0:05:57 Unknown_12: Oh, let me tell you something Boston makes me feel good Unknown_21: Hello chat! It is Friday the 13th in October in 2023 and now is the time to reflect on spooky things such as a man who once owned a forum and then died because of it. We will get into this. I want to point out that my intro song is Bustin' by Neil Garcia, or Siriega, I cannot pronounce his name, I apologize. He's done many comedy audio, like, music skits, and it's very apropos, not just because it was a spooky song on a spooky month, but because of where this man got his career start. And so, without further ado, chat. 0:06:43 Unknown_21: I have my monster. I even have, I literally have physical notebook full of eight pages, actually, because I did a rough draft and I fucked it up and I read it up full of notes to compress over, I think, 25 years of history at this point into as compact a stream as possible. 0:07:30 Unknown_21: I should say that my name is Joshua Moon. I run a website called the Kiwi Farms. This is Man at the Internet. It's my podcast. Unknown_21: And I have some dealings with low tax. However, I have no dealings with something awful. So I cannot speak about low tax without speaking about his website, Something Awful. Um, my knowledge of something awful comes almost entirely secondhand. However, at a certain point, it becomes more firsthand knowledge. So if you're somebody who has been using something awful since 2001, and you know more than I do, keep in mind, this is mostly focused on him. Uh, that said, let us start in the beginning chat. 0:08:06 Unknown_10: All right. Unknown_10: So this is a very young Lotex. Unknown_21: He was born in 1976, so he was 45 when he died. Spoiler alert, he died. I already gave that away, though. I already said that he died because it was for him, which is actually very true. He was born in Missouri, in the Midwest, and he was born to his mother, Carol. Carol is a lawyer. From what I understand, his mother was a very successful financially independent woman, and his father was absentee. I have no information about his father whatsoever. 0:08:48 Unknown_21: And so... Unknown_21: We can assume that Lotex basically inherited this concept that there is no reason for a man to take care of his children from his father. From his mother, he inherited a sort of callousness. And again, that's all secondhand, so I don't know her. Unknown_21: But that's what's been inferred, especially because of her behavior later on. Um, there is some speculation that low tax is Jewish and we are in the early life segment. So this is where I would tell you, uh, he is not Jewish. His sister Jessica does teach at a Jewish private school. However, their family is not Jewish. Um, 0:09:22 Unknown_21: He then went to Vanderbilt as a young man. He studied engineering, and this is where he picked up his understanding of technology, early internet, very early internet, computers and such. However, he did drop out, and he started to take odd jobs, not least of which is working for a guy called Byron Looper, Byron Looper was a Republican candidate in Texas. He's in a mugshot here because he shot and killed his political rival, I think, in 2010. And he later died in prison for that. 0:09:56 Unknown_21: However, one of the things that he did as an odd job is that he wrote for a gaming blog or blog in the late 1990s. Unknown_21: there was a website called uh planet quake he was hired as a content director uh he wrote for them for a couple months i want to say i i looked at the timelines and i didn't see that he was there for very long um so he was there and eventually he was he said he was working and this is dubious because it's low tax and his concept of time space and and especially labor is a very uh unreliable narrative so 0:10:45 Unknown_21: Um, he said that he was working 16 hour days putting out writing for them continuously and being underpaid for it He said that the final straw that broke the the back in his relationship with that company was that um, he put in Super long hours to get an article out and his bonus for putting in all that extra time Was like a backpack with like an old 1990s mp3 player and he was like nah fuck this he decided Unknown_21: that he could start his own blog and make money writing for himself and not have to pay dividends to, or be paid dividends from Planet Quake. So that's what he did. In 1999, November 17th, he registered the domain somethingawful.com. Something awful was kind of like his catchphrase. He would just say, ah, geez, that's something awful, isn't it? And that was just like his thing. I think that as a child, he developed a... 0:11:38 Unknown_21: a sort of like humorous facade for absolutely everything and he always hid behind that and So as an adult even though he probably had some capacity for working as an engineer working with computers or working with law Or working in politics or whatever all the different things he tried Comedy is what suited him best. It was sort of like his natural demeanor just being facetious and not taking things seriously and Um, so being a comedy writer is what he actually wanted to be. And so when he started something awful, it was supposed to be a comedy blog of his comedy writings for a general audience. Unknown_21: Uh, the very, very early, this is from 2000. Unknown_21: I think that the, the site was already kind of going by now. Um, however, the very early archives are not, um, Unknown_21: Not super reliable. You can find super early work of his on the site to this day. They keep a living archive of all the 2000 stuff. And it was very much in the vein of the best page in the universe. 0:12:28 Unknown_21: You guys are probably familiar with Maddox, but if you don't know, he was the shit. This guy wrote articles making fun of little kids, and little kids love this. I was born in 1992, so when I was literally in elementary school, we would crowd around old iMacs in my fifth grade class, and we would pull up this site and giggle at all his edgy humor. And considering that this was launched in 98 and was already popular by then, I... 0:13:06 Unknown_21: I'm tempted to say, I don't know this for sure. I'm tempted to say that maybe low tax was inspired by it. So a lot of his bitter, dry humor, um, that was an early something awful. I kind of want to say was probably a turnabout from the best page in the universe. Uh, but I can't, I can't really substantiate that, but that's what it was. And then down here, now you can say post all comments in the forums. So, uh, Unknown_21: when the the forum started the something awful forum uh it was just a comment place for where people could leave you know responses to his articles maddox did it completely differently he had mailbags people would email him and then he would reply in articles sometimes to those however something awful did it differently they had different boards for the different authors and the articles that were coming out and if you were intending to leave uh feedback on any of these articles, you would actually have to go to the forum, register an account and then find a thread or make a thread to discuss things that were happening there. 0:13:55 Unknown_21: This forum, obviously, became very successful. It became more successful than the comedy pages, even though it would take Lotex literally decades to admit this. Unknown_21: And part of the reason why it was so successful was because of unintentional genius by Lotex. Unknown_21: This requires some explanation, so bear with me. early internet, especially in 1993, around the time that Lotex was going to university. Well, he was 17 in 1993. So between something awful in 1993, he was in university. And at that time, the internet was a very, very special place. It was very small. It was basically originally just universities and specific corporations, some government stuff. 0:14:32 Unknown_21: And medical stuff. The internet was actually originally developed so that medical information about patients could be traded between hospitals across the country and across perhaps even country lines so that you wouldn't have to have your doctor fax your medical history to your new doctor or to your hospital. You could just pull that up. So the internet was a very specific purpose tool originally, and when early forums started, they were just email exchanges on things called Usenet boards. 0:15:13 Unknown_21: Email-like exchanges on Usenet boards. Unknown_21: However, in 1993, something really important happened. a company called America Online launched and made Usenet boards available to everybody in their own homes. Not many people had an internet connection in their homes or had access to the internet in general, perhaps at libraries or at school, but anybody, had a phone line, and through America Online, if you had a phone line in your house, which most people did, you would be able to use a dial-up connection to connect to the internet to access Usenet boards. And the flooding in of unwashed masses to the special internet pissed off a lot of the people that were already there. And so in 2003, September 2003, the meme Eternal Summer came out, and the... 0:15:47 Unknown_21: professionals who are using the internet and talking to themselves lamented that the internet was dying because of its broader adoption brought on by America Online and the ease of accessing the internet through that. Unknown_21: Among those people, I believe without evidence was low tax. And I believe that because he implemented a special rule, uh, that was pretty unique at the time. Cause you keep in mind the forum at this time, the web forum was a pretty modern thing. Most people were used to using that boards. He launched a brand new, shiny, modern web forum. And one of the rules that he implemented on his forum was that you would not be allowed to use leet speak. 0:16:25 Unknown_21: This is an old phone. Many of you will literally not recognize any of these devices. Maybe you've seen them as an icon on something, but this is what old phones look like. And you may notice that they have nine buttons for num pads. 0:17:01 Unknown_21: These num pads have three to four letters each. So if you wanted to say, hi, how are you? You would dial uh let's see if i can blow this up say hi so you would go four four zero for space uh how so four four uh oh is six so you would say six six six six you do it three times and then nine for h and then space and you would continue to do this so the amount of time that we take to put in a simple statement on your your nokia was immense. So people, especially because, you know, typing wasn't as ubiquitous as it was, you had lots of new people using keyboards for the first time, and you had a lot of people using phones for the first time, they developed this sort of subhuman alphabet for communicating as shorthand as possible, and then that translated, because of their slow general typing speeds, to the internet as a whole through America Online. So one of the first things that Lotex, who was an experienced computer user already at this point, did for his forum was they said, you will write in whole and complete sentences like an actual educated human being. And this was a breath of fresh air to the people who were suffering and languishing under the eternal September of 1993. 0:17:56 Unknown_21: That is part of the reason why something awful was so successful. The other thing was something that also was unintentional genius on the part of low tax he um Unknown_21: mastered a concept called benign neglect basically he did nothing and it was a good thing because he did nothing the forum was basically allowed to grow however pleased there wasn't too many hard rules they basically let you say whatever you wanted to and people were okay with us and it created a very very complex network of many different people 0:18:52 Unknown_21: all over the place, many different walks of life, all congregated on one site, and it just exploded. In part, because of another thing that you can't give low tax for, but which came about from something awful, that is called a meme. You may not know what a meme is, but basically the modern concept of a meme started on something awful. For instance, you may recognize this little ditty from the 1990s. Unknown_21: My internet wants to work, you may recognize it. 0:19:30 Unknown_05: What happened? Someone set up us to bond. Unknown_05: We get signaled. What? Main screen turn on. It's you. How are you gentlemen? Unknown_03: All your base are belong to us. Unknown_03: You are on the way to destruction. What'd you say? You have no chance to survive, make your time. Unknown_03: ha ha ha This is a four minute long montage I'll cut it off there, but basically they found that because 0:20:12 Unknown_21: Lotex was heavily involved in gaming obviously because he was a big quake 2 player He wrote a planet quake a lot of people that were on this website were there who were into? Video games and a lot of them were into Japanese imported video games, which I'll get to in a second And so they would find these hilariously misdubbed Japanese games. They made fun of it and then people started photoshopping it and and so photoshop friday was a thing and low tax had the genius idea spurred on by his trademark laziness to take community postings from these free photoshop friday events and add them to his comedy blog to not only encourage people to continue making stuff but also basically to derive free content from his own website that he could use to place on his advertised space on the front page This had a circular effect where people were encouraged to make content, low tax published it, the memes would circulate, and then people would find their way back to something awful because the memes were basically advertisements that were viral advertisements that were posted for free all across the internet that brought more people to something awful who participated in Photoshop Fridays. And that explosive growth resulted in something awful becoming one of the largest web forums in the entire world, even though it was hosted by some fucking guy out of Missouri, right? 0:21:47 Unknown_21: It's like he basically without even knowing it, I believe. And a lot of people also sort of deny that low tax had some great idea. He was just making a website that he wanted to use that would elevate him as a comedian. So it was sort of like self-aggrandizing with the right amount of laziness and benign neglect. And it just it just worked out for him. It was just everything that he could possibly have wanted happened. And he didn't really have to think that hard about it or work too hard about it. Unknown_21: And the result of this was some of the largest impact on Internet culture, which persists to this day. And to help you understand this, I have made a diagram. 0:22:25 Unknown_21: You have something awful up here with low tax. You have EVE Online, which was created very early at the same around the same time, early 2000s. There's something awful here. gave birth to the goon squad among the goon squad was uh eric badspot hartman his name badspot is a reference to low tax uh blockland and 4chan uh gave birth to the kiwi farms effectively because that's where i'm from um 4chan and uh something awful was uh 0:22:58 Unknown_21: Sorry to Chan was an existing 1990s Text board in Japan, but when hentai was banned by low tax Moot made 4chan as a result and that's kind of well known What's not well known is that apparently the reason why low tax banned hentai is not because I thought maybe he wanted his website safe For work, that's not the case. They had a porn board at the at the early years and But the reason why he banned hentai is because there was lots of lolicon coming over which was like a novel thing at the time And his reaction was this looks like child porn. I don't want to get in trouble So he banned that and that is why moot started fortune so that they could continue to have a hentai Unknown_21: Because that's how much of a trailblazer he is. He got into the lollicon debate and was like, well, how do we know if it's an underage drawing or an overage drawing? He's like, fuck it. Fuck all the anime porn. That can go somewhere else. And it did. It went to 4chan. On the side, we have Dig and Reddit. I have a picture of Ben Yatse Kroshaw, who was almost a... 0:23:48 Unknown_21: um contributor to the something awful front page however low text didn't want to pay him so he ended up going to zero or the escapist or um zero punctuation instead uh but reddit and 4chan also gave birth to 8chan which is why there is a full-on book called it came from something awful uh a how a toxic troll army accidentally named donald trump in the office and this entirely comes from like a full depiction of how all this something awful influence seeped into the broader internet and to fully nail this point home that a lot of important people and a lot of important things came from something awful and it's just not a complete shithole i have an alumni we have um we have sorry let me hide this 0:24:28 Unknown_21: We have Cliff Bleszinski, who is a video game contributor to... I haven't read the book, sorry. He's a video game contributor to, I think, Gears of War. You have Drill, who is the founder of Weird Twitter. By the way, there's a rumor that Drill is... Unknown_21: by chelsea valkenborg or zoe quinn that uh zoe quinn does a drill and that stems from the fact that zoe quinn was all i don't have her on here but she was also a goon and she famously was participant in a doxing thread called the hell thread where they just dox each other for for whatever reason so she is an alumni from that uh more gamergate references h bomber guy british um games and culture commentator type guy 0:25:33 Unknown_21: You gotta start on something awful again because of the heavy video game influence Uh notch preston marcus, uh, you may know as the uh guy who made minecraft low tax fun fact Uh hated notch because he never gave any of his billion dollars to him. Um, he believed that he was owed part of that money and notch apparently disagreed and never gave him shit Unknown_21: This is total biscuit total biscuit was another British video game commentator very famous died from cancer very tragically This is the yogs cast yogs cast got their start because again something awful made Let's Plays basically the entire genre of Let's Plays started with people making threads and They would also do fun things where they would pass games between game states between each other There's a really famous one in particular with dwarf fortress Um, it's called like murder boat correct me if i'm wrong I don't remember exactly what it's called But that's really famous and that also is what helped popular's dwarf fortress is um, their let's play of dwarf fortress 0:26:18 Unknown_21: uh neil garcia the intro song he's a comedy musician he's still around he still puts out music to this day also got to start on something awful and finally special mention to um boat murdered sorry uh vile rat is a um i mentioned goon squad which is the really really really really massive evil online corporation that's been around for like 20 years he was an admiral in um He was one of the D&D people on Something Awful. He was also a moderator, I think, for the Games Forum. And he was a genuine federal agent. He died in Benghazi from the very famous attack that brought about this quote. And it's worth mentioning, because I'll touch on this in a second, that... 0:27:00 Unknown_21: During the 20 2007 election. He was a big fan of Hillary Clinton and voted for her Actually, what year was Benghazi? I might be a retard one second. I don't get that wrong in Ghazi Okay, 2012 so he voted for her in 2012. I want to say and This is what she had to say about him after he died. I 0:27:37 Unknown_01: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Unknown_21: She was not a Something Awful user, but she did make fun of a dead Something Awful user and said it didn't matter that he died, which is pretty funny, which is why I mention it. Actually, I mention it because of something else as well, which I'll get to. I'm working my way up to it. 0:28:09 Unknown_21: Um... Unknown_21: So this leaves us, and this is from the Empire of Dirt documentary by Bernie Vids. He broke down, based on web archives, the information available to him about registrations. And this is just registrations. Famously, Something Awful has a $10 registration fee. Unknown_21: and when this was added it was not a thing that people rejected it was celebrated because as i mentioned in that in eternal september you had all these kids coming over to see memes and all these trolls and what is the most surefire way of making sure children don't come to your site when you can't do like driver driver like license footage or whatever they didn't have id verification back then 0:29:04 Unknown_21: The easiest way would just be to have a credit card requirement. What child, what teenager has a credit card that they have access to? So by charging $10, he managed to effectively gatekeep out anybody under 18. Unknown_21: Because it was a very popular forum still turning out lots of content people still joined by the thousands so in the golden era of something awful between you know 2000 and probably at 2014 at the absolute latest He was making over $10,000 every year 0:29:42 Unknown_21: You might notice a dip right there at 2008 and 2009. There's a reason for that. That's important. But he made tons and tons and tons of fucking money off his site. Unknown_21: So, that is Chapter 1, The Rise. We now get to Chapter 2, The Life. Unknown_21: the life of low tax you are a young man you are financially successful you have your comedy forum which has basically no physical requirement that you be in any particular place and you have about two hundred thousand dollars to blow every year what do you do oh also you have an extremely large community of people at your at your disposal what do you do now now that you're in the prime of your life you're a young man you have tons of money And you can be anywhere you want. And you have a bunch of people who adore you because you made an extremely popular website that influenced tons and tons of people. You, of course, go out and you find every gunet that you can and you fuck them, which is what he did. 0:30:28 Unknown_21: So it started out with the Mama GF. Not as in dating a mother, but dating a mother's recommendation. This is a video that I've not watched before. I know it's in it. I know that it's cringe. So we're going to watch it together for the first time. This is Lotax meeting Angela at the airport. This is a girl that his mother set him up with. 0:30:59 Unknown_21: And of course, at this time, he's already the popular goon king. So he's going to bring along a ragtag entourage of autistic people with him. Unknown_21: So you meet a girlfriend for the first time and you have like a posse of retarded people like gurgling her name at her Um, they have put a camera in her face as well, which was uncommon at the time So she's like embarrassed and hiding her face I'm so embarrassed So he just explains that Linux is like hip-hop. It's an alternative operating system. 0:31:41 Unknown_22: This is great. This is Pete Cringe. Unknown_11: It's really cool. Unknown_02: Well, I believe you. I don't know if you can believe me. 0:32:16 Unknown_21: Oh, my God. I thought there were going to be like three of them. There's a ton of them. Unknown_19: If it makes you feel any better, I told them it was a horrible idea. But that didn't keep me from doing it. Thank you. We met the other side. Unknown_11: Yeah, I wouldn't care. Unknown_04: Her laugh is so awkward. Unknown_21: She does not want to be in this. She regrets her decisions that have led up to this point. 0:32:52 Unknown_19: I gave him a business card. I got a business card. I didn't give you anything else but a business card. Unknown_04: What? No, he's cheap. We take money, too. Unknown_19: Did you name the website? Unknown_16: I mean, wait. Unknown_01: I give you guys money, but Nathan doesn't pay me. Unknown_19: I clicked through these three times. Yeah, I know. Unknown_11: Hi. Got a hug. Unknown_19: Yeah, get these shoes. Get that, seriously. 0:33:27 Unknown_11: I want to get you some of that guy's shoes. Unknown_19: I helped him, too. Unknown_21: She's already on the phone, like, help. Unknown_06: Help, get me out of here. Mayday. Mayday. Unknown_21: No, those are for Unknown_21: Look at that car chat. That's peak cool. That's what cool looks like. Cool personifying. 0:33:59 Unknown_21: So there you go. Lotex decides to hit it off with a woman. He brings along his goon friends, and then he realizes in the process that perhaps the issue with his dating life, considering all his wealth and success in fancy cars, is that... Unknown_21: He does not know how to interact with normal people anymore. So he decides he's just going to go all in and starts fucking every woman that he possibly can from something awful. Unknown_21: Woman A, chat, is Emily. This is Emily. 0:34:31 Unknown_21: He allegedly attended a goon party with one girl and then immediately hooked up with Emily while at the party. Unknown_21: She went by Integral on the forum, so she definitely was for sure a goon. According to a friend, this is not confirmed, he did propose to her, which starts off his habit of proposing to every single woman that he ever meets. Unknown_21: And his relationship with her collapsed extremely publicly. We have this article by him saying, what I learned last week by Rich Lotex, Kayinka, age 26, on March 18th, 2003. I will learn this. Lesson number one, never get romantically involved with a crazy woman. 0:35:09 Unknown_21: This important lesson repeatedly surfaces in my life, much like how dark clouds gather before an acid rainstorm in Southern California, or as Robert Downey Jr. appears before SWAT team arrives, equipped with an assault team of U-Haul moving vans large enough to comfortably relocate his current fix of cocaine and tar heroin. However, no matter how carefully I investigate potential mates, despite the amount of time I spend getting to know them better, or as the authorities refer to stalking them by hiding in the bushes and furiously masturbating outside their garage, And regardless of whom I eventually grew romantically linked to, their brains eventually collapse into a biggie-sized bowl of wacko chili. 0:35:42 Unknown_21: This, by the way, also starts his convention of blaming absolutely everything on his exes. He apparently has never dated a sane, normal woman his entire life, and every single one of them is the root of all of his problems. Unknown_21: Though this is funny. He calls her a pathological liar. Unknown_21: Oh, actually, he doxes her. He says, Emily, I do not tell the truth. Regal appeared to embody the ideal of a normal person for nearly a year. Well, she posted on your site. But such, I might have conceivably overlooked a few telltale signs of her brain goofiness, such as the time that she had a plane ticket to meet me in Seattle, but she claimed the FBI and CIA stopped her at the airport, refusing to let her on the plane. According to Emily, person who lies regal, the U.S. government had detained her under the claim that she was a threat or terrorist or a very large explosive or some sort. 0:36:28 Unknown_21: Apparently, she called him throughout the entire day providing up-to-date information about how she was detained. Unknown_21: He says, I somehow possess the ability which causes people to spontaneously grow nutty after repeated exposure to myself. I can safely rule this one out as well as Emily lying for fun and profit. Regal had completely made up is some fictitious life she claimed to have living before engaging in constant exposure to me. She claimed she went to medical school. In reality, she was a hypochondriac who enjoyed visiting WebMD website every other hour. She claimed she had never been in a serious relationship before. In reality, she spent nearly three years dating some poor sod named Kevin when she decided to begin cheating on him with me. Number three, I simply have a lousy taste in women. And of all theories, I'd say this contains the most truth. For example, I dated some girl a few months in college. After I broke up with her, she promptly became a lesbian. 0:37:01 Unknown_21: Um... 0:37:33 Unknown_21: This is a really bad thing to write because now any woman... Because he's only interested in dating goons, right? So any woman who has any dignity is going to read this and think, oh, this is a really bad idea to fuck around with this guy. He's a retard. Unknown_21: Fun fact, though. She mentioned that she cheated on... Unknown_21: some guy named kevin with him uh it came out in 2019 many years later that josh sawyer uh put out a statement this is the lead developer for fallout new vegas from obsidian uh says that he was cheating well this is a reference to her indirectly my co-workers after i tell them about an extremely honorable relationship i had in the mid 2000s that was very tumultuous and also resulted in almost getting matching tattoos it's cool to look back on myself in the mid 2000s and think wow i'm a stupid idiot what a complete dumbass moron and you know i am still 0:38:19 Unknown_21: it's also cool that at one point this relationship became drama for an internet community and it seemed like such an embarrassing nightmare at the time but in retrospect it was all just stupid meaningless garbage most like everything we post here to this day uh this is yeah so she um allegedly cheated on uh low tax while dating him with uh the lead developer for fallout new vegas fun fact just uh getting it out there This is faunette. This is allegedly a picture of them Um of him proposing to her yet again. She is also another goon Uh, her goon name was faunette and she uh low tax for whatever reason decided not to dox her However, he did something a little bit worse Unknown_21: This one is time stamped in June 2003. Unknown_21: The legend goes that the that the man that that charming young man on his knee right there actually went to another goon party in the Midwest. And I don't know if this was in the Midwest. I can't remember where he lives at this time. We went to a goon party and find that was dating another goon. In fact, the goon had brought his goon at girlfriend to this goon party and unfortunately for him the the big man the the tax low himself shows up and sweeps the young goonette off her feet immediately in front of him at the party um and then of course because there is goon on goon interpersonal drama her nudes supposedly leaked to the forum though it cannot be blamed on low tax uh it's unknown who leaked them but uh you have probably two really good options about who leaked them 0:39:49 Unknown_21: Not much else to say about that one. And then, but there is a lot to say, but there were multiple hookups in between these. These are just the ones that came out publicly, I guess. They were the most serious of all his relationships, even though they were months apart. Unknown_21: This is Megan, also known as Crazy Yellow on the forum. Unknown_21: Lotex brought a different goonette than Fonette to another goon party and met Megan there, ditched his date for Megan, Unknown_21: She was an American Chinese. She was born in America, completely American, but she was a Chinese, obviously. 0:40:25 Unknown_21: Obviously Chinese. Kindergarten teacher and very Christian. And that's a very important thing. I'll mention this now. Lotex hated religion. He especially hated Christianity. I do not know why. I am forced to assume that because he grew up in the very religious Missouri Midwest, that his mother or the people just around him were very devoutly Christian and it rubbed off on him the wrong way. And keep in mind that in this era, like the 1990s and 2000s, like fedora atheism was at its absolute zenith. So it was a very popular thing to hate religion. But Lotex never really grew out of that. And he became devoutly anti-religious for the rest of his life, despite marrying a very religious woman who I assume because she's Chinese and lives in Missouri. that her parents were probably christian chinese people who were um who left china during the revolution though i don't know that for sure that's just what i'm assuming 0:40:58 Unknown_21: But it would be fair to say that her faith is very important to her. Unknown_21: Why did Lotex marry a woman that he had such a fundamental incompatibility with? Got her knocked up. It was a shotgun wedding. And months after getting married, the baby was born. His first daughter, Lauren... 0:41:34 Unknown_21: And so it was presumably because of the baby that they hooked up together, despite having pretty large separations in their belief systems. Unknown_10: Let's lead this into the very bad year. Unknown_21: They got married in 2005. It would be safe to say that 2006 was one of the worst years of a low-tax's life. Because up until this point, he was free to do anything he wanted. He had the money. He had the access to women. He had his youth. 0:42:12 Unknown_21: And he had the respect. Of something awful like people adored him. He could do no wrong. Um his sense of like blase nonsensical like like Completely apathetic facade was something that permeated into the forum culture totally and completely It still really defines it to this day Um, like a goon's worst fear is taking anything seriously Like he really defined how those people talk and have talked for 20 years at this point. However in 2006 he did something that um 0:42:50 Unknown_21: really jeopardized his relationship with his forum. And if you're somebody from Something Awful, you already know what this is. It is the Mangosteen incident. Unknown_21: Despite making a ton of money just off registrations, Unknown_21: And despite having ad revenue and forum upgrades and so on and so forth, Low Tax decided that he would try something to make a little bit of extra money that did not go over well with everybody. He decided that he would post, apropos of nothing, in one of his boards, a glowing review about mangosteen juice. If you do not know what mangosteens are, they are a fruit, I think, from like Southeast Asia. Um, and during the, the craze of like juice diets and shit from the two thousands, um, they decided to do a mango steam juice. Low tax reviewed it. He said it was awesome. And he specifically wrote this review in such a way where, um, 0:43:32 Unknown_21: He was like shitting on other types of mangosteen juices while hyping up a specific brand of mangosteen juices So not only is mangosteen great. Not only does it make him feel amazing and alive and youthful It's the specific brand of mangosteen juice that you goons should be drinking and obviously everyone called out the fact that there were affiliate links in the post Did not go over well, uh balki way says 0:44:18 Unknown_21: I believe in some herbal things, as DMAE did significantly increase my mental awareness. However, in this post, you, one, talked about how great this stuff was, two, provided a referral link, three, bashed every other brand and type except the one in your referral link. And when I see something like this, even though you've never done anything like this before, my scamdar goes off. Now, chances are it is illegal to post an affiliate link and not disclose that you are being sponsored or that your link is an affiliate link. And that kind of shit is regulated by the FCC pretty tightly This guy's being very cordial with low tax, but low tax has had enough of being called out. He can do no wrong He has gone to his head. He is the king of something awful and how dare the peasants talk back to him He says so don't fucking buy it. Don't fucking drink it. Don't fucking click my links That link that that right there is like a meme that has transited space and time They still post that fucking quote in different formats over and over again to this very day But he continues I mean christ. All I did was make this thread to support a product which actually Pleasantly surprised me and folks are voting this thread crap and suggesting i'm scamming them I've said repeatedly that this was just my experience and in no way should indicate how everyone else will feel. I've said the links to Amazon's were referrals, so I'm not trying to hide anything. I've... 0:45:31 Unknown_21: I'm closing this thread. Fuck you and fuck general bullshit. I can never post a single goddamn thread in here without you faggots shitting it up in some way or another. I should have learned my lesson long ago and never left the intelligent, rational forum where I don't have to deal with clueless idiots and morons like you people. I'm going back to fuck you and die and staying there since it has a microscopic fraction of the retards and trolls populating general bullshit. I guess that should strike me as being ironic, but it's more sad than me to anything. Thanks for running me out of my own goddamn forum. Very bizarre post, and it's one of the instances, like the few posts in his entire life, the few moments of his entire life where he is no longer ha-ha, silly, he-he, hoo-hoo, ha-ha, joke man. Like he's actually pissed off, like that someone called him out on his fucking Mangosteen links. So for the rest of his life, he was known as the Mangosteen guy because of this post. Um, it actually made him so angry anytime that mango scene was talked about he would lose his shit Um, i've talked about schmorky and I will get to schmorky later But i've talked about schmorky on an entirely different stream entirely about schmorky schmorky's ex mandy came to the kiwi farms and it disclosed that at some point Schmorky joked to him because he was setting up an account or something. They were all together in a room He was making a an account for some service and schmorky joked You should make the password mangosteen like with numbers and shit and he apparently lost his shit Like in person was just screaming at schmorky like don't fucking make jokes like that you piece of shit Uh, so I figured now would be the appropriate time to mention that Um 0:47:02 Unknown_21: This was also the first time that he kind of became an absentee. After this point in time, he had less hands-on work with something awful. He became more and more of an absentee father and was less prolific on the site because he just couldn't handle it. He very vindictively mentions that people negraded his posts. Well, he pulled up out of the database the list of people who negraded his posts and banned them all. so this was also one of the first times that we saw or that something awful saw him being like truly vindictive and petty and spiteful and stupid about shit uh 0:47:35 Unknown_21: However, it was not the last time that he would be having a very good, no good day in 2006 specifically. In this article from June 20, 2006, he says, look, Ma, I'm writing again. 0:48:17 Unknown_21: He starts off by saying all that stuff about Uwe Boll today is true. I wonder what stuff that is. Unless something awful happens, I'll be flying up there to get beaten and be in the movie Postal, which looks quite possibly Bull's worst movie to date. And since the movie hasn't started filming yet, that date is in the future. So that means it's going to be his worst movie in the history of the world. Unknown_21: He then points out he posts a bunch of pictures of his family for some reason. I believe that's Lauren because the other one's not around yet. Unknown_21: and then announces that he is going to be fighting Uwe Boll. What does that mean? Uwe Boll, German film director, very weird name, spelled Uwe Boll, but it's actually pronounced Uwe Boll. I looked this up. I had the, the, the, the dignity of mind to actually look at how to pronounce his name. And so just cause I, I totally would have said Uwe Boll if I didn't know. Uh, anyways, he, um, 0:48:53 Unknown_21: issued a challenge to his critic because he makes these weird ass movies and he said if you don't like my movies i will fight you i will fight you in the squared circle we will duke it out as men in um in a boxing match because uba ball is apparently a very serious amateur boxer He took the challenge very seriously. And Lotex, who had never watched any of Uwe Boll's movies, decided to put out an article in response to that challenge on the same day, June 20th, 2006. So they hashed the shit out real fast. This is how you organize a fight, by the way. Uwe Boll said, I will fight all my critics. Lotex puts out an article becoming a critic. Uwe Boll says, I will fight you. Lotex says, same day. Okay, we've already got a fight scheduled. 0:49:33 Unknown_21: And to his credit, he completely followed through with it. Unknown_21: That's all the credit you can give him in regards to this by the way what he said, you know This is the big quote here Alone in the dark a movie by a stupid German jerk who's stupid and smells and probably molest dead children although the last part is considered slander and or libel in Canada just then just disregard it and pretend It actually said he molested living children instead. So he called Uwe Boll, for no reason other than the fact that he makes movies that he's never even seen, a necrophile pedophile. Uwe Boll, of course, wanted to punch this guy in the face and said, let me punch you in the face. And Lotex said, sure, let me let you punch me in the face. So they arranged a fight. And apparently, Lotex was under the impression that this was going to be a show fight. It was not going to be an actual amateur boxing fight. 0:50:09 Unknown_21: Lotax was mistaken. Uwe Boll took it very seriously, and so they proceeded to have a boxing match. I have also not watched this, so this will be the first time. 0:50:42 Unknown_21: I know what happens, though. Unknown_21: Surprise. Unknown_02: Round one, here we go. Unknown_02: We may get a bit of a feeling out process at first. Unknown_10: That is Lotex being punched, if you can't tell. Unknown_21: Uwe Boll floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee. Appears to be round two. The referee separated them. I don't know why the commentator is cut out, but... Kayenka down again. 0:51:20 Unknown_02: I'm a little concerned for Richard Kayenka right now. Uwe looks determined to do this. Unknown_08: He can barely even stand. Unknown_02: Fans, if you can see this, you can see, if you can get in close enough, you can see the determined look on Uwe Boll's face. He is not joking around, ladies and gentlemen. Richard Lotex-Kayaka seems to be dancing around like this is some sort of joke. Unknown_02: Uwe Boll, on the other hand, very serious, throwing some seriously big shots. He can't even stand. He looks like a man that hits pretty good. I've got to say, I'm pretty impressed with Uwe Boll's left hook. He seems to put the body behind that pretty good. He leads with that left hook a lot, though. 0:51:53 Unknown_02: Richard Kayanka looking for the crowd's approval in a sense. Unknown_02: You're not going to win any fans by that one, that's for sure. Unknown_21: he's trying to like dance around like haha i'm still being he he silly man and the the crowd is literally booing him live he is getting punched right now by angry german that he called a necrophile pedophile and while trying to act he he silly in the ring the crowd is literally booing him for not trying hard enough this is a recurring train in his life actually now that i think about it 0:52:41 Unknown_02: Is he going to get up? He's up. Is he ready to fight? He's going to fight some more. They're back at it again. Uwe leads with that left hand again, but he can't throw that right because by the time he throws it, Kayanka's down on the canvas. Oh, there's a big right hand. Oh. Unknown_02: Good left jab followed by the big right hand. Put Richard Kayanka down. Unknown_02: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. That's it, ladies and gentlemen. That fight is over. Unknown_21: It's over. It's so jover. There's another replay right here. 0:53:12 Unknown_02: Pretty good start for Uwe Boll. I'm pretty impressed with that left hook. Unknown_21: Oh, that's so cringe. That's so cringe. All those people are there to see a real fight, and he's trying to do his dancing monkey routine. Unknown_02: That's fucking awful. To be real with you. Unknown_02: Or was that just the end of the round? I'm not sure what's... Looks like we're going to go another round. I think we're going three rounds regardless, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are live from the Edgewater stage, the Plaza of Nations, on wavelet.com. We're in between... Oh, no, that fight is over, ladies and gentlemen. It's over. It doesn't look like Richard low-taxed Kayanka. It's going to be coming out of his corner to fight. 0:53:48 Unknown_21: Listen to the... Unknown_21: the absolute contempt the announcer says that in now that fight is over ladies and gentlemen it doesn't look like richard low tax kayanka it's going to be coming out of his corner to fight that's actual contempt that guy is so pissed that he's such a loser no richard lotax kayanka has had it after being hit by that big left hook of uve balls he's decided he's had enough 0:54:27 Unknown_21: Boo. Unknown_21: There is a interview that he did after this that we should also watch, I guess. 7,000 people in 2006 is fucking amazing. Unknown_21: That is a Unbelievable number of people watching a live stream in that day. I'm live streaming all over the place How does that feel honestly to be punched in the head? 0:55:01 Unknown_13: I can show you do you want to see you know what? Honestly, I don't think so. Okay. I'm, okay Yeah, the other guy is actually vomiting on the sidewalk he is live streaming all over the street Unknown_13: So you know you have a fan club, like that's your whole section right there? Yes, that's all my relatives. Unknown_19: I heard some of them got paid to be here. Unknown_13: Is that true? Yes. One in beer. We had a guy who said he got paid to be here in beer. Unknown_13: He's blaming Uwe Boll for him not knowing how to fight and walking into a boxing ring. 0:55:56 Unknown_19: to hit you really hard, and then he does, you have a good reason to hate him a lot. Unknown_19: He's salty! 0:56:34 Unknown_21: he's so salty because he's like what he's like he's 26 in 2003 so he's like 30 right now and this is the first time in his entire life that he's ever had anyone call him on his shit and like knock him in a way that his little haha silly facade can't really hide and that's what that's what you're saying you're getting you're seeing a guy and with like cognitive dissonance who's trying to cope with the fact that he just got his ass shown for the first time ever Unknown_13: Because you know what? A lot of you are having a great time here. Yeah, because everybody likes to see pain. Unknown_13: And there's a lot of pain. Unknown_21: No, this Asian wife is like recording it on like an old, massive old VHS recorder. Like just filming. Unknown_13: You're taking it one for the team, right? Unknown_19: If I knew what team I was taking it for, I might be able to agree with you. But right now, you know, I've kind of got various things going in my head. And, yeah. Wow. 0:57:32 Unknown_13: Great. Well, it was fun to watch. I love the footwork. Where did you learn that? Unknown_19: I learned it when an actual drunken man was chasing me down the street. Yeah. Yeah. Unknown_13: Yes, and then I threw American flags at him. It did not mean to rip. No. Yeah, well, I heard somewhere, which apparently is a place that tells me lies, but I heard somewhere that if the boxer touches you before the ring begins, before the match begins, before something begins, that he gets disqualified. 0:58:17 Unknown_21: He was trying to get what a piece of shit What do you have any other fellow competitors that are up next Unknown_13: Any word of advice? Unknown_19: Well, yeah, he'll hit you in the head, you know, first. So the best thing that you can do is, like, you know, fall down instantly before he hits you. Unknown_13: So I should throw the towel in, right? Yeah. Unknown_19: Well, thank you so much, Richard. Unknown_13: I love it. And I'll say enough how much entertaining this is. And it was great to see you. 0:58:57 Unknown_21: She's, like, making fun of him to his face, and he knows it. He can't say anything about it. Unknown_19: I'm probably going to lay in bed until I die. Unknown_21: True, true statement. Both of those are true statements. Unbelievable prediction and foretelling. Unknown_13: We were on the forums and people are going nuts right now. Unknown_19: They are. They're saying, man, he got his ass kicked. That's our hero. This person here. Fuck. There you go, people. Unknown_13: Great from the words of no test. Thank you so much. Unknown_19: Hold on. 0:59:30 Unknown_13: Fuck. One more time. Unknown_19: No. Unknown_13: Oh Unknown_21: Okay, I kind of know. It's getting too hee-hee silly for me. I need to quote that for, like, the video description. A man who was punched so hard he decided to lay down for the rest of his life until he died. Something like that. That's a great... That's literally, like, predictive foretelling. 1:00:03 Unknown_21: All right. That was... Unknown_21: um low taxes very very bad year of 2006. from that point on uh between the mangosteen incident and the uva bowl incident low tags literally could not show his own face on his own forum anymore which begins chat chapter three the stagnation 1:00:43 Unknown_21: I must introduce you to a term called taxing. T-O-X-X-I-N-G. Not to be confused with taxing. I guess I could use a voice. Taxing. There was a guy named Tox. Unknown_21: And he posted a challenge on the forum. And he put his money, literally put his money where his mouth is. He said, I'm a big fat bastard and I'm going to lose weight. And if I do not lose weight, the mods of something awful may ban me for being a fatty. Unknown_21: He did not lose weight by the time he said he would, and so the mods banned him for being a fatty, which means that in order to come back to the forum, he must pay $10 to get back on. 1:01:27 Unknown_21: That's what I mean by putting money where your mouth is so that established something called taxing where you could challenge the mods under any sort of bet where If you're wrong, you are banned if you're right, you don't get anything but it was fun to do, right? Unknown_21: so So comes along a year called 2008 and there is a big ol stink between Unknown_21: um two political candidates john mccain and barack hussein obama and many many users decided that they would tax their account on the condition that their candidate of choice would win the election 1:02:17 Unknown_21: Well, we know that Barack Hussein Obama won the election and John McCain did not, which means that all the John McCain voters who chose to tax their account were banned and many of them did not come back, which disrupted the pH levels of Something Awful in a way that it never really recovered from. Many, many, many of the Something Awful conservatives were banned and they just moved to different places. Um, while the, uh, progressive and liberal aspects of something awful remained. Unknown_21: And this had a very substantial impact, according to the people that I spoke to on the culture of something awful in the direction that it headed going into the future. Because if you know something awful today, you'll know that it's not necessarily a very politically neutral ground. Unknown_21: Um, so that was the 2008 toxin incident, uh, 1:03:08 Unknown_21: when um tumblr was also a thing around this time about 2010 uh you'll also note that tumblr was a very very very very progressive place on the internet so if the taxing incident of john mccain did not disrupt the ph of something awful this did this is oh give me a second Unknown_21: Danganronpa. Danganronpa is a Japanese anime-style video game. I know literally... Actually, I do know a little bit about it, unfortunately. Unknown_21: It is a Hunger Games-esque video game where the gist is that there's a bunch of... teenagers in high school because every fucking anime ever is set in a high school and the gist is is that in order to get out of the danganronpa high school you must murder another student and get away with it and apparently the the head teacher of danganronpa is the little electronic bear um i had mentioned that something awful was a uh 1:04:23 Unknown_21: was where Let's Plays originated from, and it continued to be a source of Let's Plays. It is a source of Let's Plays to this day. One of the most successful Let's Plays that they ever did was of Danganronpa. And this was one of the very few memes, after a certain point in Something Awful's history, that went viral. And it went incredibly viral on Tumblr, where many of the Tumblrites were looking at the Danganronpa playthrough on Something Awful boards. Unknown_21: and low tax realized that all these little shits over on tumblr were getting quality premium something awful content without paying him this was a horrendous travesty chat 1:05:07 Unknown_21: And so he locked the Let's Play board behind the pay gate, and he got exactly what he wanted. All the little Tumblrites, after back and forth and him tightening security and so on, decided to pay $10 and join something awful. So en masse, they arrived to play Danganronpa, and they did not leave. So, now is the time to inform you that there is a special word near and dear to my heart, which many of you have heard before, but which you may not know the origins of. Unknown_21: The word trune is a very popular Kiwi Farms expression for a tranny, and it sounds a little bit nicer than tranny. People seem to think that it means tranny in cartoon, like a caricature of a transgender person, like a negative caricature. It actually means transgender goon, and it started on something awful. It was a term of endearment for transgender members of the forum. 1:05:45 Unknown_21: and even though it did i can't remember what year it started but it definitely started to get more popular after the tumblr rides came because if you don't know the tumblr website is one of the main originators of the modern concept of gender identity all that i don't know how they did it it was just like a weird place for teenagers to hang out basically and share images of And also bully each other into being anorexic and bulimic. It also somehow became the birthplace of like everybody being gender special and a multiple system and all that shit started with Tumblr and it moved to something awful and it never ever left. 1:06:22 Unknown_21: So while Something Awful got its start by kicking out the kids, paywalling the site, banning childish things like leet speak, it was then taken over by the little kids and whatever remained of the content neutrality, the neutral disposition of the site, very soon faded away permanently. Unknown_21: Around this time by the way, because if you don't know these people are extremely extremely extremely liberal There was a board called Laza affair and Laza affair was a political debate board on the Kiwi farms would probably be closest to mass debate so it's just a place for people to shitpost about politics and One of the things that they made was a thread dedicated to thread raids where they would go they would organize Hey, this thread is full of conservatard Republican traitors to the United States Let's go over there and fuck with them in mass. So that made the laissez-faire board very very unpopular and 1:07:19 Unknown_21: And in November of 2010, they made a thread saying that they're going to assassinate the president of the United States, who at the time was Barack Obama. This resulted in the United States Department of Homeland Security, Secret Service Department, send a grand jury subpoena to low tax or something awful LLC demanding the identifying information of all people involved. Unknown_21: Which resulted in NATO a goddamn red which is a communist thing Aryan Goku 92 in maggot master being permanently banned by low tax directly for congratulations The Secret Service has issued a subpoena to something awful LLC regarding your post You're one of the forms most stupid individuals ever 1:08:16 Unknown_21: It was because of this and also just the aforementioned thread shitting and mass brigading of other places on the site that Lazaifair developed an extremely negative reputation and at some point low tax shut it down. Well, when you shut down a board like that, what happens? Do you think those people just evaporate back to Tumblr or wherever the fuck? No, of course not. They go to other boards. So the cancer metasizes and it spreads and now every little facet of something awful is more and more uh trunified over time um also around this time in 2011 uh megan the asian wife crazy yellow filed initially for a divorce however it was in 2014 where it was finalized so i kind of believe that she doesn't really believe in divorce because she's so so christian um and tried to make it work however after three years they couldn't make it work so they divorced many years later People discovered that there was a police report filed in 2013 in March where Megan had called the police because Rich did something. I'll read this. Megan said that she had recently been the victim of domestic assault. 1:09:14 Unknown_21: Megan said her husband, later identified as Richard Kayenka, were at their house lying in bed about to fall asleep with their two children in between them. Unknown_21: Megan said that she had her phone in her hand when her husband attempted to take it from her. Megan said that she held onto her phone tight and even bit her husband. Megan said her husband dug his fingernails into her fingers, forcing her to release the phone. Megan said her husband then grabbed her throat and forced her back. Um... 1:10:00 Unknown_21: Richard said he had had a few drinks after work and wanted to relax. Richard said that his wife had been keeping tabs on his phone and wanted to see whom or what she was texting. Rich said he reached over his children and grabbed her phone. Rich said things did not get physical. Rich said his wife left the house when he went to sleep. 1:10:31 Unknown_21: I put Richard under arrest by placing him in handcuffs. I checked for proffer fit and double lock for safety. Unknown_21: I observed Megan had blood and missing skin from multiple fingers to both hands. I was unable to observe bruising around her neck. Megan refused medical treatment. Unknown_21: And I informed her of her rights. So the police officer did observe physical wounds to her fingers, as she described, where Rich dug his fingernails into her skin to try and force her to release her phone, but didn't actually bruise her neck. 1:11:12 Unknown_21: So the actual physical violence is probably what instigated the divorce. She wanted to make things work, but he was a violent drunk, literally. This ended in alimony. Uh-oh. What's the meme with the alimony? Unknown_21: Oh, just fucked my shit up. Yeah, just fucked my shit up. He got his shit fucked up. In 2014, the judge ordered that Richard should pay Megan $1,625 a month in child support and shall also pay her $2,200 a month in maintenance or alimony for 36 months beginning on the 1st of 2014. 1:11:53 Unknown_21: so she got three years of uh 2200 a month and then also for her children up until they were both 18 1600 a month in child support so almost four thousand dollars a month uh at the time where where if we go back to um if we go back to the income that was provided by the documentary Unknown_21: See that 2014 is literally the last year of Him making more than six figures off registrations. It's from then on that he's under by a significant amount under um, six figures so He literally can't even make those payments Like if you look at this this number and divide that by 12 You're not going to get four thousand dollars a month with enough money to to tie things over Uh, luckily he put all his money away in savings and bought his house and his car was paid off 1:12:46 Unknown_21: right and he didn't he paid his taxes right so he can afford the alimony and the child support right um Unknown_21: So things seem pretty bad for low tax over in 2014 2015. I couldn't figure out for sure low tax got what many people Never get he got a second chance He met lady Ambien as she's called one something awful. This is also kind of fucked up He keeps doing this he supposedly he went to Canada to meet a gunette another one and and while in canada his goonette girlfriend uh introduced him kind of show off be like hey this is rich he runs a very big website he has a lot of money to lady ambien and then lady ambia was like swiggity swooty he's my boyfriend now and she stole him from the goonette which makes lady ambian also known as ashley um the first love partner of uh rich in like like at this point 15 years that wasn't somebody from something awful 1:14:00 Unknown_10: So... Um... Unknown_21: she uh had his third daughter so at this point they have uh he has three daughters no sons uh that's all the children that he has and she i know okay i have to explain that this has conflicting information i have spoken to ashley directly um there was a time that i'll get to where i had a reason to be into contact with her and also uh latex 1:14:33 Unknown_21: And, um, she was very much trying to light a fire under his ass. Like she really believed that something awful could be great again. And the right year Trump was out there. So make something awful great again was a meme. Unknown_21: Um, she, she really wanted him to try and resuscitate his, his site and, uh, continue to, to profit off of it and to revamp the software and make front page content and so on and so forth. Um, however, she, Unknown_21: was i i believe kind of received mixed by the community because she was not a goon 1:15:10 Unknown_21: she was not a goon and um people had known you know megan as mrs low tax for years now suddenly there's this new woman in the house and like it or not you know the the the users of something awful felt like kids in a broken house and so she was she seemed extremely nice to me she seemed like a great person um apparently she's had a mixed reputation a lot of a lot of people i spoke to when preparing for this did not like her at all and considered her kind of like a up um Unknown_21: However, I genuinely think that she wanted low tax to succeed. However, she was introduced to the low tax cycle. Unknown_21: Number one is boot up. Stumble out of bed needing income. Announce sequel remake of something that was popular on Something Awful 16 years ago. Bask in the hype of nostalgic goons. Reward self with pills. Unknown_21: Point two, runtime. Discuss progress on project and show samples of work, inviting feedback. Everything shown is shitty and half-assed. Respond smugly and angrily to criticism. Reward self with pills. 1:16:09 Unknown_21: Phase three, the BSOD. Unknown_21: Use pills to cope with mounting criticism. Melt down when criticism will not stop. Stop providing any updates on projects so people will stop saying it sucks. Step four, reward self with pills. Unknown_21: And finally, in phase four, shutdown. Step one, lose motivation to work on project. Step two, attempt to re-motivate self with pills. Step three, lose motivation to do anything except gobble more pills. Step four, slip into pill-induced stupor while life crumbles away ever further. And step five, reward self with pills. 1:16:45 Unknown_21: So, Lotax was a known painkiller addict, and he frequently mixed this with alcohol. Unknown_21: It has been memed that he started taking painkillers after getting punched by Uwe Boll. Unknown_21: However, I believe it was Ashley or Megan that said that he had had spine issues since his early 20s and just lied about what caused the spine problem. So it remains unclear to this day where his health complication came from and what the scope of it was. Low tax would say that his spine is literally crumbling to dust and that the individual like columns were like destroyed, utterly destroyed. But we don't know if that's true. Like he could have been faking all of it. It's really unclear what. the actual scope of his issues were and his necessity for taking opiates. And I actually couldn't find where it started at all. So I don't know. I really just don't know. But it was known that by this point when he was with Ashley that he had a serious pill issue. 1:17:24 Unknown_10: Let me make sure I'm getting my times right before I go into this. 1:18:06 Unknown_10: Okay, so part of this was that she... Unknown_10: she was made mod for um a head mod for something awful so she was put in charge of other mods um now would be the appropriate time to tell you about the staffing situation all of the original people basically that were involved in something awful had disappeared at this point the two main players i think by this point i could be wrong were zen death robot 1:18:39 Unknown_21: And it might have been a little bit after this, but it was around this time that Zendeth Robot, who was basically Lotex's end-all be-all to unpaid assistance with running the actual web software. As far as anyone was concerned, Zendeth Robot was the root admin of something awful. Unknown_21: And I believe the other main moderator was a guy called Facts Are Useless. Facts Are Useless is one of the most smug, pretentious, ass-licking fuckers I have ever seen in my entire life. He is generally insufferable. Um, there was a i'll get into detail later, but he he sucked. He was the biggest asshole um and zendeth that was kind of like Aloof and just taking care of business behind the scenes which made him very valuable to low tax So those are the two people he really couldn't cross But he tried to get in and make ashley the head mod so that she could make moderating decisions in terms of who goes what where For him and obviously that was extremely unpopular with the people who were currently running the site 1:19:42 Unknown_21: Lotax also, at this point in time, began posting on the Kiwi Farms. This was not well received on something awful. We didn't even have the reputation of being a training murder site yet. It was just sort of like, oh my god, they dox people and use dead names. That's heckin' bad and problematic. Don't ever post there. Lotax, not to be dissuaded to say that he would post there and everyone else can eat shit, here he is posting a lovely picture of me. Unknown_21: I think that this is supposed to be an own because I'm wearing a Trump hat or something. This is one of my best pictures, so soak it in, chat. Unknown_10: Soak it in. 1:20:18 Unknown_10: And then... Schmorky happened. Unknown_21: It is sort of impossible to understate how much of a... Unknown_21: Waterboard watershed moment in low taxes history schmorky being out of as a pedophile was I did a whole stream on him So when I talk about him now, I want to just emphasize What his role was in something awful and also with low tax I Unknown_21: So he was outed having weird diaper conversations with it. And in this thread, low tax or posting, he confirmed definitely that the weird diaper shit was definitely low tax or definitely smorky. 1:20:57 Unknown_21: This drama, this is a 200 page thread on something awful about it. And it was this weird thing where the goons were upset that this drama was coming from the Kiwi farms. There's one side of the goons that were like, we can't ever talk about anything that happens on Kiwi farms, even if it means one of the most important figures of something awful's history is a pedophile into poopoo peepee diapers. We just can't do it. Then the other half was like, no, let's make fun of it, but let's be careful to not criticize Smirky for being non-binary, because that would be transphobic and heckin' disrespectful, even though he's a pedophile into pee-pee-poo-poo diapers. And then there was Lotex, by his lonesome, saying, this is fucking ridiculous, and I cannot fucking believe that you would allow this guy to escape any criticism of any type because of what a shithead he is. 1:21:39 Unknown_21: I wanna see, there is an image I'm missing. I think I might have accidentally... lost it. It was, um... Unknown_21: If I don't have it, I'm going to be very disappointed because it's really important. It was a picture of low-techs posting to something awful. Unknown_21: And he screencapped a meme from the Kiwi Farms. And it was Smorky photoshopped over the Bye Bye Man, the poster from... It was a really, really shitty movie. And it was just like a joke about... 1:22:29 Unknown_21: about schmorky and over on his own forum he was lamenting the fact that um something awful had lost this edge and this sense of humor and we're not making the kind of jokes that the kiwi farms at that time were making and he just said like Unknown_21: I miss when something awful was like this and was funny and wasn't hand-wringing about gender and shit. And even though this was a factually accurate statement and was completely understandable, especially given how close low-tax was to schmorky, it was not received well at all. 1:23:14 Unknown_21: And I think even Facts Are Useless in particular came out and said something like, Unknown_21: uh how about we don't take pointers from the transphobic nazi doxing site and the pushback from this pissed him off and he realized that he had seriously up by allowing these retards to take control of his site because they were fun not funny and they were and he hated them And so chat with the backing of his of his life Uh, he does of his wife. He decided he would go in He would demod the shitty communist hand-wringing about gender and shit and he would uh Take the reins back. He would demod anyone who questioned him. He would have his wife implement an entire new suite of of uh 1:23:59 Unknown_21: I'm looking for that image. Entire new suite of staff. It would fix things up and something awful would be great again. Unknown_21: Ah, I found it. Oh my God. Based. Unknown_10: Hold up. Oh, this is a quote retweet. Maybe it's funny. Unknown_10: Here it is. Okay. And this actually is great because it has the reaction from the community as well. 1:24:34 Unknown_21: So it says here, crazy-ass moments and something awful history. Something awful founder Richard Lotak-Skajanka chastises the posters of something awful for not being more like Kiwi Farms, citing a crude Photoshop depicting his former best friend as the bye-bye man, now edited to read the pee-pee-poo-poo man. Unknown_21: Um, and this is what he says. This is okay. This is from kiwi farms This is the kind of material that is the type of shit we should be producing here This is the kind of shit we used to produce here until groupthink and pc bullshit took it over Because they got tired of dealing with crud and crud is one of their word filters Then it's the pp pupa man say his name You won't be laughing when he puts your dick in his mouth and does a very good job of that aspect of the scenario That is a direct quote from low tag or from schmorky's Like sex role play stuff like text sex based role play was literally I. I put my dick in your mouth and do a very good job in that aspect of the scenario. That was like his erotic role play message. So that became a meme. He says this is funny. This is good. This is also sad. that we should be the forums coming up with stuff like this and dumping on Schmorky, but folks are too afraid of being banned or whatever. Humor should come before the worries of, oh, what will Tumblr think of this? And I plan on making some clear changes around here regarding this, and they will be very good at that aspect of the scenario. 1:25:15 Unknown_21: So, as he says here, I talked to my daughter, Lauren, in real life today and yesterday. Had to explain sex fetuses of fucked up adults to her. Had to explain pedophilia to her. Had to explain sociopaths to her. Had a great couple days. Not how I want to spend them, but she's pissed at Smirky and wants to vent just as much as I. 1:25:57 Unknown_21: So that was, it was serious. It was a wake up call to him that not only about the site, but like about how his, his laziness and his complacency allowed genuinely dangerous people near him because he just wasn't, He just wasn't paying enough attention, and he wanted to fix that. I kind of want to show you why Schmorky was so... Oh, it was on the next fucking row of images. That's why I lost it. I kind of want to show you... 1:26:36 Unknown_21: Why this was so important. This is one of the memes that Schmorky made. Schmorky was a Flash animator. He made things called, for Flash Tub. Flash animation was very important to the early internet. This is one of my favorite things that he made. This song is so catchy, I'll listen to it on my own. Unknown_15: I'm a guy who likes to work on my car. I like to take it apart and put it back together. 1:27:10 Unknown_15: I get to working on it and forget where I am, what time it is. I even forget to eat. You don't forget to smoke, though. I always smoke when I work. I like mild milk, but I'm back. I like bacon, but I'm back. I like cool, but I'm back. But I'm back, but I'm back. Unknown_21: These are old style animations. Um, they're made in adobe flash and they're very popular. Um These were all the flash animations made for something awful over the years. A lot of them are by schmorky And they were very popular and they competed they put something awful in competition with um other very popular sites at the time such as albino black sheep one of the sites that we used to pull up on the imac in the um 1:28:02 Unknown_21: In the fifth grade classroom, it had happy tree friends, which was like a weird gore movie. That was like a fun animal kids show, like masquerade. Um, they had salad fingers. I remember, um, bunch of stuff. And then you also had new grounds, which is still alive to this day. And that was also like a massive site full of flash animation. So, um, something awful and Schmorky putting out these animations kind of kept them in. Unknown_21: um in the popular zone of like pre-youtube videos on the internet and one of the videos that he made for instance was this once upon a time there was a girl named jail and she sounded like this i love princesses 1:28:59 Unknown_17: And then she said... After that, a terrible, wretched, meanie, fat beast came. And then Jalen said... Oh no! And then she said... What's gonna happen? And then she said... Oh no! And then she said... what is going to happen and then she ran away as quick as she can and while she was running she talked to a magical blue and said where is she coming oh no oh no and then a beautiful fairy came in and her name was lauren she said do you need help and jalen said yes and then the fairy said what do you need help with jalen because a terrible thing is about to happen 1:29:46 Unknown_17: A terrifying fat monster with hair. Unknown_17: I must stop it. Ba-choo! Ba-choo! Fairy power! Ba-choo! And the skeleton monster, hairy fat monster with lots of hair, is never seen again. The end! Yeah! Yeah! It's the best thing! Thank you! The end! Unknown_21: Low tax allowed this guy this creepy weird gender blob To enter his house and record his children so that he can make like cartoons Out of their out of their play for 10 That's how close he was to to low tax and I believe that when low tax had this happen and smorky was out as a pedophile and he had to really like think back about how much If smorky ever had even a second alone with him He was so angry And he really wanted the catharsis of bullying this fucking retard with his community. And he couldn't get that. And it spurred within him a kind of like righteous indignation that he had never ever felt in his entire life. So he really committed to trying to change something awful. 1:30:43 Unknown_21: And uh, he really wanted to go after them He really wanted to go especially all those fucking mods that were making so he couldn't have that catharsis on his site Um, he tried segregating. He literally tried segregating all the black posters to a a board called negro town or something And like he made all these weird changes and they were not well received, but he didn't care 1:31:25 Unknown_21: And then Ashley had a great idea. And I, I, I really, I remember correctly. It was her idea. She said, why don't you start a Patreon? He already had a patron. He was like, why don't you just advertise it, you know, for, for something awful. So he did. Unknown_21: in uh march of 2019 he told people if you want to support something awful donate to my gaming garbage patreon and he was getting 15 000 a month from 2 000 patrons so his issue with the shrinking registrations solved his existing users were willing to pay a couple bucks each a month to keep the site up he now had the money to basically fix all of his problems all at once 1:32:10 Unknown_21: Um, he also was at this time and I believe I I I It was suffering to try and find this I dug through all of his old streams to try and find the last time that his daughter This is lauren. You just heard him in the flash animation She's 15 here and she's with him in his house and they're streaming together and this was in april 26 20, uh 2019 so he was Concerned about his sight again He felt like he had to apologize to his daughter and make things up to her even though she wasn't hurt according to them So he was interacting with his kids more in the real life with, you know, his new wife's permission and stuff. Unknown_21: He was making money and everything, everything was going well, chat. 1:32:52 Unknown_21: everything was laid out in front of him and he had the opportunity to set things straight to get rid of the tranny mods to make the money to rekindle his relationship with his family and to move forward with his new wife and new daughter chat and uh he Unknown_21: Wait, sorry, I meant to pause this he fucked it all up He fucked everything up literally everything at some point for whatever fucking reason he decided That he was going to spend no effort into the things that he was pissed off about He was going to allow the status quo to exist He let facts are useless decide what to do with the moderation And ashley also gave up trying to fix anything because low tax wouldn't back her up on it So facts are useless took over the site of de facto as head mod Unknown_21: And also he was afraid of losing Zen death robot, because if he lost in death robot, you'd have to pay out money from his patron to hire somebody else to fix that. He was so afraid of losing everything that he decided to do nothing until he lost everything. However, actually. He, he did make one final, one final move as a businessman in charge of his community chat. He decided, um, 1:33:45 Unknown_10: to take a business trip to Salt Lake City, Utah for a pitch. Unknown_21: And so we enter chapter four, The Demise. Meet, up until this point, I've kind of segmented everything into his girlfriend eras, because that is the easiest way to compartmentalize times and space with something awful, spending 20 years. 1:34:32 Unknown_21: Enter Logan Day. Unknown_21: Um, Logan day is an ex Mormon BPD borderline personality disorder, coke whore, uh, from Salt Lake city, Utah, and he moved out or flew out to meet her on Thanksgiving day weekend in 2019. Um, Unknown_21: and his wife ashley knew that it was a cheating thing she found out somehow she knew that she that he was leaving on thanksgiving day week to hang out with some horror in salt lake city utah and it was done administrator so when he comes back to his home uh he finds it empty 1:35:14 Unknown_21: And he announces this on Facebook. So at this point, he's kind of withdrawn from the forum. He gave up on his ambitions of trying to fix anything. And he just publicly tanked his relationship with the only other person who ever tried to fix the site. He announces publicly on Facebook... um what's the word for when you're in the middle of a divorce and you're out of town and then your wife steals three thousand dollars from your business checking account and disables her phone and takes a bunch of clothing of her clothes and her pets and your daughter and flees the state even though she has no immigration papers or driver's license asking for myself even though he was married to ashley she was canadian she was an illegal immigrant to the united states and he never filed for her adjustment status inside the us and then he says fun new update 1:35:57 Unknown_21: My wife and my daughter are, according to the police, according to the police, somewhere in the area, but they cannot tell me where because of a woman claims to be afraid of a man and they don't require any evidence to do so. They can take your family members and hide for as long as they want. This is absolutely fucking insane. I've never threatened or laid a hand on my wife. It all she has to do is claim she's afraid of me and is legally allowed in Missouri to stay hidden with certain organizations indefinitely. Not to sound like a red pill man going his own way, but it's absolutely insane that a woman can take your child away from you by just claiming she is scared without requiring any proof or evidence. This is absolutely fucked. Unknown_21: So my man comes home from Salt Lake City. He just dipped his stick into crazy and he's already immediately reaping the repercussions of it. The result of this was that his Patreon started to collapse. 1:36:45 Unknown_21: immediately he was losing about a thousand dollars a month from his patreon because people remember this is the super woke crowd and suddenly daddy is getting metooed by his second wife uh so things were not looking too good for him also he was apparently cheating though this remained denied um he let me get this right 1:37:19 Unknown_21: This is also around the time that a text message leaks and I want to say I don't remember exactly when this was. I want to say this is around this time. This is in 2019. I want to say like April. Unknown_10: Where was this? Unknown_10: It's around this, actually. Unknown_21: I think it's around April 2020 or something. But a text message exchange with his daughter, Lauren, comes out. And he says, or she says, how is that a phrase from Ashley? And that's not even what I was trying to say. I said that I had an emotional affair is a valid. I said that an emotional affair is a valid affair. It's a common sense. so he's trying to say she's trying he's trying to defend she's pissed that his dad that her dad is cheating again she says that's unacceptable because she's a little girl and even she knows that cheating is bad right so she says even if it was not a sexual affair and was only an emotional affair i he's denying having sex with logan even though it's obvious that he would fly out to look to salt lake city utah to have sex with her saying no no it wasn't sexual it was only emotional cheating 1:38:31 Unknown_21: his daughter calls her out on that and says that is still cheating, to which Lotex allegedly replied, there is no point in talking to you. You've already made up your mind and judged me. And you think you know the entire situation here because you've somehow experienced everything and know everything that's happened. You have zero idea how inappropriate it is for you to take a role in an adult and lecture me. I do not even want to talk to you or see you or even acknowledge you because much like the Bible, you seem to see everything in black and white, despite the fact you know nothing about relationships. And i've always been honest with you and never judged you and now you're playing relationship expert You play no role in the relationship between two adults and you can take your half-assed judgment and fucking shove it so Uh this severed the relationship between him and his oldest daughter. I looked at every single gaming garbage I could not find another one after this text message supposedly came out where lauren showed up in Uh as a second player for his games or movie watching or whatever 1:39:17 Unknown_21: So he completely fucked it up. I do believe that this is real, by the way. Unknown_21: This is... I want to say... Okay, so this is... This text message is mid-2019. And this is in December. So at this point, he's trying to drum up his Patreon again because it's collapsing. Because again, in his mind, he doesn't understand... Unknown_21: doesn't understand that what that that patreon is for is for the forum it is the community enjoying the community he again as he did when he started the site seems to believe that he is the main draw and that people are going there to read his funny blog messages and watch his funny youtube gaming garbage streams and really they're not they're there for the community and um he is just the guy that runs it right So, he's doing his gaming garbage shit, and this is one of the things that he's putting out to try and entertain people. This was around the time that YouTube shorts were becoming a thing, so he decides to try his hand at doing a YouTube short. Let's watch the comedy stylings of Richard Lotex Hayinka in 2019. What is the fucking point of this? 1:40:20 Unknown_19: I'm sitting on the toilet, by the way. Nobody's watching this. Unknown_19: YouTube told me that I need to make stories for some reason. Unknown_19: So here's a YouTube story. I walked into my bathroom. 1:40:57 Unknown_19: I'm taking a big ol' shit. Unknown_19: So... I'm just gonna sit here. Am I okay? Yeah. I'm taking a shit. Unknown_19: YouTube told me that I need to make stories. Unknown_19: And so here's my story. I figured I'd make it on the toilet. Unknown_19: Because... Why not? 1:41:32 Unknown_19: I would show you the toilet. Well, here, maybe I can go over without showing my dick. Unknown_19: See, there's the back of the toilet. Unknown_19: But I'm, uh... Shitting. Unknown_19: Shitting. Unknown_21: Thanks, Lotex. Very cool. Unknown_21: His gaming garbage never took off, ever. I can show you his streams, like his catalog in a second. However, by the end of 2019, he had fucking had it. Unknown_21: His affair with Ashley had become public knowledge. His patreon was tanking Nobody was watching gaming garbage his daughter was not talking to him anymore because she thought he was a piece of shit because he is one and The forum was constantly ridiculing him. So he decided on Christmas or sorry on Christmas, but New Year's Eve 2019 That he was going to have a little fun and I present to you the funniest gaming garbage stream that he had ever had. Now, this is a post that I meant to read, but this kind of explains how during this time where Logan was kind of involved, he was trying to make her sound like she was the chief operating officer of something awful. She wasn't a fuckmaid. She wasn't piece of ass. She wasn't woman I'm cheating on my wife with. She was the chief operating officer of something awful. 1:42:48 Unknown_21: And she was put into a management position of the company and the people there were supposed to believe That she was there for that purpose. So as he's arguing with him, he says, um, okay before I try to do anything to completely understand what the most important goals or when to reach are are you more concerned with eliminating all forms of Transphobia from the forums or are you just shutting down or just shutting down? Fuck you and die Fuck you and die was the most conservative area of something awful Um until it was obliterated. I don't know if they ever brought that back. I think they did 1:43:24 Unknown_21: Um, yes, please resist the urge of saying both because I'm honestly trying to gauge public opinion here. Unknown_21: Two, if an individual from a different forum mocks a member of this thread for something they post and it has nothing to do with the gender or sexuality or anything remotely associated with being trans, should that individual be punished? Uh, so this is, I think, in the actual tranny thread because there was like a big, big troon thread on something awful and they were getting doxxed and laughed at on the kiwi farms and then also elsewhere and fuck you and I remember this now. It's coming back to me. It's coming back in waves. Uh, they're also gonna be made fun of and fuck you and die So the truants are going oh my god kiwi farms and fuck you and die are both making fun of us That means that fuck you and die is full of nazi trampo bigots from kiwi farms. Do you not understand? So he's asking like what the fuck do you want? Should I ban everyone there because they're kiwi farms nazi bigots or do you want me to just shut down the board or like? What are you trying to get me to do? He's actually trying to understand what they're what they're doing and that's just an example of like the ongoing trash fire that was something awful as internal politics at the time, that a man very drunk and very high on painkillers completely by himself for the first time in a decade is trying to navigate on his own. 1:44:33 Unknown_21: Number three, if a thread is created in a different forum mocking certain aspects of this thread but none of the comments have anything to do with gender or sexuality or anything remotely associated with being trans, should all those people participating in the thread be banned or the thread itself deleted? Number four, if you had your own private invite-only forum that can only be read by people invited to that group by other members of that group, do you think that would solve any issues? PS I'll delete the true entry of always hated that stupid word anyways, so this is by the way the watershed moment where the word troon was disowned by something awful and I Stole it and it's mine now and you can't ever have it back and it will never be a good thing ever again Because low-tech said it's no longer something awful glossary glossary term Congratulations yet 1:45:17 Unknown_21: But drunk is making fun of them like you can't negotiate with these people. They will never be happy these people these kinds of people Just want to cause problems. They are not there to have fun. They are not there to be a part of a community They cannot create they cannot enjoy their enjoyment comes from finding things that are already extant that already work that people already like and destroying them from the inside out and So you cannot create new things for them to fill with their own bounties because that's not how they operate. They work by going to existing things that are already nice and fucking them up, which is true. It's a true statement. 1:45:53 Unknown_21: So shortly after this post, this is December 29th, 2019. Unknown_21: Two days later, it's New Year's Eve. And what better way to spend New Year's Eve than streaming gaming garbage to your audience while drunk and high? Unknown_21: This stream was so funny and so awesome that I created at the time, two days later, a montage of some of its best moments. You may remember this if you are a longtime listener. If not, enjoy. I had to hunt this down because I lost it. Unknown_19: The people... 1:46:26 Unknown_19: It's so easy to tell the people from Kiwi Farms because they're the ones who are constantly overanalyzing everything in my life because they do not have a life of, they don't have a life themselves. So they have to live through me. Unknown_19: Live through me, Kiwi Farms. Unknown_19: Bunch of retards. Yeah, I said retards. Unknown_19: I mean, I've found trans people to be sexy. I've watched trans videos before. They're hot, by the way. I guess my wife is in a shelter. My wife is in a battered woman's shelter. 1:47:14 Unknown_19: Because apparently... Unknown_19: I'm a Nazi. Everybody here is a Nazi, and I am the leader of the Nazi party. You guys could post in here, post about like hating me in here, and I will ban you in real time. You're gone. That is, this is a live ban. Oh, okay, this guy gets banned. Yep, getting rid of this guy. Wow! I haven't been drinking, so... Is this band worthy? What do you guys think? I'm going to leave this up to you. Okay, I'll get rid of this guy, too, because he's just empty. I'm violently transphobic now. I'm a transphobic Nazi. 1:47:45 Unknown_19: live band okay this person goes absolutely having a meltdown i'm going crazy here uh have have you just thought about logging off as funny as this shit is no this is actually entertaining nobody is telling me who the transphobes are everybody hates me you guys are all nazis and you all hate trans people just like me i took a break 1:48:22 Unknown_19: From hating transsexuals and loving Nazis, to show you my pig pants. A clipping gold one, yeah. Someone's going to take all this stuff and put it together. That will be cool. I can't wait for that. Unknown_19: I just wanted to stream some video games, but instead I became Hitler. Unknown_21: Back in the days when I used to just stream on Wednesday. I only stream on Wednesday and Tuesday, in case you're curious. Unknown_21: One of my finest works, if I do say so myself. Unknown_21: Um, I very, very, very fondly remember that stream. I watched it live and it was a great time had by all except for the goons who were extremely upset that Papa low tax was having fun, uh, at their expense. 1:49:07 Unknown_21: Um, unfortunately he did not have a lot of fun. Uh, and the backlash to that was a lot of mods crying, a lot of bands being unlifted, uh, so on and so forth. Unknown_21: Um, Unknown_21: so that ushers in the year of 2020. we're getting very close but we still have a lot to get through uh one of the things that happened immediately after the clock struck 12 on january 21st 2020 um megan who you may remember as the ex-wife uh linked up with ashley so now low tax doesn't just have one baby mama after him he's got two baby mamas working together so uh 1:49:49 Unknown_21: Megan helps her set up a GoFundMe because she's literally living in a battered woman's shelter. That's not a joke. She was in a shelter at the time because, fun fact, you may not know this, in the United States of America, if you have an immigrant spouse or parent, mother of your child, in the country, and they are alleging that you abused them, they cannot be deported. As long as they're staying in an emergency shelter, they cannot be deported because there is a special protection for women who are extorted by their immigration status. Unknown_21: To stay within the country. So for months and months, Ashley and her baby were staying in a dormitory in a women's shelter for the purposes of being able to stay within the United States while all the ongoing legal issues were being resolved. 1:50:25 Unknown_21: So Megan put up a GoFundMe for some living expenses and she writes, Unknown_21: I apologize for any general vagueness in our story, but as we're still in hiding, it's necessary to keep us safe. Two months ago, my daughter and I left my now estranged husband and entered a domestic violence shelter after nearly five years of abuse. My name was kept off the bank account, and I was not allowed my own card to access it. This made saving to leave nearly impossible without it being noticed. I have a foreign account, but I am unable to gain access to it without being in that country. Due to my marriage, I was kept isolated. I have no parents or siblings. I am an immigrant who was halfway through my legal immigration process, and my undocumented status was and still is being used by my husband as a way to control and abuse me. I am currently working with a legal aid immigration lawyer to help me stay legally within the country under the Violence Against Women Act. My estranged husband has made public declarations about his intent to have me deported without our daughter. He was now three and a half. 1:51:10 Unknown_21: um as of now he is asking for full legal and physical custody of our daughter while also falsely accusing me of being violent and a danger to her in an attempt to flip the script if he is successful in his efforts to deport me i will be kept out of the country for 10 years without my daughter and it is extremely unlikely he will take make efforts for me to be part of her life given the his vindictive behavior towards me now if he wins this custodial fight and is successful in attempting to make false allegations i will lose custody of her and be forced to have supervised visitation right now i am in a very difficult position of having to ask for financial help because i am currently in a position of legal limbo and i'm becoming fearful that he will follow through with his threats of having me charged with parental abduction despite him knowing that we are in a shelter i contracted contacted legal aid this week we left and I am the week we left and I am still proactively waiting to get an answer as to whether the board has approved taking on my divorce case I would be endlessly grateful for any funds that could be used to help protect my daughter from this abusive behavior and his attempts to keep me her for me is another way of control to control punish and abuse me Keeping her with me also protects her from the escalation of abuse towards her as she grows older. Anything donated would be used for potential legal fees if legal aid is ultimately denied. 1:52:57 Unknown_21: Decided that they will not take my case. Sorry, that is a mouthful. It's a very dense paragraph, so I didn't read that too well. Unknown_21: she asked for three thousand dollars they very quickly raised three thousand dollars and the gofundme was closed she did not accept more money than three thousand dollars and um it appears that all the money from the gofundme went to the stated purpose of resolving the legal issues um this is the point to mention now that carol a low taxes mother was highly engaged in the law fair against his baby mamas as a lawyer who knows everybody in missouri where all these jurisdictions are taking place she had a lot of sway and a lot of contacts and a lot of pull to make things as awful as possible for everyone involved she was very involved in making sure that these women did not get away with everything without fighting for it um which is why when i talk about her i say that she is a very cold vindictive person and uh that appears to be a thing that's shared by by low tax 1:53:29 Unknown_21: Um, so, uh, this is in response to people accusing him of cheating on her with Logan. Uh, they maintain that there was not a sexual relationship between them for a very long time. Glue Huffer 69 says in reply to, actually, let me just read the low tax post first. Low tax says everything that I've said so far was cleared by my lawyer, whereas her GoFundMe clearly has not. I did not blab like an idiot. I disclosed everything I could then shut the fuck up when my lawyer told me to. 1:54:26 Unknown_21: You really do not know anything about what's going on here, so hold your insults after the legal action has been finished and I'm able to talk about the results. Lou Huffer 69 asks, can we talk about your new girlfriend? Since she was on your live stream earlier and it's kind of official now instead of the wink wink rumors, will she be on tonight? It was cool seeing new stuff happen on the stream. This guy very, very cleverly dresses up his questions about Logan Day as being, oh, are we going to get to meet the new woman? Unknown_21: to try and get him to to talk about how uh They're in a relationship. He denies it. He does not fall for this trick and he goes uh, I do not have A new girlfriend so I would appreciate not speculating about that and various other things that you read from people who spend their lives obsessing over analyzing my life I wonder who that could be chat Definitely not me Um, this is logan's account. Unfortunately art 1:55:21 Unknown_21: She says, Don't know if anyone cares since you're all talking about bring your own beer goblin for some reason, but I thought I'd say something since my name was brought up a few times. I'm a woman first name of Logan, last name of Day. I'm not in a relationship with anyone, much less low tax. I don't wear anybody's clothes but my own. It's fucking weird that anyone would say otherwise. I think that they accused her of wearing Ashley's clothes. My involvement was something awful. And by extension, gaming garbage is as a marketing strategist. This is what I do for a living. My goal is to make beaucoup amounts of money for myself and also rich Q booze or bringing in a newer, younger audience. Fatalistic morons on the web often say that something awful is dead for good, but it's an old brand that needs a refresh and a cohesive message. And that's where I come in. I do not plan to change the heart of what makes this site great. I also have lots of developer peers, so part of my plan at all is bringing this website up to modern web standards. 1:56:24 Unknown_21: This is a behemoth of a project, but it is a dream one for me as I first started posting here in 2006, and I particularly like working with entertainment brands. I have no desire to be an admin of these forums, nor do I have the time. I would rather, and I cannot stress this enough, saw off my own arm and sodomized myself with it vigorously. i'm a business woman and my primary interest lies in large deposits of cash money hitting my checking account but i also have a passion for the particular brand of comedy this website provides this was way too long but that's my spiel Unknown_21: So be clear, chat. They're not fucking. She's making a killing for him. They are partners in crime, chat, not partners sexually. That would be inappropriate. This is her showing up on the stream with alcohol, by the way. If you want to see the face of a man who just got caught fucking crazy, this is the face of a man who just got caught on live fucking crazy. Unfortunately, it was not in 4K. You get this resolution. 1:57:08 Unknown_21: i would prefer this moment be captured in 8k high quality drone footage but um this works 1:57:41 Unknown_21: This is a very famous post made after the previous back and forth between Logan and people speculating about their relationship and her showing up on stream and him getting sued and so on and so forth. Tehran1979 has a thought. He sits down and with 100% of his brain power comes up with a possible solution to Low Tax's problems. He says... Unknown_21: I've given this a lot of thought, and I want you to bear with me here, Lotex. I think your entire situation in life could easily be solved by a genuine, honest-to-God suicide. I'll go over the pros and cons. Dead dad is better than emotionally abusive and manipulative living dad who can somehow manage to lose a public argument with the wife who is divorcing him despite the fact that you're the only one of the two who has ever talked about it publicly. two you'd no longer be a strain on the forums or society the charity money that gets donated to this archaic piece of site updated will actually go to it instead of your irs bills unfettered by association to your outright embarrassing attempt at being a streamer three depending on the method of suicide you might finally be able to cure your faggoty helium voice that you spent the majority of your life compensating for by being zany Four, think of all the rest you would be getting where you no longer need to fly into humiliating rants about how every single person ever associated with you has turned out to be secretly the bad guy, except for you. Oh no, not you. And five, dead people don't need spines. Cons, there are none. 1:58:28 Unknown_21: I don't want you to think this is just something I'm casually posting. Do not reject it hastily. I'm willing to work with you here on coming to accept what, with any amount of thought, is the obvious solution to your problems. I am here for you. 1:59:23 Unknown_21: The user was banned for this post. He was banned directly by LowTags, specifically, who I suppose did not immediately take to heart what he was trying to say. Unknown_21: But this post may now have some historical significance yet. Unknown_21: This is some more back and forth with Logan and Lotax on the forum. I'm not sure how much of this I want to read. Because Logan is very cringe. Unknown_21: And this whole thing was just embarrassing. I'll read one or two of each. Unknown_21: Um... 1:59:55 Unknown_21: logan says hey guys logan here heather paps is doing a fantastic job of explaining and organizing all this thanks man please email me at logan somethingawful.com with your ideas we're looking to expand into all sorts of mediums articles videos think about including miscellaneous video content on the youtube channel to be determined Social media content, big. We need small, bite-sized, funny content that people will share on social media that directs them to something awful, etc. The goal here is being a full-fledged entertainment publisher. As ad revenue starts rolling in soon, we'll be able to pay consistent contributors. One day, and this is a big goal, I'd like for us to produce feature films, Doom House 3, or the notorious Cybertroll 2000. Unknown_21: web shows, and even cool audience-driven live streams. For now, anything that's funny gets the eyeballs as needed. We need you, goons. We want this to be weird, and we want to make fun of the lowercase i internet. Think something awful circa 2005 that make it modern and relevant to the community's current vibe. Content guide in the works. We'll share those whose ideas tickle both myself and Lotex. Thanks. 2:00:44 Unknown_10: corporate speak. We love it. Gotta love it. Let's see what low tax has to say. Unknown_10: Um, I bet she has a vision board. Unknown_21: Oh, if only you knew, uh, low tech says Jesus fucking Christ. You people are always looking for things to bitch about. I've always, always, always paid writers for the site. There have always, always, always been a two month trial period because I learned around 2002 or so that people would take money and disappear by having a trial period. We are able to filter out people who are, and who are not consistent and reliable and are interested in writing in a scheduled manner for something awful. 2:01:18 Unknown_21: None of this will be affecting the forums. I know outrage and drama is really cool and great and helpful right now, and people are bitching for absolutely any reason to put down any plans we've had for the front page, but perhaps you don't recall the days when the forum users bitched about the money from the forums went to pay writers for the front page because the money was supposed to apparently go back to the forum because the purchasers did not read the front page. 2:02:04 Unknown_21: None of this shit affects any of you. None of this shit will change the forum in any way. This is all an attempt to at least bring some ad revenue from the front page and I'm hiring people based on the exact same qualification standard I always have. Fucking lay off the dramatic hyperbole of unpaid labor and ads will save the site because this shit is... absolutely primarily targeted to a complete different section site one you do not interact with and one that generates nearly zero income compare any front page article on something awful any article on cnn or vice whatever count the number of ads we display here compared to them then feel free to fuck off with your retarded pedantry and pointless bitching that's generally how we handled a lot of criticism um so their plans in general to sum this up was that they were going to start um pulling in free 2:02:51 Unknown_21: writers from the forum um publish their work and then find a way to make ad revenue off of that and low tax later revealed in i don't know when this was do i have a note for them Unknown_10: um no i do not have a date for this but uh a couple months after announcing this plan to get content writers he says uh in response to macasaurus who posted how many of low taxes patreons are giving him money to watch him stream like 10 85 are foremost people at least five percent are wondering when schmorky is coming back Unknown_21: funny post latex says what does this have to do with anything let's say that 100 forum people who contribute to the patreon the reason i stream is because i had a lot of fun doing it the reason why i stopped posting here is in case you might have missed it because random people constantly attempt to specifically irritate me for whatever purely logical reason in their minds they don't enjoy dealing with the hostility and passive aggressive like even the crap y'all are giving logan how does any of that how does any of what she could do affect you in any way i still run the place i still make all final decisions i'm not going to agree to something i don't believe in and there are zero plans for anything to intersect with the forum or affect them she's volunteering her work for branding and front page stuff if the doesn't work out then doesn't work out nothing lost doesn't affect any of you at all anyway and he adds If any of you have emailed me regarding the front page brand integration and donating your free time to help generate more revenue through there, I apologize as I apparently missed your email. To the best of my knowledge, I have never received a single offer, particularly from the people in this thread ripping on somebody who hasn't even started working on anything front page related yet. 2:03:55 Unknown_21: So he received from his community in response to the sweeping changes that Logan Day wanted to make to the front page of something awful to make it a relevant website in 2016 or what fucking year is this? 2020. Oh, geez. 2:04:46 Unknown_21: Despite her plans, nobody stepped up to the plate. Um... 2:05:17 Unknown_10: Finally, Lotex posted this picture of, I believe, him visiting his daughter, who is now four in this picture, I believe, saying, Vindication. Unknown_21: And as far as I'm aware, this is the last picture of, uh, the third daughter. I don't even know her name. I apologize. Um, but he randomly posted this on Facebook and said vindication. This became a meme. Anytime anything happened in the courtroom, I related to low tax and his divorce and the custody and so on and so forth. People would say vindication because it was almost always from this point forward, bad news for low tax. Unknown_21: For instance, speaking of bad news, the court decided, because this was a complex custody case, that there needed to be a guardian ad litem. What is a guardian ad litem? You may ask me, Chad. A guardian ad litem is a court-appointed representative for the interests of the child. You have parent A and parent B. They are upset over something. They are suing each other. There is a child in the mix. Well, how do you know to trust parent A or parent B? Sometimes you can't. Sometimes they may have conflicting interests and the child is a linchpin to both of their legal arguments and nobody can be trusted to be 100% representing the interests of the child. That is when the court will step in and say, we need to have a guardian ad litem who will make decisions, legal decisions for the child on behalf of the court that the child cannot make by themselves in the interest of the child that neither parent can be trusted with. Fun fact guardian ad litems are not free and when a guardian ad litem is appointed somebody's going to be paying for one And that might be if it's a very long legal process that your mother is dragging out in the courts for years for no reason Other than to piss people off that may be tens of thousands of dollars spoiler alert um, so Uh 2:06:49 Unknown_21: The point of showing this post, by the way, was that the Guardian ad litem was named Dana Outlaw, which is one of the most awesome fucking names for a attorney ever. It's like a name that's meant to be branding. Like, you're supposed to go by Outlaw Esquire. That's just cool. Anyways, Dana was representing the child. Unknown_21: Meanwhile, at the tax mansion... 2:07:40 Unknown_21: Lotex apparently was having a good old time with his current BPD side piece, who one day decided to announce on Facebook, not on one day in particular, by the way, on June 2020, announced to the world, got backhanded onto the ground and feared for my safety due to a literal grown man standing over me, but still sleeping in a hotel despite qualifying as a tenant under Missouri law. Anyway, we'll talk to a lawyer in the morning. Good night. Zzzz. People reply saying, what the fuck? Are you okay? I'm sorry someone did that to you. Oh, no. Please stay safe, Logan. The community would not survive without you. That's funny. Corey says, are you doing... Yeah, Corey says, are you doing okay? Make sure to take a note, video, or otherwise of what happened. Anything is still fresh in your mind. Blah, blah, blah. Unknown_21: so this began the absolute total and utter destruction of low tax is now 2020 uh we are in the swing of um believe all women hashtag you know me too all that 2:08:49 Unknown_21: And something awful is the most woke place on the planet. And now at this point, low tax doesn't deserve any benefit of a doubt. This is like the third person, third woman in his life that has accused him of being physically violent towards them. Unknown_21: However, Logan is special. Logan is a special kind of really annoying. Unknown_21: The day after she posted this, she decided to join the Kiwi Farms and elucidate to everyone what actually happened. I want to point out, this is her picture, this is her account, she made this herself, and the username is MormonBPDCocore. She picked that name by herself and to the point where when I verified her account as being belonging to her I made special note that she picked her own name because otherwise it would seem like i'm being a dickhead and no That was not me. That was her. So don't even don't even try um Let's read this 2:09:25 Unknown_21: Hey guys, it's Bogan Lay, young lady here. Using my favorite pseudonym, you gifted me. It's funny. You guys have a good time, clearly. Even though neither of the three elements of my username apply in any way, I still think it's the best username I've ever been gifted. Thank you. Unknown_21: Hope you are somewhat pleasant about my presence here, but I'm no stranger to what this forum is about. There's only so many ways you can call me plastic or crazy, plastic surgery, ugly, and a useless amount of space, and you people have just about covered the brunt of that entirely from what I still read this way back to... 2:10:18 Unknown_21: this way back when post 18 gen z wasn't doing slutty dances on video my question for you is is this a date night activity with your lovers to post hateful things on these forums if not definitely live stream your attempts i'm sure it would be very sexy with lots of hot bods you all have hot bods right that's how you're so readily able to pass judgment right of course please do post your beach bods lads and we harlots will be able to rate you Just know, Hermanos, I rate for pizzazz. Do a Fortnite dance, boys, and I'll give you a good score, kissy face. Unknown_21: Anyways, I've been instructed not to post here ever under any circumstances, but since my dog shit leaked out, I might as well address it. Last night, I had a severe panic attack. I received news that my dear maternal grandmother had passed away suddenly, and I was distraught. Unfortunately, I was all alone upstairs, and I went downstairs to try and rouse Rich from his peaceful doze. He's a very peaceful person, always has been. Unfortunately, when I rose him, I was way too forceful in my hysteria, and he mistook my rousing as slamming him on his cervical disc, which are central points of pain. That was not at all intentional, and I would never purposefully harm a person. 2:11:16 Unknown_21: anybody who has ever known me has known that i am not a violent person but he felt unsafe which is deeply unfortunate and i certainly don't blame him since he was roused awake very suddenly now the period in which i felt i had been backhanded this was unfortunately my word to describe it was actually explained to me afterward that rich had awoken after my rousing him and attempted to stem stand upright 2:12:06 Unknown_21: on sweaty toes and he fell into the desk near the side of the wall thereby sending me falling onto the ground below i mistook it as being an action of malice against me but when we revised the events it was clear that i hadn't fully understood the events due to my panic attack Thank God for Ativan from my psychiatrist. I'm so grateful. And I'm grateful for Rich for patiently explaining the events that my panic mind couldn't interpret in a state of profound grief. Unknown_21: I was irresponsible to awaken Rich when he was sleeping, even though I needed support. In my panic, my memory was hazy, and I accused him of intentionally hurting me when he could do nothing of the sort. I mean, sorry, J-Mean. 2:12:59 Unknown_21: J-Mean, for goodness sakes, he has limited mobility at the best, and frankly, total immobility, in truth, to truly harm a healthy, young... 26 year old girl rich called the police himself to ensure everyone was taken care of it was decided that i needed some time away from my business partner for Unknown_21: For an evening so he could come back together with clear heads and not he said she said no report was taken It was simply a matter of a young woman Losing her grandfather and taking the inappropriate steps to receive support in the midst of a panic attack Thankfully I have medication prescribed for that sort of occurrence and rich was quick to help me remember to take them when I was able to return to his home It was decided that I should stay the night at a hotel because no individual was at fault or causing any problematic disturbance. It was just determined that the time apart would be most healthy and beneficial for all parties involved. 2:13:45 Unknown_21: rich acted completely honorably i was the dingus in this situation rich is strong and i admire strong but he's not able to stand up and i admire that he is letting me have a safe place to stay until i find next steps for me rich is a man with a great deal of honor i've had less kind treatment from the police in my life rich is a class act and i would trust him with any young person experiencing a panic attack or worse any questions let me know I'm so grateful that everyone is safe. Nobody was unsafe at any point, and it's my fault for making that seem different at any point. 2:14:27 Unknown_21: Anyway, go ahead and call me a whore, but Rich is a class act great guy, and I can't wait to pay respects to my grandfather in October when LA County reopens for weeks. Peace! Unknown_21: Let me just explain. This is what an artist's rendition of her looks like. My poor Logan Day stumbles down into the opium dungeon that Lotex resides in, laying peacefully, as peacefully as a man can lay, like a vampire in a coffin. 2:15:10 Unknown_21: And Logan attempts to rouse him from his slumber by shaking him violently, screaming, my grandfather in the midst of a panic attack. However, Unknown_21: she accidentally hits a critical hit on Lotex because she decides to shake him specifically at the vertebrae that is collapsed into dust for whatever medical condition Lotex has, which is causing his spine to collapse to dust. This causes him immense pain. And so in an act of sudden shock and terror, he wakes up and slaps her in the face and says, be gone, bitch. 2:15:49 Unknown_21: Which would, of course, be anyone's first reaction to being shook and awake by a crying person. Unknown_21: So, obviously, this story did not fly very well. All this Kiwi Farms shit ended up on something awful. They were, of course, making fun of her for even posting on the Kiwi Farms because of the transphobic Nazi doxing site, so on and so forth. Unknown_10: And... Unknown_10: at this point his patreon collapses uh to seven hundred dollars for whatever reason the whole divorce saga with ashley did not cause his patreon to collapse it instead was logan day and the slap that finally got people to like unsubscribe from his patreon 2:16:39 Unknown_21: And I really don't know why That's uh, it's bizarre because ashley was so much more likable and like a real person and logan was like insane So her her whole shtick Why that got people to unsubscribe? I really don't know However, it was very coordinated And it um, it accomplished the desired results um What happened is that Unknown_21: Lotex sold something awful. There was a moderator on the board called Jeffrey of Yazpaz, which I don't remember the fucking acronym, but Jeffrey was allegedly a crypto millionaire. And so he was able to buy something awful for about $400,000, which is the amount that came out later. 2:17:26 Unknown_21: And, uh, low tax was finally and completely divorced from, from something awful. Unknown_21: Uh, Logan day had a conversation with me and I'm going to reupload this to my site. Cause I think that it's gone now. Um, and I just kind of like had her walk through her line of events and her story. And she was very unconvincing and she had a very manipulative way of speaking. Um, that was, did not work on me. And it was very obvious that it wasn't working with me because she would swing between different emotions very quickly. uh to try and compel me to to sympathize with her and i i um i don't remember it too well but that was after something awful was sold anyway so at that point it didn't matter um 2:18:08 Unknown_21: This was his announcement that he had sold something awful. He says, Unknown_21: because a blackout drunk bipolar woman had accused me of hitting her while i was bedridden and waiting for an epidural i had degenerative disc disease and was to ease the pain of a collapsed disc in my neck pushing up against a nerve and rendering my body randomly useless but constantly in pain Since then, this woman has tried to block me out of my own website, change the contact information of our ad revenue to her name, and avoid my blocks on her phone and text by getting a new number. I have included a sample of the shit she sends me. This is a woman people felt was trustworthy enough to believe and fight for. 2:18:47 Unknown_21: I would like to thank the countless people who have stood silently by my side during this ridiculous ordeal. And I'd like to say great job of being completely gullible tools to the people who did not. You're a bunch of dense-ass motherfuckers who believe the following text messages are from a credible and reliable source. Unknown_21: GG. Next map in my life. Next map is a Quake 2 engine reference, I believe. Unknown_21: Uh, this was my conversation going to pull this up. I'm not going to play it. It's a conversation with Logan day, July 17th, 2020, which is right after he sold the forum and Logan day had one final message for the internet. 2:19:36 Unknown_14: So I'm still alive much to certain people's chagrin, but I wanted to update about this. One-a-day calendar that I have and it's just it's absolutely amazing. It's wisdom from the universe every morning and So I flipped it over this morning and this is what I saw No 2:20:16 Unknown_14: Um, fuck off. Unknown_14: I will never vlog off. And, uh, see you tomorrow, bitches. Unknown_21: And then she logged off and disappeared and nobody's heard from her ever since. I think she realized after my interview with her that people wouldn't rally around her as like a great feminist icon or forum entrepreneur or some shit. Unknown_21: And, uh, as far as I know, she's completely fucked off. 2:20:54 Unknown_10: So that concludes chapter four, the demise chat. Unknown_21: Now we're down the last and final chapter. Unknown_21: Chapter five, the end. Unknown_21: After Logan completely and totally ruined something awful for Lotex, he decided that he would be forced to restart his entire career, this time as a 45-year-old man in poor health with no savings, IRS debt, ongoing legal disputes with his ex-wife, and alimony and child support owed to his first ex-wife, He had to start from scratch all over again, doing the only thing that he knew how to do, which was comedy. So he took to YouTube and decided that he would revitalize an old something awful brand name, Gaming Garbage, and start streaming. 2:21:31 Unknown_21: Let's take a look at some of that streaming chat. Unknown_19: I can't say or do things or I get in trouble. I'm sure you can go to Twitter and there's like a thousand people saying about how evil I am and all the terrible things I've done. So you can go just like fucking look it up there. 2:22:09 Unknown_19: But I would like to point out that what I'm drinking here is an energy drink. Completely non-alcoholic because I don't drink alcohol. Unknown_19: It's got protein in it. That's good. That's healthy. It's got vitamins in it. Those are healthy. Unknown_21: This video has 1.9 thousand views I think his first stream where he had a guest one after he sold something awful Um, he got 3 000 views However, his gaming garbage streams would almost never break a thousand views moving forward and they would almost like they would dip below 20 live viewers doing um 2:22:52 Unknown_21: during his uh his actual showings and like i could show you 800 views a year ago 900 1.2 700 900 1.3 900 1 300 for that one 700 like just desolate absolutely like the kind of numbers that you would pull starting your own channel right now and just putting out content like it's really terrible Unknown_21: and of course when you're 45 and you're banking that this is gonna like Revitalize your entire career after you just sold your your only asset It's pretty fucking depressing. It's pretty hard and what I noticed watching a lot of them. I'm trying to see this one Yeah, okay. This is the majority of his content I mentioned I scanned through a lot of his trains trying to find out the last time that that Lauren was like co-hosting with him and And it was 2019 he didn't she doesn't show up after 2019 But I did realize watching through all of his streams. The reason why they get such terrible numbers Is that this is almost every single one of them every single stream is like this Listen now both you go down and get murphy Radio me from the hallway before you go in and lower five then go in and get him the hell out of there. 2:23:34 Unknown_00: Wait a second Maybe we should have a plan about how to get him out of the uh lockers that have fell on phone on them Unknown_21: So he's like shit-faced and all of them he's obviously fucked up on alcohol and pills He looks like shit. He has no commentary and he's just watching like old VHS tapes A lot of these streams are missing because of copyright complaints, but some of these are so old and so obscure They're not even in content ID 2:24:19 Unknown_21: And those are the ones that have stayed up and remain with 300 views on them So yeah, it really terrible and what's interesting that this kind of confirms things that Mandy was saying when she was on the forum because Mandy had said that low tax basically spent Spent his entire life like you're wondering like between the 2000s where things started to decline And now what was he doing with his time? He had all that time all that money like what were what were even his vices? He would literally sit and watch old vhs tapes hours a day and play mobile gacha games that was apparently he apparently even spent 50 on like a mobile game called deadbeat dad simulator so he was like super big into gacha and just wasted every waking second watching old vhs in his basement and that was his entire life for like a decade 2:25:01 Unknown_21: Which is pretty fucking sad After this in a time where after he was no longer the owner of something awful He made a post and fuck you and die Bored that he six months prior to this post had actually deleted in a fit over age because people were making fun of him People say don't post here get the fuck out Nothing much. I'm trying to decide which is more powerful punches or kicks. My wife is a little mouthy today and No av is fail, because I think they took his avatar. His avatar used to be a dancing pig, I think, but I don't have that. 2:25:55 Unknown_21: Declaring the wife is a threat to national security and taking appropriate measures domestically. Unknown_21: No negi vibes, please, mate. We're having a proper laugh at the moment. Wow, really? Beecock. Welcome to the Nazi subform, low tax, or at least that's what you said about the subform. I never really thought so. Get out. This is a really, really famous meme. That frog is kind of like a mascot for something awful, and apparently it came from a porn game or something. Unknown_21: Just flirting with my Nazi friends. Unknown_21: You called us Nazis, you gay bitch. I want to do the Bane backbreaker move on you a thousand times or until your soul leaves your body. 2:26:29 Unknown_21: Nobody wants you here, pussy. Go hide behind mommy like you usually do. Anyways, there's a pin thread for this. B-cock, remove this filth. Bump for visibility. See y'all there. Call the wife a Nazi so I can punch her. I'm coming for you, bitch. Unknown_21: So this was the welcome he got back on Something Awful. After 20 years of running the place, it was very clear that the users of Something Awful were done with him. And indeed, Jeffrey of Yazpaz, who had bought the site from him for $400,000, eventually decided to make a little bit of that money back by auctioning the rights of banning him. The winning bid was by Skyle3Laser, who decided to ban him with this as the ban reason. 2:27:02 Unknown_02: Round one, here we go. Unknown_02: We may get a bit of a feeling out process at first. Unknown_21: That's a mangosteen by the way, that's what the fruit looks like. Kayanka down again! 2:27:49 Unknown_02: I'm a little concerned for Richard Kayaka right now. Uwe looks determined to do this. Unknown_02: Fans, if you can see this, you can see, if you can get in close enough, you can see the determined look on Uwe Boll's face. He is not joking around, ladies and gentlemen. Richard Lotex Kayaka seems to be dancing around like this is some sort of joke. Unknown_02: Uwe Boll, on the other hand, very serious, throwing some seriously big shots. He looks like a man that hits pretty good. I gotta say, I'm pretty impressed with Uwe Boll's left hook. He seems to put the body behind that pretty good. He leads with that left hook a lot, though. 2:28:25 Unknown_02: Richard Kayanka looking for the crowd's approval, in a sense. Ooh, you're not gonna win any fans by that one, that's for sure. Unknown_02: Richard Kayenka getting it. Looks like he's getting an eight count. Is he going to get up? He's up. Is he ready to fight? He's going to fight some more. They're back at it again. Uwe leads with that left hand again, but he can't throw that right because by the time he throws it, Kayenka's down on the canvas. Oh, there's a big right hand. Oh. 2:28:59 Unknown_02: Good left jab followed by the big right hand. Put Richard Chiang down. Six, seven, eight, nine. That's it, ladies and gentlemen. That fight is over. Unknown_02: Pretty good start for Uwe Boll. I'm pretty impressed with that left hook of his. He's got a pretty heavy punch. He seems to know what he's doing pretty good. 2:29:29 Unknown_02: The end of the round. I'm not sure what's... Looks like we're going to go another round. I think we're going three rounds regardless, ladies and gentlemen. Here we are live from the Edgewater stage, the Plaza of Nations, on Waveland.com. We're in between... Oh, no, that fight is over, ladies and gentlemen. It doesn't look like Richard Low-Tax Priyanka is going to be coming out of his corner to fight. Unknown_02: And then it ends abruptly. The last thing worth mentioning, this took place in March of 2021, I want to say. In October... 2:30:06 Unknown_21: Uh, 2021, uh, he finally accepted a plea deal or sorry, in 2020, uh, jumping around. So March is when the ban happened, but the last thing that happened in October was a, uh, he accepted a plea deal in regards to the Logan domestic abuse thing, uh, where he paid $164. And so Logan, the Logan issue was finally and totally resolved, uh, forever. 2:30:41 Unknown_21: now suppose i'll hide that and get around to it we enter into 2020 to 2022 this is the last year the la this is the last half of the last page my notebook i should kind of contextualize what's happened now Unknown_21: low tax enters 2022 alone and divorced men have an issue where they basically need mommy gf married men seem to lose the capacity to take care for themselves which is why every divorced man typically tries to remarry as soon as possible so low tax is now um in a poor physical condition with an actual physical addiction He has no money. He has no career prospects. His comedy live streaming thing was a complete failure. His daughter doesn't talk to him. I didn't even mention, but like all of his money, he didn't pay taxes to the IRS was after him. I think he sold his house. 2:31:28 Unknown_21: Um, Unknown_21: I think that he sold his house in 2019. I forgot to mention that. Unknown_21: He had been leasing a vehicle. So, like, he had a GT or some shit. He had, like, a sports car that he was leasing. And now he's in a rental with a rental vehicle. Zero dollars in the bank. Alimony. Child support. Another child support. Tens of thousands of dollars of court fees. That $400,000 from Jeffrey of Yazpas went immediately. He was already out of that by this point. In fact, I'll mention this in a second, but I'll save that. I'll save that. I'll continue. He wakes up in February of 2022. He's bleeding out of his head. Nobody knows why. He never explained it, but it might be because of vascular atrophy or peripheral nerve damage. This is a symptom of drug addiction, especially opioids, I believe. He says if anyone wants to witness the physical effects of peripheral nerve damage, I have a photo for my foot right now That looks like fucking gout if you're only listening. It's like dark dark red and brown His feet look absolutely awful He's literally rotting away 2:32:32 Unknown_21: Um, and then in April, 2022, he announces that it's pretty cool that during a divorce, your ex can file a temporary restraining order, prohibiting you from accessing the money in your business bank account when she had no involvement with the business and was created 17 years before meeting her. Her attorney froze his assets through an injunction through the court, because it was alleged that he was spending all the money that he had to avoid paying Ashley any of it during the divorce. This was a true statement. 2:33:07 Unknown_21: which is what I was kind of holding back when discussing because I wanted to show you this. Unknown_21: All that money from Jeffrey was gone. All the money that he had made from something awful was gone, and he had literally nothing to show for it. At this point in time, low tax had nothing. It would be like if you dropped a random person into the body of a 45-year-old man who bleeds from his head and whose feet are about to be chopped off, and you did not give them any assets or anything to go along with. 2:33:50 Unknown_21: Um, this is from that month and I believe this is after the, uh, the injunction was filed. Unknown_19: So it's like, I don't want to use that term. Unknown_19: Um, but yeah, I, I was canceled and I had to sell my site and, um, Unknown_19: So because of things that happened, and this was during my divorce, which is still going on thanks to COVID, because it takes forever to get a fucking court date now. And so everything keeps getting pushed back, back, back, back, back. I've been trying to get a divorce since fucking November of, not last November, but the November before then is when I filed. 2:34:29 Unknown_19: And so I've been, you know, I sold my business. Unknown_19: And now the claim is being made by my ex that since I earned that money from the business, I was forced to sell due to people spreading lies that were proven to be false. Unknown_19: and were celebrated by that party, which also helped spread the lies, I may add, that they are entitled to my business sale, which is not necessarily true due to the fact that I began the business in 1999, and the individual had absolutely no participation with my business. 2:35:33 Unknown_19: But it's okay. We're still arguing in court. We're still paying lawyers. I'm still paying a guardian ad litem. One guardian ad litem I've already paid $15,000 to. So, yeah, it's a lot of fun. Unknown_19: And I found out that the Guardian ad litem, apparently I owed them another $5,000, which they never told me about. And so they tried to garnish my wages. And I'm like, I don't get paid. 2:36:04 Unknown_19: What are you going to garnish? So I had to pay them. So anyways, yeah, that's been, it's been a hoot this week. This week has been an utter fucking hoot. That's why I didn't stream yesterday is because I'm still full of rage. And as you can tell, I'm still full of rage, you know? Like my woman beating arm is all messed up because of all the stress. Unknown_19: I don't even know which one is my woman beating arm. I'm not sure. I need somebody to tell me because I don't know these things, you know? I don't know what I've done or haven't done. Only the internet does. 2:36:38 Unknown_19: So I got to wait for people to tell me what I'm guilty of before I know it. Unknown_21: This is a great clip to explain to you guys his haha silly man facade. He does not ever turn it off. At no point ever does he break that facade. And it was the most frustrating thing when talking to him was like, he just couldn't ever... be serious for a moment he he had a total and complete inability to take anything seriously even with his own life with his own future with things that deeply matter to him he could just never take a second to allow that vulnerability of caring about something and actually uh addressing it seriously and because you know when you do that you might look like a dipshit sometime Um, and he, he would never, ever, ever, ever take that risk. And I, I really want to know what happened or what, um, made him that way. Cause it's so peculiar. I I've never, I've literally never seen anybody like that. Um, who just has like this sarcastic veneer that he just, he can't turn off. He cannot turn off the, the, the jokes. Uh, it's, it's really strange. 2:37:29 Unknown_21: Um, so he does this and this is around the time where he starts looking at what are my career prospects? So he registers a site called internet dropouts. Uh, so WordPress blog, this is the only page that ever existed for it. It was password protected and it never became anything internet dropouts. The internet made you stupid. 2:38:04 Unknown_21: That is a call back to the something awful slogan that he came up with in 2000. Um, the internet makes you stupid. And now this is like a past tense. The internet made you stupid. Unknown_21: then in july of 2022 uh he says this in his discord he says i love her and hope my family adopts her when i inevitably pull a mcafee i'm here finally says become rich and famous question mark antonio malochio says assassinated by the state for speaking the truth question mark low tax says no kill myself uh i guess i was wrong he does sometimes break his uh veneer and this is one instance low tech says i have objectively weighed the pros and cons to living and mcafee is in my future i'm here finally says maybe spend a few years on the land for tax evasion first really get into the character low tech says i've already done that i'm like five years behind on taxes and i have no way to pay for it since i lost my job to a lying bitch so i'm going to live it up and end it go out happy life is stupid and gay anyways 2:38:51 Unknown_21: wonder bell says don't be a goblin work with the irs1 payments to get out of actionable status and move forward your capital is creativity and you have an infinite amount of that and we're all jealous of that we're all jealous of which is a really really suck ass statement but i guess he really wants to help here low tech says ps don't try to talk me out of suicide i'm tired of this world and i'm job 2.0 nah just accept it my dude i'm here finally says you could seek asylum in russia they'll see past your internet terrorisms low tax says hats Vulnerable says, if you kill yourself, I will throw a chessboard at everyone you love. Low tech says, I've been debating if I should live stream it or not. That might fuck people up, but it probably won't happen until next week or the one after. It's like, objectively, what's the point of life? To survive as long as we can. What kind of world is that? 2:39:44 Unknown_21: life does have meaning the issue is is that you have to find the meaning you might live for your children you might live because you're proud of what you make and what you create each day you might live just because you enjoy it you really have to decide And as funny as it is that low tax compares himself to Job because of how much he hates Christianity, he really doesn't learn the moral of the story of Job, which is that you don't really understand why things happen in life and you just have to move forward. And sometimes they work out in the end. That's what the the divine the the message about divine providence and shit is in jove It's a very old story and he doesn't really seem to understand it He just seems to think that job is a story about how bad things happen And therefore you should just kill yourself because what's the fucking point anyways, which is absolutely positively not what job is about. Um But low tax couldn't see any of this if he wasn't being immediately gratified by his current situation There's literally no point to survive because what else are you gonna do? 2:41:03 Unknown_21: Um Unknown_21: Lady Ambien decided to post something awful about some stuff in October of that year. Unknown_21: Lady Ambien says in regards to Big Bad Steve saying, we can see from the pic that low tax is not doing well financially. He can't afford a complete couch, a table to put his printer on, or even a book for his Wonderwall. I wonder if he's still addicted to premium cookies by mail order. There was a big joke that I completely forgot to mention somehow where low tax was desperately addicted to gold belly pies and he would order like $70 cookies from the internet to be delivered to his house. 2:41:39 Unknown_21: Uh, for some reason. Unknown_21: Um, and that, that, that was also a big meme. Unknown_21: Um, lady, I mean, it says he's doing just fine. That is the basement of the three bedroom home. He rents and is fully refurbished with brand new things. And no, he's moved from on from cookies to women. This is a hint at something that will be discovered here in a second. Unknown_21: You guys don't understand the the cookie thing. It's a website called gold gold belly and it's kind of like an Etsy I think for like bakeries in the United States and they're like gourmet baked goods and you wonder why low-tax got fat he got fat because he would drink wine pop Ambien or Opiates and then also order a $70 Pie from the internet and he that was like his thing. He talked about this a lot for whatever reason I 2:42:22 Unknown_21: Lady Ambien says or in reply to why doesn't he buy both so women can deliver the cookies? And she says he should. He would be saving money versus blowing as much as possible at all times. She's very salty because she has a sneaking suspicion that somebody is spending a lot of money very quickly to specifically make sure that she would not get any of that in the divorce settlement. This is also important because in the. 2:42:55 Unknown_21: Streams you can see that he's in that shitty room She is alleging that he is deliberately trying to live in the shittiest way possible in live stream to ramp up pity points Unknown_21: Heath posting, are his medical troubles as legitimate as he made them out to be? Obviously, we know he ended up in the hospital, but he had a pretty big outpouring of support from the dead gay forums and kind of that. She says, when they first started, he had me legitimately convinced they were real. Currently, I have no knowledge of where he's at medically other than what he tells me in court. Personally, I have learned to never trust what he says to me. After a while, I realized he was not making any effort to do physio, follow health advice, or make any changes necessary to make sure he didn't have follow-up issues. During our time married, he wanted to lay in bed downstairs day and night, either sleeping, watching movies, or on his phone, and to only leave the house to wash his car or go out to the restaurant by himself. I am not a doctor, so I cannot reliably say if he's injured or not anymore, but if he is, he did not do a single thing during our time together to make it so the surgery would help any condition that existed. 2:43:42 Unknown_21: um ghost of vines the lab leviathan says that thing is that is legitimately impossible to tell whether he's lying about his medical conditions or at least partly truthful driving irresponsibly regardless of them both because both seem perfectly plausible uh she responds to that it's possible to tell with pain you have to stop and consider whose mouth they're coming from so she's saying he's probably exaggerating um that's regards to that Unknown_21: this is the big one sex t says low tax should sublease to our pornographers they're always looking for unnervingly empty mick mansions to shoot in lady ambien says what if i told you these sort of pictures existed and he was the photographer couldn't understand out why i was allowed to take the couch in the divorce with no resistance but then i figured out when i saw a photo of a professional posing in our old house online 2:44:41 Unknown_21: Lady Ambien dropped the bomb that Lotex had branched out in his career path search to include a photographer for adult films. And when she said this, people began to scour the internet for proof that this was a thing and discovered Alyssa Love from Kansas City, Missouri. If you don't know, TS for rent means transsexual for rent. Um... Unknown_21: And that lovely little McMansion in the back that you might see there is Lotex's house. There is a side-by-side comparison of different photos that people have found from the realtor.com listing for the rental where he lived and photos from Alyssa Love's photo shoots that Lotex was the photographer of. 2:45:23 Unknown_21: In the months that followed his live streams continued to dwindle. Um, he was, well, this is all in October, so there wasn't really much time to follow. Uh, one of his last streams was him eating meat on camera for tips, uh, which amounted to a paltry sum of like less than a hundred dollars. Uh, but this is what the, one of the greats of the internet, one of the best comedians to ever live. One of the most influential, uh, forum administrators in the history of mankind was reduced to, um, by. Unknown_21: um october 2022 and then finally in november 2022 uh he did a oh i up my thing somehow 2:46:07 Unknown_21: He did a, I have no idea what I clicked. Unknown_21: He was going to do a charity stream supposedly. Um, but this video, because it was just him watching fucking clips from, uh, VHS again was claimed by Fox. However, I found out in my search that, uh, there was a teaser for this live stream and, uh, I'll just let it speak for itself. Unknown_18: You know, a lot of times on Gaming Garbage, we like to have a little bit of fun. You know, we play some ga... I play some games to have a little bit of fun, but sometimes we get a little serious here on Gaming Garbage. 2:46:41 Unknown_18: Gaming Garbage. Unknown_18: And I'd like to introduce to you Scotty. Unknown_18: And we're having a fundraiser today. I'm really hungry. Unknown_18: We're having a fundraiser today for Scotty, who was a wee infant tot born with not only any skin, but bones, cartilage, muscle tissue, blood, organs, 2:47:34 Unknown_18: hair the whole nine yards this is one of the last things that low tax put out to the internet this was the last thing that i could find that anyone has a record of of uh of low tax on online and and so uh a few days later um on november 8th Unknown_10: The news came in about the final vindication. Unknown_21: The court ruled and had decided over the facts that Lotex had deliberately wasted $400,000 in 14 months in order to not pay Ashley. Lotex had physically, emotionally, and verbally abused Ashley. Lotex had failed to pay the guardian ad litem. Lotex told Ashley ahead of time that he was going to move Logan into the house and expected her to be okay with that. Lotex was ordered to pay Ashley a lump sum of $92,000, which had been seized by restraining orders so Lotex couldn't spend that too. Lotex had been ordered to pay Ashley $6,500 a month in spousal support for two and a half years. He was ordered to pay $350 a month in child support until his daughter turned 18, and he was ordered to pay Ashley's lawyer $25,000 on top of the Guardian ad litem fee. This just fucked my shit up so hard that one hour at 9.30 a.m. the next day, um, 2:48:34 Unknown_21: November 11th, actually. He posted in his Discord, catch you all on the flip side, Hermie. And a couple minutes later, Fragmaster, one of the oldest contributors to Something Awful who hadn't posted in over 10 years, came back to post a video message explaining that Lotax had killed himself. 2:49:10 Unknown_16: So unfortunately, Richard Kayenka, who everybody knows as Lotax, has passed away. And even though I've long since retired from spewing garbage out onto the internet... I just wanted to attempt to eulogize him. Unknown_16: I mean, this probably won't be very good, but I'm giving it a shot because he always told me to make more videos. Unknown_16: So, given recent history and the fact that he's primarily known for a site called Something Awful, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of negativity and offensive jokes, and you'd probably think a lot of the jokes were funny, but a lot of that stuff just heaped on the internet. you know, with the news of his passing. But, you know, perhaps hypocritically, I like to focus on the positive. I mean, I can tell you this, Rich was a genius. I mean, I don't think anyone could deny that he was, at the very least, a unique talent. 2:50:02 Unknown_16: I mean, I thought he was hilarious. Unknown_16: You know as a comedian. He was a musician. He was a programmer obviously not forum search Ha ha he was a designer a video editor an Influencer an internet superstar before such a thing you know really existed when it was a new concept if you were vaguely into PC games or comedy on the internet 20 years ago you either 2:50:48 Unknown_16: laughed directly at something he created or something he facilitated the creation of. If you laughed at a meme on Reddit today, you can trace that back to his stupid image macros or whatever he called them. He invented all that, pretty much. Unknown_16: I mean, the Something Awful forum spawned a great many things, and it's multiple decades of existence. Some things horrible. and unfortunate many things just unintelligible and a huge waste of time but ultimately rich created a community where interesting things happened and people connected I mean it led to a gigantic number of positive things numerous marriages friendships children can be traced back to you know something awful goon meets or private messages or I don't know fiads nonsense who knows 2:51:42 Unknown_16: Many lives were strangely improved by Rich and his creation. I mean, that seems weird to say, but... Unknown_21: Not his own, though, interestingly enough. Because there was a point, and that would be the appropriate time to mention, that Jeffrey from Yazpaz confirmed that, what people had suspected, that CondaNast, the company that bought Reddit for $14 million in 2008, I want to say, offered to buy something awful from LowTax for around $14 million. So they first approached him to buy something awful before later deciding to buy Reddit instead and turning it into what it is now. So you could point and laugh at the fact that Lotex could have made $14 million by selling something awful to Condé Nast. However, chances are it wouldn't have mattered. I thought about this, and I really believe that if something awful had been sold to Condé Nast and Lotex made way the same way that Tom from MySpace had, that he wouldn't have just lived it up like Tom does, who now posts beautiful travel blog photos on Instagram instead of having to work for the rest of his life. I think Lotex would have just squandered it like he did everything else. 2:52:21 Unknown_21: So that particular fork in the road wasn't a make-or-break thing. Unknown_21: Lotex was given multiple opportunities that people would have killed for. He was given second chances that nobody else would ever get, and he managed to fuck it up time and time again, and it's really remarkable. I'll finish my soliloquy later, but... This was Ashley's response, and I think that Ashley maybe felt guilty because she did so thoroughly buck break low tax that perhaps she considered her divorce settlement, the end result of it, was so unfavorable and perhaps unfair to low tax that he decided to kill himself. So she posted a bit of a Stockholm Syndrome obituary where she says, 2:52:58 Unknown_21: Um, I have been sitting for hours debating whether or not to disclose this. And I felt it's something we need to do to get off my chest. Frankly, I'm tired of being quiet. I've mostly had my stay for the last few years about things happening behind the scenes. I've held things inside for so long. So hard to my chest physically hurts the same way it is now. Um, I've considered not sharing this out of respect for Rich's parents or sister, but I think after the incredibly vitriolic wall of text that Rich's mother sent to me this morning, saying upon many other things that my blood is, that his blood is on my hands, I need to share it to regain some sense of control over what's taking place in the past 48 hours. Yesterday, I received a divorce ruling that would help me and my daughter stay in our home in Canada and allow us to provide for a good life for her, as well as pay back numerous debts that had been accrued the past two years when I was receiving $350 a month in child support. 2:54:13 Unknown_21: In the divorce ruling, the judge found that Rich had willfully spent down the marital fund, confirmed his treatment of me was domestic violence, and put together a plan to pay for attorney's fees, etc. He would still retain custody settled when previously in meditation. He was due to get our daughter for Christmas. An hour later, I was contacted by my attorney who informed me that Rich had shot himself earlier in the morning. So there it is. Unknown_21: His other ex and I got to tell our children that their father died without saying goodbye to them, or that he loved them, or to my knowledge, left a note for them. Unknown_21: If you made it this far, thank you for giving me space, so let this go, so I no longer have to hold on to it. So I no longer have to hold on to it, is what she's trying to say. 2:54:51 Unknown_21: The gun, in case you're wondering, was a Belgian 5.7, which is a bit of a meme gun, but it's a respectable cartridge, and apparently does the job quite well if you shoot for the right spot. um he did leave no note nobody it can only be assumed that he killed himself because of the divorce proceedings however uh his actual thoughts and feelings are not written down so nobody really knows what he was thinking when he shot himself um Unknown_21: That is what she had to say about it. Unknown_21: She mentioned Lotex's mother. Lotex's mother was vitriolic to the bitter fucking end. Ashley did not post messages, but some people did. I think this went to the director of a GoFundMe that was not Ashley, but which she assumed was related to her. She says, if you have an ounce of humanity, you will delete your fundraising promotion off my son's page. You have no idea what resources and money... 2:55:35 Unknown_21: Um x has and I can tell you it's considerable to spread lies after someone dies is not only immortal immoral but incredibly hurtful Richard never missed a child support payment or obligation to his daughters. He loved them very much He never stopped fighting for them. Please take down that post Unknown_21: Uh, she proceeded to drag out every single thing related to the divorce and the payments. Uh, she fought tooth and nail to make sure that Ashley would not get a single cent without having earned it in, um, in, uh, proceedings until she died as well. Four months later in March of 2022, um, 2:56:15 Unknown_21: Yeah, 2022. She also died of leukemia. She had had leukemia for a while. And after low tax died four months later, she also died of her cancer. And days after the fact, all the litigation was settled immediately. And Ashley was finally paid in the last update to the docket regarding the divorce was entered on the 15th of March. 2:56:49 Unknown_21: So Unknown_21: we have a little bit of irony low tax posted this on twitter in regards to anthony bourdain pro tip if you have a family including a young daughter and make the decision to kill yourself and ruin that poor girl's life you do not deserve praise or kind words you have ruined that girl's entire life you selfish which has become a sort of a self-written obituary because he did not leave his own note and this is generally how people feel about him in retrospect Unknown_21: Um, I think that the defining feature of low tax is that he was someone who was incredibly lazy. People generally sum him up as an addict in all of his behaviors as addictive behaviors. And because we don't have a really clear timeline about when he became an addict and started acting more on behalf of finding highs versus, uh, 2:57:24 Unknown_21: furthering himself. I think that his main issue was being like a genuine cautionary tale towards anyone who lacks ambition. He is proof that if you take people who don't really have initiative or drive or self-propellance or this desire, like this fire inside of them to make shit out of themselves and to be intelligent and careful about how they proceed in life, 2:58:08 Unknown_21: So do not plan into the future if you can give that that kind of a person anything you can give them a you know Wealthy upbringing you can pour on them Opportunities that made people into billionaires at the time during the dot-com bubble all those company think about all those companies that enter that sphere at the time and how they capitalized and progressed like Google did Google was founded the same year as um as Something awful. I'm pretty sure Unknown_21: Then you give a young man all the money, all the women, everything he could ever ask for, and then children, an entire family, and you continually give him chances, second chances at fixing his mistakes, and he doesn't take any initiative to utilize... Any of those resources, when he had more resources available to him than anybody else, you can show how just having zero ambition, zero drive is a destructive factor in and of itself. You really don't need help if you don't have any motivation to do stuff. 2:59:05 Unknown_21: Um, so, uh, that's that, that's what I have to say about him. I think that he had a lot of, I even offer at some point when he was cleaning house, I said, cause I completely forgot to mention this, but there was a big drama continuously with the forum where they were trying to get him to upgrade from the really antiquated custom version of V bulletin to Zen 4.0. Unknown_21: Kiwi Farms uses Zenforo. I'm very familiar with it. Unknown_21: I offered, because he had raised $20,000 to migrate the forum to Zenforo, which has never happened and still to this day has not happened. And I told him I could probably do it for $20,000. I offered to do it. And he didn't want to. 2:59:42 Unknown_21: So like he had so many chances from so many people offering him help continuously, but he just didn't want to commit to anything. He literally just wanted to sit in his fucking basement and jerk off and eat gold belly pies and watch shitty VHS tapes that nobody liked, even when they were brand new. And he completely allowed everything like his own kids, his wives, his relationships, like his forum, his entire life's work allowed that just go to waste. So he didn't have to be asked to do anything. It's real fucking sad. Um, 3:00:14 Unknown_10: Um, so that being said... Low tax. Unknown_21: Now that you're dead, can you give us a weather report? Unknown_19: The power of Christ is just... I'll check back in later. Unknown_21: Thanks for the weather report. 3:00:53 Unknown_21: Okay, that is that I decided I deliberated Oh, let me give a big. Thank you to sponge ghosts Dogatron and slav power the first three spec goats and dog trying to answer a bunch of questions for me gave me tons and tons of insight into the early forum that I would never have been able to find out on my own and Because it's paywalled and there's no fucking way to access it. So you can't really like deep dive into something awful and learn about it on your own because it's fucking paywalled. And Slab Power found that video edit I made years ago because he had it on his hard drive. Thank you. Unknown_21: Manatheaternet.com, Mani.live. I deliberated very carefully over what outro song to play. I will come back after the outro song to do super chats and chill and stuff. 3:01:32 Unknown_21: But thank you for watching. If you want to tune in now, I wouldn't blame you. Unknown_21: I really, really sat down and I thought, what could I possibly play to do this justice? And I feel like this is the right one, chat. It's the right one. So thank you for watching. Bye-bye. Actually, I'll be right back, actually. Unknown_09: My life be like My life be like 3:02:33 Unknown_08: I'm on an island by my lonesome stranded Low key and staying candid Reflecting all the things I tried my hand at Search for the equation to persuasions I'm used to Finding comfort in the zones and clouds and bones I get loose to A mountainous fontaine Spinning that monsoon and grinning this high octane Displosive how I came Rolling down the hills cause life's a hassle Encircled by my folly like a moat surround a castle Stay afloat Catch a second wind thin if the air I breathe Teary eyed nose running wipe the snot off my sleeve I'm calling on the savior to be all that I need Please forgive me my behavior had me lost in life's fear Unknown_06: My life be like Bad characteristics covered in Christ's blood 3:04:18 Unknown_22: I believe there's a bride that's stunning, and I believe in the kingdom coming. All right. 3:05:20 Unknown_21: so i'd like to do the super chats after the outro song for these people streams because um one of my big concerns when i started doing uh super chats is like where do i read them because the music is so important to my people streams i came up with this system um now is the time to tastelessly advertise that the merch as promised is for sale um the shipping might change in the future so i don't know if it'll be higher or more but if you get it in town it's you pay what you pay i may go up in a second not sure thank you everyone who's already found this and bought it by the way i really appreciate that um all right let's get through the super chats so i can get a pizza before everything closes that's what i'm that's what i'm feeling today 3:06:06 Unknown_21: Starting with Rumble. Unknown_21: Jack Scalfani. Is $2 enough to unban my account with a furry avatar and a pink triangle? I really need to FedPost. Probably not. Sorry. David S877 for 25 says, Happy Jihad Day. Hopefully Jihadi Claus brought you all the presents you wanted. That's right. Very fun topic. Apparently there is a coordinated jihadist uprising today on Friday the 13th. Very spooky. Pimmel Fetcher, for one, says, great stream. See you next time. Oh, damn. Did I read that donation in reverse? Let me check. Just a moment. Thank you. The Ghost of Low Tax, for one, says, Josh, for years, my spirit has been stuck haunting your site. Now, for the second, finally move to the afterlife and rest in peace. Bye. Well, thank God the haunting will finally stop and my website can just stay up and be retarded for once. Hyper Ninja for Tim says, happy Friday the 13th. Saw this at work. Gave me a giggle. Sometimes life imitates arts. Oh, that's cute. 3:07:03 Unknown_10: Okay, I will show this. Unknown_10: That's a nice picture. Unknown_21: Look at that dog. 3:07:34 Unknown_10: It looks a lot like the Slabbermont. Unknown_21: Thank you. Unknown_21: Uh, Dr. NSL for 20 says, by the time you read this, I'll have done what Nick Fuentes could never do. Marry a white woman. Thought I'd share it with my favorite Tranny Janney. Oh, congratulations. Congratulations on saving the white race. Good luck. Good work, my boy. Good work. Uh, Fox's for 10 says, Ayo, the goats a phone. Unknown_21: Sorry, you don't get that reference. I do have a ghost set though. I don't know if that's the same person All else fails. Oh One of the Nokia's was like a like a goat, so I know he's talking about I got you All else fails for ten says just went to root for a side of the war based on who kills the most journals But apparently I am the bad guy And I think these people thought that it would be like a regular stream and not like low-techs I 3:08:20 Unknown_21: nine nipples for five says unrelated to the stream but what is but what it jf just trying to get into the spooky season by making his wife a ghost well that would be the most valid reason to murder your wife to get into the holiday spirit the bugs for five says uh shorts for nostalgia's sake since you put up the old photo okay give me are we good i'll give you five seconds with this Unknown_21: You know what that immediately reminds me of is Jurassic Park, because that was the sound of the phone that's in the Triceratops poo. Unknown_21: Or the, no, the T-Rex poo, because the guy got eaten with his phone. Unknown_21: I'm team I do for one says don't forget there was once a time where cell companies used to charge per character for text messages Lead speak was literally financially incentivized. That's true. That's why whatsapp became a thing like whatsapp got started in England So that you could use an internet connection to talk instead of having to pay for text messages and to this day I don't know why regular test my text messages exist. They're not like encrypted or anything Julie bizarre and some plans charging for text messages It's fucking crazy 3:09:19 Unknown_21: Hoping and sneeting for 26 phones for my childhood. Oh gee memes. Thanks for making me feel fucking old Do you feel the same way since turning 30? I appreciate some perspective. Yes. I do feel very old I also feel like I get the I feel good when I get the Lord over my knowledge about old shit to all the fucking kids who don't know anything after like Fortnight and shit who have no perspective on the internet whatsoever They only know YouTube and Facebook and shit. I Unknown_21: stupid fuck for five says growing up as poor trailer trash i was on 56k until 06 after already being addicted to the internet for years starting at 13 i remember waiting half an hour for 10 minute youtube videos good times no they were awful i was also on dial up for a very long time i was playing uh i was only able to play runescape because of it i had to wait like 10 minutes for for updates to download and shit roxanne wolf for five says bark bark thank you roxanne wolf i appreciate the resounding compliments genocide rco for five says great trip down the southern lane with the something awful stuff thank you i appreciate it the ghost of low tax for one says do you want a historical and now if you want a historical analogy sa is like the ancient greece and fortunes like the ancient rome like ancient rome fortune is collapsing everyone is trying to become the air to it i mean that would only really work if fortune was collapsing because the gals like were like embedded inside the government and trying to ruin it 3:10:18 Unknown_21: Pineapples for 20 says, also unrelated, but I know you aren't as sharp anymore, but little cows cannot be created nor destroyed, only change forms. Ralph sobers up, which leaves a vacuum that Rakeda had to fill. It's a very poetic way of describing that. I don't know. Lotax was definitely destroyed, though. I don't know what replaced Lotax. Unknown_21: Long border 241 for two says base man with quake shirt. Enjoy the shekels, Josh. Thank you. Appreciate it. Rabies right now for once is going to miss the streaming because of work. So archive it quickly. You flamboyant little gunk guzzler. Thank you. Rabies right now for two says low tech has spent two years rotting in a casket with a hole in his head. I bet it smells like something awful. Wow. Very good. What an excellent joke. 3:11:10 Unknown_21: I think he was cremated, actually. Entropy93 for 10 says, can I get an F in chat for grandma? She passed on Wednesday. Call your parents and grandparents, bros. They won't be here forever. I know that feeling, bro. Unknown_21: F for grandma. Unknown_21: Sorry to hear that. Rabies the redneck for one says, Patrick's dad died of cancer last week. He smoked high last blunt in his honor. I don't even know what that means or what you're referring to. Patrick Tomlinson? I didn't hear about that. BaldoPagans410 says, giving you $10 seems like a better use of it than selling it for something awful. Why pay $10 to be banned by insane trainees, pedos, and commies? I can get that for free on Reddit. It's true. You can get that for free on Reddit. 3:11:42 Unknown_21: Thank you. I appreciate it. Unknown_21: AnimeSucksKopenSneedforFive says, pizza day. And there's a link to the automotive board on 4chan. It is, oh my God, it is a pink haired fat dragon eating a pizza. Farting, thanks. AnimeSucksKopenSneedforFive says, pizza day. And there's a different link to the automotive board on 4chan. And there's indeed another fat dragon. Her gunt is sitting in her pizza as she eats it. And she's wearing a t-shirt that says, I am mad at the internet. Wow, great to hear from such a wonderful fan. Thank you. Kadoo45 says, thanks at Baron Society. I'd buy you a sub, but Rumble hasn't figured that out yet. Base chat, Bruce. Oh, by the way, you reminded me, because of Baron Society for some reason, that guy Byron, that he was Byron Looper that killed his political opponent in Texas. LowTax got his name from Byron. 3:12:15 Unknown_21: And I meant to mention in the soliloquy that he kind of like, I feel like he just copied a lot of his best ideas. Like even his name was copied, which is a bit. And then again, I'm one to speak. I didn't literally take inspiration, just copy it. 3:12:51 Unknown_21: Danny Ock for one says, fun fact about Danganropa that I assume you implied, trainees really fucking love that game series for some reason. I know since, unfortunately, I know one who's obsessed with it. I mean, I don't know why they would be. It's about killing kids. Maybe that's why. Unknown_21: Baldo Peggins for one says, Low Tax's drink of choice was Barefoot Sweet Red Blend. If anyone wants to pour one out for him or summon his ghost or something. I thought it was Thunderbird. I saw somewhere that it was Thunderbird, but I know that's really high alcohol, which is allegedly why he picked that. 3:13:30 Unknown_21: Debugs for two says, then Schmorky turned into Snow Toss and worked on a Disney show called Owl House. As a legend goes. Unknown_21: Thank you. The Lonely Windigo for 10 says, I worked night shift but stayed up all day for this. Stay base, Josh. Well, I hope it was worth it. That sounds miserable. Thank you. Prez Bay for five says, can't believe you started the stream without me after I spent 15 minutes in the shower trying to think of a witty super chat. Nice show. Unknown_21: Well, I warned you not to be late. I don't know why you waited. Uh, twinkle tart for a hundred dollars says, can you think of any cows in the forum that do not struggle with some sort of addiction, drugs, booze, porn, et cetera. Anyway, all time banger of a stream. You're truly the King of the sector, sir. 3:14:08 Unknown_21: Thank you. Um, Unknown_21: Chris Chris, I mean you could say that maybe Chris was like a porn addict because he did turn out and stuff I mean usually a locale has like an extreme vice that is like a defining characteristic of them and Unknown_21: I mean dick dick isn't like an if dick is an alcoholic. He's like a functioning alcoholic He doesn't really seem if he's addicted to anything. It's like sex or partying or just being like in LA. I mean, there's Yeah, that's an example. What about spoonie is spoonie like a porn addict. I 3:14:42 Unknown_21: don't know look everybody has vices so if you if you're asking is there anyone who's like a saint who is like completely abstinent of any vice and is also a low cow um no but i don't think i think if you try to dig into most people you're gonna find a vice uh rad crab for 30 says low tax has been a wash up has been a decade before his death it just took years for him to realize it play this as the intro my nibba 3:15:26 Unknown_21: Needle in the hay by Elliot Smith. Not my kind of music, but thank you. Radcrap5 says, I mean outro. Fuck, I'm retarded. Yes, I said retarded. No, I like mine better. Has a thematic element, my boy. Unknown_21: Pimmel Fetcher for one says, why am I a whale in a red thingy? You're a subscriber and you give super chats, I think. That's why you get a whale. Unknown_21: Haramberger for two says, very informative stream. I was already waist deep in Goon Lord, but your toxin coverage was very insightful. I've never seen a forum game lead to such a negative self-sorting of culture and politics. That was one of the fun things that I think came from Dogatron, who was the former admin of Something Sensitive, which was like a splinter to something awful that a lot of the anti-low tax people posted in. 3:16:10 Unknown_21: For whatever reason I don't think low tax ever posted on something sensitive, but I did post on the Kiwi farms. I don't know why Well, yeah, I got a lot of insight from those guys. It's nice to have people just to ask random questions to Clout and snare for five says hello Josh spelled with a Russian. Yeah You recommended to me a while ago to learn to code to cope with constant threat immobilization somewhere in in Eastern Europe I've started my C++ lesson what programming socks are would you uh and again for five says recommend i got myself a nice blue and pink thigh high and also found a nice woman on discord to send me some substances to be a better programmer thanks for helping me discover myself well i'm glad that you found the secret programming juice discord that's very important uh and the socks definitely keep your legs warm when you're up late at night in this uh sorbian or siberian winters uh writing writing in rust i'm glad i'm glad i help and boy i'm glad you're you're progressing in life you don't want to be complacent don't be complacent chat you know what happens when you're complacent you shoot yourself in the head with a five seven a generic username and password for once is why did you remove the ability to rewind these streams i can never be there exactly as they start so i rewind in 2x speed to catch up Oh, I have been enabling an option for higher quality streams. I did not realize that would disable the playback. I will stop doing that then. 3:17:01 Unknown_21: I'm not sure. Sorry, I didn't know that. Unknown_21: A person's account for $50 says, Josh, you're now a true internet historian. Have some bonus bucks for your weird Serbian pizza. Don't slack on the Tuesday stream we're watching. Thank you very much. I need the money for the hollandaise sauce that I put on my disgusting pizza slop. I do appreciate it. I'm glad people like my streams. It gives me a big head. 3:17:50 Unknown_21: Uh, foxes for 10 says bug body mechanics, dude. Look, they tried to patch out the spinal collapse thing, but they just couldn't get it in on time. And you know, back in the day, they didn't release games. Um, digitally you had to have the desk. So if it went out shitty, it stayed shitty. The bugs for two says it was a Nissan GTR that he leased. It's IRC. I tell you, cause smile power got pissed that you caught it in an Audi of Volvo. Look, I don't know cars. Okay. As long as it drives, I'm happy. As long as it doesn't have gay advertisements, I'm happy. 3:18:22 Unknown_21: Ronberger for two says low tax is the second man to kill himself after collaborating with Zoe Quinn this time over some medium article in 2021. Unknown_10: Really? This is an article. I'll throw this on the screen. This appears to be an article with rich from low tax in 2021. Unknown_21: I did not find in all my search any indication that he had a blog. 3:18:58 Unknown_21: Oh, I feel like I missed out now. Trent Reznor Dork, who is the lead singer of Nine Inch Nails. Unknown_21: So he and Zoe Quinn are talking. Wow, I did not know this was a thing. Unknown_21: Okay, I'll leave that up. I did not know about his Medium thing. Unknown_21: Thank you. Unknown_21: Haramber says, it's amazing that LowTax sold his forum for $400,000, but the Jap who sold Reset Era after five years, Isumi Fukio, in October 21, got $5 million. Well, the forum Reset Era, did he really sell it for $5 million? That dude knew exactly what he was doing. He saw the new gap thing, he immediately propped up an alternative, he ran it exactly how the community wanted, and then started looking for a bidder as soon as it was big. That guy is fucking smart. That motherfucker is eating some real Gucci sushi right now. He deserves it. 3:19:32 Unknown_21: You're going to, if you're going to have to deal with the, the progressive, uh, bug mind people, you got to exploit them for cash. Penal Fetcher for one says low tax may have Vitzel. People with that condition are constantly making jokes. And another symptom is hypersexuality. 3:20:04 Unknown_21: Vitzel Zook. Unknown_21: set up rare of pure and rare neurological symptoms characterized by the tendency to make puns tell inappropriate jokes or pointless stories in socially inappropriate situations it makes one unable to read sarcasm a less common symptom is hypersexuality the tendency to make sexual comments in inappropriate times or situations well he didn't really make sex jokes i don't think frontal lobe damage that's funny it could be it i don't know that's that's really that's really funny though it does sound like autism uh casting couch crab for 10 says diet tip i try two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil each morning it's healthy it makes you feel more full through the day i feel more reinvigorated with less food i give it a 10 out of 10 crab points drinking pure oil that sounds like it would give me heartburn dude i don't need that shit thank you though but for once is ricotta no don't eat the baldo hot dogs 3:20:39 Unknown_21: Listen, he doesn't want to eat the Baldo hot dog. He has to eat the Baldo hot dog because he's hungry and it's all that he has. Unknown_21: The ghost of Lotex for once says, if I remember correctly, something awful was also the first place to have a thread on Chris Chan. I believe it was right before all the trolling started to get another Kiwi Farms connection. It's true. That is true. Unknown_21: Can't remember why it became a thing on 4chan, but I do think it started on something awful because people found his Sonichu fansite. 3:21:39 Unknown_21: Hitomi Tanaka surfaces. I'm gonna be coming a feeder by sending you pizza money. Thanks for the great stream No, or yes, depending on what you want the answer to be Rad crab for five says outro cuck. No, no, no. No, I mean you're I didn't play your song cuz your song wasn't I didn't see it Number one number two, I wouldn't have played it anyways, but if you like it you like it Space Allen for 20 says that was a tragedy comic epic. Well done. Thank you. I appreciate it Unknown_21: I was hesitant because it's so much work. I literally have like five pages of notes. I might upload them just for the Gumroad people because I owe the Gumroad people something and they might find that interesting how I do my notes and stuff. Thank you. Not a Floridian for five says, I'd like to hear more about your globe drawing. Do you live in ex-Yugoslavia? Do you like living in ex-Yugoslavia or are you thinking about leaving Belgrade someday? Are you still holding on to your China plans? I will not be going to China. They've decided they don't want white people in their country anymore, which I perfectly understand. 3:22:18 Unknown_21: More power to him. I will probably return to the US sometime in the next couple years. Unknown_21: A for five says, thanks for the warning of the stream. Have a blessed one. Jersh and chat. Thanks for the fun. Best friend of the 13th content. It was like pottery. 3:22:49 Unknown_21: Yeah, it was a very appropriate time. When I realized that Friday the 13th was going to be in October, I realized I had no option. I had to do a person stream today. Otherwise, it would just not be Keno. Unknown_21: Jay Snimba for Five says, Rip Little Litchi and shout out to his family. Enjoy. Heck, stalker child. Unknown_21: Yeah, I mean, I feel bad for his daughters. I'm sure they all have fucking daddy issues. My daddy was a very successful man, but instead of putting any of that money towards my future, he killed himself and didn't leave a note. Like, that's just terrible, and there's no way around it, and they're definitely going to suffer psychologically from that. It's worse than being a deadbeat dad, you know? It's like, wow, he literally would rather be dead than pay my child support. That's fucked up. 3:23:23 Unknown_21: Docs found for five says lead speak came around completely unrelated to phones. No one had an internet connection on those old things. People used it on BBSs before texting even exists. Anyways, good stream. Thanks. I did mention, I thought it was phones in part, but also because people just didn't know how to type correctly at the time. And beep bloop is apparently a monthly subscriber. And that's a thing that shows up on my screen now. Thank you. Unknown_21: All right. That's, um, rumble. I will switch over to honest need now. 3:23:59 Unknown_21: And then I'm going to go get some pizza because I am hungry, chat. I'm very hungry. I've been busy noting all day. Unknown_21: uh james boone for 15 says happy pizza day friday the 13th jihad day thank you appreciate it have a great jihad day to you too neighbor for five says most esteemed and venerable kiwi diamond do you think you could take uva ball in a fight no i could not and thankfully i don't challenge people to a fight because i'm not not a man child nor a boxer if you challenge people to fights on the internet you're either a dumb man child or you're actually a boxer i am neither Unknown_21: Rich wet pasta for 10 says mr. Moon unrelated to what's on the screen right now But do you deliberately make your JF always sound exactly the French guy from the oven episode in C lab? If so, make that your imitation even better. I Love C lab as a kid. That was my favorite Adult Swim show. So if I um sound like him that is completely subliminal but also possible and Claudio Fermi for five says, Cliff Blazinski sucks. Gears of War 3 was his downfall. That game sucked, yet all the reviewers were paid to give it good reviews. In a way, it was a proto-Gamergate for me. I remember that. I remember that when that happened. 3:24:41 Unknown_21: I have never been a chest-high-wall shooter kind of guy, and I never had consoles to play them on, so I completely missed out on that period of video games. 3:25:15 Unknown_21: DV is Dave for 10 says we found rabies the rednecks tick-tock. You know check this out to confirm it's him That's gross a man pees into a pot and then dumps it on his head to wear it as a hat That's fucking gross. I'm not playing that anime sucks copen sneed for five says pizza day and links to an image on the 4chan auto board and Unknown_21: It is a fat dragon generated by AI sitting in the driver's seat of a car eating pizza and farting. 3:25:49 Unknown_08: Thank you. Unknown_21: Anime sucks. Copenstein for five says pizza day and links to another picture. This one's drawn in a cartoon style of a fat pink haired dragon sitting in the driver's seat of a car and farting. Thank you. Anime sucks. Copenstein for five says pizza day and links to a 4chan auto board image, which is a fat pink haired dragon eating pizza and farting in a car. Thank you. Unknown_21: uh anyway sucks copen's need for five says pizza day and links to a fortunate auto board image post which is also a fat uh pink haired dragon eating pizza and farting in a car thank you um 3:26:22 Unknown_21: I literally cannot do that enough times. There's like five more of these. They're all pink hair drag. He does it like five more times. There's all pink hair dragons. I will point out this one because this one is unusual. It is a picture of a fat pink hair dragon eating two pizzas, like holding them like pucks in her hands and eating them while farting. And she appears to be driving on the right side. So this is either in England and Australia. I don't know if that's deliberate or a mistake, but thank you. Unknown_21: Um Sneed for one says now jersh gets 7 000 viewers combined. I wish I don't think I get that Uh, claudia for me for five says you're really photogenic. Josh. You look really good in photos. Very handsome. No homo Uh, I do. I do think I photograph. Well, thankfully all my pictures are pretty good. Uh, there's one picture I don't like i'm not gonna say which one it is though. Thank you Fennel hungarian imperialist for 20 says no child. I am not cheating on your mother. Enjoy divorce christ cuck 3:26:56 Unknown_21: very good thank you uh sneed for one says tt fucking d uh totally agreed imagine imagine how they ruin things it's so it's so sad uh sneed for one says logan looking like dylan mulvaney with that plastic surgery look i didn't say this but logan looks a lot like laura loomer not as bad but pretty fucked up it's like the plastic surgery is really obvious because she has that plastic face that they like push people into a mold and they all look the same 3:27:47 Unknown_21: Bjornir Bjordsson for Five says, Josh, please do an impression of Patrick Tomlinson if he was a cat. Meow, stalker child. You will give me wet food instead of kibble. Enjoy prison. Unknown_21: Congratulations. Thank you. James Boone for five says, you forgot to mention the gold belly pies. He'd buy almost anything. I did not forget. I remembered at the very end. Claudio Fermi for five says, you mentioned the website dig is a predecessor to Reddit. What is dig? Is that active or around? What website do, what do you do on it? Dig was a, uh, Reddit is technically known as a content aggregation site where the content on Reddit is just linked to other websites on the internet. Um, Reddit succeeded, superseded dig, I think because of the commenting system, but dig was just like, if Reddit was only links and it was a beat up, I read it eventually. Uh, James Boone for five says, nevermind. You did mention it. Many thanks for the person stream. You're welcome. And I told you, I did. Claudia for me for five says you forgot to, you mentioned that you really liked techno jihad. There was this guy in 2015 named DJ Daesh or sin spawn. He would troll ISIS by making techno remixes other than machine. Listen to this. 3:28:21 Unknown_11: Okay. 3:29:11 Unknown_21: This is too much like Euro pop like the dancing songs So we don't know a very strict conservative Islam's do not allow anything besides percussion instruments and vocals on the music So Isis is one of those groups that only put out like slashing swords is just vocals and percussion So taking that and heavily remixing it with like machine Audio, that's like a huge faux pas to them. I mean, it's a little bit daring to like try and piss off Isis deliberately. I Unknown_21: Set up for 25 says great stream George. Here's pizza money. Thank you. Oh my god so much pizza money today Sneak for tense as cat box file Wait a minute This toaster is a nigga 3:30:10 Unknown_21: I wonder why he sent me that. It really is a mystery. Unknown_10: Thank you. Um, let's see. And, uh, Duke of Volk for one says, what are your thoughts on the Jews? Unknown_10: And then there is a link to something. Unknown_10: Um, Unknown_10: And then it's a link of anti-Semitic posters. 3:30:43 Unknown_21: You got your money's worth by super chatting. Having to show up and chat, my boy. Steve for one says, apparently Turkey Tom got doxxed by the Shardy. Oh my God, the Shardy. Turkey Tom doxxing? Unknown_21: Crazy times. How is he not already doxxed? Everyone knows he lives in Maine. Just fucking search him. Is that not all in his incorporation paperwork? Unknown_21: The Horse Beater for one says, no soccer child, whether on the side is... Unknown_21: Weather on the other side is not hot but freezing. Enjoy low taxes, soccer. Yeah, that's pretty good. All right, I'm out. 3:31:16 Unknown_21: I really don't have a second intro song, so I can't give you anything. Unknown_21: See you on Tuesday. Bye-bye.