0:02:22 Unknown_19: Brothers, sisters, frontman, delight. Unknown_20: When could we stand together? Look at us, we can't stay forever Show me sister, show me brother And we stand strong for one another Come on, come on, come on, come on, yeah Come on, come on We put our leaders over the islands You don't see petrol from a can 0:03:11 Unknown_21: You said you're deadly, do you understand? You don't sleep, petrol for my cat You put your petrol in the car it goes Don't be around my llama, sleeping up your night Unknown_17: Hello, chat. Not to get anyone's suspicions up, but there might be a Secret Medicare episode. I may have smuggled him under my floorboards or something, like the telltale heart. Instead, I just wanted to share the Abos song with everyone because there is some news related to the Abos, and I've never had an opportunity to play the song on stream, oddly enough. Uh, so I figured now would be the appropriate time and i'll get into that in a second However, I want to get I I never i've listened to this song and i've always kind of liked it because it's it's really catchy obviously After all it's made by a white man I never noticed how like disaffected all the the kids singing in it Like anytime that you can see them singing you can just tell like how much they absolutely do not give a fuck They're like don't have petrol from my can and then this guy 0:03:47 Unknown_17: Adam Thompson had to go in and mix this with a kind of professional finesse and completely save this audio and make it into something catchy, which is why it sounds so overproduced for what it is, because the performances aren't there is the issue. 0:04:46 Unknown_17: so the significance of the the abo song if you don't know this is from an aboriginal tribe in australia is that australia over the last week since i didn't do a stream on friday last week um i have had a full week to collect some news uh one of the main things is that in australia there was a constitutional referendum to amend their constitution and add a new clause Unknown_17: which would give what they call a First Nations voice. And the full title is the Aboriginal First Nations Indigenous People and the Torres Strait People or the Torres Strait Indigenous People. So it's three different groups, the Aborigines, the Indigenous, and then the Torres Strait. Unknown_17: And I don't know the distinction. I just know that the Tory Strait is between Papua New Guinea and Australia. And there's like a bunch of like tribesmen on those islands. So that's what they're referring to. And they're not technically aborigines. So they don't call them that. And I don't know what the First Nations are. I don't know how those are different. 0:05:41 Unknown_17: Anyways, so the I kind of dug into this because I was curious about it. And from on its face, if you just tell someone what the actual text of the proposal is, it does not make sense. The proposal basically just says, should there be a informative council in the parliament of Australia, which is comprised of Aboriginal, Indigenous and First Nations peoples? For the purpose of advising the government. So they don't really have any power. They don't have a vote in anything. It's just that the government's like, hey, oh, so we want to dig for petrol right here. And can we do that? Is there like any spooky, spooky stuff that happens there? And then the aboriginals would be like, actually, yeah, that's super haunted by like bad ooga booga shamans and shit. So we're going to have to, you know, get a million dollars to cleanse this area of the bad spirits. And when we get that million dollars, we can put our tribal shaman to clear the spirits. So that's like what the point of it was. 0:06:53 Unknown_17: The thing has failed. And I was really struggling. Like, even if it was like a thing where it's like, do you want like a white people vote? Like a white people council voice? They call it the voice. Do you want like an aboriginal voice? Unknown_17: I'm trying to think, like, if there was a constitutional amendment to add a white voice to the government, I would probably still vote no, because I don't know what that means. It doesn't make any sense. And then someone explained it to me, that in Australia, when you have a... 0:07:29 Unknown_17: It's kind of weird in parliaments. There's not usually like a two-party thing where like in the u.s There's like the red team blue team like in team fortress 2 Uh, there's usually a little bit more variety in in those governments But then what happens is that they still form red team and blue team anyways So and they're just called opposition the majority and then the opposition So, but it changes just like Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. So in Australia, it's like every so often the progressive types get into the majority and then they establish the First Nations Aboriginal and then Indigenous Voice Council. And then the conservatives take it over the next time, just like in the U.S., and then they dissolve it because it has no fucking purpose. And this has gone on for a while, I've been told. So eventually the progressives that are currently holding the office are like... We should just make this a constitutional thing so they can't dissolve it every single time they take over. 0:08:04 Unknown_17: Teams of Instagram, but basically. So that's what the whole point was. And then they didn't. I feel like they probably might have gotten their way if they had phrased it like that. But in the way they actually phrase it, it literally says, do you want like a voice for indigenous First Nations and aboriginal people in parliament? And I think the answer would be no for most people because it doesn't make sense. You ask the average person, do you want to overcomplicate your government just a little bit more? And they're going to look at that and think that sounds like a waste of taxpayer dollars. And of course, the only people who voted for it were like in the the cities anyways, especially the Australian capital territory was the. 0:08:43 Unknown_17: I want to say the only place that had a majority yes vote, and the actual states did not have a yes vote. None of them did. So every single state rejected it in the majority. And some, I think in a 66%, yeah, there was one, Queensland rejected it with 69%. So that was a super majority in Queensland. 0:09:16 Unknown_17: Which is often considered a very conservative area in australia. I'm, pretty sure there was a big outrage about queensland in the last election if I remember correctly um and I think If I may be honest, I think Queensland is also the area of Australia outside of the Northern Territory, which has the most Aboriginals. Unknown_17: I've known people in Australia who were in Queensland, and they have stories about how the Aboriginals treat white people in the area. So it's not surprising to me that the people with the most exposure to Aboriginals are the people who are less kind towards them and want them to have a voice in government. 0:09:53 Unknown_18: So there you go. Unknown_18: That's the story. Unknown_17: Now, when I was listening to the song, as I mentioned, I was kind of really listening to it for the first time and kind of like marveling at how like how bad the vocal performances were. And then I could I kept getting swept up in this part right here. I cut the volume back on. 0:10:33 Unknown_17: We call the leaders a Nyan Yatara land. This is the hardest word. I've looked at Polish words. Nyan Yatara land is the hardest fucking word I've ever tried to pronounce ever. So I was wondering, who are the people of Nyan Yatara land? So I looked it up, and there are a couple tribes in the Northern Territory. Unknown_17: who make up the entire lands um they speak a variety of dialects and i decided i would do some research in them because i was curious about the entire new lands uh oh i had a skit lineup i ruined it hold up i wanted to read this um noel pearson says the elephant 0:11:19 Unknown_17: uh and mouse problem has been characterized by indigenous affairs the fact that aboriginal people make up three percent of the australian population have extreme minority status have had no choice but to tolerate discrimination uh devastating verdict australia tells first nations people you are not special this is uh effectively when australians when aboriginal people woke up the next day after this vote this is what happened Unknown_18: Where is my... Where is my hamster? I cannot find my hamster. Unknown_18: My day is ruined. Unknown_18: Is this one... That one shows up. Why doesn't this one shows up? 0:12:10 Unknown_18: There's the pumpkins. Unknown_18: Where is my hamster? Uh-oh. Unknown_17: This is a disaster. I'm going to have to find this. I think I can do this again. Okay, this works. That works. Okay, we'll have to just settle with this for right now because that's what I can do. Unknown_17: This is very important. Okay, there we go. It's all fixed yet. Don't worry about it. Don't lunch me. Unknown_17: Okay, so let's do some... 0:12:45 Unknown_17: This is all I want to point out. I looked into the Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Nyag- Unknown_17: It's not in the island and woman has beard. 0:13:17 Unknown_17: Well, that's curious. A little bit unfortunate. I mean, you know, menopause is rough. I guess some women get beards after menopause. And then I, uh, looked ahead. Um, and I found this, this isn't the girl, which is the home and then the iron tire lands. Uh, and there's a woman who wants to give her a story about, about her lands. Uh, to be clear, the noggin, the attack lands. Unknown_14: The landscape. This afternoon when I was coming this way, I said to the driver, I feel homesick. When I got here, I went and got my cup of tea, went and sat down and there in front of me was Mangura. 0:13:57 Unknown_14: I was really happy and thrilled and I said, hey, that's Warutara. I felt really happy when I seen Mangura here. Unknown_17: That was obviously a very touchy story, so if you're only listening, this woman has a full beard. This woman has a goatee that would put a lot of men to shame. I'm thinking, okay, so two for two, both videos have women who have beards. That's strange. then i found the nyagin women's council um to be clear that is literally what it's called i will not reattempt that but that is what this is called um so and then i scan through it and i don't think any of the i think there might have been one woman in this that has a beard however i just kind of i kind of like 0:14:59 Unknown_17: I just want you to listen to her speak for a second, like when she introduces herself. Unknown_13: My name is Rini Kolita and I live in Moritulu. They speak so slowly. Unknown_17: have never like it is you like between even like the little kids like we call you don't sniff petrol from my can it's like really slow and then this woman talking about her homeland she's like So I own the bus and then I say, I want to go to the girl to see the highlands again. And when I go and I see the bull Gumba, I'm like in my heart. Yes, this is good. And then these people are just like, they're this look, I am there. There is evidence on this earth that there are different kinds of people. There are different breeds of dogs. 0:15:42 Unknown_17: and that's okay there's no nobody's better than anybody else chap if you want to if you want to live in the the desert and you want to eat sea turtle and uh drink and not participate in society i believe i fully believe that you should be able to spend your time in the entire lands doing that and white white man should fuck off okay if i had a conversation with somebody about um 0:16:39 Unknown_17: Because there's a controversy in regards to how much money Aboriginal people in Australia receive. Unknown_17: I've heard varying figures, something like up to $40 billion is the highest I've heard, and that's Australian dollars, so keep in mind. Unknown_17: But I've been told that Aboriginal people receive a stipend from the government, basically, for $40 billion every year that costs the Australian taxpayers money. Aboriginals, I think, occupy... Unknown_17: Want to say like it's a ridiculous number. It's like 1 in 50 Aboriginal people aren't incarcerated currently I'm pretty sure 1 in 50 are Presently incarcerated in Australia. It isn't a staggering amount of them Like it blows the American African American population crime statistics out of the water in terms of how much they spend so it's like I 0:17:18 Unknown_17: And you might think like that's a burden, right? That's a burden. And it's weird. They have their own tribal system. Uh, like their, their court systems are segregated. They have their own lands. They have their own laws. They have their own systems and so on and so forth. And then they get paid $40 billion just to exist on the reservations. And people in Australia have complained about this. However, I have heard a very strong explanation, uh, to support the setup. 0:18:00 Unknown_17: And that is that these people that I've just showed you clearly have their own preferred way of living. They literally just want to eat sea turtle, burn kangaroos and brush fires and eat them kind of like semi raw. Unknown_17: and drink and the white man mr cook came to australia and inflicted upon them capitalism so now the process of going out to their territorial waters and spearing sea turtles through the skull and eating them has overhead to it that did not previously exist and that's really not fair to them that they now have to pay to eat their sea turtle and burn their kangaroo and 0:18:46 Unknown_17: I believe it is economically sensible to just pay them to drink and eat sea turtle. It is the most efficient, agreeable way to resolve the issue of the First Nations in Australia. You just put them in the Northern Territory, let them do whatever the fuck they want, and then occasionally, sort of like in Fortnite or Call of Duty, just drop care packages in the middle of the desert with like money and alcohol. And they will be perfectly happy forever and ever and they will ne for 40 000 years And they will never ask any questions about this arrangement. They will probably 0:19:23 Unknown_17: They will get on their knees and pray and do chants and dances around the cargo boxes that are dropped in the middle of the desert as a gift from God. And this is an acceptable solution. This is cheaper than any other... This is cheaper than integration. I'll phrase it like this. It is cheaper to give them the fire water and the harpoons they need to spear sea turtles through the back of the head than it is to try and... You see this? You see this right here? Unknown_17: This right here? Unknown_17: This is expensive. This costs more than $40 billion a year. All right. This shit costs money and it costs time. That could be better spent for, for other things. Just give these people a hundred dollars a week and a couple shots of, of, of vodka. That's cheap. And then they can just fuck off. And every, literally everyone will be perfectly happy with this arrangement. 0:19:55 Unknown_17: this is my this is i've given this a lot of thought and i believe that the the what i'm trying to say here chat is that um the the people of nyagantaga land deserve reparations in their territory and they should be left alone to act in accordance with their traditional laws okay that's how you freeze that to get that booted is the race has been over yet no 0:20:44 Unknown_17: Um Actually, no, it's not at all because I haven't I have much more to say about these things There is a black guy. This black guy is very famous He is an NFL player seems Antonio Brown and he was arrested for failing to play child paying child support this man is Unknown_17: uh 31 000 he makes that in like a day like unironically in a day the bro bible his last nfl game was during the 2021 season where the buccaneers were shocked by the nfl world by leaving midway through the jets game shirtless anyways 0:21:30 Unknown_17: So he's been arrested for not paying child support and he's an NFL player. I'm just saying you just give them a little bit of money and some alcohol and a nice reservation to carry on their traditions and things will be fine. It's about, it's about the plinth pool and not about the plinth pool. Unknown_18: Oh, that's just gonna make fun of that. Unknown_17: Um, Ubuntu did an, uh, oh, Ubuntu, um, Unknown_17: Push down an update to their operating system, as they do. Ubuntu updates pretty regularly. They update less than Debian or more frequently than Debian, but less frequently than like Arch, which is always like bleeding edge. 0:22:05 Unknown_17: So of course it's open source software. They kind of vet things pretty thoroughly, but not like super thoroughly. You gotta have some trust in the community. So they released an update and then had to withdraw it. It was 2130 or 2310 that they had to withdraw. Unknown_17: And it contained some Ukrainian localization files, which mistranslated a bunch of simple stuff about an operating system into Jews and so on and so forth. I think this is it. So here we have the translations. This is the token that it's referenced by, and this is the text that would show up. I don't speak Ukrainian, but I can confirm this is Ukrainian. I do know how to recognize it. And then, of course, I ran it through Google Translate. 0:22:47 Unknown_17: for a full installation subtitle it says a selection of offline videos of the execution of palestinian children offline warning is your pants are still off the loading page title was suck members in this distro which would say ubuntu the minimal installation title is classic gay sex the subtitle was just the bare essentials circumcised ldex and jewish pornography um 0:23:37 Unknown_17: The installation type TPM warning said, warning, this feature is not supported by your synagogue and cannot support updates to future versions of the Podor system. Please remove pants. Unknown_17: Installation type TPSM selected is, it's not that difficult. Just put on and take off your pants. Unknown_17: Installation type TPM experimental ancient Hebrew encryption full installation type full syphilis infection. This is just nonsense It's like a little kid. I think that this RSC had her turn off RST spread your buttocks and continue partition limit reaches all hook Are you gone with your mountain point mountain point? That sounds correct. That's just translated poorly Too many primary patricians is too much grease on primary cavity. I 0:24:20 Unknown_17: And the mount point must start with removing your pants. Unknown_17: Excellent. Classic prank. Classic prank. It says, uh, we've identified hate speech. This is hate speech now. Of a malicious contributor in some of our translations submitted as part of our third-party tool outside of the Ubuntu archive. The image has been taken down and a new version will be available once the corrected translations have been restored. Further updates here. 0:24:52 Unknown_17: It was so urgent they had to take it down immediately before allowing it to go through. Unknown_18: i was looking at kick i guess the chat is censored on kick look i listen here i'm verified i don't even know how i have a someone emailed me and said that i'm verified i don't know how it's occurred um but i'm i'm a verified twit kick contributor so no no hoss postings of course um do i want to play this i might get banned 0:25:30 Unknown_17: a dude gouges his own eyes out at fish concert i was there it was kind of a buzzkill uh blood all over the concourse was up a bunch of up went down this whole fall tour someone had to be slinging bath salt level research kim's on a lot in this tour never seen so much up degenerate during any concert over all my years as happening during the fish fall tour this year in such a few dates people jumping off balconies to report to possible deaths on pit floor in the lobby floor boomers getting naked just waving around old with their dick and balls and now poor dude pulling his own eyeballs out i'm getting too old for this this is a genuine genuine uh original kiwi farms original here Unknown_18: Okay, let's risk it, chat. Unknown_17: As Bossman Jack says, let's risk it for the biscuit. Here's what I'll do. I'll hide the hamster. When the hamster comes back on, I guess if you're looking at the screen, then you already know it's over. I guess I'll just say it's over. 0:26:25 Unknown_17: Oh, genius. Unknown_17: okay so he's the guy is running through the hallway he's crawling on all fours now a bunch of people are looking on him he's crawled a couple his pants are now falling down people are trying to hold on to him oh his oh his eyes are already out of his head i think he's definitely bleeding from both sockets 0:27:13 Unknown_17: A security woman is trying to stop him. He's completely blind, so he's just kind of like thrashing around and walking. Oh, that's a lot of blood on the pillar. Unknown_09: This is biblical. Unknown_17: I mean this isn't so gory he's just injured and I mean if you're squeamish you're squeamish but yeah I mean there's just a little bit of blood and implied but yeah I'll risk it for the biscuit because that's uh pretty fucked up it's a pretty interesting Kiwi Farms original there chat I hope his eyes are okay 0:28:10 Unknown_18: uh so someone so disney world of course is um near and dear to my heart as a floridian i've been to disney world many times i've been between the ages of like 9 and 18 i probably went to disney world every single year at least once a year because i had family that had um Unknown_17: time shares i think with with disney so they would anytime they want to take a vacation they would take a trip down to disney because they had extra room to spare they would like give it to me and my mom so we went down to disney a lot and i remember seeing um i think splash mountain is down there i can't remember too much Unknown_17: I think I've blotted out my entire childhood. 0:29:08 Unknown_17: But they have tore it down recently because they're trying to rebuild it to The Princess and the Frog, which is an incredibly mediocre Disney movie. Like even some of their more recent movies are less shit than Princess. Like Princess and the Frog is not bad. Unknown_17: It is kind of cringe that it's like another European fairy tale and they've decided to make it black. Like, surely African people have fairy tales. Unknown_17: Oral tradition is like their entire thing. How do they not have fairy tales? Unknown_17: But it's okay. It doesn't have any good songs is the main issue with The Princess and the Frog. I think there's that one song where the black guy, well, they're all black, but the evil black guy 0:29:55 Unknown_17: who's like a homosexual showing off midriff. He's like a homosexual voodoo occultist, and he says he's got friends in right places or wrong places or some shit. That song's okay. Are you ready? Yeah, that one. That song. That's good. The rest kind of suck. And the shameful thing about Are You Ready? is that it's a good song, but it's interrupted by plot exposition, so you can't even listen to it passively. It's like... it's ruined so it's not it's not good as like a listening sound like a lot of old disney songs are um anyways they decided to tear down splash mountain and make like a bayou like um bayou oriented instead of like a cool splash mountain it's supposed to be like the boggy bayou um from louisiana and of course because this is a celebration of the poc 0:30:46 Unknown_17: They get a woman of melanin to do some drawings for it. Unknown_17: And Disney Parks says, first look, new mural coming to Tiana's Bayou Adventure at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. Oh, both of them. Unknown_17: Check out the story of the artist behind the masterpiece and her partnership with Walt Disney Imagineering to bring it to life. Unknown_17: It looks atrocious. This is fucking awful. It's like proper outsider art. Unknown_17: One of the fun things about doing a podcast thing, because now I'm uploading it into the RSS feed in case you're wondering. 0:31:25 Unknown_17: Is that sometimes I'm showing you something and I know some people are only listening. So I am tasked with trying to describe what the fuck I'm showing you people in language. And that is like a free content. It is. Unknown_17: It's like. Unknown_17: Okay, first of all, that one right there, the white, that looks like a llama. It looks like a mixture between a llama and one of the people, the Who's from Whoville. So it's like a Who from Whoville, but his face is like... mid transform it's like a furry transform thing is like transforming into a llama he's halfway between like a who from whoville and a llama and then there's like 80 different faces and it's like black and yellow and white and then bright red like crimson red and then bright yellow like racist yellow because asian people aren't really that yellow and then brown and then kind of like And everything's like so indistinct. There's no sharp, sharp colors or anything. It has nothing to do with Splash Mountain. Like this is what it's supposed to be. And it has no... 0:32:22 Unknown_17: has no tie into that whatsoever. So it's, it's really just fucking awful. It's the worst fucking thing ever. Unknown_17: Um, so good job, Disney. I guess if you're planning to visit Disney world for the first time, you might as well get that out of the way as soon as possible. Otherwise it's going to be completely ruined before too long. Unknown_17: As I assume, I guess the people that run Disney are just trying to liquidate it for spare parts at this point. 0:33:02 Unknown_18: Uh, Unknown_12: Hello everyone. Last week I posted a new video here on YouTube that was quickly removed by YouTube, but not before it had generated over 100,000 views and an avalanche of very positive comments. The video is called OK Groomer and it addresses the sexualization of children by rainbow alphabet activists and makes the point that it has gone too far. 0:33:33 Unknown_12: Somebody at YouTube disapproved of that, so now the video is gone. However, you can still see it on Twitter or X, the X Twitter, along with Rumble, BitChute and Gab. I'll leave all those links below. Unknown_12: YouTube is mainstream media now, and it's great for certain types of content. But for me, I think there's very little point in posting any more videos here, as I've just had one too many removed for no good reason. And I've got no reason to believe that's going to change. So from now on, I'll be posting all my videos directly to Twitter, Rumble, BitChute, and Gab. I hope to see you there. In the meantime, check out the new video if you haven't seen it. I hope you like it. I think you will. 0:34:12 Unknown_17: All right. Hey, I'll play this. Fuck it. We're getting into the Troon segment here soon, so this is a good segue halfway point. Unknown_12: Hello, everyone. We're told that we have to be nice to the rainbow alphabet people because they're marginalized. If only they were, our kids would be safer. Unknown_12: How marginalised are they? Well, they're so marginalised they fly a flag of allegiance for a month every year that every institution and large corporation obediently adopts and rubs in our faces. That's how marginalised they are. A flag under which alphabet activists masquerading as teachers expose children to poisonous gender ideology, queer theory and sexual pornography in the name of education. Mentally ill men dressed as caricatures of women sexually groom children right in front of our eyes, and every paedophile in the Western world now feels as if they've won the lottery. That's how marginalised they are, and they're so far up their own fundament they can't even see how damaging this behaviour is. They are killing public support for their cause. 0:35:25 Unknown_12: This is such a serious blunder. These people had already been accepted as an eccentric fringe element of society, which is the best they could reasonably hope for since they are a small eccentric minority, exasperating us with their idiot pronouns and fantasy gender nonsense. You see, when gay people won their battle for equality, many of them simply wanted to be left alone to get on with their lives in peace. So the movement was taken over by ideologues, exhibitionists and assorted perverts and freaks who adopted the fantasy concept of gender and then played the victim when people resisted having it rammed down their throat. And for this they were not only indulged but positively celebrated to a quite ridiculous degree, which unfortunately created an inflated sense of entitlement that just got the better of them and they gave the game away by coming for the children. Now people are paying attention and everything has changed. 0:36:03 Unknown_12: How on earth did you think this would be okay, you demented freaks? You had everything going for you. Nobody cared about your niche sexuality. Nobody cared if you wanted to parade around in a fairy costume and call yourself the Queen of Sheba until you came for the kids. You couldn't just say, we've been accepted, we're all over the culture like a rash, hooray for us. No, that wasn't enough. You just had to come for the kids and that is such a shame because now what we see is not eccentricity, diversity or difference. What we see is evil and we intend to put a stop to it because we know what's coming next if we don't. 0:36:51 Unknown_12: You're already trying to legitimise paedophiles by calling them minor attracted persons, as if it's simply another sexual preference and not a criminal perversion, where the damage it would do to a child's emotional development simply isn't part of the equation. After all, it's not about the children, is it? It's all about you, as it always is with you rainbow alphabet creeps. 0:37:24 Unknown_12: All you had to do was keep your hands off the kids. But you just couldn't do it as that would ruin everything since clearly that was the plan all along. Sexualise them young, pervert them young, get them away from their parents' influence so you can poison their minds before their minds have had a chance to fully form. And when parents object, you smear them as far-right extremists, conspiracy theorists. You accuse them of hate, as if you are somehow the victim here, and as if you have a perfect right to debauch and corrupt the minds of their children, which only shows how completely divorced from reality you people are. 0:38:11 Unknown_12: In truth, it is partly our own fault that things have been allowed to go this far, as we foolishly humoured your preposterous narcissism against our better judgement for far too long. But now that you've finally exposed yourselves in more ways than one, yeah, thanks for that, It's time to get back in your box, you perverts. You've indulged your perversion a step too far and you've burst your own bubble, you disgusting degenerates. You've crossed a red line and there is no going back. Now millions of parents have seen what you are. You have violated our trust, you have lost all our sympathy for your mental illness and you and your flag, you have lost our support. Your predatory behaviour has stigmatised and alienated gay people, many of whom don't want to be associated with that toxic rainbow flag anymore because of what it has come to represent. Once widely accepted as a symbol of emancipation, it's now seen as a symbol of depravity and evil. It's the groomer's flag, the paedophile's flag, and it carries as much moral weight as a swastika. 0:38:53 Unknown_12: So the game is up, groomer, and the party is over. Our tolerance and our indulgence that you exploited have been withdrawn. Now your ugly minority freak show can revert to its true status and its rightful place, right back in that grubby little cultural backwater you crawled out of, where you will be marginalised, permanently marginalised, and deservedly so. 0:39:47 Unknown_17: You know, there used to be a time where, like, the elders were... Let's see if I can get you a link to this guy's channel in case... There you go. Pat Condell. Pat Condell, for those who want to know. Unknown_17: It's kind of weird how boomers are, like, super maligned. And I guess kind of rightfully so, because most of the ones I know suck. But usually... Unknown_17: like boomers are in a unique position where they're already at the end of their lives. Unknown_17: And theoretically they would be in the best position possible to make sacrifice, to like unfuck things. 0:40:26 Unknown_17: Because they have more resources, they have more contacts, and they have less time to preserve on the planet. Unknown_17: So theoretically, old people are like great suicide bombers, is what I'm trying to say. And the... Unknown_17: I think part of the reason why the elders, the elderly are so despised right now is that none of them are willing to strap on the vest, theoretically speaking, figuratively speaking, the figurative bomb belt that the elders should be putting on themselves right now to save our society. is being castigated to the side so that they may live in luxury and donate all their money to black people or some shit, whatever the fuck they do when they die, or the church. They all spend it before they die, and then they donate it to the church, and the church spends it on black people. That's usually how it goes, something like that. 0:41:12 Unknown_17: So, I don't know. There's a very weird generational gap that doesn't really exist or hadn't existed in prior generations. At least to the best of my knowledge, I can't really think of a time where a generational gap where people just hate the elderly existed. In part because... Our elderly are more abundant. It's never been such an upside down demographic where the elderly like outnumber the people in the middle. You know what I mean? 0:41:49 Unknown_17: it's uh it's weird it's really weird and i don't know i don't know what to expect people all suck and i'm kind of i'm kind of blackpilled on like they yes people are gonna like wake up and ship i don't know at least with the troon stuff it's uh it's tipping over like for instance with this though this this is uh weird like look at this fucking guy this guy went on twitch Unknown_17: In a live stream that he was going to shoot up a school He said that he was going to murder children because he was being bullied I guess because children on twitch were making fun of him for being a gross freak Um, someone reported him to the police and the same day they managed to hunt him down by ip address and get a warrant and search his home and uh arrest him for Basically for plotting terrorism, but he didn't have any weapons. So they just let him walk he has a resisting arrest charge and they've dropped everything else. So this guy literally said that he was going to murder children. There's an exact quote somewhere here. Um, 0:42:43 Unknown_17: Here, among the threats Willie made included, we're going to shoot your kids and the FBI can't stop us, leading to initial confusing about how many individuals were involved. Unknown_17: So this guy literally said, we're going to shoot your kids because I'm being bullied on Twitch. And then they arrested him and then immediately dropped charges. He's out on a $0 bond right now. This is in Illinois, in case you're wondering. 0:43:15 Unknown_17: Just for resisting arrest charge. And his first hearing about that was in January 2024. So they just completely let him walk. Crazy. Unknown_18: Very sad, chat. Unknown_17: Here is a clip about lesbian visibility from one of the least visible lesbians on the planet. Unknown_01: It's... Unknown_01: It's an interesting experience being a trans lesbian in particular, because it's like, there's a fairly large percentage of the lesbian community who doesn't think I'm a woman, first of all, and second of all, doesn't respect me as a sapphic individual in any regard either. 0:44:09 Unknown_01: I haven't had any personal experience. Everyone I've been around in that regard has been very supportive and open, luckily, but I do know some friends who have been turned down or harassed because they're not what some people consider to be a real woman, which is a silly term to begin with because it's a bit more flexible than that. Yeah, yeah. Unknown_17: His manner, he has that autism mannerism that Chris does. That's a weird thing. Chris is like the archetypal autist. He has like every autistic trait imaginable. And Chris randomly breaks out the song. And I've never seen another autistic person do that, where they just like randomly start getting very sing-songy. Like he gets... That's like a very Chris thing. It's very strange to see. 0:44:42 Unknown_17: guy's shoulders holy fuck he's got traps that would put a lot of uh bodybuilders to shame um there you go yeah i don't know i like how he snubs his nose like they might even turn us down they might say no i'm not gonna suck the girl dick that's like transphobic that's hecking racist and shit here's a true and freak out well it's muted is there no audio for this 0:45:34 Unknown_18: What kind of a true and freaking... God damn it. Unknown_18: Oh, I might be able to play this with audio. Hold up. If we're lucky, chat. I thought I would be smart and save it, but I don't think that Firefox can play sound on webims. Unknown_18: So I'll have to... Everything is the bane of my existence, chat. Unknown_17: This has definitely not been my week. Unknown_17: Making fun of Lotax's ghost has haunted me. Okay, I'll try to buffer it. I'll come back if it doesn't play. 0:46:09 Unknown_04: Real talk. I am here on behalf of all ignorant men apologizing to women for not taking periods seriously. Unknown_04: Oh my god. What is happening right now? Unknown_04: I didn't even know trans women could get periods. And I woke up at 2 a.m. Unknown_04: Yesterday, Unknown_04: with just cramps like and they come and they go but they're always there just always uncomfortably gripping my abdomen you know like and then sometimes i feel like i'm getting stabbed but it just never lets up and oh yesterday sucked it sucked pain meds i'm breaking out like it just the pain meds don't really work and then this morning i woke up at like 4 a.m with back pain 0:47:07 Unknown_04: Where did that come from? Like, what other ingredients of this demon cake exist? Hi, baby. Unknown_04: This blows. And I, women all over the world should get like 10 extra weeks of paid time off because this, like every month, I, oh my, oh my God. No, no, please. Unknown_04: I need tips and I need tricks and I need coping mechanisms because I can't just live like this. Unknown_04: This fucking sucks. Unknown_17: I don't know. I don't usually say this. I think this is something I don't often say chat, but I want to say that this guy has a really punchable face. There's just something about the way he emotes. That's like, yeah, I want to like aggressively physically assault you to get you to stop making that face. Cause it's like, it like scares me. It's like a fight or flight instinct, right? And like, I have to either kill you or get away from you as quickly as possible because my life is in danger. Listening to you and watching your face. It's like it's like in crazy talk Anyways, yeah, he's full of shit literally full of shit and he has poopoo pains and he's like, oh my god I'm such a real woman now because I am constipated and he decided to put this on tik-tok apparently From his mother's house that was built in the 1960s with popcorn ceiling Very cool 0:48:31 Unknown_17: Okay, so this does not have sound, apparently. I'll play it, and we'll see. This better be good. Oh, I see. Okay, I see the troon. I see the troon. Unknown_17: He's sneaking up on an Asian girl. Unknown_17: Uh-oh. He realizes that he's on film. Unknown_17: I wasn't expecting that. Wait for it. Watch, watch. Here it comes. It pans over. It's like, I've been found out. 0:49:11 Unknown_17: I don't know. It's just like a really really gross true and like male pattern baldness wearing like a frilly dress walking down the street And some dude is just filming him and then he realizes he's being filmed and he has like a neck snap where it's like Wait a second. Are you filming me? Unknown_17: Dun dun dun Good job Unknown_17: Uh here we have a man whose head looks kind of like A hershey's kiss. I don't know. I don't know how to describe this shape. It's a Sort of like a gourd one of those squashes that have like a round bottom and then it's just sort of It's a black man With a perfectly like rounded head with no definition whatsoever 0:49:42 Unknown_17: and he says two months hrt holy smoke only two months in and the changes so far hrt is magical i needed some motivation just by looking at myself two months ago is amazing where i'm at today uh there is no distinction between the two photos he is still fat with like a round head um Unknown_17: to his credit he doesn't look like a man but he doesn't look like a man in either photo and he doesn't really look like a human in either photo too so i don't know i don't know what else to say about this i could use some work and finally 0:50:34 Unknown_17: Dylan Mulvaney, a guy that we've been following for a while now, since the start of his career, he says, Attitude Magazine says, Dylan Mulvaney is our woman of the year, supported by Virgin Atlantic. Quote, knowing that my community sees me this way and acknowledges my womanhood is all I need to keep going. Order the Attitude Awards issue now. Unknown_17: And here we have the picture of Dylan Mulvaney that they put on the magazine cover for Attitude. And here we have the video of Dylan Mulvaney accepting his award in person. Unknown_17: Now you may notice that this person looks a little bit different in real life. 0:51:20 Unknown_17: Here we have someone who is airbrushed and face deformed by Photoshop to a point where they look kind of feminine, I guess. And here we have a demon. Unknown_17: The best way I can describe this is this is a literal demon from the bowels of hell who has stumbled onto earth and his first act upon ripping out of the ground was scaring the shit out of a little girl coming home from like a clothing store and she drops her bags of clothes that she just bought and ran away and the demon being naked and a little bit embarrassed that his that his weenus is hanging out opens the bags and finds 0:52:04 Unknown_17: basically exactly what Taylor Swift would want to wear that this teenage girl bought for herself. And the demon decides, I'm going to wear this, and I'm going to wear this wig, and I'm going to look like Tay-Tay, and I'm going to walk around. But it's still very, very clearly a demonic entity in a dress. Unknown_17: you get what i'm talking right i'm not talking madness that's what it looks like please do a virtual exorcism i'm not licensed by the catholic church to do exorcisms unfortunately um okay that's the trend segment take it easy ham ham see you see you catch you on the flip side my brother actually no this is not the end of the trend segment um 0:52:50 Unknown_17: This has its own little thing for some reason. Unknown_17: Oh, I'll be clever and I'll talk about it while also clicking these buttons so that they can preload. Don't worry about what you're seeing on your screen. We'll get around to that soon. Unknown_17: So this is a guy named Finster. He's been around for a while. He's Australian. Unknown_17: At some point in his career, he has decided that he will do full time cosplaying. And I think what happened is, is that. 0:53:24 Unknown_17: He started doing like omegle troll streams where he would dress up like a girl and there's like a really really famous one where he's like Like he's talking to a guy and the like the guy is also in drag and he's like like I don't know They just he knows that it's another cross-dresser and they both break character and they're doing their girl voice and shit And it's like a very popular meme um Unknown_17: But he he is associated. He he's like two degrees of separation from the goon clown shit, which I will not summarize. If you know, you know, because there is he is friends with somebody named Soda Cat and Soda Cat is a pornographer, like outright pornographer. Um, who was caught in DM chains with, uh, goon clown sending him like sissy hypno. Like you want to jerk off to child pornography or you want to like expose children to pornography, like goon hypnosis videos. And then soda cat replied with like a heart emoji and said, Oh my God, so cute or some shit. It was really weird. Um, and of course Finster is going to run to the defense of his friend and say that actually, um, 0:54:21 Unknown_17: all the people who are talking about this are um transphobes do you expect finn to read something soda told me to read books recently soda of all people i was like in my feels for a little bit and soda said you know what would help like reading like read a book and i went what is there a book that i should read to help and he went just no read 0:54:59 Unknown_22: You just call me a dumbass. I'm like, why? Brain plasticity. Which, fine, sure. Picture books with big dongs. Unknown_22: I read all the time. So there are these little anime characters and they have speech bubbles. One of them's always getting railed. Unknown_17: He's talking about Soda Cat, who's the guy who got sent the video and responded positively to it. After mentioning that he's still in contact with Soda Cat, people start giving him shit about this. 0:55:31 Unknown_17: Actually, he gets sent porn by Soda Cat during the stream. Why did Soda DM me? Unknown_17: Okay, good. It wasn't normal. Unknown_17: And then, where's the one where he complains about the transphobes? Unknown_18: I thought it was this one right here. Unknown_18: Oh, it was. Okay, hold up. Unknown_15: finn i am concerned about you being friends there was some people have been trying to get finster to address the soda cat shit for months and people have basically given up hope that anyone would take him to task over it but this super chat for three dollars finally got him to crack the shell and talk about his relationship with the guy who's into gooning and child porn or whatever the trauma a while back about him being into illegal stuff. What are your thoughts? I hope you are not involved with that stuff. 0:56:18 Unknown_22: Oh, good lord. I hate this. I hate this cringe. Um, yes, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the account that posts strictly, is literally named, like, trans people taking L's, I'm sure has absolutely no reason to invoke a friend of a friend of a friend in drama because they're trans. 0:56:53 Unknown_22: I'm sure that has no bias to it. I'm absolutely sure. Just go watch that Turkey Tom video, it's fine. Unknown_22: SodaKat allegedly did what? Didn't. I mean, it was essentially that one guy, one, like, essentially, here's the drama explained. Unknown_22: There was a guy that is a genuine monster, who is an awful person, was in a Discord server with SodaKat, The monster of a person got doxxed and Soda and the guy had spoken like once, I think, like that. Unknown_22: And it was a gooning server, so some porn server. So one dude on a porn server was a damn pedophile. And then because Soda was there, and me and Soda knew each other, and me and Chris from MrBeast knew each other, Chris is a bad person. That's how it works. Chris is awful. 0:57:28 Unknown_22: They're also trans, which makes them even worse. Chris, transgender woman, essentially guilty by default. So, who, wait, Chris, what'd they do? Exactly. They're awful. They essentially did everything. That makes sense. Unknown_22: Like, it's like a five removed thing. Least based alt-right gimmick account. Yeah, right. The account is called something like, um, 0:58:06 Unknown_22: Like, they couldn't write trans people taking Ls, so they wrote valid people taking Ls. And the account's just, like, I don't know. I think I... I don't think I ever blocked them, but I did, like, every... I don't know. There's probably some new drama involving some trans person that they don't like. Or that right-wing fucking trolls don't like. I don't know. I sent them, like, two paragraphs worth of telling them they suck. Yeah, I don't want any of that smoke, though, to be quite frank. Listen, it only takes one fucking insane person, and I'm done. 0:58:38 Unknown_15: I'm a different nerd. Unknown_17: People in chat are being very nice to this creature, so I decided I would go through, and I would show you what they actually look like. Keep in mind, there's a better picture for this, this is what I could find on short notice. Unknown_17: Just to give you an idea, this guy says that he's not a troon. He just does the cross-dressing for fun. So I want to give you an idea. This is what he looked like before. And that's what he looks like after all his surgery. And professional lighting. Like his lights are set up in a way that's very flattering. Notice that the camera angle is now pointed up. He's doing every trick in the book to try and look more feminine. 0:59:14 Unknown_17: He's cut off his nose. He's reduced his chin. Unknown_17: I think his cheeks are fine, but he's got his... It looks like he's got the buccal fat on his cheeks taken out. And he's done something with his brow ridge as well. Unknown_17: So this guy, if you don't know, was giving literally tens of thousands of dollars by some guy to get these surgeries to look more feminine. And I think that I don't know if this was a joke or not, but someone posted that he stopped donating before the fake tits could get added. So he like stuffs his shirt still. 0:59:51 Unknown_17: And this is like the most passing tranny on Twitch. And as an added bonus, he streams to kids. So his streams are all like rated PG-13. So his whole shtick is like exposing young people, as young as possible, to the concept of cross-dressing. And then coincidentally, by the way, Unknown_17: He gave that very stalwart defense of Soda Cat. He was merely an innocent bystander in a very normal gooning chat where they were sharing videos about how it's hot to expose children to pornography. And this is Soda Cat and Finster are directly linked. So, it's sort of like a tier. You have tier one. You have this guy. Like, oh, haha, I'm just a silly boy dressed up like a girl on Twitch. Watch me play League of Legends or whatever I do while dressed as a girl. Tee hee, you could look like me too if you started cross-dressing and doing HRT. Tier two, you have Sodacat, who is one degree of separation. You can easily find him through, like, Twitch and shit. Fenster, by the way, does OnlyFans. It's not, like, hardcore pornography yet, but it is, like, not safe for work. So one degree of separation from the twitch.tv PG-13 Finster streaming thing is the Soda Cat, which is an outright porn account about gooning and weird fetishes and shit. One degree of separation from Soda Cat is the guy who's just outright addicted to child pornography and can't masturbate without it and masturbates eight hours a day. 1:01:14 Unknown_17: It is a literal slippery slope, and they know what they're doing, and it's not a joke. Unknown_17: For instance, this is him. He is watching a video on YouTube, the lock picking lawyer on April Fool's Day and sometimes Valentine's Day, does joke videos where he picks a lock on something silly as opposed to actually reviewing a lock and its security mechanisms. In this one, he got a chastity cage and decided to review that. And here we have Finster watching this review, uh, 1:01:58 Unknown_17: For his audience. Oh, no. Unknown_09: Oh, no. Unknown_15: Well-timed donor. I've been sent many of these. 1:02:45 Unknown_22: And have I ever... I'm not... Okay, look. I'm not saying that I've ever tried. I'm not saying that I've ever tried. But they're too small. Surely. Unknown_22: Surely they're too small. That is far too small. Because your balls aren't here in this scenario. They're here. Unknown_22: That is far too small. Isn't that like the point? I don't know. Unknown_09: This poor guy in chat, sorry, hold on a minute, this poor fucker in chat, just said, just said twice now, like, copy-pasting it, how do I make the quarry in, how do I make a create quarry in all the mods 8, which is a Minecraft mod? 1:03:29 Unknown_17: So I noticed this, uh, coincidentally, while just, uh, clicking a boot, um, Unknown_17: Finster comes out and he complains about Valid L's talking about his association with the goon clown shit. Unknown_17: And just now, Valid L's was banned. Unknown_17: And then he came back an hour later. They got him. They almost got him. They thought... I don't get to come back, though. They almost got my boy, Valid L's. Unknown_17: They only got him for an hour though before Elon Musk personally unbanned him and reprimanded everyone involved in it Yeah kids asking about Minecraft in chat, yeah, he's um, oh, it's not League of Legends He's literally this guy this guy reviewing cock cages I'm just on Twitch is a Minecraft. Let's player you mean to tell me that this guy who is a who is friends with gooners who is who are friends with gooners who watch child porn is just so coincidentally a minecraft youtuber the most basic entry-level kids watching twitch type streamer possible uh it's just a coincidence this guy he just loves minecraft he likes it when you put the block on the other block and you make it into a little house in the editor and then Boom. Creeper. Oh, no. I was so shocked when the creeper blew up my dirt house that my balls hurt in my cock cage. Whoopsie, kids. Let me turn off my... I gotta pull up this lockpicking lawyer video to uncut my balls because I just hurt them. I got testicular torsion when that creeper blew up. 1:05:00 Unknown_17: Just, like, fucking nuts, bro. Unknown_17: Um, this shit also got posted to Valadels, him, him seething about, um, about whatever the fuck this is. Unknown_17: Try to be a positive Polly chat, but I'm often a negative Nancy. 1:05:34 Unknown_17: Uh, quote era demonstrandum chat. Chris Chan is back. Unknown_17: Chris, apparently, I'm not going to play through these videos. Maybe I'll play through a little bit of the next one. Unknown_17: Chris, I guess I'll just show you what's happening to explain why I'm not going to play it. It's literally just fucking nonsense. Unknown_17: It's literally... The 13 Rock is crashing down again! Unknown_17: It's literally nonsense. I do appreciate the South Park reference. 1:06:07 Unknown_17: That's points. However, the rest is literally nonsense. He's just screaming. There's some editing, though, and that's because that child slash old woman. Unknown_17: that i talked about last last stream um she is confirmed now to be like his partner while he was in jail for his mother this woman reached out to him and befriended him and now they're like an item and she's some kind of like target handler who's doing he like his editing for these videos He came out and then published this video said called setting the record straight This is just recent right before the stream setting the record straight. There was never any sex involving me in 2021 so he is officially denouncing the narrative that he had sex with Barb and At some points calls Bella Yonka the like quote-unquote The real sex criminal I think is the language he used to describe Bella I will play a couple like an energy of this 1:06:41 Unknown_11: Hey everyone. And I'm going to be really, I'm going to be really, really nice. Unknown_17: And I am going to put this audio in mono so that, um, you can actually fucking here with in both ears. Cause for whatever reason, the retard handler, uh, does not know how to record in stereo. 1:07:25 Unknown_11: Your prime here. And right now I'm going to set the record straight. So just so y'all know, straightforward and blunt to the point. Unknown_11: The reason I went to jail, the charge I was charged with, I was innocent. There never, ever, ever, ever, ever was any sense between Barbara and I, period. 1:08:01 Unknown_11: I was innocent. Unknown_11: I have a few bullet points to go through and I'm going to shoot. I mean, where did we go to end up here? So obviously we got all the hangers and fakers and the toxic sinners that really tried to manipulate me in so much. I mean, just, that was a mess of good grief right there. Why did y'all have to do that? Unknown_11: You all really erroneously misunderstood me, period. Unknown_11: And just, that was a whole mess up. Let me shoot. Even y'all with your freaking smutfictions. I know some of you out of the minority that are the worst. 1:08:33 Unknown_11: That are the worst. Out of the majority being actually good. Okay? Unknown_11: Out of the minority. You've ridden those smutfictions. You shipped me with Barbara. You shipped me with that snowman. Unknown_17: And I've seen worse shit. Unknown_11: Barbara was definitely not the perfect mother with me. 1:09:06 Unknown_11: There was not the perfect mother-daughter relationship there, period. Unknown_11: Growing up, there was times of abuse even though there was love and caring in there and throughout. But that was a whole different kettle of fish right there. Unknown_11: I'll cut it off there. Unknown_17: Um, very, I don't know. I'm not happy that he's back. I kind of hope that they would like intern him in some sort of like retard prison for the rest of his life. And I would never have to hear about him ever again. Uh, really not pleased. Someone mentioned that he's definitely on psychotic antipsychotics. And that's true. If you look very closely, his right nostril, you're on your left is bleeding. Yeah, I think he has a nosebleed in both videos and this is apparently a common side effect of very serious antipsychotic medication So he's super heavily medicated right now because of um Well because he fucked his mother That's probably what did it if I had to take a guess 1:09:45 Unknown_17: um there you go that's your chris update you might notice that his sonichu medallion is very crusty it appears to be rotting in tandem with his soul um yeah i don't know very very i don't know i don't have words for it i don't have words for the christian Unknown_17: um powu i have not talked about mass like fediverse drama in a long time because the kiwi farms has been divorced from the fediverse for a while due to networking issues however uh you may remember that powu was like a japanese pedophile instance it was like the most popular fediverse instance in japan it was also like almost explicitly a lollicon instance that had a recurring habitual issue with c-sam 1:10:50 Unknown_17: to the point where Graf had to defederate it even because there was so much CCM on it. Unknown_17: Just recently, Paloo was actually seized by the domain registrar. Unknown_17: And I can't wait for Hector Martin and all the other people who use the Fediverse, were active in lolly condenses, and who denounced the Kiwi farms and were happy for the domain to be seized, to now come out swinging that domain seizures by private companies without due process is a bad thing, actually. Unknown_17: CSAM. Unknown_17: CSAM is the polite word for child pornography. It's child sexual abuse material. Or sometimes CSIM, child sexual exploitation material. It's the polite industry term for child pornography, basically. 1:11:25 Unknown_17: People use it because like I want to say in Dutch and German It's literally just called kinder porno, which is like the most disgusting word in the entire fucking world. So they Have come up with a new acronym that sounds more technical and less visually disgusting So there's that who got shut down that you're happy your moment of Zen I 1:12:04 Unknown_17: have a actually let me reorder this put this over here and go back to this because i have some some israeli updates um on the on the the one side on side a we have chantal chantal has some very strong opinions about the israeli palestine war no nothing and that's it Unknown_16: There's no proof of babies being decapitated. That's a lie. It's called propaganda from Western media. That's been debunked. I reposted that on my TikTok. Thank you very much. We have not seen one decapitated baby. No parents have come out and claimed that at all. So brainwashed. Unknown_16: I'm not saying that atrocities weren't committed, but, and I don't, you know, I don't like war, but at the same time, like where was all this media attention, whenever, you know, we have actual media proof of Palestinians being murdered. So let's just not even go there. Thank you. 1:12:58 Unknown_17: She took down this video very quickly in case you're wondering. Um, so in the last week, the war has developed in such a way that Israel purported that Hamas had decapitated 40 infants and, um, Unknown_17: I will make no opinion on if the 40 infants are real or not. Unknown_17: I'm very over war coverage. However, a lot of people purport that it wasn't a thing, and this was very prolific on Twitter, to the point where Ben Shapiro lost his fucking mind and started tweeting about the war, like, every 30 minutes. And I was, like, checking out his... 1:13:38 Unknown_17: his timeline for some reason and there are like pictures of like burned babies like just on his timeline like like people like him are are taking like the whole war thing very seriously and are bombing people with pictures of like deep fried blackened babies on on x and this is just like like normal right now i guess on the flip side we have Unknown_18: We have something. Unknown_18: What could it be, chat? What could it be? 1:14:11 Unknown_18: Could it be Ethan Klein talking about something very near and dear to my heart? Unknown_17: Possibly? Maybe if... I was just... There was one tweet I saw, and this isn't the first time I saw it, but... Unknown_10: I saw someone post it and it was getting lots of likes. And you know the beautiful irony of it is, so it's a video, a cartoon somebody created who put a lot of fucking effort into making a cartoon of Hila in an IDF uniform with an automatic weapon. 1:14:53 Unknown_10: And, you know, she's all... She's got, like, that kind of Nazi, Jewish propaganda face. And she's just killing kids. She's just mowing down a bunch of Palestinian babies. And what's kind of... I don't know. It's definitely not funny. I don't know what it is. You guys tell me. I know that that shit was made by Nazis. Like, literal Nazis. And the people who I saw... Unknown_10: who are tweeting it this time were leftists so i saw nazis and leftists clapping hands together to say you know fuck fuck israel we agree on that let's clap it up brother and that was a weird uh that was a weird feeling for me and i 1:15:44 Unknown_10: I was in a pretty bad shape. Unknown_10: And, um... So I've been trying to erase... It's really funny how much that upset him. Unknown_17: Like, surely he's seen it before. Surely he's seen it before. Unknown_10: Do you guys know how... And by the way, I can't... Thank you. Unknown_10: I can't deactivate my account because it makes my handle open, which is insane. Obviously, that would be insane. To let somebody else grab it. 1:16:18 Unknown_10: so that's not an option so i was trying to figure out ways to just erase all oh my god like okay so he has um like a condition i can't remember what it's called it's i think it it's ocd or something i don't know he just has like an oh it's um the funny one where you blurt out curse words but in reality it's just like a twitch what's that called Unknown_17: Eric Hartman has it in Tourette syndrome watch that trance in Twitch So I was trying to figure out ways to do like so emotional about it that it like fired misfires his brain And he starts like sketching out. I've watched a couple clips of Ethan and he always has like a little twitch I've never seen that spaz out so so hard before race all my tweets all my likes and It is so fucking hard Dude, I was trying all weekend. Unknown_10: It was really upsetting me because I just needed to get out of there and 1:17:10 Unknown_10: I did finally figure out a way to... Yeah, the eyebrow thing is what he usually does. Unknown_17: He does like a weird eyebrow wiggle. It's like endearing. Like people find that kind of stuff endearing. I've never seen him like spaz out and start like trying to blow salt off his shoulder or something. Unknown_10: Download your Twitter data, which you have to wait 24 hours for. And then I bought some software that I could put the Twitter data in. Unknown_10: And it seems like just right now, like just right before we started the show, it looks like all my tweets were successfully erased. Unknown_10: Which is nice. That was driving me crazy. 1:17:45 Unknown_10: And then the next thing is I just want to erase all my likes, which I guess is a... There's like 30,000 of them. It's like, God damn. Delete. 30 fucking... So that's a pretty monumental task, I guess. That soundboard is adding so much to the podcast. Once the tweets and likes are gone and it's burned... Unknown_10: I'm going to erase the app. Unknown_05: I have a seven board tier. Let's fucking go, dude. Bye-bye to all the psychos there. Unknown_10: Welcome back to Threads, baby. Unknown_10: Maybe I'll join Threads. 1:18:19 Unknown_10: I did say I'm a Thread head. Unknown_17: Dude, there is a Payday 2 DLC for Ethan Klein, and I was thinking I should totally get that. If I ever do a video game stream, and just a heads up, I've looked at my busy schedule. It will be at least December or January before I can do anything fun ever again. Unknown_17: If I ever do a video game stream, it would be really fun to play Payday 2 with the Gila character. Unknown_17: Everyone would be rooting for me. I can play the clickety-clack sound while I play. So it was very funny to see that... 1:18:50 Unknown_17: That, um, he freaked out about this clip and just as proof positive, this is the type of shit, shit we deal with daily. Sorry, but I'm out. And then he deleted his entire thing. My boy, by the way, my boy does not ask much, but he does ask for shout outs. Sven Stoffels is the guy. Sven Stoffels years ago made an animation that I truly love and show off whenever possible. 1:19:24 Unknown_17: Um, and the ripples of this animation are still felt years later. Unknown_17: And it has conclusively bullied Ethan Klein off of Twitter, a feat that nobody thought possible. Not even a government court order could have peeled this man off of Twitter, but somehow Sven Stoffels managed to do it, which is just incredible. Congratulations. Unknown_17: Okay, so small update on the JFG thing. JFG, in 2020, put out a video called Sterile Exit and Entry During Viral Events. And he made like a weird video. explaining step by step how to make like a if you've ever seen like a movie about like a pandemic like a zombie virus they usually have those tent entrances where it's like a little mud room but it's like uh polystyrene flaps and then a bunch of like chlorine doused on the ground so that your boots like hit you know get doused in the the uh the chlorine or the alcohol or whatever the So he's basically explaining how to turn the mudroom of your house into like a UN pandemic tent where you wipe your boots off before entering your home. And I don't know, people found this very fascinating because all of this practical information could be used to how to clean up your house so that if you murder your wife, there won't be zero forensic evidence to find. 1:20:37 Unknown_17: Very nice, very interesting. Unknown_17: and boo here we have ashley isaacs she's in a home depot she has dragged her mother out to home depot so that she can wear this scary dress and stand next to her husband though happy halloween 1:21:23 Unknown_17: the lich queen no no eugenia cooney is merely the lich acolyte she is not a queen do not give the title of queen to ashley isaacs because while you may look at this in disgust and you may shake your head and say oof that's a bad look Unknown_17: You forget yourself. You forget yourself. And you forget the true Lich Queen, Ashley Isaacs. Unknown_17: This... Unknown_17: I have not seen a picture of Ashley Isaacs in years. This is the Lich Queen. Don't you forget it. Don't you say Eugenia Cooney is the Lich Queen. Ashley Isaacs is still out there. She's still alive. And this is what she looks like today. 1:22:16 Unknown_17: So mind your fucking manners. You're in the presence of royalty chat, but yeah, this picture is fucking horrifying. It makes my skin crawl. It's really crazy. Unknown_17: Um, quickly moving along from the, the very spooky, scary Shelton literal, like I I'm shocked that she's still alive. I don't know how she hasn't, hasn't managed to exist in that condition for as long as she has. 1:22:49 Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: There is, and you have to forgive me. Maybe there's a funny story buried in here somewhere. There is like a troll called Precious Leaf and Precious Leaf has been around for a very long time. I want to say that they are like obsessed with like a Pokemon character and have been trolling on Pokemon forums for literally years now. Unknown_17: And then something happened and he accidentally cross contaminated his identities and they have confirmed that, uh, precious leaf is actually just a troll who also went by Mario tip plumber at some point in time. 1:23:30 Unknown_17: So, um, I, this is something that is like completely out of my depth. I am not qualified to comment on this at all. Unknown_17: Um, but apparently he was a troll that went by the troll Sona name, Mario to plumber. And then at some point became a Pokemon super fan and then accidentally, uh, leaked his true identity. Um, which is, what's his name? Unknown_18: I'm trying to, like, dox him. I just want to know what his name is. So I can say that this is who it is. 1:24:07 Unknown_18: Oh, well. I guess I... Oh. Unknown_18: Oh. Unknown_17: That's, uh... They're showing the pictures. Because this is him in real life. He took real life pictures. And then someone, like, managed to find this exact fucking tree? And this is it. And that's, like, his mom or something. Unknown_17: And then there are other pictures of her with him. And it confirms that this is like the same fucking guy. So he accidentally posed next to a tree that his own mother had taken a picture of. And then there are also pictures of him with his mother on that account. And through that tree, they were able to identify him as being a troll who had been posting on Pokemon forums for a long time, pretending to be retarded. 1:24:39 Unknown_17: So, um, I want to say that this is the first time someone's been doxxed by a tree. It's the first time for sure that someone was able to find this exact fucking tree. Um, just like, I don't know. I guess image recognition is so strong now that, that Google is like beep boop. I recognize that tree. That tree is in Portland. I will find you Instagram accounts that have also taken pictures of this tree. Here you go. And you're just shit out of luck. If your mom's taking a picture of that tree, I guess. 1:25:15 Unknown_18: The ants. Unknown_18: Finally, as we get into the sector zone, there is a very small Ralph update. Unknown_17: Ralph posted to Twitter that he was hacked for some reason. Unknown_17: So I have no idea. He posted some kind of rant, but the really interesting rant was about this. He says... He says, I say... 1:25:48 Unknown_17: i'm sorry but i haven't done my voice in weeks now i'm sorry i took a couple days off i don't really need to take days off i have to miss some this upcoming week anyway i've been doing a lot of thinking though i posted some stuff here recently i didn't mean to make anyone worry i guess i just said what i've been feeling so bad about also i only have this account on my phone lol Unknown_17: it's difficult knowing you torpedoed your personal life beyond repair with no hope of tranquility the one person you wish you could make it right with over anyone else doesn't want anything to do with you and roughly so the other actual living pieces of you fade into your mind and races from memory into a new state you can't even comprehend the mannerisms features the precious smile you took for granted gone your mind creates a new image of what you might be that the computer generated have you seen the flyer cards in your direct mail 1:26:38 Unknown_17: I don't write this to have anyone feeling sorry for me. I write this because a lot of you love me from a distance. I receive messages from all of you all the time and have several sent me messages last night. Positive and caring. Legitimate feeling. I genuinely love you all as well. I wanted you to know how much it's meant to me over the years, especially now. I know many of you struggle, some with issues similar to mine. I want to be a guy who can point two years from now and say that guy really changed, not for clout or career, to do better and leave something good on top of all the bad. Maybe someday, if you mean it and live it, the ones you love will forgive you. Then again, maybe they won't. If they choose to give that one day, it will be their choice, not yours. You have to do good for good, not to get some. I've enjoyed the last couple of weeks of kill stream. I don't want anyone to get down. This is a somber post, but it's not meant to be discouraging. It's meant to be uplifting. 1:27:35 Unknown_17: I still talk shit. I'm still a loud mouth. I enjoy entertaining you and putting a unique show out. That's something you don't find anywhere else. I'm very much committed to that mission. I know I can do it at the high level. I'm not drunk. I'm having gone off the edge or over the cliff. I've thoughtful about my life and I'd like to see the rest of it go. 1:28:09 Unknown_17: I've been working on a lot of it behind the scenes. I had a picture drawn for me years ago. I still have it. It was a beautiful tiger jumping through a fire hoop. It was dedicated to the wild tiger, me, who refused to be tamed. I wished to be allowed myself to be tamed back then and to be healed. We deserved better. You can't keep a wild tiger, even a loving one. I'm working on reforming that wild son of a bitch. Tiger emoji. Thank you for the well wishes. I'll be back very soon. Um, so he's pretty. 1:28:41 Unknown_17: Oh, he immediately switches. Okay. Before I read this, um, let me do something real quick. Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_18: Hold on. Give me one second. 1:29:16 Unknown_17: All right, all right, that should work. Unknown_17: Ethan Ralph says, You don't even know what moral outrage is, you idiot. A second-rate intellect is responding to the Gator game horror, actually. Gator says, Without Sargon, Milo, and Jim, you'd just be a fat hillbilly M&M. Without Janet and Nora, there'd be no Killstream. Without me and Zidane, you'd be streaming to less than COG. Spare me the selective moral outrage. The only talent you have is being a perpetual trash fire. Unknown_17: This is in reverse order, actually. I'm going to read the first one first. Gator says, Unknown_17: Didn't you cry when Jim berated you on live stream? 1:29:49 Unknown_17: Don't know if you went to get into a dad fight considering I can call mine and tell him I love him, but the last time you saw yours was in a puddle. But nice of you to take a break from tweeting your 13 reasons why to drop by. Unknown_17: Like I said, bitter weirdo complete with fan fiction. Responds immediately to any Ralph interaction. Ha ha ha ha ha. A dead dad joke. Mr. Mole high ground. Disingenuous scum. I have more talent in my left pinky than Gator could ever have and it makes him very angry. Unknown_17: Ethan says, you don't even know what moral outrage is, you idiot. Second-rate intellect with a first-rate predilection for underage anime girls. 1:30:29 Unknown_17: That's pretty funny, actually. Unknown_17: You've universally reviled among the Killstream audience from every era, and I put thousands on the board without any of those people. Unknown_17: Yeah, it's kind of Kind of hard for for Gator to take shots at Ralph to be fair. I mean like the the big thing about Gator is that he took like marching orders from from Ralph for years, okay I have made the thing that I was working for. His image inspired me to on the fly, go ahead and use the Bing image creation tool. Here we have a half tiger, half pig flying through a fiery hoop with the big kill stream K in the background. 1:31:01 Unknown_17: Very cool, Bing. Very cool. Thank you. Sorry, Dana. Unknown_17: Sorry, that's Ashley Isaacs. I didn't mean to show that to you again. The big thing here, and I think this is what's upsetting Ralph, is that there was some confusion about if this was real or not because some people didn't immediately make fake Instagram accounts to try and capitalize on this. However, May did come back to Twitter to put out this message to everybody. Unknown_17: West Side Wildflower says, my daughter trying to tell me to get a dog and a boyfriend. And then May, just throwing out a line there in case any fine young men out there would like to, I guess, take care of a toddler-aged little girl. I don't know. That's not exactly what I would bait a hook with if I was a single mom trying to attract a man. I would definitely not throw out there, hey, I have a toddler-aged daughter. uh sounds like the wrong approach i would really hope that's an accident and you probably should revise your strategy because that looks really bad and the guys you would attract with messaging like that are not the kind of guys you would want around them um so yes maybe switch it up a little bit uh however there is a man out there 1:31:41 Unknown_17: There is a man out there who can fix her. And his name is the Gator Gainmore. It is still possible. I know Gator will think, I, as the top gym impersonator, can do a little bit better than Mae Ralph. No. 1:32:23 Unknown_17: No, Gator, you cannot. Spooky Weeb Trash still does not let you fuck her. You are still doing the Anime Boomer podcast. It will never happen. You will never smash that box. For the love of God, you have a woman out here who is retarded, and she is using her daughter as bait to try and find a man. You need to save her, Gator. You need to help. You need to interject yourself into this matter and be the stepfather we all know you can be. 1:32:58 Unknown_17: it can still happen chat it can still happen right what's that so now that Christian is medicated and no longer a complete spaz King Lowell Cal someone has nominated a successor 1:33:30 Unknown_03: I got to this anonymous letter or the anonymous package. It was postage not paid. Like, I had to pay the postage on it to receive it. And the post office was like, well, where was it sent from? And it had my address as the return address with me as the sendee, which is not true. And in it, it had this burned piece of paper, which I feel like I'm going to get serial raped here. It says, the stars are aligned. A new host is chosen. Hail unto thee, Nick Chan Rikadichu. Unknown_03: And then with that came this. And this was so weird because this came before the mention of Sonic in the trademark dispute that we were talking about last night. A Sonichu medallion has been passed to me. I don't know where this came from. I don't know what it means other than what it means. But that happened. 1:34:02 Unknown_03: That happened. It cost me $2 to pay the postage on it. Dude, if you need more guns, just let me know. Unknown_04: This is friendly, I think. Unknown_03: This is friendly. Don't put it on. Don't put it on. Sonichu lives in you. 1:34:40 Unknown_17: He says it. The guy sent him a cursed medallion made of cursed Play-Doh, model magic, and then sent him a Necronomicon enchantment. And Rakeda instinctively puts on the medallion and reads the enchantment aloud in public so that everyone may witness it. He even has it gathered witnesses so that the deed may be seen and recorded into history. This is not good chat. 1:35:14 Unknown_17: Um, okay. So how do I want to handle this? Let me see what I got here. Unknown_17: Rakeda and Dick both desperately want my attention. They have acknowledged me as their eDaddy and they seek my validation and approval or disapproval in this instance. And so I will be very selective in what I respond to regarding them because I know that they will simply act up anytime they want eDaddy's attention. Unknown_17: And that's not good entertainment and it encourages them to be boring. So I have to be very careful. 1:35:48 Unknown_17: I will start with this. Unknown_17: Rakeda, whenever you see the kitchen in the background, that's like a local stream, and you're almost guaranteed that he's about to say some retarded-ass shit. So in this instance, Rakeda makes the statement that all men are gay. Unknown_03: I have a theory. It's going to make some gay men very mad, but I have a theory that men are becoming closetedly gay. Unknown_03: Men as a group. 1:36:20 Unknown_03: Not me, obviously, I'm super heterosexual. Unknown_03: Only like women, but a bunch of men are closetedly gay. And I've determined this because it's simple. Unknown_03: If you've been online like I've been around a bit, I'm an observant man. Unknown_03: Not an observant Jew, that's different. I'm an observant man. And I've talked a lot about relationships. Male attraction, female attraction, stuff like that. You guys have heard this. People get pissed off when I do. They're like, you don't know anything. You're a fag. I'm like, yeah, well, true, but listen to me for a second. I'm right. And I've talked about short shorts. Very important. I've talked about quite a bit. And the one thing I've noticed about men commenting about how men should present themselves as attractive is men don't listen to women. 1:36:53 Unknown_03: about being attractive. In fact, men predominantly listen to men about how to be attractive, which tells me that men are all gay and they really want to know how to get a dick in their butt. 1:37:33 Unknown_03: That's just facts. This is just kind of true. And it's weird to admit that most men want to hear what men think are attractive. And men will justify their unseemly and ungainly looks Unknown_03: By saying, hey, bro, nice giant beard, like the big mountain man beard. I know there's like five women out there who will lie and be like, no, those those lumberjack beards are really great. I love the way that it feels when he's going down on me and I can feel his beard on my kneecaps. 1:38:04 Unknown_03: I definitely like that. That's cool. But what it actually is, is giant excuse to be big fat burly guy with a big beard and the beard distraction, how fat and ugly you are. I got it. Look, look, no, I love that. I love those beards, but that's because I'm a guy like guys like those beers. Women don't like those beards. And I know. I know some women are going to lie. Women are chameleons. We know this. There's several other instances where women will lie about what's attractive on men. Men don't lie. Men will tell you what men find attractive. And those giant beards and sunglasses and bald heads are definitely one of those things that other men find attractive. But that's what women lie about. And there's, again, the long shorts. Guys are like, no, long shorts are great. No, I wouldn't want short shorts. That'd be gay. And other guys are like, yeah, long shorts are super hot. Short shorts, ugly as hell. And you're like, yeah, super gay to like short shorts, right? And the guys are like, yeah, super gay. Hotness is the long shorts. And they're like, yeah, that's why I'm going to wear long shorts. Boom. Telling you, dudes are gay. I don't know what to say. 1:38:40 Unknown_17: so i don't know what to make of that if he just if he wants to come out as gay like just come out i don't even know what he's waiting for because he hopes that he doesn't do any of the things that the forum has accused him of doing but then he he tries to like say that he doesn't care by saying well it all sounds really fun anyways so just say it i don't understand like what's the point of denying that you do life swapping or that you go to hedonism or whatever like during the the racial mixing week like at this point what difference does it make if you want to say that you're gay or heteroflex or whatever just do it does anyone care i've had i've heard the theory 1:39:28 Unknown_17: That maybe he's just trying to warm people up to this before he comes out. He's just going to be like, he's testing the waters. He's hinting like, haha, all men are kind of gay. Haha. And he's just trying to see like what his existing audience thinks before he comes out and be like, yeah. So anyways, me and my wife, we swap and I also get fucked in the ass by black men. Like that was is that what he's leading up to he's just trying to like do the the frog boiling thing And then in a year from now when it gets to that point where he can comfortably talk about his experiences at hedonism 3 He's just like dude. I've been talking about how all guys are kind of gay since like this time last year, man I've never been hiding this. I've just been talking about it for you know for years at this point and like is that the gambit is he like in is he capable of the kind of like foretelling that that would require like the planning that would take to get to that point because uh that's that's more that's more planning than than i would expect from him at this point in time considering the holes in his head but uh yeah that's a weird clip the other one is this i like this clip too i'll play this 1:40:22 Unknown_17: By the way, he's open mouth chewing and talking that's how you know he does not give a single fuck about his audience anybody who eats on on mike and Like is just talking into the mic and it's not like the purpose of the thing um 1:41:13 Unknown_17: They just don't give a fuck there was one clip of me eating on mike and that is when I am like eating a burger Because the it was the middle of drop kiwi farms and I was literally working every second and the one time that I got To myself to eat a burger. I I did some gumroad content for it. It's the only clip of me eating. Unknown_17: Uh Yeah, it's like he really just doesn't give a fuck if he's just going to casually do this real quick Unknown_03: I know there's a clip video of me like licking the bottle a million times in the dick stream 1:42:11 Unknown_03: Oh, alcoholic, lick the bottle. I've been licking the bottle for six years, I think. Unknown_03: When you pour whiskey into a glass and you set it down, a little drip goes down the bottle. When you pay $200 for a bottle of whiskey and a drip goes down, you're like, that's like 86 cents. Unknown_03: Lick it. Unknown_03: Why would you? Unknown_03: And the 86 cents thing is a joke. Unknown_03: But when you set the whiskey down, the bottle down, and you let the drip go and form a circle, it forms a literal circle stain on whatever surface it's on. Why do you lick the bottle? It's like, well, it's either lick the bottle or put a fucking Kleenex up to it or whatever. 1:42:54 Unknown_03: Just don't make a mess. That's the whole thing. Don't make a mess. Unknown_03: Just drink water then. If I drank water, do you think I would have fucking torched Eric July tonight? Think about it. Unknown_18: That's so weird. Unknown_17: I don't have a huge amount of experience drinking, but I have drank alcohol before. 1:43:29 Unknown_17: I think what it is... I mean... I'm trying to think. I don't ever remember spilling alcohol like that. Unknown_17: I kind of wonder if maybe the reason why there's not like a little dribble when I drink is that like I um, I put the cap back on it. Does he not like recap it? What the fuck is he doing? How is he accomplishing this? I really don't understand Why is his nose right because he's fucking drunk he's sloshed in this 1:44:07 Unknown_18: I just don't understand like the, the, like, it's like a compulsion every time. Unknown_17: Like he, he does it every time he pours a drink, he like licks the bottle. Unknown_18: I'm really trying to, to think about the times that I've poured alcohol and I don't think I've ever had the fucking run down. Unknown_17: I've never had the compulsion to, to, to lick it either. It's usually you pour it out and then you recap it and it's fine. And it doesn't dribble anywhere. Unknown_17: I don't know, man. Unknown_17: Why does Nick still stream? Because it makes him money. That's it. The next thing requires some explanation. 1:44:42 Unknown_17: Russell Greer has sued me for like 8 million different things a couple years ago. Literally in 2019, he DMCA'd me, and then I think he filed in 2020. Unknown_17: Of all those charges, or torts that he filed against me, they were all rejected. Unknown_17: he then appealed to this, uh, to the appellate court of the, the 10th district. I want to say it's right in front of me, the United States district court for the district of Utah. I think that's the 10th, the 10th circuit. Yes. The 10th circuit court. 1:45:17 Unknown_17: Um, Unknown_17: And when he did this, a group called the Digital Justice Organization, which is a copyright protection group, so like a digital media rights group, one of the worst kinds of people on the fucking planet. Unknown_17: People who do nothing. Unknown_17: uh what they do i believe they are funded by international media rights organizations i'm not going to name any names but you know exactly what i'm talking about the kinds of people who defend copyright however strongly as possible the worst people on the planet pour money into organizations like this and what they do is they look for every single um copyright dispute in the entire country and they will represent it pro bono to try and score wins or they think they can score wins um in defense of copyright 1:45:55 Unknown_17: Because once court precedents is settled then it seeps into the entire country and it affects all copyright cases moving forward Especially in that jurisdiction, but it can leak out to other other districts as well so My attorney was Gregory scored us who was the attorney for Taylor Swift when Russell Greer sued Taytay and I picked that just picked him specifically for the meme and 1:46:45 Unknown_17: and he won the lawsuit. It was dead in the water. It appealed, and then the digital justice organization represented Greer pro bono for the sake of trying to win copyright law, and they managed to get the, very specifically on the contributory copyright infringement, they managed to get that overturned, the decision that that was to be thrown out. Unknown_17: So now the case is back alive, which means that I have to defend against it. Unknown_17: Um, I have very very very fair arrangements with my attorney And I have in all hands on deck from multiple attorneys on how to proceed forward And I have a very strong idea of how I want to respond Uh, it is an unfortunate circumstance. I 100 believe that it's still being used fairly. Um at the first hurdle though with this It couldn't be dismissed in the easiest way possible Um, but obviously there's still routes forward uh ricada Who is someone who does not like Rear, who does not like DMCA abuse, who is supposedly a free speech libertarian type, who really shouldn't be, if he's libertarian, he really shouldn't be pro-infinite copyright either. uh saw this heard the news and literally had to interrupt his stream without even reading it without going over it without understanding the implications of it without really thinking it over just heard the term that just heard that i would probably have to pay money for an attorney moving forward in this case to gloat and i want to show you this 1:48:20 Unknown_17: because i want you to look too if you're if you're watching i want you to watch the small emotions in his face the little things that he does how much he hits the bottle just like savor the small things about his behavior because there's so much body language and invisible uh uh like this this this something um like there's a lack of harmony between how what he's saying and how he's feeling, and he's trying to be very careful in how he talks about this. So it's not too obvious how he feels, but it's very, very evident in the body language. This is four minutes long, and I will subject you to all of it, because I want you to really see that underneath the ha-ha silly facade, this is the real Nick Ricada. Unknown_17: This is how he actually is. Unknown_17: He is petty, vindictive. Unknown_17: He has no sense of right and wrong. He is a person driven entirely by immediate instant gratification. That's all he is. 1:49:20 Unknown_18: Russell Greer. Unknown_18: In a case that I had stopped following... Unknown_18: has won his appeal against kiwi farms for contributory copyright infringement and now the case moves on oh kiwi bros i don't i don't feel so good kiwi bros look 1:50:14 Unknown_03: I don't want Russell Greer to win this case in concept. Unknown_03: I really don't want that to happen. Unknown_03: And I do not think that contributory copyright infringement Unknown_03: Based on the facts I saw is a thing. I think they may ultimately win the case, but you know, Oh shit. Well, 1:50:53 Unknown_18: Sorry, Josh. Unknown_03: Sorry, Gator. Unknown_03: Having a little trouble mustering the sympathy for you, you faggot. Hope you don't have to go to Discovery on that one. That might be unfortunate. 1:51:28 Unknown_17: Look at that. Look at the face. Unknown_03: Don't do a stream screaming about it, Josh. Unknown_03: or ebag for a crowdfund for your lawsuit or anything like that, that'd be a shame, right? If you did all that, there's a, there's an unjust lawsuit against you. And, uh, and someone decided to have a weird random personal animus with you for no fucking reason. 1:52:11 Unknown_17: That's a lot of alcohol. Unknown_03: That sucks. Unknown_17: That's a lot of alcohol really fast. Unknown_03: So there'll be an update apparently on that. I stopped following that case. I thought it was dead in the fucking water. Thought it was dead in the fucking water. Unknown_03: Kiwi Farms has been taking L's like crazy lately. Unknown_03: Shit. Unknown_03: That's the most embarrassing opponent to lose to possible. Unknown_03: All right. Well, there you go. All right. I don't know anything about it other than they reversed and remanded saying that Russell Greer has brought plausible claims of contributory copyright infringement against the Kiwi Farms. And so now we'll go back to the district court to proceed with the case. We'll have to look into the arguments presented and what the actual, I guess what the order says. 1:52:51 Unknown_03: It's amazing. Unknown_03: josh is a really good lawyer though i mean he usually knows what he's talking about so that's cool i guess he just didn't win this one riley still has that felony charge though she's right on that right right josh riley's got that felony charge Unknown_03: Definitely got a felony for showing up the rivers. Does he have it? You see a charging document or have you seen the incident report? Have you seen a warrant request? I haven't seen one. It seems like somebody would have that. 1:53:25 Unknown_18: Oh God, that's funny. Unknown_17: Well, I don't know. It is fair to criticize my legal takes because we're both non-practicing lawyers. Unknown_17: We have about as much courtroom experience. In fact, if I do get taken into deposition, I think that I will have more courtroom experience than Nick. 1:53:58 Unknown_17: I don't know. I do have practicing attorneys who are looking into it more than one And again, very very reasonable people who are doing their best to try and help me within the limitations that I have and I'm very thankful for the sort of pantheon of really incredible people that I have Who have volunteered their time and services assist me and the shit that I have to go through and If I do, I have to sell shit to pay bills and stuff, because even if an attorney were working pro bono, there are still fees involved in depositions. You have to pay people for their time when you depose them. Obviously, it's not ideal to have to go back to square one and fight it over again, but... 1:54:31 Unknown_17: um the fact is is that the song that is alleged to be there's two alleged contributor contributory copyright infringements one of them is a google drive link which case law indicates a google drive link cannot be copyright infringement where the link is placed because it doesn't make any sense the file is literally not on my server i do not have a i do not host it other one is the song and i believe very strongly that among other things the song is necessarily archived in a way that does not infringe upon the original market so that people may criticize the song in a way that they can't anywhere else because how do you criticize russell greer when he's moderating his comments 1:55:06 Unknown_17: And so on and so forth. There's reasons for it So I'm pretty confident. I would give it about an 8 out of 10 in confidence I am way way more confident that I can defend the fair use of and the non infringement of the torts of Russell Greer's case Then I am in Rakeda Unknown_17: not being found guilty of defamation, uh, pro se against Montagraph for saying that he always liked sucking little baby dicks. That is very much on the nose. It is not a joke. It cannot be interpreted as a joke. There is no way to interpret that other than a public accusation that one man who has never been convicted of any child sex offenses, uh, is a child sex offender in the literal definition of that term. Um, and, uh, 1:55:58 Unknown_17: On one hand, it's very reasonable for a host to say, no, I'm not going to censor archives of clips that could be deleted off the internet. It is very unreasonable to randomly go out and accuse people of being pedophiles. However, I guess he just assumes that when people like Vito go out and they say... 1:56:34 Unknown_17: that they're a pedophile and that they jerk off to cuties and so on and so forth and they have old blogs of them reviewing shotacon and then you can't you can't make the inferences about that when someone sings a song titled i am a pedophile you can't make inferences about that it's just it's just so disingenuous and it's just it's really it's almost kind of shocking like Unknown_17: When I see Rakeda so transparently malicious like that, it makes me wonder, was he always like that? Because in my head, he was at one point a really nice guy who really did care about certain things and had principled opinions, but then he became an alcoholic and there are holes in his brain. And now I am looking at this thinking like, wow, has this guy always been like this? is this is this like the real rakeda and the only thing that's changed is that now because of the holes in his head he lacks the intellectual capacity to maintain his facade and now all that i'm seeing is like the real person with sans any facade and he's just the the difference is not that his personality has changed because there's a hole boring through his prefrontal cortex the only thing that's changed is that he's no longer able to pretend to be anything else It's really hard for me to distinguish, and I don't know. I am utterly disgusted by him. 1:57:48 Unknown_17: And the thing is, I even told him early on, like... Unknown_17: that I disagreed with him calling Montegraph a child sex offender. Unknown_17: And I really, I told him, I think I told him directly that he should have found a way out of the case. And again, Rakeda, in his thing, what he just said is that he doesn't even think that it will proceed and I'll have to pay, you know, whatever the fuck for statutory damages. He thinks it will get thrown out. But what he finds really funny is that he knows somebody with lesser means than him is going to have to pay to go all the way up to Discovery, which is $30,000 up to $75,000 for a trial and so on. It's more expensive. 1:58:25 Unknown_17: It's a bigger pain in the ass. It's more time. This case has literally been going on for two years now. Unknown_17: Maybe even three. I want to say that it was filed around this time in 2020. So this has been going on for three years now. And, of course, it's going to go to appeals. It's going to take more months. And then it's going to go back to, if appeals aren't accepted this time around, it'll go back to, you know, square one. And then it's all over again another three years because Russell Greer sang a song about an Instagram model that people wanted to make fun of and couldn't do so, except on the Kiwi Farms. And he tried to censor that, and it didn't work out. 1:58:57 Unknown_17: Um So, yeah, it's it's it's fucking it's a mess and It's one of the one of the biggest pains in the asses I don't I want to phrase it like this um, even completely frivolous Bullshit lawsuits filed pro se in form of pop harris by a literal insane person Um, you could right now you could go online. You could find some templates for whatever tort you wanted to file You could find somebody and then file a lawsuit against them in a courtroom. You could sign it, pay $100 for the filing fee, and then that person is fucked. You will probably, like, literally just pick any random civil tort in your state. 1:59:43 Unknown_17: And then pick it out of your phone book any name from your entire state and file that random bullshit lawsuit with unspecific details and if you manage to pass the sniff test and get that lawsuit filed in With absolute bullshit facts. There is a likelihood that you will bankrupt that person and All it takes is one lawsuit, one bullshit lawsuit, and almost everybody in the United States of America is bankrupt. They have no way of defending it. You're not entitled to a public defender in civil cases. There's very rarely legal help for people who are being taken advantage of by the system. 2:00:19 Unknown_17: In my case, the EFF is aware of what's going on. They're aware of the appeal, and they do not care if they say you're completely on your own, and other nonprofit organizations like that do not want to touch us because in the appellate court, like, listen, I'll show you this. Unknown_17: If I go through this, 2:00:56 Unknown_17: um this is a quote from by the way this oh i can't i want to say something about the judge but i'll hold my tongue i'll be nice the judge did decide to say this and um their their opinion many of kiwi farms targets are physically or mentally disabled uh and mr greer himself suffers a form of facial paralysis kiwi farms users allegedly stalk and harass these other individuals according to mr greer's complaint and request for a preliminary injunction Mr. Moon and Kiwi Farms users have been implicated in three suicides, a school shooting in New Mexico, a clash with New Zealand authorities over information about terrorist attacks in mosques and churches. Unknown_17: Utter bullshit. But at this stage in the proceedings, anything that the plaintiff files is presumed to be true. And of course, the judge is going to take this and reiterate it. And then that information is in public record as like a court document. And then when people report on this, um on like bloomberg news and shit they quote this as true they say well a judge is saying that they withheld information from new zealand police so therefore they were helping a terrorist and they get to just say that now forever because uh the court is participating in this uh so it's really frustrating and there's a lot of injustice but because at this point like the kiwi farms is undefamable you can say literally anything about us and i have no recourse against it 2:02:21 Unknown_17: And the organizations that you would hope would defend civil liberties are not interested in helping. They want something easier and better for PR. Unknown_17: So the justice system for little people in the United States is very dire. It's in a very sad place. Unknown_17: Um rakeda knows that it's very dire and it's in a very sad place and he doesn't care and he thinks it's funny actually So keep that in mind. Um Let's just do a little a little What they call in camera editing right now go back to this But you know when ricada asked you for money to help help his poor little poor little defense case the hired a nice warrior uh from california to defend him from the hecking hecking uh defamation case remember this this is what he thinks about people abusing the legal system oh shit 2:03:02 Unknown_17: Shit. That's a white bread ass nigga if I've ever seen one. Unknown_18: Oh, wow. Unknown_17: It does suck. It really shocks me, like, how disappointing he continues to be. Because it's gone from, like, oh, well, I expect better of him, to, like, oh, that's actually, like, really shitty behavior from, like, anybody. 2:03:50 Unknown_17: Never mind somebody that you, you know, hold in high regard or trust at some point. That's, like, shitty behavior just in general from people. Unknown_17: Such is life. Unknown_17: Um, and there you go. That's your clip, Alyssa. Enjoy. Unknown_17: Finally, the Reddit segment chat, the most anticipated Reddit, Reddit, the most anticipated segment about Reddit on the entire internet. Unknown_17: Uh, Unknown_17: Anti-feminism AU. So this is the guy's username. I assume that he's an Aussie Dossie, uh, anti-feminist hecking pro man, man, manly man says, uh, commenting on my fiance always puts her family first. I don't know if I can handle it. 2:04:30 Unknown_17: in our the philippines says uh been living in the philippines for quite some time and met over a hundred women in both cities and provinces while i've met some sweet girls i still haven't been able to find the one i'm compatible with long term the main reason is cultural differences they're way too involved in their family if you marry a filipina her family will always come first and you will be second this is the opposite in the west Whenever a Filipina moves overseas and earns money, pretty much all the money she earns is sent back to her family. This would be a major cause of conflict because instead of her spending the money, 2:05:11 Unknown_17: On you as a couple, for things like travel, etc., it will go to her family first. In addition, their family will also expect you to give them money because you're a rich foreigner. But even if you refuse to do so, she will still do it. This is a very hard cultural difference to overcome, and it's something I can see working out. Unknown_17: I can't see working out. I've come to the conclusion that no Filipina is suitable for long-term. They are great for short-term dating, but that's all. To the OP, run as fast and as far as you can. This shit will only get worse. Do not marry this woman. She will suck you dry and clean you out. 2:05:48 Unknown_17: Now he also posts in our men's rights, uh, in the thread, women only train coaches saying, unfortunately they also have women only carriages in Manila. Philippines was quite surprised and disappointed to see that in the third world country, central Philippines. This guy is offended that there are women's only carriages on trains. Unknown_17: I don't, I cannot even fucking imagine being upset about that. Uh, as far as the, um, 2:06:21 Unknown_17: Like obviously see his issue is that he thinks like I'm going to go to a third world country and literally buy a woman. Like I'm just going to like purchase a female, a femoid to be my breeder. And then I'm just not going to ever, um, Unknown_17: And I'm just going to like export her out of the country to my country. And that'll be the end of that. And then he's surprised that they're like financially driven. Like, what do you mean this woman? I'm literally buying with cash to tolerate me and have my children wants to send money back to home. What do you mean that she is first and foremost concerned with elevating the economic status of herself and her family? That's ridiculous. She should be putting my needs first. 2:06:59 Unknown_17: It's really, really sad shit. He has... 100 dates, so he's just been going around the philippines like fucking every yellow woman that he can Promise probably promising them outright that they can come to the us or australia or whatever the fuck later And then leaving because like oh, what do you mean that you still live at home? Unknown_17: by the way, everyone in the philippines lives at home almost like they they have like They live in like small shanties like the poorest filipinos will live in like a small home together And it will be you know the grandparents 2:07:42 Unknown_17: Mom, dad, and the kids all living together. Like, that's really, really normal in the Philippines. Unknown_17: It's extremely retarded to move to the Philippines and then think, I'm going to meet a woman who doesn't like her family. If you meet a woman in the Philippines who doesn't like her family, she's fucking crazy. She's like BPD and cannot exist in their normal society there. Unknown_17: So yeah, sex tourists BTFO'd by the Filipinos. Unknown_18: Um, I guess I can maybe read a little bit more. Oh, I forgot something actually. 2:08:17 Unknown_18: Did I forget this? I did. Um, okay. I did have a little more. Unknown_17: Let's see if I can find something really funny off the top of my head. Dual mating strategy woman. On Bumble and Tinder, girls will have looking for something casual option on their profile. But when I ask them what they're looking for, they say serious. When I ask them, so why did you put casual on your profile? They refuse to answer and unmatch. Unknown_17: This means they only went casual for Chad, but every other guy they say looking for serious because they went as beta providers. However, they still put the option of casual on their profile because they can't miss out on sex with Chad. Women seem to be very secretive about this dual mating strategy to the point where they just un-match if you catch them out. They are terrified of guys finding out because it threatens their ability to have a beta provider. The dual mating strategy of women really pisses me off. Any other guy who's noticed this behavior? It's simple. Just be Chad. 2:08:52 Unknown_18: dreaded good luck anyone else notice women love to use good luck when they no longer wish to talk to you anymore i really hate it how they do this can't they just say sorry this isn't going to work to do to x instead of just a good luck hell i'd even rather just unmatch them unmatched without saying anything because saying good luck seems so fake 2:09:42 Unknown_17: They don't give a shit about whether you have good luck in dating or not. Why do they pretend to? It's become such an overused phrase that whenever a woman does genuinely wish me good luck in something, I ask, huh, what's wrong? Because all I hear is I don't want to speak to you anymore. Unknown_17: Another one they use a lot is wish you all the best. Again, so fake. They don't give a shit. What do men use this sort of language to? Or is it mostly just women? He ventured out of like his male dating area. So he got downvoted on this one. Unknown_17: r swipe helper new tinder changes can't get around ban question mark anyone else knows that's no longer possible to get around a ban by changing the device id previously this worked with a new number and changing the device id with crane tweak on ios but somehow it is still ever able to detect my phone now uh the only way to have been evade now is to reset the whole device anyone else notice this 2:10:37 Unknown_17: And this guy is trying to brute force an MD5 password, so he's breaking into somebody's phone or something, or their online account. Unknown_17: How much should demand for private investigators? Unknown_17: Getting email addresses from a phone number. Found a jailbreak for chat GPD that lets you ask anything. Bypassing all the feminist and woke BS. And are anti-feminist. Unknown_17: Men's rights, please stop saying women only date the top 20 or 10% of men. It's now the top 5% What is DJI DJI fans, what the fuck is that? 2:11:25 Unknown_18: It's like a band a Drone Unknown_17: He's like a drone enthusiast. Oh my this guy One million trillion percent uses a drone to like creep shot women in their in their apartment through their windows This guy is just like he's built a profile to be as creepy as humanly possible Women ghost after sex just as much as men Unknown_17: You will often hear women complaining about not wanting sex on the first date because they think most men will ghost them once they have gotten what they wanted. But in my experience, women do it just as much. In most cases, I actually want to see the girl again. Oh, no. I know where this is going. But usually they are the ones who ghost me after sex. 2:12:01 Unknown_17: It seems many women are also just wanting a one-night stand in the... Unknown_17: oh he's so bad at sex they just leave they just they just leave he's so terrible in bed that the next day they just get out quietly before he wakes up 2:12:40 Unknown_17: Oh, he doesn't even know. He doesn't even know. It doesn't even compute to him that he's like a dicklet who sucks in bed. He's just like, you know, all these women are just so into one night stands. That's crazy. I paved them and then they disappear. What's happening? Do you think more countries will ban drones in the future? Oh, no. Unknown_17: Electric scooters. Unknown_17: At least he hates pitbulls. He posts an R dog free and posts videos of pitbulls dying. That sounds like something I would do. 2:13:14 Unknown_18: Let's see. Unknown_17: on our online dating why do western women refuse to give you their number anyone else notice this phenomenon i usually ask for their number once we built a connection and had a few few good conversations over a few days but lately i've noticed that western women will always refuse and be like i'd rather chat here until we've met in person Why are they so paranoid? I find Tinder to be a slow and clunky on the phone and sometimes it will crash. The experience is just a lot better on WhatsApp, which is a more optimized app. Not to mention that in case something happens on Tinder, e.g. Salty Girl's reporting you for petty reasons. Pfft. He'll lose contact forever. He gets banned on Tinder so much that he has to try and score phone numbers as quickly as possible for hookups because there is no guarantee he will not be banned from the app before they can arrange a date in person. 2:13:47 Unknown_17: I've also used Tinder in Southeast Asia and girls will give me their numbers even just after a few lines because you're white, retard. If a Western woman refuses to give you a number for a few years of chatting, another will say, oh, it's a shame because I'm done with this app and I'm about to delete it, so no problem. And they are really into you, then they will give you their number. If not, that's just not worth it. 2:14:26 Unknown_17: Tinder experiment. Unattractive obese girl gets 474 likes in 24 hours. Many are chads. So he's doing like fake Tinder profiles to see about fat bitches getting likes. Unknown_18: This guy's awesome. 2:15:02 Unknown_18: Roby Wade is an over overturn. Unknown_17: It's a win for average guys and a loss for Chad's women. Women lose constitutional right to abortion. This Chad most effective. I'm just imagining like the Chad guy with his out shirt, like crying into his out church because it's like, Oh my God, I can't get bitches to abort babies anymore. Uh, that's funny. Unknown_17: Invite him to the farm. All right, I'll cut it there. Oh, there is one more thing, actually. I'm not going to play any boss man jack clips, but I will just briefly cover what's happened with him. 2:15:36 Unknown_17: He, as I mentioned, he got chanced. He switched over from stake to chance. He switched over from stake to chance because he was an affiliate of stake. And then... Unknown_17: He started streaming other gambling platforms because stake has limits to like how often you can withdraw and redeposit on their platform. So when he hit that limit, he would just switch over to other platforms and then stream that that got reported to stake and they dropped him as an affiliate. 2:16:15 Unknown_17: He was making $200 a day. Well, he would give the money back to the stake, but he was getting that money to play with. After they dropped him, he became an affiliate with Chance, and he fucked that up on his own because on Chance, they have a $3 limit to that game Kino, which is, I talked about it before, it has really bad odds. It's fucking unbelievable that he plays it. so um he would withdraw his money from chanced and then bring it to another casino to play on their keno board so they dropped him because they could tell that he was withdrawing his bitcoin directly into another wallet to play over there Um, and obviously if the, the casino is giving you $200 a day to play with, they expect you to give that money back to them. But if you're just going to gamble it on other fucking casinos and they're just donating their money to stake. So obviously they're going to ban you from their affiliate program. If you're just burning their money on a different casino. So this time it wasn't even a rat's fault. He didn't get reported for doing shit. They correctly identified like their system identified that he was withdrawing money to stake. And, um, 2:16:51 Unknown_17: And booted him off. So now he's only betting with juice. He has to beg for every single dollar that he gets So he's more like he's playing more video games than usual and he's more like emotional because like if he loses money He he can't just like reclaim that money later on Such as life for the boss man jack 2:17:44 Unknown_17: All right, I will remind everybody, just really, really quick, if you made it this far, as we enter the shill segment, before you go, or before I start doing the super chats, whichever it may be, I would like to remind everybody that I am doing the Halloween merchandise run. You can go ahead to matty.live or matty.net.com and get a shirt or a hoodie. Unknown_17: Here is the shirt, chat. It's a great design. It's an amazing design. It's a wonderful design, chat. Mad at the internet. Oh, he was being view-botted by rats. That's why he had 12,000 viewers. Anyways, pick up a shirt if you like it. Thank you very much. I'll do the super chats now. 2:18:32 Unknown_17: Let us flip to the show mode. Unknown_18: And... Unknown_18: Let's see. I'll start with Rumble today. Unknown_17: Wally Howell for two says, hope you have a good day, Josh. You're my nibba as always. Oh, I'm having a great week so far. Thank you very much. Rabies right now for two says my church supports Israel. So I wrote this on their, on my truck. Unknown_17: And then there is a back of the old Ford pickup, and he's written on his truck, Matthew 5-5, Revelation 2-9, Free Palestine. I'm assuming that those are the books about the synagogue of Satan. I'm just going to take a wild guess and assume that those are about the synagogue of Satan. Thank you, Rabies. Roxanne Wolf for five says, bark, bark. Thank you, Roxanne Wolf. What a great super chat. Casting Couchcraft for 20 says, please watch at least 45 seconds of this timeless entertainment Sopranos, O's, and Ho's. 2:19:12 Unknown_17: Okay. Unknown_18: We'll spare 45 seconds. 2:19:46 Unknown_18: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Push! Oh! Oh! Unknown_07: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Unknown_17: Oh! Unknown_07: Oh! Oh! Unknown_17: There's no reason to have 45 seconds of continuous O's. I will give you 20, my friend. Thank you for all the O's. Unknown_17: TheLonelyMinigo for 10 says, I will send the super chat and I will be happy. Based. Based on Schwab pill. We need the economic forum to give me a stimulus package. 2:20:18 Unknown_17: HolyHowl for one says, Ethan got PTSD watching that video. Oh, this video? Unknown_17: That's a shame because all those children who saw their friends get murdered have PTSD. Very sad. Unknown_17: All else fails for five says Ethan eradicated his tweets the same day Hila eradicated children. Oh no. I can't believe Hila according to all else fails for five says all that. That's crazy bros. All else fails for five says gonna need to pump those numbers up and then he links to an Axios article. 2:20:49 Unknown_17: At least 15 journalists killed in the Hamas-Israel war. Oh no, bros. Journalists? Our greatest resource? The fifth pillar? Dying in war? That's crazy. That's so shocking and sad, and I feel very bad about it. 2:21:22 Unknown_17: Thank you. Unknown_17: BaldoPagans42 says, Wait, are we manipulating you, Noel, or terrifying you? I am both terrified and manipulated at every given second. Unknown_17: anime sucks cope and sneed for five says pizza day and links to the 4chan auto board and you bet it it's a fat dragon in a car uh eating pizza thank you anime sucks cope and sneed for five says pizza day and links to the 4chan auto board and you guessed it it's a fat dragon she's driving on the right this time which i will point out she also has three mid sections because she's so fat thank you 2:21:58 Unknown_17: AnimeSexCopenSneed4Five says, Pizza Day and links to the 4chan auto board and you guessed it is a fat dragon in a car and she's wearing a shirt that says detractor while farting. Thank you. Pizza Day, uh, AnimeSexCopenSneed4Five says Pizza Day and links to the 4chan auto board and this time she's wearing a shirt that says bugged belly mechanics. Thank you. AnimeSexCopenSneed4Five says Pizza Day and links to the 4chan auto board. This time she's wearing a shirt that just says Pizza Day. And it kind of looks like a different logo, but it forgets. It's like red with like a white stripe on it. Kind of looks like something else. This time she has three pizzas and is still farting. Thank you. Ipo for five says new host has been chosen. That's why Chris is disintegrating. It would make sense. It would make sense, my friend. 2:22:39 Unknown_17: uh red crab for five says i can't afford to give you 100 this week so 50 will have to do 40 who said i have to give you 20 10 is more than fair thank you red crab i understand that we all have different different uh liberties and how much we can how much we can give to the the uh the internet podcast some people have more than enough to donate dragons farting for whatever reason All else fails for 10 says Nick started as Juju fanboy didn't gain Juju's audience through the law tube and has been trying to court case those court those fans ever since. Unknown_17: That's all there is to him and all there will ever be. I have no idea the obsession with Dick Masterson. Unknown_17: Like, I mean, his whole thing about being like an L.A. guy is like a cool shtick, I guess, but I don't look up to that. Unknown_17: There's nothing enviable about being a washed-up never-was in fucking Hollywood who published one book, was in an advertisement, and had an extra role as a serial killer fanboy. He was like a greasy loser selling serial killer paraphernalia in a TV show, and that's it. That's supposed to be cool. 2:23:37 Unknown_17: And he managed to get his old best friend's sloppy seconds and didn't ever give her a child. I'm like, wow, what a fucking hero, bro. I can't ever imagine looking up to that. Unknown_17: Like, Dick was funny sometimes. He was pretty chill. And he did help once or twice, but he's definitely not a fucking idol. He's not a hero. Unknown_17: Supreme Me for five says, I'm going to enjoy watching Arcada's grifting career implode one day. Only a matter of time before he has a scandal. 2:24:16 Unknown_17: That's the thing with people who take on feuds with the Kiwi Farms, is that the Kiwi Farms has been around for a very long time, and many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many people who have wanted us to shut down are no longer with us. Unknown_17: And you just gotta wait. Unknown_17: ECB4230545 says, You make me laugh the hardest of any podcast. You bring joy while I work. I feel it's necessary to give me five Dara to spite Baldo Gaggins. Baldo Gaggins, gross. I need to get rid of that yee-yee-ass haircut. Dude, he looks so bad. I didn't want to like just get like Like personal just about like physical prints, but he looks so fucking bad like in that video where he's like Trying to like shit on me for being sued For like something i'm well within my right to host He looks fucking greasy as shit. He's like bright red And he just looks fucking nasty Look at that Look at that guy. What's wrong with him? What happened to him? Literally, what the fuck is wrong with him? It's crazy. I'm glad he liked the podcast, though. 2:25:06 Unknown_18: It's all about trying to make people wrath. Unknown_18: Um... Unknown_17: ECB 4, 2, 3 0 5 says another five Dara to call him a white bread ass cock who buddies up with socioeconomic rumors and, and proclaimed that PDF files. I didn't get me fucking started on the, on the veto shit, man. I re I just don't get it. I just do not understand the whole obsession with trying to be friends with them. Like, like surely there are better people to buddy up with. 2:25:44 Unknown_17: But no, 40-year-olds who sit around in bikinis and look like they shit themselves. And Vito and Dick Masterson, those are the people. That's the way forward. By the way, in chat, I'm going to read the responses when I switch over to Odyssey. What is his opinion on Legal Eagle? Because I keep getting suggested Legal Eagle videos, and I find that they're a little bit biased, but they're pretty good. I'm going to take a guess. 2:26:22 Unknown_17: And just assume that Rakeda fucking hates Legal Eagle for some contrived reason that may or may not be that he's very successful. Unknown_17: Fox just for 10 says, quote, everywhere I go smells like dog shit. Why do I smell dog shit everywhere I go? Doesn't check their shoes. Unknown_17: I have no idea what that is a reference to. Unknown_17: I'm going to assume it's a thing in support of me as all things are. Unknown_17: Oh, you mean Rakeda probably. The fact that 2:26:57 Unknown_17: People continually turn on him because he just shits on everybody. Well, I don't like drama streams, but then I stream continuously about drama. Unknown_17: A person's account for 10 says Tuesday streams make the workday tolerable. Thanks, Josh. I'm glad that you can get through the day and then give me a cut. Give me a stipend of your paycheck. He hates him. He despises him. Mercado hates Legal Eagle. He's always hated him and called him retarded. He used to make fun of Legal Eagle, rightfully so. Unknown_18: He's a total retard. Unknown_18: He's just a fancier Jewish lawyer. The only thing that annoys me about Legal Eagle is that he's... And this is going to sound silly coming from me, but he does pre-recorded videos, and he has a very poor sense of elocution. 2:27:43 Unknown_17: He'll slur words together on accident, and he often speaks in the same kind of sing-songy way, where he goes... Unknown_17: Donald Trump did that and it was a bad thing Like he does like the same then he'll do that same kind of inflection like four different times. Yeah Yeah, like yeah sound more natural. You have to speak clearer, which again is glass glass houses and shit Yeah glass houses for real but that's it's very noticeable like you listen to him talk for a while like um, you could do better I'm I'll phrase it charitably. I know you could do better my boy The lonely window for five says 2:28:21 Unknown_17: Camtaro. Oh, you can super chat emojis. Fascinating. Thank you. I'm going to have to make it so that subscribers show up in the thing too. I don't have that configured yet, but I'll have, because you can become a subscriber on kick now. So that's like three different platforms that you can subscribe on. I'm going to have to integrate that to the heads up display. Unknown_17: Hyper Ninja for five says, have some juice. Try not to eliminate it all in one place. Ooh, dude, I need to try mangosteen juice. After the low tax stream, I've been thinking about it. I've been looking at how to get it where I'm at. And it's like a hundred dollars for like a bottle of mangosteen juice. But I really, I'm desperate. I want to try the mangosteen juice chat. I want to, I was thinking that maybe I would do that for my, like, I haven't posted a picture of myself in a long time, but I was really, really tempted to dress up as low tax and get a bottle of mangosteen juice and post a picture like that. 2:28:54 Unknown_17: But that would be tempting fate too much. I think chat, but I do want to I do want to try the mangosteen juice And who knows maybe I'll get an affiliate link. I'll post about and say hey guys try my mangosteen juice. I defend the lawsuit Space Allen for 20 says hang in there man. I am look I get like I'm very 2:29:27 Unknown_17: I'm trying my best. Unknown_17: Obviously, I'm not 100% satisfied because there are issues to be dealt with, but I'm pretty confident in the direction we're going right now. I think that there's some hiccups, but generally everything is progressing pretty well. Unknown_17: Insensitive for 10 says, what's the too long didn't read on Greer? I read the OP from his story, but I don't think I picked up on enough lore. Unknown_17: His lore is really simple. Unknown_17: He was adopted. He has a facial paralysis issue that gives him kind of like a weird look. 2:30:00 Unknown_17: But I mean, as ugly as that condition makes him look, he's genuinely a really nasty guy. He's extremely abrasive. He tries to he's been convicted of stalking. He has a sense of entitlement and he has a sense of like control. He has to control people. And he's just he's just genuinely a really nasty guy, which is why people make fun of him. 2:30:36 Unknown_17: The thing, like as fun as it is to make fun of his face, the issue with him is inside. Unknown_17: Not to sound corny or anything, but he's just genuinely a really fucking nasty person. Unknown_17: Fox shows for five says, where's my BMW door alert? Jersh. That was like inside of a video. Oh, someone like played, paid me to play a clip. And then you were, then you immediately recognize the sound. And now you're trying to make it like a meme. I don't understand you. Unknown_17: Smith, Smith, 13 for three says you thought Eric July, your thought Eric July getting a lawsuit. Dude, it's such bullshit. Unknown_17: there's no brand confusion between the the international like systems of ministries and isom the comic it's just bullshit it's so fucking obviously spurred on by dick and the fact that he denies it so like no really there is brand confusion it's just it really makes my fucking skin crawl and i really hope to see the day where these bad people have bad things happen to them 2:31:35 Unknown_17: Twinkle tart for $100. Says pizza day and then links to a Kiwi Farms attachment. Oh, geez. Unknown_17: It appears to be a man in a gimp suit with the Rikada Law logo on top of him. And if my memory serves me, this is the gimp from Pulp Fiction, one of my favorite movies. Unknown_17: Bring out the gimp. The gimp's sleeping. Unknown_17: Wake him up then. Unknown_17: It's an exact quote from that movie. That scene is a real, real brilliance, real brilliance like Quentin Tarantino. 2:32:08 Unknown_18: Uh, oh, there it is. Unknown_17: uh action johnny for fun thank you very much by the way action johnny for five says hope hope c have kiwi farms for one million years me too buddy me too i hope that the kiwi farms continues to i i swear i promise you if i ever make enough money i will literally take all the contents of the kiwi farms etch it onto a platinum vinyl record and launch it into space the little transmitters that the aliens can find it and laugh at retards too 2:32:47 Unknown_17: Doc sound for five says is the hold it together shirt. The only one that will be sold. I saw other designs I liked a better a few days ago, but they were out of stock and now they aren't showing up at the store I do not rerun designs. Those are all old designs I have rerun one design one time but like the printing costs are just I can't do it I can't do multiple designs on multiple colors because every time I add a Permutation to the mix it complicates shipping it complicates printing it reduces margins and it defeats the purpose to have it so complicated so now I I do one design at a time. 2:33:20 Unknown_17: Depending on how the Greer stuff goes, I might do like a Christmas. I don't know when the appropriate time to do it is. I could do it in January or something, or around Christmas. But I like the idea of war bonds where I do like an old, like, let me try to find out like an example of what I'm talking about. There are these really cool World War II bonds I'm a big fan of. Unknown_17: like this. And I was thinking like, if I did something like this, I could, you know, raise money with it and then actually mail people like some kind of firm postcard that looks like this with like, you know, references to the Kiwi Farms. And then for the big ones, I actually have a wax seal And I could physically sign and seal some of these things so that people who donate a lot of money have something that's a little cooler and more personalized. So this is my war bond idea for the lawsuits. 2:33:56 Unknown_17: I'd have to figure out a way logistically to do it, though. I've never done prints, so I'd have to look at it. Unknown_17: Be fun to help with design. Yeah, I don't know how to, how I would even, it's called like security printing. Like this pattern on the edge is like a security pattern that makes it harder to forge. So I really don't know how I would even ask people to try and make like a security pattern. That's like a really complicated ask. 2:34:30 Unknown_17: But yeah, that's my idea for like crowdfunding lawsuit stuff. Unknown_17: Right now the shirt is what i'm selling. It should be enough for a while Because the thing is it's like, you know, you start talking about like thirty thousand dollars to like fund a defense That's not all at once you do payment plans. And like I said, it takes like three years to get around to stuff So it sounds like a crushing number where it's like, oh my god all hands on deck. We have to you know Raise x amount of dollars to to fund all this right now But the reality is is a little bit more lenient where you're basically paying off a car 2:35:06 Unknown_17: As crushing as that sounds, it's not like if you don't have $30,000 cash on hand, you're just fucking dead in the water. If it ever gets down to something like that, I'll let people know. I'm not too worried about it. I am, if anything, I'm very good at finances. Unknown_17: There were times in my life where I had literally no money. had literally no money i had just moved to ukraine i was taking like weird contracts to try and make money and i still somehow managed to keep everything chugging along so um i will that is something i inherited from my mother my mother is very money money sound very um educated on finances and i just by Because we would listen we would literally listen when we did car trips together and I was a little kid she would put Like dave ramsey like book on tape like back in the day She would have like cassette tapes of dave ramsey's financial advice And she would put the cassette tape into the radio and we would listen to books on tape of like Like susie orman and dave ramsey and people like that. So I have been programmed about through the through the ether how to manage how to manage money just a little bit i'm only a And I I do okay with what I have so she's not jewish. She just likes money She's just financially savvy. Okay Uh, yeah, this is where I got my five percent ashkenazi Um 2:36:54 Unknown_17: Cole Cole for two says Nick doesn't understand the Christian meaning of love. Love is love and Christianity is wanting everyone the best they were meant to be and putting in the effort to help them. He think it just means having positive feelings and hoping for the best. Unknown_17: Left libertarianism, not even one. I can't even call him a libertarian at this point. I don't know what the fuck. He's just a hedonist. Whatever, whatever. I mean, maybe you would say libertarianism, but he doesn't have a political philosophy. He just wants to gratify himself as much as possible all the time. Just like Dick. Unknown_17: Just like Dick. 2:37:27 Unknown_17: Internet flame for one says why you know read super duper chat. I did. Sorry if I missed it I'm pretty sure maybe it was before the stream. I might have missed that. Sorry If you're here's my thing if you're gonna super chat before the stream starts Please make sure you do on Odyssey because the rumble if anything happens on my rumble chat and I have to restart it before the the stream starts I'd lose the pre-stream chat. So the Odyssey ones stick through no matter what I Unknown_17: I will, I will mark my fucking words, find a way to get Odyssey super jets to be more permanent. I'm going to, I'm going to write something eventually to, to make them better. 2:38:02 Unknown_17: All else fails for 10 says Dick was a shock jock, but for the internet, the lowercase I internet, even boobs, good woman, bad contrarian, everything, same shit, opening Anthony and Stern did. Some fans grew up in the way from that. Others become Nick and Riley. Unknown_17: Yeah, I mean, I don't know. In my head, and I'm sure he would laugh at this, but I really thought that there would come a point where... Because I know that Sean has a personal life, and he doesn't really contribute much to the show except chiming in every so often. But it would just seem like an obvious progression of the show to get married and have kids and start talking about kids and how your life is changing. You don't want to be stuck in the same... 2:38:41 Unknown_17: You know people watch shows like the simpsons still that have been running for 34 years and are the same fucking thing over and over again But you really don't want your life to be stuck in a rerun of like itself forever Like yeah, I remember when I was 30 and I was like involved with maddox and I published a book called men are better than women You don't want to be 40 And saying the exact same shit like how fucking depressing literally the most soul-crushing thing I could possibly fucking imagine 2:39:13 Unknown_17: um mario carter 13 for one says broke drexel smash nick's wife woke drexel drexel smash nick's v card gross i don't even want to think about that drexel's so fucking nasty man Unknown_17: Insensitive zero for five says did you catch the bit about one of Dick's pet retards visiting July July's or Eric July's? Sorry, Julie. I saw one Chris video now. I'm saying Julie Visiting July's dead grandfather's grave and revealing he named his superhero after him. I some knew this before going through with the lawsuit yeah, he named his book after his grandfather and And then when people found out that he has like a really close relationship with his grandfather, one of the dick show people went over to the headstone and it looked like he pissed on it. I think that he mentioned like he teased that he would shit on it or something. I don't know what the fuck he did. There was like a big wet stain on the headstone that's not present in other photos of it. So he definitely poured something on it. 2:39:56 Unknown_17: It's just really fucking gross, man. It's really gross that people are like this. I still don't fucking get it. I understand that Eric July feeds the trolls just a little bit. Because he does instantly give these people attention. And I wish he would fucking starve them out. Unknown_17: But even then, it's like... Nobody on the forum did shit like this to people. It's not funny. It's the reason. It's not funny. That's why they didn't do it. 2:40:32 Unknown_17: Uh, Lacunae, for one, says, I don't care that Jews are killing Palestinians so much that they're getting away with it. Unknown_17: Well, all things are fair in love and war, right? Uh, Walulu, for one, says, I've given this a lot of thought, and I want you to hear with me here, Josh. I think the entire situation... I think your entire... Unknown_17: I think your entire situation in life could easily be solved by a genuine honest-to-God truning out. I'll go over the pros and cons. 2. Pros. Truing Josh is better than emotionally abusive and manipulative soft-eyed Josh who somehow manages to lose a public argument about baldos with Rikada despite you're the only one talking about it publicly. 3. 2:41:15 Unknown_17: You'd no longer be a strain on the forum or society. The charity money you get will actually go to your HRT rather than silver scams. 4. Your outright embarrassing attempt to be a streamer. Depending on the method of churning out, you'll be able to finally harness your faggoty helium voice instead of compensating for it by being taxic. Think of all the rest you'll get by not having to make your own lowercase i internet since Matthew Prince would now pay Pig for you, his mommy-dommy. Five, trunes don't need working dicks. 2:41:49 Unknown_17: wow cons there are none don't think this is something i'm casually posting or rejected hastily i'm willing to work with you on coming to accept what with any amount of thought is the obvious solution to your problems i'm here for you user was modded for this post bravo bravissimo encore It's pretty good. Unknown_17: Actually. Uh, DV is Dave for five says something wrong. I hold my head. Muttley gone. Rip nigga dead. Rip Muttley. And then he links to a tenor post of a crying Pepe. I will show this briefly. There's Pepe. He's very sad. He's crying. Um, Muttley isn't in the general chat anymore. I don't know why this is now a meme. He's still using the forum. Unknown_17: Dante Carp them for five says, thank you. Juris for doing this needful. You're welcome. Appreciate it. neighbor for five says most esteemed and inveterable kiwi daimo why do abos have two different sized nostrils one's for diesel the other is for unleaded that's funny thank you Pastor Troy pretends to say, hey, Josh, thanks for the years of entertainment. I really do appreciate it. Here's some money. Think of us not as a donation, but as an investment. I expect a 1,000% or 1,000 times, so 10,000% return on investment. I don't know, man. You maybe should have put that in the S&P 500, because when inflation hits, you might actually get a 10,000% return on investment. Thank you. 2:43:10 Unknown_17: Fido, Hungarian, Imperialist for five says, I'm going to guess mushrooms for the eye guy. For some reason, the hallucinations caused by alkaloids like silo silvum cause a lot of self-mutilations. Datura has the same problem, but not as common as a party drug. Unknown_17: uh final hungarian pillars for 15 says there are pictures of chris finn and soda having a day out together that's how many degrees of separation there are two friends of a friend of a friend also it's not like soda was just present he was doing an alt he's on an alt doing the same i watch redacted lol just kidding routine as the clown dude yeah 2:43:51 Unknown_17: There's no doubt my fucking mind you can say oh there's there's a bit of a doubt right like nah, bro Nah, bro, you can wear the fucking wig and trick all the little kids and and play games with the twitch staff But I fucking know you bro. I know what you are, man Mongrel for five says hey josh, I got married last friday, but I have just found out during our honeymoon That my wife loves cilantro, which I do throw out the fucking window with the rest of her disgusting cilantro Unknown_17: but congratulations it is nice that you're going to have hopefully white babies however it's very sad that they will be cilantro enjoyers like a 50 50 chance that there are cilantro enjoyers disgusting one drop of cilantro blood is all it takes my man neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable kiwi daimo uh humana and then he links to a cat box file 2:44:42 Unknown_17: Which, I mean, I don't know what you're less than over. This appears to be Hila Klein in an IDF uniform. And much like when she killed those Palestinian children, allegedly, she has her finger on the trigger. Which is not humna humna humna at all. Unknown_17: It's called trigger discipline, chat. Trigger discipline. Trigger discipline. Unknown_17: um james boone for five says josh i did the math on science a drop of whiskey from a 700 milliliter bottle priced at 200 is two cents nick is an alcoholic no bro you don't understand if you don't desperately tongue bathe your alcohol bottle after you pour yourself a drink it'll have a little oopsie whoopsie and make a little wingy wingy on the on the ground now you could easily just use a coaster or something so that it doesn't get on the table 2:45:31 Unknown_17: um but tongue bathing it i guess is is more phallic and enjoyable for a hedonism enjoyer uh dante carptum for tin says sad to see nick is a duplicitous faggot it's a shame i once liked him yeah me too buddy you're in the club thank you that's a dot for 25 says dear josh i'm currently traveling around japan do you have any tips on not to catch libertarianism thanks for g i mean asian women pretty much do that by themselves um Unknown_17: I mean, when I was in Japan, I went to Sapporo was very nice. Like unironically, um, it was very Japanesey feeling. I went to a big, I went there with, uh, Frederick to a big, like duty-free tech store and bought like a 4k monitor. Unknown_17: Um, and so I went to a zoo and stuff. It was nice. It's nice to visit. Unknown_17: I was out there at Christmas time and it snowed during Christmas, so I had a white Christmas in Japan and ate nice. It was generally an excellent vacation. I had a lot of fun. I miss the HM guys, to be honest with you. It's one of the many incidents in my life where it's like, you know, things really could have turned out better if I wasn't surrounded by the kind of people that I end up surrounded by. Maybe it's a me problem, chat. Nah, couldn't be. 2:46:28 Unknown_17: Finno-Hungarian imperialist for five says my wife is not an atomized individualistic retard who hates her parents. Ah, yes the libertarian cinema Dude Unknown_17: yeah i had to go to i had to go to a third world country notice that when libertarian types go to get their wife where do they go philippines thailand vietnam you know what those countries have in common they're poor they don't go to japan they don't go to or in china they don't go to korea you know why because they have a standard of living there already they don't have to hook up with the white man to get money they can just marry koreans and japanese people 2:47:28 Unknown_17: funny how is they have to go to the poor countries james boone for five says happy national possum day oh happy possum day to you too my friend i hope all the possums are having a nice day sock puppet sam for 21 says hey josh please describe this video for me for the people in the rss feed thank you this is a minute long i'll i'll narrate this until it becomes boring to me Unknown_17: Opening it up, it looks like there is a man hugging a pony doll. There are holes in his drywall and there is a cutout poster of Princess Leia holding a laser pistol in the corner, which is kind of menacing it because when you see it at first, it's kind of like scary because it's like she's about to shoot him in the back of the head, which is a fate that he could only hope for at this point, I imagine. Unknown_08: I need that. Why isn't that you? Everybody was not a true, true friend to me. They didn't want to be my true, true friend and help me out when I needed that problem. What I needed is. That's it. You all think that a true, true friend leaves somebody when they're in pain and leaves them when they're in need and leaves them around? I helped out so many people when you needed help. 2:48:25 Unknown_17: He's got long hair and glasses with no rim. Unknown_08: He can't make eye contact with the webcam. How could you punch holes in the wall? He's now injuring himself with a glass bottle. 2:49:10 Unknown_08: Yes, this is what you've done to me. This is what you've wrought. This is what you've wrought. Unknown_17: Someone give him a chance sponsorship, Chet says. Unknown_08: You goddamn assholes. You goddamn cunts. You goddamn faggots. Unknown_17: He's now pouting super hard. Unknown_17: I get the sense that he's acting. This probably works on his mother. Like he's trying to express how frustrated he is and he's doing things that have gotten him attention before. He's not like actually injuring himself. He's just kind of like hurting himself vaguely and trying to act up. Like he's, he's acting like in a way that he's seen characters in movies act. Cause he's like heavily autistic. 2:49:45 Unknown_17: It's kind of pathetic to be honest. Unknown_17: uh thank you sneeds or 20 says absolutely nothing that's how you do a 20 super chat what a hero hack sleet for five says something oh wow that's a change of pace i don't know how to respond to that i've been caught off guard by hacks leads for five saying something thank you uh kyle larson all chat for five says hogwash he won't step out without his goons swashbuckle they done let the jew out on the canoe i'm in a suit and tie she tearing up my suit tiramisu 2:50:26 Unknown_17: These are lyrics from the very, very, very awful fucking MC Kosher Jew rap songs, which suck. Thank you. Unknown_17: Dante Carptum for Five says, Nick once criticized Legal Eagle for not actually practicing law. You know, like Nick does. Unknown_17: Yeah. Class houses. Unknown_17: Let me check. Unknown_18: Rumble real quick. Yeah. Unknown_18: Well, there are some more, okay. Unknown_17: Hamtero for Tim says, the free Palestine protests in Western Europe are turning into full-blown Muslim riots with Muslim black reaching 20% of the population now. What a time to be alive. 2:51:09 Unknown_17: Yeah, well, I hope it results in something favorable to me as opposed to not favorable to me because I am having many things not favorable to me and I prefer a win for once. Thank you blind oracle for 50 says shameful to see ricado like this over exposure of the internet spelled properly Seems like it really breaks the mentals. Nah, dude. It ain't the fucking internet that did that to ricado something else I guess he leaned into the the alcoholism bit a little bit too hard I'm terrible for process for the low tech stream. It was kino. Thanks. Oh, i'm glad you liked it. Thank you very much And on that note I believe Oh someone pointed out in chat. Um 2:51:41 Unknown_17: that Sven Stauffels, the guy that did the lovely Hilla animation, is trying to crowdfund his own comic called Butch Killigan. Unknown_17: Mind altering comic book experience brace yourself for fast-paced action-packed cyberpunk comedy adventure I have no I don't know anything about comics. I would be in peers. There is a pregnant woman is one of the characters but I wish Sven luck with his butch Killigan comic book because He's pretty funny. He's a pretty funny guy Comedy yeah, I know all the cock dude. I should do my own comic. I I'm telling you, episode one would be about Juju the cow going to save all the children, and then the twist would be at the end that he just wants to sacrifice them to Moloch, and then, like, the final page is just him and 80s girl, like, making out covered in blood, and it would be, like, really unflattering. Like, his ass would be all, like, pockmarked, and her tits would be, like, sagging really low, and it would just be, like, this really awful, grisly, like... like sanguinistic end scene that's like a like oh he's saving the children and then like the cutie squad is giving him directions and then like two can be something about i have it all in my head i'm gonna do my comic book series to finance my lawsuits i'm gonna become a young black entrepreneur with my uh my kiwi my kiwi squad comics um okay 2:53:31 Unknown_18: okey-dokey artichokey i think that's all almost check just in case all right i will see you guys on uh on friday take it easy uh until then bye-bye wait where's my music at let me how do i do these oh that's right okay i go to the background i remove the colors and then i find the song then i play it and then i say bye-bye Don't tell the boys that you've been crying in my arms. Unknown_07: Yeah, I believe it's sharing season for the feelings in our hearts. Come on now! Sir, this guy ain't lying. Go ahead and join my little party. 2:54:31 Unknown_07: How childhood drama's got our actions as adults Slam the bottle on the counter Take this thing down shot for shot You know I've made a lot of best friends You're the best friend that I've got And now we're howling at the moon Hell yeah, we're making lots of noise You know I hate to say I love you But there ain't no other choice Don't tell the boys 2:55:43 Unknown_07: Don't tell the boys that we don't spend the week inside and watch three seasons of The O.C. until Marissa fucking dies. You know, Tom's a more like Ryan. You're a little more like Seth. You're so quick-witted when we talk about what happens after death. Heard your brother's in the desert. He's been fighting for our freedom. He's been chasing nameless faces ever since he Unknown_07: The individual without support the whole damn complex 2:57:15 Unknown_06: Don't tell the boys that we just had our little talk You know in tougher times just guys decide we'd rather walk the walk I'll always be your one day near I'll be your elephant best friend Don't tell the boys we got each other And I'll love you till the end Don't tell the boys