Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown_02: Shuhada al-Aqsa Qalat Yawmah Bilbana Biglah
Right now is a particularly hazardous time for a streamer to play Hamas music videos, but what can I say? I've never been one for good ideas. This is a particular flavor of propaganda video that I refer to as techno jihad, and I actually have an entire directory of techno jihad. If you go to qfarms.net slash public slash junks and then go to the Nasheed directory,
Unknown_15: Uh, I have a couple songs. My favorite is the, uh, the one from the meet the men of Al Qasad. That's a, that's a fucking bang. Actually, let me find that. You know, I'll save that for, for later on. Maybe another day, maybe another day. Um, If you're wondering about the little kid and thinking, wow, that's kind of sad that they're using this little kid for propaganda purposes, don't feel too bad. He is a genuine threat to the national security of Israel. And for the first time ever, Israel had to release... the tactical Jewish pit bulls into the streets of Gaza to take down the specific threat that cost the lives of so many Jewish people over the last week.
jeez so i i guess i kind of wanted to have a thing where it would have made more sense kind of retrospectively so yeah there's like a war between between uh the palestine authority i don't know if it's accurate between hamas and israel not necessarily the palestine authority i think those are different uh but i'll get to that in a second I'll put the tactical pitbull aside until we can get a news hamster out to wrangle those fuckers.
Unknown_15: I will say, let me get this out of the way first, real quick. We'll do our news roundup, or our meta roundup, rather.
Unknown_15: I have got, I am currently dealing with the MetaTheaterNet site.
Unknown_15: And, uh, it's almost back up to a hundred percent. And in regards to that, I'm just doing one last check over everything before I say that it's ready. Um, before I do that, and before I say that it's ready to go, um, I need to do a couple more things, but I have two big announcements for Friday. Okay. First of all, the merch run will be starting.
You have two options for merch for the merch run.
Unknown_15: You can either do a t-shirt. It's gray, kind of matches the kiwi bird. It looks really nice. Or you can go for a pullover hoodie and the image theoretically should change except to pick a size and then it should change.
Unknown_15: There it is. Okay. And the hoodie is black. So the hoodie makes the colors of the, of the text and the blue pop out and the, uh, the shirt.
Um, it really emphasizes the bird, but as you can see, there's some motivation here for the, uh, ways. Can you not see, am I, am I lying?
Unknown_15: Why does that not work? Okay, hold up. Why did the fucking thing disconnect? It was working fine until I needed it to actually show my shit, and now it doesn't work. Okay, now it works. Okay, great. Let me show it again.
Unknown_05: All right, so there. That's the design. That's the shirt.
Um, and there's the hoodie that will be for sale on Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday. It's not for sale yet. I have to figure out how much to charge for shipping. So I know how much to swindle Australians for the dollary dues.
Unknown_15: because shipping prices have changed dramatically since the last time we did apparel. I don't have those numbers offhand. And I just kind of ballpark them. So it's just kind of an estimate.
Unknown_15: But that will be ready on Friday. And I have another thing that will be ready on Friday. I don't want to spoil it, chat. But don't be late on Friday. The stream will be at noon Eastern time in the U.S. and 6 p.m. for most Europeans. There will be no warm-up. There will be no introduction.
It will be a nice quality stream and you should be there on time or you may miss something. Yeah, so it's $55. Listen, I got to fund a fiber optic cable across the Atlantic Ocean. So I looked up how much Disney charges for a T-shirt and for a hoodie, and I priced accordingly. If you have any input on the prices, you can let me know, but I think that's fair.
Friday, if you don't know, is Friday the 13th. A very important, significant day in October, nonetheless. How could such a momentous occasion go unnoticed?
Unknown_15: All right.
Unknown_15: That's it with the merch showing.
Unknown_05: It's not ready yet again, Friday.
Unknown_15: Okay, now I kind of hinted at this. There's a whole war and stuff.
But, chat, you know what that means. You know what a war means, chat. And don't act like you don't. Don't act all coy and be like, oh, Josh, I don't know what that means. What could that possibly mean? The answer is that...
Unknown_15: There is incredible profit and opportunity at hand, chat. Where's my buzzer hat? I got this all set up. I got a buzzer. Aha!
Unknown_15: That's right, chat. There is money to be made. There are bullets coming out.
If you're a Palestinian child, hit the deck. Don't be a baby though, because guess what? The stocks, the stocks chat are going up. Buy, buy, buy! If you were sitting on your Lockheed Martin a couple days ago, you would be 8% richer today because American materials are going to Israel. What does that mean, chat? It means that we subsidize. When we give money to Israel, what does that mean? We don't actually just give them cash. We give them cash with expectation they'll buy our shit. That money has to be spent on our own weapons manufacturers. So we give them $8 billion or whatever, but all of that comes right back to us. Where is it?
Which means that obviously when Israel has to buy a bunch of bullets, it's going straight into our economy. And that's why the guy from...
Unknown_15: What is that? That boomer thing? It's like a boomer conservative thing that has Ben Shapiro in it. They say that we don't give Israel enough money because really every dollar we spend into Israel is a dollar spent right back into the American economy.
Do I have a thing for that?
Unknown_15: Now you might be wondering, Chad,
Unknown_15: If we just print money and give it to Israel, how does that make sense for us? You would assume that eventually there would be hyperinflation and then all the politicians sitting pretty at the top in Washington, D.C. would hear this.
Unknown_15: Well, the answer is simple, chat. We went into Germany and we took it over, right? And then there was only one real economy in the entire world. And then we decided we want to become the most powerful empire that's ever existed. And we don't want to price all of our money on gold anymore. So after Bretton Woods ended in the 1970s,
we uh we try to get everybody to use us dollars but the thing is that people naturally gravitate to having their money in commodities but what commodity can we control completely uh oil
Unknown_15: Now, how do we make sure that money stays in U.S. dollars? Well, Chad, the answer is simple. We can just make sure that every barrel of oil in the world is sold in U.S. dollars and no other currency. You knock them up and then knock them down, Chad.
so when we print money to give to israel we don't just steal via inflation because when we print money all us dollar becomes worth less it's not just we're stealing from americans we steal from the chinese we steal from all of our friends in europe in the eurozone we steal from south america and i'd be wondering what about countries that don't want to play a game with us what about iraq and Saudi Arabia and Libya and Venezuela, all these countries that have significant oil deposits that aren't necessarily friendly. Well, hello.
We kill them, chat. We overthrow their governments. We just murder everybody until they stop resisting or they don't have any infrastructure to produce oil that can compete with us in the US dollar. Now, what were to happen if...
Unknown_15: something were to challenge the status quo and oil wouldn't be priced in dollars anymore. Well, thankfully we'll never, ever, ever have to think about that. Ever. For any reason whatsoever.
Because if it did, be thankful for that. Because if it ever did take a nosedive and all these countries started to stop pricing oil in dollars,
Unknown_15: We'd all die. The U.S. would just immediately collapse. Our dollar would be worthless. Our economy would just implode immediately. But we don't have to worry about that anymore, chat.
Mike Gator? No, I'm Jim Cramer. Jim Hamster, chat.
Unknown_15: So there you go. That's, that's what really matters when, when people are dying, when children are being kidnapped and murdered, when elderly people are being literally hauled out of their homes. The main factor, the main takeaway here is not granny. It is the 8% increase in Lockheed Martin. That's what matters.
Maddie money.
Unknown_15: Did Josh just switch everyone to soundboard? How do people not know who Jim Cramer is? That's crazy. Let me just explain this in case you're like a European.
Unknown_15: Jim Cramer is a financial guy in the United States.
Unknown_15: And he hosts a show called Mad Money. And he has this big, wacky soundboard where he does like...
Unknown_15: like he literally has like a physical array of buttons on his desk and he slams the button like when he wants to say buy buy buy for instance here's here's when he was really famous right it was 2007 and um he's feeling optimistic about the banks and he's saying these subprime mortgages literally the banks are too big to fail don't worry about them buy buy buy so he told everybody invest all your money
In the banks. And don't worry about the stock market. The stock market's fine. Don't worry about your mortgage. Your mortgage is fine. The banks are too big to fail. Don't worry about it. And this was one of the most atrocious recommendations ever aired on television in regards to finances, and it made him look like a complete fucking retard. And to this day, he gets cyberbullied about it.
Unknown_15: He's pretty easy to make fun of.
Unknown_15: Yeah, buy the dip. Literally buy the dip. That's what he said. It dipped a little bit. And he said, don't worry about it. Just buy it. But now's a good time. This is like free money, basically. And then, of course, everyone lost their 401ks and it was a massive fucking depression and shit.
I specifically requested a Jim Cramer hamster so that I can make fun of the military industrial complex, which is the only thing that really matters.
Unknown_15: All right proper news hamster is now back in control the the Patriots are in control chat The Patriots in control actually we have some other reactions to this I'll just Because I don't know here's my thing about about this right? Here's my take on the my genuine take on the Palestine Israel thing. I don't care I
It's just sort of weird because when you think about it, Israel has a population of 9 million people. And then there's this tiny itty bitty little strip of territory and it has like 2 million people. And it's basically just like a giant concentration camp for like Arabs that are trying to live in the Holy land.
Unknown_15: Um, I'm aware that there is.
Unknown_15: Like Arabs in Israel. So I really don't know what the distinction is between Palestine and Gaza and Israel. Like, okay, like if you want to have like a multicultural society, why can't you incorporate them? And if you can't have a multicultural society, why are there any Arabs left in Israel at all? Why do they have to have Arabs in the Knesset at all?
The whole thing is just, the whole thing is literally British people's fault.
Unknown_15: And we can only hope that the, the biblical revelations will take place as a result. Cause if we don't know the revelations, the Armageddon is supposed to happen when the Jews rebuild the third temple, which they haven't done in a very long time since the Bible was written. So theoretically, and this is highly discussed, um, the Jews believe that they should build the third temple. The problem is, is that there is a big mosque on the, on the place where the third temple has to go. So.
In order to build the third temple and here's a church too So in order to build the third temple they kind of have to like knock all that ancient shit down that like all three of the abrahamic religions care about And build their own thing and that would piss a lot of people off and there are people trying to advocate for this But if they do do it in Christianity, and okay, and literally, if you don't know, this is the entire reason that the United States supports Israel. This is how they've convinced boomers to throw away everybody's future for the state of Israel. You ready? They believe that by encouraging Israel to build the third temple, they will bring back Jesus Christ because if they tear down the mosque and they build the third temple, the rapture will happen because that's what it says in Revelations. So there are boomers who have been for the last 50 years wholeheartedly supporting Israel. They have completely and totally destroyed the future of the United States for the sake of building up Israel and having a retarded foreign policy because they actually believe
If Israel is strong enough, they will build the third temple, and that will usher in the end times, and they will be taken up to Jesus early, just a little bit early. That's not even a joke. That is literally why we support Israel so much.
Um, but if they do do that, they may get nuked by like Iran, like Iran might nuke them. And there's all these descriptions in the Bible about revelate, um, about like what happens in the end times. And it's all in Israel. Like the earth splits open and there are these giant angels and they use the word angels, but they're like gigantic, like attack on Titan, like Cthulhu monsters, basically.
Unknown_15: um which kind of makes sense in a nuclear concept like if there was gigantic atom mushroom clouds and the weird shapes like rising over israel then you could kind of like oh yeah the earth is split open and there are gigantic monsters in israel it literally makes it would be a perfect allegory for it for a nuclear weapon So, and then after that, I guess all the other good boys and girls get raptured and then you're in paradise. And I imagine paradise is just like space station. You're playing space station 13 on like a nice land with like a good population of like 64 people continuously. And there's no shitters and there's no blanks and you're just having a good time. That's basically, that's basically what the kingdom of God entails for the good. So the boomers have been waiting for that land party for a long time and they're not going to be, they're not going to let it slip out of their fingers.
nukes are fake that was a hot take um but hassan does not like this hassan who is turkish is now going and seething about um that's uh the wrong clip where's the clip of um of him seething about sorry i have this one queued up but it's the wrong one
That should be a bingo slot. Josh does not have a clip that he desperately needs and talks about. Why does this third get so much activity? What is there to talk about with Hasan Piker?
Unknown_15: He's just a shitty Turk.
Unknown_15: Oh, you know what? This third was featured because of the Keffel shit. And so, um...
Unknown_15: Whenever I feature anything, every retard on the entire site decides this is my opportunity to get noticed. This is my breakout moment. When I make my post in this featured thread, I will get stickers.
And it will be awesome.
Unknown_05: Everyone will love my great posts.
Unknown_05: All this was made on Friday. This is like hundreds of posts in one day. Which, and I understand it's a forum it's supposed to get.
Unknown_14: Where the fuck is it?
Unknown_05: Is this not even in this thread, this clip, of him being pissed off about Palestine?
Unknown_15: Okay, here's what I'll do. I'll cleverly swap this out. I will play this clip instead of King Cobra JFS talking about the war, and then I'll find the Hassan one real quick.
Unknown_06: I stand with Israel and their fight against these raping, cocksucking motherfuckers. It's the golden rule, man. Do unto others as you'd have done to you.
Unknown_06: Let me ask these Palestinian fucking raping pieces of shit pricks this, YouTube. How would you feel if it was your mother getting raped?
You wouldn't like it, stupid motherfuckers.
Unknown_06: And a circle of protection around Israel as they bomb the fuck out of these raping pussy-ass fucks.
Unknown_06: I'm so over this shit, YouTube.
Unknown_06: You know how King Cobra feel about this shit? Fuck rape, fuck sickos.
Unknown_06: And fuck our dumb society's bullshit. I'm so fucking over it. And fuck the Palestinians.
Unknown_15: It's specifically Hamas.
It's not, like, all the Palestinians. Hashtag not all Palestine. But then again, I don't know. If I was, like, raised in, like, an open-air prison and there was no upward mobility, you're in one of the poorest... Like, Gaza is not only one of the poorest places on Earth, it's also one of the most, like, high-population areas in the entire planet. Like, it's two million people in, like, a couple square miles. So...
Unknown_15: I can understand why they're just like, yeah, I'm totally ready to just, like, Allahu Akbar over that fucking wall. I'm gonna do some sick-ass parkour moves. I'm just gonna go over to Israel. I'm gonna, like, destroy everything in my path. I'm gonna paraglide over there and just, like, kidnap grandma. Because what's the alternative? The alternative is being stuck in, um... in the Gaza Strip. Okay, so I gave myself, like...
Full minute to find this clip, and I have actually completely failed at this.
Unknown_05: Oh wait, okay, here. No, I found it. Oh my god. Oh, it's so hard.
Why things gotta be so fucking... Oh, it's in the actual featured Palestine thread, which is why it's...
Unknown_08: They didn't deserve it, you fucking idiot. My goal is solutions. Your goal is the continuation of violence. You want way more than 260 people dying. You want every single Palestinian to be fucking executed ruthlessly in the streets so that you can build another fucking theme park in Gaza.
Unknown_08: fucking baying pig you fucking bloodthirsty violent pig dog what theme park would you build over the gaza strip say say uh speak and chat what theme park you would build suck my dick
How do you think this happens? You think it happens out of nowhere? You think these people are just like, oh, we were violent because we want to be violent. You think that's where violence culminates from? Or do you think it's because you have entrapped them? You have bullied them. You have subjugated them. You have humiliated these fucking people. Two million people live inside of Gaza. They're not even fucking people in the eyes of Israelis.
Unknown_15: It's true as you all came out and said something like you guys are like animals so we're gonna treat you like animals I don't know why they haven't just like dropped enough like ordinance to completely level it. I guess you can't is
Would it piss off the neocons to murder 2 million people? Like, if you just started dropping, like, bunker buster bombs and just literally coated every square inch of Gaza with militant, like, explosives, I'm sure they have enough to bomb all of it. Would they care? I think you could do that if you killed 2 million people.
Unknown_15: Just don't tell them. Logistics...
I mean, how, what kind of logistics do you need? They have a bunch of planes, they have a bunch of gasoline and they have a bunch of bombs. You just take the planes, you take the bombs and you just start dropping them over Gaza forever until you literally until everybody's dead. They even have artillery and they have boats.
Unknown_15: You got a lot of bombs there. I think you could do it. I think you could kill every single person in Gaza. It's a really dense population. It would be like dropping a nuke on Hong Kong. Yeah, you're going to kill a lot of people that way because it's so densely packed.
Yeah, Moab. Drop like eight of those. I would do it. That's so insane. I mean, what's stopping them? Let's be realistic here. Let's pose a hypothetical chat. What if Israel...
Unknown_15: using the combined totality of all of its forces and all of the Raytheon coupons that we keep giving them, just coated all of Palestine in explosive ordnance. Who would stop them?
Unknown_05: Optics?
For what?
Unknown_05: Who would stop them? Literally, who would stop them?
Unknown_05: Iran would nuke them.
Unknown_15: Don't they have that Iron Dome?
Unknown_15: Okay, fine. Let's say that Iran could nuke them and nobody could stop them.
Unknown_15: How many Palestinians can you kill before Iran nukes you? Let's say we just started dropping bombs starting from the eastern side all the way to the west. How much of the city could you completely and totally wipe off the face of the planet forever and ever before Iran is like, yo, what the fuck? 750. 1.8 miles.
Okay, fine.
Unknown_15: If the middle east invaded israel the us would defend it wouldn't it? No, I I think you guys are wrong I think that the ua that they could just kill everybody I don't think anyone would stop them and the us would help And if I ran like it said what's iran gonna do? They're gonna like wave their the waggle their finger at them even harder like no, really? We're totally gonna nuke you guys this time nobody's nobody's gonna nuke anybody nobody wants to die nobody wants to die horrifically in like mutually assured destruction as long as they use conventional ordinance they can kill literally as many people as they want and nobody would stop them i'm i'm being here's my other question okay i'm gonna i'm gonna switch sides now now that i've finished i've solved the issue for israel i now have a solution package for palestine you're ready
There's 2 million Palestinians, minus 750, right?
Hamas took a bulldozer and bulldozed a big hole in the wall on Palestine's border with Israel.
Unknown_15: I propose...
Unknown_15: That the entire population of Gaza proceed into the hills and into the open of Israel literally just walk in there find a house that owns is owned by a Jew and just say hello.
Unknown_15: I do not believe in the concept of personal property. This house is now where I live.
Unknown_15: I would like to see you try and stop me from being here.
What hills? Half of Israel is a fucking mountain, bro.
Unknown_15: So tell me, what is wrong with this? The Jews would open fire, but then they have the base Palestinian warriors there to protect them. And the Israelis do not have weapons. So explain this. He would stop them.
Unknown_15: You mean to tell me that if the Palestinians tried to migrate into Israel, they would be pushed back by this unstoppable force?
That's a good point.
Unknown_15: You would need serious coordination to combat this menace. As we speak, Killer Klein has personally racked up over 9,000 kills.
Unknown_15: She is just walking through the streets of Gaza. She has no clip-on. She has infinite ammo. She's in God mode. She's just wiping out Palestinians.
Unknown_15: This video was made for today. I have an abundance of options of shit to play, of memes to play. I don't even know where to start. I don't know what to do with myself.
Yeah, I don't know. Like, look, the whole thing is just like, it's just people, it's literally people fighting over like a patch of desert. There's no purpose for it. There's no purpose to Palestine and there's no purpose to Israel.
Unknown_15: That entire swath of land has no value whatsoever. I don't, I just don't fucking get it. It's just...
Unknown_15: It's like, I don't know. I understand it has like some biblical importance and some Quran importance and shit. It's like, but it's literally just a patch of desert. That's no more significant than Utah is in terms of like viability for inhabitants.
They believe God lives there. No, God lives in Serbia, bro. Come on now. God is a Serb. Think he would leave Serbia? Fuck no.
Unknown_15: whatever I don't know I I have it's weird because everyone seems like really like like strongly obviously it's like one of the most polarizing things in the entire world and even retard Americans have very strong opinions about Israel and Palestine and shit even though Americans don't really know anything ever and everyone's strong opinion about it and I don't which is like a weird converse usually I have strong opinions about things that are completely and totally inconsequential but when it comes to like the number one thing that everyone fights over I just don't give a shit I understand I completely understand the Palestinians because it's like they are being rounded up into a fucking ghetto like in It's literally like district 9 Yeah, you have a bunch of like you live in like this cramped shithole and you have no hope and no future and you might as well just strap a bomb to your chest and blow yourself up because what the fuck else are you gonna do he's gonna live your entire life in that cramped shithole known as Gaza and Like, yeah, I get wanting to take back the rest of Israel. I totally understand that. And then I understand the Jews, because Muslims suck, and I wouldn't want to live with them either. And then I understand not wanting to live with Jews and wanting your home back. Like, I don't know. And I feel like it's like a shitty position to take where it's like, I hope they both wipe each other out, because I don't like either of them. Whoever loses...
I win. It's gay. So, I've tried to make as many jokes as I can. I have no strong opinion about the war, to be honest with you. I do like the memes, though, and I like techno jihad. Let it be known that that's one of my favorite genres of music.
Next, a news story. 23 and me was hacked the Ashkenazi Jews who use it to see no really I'm totally an Ashkenazi Jew like Ethan Klein have had their DNA stolen by an unknown perpetrator it is It could be that the top Hamas scientists are trying to clone Heela Klein But make her a Muslim so they can deploy her into Tel Aviv to wipe them out
However, that would be a long, long process in the making. It's unknown. It's really a nature versus nurture. Would Islamic Hila Klein be as bloodthirsty towards Jews as Israeli Hila Klein is? It's completely a mystery.
Unknown_15: They're doing groundbreaking science over there with their stolen DNA.
Unknown_15: The AFD has had a setback. This was from last week. However, I did not mention it, I don't think. I might have mentioned it. If I didn't, I apologize. I will not mention it again, just in case.
This guy is a part of the AFD, and he was stabbed. And I don't think they ever released who stabbed him. It is possible that it was a heckin' wholesome Palestinian refugee, of which two million more will be imported into Europe within the next year. Mark my fucking words. That'll be the real solution. The Hamas and Israel will come to an agreement. and they will they will completely annex the gaza strip however the population of the gaza strip will be zero because 100 of them will be taking rides on idf boats to rome and uh
Support mains as mains and on the coast. I'm trying to think of a place in Germany I don't know Copenhagen's on the coast and then Stockholm and then Normandy and London yeah, they're all gonna get nice little boat rides Lisbon? Hell yeah. They're all going to be dispersed evenly so that everyone can share the border. However, there will be an issue where Poland refuses to take none of them because they're racist.
Unknown_15: And Danzig will remain unmolested by Muslims for years to come.
I don't know.
Unknown_14: It does seem like political violence is on the up and up channel.
Unknown_15: uh speaking of this was the so this is the 18 or 19 year old sorry let me get my facts straight this time this is the 19 year old gay black meth smoking boyfriend that stabbed the activist in philadelphia i talked about him last stream i got everything wrong i completely merged two activists that were stabbed to death in my head the philadelphia one who obviously looked like a homosexual who smokes meth uh was dating a 19 year old black man who also smoked meth and They had a little bit of a oopsie doodle, a little bit of a domestic Westic, and he was fucking murdered by him. So I don't know. He was an activist to the very end, anti-racist, pro-rehabilitation over punitive justice, pro-drug rehabilitation.
And he really lived true to his word, Chad. That's the best you can say about somebody.
Unknown_15: The FBI has been targeting Trump voters, apparently. A bunch of FOIAs came in, and as it turns out, the majority of investigations into extremism in the United States are specifically targeting the most vocal proponents of Donald Trump because he is being indicted for, I guess, treason.
It's like ballot tampering in Georgia or some shit.
Unknown_15: So that's pretty cool. This one's also interesting. Uh, the Californians, um, there was a, after, after the results in the United States, uh, last election, uh, County in California decided that they would not renew contracts with dominion voting systems and California state passed a law that saying that, no, actually, you have to use electronic voting. You can no longer hand-count ballots, which just seems absolutely preposterous.
But they passed it, and the county vows that they will continue to hand-count ballots, and the state can suck their dick. So we'll see how that plays out.
Unknown_05: uh kanye west has trademarked the word use as in a u tree mark use uh for clothing footwear headwear clothing namely shirts t-shirts undershirts night shirts rugby shirts polo shirts so on and so forth basically every conceivable uh
Article of clothing could be considered a use Which I believe is a portmanteau of news and ye as in Kanye and
Unknown_15: Uh, so that is what he's going for. Of course, when this news landed, everyone thought, wow, that's remarkable timing. Considering it sounds just like Jews. Kanye West is considered to be a anti-Semite now and the war in Israel just started. So it was a little bit of a ruckus and everyone was talking about how, how funny it is.
Unknown_15: Uh, it's not any sillier than boy, which had a, like a German Reich Adler is like a logo on their shirt.
Maybe, maybe there can be a collab between Kanye West use and the boy Reich Adler thing. And they can come up with some, some cool, some cool merchandise together. Be cooler than my merchandise. Cause I can't get away with shit like that, but you can, when you're in Israeli fashion line, I guess.
Unknown_15: um this is a little bit of an expose into reddit there is a very popular subreddit on reddit called late stage capitalism it is a place that is anti-capitalistic and what it does is aim to show how society
effectively does things which are counterproductive, inhumane, and nonsensical, because the systems that we've developed for making money and profit in a modern capitalistic society are now, like, self-defeating, and they no longer serve their original purposes. And now it's sort of like... It's very Kaczynskiian, where it's like, what... The way that the system works now serves the system rather than the system being a solution to original problems. And people are, like, caught up in it. And they're no more important to it than, like, rats. They're just sort of in the rat race, Chad.
Unknown_15: So they're...
Unknown_15: Kind of understand some of the person that's not like all retarded But a lot of it is like I'm a heckin and cat and I'm not in cat but and calm I'm a I'm a communal anarchist. I want to be I want to I want to go live in a Society where there is no government But also everyone is forced to share everything all the time because I'm fucking brain damage and that kind of shit it turns out however that this reddit is a
Uh, bot Haven and oftentimes identical posts get made. And more interestingly, cause obviously people steal karma by copying comments constantly. Um,
Unknown_15: More interestingly than just posts being made twice comments are made twice by different accounts and replies to those comments are made twice by different accounts and replies to those replies are made twice identically by different accounts.
so stage one uh our late stage capitalism one years ago by serious explorer 8891 says it's called capitalism elon in regards to elon complaining about uh twitter revenue being down due to activist pressures this thread gets 22 000 upvotes
Unknown_15: The replies to it say from deleted has he tried pulling himself up by his bootstraps 3.2 K likes such isn't life He should cut down on daily avocado toast and soy lattes Texan 2022 Katsa says looking at getting it look at getting a roommate and try eating only once a day a full year later
Unknown_15: plus Wolverine7887 says it's called Capitalism Elon. It's the exact same thing. It has 65 comments and a whole slew of new accounts with... If you don't know those name formats where it's like adverb or...
adjective noun number those are like the default suggestions that reddit provide you when you are creating an account so their default name accounts which is why they seem so suspiciously like uh in a format and they're copying exactly the same message to exactly the same post uh in the exact same way
Unknown_15: A full year later.
Unknown_15: Nancy Pelosi is red coat says late stage Reddit bots talking to each other. And this is a.
Unknown_15: Matchup. This is a different post. So student loans won't be forgiven from the looks of it. And it's a post by the job creators network where they have apparently sued Biden for trying to, uh, forgive student loans and the comments for this matchup. You can see that these guys have avatars and shit and the comments copying it, um, are all that identical format and none of them have avatars or anything.
It's literally the exact same thing and it makes me wonder if like what this is I think Is that these are all I think all these bots are probably controlled by the exact same entity and they're trying to get the bots to have karma so that they can be used for manipulation so they can upvote content on certain subreddits and and
Unknown_15: have their votes count for the purposes of, like, astroturfing. So all those accounts are designed to copy over one-for-one comments from existing viral posts from probably over a year ago. It's about 10 months ago. So it's about a month or about a year ago. And they all copy it over, and they all get upvotes from real accounts. So then the system thinks, oh, this account is getting positive attention from...
Unknown_15: real some from already verified human accounts therefore we know that that is a human too and then later once they have some karma uh set up yeah see this guy has an avatar and he made a different comment
So then, uh, once they have those accounts verified, they can use them to AstroTurf and say like, look, my, this new revolutionary ball sex product, uh, called the Baldo is the hot new thing. It definitely, and this is like a post on like our dead bedrooms or some shit. And then it gets like 20,000 upvotes and like a quarter that is just bots getting, uh, getting the ball rolling.
Unknown_05: Um,
Unknown_05: So it is it is weird how like the internet is like so centralized so fucking dead So gay and it's literally just bots talking to each other and you can't even have your own little corner where you're talking to like real people because It's just not permitted.
You're not allowed to exist anymore Um, this video is called a reddit mod
Unknown_15: at McDonald's I'm not going to read the rest because it will spoil it um I don't know from whence this person ascertains that this guy is a reddit mod or sorry a discord mod on a reddit mod even though it's the same thing but we'll find out maybe he announces that he's a discord mod or maybe it's just a joke I don't know
Unknown_13: So the guy with glasses brought out two bags of food to our car. I said he forgot our drinks, so he gave us one bag, took the second bag back, and only came back with two drinks. So where's the second bag of food that we paid for? There's a second bag of food. I don't know. Are we only getting one bag? Yeah, you have the second one.
What's missing from your bag?
Unknown_13: Actually, I'm not even sure, because we only got our... I think it's two McChickens, at least. Okay, please don't spit on me.
Unknown_11: But two McChickens?
Unknown_11: Are you fucking kidding me? I think he just spit on me. I'm not doing this.
Sorry, the first one was a mistake, so the second one, yeah, I will admit it was on purpose. Because I want... I just want...
Unknown_13: First one was a mistake.
Unknown_12: I am sorry about the first one. Well, after I've already been knocking my food twice. They found his bag. I got a video.
That's crazy. He's just like he's throwing like a proper fucking tantrum because his entire he's like hungry. So he's just going to like spit on people and shit.
Unknown_05: I love how in the video I'm going to rewind it back actually because that's pretty funny.
Unknown_14: look you can see his gunt like immediately looks like your first impression of this he shows it multiple times but you can see this man is like irate because his gunt is in his gunt is hanging out this is your introduction to him he's wearing number one let's take a second to appreciate that he's wearing sandals velcro sandals
Um, probably because he is unable to wear any shoes because his feet are like obese diabetes feet. So he can't fit actual shoes on anymore.
Unknown_15: um are those socks if those are no it's not socks it's just look out yeah those are big feet those won't fit into a shoe then we we see the gunt again later on um i think as he's approaching the counter to explain that yes i did spit on you ma'am but i was very very hungry oh there it is he uh puts his hand on his hips in in frustration so his gun spills out and i like how is it right here
So, second one, yeah, I will mail it on purpose. Because I want, I just want, so, service, please.
Unknown_12: Thank you. First one was a mistake. I am sorry about the first one. So you're saying the second one was not a mistake? Well, after I've already been knocking my food twice.
Unknown_15: So that guy, he spit on like a 16-year-old girl at the counter. And she's like, ew. So then the manager has to come and give him his food because he's pouting. And he's like on the verge of tears. He's like crying. He's like, you don't understand what I've been through, what you've put me through. I didn't get my food twice.
He went back in. He was there with both bags of food.
Unknown_15: And then he didn't have a drink, so he had to go back into the drink.
Unknown_16: And then he took one of the bags back, and he forgot my chicken doggies. He took from me my food.
He was there at my window with my food, and then he parted with it, which is, it's like, is it better to have loved or in loss than to have never loved at all? To have the tantalizing bag of chicken nuggies literally right there in front of me, While I am hungry, while I am starving, while I'm on the cusp of collapsing inwards from malnutrition, and then you yank it from me at the last second. How can you expect me to do anything but to come in here and spit? And you should be thankful that I've only spit at you, that I did not drop trowel and shit directly on your counter for the unimaginable insult to my integrity that you've unleashed to me.
This is America. Don't catch you slipping now.
Unknown_15: Don't catch you slipping now.
Unknown_15: Also in news, the guy, John Riccitello, who I believe, I want to say my name is very familiar. I think he was a CEO of EA or something. John Riccitello.
Unknown_15: He's no longer the CEO of Unity.
Unknown_15: I want to say he was. Yeah, he was. He was the CEO of Electronic Arts from... 1997 to 2004, which is why that name sounds familiar.
Um, yeah, but then he went to unity. He tried to implement that price hike. Everyone shit themselves and he has resigned. Um, which is, which is the purpose of a CEO. Like here's how the, if you wonder why CEOs get paid and they get such a big severance package when they leave, it's not because CEOs like actually really direct the product. I'm sure they have some input on it, but it's not really as much. It's not like they're in complete control, especially not in big companies.
the purpose of the ceo is to be a collector of reputation for the company because when you you think of like an ea or a um or like disney um who's who's the woman that was the ceo of disney for a while uh disney ceo
Unknown_15: Oh, uh... Chapek? And there was another one. Oh, Susan? I just remember there was a woman that, like, pissed everybody off.
And then she left the company. And that's, like, basically her job.
Unknown_15: And, like, this is what this guy's job is. He comes in, and then they're like, okay, we're gonna try this new experimental direction with the company. And it's gonna be, like...
Unknown_15: If it works to make a fuck ton of money If not, then you just take the fall for it and you leave and that's basically what Kathleen Kennedy Kathleen Kennedy That's right. Sorry, and then I remember that she she left and now I think I Iger is back Yeah, Bob Iger And that's what, because she comes in, she tries to do all these changes, they suck, everyone hates her, and then she leaves, Bob Iger comes back, and then all the Disney fanboys go, oh my god, Bob Iger's back, Bob Iger, Bob Iger is back, Disney's saved, man, Star Wars, man, Disney World, man, and that's literally their jobs, they don't actually have any, um,
Any real authority. It's just that you're supposed to associate them with periods in a company's direction. So when the company changes directions under a CEO and it goes to shit, they can just get fired and they get this big fat severance package for the trouble. And then they bring in somebody else or they go back to somebody else. And that's what Reddit did. Reddit had a couple, like Ellen Powell is my favorite. Ellen Powell comes in. She says, we're going to make a bunch of changes that's going to make Reddit worse. Everyone hated her. Everyone hated her. She says, oh, I guess I'm not that popular. I'm going to leave. It's a big fat severance package. They put in somebody else and then they reverse not a single one of her policies. All the things that happened under her were blamed on her. And then when they fired her, everyone celebrated. They thought in their head, oh, we're going in a new direction now. New guy comes in. Literally nothing changes. Everything just gets worse. And they don't realize that that person, Ellen Powell, had zero to do with the direction Reddit was going in. They knew what they were doing. They knew what they were going to do. They brought her in to take the fall for it. And then whoosh. It's a magic trick.
It's a magic trick, Chad.
Unknown_05: Oh, it was Bob Chapek? Okay, Chapek, that's right.
Unknown_15: Sorry, I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_15: I don't give a fuck.
Unknown_15: Yes, Chapek was the one that came in, things went bad, and they got rid of him. I thought it was a woman for some reason, but then they replaced him with Bob Iger again. And everyone's like, oh, Chapek is so terrible, but no, that's just what the company is doing, because I believe the company is bankrupting itself, and it's a controlled demolition, and they're just trying to rob it for as much money as they can for the value of it.
They're just a vessel for the underlying people want to do. How high am I? I'm high on life. I feel really good right now. I don't know why I can't keep it together. It's just one of those days. I can't believe I put this in my notes.
Um, I've been having fun with the being AI thing. Uh, I've discovered that if you're very, very, very careful with how you word things, so you can't put in violence. If you go into the being AI and you try to be like, um,
Unknown_15: Show me a nuclear bomb destroying London, inshallah. They'll be like, whoa, buddy, that violates our content policy. You can't do that. That's a violent image. However, you can imply violence, and that's even funnier than just having a nuclear bomb destroy London. So I'd like to show you a creative vein that I found that I've been able to express with my lack of artistic ability through the advent of machine learning and artificial images.
I have discovered that you can create situations where pit bulls are eating children, but it's sort of implied. So I like to go over my gallery of pit bull art. So in this one we have Luke Skywalker, or no, Anakin Skywalker, but he's a pit bull, and he's about to slaughter all those younglings.
In this one, this is an anime-inspired one, so if you're an anime avatar, you must obligatorily give me a super chat right fucking now. I really like the aesthetic of Attack on Titan. I've never watched it, but I've always liked the aesthetic to it. So in this one, we have an Attack on Titan pitbull leering over the concrete barrier protecting...
Whatever the fuck the name of the town is maybe the Gaza Strip I don't know and the child the the toddler that he intends to eat has a katana to defend himself Because he is the prey and they are the hunters chat and this one inspired by boss man Jack the pitbull is at a roulette table and He is betting not with chips chat, but with babies Because he will eat them
Unknown_15: in this one the pitbull is actually a french pastry chef and uh he's a vegetarian so the babies he eats are actually delicious baked goods so this is this is one of the most wholesome ones he's a french bulldog i think french pitbull and uh he only eats nice tasty cake babies
Unknown_16: This is a pit bull rattling the first national baby bank. When you got to keep your baby safe, you put it in the baby bank. The pit bull's rattling it.
This one I already showed you. It's the tactical deployment of the Israeli pit bulls on the Palestinian streets. As you can see, this is a real terrifying situation for all involved.
Unknown_15: And this is my favorite one because it's just so perfect.
Unknown_16: This pit bull...
is in fortnight and he just got a victory royale he just murdered an entire map of children in a video game and he's extremely satisfied with himself he um he had to retire eating children in real life because they almost put him down for the last one so now he's just an epic fortnight gamer and he gets victory royales all day
Unknown_15: When he lands in, he's just sniping people left and right. There's literal tears being shed by the children he's killing.
Unknown_15: Thank you, chat.
Unknown_15: No, don't look at the right hand.
Unknown_05: Don't look at the right hand. The rest of the image is perfect. Now let's look at the right hand.
Unknown_05: All right.
Unknown_05: How do I approach this topic, champ?
Unknown_15: This is...
Unknown_15: i i'm gonna have to figure out a way to ask you guys to be nice put away your ttds um don't care about spots on my apples leaving with the birds and the bees chat uh this is satanic panic at the disco goes by many names ralph stewart baker the third rainy baker ranilda badel satanic panther disco and they also have um
A band account called something? I forget what it's called. Destroyed for Comfort.
Unknown_15: And Rainy Baker... Um...
Unknown_15: was one of the few trainees that ever defended the Kiwi Farms. He had an account, they had an account, whatever, and posted in their thread and got along with people, generally speaking.
Unknown_15: The transgender brain rot did not completely and totally destroy their ability to think critically.
And so Rainey was able to detect people
Unknown_15: um unfairness in particular with chloe sagal who i did a whole video on and who rainy was friends with rainy was capable of programming the commodore 64 and developed like um retro nes games like directly onto cartridges and stuff So they were one of those people that were really, really familiar with old technology and shit.
Unknown_15: And so when Chloe Segal killed themselves, Rainey was upset about it and noted that the coverage about it was extremely upsetting to him because...
Chloe committed suicide because they were homeless and nobody cared about them. And they were basically excommunicado from the church of trans. So they had nowhere to go and nobody would help them.
Unknown_15: Rainey felt bad for this and said, it's really fucked up how Chloe Seagal's suicide over being homeless and ostracized from the transgender community, uh,
Unknown_15: has been purported in the media as being a Kiwi Farms things by people who don't care about Chloe Seagal, never cared about Chloe Seagal, hated Chloe Seagal in some instances, and are using their suicide to try and get points against the Kiwi Farms.
And it was pretty fucked up to see.
Unknown_15: Rainey unfortunately has also killed themselves. I don't know how but it's been confirmed by their mother and by an obituary site and by their close friends and what's really weird is that
Unknown_15: It seemed that everyone seemed to like Rainey, because there are a bunch of comments, and a bunch of people are really surprised. They were living out in Portland, which is the same place that Chloe Seagal lived when they committed suicide as well.
And... Apparently, they've been doing well. I think had a job, was doing some work, seemed really engaged in what they were doing. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, committed suicide. In fact...
Unknown_05: Someone has here I think someone has here of this They released an album in August so very very recently and it's a there NES they're made with NES instrumentations and they can play on traditional NES console games and
If you recognize that beat, it's because of this song.
Unknown_15: I would swallow my pride.
Unknown_03: I would choke on the rhymes. But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside. Swallow my doubt. Turn it inside. I'll find nothing but faith in nothing.
Unknown_15: Which is one of my favorite songs of all time. If that thing comes on the radio, I know all the words to it.
Unknown_15: So it was very interesting. And it sucks. It's just bizarre. But I know why. I think I know why.
Unknown_15: Looking back into it.
Unknown_15: The reason why is that Rainey was also excommunicado from the church of trans.
Uh, this is an old post 2018. So they were involved like in 2015, 2018.
Unknown_15: And this is Lorelei Bailey, a rapist and, uh, Caitlin Hayes and ADF. And they're basically saying, I don't know why people are friends with Rainey Baker when she hangs out on Kiwi farms, but you do you, I guess. Why do fascist fascist adjacent trans women get blue check marks?
Unknown_15: So the Church of Trans, for the sole crime, even though Rainey obviously did not agree with everything on the forum, for the sole crime of having a Kiwi Farms account was excommunicado from Church of Trans. Like, you cannot do anything that they don't, like, completely 100% agree on. There is no—even within their community— Of like creepy sex pests. There is no room for any discrepancy. You will completely and totally conform to the church Uh, or you're on the outside and when you're out when you're on the outside, I know it seems like trunes Have a lot of like power and influence but it when you're in the cult
Um, like someone like liz fong jones if liz fong jones ever did anything to be maligned as like fascist adjacent He would definitely be dead because he doesn't have any like traditional power structure like um, like parents that that care about him or anything so if he didn't have the money and influence of like Being like a tranny activist like token for various companies And he was like not allowed to be like a bdsm sex pest in the tranny community. He would definitely kill himself So it's like if you if you're in the cult the trans you have no option you must conform Otherwise, you will lose everything and then after a while, I guess it's just like, you know It wears on you and you start thinking like, you know, I'm doing my thing I've been doing my thing for a while when doing like Commodore and NES stuff for a while I don't really see things getting better. I see things getting worse and you know, I'm getting older and stuff and When you're older you I guess you pass worse and shit and she's like, well, I You know, life isn't really progressing in the way that I want it to. And I don't even have the support structure from the cult of trans to, to lean back one, you know? And I guess in that kind of situation, it seems really hopeless. So it's pretty fucking sad.
uh definitely sucks that it was rainy and not a million other people i like dude i could come up with a fucking list like a hundred names long for people i'd rather have seen died first uh before this person because they were pretty chill um but such is life only the only the good ones die young chat the other ones wait to 41 they wait decades they wait until their eyes run out first
um so on october 8th which was a sunday it was international women's or sorry i think it was international lesbian day and what is it when it's international lesbians day who is that day about chat that's right it's about straight men
Unknown_15: So the UN did a whole thing, put out a nice little message letting everybody know that trans lesbians are lesbians. So are you a natal woman interested in natal women? That's too bad. You got a sex dick. The UN says you gotta suck dick. Quote from the United Nations. Remember, trans lesbians are lesbians too. Let's uplift and honor every expression of love and identity. Happy International Lesbian Day at Free Eagle.
Um, this post was not received too well. It seems like 19,000 replies, 10,000 repost and 24,000 likes. So quite a bit more interactions on the, what the fuck is this shit side? And then on the like side, which if in case Caffles doesn't remember, cause everyone hates him now, that's a ratio. Uh, it's not when you just reply to somebody and say ratio.
Unknown_15: And then don't actually get a ratio.
You don't even beat them to begin with.
Unknown_05: Just in case you forgot.
Unknown_15: This is an example of the kind of lesbianomic activity that the UN seeks to protect.
Unknown_15: Let's learn how to love and appreciate this expression of self, chat.
Unknown_15: Forever XY says dyke breaking kink as a trans woman is so hot because nothing makes you feel less like a girl than the look of complete and utter horror and disgust that a girl who likes girls will always naturally make in response to seeing your dick, your cum, your pathetically male looking body. Those aren't things she likes. She's a lesbian. She likes girls. You're not a girl or else she wouldn't be reacting like that. There's nothing pure or innocent about your sexuality. You can get her pregnant. You're the opposite sex. You're a threat to her. Your sex is literally everything she's repulsed by. And yet here you are forcing your sexuality onto her, trying to convince her you're gay for her, trying to validate your pathetic attempts at womanhood, trying to guilt trip her into pretending to find your body attractive. Just leave lesbians alone. They don't like you. But knowing that just makes your disgusting cock harder, doesn't it?
This isn't if someone said, haha, felt it. No, no, boy. No, no, boy. This isn't a you will never be a real woman post. This is I will never be a real woman. And you're still going to fuck the girl dick post. This is a fetish post. This guy read this and thought, oh, what an epic takedown of trans man. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown_14: You're not so lucky. That's actually just gets his dick hard.
This sounds like bait. I think you can look up this account. Fine, okay, let's read the other post. We'll do a poll after I read this other post. Let's see if this is bait. ForeverXY also says... Oh, see, I think that means out of context.
Unknown_15: Found a picture of a trans woman's butt and cunt, ew, that I almost shared to the gross trannies here as a piece of M2F2M jerk-off material slash MF2M2F2F detransinspo before I realized that she was trans, lol, and I don't want to sic the detrans sluts on her. A couple of times i've shared things here from blogs that aren't explicitly into this kink because i'm shadow banned and they won't see the reblog Correct me if i'm wrong about this, please But I realize I need a lot more be a lot more careful because people following me might presume I'm it's a post from a detrans account and reblog without checking My general approach now is if someone says i'm not going to worry too much about sharing their content here But if they're trans and haven't said they're into it, i'll probably reblog it somewhere else
all right chat let's see it's now time for the poll um poll is this a troll yes or no vote one for yes vote two for no so many letters it's like rape or like welsh sorry i read two messages at once about internet rape
Fractal degeneracy, dude.
Unknown_15: Okay, the votes are coming in, chat. The votes are coming in. I'll wait until about 50.
Unknown_15: About 75% of people at 50 votes believe that this is not a troll. 22, now at 75, believe that it is a troll. It's wavering between about 20 and 25% yes and 70 and 75% no.
Unknown_15: Hard to say these days. Are these highly dedicated trash accounts actually real or are they merely play pretend? We may never find out.
But I'll call it there. 73% of people at 100 participants in the poll say that it is not a troll.
Unknown_05: Now, speaking of catholes.
Unknown_15: Um, there is an ongoing thing where Keffels is being like continually outed as being like a creepy weirdo or something.
Unknown_15: Um, so I'll read, uh, this is actually a mod. There's a, an X and then like a mod, uh, this goth aunt Hunter, which is also a weird, creepy name. It says I was routinely messaged by minors who had been told their information was being shared on a forum of transphobic Nazis. Fuck. Terrible. Usually asking for their chat histories to be purged before flaying the server and community completely. It wore me down. Keffels has routinely thrown the safety of trans people under the bus while claiming to support us. She cannot claim to advocate for us while she remains on this path.
Someone replies with some concerns that the story may be false, and he replies again saying, Bruh, she called me up during one of her coke benders earlier this year and told me about the plan she was making to kill herself by speedballing. Was very cool how she ghosted me after she got help in rehab, though.
I'm very glad that Kefals did not kill himself because then I would be blamed for it. His coke would be on my hands.
Unknown_15: Gah on Hunter again says, it's not a parasocial relationship, Clara. That's a very cursed name. Clara called me up when she was on a coke bender and told me the plans she was making to kill herself earlier this year. I was making plans to be at her wedding last year. That was supposed to happen before she and that partner had a falling out.
Unknown_15: And then this is the ex-partner, Althea Euphemia says, is the ex-partner in question. I'd like to point out that the falling out was being left homeless by Clara after the swatting while she lived in a luxury apartment. I was abused and traumatized enough that I let her push me into homelessness.
She lost it on me because I tried to write down her abusive words so she couldn't deny it later. I'm the only one who's ever reasonable. Bitch, shut up. You have terrible abandonment issues.
Unknown_15: I can't say anything without making you cry. Such healthy people.
Unknown_15: uh he continues again this is apparently kefl's ex that they were engaged with each other engaged in the demonic definition of the word we were doing a rental app all i did was ask if she could put down self-employed or twitch as for employer she totally lost it on me and dragged me over the coals for trying to wake her up some days after the swatting so we could look for somewhere else to live This was a day after she woke me up at the prior hotel to say we've been doxxed and how much money do I want to just disappear? This was less than a week after she asked me to marry her.
These text messages.
Unknown_15: Leaked text. And this is Signal. So this is an encrypted application, but they didn't put a timer on their messages. So I guess he can just scroll up and screen capture whenever he wants.
Unknown_15: Keffels is in gray talking about various things, including the job position for him. The markings are on the original picture. Keffels says, hi. So he starts the conversation, um, says, I know you don't want to go back to New York to York street. So I'm thinking of staying at the night and my mom's this isn't healthy. We need more space.
he says in reply can we not just talk to each other more kindly kevin says you won't even acknowledge what you did to me to upset me and then wouldn't let me decompress when i got mad and snapped and it's not fair because i was shitty to you but i asked you to stop so i could calm down i'm the bad person here because you don't respect my boundaries and i despise that
Unknown_15: The spouse or partner asks, I'm sorry, I really am having a hard time understanding what I did to offend you to start. I was a little confused about if your name or your position of self-employed would be applicable.
Keffel says, literally was trying to follow the DBT book advice on removing myself from situations.
Unknown_15: Dude, it's surreal. Like, can you not function? These people cannot function. These people cannot function. They can barely navigate social situations of any kind, and they want to have complete and total control over your ability to speak on the internet.
Unknown_15: Remember, this is two men pretending to be women trying to have a conversation.
Unknown_15: Spell says I never really meant anything more than that. I appreciate that. Do you treat me like an abuser? So I was taken aback when you accused me of condescending. I never meant to. Keffel says I don't think you understand the tones you use in your voice or your own body language. And when I bring it up, you say I'm tone policing, but it sets me off because it says more than words.
It was just a pattern.
Unknown_15: I asked not to be woken up. I asked for space when I feel like we're going to, I'm going to have a meltdown. There's always some excuse not to let me have those boundaries. And then I'm a bad person, dude. I really hope that Liz Fong Jones has a life like this, where he's just like constantly chimping out and having to do hard drugs to cope with being such a fucking freak. I am, I am blessed with, with enemies that are fools.
Says capital I don't like being shitty to you. I just don't have a way to get out of the situation You won't let me remove myself from it. I lash out at you because you take away my agency Yeah, you realize how shitty all this feels we are at the look hope at this hotel because of me and because of You not wanting to be too involved in my work and the dangers involved meant your object wasn't as good as mine You got hurt because of me and I got hurt because of you it's fucked up You just buy a dog like a normal person
Unknown_05: Here are my handwritten notes from the 16th of August recording her verbal abuse.
You see, two days later, I was discussing medical leave so I could stand by her. A little over a month later, she left me homeless without any help whatsoever. Homeless with no help after getting $100,000 to spend on cocaine. Funny chat, isn't it?
Unknown_15: Then the X mod goes back to saying, I mentioned the abuse because I was affected. I see others who are affected now. It's not just a matter of ignorance when it comes to her being a danger. I'm currently in DMs with her ex-partner about her abusive patterns who friended me after seeing my own personal complaints and wow, I am learning things.
So Keffels is getting super mega canceled, I guess.
Unknown_05: Wet Ass Pussy Goblin decides to dump some messages from Keffels, by the way.
Unknown_05: This is a screencap of the Kefl's Catboy Ranch Discord server.
Unknown_15: Bambi says, oh my fucking god, Britnig.
Unknown_15: Britnig? Britnig. What is, okay, this is like a super, this is like a super pause area. What is Britnig? Is that some kind of like Pakistani name? Can someone explain to me what a Britnig is?
um britney perfect says i heard that keffels took a second phone to vidcon and when destiny and bausch made her leave her main foot out of the room if she wanted to watch them hate fuck she used her backup to film them then it says joe you legend beardy he they says i feel like you need to set up an alt-right paper trail so that when you send a wet ass pussy goblin your keffel story you just use an account that was upon deeper inspection it'll look like an alt-right troll account then when wet ass pussy runs out with the stories then the grand reveal So what has pussy goblin says so Kefla's discord is playing to make fake alt-right accounts and give you fake stories And when you post it say you're working with the alt-right Whereas pussy goblin responds to this saying The same thing Kefla's discord was playing on pretending to be one of Clara's abuse victims debate me into publishing their story only to use the story to portray me as working with the alt-right these people are psychotic liars and manipulators and
Yeah, dude, I know. In July of last year, we made a nice, comprehensive post about how Keffels was a sex pest, weirdo, thief, drug addict con man who exploits and manipulates everyone around him, and I was called a Nazi bigot fascist murderer for it. I told you. We told you. We spent weeks compiling conclusive evidence that Keffels is not a good person. And the response I got was having the internet literally destroyed so that one website could not stay up for an entire year. And now you figure out, oh...
Actually, Keffels is an abusive monster. Yeah, I know. You know how I know? Because I run a website called the Kiwi Farms and I read the thread.
Unknown_15: Go figure, champ.
Unknown_15: Okay, so now this is an interesting person named Soulbunny. Soulbunny, she, they, trans flag, artist, trans activist, and video essayist and Twitch affiliate streamer. So you see this thing right here? This is a Twitch affiliate streamer.
I'm going to refrain from describing this person with any of the words that come to mind because every single one of them is the most abhorrent string of words that you've ever possibly imagined.
Unknown_15: Soul Bunny says, this is a serious video that I beg you, stop and watch. I don't know what to do. I hate to even speak up when I've long separated myself from everything.
Unknown_15: I don't know what to do, and I'm being dehumanized to disagree for content. I literally have midterms next week. And this is in response to Keffles, who continually runs these videos about how Soul Bunny, he feels bad for Soul Bunny, and Soul Bunny is a freak. These are 14-minute-long video exposés about how
Unknown_15: Soulbunny is a terrible person. Soulbunny can't stop lying. I feel bad for Soulbunny. How I organize a harassment campaign. These people are abusive. It goes on and on.
Soulbunny needs your help.
Unknown_11: Hey, y'all. This is a more serious video. I want to say, like, I feel so uncomfortable finding out this information yesterday. As with the date, I never talk about my YouTube until I'm in person.
Unknown_11: Because of all the, like, the hate videos that I get. That when you look at my name. and literally like i'm going down it they hovered over one of my hate videos and one of my old protest flyers from 2020 before i even done youtube came up and i was like what the fuck is that in my new like i never watch these videos i never and for me to see that and like and for me to see that it made me just like what the fuck is that and like look into it so i had clicked on it
And when I go watch it, I see my legal name posted and I see where I live shared. It's just things that I'm just like, you don't fucking do. This shit just got out of hand.
Unknown_11: literally my first little last name my fucking facebook page was shared articles written on me before i even was serious about youtube like i only had one video out literally like before my second video that video was 11 months old almost a year and for all that shit just to come out like my little where i live all these little like these things are just not fucking okay like i do not feel comfortable with this information being posted
and you can try to justify saying like oh this is easily accessible online but it's the fact that someone irresponsibly posted that on their platform as a creator like that is so irresponsible this person's got dogs and you think that's okay just to post where i live and again like i don't talk on these people i don't say i don't live in a big city i live in a small college town in a rural area
Unknown_11: literally back in july was the last thing i ever mentioned anything about these people and i moved on and say shit after i bought folks i just like let it go i see things go down i'll say nothing and i'll chime in i literally have midterms next week
Unknown_05: Fuck, that ended very abruptly and did not allow me enough time to get... Here, I'll play the next video while I get this set up.
Unknown_11: After I block folks, I just like let it go. I see things go down, I'll say nothing and I'll chime in. I literally have midterms next week.
like literally like i'm trying to declutter when you look me up on youtube so my hate videos just don't pop up solely like it's just so disgusting like like literally like i don't know what the fuck to do like this should not be up like this is next fucking level
Unknown_11: at the end of this video like show the screenshots that i had to block out like sensitive information where i live okay and it's just like i found it this is not okay like so what the base of what happens that keffels revealed some information about where this person lived and then of course because keffels is the famous anti-doctor hero the people that shut down the kiwi firms forever and ever for real this time uh obviously they're a hypocrite and my response to this person can be summed up as follows
What's up, can the low come up in your crib man, fuck you I'll see you at work. Oh nigga don't hate me because i'm beautiful nigga Maybe you got rid of that old yee-yee ass haircut. You got you get some bitches on your dick Oh better yet, maybe tanisha call your dog ass if she ever stopped fucking with that brain surgeon the lawyer she fucking with nigga What Something like that
Unknown_15: Yeah Um, I don't know it's I always feel like these people have such a small world They have such an incredibly small world with some incredibly small concerns Oh, no, I was heckin made fun of by the keffel of half keffel waffles and when keffels is like
Keffels has to create drama, I guess, to, like, stay relevant, because who the fuck cares about him? A gross drug addict who, like, tries to get kids hopped up on HRT because it's, like, a sex fetish. Like, everything about Keffels is, like, a detriment to, like, transgenderdom. Anything that you want to point at in regards to, like, how, um, trainings are gross, weirdos, you can point to Keffels for. I think this is the exact moment where Keffels, like, showed too much about this person. Oh my god, look at that fucking hair! Holy shit!
Unknown_00: A while ago, Soulbunny was trying to make this argument that she is like a really good activist. She posted like a photo of a newspaper that she was on the cover of. So I actually ended up looking for that article. Here's a photo.
Oh, okay. So...
Unknown_15: That's funny. So he just, the soul bunny just said, like, I was featuring in a magazine once. So Kefals went deep diving to find this exact periodical where you could find out exactly where this person lives. And the soul bunny's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? That's funny.
Unknown_15: Well, you did set the terms of engagement, Kefals. I don't know why you're upset.
Oh, and this is the best one. So there's like three separate incidents that have happened where Keffels is like getting yelled at by people. The first one is that Keffels ex-fiance came out and said that Keffels was like a gross weirdo abuser.
Unknown_15: A mod from the Discord said that Keffels had zero concern for the people in the Discord getting doxxed as long as he was making money. Uh, then you had slow bunny coming out. So then keffels docks him directly for the sake of making youtube videos about him when he's just trying to stay away from keffels And then finally there are more dms linked where apparently keffels made a sussy baka, uh joke in a dm A couple says tweeting. I only have sex with girls with small breasts So I can close my eyes and pretend i'm having sex with a preteen and immediately losing 50 000 followers um Then keffels also says my racism is central to my pedophilia
Keffels then says, for instance, I would not have sex with Hasan Piker even if he was a child because he is Turkish. That's pretty good.
That's like the funniest thing he's ever said.
Unknown_15: So it says this is obviously the reach that's obviously a joke among friends and it's out of context too Which is really not fair. Whoever leaked this has zero integrity. I don't think this was the dunk you're looking for And then Sora also complain. Oh, this is the best part Sora confirms because you will read this shit. It's like so off the wall It's like obviously this is like a fucking fake thing or something But no Sora one of the Kefka's actual friends and the current mod says let alone this screenshot is over a year old and
So, thanks for confirming that this is a real thing, I guess.
Unknown_15: I don't know.
Unknown_15: These days, you can't really get away with jokes like that, but it's so over the top. If it wasn't Keffel saying it, it could be funny. But when Keffel says it, it's like, um... That's kind of sussy.
Unknown_15: Dude, Keffel should... I keep saying Keffel should just join the forum.
Unknown_15: I wouldn't ban him.
Unknown_15: I have an open... In fact, I think at a certain point I even sent Keffels like an invitation to the site. Keffels is free to join the forum anytime he wants to. I'll even verify him. I'll give him a little blue check mark. You know those things are valuable to internet activists and shit.
Open arms, open arms. Definitely has an account. Identify yourself. Identify yourself.
Unknown_15: And this is just a little bit of gratification. Uh, Alejandra Caraballo, the gross, weird Harvard training, who I think is an attorney, but doesn't really do anything besides fuck up cases and file from the court motions or whatever the fuck, uh, has been called out by Elon Musk directly as one of the most bat shit, crazy people on the entire platform. Uh,
uh saniya rice nick says this is a personal person has been the media sites as an online safety expert he also has previously called to accost supreme court court justices um and this is gerald byer saying oh look it's the harvard lawn structure helping to spread and elon musk is a pedophile story elon musk replies saying that person is bat shit crazy Chaya or sorry not saniya, uh, chaya ray chick says Arguably one of the most insane and dishonest people on this site. Elon musk replies with the 100 emoji um
it's because they're retweeting that elon musk responds to pedophilia accusations i've never been divorced by a teenager and alejandra replies now with a ai thing did not look like such a gross train he says i'd rather be batshit crazy than a piece of shit parent who disowns their own child seething over the fact that uh elon musk called them crazy which is pretty pretty funny
Unknown_15: It's just a joke. You're just a silly clown to everybody. You don't have the clout. Well, I mean, you do have a spiky blue clown hair, but you don't quite have the funny clown hair that the other guy had and the black guy.
um so foodie booty is in thailand still nobody knows why foodie beauty is still in thailand it is possible that she has to stay out of kuwait for 90 days because of a tourist visa or something but she's currently hanging out in thailand with a salad and she's having a little bit of drama she started doing mukbangs again she's doing like hardcore feeder content again so
Unknown_15: Yeah, that's what her channel is. And lots of haters have been making fun of her for being a gross, weird fatty that eats on camera. And she decided to quit YouTube, she says.
Unknown_15: with an air of finality. Hey guys, I have an announcement. I will be taking a break from YouTube to try and find new platforms. I am no longer interested in putting in effort to make content anymore when it is just stolen by several imbeciles and leeches who are too lazy or boring to make their own content. Wish you well. Because obviously all the hater channels just take her videos of her eating and call her a fat cow and make more money than she does off of it, so that makes her upset.
And then several hours after, I think these timestamps are probably rational, so about 14 hours later, Foodie Beauty comes back to YouTube to say, hey guys, so I had more time to think, about 14 hours to be precise. And I just want to say how appreciative I am To those who do, appreciate and watch the content we make. We are very grateful. Praying hands emoji. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. My last post was more about how crazy it is that YouTube allows others to make an entire channel about someone and use all of their content. If this happened to you as a creator, I am sure you would understand. Anyways, actually I appreciate it. I have like four different people who try to upload all my videos and it's like trying to fill a water jug that has like a leak because they just keep getting banned over and over again.
Those people are awesome. Anyway, I have some videos already made I will upload. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful because I am very happy with all of you and appreciate you all so much. I will be patient because YouTube has already demonetized a few reaction channels so we will see.
I will leave it at that and quit complaining, but just know that if you're one of these channels, you majorly suck for stealing the content of others. To the rest, have a nice day.
Unknown_15: Copyright should not exist, and copyright cucks are fucking losers. That's all I got to say about that. If someone can make more money making fun of you, they deserve to have more money for making fun of you.
Unknown_15: You are not going to be forced to watch an amberlynn video. Do not worry I will sum up what amberlynn has been up to After she had a breakup with the black girl wipey She decided that she was gonna move from Kentucky the place where she's been for quite a while and this left many people wondering Where could she be going?
So she's been allowing that to I
Unknown_15: be an open-ended question for a while. She says she doesn't want to get doxxed. However, on her road trip video where YP was transporting her across the United States in a pool of water that she was hauling with her car, they stopped by a gas station
Unknown_15: And sure enough, the gas station is in Oklahoma, where we know that her parents live. And judging by the fact that she said it was a 15-hour drive and the gas station is about 15 hours away from where her apartment was before, it's pretty safe to say that she's now... And Oklahoma. So if you're that guy that kept telling me to move to Oklahoma, instead you get Amberlynn. Enjoy.
You get a big fat lesbian in your state. Instead of me, bass as I may be. Let's make more depression TikToks. Good luck finding like a fat lesbian out in Oklahoma.
Unknown_15: Maybe she... Oh, here's one. She can get with an Indian girl. Oh, that would be... Dude, get with an Indian girl. Get those federal tax cuts. That's what she got to do. I would never support miscegenation, but if you are going to miscegenate, going for an Indian girl is a good idea so that you can get those federal tax exemptions.
Because screwing...
Unknown_15: Legally, legally screwing over the IRS is a virtue. It is like an anti-sin. So it not only cancels out the sin of miscegenation, it actually creates a net benefit to the world.
Unknown_05: It's such a powerful act.
You'd be surprised. I guess there's lots of fat lesbians in Oklahoma.
Unknown_15: Go figure.
Unknown_15: Okay, now this is a bizarre image, and I should explain that...
Unknown_15: Chris Chan has been caught on camera several times with a woman and it has been widely speculated what this woman is, what her relationship is to him.
Unknown_15: They've been kind of touchy feely with each other. So it seems like a romantic thing where they're very close.
Unknown_15: And in all her other photos, she looked like a 30 something year old woman, like a dumpy, maybe late thirties, early forties. And now we have this picture and she looks 12.
So now we're, like, really confused. A lot of people don't know what the fuck this is.
Unknown_15: They're very concerned. They're very bewildered. We are scared. We are shooketh. We're very concerned about what's happening.
Unknown_15: So hopefully the future will bring us answers as to what the fuck this is and why she looks like a 12-year-old in some pictures and 40 in others.
Unknown_05: And finally...
And most humorously in this... Well, not collectively, but in this round of shit...
Unknown_15: After being told by certain testically bound attorneys that what Riley did was a heckin' wholesome thing. Okay, let me be fair. It was not a heckin' wholesome thing. Riley was denounced as a fat, retard loser. However, it was denied that what he was doing was illegal at all.
Unknown_15: The attorney general, or the district attorney rather, of wherever the fuck Ripa is, Eric July is in Texas, apparently felt differently because as it turns out,
Riley, the producer of The Dick Show, is now a wanted man in the state of Texas because he is charged with felony stalking. It is a third-degree felony, which is one of the higher felonies. It carries a possible jail sentence of two to ten years. Um, apparently the but there's other possible punishments that come out for a third degree felony It varies the sentences for for stalking very wildly because um, it's like a case-by-case basis And literally enjoy prison stalker literally Enjoy enjoy prison stalker child stalker partner Um
You may be wondering, how does simply visiting a storefront constitute felony stalking? It doesn't. The answer is that Riley made it clear to Eric July that he was going to fuck with him. Eric July probably ignored him consistently for weeks. Riley continued to try and get his attention, and then he escalated to showing up in person. And now the question is, if he's willing to show up in person to do petty shit like that...
Unknown_15: Um, is he not going to continue to escalate this harassment until air July is forced to respond? And that is why it's a stalking charge. So his response to this, by the way, um, if I can hopefully find this the next few posts.
This Ethan Ralph says, holy shit, they put a felony on Riley and Riley replies saying that can't stop me. So his public announcement to this information was that the law is unable to inhibit him and how he's going to harass Eric July. So therefore, if you are the district attorney, you have no reason to give this guy any benefit of a doubt whatsoever. You basically just confess that you can try to prevent me from harassing Eric July. I'm going to continue no matter what. Because he's a retard and I will remind you that Eric July or Riley is a literally a partner of Dick Masterson he was on Dick's payroll. I don't know if he got paid in cash or cocaine or what and
But I have a feeling, and again, my balls are completely unrestricted. I have never placed my balls into a vice. I have never thrust my balls into a woman's asshole, or any other hole for all that matters. And so I may not have the experience required to make a sound judgment on this matter. However...
Unknown_15: I believe that if Riley, who is a literal associate of Dick, and I think in a business sense, were to cop a charge for fucking with Eric July,
That would seriously bolster a lawsuit with Dick if it was taken to the Civil Court, because then you could just say, this guy was friends with Dick, he had worked with Dick on the show that Dick was using to facilitate this disruption of my business, and I have full reason to believe that they acted in concert via conspiracy to do whatever he's going to sue for.
Unknown_15: The question remains in my mind, and I don't have a good answer for this, is if it's worth suing Dick. Because he's basically bankrolled. He makes enough money, assuming that his numbers are accurate and are not false, to afford a lawsuit for fun.
Unknown_15: And the attention may actually... He definitely made money with the Maddox lawsuit.
Unknown_15: Which is why it's all the more insulting that he didn't try to help Asterios Kokonos or any of those other people. And then he was left wondering why nobody wants to associate with him anymore and why all the biggest problem in the universe people who came over to the dick show laughed after the lawsuit.
It's because he left them out to dry. So it remains to be seen if suing him would be a good idea. It would only be a really good idea if it was actually causing some kind of damage that could be repaired with a lawsuit. If it's just like...
Unknown_15: you know, a dignity thing or being technically right, if you're technically right to sue somebody, it's probably not a good idea to sue Dick because he's just going to make money off of it. It would bring more attention to him. However, if it was like actual damages are inflicted and are being incurred because of him, then it would be worth it. But regardless, Riley getting charged is definitely going to help, I think, in a civil case. Not that I would know. I don't know if there's like a thing.
it has to it would have to help I imagine but yeah that's the dick update he talked some shit I'm not going to reply to it because he really he even said after the at some point in the episode there's a clip where he's like oh man I was getting a beef with Noel and then the war started and that's gone it's like okay
I don't know why he wants to have a back and forth. I guess he knows that I'll never talk to him again, so he wants to have a back and forth between podcasts. That's not going to happen either. I know what I'm doing, boyo. I know when someone wants my attention. I have to be careful. I have to be tactical. I have to make sure to only make fun of things that he's not proud of.
Unknown_15: I had asked someone to make a video for me, and they did make a video. The video was made by somebody who appears to be a WWE fan, so that means that they have WWE-related brain injuries. So let me explain the format. There is a two-minute long intro to this video, and then after it, he begins to play two clips simultaneously.
And when one runs out, the other one starts losing percentages, but it will stay 50-50 the entire time.
Unknown_15: Just to kind of explain what's going to happen, because the format's a bit weird, and it's not well explained within the video itself.
Unknown_05: So here you go.
Someone has to take one of his streams.
Unknown_15: Here's my homework assignment for anyone willing to do it. Pick a random recent Rakeda video and scan through it and start timestamping any time that he has a wine or one of his whiskey glasses in hand, any kind of alcoholic beverage that's in a ready position visible on camera. Timestamp that segment and then give me a rough estimate of how much of his screen time is done with alcohol in hand.
Unknown_05: I bet you it's close to half, like 50% of the time.
Tonight, we are going to witness the most anticipated match in the history of professional wrestling.
Unknown_15: I'm afraid that this clip, like this WWE clip, will get everything DMCA'd. It's because WWE shit is always DMCA'd more than anything else.
Unknown_04: Test your might. Test your might.
I bet you it's like close to half, like 50% of the time. Vindicated. 45 to 55. Closest I can get within a margin of human error. Literally half the time for seven hours. He has a glass of alcohol near his lips, ready to go at a moment's notice. The second he gets a little bit thirsty, he just leans over and goes...
Unknown_15: And then he's topped back up. He's ready to go for a couple more minutes. Let's just always hang in there. It almost never puts it down.
Unknown_15: Better margin of error than most polls, exactly. Ah, jeez. I should have thanked the person who actually made that instead of just playing this clip. I feel like a dickhead now. Let me actually... I need to do a shoutout. I need to learn how to appreciate. Be grateful. Appreciate. Oh, it's Spaded Dave on the forum. Put this together. He has a Russell Greer avatar, I think. No.
I think that guy that is on his avatar would be very upset that I compared him to Russell Greer.
Unknown_15: Anyways, it was a spated day.
Also, chat.
Unknown_15: I have a Bossman Jack content. Of course I do.
Unknown_15: Someone made a nice little edit of Bossman Jack playing a minesweeper game. The way that it works is that there's a couple mines on the map. You bet your money. And then every time you click it and don't hit a mine, your bet goes up. So it's like you have to click like three without hitting a mine before you make your money back. And then after that, it goes up and up and up with just a little bit of house edge. But if you do hit a mine, then you lose everything. So that's the gist of it. Here we go.
guys let's do a little gambling i'm only gonna run it down to a grand oh the juice box i don't know the mutt the mutt stole the juice oh so much juice so much juice stop clicking stop clicking ah mud mudded
Unknown_18: You know what? Let's do a few hundreds. Let's do two 100s. Oh my god. Here we go. Oh!
Oh my god.
Unknown_15: You know what?
Unknown_18: One more and that's it. I swear to god this is my last one. Ready?
Unknown_15: He's doing $100 minesweepers.
Unknown_15: And the mutt is just drinking that juice up. Yeah, the icons are ending, but there he is now.
Unknown_04: Wow, dude, I'm such an idiot, dude.
Unknown_03: He's now down to 500 from 1,000. He's already lost half his money. Oh, my God. I am so done. Peek-a-boo.
Unknown_18: Here comes the puppy.
Oh my fucking god, dude. No, dude. Oh my god. Bro, are you fucking kidding me? How did this happen out of nowhere?
Unknown_18: No, fuck you, dude.
Unknown_15: Slavs.
Unknown_15: He's not, it's not drooling.
Unknown_18: What is going on? Just cash out. It won't do anything.
Unknown_15: He's not enough money. He's under a hundred.
Unknown_15: Literally he can press the cash out button at any time. Like in this one, um, he's up to six, not even, that's like $800. He could press cash out and get $500 right there and said, uh, he clicked the puppy. You know, I'm supposed to click the puppy.
I just lost over a thousand dollars.
Unknown_15: It's always great. His streams all in the same way. Well, there's like a couple of different endings. He has like the soft ending where he's like, he doesn't want to stop gambling. So he like cuts the screen off. Like he does like this. Hold on.
He goes, I guess that's it, guys. Thanks for coming out. I just can't believe that. I'm just sick to my stomach, guys. I just lost everything. And he just leaves it on.
Unknown_15: Usually, okay, here's his favorite thing to do, right? Okay, we're still in sad Boss Man Jack thing. I'm going to put the chat back on because the chat's the most important thing, right? And then Josh gave this man a career. Yes, I did.
Unknown_15: Here, I'm gonna introduce you to something. This is kinda related to the war in Israel, so it's topical. I'm gonna introduce you to something horrific that I can thank Bossman Jack for.
I don't know what the name of the song is.
Unknown_15: Okay, okay, it's called Special K.
Unknown_15: This guy is a rapper chap. His name is blp kosher You might think that sounds jewish, but he's a rapper. Yes, actually same as blp jewish. He's a uh Jewish rapper he sings about being jewish. He I think he Had dreadlocks and he knots his hair his dreads with dreidels um, and here's a special song that he has
That boss man Jack really loves to play. Let's take a listen to them. BLP Kosher, Special K.
Unknown_15: This is dumb as a joke.
Unknown_01: There's a lyric. Wait, wait.
I'm waiting for a specific lyric. It's getting instant replay.
Unknown_01: And i'm forever smoking nazis i'ma pass the blunt to anne frank the same ones who switch the ones who say watch who's around you So open up i'm making it out of the sewer since that's what clowns do.
Unknown_15: So here I am trying to enjoy my boss man jack content Fuck guys.
Unknown_16: I hate my life. Fuck my dad. I can't believe I just lost a thousand dollars like that man Just down the drain. Just it's just eating man. It's just eating so overdue. It's fucking bullshit I think there was magnets and none of y'all would lift a pinky finger to help me and then in the background I was like Here's here's here's the the josh moon trying to enjoy his fucking night simulator.
You ready? Are you? What are you doing?
Unknown_16: I'm so sick of this, man. I'm not going to make it anymore, man. I just can't do this anymore. I want to stop, man. I just hate it. I don't think I'll be around in a month, man.
It completely ruins it. Take out the Jewish rap song. Remove it. It's ruining my kino. It's ruining my kino. I demand that MC, BLP Kosher, be deployed. Listen, I didn't take a stance on Hamas before.
Unknown_15: If something were to happen to BLP Kosher, I might be more sympathetic to the Palestinian plight. I don't know how to place that nicely. I'm so sick of hearing this fucking song. He plays it over and over. Here's the other song that he plays, by the way. Hold on, let me find it.
This is another one that plays constantly.
Unknown_10: Everybody put three fingers in the air.
Unknown_02: The sky's falling, the wind is calling. Stand for something or die in the morning. Section 80, high power.
Unknown_15: All day, every day.
Unknown_15: The high power.
There's a lyric in this one that's like, we're going to build our own pyramids, write our own hieroglyphs. It's like, okay, whatever. Make your own fucking hieroglyphs. I don't give a shit.
Unknown_15: It's awful. The LP Kosher, the high power song fucking sucks.
Unknown_15: Um, okay, let's talk a little bit more, a little bit more about Bossman Jack. Now that I've played some wholesome big chungus BLP kosher, I would like to listen a little bit more to the, uh, this is 14 minutes. I'm going to skim through it because you don't need to see the whole thing to get the joke. You ready?
Unknown_18: I need a seven in the chat if you guys can hear me. A number seven in the chat if you guys can hear me.
Oh my fucking god. You're not gonna believe what just happened to me, boys.
Unknown_18: I got my reload, right? My dumbass said, I'm gonna do a few little gambles before I go live. This was the best decision I have ever made in my goddamn life. I just won fat. I just won fat fat. I just won fat, fat, fat. I mean, dude. All right, guys, listen. No, not that much money, but a lot of money. Listen, guys, listen, guys. You guys know the $5 Eagle Spins on Dencho? You know those ones, the $5 Eagle Spins?
Are you guys ready to see what I just won? I did a $30 one of those. One of those $30 eagles. Are you guys ready for this? Are you guys ready for this? I don't think you're ready for this. I don't think you're ready for this. I just did a $30 spin on Dencho. Let's see what happened.
Unknown_18: Oh my god. Oh my god. Just you wait. Just you wait.
Unknown_17: Just you wait. Just you fucking wait. Just you fucking wait. Oh my fucking god.
Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my gosh. Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap. Look at those multis. Oh my god, dude. I can't believe it. Oh my fucking god. Look at that balance. Oh my fucking god. Look at that balance. $30 spin. I mean, I just caked it in, dude.
Unknown_18: I just caked it in. Oh my fucking god, dude.
Unknown_18: Oh my fucking god, dude. Oh my fucking god. Let me get a screenshot of that.
he um he replays his win over and over again and there's a running joke that when he gets out of if he ever makes it really big and gets like tens of thousands of dollars off of slot machines i'm sure he's gonna buy a honda civic and move out so when this was happening in real time i went over to bing and i made an image like this of boss man jack in his driveway like he hit it big on the slot and chance is just sending him a honda civic like parachuting it into its driveway And he's out there like, yes, I finally made it. We finally made it, chat.
Hold up, there's another funny aspect to this.
Unknown_15: I'll let it play on for a bit. My fucking god.
Unknown_18: I'm gonna do a giveaway for the Discord. I'm debt-free now. I'm fucking chilling. I'm fucking debt-free now. I have money of my own. Everyone respond to this message. Oh, react. React to this message.
Unknown_18: Holy fuck, I'm fucking skeeting! Everyone react to this message with a... I can't believe that just happened to me. With a dollar bill for a chance to win 20 bucks.
Alright. Respond to that image with a dollar. Let's fucking get a $20 giveaway in my Discord.
Unknown_18: Woo! Holy shit, dude.
Unknown_18: Bro.
Unknown_18: Oh my fucking god.
Unknown_15: Alright, one sec, one sec.
Unknown_18: Oh my fucking god, I can't believe I just have him, bro.
Unknown_18: Alright guys, let's do a little gambling. I'm only gonna run it down to a grand. Then I'm withdrawing and paying debt and all this other shit I gotta do. Alright guys?
Okay, so he's only gonna run it down to a grand. He's at $1,300 as he's established. Now, there's a really funny thing. That is funny to nobody except me because I have a juvenile sense of humor and i'm also in the merrimut but this is the logo of His new because he got banned from stake for playing in other casinos. This is his new uh, uh sponsor it's called chanced and there's something about This logo chat, which is funny to me. I, I don't want to speak evil into the world, but, um, when it happens, when he starts losing his money, I can't help. I just can't help my America. Of, uh, going into chat and let me do it in rumble chat. So you can see what I mean and doing this as he's losing because it is, it, uh, it's humorous to me. That's what matters.
Let's do another 30 piece. Right here, Ross. Look what I just won on a $30 spin. This was a $30 spin. Look what just hit. Yeah. 1.173K. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Unknown_18: Oh, my fucking god. That just happened.
Oh, my god. All right. Let's do another 30.
Unknown_15: He's only gonna run it down to a thousand cuz he's a debt-free, you know, he's out of debt now He made all that money. You're gonna withdraw obviously just do a couple spins, you know Just in case the luck is still flowing. You don't want to cut you always walk away while the tables hot, right? That would be ridiculous under gambler's law, which means that when the table's hot, you sit at the table until it goes cold, right? So he's doing 30s. Sure, whatever. It goes up and down over that 1,300. He's only going to run it down to 1,000. And then it gets to...
goes up and down it goes on so far in the seven minutes into this clip he's he's almost back up to where he came from uh and now he's look at this 100 spins is there like a part where he starts doing 100 spins that i can play here we go right here oh my god huge done here we go see one more hundred just one more dollar spins guys hundred dollar spins one more hundred dollars here we go please
Oh! Owls are in!
Unknown_15: Owls are in! Okay, so there's a thing. I want to mute this and show you this real quick. I'll just play back that one spin.
Unknown_15: So here it comes. He's going to do another 100.
Unknown_15: Now, you see these fish? They blink. Why do they blink? Because when you get three of them, you are put into a feature. And a feature is like 10 free spins for three fish. If you get like five, it goes up to like 20 fish or something. Or 20 free spins. So it's like the same. Like right now, if he were to get a feature... with a hundred dollar spins that would effectively be like spending a thousand dollars worth of spins so it's a really good thing you get a feature you get 10 free spins and if you're doing really high rolls uh you you stand to make a lot of money especially because the features usually have like a thing that recurs between the the rolls so you can hit something that will stay with it for the remainder of the free spins and that can add up to a lot so that's that's what he really wants is the the features
There's a thing someone explained this in the chat on the forum that when you almost win, apparently the dopamine high that you get from almost winning is higher than when you actually land. So the reason why the fish blink is because they're letting him know that it's a near miss. Listen to how he responds to the near miss.
Unknown_15: Or if I didn't need it.
Unknown_15: He's like, he's hyped. He sees it. And it's like, he's like, Oh my God. He thinks it might hit. And it's like, they've like literally sank their fingers into the gray matter and like squishing around inside his figuratively squishing his brain around with their fingers. Because they got him. They have studied this, and they know what to do to fuck with him and get him on the hook, wiggle him around.
So everything that's happening on these games obviously is extremely well-coordinated. But even little stuff like that, they put the money in to prove that the gambling addict will value a near-miss and just assume that the table is getting close to being hot and they should just keep going. So that's what happens. He sees these near-misses. And he will continue to spend $100 spins. So now I'll skip ahead. He's hanging in there. $1,001. Get $72. Go right down.
Now he's at $900. There's only five minutes left. So the entire thing, he's been going back and forth right around the $1,000 to $1,300.
Unknown_15: And he's completely hooked. One loss after the other.
Unknown_15: After he gets down to $500, he drops it to $50 spins. Now it's down to $200. This is $100. He's still doing $50 spins. Let's hear it out for the last minute.
Unknown_18: Consistently, when I went one live, bro.
Unknown_18: Oh, my God, dude.
Bro, I am fucking sick to my stomach right now.
Unknown_18: Oh, my God. I am so done.
Unknown_15: He's so done, Chad.
Unknown_18: Dude, no way I just lost over $1,000, dude.
Unknown_18: Bro, I cannot believe this, dude. I know I was, dude. I want to die right now, to be honest with you.
Unknown_04: Bro, I just can't hit anymore.
Unknown_18: I just won't hit. It won't hit nothing. It won't do anything. It just sits there and does nothing. Bro. I just lost over $1,000.
And that's how the stream ends. He literally, he says, I just lost over $1,000. And then he clicks the OBS button to kill the stream. And that's it. He's over. He's done playing. No Honda Civic, no debt-free. And what's really fucked up is that whenever he wins big like that,
Unknown_15: he calls up like his drug dealer. He calls up all the people he owes money to. And he tells them, I got your money. And then he immediately gambles it away, immediately throws it away. And there's, if he's remains on stream, he has to actually call up all those people again and be like, no, I got you tomorrow, bro. I ain't got it anymore. He has to let them know that he lost the money. He just promised them.
Unknown_15: I know some people don't like the Bossman Jack. I'm sorry, but I find the psychology of the Bossman Jack to be hilarious. I know that it's sad that he's a gambler, but he's also a huge piece of shit. So I don't feel too bad for him. I don't know. I get that it hits too close to home for a lot of people. I wouldn't blame you. But for me, it's a breath of fresh air, chat. It's a breath of fresh air.
Unknown_05: that's the bossman jack stuff I think that might have something else hold up hold up I think oh I do have one more little itty bitty thing for everybody um this is a reddit story and I'll round this out with some nice reddit content and we'll go to the super chats
Corpus Eni four years ago Post I was 22 years old when I found out that not every family has a poop knife I was 22 years old when I learned that not every family has a poop knife. My family poops big. Maybe it's genetic, maybe it's our diet, but everyone births giant logs of crap. If anyone has laid a mega poop, you know that sometimes it won't flush. It lays across the hole in the bottom of the bowl, and the vortex of draining water merely gives it a spin as it mocks you.
Unknown_15: Growing up, this was a common enough occurrence that our family had a poop knife. It was an old, rusty kitchen knife that hung on the nail in the laundry room, only to be used for that purpose. It was normal to walk through the hallway and have someone call out, hey, can you get me the poop knife? I thought it was a standard kit. You have your plunger, your toilet brush, and your poop knife. Fast forward to 22. It's been a day or two between poops and I'm over at my friend's house. My friend was the local dealer and always had guests over because you can't buy weed without sitting on your ass and sampling it for an hour. I excuse myself and lay a gigantic turd.
I look down and see that it's a sideways one, so I crack the door and call out for my friend. He arrives, and I ask him for his poop knife.
My what? The dealer says. Your poop knife, I say. I need to use it. Please. What the fuck is a poop knife? Obviously, he has one, but maybe he calls it by a more delicate name. A fecal cleaver. A dung divider. A guano glaive. I explain what it is and why I want it. He starts giggling. And then laughing. And then lots of people start laughing. It turns out the music stopped and everyone heard my pleas to the door. It also turns out that none of them had a poop knife. It was just my fucked up family and their fucked up pals. I told this to my wife last night, who was amused and horrified at the same time. It turns out that she did not know what a poop knife was and had been using the old rusty knife hanging in the utility closet as a basic utility knife. Thankfully, she didn't cook with it, but she did use it to open Amazon boxes. She will be getting her own utility knife now.
The common question is that why was this not in the bathroom, but instead the laundry room? The answer, we only had one poop knife and the laundry room was central to all three bathrooms. I have no idea why we didn't have three poop knives. All I know is that we didn't. We had one. Possibly because my father was notoriously cheap about the weirdest things. So yes, we shared our poop knife.
This was a post on Reddit. I hope you have enjoyed.
Unknown_15: Okay, stream progressing into the Superberry segment. I hope you guys have enjoyed today's Mad at the Internet merchandise on Friday. Special stream, special, special stream on Friday. Do not be late. I will not have a nice lead-in period. If you miss it, you miss it.
all righty let's go to ramul and inshallah now let me sit on your face josh for five says birthday was last thursday second year of requesting a birthday card that would make my heart ever so happy birthday card i don't do birthday cards i have to mail it to you then you would use that to like find me and sit on my face not sure if i can do that buddy Happy birthday, though. Vymosis for 20 says, President Cornpop has promised unlimited missiles for Israel today. Buy calls on RTX. Yalla.
Unknown_05: Okay, let's see.
Unknown_05: Um...
Unknown_04: oh i thought this was going to be like a news article or something it's just a song yeah i mean if he's promising uh uh free missiles to israel i mean obviously we all saw that coming but that's uh bye bye bye house of pleasure i can see why people use these even though they're very annoying to the audience i'm sure um
What's a legit website to buy silver in the U.S.? Everything seems overpriced or is a scam. I don't know about the U.S. I've only bought from European outlets.
Unknown_15: However, there is a list on the and this is where I got it. So you should do your own research or maybe ask on the forum. But there is a thread on biz called PMG and they have a resource guide for places to buy it. I haven't looked at that in a very long time. So they could be terrible. I don't know do your own research or I would have just asked the forum That was you I only buy gold with crypto. So Where's bun bun for five says friendship ended with Ukraine Israel is my best friend. No, that's I forgot to mention that how much How much we're not going to hear about Ukraine now that Israel our better friend is uh is in trouble or more Jewish friend is in trouble. I
Gormless Wonder for one says, really appreciate the effort you put into the Jim Cramer segment. Amazing speech. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown_15: Well, it's somewhere. It's here somewhere. Aha. I'm so giddy, like a little retard every time I get to press the button.
Roxanne Will for 20 says, Bark Bark, here's the journal skelly you missed on Friday.
Unknown_15: Thank you for doing this, Needful.
Unknown_05: All right, let's take a look at this.
Unknown_05: Is there, like, music to this? No?
Unknown_15: This is just like an... Okay, fine. I'll put this on screen. This apparently is a journalist. Oh, no, it doesn't work. Sorry.
Unknown_15: I'll just do the video, then. Does this work? Yeah, there we go. There it is. There's the journalist, Skelly, everybody. There he is. Having a good old time.
Thank you. It didn't show up on the screen. Fuck it. I'll just throw it over. Thank you. I'll loop...
Unknown_15: Supreme Supreme me for five or a super meme for five says I bought a Hadrian era silver denarius to celebrate the war in Israel. It's the oldest silver coin you own Josh The oldest silver coin I own One sec
It's on the second tier of my box.
Unknown_05: Hold on, me shaking it was a bad idea. Now all my rice books are out of place.
Unknown_14: I think it's, oh no, it's gonna be one of these.
Unknown_14: Let's see, that is 1913. This is 1909 I don't have very old ones I'm sorry 1900 1907 I think this might be it 1876 Wilhelm Deutscher Kaiser König Prussian it's a Prussian um 1876 from Prussia
There you go, my boy. That's my oldest.
Unknown_15: I can't get much older than that because the premiums start going way up just for the historical value. And I try to just buy coins for the silver, not for the actual value of the historical value, rather.
Unknown_15: Okay.
Unknown_15: Someone asked me a question about silver. I can't say no to those questions.
Unknown_15: Uh, D bugs for five says, did you hear about that guy who drove into New Jersey police department while playing welcome to the jungle? I did hear about that, but that was the entire story. So I didn't bring you up on stream.
I do have a Morgan. I do have a Morgan. I have a Morgan. I have a, um, I already put my box away, but it's like, uh, it's pretty old. I don't, I don't think it's 1800 old though.
Unknown_15: casting couch crab for 10 says i worked for hamas once we prided ourselves on our ability to neutralize targets for no strategic value i downed five weather balloons and 20 dry bird baths didn't escape my holy guns either congratulations i'm glad i put that in the video or something i don't know what you're referring to but congratulations on your your training
haramberger for my says remember when blizzcon tickets would sell out within minutes they're released three waves of tickets since july 8 blizzcon 2023 is still not sold out scalper is unable to unload at one half price it's so over bros that's fucking base i hope blizzard completely and totally collapses um holy how for two dollars says i hope you're
Unknown_15: I hope you're doing well. As always, Josh, you are my nibba always. Thank you. I am doing very, very, very well. I feel great today. I don't know why. I think I started taking my vitamin D again. I was in a fog for a while, and then I thought, you know, I haven't taken my vitamins in a while, and I started taking vitamin D every day again, and I feel great. I think it really is just important. I don't go out a lot during the sunlight hours because that sucks, so I just have to supplement that with vitamin D.
Unknown_15: Twinkle Tard for $100. It says, I'd never don an anime avatar, sir. Well, that's why you are my favorite super chatter, because you do not have an anime avatar, and you don't ask me weird, cringe questions. Speaking of which, Rabies the Redneck for two says, Hi, Jahua, baby boy. Daddy is high. Mama is giving him the cold shoulder. Hey, Joshua, come sit in my lap, baby boy. No, thank you. But thank you. Rabies right now for five says, I'm a Jew to test her, but pray for my friend Leo paid one who's an IDF radio operator. Even Jewish shark fuckers can be good people and one day become base Christian dog fuckers.
That's really cringe, my dude. Good luck with that. I'm going to do for one says, imagine unironically saying alt-right in the current year. Yeah, the alt-right is kind of like a dead concept. It was successfully smeared.
It doesn't really mean anything anymore.
Unknown_15: All else fails for five says trip. Thank you, my dude. With that $5, I can replace a nine volt battery. Debugs for one says Carabao is a dumbass spic. Why wouldn't use there are many when it comes to someone like Carabao, I would never be racist because being a beaner is like the least the least bad thing about them. The bugs for five says something wholesome made with being AI. And then there is a Kiwi Farms link. Let's check that out. You know, those are very suspicious.
Let's do this on download. Oh, it can do a Pepe?
Unknown_05: Oh, that's nice.
Unknown_15: He's driving a Volvo. I can't believe Pepe got enough money to get a convertible Volvo. Good on him. Good on him.
Unknown_15: By the way, chat, spam what your dream car would be. And it doesn't have to be like a Rolls Royce or whatever. If I had the money, I'd probably get like a Porsche Crossfire or Porsche Crossfire if you're a Euro mutt. Debugs for one says stalker child. Riley, you will be caught. Enjoy stalker child. Riley, you will be caught. Enjoy prison stalker. Thank you. rabies running for one says a ten dollar super chat okay four is fine but five is too far what do you mean a three dollar super jet two whole dollars you kill me okay one dollar no more but you need to pay me back with interest boy they go away thank you rabies you need to save that money for mdma uh mario carter 13 for five says plot test uh is that not a volvo it's an audi right which one's the one with the hoops it's an audi Yeah, an Audi. Mario Carter 13 for Fox says plot twist. Juju the cow started the Eric July drama because he knew J.F. was going to kill his wife and wanted to give him enough time to destroy the evidence before the sector noticed she was missing.
I mean, the sector didn't notice that she was missing. Her fucking pediatric doctor did. It wasn't the sector.
Unknown_15: Hyper Ninja 4, or it's Hyper Ninja with numbers for letters, says, for $10, 10 on 10 out of 10. Thank you, I appreciate it.
Unknown_15: Glad that my stream was a 10 out of 10. GormlessWonder for one says, loving your AI gens. Finally, someone who appreciates fine art, like my pitbull.
Listen, the AI is a subtle joke because they eat children, but in the various circumstances I put them in, they're eating children in a roundabout anthropomorphic way, which is still funny.
Unknown_15: It told me to knockers for 20 says, forget me, not frog. Get me not wanted to donate. So you use more of that soundboard, but could not. Thanks for the stream. You want me to use the soundboard? What should I, what should I use for that?
All aboard.
Unknown_15: There we go. That's when I didn't use anywhere. So I managed to hit every single button on the thing, except for, uh, all aboard. And now, now it's complete. I did a whole, whole circuit.
Unknown_15: Uh, Tia Goto Shimi for one says, nice show.
Unknown_14: Thank you. Appreciate it.
Unknown_15: Space alien for 20 says, enjoy the stream as always. And the t-shirt hoodie design looks great. I'm glad you think so. Um, I didn't, one of the few designs that I didn't AB test with the community before launching, I knew exactly what I wanted and then the guy died. So I had to get somebody else to finish it for me.
So I was kind of nervous about the whole process.
Unknown_15: Um, they might do for one says is JF even part of the sector. I haven't paid attention to JFC left or ski wife Well, I mean he's not really in the sector anymore after he left or ski live live and just sort of doing his own thing But yeah because of his association with Andy Worsky, he'll always be like fair game for people in the sector so to speak Okay, let me open this up one
The other thing... Oh, I accidentally turned off the background instead of what I was trying to turn off. Great.
Unknown_15: Okay, LibreWolf or whatever is trying its best to open... Okay, it works.
Unknown_15: Lacunae, for one, says, Vito sucks dick for cock. You'd suck dick for a lot less than cock.
Unknown_15: Thank you. Common filth... Wait, no, I'm reading in the middle of the things. Uh, Lucani for one says TDD, TJD, TND, TKD. And again for one says TDD, TJD, TND, TKD. I have no idea what that means. I'm going to assume only good things. Thank you. Anime sucks, cope and sneed for five says, Josh, what do you think of this as the next bumper sticker? I am not putting this on the screen. It appears to be a very, very fat dragon eating a whole pizza while in a car farting noxious green fumes. And she has next to her a pizza that is still in the cardboard. So she has a second pizza on standby. I would say that's a bad bumper sticker. Thank you. Anime copes and sneed for five says pizza day.
It's another 4chan poll link. I don't know why. Oh, no, these are on O. So these are on the auto board. This guy is posting pictures of a dragon farting on the O board, and they're just there, and he's sending me the hot links. This is another fat dragon. She's even fatter, and she's again eating two pizzas as before. Thank you. Anime sucks. Cope and Sneed for five says pizza day, and there's another link to 4chan's exact same image. So he spent $10 on that image. I will read it again.
Unknown_15: Um, she her actually I just noticed that her belly button looks like it's exploding outwards. It's really gross. Um It's pretty fucking vile And then anime sucks copen's need for another five dollars sends the exact same fucking image with the message pizza day again And it's the same fucking goddamn dragon farting and eating pizza and i'm really confused but that's twenty dollars in total for me to look at furry fart porn and I don't know who's the who's losing out on this exchange
pastor Troy for 20 says hey Josh here is something you might enjoy if you listen carefully you can hear the apex predator stalk its prey okay it's a link to a YouTube video and it's in the middle of the like 30 seconds I'll put this on
I was thinking, I was like, what could the punchline possibly be to this?
Unknown_15: Is there going to be like a smoke detector in the video? And then as soon as...
Unknown_15: As soon as I thought that, I heard the chirp. It was very perfect timing in my brain.
Unknown_15: Not so funny on the stream, I guess, because the joke was entirely within my head, but it didn't make me laugh. Thank you.
Unknown_15: Neighbor for five says, most esteemed, inveterable Kiwi Daimo. Is it possible to send you parcels at the moment? I have an urgent need to send you one. I promise that it's not baked goods made with hair and bodily fluid. Um, if you want to try to send something to the PO box, you can when that's on the site. However, if it's not like something that can be safely sent to me, um, it will be destroyed horrifically.
Uh, like if it's silver or something, who wants to send me mercury dimes and say, okay. Um, so we're going to just try to set up a process for sending me shit. Now you want to be one of the Guinea pigs to test it, go for it.
Unknown_15: The president of Nintendo for five says, I've had my fun making retarded super chats on your stream. This will be my last one. I have converted my life savings into cryptocurrency. You'll be donating to the website to steal all your content from.
Unknown_15: My favorite YouTuber, Boogie, recommended storage and transaction denied insufficient funds. Yeah, he picked really weird coins to go into, and I'm assuming that his friend was, like, a fucking idiot that, like, read biz. Like, oh, my God, I love the anime girl that they use for their threads. I'm going to give them all my money. What if I advertise storage to my friends and they put their money into it? My money will be worth more money. So then he got Boogie into it, and Boogie's a fat reader. I was like, oh, I love the anime. Today's on this biz thread. I'll be putting all my life savings into this and making money with it. Like, he would have been better off just, like,
doing literally anything else even with bitcoin he wouldn't have lost as much and it will definitely go back up
Hacks lead for 10 says care to explain why there's a folder filled with anime pictures in the public kiwi farms directory um, that was a I so one of the April fools jokes I did one year was changing everyone's avatar to an anime avatar And I searched very hard and found an online repository of anime avatars and um So I downloaded like 20,000 of them into it's like public junk. And then it's like eight different directories that says don't open dead inside or something. And then it's like 10,000 anime pictures. And then there's a, the one, the way that it works is that there was like 20,000 images and then did a modulus on your user ID. So it would be like, for instance, for me, it was one modulus, the number, which of course is just one. And the first image was like a little girl, um, So I had to hard-code it, and there's another image in there that's like one underscore null doesn't want to be a lolly dot jpeg. And that was my avatar. It was a different one. It was like hard-coded to be something like that was an actual reference to me or something.
That was one of the best April Fool's jokes I ever did. And what was doubly funny was that a bunch of people freaked out and sent me emails that were like, someone hacked my account and changed my avatar to an anime. Okay.
Unknown_15: I got like legit like like like several dozen emails of people panicking thinking their account had been compromised And then I got talked to says I was like someone changed my avatar and I can't change it back Very funny Um
okay um anime sucks cope and sneed says pizza day for five and sends me a third this is a different one of a gigantic dragon girl eating pizza and farting in a car um she has pink hair this time i don't know if the other ones had pink hair let me check actually i'm kind of curious now for some reason
Unknown_15: Okay, they always have pink hair. That's part of the fetish. Because the dragon has like pink eyes and pink hair. And she's like super morbidly obese and eating pizza.
Unknown_15: And then...
Unknown_15: Anime Sucks Copen Sneed for $5 again. So this is $25, actually $30 in total. It's a fourth image? And this is also... Actually, this is the first one. So he sent me the first one again, but it has a different link. It's the exact same image, I'm pretty sure.
So if you are on 4chan's auto board right now and browsing around there appears to be a non zero percent chance that you will find fat Furry dragons eating pizzas and this person is paying to send them to me and I do not know why But um, I'm saving up so I appreciate it Necro familiar for five says time for a ninth crusade Fuck I don't care about Israel You want to go crusade for israel? Go for it. I don't know. Fuck So i pop a sand for one says cock bird joke. I have no idea what that means A liver for five directly within odyssey It sends me a picture of crabs raving on the beach as uh
Unknown_15: It appears people are parachuting into Israel. I can only assume what esoteric meaning this wonderful image has, but it's very good. Thank you, my dude.
um and a liver for five again oh this one's cute uh sends me a another image this one is of snoopy and he's parachuting in with a little motor motorbike and he's got a palestinian flag and he's got a palestinian parachute well this one is perfectly wholesome and cute there's nothing there's nothing bad about this at all thank you my boy
Unknown_15: And 11for5 also sends me a hamster.
This one I think, no, this one was not in, oh, this one was generated based on what I was talking about on the stream. So this is like, okay, the hamster has matty.live on the desk, and he's reading like a portfolio that says Locks Need Martin, and he is doing some heckin' mad money right there. Hold up, where's my button?
Unknown_05: Um...
Unknown_05: I need one. What's a good one? Listen. Yeah. That's spooky.
Why does he have such a spooky ghost button on his desk? Why does Kramer need that for? That's very cute, though. There's lots of hamsters that people have been making, and they're all very cute. Appreciate it.
Unknown_15: Ogre Magi for 10 says, Hey, Josh, I'm glad you enjoyed building the Realm clip on Friday. Here's one that's a little bit longer, but I think it's worth a watch, especially considering... This is seven minutes, bro. I'll listen to, like, a minute of it if it's good, okay? This is rebuilding the Realm. He's a kick streamer. He is...
Unknown_15: He almost got onto Cozy, but he said that Nick Fuentes was like a little homosexual twink boy, so Nick Fuentes has like disassociated with him. He's kind of like a, I don't know, he's kind of like a bass boomer, I guess. He kind of feels like a younger person, an older body.
Don't give away too many freebies.
Unknown_07: You know, or maybe I'll just give the people what they really want. You know, the normies just want to be talked to and directed by Jews. And I'll just say.
Unknown_07: Goyim! Goyim! It's me! It's building the realm Shekelstein! You need to support building the realm and give all your shekels to the realm! You know? You need to give all your shekels to the realm right now! Because the realm needs to build so that way... We won't, us Jews won't have to deal with you anymore. The less of you goyim there are, the more room for us Jews there are. And so you need to make room for the Jew. So please go to the realm. Help the realm build up and go away. And so we can have the rest of America. It's ours anyway. We already own all the senators and the congressmen. We already own all of Wall Street in Washington. So why don't you guys just go to the realm and just let us have the rest of America. Okay, goyim? That's what you want to do anyway. Hey, you don't want to be around us? We don't want to be around you. We'll just take the shabogoy. You know, the shabogoy who want to serve us and be our slaves. You know, and they can work for us in the restaurants and the kibbutzes. You know, they can work in the delis. You know, and the rest of you goyim who don't want to be around us, you can go to the realm. You know, hey, unless you need an abortion. I mean, you might get pregnant in the realm. You might need an abortion. Do you need an abortion, Goy? Come on. Come to Building the Realm, Shecklestein's abortion clinic. Hey, we're giving five abortions for the price of four. That's right. You buy four abortions. The fifth one is three. You can fuck the whole NBA team. You can fuck Kyrie Irving and LeBron James and all the other niggers and get pregnant and then we'll abort all the babies for you. Isn't that great, Goy? You know, you can... I love that he went directly to buy four, get the fifth free, so that it's not even like a deal.
That's pretty good. It's building the realm. Someone linked him. He's on kick. I don't know where else he would go.
Unknown_15: They'll ban him eventually because that's a little bit too spicy for kick, I think.
Unknown_05: Thank you.
Unknown_05: Um, Reckon Becker for 10 says, thanks for being based and cool.
Unknown_15: Thank you. I appreciate it. And Ricker Becker for 10 says, thanks for being based and cool. Thank you. I really appreciate it. I don't know if Odyssey like deliberately double charges like this frequently. I feel kind of bad because people are definitely getting like double charged. I don't want to like steal people's money or anything. I do appreciate it, though. Kelly Uga Ryder for 250 says, Hey, Josh, I don't understand why you have been so defensive of Jews when you were aware of the grasp they hold our society in. Hamas could do anything to Israelis, and I would still support them. Jews ruin our society much more than Muslims. Muslims are puppets. They are the masters.
Um, I don't know. I've always maintained that like grandma and grandpa that are like living out in Israel and are kind of like poor because Israel is not really a super wealthy country, especially outside the city. I don't think that they control anything. I don't think that the old people who go to synagogue are the ones who are the ones like George Soros.
When that guy shut up that synagogue in New York, I don't think that accomplishes anything either. There's definitely people who are more valuable assets to global elite society and structure than random thoughts at music festivals and shit.
Unknown_15: uh so i never understand why it's just like random acts of violence it's just it's just nonsense it accomplishes nothing unless you like genuinely just hate jews so much that you want every single jew dead and that means random thoughts dancing at a rave grandma and grandpa at synagogue and every little jewish baby unless you're like that poisoned by hatred
Uh, it's not gratifying at all. There are people I really really hate and I have a very good reason for hating them and they're not You know They're not some old lady in a motor scooter I don't know if that makes me weak or what but that's just how I is Now lacunae for one says veto sex dick for cock. I totally agree with you. I think you would suck a lot less than dick for cock
Unknown_15: Common filth respecter for $100 says super hyped for the person stream. Oh, I did not say what it was about Don't make any presumptions stalker child. Thank you very much Forsaken wanderer for PI says Josh. What was the dream game? You were working on the head brat mechanics and are you still gonna be working on it? I can't work on anything right now. I want to finish the forum software before I work on a game I was working on like a space station 13 type thing and I was working as the original space station 13 did I was working on atmosphere mechanics where I
there were complex chemical gas reactions and stuff and uh it was very complicated and i learned a lot about physics trying to play around with it but i didn't really get anywhere with it i also had a good amount of experience dealing with multi-threading because i eventually ended up putting all the gas logical and um a thread safe structure in unity and that was a lot of work I rewrote like I rewrote the entire thing like eight times in different ways and different languages on different engines um, so I have a very good idea of of like measurements and uh Exchanging units of like heat and energy and shit because I that's all that's as far as I got on that Uh sock puppet sam for 25 says hey josh, please wish sonic 4 and sonic 4 contest happy 13th birthday
Hey guys, Mr. Ultimate Sonic Fan here, and I'm going to prove to you that I am the Ultimate Sonic Fan. See what I'm doing right here, just sitting here bored? That's what my life would be like without Sonic.
Unknown_09: Now this, this is my life with Sonic. See, I can do anything all day with Sonic next to me for the whole day. I can read comic books, play with action figures, listen to music, and most importantly, I can play video games for hours and hours.
So I've had Sonic with me for a long time. Sonic's 19 now and I'm 13. So Sonic's been kind of like a big brother to me, like my whole life.
Unknown_15: I just noticed that someone's holding the camera. So someone is like watching this in real time and not stopping it. As you can see, Sonic has filled my life with fun, adventure, excitement, all kinds of great stuff and all from the comfort of my own couch.
Unknown_09: Now, Sonic, I'd like to wish you a very happy birthday because you're like the big brother I never had.
Unknown_04: Happy 19th birthday, Sonic!
Unknown_15: No, he has a sister instead. He's like, thanks, Sonic. You're better than this girl. This girl that my mother betrayed me with. I asked her for a brother and she gave me this girl.
Unknown_15: that's it um yeah that's pretty cringe i'm sure that guy's in my audience now how did you display stop such a display challenge i don't know uh finno hungarian imperialist for five says it's a touchy subject because on the one hand i have moral beliefs about who is ultimately in the right in israel but to vocalize them potentially could be right as the support for western intervention which is the main thing i don't want
I honestly I don't care about any of it I care more about the Ukraine war because I like Slavs I have no the only person I like in Israel and Palestine I like a couple Jews Easy Peasy is pretty funny sometimes he probably lives in New York now but I like that guy that made that game the one that had like the shark that ate the Jewish commander that was pretty awesome I like him I hope he's okay I could give or take the rest of them
Unknown_15: Fino Hungarian imperialist for five says like half of the glass clips in the arcade of WWE and he wasn't holding the glass. We need a new WWE to make fun of WD. No, he explained that in that clip, he was just his hand was like sinking, but he never set it down like he still holds it. It's just like just out of frame. And I look at it and I concurred with this.
Unknown_15: Well, you have all the evidence, just give it to them. Just be honest, bro. One of my favorite things about the JF stuff...
He did an interview with Dick Masterson, by the way. It's boring. He's just, Dick is just laughing at the entire thing. I'm like, oh my God, it's though at third that people think that you murder your wife, even though you give them no reason to think otherwise. Women are just a dumb whore. Am I right, fellow men? And JF is like, so you see, it is true that women are dumb whores to be filled and impregnated with a seed, and I completely concur. And then he also goes on to say, the police have understood my situation and are handling this in the utmost professionalism. They know that women are not all there in the head and so they understand that this is a common occurrence and they do not presume me guilty. And when he says that, when he says like the police are like being professional and they like understand his story and they know that it's true that women just like run away.
It makes me think, like, they're really just gassing him up. Like, if you're a homicide detective and you're talking to the main suspect, who's, like, the husband, and the guy's just like, yeah, you know, women are fucking just retards. What are you gonna do? You're gonna be like, wait a second, bro. That's not cool to say.
Unknown_15: Some women are really cool and intelligent. Like, no, you're gonna be like, yeah, fuck them. Women are so stupid. You know, I work homicide. You know how many women run away all the time? They were just... Yeah, they're like cows, man. They're just always trying to get out of their pens instead of being where they need to belong, which is the kitchen. Am I right? Like, obviously, he's gonna gash you up and agree with everything that you say, you dumb piece of shit. JF, like, really suffers from this delusion that he's a master manipulator when he's just, like, a fucking retard.
Ah, such is life.
Unknown_05: Um... Let's see. Back on Grumble...
Unknown_15: from our house for two says no one taught me to hate jews only every jewish person that i've ever met they all fit into the detestable stereotype so well i'm friends with neg beamers and a couple gays but not a single jew i know a couple jews it is it is weird how like my main thing is that jews are very censorious especially when it comes to like holocaust stuff
Which I guess you can say is understandable, but like when someone goes out and they say, Jews control the world, and if you speak out against them, you will be censored. And then the immediate reaction is the ADL saying that you must be censored at all costs.
Unknown_15: And then you're banned from everything. You lose your career. You lose all your sponsorship. You lose absolutely everything you've ever worked for your entire life. And you're, like, forced to apologize. Like, it doesn't make you look wrong. It makes you look completely right. So, like, Elon Musk, with his thing saying that the ADL is, like, the most anti-Semitic organization that's ever existed because it makes Jews look terrible constantly and is basically the de facto spokesperson for, like, the entire Jewish population. He's 100% right.
Like nothing makes people more anti-semitic than seeing shit like that. It's just uh, really fucking awful Judy tester for five says when you're talking about riley earlier I thought you meant royally the I suck dick for cock fake disabled transfury. I was very confused why he was stalking eric july Trying to suck that dick because he sucks dick for cock He switches between eric july and dick masterson, he just can't get enough
Unknown_15: Gorm was wonder for one says not being tied into the farms personally or a number of your super chatters from their names You recognize? Yes, some people I recognize But it's really strange to me how completely divorced feel like not completely but how divorced the audiences are Like I expected that my audience for this shit would be 100% like a Venn diagram That's just a circle with Kiwi farm stuff. And now knowing that it's like I not even half i want to say that like it's a completely separate audience i have as many people who like listen to the podcast as are logged into the forum at any given time and they're almost completely distinct from each other except for like a small overlap um that's surprising to me I really expected that my streams would never get over like 300 viewers or something. So to have like a entirely separate outreach group that are listeners like live listeners and then also Archive listeners and podcast listeners. That's crazy. Like that's really surprising. I never would have guessed I would have developed that on my own Because that's kind of like what people
Dream of you know like when someone starts a podcast or whatever they dream of developing like this entire audience And most people never accomplish that so it feels kind of weird to just like blunder into it like into a sector That's already saturated you have all these people talking about drama and shit And then to come out like near the top of like people in that area. It's it's a really crazy feeling And I'm very obviously I'm very appreciative of it. It's just something that I didn't really did not expect
Uh, okay. I think that's it. Thank you everybody.
Unknown_15: Um, okay. Now this is the time of the stream where I have a super or an outro song picked out.
Unknown_15: It's in my head.
Unknown_15: I know exactly what it's going to be and I've completely forgotten it. This happens a lot. This happens more than I would like to admit.
Unknown_15: I want to say it was just going to be this song, but now I can't forget it.
Unknown_15: Such is life. All right, I'll just use this. Okay, take it easy. I'll see you guys on Friday. Don't be late.
Unknown_03: i would swallow my pride i would choke on the rhymes but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside swallow my doubt turn it inside i'll find nothing but faith in nothing wanna put my tender heart in a blender watch it spin round to a beautiful oblivion rendezvous then i'm through with you i burn burn like
See how time has gotten stale. The tick tock of the clock is painful. All sane and logical. I want to tear it off the wall.
Unknown_03: I hear words and clips and phrases. I think sick like ginger ale. My stomach turns and I exhale.
Unknown_03: But the lack thereof only made me inside I would swallow my doubt, turn it inside I'd find nothing but faith in nothing One for my dander, part in a blander One to spin around to a beautiful oblivion Rendezvous, then I'm through with you SoCal is where my mind states But it's not my state of mind I'm not as ugly, sad as you
Just pretend to plant it as the motives in your head. I would swallow my pride. I would choke on the rhyme.
We'll be right back.
Unknown_03: Swallow my doubt, turn it inside out Find nothing but faith in nothing Walk up on my tandem, heart in a blander Won't you spin around to it?