So yeah, and it moved on to things like we've seen in, I believe it's Florida, where they want to ban even social transition now. It's gone beyond the excuse that they're just trying to stop medical care for children. They now want social transition gone. And then we have very prominent members of the TERF, gender critical ideology, now openly talking about reducing our numbers like they're running pest control on us this is not this is fascism this is okay i once again must be pedantic fascism is a national ideology about putting a specific group of people usually the
The people of the country ahead of other people in other countries. That is the core tenet of fascism. It's a thing that existed in all countries before the 1950s. It is not fascism to say that we need to destroy trannies.
Unknown_11: It's not. It's a- I don't know what you would really call that. Transamnesia, I guess. It is not fascism. I wish people would stop- I wish people would stop it, okay?
Unknown_18: It's genocidal rhetoric and the end goal is to police us out of existence. It started with bathrooms because it sets the precedent that we have spaces where we are not allowed. Where our presence is a problem. Yes, where femme presenting people, where trans women, where femme non-binary people, where genderfluid people aren't welcome. And the moment you establish that acceptability, you begin the domino chain of consequences.
Let's establish that with the entire world. Thank you, Jim Stefani-Sterling, for your fascinating presentation on American politics. Could you please explain what the fuck that has to do with the United Kingdom? I really don't understand. Last I heard, prominent TERFs were being arrested at their homes because they said mean things on Twitter.
Not even because they said mean things on Twitter, because they were alleged to have said mean things on Twitter. Um, when that starts, if there were ever a situation where trannies were being arrested for saying tranny shit about creepy tranny shit about little kids on Twitter, there would be like a national international crisis. But no, they actually do literally just round people up and arrest them in the United Kingdom. Oh, speaking of, um, Oh, she gave me dates. Let me check real quick.
Unknown_23: After...
Unknown_11: Next week, maybe as soon as Friday next week, I'll be having my interview with Carolyn Farrow, who is effectively being run out of the country because she's being harassed by a fucking insane person, so I will be talking to her at some point. I'm going on a date. She's happily married, Chad, don't you worry. I'm not going anywhere. Chad will always be my precious number two.
You're not fighting for anybody's attention here.
Unknown_11: Um, and... Oh, second to last thing. Uh, Derek Savage, who is the creator, the visionary genius behind Cool Cat Saves the Kids, a disaster film that, uh, rivals The Room in terms of its, uh, international notoriety for being a terrible film. Um, he's apparently into bussy. Uh, someone named...
Fibrosis 50 posted to YMS and YMS was like one of the guys that I think he was the guy no He might have been one of the first he's one of the first people to find about about cool cat saves the kids So this tranny posted directly to YMS. I got to work with Derek Savage asked me anything and Who's a boy? That's a nice wig, bro
Unknown_11: But Derek looks very happy. I'm happy. I'm glad for him, brothers. I'm glad for him. My boy deserves it.
Finally, last but not least, Trans Lifeline has announced that they have a shortfall this year of $2.5 million, I assume, in operating expenses. And this is because they have apparently lost all of their corporate funding.
Unknown_11: So this year, I remember I even bought those domains for Pride Before Fall, and the 2023 Tranny Pride Fest this year was emaciated. Every year was ramping up, ramping up, and then the fucking Budweiser shit happened, and the 2023 Pride was the weakest shit ever. It was like 10 years since it was at Pride that week.
And then ever since then, um, this is like an indication to me that corporate funding for tranny shit is just going down across the board. Like it's not profitable in ESG has gone away. Uh, black rock is like rebranding ESG.
Unknown_11: So, for right now, it's gone.
Unknown_11: And it's just like, the money isn't there. It's like the Woody meme. It's like, I'm not interested in playing with you anymore. You're not serving your purpose. You're no longer an easy, risk-free way of promoting myself and my company. So, bye-bye. I'm done with you.
Cool, you don't know I did a whole stream on trans lifeline because Early in the life of the forum back before training shit was even like a big deal. It was just like some shit that weirdos did there was a training named ADF and I
Always end up having to summarize ADF because I never talked about him anymore, but basically if you've ever seen like a Pole meme about what modern-day communists look like and they're like a it's like a montage of these goofy looking fucks You've almost undoubtedly seen pictures of ADF inadvertently because he's like a malice who just looks retarded so he ends up in all these memes and
Unknown_11: Nina Chaboul and Greta Gustava were somehow friends of ADF, and ADF was like an old school locale that was like a potential competitor to Chris, back when the site was mostly about Christian. So ADF was like an early locale in that phase. Greta Gustava decided that he was gonna stand up for ADF, and personally drove to my house to try and intimidate me.
Unknown_11: And this was in Florida so they came up to the door And they literally staked out my house because my mom and I were out for dinner I come home and I go poo they immediately knock on the door and then leave and They failed to intimidate me because I was I was pooping and I never even got to see them and then They started trying to D platform us and that didn't work and then eventually their main contention with us is
was that we had found evidence that they were inuring money. They were taking charity money, and they were spending it to travel around the world, to fly to Florida to fuck with people, then go to LA. What they did immediately after that is they went to New Orleans. They had an extremely luxurious meet-and-greet dinner at a very fancy restaurant. They were taking all this charity money for a suicide prevention hotline, and they were spending it on travel expenses and shit.
Unknown_11: a female to male troon named Buck Angel who I would not suggest googling because he does he she it whatever does cunt boy porn and I would I would advise you don't look at that but Buck Angel got pissed off hearing about this these uh these details of possible fraud and demanded evidence that this wasn't happening. And then when the reports came in that actually the fraud had happened, Trans Lifeline got rid of Nina and Greta and reported to the IRS that they had stolen $350,000 of charity money, that nothing ever came about. No charges were pressed, nothing happened. They just left the company and got away with it.
So then years later, they kind of reformed. I think they got more coverage and better training materials. They kind of shaped up a little bit. There was definitely nothing as obvious as with the Greta and Nina stuff, because they were literally just on Twitter and Facebook posting about all the fancy dinners they were having and all the meet and greets and stuff. And they also didn't make any further mistakes of directly trying to fuck with the Kiwi farms, so they didn't have any attention on them. Years and years later. Oh by the way, and this was one of their friends at the time was also Liz Fong Jones Liz Fong Jones was involved in trying to do platform Kiwi farms in 2016 because he was friends with Nina and Greta as well, so that's where that feud started
So Liz Fong Jones gets personally involved and sets up this huge campaign last year and this year trans lifeline is being destroyed Apparently because they're down two and a half million dollars somehow I don't even know how you can burn out two and a half million dollars on a fucking hotline like presumably you need one or two people on a phone phone line at any given time and that should be pretty cheap, but through true magic
They've somehow found a way to lose $2.5 million operating a phone line.
Unknown_11: Great job! Another success story from the productive members of society who wear dresses and call themselves women.
Unknown_11: Oh fuck I meant to watch this before the stream, and I didn't I'll just summarize what I've been told and I will not comment on it further you can look this up if you want Carl yobbs yobbs yobst Who has a brief history with me has teamed up with a Indian guy named mutahar to do an expose on a video game person named the completionist claiming that he stole charity money and Now, I haven't watched this video, so I cannot comment on the accusations. However, I will mention that at some point on Mad at the Internet,
Years and years ago, because of the Discord, someone sent me this video of a speedrunner. He had just gotten this awesome score on GoldenEye. He beat it in 52 seconds instead of 53 seconds. And he had apparently spent years and hundreds of hours replaying this level on GoldenEye over and over and over again. And he was so proud of himself. that he started crying, and his Asian wife comes out, and his Asian wife is flat as an ironing board, and she starts cradling him in her arms because he's so overwhelmed with emotion that after hundreds of hours, he was able to beat that one level in GoldenEye in 52 seconds instead of 53 or some shit. And I thought,
That's, uh, that's extremely embarrassing. That's one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen posted on the internet. And after I said this, someone clipped this and sent this to the man in the video and he hid this multi-million view speedrun accomplishment video he had posted because apparently he believed that I was right. And I was later informed that, um,
That that was Carl Joves, and apparently people really liked him, and I felt kind of bad that I had named and shamed this man to hiding his crowning achievement in speedrunning because I was very, very mean about it.
Unknown_11: Now, I have no further statement in regards to his expose on this guy, the completionist. I will say that I do watch his videos about that Donkey Kong guy. Like that Billy Mitchell guy he keeps making fun of that is suing him is one of the most pretentious faggots I've ever seen in my entire life and I constantly want to beat the fuck out of him because he's just such a smug looking prick. I do like those videos and I feel kind of bad for bullying Carl Jobst, but hopefully he doesn't hold it against me. He probably does hold it against me, I'm not gonna lie. He probably hates me and that's okay. A lot of people do.
Oh yeah, he wanted people to report me because he made like a community announcement post saying, like, can you guys report him?
Unknown_11: Sorry. Sorry. I'm a bit mean sometimes. It's weird. My thing is...
Unknown_11: I have this uncanny ability. I don't know what it is. I'm just like this. I'm like a dangerous flailing retard, right? And there are these people I really, really, really hate and love to see terrible things happen to, and I talk about them a lot. And then nothing really, it takes years for them to ever get their comeuppance. And when they do get their comeuppance, it's like,
It's just a natural consequence of them being douchebags, but then randomly while doing my stream and just offhandedly mentioning like Making fun of a speedrunner. I accidentally score like a critical hit like I actually break somebody's nose And then they hide their video, and then they like edit out the part I think he he unhitted but he used the YouTube editing tool just to clip out the part where his wife comes out because
I guess I made fun of her or something, and he felt that was like land crossing, so he just removed that. It's just weird. I don't know. It's like a complete accident that I just like swing the right hook at nothing, and I land a hit, and it's like, oh, fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Oh well.
Unknown_11: Such is life.
Unknown_11: I have no further comment on this video.
Unknown_11: The local live came out, which I don't know He's really I really gotta thank Keemstar for revitalizing the local brand and letting everyone know what a local is Keemstar is doing work putting in the footwork to make sure that everyone knows what a local is and to drive traffic to the Kiwi farms I can't stand boogie. I've not watched the episode, but supposedly it's it's pretty fascinating and what's-his-face boogies already throwing a tantrum and I'm melting down
Um, there's that.
Unknown_23: Oh, and Dream is getting bullied. Alright, let's see what was sent into my P.O.
Unknown_13: box today. Looks like a t-shirt. Okay, alright. Uh, what does it say?
Says I love minors and the joke is is that they're They're Minecraft minors, but he gets upset and says that's a shit show and I get it I'm the cringe minecraft guy that makes fat that was fat that makes bad music that's from Florida And I said offensive things that cheated that stubborn and an asshole and racist and homophobic and doesn't manage his rabid fans mepclus, etc
Unknown_11: I mean, he doesn't even, it's like he apologizes.
Unknown_11: It's like he came out and says, guys, I get it. I'm a homophobic, racist, Nazi, terrorist, cyber criminal, mind thought criminal, international, border hopping, I don't know, bad guy, just all around a bad guy. And he just put a period right there, like, yeah.
Yeah. Are you apologizing? I guess he's not. He doesn't say he's sorry. Does he say he's sorry? Are you fucking sorry?
Unknown_23: Spent and retarded.
Unknown_23: He's rich, it's true. Oh, actually. Oh, I do have some videos of him talking about it.
Unknown_11: I'm curious. Does he like, I want to see what the context of this tweet, does he like apologize and say like,
I don't wanna be those things.
Unknown_11: Wait, I've been harassed for almost a year due to a false allegation right after my face revealed. This person publicly said they'd be pressing charges and posting proof.
Unknown_11: Oh, and then those accusations resurfaced and it became a big deal.
Unknown_11: Anyone taking this as feel-bad-for-me doesn't have great reading comprehension. If you need a tone indicator, consider this one how sarcastic this is. I'm just laying out some things people say about me regardless of the fact if I disagree.
Okay, don't apologize, I don't... He needs to get this through, like, a PR guy. And just say, like, someone fucking lied about me, never posted anything, and I'm not apologizing for anything. Though he should learn to never flirt with his fans on Instagram. See, that's the thing, if he just didn't flirt with his fans through Instagram, he would never be accused of grooming. Because what happened is that they said that they had just graduated high school.
Unknown_11: And he assumed that that meant that they were 18, but they were like almost 18. And then this person came out and said that he was grooming them. It's like if he had just fucked around with people his own age, not fans, not on Instagram, he would be okay. But he didn't learn, Chad. Why don't they learn? How do I reach these kids, Chad? I tell them I'm spitting pearls for them, Chad. I'm spitting pearls. And they don't listen. You don't listen chat. It is legal. It's legal in Florida. We have Romeo and Juliet laws in Florida. It's 16 to 24. 17 is not illegal in Florida. So it's like whatever. I figure, I don't know, but he did whine about it. Apparently he did like a 20 minute, he did like a 40 minute long reply on his, uh, while playing Minecraft and he said like, um, so whatever, I don't know. I want to see what this 10 second flip is.
for watching.
Unknown_11: Yeah, I agree. If she's 17, whatever. It's not, it's not, especially he's young too. I don't think, I don't know how old he is. He's like early twenties. Unless, unless there's like some serious detail I don't know about where he was talking to her for like 20 years or some shit. He found her in the crib and gave her, gave her him his YouTube channel and whatever the fuck. Um, I can't care, but people want to cancel them. Cause again, I mean, it's fun to bring people down who are successful. Yeah.
Don't say shit like that. Just say I didn't do anything wrong, and if you disagree, go to the police.
Unknown_11: Fuck you.
Unknown_11: Well, this guy, I actually don't want to talk about this guy. I put him up on my thing, so now I have to. There's like this guy, his name is Nicholas Marshall. It's Natsu Talbot. I don't know his story. He has made at least like 10 different accounts on Twitter imitating Sophia Norwitz, who is like a tranny. And he just calls himself a pet fat pedophile and keeps begging me to make a thread on Sophia Norwitz and it's like I'm not your fucking slave. I'm not your cotton picker Jigaboo cotton picking Jigaboo out in the fields making threads for you motherfucker. You gotta make your own goddamn thread, but he's like he's like He's not He's not lazy enough to just like let it slide and move on with his life, but he's too lazy to do it himself. So he's just on fucking Twitter begging me to do it for him. It's, it's like, no, that's not how it works. Sorry.
And this is Dan Orson having a meltdown.
Unknown_11: I don't follow him that closely because he seems to be like a helpless retard that people are manipulating into doing retarded shit that keeps getting them sent to prison. It's never so funny to me, but it's apparently an unpopular opinion. I'll watch this for the first time with you guys.
No, I'm not. Those people are causing the situation. Stop fucking telling me, bitch! I'm not putting hands on you!
Unknown_06: I'm not putting hands on you! Try me! Try me! Try me! Try me! Try me, bitch!
Unknown_04: Try me, bitch!
Unknown_06: Try me, bitch! Try me, bitch! I will fucking murder you! I will fucking murder you, bitch!
Unknown_15: Look at this crackhead. I can go right fucking ahead!
I can go right fucking ahead! Badger making my location, bitch! Badger making my location, bitch! Bitch! Bitch!
Unknown_04: 1-0-4-3-5-8 straight.
Unknown_17: I've been recording. FANS ARE LEAKING MY LOCATION!
I NEVER PUT HANDS ON YOU, BITCH! I never assaulted you! Step back right now!
Unknown_06: I never assaulted you! Step back right now!
Unknown_04: SCAMMER!
Unknown_06: I got it all on video ever since Oh
Unknown_11: I know people don't like him and they say that he's a pedophile. I don't know if that's true. I don't know if it's one of those things where it's like he actually is a pedophile or if that's what they just say so they can justify like tormenting him. However, I gotta say that, you know, I used to be a big fan of Sammy Classic Sonic fan and it's really heartbreaking to see that this is what happened to him when he grew up and is now punching himself in the face and screaming the N word in public and having public meltdowns.
Tragic chat tragic no, it's not semi-classic sonic fan When will you learn when will you learn?
Unknown_06: I
Unknown_11: There's another thing a new video from tick-tock the Popo talking to Daniel at the After the Panera Bread incident doesn't believe that Daniel is sober after hitting him so severely he causes himself to bleed The officer very commonly explains to Daniel that what he's doing is not normal and that he is both crazy and trespassing
The interesting thing is that Daniel has completely calmed down when someone with actual power has confronted him, showing him these are just temper tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants. He says in Sanskrit, well, it just sounds angry. Okay. I will also watch this.
Unknown_08: I came in here because I was having an issue with a troll slash hater in my family face community outside threatening me with a gun. Okay. They were threatening me to do drive-by shooting along this shopping center. Daniel,
Unknown_08: My last name is Larson.
Unknown_07: That's the last time you used drugs or alcohol today. I don't use drugs and I don't use alcohol. Eyeballs say differently. I always have dry eyes. No, it's not dry. You'll be dilated temples while you're inside sitting in a light. That's because I'm always on my phone. Because they would have changed back already because you've been off your phone for almost a minute. That's how the eyeballs work. I don't do drugs and I don't do alcohol. That's a health issue.
This, uh, this cop, the little known secret about this cop, he was going to be an ophthalmologist, but he decided to become, after his parents were killed in a tragic mugging accident, he decided to enter law enforcement instead.
Just autism. Just autism? Yes. True.
Unknown_07: Why are all the tables turned over, Daniel?
Unknown_08: I, uh, the manager tried to put hands on me to escort me outside. I don't think that was probably good.
Unknown_08: I'm being haunted by a mysterious discord logo, so I see my nightmares But I I felt in danger
so you punched yourself in the face a bunch of times the manager was threatening to press charges on me so if you come in here flipping tables over and punching yourself in the face and they say leave and you say no they say it's going to trespass you and you say no that's trespassing
Unknown_11: It's interesting. This is like the second time that I've heard trespass be used as a verb like that We're going to trespass you unless you do something. It's cop slang chat cops thing. I heard that um the first time with King Cobes Cobes was at a liquor store that he had been banned from and the cops explained to him that he had been trespassed Because he was being asked to leave
I don't know. I know that's a Nobody's not a good guy, but Now that I hear him talk to the police though. He does sound more lucid than I was expecting because I
Unknown_11: I had pictured him more completely fucking retarded and I think that's because I only see videos of him chimping out and when he's chimping out he is like completely unhinged to the point where he just sounds like a drooling retard but when he's talking to cops he's kind of like on the same level of Chris where he has enough to him where he can like fabricate lies and excuses for what he's doing and understand like when what he's doing is not right
Interesting. Interesting.
Unknown_11: Um, all right. Now I got some, some sector right news. What do I want to talk about?
Unknown_23: Um, do I want to mention this? I have this in my notes. Hold up. Let me, let me double check real quick.
Unknown_23: By the way, somebody confirmed that dream was, um, 24.
So even if she is, so that girl, it's okay for him to talk to her though, even though it's legally okay. 12 plus seven equals 19 chat. So the following the rules 19 would be the minimum, but yeah, I'm not going to like say, Oh, he's a pedophile groomer.
Unknown_11: What is this part for? I have a thing with Rikada. Do I want to mention this?
Unknown_11: Do I want to talk about Rikada?
Unknown_11: Sure, let's talk about Rikada. Alright, Alyssa clips begin here.
Like they'll have to change it on their own, right?
Unknown_22: So what do you say to people who who are like?
Unknown_22: Nick's changed. His contents changed. Like they've already formed that opinion about you. Well, what got them to that opinion? Why do people say, well, Nick, Nick Rackete is not what he used to be.
Unknown_16: Uh, well, they're probably right. I don't know. Uh, what do you what do you say to the to the you've changed things? Well, I mean, I guess it's your perspective on what it is. Do I talk about comics and anime as much? No, way less. I'm not covering any cases in those areas. So certainly that is. Oh, news hamster. You snuck up on me.
Get out of here. Sneaky, sneaky little mouse. The subject matter I've covered has changed. If you found me by watching me cover live trials when I'm covering Rittenhouse and Johnny Depp, I'm putting in between 12 and 17 hours a day, five days a week for weeks and weeks at a time. I can't do that most of the time, even when I would like to. And usually if there is a trial that has sufficient level of popularity, it would be very profitable personally for me to do that. But I just can't, man. I got five kids. I got a wife. We have tons of family obligations and events that we go to. I teach. our homeschool co-op he's had five kids for a while though like when he did all those other trials he had five kids I think the issue that he has now is that he simply is unable to remain sober for the duration of those streams and they are so profitable like to the like to the tone of like six figures and
That it's nuts to not do them unless you literally just cannot because you can hire people to cover you you can find people to cover you at your micro school thing you can find someone to babysit, but I mean his kids are older now, so they They really need less chaperoning than ever before. I don't buy the whole I'm just so busy that I can't do anything because it's like at this point in your life. I
You should definitely be more situated and you should have these routines figured out enough that you can actually take care of business, but.
Unknown_11: I don't know. I mean, it's like, I think that him not covering trials is also like one of the least interesting changes that he's done. Like, it's just a cost loss opportunity for him to miss those things. However, I wouldn't even say that's like, probably for his, like his actual mega fans, that's probably a high complaint that they have. But for like everybody else just watching him from the sidelines, it's like, that's a minor footnote. That's like a symptom of a broader problem as opposed to the problem in and of itself.
All of those things get pushed to the side when there's a trial. So for me, if that's what you found me doing, where I'm spending 80 hours a week streaming,
Unknown_16: Well, and then you come in, you're like, why is he only why is he only doing four shows this week? It's like because because I don't want to kill myself yet and I don't want to start wanting to kill myself either. So maybe I've changed in that way. And then there there's this other aspect where.
People imposed upon me a set of values because I am married. I've been married for 19 years and that my wife and I are like, like, that's it. We don't have prior major relationships, really. We have five children. We homeschool them. And we're we're Christian.
Unknown_16: people decided then that that meant we were a specific brand of Christianity.
Unknown_16: And then they, you know, they will identify various opinions I've had on certain things and say they are definitely this. And then if you violate that image, you're guilty of some sort of hypocrisy. Whether or not you actually possess that opinion, people decided that you did. And so then, but again, what do you do? Like,
I remember when Nick Cricchetta did like a 30 minute long diatribe about how anyone watching Cuties was like a pedophile and it was an indefensible abuse of children and how it deserved to be prosecuted under the Texas child pornography statutes. Then I remember how a couple years later when Dick Masterson and Vito Gasaldi were talking about cuties and defending it as artistic expression He completely 180 and said that actually it wasn't child pornography. It was actually Pushing the boundaries on freedom of speech remember how he completely and totally changed his entire tune on this thing that he was very
very fiery and passionate about at the time that it happened to the complete and total opposite of it only because of the circumstances around him and also changed.
Unknown_11: So that's why people call him a hypocrite. It's not that he is not Christian enough for them.
Unknown_11: That's a very lawyerly answer. I want to point out, by the way, this guy has a very pretty boy face. Don't like it. I don't like this other guy's face at all. I don't know who I've seen him before I think he interviewed DSP and maybe some other person that I've talked about and I think I even mentioned then that I don't like his face. However, I really need to Reiterate that I hate his face. Okay Let us continue like
Apparently he gets into specifics about stories about him.
Unknown_16: Change it. And then the worst part about that is when people take a story or a concept and then they add information to it for whatever reason. They create a fiction based on a reality. And then they've determined that that fiction is grounds for you having violated something else. There's a whole bunch of funny stuff about me that is just wildly untrue. And people say that that is the source of the hypocrisy. uh of me betraying some values is like but guys like that's not it didn't actually happen well so what are some of those things that people say about you that are that are untrue well apparently uh i am a swinger i guess um and they don't mean with like a golf club uh i guess that means that i uh go out and sleep around consensually outside of my marriage which is not true at all uh how do they get that
Uh, now, while I'm not a swinger, I have done a bunch of hilarious stuff in my life, fun, fun things, in my opinion, that do actually kind of push the boundaries of what people are comfortable with.
Like when I, for example, when I go out to a bar or a club, I will buy drinks for numerous people like I'm I'm out having fun. I'll buy a bunch of people.
Unknown_11: Okay, so for clarity's sake the reason why people say that Rekheda is into swinging is that a while back I Think over a year ago. I think it just came up on the anniversary of a year ago Rekheda took a trip to Jamaica with his wife and he went to a club called hedonism 2 and Hedonism 2 had interracial cuckolding events and stuff. It was like a sexual
Unknown_11: It was for for adults who probably like middle-aged adults mostly and older people Who wanted to spice up their sex life and shit and do? Swinging and do interracial play and stuff like that and he went there he streamed from his hotel room and people were able to verify That he was streaming from the hotel room at in Jamaica at the time of this event during the period where they also had the interracial stuff and
And so it became, especially because of his relationship with Drexel and also the fact that Kayla talked on stream about going to a masseuse who would massage her breasts, and she went to this guy like two or three times, it became like a thing that he was a swinger. So if he's gonna sit there and say, people say I'm a swinger because I buy ladies drinks at the bar when me and my wife go out to drink sometimes, that's like a deliberate misrepresentation and lie.
Just walk away or I'll talk to them. And sometimes that involves meeting people who try to pick you up and take you home. And I don't go home with anybody other than my wife, because, well, we're we're monogamous, like and we always have been. But that leads people to the idea that maybe we're not or something.
Unknown_11: Oh, is he really is? Is he really just going to not talk about hedonism at all? We know for a fact that he went to that hotel.
Unknown_11: I want to say he even talked about it to me, and he had just said that, oh, well, we went to this thing. I think what it was, it was, he said that he went to the exhibitionism event where, like, you have sex with your wife while other people are having sex with their wives, like, in a room, and it's, like, an exhibitionist thing. Or you, like, sit around naked drinking, like, in a public setting at this hotel together with other people who are also naked.
It was just like the the interracial stuff was like next week or something and it wasn't the week He was there. I thought that was his his lines. I'm pretty sure that's what he told me I don't know if that's like a public thing that he stated if this is new information to people and he only told me that in private I Could be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure that's what he said to me
Unknown_16: Or I have talked about attending a nude beach, for example. And I think it's actually an activity that a lot of people would benefit from when you find out how unsexual it is. But because of that, people start to draw conclusions about what goes on at those places. And it's like, guys, I'm sharing a fun story with you that was so far out of my comfort zone. But then I realized that, you know, It's really interesting what being around a bunch of other naked people is when it's all consensual, because you realize that like maybe your body dysmorphia issues or your insecurities about yourself can vanish in the wake of everyone's averageness.
Well, I'll say this. I went to Jamaica and right next to where we stayed, there was a nude beach.
And if you want to feel good about yourself, you just look over at that nude beach and realize how good you truly have it, no matter how bad you think you look.
Unknown_22: You just look over there and go like, no, you know what? Not that bad.
Unknown_16: And that's that was honestly a big portion of the story was that exact sentiment. It's like you're there and you look around, you're like, well, all these people are fat and ugly, like.
Unknown_16: They seem happy. What am I worried about? And it was it was amazingly comforting, like without a hint of irony. It was amazingly comforting to go through that. And I think a lot of people, when you see people discussing relationships and male female dynamics online, you get these wild caricatures of of things. And you know that the people behind the scene, the behind the screen watching are not fitting into these caricatures because they're not even real. They're not real for the
I think that's only accurate when it comes to, like, I think that people need to be more, like, actively cognizant of the fact that when you see stuff online, it's almost always fake. Like, in a sense, everything that you see is fake. Like, when you see an image or a video, you're not actually witnessing what was recorded. You're witnessing a specific angle and a specific, like, perspective. that thing so in a very metaphysical sense you never everything that you see is fake however Like for instance with like Finster like I mentioned that he does angles and shit
Where's Finster? It's important to realize that like this guy, he, everything that he does on his stream is geared towards making him look as feminine as possible. He's got a downward angle. Um, he has, uh, makeup lighting behind the camera. He has everything geared towards making him look a specific way. So when you see him, uh, you must realize that it's fake, but everyone does this. Everyone who has like an online persona is like putting out like a fake version of themselves Especially people who rely on attractiveness in order to make money They're always lying the most and with filters and stuff. They can lie extremely easy and convincingly Especially the people who aren't really thinking about what they're looking at so in a way. That's true however I would say that you don't need to go to a nude beach and walk around with your your dongus out, showing off your naked wife to a bunch of black people in Jamaica in order to accomplish or to realize what I realized by just thinking about it.
People talking, they're not real for the examples given. And so, you know, the person there is statistically average, right? Like that's the obvious assumption. And you're like, well, you you don't need to look at the dynamics of relationships through the lens of celebrity. You don't need to look at the dynamics of relationships through the lens of Instagram models, because that's not reality. The reality is you. And if you go out and find people engaged in all levels of relation, someone has this.
Josh, what are you saying? Are you are your eyes really not that far apart in real life? It's all camera angles. I have never.
Unknown_11: Had anyone comment that my eyes are far apart? It literally is just some camera angles are really bad. However, I will say this, and this is funny. I got fitted for glasses at some point, and I went to the ophthalmologist, right? And he's taking measurements of my face to give me glasses. And he actually commented. He's like, wow, that can't be right. And then put the thing back on my head and measured again and said, your eyes are really far apart. So yes, they are very far apart. However, certain camera angles make them look like disfigured and how far apart they are when it's not so bad. I promise.
From the one night stand to the literal sex on the beach to the long term marriage. And you look around and you're like, no, these people are actually just really similar to me on balance.
I'm telling you, it is it is a massive change in your confidence and your perspective on those dynamics. And and I think putting us all behind screens and putting these arbiters of of male and female realities, people like Pearl or Fresh and Fit or, you know, the whatever podcast, they're defining male and female dynamics for a huge audience. And you're like, but they're picking up ludicrous examples that don't reflect reality at all. But then people are soaking it up as if they do. And that to me is is wild. And it's literally go out and touch grass, except in this case, the grass is sand and it's covered in stinky people.
Go do it. It's funny. Well, it's true that you shouldn't listen to thoughts and records like Andrew Tate for like relationship advice.
Unknown_11: However, his advice is also stupid. It's true. There's a
Unknown_11: Again, only I think there's a video that we came about from HN And it was from the users of Intel and they were making fun of me but there is a line in that the video that makes me laugh every time I think about it, and it's like a female like Microsoft Sam voice saying the line Wow in his eyes are so far apart. It's no wonder. He's such a visionary
Anytime anyone mentions how far apart my eyes are, I just think it's because I'm a visionary. Talk about things people say about you online that are not true.
Unknown_22: And for the record, when you say you go out to clubs with your family, these are not swingers clubs, right? Just need to be very clear.
Unknown_16: Yeah. Just like a dance club in a city or a bar. Like they're just places where people go. That's it.
Unknown_22: That may or may not have swingers at them.
Well, I mean, I, I got to tell you, the funny thing about, um, you know, rumors about that sort of thing about life is you start to meet people who are in that live, like they reach out to you or they'll, they'll come out to you or whatever. Not in a gross way, right? Not in like a, Hey.
Unknown_16: Not that way, but like they're just like, hey, like, are you involved in this? Like, because I can tell you about it. And you know how it goes. Like when you talk about video games, surprising people reach out to you to talk to you about video games. And you're like, why? Like, how did you even know I exist? Right. Like you, you are a developer, you're whatever.
Unknown_16: in the same way that works in every other thing. And as you meet these people, you will be shocked to find out where they are. You're worried about a swingers club. I mean, you are just as likely to encounter swingers in your churches, your grocery stores, everywhere else.
They're pretty discreet people, and we'll talk about them as if they're like animals in a The documentary, they're pretty discreet people, but I mean, they are, it is a place where they go away from real life to engage in this activity that other people judge them pretty heavily for. But they're everywhere. It's not like it's not like there's a checkbox where you're like, I know that this place will have them in this place won't know that the places you expect that they're not are probably where they're most present. And it's it's funny to me to see that after like I'd he I he's so bad at which is answering the fucking question.
I don't even want to finish this clip because it's like It's just him rambling. It's like, are you a swinger? Well, gosh, you know, swingers, we talk about them like they're like people, like, like animals, like lions and like a kid going like, rawr and stuff. But really, they could be grandma at church. You'd never know. You'd never know.
Unknown_11: It's like, that's not the fucking question, bro. That's not what was fucking asked of you.
Unknown_11: He's so busy so busy driving around how could he possibly have time to swing with all the chaperoning he has to do and all the Teaching he does
contract that are under an NDA and I can't talk about, but I've been pretty open about it, uh, to the extent I can where my contract is annual. And then we'll talk again. Um, you know, probably leading up to January here, I would assume that talk is going to happen, uh, very soon and then we'll see where we go from there. I have no idea. Um, so I, I want to obviously continue working with them. I like them. I like the freedom that it gives. And I think that freedom is critical for creators, uh, because we see what YouTube is trying to do to us on very important issues.
Unknown_11: Where's my Rumble contract? Here's my question. Where's my Rumble contract? I'm cheap. $200,000 exclusivity for the year. Actually, I'll be nice. I'll do $100,000. However, if you want the N-word off the table,
It's $200,000. It's $100,000 to suspend the inward license, the permanent inward license that I hold in my coat pocket at all times. That's how it works.
Unknown_11: Um, I'm not going to listen to that. Anything else on this? Oh, this, this, uh, this is cringe as fuck. So, um, they're talking about a child being abused and, um,
Unknown_11: I can't remember the full detail because it's a really really gross story, but I think it was like a kid who was kidnapped and they were wearing diapers when they were discovered and Rekha decided to crack wise about this and there's a woman who reacts to it live and you can see that she's like viscerally appalled by what he just said and
Sorry, I got a Karen here, I got a Karen. I'm stylizing my hair, I'm getting those frosted tips in so I can... Karen farms it the fuck up right now. They didn't believe a kid when she said she was in pain?
Unknown_17: They didn't help her to the... Okay, I did not talk about this on stream because it's so frustrating.
Unknown_11: I'll summarize this very quickly. There's a girl in the UK.
Unknown_11: She has a very rare condition where she's in chronic pain. However, the condition happens to be something that's over self-diagnosed by mothers as a form of Munchausen's by proxy. So when doctors hear that there's a child that has this chronic pain condition, they automatically assume that it's Munchausen's by proxy because usually it is.
The incidents of Munchausen's by proxy are larger than true incidents of this very rare chronic disorder.
Unknown_11: So the child comes in, the mother says it's this chronic pain disorder, the staff, this is in England by the way, so the medical doctors are basically a fucking police force there, they say, no, you're crazy, your child is fine, you have Munchausen's by proxy, we're taking her from you, and we're gonna run tests on her to prove that she is fine. So she goes completely off any pain medication, she's writhing around in agony for a long time, she's wearing diapers because she's shitting herself because she's in so much pain. and the doctors basically steal the child from her and refuse to let the mother even see her because they are acting on the assumption that she is abusive and apparently the woman in charge of this whole child abduction thing is infamous in the country for doing this kind of shit where she jumps in, takes children, and asks questions later, and has been formally reprimanded for being an insane sociopath cunt multiple times. So eventually, it goes to the courts. The courts find out that she does actually have this chronic pain condition, that the hospital has been misdiagnosing and mistreating her for a long time, that the parents suffered, oh, and then the mother committed suicide Because she knew that her daughter was in pain, and there was nothing that she could do to get her back. So she killed herself, and then the court found this was completely on the fault of the hospital and this insane cunt that worked for the government.
It's a real fucked up story. I didn't want to talk about it, but without giving you the backstory, the profundity of how gross this joke is will not make any sense.
They didn't believe a kid when she said she was in pain. They didn't help her to the... They left her to sit in her own excrement because they wanted to see if she could get out of the bed and walk.
Unknown_16: Maybe she was a type of fetishist. Do you consider that one, Megan?
Unknown_21: Megan, well, there's one part of the analysis. There's one part of the analysis that I think that is important to... She's doing a reboot. To kind of... I'm saying that you're right. The jury found all these things.
Unknown_11: Professional stand-up comedian, Nicholas Rakeda, takes his shot.
And it's a miss. That's okay. Apparently, you don't have to be funny to be a comedian. You just gotta live in L.A. to be a professional comedian these days. He's taking tips from the master of the comedy dark arts.
Unknown_11: Juju the Cow himself is helping him on his way.
Unknown_11: It depends on the child, doesn't it?
Unknown_11: Alright, sorry, I didn't want to talk about that, but it's, um... It was necessary for me to make fun of Juju, so I had to do it.
Alright, let's close this out with some reddit some reddit to content and Actually, I have a really good outro song picked even though I didn't have an intro song also The fine listeners of the man at the internet podcast have devised a dashboard for the stream Nexus for enhanced entertainment and Efficacy Nexus wait What was the name of this? Hold up, one second.
Unknown_11: It's my project, I forgot the name of it. The Stream Nexus for Enhanced Entertainment and Discourse, also known as SNEED, or the Stream Nexus.
Unknown_11: Some people have committed some GitHub updates, so now I have a dashboard that keeps all the superchats, even if the tabs crash or whatever. Alright.
Unknown_11: Let's read the Reddit stuff, though, before I do it.
Unknown_11: These are usually community submissions, by the way. People mail me this shit.
My brother's a creep, not safe for work, and true off my chest. A couple of months ago, my brother told me that he likes little kids.
Unknown_11: Off to a great start.
He said he's never touched anyone, he just looks. The youngest he looked at was three. He told me he had been downloading things from the dark web for the past year and a half. He said he wanted help, but he could not stop. After I got home, I called the police and made a report. In the morning, they went to his house and confiscated his computer and hard drives. His grandmother is furious at me for going to the police, says it wasn't necessary and I should have gone to her instead. My brother lives with her. Their house is directly across from a primary school and his bedroom window facing the playground.
Unknown_11: She's been trying to keep the rest of the family from finding out. She's also been trashing me, saying that I'm cruel, I've ruined his life, broken him emotionally, I was the person he trusted the most in the world, and I betrayed him. That he'll never forgive me. A couple days ago, I found out that our dad brought him a new computer for his birthday. Dad didn't know why his previous computer was taken. I explained the situation to Dad and he said the same, that I shouldn't have told the police. I asked him what he would have done. He told me prayer and therapy were the way forward. I reported him for the new computer. Dad thought it was too harsh and his grandmother sent me angry messages telling me I had no right and that he's been through enough.
You okay long three three two zero says and people wonder why men don't open up about mental health problems He had a problem decided to open up about it, and he got punished for his honesty family said support and no I don't support stuff He's done being a pedophile doesn't equal being a child predator Having this preference doesn't make you mean you'll abduct children. He needs therapy about prayer and
I like how prayer and therapy is cringe, but therapy by itself is not cringe. Thank you, Reddit. These are other posts in response to this message. If you are deep, this is an orientation, not a choice. I'm finally, finally, I've been saying this for years. We need the P. Where's the P, chat? I've been using it on my own. The L-G-B-T-Q-I-A-P plus. We need it in the acronym. We need it recognized. Chat. Never forget it. Always add the P. Um, it's a choice to act on it. Being gay was illegal, but we can see today being gay is an orientation. It can be impossible to have compassion for him, but if the police are not going to help him, you can be third prayer. I'm not going to help him. Where does that leave them? And you, it sounds like you've decided like friends, like he's a creep and written him off.
He trusted you with this information. It sounds like you are probably the person he trusted the most. If you don't help him, then who will? There's a guy. There actually is help for him.
It comes from an unlikely source. There's a man named John Ruger. He has invented an incredible panacea for all this man's problems, and I pray that he has the guidance in his life to meet John Ruger.
Unknown_11: K-K-Kakafonian1 says, yes, he needs help, and he needs it before he can act on the things he said, but going to the police forever ruins his social reputation, his apparently mistrust in you, and his life. Not to mention he will develop trust issues moving forward, anyone in the future now. Going from one awful thing to the next. You also said he freaked out, though he likely knew that he needed help. You could have helped him in literally any other way.
Advertising top four seven eight one that post had 42 by the way this one has 582 points He 100% need help if he had not acted on it and is asking for help get him the help to prevent him from acting on it Don't just call him a creep. It'll just pull him away. He reached out to you and confided in you that takes guts He needs therapy intense therapy find resources close to you. Oh
Snippet 69 says, I think you are in the wrong. He is also a human like us, and his whole family and friends need to help him with his mind first. Debesma offers zero point says, he called you for help and you turned him into the cop. Sounded like you were a good sister.
Unknown_11: And Fiolan says, bro asked for help and said he'd never done anything. He downloaded child pornography. He never did anything, bro. Come on, he's just got 87 terabytes of three-year-old toddler porn on his computer. Come on, man! Come on! He, without terabytes of child pornography, cast the first stone. And anyone posting on Reddit is going to have a little bit of child pornography.
The computer This is an are am I the asshole by censored name this has a 6.6 K post so it better be good
Unknown_11: Am I the asshole for telling my husband that I'm worried he might be attracted to our daughter in the future? Sexual content involving minors is the trigger warning for this. Oh, she's wonderful. A couple of hours ago, my husband, 29, and I, 28, were watching TV, and I was nursing our daughter, a three-month-old. He said that he... I'm, like, accidentally slipping into my lisp a little bit, because I've been doing it for so long. It's like a, um... If you keep doing that, your face will get stuck that way.
He said that he wonders what it will be like when she is older, how he will feel when they sleep together in the same bed and cuddle together. He said he was worried it might be weird. He asked me what it was like with my father when I cuddled with him or slept with him in bed with him. So I told him what it was like when I was a child. He mentioned once or twice in the past that he's afraid he'll find her attractive because she looks just like me. I had this conversation in mind when we spoke earlier and I must've made a funny face after because after we talked, he asked what I was thinking. I told him honestly that I was worried he might actually find her attractive in the future. And to clarify, she's three months old. This is a weird conversation for a three month old.
And to clarify, I told him that for me, there's a difference between finding someone beautiful and being attracted to someone, just so we're on the same page. Because he did use the word attractive. This whole thing turned into a huge fight. He said that I fucked up big time, that I traumatized him by saying that, and he will always think about this conversation when he will kiss or hold her, and that I shouldn't have kept those worries to myself.
He said that he is disappointed that I thought he might do something to her, which I never said. He also said that I'm going to think she's attractive. These are normal feelings that everyone has. This is a very poorly written post.
Unknown_11: He said that my father probably felt the same way about me, had the same thoughts about me. He said he would never do anything to our daughter and he was really mad at me. I apologized and then we went to bed. I just don't think that's right. I can't take this feeling of disgust and anxiousness. I'm in bed with my daughter right now and all I want to do is hold her and never let go.
Well, he's a retard for saying what he said. I, I don't think this guy's like a pedophile.
Unknown_11: She's three months old. He's unattracted to her. That's weird. Um, there was a post on Reddit, but I mean, she's, I mean, the way that he responded to this is like, he's like injected into her the anxiety. Cause he brought it up. It's a really fucking retarded thing to say.
Here's a tip for everybody. You can never unsay things. So when you open your fucking mouth, this is a professional courtesy, like at work and relationships with friends, you can never unsay something. So before you say some dumb ass shit, just shut up.
Unknown_11: Just shut the fuck up.
Unknown_11: Especially to women.
Unknown_11: I did read a reddit post once and it was a it was a Q&A post and it was like fathers of reddit. Have you ever found your daughter sexually attractive? And I don't think any of them said that they had found their own daughters attractive However, they did say that they ogled like her friends if she was like a teenager And that's also like creepy. Let's just just say no even the fathers of reddit are fucking creeps
So there you go. I feel like this is just two people who are extremely poor at communicating Talking about like the awkwardness of raising a child of a different gender and stuff. I don't think this guy's a pedophile Reddit replies though your husband is pretty special for sure 50% chance. He's a creep 50% chance. He is on the spectrum everything he said our shortcoming logic Don't run yet
It's got 96 downvotes, but I think he's on the point. Yeah, he's like a little bit of a fucking retard.
Unknown_11: Someone replies saying, that's exactly how I feel. He has trouble communicating what he really wants to say, and often he says things in a certain way, but wants to express something completely different. I feel so broken right now. I don't know what to do. I feel like shit. I feel disgusting and vomiting, to be honest.
Unknown_11: Someone asked if your husband has neurotic tendencies. She says he has ADHD, but refuses to take any medication. I think there could be more like some kind of OCD, maybe anxiety, but he is not diagnosed. I'm not even a little bit qualified to even try actualizing a daughter. I don't know if.
I feel like you could interpret this in like 80 different ways. The most generous interpretation is that he's trying to be like roundabout, complimentary, in like the dumbest, most awkward way possible, where it's like, my wife is so beautiful. I hope that when my daughter grows up, I'm not attracted to her, because if she looks like you, she would be really beautiful to me, because you're so beautiful. I feel like that's what he's trying to say, but he has an IQ of the average Redditor.
He fucked it up like terribly I Don't know he could just be a creepy weirdo. That's also possible. Oh my god. This is fucking long oh I've read this What time are we at?
Unknown_11: I'll save this for Friday. This is a great post, but it's very long. That'll be my reddit thing on Friday Alright, I got you on a teaser. Sorry chat. Sorry. It's a fame. It's a famous reddit post You can't push it like that anymore. It's also old
I'll read on Friday. I don't know. You know how Fridays aren't chat these days.
Unknown_11: Um, I think I'll leave it there. I don't think I missed anything today. I've put us up one less show mode, and I will now use the Sneed dashboard to read messages in sequential order, regardless of source. Let's take it. Let's try this out, see if it works.
Unknown_11: And then I have a nice outro song picked up for once.
Holy Howl for two says, keep doing God's work, Josh. You are my nibba, always. Thank you, Holy Howl. You're also my nibba. Appreciate it. The President of Nintendo for five says, yell at me, Josh. I'll be your emotional punching bag. I think I do. I think you say stupid shit on the forum and I yell at you. Thank you. Roxanne Wolf for five says, bark, bark. Thank you for doing the sneedful despite the obstacles you face. God sneed. Thank you. I appreciate it. By the way, I want to raise $200,000. Let me know how I can accomplish that. Thank you, champ.
Unknown_11: Anime for five says most esteemed and venerable Kiwi Diamo if you in if in theory I sent you the Daki Makara via parcel cuck will you utilize it utilize it if slightly used? I believe it is an important form to ejaculate on a gentleman when he is made of cloth No any weird shit is just gonna get thrown in the trash. Sorry I
Pastor Troy for 20. He says hey Josh with everything with everyone seething over your views on cheese in the meat You should make your own pizza use the finest non-usda approved meat and a variety of non cheddar cheese And then he links to a YouTube video in the field with a live breaking news story No, what's this? It's just a fat lady. This is the dr. Jim guy again in the field with a live breaking news story
Honey, I'm home. Honey! Oh my!
Unknown_03: Look at you! Move! Move! You're never gonna have a hubby if you're a chubby! So forsake the cake!
Unknown_03: This is like there are these videos on YouTube that is like Karen gets owned and it's like these AI generated thumbnails of Like a Karen which is just like a random woman being like like beaten and humiliated It's like it's really weird and they get lots and lots of views because I guess people click on that shit
feel like the anti-gem is like a VHS version of that where it's like chubby gets own don't eat the cake chop chubby cut Chubby loses loses husband to a hot woman. I was like that It kind of kind of implicates me in his fetish. I think it's weird to watch and
Unknown_11: Jack Scalfani for 20, or Jack Scalfani for 20 says, Josh, when he moves back and finds the processed cheese product section at the Fancy Kroger, just play 20 seconds. Okay.
Unknown_11: See that the cheddar heads are backing for us already.
Unknown_19: Hello, nice to meet you.
Unknown_11: Nice to meet you. Gross.
Unknown_19: What is this? That's cheese. What is this? That's cheese. And this, what is this? Cheese also. And what is this one? That's cheese.
This one over here, what is that cheese? And the other one?
Unknown_11: That's cheese. None of that is cheese. Yeah, if you've ever seen real mozzarella, you would know that fucking shredded bullshit is not cheese.
Unknown_11: You see, no. Steno for 10 says, what the average lollicon fag drives and looks like. It is horrifying. Okay, let me make sure my thing is lined up for that.
Um... Okay, I might play this I guess.
Unknown_23: Okay, I will, because it makes fun of the guy.
Unknown_11: Okay.
Unknown_23: He's doing that intentionally.
Unknown_11: Because he, um, he figured out if you put, uh, one P instead of two, it pronounces rapping as raping. And he's doing that intentionally.
Unknown_23: Look at this.
Unknown_11: It's a trune. It's a truname. Who's into raping lollies. Great.
Disgusting channel.
Unknown_11: Rabies the redneck for two says I'm a mostly peaceful manlet and it's always the six-foot normies saying I have a mouth and threatening for me Then they call me pussy for saying I fight dirty. I keep my hands to myself initiating violence Rabies the redneck for two says violence against me. I'm gonna fucking knock you nub cool draggers nub cool dusters or cut your face nigga if I fight you deserved it woo Rosiac bill for teases have you ever been to Mobile, Alabama? I have family there, and it smells like shit whenever I visit I've been through mobile I've never been to mobile because I frequently took trips to visit family from Pensacola or Niceville to Atlanta and It would go Wait is mobile mobiles the one by the bay the gulf isn't it?
It's not the one that's not the inner one it's oh yeah, it's the one that's from next well Yeah, I've been again. I've been through I've been through it
Unknown_11: On my way to Biloxi or... I went to Little Rock once to pan for diamonds and I went to Texas once to visit family. I don't think I've ever stopped in Mobile though.
Unknown_23: Um...
Unknown_11: Can't believe you when it says it smells like shit though because it is like a water like a city on like water I'm sure doesn't get clean Devious day for forces some of you are alright. Don't come to the general chat tomorrow, then there is a link to an image And it is boogie with a nerf gun very cool. Thank you Um
Unregistered firearms at my house for five says re-suggestion you made two and a half months ago to edit my shitty fan art of Dick and Vito drawn in comic book style And there is a link to the Kiwi farms.
Unknown_11: I Open it It is loading slowly slower than I would like I would have to I have to take a look at the form and figure out There was something that I did that's wrong. That's fucking it up.
Oh And then it is that way
Unknown_11: Now if anything means that we understand breaking the existing laws is a no-no. That's perfect. Great job. Oh no, unfortunately the RIPAs, the RIPAs can't, or the RIGAs as they may be known, cannot penetrate Dick's Herculean physique.
Unknown_11: Lonely when to go for 10 says I was re-watching your old rear stream with pre Balderacada And you mentioned you once won a dinner with k-flay when you were a teenager. I wasn't aware of this josh lore But it's really cute.
I was a contributor to her album. My life is a dog and we had sushi in Atlanta I saw a concert of hers there and her her like I think her producer was there and her Drummer guy was also there. It was it was a pretty it was a pretty nice experience. She's very interesting
Unknown_11: Wigger Wagner for 10 says every single time and there is a link to x.com and Brianna Wu has said something I can't wait to see Brianna Wu says I've never talked about this publicly but I had adults at my church try to molest me when I was a child in Mississippi it traumatized me for so long for a long time it was part of what drove me to substance abuse problem I do not want to hear a single syllable justifying child porn. If your tweets, if you tweet justifications at me, we're going to have a fight. The shit is sick in the story.
I mean, that's very not surprising that Triana Wu was a molestered.
Unknown_11: Um, I wonder what prompted this.
Unknown_23: Interesting.
Unknown_23: But yeah, every single time.
All else fails for Tim says it should make sports more fun if they start arresting people for things during games.
Unknown_11: I want to see people get arrested for disrespecting the flag. I think we tried to make that a constitutional amendment at some point. It didn't work.
Unknown_11: Miga Coom for 20 says, hey, Josh, it's my birthday. I'm trying to turn my Asian girlfriend into a racist. Any tips? She's Asian. She's already racist.
Unknown_11: However, you are a libertarian, so you get what you deserve. You may have, if she's dating a white man, she's probably...
Unknown_11: A low-quality Asian, and her racism is probably not up to snuff, sorry to say.
Thank you, though. Based Orangutan for one says, stay based, enjoy some pizza money, here's your supper, pep. Bro, one dollar wouldn't feed a dog in today's economy. I appreciate the thought, though. Casting Couch Crab for 10 says, I'm working on a concept that will appeal to more fandoms like Sonic and MLP, but the more I develop my designs, the more I fear that my success will put me in the center of an autism singularity.
Unknown_11: Oh, well, do not fear the autism profit exorbitantly off of it my friend Gormless wonder for five says was shocked earlier when I googled Gerard Completionist controversy in the KF thread was literally the second result in Google now covered by too many other places which bumped you down Yeah, we are okay. There's two kinds of censorship on the forum the first is the manual action that's a hidden from like it's a hard-coded the main domain will never show up and The other thing is that we have like a like a debuff to our SEO where we have like a 90% like if Anything is is not the Kiwi farms, and they feel it's like a relevant result They will show that over the Kiwi farms, but we do show up and especially if you just type in the Kiwi farms We may fix that one day. I have an idea for that, but that's way down the road. That's something to do later All else fails for Tim says what is a problem that won't exist in 2080
What was it was it old people I think was old people it's old people you know why cuz we're just gonna kill him we're just gonna kill him the great thing about that is when he does it again when he does it when they don't laugh and They're like in shock that he just said that and he does it again That's the that's the good part. That's the that's the great part of that scale the elderly and the disabled I That's pretty based.
Unknown_11: Imagine how many problems that would solve. That would solve literally all of our problems, especially the elderly, because they didn't even have boomers in government.
Unknown_11: A&N did nothing wrong for 5 says, I've been enjoying the cheese episode and the responses of people like Sean offering takes on pure, individually wrapped American cheese. It's a bit like Jack's Calphani thread, where pure, unadulterated hatred of Jack is mixed with thoughtful commentary on the importance of respecting food. Dude, people don't respect food. And the thing that I said the most, the most correctly about the cheese thing, is that if you've never been to Europe, you have no fucking idea what you're missing out. And people come out and says, my fancy Kroger has like five kinds of cheese, Josh. It even has Moonster. It has Brie. Like motherfucker, you don't even know what you're missing out. Oh, it has that one import of, oh yeah. Yeah, mother, you don't even know. Don't even know.
Supreme meme for five says ESG machine broke VC money gone interest rates rising looks like everyone I hate is going to be learning to mine pretty soon Dude, hopefully if China just opens up an asbestos mine and puts all the trainees in it, that would be based Orange monster energy for five says I have generated you in low tax and heaven. Okay, let's see him Why is low tax in heaven?
Unknown_11: It's just two guys chillin out Low-tech. Oh low-tax is drinking mangosteen juice, and I have a very fancy wheel of cheese right there in fact I have several kinds of cheese around me. I'm glad that AI can make me so handsome though Thank you Judy Tester for two says that feel when no world record time in GoldenEye speedrun that feeling no Asian wife to cradle you why even live Joah I
Well, we all have to find our own reason to carry on through this nightmare world we live in. And sometimes you just have to live, you have to get over your jealousy of other people's massive accomplishments. Judy Tester.
Unknown_11: Thank you supreme me for five says Twitter big mad that heck and wholesome black arenas aren't allowed to do literally whatever they want all the time And he has linked to in our drama thread which I assume is gonna have some heck and wholesome clips of Twitter rides freaking out Let's see
Man was arrested for the manslaughter of ice hockey player Adam Johnston in Sheffield. Aiden says an arrest made for show there is no way in hell this goes to court. No chance. No jury in their right mind would unanimously agree to a guilty verdict.
Unknown_11: Craig says people are going to use this to fuel their weird hatred of Petgrave, a man that they didn't hear of until this incident in a sport they don't watch nor care about. Obviously he never tried to kill him. I still don't believe they tried to kick him away in any way. He's going into the air.
Unknown_11: Britain will always be elite when it comes to racism.
I was in Canada. It's oh my god. This is an ugly person It's obviously terrifying to see how this has reached far-right white nationalists across the world many of whom also have never watched a single game of hockey in their life many comments on the situation are utterly deplorable as a as a As a heckin chug myself I have actually watched live games of hockey even in the Pensacola Stadium go fuck yourself I can opinionate on this you can tell who in the comments here doesn't watch hockey you can tell clearly who worships bleep people for the responses to the manslaughter and
Unknown_11: The whole our drama people so wholesome. They're always on point They the the best thing about the our drama people is that they have the right attitude towards the internet the Kiwi farms there's such a large contingent of like Political negative Nancy's who are always negative Nancy ng it up. I wish for a little bit more mirth and Jubilation at the happenings on the internet channel
Haram burger for two says rushed home from dinner to provide shekels because I can't seem to super chat via mobile rumble associate delicious elk burgers medium rare No cheese elk does that mean that you're European because if they're in the u.s. They should be called moose Haram burger No cheese though, that's fucking weird You would need why would you not put cheese on a burger I
Suck puppet Sam for 23 says Josh, please show people ADF instead of trying to explain peak proto training okay fine I will show you people a little bit of ADF Never seen ADF. It's gonna be a shock to you. Whatever the fuck this is oh This is a whole lot of people are very upset with the capitalist system here in America.
Unknown_09: No man nice get up
Unknown_09: So why are you here today?
Unknown_10: What's going on?
Unknown_09: I'm not a man, first of all. And number two, I'm here today because it's day 11 of the occupation and I want to come out and support it.
Unknown_10: We're all not really sure, like, what to replace it with.
Unknown_09: Any ideas? Some kind of, like, 80-20 socialist model. 80% socialism, 20% some capitalism, free trade.
You know how much I paid for these clothes I'm wearing but women that made these got paid three cents. So what kind of benefits will we get from having like some kind of more quasi-socialist kind of economy? First of all, it will put an end to banker speculation. Banker speculation means gambling.
Unknown_10: That's exactly what it is.
Unknown_09: It's gambling.
Unknown_10: Can you speak Chinese?
Unknown_10: Alright man, I gotta go soon. You know, back in the day we used to build our own homes, and we can't do that anymore for some reason. Yeah, if inspectors coming out be like, oh, this isn't up to code.
Isn't it weird to think that this guy is the reason why Liz Fong Jones has been credibly accused of rape and that evidence is on the Kiwi farms? Fascinating. It's like a like a butterfly chat. A communist tranny retard in Portland 11 years ago says something about Mao Zedong and then 2023 the internet is being censored from the top down. What a crazy world chat. What a crazy world.
Unknown_11: Thank you. Ricky Becker says, good Sneed to you, sir. Instead of a pizza this week, would you consider getting a calzone instead? It would help you stay in touch with your inner Janny heritage as it is the predecessor to the hot pocket. I don't think that's true. I think calzones came later.
However, I've never even had a calzone, so I don't know. I could try. It just doesn't sound that appealing.
Unknown_11: The great thing about pizza is how the cheese and toppings are evenly dispersed on top. Instead of like sitting in a pocket in the middle.
Unknown_11: Jax Calphani for five says they set off Daniel Larson's tard alarm.
Unknown_11: That's true, because he was he was chirping. I wonder if he would get if they put Daniel Larson in homes to detect fires and those smoke alarms, if they would change the nine volt battery then.
Thank you. Haramberger versus the discord logo during the Daniel Larson segment reminds me of the goat girl from Undertale's face. Punching yourself that hard that much takes determination.
Unknown_11: That is a weird undertale reference in the middle of my stream. Um, I don't know how that relates at all, but I'm glad or I'm glad. I'm glad that you were reminded of things that you like around burger sneeze for 20. He says nothing. Thank you.
Sock puppet. Sam for 10 says, Hey Josh, follow up to the previous message. Please describe modern ADF for the visually handicapped.
Unknown_11: Okay.
Unknown_11: I will now try to describe ADF for the mentally handicapped.
Unknown_11: Um, this is from March, 2023. This is on any, no, uh, tweeted about ADF who remains a highly visible return.
Unknown_11: Which picture do I want to describe? I'll describe this one. Okay. You're a podcast listener. You're driving down the road through the Rocky mountains in Idaho. You're on your way to Seattle. You got a big load on the back of the truck and you're trying to entertain yourself for the long haul. So clear your mind. I will describe to you, uh, Isabella. Oh, what's his name? Isabel Rosa. Our Raho, which is like a made up name that he came up for himself.
Unknown_11: First, I want you to imagine a, he has like greasy, like guido, like fat round face, kind of like a, like a New York Italian, right? And then, um, he has bright pink lipstick on, it's applied unevenly and sort of like the outline in like a cartoon or a comic character, you know how they have thick black outlines. He appears to have tattooed around his lips unevenly, a black outline. So to enhance the color of his lipstick or something His face is pink and distorted. He has five o'clock shadow. He has a big bulbous nose Under both of his eyes there appear to be Venus and Mars like gender symbols and red and black tattooed under him He's wearing a black beanie with black cyberpunk goggles he has a
Like a female anarchist gender icon pen, a communist red triangle pen, and then two other pens I can't see. And then he's wearing a collar with a locked heart thing as like the tag. And he's wearing like a black leather strap harness on top of black clothes. He basically looks like a cartoon robber, but instead of being like, um, like a criminal, he, he looks like a, like a potato man, uh, drawn cartoonishly like a clown with only half the makeup on basically. And it's female punk themed. That's a, that's what ADF looks like.
Thank you.
Unknown_11: James Boone for five says in bow tool the nog I have not a clue what that's supposed to be gone Hill Tobin I still don't know what that means. Thank you. Stayed over once is nothing. Thank you very much Steno What a Chad Fox's for ten says ricotta reminds me of the kid who just discovered edgy humor and is spending all day and night being a pizza cutter all edge no point
Yeah, I don't know it's hard to tell I like I don't know I wouldn't I probably wouldn't find those jokes funny, but like he's so typified as like a like a Retard asshole now, it's hard to find anything. He says funny. He's just like sad and pathetic All else fails for five says the munchausen's my proxy was in Florida the UK ones were the ones that murdered the baby The maya case was in Florida. I didn't know that I thought that was in the UK I
Unknown_11: That's in Florida. That's fucking shameful. How the fuck did they let that happen? I thought it was in the UK. Cause I remember seeing that they had won a judgment for 240 million pounds. I'm pretty sure it's crazy. Hyper Ninja for two says nothing at all. Thank you. Hyper Ninja. What a Chad. All else fails for 20 says have a plan to save us. Taylor Swift has five white Hawaii babies. Her fans follow suit creating a new baby boon followed by manufacturing and housing booms. New family centered society and Chad's everywhere.
It's a great idea. I should pitch it to Taylor Swift write her a letter. I have it on good word that she reads all of those Thank you Stupid fuck for five says I rewatched Balta for the first time the other night. So the little kid. It's a really good movie I'm glad you liked it. It's a movie about getting medicine to a little kid in Alaska or some shit, right? The key movie I remember I remember
I Remember it. There's an evil dog and then that tried to break it and then there's like a statue for him at the end. It's cute Stupid fuck for one corrects. I had a really good movie, too It's a really good movie, but I corrected that for him and sink to play. Thank you Twinkle tard for $100 as we just had pizza and I missed most of your stream but made it in time to give you your pizza money by the way, what is your favorite pizza toppings and
My favorite pizza toppings are ground beef, jalapenos, and hollandaise sauce. No, I am not kidding. I actually really like that. Okay. Fuck you. Don't want to fucking hear it. Okay. Don't give me shit. I know you're going to say, how is Josh going to be so pretentious about fucking cheese and then eat hollandaise sauce pizza? I don't care. Shut up. Okay. You motherfucking Americans eat their pizza with ranch. Don't want to fucking hear it.
Unknown_11: Thank you fennel Hungarian imperialist for 15 says short guys fantasize about glass and tall guys are more deranged than tall guys threatening to beat mouthy short guys rabies and fennel Hungarian imperialist for 10 also says what do you think of enforcer culture in hockey as it relates to the pyro incident Google it if you don't know the term Okay, buddy for $20 I will search enforcer culture in Peru incident
Enforcer of culture Peru, I think it's Peru. I don't know how you pronounce this I Search it and nothing shows up.
Unknown_11: I got a sorry no good results thing for that Bro
Unknown_11: Bro, I had no idea. I have no idea what you're trying to get me to look up. I am finding no results for the exact- I'm literally copy-pasting what you told me to search and nothing shows up. I apologize. I tried my best, okay?
Uh, but yeah, fuck manlets. Uh, manlets are like- I think manlets are like the- I think if you were- Okay, I don't know if this has ever been studied, but I think if you were to take the suicide rate for men, and you were to, like, look at the height, I would bet you that height would be a more general indicator for suicide than anything else.
Unknown_11: No, thank you. GumpGump45 says, ADF's name is actually a troon that committed suicide around 2016 and 2017 that he decided to steal the name of.
Well, he is a communist. There's no such thing as owning a name, I guess. It's the people's name.
Unknown_11: Thank you. Puppaway425 says, great show. However, elk and moose are different critters. I thought elk are from Europe, like in Finland, and moose are from Canada and shit. I thought moose are like the North American version of elk. That's wrong. I apologize to all the elk aficionados. Debugs for one says what is the deal with Colonel J? I keep seeing him in the comments of the archives saying good show He's been doing that for five years. He really wants my attention I keep blocking him because he's annoying and he doesn't stop and now his gambit is to clip me for his channel so He will never stop being a fan of my show even though I find him insufferable
Don Julio for 50 56 for 5 says I have a better idea we kill all the boomers I don't know if I can coax on that. I mean, I would never advocate violence However, I would say that is the shame of the elderly refused to die and that longer lifespans mean that the incompetent corrupt 90 plus year olds who run the world just stay around forever when they should have fucking died 30 fucking years ago and shit
Unknown_11: Monoman 7 6 2 4 5 says moose and elk are both in the u.s. I did not know that. Thank you I've been educated on the elk question The bugs for one just says did you see that boss man Jack slept during his stream and his stream was 11 hours long He's in that twice now. I think he forgets he's streaming when he nods off and he just sleeps on stream now Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that boss man Jack lost his sponsorship from his newest sponsor rain bats because
They do live blackjack and during the live of blackjack his camera cut out and he lost like a $100 bet like he went all in put all of his money on the bet and then it disconnected and he lost and he chimped out and started calling them like like over and over again at like 4 a.m. Like calling his um his affiliate person and
Unknown_11: So after he chimped out at them Over the hundred dollars. They just cut him off because they know he annoyed them Which is pretty fucked up because he was getting like $300 a day offering, but oh
And then Kvist for five says, hey Josh, you mentioned you were interested in trying pegging out a few streams ago. Have you done it yet? How was it? I think you're confusing me with Juju the cow. Nice try guy. Daniel Orson stand for Tim says, speaking of Daniel Orson, 25 second clip from the great website Kiwi Farms. Okay, let's see what this is.
Unknown_11: Super chats keep coming in, this stream's gonna be forever now. And the unified Snead dashboard is working very well apparently.
Unknown_11: Oh, okay. I have been tagged on Twitter for this clip a million, literally a million times. So I guess I should actually react to it. You ready?
Oh, this is the wrong. Okay. Hold on. Let me get rid of it. Sorry. I didn't mean to jump scare you with, uh, my boy ADF again.
Unknown_04: No.
That's pretty good. That's um the original clip is a female Kiwi and apparently the female Kiwis mating call is like this demonic guttural noise That's actually really terrifying sounding And someone has taken the opportunity of putting Daniel Orson screaming the n-word on top of the Kiwi. That's pretty base That's actually pretty accurate to the the Kiwis actual behaviors Thank you It's pretty good
Unknown_11: Anime sucks copen's need for five says detractors and a logs want me sneating I cannot keep myself from feeding stalker child's a constant threat to sneed today so often that Donuts don't need today. I would keep it up as a as a forwarder URL, but Donuts decided that my need that today was too much of an imminent threat to human life apparently with that
I believe I am done. Thank you, everybody, for your contributions. I really appreciate it. If you have an idea to make $200,000, let me know.
Unknown_11: That said, I got a nice song picked out. I like it a lot. I hope you like it a lot. I'll see you on Friday.
Unknown_11: Take it easy. Bye-bye.
Hello sir, you left your door unlocked Is it satirical that I'm both so welcomed? I'm in a bad shape, feeling like square one Would you clean me up? Would you clean me up? You really got guts, but I got way more guts You're lucky I'm poor, and my wife was a whore
Unknown_05: I'm
Sleep in world peace is impossible, every dream I am searching for you.
Unknown_05: And please tell the truth, kinda remind me of myself when I went to school Now I'm a no one, but they always do call me cool Do you think that it's true? Do you think I'm a fool? It's hard to recall, I was running so fast Just focused only on your laughter while not busting my ass And now you're far from a fool, and thanks for letting me in Wait till you see those red lines that you have
Ooh, I'm not risking my life Yeah, I'm not risking my life All I really cared about was oxygen and making friends All I really cared about was oxygen and making friends All I really ever wanted was for you to let me in Thank you for letting me in
Unknown_05: Literal sleep awhile peace is impossible Every dream I am searching for you