Attack of the Cheddarheads 2023-10-31

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Unknown_07: Chicken sauce sinko massacre!

Unknown_08: Run, you little sick fuck!

Unknown_09: You can't hide from Cobra and his chain-saw-sinko-swing awesomeness!

Unknown_07: Yep.

Unknown_02: They don't make music like this anymore.

Unknown_02: That is Chainsaw Sicko Massacre by the King Cobra JFS.

Unknown_02: now available there's a 50-minute album by uh kobe's on uh bandcamp um called sinister snakes has a nice actually has a pretty decent cover art for a it's under harsh noise industrial and power electronics extreme experimental uh under death bed tapes i don't know if that is

Unknown_02: His label or if that's just like who published him. His link is deathbed.exe. I mean, it looks like it's King Cobra shit. That's weird.

Unknown_02: Anyways, chat today is October 31st. 2023 it is the end of Halloween or the month of October The day before All Saints Day where we all have to be good boys and girls again I am at my peak power chat.

Unknown_02: I am a more of a fall and winter kind of boy I don't know what it is. I just feel better during fall and winter then

Unknown_02: I do for the rest of the year.

Unknown_02: For once, I have extremely good news for all of you who have managed to find my stream at this very bizarre hour that I've never ever streamed at before ever. So thank you for actually bothering to come out and find this despite it being on a holiday and on a, what is it, like 3 p.m. Eastern time? Yeah, I got I was gonna stream it by usual time, but then something came up so I have to I have to go but I Figured I'd shoot a little bit early and then get the bottle up as soon as possible for people who want to watch at that time Let me just get to the good news. Let me let me just get through shit. Let's start chat Let me make sure that this is working correctly I

Unknown_02: That's right All right To start us off. Let me explain this for people who either don't know or aren't American don't care and the US court system Before I start this let me say that my Halloween costume is sneed I am in full denim overalls With a red hat on and a green shirt, and I have a I have a monster right now But it will be alcohol later. I hope

Unknown_02: So I'm in I'm fully I'm fully decked out. I look as American as possible it looks It's impossible to tell if I'm just like a fat American wearing overalls or if I'm a fat American in a costume

Unknown_02: I'm not doing it. No, you'll never maybe one day. I'll take a picture and maybe one day I'll post my wonderful sneat outfit, but for now, you just have to take my word for it the good news So in the United States, there are several layers of courts there is

Unknown_02: At the federal level, well, first there's state court, and then there's federal court. So at the federal court, when you file a lawsuit that involves, for various reasons, ends up in federal civil court, if you're unhappy with something, you can appeal it to the appellate court, which, as the name implies, is where appeals go. And appellate courts have, I think, between seven and 10 judges in total for the district, and the district incorporates multiple states.

Unknown_02: And when they handle an appeal three of the judges look at the appeal and they will make a determination on that I think they actually have to approve it first, but Yeah, so they have to first approve it and then the three of them look at the issue and then they write what's called an opinion Or sometimes they write an opinion The opinion is very important because when a judge considers the facts of something and comes to a decision and it's published as an opinion, in that particular district, that opinion is binding precedent. But that opinion can also be imported to other districts and at other lower courts. So it's very important when a precedent is set at the appellate court. It's something that people will take notice of and cite references to in litigation moving forward.

Unknown_02: So it's important that they get it right. And if a court fucks up, that's a bit of a harsh way to put that. If judicial oversight is made and procedural error is done, or if some facts were not considered, or if an attorney fucks up,

Unknown_02: then sometimes you might want to appeal the appeal. When you want to do that, you have two options, but in order. Your first and most immediate option is for an en banc, which means on the bench or full bench. I can't remember. It's Latin, and it basically means the entire bench. You have three out of seven to ten judges for the appeals court. And then sometimes, if you want to appeal the decision, you can file for en banc, in which case all the judges get involved. The judges will vote on if they want to look at the case again, all of them, not just the three that were involved, and then the judges will do majority votes moving forward for the case.

Unknown_02: If you're unhappy with that, by the way, or if you're not granted, you can take it up to the Supreme Court. However, the odds of getting into these higher courts are very, very slim.

Unknown_02: In the 10th District, where Greer is suing me for copyright infringement, 3% of cases make it to en banc review. 3% of cases which are appealed for to en banc are accepted by en banc. And then in the Supreme Court of the United States, the highest court in the country, 1% of petitions are given what's called writ of...

Unknown_02: Saratori I think is how you pronounce that so it's a weird word basically just means that they're gonna look at it very few I think it's like 80 a year tops out of like a lot of like a 8,000 petitions 80 get writ However, we're not there yet. We are at on bunk on Monday, which would be yesterday I had my new attorney in the district because I

Unknown_02: I will say absolutely nothing about this except that I now have a new attorney in the Greer case, who is Hardeen, who I worked with with the Melinda Scott bullshit lawsuits, and had a good repertoire with him. So now he's looking at that, and he filed an en banc petition.

Unknown_02: The facts of the case amount to this. Let me try to, en banc, I'll say as many times as I want, chat.

Unknown_02: The way that it breaks down is like this. There are three main issues. Issue A.

Unknown_02: is that they ignored Supreme Court precedent regarding links being considered copyright infringement. The Supreme Court has directly decided that links in websites to infringing content is not copyright infringement where the link is posted. That's a big no-no for the lower courts to try to overrule the Supreme Court in the decision.

Unknown_02: If they intend to create a new precedent around that, it has to be really thoughtfully done.

Unknown_02: The second one is that there are different kinds of copyright cases.

Unknown_02: Greer did not sue me for copyright infringement. He has sued me for contributory copyright infringement. And when the appellate court came in his favor, they applied rules that were developed for direct copyright infringement to a contributory copyright infringement case, which means that they have muddled the different theories of copyright law in a way that is erroneous, I believe. And then third and finally, the...

Unknown_02: Appellate Court chastised Skourtis, my previous attorney, for not raising fair use as a defense.

Unknown_02: However, at that point in the case, fair use could not be raised as a defense. You don't raise fair use as an affirmative defense until you submit an answer. We had not submitted an answer. It was a motion for summary judgment, and it would be inappropriate to submit fair use as an affirmative defense in that case because that requires evidence, and you don't submit evidence until you answer a complaint. So that is a procedural error, which is different than an error of law.

Unknown_02: My belief is that they have just completely messed up the actual order in which things are supposed to go, which happens even with really experienced judges. You can't remember the ins and outs of every single facet of the sprawling complexities of United States case law, which is why you can sometimes get an en banc review from 10 different judges, right?

Unknown_02: When you file for the petition to go to en banc, generally speaking, for the brevity of the court, because so few of these cases are accepted, there is no reason to answer it. So if you are the opposing counsel, somebody files for en banc, you don't generally say, hey, don't grant this, because that's not allowed.

Unknown_02: The odds of being accepted are so slim that it's unnecessary for you to oppose a petition for En Blanc because 97% of the time it's going to be rejected anyways.

Unknown_02: But if the court does ask for you to submit a answer for why en banc should not be granted, chances are it's already been accepted. And what you see in front of you is the Tenth Appellate Court telling Greer's attorneys

Unknown_02: Thackerack, Moritz, and Rossman, those are the circuit judges, they're telling Russell Greer and his attorneys to file a response to the petition for en banc review, which almost certainly means that it will be accepted. And to give you an idea of how very unlikely this is, it's sort of like a highlight of an attorney's career to go to an en banc review.

Unknown_02: It's like it's something that you would like humble brag about. Yeah, you know I've been I've been to the en banc and the 10th circuit, you know, no big deal It was just you know, it's just a technical procedural. It's like it's like a thing Okay, if you ever watch the show making a murderer there's a part of that where they're they went to the appellate court to try and overturn the conviction for murder and Then the appellate court made some issues, so they filed for en banc. They're interviewing all the attorneys responsible for the case, and they're freaking out, like, oh my God, it's fucking accepted! It's en banc! It's en banc!

Unknown_02: It's a pretty big deal. But it's not done yet, so who knows? Maybe it won't be granted. I'm very happy to hear this. The thing is that it also took 17 hours between the request for review being submitted, and this subsequent filing asking for a response from the opposing counsel. So I have a gut feeling, I have no reason to actually think this, it's just a gut feeling, that they expected the petition, and they had already decided that they were going to review it. Because just like the third thing, the appellate court basically condemned me for not filing fair use as a defense,

Unknown_02: because at a stage where it's not usual to submit fair use as an affirmative defense. It's just out of order. Mathematically speaking, that doesn't make sense. If that in any way factored into their decision, that needs to be looked at regardless. So that's where we're at. It's a pretty good thing.

Unknown_02: It's a great thing, actually.

Unknown_02: And who knows? I mean, it could get granted, and then we still get lost. That's what happened with the Making the Murder case. They got granted the en banc review, and then the full panel judge said, actually, no, he's still fucking guilty as shit. There's no issue here, so I mean that can still happen, but it's it's exciting to host a shitty forum and then end up in one of the highest courts in the country because People take issue with you making fun of their shitty fucking music such as life chat such as life Great cool excellent wonderful Next up speaking of overturns chair a check the lady who runs live the tick-tock was added to the ADL for Glossary of extremism placing her among people like Hamas and other organizations actually dedicated to the eradication of Jews in the world They felt that her lives a tick-tock account was hate speech or whatever the fuck Jaya Threatened to sue

Unknown_02: and they took it down.

Unknown_02: I don't know what that means. I guess maybe they, I don't think that they were actually intimidated by the lawsuit. I think that they were maybe intimidated by the fact that it's kind of ridiculous to have like a, a, a glossary of like, these are people who want to kill Jews and, and are, are racist terrorists. And also here's the lady who posts videos of Tik TOKs where people act like retards. She's also like Al Qaeda in Hamas, like, um, That's a bit weird. It doesn't really lend credibility to your organization to say that. Oh, by the way, speaking of good news, I had a phone call today out of nowhere, something I thought that had been completely forgotten or just silently denied. The forum might be getting a bank account soon. I've teased at this before, but the process has been slow going.

Unknown_02: If I get a bank account, I'll let people know and then I think that the whole process of cashing checks in through the PO box in West Virginia I think I've that's all sorted out and that should be should be fine. It's not North Dakota. It's an Oklahoma um So but yeah, I'll post the details later if it goes through Very cool only up and up chat.

Unknown_14: It's the fall weather Um

Unknown_14: This is this is stupid America first Ali Alexander who is believed to still run this account AF post said bananas could go extinct due to catastrophic fungal outbreaks scientists warrant at AF post and then the minions account replies directly and says no so now the minions account has responded directly to a

Unknown_02: I didn't even know that this was a thing AF post and this is trying to look like a regular news agency So is this Nick's idea? Here's how we're gonna legitimize America first. We're going to Let Ali Alexander run her Twitter account and then have like a fake news site Not as in like a fake news that publishes fake news type thing but like an actual like here We're gonna run a WordPress blog and make it look like a news thing and we're gonna become relevant that way That's a cool idea Good luck with that

Unknown_14: Um...

Unknown_14: Okay, here's the cool thing about this apparently people are very upset about this Matthew Perry is the star of a guy in friends, and they're talking about this, and it's apparently a really big deal He drowned at 54 in his bathtub many people believe alcohol is Involved some people are alleging conspiracy for whatever reason Nick Ricada is gravedancing on this guy's tombstone Which I guess is just becoming a thing in the sector now and the grift wars

Unknown_02: But I have no idea I have no idea why anyone cares Maybe I've just I've never watched friends. I know the friends intro my grandparents watch friends I didn't realize that people who are still alive in this like in this generation knew or cared at all about friends in any way shape or form and I'm not can someone in chat explain to me what the point is why why I need to care about an actor from friends dying and

Unknown_02: He voiced Benny in Fallout! What?! Oh no!

Unknown_14: Ring-a-ding, baby. That's right.

Unknown_14: Nevermind. I take it all back. It is a tragedy channel.

Unknown_02: Women love friends. Seinfeld is a better- Can't imagine, man.

Unknown_02: Sitcoms are such an old people thing. I can't believe people watch these.

Unknown_14: Um...

Unknown_14: The courtroom sketches of Sam Bankman Fried's crypto scandal aren't just dolly level.

Unknown_02: We're the best part of the trial I remember that there was like a There were like pictures of this shit circling around on social media and supposedly they were like Photoshopped to look like to make him look better and people believed it cuz now she looks terrible. She's just such an unfortunate person and

Unknown_02: Look at that thing with the picture in bankruptcy from she's melting. She is literally melting that guy is incredibly Jewish in every picture though It is pretty renaissance because there's there's that thing we're like in a renaissance painting every I

Unknown_02: Like every person in a renaissance painting is like doing what they're famous for like when you take a natural photo there's usually like the this the main focus of the picture and it's like in the center, and they're the ones that are doing something and then the rest is just detail or Reactions or like a yeah like a reaction or response to what's happening, but in renaissance paintings. It's usually like Everyone is doing everything and it's it's very strange to look at because it's it's um I

Unknown_02: Like there's so much going on and so much detail because it's one thing where it's there's many different focuses and this is kind of the same way where it's like everyone is doing something and It's less of like a modern photo where there's like a main focus and more of like a renaissance where everyone is doing something That's a important at the same time Renaissance and that's supposed to be renaissance Are you seriously not pronounce it renaissance I

Unknown_14: Hold up. I'm looking into this.

Unknown_14: Renaissance. Renaissance.

Unknown_14: Renaissance.

Unknown_14: That's not the British pronunciation. Renaissance. Why is the British pronunciation like... Renaissance.

Unknown_02: Renaissance.

Unknown_02: Renaissance. What did I say? Renaissance?

Unknown_02: Renaissance. I said it the British way, come on.

Unknown_14: This thing is broken.

Unknown_02: Renaissance. Okay, whatever, fuck it.

Unknown_02: Renaissance.

Unknown_02: Renaissance. Listen, I like Hollandaise sauce, I like Renaissance on my pizza too, okay? Don't knock it until you try, is all I gotta say.

Unknown_02: Oh, this is the big controversy that everyone is freaking out about. Watch this, okay? We're gonna watch a man die.

Unknown_02: So despite making up 1% of the NFL or NHL population black people are responsible for 100% of all nice murders So here we go. Watch this guy right here. Oh, it's the other guy. It's a Okay, the red guy in the middle he sees this guy coming and then decides to do a karate like a karate kick like a really impressive karate kick and it what's really impressive about this is that I

Unknown_02: He has a blade on the bottom of his foot and decides to randomly crush this man's trachea. And as you can see, he just instantly dies because he can no longer breathe because his throat is crushed. Oh, actually his throat is slashed open and there is an enormous trail of blood. Oh my God. Holy fuck.

Unknown_02: Dude, that's a lot of blood. That's very spooky. That's very Halloween-y.

Unknown_02: again Give me that motherfucking big snood and there's like oh shit. I just accidentally murdered that man Fuck. I hope they don't cancel my scholarship. Damn.

Unknown_02: I want to draw special attention to the fact that the score is visible on the the top left and

Unknown_02: This is kind of a Nigeria versus Germany type situation where it says she not as if you know She is not a woman. That is a man. I just wanted to draw that there is a cosmic Trans mesia occurrence happening in the top left that you may not notice because there is a Black man murdering a knocky a nice hockey player on the ice there

Unknown_14: Covering hockey for the first time.

Unknown_02: I will listen. This is a true fact. I've never watched a professional baseball game I've never watched a professional or even like a college football game or Soccer game or American football, whatever. I've not watched any things except ice hockey. I

Unknown_02: Because, fun fact, in Pensacola, there is, for whatever reason, a very, very well-known and respected ice hockey team called the Ice Flyers. And there is a dead-ass, like a big ice hockey arena in the middle of Pensacola that they have to pay a lot of money to maintain because it's hot as fuck in Pensacola.

Unknown_02: I think they changed their name. They were the Ice Pilots, now they're the Ice Flyers or something. But they're so loved in Pensacola.

Unknown_02: that um like people will volunteer to clean the students like the players dorm rooms while they're out of out of city there's like a like a waiting list to volunteer to clean up their rooms for them because people love that team so much it's really weird

Unknown_02: There's no ice in Florida, but there is an ice hockey stadium and the team there is for whatever reason really well known and apparently quite good so I've gone to see ice ice flyer games and Pensacola is it I mean it's like a meme It's like you want to go see the ice hockey game because you're in Florida like what the fuck Why do we have an ice hockey team that's ridiculous? And then you go watch it and it's actually pretty fun because they bash each other against the fucking wall all the time It's a it's a good sport to watch

Unknown_02: Let's see one more time I Have not made a determination. I've not put it on record if I believe that this is an accident or not one more time So there he is And then He very aggressively decides This hockey you're allowed to be aggressive. He pushes that guy at the three on a shirt out of the way and

Unknown_02: And then just does like a judo flying kick to The the neck why does he lift his leg up?

Unknown_14: There's no way like Yeah, that's like intentional he like intentionally lifts his leg out to do a kick I guess he was I I mean I don't think that he intentionally wanted to slice this man's throat open and murder him and ruin his entire life and

Unknown_02: But I do think that he was recklessly raising his foot up in a way that is extremely against the rules of the game, because there's no fucking way they let you raise your... bladed foot up in the air... like this. You're not doing ballet. And then he slices his throat open.

Unknown_02: Yeah, there's no way to interpret that except that he just meant to kick him, and then accidentally, uh, slit his throat.

Unknown_02: Pretty tragic, chat.

Unknown_02: Neighbor has more penalties of anyone of the whole league this year Well, you know what at least hockey's fucking inclusive now congratulations This is how you know that hockey is not just a racist white man's northern, you know Exclusionary sport we now have dead people Bleeding out on the fucking ice and that just proves that we're now a more diverse and inclusive activity that welcomes everybody That's nice. That's actually a real white pill chat to know that hockey is now so inclusive. That's great.

Unknown_14: And there's a really ironic article where people are talking about him, and then there's a quote where they say, sometimes what makes players great is that edge they play with.

Unknown_02: And here, we can rewatch this edge and see how Matt plays with that edge. Damn, that's a good edge. The ref is thinking, damn, that's a really great edge. Look, he's completely sliced open. That's a really sharp edge. Good job, Matt. Great, great, heck of a job, Branny.

Unknown_02: This is all censored, but, uh, Sneeds posted in my mad at the internet thread. A YouTuber I watched from time to time went to TwitchCon. He filmed some of the art booths for a couple seconds. Censored, of course, because it's, uh, I assume it's all titties?

Unknown_02: He got told by one of the owners. Oh, no, okay I'm gonna try to piece this together It's censored, but he got told by one of the owners that since he filmed his booth That means he has a copy of their art for free, but once he said that the youtubers said like an NFT Okay, let's just watch I don't know what he's trying to say in this

Unknown_14: I'll save that for later.

Unknown_06: Because since we paint it, and it's our art, now you have a copy of it free.

Unknown_10: Like an NFT, nice!

Unknown_14: He said like an NFT, absolutely bro!

Unknown_14: Or are they complaining?

Unknown_14: Um... I'll save that... There's a... Um...

Unknown_02: Oh my God, I don't know if I actually have this. I don't think I have this picture anywhere. But, um, cause I think the phone that I had it on, I had lost forever. It's, it was a picture of, um,

Unknown_02: You guys know Grumpy Cat? He's dead now. Sorry to sadden you in October, but when I went to a market in Belgrade, and there was a guy who kept painting like weird Trump paraphernalia, because I guess, I think Trump was really popular in Serbia for whatever reason.

Unknown_02: And there was a guy, he had painted Grumpy Cat

Unknown_02: like Donald Trump. And I asked for permission to take a picture of this so I could send it to people, because I thought it was really funny. And I almost bought it.

Unknown_02: I can't decide if I regret not buying Grumpy Cat painted as Trump by a Serbian man in the middle of Belgrade. Or maybe I should have. I don't know if I'll ever- Trump's not present anymore, so I'm not gonna be able to find that. Somebody else bought it. Some other art connoisseur who recognizes great art has purchased this thing and now it hangs up in his mansion.

Unknown_02: I did, I stole his art. It's like an NFT. Now, but I've destroyed it. Out of respect for the artist, I've destroyed my entire phone that has all my fucking pictures on it. And I'll never see it again. And, um...

Unknown_02: That's how I pay respect to the artist, by annihilating everything.

Unknown_02: And then finally, we got some flag news, Jet. We got some flag news.

Unknown_02: Um...

Unknown_02: So the Hollywood elite who molest children wanted to pay some mad respects to a famous Oh, no, this isn't Hollywood. This is game developers and even and even more wretched and retarded type of entertainer game developers who are now the joke of the entire world decided they want to pay some a

Unknown_02: some respect to i assume the the main character in spider-man 2 who is puerto rican however they made a little oopsie doodle a little toopsy whoopsie see this this is the flag that they put up to respect his his hispanic heritage however chat this is the flag of puerto rico the flag you see in the background there is of cuba You might be wondering, why did they hang up the Cuban flag in a Puerto Rican's apartment? The answer, chat, they're racist and they can't tell apart Cubans and Puerto Ricans. Very sad. Very sad and very racist. I hope everyone involved in this scandal were fired because that's a fucking tragedy. That's the most racist fucking thing I've ever seen.

Unknown_14: Sucks to suck.

Unknown_14: Alright, um Ruben Sim has finally won his crusade the Roblox account known as blocks Gunnar.

Unknown_02: I'm sorry roblox Leave that sounds racist. That sounds like a racist pun. Why am I rowing over blacks? What are the blacks done that I have to row them over with?

Unknown_02: Whatever roblox player blocks Gunnar has been banned from

Unknown_02: which I Assume means literally nothing because all he has to do is make a new account But it did take weeks and weeks of effort and campaigning by Rubin some to get rid of this one pedophile until he made a new account and

Unknown_02: It just kind of shows. I guess they don't really give a fuck because Rob Rob blacks not to be confusing with running over blacks has had a series of scandals unrelated to running over blacks Regarding how easy it is I guess for pedophiles to have access to kids on the platform Yes, Ruben son is our guy even though he's apparently Chinese or something and I don't know where he is. He has a Chinese flag and a Twitter icon in his name and that's very confusing to me.

Unknown_14: Um, okay. So people, people did some digging into the guys who, um,

Unknown_02: Went after keffels after the destiny shit the people who apparently did swat keffels who then keffels blamed on us It's really weird how like Machiavellian trannies are just by like instinct Like if a normal person gets swatted their their instinct is not to immediately blame it on a person that they can spin up a political campaign over and

Unknown_02: But when Kefla's get swatted like his first instinct is to just outright lie about which site is responsible and then hold up this lie for months and months Like why are trainings like this? Why are they just like so? dastardly so like conspiratorial and Like

Unknown_02: What's the word deceptive by nature? I guess that's their whole stick right is that they're just liars. They lie about being a woman so they say oh Yeah, I got swatted totally the skew farm site that I liked less than this actual site and spotted me for political purposes I will just say that it's them and nobody will contradict me on this because the people that would are all on that site And they don't give a fuck Such as life chat

Unknown_02: But look at vile Ben's a vile as a dachshund cyber gang which has used stolen passwords of government officials to present law enforcement officers and subpoenas sensitive information to blackmail trunes like Liz Fong Jones Keffel's and Chloe Chloe Bob posting Chloe The harassment has been blamed on Kiwi farms and one of the reasons Cloudflare gave her dropping Kiwi farms Even though the vile clearly showcased it on their own on docspin and on their own website Speculation is that members of all have blackmailed Liz Fung Jones Keffel's and Bob posting The information that they are desperate to hide it as possible Liz Fung Jones Keffel's and Bob's Bob posting are afraid that Kiwi firms will uncover evidence of sexual and child abuse crimes Which vile originally obtained?

Unknown_02: But then people were looking at that. I don't know. I don't know about this like I It was a request that I talked about this, but it's like a yeah doc spin is like it's just nothing but docks So it's like a pay spin, but for people's personal information

Unknown_02: And there are people like involved in that who are just into like doxing people And they they were the first ones I think to find Keffel's address because nobody cared about Keffel's address like where Keffel's lived in particular Was less interesting to members of the forum than the fact that he ran a Catboy grooming discord and was a communist tranny prostitute before becoming a children's entertainer and advocate trans kids advocate on PG-13 streaming platform, so Yeah, I don't know Good luck with that

Unknown_14: Keffel says meats been repeat Dude Keffel's keeps every time I hear about Keffel it's like he's trying to insert himself in the new hip drama and Everyone just ignores him and everyone seems to hold him in universal contempt Is this like tranny hell is there anything worse to a tranny than like?

Unknown_02: Not being able to to be relevant to discussion ever it like to have like a meager platform that's not really actually Substantial and then to constantly try and insert yourself in the shit and just be ignored Is there anything that you could do because you already cut off their dick?

Unknown_02: Yeah, really like Give them cock and ball torture. It's just like the cock and ball torture of a tranny is just not getting attention True hell chat

Unknown_14: This troon has posted a video showing how, despite how heckin' feminine they are, how much they pass, they are still never going to be a real woman, and nobody acknowledges them as such.

Unknown_02: Let's see.

Unknown_03: But it was not all good.

Unknown_03: I use she her pronouns. I'm not sir. Yeah, like it's like a knife in the heart.

Unknown_03: I also sorry to specifically ask ahead of time not to be called sir. Yeah, I'm just gonna go. Okay, bro, it's like

Unknown_02: They're all foreign. They're all like brown people, waiters who are just like not used to seeing freaks like this and having to not being able to throw eggs at them. You know what I mean?

Unknown_03: You're just always like a knife. It always hurts every single time. I was wondering if there's a manager I could talk to about something.

Unknown_18: Why?

Unknown_18: He said, sorry. He said, sorry. What more do you want? Yeah, I was called sir. I just really.

Unknown_18: Oh, okay.

Unknown_19: The voice of a man who could not possibly give less of a fuck.

Unknown_03: Sucks every time it happens.

Unknown_02: It's like a knife in the heart. I don't need to be called ma'am.

Unknown_03: I just need to not be called sir, you know? Thank you.

Unknown_03: Can you call me sir?

Unknown_03: I just want to tell you that the person who gave me this called me sir called me sir just like it kind of just hurts a lot to get called sir

Unknown_02: That's how you communicate to the ching chongs and let them know. That's how you say in Chinese, I am mentally ill. Please cater to me.

Unknown_03: Very good. Thank you so much. No. Oh, I'm. Yeah. Thank you. I'm not a. Nothing like a good misgendering. It does. It is a nice. I agree, bro. When I get. I agree, Brody. I feel like I need to tell him. I need to tell him. that that hurt. It hurts more though and it's not intentional because it means like this is sir to him. I know you didn't mean it but I'm not a sir. It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. It's just, you know, it hurts. I know when people clock me it's fine.

Unknown_19: Yeah, um, man, when people think that I'm a dude, I gotta say that really pisses me off. Really, it's like a knife to the fucking heart, man. I just know that I'm not passing today.

Unknown_19: Really stressful.

Unknown_03: But like, it does kinda hurt. Thank you.

Unknown_03: I'm not, sir. Not, sir.

Unknown_03: Not sir. The guy who dropped the food off, he called me sir twice in a row. Thank you, I appreciate that.

Unknown_17: So you see, when you dress like a little faggot, we may think that you are a man because you look like a man and you talk like a man. But in our society, we must say you are a woman because otherwise we get sued and put on TikTok.

Unknown_17: We cannot have any of that.

Unknown_17: Spudwife. Oh yeah, this is perfect. J.F.

Unknown_02: How to politely say you should die. I hope that J.F. Garlepy marries you, ma'am.

Unknown_02: I hope that you end up as Mama J.F.

Unknown_02: Oh, Sneeds again. Two for one-er. Let's see what he says.

Unknown_02: I guess he's active in like tranny watching groups now. Oh, this is on Facebook. It looks like Suggested for you big ultimate energy remember this car from JIB last month Look who's back in that talk about down the street from my house today

Unknown_02: So this is a man. He's wearing like a Barbie outfit and short shorts. He's also wearing leggings to look more tan and bimbo five. If I had to guess, um, he is in a car. He's in a Nissan Sentra in case you're wondering, this is in California.

Unknown_02: The first bumper sticker says, caution, sissy husband driver makes frequent stops to adjust his shiny pantyhose. So that's what those are, shiny pantyhose.

Unknown_02: He has another sticker that says cuckold.

Unknown_02: And then the one right below his plate says shiny pantyhose, pantyhose, sissy husband driver.

Unknown_02: So, um, I'm not a lawyer, I should warn you, but I believe that in 49 states, it's completely legal to key this man's car with the words, go back to California. Um, do not act on that information. I am not certain that is true. However, if I had to guess with my uninformed non lawyer opinion, I would say that's probably legal. I don't know though.

Unknown_14: Okay, I have a question chat Here's my question I remember in the US there was all there's um There were lots and lots and lots and lots of cars that had bumper stickers that were just like a white oval and

Unknown_02: And then they had like a couple letters in them that were completely meaningless. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? They're just, it's like you would see cars with like three or four white circles on them and three letters each that were like airport codes. And I have no fucking idea what those, what they mean.

Unknown_14: Country codes.

Unknown_14: What are they for?

Unknown_14: Marathon stickers.

Unknown_14: It's usually states or marathons. Why would you why would you ever put them on your vehicle? What do they mean?

Unknown_14: DVC or DCL Dave Matthews pin Lots of marathon runners would do that but a number but have a number inside like a marathon

Unknown_02: So if you complete a marathon you get a little sticker then you put it on your car to be like hey I can run three miles or whatever It's an if you know, you know, that's weird.

Unknown_14: I'm not Okay, there's a conflicting information about this it seems to be a marathon and or a country code yeah, sometimes it's a number two and

Unknown_02: Yeah, I don't know. It's just something I remember seeing a lot, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Unknown_02: Um...

Unknown_02: Apparently, I remember last year when I mentioned we should rename all genitals to be like ovaries and testicles should just be called gonads And we should just call like the inside of the vagina and also the scrotum like the wrinkly bit And we should have these these gender-neutral names for genitals California doctor this fucking thing proposes renaming genitals penises as outies clitorises as dicklets, etc Dicklets

Unknown_19: That's actually funny.

Unknown_02: She further proposed the words junk and bits as alternatives to masculine parts and chest or chesticles for breasts, which she describes as feminine parts. Vaginas could also be renamed to front holes according to something.

Unknown_02: So here's his slide. Renaming feminine parts to any frontal, dick or dicklit, clitoris, t-penis, chest or chesticles, and renaming masculine parts outie, junk, strapless, or bits.

Unknown_02: Now this is a medical doctor who presumably can have patients that they quote-unquote care for and I want to remind everybody that this is not a fetish at all at all No guides get a doctorate Shameful okay, this is from redux and they say They say something apparently

Unknown_02: Here's what happened to me, chat. I had this all loaded and ready to go, but then I realized that my podcast drive was still dirty, so I opened it up in Windows, unmounted everything, did a proper shutoff, and rebooted, and now I don't have anything preloaded. So I get to stare at spinners for a bit.

Unknown_02: Multiple female athletes dropped out of a women's martial arts tournament last week after being matched up to fight trans-identified males. In one of the women's divisions, the only participants left competing were men."

Unknown_02: In response to Redux's exclusive report yesterday, the North American Grappling Association has issued a full policy revision. Trans-identified males will now have to compete in the men's category. The female category will be exclusively for women.

Unknown_02: This is their update. We, as an organization, strive to ensure fairness, inclusivity, and respect for all competitors within our events. With regards to transgender females competing in NAGA, The following policy shall be implemented. Division for cisgender females. We will have divisions for only cisgender females. Transgender females will not be entered into these divisions. And division options for transgender females. Transgender females must compute in the men's division.

Unknown_02: We hope that the simplicity of this revised policy will help avoid any future occurrences.

Unknown_02: Where transgender females enter women divisions if Naga staff is informed that a transgender female is in the women's division They'll be given the choice to go the men's division or be given a refund Do you hear do you hear the pendulum chat it's so loud it's so loud you don't even need eyes to see it anymore

Unknown_02: Um, and Sneeds yet again. Sneeds has joined the forum directly to drip feed me content. How nice of him.

Unknown_02: Um, he says that this is a black man beating up a tranny that was hitting a woman. Let's see chat. Sounds like some great Halloween content. Spooktacular. Oh Lord. Look, there's a thing in California called the people's market. There, the food is free. It belongs to the people. The Volk chat.

Unknown_02: Oh Lord.

Unknown_04: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, what are you doing? What'd she do to you?

Unknown_04: I wish you would.

Unknown_09: I wish you would.

Unknown_04: I wish you would.

Unknown_08: Go. Oh, no, you didn't hit him.

Unknown_04: I don't give a fuck.

Unknown_08: Boo. Bah. Bah.

Unknown_04: Bah. Bah. Go. Bye. Don't do that over here.

Unknown_04: But you don't do it here. You take over there. You take them over there.

Unknown_04: Bye. Are you a man anyway? You're a fucking man, but not a woman. My wife, he gonna beat, cause my nephew can beat your ass. Since you're a man, get that hoe over out of here.

Unknown_02: My nephew, just okay. Clarify this for me. Those two black guys don't know each other, right? But two black guys are always nephews, right? That's like a, that's like a black thing. Like my nephew is like my fellow African American gentlemen on the street here.

Unknown_04: Get him up out of here. Get him up out of here.

Unknown_04: Get him up out of here. Bye.

Unknown_04: Get him up out of here. Beat that bitch.

Unknown_15: Oh no, the homeless man tent.

Unknown_02: Never put your hands on my woman! Beat your ass!

Unknown_04: No, let her do that shit!

Unknown_02: Oh no, the recording cut out.

Unknown_08: Put your hands on my woman again!

Unknown_04: No, you're the one who started it, hoe!

Unknown_02: Who is he attacking here?

Unknown_02: He's attacking like a random homeless guy. Look at this. Because he gets up later, he's got the red plaid shirt on.

Unknown_02: Yeah, it's like... Is that a woman? Bye! It's like an old homeless black woman that this fucking tranny was like wailing on. What the fuck is wrong with them? That's fucking disgusting. It's literally like an old woman. Fuck off.

Unknown_02: Dude.

Unknown_02: Yeah, same, man. Black people are just leagues ahead. They're just leagues ahead. Black people have like a code that you understand. It's generally like a code where it's like you just stay out of their fucking way and everything's fine. With the trannies, they want to get in your way. They is starting shit. They is pulling up. They's fucking around chat and it's no good. It's no good.

Unknown_02: We had a system working, and now the trunes are throwing in like a chemical X, and everyone is reacting negatively to it.

Unknown_14: Yeah, and you don't beat up random fucking homeless.

Unknown_02: Dude, beating up homeless people is like the archetypal sociopath, psychopath type of behavior. That's like the Patrick Bateman just randomly stabbing a homeless man on the street because it gives you a sense of power. And that's what fucking trannies are. And this isn't even, this is like a Latino. The tranny, he talks with a really strong Mexican accent, so I think he's Latino.

Unknown_02: But it doesn't matter. Once you're in that category, you're completely divorced from race. You're just a fucking freak.

Unknown_02: Um, here we go.

Unknown_02: So the final trans nail in the coffin for our porn is misogyny.

Unknown_02: Oh, this is going to be great. And gender critical. I think this is from that, um, that turf site.

Unknown_14: Alright, before I start my little tale, I'd like to warn all gender-critical women who still visit the sub to be cautious.

Unknown_02: If you intend on sticking around there as it's officially open season and the bait will be laid for you with the crosshairs pointed directly at your heads, there is no mod there who is on your side anymore.

Unknown_02: A few weeks ago, I made a post about the rule changes to rPornIsMisogyny in their hunt for new trans-friendly GC silencing mods. What I didn't mention is that I applied for a mod position in a desperate attempt to keep the sub an okay place for my fellow women. Actual women. I was successful in my application and had been a moderator there since. That is, until today, when I decided to step down. The reason I decided to step down might seem obvious. It was like pushing a giant boulder uphill.

Unknown_02: Well, lady, let me tell you, sometimes you just gotta push the fucking boulder up the hill, and sometimes it rolls all the fucking way back down, and then what do you do, chat? You just go, oh, well, I guess it rolled back down. No, no, you don't do that. You push it back up the hill. Again, chat. And what do you do? If it then, once more, rolls down under, chat, you go down through the boulder and you push it back up again. And you just keep doing that until it stays at the top. And guess what? It never stays at the top.

Unknown_02: All of human history is pushing the boulder up the hill again, and then letting it roll back down, and then having somebody else come back and push it back up. That is literally the entirety of human history condensed in a nutshell. It's called the kyklos, if you want to know. There's a technical Greek term for this. It's called the kyklos, translates directly to cycle, and is the system of pushing the boulder back up the hill, Chad.

Unknown_02: One secretly gender-critical mods surrounded by TRAs who wants a trans circle jerk discussion to happen while sounds and bending anyone who would remotely question it to begin with I made a small progress and stamping out anything that was Beatty through the gender Critical community known for all the other mods were waiting for someone anyone to say anything that wasn't fluffing up tipi or terrorism the male egos and

Unknown_02: So he goes on to or she goes on to explain that apparently a thing that happens in these subreddits is that Trannies will post at the trans woman am I welcome here uwu and if anyone says anything negative about that they are instantly banned and that's like their their process for like Transforming that community into one that is like an echo chamber for them I

Unknown_14: She challenged several bands.

Unknown_14: Uh... And... I made it clear to the other mods that I was thought baiting people into reactions so they can be banned was unfair, however it fell on deaf ears.

Unknown_02: After being told to drop it, that's exactly what I decided to do. I dropped my position as moderator of the subnet full well. That's what that is. Or that was that. There's nothing else I could do to help keep it a fair place.

Unknown_02: I've never even heard of this. Porn is misogyny.

Unknown_02: Problem is that calling something misogyny... ...sort of robs it of persuasive power.

Unknown_02: Miso-gine. That's how you spell that.

Unknown_02: It's a very Karen term. Should not... I feel like it's unpersuasive.

Unknown_02: Subreddit to raise awareness of document and discuss the pervasiveness of misogyny and porn and regulated porn has allowed the proliferation and normalization of misogyny, coercion and rape culture.

Unknown_14: Join our fight back.

Unknown_14: Found on our relationship advice.

Unknown_02: My 18 year old girlfriend and my boyfriend were making out and I cried.

Unknown_02: Me and my boyfriend were making out and I cried. We went on a date together and started making out. I suggested trying to wrap my legs around him while kissing to see if he likes it. He agreed. He pulled me so close and started kissing me immediately. His hand gently choking me and became a bit aggressive and he didn't want to let go. Then he said, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you? While rubbing his heart on, on me.

Unknown_02: He pulled me closer for some reason, started trembling and my heart was pounding. He sat for a moment and said, are you okay?

Unknown_02: And I cried. I'm not sure why he stopped what he was doing and apologize.

Unknown_14: That's weird So Is that not a meme do like 18 year olds just start choking each other for the first time like they start making out Is that like just how it goes now like oh like When middle schoolers start instead of middle schoolers like holding hands is like can you like slap me and spit on me?

Unknown_02: Is that like how they open up the relationships now?

Unknown_14: Such is life chat.

Unknown_14: Throat fucking on the furt day. I'm reading one of these posts on porn is misogyny.

Unknown_14: Found out intimate content on me is being sold online.

Unknown_02: Why did the Reddit allow this in choke her slap her big dick blowjob cock cute face slapping in our male superiority.

Unknown_02: It is a weird thing how there are all these rules regarding...

Unknown_02: Like societal rules regarding all sorts of things right, but then when it comes to porn It's like a free pass like any like race play is okay in porn like like if it a Black having a black woman call you massa is okay as long as there's a consensual pornographic video Between a white man and a black woman. That's okay Like

Unknown_02: In the porn subreddits, they're allowed to have rules regarding, like, cis women only, but if you try to apply that in any other subreddit, like, like this one, it's not okay. It's a very strange, like, um, like a, uh, like a loophole in all the rules of society that it's okay as long as it's pornographic. Isn't that bizarre?

Unknown_02: Is Lil' Calplay okay?

Unknown_14: Maybe.

Unknown_14: Trying to think of a fun way that I could bypass all of our rules with Tier ones by making it porn, but that's just not the kind of site.

Unknown_02: I would want to run chat unfortunate

Unknown_02: Maybe if I just say it's, it's, ah, I got it. We'll just classify the entire site as text based sexual role play. It's no, no, no, you misunderstand. That is not an incriminating Facebook post of a person admitting that they're a fucking weirdo on, uh, on public social media. That's actually a text based fantasy role play session. Is that okay? Yeah. Kiwi farms that XXX and like, ah,

Unknown_02: Goyam I understand now you're doing the Lord's work Keep on keeping on it's an accident All right, that's enough of that How do I ban somebody from rumble

Unknown_02: There's a Polish man begging for my attention and I just delete it. Does it go away? No, that's bizarre. Oh, oh, I see. Oh, he's not. He's got like a Polish name, but he's like Indian or some shit. What is this?

Unknown_02: This is definitely Polish.

Unknown_02: Imano, zapraszam, serdecznie, do mnie dikaniasz. Let me double check to make sure this is... He's like so brown. How are you so brown? No, it's Polish. He's listening to Polish rap music.

Unknown_02: Why is there a brown Polish man listening to Polish rat music? Advertising in my kick channel chat. Disgusting. Rat post post rat jams and chat.

Unknown_02: Show my disgust with this. Why is the.

Unknown_02: Oh, oh, I see. Okay. Let me reboot the thing and then hopefully that'll work again.

Unknown_02: Studio mode. We're going, sorry. I broke my entire overlay chat by opening the Polish man's chat.

Unknown_14: Alright, thank you for the rats. Thank you for the rats So This may come as a shock to many long-term listeners, but shoe on head aka

Unknown_02: June Lapine, who I've done an entire person stream on before with a completely blown out mic, has gotten married. And now, I have to say, her father looks genuinely overjoyed. That's a face of pure joy, knowing. And it's a special day. It's a special day in every father's life when you know that your 30-something-year-old daughter is finally getting out of the fucking house.

Unknown_02: The man could not contain his unbridled excitement to not have his 30-something-year-old daughter in her fucking childhood bedroom for another day.

Unknown_02: True magic.

Unknown_02: So she's marrying this schizo guy who's like a Catholic schizophrenic and thinks that everyone on social media is demons, but now, given the current timeframe, maybe he's right. He's just ahead of the curve, chat.

Unknown_02: I hope that June... I genuinely hope the best for her. This is what I want, right?

Unknown_02: I want June to get super mega pregnant. I want her to have like quintuplets, natural quintuplets, no in vitro. And the reason why chat is I'll, I hope that we can point to the, the empty egg carton known as June Lapine and say, look, she just had quintuplets. No healthy quintuplets, not four down syndrome babies. I'm talking like an entire like, like minivan load of children because

Unknown_02: Then I can finally tell people, look, you don't have to fuck a 13 year old. You can have a family at a normal age chat. Isn't that amazing? If she does manage to have a mini van full of healthy children, um, it will drive some people to suicide. I'm a hundred percent convention convinced.

Unknown_02: Somehow it looks trashy. It's cause that guy's face, he's like balding. He's got like a, uh, beard and shit. I don't know.

Unknown_02: Whatever, good for her.

Unknown_02: It still works in her. Yeah, look, it's just that it's riskier. It's riskier into early 40s.

Unknown_02: And it's riskier after like 30. The big milestones are 35 and 40, but she can definitely have like two or three kids easily. And I hope that she does so that when Nick Fuentes says, Look, guys, I'm just saving my I want to be 40 or 40 years old and marry a 12 year old so that I can save the white race because you got to get them when they're when they're fresh when they just had their first period. Yeah, I do like the Prophet Muhammad doesn't rape a nine year old. That's the only way to have a family.

Unknown_02: Even though the rates of autism are astronomically high, even with young women, when the father is much older than the woman.

Unknown_02: We have to fix society chat. And June can do this. She can contribute to this by stop being a man, child, a woman, child, and having a family.

Unknown_02: Um, okay. This is like a really, I don't, I don't even know why I think that this is related to the, the grooming shit. Cause in Derrida keeps getting accused of grooming. Um, he's been banned from Twitch and he hasn't streamed for over a month. So I'm assuming that,

Unknown_02: Like enough people complained to them that they decided fuck it. We'll just ban them. So now he's banned from twitch And now she might um, he might actually finish his game Now that he's banned from twitch and can no longer stream himself not making his game Uh, he may finally have the resolve and the courage necessary to finish and dairy simulator chat This is this is this is the future this is the timeline that we're in

Unknown_02: Oh, he still has emails. That's true. He does have a lot of emails to read, but he may be able to get through them now. No, he was not streaming at the same time.

Unknown_02: Am I surprised about anime avatars? No, I'm never surprised about anime avatars. Chat, as a matter of fact, I'm not.

Unknown_02: And Patrick Tomlinson has reached 200,000 tweets. This is a momentous... Did I read this last time?

Unknown_02: I did he reached 200,000 tweets, which is a result of him continuously going down his mentions and It was presumed for a long time I'm gonna stand up here a second. I'm gonna stand up in pot. I'm standing up in podcasting chat I'm looking I'm standing up and looking down at my microphone and talking at the same time cuz I gotta get blood flow to my legs chat and Was assumed for a long time that Patrick Tomlinson was like copy pasting there's no soccer child you will go to prison but It is now that It is now assume that he is not doing that because

Unknown_02: Okay, this is his 200,000 tweet. He says, your life is already over stalker. Enjoy prison, which is something that he says a lot. That's like a very common message. And then I think someone actually went through his recent messages and these, and there's one of these where

Unknown_02: Let me see if I can find it. Nothing in the air, nothing above. Life is already over. No, Stalker, I don't. No, Stalker, I don't. Wrong as always, Stalker. Not bad faith, Stalker. You're just fine, Stalker. Your life is over, Stalker. Their lives are already so over, Stalker, just like yours.

Unknown_02: Oh, look, this one. It doesn't need to be completed to be plagiarized, Stalker. Enjoy prison. That's a typo. And he doesn't always do that. He says the same things over and over again.

Unknown_02: BMI has never been a measure of individual fitness stalker knees oh this one knee stalker I didn't as the report you continue to obsessively lie about clearly states enjoy prison so you constantly um

Unknown_02: He constantly makes little typos that just let you know that each one of these child things are authentic original handcrafted with love and are not near copy paste a Original author like Patrick Tomlinson does not rely on the machinations of the control V control C to make his artisan artisanal tweets each one comes from a place of genuine hatred for the stalker child and

Unknown_02: Good shit.

Unknown_02: Bespoke.

Unknown_14: Exactly.

Unknown_14: Um, I don't actually, I don't know what this is. I copy pasted this. I don't know. I'm scared. I don't know what to expect.

Unknown_14: What is this?

Unknown_14: What is the point of this?

Unknown_14: Let me check my notes. What is this? What is this Jack Scalfani video in my notes?

Unknown_02: Okay, apparently this is a very funny video. Let's watch it.

Unknown_13: You're watching the Cooking with Jack show.

Unknown_05: Okay guys, so as you have heard all across social media, we're working on the video.

Unknown_14: Okay. I'll watch the last minute of it. Let's skip ahead.

Unknown_14: So he puts together, this will just look like taquitos, chicken, queso chicken rolls.

Unknown_02: Okay. That's very easy. You just make chicken, you put cheese in it and then they wrap it and bake it. Right.

Unknown_02: That's what he does. He has filling, he wraps them.

Unknown_02: Place in an oven to warm at 350 until the tortillas start to brown. Okay, that looks fine.

Unknown_02: Then he's ready to eat. Let's see what he says.

Unknown_02: Surely this must be good. It's just chicken and tortillas.

Unknown_05: All right, I'm gonna dip this baby in salsa.

Unknown_05: Oh, it's a little hot.

Unknown_02: Do not make this recipe. It's awful. It tastes like dog vomit. If I could imagine what dog vomit tastes like. This is just being honest. Sorry.

Unknown_14: She just put a title title card. He didn't eat it.

Unknown_14: Why would you publish this?

Unknown_02: Why would you publish this then?

Unknown_02: Okay, if you're gonna do like a video where it's like the the whole things that it's a disaster it ends in catastrophic Circumstances you should edit the video with that in mind not just cut out your reaction and then say that it tastes like shit and

Unknown_02: Jack being honest for once, imagine posting a video where you make a whole recipe and don't tell people it's bad until the end of the video. That's what I said. Why would you, why would you edit this to make it look like it might be good? And then at the end, just put a title card that says, actually, this was complete shit. Don't fucking eat this.

Unknown_02: What the hell is that ending? Production quality keeps getting better and better.

Unknown_14: He says, I want him to go over the recipe.

Unknown_05: All right guys, so just want to let you know what's going on. The month of October, we're traveling back to California to visit some friends and I might visit my old Jack on the go friends and find out what they're up to.

Unknown_18: Okay, cool.

Unknown_05: Maybe we'll film in and out. Talk about your food. Today we're going to be doing some queso chicken rolls. Okay. Jack's over here in the wings waiting to eat up. So I got to get cooking.

Unknown_02: Yes. What's the fucking ingredient? By the way, we have a new family member.

Unknown_05: She is... Chicken breast underneath.

Unknown_02: Chicken breast.

Unknown_05: We're using fajita seasoning on our chicken.

Unknown_02: Fajitas. Okay.

Unknown_05: Got some salsa and some pico de gallo. That's about it. I'll have to say. Got some salsa.

Unknown_02: What's the rest? Greek? Oh, is that Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt, cottage cheese.

Unknown_14: Why doesn't he go over it? He has all the ingredients in front of him, just fucking say what they are!

Unknown_02: Limes, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, it looks like minced tomatoes. I mean, I guess the Greek yogurt tastes really bad then. I don't know what... Why doesn't he say what's in the fucking box in front of him?

Unknown_02: I can't imagine why the sauce is bad the Greek yogurt doesn't go out with the But he's trying to eat healthy. I guess and this is his idea of eating healthy Like instead of just eating healthier foods, he's gonna try to make like low XYZ versions of shit that he already likes

Unknown_02: And yeah, the shitty American dude, I'm not looking back looking forward to going back to the US where there's like You don't have bread. There's like no bakeries except in the cities and you only have like cheddar cheese and then Swiss cheese quote-unquote Like, I'm so spoiled by going to any store and being able to get fresh bread in 8 different styles and then also like 11 different kinds of cheese and also goat cheese in every single little shitty store. And the Americans get like this shelf-stable shit pre-sliced bread in a fucking bag.

Unknown_02: and cheddar cheese there's like 97 different varieties of fucking cheddar cheese what kind of cheddar cheese do you want do you want mild do you want sharp do you want medium sharp do you want colby jack cheddar do you want jalapeno pepper cheddar what kind of cheddar cheese do you want on your on your um pre-sliced shelf stable bread fellow amerimonts I want to eat like shit. I want to die young. Feed me your fucking fake orange-ass cheddar cheese that you leave on the fucking- If you take a slice of cheddar cheese and leave it on a paper towel, it like curls up because all the moisture has been sucked out because it's not actually food.

Unknown_02: Oh man, I'm so- Just thinking about shit-ass American cheeses making me angry. It's ruining my whole Halloween. Get away from this JacksGalfani video before I freak out and start throwing shit.

Unknown_02: Dude, Walmart, okay, unless things have changed considerably, last I remember for Walmart is that you have a cheese aisle that is like four brands of nothing but cheddar cheese, and Monterey Jack cheese, and classic American cheese, and then Swiss cheese, quote-unquote Swiss cheese, and it's not cheese. Go to Europe, motherfucker, then you'll see some cheese. You'll see real cheese, 80 million different kinds of cheese on every shelf in every,

Unknown_02: food store But where do you go? Like Walmart is where most people get their groceries at not everyone lives in the fucking city and can walk to a Whole Foods most Americans just go to Walmart where they have nothing but but cheddar cheese Explain this you have all the cheese in the u.s. Safeway

Unknown_02: Why go back to America? Cause I gotta save America. I gotta become president of the United States and save America.

Unknown_02: No, just no. You live in a city then.

Unknown_02: Do you want to talk to Americans they confirmed this for me? I and this is how I remember even in Florida I had to go to a Whole Foods. There was like a an organic store. They had a Bunch of different cheeses and goat cheeses, and then like they would sell it as pet milk But it would be like real milk that wasn't split into fat and milk and then remixed at like a specific ratio So it filmed that little fat cap, but you can never get you like that at Walmart. I

Unknown_02: Everyone's full of shit if you if you're saying actually what I do when I want to have an artisanal teeth sandwich I go to the whole food then I buy a fresh loaf of fresh baguette and a Wonderful slice of like real deli teeth like dude unless you live in a fucking city or in California You don't have access to that in the u.s. We're all people do not have access to stores that have actual food in them and Americans don't even eat their own food. It's like all imported America just exports nine trillion tons of soybeans and then imports everything else from Europe and shit and from South America Sad chat, that's what I'm trying to say Now the hamster Stan Fuck you No, it's not a bit. I remember the u.s. I remember not having cheese and

Unknown_02: Now, I'm spoiled. I'll never be able to go back. I'll suffer. I have to buy cheese online. I have to get Jeff Bezos to airdrop me a fucking crate of cheese every so often. I have to beg Elon Musk to- Like I'm playing a video game and I'm calling in like a shipment, like a supply crate in Call of Duty on my front yard. I need some fucking cheese, Jeff Bezos! I was last in the US in 2018. I think.

Unknown_14: I love how there are two people in my chat.

Unknown_02: One group is like Josh is absolutely correct That's how it is and then there are other people like just wrong nobody you can get good teeth here in the United States It's like okay. Yeah, but you live in the city You're going to major cities that for most people are gonna be an hour out of the way You do not have access to fucking anything except cheddar in the US unless you're in California or some shit. Oh

Unknown_02: You can have guns or you can have cheese. Your choice, Eureka. That's true. That's how it is. I can either pump people full of lead or I can enjoy a high quality of diet and variety.

Unknown_02: Seethe, seethe, seethe! Alright, here's Ralph.

Unknown_02: A blessed Ralph update.

Unknown_07: Hey, PPP! You fat, busy, groblin' lookin' motherfucker! Where the fuck is your truck?! Where the fuck is your truck, you cocksucker?! That's what I wanna know! Cause the Ralph-O-Mail is here in his truck! But I'm not seeing a fat ass! I'm not seeing fat ass anywhere! Where is he?! Where is he? Cause what's this? Oh, wha- Wait a minute! Is this...

Unknown_07: It's the red truck!

Unknown_07: Oh!

Unknown_07: Shut up! How can I prove this is the day? Well, Hamas. Hello, Hamas. Uh, well, I shouldn't wish you well, because that might be the end of my time on here. But anyway, just, uh, we'll keep monitoring the situation, Hamas. I just thought it would be good to give an update on the truck situation. Because this fat fuck made up every lie under the sun about why I didn't have this magnificent vehicle, which I now have again in my possession here in Mexico. And by God, is it stupendous. And I just had that same question. Ashton Parks, where is your fucking truck, you fat motherfucker? YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH! YOU GREASY GROBLIN' LOOKIN' MOTHERFUCKER! YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO HUMANITY! AND YOU FUCKIN' GO TO BED EVERY SINGLE NIGHT KNOWING THAT! YOU FUCKIN' GREASY SON OF A BITCH! AND STEP YOUR GAME UP AND GET A TRUCK FOR GOD'S SAKE!

Unknown_02: You know, PPP has been pretty kind to me lately, but I think now I have to call him out as the truckless faggot that he is. This man cannot even walk, nevermind climb himself into a truck and drive a truck to Mexico to live happily ever after as Ethan Ralph has managed. How can I look PPP in the eyes when he is topless and painted like a pumpkin, as a PPP pumpkin, when he doth not drive a truck, chat?

Unknown_02: It's really sad after all those hundred dollars donors by uh What's the guy? No, yeah the guy with the nft monkey as an avatar His name is like stable point or something signal boot Signal boot signal boot has given this man tens of thousands of dollars and yet he has not funneled this money into a truck

Unknown_02: He's funneled it into cheese, chat. For instance, when he goes to Walmart, he might see a cheese aisle that looks like this. Now let's see what's in this cheese aisle in this Walmart chat.

Unknown_02: I see, oh, cheddar, fiesta blend, mild cheddar, cheddar jack, medium cheddar, mild cheddar, Colby jack, sharp cheddar, triple cheddar, taco blend, queso quesadilla chick. Extra sharp cheddar. Wow, so many kinds of cheddar, Chad. It's funny. If I scroll up, look, I see cheddar, and mozzarella, and Parmesan, and cheddar, oh, and more cheddar, and triple cheddar, and strong cheddar. Wow, so much cheddar, Chad. When I go to America, I can't wait. I'm going to buy every kind of cheddar fucking cheese on the fucking planet. I'm going to eat it. I'm going to be happy. I'm going to eat it, and I'll be happy with my life, Chad.

Unknown_02: Okay, Rikana has doubled downed on the cuties condition.

Unknown_02: After it was pointed out that him defending cuties is unconscionable and also a direct contradiction to his previous points.

Unknown_02: The Midnight Knight says, wait till Dax Herrera disagrees in Nick's 180s to align with his position, just like with Cuties in the Kiwi Farms. Rikada says, my position on Cuties has been identical this entire time. That's not true. I've played- Have I played? No, I've not played the clip. Josh, play the clip. I will. I will play the clip. Thank you, Josh. This is from Alyssa. She found the part- Rikada's prior stance on Cuties.

Unknown_13: You ready?

Unknown_13: You guys have to be as pissed off as me.

Unknown_13: Are you ready?

Unknown_13: This is the official Netflix trailer for Cuties.

Unknown_13: That's a fucking child. Those are children.

Unknown_00: These are kids!

Unknown_13: What? They're kids! They're kids, they're 11 years old!

Unknown_07: Do you know where the spirit of evil goes? It's these naked women.

Unknown_07: For your father's wedding. Look how old you are. You're a woman now.

Unknown_13: They're kids! The only person with any sense in this thing is the mom slapping this little girl.

Unknown_13: Those are kids.

Unknown_13: Those are children. Those are children. They're 11 years old. What is it about? What is it about? Let me read the description to you. I'll show you. It's right here. 11 years old.

Unknown_13: Tries to escape family dysfunction by joining a free-spirited dance clique named Cuties as they build their self-confidence through dance. Okay chat, here's what I'll ask.

Unknown_02: I'll go to kick and start a poll. Poll! Get ready to type exclamation point and vote and prepare to enter one or two.

Unknown_02: Do you think that Nick was pretending to care years ago, years ago, or has his brain just gotten more holes since then? And then vote one for always duplicitous or brain holes have changed him. And we'll do, we'll do the poll. We'll do the poll.

Unknown_02: Vote 1 if you believe that Nick Rikeda has always been duplicitous, and even this principled stance against the Cuties movie was a mere facade designed to dupe paypigs out of their precious currency, or vote 2

Unknown_02: if you believe that the alcoholic brain holes have simply bored too deep into his gray matter, and he has actually undergone a personal transformation in terms of personality, which have retroactively made him look like a massive fucking hypocrite.

Unknown_02: Vote now.

Unknown_02: I'll play some music while you all vote, some Jeopardy music. All right, the votes are in.

Unknown_15: Out of 107 participants, 41 of them, 42 of them now even, 38.5% have believed that he was always duplicitous. And 69 or 70, 62% of these votes believe that the brain holes have fundamentally changed him.

Unknown_02: So there you go. I really don't know what to think. I mean, I want to believe that he has changed, because that absolves me of believing him.

Unknown_02: If I choose to believe that he was just a liar, then that means that I fell for his facade, chat, and that makes me look dumb. So therefore, I choose to believe that the alcohol has altered his personality, chat.

Unknown_02: And therefore I am absolved of any... of any mistakes. Because I do not make mistakes, chat. No, no, no, no. It's not coping. I simply reject your reality and substitute it with my own. That's not coping.

Unknown_02: That is called being based. Anyways!

Unknown_02: Brief, brief Bossman Jek update. My favorite. I promise.

Unknown_02: This one this one's funny and different and not just him losing money and tired raging so he got a little bit of money and He gambled it away, and then he tarred rage chat, but this charge is very very funny, so stick with me I Just lost it all I just lost it all Chat let's do an instant replay and

Unknown_02: Once more.

Unknown_02: In the comment section or the live chat, please post what you think he smashed on the fucking ground because it left many people wondering what it could be.

Unknown_14: Your mom's pussy. This is it, guys. I'm done.

Unknown_12: This is it, guys. How to delete your account here.

Unknown_12: Honestly, I don't know yet. There is no iOS app, Android app.

Unknown_16: I'm done guys. I'm done doing this. I'm done with the harassment. I'm done with losing. I'm done with being miserable all the time. I'm done.

Unknown_12: Okay, support at kick.

Unknown_16: All right. All right, guys. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed the streams over the years, man. This is it for me, dude. I'm officially deleting my account, dude. I'm done doing this.

Unknown_16: I might go live on YouTube or something every once in a while, but I'm done streaming, dude. All right, so let me get on my email here.

Unknown_16: I'm done, man. No one even helps me anymore, dude. No one helps me anymore. I'm fucking done, dude. I'm done. No, dude, I'm done.

Unknown_16: I'm done, bro.

Unknown_16: Yeah, shut the fuck up, Sensei Gamer. You're a fucking pussy.

Unknown_16: I will fuck the dog shit out of your mom tonight, bro.

Unknown_16: Anyways, we're done here, guys. I hope y'all enjoyed the streams over the years, man. I'm done doing it. All right, support at

Unknown_16: I need my account deleted. I am miserable. I hate my life. Streaming makes everything so much worse. I'm sorry, John. You just wasted that, dude. I'm getting off, dude. I'm done streaming, dude. She makes everything so much worse and I am 100% positive that I want my account deleted.

Unknown_02: So, just a clarification, there's a guy who's obviously a fan of my stream named John Potter, and he is a super big pay pig to Bossman Jack. He juices him like $50.

Unknown_02: Every time I see him streaming, John Potter's in the chat juicing him. I hope that motherfucker juices me. I'm gonna name and shame John Potter. This motherfucker better be sending me the super chats, okay, for this quality entertainment. I am the one who showed you the boss ninja. Come on now, pass along. What's up with this?

Unknown_16: I had some awesome times over the years, but the non-stop harassment and losses on stakes have ruined my- Do I have to bang shit in order- look.

Unknown_02: Ah, fuck, I lost it all again, chat.

Unknown_02: Oh god, all the keys on my keyboard just smashed off. I forgot that I have a mechanical and now like half my keyboard is on the floor.

Unknown_02: Okay, we'll manage this anyways, Chet.

Unknown_02: Life.

Unknown_02: I want everyone to know... All the neckbeard droppings in my keyboard have bounced out and have scattered across my mousepad and now my entire thing is covered in crumbs.

Unknown_16: That I enjoyed y'all's company, but I am done doing this.

Unknown_16: I'm gonna show y'all the email. I'm gonna show y'all I'm sending it and everything, man. I'm showing y'all, man.

Unknown_16: I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, bro. I'm telling y'all I'm done, dude. I'm done doing this, dude. I just sent it, bro. It's done. It's done. I'm gonna delete my Discord right now.

Unknown_16: All right, guys. I hope y'all enjoyed. Thanks for so much for the support lately. Y'all are fucking awesome. No one subs anymore. No one fucking gives me money. No one does anything. No one does anything for me anymore. No one does shit for me anymore. No one does shit for me anymore, nobody. Nobody does shit for me. Nobody does shit for me, bro. I'm serious, none of y'all do shit for me anymore, dude. It's all loans that I pay interest on and it fucks me in the end, so. I'm fucking done, bro. I sent the email in, I already did.

Unknown_16: I already sent it in, bro.

Unknown_16: So y'all have a good one, bro.

Unknown_16: Y'all enjoy your fucking life, and you'll never see me stream again. Ever. I'm so- I'm so, so serious, bro. I am so, so serious. You guys will never see me live again, dude. I don't give a fuck, man. I'm done, dude. I don't care. I don't care anymore, dude.

Unknown_02: So, after announcing that he had sent that in, it remained dubious if he had indeed sent in that letter of resignation. Sorry, my keyboard is completely fucked. I'm still putting keys back on.

Unknown_02: It remained dubious if he had actually sent such an email. Many people assumed he had not.

Unknown_02: The next day, he gets felted again.

Unknown_02: I don't know what that pouring sound is. I assume it's like something he knocked over on his table.

Unknown_02: But then he goes out and says, I'm done. I am done streaming. I'm never going live another day in my fucking life. Fuck my life. I'd rather be dead. Everything is broken. Everything. My monitors, my mouse and keyboard. I am done. This was my rock bottom and I'm never streaming again in my life. Not another day. Not another stream. I am fucking done. I want to die. I don't want to be alive anymore. He then starts purging his mods in his chat.

Unknown_02: And so the a logs and rats took over and starts it make fun I'm saying not a single person out there buying me crack crock you can pay for electricity, but not for Derek Derek is his dealer So then out of nowhere I

Unknown_02: His account was banned, and this was a surprising change because it either meant one of two things. He had done something to break the rules, or he actually did send that email saying that he should be banned because it's making him miserable, and it's not entirely clear what. However, people do speculate that he was banned for this.

Unknown_02: He says, I needed that money. I needed that fucking money, man. I want to die. I want to fucking die.

Unknown_02: Can no one help me? Not a single person. Of course not, Austin. No one likes you, bro. Don't you get it? No one fucking likes or gives about you, bro. Just die. I want to die. I want to fucking die. Poos says call 1-800-GAMBLER.

Unknown_02: However, it is against the Kik terms of service to be suicidal.

Unknown_02: Literally, you cannot say on Kik or Twitch, I want to die, because if you do actually commit suicide on their platform, they are liable for it, and it will make them look bad. So the moment you say, and this is true on YouTube too, if you ever say on any streaming platform that you are suicidal, you will be banned immediately.

Unknown_02: Even on Facebook even written platforms if you post depressing thoughts about how you want to be dead you will be banned How does that help you it doesn't but it does reduce the platform's liability that is a that's a peak There's like a subreddit called like shitty dystopia or something or boring dystopia That is definitely like a boring dystopia type of thing you go on a platform say I want to die and then you get banned for it because they don't want to introduce any liability to hosting you saying that you want to die if you do actually commit suicide

Unknown_02: Very funny the banality of evil, you know die somewhere else bro. Come on now But yes, it was BAM so now we wait and see what is the next chapter of the Bossman Jack story And finally

Unknown_02: Before I do the Super Berries, I have a request and I will accept this request yet.

Unknown_02: Someone would like me to play a Kobz cooking video. Kobz's cooking has gotten worse. I've seen some clips of like the shit that he's making and it's genuinely vomitous. So for this very spooky Halloween episode, which I have to cut short because of my obligations, I will play

Unknown_02: Just for you, just in the spirit of Halloween, a, uh, Cobes cooking video.

Unknown_02: This is Nacho Slop Soup with King Cobes.

Unknown_02: Um... I guess I'll just let him explain. I'm not seeing this- oh god, it's already awful looking.

Unknown_09: What's up fellow YouTubers, it's your boy King Cobra. We're back at it with another video. We got some Flamin' Hot Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles.

Unknown_09: Oh, these are delicious.

Unknown_02: I do okay, so my chip of choice if I get like a little baggie of chips here are my two favorite chips And you may judge me for this. I will share with you them. I'll share with you them on the sacred day Okay, I like the sour cream Like the regular ones not the flaming hot because the flaming hot ones are like too chemically tasting to MSG tasting Oh, here's all my keyboard keys by the way, but I've organized them into a nice pile so we can I can play with them in my hands and

Unknown_02: And I like, um... I don't even know if they still make these, because it's been so long, but they're like, tostada, restaurant-style scoops, and then the restaurant-style salsa that's, like, more watery than, like, the regular salsa, I can easily put down, like, an entire bag of that shit with, like, three of those restaurant-style salsas. And the great thing about the rest of it, it's, like, all tomatoes, so it's not even that many calories, just for the salsa, but... Yeah, that shit's great.

Unknown_09: Oh, these are delicious. I'm gonna skip ahead a little bit past the chips.

Unknown_09: Okay, so he's put

Unknown_18: I wonder what kind of cheese comes is going to be putting in his nachos. Oh, oh, sharp cheddar, sharp cheddar chat.

Unknown_02: Wow. That's a really avant-garde choice out there in Casper, Wyoming. The sharp cheddar chat.

Unknown_09: Son of a bitch.

Unknown_02: You can't remove the plastic tab on the... You can't remove the child safety thing on the... There it goes.

Unknown_09: Yeah, we're gonna make ourselves some fuckin' nachos. We got our Flamin' Hot Ruffles, cheddar sour cream chips.

Unknown_09: Oh, dude, I didn't realize... Bro, listen, I know this is fucking gross. Here's a true story, and I'm going to share it again because it is a spooky Halloween, and I will share this personal story with you.

Unknown_02: In Europe Buffalo wings are not popular you can find them in some cities like American-style restaurants if you're very lucky But they're generally very hard to find any Mexican food or wings I have at various points in my life

Unknown_02: Ordered bottles of Frank's Red Hot Sauce and drank them, chat. I intended to make wings, I swear I did, but the vinegar called to me, chat, and I drank bottles of, like little sips at a time, not in like one sitting, chat, but I would take little sips of it over weeks and I would drink the sauce because it's so good.

Unknown_02: So, uh, suffer. I don't care, you can judge me all you want. You can judge me. Let he who has not drank hot sauce cast the first stone, chat.

Unknown_09: What do you mean fat five?

Unknown_18: What do you mean? There are zero calories. It's just vinegar. I can drink literally as much as I want.

Unknown_02: There is no energy value. I can drink tubs of that shit and I'll probably lose weight, motherfuckers. I'll be shitting my brains out.

Unknown_09: Throw some bacon bits in there.

Unknown_02: No, not the kind with butter. It's zero calories because it's just vinegar.

Unknown_09: Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce. Let's go. A little squizzle of that in there. Motherfucker.

Unknown_09: We're going to add some of this Buffalo Ranch Red Hot, Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Ranch seasoning on it.

Unknown_02: Well, I never called myself a normal person. I called myself an appreciator of Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Chat.

Unknown_09: That flavor right there, beautiful.

Unknown_09: Goddamn, these chips are delicious.

Unknown_09: Big ol' bowl of nachos.

Unknown_02: Mmm, fine. Since you're gonna all act all offended, I'll say I also drank peri-peri sauce from Nando's. That shit's also excellent, motherfucker.

Unknown_02: It's also zero calories, it's all vinegar.

Unknown_02: Why am I so full of piss and vinegar? I'm literally pure vinegar. My blood is vinegar. You pop me open, you can put it on chicken wings.

Unknown_09: Squish that down in there.

Unknown_02: Shout out to fellow sauce drinker, Metabolic Melody.

Unknown_09: You know it's gonna be a good bowl of nachos when we're adding the whole fucking container of bacon bits in there.

Unknown_09: Bacon bits!

Unknown_09: Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Sauce. Great for the wings. Or for like some delicious nachos.

Unknown_09: NACHOS!

Unknown_02: So as a Frank's Red Hot appreciator... That's gross.

Unknown_02: The Flamin' Hot... Yeah, that's a bit much. It's all gonna get all soupy and sloppy in there and shitty.

Unknown_09: Great for the wings. Or for like some delicious nachos. NACHOS!

Unknown_08: I like nachos! I like nachos, yes! Fat fat burger! Ha ha ha!

Unknown_08: I like nachos! I like nachos, YouTube!

Unknown_09: Ha ha ha ha! I do not drink hollandaise sauce. I'm gonna add some Tostitos salsa con queso. Add a layer of that on top.

Unknown_09: Add some damn queso to the top of these.

Unknown_02: He's already added so much cheese. What is that? That's really excessive.

Unknown_09: Got some of our sharp cheddar cheese.

Unknown_02: Yeah. Oh, more cheddar. Oh, we now know who buys all that fucking cheddar at Walmart. It's people like this. They need entire bags of shitty American cheddar cheese to complete their nachos.

Unknown_09: Yeah.

Unknown_19: More Franks. Good choice.

Unknown_19: No, I don't drink ketchup, it's gross.

Unknown_09: That's a bowl of nachos.

Unknown_02: There's no vinegar in ketchup either.

Unknown_09: With a sprinkle of this Buffalo Ranch seasoning blend from Frank's Red Hot Seasoning.

Unknown_02: Josh is a hot sauce bottle licker. That's a good one.

Unknown_09: Just a little sprinkle on top will do ya.

Unknown_18: What's he adding?

Unknown_18: I like nachos!

Unknown_09: Ha ha ha! We're gonna microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it!

Unknown_08: Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it!

Unknown_09: Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it!

Unknown_08: Microwave it! Microwave it!

Unknown_02: Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it!

Unknown_09: Microwave it! Microwave it! Microwave it

Unknown_02: Liquid smoke. Interesting choice.

Unknown_09: Do you like Frank's red hot sauce? I do. Their buffalo wing sauce is my favorite.

Unknown_02: Same, bro.

Unknown_09: Not a sponsor.

Unknown_02: Actually, I think, yeah, I like the buffalo wing one.

Unknown_09: Making nachos ain't exactly rocket science.

Unknown_02: Uh, general warning, do not stare at a microwave when it is cooking. Uh, it does say that in the instruction manual, not to sit there and stare at it. In case you're wondering.

Unknown_09: People! I'm gonna microwave it! I'm gonna melt that damn cheese!

Unknown_09: Big ol', big ol' bowl of... A big ol' bowl of nachos!

Unknown_09: Now we're watching it, make sure it don't overflow.

Unknown_09: Oh, we Googled in. Okay, he's still sitting there staring at it.

Unknown_02: Yeah. Nachos! He's getting closer. You know, it will ding when it's ready. Unless you're making... I don't know, YouTube, if that cheese is melted on there enough.

Unknown_09: Eh, I'll give it a little bit longer.

Unknown_09: One minute left.

Unknown_09: One minute till we got nachos. I need our gloves for this.

Unknown_02: You're not supposed to, it like, it microwaves your fucking eyeballs. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to stare at a mic. I'm going to look this up. Bing, tell me Bing. Hold up, my keyboard's busted. Bing, are you, should you look into a microwave while it is on?

Unknown_02: No! You shouldn't open the microwave door while it's on for even a second. No. I didn't say, I said look.

Unknown_02: According to a clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor of ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University, it is safe to look inside a microwave while it is cooking.

Unknown_02: Okay. I guess I'm wrong.

Unknown_02: Kobes is allowed to press his face directly against the glass and stare at his nachos spin around without any risk to him whatsoever.

Unknown_09: Look at these nachos!

Unknown_09: YouTube, you might need a fork for these delicious sons of bitches. But look at those damn nachos! Oh yeah! All that cheese in there, let's go! Grab our fork.

Unknown_09: Kinda stir it around a little bit. I mean...

Unknown_02: It doesn't look good, but there's no cockroaches in it, so this is not the worst thing he's made. I mean, it's pure cheese. I mean, cheese and clothes. Oh, he's so hungry for it, look at it. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Unknown_18: Hot. Yeah, no shit.

Unknown_09: Oh, fresh out of the microwave, hot. Yeah.

Unknown_09: I think it's cheesy goodness, because you can't pick up these chips like nachos like you normally would.

Unknown_09: See that right there? All them bacon bits and that cheese dangling off the end there. Yes, sir.

Unknown_02: I really... Ah! No. I don't want to be subjected to the eating sounds.

Unknown_02: And then Cobes eats the slop and...

Unknown_02: It's very good, and he likes it a lot. What a crazy story. What a crazy guy enjoying his nachos.

Unknown_02: British cuisine. Bro, not even K. Not even K makes this shit.

Unknown_02: For one, there's too much seasoning in this food for it to be K's. A little bit too much seasoning.

Unknown_02: Well, awesome. What a nice send-off. Thanks, Cobes. I hope he enjoyed his nachos, and I hope you all have learned a valuable lesson about how Frank's Red Hot Sauce is very good and tasty, and how American cheese sucks.

Unknown_02: Um, on that note...

Unknown_02: I think we're done for this very spooky Halloween, so I didn't have anything special plan, but I did I got the low-tech stream done on On the 13th, that's what really matters. I gotta do one one every October. That's my new as my new budget for myself Crazy time all around very exciting stuff. I have a lot of optimism for the future

Unknown_02: I will I'm sorry that my schedule has been so crazy recently Like literally everything is fucking nuts right now, and I can't even get into it. It's just pain in my ass But thank you for hunting down the stream to watch it live. I appreciate it And with that a very final a final spooky green background I like the green that I found last time. Where is it I?

Unknown_02: Is this one? Oh, yeah, that's fucking spooky guys. Oh, yeah And I will start with the super chats on rumble

Unknown_02: I'm team ado for one says you chose chainsaw sicko massacre for the new intro over the HMWH song shameful I don't do lyric songs on the intro because I have to talk over them I used to do two songs, but now I just do like one no lyric song usually for the intro and then one with large for the outro and The the issue with the HMWH song is it's like very tech now and very long so I don't know I can't really play it for a song however, I will just chill it I guess as least I could do

Unknown_02: not this one. If you go to their channel, uh, Hardman working hard on YouTube, it's just called Hardman working hard. Um, they've released a new song called doom scrolling, which I'll play like a second.

Unknown_02: It's about doing scrolling on the internet. It's it's a very long song though And I generally don't play any songs that are longer than like four minutes. Um, so this would is excluded It's pretty good though. Just not really my thing Hyper ninja for five it says Sweet emoji chocolate bar emoji lollipop emoji. Uh-huh. I think he is alluding to trick-or-treats chat. Thank you hyper ninja

Unknown_02: Cloutin snare for $100 who I don't think has ever super chatted before. I don't recognize that name Kind of curious This is an anime avatar. I can't see it very well. No, it's a cat avatar. Thank God He says have a hund. Yeah ed my snubba. I drink some Jaeger pister for you. Go get them rats

Unknown_02: Don't know what that mean I know what a Jaeger is Jaeger is good though Anyone who doesn't like black licorice isn't white as far as I'm concerned Thank you very much, I appreciate it at least covers my overalls and the cost of shipping them to a foreign country

Unknown_02: Thank you Casting couch crab pretends as happy Halloween the crab of the day is the ghost crab. Well, that's very fascinating Thank you casting crouch couch crab Happy Halloween to you, too Base or anything for once is for dinner Ziggy's having Liz's amputated dong. Here's your supper pal. Don't feed Ziggy that slop He's used to a different kind of slop Liz's dongus would kill him

Unknown_02: Debugster1 says, Jersh is going to unleash his inner Kramer and say, neighbor. No, not today. Not today. I'm restrained. I'm peaceful. I'm a, I'm an ambient flow mode right now.

Unknown_02: Um, oh fuck. No.

Unknown_02: My rumble tab just closed.

Unknown_02: Oh, I'm completely felted. Cause now when I reload it, they're all, all the super chats are going to be gone.

Unknown_02: I'm going to find rumble. I'm gonna find their headquarters. I'm going to march through the fucking door. I'm gonna kick it open I'm gonna bitch slap whoever the fuck I find in there. How?

Unknown_02: How how do they?

Unknown_02: Let me let me guess it's been months and months since I first started complaining about this. Let me see Rumble rants I see the rumble rants and then I click it and I see my own stream and

Unknown_14: I'm so pissed.

Unknown_14: I cannot fucking believe that they don't have

Unknown_02: A way to see Super Chats once the- Still! Still, it's been a fucking year! It's been not even a year, it's been like two years since Rumble came out, and the most basic feature a person could possibly fucking want is a way to see Super Chats that is consistent and historic so you can pull it up however the fuck you want and scroll through it, and they still don't fucking have this!

Unknown_14: That is unbelievable.

Unknown_14: All you have to do is store them in a different fucking tab. Bro.

Unknown_02: They have, like, all this information about how I can view, like, who superchats the most and see, like, my biggest whales and shit, but they don't have a way to actually see the fucking messages. You just have, like, metrics about who paypigs and shit, and it's like they can't show the actual messages which people are paying for. That's un-fucking-believable, man. Can someone please scroll up and screenshot all the fucking superchats and post them in the Math Internet thread for me? Because otherwise, those people are just fucked. It literally, there were so many chats or whatever, I got a sig kill on my, on my, uh, tab. It closed the tab for me because there was so much shit on the screen, which is normal. You just refresh it when, you know, lots of stuff is happening. Unless the fucking thing doesn't keep track of the super chats.

Unknown_14: Okay.

Unknown_02: I guess I'll go over to the fucking, um, the odyssey, but if someone could, I would really appreciate it. Somebody could find it. Good super chat or to screenshot it for me.

Unknown_02: Um, my new channel for five says I want to be one of the cool kids who donates before the stream even starts I'm predicting for this stream that oddest need buffers null is needed at least once and rumble chat is full of homosexuals You might even get a big I internet moment, too. Oh, you're completely off on all that shit I didn't I I aced this one until the fucking rumble thing crash Neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable kiwi daimo if your website ever bites it permanently. I recommend sending gossip via pigeon I will name mine Hattori

Unknown_02: And he has sent me a picture of a pigeon with a Naruto headband thing, which is actually kind of cool. This is a nice picture That's a very nice pigeon, bro. Thank you Sockpuppetsandfor25 says Josh, please watch my spooky video.

Unknown_14: Thank you Okay, what is this?

Unknown_02: Slob and bad homestuck cosplay spits in a bucket in public plays. Bro, I will watch like 20 seconds of this.

Unknown_02: Is this a reference to like the, the, the, the, the book or the comic or whatever? Were they like, is Nick cage formed by people spitting into a bucket?

Unknown_15: Apparently this is a reference to the book.

Unknown_02: That's very gross.

Unknown_02: I don't want to see any of this. It's making me nauseous.

Unknown_02: Thank you.

Unknown_02: Sockpuppetsm420 says, hey Josh, please watch the spooky video. Thank you. And it's a different video this time.

Unknown_02: And this time it's a werewolf. Okay, let's watch this.

Unknown_10: My name's Evan, and I'm a teen werewolf.

Unknown_10: And go ahead and laugh and make fun of me, but I believe all of us have something supernatural mixed in us. But you wanna know what I'm getting sick of? I'm getting sick of getting made fun of, Josh.

Unknown_10: Like when I walk in to class late, and the teacher will ask why I'm late, and before I can answer, Josh will be like, because you got done sucking Daffy Duck's dick!

Unknown_10: That's really funny, Josh.

Unknown_00: Yeah, because my lipstick's black.

Unknown_10: That's really funny. Yeah, I jumped through the TV and... Sucked Daffy Duck's dick, Josh. That's what I did.

Unknown_00: Too bad you got sent to ISS.

Unknown_10: Fag.

Unknown_10: And then you'll take out, you'll, you'll get the classmates around and be like, quick, somebody get my silver so I can slay the werewolf.

Unknown_02: Well, hey, Josh, look, I have silver. Look. Josh in this universe also needs silver, but this, but he just wants to slay werewolves instead of the federal reserve. That's very base. Josh's are, are synced together. Dying. Am I?

Unknown_10: And then you'll pretend to get fake phone calls from Van Helsing and tell him to come in the classroom and kill me? Well, you know what, Josh? I'm tired of you. I'm tired of you.

Unknown_10: And then you call me Edward Scissorhands? Well, hey, look, I brought some scissors this time, Josh. Now, look, I'm really Edward Scissorhands.

Unknown_02: Yeah. Don't fuck up your dad's plans. Is this a joke?

Unknown_02: I'm Twilight fan. Alpha werewolf is tired of being persecuted for being a supernatural being.

Unknown_10: You want me to carve you something? Huh?

Unknown_10: And you know what my mom did? Because I told her I was going to make fun of her, she bought me an Xbox 360, saying I need to blend in with normal teens. Well you know what mom? I brought that Xbox 360 that you got me. And it's right here.

Unknown_10: It's right here mom.

Unknown_10: No.

Unknown_10: And you know what? I don't want to play X- Don't smash the hex box. I don't want to fit in! I just want to be a Team Werewolf!

Unknown_02: God!

Unknown_02: It is a bit cuz he didn't want to actually smash his Xbox. He just kind of whacked it against the tree I call you out teen werewolf. You were too afraid to smash your hex box a real alpha Chad giga werewolf would would smash the hex box without any with any apprehension whatsoever Hmm Okay, um, Slav Power and, uh, Dixieland Buckaroo have screenshoted the superchats for me, I appreciate it. Okay, I'll finish the, uh, the rumblechats first.

Unknown_02: Finno-hungarian and peerless for five says just say no you weren't streaming audio to Odyssey the entire time also your chat aggregator has been scraping Odyssey chat it keeps breaking but um someone figured out that web sockets can be directly harvested on I think rumble Odyssey and Kick so I'm gonna have to rewrite the chat thing a little bit so that it just uses the web sockets and that should be way leaner I have there's a lot that I want to do I've been working hard on

Unknown_02: I've been working on a serious quality of life upgrade to the Kiwi flare Which I'm going to launch at some point when I wake when I wake up When I see that the chat or the site is not so busy because whenever I look at chat or at the site recently It's been pretty busy, but yeah, I will fix that I promise it's all it's literally on my to-do list There's a lot of show I want to do

Unknown_02: The president Nintendo for one says T and D forever, which I believe means total Nintendo domination forever He's very happy about Nintendo Sock puppet Sam for five says Josh you dumb faggot look at the deli cheese section on the Randy Starr grocery store The wise markets a normal grocery store chain They have fresh cheese in the deli so that the food stampers are segregated from the normal folk in the ticket line You are a sawdust eater Anytime I see

Unknown_02: Remember seeing like deli stuff in the US? It was the same shit. Like they didn't even have like mortadella.

Unknown_02: Remember coming home from Australia because my Australian roommate was a foodie and he Vinnie by the way Now internet famous for her being sued He showed me the joys of mortadella and raisin bread raisin cinnamon raisin bread is like something they sell in Australia That's really fucking good and I ate a ton of it.

Unknown_02: I Also started getting deli meats and stuff while I was there and I come back to the US and the deli section sucks ass I

Unknown_02: And I know Mortadella is me, I'm just saying that they don't have a really good comprehensive deli section unless you go to like a special store. And not every place has that in the US, unless you want to travel like an hour to the city if you're in the sticks.

Unknown_14: All right, where was I?

Unknown_02: Lieutenant Razchack says, I stumbled across some autistic block game drama. Most people are focusing on three spergs while ignoring this one degenerate furry.

Unknown_02: Um, or CQs, a I A Q U. This video is not available anymore.

Unknown_14: CQZ. Oh, there's a Y there.

Unknown_14: It's very good.

Unknown_14: This video isn't available anymore.

Unknown_02: CQY is an L instead of a capital I. Thanks, Rumble. I like fonts that are indistinct. Aha! I've cracked it. Okay, 645. Or 624. Very good!

Unknown_00: rate my discord. I find that funny considering the amount of sexual things that is said in Staz Wally's discord, a discord filled with minors with children. There is sexual things said in there. Not only that, but there is a person in that discord. I've had so many people report quote unquote report this person to me, a person that goes by the name of Nick Star Fox. This guy is like a furry or something and I mean his profile picture is like inflation porn type porn, inflation porn. In this discord with minors, he's got like 4,000 messages in Stazwali's discord. So many people have complained about him to Stazwali and he always turns a blind eye or he tries to pivot the conversation and tries- I don't know what this is.

Unknown_02: Bro, if you're like sending me like a 45 minute long expose about a block game drama, I cannot help you in the middle of the stream. If you wanna like try to like get me to look at it, you should post like an actual explanation on the forum. Sorry, I like, I don't get it. Yeah, I'm sure that a bunch of, I'm sure that a discord is filled with fucking retards and also children and also sex pests. Everyone is.

Unknown_02: Debugs Ron says there's no ice in Florida that explains all the Cubans very clever Debugs Ron says sir you bloody bastard bitch sir yes, but you thank you Cuddlebone provides as Richard Rowntree best known as shaft has recently died in his honor in honor of his work as a breast cancer survivor raising awareness you should remind your male viewers to get any strange lumps checked Well, isn't October Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the U.S.? Sirs, check your tittums, and if you have any lumparonis, get them checked out by a professional breast inspector.

Unknown_02: Not a random guy on the street. Thank you, Cuddlebone. Foxes provides us Toy Story Aliens the claw.

Unknown_02: I have no idea what that's, oh, I guess he's referring to Jack Scalfani's hands, how it's like curled up in a weird way.

Unknown_02: Thank you Schneedo for ten says that spider-man flag mix-up reminds me of this and then there is a cat box link Which I'll try my best to type o e f l y e m p foe and I don't have keys on half my keyboard right now, so see if I can get this I

Unknown_11: I think that's an Indian one. And the stripes go horizontal.

Unknown_18: But you'd recognise a Union Jack if it was that way.

Unknown_11: Horizontal. Hold on a minute. Would you agree that what he's done is that flag?

Unknown_11: Of all the countries you in particular could have selected, what you've done, Richard Hammond, is paint on your Mini the flag of Mexico. God, I am, don't I?

Unknown_02: That's obviously the Mexican flag. Is that supposed to be the Indian flag?

Unknown_02: That's not the Indian flag at all. It's not since like yeah, he fucked it up That's completely wrong. I thought that it was supposed to be the Mexican flag um

Unknown_02: Judy Tester for three says, Hi Josh, if you leave a slice of nice cheese on a paper towel overnight, what happens to it? Also, if you ever go to Chicago or Milwaukee, you should go to the cheese castle. Well, this is called alchemy. A true story. If you leave a nice piece of cheese on the ground, uh, wrapped in a cloth, it will transmogrify into a mouse.

Unknown_02: That's called science, my dude.

Unknown_02: Um, yeah, I'm sure that Milwaukee has fucking cheese. I'm just saying that the average American does not have access to quality meats or cheeses. Okay.

Unknown_02: Gormless wendigo for five says Josh. I gave the hamster a bit of pizzazz. Is he spiffy or what? Sorry, if this is cropping is weird. It's what he does that counts. I Mean, okay. Let me see All right. I'm trying to take blinks with like the little stubs that my My key should theoretically plug into

Unknown_14: Assuming that he's gonna lick the bottle The cropping is weird Oh, no, this is like a trap the way that the cropping is wearing that's a trap for sure Yeah, I don't see it doing anything that image is a hundred percent of trap it's like a giant image of

Unknown_02: yeah I got you motherfucker uh-huh uh-huh yeah yeah try to get one over me try to get one over me rat a little ratatouille rat nice try motherfucker

Unknown_02: Sneeds feed and seed formerly suck and fuck for five says happy Halloween and happy Halloween to you, too. Oh What was it? What was it? I'll give you a hint it gets donated every single fucking stream except this stream. That's what happens Nice try though and happy Halloween to you too my friend

Unknown_02: TurboNeilBreen42 says, uh, Grandpa's Cheese Barn kicks all of Europor's ass. I've never even heard of Grandpa's Cheese- Is that like a store, or are you literally referring to your Grandpa's Cheese Barn?

Unknown_02: I've never heard of it either way. Yeah, I'm sure that's why super white areas of the country have fucking Walmarts and nothing else, and the Walmarts have nothing but the saddest food imaginable.

Unknown_02: Cope and Sneed, motherfucker. Sneedo for once says, rip Ukrainian keyboard. Dude, this keyboard, I've had it, um, for a long time now, and I'm gonna be sad to get rid of it. It's, it's the one that's, uh, acrylic and, uh, or Cyrillic and, um, and Latin.

Unknown_14: Uh, Space Allen for 20 says, happy Halloween, I hope you enjoy your fancy cheese party or whatever.

Unknown_02: I will, thank you. It'll be the best fucking cheese. It'll be that fancy, uh, spicy goat cheese. Let's serve it along. You know for once is context for the art post by being a at twitch con you already have consented to being recorded in photographs So you can't complain someone takes a photo or video of you in your booth. I Did not know that you really should should have been included in the description, but I mean it's bullshit if you're running a tent with art It's bullshit to complain about people advertising your fucking tent. I mean like hey cool. You know what cool art Like why would you not want that?

Unknown_02: The gormless wendigo that's already read that I

Unknown_14: Judy tester for one says don't worry Josh. I sent my super chat again It's a picture of I think Shaq from the ruffles bag Saying if only you knew how bad things really are and really if only you knew I'm sure that MSG bold.

Unknown_02: He said great. Oh

Unknown_02: Twinkle tard for $100 says grats on maybe getting a bank account. Happy Halloween big guy. Thank you very much I'm super dude. I'm super stoked. I feel I feel the stars aligning They keep trying to roll my boulder back down a hill, but it's too fucking bad by the way I have a special gift for everyone who's stuck through the super chats I forgot something about for the stream, and I'll be playing it in a second

Unknown_02: Fox just revises Milwaukee also has pepperoni. I hear Fetrick makes it freshens basement, dude I've heard great things about the marbling and the basement pepperoni coming out of Milwaukee these days. It's really legendary Blackstar sneak provides his first time juicing boss man confirmed. His band is five days. Also, please show this it was just posted Okay, let's see

Unknown_02: Yeah, he confirmed it was seven set like a week for a suicide beating or some shit am I playing this picture or

Unknown_02: In BossmanJack's Discord, Martin asks, we all know you're a rat, want some cheese? And then Bossman confirms, we got all sorts, swiss and cheddar. Oh yeah, even BossmanJack in Central Virginia knows that there are two kinds of cheese available for the rats. So don't you tell me that the average American has access to this assortment of wonderful European cheeses, because it's bullshit, chat, and you fucking know it, and you can cope and sneed all you want about it, but I'm right, you're wrong. Many such cases.

Unknown_02: Davius Dave, for once, says, Oklahoma, number one. That may be the case. If I get a bank account, I might have to say good things about Oklahoma for once. Um, and that's it for the rumble. Uh, however, the stream is not over. I'm going to pull up something. I intended to, uh, talk about this live, but, um, I did not put this in my notes correctly. This is a little bit of extra for everyone who stuck around. I have.

Unknown_02: some jim sterling to talk about everyone's everyone's favorite james stefani sterling uh he has some things he'd like to talk about and i would like to give him a platform

Unknown_01: Content warning, by the way, for upchuck references. And, well, I guess we could call it medical body horror. So, this weekend, had a wrestling booking, was traveling with a friend and colleague who I quite like. So, like, I was trying to be, like, hot and sexy at him for most of the day. I'll let you know how that ended up. Later that evening, I threw up all over his bathroom because the HRT I'm currently on has convinced my body that it's pregnant.

Unknown_01: Fun.

Unknown_02: How embarrassing that Jim Sterling got pregnant before June. Come on, what is this?

Unknown_01: Brendan Roomey comes home, sees me walk out the bathroom in just my bra because I had to take my top off because it was getting in the way while I was doing cleanup. And he sees me and then looks around and just says to our friend, have you two been shagging? And I said, no, actually, I do believe I've just fucked that up. By the way, I owe both of you new toothbrushes.

Unknown_01: swing and a miss.

Unknown_01: By the way darling...

Unknown_02: I like how in England it's just assumed to be normal that you would ever fuck Jim Sterling.

Unknown_01: ...hitting the like button on some truly heinous and hateful so- If someone was hitting the like button on some truly heinous and hateful social media posts and then, when called out, quietly and surreptitiously started unliking them, I think I'd have less respect for that person than I would an outspoken scumbag fascist. At least the one actively mouthing off has a measure of tangible conviction. Don't get me wrong, fucker would be a Nazi, fucker would deserve to have his skull punched in, but you know, there'd be some vertebrae under that cranium. But no, to hold those opinions and go far enough to support their publication, but worm away the moment you face the slightest bit of heat for it? That's just...

Unknown_02: You hear that? Don't be a silent Nazi, be a loud Nazi, because this man is going to murder you either which way, but it's better to live on your feet than die on your knees, chat. I just think that's the other way around. It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

Unknown_14: But both are true, actually.

Unknown_02: Um, okay. So he's reviewing a game called stray souls, which is apparently a really, really terrible game, but he's just complaining about it because it's a bad game made by a transphobe. So he extra super enjoys making fun of it.

Unknown_01: Oh, hello. Uh, just, uh, playing peekaboo, uh, between his legs and who doesn't like a little bit of bendy crotch peekaboo.

Unknown_01: The whole thing is just an absolute disaster, just a fucking state. And there we go.

Unknown_01: It's a bad game, basically, one that serves a fine example of just how little it can mean when you attach a famous name to your project. Yamioka's involvement was the most likely reason anybody had even heard of it. It was enough to make the game newsworthy, but he's the music guy. Not the visual artist, not the animator, not the director. The only thing his involvement could directly promise was a decent soundtrack, which, yeah, that is about the only decent thing it has.

Unknown_02: It's called stray souls, and it's supposed to be like an old-school style. Oh fuck. I just fuck it up It's supposed to be like an old-school style Like horror game, but it sucks

Unknown_01: that is about the only decent thing it has.

Unknown_02: BEYOND. He's talking about how the game sucks, right? But he has a suggestion, I think. Oh yeah, okay, this is why I clipped this. So he has a suggestion. Don't play this shitty retro style horror game, because it's shit and made by a transphobe.

Unknown_01: That, nothing about his name value can stop straight souls being fucking shit. Before we continue, let me offer an alternative.

Unknown_01: What the fuck did you just say? I tried to say alternate and alternative at the same time.

Unknown_01: Before we continue, let me offer an alternative horror game that I think stands in stark contrast. Sorry, we're closed.

Unknown_02: This is a real horror game, Chad, get ready.

Unknown_01: To which released a demo on Steam a few days ago, is looking fantastically promising. Described to me as Queer Silent Hill, which is obviously why I checked it out, its demo shows off a damn good bit of survival horror that impressively treads the line between retro and bloody playable. seems a fantastic antithesis to Stray Souls. I mean, sorry we're closed at least doesn't have an AI generated picture of Bryan Cranston with fucked up hands. Yes, Stray Souls uses AI art. This is something we're going to have to brace for a lot in games going forward, and if we want to keep that vile poison out of the medium, we're going to have to be just as relentless in our rejection of it as we were with NFTs.

Unknown_02: He complains about how AI art should not be allowed and how it's a remix and inherently AI art steals art and he complains about that for like eight fucking minutes. I want to go back to him whining about transphobia.

Unknown_02: Fun fact, Jim Sterling aggressively uses these splices of old cartoon stills throughout his video, and you might notice that those old cartoon stills are at a really high resolution, with a little bit of unnatural line art through them. And that's because he's using upscaled versions of old images So what he's doing is that he's taking a machine learning model And he's passing through an old small image and the machine learning model basically redraws it at a higher resolution So while condemning AI art as being theft He literally is stealing frames from these old cartoons and then using AI to enhance them to a level where it's presentable at 1080p fun fact

Unknown_01: Beginning of this video was about the game's director and overall creative lead, Artur Leksgarsky, who indeed had been liking a bunch of racism and transphobia online before it was noticed by folks, eventually being picked up by longtime horror game critic Bobsvids. Artur particularly seems to hate queer representation, naturally agreeing with the political wedge that is banning trans people from sports, and joining the throng of tiresome wankers who try, about the slightest bit of non-cis head acknowledgment in Naughty Dog games. How trite. It's funny that despite being on estrogen, progesterone, and spirolactone, I've got more balls than Artur Olekskowski will ever have, since he hasn't had the nerve to either voice or stand by his opinions. Rather, we should say the opinions he's tried to quietly, meekly agree with. You know, like John Blow. Anyway, the moment he was called out, rather than own his shit opinions, he folded like a house of spunk-soaked cards and started unliking stuff. All on the hush-hush of course. At the time of writing, neither he, Jukai, or the platforms that have been selling and advertising Stray Souls have had the nerve to say anything about it. I'm not carrying all this shit with my bare hands. It's just a layer cake of fucking cowardice.

Unknown_02: There you go, chat. Never, ever give them what they want. They will never be satisfied. Just say it, chat. Um, okay. That's it. That's the Jim Sterling shit that I wanted to play. I didn't get around to. Um, uh, holy hell for two says happy Halloween, Josh. You are my nibba as always. Thank you, my dude. I appreciate it.

Unknown_02: And I'll see it rumble just real quick, just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Unknown_02: No, that's it. Okay. Um, I have a very special song picked out, uh, that I like that's spooky and German. I didn't know what else to play. Um, I assume I could, I think I play, this is Halloween every year. Uh, but you know, Germans also scary. So I'll play that. I have probably have to cut this out of the podcast suite because it is, um, a famous song, but I'll see you guys on Friday. Take it easy. Happy Halloween. Uh, see you later. Let me turn the color off and then, uh, and we're done.

Unknown_02: Buh-bye!

Unknown_06: It is a beautiful day. Flying in the sky, colorful dragons. Boats are swimming on the lake. We could do so much. We don't want to miss anything. Don't want to miss anything. But you just lie on the wet bed. Get up!

Unknown_06: Es wär schade, Zirkus ist heut in der Stadt. Bitte zeig mir alle Tiere, hol mir Eis und Limonade. Wir wollen nichts versäumen, steh doch auf, wir haben Spaß. Doch du bleibst einfach liegen, Augen offen wangen.

Unknown_06: foreign Peace!